/* * Tine 2.0 * * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html AGPL Version 3 * @author Alexander Stintzing * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Metaways Infosystems GmbH (http://www.metaways.de) */ Ext.ns('Tine.Filemanager'); /** * @namespace Tine.Filemanager * @class Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog * @extends Tine.widgets.dialog.EditDialog * *

Node Compose Dialog


* * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html AGPL Version 3 * @author Alexander Stintzing * * @param {Object} config * @constructor * Create a new Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog */ Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog = Ext.extend(Tine.widgets.dialog.EditDialog, { /** * @private */ windowNamePrefix: 'NodeEditWindow_', appName: 'Filemanager', recordClass: Tine.Filemanager.Model.Node, recordProxy: Tine.Filemanager.fileRecordBackend, tbarItems: null, evalGrants: true, showContainerSelector: false, displayNotes: true, requiredSaveGrant: 'readGrant', /** * @type Tine.Filemanager.DownloadLinkGridPanel */ downloadLinkGrid: null, initComponent: function() { this.app = Tine.Tinebase.appMgr.get('Filemanager'); this.downloadAction = new Ext.Action({ requiredGrant: 'readGrant', allowMultiple: false, actionType: 'download', text: this.app.i18n._('Save locally'), handler: this.onDownload, iconCls: 'action_filemanager_save_all', disabled: this.record.data.type === 'folder', scope: this }); this.tbarItems = [this.downloadAction]; Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, /** * folder or file? */ getFittingTypeTranslation: function (isWindowTitle) { if (isWindowTitle) { return this.record.data.type == 'folder' ? this.app.i18n._('Edit folder') : this.app.i18n._('edit file'); } else { return this.record.data.type == 'folder' ? this.app.i18n._('Folder') : this.app.i18n._('File'); } }, /** * executed when record is loaded * @private */ onRecordLoad: function() { Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog.superclass.onRecordLoad.apply(this, arguments); this.window.setTitle(this.getFittingTypeTranslation(true)); }, /** * download file */ onDownload: function() { Tine.Filemanager.downloadFile(this.record); }, /** * returns dialog * @return {Object} * @private */ getFormItems: function() { var me = this, _ = window.lodash, fsConfig = Tine.Tinebase.configManager.get('filesystem'), formFieldDefaults = { xtype:'textfield', anchor: '100%', labelSeparator: '', columnWidth: .5, readOnly: true, disabled: true }; this.downloadLinkGrid = new Tine.Filemanager.DownloadLinkGridPanel({ node: this.record, app: this.app, title: this.app.i18n._('Public Links'), editDialog: this }); // require('./GrantsPanel'); var grantsPanel = new Tine.Filemanager.GrantsPanel({ app: this.app, editDialog: this }); var notificationPanel = new Tine.Filemanager.NotificationPanel({ app: this.app, editDialog: this }); var revisionPanel = {}; if (_.get(fsConfig, 'modLogActive', false)) { revisionPanel = new Tine.Filemanager.RevisionPanel({ editDialog: this }); } return { xtype: 'tabpanel', border: false, plain:true, plugins: [{ ptype : 'ux.tabpanelkeyplugin' }], activeTab: 0, border: false, items:[{ title: this.getFittingTypeTranslation(false), autoScroll: true, border: false, frame: true, layout: 'border', items: [{ region: 'center', layout: 'hfit', border: false, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', layout: 'hfit', autoHeight: true, title: this.getFittingTypeTranslation(false), items: [{ xtype: 'columnform', labelAlign: 'top', formDefaults: formFieldDefaults, items: [[{ fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Name'), requiredGrant: 'editGrant', name: 'name', allowBlank: false, readOnly: false, columnWidth: .75, disabled: false }, { fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Type'), name: 'contenttype', columnWidth: .25 }],[{ xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'isIndexed', hideLabel: true, fieldClass: 'x-ux-displayfield-text', width: 10, setValue: function(value) { var string, color, html = ''; if (Tine.Tinebase.configManager.get('filesystem.index_content', 'Tinebase') && me.record.get('type') == 'file') { string = value ? me.app.i18n._('Indexed') : me.app.i18n._('Not yet indexed'); color = value ? 'green' : 'yellow'; html = [''].join(''); } this.setRawValue(html); } }, { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'path', hideLabel: true, fieldClass: 'x-ux-displayfield-text', // BUG: CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') // // FIXED: htmlEncode: true, columnWidth: 1 }],[ Tine.widgets.form.RecordPickerManager.get('Addressbook', 'Contact', { userOnly: true, useAccountRecord: true, blurOnSelect: true, fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Created By'), name: 'created_by' }), { fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Creation Time'), name: 'creation_time', xtype: 'datefield' } ],[ Tine.widgets.form.RecordPickerManager.get('Addressbook', 'Contact', { userOnly: true, useAccountRecord: true, blurOnSelect: true, fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Modified By'), name: 'last_modified_by' }), { fieldLabel: this.app.i18n._('Last Modified'), name: 'last_modified_time', xtype: 'datefield' } ]] }] }, revisionPanel] }, { // activities and tags layout: 'accordion', animate: true, region: 'east', width: 210, split: true, collapsible: true, collapseMode: 'mini', header: false, margins: '0 5 0 5', border: true, items: [ new Ext.Panel({ title: this.app.i18n._('Description'), iconCls: 'descriptionIcon', layout: 'form', labelAlign: 'top', border: false, items: [{ style: 'margin-top: -4px; border 0px;', labelSeparator: '', xtype: 'textarea', name: 'description', hideLabel: true, grow: false, preventScrollbars: false, anchor: '100% 100%', emptyText: this.app.i18n._('Enter description'), requiredGrant: 'editGrant' }] }), new Tine.widgets.tags.TagPanel({ app: 'Filemanager', border: false, bodyStyle: 'border:1px solid #B5B8C8;' }) ] }] }, new Tine.widgets.activities.ActivitiesTabPanel({ app: this.appName, record_id: this.record.id, record_model: 'Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node' }), this.downloadLinkGrid, {xtype: 'Tine.Filemanager.UsagePanel'}, grantsPanel, notificationPanel ] } } }); /** * Filemanager Edit Popup * * @param {Object} config * @return {Ext.ux.Window} */ Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog.openWindow = function (config) { var id = (config.record && config.record.id) ? config.record.id : 0; var window = Tine.WindowFactory.getWindow({ width: 800, height: 570, name: Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog.prototype.windowNamePrefix + id, contentPanelConstructor: 'Tine.Filemanager.NodeEditDialog', contentPanelConstructorConfig: config }); return window; };