/* _testCommon.js - a simple module to be included in dijit test pages to allow for easy switching between the many many points of the test-matrix. in your test browser, provides a way to switch between available themes, and optionally enable RTL (right to left) mode, and/or dijit_a11y (high- constrast/image off emulation) ... probably not a genuine test for a11y. usage: on any dijit test_* page, press ctrl-f9 to popup links. there are currently (3 themes * 4 tests) * (10 variations of supported browsers) not including testing individual locale-strings you should NOT be using this in a production environment. include your css and set your classes manually. for test purposes only ...*/(function(){ var d = dojo, dir = "", theme = false, testMode = null, defTheme = "claro", vars={}; if(window.location.href.indexOf("?") > -1){ var str = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1).split(/#/); var ary = str[0].split(/&/); for(var i=0; i to point to that new theme instead of claro. // // Also defer parsing and any dojo.addOnLoad() calls that the test file makes // until the CSS has finished loading. if(theme || testMode || dir){ if(theme){ var themeCss = d.moduleUrl("dijit.themes",theme+"/"+theme+".css"); var themeCssRtl = d.moduleUrl("dijit.themes",theme+"/"+theme+"_rtl.css"); document.write(''); // BUG: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')// document.write('');// FIXED: } if(dojo.config.parseOnLoad){ dojo.config.parseOnLoad = false; dojo.config._deferParsing = true; // Capture any dojo.addOnLoad() calls the test makes and defer them until after // the new CSS loads. (TODO: would be more straightforward to just make a // testAddOnLoad() function and call that from the test files) var originalOnLoad = dojo.addOnLoad, loadFuncs = []; dojo.addOnLoad = function(f){ loadFuncs.push(f); }; } (originalOnLoad || dojo.addOnLoad)(function(){ // Reset to point to the specified theme var b = dojo.body(); if(theme){ dojo.removeClass(b, defTheme); if(!d.hasClass(b, theme)){ d.addClass(b, theme); } var n = d.byId("themeStyles"); if(n){ d.destroy(n); } } if(testMode){ d.addClass(b, testMode); } // Claro has it's own reset css but for other themes using dojo/resources/dojo.css if(theme){ dojo.query("style").forEach(function(node){ if(/claro\/document.css/.test(node.innerHTML)){ try{ node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace("themes/claro/document.css", "../dojo/resources/dojo.css"); }catch(e){ // fails on IE6-8 for some reason, works on IE9 and other browsers } } }); } if(dir == "rtl"){ // pretend all the labels are in an RTL language, because // that affects how they lay out relative to inline form widgets dojo.query("label").attr("dir", "rtl"); } // Defer parsing and addOnLoad() execution until the specified CSS loads. if(dojo.config._deferParsing){ setTimeout(function(){ dojo.addOnLoad = originalOnLoad; dojo.parser.parse(b); for(var i=0; i