{"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["*Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*", "\"ITS BECAUSE YOU WONT LET YOURSELF HEAL!!\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a unarmed -t Eloquent adv"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"ITS BECAUSE YOU WONT LET YOURSELF HEAL!!\"", "Player 3: *Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*"], "before_idxs": [3, 6], "before_state_idx": 30, "command_idxs": [35, 38, 39, 41], "after_state_idx": 39, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [40]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["Now time for second attack!"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a unarmed -t Eloquent Adv"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["\"No. It's not...the only way\"\n\n*takes the hits*\n\n\"I was consumed by my hatred and see past it. But if it's the only way. Then so be it. Strike me down. Have your vengeance!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"ITS BECAUSE YOU WONT LET YOURSELF HEAL!!\"", "Player 3: *Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*", "Player 3: Now time for second attack!"], "before_idxs": [42], "before_state_idx": 39, "command_idxs": [43, 46, 47, 49], "after_state_idx": 47, "after_idxs": [52], "embed_idxs": [48]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unarmed -t Eloquent adv"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Anyone who intervenes is next!\" *growls Red in uncharacteristic anger.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"ITS BECAUSE YOU WONT LET YOURSELF HEAL!!\"", "Player 3: *Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*", "Player 3: Now time for second attack!", "Player 5: \"No. It's not...the only way\"\n\n*takes the hits*\n\n\"I was consumed by my hatred and see past it. But if it's the only way. Then so be it. Strike me down. Have your vengeance!\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 90, "command_idxs": [95, 98, 99, 101], "after_state_idx": 99, "after_idxs": [107], "embed_idxs": [100]} {"speaker_id": "300297694044223037", "before_utterances": ["\"Your right.. anyone who intervenes is an enemy of the Realm Tree Guardians. And the Emperor Phoenix. This is between kit and I.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast cure wounds -t elo -l 3"], "automation_results": ["Eloquent casts Cure Wounds!\nEloquent healed for -17 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Frostbite", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*", "Player 3: Now time for second attack!", "Player 5: \"No. It's not...the only way\"\n\n*takes the hits*\n\n\"I was consumed by my hatred and see past it. But if it's the only way. Then so be it. Strike me down. Have your vengeance!\"", "Player 3: \"Anyone who intervenes is next!\" *growls Red in uncharacteristic anger.*", "Player 5: \"Your right.. anyone who intervenes is an enemy of the Realm Tree Guardians. And the Emperor Phoenix. This is between kit and I.\""], "before_idxs": [113], "before_state_idx": 110, "command_idxs": [114, 115, 116, 118], "after_state_idx": 116, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [117]} {"speaker_id": "150244638419781877", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Burning Hands -t Elo"], "automation_results": ["Kitsuna Foxheart casts Burning Hands!\nEloquent rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nEloquent took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "after_utterances": ["*She grips Elo\u2019s wrists tightly, her eyes pure vengence, not caring about any chaos she\u2019s done*", "\"I will not fight back.\"\n\n*stares down at her, his eyes filled with sorrow not hate, not happiness, a tear streaming down his cheek*\n\n\"I am not sorry for what I did. Just for what it continues to do\"", "\"If it means my death. Then I die for a noble cause.\"", "*She doesn't care she burns with anger, her eyes....black....her eyes.....soulless.....*", "*Kit is just a deathly beast, one Elo....Elo shouldn't of unleashed* \"***It shall mean your DEATH.***\" *She tightens her grip*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *Red stands up, jumping to the side and clocking Eloquent under the chin.*", "Player 3: Now time for second attack!", "Player 5: \"No. It's not...the only way\"\n\n*takes the hits*\n\n\"I was consumed by my hatred and see past it. But if it's the only way. Then so be it. Strike me down. Have your vengeance!\"", "Player 3: \"Anyone who intervenes is next!\" *growls Red in uncharacteristic anger.*", "Player 5: \"Your right.. anyone who intervenes is an enemy of the Realm Tree Guardians. And the Emperor Phoenix. This is between kit and I.\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 131, "command_idxs": [136, 137, 138, 140], "after_state_idx": 138, "after_idxs": [160, 164, 165, 166, 167], "embed_idxs": [139]} {"speaker_id": "143125915081989516", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast shield of faith -t Eloquent"], "automation_results": ["Brettyn casts Shield of Faith!\nEloquent gained Shielded by Faith."], "caster_after": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "after_utterances": ["\"If you want kill him, you have to kill me first, maybe then you'll understand!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: *Brettyn, severely burned, stumbs over to kit*", "Player 7: \"Please Kit, look at what your doing! *his glasses are broken and his clothing burned*", "Player 5: \"And will that bring her back. Look at the pain your causing. Your not hurting me. But your friends.\"", "Player 7: \"You're not helping yourself, your just killing your friends!\"", "Player 7: \"Please, look me in my eyes...\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 172, "command_idxs": [184, 185, 186, 188], "after_state_idx": 186, "after_idxs": [192], "embed_idxs": [187]} {"speaker_id": "229589683365461435", "before_utterances": ["\"Listen to my voice amd know it to be true,,, I know what it's like to lose everything,,, I have been there I have lived with this burning rage for 60 years miss Kit. But you can't go down to thier level. You must be more,,,, more than your hate more than your fear and more than your pain\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a radiant"], "automation_results": ["Nathaniel Garrow uses Radiant Soul!\nNathaniel Garrow gained Radiant Soul."], "caster_after": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "after_utterances": ["\"But I do. My mother was killed infront of me when I was a hatchling. I get the pain. The suffering. All it brings is more hate. And more pain..nothing more.\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"And will that bring her back. Look at the pain your causing. Your not hurting me. But your friends.\"", "Player 7: \"You're not helping yourself, your just killing your friends!\"", "Player 7: \"Please, look me in my eyes...\"", "Player 7: \"If you want kill him, you have to kill me first, maybe then you'll understand!\"", "Player 1: \"Listen to my voice amd know it to be true,,, I know what it's like to lose everything,,, I have been there I have lived with this burning rage for 60 years miss Kit. But you can't go down to thier level. You must be more,,,, more than your hate more than your fear and more than your pain\""], "before_idxs": [210], "before_state_idx": 207, "command_idxs": [211, 212, 213, 215], "after_state_idx": 213, "after_idxs": [218], "embed_idxs": [214]} {"speaker_id": "229589683365461435", "before_utterances": ["\"I know everything of how it is like. I know the pain I know the sorrow,,,,, I have thousands of lives upon my shoulders,,, the weight of nothing you could ever imagine. My family, my lover,,,, my unborn child Kit. Everything was lost. I couldn't stand for them but let me stand for you. Let me be that shield that I couldn't ha e been for them\" *He wraps his arms around her as well has his wings*", "\"Then do your worst. I. Not leaving you behind\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lay on hands"], "automation_results": ["Nathaniel Garrow uses Lay on Hands!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: \"If you want kill him, you have to kill me first, maybe then you'll understand!\"", "Player 1: \"Listen to my voice amd know it to be true,,, I know what it's like to lose everything,,, I have been there I have lived with this burning rage for 60 years miss Kit. But you can't go down to thier level. You must be more,,,, more than your hate more than your fear and more than your pain\"", "Player 5: \"But I do. My mother was killed infront of me when I was a hatchling. I get the pain. The suffering. All it brings is more hate. And more pain..nothing more.\"", "Player 1: \"I know everything of how it is like. I know the pain I know the sorrow,,,,, I have thousands of lives upon my shoulders,,, the weight of nothing you could ever imagine. My family, my lover,,,, my unborn child Kit. Everything was lost. I couldn't stand for them but let me stand for you. Let me be that shield that I couldn't ha e been for them\" *He wraps his arms around her as well has his wings*", "Player 1: \"Then do your worst. I. Not leaving you behind\""], "before_idxs": [220, 223], "before_state_idx": 213, "command_idxs": [224, 228, 229, 231], "after_state_idx": 229, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [230]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["*Red sighs, still looking at Eloquent for a half second. His body, however, isn't focused on the Phoenix. With a kick backwards at Kit, he begins another flurry, this time at the other person in the fight.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "commands_norm": ["!a flurry"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf uses Flurry of Blows!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"Listen to my voice amd know it to be true,,, I know what it's like to lose everything,,, I have been there I have lived with this burning rage for 60 years miss Kit. But you can't go down to thier level. You must be more,,,, more than your hate more than your fear and more than your pain\"", "Player 5: \"But I do. My mother was killed infront of me when I was a hatchling. I get the pain. The suffering. All it brings is more hate. And more pain..nothing more.\"", "Player 1: \"I know everything of how it is like. I know the pain I know the sorrow,,,,, I have thousands of lives upon my shoulders,,, the weight of nothing you could ever imagine. My family, my lover,,,, my unborn child Kit. Everything was lost. I couldn't stand for them but let me stand for you. Let me be that shield that I couldn't ha e been for them\" *He wraps his arms around her as well has his wings*", "Player 1: \"Then do your worst. I. Not leaving you behind\"", "Player 3: *Red sighs, still looking at Eloquent for a half second. His body, however, isn't focused on the Phoenix. With a kick backwards at Kit, he begins another flurry, this time at the other person in the fight.*"], "before_idxs": [244], "before_state_idx": 237, "command_idxs": [245, 246, 247, 249], "after_state_idx": 247, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [248]} {"speaker_id": "300297694044223037", "before_utterances": ["\"If you won't listen. Then bath in her flame.\"\n\n*raises his hands up*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast burning hands -l 3 -t brettyn -t kit -t red"], "automation_results": ["Eloquent casts Burning Hands!\nBrettyn rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nBrettyn took 9 damage.\nKitsuna Foxheart rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nKitsuna Foxheart took 19 damage.\nThe Red Wolf rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nThe Red Wolf took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"But I do. My mother was killed infront of me when I was a hatchling. I get the pain. The suffering. All it brings is more hate. And more pain..nothing more.\"", "Player 1: \"I know everything of how it is like. I know the pain I know the sorrow,,,,, I have thousands of lives upon my shoulders,,, the weight of nothing you could ever imagine. My family, my lover,,,, my unborn child Kit. Everything was lost. I couldn't stand for them but let me stand for you. Let me be that shield that I couldn't ha e been for them\" *He wraps his arms around her as well has his wings*", "Player 1: \"Then do your worst. I. Not leaving you behind\"", "Player 3: *Red sighs, still looking at Eloquent for a half second. His body, however, isn't focused on the Phoenix. With a kick backwards at Kit, he begins another flurry, this time at the other person in the fight.*", "Player 5: \"If you won't listen. Then bath in her flame.\"\n\n*raises his hands up*"], "before_idxs": [283], "before_state_idx": 280, "command_idxs": [286, 287, 288, 290], "after_state_idx": 288, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [289]} {"speaker_id": "229589683365461435", "before_utterances": ["*immediately stops when she stops moving*\n\n\"Someone heal her. She wouldn't ever live it down if I did\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "commands_norm": ["!a healing hands"], "automation_results": ["Nathaniel Garrow uses Healing Hands!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["*He growls as he burns, keeping her in his arms*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"I know everything of how it is like. I know the pain I know the sorrow,,,,, I have thousands of lives upon my shoulders,,, the weight of nothing you could ever imagine. My family, my lover,,,, my unborn child Kit. Everything was lost. I couldn't stand for them but let me stand for you. Let me be that shield that I couldn't ha e been for them\" *He wraps his arms around her as well has his wings*", "Player 1: \"Then do your worst. I. Not leaving you behind\"", "Player 3: *Red sighs, still looking at Eloquent for a half second. His body, however, isn't focused on the Phoenix. With a kick backwards at Kit, he begins another flurry, this time at the other person in the fight.*", "Player 5: \"If you won't listen. Then bath in her flame.\"\n\n*raises his hands up*", "Player 5: *immediately stops when she stops moving*\n\n\"Someone heal her. She wouldn't ever live it down if I did\""], "before_idxs": [302], "before_state_idx": 288, "command_idxs": [303, 304, 305, 307], "after_state_idx": 305, "after_idxs": [310], "embed_idxs": [306]} {"speaker_id": "150244638419781877", "before_utterances": ["[K] *Kit stirrs....* \"agh....\" *She looks up...her hands flickering with magic* \"I...***Willl....*** ad***venge*** her....\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Magic Missile -t Elo"], "automation_results": ["Kitsuna Foxheart casts Magic Missile!\nEloquent took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Dodge", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["*a weak attack as she slumps into Nath's arms*", "\"This is futile.\"\n\n*brushes it off, acting tough but he is visibly hurt*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *Red sighs, still looking at Eloquent for a half second. His body, however, isn't focused on the Phoenix. With a kick backwards at Kit, he begins another flurry, this time at the other person in the fight.*", "Player 5: \"If you won't listen. Then bath in her flame.\"\n\n*raises his hands up*", "Player 5: *immediately stops when she stops moving*\n\n\"Someone heal her. She wouldn't ever live it down if I did\"", "Player 1: *He growls as he burns, keeping her in his arms*", "Player 2: [K] *Kit stirrs....* \"agh....\" *She looks up...her hands flickering with magic* \"I...***Willl....*** ad***venge*** her....\""], "before_idxs": [324], "before_state_idx": 321, "command_idxs": [326, 327, 328, 330], "after_state_idx": 328, "after_idxs": [332, 337], "embed_idxs": [329]} {"speaker_id": "143125915081989516", "before_utterances": ["\"Im sorry kit, but you need to sleep for a moment\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast inflict wounds -t Kitsuna"], "automation_results": ["Brettyn casts Inflict Wounds!\nBrettyn attacked Kitsuna Foxheart but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Nathanial, you need to end it!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *He growls as he burns, keeping her in his arms*", "Player 2: [K] *Kit stirrs....* \"agh....\" *She looks up...her hands flickering with magic* \"I...***Willl....*** ad***venge*** her....\"", "Player 2: *a weak attack as she slumps into Nath's arms*", "Player 5: \"This is futile.\"\n\n*brushes it off, acting tough but he is visibly hurt*", "Player 7: \"Im sorry kit, but you need to sleep for a moment\""], "before_idxs": [339], "before_state_idx": 335, "command_idxs": [341, 342, 343, 345], "after_state_idx": 343, "after_idxs": [353], "embed_idxs": [344]} {"speaker_id": "150244638419781877", "before_utterances": ["[K] *A demonic/frost filled screech is heard before being cut off* \"***O***n***i***....a***d***v***e***n***g***e **...\" *Before fading to nothing*", "[D] *Does a quick prayer and conjures a fe- err.....Eritch blast*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Eridtch Blast -t Elo"], "automation_results": ["Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi casts Eldritch Blast!\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["*A blast comes from no where as she darts off out of sight again*", "\"So much for your pledge.\"", "[D] \"***DON'T GIVE ME AWAY DAMNIT!***\" *darts out of sight again*", "[D] *She darts near Kit's room* "], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"This is futile.\"\n\n*brushes it off, acting tough but he is visibly hurt*", "Player 7: \"Im sorry kit, but you need to sleep for a moment\"", "Player 7: \"Nathanial, you need to end it!\"", "Player 2: [K] *A demonic/frost filled screech is heard before being cut off* \"***O***n***i***....a***d***v***e***n***g***e **...\" *Before fading to nothing*", "Player 2: [D] *Does a quick prayer and conjures a fe- err.....Eritch blast*"], "before_idxs": [365, 371], "before_state_idx": 362, "command_idxs": [375, 378, 379, 381], "after_state_idx": 379, "after_idxs": [383, 385, 387, 389], "embed_idxs": [380]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["*As Kit is moved out of sight, Red returns his attention to Eloquent, in a feral state that shows no signs of rational thought as he throws another round at the Phoenix.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "commands_norm": ["!a flurry"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf uses Flurry of Blows!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *A blast comes from no where as she darts off out of sight again*", "Player 5: \"So much for your pledge.\"", "Player 2: [D] \"***DON'T GIVE ME AWAY DAMNIT!***\" *darts out of sight again*", "Player 2: [D] *She darts near Kit's room* ", "Player 3: *As Kit is moved out of sight, Red returns his attention to Eloquent, in a feral state that shows no signs of rational thought as he throws another round at the Phoenix.*"], "before_idxs": [401], "before_state_idx": 394, "command_idxs": [403, 404, 405, 407], "after_state_idx": 405, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [406]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unarmed -t Eloquent -rr 4"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent but missed.\n\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent but missed.\n\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 6 damage.\nThe Red Wolf attacked Eloquent and hit.\nEloquent took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["*spits blood onto the floor*\n\n\"So. This is how it is huh.\"\n\n", "*Eloquent sees no sign that his words are getting through.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *A blast comes from no where as she darts off out of sight again*", "Player 5: \"So much for your pledge.\"", "Player 2: [D] \"***DON'T GIVE ME AWAY DAMNIT!***\" *darts out of sight again*", "Player 2: [D] *She darts near Kit's room* ", "Player 3: *As Kit is moved out of sight, Red returns his attention to Eloquent, in a feral state that shows no signs of rational thought as he throws another round at the Phoenix.*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 405, "command_idxs": [408, 411, 412, 414], "after_state_idx": 412, "after_idxs": [416, 417], "embed_idxs": [413]} {"speaker_id": "300297694044223037", "before_utterances": ["*shakes his head back and forth*\n\n\"I warned you.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pact -t red"], "automation_results": ["Eloquent attacks with a Pact Weapon - Greatsword!\nEloquent attacked The Red Wolf and crit!\nThe Red Wolf took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["*slams his greatsword into red*", "*turns to brettyn*\n\n\"YOU DONE?!\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: [D] *She darts near Kit's room* ", "Player 3: *As Kit is moved out of sight, Red returns his attention to Eloquent, in a feral state that shows no signs of rational thought as he throws another round at the Phoenix.*", "Player 5: *spits blood onto the floor*\n\n\"So. This is how it is huh.\"\n\n", "Player 3: *Eloquent sees no sign that his words are getting through.*", "Player 5: *shakes his head back and forth*\n\n\"I warned you.\""], "before_idxs": [422], "before_state_idx": 420, "command_idxs": [423, 424, 425, 427], "after_state_idx": 425, "after_idxs": [429, 434], "embed_idxs": [426]} {"speaker_id": "143125915081989516", "before_utterances": ["(He would have done non-lethal with side of blade but. He did warn people not to interfere. Also I ment to use a spell not i n", "(Anyone care if I use spell or just meh to late."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast guiding bolt -t Daimonik -l 2"], "automation_results": ["Brettyn casts Guiding Bolt!\nBrettyn gained Guiding Shot.\nBrettyn attacked Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi and hit.\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi took 22 damage.\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi gained Guiding Bolt."], "caster_after": {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Guiding Shot", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Guiding Bolt", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Guiding Shot", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Guiding Bolt", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Tie them up. Heal them after. This is settled.\"", "\"Hey, you there\"\n*points at Raijin*\n\"Mind helping me out with this?\"", "*Brettyn starts to tie up Red and whispers*\n\"Im sorry man but you were going crazy\"", "\"As I said, tie them up. Then heal. No one needs to die tonight\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: *shakes his head back and forth*\n\n\"I warned you.\"", "Player 5: *slams his greatsword into red*", "Player 5: *turns to brettyn*\n\n\"YOU DONE?!\"", "Player 5: (He would have done non-lethal with side of blade but. He did warn people not to interfere. Also I ment to use a spell not i n", "Player 5: (Anyone care if I use spell or just meh to late."], "before_idxs": [451, 452], "before_state_idx": 447, "command_idxs": [454, 455, 456, 458], "after_state_idx": 456, "after_idxs": [472, 478, 486, 491], "embed_idxs": [457]} {"speaker_id": "300297694044223037", "before_utterances": ["\"Tie up. Then heal. Simple\"", "*walks over picking up the rope, using an action to tie up Dai*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Guiding Shot", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Guiding Bolt", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast healing word -t daim"], "automation_results": ["Eloquent casts Healing Word!\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi healed for -5 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Guiding Bolt", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith, Guiding Shot", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "Guiding Bolt", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Stay still. Or I will let you die.\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 7: \"Hey, you there\"\n*points at Raijin*\n\"Mind helping me out with this?\"", "Player 7: *Brettyn starts to tie up Red and whispers*\n\"Im sorry man but you were going crazy\"", "Player 5: \"As I said, tie them up. Then heal. No one needs to die tonight\"", "Player 5: \"Tie up. Then heal. Simple\"", "Player 5: *walks over picking up the rope, using an action to tie up Dai*"], "before_idxs": [528, 542], "before_state_idx": 532, "command_idxs": [549, 550, 551, 553], "after_state_idx": 551, "after_idxs": [555], "embed_idxs": [552]} {"speaker_id": "300297694044223037", "before_utterances": ["\"Probubly more hatred for me. I tried to help relieve it. But doesn't seem like it went the way it needed.\"\n\n", "\"Threaten me. And your is the one rolled.\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast healing word -t red"], "automation_results": ["Eloquent casts Healing Word!\nThe Red Wolf healed for -4 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Tie up. Then heal. Simple\"", "Player 5: *walks over picking up the rope, using an action to tie up Dai*", "Player 5: \"Stay still. Or I will let you die.\"", "Player 5: \"Probubly more hatred for me. I tried to help relieve it. But doesn't seem like it went the way it needed.\"\n\n", "Player 5: \"Threaten me. And your is the one rolled.\""], "before_idxs": [614, 617], "before_state_idx": 601, "command_idxs": [620, 621, 622, 624], "after_state_idx": 622, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [623]} {"speaker_id": "150244638419781877", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast Eridtch Blast -t Elo"], "automation_results": ["Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi casts Eldritch Blast!\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi attacked Eloquent but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"I killed someone named flame. In a fair duel. And did so knowingly without regret. Because her race killed mine almost to extinction. One of them had even killed my mother in front of me when i was a hatchling.. and the dragons as they are seen now are majestic. They however sit on hoards made from my peoples bones and feathers. i then vowed to get revenge.. and well.. im past that now.. i see it would only cause more pain. It wont bring them back. And they want revenge on me. Simple as that really.. \n\n*doesn't look at red*\n\n\"Whatever you want. Its on me.\"", "Player 2: *Thoughts ||\"Three....two...aaaaaannnd....ONE. ASHNU- oowwww...why did I scream in my head...?\"|| fuck~ Brett*", "Player 5: \"I have no intent to harm anyone further at this moment. Unless prevoked\"", "Player 2: (My GRAND plan has to go~ Please don't look to Dai~", "Player 5: *stares at the table, silently placing a bag on it with 100 gold pieces, the bag open for all to see*\n\n\"Drink your fill.\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 622, "command_idxs": [722, 726, 727, 729], "after_state_idx": 727, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [728]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["\"Why not. What's the sense in running after her. To cause more pain.\"\n\n*still staring at table*", "*Red zooms off towards Dai as she makes her getaway, immediately going for blows.*", "\"Leisurly activities?.. well I know of a tavern for adults...there's fishing. I usually lounge in my room at my guild.. uhm.. there's lots of sight seeing..\"", "*Red, with 50 ft of movement, catches up with Dai and throws punches until she stops running.* "], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a unarmed -t Dai"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nThe Red Wolf attacked Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi and hit.\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: *isn't faised by any of it. Just simply repeats*\n\n\"Drink.. be happy.\"", "Player 5: \"Why not. What's the sense in running after her. To cause more pain.\"\n\n*still staring at table*", "Player 3: *Red zooms off towards Dai as she makes her getaway, immediately going for blows.*", "Player 5: \"Leisurly activities?.. well I know of a tavern for adults...there's fishing. I usually lounge in my room at my guild.. uhm.. there's lots of sight seeing..\"", "Player 3: *Red, with 50 ft of movement, catches up with Dai and throws punches until she stops running.* "], "before_idxs": [753, 755, 762, 767], "before_state_idx": 727, "command_idxs": [768, 771, 772, 774], "after_state_idx": 772, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [773]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["\"Y..yeah. as for libraries. I have not seen any myself. But then again I wouldn't want a fight to break out in one so never looked.\"", "*Red grabs the remaining ropes and drags Dai back to the table they're all at. He ties her hands behind her back and around a table leg before looking her over to make sure she isn't seriously injured.*", "*With Dai restrained, Red then smacks a pressure point, waking her back up.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a healing -t Dai"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf uses Hand of Healing!\nDaimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi healed for -5 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"Leisurly activities?.. well I know of a tavern for adults...there's fishing. I usually lounge in my room at my guild.. uhm.. there's lots of sight seeing..\"", "Player 3: *Red, with 50 ft of movement, catches up with Dai and throws punches until she stops running.* ", "Player 5: \"Y..yeah. as for libraries. I have not seen any myself. But then again I wouldn't want a fight to break out in one so never looked.\"", "Player 3: *Red grabs the remaining ropes and drags Dai back to the table they're all at. He ties her hands behind her back and around a table leg before looking her over to make sure she isn't seriously injured.*", "Player 3: *With Dai restrained, Red then smacks a pressure point, waking her back up.*"], "before_idxs": [779, 780, 785], "before_state_idx": 772, "command_idxs": [791, 794, 795, 797], "after_state_idx": 795, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [796]} {"speaker_id": "199086002264427226", "before_utterances": ["*Red facepalms after downing a long draw of whiskey.* \"Well, I can see why this still haunts you.\"", "\"The only thing that haunts me is these people. It doesn't keep me up at night. The only thing that does is looking over my shoulder. And waiting for the dagger to strike. Or strike my family.\"", "\"So, this Flame person, what'd she do?\" *Red asks, cracking his back and stretching.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a healing -t The Red Wolf"], "automation_results": ["The Red Wolf uses Hand of Healing!\nThe Red Wolf healed for -8 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: \"Fair enough. Now, onto the more important point. I understand why you did what you did. I understand that you've apologized for it. What reparations have you made?\"", "Player 5: \"I have only apologized for what it continues to do. I won't ever for the act itself. As for reparations. I've done what I must. And obviously it won't ever be enough\"", "Player 3: *Red facepalms after downing a long draw of whiskey.* \"Well, I can see why this still haunts you.\"", "Player 5: \"The only thing that haunts me is these people. It doesn't keep me up at night. The only thing that does is looking over my shoulder. And waiting for the dagger to strike. Or strike my family.\"", "Player 3: \"So, this Flame person, what'd she do?\" *Red asks, cracking his back and stretching.*"], "before_idxs": [818, 819, 822], "before_state_idx": 795, "command_idxs": [823, 826, 827, 829], "after_state_idx": 827, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [828]} {"speaker_id": "229589683365461435", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lay on hands"], "automation_results": ["Nathaniel Garrow uses Lay on Hands!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 18: *He starts to change out of his armor with no regard for anyone*", "Player 18: *He shakes his head* \"I'd advise against miss Dai. All that leads to is a path of madness. Let the past lie and let the memories of those you held dear live on without being molested and twisted. One must never forget,,, or all they stood for will be gone forever\" *He smiles gently,,, almost like a grampa* \"Would you like to talk about it? Talking helps me process the,,,, most hardest of things to accept.\"", "Player 18: *He straightens out his vestments amd gets Brettyn comfortable, taking care to be gentle*", "Player 18: \"Dai,,, let's speak of the easiest things first. What do you think of Kit?\"", "Player 18: *He throws a healing punch towards Brettyn*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 827, "command_idxs": [2942, 2945, 2946, 2948], "after_state_idx": 2946, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2947]} {"speaker_id": "229589683365461435", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lay on hands"], "automation_results": ["Nathaniel Garrow uses Lay on Hands (Cleanse)!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "The Red Wolf", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 6", "race": "Lilmothiit", "attacks": "Dart, Handaxe, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "", "actions": "Hand of Harm (Poison), Unarmed Strike, Ki-Fueled Attack, Ki Points, Deflect Missiles Attack, Quickened Healing, Stunning Strike, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Lilmothiit Agility, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Hand of Healing, Slow Fall, Focused Aim, Hand of Harm, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Fur Pattern: Black on Hands, Feet, and Ear Tips. Cream on Chin, Chest, and Inner Ear. White tail tip. Gradient between colors.\n\nWears:\nGrey Linen Travellers Clothes\nLeather Gloves that end in Decorative Cloth Wraps, Hardened Leather Bracers under Cloth Broad shoulders, loose sleeved shirt, Hardened Leather Torso Plates.\nRobe like Skirt, Rope as Belt (Secured Slipknot), attaches to Pants beneath, Leather outer Calf Plates under skirt.\nLeather boots, Sturdy, Toe, Shin, and Heel Leather Hardened.\nDoctor's Beak Mask with Hardened Leather Hood, attaches to Scarf that covers whole neck and is tucked inside of Shirt.\nPockets and such underneath skirt or behind back.", "controller_id": "199086002264427226"}, {"name": "Eloquent", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6/Bard 1", "race": "Fire Phoenix", "attacks": "Pact Weapon - Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Summon Sapling, Seed Shot - Plant", "spells": "Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Guidance, Burning Hands, Invisibility, Message, Prestidigitation, Druidcraft, Black Flame Armor, Magic Circle, Healing Word, Absorb Life, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Counterspell, Revivify, Cure Wounds, Shatter, Mending", "actions": "Create Pact Weapon, Bardic Inspiration", "effects": "Shielded by Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "300297694044223037"}, {"name": "Kitsuna Foxheart", "hp": "<40/41 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Wizard 1", "race": "Kitsune", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Dagger2, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Feather Fall, Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire, Magic Missile, Minor Illusion, Shield, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Chill Touch, Gust, Darkvision, Frostbite, Animal Friendship, Burning Hands, Mending", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Empowered Spell, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Arcane Recovery, Sorcery Points", "effects": "Feeling Inspired (1d6)", "description": " APPEARANCE\nKitsuna has frost blue hair that once was snow white, and big emerald green eyes. She wears a mixture of Dark and Light blues and silvers and purples on her armor. Her gloves are clawed along with her boots, but the claws are retractable somehow. She has two dark blue Fox ears that poke out of her head and at the moment has three dark blue fox tails with frost blue tips. She wears a exspensive looking necklace with a shiny looking Ruby in it, if one looks closely one may think they see a sinister looking Ninetails Fox, which she can use the necklace to conjure a not so sinister version of the Ninetails Fox. She's also 4'0 feet tall, no less, no more. When she goes Frost Demon Dragon, the air around her or the air within the room she stands in's tempature would derestically change to freezing cold and her eyes frost over to frost blue and glowing. She also has frost mist that's freezing cold to the touch billow off of her.", "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}, {"name": "Brettyn", "hp": "<24/24 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Cleric 3", "race": "Orc", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Mace, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Suggestion, Spiritual Weapon, Ceremony, Toll the Dead, Command, Identify, Shield of Faith, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Calm Emotions, Guidance, Inflict Wounds, Augury, Mending", "actions": "Relentless Endurance, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Adrenaline Rush", "effects": "Shield of Faith", "description": null, "controller_id": "143125915081989516"}, {"name": "Nathaniel Garrow", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Paladin 3", "race": "Protector Aasimar", "attacks": "Radiant Soul Damage, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Thunderous Smite, Light, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Bless, Detect Magic, Guidance, Speak with Animals, Ensnaring Strike", "actions": "Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Dexterity), Divine Sense, Harness Divine Power, Healing Hands, Channel Divinity, Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless, Lay on Hands, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Radiant Soul, Divine Smite, Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath (Strength)", "effects": "Radiant Soul", "description": "An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts \nyou. You don\u2019t know what it wants, and it won\u2019t leave you alone.\n\n\n\nA small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night, but you always forget it in the morning\n ", "controller_id": "229589683365461435"}, {"name": "Daimonik\u00f3s K\u00f3lasi", "hp": "<18/24 HP; Injured>", "class": "Warlock 3", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Light Hammer, Sickle, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Find Familiar, Hellish Rebuke, Comprehend Languages, Thaumaturgy, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Eldritch Sight, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Pact of the Chain (Summon), Dark One's Blessing", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "150244638419781877"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 5: \"I won't sulk. Just gonna deal with it I guess\"", "Player 5: *tilts his head*\n\n\"Drinks? Best if I don't, but don't let me stop ya\"", "Player 39: *He looks concerned* \"You alright Ser Eloquent?\"", "Player 5: \"Just a little under the weather.\"", "Player 39: *He lays a hand on his shoulder*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 2946, "command_idxs": [3830, 3833, 3834, 3836], "after_state_idx": 3834, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [3835]} {"speaker_id": "316016834084314607", "before_utterances": ["Ooh go ahead and lr", "I do it all the time lol"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Meilian", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Meilian", "attacks": "Claw, Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Son Xia", "hp": "<111/111 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Fighter 4/Druid 1", "race": "Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Quarterstaff, Two-Handed Quarterstaff, Radiant Sun Bolt, Quarterstaff (Opposite End), Seitan Rangeki!", "spells": "Thunderwave, Thunder Clap, Earth Tremor, Goodberry, Gust, Infestation", "actions": "Searing Arc Strike, Deflect Missiles Attack, Giant's Might, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Son Xia is a level 13 Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber) Sun Soul Monk 8 Rune knight Fighter 4 Druid 1. She is 17 years old, 5'2\" tall, and appears to weigh about 100lbs. She has red eyes, brown hair, and tan skin.", "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}, {"name": "VA1", "hp": "<144/144 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, "commands_norm": ["!a long -t va1 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Yinhua attacks with a Longbow of Everlasting Flame!\nYinhua attacked VA1 but missed.\n\nYinhua attacked VA1 and hit.\nVA1 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "VA1", "hp": "<130/144 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Meilian", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Meilian", "attacks": "Claw, Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Son Xia", "hp": "<111/111 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Fighter 4/Druid 1", "race": "Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Quarterstaff, Two-Handed Quarterstaff, Radiant Sun Bolt, Quarterstaff (Opposite End), Seitan Rangeki!", "spells": "Thunderwave, Thunder Clap, Earth Tremor, Goodberry, Gust, Infestation", "actions": "Searing Arc Strike, Deflect Missiles Attack, Giant's Might, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Son Xia is a level 13 Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber) Sun Soul Monk 8 Rune knight Fighter 4 Druid 1. She is 17 years old, 5'2\" tall, and appears to weigh about 100lbs. She has red eyes, brown hair, and tan skin.", "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}, {"name": "VA1", "hp": "<130/144 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Ooh go ahead and lr", "Player 1: I do it all the time lol"], "before_idxs": [30, 35], "before_state_idx": 28, "command_idxs": [36, 37, 38, 40], "after_state_idx": 38, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [39]} {"speaker_id": "316016834084314607", "before_utterances": ["Meilian gets to reaction claw attack"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Meilian", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Meilian", "attacks": "Claw, Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Son Xia", "hp": "<111/111 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Fighter 4/Druid 1", "race": "Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Quarterstaff, Two-Handed Quarterstaff, Radiant Sun Bolt, Quarterstaff (Opposite End), Seitan Rangeki!", "spells": "Thunderwave, Thunder Clap, Earth Tremor, Goodberry, Gust, Infestation", "actions": "Searing Arc Strike, Deflect Missiles Attack, Giant's Might, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Son Xia is a level 13 Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber) Sun Soul Monk 8 Rune knight Fighter 4 Druid 1. She is 17 years old, 5'2\" tall, and appears to weigh about 100lbs. She has red eyes, brown hair, and tan skin.", "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}, {"name": "VA1", "hp": "<130/144 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo Meilian claw -t va1"], "automation_results": ["Meilian attacks with a Claw!\nMeilian attacked VA1 and hit.\nVA1 took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Meilian", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Meilian", "attacks": "Claw, Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "VA1", "hp": "<125/144 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Yinhua", "hp": "<88/88 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Dragonknight 12", "race": "Dragon (White/Shadow)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Natural Melee 1d8, Katana of Night, Longbow of Everlasting Flame", "spells": "", "actions": "Shapechanger: Polymorph", "effects": "", "description": "Yinhua is a level 12 Dragon (White/Shadow) Shadow DragonKnight 12. She is 22 years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. She has unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Meilian", "hp": "<90/90 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Meilian", "attacks": "Claw, Bite, Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "316016834084314607"}, {"name": "Son Xia", "hp": "<111/111 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 8/Fighter 4/Druid 1", "race": "Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber)", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Quarterstaff, Two-Handed Quarterstaff, Radiant Sun Bolt, Quarterstaff (Opposite End), Seitan Rangeki!", "spells": "Thunderwave, Thunder Clap, Earth Tremor, Goodberry, Gust, Infestation", "actions": "Searing Arc Strike, Deflect Missiles Attack, Giant's Might, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind (Dash), Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": "Son Xia is a level 13 Simic Hybrid (Nimble Climber) Sun Soul Monk 8 Rune knight Fighter 4 Druid 1. She is 17 years old, 5'2\" tall, and appears to weigh about 100lbs. She has red eyes, brown hair, and tan skin.", "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}, {"name": "VA1", "hp": "<125/144 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Vampire", "attacks": "Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike (Grapple), Bite, Charm, Regeneration, Children of the Night", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "236773560733873210"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Ooh go ahead and lr", "Player 1: I do it all the time lol", "Player 2: Meilian gets to reaction claw attack"], "before_idxs": [41], "before_state_idx": 38, "command_idxs": [42, 43, 44, 46], "after_state_idx": 44, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [45]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["May I introduce you to the discouri?", "Dioscuri\nThe Dioscuri is a unique type of Fae, distinct for their Siamese body, splitting into two at either the torso or neck. The situation of each Dioscuri is unique, whether they be conjoined twins or a single individual. They\u2019re well known for having an odd connection to the night sky, their skin becoming a map of the heavens under the dead of night. It\u2019s said they\u2019re born from bonds, whether between two or multiple, and of any type, whether romantic or platonic. As such, they\u2019re quite friendly, and in some cases, flirtatious. \n\nAbility Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.\nFire of the Saint: You know the Lightning Lure cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.\nMap of the Stars: You have an innate connection to the stars above, and as you travel, you may use them to guide your way. So long as you have a clear view of the night sky, you can chart a path towards any place you know the location of, and know your general location relative to areas you know.\nBoon of the Twins: Starting at 5th level, as an action, you can use Fae Magic to split your body into two for one minute. Your other half splits from your body into a 5 foot space next to you. Each body shares the same movement pool, action, bonus action, and reaction. Each body has half of your maximum hit points, and upon reaching 0 will fall to dust. If both fall this way, you must begin rolling death saving throws per normal. As well, when one body is Enchanted or becomes Afraid, both bodies suffer the effects. \n\nIn all ways besides those listed above, the bodies are two separate beings. If you begin your turn with your bodies more than 30 ft away from each other, you must immediately make every attempt to move back within 30ft before continuing your turn. You count as a single creature for the purposes of spells that target multiple creatures but do not require you to roll a saving throw, such as Bless or Warding Bond. Spells that do require you to roll a saving throw using Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution are rolled separately, yet saving throws using Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma are rolled as if you were one creature. Additionally, you may not benefit from such things as flanking, Pack Tactics, the Rogue\u2019s ability to use it\u2019s Sneak Attack if another creature is within 5 ft., or any other ability requiring two creatures if said creature is your other body. Once you use this ability, you may only use it again after you complete a long rest.", "*6 spaces occupied by 1 creature*", "!a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4[force -rr 8"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-14/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4[force] -rr 8"], "automation_results": ["Tarhin Shestendeliath attacks with Drakenbull!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Tarhin Shestendeliath", "hp": "<224/224 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Half-dragon(black)", "attacks": "Scimitar, Light Crossbow, whip sword, Warhammer, Smiths hammer of flames., Unarmed Strike, Smiths hammer of flames., Improvised Weapon, Really Fucking Big Sword, Moont Touched Giant Tail Pike, Longbow +1, War Pick, might damage, Breath Weapon, Acid Spew, Drakenbull, All Out Attack, Artillery, Claws, Normal healing potion, Greater healing potion, Superior healing potion, Supreme healing potion, Arcane Pistoleto", "spells": "Illusory Script", "actions": "Fire Rune, Trance of Order, Giant's Might, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Cloud Rune, Stone Rune, Hill Rune, Storm Rune", "effects": "", "description": "Tarhin Shestendeliath is a level 20 Half-dragon(black) rune knight fighter 20. He is 203 years old, 7'8\" tall, and appears to weigh about 238 lb.. He has yellowy orange eyes, black hair, and very light coloured, rough skin.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-14/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: May I introduce you to the discouri?", "Player 15: Dioscuri\nThe Dioscuri is a unique type of Fae, distinct for their Siamese body, splitting into two at either the torso or neck. The situation of each Dioscuri is unique, whether they be conjoined twins or a single individual. They\u2019re well known for having an odd connection to the night sky, their skin becoming a map of the heavens under the dead of night. It\u2019s said they\u2019re born from bonds, whether between two or multiple, and of any type, whether romantic or platonic. As such, they\u2019re quite friendly, and in some cases, flirtatious. \n\nAbility Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.\nFire of the Saint: You know the Lightning Lure cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.\nMap of the Stars: You have an innate connection to the stars above, and as you travel, you may use them to guide your way. So long as you have a clear view of the night sky, you can chart a path towards any place you know the location of, and know your general location relative to areas you know.\nBoon of the Twins: Starting at 5th level, as an action, you can use Fae Magic to split your body into two for one minute. Your other half splits from your body into a 5 foot space next to you. Each body shares the same movement pool, action, bonus action, and reaction. Each body has half of your maximum hit points, and upon reaching 0 will fall to dust. If both fall this way, you must begin rolling death saving throws per normal. As well, when one body is Enchanted or becomes Afraid, both bodies suffer the effects. \n\nIn all ways besides those listed above, the bodies are two separate beings. If you begin your turn with your bodies more than 30 ft away from each other, you must immediately make every attempt to move back within 30ft before continuing your turn. You count as a single creature for the purposes of spells that target multiple creatures but do not require you to roll a saving throw, such as Bless or Warding Bond. Spells that do require you to roll a saving throw using Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution are rolled separately, yet saving throws using Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma are rolled as if you were one creature. Additionally, you may not benefit from such things as flanking, Pack Tactics, the Rogue\u2019s ability to use it\u2019s Sneak Attack if another creature is within 5 ft., or any other ability requiring two creatures if said creature is your other body. Once you use this ability, you may only use it again after you complete a long rest.", "Player 15: *6 spaces occupied by 1 creature*", "Player 15: !a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4[force -rr 8"], "before_idxs": [947, 953, 963, 970], "before_state_idx": 525, "command_idxs": [972, 973, 974, 976], "after_state_idx": 974, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [975]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["!a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4] -rr 8 crit max hit"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-14/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4[force] -rr 8 crit hit max"], "automation_results": ["Tarhin Shestendeliath attacks with Drakenbull!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Tarhin Shestendeliath", "hp": "<224/224 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Half-dragon(black)", "attacks": "Scimitar, Light Crossbow, whip sword, Warhammer, Smiths hammer of flames., Unarmed Strike, Smiths hammer of flames., Improvised Weapon, Really Fucking Big Sword, Moont Touched Giant Tail Pike, Longbow +1, War Pick, might damage, Breath Weapon, Acid Spew, Drakenbull, All Out Attack, Artillery, Claws, Normal healing potion, Greater healing potion, Superior healing potion, Supreme healing potion, Arcane Pistoleto", "spells": "Illusory Script", "actions": "Fire Rune, Trance of Order, Giant's Might, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Cloud Rune, Stone Rune, Hill Rune, Storm Rune", "effects": "", "description": "Tarhin Shestendeliath is a level 20 Half-dragon(black) rune knight fighter 20. He is 203 years old, 7'8\" tall, and appears to weigh about 238 lb.. He has yellowy orange eyes, black hair, and very light coloured, rough skin.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-14/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: May I introduce you to the discouri?", "Player 15: Dioscuri\nThe Dioscuri is a unique type of Fae, distinct for their Siamese body, splitting into two at either the torso or neck. The situation of each Dioscuri is unique, whether they be conjoined twins or a single individual. They\u2019re well known for having an odd connection to the night sky, their skin becoming a map of the heavens under the dead of night. It\u2019s said they\u2019re born from bonds, whether between two or multiple, and of any type, whether romantic or platonic. As such, they\u2019re quite friendly, and in some cases, flirtatious. \n\nAbility Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.\nFire of the Saint: You know the Lightning Lure cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.\nMap of the Stars: You have an innate connection to the stars above, and as you travel, you may use them to guide your way. So long as you have a clear view of the night sky, you can chart a path towards any place you know the location of, and know your general location relative to areas you know.\nBoon of the Twins: Starting at 5th level, as an action, you can use Fae Magic to split your body into two for one minute. Your other half splits from your body into a 5 foot space next to you. Each body shares the same movement pool, action, bonus action, and reaction. Each body has half of your maximum hit points, and upon reaching 0 will fall to dust. If both fall this way, you must begin rolling death saving throws per normal. As well, when one body is Enchanted or becomes Afraid, both bodies suffer the effects. \n\nIn all ways besides those listed above, the bodies are two separate beings. If you begin your turn with your bodies more than 30 ft away from each other, you must immediately make every attempt to move back within 30ft before continuing your turn. You count as a single creature for the purposes of spells that target multiple creatures but do not require you to roll a saving throw, such as Bless or Warding Bond. Spells that do require you to roll a saving throw using Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution are rolled separately, yet saving throws using Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma are rolled as if you were one creature. Additionally, you may not benefit from such things as flanking, Pack Tactics, the Rogue\u2019s ability to use it\u2019s Sneak Attack if another creature is within 5 ft., or any other ability requiring two creatures if said creature is your other body. Once you use this ability, you may only use it again after you complete a long rest.", "Player 15: *6 spaces occupied by 1 creature*", "Player 15: !a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4[force -rr 8", "Player 15: !a bull -d 2d8 -d 4d6[acid] -d 2d4] -rr 8 crit max hit"], "before_idxs": [982], "before_state_idx": 979, "command_idxs": [984, 985, 986, 988], "after_state_idx": 986, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [987]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a pistol"], "automation_results": ["Tarhin Shestendeliath attacks with an Arcane Pistoleto!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Tarhin Shestendeliath", "hp": "<91/224 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Half-dragon(black)", "attacks": "Scimitar, Light Crossbow, whip sword, Warhammer, Smiths hammer of flames., Unarmed Strike, Smiths hammer of flames., Improvised Weapon, Really Fucking Big Sword, Moont Touched Giant Tail Pike, Longbow +1, War Pick, might damage, Breath Weapon, Acid Spew, Drakenbull, All Out Attack, Artillery, Claws, Normal healing potion, Greater healing potion, Superior healing potion, Supreme healing potion, Arcane Pistoleto, Acid Wave", "spells": "Illusory Script", "actions": "Fire Rune, Trance of Order, Giant's Might, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Cloud Rune, Stone Rune, Hill Rune, Storm Rune", "effects": "", "description": "Tarhin Shestendeliath is a level 20 Half-dragon(black) rune knight fighter 20. He is 203 years old, 7'8\" tall, and appears to weigh about 238 lb.. He has yellowy orange eyes, black hair, and very light coloured, rough skin.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: Ima equate kvass to beer", "Player 15: Kira Zabroshenniy, last name means \u201cgodforsaken\u201d", "Player 15: Also, kasumi still has that gun prof right?", "Player 15: Btw, I have a quest for Michi if you\u2019re interested, if Player 30 still happens to have that gun prof it could work for either", "Player 15: Tarhin was allowed to train prof in a hb gun"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1759, "command_idxs": [1905, 1906, 1907, 1909], "after_state_idx": 1907, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1908]} {"speaker_id": "136822619270481764", "before_utterances": [" this is my response"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a nova -d1 \"6d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 6d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Kuru attacks with Weapon Of The WarMage (Nova Impulse Impact)!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Kuru", "hp": "<174/174 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Rogue 11/Wizard 9", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Dagger, Revenats Wake, Weak bonk, crystal tears, ring of illusion enchancement, Div portent, Wyvern Poison (Injury), Ammo (Wyvern Poison), Blade of Broken Mirrors, Reality Glitch, Weapon Of The WarMage (Nova Impulse Impact), Weapon Of The WarMage (Longbow), Bow Of Magic Missiles (Weapon Of The WarMage), Thanatos Reality Warp, Thanatos revive, Mimicy, potion of Invulnerability, All out, Potion of Heroism, Greater potion of healing, Essence Of The Two Headed Terror, Trollspine Whip", "spells": "Shield, Minor Illusion, Conjure Minor Elementals, Absorb Elements, Chill Touch, Passwall, Hold Person, Invisibility, Sending, Feather Fall, Vortex Warp, Encode Thoughts, Message, Locate Object, Toll the Dead, Life Transference, Control Flames, Tasha's Mind Whip, Tongues, Identify, Mage Hand, Skill Empowerment, Fireball, Hold Monster, Frostbite, Haste, Dispel Magic, Counterspell, Slow, Greater Invisibility, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Borrowed Knowledge, Misty Step, Synaptic Static, Wall of Force, Dimension Door, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Portent, Reliable Talent, Uncanny Dodge, Arcane Recovery, Sneak Attack, Kenku Recall, Cunning Action, Cantrip Formulas, Expert Divination", "effects": "", "description": "", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: Kira Zabroshenniy, last name means \u201cgodforsaken\u201d", "Player 15: Also, kasumi still has that gun prof right?", "Player 15: Btw, I have a quest for Michi if you\u2019re interested, if Player 30 still happens to have that gun prof it could work for either", "Player 15: Tarhin was allowed to train prof in a hb gun", "Player 2: this is my response"], "before_idxs": [2079], "before_state_idx": 2027, "command_idxs": [2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2085], "after_state_idx": 2083, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2084]} {"speaker_id": "138241548465909153", "before_utterances": ["lemme try something just finishing up"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blade"], "automation_results": ["Seraphina attacks with a Collectors Blade(Ranged)!!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Seraphina", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Disciple 3", "race": "Hexblood", "attacks": "Greatsword, Maul, Dagger, Collectors Blade(Ranged)!, New Attack, Collectors Rock(Ranged)!", "spells": "", "actions": "", "effects": "", "description": "Seraphina is a level 3 Hexblood Disciple Collector 3. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: Also, kasumi still has that gun prof right?", "Player 15: Btw, I have a quest for Michi if you\u2019re interested, if Player 30 still happens to have that gun prof it could work for either", "Player 15: Tarhin was allowed to train prof in a hb gun", "Player 2: this is my response", "Player 2: lemme try something just finishing up"], "before_idxs": [2250], "before_state_idx": 2239, "command_idxs": [2262, 2263, 2264, 2266], "after_state_idx": 2264, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2265]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["currently I can't even put it in roll"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a topple -amt 3"], "automation_results": ["Angry Gun attacks with a Topple!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Angry Gun", "hp": "<164/164 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Pistol, Unarmed Strike, Hand Mortar, Recharge, Magnum, Reload, Truth, death, Holy Mace, d30 die, Beacon of False Life, Dreamer's Gaze, Topple", "spells": "", "actions": "Adept Marksman, Lightning Reload, Gunner, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Hemorrhaging Critical, Rapid Repair, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: Btw, I have a quest for Michi if you\u2019re interested, if Player 30 still happens to have that gun prof it could work for either", "Player 15: Tarhin was allowed to train prof in a hb gun", "Player 2: this is my response", "Player 2: lemme try something just finishing up", "Player 15: currently I can't even put it in roll"], "before_idxs": [2315], "before_state_idx": 2306, "command_idxs": [2320, 2321, 2322, 2324], "after_state_idx": 2322, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2323]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["data isnt in avreafor now", "but it just was usable", "I have damage defined as 3", "why the fuck it not work"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a topple -amt 3"], "automation_results": ["Angry Gun attacks with a Topple!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Angry Gun", "hp": "<164/164 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Pistol, Unarmed Strike, Hand Mortar, Recharge, Magnum, Reload, Truth, death, Holy Mace, d30 die, Beacon of False Life, Dreamer's Gaze, Topple", "spells": "", "actions": "Adept Marksman, Lightning Reload, Gunner, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Hemorrhaging Critical, Rapid Repair, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: currently I can't even put it in roll", "Player 2: data isnt in avreafor now", "Player 15: but it just was usable", "Player 15: I have damage defined as 3", "Player 15: why the fuck it not work"], "before_idxs": [2340, 2344, 2352, 2353], "before_state_idx": 2322, "command_idxs": [2361, 2362, 2363, 2365], "after_state_idx": 2363, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2364]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["send me the attack please i have the achivement ones", "aight, I'll do it once I do the actual attack", "name: Topple\nautomation:\n - type: counter\n counter: Baka\n amount: \"{amt}\"\n - type: target\n target: all\n effects:\n - type: save\n stat: str\n fail:\n - type: damage\n damage: \"{lastCounterUsedAmount}d8\"\n success: []\n dc: 8+proficiencyBonus+wisdomMod\n_v: 2\nproper: false", "should prob do 2 attacks"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a topple -amt 3"], "automation_results": ["Angry Gun attacks with a Topple!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Angry Gun", "hp": "<164/164 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Pistol, Unarmed Strike, Hand Mortar, Recharge, Magnum, Reload, Truth, death, Holy Mace, d30 die, Beacon of False Life, Dreamer's Gaze, Topple", "spells": "", "actions": "Adept Marksman, Lightning Reload, Gunner, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Hemorrhaging Critical, Rapid Repair, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: why the fuck it not work", "Player 2: send me the attack please i have the achivement ones", "Player 15: aight, I'll do it once I do the actual attack", "Player 15: name: Topple\nautomation:\n - type: counter\n counter: Baka\n amount: \"{amt}\"\n - type: target\n target: all\n effects:\n - type: save\n stat: str\n fail:\n - type: damage\n damage: \"{lastCounterUsedAmount}d8\"\n success: []\n dc: 8+proficiencyBonus+wisdomMod\n_v: 2\nproper: false", "Player 2: should prob do 2 attacks"], "before_idxs": [2393, 2394, 2397, 2398], "before_state_idx": 2387, "command_idxs": [2399, 2400, 2401, 2404], "after_state_idx": 2401, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2403]} {"speaker_id": "240184232026852789", "before_utterances": ["!a topple -t 1 -dc 50", "things i do instead of revive ogri:"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "TA1", "hp": "<676/676 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Tarrasque", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Horns, Tail, Frightful Presence, Swallow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "240184232026852789"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a topple -t 1 -dc 50 -amt 30"], "automation_results": ["Angry Gun attacks with a Topple!\nTA1 rolled a Strength save but failed.\nTA1 took 132 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Angry Gun", "hp": "<164/164 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 20", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Pistol, Unarmed Strike, Hand Mortar, Recharge, Magnum, Reload, Truth, death, Holy Mace, d30 die, Beacon of False Life, Dreamer's Gaze, Topple", "spells": "", "actions": "Adept Marksman, Lightning Reload, Gunner, Indomitable, Second Wind, Action Surge, Hemorrhaging Critical, Rapid Repair, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "TA1", "hp": "<544/676 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Tarrasque", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Horns, Tail, Frightful Presence, Swallow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "240184232026852789"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "TA1", "hp": "<544/676 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Tarrasque", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Horns, Tail, Frightful Presence, Swallow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "240184232026852789"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 15: aight, I'll do it once I do the actual attack", "Player 15: name: Topple\nautomation:\n - type: counter\n counter: Baka\n amount: \"{amt}\"\n - type: target\n target: all\n effects:\n - type: save\n stat: str\n fail:\n - type: damage\n damage: \"{lastCounterUsedAmount}d8\"\n success: []\n dc: 8+proficiencyBonus+wisdomMod\n_v: 2\nproper: false", "Player 2: should prob do 2 attacks", "Player 15: !a topple -t 1 -dc 50", "Player 2: things i do instead of revive ogri:"], "before_idxs": [2412, 2416], "before_state_idx": 2409, "command_idxs": [2417, 2420, 2421, 2423], "after_state_idx": 2421, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2422]} {"speaker_id": "138241548465909153", "before_utterances": ["god i feel so good rn", "this is why i like doing svrea"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "TA1", "hp": "<544/676 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Tarrasque", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Horns, Tail, Frightful Presence, Swallow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "240184232026852789"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "current_actor": {"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, "commands_norm": ["!a topple -amt 3"], "automation_results": ["Seraphina attacks with a Topple!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Seraphina", "hp": "<28/28 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Disciple 3", "race": "Hexblood", "attacks": "Greatsword, Maul, Dagger, Collectors Blade(Ranged)!, New Attack, Collectors Rock(Ranged)!, Topple", "spells": "", "actions": "", "effects": "", "description": "Seraphina is a level 3 Hexblood Disciple Collector 3. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "flux", "hp": "<343/343 HP; Healthy> (+39 temp)", "class": "Paladin 1/Barbarian 19", "race": "Kenku", "attacks": "Longbow, Sword of Zariel, 2-Handed Sword of Zariel, Unarmed Strike, Sacred Gold Dragon Form, poison Dagger, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, AOTG, Flame wake, Aspect of Fear, Flame dash, nuke, Rainbow Talon, Rainbow Talon (elemental type), Rainbow Talon (fire), Rainbow Talon (Thunder), Rainbow Talon (Cold), Rainbow Talon (Acid), Cogwork Heart, test, Femur of the Ice Bear Lord, Point Taken, reload, Point Taken (AP), FIRE POWER, Ray of Destruction, soul link, World destruction., Miniature Sun, Sun Radius, IN DA SUN, Sun detonation, Le Bonkai (Staff of the shepherd), Scroll of Cowmet, half hp dagger, Unrelenting Rapier, The Morning Star, Holy Avenger, Zuchi, Ratha Firefang, Kiss of The Deep Sirens, Lunatic Rose - One Handed, ointment, Blessed, Sun blade, Reality Warp, to hell bitch, test, Wave (Recharge 5-6), Existence Erasure (3/day), Reality Dissociation, sneak attack, Wails from the Grave, Graveyard of Certain Death (Costs 4 Actions,1/7days), Reality Reversal, Deaths Mercy, Shillelagh Quarterstaff, Skyblinder staff, Bite, test1, Fog of Eternal Separation, Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6), Breath of Eternal torment, Hook of Fisher\u2019s Delight, Yellow with black stripes Fish, Fu'tar's Perfect Negate, Bomb (Recharge 5-6), Reach to the Blaze: Burning Hands, Indomitable, Second wind, Dragon's Wrath Greatsword, Amethyst Dragon Breath (Dragon's Wrath Greatsword), Reverse card, test 1, Sin Of Wrath Resistance, aether, Shadow Scream (Recharge 5-6), Dreadful Scream, Merciful Grace, Divination Portent, Dragon Wrath Breath (cold), Lightning Spirit, Sword of the Blood Tree, Blood drain, Blood Charge (Heal), Phase (3/Day), Bloodwell Vial Recharge, Escaton Judgement, Elemental Alignment, Alatreon Dual Skies, Elemental Alignment (fire), Elemental Alignment (cold), Elemental Alignment (lightning), Wildshape (Relic Sloth), Tail, Dragon Breath Recharge, Never Forgiving Breath(2/day), Brace up, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "Ronald's Minute Meatiers, Wish, Armor of Solderet, Eldritch Smite (Prone), Graveyard of certain death, Invulnerability, Tongue of Death, Divine Smite, Mad Cow Disease", "actions": "Lay on Hands (Restoration), Relentless Rage, Divine Sense, Frenzy Rage, Retaliation, Lay on Hands, Rage, Intimidating Presence", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed, Attacked Recklessly", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "SK1", "hp": "<-149/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeleton", "attacks": "Shortsword, Shortbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "TA1", "hp": "<544/676 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Tarrasque", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Horns, Tail, Frightful Presence, Swallow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "240184232026852789"}, {"name": "DR1", "hp": "<218/218 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}, {"name": "Ghoogri", "hp": "<50/84 HP; Injured>", "class": "Pugilist 9", "race": "Half-Orc", "attacks": "Ghostie Slap, Dagger, Crocodile Gaunlets, STANDING HERE, Javelin, The Old One-Two, Stick and Move, Compression Lock, Quick Pin, To the Mat, Dig Deep, Shake It Off, Grapple, Brace up, Bloodied But Unbowed", "spells": "", "actions": "Relentless Endurance", "effects": "Bloodied But Unbowed", "description": "Ghoogri is a level 9 Half-Orc Squared Pugilist 9. They are unknown years old, unknown tall, and appears to weigh about unknown. They have unknown eyes, unknown hair, and unknown skin.", "controller_id": "299758516476400879"}, {"name": "DR2", "hp": "<205/218 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dracohydra", "attacks": "Bite, Prismatic Breath, Grow Heads", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "136822619270481764"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: should prob do 2 attacks", "Player 15: !a topple -t 1 -dc 50", "Player 2: things i do instead of revive ogri:", "Player 2: god i feel so good rn", "Player 2: this is why i like doing svrea"], "before_idxs": [2434, 2436], "before_state_idx": 2421, "command_idxs": [2440, 2441, 2442, 2444], "after_state_idx": 2442, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2443]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Club\" -t \"Fighting Patron2\""], "automation_results": ["Fighting Patron1 attacks with a Club!\nFighting Patron1 attacked Fighting Patron2 and hit.\nFighting Patron2 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: need to make a token real fast", "Player 0: and because shes across the entire tavern", "Player 0: i dont think people will be very happy if you start stabbing people", "Player 0: shit i realize that commoners dont have unarmed strikes", "Player 0: well whatever pretend their clubs are their fists"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 66, "command_idxs": [72, 73, 74, 76], "after_state_idx": 74, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [75]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["he is an npc yes", "Ok no remorse for punching", "if you think your characters would punch another player than do it", "Of course we aren\u2019t aiming to kill here"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack unarmed strike -t krank headsmasher -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Theresa attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher and hit.\nKrank Headsmasher took 2 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: well whatever pretend their clubs are their fists", "Player 0: he is an npc yes", "Player 2: Ok no remorse for punching", "Player 0: if you think your characters would punch another player than do it", "Player 2: Of course we aren\u2019t aiming to kill here"], "before_idxs": [102, 103, 104, 105], "before_state_idx": 91, "command_idxs": [106, 109, 110, 112], "after_state_idx": 110, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [111]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["krank will get an aoo jsyk", "its beyond a little fight in the corner now", "no i was just confirming", "so i know if i need to AOO"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo \"Krank\" \"Unarmed Strike\" -t Esra"], "automation_results": ["Krank Headsmasher attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nKrank Headsmasher attacked Esra but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Of course we aren\u2019t aiming to kill here", "Player 0: krank will get an aoo jsyk", "Player 0: its beyond a little fight in the corner now", "Player 0: no i was just confirming", "Player 0: so i know if i need to AOO"], "before_idxs": [129, 136, 139, 140], "before_state_idx": 117, "command_idxs": [143, 144, 145, 147], "after_state_idx": 145, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [146]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["esras theme is sea shanty 2 from runescape"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Fisticuffs\" -t Esra -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Tavern Brawler1 attacks with a Fisticuffs!\nTavern Brawler1 attacked Esra and hit.\nEsra took 5 damage.\nTavern Brawler1 attacked Esra and crit!\nEsra took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: krank will get an aoo jsyk", "Player 0: its beyond a little fight in the corner now", "Player 0: no i was just confirming", "Player 0: so i know if i need to AOO", "Player 0: esras theme is sea shanty 2 from runescape"], "before_idxs": [152], "before_state_idx": 156, "command_idxs": [159, 160, 161, 163], "after_state_idx": 161, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [162]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["Ok how close can she even get to an opponent", "she can fully reach krank", "you'll have to make that call", "Birch would probably say yes ngl", "Her fists don\u2019t hit hard"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<83/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack quarterstaff -t \u201ckrank headsmasher\u201d -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Birch attacks with a Quarterstaff!\nBirch attacked Krank Headsmasher and hit.\nKrank Headsmasher took 3 damage.\nBirch attacked Krank Headsmasher and crit!\nKrank Headsmasher took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<74/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<74/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron2", "hp": "<0/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Ok how close can she even get to an opponent", "Player 0: she can fully reach krank", "Player 0: you'll have to make that call", "Player 2: Player 3 would probably say yes ngl", "Player 2: Her fists don\u2019t hit hard"], "before_idxs": [182, 184, 187, 188, 189], "before_state_idx": 179, "command_idxs": [191, 192, 193, 195], "after_state_idx": 193, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [194]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["zero damager with her unarmed strike", "she has a -1 in strength", "unarmed strike damage is just 1 and then whatever your modifier for strength is", "so a -1 is 0"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<74/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast \"Thunderclap\" -t Krank"], "automation_results": ["Vaxian casts Thunderclap!\nKrank Headsmasher rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nKrank Headsmasher took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Her fists don\u2019t hit hard", "Player 0: zero damager with her unarmed strike", "Player 0: she has a -1 in strength", "Player 0: unarmed strike damage is just 1 and then whatever your modifier for strength is", "Player 0: so a -1 is 0"], "before_idxs": [270, 274, 276, 277], "before_state_idx": 265, "command_idxs": [281, 282, 283, 285], "after_state_idx": 283, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [284]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["Yeah the brain doesn\u2019t work it\u2019s all squished in there", "Gonna use her own quarterstaff which matches birch\u2019s I think"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack quarterstaff -t \u201ckrank headsmasher\u201d -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Theresa attacks with a Quarterstaff!\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: she has a -1 in strength", "Player 0: unarmed strike damage is just 1 and then whatever your modifier for strength is", "Player 0: so a -1 is 0", "Player 2: Yeah the brain doesn\u2019t work it\u2019s all squished in there", "Player 2: Gonna use her own quarterstaff which matches birch\u2019s I think"], "before_idxs": [328, 332], "before_state_idx": 321, "command_idxs": [333, 334, 335, 337], "after_state_idx": 335, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [336]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["I wanna punch the brawler 1"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \u201cunarmed strike\u201d -t tavern brawler1 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Esra attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nEsra attacked Tavern Brawler1 and hit.\nTavern Brawler1 took 4 damage.\nEsra attacked Tavern Brawler1 and hit.\nTavern Brawler1 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: unarmed strike damage is just 1 and then whatever your modifier for strength is", "Player 0: so a -1 is 0", "Player 2: Yeah the brain doesn\u2019t work it\u2019s all squished in there", "Player 2: Gonna use her own quarterstaff which matches birch\u2019s I think", "Player 2: I wanna punch the brawler 1"], "before_idxs": [347], "before_state_idx": 343, "command_idxs": [349, 352, 353, 355], "after_state_idx": 353, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [354]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["thats how martial classes are"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Brace Up\""], "automation_results": ["Tavern Brawler1 attacks with a Fisticuffs!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: so a -1 is 0", "Player 2: Yeah the brain doesn\u2019t work it\u2019s all squished in there", "Player 2: Gonna use her own quarterstaff which matches birch\u2019s I think", "Player 2: I wanna punch the brawler 1", "Player 0: thats how martial classes are"], "before_idxs": [366], "before_state_idx": 362, "command_idxs": [367, 368, 369, 371], "after_state_idx": 369, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [370]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["Zorakas is a RULE BREAKER"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast \"Zephyr Strike\""], "automation_results": ["Zorakas casts Zephyr Strike!\nZorakas gained Zephyr Strikes."], "caster_after": {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Yeah the brain doesn\u2019t work it\u2019s all squished in there", "Player 2: Gonna use her own quarterstaff which matches birch\u2019s I think", "Player 2: I wanna punch the brawler 1", "Player 0: thats how martial classes are", "Player 0: Player 5 is a RULE BREAKER"], "before_idxs": [396], "before_state_idx": 392, "command_idxs": [398, 399, 400, 402], "after_state_idx": 400, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [401]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["the rules are getting more and more slack every round", "all of a sudden spells and blunt weapons are being used", "I kinda wanna hse my potency mutagen", "do it if you want"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack mutagen: potency"], "automation_results": ["Multiple Matches Found\nBirch gained Mutagen: Potency."], "caster_after": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: Player 5 is a RULE BREAKER", "Player 0: the rules are getting more and more slack every round", "Player 0: all of a sudden spells and blunt weapons are being used", "Player 2: I kinda wanna hse my potency mutagen", "Player 0: do it if you want"], "before_idxs": [430, 431, 432, 433], "before_state_idx": 425, "command_idxs": [438, 441, 442, 444], "after_state_idx": 442, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [439]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["so it basically swells your muscles"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<67/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack quarterstaff -t \u201ckrank headsmasher\u201d -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Birch attacks with a Quarterstaff!\nBirch attacked Krank Headsmasher and crit!\nKrank Headsmasher took 5 damage.\nBirch attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<44/44 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<62/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<62/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: the rules are getting more and more slack every round", "Player 0: all of a sudden spells and blunt weapons are being used", "Player 2: I kinda wanna hse my potency mutagen", "Player 0: do it if you want", "Player 0: so it basically swells your muscles"], "before_idxs": [446], "before_state_idx": 442, "command_idxs": [448, 449, 450, 452], "after_state_idx": 450, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [451]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Unarmed Strike\" -t Birch -rr 2 adv"], "automation_results": ["Krank Headsmasher attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nKrank Headsmasher attacked Birch and hit.\nBirch took 4 damage.\nKrank Headsmasher attacked Birch and hit.\nBirch took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: all of a sudden spells and blunt weapons are being used", "Player 2: I kinda wanna hse my potency mutagen", "Player 0: do it if you want", "Player 0: so it basically swells your muscles", "Player 0: so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn"], "before_idxs": [481], "before_state_idx": 478, "command_idxs": [483, 484, 485, 487], "after_state_idx": 485, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [486]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["these guys their own group"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Club\" -t \"Fighting Patron4\""], "automation_results": ["Fighting Patron5 attacks with a Club!\nFighting Patron5 attacked Fighting Patron4 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I kinda wanna hse my potency mutagen", "Player 0: do it if you want", "Player 0: so it basically swells your muscles", "Player 0: so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn", "Player 0: these guys their own group"], "before_idxs": [493], "before_state_idx": 490, "command_idxs": [494, 495, 496, 497], "after_state_idx": 496, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [498]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["!i attack \"Club\" -t Fighting Patron1\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<4/4 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Club\" -t \"Fighting Patron1\""], "automation_results": ["Fighting Patron3 attacks with a Club!\nFighting Patron3 attacked Fighting Patron1 and hit.\nFighting Patron1 took 2 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: do it if you want", "Player 0: so it basically swells your muscles", "Player 0: so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn", "Player 0: these guys their own group", "Player 0: !i attack \"Club\" -t Fighting Patron1\""], "before_idxs": [503], "before_state_idx": 501, "command_idxs": [505, 506, 507, 509], "after_state_idx": 507, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [508]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["vaxian casts fucking fireball and obliterates everyone"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i cast \"Shocking Grasp\" -t Krank"], "automation_results": ["Vaxian casts Shocking Grasp!\nVaxian attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: so it basically swells your muscles", "Player 0: so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn", "Player 0: these guys their own group", "Player 0: !i attack \"Club\" -t Fighting Patron1\"", "Player 0: vaxian casts fucking fireball and obliterates everyone"], "before_idxs": [529], "before_state_idx": 527, "command_idxs": [538, 539, 540, 542], "after_state_idx": 540, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [541]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["i hate leaving it mid combat"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<3/4 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Club\" -t \"Fighting Patron3\""], "automation_results": ["Fighting Patron1 attacks with a Club!\nFighting Patron1 attacked Fighting Patron3 and hit.\nFighting Patron3 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<60/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<1/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: so he gets advantage on his attacks but everyone also gets advantage on him until his next turn", "Player 0: these guys their own group", "Player 0: !i attack \"Club\" -t Fighting Patron1\"", "Player 0: vaxian casts fucking fireball and obliterates everyone", "Player 0: i hate leaving it mid combat"], "before_idxs": [564], "before_state_idx": 561, "command_idxs": [567, 568, 569, 571], "after_state_idx": 569, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [570]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["read your character sheet please", "flurry of blows lets you attack two more times as an unarmed strike", "So like is it gonna hit in thst command or do I do it after", "target krank just in case"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<58/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<-3/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \u201cflurry of blows\u201d -t \u201ckrank headsmasher\u201d"], "automation_results": ["Theresa uses Flurry of Blows!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<58/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<24/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<58/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<-3/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: i hate leaving it mid combat", "Player 0: read your character sheet please", "Player 0: flurry of blows lets you attack two more times as an unarmed strike", "Player 2: So like is it gonna hit in thst command or do I do it after", "Player 0: target krank just in case"], "before_idxs": [604, 605, 606, 607], "before_state_idx": 590, "command_idxs": [608, 609, 610, 612], "after_state_idx": 610, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [611]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": ["and second wind as a bonus action if you ever need it"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<16/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<51/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<-3/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \u201cunarmed strike\u201d -t \u201ctavern brawler1\u201d"], "automation_results": ["Esra attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nEsra attacked Tavern Brawler1 and hit.\nTavern Brawler1 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<51/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron5", "hp": "<-3/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron3", "hp": "<-1/4 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<23/32 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: read your character sheet please", "Player 0: flurry of blows lets you attack two more times as an unarmed strike", "Player 2: So like is it gonna hit in thst command or do I do it after", "Player 0: target krank just in case", "Player 0: and second wind as a bonus action if you ever need it"], "before_idxs": [643], "before_state_idx": 640, "command_idxs": [644, 645, 646, 648], "after_state_idx": 646, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [647]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["from just tumbling over the counter", "they are also going to throw theresa over the table to their right as their other action", "so if you could just make a dex save for her"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"Fisticuffs\" -t Zorakas -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Tavern Brawler2 attacks with a Fisticuffs!\nTavern Brawler2 attacked Zorakas but missed.\n\nTavern Brawler2 attacked Zorakas but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<28/32 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: target krank just in case", "Player 0: and second wind as a bonus action if you ever need it", "Player 0: from just tumbling over the counter", "Player 0: they are also going to throw theresa over the table to their right as their other action", "Player 0: so if you could just make a dex save for her"], "before_idxs": [724, 725, 726], "before_state_idx": 758, "command_idxs": [760, 761, 762, 764], "after_state_idx": 762, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [763]} {"speaker_id": "735183959848874485", "before_utterances": ["gonna back up and take an aoo"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "commands_norm": ["!i aoo \"Krank\" \"Unarmed Strike\" -t Vaxian"], "automation_results": ["Krank Headsmasher attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nKrank Headsmasher attacked Vaxian and hit.\nVaxian took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<32/32 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<28/32 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: and second wind as a bonus action if you ever need it", "Player 0: from just tumbling over the counter", "Player 0: they are also going to throw theresa over the table to their right as their other action", "Player 0: so if you could just make a dex save for her", "Player 0: gonna back up and take an aoo"], "before_idxs": [783], "before_state_idx": 781, "command_idxs": [784, 785, 786, 788], "after_state_idx": 786, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [787]} {"speaker_id": "269381484935860907", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<47/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Charmed (Charm Person)", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<28/32 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "commands_norm": ["!i attack \"unarmed strike\" -t \"krank headsmasher\" -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Theresa attacks with an Unarmed Strike!\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher and hit.\nKrank Headsmasher took 3 damage.\nTheresa attacked Krank Headsmasher but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<44/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Charmed (Charm Person)", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Fighting Patron1", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Fighting Patron4", "hp": "<2/4 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Theresa", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Monk 5", "race": "Tiefling", "attacks": "Dart, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Strike2", "spells": "Pass without Trace, Minor Illusion, Silence, Hellish Rebuke, Thaumaturgy, Darkvision, Darkness", "actions": "Unarmed Strike, Infernal Legacy: Hellish Rebuke, Ki Points, Shadow Arts (Darkvision), Deflect Missiles Attack, Deflect Missiles, Patient Defense, Shadow Arts (Silence), Step of the Wind (Dash), Shadow Arts (Pass without Trace), Infernal Legacy: Darkness, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Strike, Slow Fall, Shadow Arts (Darkness), Step of the Wind (Disengage)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Esra", "hp": "<49/49 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 5", "race": "Minotaur", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Greatsword, Unarmed Strike, Horns, Goring Rush", "spells": "", "actions": "Second Wind, Hammering Horns, Action Surge, Extra Attack", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler1", "hp": "<12/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Zorakas", "hp": "<47/47 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Ranger 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Shifter", "attacks": "Zephyr Strike, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Longbow, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Eldritch Blast, Zephyr Strike, Misty Step, Hail of Thorns, Poison Spray, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Charm Person, Animal Friendship, Hunter's Mark, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil and Good", "actions": "Primal Awareness: Speak with Animals, Fey Presence (Charm), Favored Foe, Longtooth Shifting, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Dreadful Strikes, Beast Speech, Shift, Fey Presence (Fear)", "effects": "Zephyr Strike, Zephyr Strikes, Used Zephyr Strike", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Birch", "hp": "<37/44 HP; Injured>", "class": "Blood Hunter 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Longsword, 2-Handed Longsword, Quarterstaff, 2-Handed Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": "Rite of the Frozen, Mutagen: Unbreakable, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet, Crimson Rite, Mutagencraft - Consume Mutagen, Mutagen: Potency, Mutagencraft - Flush Toxins, Mutagen: Percipient, Blood Maledict, Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet (Amplified), Mutagen: Alluring, Extra Attack", "effects": "Mutagen: Potency", "description": null, "controller_id": "269381484935860907"}, {"name": "Krank Headsmasher", "hp": "<44/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Barbarian (Tier 2)", "attacks": "Greataxe, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Charmed (Charm Person)", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Tavern Brawler2", "hp": "<6/32 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Brawler", "attacks": "Fisticuffs", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}, {"name": "Vaxian", "hp": "<28/32 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 5", "race": "Half-Elf", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger2, Mace, Staff, 2-Handed Staff, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fire Bolt, Scorching Ray, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Dragon's Breath, Mage Hand, Ice Knife, Fireball, Thunderclap, Charm Person, Shocking Grasp", "actions": "Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Tides of Chaos, Maneuvers: Riposte, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Martial Adept, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Sorcery Points, Metamagic - Heightened Spell, Maneuvers: Rally", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "735183959848874485"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: robyn did i fucking pass out last night", "Player 2: god damn it im sorry", "Player 2: i was trying to finish the fight", "Player 2: my sleepiness is powerful when it's present", "Player 2: ok i wanna punch him again"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 823, "command_idxs": [967, 968, 969, 971], "after_state_idx": 969, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [970]} {"speaker_id": "216819298156019482", "before_utterances": ["!cast blast -t mage -rr 2"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<29/40 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Fly, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Light, Ice Storm, Counterspell, Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Fireball, Shield, Greater Invisibility, Magic Missile, Suggestion, Detect Magic, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}, {"name": "Demoven Shaedown", "hp": "<51/51 HP; Healthy> (+10 temp)", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Owlin", "attacks": "Armor of Agathys, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Trident of Fish Command, 2-Handed Trident of Fish Command, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Counterspell, Ice Knife, Eldritch Blast, Shatter, Phantasmal Force, Dispel Magic, Speak with Animals, Dominate Beast, Blade Ward, Frostbite, Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys, Remove Curse, Chill Touch", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Create Pact Weapon, Beast Speech, Entropic Ward", "effects": "Armor of Agathys", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Demoven Shaedown", "hp": "<51/51 HP; Healthy> (+10 temp)", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Owlin", "attacks": "Armor of Agathys, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Trident of Fish Command, 2-Handed Trident of Fish Command, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Counterspell, Ice Knife, Eldritch Blast, Shatter, Phantasmal Force, Dispel Magic, Speak with Animals, Dominate Beast, Blade Ward, Frostbite, Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys, Remove Curse, Chill Touch", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Create Pact Weapon, Beast Speech, Entropic Ward", "effects": "Armor of Agathys", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -t MA1 -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["Demoven Shaedown casts Eldritch Blast!\nDemoven Shaedown attacked MA1 and hit.\nMA1 took 1 damage.\nDemoven Shaedown attacked MA1 and crit!\nMA1 took 19 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Demoven Shaedown", "hp": "<51/51 HP; Healthy> (+10 temp)", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Owlin", "attacks": "Armor of Agathys, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Trident of Fish Command, 2-Handed Trident of Fish Command, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Counterspell, Ice Knife, Eldritch Blast, Shatter, Phantasmal Force, Dispel Magic, Speak with Animals, Dominate Beast, Blade Ward, Frostbite, Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys, Remove Curse, Chill Touch", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Create Pact Weapon, Beast Speech, Entropic Ward", "effects": "Armor of Agathys", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<9/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Fly, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Light, Ice Storm, Counterspell, Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Fireball, Shield, Greater Invisibility, Magic Missile, Suggestion, Detect Magic, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<9/40 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Mage", "attacks": "Dagger", "spells": "Fly, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Light, Ice Storm, Counterspell, Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Misty Step, Fireball, Shield, Greater Invisibility, Magic Missile, Suggestion, Detect Magic, Cone of Cold", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}, {"name": "Demoven Shaedown", "hp": "<51/51 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Warlock 6", "race": "Owlin", "attacks": "Armor of Agathys, Staff of the Python, 2-Handed Staff of the Python, Trident of Fish Command, 2-Handed Trident of Fish Command, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Crown of Madness, Counterspell, Ice Knife, Eldritch Blast, Shatter, Phantasmal Force, Dispel Magic, Speak with Animals, Dominate Beast, Blade Ward, Frostbite, Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys, Remove Curse, Chill Touch", "actions": "Agonizing Blast, Create Pact Weapon, Beast Speech, Entropic Ward", "effects": "Armor of Agathys", "description": null, "controller_id": "216819298156019482"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: !cast blast -t mage -rr 2"], "before_idxs": [73], "before_state_idx": 66, "command_idxs": [77, 78, 79, 81], "after_state_idx": 79, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [80]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["Unless you have a disintegrate"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast disintegrate"], "automation_results": ["Argo casts Disintegrate!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Unless you have a disintegrate"], "before_idxs": [67], "before_state_idx": 62, "command_idxs": [68, 69, 70, 72], "after_state_idx": 70, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [71]} {"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": ["I built her around the mizz"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!a kill -t argo"], "automation_results": ["Revyana attacks with Cloudkill!\nArgo rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nArgo took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<51/62 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Unless you have a disintegrate", "Player 2: I built her around the mizz"], "before_idxs": [88], "before_state_idx": 75, "command_idxs": [89, 90, 91, 93], "after_state_idx": 91, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [92]} {"speaker_id": "169200706321497089", "before_utterances": ["\u201chmm\u2026 well if I\u2019m trapped in here I might as well make the most of it.\u201d *he casts wither and bloom in the cage*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast wither and bloom"], "automation_results": ["Argo casts Wither and Bloom!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<51/62 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Unless you have a disintegrate", "Player 2: I built her around the mizz", "Player 1: \u201chmm\u2026 well if I\u2019m trapped in here I might as well make the most of it.\u201d *he casts wither and bloom in the cage*"], "before_idxs": [106], "before_state_idx": 104, "command_idxs": [108, 111, 112, 114], "after_state_idx": 112, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [113]} {"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": ["You cant vmcast out of that", "I cant cast into it either"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!a kill -t argo"], "automation_results": ["Revyana attacks with Cloudkill!\nArgo rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nArgo took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<51/62 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Forcecaged", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: Unless you have a disintegrate", "Player 2: I built her around the mizz", "Player 1: \u201chmm\u2026 well if I\u2019m trapped in here I might as well make the most of it.\u201d *he casts wither and bloom in the cage*", "Player 2: You cant vmcast out of that", "Player 2: I cant cast into it either"], "before_idxs": [123, 124], "before_state_idx": 120, "command_idxs": [125, 126, 127, 129], "after_state_idx": 127, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [128]} {"speaker_id": "335741543258656549", "before_utterances": ["Yknow this is bots right?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Cloudkill, Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Cloudkill, Killer Cloud", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast hold person -t argo"], "automation_results": ["Revyana casts Hold Person!\nArgo rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nArgo gained Paralyzed (Hold Person)."], "caster_after": {"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Argo", "hp": "<62/62 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Revyana", "hp": "<58/58 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Wizard 14", "race": "Nogitsune", "attacks": "Dagger, Dagger of Warning, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Forcecage, Counterspell, Sending, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Killer, Chain Lightning, Haste, Etherealness, Slow, Teleport, Thunderclap, Temporal Shunt, Scatter, Dawn, Sapping Sting, Contingency, Fire Bolt, Banishment, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Tether Essence, Mind Sliver, Wall of Force, True Seeing, Telekinesis, Dancing Lights", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Arcane Abeyance, Convergent Future, Chronal Shift, War Caster", "effects": "Hold Person", "description": "\"A 4'5\" woman with long black hair, fox ears, and a lack of a fluffy tail behind her. She has deep red eyes that have a faint glow and the pallor of a dead person not helped by the lack of bodily heat. \n\nOn her face is a bone white fox mask with red streaks along its cheeks as well as around the eye holes. She wears a black kimono adorned with thin wires that run along her sleeves that lead to a backpack filled with all the manner of glass tubes and switches\"", "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Simmyana", "hp": "<29/29 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Commoner", "attacks": "Club", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "335741543258656549"}, {"name": "Argo", "hp": "<51/62 HP; Injured>", "class": "Wizard 15", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Fly, See Invisibility, Purify Food and Drink, Poison Spray, Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Invisibility, Vampiric Touch, Spare the Dying, Blight, Feather Fall, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Infestation, Antimagic Field, Toll the Dead, Finger of Death, Create Undead, Animate Dead, Enervation, Acid Splash, Disintegrate, Chill Touch, Levitate, Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Raulothim's Psychic Lance, Power Word Pain", "actions": "Command Undead, Arcane Recovery, Undead Thralls, Shadow Touched: Invisibility, Grim Harvest (Necromancy), Grim Harvest", "effects": "Paralyzed (Hold Person)", "description": null, "controller_id": "169200706321497089"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I built her around the mizz", "Player 1: \u201chmm\u2026 well if I\u2019m trapped in here I might as well make the most of it.\u201d *he casts wither and bloom in the cage*", "Player 2: You cant vmcast out of that", "Player 2: I cant cast into it either", "Player 2: Yknow this is bots right?"], "before_idxs": [235], "before_state_idx": 233, "command_idxs": [240, 243, 244, 246], "after_state_idx": 244, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [245]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a hand crossbow -t Val"], "automation_results": ["WE2 attacks with a Hand Crossbow!\nWE2 attacked Val'trex but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0 - Mercy: Like, I can use my *own* character", "Player 0 - Mercy: Just not the things I mentioned", "Player 0 - Mercy: Dm side of avrae because I **hate it**", "Player 1: Yeah. Using !i in front will look at the active combatant, whoever it is", "Player 1: I know Avrae combat pretty well. I'm happy to teach you"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 137, "command_idxs": [174, 175, 176, 178], "after_state_idx": 176, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [177]} {"speaker_id": "238002176175140051", "before_utterances": ["*Val mutters an incantation and feels the arcane power wash over him, interacting with Ami's concoction in his body, enhancing him even further past normal limits.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast haste -t val"], "automation_results": ["Val'trex casts Haste!\nVal'trex gained Hasted."], "caster_after": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0 - Mercy: Just not the things I mentioned", "Player 0 - Mercy: Dm side of avrae because I **hate it**", "Player 1: Yeah. Using !i in front will look at the active combatant, whoever it is", "Player 1: I know Avrae combat pretty well. I'm happy to teach you", "Player 1: *Val mutters an incantation and feels the arcane power wash over him, interacting with Ami's concoction in his body, enhancing him even further past normal limits.*"], "before_idxs": [202], "before_state_idx": 200, "command_idxs": [203, 204, 205, 207], "after_state_idx": 205, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [206]} {"speaker_id": "238002176175140051", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!a draa -t we2 -f \u201cHaste|You gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used to take the Attack action (one weapon attack only).\u201d"], "automation_results": ["Val'trex attacks with a Draa'zvir!\nVal'trex attacked WE2 and hit.\nWE2 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["*He moves in with superhuman speed, bringing his ornate greatsword down in a wide fiery arc.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0 - Mercy: Just not the things I mentioned", "Player 0 - Mercy: Dm side of avrae because I **hate it**", "Player 1: Yeah. Using !i in front will look at the active combatant, whoever it is", "Player 1: I know Avrae combat pretty well. I'm happy to teach you", "Player 1: *Val mutters an incantation and feels the arcane power wash over him, interacting with Ami's concoction in his body, enhancing him even further past normal limits.*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 205, "command_idxs": [212, 213, 214, 215, 217], "after_state_idx": 215, "after_idxs": [223], "embed_idxs": [216]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": ["Feel free to narrate as I move other things!"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite -t Val"], "automation_results": ["DGR4 attacks with a Bite!\nDGR4 attacked Val'trex but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Yeah. Using !i in front will look at the active combatant, whoever it is", "Player 1: I know Avrae combat pretty well. I'm happy to teach you", "Player 1: *Val mutters an incantation and feels the arcane power wash over him, interacting with Ami's concoction in his body, enhancing him even further past normal limits.*", "Player 1: *He moves in with superhuman speed, bringing his ornate greatsword down in a wide fiery arc.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: Feel free to narrate as I move other things!"], "before_idxs": [250], "before_state_idx": 253, "command_idxs": [259, 260, 261, 263], "after_state_idx": 261, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [262]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite -t Val"], "automation_results": ["DGR4 attacks with a Bite!\nDGR4 attacked Val'trex but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["*Val laughs as the rat clamps down on his greaves. Did it think it could possibly get through? Silly beast. He winks and blows Ami a kiss as he effortlessly throws up a magical barrier on top of his adamantine.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Yeah. Using !i in front will look at the active combatant, whoever it is", "Player 1: I know Avrae combat pretty well. I'm happy to teach you", "Player 1: *Val mutters an incantation and feels the arcane power wash over him, interacting with Ami's concoction in his body, enhancing him even further past normal limits.*", "Player 1: *He moves in with superhuman speed, bringing his ornate greatsword down in a wide fiery arc.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: Feel free to narrate as I move other things!"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 261, "command_idxs": [265, 266, 267, 269], "after_state_idx": 267, "after_idxs": [274], "embed_idxs": [268]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": ["\"I thought you didn't want to get too close?\" *He teases*", "*The machine begins to pulse on her back, as she walks calmly to the location, arm outstretched*\n\n\"Strategically, lowering the numbers is the most practical decision\"\n\n*And suddenly, a blast of acid bursts from her gauntlet in a line!*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast tasha -t WE2 -t DGR1 -t DGR4"], "automation_results": ["Amity Copperiggs casts Tasha's Caustic Brew!\nWE2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWE2 gained Covered in Acid.\nDGR1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nDGR1 gained Covered in Acid.\nDGR4 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nDGR4 gained Covered in Acid."], "caster_after": {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<19/33 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *He moves in with superhuman speed, bringing his ornate greatsword down in a wide fiery arc.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: Feel free to narrate as I move other things!", "Player 1: *Val laughs as the rat clamps down on his greaves. Did it think it could possibly get through? Silly beast. He winks and blows Ami a kiss as he effortlessly throws up a magical barrier on top of his adamantine.*", "Player 1: \"I thought you didn't want to get too close?\" *He teases*", "Player 0 - Mercy: *The machine begins to pulse on her back, as she walks calmly to the location, arm outstretched*\n\n\"Strategically, lowering the numbers is the most practical decision\"\n\n*And suddenly, a blast of acid bursts from her gauntlet in a line!*"], "before_idxs": [286, 287], "before_state_idx": 272, "command_idxs": [289, 290, 291, 293], "after_state_idx": 291, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [292]} {"speaker_id": "238002176175140051", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<13/33 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a sword -t val"], "automation_results": ["WE1 attacks with a Shortsword!\nWE1 attacked Val'trex but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<89/89 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE2", "hp": "<13/33 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "WE1", "hp": "<33/33 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted, Shield", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR4", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DGR2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR3", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["\"AMI!\" *Val shouts as he hears her scream. Okay. No more toying with them. Her safety was his first priority, and these fuckers were dead.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *He moves in with superhuman speed, bringing his ornate greatsword down in a wide fiery arc.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: Feel free to narrate as I move other things!", "Player 1: *Val laughs as the rat clamps down on his greaves. Did it think it could possibly get through? Silly beast. He winks and blows Ami a kiss as he effortlessly throws up a magical barrier on top of his adamantine.*", "Player 1: \"I thought you didn't want to get too close?\" *He teases*", "Player 0 - Mercy: *The machine begins to pulse on her back, as she walks calmly to the location, arm outstretched*\n\n\"Strategically, lowering the numbers is the most practical decision\"\n\n*And suddenly, a blast of acid bursts from her gauntlet in a line!*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 373, "command_idxs": [376, 377, 378, 380], "after_state_idx": 378, "after_idxs": [392], "embed_idxs": [379]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": ["*Val sees Amity drop to her knees. This is not how things end for her, he decides. His vision goes blue as he reaches out and slides into a slipstream of time, riding the temporal flow like a surfer. The rest of the world slows down, the rats moving as if the air was viscous molasses.\n\nVal raises a hand, palm outwards towards the beasts surrounding Amity. With precision aim, he sends out a pulse wave of reality itself to rend them into nonexistence. Satisfied that they're gone and she's safe, Val moves with blistering speed toward the others. With a blaze of bright blue-green flame along his greatsword, the others are dispatched.\n\nVal immediately rushes over to Ami and kneels by her side, thrusting a healing potion into her hands.*", "*Gritting her teeth, she pushes it back to him*\n\n\"Fuck, I'm fine... im fine....\"\n\n*Rolling over she looks at her shredded ankles. The Achilles of all things!*\n\n\"Shit... this is what I get for trying to show off to a fucking guy\"\n\n*She grumbles to herself, not realising Val could hear her, as she begins inspecting her wounds. She slots a red vial into her needle, and jabs it into her leg*\n\n*The flesh suddenly starts knitting back together in front of Val, little strands of this red substance appearing and all but knitting together the skin*\n\n\"Damn stupid... shouldn't be fighting when I can't even think straight, poor, poor analysis of that situation Amity, stupid, you know better\""], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast cure wounds -t Amity"], "automation_results": ["Amity Copperiggs casts Cure Wounds!\nAmity Copperiggs healed for -7 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["*She kicks the dead rats corpse*\n\n\"Damn thing was diseased\"\n\n*Taking off her heavy leather boot, she begins pointing around the outside of the stitched wound*\n\n\"Flesh is infected, didn't heal it in time... crap\"", "\"Fuck. Okay, I have a friend who might be able to cure it. If not, I'm taking you back to the Druids and I'm paying for it. No objections.\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"I thought you didn't want to get too close?\" *He teases*", "Player 0 - Mercy: *The machine begins to pulse on her back, as she walks calmly to the location, arm outstretched*\n\n\"Strategically, lowering the numbers is the most practical decision\"\n\n*And suddenly, a blast of acid bursts from her gauntlet in a line!*", "Player 1: \"AMI!\" *Val shouts as he hears her scream. Okay. No more toying with them. Her safety was his first priority, and these fuckers were dead.*", "Player 1: *Val sees Player 0 drop to her knees. This is not how things end for her, he decides. His vision goes blue as he reaches out and slides into a slipstream of time, riding the temporal flow like a surfer. The rest of the world slows down, the rats moving as if the air was viscous molasses.\n\nVal raises a hand, palm outwards towards the beasts surrounding Player 0. With precision aim, he sends out a pulse wave of reality itself to rend them into nonexistence. Satisfied that they're gone and she's safe, Val moves with blistering speed toward the others. With a blaze of bright blue-green flame along his greatsword, the others are dispatched.\n\nVal immediately rushes over to Ami and kneels by her side, thrusting a healing potion into her hands.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: *Gritting her teeth, she pushes it back to him*\n\n\"Fuck, I'm fine... im fine....\"\n\n*Rolling over she looks at her shredded ankles. The Achilles of all things!*\n\n\"Shit... this is what I get for trying to show off to a fucking guy\"\n\n*She grumbles to herself, not realising Val could hear her, as she begins inspecting her wounds. She slots a red vial into her needle, and jabs it into her leg*\n\n*The flesh suddenly starts knitting back together in front of Val, little strands of this red substance appearing and all but knitting together the skin*\n\n\"Damn stupid... shouldn't be fighting when I can't even think straight, poor, poor analysis of that situation Player 0, stupid, you know better\""], "before_idxs": [456, 469], "before_state_idx": 449, "command_idxs": [471, 472, 473, 475], "after_state_idx": 473, "after_idxs": [482, 484], "embed_idxs": [474]} {"speaker_id": "238002176175140051", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lucky"], "automation_results": ["Val'trex uses Lucky!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["*Val deftly shifts the timestream to one in which he did not just accidentally blow up Amity.*", " \"||Can you cast Lesser Restoration? I have someone here who needs it badly. If so, let me know where to meet you.\"||"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"AMI!\" *Val shouts as he hears her scream. Okay. No more toying with them. Her safety was his first priority, and these fuckers were dead.*", "Player 1: *Val sees Player 0 drop to her knees. This is not how things end for her, he decides. His vision goes blue as he reaches out and slides into a slipstream of time, riding the temporal flow like a surfer. The rest of the world slows down, the rats moving as if the air was viscous molasses.\n\nVal raises a hand, palm outwards towards the beasts surrounding Player 0. With precision aim, he sends out a pulse wave of reality itself to rend them into nonexistence. Satisfied that they're gone and she's safe, Val moves with blistering speed toward the others. With a blaze of bright blue-green flame along his greatsword, the others are dispatched.\n\nVal immediately rushes over to Ami and kneels by her side, thrusting a healing potion into her hands.*", "Player 0 - Mercy: *Gritting her teeth, she pushes it back to him*\n\n\"Fuck, I'm fine... im fine....\"\n\n*Rolling over she looks at her shredded ankles. The Achilles of all things!*\n\n\"Shit... this is what I get for trying to show off to a fucking guy\"\n\n*She grumbles to herself, not realising Val could hear her, as she begins inspecting her wounds. She slots a red vial into her needle, and jabs it into her leg*\n\n*The flesh suddenly starts knitting back together in front of Val, little strands of this red substance appearing and all but knitting together the skin*\n\n\"Damn stupid... shouldn't be fighting when I can't even think straight, poor, poor analysis of that situation Player 0, stupid, you know better\"", "Player 0 - Mercy: *She kicks the dead rats corpse*\n\n\"Damn thing was diseased\"\n\n*Taking off her heavy leather boot, she begins pointing around the outside of the stitched wound*\n\n\"Flesh is infected, didn't heal it in time... crap\"", "Player 1: \"Fuck. Okay, I have a friend who might be able to cure it. If not, I'm taking you back to the Druids and I'm paying for it. No objections.\""], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 491, "command_idxs": [494, 495, 496, 498], "after_state_idx": 496, "after_idxs": [499, 502], "embed_idxs": [497]} {"speaker_id": "163139845568683215", "before_utterances": ["\"I\u2026 just needed to move you into a timeline that didn't end with your grisly demise.\" *He laughs just a little nervously*", "\"Ah... excuse me?\"\n\n*She says, understanding his power*\n\n\"The rats very much didn't cause any grisly death. Although it was close so... thanks\"\n\n*The word seemed to pain her, as she takes a step, she winces in pain, uttering a curse in elvish, and injects herself a second time*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast cure wounds -t Amity"], "automation_results": ["Amity Copperiggs casts Cure Wounds!\nAmity Copperiggs healed for -8 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WE1", "hp": "<-8/33 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wererat", "attacks": "Bite, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Val'trex", "hp": "<84/89 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 2/Wizard 7", "race": "Githyanki", "attacks": "Draa'zvir, Ghel'ir, Unarmed Strike, Green-Flame Blade", "spells": "Mage Hand, Counterspell, Misty Step, Green-Flame Blade, Pulse Wave, Haste, Catapult, Galder's Tower, Tasha's Mind Whip, Shield, Message, Vortex Warp, Silvery Barbs, Fireball, Minor Illusion, Sickening Radiance, Fire Bolt, Jump, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Momentary Stasis, Arcane Recovery, Lucky, Action Surge, Chronal Shift, Cantrip Formulas, Second Wind, Githyanki Psionics: Misty Step, Githyanki Psionics: Jump", "effects": "Ami's Awesomesauce, Haste, Hasted", "description": "Val'trex is a lanky 6'6\" and 195 lbs, with speckled yellow skin, lightly serrated pointed ears, and a black mohawk. His incredibly baroque plate armor is embedded with sapphires, as is the ornate greatsword Draa'zvir slung across his back. His familiar Jez'rathki, a jet-black owl with deep red eyes, is usually perched on his right shoulder.\n\nVal'trex exudes raw confidence, and is rarely seen without a cocky smirk on his face. He knows full well that he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and he loves nothing better than showing off (especially if there's a pretty lady to impress). He frequently uses his natural psionic abilities to perform even simple tasks, his invisible telekinetic mage hand being as much a part of him as his physical ones.\n", "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "DGR1", "hp": "<-4/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Diseased Giant Rat", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Covered in Acid", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}, {"name": "Amity Copperiggs", "hp": "<18/18 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 3", "race": "Custom Lineage", "attacks": "Crossbow, light, Dagger, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Expeditious Retreat, Fire Bolt, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Jump, Ray of Sickness, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Acid Splash", "actions": "Experimental Elixir (Transformation), Experimental Elixir (Flight), Piercer: Reroll Damage, Piercer: Critical Hit, Experimental Elixir (Swiftness), Experimental Elixir (Boldness), Experimental Elixir (Rest), Magical Tinkering, Experimental Elixir (Resilience), The Right Tool for the Job, Experimental Elixir (Spell Slot), Experimental Elixir (Healing), Infuse Item", "effects": "Tasha's Caustic Brew, Diseased", "description": "Gender: Female\n\nAge: 24\n\nRace: Human\n\nAmity is a young woman of 24 years. She exudes confidence, her eyes sparkling with an otherworldy purple gleam as she takes in her surroundings. Her dark black hair cut to her shoulders, gleam with an unusual purple tint to the edges.\n\nWith a lithe physique, standing at 5'6\" and weighing 121lbs, she is not impressively strong, but what she lacks, she makes up in her agility. A life of travel has left her body sufficiently toned, and her mothers kind genetics, giving her a pretty, angular face, her genetically altered eyes, piercing and glowing.\n\nEver the people person, she enjoys life, wearing an armored flowing top and pants, with heavy leather boots, she strides with confidence and bubbly energy.\n\nAnd yet, her extroverted demeanor hides an exceptionally bright intellect she uses every waking moment of her life. \n\nA certifiable genius, Amity has various mechanical devices on her at all times, her most prominent, a large, needle-like apparatus on her left arm, and a pair of purple lensed goggles which sit upon her head. \n\nYet her passion has always been alchemy. Of which, she enhances her own personal physique with frequently. Strange concoctions she keeps a relative secret from her peers, these elixir have enormous potential, yet, to what detriment?\n\nVials dangle from her tough leather belt, and a canister sits at the small of her back, constantly thrumming with arcane power.\n\nAmity enters Briarwood, the next stop on her journey, with a smirk on her lips and a confidence in her step. Knowing exactly where she is, she comes searching, and while she is here, she may aswell rock the great cities walls, and leave a memorable footprint, as the beautiful woman does everywhere she travels!", "controller_id": "163139845568683215"}, {"name": "DM", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "238002176175140051"}], "after_utterances": ["*Having been fully healed, but out of reagents, she walks up the stairs, and... tries to put on a kind smile as she takes the 75gp payment from the Goblin*\n\n\"Those were big rats, and you should throw out the old meat, they are attracting them and causing all sorts of *diseases*\"\n\n*She says through clenched teeth*\n\n\"Where to, Val? And take your potion back, it's yours\"\n\n*Holds it out to him*", "\"You keep it. I don't really need it. I think Isaac gave it to me after I fought in that little fight club if his, and I didn't need it then either.\" *He puts it back in her hand and closes her fingers around it.* \"It's yours now.\"\n\n\"And we're going back to the . Kelly's there. She said she'll heal you.\"", "*Looking like she is about to say something, she holds her tongue and nods, following Val to *"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"Fuck. Okay, I have a friend who might be able to cure it. If not, I'm taking you back to the Druids and I'm paying for it. No objections.\"", "Player 1: *Val deftly shifts the timestream to one in which he did not just accidentally blow up Player 0.*", "Player 1: \"||Can you cast Lesser Restoration? I have someone here who needs it badly. If so, let me know where to meet you.\"||", "Player 1: \"I\u2026 just needed to move you into a timeline that didn't end with your grisly demise.\" *He laughs just a little nervously*", "Player 0 - Mercy: \"Ah... excuse me?\"\n\n*She says, understanding his power*\n\n\"The rats very much didn't cause any grisly death. Although it was close so... thanks\"\n\n*The word seemed to pain her, as she takes a step, she winces in pain, uttering a curse in elvish, and injects herself a second time*"], "before_idxs": [504, 505], "before_state_idx": 496, "command_idxs": [507, 508, 509, 511], "after_state_idx": 509, "after_idxs": [514, 516, 517], "embed_idxs": [510]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["Oops never king rested hang on", "ah that's why one sec ~~doing it not in spell spam because she uses sr to cast goodberry with pact slots and is so much spam~~"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<27/34 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Poof (Spring), Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fire -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Fire Bolt!\nAisling attacked MA1 and hit.\nMA1 took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<3/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<3/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Oops never king rested hang on", "Player 2: ah that's why one sec ~~doing it not in spell spam because she uses sr to cast goodberry with pact slots and is so much spam~~"], "before_idxs": [28, 34], "before_state_idx": 83, "command_idxs": [85, 88, 89, 91], "after_state_idx": 89, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [90]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["oh this thing is icky", "not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<27/34 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Poof (Spring), Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "CS1", "hp": "<35/35 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<27/34 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Poof (Spring), Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast chaos -t c1"], "automation_results": ["Wren casts Chaos Bolt!\nWren attacked CS1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<27/34 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Poof (Spring), Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "CS1", "hp": "<35/35 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "CS1", "hp": "<35/35 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Oops never king rested hang on", "Player 2: ah that's why one sec ~~doing it not in spell spam because she uses sr to cast goodberry with pact slots and is so much spam~~", "Player 2: oh this thing is icky", "Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol"], "before_idxs": [186, 198], "before_state_idx": 203, "command_idxs": [209, 210, 211, 213], "after_state_idx": 211, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [212]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "CS1", "hp": "<35/35 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast chaos hit -i -t cs1"], "automation_results": ["Wren casts Chaos Bolt!\nWren attacked CS1 and hit.\nCS1 took 11 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "CS1", "hp": "<24/35 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "CS1", "hp": "<24/35 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Carrion Stalker", "attacks": "Tentacle, Larval Burst", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Oops never king rested hang on", "Player 2: ah that's why one sec ~~doing it not in spell spam because she uses sr to cast goodberry with pact slots and is so much spam~~", "Player 2: oh this thing is icky", "Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol", "Player 2: oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled"], "before_idxs": [228], "before_state_idx": 231, "command_idxs": [234, 235, 236, 238], "after_state_idx": 236, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [237]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["idk she's ever rolled higher than 10 on anything int related"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fire -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Fire Bolt!\nAisling attacked GH1 and hit.\nGH1 took 12 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<10/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<10/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: ah that's why one sec ~~doing it not in spell spam because she uses sr to cast goodberry with pact slots and is so much spam~~", "Player 2: oh this thing is icky", "Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol", "Player 2: oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled", "Player 2: idk she's ever rolled higher than 10 on anything int related"], "before_idxs": [365], "before_state_idx": 385, "command_idxs": [387, 390, 391, 393], "after_state_idx": 391, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [392]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["sorry was getting food ready"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast chromatic -t 1 -l 2"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Chromatic Orb!\nAisling attacked HH1 and hit.\nHH1 took 21 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: oh this thing is icky", "Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol", "Player 2: oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled", "Player 2: idk she's ever rolled higher than 10 on anything int related", "Player 1: sorry was getting food ready"], "before_idxs": [440], "before_state_idx": 465, "command_idxs": [467, 468, 469, 471], "after_state_idx": 469, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [470]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["!a breath -t wren -t ais"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a breath -t wren -t ais"], "automation_results": ["HH1 unleashes their Fire Breath!\nHH1 gained Fire Breath Used.\nWren rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nWren took 10 damage.\nAisling rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nAisling took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Fire Breath Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<24/45 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Fire Breath Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol", "Player 2: oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled", "Player 2: idk she's ever rolled higher than 10 on anything int related", "Player 1: sorry was getting food ready", "Player 2: !a breath -t wren -t ais"], "before_idxs": [481], "before_state_idx": 479, "command_idxs": [485, 486, 487, 489], "after_state_idx": 487, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [488]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<12/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Fire Breath Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "HH1", "hp": "<12/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hell Hound", "attacks": "Bite, Fire Breath", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Fire Breath Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*you are rolling like absolute shit. avrae what did i do to you*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: not necessarily like monster wise. i just ick at bug/insect things lol", "Player 2: oh no. should not have crit \ud83d\ude2d was an automatic hit i already rolled", "Player 2: idk she's ever rolled higher than 10 on anything int related", "Player 1: sorry was getting food ready", "Player 2: !a breath -t wren -t ais"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 516, "command_idxs": [519, 520, 521, 522, 524], "after_state_idx": 522, "after_idxs": [526], "embed_idxs": [523]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["oops. 3 lvl diff should reroll or no?", "oh uhhhhh up to you lol", "oh rutterkin isnt on map weird", "their just on the same spot lmao"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!a twinned -l 2"], "automation_results": ["Aisling uses Metamagic - Twinned Spell!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *you are rolling like absolute shit. avrae what did i do to you*", "Player 2: oops. 3 lvl diff should reroll or no?", "Player 1: oh uhhhhh up to you lol", "Player 2: oh rutterkin isnt on map weird", "Player 2: their just on the same spot lmao"], "before_idxs": [641, 642, 657, 659], "before_state_idx": 674, "command_idxs": [677, 678, 679, 681], "after_state_idx": 679, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [680]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["*this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<7/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<28/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<7/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<28/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: oops. 3 lvl diff should reroll or no?", "Player 1: oh uhhhhh up to you lol", "Player 2: oh rutterkin isnt on map weird", "Player 2: their just on the same spot lmao", "Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*"], "before_idxs": [731], "before_state_idx": 727, "command_idxs": [737, 738, 739, 740, 742], "after_state_idx": 740, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [741]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<7/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<28/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a convert -l 1"], "automation_results": ["Wren uses Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points)!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "R1", "hp": "<7/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Rutterkin", "attacks": "Immobilizing Fear, Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<28/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: oops. 3 lvl diff should reroll or no?", "Player 1: oh uhhhhh up to you lol", "Player 2: oh rutterkin isnt on map weird", "Player 2: their just on the same spot lmao", "Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 740, "command_idxs": [743, 746, 747, 749], "after_state_idx": 747, "after_idxs": [763], "embed_idxs": [748]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<1/59 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Shocked (No Reactions)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast shock adv -t sth"], "automation_results": ["Wren casts Shocking Grasp!\nWren attacked STHO1 and hit.\nSTHO1 took 9 damage.\nSTHO1 gained Shocked (No Reactions)."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<-8/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Shocked (No Reactions)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "STHO1", "hp": "<-8/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Skeletal Two-Headed Owlbear", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Shocked (No Reactions)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*and uh.. she hasn't cleaned off that shard and chaos is fun so...*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: oh uhhhhh up to you lol", "Player 2: oh rutterkin isnt on map weird", "Player 2: their just on the same spot lmao", "Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*", "Player 2: *dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 836, "command_idxs": [839, 840, 841, 843], "after_state_idx": 841, "after_idxs": [853], "embed_idxs": [842]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["*wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "KVS1", "hp": "<-4/39 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold Vampire Spawn", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "KVS1", "hp": "<-4/39 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold Vampire Spawn", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: their just on the same spot lmao", "Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*", "Player 2: *dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*", "Player 2: *and uh.. she hasn't cleaned off that shard and chaos is fun so...*", "Player 2: *wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***"], "before_idxs": [1077], "before_state_idx": 1072, "command_idxs": [1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1083], "after_state_idx": 1081, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1082]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["1st is 17 and ac17 so hits"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<33/52 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast eldritch -d 5 -f \"Agonizing Blast|When you cast eldritch blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.\" -t kus hit"], "automation_results": ["Wren casts Eldritch Blast!\nWren attacked KUS1 and hit.\nKUS1 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<25/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<25/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*", "Player 2: *dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*", "Player 2: *and uh.. she hasn't cleaned off that shard and chaos is fun so...*", "Player 2: *wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***", "Player 2: 1st is 17 and ac17 so hits"], "before_idxs": [1266], "before_state_idx": 1263, "command_idxs": [1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1272], "after_state_idx": 1270, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1271]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<25/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast missile -i -l 5 -rr 7 -t kus1"], "automation_results": ["Wren casts Magic Missile!\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage.\nKUS1 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<-3/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "KUS1", "hp": "<-3/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Karrnathi Undead Soldier", "attacks": "Longsword (1H), Longsword (2H), Longbow, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "after_utterances": ["*a whole heckin lot of pews*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *this lil shard necklace she picked up in highland is kinda dusty.. achoo!*", "Player 2: *dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*", "Player 2: *and uh.. she hasn't cleaned off that shard and chaos is fun so...*", "Player 2: *wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***", "Player 2: 1st is 17 and ac17 so hits"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1270, "command_idxs": [1278, 1281, 1282, 1284], "after_state_idx": 1282, "after_idxs": [1291], "embed_idxs": [1283]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a tide"], "automation_results": ["Wren uses Tides of Chaos!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "after_utterances": ["*hops and throws rope for ais!*", "*perfect the tab is still open*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *dashes. pretty slowly if imma be honest*", "Player 2: *and uh.. she hasn't cleaned off that shard and chaos is fun so...*", "Player 2: *wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***", "Player 2: 1st is 17 and ac17 so hits", "Player 2: *a whole heckin lot of pews*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1342, "command_idxs": [1357, 1358, 1359, 1361], "after_state_idx": 1359, "after_idxs": [1362, 1379], "embed_idxs": [1360]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "KVS1", "hp": "<30/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold Vampire Spawn", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "KVS1", "hp": "<30/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Kobold Vampire Spawn", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*she wintery, its cold season*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *wren says not today! she may be cold but that doesn't mean there isn't fire in her somewhere. **pew pew***", "Player 2: 1st is 17 and ac17 so hits", "Player 2: *a whole heckin lot of pews*", "Player 2: *hops and throws rope for ais!*", "Player 2: *perfect the tab is still open*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1399, "command_idxs": [1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407], "after_state_idx": 1405, "after_idxs": [1410], "embed_idxs": [1406]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["\"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*", "\"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter), Tides of Chaos", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fire -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Fire Bolt!\nAisling attacked MA1 and hit.\nMA1 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "MA1", "hp": "<5/9 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "MA1", "hp": "<5/9 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Manes", "attacks": "Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *hops and throws rope for ais!*", "Player 2: *perfect the tab is still open*", "Player 2: *she wintery, its cold season*", "Player 2: \"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*", "Player 2: \"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*"], "before_idxs": [1545, 1548], "before_state_idx": 1560, "command_idxs": [1562, 1565, 1566, 1568], "after_state_idx": 1566, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1567]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["okie no worries ~~hes so close to death anyway~~"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "NI1", "hp": "<1/68 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves, Confer Fire Resistance", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "current_actor": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<1/68 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves, Confer Fire Resistance", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a hoov -t wren"], "automation_results": ["NI1 attacks with Hooves!\nNI1 attacked Wren and hit.\nWren took 16 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "NI1", "hp": "<1/68 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves, Confer Fire Resistance", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<34/34 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "NI1", "hp": "<1/68 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Nightmare", "attacks": "Hooves, Confer Fire Resistance", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<33/34 HP; Injured>", "class": "Sorcerer 3/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Light, Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *perfect the tab is still open*", "Player 2: *she wintery, its cold season*", "Player 2: \"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*", "Player 2: \"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*", "Player 2: okie no worries ~~hes so close to death anyway~~"], "before_idxs": [1898], "before_state_idx": 1888, "command_idxs": [1903, 1904, 1905, 1907], "after_state_idx": 1905, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1906]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["no but its any ranged attack, spells inc", "add one level and it says haha *murder*", "oh god which is which"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a life -t ais -rr 2"], "automation_results": ["deathlock attacks with a Life Drain!\ndeathlock attacked Aisling but missed.\n\ndeathlock attacked Aisling but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<37/37 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: \"Here! Take some berries, looks like you're running out.\" *pushes an assortment of different and brightly coloured berries into aisling's hands*", "Player 2: okie no worries ~~hes so close to death anyway~~", "Player 2: no but its any ranged attack, spells inc", "Player 2: add one level and it says haha *murder*", "Player 2: oh god which is which"], "before_idxs": [1999, 2121, 2135], "before_state_idx": 2146, "command_idxs": [2158, 2159, 2160, 2162], "after_state_idx": 2160, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2161]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["*she sneezed so hard it all fell out!!*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<6/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<13/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<6/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<13/37 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: okie no worries ~~hes so close to death anyway~~", "Player 2: no but its any ranged attack, spells inc", "Player 2: add one level and it says haha *murder*", "Player 2: oh god which is which", "Player 2: *she sneezed so hard it all fell out!!*"], "before_idxs": [2243], "before_state_idx": 2234, "command_idxs": [2244, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2249], "after_state_idx": 2247, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2248]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<0/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<1/37 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<1/37 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a jav -t ais vuln"], "automation_results": ["warrior attacks with a Javelin!\nwarrior attacked Aisling but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<1/37 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "deathlock", "hp": "<0/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "\u200e Deathlock Wight", "attacks": "Life Drain, Grave Bolt", "spells": "Hold Person, Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Fear, Detect Magic", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<1/37 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*shitty aim. he's too distracted by the girl who's sneezed like 5 times in 6 seconds and now has no hair*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: okie no worries ~~hes so close to death anyway~~", "Player 2: no but its any ranged attack, spells inc", "Player 2: add one level and it says haha *murder*", "Player 2: oh god which is which", "Player 2: *she sneezed so hard it all fell out!!*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 2296, "command_idxs": [2313, 2314, 2315, 2317], "after_state_idx": 2315, "after_idxs": [2318], "embed_idxs": [2316]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["`Fuck!! Ais I'm so sorry. Oh gods are you okay??`"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<-7/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a bless -amt 3"], "automation_results": ["Wren uses Bless you!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<-7/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["`I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It shouldn't have..fuck. I'm.. fine, physically anyway. Um, definitely very overwhelmed.` *Wren is.. a bit of a mess right now. She is actively trying to blink back tears and lifts her hand to run it through her hair only to find none. Instead she wraps the arm across herself to anxiously grip the one opposite.*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: add one level and it says haha *murder*", "Player 2: oh god which is which", "Player 2: *she sneezed so hard it all fell out!!*", "Player 2: *shitty aim. he's too distracted by the girl who's sneezed like 5 times in 6 seconds and now has no hair*", "Player 2: `Fuck!! Ais I'm so sorry. Oh gods are you okay??`"], "before_idxs": [2385], "before_state_idx": 2382, "command_idxs": [2386, 2387, 2388, 2390], "after_state_idx": 2388, "after_idxs": [2396], "embed_idxs": [2389]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["*she takes a few breaths while their gazes are locked, just going over what Aisling had said.* `You're okay. We both are.` *she exhales and a bit of the tension starts to leave her body.* `Can we get out of here? Please?`", "*She nods and quickly kisses Wren\u2019s cheek* `Come on I\u2019ll even carry you out\u2026get you fed and we can go cuddle and watch the sunset if you\u2019re up for it ~~because my brain says sunset so there~~`", "*she blushes a bit at the kiss and only gets further flustered.* `That all sounds really nice. But um, you don't have to carry me. My legs work okay\u2026you're the one that just got hit by literal chaos.` *she bites her lip, still a bit worried.*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<-7/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a knowledge"], "automation_results": ["Aisling uses Knowledge from a Past Life!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "warrior", "hp": "<-7/37 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Dread Warrior", "attacks": "Battleaxe (1H), Battleaxe (2H), Javelin, Undead Fortitude", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*Aisling shakes her head and crouches in front of Wren, wiggling her hands to get her to crawl on* `I\u2019m fine. Now get up here before you make me sad.`", "`That's not fair. You know I can't-` *she stops, and pouts, realizing she had no chance of winning this one. making an exasperated noise, she climbs up onto Aisling's back and wraps around her like a koala.*", "*She struggles to get up a little but wraps her arms around Wren\u2019s thighs and holds her tightly, starting to walk out* `Watch from our room? The window by the bed has a really nice view.`", "`Really? I hadn't noticed. Okay, yeah.` *she nods against her and tries her hardest to be easy to carry, *"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: `Fuck!! Ais I'm so sorry. Oh gods are you okay??`", "Player 2: `I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It shouldn't have..fuck. I'm.. fine, physically anyway. Um, definitely very overwhelmed.` *Wren is.. a bit of a mess right now. She is actively trying to blink back tears and lifts her hand to run it through her hair only to find none. Instead she wraps the arm across herself to anxiously grip the one opposite.*", "Player 2: *she takes a few breaths while their gazes are locked, just going over what Aisling had said.* `You're okay. We both are.` *she exhales and a bit of the tension starts to leave her body.* `Can we get out of here? Please?`", "Player 1: *She nods and quickly kisses Wren\u2019s cheek* `Come on I\u2019ll even carry you out\u2026get you fed and we can go cuddle and watch the sunset if you\u2019re up for it ~~because my brain says sunset so there~~`", "Player 2: *she blushes a bit at the kiss and only gets further flustered.* `That all sounds really nice. But um, you don't have to carry me. My legs work okay\u2026you're the one that just got hit by literal chaos.` *she bites her lip, still a bit worried.*"], "before_idxs": [2398, 2399, 2400], "before_state_idx": 2392, "command_idxs": [2406, 2407, 2408, 2410], "after_state_idx": 2408, "after_idxs": [2412, 2413, 2414, 2415], "embed_idxs": [2409]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["sorry! one sec am helping someone with avrae", "~~*why did you get a book there are so many open resources online*~~", "I can absolutely respect that. normally am too\nI'm used to needing to buy insanely pricey textbooks and have just loved that most of my csci ones at least are open source online"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite -t wren"], "automation_results": ["GH1 attacks with a Bite!\nGH1 attacked Wren but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *She struggles to get up a little but wraps her arms around Wren\u2019s thighs and holds her tightly, starting to walk out* `Watch from our room? The window by the bed has a really nice view.`", "Player 2: `Really? I hadn't noticed. Okay, yeah.` *she nods against her and tries her hardest to be easy to carry, *", "Player 2: sorry! one sec am helping someone with avrae", "Player 2: ~~*why did you get a book there are so many open resources online*~~", "Player 2: I can absolutely respect that. normally am too\nI'm used to needing to buy insanely pricey textbooks and have just loved that most of my csci ones at least are open source online"], "before_idxs": [2459, 2491, 2496], "before_state_idx": 2484, "command_idxs": [2511, 2512, 2513, 2514, 2516], "after_state_idx": 2514, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2515]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["i suck at placing circles but it's leftmost is touching them"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast hunger of hadar -t 1 -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Hunger of Hadar!\nAisling gained Hadar's Hunger.\nGH1 gained Blinded (Hunger of Hadar).\nSWW1 gained Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Spread the Hunger of Hadar, Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hunger of Hadar, Hadar's Hunger", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<22/22 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<45/45 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Spread the Hunger of Hadar, Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hunger of Hadar, Hadar's Hunger", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: `Really? I hadn't noticed. Okay, yeah.` *she nods against her and tries her hardest to be easy to carry, *", "Player 2: sorry! one sec am helping someone with avrae", "Player 2: ~~*why did you get a book there are so many open resources online*~~", "Player 2: I can absolutely respect that. normally am too\nI'm used to needing to buy insanely pricey textbooks and have just loved that most of my csci ones at least are open source online", "Player 1: i suck at placing circles but it's leftmost is touching them"], "before_idxs": [2551], "before_state_idx": 2542, "command_idxs": [2552, 2557, 2558, 2560], "after_state_idx": 2558, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2559]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["*she sneezes real hard and her hair falls out again*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<21/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Spread the Hunger of Hadar, Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hunger of Hadar, Hadar's Hunger", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GH1", "hp": "<9/22 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ghoul", "attacks": "Bite, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "SWW1", "hp": "<21/45 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Sword Wraith Warrior", "attacks": "2 Handed Battleaxe, Battleaxe, Longbow", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Blinded (Hunger of Hadar)", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Spread the Hunger of Hadar, Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Hunger of Hadar, Hadar's Hunger", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: sorry! one sec am helping someone with avrae", "Player 2: ~~*why did you get a book there are so many open resources online*~~", "Player 2: I can absolutely respect that. normally am too\nI'm used to needing to buy insanely pricey textbooks and have just loved that most of my csci ones at least are open source online", "Player 1: i suck at placing circles but it's leftmost is touching them", "Player 2: *she sneezes real hard and her hair falls out again*"], "before_idxs": [2605], "before_state_idx": 2601, "command_idxs": [2606, 2607, 2608, 2609, 2611], "after_state_idx": 2609, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2610]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "double doubles but same attack so only one? or?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<43/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "IS1", "hp": "<-20/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Indentured Spirit", "attacks": "Withering Touch", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a force -f \"Feywild Shard Attunement| When you use a Metamagic option on a spell while you are holding or wearing the shard, you can roll on the Wild Magic Surge table.\""], "automation_results": ["Wren uses Wild Magic Surge (Force)!\nWren gained Wild Reincarnation."], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<43/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "IS1", "hp": "<-20/13 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Indentured Spirit", "attacks": "Withering Touch", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: I can absolutely respect that. normally am too\nI'm used to needing to buy insanely pricey textbooks and have just loved that most of my csci ones at least are open source online", "Player 1: i suck at placing circles but it's leftmost is touching them", "Player 2: *she sneezes real hard and her hair falls out again*", "Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?"], "before_idxs": [2855, 2856], "before_state_idx": 2849, "command_idxs": [2864, 2865, 2866, 2867, 2869], "after_state_idx": 2867, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2868]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": ["you have to do it out of combat too...", "so. hair gone. will reincarnate if die. and is just having a sneezing attack", "so that's 10 rounds of it"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<43/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!a twinned -l 3"], "automation_results": ["Aisling uses Metamagic - Twinned Spell!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<43/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<26/26 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "Player 1: you have to do it out of combat too...", "Player 2: so. hair gone. will reincarnate if die. and is just having a sneezing attack", "Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it"], "before_idxs": [2884, 2885, 2898], "before_state_idx": 2909, "command_idxs": [2915, 2916, 2917, 2919], "after_state_idx": 2917, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2918]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["*backed up a bit and go zoom*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<26/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<11/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<26/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a claw -t ais"], "automation_results": ["DS1 attacks with a Claw!\nDS1 attacked Aisling but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<26/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<26/51 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<11/26 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "Player 1: you have to do it out of combat too...", "Player 2: so. hair gone. will reincarnate if die. and is just having a sneezing attack", "Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it", "Player 2: *backed up a bit and go zoom*"], "before_idxs": [2941], "before_state_idx": 2931, "command_idxs": [2945, 2946, 2947, 2948, 2950], "after_state_idx": 2948, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2949]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<34/39 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 4", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<-1/26 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!a sneeze"], "automation_results": ["Wren might sneeze!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "BO1", "hp": "<-1/26 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Boneless", "attacks": "Slam, Crushing Embrace, Crush", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["*she's running out of kleenex*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: double doubles but same attack so only one? or?", "Player 1: you have to do it out of combat too...", "Player 2: so. hair gone. will reincarnate if die. and is just having a sneezing attack", "Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it", "Player 2: *backed up a bit and go zoom*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3037, "command_idxs": [3052, 3053, 3054, 3055, 3057], "after_state_idx": 3055, "after_idxs": [3058], "embed_idxs": [3056]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast ray -t fl1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Ray of Frost!\nAisling gained Frosty Ray.\nAisling attacked FL1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Frosty Ray", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Frosty Ray", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["she's distracted by wren sneezing and poofing"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: you have to do it out of combat too...", "Player 2: so. hair gone. will reincarnate if die. and is just having a sneezing attack", "Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it", "Player 2: *backed up a bit and go zoom*", "Player 2: *she's running out of kleenex*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3091, "command_idxs": [3100, 3101, 3102, 3104], "after_state_idx": 3102, "after_idxs": [3110], "embed_idxs": [3103]} {"speaker_id": "645474316434980766", "before_utterances": ["mm that's only to damage though\ndoes sheet say anything about condition?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Frosty Ray, Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stench Spray Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite dis -t ais"], "automation_results": ["DS1 attacks with a Bite!\nDS1 attacked Aisling but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Frosty Ray, Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Frosty Ray, Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stench Spray Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "DS1", "hp": "<9/51 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Dinosaur Skeleton", "attacks": "Bite, Claw, Pounce", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "FL2", "hp": "<7/7 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it", "Player 2: *backed up a bit and go zoom*", "Player 2: *she's running out of kleenex*", "Player 2: she's distracted by wren sneezing and poofing", "Player 2: mm that's only to damage though\ndoes sheet say anything about condition?"], "before_idxs": [3149], "before_state_idx": 3153, "command_idxs": [3166, 3167, 3168, 3169, 3171], "after_state_idx": 3169, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [3170]} {"speaker_id": "753313111965843135", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<2/7 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stench Spray Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast chaos -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Aisling casts Chaos Bolt!\nAisling attacked FL1 and hit.\nFL1 took 5 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-3/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stench Spray Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Wren", "hp": "<40/40 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Sorcerer 4/Warlock 2", "race": "Eladrin", "attacks": "Chance, Chaos, Luck, Unarmed Strike, Orb of Shielding, change seasons, sneeze, Tides of Chaos, Poison Pistol2, Poison Bullets", "spells": "Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Chaos Bolt, Blur, Sacred Flame, Scorching Ray, Gust, Shocking Grasp, Guiding Bolt, Shield, Message, Silvery Barbs, Guidance, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Hellish Rebuke, Chill Touch, Light, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, , Armor of Shadows, Fey Step, Wild Magic Surge (Force), Gunner, Agonizing Blast, Bless you, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Convert Sorcery Points (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell, Wild Magic Surge (Roll), Convert Sorcery Points (Create Spell Slot), Floof (Winter)", "effects": "Mage Armor, Bald, Wild Reincarnation, Surging, Surge - Flametouch", "description": "*Standing at 5' 1\", Wren is a small and overconfident eladrin. She has chin-length pink hair and blue eyes that hold a glean of mischief and magic. She smells faintly of lilies and the morning dew.*\n\n*The spritely girl never turns down a bet and seeks chaos out to a fault. She quite often seems to sniffle and squinch her nose, especially when she is casting magic.*", "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Map", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": null, "attacks": "map", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "map", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}, {"name": "Aisling", "hp": "<39/46 HP; Injured>", "class": "Cleric 1/Sorcerer 5", "race": "Reborn", "attacks": "Feeling, Thought, Unarmed Strike, hear you", "spells": "Mage Armor, Prestidigitation, Chaos Bolt, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Sending, Spare the Dying, Faerie Fire, Shocking Grasp, Calm Emotions, Inflict Wounds, Hunger of Hadar, Ray of Frost, Dissonant Whispers, Toll the Dead, Guidance, Chromatic Orb, Sleep, Goodberry, Minor Illusion, Flaming Sphere, Detect Thoughts, Chill Touch, Druidcraft, Fire Bolt, Bless, Healing Word, Lightning Bolt, Mind Sliver, Arms of Hadar", "actions": "Sorcery Points, Eyes of Night, Knowledge from a Past Life, Flexible Casting (Create Spell Slot), Vigilant Blessing, Magical Guidance, Metamagic - Quickened Spell, Telepathic Speech, Flexible Casting (Create Sorcery Points), Metamagic - Twinned Spell", "effects": "Poisoned", "description": "Aisling is a relatively petite woman; standing at 5\u2019 2\u201d and with a thin frame. Her short hair is always a bit of a mess and kept in two tiny braids that barely manage to contain it. Her skin is icy cold to the touch, making her appear even more pale. The most striking feature are her vibrant blue eyes, her gaze striking. \n\nHer arms are decorated with tattoos from her shoulders to her wrists that cycle between black, purple, and blue anytime she casts spells or uses any magic.", "controller_id": "753313111965843135"}, {"name": "FL1", "hp": "<-3/7 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Flumph", "attacks": "Tendrils, Stench Spray", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Stench Spray Used", "description": null, "controller_id": "645474316434980766"}], "after_utterances": ["it says disregard subsequent ones of this", "*someone get her a reactine*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: so that's 10 rounds of it", "Player 2: *backed up a bit and go zoom*", "Player 2: *she's running out of kleenex*", "Player 2: she's distracted by wren sneezing and poofing", "Player 2: mm that's only to damage though\ndoes sheet say anything about condition?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3261, "command_idxs": [3267, 3268, 3269, 3271], "after_state_idx": 3269, "after_idxs": [3290, 3351], "embed_idxs": [3270]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["Serena and Star go to the mountains"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a sing -t serena -t star"], "automation_results": ["HA2 sings a Luring Song!\nSerena Malkorin rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n\nStar rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Serena and Star go to the mountains"], "before_idxs": [1], "before_state_idx": 88, "command_idxs": [90, 93, 94, 96], "after_state_idx": 94, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [95]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(You can't get all 4 >_>", "(Yee I got em XD", "(Uh. I guess you can."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<24/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 2 -t 3"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nWY2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY2 took 7 damage.\nWY3 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY3 took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY2", "hp": "<45/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<45/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<81/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<45/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<82/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<-34/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<45/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Serena and Star go to the mountains", "Player 1: (You can't get all 4 >_>", "Player 0: (Yee I got em XD", "Player 1: (Uh. I guess you can."], "before_idxs": [447, 455, 456], "before_state_idx": 438, "command_idxs": [457, 458, 459, 461], "after_state_idx": 459, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [460]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Nvm, i thought i remembered something."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<69/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<-28/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<67/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast firebolt -t WY1 -d1 1d8 -f \"Arcane Firearm|You know how to turn a wand, staff, or rod into an arcane firearm, a conduit for your destructive spells. When you finish a long rest, you can use woodcarver\u2019s tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff, or rod and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely.\n\nYou can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell\u2019s damage rolls equal to the number rolled\""], "automation_results": ["Star casts Fire Bolt!\nStar attacked WY1 and hit.\nWY1 took 18 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<51/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<51/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<-28/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<67/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: Serena and Star go to the mountains", "Player 1: (You can't get all 4 >_>", "Player 0: (Yee I got em XD", "Player 1: (Uh. I guess you can.", "Player 1: (Nvm, i thought i remembered something."], "before_idxs": [644], "before_state_idx": 651, "command_idxs": [656, 657, 660, 661, 663], "after_state_idx": 661, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [662]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Use can add -amt # to auto fix your hp when you cast it"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<51/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<-28/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<67/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 1"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nWY1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY1 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<36/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<36/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<-28/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<67/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<40/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (You can't get all 4 >_>", "Player 0: (Yee I got em XD", "Player 1: (Uh. I guess you can.", "Player 1: (Nvm, i thought i remembered something.", "Player 1: (Use can add -amt # to auto fix your hp when you cast it"], "before_idxs": [666], "before_state_idx": 661, "command_idxs": [667, 668, 669, 671], "after_state_idx": 669, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [670]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["~~note to self, become proficient with wisdom saves on my next feat~~"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<30/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 5"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nHA5 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA5 took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HA5", "hp": "<-5/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<-5/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<-28/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-28/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<-36/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Yee I got em XD", "Player 1: (Uh. I guess you can.", "Player 1: (Nvm, i thought i remembered something.", "Player 1: (Use can add -amt # to auto fix your hp when you cast it", "Player 1: ~~note to self, become proficient with wisdom saves on my next feat~~"], "before_idxs": [902], "before_state_idx": 894, "command_idxs": [906, 907, 908, 910], "after_state_idx": 908, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [909]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(WE ARE NOT CHASING THE DRAGON", "(I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a knack"], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin uses Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Nvm, i thought i remembered something.", "Player 1: (Use can add -amt # to auto fix your hp when you cast it", "Player 1: ~~note to self, become proficient with wisdom saves on my next feat~~", "Player 1: (WE ARE NOT CHASING THE DRAGON", "Player 1: (I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU"], "before_idxs": [1014, 1020], "before_state_idx": 926, "command_idxs": [1047, 1048, 1049, 1051], "after_state_idx": 1049, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1050]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I just pulled them up", "(You can't damage them sadly", "(It doesn't say that it's Adamantine bludgeoning"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!a Caldabolg"], "automation_results": ["Nirvi attacks with a Caldabolg!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Nirvi", "hp": "<176/244 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 14/Paladin 6", "race": "Centaur", "attacks": "Caldabolg, 2-Handed Caldabolg, Hew, 2-Handed Hew, Hiccup, 2-Handed Hiccup, Holy Avenger Longsword, 2-Handed Holy Avenger Longsword, Klein, Snake, 2-Handed Snake, Stetchen, Unarmed Strike, Charge, Hooves, Molten Spray, Mizzium Bombard, Force Breath, Magic Bean Egg, Gnomengarde Fire , Gnomengarde thunder, Iron Flask Absorption, Acid Jet, Fire Jet, Frost Shot, Lightning Shot", "spells": "Heroism, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Divine Favor, Spare the Dying, Shield of Faith, Thunderous Smite, Protection from Evil and Good, Magic Weapon, Cure Wounds, Enhance Ability, Guidance", "actions": "Storm Rune, Aura of Protection, Shield Master Shove, Divine Smite, Lay on Hands (Cleanse), Harness Divine Power, Giant's Might, Fire Rune, Runic Shield, Action Surge, Second Wind, Cloud Rune, Indomitable, Channel Divinity, Shield Master Evasion, Channel Divinity: Inspiring Smite, Extra Attack, Divine Sense, Channel Divinity: Peerless Athlete, Lay on Hands, Hill Rune", "effects": "", "description": "Nirvi is an 8'1\" centauress adorned in silver plate mail and a black dress that goes almost to her knees. Her ears are usually flicking around, paying attention to her surroundings as she carries out her knightly duties. She lugs around a green tinted sword with a snake shaped handle, a battleaxe, a Morningstar, a flail and a sword named Mondstein made entirely out of a pearly white ore. She has 4 strange tubes on her person, 2 on each side strapped to her saddlebags.", "controller_id": "0"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (WE ARE NOT CHASING THE DRAGON", "Player 1: (I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU", "Player 1: (I just pulled them up", "Player 1: (You can't damage them sadly", "Player 1: (It doesn't say that it's Adamantine bludgeoning"], "before_idxs": [1122, 1126, 1129], "before_state_idx": 1106, "command_idxs": [1138, 1139, 1140, 1143], "after_state_idx": 1140, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1141]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(I tried my fight XD", "(I'll continue it later with further research :p"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<85/85 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fireball -t SD1 -t SD2 -t ET1 -t ET2 -d1 1d8 -f \"Arcane Firearm|You know how to turn a wand, staff, or rod into an arcane firearm, a conduit for your destructive spells. When you finish a long rest, you can use woodcarver\u2019s tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff, or rod and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely.\n\nYou can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell\u2019s damage rolls equal to the number rolled\""], "automation_results": ["Star casts Fireball!\nSD1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nSD1 took 36 damage.\nSD2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nSD2 took 36 damage.\nET1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nET1 took 36 damage.\nET2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nET2 took 36 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SD1", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (I just pulled them up", "Player 1: (You can't damage them sadly", "Player 1: (It doesn't say that it's Adamantine bludgeoning", "Player 0: (I tried my fight XD", "Player 0: (I'll continue it later with further research :p"], "before_idxs": [1154, 1155], "before_state_idx": 1140, "command_idxs": [1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1161], "after_state_idx": 1159, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1160]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Star: *encounters stone defender*\nStone defender :*immune to the tower*\nStar: :VaggieAngy:"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<16/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t SD1 -t SD2"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nSD1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nSD1 took 7 damage.\nSD2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nSD2 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SD1", "hp": "<9/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<9/52 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (You can't damage them sadly", "Player 1: (It doesn't say that it's Adamantine bludgeoning", "Player 0: (I tried my fight XD", "Player 0: (I'll continue it later with further research :p", "Player 1: (Star: *encounters stone defender*\nStone defender :*immune to the tower*\nStar: :VaggieAngy:"], "before_idxs": [1162], "before_state_idx": 1159, "command_idxs": [1163, 1164, 1165, 1167], "after_state_idx": 1165, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1166]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(Ah still only would been my first"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<-10/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a slam -t star"], "automation_results": ["SD2 attacks with a Slam!\nSD2 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 7 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<2/52 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<-10/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (It doesn't say that it's Adamantine bludgeoning", "Player 0: (I tried my fight XD", "Player 0: (I'll continue it later with further research :p", "Player 1: (Star: *encounters stone defender*\nStone defender :*immune to the tower*\nStar: :VaggieAngy:", "Player 1: (Ah still only would been my first"], "before_idxs": [1201], "before_state_idx": 1204, "command_idxs": [1206, 1207, 1208, 1210], "after_state_idx": 1208, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1209]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I may have found a bat race that might get approved for homebrew"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<35/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<-12/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<35/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a axe -t serena"], "automation_results": ["ET1 attacks with a Battleaxe!\nET1 attacked Serena Malkorin and crit!\nSerena Malkorin took 20 damage.", "ET1 attacks with a Battleaxe!\nET1 attacked Serena Malkorin and hit.\nSerena Malkorin took 20 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<35/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<49/85 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<35/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD2", "hp": "<-12/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (I tried my fight XD", "Player 0: (I'll continue it later with further research :p", "Player 1: (Star: *encounters stone defender*\nStone defender :*immune to the tower*\nStar: :VaggieAngy:", "Player 1: (Ah still only would been my first", "Player 1: (I may have found a bat race that might get approved for homebrew"], "before_idxs": [1281], "before_state_idx": 1275, "command_idxs": [1282, 1283, 1284, 1286, 1288, 1289, 1291, 1293, 1294, 1295], "after_state_idx": 1293, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1285, 1285]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<25/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<-25/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a rifle -d +3 -b +3 -desc \"+3 Ammo\" -t et2 -b -5 -d 10 -f \"Sharpshooter|Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage\" dis"], "automation_results": ["Star attacks with a Rifle, Hunting, +2!\nStar attacked ET2 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<25/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<25/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<-25/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Gow do I add plus 3 to my attack?", "Player 0: (So where do I put that xD", "Player 1: (Just run that real quick to get it as a snippet", "Player 1: `!a rifle am3 -t et2`", "Player 1: (And whatever other snippets you use"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1335, "command_idxs": [1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1417], "after_state_idx": 1415, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1416]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<25/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<-25/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!a lucky"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Lucky!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "ET2", "hp": "<25/85 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "ET1", "hp": "<-25/85 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Ettin", "attacks": "Battleaxe, Morningstar", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*puts gun in its face*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Gow do I add plus 3 to my attack?", "Player 0: (So where do I put that xD", "Player 1: (Just run that real quick to get it as a snippet", "Player 1: `!a rifle am3 -t et2`", "Player 1: (And whatever other snippets you use"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1415, "command_idxs": [1418, 1419, 1420, 1422], "after_state_idx": 1420, "after_idxs": [1424], "embed_idxs": [1421]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<74/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 1 -t 2"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nGR1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nGR1 took 17 damage.\nGR2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nGR2 took 17 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GR1", "hp": "<17/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<17/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GR4", "hp": "<34/59 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<77/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<17/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<17/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<9/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Just run that real quick to get it as a snippet", "Player 1: `!a rifle am3 -t et2`", "Player 1: (And whatever other snippets you use", "Player 0: *puts gun in its face*", "Player 1: (I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards"], "before_idxs": [1616], "before_state_idx": 1600, "command_idxs": [1617, 1618, 1619, 1621], "after_state_idx": 1619, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1620]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I think you spoke too soon"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blaze -t 1 -rr 2 -f \"Steady Aim|As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven\u2019t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.\" adv1 -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -criton 19 -f \"Butcher's Apron|This black leather apron is perpetually covered by blood, even after being washed off. You gain the following benefits while wearing the apron:\nOnce per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice. If you do so, you must use the second total.\nYour weapon attacks that deal slashing damage score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.\""], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin attacks with a Blazefury!\nSerena Malkorin attacked WY1 and hit.\nWY1 took 37 damage.\nSerena Malkorin attacked WY1 but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<73/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<73/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: `!a rifle am3 -t et2`", "Player 1: (And whatever other snippets you use", "Player 0: *puts gun in its face*", "Player 1: (I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards", "Player 1: (I think you spoke too soon"], "before_idxs": [1789], "before_state_idx": 1804, "command_idxs": [1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1814], "after_state_idx": 1812, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1813]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Wanna just hide in the fort?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<73/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 1 -t 2"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nWY1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nWY1 took 7 damage.\nWY2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY2 took 14 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<-4/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<26/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<66/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<40/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<-4/110 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<26/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<40/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (And whatever other snippets you use", "Player 0: *puts gun in its face*", "Player 1: (I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards", "Player 1: (I think you spoke too soon", "Player 1: (Wanna just hide in the fort?"], "before_idxs": [1824], "before_state_idx": 1818, "command_idxs": [1826, 1827, 1828, 1830], "after_state_idx": 1828, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1829]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(There's one still alive silly"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<55/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<19/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<19/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"4c9167\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["WY4 attacks with a Bite!\nWY4 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 12 damage.", "WY4 attacks with a Bite!\nWY4 attacked Star and crit!\nStar took 20 damage.\nStar rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nStar took 0 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<19/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<55/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "WY4", "hp": "<19/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: *puts gun in its face*", "Player 1: (I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards", "Player 1: (I think you spoke too soon", "Player 1: (Wanna just hide in the fort?", "Player 1: (There's one still alive silly"], "before_idxs": [1948], "before_state_idx": 1964, "command_idxs": [1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984], "after_state_idx": 1980, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1972, 1972]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["*drags star off somewhere else"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a song -t star -t serena"], "automation_results": ["HA3 sings a Luring Song!\nStar rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n\nSerena Malkorin rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nSerena Malkorin gained Incapacitated (Charmed)."], "caster_after": {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<32/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (I decided that if there was a way to avoid the combat there wouldn't be rewards", "Player 1: (I think you spoke too soon", "Player 1: (Wanna just hide in the fort?", "Player 1: (There's one still alive silly", "Player 1: *drags star off somewhere else"], "before_idxs": [2073], "before_state_idx": 2092, "command_idxs": [2099, 2100, 2101, 2103], "after_state_idx": 2101, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2102]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Am I able to shield?", "(For the second attack you are"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast shield"], "automation_results": ["Star casts Shield!\nStar gained Shield."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed), Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<32/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed), Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Wanna just hide in the fort?", "Player 1: (There's one still alive silly", "Player 1: *drags star off somewhere else", "Player 0: (Am I able to shield?", "Player 1: (For the second attack you are"], "before_idxs": [2150, 2151], "before_state_idx": 2141, "command_idxs": [2152, 2153, 2154, 2156], "after_state_idx": 2154, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2155]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(Pretty sure this one sang at you before"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<42/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a club -t serena"], "automation_results": ["HA6 attacks with a Club!\nHA6 attacked Serena Malkorin and crit!\nSerena Malkorin took 7 damage.", "HA6 attacks with a Club!\nHA6 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<32/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (There's one still alive silly", "Player 1: *drags star off somewhere else", "Player 0: (Am I able to shield?", "Player 1: (For the second attack you are", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one sang at you before"], "before_idxs": [2261], "before_state_idx": 2256, "command_idxs": [2262, 2263, 2264, 2266, 2267, 2268, 2270, 2272, 2273, 2274], "after_state_idx": 2272, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2265, 2265]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I've lost track of what has and hasn't used the song", "(Pretty sure this one clubbed last time?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<7/38 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-15/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<32/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<2/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<2/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a song -t star -t serena"], "automation_results": ["HA4 sings a Luring Song!\nStar rolled a Wisdom save but failed.\nStar gained Incapacitated (Charmed).\nSerena Malkorin rolled a Wisdom save and succeeded.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<2/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<32/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA3", "hp": "<7/38 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-15/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<29/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Incapacitated (Charmed)", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<2/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Am I able to shield?", "Player 1: (For the second attack you are", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one sang at you before", "Player 1: (I've lost track of what has and hasn't used the song", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one clubbed last time?"], "before_idxs": [2315, 2319], "before_state_idx": 2313, "command_idxs": [2321, 2322, 2323, 2325], "after_state_idx": 2323, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2324]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "HA6", "hp": "<3/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<-8/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<29/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blaze -t ha6 -f \"Steady Aim|As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven\u2019t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.\" adv1 -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -criton 19 -f \"Butcher's Apron|This black leather apron is perpetually covered by blood, even after being washed off. You gain the following benefits while wearing the apron:\nOnce per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice. If you do so, you must use the second total.\nYour weapon attacks that deal slashing damage score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.\" -d 2d8[fire] -dtype fire>\"magical fire\"\n-f \"Green-Flame Blade | On a hit, the target takes the weapons normal effect plus takes 2d8 fire damage, and you can cause green flames to leap from the target to a different creature you can see within 5ft and that creature takes 2d8+ casting modifer fire damage.\" \n-title \"Serena Malkorin casts Green-Flame Blade with [aname]!\""], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin casts Green-Flame Blade with a Blazefury!\nSerena Malkorin attacked HA6 and hit.\nHA6 took 47 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-44/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-44/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<-8/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<29/91 HP; Bloodied>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["\"You sure? We're getting good gold here\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Am I able to shield?", "Player 1: (For the second attack you are", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one sang at you before", "Player 1: (I've lost track of what has and hasn't used the song", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one clubbed last time?"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 2420, "command_idxs": [2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2433], "after_state_idx": 2431, "after_idxs": [2507], "embed_idxs": [2432]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Looks like we can be right at the mountains from Keldor without traveling", "*wingull lands on Serena and gives a nuzzle*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<100/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 1 -t 4 -t 6"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nHA1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA1 took 15 damage.\nHA4 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA4 took 15 damage.\nHA6 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA6 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<20/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-14/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<1/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<20/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*wingull does awesome matrix dodge moves on Serenas head*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (I've lost track of what has and hasn't used the song", "Player 1: (Pretty sure this one clubbed last time?", "Player 1: \"You sure? We're getting good gold here\"", "Player 1: (Looks like we can be right at the mountains from Keldor without traveling", "Player 3: *wingull lands on Serena and gives a nuzzle*"], "before_idxs": [2517, 2521], "before_state_idx": 2544, "command_idxs": [2552, 2553, 2554, 2556], "after_state_idx": 2554, "after_idxs": [2564], "embed_idxs": [2555]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(Jk, I think we can make all it tonight", "(Wait I don't get adv", "(That's a 9 for me"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"dd90f7\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n", "GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<103/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *wingull lands on Serena and gives a nuzzle*", "Player 3: *wingull does awesome matrix dodge moves on Serenas head*", "Player 1: (Jk, I think we can make all it tonight", "Player 1: (Wait I don't get adv", "Player 1: (That's a 9 for me"], "before_idxs": [2686, 2701, 2702], "before_state_idx": 2716, "command_idxs": [2721, 2722, 2724, 2725, 2726, 2728, 2729, 2730, 2732, 2734, 2735, 2737, 2738], "after_state_idx": 2734, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2727, 2727]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<12/59 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<-3/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a rifle -d +3 -b +3 -desc \"+3 Ammo\" -t 2"], "automation_results": ["Star attacks with a Rifle, Hunting, +2!\nStar attacked GR2 and hit.\nGR2 took 17 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<-5/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<-5/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<-3/59 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<103/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["\"Itll go back to you regardless\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *wingull lands on Serena and gives a nuzzle*", "Player 3: *wingull does awesome matrix dodge moves on Serenas head*", "Player 1: (Jk, I think we can make all it tonight", "Player 1: (Wait I don't get adv", "Player 1: (That's a 9 for me"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 2823, "command_idxs": [2826, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2831], "after_state_idx": 2829, "after_idxs": [2873], "embed_idxs": [2830]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["*drags star in the other direction*", "(I assume we don't wanna deal with it?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"f2d169\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["WY2 attacks with a Bite!\nWY2 attacked Serena Malkorin and hit.\nSerena Malkorin took 9 damage.", "WY2 attacks with a Bite!\nWY2 attacked Serena Malkorin and hit.\nSerena Malkorin took 12 damage.\nSerena Malkorin rolled a Constitution save and succeeded.\nSerena Malkorin took 0 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<103/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Wait I don't get adv", "Player 1: (That's a 9 for me", "Player 3: \"Itll go back to you regardless\"", "Player 1: *drags star in the other direction*", "Player 1: (I assume we don't wanna deal with it?"], "before_idxs": [2885, 2904], "before_state_idx": 2923, "command_idxs": [2925, 2926, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2932, 2933, 2934, 2936, 2938, 2939, 2941, 2942], "after_state_idx": 2938, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2931, 2931]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Yes but only for the first rank because they don't have ages", "(Yee I am fine with that XD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 1 -t 2"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nWY1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY1 took 8 damage.\nWY2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nWY2 took 8 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<102/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<102/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY2", "hp": "<102/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<103/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<102/110 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: \"Itll go back to you regardless\"", "Player 1: *drags star in the other direction*", "Player 1: (I assume we don't wanna deal with it?", "Player 1: (Yes but only for the first rank because they don't have ages", "Player 3: (Yee I am fine with that XD"], "before_idxs": [2951, 2952], "before_state_idx": 2938, "command_idxs": [2956, 2957, 2958, 2960], "after_state_idx": 2958, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [2959]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<76/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<113/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a warrior"], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin uses Psi Warrior Recovery!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<113/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<76/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<113/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*wonders why she's being booped*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: \"Itll go back to you regardless\"", "Player 1: *drags star in the other direction*", "Player 1: (I assume we don't wanna deal with it?", "Player 1: (Yes but only for the first rank because they don't have ages", "Player 3: (Yee I am fine with that XD"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3278, "command_idxs": [3315, 3316, 3317, 3319], "after_state_idx": 3317, "after_idxs": [3340], "embed_idxs": [3318]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<113/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<60/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a second"], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin uses Second Wind!\nSerena Malkorin healed for -11 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<113/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<106/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<60/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": ["\"I think you're just not shaking them up before hand\""], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *drags star in the other direction*", "Player 1: (I assume we don't wanna deal with it?", "Player 1: (Yes but only for the first rank because they don't have ages", "Player 3: (Yee I am fine with that XD", "Player 1: *wonders why she's being booped*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3575, "command_idxs": [3587, 3588, 3589, 3591], "after_state_idx": 3589, "after_idxs": [3623], "embed_idxs": [3590]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I was on the phone", "(I have it on the homebrew bestiary"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<118/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "OR1", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<52/52 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "OR4", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR2", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR5", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR3", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<118/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blaze -t sd1 -rr 2 -criton 19 -f \"Butcher's Apron|This black leather apron is perpetually covered by blood, even after being washed off. You gain the following benefits while wearing the apron:\nOnce per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice. If you do so, you must use the second total.\nYour weapon attacks that deal slashing damage score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.\" -f \"Steady Aim|As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven\u2019t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.\" adv1 -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\""], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin attacks with a Blazefury!\nSerena Malkorin attacked SD1 and hit.\nSD1 took 35 damage.\nSerena Malkorin attacked SD1 and hit.\nSD1 took 23 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<118/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "SD1", "hp": "<-6/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "OR1", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "SD1", "hp": "<-6/52 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Stone Defender", "attacks": "Slam", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "OR4", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR2", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR5", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "OR3", "hp": "<42/42 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Orog", "attacks": "Greataxe, Ranged Javelin, Javelin", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: (Yee I am fine with that XD", "Player 1: *wonders why she's being booped*", "Player 1: \"I think you're just not shaking them up before hand\"", "Player 1: (I was on the phone", "Player 1: (I have it on the homebrew bestiary"], "before_idxs": [3677, 3678], "before_state_idx": 3681, "command_idxs": [3685, 3686, 3687, 3688, 3689, 3690, 3692], "after_state_idx": 3690, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [3691]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<38/38 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a flame -t 4 -t 6"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nHA4 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA4 took 10 damage.\nHA6 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA6 took 10 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HA4", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<-25/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<-25/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<-25/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<-25/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-3/38 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*pouts cause she can't kill it yet*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: (Yee I am fine with that XD", "Player 1: *wonders why she's being booped*", "Player 1: \"I think you're just not shaking them up before hand\"", "Player 1: (I was on the phone", "Player 1: (I have it on the homebrew bestiary"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 3829, "command_idxs": [3836, 3837, 3838, 3840], "after_state_idx": 3838, "after_idxs": [3884], "embed_idxs": [3839]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"cd90ff\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["WY1 attacks with a Bite!\nWY1 attacked Star but missed.\n", "WY1 attacks with a Bite!\nWY1 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 14 damage.\nStar rolled a Constitution save but failed.\nStar took 0 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<71/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY3", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "WY2", "hp": "<110/110 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: \"I think you're just not shaking them up before hand\"", "Player 1: (I was on the phone", "Player 1: (I have it on the homebrew bestiary", "Player 3: *pouts cause she can't kill it yet*", "Player 1: (What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check"], "before_idxs": [3885], "before_state_idx": 3900, "command_idxs": [3902, 3903, 3905, 3906, 3907, 3909, 3910, 3911, 3913, 3915, 3916, 3918, 3919], "after_state_idx": 3915, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [3908, 3908]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(I still take 11 sadly"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<42/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast firebolt -t 1 -d1 1d8 -f \"Arcane Firearm|You know how to turn a wand, staff, or rod into an arcane firearm, a conduit for your destructive spells. When you finish a long rest, you can use woodcarver\u2019s tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff, or rod and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely.\n\nYou can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell\u2019s damage rolls equal to the number rolled\""], "automation_results": ["Star casts Fire Bolt!\nStar attacked WY1 and hit.\nWY1 took 24 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<18/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "WY1", "hp": "<18/110 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Wyvern", "attacks": "Bite, Claws, Stinger", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<71/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Shield", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (I was on the phone", "Player 1: (I have it on the homebrew bestiary", "Player 3: *pouts cause she can't kill it yet*", "Player 1: (What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check", "Player 3: (I still take 11 sadly"], "before_idxs": [3997], "before_state_idx": 4001, "command_idxs": [4004, 4005, 4008, 4009, 4011], "after_state_idx": 4009, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [4010]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(Why does it keep being 22? Hmm."], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"d2a3cd\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Star but missed.\n", "GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (I have it on the homebrew bestiary", "Player 3: *pouts cause she can't kill it yet*", "Player 1: (What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check", "Player 3: (I still take 11 sadly", "Player 1: (Why does it keep being 22? Hmm."], "before_idxs": [4115], "before_state_idx": 4128, "command_idxs": [4130, 4131, 4133, 4134, 4135, 4137, 4138, 4139, 4141, 4143, 4144, 4146, 4148], "after_state_idx": 4143, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [4136, 4136]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(Well yeah I'm a strength based character"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<114/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR6", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922329179217883208/1019130950912839690/IMG_4616.jpg\" -color \"26c91b\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 11 damage.", "GR2 attacks with a Beak!\nGR2 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GR2", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR4", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR6", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GR3", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR5", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "GR1", "hp": "<59/59 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Griffon", "attacks": "Beak, Claws", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *pouts cause she can't kill it yet*", "Player 1: (What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check", "Player 3: (I still take 11 sadly", "Player 1: (Why does it keep being 22? Hmm.", "Player 1: (Well yeah I'm a strength based character"], "before_idxs": [4303], "before_state_idx": 4306, "command_idxs": [4308, 4309, 4311, 4312, 4313, 4315, 4316, 4317, 4319, 4321, 4322, 4324, 4325], "after_state_idx": 4321, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [4314, 4314]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<85/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flash"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Flash of Genius!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<85/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<99/99 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*star flies away* \"to powerfullll!!!\"", "*boulder is back outta thenway*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *pouts cause she can't kill it yet*", "Player 1: (What's funny is that the dc of its survival tracking check is actually the result of its stealth check", "Player 3: (I still take 11 sadly", "Player 1: (Why does it keep being 22? Hmm.", "Player 1: (Well yeah I'm a strength based character"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 4573, "command_idxs": [4576, 4577, 4578, 4580], "after_state_idx": 4578, "after_idxs": [4588, 4605], "embed_idxs": [4579]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(It's dead, can't attack xD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<3/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a club -t star"], "automation_results": ["HA4 attacks with a Club!\nHA4 attacked Star but missed.\n", "HA4 attacks with a Club!\nHA4 attacked Star but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<3/38 HP; Critical>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<23/38 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Harpy", "attacks": "Claws, Club, Luring Song", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<96/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "Blinded/Deafened", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Why does it keep being 22? Hmm.", "Player 1: (Well yeah I'm a strength based character", "Player 3: *star flies away* \"to powerfullll!!!\"", "Player 1: *boulder is back outta thenway*", "Player 1: (It's dead, can't attack xD"], "before_idxs": [5842], "before_state_idx": 5839, "command_idxs": [5844, 5845, 5846, 5848, 5849, 5850, 5852, 5854, 5855, 5856], "after_state_idx": 5854, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [5847, 5847]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["(I was doing the travel math"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "GW1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<86/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GW2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "GW1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a bite -t star"], "automation_results": ["GW1 attacks with a Bite!\nGW1 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "GW1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<86/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "GW1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<95/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "GW2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Giant Weasel", "attacks": "Bite", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: (Well yeah I'm a strength based character", "Player 3: *star flies away* \"to powerfullll!!!\"", "Player 1: *boulder is back outta thenway*", "Player 1: (It's dead, can't attack xD", "Player 5: (I was doing the travel math"], "before_idxs": [6534], "before_state_idx": 6608, "command_idxs": [6610, 6611, 6612, 6614], "after_state_idx": 6612, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [6613]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["My internet just shit the bed"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<95/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA8", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA12", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA11", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA9", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA13", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA7", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA10", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Artificer", "hp": "", "class": null, "race": "Group", "attacks": "Revolver, +2 (Star), Revolver, +22 (Star), Rifle, Hunting, +2 (Star), Unarmed Strike (Star), Force Strike (Wingull)", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "0"}, "commands_norm": ["!a flame -t 1 -t 11"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nHA1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nHA1 took 7 damage.\nHA11 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nHA11 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<95/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "HA1", "hp": "<12/19 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA11", "hp": "<4/19 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<84/107 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 13", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wall of Fire, Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Ice Storm, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Elemental Bane, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA8", "hp": "<-42/19 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA12", "hp": "<-72/19 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA6", "hp": "<-42/19 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<12/19 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA11", "hp": "<4/19 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<108/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA9", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA13", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA7", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA10", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 3: *star flies away* \"to powerfullll!!!\"", "Player 1: *boulder is back outta thenway*", "Player 1: (It's dead, can't attack xD", "Player 5: (I was doing the travel math", "Player 5: My internet just shit the bed"], "before_idxs": [6672], "before_state_idx": 6667, "command_idxs": [6678, 6681, 6682, 6684], "after_state_idx": 6682, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [6683]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": ["!multilne\n!i a slam -t star\n!i n"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<95/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<12/19 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA11", "hp": "<4/19 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<124/124 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA9", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA13", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA7", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA10", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!i a slam -t star"], "automation_results": ["HA2 attacks with a Tail!\nHA2 attacked Star but missed.\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<95/99 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 12", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Protection from Energy, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<84/107 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 13", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wall of Fire, Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Ice Storm, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Elemental Bane, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "HA2", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA1", "hp": "<12/19 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA11", "hp": "<4/19 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<108/124 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 8/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA5", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA9", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA3", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA13", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA4", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA7", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "HA10", "hp": "<19/19 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Hadrosaurus", "attacks": "Tail", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *boulder is back outta thenway*", "Player 1: (It's dead, can't attack xD", "Player 5: (I was doing the travel math", "Player 5: My internet just shit the bed", "Player 5: !multilne\n!i a slam -t star\n!i n"], "before_idxs": [6708], "before_state_idx": 6706, "command_idxs": [6709, 6710, 6711, 6713, 6715, 6716, 6717], "after_state_idx": 6715, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [6712]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<125/133 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 9/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Uncanny Dodge, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Indomitable, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<107/107 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 13", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wall of Fire, Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Ice Storm, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Elemental Bane, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a second"], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin uses Second Wind!\nSerena Malkorin healed for -10 health."], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<125/133 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 9/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Uncanny Dodge, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Indomitable, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<133/133 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 9/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Uncanny Dodge, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Indomitable, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone)", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<98/107 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 13", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wall of Fire, Wind Wall, Shatter, Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Catnap, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Ice Storm, Fireball, Heat Metal, Revivify, Elemental Bane, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Fey Touched: Misty Step, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": ["*are in the Arctic now*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 1: *boulder is back outta thenway*", "Player 1: (It's dead, can't attack xD", "Player 5: (I was doing the travel math", "Player 5: My internet just shit the bed", "Player 5: !multilne\n!i a slam -t star\n!i n"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 7274, "command_idxs": [7359, 7360, 7361, 7363], "after_state_idx": 7361, "after_idxs": [7367], "embed_idxs": [7362]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Demands shield guardian as payment", "*picks up the baby bat and holds it to keep letting it lick serenas ear*", "*resists the urge to murder*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flash"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Flash of Genius!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*laughs manically as she holds it as well one for each ear*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: (Demands shield guardian as payment", "Player 2: *picks up the baby bat and holds it to keep letting it lick serenas ear*", "Player 0: *resists the urge to murder*"], "before_idxs": [38, 49, 50], "before_state_idx": 23, "command_idxs": [60, 61, 62, 64], "after_state_idx": 62, "after_idxs": [78], "embed_idxs": [63]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["*takes a box and a barrel*"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flash"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Flash of Genius!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<91/91 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<88/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: (Demands shield guardian as payment", "Player 2: *picks up the baby bat and holds it to keep letting it lick serenas ear*", "Player 0: *resists the urge to murder*", "Player 2: *laughs manically as she holds it as well one for each ear*", "Player 2: *takes a box and a barrel*"], "before_idxs": [138], "before_state_idx": 107, "command_idxs": [166, 167, 168, 170], "after_state_idx": 168, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [169]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<3/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<88/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<115/115 HP; Healthy>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<88/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast \"scorching ray\" -mod 1 i -t 4 -t 5 -t 6 -phrase \"using the Circlet of Blasting!\" -f \"While wearing this circlet, you can use an action to cast the scorching ray spell with it. When you make the spell's attacks, you do so with an attack bonus of +5. The circlet can't be used this way again until the next dawn.\" -f \"Circlet of Blasting|\u25c9\u3007 (-1)\" -f \"!cBlasting [casting arguments] [-i]\" -thumb https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/avatars/thumbnails/18/937/315/315/636381776011965319.jpeg"], "automation_results": ["Star casts Scorching Ray!\nStar attacked YK4 and hit.\nYK4 took 5 damage.\nStar attacked YK5 but missed.\n\nStar attacked YK6 and hit.\nYK6 took 4 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<88/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "YK4", "hp": "<4/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<5/9 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<5/9 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<3/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<4/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<82/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<103/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*dodge action on serenas shoulder*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: (Demands shield guardian as payment", "Player 2: *picks up the baby bat and holds it to keep letting it lick serenas ear*", "Player 0: *resists the urge to murder*", "Player 2: *laughs manically as she holds it as well one for each ear*", "Player 2: *takes a box and a barrel*"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 443, "command_idxs": [446, 447, 448, 449, 451], "after_state_idx": 449, "after_idxs": [456], "embed_idxs": [450]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["!cast fireball -t YK1 -t 6 -t 3 -t 9 -t AK1 -t 8"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK7", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<99/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK9", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<82/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "YK8", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<0/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-8/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<82/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!cast fireball -t 7 -t YK1 -t AK1 -t 5 -t 9 -t 8 -t 6"], "automation_results": ["Star casts Fireball!\nYK7 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK7 took 28 damage.\nYK1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK1 took 28 damage.\nAK1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nAK1 took 14 damage.\nYK5 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK5 took 28 damage.\nYK9 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nYK9 took 14 damage.\nYK8 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK8 took 28 damage.\nYK6 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK6 took 28 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<82/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "YK7", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<25/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK9", "hp": "<-5/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK8", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK7", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<25/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK5", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK9", "hp": "<-5/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<75/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "YK8", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<0/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK6", "hp": "<-19/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-8/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: *resists the urge to murder*", "Player 2: *laughs manically as she holds it as well one for each ear*", "Player 2: *takes a box and a barrel*", "Player 2: *dodge action on serenas shoulder*", "Player 2: !cast fireball -t YK1 -t 6 -t 3 -t 9 -t AK1 -t 8"], "before_idxs": [726], "before_state_idx": 716, "command_idxs": [728, 729, 730, 732], "after_state_idx": 730, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [731]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["Muting cuz coworker about to come over to let me go use them bathroom"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<99/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK3", "hp": "<28/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<28/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!init a rifle -t 2 -b -5 -d 10 -f \"Sharpshooter|Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage\""], "automation_results": ["Star attacks with a Rifle, Hunting, +2!\nStar attacked AK2 and crit!\nAK2 took 41 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AK2", "hp": "<-13/39 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK3", "hp": "<28/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<-13/39 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *laughs manically as she holds it as well one for each ear*", "Player 2: *takes a box and a barrel*", "Player 2: *dodge action on serenas shoulder*", "Player 2: !cast fireball -t YK1 -t 6 -t 3 -t 9 -t AK1 -t 8", "Player 0: Muting cuz coworker about to come over to let me go use them bathroom"], "before_idxs": [1054], "before_state_idx": 1051, "command_idxs": [1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060], "after_state_idx": 1058, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1059]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(LOL damn it ill brb, ill still be here", "(With a DC 4 XD"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flash"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Flash of Genius!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *dodge action on serenas shoulder*", "Player 2: !cast fireball -t YK1 -t 6 -t 3 -t 9 -t AK1 -t 8", "Player 0: Muting cuz coworker about to come over to let me go use them bathroom", "Player 2: (LOL damn it ill brb, ill still be here", "Player 2: (With a DC 4 XD"], "before_idxs": [1144, 1189], "before_state_idx": 1120, "command_idxs": [1219, 1220, 1221, 1223], "after_state_idx": 1221, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1222]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(The fight that never ends XD", "(We can't stealth enough can we?", "!i madd young kruthik -n 4"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flash"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Flash of Genius!\n"], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: (LOL damn it ill brb, ill still be here", "Player 2: (With a DC 4 XD", "Player 2: (The fight that never ends XD", "Player 0: (We can't stealth enough can we?", "Player 0: !i madd young kruthik -n 4"], "before_idxs": [1246, 1247, 1248], "before_state_idx": 1221, "command_idxs": [1255, 1256, 1257, 1259], "after_state_idx": 1257, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1258]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["*Serena goes clank, clunk, clank*", "(Go ahead and do a turn as star then", "(Gotta do it on my turn", "(I cant flame off turn"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<39/39 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": null, "commands_norm": ["!a flame -t AK1 -t AK2 -t YK3"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nAK1 rolled a Dexterity save and succeeded.\nAK1 took 7 damage.\nAK2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAK2 took 15 damage.\nYK3 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK3 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AK1", "hp": "<32/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<24/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<32/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<24/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: !i madd young kruthik -n 4", "Player 2: *Serena goes clank, clunk, clank*", "Player 0: (Go ahead and do a turn as star then", "Player 2: (Gotta do it on my turn", "Player 2: (I cant flame off turn"], "before_idxs": [1288, 1289, 1297, 1298], "before_state_idx": 1284, "command_idxs": [1300, 1301, 1302, 1304], "after_state_idx": 1302, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1303]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(Can you do their stuff?"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<32/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<24/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!embed -title \"Automating all monsters until the next player in initiative! :robot:\" -desc \"Please use `!auto once` or simply `!auto o` if you're looking to automate a single monster at a time.\n\nCustom arguments like `adv` and other snippets only apply to `!auto once`\n\n_Usage Example_:\n`!auto o -t adv guidance`\n(or)\n`!auto o`\" -thumb \"https://www.dndbeyond.com/avatars/28761/153/1581111423-83277851.jpeg?width=150&height=150&fit=crop&quality=95&auto=webp\" -color \"1ff2da\" -footer '!auto help | made by alpha#1832'"], "automation_results": ["YK1 attacks with a Stab!\nYK1 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n", "YK1 attacks with a Stab!\nYK1 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n", "YK1 attacks with a Stab!\nYK1 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n", "YK1 attacks with a Stab!\nYK1 attacked Serena Malkorin but missed.\n", "YK1 attacks with a Stab!\nYK1 attacked Star and hit.\nStar took 6 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<32/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<24/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 2: *Serena goes clank, clunk, clank*", "Player 0: (Go ahead and do a turn as star then", "Player 2: (Gotta do it on my turn", "Player 2: (I cant flame off turn", "Player 0: (Can you do their stuff?"], "before_idxs": [1322], "before_state_idx": 1315, "command_idxs": [1326, 1327, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1333, 1335, 1337, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1349, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1356, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1362, 1364, 1371, 1372], "after_state_idx": 1360, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1332, 1332, 1332, 1332, 1332]} {"speaker_id": "163428008717641286", "before_utterances": ["(The auto alias never changed turns for some reason"], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<30/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<15/39 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "commands_norm": ["!a flame -t AK1 -t AK2 -t YK1"], "automation_results": ["Star uses Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower!\nAK1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAK1 took 9 damage.\nAK2 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nAK2 took 9 damage.\nYK1 rolled a Dexterity save but failed.\nYK1 took 9 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Star", "hp": "<62/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "AK1", "hp": "<21/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<6/39 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK1", "hp": "<0/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK1", "hp": "<0/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK3", "hp": "<-6/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK1", "hp": "<21/39 HP; Injured>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK4", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "AK2", "hp": "<6/39 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Adult Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab, Spike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<9/9 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": [], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Go ahead and do a turn as star then", "Player 2: (Gotta do it on my turn", "Player 2: (I cant flame off turn", "Player 0: (Can you do their stuff?", "Player 0: (The auto alias never changed turns for some reason"], "before_idxs": [1416], "before_state_idx": 1419, "command_idxs": [1421, 1422, 1423, 1425], "after_state_idx": 1423, "after_idxs": [], "embed_idxs": [1424]} {"speaker_id": "219760471603352684", "before_utterances": [], "combat_state_before": [{"name": "YK4", "hp": "<4/9 HP; Bloodied>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "current_actor": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "commands_norm": ["!a blaze -t yk4 -rr 2 -f \"Steady Aim|As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven\u2019t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.\" adv1 -d1 \"3d6\" -f \"Sneak Attack|Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.\" -criton 19 -f \"Butcher's Apron|This black leather apron is perpetually covered by blood, even after being washed off. You gain the following benefits while wearing the apron:\nOnce per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice. If you do so, you must use the second total.\nYour weapon attacks that deal slashing damage score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.\""], "automation_results": ["Serena Malkorin attacks with a Blazefury!\nSerena Malkorin attacked YK4 and hit.\nYK4 took 39 damage.\nSerena Malkorin attacked YK4 and hit.\nYK4 took 15 damage."], "caster_after": {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<79/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, "targets_after": [{"name": "YK4", "hp": "<-50/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "combat_state_after": [{"name": "YK4", "hp": "<-50/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "YK2", "hp": "<-4/9 HP; Dead>", "class": null, "race": "Young Kruthik", "attacks": "Stab", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}, {"name": "Star", "hp": "<56/91 HP; Injured>", "class": "Artificer 11", "race": "Astral Elf", "attacks": "Revolver, +2, Revolver, +22, Rifle, Hunting, +2, Unarmed Strike", "spells": "Wind Wall, Shatter, Speak with Animals, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Ashardalon's Stride, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Scorching Ray, Haste, Catapult, Mending, Thunderwave, Inflict Wounds, Shield, Cure Wounds, Vortex Warp, Animal Friendship, Guidance, Rope Trick, Fireball, Revivify, Fear, Fire Bolt, Levitate, Comprehend Languages, Sword Burst, Absorb Elements", "actions": "Tool Expertise, Starlight Step, Eldritch Cannon: Flamethrower, Spell-Storing Item (Cast), Lucky, Create Eldritch Cannon, Magical Tinkering, Detonate Eldritch Cannon, The Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Firearm, Eldritch Cannon: Force Ballista, Eldritch Cannon: Protector, Flash of Genius, Infuse Item", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Wingull", "hp": "<17/17 HP; Healthy>", "class": null, "race": "Homunculus Servant (HB)", "attacks": "Force Strike", "spells": "", "actions": null, "effects": "Homunculus Servant", "description": null, "controller_id": "163428008717641286"}, {"name": "Serena Malkorin", "hp": "<75/115 HP; Injured>", "class": "Fighter 7/Rogue 6", "race": "Variant Human", "attacks": "Blazefury, Bruncvik, Punch, PsiKnife, Dex BA Knife, Bonus Psychic Blade, Oversized Longbow", "spells": "Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Shield", "actions": "Telekinetic - Shove, Telekinetic Adept: Psi-Powered Leap, Psi Warrior Recovery, Steady Aim, Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Move), Action Surge, Second Wind, Psionic Power: Psychic Whispers, Psionic Power: Psionic Strike, Psionic Power: Psi-Bolstered Knack, Sneak Attack, Extra Attack, Soul Knife Recovery, Psychic Blades (DEX), Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Rogue), Telekinetic Adept: Telekinetic Thrust (Prone), Psionic Power: Protective Field, Psionic Power: Psionic Energy (Fighter), Psionic Power: Telekinetic Movement, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge", "effects": "", "description": null, "controller_id": "219760471603352684"}], "after_utterances": ["*serena and star exit the mine*"], "utterance_history": ["Player 0: (Go ahead and do a turn as star then", "Player 2: (Gotta do it on my turn", "Player 2: (I cant flame off turn", "Player 0: (Can you do their stuff?", "Player 0: (The auto alias never changed turns for some reason"], "before_idxs": [], "before_state_idx": 1527, "command_idxs": [1532, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1539], "after_state_idx": 1537, "after_idxs": [1570], "embed_idxs": [1538]}