/* * This file is part of the Kimai time-tracking app. * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /*! * [KIMAI] KimaiFormSelect: enhanced functionality for HTML select's */ import KimaiPlugin from "../KimaiPlugin"; import jQuery from "jquery"; export default class KimaiFormSelect extends KimaiPlugin { constructor(selector) { super(); this.selector = selector; } getId() { return 'form-select'; } activateSelectPicker(selector, container) { const elementSelector = this.selector; let options = {}; if (container !== undefined) { options = { dropdownParent: $(container), }; } // Function to match the name of the parent and not only the names of the children // Based on the original matcher function of Select2: https://github.com/select2/select2/blob/5765090318c4d382ae56463cfa25ba8ca7bdd495/src/js/select2/defaults.js#L272 // More information: https://select2.org/searching | https://github.com/select2/docs/blob/develop/pages/11.searching/docs.md function matcher(params, data) { // Always return the object if there is nothing to compare if (jQuery.trim(params.term) === '') { return data; } // Check whether options has children let hasChildren = data.children && data.children.length > 0; // Split search param by space to search for all terms and convert all to uppercase let terms = params.term.toUpperCase().split(' '); let original = data.text.toUpperCase(); // Always return the parent option including its children, when the name matches one of the params // Check if the text contains all or at least one of the terms let foundAll = true; let foundOne = false; let missingTerms = []; terms.forEach(function(item, index) { if (original.indexOf(item) > -1) { foundOne = true; } else { foundAll = false; missingTerms.push(item); } }); // If the option element contains all terms, return it if (foundAll) { return data; } // Do a recursive check for options with children if (hasChildren) { // If the parent already contains one or more search terms, proceed only with the missing ones // First: Clone the original params object... let newParams = jQuery.extend(true, {}, params); if (foundOne) { newParams.term = missingTerms.join(' '); } else { newParams.term = params.term; } // Clone the data object if there are children // This is required as we modify the object to remove any non-matches let match = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data); // Check each child of the option for (let c = data.children.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { let child = data.children[c]; let matches = matcher(newParams, child); // If there wasn't a match, remove the object in the array if (matches === null) { match.children.splice(c, 1); } } // If any children matched, return the new object if (match.children.length > 0) { return match; } } // If the option or its children do not contain the term, don't return anything return null; } options = {...options, ...{ language: this.getConfiguration('locale').replace('_', '-'), theme: "bootstrap", matcher: matcher }}; const templateResultFunc = function (state) { return jQuery(' ' + state.text + ''); }; let optionsColor = {...options, ...{ templateSelection: templateResultFunc, templateResult: templateResultFunc }}; jQuery(selector + ' ' + elementSelector + ':not([data-renderer=color])').select2(options); jQuery(selector + ' ' + elementSelector + '[data-renderer=color]').select2(optionsColor); jQuery('body').on('reset', 'form', function(event){ setTimeout(function() { jQuery(event.target).find(elementSelector).trigger('change'); }, 10); }); } destroySelectPicker(selector) { jQuery(selector + ' ' + this.selector).select2('destroy'); } updateOptions(selectIdentifier, data) { let select = jQuery(selectIdentifier); let emptyOption = jQuery(selectIdentifier + ' option[value=""]'); const selectedValue = select.val(); select.find('option').remove().end().find('optgroup').remove().end(); if (emptyOption.length !== 0) { select.append(this._createOption(emptyOption.text(), '')); } let emptyOpts = []; let options = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { if (key === '__empty__') { for (const entity of value) { emptyOpts.push(this._createOption(entity.name, entity.id)); } continue; } let optGroup = this._createOptgroup(key); for (const entity of value) { optGroup.appendChild(this._createOption(entity.name, entity.id)); } options.push(optGroup); } select.append(options); select.append(emptyOpts); // if available, re-select the previous selected option (mostly usable for global activities) select.val(selectedValue); // if we don't trigger the change, the other selects won't reset select.trigger('change'); // if select2 is active, this will tell the select to refresh if (select.hasClass('selectpicker')) { select.trigger('change.select2'); } } /** * @param {string} label * @param {string} value * @returns {HTMLElement} * @private */ _createOption(label, value) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.innerText = label; option.value = value; return option; } /** * @param {string} label * @returns {HTMLElement} * @private */ _createOptgroup(label) { let optGroup = document.createElement('optgroup'); optGroup.label = label; return optGroup; } }