With outstanding performances from all cast members, a serious story line, seamless special effects, and top-notch production values across the board, this film delivers the goods for fans of heroic action adventures. I watched in Blu-ray with Dolby stereo; and the video and sound were state-of-art excellent. The cast also includes: Heike Makatsch and Jaymes Butler, Jason Isaacs. There is more comic relief in this film about Joan than others I have seen (Joan of Arc - TV miniseries 1999; Joan of Arc - Child of War, Soldier of God - 2005; classic Joan of Arc (????) starring Ingrid Bergman). 9812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a must-see for all die hard Sean Patrick Flannery fans. It's not THAT awesome or hyped up like some of his other movies,but it's entertaining nonetheless. 3476 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even today, it is a great movie. 1727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Would recommend. A movie producer (George Wendt)and writer following Clifford around pitching Spice Girl movie ideas at him which he keeps rejecting until, surprise, surprise, they pitch the idea for this movie to him, and he agrees. 8861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If u need to know what a sense of humor or a comedy is then this is THE BEST movie for u. I know Monty Python from the beginning so that means I am old. However, after heavy persuasion I finally got my 20 something nephews to watch it. mAny sister knew of Monty Python and all were transfixed, even thanked me!!!!! . Could NOT EVEN believe they thanked me. That was a good night and memory. I am so glad to have it. I even had "I'm a lumberjack " as a ringtone on the cell. In short, this disc had everything I could've wanted and more. 1518 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I love the book and the 1983 adaptation with Dalton and Clarke is my favorite. I told my husband years back (then just a bf) how much I love the book and movie and he gifted me this without knowing anything about different versions out there. I was not even aware of this adaptation myself back then and was curious to see what this Jane Eyre had to offer. I was horried to witness Ciaran Hinds screeching and screaming all the time like he was having a never-ending PMS. And let me just say I love Ciaran Hinds. He is a truly talented actor, amazing in Persuasion and Phantom of the Opera, not a one-note actor by any means. I don't understand what could possibly happen here. Did he so grossly misunderstood the character? I cannot beleive it. I am blaming the director (and maybe editors?) for misguiding him into making such a travesty out of Mr. Rochester. Perhaps there is a reason why Columbia never issued this as a blu ray. If their reason was because the negative would not transfer well, I certainly understand--as it clearly does not. A very young, cut and delicious Robert DeNiro plays Travis Bickle, a twenty-six year old man out of the service, who is riddled with lonliness and sleeplessness. His mind is constantly realing with the disgust and filth that's rampaging the streets of New York with prostitution, drugs, pornography and physical trash. So he decides to place himself in the very middle of it by taking up a job as a cab driver, working day and night since he can't sleep anyway. 1251 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What an awful movie! It reached a climax and then went another 20 minutes. Uma Thurmond doesn't have the charisma of Diana Riggs. 1519 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 lovely well observed and written unforgettable characters 9860 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is very innovative science fiction. It is just so intriguing not only in its central theme but as a very interesting story filled with many fascinating character complexities and interactions. Once you start watching this movie you cannot turn away from it. Once you see it scenes keep coming back to you for several days. It is that engrossing. I wanted to watch it again the next day. It is so different and appealing. I wish this DVD was in widescreen but honestly the film is so good that you just look beyond that. There is a certain intimacy about this film that I can't seem to describe but it just captures you. 9633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. 6288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 where do i start well here goes im an avid ok im an fanatic fan of the series as well as owning all the books and video games as well as owning the movies. 9579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great script, too. You have to pay attention to really appreciate it. If you require explosions/car chases/lots of bloody murders, this one is not for you. 3884 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 what's the idea behind it, I spent the whole evening thinking of what they want us to see, it's violent movie, full of killing scenes. I saw horror movies before let's take an example (Blair Witch) this is something for real you feel your body shake like a blinder and you spend the whole night wake. this movie is not like this, they want to say that ideal hands are devils playground !!! or they just want us think that smoking drugs will cause you to do bad things, actually I do not recommend it. 4566 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Just read the review posted by "century19@worldnet.att.net" below. He hits it perfectly. 1243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok 1570 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Got a little bored with it And even with the genetic make-up totally in his/her favor, could said person achieve his goals? Can you genetically engineer a spirit, a will and an intention to succeed? 1216 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 While not entirely true to the classic TV series, this movie is very true to the theme of an ultra-British spy spoof. The villain's house is VERY well-appointed, and the heroes have an interesting way of crossing the Thames to go after him. It's just too bad that the film makes for a tricky search, with all the Marvel superhero films showing up. It's worth finding! Of the three versions of the film, I prefer the original. To explain why, let me begin simply by offering some snippets from the different edits, without explanation: In the original version, we are given a very meaningful cut going from a young child running after UFO's under the night sky, to the main character's music box playing, 'when you wish upon a star' from the Disney version of Pinocchio (instead of going to the main character's own kid bugging him about doing his homework for him, as in the later editions); in the original version we are given a meaningful cut going from the main character trying to explain what he saw to his wife, to his wife hiding newspaper clippings from her husband dealing with the same topic (instead of going to an old lost cargo ship somehow recently left in the desert of Mongolia, as in the later editions); in the original version we are given a seamless transition going from a team of scientists learning about a set of musical notes in India, to an attempt to translate them into hand signals, to an attempt to use them to contact the aliens by transmitting them by radio--to a young child successfully using the same notes on a toy xylophone. Not bad as an action thriller, but just don't expect it to be any more substantial than a sleek new video game. 3456 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful Spielberg film. A classic that stands the test of time This should be required study for Social Science, Art, History, and Religions in High School. but at least one character has a happy ending. 6180 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The pecial effects look exactly like that of a computer game, not real. The action is the top. There's no plot. It's not woth watching. 7975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A genuine piece of art from way outside the box. What a great movie, all the way around. All actors perfectly suited to their roles. taking it to a whole nother level in support of each other. Robin Williams further outside the box than ever before in what should have been an oscar winning performance. 9927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Gattaca 6611 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Is that you should avoid this film as if it was crawling with Ebola. It's utter nonsense, with hardly a cranial cavity on its' shoulders, much less a brain. The acting is so wooden I have half a mind to use it to make furniture. The plot doesn't make a lick of sense (something about a wicked corporation that runs the world and makes a new, deadly man-made virus, for no apparent reason), and the action sequences are utter trash, with no sense of urgency for the characters, because we don't care about them anyway. "Resident Evil" is crap on celluloid. Avoid as such. 8464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When men were men and got on with life, this was the generation that 'rode the rail' winter and summer, then went into uniform to save the free world, and finally put a man on the moon. 5683 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was good 6): Featurette: Playing Dead: Resident Evil From Game to Screen. The list goes on. 2049 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is how our government should control terrorism. Its also amazing to see young De Niro in this film as a man of nothing but skin, bones and musclehardly an ounce of fat is visible. Even back then he was already a legend in the film industry, and like just a handful of other actors and actresses, he still remains a film legend some 40 years later. 2166 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My wife really really wanted to see this. I guess she just had a sudden and overwhelming urge to revisit her childhood. Anyway, as a grown man who was never into this type of music, I couldn't even make it past the first 15 minutes... and it felt like an epic struggle to last that long. Take the Money and Run, one of my top 2 Woody Allen films, nice to finally have on Blu-ray! Hoping for a Blu-ray release of "Play it Again Sam" one day 2543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Am very happy with product 1490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must have read the book hundreds of times in my youth. This is my favorite Jane Eyre movie. The movie was wonderful. The bluray itself is a significant upgrade over the last issued DVD. It's really nice having this gem in HD! Brian Deacon is a charismatic and believable Jesus. He speaks with authority. He also displays different emotions -- he smiles and treats children with great affection; he is stern toward the religious leaders and hypocrites. He also displays sadness and grief. Brian Deacon also looks like a man in his 30's, which Jesus was when He began His earthly ministry after being a carpenter for so many years. Julie's boyfriend, Ray (Freddie Prinze Jr.) in the mean time is trying to warn Julie. There are also some glaring technical faults that I'm surprised were't fixed or edited in post-production, such as an unbearably loud industrial score that blocks out most of the expository dialogue, most of it uttered by Colin Salmon, who if you're familiar with his work, already has a pretty quiet voice that'd be inaudible matched up against anyone else in the cast. 9615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a really good movie, I learned that they showed it to my kid in chemistry last year (?)! He and I both had fond feelings about it, a nice looking cast too. =) 3126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is for the 1999 (40th Anniversary Edition) Columbia DVD. This movie was so bad that Warner Bros. wouldn't even let the critics see it prior to it's theatrical release but word of mouth soon spread about how bad it was and it sunk like a stone anyway. According to Total Film Magazine the movie was originally two and a half hours long and was hacked down to a mere 89 minutes for its theatrical release after a disastrous test screening, thus making Don MacPherson's screenplay (supposedly based on Shakespeares The Tempest) make even less sense. Voted the second worst blockbuster ever made by readers of the UK's Total Film magazine, this movie didn't help anybody's career but particularly harmed Uma Thurman whose previous outing had been the sequally awful Batman and Robin. The quality of the video i got in 2008 is only SD. It's available in HD now and looks a lot better. BUT remember this is from the 70's and technology in film, audio and special effects were nothing like today. It should be watched with allowances for when it was made. Wish You Were Here A big budget affair with good production values, The Eyes of Laura Mars is an interesting watch, with some mildly scary moments. It's similarities to a giallo are intriguing, but not everything works very well. Neville sticks out like a sore thumb, the romance is forced and uncomfortable, and the supernatural element is never explained. The "twist" ending which might have seemed fresh in 1978, seems like something of a clich now. Another big issue with this film, that everything is centred around Alice and it really is hard to understand why is she SOOO important? Alice! Who the (----) is Alice!? But even worse, Alice enters the movie for real only after 40 minutes and in the meantime nothing really very important happens... While many action movie fans (such as myself) will enjoy the cult nature of this movie, others will find it too corny and tongue-and-cheek. Last Action Hero, while expertly written and executed, is a parody of itself and of all (especially '80s) action movies, but in taking this route, has used too many "in" jokes. In fact, a few of the jokes even had to be explained to me, because I didn't understand all the little nuances of the screenplay. I can easily understand why some viewers won't enjoy the film's style of humor, but I can also see how it became a cult classic. Subtitles: English, English SDH, French, Portuguese and Spanish 6575 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 if u like action pack movies this is one . 11 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent as usual Rita is the fading star. It was painful for me to watch the once dazzling love goddess reduced to playing the controlling widow. The make up department probably had to work overtime trying to cover the circles under her eyes, and her hair and costumes are just bad. Novak is the rising star, although I don't get the 50's obsession with bubble headed, busty, bleach blond bimbos. It would help if she could act, but sadly her range is very limited. I truly believe they added the dog to help make her character sympathetic, since she was unable to convey it herself. Then there is Frank just coasting on his charm and cool. Doesn't seem plausible that a hep cat like him, who could bag any "doll", "dame" or "mouse?", would fall for either of these gals. 9371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good picture and sound. I like letterbox. Caught a good price. I take movies with me when I travel to watch on laptop. I always liked the three stars and also Ernest Borgnine. He will be missed. Primarily a character study with only a bare-bones plot, "Taxi Driver" reveals Bickle, whose experiences in Vietnam have left him a shell, a soft-spoken insomniac with a never-ending monologue about the sordid things he encounters while prowling the mean streets of New York. He drives his cab through rain-washed streets and kills time in porno theaters, cut off from the rest of humanity for reasons even he can't fully comprehend. Eventually, he meets and attempts to woo two women who will change his life: Jodie Foster as a teenaged prostitute, and Cybill Shepherd as a dedicated campaign worker. Unfortunately, Bickle's inability to articulate his torment and his mental problems inevitably lead him down an increasingly shadowy path. 3540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 saw this many years ago, had to see all the versions... 7187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great classic 4706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Blu-Ray release looks and sounds much better than the DVD. Colors really pop, and colors also seem more accurate. During the opening montage, rain-blurred traffic and street lights look more color-shifted than they did on DVD (which is the way it should be) Bernard Herrman's score sounds more menacing and more poignant as ever. Horace Rumpole was what we in the United States would call a Public Defender, the lawyer you get by default if you enter the criminal legal system without means to pay for a private criminal law attorney. Rumpole had a passion for the job of defending his criminal clients and had a great record of getting them off scott free. The judges were all larger than life old darlings who seemed to enjoy tossing people into the nick. (prison). Besides, for those who might still doubt and wonder whether the Director is being biased, it is possible to check through the sources. Jeanne, regardlss of whether she was "inspired" or not, clearly presented a HUGE problem for the English Kingdom of France and the Duke of Bedford in particular, simply because some, in both camps, could believe that she was inspired by God, and therefore successful. This is alo why some much effort was put in by the English, once she was captured by their Burgundian allies, into having her handig over to them. The English could not afford to have her ransomed by the French because she had become a symbol. Moreover, they needed to destroy this potent symbol, hence her trial for witchcraft and her execution in Rouen. 2344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is definitely one of the good ol' us vs. them - good vs. evil story. Harrison Ford plays a different kind of US President (one that I would like to see in "real" life), a President that takes matters into his own hands and deals his own "justice" by kicking some serious ... and shooting the heck out of everything. Good action movie, great for a 4th of July party... The New Orleans' locale is magnificently used, with detours to Cajun cookouts, strolls through Louisiana graveyards and conversations on French Quarter balconies adding memorable spice to the dramatic gumbo. The trio of stars, Charles Bronson, James Coburn and Strother Martin, a bit past their prime, but as comfortable as a worn leather jacket, are perfectly suited as men scarred by the hard knocks of life. 897 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 She is OK. All around, it's a must for those who adore these guys as much as I do. 586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gotta love the classics. 5720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding!! Great Seller!! Highly Recommended!! Thank You!!! Robin Hood: Men in Tights- English SDH, Spanish 9500 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Sci-Fi picture 8750 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I was expecting more and disappointed. One could sum up this movie in one sentence "tough guy wins some fights". Also, it is sort of hard to buy as Charles Bronson is old and the other fighters were just as old. I won't watch this again, in my opinion not worth watching. 9839 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Gattaca" was originally released in 1997 with very little publicity, but instantly collected a dedicated fanbase. Today, two decades later, the growing fanbase of this science fiction drama has dubbed it one of the most creative and unique perspectives on the future, and they're right. 7705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best Bridges / William movies. 52 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good 5251 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Apparently a film classic about a Vietnam veteran who becomes a taxi driver and then lets himself be broken down by the misery and the meaninglessness of modern society. Nonetheless the ending is transcended because Scorsese had a great movie all along, with outstanding acting and a compelling story artfully shot, leading to a socially-conscience experience vividly reflecting the disillusionment of post sixties America. Here's one sample of some of the great dialogue: Chaney's date asks him what he does for a living. Chaney simply responds that he makes money by knocking people down. She mockingly asks, "What does it feel like to knock somebody down?" He brilliantly replies, "It makes me feel a hell of a lot better than it does him." 1953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 High intensity, action packed and of course, the good guys always win. This is an interesting look at alientation and loneliness of some of the fringe people in big city life. This is a rather extreme case of it. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. five more words. lol Zzz Meanwhile, the entire city has been infected with the T-virus, a biological weapon that 1) mutates Alice into a superhuman killing machine, 2) turns poor Matt into Nemesis, a muscle-bound gun-toting juggernaut, 3) turns people into zombies, 4) turns dogs into zombies, 5) allows a little girl (Angie Ashford, played by Sophie Vavasseur) to walk, 6) did I mention it turns people into zombies? An Underated movie! Although, in this version (1997) I think Jane gets too passionate too soon, before Rochester has begun much transformation and become truly transparent and honest which I think took a bit away from the credibility. Then again, Jane comes from Lowood. 5691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Went back and watched this recently with a friend who has not scene this movie yet. I very much enjoyed watching it again. There are some very classic moments like the laser grid in this movie. 4747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The first time I saw this I must have been about 12 or 13 and I thought it was BETTER than Top Gun in some aspects. The plot was extremely far fetched an 18 year old rescues his father from some un-named "Middle Eastern" country with the help of a retired Air Force Col. and his friends Btw how the hell can one kid have the whole base wired for his own personel needs? The acting wasn't that bad Lou Gossett, Jr was ace as retired AF Col. Charles "Chappy" Sinclair Jason Gedrick was very good as Doug "I got the whole god dam base wired" Masters (Too bad Doug got blown out of the sky in IE II) and the Minister of Defense played by David Suchet aka Poirot was great as the "bad guy" of the un-named Middle Eastern country. I liked this the most out of ALL the movies that were made. I got it dirt cheap so I am going to complain about the lack of any extras it was a good movie in its time and I enjoyed it for what it was even if it was fantasy. Just stay FAR AWAY as possible from the sequels esp II & IV III I don't remember too much about as I haven"t seen it in YEARS. The original Iron Eagle gets 4 and a half stars from me despite its extremely far fetched plot. The score for this film was excellent I liked it and the music was great too 2882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. I have seen it several times over the years, and always enjoy it. Life, love, humor, sadness, motherhood, friendship are all covered in this story. Well acted. I can recommend it highly. 9653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie about stereotyping by gnome makeup and one can over come being "labeled". 5195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This classic movie, brilliantly directed by Martin Scorsese, stars Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle. What's the cost for the video - about the price of a Big Mac these days? I'd gladly pay double for the fun this has been at parties and when friends come over. I don't have this much fun with a lot of commercial sludge that's out on the big screen, that's for sure! Well worth it ... but see for yourself! 7617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love Marisa Tomei. She really makes this movie work. Very cute. Beautiful scenery. 2. 9 Other Trailers Second, for the actual review. Resident Evil Apocalypse was full of everything you would want in a horror/action/suspense/thriller movie. Lickers appear yet again in this movie, which I was quite glad to see. I want to see the Neptune shark(s) in a Resident Evil movie, though. The Nemesis looked great. Not exactly like the game, but close enough. 7214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great family flick Disc One: -"21st Anniversary" cut of the film running an extra 24 seconds; -Anamorphic Widescreen; -Dolby 5.1 track; -Original Mono Track; -Audio commentary with Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin; -subtitles "for people who don't like the film" (you get the text from Shakespeare's Henry IV instead); -an "on-screen screenplay" feature which lets you read the screenplay as you watch the film; -"Follow the Killer Rabbit" feature; Baha'u'llah, the most recent of God's Messengers, has infused into the realm of human experience on the planet a new consciousness when in the 19th Century hw declared that the time has come for the forging of humankind into "A New Race" exemplified, among other places in his Writings the following: I've deducted a star for the fact that they've delivered a 'bare bones' Blu-ray and besides the ability to carry higher resolution one of the benefits of Blu-Ray is the bigger storage so there is not excuse for having elminated bonus features already produced? Robin William's performance is in my opinion probably the best performance EVER in a movie. By an actor or actress. Period. 402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Inspirational and uplifting. 7256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Grand kids love it and so do all of us grownups It is after this that Travis begins to slip further and further into his depressed, isolated world and he eventually feels the need to take Iris under his wing and protect her (as he sees it) from Sport who he views as pure scum. The final act invloves a presidential assassination attempt and a famous violent scene involving Travis, Sport, Iris and several others (I'm trying not to get to involved in the third act here) that I won't go into. Alan Parker is known for his direction of several good movies including MISSISSIPPI BURNING. This film will hold a special place in your heart if you live in the suburbs- you can relate to. 8962 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I AM WRIGHTING THIS FOR MY BROTHER,TANNER.HE WATHED THIS MOVIE 7 TIMES THE FIRST DAY HE GOT IT!HE`S A BIG ELMO FAN AND THIS IS HIS FAVORETE ONE!HE LOVES THIS MOVIE AND I KINDAVE LIKE IT TO! MY GRADE: B 6405 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing movie; I think that Nick Nolte is at his best in this movie. Wish there could be a sequel. 5924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It took weeks to get over it. 1300 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the dvd's are in perfect shape, I'm very pleased 9147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie, perfect for the times when you just want to watch something different! When I saw that it was out on Bluray I had to add it to my collection. Some people might say that the transfer to Bluray doesn't do it justice, but I think that all depends on the watchers tv, audio setup, and so many other factors. It looked and sounded great on my setup! I would recommend this to anyone who likes some old school comedy every once in a while. 1313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hi everyone, Quite complaining, people! For Pete's sake! Just be thankful that somebody in one of these networks had the brains to do what we've all wanted done for so many years. 6664 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie SOOOOOOO sucks! I won't even waste my oxygen going into all the reasons why it does! 7106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent 8501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the movies ever!! Postscript: Most people with a passing familiarity of the Christian faith have heard the verse exhorting us to work out our faith with "Fear and Trembling." That wasn't meant to be understood as a metaphor. 8537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny for all (appropriate) ages and funny in every era. It is truly a masterpiece of comedy. It spares you lengthy portrayals of the scenes where a little goes a long way (Lowood, also the Auntie's stewardship of Jane, etc.) and instead saves the film for scenes that really need to be developed carefully in order for the lengthy novel to be credible onscreen. That is, Rochester and Jane need time to grow in their relationship. Some adaptations try to rush it and you see Jane falling in love with a crazy, irate cooky guy who explores his deepest affect, out loud and rather distastefully, to what appears onscreen to be a complete stranger not ridiculously fond of him. This version was a very nice effort, but there was one part a bit rushed-her missing him after she simply tells us they had more talks together. A minor detail. Her portrayal was very good and real. Compare it to the 1996 version (Hurt/Gainsbourg) where Rochester comments to Jane about the tears ready to come into her eyes. This is after Jane is forced to watch Rochester with the new chick on the block. Then he says, "or do I see them there now?" Problem is, she doesn't look at all like she's upset or about to cry, or even depressed, although perhaps disappointed and maybe slightly wounded. Under these circumstances, Rochester's assessment makes him look self-important, sadistic and weird. The only small drawbacks; a sometimes cloying musical score and a 4975 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I think Luke Wilson wrote this so he could stand in front of the camera and talk. Amazing how many people love to do that (YouTube). 5403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love these old movies. 7749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Happy with the smooth transaction. Glad to have this OOP blu-ray book edition. The supplements are well worth it in addition to the well paced, stunningly beautiful movie. 8438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent quality and timely delivery. On a lighter note, my wife and I argued over whether or not this is a "chick flick" or not. I thought yes, she thought no. "It's just about men fishing!" 4490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good sequal to the original. The only thing that was not good about it was the fact that it took away the mystery that the first one had. More blood, more scare, and more cleavage than the first too! 2524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can watch this movie over and over and cry each time. 2899 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not the classic I thought it would be 9520 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Weak plot. Slow 990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "He is always very depressed. I think that if he'd been a successful criminal, he would have felt better. You know, he never made the 'ten most wanted' list. It's very unfair voting; it's who you know. " 9915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1997's science-fiction drama GATTACA offers an intelligent look into the possible future of applied DNA science, a future where potential parents are given the ability to determine the genetic characteristics and thereby create a society of near-perfect super-humans. As one might deduce, this means that individuals born the "natural way"--such folk are referred to as "In-Valids"--are deemed inferior and prejudicially relegated to the lower rungs of the social ladder. In other words, In-Valids are considered mere mortals in this high-tech, genetically engineered world, and as such, education and opportunity are socially beyond their reach. 9490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I loved it! Certainly a possibility what? 7047 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outside of "Wizard of Oz," this may be the best children's musical ever made. Besides being enjoyable for children of all ages, adults can revel in this wonderful look at the early 1930s in America. John Houston, one of the top ten American directors ever, was in his 70s when he made this, yet he still had his amazing skill set to produce a wonderful story within a wonderful world. Aileen Quine as Annie is terrific in a definitive performance, but you can't overlook Carol Burnett as the often inebriated Miss Hannegan. She got a Golden Globe nomination, but deserved an Academy Award for best Supporting Actress. 3779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a huge Spielberg fan, but this films has always been one I was the least familiar with, for some reason. I have rediscovered it now, thanks to DVD, and am kicking myself for not getting better acquainted with it after all these years. It isn't a stretch to say that Close Encounters may be the best Alien movie. Spielberg also wrote the film(and why hasn't he written a truckload more?), and it's a wonderful accomplishment still after 30 years. The great Richard Dreyfuss stars as Roy Neery, a middle class, suburban husband and father who has a 'close encounter' when UFO's begin to come into his town of Muncie, Indiana. And what a great scene that is!. Roy and a few others, including single mom Melinda Dillon(A Christmas Story), end up with a connection to the UFO's as the aliens inside try to make contact with earthlings. Spielberg has a great sense of feeling and wonder thru the entire film. He shows us how this could be taken in two ways. One, he gives us the whimsical, fantastical, awe-inspiring side, and with a fantastic sequence in Dillon's house with her son, also gives us how this can be frightening and scary. One look at that scene and you can see how this movie heavily influenced Shyamalan's "Signs". The movie was made 30 years ago, but it holds up strongly. It's 30 year old story and effects are more affective than a lot of the films today with millions of dollars and fancy new technology. Dreyfuss is always good, and he's great here as Neery. Teri Garr plays his wife. The home life aspect of the fillm doesn't work for some, but it's part of what made the movie to me. Seeing how this normal, average joe gets sucked up in this obsession and how it starts to affect the family life. Garr doesn't get a whole lot here, but she seems to get across that she is a woman who doesn't know what to do. The late director Francois Truffaut plays a scientist, along with Bob Balaban, tracking the UFO's and the strange occurences that have happened around the world. The score by Spielberg mainstay, John Williams, is another success in his long cannon of work. Beautiful and haunting, and who will forget those few chords?. The end is still remarkably fresh and amazing, and the mother ship itself is more cool and impressive than a lot of what we can see nowadays in movies. It's grand entrance is still amazing and a great accomplishment in filmmaking. The smaller ships that come and go are equally fun and well done. Close Encounters has a lot of great things going for it. There are a number of great/classic scenes, a wonderful score, good acting, and a sense of awe and wonder that Spielberg is so brilliant at capturing. You gotta love early, 1975-82, Spielberg. The fact that this movie remains to be so good and touching and amazing 30 years on and before all the studio money that goes out nowadays is a testament to the film and Spielberg's talents. A true classic. 9305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A clever comedy starring the troupe from "Monty Python". 4545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OMG! Need I say more? NOT! If you are one of those Christian Believer's who happens to be kinda stuck between Daniel/Revelation, signs seals, here's a GREAT movie that will paint an image in order to help you put those missing pieces of those puzzles together. This movie will help you UNDERSTAND what you've been attempting to place in a specific order by yourself in such an amazing way. WARNING:Plz pay close attn while viewing, or you may get a tad lost, perhaps it may help if u hv basic knowledge re: end of days/prophecies. 2041 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arrived quickly and a good price. No problems. 6604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Captures her struggles and triumphs well. At the end you get the message. She is a mentally ill woman being completely raked over the coals and taken advantage of by the system. She eventually succumbs to a hideous fate. Heartwarming, surprising, and unique - if you haven't watched this - get it now. If you have, you'll enjoy watching this story of love again and again. 9925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Geat Movie still watch 1888 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Entertaining action film. 223 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I collect all the (non-musical) versions of this story. This one is not seen often on TV. I watch it every Christmas. Good updated (1930's) version of the Dickens classic. TRY IT!! DVD has played well with no problems. 2101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford, what else can you say on par with his Tom Clancy movies 1868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Replacing my VHS tapes and had to order this one. Love it. 969 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Dickens triumphs once more. This excellent film adaptation of the masterpiece novel manages to be somewhat dark, gritty, and mysterious, and still maintain quirky memorable characters and a tangled web of plots in the typical Dickens way. Justine Waddell's performance as the icy Estella (a very different role from her warm character in "Wives and Daughters") is perfect, complimented by Ioan Gruffud's dramatic display as the hero of story, Pip. The movie is fairly true to the book, and likewise manages to be ambiguous, but satisfying. Fans of Dickens work will not want to miss this instant classic, and anyone looking for a good drama with mystery and character study will not be disappointed. O.K.- Here's the scoop on I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Remember Ben Willis? He's the fisherman Ray, Julie, Barry, and Helen murdered on the road that July 4th two years ago... supposedly. After last summer... the summer Julie came back to South Port...the summer Barry and Helen were murdered...the summer Julie and Ray defeated Ben Willis... Set during the Depression Era in the 30's, Chaney (Bronson) drifts into town on a southbound freight train. Broke and hungry he immediately begins to look for a way to make some money doing what he does best, fight. Quickly proving himself to be a formidable foe he hires a local down-on-his-luck gambler and promoter named 'Speed' (Coburn) to set-up his fights. Poe (Martin) is also hired on as Chaney's "cut-man" and the three are off to make some fast money. (USA - 1985) 5039 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Taxi Driver," viewed in the wake of the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, unfolds like the keys you need to understand how something so horrible as an assassination happens. It is a profile in isolation, desperation, crisis of self-worth and the corrosive effects of an unhealthy society. You can see the trials of the misfit as he attempts to fit in with others and the deepening despair and feelings of insignificance that follow the failures. You can follow the logic trail to violence as expression of last resort. The arc of the storyline is so perfectly realized that the end feels almost tacked on, a throwaway comment on the attraction of manly, heroic violence that rings false, unless I'm misreading it. Either way, this is a storied and deservedly decorated piece of filmmaking, with brilliant turns by Robert DiNiro and Jodie Foster, and a great American director at or near the height of his powers. "Taxi Driver Stories" includes anecdotes told by actual New York cabbies who worked in the city during the `70s. Some of their stories are wilder than some that are in the film. 2235 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The President of the United States, James Marshall, takes a tough anti-terrorist stance and then becomes a hostage himself when Air Force One is taken over by terrorists from Kazakhstan, led by Ivan Korshunov, who demand the release of their fascistic leader General Radek. The President seems to escape from the plane in an emergency capsule yet is actually hiding on board. He silently kills a member of the terrorist group before establishing contact with F-15's to engage the hijacked plane. As passengers escape by parachute, Marshall is captured by Ivan and forced to release General Radek, setting in motion an international incident. This movie thrills you constantly. Tightly constructed and with precious little humor. 7653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Excellent movie but very sad ending, & my daughter wad disappointed because there are no appearances by Redford (just narrated & directed by) 2292 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This motion picture is in the best traditions of Harrison Ford films, e.g., lots of action, a hero saving the day, etc. The DVD quality is super, resized for the TV screen with excellent sound quality. If you like action adventure, you will like the motion picture. The details have been covered by other reviewers. There is an attempt to hijack Air Force One. Some good people are killed along with the bad guys. It is one of those films that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Friends had asked what I wanted for Christmas. I told them they could get me some DVDs in the action/adventure category, e.g., Harrison Ford, etc., and I was not disappointed. 4196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 All the one-liners and action you crave. It is the most out of place scene in the movie, and I guess I can understand the network execs desicion in leaving it out (ABC is Disney owned these days) it's probably considered either too controversial, or just too dated,... or the fact that it looks like most cartoon animators in the seventies were on tons of acid, I'm not sure. But at any rate, as somewhat of an obsessive when it comes to small details, I couldn't get over the fact that the scene was just gone. This happens alot lately on TV. I watched Willy Wonka on TV with my kid one time and noticed that the entire psychedelic boat ride scene was chopped. 9234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not only is Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail one of the funniest films ever made and a classic of Western Cinema, the folks across the pond have set a new standard for DVDs. 2208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 bought for 5 year old, she loves it. My daughter grew up watching this movie and now her daughter has it 5174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Director: Martin Scorsese "In my family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing. We lived at the junction of great trout rivers in Missoula, Montana where Indians still appeared out of the wilderness to walk the honky tonks and brothels of Front Street." 1. Not enough Alien parts, meaning there needed to be more encounters with Dreyfuss or with other people. There were only two, not counting the end. This isn't enough, at least I felt, to get a good grip that this film is about Aliens and not government cover up. Because the first third is about the Aliens impacting people's lives, while the other two thirds is government conspiracy or the recreation of Devil's Peak either through dirt, mashed potatos, or drawings. 7539 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good The company that released seasons 1-4, abandoned the prospect of putting out the final two seasons. When Arthur (Graham Chapman) is approached by God to discover the secret resting place of the Holy Grail, he at once sets out on a quest to find it, picking up his entourage of knights along the way: Sir Lancelot the Brave (John Cleese), Sir Launcelot (Eric Idle), Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones), and Sir Galahad the Pure (Michael Palin). 7200 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 2 year old asked to watch the original Annie. She loves this movie and so do I. 5905 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When compared to other films in the genre, one would be hard pressed to find 1 or 2 that are superior. Highly recommend this film and don't worry if you never played the video game. This film stands on its own merit. There are some drawbacks though. As some others have mentioned, the audio is inconsistent. You constantly find yourself turning the sound up and down so you can hear the dialog. 7724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a nice look at how words can indeed hurt people. 4092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After seeing this movie I ran to call my mother. This is an extremely touching and moving movie. It centers around Ed Harris and Susan Sarandon, who are divorced, having to deal with the fact that Sarandon has been diagnosed cancer. In addition Julia Roberts is now about to marry Ed Harris a.k.a. the name STEP MOM. 6895 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie expects the audience to believe that a really unappealing character like Sinatra's Joey would attract two very reasonable women. It's an old idea that has run its course. 3120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't say enough good about this movie. I love it. I've seen it many times and I always get lost in the story and the lives of those incredibly funny and fully realized women. I loved this movie. The photography is crisp and beautiful. And there are some Uma Kill Bill action. If you are an Uma Kill Bill fan, you'll enjoy this movie much more than what the critics are saying. 2615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER MADE 319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie Shame Columbia Pics, otherwise venerable company. However, they made a step forward and printed it in wide screen (previous DVD version was 7652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In most of the reviews I've read on this movie, people point out the highlights of Robert Downey, Jr. and Marisa Tomei, as they should. Both of the stars of this film are definitely worth watching (however cheesy they may get). What people also recognize is Bonnie Hunt in a fabulous best friend role that you will make you think of your best friend. And of course, the film also features a good number of talent such as the popular Shelley Duvall, "Top Gun" actor Rick Rossovich, Fred Willard, John Kapelos and emerging stars Damon Wayans and Kevin Nealon. Bottom line: "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is an overly-loud, pointless, cliched, virtually plotless, poorly directed carbon-copy of the first movie, and at least the first one had its moments. Now, I'm a movie-goer who's able to have realistic expectations when walking into the theater. The "Resident Evil" movies are based on a video game for teenagers, so I'm not expecting "Citizen Kane." But come on, there's nothing wrong with having at least SOME iota of intelligence in a movie of this genre. A total waste of time. It's also (along with "Tenenbaums") the best performance I've seen from his brother Luke, who plays the protagonist Anthony. Luke's performance is subdued and also, very funny. The brothers have great chemistry together, and are able to make each other's performance more entertaining. 8969 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I know that most toddlers and preschoolers seem to love Elmo, but I have to admit I really don't like that furry red monster Muppet much. ... However, I do love Sesame Street and have enjoyed just about everything I have ever seen that featured the Muppets. So, I watched THE ADVENTURES OF ELMO IN GROUCHLAND with an open mind full of trepidation. 4182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Thanks 3190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 EASY RIDER is a fairly entertaining relic from the counterculture of the sixties. The fingerprints of Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper are all over it. Fonda is the producer and Hopper is the director. In addition, the screenplay is the result of the collaboration of Terry Southern with both of them. 5112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The thing that haunts "Taxi Driver," even after all these years, is how connected a lot of the viewers feel with Travis Bickle, Vietnam veteran and burgeoning psychopath. Is he really as different as we want him to be, or is he closer to who "we" are than we like? 1229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Owned first 4 seasons on standalone dvd season sets. When Bob was MIA season 5 mid way and season 6 mostly....the humor was a struggle to keep excitement as high in the series. It reinforced why this sitcom lost steam when it's main star was absent. Like extras. But this series jumped the sharp tail end of season 5. There are several releases on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly reccommend. it's Disgusting reissue waste of money 6585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just as expected, delivered as promises. Anthony Trendl 2621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 loved it I was already driven away by Tomb Raider, Super Mario, and Street Fighter (ugh that was painful to watch). 6932 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always loved Annie ,the music old cars,and other actors that play in Annie 9406 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "The Grail" is episodic, silly, and thoroughly fun. Much like their "Life of Brian", this film lampoons not only the source material, but the people of time as well. No one escapes unscathed, and fans of Monty Python will giggle all the way through. 8015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Directed by Terry Gilliam....Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges, Amanda Plummer, and Mercedes Reuhl combine their awesome talents to create a remarkable modern-day dark fable of love and adventure in Manhattan's. sometimes harsh, cultural realty. 5074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is really a film classic and one of the better ones. 1134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely love the stories going on both Upstairs and Downstairs! Can't believe is was written and filmed so long ago, yet the stories just pull you right in! Am about to enter the 5th Season, and am a little sad, that this is the last Season. Love, love love the characters! 975 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I guess I'm the only one disappointed in the Masterpiece Theater adaptation of Great Expectations, but I was. Ioan Gruffudd is a fine actor, but he is no Pip. The only aspect of his portrayal I liked was his devotion to Estella. Even his horror at discovering the identity of his real benefactor was too "subtle" and too short-lived. Side note - I love that 70s movies don't always have happy endings but tell real 'life' stories. 7210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Gen X Cops" isn't quite your average Hong Kong action movie, adopting instead the look of a low budget Hollywood summer flick. A trio of young cops with an attitude tail gangsters all while looking pretty damn cool at it. Jack (Nic Tse), Match (Stephen Fung), and Alien (alien-like Sam Lee) find themselves kicked out of police academy only to be picked up by Officer Chan (Eric Tsang), himself on the outs with his unsympathetic superiors. Chan wants their help on a dangerous undercover mission, one involving gang bosses, gang betrayals, and rocket fuel (??) They're joined by Y2K (Grace Yip) whose sole purpose it seems is to be the tough girl of the group. Everyone's got a little something to prove and set out to get a little respect. Balletic gunfights, questionable English, and the explosion of a Hong Kong landmark ensue. 7174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always enjoy watching this It's a pity that The Bob Newhart Show isn't better known by the younger generation. It broke a lot of new ground in putting off beat comedy and characters on TV. This collection presents the series in appropriate fashion with commentary by many of the cast and director/producers. But by 1930, when the storyline was made into a radio show and in 1977 when it was made into a Broadway musical, suffice to say, Annie became part of America's pop culture and known for songs such as "Tomorrow", "Maybe" and "It's the Hard-Knock Life". Great performances from John Malkovich and Dustin Hoffman round it out and make it an enjoyable historical epic. 9459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this when I was in highschool and it's still funny as ever. A lot of this movie was imoprov because it didn't follow the script. I didn't like the very end with British Police Force arrested King Arthur. But the movie itself will just make you laugh. It's far from the legends of King Arthur but in comedy (especially this one) you can get away with it. Buy it, you'll roll over with laughter. ~ 20 Deleted Scenes 2476 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really like this movie and I think Richard Gere and Kim Beasinger work will together. Would like to see the in another movie There are more extras with this Blu Ray than you can sit through at one time tho I did sit through many. The BR also contains all the extras that were on the original release plus lots more including several still shots on a nice quality paper with the DVD's case. 2875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was very good for the time, and it's still entertaining, but not up to standards of the time, although I don't think it would be very successful nowadays. I loved at the time and I'm happy to have the Blu Ray as a souvenir. i re-watched it the other day with my friend Peter Stampfel's song in it called "If Ya Wanna be a Bird." Go ahead and put some fun in your courtroom experiences. Rumpole style is well worth it. You will be glad you purchased. After the Rumpole of The Bailey experience, if you've not had enough of British mystery and crime, I highly recommend ANY set of "Midsomer Murders." Nobody does mystery like the Brits. They put the jolly good FUN in criminal conFrUNtation. 8055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Former Monty Python regular Terry Gilliam has directed 13 movies, including the mythical "Baron Munchausen" in 1988, and 2 obvious classics, "Brazil", and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". The year 2003 will bring us his "Good Omens". But in 1991, he gave us the mystical, magical gem "The Fisher King", a tremendous saga about the triumph of the human spirit. "The Fisher King" stars Jeff Bridges as another wounded, lost victim of the psychosis we call the modern world. He's a former talk radio star who destroys his life and many others' with a mean-spirited, thoughtless on-the-air remark. Fractured with guilt, he meets a demented homeless man(Robin Williams), and becomes enlisted in the unlikely quest for the Holy Grail. Robin Williams performance as Parry, the lost and wounded street person, is the genesis for his future demonic destitute crystalized 11 years later in "Death to Smoochy". Academy Award winning Mercedes Ruehl co-stars. This widescreen DVD(with trailer) is yet another terrific transfer from Columbia Tristar. And Sony gives it the anamorphic treatment. "The Fisher King" is a complete film; funny, compelling, innocent, and irrational. And like an old Howard Hawks epic, it's a street-level expose about the real relationship between two men. Love, Sanity, Redemption, and Ethel Merman. "The Fisher King" is a bountiful fantasy brimming with wonder and escapism....and isn't that what cinema is really all about? But we see that without serious provocation, he instantly becomes raving and homicidal. A side that most movies (and people) tend to shy away from. He will make your blood run cold and near the end, make you cry. For a grand overview of the expanse of the Roman empire, this would be a terrific video-set to buy. However, precious little is shown or alluded to Rome itself. For those who are only interested in the history & politics inside Rome, other documentaries would be much more appropriate. If, on the other hand, you want to know more about the Legions on the frontiers of Roman territories, the present videos would be a superb choice. 17 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Haters will say this is biased, that the founding fathers were not christians, or that they were deists...and maybe that's true for some of the ff. But this documentary is very informative. Our nation started as something it is most certainly not anymore. And we are falling. This movie gives insight as to why. From the minute I got my hands on this set I realized how nice it actually is. Containing just two discs but hours worth of features. The first disc contains the movies in three different editions. The Original Theatrical Version contains the movie how it was originally seen on the big screen. Special Edition is the same version that was released several years ago with a few additional features that was added to the Theatrical Version. The Director's Cut contains additional parts of the movie that were Steven Spielberg intended to be in his movie. For all of you confused don't worry the set comes with a high quality glossy timeline sheet with the extra parts that were added to each edition. On this disc you are also given an option to run the movie with all the extras. So essentially you have four versions of this film. 2845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great music! Jack Nickleson is awesome. So is Peter Fonda and Denis Hopper! '60's music, action, romance, nudity. 5475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ok first off the 2011 remake was horrible don't buy it, full of lousy acting and even worse CGI in almost every scene,infact the best part of the remake is the end credits. I wonder who the studio executives think want to see these remakes. The original Fright Night takes you back to a great time the 80's there is no internet, smart phones, CGI and the characters don't tweet in every scene. The story is great about a young all american boy next door Charlie Brewster who loves classic horror films and wants to score with his girlfriend. The trouble begins when a vampire moves in next door. As the film shifts into gear he now has a ticked off vampire after him and his friend "Evil Ed" and his girlfriend Amy don't believe the guy next door is a vampire. The only one he can turn to is the local TV horror host Peter Vincent. The two then do battle with this vampire in a great fight sequence. This film creates an excellent atmosphere set in an all american town instead of cheesy Las Vegas and Roddy Mcdowell is brilliant as the Horror host Peter vincent. To bad they don't show horror films on local TV anymore, I mean seriously those were the days of great old horror films being shown by a horror host dressed like a ghoul or some other creature of the night. By the way"Evil Ed" steals the show and is not a whiny geek like in the remake. The film also pays homage to the classic Uniiversal horror films as well as the Hammer films you can see little signs of both hear and there in the background. So if your tired of crapy, wimpy, sissy vampire fare such as True Blood and the Twilight films buy 1985's Fright Night. I just wish there were more special features other than the trailer, c'mon not even a tribute to the late Roddy Mcdowell. 8727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+ 8602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old Charles Bronson Movie Wes Anderson's touch is a little rough in his movie debut, but it's that slightly unpolished touch that makes his offbeat style a delight here. For example, Anthony "escapes" from a hospital that he can leave anytime he wants. That unnecessarily complex opener sets the tone of the rest of the movie, of thrillseeking young men who are just a little out of sync with the rest of us. Really enjoyed looking at the fashion and style from the 70s. What a far cry from today's tackiness! 9222 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As a teacher of medieval Grail literature, I have shown "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" to many generations of students -- and indeed there are a number of scenes that really do help young people understand either the medieval literary tradition or medieval history. These include not only the unforgettable "Bring out your dead scene," which educates the fortunate modern viewer on the ubiquity of the medieval Bubonic Plague, but also the Grail Castle with its unimaginable and unaskable question, not to mention the over-the-top battle ethos that would lead to a knight's having not only his arms and legs cut off but also his head! It's hard to believe that such scenes have their medieval progenitors (though I do have to say I know of no medieval precedent for the "shrubbery" scene), but honestly they do. 8379 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 But maybe if enough of us say it, the company will actually DO something about it! WHAT IS UP WITH NOT HAVING A WIDESCREEN VERSION!?!? I was definitely going to purchase this special edition until I saw it was only available in full screen. I'm just so glad that I got the previous release, since they were actually smart enough to add widescreen to that version. I'll skip the special features if I have to. By the way, I would have loved to seen the "Lights, Camera, Annie!" behind the scenes documentary that another reviewer posted about. Well, I hope they get it right when they release yet another version in a few years. 4354 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I didn't see it when it was released in theatres, but I bought the VHS edition and my daughter and I laughed our butts off. I bought the DVD version for $10!! It's an Action/Comedy and it's fabulous. I loved the smoke coming out of the chief's ears!! And Arnold's "daughter" is SO beautiful. Good choice, dude. I LOVED the magic ticket. I really enjoyed every bit of this movie. I've watched it several times already, and will watch it probably every year. 8136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorite musicals. All the characters were wonderful but I don't remember Daddy Warbucks as married which is implied at the end of the movie. I remember this movie fondly from the drive-in with my girlfriend & a couple of 6-packs in about 1971. The drug induced scenery in the graveyard is kind of bogus, but it was a low budget film, & most likely different acid. And yes folks, there really were parts of the country exactly as shown in the movie back then... not all in the deep south either. Enjoy this fun filled, pure entertainment, action packed Widescreen adventure today!! This is one of the best BDs I've yet seen, essentially equalling the quality of "The Fifth Element" and coming close to "The Searchers". It is absolutely of demo quality, with extreme sharpness and detail, and little or no visible edge enhancement. The black levels are unbelievable. Most of the time it's difficult to see any difference between the film's blacks and the letterbox banding on my Pioneer Kuro. Makes me glad I bought it! 3119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. I watch over and over again and still love it. Heartwarming movie about how important family really is. Though I enjoyed "Resident Evil", I must admit that upon my first viewing of the movie I wasn't as enthralled by it. This has mostly to do with the fact that there is a wide open ending to the movie, there is some resolution, but for the most part the story is left open and screaming for a sequel. Since I saw the movie within a few weeks of its arrival on DVD, there had not been any announcement made regarding a future sequel. Without a sequel the story is incomplete, and therefore a let down. However a year later Columbia Pictures announced that they had begun production on "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" and that the basic story written again by Paul W. S. Anderson, would pick up directly where "Resident Evil" left off. Needless to say, this made me happy and so when the sequel came out on DVD I rented both movies and watched them back to back. By doing this I was treated to a complete story that is truly too big to fit into one movie and the need for two movies to tell one story made sense, and I was no longer frustrated with the first film. With all that being said, if you are wanting to watch "Resident Evil", please keep in mind that you need to rent the sequel at the same time or shortly after viewing the first film so that you will get the complete movie experience as it was intended to be. 4489 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Hewitt is in college and trying to get on with her life when her friend wins a trip for 4 to the Bohamas. There, they and a bunch of innocent bystanders are killed one by one by the killer from part I and his son. Gets off to a great start, but falls into the rut of predictability with an overdone body count. The Train De Niro is in very nearly every scene in this film, and without a stunning performance in that role, you do not get a stunning film. Luckily, De Niro is unforgettable. Although his famous scene in front of the mirror (the "You talking to me" scene, which was entirely improvised) is rightfully celebrated, in every second of the film his presence dominates. I seem to remember reading years ago in an interview with screenwriter Paul Schrader that Travis Bickle was based very much on the narrator from Dostoevsky's NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND. If he didn't say that, I will. It isn't just that Travis seems socially out of place, but morally and metaphysically out of place. He doesn't seem to be a person with a genuine core, and at the end of the film, he seems equally capable of good or evil. He ends up doing good, but Scorsese has pointed to the arbitrariness of his actions. He could easily have assassinated the political candidate instead of the pimp. He ends the movie a hero, but an more an ironic hero than an anti-hero. In a flip of a metaphysical coin, he accidentally ends up a good guy instead of a madman. The actor who plays Jon Krakauer's character has the thankless role of Greek chorus. He is there to basically tie up loose ends in the movie. He portrays Krakauer as a dour, humorless human being who, were it not for the fact that he is a talented writer, would have been pushed off the Lhotse face of Everest by some enterprising soul. Last, but certainly not least, are the Sherpas, who are shown as wise, brave, put upon souls. Now here, the movie is hitting its mark. 5647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great product and good quality This genetic profile has sealed the infant Vincent's fate. He is now labeled an "In-valid" or "de-GENE-erate" because of his bad genetic profile. This means that the adolescent Vincent's dream of "going into space" will not come true. I still love Spielberg's epic UFO creation, a sort of quasi-religious experience for a kid raised on "War of the Worlds" and "Invaders From Mars." In "Close Encounters," the aliens were friendly and most shocking of all - we were nice to them! This had not been done before, as the alien standard was a growling James Arness dressed as a murderous carrot. I trained to be a Barrister, although I went into teaching EU law at American and Russian Universities. Many of the comical moments are so true to life and it this realism that makes virtually all 7 series so magical. 8806 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT CLASSIC MOVIE!! LOVE IT!! 3704 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny. Remembered as a kid and had to watch it again. Glad I will have for my kids when they get older. In closing, I would like to beg Mr. Redford for a digitally remastered and restored director's cut in widescreen on DVD with an interview with him as a special feature. This film deserves the royal treatment, and it's about time it got it, don't you think? 3382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Epic!!! Whenever there's someone like Ray, there's almost always someone like Mark. Mark is sort of a sidekick or cheerleader for Ray and his violently domestic antics. He seems to be something of a drama queen, hitching his trailer up to the pain in Ray's life. It perhaps gives him an excuse to explode and go ape-s**t the way he does. It's mentioned at one point that Mark himself was worked over by Ray's father---maybe this explains the tie that bond these two. own it,own it,own it. Why John Cleese us americans Availability: Currently unavailable 3656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Other than to remark that this is remarkably sentimental film, of the "How I wish aliens would come down and save humanity" ilk, I'll limit myself to the quality of the Blu-ray transfer. 701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I (along with my entire family) am a huge Drive Thru History fan. When I heard that the first two volumes in the new Holy Land Series were released on DVD, I immediately knew I had to go shopping! :) 4457 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Julie James is back with Brandy, not the drink. They go on vacation to the Bahamas, but boo-hoo! It's raining over there. Throw in Jack Black as a Jamaican plant expert. Better. "Find another jacuzzi," says Karla's (Brandy) boyfriend to an unwanted visitor. "It's all good," says the expert. The fisherman is back and hungrier than ever. His hand is now the hook! Wow! He pulls a double shift on the lodge and the teenagers. A bartender lady is tough, whoa, and a sneaky bellboy who's 60 years-old, steals toothbrushes. Whatever. Guys will enjoy this if they like Hewitt. Overall, "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" is way too long of a title for me to type, funnier than the first, Julie looks healthy, and Jack Black was thrown into the mix! Decent, but still lacking any intelligence. 3939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has always been a classic movie in my family Alice (Milla Jovovich), one of the security operatives guarding the mansion, wakes up to find herself naked and confused on the shower floor, with no memory of her life or identity. Suddenly, her home is stormed by a special ops team, and she and two mysterious men are taken prisoner. She soon is informed of who she is and who she works for, and that the strange circumstances are due to something gone wrong within the Hive. Using the secret entrance, the group travels via an underground train to the secret research facility, where they discover the worst has occurred. The T-Virus has escaped, the "Red Queen, the computer entity that controls the security of the underground lair, has killed all employees to minimize risk of spreading the contamination, and all those dead employees are slowly waking up....and they are hungry! Suddenly, the race is on to get back to the train and out of the mansion before the secret blast doors close-up and seal their doom! But, before they can save themselves, they'll have to face the wrath of the Red Queen, the terror of some monstrously mutated dogs, a horrific creature called "The Licker," and an army of the living dead! 801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Liesel Matthews *The Keepers of the Sacred Word, the Knights Who Say "NI!" The Avengers '65: Set 1 7465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of our family's favorites. It is the true story, autobiographical tale by author/teacher Norman Maclean. The cast in this movie is wonderful; main characters played by Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer, Brenda Blethyn, Emily Lloyd, and Tom Skerrit. The setting is in Montana of the early 20th century, about two young brothers growing up in the home of a Presbyterian minister superbly played by Tom Skerrit. The father is an erudite man who not only homeschools his boys in the scriptures, but classic literature and poetry. A far better education than received in schools. However, he is also a fly fisherman, and teaches them life lessons from this perspective as well. The story follows them as they grow into young men. 2922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An ageless classic women story! Shirley McClain is hilarious, Sally Field too young to play a mother but so convincing, I can watch this movie over and over again. Oh, and a Cast Directory. 442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Though it's been a while, I recall this as being a rather excellent film. Peter Chattaway tells us that "disparate elements are woven into Joseph's story without sacrificing the film's dramatic unity; the result is unexpectedly coherent, even poignant....[It]is about as rich a three-hour epic as one could want from television: complex, challenging and convincing, it has enough emotional power to draw you into its world and enough realism to make you want to stay there (Review: The Bible Collection, Patheos(dot)com, 1996) 6874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie. Easy Rider is a lengthy music video for the '60s culture. But it is also an honest perspective on the counterculture movement. Fonda and Hopper's portrayal of that experience is free of the romanticized tone that characterizes so many other films from this era. Fonda's dialogue the night before his death is a purveyor of things to come. Hopper is happy because they've made it to their destination with their drug money. "We blew it," Fonda tells him. "We blew it, man." Heavy. The story is told by a mailman, effectively voiced by Fred Astaire, who takes time out from all of his holiday deliveries to set the tone for this charming holiday tale and narrate the evetns. I think of this as being a contemporary of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," but that actually came out six years earlier (the common denominator is that they were both clay-mation productions from Bass & Rankin). The Island of Misfit Toys makes the other one the more beloved Holiday classic, but this one is a close second, and Jessica is the cutest future Mrs. Claus of all-time. Our vampire snacks on apples for dental health, makes some idle threats to a teenager, strangles and toys with the kid when he could have just ripped his head off, and is thwarted by a pencil wound to the hand. However silly, this all leads us down a rabbit hole of more exaggerated antics when Charley canvases his room with rosaries, crosses, garlic and candles (he must have a big allowance) and then our teenaged protagonists enlist the help of television horror host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall; Embryo, Shakma, Fright Night 2), who happens to be an actual expert when it comes to dealing with the fanged undead. A well made adapation of my all time favorite video game series of the same name, sure it doesn't have Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine ( whom stars in part 2) but it's a breezy ride loaded with gore, horror, sci-fi, decent acting, cool music score and a twist in the end that leads to "Resident Evil Apocalypse" which was almost even better. These two meet by accident when a suicidal Bridges is being attacked by street thugs and Williams rescues him. They become unlikely friends. Thus, the former celebrity learns first hand about homeless people and mental illness. He also discovers why his new friend is often so deranged, and feels he caused the death of this unfortunate fellow's wife. 7613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie 4198 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How do you get to Carnegie Hall?! 4653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. 1836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Crossing is about a small action that became a pivotal point in the American Revolution, the American assault on German mercinary troops in Trenton, NJ. What struck me was not the audacity of Washington attacking in the dead of winter, but the cooperation of his subordinates that was need to even make this action remotely possible. This is an ensemble performance that centers around Washington but shows the synergistec effect that was needed to make the attack work. 808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 very important exercises are presented here. not just kegel but other such as squats. i think in general these are great to do on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure that I over-value Hard Times. But the role of Chaney fits Charles Bronson like his bare-knuckled skin, and James Coburn and Stroher Martin are superb, as is the rest of the supporting cast. Even Bronson's wife, Jill Ireland, whom he included in all his films until she succumbed to breast cancer, is better than usual. Hard Times is about just that -- hard times. The violence, and there's less of it than you might expect, is just incidental. I would have loved to grow up to be a 'proffesional fly fisherman' too. Also, not to dismiss the young men that play the families' boys at the beginning of the movie where also well picked for thier roles and were very moving. They personified growing up in the mountains and reminded me of growing up in the mountains. Playing outside from dusk till dawn. This is a great movie for the family; a little adult situational events and language. But nothing they aren't already regularly subjected to (for the most part) in this day in age. And also in my opinion. Good date movie too, a good laugh here ad there, touching moments, and the tragic and beautiful intersecting circles of human nature of love, life, family and presented during a time frame as well as its geographical region. It's one my top 5 fav films. I'm very picky about movies and somewhat portals of semi accurate time periods as well as the real nature of sociological views and values, moral and material itwMs and entertainment vs work ethics of a time period. 4345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 and Hamlet is taking out the trash! I recommend this film as a must-have for Woody Allen devotees and anyone who wants a good silly comedy. I've never met anyone who didn't like this... 994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Epic film considering Marvin was wounded during his service in the Pacific as a marine. He was there and did that without treatment for PTSD If you were to buy The Fisher King, The Matrix, Groundhog Day and Jacob's Ladder, you would have in your possession some of the most profound philosophical insights in the history of the human race. 8770 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie and for the price, I had to buy it so that I could relive watching this from my childhood. Glad I did. I don't think bluray would enhance the quality of this film's picture very much, so I went with the DVD. 5333 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It should be noted that this movie is dated in several ways & its a more or less light horror\comedy. its made to be a fun popcorn throwback with good acting & a decent plot. Recalled it being ok as a kid but as an adult , the more I watch it the better it gets. If only modern films put in half this much effort!!! "AMYYYYYY" 2757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So many wonderful and talented actresses. Great story line. Always there for each other no matter how much they bickered. Good purchase. It seems that only revered Christians can be so badly depicted in Hollywood. I recommend a pass on this hate-mongering. 1324 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 To understand why The Avengers movie so totally misses the mark, you have to understand why the original Patrick Macnee/Diana Rigg British TV series worked so well. This requires a bit of historical perspective. Britain in the early/mid-1960s was a culture in which long-accepted norms were threatened by powerful social forces. The youth movement was forever redefining attitudes toward authority and government, Britain was birthing a type of music that would soon sweep the world, and, particularly important to The Avengers, the women's rights movement saw many a woman demand more from her future than a lifetime of housewifedom. 5685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 4812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 gave this as a gift to my son who is a Will Ferrell fan The only problem I had with the film is that it seems to, in places, equate punk with mindless violence, a cultural construct and media myth which has been in place since daytime talk shows reached out to the violently disenfranchised youth of America and said, "Punks are messed up and need makeovers." And the youth bought in. When I started watching this movie I was in awe. This was one of the best hd transfers of a movie I have ever seen. I have watched numerous movies over ten years old and this one looked best. The color and visuals looked superb. The sound is superb and the way it was intended to sound. But Travis although polite, rejects these opportunity of love and life, and the film ends in following with his taxi in search I think, of more problems, Thanatos or the death. 560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is impossible to overestimate the important of this 1979 film, for it has made an impact in even the most primitive regions of the earth, places where men and women are only now hearing about Jesus for the first time. This definitive, rigorously scriptural movie version of the life of Jesus Christ has been seen by over five billion people around the globe, reaching 236 different nations in over 800 languages. It has helped win innumerable souls to Christ all over the world, and even now, under the aegis of Campus Crusade For Christ, local churches and individuals are coming together in an effort to send a free copy of the movie to every home in the United States. The movie was a dream over three decades in the making, with five years of pre-production work preceding the seven-month filming that took place in 1978 at a multitude of sites in Israel. Intense efforts, involving the collaboration of numerous scholars from the whole gamut of Christian churches, went into making Jesus as accurate as it could possibly be - from vintage pottery to historically accurate costuming to sufficient cinders residing behind burning torches, every effort was made to take the audience back to Jesus' time. It is a non-denominational Christian film; while some churches might quibble about an omission here or a suggestion there, this movie is the story of Jesus and not the story of any particular kind of Christian religion. 2763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still a classic southern film. 5210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Martin Scorscese introduces us with an epic tale about a New Yorker taxi cab driver. A brilliant work of art, to say the least. From the beggining of the movie to the very end, your eyes are glued to the television screen. One of the best movies done by Martin Scorscese. This is Hollywood at it's best. But on the darker side, the movie deals with a man and his experience with solitude, the kind of fantasies he develops to help him get thru the monotony and how these fantasies soon start to control him and the line between imagination and reality blurs, where the movie and viewer unite in an unrivaled and unparalleled movie viewing experience. Probably one of the best movies on the darker side. +++++ 4258 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 pretty bad stuff Taking my personal preference aside, this movie does deliver to a certain extent. The story it develops is engaging (and the back story does have a certain amount of depth) and they tried hard to layer it with elements from the film, but overall it feels a tad hollow or unimportant. When it's all over you don't feel like you need to watch it again. There are far better zombie films out there (Danny Boyle's masterpiece '28 Days Later' is everything this film SHOULD have been). El Buyo thiso filmo! You'll sureo enjoyo! Grado: A+o, 3110 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic amazing film with both unforgettiable comedy and drama. Dolly Parton, Sally Field and Julia Roberts really pull off the classic act. The film is both very funny but also very touching as you see how strong women really are. Its a classic and a must have for all women. 3593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic sci-fi I enjoyed as a kid and it still captivates my attention to this day. Steven Spielberg always seems to show the lighter side or more benevolent side of alien encounters which I enjoy. there are couple questions from Audience about Fright night II so Tommy lee wallace does talk about the film 5967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you've never seen it before, you should watch it. Mostly based on a true story. Give it a try. 6290 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Paul Anderson shouldn't be allowed in hollywood period. The guy can't direct, and he can't write a good movie. I highly recommend this movie! It may not be the Wizard of Oz, or Gone with the Wind, but it is enjoyable family viewing. solo recon which is a cardinal no-no in that type of situation. 3180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The characters portrayed in this great film represent the very epitome of the 1960s baby-boomer mindset, along with the spirit of the masses who used the Vietnam War as an excuse to be bums. The progeny of the folks who won World War II, these young boomer-drifters were aimless and lazy; the film opens with two of these bums equipping themselves with money via an illegal heroin deal (trashing, no doubt, the lives of the drug users and their families, not to mention the folks they had to rip off in order to fund their addictions). We then watch this pair, one a sedated pot-head and the other a lunatic pot-head, drift toward New Orleans for a big drunk party, picking up along the way another equally purposeless bum (the great Jack, in a stunning role!). The plot plays out in an appropriate fashion for people who live their lives in this repulsive manner. Plot: 5/5 (Realistic and life affirming) The special features in this set are fabulous. What could be more funny than Monty Python in legos! Just the bonus disc is enough to entertain someone for hours. 'Easy Rider' took to me a place and time I knew intimately, and I was trasported back to those not so innocent happy times. 'What a long strange trip it's been'. 7385 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great product, great price, fast delivery. I think the scariest bit had to be the speech at the beginning of the film by Harrison Ford. I've heard it before somewhere.... 411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This epic, motion picture - JOSEPH, starring Actor: Paul Mercurio in the title role, is an engaging, true life, biblical drama straight from the Old Testament/Book of Genesis within the Holy Bible (See Genesis 30:22-24; 37:1-36 & 39:1-50:26). Written for television by: Lionel Chetwynd, this 1995 film which also features... not one, but two Academy Award winning Actors: Sir Ben Kingsley as 'Potiphar' and Martin Landau as 'Jacob', also won the prestigious Emmy Award for: "Outstanding Miniseries." And, although it focuses on the life of JOSEPH, it also chronicles the latter life of his father Jacob, together with his wives, his concubines, his only sister - Dinah, and the lives of his brothers, as well. From the popular "Bible Collection" Films of which (at this date), there are 13 available, Turner Pictures presents a Lube Production in association with Lux Beta Films and Rai Uno in presenting this disturbing yet deeply moving and climactic film: JOSEPH, in it's entirety. All, 187-minutes of it. This compelling, motion picture/miniseries, vividly depicts the willful, calculated and brutal betrayal of 17-year old JOSEPH, the 11th son of 12 brothers. Who, was maliciously sold into slavery, to appease their jealousy of him. What are older brothers for, eh?! So why..., were they so cruel and viciously envious of JOSEPH? Because he was their father's obvious favorite (Genesis 37:3-4). Sibling rivalry? Oh yeah! And, then some!! In viewing this captivating drama, one cannot help but wonder..., how it helped JOSEPH's brother's to be so jealous of him? And what did they hope to accomplish with their continued envy, scorn and contempt towards their innocent, younger brother? It certainly wasn't going to change their father's love for him. Neither, would it change the fact, that JOSEPH was the long awaited, first-born son of Jacob's favorite wife, Rachel. Nor would it diminish their feelings of paternal rejection, deep seated inadequacies and personal insecurities from which, acute jealousy, stems. But, aside from his younger brother Benjamin, his only sibling by the same mother (Rachel), the 10 older brothers and their level of jealousy towards him escalated too such a fever pitch, that initially they literally plotted to murder JOSEPH. But, due to the sanity and shrewdness of the one brother, they opted to throw him into a cold, dry, well, complete with snakes. The following morning, they literally sold him..., to Ishmaelite Slave Traders for 20 pieces of silver. Talk about betrayal, treachery, deviousness, jealousy and abject hatred! Again, was there any brotherly love, here? No way! And, they all made a profit from literally..., selling out his person. So how, did their acute jealousy help anything? It didn't. From the on-set, jealousy of another breeds resentment and hostility. Unbridled, it only suffices to kill and destroy. In this particular case, blatant deceit combined with needless treachery together with their murderous envy, sheer hatred and concealment of their vile crime, manifested itself in a heinous betrayal against their own brother. And, as if that weren't enough, they further added insult to injury by deliberately lying too their father, Jacob. How? By corporately telling him the tale, that JOSEPH was dead and gone. Because he supposedly, was killed by a wild animal. And, they 'offered' his blood stained coat which Jacob had made for him, as "proof." Meanwhile, JOSEPH... who was very much alive, was re-sold in Egypt by the Ishmaelite Slave Traders, to Potiphar - the Captain of the Pharaoh's Guard. So, as far as the envious brother's were concerned, JOSEPH was seemingly out of the picture and doomed to the wretched existence of a slave. And for years, such was the case. And Jacob, having lost his favorite son, along with his pride and joy upon whom all of his hopes of leading the family clan were founded, continued to grieve for his thought to be dead, son. Because when you truly love someone, their absence only makes the heart grow fonder. The years wore on..., and JOSEPH grew to become very handsome. He was a man of excellence and integrity, who knew how to read and write (most slaves didn't), and one who carried himself in a humble manner. As was pleasing to his master, Potiphar. However, for as much as Potiphar trusted JOSEPH... to the point that he elevated him to be his personal assistant and household accountant, so too, did Potiphar's' promiscuous wife (as portrayed by Actress: Lesley Ann Warren) decide, that she would take advantage of the situation and use JOSEPH's strong, attractive, physique for her own sexual pleasure. But, there was only one problem. JOSEPH refused to sleep with her. And she, incensed at having her advances rejected by a mere slave, spitefully and vindictively accused him of a most heinous crime. Rape. (Yup! All of this..., sex and all, is really within the Holy Bible. And, at the beginning of this review, you were provided with: Chapter, scripture and verse(s), so you can read it for yourself). So, what happened to JOSEPH? Well, having heard that his wife was supposedly raped, Potiphar stripped JOSEPH of his position and status, and further placed him into Pharaoh's prison. Where common thieves, cut throat's and all sorts of criminals are kept. Hardly the place, for an innocent and educated man, like JOSEPH. A man of breeding and integrity. However, just as Potiphar was impressed with the way JOSEPH carried himself and handled his assigned duties, so too, was the prison warden into whose prison care, JOSEPH was placed. To the point, that he elevated JOSEPH to the position of prison overseer, who was in charge of all the other prisoners. Years went by, and then came the fateful day when two of Pharaoh's employee's - a wine bearer and a baker, were placed into prison under JOSEPH's care. Utilizing his gift that the Lord had given to him (that of interpreting dreams), JOSEPH correctly foretold the dreams of both, the baker and the wine bearer. Specifically, that the wine bearer would be reinstated into Pharaoh's employ and that the baker would die in prison. It came to pass just as JOSEPH had stated, and having been restored, the wine bearer remembered and told Pharaoh about JOSEPH, when Pharaoh's' court see's could not interpret Pharaoh's dreams. JOSEPH was summoned to Pharaoh's Court and after hearing and accurately predicting the dreams of the Pharaoh, he was rewarded and promoted to the position of Governor of all, Egypt. Second only, to Pharaoh himself. Believe it! And what, became of JOSEPH's brother's? Well, suffice it to say, that the rest of this powerful drama is a story of forgiveness, healing, reconciliation and restoration. And yes, JOSEPH's brother's got a lesson that they wouldn't soon forget! This is a deeply moving, epic, biblical drama that comes to it's audience in color, on a single-disc, DVD in spoken English in 4.0 Dolby Digital Surround Sound and also, in 2.0 Dolby Digital Spanish. With subtitles in English, Spanish and French. And shows in full screen format for approximately 187-minutes. To say the least, it is a very interesting motion picture that does much more, than just entertain. It deals with human drama in relation too the God, that created..., mankind (See Genesis 1:2-28 & 2:21-25). Nina Kish 8627 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic, Bronson at his best. Sad that most of the cast is gone now but they will always be remembered. 6002 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Steve Martin playing a moderately "straight" character compared to the rest of the foils he's set against. The sight gag of his ginormous nose is greatest when he's sitting at home with a bird perched on it and muttering the teasing remark that he'd made about it when accosted in the bar. Now, I would have loved to give this movie 5 stars but I just couldn't, for 2 reasons. First, I was disappointed to hear that Paul Anderson wouldn't be back in the director's chair for this one. I'm a huge fan of Mortal Kombat and AVP. It was hard for me to picture the movie done by anyone else. Nonetheless, I gave it a good chance. My synopsis is, this director is just not as good. During the fighting scenes, the cameras were shaking like someone was making a home movie. Very annoying. Plus, it was hard to see the details on the zombies because the cameras were blurred when they were being shown. Not very high quality. 2006 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has everything. Fast pace, good verses evil, suspense I found the "Making of" featurette on this DVD edition to be very informative and really well done. In fact, it is one of the better featurettes I have seen. Hopper and Fonda (among others) take us behind the scenes into the magical making of this film and how it all just seemed to flow naturally, largely unscripted. A word to the wise: you might want to check out the 35th anniversary edition. While I have heard that the quality of the DVD is not improved, there is a soundtrack CD and a nice booklet for any true fan of the film. Otherwise, you'll do just fine with this cheaper version. 7756 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. Every moment of it is perfect. The chemistry between the two great actors is pure magic. The wonderful weirdness of NYC is lovingly captured. 7873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams are great in this move. 2407 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I hated the Spice Girls before this movie and then I hated them even more after I saw it. Stupid,boring and dull only a child under the age of 10 would like this huge mess. 95 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can recall watching Henry Winkler on a talk show when this movie came out on television. He asked the viewers to let him know what we thought of him in this role as it was different from the ones most had come to know him (eg. "The Fonz"). When I watched it over 30 years ago, I enjoyed it. It wasn't until recently I sought it out and watched it again. It is an excellent retelling of the Dicken's classic with an Americanized twist. The lessons are timeless and Henry Winkler's Mr Slade is really well done and believable. 5048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazon has never let me down. I received this dvd in perfect condition and in a timely manner. Thanks. 7553 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a gift. My daughter loved it. 4632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A favorite of mine. 345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I simply LOVE this story. Is so beautifully done. They must of spent a fortune with the sets and costumes. In my opinion even better than the settings used in Cleopatra (with Elizabeth Taylor) Very good acting as well. Worth buying and the message is tremendous. I was hoping Nemesis would have a bigger part, but he was still good. Unquestionably dated to a large extent, particularly in the strange editing of certain sequences and the acid trip, which looks less avant garde and more amateurish, EASY RIDER nevertheless has its merits. The soundtrack is one of those merits, with 1960s classics like Steppenwolf's "Born To Be Wild" and the Band's "The Weight", and countryish tracks like "Wasn't Born To Follow" (the Byrds) and "Don't Bogart Me" (Fraternity of Man). The other is, of course, Nicholson's star-making performance as George Hanson. Before this, Nicholson was just a B-grade actor. But his often-uproarious and, later, thoughtful performance here cemented his reputation as a top-notch movie star forever. 1496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Samantha Morton won my heart in this absolutely amazing movie. I ended up purchasing every movie she made after seeing her in this. She's a really Great actress and I'm sure most anyone would enjoy this movie. 3736 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The movie focuses primarily on Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), an electric line repairman who goes to work one night to fix a massive power outage and sees several low flying spacecraft. Many others see these craft including Gillian Guiler (Melinda Dillon from A Christmas Story) whose son is later abducted by the aliens. At the same time, a group of researchers who apparently work for the government travels around the world gathering information on various alien sightings and encounters. All of this comes together when everyone converges on one spot to find... well, that's the question that plagues all of them. Annie is about a little girl who was left at an orphanage when she was a baby. The living conditions in this place are absolutely horrible, and the woman who's supposed to be looking after these kids doesn't seem to care about them in the least. All she cares about is money, booze and men! I am retired special forces and watching small units in military action in both war and horror can be a hoot. I found Michelle 8788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie feels like the writer had Mr. Bronson in mind for this part; when he wrote it. The quiet street smart Chaney is all Bronson. Strother Martin, James Coburn and Jill Ireland were also very good. Coburn is a natural as fight promoter/gambler - Speed. 505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When this film debuted in 1994 as a miniseries on television, at a time when biblical stories were being made into miniseries, I was skeptical because I had been disappointed in the stories of Abraham and Jacob. 5704 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Don't get me started on the characters! All I can say about them is that they might as well have been polygons. I know I'm not being really original when I say this movie is like watching a bunch of cut-scenes from a video game but...it is. It is totally NOT worth your time or money. Do not even give in to curiosity. 4325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Im one of those few people who got the joke. I got the joke back in 1993 when it came out. I know that this movie was meant to spoof those absurd action movies. 5196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not really much of a movie "critic"; In fact I dislike most critics as they think everyone else should have the same tastes in movies and plays. In my personal opinion, Taxi Driver MUST be one of the best, if not the best, movies of all time. If you are looking for an Action Jackson, kill'em all, special effects, light-speed space travel thriller then... You will be disappointed. However, if you enjoy thought-provoking stories, solid, convincing acting, and a movie that seriously makes you THINK and entertain you at the same time, Taxi Driver is the spot! Then again, thats just my personal opinion :) No Bonus Feature 9675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie. Entrance Hawke and Uma Thurman are stunning. Even if you don't like Sci Fi this is a good watch! 1151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This show has an amazing cast, not to mention riveting plot lines. As a costume drama, it is pretty enough but due to the age of the show and the budget constraints back then, the production quality is not as great as contemporary period dramas such as seen on hit series Downton Abbey, the remake Upstairs, Downstairs and others. 7268 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of my favorites growing up and is now my Daughter's favorite. Love Annie. 4960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked bottle rocket but I think I prefer the later Wes Anderson movies. It was interesting to see the Wilson brothers in there Dave you and Wes Anderson in his debut. This movie starts off with a brief recap of what happened in the first film, other than that it picks up right where it left off. The plot is as follows. Racoon City has become a garden of rapidly growing numbers of undead. The Umbrella Corporation has taken it upon itself to quarantine the city, this means building a massive wall that circles the entire city. No one gets in, no one gets out. We are then thrust into heart pounding action sequences and all the things you loved about the first film. The small group we, the viewers, follow consists of Alice, Jill, Carlos, and Dr. Ashford's daughter. They must get to a designated building to then climb effortlessly onto a helicopter and fly off into the sunset. Things don't go as planned, however, and chaos ensues. It's not a bad plot but the movie is really about the alienation of one man from the city around him. In this, De Niro is totally convincing he is in the city but not of the city. He has a hard job too. A social misfit cannot be given a sharp snappy script. Instead, such a person will at times be an embarrassment to those around him and De Niro portrays this perfectly. Despite the shortcomings, it is wonderful to have this classic 1980's film on DVD. 7900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Robin Williams' best movies of all time. 9865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was about to type a title of "most underrated movie ever" but then it hit me: it's not underrated. In fact, many many people love the film with critics hailing the film and a loyal fanbase making it a cult classic in line with Donnie Darko or the Crow. Yet others don't know of it and it didn't get the attention it deserved so it's kind of in that grey area: it's got a following but it didn't have the box office to go along with it which is too bad cause it's quite intelligent and thought-provoking. 5974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't watch this because it's based on a true story. I would prefer fiction. My guy loves this movie, though. He watches it when I'm not home. It's painful and scares me to death. Too real for my taste. 4008 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Now if only all divorced couples could eventually resolve marital issues and accept ex-mates new spouses and blend families as harmoniously as possible we all could turn a new page in child rearing. This movie definitely shows both the negative and positive sides in family issues with exes & steps. The movie goes to the heart and also has some valuable lessons for all to strive for when trying to do the best for our children of broken homes. 8910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie - glad to have it on DVD. 7679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 very moving film with a very beautiful ending. not brad pitt's best acting performance. slow at moments but worth finishing! Biohazard: Damnation (2012) / Resident Evil: Damnation. So, why the four stars instead of five? I hate to say this... Special effects. The special effects in this film occasionally take away from the much needed tension (especially the fight towards the end of the film...) It's odd that they chose to CG the monsters in that manner, because it really looked quite dated. Aside from this, fans of the "Resident Evil" game franchise will definitely like "Apocalypse" best (for all of it's one liners and slo-mo action scenes, it captured the spirit of Racoon City in a way neither of the other films did.) 5034 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Three friends get together for petty burglary jobs. They are pretty inept. One of them, Anthony (Owen Wilson), just got out of an mental institution but seems much more sane than the manic Dignan (Luke Wilson). Anthony falls in love with a motel maid, Inez. Occasionally one of the haves has an accident. Then it is possible to assume that person's identity armed with genetic traces, blood and urine samples and some creative surgery. Thus armed he is able to enter Gattaca (the organization responsible for space flight) where he wins a position on the mission to Titan. But there is a hitch; a murder. During the investigative sweep one of his eyelashes is found and the search begins in earnest. 7837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Most negative reviews here grumble about the movie's slowness, which is fair. Yet, despite its lack of event, this nostalgic recollection through one man's memories is a beautiful cinematograph of experience and family values. THE CHILDREN ARE WONDERFUL ; VERY WELL CAST ! 8391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie--absolutely loved it. I can't understand how anybody couldn't like it. The acting is unbelievably outstanding--it really is. Indeed, Aileen Quinn was made for this role, and in my eyes, no other child in any other version of this classic can compare to Quinn's most amazing portrayal. Carol Burnett is also uncomparable. Overall, it's just such an enjoyable movie that I have watched and loved ever since I was little. It's a great childhood memory for me. One of the best movies I have ever seen, and certainly not the least bit dull or boring. The music is extremely catchy and strong; the actors have a strong passion for their characters, and you can tell throughout the movie. I hope you will take the time to see this version if you have not already. It's the BEST! =) Mon Dieu! Run awaaaaaayy. . . 1128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this series! The characters are very well-written and well-acted. I am transported back in time to WWI and love the story lines with the different people in the house. This show brings history alive in a very entertaining way. I usually watch an entire episode while I am walking on my treadmill and I get my exercise without even realizing it! LOVE, love, love it!! 3725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very nice package for a classic film, It's nice to see that Spielberg took the time to do a nice remaster and include all the versions of the film. It's great to see how it developed over the years into what Spielberg really wanted. The picture is very crisp with some of the gloss being removed from the original. I for one really enjoy these packages where the put a number of versions of an important film together and give reasons for all the different changes. Over the course of watching these I end up changing my own choice of favorite version. Anyway a great job done on a great film, you won't be disappointed. What is the morale of the story? There are hundreds if not thousands of morales. Perhaps the most telling of situations is when Joan, in her final days behind bars, is confronted by Dustin Hoffman, her own doubts. He asks her what her sins have been and how she got into this place. Her sins were pride and vanity. Maybe she didn't really hear the voice of God. Maybe she was just a nutcase who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe she was the fall guy for a botched military movement, a weak king, or a patriarchal society. Whatever the reason, Joan was a hero. Well done. I can't wait to watch it again. Definately one you will consider purchasing. Keep it in your video library anytime you need a good story and more than a few explosions and a car chase. 6017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film (and more generally the series of films) does seem to attract its fair share of opprobrium and, looking at the spread of ratings it's got here on Amazon, it's not even just a "love it or loathe it" film - it's pretty much fairly covered by every point on the spectrum. One fairly common theme of the "hate it" reviews appears to be that it offends devotees of the computer game from which the film series originated. Only having played RE on the PS1 once, I personally have no concept of whether the transfer to celluloid has been appalingly botched but, in any case, I think that it's a little unfair: there can't be many films that were able to faithfully reproduce the game/book/comic/etc from which it was derived. Similarly, another common theme is that it's some sort of failed pretender to the Romero throne. Again, I haven't seen any of his films (I did see the Dawn remake) so I am unlikely to be offended on that score either. 1584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fun seeing this again The production value of this film is first-rate. Obviously period re-enactors were used and their dedication to the hobby shows in the correct formations, drills, etc. The brief skirmish at the beginning with the British probably did not happen so close to the Delaware like that. Also, the uniforms for the British appear off somehow. They look like an earlier period, not the 1770s. Still, it works. The Hessians are well portrayed, although it would have provided variety if some Musketeer's with their tri-corn hats were shown. Not all of Rall's men were Grenadiers and Fusiliers! SERIES 5: 1919-30, the largest span of time. War's end. The 1920's roar, and that impacts the family upstairs as well as the lively help downstairs. But even war fails to change some things, like scandal, family disgrace, celebrations, and again the outstanding drama series Emmy and the prestigious Peabody Award. 7914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great family show, love the original Annie not all the remakes. I also recommend the Mel Brooks commentary on "Young Frankenstein". It's not the best commentary ever, but it was fun for the extra stories. Vincent's parents decide that their next child will be almost genetically perfect. Vincent was conceived the old-fashioned way (so he's known as a "God-child") but this new child will be genetically engineered where procreation is done in a Petri dish. The parents have decided beforehand that Vincent will have a brother named Anton (Loren Dean), and that Anton is to have "hazel eyes, dark hair, and fair skin." The geneticist (Blair Underwood) who will do the genetic engineering will take care to remove "any prejudicial conditions" like "premature balding, myopia [near-sightedness], alcoholism, addictive susceptibility, propensity for violence, obesity, etc." 8296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This television series enjoyed a long on again off again life for Thames Television and the USA in the PBS Mystery Series. Just as the experiments yielded very little in real life, near the end of the movie Fonda's character announced, "We blew it" 3862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 CAN LOOK AT THIS OVER AND OVER AND OVER. A BEAUTIFUL MOVIE 3960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Without a doubt, one of Spielberg's best. A clean, well-written movie that blows away most alien contact flicks. Science Fiction done with respect and love for the genre. Unfortunately, there are so many versions of this film floating around that you'd better just wait and see what they do with the DVD. I for one hated the "Special Edition" and am just as unimpressed with the Director's Cut. There are still scenes missing that need to be restored (including the '77 ending), and only DVD can do the special effects and soundtrack justice. 7325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There has been a substantial amount of talk around town of late about running the clock back to the so-called golden age of America when working stiffs had a chance to get ahead in the 1950s. Of course not all boats rose at that time, especially among blacks and white Appalachian hillbillies like my family who never even got close to the boat, but we will let that ride for now. If one really wanted to look at something like latter day Eden in the American experience then perhaps one needed to go West, go out to Big Sky country where they took their religion, their work ethic and their, uh, fly-fishing seriously in the early part of the twentieth century if the plot-line of this film under review Robert Redfords adaptation (and narration) of Norman Macleans memoir A River Runs Through It. As he waits for help to arrive, Nelson comes across an unusual-looking bottle lying on the sand. After unsuccessfully placing it aside (twice, the bottle intentionally rolls at his feet), Nelson takes it up. He unwittingly rubs it, only to release - to his surprise, a beautiful 2,000 year-old female genie (whom he calls 'Jeannie'). Kneeling and speaking in Persian, Jeannie promises to serve her 'Master' for the rest of his life, and to grant him any wish. Jeannie seals this promise when she rises, goes over, and tenderly kisses Captain Nelson. Jeannie later helps Tony get rescued; but Tony cannot bring her with him since nobody believes in genies as they don't exist. Unlike the director of the "Dawn of the Dead" remake, Witt and producer/ script writer Paul W.S. Anderson have opted not to follow in the footsteps of the fast- moving "28 Days Later" zombies, but has clearly been inspired not only by George Romero's view of walking corpses, but also by his opinion of our western society. The real evil in this movie is not the zombies or even the killer mutant Nemesis (who looks and sounds like he has just stepped out of the original game and into this movie), but a Big Brother- style multinational that puts itself above the law and has no respect whatsoever for morale, decency or anything human. 6358 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is so not the type of movie that I like, yet, when I watched by chance the first Resident Evil I was in complete awe of how thrilling it was. I have never played the video game, actually: I hate video games, period. But I am very thankful for the Resident Evil game for giving birth to the idea of the Resident Evil movies. (So I guess I should say I hate all video games that are not Resident Evil?) SORRY ABOUT THAT INTERUPTION, FOLKS. THE PERSON THAT SACKED THE FIRST REVIEWER HAS ALSO BEEN SACKED. Well, I must say, this is the funniest Monty Python film ever made. It reminds me of the time me and my family were traveling along Loch Ness in Scotland when all of the sudden we stumbled across this guy in a stupid Dinos... Director: John McTiernan 4759 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Movies like this are a disgusting tribute to the filth and perversion that seems to be prevalent in our major cities. I wish I could "unsee" it. But for me, the Robert Young version from 1997 is easily my favorite. At 108 minutes, it's sadly abridged, but the more vigorous pace and, more vitally, the sparkling performance on the part of the lead actress, Samantha Morton, more than make up for this defect. Unfortunately, only a few of the songs feature all of the actions (hand motions and body movement) that make these songs favorites for children. It's such a shame, because the primary reason I bought this DVD was to encourage full-body participation and movement instead of passive viewing. 8966 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The disc is shiny and pretty. I like it's perfect roundness also. I put it in a DVD player and it withstood well being spun. The containing box has some nice colors, fonts, and imagery, and hold the DVD perfectly. Overall, I'm pleased! 444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love the story of Joseph and his brothers. As the world might say, a tale of Joseph, Nothing in the Bible is a tale or fabricated as the world might say. Love the actor also love Ben Kingsley. 7204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Annie always will! :) 1200 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Now we have them all. Keep writing Steven! And keep making movies. 5950 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it The movie's slow pace and subtle cinematography are a nice change from most movies released nowadays. At over 2 hours, the movie crawls for most of the time presenting dialogue and images. Initially, that sounds like a recipe for disaster (or 2001 Space Odyssey) but it works really well in this context. Slowing the pace down allows viewers to feel like you're traveling with the characters and for the tension to build. It also makes the climax all the more rewarding. 3172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed this DVD which I couldn't find at my local Walmart or Target, 3776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Top science fiction entry boasts Spielberg's trademark epic sweep, and one of Dreyfuss's shining moments as the afflicted Neary. Director Truffaut is on-hand in a rare acting turn as French scientist Claude Lacombe, and Melinda Dillon excels as bewildered Mom Jillian, whose young son Barry (in a petrifying scene) has already gone up in the aliens' space ship. Don't miss this classic Spielberg spellbinder. 5980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Has always been a favorite movie. I was so excited to find it on DVD 309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really liked this version of Joseph in the Bible Collection. I bought the one in Bible Stories and it was ok but the movie is more down to earth to the events and follows scripture better. 9835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Bottom Line: Buyer's remorse? No way! I'm in the midst of hours of enjoyment going through this set in order, watching the episodes, the commentaries, the interviews, the special "Making Of .." programs, and the other included extras. This super women character can get a little annoying and off topic thats why i give it 4.5 stars I won't rehash the plot...that probably isn't possible. But suffice it to say that I don't think anyone should skip this movie. Yes, you might hate it. If so, I'm sorry. But there's a good chance you'll be sucked in and then you too can quote "It's only a flesh wound" or "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberry" or "There are those who call me...Tim." And you can enjoy, again and again, the vicious attacks of the white rabbit. (If you have the DVD, I challenge you to watch the rabbit attack on super-slow motion...it's a historian's study on great film editing and it's also gut-bustingly funny!) You can learn to count to five...uh, three. You can learn to insult like the French. And on and on. Cool it Off by Mary Schaefer 2160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Found it at a great price. Glade I checked with amazon. It's nice to be able to find items when you are looking for them. History, Battles, Swordfights, and Intrigue, are all about. 3599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic. Corny at times. But you can't go wrong with Spielberg. Fun and colorful. Government still does the same things. Ported over we get the extensive 1997 documentary on the making of the film as well as an interview with Spielberg from 2007 discussing his thoughts on the film, the changes he made and where the film fits for him now 30 years later as a film director. The original 1977 "Watch the Skies" featurette that played on TV as a promotional tie-in is included as well. A number of deleted scenes are also included. Finally we get the various theatrical trailers with the original teaser (that didn't show any scenes from the film but was compelling and artistic by itself) included as well. Kathy Burke, best known for her role on "Absolutely Fabulous" takes an enthralling dramatic turns as Valerie, Ray's wife who's sole purpose seems to be to keep the family strung together while putting up with her husband's monstrous outbursts, almost sadomasochistic ally. This is an unforgettable performance. 7479 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I looooove this movie but it buffers ever two minutes! I watched it on Netflix with no buffering. Disappointed 5095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson wrote and directed three of my favorite movies. I love their comedic prospective along with great plots. They pick the best actors the play characters. I had watched Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums before watching Bottle Rocket. It was just as good considering the amount of money they had for making the movie. If you are a fan of witty comedy watch this movie and then watch his other two films found on the Criterion Collection. There is so much to say about this movie. Rent it or buy it. Buying it may be a mistake. Bottle Rocket will get the special edition make over. It will be released containing the special feature found on his other two releases with Criterion Collection. Plan and simple its a must see. 2881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All time classic. 7407 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 if you are person with depth who appreciates characters and good performances have a watch this is a show adults and kids alike love so please show this to your family this holiday season. 7618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my absolute favorites, this gem of a film is a comedy, a drama, a romance and a fantasy film all rolled into one. Combined with the twisted & irreverent filmmaking style of Terry Gilliam ("12 Monkeys" and "Time Bandits") this film is not for everyone, but for those who like something different and maybe even a little magical, you can't go wrong with this one. Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges are two men from two different worlds, but both lost and in pain. Mercedes Ruehl and Amanda Plummer are the women in their lives. When circumstanes bring them together, they are able to save one another. A sadly overlooked film filled with wonderment and, in the end, joy. My 6 year old daughter loves to watch it over and over. 7239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still our favorite version of this story. The remakes have been ok, the original is lively, heartwarming, and delightful. 792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been watching this movie since i was a wee little lad and i still love it and watch it every christmas and whenever i feel like watching it cause it is soo good. it has good songs that are fun to sing along to and has some good lessons in it and even some good cooking lessons. it is informational about christmas and i just love this movie reccomend it to kids and grown up of all ages. The story-telling is classic americana and is easy to follow. 4005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Tender and tough at the same time, this is a timeless story. A classic. All told, it's a great deal for a great movie. This is one of the movies from the 80's I was very happy to see come out in Blu-ray so I could add a good HQ version to my movie collection. 1132 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have never considered this kind of life, especially the servants. An eye opening series! Addicting to watch, but interesting. 3901 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Some fellow below said this is the best movie ever ....Uau... THis is a dishonest "horror" movie, taking some bad teen actors, adding some badly produced gore, making funnyless jokes all around ... Everyhting failed miserably here ( and I like to watch ridiculous horror movies, like "SCREAMS", "NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET",etc, just for the sake of laughing ). But this one is so bad, I almost ejected the tape from my VCR in the middle of it. A shame that actor so young accept to shoot this kind of garbage. John Mortimer's wonderful 'scene setting snippets' are a delight - it is amusing to see that he often has a glass of 'Chateau Pomeroy's' before him. 3004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie and it's all star cast. Have watched it over and over. Listen to me. A Resident Evil Fan for 8 years. I have never seen a better video game based movie. This is definately number two on my list of favorite movies. Just below Dawn of the Dead 2004. the first of these passions brings him into fleeting contact with the cold aloof world of US politics characterized by empty sloganeering and an absence of policies. By actually meeting the candidate, Palatine in his cab, Travis begins to instinctively realize the connection between the messed up New York streets with their pushers and prostitutes and the opportunism and cynicism of those who defile their responsibility. Three of the musical segments of the film, with lyrics included! 4283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arnold's performance embodied everything he's about - looking tough, lots of action, and best of all: He is the hero & nobody can stop him! Alice Returns kicking ass and has clearly improved since the first movie, due to the effects of the Experments Umbrella were doing to her. 3111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even after so many years have past since this movie came out it still an amazing movie to make you laugh, cry and appreciate life. 2511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always good to see this. 7588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Brilliant history for Mon and Dad! 7825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The narrative of Robert Redford is captivating, uplifting, and graceful. 'On the banks of the Big Blackfoot River....' a place I've been, and long to return. Nothing, el zippo, tops the splendor and majesty of Montana, nothing even comes close! It's timeless valleys, raging aqua-tinted torrents, and green alpine towns and villages dispersed all throughout its western landscapes define 'National Treasure.' Missoula, Montana, home to the Maclean family, is a good old fashioned town of turmoil and unsetteldness squaring off against an unmistakable serenity with nature's works and ways. 'To the beat of a four count rhythm....' might not be the most instructive of flyfishing casting approaches (I've lost many a woolybugger in willow trees climbable only by the most inane of flytiers), but it makes for undulating cinema. 'Oh I could never leave Montana brother...' is a line beckoning truth; after visiting Montana on several occasions (first was an Amtrack train ride in '94... ok a person could easily get up and go from Havre, MT) getting to catch sights of Glacier to the north, the Bitterroot range in the south, and all that lies in between (e.g. Flathead Lake)....there are no fleeting instincts. A geologist could be lost in paradise in, say, Yellowstone for ages, not even taking into consideration the abundance of mountain ranges lining Montana's western front - stretching north to south, from Great Falls to Anaconda. Redford's directing brings along the viewer through every imaginable trace of landmark - riverbanks, pubs, train stations, backyard fields with forest and mountain top afar, and even a couple sunburned rawhides! Not a favorite still shot. Boats are stolen, category 'forget about it' white waters are paddled through, unpaid gambling wagers bring conflict wrought with misunderstanding, dinner table discussions of Calvin Coolidge's fishing secret '...what are they bitin on?....The end of my line!' and job satisfaction are brought up, shortcuts winding their way through train tunnels are taken, and in the end, reflection and memories are revealed in honest fashion. Verdant pastures and picueresque backdrops steal the film's premise, offering more than just basic storyline. But the moment of closure is why I adore Robert Redford's film set in Missoula....in addition to the melancholic violin intermezzos. 4251 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Looks great, but no extras. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot, Enemy Minds, In the Line of Fire) gives an entertaining Action-Thriller. Fine music score by Jerry Goldsmith. One of the Highest Grossing Films of 1997. One Hell of a Time, you will enjoy. Panavision. Grade:B+. 5062 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd heard Taxi Driver was a great movie, and with Scorcese at the helm and all kinds of famous actors in it to boot, I was expecting good things. Nor was I disappointed. Taxi Driver is a special movie. It's a character study on one hand, a philisophical treatise on the other. It simultaneously entertains with it's sultry shots of 1975 NYC, lots of good dialogue between the characters, and a story line that unfolds naturally - people who appreciate photography will especially like Taxi Driver - it's a joy to watch Scorcese tell this tale. The versions differ in content beyond just the ending. See what you like. 8165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this was a childhood favorite and i got to share this with my children...they absolutely loved it and keep fast forwarding to the singing every time they watch it. So what do you have at the end of the day, "essential truths" or "an ethnic smear campaign"? 6121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a wonderful movie, it really reminds me of my childhood. This was in perfect condition, got to me very fast. Thank you so much, This is a great person to buy from and the movie is wonderful When you look at this movie it seems really simple so why was it so successful? Well I can only say in my opinion that this movie had to be made in 1969 to be successful. If it was made today it just would not be the same. 2981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the picture quality is amazing on this bluray disc it is amazing to see all the colors so alive and the soundtrack is awesome 6924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've been trying to catch up on my old musicals lately. It's a genre I didn't quite grow up with and have always been a little ambivalent about. Never could get a handle of those "walking down the street and bursting into song" musicals. But PAL JOEY is not of that particular mold. Most of the songs are "natural," in the sense that Joey is a nightclub singer. Rita Hayworth's number, "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" is the only number that doesn't take place in a club setting, but then again people in love have been known to sing to themselves in their boudoirs, so that's OK too. 5061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you want a sappy uplifting movie, go buy 'You Light Up My Life" or "The Sound Of Music." If you dare to peer into the seedy side of life and the descent into madness, HERE IS! This new release provides 21 discs in 5 solid cases all in the anniversary storage sleeve. Quite an improvement from the earlier release. 68 episodes, each about 50 min. Add 25 bonus hrs and you have a value, not to mention the dynamic dramatic entertainment including romance, mystery, drama, historical significance, humor, suspense, & more. Episodes 2,3,4,5,&7 are B/W due to a technicians strike. Pilot was remade in color. The features + bonus time total divided by the current Amazon price makes the HOURLY entertainment cost less than $1.87. A VALUE! Along the way we have all the drama and all the humor that these good people can work up just working out their lives. Seems like it ought to be boring, but it's not. And Now for Something Completely Different 6421 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I have to admit I loved the first film. It was one of the few films that I thought best represented the video game that it accompanied. Milla was perfectly cast as the lead and the non-linear structure of the film allowed us to see the who, what, where, when, and why of the events. There was just the right amount of terror, the right amount of action, and a whole bunch of originality. I wish, I really wish that I could say the same about it sequel. As the credits rolled and we were brought back up to speed from the last events that occurred in the original only to discover that a new director had decided to helm this project and was obviously handed more money and forced to follow the footsteps of Hollywood. Everything from the original was lost and discarded as a mainstream horror film with maybe zombies (couldn't tell due to the blurry nature of which they ran) moved in to take its place. More money was on the table with, in this case, meant more explosions and less story. A disgrace to the name of both the video game and the original film came in several ways with this inferior sequel, mainly horrible acting, cliched characters, a recycled plot, and especially with a amateurish, craft sale created monster known as the Nemesis. 9108 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 has to be they're best film EVER laughs galore great one liners (I use on occaision) excelent price for a true classic for any flaws. Why be a completist? Enjoy the movie! -KS It is humorous, witty drama, leaving you wanting more. Most enjoyable, will watch over and over again. You get to know the personal aspects of each of the characters besides at the Bailey. It is entertaining and well worth buying. I highly recommend it. Bob susanville, Calif. Arnold Schwarzenegger is fantastic in his over-the-top performance as the perfect matinee-idol, Jack Slater. His biggest fan, Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien) receives the chance of a lifetime to meet his fictional hero, through a magic ticket that transports him inside a Slater movie. 8508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My grandson loved it, but as an adult, it did not keep my interest. However, I watched it because it was important to him. 6920 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Musicals are historically slight in the plot department, and this movie is no exception. Three stars: one fading, one rising and one coasting do not help matters either. Even though the acting may not be up to par as Hollywood, they do a good enough job. The biggest plus of this movie is how faithful it is to the biblical text. An added plus at the end of the film is a complete and clear presentation of the Gospel message. 4621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good entertainment and a great start to the series of movies. Young folk need to think well b/4 embarking on such rescue missions. 1737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Crossing covers a small but crucial part of the American Revolution. Based largely on Washington's personal correspondence, it is probably fairly accurate, but without embedded journalists, who knows for sure. Daniels plays Washington with dignity, and passion. The supporting cast of little known actors do quite well also. The battle is well staged despite Hollywood's abhorrence of muzzle loading muskets and their capability of fully automatic fire. This film can stand with Gettysburg as the best look at part of one of America's wars. THOUGHTS: Lifting off in early summer of 1983, BLUE THUNDER is a slick allegory about Big Brother-type evils, a too powerful government and advanced technology getting ahead of our ability to use it properly and ethically. Rough-edged everyman actor Roy Schieder is perfectly cast here as Vietnam vet Frank Murphy, an idealistic but world-weary (and slightly damaged) man still suffering bouts of post traumatic stress disorder due to some deeply disturbing events he experienced while serving in 'Nam. Despite his desire to live a normal life the horrors of war are never far from his mind, often haunting the tortured ex-soldier in his dreams. Frank has few he can call friends. Among them are the Chief of the Astro Division (the late, great Warren Oates, in his last screen role), a mean as a snake, tough as saddle leather type who takes no crap but has a genuine soft spot for Murphy. Cute-as-a-button Candy Clark is Frank's ditzy, off-again/on-again girlfriend. New to the fold as Murphy's eyes & ears while aboard Blue Thunder, Daniel Stern's turn as Lymangood is a joy as he brings a genuine, earnest, goggle-eyed and eager to please energy to the role. You like him almost immediately. Lymangood, ("JAFO" to the boys in Astro), also brings a valuable skill set to the table, making him an integral part of the narrative and not just a shell or red herring. Rounding out the cast as Frank's nemesis (and old war "buddy"), is Malcolm McDowell as callus retired Army colonel F.E. Cochrane. McDowell crafts a smug, slimy, unhinged, slick & irritating character in Cochrane. Seriously, you just want to kick this guy in the nuts every time he's on screen. Ok - what is it about - it is what happens when two enemies are isolated together. 3479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you Once you get past the first few scenes displayed as gritty and grainy as the characters of the film, you are presented with a stunning transfer of the video to BluRay and your home screen. The film must have been remastered as my Standard Def version doesn't look nearly as good. The colors of the city, the skin tones and contrast are all beautifully rendered for your home theater. The whites appear as if they were 95 IRE and really brings home the excellent contrast on this blu ray version. Once past those opening scenes where the grain and grit is clearly deliberate, there are no artifacts or ghosting of any kind and no noticeable or distracting grain that wasn't meant to be there. 5 Stars for the movie and 5 stars for the video transfer to Blu Ray. 1325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 WARNING: Even though the packaging says it includes 6 trailers, There is only one. Appearantly the other five trailers are included on a CD which is no longer part of the latest DVD release. 6877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic! I enjoyed hearing all those wonderful songs . The performances were stellar! I would watch this over & over again. 69 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very well done! Henry Winkler performed flawlessly! Just a really, really fantastic vampire movie and well worth watching. If you don't like it, get a recording of "Nixon in China"... 6244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Revisited this movie after reading the book and was very happy with how well it followed 6113 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 My review is for the SUPERBIT release of this movie. SUPERBIT is supposed to represent the top of the line and best image quality a DVD can achieve and many times those DVDs are actually reference DVDs. Well, the quality in this SUPERBIT edition of RESIDENT EVIL is so so, not bad not good, just like any other DVD. It certainly does not do justice to the SUPERBIT term. Other DVDs that honor the SUPERBIT name are the FIFTH ELEMENT and THE BIG HIT version but this version is nothing to talk about. It is not as terrible as the other SUPERBIT DVD or Charlie's Angels but if you are buying this DVD for reference or video quality purposes look elsewhere. 3438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Spielberg from 1977 and still a classic 9913 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie was terrible. Right from the opening credits in which it looks like it is snowing but which is revealed to be flakes of skin being scraped off, I knew this was going to be a dud. That was just gross. I almost walked out of the theater right there! But I stayed and the rest of the movie confirmed what to me was clear in those first few minutes - this movie sucked! Ugh! For the record, my problem was not with the premise which I found fascinating but with the whole execution which I found strained all believablility... 5488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very pleased with the item Danny Cannon's Direction is Above Average, he never misses an opportunity to Zoom in on a Mutilated Corpse, (or, as I mentioned earlier, the lovely Jennifer) He is a Better Director than this Material allows him to be, but he does all he can do with it and that's all anyone can ask of him. He didn't write the Script. I've always loved Monty Python. I love the show and all their movies. If you haven't see this movie then you are really missing out. 791 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 My kids are young (under the age of 4) and couldn't get into this. Plus I don't enjoy movies about Christmas when they're really about being politically correct. 2162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best movies Harrison Ford has starred in (next to Indiana Jones). The color and clarity on this blu-ray I highly recommend it. Aliens that have heard of the Spice Girls and want their autographs (whilst they are in the bush looking for a place to pee). I'm not making this one up, honestly. I remember my Dad lamenting to my Mom when we got home that night, "There wasn't any real violence in it... just a cop car crashing." Many people like my Dad probably thought this film just wasn't for adults. After all, it was a feel-good, non-violent film with a wide-eyed little kid in it, and nobody (except the cop in the car wreck), really got hurt. The aliens were cute and friendly, too. alice was awaken as well as nemisis an alternate plan of umbrella to see which is stronger and be more viable as a bio weapon. This classic was filmed almost entirely in Nelson, BC, and was supposed to be Nelson, WA, an hour or so south of its Canadian equivalent. It's hard to pick out some of the locations as the camera angles virtually all compensate for the fact that Nelson (an Aspen-like town in the BC interior) is very hilly. Where the mighty John Kapelos (Chuck) tries his Playmate of the Month routine on the foxy Caroline Barclay, it looks like a level street, but Ward St. is actually on a hill, like most of Nelson. Are you talking to me ? This question is essential when Travis looks himself in the mirror ; his silent and only friend of that troubled and paranoic human being . Also featuring Mel Churcher, Raymond Huntley, Barrie Cookson, Christopher Good, Joyce Heron, Celia Imrie, Patricia Macrae, Elma Soiron, Karen Glaser, Cyril Cross, Lala Lloyd, Ian Hoare, Lisa Moss, Edward Underdown, Miles Bennett, Ena Baga, Timothy Peters, Gertan Klauber, Freda Dowie, Robert Swann, Giles Watling, Keith Jayne, Neville Barber, Dennis Blatch, James Woolley, Edward Hammond, Barbara Atkinson, Kevin Moran, Mike Fields, Valerie Lush, Betty England, Betty Romaine, Polly Williams, Richenda Carey, Auriol Smith, John Lyons, Julia Sutton, Robert McBain, Audrey Joyce, Neville Hughes, Richard Owens, Venetia Maxwell, Sarah Twist, Brian Nolan, Kenneth MacDonald, William Ashley, Eileen Way, Helena McCarthy, Graham Leaman, Robin Bailey, Phyllida Law, Fanny Rowe, Alfred Maron, Gareth Hunt, Brian Badcoe, Ann Martin, Richard Reeves, Hilary Minster, Laurence Harrington, Anthony Nash, Peter Whitaker and Anthony Woodruff. 5371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 High school student, Charlie Brewster is a horror movie nerd and occasionally stays up late to watch his favorite show, titled Fright Night, which is hosted by his hero, Peter Vincent. One night, while spying on a beautiful woman having sex with his new neighbor, Jerry Dandrige, Charlie comes to the conclusion that he's a vampire after seeing his inhumane sharp fingers and seeing him drag a coffin into the basement. Again, consider the degree of competitiveness today. Now imagine a world where How was she still standing? 4629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What isn't good about this movie. Intelligent, brutal, and flawlessly done. If you haven't seen it and only know Scorcese from his Leo movies you are missing Scorcese '9who is still fantastic) back in his lean and mean days. Back when DeNiro was a force of nature. Hermann's last score. Schrader's best screenplay. Scorsese has shown over the course of his career that he is a director chiefly interested in the duality of human nature - capturing the seductiveness of the mob (Goodfellas), the loneliness of a champion (Raging Bull), and even the humanity of Jesus himself (The Last Temptation of Christ) - and here he presents his most complex character. Is Travis a hero or a monster? The question is never answered to any satisfying degree, The on-line purchase experience was excellent. :-) It's also loaded with extras that will keep Python fans busy for hours on end. This films captures what I feel is the key moment of Washington's life as a General. In a bold and courageous move he won a good solid victory that helped keep the cause alive. No one else could of done it. I also feel that it showed accurately for a movie at least what ot must of been like to have been there. The uniforms seemed correct as was the weopons and tactics. Doesn't that bother anyone? This movie screams Hollywood and follows it so faithfully its scary. In real life, for that is what we are trying to portray, would the president jump out of a falling plane, try to save his rogue commander or any of the other numerous things that never stop happening? Maybe...maybe not. Obviously on Air Force One he's a superman, because he is able to do all these things. Other than that not much happens. 8866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What child wouldn't like Sesame Street characters? Eight month old loves watching it. It has lots of bright colors. She loves it. 5329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this DVD. No complaints! I won't spoil the ending for you by revealing the ending, but I will say that if you missed this movie when it was first screened in the mid-1970's, you don't want to miss it again! Although it does not belong on your "classic" shelf, "Hard Times" is one of Charles Bronson's best movies and it will be a treat to view on a Saturday nigh At this point I'm about half-way through the fourth season, the World War I episodes. And looking forward, after I finish writing this review, to heading back to the living room to watch another episode this evening. well at least the Spice Girls didn't call theirselves 'punk', unlike another band that rhymes with Hood Farlette.... The first two scenes were not in the outtakes so the movie was missing something. These two scenes were less than a minute each but they really stood out in the film. I had to wait 30 years for this movie to be release the way I originally saw it in the theater in 1977. 1434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very enjoyable old TV classic. So my review will only deal with the video quality. And that is a very well done re-master of the old film. The quality does not match current DVD offerings, but I was impressed how well they restored the old videos; I don't know how they could have done better. Therefore I am giving this a rating of 5. There was rumor that this movie is based on a PC game of the same title. I play many PC games and would appreciate if someone would email me and elaborate. If this is true, that could be the reason why the younger crowd was so enthusiastic about this flick. 5214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film really knocked the wind out of me. Despite having very unsettling material, it is a movie that can be enjoyed for it's raw and unappoligetic approach. Spaceballs- English SDH, French, German, Italian, Castillian, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norweigan, Swedish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Latin 3597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For being such an old movie, it still stands up to modern movies of this genre, as do the special f/x. One of the best UFO movies ever made. Bought it during the Christmas sale for $15. Watch it! This movie, like all great films, has left behind a huge legacy, though not in the way some might think. Often times it's a legacy that filmmakers try to avoid. For example, in the the commentary on The Lord of the Rings films you will frequently hear Peter Jackson somewhat humoursly lament how hard they tried to avoid giving their movies a Holy Grail feeling. Of course the movie also lead to the hit Broadway musical, Spamalot, which I've never seen, but heard great things about. But also, the actual escape of Billy Hayes differs greatly from the film adaption. But considering that there was another planned final for the film that would have been a bit unbelievable, I was content with how the film ended. *Castle Anthrax 6800 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks to some bad critics I didn't expect to much and so I was very suprised, how good that movie is. Forget Tomb Raider. Up to now this is the best videogame to theatres adaption I saw. Thrilling, stylish, chilling. Okay, some of the actors played far better in other flicks (Michelle Rodriguez acts horrible in some szenes, and some cuts are not always logical) but still it grabs you. For gamers it finally opens the whole story and Anderson proves that after "Event Horizon" he is still able to direct some fast paced sci-fi-horror entertaiment. Not enough a "Zombie" Movie? Who cares. Take some popcorn and enter this bone-chilling Hitech-thrillride that will give you the adrenaline-rush you expect. Also a big A for the atmopsphere that hits the Game-Feeling perfectly. Cant wait for "RE2:Nemesis"..... The songs from the band's first two albums provide the film's soundtrack with a diverse selection of tunes that keeps the film together. I only wished that producers released a compilation album of the band's songs that were remixed for this film ("Who do You Think You Are" sounds wicked in a techno beat). It has been well over 20 years since I first saw "ROXANNE" on cable and for the most part, watching the film again, I can say that it does hold up quite well nearly 23 years later. But more subtly than that it also involves a fantasy element which is not often discussed, and sometimes misunderstood. Danny Peary, for examples indicates that the movie is actually the result of a group of filmmakers that do not have a budget for horses, forgot to get permission to film from the local authorities and in their zeal to tell the story manage to kill a historian narrator. Problem is what movie do I bump out to make room in my top ten or twenty, as the Fischer King deserves a spot in there somewhere, and should go down as one of the all time greats. 8919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A MOST EXCELLENT ADVENTURE 8829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Squeeeeee! 8190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not remastered - but a bargain at this price, considering you get the entire series. Great, great show - and I had forgotten how funny it was at times. Highly recommended by she-who-must-be-obeyed. The graphic approach to the violence of hand-to-hand combat reminded me of Kenneth Brannagh's stunning interpretation of Shakespeare's Henry V, and Besson's Joan definitely has the same Classic feel to it. Don't hesitate to purchase this series. I think that perhaps the quality of the set has been much improved. I treasure mine and I think you will as well. This Close Encounter has changed Roy Neary's life, and that of those who are featured along his journey. This film has stood the test of time for thirty years, and is a testament to the talent of Steven Spielberg. 5208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great film, and a terrific example of some of the better film-making of the 1970's. GRADE: B 2298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You really had to have grown up in the 90's to understand the awesomeness of this movie. I mean what young girl in the 90's didn't love the Spice Girls? They were all unique and they had such great success with what they did which not many girl groups can say! 9943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this move when it came out, way back when, and still love it today. 7719 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 For 2 hours, absolutely nothing happens, nothing. Then the movie ends. This is absolutely one of the most boring movies I have ever seen, and I've seen some boring movies. King Arthur is played by Graham Chapman, while John Cleese is seen as the Second Swallow-Savvy Guard, The Black Knight, Peasant #3, Sir Lancelot, the Brave, the French Guard who taunts King Arthur's group, and finally as Tim, the Enchanter. The movie is visually stunning, the costumes and locations are utterly fantastic and accurate. MiLLa Jovovich plays the passionate young peasent girl who claims to be sent by god to fight the English in order to crown the dauphin as Charles VII at Reims cathedral. Some people claim her acting was exagerated and well over the top, but how could a simple peasent woman make herself noticed and obeyed in a time when women were considered to be souless and second class human beings? yes, Joan had to scream, yell and act like a fanatic in order to be heard. Otherwise she would have been morally crushed by all the sceptic army men around her. 6634 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I agree with most reviews of "The Messenger: the Story of Joan of Arc." While Mila Jovich, or however you spell her last name, is an AWESOME actress, (she was in "Return to the Blue Lagoon" and all three "Resident Evil" movies) I'm sure that this portrayal of Joan is very inaccurate. In this movie she is portrayed as a screaming, annoying and lunatic b****!! What the hell was the director thinking? He or she clearly did NOT do thier homework. I have seen the 1999 miniseries of "Joan of Arc" starring the beuatiful young Hollywood actress Leele Sobieski, (Deep Impact, The Glass House.) Sobieski portrays Joan as an innocent but brave nineteen-year-old who fought for the freedom of France, and who sought to have the French King crowned. Although some argue that the miniseries is not entierly accurate, (but than again what movie now-a-days is?) still the "Joan of Arc" film depicts the herione the way the world remembers her. The miniseries is truely powerful, gripping and dramatic. It's sad that the big budget version of Joan in "The Messenger" is so twisted beyond any historical accuracy. In this film you don't even get the impression that Joan really was holy to the point of hearing the voices of saints calling out to her; rather Joan is simply crazy and dillusional beyond anyone's comprehension. It seems as if the director and producers intentionally portrayed Joan as a mad woman with a disperate need for making herself known to the world. But yet, as the director of the miniseries "Joan of Arc" stated during his research, even in books and in that movie Joan was portrayed as a sweet, loving and giving character who's strong faith in God led her to her ultimate demise; for SHE choose to go into the flame, rather than she was forced to burn at the stake. And I believe that "Joan of Arc" is as accurate as any film could possibly get about the "the flower of France." 3723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie, came on time, great! Featuring clever writing, wonderful acting and Steve Martin carrying this film to incredible heights through a perfect blend of romance and comedy. Under dictatorial rule of the Burgermeister Meisterburger (obviously hammed by Paul Frees), all forms of fun have been outlawed in Sombertown. Consequently it is a really bleak place for people to grow up. This is reinforced by everything being painted in greys and blacks. Kris believes that children's living in this harsh environment is unjust--and plans to do something about it. 6214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. replaced my VHS with your DVD. Thank You! Everything about this film evokes the scuzziness of New York City in the 1970's. Scorese films the potholes, hookers, pimps, and porno theaters with such contempt that we fully understand why Travis hates it. The place is a sewer, and the pimp (played by Harvey Keitel) that Travis targets is a symbol of how hellish the city is. 4273 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I don't hate this movie title but I hate the company who produce it. It is Mill Creek Entertainment. They almost removed all of the closed-captioning or English Subtitling features on DVD. I do not understand why the original DVDs companies have it and sell off to Mill Creek Entertainment by reducing some of the important features. Even they don't add booklet inside (chapters/information). Whole thing is sucks! Try purchase original DVD of this title from Columbia/Tristar DVD if available out there. 9156 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This moovie is stoopid, everyone who thincks its funnee is dumb, its so overrrated, nuthing is funy about it, just emmature garbaj. And its hestoricallee unaccurate. Adam Sandler and Pauly Shore is funnee, not thes junk. This 40th anniversary release is equal to the many superlatives written on these pages of reviews. I had VHS taped some of the original Up/Down episodes when they were re-shown on PBS in the 80's, which I still have. However, I wanted the DVD version, and decided to purchase this 40th anniversary set through Amazon. Let me say that it is simply superb in every way. the hot tub scene was edited out due to its sexy content. It is a very crucial part of the movie, however. Rounding out the great cast are Ann Reinking, Tim Curry, Bernadette Petters and Geoffery Holder 254 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Among the best of this beloved Christmas story; We enjoy Henry Winkler's twist on Scrooge and the story-line. He makes for a very believable Scrooge, both pre and post "redemption"! 1903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome movie, wonderful price. arrived on time! Best part: While it's got religious overtones, it's NOT a religious movie which is what chased me away when it came out. Though, if you want it to be, I'm sure the religious can find something to worship in it, Williams and Bridges are pretty godlike in this one. ;) 630 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love these movies! I highly recommend this for all family holiday DVD collection. Kids love them and even adults find themselves entertained with these! 7736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie really surprised me... it showcases what can happen when a person faces a great tragedy and how it affects the pysche. Its also a great story about love and friendship. Of course Robin Williams is brilliant in this role playing a man that is mentally disturbed by his wife's murder and eventually ends up in a catatonic state. 1120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very well done. I had heard people talking allot about this during it'd time but did not get to watch it till now. The characters were wonderful. I became so involved that there were times I cried. A really top drawer series. 7515 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie stands the generational test of time! Observing this, Chaney gets an idea. He approaches a gambler a man named Spencer "Speed' Weed (James Coburn in one of his greatest roles) and pitches a partnership. Speed sets up the fights, takes up the bets, Chaney wins the fights. 5804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enough said. Her and Michelle Rodriguez are some of the hottest actions stars out. Mix in some monsters and winner winner, chicken dinner. That said, the end when the Earthmen and aliens finally make contact is breathtaking. Coupled with the special effects and John Williams's magnificent score, CETK is a science fiction classic that still manages to captivate. 7070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a great classic If you're looking for a nice dvd for preschoolers, this one is great! Short dialogue scenes are interspersed with some great kids' songs. My 3 year old now can't decide between Dudu or Uncle Moishy! The dialogue is slower paced than the Rehov Sumsum dvds, so a bit easier to follow for non-ivrit speaking parents. Gere is the aggressive Chicago cop who goes undercover and discovers somebody wants to hire him for a 'hit' on a no doubt about it ruthless New Orleans 'business' man with the gorgeous blonde, Cajun girl who was basically 'sold' to the 'Narlins scum by her own mother when she was 13. 6275 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I watched this almost immediately after finishing the book. Even in this age of epic cable adaptation like Game of Thrones, I understand some plot pieces must be sacrificed for film. However, in this case it was the equivalent of taking "The Lord of the Rings" and turning it into a romance between Aragorn and Arwen with the rest of the novel just being occasionally referred to. The special effects are awesome, and I think this film could very well be a cult classic, just as long as it isn't compared with the orignal series. The film obviously won't be for everyone, whether or not you're a fan of the show really doesn't factor into whether you'll like it or not. 2713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I still like it and i have seen it several times! Throughout her life, Joan of Arc was haunted by "visions from God" that lead her to believe that she had the religious power to force Englands Army to surrender territory in France rather than face the rath of God. Mila Jovovich does a spectacular job at playing an unbelievable role of a young lady leading a powerful army. 8491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is set during the days following the Great Depression, when ANYTHING was fair play. Charlie plays a brutal back-door brawler that works with James Coburn (the mouth) and battles for a percentage of cash wins over his opponents. A "must see" movie for Charles Bronson lovers! The Grail is definitely the funniest thing the Pythons as a group ever did and that's saying something. I guess it probably is the funniest movie ever made! 2370 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I bought this DVD in Oct./'05 for someone who ia a fan (!?!).Her B/day was just last week. She was mortified; I was pissed that even though it was/STILL IS advertised as 1.85:1 the DIC IS ONLY 1.33:1. i personally don't care but the little girl was shattered. FALSE ADVERTISING!!!!!! A story within a story within a story, exquisitly done, with a grace, and a ,sensativity rarely encounterd on film. In an all but constant state of amusement, Several times I found myself cracking up as hard as ever, and at one point (when the skinny lady sings) I found myself totally disrupted with laughter as never before. It made me feel. 4464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The sequel to "I know what you did last summer" is yours to own on DVD. Featuring Brandy as Carla, Julie's new best friend played by Jennifer Love Hewitt. 6517 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ok first of all i saw both movies and they were both great. I have also played and have beaten all the resident evil games. The first movie was good and i see the point in what they were trying to do is make a whole new prelude story. thats ok, because it fit right in into the second movie ( based on the video games of resident evil 2 & 3). Total bit rate: 36.45 Mbps So, at he end of this long review, and despite its limitations - I should have also mentioned the piece where Joan wrestles with her conscious played by Dustin Hoffman as being possibly the worst of the whole film - I believe this very entertaining and spectacular film, which is also more conventional that it may look and feel, is just about worth (a slightly generous) four stars. One thing I found to be funny was Stefan Hayes' (or Yuri Loginova's) extremely dodgy Russian accent! At times he got the accent nailed, but there were instances where he sounded like an American or an angry European! Look, it didn't bother me much and he doesn't speak that much in the movie. All I can say is that I've met Russian people, and if you think THAT's Russian, well...it's not I'm afraid. It's not hard to miss his poor accent, it's extremely noticeable. The acting here is equally note-perfect: Milla is at the top of her game and shows off her acting chops as well as her more corporeal talents; in the hands of a lesser actress the role would have been generic action-flick fodder. Michelle Rodriguez (Ocampo) keeps snarling and cracking wise 'til the bitter end; Eric Mabius is charmingly and appropriately plastic (where is his character coming from, anyway?) and also carries off his role like a champ. Colin Salmon (James "One" Shade) once again bravely carries Shakespearean delivery into Anderson's laser jaws of death, while James Purefoy does what he has to do as the poor man's Chris Lambert. He's a good villain, and because of that you end up rooting for the zombies and even the digusting "Licker". 4375 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A VERY GOOD MUPPET MOVIE. I REALLY ENJOYED IT. Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 9625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, with a good story line and plot. 406 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A true classic in every word. This is a must for biblical video collections. But with an all star cast how could you go wrong. They did a great job staying true to the Word as well. 2126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great cast, a believable story with great performances. Super visual effects. 5481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I realize this movie is going on 30 years old. It might seem "old" to many viewers. But the fact that it is colorfully set in suburban America of the mid-80's, and not in some B&W Hollywood version of Transylvania, (complete with creepy castles and torch bearing villagers) - make it, to me at least, a more or less modern day setting. Certainly contemporary for its time, and with very few exceptions, it has maintained a fresh and modern look about it. 2619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. The price was great and shipped very quickly. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is the journey of Roy Neary. Roy Neary is a dreamer, stuck in the mundane craziness of everyday life. One night Roy sees something that changes his life, he has a Close Encounter with something unexplainable. 7707 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of Robin Williams's best movies. It's often overlooked. 403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good re-enactment of Bible history. This is not a cheesy movie. Good acting by well-known performers. Maybe not 2015 technology but still excellent cinematography, etc. Entertaining and educational. 7827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a film about family relationships. Craig Sheffer and Brad Pitt are brothers Norman and Paul. The are brought up in Montana by the minister father (Tom Skeritt) and mother (Brenda Blethyn). The family passion is fly fishing. When things go wrong they go to the river and fish. -Outtakes. Not at Jackie Chan level, but amusing still. ---The part where Umbrella Inc. drops the weapons off for Nemesis. Similar to the scene where Umbrella dropped the capsule that contained T-002 into the police station. "Resident Evil 2". 3564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I too am a Spielberg child. Forget "Gravity", which had no message other than it's dangerous to fool around in space. "Close Encounters" instead, has a true message of hope of a future peaceful encounter with extraterrestials. Richard Dreyfus, Mellinda Dillon and the child Carey Guffey, who was only three years old when he was cast, steal the show and the viewer's hearts. I just saw it again on TV last night, and rushed to get it (my copy ceased playing a long time ago). This is the film to which I compare every single SF movie I watch, my standard of excelence. 4932 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Aside from foul language at times, it was great acting and story. New 4k was worth it. Not sure why Sony picked some of the new (old) 4K selections. Hope more 4k blueray's are coming. Biohazard 4D-Executioner (2000). (Short film). I'm tired of reading about how you like the movie or how you hate the movie. 8675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 thank you 5587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I caught "SLC Punk" primarily because I had been so impressed with Matthew Lillard's work in "Hackers" (see my earlier review). However, I was drawn right into the movie as I recognised myself & many of the people I had known in the early 80's on the screen. 7131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just fun! As an aside--I do prefer the original theatrical version as the best of the three offered, but it's neat to have all three available, and the poster diagram included (reverse of the great theater poster) is useful to refer to at, at least initially to sort out the cuts and additions. 1102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This series is my favorite in the Upstairs Downstairs canon. The residents of 165 Eaton Place face the loss and hardships of World War I bravely. Several important themes, such as duty, honor, love and loss are explored through the lives of several characters. War comes home, literally, when a Zeppelin drops a bomb on Eaton Place. James, Edward, Georgina, and most tragically Rose and Hazel are all victims of the war's bloodlust. There are some extremely fine moments, such as when Georgina sees some wounded soldiers and realizes her playgirl life has to stop, and some extremely funny ones, as in the episode when the Bellamy's drawingroom is commandeered for a dreary charity event. With this series the writers and artists reached their height! 1951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This one had been a challenge to find.... 7225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Carol Burnett at her best and a real good supporting cast. 7190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a fun movie, with good actors, well written, and some Carol Burnett has some great lines. Funny and talented as ever. It's got funny laugh out loud moments, and it might make you cry too. It's 2 hours long and cast with some legends, 1 of which you may recognize, Julia Roberts. Dylan McDermott plays her beau Jackson. The others you may not recognize, but they make today's stars look unreal when it comes to talent. I personally don't like Sally Fields, I find her outbursts annoying, but this movie gets 5 stars from me still and I can tolerate her quite well in it, it's that good. The British legal system while sort of like ours in the United States it is quite different in how things are done. If you plan to enjoy everything in Rumpole it is best to raed up on british courts and the way law is practiced. Really you only need to know a few things. A solicitor in British Law is like a basic laywer om the USA. The Solicitor gathers the basic facts of the case and prepares a basic plan of attack in proving the innocence of person in the dock. A barrister is a lawyer with special standing that allows him \ her to actually work in conjunction with the Judge and the solicitor to a just end. thats how things are supposed to work in theory but Judges tend to be convervative hence they get the prosecution a wee bit of help only just. 2304 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Another great performance by Harrison Ford. This is a nice action film that moves along quickly, making it wonderful entertainment! 4331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Saw this movie on HBO and it was very cool. I like it when Jack Slater says to the bad guy at the end,"No sequel for you".Rated PG-13 for strong action sequences. Canada:14A.Great movie for the whole family. 1819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There are some historical inaccurracies in this film, to be sure. The Wikipedia entry for the movie has most of them. And like most movies dealing with any war, there are not enough men on the screen to portray the actual number of soldiers involved. Washington had more than 2000 troops when he went into Trenton, up against about the same number of Hessians. Of course, without computer-generated graphics, there's no way a made-for-television movie can portray that. Loved the books and the series. 1636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved it so much, I wish it could have gone on and on. I became so engrossed by the characters. It was so much more than I expected. I never saw it in the 70s, and always was curious. I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to view this series. I will watch it again. A 1047 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I find Boorman's direction to be fantastic. As others note two military officers from opposite sides recognize each other. Mifune especially seeks with all his cunning to kill Marvin while the latter struggles very hard just to fill his canteen with drinking water. The tensions, very strong at the beginning slowly dissipate as both realize taking out each 5075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Travis Bickle" has to be one of the most fascinating characters ever put on film, and this has to still rank as one of the best post-film noir era "noirs" ever made. Last Action Hero really shouldn't have been the flop it was. Even 20 years later this movie, in spite of being dated, is a laugh. 8409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be one of the greatest movies I've seen! Don't let the other reviews bash on this show! Acting was good, Carol Burnett, Bernadette Peters, and Tim Curry are wonderful as the villians you will love to hate! The music is wonderful, my favorites being "Sign", "Hard-knock Life" and "Easy Street". Some people say this is overly profane, but that's not true! Four swear words are used throughout the entire show (Those all being the same not harmless word) And I must admit, you see a lot of underwear, but don't let this discourage you! Buy this today, I'm sure you will love it! 943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 James Bond comic book style by Disney. Brought to life from a comic book figure the writer entangles himself by falling in love with another agent from the other side that wishes to defect shortly after they meet in an simple document exchange. Upon her choice she will only defect if the pick up and transfer is done by Condorman!!! As this is the name the writer provided when they met. It is a cool adventure through the countryside with hang gliding, a gypsies truck that turns into a race car and then a hydrofoil with awesome care and boat chases through the Italian Mountains. So Kick back and Enjoy a great movie!!!! The cast is impressive with WILLIAM H. MACY and DEAN STOCKWELL on the prez's team and Jerry Goldsmith providing another one of his dependable, if unmemorable, action scores. In 1976, New York City had a parade of prostitutes, pimps, and porno theaters. Twenty-seven year-old Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro) gets a job driving a cab, primarily because he can't sleep. He is willing to drive "anyplace, anytime." The former Marine and Vietnam Veteran is a loner, interacting awkwardly with the other cabbies and with Betsy, a girl he falls in love with (Cybil Shepherd). Betsy is a campaign worker for Senator Palantine, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president. 7381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! Beautiful scenery, good story. 9111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 On Blu-ray? their best movie-for less than a trip to McDonalds? Come on. Buy it already. You can't lose. You can sell it to anyone for this price. "Epic" -- Mrs. Peel is kidnapped and taken to Schneer Studios where she is forced to make a movie about her own murder; however, the killers are mostly incompetent. This is a funny one. There was one scene that just jumped out at me. It occurs in the diner before the incident later that night where our travelers experience hatred in the country they admire so much. They go from peace and love to fear and hate. It is as if they witnessed night and day. It was frightening to hear the words coming from people in that restaurant. It was not only scary to wonder what was going to happen to our narrators, but mainly that people were speaking that way to fellow citizens. I know that it still occurs today, and it is surprising to me. We bomb a country because they do not follow the same principles that we do, but we need to start asking ourselves this question ... do we need another United States? "Girl" is pretty much what you would have if "Almost Famous" had been a long episode of "My So-Called Life". Dominique Swain plays the main character (Andrea Marr), basically the Penny Lane character in "Almost Famous". Swain's usual acting style is to brazen her way through roles, subtlety and nuance are not words that have ever been used to describe her performances. But in "Girl" she comes closest to a carefully crafted performance and actually shows some restraint. Perhaps this is because of her voice-over narration, which serves as a counterpoint to her actions on the screen. She has a nice voice when reined in and she was still very cute in 1998. 7794 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most beautiful films I've seen in my life. The natural scenery of Montana is sublime! Fonda said it was something like they should have stopped to live with some of the people they met along the way because they were really the ones who were living. Kind of like the end of East Bound & Down. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU 6520 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am disappointed that they took so long to make a sequel, but i was not disappointed. Since i don't wanna spoil it for you ill just say it was great, maybe as good as the first one, which i am currently reviewing. Anyways when availabel on DVD, make sure you buy them both. 1579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I read this book long before I saw the movie and I definitely say that it lived up to my expectations. Jane Eyre is a timeless story and it is beautifully captured in this gothic tale of romance and hidden secrets. Each character is portrayed very well. Samantha Morton (who plays Jane Eyre), actually became her seemingly meek and yet truly passionate character before my very eyes. I would recommend this film to anyone who loved the book, as well as anyone who loves romance and a bit of mystery. 3093 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has everything in it. You'll laugh and you will cry. Its about these women that do nothing but talk about each other, They seem to meet at the beauty shop all the time. Julia Roberts plays a girl that has some type of illness. You will end up laughing at some of the tings that these woman do. 4175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What makes the Deep End of the Ocean shine bright is in the way the storyline gradually improves as it goes along, and you will find that your emotions are harder to keep under control as it happens. The writing is mostly good with a few exceptions, and the way the story keeps you attached to the TV screen is definitely one of the positives. I seriously wasn't expecting such a phenomenal performance by all the actors and actresses involved. Putting into words what makes this movie so great is very difficult since there's so much attention to emotions and specifically, crying (not exactly tears of sadness either, which is what's so surprising). 2473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a much appreciated addition to inventory of things that make my life as easy as one would like to have it. As a person who depends a lot on external sources for my professional fulfillment, I am very satisfied. 5334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Do yourself a favor and grab this on Amazon.de for 10 bucks. Does it have special features? No. Does it have a pretty darn good transfer of an 80s classic? YES. Is it Region Free? Yes. I've tested it on the following devices: Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Samsung Region A blu-ray player. Are the menus in English? Yes. Are there subtitles and alternate audio tracks? Yes. Is it cheaper than the out of print Twilight Time release? of course. All in all, this movie still scares me (slightly) still. However, I cannot deny its a cool movie I'd be willing to watch just for the scare. Paul W.S. Anderson did a good job directing and writing this movie. The acting is great from all the actors. The storyline is not hard to figure out but its great for this kind of movie and an absolute plus is that its not a complete carbon-copy/import/retelling of the game. It does a good job using references, atmosphere and locals of the game. Lastly, this movie is much longer and better than its sequel.----- [a 5 out of 5] Don't be fooled by its title, this production is far removed from the book (so if you've never read it, and are seeking an authentic adaptation-- look elsewhere)! The only things that the two have in common are the names of its characters, and a few sequence of events! 95% of the dialogue has been rewritten (and butchered), and some events made up! For those who want to watch a movie, that is everything --including Genius and most definently clever as all h3LL, then this is the movie for you. 9023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 :) :) :) 829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this for the first time with a group of friends, all Star Wars fans. About half of us had seen Shakespeare in Love, but we'd all seen the various Star Wars movies many times. The movie produced gales of laughter. Several times we had to stop and back up because we were unable to hear the dialogue following one of the gags. I'd highly recommend this for any Star Wars fans - it's definitely good for a laugh. 1880 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Movie - Very good acting - Believable. If you're in the mood for something beautiful, thoughtful but not very eventful, "A River Runs Through It" will suit you nicely. Watch this outrageous film and be grateful for the most fundamental of all gifts. Life and laughter. 2376 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Air Force One 116 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie was not what I expected, however, it's worth a look (if it's free on Prime). It just wasn't for me man. if you get upset at some people for saying it is a bad movie just remember they probably never watched it. and also rememnber, resident evil made 200 million dollars and the second film made just about that. these movies are here to stay for at least a third and they already set the date for it for 2006, so start getting excited! resident evil: afterlife is the name for it now, but it could change at anytime. resedent evil apocolypse had 3 names before it was finished. 4710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie but was surprised of all of the four letter words. I only had seen it on TV I watch this movie over and over again. Steve Martin at his best, brightest, funniest and most intelligent, and that's saying a lot. This movie knocks it out of the park, and that's coming from a fan of the Gerard Depardieu version of Cyrano de Bergerac. Outstanding. 3124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper's counter-culture flick "Easy Rider", like Warren Beatty's "Bonnie and Clyde", launched the genre of low budget, independent film-making, and is as an important a film as it is a Hollywood milestone..When the studio system faded away (the back-lot assembly line), there was a vacuum in Hollywood and studio heads were gasping for fresh air?..The industry conundrum was, who would fill the void away from candy-corn musicals like "The Sound of Music", "Mary Poppins", and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", that were putting movie-goers into a permanent state of snooze, and hemorraging red ink..Box-office receipts were in freefall, an omen revolution was in the air, and a upshift in audience taste was potentially going unrealized?..Columbia Studios figured they had to roll the dice, and test if a youth audience was ready in numbers to buy theatre tickets if original content was exhibited..Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda were seasoned Hollywood hands that survived the studio wars, and sensed the time was ripe to seize control of their careers by producing new wave content..Collectively, Fonda and Hopper scripted a contemporary "noir western" screenplay, Fonda as (Wyatt), Hopper as (Billy), two drugstore cowboys, mounted on "iron horses" on an existentialist journey to find America, that reflected the angst, paranoia, and prejudices permeating the Johnson/Nixon Viet Nam War era.."Easy Rider" is a biker odyssey, and the end-game is to get to New Orleans and "experience" Mardi Gras before the apocalyptic collapse of culture, an Edenistic premise..See the movie now, and excuse the dated 60's precepts..Realize the movie was an emboldened out-of-the-box move by its creators and Columbia..View the movie in context, and you will overlook its rough edges, and cardboard cut-out stereo-types..The movie occupies a sacred place in indie filmmaking, and paved the way for maverick film-makers like Robert Altman, Peter Bogdanovich, and William Friedkin, meaning there are films today that stand on the shoulders of "Easy Rider", as primitive as the 16mm. film might seem relative to today's digitally enhanced standards..The film proved there was enormous profitability in "new realism", and ushered in packaging a rock soundtrack to accentuate the picture, at the time a sound-breaking strategy. 9177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's the brilliance of Monty Python and it's hilarious. 1109 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am still enjoying the series. I always look forward to what the characters are up to 412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is amazing, a true count from the bible. Joseph was perfect and Ben Kingsley as Potifar was great. Even if you do not play the game (or even know nothing about it) you will understand it perfectly for the screenplay was designed for a wider audience. In this sense, the film is constructed so you'll get early on all the information that you need for the rest of the film. 5289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just bought this and probably hadn't seen it in 25 years. Rated R for a reason- lots of cursing, blood splattering and sexually suggestive scenes (beware if children watching. You should fast forward). Great 80s horror without all the typical slashing seen in the Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween movies. Even the commentary on the mods was appropriate! The entire film had much more depth and was much more thought-provoking than other more "serious" films I had recently watched. One other caveat - I would have liked to see more women with short hair. Try this movie - it will surprise you! 155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great twist on original Alright, here's the real review. 1935 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome action and suspense! 7881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you haven't seen this Robin Williams, you've really missed out! Another DVD on the forever shelf... way to reduce his lines down to nothing. Nicholson is the only 4233 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Too many bad reviews miss the POINT . It was meant to be a bit of a JOKE. But media ruined the punch line before it had a chance The standout performances of the film are from Roberts, and MacLaine, as a spinster with a sarcastic tongue, and, ultimately, a heart of gold. Her scenes with Dukakis are hilarious, yet full of the warmth that makes this film so special! 6340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have played almost every Resident Evil game that's come out from the first to the latest and greatest Resident Evil 4. When this movie came out I was pretty hesitant. Would they do a remake of the first game or would they create an entirely new movie? And which would I rather they did? Having seen this movie and the second movie's attempt to incorporate actual video game parts and movie parts, I must say I'm relieved they didn't remake the first Resident Evil movie. 5817 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best prison camp movies ever made. 102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this as TV movie. 9570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good acting and interesting plot about a future that is more controlled 9297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. The comedy is not for everyone and if you are going to buy it you should be familiar with British comedy. If you aren't familiar I would recommend renting it first. Basically the whole movie is a pun on King Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail. So according to Mr Schrader it's like if Travis had more or less missed his real target by attacking the pimps. We could go further and say outright that real prostitutes are not the ones we think and the woman of the world ... I would review the film, but instead I will tell you to go buy it. Now. It's one of the best vampire films, period. You will love it. 763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I think of a children's Christmas special this is exactly what I wanted. Arthur is a familiar face to most kids and it focused on the spirit of Christmas and all the excitement leading up to the arrival of Santa. It's a must see for the holiday season. No, Paul W. S. Anderson is no relation to Paul Thomas Anderson (of Magnolia fame). Anyone who's seen Resident Evil probably knows that without having to be told. But I get the feeling that even Paul Thomas Anderson fans will get at least a guilty kick out of this movie. Hey, you've got beautiful women, hard-case police officers, loud music, a psychotic computer, and a bunch of zombies. What more could you possibly ask? 3103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a good movie for women. It stirs every emotion. The friendships between these women are inspiring. I've watched it a few times over the years and have enjoyed it every time. 9024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 funny 3943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really good always a good story for everyone to watch! feeling of Dictionary within 1 pack ! It also gave many bonuses including back to our Earth...in the decade of 2000 + 3777 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Who likes this movie? How could you possibly make sense of a film like this? Steven Spielberg really messed up this time around, making a movie about space and yet most of it takes place on earth. Duh...what kind of science fiction movie takes place on Earth in the 1970s? This one, I guess. 5555 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Who doesn't like Fright Night?...I haven't met one person yet that didn't enjoy Fright Night. I for one, love this movie and think its one of the best vampire movies from the 80s. Its kinda hard to believe that Amanda Bearse went from this..to Married..with Children....holy smokes!..lol...anyways, again as i said, this movie tops the 80s horror right along with Halloween..etc. etc. and should truly be in your horror collection..a true classic for all time, and remember, they barely play this film during Halloween as well...when is the last time you saw it on TV?...think about it!..thats why this is a must have!. Highly Recommended!! 6864 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie some how follows the plot of the PS game Resident Evil. It talks about how a syndicate turns into zombie and Milla Jovovich has to find out what has happen. It has many scary scenes and most of them got me. Milla is stylish in this movie that has [awesome] fight moves. The special effects are cool as well. Overall, it is an entertaining movie. 9711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent!!! 9903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great price and fast delivery 2214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My nieces loved this as kids & I figured that it would bring back lots of fun memories. 5077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just bought the 2 disc dvd, and watched it last week. I just thought "there are no actors who can act like that nowadays". 8652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 kids loved it ! For the parents with genuine concerns that gullibly think videogame violence is the root of leading teens astray and decide to connect this movie to it, this piece of unadulterated garbage is a three-pointer for them. 8056 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terry Gilliam's post-Python oeuvre usually strikes me as rather cold and overly intellectualized. I 'like' his movies very much, but can rarely get close enough to 'love' them. "Brazil" and "Twelve Monkeys" being chief offenders in this complaint. I enjoyed their visions of futuristic dystopias, but never felt involved on an emotional level. Sure, "Baron Munchausen" tickled my whimsy-bone, and "Time Bandits" gave me kid-sized guffaws, but both those films also had a good dose of textbook thinking behind them, enough to keep the audience always an arm's length away. 6221 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I did watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse back when it was in theaters & I rather enjoyed it! this movie, I just got to today & found myself wondering what the hell happened. the movie is just so much stupider then the second one. I found myself laughing at parts where we're "supposed to be scared". the acting is just not that good, it's corny as hell. hasn't anyone in this film ever heard of a zombie before? if a zombie was coming at you, would you lower your weapon or blast it apart? like, what are they doing? I got so mad at this film cause it's so stupid. why do the characters have to be so dumb? I'll blame the writers, the director's for this. Resident Evil is not worth your time or money. I found the second one more enjoyable for some reason. so please, look elsewhere. I'd be more entertained by a fish swimming in circles. 2887 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good product! The characters grapple with the same struggles that we continue to confront in mordern-day America: love, loss, coming of age, morality, prejudice, death, economics, social responsibility, unwed mothers, change, freedom and the search for life's ultimate meaning - concluding with the horrendous effects of a World War and its devastating aftermath. The story for Taxi Driver is centered around Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), a lonely and socially-isolated man honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, who takes a job as a taxi driver because of his chronic insomnia (his motto is "If I can't sleep, I might as well get paid for it."). As time progresses, Travis becomes increasingly disgusted with the "scum" infesting the streets of New York City, and hopes to "make a difference" one day. In his life, he hopes to bond with a woman named Betsy (Cybill Shephard), whom he considers "an angel in a city of filth," and later gets involved with a young prostitute named Iris (played by a then 12 year-old Jody Foster) and her slimy pimp, Matt (Harvey Keitel). 6973 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a big fan of zombie flicks and horror movies in general. If you're like me and you miss the days of Evil Dead and just want to see Scream vanish from the planet, you might see this movie as a breath of fresh air. It's not full of gore (hardly any blood for that matter) but it's definetely a step in the right direction considering the terrible place that horror movies have been in the past 5 years or so (scream, i know what you did last summer etc) Holden talks about how he hates the movies, yet he see's a lot of movies. Travis talks about how he despizes the sex on the streets yet watches XXX rated movies. This is a well acted account of one of the major events of the War of Independence. Jeff Daniels portrays a superb George Washington, who was at times very impatient and hot tempered. History seems to gloss over the imperfections and vulnerabilities of our nations beloved figures, however this movie shows Washington to be flawed and tired at times like the rest of his army was. 4407 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 One has to wonder about the reasoning behind removing so much of this wonderful special's original material from this DVD release. I have my original copy that I taped off of television way back in the mid 80's, and I'd rather watch THAT, fuzzy degrading, annoying Osh Kosh commercials, and all...at least it's INTACT. Not only have several songs been removed, but the final pay-off to a VERY long running gag (the icy patch) ended up on the cutting room floor, as well, being that it was at the very end of Piggy's song ("Home for the Holidays", cut out). The editing is SO bad, you can actually TELL where things were removed. Such a shame. Here's hoping the matter can be settled, and a fully-restored version offered...though I wouldn't hold my breath. After all, there are MANY more Muppet television specials that have disappeared into the mists of time, as well. However, each version is different, with different characterizations,style and pace. This 1997 original A & E version is good stylistically, the lead characters give earnest interpretations, but seem a bit caricatured and one-dimensional. I'm not into rock n' roll music, but the end credits tune I found myself whistling to for a week. Catchy tune. 1139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Season 4 continues at the same high level as the earlier episodes. It is amazing that after almost 40 years this series is still so fresh -- and relevant. I like "Jesus of Nazareth" and "The Passion." And I can suggest this film as well without reservation. 2320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a child of the 90's, I couldn't resist adding this to my collection. Yes, the movie didn't win any Oscars but as a Spice Girl fan, what's not to love? It's something to show my 11 year old niece when she tries to tell me One Direction is the best pop teen band to come from England, this movie will set her straight. 4346 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This has to be one of the worst movies ever made. Terrible plot, and all the co-stars can't act at all. A big budget movie that should have never been made. A giant black mark on Arnold's career. 8315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you want hours of mind testing then TRY to out do THIS Old Bailey Hack and find the truth to the case! 1147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a Brit abroad at the moment and watching this series made me feel my English roots again ! The class structure, the changes that came with the 1914-18 war, the entrenched attitudes that resisted the changes and the frustration felt by those bringing in the new ideas. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is also there and made me so sad that it was not recognised for what it was. But the most beautiful thing about all these episodes is of course, the relationship between upstairs and downstairs. It makes one aware that the boundaries of what we consider family can stretch and stretch. The actors are superb and I wonder where they are now. It is just a perfect slice of England and the English with all our prejudices and funny ways of doing things - stiff upper lip, public school - but everyone just muddles along and makes their way through all the turmoil. A really fine series that I will enjoy watching again and again. I think it's a great story.and well worth watching for the first time today with allowances for the state of the art in movie making at the time is was made. Give it a watch. It's could open your imagination. it did mine. Clearly I feel it's worthy of 5 stars. 7544 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A captivating portal of family life in Montana in the early 1900's. Terrific acting, beautiful scenery, and wonderful music. In my top 25 of all movies.. After finally seeing it tonight, I'm happy to say that this movie did a damn good job of invoking the feel and atmosphere of the RE games. It isn't 100% dead-on, it took a few liberties... but they were never really a detriment. It stands up to the games very well, and it's a good popcorn/horror flick in its own right. There were a few moments when I was truly HORRIFIED. I really don't think it's necessary to have played the games to enjoy this movie, not at all. But if you have played them, you'll enjoy it all the more so. No, it isn't the Greatest Film of the Year. It's just a fun, bloody, action/horror movie. the Sony pictures U.K. and U.S. releases which are ALL REGIONS anyway A poor orphan, Pip, is raised by a poor blacksmith. A life of rough and tough luck. Take it or leave it, but there is no way out, except the radical one. And he dreams of being a gentleman one day. An aberration of course, morally wrong and bad taste. I do hope that this review has been of some help to you in deciding upon your purchase or not. When preproduction of the first Resident Evil film began, the legendary George Romero, whose Dead franchise was a major inspiration for the Resident Evil games, was commissioned to write a script. His script shared many similarities to the game, such as the inclusion of characters like Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker. However, it also made changes to the story that game developers Capcom didn't like, and Romero was ultimately turned down. Instead, they hired Paul WS Anderson, director of Event Horizon and another video game movie, Mortal Kombat. His treatment was more like a prequel to the games, and this approach was more acceptable to Capcom's head honchos. Anderson's treatment was greenlit, and "Resident Evil: Ground Zero" went into production (the "Ground Zero" subtitle was abandoned after the events of September 11th). 3775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced the upcoming release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 30th Anniversary Ultimate Edition for 11/13/07. 7821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a awesome movie I bought it for a friend because I knew that he loved it. Hilda, bless her heart, keeps pushing and prodding Horace, hoping he will someday "take silk" or perhaps become a justice, but Horace can't see himself as anything other than an "Old Bailey Hack". 8927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Regardless of the recent events with Mr. Clash, Elmo is still a household name in our home. My daughter dances to the songs and frequently requests the "Elmo movie!" I'll admit, I find myself getting into it too! Cute story and well done. 1466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charlotte Bronte is second only to Jane Austen as the best author ever. this is an excellent classic and very well done. However, even though Jane Eyre obviously had never been kissed prior to falling in love with Mr. Rochester, her director in this movie should have told her to fake it because the lack of experience in the kiss does not endear one to the scene. And it was a very critical scene but I wanted to throw rocks at her. The movie is excellent and well done....other than the kissing scene. Do you remember when the Burgermeister Meisterburger banned toys, and Kris Kringle became Santa Claus? Share the magic of this original Christmas classic told and sung by Fred Astaire! Narrated by Fred Astaire. 9981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Have now a full appreciation for 1980's filmmaking--no CGI. As for the technical specifications, was short-changed in the audio, which was not DolbyTrueHD like the Sony release, but the DVD compressed audio. Bummer. film in theaters) I think 1:66 is actually correct. 5427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The actor and actresses in This version of Fright night are more realistic, more frightening, more sexy, less forgettable than the new one that came out more recently. Been looking for this version for awhile. 3842 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Steven Spielberg's 1977 UFO classic, is the thematic antitheses to 1996's Independence Day. While Roland Emmerich's ID4 is a throwback to 1950s "invaders from space" flicks, Spielberg's vision of a "close encounter" between humanity and extraterrestrials is more mysterious and, in the end, more hopeful and awe-inspiring. Instead of exchanging bullets and "heat rays," humans and aliens communicate by using musical notes. 1529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is another version of Jane Eyre that I love! This Mr. Edward R., scared me ,at first, with his rough and loud manner, but I started seeing his gentle heart, that he keeps hidden, along with painful, lonely, heartbreaking, secrets of no hope! RECOMMENDED. 4269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Without question or contest, this is Schwartzenegger's most underrated. Thank the world for Sourcefed's movie club, without whom I would have never discovered this film. I haven't had this much fun watching a movie in so long. On top of the great special effects and insane action, Last Action Hero offers a pretty clever satire of Hollywood cliches. For kids who avoid counting, this is a good way to sneak it in. They don't realize it's "good for them"! 72 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A sweet movie with Henry Winkler "The Christmas Carol" genre. 1764 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The acting was really great. It was quite enjoyable but seemed to differ on the character of George Washington. He was known for not allowing cursing, for reading his Bible several times a day and praying. I did not see any of these qualities displayed. 4332 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is, without doubt, Schwartzenegger's greatest movie. 6029 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Midnight Express" was nominated for 7 Academy Awards in 1978, winning for Best Music, Best Original Score, and Best Writing for Material Adapted From Another Medium for Oliver Stone. Brad Davis stars as Billy Hayes in this true story of a young man who is arrested in Instanbul, Turkey for trying to smuggle hashish out of the country. What follows are five harrowing, hellish years for Billy as he tries to survive living in a foreign prison, in a country he knows little about, and with people who seem at times unhuman. Billy ultimately has a nervous breakdown and he is sentenced to time in the psychiatric unit of the prison. 8984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny, classic Jack playing Jack to perfection. 641 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 dvd arrived on time and as advertised EXTRAS These ladies in their own unique ways teach about love, faith, hope and charity. The good ladies in this movie are so much fun too. Watching this movie is just a pure joy. As a black man I must say that the fact this movie never really showed the beauty of today's educated fun modern southern black woman does take away from the DVD's overall impact. This movie suffers intensely from its culturally monotoned nature, an ugly hell from which nothing can rescue it. Highlights of the movie include the famous "20 worse things you can say about C.D.'s nose" (if you keep count, it's actually 25?!), Chris's constant attempts to overcome his shyness about meeting Roxanne, the confrontation of C.D. and two drunk skiers (one of them played by SNL's Kevin Nealon), and any scene with Michael J. Pollard. The frustrating thing is, this DVD wasn't just slapped together. The picture looks crystal clear compared to old copies on VHS, Laserdisc, and DVD. The high definition widescreen presentation looks amazing; it's by far the best I've seen this film look. The soundtrack has a very loud 5.1 that is very cool, especially if you've always heard the film in mono. (If you prefer mono, it's there, too.) 8459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No spoliers, even though this is a 40 year old film. We really enjoyed it. 7212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It surprised me, but I liked it! I put off getting this DVD because I had been disappointed before with HK action movies. Grim, brutal and usually ending in a bloodbath of some sort, with low production qualities and nil storyline in some cases, or just very hard to follow! However, this one is really good. though it was a bit confusing to follow at first. But I am really getting tired of Hollywood movies - they all seem the same to me with their jazzed up special effects at the expense of the story. This movie had SFX but not too much. I liked the young actors and hope to see more of them in future. Sam Lee was especially funny and I suppose the "teeny-boppers" will sigh over Nick Tse and Steven Fung. Eric Tsang was as zany as usual (I have seen him before in comedies). But the moody Japanese villian Akatora almost stole the show. You almost felt sorry for him in the end. Another surprise was the tense undercurrent between Jack and Lok (the Chinese villian). They seemed to almost be friends, Lok even saving Jack's life! Loved the cameo by Jackie Chan at the end. (He's still my favourite HK action star!) But a a very good movie, good action and acting. It looks like the HK action movie genre is really picking up it's act with good storylines PLUS great action. 5309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 forgot how I enjoyed this movie, until watching again,maybe top of list for one of best vampire movies made 4033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie! I watched it years ago & since it was a VHS back then, I replaced it with a DVD, watched it and was very touched by the storyline & all that the characters go through. Easy to relate to by anyone who's had divorced parents, been one, been a spouse coming into a broken family and having to learn and grow throughout the experience; you see that the only way to make it work is to surrender to it. Very touching. 2. Okay - I can believe that they would test the genes of a new applicant when they were applying for a new job. But it costs something to perform these tests, and we're told that in-valids who try the "borrowed ladder" scam are very rare. I didn't buy the fact that the company tested ALL of their employees EVERY DAY. It would just cost too much to enforce the already-illegal discrimination. This seems like a plot device introduced only to make Vincent's plan more dangerous - like Gattaca has introduced a complicated and expensive screening program only to catch.... HIM!  Resident Evil: Afterlife [Blu-ray] (2010). 2393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a good movie from start to finish. Harrison Ford plays the hero role to the limit. Gary Oldman plays an absolutely mean and scary villain. He shows no remorse about shooting an unarmed hostage or using violence. The plot of this movie is outstanding. The idea that these Russian thugs could use the disguise of journalists was unique. Evev the secret service agent who goes bad is portrayed as being wormy. The ending makes Harrison Ford out to be a hero. A very good movie. In the case of "Resident Evil", it's not the movie itself that is so bad, it's all those little things that are messed up, without ruining completely the quality of the movie. If you've seen "Deep Blue Sea" and liked it, then you'll love Resident Evil. As much as "Deep Blue Sea" was a very simple and common model of what a suspense movie turns out to be in Hollywood, "Resident Evil" is another clone of that model. What I mean by that is the presence of the similar elements, which mostly are: A good-looking girl, a bunch of men that get killed one by one, a spectacular enemy, some high-tech facilities and equipment, a very simple scenario, some violence (not graphic enough to gross out the average teenager, which is 80% of their target audience, but not mild enough to be rated PG-13), and some cool looking action sequences. It's a formula that works many times, and they chose it for a movie that promised so much, but did not deliver what the real "Resident Evil" fans like. 3590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is truly a Bench-Mark for Aliens come to Earth Science Fiction. 357 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!!! Taxi Driver was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture, but lost out to the formulaic boxer flick, Rocky, penned by Sylvester Stallone It did, however, win the Palme D'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. It is not only a great motion picture, but it is one of the best portraits of a character ever filmed, and Travis Bickle is one of the scariest characters in film history. Probably only Martin Landau's character, Judah Rosenthal, in Woody Allen's Crimes And Misdemeanors, is more truly horrifying (and certainly far more evil). But Bickle is every bit as scary, for he is far more unpredictable to those about him. Yes, he is not a cold blooded murderer, like Rosenthal, but he is certainly violent, and a racist- not of the KKK White Supremacist sort, but of the passive, scared little white boy sort; and much mileage has been gotten from the fact that the film's final shootout victims were all white, when in the original screenplay they had been all black (Scorsese and Schrader bowed to studio pressure to change that fact, because by not making a change, the beancounters claimed, the film might incite race riots, and lead to financial culpability). These elements are what make Bickle scary, and why he is so realistically portrayed. Yet, there is also the niggling truth even the film seems loath to admit, that Travis Bickle really and truly IS a hero, and not merely a crazed lunatic. Note that I wrote `not merely,' for this is an important point: because most critics resort to binary thought in such matters, that does not change the fact that Bickle is a dangerous and paranoid man and a hero; and these are not mutually opposing claims. And by `hero,' I mean it in the absolutely most sober sense of the word. Heroes are not perfect men, but they are real men (and women, of course). And heroes are not necessarily even ethically `good' men (imagine that!). But they are brave, they are determined, and they are relentless, in the pursuit of the goals, things, and people, they deem as good. But, most of all they are `real,' not like the fictive heroes that populate books and films, comic books and video games. And rarely has there ever been a more chillingly realistic portrayal of a hero in film than Travis Bickle. Now, do me the favor of not misinterpreting that, ok? -Superb camera work 4584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watched this movie when I was very young and I still get a kick out of it each time I watch it. I did not have surround sound back then but to hear the jets flying and the explosions just makes me want to keep watching the Iron Eagle. 573 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I bought this to watch with family near christmas. I love the animation, characters, and story. Gotta love the christmas classic animations and now I have it for good. GATTACA examines the nature of personal identity, personal destiny, and the idea that an individual can become more than the sum of his parts. Aldous Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD already thoroughly covers these same themes, but GATTACA approaches them in a more earnest and less satirical manner than does Huxley's magnum opus. GATTACA is therefore a very literate piece of speculative SF that should appeal to those who desire more than the standard STAR WARS (1977) or bug-eyed alien fare. Unfortunately, the film is a bit too cerebral for the average filmgoer, and probably explains why GATTACA was a bit of a bomb at the box office. 4190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie 3452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 original story...!! great movie "Hi, Emily." 1985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of our favorites 7726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is visually and inspirationally worth anyone's time. I had been looking to replace my vhs copy and glad I found this deal. 5629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Poor old Mr. Vincent,could never really come to terms with his treasured little mirror bearing no reflection,to Jerry Dandridge. Peter Vincent's idea of Fright Night,was a cheap,tacky horror show,that had bad ratings,not this. And Charley Brewster,watching too much T.V,started to actually believe that their new neighbor slept in a coffin. And why did Charley's Mother have to go and let Jerry in the house,now he can come around whenever he wants. And why is Jerry always out everyday,and only appears after six p.m,eating an apple? Fright Night maintains an interest throughout,shining through in terms of Direction and Script,and the performance of Roddy McDowall as the local T.V.Stations "Peter Vincent"-Vampire Killer,who will not believe young Charley Brewster,who begs for Peter's help,to seek out and kill the Vampire next door! Excellent,inevitable,and well staged climax-the look on Peter Vincents face at the end,beaming!-show's every possible,relevant emotion,perfectly. About the transfer:Outstanding,shown at 2.35:1,allowing the full width,and fine details coupled with just the right colour depth,"Fright Night",to date,Never looked this good. The sound:English/2-Channel Dolby Surround,gives an adequate performance. No real emphasis on not being subtle,but clear,with no background noise,source,or hissing related problems. Overall,in terms of picture quality alone,this DVD emerges a winner. A special Edition of this film,with a 5.1 soundtrack would be cool. 4/5 for this Edition. Outstanding tour de force performances of all the cast: Mercedes Ruehl is superb; Robin Williams delirious as always and Jeff Bridges in the best role of his career until this date. 3070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great movie with a lot of great actresses. So many different personalities in the movie characters that just blend so well. 6643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is actually realy good. I am not a fan of the game at all, and despise almost all game=>movie conversions (and movie=>game conversions), but with some arm twisting I was convinced to watch it, and it kicked ass. The movie is actually pretty scary, and I don't scare easily. It sucks you in and leaves twisted images in your head after watching it. Definately at least a rental. If you take this flick for what it is, RESIDENT EVIL - APOCALYPSE is a fun, modern day B-movie, perfect for a popcorn evening at home. My husband and I had as surprisingly good time with this. And we are actually looking forward to seeing the next one! On another note: despite what has happened later, there is a huge amount of chemistry and deep admiration between Hawke and Thurman, which really made the movie successful and led to a reasonably long marriage (for Hollywood) and children. Artistically, this movie and its set design, costume design, and cinematography are sleek and lovely. He is definitely lean and mean but desperate times call for these measires(sorry for the cliche) he fights for survival and the bare essentials he and his family need to live. 2007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very good movie that still keeps your attention all throughout. I found it as good as when I first watched it several years ago. Milla Jovovich's acting alone is worth seeing this movie. She is, without a doubt, an amazing actress. The rest of the cast were really great as well. - Travis is seen in his apartment room preparing for his confrontation with Senator Palentine. He speaks about his apocalyptic mission through his journal entries. However, his words portray a man unable to articulate himself even in his hour of destiny - "listen you f***ers, you screw heads, here is a man who would not take it anymore, who would.. not....." (starts over) "listen you f***ers you screw heads.....". This scene is very effective in that it illustrates Travis's inability to express his emotions with certainty, even when they concern convictions which he feels strongly about. Robin Williams and Terry Gillian at their best. It does all of this on a shoestring budget and a cast basically consisting of the six pythons, and a few extras thrown on here and there for speciality scenes. Charlie sees all this and no one believes him. Unfortunately for him, Jerry does and begins stalking him and lusting after his girl Amy (who looks just like a girl in an old portrait Jerry has) -- holy bats! 4444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wow. I loved this movie! I thought it was better than the 1st. No it wasn't really scary, but It kept me on edge! I felt sad Jennifer Esposito died. Aw[...] Anyway there wasn't a whole lot of blood but still enough. Check out this movie. One Thing,Brandy's butt looked big in those tight pants in the gym scene. I still love ya though Brandy! 2933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got it on time, I am performing this play this Spring and wanted to review the movie. 6834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's so refreshing to see a horror movie that actually takes itself seriously. I'm old enough to remember when scary movies actually believed they could frighten you and not show their insecurities through self-parody. The closest movie I can remember to this one is Aliens by James Cameron, in which the action takes turns with fear. intermittently since then and I never grow tired of it! 2551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie  Resident Evil: Retribution (+UltraViolet Digital Copy) [Blu-ray] (2012). 3276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 B+ movie. Rated PG for some language,mature thamatic material involving life and death,and nudity. Canada:PG.Good for ages 9 and up. Besson doesn't answer this fundamental question, and the introduction of Dustin Hoffman at the end of the film, seemingly imbued with magical powers, really doesn't help. I still don't know what Hoffman was meant to do in the film or who he was. Was he Jesus? Was he Joan's conscience? Or just more evidence that she really was nuts? Or was HE the lead guitarist from Slade? so let me just say that the above "Utopia" has all the flaws we'd expect from 8860 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beyond funny! 4475 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Even if you watch this as a comedy, you'll feel bad. You take an already weak plot from the original and throw away any merits it could have in this lousy sequel. Jennifer is amazingly pretty, is the only point worthwhile watching. The end was a bad joke. If they are trying to turn the killer Will into another Jason, Freddy or Myers, it won't suceed. 8732 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One for the collection. Good seller. See also, Kim, sing (dubbing)My Funny Valentine, and how it gets ruined as you watch Sinatra's reactions to it. 4230 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent 1420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have watched The Avengers since it ran in the 60s. I've also recorded as many Avengers episodes from A&E and other sites on VHS as I can. This disc set is great! Even though I have watched this series for years, there were at least 2-3 episodes I don't remember ever seeing PLUS the rest of the disc set are classics. This set is a must buy for Emma Peel fans, her first year, and Avengers fans. 656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved Topper so much I went out and sought a Topper blow mold to buy. This movie is adorable, and is definitely one of my holiday favorites. I watch it every year. 2089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford did a great job as president and love this movie alot. 8047 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In my humble opinion, Terry Gilliam is a genius -- without question one of the most talented and imaginative direcors working in film today. All of his work -- BRAZIL, TIME BANDITS, 12 MONKEYS, &c -- stands up head and shoulders above almost everything else the motion picture industry spews out, but THE FISHER KING is, I believe, his greatest achievement. 4863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think that everyone has seen Taxi Driver. DeNiro in is younger days a a young tough in NYC stands alone against those in the wrong (Harvey Keitel), because he took a shining to young Jodi Foster, the underage hooker. Definitely a classic with superb acting all of the way through. For those who haven't seen it. You don't know what you're missing. 2854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie with Peter Fonda ,Jack Nicholson , and Dennis Hopper---sometimes I wish I could Ride across the USA 5557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Fright Night" stands the test of time as an entertaining and often surprisingly disturbing scare-fest from the mid 80s. A teenaged boy discovers to his horror that a vampire master has moved in next door, with his creepy half-human sidekick. Can the teen convince his friends the threat is real, and recruit famed movie "vampire killer" Peter Vincent to help dispatch the demonic creature? You'll have fun finding out. Highly recommended for Halloween party viewing - I watch it each year with a group of friends, and we have a blast every time. Well worth the modest purchase price. Five stars! So how did General Washington save the Revolution from collapse? The story is portrayed most excellently in this movie! Bonus Features: Special Features are ~ 1688 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To answer Anglo Fan question, this is a wonderful series that I NOW have the pleasure of owning. If you are the type of person who needs digitally re-mastered so the show can look like a gloried sitcom like Friends then this is not for you. What makes this show a classic like I Claudius, which if you check I Claudius reviews it was extremely mixed, however it is the simplicity of it is makes it so appealing . I bought I Claudius on DVD and although it has none of the glam and directing we are so use to, nevertheless it is perfect in my eyes. I have hundreds of DVD's and I am particular about what I add to my collection and this one is a gem and worth having! I only wish that they had restored the film for this supposedly deluxe special edition. The picture is still as washed out and grainy as I remember it from the late-late show. "Annie: 30th Anniversary - Sing-Along Edition" comes with the following special features: 5873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember this film when it was in the movie theaters back in the seventies and how totally intense it was on the theater screen. This is a must film for any movie collection and I highly recommend it to watch. The opening scene where Arthur and company is making the sound of a galloping horse which is really just the banging of 2 coconuts together. 2651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie! great extras!!!! Video Resolution: 1080p 7198 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 9 year old loved the movie way better than the new version. 7230 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This rendition of Annie is old I know, but still my personal favorite. It disappeared from the shelf, so had to order this movie again. The zombies , zombie dogs, and lickers are in R.E. but 2075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film; Harrison Ford at his peak. 4585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this movie years ago. When I saw it in the CD list, I knew I had to buy it. I could never get tired of this movie, ever though hopefully it could never happen by a group of kids. 7757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good story. Good acting. Good movie 4947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the Best movies I have seen yet?... Great Story Great Character Development something that everyone should have in their Collections. Nothing Wrong with it! -It's meandering. 6698 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The Resident Evil movie: yet another example of why Hollywood never seems to make a good game based movie. I would fall backwards in shock if I found out the film's director had actually PLAYED the games, or just had someone play them for him and explain what happens. Why does this movie throw any sort of continuity from the games out the window? Why are none of the characters from the game are here? The original Residant Evil had a perfect plot for a horror movie. The Special Tactics and Rescue Squad gets stuck in a mansion full of Zombies, Mutant Dogs, Frogs, Spiders, Bees, Sharks, you name it, they've got it, and an excellent character cast to go with it. Instead, they chuck it all out except for the mansion, the Zombies, the dogs, and the Licker from Resident Evil 2. And gore wise, it's pretty clean compared to the games. Heck, it probably wouldn't even be rated R if they didn't throw in Milla Jovovich's nude scenes to boost up the rating. *sigh*... Rod Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is married to Ronnie (Teri Garr). They have three children, Brad (Shawn Bishop), Justin (Toby Dreyfuss [yes, his nephew] and Silvia (Adrienne Campbell). He is a good father, sometimes stressed out, but he is also a sensitive man. One night, he gets an emergency call from his work. Being an electrical lineman, he has to go out. He drives to a rural area near Muncie, Indiana and stops at a railroad crossing. This moment is about to change him. He continues to have visions of something, but he does not know what it is yet. I tend to be quite free and easy with my 5 star ratings but, in this case, I feel justified. This film is one that I frequently return to regardless that the shocks and surprises generally don't anymore and my copy will never find its way to a car boot sale. Bob T. 8465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bronson at his best. It would be awesome if they did another movie. 5687 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 grandkids like it 'The Crossing' finds Washington at a critical time when he is at low ebb after the humbling defeats around New York. The war effort is portrayed in a very unromantic life. This was a war that America lost more battles than it won. But Washington at Christmas 1776 had a ace up his sleeve and the rest as they say is history. Daniels dazzles as Washington and portrays him as a very human character and shows his great temper that Washington usually kept under wraps. His dry humor is also a nice touch. I also like the bringing to life of the nearly forgotten John Glover ,by Sebastian Roch, and the true bravery of his men and what they sacrificed for the cause without their efforts little would have been possible. Roger Rees also does a nice job as Washington's friend Hugh Mercer. Mercer was one of the ancestors of George S. Patton of World War II fame, for a little trivia. 9597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's a comparatively old movie. But the main discussion topic is always worth revisit: genetically superiors. 2758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very interesting movie. 9404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this for the first time when I was a high-school freshman, and I was hysterical throughout the entire ravenous, mauling rabbit scene. I was giddy and guffawing through the rest of the movie due to dismembered, blood-spurting knights, the idiocy of Arthur himself, and the surly, obnoxious Frenchman. I have noticed that the SS DVD's (like Follow that Bird for example) don't have logical clean chapters....why? It doesn't seem like rocket science to me... If you want to know, in depth what the movie is about..see another reviewer's review. I'll just say here that the plot of an underground, highly classified colony of people, working on unnatural forms of DNA was exciting. When one little vial gets dropped, the computer system shuts the plant down, literally. Everyone is killed to contain the contamination. The first 50 minutes were decent, but when really awful and unconvincing zombies jumped out of the woodwork, the movie could not redeem itself (think of zombies from knock-off flicks of the original "Night of the Living Dead"). This is when 11 or more people, including ourselves walked out of the theater. 824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This short film is a parody between Shakespeare in Love and Star Wars. The main plot is about young George Lucas in college and he's trying to come up with a great screenplay. Throughout his daily activities, we see where he gets his inspiration. Even though I didn't see Shakespeare in Love, I was still able to get most of the jokes. This is a VERY funny film and is worth watching over and over again. If you're a Star Wars fan, you might also want to try Hardware Wars. ROCK ON!, and God Bless I don't know what other reviewers are talking about when they find fault with how dark and grim this production seems. Im sure its exactly what Dickens would have wanted and exactly right for 1999. No, I wouldnt object if the video were re-mastered into true HD-widescreen but I felt Id waited long enough to see this flim again. No sign of a re-generation was found from BBC so I purchased it at a decent price on the secondary market. If and when a re-mastered version of this classic appears I will want to buy it. A couple of bodies may be found throughout the movie, screaming, running, and chasing, but in the end isn't that what it's all about? 551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite film on the life of Jesus. It is based on the Gospel of Luke. Not every event in the film is in Luke's gospel or vice versa. But I enjoy this film nonetheless. 9691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. If I were stranded on an island and had only a few movies I could watch (somehow I would have a way of doing this....its just for fun thinking about it).....I would have this movie for sure as well as Galaxy Quest. 3. I realize that this movie is based in the Depression, and is based on the original comic, which had different social standards. But I still find the movie disturbing in ways that were completely over my head when I was 11. The opening weekend sends a verdict to he critics: you have poor credibility and lack objective juxtaposing ability. Fortunately, I admire Ms. Streisand, and I understand that a movie must, by its very nature, differ from the book it is based on. In some cases (High Fidelity, for example--wonderful movie, terrible book), the movie is better. 3997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! 8210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My wife and I were pleased that we were able to find the complete series of Rumpole of the Bailey. The set is reasonably priced and of good quality. c) The scenes with the other cab drivers, never really builds a relationship with them much and they do nothing to the story except make it longer. High Anxiety, 1479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Samantha Morton and Ciarn Hinds work so well together in classic story, great actors, have intensity, enough darkness, enough moodiness to make for intriguing interpretation, the order arrived in good condition and timely. 597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Purchased for my father for Christmas. I was very happy to find this in Blu-ray. This is one of his (and my) favorite Christmas movies! 9720 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This 1997 science fiction film presents a future society in which most children are conceived through genetic manipulation to ensure they possess the best traits of their parents. Those conceived outside the program are discriminated against. The plot is silly, doesn't hold water, isn't even up to current achievements in genetic manipulation, and is boring. The series also pokes fun at the British legal system and the various personality and ego types that are drawn to work in it. Another thing I like: Rumpole does not always win, and his client is not always innocent even when he does win. Lots of irony and pathos in these episodes. Enjoy. 4274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Cheesy as hell, but somewhat charming The storyline is good and original in my opinion and the characters are all likeable. You'll find yourself pulling for them and cringing when things don't always work out so well. "Girl" isn't exactly like the book, but for what it is it's better than 99% of the teen tripe that's being produced these days which make teens look like [jerks]. This film shows how hard choices can be, how overwhelming love is, and how much teens really just want to be accepted and allowed to simply live without constant peer pressure and judgement. And in the end, it shows that they do learn from their mistakes and can be redeemed as they grow into adulthood. 2985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good. 7537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. It reminded me of my childhood. I sure miss fishing! After watching this I wanted to tie a fly on go out fishing. Speaking of this new edition, it's long overdue. I own the 2001 Special Edition and watched it last week only to be horrified by the grainy, defect-ridden transfer. The 2001 print is a mess- the movie looks as bad as the grindhouse flicks it sometimes mirrors. The transfer in this set could be as bad as an average '01 release and still it would be an improvement. As I don't own the new set, I can't comment on the new features, but they look to be substantial. Therefore, this 2-disc set is absolutely essential for every person with a DVD player. Silent Movie- English SDH, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin 716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arthur is a timeless show. Great lessons for children to learn. The message of "Taxi Driver" is that peace comes from strength. It was a popular theme in a number of flicks. Hollywood seemed to fail to grasp some important realities about its marketplace. Time after time, movies that veered away from "touchy feely" liberalism and gave teeth to conservative characters (Eastwood's "Dirty Harry", Bronson, DeNiro, and others) made boffo box office, yet the industry has never come to grips with itself. They return time after time to premises that insult conservative audiences, and wonder why the lines get shorter. A movie that could have been so much more...I could easily criticize the plot, or the actors, but you know how it is, and we all know how it is. It's just normal, common, average...it has nothing special...it is an excuse to make a movie. I'll still have to admit that Milla Jovovich is not only a beautiful woman, but she's also a pretty good actress. Even though her role in "Resident Evil" did not require a lot of talent, she's still able, sometimes, to make us share the shivers she plays on the screen. a bunch of deadbeats are up to. claps alot* you go cast and everyone that made this I have to believe that if they hadn't had some WWI posters and banners and cars available, they would have cut out the War Bond Rally part and kept the continuity intact. When Slade sees his gravestone, it appears that he was born in 1876- which would make him just over forty in the War Bond scene, and in his mid-fifties in 1933, when the film is supposed to be taking place. Maybe it's because I'm a history teacher, but this part always bugged me. Maybe they should have had everyone excited about the Spanish American War of 1898- that would have made a lot more sense, but they would have had to save the scenes with the cars for later. They could have placed the first scene at the end of the Civil War (that would have allowed for some nice props,) making his age in 1933 more believable. Oh well, great movie. before they get shot, Fonda tells the dirty guy "we blew it" Ford portrays President James Marshall, who has just given a speech decrying international terrorism and warning those that would use terrorism for political purpose, "Your day is over." But when a truly despicable Russian national (Gary Oldman) and his men forcibly take over the President's plane, holding not only his staff, but even more importantly his wife and daughter, as hostages, Ford is forced to take matters into his own hands. The result is not always plausible, and some of the special effects don't work quite as well as they should, but one cannot fault the film's pace or the tension and excitement inherent in the story. This is why i picked up to the DVD and the reward factor was immense. 9223 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Surprisingly I first watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail while I was in high school. Now when I say I was in high school, I mean I was actually sitting in English Lit class as a learning experience. Not surprisingly, this class was taught by the same teacher who gave away beer mugs, which he tried to convince everyone were milk mugs. Needless to say this was the greatest class I had in my educational career. 523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is so great! This film shows a different side of Jesus, a wonderful side. It was a whole lot better than the other "Jesus" films.... Fantastic cast, fantastic movie. But what it comes down to is one's nostalgic memories of "Annie" or one wanting to watch a family friendly musical on Blu-ray. I used this film as an actual introduction to musicals for my nine-year-old, but the concept of why characters were continually singing and dancing and not enough conversation made him a bit impatient. But I suppose growing up and being exposed to live musicals, especially watching "The Carol Burnett Show" as a young child of the '70s, helped ease me to appreciating "Annie" a bit more. 5938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son is currently plopped on the couch with his psp in hand watching his movie. Very happy I got it. Air Force One needs to come down out of the clouds and have some reality shot into it. Other than that, this movie is a rather decent action thriller. Just for action mind you. That, and fans of Harrison Ford should apreciate his superhuman role. Tonya leads a gentle, soft yoga practice (not powerful as in the title) geared towards intermediate practitioners. There is not a lot of sculpting performed in the practice, although her Yoga routine can provide some toning. She provides very little instruction or beginner options so I would not recommend it if you're looking for a beginner's stretching routine. For instance, during Chaturanga (slow downward movement plank), she does not give the option to lower your knees first, then goes into the full upward dog position. She does bridge pose (an advanced yoga posture) with very little instruction and poor form. Speaking of the film's soundtrack, "Easy Rider" was one of the first films to have an original score and feature popular contemporary rock songs at that time. Included in the film are: 3523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great All we hope for is some cool special effects and fight scenes But even on that level, "Resident Evil" is a disappointment. Washington was somewhat wooden, which Daniels again plays well, because he took every aspect of his life with dead seriousness and a clear vision of the nation he almost single-handedly created. Present at the creation of the new nation, commander in chief, he rallied his men at the battle of Trenton in December 1776, the subject of this film, avenging his early loss of New York City. 9400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Yes, this is, without a doubt, one of the funniest films ever made. Python's classic humor has highly influenced untold numbers of comedians (including the original SNL cast) and several generations of movie fans who like their humor a bit more witty than most of what passes for comedy in Hollywood these days. 3193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely loved this movie when I saw it for the first time in the theatre. Each of the actors portrayed in this move did a superb job. I have added this movie to my movie collection! This is not typical sci-fi fare. Indeed, there is virtually no sci-fi action in it at all--it is all character-driven, with strong acting all around. Director Andrew Niccol gives us a compelling story of human achievement. The movie wrestles with the ethical implications of genetic modification, but it also shows that the spirit of man cannot be altered in the same way. There is no gene for courage and determination. You either have them or you don't. The disc is in a simple DVD case, and considering the price, the packaging is more than appropriate. 9421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a sci-fi movie you just must see. Ernest Borgnine plays a minor but significant role 487 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As described and fast shipping. 4236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Last Action Hero, is amazing! I love this action packed, Exhilarating movie that will live in my heart forever!! "Hi, Howard." drop out and use drugs. 4555 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a good movie - oldie but a goodie. I used to watch it all the time as a kid so watching it as an adult is a bit of a head trip. The extras on this disc are amazing also. Two commentaries and plenty of featurettes. Finally, a fit version for this masterpiece of a movie. 2469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Besides virtually non-stop action; this old film has a really good cast. They don't make them like this anymore. Too bad This has been my absolute favorite Christmas video since I first saw it many years ago on TV. It was one of the reasons I bought my first VCR so I could make a tape of it before it was commercially available. I even have an old LP recording of the complete show. So, do I recommend it, the answer is a resounding YES!!!!! 4151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Based on a true story, this film uses muted tones to express the story of a family coping when a child goes missing, then struggling even more when he returns suddenly to their lives nine years later, as a twelve-year old. The film benefits greatly from finely crafted, understated performances from Pfeiffer and Williams, as well as the moodiness of Jonathan Jackson as the older brother, Vincent, who is trying bitterly to hold things together. Look out also for Whoopi Goldberg, and for an early appearance by Alexa Vega. Quite frankly I do not see what is so not helpful about this. Obviously those who did not find this helpful have no idea about the game in which this movie is supposed to be based on. Surely it's packed with a lot of suspense and action, but it did not follow the game in anyway. I found this movie lame and somewhat of a rip-off from other movies. An ingenious blending of twentieth century UFO lore with overt Christian symbology and a religious-like fervor makes Steven Spielberg's '77 sci-fi classic more relevant today than ever. The audio is presented in 2.0 channel and sounds solid enough. Lalo Schifrin's score sounds quite nice. We get subtitles in English only (although the Japanese dialog is subtitled in English as well). 1687 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I purchased the first issuance of USDS when it first came out. I returned it five times only to find out that the glitches were in ALL production issuance. When I heard that USDS was to be reissued "digitally remastered" I was over joyed. I have made it through about one half of the series. It has been repackaged, but don't expect an improved picture quality. SHAME< SHAME A & E for a rotten reproduction of one of the best mini series of all time. 3369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Directing. 6728 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Visually interesting. Alas, for a plot. Someone breaks into a high-security biological warfare lab, steals a new virus, & just for the fun of it, as he leaves, he tosses a vial of the stuff against the wall, breaking it; then he tries to get away. This set includes the episodes from each series as well as the two-hour telefilm, 'Rumpole's Return', a re-introduction to Rumpole after the early run of shows which ended with Rumpole nearing retirement. The disc with 'Rumpole's Return' includes several other bonus features, including a brief biography of John Mortimer, a brief history of the Old Bailey, and a list of executioners of the Old Bailey neighbouring Newgate Prison, the last of whom performed his final duty in 1902. Seeing Devil's Tower in real life, without a script, or special effects, has far more impact than any movie. There's convincing attention to detail dedicated to the look and feel of the film. Thanks to this, a strong supporting cast, and a taut script, I could feel the palpable reek of desperation from these characters, hard men and women eking out and making do in the poverty-ridden climate of 1930s America. I like that the fights, staged in dank warehouses and on seedy piers, are well-choreographed and don't come off as too showy. Chaney and his opponents are honest fighters - even the bald and intimidating and disconcertingly grinny Jim Henry (Robert Tessier) - and I soaked in the grueling, no-nonsense brutality. HARD TIMES is an unsentimental, tough-minded period melodrama. It's also a great fight movie. Bonus Feature: Theatrical trailer VIIDEO....The cover of the Blu Ray says that the film has been remastered and I believe it. While I had not seen the film in many years and do not own the Standard Def DVD and, thus, have nothing to compare it with, all I can say is that the video transfer looks beautiful in all ways. The colors are just gorgeous with the daylight sky shots a rich and smooth blue. The blacks are as true to black as I have seen in the past with great details easily showing in these dark and shadowy areas. At no point in watching the Director's Cut did I see any artifacting nor stair-stepping which would have been prominent is many of the wide angle landscape shots. The video transfer absolutely deserves the 5 stars I gave it. 6572 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really don't like writing negative reviews. I like to write about things I enjoy, it makes the process of writing reviews much more enjoyable. But every now and again something so rotten comes along that I've gotta say something. This is the case with Resident Evil. Hollywood seems to be getting into a zombie phase these days. This is scary coz Hollywood knows about as much about making a good zombie flick as I know about nuclear fusion. History has shown us that all great zombie flicks have been made outside the system. There are many reasons I hate this film, but here's the top two: 1) I'm a fan of George Romero, and 2) I'm a fan of the video game series. Resident Evil is a game based on the works of George Romero, yet Romero wasn't allowed to do this film. Just like a previous reviewer, I have also read some of Romero's original script for Resident Evil. If he made it, it would have been superb. Why wasn't it chosen? Probably coz it was intelligent, it actually stuck very close to the story, it would have been about two hours long, and it would have been too gory for an R rating. In other words-for people who like good horror films and not cruddy rock video type films. Instead the studios figured that they'd go with Paul Anderson since he directed another lame movie version of a video game. This film actually has a decent opening sequence, but falls flat on it's face afterwards. Anderson decided to take it upon himself to change the story, and not for the better either. Now everthing is all high tech and computerized. Part of the scariness of the game was it's simplicity. It's down and dirty approach to survival. We have yet another clone of 2001's HAL in the form of a computer security system called the Red Queen(oooooh, scary). Everything's a cliche in this film, no surprises. The soundtrack is dated and annoying. It's full of that lame Matrix slo-mo junk we've seen a million times before, as well as those lame VanDamme-esque slo-mo kicks and punches. The "Licker" is pitiful. I've seen scarier creatures in Fraggle Rock. The cast is all pretty people, not real looking people. All of the scientists in the beginning are hot women! Yeah, right. There's a scene stolen from the movie, "Cube". There's basically no gore. Sorry to sound so shallow, but the sad fact is that gore is required for a zombie film. The only positive I can think of is the zombie dogs which looked good. But that's the only good I could find out of an hour and forty minutes. I feel so sorry for Romero. He's really been getting the green weenie lately. First, he's screwed out of Resident Evil, then some no-talent hack by the name of Zack Snyder remakes Dawn Of The Dead! And this is Romero's genre! He made this genre, now they're treating him like a doormat. Accept no imitations and make it a Romero night! This is a great version if you don't have 6 1/2 hours to watch the phenomenal "Jesus of Nazareth," or if you don't feel up to the brutal and intense "The Passion." 1195 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Wow! This is a terrible movie! This movie has always been hampered by the highly compressed nature of the audio, especially the score. Unfortunately, what we have here is no improvement. You would think that with all of the effort that goes into so-called "ultimate" versions, they could have gone in to touch-up some of the film's score. Case in point, is over the end credits. Compare what you hear with John Williams recording with the Boston Pops which includes the new material from the Special Edition version. By Request: The Best Of John Williams And The Boston Pops Orchestra The difference is stunning. But, alas... Fright Night has a very talented cast, and it's inch above the the typical vampire movie. Audio: English: 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio 2492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A glimpse of pre-Katrina New Orleans and its darker side. The stark differences of different places and people all within the USA. Well written and excellent acting. Fortunately the visual elements of the film (special effects, zombie makeup, sexy cast, blood, brains and great big bangs) make up where the plotline fails and, if you can achieve a zombie-like level of mental activity ("Braaaaaiiiins!") you can extract maximum pleasure from this fine example of the cinematic arts. The extras add to a very funny movie. The commentary is funny, and the other extras are very enlightening. This is a film that I would recommend to only fans of certain humour, no "Saturday Night Live" or "South Park" humor. Still, this is a very funny movie. The film may take another couple of watchings since its commentary on the human condition and where society is going is quite fascinating and important to understand. 5975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a great film that still upsets people today. It is about a guy who gets arrested trying to smuggle drugs into the US. Sony distributes this Blu-ray to replace the 30th Anniversary Edition DVD released in 2008. The picture quality is very good but the audio is lacking despite being remixed in 5.1. There is a total of 90 minutes of bonus content. This Blu-ray has managed to hold its value well. The deluxe DVD set comes with a 2nd disc full of extras. Not much of it is indispensible, but it's certainly worth the extra few bucks. There is a complete redo of the CAMELOT song, except done entirely with legos which makes the 2nd disc worthwhile right there. and you do not now how you well you would go with one but he can some how The only saving grace is Jude Law, who seems to make his living these days propping up dreadful films with solid performances (see A.I. and The Road To Perdition in this regard), and who at the critical moment in the film, performs a very deft ascent of a spiral staircase without using his legs. 3. The movie doesn't really make clear who the main character plans to take out and the main character never seems to do much research or investigation into his mastermind scheme....which I really felt to be completely coincidental due to that fact. So basically that part of the plot goes like this: He talks about how he dislikes the scums and low-life's of the city aka drug dealers, prostitution, etc etc. Then he trains with a few guns that he bought, then one day he just decides okay it's time to do it. Then he goes and kills three criminals. Again I bring up that he does not do any research into these guys or the movie never shows him do enough research to justify his final scenes. You're left confused till the very end and it's not a clever setup either. 6168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've just added this classic to my DVD library. Although the DVD itself is not that cool (no such special features as commentaries, cast & crew bios, production notes etc...), it deserves as cherished a place in my library as the place "Roxanne" settled in my heart. For the two last decades Hollywood had some rising stars in the category of physical comedy (Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, the Wayans brothers...) but none of them has made a movie that got me laugh so hard while capturing my heart so tenderly at the same time as Steve Martin did with "Roxanne". Was it because those new actors couldn't work out something creative like "the 20 nose jokes", or was it because they just needed better scripts to bolster their talents? I found it amazing that Steve Martin decided to be the screenplay writer himself and somehow managed to convert the concept of a French Renaissance play -- "Cyrano de Bergerac" -- to this modern time comedy and turned its tragic conclusion into a happy ending. Apart from the "nose jokes", he gave us so many fun lines to enjoy and remember. And apart from Martin, all other actors also gave their best performances, and best lines too: Shelley Duvall's simple riddle, Daryl Hannah's "ironic" refusal of a coat, Rick Rossovitch's "extemporaneous" night and "pillow fluffing" request..., and, oh yeah, the "earn more sessions by sleeving" line... Well, all I want to say is, hurry up, add this movie to your library so your family and friends could share your joy. We all need this kind of joy in a world where "all the concepts of beauty have been programmed by TV's and magazines" -- to quote Tony Robbins from "Shallow Hal". Now that being said, please bear with one more humble opinion of mine: After "Roxanne", I only found "Shallow Hal" as a good one in the genre. Hope it won't be the last. Interestingly, Spielberg added the last section inside the ship so he could get the financing to re-edit the film for the 1980 re-release. It was a compromise he could live with at the time but he has since reversed that opinion wisely realizing that focus groups (Columbia's marketing department got focus group feedback asking to see the inside of the ship and that's where the decision to show the inside came from)can be idiots and cause damage to a film (see "Blade Runner" for an example of how it can compromise a film). Arthur searches the mall for presents for his parents, D.W. is desperate for a Tina the Talking Tabby (whose theme song haunts Arthur everywhere he goes!), Uncle Fred makes an unexpected visit on his way to a Floridian Christmas, and Arthur's Dad insists on making an "authentic" dinner that was likely served in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. 6725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have never played any of the "Resident Evil" video games, but I understand this film is very faithful to the storyline -- specifically, it serves as a prequel to the first game (the end of the movie is apparently the beginning of the game). As a video game adaptation, this film is one of the most solid I've seen. Yet it takes most of its cues from the video game paradigm, and is constructed somewhat like the video game we all wish we could play. 1259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 prompt delivery and as described Adding more confusion (and laughter) to the situation You'll still get to see most of the episodes, but expect that you'll be adjusting the volume throughout your viewing and don't count on watching the episodes in color, as they originally aired. At least it's a period piece, so you can tell yourself that's why it's in black and white. 1872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great action film about Harrison Ford who plays a president of the United States. Who kept a terrorist held in prison. And Gary Oldman who plays a hijacker and his people that he's with. And kidnaps everyone on board Air Force One. To give the demands to negotiate and have the prisoner released. This comes with commentary. I may recommend this to family and friends who may want to see this film. 6772 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 NOW what? For the life of me, I can't imagine why Besson thought that the world needed (yet) another Joan of Arc movie. The "real" Joan wasn't even considered important in France until the 1800's, when her story was resurrected (and embellished - current scholarship doubts whether Orleans was actually under siege at all!) But (sigh), he decided to give it his *treatment*, and this is what we end up with: two and a half hours of his wife (and "Leeloo" from "The Fifth Element") alternately screaming, shrieking, or whimpering in the face of anyone who happens to be standing by. The scrolling text at the opening of the film was illegible and flipped by so quickly no one could read it, not that it seemed to matter. Any "plot" is sublimated to the "art" - gorgeous photography, lush scenery, and realistically violent battle scenes. Warning - this is serious stuff, not a candied-up rendition of medieval warfare. Back in those days, you took out your enemy not by gunfire, but by debilitating them in as serious fashion as possible, including maces, axes, the ubiquitous swords, and some even less pleasant and graphically-demonstrated methods. But along the way, Besson loses whatever guiding vision originally prompted him to make this film. Characters start to answer questions with "Whatever", the Dauphine (John Malkovich playing the usual invertebrate) seems less interested in being King than he is in where the cast party will be, Faye Dunaway snaps and snarls in a puzzling way (one minute she's Joan's biggest patron, only to turn on her with no discernable motivation), and in one of the BIGGEST casting bloopers in the last half of the 20th century, Dustin Hoffman shows up looking like a retread Obi Wan Kenobe, sounding like Dustin Hoffman, and is supposed to be "The Conscience" (apparently because the gaping plot holes required SOME sort of cinematic asphalt to keep the audience at least partially "in" on what is supposed to be transpiring). This is certainly the most serious problem with the movie: if Hoffman is intended to be a sort of mental foil , voicing Joan's inner doubts, he certainly takes his time in making his presence known. If the movie is intended to illuminate Joan's "human" aspects (as opposed to her spiritual side), then three-quarters of the film is wasted on one battle scene after another with nary a glimmer of self-doubt or moral questioning. Buckets of blood, to be sure. 6953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic how can you not enjoy. My daughter loves! The mysterious events are not only confined to Midwestern America ... A scientist interviews a poor Mexican farmer who saw the bright lights over the Mexican desert which he describes as the sun singing to him ... Roy Neary and many of his neighbors go out into the fields where the sky is the darkest and wait to see the phenomenon again. He meets Jillian Guiler and her son Barry who is fascinated by the lights and object ... The child runs off and is taken up into the UFO. Many other people have disappeared after encountering the object ... Roy's wife is fed up with his obsession. She leaves with the children to stay with her family. Roy discovers the meaning behind the flat-topped mountain ... He and Jillian partner together to visit Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Like, the hero gets someone's phone number and the kid points out, so if this is all real, then how come everybody's phone number starts with "555"? The DVD is in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen and (my version had) Dolby EX/DTS ES 6.1 sound. Plus a bunch of extras I care not for. 3576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even after all these years, I still enjoy this movie. It has great characters, a good plot, a good cast, and the more educated I've become more educated about the reality of the world of ETs and UFOs, I've come to understand that it also has a lot of truth to it. 1693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the color film documentaries and this one is very satisfying. The footage is pretty good and includes many scenes I have never seen before. If you're a fan of the color film documentaries of WWII, this one should be in your collection. 9616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Nicely done. I love sci fi but there is so much more bad sci fi than good sci fi. This definitely falls in the "good sci fi" camp. My only quibble is that Ethan Hawke and Jude Law don't look enough alike for Hawke's character to plausibly pass for Law's. But that's a minor detail. Perhaps less minor but still not overwhelming is the lack of development of Hawke's character that would explain why so many people are willing to help him, including Thurman's character and the lab guy, whoever he is. But it's still a better sci fi movie than most. 4914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is considered one of the classic "must see" American films. It essentially began DeNiro and Scorsese's careers. It is a tour de force! Loved it....More than my luggage It's almost 1 a.m. now and I'm just pumped up! This movie was very awesome! It was definitely much more than I expected. Also, it is pretty cool to see a DVD out in department stores with Asians on the front cover. I hope Media Asia Films releases another DVD and I can't wait for Gen-X Cops II. Tom Hanks plays David Basner, a young and talented up-and-coming ad executive. He is in all ways the flower of the YUPPIE ethos including the pre-AIDS casual attitude towards sex and relationships. Gleason plays Max Basner who is a way past his prime manufacturers rep for a children's clothes manufacturer. Max is by all accounts a difficult and angry man who used to be quite a charmer and ladies man. "How to Succeed... at Murder" -- Business executives are being knocked off... by their feminist secretaries?!? The trail leads Steed and Mrs. Peel to an elite perfumery but the ring leader is quite elusive. Written by Brian Clemens. 1339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "I thought you lived on the edge Mrs. Peel. Is this as fast as you can go?" 8656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent blu ray. Picture quality is ace and well worth buying. 6995 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've been waiting about four years for this movie to be made, and for most part it was worth it. It's pretty much exactly what you would expect- Lack of a good plot plus little character development, but hey, I've seen worse. This movie is a lot of fun though, with plenty of scares plus some nice visual effects and set designs, this movie is at the very least worth seeing if you are any kind of horror fan, I think any fan of the games would love it, I sure did. Speaking of the games, it does remain faithful although there aren't any of the characters you've seen in them, except for the monsters of course. It's the same old plot of the games though, in fact it is set up a lot like them so it will also be very familier to Resident Evil fans. There a few things I would have changed though. For one the characters didn't seem very real, they didn't really have a story to them, so you can't really care about them or if they die or not. Plus the ending was a little disapointing and was kind of a tease, I expected a little more to happen, but I guess I'll have to wait again for the sequal, although the last thirty seconds was very nice indeed! One last thing... the gore factor, there should have been more! Seems a little silly but it is what the games are known for, I mean the movie got an R rating! Not that there isn't enough gore and violence but there were times in the movie where you expected to see it but didn't. Anyway this movie is still worth seeing, don't expect an oscer winning masterpiece, but expect a lot of mindless fun with plenty of good scares, kind of like the game? Almost. It also is the only movie based on a video game that ends up being well worth it in the end! There aren't to many zombie related movies around these days either, so that's an added bonus. Great acting. 7326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BEAUTIFUL FILM. IF YOU LOVE THE SIMPLICITY AND AWE OF NATURE EMBEDDED IN A STORY OF THE COMPLEXITIES OF FAMILY. 9682 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Be sure you get the ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN edition, not the FULL SCREEN edition. Yes, some film studios are STILL witless and dumb enough to continue releasing DVDs in the archaic full screen format, despite nobody left on planet earth in posession of a 4x3 television set. But half the blame is on me for not reading the fine print. I actually have the regular DVD edition from the UK which as But Seriously, It doesn't really have much going for it, Jennifer and Deaths aside. No one else in the cast make a Lasting Impression, except of course Horror Favourite Jeffrey Combs as the Hotel Manager. He is Always a Creepy Character, and he has a few Witty lines. Jack Black and Mecki Phiffer are Totally wasted on Characters who don't suit their Acting Abilities. Brandy really should stick to singing, as her acting skills are far from Polished. 3. Accurate, encouraging, and challenging applications of the Bible's message to life today 809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have used this now for a few months and have found it helpful. I already knew that I was having problems with a nervous bladder, but when I experienced a prolapse, I was frightened. After doing some research, I found that prior to any surgery or other medical things, a round of physical therapy would be ordered. I decided I'd rather do this in the privacy and comfort of my own home. Tasha Mulligan is a PT and specialized in this area. The anatomy and explanations are well done and well presented for visualization. This was important - and helpful - to me. Also helpful, is the quiet, matter of fact voice, the pace of the workouts, and her counting. I can't count, concentrate and exercise at the same time - I need someone else counting! It took a full month of using this on the FIRST set of workouts, before I could slightly feel the muscles move. It was in the second month that I began noticing the improvement of bladder issues, with the other nice side effect of seeing a slightly thinner waist and stomach muscles. The third month, the prolapse was not bothering me. I have followed up with my OBGYN who let me know I was doing the right thing and encouraged me to keep it up. I'm still only doing the first and part of the second sets of workouts. I am well-pleased with the results and grateful that Tasha Mulligan put it out. He succeeded because he was assisted by REAL MEN who were determined to accomplish this mission. That is the tagline from the Internet Movie Database, and at the end of the day (and this reviewing session) I could not come up with a better way of describing the film. What do you get when you give about 230,000 to a couple of debutante directors and the rest of the members of the greatest comic collective the world has ever seen? Monty Python And The Holy Grail! Sure the lead character is hot, sure there are some nice looking zombies in the movie...but thats where all the good stuff ends. Stories of real life are often boring or are hard to comprehend because of lack of a common background. This story of real life has enough caricature to be funny enough to keep your attention, while being sufficiently rooted in life to allow you to feel like this life could have been yours, your parents, or your grandparents. 6201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While this movie bears the name of Resident Evil it does not follow the game story line at all. In fact other than the evil corporation Umbrella, the zombies and the licker, this movie has nothing to do with the game. If this movie had been called anything other than Resident Evil it would have been an excellent movie. Milla Jovovich is a severely underrated actress she is great as Alice. All the cast is very good you feel for them when they get hurt or they die. In my opinion those who are hard-core fans of the game keep an open mind and try too watch the movie as what it is: a good Zombie flick. 8993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still fun after all these years. - Milla herself is stunning. The entire film she runs around in a red dress with a slit up the side. Her face and expressions are magnificent. listed in the "product Details" 4679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One on the greatest cult movies during my generation. The blu-ray edition is too grainy and has very bad color saturation and low contrast. Worst of all, the digital scenes of air combat with Soviet (Ukrainian) jet fighters are just horrible: blurred sores on screen. 5054 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The debut film of director Wes Anderson bears the signature quirkiness of his subsequent efforts and that's not a bad thing at all. Though not as fully realized as "Rushmore" this film has alot to recommend it. Owen Wilson displays his comic dynamism as Dignan, the off-center young suburbanite with delusions of being a bandit. Luke Wilson has some touching moments as Anthony, Dignan's begrudgingly loyal pal who reluctantly goes along with Dignan's far-out schemes. Luke Wilson's best moments come in a romantic subplot involving a Paraguayan motel housecleaner. Central to the plot is a warehouse heist that is hilarious and it's subsequent ramifications I will not spoil for you here. You have to see it to believe it. Though not classic stuff, a very interesting and funny film. Sony has finally given "Annie" fans the presentation we have hoped for with this 30th Anniversary Blu-ray edition. I won't go into a review of the movie; it is what it is. But how is the Blu-ray...? 6284 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Is it even possible to make a decent movie out of a video game? As we continue our tour of movies pre-made from video games, we're starting to doubt that. Video games have already revealed everything. Where can the movie go and stay true to the video game (assuming "staying true" has any meaning in such circumstances). In RS2 we're given every genre gimmick and stereo-type in the book trying to flesh out a story that is already very well-known. Nothing can ever succeed on that basis. Good movies--great movies--are new, strange, and exciting. The writing needs to go in utterly new directions to be meaningful. It's a tremendous risk... and probably one the studios are unwilling to take. But there is a precedent. Shakespeare himself took stories--well-known stories--and wove them in new ways to create the greatest stage-plays ever written. Is this so entirely different from taking concepts from video games and putting them on the screen? Video games provide a shorthand and background that screenwriters could exploit if they chose. Instead, the choose to exploit a too-willing audience. 6053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arrived early, great condition. Great movie for a great price. 857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 20 month old loves this film!!! He watches it and even tries to count with them. He knows the names of the characters too. It is a very colorful newer production as opposed to some of the films that have a bright cover but are really films from the early 90s. It does have a few throwback scenes in it which are all good. I would recommend this movie!!! 8877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Many like to laugh at Charles Bronson(myself included) because of his typecasting in 80s vigilante style action flick where he's usually portrayed as a senior citizen taking out the scum of the earth. You won't be laughing at him in Hard Times. Bronson made good movies, played good roles(see The Great Escape for another good example). Hard Times is one good movie. Bronson is the textbook definition of "tough guy". He plays a street fighter in the 30s who doesn't say much, but can knock the taste right out of your mouth. Basically, it's the Bronson version of Every Which Way But Loose, minus the laughs and the ape. Watch him beat the snot out of guys who think they're tougher than nails, and woo Jill Ireland in the process. Watch James Coburn give another great performance(as usual). Watch the movie, man!! It's astounding that Bronson was 54 when he did this. 54!!! He's solid muscle in this film, you'd have to be crazy to want to fight the guy! Vin Diesel? Russell Crowe? Amateurs! Tough guy wannabees! You won't see them looking like this and kicking tail when they're 54, that's for sure. It may be an all but forgotten film now, but thank god for dvd. That means you'd better march your butt down to the video store. Pronto. Milla's character is central to the movie and she slowly regains her memories as the plot advances. We come to know her better and feel sympathetic for her. 2147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it. Such a goofy sense of humor from the girls. 991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember this movie from the 1070's, it is so funny Glenn Close 3712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Have watched it so many times Whilst the first movie had a tongue-in-cheek yet still fairly creepy script by Kevin Williamson of 'Scream' fame, this has no hallmarks whatsoever. Apart from Brandy, who manages to ground the rest of the cast, the acting is dismal. It says it all when the audience looks forward to the arrival of Freddy Prinze Junior. The ending is laughable and there isn't a scare in sight. This isn't just one of the worst sequels ever made but one of the worst movies too. (Flight 19, of course, is a reference to a Navy training flight which took off from Ft. Lauderdale one morning in December 1945 and vanished, along with a Martin Mariner search plane sent up to look for the missing planes and crews. Flight 19 is now famous in the lore of unsolved mysteries related to the Bermuda triangle.) my other DVDs work - I need to have this replaced ! 3029 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 was very pleased with experience Graham Chapman King Arthur and three other roles: Voice of God, Middle head (of three-headed knight), and Guard 2 3716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How well I remember walking out of the theatre in 1976, and looking up at the sky as if it were a living thing! CE3K remains a beautiful metaphor for all that is unknown. For many of us, the first question will be, "Did Steven ditch that interior of the Mothership?" Happily, it was the first cut he made. All the good stuff is here, edited more tightly by an admittedly older and less credulous director. Yet despite his avowed "maturity" (read skepticism), his Director's Cut is delicious, loving, and as full of wonder as ever. I know this is unpopular: I love Spielberg for his lyricism, his poetry, and his willingness to take us "out there." "Private Ryan" was quite well-made. I've never gotten through Schindler. But in CE3K, ET, Jurassic Park, Always and others, Steven has shown me things I've always wanted to see. Though much of his industry recognition has come from his more recent work, it's always been his forays into fantasy that seemed so redolent of truth to me. In the Director's Cut, he shows that the boy within the man is still alive and luminous. Dreyfuss has never had a better turn (arguable, admittedly, when one thinks of "Mr. Holland's Opus," a more mature tour-de-force for him) and Melinda Dillon is the ultimate feminine archetype. Can't recommend this highly enough. The decision to split the newer "extras" into three parts, across the DVDs is inconvenient, and a small matter in the face of this wonderful release. 8430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sat and watched this through for the first time, having heard about this all my lifetime, I have to say that I enjoyed Bronson portrayal of a man's man of back in the day, didn't need anybody else, did his life on his terms. Pretty good movie. 1509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good series 2640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 SAD The DVD doesn't offer too many extras but the movie is so well done that I will give this a five star rating anyway. Pal Joey initially sprang to life as a series of New Yorker short stories by John O'Hara, which were then stitched together as a novel, one which consisted entirely of letters supposedly written by Joey to his friend Ted. Joey was a down on his luck nightclub entertainer who had a somewhat cracked moral compass, but who was a likable guy nonetheless. John O'Hara himself brought the material to Rodgers and Hart and suggested a musical adaptation, offering to write the book (libretto) himself. The musical version saw Joey (played in the original Broadway version by a newcomer named Gene Kelly) on the make with a wealthy socialite, one he feels can set him up in business with his own nightclub, while he simultaneously woos a more innocent girl. Joey is a cad, a user who's constantly scheming to latch on to that next rung on the ladder of success, and as such he bears a certain similarity to another anti-hero whose story was musicalized some two decades later. God bless all of you. And please, at least admire me for standing up to all who come here to echo your own praises. 2977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie grew on me. The more I watched it, the more I fell in love with the characters and dialog. I am not really a Julia Roberts fan, but this is iconic over the top performance for everyone is a delight. I really see it more as a Sally Field movie. You cant take your eyes off her. I recently had 20 ppl over to my house to watch the movie and served creole food and bleedin armadillo grooms cake. It was fabulous. The movie starts with the preparations for the wedding of Sally Field and Tom Skerrit's daughter, Julia Roberts. And then you have all the friends and acquaintances who are involved. There is the beauty parlor where all the gossip takes place, and where friendships are made. It is funny, sad and completely absorbing. Julia's diabetis is a big concern for everyone especially since she decided to have a child and it is something that is very hazardous to her health. 3634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's wonderful to have the original version of this fine movie on DVD. The Special Edition never was enjoyable. Of course, it's a bonus to also have the Director's Cut in the same package. Picture Quality: 9/10 6865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hayworth and Novak give excellent performances of their respective characters but Sinatra is the superstar. Unlike, for example, in "From Here to Eternity", Frank really doesn't have to act in this movie; just be himself. This is what makes it such an enjoyable flick. It's almost a documentary. It's also full of Rodgers and Hart (arranged by another genius, Nelson Riddle), which further propels it to 5 star status. I wish Sinatra had sung more of these American standards (which he owns like no other singer, except, perhaps, Ella) in this movie but this isn't really a musical. It defies categorization. It's just Sinatra between two beautiful bookends and a mid 50s Hollywood urban love story. It is a permanent part of my video library listed under "Ring-a-ding-ding!" 6579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS MOVIE IS TRULY AMAZING. YOU WILL BE CAPTIVATED. I HAVE IT IN MY COLLECTION AND WILL WATCH IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. FANTASTIC MOVIE FOR THE FAMILY. 4448 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Director: Danny Cannon 1075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not bad for Woody Allen in his first movie as star,director and writer! It is outrageously funny from start to finish. Add Jackson Beck's narration and you have the makings for a fun,humorous narration on the life and times of Virgil Starkwell, the mastermind of crime! I thought this was a winner when I first saw it several years ago and it is still funny! 8142 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Rumpole of the Bailey. Its a classic. Well written, great story lines and you will try to figure out how Rumpole will get his client off. 2847 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this Edition at Big Lots a while back. I absolutely love this Edition. This is a Classic American Movie that everyone should see. While I am an avid Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi person, there are a select few that everyone should see/have. NOTHLD, Gone With The Wind, Easy Rider (OK a small but not an exhaustive list). These and others capture the spirit of the times that they were made. The storyline of the film has been well-discussed already, but I'd like to add my own comments. I rarely review movies or music on Amazon because people tend to get so grouchy with me if my viewpoint differs from their own, and arguing with them isn't worth the hassle. But this movie is worth any heat I get in putting out my opinion on it. :D I was actually a little astounded by the level of nudity & violence portrayed artistically via photography in the film- and I believe that's the exact effect everyone making the movie was going for. Mission accomplished. I'm certainly no prude, having grown up on MTV, HBO & every other cable channel available since 1984. But nearly thirty-five years after it's release, even with all of the explosive films that I've sat through, this still has a jolting edge to it. I consider it a must-view film for others as it surprisingly produced an entirely new viewing experience for me. The psychic aspect portrayed is actually a little annoying to me & not really as important as it might be made out to be by the film's title. There's something of a "guilty pleasure" enjoyment in this film, which I thought only I felt, but others online confirmed they agreed on. I can't quite put my finger on it. I can say that the film is fast-paced; you won't be waiting around an hour to see any build-up of action here. It's pulsing from the first scene until the last, like good old-fashioned movies did so well. I don't see that much anymore with new films. Sigh. 4287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Despite getting nominated for raspberry. This movie is still worth watching it has an awesome soundtrack in my opinion. It is funny if you like Arnold Schwazznegger movies. 677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is an enjoyable telling of how Santa Claus became who he is today. Keep in mind that this story is completely fabricated by the minds of Rankin/Bass, not the real history of how the myth of Santa Claus evolved. With that in mind, it is quite inventive. 4908 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not worth watching. Turned it off!! Option of language and subtitles: English only. 1589 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I disagree with the viewer from Cambrige Ontario. I found this version lovely! Samantha Morton was excellent (I need to see "Emma" now), reserved, thoughtful, just as Jane was in the book. Jane had high emotions but did not strike out often...the childhood was a small part of the book, and though important, it is not the major part of the story. The relationship with Bessie and Helen and Mrs Reed are important as well. I found this version to be just fine, and I am going to buy it! 734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love watching this movie with my 6 year old daughter. We never get sick of it! I mean who could, it's Arthur! Love how it shows his friends culture and how they view christmas Buy it! Enjoy it! Love it! Granted some of the acting seems weird because of the programing shift, but I seriously doubt that it would scare today's little kids. I watched it as a little girl, and keep hoping that it will be released. 9032 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Really loved it. played by DeNiro is authentic as the spurned admirer of Cybil Shepard . Travis becomes the hero in the violent Despite most of them being duds, I do believe it's possible to make a good video game movie. Resident Evil however, is only going to convince people that it's more impossible than it was before. 919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! I think it is the best parody of superhero comic book movies. I will not say anymore, just watch it! - As already noted, the opening is truly intriguing, successfully capturing the viewer's attention. The movie is dated now, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless. I would recommend it for people born in the 50s or before, as well as younger people who are curious about what life might have been like at the end of the 60s. While I believe the story line (500+ page novel) is better suited to a miniseries (length); I quite enjoyed the latest ('11) movie- despite its being only 2 hrs. long! President James Marshall (Ford) is returning from the Soviet Union, travelling with his staff and family on Air Force One, the President's custom modified 747. While in flight, terrorists disguised as journalists, take over the plane, led by Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldham). Secret service agents rush the President to the escape pod in the lower section of the plane. The pod is launched, so the terrorists believe that the President has escaped, but he remains hidden aboard. 832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For fans of Star Wars, this is an absolute must see! Fans of Shakespeare in Love will roll when they see this movie, for the simple fact that they will pick up many of the subtleties of humor that us "just plain" Star Wars fans would probably miss. 7603 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Eyes of Laura Mars" may be a flawed picture to some degree, but it's a great semi-kinky period piece [only "semi" by today's standards], the actors are good and paranoid and appropriately overwrought, and there is an atmosphere that holds this well-directed/well-edited film together. 2175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All of the movies I have ordered in the past couple of years are sent directly from Amazon to my grandson in Ohio who is terminally ill. The movies are his choices and he is happy with them. 1074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Woody Allen stars and directs for the first time, and what a success it turns out to be. There are many great sight gags as well as the usual number of quality one-liners. The film is done in a documentary style, telling the story of Virgil Starkwell, an incompentent petty criminal, played by Woody of course. 9200 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've always loved MP so this movie is a must have. Very funny in a british sort of way. 8946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! Must have! 4809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 De niro doing what he does best. The movie that helped put Foster on the movie scene very bright and mature for her albeit small part. Lots of other stars even Scorsese has a part. Watch this movie for no other reason than to understand when people make references to it. Cerebral and dark in places but captures the essence of the setting and time period. For once, I agree with most critics with their assertion on a "classic" movie. Taxi Driver is truly a masterpiece in the psychological-thriller genre, and I think it's Scorcese's crowning jewel. If you want a classic film with an excellent portrayal of a sociopath in a city of slime on the verge of madness, then this movie is a must-watch. As much as I love Downton Abbey, I felt that this season of Upstairs, Downstairs credibly explored all the complexities of WW I - focusing more on the personal lives of the occupants of 165 Eaton Place and how the war affects them all in terms of relationships, duties, and sacrifices. This is one of the best British period dramas I've ever watched, and that's saying a lot given the vast number of BBC period dramas I've amassed over the years. I plan to get the 40th Anniversary DVD of all five seasons of this show to add to my collection. Upstairs Downstairs is truly a timeless classic! The reality of being "the evil step-mom", of children rejecting new loves, of the hateful/hurtful games that angry parents can play... This movie portrays the best and worst that love can bring out... 1489 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Samantha Morton and Ciaran Hinds are in one of the most romantic love stories I have ever seen on film. Anna (Jena Malone) and Ben (Liam Aiken), the two children of Jackie (Susan Sarandon) and Luke (Ed Harris) Harrison, have to cope with the fact that their parents divorced and that there is a new woman in their father's life: Isabel (Julia Roberts), a successful photographer. She does her best to treat the kids in a way that makes them still feel at home when being with their dad, but also loves her work and does not plan to give it up. But Jackie, a full-time mother, regards Isabel's efforts as offensively insufficient. She can't understand that work can be important to her as well as the kids. The conflict between them is deepened by the sudden diagnose of cancer, which might may be deadly for Jackie. They all have to learn a little in order to grow together. 3053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Has always been one of my favorite movies to re-watch & so ordered it so it would always be available to me. Great price! 1840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great buy and fast shipping!!!! movie.) 2099 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even though its an old movie, my husband would have us watching it over and over again. Now he can watch it in the privacy of our bedroom and not the family room. Thanks for having so many movies available on hand. To John Steed, exemplar of the-way-things-are-and-should-be, Emma Peel was the living embodiment of forces threatening to destroy everything he held dear, everything to which he'd devoted his life, his duty, his sacred honor. To Peel, Steed was the sort of hidebound reactionary she'd been fighting against her entire life in order to be the sort of woman, the sort of whole person her sense of individuality demanded. The great thing about the John Steed/Emma Peel Avengers episodes was watching these two very different people, each representing social forces the other had every reason to despise, over time learn to value and respect what the other had to offer, eventually even to love each other. An endless source of debate among Avengers TV fans is whether or not Steed and Peel's relationship ever became sexual or was simply platonic. Whichever opinion you embrace, there can be no doubt the love and respect were there. 1430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Many passionate Jane Eyre fans hate this adaptation. I have read the book more than once and I rather liked this version-- it doesn't maybe glorify the story to the fans, but it does accurately represent what the book looks like to the rest of us. The fans get upset about inaccuracies, but these are all just details. The essence of the Jane Eyre story is captured in this movie. An unhappy single woman falls in love with a rude cranky older guy. Turns out the guy is married, but it works out. There is beautiful scenery involved and a big house. Some spooky scenes. The rest of the movie was bland, boring, and frankly, unbelievable. I mean, what mother can afford to take a child out on a twilight horse ride on a moments notice? And where, pray tell, is this fantastic New York suburb Sarandon lived in that afforded her pastoral views of mountains and woods? Did anyone miss the fact the Roberts worked in NYC and was mysteriously able to pick-up the stepkids at their birthday parties and schools in this lush suburb? Sorry, I grew up in that area of the East Coast and I'm still guessing where this suburb is. 4778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film, unless you need gag humor and explosions to entertain you. Might be my all time favorite movie. We all enjoyed the first film Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) (2002) that was inspired by the "Resident Evil" video game series. The movie became such a hit in the movie theaters and in the movie rental shops, they quickly made plans for a movie sequel, Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004). The movie is not without flaws. First, there is a critical scene where Tom confesses to Lowenstein (as Tom calls her) what exactly happened in his childhood that none of the Wingos have been willing or able to share with anyone else. Because of Streisand's effective juxtaposition of the long-ago violent crime with the present-day therapy session and Nolte's superb work, this is an especially powerful sequence. It feels climactic in nature given the depth of the catharsis we have been presented at that point, but the problem is that it comes about 45 minutes before the end of the movie. It is around this point that the story shifts to an inevitable affair between Tom and Lowenstein following a tense, pretentious dinner party with Jeroen Krabbe holding court as her psychologically abusive husband, a world renowned violinist out to humiliate Tom. Consequently, we are given a flagrant detour into Lowenstein's own catharsis, which brings up valid questions about her character's professionalism in even having an intimate relationship with a patient. This part of the story is Streisand at her most self-indulgent as both director and actor, as we follow these two smitten people on gauzy romantic walks and sweaty lovemaking by candlelight. Luckily the film recovers toward the end before any serious damage is done. Special mention should be made of the beautiful cinematography by Stephen Goldblatt, who perfectly captures the burnished aura of the lowlands of South Carolina, and the symphonic, often swooning score by James Newton-Howard. It's an impressive accomplishment to translate Conroy's lengthy, often florid narrative into a cohesive movie that retains the major themes of its source material, and Streisand has done a splendid job in pulling it all together. 7430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good casting. Very good screenplay. THe directing is outstanding as well. The fight scenes are handled brilliantly. A first rate guilty pleasure! 321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie like to watch it and learn from it. I may be mistaken, but there seemed to be some deleted scenes too. The trial seemed shorter in the International version, which makes sense considering Americans love of the TV trial a la O.J. Simpson; they would have made it longer. I also think the lines where Joan screams out "Jesus!" were deleted which I didn't care for because it was reported that she did scream out his name. The final burning scene seemed rather abrupt. I could have sworn they had a scene where they brought her out, tied her down, and read the charges before burning her. I'd definitely buy this DVD if you like the movie. It would have been nice to get both versions of the film on this DVD much like they did for the Abyss. If you are interested in learning more about her, "Joan of Arc: Her Story" by Regine Pernoud is an excellent book as well. 2380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ne,This movie was AWESOME!!!! Man, heaven forgive me for not putting it on my "Best Movies on Earth" Wish list. Grr!!! Oh well. Maybe I'll make a another list. Anyway, the action here, is spectacular. Acting?! For the love of God, HARRISON FORD'S IN IT!!! Of coruse it was good! This is movie really is awesome! DVD quality? Same as any other DVD. But if you have a DVD player in your home, I advise you to take the biggest speakers you can find and connect it to the TV that's connected to the DVD .You'd be be amused for ages. Okay. I'm done. Baibai. Rating: 5 out of 5 8245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can ya say? Great actor, great scripts, ahead of it time series. I'll always enjoy the adventures of the man who married "she who must be obeyed". While the film succeeds brilliantly even as a basic story of star-crossed individuals working out their joint karma, it is the concept of the soul's journey homeward that drives the deeper levels of The Fisher King. Interesting and a pretty good film showing that even in Utah you can rebel. Even if for only a little bit. 8481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 a very cool movie I also love Timothy Dalton's version of Wuthering Heights - never a dry eye at the end of that one. Beautiful, haunting film score. Quest for the Holy Grail Locations (480p, 47:00) Special Documentary No other "UFO" movie with the exception of "Contact" has ever come close to the majesty of this movie. I am looking forward to showing this movie to my kids and my sister's kids when they are old enough. I think everyone needs to see this movie! The casting in a problem. Ralph Fiennes tries hard but is hideously miscast. He's too young, too contemporary looking, to portray a rock-ribbed conservative like John Steed. Uma Thurman, though I respect her as an actress, was similarly a poor choice to play Emma Peel. From watching Uma Thurman in interviews I get a sense of her as an intelligent, thoughtful human being, but she simply can't convincingly portray a high-level genius like Emma Peel. Thurman's Peel is more coquettish than intellectual. When Diana Rigg says she has four doctorates you buy it. When Uma Thurman says the same thing, you can't. 761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Son loved it 7506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Carol Burnett was wow in this movie...thank you 8065 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a beautifully directed film, as Terry Gilliam exacts bravura performances from the entire cast. This film is a cinematic masterpiece which the viewer will not easily forget. 5300 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great. With a lot of positive to say about the film, the negative would be the lack of any bonus features. Granted, this film is an older film but it would have been nice to see Steve Martin, Daryl Hannah or even director Fred Schepisi make some sort of comment. 9607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I actually quite enjoyed the film. Would watch again. 29 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie. And by hippie-liberal logic, since Nicolson is the only actor 7962 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It is an ok movie. The problem with this movie is its too long. The movie could have been cut by at least 45 min. You learn about the main characters too many times - once is enough. If you have 2 hours and 17 min to kill then watch the movie. 154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a really good take on the original A Christmas Carol. I liked this version and Henry Winkler does a fine job!!! in the mountains of Montana since. I have not watched the film 7698 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great story of redemption I think the setting of a chaotic city is fascinating and the environments are nicely done. Well, perhaps I should say the environments look like they've been ravaged and destroyed. There were plenty of zombies, lots of broken glass and abandoned vehicles, blood spatters and finally empty streets. The environments are very convincing and deserve 9/10. Perhaps the directors could've used filters in some places to enhance the film and its tension, but perhaps it would've made it more of an Art Movie, which it definitely is not! So that comment is just an aside from me... 3584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film about encounters with aliens and how a few people seem to be chosen by them and their struggles to connect. But who knows, maybe the upcoming sequel will be better. But not likely. The late Graham Chapman plays Arthur, and is perfect in the role. He is always dignified and noble, even while taking insults from ludicrously-accented Frenchmen. All the other Pythons have multiple speaking parts - a special highlight for me is Terry Jones as the whining prince. The Pythons are at their pseudo-intellectual best in this, their first feature film. My favourite part is Arthur's argument with the peasants making up the anarcho-syndicalist commune ("You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"), followed closely by the opening scene of the film, where it's revealed that Arthur is not riding a horse but has a servant following him making horse-noises with a coconut ("Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?"). 7614 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie 5564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After twenty years Fright Night remains one of the best Vampire films of the last couple of decades and still scary. A perfect film to watch on dark nights. What makes the movie go is the very believable characters. Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) is a typical teenager. He's a horror movie fan and maybe a bit of a nerd. When a new neighbor moves in next door Charley becomes convinced he is a vampire. He tells his friends Amy (Amanda Bearse) and Ed (Stephen Geoffreys) but they think he's nuts. 1287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great comedy, great cast, fast shipping by Amazon, everything good. So glad all the seasons of this very warm and funny comedy are finally available. No extras on this DVD, but that's OK. Now I'm waiting for them to release the rest of the Newhart series. Hope it's soon. My main disappointment was that the plot resolution basically cops out and hinges upon the 'ole deux ex machina...however, the predictably happy ending is partially balanced out with the chosen fate of Jude Law's character which was a pretty gutsy move. Special features are as bad as they were on the DVD release, including a handful of scenes and a brief documentary. The documentary is rather interesting, although most of the material discussed is common knowledge by now. Sadly the bonus content didn't get the HD treatment, understandable since the documentary was shot on video and the deleted scenes never made it past dailies. Oh yeah, watching the deleted scenes is painful, so just skip those ... trust me. The story begins where the first RE left off. Alice is awakening in an Umbrella hospital and realizes the world is not what she knew. Things are...well they're sh*t Most people are either dead or undead, and the police are trying to create an effective resistance against the zombies. Hotshot, loss cannon S.T.A.R.S cop Jill Valentine takes leave of her suspension and walks into the RPD just in time to cap a few zombies. She then reminds everyone in a tone that is up to par with porn star acting "They're infected, you have to shoot them in the head." 6302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this movie more than 10 times. I read the book in college and this is one of few movies that is as good or better than the novel. Streisand is classy and sophisticated yet vulnerable. Nolte is jovial yet complicated. This movie is a classic for those interested in psychology. I also appreciate the contrast of the South and North. Having lived in both I can relate to the paradoxes between the two. Finally, the ending is realistic and not some Hollywood fantasy. One expedition leader, the late Scott Fischer, comes across as a mellow, disorganized, bumbling dude. One of his expedition guides, the late Anatoli Boukreev, is depicted as a self centered, Neanderthal like he-man, who clearly differs with his boss on what his role as a guide is to be. 6436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you felt the first "Resident Evil" movie didn't quite capture the atmosphere of the original game, you can sleep a little easier now. "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" has EVERYTHING: from dark, creepy graveyards, a gothic cathedral and classic lorries in an "Escape from New York"- style deserted city to a cigarette smoking Jill Valentine and half naked hooker zombies. Most of the foul language used is less overtly offensive, and especially because much of this language seems to be well established within the English-comedy tradition it is almost fair to say that it's an essential part of making a funny parody of this sort. Needless to say, if you are uncomfortable with some incidents of foul language, or if you simply don't think such usage is funny, this movie probably is not for you. This movie also contains one scene with a significant amount of sexual innuendo and here there is even a reference to oral sex. However, insofar as this scene does not contain any overtly sexual content of a graphic nature, I think it is not so bad as to require Christians to avoid watching the movie altogether. 867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS IS MY FAVORITE KID'S VIDEO. We originally borrowed this from the library. We liked it so much, and I was so tired of having to return it after maxing out the renewals just to check it out again, that we decided to buy it. The kids (2 and almost 4 years old) ask for it all the time. I thought they'd be tired of it after a few months, but it still holds their interest. The songs are a great compliation of really great Sesame Street production numbers. We all sing along and, quite frankly, I can't get the songs for the numbers 3, 5, and 10 out of my head. The kids also like the bits with Ernie and Benny (don't call him bunny) between the songs which is usually when the kid's lose interest in this type of DVD. Beyond any and all comprehension she actually loves Rochester (despite his blatant mistreatment of her- especially when she's about to leave)!! 7046 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 A couple of t he best songs were deleted and new ones added. The live stage version is much better. 9763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ten years after the movie they have gone and done it. We now know how the genetic make-up of human beings. Some Job descriptions even say without consideration of age, race, religion or genetics. We also have electric cars and wrist radios. This is no longer sci-fi; it is speculative fiction. Or at least it is speculative. Anyway I have a friend that had a back problem in his youth. They left some dye in him and it was spotted during a job interview physical for a desk job; you guessed it. Andrew C. Miller Your Ultimate No. 1 Film Fan. 7324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The cinematography is outstanding as well as the story itself, casting, the era portrayal and the characters were all outstanding. The Blu-ray presentation from Criterion (in the America Lost and Found set) does a good job of restoring this important movie, and comes with commentaries and a choice of audio options. 8999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ditto the great Python 696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even though this one isn't as popular as Frosty, Rudolph, and the Grinch, it's just as magical. I did not know it even exsisted until I was 9 years old, and I LOVED IT! I was introduced to this one fairly late in my child hood, but it still holds a special place in my heart right next to Frosty and Rudolph. This is the one with the evil Burgermeister Meisterburger, who "HATES TOYS!". I love this character MORE THAN the Grinch! This one also includes the Winter Warlock and Special Delivery Klugger, as well as a not so cocky (for a change) Mickey Rooney as Kris Kringle. This film is a true Holiday classic that keep Christ in Christmas. There are MANY religious undertones in this film (just look at the Winter Warlock Character and watch his development from bad to good.) This is yet another materpiece by Romeo Muller, the GREATEST author who EVER lived! The man REALLY understood children. Some people say that this film is a bit dated, but I would have to disagree. I was born in 1980, and missed the 70's and it never seemed like it was out of place to me (It was 1989 when I first saw it.) It will fit right in with all of the other Holiday films your children watch. No Holiday video collection is complete without this Gem. The songs are GREAT, the plot is EXCELLENT, and the characters are OUTSTANDING! You can't go wrong with this one! Your children will enjoy it and you will too, garenteed! The epitome of all-star comedy that will no doubt continue to stand the test of time. Kudos to Gilliam and the rest of the Python crew. If you haven't seen it yet, make it your first priority in life! 1250 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie had some plusses going for it, primarily the cast. A lot of money was spent on the production design and special effects, but the film suffers from a misconceived premise. First of all, it's dealing with a witty, effervescent spy romp -- an iconographical series of the 60's -- but it tries to turn it into a darker, insupportable James Bondian (same production designer). "Dark" and the Avengers don't really mix. The whole production is dark, lots of crashing special effects, derring do, conflict between "Father" and "Mother" which is never explained. The dialogue is hard to understand and captioning is not provided on the streaming version. A problem. Other elements in the script are also confusing--the Emma Peel imposter, rationale, etc. The direction is just leaden and that's fatal to this type of film. 6930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie of 1700's americans, it makes you appreciate more than ever all your blessings. Is the movie racist for depicting Turks as menacing, ugly, brutish thugs? Maybe so. Maybe that's the lure of the movie, to suck you in telling you this is a true story and thus letting your moral judgments get go off the hook. The book on which this book is based shows a different angle on the story (in addition, Billy admits to enjoying sex in prison with men, an element that Oliver Stone excised out completely, later making up for it I suppose by including Jared Leto in his movie ALEXANDER), but while watching MIDNIGHT EXPRESS all you experience is fear. I'm sure that the success of this movie led to the depressing statistic that only 19 per cent of Americans own or use passports. The rest of us are too terrified of going overseas and being hung upside down naked in chains and flogged by Turks. 1967 was Diana Rigg's last full season as Steed's partner. Her career really launched in 1965 from this fine series in her role as Mrs. Emma Peel, the sexy and lively partner to the refined secret agent Englishman, John Steed, who was shrewdly played by Patrick Macnee. In fact, in the U.S., most of us didn't even know about Honor Blackman and Macnee's other (earlier) partners until many years later. 795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is perfect if you have young children. My daughters are 8 and 4 and they love Arthur. Watch this one and enjoy great acting by Bronson, Coburn and Jill Ireland Top notch stuff, for what it's meant to be. 694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This wonderful 1970 video, using stop-motion animation, tells the story of Santa Claus in a most delightful way. The story is narrated by Fred Astaire, with character voices by Keenan Wynn and Mickey Rooney. The music is marvelous and the story is enchanting. It answers the burning questions we all have about Santa. Why is he called Kris Kringle? Why does he wear a red suit and have whiskers? How did he meet Mrs. Klaus? How did he come to bring toys to children by going down the chimey and why is his workshop at the North Pole? What is the origin of Christmas trees and how do reindeer fly? Summary: This fantasy has a boy (Austin O"Brien) a movie buff who idolizes his cinema action hero "Jack Slater" (aka. Arnold Schwarzenegger)and through an elderly projectionist friend receives a magic golden ticket. This ticket allows the bearer to move in & out of the world of movies. This is an enjoyable 2 hour escape with some really entertaining sequences. Yes, RESIDENT EVIL APOCALYPSE is a popcorn action flick. Let's face it, they didn't make this movie for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This one is strictly for the gamers and action fans. And I can understand why people don't like it. But, if you're into the technical aspects of films making and you love action, I beg you to take another look at this film. (Of course, you need to see RESIDENT EVIL first. Otherwise, you may be lost.) 518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great songs 8404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you want the story the way it is presented on the stage, this is not the version for you. You will need to get the new Disney version with Kathy Bates. Other tremendous characters of this brilliant ensamble cast include the butler, Angus Hudson, portrayed by the late, great Gordon Jackson, the Bellamy's cook, Mrs. Kate Bridges, played by the late Angela Baddeley, and the Bellamy's son, James Bellamy, played by the gifted Simon Williams. 6411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i loved this movie soo much when i 1st saw it, i bought it 2days b4 it was uspposed 2 comoe out and everythingits alot scarier then the original movie was and theres so much more action n nemesis is s pimp and a half. i don't get people dawn of the dead is ust zombies and thats it no story line just zombnies chasing people. this atleast has a awesome story line and awesome special effects. i recommend this movie But the movie is actually quite good. I went to a 12:15am showing in Manhattan and to my surprise it was packed. But my older brother quickly filled me in and told me that "Resident Evil" is one of the most popular games ever, spawning many sequels and remakes. That explained the fanatic geek contingent in the front row. The movie starts off like a video game which is fitting, a back story about the Umbrella Corporation being the largest corporation with most of their products in every home in the world. these kind of guys is the ultimate crime against nature. 4483 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Jennifer Love Hewitt, accomplished thespian, once again brings her heart-rending acting abilities to the fore in this magnificent masterpiece that rivals Citizen Kane. Oh, how the heart races as the cast, including the brilliant, Shakespearian Brandy, battle mean old Captain D. And, the ending! What a stroke of genius to leave the movie open for another sequel! What bravery the filmmakers display. These cinematic pioneers at least deserve an oscar for audacity! Intelligence, be cursed, I say! Long live the new horror film! Here's hoping for the next five sequels. He's not a hero, but society, in one of the film's best twists, makes him a little girl's savior. Betsy, at the end, forgives him without knowing the extent of his madness, and he smiles at her. 2773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie. Classic! Love, love , love Taxi Driver is unique in that the Scorsese did not hesitate to include racism in the movie(recall the scene when Bickle leaves the cafe and throws some menacing looks at a black man passing by). To see a film that is not concerned about making people happy and being politically correct is refreshing. Also the portrayal of the corrupt and superflous candidate is amusing. 8896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny. My side is sore from laughing so much! 8943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My mom brought this movie for my son on sale at target for five bucks because we know he loves elmo. Well, he was 13 months at the time I didn't think he would sit there for a 73 minute movie. Boy was I wrong, he has the biggest smile now when we turn on this movie. The songs are great and the movie is enjoyable enough for me and my mom to watch over and over again. I just thought this movie was so cute and well directed and funny. I recommend this to anyone who has a child who loves seasame street and music. 7368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I did not expect to like it, but found it really entertaining. The cast was really great, and the plot is what caught my attention. I would have given it a 5-star, except I thought the singing was long in places. Other than that, the movie flowed. 8214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Where they go to Radio City Music Hall, they watch Camille. First it is show in wide screen, which did not exist, so they cut off the top and bottom of the image. Second, their source material was extremely grainy and the film needs to have a restored version inserted. Watching the blurry, grainy images just takes you out of the film. Resident Evil / Resdent Evil: Afterlife / Resident Evil: Apocalypse / Resident Evil: Extinction / Resident Evil: Retribution - Set Starting where the original "Resident" left off, "Apocalypse" has Milla Jovovich's Alice trapped in a zombie plague that has engulfed the fictional Racoon City. Along the way she meets up with female rogue cop Jill Valentine, her partner, and a news reporter. Of course, a representitive of the evil Umbrella Corp. is behind it all. To make matters worse, he throws a genetically-enchanced creature called "Nemesis" into the mix. If the cartoonish super-villian subplot about a corporate honcho who fiendishly sacrifices innocent people for the sake of a major advancement in weaponry has ever see more played out and cheesy than it is here, I have yet to see it. 8348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this musical! So happy to have it on DVD! Rich in color and clarity. 456 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked this movie, except one scene where Potipher's wife is seducing Joseph, and he has a hard time resisting at first, whereas, Biblically, I think he was stronger than that. I REALLY like the actor playing Potipher. Because of the scene mentioned, I am hesitant to allow my younger children to view it. But, other than that, it was done excellently. For a film that is over 20-years-old, you really can't go wrong with this Blu-ray release because currently, it is the best looking transfer that you will ever find of the film. There are wonderful Special Features in this DVD: fast car chases, cool car gadgets, and a good sense 6308 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Resident Evil is an onion of stupidity. It's just layer after layer after layer of the most retarded plot points, character dialogue and CG that I have ever been forced to sit through. there is no "Red Queen" that is causing the killing in 8762 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off I would like to express that I truly love this film. Secondly in my personal opinion you must have a passion for the recreation of early to mid 1930's films like Bonnie and Clyde, The Sting, or The Emperor of the north. I have viewed this film on the average of 4 times a year if not more. The first introdution of this film starts off with an excellent musical score as the credits roll. ( A freight train rolling on into a downtown freight yard With Cheney played by Charles Bronson riding in a box car ) With no prospects or as cheney would put it ( I never look beyond the next bend in the road ) Charles Bronson and James Colburn has played together in two films ... The Great Escape and Hard Times ... Both one of the finest actors America has ever produced. With the films fine detail for authenticity like the old model T fords or the downtown streets of new Orleans on bourbon street. Makes you think that you might really be there in the 1930's with sights of the bayou in the 1930's Louisiana and the 1930's old fairy steam boats on the Mississippi river. The characters that Bronson And Colburn play are very strong and convincing. You can relate to both characters as if they were actually real life personalities. This film leaves you from beginning to end completely satisfied all the way to the musical scores final rolling credits. ... P.S. .. This is a very good Down and out, Skid row, Depression era, Hard on your luck type of film. ... I hope you enjoy !!! Singalong Knghts Of The Round Table (1:25), Sir Robin (1:25) and Monks Chant (2:00), with insitructions on how to use the DVD box to self-flagellate. Grade: A 8241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gift for granddaughter. She's enjoying it with us and her mom who also loved Annie when she was a little girl. 8890 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You an't go wrong with muppets. Great grandchildren are enthralled by the colors, music and characters. I don't have to worry about inappropriate materials within the movie. REVISION OF PREVIOUS REVIEW: At times it is difficult in Amazon reviews for readers to determine exactly what is being reviewed: the product (in this case, a TV series), its manufacturer (here, Shout!), or the vendor with whom Amazon is dealing (Crystal Choice). To clarify: (1) The first Newhart show is a classic sit-com. (2) Crystal Choice is an honest vendor that tried to make good on a sale that backfired through no fault of their own. (3) Shout! atypically, in my experiencehad quality control problems with the new set of discs I was sentthree of which were unplayable. WARNING: 2581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I originally had this on VHS and wanted to replace it on DVD. Love the movie Resident Evil takes place before the events of Resident Evil the game, and explains why the game's mansion is infested with zombies. The story follows Alice (Milla Jovovich), who is a woman that has forgotten her past and must travel with an Umbrella S.W.A.T team to discover who she is. Her path crosses with Matt (Eric Mabius) who is a delegate for a faction that opposes Umbrella, going under cover to discover what is really going on in The Hive. The tale unravels as they move deeper into the complex, and are picked off, one by one, by the ravenous zombies. and Back in Shape Deep Stretch/ Yin Yoga with Mimi Solaire Harrison Ford is the president, with a solid military past, whose plane is taken over by Russian reactionary militants. The concept that the events of this struggle would primarily take place on a jumbo jet adds to the excitement; there's no running away (although it may, at times, seem that there is). I won't go over the plot because, if you haven't seen "Air Force One" yet, you won't want to know what's next. 2488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We had seen this movie years ago and really enjoyed it. Loved Gere and Basinger together. 9997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is a moving, deeply intimate story about the human struggle for achieving one's dreams. It is with a combination of brilliant acting by all the principles, a subtle yet powerful script, great direction, and a perfectly matched soundtrack that causes the film to come across as masterfully as it does. 3281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For years I had seen this movie on department store shelves and toyed with the idea of buying it, mostly for the array of actresses in it I recognized. For one reason or another, though, I never actually saw this movie until it was on TV a few days ago. And did it ever impress me. The characters are so real, the beauty so intensely beautiful, and the tragedy so unbearably sad as to instantly make it one of my favorite movies of all time. 2811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie gives you some insight into the 60s. It is a pretty good movie to reflect on, but the ending is so sad! Might not be everyone's cup of tea,but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. The director, Paul W.S. Anderson, has really outdone himself with this film. It moves and pulses and oozes, and creeps around you. This is greatly helped by the soundtrack recorded by Marco Beltrami and Marilyn Manson. I really liked the Alice in Wonderland references. That's how you feel, as though you're in the land of the videogame, where only it has any reality. Anderson shows us what John Carpenter or George Romero could have become instead of sinking into obscurity and B-movies. 9501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Watching Jack wades through Parry's fantasies of knights, quests, and the holy grail and discovers that Parry has fallen in love with an unlikely lady, the plainly hapless Lydia, played to perfection by Amanda Plummer. He engineers an unlikely meeting and sets in motion a dazzling sequence of events that ultimately results in his redemption as a human being, and an appreciation of his own lady love. Other reviews give a detailed analysis of the plot so no need to rehash it here. If you're looking for a good and enjoyable vampire flick 1980's style (complete with the spiky hair and cheesy club music), this is the movie for you. 6187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Converting video games into movies is a recipe for disaster. Especially given how overdone the zombie genre is. I came in to this movie with suitably low expectations. In return I got a movie with many interesting twists and turns, some social commentary, subtle ironies and a great ending. At times it was predictable, but there were enough surprises to keep the movie fresh. Who could imagine looking forward to part 2 and 3 of a video game based trilogy? 5907 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Milla is the zombie killing queen. This flick was her boot drive. She can jump in my shower anytime. Where can I get one of those dogs? General for sending a 3line FAX, and she LOVES Skydiving! I believe 7184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Quality! The achievement of bio-engineered superiority for some has naturally created a bifurcated society, with the elite gripped by paranoia about inferior "degenerates" trying to pass themselves off, so Vincent's deception requires him to sneak Jerome's urine into sample cups, to wear false fingertips with Jerome's blood for identification pinpricks, even to salt his workstation with Jerome's hair and skin flakes. Even with all that he still has to deal with the suspicions of an arrogant launch Director (Gore Vidal), a watchful staff physician, and a beautiful fellow trainee (Uma Thurman). The situation becomes even more fraught with danger when a murder occurs at Gattaca and two cops begin to haunt the place. 8799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great fun! Kudos to whoever dreamt up the packaging with catapult & plastic farm animals. In maintaining the foundation of a storyline, the film incorporates a biographical aspect, showing the evolution of Mr. Taylor's role as a dancemaker as an outgrowth of his boyhood years. The interviews with his long-time friends and associates, as well as the words of Mr. Taylor himself, are proof of the depth and seriousness with which he reveres his art. The film also touches on the troubling business realities that weigh on dance companies: having to remain financially solvent, and dealing with the picket lines which materialized in New York after the company hired non-union musicians. There's even a scene involving the firing of one of his dancers ("I just didn't want to work with her"), a somber sequence of dialogues, but one which lends strength to the reality of this film. And the music! It has really earned a place in Americana. Who doesn't know the hopeful song "Tomorrow?" The music has become so popular that even Jay-Z sampled "Hard Knock Life." Some of the lesser knowns are amazing as well. "Little Girls" features many clever lines. "Let's Go to the Movies" is very fun and serves as blanket praise for the classic movie era. "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" is catchy and wonderfully represents old time radio advertisement songs. "Easy Street" is tons of fun thanks to Burnett, Curry, and Peters and their comic performances. The score to this movie is also AMAZING!! Im a huge Marilyn Manson fan and the soundtrack to the movie is just incredible! He really outdid himself, even my friends who do not like Marilyn Manson music liked the score to this movie. 9327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a quest into the most ridiculous territory ever before. Follow the heroes on their wild goose chase for a holy grail, but be ever ware of the dangers! Yes! Dangers lurch in every corner such as laughing yourself into a massive heart attack or falling off your chair and busting your scull and worse be laughing so hard you never even know it! If you don't laugh at this I don't believe you! Not only is it hilarious to blow the three stooges out of the water it's also plotted just about well enough to beat Matrix!! If you buy this don't say I didn't warn you: You'll love it! 6031 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good deal for a good movie. I am a big fan of the games, so this movie was perfect in my eyes. I thought they did a fantastic job, especially with Nemesis. I swear it was like he walked out of the video game and into the movie. The special effects make-up guys are unbelieveably talented! Unlike Spielberg's later (more successful financially but much less so artistically) "ET: The Extraterrestrial," Close Encounters captures the awe and wonder at the confrontation of the unknown and frighteningly unexplored. While in ET, most of what is presented is childlike and revealed, in CE3K (Close Encounters of the Third Kind), the genius of Spielberg is more fully realized and more rewardingly subtle. Maybe Steve was just uncorrupted by the Hollywood system, but while I like ET, Close Encounters is presented as a mystery in the most cosmic sense. A normal American joe encounters the extraordinary. How will he resolve this? And what wonders await? Directed and written by Steven Spielberg. Also written by Hal Barwood, Jerry Belson, John Hill, Matthew Robbins. 2232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is so packed with action that you are on the edge of your seat through the whole show. Harrison Ford plays a fantastic role as the president, and is his usual admirable self. Good Movie! Perhaps this film is a conspiracy of the irreverent, irreligious and atheistic working to "deconstruct" Joan; to convince a modern, uninformed audience she was a raving schizoid lunatic leading the superstitiously ignorant to lucky victory; with a flaming end. Or not. Cast: Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak, Barbara Nichols, Bobby Sherwood, Hank Henry, Elizabeth Patterson, Leon Alton (uncredited), Isabel Analla (uncredited), Robert Anderson (uncredited), Maurice Argent (uncredited), Tol Avery (uncredited), Rita Barrett (uncredited), Eddie Bartell (uncredited), Barry Bernard (uncredited), Sue Boomer (uncredited), Paul Cesari (uncredited), George Chan (uncredited), Barrie Chase (uncredited), Nellie Gee Ching (uncredited), Jane Chung (uncredited), Jean Corbett (uncredited), Giselle D'Arc (uncredited), Judy Dan (uncredited), Trudy Erwin (singing voice) (uncredited), Allen Gin (uncredited), Everett Glass (uncredited), Connie Graham (uncredited), Jo Ann Greer (singing voice) (uncredited), Bobbie Jean Henson (uncredited), Pat Lynn (uncredited), Raymond A. McWalters (uncredited), Jean Nakaba (uncredited), Ilsa Ostroffsky (uncredited), Hermes Pan (uncredited), Edith Powell (uncredited), Howard Sigrist (uncredited), Snuffy (Dog) (uncredited), Frank Wilcox (uncredited), Frank Wilimarth (uncredited), Andrew Wong (uncredited), Lessie Lynne Wong (uncredited) and Barbara Yung (uncredited) 252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this movie stars henry winkler. an enjoyable christmas tale. he was superb in this role. a twist on the old "scrooge". 612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent children's fare. Unfortunately, they don't make them like this, anymore. Too much emphasis on glitz and special effects, in today's youngsters' videos. And one has to say, if the aliens can figure out our long/lat system and have advanced physics, surely they could learn English in a week or two of monitoring our TV signals and simply talk with us. Not nearly as much fun as teaching us slowpokes an entirely new musical language. 7774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent movie,well directed,written..and well acted. Brad Pitt's performance was excellent. I could not believe the stunning picturesque backgrounds and photography in this film. Makes you want to Tour this country ! and ill admit that Ginger was hottt... and smart to leave the group.... 9666 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. Nice blend of Scfi and detective work 7112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is, by far, the best production of Annie off the stage I've ever seen! 7832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good family show. My daughter loved it. 5114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all time. There's a short list of movies one needs to experience more than just watch and this is one of them. I'd throw The Godfather DVD Collection (The Godfather/ The Godfather - Part II/ The Godfather - Part III),Citizen Kane, and Vertigo (Collector's Edition) on that list. 4409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My family taped it off ABC when I was two and a half years old, and we watch it EVERY Christmas (multiple times) and EVERY July (if I get my way!). I love the whole movie: Robin meeting the Fraggles (Pass it on! Pass it on! When it's gone, it'll bring good luck to you!), The Swedish Chef and that turkey (Glei la jhu! Ratska ratska in the bumska bumska, ja!), Ernie and Bert and Doc (Bunk Beds! B words!) Mrs. Piggy stuck in the blizzard (Don't worry Kermy, it's just a bit of snow!) Fozzie and his comedy partner, Mr. Snowman (It's cold enough out there to freeze your winnebago!) The whole shabang is fabulous. I love this movie and it will always have a special place in my heart. Favorite line: "Who was that straaaaaaaange bluuuue creeeeeeeaTURE?" 570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An oldie but goodie. This is one of the Christmas classics that I have to watch every year and it's nice to own it so I can watch it when I want to instead of having to depend on national television channel. 88 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is your classic Christmas Carol with Henry Winkler playing Scrooge. He was actually fairly young when he played this part. They did a great job making him look like an old man. Of course, Henry did a great job with the acting portion. The ending in this take was a little unbelievable as Scroodge was very old by that time. Still a very uplifting film with a good lesson for life. 3521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WHAT A CLASSIC. NEVER GETS OLD. I'm not defending Billy Hayes's actions. What he did was wrong, and yes, he had to be punished. But not punished in such a barbaric way, and then used as a political scapegoat by a very barbaric and repressive Middle Eastern society. Stone's screenplay and Parker's direction in the film was trying to get that message across. And they both succeeded on all those levels. Everyone involved in the British production deserved an award for making such an excellent film. A film based on a true story that shocked many. You may not feel any sympathy toward Hayes' plight in the beginning, but near the end of the film, you will. And, for all the film's dark, gritty, violent, and depressing subject matter, it will make you think and remember. 9891 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent captured all of Umbrella's employees and plans to kill them. 5299 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic movie "Travis' New York" reflects on New York City of the `70s. The film's director of photography Michael Chapman points out that now the film is a documentary of what the city looked like back then. A.P. Fuchs 7981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderful and sweet, i love annie 1845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I saw "Air Force One" in the theater, I remember distinctly the movie gripping hold of me (when the plane was taken over) and not letting go until the very end. While not as intense the second time around, "Air Force One" on DVD doesn't disappoint. There are plenty of points in the movie that left me squirming in my seat. The movie isn't perfect as a movie: the opening scene is way too violent (and glorified at the same time) and towards the end, where the VP rips up the paper authorizing her to take power (I liked it but most people probably don't think on such a symbolic level), the movie fizzles a bit. But as far as being entertaining, "Air Force One" is by far the very best. END 477 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are no words accurate enough to praise this enthralling television miniseries. "Joseph" is one of the most fascinating of biblical accounts, and I will not rehash the plot since it is done superbly by other reviewers here. I will simply say that this timeless true account of a faithful and courageous young man is a wonderful tool to use with teenagers. Satan has planted so much filth in the movie industry, and I praise God that there are filmmakers who still desire to present the truth. "Joseph" presents a magnificent story of forgiveness and integrity that all teenagers can learn from. A spoof on the Kinghts of the Round Table and Camelot (and every other King Arthur story), THG begins to tickle you right off with the whole 'coconuts instead of horses' issue. This running gag is only a small bit of the film, but you remember it. The same goes for every off-center bit, from the powerful wizard named Tim to the logic by which one determines if a witch is made of wood. Thinking man's humour, this is. For my own part, after reading the reviews of this movie when in first came out, I went to the website and watched the movie online before I bought it. The blatant Star Wars allusions -- from the asthmatic rival, to the not-so-subtle background action -- are absolutely hysterical, but I knew that I was missing something. That night, I went to the video store and rented SIL just so I could understand what it had to do with the parody. I can now say with absolute assurance that if you're a fan of both films, George Lucas in Love will probably be the best parody you will ever see! nobody in the film can really act. Endless motocycle panoramas The existential musings of an alienated man juxtaposed with that same man's contempt for the filth and corruption he sees all around him make up the heart and soul of "Taxi Driver". There are more memorable lines of dialogue in this film that speak of the truths of life than in some entire years' worth of Oscar fare. "You do a thing and that's what you are". Simple. Concise. Easy to understand. Irrefutably true. We are each nothing more than the sum of the things we have said and done. This is the meaning of life and it's in one throwaway line from a film filled with nearly two hours of genius. The setting of New York is so quintessentially American that this film would not have worked anywhere else. There is just something so instantly recognizable and identifiable about that city that every man, woman, and child in America feels like they've lived there even if (like me) they have never even been there. There simply is no other possible place for Travis Bickle to dwell and it is used to full effect in this film. Also of note is i9n the movie Cybill Shepherd's hotness. Her character's overreaction to porn speaks of serious issues, but I suppose when you're that gorgeous you can afford to be prudish. 4929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I chose this rate because is a wonderfull edition of this wonderfull movie , and have portuguese subtitles. Recomend this product 8330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 None. 3531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! SPECIAL FEATURES 7485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a timeless classic. I don't even know how many times I've seen it but it always comes through with great entertainment and leaves you feeling a little bit happier about being alive. 1790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You might learn a little history about the American Revolution that was not taught in public school... I reccommend it for everyone. I could not and won't be rating this one...I never did get to see it. When I put the DVD into the machine, the movie played as far as the warning that is always on at the beginning....and never left it. It flashing off it and you would think the movie is going to start now....and then it came back to the waning again. Had to send it back. 305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WELL WRITTEN AND PORTRAYED EVERYONE SHOULD SEE IT 9) The gritty, pounding soundtrack No other version compares to this one; the cast is outstanding. Quinn is appropriately innocent, but belies intelligence under her curly red hair. Burnett is wonderful as always, playing a personally triumphant part; her parents were both alcoholics. Curry plays a menace truthfully, and yet he's still a bit likable- at least in the beginning. Even Peters' role stands out; she was wonderful during this era. Although musicals tend to be a bit silly sometimes, this one straddles the fine line between fantasy and believability very well. Viewers of any age can find themselves enraptured in every bit of the story. The title of the film is awkward while the soundtrack by Michael Nyman is ethereal. The cast is superb and the art direction is minimal and clean. I enjoyed it. I was entertained from beginning to end. 3368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still awesome after all these years. What do they want? Who are they? 3) The movie explores Joan's later doubts about her voices/visions being from God very well. They use a imaginary devil's advocate character (played by Dustin Hoffman) to allow her to argue with herself. In the process, we're given a lot to think about ourselves. 1105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like this series. I have enjoyed every episode I have watched. Look forward to more. It's old but the content is still very relevant. Good show! 9229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have basically found that there are just two groups of people in the universe: Those who find Mony Python funny, and those who don't. Within the group of those who don't are two subgroups: 4970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is by far one of the best drama movies I have in my collection because first off the preformance of Robert De Niro, second the director's and camera man's amazing shots of New York City in the 1970's. Third the script great one liner's from De Niro, and the famous "you talking to me" speech in front of the mirror. I have personally watched this movie 4 times during my lifetime so far and never get tired of it. Plus it was also listed in the 100 best films ever made which I agree with totally because of the reasons I listed in the above lines of my review. So if you have yet to watch this movie it is a movie you have to watch least once in your lifetime I say watch it mutiple times to fully understand the whole movie and the points it tries to tell us as fans of the style of movie it is and contains. 5612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved watching this movie. Roddy McDowell was excellent in this fim as Peter Vincent, "Fearless Vampire Killer". Yeah, right. If this is what made him so famous on screen, why was he living in a small, cramped, and cluttered one bedroom apartment with a job hosting horror flicks on a show that scraped the bottom of the barrel in ratings?? 847 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 We've seen virtually every Sesame Street video - some once, some many times. This one is one of the most enjoyable. We owned it for a long time, then my kids outgrew it - or so we thought! They've asked to see it several times since we gave away our copy, so we keep getting it out of the library. My kids are 7 and 10 now, and still asking! We are particularly fond of 'Telly's Lunch' and the skit with Grover. This is one of the really good Sesame Street videos - definitely worth the $ - only wish we'd kept our copy when we had a chance! Four stars because nothing is better than Elmo's Sing Along Guessing Game, but this is VERY close. 1. While the FBI has stepped-up responsibilities in this future society, the ACLU seems to have been stamped out. If discrimination is illegal would a high-profile company be allowed to exist that was made up ENTIRELY of valid executives and in-valid janitors - especially when there are in-valids as smart and ambitious as Vincent? As the deleted scenes show with a not-included-in-the-film coda: creating a society with only those with perfect genes would have deprived us of John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein. It's not hard to believe that having perfect people would create discrimination and other undesirable human qualities, but it's difficult to believe that these genetically perfect people would have all their humanity and compassion removed as well. It's also difficult to believe that this company couldn't recognize that occasionally a "god-child" could be the next Einstein. 9947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must have for a movie collection! 4831 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not worth my time 5501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i remember watching this on vhs when my aunt had it. loved it! Chris Sarandon was so sexy playing the vampire. i never knew there was a part 2 to this movie but why is the dvd sixty dollars. guess i have to buy the vhs since its alot cheaper. 2107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford delivers Superb Acting Performance so well in Air Force One, it makes the viewer almost forget that this gripping story is just a movie, but it also makes you think about the 'What If'' this really did happen in Today's America, with the fear of terrorists after 9/11. He plays the role of President of the U.S., and one that lets the nation know that he will Never negotiate with terrorists. While the storyline stuck with the games very well, it also was done in a way to entertain anyone who has never played the games. The action starts at the beginning and lasts to the end, leaving you gasping for breath and begging for more. Some scenes actually had the audience applauding at their conclusions. This is the subtle beginning of what Gattaga is all about. I am not into sci-fi very much but I adore this movie onb every level: plot, character developement, cinematography and especially the music (score). 1580 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I was so excited when I heard A&E was doing "Jane Eyre," especially when I heard Ciaran Hinds was cast as Rochester. I thought that was perfect casting and that I would see something of the caliber of "Pride and Prejudice." I was bitterly disappointed! What a travesty! the discussions of their managers and things like that. it Wait, I'm not finished. I didn't hate it. I was entertained. I'm not a fan of the games and have never even played one, but I still enjoyed this. If you're looking for pure entertainment and pulse-pounding action, look no further. 8236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great series aired from 1978 to 1992. One of my concerns was about video and sound quality, which I am glad to report are fine. Probably excellent considering that the broadcasts were pre-HD. We haven't watched all of the series yet. There ARE 42 episodes plus extra features and a movie. 8292 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Explain to me, please, what the Henson Creature Factory was thinking. Explain to me, even more, what Mandy Patinkin was thinking. (Vanessa Williams barely rates a mention, and here it is, now forget she exists.) The film tries to recapture the odd flavor of the series (the Connery board meeting in which all the participants are dressed as teddy bears, for example), but falls flat every time. Finnes is miscast as John Steed (too young) and he and Thurman have none of the chemistry that Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee had in the original series. 8239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought the complete Rumpole series years ago at a cost so much higher than this price. Richard has to find out who killed his buddy cop. He isn't allowed to but he finds out anyway. He looks for Kim Basinger he only knows her from her blonde hair and tatto. He finds her and handcuff her sexy. It screaming S and M undertones wich is sexy!!! Wyatt (Peter Fonda) and Billy (Dennis Hopper) star as two bikers who are riding across America on their choppers. We see them buying and selling drugs, and meeting up with other like-minded people. They are determined to leave behind the established system and make their own way in life. In a way, this is a road movie, but it's also much more. 9442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Strange 60s style view of a very plausible future from a 1998 perspective. 1465 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This DVD would not play on my machine even though it's designed for Blu-Ray DVDs. Additional the only subtitles were in Spanish. I had to return it. 9971 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful sci-fi story that doesn't depend on special effects and gizmos to entertain. Annie came on TV last year and my interest was renewed. I also loved the songs that I ignored when I was 8 years old, for example, "We Got Annie". Other than that, it was quite the surprise when Sean Connery was revealed to be Indiana Jones's father. 9744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 . 7838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think FISHER KING may be the late Robin Williams's best performance on-screen -- which, as everyone knows, says a lot. Williams, when called upon, could be relied on to give a kick-ass dramatic performance -- as he does in the American remake of INSOMNIA, as he does in ONE HOUR PHOTO, and as he does here. From the mind of film genius Terry Gilliam (Monty Python, Brazil, Baron Munchausen, etc.) comes this tale of two men helping each other find the way out of crippling grief. At times funny, but often with the surreal images that made BRAZIL such a masterwork, this is one of the best portraits of the psyche of fear and grief that you're ever likely to see. And one of the most beautifully-shot films. And then there's Jeff Bridges! These two genius actors spark each other on and on. 8 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The DVD came in great condition and provided lots of entertaining minutes of reliving the past. Definitely worth the money. 965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great expectations is a fine novel and is easier to get into than some of Dicken's longer tomes. This adaption is a fine one, which makes me recall the other fine BBC adaption of Bleak House in 2008(?). Both adaptions avoid sentimentality and are complemented by fine low key background music. I was particularly taken by the beauty of the marsh scenes. My one reservation was that perhaps Rampling is too fine a woman to be playing Havisham. Pip was done excellently as was stella and I was very much taken with the characther playing Joe. A fine adaption - well done BBC! The goal of Inchoatus is to elevate the genre. We're founded precisely to encourage people to avoid films precisely like this. There are actually some decent films out there that feature blood, nudity, and fighting. Conan the Barbarian is an excellent example. The Event Horizon is another. Even Underworld had some merit to it. The anim film Ghost in a Shell is a tremendous film. As the core audience for all things speculative fiction, we don't have to automatically succumb to this kind of stuff just because they market it. If we can just muster the strength to show a little resistance to this kind of schlock, producers will be forced to provide something better. Is there a better reason to avoid seeing this film? We think not. He finds the pure Sir Galahad... the daring and brave Sir Lancelot... As the movie opens, you hear the distant clapping of horses hooves, only to realize that what you are indeed hearing is only a servant, banging coconuts together to pretend... and you know you are in for an ever ending sequence of rather funny and definitely silly recreations of history... where famous characters spend their days and nights overcoming obstacles in search of the Holy Grail. 8150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I use this in teaching ESL to adults. It arrived in perfect condition and my students love it. They get vocabulary and accents not possible from the textbooks from both the spoken dialogue and the songs--the melodies of which will keep that vocabulary and grammar in their heads for life. 8095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Anyone who hasn't watched Annie, whether it be at the theatre or movie theatre, needs to see it immediately. It's a classic with some of the most memorable music I've ever heard! I won't kid you, this movie is drama. Its fairly slow paced but in a deep way that you can keep up with. The Acting by Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Loren Dean, and Gore Vidal are impressive and first rate. An LAPD unit gets a high powered "military style" helicopter that is deemed for "crowd control". Roy Scheider (Jaws I, Jaws II, Marathon Man) and Malcolm McDowell (The Time Machine, 1979) star as former military veterans that clash in ideals on it's use on a civilian population. Scheider and his sidekick, lymongood, take to the skies with it more than once and find out just exactly what it is capable of. In doing so, they uncover some secret plot for it's use. It's a race against time for them as they try and uncover the plot with the help of a friend, played by actress Candy Clark (American Graffiti). The ending is a showdown against Scheider and McDowell over the skies of Downtown Los Angeles in the early 1980s. 1528 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Some are in Black and White and some in color. It often stalls. I guess the DVD version has some compatibility problems. The sitcom itself is SLOW. I do think I would have enjoyed it - not in a memorable way - but for the day if there hadn't been so many technology problems. I should have and may still send them back as they are basically unviewable unless you have the patience of Job. Roddy McDowall plays Peter Vincent extraordinarily well - first as an actor out to (wink-wink) "convince" Charley that Jerry Dandridge is NOT a vampire, and then genuinely terrified when he discovers evidence that Charley's suspicions are true. The acting all around is atrocious. Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. Ralph is stoic and just looks bored. Uma goes through the movie in a variety of tight outfits (including the previously mentioned leather body suit), but her efforts at a believable british accent are laughable. She tries her best but it is very evident that she was not comfortable with her role and the script in any way. The rest of the cast just seems embarassed to be in this movie. 9612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good story. Brilliant acting. I love Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman together. :-) 9752 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The title says it all Annie is such an adorable kid - inside & out - that the entire staff at the mansion fall in love with her, and eventually, even the millionaire's heart melts for her. He's decided that he wants to be her father. But the "den mother" of the orphanage wants to stop this at all costs, and she devises a plan to make a lot of money, and get Annie back all at the same time. 924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this movie as a kid and was thoroughly entertained. This makes a great family movie that is fun and involves the watchers all the way through. science, and the special effects, dwindle into the background. This is not a Columbia's DVD includes the European cut of the film (some 10 minutes longer than the US version), featurette Beyond the Icon, isolated score track and teaser and full trailer. 210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This timeless story is relevant to today's economic times. This movie is as valuable as any modern-day teachings I've read within the context of "how to be a better person, live well, and do it right in the new year". There are old fashion morals that America would do well in revisiting. Kids and young adults alike will find a new perspective on everyday life challenges. Everyone will gain a better attitude after viewing this one. The reality is, the games are extremely well executed, as are George A Romero films (G.A.R being the original guy who was to direct this.) The features on this DVD are up to the high standards of Monty Python. Although the film has not been noticably restored, when you get right down to it you don't watch Monty Python for the speical effects. There are subtitles in several languages, including a set for people who don't like the movie (the subtitles in that case are taken from Henry IV, Part II, though they are out of sequence to go along with the action on screen). They have redone parts of the film in Lego. They have a sing-along. They have an instructional film on how to use coconuts. In other words, there are a lot of unique to bizarre features that will keep you entertained for hours. I'll bet this movie was great back in the days of hippies and woodstock, but now it just comes off flat. It does give some insight into that time period, but there are many other better films that can do the same thing and tell you a story at the same time. 1608 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I watched the sequel first, which was so good it prompted me to watch the original series. I'm 3 episodes into season 1, and don't think I can slog my way through any more of it. The acting is horrendously hammy, and the story lines are foolish and juvenile. Unlike the recent Upstairs Downstairs, it's unrealistic (in one scene, one of the actresses was changing out of her clothes and you could see she was wearing bikini underwear under her white bloomers), and showed little of what the world was actually like in that era. The house it's set in is dull, and alll of the characters are over exaggerated, annoying, and unlikeable. Basically, it's just a bad 1970's Soap Opera. 303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it!!! Simultaneous to the achievement of the Grail is Jack's rescuing of his shadow Perry (through his final, willing ego sacrifice) and his readiness to unite on an equal level with his beloved anima Anne. Truly the Grail represents the achievement of the individuated personality, one that has reconciled ego to shadow to anima all while developing a successful interface (persona) with society that allows the individual to be both successful and moral. These truths, as elucidated by C.G. Jung, underlie what most draws us to stories and speak to our deepest spiritual needs. The Fisher King provides a concise outline of this complex process just as clear as the first Star Wars movie presented us with a concise example of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey. With the obvious mythological references found in most of the content of his other works, this movie must represent an ideal match of story form and content to Gilliam's personal interests. And could it be (as with Stephen King and his literal monsters that end up detracting from the story) that when Gilliam makes a movie about a basically non-(literally)mythical-magical world, his tendency to overdue his scenes with fantasical, but finally, distracting wonderment is suitably restrained? Put like this, it all seems cerebral, but don't missunderstand me: the film is very entertaining! If the story/screenplay design is (in this case) simple, it is because film is not for the cinemateque. It is pure (and good!) fun. It has a lot of rhythm, the cast is appealing, the characters are fine (in their game-like dimension) and the action makes you jump. Plenty of laughs+lots of tears=one great film. One thing nice about the film is that it is 90 minutes long. I am quite often too short on free time to watch a movie but 90 minutes works out real well. 7961 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I've seen better movies with these actors. The best part was the park scene, other than that it was slow, a guy down on his luck. 5902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love it great product A + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + 8687 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 INCREDIBLE QUALITY! It was a bit expensive but totally worth it! There were only 3,000 made. This is clearly from the master footage. 3745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Older classic. If you like funny horror b movies, then this is one you will like. Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune is absolutely terrific in this movie. Their chemistry is as perfect as the story is tense and an absolutely hilarious esp during the scenes when they try to out do each other in their "turf fight". I crack up everytime each one of them mess up their own dirty little wicked plan in the most humourous fashion. This special had the best voice casting of any they made, with Mickey Rooney as the older Santa, Paul Frees as Burgermeister, and Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock. The Mailmans voice and songs were by the great Fred Astaire, and they recreated him perfectly in a mailman figure. There are 6 wonderful songs including the title song, as well as "One Foot in Front of the Other". The Westminster Childrens Choir performs as well. Music and lyrics were by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Writing by the great Romeo Muller who worked on so many of their projects. Character design by Paul Coker, and storyboards and continuity by Don Duga as they did on most of the studios specials. The proof that this is true is when Anton, the genetically superior brother, yet loses swimming matches with his brother. His brother has the will and the drive. Languages: English 2-channel (Dolby Surround), french, portugues I rate my movies in the following manner: Believeability of the script and acting. Interesting subject matter. And how well each acter is introduced in a way we know the nature of the character. In many movies, I require at least one good nude scene of the female character to add to the introduction.(Of course this is not the case in all the movies I like) However it is always a plus point. Any way, good flick, and it rings with an historical authenticity that is almost unequaled. Its great contribution is that it was made at the peak of the era, and commented on that era very eloquently. Usually the good commentary doesn't come along for many years, but Easy Rider pretty much hits the nail on the head. Plus the bikes are great. Love ya Bob and Co., and thanks Shout Factory! Resident Evil (# 1) is about a group of soldiers that must destroy a virus before it has a deadly effect on the world. 1898 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We needed a replacement to our old DVD and if I can buy on Amazon Video we will. Picture is crystal clear The film was received positively by critics and a success in the box office as it brought in over $315 million worldwide. "AIR FORCE ONE" even received attention from President Bill Clinton who enjoyed the film and watched it twice. The film would go on to receive two Academy Award nominations for "Best Film Editing" and "Best Sound". Overall impression: a pleasant and well acted movie that was a joy to watch that I highly recommend for those who need to reinforce their knowledge of the Bible and appreciate a well-done movie based on it. This leads to a great elevator scene with Bridges and Jeter, who's all decked out like a showgirl. He warms up to sing for mousey Plummer at the office where she works by hitting these impossibly squeaky high notes, which annoys Bridges, who tells Jeter to stop. Instead, he responds with a line and some behavior that is so funny, you just may continue laughing through the rest of the scene. Leaving the elevator, Jeter triumphantly exclaims "I made you laugh!" 3073 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Two hippies, Wyatt and Billy, drive cross country on their motorcycles in order to blow a lot of money at Mardi gras. In the process they meet a slew of strange yet vital characters in their eventual understanding of their own existence. - Storyboard/Film comparison 6980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An amazing cast,finney,Burnett,Curry and Peters fantastic! Great for all ages. I gave it 4 stars because I wanted a game controller. No I didn't, believed that didn't you? The reason I left one star of is because the movie is shorter than what it could be, even though it doesn't appear that way when watching it. All thing's being equal, well that's a crock line, but who cares, ya? If you're a horror fanatic, or like the occasional, twisted and demented scare, this one's a good choice. Resident Evil: Extinction [Blu-ray] (2007). 3460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic childhood movie The movie is disturbing, hard to follow, and born of the counter culture, circa 1970. 2067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've watched it several times, a good one ! The staged characters that are in the games are nothing like their counterparts. Jill, for one, does not do the character justice at all, nor does Carlos. And can I say that the other characters while at first seemed interesting, were killed off far too quickly to develop any emotional attachment to them. 50 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler, cute as ever. This movie is a nice addition to my Christmas Carol collection. 3423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Comes with the poster. A book full of pictures and info, cast and crew, 3 versions the theatrical, the extended and the directors cut. Special features including a glimpse inside the mother ship. What is it about Stephen Speilberg that can give you the same sense of wonder at 36 that you had as a child. 9391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Columbia's first DVD release of this Python classic was quite disappointing, but now they are setting things straight. 1307 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Haven' ben able to review these yet, but looking forward to it with an older TV series I did review this film in more detail in my e book here on Amazon titled Poetry in Motion: 19 Symbolic Reviews of Transformational Film by Colleen Szabo. Link below. All you need to download an e book is a computer, no other device required. These two meet by accident when a suicidal Bridges is being attacked by street thugs and Williams rescues him. They become unlikely friends. Thus, the former celebrity learns first hand about homeless people and mental illness. He also discovers why his new friend is often so deranged, and feels he caused the death of this unfortunate fellow's wife. 5192 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Taxi Driver 5930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 order came in a timely fashion and was exactly what i wanted. Find something better to do with 2 hours. If your really want to watch an excellent movie about the horrors and nuances of divorce see 1982's "Shoot The Moon" with Albert Finney and Diane Keaton. Now that was a good movie. Definitely a film that should be seen in the movie theater. Perhaps it should be re-released again. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru 7176 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Plot was ok. Parts were quite unrealistic. Lying 1 star off. Immodesty and obvious promiscuity another 2 stars off. There is more. Those out there might not see how we do, but perhaps so. 4392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie came out when I was 9, I had it recorded from TV on a VHS and my family and I would watch it every year during christmas. It became a must every year, it's funny and very entertaining, and it includes both The muppets and Sesame street! The brother vs. brother thread is schmaltz (the whole relationship can be summed up, apparently, by who was the better swimmer when they were boys), ... Good grief. 1162 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Last season, not so funny. isn't so awful. (The difference between 1:33 and 1:66 isn't huge), but if you're a This disc plays well on a number of first generation DVD players. The colours are solid the sound is excellent; please note I did not try out the various sound enhanced systems, i.e. 5.1 Dolby, as I do not have this equipment. That said, the Superbit DVD was played on HD DVD player, and HD Flat screen TV. The experience is mind-blowing; I cannot see the difference between picture quality on this DVD and some of the newer HD DVD releases. OK HD DVD is a defunct format, but it shows that up scaling this DVD gives it 'Angelic wings'. Is it worth buying? The answer is yes. This Superbit DVD makes a fantastic film, even more mind blowing. 5379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 slc punk is truly a independent cult classic about two punks going to college in salt lake city with moments of humor along with drama and action id recommend this movie to anyone in highschool/college 3285 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In 1989, audiences were treated to an all-star cast in the film "Steel Magnolias", which follows the lives of several women who are all friends in a small Louisiana town. The film was directed by Herbert Ross (1927-2001), who directed "The Goodbye Girl" (1977) and "The Turning Point" (1977, for which he received an Oscar nomination for Best Director). It was written by Robert Harding, who had originally written "Steel Magnolias" as a play and also adapted Olivia Goldsmith's novel into the screenplay for "The First Wives Club" (1996). 3171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of those movies that will always make me cry at some point. I love a story that involves a few main characters and follows them for a span of time. And some of these characters are just amazing. The characters are funny, crusty, fanatical, and even a martyr type. This story hits a lot of highs and lows of "real life" situations. I watch it about once a year anymore. *S* The tide quickly turns for Joan after Charles is crowned. The church as well as the crown are fearful of the power Joan has over the people and her inflating ego. What would she attempt next? They begin to clamp down on her, and as her next war attempts would result in a disasterous failure, she is jailed and found guilty of being a heratic. Joan is burned at the stake for her crimes. Some say that her heart, as it was pure, did not burn. Hundreds of years later, she was canonized as a saint. 'Robo cop' Remembers friend and defies command to KILL "It's worse," Latham says. 9410 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie. 2855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As a child of the 60s I suppose it's something I have to watch. And it delivers, although the ending is not worthy of the movie. 3012 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE IT. EVERYTIME I WATCH IT I GET ADDICTED. I AM ALMOST AS BAD AS MY MOTHER. 1559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely love this series. Planning on taking a day and watching on the DVD's in a Upstairs/Downstairs marathon. 3257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite movie that has Dolly and Julia. I love Julia and Dolly both - but to have them together in one is even better! I also love Sally Field - second best actress. I am speechless. ALl I have to say is this is the most wonderful review ever. 3973 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good condition! Upstairs, Downstairs Remembered - with Gareth Hunt (51:50) AND ANOTHER SEQUEL: Another sequel of sorts was made by Rankin/Bass with the same production team, it is a theatrical feature length movie released in 1979 titled "Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July". A short while later Slade says "But you were a man of business, Latham. You drove a hard bargain but you never did anything evil!" Deep Stretch with Mimi Solaire Nice epitomizing of pre-Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani New York. 5430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's the coming of age movie with sex drugs and rock and roll or should I say punk! Very good worth the watch! 4240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arnold not taking himself too seriously 9588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good flick. 8503 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We loved the dvd. Secondly this set is not entirely 'complete'. oh yes it has all 7 series and the tv movie. however for true Rumpole fans I would recomend finding what it titled Rupole 'the Lost episode'. In point of fact this 'lost episode' is the Pilot for this series. (you may in fact see the dvd for it on this page. 2051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very fast service..great price The sequel to "Resident Evil" I think makes this movie even better and you should definately watch both, in order. While Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodrigues might be type-cast, they certainly deliever when it counts. As to the Blu-ray edition: the colors are quite nice but since most of the movie plays out at night, there isn't as much opportunity for the color to truly shine (compare that to, for example, the Blu-ray for the 50th anniversary of "Lawrence of Arabia", which I also recently bought here). As to the bonus materials, there is so much of them that it's almost overwhelming. I enjoyed sampling them. The "Making of Documentary" is my favorite of the bunch, but there are many, many others. It also includes 12 supersize postcards with stills from the movie. Not really sure what to do with them once you've looked at them once. But bottom line is that "Taxi Driver" remains an outstanding, if divisive/controversial, movie but with the passage of time I can only see the legacy of this movie grow in stature. If you are a movie buff, this is a "can't miss". HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Actually, I could do without the hotel showdown, as it comes off too cartooney and contrived (like when one of the villains barges right through a wall with his rifle -- Why sure!), but I suppose it can be accepted on the grounds of Western-like artistic license. The best thing about this movie is that it ends (sadly after 6 1/2 hours of people climbing on mountains and staring into the sky). Photosynthesis is more fun to watch than this movie. He's lost his skills since Star Wars. 2674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie that takes a grainy, hard look at America and the rift between generations.bigotry, racism, experimental drugs and all under a psychedelic blanket of bizarre camera work, scenic views and confusion about what life is meant to be. 9798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "I am here to tell you that it is possible, that it IS possible". --Vincent The problem is, he's sweating like a dog. He's with his girlfriend, who has zero clue: he's all strapped up, ready to drop bombs he thinks, but he's naive. And the Turks are onto him: they send out half their army to block him from hopping his plane, and the fun begins. The character of Woody reminds me of Maxwell Smart, a bumbling secret agent who doesn't always escape by skill or outsmarting the bad guys, but by unintentional luck, but gets the girl in the end. Just try to imagine Maxwell Smart wants to be Batman at the same time, and that is about what Condorman is. The reason I'm particularly fond of this one is its references to classic movies, including Hamlet, in a fab b&w scene where Arnold as a grungy machine gun packing Dane says, "To be or not to be" and lights a bomb off his stogie. He tosses the TNT. Big explosion behind him and then a drolly given, "Not to be" ends the sequence. Wow. what a story. This movie tells us everything about the GRATITUDE of the human kind. A lesson to all. The writer of the remake claims that horror movie hosts don't exist anymore. Not only is this not true but there are more horror movie hosts on TV AND Internet today than there ever were on TV in 1985. Elvira's Movie Macabre, Mystery science theater 3000, Nostalgia Critic, just to name a few... I think they made a huge mistake in changing Peter Vincent to a nearly unrecognizable stage magician in the remake. If anything the movie host is more relatable now than ever before. The look and the feel of the film felt like New York during the 1920s and the direction by filmmaker and actor John Huston was rather well-done. 9366 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This Movie is a classic, with characters such as Brave Sir Robin, and Everyone's Favorite, the Black Knight. The Only reason it got 4 stars is because it has a really weak ending. 2 DVDs. Each one of DVDs has thiir own characteristics. As we delve further into genetic science, what "Gattaga" portrays is more thana little bit likely to happen. There will be a new kind of class system and a new type of discrimination...all of which will be decided by a simple blodd test mapping out the sequence of one's DNA. 1652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have debated a while before buying this as I had seen some of the episodes when it first came out. At that time I was a nurse working shifts and we didn't have a recorder in those days. 7003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I first heard mixed reviews on the film, I thought "this movie is going to blow". Well, I went and saw it this past Saturday and let me say that this movie was, this year so far, the best horror film! This was not a cheap movie. Many effects, including Spielberg's trademark use of “cloud tank” skies were perfected for this film. Not everything worked the first or fourth time they tried it. Columbia ran low on money while Spielberg was polishing off the second edit, replete with footage added. I argue that he just did not want to stop touching his movie until he was forced to. My proof is that there are currently three versions of this film, two of which have additional footage that was added by Spielberg after BOTH 1st and second unit were wrapped up. 9123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got to introduce it to my wife for the first time.. Always been a classic she said she loved everything but the ending.. I enjoy it all.. 6264 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Video games have been entertaining kids, teenagers, and adults consistently for about the last 25 years. From Pong to Madden, Pac-Man to Tomb Raider, there is not a single doubt in anyone's mind that though most games have been created for entertainment purposes only, and that the graphics have significantly improved through every generation of gaming. There are some games that standout from the rest in terms of almost movie quality experience within the game, from intense stories, stunningly realistic graphics, and for the most part solid voice acting, many of today's video game franchises have felt like they are movies that players have full control over. Such franchises are extremely successful, some examples would be; `Silent Hill 1-4', all of the `Tomb Raider' games, and the controversial `Grand Theft Auto' franchise. One of the most popular video games with that cinematic quality would have to be the `Resident Evil' series. With its eerie and creepy storyline and music, dark and dangerous environments that are loaded with evil zombies waiting to kill you, and the great voice-over actors used to bring your favorite characters to life, it is clear why this franchise is one of the strongest franchises to this day, even after having 3 sequels and a prequel game released in the series. Many of these video game franchises have been so successful that even Hollywood has begun to take notice, recent Hollywood movies based on video game franchises have been pretty much hit-and-miss in terms of loyalty to the source material and interest from the general movie-going public. The failures would have to be "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within", "Alone In the Dark", "Mortal Kombat", and "Bloodrayne", the successes have basically been between two franchises the `Tomb Raider' franchise starring Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in "Tomb Raider" and "Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life", and the Milla Jovovich thrillers "Resident Evil" and "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". It just so happens that this review is for "Resident Evil", look for future reviews to feature my opinions on both the good and bad adaptations. 6043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie is great, always a fan of Resident Evil the Video game... and in blu ray wow, looks great!! i own all 4 of them and they are great! hope they come out with a new one soon!!! 616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everything was great... Strongly recommended, especially for History buffs, along with Revolution starring Al Pacino, and Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor, starring Aidan Quinn and Kelsey Grammer. 4.5 Stars 818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An ultra-funny parody of the college life of George Lucas and how he was inspired to write the "Star Wars" trilogy. Also look for a young Damon Wayans as one of the firemen. 5026 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I recently purchased this set and I'm very happy with it... love the movies, and there are featurettes and more NOT on the regular DVD set to boot! Even with a book, and it is a particularly nice one much better than I expected, this takes up less space than this many traditionally packaged DVDs would so that complaint doesn't seem fair. The worry that many have about scratched DVDs due to their placement in sleeves is also a non-issue for me. NONE of the DVDs were scratched and I'm not clumsy enough to damage them removing them . I also don't watch the same movie day after day after day so these things are not going to be taken in and out over and over...but you'd really have to try and damage them. We then meet Sean Connery who carries some charm and is obviously very intelligent. But he shows his dark side as well. Moving on, we see that Connery's plan is to control the world with his weather controlling device. (Alright. A bit cliche. But this is a 60s recreation, so a bit of the cliche was probably inevitable.) Also worth mentioning is that all the nations of the government are fighting and bickering at the crucial moment and accomplishing nothing. Sean Connery walks in and announces his intentions to control the world. And of course they continue to argue and bicker uselessly. There is something utterly hilarious about how Sean Connery silences the politicians very simply: "Oh...DO SHUT UP!" This film begins 30 days after the contamination of the Hive described in the first "Resident Evil" movie. In opening scenes the Umbrella Corporation attempts to unseal the Hive in order to eliminate its undesirable occupants and reclaim this huge, precious facility. It is suggested that this attempt doesn't go very well... Some days later Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up in an abandoned hospital in Raccoon City, naked, bruised and unable to remember jack... And then the film really begins. 2705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 What's to add to the other reviews? One drawback to this short is the music. Outside of the title song (which Fred Astaire sings so well), all the songs were unfamiliar to me. Frankly, they didn't add much. In fact, I found myself wanting to fast forward through them to get back to the story. 5201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Few will disagree with me when I say that Scorsese's Taxi Driver is one of the greatest films ever made. This one helped define the 70s and changed the face of American cinema. Scorsese's directing is brilliant. DeNiro has never been better, nor has Cybill Shepard (except in The Last Picture Show). This is one of Harvey Keitel's finest performances, and Jodi Foster has her best role here. The acting is superb. The cinematography was groundbreaking with the camera moves Scorsese made. Superb editing. And while Bernard Herrmann's score is dated (definitely from the 70s), it is a classic and fits this film in a way no other music ever could. Add that to the fact that Herrmann died just after finishing recording for this film. What a way to end your career. This film is superb in every way. 1334 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I loved the original Avengers series. It was a near flawless program; at least until Diana Rigg left. This film bore little resemblance to that wonderful show. The original Avengers never shied away from the occasional flagrant pun or creating wonderful, almost comic book quality characters. However, in this film, the plot meanders. Ralph Fiennes has no comic ability, and the lovely and talented Uma Thurman pretty much sleepwalks through movie. These is no trace of the quirky style that made the Avengers so special. To those of us who have seen the TV series, it comes as little surprise that several of the original program's directors went on to success in the big screen . I doubt that anyone associated with this film will find that it leads to more career opportunities. The chemistry between Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee was always a delight to watch. Sadly in the film, Fienes looks uncomfortable, and Thurman looks bored. 8822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great gift 1170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 all went well...thanks The only reason I gave this 4 stars is because there are no Special Features to speak of and for that you'll need to get the 2-Disc version. For those who just want a great Director's Cut version of this film and are happy with just the one disc like myself, this is a very good dvd version to get. 5242 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Taxi Driver," Paul Schraeder's brilliant character study of a certain type of alienated white male that emerged in the post Vietnam 70's, remains as distrubing today as it did 25 years ago. 7694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Robin Williams movie ever, God rest his soul great. Very entertaining and talented stars. A must buy! 6831 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is classic Sinatra at his best!!!! The film is not, however, without narrative issues. One is that, although we do see Vincent reading up on space travel over time as he grows up, the idea that he steps into a position at the aeronautics company fully prepared to perform his work there, with no previous experience, is a bit far-fetched. But an even greater issue in this otherwise well-crafted story, is that it never addreseses why Vincent's obvious intelligence doesn't register on his DNA profile, along with his bad heart and weak eyes. Given the abstruse work Vincent later performs as "Jerome Morrow", it is not plausible that his intellectual abilities do not also appear in his DNA profile. Equally implausible is a world obsessed only with physical perfection, but indifferent to intellecutal perfection. Perhaps the story's creators wanted to sidestep the sticky issue of the role genetics play in intelligence, or do not accept that role; or, perhaps they viewed acknowledging such a role in intelligence as part of the problem the film explores: genetic (read: ethnic/racial) pigeonholing. Regardless, the omission is glaring, and begs questions that the film fails to answer. The only problem is the CIA does not have an agent with the codename Condorman. 9207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 to Camelot! (It's only a model!) This is Python at their best. How do you review what is the single greatest satirical comedy on the Grail legend? If you want to laugh...watch this movie!!! If you want a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously...watch this movie!!! Watch this movie...'or I shall taunt you a second time!!!' The special effects are remarkable for the time especially at the end. Actually much of this movie does not have major special effects until its end where the fantastic effects easily stand up to those of today. This brings up another point: this is an intelligent sci-fi movie where the special effects have a purpose and are not simply used for display. Andrew C. Miller Your Ultimate No. 1 Film Fan Rather than the contemporary pack-o-vampires motif so prevalent today (see "TEETH", by yours truly, if you don't mind another gratuitous plug), FRIGHT NIGHT comes back to the single domestic vampire with a servant or two, a motif established by Bram Stoker and, more recently, revisited by Stephen King. So, what you have, basically, is a classic tale in modern dressings, decent special effects, and pretty good acting all around. The standout in this movie is Roddy McDowell, who plays Peter Vincent, the vampire killer. Somewhere out there, Buffy's got to be giving this man his props (or at least laying roses and garlic on his grave). 6362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I, unlike a lot of people, found this to be a very enjoyable movie. The thing I think few people take into consideration is the fact that Alexander Witt probably didn't set out to break new ground, all this film does is build on what we were left with in Resident Evil. The special effects are tremendous, a lot more detailed than the first one. The acting in a few scenes is a bit shallow but this is an action movie, of course it's not going to have great acting throughout the duration of the film. The exception to that statement is Sienna Guillory who plays the gorgeous Jill Valentine. I can't think of a single person who could play Jill as well as she did. She seems to have settled into the role with ease. And we can't forget the amazingly talented Milla Jovovich reprising her role as Alice. To watch her fight and shoot is pure exhileration. She also has become so much tougher in this one due to the injections of the T Virus she was given. 5790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the few movies that's better than in blue-ray than in normal dvd. The sound, the extras, the colors are all awesome! Spoken language options: English, French, Spanish. Subtitle options: English, Spanish (rapid machine gun fire) B---- Isn't standing now."" 2709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoy this movie and watch it more than once This is the movie that brought Robert DeNiro, Martin Scorsese, Jodi Foster, and Paul Schrader to forefront of the American eye. MPEG-4 AVC BD-50 / AACS Dennis Hopper directed this film and the word is that he was completely stoned out of his mind. I can believe that. There is a scene at the end where the Billy and Wyatt drop some acid and go on a little trip with two hookers in a cemetary. To me it seems pretty easy to shoot an acid trip. Just shoot random stuff, cut it together randomly and voila! You have your scene. Or better yet, give the camera to a monkey. The out of focus shots and frenetic animal jerkiness will only add to the overall aesthetic of the scene. Its ok for the first 20 seconds, but anything longer than that gets monotonous. 8297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie was new, as described and arrived quickly. My granddaughter and I enjoyed watching it many times already! Great way to introduce the older, classic films, especially musicals to kids who are drenched with the Disney Channel. 4225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I Love it 9461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the funniest movies ever made The baby is born on Independance Day, and we meet Jackson Jr. as he celebrates his first birthday surrounded by his family. TRAVIS NEW YORK, TRAVIS NEW YORK LOCATIONS, plus the original Theatrical trailer in 1080p For an R-rated movie the violence is blurred and confusing, why even bother with the swearing if that is really all that is keeping it from being a PG-13? It's shot and cut with no skill whatsoever. The plot makes no sense at all and there are frequent gaps in logic that even the most ignorant viewer can point out. Like why do the long-dead people in the graveyard (conveniently buried underneath only a few centimetres of loose dirt) suddenly come back to life when the T-virus is only supposed to be transfered through blood infection? And that was only just one part of a 'plot' that was constant nonsense. And by the end it was so far removed from the (better) story of the video games that the 'Resident Evil' title is really no more than a way of selling nonsense to people who expect and deserve something else. 211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought his was a great twist on A Christmas Carol that put it in a more relevant perspective for these times 2426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good suspense and sexy movie. Kim Basinger added the sexiness. 284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler is very good in this twist on the classic story. Not a conventional remake, but a version of the story set in early America. Give it a try. Don't be fooled by its title, this production is far removed from the book (so if you've never read it, and are seeking an authentic adaptation-- look elsewhere)! The only things that the two have in common are the names of its characters, and a few sequence of events! 95% of the dialogue has been re-written (and butchered), and some events added (made up)! The movie begins in the Hive, an underground research facility, where the employees' day is somewhat ruined when the doors seal themselves and poisonous gas gushes from the walls. So much for them. Cut to: Alice (Jovovich) waking up in a deserted mansion with no memory of who she is or how she got here. Before she has time to get over last night's hangover, all heck breaks loose and she ends up down in the Hive with an eco-warrior (Mabius), a fellow amnesiac (Purefoy) and a bunch of military commandos (Rodriguez, Crewes, Salmon, and some highly expendable extras for added flavor). Their mission is to kill the sentient computer running the hive, but first they have to contend with the dead employees, who are back as hungry zombies, thanks to a nasty genetic virus. Throw in some undead dogs, rounds and rounds of gunfire, a killer computer, security lasers, a heavy metal soundtrack, and "The Licker" (don't even ask), and you've got yourself a gripping action flick. 5524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse and Roddy Buying the whole set is well worth the price 512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 8734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was a gift. they like it a lot 9923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is another 1980s Gem of a movie that really looks fantastic on Blu-ray! The picture quality and sound are all here. I believe this to be the best available version out there. Returning: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Muse Watson, Freddie Prinze Jr. 8894 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They are so cute which good and funny movie for my kids, tape is in good condition. My kids have both in VHS & DVD too. Thank you very much & have a good day!! Bonus Feature: "Mel Brooks Theater" Trailers for six Mel Brooks films. 736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good buy 5990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I HAD THIS MOVIE ON VHS, I WATCH IT SO MUCH, THAT I HAD TO HAVE IT ON DVD..THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE. 1700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed this athenic(to me anyways) step back in time to Nero Wolf's New York. Thought the characters were pretty close to the mark,especially Inspecter Cramer. Have read all the Nero Wolf books and if you enjoy them you will enjoy this video reproduction. Hope they come out with more. The film was directed by well-known action director Wolfgang Petersen ("The Perfect Storm", "Troy", "Outbreak", "Das Boot"), music by well-known composer Jerry Goldsmith ("Rambo", "Star Trek: First Contact", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Basic Instinct") and Director of Photography by Michael Ballhaus ("Gangs of New York", "The Departed", "Wild Wild West"). The DVD is absolutely worth getting if you love this movie. It has some nice special features and, of course, the actual film will always remain a classic in itself. Total Score (out of 100) = 85 What makes this film, as one reviewer said, is the humanity. We actually love these guys. Dignan is obtuse, potentially dangerous (mainly to himself), and an adorable little kid. The three of them fight like 12 year olds. I love it when Dignan feels hurt, then mumbles, "You know my mom and Greg (?) aren't speaking to me" (or something like that). 1437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Prior to 1967, "The Avengers" was yielded in black-and-white. Going to color was a definite improvement! Never the less, for the video and audiophile, this is one Blu-ray DVD that can, and should, be used for any demonstration of one's system. I highly recommend it. because I wasted far to much time watching the movie. One of the darkest days in my life was when Ginger left the group. It was devastating for me. She was part of the soul of the group and I blame Scary Spice for messing that up. Also, they dumped their manager who brilliantly guided the group into being one of the top groups in history. Again, Scary is to blame. The major flaw of the DVD is that the film is presented in the god-awful Pan and Scan format. Pan and Scan presentations of frenetically-shot widescreen films should be outlawed, it's just that simple. You almost get a headache watching this P&S version. The digital pan is so obtrusive and distracting that it can drive one to anger! It pulls you out of the film, to say the least. I like (but don't really love) this film, and the low price of the DVD makes the purchase a no-brainer. But it is too optically uncomfortable to watch in P&S. I loved this movie and the special features are well done, too! Great menu design with easy selections! A genetically inferior man assumes the identity of an enhanced genetically tweaked superior individual in order to pursue his ultimate dream of space travel; by doing this, he has committed the crime of using a borrowed ladder by using the genetic profile of another person. Gattaca is in many ways is one the best films seen. Just as people have been judged for centuries by the colour of their skin, their class or religious persuasion Gattaca predicts and explores the future where there will be a more subtle discrimination. It being a science fiction film helps make it more effective by allowing us to feel the emotions of the characters with little of our own history getting in the way. A haunting musical score goes well with the feeling of the film, with stunning visual backdrops and the very clear use of tinted lenses makes each scene vibrant eye candy. 3435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I forgot how entertaining this film was. Although there is a story to it, that really isn't the point. It mostly explores the values that Steveo holds as he begins to come to terms with himself, and find his niche in the world. The soundtrack complements the tone of the movie, providing some basic punk sound. It was really a highly emotional film for me, there were lighthearted humorous scenes (like the trip to Wyoming, THAT was funny), as well as some dark and even teary parts near the end. The ending was something I enjoyed, seeing Steveo find his place, while not really leaving the punk idea behind. THE BLU-RAY: Mill Creek gives us a really nice quality transfer. The movie has never looked or sounded better than it does on this Blu-ray, but be advised that this disc has ZERO extra features. If you've got the Special Edition DVD then you'll want to hang onto it for the bonus content. Even without the goodies, this Blu-ray is worth the double-dip for the improved video & audio. 6578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 quick shipper , highly recommend Although we have seen so many films about airplane accidents and hijacking but this one is a Master Piece of all. This is a good, strong production, though I do wish that the DVD came with some extras. 8514 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It might be my daughters favorite movie ever...granted, she is two years old. 6089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE is the second film in what is so far a four-film franchise, and it takes the first movie and ramps it up by several notches. And, cripes, that T-Virus sure is a real mother. The sitch as this sequel opens is this: a zombie plague has scoured Raccoon City, thanks to the ill dealings of the Umbrella Corporation, the world's largest pharmaceutical agency and just possibly the most diabolical global entity, like, ever. Precautions have been taken. Raccoon City has been entirely sealed off, the sun setting on a population left to fend for itself, probably feed on itself. Throughout the city, measures have been taken to ensure the evacuation of Umbrella Corporation's key personnel. The scientist who invented the T-Virus, for one, gets out safely. But his young daughter doesn't. At sunrise, Raccoon City is scheduled for a tactical nuclear strike. Some really heavy sunscreen is recommended. 8287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can you say about Rumpole that isn't good. The commentary by Leo Mckern really makes the product outstanding. Mckern's appearance is comedic itself. I liked everything about this movie. First and foremost, the acting was superb. Nick Nolte deservedly won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama. (He should have won the Academy Award for Best Actor as well IMO.) Nolte's portrayal of the very complex yet down-to-earth and likeable Tom Wingo was nothing short of magnificent. Don't be surprised if you shed a tear or two after the last flashback scene, when Tom's defenses finally crumble as he lets himself experience the childhood pain he had kept locked up for so long. Barbra Streisand also delivered a wonderful performance as devoted psychiatrist Dr. Susan Lowenstein. Strong and self-assured, she has no problem standing up for herself when confronted by Tom's tantrums; sad and vulnerable, she allows the layers of her own insecurities to peel away as she falls in love with him. 424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I read the Bible quite often and teach Bible classes from time to time. This is a very accurate account of the "Joseph" story. Anyway...Faye Dunaway, who had gone from her softer blonde hair to a harsher (though then-popular) auburn by this time, didn't look or act her best here. Her performance was not called in by any means, but seems stiff in comparison to her earlier & somewhat warmer acting work. Opening her eyes widely seems to be her only available demonstration of fear- surprising, because she portrayed that emotion well in the film "The Towering Inferno", just a few years earlier. Her makeup artist for this film should've been fired- Dunaway looked drawn, exhausted & older than her real age even in scenes where she was not under any sort of duress. Still in great physical shape, Dunaway did a terrific job at portraying the very well-to-do & active star photographer that her character was in body, at least. 3409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good Among the film's other assets are all the time-capsule location shots in Manhattan, the now-quaint disco soundtrack, the Helmut Newton-style "photo session scenes", and a strong supporting cast which includes Tommy Lee Jones as a homicide detective who becomes romantically involved with the titular Miss Mars. 9686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun Sci-Fi flick! Must see. 9564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 intriguing *The Black Knight Matthew Lillard, in the main, makes mediocre movies. So when I stumble upon something like The Curve or SLC Punk!, I find myself pleasantly surprised. The boy IS capable of acting, he just doesn't seem to do it all that often. Let's hope for a third! 6838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First I picked up the LP at an estate sale. What great songs, and not you typical musical songs. You know, these are Sinatra songs. SO I say hey lets rent the movie and see what this is all about. Turns out the plot is one we'd seen before. But the seeing these actors move around and talk in all that Technicolor! It's a nice movie though, life lessons for young men and young women...and maybe even older women. We loved it. Now, about the DVD. Whoever put this DVD together is almost as brilliant as the people who made the movie. It's 11 deleted scenes show you everything that was taken out of the movie (the extending ending, etc.), and then some. The 100 minute(!) documentary is fascinating, if it had been any shorter(like those twenty minute ones, or even worse, one of those 7 minute "featurettes") I would have been mad as hell. Again, hats off to whoever made it. It also includes a featurette called Watch the Skies, which I admit that I haven't got around to yet, because I've been busy with the other features, and of course watching the movie! But even if the featurette wouldn't have been included at all, the documentary more than makes up for it. The DVD also includes trailers, which no one really cares about usually, but I always get a kick out of them. The best thing about this, though, is the restored picture and sound. The Dolby 5.1 sounds even better than the original sound!!! And the picture is a million times better than VHS! Definitely a noticeable difference!! Practically the only part of the game that the movie 1391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As of the date of this posting, Shout Factory's website has the complete set for 99.99, AND you get the set a full month before street date (you get it on 04/22/14). I still give the set 5 stars here though, because the show was amazing and it sounds as though the extras for the set are great. 8097 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 To compare this to other musicals like Singing in the Rain really makes this pathetic. 187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great version of the traditional story! *The rabbit of death, Tim the Enchanter, and so much more. The film itself is the greatest of all comedies by the greatest of all comedy troupes. No small intellect is behind the script, and no insignificant amount of historical knowledge either. The actors avoid playing their parts with self-knowing irony, which gives viewers the a chance to get (or miss) the humor on their own. As much fun as the film are the director's commentaries and various shorts depicting the search for castles (not as easy as it might be supposed) and the shooting of the film itself. Two sad truths: Graham Chapman is no longer with us and John Cleese has developed into (perhaps always was?) an insufferable bore. Ah well, I'm over it. 4774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Called a classic for a reason! Brilliantly written, acted, and directed. The monsters in "R.E - Apocalypse" are well done, but the zombies are not as gruesome as they were in the previous movie. Those creatures with the massive tongues are pretty well done and the mutant Dobermans are great. I've already talked about Nemesis, so I'll continue...all creatures and monsters have unique characteristics and are pretty ugly for the most part, so I'll give monsters and creatures 8/10. The zombies are not always completely convincing, but the zombie kids were awesome! No doubt about that... 1) The story of Joan of Arc is fascinating and this version is probably the most accurate that we'll ever get (since we have only sketchy information in the history books). A close brush with secret service men who spot him in a crowd makes his decision and Travis decides to free Iris in a bloody shootout. Fast forward to Faith as an adult, engaged and about to be married to a podiatrist, whose name is not Damon Bradley. Alas, though, she discovers that her about-to-be husband had a classmate named Damon Bradley, and he's on his way to Italy for a holiday. 4660 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The climax was weak 6870 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie, but video quality was poor. Should have just ordered the dvd On the negative side, it was a little longer than an action movie needs to be-- 10 minutes could have been trimmed, I caught myself wanting to hit forward and skip scenes in the first half hour of people wandering warily around deserted areas. I've never wanted to do that with a Romero movie. It does take a little too long to get going, but when the action kicks in, trust me, it doesn't let up, to the point where I felt kind of battered after the movie-- really unrelenting. I couldn't stand the industrial/techno soundtrack, but then I don't usually listen to bands with song titles like `Fistf*ck" and "My Plague (New Abuse Mix)". I guess it was appropriate for the movie; I didn't exactly expect, say, Oingo Boingo (though that would have been kind of cool, now that I think of it) but it was grating after a while. Several shots were extremely derivative of Romero, but since I haven't watched the featurettes or commentaries, I'm not sure if the filmmakers intended them as a tribute/in-joke (like the newspaper headline blowing around a deserted street proclaiming THE DEAD WALK! which, as far as I'm concerned, should earn a movie 3 stars right there) or just ripped them off with the plan to say they were `inspired by' the other movie if anyone pointed out the similarities. 1163 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Don't be put off by the comments and the ratings on the DVD company that put these out and the timing relating to the final couple seasons if you were to buy these individually. This is common and not much we consumers can do about it. So I am rating the show itself... in this case, all in one box, which is what they should have done in the beginning, hence the complaints who bought season by season... Biology is... well, Uma Thurman in skin-tight black leather. Yowza. I wanna look like that. 67 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was getting tired of the same holiday movies that run every day at christmas. I love this old movie. Great to watch during the holidays!! Me & my husband watched it on Christmas Eve. 5576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 At first glance, Fright Night looks like another cheesy vampire film: a young man figures out that a vampire has moved next door, no one believes him, the vampire comes after him, his only hope is an old horror actor, etc. It's pretty predictable, right down to the whole thing about the boy's girlfriend bearing a striking resemblance to one of the vampire's old flames. So yes, in its own way, Fright Night is cheesy. At the same time, though, it is oh so much more than you would expect - an entertaining, somewhat creepy vampire film that features some great acting and some really impressive special effects. You expect to see really bad, noticeably cheap special effects in a film like this, but Fright Night hits a home run in this department. Look for scene stealing supporting performances from Lumi Cavozos and James Caan in this heist film about bumbling idiots that is sure to make you smile. Great Movie 1410 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Bob Newhart Show remains my favorite show of all time. It is witty, funny, and timeless. This is a wonderful ensemble show, with great comedic acting from the stars down to the walk-on characters. I have waited for years to see this show come out on DVD. I can't understand why it still has not been released in that format. 6955 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 ...Sorry to all the Capcom fans out there, but this movie goes into the vault of all the rest of the video-games-turned-movie[s]. ...The story takes a odd jump from a office building that is terminated by a unknown machine that kills all the employees, to a half-naked...er, whole-naked woman waking up in a bathtub in a weird mansion. Alice (Milla Jovovich) has amnesia from what just happened. Only seconds later, the mansion is attacked and bombarded by gung-ho S.W.A.T.-like marines with roughneck attitudes...(yawn)! Alice is taken captive, were there she is revealed to be a member of the squad...but she doesn't remember. Alice meets a mysterious cop (Eric Mabius) and a charming nobody (James Purefoy) that later turns out to be a charming jerk-off...or is that a jerk-off nobody? The Marines and the 3 are taken to a an underground lab, where the same inccident took place at the very beginning. The machine that killed the office employees is already planning to kill the marines...As for the basic plot? Well, when I mean "basic", I mean it was as if the writer just watched "Aliens" or "Night of the Living Dead", took out his laptop computer and started writing a remake of the movie he had just watched and titled it "Resident Evil"...because he just saw a commercial for some game called "Resident Evil"... Clairee, a recently widowed woman, played by Olympia Dukakis is the only person that truly understand Ouiser... and the give and take of these women is so endearing and captivating, that we soon find ourselves enchanted by this movie. 31 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 More of a 'modern' version of the classic. I didn't think I'd be impressed when my parents took this out but I gave it a try and have to say...what a great adaptation. The cast was great, Winkler was exceptional. I was very happy to see this on Amazon and happened to catch it when the price went way down so I snapped it up. Great timeless classic...and Winkler really surprised me with his portrayal. 4527 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Demi gave an awesome performance! Very good story. learned about the alternate endings. That kind of helped me understand the movie better as I wasn't the only one 3031 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Unlike fine wine, Easy Rider has not aged well. This drug-fueled 1969 effort was hugely disappointing, which is saying something, given my well-known appreciation for New Hollywood cinema. Fonda and Hopper are weak sauce as leads. I was reminded of James Taylor and Dennis Wilson from Two Lane Blacktop, but at least they were singers, not actors. All in all, a pretty good movie with a bit of techno-sci-fi-thriller. 4918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 preety good 2444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "No Mercy". A movie written and directed with an A excellence for Action, Suspense, and Romance and casted perfectly. Almost reminded me of Denzel Washingtons, "The Equalizer" but that was on another level, of course. I had to give this 5 stars, because 4 would be too critical for minor defects if any and too critical of minor details in the movie. The only thing I was surprised with, is that Richard Gere dyed his hair brown for the part ? No a "Mr Jones" it was not, that was out of part for Richard Gere's parts in movies he takes, but it was great. The Beautiful Kim Basinger showed B+ acting and Richard Gere the Hero. If you want to see that kind of movie, Watch "No Mercy" ! 7505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it - thanks If you haven't seen this classic and timeless film, please take the time to do so. It is an experience that you will never forget. 1317 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was browsing....and guess what I found!!!! Season 5 and Season 6 are being released 02/15!!!!! They are here at Amazon for preorder, and at Shoutfactory. yet this movie stated that it was okay for her to have sex with him...because he "wasn't really her patient." well, for starters, it's equally BAD THERAPY for her to have sex with...a patient's brother...but the fact is, she was treating him LIKE a patient, giving him real sessions and asking him personal questions about himself. in short, he WAS her patient, and there's no excuse for what she did...it violates all boundaries: professional, personal and emotional. 4327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perhaps the most misunderstood movie released in the 1990s, The Last Action Hero is 130 minutes of tongue-in-cheek laughs at action adventures. This is also the movie that exposed the severe limits of Nick Nolte's acting abilities. The only thing worse than his laughably fake and inaccurate southern accent is his "performance", which is nothing more than a lesson in how to overact. He somehow managed to take the Tom Wingo character from the novel and turn him into a completely unsympathetic jerk. Do you seek the thrill of quest? Doest thou enjoy the tales of the round table? Do you want to see a dramatic interpretation of the King Arthur tales? (well this probably is not the movie for that) After having watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail , I thought it only fair to review it! 3311 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this movie over 10 times and I enjoy it every time I watch it. Julia Roberts, Sally Field, Dolly Partin, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley McClain, and Daryl Hannah give stellar perfomances. It is not a fast-paced, full of action movie, but a slower, interesting movie about the lives of six Southern women. 2358 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Britain, circa 1997. Tony Blair is elected P.M. Princess Di perishes. And the Spice Girls are unleashed to an unsuspecting public. This effort is an attempt to cash in on the phenomenon before a fickle populace turns their attention to the next best thing. To be fair, the girls are not to blame for what a tedious flick this is. Rather, they are appealing and prove to be the film's lone redeeming factor. The fault lies in the script that tries to do for the Spice Girls what "A Hard Days' Night" did for the Beatles. Whereas the Fab Four's film was full of wit and cogent commentary on Beatlemania this flick is unfunny and basically incoherent about what it's trying to say about the Spice craze. I was reminded more of the Monkees' "Head" than I was of "A Hard Days' Night". Lots of celeb cameos (Roger Moore, Elton John, et al) that amount to naught. Oh, well. On to "From Justin to Kelly". Have yourself a good scare and watch this film. The correct answer is: "Yes." Michelle plays Beth Cappadora who heads to her high school reunion with her kids only to have her youngest child abducted. We're taken into the whole gritty scenario of what would you do if this happened to you? How would you react if your child is missing for 15 minutes and then two hours later and no sign of him and the police are there. You would be a mess! How would you be each day thereafter with no sign of him. Imagine it. Nine years goes by and the kid is more grown up and shows up at her front door to mow her lawn. He matches the description of the projected images that the FBI made him out to look as he got older. I won't tell you what happens, but you get the drift of the turmoil this poor family goes through. Michelle falls into the rabbit hole of emotions giving us some of her most brilliant acting work on screen. The movie is tragic and even more tragic that it wasn't more seen. I personally enjoyed it and found it to be a nice dramatic family film. 2340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 God, i remember growing up with the spice girls when i was much younger. I hadn't listened to their music in a while, and probably hadn't watched the movie in years. It was so great to be able to purchase it (this time on DVD) and relive my childhood. I would definitely recommend this to a friend. A lot of people complain about the plot, and it isn't the best, but if you loved the spice girls you'd love the movie. It's just too bad they had to break up. The spice girls' legacy lives on. 1799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very well acted and the action was above average. Was better than the regular TV fair. Not sure of all the historical accuracy but movie flowed well and seemed well acted. Always been a fan of Jeff Daniels so maybe a little biased. 9475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ...but found it a bit hard to follow. If you can ignore the numerous plot holes and inconsistent logics, 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse' has serious problems with it. As I said, the fighting sections, which should be the biggest feature of the film, suffer heavily from the inept editing that use too many fast cuts and slanted camera. Milla Jovovich, physically fit, is fine as the fighting heroine, but the camera fails to capture the essence of her, which was so eloquently shown in 'The Fifth Element.' without editing and no separating, which i think is very pathetic it shows Twilight time were being lazy 6. The Creature 6091 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 As far as action flicks go, this one is decent. It isn't anything spectacular, but it has ample amounts of blood and guts (the cube scene alone is a highlight) and some adrenaline pumping music to make the `zombie killing' entertaining. In the end the film comes off feeling rather cheap, but it isn't a complete disaster. 9620 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie seemed to go out of its way to create gaping plot holes and devices that add little to whatever point this movie attempted to meander to. The viewer is left with simply accepting certain thing that have no reason to add up, except they do-in the minds of whoever wrote this tripe. A stunning performance by Brad Davis & his determination along with the struggle within was as good as it gets. He had to fight or fall down & live in the hell he put upon himself! It has a well deserved ending & he lived to tell his story & this movie was about his experience. 8268 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a very nice box set of the complete Rumpole of the Bailey series. Each episode is prefaced with a short introduction by John Mortimer, which is a nice addition. The series' only deficit is the lack of subtitles option. Very highly recommended for the history lovers. Critic Wesley Morris said, "And judging from her(Jill) chest holster and that miniskirt-tank-top-knee-high-boots combo, I'd say somebody's been raiding Lara Croft's tomb." I thought that little combo looked alot like the same clothes Jill wore in the game. That's just my opinion. 5450 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've loved this movie since I was a youngin. It has a lot of cheesy jokes, and cheesy effects, but its still a good movie. Not the best movie ever, but def. worth the watch. Much better then the remake, I think. 7899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best film I have seen in a long time. The interwoven stories of all the cast makes you wish it would never end. 7728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a film I love to watch during the cold months of the year. It is so beautifully filmed by Robert Redford that you can almost feel the sunlight, hear the flies buzzing around you and sense of the cold water of a mountain stream. The casting was also excellent for this film, though Norman's wife, Jessie, is played a bit too inaccessible by Emily Lloyd. The supporting cast was well-played, actor Tom Skeritt is wonderful, as usual, playing the preacher father and Brenda Blethyn is reliably strong as Mrs. Maclean. Brad Pitt is luminous and exudes the beauty of the popular and youthful brother, Paul, whose end is tragic. Craig Sheffer's character, Norman, is the center of the story and he tells it well. I had read the book after I saw the film, years ago, and wasn't a fan of the writing style in the telling of this true story, but the film stayed with me so I wanted to see it in Blu-Ray. It's still haunting. The movie starts out with King Arthur (Graham Chapman) and his loyal servant Patsy (Terry Gilliam) galloping...wait, is Patsy clapping two coconuts together to symbolize a horse running? Wacky! Then they encounter a man above in a castle who won't let them past because he doesn't understand where they got the coconuts. Then a man collecting bodies (Eric Idle) during the Black Plague is swindled by another man (John Cleese) to kill a perfectly healthy old man because he'll be dead soon anyway. Need I go on? Okay, Arthur bickers with a 37-year-old beggar named Dennis, who he mistakes for a beggar woman, and he encounters the Black Knight (Cleese again), who even with no legs and arms, never gives up ("I'll bite your legs off!"). Arthur recruits Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones, also directing), who is in a heated argument about whether or not a woman (Connie Booth) is a witch and suggests weighing her against a duck (don't ask). "Easy Rider" was also a first. Being an independent film created less than $400,000 and making millions. Jack Nicholson who was planning to quit from acting, was made a bonafide star thanks in part to this film and of course, ushering the new era of Hollywood and received the distinction of being in the American Film Institute's "Top 100 Films of All Time" (at #88) and Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild" at #29 for "Top 100 Songs of All Time". 4372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An enjoyable Christmas Movie that involves a few different muppet worlds that are a part of the Henson reality. Overall a missed opportunity. I give the movie 1 star because Milla Jovovich has a nice body :P Audio Commentary #3: Writer/Producer Paul W.B. Anderson and Producer Jeremy Bolt. 32 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! A small note: You may want to check out the Veggie Tales ep "Josh and the Big Wall," in which a respectful (yet kooky!) homage is paid to this film! I think one of the reason why I like this movie is because I can identify with the three actors and I like how hip this movie really is. 8809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hard Times could be a post-Noir color (albeit muted) addition to the Noir genre. Set in New Orleans (mainly) in the Depression this film evokes a somber, yet spirited picture of three men, a fighter, a con-man and a poet doing what needs to be done to stay alive during hard times. Charles Bronson as "Chaney" is pure Bronson (strong, silent, sensitive); exquisitely complimented by James Coburn the appealingly sleazy gambler, "Speed", and Strother Martin as the dreamy but incisive opium addicted medic "Poe". All-around this is a visual rich, moody film, not contradictorily filled with action. 9450 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Out of all the movies I have ever seen, this must be the funniest out there! It has an actual plot, and although it's corny, that gives it half the flavor! I mean come on- a lady banging a cat against a wall for no apparent reason? The swallow discussion? All those 'not quite dead people'? This isn't just a guy movie -Hey- I'm a girl- This is a movie for anyone with a sense of humor! You will find yourself memorizing quotes like no other! This is a very unique flick, scenes that are just crazy enough to work! I think it should've been rated PG-13 though! 5943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 oh Billy... Special Feature: Isolated Score Track: Presented in mono via a splendid sounding 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio mix. (Some online sites reported the isolated score as being released here in stereo, but I've confirmed with Twilight Time, and my own ears, that this is in mono.) 8016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A strangley realistic seeming film because it involves homeless and poor people and psychology yet includes the wondrous element of hope. Great flick. 3086 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. Best yet. Have always loved movies and music. This is the best! The simplicity, the scenery, the topical references (like the parade in the small town; the hippie commune), the strange drug-spirituality in New Orleans, the violence. I must agree with many of the other reviewers here in that this movie is definitely not for people who can ONLY find humor in the obvious slapstick/punch-line formula. I think all of Anderson's movies are in the "love `em or hate `em" category for this reason. The humor in this movie is understated, of course, and it lives within the idiosyncrasies of the characters. The way certain characters deliver their dialogue with their own unique brand of subtle comedy makes this movie what it is: a completely quotable riot for those "in the know" to relish on. Acting 7.5/10(Michelle Rocks!) 6066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jesus, this one got me thinking: don't run drugs out of Turkey. Period, the End. Is he just a great actor? Jamie may actually have some demons himself. 199 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 9593 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 boaring The great disservice this screenplay did was portray Joan as insane rather than having a gift from God. Only a few "miracles" were actually illustrated, such as Joan picking Charles out of a crowd. Jovovich's portrayal of Joan as a shuddering, twitching mental patient was simply unnerving, not at all enlightening. Historic reports indicated that Joan was not at all like the movie version -- quite the opposite in fact. 7389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Delightful!! Written by Paul W.S. Anderson. 4925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This freakin movie is one of the best movies out there period! I can't get enough of this kick ass movie! Everybody should go out and buy it! 6171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 __________________ 6651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like historical movies, such as Alexander and Kingdom of Heaven, you will fall in love with this one. Andrews Blu-ray Review: Alan Parker's Midnight Express is a tough, troubling, difficult picture. It's thoroughly unpleasant to watch, loaded as it is with brutal assaults and grisly torture and people losing their minds; it also includes some cringe-inducing xenophobic attitudes and dialogue (which screenwriter Oliver Stone later apologised for). It's structurally wobbly, and full of odd interludes. But you can't deny director Alan Parker's ability to work over an audience; his direction is tight and sometimes unbearably tense, and he manages to draw us in to a story with a serious shortage of sympathetic characters, primarily through the sheer brute force of his imagery. 2580 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies ever! 2247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the Summer of 1997, audiences were treated with another action film from Harrison Ford. During the 1990's, Ford has made quite a number of successful action films but his performance in "AIR FORCE ONE" was truly an example that this Hollywood veteran still had what it takes to be an action star. AUDIO AND VIDEO QUALITY: The Bob Newhart Show has always had quality issues on broadcast and video release as far back as I remember, and sadly this release is no exception. Over the years I've assumed that the transfers we've seen are taken from either second-generation prints, 16mm dupes, or analog-sharpened film-to-tape transfers. Other sitcoms shot on film in this era look better. If anybody has inside information on the condition of the original or edited film elements I'd love to know the story. So generally the contrast on most episodes it too high and harsh looking, there is a lot of grain, and most episodes are pretty de-saturated and the color temperature is too magenta in my opinion. Sound is also a bit harsh and thin in most episodes. My guess is that Shout has used the best original material available, and I have certainly never seen this series look or sound better than it does in this DVD set. So it's just decent, and probably limited to being so just by the nature of the source material. Thumbs up!! We are heading in that direction with media leading the way by focusing on plastic surgery, hair transplants, laser eye surgery, liposuction and every type of diet concoction and program with all of its side effects. 8380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Carol Burnett really steals the show as a crazy drunk who runs an orphanage! This wacky lush tries to bed every man she comes in contact with & it is hilarious! The lil girl playing Annie is ugly, but it is cool that Lex Luthor adopts her and the mangy mutt. High Anxiety- English DTS HD Master Audio 5.1, English Stereo, French Dolby Digital 5.1, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1, Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1 9832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be one of the most pleasing, thought provoking and beautifully made science fiction films of the decade. The movie is briliantly acted out, well crafted and will leave the viewer affected by its charm and dignity. William Ragsdale stars as Charley Brewster, a normal guy who spends some spare time trying to get his girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse) to put out. Unbeknownst to Charlie, his new next door neighbor is a vampire (Chris Sarandon). As the vampire - Jerry - closes in on his mom, Charley realizes he must stop the vampire at once. But that's not so easy. With the help of Amy, his friend Ed (hilarious Stephen Geoffreys), and creature feature host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell), he begins his attempt to rid of the creature of the night. Too bad the movie doesn't keep its focus on the children more. 3331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 EVERY bit as dazzling (AND moving) today as it was for those who saw it back in 1978; just wish Spielberg would write MORE SCREENPLAYS, since he's ever bit as terrific doing THAT as he is DIRECTING. A+++++ My wife would not agree. Maybe it's a guy-thing. I was just a young kid when I first saw "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," and I really didn't have a clue what was going on during the surburban angst sequences. But oh how I loved the finale, a special effects-choked extravaganza which became one of the most famous scenes in cinema history. The film's seemingly endless buildup had some kind of payoff, and director Steven Spielberg's career was set for life (well, he did follow this film with "1941"). 6694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny thing is, this movie manages to be very entertaining and well made, despite being absolutely nothing like the videogame series it was based on. Oh sure, you've got some famous monsters from the game. There are zombies and for a few scenes some lickers, but the suspense and claustrophobia the game was famous for gets thrown away in favor of violent action. The eerie fixed camera angles from the game are ditched. The bloody hallways, and creepy silence is lost, and instead we get a futuristic science lab type building. 8480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bronson and Coburn were great. 6084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 replacing VHS movies and this was one of them. Besides Wal-Mart was a little pricey for an older movie I think. 4468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I know I would get in the global critics good books if I said I Still Know What You Did Last Summer was a stupid piece of trite, but unfortunately I can't deny my own enjoyment of this film. I found it totally stupid but endlessly entertaining. If you go into I Still Know What You Did Last Summer expecting Scream; you'll come out vomiting. But if you watch it just looking for some silly slasher entertainment, you will no doubt enjoy it. The sets are beautiful, the camera tricks are worthy and the sound is extreme. I couldn't resist Jennifer Love's jublees and her acting is also good in this movie. A lot of the time the characters mouths move when they aren't even saying anything, which is a result of bad editing. The final reel is totally silly. But the clever death scenes and the characters actually caring about what happens to each other is a change from the usual horror films. It would have been better if Kevin Williamson had been involved, but I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is still watchable enough to pass an hour and a half. Two words sum up this movie: guilty pleasure. 148 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It started out promising, but it began to drag on and on focusing on too much irrelevant history. Some continuity gaffes create unintentional hilarity. For example, when Jesus dips his head in the water for a total-immersion baptism, his hair never seems to get wet. (This is a miracle we haven't read about, folks.) 510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This account of the Joseph story is as good as it gets! I teach ancient history and civilizations, and have an earned doctorate in theology. I say this only to lend perspective to this review. 70 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good. The best thing Henry Winkler EVER did. - Galleries 2037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Great movie! Highly recommended. #Audio commentary with director Highly recommended for people who want to know how a President is suppose to be and for fans of Harrison Ford. 8436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Highly recommended Finally, Pal Joey is it seems to me another superb example of the old studio system firing on all cylinders and the whole package of music design, art direction, costuming, choreography, and film editing, plus many Oscar-nominated for Pal Joey and all functioning seamlessly. With an incredible star package headed by Frank Sinatra on the screen, it is terrific entertainment that's hard to beat, especially for all you "young 'uns" out there who are only familiar with Rodgers and Hammerstein; you have a veritable universe of fantastic music to discover in the pairing of Rodgers and Hart. There's no finer film to start than this beautiful colourful musical. Frank Sinatra could have easily pulled off a less likable character. But this 1957 musical is brash, well-staged, and features three big "movie star" performances from Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak. With good quality video and audio, and a really appealing, if sadly a short documentary, this release comes with highest praise indeed. So all in all, I am proud and honoured to have this in my classic musical film in my Blu-ray Collection. Highly Recommended! 2145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funky costumes and sassy girl power - need I say more? :) 5664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 liked the move 1220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT like a moot point to those that love this film but it's a legitimate point. Spielberg doesnt ridicule the issue, doesnt attempt to offer some laughable debunking, doesnt dismiss it, but instead takes it full-on with the seriousness it demands. It is not often run on TV, and it is a must have for my small collection. 5859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Steve's best rolls. 568 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As long as you know BEFORE you buy it that "Frosty Returns" is not the sequel to "Frosty the Snowman", you can see it without complaint. It is a different story, and has nothing to do with the original Frosty TV Special. First of all it is made by a different studio, with different animators, directors, and voices. The director is Bill Melendez, who directed all of the Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Peanuts specials, so it looks like a Peanuts cartoon. Made in 1992. The voice acting features Jonathon Winters, and it has John Goodman as Frosty. The songs are original and pretty fun. The plot is centered on the folks in town that want clean streets in winter by getting all the snow removed. The kids and Frosty are in a panic and fight back or else they will lose all their snow fun - and snow men. If you approach this show knowing it is not the sequel and is from the team that made the Peanuts shows, you will be OK. 6935 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My daughter loved it. Even has the actress grown up and giving acting lessons. 2666 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Like others have said, I've heard a lot about this movie but have never seen it. Well, it was on cable last night and I couldn't make it past the first 35 minutes - quite possibly the worst 'movie' that I've ever seen. 7681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I found this film to be of quality and the story line very interesting, I would recommend this to anyone who appreciates films that are of quality, because there is so little of that in today's films. 3063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dennis Hopper's recent passing was the final straw in a decades-old interest in seeing this film. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was blown away by this film. We all know the story - a couple of hippie bikers ride out on a west-to-east cross-country tour to retire in Florida after a lucrative drug deal. Along the way, they run into about every permutation of hippie life in the 1960s - commune livers, idealist back-to-earthers, heavy druggers, free-lovers and the like. And they also run into a not-so-nice slice of "regular" America as well. Racists, hippy-haters, long-hair loathers, corrupt cops, prostitutes and swamp dwellers round out what passes for normal in the movie's vision of America. ending. The Best part of this DVD set is that it pleases everyone. It has the original, complete with restored original 1977 end credits ( for the first time, The Special Edition, and the collector's edition and loads of special features including the extended teaser trailer for the first film, the trailer for the second and the advertising trailer for this ultimate colection edition. The sound is presented in 5.1 Dolby and DTS format on all 3 discs. If you have the right stereo equipment, you could play the original in its original stereo sound format...but why. I'm all for nostalgia but this is one of those movies where you need to have the subwoofer active, especially at the final scenes where the mother ship blows out the glass in the observation tower. The video quality is also superb. I can only imagine what this film sounds like and looks like on the BLU-RAY version also available and for about the same price as this set through online discount retailers. A must for any Spieleberg fan. When he manages to get the washed up and cowardly horror film actor who hosts his favorite show ("Fright Night"- the snippets shown of the fictional TV show are hilarious) involved things really start cracking...and it's about time, because Dandridge is intent on winning the popularity contest; he tranforms buddy Evil into his minion, and next on the list is girlfriend Amy. It's up to bumbling Charlie and his Hollywood buddy to save the day...and it's no easy task given that no one under Dandridge's spell wants to be saved... Most Romantic Lines: Sorry, they are too lengthy to retype here. You will know them when you hear them, trust me. And remember that you too can "Earn more sessions by sleeving." I thought back to all the films and TV shows that came out around the same time; "Star Wars", "Silent Running", "Tron", "The Black Hole", "Logan's Run", "Space:1999", "Battlestar Galactica", "Buck Rogers". Heck, for that matter, even "Damnation Alley", and "The Cat From Outer Space"! Whether you liked any of these projects or not, all of them were highly original and different, unlike the tripe being force-fed to fandom today. 7876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it was ok and on time film in theaters) I think 1:66 is actually correct. 4183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie This was a great movie from director Martin Scorsese. This was the first time I ever saw this movie and I was very impressed with how well Scorsese handled it. Robert De Niro gave one of the best performances of his career in this film and it's definitely worth seeing just for that. Jodie Foster was great in her supporting role, even if her character is so controversial (she's a child prostitute). All of Scorsese's films have this certain controlled madness to them. I think you can see it in this movie most of all, but it's also very apparent in his most recent film, The Aviator. He's so good at dealing with psychological disorders in his characters. Although I was disappointed with the ending (it lacked oomph, in my opinion, for how much build-up this movie had), I still thought this was a great movie. 7521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Marvelous, just marvelous. Worth every penny of it. I am buying all of the old Robert Redford films. I am enjoying them all. Spoken language options: English, French, Spanish. Subtitle option: English 7593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Entertaining story of photographer Faye Dunaway as the title character, a photographer of models getting bumped off, who has visions of their murders as they happen. Shocking climactic ending! Chilling! It is a time in which the messianic Joan la Pucelle, later known to history and fate as Joan of Arc (played in wide-eyed wonder by the gorgeous Milla Jovovich), emerged, born into an ensanguined world and bearing the word of God Himself on her lips to the future King of France, the hapless Dauphin Charles. 5004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wes Anderson's "Bottle Rocket" is a hilarious nonadventure starring Owen Wilson (Dignan) and Luke Wilson (Anthony Adams). The spirit of the movie is really it's..lack of spirit. Dignan is a lot like Don Quixote lacking any Sancho Panza: a wannabee criminal with very little going for him, he believes himself to be a leader and unfortunately is, in a way. A leader of two other guys (Anthony and Bob) who are as desperate and lost as he is. 4646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Always a fun movie to watch...classic 80's 3. Fans are being unfairly faulted for "jumping the gun" , and purchasing the first 4 seasons as they were offered. We believed that the studio would act in good faith , and , in time, release all 6 seasons. They didn't. Had we not purchased the seasons when they were initially offered, further releases would have been concelled in any event. Drugs, cash, girls -- an endless highway 1761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie I do enjoy my History stories lol What makes the film so bloody funny is the complete lack of respect that it shows to Arthurian legend and medieval folklore. Both Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones (the dementedly brilliant directors and co-stars) are quite familiar with medieval history and delight in lampooning it at every turn. The dialogue is perfectly ridiculous and that's precisely what makes it so entertaining. 2242 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I should start out by confessing how I've always been partial to Posh Spice Victoria Beckham ( Adams back then). 4542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great classic fantasy, spiritual, scary flick. Definitely dated, but still very enjoyable. Should you have the chance, check this one out! The film's obviously a low-budget affair, but the actors and screenwriters seemed aware of this and worked it to their advantage as much as possible. Rather than ignore the fact that they couldn't afford horses, they play it up as much as possible, even pointing out that they're substituting a servant banging coconuts together for a proper horse... and making the coconuts a running joke throughout the film. This actually adds to the surreal, screwball feel of the movie, rather than dragging it down. 1859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie twinkling starfields are all there in their digital glory. 2564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great condition 2877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. ... 8342 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 2-year old grandson loves this movie! 8884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best of the best! The Sound is excellent, as the flawless lossless 5.1 audio will give all your speakers quite a bit of attention; the dialogue is crisp, articulate, clean and very pleasing. I was able to make out every spoken word without any complications. You will truly appreciate the opening-firing scene at the headquarters in Kazakhstan when general Rodek is captured. Moreover, AK-47's, Mp5 and Mp5k's fire and pierce with unbelievable force and dominance, but that's not even the bread and butter here folks. The automatic sub-machine guns truly immerse you in its breath taking firepower during the first plane shootout when the terrorists kill the majority of the President's staff on board. Listen carefully to the bullets ricocheting off metal stairs or penetrating through bathroom doors. I fully appreciated the gunfire sounds in the bag storage area where President Marshall hides; it is quite impressive and mesmerizing actually. One will also quickly observe how much attention is given to the sub-woofer and rear channel speakers during the exterior night shots of the plane in fight; engines will roar loudly and thoroughly producing a strong vibration in any floor of your house. As a result, this creates a very strong acoustical sound range leading the front channel speakers and gradually dissolving to the rear. The introduction of the F-16 fighter jets following Air Force One leaves no speaker unscathed; the incessant accelerating engine power might cause one to grip on to their seats. (Well, at lease for me it did) These types of aerial vehicular sounds are nicely calculated in between scenes of dialogue and dominate the last half-hour of the film. Even though I have never seen this film on standard dvd I feel it is appropriate and safe to say that this is a serious upgrade for home theater fans. Although I wouldn't say this is an outstanding Blu-Ray film, I will say it is a solid one because it delights and pleases wherever possible. In that regard, it is worth the purchase. 386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This item is what I ordered and I am a very satisfied customer 3883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Idle Hands" is an Infinitely Enjoyable film. It tries to make it's audience Laugh more than Scream, and it Achieves it's Goal. 149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie. It's a twist on a classic of scrooge. 3146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie filled with tears and tons of laughter! I've always loved this flick since I first saw it in the theater. Yes, it's a chick-flick but it's a good movie for all. 8308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the all-time great British series and one of the best ever courtroom series is Rumpole of the Bailey. These films are wonderful productions full of interesting characters, humorous situations and compelling stories. If you like the John Mortimer books--and if you haven't read any, you should immediately--you will greatly enjoy all of the films. Each episode is introduced by Mortimer, who gives us plenty of insight into how the particular story came to be. The late Leo McKern came to embody Rumpole; it's impossible to even imagine another actor who could begin to approach McKern in the role. 1279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman and Academy Award winner Sir Sean Connery star in this big-screen adaptation of the popular 1960's television series which starred Honor Blackman, Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg. Unfortunately, a lot of scenes which were in the trailer were deleted from the film after what are rumored to be terrible test screenings, and in the end, we wind up with what looks like an action movie trailer for the real thing (please excuse me for using Ridley Scott's descrption of his own film "Kingdom Of Heaven" when talking about the Director's Cut). The original length of the movie is rumored to run aywhere from 115 minutes to 2/1/2 hours. Frankly, I LOVED the movie, but am left feeling cheated because the Director's Cut has not been released. Warner Bros. should plan to release it, as there is a fan base, however small, for this movie. Also, there's a narrative error caused by the editing down to 86-89 minutes-SPOILER AHEAD!!!-when infiltrating Sir August De Wynter's lair, how did the real Doctor Peel know the code words ("How now, brown cow?") to get into the lair with John Steed, as the line is not heard in the film prior to the scene?-SPOILER OVER!!! I enjoyed the acting of everyone involved, but felt that Sean Connery was underused (and, judging by the trailer and information on another site, most of his scenes ended up on the cutting room floor). SPOILER ALERT!!! Patrick Macnee's cameo was good. I guess the reason he chose not to appear on screen (and why Ms. Rigg turned down a cameo in the film) is because they didn't want the cameos to distract the audience from the plot of the movie. It also would have been nice to see Honor Blackman, another Bond Girl, appear in the film as well. Trivia: Patrick Macnee also appeared in a Bond film: "A View To A Kill." PLEASE, somebody contact Warner Bros. & urge them to release the Director's Cut of this movie and the Director's Cut of The special effects alone, make up for any monotony in the story-line. There are several shots that reminded me of "The Matrix" and "Swordfish." The living dead dogs were very realistic looking and the zombies makeup and costume design was very good. Milla Jovovich was absolutely beautiful in her role and her supporting cast was very well chosen, although without a lot of star appearances. I couldn't understand why so many critics and audiences hated this. Naturally I was upset when it bombed in the theatre. It was the most origonal film to come along in quite some time. I mean, really, who hasn't fantasized about being able to actually go into the world of their favorite movie or T.V. show and interact with the characters? Thankfully I see most people on Amazon have given this between four and five stars, so I'm not alone. I loved the action, the humor, (which is basically making fun of typical action films and just how absurd they are, even the ones that are meant to be taken seriously) and the one-liners. 8668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is pretty good, not overloaded with moral lessons, just good examples of how to be nice, and not be greedy. Do not watch it with someone attached to a blanket though, it could be a little stressful! 9267 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Yes,we all know that the film itself is the "Sgt. Pepper"of their career.( I say that with all affection ). We further know that the 2 Disc. Set is the best version ever released! ( Even if it doesn't have the full Japanese soundtrack like the original Critereon version...SHHH! ) 478 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Joseph is amazing story to read and watch. A person with the lord's help goes through trail. goes from a lowely shepard boy to the second highest person in Egypt. they just won't do a thing about it. Some people are angry because one blu ray isn't the 'ulimate edition' but that's a problem when you order, as there is a ultimate edition blu ray , it's three versions of this classic movie! and they look great! That's alot of movie for the now lower prices of the blu ray package. THere is another version of this with one movie on blu so YOU have to ask your seller what version you are ordering. As for this one It's a great movie with a cool blu ray set up and that's enough for any fan of this movie. THis is a great transfer of this movie and it's grainy but that's the way it was shot. So if you want this on blu ray then get it and remember to ask what version you are getting the ultimate is three versions of the movie and the other is one. Whuh? Oh, this isn't a review, huh? Well, basically, if you don't own this movie, you hate laughing. No, I'm serious. DUN DUN, DUN DA DUN DUN DUN DUN- Sorry, I get carried away, sorry! 8471 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 178 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i like it a lot Mental health issues abound for Anthony (Luke Wilson) and his buddy Dignan (Owen). In fact, Anthony has just been released from a voluntary psychiatric facility where he was resting after a nervous breakdown. Waiting for him in the bushes (literally) is Dignan, who believes Anthony is escaping from the psych ward instead via his own free will. All that being said. This is probably my favorite legal based show. Leo McKern excels as Rumpole. now again yes there are the stories and radios plays. but as McKern came first i still think of him as the origninal. the only Rumpole worth note. Rumpole is the selfproclaimed 'Old Baily Hack' who defends a wide assortment of clients. he never prosecutes, he never pleads guilty. he quotes Wordsworth, smokes small cigars, and he will never 'take silk' (ie become a judge.) He lives under the strict rule of "She Who Must Be Obeyed" ie his wife Hilda. His son Nick lives in America, the true 'brains of the family'. he resides at Number 3 Equity court. along side him are many other companions. George Frobisher, 'Uncle Tom', Phyllida Trant (the Portia of Chambers), the erstwhile Claud Eresken-Brown, and others. yet neither his house nor his chambers is his true home. his true home is the Old Baily. it is where he truely feels alive. yet even here he must face an array of tiresome judges. men such as Judge Bullingham 'The Mad Bull', Justice Graves, Justice Oliver Oliphant, and others. still Rumpole carries on in his own fashion. 2081 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another fannytastic drama with the very great actor, Harrison Ford. There is one flaw right up front; the terrorists who came on board with the President would have never passed security; in fact, what happens at the beginning would never happen in reality. All these unknown men about nine of em just get onboard Air Force One, and it is not clear why security failed to apprehend any of them. This is glossed over fast. I think it's another great H. Ford movie nonetheless. 8917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son lives watching elmo and at times I catch myself watching it and liking it too. It reminds me of bring a kid watching sesame street. I disagree with another reviewer who felt the transfer was bad. I feel the picture is very sharp, way sharper than any way I have seen this in the past. For example, in prior versions early in the movie when the alien ships turn their lights out, you could only "see" the ship moving among the stars by seeing some brighter stars wink out, now you can see all the stars and the "shadow" of the ship has substance. The discs sound great as well. 8116 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my hero love it 6729 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 You know I have heard a lot of people love this movie, but when I watched it I was utterly dissapointed. I have played every Resident Evil game that has came out and I loved every single one of them. One of the things I liked about the game was the well developed plot. This movie does a horrible thing to that plot. First the movie is about a a virus that allows the dead to come to life as zombies that wander lifelessly feeding off human flesh. First the mansion would have been better left off the movie entirly it served no purpose other than to give us a few glimpses. Whatever they did to the police teams was atrocious and it still leaves me confused. The movie throws you into a situation where the police are holding people hostage during a raid on the house. I must say the only thing this movie has going for it is the excellent special effects, but they do not make up for the mutilated and awkward plot that was created. 3915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steven Spielberg's original masterpiece analyzed the UFO phenomenon and produced an emotional meeting between humans and aliens. But that is the original version not the sanitized special edition. If Steven Spielberg is such a great filmmaker, than why did he recut the original? He destroyed the emotional ending by inserting Richard Dreyfuss hyperventilating as he enters the mothership. And he suspiciously removed the scene which accused the government of covering up their knowledge of UFO's and how people are looked upon as crazy for their beliefs. So, Mr. Spielberg continues to censor his original masterpiece. Why? I have rated the original. Please search it out. Incredible photography, fantastic performances, and dramatic special effects combine with Steven Spielberg's pastiche of UFO events to create one of the finest science fiction films of our time. Demi's husband (Michael Biehn) often thinks Demi's crazy whenever she tries to explain Jurgen is trying to destroy her baby and/or the world. She discovers many notes that lead her to think bad events are coming for everyone because sudden earthquakes and damaging hail storms start occurring out of nowhere. 5408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Campy classic, now almost thirty years old. I loved it then and I still love it now. Real makeup and special effects long before CGI. Great story, if predictable. Roddy McDowell is at his best. Chris Sarandon plays the evil-undead to a tee. Far, far superior to the recent remake (which was a hatchet job without thought). The only negative is that my youngest daughter thought it was amusing...and not scary or thought-provoking! 5. 3 Feature/Episode commentaries by director Alexander Witt,produvers Paul W.S. Anderson,Robert Kulzer,and Jeremy Bolt,actors Oded Fehr,Milla Jovovich,and Sienna Guillory. Perhaps the most powerful aspect of the film is Jeff Daniels' portrayal of George Washington, during which he once again showed his versatile thespian abilities. I cannot think of another contemporary actor who could have played the part more believably. Be assured, the casting organization that selected the rest of the actors did a wonderful job. While some of these are not prominent actors, their selections to those parts, and their deliveries of same were superior. 558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I they were selling this movie at my church when a special guest came one Sunday. I bought this movie and I have to agree that this is the best movie I have ever seen on the life, death and resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. I haven't seen "the Passion" yet, I plan to very soon and I have high hopes for the film, but this one is equally as good. 9601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. Looks great despite how old it is. Acting was superb, and the story was inspirational. Two thumbs up! 9786 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Aside from having a lot of famous actors in this movie, there wasn't any reason to enjoy the storyline. Wouldn't watch it again; had it on in the background while working on a project. 8068 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a movie that has that rare ability to make a you think and entertain you simultaneously. Like when Robin Williams tells the wonderfully touching story of the Fisher King, he and Jeff Bridges are lying naked in Central Park. It takes the issues it deals with seriously--but at the same time doesn't beat you over the head with its ideological agenda. The actors all perform extremely well--especially Jeff Bridges. In the scene(s) where he's stumbling around the city drunk and confused, his acting combined with Terry Gilliam's excellent camera work really capture the essence of what that feeling is like. So I'd definitely recommend stepping into the minds of the characters in this movie--the diversity of viewpoints and priorities that they each have is both thought-provoking and refreshing. 8875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched this movie when it was first introduce so many times. Had my first cable TV so it was repeated again and again. You might think that I would not want to see it again but I could watch it again. Monty Python did a good thing for comedy with this movie. I know that some people do not like the British humor but it is probably rooted in my British ancestors. For me good entertainment. 9428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a top notch, wacky, way out film. From the black knight, who goes on fighting even after both arms and a leg get cut off, and then calls it a draw when he loses his remaining leg claiming "it's only a flesh wound", to the killer white rabbit who bites off peoples heads...this is as far out there as they come. Some people just don't get it, my husband being one of them...he even fell asleep half way through. And so, to those people I have only one thing to say...."Ni!, Ni! NI, NI, NI, NI, NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII". 713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cute children's movie This DVD may be more instructive than any history book, to a young person wishing to learn more about the revolutionary war. So what's the answer? The answer's there and it's pretty clear, but don't expect me to hand-feed it to you. Seek and you will find. Jeff Daniels is very credible as the stern and determined Washington. The supporting cast is also quite good, especially Sebastian Roche as the tough-minded General John Glover from Massachusetts, now unfortunately largely forgotten in history, whose Marblehead fishermen rowed the Army across an ice-choked river. The production values and the attention to detail should easily satisfy most viewers. It would be hard not to be caught up in the drama of the situation. Recommended. 5596 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am now 20 and I saw this movie when I was pretty young. Whenever I went to visit my cousin, she would play the part of Amy coming down the stairs saying "What's the matter, Charlie? Don't you WANT me anymore???" And I would always be the sympathetic guy Charlie... This movie has always been one of my faves.. I'm a big fan of the vampire movies anyways, liking 'The Lost Boys', 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (the tv show), 'Angel', 'Interview With a Vampire', etc... But this movie is not only horror, but it also has a great mix of comedy in it. When I saw the movie "Vamp", it was clear that both movies were trying to pull off the whole scary/funny thing but only "Fright Night" truly got it right. I highly recommend this movie! 5370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. Cult classic! On the other hand, the stagy blood splashing toward the end, and the lingering thereon, seemed a little cheap, as though Scorsese did not have complete faith in his production and thought a violence fix was needed to satisfy his audience. Also the fantasy ending in which the unlikely happens like a cartoon joke seemed a contrivance from someone not sure about the import of his movie. The scene in which Cybill Shepherd enters De Niro's empty cab, seemingly to entice him, plays at first like a fantasy, but after he deposits her on the curb, we know it is supposed to be real. Incidentally, the fact that he doesn't notice her until he sees her in his rearview mirror, although he walked up to the cab with her in it, suggests something hurriedly dreamed up during production as a quick commentary on what has gone before. Mysteries: Ethan Hawke Was At His Best In This Movie !! and by the way, even if it is a fantasy (a normal one) for people to want to seduce their therapists, it doesn't mean for ONE SECOND that it would be healthy IF THEIR THERAPISTS GIVE IN TO THEIR PATIENTS' WISHES! the whole point of therapy is that the therapist understands this...and keeps their boundaries, modeling healthy boundaries and limits. 9807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rated this movie very high for people who feel that society prejudges and under-estimates ones ability. Perseverance pays. And even as a testimony of how not to look a gift horse in the mouth when society over-estimates you. It is all about illusion. My only complaint is that a genetically inferior man would not overcome his genetics while drinking and smoking. He would have to hide a healthy diet and execercise regime since anyone who eats healthy in our society sticks out like a sore thumb. Struggling with putting up a facad by nibling on twinkies in public while eating collard greens at home would have been much more realistic. 2512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies I have ever seen! 3. Storyboarding Resident Evil Done in a Prison/Heist movie meets Documentary style, Woody Allen and his inspired cast take you for a hilarious ride through the underworld with one hilarious mishap after another coming at you at machine gun pace. Punctuated by a great Marvin Hamlisch score and the authoritative yet clipped over-serious narration of the late Jackson Beck underlining the most absurd and hilarious moments, this is one movie that you just cannot tear yourself away from or stop laughing at and with. 6271 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It seems that one cannot swing a dead cat without hitting a zombie these days. In this ultra-modern zombie flick, Milla Jovovich plays Alice and takes a train down the rabbit hole to battle human and dog zombies and an evil computer, the Red Queen (off with her head!). Solid story. 2322 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 On this derivative, by-the-numbers thriller we are forced to believe that an US president (played by Harrison Ford) could actually take down a russian (what else?) group of terrorists, as if he was 007 or McGyver. The beginning of the movie is somewhat credible, but soon presents us with one-dimensional characters and motivations, a lame and predictable plot and wooden, tepid acting. There are some twists, but they are so ridiculous and unbelievable that I stopped caring about it halfway through, given that the resolution has no surprises at all since the "good" guys always win. Despite some competent action sequences, this is brain-dead, mind-numbing material, cartoonish at best and completly disposable. There`s no force to be found here. Strictly a "two-hander", (Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune), the latter speaking only Japanese throughout...no subtitles. You have to rely on Marvin's dialogue, and Mifune's expression. Now this is not as hard as it may sound. The blu-ray transfer is good, both audio and visual--not the best I have ever seen, but perfectly funcational for this type of movie. If you already have the DVD, it is a judgment call about whether you should upgrade or not. If you really like this movie, then go for it. Otherwise, the DVD will work just fine. ....G. Outtakes (5 minutes) There was a lot of laughter on this set. 346 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really good movie 5462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this is one of my all time favorites. Chris Sarandon and the whole cast played their parts beautifully! I've seen every vampire movie made since the 70's and this one is top 5. The sound and picture quality are flawless, especially the DTS track, which resonates with the voices of the otherworldly. The documentary, culled from the laserdisc version, is excellent, and even better than a commentary. It offers insight into the making of one of the most important science fiction films ever made. And there's a particularly hilarious story Steve Spielberg tells about an orangutang on roller skates that must be heard to be believed. A true masterpiece. Dang, it even features a cameo by Tom Waits. We slowly learn, along with Lowenstein, about a severe and traumatic family history. Three children, of whom Tom is one, are spiritually imprisoned by an abusive father and a manipulative, ambitious mother. Their only comfort is in each other, which is expressed perfectly whenever their parents fight, by their escape underwater where they hold hands in a ring of love. In the present though, even this bond has been sundered. Tom's older brother is now dead and his sister has lived away from him in New York for many years. 7570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good story with a young Brad Pitt. Great scenery Robert Redford at his best.. Keeps your interest throughout the movie. The last scene seems tacked on for the happy ending needed for commercial success. Is it believable? It just goes to show that a good plot is needed for a good story. Highly recommended! 4860 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Just plain lame. Not funny. 7207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely awesome! This is how I felt about "Gen-XCops". A story about three rebellious generation-x cops hired toinfiltrate the underworld. I recall several director's discussing about the current situation of HK films and how there is not enough originality and they tend to copy or redo something that was popular on many other films. 3670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is Steven Spielberg's 1977 blockbuster that examines how a man's life is changed forever when he realizes through a series of unexplained events that other beings exist in the universe. Roy Neary, played by Richard Dreyfuss, is a happy family man when, one night, a spaceship flys over him in his truck. This leads him to investigate the incident, with him ultimately losing everything he has, including his family; his investigation becomes a compulsion that even he can't control. The movie was one of the biggest blockbusters of the 1970's and is the best film that explores aliens and the unknown. This beautiful 2 disc DVD set is loaded with extras including interviews with Dreyfuss and Spielberg, 11 deleted scenes, a making-of documentary, a 1977 featurette called "Watching The Skies", plus much more. Rona Barrett from ABC said the film is "brilliant and nothing short of a masterpiece". Faye Dunaway is "Laura Mars", a photographer of the unusual. Beautiful female models,in their sexy evening wear, posed in a fake scene of murder. 1127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We love this series and have watched it several times. It is great fun as well as an interesting look at turn of the Century Britain. Definitely Time well-wasted! 1385 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 all was good to see BTW: The featurette on the DVD (Remembering Steel Magnolias) with Robert Harling is terrific. Don't miss it. 7027 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If I could vote in the minus catagory this would be a -10. 6497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is excellent. The critics don't seem to like it much, but most people who have seen it say that it's awesome. If you liked the 1st Resident Evil, you will really enjoy this one. It has a lot more action and Milla Jovovich does a lot more fighting. You see, they did something to her, Alice. She hardly feels human anymore. 3739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember buying the CLV Criterion laserdisc back in the early '90s of the original release and was in awe at the detail. I later bought the ultimate director's cut LD (the same ultimate director's cut on this release) and was really disappointed at the low level of detail even though the sound was really good. I resisted buying the DVD because that I didn't want to buy it again while not being certain that the picture would be really great. LDs' sound have always put the sound on DVDs to shame. So I waited for a Superbit version of the film but it never came. When I saw that it would be released on Blu-ray I simply jumped at the change and pre-ordered it right away. Another Fact: This movie SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME SO BAD! And I don't scare easliy when it comes to horror movies. What makes this movie work is that you get to watch something happen that is improbable and that is something audiences can't get enough of (example: Independace Day , etc). Yes, there are some technical aspects of the story that you need to be willing to overlook, like terrorists walking onto Air Force One posing as journalists (yes, reporters really do fly on the plane, but they are "familiar faces" to the crew). 1491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 He is one of the best Mr Rochester's ever I watched this in my "Family Living & Parenthood" class senior year, and it was my first time seeing it. 7666 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a lovely tale. The ballet is gorgeous, performances amazing all the way around! In this sense, THE FISHER KING is like the dark underbelly of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Jack doesn't discover he's done good in the world, but realizes his own capacity for evil. He wants to atone, but he wants to do it the easy way. As he tearfully relates to his energetic and devoted lover (Mercedes Reuhl), "I wish I could just pay my ticket and go home." And he does try various means of atonement until at last he realizes he must give his all in order to find grace. Bridges is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. His acting in both STAR MAN and THE FISHER KING is amazing; he brings out just the right balance of humor and tragedy in his characters. Chris Sarandon puts on a marvelous performance as the Vampire, Jerry Dandrige. He is smooth, intelligent, aristocratic, has a sense of humor, & exudes loads of sexuality, like most great Vampires, male or female. There is an underlying aura of menace, to his demeanor, very subtle, but all the more powerful for it . He is a cat silently stalking it's prey, sleek, graceful, & lethal. It's something much more powerful. Speilberg recently said that he could not make this movie today, and it's easy to see why in the psychological breakdown of Neary and what this does to his family (especialy his children). Last year my VHS broke, so that's why I had to buy the dvd. I love this christmas special, the last past is the best, when everyone sits in the living room and sing christmas carols. It's truly beautiful. It too is enigmatic, not really telling you all that much about what happened next. 5560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) is your typical teenage boy. He lives with his mother and has a girlfriend, Amy (Amanda Bearse). His favorite TV show is Fright Night, which shows horror films hosted by faded film star Peter "The Great Vampire Killer" Vincent. 1699 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have yhis,"WW11 IN COLOR'" and"WW11 THE LOST COLOR ARCHIVES"from 6586 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you are unfamiliar with the incredible Resident Evil video games, watching this movie won't make you want to try them out. And if you're a fan them, like myself, you're going to be set up for extreme disappointment. 6040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Midnight Express - coming out in '78 - gave us a cinematic view into the Middle East that the three-network evening news at the time didn't provide. The clash of cultures and values in this movie really stood in contrast to the "malaise" period in America (as Jimmy Carter put it). The film became more relevant when it was on television a few years later during the Iranian hostage crisis, with the clash of cultures playing out in real life. The idea of hell being a "Turkish prison" was popularized with this movie. Also the idea that America's post 60's values had become trivial compared to a world much older than it's just celebrated bicentennial. I think Alan Parker really made his mark with his direction of this movie. I followed many of his later efforts on the strength of this film. It's both brutally real and hallucinatory at the same time. There's a feeling of relief at the end of this movie like no other "prison escape" movie. The film is also notable as being one of Oliver Stone's early efforts as a screenwriter. This new dvd effort should improve on the 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, which came out in the "early authored" dvd days of 1998. There are few more extras on this edition so it's a worthy upgrade and a definite must have if one is looking for a film that's an insight to the time, the cultures and even some perspective on where we are now. This movie has a lot of lighthearted and very comic moments, intertwined into a deeper story about finding your place in life. The relationship between Stevo and his dad is terrific, and I loved watching the scenes where Stevo railed on him for selling out from his hippie ideals. Stevo had a lot of hilarious and intelligent monologues in the movie, on what ideals are, what anarachy means and how fighting actually opposes anarchy, why UK punk music sucks, and what he plans to do with his life. if the cussing and taking the Lord's name in vane wasn't in there. I saw the musical on-stage at Goodspeed Opera House (in beautiful East Haddam, Ct.) a few years back in a revival that approximated the original Broadway show. The lead character - an aspiring dancer - wasn't particularly pleasant or sympathetic, using women as a tool to climb the ladder to success, making for a show that was atypical for its time. I haven't finished the game on Playstation, but I have heard that the movie is pretty true to the game. Great special effects plus a great plot plus a great cast makes this movie all worth while. 2710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie, Great Actors!!! Will the Spice Girls first show be a success? will they break up? Through a "handler", Vincent takes the genetic material of "Jerome" and in fact becomes Jerome. He sneaks in blood samples, straps urine bags to his leg and wears contacts as Jerome would. Jerome is genetically superior yet has no real drive or real dreams and though the genetic clock is in his favor, "always made second place." Jerome is locked in a wheelchair as the result of an attempted suicide and his only lot in life is to supply Vincent with enough blood and urine samples to maintain the pretense of Vincent being Jerome. Gattaca does daily genetic testing, so the deception must be perfect. Faye Dunaway is georgeous and mysterious looking as always. The sound on our new Yamaha 7 / 1 system was crystal clear and the picture quality superb! 2. Starkwell invites his girlfriend (played by Janet Margolin of "David and Lisa") to dinner but doesn't have the money. He breaks into several parking meters. When he tips the maitre'd, he dumps several dollars in change into his hand and all over the floor. Oded Fehr plays Carlos Oliveira, a mercenary from Umbrella Corporation private army - but being a simple soldier, he is completely unaware of all the evil plans of his bosses and in this film he actually is one of the good guys. Oded Fehr, who usually plays Bedouin holy warriors, demons from Hell or Arab terrorists, has of course all the necessary competence and physical attributes to make an awesome, legendary, bad@ss mercenary - but he is not really allowed in this film to do much. His character is just a subdued sidekick of Alice... I am glad to say I was wrong. There is a climatic scene at the end of the film when the duo reach New Orleans and celebrate Mardi Gras. They have a LSD drug trip and the camera tries to capture the "trip" experience. Again, the sequence is poorly filmed, poorly edited, and is far too long. The photographic special effects used are hopelessly antiquated and I am sure high school film students of today could surpass this effort. 767 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not a fan and I thought I would like this. The younger sister character was awful in this and I also wasn't impressed with the commercialism represented. I wouldn't bother with this one and wish I hadn't. Although Chaney is depicted as a likable, honorable, bold and compassionate person, his downfall is that he is unable to make long-term commitments, preferring to be "free" and mysterious. [SPOILER ALERT! -- THE REMAINDER OF THIS PARAGRAPH AND THE NEXT TWO] Because of this flaw he ultimately loses his beautiful girl to someone else. He then leaves New Orleans as mysteriously as he came, albeit now a streetfighting legend and carrying a lot of cash. RE Apocalypse accomplishes none of these things. If you're expecting a horror movie, what you get is a weird combination of the Kung-Fu and action genres. There's no character development, the plot is shallow and even Mila dropped the ball with her acting in this one. I give this 2 stars because the acting was very good, but the storyline is super choppy, cryptic, and unbalanced. It would have been better if more time had been spent on explaining the plot instead of long panoramas of the scenery. My rating takes its one star plunge when the DVD itself is analyzed. Most of the extras are just fine. The French students among us can listen to it dubbed or subbed in Francais. You can watch it in widescreen, and you can check out the filmographies of five members of the staff. It also contains a music video for "My Plague" by Slipknot. I wasn't interested in this video, but that's just because I'm not a fan of Slipknot. It's all about taste in that department. The trailer section, however, pulls my least favorite of tricks. Instead of offering the many different tv spots, teasers, and trailers, it offers you one trailer for "RE" and four more trailers of random other movies. But this is just a pet peeve. 4003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got this for my grandmother. No complaints from her so I assume it's fine. story in Resident Evil games. One thing the movie did very well in the beginning was to condense years of abuse by Jane's aunt and Mr. Brocklehurst into a few key horrific scenes that also point out the affection that Jane felt for her friend Helen, the few kind teachers and later her pupils. 8172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First the good stuff. It's really in widescreen like its theatrical release! The picture looks good for a catalogue title. Special features are lacking but it's an inexpensive disc. The digital copy is for ultraviolet and it's Standard definition which is too bad. Still, Life doesn't always make sense. 3390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie at a great price. 30th Anniversary Edition. High quality and a great addition to video library. *Sir Lancelot receives a desperate note from a castle, but is the person sending it what he expects? classic skits,brave black knight-only a scratch-brilliant. The ending left me seeing him as both crazy and sane. He was sane, he went crazy and he came back to sanity, or not, never completely. And so we all are (he is a cab-driver again, just one of the millions of people in New York). We never know what could break us. Ironically if we look with full sanely at the dark side we are most in danger. Anton Tobias' is a slacking high school stoner who has no motivation in life and gets through his problems with the simple use of weed and a bong. When his parents end up mysteriously dead a few days before Halloween, Anton becomes the prime suspect; although he has no recollection of ever committing such a heinous act. He enlists the aid of his two equally lazy friends; Pnub and Mick to help him track down the killer, but when he ends up killing them off, Anton realizes that his right hand has become possessed by the Devil . 4159 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received as expected in great condition. 1791 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 December 1776: The Revolution thus far, was a disaster. The choreagraphy looks good, but then again it's hard to not look like a bad ass when your opponent makes no attempt to defend himself. 7511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Classic Story about characters we love. A must have for any movie collector. 8819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ome of the best Elmo movies ever 7221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watched the movie to prepare for son's play This is a must have if you love drama on television. I am so jealous of someone who has never seen them before. But, enough of my tangential prattling; time for my review of the features & extras! This baby's broken down into your basic 2-disc special edition format. Disc 1 is the movie itself, along with not one, but two commentary tracks by our beloved chaps. The first one features co-directors Gilliam & Jones. Although he's from the U.S., it's fairly apparent that Gilliam's stay in the British Isles has affected his vocabulary & accent a bit. During his discussion about the people going to theatres to see MP&HG, he referred to the lines of moviegoers as a queue (I think that's how it's spelled... it's pronounced 'cue') of moviegoers. Both he and Jones discuss the highs & lows of producing & filming the movie, including the revelation that much of MP&HG was financed by members of Pink Floyd, the Beatles, and other British pop/rock groups. Then there's the other three surviving Pythons droning on and basically wigging out on the secondary commentary track. In "My Master, the Weakling" (Episode 66), Don Rickles plays physical trainer Commander "Killer" Kiski, who decides Tony and Roger (Billy Daily) are weaklings and need to be whipped into shape. However, Jeannie will only put up for this nonsense for so long before turns the tables on "Killer" by giving him the temperament of his sweet old auntie. Look quick for David Soul as an orderly, years before he went on to fame in "Starsky & Hutch." LEAP rating (each out of 5): 2065 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 None Addition on 17. January 2008: Another great work by Reiner and Martin whose comedies always touch the audience with revealing insight and wit. A fun movie for all ages and genders. 8889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Elmo movie bought it for my Nephew I think he only like all of the musical part of the movie! Gotta love ELMO! I recommend this to anyone the have children age 9 and under its very entertaining and educational! 6875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a fun film with some of the greatest stars of their time. Rita Hayworth is gorgeous, Frank Sinatra is charming and Kim Novak is refreshing. So this film has a ring of premonition in my mind. Maybe in a hundred years after the world has changed, someone will watch Gattaca and will see that at least we had our eyes wide open as we walked off that genetic cliff. C'est la vie. 6478 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ok, what horror movie has a good script??? This is one of the "good" horror game-based movies I've seen, yet this falls short on revealing game antics. For those that have fans of the game for more than 6 years, will be dissapointed, yet will respect it for being Resident Evil, itself. The game series is "perfect" compared to the movie. This fairly deserves a 3.8/5. Recommended for any Resident Evil fan. This movie was such a huge let down. First off the Directing was horrid. The action sequences scream of low quality. The director uses quick jagged camera movements to obscure the action in the movie and give the moive a "sense" of action, but people who are used to the matrix/jackie chane show whats going on aspects of a fight sequnce will be aggrivated with the final show down. 4668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the few military stories I really like. GATTACA is yet another example of plumbing the depths of humanity, including out obsession with categorizing humans along the lines of artificial inventions like "Race", "Caste System", "Colorism". GATTACA is a haunting and beautifully conceived expression of the insanity that has had humanity in its grips for centuries and has made us into a species exemplified in the title of a book "Homo Hierarchicus"(by Louis Dumont) 3838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Director: Steven Spielberg As a woman, I also appreciate a lady who can...get er done...not just fall down and scream < yawn >. 6546 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 horrible! extremely violent, foul language, Joan was made to look like a nut case . . . horrible production! I was surprised watching this megaset how many episodes I don't recall ever seeing. I'm not sure whether that's because I was out of the house at the time -- in the days before VCRs -- or because some of the episodes have elements reflecting the racism, anti-semitism, or other unfortunate aspects of the Edwardian age which U.S. networks elected not to broadcast. To me this film became the masterpiece of this talented film maker . The extras are great as well. Some really good deleted scenes here, about 11 in all, some dealing with the chaos of Roy doing his work when the power goes out, some dealing with Roy's obsession with the sky and the infamous inside the spaceship ending that was in the Special Edition. I also really like the scene with the policemen filing their reports. A couple of old trailers for the movie, it's interesting to see how they advertised their movies back in the day. And my favorite, the in depth documentary. This baby is as long as a movie by itself and it has tons of info on the movie, everying you wanna know. I love it when a disc goes all out on a documentary, as I find the behind the scenes stuff, the stories to be told and the looking back on stuff intriguing. This movie whets my appetite for Spielberg DVDs for now, much like Jurassic Park and Jaws did when they came out. But like those movies, it won't be long before I crave MORE Spielberg on DVD! Bring on E.T., bring on Indy, bring on Shindlers List, bring 'em all on! frankie smales tv and movie review uk 8973 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+ *********************************************************** 5543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Vampire movies are almost by definition parodies, the only variable being the degree and the quality of the parody elements vs the scare elements. "Fright Night" (1985) is neither the best parody nor the scariest thriller, but it has the distinction of being the all-time best mix of the two. Both its parody and its scare elements work extremely well and their juxtaposition really makes the film worth seeing. But, I think one positive point that is often overlooked about the old system is well illustrated. There was some sense of family ties of a sort between the upstairs family and the long time servants downstairs. In this Taxi Driver special edition DVD, we have one of the best films of the 70's on a great disc with one of the best documentaries out there. Travis Bickle, our antihero, is a cabbie who suffers from insomnia and wants to "work long hours". This is how he meets many of the strange characters he comes in contact with including Sport (a pimp played by Harvey Keitel) and a young prostitute named Iris played by Jodie Foster. Before that however, Travis becomes fixated by Betsy, who works in a campaign office. Travis, who is extremely lonely and shy, eventually works up the nerve to go into the office and tell Betsy that he'd like to volunteer. This is actually just a way for Travis to ask Betsy out on a date, which he does. However, that date turns out a disaster as Travis takes Betsy to a theater showing an X rated film and she is repelled by the entire experience. That causes her to avoid Travis and he eventually comes back to here office angry and looking for a confrontation. As to one viewer's criticism that this simply isn't believeable that he would take her to a porn film, I say to the contrary, he simply doesn't know any better. We're not dealing with a ladies' man here who knows what is and is not proper to do on dates. Only when I was older was I able to fully appreciate the peasants pointlessly toiling in mud and spouting Marxist ideology, (much to Arthur's unappreciative chagrin) and the unexpected "ending." When I first saw it, the ending actually made me angry and left me feeling cheated, but once I got used to it, I appreciated how inevitable it was considering the rest of the film.... If you don't see this movie then as Kumar might put it, "You blew it, man. You blew it." 6487 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I happen to love this movie. I played the video games, but not enough to judge the movie based on the game. First of all I couldn't beat the games, It got to confusing and I didnt' know what to do, so I gave up and played the second and third games. Back to the movie. This movie was a bomb. In my opinion, this movie should be considered a Action film not a horror film. I wasn't scared one bit. The action of this movie was great. I watched the first movie a milion of times. It is a hot movie with action. Stop comparing the movie to the games, and just compare it to the movie itself. It's really hard to make a movie 100% on a game. If you like action movies this movie is great. I can't wait for it to come out. There also making a 3rd movie, which I can't wait for too. It's oddly relatable. A rouge group of cops and civilians roam the streets. They are looking for a way out of the city. When they cross paths they decide to join forces with Alice. But wait, the inventor of the T-virus is looking for his daughter. He strikes up a deal with Alice for their freedom if they can find his daughter. This action packed film takes you on a roller coaster ride through the streets of Raccoon City. All hell breaks out killing zombies and devil dogs. If you liked the first Resident Evil film then this film will not disappoint. 3933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am glad Spielberg re-edited the film and included the scene where the ocean liner is found in the Gobi desert(this scene was originally dropped in the initial 1977 release). There are also scenes that were dropped for the 1981 Special Edition release that are included here such as the Air Force press conference, and the footage of Dreyfuss tearing up his neighbors duck pond and yard to create his Devil's tower. One thing is missing however, and I think Speilberg made a mistake not to include the footage of Dreyfuss going inside the mothership on this version. Sound is incredible on DVD version. Special features include trailers, teasers, outtakes, and a cool documentary with interviews by cast and crew. 4888 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a really nice release. For the price I didn't expect more than a plastic case and a disk. Was really surprised. Tri-fold case with photos and stuff, very hip. 3660 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny movie! Horror comedy. recognizes there is bamboo on the island. Yielding to each other in 4381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I lost my original copy of this movie in a hurricane so when I found it on amazon, I was beyond elated. it is truly the cutest little Christmas movies filled with the Muppet legacy. great music and funny jokes. definitely worth the buy. The story takes place in Venice, CA. Of all places for mankind to prevent the apocalypse it had to be here, right? Well, you have to be willing to buy into it, naturally. An exotic setting, perhaps somewhere in old world Europe or the Middle East would have been my preference, but California is what we have. Abby and Russell Quinn play a young couple who is trying to have a child. Their first attempt ended in stillbirth. One day, a stranger claiming to be a linguist arrives in town and asks to rent the couple's garage loft. Not long after, a mysterious priest starts meddling in the couple's affairs, doing everything in his power to ensure that Russell's client (he is a lawyer) faces execution for his crimes. 6343 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 See this sequal 1651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVED it!!! I watched this on Masterpiece Theater and was hooked. Had to have it! If you are a fan of the show, this one will not disappoint! The cast, scenery, acting and writing were all superb! No wonder it is nominated for so many Emmys!!! Looking forward to the next installment!!! This was the musical Sinatra wanted; he was sure he could carry a film, certainly a musical film. He had seen M Brando take the lead in Guys and Dolls, and he reacted negatively toward Barndo all through the shoot of Guys and Dolls. Thank God Brando secured that lead! 7033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 :) This DVD is a must with great extras for all the fans. 9025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 hysterical every person has the full power of reproductive science backing their individual In John Mills' "Great Expectations" the events are well-focused, and Miss Havisham is meaner and crueler than in this movie. So it's better to see John Mills' "Great Expectations", or to read the book before seeing this movie. 4004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great..super fast delivery! 5063 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A man applies for a job as a taxi driver because he can't sleep nights. [Remember `Checker' cabs?] He comments on the people who come out at night. Travis visits a theater and eats junk food. He can't sleep. We see a campaign office at work. [Does the film drag here?] The cab drivers gossip. The conversation drags, and so does the film. [Is this a parody of campaign workers?] Do they have anything in common? "You need to clean up this city." "It's not going to be easy." A young woman meets his cab. Travis and Betsy go to a movie. Does it have a plot? [Is this meant as a joke?] Another strange bearded passenger talks to Travis. Is he sick? [Is this Martin Scorsese?] Does Travis make sense? The film drags on. 5149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 On watching Bottle Rocket and Rushmore, both excellent films by Wes Anderson, the human beings' first reaction might be 'this is weird.' Another reaction would be, "these guys are real losers." I suppose they are pretty right on both. But usually these people who say such things are people whose brain is no bigger than that of a mini-basketball. (Not big!) They don't see the beauty and simplicity of Luke Wilson's character sitting enjoying the company of Inez in the washroom. It didn't have to be in the Rainbow Room atop the World Trade Center or at the Paris Ritz. No, it was in a budget hotel along an unglamorous stretch of highway somewhere in Texas. And it was perfect! It could not have been better. That is love, at it's best and fullest. In Rushmore, the character of Max Fisher dabbles in all sorts of activities and dons a red beret. He's proud to be an overachiever. Some people would mistake him for being a nerd. By all accounts, he does look geeky. But it's more of geek chic. He would have gotten the lonely, sexy, and intelligent Ms. Cross, if it weren't for his age of 15. But Max can do anything he wants to. He goes for it and achieves it. No fuss, no muss. Just calm, cool, collected smarts. Or shall I say Wes Anderson smarts. For a full understanding of my review, you'll need to see both these films at all costs. It's well worth it. 674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still my favorite after all these years, it's nice to have a special that can present the HO-HO-HO of the holidays and find a way to tie Santa in to the spiritual aspects of the Christmas season. Wonderful animation, humor and songs-I am glad I finally got this one on DVD. Charles Bronson was one of the top box office draws in 1975, having just scored big the year before with Death Wish. He was 53 years old when he shot HARD TIMES and was still in phenomenal shape. He always did have a chiseled figure, and he looks amazing here and did most of his own stunts. Yet he also sported that face that was so rugged and weathered it looked like a Thomas Guide map (but a Thomas Guide map that could smack you across the room). Somewhere Lance Henriksen is probably jealous. Oh, cool Ernest Borgnine appearance as the head janitor and former boss of Vincent. Priceless acting from a Hollywood veteran actor! keep that in mind and hope you enjoy it. 4137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all-time favorite movies. I even think that Jackie Gleason should have won a supporting actor Oscar for his part. The '70s, for all the talk of it being a cultural wasteland, was a wonderful time if you're a fan of movies. The angst of Vietnam created a lot of worthy dramas and comedies. Most of them were very grim, bitter, angry, and disillusioned, but then these qualities make for some fine reflection on the human condition. As did the setting of the movie, which was New York. I was a boy at the time, but my parents let me watch the news, as well as the TV of the era, and New York was a schizoid wonderland of success, excess, and the multiblock whore-with-a-heart-of-gold known as Times Square. DeNiro's unraveling character is most at-home here, surrounded by people (the "scum" he hates so much, ironically) yet apart from them, without the first clue how to connect with him. Is there anything more scary, with all the examples in the movie of Travis' decent into madness, than his perfectly-reasoned decision to take his "angel" on a date to a porno theater? By Schwarzenegger flawlessly pulling off such one-liners - "Could I speak to the drug dealer of the house, please?" and "Sir, are you a henchman?" - this is clearly a romp through a timeless genre, with the emphasis on Fun. The film epitomizes Monty Python and the craziness of the British comedy group popular during the 1970's. If you saw this years ago, you'll be surprised how funny it still is. And if you've NEVER seen it, you should treat yourself, especially since lines from it continue to crop up in ordinary conversation. there's now lots of sellers on amazon that are selling their copies from $100 and up 6908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good family movie 4678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great product just as described 6003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Love it. AIR FORCE ONE itself was a sort of comeback project for the beleaguered Ford, whose previous films had been major disappointments--the terrible SABRINA remake and the muddled IRA thriller DEVIL'S OWN with Brad Pitt. I think at that minute we really needed Harrison Ford to start thinking about how to sustain a career. Instead he just must have said Ah Screw It and switched the remote to a then-new TV show called ALLY McBEAL. The rest is film history. 1223 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best investments made. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND: THE SPECIAL EDITION is an amalgam of the two films, preserving the best essence of the two pictures by creating one complete whole. I cannot judge this movie on its historical content since I was unable to understand what was being said. But having read other people's reviews, it sounds like a movie worth watching. I only wish that A&E had released it with subtitles so everyone would have the opportunity to enjoy Jeff Daniels as George Washington. 5387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie!!! It's got mystery and horror ...and comedy too!!! New York City circa the 1970's was the perfect setting for this movie, since as stated before, the 70's was a decade of crime and NYC is known for lots of crime. The cinematography was top-notch as well, as it captured all the filthiest corners of the city, helping to flesh out Travis's resentment of the "filth" infesting the city. Also, with this being a movie made 35 years ago, the film's age shows in the picture quality, giving it a naturally-grainy look to it. The movie is based solely on the Gospel of Luke, and the dialogue you hear is taken straight out of the Bible. Jesus says nothing in this film that He does not say in Luke's account of his life. Naturally, every facet of Jesus' life could not be covered here, but the movie does a superb job of showing us who Jesus was and how He lived, taught, suffered, and died for the sins of all humanity. Brian Deacon does a superb job playing Jesus, and Niko Nitai truly shines in his portrayal of Simon Peter. At times, the film does seem to jump from one scene to another rather quickly, but this goes back to the authenticity upon which the film was founded. In a sense, Jesus' ministry was spent walking toward Jerusalem and His death on the cross, so we see Jesus and his disciples walking almost continuously; furthermore, Jesus' teachings, as recorded in Luke's Gospel, are a collection of parables and religious instruction originating from many different events in the life of the Savior. Jesus took His message to the people instead of letting the people come to Him. 8105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my friend saw this movie when he was around 5 years old I am so glad its now available dvd 222 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got this for a person who has it on vhs and needed it replaced. They wanted to keep it in there collection. Thank you for the promptness of receiving it. At Truvy's Beauty Parlor in Louisiana we learn all about these close group of friends and soon learn the secrets these women carry in their hearts. 9389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Certain individuals have erroniously indicated in these reviews that the Special Edition will not have commentaries or other special features. They are wrong. 972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off, our friend below from Aussieland, is not correct. This IS the performance that aired here on Masterpiece Theatre in 1999 (it like other stuff on the WGBH label includes Russell Baker's openings and closing (singular as he did not do a closing for part 1). There is another BBC release from 1981 also on DVD which I do not know anything about. This version came out around the time the "modern version" shown on the big screen with Gwyneth Paltrow came out which takes place in modern Miami. Suffice it to say, this is the second time Masterpiece Theatre aired a true representation of this classic while the big screen put out a flop (the first time was Moll Flanders in 1996 which sad to say the single disc copy I bought here at Amazon is no longer in print and who knows how the double disc rerelease is doing). Ioan Gruffudd as Pip is as great as his performance in Hornblower. It also tells most of the story which several of the big screen versions leave out. If you are building a library of "Masterpiece Theatre" classics, then (even though it only aired in 99) this belongs in that library. Doug enlists the help of his flying buddies (two of which are Styles from Teen Wolf and the gay dude from Revenge of the Nerds) to hatch a rescue plan. Along the way he manages to get the help of a retired Air Force Colonel named Chappy Sinclair (Louis Gossett Jr.) who just happens to have flown with Doug's father. After the two find out that the U.S. government has their hands tied in red tape, Col. Chappy decides to put a plan into action. He'll require the considerable talents, connections, and tricks of each member of the flight club. They'll have to steal maps, get top secret armament information of the enemies, hack into government computers to get F16s with enough ammo (and flight plans) to take on an entire Arab country, and exploit every moron the Air Force could possible assemble on one facility in order to save Doug's father. 1921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good old movie...seeing it again after years! 5380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. SPECIAL NOTE: The title comes stems from a medical instruction in the hospital not to give a patient food or drink as they're about to go into surgery. The connection in that this movie makes with that title is poetically heart-breaking, like the rest of the film. As Charley and his girlfriend (played by Amanda Bearse) realize that his initial perceived nightmare is true, they enlist the help of former television vampire hunter has-been Peter Vincent (in a wonderfully funny performance from the great Roddy McDowall) to bring the vampire-next-door to light. Director Tom Holland uses a great, clever script to near perfection, mixing the elements of terror and tongue-in-cheek humor to the fullest, making "Fright Night" one of the most enjoyable and entertaining horror films of the middle decade. Ragsdale is innocently exceptional with his performance and Sarandon is perfect as the seducing, scheming vamp. Very good special effects and some great one-liners. Can be enjoyed to all movie-goers, not just buffs of the horror genre. A true campy, cult landmark. 1449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Second set of 1967 - again are the Avengers at their best. 2080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Really like this feel good action adventure movie. 7011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 7 year old daughter loved it. My 10 year old also enjoyed it. Timeless! None of the movies Andrew Niccol has made since "Gattaca" have even come close to this level of skill -- the movie is a slow, elegant winding of murder mystery and philosophical sci-fi. The plot quietly grows in tension as Vincent's life becomes more tangled up in lies and suspicion, with quietly powerful dialogue laced with dry humor ("I guess we can rule out suicide," comments a cop as they bag a bloodied keyboard). 6960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very satisfied with order. Although Nil By Mouth is a multi-layered work that has many sub-themes, to my mind there are two central ones. The first is that of a portrait of a working class community in London, done with force, power, crude humor and gritty realism. Why do I often encounter people in London who behave exactly like this but seldom see this reflected in British cinema? It's probably because of the highly conservative nature of the film industry in that country and hats off to Gary Oldman for getting this truly excellent screenplay out amidst such an environment. John Mortimer (author) and Leo McKern (Rumpole) are absolute geniuses. 115 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Did not like at all I love this film, on so many levels. Music IS the universal language. FX wise, I was also very impressed. Alot of films nowadays use tons of cgi and it takes alot away from the film. The Mummy for example... Who's going to be afraid of some 100% cgi mummy!?? 1362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Totally understand the people who hoped the last seasons would be released separately; many personal budgets are tight. A bit on the bloody side but way before its time. 9245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As you know King Arthur is one of the most (if not the most) reminded character of the Western tradition that overpasses by far the kingdom's domains to inscribe in the essential paradigm and meaning about the lost values and the inability to get a true and effective unity in the love. All happiness is far to be innocent said Jean Anouilh. And the story of Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot will be engaging to millions and millions future readers over and over again. The mythic roots are too powerful and survive far beyond any other circumstance or religious belief. 7392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Someday, you will write the story of our family." The father tells his son in this film. That was a call to all of us to somehow record who and what we are--the story of your family. In the case of this family, a "river ran through it." What is it for you and your family? A deeply thoughtful, quietly inspiring film. 5447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a gift. Person said it was terrific, just what he wanted. Has both older and newer versions and had to have both. No complaints, so evidently good pix, clear, good sound, etc. Not much in the way of extras on this DVD, though. I'd have liked to see more. In summary, the content looks great here, and the price is more than reasonable, but the packaging I've seen does scare me at this point. The scary packaging is the only reason I'm subtracting one star at this point. I have several movies I put on that put me right to sleep. This is one of them. Maybe it's the low droning sound that is the characters speaking. Worth the $3 used I think I paid. All-n-All, a modern classic, and dare I say, a PERFECT film that will last the ages! I liked it very much and I believe this to be the best game-to-film adaptation ever made. It works even for those who did not play the game and it delivers a simple plot with lots of interesting twists and great action scenes. 9911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good story and good acting. Total Body Stretching by Cathe Friedrich "Close Encounters" also marks the first appearance of the Spielberg formula. You know, the messy suburban house, the mouthy kids, the whole "just plain folks involved with something magical" storyline. And while he gets a lot of knocks, both justified and unjustified, for inflicting this on American movies in the 80s, Spielberg's use of documentary-like elements throughout (as the space people play some Burmuda Triangle-related tricks on what's apparently an international investigation team) and some funky casting (Teri Garr, French director Francois Truffaut, Bob Balaban and others) combine to lend this one a veracity some of his later films- and those of his imitators- sometimes lack. This is a very fresh and original take on sci-fi subject matter, completely without physical violence (although there is some of the emotional kind). Seeing decades later after so many heartless, bombastic, noise and light CGI fests, one can't help but admire Spielberg's ability to get to the emotional core of this material. Re: the DVD - VERY good. The best edition so far. A director's commentary, numerous interviews, and a beautiful photo gallery. I only wish there were a retrospective "making of" feature, but as Stephen Wright says, you can't have everything - where would you put it? 3757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you. The battle scenes were awesome, the humor, if full of colloquialisms, was good but not overdone, and the acting was solid if not great. My biggest complaint is one that I am finding more and more in recent movies. At some points, the beautiful panoramic scenes which work so well on the big screen backfire on TV screens...for example, when Jeanne is running across the fields in the beginning, she is barely visible as a little speck on a big-screen TV. 9269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This new packaging of the Monty Python classic is to be cherished by Python fans as much (if not more) for the extras as for the film itself. I have always been a Python fan, and must confess that I actually prefer the series to the films, but the classic scenes in this film make it a must see. The extras disc is fascinating in that you see actors whose principle work fell to the cutting room floor. You also get to witness some very bad movie making that fortunately never saw the light of day except here. Yet, the cut scenes involving Roy in the field before his first contact, bad as they are, make his subsequent firing easier to understand. Nothing in any version explains why the power company was so eager to fire him. 2305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Air Force One is probably one of the best and realistic movies ever made. In the world after 9-11, you would wonder if this can happen to the real Air Force One... The world's most safest aircraft with the president of the United States, touted as the most powerful man in the world on board, being hijacked is just a nightmare... SPECIAL FEATURES: 8203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I gave it to her. She rehurses to it. She visited us for spring break and sang the entire show. It was fabulous! Redford's cast is perfect. Tom Skerritt is the Rev. MacLean, a man whose methods of education include fly fishing as well as the Bible, Brenda Blythen, the mother, and his sons, Craig Schaffer and Brad Pitt create a family whose interactions reflect the same problems all encounter with growing teenage sons, and later, complex young men. Both Schaffer and Pitt are totally believable as the brothers whose love of fly fishing and each other will tie them together forever. It is the relationships between men, father and sons, brothers, and their women to the outside world that grounds A River Runs Through It to a vein of storytelling that is missing in so many of Hollywood films produced in recent years. 4188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was absolutly great, Michelle Pfieffer's best. You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll want to hug your family and never let go! Everyone should see this. It's. . . well, HEARTWARMING! Will Arnold be the hero? 8253 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not generally a lover of British TV but Rumpole is hilarious. He is surrounded be a bunch of idiots (except for the lovely Portia)and they are all gunning for him. This, Sherlock Holmes, and Faulty Towers are British at it's best. (On the DVD front, I'm surprised that Warner Bros. didn't include the ton of cut footage from the original version as deleted scenes. It would have really helped to shed some light on what went wrong with this movie. Much to my surprise, there is actually a cult following for this film that have been petitioning Warner Bros. for quite some time to release the original 2 1/2 version, or at the very least the second 101 minute producer's cut. It's scary to think that some people actually liked this movie!) Some may not think that this is enough for "The Prince of Tides" to work, but in a way, it is. With a story that jumps from place to place, much like that of a soap opera, the cast is able to chew on the material with terrific gusto, making the changes of pace, setting and story easier to stomach. It's not a completely original piece, yet there is an appeal in its cliched romance, and a strong depth of feeling behind its characterization and human story. On this, the movie is a success. I'm getting the DVD... 7201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My 5 year old daughter absolutely loved it. The directing and set design are also excellent. This movie feels like a horror movie whereas the other two simply pass as alright action movies. The sets are intricately designed, with the very smallest attention to detail throughout. They are dark, filled with well placed streams of light and shadow, and dirty looking, in direct opposition to the clean, slick nature of the first movie. Everything really feels much closer to what the games envisioned in this outing. The directing is outstanding, filled with inspired camera angels, and the knowledge that true horror does not come from throwing scary beasts at us, but through the unknown about any scenario. The church scene is particularily inspired, giving us only the smallest glimpse of three attackers stalking the characters being portrayed. The level of suspense is masterfully built slowly to a climax around wonderful camera angels and the mood of the set. It is also no wonder why the acting in the movie feels so superb as well. It may not be the stuff of oscars, but it is outstanding by action/horror standards. A great director can bring out the best talent from their actors and actresses. Another classic scene portrays frantic citizens of Racoon city trying to leave through the one exit in the barrier surrounding the city until one man at the front of the line succumbs to infection and the exit is shut tight for good. 381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank You So it is with great pleasure that I say that this edition of Close Encounters of the Third Kind is quite simply "amazing!" Yes, the film is 30 years old. And some grain is to be expected. But wow, what a transfer! The colors pop off the screen. The contrast is nice and sharp, but not in a bad way. The dark scenes are virtually flawless. The color tones and overall look of the entire film is breahtaking. The audio easily makes this a reference Blu Ray disc and will really test your system. On a more personal note...in the days following September 11, 2001, this was the film I finally came upon on TV after all those horrifying hours of 9-11 images. As I watched, I was suddenly 10 years-old again, seeing the movie for the first time at the Ziegfeld Theater in NYC. It didn't seem to matter that I had the uncut, unedited VHS tape on the shelf in front of me, I just kept watching it to the end. Towards the end of the film, Arnold Schwarzenegger appears as himself, attending the New York opening of his latest Jack Slater film, accompanied by his wife, Maria Shriver, and blithely unaware that Jack Slater is fighting for his life in another part of the theatre. Instead, Arnold Schwarzenegger is seen hustling the Jack Slater merchandise that, like the "Last Action Hero" T-shirts, caps and poster are being sold to promote the film. 3905 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was sorely disappointed with this movie. I loved it when I was a kid, but after watching it for the first time since it was in theatres, I just wasn't impressed at all. I saw the DVD and couldn't resist, but I wish I would have. This has got to be one of the slowest movies I've ever seen. Spielberg never has been too impressive in my opinion, but this is pathetic. At least Jaws and E.T. have some action throughout the entire movie. Here you get a small glimpse of the alien happenings at the beginning, 1.25 hours of boredom, and an ending that just wasn't nearly as good as it was when I was kid. My kids couldn't stand it, so it's obviously not a timeless classic, like the other space/alien movies of the late 70s early 80s. 4726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Lots of action and great music. If you like Lou Gossett Jr. this is a must see. This movie focuses on three main characters: Aside from the logical flaws in the story, the only time the film really stumbles is in the visual effects category. Don't get me wrong, most of the CGI is superb, but there's at least one scene near the end that features probably the most hilariously unconvincing (and disappointing) CGI-rendered shot I've ever seen in a big-studio production. 5448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It really disgusts me that sellers would inflate the price of this Blu-ray disc. Sure only 2000 copies were sold. Sure the movie is a classic. But that is no reason to ask outrageous amounts of money just to turn a profit. I own a Blu-ray copy and purchased it for $29.99 from Screen Archives Entertainment (the issuing company) in October of 2011 when it was released. If I ever sold it, I would do so at a FAIR price of $20.00 because one, it has been viewed over 12 times now, and two, it is not my intention to rip people off. I sometimes wonder if the film holds the same allure for women as it does for men, just because so much of it revolves around male adolescent preoccupations (being on a "crew", firing guns, secret plans, fireworks). Any comments along those lines would be welcome and appreciated. the one. *Making of Documentary 8800 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Terrible. Rude. Crass. Worst part is when I opened the packaging, a M00se bit my sister. . 3591 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this film--why its (in blue ray form) extremely brilliant in display--sound is bar non.well written and well acted one of the best FX spetaculars ever made "Hell isn't what you think it is, devils with pitchforks, fire and brimstone." Needless to say, in 97-98,, i don't think I could've lived through a worst fad than THIS one... i mean it was like you didn't have to be anywhere NEAR a TV or radio and you would still hear the hellish sound of "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends" or "Stop right now, thank you very much".... god it was horrid... This was back when I was around 13-14, when I wasn't really into music as much as I am now, but I did like Rob Zombie a lot, and he was just PERFECT to get that trash out of my head! 5442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An awesome movie and look into up and coming punks Steve O and Heroin Bob's life in lame Salt Lake City. You will watch this movie over and over. I just wish it were available on bluray. The film's climactic confrontation (between De Niro and Harvey Keitel as a pimp) scorches and burns but fails to provide a catharsis for De Niro's character (as it would in a lesser film), and its enigmatic ending remains much debated. This is a dangerous film, seemingly as lethargic as Bickle's speech but, like the character himself, capable of erupting in violence. John Hinkley would later use this film's political assassination plot as inspiration in his own pursuit of Jodie Foster; it's difficult to view the film without that association. But this is a must-see, must-own film for serious buffs, DeNiro and/or Scorsese fans. 1269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great show love having the whole series great condition. The great plus is that it has seamless branching of all THREE versions of the film: Theatrical (which I saw in '77 and prefer), Special Edition (the '80 inside the spaceship ending), and Director's Cut (which is a mix of different elements). With his wife and daughter on the plane, Ford must race against time to save them. Glenn Close, as the Vice President on the ground, becomes acting president after Ford is presumed dead. She tries to talk down the terrorists, the leader played by Gary Oldman, in his most terrifying role ever. But with no success, it is up to Ford to take them out. With her this time are characters that are actually from the games the movie is based on - sexy cop Jill Valentine (played by Sienna Guillory) and Carlos Oliveira (Oded Fehr). Since the Alice character was inspired by the Jill character, they are almost exactly the same atttude-wise, and do we really need two of the same character in the same movie? Sorry, we don't. The movie is supposed to take place during the Resident Evil 3 game which Jill is the star of, but whenever Jill gets in trouble in this film, Alice swoops in like Supergirl and saves her ass. They totally waste the Jill character just to keep the awful Alice story going, and it's sad to see the character that stars in the game get upstaged left and right by a character that was never in the games. Booooo! Maybe they should have just left the game's characters out of this film so they could keep the film and game separate. Now, for the DVD quality. The picture is beautiful and the menacing ambience of keyboards and guitar is really good. It features 5 short featurettes: "The Making of Resident Evil", "Scoring", "Costumes", "set Design", and "Zombie Make-up Tests". The making of the score is interesting because we find out that Marilyn Manson is actually a pretty intelligent guy.....uh, girl.....uh whatever. It also includes a video from the Black Sabbath/Texas Chainsaw Massacre band Slipknot, if that means anything to you. 9639 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not bad. Was hoping for more action. 2696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie. Voice Cast: Fred Astaire, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Paul Frees, Joan Gardner, Robie Lester, Andrea Sacino, Dina Lynn, Gary White, Greg Thomas and The Westminster Childrens Choir (Final Chorus) 9398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even the credits are funny. You can't go wrong. 2421 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I'm begining to understand why The Beatles left England. This movie is the cinematic equivilant of watching paint dry. Here, at last, is a movie where one can miss 30 minutes of it and not miss any plot points. It's the kind of movie you shouldn't buy snacks for because there's no telling how long they'll stay down. This flick is as contrived and mindless as their music. But I suppose the point is that they made lots of money -- they certainly got my brother's [money]. I suppose it's my own fault for watching it. A good veiwing tip would be a full-frontal lobotomy. Spice up your life.... "Facing Fearful Odds" - Virginia once again seeks the help of Richard (David Langton) when her oldest son is about to be court-martialled. DeNiro is hauntingly right on as the former Vietnam veteran who decides to get a job as a taxi driver for the streets of New York City. As he cruises the big-city landscape, he realizes all of the hidious crime, starvation, murder, death, and macabre that consumes society. When he is rejected by a love interest (Shepherd) due to his out-of-the-norm behavior, Travis begins a downward spiral: he begins to train as if he were still in the military, buys numerous firearms and weapons, and ultimately plans to stage an assasination attempt on one of the political candidates planning to take over the city. Episodes include: Understand that in my euphoric state of review for this movie I am not saying it was otherworldly. It was not the best movie I have ever seen. I do not mean to rave about it. It was simply very good. Hard of hearing Travis asks: 4053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Having recently lost a parent, I found this film very moving. It is mature in that it isn't some silly thing about removing the barriers to falling in love - by far the easiest part - but in how to move on after a divorce. The actors are extremely fine, and their characters evolve throughout the entire film: the left-over mom is angry, the stepmom is a rather hard-edged career woman, and the kids are expressing pain and hostility in their own way. Happily, the husband is not a simple jerk, but a guy working very hard to help everyone along the way to whatever comes next. The way that they all adapt is entirely believable, bringing a realism that you rarely see in love films, and this is surely about love. The movie looks like a true documentary, the herky-jerky camerawork makes it look as if we're seeing everything from our own P.O.V. As if we're "there, in the heat of the moment." Blue Thunder takes us to that "big brother is watching you" card reminicent of 1984,(which is the year the Olympics were in L.A.) what with its surveillance equipment, and there is even a reference to that in the movie, when Lymangood asks Murphy, "Big Brother, you want it on or off?" referring to the cockpit recorder which records their conversations. "I think we can lose that,"he replies. Milla Jovovich and the rest of the cast carry out their performances very well! The only setback is in relation to the parts where she, yet again, finds herself trembling/twitching/hurting/screaming etc. Have mercy on us please... Can we have a movie with Milla Jovovich not acting like that (i.e. EXACTLY as she does in the Fifth Element, and in the two Resident Evil movies)? Is that too much too ask??? It gets so tiring after a while!!! 9341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great must watch movie, not just for Sci-Fi lovers. 7266 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic musical play captured in film and is very well done. 5 stars for sure! I would recommend this to any one who is a Dickens Fan but do youself a favour and don't buy this DVD release. EXTRAS: Every episode I've watched so far is uncut and runs about 25 minutes. Shout appears to have carried over the commentary tracks from the Fox discs. The 40-page booklet is very nicely designed, well written by sitcom expert Vince Waldron, and organized so you can find the episode titles, plot summaries, and airdates easily. The 19th Anniversary reunion show from 1991 is a 1-hour "clip show" that is just okay. It's nice to see the actors again, but not much actually happens other than setting up the clips which are (by themselves) great. The "Group Therapy" extra is a sit-down studio conversation with cast and crew that is very entertaining and insightful and lasts most of an hour. The unaired pilot is a real treat, and is quite different from the show as we would know it later. Instead, the whole thing engulfs itself in blustering failures - its own annihilation ignited with the first sight of Milla Jovovich as Joan, the peasant girl, suddenly all grown up. She makes her first appearance having somehow made her way to the castle of Chinon with a message to the Dauphin Charles VII, France's heir to the crown. The movie offers no explanation as to how this unknown teenage girl had come to be known as the "Maid of Lorraine," nor of how she had made her way into the French Court. Those issues aside, this is a superior sci-fi, whose warnings are timely in an era when genetic maniuplation is marching inexorably forward, and that asks us to remember that each human being harbors a non-quantifiable mystery of individuality and possibility. 8793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Bronson has a particular quality about his acting. This film has a number of great fights(fake or not) in the film. Would watch it over and over. As it stands this release is really good. Some have complained on the lack of a BD plastic cover and I can understand it but with this content it is well worth the price (some have complained on that too) and I would recommend this release to all sci-fans. This movie isn't frightening but it's not meant to be. It does have some nail-biting suspenseful moments -- especially when Dandridge pays a visit to Charlie's house and visits with him and his mother. There's also a good dosage of comedy but never goofy. Lot's of old time spoof nods to past vampire legends and rules of the trade in a flattering, fun way. A nice nod to the 80's, it had some great music that enhanced and never took away from the quality. (Tangerine Dream -- Firestarter; and Brad Fiedel (The Terminator, Serpent of the Rainbow) This new anniversary edition of "Midnight Express" includes the film in widescreen format, which is beautifully restored, a director's commentary by Alan Parker, photo gallery, and a producer's featurette. Brad Davis' widow has written a fascinating book on Brad called "After Midnight" which features some great information on the movie. This book came out after Brad died of assisted suicide in 1991. Brad Davis was diagnosed with AIDS. 92 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 well made, good acting for all The disappointment with this movie was its over-focus on him and Rachel. The lessons God was teaching him were kind of talked about, but not focused on. The non-Scriptural parts, though, were pretty consistent with early Near Eastern customs and not contrary to Scriptural understanding. In that way, it was very good. In conclusion I wanted to add in response to the reviewer below that it is more like good riddance to a witch of a wife. Teri Garr did a splendid job of playing a wife who's head was completely in the sand and was not supportive of her husband at all. I mean, if I had a loser wife like this, then I would be really tempted, alien encounter or not, to trash my living room and build a replica of Devil's Tower in my living room so she would think I was crazy and would leave me... FOR GOOD!! Or, better yet, have the aliens abduct her, harvest her organs so they could see what a LOUSY EARTHLING WIFE IS MADE OF!! a brilliant follow up to Resident Evil 8175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hours of enjoyable viewing Just shooting zombies isn't enough anymore. Shame about this movie though, as it obviously is a lot better than the previous part. This just looks like a wasted opportunity.(SARR) 9333 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is for the people of the world that love to laugh. Filled to the brim with good old british humor that appeals to us all. Great for young and old - something all will love. If you have seen anything by Monty Pythons and loved it this is the best. Every time I find new laughs and old ones too! The behind the scenes info is great, and almos unbelievable that most of it was filmed all in one castle. And then of course there is the educational film that all must see "How to use your coconuts"! After you pass Coconuts 101 you can sing along with Sir Robin and all your other favorites. A must for any Monty Pythons fan!! Jeannie returns to her bottle and sneaks into Tony's kit bag. She later ends up in his home in Coco Beach, Florida. Yes, this was how Jeannie and Master came together ...with many loveable, amusing mishaps to follow in future episodes to come! What I especially like is the crowds' reactions to his teachings. He was a bit of a "stand-up," seasoning his picturesque messages with humor! It is wat i want 298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good 9683 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie The picture quality on the DVD is fantastic, especially when you consider the age of the film. The documentary is very informative and advoids being "fluffy." I'm guessing this movie obtained in character, what Patrick Swayze, was trying to accomplish in Road House. A woman he meets treats Bronson as a shiftless drifter. After a brief attempt to get to know her, she dumps him when she finds a man with a steady job. He then shows himself to have some real character, (at least to himself and the audience) by putting it all on the line. Instead of leaving town, he decides to help his new promoter, who's gotten in trouble with the load sharks. This gives the movie an ending, and even somewhat of a purpose outside of the great fistfights. 6188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best Action/Sci-Fi Movies to come out in a long time. There is still hope for the world of sci-fi. The length of the movie is good (personally I wish it could have been a little longer). Just the right amount of gore for the squeamish (could have been more). Subtitles/Captions: English SDH, English Subtitles, French Subtitles, Spanish Subtitles, Chinese Subtitles, Portuguese Subtitles, Korean Subtitles, Thai Subtitles This film has it's momments, but they are pretty sparse. Maybe Richard and Kim will get it right on the third try since they seem to like doing this type of film together. If you're out there looking for some steamy action you might want to look elsewhere. 6068 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Billy Hayes went to my high school, a few years ahead of me. This was an all boys school on Long Island and when he was in jail at that Turkish prison we used to joke that it was better than being stuck in our high school, and also that on the whole the freshman class did more hashish every day than Billy Hayes was able to smuggle across the entire width of his body. We encouraged to pray for the soul of our fellow schoolmate William Hayes who was languishing in prison, unjustly convicted. Good looking guy, though not so sublime as Brad Davis, who plays him in the movie. 3224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When "Easy Rider" was released in 1969, it marked a turning point in the history of the American cinema. It took the independent film movement--practiced for so long by Roger Corman and others--and thrust it forward into the spotlight and, eventually, the mainstream. Made for under a million dollars, "Easy Rider" eventually grossed close to fifty, and opened Hollywood's eyes to a whole new area of potential profits. The American film was never to be the same again. I have always had a problem with the various versions and releases/edits of this film. Even with deleted scenes and unseen ones however, there really is no "filler" here. This was and is, Hollywood SCI-FI/FANTASY filmmaking at its best, along with George Lucas and his efforts of course. 6641 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting movie - pretty good action and story. The Resident Evil games excel at creating a dark, suspenseful atmosphere, where you don't know what horrors are literally waiting around the corner. The main characters are given little ammunition to fend off the hordes of zombies and creatures salivating for their flesh, perpetuating a sense of doom and dread since the player must be methodical and conservative with their weapons. Writer/director Anderson attempts to establish a suspenseful mood by not even introducing the zombies until about halfway through the film. But sadly, all attepted suspense is lost once the flesheaters appear and the Covert Ops team whip out their big machine guns and blast away at them. The film becomes less about mood and scares and more about action and gunfire. All historical accounts suggest that Joan of Arc was soberly persistent in her pleas for the Dauphin to give her an army but she was never the delusional psychotic as shown in the movie. Her visions were inspired by the Saints and not by Christ Himself. All accounts are conclusive in that Joan of Arc was leading as a symbol of inspiration to the army and never once raised a weapon against the enemy: she never shed any blood. Finally, Joan of Arc never reneged her faith or retracted her statements about her divine mission: that's why she was put on the stake. 1 star for the Mill creek reissue, 5 stars for the sony pictures blu-ray //wiredweird 9447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie has, hands-down, some of the funniest scenes in comedy history. The Black Knight, the wedding in the swamp, the Killer Rabbit, the Knights Who Say, "Ni!"...too many priceless moments to count, all of which make MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL a comedy classic. So why the four-star review? Because, unfortunately, for every inspired moment there's a dull one, a lame stab at humor that doesn't pay off. First-time audiences might be laughing too hard to notice, but repeat viewings just don't hold up--quite frankly, this movie is downright boring in some places. Feel free to watch it with a big group of friends (the opening credits alone will bring down the house), but don't expect an unbroken stream of laughter. I'm still giving it a strong recommendation because the best sequences in this movie are so damn hilarious that they're well worth enduring the flaws. 6654 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off 4 stars for the movie, and throw in the 5th for it being in super bit!! I love the super bit concept! The movie with highest bit rate possible for the best picture! Screw multible languages, and boring makeing of featurets, and DTS sound, Ionly need either DTS or Dolby Digital not both. Anyway good Zombie flick from a game, looks and sounds fantastic... Too bad, because this was a very good show, on Broadway, with Gene Kelly, who should have done this picture, or Marlon Brando, certainly Brando. Julia Roberts has only managed one decent role in her career, and that (Flatliners) lay in the strength of the rest of the cast. The fact that she can be singled out here because of the weakness of the cast around her says volumes. I could easily go on for another half-hour about the painfully overdramatized script, the shameless attempts at emotional manipulation throughout, the pedestrian camerawork, and the fact that, even though he's working with adults, Chris Columbus is still directing teen feel-good-because-everyone-bonds movies. But there are so many more deserving things to give bad reviews to out there I can't justify spending any more time on this painfully bad piece of dreck. (zero) I traveled from Mid Coast California to San Francisco in the 80's to attend an annual dinner of The Rumpole Society. At our table of 16, there was only one other lawyer, the rest of the participants being from other walks of life; that's how broad the appeal of this series has been. And that lawyer had flown in from Pennsylvania! That's a tribute to the universal appeal of this comedy if ever it needed a testimonial 8247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a marvelous rendition of Annie. I listen to it daily and it makes me smile and feel great. 7992 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally, I have been lookng for this since I was a kid. Great movie. I hope the one that is released in December with Jamie Foxx is just as good. The first of the two DVDs contains color films of events beginning at about the time of The Spanish Civil War and the coronation of a new King (George) in Great Britain. We witness footage of English statesmen actually visiting amicably with Hitler; Hitler sure had them fooled! There is interesting footage of great historical value concerning the German invasions of countries like Poland and The Soviet Union; and we also see the horrifying color footage of the fires in London during the German bombing of the city. 6310 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I could not believe how bad this movie was! Paul Anderson made AvP a bad movie, but I didn't know he could possibly write something this bad. He even goes as far as stealing the "We are assets, expendable assets" line from Predator and "Newt, I like that" line from Aliens (although it's "Angie, I like that"). There is no reason for the audience to care about any of the characters as there is only one returning from the original movie and the rest are just thrown in for thrills. Jill Valentine's inclusion is absurd and pointless as the first movie had nothing to do with the characters from the games, so why include them in the sequel? Alice from the first movie is equally two-dimensional as she has suffered a complete pointless personality change. She protested killing people after they were bitten in the first movie, but the first thing she does when that happens to someone in this is point a gun at them and prepare to fire. Yeah, I know it's terrible. This is the most illogical movie of all time. Why would Alice drive her motorcycle through the stain-glass window of a church instead of walking through the door, and how did she even know how to get in there? Why didn't Alice simply kick the villain's butt when he said "Fight him" and she said "no". Moments earlier she had killed several guards with relative ease, but now she couldn't do it? I don't think so. I cannot believe that this story was bought and actually green-lit to be made into a feature film. That's the most ridiculous thing of all time and after Ghosts of Mars and this movie Screen Gems' credibility has just fallen to rock bottom. No wonder Paul Anderson didn't direct this, he must have known that it was one of the worst films of 2004 before it was even made. 1983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Non stop action. It keeps you on the edge of your seat with suspense. The Russian boss had such a thick Russian accent that even though he was speaking English he should of had subtitles for just him never less it didn't take away from the awesomeness of the movie. Highly recommended to any Harrison ford and action movie lover Well I guess that means I won't have seasons 5 and 6! I can't compare the game to the movie that well, since I've only played the game once or twice in the arcade and didn't last very long before I got eaten. (Check the trivia section on the IMDB if you want more info on that, though beware of many spoilers) I don't know if the game has any more of a backstory than the DVD box did: a virus is accidentally unleashed at an underground biological research facility that turns all the employees, lab animals, and experiments into flesh-eating undead. A rescue team discovers too late they are stuck in there with them; they have 3 hours to get out without getting eaten or, worse, infected before the `Red Queen' master computer permanently shuts down all the exits. In an Academy Award-caliber performance Nick Nolte plays Tom Wingo, an ex-high school football coach struggling with a failing marriage and middle-age malaise. After his twin sister tries to kill herself in New York City, Tom travels there to see her. Dr. Susan Lowenstein, her psychiatrist, wants him to shed light on their family life. As Tom talks about the past, he reveals a terrible family secret which lies behind his depression, his brother's untimely death, and his sister's suicide attempts. 4299 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is great and highly underrated. It's full of great action and some really funny comedy as well. It may not be Arnold's best,but this movie is not to be taken seriously. Overall,if you are a fan of Arnold's or like a good action/comedy then you will love this movie. 5106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Travis Bickle - the "Taxi Driver" in the film - is not so much a psychopath but someone who is mentally ill. He struggles to relate and connect with other people, slowly becomes detached from reality, indulges in inappropriate behaviour, and has a naive sense of what is right and wrong. The DVD version of FRIGHT NIGHT doesn't have a lot of extras, but it's still well worth the cost. To quote the trailer: "If you love being scared, this could be the night of your life!" All in all, I think I would have enjoyed a movie with the spirit of the game a lot better than this action oriented film, but it is still very fun and worth seeing at least once. The hard rock soundtrack didn't exactly thrill me either, but it is still a movie horror fans or fans of the game should watch anyway. And of course, the behind-the-scenes making of the film and knowing how drugged out the talent were during the filming and how some improvised scenes or scenes that were not in the script, ended up in the film is quite interesting. 3940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I didn't have high expectations for this movie so I was delighted when it proved to be funny, clever, and well-made. The actors do a great job and the dialogue is totally believable; despite the pot-smoking and lax attitude of the teenagers, the swearing is relatively limited, which I always think of as a sign of a good film. Don't get me wrong - this isn't a great film, it's silly schlock - but it's entertaining, fun schlock. Watching the film with the audio commentary by the director and two of the actors (after you've seen the film straight through the first time) is a blast and a half. Definitely worth getting on DVD just for the audio commentary. Reminds me of a combination of Half-Baked, Clerks, and Evil Dead 2. The photography is a wonder, the theme is unique, the message is universal. It becomes clear that the base is now abandoned after what must have been some heavy fighting, but the two find clothes and saki to salvage, and also clean themselves up, then begin to enjoy some camaraderie over a few drinks. 3445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Effects are a bit basic by today's standards but a great emotional move full of suspense. I enjoyed it as a teenager. I watched it last month prompted by our visit to Devil's Tower in Wyoming. 9730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Potentially great movie seeks complicated partner who appreciates exposition. The only thing good: the cinematography, and evocative music and some of the nonviolent prison scenarios. I was reminded of Dante's circles of hell. Then a little research was in order. I was thinking of Turkey's struggles between secular democracy (Ataturk's reforms) and its Medieval past. There were clearly two power structures and judges (the secular and the religious?) struggling for dominance. I was thinking of the issue of individual justice and the needs of society to make an example of Billy etc etc etc...But director and producers did nothing to develop any ideas. I have so many ideas about how this material could have been developed.... it is frustrating to see that too often this type of junk wins out. The other shorts on the DVD version leave a little to be desired. But Lucas is great! Anyway, the film is pretty much an amalgamation of some of the game stories, namely the virus being released and Umbrella trying to cover it up by gassing the residents of a watch house after someone attempts to steal the virus and purposely releases it. Alice, who awakes in the shower, has no memories of her past and is suddenly thrust in the middle of a commando raid as Umbrella attempts to gain access to `The Hive'- their massive underground research facility where the `T'-virus was made and subsequently released. Now, in the video game, everything Umbrella owns is made of rusted steel and looks to be about a hundred years old or painted a sickly medicinal green and splattered with mud and blood. The film, however, everything is cut from polished stainless steel and aluminum, all very sanitary and high tech, which doesn't fit the milieu. It is important to note that this film is featured in Digibook format (a book format and not the standard blue blu-ray case) as it contains a 42-page booklet with Director Alan Parker writing a personal memoir titled "Anatomy of a Film: The Making of Midnight Express" is included. in a film. It's important to remember that 'mockumentaries' weren't Let me first state that unlike many people, especially fans of the Resident Evil game series, I thoroughly enjoyed the first Resident Evil movie and although it wasn't anything too special or original, I felt the it was a solid action/sci-fi/zombie/horror movie which never really went wrong. RE - Apocalpyse however disappointed me numerous times. I excepted a generic plot, I expected Matrix style action, I expected hordes of zombies, I expected a lot of things, what I didn't expect were some lame scenes and a lazy plot wrap up. 9432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've only seen this movie once on TV, but the DVD can only be better. Definitely one of the funniest films I've ever seen, up there with South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut and Galaxy Quest. 318 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you gave this a high rating. It was for being a great HOLLYWOOD Production.. If you read the BIBLE you will find out Joseph was quite the opposite. It's in a small part a Christian movie. I can't see God pleased with exploiting sex scenes. If the Hollywood director when by the bible it would have raved reviews. It goes to show you how many BIBLE read the bible and how many never have opened one, going by all this Five star ratings. One of the points that "people" miss--and I use quotes because I do believe this type of film has its female fans, but the game and the movie by and large is "consumed" by a predominantly male audience--is that this is not only a very, very fun action/zombie flick, but with a powerful female action heroine. I'm seeing this more and more in movies and as a female person, I am thoroughly enjoying it. Resident Evil is one of the leaders of the pack in this regard. I am compiling a collection of videos that are not only great movies, but have great female leads. I've been waiting for this trend all my life; someone to identify with in a film who isn't a screaming victim! THANK YOU CAPCOM! 6082 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie I can't believe how many people think it was based I would love to see some of these reviewers spend a night in a Turkish prison back in the early 70's and then tell me about how nice their prisons are unless you been there and no what your talking. I know not all turks bad but their government I don't know if it's the same now as it was back then. Could the film have inacuricies of course what movie doesn't. I bet you people who gave bad reviews would give Osama Bin Laden a big sloppy kiss if you met him. 8451 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of our favorites. Roxanne is a sweet little movie, replete with exquisite physical comedy and heady wit, with a great cast of supporting characters (Shelley Duvall, John Kapelos, Michael J. Pollard, etc). Part of the movie's charm is the way it mines the hapless volunteer firefighters' ineptness for goodnatured, slapstick humor. Roxanne incorporates its storyline seamlessly into the charming small town backdrop, lending a quaint, more intimate feel to the picture. If you haven't seen this one yet, do yourself a favor, and I promise: your heart will ache and maybe even break, but in a good way. 5042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a movie that some people will find boring and that some people will find very very funny. I am part of the latter group. Wiether you have played the game or not I recommened this move The Elevator I wanted to see what they would do back in a world at war. Would they remain friends, or return to the roles that the war demanded they perform? Rated PG for mild language and some intense situations. I give this film my highest recommendation. 6597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Many reviewers say this movie doesn't follow the known story and facts of Joan of Arc, but it's enjoyable and gives a good overall picture of her story. 4057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Stepmom starring Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon is a funny and moving film directed by Chris Columbus. Ed Harris also stars and jeez isn't he great in every movie?! I like Roberts in this film, she plays her role as a stepmother with humor and heart. Sarandon's character is a bit annoying but hey she's dying of cancer. Sad, sad, sad film, I highly recommend it! 7247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite movie. 5466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A well-meaning if not slightly flawed film that is still highly recommended in the usually unwatchable wasteland that is the punk rock movie. The action centers around two lovably antagonistic protagonists, Stevo and Heroin Bob, as they try to verify personal truth in the unlivable (to them) wasteland of Salt Lake City in 1985. The fact that the pair are, at the time, the only "real" punks in the straight-laced Mormon metropolis allows the film to build upon a philosophical foundation of contrasts. The imagery in this film is a character itself, central to it as any of the actors, scenes of dead soldiers and civilians a reminder of how "evolved" we are in today's world. There's a lot to be taken from this film, if you would only watch it as a story of sacrifice and devotion, and not one of religious dogma. 4389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 LOOKS GREAT. I WILL WATCH THE DVD tommarow. IM AM VARY EXCITED. i am so happy i bought this dvd 860 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 daughter loved it when she was 2-3 yrs old, Its a childs DVD not sure what else to say its cute? Helps them learn? A teen discovers that his new neighbor is a vampire. This is one of my favorite horror films featuring The casting in all episodes is spot-on, punctuated with the very best sets and scenic locations. And Linda Thorson's astounding beauty (tenoned with her great figure!) really accentuates the `60s look in her mod attire. 9855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 At first glance, it may look like any other film. But it truly is a sci-fi film and a brilliant one at that. People in the future can choose to have the perfect baby, without ailments and without defects. This is a story of one man, who wasn't so lucky. Ethan Hawke is broodingly perfect in this. His heartfelt performance really carries this film. Jude Law's small but heartbreaking role should not be missed either. Yes its sci-fi, but its so unconventional, you don't need to be a fan to watch this, or vice versa. Its dramatic and depressing and often beautiful too. 882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Paul is the master of fast guitar licks. I mean Wow!! 34 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Christmas Carol is my all time favorite story. I haven't found a version that I haven't disliked yet. This one was no exception. Henry Winkler did an awesome joy portraying the Scrooge like character. 1919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful and with so much emotion 2548 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A true classic. Love this movie. Sad ending. Very talented actresses. Could watch over and over again. 4. 9 Featurettes He wanted to be political so here WE are being political back. -TAXI DRIVER STORIES: Stories from real taxi drivers in New York City, to show what cab driving in NYC is really like as it is shown in TAXI DRIVER--with many similarities! 8854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you don't own this movie, buy it. If you don't watch it, at least have it. 6072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film has hot chicks, and it has zombies. That's really all you need in order to make a good movie. Buy this. 8205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rumpole is a British Barrister married to "She who must be obeyed" and in court delivers stage whispers to the overbearing judges. When told by Judge Bullingham: "Mr. Rumpole, I have heard your arguments, and am none the wiser", Rumpole responds under his breath: "Yes, but better informed". Later he says: "I could win most of my cases if it weren't for the clients". Such wit; such humor are unforgettable. I haven't heard those witticisms since I first saw this on TV back in the 80's. They just stick with you. I had to have a professional copy of this grand series. They are short, and don't depend on being seen in sequence. 9949 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw this movie during it's initial run in the theater when I was a kid. I remember the movie fondly so I picked it up on Blu-Ray, hoping I wouldn't be disappointed that my memory was better than the reality (I'm looking at you, TRON!). Happily, I can report that the movie stands the test of time and looks & sounds amazing in Blu-Ray! Sure...there are bits of it that are cliche', but we aren't looking for high brow, mind expanding material here. This is an entertaining movie with good actors (Scheider, McDowell, Oates , and a young Daniel Stern) having fun with their roles. The special effects stand up despite being over 30 years old. Let's hear it for the power of practical effects! Recommended! About the movie itself: I really like the music; it so vividly embodies Vincent's dream and the possibility that it will not come true because of genetic discrimination. I really admire Vincent and the doctor at the end of the movie who knew that Vincent borrowed Jerome's identity. In spite of genetics, Vincent could swim better than his engineered brother Anton and did successfully complete the training. Maybe it's the epigenome - which wasn't that well studied yet back in 1997 - as shaped by lifestyle and environment. I also feel sorry for the real Jerome, who incinerated himself (I almost burst into tears when he did so). I think the director put the pianist with polydactyly with purpose; polydactyly is usually considered a genetic disorder and patients usually undergo surgery to remove the extra fingers when they're young. But the beautiful music can only be played with 12 fingers. This shows what's commonly perceived as a defect can actually be an advantage; genetic defect does not preclude a person from success. There will be somewhere for the "defective" people to glow. in Dawn of the Dead (original) it doenst get quite into the action right away, but then it was an older movie.. thats probably why it was remade.. 4255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 delivered on time and as described 3165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was utterly surprised by this film. I was expecting nothing more than some short scenes of our now-infamous actors smoking marijuana followed by trippy Willy Wonka scenes . Oddly, this did occur, but this film was much more than that. This film should be shown in every American History class in the United States. It not only showed the beauty of the country of which we reside, but it also spoke about the people that reside in it. You know the old saying, "Guns don`t kill people, people kill people", well after watching this film, it is a very true statement. We are afraid of what is different. We are a culture that is afraid of change, yet seek it so badly. We are a society of hypocrites, androids, and ignorants. We thrive on the fact that we are the best country in the world, yet somebody shows any disassociation of routine, we are the first to question and get angry. I would dare say that we have moved so far from the 60s that I cannot see why our parents do not cry everyday. Their generations was a free-spirited, mind challenging culture that explored all possibilities no matter the cost. The experience was all they needed as a reward. Now, we are more concerned about money and the family-plan that we sometimes place ourselves on the backburner to life. Wake, eat, and pay the bills. What a sad daily structure that we have. When was the last time you considered the possibility of just jumping on your bike and riding until you hit water? Probably not for a long time ... why? It is called "bills" and "responsibilities". These are the choices that we chose to make, and for anyone to say that they cannot do it, I would have to challenge. You CAN do anything, it is whether you chose to do it is another question. I wonder what it will be like in another 30 years. Where will we be, and will the idea of individualism be lost? I can't wait to see ... The cinematography is breathtaking. The use of color as a provacative element is masterful. The score is wonderful, a perfect accompaniment to the theme. 3364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Spielberg. I'll give the movie this though. Anyone who was a big fan of Resident Evil 3 will appreciate the costume design for Jill and will REALLY enjoy seeing Nemesis on camara. Even though the plot twist at the end is predictable (OH MY GOD! Nemesis is Allice's old partner? you mean we WEREN'T supposed to see that coming?), it was pulled off pretty well. It was also stupid that Nemesis ends up helping our main protagonists through a disneylike "Yeah, we used to be buds" moment. In the game Nemesis was a relentless bio-weapon that had no feelings or emotions. 7767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I haven't seen Annie since its theatrical release in nineteen-eighty-something. I was too young then (and not at all into musicals) to appreciate the film at the time. It's a classic and I'd recommend it as a wholesome, family-friendly feel-good movie. 9844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This truly is one of the greatest movies ever, thought provoking, brilliant, and inspiring. Never has there been a movie that deserves so much credit. You will not be disappointed, I watch this movie in the when it first came to theaters, and then over and over again on DVD and still enjoy it to date. If you ever wanted to be inspired that the human spirit can do great things, just watch this movie and it will make you realize how amazing we can be no matter what the circumstances are! The first several times I saw A River Runs Through It since it initially came out in 1992, I viewed it as the first of two Montana Brad Pitt pictures. 9920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Helicopter movie Soon Laura's nightmares become psychic visions as she is forced to witness each murder of her friends and colleagues in horrific detail. Laura soon learns that her work is recreations of violent murders across the city - murders that the police have kept hidden from the general public. 554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Of course, the story of Christ is as ageless as God Himself. This film was so well put together and released back in 1979, that it needs no update. The movie was filmed mostly on-location for authenticity. 243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great acting job by Henry Winkler. I saw this many years ago and it'll always be a Christmas favorite. 1094 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A wonderful parody of crime movies, this mock-documentary tells the story of the worlds most unlikely (and unlucky) criminal - Allen's Virgil Starkwell. This movie goes purely for laughs and is most often successful. Allen's gift of tapping into the absurd has never been displayed better. Film is full of gems : Allen being punished by being sent into a hole with an insurance salesman, his humiliated parents wearing Groucho Marx masks to disguise themselves and Allen's deadpan backhanded compliment to his girlfriend: "That's a nice hat...I see them all over town....Yeah, they're on sale...in those big bins...millions of them." A delicious comedy. If you loved "Play It Again Sam" or "Sleeper" you'll love this one. 4773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 arrived as promised - luv Wes Anderson I much preferred this movie to most of the James Bond movies. For one, the wit is wicked, Uma Thurman (Mrs. Peel) was born to wear a catsuit and Ralph Fiennes is a most dapper John Steed. This movie has style, yet the backdrop is a special effects surreal dream. If you love storms moving in on a beach, rainy days or just gothic style weather, this is for you. -1 For conning me to believe this was a movie about Joan of Arc 4963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mel Brooks is a great director and funnyman. His films, while often filled with potty humor are genuinely funny and fun to watch. 9454 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Frightening and much like what Orwell warned us about . 6974 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Twenty years ago, a movie like "Resident Evil" would have been considered a horror masterpiece, heralded for its social commentary on the evils of the advancement of mankind, and praised for its stunning array of action sequences and make-up and special effects. Here, in the age of movies like last's year's "Thirteen Ghosts" and countless other entries into the horror genre, it's a big, obnoxious, at times baffling effects show fueled by incoherence and banality. One more pet peeve: why must Hewitt sing at some point in every TV show or film she appears in? I cringed at the contrived karaoke scene in this movie. Don't you think it would been more obvious (and probably more enjoyable) to have already-established pop star Brandy sing a song? Paul W.S. Anderson should not be allowed to make movies ever again, he is a stain on hollywood that needs to be cleaned away. but that is not what his opponnents should be worrying about. From these DVD ,I was supplised with Compact,Comprehensive,Concised 8321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Granddaughter loved most of the movie (the only part she didn't like was when one character said he was going to "kill" some of the little kids - she said it scared her). But the music is fantastic and it is a classic. and led them to victory! America needs more "boots-on-the-ground" leadership like this today! This I guess is supposed to be a video game for those Tron's who really like this stuff. Using good actors, Milla Jovovich,(The Claim) and I swear on my sight, I saw (Hugh Jackman) 'X Men' in this movie, but he does not show up in the credits, and if that (was) him. It's no wonder he had his name taken off the credit line. Harrison Ford plays the president. He is not just any US president; he is a former war hero and he means what he says. He stands up for what is right. While returning from a state visit to Russia, his plane gets hijacked by terrorists. The secret service manages to get the president to an escape pod and get the pod launched. When it is recovered, the president is not on board. He is still on Air Force One with the bad guys and his family and staff. He's hacked off and goes about taking care of business. For him, that means taking care of his people. 1896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always wanted this one on dvd thanks great. Some people, like Dad, have naturally made the mistake over the years of thinking that "Close Encounters" was just a kid's movie. But that was never so; if you take a close look, you'll see a very serious, intellegent film. There are really spooky, frightening moments that kids may or may not understand. Who can watch the abduction sequence or the Neary's encounter at the train crossing, and still say this was a kid's movie? 7035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ... This film is great, many references to the game. Many zombie scenes. The zombies look great, even build more on them then the game ever did. The film may not be based on any of the games but there are so many similarities its almost hard to notice. I'm not gonna tell you the plot or any key moments because I don't want to spoil anything. The film takes place before the events in the first game and ends right in the middle of 2/3. Zombie infested Raccoon City is also seen, as well as the origin and identity of Nemesis! Go see it and enjoy it because this is probably the closest Hollywood will get to good video game movies.....well, except for the Crazy Taxi movie they're making.(HA-HA-HA, yeah right) See this film, even if you don't like it. It's light, but with layers. Take it on any level you want. 2673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 *Spoilers* 9146 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is a classic movie that I love but I gave it two stars because the QUALITY of the video is substandard.. I would expect this from a bootleg site not from a legitimate site. It will make me think twice about ordering another digital movie from here again. 1480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Each version has plusses and minuses and are priceless because of the artful interpretations and choice of actors. Much pleasure received when watching. I especially l love watching Ciaran Hinds. 1544 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The William Hurt and Timothy Dalton versions of this movie were good. But, here's a Jane Eyre that I truly enjoyed. An orphan raised in an orphanage, arrives at Thornfield Hall to care for an orphan, and falls in love with her seemingly infallible employer. It is a classic that grips you since in the end, the characters overcome the worst and find true happiness. 1717 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Bad Unlike many other reviewers, we care little for bonus material--give us the meat and give us the subtitles. Ralph Fiennes is an outstanding actor in many other things. In this one he just missed that brilliant sparkle that the British own, and he doesn't get it. While he was brilliant in movies such as Schindler's List, this is another one of his hit and misses. I'm not very familiar with Uma Thurman, I know a lot of people drool over her, and it's obvious why. However, she also didn't have that chic magic that the original Mrs. Peel possessed. 6684 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The woman in this movie was no saint. How can anybody who signs their faith over to save their own neck be a saint? And then she goes and admits that she did everything for her own revenge. Was God in this movie at all??? I doubt it. The devil was in it though and Joan surely goes straight to Hell after she is killed. I was expecting an uplifting movie about a woman of God. Instead I got a movie about some nut. 2537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie, another one to watch over and over. It is a semi-modern update on the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol. Set in the during the depression the story line familiar and the characters refreshed. 4742 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Iron Eagle has always been one of my favorite movies. If you are looking for a movie with a lot of blood and gore, you will not find it here. What you will find is a lot of action and great flying scenes 8078 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As advertised 2549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. I could not find my DVD for this movie so I had to order another one. I probably lent it out to someone or gave it to one of my children. 1483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like Samantha Morton as Jane Eyre she portrays Jane as the solom young lady that she was in the book. Not expecting much from the world but determined to make out there. I was not real crazy about Edward Rochester he seemed to be a little to harsh from the character in the book 923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this for my husband and he loved it. 5441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 if you don't have this video in your library then you should buy it. i watch it every once in a while and still find it funny. some of it can be deep thinking but over all is a comedy and good movie. 8176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was great. 5220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Taxi Driver" is a classic, no matter what anyone says. It's even considred one of the best 100 films of all time by the American Film Institute. That alone says a lot, because a film donesn't reach that spot by accident. This is a timely classic that continues to entertain people all around over and over again. Hopefully, this review has been of some help to you in determining your purchase, hope I am on the correct path with a review of the transfer quality as opposed to providing plot summaries. 8319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a cute movie. Both my kids loved it and we as parents enjoyed it too It doesn't seem to have that much in common with the original game save for some key words, names and zombie tropes. However, with enough beer, Mountain Dew, nachos and couch sharing with your own versions of Joel, Tom Servo and Crow the sins of this movie can be absolved for about 90 minutes worth of head scratching (plot and subplot distinction, wherefore art thou?) and (probably unintentional) laughs.. There are many other female characters who are mainly dedicated to endless hen-like clucking around the protagonist's attempts to have a baby, as well as interminable conversations about hair-styles, weddings, husbands, etc. In Steel Magnolias, we see women of all generations inhabiting a world of their own. It's a world of babies, beauty, and homemaking. It's a world of things that the patriarchal societies always mark as exclusively female. Men are supposed to be detached from these "womanly" interests and concerns, while women have no interest in the pursuits of men. The view of genders as profoundly divided by an unbridgeable chasm of difference is patriarchal. For what it's worth I thought Owen Wilson looked like a young Dennis Hopper with a broken nose in this film. It's the haircut that Wilson has in this film, a crew cut. And the third one - Extinction - coming out this September looks like the biggest and best one thus far. Looking forward to it. 9104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 recently introduced my 6 & 8 year old sons to this beloved classic treasure! we were busting our guts laughing! and still quoting lines from the movie months later! Possibly the movie's most memorable scene, is also its most gruesome. The sword fight between King Arthur (Chapman), and the Black Knight (John Cleese), is very well staged, and the gratuitous violence therein is belied by the Black Knight's complete refusal to admit defeat. Cleese himself has said, if the Black Knight acknowledged defeat, or even an injury, this would be THE MOST vicious scene in any film, and I tend to agree. Hitting someone in the shoulder with a heavy sword, and seeing their arm drop off, while arterial blood sprays from the wound, is extremely nasty, by any definition, but they ingeniously turn something as grisley as dismemberment, into a piece of classic comedy. This is something I have NEVER been able to wrap the brain around; I simply can't process it, although I understand, the members of Monty Python will go to ANY length to get a laugh, or at least a reaction, out of an audience. 7474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Everyone out of this world. Can't go wrong with Pitt and Skerritt. Robert Redford great director. Glad he directed other movies. Some modern viewers with ADHD criticize the film as boring, but I find it strangely engrossing from beginning to end. The climax is equal parts sudden, powerful, shocking and unforgettable. 7645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first dvd of the fisher king plays great on my dvd player. My friend could not play it on her dvd player so i kept i . Thanks it is good. From jenny. Obviously, anyone who isn't well and truly immersed in zombie movies or horror flicks--or has a very serious thing for Milla Jovavich--should avoid this film. 3657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cableman Roy Neary is one of several people who experience a close encounter of the first kind, witnessing UFOs flying through the night sky. He is subsequently haunted by a mountainlike image in his head and becomes obsessed with discovering what it represents, putting severe strain on his marriage. Meanwhile, government agents around the world have a close encounter of the second kind, discovering physical evidence of otherworldly visitors in the form of military vehicles that went missing decades ago suddenly appearing in the middle of nowhere. Roy and the agents both follow the clues they have been given to reach a site where they will have a close encounter of the third kind. Powerful, mystifying, and rejuvenating. I highly recommend this movie. The story involves Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and her new best friend (Brandy) win a trip to the Caribbean. So off they hop to a conveniently remote island with Brandy's boyfriend and a random guy that they don't know. The fact that's it's storm season leads to a lot of obvious plots involving people not being heard over the wind and a lot of thunder that is probably supposed to rack up tension. There is absolutely nothing tense about this movie. The usual round of killings ensue with a man stalking through the hotel, which is inexplicably almost empty save for a few signposted red herrings. The movie goes along great. The plot starts to materialize and things seem all right when all of a sudden the movie got derailed. Right about the point where the first living dead is discovered is when the film started to take a downturn. From then on it starts to resemble one of John Carpenter's films (particularly Ghosts of Mars. They even have the requisite train scene at the end. If you haven't seen this. Don't.) I was disappointed by this. Anderson turned a great game series into a convoluted mess. There is no "Red Queen" killer computer in the game. No underground office workers. No Alice the Zombie Killer. The script is paper-thin. Here's a great example; Team Leader: "Report, soldier." Jovovich as Alice: "What?". Good stuff, eh? Michelle Rodriguez will make you wonder how she gets paid to act, irritating you beynd belief in the process. She plays a Vazquez-from-Aliens ripoff character, snarling the entire movie in an effort to play a tough commando chick. The rest? Uh, doesn't matter since you barely even learn any of their names. Bad zombie effects, mediocre CGI work (including some zombies), blasting music....meant as a distraction, I believe, from the awful screenplay. There are negatives, unfortunately. If you're looking for tight choreography, well, Annie doesn't quite deliver. "Hard Knock Life" is full of acrobatics that never quite mesh, and girls whose moves should, and do not, match up. However, this incongruity usually seems limited to the dancing of the kiddos; the adult routines are downright lovely. It's like they weren't as picky with the children's accuracy, which is a bit sad. 5762 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez. Both bad asses in a Zombie flick. I love Zombie movies. 5433 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Alice (Milla Jovovich) and Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) are leading a command team into the "Hive", an enormous gene labor, where a deadly virus broke out one hour before. The virus killed all scientists in only a few seconds but they are all coming back as flesheating undeads. With little time left, the team has to act fast to avoid disastrous consequences 4626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember vividly seeing this movie when it hit the streets. Gossett, Jr. had stolen An Officer and a Gentleman from pretty boy Richard Gere. It was a given Gossett was military material. It seemed natural that he would be in this movie. Okay, he changed his Marine Corps Class Charlies to Zoomie flight suit, but the guy was still the guy. In 1998, Steven Spielberg again re-edited the film for a DVD "Collector's Edition". It does not include the "Special Edition" ending of inside the Mothership with Richard Dreyfuss. Running Time: 2 hours, 17 minutes. 7255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the original better than any other version!! Purchased for my daughter to take to college with her. 8366 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 "Annie" was one of the best Broadway musicals of the past 30 years. It relied on content and talented performers instead of high-tech sets and lighting and un-taltented stars. Andrea McArdle as the loveable orphan was actually 13 as the perfect age to play Annie, who was I believe 12 in the stage show. She had a great voice and was tougher than the usual little girl. As Oliver Warbucks, Reid Sheldon was comic and warmhearted and as the beloved Miss Hanigan, Dorothy Loudon was a cynical, boozing broad, just as the charachter was written. The transfer to disk is good. The cast is excellent. The plot makes sense, and the script is near perfect. The story is about the relationship between Tom Hanks' character, David Basner, and his father, Max Basner. Its a wonder that anyone comes out right as an adult, and Hanks had no idea how screwed up his childhood had been until the night his father told him his mother had split. And soon thereafter his secretary gave him a message that his mother had called, and added "I had no idea you had parents." 2379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 To me the best thing about this film is the fact that the American point of view is not the only one given voice. There was much truth to what Gary Oldman's character says to the President about american involvement abroad. And as such, for one of the first times, an american film is not so pro american. Bravo! 3665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are looking at these reviews you already know what a great story Spielberg put to film back in the 70s and like me may well have fond memories of watching this one in the theatre. You likely, therefore, are more interested in how it all comes across on blu-ray: 2562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie :) 4828 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is a classic example of self-important Hollywood congratulating itself. Don't be swayed by the pseudo-intellectual thumbs up garbage. Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, and Ed Harris make this movie believable and there's so many scenes where the feelings are so strong, either happy or sad, that you can't help but shed a tear. 7. Blooper Reel Life can be a real b*tch when you haven't yet turned 18. The story is a simple one: two hippies (Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper) riding their motorcycles cross-country to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Along the way they visit a commune, meet some girls, go to a whorehouse, and do lots and lots of drugs. They also get thrown in jail where they meet an alcoholic lawyer, terrifically played by Jack Nicholson in his breakthrough role. The trio then continues on together towards New Orleans, stopping occasionally to smoke some grass and philosophize about life. Eventually, they have a series of strange and violent conflicts with some rednecks that lead to the movie's rather abrupt conclusion. stays true to is in fact that Umbrella has created a virus called the "T virus" which it plans to use for germ warfare. 1. Miss Hanigan's drunk scenes. Aren't they, um, a bit inappropriate for kids? 8161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great acting and extremely funny. The Jesus Film has been seen by over 4.7 billion people in 236 nations and thousands of people have accepted Christ as their personal Savior through this remarkable movie. More people have watched this movie than any other movie in history. It is based on the Gospel of Luke and sticks very closely to the biblical text. (There is very little outside interpretation or extraneous material.) This is its most valuable asset. Watching this movie is like taking a picturesque tour of the Gospel of Luke. 1718 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 NOT CLOSED CAPTIONED. Not subtitled. It is a great story if you have normal hearing but if you need closed captioning or subtitles you are out of luck. 6293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember going to watch the first installment of this series with my old friend in the cinema. And I have to say it was really great and alot of fun, even if some things were a little questionable. A little while ago I watched "Resident Evil - Apocalypse" on DVD. And I found it to be very good, but it just wasn't as good as the original. Allow me to elaborate a little... The story itself is actually pretty thin. This is a movie that is more about the lifestyle than the plot of its characters. The idea of communes and free love are not as shocking as when they first appeared, but imagine watching the ideas portrayed in this movie when it was released. Scorsese and Schrader structure Travis' mission to save Iris as a film noir version of John Ford's late Western The Searchers , aligning Travis with a mythology of American heroism while exposing that myth's obsessively violent underpinnings. Yet Travis' military record and assassination attempt, as well as Palatine's political platitudes, also ground Taxi Driver in its historical moment of American in the 1970s. Employing such techniques as Godardian jump cuts and ellipses, expressive camera moves and angles, and garish colors, all punctuated by Bernard Herrmann's eerie final score (finished the day he died), Scorsese presents a Manhattan skewed through Travis' point-of-view, where De Niro's now-famous "You talking' to me" improv becomes one more sign of Travis' madness. Shot during a New York summer heat wave and garbage strike, Taxi Driver got into trouble with the MPAA for its violence. Scorsese desaturated the color in the final shoot-out and got an R, and Taxi Driver surprised its unenthusiastic studio by becoming a box-office hit. What saves this particular commentary is the engaging verbal sparring of Matthew Lillard (who enters the commentary late 'cause he overslept - VERY PUNK) and Michael Goorjian (who has to leave early to catch a plane - NOT VERY PUNK). They spar with and complain to Merendino about the director's sometimes-unsafe, seat-of-the-pants filming technique, Lillard's mugging and each other's acting choices. That makes it worth a listen, but if you're looking for deeper insights into the film, you'll come away slightly disappointed. 8305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 She loves this movie!! Some have said the movie is slow. Not so...it's deliberately paced. It savors the possibilities, gives the audience time to consider how a genetically perfect person (Jude Law) would aid a naturally-born person (Hawke) to realize a dream he otherwise would not have. I think you'll end up rooting for the guy born the old-fashioned way. After all, at the present time at least, that's all of us! 9914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best exploration of the possibility of genetically modified people becoming a separate social and economic class leaving behind and opressing those who are not genetically modified. The quality of the DVD is great with amazing features as well. Bare knuckle,underground fights,set down south,during the depression. 2188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great action pack movie. Alot of good acting from everyone in the movie. Well written story and produce. A real thiller. 4015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie. This is a movie you can watch again and again. A little sad though. As my students synthesized the thirty or so characteristics of moral goodness extant in Joseph into an essay, one asked why no such heroes existed today. The question revealed both the effectiveness of this presentation, and the dearth of role models in our society. 9247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 With the opening of Mike Nichols' and Eric Idle's "Spamalot" on Broadway last month, it's a good time to revisit the 1975 comedy classic that inspired the musical. Thirty years have elapsed since its original release, but it is still a movie that veers wildly back and forth between hilariously inventive and downright silly. If you can hold on tight, it's a worthwhile ride. Almost arbitrarily about a band of adventurers looking for the famed Holy Grail, the movie is just an excuse to create a nonsensical world steeped in medieval history and comically ironic violence. Directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, it is typical Monty Python fare, which means a lot of clever wordplay and elaborate sight gags with big payoffs. The story begins with King Arthur and his page Patsy galloping on their invisible horses with their clapping coconut half-shells, as they search for worthy knights to take back to Camelot. From there, we meet a cast of characters that only makes sense in Python-land: an increasingly armless and legless Black Knight with a chip on his shoulder, a big Trojan Horse-like wooden rabbit, some disrespectful Frenchmen, castle-bound nymphomaniac maidens, the knights who dare to say "Ni!", a pedantic historian in the present day and even God, who seems rather impatient with the befuddled knights as He explains their quest for the Holy Grail. Amid these disparate elements, the film holds together as a clever satire on blind pious ignorance and the unquestioning acceptance of organized religion. The pacing gets sluggish toward the end, but the conclusion is riotous and just in time. But this film does have the best feel of a movie adapted from a video game. The framing of the story as it progresses using 3D computer animations to show where the various characters are in "The Hive", plus the point-of-view (a la "Preditor") shots that the central computer "Red Queen" sees, give a real gaming "techno" gloss to the proceedings. Can we say, "movie turns into a fashion show?" For crying out loud, every single time Uma left a scene and came back, she had on a new hot little number for an outfit. If I wanted to see a fashion show, I would have stayed home and turned on my cable. 7352 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter watched this with me on Netflix when she was 1 1/2 and loved it. She loves the singing and has asked to watch "Annie" and has started to sing along with "tomorrow" 7729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie! Great for the whole family! 3774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This by far is the most visually perfect movie ever made! A definite feast for your eyes! It is truly amazing how perfect the special effects are to this day. The magic in this Steven Spielberg movie will never be outdated. I saw this in the theater in 1977 and it impressed me then, and still to this day keeps me in awe. This tale of a UFO encounter takes the audience on a trip to discover that we are not alone. This movie is a must for everyone to see! It is my ultimate favorite film. I do believe we are not alone... 3484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super Fast Shipping - Item Just as Described - Recommended Seller 5 stars***** I loved this movie. The only reason I'm knocking off half a point is because the plot is super simple (though they make you feel otherwise). However, this flick serves as an awesome back story for what's to come because there have been two sequels so far (Resident Evil: Apocalypse and Resident Evil: Extinction) and a fourth one to come in 2011, currently called Resident Evil: Afterlife. Holding it altogether is Scorsese. New York has never looked sleazier or grimier. "Taxi Driver" works because Scorsese never lets the film slip in any way. Movie buffs will recognise many small homages to different directors, but even the casual viewer will feel nailed to their seat as the walls within Travis' mind creep further and further in. A true feat of modern film making and a study in paranoia that may never be bettered, "Taxi Driver" is an important chapter in American film and one that requires repeat viewings despite its difficult and uneasy vibe. A modern classic without question. 6202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 RE: Apocalypse is a fun movie for me to watch, enjoying some of my favorite actors fighting through hordes of the undead to save a girl and get a way out of a locked down city before a nuclear explosion wipes everything out. 2571 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watch again and again, cult classic, being diabetic, so much we have learned since then, just the love and one liners 5044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Is there an American film more wrongly and regularly misinterpreted than Martin Scorsese's 1976 masterpiece, Taxi Driver? Not even 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Stanley Kubrick, nor Apocalypse Now, by Francis Ford Coppola, have been intellectually, politically, and critically twisted and turned away from what they really are- and this all aside and apart from the silly debates over art influencing real world violence after John W. Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, in 1981, due to his own obsession with actress Jodie Foster. The film has been deconstructed and reconstructed (see references to Death Wish and The Searchers) according to prevailing political and artistic whims more than several times, and matters have been further complicated by the many claims of the film's protagonists, from screenwriter Paul Schrader (is there a better example of a filmic one hit wonder?), to director Scorsese, to star Robert De Niro, the claims and counterclaims about the film have devolved into legendry. I am only sorry to that hear the producers, in response to so much negativity, cut the film a great deal. It is edited beautifully, but I would love to see it as originally designed. 9074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's Monty Python, what else needs to be said, the best of the best in my opinion, you have to have this in your collection 5221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the film that made DeNiro and Scorsese famous! It is an interesting and captivating look at a lonely taxi driver, who hates New York, and all of the "scum" that surrounds him. He eventually decends into madness, all the while trying to save a young prostitute from her sleazy pimp boyfriend. Jodie Foster and Harvey Keitel also give wonderful performances. Martin Scorsese has a cameo, also. Another thing: the music score by Bernard Herrmann is also a plus. It was the very last score that he ever wrote. On top of this, we are invited to archeological excavations in & around Hadrian's Wall which was built to demark the line between Great Britain and Scotland (Caledonia). The scholars there disinter the coinage of Rome thru the ages, as well as ancient letters of soldiers, medical instruments and much more. Fascinating stuff! 571 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very entertaining. Classic. No chips cracks or scratches. 363 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie for entertainment and for history's sake The Revolutionary army fixed bayonets, and rushed the town, KILLING the much more proficient enemy at CLOSE-QUARTERS! The completely surprised Hessian troops had just spent the previous night drunkenly carousing and feasting on Christmas Eve. Not one of them expected to be impaled by bayonets in the morning! Not one Revolutionary soldier was killed or injured in the attack on Trenton! Needless to say, ...this victory had the desired result on American morale. 3291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ok YES I admit I am a hopeless romantic. This movie is another that just touches and uplift's the human heart and spirit at its very core. The ladies in this movie are all strong opinionated souls. There is nothing on earth more beautiful and femine than a self assured strong willed woman who lives life boldly with passionate joy that is so in touch with itself she demands\inspires all around her to live fully as she does. (1) Neurological condition 60% probability 7578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Many years ago, I had a friend recommend this film to see but never got around to seeing it. Eventually, found an old copy on videodisc and watched it on my old RCA videodisc player. When it came out on DVD, I waited for a while since I had the old copy. Why did I wait?! The DVD restoration is crisp and clear with excellent video and sound. If you love scary/thrillers and Faye Dunaway, I highly recommend this movie. Tommy Lee Jones does a great job too!! The movie's emotional punch even caused Stanley Kaufman, the august movie critic of The New Republic, to call Close Encounters not so much a movie as "an event in the history of faith." In more proper perspective, Gary Arnold concluded his review in The Washington Post by saying that if real aliens ever landed and they didn't resemble Spielberg's vision, "they obviously aren't movie lovers, have no romance in their souls, and to hell with `em." However you end up reacting, you'll probably agree that Close Encounters demonstrated how Spielberg was destined to become a giant of American cinema. In my opinion, of all the actors, Richard Dreyfuss as the obsessed Roy Neary does an excellent job. 1416 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mrs. Peel elevates all scenes she is in to the edge by not knowing what to expect from her role as a mystery solving investigator while working hand in hand with Steed. Excellent program writing which is what we have come to expect from the Brits. Dolly Parton owns the local beauty shoppe, where anyone and everyone in the know has their hair done, and all the troubles of the town are taken into account. The young bride-to-be , Selby, played by Julia Roberts, comes here with her mother, Sally Field, to have their hair done. The new hairdresser,played by Daryl Hannah,plies her trade and wins them over. The rich and mean woman of the town, played by Shirley MacLaine, comes to visit and leave her pearls of wisdom. Olympia Dukakis, whose character has lost her husband, has the real wisdom in they town. 2574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies of all time, love the characters. "Roxanne" elevates itself above routine fare with an excellent supporting cast, including Shelly Duvall in the odd role of C.D.'s best friend (according to the film, their characters aren't related, so have they dated in the past?), Michael J. Pollard as the nerdy, but very funny fireman Andy, who should never be challenged in a boxing match. And most especially Fred Willard as the over-the-top mayor. He has the best single line in the film when, after a major event takes place (I won't give that away), he toasts the crowd by saying, "I'd rather be with the people here tonight, than with the finest people on the planet!". A drop dead funny line. 5404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really like it, but I still look forward to part 2 come out with an affordable price. acting and characters great But the best performance is Jude Law. Jerome a truly tragic character, whose genetic perfection wasn't enough to keep disaster away -- he's proof that DNA can't make your life good or rewarding. Law plays him with a mixture of bitter wit and compassion, with perpetually shadowed eyes and a drink always in his hand. You may cheer for Vincent, but your heart will bleed for Jerome. 8625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd seen it a long time ago and it was still great seeing it again. Charles Bronson was in a class of a select few. This British series is truly in a "class" by itself. It's characters are unforgettable, the acting inspired and the backdrop evocative - Edwardian England from 1904 into the 1930s. The visuals of Gattaca are breathtaking and capture the time of the story in a way that is futuristic but comparable to present day. The acting is perfect for the story and it will touch you from the very opening scene. As far as science fiction stories go, this is as good as any, EVER. If you don't see Gattaca, you've missed out. Also accompanied by a wonderful score. Simply brilliant. Buy it, because if you rent it, you'll wind up buying it anyway. That said, this is a workable, enjoyable version well worth a view for Hinds and Morton. The complete screenplay can be obtained from literally hundreds of places on the net - just try googling on "anarcho-syndicalist commune" and you'll see. 5202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader have concocted a perfect movie with "Taxi Driver," which follows Robert deNiro's defining role of loner cabbie Travis Bickle. The claustrophobic sets and tight cinematography, Bernard Herrmann's curiously tasty mix of polyphony and jazz in his final score, and the ever-present foley effect of an alarm clock ticking (connoting Bickle's state of mind of mental deterioration, a human time-bomb waiting to explode) all make for a highly personal character study of this self-described "God's Lonely Man." Alexander B. Witt, a Chilean native, never mind his name, directed in his first time in the big chair. He pulled it off in style and added some cool stuff, including a Zombie seen in the reflection of a police riot face mask. He also has Milla Jovovich crash through a stained glass window on a motorcycle, jump off in a back flip then shoot the gas tank to blow up an especially nasty, bio-weapon Zombie. That is just way cool. In another cool bit Alice rigs up with ropes and runs down a sky scraper. The level of filming, sound and special effects all reach the best levels. The characters of the movie aren't properly introduced. There is no background to them, so you don't care if they live or die. It seems that they were more focussed on getting to the gore instead of building up the movie. The reason I gave this movie 4 stars instead of 5 is because of 2 reasons: 7927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Robin Williams's finest films with a great compliment of costars. A little dark for some folks although a masterpiece none the less. Other Ford Adventures: hope it got many awards Subtitles/Captions: 9695 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this movie then Used ESPERANTO INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE in it also. That is why so popular. We recommend for all Esperanto users it is about 3 minutes and you must watch it few times your sub continuous mind knows it. EXCELLENT we advise Hollywood to use ESPERANTO more often.[...] 4534 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE THIS MOVIE 8599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 well acted for the genre 6605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. Watch the 25 min feature on the Making of The Messenger: The True Story of Joan of Arc, narrated by Milla Jovovich. 1605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I missed the series when it aired. The writing is terrific, and so is the acting. Several episodes have left me stunned -- in a good way. If you like Downton Abbey and are sorry their are so few episodes,go back and look at this series. It's the parent of the other one. 4127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Some great line, especially the answering machine. In any case, this film has been brought back in a Special Edition DVD for whole new generations, as well as previous generations who remember it from their childhood. It seems a lot of people have given this version heat, mainly for deviating a bit from the original Broadway storyline, but I believe this is arguably the best "Annie" you could get your hands on, for a reason that another reviewe here, "Kelli," already indicated. 5909 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 7818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A River Runs Through It is a difficult film to review or even fairly comment upon. It is beautifully-filmed and overflowing with the sort of natural scenery---thick dark forests, cold, free-flowing rivers, wide-open skies---that in most movies would steal the show. It also features a cast of actors, Tom Skerit, Emily Lloyd, Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt, giving what I will long remain convinced is the most outstanding performance of their careers. This classic 1991 motion picture (re-)tells the true story of writer Norman Maclean's youth and early adulthood nearly a century ago in the wilds of rural Montana. Norman is a deep, pensive person, in many ways the opposite of his younger brother Paul, a free-spirited daredevil whose adventurous nature is good-hearted but perilous, as everyone around him except Paul himself seems to see. Norman and Paul's father is an upstanding Presbyterian minister whose scholarly erudition and sternly eloquent sermons give way at frequent intervals to undertaking the great passion in his life: fly fishing. The Reverend Maclean loves nothing more than to take his sons to the river to fly fish for trout. On these trips the elder Maclean imparts life's lessons to the boys and passes on words of wisdom they will each go on to recall during the course of their lives. History of the World, Part 1, Hurry up Februrary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE IT But the great thing about Monty Python I that it actually works on an educational level with high brow comedy that the uneducated may not get. There were plenty of references that dealt with obscure British history may not get so while watching it in class we would watch a scene and laugh at it's sophomoric humor, then the teacher would rewind it and point out the little things that us, the uneducated wouldn't get, then have a laugh at the deeper meaning. 6020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When I first saw Roxanne if felt it was charming. Problem is ... it hasn't stood up well over time. Many of Steve Martin's scenes look extremely convoluted and rehearsed. The fire chief is really smart and has this big nose ... so he can't find the love of his life. The premise was this new guy that every girl in town thinks is a Greek god can't relate to women and needs someone to tell him what to say. He gets panic attacks if he tries to talk to them. Yet he's able to talk to with no problem with the bar-girl as if all of his problems are totally forgotten. Some of the dialog is extremely silly and not believable. The best scene was when Steve figures out 20 ways of saying someone has a big nose. The fire department was filled with a bunch of seriously screwed up guys that were more of a threat to start a fire than put one out. Still ... I enjoyed watching it ... but it's not Steve Martins' best work. 7542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great, quality product @ a great price. 2 1/2 stars, rounded down for blowing a great opportunity. 4904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite De Niro films. Very good acting on his part and very classic movie with twist. 4009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 8816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son loooooves this movie! 9246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python is one of those things people think is incredibly funny - or incredibly stupid. I fall into the incredibly funny camp. This film still makes me laugh so hard I almost pee my pants. I think you can tell a lot about a person by asking them what is their favorite line from the movie. Mine: "Watery tarts handing out swords is no basis for a system of government." 2345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 No one can play a role like this but Harrison Ford. Just another great move in a long line of work!! 4244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Still great. An under-appreciated gem of a film, and one of the first films to launch the modern meta-genre. Schwartenegger is at his best, and Charles Dance is a delightful villain. The kid is pretty weak, but there are few child actors that aren't hard to take in anything other than small doses. The fact that this film doesn't get more credit is a real shame. We are, after all, talking about a film directed by the man who brought us Die Hard, Predator, and The Hunt For Red October, and written by the man who wrote Lethal Weapon and wrote/directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Give this a shot, if you get the chance. The Blu Ray is nothing special, but it's better than the DVD. 8604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bronson movie! If you like Bronson it's great! 4. Sarah Michelle Gellar DIES in the first one!* 3755 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is the most unique work Spielberg ever produced on his own. While Spielberg has produced many great films this one stands alone as his true best. He was clearly in the zone when he did this. it will blow you away like it did me SCORSESE SIGHTINGS: Martin Scorsese can be seen in two different scenes in the movie. The first scene is the introduction of Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) as she reaches the door of the Palentine headquarters. Scorsese sits to the right on the steps. The second Scorsese sighting is when Travis Bickle (De Niro) picks up a fare and takes him to an apartment where the rider (Scorsese) spies on his wife. 373 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 2898 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 k Anyone ever visiting Montana will register in their sights and other senses this inescapable impression. Don't forget, if you're going to fish these pristine waters (i.e. Yellowstone, Clearwater Creek, Madison, Bighorn, Big Hole, Gallatin, Beaverhead, Kootenai Rivers), catch-and-release is the only real keeper! A River Runs Through It is a Montana dreamscape. Once more, if going there, remember to 'Enjoy the Silence.' i was very lucky to get a copy for only $80 plus the shipping on top 2647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 bobe A small group of survivors must navigate their way to safety. 3385 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I waited a long time for this. I saw the original movie when it was first released, and it awed me. The storyline, performances, direction, cinematography, editing and ground-breaking special effects were unrivaled. For many years, the only versions consumers could get were the "special editions" which IMO weren't that special. But in this Blu-Ray collection, the original theatrical release is there in all its glory and it holds up really well, still one of the greatest achievements of Spielberg's career. 1846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent thanks!!!! 8520 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I guess my husband liked it. 4786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the original Wes Anderson film and the first roles for the Wilson brothers, too. So, just from a film history point of view, it's worth seeing, but it is also really a good movie, with a really nice love story sandwiched into the plot. Every movie fan should see Taxi Driver. Martin Scorcese, the director, also has a cameo and some of the most graphic lines. And you get to see a young Ray Romano's "Dad," Peter Boyle, as seasoned cabby "Wizard." 4456 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Two years have passed since Julie James was tortured by her fish-hook wielding nemesis, a victim of her friends' hit and run. However, the body was never found. Still living in fear, and in college, Julie is delighted when she and her friends win a holiday to the Bahamas in a radio competition. 9613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very cool. Well done. DVD EXTRAS: None If plagiarism, is the basis of video games then this is loaded with borrowed material. I see, Alien's, Night of the living dead,and a few others. Thanks You always for giving me this. 5823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this as part of completing the series. I hadn't seen it since it first came out & watching it I saw many things I had apparently missed the first time I watched. I've watched it a few times since I got this DVD and love it. It has lots of action, keeps you engaged throughout the whole movie. 3891 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This episode is the epitome of what made the first year the best! Never before or since has TV seen such chemistry between 3 beautiful women! Watch for a very young Lauren Tewes (Julie McCoy from Loveboat...and Kim Basinger BEFORE the Oscar!)...plus the one-liners from Jaclyn Smith are worth price alone! Must have for any Angels fan. The sound was a little different matter. I use a PS3 to watch BD movies with an optical cable to my Yamaha amp with only Dolby Digital decoder (no DTS decoder) so when I watch the movies I use the DD track if available. The DD core of the Dolby TrueHD track was only 448 kbps instead of 640 kbps (all other Dolby TrueHD titles that I have have a 640 kbps DD core) and it was a little underwhelming, being the same sound quality as the DD track on DVDs. But when I set up my PS3 to decode the Dolby TrueHD track as a 2 channel LPCM track the soundtrack really excelled. The film originally was mixed in Dolby surround so to use the surround processor on my amp to play the surround sound in mono on my back speakers didn't bother me. The detail in the sound, especially at the end of the film, was so rich. I know this is not a fair assessment of the Dolby TrueHD sound, but Sony should have but a 640 kbps core on the TrueHD track, like with the Spider-man trilogy. I am really looking forward to getting an amp with HDMI input to process the true HD sound from both Dolby TrueHD and uncompressed PCM BDs (and DTS-HD MA when the PS3 can decode it). 3112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't pass this movie by if it's on cable or regular TV, and I'm glad I was able to watch it streaming on Amazon. This is a superb depiction of the life, words, and deeds of Jesus Christ. Taken from the book of Luke, it is a beautiful and highly accurate portrait of the most important person in the history of the world, the Savior of the World - Jesus of Nazareth. 6101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS is a very heavy movie about a young American who is caught at a Turkish airport trying to smuggle hashish out of the country. After his arrest this true story becomes a grim tale of life in a Turkish prison and the almost hopeless task of trying to gain freedom. Brad Davis has the starring role of Billy Hayes. Randy Quaid, John Hurt and Norbert Weisser play the parts of other prison inmates. Mike Keller does a good job in the role of Billy's anguished father. The acting is uniformly excellent. 7670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great entertaining musical that one can see again thru the years 5084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You've got to have been in a coma for the past 30 years not to have seen this movie. Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle, the "troubled" cab driver is awesome and scary. Jodie Foster (Iris) is alarmingly sexy, Cybill Shepherd (Betsy) is dreamy, and Harvey Keitel (Sport) is the evil pimp. The big shoot-out towards the end of the film is an unforgettable "classic." Tension-building direction from Martin Scorsese. Robert De Niro - The Best. So now, I've watched it. And... it was clearly in trouble right off the start. In a story ABOUT how several people died on the mountain, the movie often STOPs to remind us with the narration, that '5 people will die'. The producers obviously recognized thier inability to recreate the actual drama that happened. I say, "Don't tell me, SHOW ME". After several scenes I was left wondering if I hadn't read the book if I would really understand what was happening. I like that HARD TIMES doesn't try to sermonize about the human condition. That sort of message usually goes over better if it's not being beaten into your head. The movie allows you to read between the lines, lets you make connections without them being pounded into you with pretentious exposition. I like that there's a kind of code of honor amongst these shady characters. There's no real animosity among the fighters. It's all business, making money, surviving and moving on. When Speed fails to pay off his debt, he gets a visit from the loan shark's enforcers, who then takes it out on his car. Speed protests feebly, but he's just going thru the motions. He minds, but he doesn't really mind. It's what's expected. Chaney, by virtue of his enigmatic, laconic presence, achieves an almost mythic aura. He's not quite up there with the Man with No Name, but Chaney, a kindred spirit and fellow mysterious loner, can sidle up to a bar next to him and won't be rebuffed. 1289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This completes the series , 1st rate What is the true nature of the Divine? How does He talk to His servants? How do you know the voice of God is really the voice of God---and not something else, something malignant, the voice of a demon or possibly madness? To his credit, Besson plunges deep into this dilemma, and the opening sequences in which Joan's young visions come heralded by unearthly winds and a vision of a glowering, leering (and ultimately aging, decrepit, and senescent) Christ are unsettling and horrible, suggesting that the source of her zeal may not be divine in nature. 4295 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Is anyone else having troubles with their prime streaming? I use a Roku and Netflix works almost flawlessly. Amazon Prime, however, completely bugs out whenever I try to pause and replay a movie. 2430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good southern style movie In May 1996, writer Jon Krakauer joined a party of experienced and amatuer climbers-lead by Everest veterans Scott Fisher and New Zealander Rob Hall-who attempted to reach the world's highest and most infamous mountain. Krakauer was one of the lucky ones, he made it back alive- 12 people didn't. 1500 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this version as a girl. It has been a favorite. Although very little is revealed in the film about Chaney's past (we know he had experience as a coal miner), it becomes fairly certain that he had a lot of experience with bare knuckle fighting. We know this because he is supremely confident of his skills despite his age. Chaney is not big or ultra-muscular, but he's fearless, calmly self-controlled, doesn't bleed easy and expertly knows how to READ other fighters. Chaney's weakness is that he's a loner and doesn't talk much, hence he NEEDS Speed to do the talkin' for him and set up matches in order to make money from his uncommon skills. 5388 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome product love it. 4469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As a Movie Fan, I can Understand people Hating this movie, as a Male, I can't understand it. It is just Too Much Fun to Dislike, and we get Many a good Cleavage shot of The Lovely Jennifer Love Hewitt, plus a lot of Violent Deaths... Sweet. 5027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What would be a classic without it's presentation?! This digipack special edition brigs a few cards within with pictures of the stars and movie scenes. The art is incredible! So as the picture and the soud DTS-HD-MA. 5649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great This movie was very moving in a decade that just didn't have many of those. The 70s were confusing times where we had lost faith in the world. When the film begins, we are scared that something isn't right. You get the sense (or at least I did) that we are lost and there is no communication or trust and at the end of the film we learn to see our world and ourselves through innocence and love. It is clearly a fantasy film but unlike Star Wars, which was released the same year, this film is more of a statement. It's a beautiful film about as I say, childhood innocence. I always walk away from this film with hope that maybe we can change and maybe one day, we will learn to fully understand our own self and eventually, our universe. Filmed in Quarzazate, Morocco, with its exotic ancient structures and landscapes, the cinematography by Rafaele Mertes is wonderful; this is a way above average production for television, and a film about a man who "does nothing against his conscience even on pain of death" is worth watching again and again. 8549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Charles Bronson. This movie hit the bulls eye. Ebert goes off and gives the movie a bad review. Then he tells us that Jill drove the bike into the church. What a great critic. We know he's good. (Especially sence he obvioulsy wasn't paying attention). He also said that they were in the church fighting a whole bunch of zombies. When he said zombies, he meant those things crawling all over the walls.(obviously he wasn't paying attention). He also say there weren't a lot of those mutant things (lickers) in this one. He said the first Resident Evil had a lot....... Was he watching the movie? The first Resident Evil had one. This one had several(obviously he wasn't paying attention). Then he also said there were many tall mutants walking around(he's means Nemesis). Was he watching the movie? There was only one(obviously he wasn't paying attention). He also claims that the Nemesis was wearing body armor. He wasn't. He was wearing a leather coat. Obviously Ebert never played the game because he didn't know Nemesis could just regenerate after recieving a bullet. No matter where it hit. I think it's time Ebert stopped reviewing. He's just to old. He can't even watch movies anymore. 214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It has been years since I first saw this version of a Christmas Carol. I had remarked to my daughter that I would like to see the Christmas Carol version with Henry Winkler one day when we were discussing all the different versions. I was glad I was able to watch and enjoy it again. 205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of my favorite holiday movies as a kid. Although it is tailored after Charles Dickens Christmas Carol, this movie has some distinct differences which actually make it stand on its own merit. I love the regular story of Christmas Carol, but this is refreshingly different and a must see. 5531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When it comes to horror of any genre, Vampires don't typically sit too high on Sid's priority list. It's not that the thought of a blood craving creature isn't scary but for some reason most of these film portray vampires as being a bit fruity. However there are some exceptions to our opinion with one being the 1985 classic Fright Night. A perfect blend a scares with laughs makes this one perfect for Sid's horror Octoberfest, and even gets the vampires into the mix. This one brings back memories of being very young which always adds a lot in the way of sentimental value. Graham Chapman is wonderful as King Arthur, despite drinking himself stupid on a daily basis, but this is where he stopped, and tried to take better control of his life. As the others have said, Heaven is now a sillier place; too bad for us, cancer is nothing to trifle with. The thing which is so effective in Chapman's work here, is he plays the role 100% straight, seemingly impervious to the silliness around him. This harkens back to his "General" from the TV show, chiding everyone around him for being "silly." There is a continuity to their entire body of work, and the astute fan always sees it right away. They have certainly created their own universe, one outsiders cannot comprehend, but those in on it, are enjoying it beyond anyone's wildest dreams. 5752 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Just not that great. My Hollywood Adventure with Aileen Quinn - (12:04) Aileen Quinn reminisces of her time filming "Annie" and featuring video clips of behind-the-scenes of the making of the film and the promotion for "Annie". Note: This is the same featurette for the 20th Anniversary of"Annie". 7261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie with a good story and moral...something lacking in movies now days for kids. Acting is great and music is catchy, making you want to sing and dance along. 4996 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have my DVR set to record Wes Anderson films automatically, so this popped in and I watched it last night with my housemate and we about died laughing. You can see so many Anderson-isms here in his proto-film: Of course, the Owen brothers ... deliciously dry humor ... and framing of the shots that introduce each sequence that are so fresh. or 1:85. From what research I could do (as well as old fading memories of seeing the 6559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil (2002). Rated "R". Widescreen. Running time: 1 hour, 40 mins. 6380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you have never seen the movie , you are going to be in shock as to the sensivity that the movie embraces. This is a movie that everyone should see. 9073 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of my favorites of all time. this movie brings back memories and well as continuing to tickle me as I watch it again and again 3495 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent condition! Thanks Vincent is an In-Valid with a heart condition that sets his life expectancy to 30 years. He dreams of space exploration so what does he do? Borrows an identity from a talented-but-crippled Valid named Jerome and assumes his DNA from urine samples to heartbeats and even has to scrub off eyelashes and skin. So when a murder happens in Gattaca and Vincent accidentally leaves his own DNA, he has to somehow elude capture before going on a space trip to a distant moon while falling for one of his co-workers Irene. If you can overlook this minor, although highly irritating, glitch you will totally enjoy a high-octane action film with many, increasingly exciting, set-pieces. Very cool. 8045 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I *nearly* hated this film. I am a former film student, current film lover, reader, researcher, and all-around film nerd. But I just did not connect one iota with this dismal movie. I love BRAZIL and TWELVE MONKEYS, and enjoy much of Terry Gilliam's other work. But what in the heck IS this? There is 'good wierd' (BRAZIL) and then '[bad] wierd' of which this film is one example. The story seems tied together in only the loosest meaning of the word. The relationships and coincidences just had me saying "COME ON!". The film seems rambling and disjointed-maddeningly so. I also found the murder scene to be horribly jarring and unecessarily grotesque. Yeah, that's my idea of a good time... Graham Chapman is still alive to me. The performances of Ben Kingsley (Potiphar) and Martin Landau (Jacob) are superb, and Paul Mercurio (Joseph), despite his necessary youth and therefore less experience, does a good job, although his "body language" often outdoes his spoken one. If you want to know what my biggest problem with this movie; it's the ending. Everything about my writing skills says it was a beautiful ending, but emotionally, I have this feeling deep inside my heart that I wish I could find out what happens to everyone. I also love the Barbra Streisand "Love Theme..." (written just for this movie) which was played at the beginning & end of the film- it sounds a great deal like her well-received & well-done album put out two years later, "Guilty". It adds to this little-known gem nicely. A recommended view if you don't mind some nudity & violence. Aside from the great opening, the hole mishmash shows no insight into Joan of Arc. After the fascinating opening--the ball is dropped and that is the director and lead actor's fault. Lead a nation in battle? This woman can't lead a movie. 777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A more wonderful Christmas experience can't be had. Arthur touches the heart as few ever do, and this is one of those shows that is enjoyable for children of all ages. This is, I believe, the original Arthur cast, and this is voice-acted and drawn beautifully. Arthur's Perfect Christmas is perfect Christmas family viewing... Instead of plowing its profits and R&D budget into detergents and oven cleaners, the nasty Umbrella Corporation has built itself a big bad virological bug. But as go the best laid plans of mice and men, the Big Bad Bug gets out into the uber-secret underground laboratory/think-tank/weapons factory that is the Hive, and the Hive's super-genius super-computer called the Red Queen gets all twitchy, snuffing all hands on board---with extreme prejudice. 6516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like action/horror films, find zombies terrifying (and therefore, excellent scary movie material), have a thing for Milla Jovovich, or most likely, have played and LOVED any of the many Resident Evil video games out there, then you need to check out this awesome film and its even better sequel. Personally, Milla is a bit too "stereotype super model" for my taste, but she's made some great movies, few things scare me more than Romero-stlye zombies, and the Resident Evil games are the shiznight! Especially part 2, with the delectable Claire Redfield! Anywho, Resident Evil (the movie) is a sort of prequel to the video games, so don't worry if you're unfamiliar with them. The plot goes something like this: The Umbrella Corporation is the most powerful commercial entity in the world, producing a variety of cosmetic and other type products, but making their real money off illegal scientific research and development. Their most horrific new discovery is the T-virus, a chemical agent capable of causing monstrous mutations and even bringing the dead back to life! As if that didn't make it a scary enough place to work, their main center of operations is a huge, underground research facility called "The Hive," located deep below the surface of Raccoon City. The only entrance to the facility is through the walls of a huge mansion on the outskirts of the city. The mansion is guarded by two security agents working for the company and under the guise of a newlywed couple. Everything is very well controlled and planned out, until the day the T-Virus is set loose! The reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is because in the begininng I found the plot a little hard to follow. As movie went on I stared to understand it more. I won't go too much into the storyline. Others have done a better job at that. I will say this, however. If you like Airwolf and Blue Thunder I recommend this DVD highly. This edition is in print but is fill screen. The widescreen special edition is out of print. If you can find it, buy it. Otherwise you will have to make due with the full screen version. I'd love to see a remake of this film. She continues to have more visions. In all, I found this one of the best films about Washington's attack on Trenton and one that gives a new impression of the compexity in executing this battle. This film should be in the library of every person with an interst in early America. 4620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie The Crossing provides valuable insight into a very important period of American (and British) History. Specifically: no more excuse to just catch 1/2 of it on TV once every few years, when the DVD is out there for $12. 4074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon truly give life to this remarkable tale of family, life, love, and loss. Director Chris Columbus (Harry Potter, Mrs. Doubtfire) superbly directs the well-defined script that not once questions its ability to work. Though an intelligent group of screenwriters and a good director are behind the film, it definitely reflects the typical Hollywood-tear jerker, but with quality. 8959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great. This movie was everything I loved about musical genre the plot enhanced by singing and dancing. The best scene is when Annie goes to Daddy Warbucks Mansion. I truly would have loved to be in that bed the maids were fixing up it looked comfy and warm like a cloud on a summer's day. Is it as exciting and popcorn fun as Jaws? Or as serious and character driven as Schindler's List? Well no but that's beside the point since this is a film where you're almost glad something that feels this against the grain exists. 3301 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Hey i'm a guy. And guess what... I loved Thelma and Louise, A Leaugue of their own, The Color Purple, Somewhere in Time... and I could go on but why. 3229 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 From the bizarre editing to the lame dialogue, from the horrible sound track (before my time!) to the glorification of drug use--of which I definitely do not approve--I can easily say that "Easy Rider" is among the five WORST films I have ever seen in my life! The American Film Institute includes this bomb in its list of 100 greatest American films, so I thought I'd check it out. This film is so bad that I can't even think of four other films to insult by including them in the same list. Sad to say, but by the end of the film, I was actually rooting for the rednecks--and wasn't disappointed! Set in New Orleans in the early '30s, this streetboxer story is considered by many to be Bronson's best movie. 9196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Where can I start with is classic? It has all of the famous Monty Python skits (missing is the parrot skit) and is still hilarious -- viewing after viewing. The material, after all of these years, is still fresh. My fourteen year old niece recently saw the movie for the first time and it has become one of her favorites. Buy this movie or...I'll turn you into a newt! 3653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind was the first classic of the UFO genre. This is a great movie, one that will awaken an interest in even the most casual observer of all things UFO. This product came with three different versions: Theatrical, Special, & Director's Cut. 4849 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the all time classics for me. I had this one on VHS, but no longer have a VCR. I have a Blu-ray player and it plays DVD's just fine. I wanted this one for my collection of De Niro films. 6134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is just as charming & funny as when I first saw it in 1987. Unquestionably, one of Martin's best, ranking alongside "L.A. Story", "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and "Parenthood". 9034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderful movie. instant classic. 5 stars... 5015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A little rough around the edges - not as refined or clever as some recent Anderson movies, but definitely a Anderson film. I recommend it for any fans... 910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 well done It is a great Holiday movie. Missing are all the "deleted" scenes that were included on the Director's Cut. So, if you own that one, it might be best to keep it since they are absent from this edition. Special Feature: Kim Novak Backstage Documentary [9:28] This is a really interesting, albeit way too brief special feature, where we visit Kim Novak at her Oregon hideaway, where she reminisces about costume designer Jean Louis, as well as how the pressures of Hollywood actually helped her to continue working on her painting, something Kim Novak is still involved with. Kim Novak comes off as very charming and very down to earth, with absolutely no illusions or delusions of being a "big star." 2541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Life goes on, life always goes on. 9117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Seriously, who hasn't seen this movie. Buy it now and stop reading this. Stop that right now! There'll be none of that while I'm here. this DVD is absolutely crystal clear and beautiful as is the soundtrack. The special effects are very good, and I enjoyed watching the very well dressed but incredibly stupid special hit team get their collective butts kicked by zombies and monsters. So I was disappointed to hear the writer and professor talking that way in the features. They didn't seem to "get" the powerful potential of their own work. Or at least it eluded them when they spoke, or perhaps it eluded them after the success of the film or the book and their claim of ownership to something permanent. Instead they should seek to open up a discussion to viewers about how the film could communicate it's potential meaning more effectively to more people. No explanation needed. This is, without a doubt, one of the funniest movies ever made. It's completely mindless and stupid, and that's why you should love it too. Theatrical Trailers: Several SONY Blu-ray titles, we get clips for The Da Vinci Code, A River Runs Through It, Not Easily Broken, Obsessed, Casino Royale and Damages Season One though, unfortunately, the Trailer for Midnight Express isn't one of them, round out the bonus features. 1802 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WE REALLY LIKED IT. I WISH IT HAD BEEN LONGER. THE ACTORS WERE GREAT! PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT AMERICAN COLONISTS WERE HAVING CHRISTMAS DINNER WHILE THEIR ARMY WAS COLD, HUNGRY, ETC. What makes Travis' journey into madness even more compelling is the portrayl of the character by Robert De Niro. As the film progresses, De Niro's fractured performance is so real, you almost feel he really is Travis Bickle, even now some 25 years since the film's release. De Niro's best scenes are when he is trying to interact with 'normal' people, like his cab driver friends, or his confrontations with Tom (Albert Brooks) - a co-worker of Betsy. The way De Niro is one step removed from these and all the other characters in the movie is a feat he has not matched since. The script by Paul Schrader is also superb. The film shifts from centering on Travis' insecurity, to his misguidance and eventually to his role as a psychotic vigilante. The dialogue is superb and each character is shaped perfectly. The film also makes use of its many smaller, but no less important roles, such as Sport the Pimp (Harvey Keitel), Wizard the cabbie (Peter Boyle), Tom and Iris (Jodie Foster). All of these characters display an on screen presence that is rarely matched by other supporting cast members. 1 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Believe me when I tell you that you will receive a blessing watching this video of the Cathedral Quartet. They bring back most of the singers that were ever in their group and it is a really great VHS. 5118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Scorsese's dark vision of human alienation in an urban wasteland captures the seaminess of pre-Giuliani Manhattan, and DeNiro's career-making performance as Bickle is haunting, recalling those real-life outcasts who have used violent crime to tell an oblivious world: "I was here!". Stunningly directed and acted, this picture is every bit as disturbing now as when released. Brilliant, but not for the faint of heart. The basic plot deals with a an elite group of characters trained for combat who are sealed underground in a complex known as the "Hive." A deadly neurotoxin is purposely filtered through air vents and kills all who it comes into contact with. Supposedly. Soon you discover than while the toxin kills unmercifully, it also reanimates the corpses of its victims! Think Frankenstein en masse set loose in a labrinyth. 6467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First, I haven't picked up the DVD yet so I can't comment on the extras, although from reading the product description, it looks like it's gonna be really cool. I did see it in the theaters twice, so my comments will focus on the movie itself. 5172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In 1976, Martin Scorsese directed "Taxi Driver", starring Robert DeNiro. Calling this a "conservative" movie is a stretch, but it is a prescient look at New York attitudes that preceded the age of Giuliani. Paul Schrader wrote it. His story is a hoot in and of itself. He and his brother were raised in a strict Calvinist Pennsylvania family, emphasizing the strictest tenets of Scripture and absolutism. The Calvinists are big on pre-ordained destiny. Released from this environment, he came to Hollywood and tried everything. Naturally, he was a mess; a drug addict, an alcoholic and a heterosexual so confused he tried homosexuality just...to try it. Given the assignment to write a screenplay, he was holed up in a downtown L.A. hotel for weeks, then months. He had little social contact except occasional taxi rides to restaurants in and around L.A.'s skid row. He began to see the world from inside the taxi, and came up with a character and a plot revolving around the concept. 5094 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of those rare films that shines like a gem. Little known diddy launched huge careers for several talents involved. Great story filled with wonderful performances and a light, feel good vibe. Non-traditional filmaking with a bright perspective by Director Wes Anderson. Anderson co-penned this film (and others that followed) with Owen Wilson whose character Dignon steals the show. A great movie that can put you in a great mood. 766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Arthur great dvd perfect condition 6285 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This isn't a bad zombie movie, but then again it isn't a good one either. Although one knows what to expect in such a movie, 4492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good movie even if it is dated. 9044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The is a very funny video seen the live play and had to get the movie it's funny get it 2299 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Waiting for Indiana Jones IV to come to pass, it is always time to reflect on the sad state of Harrison Ford's career, and as we flip through the years it seems to me he hasn't had a bona fide hit since 1997. (2000's WHAT LIES BENEATH probably made money, but few credit Ford's presence in that thriller for its success; possibly it was a hit due to the well-tuned script and the expert direction by Robert Zemeckis. In any case Michelle Pfeiffer--another star of the 1990s whose career has gone sadly awry--deserves half the credit as well.) Otherwise it's like a list of one disaster after another. K-19 THE WIDOWMAKER? Dead in the water. HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE? Not a bad show but the public stayed away in droves. RANDOM HEARTS? When you look up "catastrophe" in the dictionary you get a still from this movie. SIX DAYS SEVEN NIGHTS? Awful. WATER TO WINE (2004)? Even his fans don't know what it is! I'm not sure FIREWALL will break the curse either, it sounds like a re-tread of an earlier Ford flop called FRANTIC. My husband and I have watched all of this series and throughly enjoyed it. We intend to watch it all again one day. It is truly great! 9323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Review of Gattaca 6128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes, everyone is entitled an opinion. This is a story or Billy Hayes who got caught trying to smuggle hash out of Turkey. Yes, he got caught and yes, he was punished. Should the punishment fit the crime? I don't think that the punishment fit the crime. I don't think that this movie was bashing any country in general. It let us know that one country's definition of crime and punishment may differ from another. Rent or buy this movie---watch it a couple of times---did the punishment fit the crime? He was initially sentenced to 5 years-his case was then reviewed 3 years later and he was sentenced to 20 years. Isn't this punishment in itself? The fact that they could "play with his sentence" and punish him for the same crime more than once. I think that Billy paid his dues by just knowing this fact. This move defines the meaning of MERCY. 6518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE begins almost immediately where RESIDENT EVIL ended. The movie gives us a few details surrounding the incidents from the first movie: Umbrella people opening the Hive which unleashes the zombies infected with the T-virus, Umbrella rounding up their top scientists to evacuate from Raccoon City, what exactly happened to Alice and Matt Addison after they escaped the Hive, etc. Then the fun really begins. The movie jumps around quite a bit as it follows several different characters in several different places scattered throughout the city who don't start meeting up with each other until about half-way through the movie. Jill Valentine and Carlos Olivera (heroes from the Resident Evil video games) have major roles in the film, teaming up with Alice and a few other stragglers as they attempt to escape the city before Umbrella nukes the place to kill off the T-virus before it spreads any further. The DVD sort of helps you understand each episode and the odd aspects of British law if you listen to the authors set up segments that come before each program starts. Rumpole is in a class by himself, for this is light comedy, drama, legal theme show and commentary all in one. I would suggest that you buy the Rumpole play on a seperate DVD that inspired the Rumpole series. Also another must BUY is the following book: Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders. This was indeed Horace Rumpoles first finist hour when he proved his client not guilty of capital murder of two war heros one his own dad. Rumpole was but a junior white wig barrister with hardly a year of real life law experience under his belt at the time. It was during these heady times that he fell into the loving embrace of his soon to be good lady wife Hilda. Rumpole did hardly realized he had fell into Hilda's web but Hild a strong willed woman who once saw what she wanted she was not stopped. Hilda felt she could make something of her Rumpole and she did. Rumpole never became a QC or a circut (circus judge) but he stood for the best in law that all should be represented in court by an aggressive barrister who believed in their clients innocence. Rumpole a self described old Baliey hack was a soldier in the army of good that gives to all acused a fair chance before the law. In conclusion, Air Force One will definitely please most fans of far-fetched action packed high explosive films while simultaneously satisfying the technical crowd who thoroughly enjoy seeing their films being treated in a careful and respectful manner. This movie was released in 1989 and made over 80 million dollars at the box office. It was an instant classic. & Remains in the hearts of millions of fans around the world. It's not just a chick flick either. Men love this movie too. It appeals to all ages both men & women. If you haven't seen this movie all I can say is go WATCH IT! 488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As described and fast shipping. 2772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film was excellent while the women in the town, all pull together, have fun together and support each other successful. 6927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. I have both movies and I love both of them. No faults can be said of this fine cast. Samantha Morton is superb and believable as Jane. Gemma Jones (Last Tango in Halifax) plays Mrs Fairfax here, and has been a favorite of ours since she starred in `The Duchess of Duke Street.' Funny and certinaly bizzare that I haven't seen a good film with this theme in a long, long while, unless we consider braindead disasters like "Independence day" contenders. It appears that many people prefer the recent TV version of "Annie" with Alicia Morton because the plot is faithful to the Broadway musical version. That may be true, but in my opinion that remake did not stand the slightest chance against the acting of this 80's version. Albert Finney and Aileen Quinn work beautifully alongside one another, with Finney giving a perfect portrayal of a workaholic man who is constantly seeking to push Annie away but eventually recognizes that she is the daughter he always needed. Ann Reinking (Grace Farrell) plays the nurturing motherly role to a "T," and of course, the classic and hysterical Carol Burnett helps Miss Hannigan steal every single scene she is in. The orphans are all well cast, each with their own distinct personalities and all notably expressive in front of the camera. (They really did get lucky with the kids in this movie; all of them were very genuine and a talented group of little actresses). A beautiful story indeed, brought to life impeccably on screen and a pure joy to watch. It's one of those movies that truly does just make you smile, and the approach these actors took with their roles is the main reason for that. 7976 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An underappreciated gem, full of great actors & plot twists, with a lesson in life and love that is timeless and touching, all set against the crazy asylum that is NYC.... Vincent's parents decided to have him as a "natural" birth, i.e. without genetic prompting. The hospital took a blood sample from his heel at the tender age of 10 minutes old (practically!) and got a sterile computer read-out of the chances of heart failure, life expectancy and so on. 5 Stars! Strongest Recommendation! But despite the controversy (which Oliver Stone and even the real Billy Hayes have regretted the film's depiction of the Turks), the film was well-known for its powerful performances and its powerful storyline. It's a gritty film that shows the violence behind Hayes experiences at the prison and torture they received. Including other things that were deemed quite controversial back in the late 70's. 5009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yep, that's right, I think this is Martin Scorcese's best movie. Even better than Goodfellas, Casino, or Raging Bull (all fantastic movies, mind you). Many of the familiar scenes are depicted in this movie (The Birth, the Baptism, the Teachings, Healings, Trials, Suffering, Death and Resurrection). There are certain scenes in the Gospel of Luke which are depicted in this movie which don't appear in other Jesus films except the Gospel of Matthew - Visual Bible (e.g. The Transfiguration, The healing of the Gadarene demoniac; Jesus' praying in Gethsemane and sweating drops of blood, then being strengthened by the angel). 4126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Betsy refuses to see him anymore. This is the catalyst that sends Travis over the edge. He purchases every piece in a "traveling salesman's" arsenal, and pumps his thin body up. He is planning something big. To the viewer's horror, you realize he wants to assassinate Palantine to get back at Betsy, even though Palantine rode in his cab and DeNiro even has his posters in his apartment. 138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My sweetie and I swap movies. Her folks slept through the 80's and mine hated classic movies. She really loved this one of mine and it was even better than I remembered. Clarity was superb and Henry Winkler's interview was great! 971 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There is a definitive modern flavor to this classic by Dickens, yet the handling of the story is very dignified and seems to translate to film almost perfect. Mobile Masterpiece Theatre's telling of Great Expectations accounts for many of the most important parts of the story, and those who have never read the book (or, those who chose not to read it in high school), will have an easy time understanding the story of Pip's rise and fall in both love and status. Certainly this is not some cheesy modern remake that tries to be hip and cool; instead it modernizes the tale in a way that is very "Dickenseque." 9322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you 1560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great series The action in this movie is intense, yet being a Resident Evil movie there are some genuinely creepy scenes as well. Although APOCALYPSE is heavy on action and special effects there are characters here as well including Jill Valentine from the video game. 1213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still funny after all these years. Takes you back to a simpler time when humor didn't involve profanity. Always have and always will enjoy this show. Essay by star and co-creator Jean Marsh RATING 10 5865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. Dolly Parton is her usual big hair, big smile, big **** self as the lead hairdresser. Shirley MacLaine has a very unsympathetic character as the Eatonton's (Julie and Sally, and family) ill-tempered neighbor. The male characters are more or less wasted, especially the estimable Sam Shepard, who spends most of the film underneath a car, or sitting lifelessly in front of a TV. Volume 4: 8563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very funny. Then later we meed biker chick who runs the bar, and while virgin white gurrrl lives, random biker chick is killed off, because the white suburb kids watching need to know that that lifestyle is looked down upon and you'll likely get murdered if you live like that. Token black girl living was only a treat for virgin white girl because no one else really cared about her character. The second part of the film (once Alice appears) is slightly better than the completely useless first 40 minutes, but the operative word here is "slightly". There is a couple of good action scenes, but they are few and short. Of course, between those good action scenes quite a lot of munitions gets expended but mostly it is just a shooting of various fish in the barrels. 3926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was really surprised how well this film held up. A marvelous movie with marvelous DVD extras. Don't be surprised if the ending is different than you remember. This is actually the ORIGINAL ending to the film, not the ending that Spielberg was persuaded to put on the "Special Edition" re-release of the movie. The other ending is contained in the special features, if you miss it. I highly recommend and enjoy this version of Jane Eyre. Although not as true to the book as other versions, I think it included the most crucial scenes in a most convincing way. It was truly a fresh look at a classic and timeless novel. (3) Claude Lacombe (played by the great French moviemaker Francois Truffaut): This character is based on a real-life UFO expert. Lacombe is a U.N. scientist who is in-charge of a mostly American team investigating unexplained phenomenon on Earth. I especially like the bit with the kids throwing cans and rocks at the taxi (Booing the heel for not saving Iris from Sport). Very cool, you just don't see craft like this anymore. 7891 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie I justvwanted the flick on dvd. 9951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautiful transfer and packed with extras. I'm so glad this blast from the past got the proper Blu Ray treatment. 1249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Everyone's glad the final season of this venerable classic finally came out on home video as a stand-alone release, so hurrah for the completists! That said, despite some fine moments, the show begins to look tired in this season. Right away, the Hartleys move -- but only to an apartment on a different floor! So nothing really is changed except the decor and some of the off-screen layout. Howard is still THERE all the time, which becomes more and more ridiculous (even the new title sequence seems to poke fun at this) and I swear he was made dumber and dumber as the series went on, resulting by season six in a Howard Borden man-child personna who is no longer a believable adult character (this man is a navigator for an airline?!?). The plotlines and stories seem a bit shop-worn and many episodes near the end of the run just trail off without any big topper or clear resolution. Finally, and most unforgivable, Bob seems to be literally phoning in his appearances to the point of hardly even showing up in many episodes. Was it a sarcastic message to viewers, how often the token Bob Newhart scene in a host of episodes is him on the phone in an airport or hotel, checking in with Emily? Three minutes of Bob doesn't even allow for a decent "Hi, Bob" drinking game! Bottom line the movie version of "Girl" is a mess-which can be guessed without even viewing. Made-for-cable movies back in 1998 were generally lousy and not the mix of quality that they are in 2005. Neither director Jonathan Kahn nor writer David Tolchinsky had done a feature before "Girl" and neither has done anything since 1998. Just do the math. 9690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Underated film with modern appeal and topic. Great art direction, casting, script and wardrobe design. See IN TIME from the same director Andrew Niccol. Awesome. 9758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A sci-fi movie that deals with the very essence of freedom and equality. The film is as perfect in its details as Vincent Anton Freeman (played by Ethan Hawke) has to be in passing for Jerome Eugene Morrow (played by Jude Law). Either way, it is enjoyable -- whether or not she was portrayed an insane teenager. 6210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Action from start to finish and shot mostly in the dark. DVD looked great with upconverting player, but compared to HD, this looks even better. Richer colors and so much more detail compared to the dvd release. does the plot seem whack and out of this world?? thankfully, Benny Chan is the director so you know you can expect a lot of fun/actions. Stephen Fung speaks english really well. And Nicholas Tse was very good in this movie. Not as good as in Y&D;Prequel but he had his moments. Sam lee is just hilarious as Alien. Edd Kerr iegolden@shaw.ca #Theatrical Trailer "With your iPad and Blu-ray player synced via your WiFi network, the app becomes your remote control and lets you see the exact scenes talked about in The Holy Book of Days. It's an entirely new way of watching the film." To say that the acting in this movie was good would be a slight over-statement, and the dialogue is not what one would call stellar. I would not be so certain about the accuracy of the movie either--few movies are. The general course of events may be faithfully adhered to, but no movie based on a historical event that I can think of has not taken liberty with the truth for one reason or another. 6963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice story of adoption...thru the trials and tribulations.. If this review ends up on another version you will have to check for your self how complete it really is and what has been cut out. 2944 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 telling all my friends bout this site to get their favorite movies at a great price! I will be using this site again and again! It is a lovely film, a terrific period piece, and a lovingly directed bit of transformation of a superb novel to the silver screen. We see so many characteristic Redford touch that one really can watch the movie just for the fishing scenes and come away dazzled by the way he employs the camera in a way that catches the marvel of Montana so unforgettably. I love this film. Enjoy! 7064 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! Pleased with my Purchase! At my age any thing that makes you think is great.. 2557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie "After all, according to your file you're a psychopathic personality with schizophrenic delusions, suffering from recurring amnesia, based on traumatic oppression leading to outbursts of antisocial and violent behavior." Although I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is meant to be a revenge sequel- it seems to focus more on advertising on a holiday in the Bahamas. By the end of the film, we are sick and tired of Julie's moaning and just want to see her get slashed and gashed! Yet again, the film ends with sequel potential. 9002 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! Note that this movie fails the Bechdel test. While there are two named female characters (and really, only those two) they never interact at all. They are simply there to present "beautiful pure angel female" and "run down whore female in need of rescuing". That's the range of women in Travis's mind. 5607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have a list for almost everything. Honestly. And one of those lists is entitled "My Favorite 80s Horror." Fright Night holds its own spot in the top ten. Because of its wit, scares, and the little notice of slapstick humour towards old Drac flicks. 6060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arrived on time had different artwork haven't played yet 3336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. 9072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The knights of ni and the rabbit of course. If you have never heard about the rabbit scene got to YouTube and after watching you will buy this movie just to watch that one scene over and over. The one drawback is you can only get the digital copy from Sony's website as this movie is not yet available on iTunes or Amazon instant video. The Life of Brian & The Meaning of Life are available on iTunes and The Meaning of Life is available on Amazon Instant Video. Why amazon does not have Monty Python & the Holy Grail or The Life of Brian for digital download I do not know but I hope they rectify this problem soon 5736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great entertainment. 2522 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a very good movie, was filmed in a place where we used to live, Maybe its just me but I love this film. I watch it at least once a year guaranteed. Not that this review matters or anything (not like its going to make popular a film that has been widely ignored upon release and long since forgotten since then) but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. Great film, very funny. Very evocative of the times, and who doesn't like to see Bronson hit people? Great fun. As I stated earlier, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is simply a better film than its predeccesor, in terms of acting, storytelling, pacing, and action. To be fair, "Resident Evil" is merely the opening chapter to this much bigger story that is told in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse", and in truth, neither of the two films hold up on their own. Director Alexander Witt brings his valuable experience as a much respected 2nd Unit Director from his previous film experiences, "Gladiator" and "The Bourne Identity" to name a couple, giving the material a more mature, polished appearance that the original film lacked. The special effects, including the practical and make-up effects, are all improved in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". A very good decision was made in having the Nemesis monster not be just another CGI character, but be a physical man in a suit, it is with the Nemesis character that the make-up and practical effects team really shined. The acting and storytelling were much improved from the original film, and the addition of Jill Valentine and Carlos Olivera from the video games was an especially nice touch. 8167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 These are classic of British humor, and at a great price. I gave up cable due to limited stuff I want to watch and exorbitant costs. Netflix at under $10 per month for unlimited viewing, supplemented with dvds such as Rumpole work out very well. Thanks for the low price, fast shipping. 5188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Whoa!! Fireball performance by De Niro, competent direction by Martin Scorcese and good supporting performances by Jodie Foster and Harvey Keitel - all the elements which worked together in bringing out this classic. 9257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is so funny it has been known to kill under certain extreme circumstances. It may leave you writhing on the floor, gasping for air, starved for precious life giving oxygen. The conflict: The United States doesn't negotiate with terrorists under any circumstances. Well, maybe the US will negotiate if the president and his family have been kidnapped and used as the only viable bargaining chips. On one hand, CE3K is based upon just enough facts and evidence (with credibility) about the UFO/ET phenomenom (continuing to present day) to effectively suspend disbelief in the audience, but is filled with amazing and eye candy CGI special effects to realize that vision of those crazies who have been contacted. And those who have yet not. Except for the original Apocalypse Now (not the crappy and detracting "redux"), this is almost a "perfect film" in every way. Especially for "Hollyweird." Shame this had to come in the same year as the original "Star Wars." As well as other great films. Buy this if you want mindless entertainment, if your looking for great cinema-watch the evening news. The soundtract rocks!!! 6199 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am about ten years from retirement to give you an idea of my age. And yet I enjoy many of the new horror movies if they have something besides all head banging music and tons of gore. This movie will rock your world no matter what age you are. Many adaptations of games do not make it in my replayable list. This one excels there. This is one you will find yourself regularly popping in the player for a revisit of the haunting music, great acting, and scary as hell zombies and other creatures. This is by far one of my favorite horror movies. Well thought out screenplay, excellent directing, and super music score. I give it a high recommendation. I haven't owned a console game since the first Nintendo, but this movie has tempted me to buy a new one even though I prefer the PC versions. By the way I did not care for the last Final Fantasy movie, but I'm sure game console gamers may. This movie although possibly not as appreciated by those with game consoles, will definitely be appreciated by Horror/SciFi movie fans. I recommend the sequel as well. Although not quite as scary, still quite good in the action department. Highly recommended, go BLU! Movie size: 34,065,205,248 bytes 5346 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!! Classic. Considering this Blu Ray movie costs a fraction of what others charge, worth the $30 investment. It plays flawlessly on my Sony Blu Ray 4K Player. No problems. Picture transfer quality is excellent. I only wish the price was a little less expensive, but otherwise if you are a fan of this Horror classic, by all means indulge and enjoy 3048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just love WEAZER! This is one of my favorite movies and I remember watching it a lot with my mom. I finally have a DVD of it and will always cherish it. Just a great entertaining movie! 2643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is no word to describe this amazing movie, all time favorite, disc in very good condition. 5510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Zombie scientists working for the evil Umbrella Corporation don't realize that their health benefits are of no use when a Sanitation Team starts shooting them. Becoming their own experiments was not in the job description. Fortunately, they are past caring as they gnaw their way through the remainder of the team that wasn't sliced and diced in the Red Queens hallway. But that is until I saw Resident Evil. What a spectatular prequel. It even beats the Phantom Menace. 7412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great show -Slade's deceased business partner Jack Latham appears and he offers some stunning quotes. In the end The Seventh Sign is summarized as a powerful story that is emotionally wrenching throughout, and a jarring ending you will not forget. This film did a good job of interpretation the Biblical story on the life of Joseph. The production is superb and settings are excellent. Everyone of the cast was perfect for their parts. Paul Mercurio plays Joseph exceptionally well. Equally impressive is Lesley Ann Warren who plays as Potiphar's lewd wife who unsuccessfully attempts to ensnare Joseph. Also marvellous to watch is Martin Landau (Jacob) and Joseph's eleven brothers. The supporting cast was fantastic. But all kidding aside, what are we going to do with J. Lo?? 3511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Liked it so much I bought it...acting and storyline well done. 7703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A family history at the turn of the century, when time moved slowly and family meant everything. Great movie! Can quote dialogue because I watch so much. - I don't have a strong position on whether the ending is reliable or not. Both ways work for me. 5498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was an intelligent and fun romp through the Salt Lake City Punk scene from the Mid-eighties. It is the story of Steve-o, essentially the "poster boy" for left wing punks in the SLC area, but also essentially believed to be one of the more intelligent people in the area too. As usual, Dunaway is terrific, as her powerful performance helps to sell the odd premise of paranormal abilities. Tommy Lee Jones doesn't seem like the ideal fit as a homicide detective, particularly when compared to every other cop in the film, but Rene Auberjonois and Brad Dourif are nicely cast for their roles. Carpenter does a pretty good job of character development and dialog, which separates the film from a typical giallo. Directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik (National Lampoon`s Christmas Vacation) has made a campy action adventure film, full of non-stop thrills and comedy. This film features a Embarresment Role from Star:Sean Connery. It was a Huge Box Office Flop but Still, the movie is best enjoy, if you don`t take it seriously. Great Production Design by Staurt Craig. Grade:B+. 9765 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Imagine a world where your future is determined by your genes. Your schools, your job, your social status are all determined by what genetic flaws you have. 8127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw a special on PBS about the making of this movie. The story focused on the choreography mostly. The story is admirably supported by the gorgeous Ms Jovovich, complete in knee-length boots and a strappy red dress, who literally kicks ass. She is ably assisted by a SWAT team which includes Colin Salmon, and Michelle Rodriguez adds a little more killer-chick eye-candy to the ensemble. Eric Mabius and James Purefoy also tag along, but the film is really all about Mila and the zombies and that is, perhaps, where the film suffers a little. This central theme is diluted by all the trappings of the computer game that the director felt he had to squeeze in: the all-powerful Umbrella Corporation, the computer system gone bad, the theft of the zombie virus and some nonsense about genetically engineered creatures ("Lickers" I think? and in the second film the Nemesis creature) on the loose. I suppose that some viewers may also fret that there is a bit too much of the leading lady and not enough zombie peril, but I have always been of the opinion that you can't ever see too much of Mila Jovovich (and you can parse that statement however you like). The newer, more modern, series is also good, but sadly it was not renewed so it really does not have an ending, happy or otherwise. I was really looking forward to see how England survived WWII. Perhaps they will rethink the decision to cancel it and bring it back. These, like then, are hard times we live in, and it always helps to see a good drama to make you feel better. 9438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie probably is the funniest movie ever made. I'm completely serious. No movie is quoted nearly as often -- for crying out loud, it came out 25 years ago and people still recognize lines from it. You will start laughing in the first minute or two, and will not stop laughing, or even slow down, for the entire duration of the film. I have often wondered how these Monty Python guys ever came up with so much random hilariousness. Overall, Fright Night is one of the best films that the 1980's had to offer and also, one of the best horror films ever made. If you are a fan of horror, comedy or both, this movie is for you and if you saw this movie back in the day and enjoyed it then, get the DVD so you can rediscover it and enjoy it once again. No fan of horror, comedy or both should be without this classic film of the 1980's, which helped define what the 1980's were all about. This is must have for anyone who loves films of the 1980's and lovers of horror films, lovers of comedy films or both. 773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love Christmas specials and try to watch all of them I can. This was great one for younger children or those of us who are young at heart! 6297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this when it first came out and I was blown away. The zombies in this film look awesome. Though no characters from the game appear the characters in this film are very strong and so are the actors who play them. The licker in this film is so intense looking, just like in the game. Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez are great as the two female leads. My favorite scene is the dog scene. From the director of Event Horizon, Mortal Kombat, and Alien vs. Predator. Highly Recommended. - Lobby cards It's a no brainer. This new set is better. The Latin transcript of the trial was translated into English, and much of the dialog is literally from the court transcripts. for purists (like me). The golden thread running through this film is that THE PARTY'S OVER, DUDES. 9956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It is a good action movie. The ending does seem a bit overdone and sentimental, but this movie is simply one of the best ever made. It set the standard for future filmmaking. Feel good, holiday favorite. As much as I really wanted to dislike I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, I, unfortunately, couldn't. This film has very bad reviews and didn't do excellently at the box office, but it isn't, surprisingly, as bad as it is supposed to be. It's not the teen-kill movie for everyone, but it held my interest, and is a pretty solid modern horror movie. The Spice Girls themselves are sporting enough to put themselves through any sort of gag. They always kid themselves and each other and preach "Gil Powah," while Posh herself already shows her interest in clothes. And of course they sing their greatest hits, which aren't too bad, though the lyrics being subtitled means you could risk having those syrupy-sweet songs being stuck in your head for some time. 7750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful story of two boys growing into manhood in the early nineteen hundreds in Missoula Montana. Robert Redford's narrations adds volumes to the understanding of the story. 7450 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I truly believe throughout the entire film that Laura Mars was innocent. I couldn't wait to find out who the ture killer was. Great Supporting cast of Tommy Lee Jones and Raul Julia. If you have, and delight in the antics of the Pythons, you will not be disappointed. It's a wonderfully restored, remastered, re-whatevered DVD. I loved to hear the actors and directors still genuinely laughing -- after all these years -- on the commentary tracks. This movie stands the test of time as a comedic masterpiece. 4736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Iron Eagle These questions and others are all answered as a young boy grows to manhood while a despotic mayor forbids toys of every kind in his town. Judges are called "Your Lordship or Your Ladyship". In Rumpole you will hear a lot of talk about QC's Queens Council's or as Rumpole calls them Queer Customers. QC's are sort of like super Barasters who sort of have the queens blessing to do her business in the name of justic in British Courts. The Old Bailey refers to the Old Central London Courts Complex with its old gray building and distinctive high domed roof located on Baliey Street hence its name. The old Bill are slang terms for Police Officers. 5017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wes Anderson is probably one of my favorite quirky directors. With films such as The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou,The Royal Tenenbaums, and Rushmore in his repertoire, I feel the "quirky" title to be appropriate. Best known for Rushmore (1998), Anderson's films have a unique edge to them. Definitely not in-your-face comedy, their impact is much dryer and subtler (I remember the nude gal in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou just being there because some nudity was needed. And I remember Bill Murray driving back and forth over his enemy's bicycle in Rushmore then placing it back in its bike rack and how I knew this would influence the battle yet-to-come). 3519 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great picture great sound good special features This is scary stuff- and uncomfortably close to the truth. Andrea does wake up from her fantasy of being "Todd's girl." She finds her own identity and recognizes the fact that her worth is not measured by how she's judged by men, but by how she sees herself. attuned to the British accent and the pace of conversation. Rumpole displays 6893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Superb Sinatrafication for any Sinatraphile. It just doesn't get any better.... Prime Sinatra with Kim Novak and Rita Hayworth.... The music sounds fantastic on this blu-ray....the video is crisp and colorful and the film is as good as it gets.... Wonderful stuff.... Get it if you can.... Great R and H score worth every cent.... With Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Jill Ireland and Strother Martin. Directed by Tom Holland, "Fright Night" offers loads of humor, horror and suspense yet many of todays younger audience will probably find this movie dated. After all, it has none of todays technical wizardry that is CGI. It appears every Fantasy, Science-Fiction and Horror film of today is saturated with it. I personally do not mind CGI if it is well done and in a fantasy element but so far, every attempt to create decent fright effects in horror films have failed miserably and I strongly feel that CGI is aiding in the death of the horror genre. I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to revisit these films. The special effects are brilliant and there is nothing more effective than seeing 3 dimensional beings in terrific vampire make-up. Apparently Chris Sarandon spent several hours in the make-up chair (gotta love those elongated fingers) and I am sure Amanda Bearse and Stephen Geoffreys, the other 2 vampires, did too but the end result was probably worth it as "Fright Night" is one of the most enjoyable vampire films Hollywood has given us in the last few decades. Just like Joe Dante's classic "The Howling" and John Landis' epic "An American Werewolf in London" which still reign supreme as far as werewolf movies are concerned, the same can be said for this gem. I don't want to ruin the movie for those of you who haven't seen it. But there is a nice 60s charm; there is the right amount of action; the right amount of story; and a nice amount of internal trouble where we should feel safe; and the comedy is well balanced too. And the final showdown between John Steed and Sean Connery is very well done. Also worth mentioning is that John Steed and Mrs Peel work together well without stomping over each other. 6822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resident Evil is a scary, exciting, and fun horror/action film. Fans of the game will appreciate the suspense, and detail that Paul Anderson put into the movie. Starring the amazing Milla Jovovich, the tough Michelle Rodriguez, and the future `nemesis' Eric Mabius, Resident Evil's cast performs very well. Even though the plot is based on a video game, it is still solid, and believable. Another selling point is all the bonus features that the DVD has. With movie comments by Anderson, Jovovich, and Rodriguez, several featurettes, and a Slipknot music video, the DVD provides hours of entertainment, and behind the scenes insight. I look forward to the sequel, Resident Evil: Nemesis, which comes out next year. If you are a fan of the games, or you just want a fun, and action-packed DVD, then Resident Evil is for you. 8402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very upbeat 1980's musical. The cast was great and are all from broadway roots. This movie adaptation was nice to watch. The musical numbers are additive and the story simple. Little ophran (1930's) trys unsuccessfully to find parents and ends up living happily ever after with a Billionaire "Daddy Warbucks." The kids will love it and encore watchings will be frequent. You'll be humming or singing the tunes too. Great family addition to the musical library. DVD transfer nice and vibrant with good sound. 5446 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was 15 when this came out and it was during that time when slashers were no longer in vogue and Hollywood started doing these inane and insulting horror-comedy hybrids.. This was one of the better ones and it worked well.. 3. Discontinuity. I don't understand why Estella is so heartless and cruel as a child, then comes back as a soft mannered, kindly seeming lady. Is this a gentleman-trap of some sort? 3487 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredibly well done classic movie. Easily one of my favorites of all time. 5435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ah, how can you top Rowdy McDowell in the role of Peter Vincent? And Chris Sarandon is waaaaaay too sexy to be a vampire. 9449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is outrageously hilarious. If "Excalibur" is the definative movie-telling of the Authur Legend, then Monty Python's Holy Grail is the Ultimate Parody. 3752 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the BEST one yet! Everything included is terrific! We've waited a long time (30 years) but it was worth the wait! GREAT! are passed along at conception. How many people would walk away from that power? The DVD transfer is, as others have said, a joy to watch. The special features are a bit repetitive -- the making-of documentary is nearly as long as the movie -- and not all the footage from all the versions of the movie have been incorporated. 2656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie will never go stale. 6985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie Yes, the idea of a prison prostitution ring is designed to titilate the audience, but the fact that the Angels are resucing those women breaks from the traditional damsel in distress routine. Although critics blasted it and suggested that it was a cheesecake factory, it (unlike the modern counterpart, baywatch) is much less exploitative for women. 8773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie, a must see and you can't beat the price! FRIGHT NIGHT will guarantee you a fun night! Give it a view! beautiful scenery and actors and acting I'm glad Roddy McDowall agreed to do this film and the sequel. This film is made with class, style and great well-made special effects. Great soundtrack too. On the DVD, I am sorry to say there is no audio commentary, no special features or bonuses, no cast reunion. You do get the choice of Widescreen or Full Screen on either side of the disc. I recommend Full-Screen. The beginning of the film will be in Widescreen because of the titles and credits but will become Full-Screen, if you chose the Full-Screen side. But how does it look on the screen? Great. Bright lights against a dark sky usually spell disaster for image quality, but everything looks as it should here. Sure, it's no Ratatouille [Blu-ray]; there are a few instances when the colors look saturated, but unless you high exceedingly high demands I can't imagine having any complaints. It's certainly the best this film has ever looked! 9857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is a wonderful film that is likely to earn more respect and recognition as time passes. This is thoughtful science-fiction at its best. Stylish and credible, Gattaca is vastly under-rated. I give it my highest recommendation. Scary stuff people, you could see entire peoples being exterminated before they are even born. 8774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great item; excellent packaging; fast shipper. A++++ 7863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert Redford has a way of making the written word come to life on screen. He did it with Ordinary People and he repeated it with "River" In the midst of wide open spaces and clean modern lines, each character, valid and invalid, struggles for and against notions of identity. 9386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is not science fiction. Sure, it wears that suit to impress the stiffs, but at its heart it is a movie about faith and the human spirit. Anyone training for a triathlon or marathon has got to love this movie. It is about not only overcoming the prejudice of others around you, but also about overcoming the prejudice within you about yourself. 894 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Didn't realize it was post-natal The other scene also involves Parry and Lydia, who are this time joined by Jack (Jeff Bridges) and Anne (Mercedes Ruehl). After scheming to get Lydia to come to dinner with them, Jack and Anne sit back to watch Parry try and woo her. His does so in the most childlike and endearing way: by imitating her clumsiness, her awkwardness, and her shyness. It's a mostly wordless scene, punctuated by the sight of dropped dumplings, Parry's stirring rendition of "Lydia the Tattooed Lady", and Jack and Anne themselves getting caught up in the romance. Overall, this is an awesome movie. Great action and great fighting. And an interesting ending that plants the seed for a 3rd movie... I'm thinking about seeing this one again! 749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My 7 year old granddaughter loved this. It's entertaining enough for adults to watch it with the kids. Lots of music and good humor. 8448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Its a great movie. I recommend 2131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So this before, one of my favorites 1240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow, this flick is one of my all-time favs! I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like it. Outstanding - if they had a six star rating, I would give it that. Superb. And OMG, I am in love with Uma Thurman. Heavy, heavy sigh....... 8293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a fun film to watch even if you aren't wearing diapers while you do. I bought this for my daughter and if it were VHS it would have been eaten by the VCR by now because it has been played so much. 4689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally, I completed my collection... cool...... they were all good except that #3 way too much inuendo, sex and T&A. would you believe I thru it away? Yep a did.. but I have the others and enjoy them a lot. JB 493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I would have to say that this is one of the best "made-for-TV" (on TNT) biblical films I've seen. The acting was phenominal, the scenery..EVERYTHING. This movie is dead-on when it comes to accuracy from the Bible, which is pretty rare..almost unheard of in this day in age. It's a refreshing movie that has an honest, uplifting theme that will inspire you and your family. It could have easily been released in the theaters and it probably could have been bigger in popularity with a wider-span of audience around the world. Even so, I'm just glad that I can now buy the DVD! :) 8935 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 bad movie idea. not great like the elmo show on sesame street. should have never been made. don't buy! 6282 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A chic flick which does not pretend to be anything else. But, despite the presence of Streisand it is Ok for what it tries to do with the Conroy story. 4148 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great..super fast delivery! If the characters in 'Bottle Rocket' were children, the whole thing would seem a lark. A young man, Anthony, is released from a mental hospital, where he was rocovering from 'exhaustion'; he is met by his high-wired friend Dignan, who bombards him with blueprints for the next 50 years of their lives. They plan a heist on a book store, bringing in a rich friend, car-owning Bob, frequent victim of his beefy older brother's bullying. This is intended to impress the Kafkaesque figure of Mr. Henry, a landscape-gardener-...-ganglord. They cross states 'on the lam' for a while, where Anthony falls in love with Inez, a cleaner from Paraguay with little English. Bob, his brother arrested for drug-dealing, goes back with the car. Frustrated by failed love and broken dreams, Anthony and Dignan have a fight, Anthony returning home to relative normality. Then Dignan turns up in a yellow boiler-suit, with the big plan that's going to turn their lives... 7140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great music, acting and just the classic done right. 3787 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I love Speilberg films, I really do, but the fact that he is a good director is no excuse for this crap. I just do not like it, its not my thing. I can't belive that Richard Dreyfuss turned down reprising his role in Jaws 2 because he was filming this nonsense. If you want to watch it, then go ahead, we all have different tastes. However, if you want to see a real Speilberg film, watch ones like Duel, Jaws, ET, Schindler's list, Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, and The Indiana Jones Trilogy. Special features are a let down I'm sorry to say. There really isn't any. You get two trailers, which are not in HD. And you get an isolated music score by Brad Fiedel which is AWESOME. Fright Night has my all time favorite synth score, with Carpenter's Escape From New York right under it. The package comes with a four page booklet with an essay going into depth of the merrits of the film in horror history. The essay is penned by Julie Kirgo and she does a really good job of praising this film. She hits the nail on the head regarding how much is really going on tin the subtext of this film beyond the in jokes, fun characters, gore, and frights. The only problem is that she spends a decent amount of time talking about the gay undertones of the film. This I don't understand. I don't think there are any. In retrospect you can place them there, but I don't see them there naturally. I don't think Jerry's relationship with his live in carpenter Billy is homoerotic AT ALL. Sorry. Billy is Jerry's version of Refield. That's it. She also goes into the gay undertones involving the character of Evil Ed. Again, I just don't think it's there. I think he's an outcast due to his quirks and personality and nerdiness. Jerry offers him power, not sex. Now the actor who played Evil Ed went on to do gay porn and that's common knowledge to most horror fans at this point, but that has NOTHING to do with the film at hand. I think some people like to place it there in retrospect due to the actor's career decisions. Whatever. What a way to show the events that led up to the best RPG game series that Capcom has ever created. Alice is a kick-butt heroine and if they were to keep creating Resident Evil movies, I would want her to come back and play Jill Valentine (for all those who know Resident Evil 1 and Nemesis) I'm not even gonna start with praising the movie. I wouldn't be writing this review if I didn't consider this one of the funniest films ever made. Fact of the matter is if you haven't heard of Monty Python (You poor idiot) this is the best film to start you off with. The humor is manic, intelligent, and incredibly unorthodox. Never in your life will you ever encounter anyone or anything else with this brand of humor. This is what you get when you combine five british comedic geniuses and one american animator with some whacked out visions. You get this comedy masterpiece. Also fact of the matter when it comes to a comedy of this caliber, accept no less than the best when DVD's are involved. This DVD has everything even little Lego figures singing and dancing. Even the REAL Holy Grail isn't even half the treasure that this DVD. Please make this a must on your DVD wish list. Rush over to a video store within a sawllow's flight (african or European it doesn't matter) to grab this DVD!!! 8179 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great series, love this kind of comedy/drama 9649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Most underrated sci-fi film of all time. Very touching and brilliantly done. I enjoyed this movie a great deal. Granted, the story is extremely far-fetched, but the action sequences are very good. Gossett does a good job as Chappy, and Gedrick gives a good performance as Doug. Fans of great action-adventure movies won't want to miss Iron Eagle. 6027 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I am really disappointed by the poor transfer of this BR release. There is no need to buy the BR version if you have the DVD. Rated R for graphic violence, nudity, coarse language, and some gore. "The Fisher King", like no other film in Gilliam's catalog, hits me on an emotional level. It is a visceral experience, unlike anything else I've seen from this offbeat director. Layered with tangible romance and pathos, Gilliam has created a film that will stand the test of time, even when its highbrow ideas become irrelevant. 3718 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Home video is quite a temptation for directors. It allows them to go back play with, alter, tamper and second guess themselves. We get three versions via seamless branching on Blu-ray on one disc with a disc of extras and the films presented with extras over three discs on DVD allowing us to see Spielberg's thoughts on "CE3K" over three different decades. The latest 30th Anniversary edition allows writer/director Steven Spielberg to fix flaws in "CE3K" that have bothered him for years about the film. The original theatrical version editing he felt was rushed and unfinished while the "Special Edition" deleted some key scenes and added a completely unnecessary trip inside the Mothership (something he later regretted). --he's edited it again (it's 2 minutes longer with some scenes lengthened and others shortened plus the trip inside the Mothership has been left to the audience's imagination). The "Director's Cut" works better than both versions; Spielberg has licked some of the pacing issues that dogged the original film and he has eliminated the gaudy trip inside the ship. For those fans who HAD to see the inside of the ship we still get that edition of the film which is a good thing--this is the most comprehensive version of "CE3K" released. This is the definitive version(s)of the film. There is another battle before the walls of Paris. Where are the reinforcement from the King? Has he lost interest? The costs of a big army are high, diplomacy is cheaper. "France belongs to God." Can they stop Joan from attacking the Burgundians? Joan is defeated and captured in front of the city gates. The Duke of Burgundy visits her. British gold is the high bidder, Joan will go to Rouen for trial as a heretic. The Bishop asks her to answer questions. Will Joan see her visions again? Did she see what she wanted to see? Joan is questioned at her trial. Her answers are popular with the people. Can they convict her? What is she had been sent by God? Joan never killed anyone, she said. As expected, she is found guilty of heresy and other sins. The College of Paris agreed with the judgment. [Corporate flunkies?] Will she recant her beliefs? She uses an "X" as an signature. "Take her away." This is a trick to absolve the Churchmen from her condemnation. Dressing as a man in jail condemns her. Can she save her soul? 7065 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is a classic and is even better on Blu-ray. As I say to my coworkers for most movies (there are a few I have had that look like they took the DVD and copied it to Blu-ray, they were that blurry), "it's the best it's ever looked". I think this, as most Blu-rays, look better than what was available in the theaters, at least for older movies. The sound was OK, nothing really outstanding, but at least the video was really good. If this film doesn't make you laugh and smile, then nothing will... 7118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie Overall, The Messenger receives four stars. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the history of either The Hundred Years War, or that of Joan Of Arc. Robin Hood: Men in Tights- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Stereo, French Stereo, Spanish Stereo 4243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My husband said they did an excellent job with the Blu-Ray transfer. A very fun movie that still holds up. As a footnote, I would also add that I cannot imagine any US Presidential candidate in the current group of right wing crazies, panderers and political hacks, taking the public stand that Harrison Ford does as the President in this story. His "Be Afraid" speech and the reasons behind it ("because it's the right thing to do") are long overdue from the leadership of our country. 4359 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I can see why film critics panned this movie. When has a critic ever given a straight up action movie a good review? However, the fans all seemed to not like it either. Why is that? This is a very entertaining movie! The classic cheesy Arnold one-liners are there, but it's done on purpose...it's part of the Jack Slater character. The action is great and the comedy is just right for an Arnold flick, although there's a bigger focus on it than most of his other action flicks. Not only that, but, to go with the cheesy one-liners is a stereotypical, nearly one dimensional villain. This is not a negative...it fits right in with the feel of the movie. 8673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first feature film from Python. Gotta love the Trojan rabbit! had to get the Blu ray version as our DVD had died (scratches from too many viewings and kids not putting it up correctly). 4109 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off I love Michelle phieffer movies and this is another hit that she made. Definitely worth buying and for the price you can't do any better. By the end of the movie I had tears of joy 4) "The House that Jack Built" has Emma receiving news her uncle has died and left her his country estate. When she gets to the manor, she soon finds herself drugged and trapped inside a house that is far from your normal house, as designed to end Emma's life. Jack is a former radio shock-jock, whose off-handed remark drove a listener to spray a yuppie restaurant with bullets. He's now down on his luck, drunk, and of the belief that he's eternally doomed, his karma forever destroyed by that one moment. Bridges gets both sides of Jack's persona right. He's slimy and selfish when on top of the world. Dirty, dreary, and dead inside when stuck in the gutter (a side curiosity: I count eight times Bridges has played a character named Jack, and that doesn't even include the surname of his character in the "Last Picture Show" movies). Although clearly aging, Bronson is a natural and beleiveable fighter, with a lean muscular body certainly capable of knocking out his opponents. With initial success, Bronson is matched with increasingly tougher opponents, culminating in two "championship" bouts that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 9384 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1975, 10 years old when I first saw this movie Couldn't understand half of what was being said - got a good chuckle out of the Butt Trumpets though. Best Supporting Actor - the guy that played one-of-Threeheaded Knight that wanted to let Sir Robin get away. FAV PART - the whole Castle Anthrax bit. Bring Out Your Dead to See THIS FLICK!!! It's hard to believe that even the most religiously medieval French soldier would give this loon the time of day, let alone follow her into battle. For those Amazon friends that know me, I am a motorcycle enthusiast. I love and have a passion for all motorcycles from dirt, speed and street. I currently have a custom Harley (I had the photo of it on my profile, but had to remove it). I do ride it on the dangerous streets in the city where I live. If you never rode, as the driver, you cannot appreciate the feeling---being on the back is not the same. Motorcycle riding has given me plenty of confidence, and it has taught me to be a better driver in a car or a boat. When I have a bad day or week (which is currently happening), I hop on the bike and it's amazing---your problems disappear (for the moment). I was taught to ride by a guy I was supposed to marry who was a motorcross racer, but it didn't work out. I was a young stupid kid then and if I continued that way I would have surely been a statistic. My husband, Darrell, suggested I learn the right way all over again. I enrolled in a course. I had the most incredible teacher who did not make fun of me or get angry during class and was very patient. I am 5'3" and weigh about 100 pounds---pretty small to hold up a Harley. He saw I was determined and cheered me on. Long after, when I had my accident he went over with me on how it happened, never ridiculing, but still teaching. I wouldn't have been hurt had I had on my proper riding gear. This one person, my teacher, Daniel David Jorasz was killed on his bike this past week, riding the right way. A b@#ch lost control of her car trying to avoid a ladder, spun her car around on the freeway and hit Dan ("Double D") head on, he was killed instantly. Proper riding attire didn't matter, though. Please, if you drive a car avoid driving with a cell phone attached to your ear or under the influence or any other distractions, you never know what could happen and you could kill an innocent person. Also, respect and look out for motorcycles they share the road too... But the explosions are great. Especially the nuke. Highly The steadfast and resourceful Hudson the butler, played by the late, great Gordon Jackson... the fastidious Mrs. Bridges the cook, played by Angela Baddeley... Rose the parlor maid, played by series co-creator Jean Marsh... Mr. and Lady Bellamy, played by David Langton and Rachel Gurney... their children James and Elizabeth, played by Simon Callow and Nicola Paget... all are indelible creations magnificently realized. 9250 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 King Arthur and his knights embark on a low-budget search for the Grail, encountering many very silly obstacles. As I watched the movie, I could see how the Cast Away and Enemy Mine both seemed to learn and use things from this film. 1660 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A TV gem period series. This 27-year span epic won 9 Emmys, 2 BAFTAs, Golden Globe & a Peabody Award, 31 nominations. The aristocratic Bellamy's of 165 Eaton Place, London, live upstairs over the downstairs clockwork servant aid led by butler Hudson (Gordon Jackson). Classic Edwardian masterful plots in this funny and dramatic back time-travel over 3 decades inside the Bellamy house. A crowning British achievement in the 70's and worth owning today. In any case, the purchase was well worth the $79. Season 5 is one of my favorites, so I'm going to really enjoy the new set, and not worry about the $40 extra. All in all..... "Fine and Dandy"!! 73 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic scrooge movie but set in the 30's and I love Henry Winkler! 841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a kid, I used to watch Sesame Street, a show that was by then a classic. My parents bought this film from the library and my sister and I watched it constantly. My dad still remembers songs from the film and my sister and I reminisce about it. As you know, it's violation of the law to be on the Internet and not know anything about "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." So chances are, you've already seen Castle Anthrax, and the taunting Frenchmen, and Tim the Enchanter...and besides, there have already been 269 reviews of this video here on amazon.com before I wrote this one. So there's not much of a point in commenting on the classic scenes that will keep you in stitches, from the opening credits (beware the moose!) to the final encounter at the Castle of Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrgh. People don't say much about the disappointing ending to the film, but the rest of the movie more than makes up for it. Now, it's almost 11:30, I have yet to watch the making-of documentary. This one was pretty long and it was very...I mean VERY awesome! You actually get to see Nicholas Tse perform those risky scenes and you also get to see/hear the comments by the director and by others of each other. Also, a comment at the party by Jackie Chan who says something about Nicholas Tse. Overall, the extras are pretty damn good! To end the documentary, you get the music video performed by Tse, Fung and Lee. 6850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was a gift. I can't personally say good or bad about it. My friend at age 92 thought it was the "cat's pj's" ... 5741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AAA He gets life in a Turkish prison. *Recommended* ~P~ 5305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best vampire movie EVER!! It has a modern view of a "Christmas Carol". 5542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LIKED THIS MOVIE ALOT. IM NOT ONE FOR SPOFF MOVIES BUT THIS WAS GOOD. TEENS WOULD LOVE THIS MOVIE. GREAT GIFT IDEA. THIS IS INDEED A CLASSIC WORTH ADDING TO YOUR COLLECTION 494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is a recounting of the Genesis tale of Joseph. Joseph is the most loved son of his father, and has a gift for prophecy. His older brothers hate him because of it and sell him into slavery. Joseph winds up in Egypt where he eventually becomes the second most powerful man in the kingdom after the Pharoah. During a famine, Joseph's brothers come to Egypt begging for grain, not knowing that the man who will decide their fate is their brother (whom they believe to be dead). This is one of a series of made for TV movies about important figures in the Old Testament. I've previously reviewed several other stories in this series, but this is the best of a strong series in my view. The acting is top notch, and I found the final confrontation between Joseph and his brothers to be particularly moving and well done. Like many of the films in this series, it is a story about faith and perserverance. The writer and producer did a particularly good job of fleshing out the story of Joseph from Genesis without adding lots of non-Biblical threads. One thing that I like about this movie (and about the series as a whole) is that they are not overdone. These aren't special effects-laden films with casts of thousands, but rely on writing and good acting to convey the tale. The sets and the costumes are realistic and give the film a Biblical feel without being ostentatious. The bottom line is that this is, in my opinion, the way that the Bible should be brought to film. Overall, Taxi Driver was a shockingly, scary movie about loneliness in a big city filled with crimes and other unpleasantness. After watching the film once, I couldn't get it out of my mind. At one point I sympathized with De Niro's character, then by the end, I was shocked at what he did. Both discs represent the absolute final word resource for EVERYTHING and I do mean everything you'd need to know about the Python's greatest film. An Absolute Necessity for any Python Fan!! 3372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank You! 9900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great condition 3794 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I would watch this movie around Halloween if you are sick of getting horror movies with just massive amounts of blood and gore. It is more toward the comedic side rather than horror. To the critics harping on sexually explicit, blah blah, gimme a break. There were no sexually explicit scenes in the film. Everything was very "PG-13" if not lower. If you call that sexually explicit then you should be censoring Songs of Solomon in the Bible which gives some steamy accounts from Solomon to his "lover," or better yet, you should censor Jesus Christs crucifixion, which was very R-rated (being beaten, flogged, and nailed to a cross seems R-rated to me). Christianity focuses on the heart before appearances so lets all appreciate this great adaptation of Joseph's life. Great film! 9429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A glimpse into the future of genetics-based judgment and discrimination. Intriguing! 4677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In the mood for 80's nostalgia? Rent or purchase this "Check Your Brian out the Door" movie. Great popcorn flick with questionable model effects for the dogfight scenes of its era. Acting is top notch 80's caliber. Great Father and Son movie!! Sony then requires a "download manager" app installed on your computer to download the movie file. 1867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What we'd all like to see...the president of the US of A going mano a mano with terrorists. There is neither objectionable language in the movie, nor any sexual themes. The battle is not particularly bloody or violent, but would probably be PG if rated. It would make a nice addition to a homeschool history curriculum as well as the family video library. I will certainly be watching this movie again. 8653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One ok Charles Bronson's b 2447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This Is Just A Very Good movie ! 5480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a coming of age story set in the 1980's punk scene. I loved the punks in it and I won't engage in the "Stevo is a poseur or not" battle, because that's not what the movie is about (and Stevo gives the answer to that question in the final scene, anyway). Where is a more hilarious place to be a punk that the straightlaced Salt Lake City? This is a great, extremely bleak movie. And DeNiro's performance is pitch perfect. (4) Heart disorder 99% probability 2743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie. Did not like the ending. 299 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received intact and as expected Average high school kid Charlie has a debonair new neighbor, Mr. Dandridge, who seems to entertain a different knockout girl every night. Problem is, after they've been to Dandridge's house, the next place they're seen is on the evening news - dead. As if that isn't bad enough, Charlie's seen fangs in Dandridge's smile, and Dandridge only comes out at night. Who can Charlie get to believe him? His mother, friends, and the local police think he's seen too many vampire movies. But Dandridge knows what Charlie's seen. And he's not about to let him go on talking about it. *** if you can get this box set you will not be disappointed.but if you can't get the movie it's great. 8941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 7933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ive been finding myself reflecting on Robin Williams since the news of his tragic suicide broke a few days ago. Its always moments like this when you start to appreciate what is lost, and when you seriously examine Williamss work, its instantly apparent what tremendous talent the man had. As an improvisational comic, Williams was without equal. The man was lighting fast, and could instantaneously invent comedic routines far superior to the ones other established comics refined and revised for years. I imagine Williamss mind started to run hot as he hit the full stride of his stream-of-consciousness mania; his words came out so loud and fast that it got almost to the point of being intimidating. However, no matter how crazy his commentary became it was always clear that there was a sincere humanitarian at the controls and he never descended into insulting individuals or generalized groups. Williams found enough absurdity in the human condition, and though that does seem like an eternal wellspring of inspiration, its surprising how many comedians have to cheat to get attention. 1095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My child love it and sings the song all the time 395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Exactly what I wanted!! A+++++++++ 423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This version I liked. Went behind the scenes. Not totally accurate but great version of this story. It's a really fun movie. Sawa does a great performance fighting his hand, there are times when he has some long bits of dialogue while he's looking at the camera or another character and fighting his hand at the same time, that you try just doing the hand part yourself while watching and your arm and wrist becomes quite sore after a while, so it's actually quite impressive what he achieves. Seth Green and Elden Henson as slacker zombies also are brilliant. Jack Noseworthy also brilliantly plays one of those 30 year olds who still trying to score with high school chicks, hanging around bowling alleys and fast food outlets in his oversized wheeled Ford . He has a line to one, "still in high school, yeah I left a few years ago myself" which is hilarious when he doesn't seem to realise they know exactly how old he is. But it's the canine actor who steals the show early on. His mouth is shaped to just look like he's giving a what the? expression well when his stoned master is doing weird stuff. When he's not moving getting pushed on the tiles in front of the scared slacker teen, with his head moving around saying I don't want to be doing this, as he is being used as a shield if there's an intruder is also extremely well done on the dog's part. The actor's probably not with us anymore nearly twenty years into the future, but I'd love to know what other movies he appeared in to check them out. The only actors (and it's probably more so the script than them) were the two cops, who didn't seem realistic at all. Yes, I loved it. But then I love both of them. 3985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a tearjerker 8972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Husband loves this movie If aliens exist or not. After seeing this movie it really makes wonder if such beings are out there... Anyways. If you LOOK closely on the mother-ship (In the movie) you can see R2-D2. If you can not spot him, you probably can see a video on Youtube that will show a close up 2748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies incorporating the beautiful distinctly differences of a group of women, their lives, trials, triumphs, and how the strength of love and friendship unites them 7036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had expected Resident Evil to be good, but this movie is awesome. Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriquez are the main stars in this horror movie. It also has bits and pieces of action/adventure/suspense/thriller. Alice and Rain are the two main leaders of a commando-team ( they appear to be similar to a S.W.A.T. team) who must enter an underground lab by the company Umbrella Corporation. That company unleashed a deadly virus and the team has a minimal three hours before it threatens to spread. Resident Evil manages to keep the audience entertained by killer zombies, flesh looking dogs, and a laser room (just to name a few). The acting is decent and the movie has a few good scares. This is one of the best horror movies I have seen in quite some time. I encourage you to go see it. 2809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! Still one of my favorites of all time. 2659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Two of the greatest actors with one of the best soundtracks wrapped up in one movie! The Blu-ray sounds great!! The video quality does show some less than impressive detail in the scenes while some other scenes display good colors ! The story is a classic and I will enjoy watching it over again...The movie is provocative and profound. The story still resonates truth about prejudice against people based on their looks in America 8422 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 granddaughter 2 yrs old loves it this has her happy and glued It's a great concept: young Austin O'Brien (as Danny Madigan) steps into a movie and then he and other fictional characters cross back into the real world. That L.A. police station on the other side of the screen is great. We also get a holographic glimpse here of Arnold's Terminator foe in cop drag, and Danny DeVito provides the voice of 'Whiskers,' a cartoon cat detective. Also here, Austin/Danny I.D.s a confused F. Murray Abraham as Mozart's killer (remember AMADEUS?). candidate. His journey though is side tracked by a lovely Resident Evil: Apocalypse is an A grade movie, and by far the best of the series. If only all three were this good, and the director of this movie had been brought back for the third installment. It isn't a perfect film, but it is excellent in all the most important places. If you only buy or see one movie out of this trilogy, see this one. It is expertly crafted. 6829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Sinatra *The French attack.... verbally. ("Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!") Jeff Daniels is excellent as Washington pulling his dispirited troops together for a decisive action. Washington was taking a great risk, maybe the biggest of his career; by making a winter attack. Armies of this time, rarely, if ever, fought in the winter and Washington was going against convention by doing so. He was also conducting an amphibious operation which is one of the hardest operations to perform in warfare. Here the cooperation of others was critical. If the men under Colonel John Glover were unable/unwilling to give their all, Washington might just as well have stayed in camp. No boats, no action fairly well sums it up. Washington's troops could have muddled through and affected a crossing, but the element of surprise, I am sure would have been lost and no surprise meant a harder and more doubtful battle. Glover is the true unsung hero of the battle and it is good to see him recognized as such. 9708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every so often, one sees a movie and says "this is the best movie I've ever seen---I probably won't see anything as moving as this. And sure enough, something comes along that is as good and many times better. The human condition is so varied and multi-faceted that one may never exhaust all the permutations of artistic expression that can be shown. For example, when the TV science fiction hit "Star Trek" came out I thought it was so fantastic. But when "ST The Next Generation" came along, I had serious doubts that it could match the original. Then, as I marveled at the story lines and the extra dimension of character interactions, I felt that TNG is better and can't be topped. With each iteration something new was introduced that explored the vastness of human interaction and inter-species interactions. Etc., Etc. 5107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 BOTTLE ROCKET is an exceptionally fresh and thoroughly fun movie. I found myself smiling throughout, and not even sure why. I can't even say what kind of movie it is. For BOTTLE ROCKET defies any attempt at classification, any assault on its originality and creativity by placing it neatly in a box. It is neither a comedy nor a drama; not a love story nor a crime flick. It blends all of these genres--along with a pinch of classic Americana--into a very unique, delightful movie. Yet it is also a deliciously messy enigma: a loosely strung-together melange of brillance and childishness, high and pop art, profundity and absurdity. By the film's conclusion, I knew I had seen something special, a truly inspired and deeply personal work. 7265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Oldie but a goodie! I suppose the best thing about this type of Christmas classic is that when people my age view it they can escape back to their innocent youth for a short while. Even though I now own the vhs of SCICTT and soon will purchase the DVD I make myself and my kids wait until Christmas season to watch it. It's not quite the same as when I was a kid but anticipation still increases the viewing pleasure once we do watch it. Still, credit where credit is due. At the very least, Gattaca did have some interesting ideas and a well-realized vision of the future that felt very plausible and saved the film from being absolutely awful. After a great opening though, it devolved into a flat thriller which ultimately nose-dived at the finale, squandering the potential it had to be a great, thought-provoking sci-fi film. 7018 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First let me start off by saying I never played the "Resident Evil" video games. I never even heard of Jill Valentine until I played "Marvel Vs Capcom 2" for my SEGA Dreamcast. But my older brother, the "Resident Evil" savant, has been filling me in on the games storyline since we first heard about Constantin Films making this into a movie. This is typical 80's action flick that came out the same time as "Top Gun", they were about 6 months apart. It is a decent way to waste a lazy weekend afternoon when there is nothing else on TV or for a road trip. Although it can get to be a bit hollywood patrotic at times, it is still good fun to watch. Listening to all the good music too during the flying scenes are good as well. With all that said, I can't help but think Michelle Pfieffer's character was slightly and oddly out of whack when she first reacted to her young son getting kidnapped in a crowded area. Her immediate reaction was confusion and only a slight bit of worry. Considering how many people were around, and given the fact her son was only 4 years old, it's hard to believe she wouldn't freak out more. As harsh as this might sound, I'm almost glad she eventually responded with a nervous breakdown when the reality set in that her son is actually missing. This scene saves the whole segment. 4006 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 (spoilers) For a movie with a schlock quotient this high (Julia Roberts teaching step daughter to be cool, Susan Sarandon dancing wildly to Marvin Gaye in pajamas with her two children), this movie nonetheless achieves a breathtaking and memorable level of honesty, in a few, very few, but amazingly poignant scenes. To wit -- the scene where Ed Harris brings the dying Susan Sarandon a christmas tree, long after they have separated. The scene which Julia Roberts confronts Susan Sarandon with some evidence of her duplicity and challenges her to obtain the truth: "Are you dying/" and Susan Sarandon looks her straight in the eye and says "Not today." Those two words have become a kind of personal mantra for my husband and me, and in my estimation, this mere chickflick has approached the epitome of unsentimental veracity, for a few moments only, but what moments! --These few scenes rescue the movie from the heap of terminal illness schlock. I almost hate to admit it, but based on these few scenes alone this movie ranks with my top ten all time . . . . (and I admit I am a sucker for nearly anything with Ed Harris in it.) The baby grows into a man named Kris (Mickey Rooney) who decides to deliver the toys that his family makes to share the joy with kids everywhere. But when he returns to his home village, he finds that the Burgermeister Meisterburger has outlawed all toys. As a result of defying the ban, Kris becomes a wanted fugitive. Can he find a way to bring joy to the kids of the village? And what about the Winter Warlock (Keenan Wynn) who lives between the Kringles and the village? 4414 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie it go good with the first one Aspect ratio: 2.40:1 Of course, the story is unrealistic, a bit on the crazy side, but worth the watch if you miss the old-time romantic comedies that we rarely see nowadays. Interesting to read Roger Ebert's take on the movie alluding to that fact back in 1994 that it was reminiscent of romantic comedies with Doris Day. "I suppose Doris Day is out of fashion, and so are movies like Only You, but just because something is not done anymore doesn't mean it's not worth doing." 7541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Annie movie ever! 2124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford, he's like a fine wine, he just gets better with age. Some people see this movie as the escape of the main character from the drudgery of life on earth. But I think they have missed the film completely. 8363 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A John Huston disaster! Some nice touches, a great Annie and a nifty Punjab..but too much overacting in this overproduced musical. But thank heaven the songs weren't ruined by this rococo mess. 6470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Let me start off by saying I'm not a major fan of American action flicks or comic book movies. Although, I love Hong Kong action, sci-fi horror and zombie flicks. I'm an older guy so I remember seeing the original DAWN OF THE DEAD in 1978. It's still the greatest horror movie ever made. But, don't compare this with other zombie flicks. IT'S A COMIC BOOK MOVIE AND IT'S BASED ON THE GAME. I've also played most of the RESIDENT EVIL games and I have to say, this is the HOTTEST VIDEO GAME MOVIE FRANCHISE going. Some of the scenes are straight out of the games. The first RESIDENT EVIL flick was great, but this one only enhances the first film. 7852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful. 239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is Charles Dickens' classic Christmas Carol with an American twist. This version does a nice job of capturing the consequences of history and one's personal role in it. It provides a sobering view of the main character's choices, just as the original, "A Christmas Carol," did but this version also shows how one man's choices affect those around him. I recommend this film to anyone who collects different versions of, "A Christmas Carol." 1442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love most all Jane Eyre movies, this one is GREAT !!!! 6868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 PAL JOEY [1957] [The Limited Edition Series] [Blu-ray] Frank Sinatra Sings and Falls in Love with Kim Novak! Set in the Depression era of American Mid-West, the main character ( a drifter) is a hard hitting man on and off the ring. He is a simple man, with simple but proven rules and great character. After the airing of "The Forsyte Saga" (a must series also), Eileen Atkins and Jean Marsh dreamed up the "Upstairs, Downstairs" concept. Jean stared as Rose in the 70s TV blockbuster, and now continues that role in the continuation of the story on Brit TV (Dec '10). 5774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the fact is I don't like zombie movies they never say how it all started. at least with resident evil you know how that happens. and yes there is blood but that's not the big thing more movie then gore . 1242 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always liked this movie and wanted my own copy of it, finally got around to buying it. Good quality DVD, plays well. 893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a great stretch routine with elements of yoga and sculpting that was not overly difficult or strenuous. I don't know if it earns it's "Power" in the title, but it was effective, especially if you aren't feeling high-energy, but want to get in some work. There is a little Bible-reference "spiritual" warm-up at the beginning. 8516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funniest movie ever Still, the production is good-quality (not overproduced and grating like the DVD of the same name by Golden Books). When our kids leave it on and walk away, it actually makes decent background music, as children's music goes. Another thing I should point out is that "The Passion" is NOT child friendly. "Jesus of Nazareth" is in the middle. It's certainly nowhere near the brutality of "The Passion." But 6 1/2 hours may be too much to show some children. One great thing about this film with Brian Deacon is that it is really child friendly. The lessons are there and drawn accurately from "Luke." And the suffering of Good Friday is there, but not overdone as in "The Passion." 4016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie collection The film is derived from a popular video game franchise, which would explain why the plot feels jumbled, or why its characters feel flaccid and empty. It begins with an introduction that is aggravating in its choice of leaving too much in the dark to be explained later in a less-than-admirable manner. The world is dominated by major corporations, many of which deal in such things as genetic and viral testing and experimentation. In a series of chain reactions, an underground laboratory known as the Hive is contaminated by a viral strand, after which its computer, referred to as the Red Queen, begins the containment process, locking its hundreds of employees within the complex, and extinguishing them. "Never, Never Say Die" - A man is accidentally run down by a car and killed... but then he "escapes" off the exam table when the doc isn't watching! Steed and Mrs. Peel really get suspicious when he is killed a second time, by the same means, and later shows up causing a LOT of trouble. This macho guy also seems much affected by radio waves which leads The Avengers to discover that the man is an android and that more such android "doubles" of important people are infesting the local community. The bonus of this episode is that it stars the great Christopher Lee! As it is, this can best be described as "Joan of Arc Light: the film that tastes sweet, but won't make your intellect fatter." The suspense becomes intense as you sit on the edge of your seat to witness who will win, and who will die. One passenger was already killed, and the President must act quickly with major decisions. An action-packed thriller with intense suspense! Highly recommended to all those who enjoy thrillers! 4879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It came just as it was described. 473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film was expertly directed and brought out many good points of the history of Joseph. I would highly recommend this disk to anyone. Travis(Robert De Niro) is a young, lonely, slightly obsessive taxi driver, who displays in the course of the movie, the two main male passions - sexual love and fatherly love. The first of these is directed towards a young professional, Betsy(Cybil Shepherd), a campaign worker for a Presidential candidate; the second towards a child prostitute, Iris acted by Jodie Foster. 3708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic movie, one of my all time favorites. It was great on VHS and DVD, but I must say the HD transfer is FANTASTIC! As others have stated there are a few areas where there is some grain, but hardly noticeable if your into the movie. Audio: GB; F; E; POR The film highlights two dance pieces, "Aureole" and "Piazzolla Caldera," and even though they aren't seen in their entirety, there is no diminishment in their strength and beauty. Mr. Diamond, who has also directed episodes of PBS's "Great Performances," was adept at interspersing the contrasting performance film (color) with studio footage (black and white) so that the two meshed perfectly. The editing during the dance numbers was the best I've ever seen, incorporating both the more typical audience vantage point with the more dramatic on-stage perspective from amongst the dancers. The proximity and the viewing angles were stunning; a wonderful surprise. There's also a fair amount of footage from the Paul Taylor Dance Archives, showing a younger Mr. Taylor and company performing signature works. 4406 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A MUPPET FAMILY CHRISTMAS is a truely enjoyable special, but instead of buying this DVD, I suggest you tape it off of TV the next time the Hallmark Channel shows it. 5413 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Some movies shouldn't be remade, The new one is good but this one is classic. The DVD comes with many extras, including the Camelot song being sung by Lego-land figures, and extensive commentary by actors and others involved in the production. 6529 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Based on a computer game, Resident Evil actually looks like a computer game: the characters run around in a maze-like environment, shooting zombies and mutants while a standard video game soundtrack hums in the background. There isn't much of a plot, just enough to establish why the zombies are there. Admittedly, with two characters with amnesia and a possible traitor in the group, there is room for a plot twist, but any revelations are mere diversions from the killings. 8748 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really love Elmo and Sesame street. But this movie is unsafe for a 2 year old. My baby loves Elmo. There is a scene with an objectified woman who dances curvy silhouette dance while Elmo looks at her mesmerised. Inappropriate. Do not recommend. 8238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WITH LEO MCKERN LEADING THE WAY JOHN MORTIMER BRINGS HIS STORIES ABOUT A LAWYER FOR THE MASSES AND NOT THE SWELLS TO THE SMALL SCREEN. BEDEVILED BY HIS "SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED" WIFE AND DISAPPOINTED THAT HIS BELOVED SON WON'T FOLLOW IN HIS FOOTSTEPS HE SOLDIERS ON HIS WRY, CLEVER AND WORLD-WEARY COURSE. YOU'LL WATCH THESE OVER AND OVER AND FIND SOMETHING NEW EVERY TIME. Look at parents in the world today. What competitive advantage will any parent 8965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it And while the police know Laura is committing the murder of her co-workers and friends; her own research shows that the last person reported to have her gift died in an insane asylum in the 1800s. Audio Commentary #2: Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr, Sienna Guillory. (This one is fun to listen to!). With that all said, there's enough good in Taxi Driver to obviously warrant a viewing. A few examples: 5058 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I might as well not even try to give BOTTLE ROCKET a fair and balanced review because Owen Wilson is all I can talk about when it comes to this movie. His character, Dignan, is the embodiment of what movie characters should be: entities that live beyond the movie, beyond time, and beyond the actor who plays them. Dignan is quite possibly the best movie creation I have seen in a LONG time. I have a newfound respect for Owen Wilson's acting and his screenwriting ability. 5810 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a replacement, my first one was step on and so I need to replace it. It was cheap Spoken language options: English, French. Subtitle options: English, Spanish 2516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Actually, I bought this terrific DVD for my husband. Our old DVD wore out due to the many, many times I had to watch this. It is, truly a great movie. I give it 5 stars. One reviewer below mentioned the town being dull. I cannot agree. I think the physical beauty of the place stuns most viewers. If I knew I could find a job there, I'd move there tomorrow. The locale definitely adds measurably to the enjoyment of the film. 8901 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hilarious movie if you like this type of humor. Their mission is to get to the Hive which is deep under Raccoon City. The Hive is a top-secret research facility, but getting through it will not be easy. You have biohazard zombies and other horrifying surprises. In any event, this might give you some food for thought the next time you catch the 4623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie was a lot better than I expected. I learned about it after reading "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline. The dog fights could easily rival those of Top Gun. The story focuses on a teenage boy that has had flight training in Air Force jets complements of his pilot father. The bullying and typical teenage whining, I could have done without, but it took away little from the overall story. It was well done throughout, and I've added it to my permanent collection of re-watchable movies. 159 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great DVD 7682 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic or should be . If you like fishing it's great .Brad Pitt at one of his best preformances . 2331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 From beginning to end, Air Force One is a relentlessly gripping thrill ride, cumulating suspense with one superbly taut sequence after another. You can chalk this one up as another success for superstar Harrison Ford and director Wolfgang Peterson, who's consistently been one of the better action filmmakers around. dream, that neither perhaps thought would occur. They forage through 4794 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I recently re-viewed Taxi Driver to see if it might make a better impression than 30 years ago. It didn't. Scorcese's confounding lack of character development, a gratuitous and underdeveloped plot, grimy violence, and lurid musical score contribute to a sludgy mess that gained accolades over the years primarily due to its cutting edge approach to the subject matter. Well, it's no longer 1976, and the decades gone by have not been kind to the film. 8540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. "Idle Hands" is perfectly adorable on all counts and entertains scandalously: don't be alarmed by the 90210-ish packaging or the blurbs that make this thing out to be an innocent romantic comedy. This movie, no matter how many times you see it, holds you spellbound. Everyone was brilliant in this. Speilberg's directing, Dreyfuss's acting (his performance in Jaws was damn good, but nothing compared to this), Terri Garr's acting, John Williams' musical score (somebody give him a lifetime achievement award, or better yet, three), and Paul Schrader-that's right, Paul Schrader's-brilliant screenplay. Yep, the man who brought you such masterpieces as Taxi Driver as wrote this. Speilberg rewrote it so much, though (probably because it was too dark, as Schrader's work tends to be), and Schrader said he didn't want anything to do with the new script. Regardless of who wrote it, it's perfect and entertaining as all hell. 5722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good buy. the motive was to figure out what happened and now that they were stuck, they had to get out. the wasn't slow anywhere, it was a good fast paste movie for not having a lot of action in it. 9828 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First of all, I was definitely a groupie in the early 90's so watching this film brought so much of that back for me. I found this to be a realistic depiction of someone like myself who gets drawn into that whole scene and becomes obsessed over band members. It doesn't matter what state you live in or what kind of band, groupies always remain the same. Its this feeling that is so wonderfully captured. Its a coming of age story for teenage girls. I especially liked the fact that she finally realized at the end what it meant to be a true woman, she saw the error of her ways but at the same time, she didn't make apologies for the mistakes she made. 4 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 X is one of the best punk bands ever. I don't even like calling them a punk band, but that's what they call themselves so I guess it's OK. This is musically complex punk with a lot of influences and a lot of tight playing and gripping tunes. Animated film series, Japan: with its sorrows and joys...courage, pathos, friendship and love... 5256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Isolation, insanity, social issues, nsecurity, Scorsese's intensive storytelling and amazing camerashots, the best actor in the world in a starring role, young Jodie Foster... what more can you hope! This is the ultimate social movie, a milestone in Scorsese's career and a breathtaking roleplay by DeNiro as an isolated vet. Stunned, that's what I am! 5407 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always Cry when Heroine Bob dies! I love this movie! Has a great and attractive cast! I wish they would make A second movie 3671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When this movie was made Steven Spielberg knew exactly what he was doing when he had this movie made it is brilliant and very well done all of the special effects trick photography, as well as the storyline and everything else when everyone sees the UFO's and they are wondering what is going on and so on is also great so of course I say that is movie is very well done and it is definitely indeed a classic and if you watch this movie with your kids cause this is what I reccomend you do so that kids will get an idea of what this movie is about and you can explain it to them cause this movie has a mature rating but the adults can watch this movie with their kids and it will be enjoyed by all who watch. So this move is indeed a great spectacular movie that everyone will enjoy. I highly recommend you buy it and share it will all of the people that you love. 7761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is startling, in that is also about an event that separates one man from the rest of his life. 6665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After watching the movie on the cinema, I was waiting for the DVD edition.. Before checking out the extras, here is the story: 212 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Another entry in the retelling of the classic. Ho hum from start to finish. Henry Winkler is not believable as a Scrooge type. Vincent locates Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a former Olympic athlete now living in isolation, and confined to a wheelchair after an accident caused by his own drunkenness. Morrow has a stellar DNA profile that puts him in the 99th percentile of the population. His bitterness over his lost glory and hopeless future persuade him to "lend" his DNA profile to Vincent. This transfer requires Vincent, among other things, to have his legs lengthened in painful operations so that he is as tall as Morrow, and to change his appearance in other ways in order to resemble Morrow's photo ID and genetic description as far as possible. Vincent has to have dental work done, has microscopically fine fingerprint covers made, scrubs off as much of his own body hair and skin cells as possible each day, and carries Jerome's urine around with him, as company employees have to submit to a urine test every day, designed to detect just this kind of deception. Vincent even puts a few of Jerome's hairs on the comb he keeps in his desk drawer, in case of a routine check. The movie involves the government searching for UFO evidence and the everyday people who see the UFO's who didn't go seeking them. While the government searches merely on scientific facts to make contact, the "everyman" characters develop an artistic talent either through art or music to lead them to contact. Those two sides finally clash before both making contact and realizing how they came together and how they were all "invited" to make contact. Whoever did the quality control for this DVD set should be required to give us all refunds or at the very least prevented from ever producing DVDs again. 8830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still good for those of us who are twisted! But hey, that was the 60s, so maybe I was just reacting to the times. None of the movies Andrew Niccol has made since "Gattaca" have even come close to this level of skill -- the movie is a slow, elegant winding of murder mystery and philosophical sci-fi. The plot quietly grows in tension as Vincent's life becomes more tangled up in lies and suspicion, with quietly powerful dialogue laced with dry humor ("I guess we can rule out suicide," comments a cop as they bag a bloodied keyboard). The cinematography is laughable. Numerous shots of a mountain purporting to be Everest are easily spotted as shots of a mountain other than Everest. Since when is Everest without its signature tell tale plume, waving banner like in the sky? 8743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great cast, good story, what more do you want from a movie. Good action, some damn good fights. Enjoy it Sir Richard Bellamy MP (David Langton) and Lady Marjorie (Rachel Gurney) have heir Lt James (Simon Williams) and Miss Elizabeth (Nicola Pagett-`A Bit of a Do') who need quite a crew downstairs to keep their house in order. Mrs. Bridges (Angela Brddeley) cooks up a storm, while maid Rose (Jean Marsh, co-creator) helps keep linens and affairs tidy. The pilot (an alternate plot pilot available) introduces new servant Sarah (Pauline Collins), who adds saucy spice to the house on both ends of the stairs. Footman Alfred (George Innes) who quotes Bible, Perce (Brian Osborne) is lady's-man coachman during carriage years, Thomas (John Alderton) chauffeur in later auto episodes. The star studded cast is endless. 1916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Had this on chaps and had to update to DVDs. Love this movie. Action 5011 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I rent yesterday here in Brasil the Blu-ray "Taxi Driver". A lot of shots has a good PQ but there is a LOT of shots that the PQ is BAD !!! In Highdef Digest the reviwer gave 5 stars for PQ ... I can't understand ! I have a Infocus 1080p and old movies in BD like "2001", "The Shining" and others looks GREAT !!! 2367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ... to be an American! (No matter where you're from.) 9663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie was very imaginative. It kept you wondering what was going to happen next. It was a very different science fiction movie. Each story is great in itself. They blend the courtroom drama and eclectic court characters with Horace Rumpole's investigative techniques even as he attempts to defend those who sometimes are the guilty, or at least appear so. He fights for the little guys, and his wife, Hilda (known to Rumpole as She Who Must Be Obeyed) keeps him cornered on the home front. You will get hooked on this lovable barrister (courtroom defender) who to the criminally retched is a sort of Robin Hood of The Bailey (criminal court). It takes a bit of time to understand the difference of legal terms, like barrister and solicitor, but you'll get it. I really enjoyed seeing the movie again "The Hidden Tiger" - A butler is ripped to shreds in an English manor house. Nearby is an agricultural research station which falls under the suspicion of Steed and Mrs. Peel. After more maulings (deaths), it becomes clear that a devious Sussex organization, P.U.R.R.R., (!!!) is linked to the killings - all the victims seem to be on the organization's board of directors. 819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ok, so I never saw "Shakespeare in Love". After watching this 10 minute Star Wars/Shakespeare spoof, I'm not sure I want to. I'm sure it's a fine movie, but what "George Lucas in Love" accomplished in only 10 minutes surely can't be improved over the course of a 2-hour movie (perhaps I'm also still bitter that it beat "Saving Private Ryan" for best picture of 1998.. grrrrr). That little rant aside, Star Wars is probably the most frequently spoofed movie or cultural phenomenon of all time (with Star Trek running a close second). This current incarnation takes its inspiration from "Shakespeare in Love" and finds a college-age George Lucas struggling to find his inspiration to write an 'agricultural space opera' for his final project. As he walks across campus to meet with his advisor, you see many quirky schoolmates who seem to have inspired different characters and plots in Star Wars, from Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. Even his advisor engages in the backward speak that defines Yoda. George finds his inspiration in the form of an attractive co-ed who's hairstyle seems vaguely familiar. There is even a little twist that romance that I dare not mention. This is a hilarious send up of two very successful movies and definitely worth the 9 minutes you will spend watching it. 4341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie, its like another version the Terminator series but hes not a machine. Get this movie, tons of action just like Terminator, if u liked T1,T2,T3 u will love this. 190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must to own for you Christmas collection. Henry Winkler is amazing in this uptake of Scrooge. These days I still get a child-like thrill whenever I watch "Close Encounters." The opening two thirds of the film are no longer ponderous, but identifiable. The awkward situations of a struggling middle-class family are realistically portrayed. Paul Schrader, noted screenplay author of "Taxi Driver," wrote the original draft to this film. One suspects the obsessions and frustrations of Richard Dreyfuss' character came from his tortured pen. Perhaps Scorsese's most poignant film, The Taxi Driver offers a bleak, but somehow refreshing, alternative to the concept of "taking it lying down." Here, in his vision, there is another solution, and one in which while many of us fantasize about, almost all of us refuse to make a reality. As for the format, I viewed this on the Amazon FireStick with a Prime Subscription. I was happy with the aspect ration through the FireStick as this movie was shown in it's original widescreen presentation. No pan and scan or chopped edges. I've not been able to find the film on DVD with the original aspect ration in tact. This is a musical with lots of color and dancing and elaborate sets. It should never be viewed in a pan and scan format. But the aspect ration is true on the FireStick, FireTV, and online. 9590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Warning: spoilers ahead. Even though this film is beautifully shot and worth the watch, I found myself with a few nagging questions. A very pregnant friend of the Spice Girls who goes into labour whilst dancing at a nightclub. 3139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Where Easy Rider is concerned, what can be said that hasn't already been said - it is both a metaphor and a history of its time... and of today, if you're still part vagabond and spend any real time in the saddle - poseurs need not apply, this movie isn't about them. 1964 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 iLOVE IT. 5304 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you will shop again. 7529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic! The film looks incredible on Blu-ray and also compared to its DVD counterpart, the film really shows off the detail and grittiness of the prison and also how bad the conditions were (note: this is one of the controversies as the actual prison was supposedly created in the 1960's but the film makes the prison look like the prison was created many decades before). But the picture quality captures the grittiness of the prisoners and the overall look, is not exactly vibrant but quite detailed. 7482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very enjoyable DVD includes: Game Over Resident Evil Reanimated. Only the cast of Monty Python could have pulled this film off, with each actor playing many different characters...all hilarious! The genius in the actors' lines themselves are truly to be admired. The comedic style of talking in circles is one technique that most comedies do not try to do, simply because they can't compete with the genius of this film, which uses it flawlessly. Those that do try usually fall flat on their faces. Two particularly excellent examples of this can be seen in the beginning scene, in which the characters discuss the origins of coconuts.....and the other when Lancelot breaks into the swamp castle to save the "damsel in distress." This is merely one technique that the cast has perfected to conjure up laughs consistently throughout the entire film. The only way that I can imagine that someone might not like this film is if they simply do not enjoy it's type of humor. Too bad for them. [After watching the 2014 version of "Annie" I decided tonight to go back and watch the original 1982 version again. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, and I remember loving it when I was little. This review reflects my adult perspective on the revisiting. I realize that this review will make a lot of die-hard fans very angry with me.] Ready for some easy-on-the-brain entertainment? Give Iron Eagle a try! This is a movie that is a must keep. It is based on the questions the children ask about how Santa came to be. The music is rather catchy, I still remember the words to "Put one foot in front of the other". This isn't as good as "The Year without a Santa Claus" but it comes in for a close second. It is worth buying if you like this kind of animation. (Stop motion, claymation mixed)..sort of like Nightmare before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach. but older looking. You'll have fun watching this one, and will watch it alot.. 8282 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Though that observation might seem self-contradictory, there's truth in it. Like Arthur Conan-Doyle, John Mortimer is less interested in the crime itself than what is going on /around/ the crime. However much fun it is to see Rumpole untangle the evidence and expose the true criminal, Mortimer is much more interested in the legal profession and the people who inhabit it -- most of whom lack Rumpole's integrity, and seem to be in it simply because of the status it brings. "Rumpole of the Bailey" is a comedy of manners about the law. 1431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good The hilarious star-studden ensemble is set in southern US, a small Louisiana town. The camaraderie is contagious and nostalgic, and the life of the characters so identifiable you'll be involved with the film immediately. There's almost several subthemes, each character has a peccadillo to share. 6758 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The score to this film was flawless but, the movie itself is just another average in my book. Marilyn Manson did the score for this movie and he did a job! If you watch the commentary to this movie they said that they didn't want to show zombies in the beginning because, you knew that you were gonna see some any way. The film didn't even have enough gore to be a serious zombie movie. I give this 2.5 stars. 6276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved the plot and all actors, but I got tired of the phoney Southern accent. 826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This parody on "Shakespeare in Love" mixed with "Star Wars" is an excellent job of filmwork at its best. George Lucas has writer's block at the worst possible time, he needs a script to pass film school! Inspiration is gone and he must find his muse to get the creative juices flowing again. Fortunately, the script for "Star Wars" is all about him, he only needs to open his eyes and see it. Tell you what, if you liked the first movie, then watch this only if you want an excuse to create a big budget, blow-every-flipping-thing-up, bridge to another possible sequel. 2377 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I hope they make a sequel so that Harry could go to Mars and get'em all. 5269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The New York city shots are very arty and interesting to look at. The cinematography is very 70's which is a good thing as it captures the style of filmmaking of the time. I think Scorsese makes Bickel out to be the good guy to show how sometimes even the baddie can be turned into a goodie, hell just look at WWF! Anyway, thats enough waffle from me! 1306 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 No one was clamoring for a big-screen remake of the classic "Avengers" TV series, but Hollywood didn't listen and churned out this forgettable box-office fiasco. Despite its impressive visual style, the finished product made a good cast look terribly foolish. Ironically, the film's most positive aspect was introducing new viewers to the original exploits of John Steed and Emma Peel. very well writen and acted 3581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the biblical symbols in this film are very striking. The clouds moving across the evening sky, the lights within the clouds. Remind the watcher of biblical appearances by god. The intense desire on the part of the characters to go to the source of these events, also points to biblical situations. The special effects are dazzling in my opinion, although I don't believe these events could have been kept secret for very long, in view of the number of people involved in them. The lighter scenes are quite humorous, especially the mash potatoes. This film in my opinion, was designed to make the viewer feel closer to his creator, and to dispell the idea that we are totally alone in the universe. A very good film, well worth purchasing. JRV Under the direction of Pythons Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, and written and performed by the entire ex Oxford troupe -- Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones and Michael Palin -- the boys deliver their unique brand of haute silliness wearing armor and pretending to ride horses as they scamper across the timeless English countryside locations. 4686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent I just can not get enough of this movie, and I highly recommend it for everyone, especially those that love the games, even if you hated the first movie. It does not mean you will like it, you may hate it, but at least give it a shot regardless, you might like it if you go in with an open mind. 2083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WOW!! what action 3170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Real friends through thick and thin, not always agreeing, not always fighting but learning together and working their way through life's joys and sadness. 3453 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie!! 5476 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie we watch over and over again.... it has everything.... scarey, funny, sexy - you name it. Chris Sarandon is sooooooo sexy in this movie! 741 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 They speak rudely to each other. Not something I want my children to learn. 3340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! You are a moron if you think this movie isn't good. Richard Dreyfuss rocked this movie and I suggest anyone into Science Fiction should watch this movie at least once every couple of years. Your kids and grand kids should even watch this film! Excellent graphics and very well done. bases around the world, that is some kinda democracy imho. 657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of a kind! This is what we watched back on the day and was happy to get it for our lil ones to watch on DVD. 6612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A decent translation of the Playstation game onto the silver screen. Good acting, good special effects, and compelling story move this film along. The fisherman they thought they killed in the first movie is back, and boy! is he upset! The kids waste a lot of time chasing the wrong killer. One of the hotel employees practices voodoo, so he's got to be it, right? No, this is the Caribbean, not Omaha. One of the things that makes this movie rock is the dedication of the director Benny Chan (Big Bullet, Who am I?). Although he admits that it was difficult to film the movie because the three gen-x actors loved to play around the set and are loud, he knew that was the chemistry that made these guys click and the way the movie turned out, he definitely clicked with them. Cate 1600 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have heard of this series for years, but never had the chance to see it. So when i clicked on amazon and saw the price it was (to me) a bargain! Probably the biggest treat on the DVD is the Kamelot scene done entirely with legos - very cool feature. It would have been even better if they included the WHOLE movie in lego form, but oh well.... 3569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is not a documentary or a reality show about aliens from outer space. This is a fictional adventure movie about people who feel compelled to visit a certain mountain in western America and do not know why. All of them share the same visions and dreams of this mountain. When they get there, they are greeted by military troops galore! When they do get to the top of the mountain, they realize the true source of their shared visions and what they find there will shock and amaze you! If I say anymore it will ruin the movie. This is not war movie or action movie by any means, but it still has some suspense and a sense of mystery about it. The 70's can truly boast about THIS one! 3362 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Watched this after watching Contact for the first time, and there is no contest about which one is better. The positive reviews for this movie mention "a sense of wonder an awe" a lot, Ebert included, and I just don't see it. The main character is an awful person that I didn't want to root for BEFORE he starting losing his mind, let alone after. The pacing is dreadful and the motivations of the characters and the government is poorly sketched, so it's just hard to care about what's happening on screen. Possibly worse, they kept trying to add suspense with mysteries and spooky happenings that the movie had already let the audience in on 10 minutes ago. 5360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the original Fright Night movie, which I really enjoyed when it came out. I have been wanting to add it to my DVD collection, so I was able to find it for a very good price. 6250 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Resident Evil 2 has much of the same qualities as the first film did. For instance, both films cut right into the story with little background, and the two films end just as precipitously. Michael Palin Sir Galahad, and ten other roles: Soldier 1, Dennis (the communist), Plague Villager, Villager 2, Right Head, (main) Knight of Ni, King of Swamp Castle, Guest 1, Brother Maynards Brother, Narrator. 8435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a very cute movie!! My 2 year old can't even sit through an episode of Sesame Street, but totally was into this movie!! Love it! The film only received some Oscar nominations (Art/Set Direction, Costume Design, Editing, Sound), but Sinatra did pick up a 1958 Golden Globe Best Actor/Musical-Comedy for his part as Joey, the womanizing, fast talking, con-man singer, who goes from town to town, leaving debts and broken hearts behind; Sinatra makes the most of the part, and one cannot imagine anyone else that could have played Joey to such perfection. 3951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steven Spielberg uses the concept of urban paranoia to dismantle it, to expose it and to denounce it. The intervention of extraterrestrials in our society starts a real panic among many people, and at the same type mesmerizes some who are invited in a way for the grand coming that is announced by this open show of power and benevolence. Then the film analyzes the reaction of authorities. Military authorities are obsessed by limiting the contact of these ETs with the population, hence they evacuate the area where the meeting is supposed to take place, they establish a whole fear and even fright process to convince the population that they must go away or stay away,and they constantly think of danger, instead of thinking of potential opening. On the other side the scientists, strangely dominated by a Frenchman, are jumping on the occasion to open their minds, to seize the day, the night and the new vistas that open up to them. amazingly smart and funny young Allen capturing the spirit of cinema -PRODUCING TAXI DRIVER: A look into the making of TAXI DRIVER, the same gift being present with, essentially, a back-to-back documentary entitled MAKING OF DOCUMENTARY. It would have been good if the images could be enhanced for better viewing. This originally was a 'made-for-TV' program and is presented complete with the fade-outs for the commercial breaks. 6038 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Stone won't make himself vulnerable to anyone or the facts, whether that means eliminating all JFK conspiracy theories other than his own or simplifying a story and people as he has done here in Midnight Express. Stone borrowed Billy Hayes' real story of being held in a Turkish prison for several years after being caught smuggling hashish, and hijacked it to devastating effect. [I focus on screenwriter Stone instead of director Parker because the substance of Hayes' original book was altered by Stone and Parker just created Stone's skewed vision]. Stone was successful in destroying the Turkish justice image in the minds of generations of Americans. Ask most any American [now thirty years after Stone made his movie] to picture a Turkish(or Islamic) prison or court room or justice system, and the one portrayed in Midnight Express is the one that is ingrained. Coincidence or not, it should be noted that this humiliating portrayal of Islamic justice came at a time of increased Hollywood output of negative Islamic images and favorable Israeli ones(the unprecedented and universally viewed miniseries Masada). To this day, Islam's portrayal in movies is considered horrendous by those who study it(Shaheen's 'Reel Bad Arabs'). 6390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and if you are a Barbra Streisand fan it is worth buying...It is a movie I enjoy watching over and over again. Despite an often dark plot, THE FISHER KING is ultimately a story of hope, redemption and second chances. I so love this movie. It's one of my favorites. The plot and characters aren't particularly complex, but they're vividly drawn, from Coburn's ability to seize financial disaster from the jaws of triumph when his passion for losing his winnings on the crap tables and borrowing from one loan shark to pay another to Strother Martin's eloquent `cut man' who patches up fighters in return for enough money to indulge his drug habit ("This month's financial condition has prevented certain journeys of the imagination"), while Bronson, as ever, says the most without words as the kind of man who never puts down any roots and never looks past the next bend in the road. There's a rich cast of familiar 70s faces among the supporting cast - Robert Tessier, Bruce Glover, Frank McRae, Felice Orlandi - and an elegant turn from Michael McGuire as Coburn's upmarket rival, almost literally a big fish in a little pond who isn't best pleased that he no longer has the best streetfighter in New Orleans. The plotting, like Hill's visual framing, is straightforward but eloquently economical with no sense of padding or waste, so perfectly crafted that you're never left feeling that you haven't got more than your money's worth. 7080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE SHOW WAS VEVRY GOOD, 4537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent DVD - exactly as described - fast quality shipping !! 3678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Over the years I lost my copy (maybe in Katrina). A must for any Science Fiction fan. Watch it and enjoy! HM 8059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best movie I saw in a few months. Stunning. I don't want to spoil it to you, so no details. But it's touching enough to be a date-kind of flick. It's mood changes and characters are deep and believable. The movie deals with murder, suicide, loss of beloved, madness, self-centeredness and still manages to be funny, entertaining and feel-good movie after all. Brilliant. 7362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 3852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ... Unlike the sci-fi films of the 1950's that revolve around UFO's and alien contact on Earth that usually had the aliens being evil and coming to dominate and destroy the Earth, Mr. Spielberg depicts them as benign and friendly. The visual effects were first rate in 1977 and are a far cry from today's studio wizardry, they are not hokey and actually hold up well. The cast all give fine performances including Mr. Dreyfuss, Teri Garr as his beleaguered wife and Melinda Dillon scored a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination for her role as a fellow contactee. Although the film was not nominated for Best Picture, Mr. Spielberg received his first Best Director nomination and the film won one award for Best Cinematography and a Special Achievement Award for Sound Effects. 5657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Totally met my expectations. Heck I didn't know what to expect! Milla is a bad a** chick! Love seeing women annihilate bad guys..or zombies! Lol! At this point in American History, ...America, OUR nation, was dangerously close to never HAVING a history. This was, quite possibly, the most critical moment in the story of America. The man who signifigantly changed our national destiny at this moment in time, was George Washington. 8458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent product and service. Great So what's the humor like? If you've seen a single episode of the Flying Circus (and if you haven't, you need to get off your computer and go see Dead Parrot, Self Defense against Fruit, Ministry of Silly Walks and about a dozen others RIGHT NOW), you should know what to expect. There's a healthy dose of the absurd, and I live for the absurd. Cows, wooden badgers, and "Holy Handgrenades" are thrown about. It's also extremely irreverent - check out the God scene (my personal favorite - "of COURSE it's a good idea!"), King Arthur's discussions with communist peasants, the French, the infamous Black Knight, and the final scene, which is an excellent combination of anticlimactic and hilarious. It's also somewhat morbid (i.e. "I'm not quite dead!"), and there are a few sex jokes, but far from being the cheap, tacky ones Will Ferrel specializes in, they're gut-busters. For example, the Sir Galahad ("the chaste!") scene is a highlight, or at least would be a highlight if everything in this movie wasn't a highlight. And the low-budget-ness adds to the laughs, of course. There's a bit of cheesy fake blood that looks like red food coloring, and I find that really funny. 6769 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Lame, shallow and dumb, are just a very few words I will mention to describe this movie. This movie's is basically a bunch of speical effects strung together by a shallow story line that really does not end with any real resolution other than to look out for part 2. This is the first movie since "Field of Dreams" that has the intimacy and subtlety to pull it off and make the viewer really FEEL the story. Hawke is outstanding as the principle character, a genetically imperfect man trying to overcome the limits placed on him in a futuristic caste society. Jude Law is equally amazing as the man who sacrifices everythig for the chance to feel alive again and ultimately help Hawke reach his dream. The landscapes and sets are all excellently matched to the spartan, utilitarian, and genetically "clean" future world we are swept to. It is quite simply masterful on all levels. 132 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Favorite Christmas movie 167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Oldie, but a goodie Anyway, it will always be in my top ten list of movies. I consider it Monty Python's "Blazing Saddles". I don't know why it Leonard Maltin considers it for hard core fans only. My Dad used to show his ninth grade Geography class this movie when they studied Europe. The kids understand most of the movie and they like it. (Though the average kid doesn't get all of it). And I became a fan of Monty Python from watching this one movie. * The Electric Flag - Flash, Bam, Pow You do the maths. Twenty bucks for some cards? guitar era with racer x/mr.big and his solo work!!!! 2048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great story, fun. I have to question the casting of Jeff Daniels as Washington. I know Washington was a flesh and blood person, but somehow Daniels (or perhaps the script he had to work with) does not communicate the gravitas that must have personified Washington. This was a man chosen practically unanimously by the Continental Congress to lead the army. Daniels does not come across as that sort of person. 8699 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic Bronson's bare knuckles talk more quickly and project more about the man than any amount of script could ever manage to do. 2240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful movie; positive, fun, funny, and all the girls do is 1. Make fun of themselves and each other and 2. Make fun of the fact theya re so famous. No one seems to get: They are in the joke, they get it. The thing here, the group is actually good, and has good songs. I am an unapologetic fan, and my music goes into obscure electronic and jazz avant garde stuff. NOTHING is as avant garde and The Spice Girls. I still want a reunion!!! SPECIAL FEATURES 9/10 6808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sinatra is amazing in this movie about a nightclub singer and the ladies in his life. All the songs are first-rate and Sinatra's performances of "Lady Is A Tramp" and "I Didn't Know What Time It Was" are classic. The plot is entertaining, and though admittedly tamer than the story originally was, still has enough of a hint of naughtiness to stay true to the swing of things. Hayworth gives a kick butt performance and steals the show as the glamourous rich widow who helps Joey finance his dreams. Novak is beautiful and does good, but what woman can compete with a co-star like Ms. Hayowrth! But the best thing about Pal Joey is that it's Sinatra bring Sinatra and that's why I fell in love with this movie. After the ways in which the "wicked English" were rather mistreated in both Brave Heart and the Patriot (Mel Gibson in both cases, I'm afraid), some reviewers have been wondering whether, yet again, the English were being somewhat portrayed and caricatured as "the baddies", and were somewhat annoyed at it. In particular, some may have wondered whether depicting the English as insulting Joan and treating her as if she was a witch while also behaving as what could be seens as a cowardly manner, was not tainted with some unpleasant undertones of rench nationalism. This is, of course, a film done by a French Director, something than could fuel such a suspicion until one remembers how superstitious people were in the 15th century and on both sides (and how superstitious most of them were well before and well after). A young and (supposedly) inexperienced maiden leading to war seasoned warriors was simply unheard of at the time. That she was successful and brought victory a couple of times at Orlans, where the six months old English siege was finally broken, and went on to win a convincing victory at Patay and to escort the Dauphin to be crowne in Reims with her army, could only be a tremendous boost to the flaging morale of the French, who were clearly losing the war before her arrival, and, on the contrary, make the English wonder if the she was not Heavenly inspired, since all her enterprises seemed to be successful. 1926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie was amazing! Harrison Ford is always good 6051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Top 5 film in the Martin collection....a great modern day tale of a classic story......and beautiful Darryl Hannah.....a great story that flows really well, seen it many times, and still love it.....one to be added to any collection. 9846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Gattaca" is the perfect example of how a very good movie can be made without spending tons of money producing it. All the emphasis is placed on the story, a very good story I might add, rather than dazzling special effects and inner ear damaging surround sound. Hollywood should take some lessons from this film and give the public more fare that uplifts and inspires rather than the apocalyptic doom and gloom they keep pushing on us. I try to rent movies on blu ray before I buy them to see if they are worth the additional cost, which is what I did here. The Blockbuster copy I rented, was excellent, has a lot more zip and sparkle than the dvd version that I own. The Amazon price is right and I will be buying the blu ray version. 9474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good plot, good science fiction, it's been a favorite for a long time! 8145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Have watched 1 DVD so far, a little hard to make out speech sometimes. 3616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember watching this when I was younger--and my husband had never seen it. It was just as good as I remember it, and the scene with Barry being abducted still creeped me out (my husband agreed it was intense). We enjoyed watching it together, and it will be something we will definitely watch again. And my husband agrees that it's important NOT to trust the aliens...regardless of what happened. :-) Great idea for a film, no? Sadly, I found the execution lacking and the film had trouble keeping my attention once the premise was established. Shots of Vincent gazing longingly at the sky as rockets take off for outer space while he mops the floor are almost humorous to a cynical bastard like myself who gets his jollies blowing spitballs at such storytelling practices. The backstory where Vincent's younger brother (a Valid; the parents didn't want to make the same mistake twice) lords his superiority over him and then loses in a swimming contest is reiterated over the course of the film again and again in such a manner that I felt that the filmmaker was treating me like an idiot. Yeah! I get it! We don't like the super-people so we revel in the guy who is just like us winning. No need to show us four more times! I about turned the film off when his ability to outdistance his physically more able sibling is explained by Vincent by saying he never saved anything for the swim back. But his brother never made it to the swim out so what was he saving exactly? So all that does is give the people a line that makes no sense to cheer about. "Yeah, you fascist jerk! He didn't save anything for the swim back except that he not only had enough to swim back, but he carried your sorry behind with him so obviously he did save something... more then you in fact since you were the one drowning. Wait, what'd he say again?" Things like that eat at the inside of my brain and make me angry that the writers and director can't even think through their own story for our benefit. They just assumed we'd be too dumb to care. This is not Transformers, damn it! If you're going to make a cerebral film with no action at all, get your stuff straight! These two meet by accident when a suicidal Bridges is being attacked by street thugs and Williams rescues him. They become unlikely friends. Thus, the former celebrity learns first hand about homeless people and mental illness. He also discovers why his new friend is often so deranged, and feels he caused the death of this unfortunate fellow's wife. The second movie in the series. Feel free to check out my blog which can be found on my profile page. When it came time to produce the movie some years later, changes were understandably made to John O'Hara's original stories (first published in the New Yorker), especially once it became a vehicle for Frank Sinatra. Joey was now an aspiring singer instead of a hoofer, and while Sidney's film retains enough of its source material's feel so that Joey isn't exactly a kind soul to the opposite sex, it's been softened to a degree where its protagonist is more of a rascal than an unabashed jerk. 2527 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good product 7302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing 3645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Lots of extras, the stupid scene where he goes in the spaceship put in an earlier edition is out, very good transfer, sound, nice package. (WHEN is Amazon going to start listing the extras on DVD's?? I keep having to go elsewhere to find out what's on a disc, and often end up buying it where I can find the info. GET ON THIS, AMAZON.) 8782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this movie now looks fab on bluray its that good that it look,s like it was shot this year, the print is great and colourfull very sharp and the new sound is brill too with a dts 5,1 score, if your a fan of the bronson movie,s this has got to be one for your shelf 10 out of 10 fab. 9517 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was different. Futuristic, science. But sad possible reality. It was clever how they handled things. But sad for the reason why he had to do what he diddid. 4067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Stepmom can be slated by people who don't have a heart, but this is one of the best Julia Roberts movies out there. Ed Harris, Susan Sarandon & Julia all do extremely well in this, as do the kids. Jena Malone plays the little girl, and Liam Aiken (Object Of My Affection, Sweet November) plays her younger brother. 8008 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terry Gilliam's THE FISHER KING (1991) stars Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams, Mercedes Ruel and Amanda Plummer (with a major assist from Michael Jeter). Although there's some genuine belly laughs in it, the story is primarily a melancholy one of two men tortured by a tragedy that affected both their lives in very different ways. Gary Oldman has played the arch villain once too often, his acting is becoming banal, predictable and synthetic; it's almost as if he doesn't believe in his character anymore - he's simply bored by the monotonous, one-dimensional, stereotyped role of the baddie. 1821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased this DVD after seeing it on TV. It goes into detail on the true crossing of the Delaware by Washington and his troops during the crucial battle of Trenton, a turning point in the revolutionary war. There is a lot of bloodshed shown -just as it was in real life-. 382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie. The only bad part about the movie, besides the script, acting, and plot, is the fact that our heroine is now super-human like. She just seems impossible to defeat as she can kill a million zombies with her kung fu abilities. 9003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best of the Python movies...everyone should own a copy 9151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a Monty Python fan I've patiently waited for this movie to come to Blu-ray(2012) but didn't have very high expectations that it would look and sound all that good. Well I was wrong. It looks and sounds Great! And I'm not going to tell you it's an excellent movie, you already know that--great British humor(actually universal humor), ridiculously funny, great actors. And a silly price of only $9.99 (was $12.99 on release date). 9328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After their comedy series sadly left the airwaves, the Monty Pythons decided to venture into the realm of cinema. They only made four movies in total, but these four movies have gone on to be comedy classics. Hardcore Python fans might say that "The Life of Brian" was their best (albeit contraversial) film, but almost any casual Python fan or comedy fan in general will give "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" that title. How this film compares to the other Python films isn't that important, however, because "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is one of the funniest films ever made and a true comedy classic. And with the Special Edition DVD, we get full exposure to Monty Python's insane movie. 7792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Preface-I am assuming that anyone reading this, has either seen the movie or read the book. If you haven't, read the summary above and then read this because I won't repeat the storyline. - The film features a cool eerie score highlighted by some rocking nu-metal acts. 9424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 'The Holy Grail' is less consistent and more slapstick than 'Life Of Brian'. It's more like a series of sketches linked together by facts'n'fun from British history. 3504 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good mivie In "SLC Punk," we are much closer to our parents than we care to admit. This is emphasized during Stevo's hilarious conversations with his father, a former hippie turned lawyer who has "bought in" to the system. Played by Chris McDonald, he accepts his son's rebellion and tries to understand. Dad's a bit lost, but his love for his son is never in doubt. It's a multi-dimensional portrayal which is a highlight. 3072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In the recent Associated Press obituary for the late actor and director, Dennis Hooper, is quoted as believing that, for him, the 1969 counter-cultural classic motorcycle film that he directed, "Easy Rider", was more a statement about the political landscape of the times than a male-bonding biker "road" movie. I agree with him, or at least that is how I have always viewed the film. The subjects of drugs, using and selling, dressing for "hippie' success, the hard road of rural communal living (or urban communal living, for that matter), and trying to cope with the "squares" and "rednecks" were all in a day's work back in the days for those of us committed to "seeking a newer world.". 1189 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite shows. Very Satisfied. Thanks. 5960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GOOD MOVIE IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT ISNT WAS TO T This film was a low budget . 394.000 bucks , but the script depicted as any other american film of its age the sense of going to nowhere abaout a generation tired of waiting for a change. 1879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. You will cheer for America by the end. Colin Kaepernick has probably never seen it. An evil corporation called Umbrella, has unwilligenly 6189 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Favorite Line in this film... "Who the F&%K! Are You?!" A nice greeting for someone who just saved their bacon! Alice does live here and she owns this property! Our favorite genetically enhanced female weapon (courtesy of the Umbrella corporation) has been selected to face off against another type of genetically altered human weapon to see which type would serve best for the Umbrella weapons division and military application. But the fun doesn't stop there. They also threw in a hundred thousand Zombies running around the now infected Raccoon City! What more could one ask for? Oh, and our small rag tag group of humans have to somehow escape the now locked down city before dawn before the place gets sanitized by a nuke. Enough pressure for one movie? Oh Ya! I'd buy that for a dollar! 1198 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great series, great comedian. 1060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Lee Marvin... a war veteran for real, so when Boorman decided to make him an even bigger star than he already was, he knew he was dealing with iconic material that needed to contrast with an equally fiery temper of a quite different kind. So he put another icon from the east opposite him, the king of the Samurai films, and made his first subversive feature. Hey, where else do you get to see Lee Marvin take a leak on Toshiro Mifune's head? Not in any other American cinema of the period, that's for sure! 5158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 but, if you've got the stomach and a curiosity about the non-Disney side of the human personality, this dark, insightful, and yes, violent, tale is for you. What always gets me about this movie is DeNiro's performance. DAMN!!! He IS Travis Bickle. That's how amazing his acting (in this) is-yet we know he isn't. This is the 'Master of Puppets' (Metallica' best, and most powerful, album) for DeNiro. The power of his performance here is beyond description. How he got from 'Taxi Driver' to where he is today would make for another 'dark journey' movie... By the way, for those reviewers who don't understand why he doesn't go to jail at the end, think about the kind of people he killed-the kind the police would just as soon kill themselves if they could get away with it. He was doing the police a favor, in a weird sort of way. Plus this is inner city NYC-nobody cares about these types of people anyway in 'this part of town'-you're on your own. The making Travis out to be a hero was on purpose-to show how society has a twisted sense of rewarding the 'wrong people'-GET IT??? As for the color of the blood at the end, you should have watched the 'making of' part of the DVD-They talk about how the negatives for the original had deteriorated so much that they were not able to be saved. If you just plain didn't like it, well, you can see you're in the minority. Even if it's too violent for you, I don't see how you could ignore DeNiro's performance-it's why acting was invented, or Scorsese's (and crew) amazingly thick vibe that so perfectly complements DeNiro's tour de force performance. As for Leonard Maltin and his opinion...well you know what opinions are like... 5631 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ever wonder who's living next door to you? Ever wonder who's eyes are glowing in the dark outside your bedroom's windows at night? Ever seen an evil transform in the very front of you? Then Fright Night's the one for you. When the discs arrived I was extremely pleased that the picture at last was of a quality that the film deserves. There are film grain visible but it doesn't matter since almost all 35mm releases have visible film grain on Blu-ray disc (I expect the same is true of HD DVD releases too). The picture was quite simply magnificent, the level of detail was very rich and the colors were very vibrant. The colors of the picture of BD releases is what I really am impressed with and this movie shines. "Gattaca" is a masterpiece of science fiction -- a richly nuanced, beautifully understated work that reminds you that, no matter where we come from, we can all reach for the stars. The movie in a nutshell involves two hippies, Wyatt (Peter Fonda) also known as "Captain America" and Billy (Dennis Hopper), who score a huge cocaine deal in Mexico and unload it on a rich guy (Phil Spector) in California. The two then decide to travel by motorcycle to the Mardi Gras in New Orleans to have a great time. This sets up the rest of the film for many offbeat and bizarre encounters on this free-spirited road trip. I know that some people are disappointed in the complete set, but think about the seasons that FOX provided of this great series. I don't want to say too much about the plot because it so much fun to watch it unfold. The story holds up great over the decades. It has lots of intentional humor and some little funny things like the license plate on the car changing when it gets to a new state... It may seem a little strange that there are no cell phones - but back then they didn't exist! It's a Spielberg classic and in its own way as timeless as the original Star Wars. 3135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My mother loves tearjerkers. This movie definitely qualifies. She was thrilled to get it as a gift. This movie has some classic ladies in it as well a very young Julia Roberts. The Southern ladies in this film are pretty true to life. SHE WAS LAUGHING AND ENJOYED ANNIE SO MUCH 3898 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Yer another comedy flop. The film promises, but never quite delivers. Sure it's corny, hammy and dumb and for a while it's funny, but towards the end it just becomes stupid. These teen comedies don't really appeal to me, but the small horror content of this film saves it from being boring. It just could have been much funnier. 636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie at christmas time Like other troubled heroes of the era, Travis is an ex-Marine, working nights as a New York taxi driver, observing with increasing disgust the human flotsam that comes into his cab... His attempts at human contact are a failure... An icy political worker whom he takes on a date (Cybil Shepherd) is repelled by his taste of porno films... He tries to rescue Iris, a teenage hooker (Jodie Foster), but increasingly his mind is under tension, and, prevented in his attempt to assassinate a Presidential candidate, he murders Iris' pimp Sport (Harvey Keitel) and a client in an orgy of what he intends a redemptive violence... The fact that they make it all look so easy is amazing to me. Holy Grail is the best of the Python movies, and has SO many classic moments its hard to remember them all. My personal favorite is Lancelot getting frisked at the end. 6753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The bottom line here is that nobody knows what made Joan tick. We can deduce from her actions and her trial that she was a very complicated young woman, but beyond that it's open to interpretation. Was she insane? - What about her predictions? Or possessed? - I for one can't even imagine what that really means. Perhaps she was just very impressionable and instead of monsters under her bed she saw angels? That she was well schooled in current political affairs I think we can rule out. Samantha Morton does a lovely job of portraying an innocent who is not ignorant of the darker aspects of human nature-- Lowood School taught her more than reading, writing and geography. Her plummet into the pain of the truth and then her coming to understand the power of the passion that grips her is very well played. But the hard-edged director Billy Wilder was said to be Cohn's first directorial choice; they say studio mogul and director went to lunch to discuss it - and at the end of lunch, Wilder was not only not given the job, but was given the bill. Gene Kelly and Rita Hayworth had impressed Cohn by their work together in the 1944 hit,"Covergirl," and the studio chief promised them another picture together, expected to be "Pal Joey." But those 15 years went by, and Kelly was under contract to MGM. So Cohn thought of Jack Lemmon. Cohn initially thought of Marlene Dietrich for the Simpson role, characterized as an older woman, but Dietrich wouldn't take it. However, she suggested Frank Sinatra for the title role, Joey Evans. Meanwhile, Rita Hayworth, who was Columbia's reigning sex symbol at the time, and had expected to play Linda English, the ingénue, aged rapidly, unfortunately. She was just 39 at filming, actually three years younger than Sinatra, but had to take the Vera Simpson, older woman part. The younger woman's part was given to Kim Novak, the studio's rising sex symbol. Barbara Nichols played Gladys Bump, chorus girl comic relief. Some have criticized the movie as having two minds. The stuff at the office is fun, raucous, aggressive, and often very funny. The Basner family saga is often very painful. I actually found the clash of these two stories more or less realistic. Many young professionals experience a much different life at work than at home and that leads to a lot of stress, broken marriages, and lots of counseling hours. 1206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Exactly what I expected! Well, there is Brad Pitt! 2329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Spice Girls, what more can you say, beautiful, bold, funny, this film is so fun to watch, I love these girls. 6039 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Midnight Express" is a true story of a 20 year old American Billy Hayes, who tried to smuggle two kilograms of hashish out of Turkey. Billy got searched at the Istanbul Airport, and the Turkish police arrested Billy. In return for cooperation the police offered leniency, which Billy accepted. Unfortunately, Billy tried to escape while cooperating with local authorities. Billy now has to face the wrath of the Turkish justice system, which mainly wants to make an example out of foreigners, especially Americans used to getting away with Billy's behavior back in the States. Yet it is still the silliness that draws people to the Monty Python franchise, and there is plenty of that in the Holy Gail. In addition to the French dude that uttered the title phrase, some of my personal favorite parts are, the Black Knight who wouldn't die, the Holy Hand Grenade and the Knights Who Say Ni. And as part of the English Lit class, we learned the "Ni" was actually a curse word back in olden times, so for me that added to the humor of the scene. According to various historical sources, there was not one Arthur but hundreds...perhaps thousands in 6th century England. Indeed, here in Dallas in the year 2003, there are thousands of Arthurs now living in the North Texas region. How many kings? Ooodles of Kings but no kings; however, back then (i.e. 6th century), there were quite a few. 914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie! The nerd gets the girl! 3218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A true American original about Southern folk and how they react to both the good times and the bad. An excellent cast! 1753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 well done! Clear and Present Danger (Special Collector's Edition) From the opening sequence, something is clearly amiss: I mean, extreme close-ups of exfoliated skin and toenail clippings, anyone? I did like Samantha Morton's Jane best of all the Janes (I've seen every version of this). I just wish she'd been given better dialogue to speak. 4645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The classic that is fantastic... it's no top gun, but it doesnt try to be. This is a kids fantasy movie set in real life. 9785 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 not impressed 2. Characters- 7 (nice main character, but supporting cast was very cookie cutter in nature) Check out NO MERCY for the good action, the real good visuals (includes Basinger's tastefully done, see through blouse when wet, of course...). 2112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The quality is excellent. It's finally good to have this movie on blu-ray. Thanks! Barbara Carrera (who two years later would get to play a Bond girl - the very movies this one attempts to lampoon) plays KGB agent Natalia. Later, when she makes the decision to defect, the impressive Condorman comes to mind as the only CIA agent she will trust to handle her defection. anarchists like the Marx Brothers. 5900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved this movie. It's just a quirky, feel good, love story. Every character is entertaining. 633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this classic movie 9014 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great. Kids love it. BEHIND THE SCENES:Rankin/Bass studios was the most prolific creators of holiday specials we have ever known. After the huge success of their 1964 stop motion musical Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they created no less than 14 more Christmas specials, from a total of 35 specials of which many covered other holidays. In 1970 audiences were eager to see what the clever studio would come up with next, their last picture had been Frosty the Snowman the year before in traditional cel animation. As much as viewers enjoyed Frosty, they really liked the stop motion "Animagic" that was the specialty of the studio. The only TV specials they made this process so far were Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy. The new show aired on ABC on December 14, 1970 and it was in Animagic! It was a one hour special, and it received huge ratings. It still airs every year. 5835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Didn't know what to expect with the first one, but you have to see it to really understand and appreciate the sequels. Plus, hard not to love Milla Jovovich fighting for her life. 3758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you. 8171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this for my kids as once again I go to this original version being much better then the "New and Improved" version! Sinatra is great here. He carries the film on his shoulders and delivers a fine performance. Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak give him a run for his money though, especially Hayworth who ravishes in her last screen performance. She is intoxicating and sensual and possesses a true sense of power. Novak comes off a tad stiff in some scenes, especially the early ones, but as the film progresses she gets more comfortable in her performance and truly delivers. Her take on `My Funny Valentine' is remarkable and possibly the best moment in the film. The form a cohesive threesome and create some serious charm. Novak is also a solidified knockout in the film and is, as she puts it, "stacked". Good stuff. Now, Sony/Columbia Tri-Star... get this awful pan & scan version off the market and give us the nice release Europe and Australia have! In this movie, Hanks plays David Basner, a hotshot adman in Chicago, with comical co-workers and upper-middle-aged parents that are breaking up. While he tries romancing the daughter of a major client, (Sela Ward, hubba-hubba!) he also has to deal with his poor father (Jackie Gleason) losing his wife of 40 years and his job, all within the same month! The "tough love" tenderness Basner uses with his dad is offset by the kid gloves he uses with his mother, played by Eva Marie Saint. There are some ingenious comic scenes in this film, such as the ad company presentation to the Texan airline owner client, father of the Sela Ward character, (the woman with the guitar voicing the old lady on the plane is priceless,) and some other ad proposals are done well too. However, it is the later scenes with Max, his father, that will probably get to you the most. This was Jackie Gleason's last movie, and it is LIGHT YEARS better than most of the stuff he starred in late in his career, specifically the "Smokey & The Bandit" movies and "The Sting II". Hanks would go on to make "Joe Versus The Volcano", which was really Meg Ryan's movie more than his, his last broad comedy, and then made "A League of Their Own", which changed his career as well as saved it. There was no looking back after "Philadelphia", which was actually his first totally dramatic role. 2565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. 5993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie, good actors. Even had a lesson that could be learned. I enjoy this movie. it all under control. Another astute observation is the Russian 8371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This DVD is one of the essentials, if you like musicals. The songs are familiar, the dance numbers good, and Carol Burnett was great. My biggest beef with the DVD is that it is only available in full-screen format. You can tell that the viewing area is cut back with this format, the studio should do the right thing and release a widescreen version. 7696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Never saw this when it came out, this is one of Mr Williams' (RIP sir) greatest works, as well as Mr Bridges'. Both men acted their hearts out and their asses off, as did the entire cast and crew, by the way the movie came out. If you've never seen this, have a heart, brain, and soul, you need to see this. 3290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie stars Sally Field, Dolly Parton, Shirley MacLaine, Julia Roberts, Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis, Tom Skerritt, and Dylan McDermott. An all star cast. Yes the movie mirrors 1983's TERMS OF ENDEARMENT quite a bit, but this movie works with the star studded cast who all turn in worthy performances of Oscar's. It's such a special movie about love and friendship between these women, and the ties that bind them together. Roberts' character suffers from diabetes and has a child against her doctors orders. Her character needs a kidney transplant and her on screen mom played by Sally Field, gives her kidney. However the kidney is rejected and ultimately Roberts' character dies. Truly tugs at the heartstrings and Field gives a demanding performance with her outburst at the end after the funeral. Parton, Hannah, MacLaine and Dukakis turn in comical performances that make you smile and warms your heart. Overall truly a beautiful movie that I do consider a classic. 4264 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Last Action Hero is probably Arnold's worst movie. I would recommend most of his other films, not this one. 6389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved the way it was written and the acting was excellent. Highly recommend it to people who love a serious story. Set against a science fiction backdrop (not so far into the future), we see that, no matter how advanced science are or will become, we will always be up against Identity Thieves who cannot or will not care about other human beings. 273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite versions of the Scrooge story but they never show it now I can watch when I want to ..i could go on but you kinda catch my drift, people disregard this film to quickly, why?? Some RE game fans end up taking the plot too seriously & thinking 'oh i hate that, it shouldnt have been like that, lickers wernt in RE3'.. do people really know what they mean by 'BASED OFF A GAME'.. this movie is based off the game into it's own series.. rather then complaining on how characters & the storyline has been changed, it should be looked at for what its worth. I already seen the movie twice & i still cant wait for this movie to be released on DVD.. i mean unless you can make a better movie based off the RE series & put it on the big screen.. i cant see why anyone should be complaining.. all i can say is i love Resident Evil & the movies to me make a good representation of the game.. & i definatly cant wait for RE3.. (heh.. that'll take a while). 5636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Milla! Don't ever stop making these movies! Finally, someone has made good use of the storage space on a DVD. 9387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love dystopia/utopia kinda movie This is one of them. Enough said. Note: I watched this 3-4 times on the tape so I am familiar with most of the film and after seeing the DVD, I swear several short scenes are missing (such as Bearse's quick shower scene). 4333 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 In my opinion, this movie has got to be Arnold's worst movie. It was so stupid and boring, I turned it off 15 minutes into the movie. I would give it NO STARS if I could! Thank goodness Schwarzenegger's other movies make up for this turkey! Definitely not worth renting let alone buying. I would pass on this one. 7428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely superb movie. This is another deep movie and on the edge with feelings. Plus this movie seems very rushed you can never get a good foot hold of the story Especially during Janes childhood. I do also miss the Gypsy scene that is omitted in many of these movies and was expertly done in the Dalton /Clarke mini series, which brought some brief light heartednes to an otherwise very dark story. As it turns out, Jack is the one who needs saving. Taxi Driver is without a doubt one of the best films I have ever seen. The reason the story is so great, is because it involves a taxi driver whose only human contact is the fares that he takes, which forces him to concentrate on the worst that society has to offer. This is what makes Travis feel like he is the only solution to society's problems. The film slowly takes you through each step of Travis's decent into madness. Travis Brickle is Robert De Niro's best performance in my opinion. DeNiro's ability to slowly break down the character is amazing, and watching De Niro transform himself into a crazy vigilante will give you the creeps. This includes the classic scene with De Niro standing in front of the mirror saying "You talkin to me?!!". Jodi Foster, Harvey Kietel, Peter Boyle, and the rest of the cast were all great in their roles as well. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru - Ray Manzarek, keyboard player of The Doors, produced X's first four albums? This is one of the big reasons why the band covered and generally closed its concerts with "Soul Kitchen" from the album The Doors 409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding film! His daywatcher/human servant (Billy Cole) is creepy in a way and his cup holds its own volume of twisted charm. Amanda Bearse (pre-Married with Children) shows up as Amy and does a surprisingly good job as a cute, bubbly, and interesting side-character. Charlie (William Ragsdale), the main character, does the role well and his friend Evil Ed (Stephen Geoffreys) plays the part to a tee but his character is a little annoying. Another great charm is the cowardly vampire hunter Peter (Roddy McDowall) -- he brings plenty of humor when he walks in. A recently fired, non-believer he has to be convinced but when he sees it's real his knees begin to shake and his pants become a little wet but this just makes it all the more comical. 179 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love just about any movie that has to do with The Christmas Carol. I can now add this one to the list. 3. "Young Frankenstein" (1974) This is a 5-star family comedy, brilliant with slapstick and subtleties. Well, OK, usually not so subtle. In the Mel Brooks interview which is a bonus feature on the "Blazing Saddles" disc, Brooks calls this movie "a gift". Obviously a lot of hard work and talent were needed too, but it is a film where everything comes together wonderfully. Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks were nominated for the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar. 3464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a good movie. i am glad i got it. Everyone's very good, excepting perhaps Ann Reinking, who plays the sweet, refined Grace Farrell, Warbucks' secretary. Reinking is a fine dancer but not a movie star, no way. Even on stage she seems ill-at-ease. She was the 70s version of Ann Miller, and both of them hailed from the same Land of Wood. She's got one number, "We Got Annie" in which she shows off the dancing Fosse taught her. Everything else is just splinters. 7295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent condition Umbrella. But if you don't go in expecting Citizen Kane, and can let go enough to let the movie take you away in a hail of gunfire, then this is one of the best HK movies ever filmed. Jackie Chan fans should be ecstatic. 9416 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 ...i gave it one star so it would help to even up the number for all those collage kids who over-rate this movie so much...Now for the movie itself:= i'd read & read tons of peope who had said this was the "funniest movie ever made"..(which its not BTW) i do love Monty Python..so i bought it expecting a very very good comedy (Mel Brooks,or Zucker-Brothers standards perhaps)....& the first time i seen it (i was honestly wanting to love it)i was extremely disapointed overall- it was funny enough when the python cast was on screen, but when others were thrown into the picture (mostly scenes in the boring castles) it became rather cheap...& speaking about "cheap"= one thing that hurt this movie a lot (for me) was the picture-quality.. this picture was FOGGY,FOGGY FOGGY !! (not to mention that in the actual scenes of the movie they used FOG everywhere they went as a scenic prop)...most of it is GRAINY as well..if they had made this with a different "look" it would of been much more enjoyable..but the color was saturated it was very bright & the whole thing looked DULL when putting up with the Fogginess (the grain isn't that annoying, but my god the fog is it makes it look so saturated & DULL...........as for the much critisized "ending"= its not bad at all, it was an original & mean-spirited way to end the silly thing (& it showed that it wasn't taking itself too seriously)-..i sort of liked it....this is by no means the funniest movie ever made (not even close)>>>BUT it is funny on its own terms...& some funny scenes (which should of been carried out further & done better) keep it afloat & afterwards it just sort of lies there like a cheap, likable movie.....i did laugh out loud at the "run away-run away" scenes & the taunting frenchman,the Black knight, the killer rabbit, & the part where they threw the cows & other animals at them off the castletop..& there were some other amusing scenes (Knights who say Nee was funny but has been way over-rated)...the animations were not funny (if they were intended to be)...there were lots of dumb misfired gags that bogged it down as well. ...overall it is a very OVER-RATED comedy thats very original & likable (although not always funny)..lots of things ruin it from being a great movie (which it could of been had it been done better)..i watched it a second time & i felt about the same about it..but it does give some good scenes & is well worth renting...(the other python movies are more amusing & better done IMO)..i wanted to love it, but its just been too Over-rated by all its "fans".its a fairly good movie.... Rumpole episodes (42) are much more than court proceedings. It is mystery in revelations of events that led to the trials of criminals. It is also quite humorous. Touching moments, LOL moments, suspense, and quirky characters all blended so magnificently into the mysterious. Leo McKern is Rumpole...IS fantastically Rumpole. Cast is superb. 1986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Oh, to have such a man as our commander-in-chief! But also, to have people who are willing to sacrifice their all to insure the continuity of our nation's constitutional "mind." It was a terrific, barn-burner of an action adventure film! 7460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good fun for a family movie. Very cute Annie. another game title to the bring screen. Cast: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., Brandy Norwood, Mekhi Phifer, Muse Watson, Bill Cobbs, Mathew Settle, Jeffrey Combs, Jennifer Esposito. 2127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie. Always entertaining. We had this movie on VHS now glad to own it digitally. 8971 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can only say that my 14 month old nephew was enthralled by this film...and I found it entertaining as well. Very nicely done! Mandy Patinkin steals the show, and Vanessa Williams little musical number stopped it! Bravo! . 6821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK. I know that Resident Evil had barely any gore. And people are saying that it should have had more. But I think becasue of thr lack of gore it made it better. I know I sound nuts. But I like horroe movies with out over doing the gore. Resident Evil is about a team od paramiltary commandos must battle flesh-eating undead, killer dogs, and a supercomputers deadly defenses before an unleashed virus cunsumes humanity. I think this movie is a good adaptation of the video game series. It has action, violence, language, brief nudity, and some blood. I heard a rumor that the director had to cut some scenes from the movie becuase they contained so mmuch gore, that the movie would have gotten a NC-17 rating. I had also heard that there was going to be a directors cut, but I bought the movie the 2nd day it came out and i did hear of any directors cut. Maybe it will come out in the future. I know there is going to be sequel to the movie coming out in 2003. I look forward to seeing it. On my scale from 0-10 Resident Evil is a Action packed, Screaming good time 8. I reccomend it for anyone who has played thr game! In the end, a bunch of Umbrella scientists just appear as Alice and our other surviving (but clearly infected) hero escape the Hive. Back to the exposition, one says: Hes mutating. I want him in the Nemesis programwere re-opening the Hive Aaaaannnnnd cue the sequel as Alice wakes up again, now in a lab, and stumbles into the Apocalypse! the sound is wonderful but the picture is very grainy and not crisp at all. Mifune appears suddenly from the debris, frightening Marvin who exclaims "Oh I thought you were a Japanese!" The virus is a text book zombie contagion, causing death from infection and resurrection of the corpse. The reanimated corpses are classic slow moving, and have an insatiable hunger for living flesh. Some of the zombie scenes are scare you out of your seat good, while others are over done and disappointing. It is a fast paced shoot-em-up after the zombies debut. Ammo is scarce and there is no back up team. Their only choice is to retrieve the anti-virus and escape, or become another drone in the underground swarm of undead. CE3K is this passage put to film. Of course, if you buy the DVD for the *movie,* then that's a whole different ball o' wax altogether. 3234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie - great lines and many famous actors and actresses- Oliva dukacus is very good and so is McClaine 3169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Revolutionary in its time but appearing somewhat dated now, "Easy Rider" was the ultimate road trip: two bikers on a cross-country ride from the west coast to Mardi Gras in New Orleans after scoring big in a drug deal. Produced and directed by, and starring Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda, and almost stolen by a then-unknown named Jack Nicholson playing a hippie lawyer, "Easy Rider" follows its two heroes across some of the most stunning scenery in the Southwest as they head towards Louisiana in search of "freedom", whatever that means. "Easy Rider" not only brings us two (or three, counting Nicholson) of society's dropouts, we also meet a community of hippies, some narrow-minded small-town lawmen, and some rednecks in Louisiana who seem to have a more-than-passing relationship to Neanderthals. We wonder if the film's perhaps unwitting message is that the search for meaningless "freedom" results in meaningless and wanton death and destruction. More than any film of its time, "Easy Rider" caught the mood of the late 1960s in America and the fear of the "establishment" for society's rebels. It may be of its own time, but its timeless rejection of mindless conformity echoes down to us. As for the acting, the downfall of so many movies, it's simply outstanding. You really do feel as if you're watching an elite squad of jaded specialists. It's somewhat like Starship Troopers, in a different setting. I really felt convinced of the performances. When they're hurt, they act hurt. When they're scared, they're scared. There's very little room for uncertainty here. If they actors aren't upset about being injured, or scared of the death that surrounds them, then it's quite hard for the audience to be concerned either. Buy it ! But what this movie does not capture and what needs to be captured is the pathos of this small, teenage girl abandoned by her country, surrounded by enemies, fighting for her life. 131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler is a better actor than he gets credit for. He makes a credible American version of Scrooge. 2768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A classic for my collection. 4827 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Dreary movie and disjointed. Can't believe it was nominated for best picture! 8619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My grandson and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The intro to the movie is a master telling of beautiful words, it sets the tone for the entire film. It almost...almost...has the same pace and meter of the first chapter of the Gospel of John. 4165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One great family movie. We had watched it on TV, and decided to add it to our collection so we can watch it whenever. Whatever you do: Please, please, don't buy this awful Sony 2002 fullscreen edition. 5600 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i can even forgive the (nearly unforgivable) cheesy dance club seduction scene (bad!) Roddy Mcdowell is reason enough to see the film...his Peter Vincent, Fearless Vampire Killer is a wonderful character (not to mention a good name!) and you can really see McDowell revelling in the campy over-the-top antics and nature of his character. there are some good laughs, chills and a lot of action in the film.....good stuff! 5870 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Suspenseful and riveting. The main character in the movie did something very wrong, but the way he was treated in a foreign prison just because he was American justifies his prison escape. There is no place like America when it comes to justice and a fair trial, and a jury of your peers to determine your fate. The corruption in overseas court systems seals the fate of many innocent and penitent people. The pig who was the prison warden got what was coming to him for his violence and hubris. 8338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie is older but that doesn't stop my toddler from wanting to watch it over and over. It is cute and tolerable for my husband and I to watch. Perfect for any littles ones that love Elmo. Close Encounter of the 3rd kind: Contact 2532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 everyone wants to take a whack at Ouissa (sp) Finally, she figures out that Todd is basically a shallow, self absorbed jerk and leaves him to go off to college feeling like"a real woman." Maybe it's because I'm a lot older now than when I saw this the first time but I could only feel annoyed throughout the film. I guess I no longer have much tolerance for behavior like Andrea's. 5702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie!!!! 9394 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 1957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Updating my video library from VHS to DVD. Great price and quick ship! 436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i am a big fan of this item was so glad to get it, and it was everything i hoped it would be In this rare Sesame Street video they go to the Metropolitan Museum Of Art. My 8 year old boy loves Coookie Monster so I tried to find a tape that included him. Big Bird goes gets Suffy to leave the museum but when he comes back to all his friend they were stuck in the museum. Cookie Monster sees a picture but Cookie Monster sings a song to don't eat the pictures. Then there's disc 2, which features just about every imaginable extra you can... um... imagine. There's the 45-minute retrospective documentary where Jones & Palin revisit the various locations that were used to film the flick. Much of it was shot at one particular Scottish castle; the rest of it around various parts of the Scottish countryside. One of my fave extras are the sample segments dubbed in Japanese, with their English translations in subtitles. Now you can see King Arthur & Co. begin their quest for the holy sake cup, and complete the Knights Who Say 'Ni!'s demand to find them a bonsai! Hmm... methinks something got lost in the translation... Jack Nicholson has a small part in the film and the small amount of screen time he has in "Easy Rider" shows audiences the kind of actor who would become. I found the movie to be extremely boring and run-of-the-mill, and was also sad to see what they did to a franchise that could have been great if they'd improved upon the first movie's many strengths and taken out just some of its weaknesses. It is hard to go into details about this film because it is so good. I will point out the infamous last 1/4 of the film. Using music as a way of communication is simply brilliant. It is an illustration that music is indeed the universal language along with math. 2090 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great job 4208 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This review is on the quality of the high-definition print. As I wrote before on other bad quality Blu-rays, this is one of those you should avoid. Still a great movie with a fascinating concept, excellent action, lots of humor and, not that anybody noticed, GOOD ACTING! The film has some sad and serious moments -- after all, these are characters who are really going NOWHERE in a very boring suburban landscape -- but with Dignan around it never stays down for long. There are plenty of chuckles and some real moments of howling laughter, especially during the climatic 'take down' (and I'm really using that term pretty loosely). Another Wes Anderson favorite actor, Kumar Pallana, who appeared as Pagoda in "The Royal Tenenbaums," is on-hand to add comedy as a safe-cracker (and again, I'm really using that term loosely). The ending of "Hell in the Pacific" is a story in and of itself. There are two versions. One, demanded by US audiences, is a "happy ending", although ambiguously so. The other ending, released for overseas audiences such as the UK and Japan, is explosive to say the least, and far bleaker. Because of the wonderful nature of DVDs, both endings are included, and you can choose the fate you want for the two characters. 5020 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The three minute gun fight at the end was interesting and had pretty good special effects but other than that the whole movie was just boring. I really expected I'd like this since it had such great reviews and Deniro and Scorsese usually don't disappoint but that was not the case this time. It's just an hour and forty-five minutes of nothing. Is pointing out that New York has alot of bad areas and bad people suppose to be some kind of stroke of genius? And so what if a New York Cab Driver starts to slowly lose his mind. 6399 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 i didn't have high expectations to be crushed simply because this isn't that kind of franchise.this isn't like the disaster AvsP is.nothing is.but this is a typical big budget action/horror movie.i don't beleive in leaving my brain,the most important part of most movie goers,at the door,but i didn't have to.i kinda got the gist from part one and this continues from that well.if i were a rabid R/E fan then maybe i would be more thrilled with this.video games turned into movies doesnt really get my undying attention.something about it seems for lack of a better word,''fake''.i liked it enough where as i wasn't bored.i took whatever i saw for granted,i didn't get a headache if everything didn't make sense.so on those terms,its not a bad movie,coming from a person not a R/E fan to begin with. Until recently, I had only seen bits and pieces of Spielberg's 1977 UFO classic. I never had the time or inclination to sit down and watch the whole movie. That is, until my current boyfriend (a true Spielberg aficionado) purchased the Collector's Edition DVD. We sat down in my living room and watched it. Carl Weathers (Apollo Creed of Rocky fame) does a brief cameo in the 1977 version as an Army seargant who interrogates suspicious-looking Roy, who looks like a potential looter, during the evacuation sequence, when the bird salesman is doing a great scare job in the background. This bit, quirky but not really necessary, is happily removed from the latter two versions, and instead the scene hangs on the bird salesman saying "Even my dog has a gas mask! And any of you folks are worth more than a dog!" Funny. Also, I think the film's battle scenes were well done. The costume and prop work was nice too. The Hundred Years war saw the dawn of some amazing advancements in armor, battle tactics, and weaponry, and The Messenger did a good job in demonstrating that. Many other films from this era show only a handful of men-at-arms, with the remainder of the armies being lightly armored infantry. Finally a film had a majority of it's fighting men in full armor, the way they actually were during the closing years of the Hundred Years War. As for audio, "ROXANNE" is presented in Dolby TrueHD 5.1 (English, French and Portuguese) and a Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital track. The film is dialogue heavy and thus a lot of the film is front channel-based and there are no use for special effects or rear channels for this film, so expect to see mostly your front and center channels being utilized. Audio is clear and well-understood and the scenes that showcase classical music was delightful to hear as well. 8768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python's best work. I saw the trailer and was hooked Dignan is very much a child trapped in the body of a control freak/army commander type guy. He throws tantrums but at the same time has the urge to be in control of every situation at all times. Anthony and Bob, unfortunately for Dignan, have a much different attitude towards their heists, theirs being more laid back and only semi-committed. Wes even shows us this through the characters haircuts. Dignan has a short hair cut and is even at one point mistaken as being in the army because of it. Anthony and Bob both have long hair that further shows their more laid back attitude. While Dignan plans out their heists to the last detail, Anthony is usually drawing while Bob is wrapped up in his brother. Jim To complete the sea of troubles, David is in the middle of trying to land a huge airline deal for his firm that would likely make him a partner and has also developed a mutual attachment with Cheryl Ann Wayne (played by the amazing Sela Ward) who is important on the airline account for multiple reasons. Plus, there is the old friend who really needs to be more, Donna Martin, played wonderfully by Bess Armstrong. The soundtrack was HOT too! They included many of the bands that were part of punk's eclectic mix, including Roxy Music (mother of pearl at that!), all the way through the Dead Kennedy's. The only reason I did not give it a 5 was that the punk scene was portrayed as much more violent than the one I experienced. Then again, I was in San Francisco at an earlier time - perhaps SLC punks were more into thrashing. 7123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 3-year old granddaughter loves ANNIE! Tommy G -ksha2222 I don't have have an answer but perhaps this may begin productive dialogue 8454 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python's best work 201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best performance ever The combined efforts of those mentioned earlier make this film work on all levels. Scorsese, a native of New York City, brings forth images of a location he knows well, the streets and neighborhoods he walked when he was young. Its gritty, dirty and down to earth, no picture postcard land of hope. Schraders script builds on the location. The film could not have taken place in Boise. It allows us a glimpse at what lives in the darkened alleyways, the hopeless masses that find themselves working at the lowest of possible jobs just to survive where the law of the jungle rules. 1862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Movie price is affordable and play well 9849 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is a wonderful film that is likely to earn more respect and recognition as time passes. This is science-fiction at its best. Stylish and credible, Gattaca is vastly under-rated. In my view, it is easily one of the top-ten best sci-fi films of all time. 4784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 iI's a movie with many good actors whom were very young. I like seeing how they acted years ago and comparing them to present times. Rated R for vampire violence, gore, nudity, and some language. General Washington received intelligence that a regiment of German Hessian mercenaries had made winter-quarters in Trenton, New Jersey. The troops from Hess were considered amongst the very best of professional soldiers in Europe. They had already inflicted severe defeats upon the Revolutionaries earlier that year. It was a long shot, with what limited resources he had under his command, ...but Washington realized that he just might have a chance at a much-needed victory, ...if all went as planned. Surely he did not expect his operation to result in one of the most one-sided victories in military history! Among the language options you can select to have the screenplay flash across the whole screen. Ironic! There are four characters here in a great deal of pain, each trying in their own way to deal with it -- with varying degrees of succcess. The way in which their paths cross, and merge, in this story, and the impact they have on each other's lives, makes for one of the most moving tales of love/pain/healing that has ever been brought to the screen. Gilliam's own unique vision guides it along nicely -- you can see his most obvious touch in the visions experience by Williams of the Red Knight, one of the most frightening apparitions you'll ever run across. 8069 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fascinating and sometimes painful experience, it handles homelessness and mental illness lightly at times but very heavy at others. Superb performances by an all-star cast. Jeff Bridges really shines and shows us that he is a really good character actor, Robin Williams delivers his best performance and adds comic relief to a depressing subject matter. Mercedes Ruehl is a joy to watch and elevates every scene she's in, Amanda Plummer is also good. Terry Gilliam's stamp is evident and his surreal touches make it unique, interesting and fascinating. Also with some very funny moments. Superb screenplay and surreal art direction. Very well acted and directed. From a scale of 1-10 I give this movie an 8! I give this movie five stars because it is very funny and smart. It is an example of a type of humor that is hard to come by these days. However, I would hesitate to give this movie to anyone younger than 18 or so; I know that when I watched this movie for the first time when I was 15 I did not have the spiritual maturity to discriminate between the quality parody and the few incidents of inappropriate tastelessness. Other than that, this movie is a classic, and I hope you enjoy it! 7345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies I've ever seen. The film begins in The Hive, a massive laboratory facility beneath Raccoon City. The mutagenic T-Virus is being tested in the labs, but someone releases the virus, infecting the hundreds of scientists within the facility. Sensing the outbreak, The Hive's security system, the artifically-intelligent Red Queen, locks down the facility and douses everyone in halon to further prevent their escape. ON MY TOP TEN LIST OF FAVORITE TV SERIES OF ALL TIME. This should've been the war movie to end all war movies, because it just lays the whole absurdity out in such a hilarious laboratory test of extremes, no one who sees it ever forgets its almost "Naked and the Dead" type absurdist, thoroughly anti-war point of view, which is effective ONLY BECAUSE it makes the existence of evil an undeniable fact that needs to be checked and transcended by humans ALL THE TIME. English humor,,, price reasonable .... 8483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids loved this! 8278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS is the version you want to watch (1982) - it's the "only" one in my opinion. Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters and Ann Reinking - a phenominal cast. Every kid should get to watch this at least once in their life! Catchy songs - and Ms. Hannigan!! 8680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perhaps, with the exception of the very first "Death Wish" movie (based on the Brian Garfield novel of the same title), this film is probably the VERY best of all of the Charles Bronson movies made, in my humble opinion. With a strong supporting cast incl. James Coburn, Strother Martin, & Jill Ireland (Bronson's real-life wife), this is one of those movies that most people would want as a permanent part of a good movie library - definitely a "keeper"...!! 6226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of all time favorite movie. JSG 3176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What an iconic movie this one was. For viewers who weren't even alive during the 60s, this incredible and unforgettable film with Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, and Jack Nicholson is an important one to watch. For those of us who can remember that era all too well, its worth a trip down memory lane. I have only limited experience playing the original video game. I never got very far into it, mainly because I wasn't very adept in the gameplay department and didn't spend the time necessary to significantly improve my minimal skills. All I remember is exploring the house and trying to kill the occasional zombie that popped up along the way as the music did the principal work of creating a spooky atmosphere. The movie is much more intense than that - and far more suspenseful. It's not like some clumsy scientist just happened to drop a beaker, thereby exposing the deadly T-virus all of his geeky colleagues. On the contrary, this story generates a whole host of questions in the first few moments, questions such as who released the virus and why, but also why is the room housing such a deadly virus tied in to the ventilation system of the whole complex to begin with? (I can't say I got an answer to that last one.) I actually had to go back and watch the exposure moment a second time because I thought I had missed something the first time. His hand begins to make him do further things that he would not normally do upon his own freewill, such as confront the girl next door that he's been crushing on for quite some time. As it turns out, Molly (Jessica Alba) has always had the same feelings for Anton, but he had never approached her to find out. After his hand makes him approach Molly, the two of them actually realize how they have truly felt all this time. This turns out to be the only positive thing that his hand has brought him, but after several other hi-jinks and misfortunes, Anton decides to cut off his own hand, reminiscent of Evil Dead. Further antics begin to occur, as Mick and Pnub return to life and assist Anton in saving Molly from the demonic hand. With the assistance of a demon hunter, the group spends the remainder of the film battling the demonic hand in a series of laugh inducing scenes. 2460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent Although the Widescreen is nothing more than Full Screen inside a letter box, the Photo Montage surprises in a very good way. Instead of a silent slide show, the producer of the cd provides additional commentary on the making of Taxi Driver. You'll learn how the screenwriter named every character, and what lengths De Niro went to prepare for his performance. The Full Screen and Widescreen are Bottom line: if you're looking for an uparalleled drama with a great cast, unequaled storyline and superb direction, you don't have to search beyond "The Prince of Tides". 2176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Lots of action, thrills and suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. Harrison Ford is great again, a wonderful movie I will recomend to those who are Ford fans. 9582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good thought provoking movie. 9216 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 With all the deadly serious movies about the grail out there these days it's good to once again watch a movie that treats the subject with a sense of humor. 5544 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you're into 80s horror movies--especially vampires ones, once you've had enough of Freddy and Jason--then FRIGHT NIGHT needs to go on your required viewing list. Like its younger brother, THE LOST BOYS, this movie is campy as often as scary (which is a minor critique, but a critique nonetheless), but it is also far more traditional. 3624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a review of the Blu-ray version. 8003 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is one of my favorite movies, and definitely my favorite of Terry Gilliam's. That is the reason I was very disappointed in this Blu Ray release that is nothing but a straight transfer from DVD at best with no extras whatsoever. Wait for a decent release. I would give it one star, but I actually love this movie and couldn't bring myself to do it.... 8195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I agree with all the positive reviews! Well written, acting is top notch, superb. I'm very happy with this purchase. Still, these technical issues detract only slightly from the breathtaking panoply of the drama unfolding here, and at a price around half that of the box set when it was first introduced, this megaset still merits inclusion in a British television enthusiast's collection. 6352 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie I have always loved and will continue to watch again and again. This may be heartily recommended to anybody who enjoys Monty Python, and is also recommended as an upgrade from the old dvd version. Monthy Phyton makes a fantastic turn of page about this legend and precisely due its black humor doses, put us in context with some revelations that can not be told by reasons politically correct. The sense of irreverence, and sharp deformation of the personages helps still more to get a closer approach to the meaning of this legend. 3375 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it High Anxiety- English SDH, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese 731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie as a kid and still do, cute story. Very pleased with this purchase. I find the video quality of these DVDs to be at a minimum acceptable, and often excellent. But then, I don't expect that a TV series shot on a modest budget in the UK in the 1970's on videotape, can be transformed into a fantastically hi-def TV experience on modern DVDs. I never saw the old A&E DVDs, which I have heard were of disappointing quality, so I can't compare these DVDs to those. 2462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I first watched this movie when it came out and wanted to see it again. My wife had never see it so it was appropriate for our movie night. 4344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of those movies that a lot of people that haven't seen it say, "That movie wasn't really that good, was it?" but those that have seen it, say, "Why wasn't this movie more popular?" Maybe it was bad timing, or as some others suggested, just not correctly billed to the public. 6079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's funny, has great dialogue, good acting and beautiful scenery. None of the characters are disrespected. Unlike the play by Cyrano de Bergerac, this has a happy ending. 8251 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for my mom [another who must be obeyed]. We loved Rumpole when he was on PBS a decade ago and our OPB has not re-aired it since. At the Deal Of The Day price... WOW. I will watch the whole thing in a marathon when she is done. I sat with her for just episode 1. She laughs and laughs thru the shows. I can say that the acting is sometimes dated and the pace a bit slow compared with NCIS. And others may give only 4 stars but I gave 5 as this IS quality TV. 5 star writing and 5 star acting. The BBC at it's best. 1477 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In my opinion, the best! of all the Jane Eyre movies! Love it!!!! It's difficult for me to recommend this movie. For hard-core sci fi or Spielberg fans, you should see it once for yourself because it is one of the milestones in the genre. Anyone else can safely skip it since there are far more entertaining films for you to choose from. Scorsese, DeNiro, Keitel, and Foster completely deserve the praise they received. They portray losers in the drama of a massive, then-deteriorating city, in which a man is going insane. He pulls Keitel and Foster into his web of horror and alienation with the surety of a pendulum, to the unspeakable violence of the climax. It is painful to watch: a horrible story about horrible people to whom horrible things will happen. Then there is the commentary on the media: Travis becomes a hero by his action, though it is clear the pendulum continues to swing. Sean Connery is pretty much wasted in the title role. He's blustery and over the top, but it's mostly a great sound and fury signifying nothing. Connery's not nearly as wasted as Ralph Finnes (excellent in Strange Days). Uma Thurman shows that she can't hold a candle to Diana Rigg. She ends up in the leather catsuit but doesn't have much to do once she's in it. 740 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was fun to watch, reminds me of my childhood everytime I watch arthur 5483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fright Night has been one of my favourite horror films since I saw it on VHS in the mid-eighties at the tender age of eleven. Even before I watched it, a friend told me the premise and it immediately seemed tantalising. Not for one moment did my eyes leave the screen. You also miss out on Charles VII considering each of his 3 military captains for one to sit on the throne as himself to fool Joan. 2781 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 8415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 11 year old and 2 year old really enjoyed the movie! Downstairs we are privy to the lives of the servants in the Bellamy household. First and foremost is the devout, inflexible and regimental head butler, Angus Hudson, the staff overlord. Then there is the curmudgeonly but good-hearted cook, Mrs. Bridges. Other memorable characters include the efficient but sheltered head house/parlour maid, Rose Buck; the religious but simple footman, Alfred; his successor, the good-natured Edward, who has an eye for the female staff; the not-overly-bright scullery maid, Emily, and her successor and intellectual equal, Ruby; and Lady Margery's prim and snobbish lady's maid, Miss Roberts. Of course, one simply cannot forget the sassy, vivacious new under house/parlour maid, Sarah (Pauline Collins), who is a real dreamer and schemer and who, like a bad penny, turns up on the Bellamys' doorstep periodically during the first two series, or the new capable-but-just-as-conniving chauffeur, Thomas (Collins' real-life husband, John Alderton), who is nobody's fool! Like the family upstairs, the downstairs "family" too has its share of comings and goings, what with lovers, marriages, deaths, hirings, and firings. 8084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun movie for adults and children. Have watched it many times 1347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who is funnier then the great Bob Newhart. It's about time. Great show with lots of laughs. And the price is right. We have been waiting for years. So Glad someone is finally listening to the consumer again. And now we are finally getting Bob's second long running show NEWHART. It's about time. Can't wait for the mail to arrive. Which is truer, history or poetry? 3673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny and fun! And we can all thank mr. Tom Ford for tapping back into that special time for his work at gucci....and later at saint laurent. A very modern film noir showcasing the glam-fantasy of disco- drama- murder mad manhattan.......pre- disney-fication! 7850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Some people will complain that it's pace is slow, while others will praise it's deliberateness. Some will say it's boring, while others will say it is restrained. All in all, I think your mood when you see it will most impact your opinion. That being said, I found the film to have an almost magical quality as it tells the story of a family trying to make their way in a changing world. If you demand quick edits, a high-concept plot, and cliched paper-thin drama, the movie certainly is not for you. If you can accept the pacing, this movie cuts deep. 3789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Almost everything is enlightening, especially on repeated viewings, in Steven Spielberg's best movie (IMHO). And there seems not a wasted frame (even in cut/uncut/recut DVD extras) involved in this, a strange, wonderful SCI-FI/FANTASY film that blurs the lines joyfully between the two genres. 6564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review does not belong to you..... it belongs to GOD. 9248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is totally hilarious. Even more funny late at night when you are sleep deprived. This movie is such a spoof of all things British you know it will tickle your funny bone. From the limbless black knight (come back here, I'll bite your kneecaps off) to the obnoxious French soldiers, this movie is a classic and should be watched atleast once a year. Four stars overall for me. (One off definitely for the ending.) 7643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent A handsome man, Chris, (Rick Rossovich) joins the fire station to help train the volunteer crew of town misfits but cannot talk to women. Bales' woos Roxanne through Chris with love letters and poetry, thus Chris wins her heart. This unusual situation turns complicated, (similar to De Bergerac) when the masquerade starts to come undone to hilarious results. Since the story of the film is largely pointless, and little else really holds attention spans, it is easy to pick out inaccuracies and bits of concepts that don't quite add up. For starters, the girls drive around in the Spice Bus, a blue and red monstrosity that has an impossibly large interior. So impossibly large in fact, that it doesn't even pretend to make sense. Workout equipment, couches, beds and all sorts of other furniture are scattered throughout the inside of the bus, in shots that are clearly not capable of being inside the bus. And yet the filmmakers go so far as to show the flashing lights of other vehicles zipping by the bus windows, even though the realism has long since been abandoned. When one watches these stories you can see the heart, the soul, the humanity of the characters in the story. The show is not written pandering to one class or the other class, such amateur writing you will not see in Upstairs Downstairs. 4450 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Please if you think this is good horor then you don't know what good horror is, this movie along with the first one and even all of the Scream movies are garbage any real fan of cult horror or real horror will tell you don't wste your money. Real horror is made from the start of the first night of the living dead 1968 till about late 80's then from there horror quit is not wat it use to be. " I know what you did last summer " is not good AT ALL But, as I consider myself a Real Movie Critic first and a Male second, I'll review it Like a real critic would... I Really, Really Love Jennifer Love.. Don't You. 6736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Messenger is a very thought-provoking film. I was very surprised to see a movie in-which Joan of Arc is portrayed to be very erratic, obsessed...perhaps, even schizophrenic. However, her behavior makes you wonder. Where does inspiration come from? If you hear voices, are they good ones? If you think you hear the voice of God...is it God, or your own Ego? Watch this movie and contemplate the deeper meaning of who you are and why you do the things you do. The sets are wonderful and the message is power-packed. I truly loved the characters, even if I was a little surprised. Some of the supporting characters are just as interesting as the main characters--but, I don't want to ruin the moments! The Battle scenes are terrific, they make you want to grab a sword and go fight for a cause. This movie does an excellent job of revealing the Patriarchal Dictatorship of the church, as well. You will wish you could walk into the movie and knock a few heads together, then give a lecture about proper behavior amongst "men of God." This movie has it all...war, treachery, deceit, religion, good special effects...and a beautiful woman running-around in full battle gear. Things get very surreal, near the end, you'll love it! 1853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm former military so I love this movie. 4826 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Luke Wilson is a talented comic actor but you would never know that by watching this movie. The jokes are stupid, the characters are idiotic and the story is just awful. 3917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having not seen this movie since I was a kid, I felt like I was watching the movie for the very first time. It was great. The sound was wonderful on my system, and my friends are now all inviting themselves over to watch it too. It's great for all ages, and other than a few clothing styles, it's truly a timeless classic. Hey dilovod, go join a cult or something. 1524 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This "Film" version of the classic story by Charlotte Bronte is grossly overacted by Ciaran Hinds. Personally, I found him to be too harsh and cruel, barely even nice. However, Samantha Morton balanced it out quite well as the title character, though. I also didn't like the omission of the middle scenes with Mrs. Reed, which I feel are very important to the story. I prefer Timothy Dalton (4 years before he embodied the role of James Bond in "The Living Daylights") as Rochester. He was very well suited to the part; I read somewhere that he considers his role as Edward Rochester his personal favourite. Gemma Jones ("Sense & Sensibility") was great as Mrs. Fairfax. If you're looking for a faithful version of "Jane Eyre," I highly recommend the 1983 BBC miniseries starring Timothy Dalton, the 1944 version starring Orson Welles or the 1996 version starring William Hurt. This film version is Not Rated. Once again, Sony does a great job taking care and transferring the film over. The picture is impeccable! The sound is crisp. I was so glad that after watching this film on Netflix a year ago, that the studio decided to release it on Blu-ray. Great job! 8212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is for the widescreen Blu-ray version of Annie starring Albert Finney. Midnight Express is the harrowing story of Billy Hayes [Brad Davis], a young American tourist condemned to a Turkish prison for his futile attempt to smuggle hashish out of the country. A victim of ineffectual diplomacy, where Billy Hayes is made an example by a corrupt legal system. Sentenced to 30 years and must overcome some ruthless brutality and his own descent into madness in order to survive and hopefully escape. from the perverted seductions of vampirism fright night excells in groundbreaking effects Finally, DVD extras include a short featurette and deleted scenes. I found these interesting. 6883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Old movie she could not find and the phone rang once again for a message can you look up "PAL JOEY" and that was just what I did. The movie tells that, in The Hive, an underground Umbrella Corporation laboratory, a computer who controls the whole laboratory, called Red Queen, killed everyone down there when she found out a virus was released inside. To prevent contamination outside The Hive, Red Queen closed every way out of The Hive and killed everyone. After that, a team is sent to "turn out" the Red Queen. What will they find? That's what you'll see... (See more about the movie in my Resident Evil - Movie Showtimes Review) 1446 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the best of all 10 Jane Eyre ever made (For ages 18+ due to adult themes such as death.) 6022 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steve Martin at his best. This movie is truly a great addition to your collection. 287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A friend put me on to this a few years back when he asked me to find it for him on DVD. A Christmas Carol is a yearly read for me (at least once) and the Patrick Stewart version, being well-casted and closest to the book text, is also a yearly event, for me. I also like the George C. Scott version, however, with reservations as other reviews mentioned - the annoying changes on some of the key points of the story. That is to give you an idea where I am coming from with this version. The title describes what you're getting - the Christmas Carol story with an American flavor. Henry Winkler is excellent and, considering the time in which this was made, the production value is fairly good!! Dorian Harewood is my favorite of the three "ghosts" who visit him and (SPOILER ALERT) I like the twist of having the visiting ghosts be the same people he was mistreating. Depression-era America doesn't have nearly the "romantic" quality that Victorian England does, but it works well with the story. Overall, a worthy addition to your collection of Christmas Carol movies. Also, kudos to Image entertainment for re-releasing this at a reasonable price and getting rid of the dreaded snap-case. SERIES 3: 1912-14, the period finds Kind Edward VII is dead and pending war. World war and politics are just a fraction of the turmoil found at house 165. Love upstairs and downstairs is as treacherous as the war trenches. Reason enough for this seasons' best drama series Emmy & Golden globe. 643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fred Astaire and Mickey Rooney...what's not to like? We bought this to replace the video tape. Those who say its unfunny and stupid, and those who say "I just don't get it". Well the ironic thing is the people who say its stupid really just don't get, either. 2114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite Ford movie tied with The Fugitive...my fav male actor!!! The airplane trip was horrifying knowing what happened really could. Ford at his best!! When he looks angry, he is real!!! My husband and I collect Ford movies and can't wait to watch this one again!! The film makers need to focus more intentionally on the Viewer's Experience: In the commentary they miss the point and the potential of the movie. (This is often the case with these commentaries.) They seem to polish their egos a little too much rather than keep the focus on the viewer's experience. The viewer is not just a viewer, a camera technique, an angle. The viewer is experiencing something that is leading to growth or insight or release, or the film or art has failed. An absolute travesty in every sense. To think of the millions of lives you could save with the money that was wasted on this garbage. Prepare to be amazed! Prepare to be offended! Prepare the popcorn in advance. i LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. 7925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite all time movies. Carol Burnett is a comedic genius. and perfection is found in the imperfect. 9109 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Top-Notch! The image quality is like night and day over my old VHS copy! If you have an HDTV, this is one of those must-have movies in your collection. This movie was a great second to the first. It continued where the first movie left off and kept Milla Jovavich in it which was an added bonus. 7563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This 2000 edition of the DVD is awesome! Contains widescreen & full screen version. Digital image of the film is great! The soundtrack of LAST ACTION HERO is a metal or rocker fan's delight. It includes cuts by Alice in Chains, Megadeath, Fishbone, Def Leppard, Anthrax, Cypress Hill, Queensryche and Aerosmith. Tesla has the title track. As I compare this film to the great classics: Gone With the Wind, The Graduate, Citizen Kane, Rear Window, To Kill a Mockingbird, Easy Rider truly has no wheels to ride on. It is not a film for the ages, on the contrary, it is a film for 1969, and it belongs buried in the failed American era that was the sixties. 8306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 4604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Seventh Sign is one of those Sleeper Movies you hear about. It might take two or three times watching it before you start to realize the deeper implications. Unfortunately most people now, don't have the time, or the attention span to sit through a movie more than once, but I can honestly say that it's one of my favorites. When I first saw it, I was still in my teens and it stuck with me. I have a copy on video and now a copy on dvd. A lot of people won't understand or get the biblical references and inferences, but my advice would be to just sit back and watch. It is creepy, surreal, and, ultimately, a movie of sacrifice that leaves you wondering what you would do. Demi Moore was really beautiful as Abby. 7413 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even if you don't enjoy fly fishing this movie is an exceptional coming of age story especially because it is true. McLean's writing is nearly poetic and the movie holds up well. An homage to the early west, education and, yes, fly fishing. 8697 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Once again the Muppets hit a hit run! Granted I watched this at 4:00 in the morning when I couldn't sleep. But even as a single older woman with just a cat I found this movie a delight to watch. Mandy Patnik is the perfect villain for Elmo and it is obvious that he is having a great time with his role. The movie also had enough of the old elements (Big Bird, Grover, Bert and Erine, etc.) for adults to travel down memory lane as well as the new characters of the current generation. The songs were like Disney songs a hit for any age to enjoy. The movie also like any great family movie blends fun children cuteness with jokes for the adults. So whatever you age take indulge your inner child with this fun movie. This is one movie I am keeping on my list. Elmo's Christmas was also just as good as this movie. 9218 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Without a doubt, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is the WORST movie I have ever seen. It was so dull; it literally put me to sleep. Even the ending was lame. I don't understand why they even bothered making such a stupid movie in the first place. 8226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I wasn't sure if it would be well adapted to film but it was. This is a timeless musical for everyone. Audio: English: 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio and Isolated Music: 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio Mono I hope you found this review informative and helpful. Bottom line: a must see movie. Stars the Handsome, timeless, Richard Gere, a fave since 77's "Looking for Mr. Goodbar". The beautiful Kim Basinger as a prostitute, "Michelle", from the bayou of Louisana. Not my favorite Gere film. Plenty of action, violence, mild gore , if that's your thing, this Gil right up your alley. The story is simple but the action and mystery are almost magical. The ships, lights and colors are mesmerizing to the eye. All originally shot in an aircraft hanger. Wow! 7545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It has all the softness of a warm Spring rain and the sadness of the death of youth. One of my all time favs. I thought there would be more involving conflicts with the Mormon religion, but there are suprisingly few. Even so, SLC Punk is a great movie: all the performances are great, and the direction and visual style is great to look at. The colors are bright and vibrant, like the youthful energy that the movie exudes. The movie is hilarious - Steve-O's rants and speeches about anarchy and violence are great and the various scenes and flashbacks are very good. 8778 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Way too hectic for little children. Lots of extraneous noise. Very frantic pace. Would not recommend. Muppets movies much better. 3696 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 ...I watched it at school, and everyone in my class was either sleeping or scratching their heads in confusion. I just don't understand why Spielberg made this movie...along the way, people started talking in random languages (pardon me for being vague, I don't remember WHICH languages) and, well...it was just weird. Why did they? I have no idea. The ending just baffled me...*spoiler* why did he walk onto the spaceship? HUH? Maybe I was just having a bad day, but it really made no sense to me. I was alternating between bored and frustrated at not understanding the 'plotline'. 8490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very pleased Nor is the reason for this uncomfortable scene at all clear. 4257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love me some Arnold. Not his best but still fun. Steve Martin plays small-town Fire Chief C. D. Bales an intelligent, resourceful and brave man with a confidence problem tied to his very large nose. Into his life comes Daryl Hannah playing Roxanne an intelligent astronomy student who promptly falls for the good-looking and vacuous Rick Rossovich playing Chris. CD assumes that Roxanne can never love a man with an outsize nose and therefore he lends his verbal skills to the inordinately shy Chris. This being a romantic comedy there will be some confusion and some twists but romance will win all. 7640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great film. The one that started it all for so many of these actors and solidified Robert Redford as a great director. Who knew Joseph Gordon-Levitt would become an actor, producer, and director as well. Amazing. 3655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie because of the way it moves me emotionally...down to my very core. It sounds dramatic, but the humanity, the wonder, the magic of Close Encounters...it can only be seen to be understood. This movie is timeless and has a special place in my heart. 206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An American Christmas Carol...based on the classic by Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol." Now that I've written something, you need to cut down the word number requirement. That's really stupid. 1398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank's for the outstanding job in keeping and sending this video in perfect shape . I will enjoy it for manny years to come. ART But don't get me wrong. The whole movie isn't sweetness and light. There are actually some terribly horrific scenes, most of them psychological in nature. Is it the scripts, or is Diana Rigg's caustic and dry delivery just brilliant -- or both? Still the visuals and the acting make the film worthwhile, but if you want to see a historically accurate version of the legend, steer well clear of this. 5637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 still the only re movie i enjoy seeing. like half of 2 half of 3 and thats about it. im planning to go see final chapter on opening day. 1427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very enjoyable movie. I have watched this movie on public access TV and when I discovered it on DVD I went ahead and got it again and watched it. Now that it is in my library of DVDs. I can pull it down and watch it any time I want to. I have worn out my copy and will have to buy another. I consider this to be the best adaptation of a game to a movie ever. I always hope that another game will make the jump to screen effectively, but this is the only one that I feel has met that mark. Still it is a game to movie, so is not for everyone. The movie finishes up by bringing it all home, with a powerful message that loving is better than hating, that there is so much hate, sometimes you have to stop being selfish, and you have to take a while and learn to love one another. There's also pics of various promotional posters, bills, and the like. Then there's the two theatrical trailers that are, sadly, pretty much the same... 'cept different. Also included are bunches of other things- singalongs, behind-the-scenes photos, Gilliam's concept sketches, and much more that I can't really list in too much detail 'cuz I'd go over my 1000-word allotment for this review if I did! Of course, if I removed my previous rant concerning Rocky Horror fans, that'd likely free up enough word space to continue my recap of this DVD's extras. I mean, it was rather mean-spirited, wasn't it? Then of course there were my snide remarks about naive Ebay bidders. So maybe I should-- naaahhh... 5050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Low-key, deadpan humor is the name of the game in this quirky comedy that is chock full of Wilson brothers. Owen wrote and starred in the film alongside brother Luke, and yet another Wilson brother plays a small role as their buddy's brother. Bottle Rocket is definitely a quirky little film, and its humor won't appeal to everyone. Inevitably, you'll either enjoy it or wonder why such a nothing story was ever made into a film. By this point, I have to come to terms with the fact that I am actually an Owen Wilson fan; I can't help it - the man's just extremely funny. Director, Editor and Motion Control Supervisor Commentary 6045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, looks great in our blu-ray player with our 37" lcd tv. couldn't be happier with the great price for this movie! 8211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If I were arrested then I would want Rumpole defending me...unless of course we were sitting before Judge Bullingham! Just glad not to be a Timson! Overall, this one is definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of the games, or a fan of the first movie, or even just a fan of horror/action flicks in general. 9833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A little masterpiece of science-fiction from and about the time when everything will be governed by the genome of every individual. You will be identified through it, you will be followed from birth to grave by it. Good morning Vietnam, good morning genome-drome, genoism. You will be nothing but a complex DNA identity. There is more to Travis though as he does recognize his surroundings and assumes a self role as an important person in the solution of what aches him. His target is a popular political 4688 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Food for a 1970s movie. DiNiro always great. 8073 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie the songs, along with the choreograph 4815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Sorrsese got this one right. DeNiro plays the mysterious Taxi Driver. You know something bad is going to happen but you just don't know what. Great twist at the end leaves you scratching your head, I could not stop watching. 4413 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The second movie was far better than the first! And so many look back at the time with the lens of the internet and Wikipedia misguiding their view. You must understand that if punk (a very small and unpopular music genre) came to your town it was through import. Either a friend from a big city brought it or some lone independent record store carried it along with a few odd albums from the 70's, like Zappa, that you'd never heard or cared about. And that was all you got. You couldn't hyperlink from Johnny Rotten to Anarchy and try to figure out what that rally meant. You just saw pictures of the Sex Pistols pissing everyone off and thought, 'yeah, that sounds about right'. Punk was your shield. You may not have understood all it's underlying philosophy (like there's actually one they can all agree to) but you understood the reaction, and that was enough. 7592 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic RDJ 'Late 918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow. Just as I remember. The movie is a good lighthearted, fun romp, traipsing across Italy. If nothing else, you can enjoy the movie filmed on location and get the flavor of the Italian lifestyle and landscape. It's a perfect location for love and romance. The book has 34 glossy pages of information about the film, the actors and fly fishing. I scanned a couple of them to give an idea of what to expect should you be sitting on the fence about spending the money for this version. As soon as I am allowed to post them here I will (no prebook pics are allowed). Daryl Hannah -- sweet, gorgeous, tall, talented, unemployed? That's a shame. Her performance in this movie is the best of any of hers that I've seen. A few years later she had a cameo in "Crimes and Misdemeanors" -- a truly great movie -- in which, alas, she had to play a stereotypical dumb blonde actress. The only problem I have with this movie is the miscasting of Michael Crawford as Woody Wilkins, the cartoonist who helps out a friend of his at the CIA office in Paris. Englishman Crawford puts on the most exaggerated American accent imagineable, although admittedly he has the brilliant comedic timing necessary to pull off this role. 4641 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Entertainment! The music and characters make this movie a classic. I know it's not realistic for Dad's son and one other to joy ride two F16s and create their own foreign policy, but this story is a lot of fun. I simply enjoy watching it. It also came from a time when we wern't so invaded by technology. So every once n a while I like to watch this. After all these years it's still worth looking at, so that by itself must mean something. 3. Use some external speakers or headphones I had it on VHS... 2000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a typical movie that would come out in the mid 90s of a terrorist taking over a commercial aircraft, the hero saves the day kind of thing. What was awesome about this movie is the fact terrorists took over Air Force One with the President still on it, but ironically with the President being a maverick ex-air force pilot himself takes it into his own hands to defeat the terrorists. The good guy wins. And of course it was awesome because the president was Harrison Ford 2144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Childhood favorite 3122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The acting done by all cast members is wonderful and this is one of my all time favorite films & always will be. 3232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie to be watched over and over again. I'm glad to have this movie in my collection again. I am pleased to say the DVD condition was good and it worked well. 3252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember that when "Steel Magnolias" first came out it was highly acclaimed and Academy Award talk was heard everywhere, but I never saw the movie. Thus it was that my wife and I were browsing the low price DVD rack and happened to stumble upon it. Always enjoying a good late-night movie, we picked it up and watched it last night. It was excellent. I saw this movie awhile back so I'm a rusty review. Pardon me if I miss a few fine points but I can't watch it again. It's just too painful. When I saw it I saw my teenage life in a movie and wanted to just run out of the room. I didn't grow up in SLC but I did get transplanted from a large city into a small Midwest town with a fringe 'punk' scene during the second or third wave of punk. This movie is such a freaking history lesson because it describes a time when there was no Hot Topic (i.e. Punk was subculture and had no real money cashing in on it) and punk was a mostly unwanted subculture. If you looked like these kids during this time period you WERE the enemy, no matter how true your Anarchist morals might be. Just listening to the Dead Kennedy's in public was an act of Communism. See how I didn't say 'act of terrorism' there? Middle East terrorism was a thing of the late 70's so the hatred was against Communism. If you were anti-Reagan and said something as simple as 'what's so bad about collective farming?' in the mid 80's you were likely to evoke some hostility. 4 single-sided, dual-layer discs. If you're looking for a DVD to replace your VHS edition, then this is suitable; however, if you want a real Widescreen edition complete with audio commentary, then you should wait until the next "Collector's Edition" is released. With 2006 just around the corner, a 20th anniversary edition is sure to come. 2630 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic that must be seen by all true Americans. The Price of Tides.......it will make you proud and give you hope. I must admit it looked to me like they didn't quite know how to end it, and so went with the Apocalypse. 2475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've always enjoyed this movie. Good action flick & easy to follow. I thought Kim Bassinger was perfectly cast. I love movies based in New Orleans. It's an oldie but goodie!! 9670 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Very repressed type of movie. The characters were like automatons, weird story altogether and rather dull. At the very least don't expect to feel cheery after watching this. Now the more difficult question about how close this movie portrays Joan of Arc. I think the important question is not how realistic the story is, but rather how true it is. First of all reality as a person lives it is not reality as realistic movies show it to be. This movie is full of strange surrealistic events seen through Joan's eyes and a long and wonderful section at the end visualizes Joan's thinking: her debating with her own conscience. If you want to understand or communicate your vision about a person, particularly a person as unique as Joan of Arc, you cannot stick to historical testimony alone. Certainly, the director Luc Besson took huge liberties with this movie, showing Joan from the inside, but I think they were well taken. Having Joan act out of a revenge motive and casting doubt on the divine origin of her "voices" may disturb a conservative religious mindset, but is refreshing and believable at least to me. I want to think that Joan herself would recognize herself better in this movie than in other supposedly more historically exacting pictures. Should we ever meet her in the afterlife, in which she undoubtedly believed in, it will be interesting to know how she herself will judge all the stories told about her. course, in a film that is all about the look of things, you can simply watch instead of 2815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite movie of all time! 5784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Superbit DVD, High quality encode that when plays via an Upscaling DVD player, produces quality that matches Blu-ray pound for pound. There are no special features because of the high bit rate used, but from my experience, nobody watches those anyway. Aspect ratio is 1.85:1 aka it fills your widescreen TV. 5264 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Taxi Driver is one of the most important film in the American cinema of the 70's . Also, after almost a quater of a century after its release, it still is an exciting as well as horryfing experience to see it. What is discribed in this movie is still chillingly true in our days. Silent Movie 7812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terry Gilliam is a brilliant director. This movie works on many levels. 'Dawn of the Dead' a generic town is ravaged by a zombie outbrake shown in a TV report like fashion forced to yell "OH COME ON!!" in disgust. Deus Ex Machina literally 3499 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this version better than special edition or directors cut. The 135 minute version is the best and I still love the theatrical version better 5724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the series. Somewhat predictable, and somewhat not predictable. And Milla Jovovich is in it. 4655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 came in perfect condition on arrival 7283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a masterpiece that the old as well as the new generation will always love. The minor cleverness of AFO stems from director Wolfgang Peterson's ability to set an unbelievable situation squarely in the realm of the possible, kind of. Sometimes it works, but the apple pie propaganda gets pretty gooey, especially toward the end. A Presidential sounding horn section plays in the background every time Marshall kicks a vodka-drinking scuzball in the groin, and the brow-beating of the first family becomes a melodramatic hoot. 2908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great In Extras is a making of feature in which Jeff Daniels talks. 3688 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The idea of an "everyman" confronting aliens is a great plot device, but Spielberg's ham fisted direction sinks this project. It COULD have been a classic. I was rather taken with it back when it played first-run, but now I can see that the effects work of Doug Trumbull and the music of John Williams were what really kept this afloat initially. Also, this blu-ray looks grainier than the theatrical presentation. 6397 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The first movie was very good although it did not have the same impact as the game did. This sequal however was the worst piece of storytelling I have seen on screen. 6588 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This director really has only one good movie - "Event Horizon" - and everything else is just plain bad, Resident Evil being absolutely no exception to this general rule of thumb and God help "Aliens Vs Predator" with the way things are shaping up. 1226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the greatest TV shows of all-time! Love Bob! Great cast! Great writing! Funny, funny, funny! 4913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a telling of how boredom and loneliness can drive a person insane. Watch it if you haven't already. Like many of it's predecessors, in the late 90s and early 80s, we have close-ups of the actors who are suddenly surprised by their friends from behind while being suspicious that someone is at that moment watching them. While this happens a burst of very, very loud music tries to enhance the "effect" of the "scare". The other clich it doesn't bother to not use is the one where we think that "The killer" is watching them from a closet or something and then we realize it's just cat or banging window in the wind. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN (during a moment of false security) THE KILLER APPEARS OUT OF NOWHERE. Puh-lease. Give us a little credit. BONUS: Booklet Essay: Part of the fancy packaging is a 32-page booklet with many glossy photos, storyboard sketches, and an in-depth essay by director Alan Parker about his experiences making the film. The essay is so thorough, in fact, that it covers pretty much all of the information repeated in the documentary on the Blu-ray disc. 7647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! Also... The casting in all episodes is spot-on, punctuated with the very best sets and scenic locations. And Rigg's provocative, '60s mod body suits much accentuate her sensual magnetism with the notable change from black-and-white to color. Glad to find a copy at a real good price. Picture & sound repro. are good. 529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jesus follows the Bible quite close I should say the Book Of Luke. From there, you can start imagining all sorts of conspiracy theories, one of them being that she might have been a bastard half-sister of the Dauphin soon to become Charles VII and that thewhole thing was set up by Yolande of Aragon who knew of her existence and might even have been in charge for her upbringing. 7380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The picture and screnery are WOW. 3261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This could be the "chick flick" to end all chick flicks, but the wonderful cast of ladies raises this other wise superficial and brisk moving story to a higher level. The film follows the lives of six women for about a four year period. We don't really see as many layers as the film makers would like us to believe, it is essentially a bunch of hens flapping their wings and doing "girl things". This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because these girls are captivating and they can act even if a lot of this seems a bit stagey! There are also several powerful scenes in this film. The sci-fi angle worked better for me (and I don't really like sci-fi). I found the security devices and the assorted set pieces to be very intimidating and frightening. I definitely was feeling the suspense. 2161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very exciting movie. I always love it when the good guys win. It is somewhat realistic in that the bad guys win on a few levels, but in the end - it's the good guys. Shows a strong President, and people supporting him. You will want to wave the U.S. flag. You will want Harrison Ford as President! The movie is packed full of well-known actresses and actors (Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Shirley McClaine, Daryl Hannah, Dolly Parton, Skerrit, Olympia Dukakis, and more) who are magnificent. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this special, and I'm not quite sure why. Maybe my low expectations were why this one surprised me so much. I actually got quite caught up in the story even though I had most of it figured out early. The characters were so great, too, from Kris to his adopted family and his love interest Jessica (Robie Lester) on the good side to the villain you love to hate, Burgermeister Meisterburger. It's a sad fact that the video game is more compelling, more fun and a helluva lot bloodier than its cinematic offshoot. This was one of Brad Pitt's earlier films, and boy does he just sparkle in this or what? We switch to Alice (Milla Jovovich), who awakens in an empty mansion after passing out in the shower. Her collapse has has given her amnesia, a condition that becomes ever more frightening when a team of nameless Special Ops soldiers (see: fodder) employed by Umbrella storms the mansion. Turns out that the mansion serves as a secret entrance to The Hive, and the team has been sent to infiltrate The Hive and investigate its lockdown. The team directs Alice down into the bowels of the facility to assist with the task. Why they can't determine the nature of the lockdown from the outside is beyond me, since that would be a much more logical thing to do. And why can't they just trust the security system they created and leave The Hive locked down, rather than endangering the lives of an entire Special Ops team and potentially the lives of everyone on the outside by reopening the Hive? But as you're going to find out while watching the Resident Evil films, logic does not exist in this dojo. 5120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie just rocks...from the opening sequence, you get a hint of the genius working here. Owen Wilson, in my opinion, is one of the brightest comics out there right now. The movie is basically this: that there are two friends, Anthony and Dignan. Dignan's major goal is to start a "crew," to live the life of a crime boss. So they go out on a mission, robbing a store, and it's hilarious to see them working together, bumbling, their dumb ideas, etc. Then, after the robbery, they go on the lamb, which ain't no trip to Cleveland. The movie slows down here, but what do you expect? This movie was created from a short film, done so independently. And the ending, with James Caan, is priceless. The DVD does not have a lot of extra features, just the menus, etc. Hopefully they will re-release this film with more features, since this was released before The Matrix came out on DVD and special features became a staple. But the movie is still worth the purchase. The movie really suggests that by training our mind and body (and using some help from our friends) we can achieve our dreams, regardless of the unfavorable conditions that we were born with. 4618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 3067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film has an absolute star-studded cast, though not all of the actresses may have been well-known (the younger ones) at the time that it was filmed. The story of friendship and camaraderie between a group of women, and the tragedy that occurs in the film are heart-warming and breaking all at the same time. It was particularly poignant for me because the tragedy involves a character with an unusual name which also happens to be the same name as a very close relative of mine. I don't want to give too much away and spoil it for new viewers, but the story is heartrending and it brings out all the best (and the worst) in the characters. I highly recommend this film, but it's not for the soft-hearted or those who are unwilling to cry and let themselves be vulnerable to the circumstances of the story line. Directed by Herbert Ross, it's a masterpiece of human emotion and conflict. A great movie to see at least once, since there are so many other movies, TV shows, and novels that reference scenes in this and expect watchers to be familiar with what is going on. It's also a powerful glimpse into time, to see the forces that were at work in the US in the late 60s. in a movie. In addition, all the heros are really fashion models 8914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A true comedic masterpiece. I first saw the movie when I was 8 and laughed just a bit. Now that I'm 24 I can really appreciate all of the humor involved from the politics to the sheer absurd shenanigans that happen. The movie itself is what you'd expect from a bluray remaster. Looks good, sounds good and plays with no problems. 3251 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie, It's such a classic. I can watch this movie over and over again. I even know the lines to the movie. 2505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A stellar cast of woman that is rarely seen these days. The story was fun and sad and just so crazy it makes you want to watch it over and over. 7028 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Ok, where do I start? The plot was dumb, the soundtrack was horrible, the acting was ridiculous, the zombies were even more ridiculous, there were splatter scenes thrown here and there to try to spice up the whole thing, and, finally, the spirit of the movie was sick. Could things get any worse than this? Quite disturbing is the fact that there exist terminologies that bring about new discussion concerning this movie as well as the vision of a progressing, futuristic society. Among these are paradigm shifts, infrastructures and zones of proximity, each of which can be looked upon from so many different angles. 5141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Martin Scorsese points out in the documentary on the 1999 "Collector's Edition" DVD of 1976's "Taxi Driver" that he didn't feel the movie would necessarily speak to a large audience, and yet that it was a film that he really had to do, and I say more power to him. "Taxi Driver" is more than just a great movie, it's frighteningly real and incredibly powerful. 3128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved the actors and the movie characters. Most memorable scene is the funeral in which the ladies share their feelings in a very sad situation Damon Bradley. Remember that name. The entire movie is about the elusive Damon Bradley, and a woman named Faith. You see, when Faith was a child, she played a game of Ouija Board (I think they're still around today). Remember those things? Did you ever play? Did the spirit ever move and spell out a name for you? Well, when a little girl asks who she is destined to marry and the board answers, this is serious stuff! Then to have it confirmed by a fortune teller a few years later, it's got to be your destiny. Right? I really like how this movie is made. It's not so much about the aliens as it is about the people, namely Roy, who they touch somehow. How these people become obsessed with UFOs or whatever. As for the UFOs themselves, Speilberg teases us with small sighting near the beginning of the film, a tense scene at the house of the little boy, and some finds of missing planes and ships. Other than those few scenes, it's more about the characters and you don't really see much about the aliens until the big pay off scene at the end. And as for that scene, it's worth the buildup. Even 20 some odd years after the movie came out, with the advancement of special effects and everyting, the climax still manages to be awe inspiring. In the movie world Danny quickly learns that the laws of physics and simple logic don't apply (how often has THAT proven to be true?). He's partnered with Slater, a renegade L.A. cop and the absolute zenith of action hero stereotypes, to find who killed his favorite second-cousin Frank (BIG MISTAKE!). Danny and Slater smash their way into a hokey, James Bond-ish plot, though it's not long before suave English henchman Mr. Benedict discovers Danny's secret and plans to escape to the real world. Danny and Slater follow, but Slater's movie-world abilities are rendered useless in reality. Doubt begins seep in for the first time as he ends up questioning his powers as a good cop. This version of the story of the famous warrior saint (or was she just crazy?) is definitely the most colourful one ever made. Milla Jovovich generally does a good job playing the part of Joan. Sometimes she's absolutely brilliant, but other times the performance is not that convincing. I take it that this is because of her having to work with Besson right after their divorce. But speculations aside, the movie still turned out pretty great. Generally the acting is quite superb, and the visuals are gorgeous, something which has become a trademark of Besson. But like other postmodernistic directors, he seems to focus more on the packaging than the content. The script never really goes in-depth with the internal struggle of Joan of Arc, and might be more suited for a regular action movie. 277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best Christmas stories out there. 8049 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 enjoyed it Sewa does a Great job Carrying the film, He can jump from Slapstick to Serious in a Second, he gives his Hand a Character of his own, and he has Definite Leading man Potential. Alba is the most Talented Screen Goddess to emerge since Salma Heyek in "Desperado", plus (like Salma) she is Funny, Smart and Believable. Green and Henson play the Comic Relief roles well, but the Material occasionally leaves them high and dry with nothing Clever to say. But on a Whole, they are two Funny guys. 4311 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Here we are, closing in on 20 years after this movie's release and people STILL don't understand: this isn't an action movie, it's an action movie parody-basically one long in-joke. I saw this in a theater back in 1993 and loved it, because it wasn't meant to be taken seriously; it's Arnie lampooning himself (I'm Arnold Braunschweiger!) during his comedy movie era with other jokes tossed in. It doesn't always work, but it's great fun and this blu-ray was a long overdue re-release, even if it is bare-bones. Other features include a very funny animated LEGO short, sing-alongs, and my personal favorite: The subtitles and audio tracks. There is a special section of the film you can watch dubbed in Japanese then re-translated into English for subtitles. There are subtitles from Henry IV Pt II for people who don't enjoy the film. There is a shouting track for the hearing impaired. Then, there are commentary tracks where you can hear some Pythons passive-aggressively "discussing" differences during the filming. A great film, a great DVD. 4599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 add to my collection. 7520 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So refreshing to watch a clean-cut movie of real people. One title for this movie could have been "The Americans". A rousing, heart stirring story set in one of the most beautiful places in the world. All the tallented actors were excellent, but when it comes to playing the charming bad boy, no one does it better than Brad Pitt. Loved this movie. 9292 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For anyone not convinced there's a fine line between comedic genius and outright insanity, I recommend MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. The Python troupe takes the legend of King Arthur and mutates it into a hilarious kaleidescope of off-the-deep-end slapstick and parody. Some of the humor is just plain silly (Black Knight: "Come on and fight, you coward!" Arthur: "But I've just cut your leg off!" Black Knight (pauses): "It's only a flesh wound."), and we know it's silly, yet the viewer is still laughing uncontrollably. Python can pull off looney tunes comedy like Olivier reciting Shakespeare; it's the reason the group enjoyed phenomenal success in the Seventies. I watched this movie with horror and then, finally, resignation, as Dr. Fuentes travels in the mountains and makes startling discoveries. I made a few startling discoveries myself -- the abject poverty of the people, the disregard for human life, the acceptance by the people of this as a way of life. He finds that the people have no food. He finds that both the army and the guerillas are equally brutal. The movie takes us all on a journey with Dr. Fuentes. Along the way we meet a homeless child, a priest who lives with his own private demons, and a deserter from the army with a history of participating in the carnage. The movie goes deeper and deeper into the despair and devastation. 9082 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You know the scene: the Pythons riding through the countryside on their faithful invisible steeds, clip-clopping of hooves provided by a lackey clapping coconut shell halves together, in their search for the Holy Grail. They encounter all manner of obstacles and strange characters, from oppressed peasants who object to King Arthur's very existence, to three-headed knights who block their path, to a wizened gatekeeper for whom they must answer three questions, to a killer bunny. 2466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An Oldie but a goodie. This is one of those LITTLE MOVIE"S" that the star made. Not his/her most acclaimed, but one that is truly entertaining and indicative of the talent of the performers and directors. Worth the time. 4119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I haven't seen the DVD version yet but I enjoyed the theater release very much (saw it twice). The humor is witty and Matt Lillard is probably the most underrated actor of his generation. I highly reccommend this movie for people who reside in Utah and out. 3097 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie with a sad ending (very rare), I`ve seen this movie almost 10 years ago, and I was shocked with this ending, and now that I can see it again, it happens the same, but I think that the speech of Nicholson about freedom is timeless, I mean, you can apply it now, in few words, this is a movie to have it in your dvd player, and the soundtrack is fantastic, but its dissapointing that only have 8 songs 4721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 thank you 2357 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Little more than an excuse to exploit the success of the Spice Girls, Spice World is a grossly lacking film, even for those who enjoy the music. Essentially a ripoff of The Beatles "A Hard Days Night", the Spice Girls are unfortunately not nearly as famous and their music not nearly as universally recognized. A slew of cameos and familiar supporting cast members can't save the film from its own bad dialogue, poor choreography and painful lip-syncing. Apparently everyone was in it for the paycheck. 1878 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice addition Leonard Maltin's video guide slams this film as excessive, overrated and violent. He needs to give it another look. "Taxi Driver" is truly a masterpiece of talent and craftsmenship. 6360 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 From my experience, all sci-fi films need one very important ingredient... and this is ATMOSPHERE. Its the foundation block for all great movies in this genre. From classics like Star Wars to new favourites like The Matrix. They tell not just a story, but also of a world different to the one we reside in. That is the heart of a great sci-fi. Without it, characters, plot, nor action can develop. This is where Resident Evil Apocalypse falls apart. From the beginning we are rushed into an established storyline. It begins with a few words from the narrator, explaining the damage already done... and instantly we are expected to follow the paper-thin characters on their journey to righteousness. Its difficult to really care, when we are given little time to absorb the horror of a city under fire. Scenes flip from one character to another, each with a separate agenda. Everything is robotic, human interaction and emotion is minimal and the impact of armageddon is ignored. Its derivative, ironcially much like a computer game, you get bitten... its game over. That is it. 3244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A group of small town southern women provide valuable insights into the strength of women in traditional settings. It sounds corny and hopelessly mundane, but somehow they make it work. Having a fabulous cast can't hurt. It is fascinating to see the British legal system 'up close' - for those that enjoy this, check out BBC America's wonderful 'LAW AND ORDER U.K.' - believe it or not, it is even better than the original version. 9940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a script writer and student of film, I know how hard it is to convey a futuristic storyline believably and have it contain touches of suspense, humor, romance, and humanity and have it ALL work. "Gattaca" is a story about flawed people who have great spirits, yet "Gattaca" itself is as unflawed as any science fiction film ever made. Every scene cleverly pushes the story along and twists many different ideas and possibilities together like a perfect length of rope. 3214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a true classic. The movie starts so slowly that I was afraid I was going to drop off to sleep. The commune breaks things up a bit, but the fun only really starts when Jack Nicholson joins the club. Truly, Nicholson is one of the greatest actors ever. From Terms of Endearment to Batman, Nicholson makes almost any movie worth watching. Same here. 4383 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the Muppets, This is one of the best (After the Muppet Christmas Carol). The un-cut way is the way to go. Look for that and remember when you were 6 watching this on TV. Watch out for the icy patch! 9170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There's a reason that this movie is legend: it's an outstandingly creative endeavor rendered in spare, clean segments. The humour is rich and the acting superb. View it: you won't be disappointed! Rufus Reid is a jazz bass player, and this book teaches you through jazz. It goes from the most basic whole, half, quataer, eighth and sixteenth note exercises, and slowly shows you how to build walking lines. These increase in complication, and if you hit the end of this book, no easy task, you will be at least a good jazz player, ready to play whatever type of music you want. Vincent, however, grows up with more spirit than might be expected, and ultimately refuses to be defined by his genetic profile (hence the not too subtle choice of surname, Freeman). He dreams of going into space and spends all his spare time studying and acquiring knowledge that might, with a different DNA profile, have allowed him to realize his dreams. Mel's idea was to do a black comedy, "literally, black comedy." He was a fan of Richard Pryor, who hadn't hit stardom yet. "So I called Richie..." and they wrote the first draft with a bunch of other writers: working title "Black Bart." As Mel continues, "We didn't know the words 'politically incorrect'." They were actually more worried bout getting the f*a*r*t*ing scene past the studio. Great stuff. Thank you for reading. 7085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enjoyable even if you've seen several versions of the movie 5799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the second resident evil movie. It has it's moments where it gets kinda cheesy but at least it still follows the story of the game. Also it's not as creepy as the first movie, but it's ok on the scare meter. 4446 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 amazing 109 people out of 295 gave this sickening display of B-cinema uniform acting no-no's...five stars. Horrendous, exceedingly poor inception, timing, predictable, not fun, not scary, not suspensful, lacked character development, irritating and nauseating tension, if any; grade school level acting responses to often life threatening situations, freddie prinz jr is enough to make this film a one star from jumpstreet, jennifer hewiit is cute...cute, not talented, cute. Of course I also did this movie a disservice by seeing it back to back with "Touching the Void" an immensely superior film. Read Krakauer's book and watch "Void" or "Everest." Leave this DVD back at base camp. leadership. I am confident we would be overjoyed with a huge military Taxi Driver is a magnificent, hard-hitting urban drama. The genius involved in crafting this utterly compelling film, makes it among the best movies of all time. Highly recommended, for those that like a film with deep, meaningful emotional impact. 4658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic This is a brave and innovative film. Marvin and Mifune are the only two actors, and everything was filmed on location. There are no mourning wives waiting for a hopeful return, no platoon of buddies still out looking, no volleyball sidekick. We aren't even entirely sure how they both arrived there. None of Mifune's lines are subtitled, so the frustration of communication is powerful, both for the viewer and for Marvin's character. However, for such a sparse movie, director John Boorman is innovative in his use of location and props to suggestive a broader world. Simon Williams and Alfred Shaughnessy in Conversation (22:50) 3482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 works good. bought it to replace lost CD to the library [END SPOILER ALERT] The picture has now become a milestone for low budget producers saying sopmething worthwhile. See Crash; See 11:14. 3710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome 9701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 super The influences are all there, simplified, squeazed and chopped together. "To the child the tree and the lamp post are as natural and as artificial as each other; or rather, neither of them are natural but both supernatural, for both are splendid and unexplained. The flower with which God crowns the one, and the flame with which Sam the lamplighter crowns the other, are equally of the gold of Fairy Tales[...]In the middle of the wildest fields the most rustic child is, ten to one, playing at steam engines. And the only spiritual or philosophical objection to steam engines is not that men pay for them or work at them or make them very ugly or even that men are killed by them, but merely that men do not play at them[...]The evil is that the childish poetry of clockwork does not remain[...]The wrong is not that engines are too much admired, but that they are not admired enough[...]The sin is not that engines are mechanical, but that men are mechanical." -G. K. Chesterton 4229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My husband and sons love this movie! 3395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 YAY CLOSE ENCOUNTERS!!! (still waiting for mine!!). 843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I wish CTV would consider reissuing "Sesame Street" as a chronological series, starting with "Season One," and working their way to the present... I would love to see the old episodes as they were originally broadcast, not with a few select bits chopped up into the new, modern mix. The old shows were so wonderful... and that awful, whiny Elmo was nowhere to be seen! Some say that this is a 60s ode to the glory of drugs. I don't see that. If anything, it seems to show that their path of freedom didn't lead to joy. One of the characters sighs, near the end, that "we blew it." He praised the farmer who had a wife, a family, and a quiet homestead where he was able to live off the grid. That is praised as being of value. The commune is poked at for being unrealistic - they plant seed into dry sand. The LSD trip, far from being shown as fun and color-filled, is shown as scary and dangerous. 1000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not surprised. Big fan of woody Allen. Good comedy and good acting. Highly recommend Resident Evil manages to not only get the job done, but to excel. It should pass all expectations you may have for it, and surprise you a few times as well. It certainly ranks among my favorites as an action / horror flick. I honestly believe it would even if it didn't have the game series behind it. 4760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Stephen King Fans of this genre will almost undoubtedly love this movie, and as proven by my glowing review, even people who prefer more realistic settings will probably still love it. Yes, it takes place in the future, but the performances bring an incredible amount of realism and emotional tension to the film. 2132 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This action thriller is most certainly above average. I do admit having Harrison Ford play the U.S. President is an odd casting choice...it leaves no doubt that he's gonna be right in the middle of that action, kicking butts and taking no prisoners...unfortunately, there's little surprise in that area as well. Gary Oldman was a complete surprise as the leader of the terrorists hijacking Air Force One. Oldman was wonderfully menacing throughout, showing us he was capable of anything, no matter how cold-blooded. While I question the premise of someone actually managing to hijack Air Force One, I still very much like this film and watch it over and over again. I did find it amusing that President Bill Clinton actually commented on the escape pod in the film. Enjoy. 8310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I liked this series when it was on TV awile back. Rumpole is quite a character and realizes early on that because he likes criminal law and particularly being a defense lawyer that he will never be Head of Chambers. He accepts that, but his wife definitely does not. She is a social climber from the word "go". If I ever needed a defense attorney, I would like to have someone like him defending me. So what does Umbrella do? What all authorities do in a zombie movie: they seal off Raccoon City and call in the nukes (shades of Return of the Living Dead). 9780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie arrived on time, in perfect condition. The blu ray version of this movie is well ahead of the DVD version, I own, also the VHS tape. It's high resolution, bright and clear detail makes watching it that much more pleasurable. It's futuristic theme, plays well with the new high definition look, it gives it that much more realism. I would recommend this site to others. 8648 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love Charles Bronson in this movie as well as James Coburn. great movie and good interaction between them. if you like either one 9348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very relavent movie 4554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a good movie for thinking about possibilities and what if's, left me with a sense of believing that one person can make a difference, if they pay attention to the signs, what they come to mean and doing something about it. Suggest everybody to view it and see for themselves, it's not so big of a stretch from reality. I really enjoyed it. 9680 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Unfortunately even Uma can't make this a good film. Boring... 5857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny update of the Cyrano de Bergerac story. William H. Macy 4395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rare item, great buy. Good quality DVD makes the Muppets live forever. Unlike Jim Henson. What a LOAD! 1. Mrs. Peel (Diana Rigg) was traded out for Steed's new partner, Tara King (Linda Thorson). 1138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I don't remember what famous person made the quote "War is Hell". It is an accurate statement, of course. Season 4 of the Bellamy's follows them through the first World War. I am sure that the scripts were historically accurate. Season 4 upholds the series tradition of EXCELLENT acting, plots, and production quality. I could not give 5 stars because I found the amount of time and detail devoted to war-time plots became a little depressing. If you have never seen a Monty Python project, this is the one to start with. You will either find it funny, or you won't, and you will then know which group you belong to. At the video store, Sylvester Stallone is seen on a lifesize cardboard stand up display as THE TERMINATOR. Jack Slater (Arnold) raves about how good Sly is in the role to a shocked Danny. It's too funny! Oh, and other bad puns, like when Slater kills a villain with an ice cream stuck in the eyeball, he quips: "Iced that guy... to cone a phrase!" "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" is a powerful film about survival and despite how far low one can be in a situation, the human will to live and survive can lead to amazing wonders. As it has had in the real life situation for Billy Hayes who had one of the most impressive prison escapes. 9829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are two things of note about the movie "Girl". 3954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Realistic blended family story line. It's a struggle. 6014 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is absolutely fantastic. Just having the Nemesis is this movie is worth 5 stars. He looks incredible. I liked the first movie alot, but I love the second one. Anyone who has not seen this has to check it out. Having Mike Epps in it helps out to, he is a great comedian. Those who play and know the video game I'm sure will like the movie even more then the uniniated such as myself, but do not let that stop you from see this surprisingly good movie. I saw absolutely nothing and I do mean nothing special about this film. I just don't get it. If you are fan of a Christmas Carol and have seen many of the cinematic variations and made for TV, this is one you really have to see. 6167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 TOP OF THE LINE ROMANTIC COMEDY, MARTIN AND DARYL HANNAH HAVE GREAT CHEMISTRY TOGETHER. I REALLY LIKED THE WHOLE CAST. AND EVERYONE ENDED UP WITH THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THEM. "ROXANNE" IS NOT LIKE ALOT OF CHEESEBALL ROMANTIC COMEDIES THAT ARE SPOONFED AND REGURGITATED, YOU KNOW THE ONES THAT ARE MADE THESES DAYS. WHAT I MEAN IS WE SEE THEM, WE FORGET THEM. NOT ROXANNE, IT HAS A POINT AND A NOTICABLE VALUE FROM THE BEGINNING. I WAS VERY SATISFIED WITH MY PURCHASE OF THIS MOVIE, AND I THINK YOU WILL BE AS WELL. 78 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 always was a good movie 7715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am satisfy and happy with the purchase of this dvd... i bought it for a gift ..the person is very happy...great quality and condition i will buy from this seller again.. 5590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Many consider this sequel superior to part 1. Im middle of the road. The action is better but the writing seems worse, with the clichés turned upa lot. Still a pretty fun watch, though. Despite the various obstacles, they adapted, improvised, and overcame. 5007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi driver is a fascinating movie, coming out in the same year as Star Wars (1976) but showing a far bleaker view of life. Travis is a New York City taxi driver, an ex-marine, who is struggling with insomnia and just wants to get through the day. He takes on driving a taxi in the worst areas of town. He has people throwing bottles at him, being sexual in his back seats, and his view on humanity gets fairly worn down. The movie is chock-full of hard street language. He throws around slurs about African-Americans and women, and he clearly has some negative opinions about both. He first stalks a blonde, and when she gets upset that he takes her to a triple-X movie he's baffled and then hostile. He then focuses on a young hooker. A very enjoyable movie and a worthy addition to your DVD library. 7602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 are you frigging kidding me? You are charging for an almost 12 year old movie? I watched several times already. On netflix where you never have to pay twice. Unbelievable. I have now seen Bottle Rocket three times (in the past like 2 months) and on the third viewing, I decided to take some notes. What resulted was a 13-page in depth analysis of the themes and threads pumping through the heart of the film. My favorite aspect of Bottle Rocket is the character development. The character, Dignan, I believe is the most completely realized character of any of Wes' films and possibly the most tragic. Loneliness is the most prominent theme in the film, Dignan being the vehicle for the theme. Through my intense note taking, I was able to find some things that some people may not have picked up on. 5165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver, 1976, is one of the gems of American Film's second Golden Age. Most of the directors that went modern after the flamboyant 60's, finally, took what they liked in European cinema and melded it to Yankee concerns. Owen's brother Luke Wilson, who had so far appeared in every Wes Anderson film, plays Anthony Adams, who gets out of a voluntary mental hospital after recuperating from a breakdown. His friend Dignan (Owen Wilson) has big plans for both of them -- a life of easy and enjoyable crime! Dignan doesn't have any good ideas, but tries to make up for it with endless enthusiasm and an outrageously optimistic view of life. Unfortunately, when things inevitably don't go well for him and his friends start criticizing him, he can fall into pretty bitter depressions. Owen Wilson has the character nailed down, and Dignan sets the tone for most of Wilson's other characters: the enthusiastic but misguided nut. Dignan gets his friend Bob (Robert Musgrave) in on his plan to pull a 'job' (and all of Dignan's 'jobs' are minor-league suburban affairs) that will attract the attention of the local crime boss/landscaper, Mr. Henry (James Caan in a brief but darned funny performance). Dignan get obsessed with his planning and attempts at damage control, while Anthony and Bob are more busy with the really important things in their lives: Anthony falls for a housekeeper at a motel (Lumi Cavazos, from "Like Water for Chocolate"), and Bob tries to deal with his bully of a brother, Future Man (Andrew Wilson -- yep, another Wilson). 634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good for a VHS. 1071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When the history of 20th century comedy is written, someone will tell the story of the geniuses who emerged from the working class neighborhoods of New York's outer boroughs: Queens, the Bronx, and Brooklyn. Neil Simon will make the list, along with Mel Brooks, and Woody Allen. There are others, of course. Together they make up one of the most remarkable flowerings of comic talent in American history. Woody's talent sprang from him fully formed. His basic gift is in full evidence in this early picture. It is debatable that he has improved with age, although it is worth noting that his exposure, like Harold Pinter's, to elegant, bourgeois life permanently altered the objects of his comic study. Mia Farrow introduced him to the good life, to aristocratic penthouse life, and there was no turning back. Still, his genius can be seen in his ability to adjust and move on. Later Woody is every bit as good as his early work, but not necessarily better, unless you happen to like posh talk and that very special boredom of the urban bourgeoisie. This early picture, though lacking in elegant settings and posh-talk, is vintage; here we having that wonderful skewering of pieties that one remembers from the Marx Brothers. Woody is wonderful at exposing pretensions, great and small. Here he plays a small-time hoodlum, a kind of Sylvester Stallone, played as a clumsy oaf, a loser, and nebbishy klutz, with eyes for the gals. Groucho, where are you? The film is a work of genius. It is a jewel. as weasals, pedarasts, and, generally subhuman. Billy's impassioned plea about the blatant unfairness of his sentence extence cannot erase the stench of half a millenium of eurocentric cultural and political imperialism. For his time (at the time of this film) Jimmy Carter was a If you watch the VHS version of The Messenger, you miss out on a couple things. You miss out on the nuns inspecting Joan for proof of virginity. 43 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great adaptation of dickens classic Henry winkler is a gifted actor Along with unusual dreams and freaky flashes, beautiful music and story emotion on all levels, the Seventh Sign is a classic religious film often overlooked. Bottle Rocket is cleverly written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, and even more ingeniously ad-libbed by Owen Wilson and his brother Luke. Family chemistry can be a great thing, and in Bottle Rocket, it's spectacular. If Owen Wilson one of the best comic performances of the '90s, it's partially due to the fact that Luke Wilson gives a wonderful straight-man performance. The dialogue is hilarious and quotable, the secondary characters are entertaining, the story is unpredictable, and it's a treat to see the Wilson Brothers together on screen. Issues are dealt with incredibly early in the show, such as not to follow in you father's footsteps, or the nature of affairs, or underage sex (and I did not see that plotline developing). 3342 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still one of the best movies of it's time 4087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was truly a heartfelt movie which had a few comical moments and a heart wrenching storyline. It DOES NOT even come as pictured, with the protective card board cover sleeve. Then there is The Fisher King. 4788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie with a youn de niro . classic de niro. 5468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good show 4930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I recently gave in and finally bought a Blu-ray player, and so I went shopping for some movies I wanted to revisit for the first time in a long time. In this case, it's probably been 20-25 years since I last saw "Taxi Driver". 5463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i love this movie not scary but good seen it in the past i wish the 2nd one would be cheaper so i can buy it The movie is constructed episodically. One scene takes place at a roadside cafe where the trio is denied service. Another depicts a bad LSD trip in a cemetery, and yet another has the three guys smoking pot around a campfire and revealing more of their backgrounds. Though Wyatt and Billy are drug dealers hoping to live a life unanswerable to the establishment, they are portrayed as attractive characters bucking the system and for a time getting away with it. This film does not give much attention to Isabelle Romee or Jacques d'Arc (Joan's parents). If you want to see extensive footage on that you must watch the 1999 TV miniseries Joan of Arc. Powers Boothe plays a very DARK (d'Arc) Jacques d'Arc - a d'Arc Vader sort of role. But be sure to get that in DVD and not VHS because the VHS leaves out extremely important scenes such as Jacques d'Arc (Joan's dark father) attempting to snuff out the life of the newborn baby Joan. You also would miss on VHS the ending scene where Jean d'Metz takes Joan's banner back to Doe-Ray-Me after her death - where you see her parents reaction to the news. Even if you've never played the video game, didn't like the first "Resident Evil" movie or don't care for a lot of high tech military action in a horror film, I'd still highly recommend you take the time to watch this one. If you liked both the 1978 version of "Dawn of the Dead" and "Aliens", you're going to love "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". Besides, if internationally acclaimed Milla Jovovich agreed to add it to her rsum of, among others, "the Fifth Element", "the Messenger: the Story of Jean of Arc" and "the Million Dollar Hotel", it has to be good! Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby Surround Director Jeremiah Chechik (BENNY AND JOON) has created a modern day fairy tale out of the old series while retaining the droll humor and the surreal touches (the brightly colored teddy bears are a good example). Much of the look of the film resembles the illustrations of modern day children's books especially THE POLAR EXPRESS. My only real complaint with the film is Eddie Izzard's use of the f-word. It is totally out of character with the rest of the film and was added solely to get a PG-13 rating. I was hoping the DVD would include the missing footage cut from the film before its release but no cigar. Sources close to the film say that it would clarify a number of points including the two Mrs Peels. Perhaps we will see it in a future reissue. So for the meantime put away your preconceived baggage and try and take the film on its own terms and you may be pleasantly surprised as I was. After all seeing is believing. Tea anyone? 6757 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not being an owner of a game console such as a Playstation and the like, I have never spent much time actually playing any of the Resident Evil series. I tried to play them on my PC, but it always seemed like my top of the line PC was being dumbed down by playing console games on it, like it was getting a headache trying to think on the same level as a console. That said, I have however seen the games played by many of friends and know the Resident Evil stories, read some of the comics and a couple of the novels. I know and like the characters and all of the playable ones like Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine. Both have one quality, among others, that Mila Jovovich lacks in abundance- her character Alice is not very likeable. In fact, she isn't much of anything, she isn't even that attractive. 4880 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I won't deny I like my De Niro films and I have a soft spot for the edgy slightly off beat Scorsese direction that works so well. This duo partnership has been played out through the years, but this earlier film is arguably one of the best that both men have created. 2141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action, with some unbelievable stunts. Hamilton Ford serves up another fine performance as a beleaguered President who saves the day. Supporting members all do a wonderful job, even the villains. Just found out that the jailed Russian opposition leader also played the U-boat captain in Das Boot, worth checking out. But Air Force One remains on my favorites list. 2717 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect mix of fun and drama. Yes, every respectable critic has alluded to the spraying of hundreds of rounds machinegun fire inside a pressurised cabin of a 747, but what we have here is a President who's a master of armed and unarmed combat; an Avionics Engineer - a man adept at doing anything in a crisis situation. We can also add: the perfect, caring and reassuring father and husband; maybe, we can include gynaecologist to his rather impressive list of credentials as well. Can't say enuf good things about the Messenger, but watch them all and decide for yourself. 3946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love the little comment a previous reviewer said about "Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind." I remember seeing that parody on HBO years ago and it was before seeing the "actual" film. The scene where Richard Dreyfuss looks at the shaving cream and says "This means something," I still haven't recovered myself from restraining the laugh-fest. Maybe someday that parody and "Hardware Wars," can make an appearance on DVD! 5812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil: Apocalypse manages to be a better action movie than the original. The movie picks up a few weeks after the end of the first. The action sequences dominate this movie. 'Project' Alice (Milla Jovovich) really breaks out in this sequel. She awakens stronger by virtue of being injected with the T-virus in the Racoon City Research Center. We see her being monitored before being released by the conniving Major Cain. Outside, Project Alice is confronted with a ravaged Racoon City (seen at the edn of the first movie) and takes up arms. Alice is now is full at war mode against the zombies and eventually Major Cain and The Umbrella Corporation. Along the way, she uncovers more lies and betrayal as she wages a war against the evil conglomerate. There is a side story about the renegade police officer, Jill Valentine and the attempts to rescue Angie Ashford (who has good health thanks to the T-virus injected into her bu her crippled father, Dr. Ashford. This film provides more background on Alice and the Umbrella Corporation. There are some good supporting characters in L.J., Carlos, Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) & little Alice Ashford (Sophie Vavasseur) (AKA as the voice of the 'Red Queen' (The Umbrella Corporation's supercomputer). The villains are Major Tom Cain played by Thomas Kretschmann and Dr. Isaacs played with gusto by Iain Glen. The anti-hero, Dr. Ashford (the designer of the 'Red Queen') is played well by Jared Harris. All these characters help the story line and provide more background into the movie. The battle between Project Alice and Nemesis (an acquaintance of Alice's) is very good. The twist ending is good and tells you there is more afoot. I enjoyed this action movie with zombies thrown in for good measure. PS, the zombie dobermans are back for another bite. Overall, this is a very good action/science fiction film with some scary moments. Evenso, from a historical perspective, "Lost Color Archives" does deserve high praise as a solid explanation of the war as a whole. Because it is told largely from the eye witness point of view, the viewer has a sense of the impending conflict, then the endurance through the war, and finally, the exhausted conclusion. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the war was over, but that much of the world had been destroyed and that the effects and rememberance of the war would linger on. 8042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I read somewhere some time ago that Robin Williams only sports a beard in dramas. Truthfully,this film is a dramatic comedy. So like AWAKENINGS,MOSCOW ON THE HUDSON and GOOD WILL HUNTING,he sports a beard in this film. Williams is a homeless widower who is befriended by Jack(Jeff Bridges),a radio personality. Mercedes Ruehl plays Lydia,Jack's live-in girlfriend. Williams' character lost his wife to an explosion that occurred in a bar/restaurant they were at one night. Memorable scenes include Williams' character stripping in the dark in the middle of Central Park then dancing naked. Jack said when he witnessed this,"I should be surprised. I'm not surprised. I'm out of my f---ing mind!". That particular scene was actually X-rated. That scene was either deleted from the over-the-air/basic TV version or the barely visible sexual organ was blurred. Also,Williams,Bridges and Ruehl eating out at a Chinese restaurant. Williams even meets and falls in love with a cute girl(Amanda Plummer). He tells her in one scene,"I have a hard-on for you the size of Florida!" Great film! Love All 833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Props to the makers of this ingenious little movie. To say anything is to give away all the gags, which are hilarious. If you are a fan of Star Wars, there's really no reason not to love this short film. My friend and I about died laughing at some of the injokes. gets a retired officer (Louis Gossett) to help him steal 1440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great series. Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) was and still is the sexiest of the female martial arts heroes before or since. Patrick McNee was in real life not too dissimilar from character John Steed but he never matched his work in this series. Low key, tongue-in-cheek funny, pretty non-violent, and still remembered and revered today, it should be a model for TV and movies today in lieu of the pseudo-scientific, over-the-top special effects stuff we get instead. formerly captured and imprisoned suddenly show up fully armored, healed 9715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ethan Hawke at his finest, you'll love this one (2) Manic depression 42% probability I enjoyed RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE. I've never played the video games, but I was surprised by the way the first film was done and I was excited to see this sequel. In many ways, RE:A is a better film than RE. My biggest complaint with the movie is that it sets up a third film which makes the movie ten minutes longer than it could have been. But then again, I'm excited to see the third installment and see how everything will come together in the end. This film has just enough plot to keep us interested but not enough to whet our appetite. For instance, what were the Hispanic men trying to accomplish when they waylaid councilwoman McNeely in Brentwood? How were the police notified so quickly? The cruisers arrived almost immediately after the assault began! I've called the police myself in nice neighborhoods and it took 10 minutes for the bastards to arrive. These cops were on the scene like they'd been teleported there. What were the criminals trying to do? They clearly were not hit men and they were not attempting to rape her as was reported in the film. And had they been hit men they would have slain her immediately and not roughed her up to the point where she screamed for help and drew attention to herself and the ongoing crime. Hit men would have used a sound suppressed pistol to kill her and yet that's not what was done. These guys did nothing but get themselves killed for no reason (They Accomplished Nothing). The film offers vague allusions as to some secret cadre of government officials wanting to start riots so as to have Blue Thunder's capabilities demonstrated. Unfortunately this is not explored too much in the film. Despite this I enjoyed the film and was surprised by a plot element that was revealed at the end of the film during one of Frank Murphy's flashbacks while engaged in aerial combat. 3968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good; if you like this kind of movie. This film was loosely based on King Arthur and the Holy Grail. I am also sure this film was loosely based on a script. Though the plot is chaotic and the cast few, the movie is funny and witty. My only disagreement with the movie is the forced ending. That is only a scratch, a mere flesh wound to this brilliant comedy -- a fanatical farce that is one of my favorite movies. however the plot is not particularly interesting. As so many people get slaughtered during the first 20 minutes, we the Resident Evil: Apocalypse has all of those things, but none of the spunk. Where the first movie had a relentless ambiance of terror, Apocalypse is a juiced up action horror without much horror. In closing, few dissagree that the Holy Grail is, if not The Holy Grail of comedy, certainly one of the great comedic films. However, it would be interesting for some wily editor to splice together footage to create Monty Python and the Holy Grail-Epic. 1733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent support video 8303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rumpole of the Bailey - The Complete Series We end very much how we beganand paralleling how part 1 ended and beganwith Alice recovered by Umbrella, naked (Amen for boobs, right guys?), and yet again the subject of further experimentation by Dr. Isaacs (Iain Glen; Game of Thrones, Darkness). No points for originality, but I enjoyed the ending anyway. I enjoyed the whole thing. 7642 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all times in my books. I could watch it every day and never get tired of watching it. 1875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Replaced both titles on DVD! 5070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Bottle Rocket" is the first film written by Luke Wilson and directed by Wes Anderson, the duo that would later go on to create both "Rushmore" and "The Royal Tenenbaums". Despite the fact that this is the first film that these two worked on together, "Bottle Rocket" is every bit as good as the more recognized and well known follow-ups. This film marks the introduction of a very unique and original brand of humor, a type of humor that can possibly be mistaken for drama if the viewer isn't paying close enough attention. This is not in your face comedy, but rather a subtle, quirky sense of humor delivered in a deadpan style that in its own way is extremely rewarding and enjoyable. It is well done and filled with excitement. I know you will like it as I did. This movie, however, is NOT for everyone. ESPECIALLY OVERANALYZERS!! You need to watch the movie for what it is.....a silly comedy. There is no need to analyze why there's coconuts and no horses or why a woman is getting weighed. If you want something to ananlyze watch a documentary or a serious movie and go to a coffee shop afterwards to swap notes. Don't do it while watching the movie and definitely DON'T WATCH THIS ONE! Knights that go "Nee"? Wow, that's clever. I'm sure the creators of this movie were in a meeting thinking real hard about this one when the boss's son comes up with this cockbarf. Let's have a scene where this group of idiotic knights scream "NEE" loudly and obnoxiously until the viewers brains are completely destroyed. This kind of humor is humor that you'll find in after-school TGIF sitcoms like Full House. Who is going to laugh at garbage like this? I sure as hell won't which is promptly why I threw a boulder at my television and punched some guy sitting next to me. I'd rather be shot in the face with projectile diarrhea then watch any parts of this movie again. As you can see I've bashed this movie pretty good and although it is well deserved, I think it's pretty safe to say I'll be hit with a lot of non-helpful votes. Good day to you all. 1499 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I'm frankly surprised that this "version" has so many positive reviews! 7669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The day by day life of a Minister and his two boys committed to the Country with common fly fishing as the catalyst. Note: The late Doctor Gonzo", journalist Hunter Thompson, rather eloquently in HIS countercultural classic, "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas", mentioned toward the end of that fearsome saga that sometime in the late 1960s he could almost see the high tide of the movement ebbing before his eyes signaling the end of all those fierce dreams that we had of that "newer world" and the beginning of the approach of the "night of the long knives." "Easy Rider" is the cinematic take on that proposition 5926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 7007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 You should see this movie. It is good enough to see at least once depending on taste. I plan on seeing it a second time in the theatre for anything I missed while I was cringing in my seat. (which wasn't much--but I really liked this movie) 1751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked it primarily because it's a historical war movie. Not the greatest production, but when you consider how many movies we have from this period in our history, you won't get much better. Looks good! Looks real, real good! I envy those who have never experienced this movie. I've seen it (in all its forms) more than any other film (save perhaps Apocalypse Now in its two forms), and there are parts I still MUST watch, whenever it appears on the tube. It is a movie of mystery and frustration, of identification with the characters and that sense of wonder of exploring the unknown, and while Spielberg's "ET" might've been a compelling exploration of that quest to understand the wonderous unknown, this movie is even more compelling. And appeals not to the child, but to the child within all of us, so called "adults." 8257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Contrary to what others have written about this set; it is high quality considering that this series aired between 1978 and 1992. True, there are no subtitles; but the dialogue and sound is of much better quality than suggested by the few people who complained about sound on this set. Yes, the characters are very British and there are British accents; what do you expect from a British TV show? Rumpole is a fine a series and a lot of fun to watch. We turn up the volume on our TV just slightly higher than normal, and everything is fine. The plots are easy to follow...IF you pay attention; and if you desire to leave behind the nonsense reality shows endlessly plastered all over TV; and truly desire to enjoy some storytelling. There are some great actors on this series, Leo McKern as Rumpole; David Yelland (Poirot's butler George); Marion Mathie (as "she who must be obeyed"); and many other fine actors. There are any number of TV shows and box sets you could waste money on buying; but this series is a treasure...and people who have visited England prior to 2000 will be happy to revisit old England again. 2371 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Could it be the worst film ever? Possibly. It's also interesting to note the scenes with Amanda Bearse acting sexually frigid seems interesting now, considering she came out 10 years later.. and due to a sagging mainstream career after 976 Evil (1989), Stephen Geoffreys hit the gym and switched to making hardcore gay xxx porn (after he came out).. Now where's the E! True Hollywood Story on this one?? Anyway, Fright Night is a good 80's flick... the sequel, not so great.. Highly Recommended. Buy this today. Le Cinema Paradiso 4739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Jason Gedrick, Louis Gossett Jr., and Tim Thomerson star in this high-flying 80s action film about a pilot who is shot down and the lengths his son will go to save him. Also recommended: " Dawn of the Dead" ( 1978) "Day of the Dead" ,"From Dusk Till Dawn", " The Matrix", "Blade 1 & 2", " Re-Animator", " Cemetery Man", " Total Recall", " Versus", " 28 Days Later...", "Night of the Living Dead ( 1968 and 1990 versions)", " The Stuff", " Scanners", " Hell of the Living Dead ( a.k.a. Night of the Zombies, Zombie Creeping Flesh, Virus)", " Predator", "Aliens", " Pitch Black", " Freddy Vs. Jason", " Lifeforce", " Dawn of the Dead ( 2004)", " Nightmare City ( a.k.a. City of the Walking Dead)", " Mortal Kombat", "Vampire Hunter D", " Dead Heat ( 1988)", "Burial Ground: The Night of Terrors", " The Return of the Living Dead", "Return of the Living Dead 3", " The Shining", "Die Hard", " Alien", "Alien Resurrection", "Starship Troopers", " Bio-Zombie", " Zombie", "Zombi 3", " C.H.U.D.", " Contamination", " House of the Dead", "Akira", " Demons", " An American Werewolf in London", "Undead", " The Thing ( 1982)", "Underworld", " Rabid" and " The Beyond". 1. In high school, Starkwell joins the marching band ... as a cello player. The image of Allen running up the street with chair and cello in hand, stopping for a moment to play a few bars, then getting up and running a few more feet in hysterically funny. The collectors set with packaging is worth the FULL ASKING PRICE; It comes with three versions of the movie and Special Features on a two Blu-ray Disk (BD) set. 3618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 are on blu-ray, in the 2-disc set, all are excellent, for different reasons, and all are part of cinematic history. 193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great remake of Charles Dickens' - "A Christmas Carol"! Additional Fact: I wish the lines of.the novie were sub-titled! 7676 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very happy with my purchase and would purchase from again The story unravels as Charlie learns that Jerry is in fact and vampire. He is trying to convince his friends that there is a vampire living next door. and Roddy Macdowell enters when the friends are trying to convince Charlie that vampires don't exist. **UPDATE 4/25/2014: Most of the numbers are very well done, except perhaps for the bizarre "I Think I'm Going To Like It Here" sequence. Sorry, I just don't believe for a minute all those servants cavorting snd dancing with the sheer joy of serving Oliver Warbucks. It's a spectacle without any foothold in reality. What are we supposed to think about the plutocratic rich? My sympathies are with the bearded anarchist who throws the bomb over the balustrade, the assassination attempt thwarted by that darn Sandy. The whole moral of the story is, as Ann Reinking suggests to Albert Finney, that his priorities aren't correct. "Why do you love only money and power and capitalism? They'll never love you back." The truth is, they do love back. The movie could have shown that capitalism is, not too put too fine a point on it, evil; in fact, viewed at in one way, ANNIE is a spectacular, near Brechtian demonstration of the evil of money. 3431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic! 7998 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm sure this version is "Far superior " to the one being released this Christmas. Still a little "dark" but that's John Huston 's style. Nothing tops seeing the play... but this is your 2nd alternative that is best! 7576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoyed the story and could see Robert Redfords style in it throughout. What really sold me on this film, however, was the cinematography and the beautiful setting. It made me want to go fly fishing! The story is a classic one - King Arthur organizes his Knights of the Round Table (mostly offscreen) and embarks on a quest to find that most sacred relic, the Holy Grail. Naturally, this is far easier said than done, and Arthur seems cursed with a retinue of Knights that are both easily distracted and not all that bright. And he must contend with some strange obstacles along the way, including but not limited to a three-headed giant, a band of rogue shrubbery-demanding knights, some rude Frenchmen, an enchanter named Tim, an inept but determined Black Knight, a killer rabbit, a castle full of beautiful and very lonely women, the police, bad animation, and much more. 3743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This includes 3 versions of the film. This film has some of the best action scenes in a long time, and the DVD transfer is fantastic. This was released close to the birth of the DVD format, so there isn't a whole lot of extras on it. But the picture is nearly perfect and the sound is very good. If you have a dolby digital encoder, you will be in heaven! I subtracted one star only because there were not more bonus features on it. but other than that, this one is an entertainer! Williams, in perhaps his greatest screen role, is a college professor who saw his wife murdered by a shotgun blast from the crazy talk show caller. After some months of hospitalization for catatonia, he becomes a delusional street person, and a self-appointed do-gooder knight named Parry (for Parsifal) who hallucinates that little people tell him where the Holy Grail may be found. 6327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was pretty good but I don't care for Barbara, but like Nick Nolte, not one of the movies we've watched more that a time or two. 1057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mifune Toshiro once said of himself that he was only a great actor when being directed by Kurosawa. It is undeniably true. However, he was always a good actor, and even though only Kurosawa could pull the greatness from him, any Mifune performance is worth checking out. His American-directed attempts are usually even poorer than his quickly-done super-samurai slugfests, but "Hell in the Pacific" is an exception to the rule. This is good stuff. 3155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 _Easy Rider_ is, of course, one of the most important pioneer independent films of the 1960s film movement. It is the classic biker flick: two guys traveling across the Southwest United States searching for themselves and this country. Thus, I have a hesitant recommendation. Few other films that I have seen capture this time period with such accuracy, vision, and emotional power. However, if you're not into "road trip" movies of the 1960s and 1970s, you might be bored by the film's spontaneous dialogue and long visual riding sequences set to great music. 5353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 have always loved this movie 3853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 .... Spielberg re-released it with additional footage in 1980, then altered it again for the film's 1997 re-release on VHS with the extra footage dropped and some scenes never released put back in. Additional material aside, does the film itself deserve a place in the collection of all-time great Science Fiction? The answer is a resounding yes, as the film conveys a sense of excitement, wonder and obsession. Differing from other nihhlistic sci fi films (The Alien movies), Close Encounters is a story of a Roy (Richard Dreyfuss), who, after having an encounter with a U.F.O, starts to become fixated with images and sounds that draw him to the film's conclusion. Roy is the everyman in this movie, and the film centres on a reocurring Spielbergian theme of extraordinary events happening to ordinary people. Colossus - The Forbin Project 4281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was about 13 when this came out and over 20 years later it still holds up. This movie has it all acting, story, special effects and most important Arnold Brownswagger "Movie Humor" in his prime. It always strikes me as odd how this film rarely gets mentioned. One of the last great action films to hit the big screen. If you have not seen it, now is the perfect time. Stream it on Netflix while its up. And finally, there are the scores and scores of irretrievably feral zombies, which provide limitless guilt-free cannon fodder for the main characters to slaughter. This is something every action game provides in one form or another: Sufficiently independent humanoid enemies that are nevertheless so unquestionably evil (Nazis, Imperial Stormtroopers, alien invaders, demons, zombies) that you can blast away at them without reservation. This film doesn't seek to give the audience a determined opinion of Joan. We don't know whether she is crazy or not. The way she acted makes us doubt if the voices she claimed to have heard were actually God's. The truth is that she "brought back the fire in the French army" to quote Yolande of Aragon, and she crowned the dauphin as Charles the VII. Her downfall was dramatic and touching, but she remains a big inspiration for everyone in the world who wants to change things for the good. France won the 100 years war and joan was declared a saint. Starting in 1965, with Rigg, the filmscore was notably updated and played more prominently throughout the story, enhancing the action and suspense. Also, the action itself was boosted. There was never a dull moment with Steed and Mrs. Peel. And these episodes were all FUN -- one embraced a sense that Macnee and Rigg were having a great time in making these films. Now that I've seen episodes from "The Avengers'" earlier years, ('63 and '64), I can see that they dragged quite a bit during that earlier era and were much more soap opera-ish. The fun continued throughout the final year, 1968, even though Linda Thorson was simply never quite as dynamic or as sexy as Diana Rigg. The '68 filmscore and title scenes at the beginning and the conclusion of each episode were spiffed up a bit too. 2865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have watched this movie several times, it's happy, sad, and hilarious, an all around movie. Kudos to the entire cast. This sad fact aside, the color has been brilliantly restored to the print, which is usually washed out. The sound is nicely preserved as well. 3839 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It had been years since I had watched this film and i wanted to see whether it would have the same impact on me as it when i saw it almost 20 years ago. 6754 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First of all, I don't remember much of what I learned about Joan of Arc in school. And after seeing this movie I don't feel like I know that much more. Actually some bells are ringing in the back of my head, indicating that some of the elements aren't historically correct. Well, so some liberties have been taken in the storytelling, but I was still entertained, and that is usually the point in seeing a movie by Luc Besson. Milla Jovovich of course looks fine (though kinda grungy) and is a surprisingly good actress. Although how many people are going to admit that when it's in the context of a movie based on a video game? She's already shown what she could do in the fifth Element so it really shouldn't come as a surprise but she's definitely proven here that she's more than just a pretty face. 8 (out of 10). Acting. How good was the acting? This is an awesome concert. The only two problems are that 1) it is just 67 minutes long and 2) John Doe's bass is buried too deep in the mix. 1955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Harrison Ford's best! And I guarantee you'll find any excuse to say "Get off my plane" after you see it! 4587 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Movie 6 of 1976 and 37 overall in my journey through films of my lifetime. personally i would've preferred new retrospective interviews with Tom Holland, Chris sarandon, william ragsdale etc 5326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a awesome movie. this is a great vampire film a horror classic. loved this movie. the acting is great, the special effects are great and the story is great. love these old horror movies they are better than the ones out now. if you have not seen this movie then I recommend you do. hope the remake is good. The songs are excellent, from the familiar "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" to the lovely "My World Is Beginning Today" sung by Jessica, the future Mrs. Santa. (For some strange reason, this delightful song is often cut when this production is shown on TV, luckily it is included in the tape.) 324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this movie on TBN. I loved the movie and had been unable to find it anywhere. Went looking on Amazon, and surprise. I found it. I purchased it, and I have never looked back. Very Good! 9007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this was from a show I used to watch when I was younger . a nice addition to my dvd collection . So flame me if you will, but this film is garbage. I didn't even have the opportunity to be engaged in it, it bored me so. Robin Williams in the buff. Ugh, ok. Not my idea of great film making. I kept searching for some greater idea or POINT (!) to tie everything together and I didn't find it. Granted, I only saw the film once, but if it is so bad that I have no desire to ever see it again-even for the sake of figuring it out, then a one star rating is more than appropriate. Sorry folks, this ain't what it's cracked up to be. I don't mind being depressed by a film if there is some point to it all, but here... It was a DVD so not to much to say so yer good good good yer yer yer 3085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has endured as a classic from the day it was first released and couldn't have been more perfectly cast. MacLaine and Dukakis are priceless! I've seen this movie so many times that each actors lines are committed to memory, yet I watch it again and again. The only major setback is in relation to Jeff Daniels who is not that great in his role; Kelsey Grammer was a much better Washington in Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor. The picture is really superb as the blues and the yellows in this film are lovely to look at. Something I never understood on dvd was how poorly both colour tones tend to look on dvd or cable. The sound was a bit on the quiet side mostly becuase this is a drama/thriller and it was a bit hard to understand certain words. 7849 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a spectacullar film! It sows the seeds of thought in the viewer and shows how powerful an impact a film can have. 2690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a period piece that showsws history at that time "Easy Rider" - a great film, a fine period piece and an extraordinary commentary on a lost generation of seekers and dreamers. Picture Disc Critics have discussed the meaning of the film ever since it came out. Suffice it to say Scorsese's goal was to combine gritty naturalism with a genuine compassion for his characters. If God may have abandoned these lost souls, Scorsese and Schrader have not--at least not completely. 8936 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As silly as I remembered. The one liners are awesome. I find I have aged since seeing this last. "Idle Hands" may not have been a Critical or Commercial Success, but, in time, it will develop into a Cult Success. 3680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is for the Blu-Ray and it was viewed on a 42" Panasonic Plasma and BD35 Player. This tells the story of the Biblical character Joseph, from his days as a young shepherd, to being sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt, to becoming the second-most-powerful man in Egypt and an eventual reunion with his family. It's a well done production that brings the story to life. As most ex-wives will do, Jackie is condescending of Isabel, looking down on her as a self-centered woman who cares more for her work and personal life than for the children under her care. They have many sparring sessions and heated arguments, but it's clear that they cannot argue forever, and as the children begin to warm to Isabel, so does the friendship between Jackie and Isabel begin to form. Soon, they are helping each other through tough times, trading tips on caring for the children, but still maintaining that small spark of conflict which will surface time and again as Jackie realizes her children are no longer solely under her influence. **** and really are great to look at The script is delicious, the chemistry drips over the edge of the mind into a pool of absolute surging tension and visually, The Avengers is very compelling. You will love the fencing scenes, intelligent script, British humor and tongue in cheek capers. I purchased the DVD back in 2006, when Sony had updated and remastered it in High Def... It doesn't look half bad on my Blu Ray, and it's sold, here, on Amazon, for like $10.00..NEW. Yes, I know, it only has the Original Theatrical Trailer, and it's "JUST" in Dolby surround sound (for you perfectionists).. BUT I don't care, 'cause I'm not paying $350+ for ANY movie. Especially one still readily available on DVD.. (Twilight Ltd Edition"numbered" Blu Ray). I pitty da fool who buys it for that price. Ha! Fright Night turned out to be just as good as it was nearly 24 years ago, just naturally a little less scary. It's a classic for a reason. It's even one of those feel good older horror films that could become an annual watch around the Halloween season simply for the memories it brings back. We even may hand out an woody award to the squeaky voiced Evil Ed for Hey Baby of the year. All around it was just right for what we'd hoped for in the vampire department. It certainly was enjoyed now as it was many years ago and comes with strong recommendation from the old boy Sid. The film begins as Anthony, played by Luke Wilson, is checking himself out of a club-med style mental institution where he has spent time for exhaustion--though this despite the fact that he has never actually worked a day in his life. He has, however, to leave the institution through a window so that his best friend Dignan, played by real-life brother Owen Wilson, may think that he has helped him to escape--though this despite the fact that Dignan hasn't actually done anything more than signal his presence with a mirror and wave to the psychiatrist whom he has mistaken for a complicitous janitor. On the bus-ride back home, Dignan shows Anthony his spiral notebook in which he has outlined their life course for the next 75 years. And they are, it seems, already behind schedule. So, to get underway and to provide themselves with a capital base, they plot the robbery of a bookstore. They also enlist the aid of another friend, Bob, played by Robert Musgrave, who will drive the car. The robbery is a success of sorts though their disguises are no disguises and their progress is impeded by the absence of bags that will hold something bigger than a paperback. Dignan is ecstatic over their success and in a fit of good fellowship proposes that Bob be given the "Spirit Award" for his part in the crime. They then go on the lam for a while, hiding out in a large motel on an otherwise uninhabited stretch of Texas highway. There, Anthony spies and falls in love with a member of the motel housekeeping staff, Inez, played by Lumi Cavazos. There are a variety of complications that then conspire to divide the crew, after which Anthony and Bob undertake a series of non-criminal activities such as a paper route and coaching a pee-wee soccer team, and Dignan returns to his old job at the Lawn Wranglers, which serves as a front for the larcenous activities of Mr. Henry, played by James Cahn. Anthony and Dignan eventually reconnect and, for the purposes of bolstering Dignan's self-image, Anthony joins Dignan in one last large-scale heist, meant to impress Mr. Henry. The film ends with that heist and the capture of one of its perpetrators in an act of humanity. "Women Shall Not Weep" - Edward (Christopher Beeny) and Daisy (Jacqueline Tong) decide to get married before Edward leaves for the draft. Georgina (Lesley-Anne Down) vows to become an army nurse after witnessing the dead and injured soldiers returning to London; while Ruby (Jenny Tomasin) surprises everyone when she announces she is to leave her position to go and work in a munitions factory. 5494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a limited edition blu ray which I bought a copy this week of 12/20/11. I got mine thankfully because the sellers on here are charging alot more than I paid for it. 35.00 is what they paid for it , as did I. , and they are jacking up the price on you. sadly this only had 3,000 copies made for some dumb reason. I think that eventually this will come out in a regular edition and I will see it five years from now for ten dollars. But maybe not. SO I had no choice; as I loved this version of the movie ever since I saw it at the theater in 1985. the picture looks alot better on this blu ray for sure. go online to search for a copy if you want one , maybe there is a copy left at 34.00 including shipping. That's what I paid. And perhaps if you wait ,years from now or sooner this will be released again. maybe. it's a bad idea to do limited edition things in my opinion. when I ordered this there was less than five hundred left. so maybe by the time anyone reads this , the only hope you will have of owning this edition is buying a one of this gouging sellers blu rays. Anyways, this is a classic movie of a nerd who wins the girl by fighting the vampire and his kin. It's alot better than the new version and it has the late great roddy mcdowell in it as the vampire hunter. It's a salute to hammer horror films and more in this modern horror classic. The picture quality is outstanding. afte buying many blu rays with faded pictures or worse this one was completely RESTORED. Unlike lets say 'clash of the titans' from the same decade, this is just a sweet job of blu ray work. This movie is a visually interesting, unique, and much under-rated and under appreciated show. It won awards for art direction and other stylistic touches, including the Oscar. 3415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A timeless classic. First time watching in HD was very cool ! I didn't have fond memories of this film, but I surprisingly found myself liking it quite a bit on my second viewing. By switching the locations to the Bahamas it completely changes the dynamics even though theres a slicker-killer like the first movie. Suspense slowly builds as the cast is whittled down and the storm rages. It suddenly becomes clear that they're stuck on this vacant resort with a mad killer! Although the filmmakers couldve taken more advantage of the resort location they did a good enough job. Bottom line: This is a worthy sequel with its own appeal. Enjoyed it very much This video is worth buying. 4853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 De Niro is always terrific. Not completely happy the way it ended. 6119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I recently viewed all of the "Resident Evil" films for the first time... Dare I say, I'm very impressed! This particular film had a lot going for it. Milla Jovovich is absolutely stunning as the amnesiac heroine, Marco Beltrami's post modern underscore hits the nail on the head and Paul Anderson's vision of a world overtaken by Zombies is flat intriguing. The entertainment value of this film is through the roof (thanks in no small part to the amazingly emotional connection the viewer creates with Alice,) and the scripting is really pretty impressive! 2429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is another one of those movies I saw in the late 80's (on cable) already aware of the back story that Kim Basinger did not like working with Richard Gere and that they both were very upset about spending so much time in the movie being wet so you can only get a copy from a ebay seller from Ebay for over $100 just for the blu-ray 2491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got my movie early and in great shape. I would order from this vendor agian. Thank You and Good Night! There's some great laughs in it, but it's really a great emotional movie as well, it covers quite a bit of ground. This is one of the first movies I remember seeing that really fit the "emotional rollercoaster" description. 6494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After eagerly awaiting for the sequel due to the open ending of RESIDENT EVIL, and being teased by realistic "ad" trailers I was ready to see Apocalypse. 7871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A filthy movie. Makes me feel like I need a bath and then another bath. 3042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely love steel magnolias! I couldn't find this movie anywhere on DVD and I ordered it ASAP after seeing it on amazon This is an amazing movie and is a chick flick for sure, but my boyfriend even loves it! Lol What is the film about? King Arthur (Graham Chapman) is seeking knights to join him in the court of Camelot, and after some run-ins with the French, eventually gathers together Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones), Sir Lancelot (John Cleese), Sir Galahad the Chaste (Michael Palin) and Sir Robin the Not So Brave (Eric Idle). After not returning to Camelot for reasons well detailed in the film, the knights are confronted by God who gives them an awesome task - to find the Holy Grail. Now the fun really begins! They have to confront the dangers of The White Rabbit and The Bridge Of Death in order to seek what they hope to find. Many months pass before the possibility of success finally arrives. But then again, perhaps not. In case you are wondering, Terry Gilliam plays the part of Patsy - Arthur's "horse" - but like everyone else also plays a bunch of other parts, so typically Monty Python. Not so typically Monty Python is the fact that apart from Dennis's mother, all female parts are actually played by females! One disappointing aspect of the film was that, at times, it was too obvious and blatant. It's almost as if the director decided that people were "too lazy" to understand certain parts, so they just thought they'd have a character "fill in" exactly what happened rather than trying to let you decide on your own or show the scene the way it was intended. One example of this is the conflicts between Pip and Orlick. 5663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a sucker for these movies, this wasn't the best but I still liked it. 4978 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 You get 9 films on 9 discs in this collection: Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, High Anxiety, History of the World Part 1, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Silent Movie, To Be or Not To Be, and The Twelve Chairs. Six films are brand new to Blu-ray in this set. Overall, the picture quality is very good but the audio quality is fairly average (High Anxiety and The Twelve Chairs don't sound great but otherwise the sound quality is good). All the significant special features from the DVD versions have been ported over and there is plenty of exclusive content for fans. There is over 7.5 hours of total bonus content plus 4 audio commentaries (Twelve Chairs has only a trailer). You also get an exclusive 120-page book in this release. My only real complaint is that the packaging is somewhat flimsy. 9693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Gattaca is not your typical sci-fi movie. Sure, the theme is nothing new. There's the haves and have-nots. You're either in or you're not. Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) is one of the have-nots. Born as a less than wanted human, Hawke conspires to get what he wants. He wants out. He wants to travel into outer space. He's a flawed man and as such, he cannot. Where we last left Alice, she and the other survivor of the movie, Matt Addison (Eric Mabius), were captured by the evil Umbrella Corporation for experimentation. When she awoke, nobody was left alive in the hospital (shades of 28 Days Later). So Alice does what she always does in an uncertain situation...she grabs a shotgun. 8057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is pure magic!! It is the ultimate in "Jungian" adventure and "Hero" searching ala Joseph Campbell. Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges bring these compelling characters to life...and beyond. Any student of psychology should perform a Jungian review on this movie. Joseph Campbell's "Hero With a Thousand Faces" also describes these characters with unparralled accuracy and definition. Not even "Star Wars" (the original Episode IV) can compare with the intricate psychological spectacular that is "The Fisher King." Oh, did I mention that I loved this movie??? Special effects are laughable throughout with some particularly hilarious matte and model work during the film's climax involving a hot air balloon traveling at about 5 miles an hour and some awful CGI tornadoes tearing up an equally bad replica of London. The final battle between Ralph and Sean is also very reminiscent of Highlander 2 for some reason (in terms of how bad it is choreographed and edited). 3184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this movie so many times I've lost count, anyways its a good movie to watch over and over because it's funny and sad at the same time but this movie makes you feel happy, well to me because it brings back good memories of the time my mama kept telling me of her southern childhood, how happy she was and much fun she had with her mama !!!! it's worth buying!!! The ending is a little lame, but it is difficult to end a great classic, so the gang did it in the most unusual way possible. 2149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 blast from the past But he won't have a dime in his pocket..... Andrew C. Miller Your Ultimate No. 1 Film Fan 1081 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 `Take the Money and Run' is the very first movie where Woody Allen is writer, director, and star, and true to the first film in any artist's series of work, it may be the his best up to `Annie Hall', his seventh film as writer/director/star and arguably his very best comedy. `Love and Death' and `Bananas' may a little weak. `Play It Again, Sam' has the first writing and direction where the audience develops some empathy with the characters, so it presages the more serious business of the later films. But `Take the Money and Run' is simply nonstop silliness, with some of the longest and best running gags this side of Mel Brooks. upon by the heads of Umbrella, and corrupt politicians, who have knowingly released the virus and are trying to cover 7809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 3835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I was six years old, I sat with my friend Kevin on his jungle-gym in his backyard at night and stared up at the sky. It was a very brisk evening with little humidity, and the light pollution from the nearby highway took only a small portion of the horizon out of view. It was the best night sky I've ever seen in suburbia in my conscious 25 years. We spent I don't know how long staring into space, but for some reason that night every blinking ball of light on an airplane or any other airborne object was to me a UFO. 9919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My dad was so happy to get this he's watching bonus features right now. Extras are fun, including a short documentary about the Jesus Film Project, which carts this particular film all around the world as an evangelical tool. Especially surreal is an hour-long compendium of pious testimonials from such luminaries as George Bush XLI and David Copperfield (huh?). it's all just a memory now, right? A very, very horrible memory... WRONG! Even from a non-zombie afficianado, it was a sequel worth watching. Not a Casblanca classic, but perhaps in 20 years this will still be watched as a cult classic. 6565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Overlong, but excellent performances from Milla Jovovich and Dustin Hoffman. Nice rental for a Saturday night. 6402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Solid script and directing, great acting, good story, and exceptionally lovely photography. I confess to being a fan of Streisand and Nolte. Get the wide screen edition and enjoy. Based on a true story. Anyway, it always amazes me how many people have seen this movie countless times, but have never noticed that it's Palantine in the Taxi with the Hooker in the opening minutes. There is no question about it, Palantine IS trash. That explains a lot... but you just don't put it together if your not watchng closely enough. 4351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A good action packed film with Arnold Schwarzenegger! It's has good acting and the dvd was clear as a bell. It makes you think of what it would be like to have a fantasy hero come to life! If you like action movies this is a definite one to rent or buy! 9211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table set out on a quest to find the Holy Grail...as told to do so by a cartoon God that lives in the clouds... Extras: 3.5/5 I like how THE MESSENGER unspokenly links the Burgundian wolves to the Benjamite wolves of Book of Judges chapters 19-21. 8378 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If you are any type of movie collector, don't waste your time with this pointless FULL SCREEN version. This is a wonderful, wonderful film that deserves to be treated as such. Why a studio would waste time and effort by releasing crap is beyond me. I am usually a vigilant shopper when it comes to DVD, with a collection well over 400, but I made the mistake of purchasing this edition and now I am stuck returning it. After the events of the first film, Alice, having woken up from some experiments done to her, she awakes to find Raccoon City looking decimated(kind of like RE2 and 3). Umbrella wants to know what happened in the Hive so they open it's huge doors, bad idea. The "zombies"(they're not called that in the films) attack the scientists and start to overrun the city. The city people then go to the city's only exit, but someone contracts the virus and turns into one of them. Umbrella decides that it's too dangerous to have the virus this close so they do the next best thing to get rid of it: nuke the city. What follows is a group of people trying to escape without getting infected or killed and rescuing the T-Virus creator's daughter. 3767 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If I had a husband that lost his job, didn't look for new work to support his family, trashes my kitchen, argues with me in front of our three kids, runs off to passionately kiss a single mom, then hops aboard a UFO, GOOD RIDDANCE! 2496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Maverick Chicago cop Eddie Jillette poses as a hit man to meet with someone in from New Orleans looking to have a job done. The result is that both the guy and Jillette's partner wind up very dead, while a stunning blonde in on the setup disappears. He heads south to settle the score and soon finds himself being hunted, with the girl in tow and the local police anything but happy. Gere and Kim Basinger go very well together, and the chemistry between them adds to the movie's realism. "No Mercy" in my view is one of the better thrillers of the eighties. The action sequences, especially the final shootout in the burning flophouse, are effective enough to satisfy action movie junkies, but there is more to the movie than that. It is well acted, well photographed and well written, in all a superior sort of thriller. Later choice moments in the season include "Magic Casements", where Lady Marjorie has a brief and tender affair with a young army captain; "The Path of Duty" features the rebellious Elizabeth running away from home on the eve of her society debut; "Why is Her Door Locked?" recounts the unhappy, emotionally-disturbed Mrs Bridges (Angela Baddeley) kidnapping a small child. The season ends on a hopeful note as Elizabeth marries the romantic poet Lawrence Kirbridge (Ian Ogilvy) in "For Love of Love". 7422 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love this movie! I'll be reviewing all of the 1968 sets, (as I mentioned earlier, there are five in all, with 2 "volumes" per set), so be on the watch for my comments regarding the other sets at their appropriate sites on Amazon. In the meantime, while not exactly as marvelous as the 1967 episodes, this particular set still garners my highest recommendation! 6777 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Was she a prophet? Was she a nut? Perhaps she was a sly and highly intelligent manipulator. Maybe she was a feminist in an age of male domination who decided to use God as a ladder to French Royalty. All interesting possiblities. All completely ignored by this film. I doubt that even Luc Besson could explain what he thought of Joan of Arc and he doesn't even try to here. Depite battle sequences that are almost on par with those of Braveheart, a terrifc cast giving superb performances, and stunning visuals the film falls completely flat . I would've prefered it if the film had nothing good in it. It would have been easier to dismiss, but the presence of such great elements makes the whole that much more of a disappointment. Milla Jovovich gives her all in the lead role, Malkcovich is as usual terrific as the sly back stabbing king, Faye Dunaway wreaks of menace despite being underused. Then we come to Dustin Hoffman as The Conscience, who I think is Besson's attempt at redeaming himself. After roaming through the first half of the film, giving us battle sequence after another, dream sequence after another, all which look magnifecent, but by the third time you see them you start wondering if he is going anywhere with this, he doesn't. The Conscience is his feeble attempt at understanding Joan, but it comes too late, and by then we are not so much interested in understanding her, as much as we are hoping that the film would end. By the time the film is over you'll be thinking to yourself, what a waste of lots of great elements in this completely pointless mess. Note: The film was released outside America under the title Joan of Arc, which despite being used before, is a much better title then The Messenger: The Story Of Joan of Arc which sound more like a TV move then a cinamatic release. 3231 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie, happy and sad all in one, the bickering between the women was the best part of this movie for me 6070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This BD has great video and audio quality. The story is just, ok. Seems the story has been done before, govt experiments unleash a killer virus, kills then brings you back to life, this time we don't stop it. This movie I think is the best of the first three. 4956 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I wish Wes could go back in time and re-do this one. 9015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was great. Bickle is a great character, for me anyway, because he's just a first-rate, if highly exaggerated and malformed, representation of the conflicts that breed in many people, particularly young men, I think. (Myself included.) Bickle is a pure embodiment of idealism/romanticism curdling into bitter cynicism; the former, however, never totally dies and serves as fuel for the latter. Travis acutely feels the sort of hopelessness that comes with this perspective; there's nothing Bickle can do, nothing logical, anyway, that will make any difference in the depraved world, so he mindlessly loathes the darkness and clings to the few remaining misplaced threads of idealism (Placed in the two women he obsesses over, neither of whom much resembles what he imagines them to be) a coping method which inexorably leads to his final explosion. As far as personal reflections go I, and almost all of us who can feel for Travis, aren't 1/1000 as messed up and nutty as he is, but the reflection is still there and that makes him really hit home. You can't excuse his behavior, nor does the film ask you to, but you can see where he's coming from. (Well, for the most part. Some of the leaps he makes are pretty out there, but he *is* a nut...) 6122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An excellent acting job by Steve Martin, among his best. A funny movie that carries a needed message about judging one only on their physical attributes. Fun to watch with a pleasing yet surprising ending. 1852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Can Harrison run for president now? Please? 9945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie for Roy Scheider What more can I say? 3706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This boxed set is very nice; it contains several DVDs, a booklet, and a fold out chart. Each DVD contains a different version of the movie, and the Chart describes the changes (additions or edits) in each version of the film. The movie has a lot of action and even though this is a zombie movie, it's bascically an action/espionage movie with a bunch of zombies running around instead of a simple horror movie. The licker from the first movie has a brief appearance (with some kin), as well as a couple of mutated dogs, and a creature called Nemesis. The film isn't as gory as the first movie, though there is a lot of violence. There are also a few unnecessary swears and a shot of a nude Alice in a laboratory. 3987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Resident Evil the first film was essentially a prequel to the first Resident Evil game which took place in the Spencer mansion. The movie was written to provide a prologue to the game even though there's Resident Evil Zero but oh well. 1998 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great product! My take: the two scenes that don't feature Travis only happen in his head. The first is the scene in the campaign office where Albert Brooks acts out the actions of someone disfigured in the same manner as one of Travis' later victims. (Travis spends much of his date with Betsy talking about how "silly" this guy is, whom he's never met or heard.) The second scene is between Iris and Sport dancing in their apartment. When he turns on a record the music we here is Travis's theme - the sax melody that competes with the jarring street theme in the film's earlier scenes. (Also, everything that happens after the shoot-out is either a fantasy or Travis's coma dream.) Davis performance is exceptional, yet did not give him the career you'd expect. An excellent actor, who died at the age of 41. 2942 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great flick! The Resident Evil - Apocalypse (Special Edition) includes: 9555 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Disappointed 5617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Young Charley Brewster discovers that a murderous vampire has moved in next door, but his mom, his girlfriend Amy, and his kooky friend Evil Ed don't believe him. To convince Charley that he is in error, Amy and Evil Ed hire the late-night TV horror host, Peter Vincent, to subject the purported vampire to "the test." But once the motley troupe enter the vampire's lair, the FRIGHT NIGHT truly begins. 3397 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First things first. I am not an S.S. fan. It's Dryphus who made it worth watching. There's many layers of storytelling to a film like this, and whether all the religious information is real or fiction I wouldn't be able to tell you. Either way I highly recommend this movie. Even if you know next to nothing about the religious stuff explained here, this shouldn't present a problem in understanding what's going on. Demi playing lead role in a movie like this is just amazing to me! This was a truly outstanding film both because of the actors themselves, but also because it brought the audience so close to the heart of the film. WARE, United Kingdom 2) "The Hidden Tiger" - "Steed hunts a big cat - and Emma gets badly scratched". In this episode, Steed and Emma are looking to people being killed and all signs show they are being killed by a tiger stalking the British country side. Look for Gabrielle Drake in this episode (the head purple wigged Moon base gal from UFO!). 9467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Thought-provoking while thoroughly entertaining. 5841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Work great 6140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was good lot of action and Zombies all over the place and a evil corperation trying to kill everyone in sight and continue their experments. It all so makes the debut of Jill Valentine who strangely is not part of the S.T.A.R.S Unit with Carlos Olivera who was left behind by the Corperation. According to the App Store: I've seen the second installment of this movie and prefer this one to that one. production values. Wonderful acting. 4780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Feels like you want to cuddle up with this movie This is the first I've seen this film and sorry I didn't see it back in the 80s. Hilarious! 8311 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We couldn't be more pleased than we are with the Rumpole of the Bailey series. Excellent condition, excellent product. Thank you! 1968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen the movie. It's a classic I wished to keep. This is a great set piece that fans of mystery, fans of legal drama (with more than a small hint of wit and, occasionally, the ridiculous) and fans of British television generally will find a joy to view. Sit back with your favourite glass of red wine (Chateau Fleet Street comes highly recommended) and wander into a London which is a blend of the thoroughly modern and practically medieval. 6682 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Luc Besson has done some spectacular movies. This is not one of them. Milla's over-acting creates a character who is both annoying and difficult to believe. None of the central characters are easy to empathize with so one doesn't really care if they live or die. The violence seems unnecessary and gruesome. The script is choppy and the dialog is forced. Go watch The Professional instead. 6503 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No boring or unnessary scenes.. 2529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank You. 1066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't stop laughing whenever I remember this movie. Have seen it dubbed in Persian language too and it was even more hilarious. Though I was curious to see the actual English language version and it was even funnier. gosh, this guy is brilliant. Loved it.... I think Woody Allen is a neurotic comedian and this work of him is among the best comedies I have seen. Good job 5/5 The first two seasons of "Upstairs, Downstairs" (known as "series" in Britain) will be available individually with the release of the entire series box set. The remaining three seasons will be on store shelves before the end of 2011. If you think the movie starts out slow...just wait. It's the final act that makes the build up oh-so-worth it. If you haven't seen it, you must. 4516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 1331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie was actually my first exposure to the Avengers, and although it has received mixed reviews, I am perhaps one of the few that enjoy this film. Although this sequel clearly had a much bigger budget than the original film, director Alexander Witt has kept it credible and didn't use digital technology to bombard your senses and keep your mind of the lack of a decent storyline. Rather than making you feel like you're watching a computer- made movie where nothing seems real, the special effects help create a desolate and panicky atmosphere with credible characters who struggle to survive in a city that's infested with their undead compatriots, partially decayed K-9s and other creepy lifeforms. The scene where one survivor has to go up against a class of elementary school zombies is just terrifying. Still with bullets and blood on his mind, Bickle goes to the Lower East Side and instead blasts Harvey Keitel, the pimp of underage hooker Jody Foster as well as a brothel goon and a reputed Mafioso client. Taking bullets himself in the exchange, Bickel survives and is accepted briefly as a hero by a public who surely does not understand the depth of Bickles insanity or the fact he had attempted earlier to assasinate a politico. 147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always liked Henry Winkler and he did not disappoint. He played a good mean man.... stayed with the original plot for the most part.. Overall: Idle Hands is a really enjoyable film beginning, middle, and end. Once again, it's a comedy horror film; so if you're expecting this to be a serious horror movie, don't buy it. The plot is great for it's time and the cast is entertaining. They couldn't have chosen a better group of people to put in this movie. 1981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it 3494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie to watch over and over again After a rather grisly scene, they shut down the Hive's computer, but that unlocks all the doors and the undead escape. In the research facility, they're developing a biological weapon known as the T-Virus which reanimates dead blood cells but brings them to it's most simplest want: to eat, and they have a taste for blood and flesh, oddly. So they have to make it out of the Hive before they're trapped. The sets and costumes fit comfortably with the time setting, as does the language and mannerisms. The picture is clear and clean, not distorted by fading colors or other problems. While it was made for TV, I did not find the breaks to be annoyingly obvious as with some. The DVD includes extras, including an interesting account of the movie being made, as well as interviews. One part shows how stunt men made the battle scenes appear real- something younger viewers might enjoy. 12 Chairs- English SDH, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese What is your quest? 9544 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I only gave it 4 stars because I like the actors otherwise, I would of given this movie 3 stars or less. Very boring, I managed to stay until the end as I was tempted to just stop and make another selection. Boring to the nth degree. 537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies about Jesus. The script comes straight from the Bible without any manipulation from so called artistic license so prevalent in Biblical movies these days. Jesus' message is pure and perfect as it is. The Bible does not need a script revision! This is a must DVD to have. The Collectors Edition is great and is worth watching over and over again. I'm glad I did. *Original Screenplay 9208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a must-have for those who enjoy comedies. no one does it better than the Python boys. i bet you'll laugh so hard you'll miss out on some of the finer comedic moments that you'll just have to watch it again and again. 1470 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie is good, but entirely too rushed. It would have been a very good idea, in my opinion, it have at least put captions letting you know how many years passed between particular scenes. With it not being this way you miss much of the power of her story. However, no screen adaption is ever perfect, and given that decades of Jane's life are covered in an hour and a half (thus the benefit of captions) the movie adaption is about as faithful as you can do. 6625 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 "Resident Evil" was, originally a series of really enjoyable video games. With a dark, creepy atmosphere that could make you jump out of your seat, it created a world in which you could easily go into. It also had the reputation of being a very graphic and gory game. Another great element of the games was the plot; you had to resolve many puzzles, and your intelligence was required to play. 4246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 is this Mr S's least known movie? it is a very supple satire 4700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Movie. Essential for the sci-fi oriented and fans of intelligent cinema alike. 8859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still as funny as the first time I saw it. 8569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter is fifteen years old, but the other night, she just had an urge to watch this again. I believe, like all things Sesame Street, that Elmo in Grouchland has more and more meaning as we grow into adults. The big-name actors (we ADORE Mandy Patinkin!) the cultural humor that goes over the heads of the little children...this just never gets old. Elmo in Grouchland and Follow That Bird are the two Sesame Street films that will simply live forever. The image quality is spectacular on Blu-ray and looks terrific on DVD as well. I have to give Spielberg credit; unlike, say, George Lucas, Spielberg presents his original vision with as much respect and care as he does his later revisions. You can pick and choose which version appeals to you--I liked the original version a lot in 1977, disliked the 1980 "Special Edition" and loved the "Director's Cut" of the film. What was subtle in the first version was blunt in the second and has been returned to subtle in the third version with better pacing and cuts that work better with the flow of the film. Fans of the film will love having all 3 versions so they can pick and choose which version they like. Either way, let's pray this won't stink. And let's pray it makes more money than E.T. when it comes out that same week. 137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! 5159 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is that one movie,that no matter where I am or what I'm doing, if it's on I'm sitting down to watch it even if I catch it in the middle. 2506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is a profession with the atavism of degeneracy that could take your internal organs with a plot gimmick of doing what you want until death is the final release from restrictions due to metabolic disorder, This brilliant farce is the stuff of legend itself. What with Wizards called Tim, killer bunny rabbits, and one knight that just doesn't know when to quit. For Vampire lovers with a sense of humor, you can't go wrong with "Fright Night," it's laughs & scares are one seamless perfection! Truly, a landmark film for the horror genre! Back in the day, my friends and I would have talked for hours about this film, and considered it time well spent. 1997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Full of action and a great movie for Harrison Ford fans 9141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for my husband because it is his all time favorite movie. I was a little disappointed that when it came the DVD wasn't secured into the snap in the middle of the case. But it wasn't damaged or scratched and played beautifully. Funny as ever! It also helps that you have people involved in this movie such as the special effects team that blew up the White House on Independence Day and a professional aerial team who worked with Chan to make one hell of a movie. 2767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Easy Rider is a movie that captured the counterculture atmosphere of the 1960s. Produced during the decline of the studio system, Easy Rider, directed by Dennis Hopper, was made on a small budget and is today regarded as a cinematic milestone, ushering in the New Hollywood movement. Beautifully crafted, well-written, and expertly acted, Fright Night delivers the goods on so many levels. The scares work, the humor works, and the expertly done special effects hold their own against any other film of the period. Chris Sarandon is perfect as vampire Jerry Dandridge. His outward demeanor exudes a cool, sexy charm, while beneath burns the vicious, tortured monster who will stop at nothing to get what he wants (in this case, Charlie's girlfriend Amy), and ensure his own survival. Roddy McDowall gives a brilliantly hammy performance as Peter Vincent, the "great vampire killer" from his long-since passed days in low budget horror movies. I simply cannot imagine any other two actors playing those roles (I have yet to see the 2011 remake). I suppose any two good young actors of the day could have played Charlie and Amy, but William Ragsdale and Amanda Bearse made those roles their own. And Stephen Geoffreys delivers a wonderfully likable comic portrayal of Charlie's friend, "Evil" Ed. 5620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic start to the series. Still a favorite. The whole feel of this movie is fantastic as well as the music. I enjoyed spending time with all these different characters that could have been quite a few people I knew at one time. Its one of the best teen films I've seen in a while. I also thought Dominique Swain is someone to definitely watch out for. She's a great actress who put a lot of heart into this role. Her groupie character is very realistic and believable. 7942 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I studied the Fisher King legend many years ago and was much moved by the simple and beautiful story of ignorance, loss, suffering and spiritual redemption. Since then I have seen this movie at least 20 times and I love it more every time. Richard Gravenese's surprising and delightful modern adaptation is brilliantly illuminated by Terry Gilliam's elegant direction and delivers inspired performances by a seasoned and well-selected cast. Mercedes Ruhl won the Oscar but both Robin and Jeff deserved one as well. (Watch for Tom Waits in a GREAT cameo in the stunning scene at Grand Central Station). CAUTION: this film contains some violent images which may be disturbing to some. Christopher Hodson, who directed 14 episodes, described U/D as "the sort of series that doesn't come along more than once in a lifetime." Few would disagree. What you will see are the trials, the laughter, the heartache, and love that both; the servants below and the Lords above go through in their journey through life together. When the series ends you come to an understanding that these people all of them shared a life, with all of its ups, and downs, that they loved and relied on one another, just like a family does. Full Body Stretch by Karen Voight should be done when we hear more details about it One reviewer had preferred Garrow's Law over Rumpole which was countered by another reviewer who supported Rumpole as the very best. I believe that each have their own genre and are not comparative but should be appreciated on their own individual merit. 7695 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite character studies of all time. 5134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I want to commend Stanley Allen for his review on this site. He suggests that the closing scenes are imagined by Travis Bickle as he is dying. They include the gratitude and respect of Iris's parents, and the return of Betsy, who he now gets the better of by rejecting her instead of the other way around. I didn't see it that way as I watched the film, but I see it that way now. Those are exactly the scenes Travis would imagine. That is exactly the kind of hero he would like to be. Respectable, desired, and the savior of a young girl who will now go back to school and be good. It's hard to tell which he would get more satisfaction from - being invited to dinner by Iris's parents or being adored by Betsy. I think he'd pick Iris's parents. This makes him a true hero, a clean hero. 3821 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Idle hands is a poorly made teenage serial killer film, in which a slacker teenager's hand is possessed and kills other teenagers. Jessica Alba has a small part as a girlfriend. Skip this film 6958 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Lots of fun Not many films have these many bonus features, so this review is more a review of those items than of the film itself there are already several bonus features on the first disc (the two commentaries, etc), while the second disc is devoted to them. 3640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie & a bargain priced DVD. Seller has quality DVD's. responds & ships very quickly. I couldn't be happier. Recommended if you like the RE games 1-3. Recommended if you need an action fix with bullets, explosions, beautiful women, horror, and an unusual plot. 279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not the best quality DVD, but it's a great story. I recommend it to all. The 68 episodes vary in quality; but there are few really poor ones. The stories deal with a wide range of matters, including family relations, infidelity, divorce, inappropriate pregnancies, miscarriages, espionage, murder, suicide, casualties of war, politics, and the consequences of prosperity and depression. Many episodes are connected to such real events as the death of Edward VII, World War I, the Silvertown munitions factory explosion, the 1926 General Strike, and the Stock Market Crash. The producers gave great attention to verisimilitude -for example, consulting with Buckingham Palace staff regarding protocol for hosting the king's visit to 165 Eaton Place. 144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm only docking this version of the Dickens classic one star because Henry Winkler will always be "the Fonz" to me, and I still hear the voice of "the Fonz" when Winkler delivers his lines as Mr. Slade, an American version of Scrooge from the Herbert Hoover era. He plays young and old versions of the character, and sounds, to me, especially out of character as the old/new Mr. Slade. 5222 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Martin Scorsese's (Robert deNiro) grimy look at life on the raw side as seen through the eyes of the dysfunctional taxi driver. A masterpeace. Sharply written the film is credible to the end. My biggest problem is my own. Taking time. When I am regular in my exercise I feel better and stronger and notice I pay attention to my posture and doing kegels on my own. The battle scenes realistic and grousome and precise of the way this battle was and this film shows the scale and tragedy of battle. Avoiding a full scale war with the english she speaks her mind ...but when Joan wants to complete her mission the French don't want any part of giving her another army. The French would rather solve affairs with diplomacy but when she decides to fight she is captured and charged with treasen and called anything from a witch to a herotic she stood trial and after the trial she was sentenced to be burned to death at the stake in front of thousands of people. 8713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The reason I gave it a high rating is not the quality of the movie , but the love for Bronson and his ever lasting calm coolness . He is one of a kind . I also like movies of the depression era as I heard many true stories of the Hard Times from Dad and Grand Dad . 39 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We loved it. Henry Winkler is a great actor and we missed it not being on TV this year, so we had to buy it for our collection. Thanks 7234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An excellent Classic. 4334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Update: 2/21/05 248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I 'collect' movie versions of 'A Christmas Carol', This is a very good one. It is true to the spirit of the book while putting an American spin on it. If you really like Dicken's story you will probably enjoy this version. Bonus Features: 6535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was absolutely excellent. It couldn't have been better. I was almost always scared, because the zombie people were absolutely excellent. What also really got to me, is that this could be happening right now! Someone could be making a new product in the lab, and if the chemical is lethal, this could happen. 2946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie when it first came out. Even though it's dated, it's still fun to watch and reminisce. "Roll on Captain America!" 3988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it The plot's pretty well-known: Joey's a womanizing nightclub singer. When he ventures beyond no-fault chorines to mayor's daughters, he finds himself hurriedly leaving towns. He finds himself in San Francisco, where he digs up an old friend who'll give him a job. Also ambitious chorus girl Linda English, who initially wants nothing to do with him. And Vera Simpson, retired stripper, married well, now rich older society dame. Without a word, by sheer dint of good acting, a back-story romance between Evans and Simpson is implied. Anyway, Evans becomes Simpson's protégée, as the movie called it; she agrees to finance his own, ritzy nightclub. But the lovers' triangle, Evans, Simpson, English, between the stars, creates great instability. 8711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I only first saw this a few years ago, but watching it again reminded me how much I loved it. Absolutely hilarious!! Because to love HOLY GRAIL is to establish a life-long friendship. I've never known anyone who was lukewarm about the film. Hate it (see above) and you just scratch your head in wonder at its popularity. Love it,and you find yourself quoting it often and watching it over and over. My family and I watch this movie at least once a year. When my son (now 15) first watched this movie with me, I knew it was an important moment in our relationship. Would he think his dad was weird for recommending this old British piece of junk? Or would he join the club of fanatics? Let's just say that we now own almost everything by Monty Python that is available on DVD and we're saving up for FAWLTY TOWERS. For him, it was the Dark Knight's duel with King Arthur that first made him a believer. 314 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good family movie, very enjoyable, and story was interesting and followed Bible Verses as close as modern day acting would allow. ** Special Features are: 1643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I started watching this on TV, but there seems to be a problem, in that they are not in order, so I purchased the 40th anniversary series and I absolutely love it, which there were more, love it Resident Evil is a prequel to the games. It all starts off by showing us the Hive, an ubersecret testing facility that is underneath the fictional town of Raccoon City. When a virus is purposely released into the atmosphere of the facility, the security system takes over and locks the place up, locking up and murdering all of the facility's workers. Above ground in a mansion, Alice (Mila Jovovich) wakes up with a case of amnesia, and is soon bombarded by a team of "commandos" that go into the underground facility to figure out what happened. After this, chaos ensues and zombies are hoarded. Andrew Niccol's script and direction is absolutely brilliant and should be leave the viewer believing he's made one of the finest sci-films of all time. It is truly a classic. From the joy of their childhood, to the tragedy of their lives is stunning. This is a movie that brings me to tears every time I see it. As much as I love Downton Abbey, I felt that this season of Upstairs, Downstairs credibly explored all the complexities of WW I - focusing more on the personal lives of the occupants of 165 Eaton Place and how the war affects them all in terms of relationships, duties, and sacrifices. This is one of the best British period dramas I've ever watched, and that's saying a lot given the vast number of BBC period dramas I've amassed over the years. I plan to get the 40th Anniversary DVD of all five seasons of this show to add to my collection. Upstairs Downstairs is truly a timeless classic Uma Thurman is given essentially nothing to do. At the outset, she is a relatively intriguing character - possibly another invalid posing as a valid - and there seems to be promise of future development where we learn more about her. Instead, her character ultimately amounts to a love interest for Hawke so that we can have a melodramatic scene towards the finale backed by a sappy string arrangement. Her character goes nowhere and ends up being completely flat. 3536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw ufos back in Clinton, Iowa in 66 and when I see them in this movie it sends the same chills down my spine. 4955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There are already hundreds of opinions and interpretations of the film, its acting, directing and influences via film noir, so I will dispense with those and focus solely upon the quality of the transfer to Blu Ray 2863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's like stepping into a time machine and arriving in America 1969. Great performances by Fonda, Hopper, and Nicholson. AWESOME~! soundtrack. Definitely worth checking out. 7591 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not too good. 4669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic "rebellious youth save the day" film of the '80s. We love movies also but we just can't... --D. Mikels, Esq. 5253 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Cause he can't read lips, 5916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie prompt service There are loads and loads of extra features--good ones, actually--if you want to become an expert on all things about Taxi Driver. This is not a movie I'd ever want to watch again under any circumstance. Not helping at all was how dated the musical segments were. This special was released in 1970, and it shows. I got a definite flower power vibe off the animation during the songs. There were a couple of other times I felt a bit of that crept into the story. You might also describe it as psychedelic. My roommate found this aspect even more annoying than I did; I was mostly able to ignore it and get lost in the story again when it was over. What makes Holy Grail so deliriously funny is the absolute anarchy of it all, the wide range of jokes, running and self contained. It has off the wall moments of nonsense that surely must have been dreamt up by the clinically insane. The Knights who say "Ni", the killer rabbit, the bridge of death, none have lost their power to split the sides of the viewer. Best are John Cleese's Black Knight and Michael Palin's repressed peasant: "Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" The biggest problem is black level,as darker scenes often look muddy and a bit grainy. Putting both widescreen and fullscreen transfers on the same side of the disc has also resulted in higher instances of digital artifacting than normal. 7945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A 1991 masterpiece compliments of Terry Gilliam. I love film and I've enjoyed this one no less than ten times. Normally, after one or two viewings, I become bored...the outcome known. This film...stands above the rest. I dare anyone to watch this film but one time. The cast is stellar, the story untouchable, this film's soulful impact undeniable. This opinion is not coming from the younger generation who just want to see action. I actually like slow movies, independent movies....low budget movies in particular. But this one is just ridiculous. I'll admit that movies sometimes seem worse when you have expectations (opposite is true too) but this one is just flat out ridiculously boring and it teaches you nothing despite it's pretentiousness. Just look at Dennis Hopper. Typical from the generation and he is just a burn out. Listen to the commentary on the additional making of feature. They talk about him ranting and raving about the government and how they knew what they were doing when making the movie. He sounds like a raving idiot. 330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just watched this movie and follows the Torah very closely. the acting and sets were really great to look at. 2848 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 don't show this to any one especially your kids lots of drugs and sex Very enjoyable. Story-telling at its best. 7075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wish they would make movies like this again 7802 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Set in beautiful scenic Montana - near the Bitterroot River, the movie is based on Norman Maclean's much-loved autobiography about family, human nature and fly fishing. Robert Redford directs with deep understanding of the book and the area. The time is the 1900's - 1920's. 1412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the bold tradition of The Avengers, this movie tends to wind it's way around and about several story lines and a dozen characters. If you've ever seen an episode and liked it, you will LOVE this modern re-telling! Not for movie critics or whiny why-doesn't-every-little-thing-make-sense'ers. . . Not stop action and wit! 6158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was a fun movie looking forward to seeing the next ones. My son told me about them and just had to watch them. Great. 16 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is an essential message here that is not being told in society today. People claim that this nation was not founded on Christianity, and that the writers of the Constitution were actually Deists rather than Christians. There is a preponderance of evidence over centuries of time presented here, including the wording of documents such as the Mayflower Compact, that establish the Christian heritage of this nation unapologetically beyond refute, as a matter of history. 5502 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this film is coming to blu-ray through the specialty label Twilight Time in December it was just announced. It will be limited to 3000 copies and sold online at Screen Archives website only. 2171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw this film for the first time in theaters with my aunt and a friend, at the time, bad move!(long story) I'm much more analytical now with movies, most of the time. Harrison Ford does a very good president who has a no-nonsense approach to terrorism, led by a cold and merciless terrorist Gary Oldman. The plot is fairly easy to follow, and composer Jerry Goldsmith, who I'd swear Saw composer Charlie Clouser took some tips from) once again has an excellent musical score. Even though I do enjoy this film, I do have a couple issues with it: first, I know Gary Oldman is the primary villian in this film, and the script makes him very easy to hate, more with actions and facial expressions. However, he isn't the only character I couldn't stand, Dean Stockwell as the Defense Secretary, how pathetic, in this case. Aside from Harrison Ford, Glenn Close, the wife played by Wendy Crewson from Good Son and daughter, some characters don't last long enough to even care about. And in movies like this, you have to know the villian has back-up, unfortunately, that cliche has gotten very old for me, along with the "kill the witness formula". All that aside, this also set the stage for two other similiar movies recently released in theaters, both that I watched and overall liked-Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down) This film however, seemed like a blueprint for those films, even though, obviously, the new ones, seemed a lot more intense. In those films, however, at least with White House Down, the media was as bad as the terrorists! When it comes to news reporters and tabloid reporters, whatever celebrities want to dish out at them, including violence, dare I say it? Bravo! Esp. when they are so relentless and don't care who they hurt to get their story, remember Princess Dianna? Don't even get me started! 9407 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So, where to begin, i could say 'this is a classic' and 'best movie ever' BUT I WONT! This film is the film that is funny to everyman on the planet. Monty python at there best and for me, it doesnt get any better than that! 1680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been enjoying this series very much. The video quality of these shows on DVD is pretty good. I was concerned about that after reading a review here but those concerns proved to be unfounded. I especially liked when Charlie, the typically sex-starved teenager, gets curious and discovers his neighbor, Jerry Dandridge's secret. It's really funny when he tries to convince the policeman of a murder. Even Amy thought he was cracked. I think the best reason to see the film is the performance delivered by Jackie Gleason. It is a tour de force of how to provide humanity to such an unsympathetic character. There is much subtlety and skill in his portrayal of Max Basner and it is very memorable. 1949 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Have the VHS version. VHS machine broke. Enjoyed this movie so much just had to have it on Blu-ray to watch anytime we elected. 3824 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Which isn't a good thing. If you've seen any recent horror flicks within the past 10 years(Taking Lives, Wrong Turn, I Still Know What you Did Last Summer, Scream), then you know it's filled with the dummest imaginable good guys, cheesy plot and almost un-killable bad guys. And scenes that are supposed to thrill you and you just wonder when this is going to end. I almost fell asleep in a few of those movies, that's how lame, tiring and boring they are. Fortunately, for this film, it has Jessica Alba and Seth Green, who are two fantastic actors/actresses and are always delightful to see. Seth Green is hilarious as the main characters buddy, and Jessica Alba is more then sexy. However, the movie is beyond cheesy(like a hand jumping out a microwave through the window, smashing the glass in the mean time and landing in the bush, but it can't escape the microwave. Or, when the lady(played by Vivica A. Fox(Kill Bill)) is hit by a car, which is backing up, and then is sent 50 feet. Uh huh, that's realistic. Ends sarcasm.) Then there is tones of un-necessary gore and silly scenes like the guy losing his head. And how exactly did his buddies get back? They don't explain anything and assume everything is magical. It delivers the comedy pretty well, thanks to Seth Green for that, but is just too silly, far too cheesy and extremely lame(a hand that is possessed? Please, give me a break.) 9506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very intertaining...kept my interest all the way... So, if you haven't seen this movie yet, see it (if you're not faint of heart, anyway). It's a classic, it made Bobby De Niro a legend, and it's a great movie to slap "Torque" in the face with. This one-disc Collector's Edition is also a real treat for fans as it has been restored very, very well for an excellent picture and sound quality. I watched this in DTS surround and anamorphic video and the impact was fabulous! I finally did justice to my system as it gave all my speakers a great workout. I tried to find picture imperfections but in vain. 9354 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 So, so. 9056 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you play the Montey Python version of Fluxx this is a must see movie. It is funny and at time very silly, but filled with many quotable parts from the knights of nee to the very large bunny ow was it a Hare. 1320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Really nice presentation of a superb show. Good sound and picture. 1112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enjoyed the whole series 8497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. Highly recommended. A good buy and must have for Sci Fi fans. It's sometimes hard to remember that Robert DeNiro was once a serious actor and not a semi-comedian who has sunk to the level of self-parody. However, watching "Taxi Driver" makes you realize how DeNiro gained his reputation in the first place. It is DeNiro's performance that makes "Taxi Driver" and without it, this film would have been long forgotten. That's not to say that the script, directing and other acting aren't also great. It's just that, the focus of this film is on one man's descent into madness and obsession, and without a convincing actor in the lead role, this film would not have worked. The intensity of DeNiro's performance translates well into Binkle's own intensity in his crusade. This is definitely one of Woody's early funny ones! This movie is special on so many levels: research, premise, script, casting, acting, cinematography, sound, editing, to name a few. 6063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I work with alot of turks here in Iraq and one thing is for sure.. they hate this movie! I don't blame them. It is a gut wrenching story of survival in the worst of conditions pulled off beautifully. The acting is great, the mood is set just right, and it had me glued from start to finish. NOW with all that being said just watch it and ignore the "based on a true story" part. I did alittle research after seeing the flick and it kinda ruined my movie experience. Let's just say Hollywood took alot of liberty with the book but probably made a better movie for it. Highly recommended. A The picture quality is good, the Lego Camelot bit is cool, and it's even got some educational value ("How To Use Your Coconut")! So buy this DVD before I wave my private parts at your aunties. 6194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Though Barbra Streisand kind of gets in the way of her own movie, The Prince of Tides does have some expertly compelling sequences, most chillingly the flashbacks that seriously do justice to Pat Conroy's epic novel. Dealing most significantly with the inner child, and the revelations that can free us, the book and the film successfully engage you with a rich sense of time and place. The characters who populate the film sometimes seem from two different worlds, but I think that is part of the point. Kate Nelligan and Jason Gould will surprise you with unusually good performances, and of course, Nick Nolte does some of his best acting ever in this film -- the role suits him; even its grander touches seem so - so - Tom. The score, by James Newton Howard, swirls symphonically around the action of this movie, and is achingly beautiful. I watched this movie when it came out back in 1997. All opinions are my own. There are also a variety of cultures shown here, which is equally interesting. Yes, we get the hippie commune of "city-folk" men and women trying their best to live off the dry, dusty land. We see small-town deep south, where the teen girls are intrigued by the strangers and the men-folk are threatened. There are the prostitutes of New Orleans, the quiet farmer and his family, and more. Everyone has their own view on life and what it means to live. 5443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wow! I can't recall the last time I saw so many heated reviews. This DVD includes audio commentary by Matthew Lillard, Michael Goorgian, and writer/director James Meredino. The commentary is really funny. What I noticed in it was the fact that they mentioned they took out some scenes, so where are all the deleted scenes? This DVD also includes the trailer for this film, and the movie "go". It also shows art stills from the original comic book. There's not a behind the scenes look, but I guess it's still cool. There is a lot of flash backs in this film, which when Stevo goes back into talking to the person you go, "woo I forgot he was talking to that guy". It is fantastic to see those effects. If you listen to punk music, or is interested in the punk philosophy, you need to watch this slightly twisted film. 3320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ....never did care for the tall alien that got out of the spaceship, but I still love the movie. This is a classic from start to finish. Not the greatest in terms of acting in some of the scenes, but there is just something about this flick that really sucks you in. Give it a watch........... This film and its two dirtballs turn the concept of freedom 6129 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 OK, if you can sympathize with an idiot who would strap several kilos of hash to his body to smuggle them from a country where penalties for such crimes are often met with DEATH, then you can go with this slick, atmospheric and incredibly violent movie. Admittedly, it gets under your skin, and Brad Davis was mightily effective in the role of Billy Hayes, and John Hurt embodies creepily the stoned out prison mate Billy befriends during his harrowing odyssey. But this movie, directed with typical stylish flair by visual master Alan Parker, never places the blame squarely on Billy's shoulders, poor dumb guy. And while his torturous stay in the Turkish prisons practically smells, it is so dense and well-captured, it did nothing for the image of Turkey, the country -- it is uncompromising and brutally vicious in its depiction of virtually every Turkish location, character and idea, for that matter. If Turkey was such a pit of despair, why did Billy decide to buy his hash there? This movie revolves around a character who is unrepentant and foolish, and while no one should have to endure such human indignation, it is hard to escape that simple fact. Parker's movie, taken on its own terms, has an almost poetic quality at times, though Billy's dismissal of the Swede's advances actually made me laugh out loud, and, by the way, was consummated in the book. With so much depravity at every turn, and hellish imprisonment your destiny, why wouldn't Billy seek another human, even if he happens to be a man? 4211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arnold Rocks! 7267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's a wonderful movie for children and even adults. It's a shame that my grandson can't enjoy this good movie because Amazon Prime decided to eliminate it from its service. 372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 9098 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is the best out of all the movies they make! 1 place is this movie, second place is The Meaning of Life, third place is Life of Brian and fourth place is And Now for Something Completely Different! I know Life of Brian is on Blu-ray so I have high hopes to get it! Surprisingly that the Meaning of Life isn't on Blu-ray though I heard October 8, 2013 is suppose to be its release date! only part of that individual. The level of detail and nuance in the acting here Somewhere during its development, 'Last Action Hero' started off as a [supposedly] clever idea, even metaphysical, high-concept pitch. The story works as a sort of reverse spin on Woody Allen's 'The Purple Rose of Cairo.' Life in the big city slums of New York hasn't been easy for young Danny Madigan [Austin O'Brien]. In between home invasions and muggings, the boy's only form of entertainment is to watch films at the run-down old theatre where he's befriended the doddering projectionist Nick [Robert Prosky] who owns his personal Cinema. Like most 12 year-olds, he has an enthusiasm for films but hasn't yet developed taste in them. His favourites are the mindless shoot-'em-ups starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, yes, the actor name-checks himself, as loose cannon cop Jack Slater. After one particularly bad day, his projectionist friend offers Danny Madigan a special advance screening of 'Jack Slater IV', all by himself at midnight. The boy jumps at the chance. When he arrives, he's also given a magic ticket said to be passed down from Harry Houdini. Danny Madigan is in hog heaven as he settles down to watch Jack Slater take revenge on the Mafioso, who killed his second-cousin. Let me just say that this is one of the best sci-fi movies. Except most of it isn't a sci-fi movie, so you don't need to be a sci-fi nut to enjoy it!! This DVD NEEDS to be in your collection!!! 9047 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like all the other Pythons, this one is very funny and enjoyable. Always a good laugh when watching it. Enjoy The only things I wish were covered in the film was the real escape by Hayes and how he was helped by Greece and sent back to the U.S. The Greeks could very easily have sent Hayes back across the border to Turkey but in recognition of the cruel beating and rape that awaited him back in Turkey, the Greeks did the right thing and sent him home. Also, what happened to his friend "Max", we are never told. b) His hatred for the geek that keeps following the blond. 2384 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This dvd was below average and we could not even watch the whole thing. It seems totally dated now. 8933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My boys loved this movie when they were younger!! It instantly became their #1 favorite movie, we have watched it MANY MANY times, Elmo is cute and lovable, it has great sing-along music, the colors are bright and its very entertaining! My husband even liked it and would go to work singing the songs until he got teased one day - LOL. Very cute movie! 9826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Well, this movie was an experience! Just a short commentary. Gattaca punches home a curious "What If." What if science got to a point where genetic engineering was perfected to where a parent could choose any trait, either sex, and practically guarantee a near-perfect human being with excellent odds at success? 2737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie adding to my favorites! 2256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great movie, worth the price.... classic 2028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have seen it before so I did not see the whole thing but it is worth seeing. If you like unreal stuff it is good fantasy 6892 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 'Pal Joey" has a terrible plot, a disinterested Sinatra, a gorgeous Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak, never one of my favorites. The music and sound track is the only thing that keeps it above one star. There is no enthusiasm or chemistry of any kind. I am not anti Sinatra. Most of the time he does very well, but not here. This movie is indeed a gasser, but not in a good way. Avoid it. 5696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved it !!! The action was great A River Runs Through it is a work of great beauty and true poetry. It is a film that I believe is destined to become a significant part of our national heritage, and in the long run I also believe that it is the most significant work for which Robert Redford will be remembered (not to take anything away from his other excellent work.) During his time here on earth, it would appear that he has been fortunate enough to attain something resembling wisdom, and all of it is communicated in the exquisitely simple, yet divinely inspired, way in which this film gives us these characters and this story. Some footnotes, Oliver Stone wrote this film and is notorious for exagerating the truth in his works (i.e, Platoon, JFK, Salvador). He recieved an Oscar for his screenplay adaptation of Hayes' book. This movie was filmed in Malta, not Turkey as some uninformed writers have posted for this film. People should do their homework before posting a review. In conclusion, this is quite simply an outstanding dramatic series. I would, in fact, go so far as to say that it is required viewing for anyone who enjoys first-rate period drama. But its appeal is broad enough to be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys compelling, captivating, and often thought-provoking drama; and if you enjoy a dramatic series with lots of "goings on," scandal, and so forth, you'll enjoy it all the more! It's a large set, but it's well worth taking a chance on. I simply cannot imagine anyone not enjoying it. Those who've enjoyed Upstairs Downstairs will surely want to check out The Duchess of Duke Street (both of which were produced by John Hawkesworth). trailer. I recommend this 80's classic. 8616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie! One of Charles Bronson best. I don't know what kind of shielding the real Air Force One has, but, I for one was glad that there was serious gun play on the 747 without losing cabin pressure and crashing it. Without this feature, the film would have been much less exciting. 9707 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it **** 1/2 out of ***** 8227 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for my nieces and they are thrilled. They will watch it repeatedly, never tiring of watching the same movie repeatedly. I bought it durinh bad weather, knowing that they would get cabin fever if they were trapped inside for too long. Problem solved. An important, landmark film. And probably one of my all time 5 favorites. Great DVD to boot. Be sure you pick up the Special Edition, though. Daddy Warbucks is a tireless enemy to crime in all its forms & devotes his life to bringing justice to criminals who escape legal punishment. That is what Punjab & The Asp are for, they are efficient assassins who step in when "Daddy" needs them. Annie isn't a cute singing moppet, she is a pint-sized adventuress who endures true hardship & tragedy and often joins in Warbucks' fight against crime. Punjab is not a sideshow conjurer, Gray's world is filled with *real* magic, miracles, and supernatural occurrences. The drunken carpet-baggers in this movie would be no challenge at all to the real Annie or Warbucks, and if they crossed a certain line, the real Daddy Warbucks would send the Asp along in the night to make sure they would never hurt children again. The DVD set is spectacular, with a host of the kinds of features DVD lovers crave. I had previously owned the movie on VHS, but the DVD has a vastly clearer print with more vivid colors. Special mention must go to the point where the modern historian comments on the action, then gets summarily hacked down by a passing knight. The only problem with this scene is that it sets in motion a sort of plotline which results in the rather sudden and (to me) disappointing ending, which was funny, but I would have rather liked to see the main Quest plot carried to its conclusion. 920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great James Bond Spoof, corny humor but I love it. Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 The good news is that these versions are priced fairly reasonable on e B a y and the shipping cost was lower than I expected. You just need to wait 2-3 weeks for it to arrive. I have watched this movie 3 times since its box office disappointing release 15 years ago. 7828 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this film when I was eleven. My father taped it, and when I was thirteen, I watched the tape again and again. Being that young, I could not understand the symbolism involved, I simply knew that the movie was "beautiful." Each time I watched "A River Runs Through It", it grew in me, as if I felt a deeper sense of spiritual awakening just from seeing the movie. Now I am 21 years old and an English major, so the symbolism is much clearer. 8948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Elmo learns about sharing and perseverance when his blanket gets swiped by the villainous Huxley in Grouchland. This DVD is great fun with plenty of little jokes to keep the parents entertained, too. 51 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Good buy. 1113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very interesting people don't like this movie because they usually don't like action movies about defeating the bad guy. these movies serve there purpose, i like action movies, but you should see my collection, i own 13 going on 30, why, because i likes the plot and the story was good and held up well, i also own the wedding singer and other comedies. good will hunting all the way to the terminator for God sakes! the point of the is i don't select movies by action or whatever, i judge on how they are put together. 7297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our kids (ages 7, 4 and 2) love this movie!! It's on their list of top 10 movies. 5385 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yea I am a punk, Good to see this flick again. 8022 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved this movie and finally got it on DVD. There's maybe not a complex plot, however it's full of quirky characters that are somehow likable. Robin Williams is fabulous as a former college professor and Jeff Bridges as a former Shock-Jock who have crossed paths. There is of course a dark undertone to keep one interested. The movie shows off what it does best, and that is the walking dead. And the utterly creepy thing about the undead in this movie, is that they're not creatures from another dimension, but former humans all killed for a senseless purpose, their bodies reanimated for one purpose: Feeding on the living inhabitants (however, how they tell living from dead apart continues to be a mystery to me). This increases the creepy factor just a little bit more than usual. The acting (Spanning from minor to major, and undead) is amazing, never wooden or unrealistic for a moment. 7243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is a great story and the film is up to the task. Performances are superb and the music is wonderful. I loved the stage musical but I loved the ending in the movie version even better. My granddaughter age 6 also really enjoyed it. Perhaps it even takes the multiple re-cuts. This film made a big impact on me when I first saw the original version; watching the re-cuts and analyzing why it had such an impact for me did go hand in hand. It is very interesting to now see side-by-side the three different versions of this film which Spielberg came out with reworking it over the years; I'm happy to have the three provided together in this anniversary DVD. The line from the film which I made into the title of this review--spoken by one of Neary's sons--was actually not in the original cut. But it summarizes the original just as well as it does the other two versions (the "special edition" and the subsequent, "director's cut"), nonetheless. Spielberg followed his gut in this film, but he didn't check his brain at the door. Both have served him well. I see the original edition as the definitive one, and the two re-cuts as commentary and footnotes. Spielberg has referred to the director's cut as penultimate. I do not exclude the possibility of a new, ultimate version. Spielberg says that the original version suffered by being rushed due to studio pressures, and that the special edition was compromised by studio politics which required a "peek inside the mothership." The director's cut, it seems to me (and others), was compromised by being made-for-tv. The original or theatrical version won an Oscar for cinematography. The second two editions do provide insight (and unused footage) into Spielberg's original vision; but I think the original cut still remains the best overall version to date. 3333 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the only alien movies out there that depicts ETs as kind, empathetic beings. Terrific! None of that hokey sci fi horror, monster-type crap. Well done and intriguing story line. Could watch it over and over again. 1735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The dvd was in great condition and the movie was amazing!! 5037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Pretty short review here, as the title of my review pretty much says it all. The future of mankind does not depend on science/DNA manipulations/space travel, but on mutual love, respect, compassion and understanding. 5537 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 When I've read and have heard all these positive reviews for this gigantic turkey I just can't believe my eyes or ears! I mean has anybody even read any of the comic books?! Well I have and FYI they were a lot more clever than this trash. I just don't see that this movie took any cues from the comic nor is it even as well written!! The cheesey attempts at humor were completely embarrassing as jokes/humor(if You call it that) felt like it was written by a 12 year old!! The comics that I read for Fright Night didn't meddle in worthless jokes and in general made them poignant. It wasn't just about dumb laughs for no real reason such as this turd of a movie possessed. I found William Ragsdale's performance as Charlie Brewster to be dorky! And needless to say he was alot better on Herman's Head. Chris Sarandon was not only very inconsistant in his laughable performance as vampire Jerry Dandridge but he was neither funny nor clever! To say nothing of that scene where one moment he's telling Charlie Brewster that he would give him a chance to forget all about him and what he knows then the next he's strangling him while trying to push him out the window. My gosh are they sure this is a comedy? 'Cause that was a crude moment. Anyway I liked Chris alot better in Child's Play a few years later. Amanda Bearse in a Pre-Married With Children role as Charlie's love interest was a forgivable enough performance despite her not giving it her all! Whoever that really annoying dork was that played Ed/Evil Ed he was just too unbearable and not very funny. The only thing he did that would even remotely pass as funny was his poor attempt to try and fly out a window appearing to fall. I'm sorry but there just isn't any excusing this bucket of vomit at all! Needless to say Roddy McDowell should just stick with Planet of the Apes! He just tried too hard in his half-a**ed performance as Peter Vincent. Anyhoo if you want to see a real vampire comedy I recommend you try Vampire in Brooklyn,Once Bitten, or even My Best Friend's a Vampire and stay away from this eye cancer on celluloid all together! It held up splendidly. Original music by John Williams. As for subtitles, subtitles are in English, English SDH, French, Portuguese and Spanish. 8921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased this for my three year old niece. It's one of her favorite shows. The song with Vanessa Williams rocks. The picture here looks wonderful, and is available here in both full screen and wide screen anamorphic formats. Special features also include a trailer for the film, a featurette, deleted scenes, and production notes. If you are a fan of the videogames, or have at least played them once or twice, you'd know that the whole idea behind this game (and the endless copycats) is to scare you. You play it locked up in your room in the dead of night and find yourself transported to a place that shocks you. Every noise makes your heart jump. That is the exact feeling I wanted from this movie. `Resident Evil' is not an action/adventure type game. It is a dark and slowly paced horror game. That is what this movie needed to be. It needed to layer on the fear and tension, not the action. Sure, it's cool to see Milla Jovovich kick some serious zombie butt, but I'd rather have seen her hyperventilate in a dark room while she listened to the corpses dragging their broken limbs across the hall on the other side of the door. 4536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good film about The Rapture, quite frighting. 7684 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Even better on Blu-Ray. 9241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is great. 'Nuff said. The DVD has some really interesting extras in it where they show you the castle it was shot at and which rooms all the scenes were in. film or horror in general. After watching the movie I went out and bought "Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3 for my daughter's Playstation. The zombies freak her out so she won't play the games but she loves watching me. Space. Dreyfuss as always, commands the screen with humor and awe. A sequel should be made that the spaceship comes 8031 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King could possibly be Gilliam's BEST film, next to Brazil. The story is a familiar Gilliam theme - treading the fine line between reality and fantasy. What makes this film great is the believability and soul of the story. Gilliam pulls it off brilliantly thanks to a great script and a GREAT cast. 1532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fast service. .had never seen this series"back in the day" and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks! Director Wolfgang Petersen deserves most of the credit for making this film work as well as it does. There are plenty of thrilling action sequences, especially the one that closes out the movie. Harrison Ford is a bit stiff as the President at the beginning of the film, but loosens up and does fine once he gets into action hero mode. Gary Oldman is wonderfully creepy as the main terrorist. Glenn Close and Dean Stockwell do fine as the Vice President and Defense Secretary. William H. Macy is, as always, perfect in a supporting role. Wendy Crewson is also good as the First Lady. relatively good costs! 2738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great actresses! Great movie! A+! The English audio is presented in DTS MA 5.1, (not Dolby Digital 5.1), and again, it has never sounded better. From start to finish, the sound is full and rich, with good use of all channels. Even my subwoofer got a workout, with the bottom-end of the musical numbers shaking the room. Rumor has it that some 70mm theatrical presentations had "directional dialogue" (where the voices follow the actors across the front speakers), but that is not the case here (it is always from the center channel, as is now common). 8207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Can't beat Rumpole of the Bailey; however, the range of accents and Rumpole's mumbled asides makes the dialog sometimes hard to hear/understand without closed captioning or subtitles. Otherwise, as excellent as it was years ago on television. Laura Mars is a photographer with a unique style, as her work often features attractive models in provocatively violent or edgy situations. Unfortunately, someone has been murdering people, and then arranging the dead body or bodies, to resemble photos published in her book, The Eyes of Laura Mars. Police Lt. John Neville (Jones) is already working the case, when people who are connected to Mars begin to turn up dead, killed by being stabbed in the eye. In a strange psychic twist, Mars is apparently able to see the murders through the killer's eyes. 2259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is probably one of the best Action Movies ! Harrison Ford is the President from the USA, and his plane was hijacked!! Excellent movie ! 951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It is a great movie. I really enjoyed it. It has some humorous parts too. I think it is a movie everyone could enjoy. The basis of the story was simular with the first games storyline aside from a few slight changes here and there. but All in all it was a exciting Zombie movie and I enjoyed it.. 5096 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Possibly Wes Anderson's funniest movie. Its characters were flimsy fluts trying to become big time with a lack of direction and mental capacity. They made me laugh and laugh again. They just weren't clued in to the same channel that everyone else was watching. And there lies the brilliants behind Anderson's movies. He takes a character and gives him a gung-ho attitude about wierd and trivial things-and everyone else takes these characters seriously. It is unique. The colors of this movie shine, the jokes punctuate and the acting was off the wall. I recommened this movie to anyone who is searching for a new type of humor developed from some very funny men. both times i have to say a highlight of my life. 8149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My granddaughter loves loves loves Annie, she's two and walks around the house singing tommorow! Then says "you sing" she gets us all singing :) so we know after buying the DVD and cd of Annie for Christmas they'll both be worn out by February OR sooner lol 316 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie With brief appearances by Elton John, Bob Hoskins and other well-known Brits, a wholeheartedly unexciting speedboat adventure, and countless attempts at failed humor, Spice World is still unable to create entertainment that reaches beyond diehard fans of the all-girl group. And even entertaining those fans is debatable. When the group revives an unconscious sick kid by suggesting that Ginger Spice take her top off, it's apparent that their true talents are not in the music. I admire the revolutionary generation (more than anyother generation)for their bravery and laying ground for americans 200yrs later. Some geniune fright filled scenes here, surely this movie holds up in the teen scream category (much better for instance then any of those "Scream" movies... ) as well as good stoner camp material, and a bunch of amusing action too. I recommend this one, I really liked it! 208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite Christmas Carol movie. I have waited for it to come out, and when I finally looked it up again, I bought it! A heads up of what to watch for in this movie: its well-structured plot, which, despite its melodramatic subject matter, weaves a fine web of love, hate, revelation, and the courage to overcome hardships. The romance that eventually takes flight between Tom and Lowenstein is run-of-the-mill, from their shared family discord to their realization that it cannot last forever. Even still, these aspects are given some vitality: Tom agrees to help her son become a football player, and later antagonizes her haughty celebrity husband at a dinner party in one of the film's most memorable scenes. The bittersweet ending has been done countless times before, but it's helped by the fact that we have come to like the characters and can appreciate, if not comprehend, their situation. 8588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it when actors get into the a time period and really play the part good ...charles does that These include 90% of the cast and its soundtrack. It is a wonderful B movie and if it's a choice between this and Pearl Harbor rent Resident Evil. I personally can't wait for the sequel 7114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 INTO THIN AIR, based on Jon Krakauer's best seller, is not an easy film to watch. The brutal reality of such an endeavor is brought home in the hopelessness and grief that the crew endures and in the lost lives of five of its members. I for one cannot understand anyone's reason for going on such a frightening expedition; some of the climbers weren't even experienced enough to climb ladders, let alone this monstrous peak. Although the script doesn't flesh out the characters enough for us to truly empathize with their emotions, there is enough real drama in some of the characters to inspire such empathy. Rob (played quite well by Nat Parker) is an interesting character and his final scene with his pregnant wife, is heartbreaking, and acted remarkably well. Christopher McDonald doesn't bring enough real life to his Krakauer performance, hence we lose a lot of impact in his emotional narrative. For those of you who have apparently been losing sleep over these, and other questions raised by the movie, I offer a response. (And I'm really hoping the guy who was confused about the swallows carrying the coconuts was just kidding.) Leo McKern, a well-known British character actor perhaps most famous internationally for 'A Man for All Seasons' and 'Shoes of the Fisherman', found this great role late in life, and became the quintessential image for Rumpole. He performed the role through all the episodes (presented in the UK originally starting in 1978, and continuing with a few gaps through 1992, and presented in the USA via the PBS Mystery series approximately the same time), joined by two different actresses portraying Hilda Rumpole (Peggy Thorpe-Bates and Marion Mathie), affectionately referred to as 'She Who Must Be Obeyed'. Rumpole's mannerisms and penchant for the less genteel things in life are done by McKern in a perfect contrast to the others in Chambers, be they Guthrie Featherstone (played by Peter Bowles as an upper-middle, Conservative-Labour MP QC) or 'Soapy Sam' Ballard (Peter Blythe), Claude Erskine-Brown (Julian Curry) or Phyllida Erskine-Brown ne Trant (Patricia Hodge). The movie has deep, deep layers of religious themes too. Natural births are called "God-childs" and are looked down upon. One scene that struck a chord with me is the one where Jerome slaps Vincent in the face with Gattaca's perversion of unconditional grace: "Don't you get it! When they see you, they don't see you anymore, they see me." Another profoundly religious parallel is seen in Jerome's parting gift. Here is a playboy at heart, who learns self sacrifice. He gives Vincent "two-lifetimes" worth of blood and flesh, that he (and in a sense they both together) might ascend into the heavens. As a Christian, this variation, this strange communion of souls, struck a chord with me. As Jerome put it; "I lent you my body. You lent me your dreams." 465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ah, my favorite Bible story. After watching this and seeing how well produced it was, I can only say that I watch it ast lease twice a month. 3869 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember watching this movie in great amazement when I was a child. It is such a great movie. When I'd heard that it would be on DVD I had to rush out and get it. I watched it with my ten year old stepson and he watched it with the same enthusiasm that I remember in myself. Close Encounter's is truly one on the classics. A wonderful movie to watch with your family. If you've not seen it, you need to. 7426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Like watching an old friend. The story is about Alice and the squad with special mission, who have to (they are told) to shut down the main computer of The Hive, underground institute specializing in the study of lethgal virus. An accident there changes the workers (and dogs too) into zombies, and in this deadly place with booby traps, Alice in undergraund has to fight with a vengeance. 956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Taking Charles Dickens' 521 page novel and turning it into a film is no easy matter, but this version seems to do a good job, following the life of Pip, the poor-turned-rich-turned-poor again young man who wants to become a gentleman. Although this version doesn't offer many radical elements from the director, it does show chaos and darkness in the seeking of fortunes and offers a look into the neurotic behaviors lurking in our lives. These expectations may not be great, but they certainly are worth watching. 838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I never saw this special during my childhood, which in retrospect was really too bad. Now that I have a four year old son, I love finding "pre-Elmo" Sesame Street productions for him to watch. This is a fun special - In a nutshell, thanks to Big Bird, the Sesame Street folks find themselves locked overnight in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. At this point, various characters start having their own adventures: Oscar becomes enamored with the museum's collection of ancient Greek statues, believing them to be beautiful "trash" because they are missing limbs, noses, heads, etc.; Bob is forced to thwart Cookie Monster's desire to eat a painting by Paul Cezanne and other works of art; Super Grover tries to make friends with a suit of armor, thinking that it's a real person; and Big Bird along with Mr. Snuffleupagus help a 4006 and one-half year old, cursed Egyptian boy (who presumably lives by day as a mummy in the museum) solve an ancient riddle so that he can transform into a star and live with his parents in the night sky. 8864 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 My son is a huge Elmo fan but this movie did not hold his attention. After reading the reviews I just figured my son would be captivated. It now collects dust with all the other movies my son has rejected. 1629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After watching all the Downton Abbey that was available, I ordered this set and have really enjoyed it. I would recommend it to anyone that is hooked on Downton Abbey I lost track of the body count because the person I watched this one with couldn't keep a straight face. When I said I was doing my job, they really fell apart. here, he gets the least screen time and gets killed off real 1892 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford portrays a president we all wish we had....one who is fearless and does the right thing. Great action. A fascinating and insightful look at the future with exceptional production design and fine acting (aside from Miss Thurman), Gattaca is both a thought-provoking view of a dystopian future and a nail-bitingly tense thriller which holds a well-deserved place on my shelf and should be on yours too. No real features, but glad to own it. 2761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this movie. Each actress brings so much to make the. Movie perfect 1332 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie is easily on my top-5 list of the worst films I have ever seen. The painful truth of the matter is that I saw this in the theater. What a horrible memory that is! I am a 33-year-old male, and in my entire life I have never wanted to leave the movie-house as badly as I wanted to while watching this pile of rubbish. I have never walked out on any movie, much to my dismay. I should have left during this one. In fact, I remember at least 4 people leaving the theater, never to return. One scene, in particular, haunts me to this very day. There is a complex conspiracy afoot, and the villains all meet one last time before the crime will unfold. They decide to wear disguises to conceal their identities. They are all dressed in giant, multi-colored Teddy Bear costumes!!! What? Yes, you read it correctly. It is so incredibly stupid that I have a hard time retelling it without my lower intestine reaching up and strangling my brain. (Note: that last obscure referrence is from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") Anyway, this film does not deserve a long review, so I will now sign-off. Rent or buy anything else, anything other than this movie. I hope my warning here will save lives......or at least save people from emotional scarring. Take care. 4247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 7687 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King is another great symbolic film directed by Terry Gilliam, the other I love being The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, which shares some elements with The Fisher King. "The Fisher King" is a reference to an Arthurian story, which has numerous versions. Essentially, the king is a seeker of truth or enlightenment (the Holy Grail stands for that) who has a wound that will not heal- until he does this and that. The same sort of healing trajectory is found in transformational/alchemical "fairy tales". Using my Jungian symbolic perspective, the character Parry is an inner figure of Jack's, some aspect of his psyche who was traumatized once, likely in childhood. The Red Knight is the pain, the suffering, the anger, and the fear that was born of the trauma. 6279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An epic movie: lush, evocative, beautiful, full, and kind. 1448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Each of Steed's ladies made their own mark. Honor Blackman's Kathy Gale, set the pace. Sleek sassy women, who were as smart as they were sexy. They held their own in a man's world and didn't need someone to take care of them. Blackman and Rigg were two very positive role models in a time when most women were victims, wives or secretaries on telly at the time. Blackman made less of an impact in US, because they were generally shown as a Summer Replacement, to keep people from seeing reruns. Since they were run on ABC, tried to be recognized as a big-boy network the old Black and White Gales were not widely scene. Its plot follows the original. C.D.(Charlie) Bales (Martin), (note he's got the same initials as the original), is the intelligent, engaging fire chief of the small town; he's got quite a lot going for him, but also, unfortunately, an extremely prominent nose. But he's getting alone fine until astronomy student Roxanne (Hannah) comes to town on a cheap summer sublet. She falls for one of Bales's employees, dumb but handsome Chris (Rick Rossovich) in a big way; but, fortunately, she doesn't really go for dumb. Her friend Dixie (Duvall), tells her she wants Chris's looks with Charlie's brains. And, for a while, that's what she gets, as Charlie writes Chris's love letters and dictates his dialogue. 5769 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good 1160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT PRODUCT FAST DELIVERY Tom Holland talks about his early writing career, talks about Fright night 2625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was all I remembered it to be. The women were all of us at one time or another in our lives. The question as to why she would do that to her body made sense. But she should have not worked. Eventually Ms. Prospero is rescued, (technically she 9618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Much of Hard Times' appeal is due to the effortlessly effective depiction of the overwhelmingly bleak atmosphere of the Depression Era deep south. Even more is due to truly fine performances by James Coburn as Speed, Chaney's impulsive, hot-headed, but resourceful manager, and Strother Martin as Poe, the courtly southern gentleman cut man, with a scholarly interest in comparative religion, a fondness for opium, and an understanding of friendship. Two friends look around to meet new people, to exercise freedom and to know native country better to a dramatic extent. couple of slow sections around the love story. But these are very small Milla Jovovich is a pretty face who has mostly been in forgettable, silly comedies and the Resident Evil franchise which might as well be considered a silly comedy for all its worth. Here, she has two modes of acting, a strange amphetamine delivery of her lines as if she couldn't spit them out fast enough, or a snarled scream as if acting was merely being the loudest person on the set. It is not a nuanced performance. For the entirety of the film she seems completely out of place. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ I mean c'mon; where's the S.T.A.R.S. team? Where's the spooky libraries and bloodthirsty crows? I certainly don't recall any computerized defense system in the video game mansion. It was simple; savage dobermans, cannibalistic zombies, and numerous random monsters created by the T-virus. The game was thrilling, it had a style unlike any other console thriller ever created. It gave people goosebumps, it made you afraid to walk down dark hallways after you played it, and for the more timid, yet determined gamers, it made you do things such as sleep with some sort of weapon next to you, and the lights turned on. But this movie, every single shred of it was horrifying - horrifyingly stupid, that is. If the rating system could go any lower, I'd rate this movie about a negative 3 stars. I'm ashamed I actually bought a ticket to go see it, may the lord forgive me for being such an imbecile. This series is the anthesis of US television today. There is no homogenious, mind-numbing script or acting that often frequents US television. You can not sit back with half your attention and expect to enjoy - at that level it will only confuse and frustrate. It takes your full attention as John Mortimer sneaks in short phrases and/or concepts that open up to incredible ideas and concepts. And all takes place in the 1970s - so the UK was suffering from similar cultural pains as the US - who would have guessed, except historians! 1409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm holding out hope that Amazon might release the two final seasons in download form which never came out in the DVD sets. If they do, I'll pick them up for sure. We'd sure like to complete our collection. This may allow us an opportunity to do just that! (Same with the final three seasons of Mary Tyler Moore.) 807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best collection of pelvic floor exercises that I have ever seen. It takes just a few minutes a day and goes far beyond the simple kegel exercises. I would highly recommend it. 6130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am not a huge Steve Martin fan, but this film stands alone as his best work. He wrote the screenplay, and then delivers his best acting job by ten miles above any other of his other films. It is quite simply a masterpiece. It is hilarious, witty, romantic, wonderfully filmed, perfectly cast and excellently directed! If you've seen any other Steve Martin movie and thought they were just too stupid to waste your time on, don't lump this film in with those. It stands alone and well above. It is a fabulous film to see again and again! 8313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My two daughters loved this movie when they were little and now my grandaughter saw it in music class in school and she also loves it. GREAT FAMILY MOVIE!!! The whole Alice in Wonderland fixation is a waste as well. 5119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a laugh riot. It is not attended to people looking for stupid gags but more of the people who enjoy witty and intellegent humor in their movies. It's a bit funny seeing the way he used to act as compared to now. 748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good 6440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Barbra Streisand's second film as a director is also her most successful, most well-liked, and by far her most oscar-nominated. It isn't hard to see why, as the film tackles the near-universal topic of dysfunctional family life, and how it ends up effecting other families as time goes on. 5092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There's no question in my mind that the most significant influence in the direction is Roman Polanski. 836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've been hoping I would see this in a hardback book version as well! Full of humor and information on THE MAN George Lucas, himself, his films, and his life. 7) "Honey for the Prince" when a resort where you live out your fantasies turns deadly, our pair are sent to stop the evil doings. Emma goes harem girl! to save the day and up the ratings! It will keep you interested the entire time...so get your cola and your popcorn BEFORE the movie because you will NOT want to break your focus to catch all of the clues. This is one of those "keeper" movies. You'll probably have to buy another one later because you'll wear this one out! ---The bullet shot that goes into slow motion, then pretty much stops and goes behind the bullet. Then speeds up again. Anyone remember that from "Resident Evil 0"? 5183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 De Niro has always been the man by my book. He is such a great actor. This is a must see for any De Niro fan. At a very young age you can see how his tallets make the taxi driver seem so alive. He gives him a purpose in life to do something good. The dvd is also filled with many extras interviews with De Niro, Jody Foster etc.. Everyone knows the line, "You talking to me" come on what a classic. If you own Scareface this better be right next to it. 7045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic (Favorite scene in the movie: When they are trying to shut the power down, the Red Queen is telling them it would be a mistake. As soon as they're about to cut the power, she turns her head, looks at them, and says, "You're all going to die down here." Creepy and awesome!) Cinematography is first class with some great scenes and angles provided by Michael Chapman, wonderful soundtrack and a genuinely meaningful storyline. De Niro provides narration in parts and this hints at the theme which Scorsese would later develop into his trade mark (narration and freeze frames) But here we have a fresh and eager crew and cast delivering up a powerful cinematic punch. The ending is quite violent, in the extra features the documentary (which is well worth a watch on it's own) explains this had to be toned down (colour and saturation wise - blood) to make the R rating, once you see the scene you'll understand why back in this time period the gore was deemed unacceptable. Don't dismiss Taxi Driver as a gore fest pure violence film, there is a serious moral side to the production and it successfully manages to convey a gloomy atmosphere and looks into the mind of a genuinely good man, who is mostly alone and struggling with life. The "pillow mountain bit" is happily removed from the latter two versions; never much cared for that. 8053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Williams (Perry) is a homeless genius who lives in a fantasy world of Red Knights and King Arthur. Bridges is Jack, a radio personality whose career is destroyed after a listener acts out his advice. This tragedy brings Jack and his new homeless philosopher and friend together. 7223 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As described. Although this film sometimes gets bogged down by inconvenient practical considerations (like having to get from point A to point B), and the unending horde of flesh-eating zombies tends to get old, it's a slick, carefully-made and professionally produced distillation of horror that's as fascinating as it is artful. The music and photography are excellent, and if you have the technology to watch the DVD in Dolby 5.1 Surround, you'll love the sound work. It also provides a few fresh twists that defy conventional action plots, and a beautifully rendered ending which inverts expectations at the same time as it satisfies the story's arc. bring a book for this release... 7169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If I've seen this 5x... I've seen this 50x!!! My granddaughter is now 5 and knows all the songs. (Me too). Soon, I will be sharing with the next group of grandkids. Love it! Andrea navigates the whole underground rock scene, exuding pure joy because this guy Todd notices her...and sleeps with her. After they have sex in a horse stall in a dirty barn after a concert, Andrea's voice over tells us she "feels like a princess." This film has got a great handle on the neediness of young girls and how much value they put on a guy's opinion. It explores how a girl can easily let a guy overshadow her, and how she puts him on a pedestal whether he deserves to be there or not. Like it or not, girls act like this. The film is honest and raw in its portrayal. then all of a sudden all the people that worked and live in the underground lab died due to the computer than supervised the lab went homicidal then umbrella sent in a special team to shut it down and force it to reboot and find out what happen. - Mike Massie I watched this back in 1986 on HBO while spending the night at my sister's house and I enjoyed it immensely. Years later, I would buy a VCR and I would buy this film on VHS, alongside it's sequel Fright Night Part 2, and I still enjoyed it as much as I did when I first saw it on HBO. I now have the DVD and that is great as well. I still enjoy this film immensely as this film is a very entertaining movie from both their respective genres and from the decade that it was released. And yes - Uma Thurman sizzles in her muted performance! 3245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a total girlfriend movie. These southern ladies each have a story to tell and they all run together when tragedy strikes when one of the charachters. Just goes to show that you us girls can be a lot stronger than you think. Lots of laughter, tears, one-liners and an all around enjoyable flick! The film centers around a delinquent kid named Danny who skips school constantly so he can watch movies (namely Jack Slater Films) in a rundown theater run by a kindly old man. The old timer offers to show Danny an advance screening of the latest Jack Slater film provided he attends school. And he does so after being mugged in his own home and having day dreams of Arnold (who also plays himself along with Jack Slater) starring in a much more action oriented version of the film adaptation of Hamlet during class. When Danny arrives at the cineplex, he's given a magical ticket by the old man who says that it was given to him by Harry Houdini. Later on, while Danny is enjoying the movie, the ticket sparkles and he's instantly thrust into the celluloid world of Jack Slater who's hot on the case of Tony Vivaldi. And jesus, this film plays "homage" to so many action film tropes that it is quite honestly INSANE. Cops dying three days before retirement, the henchmen double crossing his incompetent boss. the hero getting his badge revoked during an important case, etc, etc, etc 4611 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Forty years ago audiences were stunned by the movie TAXI DRIVER. Not only did it depict New York City as a world filled with seedy characters it was the first major role for Robert DeNiro who had grabbed the screen by the throat three years earlier in MEAN STREETS. It was also introduced writer Paul Schrader to most of the world, his only previous onscreen offering having been THE YAKUZA two years prior and was a follow up for director Martin Scorsese who had directed ALICE DOESNT LIVE HERE ANYMORE 2 years earlier as well. This combination of talent created a movie still talked about to this day. 2005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK, I'll say it. If Harrison Ford ran for president I would vote for him. This movie is packed with suspense, thriller and action with just enough sentiment to make it a straight up action flick. 672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a MUST for children as it gives the "history" of Santa and the start of "traditions" for celebrating Christmas and Santa. This gives the background of Old Man WInter, why reindeer fly and who Mrs. Clause was and is now. 7304 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not much more can be said for this original version of Annie other than, the writer, the actors and us viewers are all part of one great big family for a short while.... Thank you for taking us there 4479 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is a sequel to horror movie that wasn't even all that good (or all that scary). This is a movie with possibly the worst ending a horror movie could have. This is a movie with no suspennse, no surprises at the end. This is a movie that's main characters are so uniteresting that you find yourself hoping they'll get axed. The most interesting character in the whole film is the bartender at the hotel played by Jennifer Esposito. Of course Esposito gets little time in the film, being only a minor character. This was not the worst movie I've seen, but it is definitely near the bottom of the pile. 3984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. I downloaded this on my kindle. Would definely buy more movies with Julia Roberts! 3874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After rewatching this film recently on DVD, I have reconfirmed my belief that this is one of the most mystical, awe inspiring films ever made. With the possible exception of ET, this is the closest Steven Spielberg has come to making a religious film. 9313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is what dvds were invented for -- there are so many great features here! Bottle Rocket is a decidedly quirky film, but the characters of Dignan and Anthony really grow on you. Poor Dignan, despite all of his big plans and enthusiasm, is really just a loser going nowhere, while Anthony basically just wants the world to slow down to his low-key pace and to be reunited with Inez. The whole film thrives on a fairly intellectual brand of comedy - no toilet humor, outrageous pratfalls, or low-brow, course jokes to generate cheap laughs. Sure, the movie is sort of stupid, but the comedy certainly isn't. Basically, you either get Bottle Rocket or you don't. That's probably one of the reasons that the film has never managed to generate a giant blip on the radar screens of movie viewers - and that's too bad because Bottle Rocket really is a funny little oddball of a film. 1815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was well done on every level. Good script, believable acting, excellent editing, great direction. I really liked the way Jeff Daniels portrayed Washington -- strong, understated and always believable. This movie works on every level and absolutely makes you feel like you're "there". When a historical drama is able to make you feel transported back through time, it has succeeded. We had this DVD and broke it during a move so I needed to replace it. I purchased a new one and it arrived quickly to our home and in perfect condition. 9296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The whacky bunch behind Monty Python's Flying Circus got together in 1974 and crafted one of the most absurdly hilarious films ever made with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Python vets Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin weave together a series of skits involving King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table's search of the Holy Grail; and on the way they encounter an invulnerable Black Knight ("I'll bite your legs off!"), a killer white rabbit, three headed knights who say "Ni!", and a castle full of swooning, virginal seductive maidens. Whether you are a fan of the series or not, you will find this film one of the funniest movies you'll ever see, and it is an essential comedy to anyone and everyone. The DVD features are more than worth noting as well; the double disc DVD features a laugh out loud commentary by Gilliam and Jones along with Cleese, Idle, and Palin, three karaoke-esque sing alongs, Gilliam's original artwork, fantasticly designed interactive menus based on Gilliam's art, and tons more. If you own this on video or own the older edition DVD, then you should immediately pick this Special Edition up right away. 6846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT MOVIE AND MUSIC 978 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A US and a Japanese soldier were marooned together on a Pacific Island . Only these 2 soldiers are in this WWII flick. 4412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of my favorite Christmas specials. Henson found a clever way to gather all of his different muppets together. The music is beautiful and memorable. The scenery is well done. Doc seems to step out of his brief roles in "Fragile Rock" well. Comical touches are even well placed. (Especially when poor Fozzie finds out that his own mother is friends with the two people who heckle him every chance they get.) forshadowing that they were going to be punished and killed. Reviewed by Penny Zeller, Author of "77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference: Ideas and Activities for Serving Others." 820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The plot of this short film revolves around the young George Lucas in his senior year of film school. He's trying to write a great agricultural space epic, but can't seem to put anything together until he meets a beautiful girl with big hair in the student theatre. She encourages him to write what he knows and from there it's movie history. 1366 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this silly little movie. The people who didn't most likly didn't watch or didn't like the T.V. show. Come on people this movie was supposed to be silly, I'm not sure if the T.V. show was or not (but it was anyway). Don't get me wrong I loved the show just a well and at times better than this movie. I did think the "Mother"/"Father" stuff went a bit far, even that wasn't that bad. It was nice to see (or rather not see) Patrick Macnee (the orignal John Steed) as an invisible man. Where was Diana Rigg. I would highly recommend this silly little movie to anyone. 1574 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I've read the book (10 times) and seen all the movie versions. The "Jane" in this video was unbelievably haughty and unattractive. How in the world did Rochester ever fall in love with her? When they kiss in the movie there is the "chemistry" (mentioned in other reviews), but lust isn't what the book is all about. All my favorite passages were cut out or adulterated beyond recognition. This would be a terrific disappointment to any one who really loves the book. Monty Python is an acquired taste, and this is their best film to help in the acquisition. Holy Grail is a highlight of a youngster's coming of age, providing a host of quotes and situations that are referenced forever after: the buxom maiden whom the duke tells his effete son to marry because she has "vast [slight pause] tracts of land"; the French knights somehow ensconced in a castle in England, who tell Arthur they don't want to join the quest for the Holy Grail because they "already have one"; the knight who suffers a "flesh wound" as his limbs are lopped off one by one; and the blessing of the Holy Hand Grenade for use against the killer bunny. 7789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 3353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorites With clockwork precision, the first episode introduces us to the aristocratic Bellamy family who live upstairs at 165 Eaton Place, and their staff of devoted servants working downstairs. We see how the house functions, in particular the duties of the servants through the course of the day -- and we are introduced to one of the richest casts of characters this side of Dickens. There is an excellent "the making of" documentary. De Niro, Scorsese, Foster, Brooks, Boyle, Sheperd, Keitel, and even the screenwriter add their anecdotes. Find out exactly where they found the weird street drummer guy who's seen performing during Betsy and Travis' big date. Other tales are told with regard to the making of the film. What prompted this review are comments made by viewers below. One who falsely claims this film to be meaningless and another who goes on about T.S. Eliot's Wasteland and how there's no "wisdom or morality" to be found here. Whatever. The search for the Holy Grail was a mythic quest to find the chalice that Christ used to figuratively share his blood, love, or life force with his disciples during the Last Supper. This film is a wonderful metaphor for the Blood of Christ which signifies to me, redemption through the sacrifice of love. The screenwriter, Richard LaGravenese, does this brilliantly through the symbolism of the Grail. Halfway through the film Parry, who's completely nude, and Jack are lying in Central Park looking up at the stars in the night sky. Parry tells Jack a story, or Zen parable, about a depressed King who is redeemed by the act of a Fool. The Fool doesn't see a king, but only a lonely and troubled man. The King tells the Fool he is thirsty. The Fool offers the King a chalice of cool water that makes the King whole again through his simple act of kindness. At the end, Jack must perform a similar act of kindness and sacrifice to make Parry whole again. THIS IS A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MODERN FABLE ABOUT SACRIFICE AND REDEMPTION OF TWO SOULS THROUGH AN UNCONDITIONAL ACT OF LOVE, as it may destroy the beginning of Jack's radio and TV comeback and a return to his old prosperous life. Ultimately, Travis seems to come out intact: calmer, seemingly sane, but one is left to wonder if he'll kill again someday. 9852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved Gattaca from the day I first saw in theaters. I was very excited to see it's release announced for blu-ray, and now am happy to say that this blu-ray release is truly an upgrade. If you've already bought this on DVD, it's worth buying again on blu-ray. 6120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 4.5 out of 5 1341 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really, really, really hope that Patrick Macnee, Diana Rigg, Honor Blackman and Linda Thorson didn't see this abortive attempt to recreate the cult British series from the 1960's. Even with the considerable talents of Sean Connery, Uma Thurman and Ralph Finnes, this film is just about unwatchable. Poorly edited, poorly scripted and badly directed, films like this are what make movie goers shudder whenever a studio announces they are bringing a beloved TV series to the big screen. For every adaptation like The Fugitive, there are dozens of bombs like My Favorite Martian, The Mod Squad and this dud. Jamie Forman is effective as Ray's little right-hand man. Apparently, Forman himself is the son of a real-life legendary gangster in London. 2822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. Vincent (played by Ethan Hawke) was not genetically enhanced (a "god" child) and tests conducted immediately after he was born showed him to be riddled with possible medical problems. His younger brother, Anton, was genetically enhanced. While everyone repeatedly told Anton how far he could go, they told Vincent never to expect to go anywhere. 8686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of Bronson's best movies with a great supporting cast. The testosterone is really pumping in this one and Charlie sets the standard for being in great physical condition when you start getting long in the tooth ... so I really have to be careful whenever I watch it ... because this old guy stops drinking beers and start doing pushups... Enjoy it! ;-) 3183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has been my favorite movie from the first time I saw it. I had it recorded, but switched service providers, so I lost it. I can't live without the funeral scene, so I had to purchase it for my Kindle Fire. A loved one passed away recently and this scene has always given me comfort for some reason. 6451 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great acting and development in the multi-linear plot movie. Very heavy movie however, that may be out of some people's "reach" as to understanding and appreciation. Strisand and Nolte were both brilliant. Rather funny and scandalous than sexy and unpredictable to a contemporary viewer movie is a nice musical and historical low budget work with recently convinced Spector playing a bad boy in. 1478 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this movie to add to my Jane Eyre movies. It is well acted and most enjoyable. This is how I introduce my granddaughter to classics. 4027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Julia roberts does an awesome job .. helps where she can and tries very hard to make it a great time 6110 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Midnight Express is without a doubt, an excellent masterpiece in the art and history of motion pictures. Not only for its fine acting (the roles played by the late Brad Davis, British actor John Hurt - who won the best supporting actor Oscar for the film, Randy Quaid, Norbert Weissler, and Paul L. Smith), its Academy Award winning soundtrack by Giorgio Moroder, and its screenplay by Oliver Stone. But for British director Alan Parker's directorial style, and the clear message of how a foreign country can be very barbaric. Especially when it comes to dealing with prisoners from other countries who violate their laws. Steve Martin plays the C.D. Bales, the local fire chief who probably would've found happyness a long time ago if it weren't for his huge nose (or rather, his self consciousness about his huge nose). Along comes Roxanne, played nicely by Daryl Hannah, who has come to town with her telescope to spot a comet she's thinks she's discovered. Of course, C.D. falls head over heels for her, but her attentions are drawn to the new fireman Chris, played by Rick Rossovich (Hmm, I wonder whatever happened to him? He's probably in the same boat as "Sixteen Candles" star Michael Schoeffling). 5372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 whats not to love about this movie 2638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie for girls night! When Demi searches for answers by knocking on the door of a family who she believes can offer help, she unintentionally has a conversation with Manny Jacob's character who walks by and overhears the chaos Demi accidentally causes with the upset family. He explains that she's disrespecting the family by doing certain mannerisms that are against their religion, and due to a twist of good luck, Manny happens to understand and interpret the language she's looking for answers from. Horrible acting, a storyline full of holes and inconsistencies, and the feeling that the creators of this "movie" cared more about counting the money it would make rather than making somthing decent give this movie the 1 star is most certainly deserves. Oh and what's up with that scene where the parents were fighting and the oldest boy walks up to his baby sisters crib and smuggles her mouth? I THINK the reason is because he wanted her to cry so their parents would stop fighting and quickly run to the bedroom, but the boy could have found a better way of ending that argument than putting his sisters health in danger. I guess it can be chalked up to "Kids will be kids" and do silly irrational things. Audio Commentary #2: Visual Effects Commentary. Unlike the director of the "Dawn of the Dead" remake, Witt and producer/ script writer Paul W.S. Anderson have opted not to follow in the footsteps of the fast- moving "28 Days Later" zombies, but has clearly been inspired not only by George Romero's view of walking corpses, but also by his opinion of our western society. The real evil in this movie is not the zombies or even the killer mutant Nemesis (who looks and sounds like he has just stepped out of the original game and into this movie), but a Big Brother- style multinational that puts itself above the law and has no respect whatsoever for morale, decency or anything human. 1131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the 70's I was living mostly out of the country or away from a television. I enjoy Brittish drama and humor so this was a good way for me to catch up on an old classic. I think they have done a great job of capturing the essence of the time in the early 1900's and have given it a lot of heart. The only saving grace of the movie is Milla Jovovich hiking up the kick... factor with her resilient mantle. Otherwise the movie is a sputtering mess - and it's a shame when horror-chiller George A Romero of the famed Living Dead trilogy inspired this movie. Resident Evil is butchered unscrupulously into a gore flick which is shockingly horrible instead of terrifying. scary movie I believe it was made in 1972? 8074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter watched this everyday of her life when she was 5-6...Still loves it at 31. This was a replacement for the one of hers I loaned out and never received back. Arrived when expected. 4823 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 slow moving and boring O.K., here's one thing I _didn't_ like: the animated cat. I mean, what the @#&%?! The film works when it spoofs typical action films and ridiculous they are, but not when it goes all the way into the realm of farce and becomes something like Airplane! or Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Everything eles was fine, but the cartoon cat...well, when's the last time you saw a conventional action film with living cartoon characters? Really, what were they thinking? 6566 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Oh Mila......if only you could act, even just a little.....what a waste of time watching this crap. And Dustin Hoffman......you are now dead to me, Sir. 9083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 had scene it years ago, still just as funny and stupid, still laughed at bunches of stuff, still good dry british humor When the actors in this film are more robotic than the characters in the game then you know something has gone seriously wrong... and it has. Nobody in the cast is mildly recognizable except for Milla Jovovich, and they shouldn't be either, because they all suck real bad. The camera work is some of the worse seen in a long time. Why? Because it attracts attention itself almost all of time. Bad cinematography. For 35mm it looks like it was shot on video. The lighting is pretty good whenever it turns on or off but when it is static it is just useless. The editing is extremely bad at times and cuts fail to match. From an atheistic standpoint its all terrible production values for a Hollywood budget. The CGI also happens to be extremely, EXTREMELY, dodgy most of the times. You know when the animation looks like animation? Well x 100 times worse is what you get here. It looks terribly fake, and even the dogs covered in RED PAINT look very cheesy. Overall this is a really really really very bad production. The story is worse and even some of the....... 5836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If your a huge " Resident Evil " fan get this steel book edition before it's sold out. It's glossy , reflective look and cold metal to the touch feel fits perfectly with the Resident Evil franchise. 4859 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I could only make it through 5 minutes. I'll never get those minutes back! Dean Stockwell Sienna Guillory plays Jill Valentine, a police officer belonging to the Special Tactics And Rescue Squad (S.T.A.R.S.) who has the habit of coming to work dressed as a streetwalker and greatly praised may she be for that, because this firmer model is a supremely beautiful woman with such a figure, that Phidias and Praxiteles would KILL for the privilege of sculpting her (in more sense than one...). BUT, an actress she is REALLY not and even saying two lines of dialog is for her clearly an effort... And as for her character being an action hero, well, let's just say that she cannot even hold correctly the prop gun they gave her, because this thing clearly scares her... Plummer, who's always great at playing quirky characters, is a klutzy working gal that Williams admires from afar. Bridges believes that if he can bring Williams and Plummer together, somehow he can also help himself. He tries "awarding" a skeptical Plummer some free rentals at Ruehl's video store, plus the use of a VCR. To convince her to accept this prize, Bridges enlists the help of Jeter, another street person who was once a stock theater actor. 6074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie can be watched over and over again, and remains a wonderful mix of spectacular humor, silliness, pathos, and love. It is an almost perfect blend of all of the above. Darryl Hannah does an acceptable job, and Steve Martin is absolutely perfect. 6577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Needed for class to write a report. "Resident Evil" is rated R for violence, language, and nudity/sexuality. A delightful film that most children 5 and under will probably enjoy. 8745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very well done underated fairly accurate period piece. This movie gives gives the viewer a gilimpse of life during the depression. 6947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Item as described. Great bit parts are played by Albert Brooks and Cybill Shepard. 3976 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie had me choking up at almost every moment ,great movie !! If you choose to watch this movie, you won't find yourself wishing you hadn't. It is a good movie and well produced. Just be sure you don't base much theology on it. ;-) This is the film used by over 1,500 denominations and missions to evangelize, and it has been translated into 877 languages and shown to over five billion people in 228 countries, and is an excellent "tool" for this purpose, because it is simple and at the same time very powerful and moving. are on the Panel, Julie carmen & Tommy lee wallace from Fright night II are also on the panel at the end of the table Gunner February Now granted this movie is a rip off of many different and better sci-fi and horror films from Alien to the countless zombie films that have been made. But what it lacks in originality, it makes up in style. The action and violence is pretty stylized and it was fun to pick up some RE connections. You're not looking at an Oscar-winning movie of course, nor is it as good as some of the zombie movies out there (28 Days Later, both versions of Dawn of the Dead, etc) but for what it is, it is very well done. I have no idea which version I have seen, could they not just release the extended version once and for all? That is the only stupid thing about this movie, or perhaps its' makers that is. I was blown away, to say the least. I loved how Paul Anderson didn't use a whole lot CGI, and how he gave a fairly thorough explanation of what made the zombies, well, zombies. Not many other zombie movies give explanations. Just take the Romero flicks as an example. But altogether, this isn't exactly a zombie-fest. It balances the horror with wit, like the video game did before it. It also transfers a lot of the video game into the movie, such as the mansion, certain names(Nemesis), a few tricky angles, and creatures(the dogs and Lickers). This altogether makes a pretty darn cool movie. I also really enjoyed how he brought the zombies to the screen. He gave them poor skin, and made them barely decomposed. I prefer that over entirely decomposed bodies. It scares the viewer a bit more, because we can still see the human side of the zombie poking through. The best zombies on-screen to date. Not a great film by any means, but definitely one of the coolest movies I've ever seen. Not to mention the first time I saw it, I jumped a good 5 times. Upon second viewing, I still jumped twice. In the facility, known as The Hive, the team is trying to shut down an AI computer that killed everyone in the facility. Aside from the killer AI, there are plenty of zombies and even a monster. The team must defeat these and get out before the facility becomes completely sealed. Robin Hood : Men in Tights, Catholics beware: This film presents a very Protestant-American Jesus, with its emphasis on a "personal relationship with God" and other faith concepts that Mother Church could find potentially heretical. That's no surprise, though, considering that the film was financed by the leader of Campus Crusade for Christ. movie was. There were some amazing lines, a beautiful story of how one 1101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am new to the world of Upstairs Downstairs, but this (the fourth) season is the best season I've watched so far. For those of you who are new to the world of Upstairs Downstairs, this series is a character driven drama which focuses on the disparate (but yet entwined) lives of the rich Bellamy's and their servants. 8548 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love Bronson. Unfortunately most of the movies he's in aren't very good. HARD TIMES is the exception. A simple, elegant, entertaining film that doesn't feel dated. And one of the few movies in which the fight sequences feel legitimate. the deserted military hospital, each finding things of special interest and then dressed neatly as military professionals toast each other 5342 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome Classic ! No CG!!! Get the popcorn out turn down the lights :) 5734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I Love the " Resident " movies...I overlook some of what might seem dumb things they sometimes do. I dare Anyone to write a decent story where no one....goes to the basement. 5837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The entire time of being a Resident Evil fan, I had never watched this one for some reason. I'm glad I bought it! the pace of the movie is nonstop and the feel of the movie was great as well as the sounds effects were great also. 6869 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BETWEEN MR SINATRA AND MR MATHIS WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE. THIS IS ONE ENJOYABLE AND MUST SEE MOVIE. ON BLU RAY MAKES IT BETTER IF THATS POSSIBLE 2482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Eddie Jillette (Richard Gere) is a maverick cop who goes undercover to pose as a hitman to be hired by Paul Deveneux (Terry Kinney), who has a beautiful companion in Michel Duval (Kim Basinger). Deveneux has come to Chicago specifically to find a hitman. While Jillette's partner Joe Collins (Gary Basaraba) escorts Duval back to her hotel, Jillette meets with Deveneux, but before Jillette can find out the details of the target in New Orleans, Deveneux is killed. Jillette escapes and goes to meet up with his partner, only to find that he too has been killed. Jillette's boss, Captain Sternkowski (George Dzundza) allows Jillette to go to New Orleans to hunt down Collins' killer. The villain Jillette is tracking is Losado (Jeroen Krabb). Jillette's first option is to try to find Losado through Paul Deveneux's cousin Allan (William Atherton), who resents Jillette's actions and is very protective of Duval. Jillette arrests Duval for complicity in the murder of his partner and the two of them then find themselves on the run both from Losado and from the local police chief Lieutenant Hall (Bruce McGill). This is a very exciting story and I will say only that Jillette eventually gets his man - but getting there runs into a great many difficulties. 3737 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I may be the lone hold out, but.... on my Samsung DLP , the transfer is terrible. I am of the opinion that the HD transfer is also enhancing the grain of a thirty year old movie. The DNIe engine in my Samsung is making that grain more enhanced. Any family scenes in the house look like they're in a snow storm. Other than that the outdoor scenes are great, and the colors and sound are awesome. If you have a Samsung DLP, though, you will have to watch it with the DNIe off. The picture is not as sharp, but the snow is not as bad. By the way, I looked at the regular DVD version in the same Blu- Ray player and there was a little grain, but no snow... with the DNIe engaged. 32 dollars wasted? Hard to say at this point. Anybody else having this problem? 6472 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie is quite gastly when compaired to the first resident evil,I mean this movie hade a cheese factor of 8 out of 10 it is quite obvious that there was a differant director who made the movie. if you like the games then stick to the first movie it's much better and so is the video transfer, for some reason they gave this movie a really bad transfer, none of the blacks are black and the color is washed out I was fooling around with my color and brightness controls throughout the whole movie. 7672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie 4493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie thanks fast shipping too. 595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie 8221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have a hearing loss so, like in many British TV productions, I have some difficulty with dealing with the British accents. However, Rumpole is such a great character, I love watching the programs. In the days of Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark, one thing that was never lost on Spielberg was making even mundane scenes interesting. From radio traffic controllers encountering something strange to Lacombe showing the famous hand signals matching the musical notes, nothing in this film seems wasted. Which of course makes the completely memorable images all the more striking such as Roy's truck going haywire, mother Jillian getting unwelcome visitors in her house to seeing just how massive the final ship is compared to the mountain, this film never feels like it just lags. 6435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i first saw this movie at the video store and decided to rent it and it was mind blowing. unlike other horror films this one had a plot. the sequences were really inventive and the danger was almost real. any way, the film starts in the hive, a underground reaserch lab beneath racoon city. a women then wakes up with her memory completly earased. then a team of cammandos comes in a briefs her. saying about five hours ago the red queen (the super computer that controls the hive) goes homicidle and locks up the hive, killing everyone down there. they reopen it to shut down the red queen but when they shut her down and she reboots...something happens that isent in the plan. they find out the t-virus, a genetic mutating weapon, was realeased into the air vents and the entire staff was infected. then they became flesh eating zombies. they then find out that umbrella (the company in charge of the hive) was really doing military tactics, genatic reaserch, and viral weaponry. now the team must escape the hive and reach the surface in under 3 hours or they are done for. see this movie, it will leave you flabergasted. 1567 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Well, I just watched this movie today again after not seeing it for a couple of years and again I loved it. the "T virus". 9000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic Sound is impressive. The visual effects could have been a little better- mainly in the jet dogfighting scenes. The film captures the cold of winter well and is a DVD to watch in December-January when the leaves have fallen off the trees and you have a warm crackling fire inside. This film captures that tough winter well and the spirit of the men who remained and the great leader who led them in one great roll of the dice. I wish more films were made about our Revolution. 7514 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie This disc does not have the "Act Along With Annie" or Trivia game from the 2002 release, or the "Original Movie Art Gallery" or "Talent Files" from the widescreen DVD release. Some people thought that this movie was dated but it holds up. The love triangle is never out of date. 6825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Many people said it was a bad movie, but it's far from being bad. Very violent (just as I like). First few minutes lets you confused, but then everything is explained... The story is very cool, the enemies are great too... Zombies look very scary, Cerberus look cool and the Licker had a whole new view, that makes it look very powerful. A must to watch if you like a good entertainment, and a must to own if you're a fan of horror games or horror movies. The movie often veers into random silliness, in part due to budgetary concerns. The budget didn't allow real horses to be used, so people rapping coconut shells together substituted for the sound of horseback riding. A chase stops when "the animator died of a heart attack". Not all jokes work, but many do. However, be warned...the movie is gruesome and ugly, so don't watch this with your wife and kids. 261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler does an excellent job as the stingy Mr Slade. The counterpart to Ebeneezer Scrooge in this adaptation of the classic story. It was wonderfully done. There are few films in which everything just WORKS - and this is a prime example of it. It has long been on my Top 10 list of All Time Greatest Films, and it's a pity to see that in this day and age, it still hasn't developed the cult fan following it so obviously deserves. A superb slice of American technology meeting European Cinematography, "The Messenger" is a towering achievement that remains actress Milla Jovovich's most inspired work to date. Personally I thought she deserved the Oscar for this, as she holds our attention most rivetingly for three hours, but that's art for you. 7 minutes (a whole chapter, 3 scenes) was added right after the private audience where various officials examine and interview Joan. I liked this because historically this is what happened, although I don't agree about how it was done, a bit ridiculous, and it could have been cut in half. 8413 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Having seen the original Broadway stage production with Andrea MacArdle back in 1978,this movie version directed by John Huston is a MAJOR disappointment. The movie version should have been a wonderful expansion of the stage original, but this was not to be. Bordering on disaster, the movie ANNIE has little to recommend it. A former review posted here by Carolyn says it all. The movie replaced great songs from the stage original(NYC,etc) with horrible new ones (DUMB DOG, WE GOT ANNIE, LETS GO TO THE MOVIES,etc). There is nothing in this film that evokes the 1930s Great Depression era the movie takes place in (where is the HOOVERVILLE sequence). The movie in loaded with errors in regard to time and place. For example, if Warbucks' 5th Ave Mansion is as expansive as shown in the movie, it would have to located in Central Park; the movie Annie attends is CAMILLE which never played at Radio City Music Hall and premiered in 1937 (not 1933 when the movie takes place, in fact RC Music Hall opened in late 1932); in the stage version the chracters attend a performance at the ROXY Theatre which is as it should be; the New York in the movie ANNIE is a mixture of unconvincing Hollywood sets and poor location shots which have a 1970s look and feel(why so many modern buildings in the background). Annie as performed by Aileen Quinn is a pint size Ethel Merman who looks strong enough to take on an army, she exhibits little heart and comes across as a phony. Most of the other cast members are wasted or under perform thier roles. Which brings me to the awful finale as presented in the move; the stage version ends at Christmas while the movie becomes a summer circus; Miss Hannigan is carried off to jail in the original while in the movie she is seen drunkinly riding a circus elephant. What were producer Ray Stark and John Huston trying to do? It baffles me to this day. Watch the ABC Disney version of ANNIE it is not as good as the stage original but much better than this awful movie version. I'm going to go again and bring as many friends as i can to see it! 7568 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredible story based on the true life of two brothers approaching life in completely different ways. The film is beautiful, tragic and life affirming all at once. Brad Pitt is great as is Tom Skerritt as his father. Had to go out and read the book afterwards. 1776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a good rendition of the events in history 6906 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Pal Joey," (1957), a dramatic musical romance, is a product of Harry Cohn's Columbia Studio, a fact easily gleaned by a quick glance at the movie itself; while it's in Technicolor, the colors themselves are not nearly so saturated as is the signature palette of rival Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios. The movie, as was common at the time, was based upon the 1940 Broadway hit of the same name that made a star of Gene Kelly. That play was based upon a series of fictional letters from "Your Pal Joey," written by noted American writer John O'Hara, and published in "The New Yorker." O'Hara wrote the play's book; Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart provided the all-grown up music; George Abbott produced and directed. The still knocking them dead Elaine Stritch created that nifty song "Zip," on Broadway, where it was given to "The Reporter," rather than the Vera Simpson character. My Fair Lady Here's the scoop. In the near future people are conceived artificially to eliminate as many genetic deficiencies as possible. Ethan Hawke was conceived naturally and has, among other things, a bad heart. He makes a deal with a genetically near perfect person (Jude Law) who has lost the use of his legs. Said deal allows Hawke to manipulate the system and be the first in line for a trip to Titan. But there was a murder in the office and the investigation might expose him for who he really is. 2735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this film! A classic! 9924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 outstanding, great movie, Roy Scheider, loved him in Jaws. 3102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has always been one of my favorite movies. An all star cast and rich characters. The fact it is a true story and filmed in the town being written about made it even more interesting. 8541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 would purchase again But anyway, onto the movie itself. It's damn hilarious! I don't know how so many people didn't think it was funny! I think it's amusing now, and it's been 6 years since it came out in the theatres. The storyline is a bit thin, I have to admit, but the jokes are funny, not cheesy. I especially like the bit where Geri and Mel B are playing chess and Mel B doesn't understand the rules and Geri says she's gonna slap her. Also another funny bit is the part where Victoria says she doesn't know what to wear, and Mel C muses over whether Victoria should wear the "little Gucci dress, the little Gucci dress OR the little Gucci dress" as Mel C says. Then Emma chimes in "I think you should wear the little Gucci dress!". I like the part near the end where the two movie directors are telling the story to Clifford and everything is happening to the girls. Alice's stunts are the coolest ever--- from the graveyard battle, the 100-Foot dash down City Hall (which Milla did the last of the stunt herself) to her battle with Nemesis, the action for this character is undeniably the best ever and better than her exploits in the first movie. Jill Valentine, however, manages to hold a special place in my heart and basically gets to do some pretty awesome things herself (Fighting the undead to some wicked handgun fights) but her range is basically limited since the movie is focused on Alice. The comic Relief provided by Mike Epps' character "L.J. ," is actually pretty funny and does not kill the atmosphere of horror/action in the movie. I found myself touched and in tears when watching the two brothers swim and compete. I myself feel that competition, but in the end, brothers are there for each other. 111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie Magnificent script with precognitive situations and riddles for solving. A winner film which threw to Jude Law to fame's sand around the world. 1371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Three cheers for the Shout Factory for giving us this great set, after 20th Century Fox refused to release the last two seasons. This is beautifully packaged and far superior to the product 20th Century Fox gave us for Seasons 1-4. MY GRADE: C- The film is basically a warm, upbeat character study of a group of women friends, played out in a beautiful Louisiana bayou town. The story begins with Roberts' wedding, then carries on through the ups and downs of the friends' lives. The male characters in the story are barely seen, and occasionally come across as insensitive (Roberts' husband), or buffoons (Hannah's boyfriend), yet one of the joys of this movie is that you come to love the women so much, you don't mind the men's shortcomings, and start liking them, too! 2015 Hopefully we will see better movies this year ,a few good ones for 2014 . But what ever happen to the movies ? 959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My mother came to visit me recently and she wanted to know what movie I had for her to watch. I showed her and my aunt this movie and they were completely captivated. It is a good story especially if you are a romantic. However I was not so keen on the ending. It seemed like there should have been something more. Something more dramatic. Also at some points in the movie things got a little slow and it took patience to get past the scenes. I did think Charlotte Rampling was a perfect Miss Havisham and Justine Waddell was perfect as Estella. Ioan Gruffudd also expressed his emotions very well in each scene without being overly dramatic. This film portrays jealousy and love very well. It is a classic after all. 5659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie Others of note are Niko Nitai as Simon Peter, Rivka Neuman as Mary, Talia Shapira as Mary Magdalene, and the part of John the Baptist (played by Eli Cohen) is short, but physically the closest I have seen on film to what I imagine the real John looked like. Another year has passed, and Julie is still traumatized after the events of the first film. She constantly has nightmares about Ben Willis. Her new best friend, Carla tries to get her to be more outgoing. One day, Carla wins a trip to the Bahamas, and takes Julie, her boyfriend, Tyrell, and new guy, Will. Ray tries to come but he's hospitalized after a run-in with the Fisherman. Once they get to the island, they realize it's an off season and storms the whole time. Soon enough, Ben Willis shows up to stalk Julie and her friends and kills anyone who gets in his way. Ray is on a mission to make it to the Bahamas and stop Willis once and for all. I thought this was a great continuation and a nice conclusion, but it was ruined when I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer was made. It has absolutely nothing to do with this film or the original, so do yourself a favor and don't watch #3. I do however highly recommend I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!! 4716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 saw this when it was first released. It is still powerful today. I knew someone like every single character in the movie during my 'punk' phase, and while I didn't become a lawyer I did look back on it all as an absurd but necessary coming of age transition set to a very angry soundtrack (my personal soundtrack had Husker Du's 'Zen Arcade', Black Flags 'Who's Got the 10 1/2' and DK's 'Fresh Fruit' playing most of the time). Again, ALL of this was too insane to live one time around and watch a second time around. But here's the thing: the product description is not quite right. While this DVD is fullscreen, it's not the 1.85:1 that's it is said to be. I know, a truly minor, even nitpicky little thing, but some people actually worry over such things. I do. I was happy to find that this *is* actually fullscreen which it wouldn't have been if the product description was right about the aspect ratio. 2243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My childhood...That is all :) Re-release Trailer All of the actors do a great job. I particularly liked Andrew Wilson (whose real childhood nickname was Future Man because he was seen as being so serious and looking to the future) and Kumar Pallana who portrays Kumar, a supposed expert safe-cracker that Dignan adds to his crime team. 607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoyed watching this movie because it was so entertaining and it also put in the mind of Christmas. common when Allen made this, and it was actually seen as quite 2382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a 21 year fan & collector of Harrison's, this is him at his best. Great film. Which he would do more films like this. Great disc as well. 900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 No Problem THe Python Boys take on so many different roles that they themselves said they loose track of who's who. The speicla edition DVD has behind scenes features, which is long and total eye candy for a fan. 75 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Enjoyed this different twist to Dicken's tale. High Anxiety It's one of those movies that everyone in Hollywood wanted to be in and so there are loads of very famous actors and actresses in it. It's funny. It's exciting. It's very tongue-in-cheek. 1338 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What a mess. I was so disappointed by this film (especially since I invited a group of friends out to see it). There's got to be a story behind how this movie self-destructed. 4124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome The British class system in all its "glory" is illustrated as the series rolls on. And how it starts to unravel a bit as time moves forward. I guess as an American, it is hard to believe how those lower on the food chain put up with this system, but I guess we had something similar at the time here, but maybe less rigid. I'm told that the British still retain a bit of the old system even today, while we seem to have been a little more successful at getting rid of our old system. 5556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The 80's will not be remembered for giving us the best of anything,but this little known movie is really a very good entry into the vampire genre. Roddy McDowall,Sarandon and Ragsdale turn in excellent performances and the FX are real good too(esecially for the time). I would like to have seen a better DVD treatment for this forgotten little gem! A great movie to watch on Halloween! 366 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. They did an excellent job of staying true to the story. As you watch this movie you are reminded of the faith AND patience of Joseph. If anyone in history had a reason to throw his hands up and declare that God had forgotten him it was Joseph, yet he remained faithful. The full story is told, even the account of Judah and Tamar which ended up in the birth of the root of the kingly line of Israel. Virtually everything was portrayed and accurately so. To me, the main point they really nailed was how Joseph woke up one day, still a prisoner, and by sunset he was the second most powerful man on the face of the Earth. This led to another fantastic lesson, Joseph all of a sudden had all the power anyone could want and while today we see people desire power so they can lord it over those beneath them and settle old scores, Joseph instead showed compassion. He could have easily destroyed his brothers or a least made them suffer as he had suffered but instead he displayed true character.... a lesson many in positions of power today could learn from. The story of Joseph is one of the most remarkable in Biblical history and rightly so. 4568 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am very pleased with my purchase. It was sent very quickly and in great condition. I will buy from this company again. Love the series. 7637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I choose this rating cuz well I love this movie of course because it has Robert downy jr in it but who does not like him. I would recommend this movie to everyone who loves Robert downy Jr. 7548 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bizarre premise. First time I saw Tommy Lee Jones. Faye Dunaway is great. Suspenseful. Not for kids (nudity and violence). 1093 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the best of Woody Allen's strictly-for-laughs movies. The interview segments which he uses for both comedic and dramatic purposes in many of his films are probably the most fun here, particularly his "parents" who wear disguises. The gags are much better than in his "Bananas" and the more than slightly silly plot doesn't bog down as in his "Sleeper". There are no big moral soapboxes, this movie is just funny. 3226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 dated, but stil a great chic flic to watch with your girlfriends on a chilly winter night. Makes you laugh and it makes you cry. the best kind of movie. The special features are surprisingly a nice little bonus. We get a ton of behind-the-scenes footage and interviews as well as 20 deleted scenes. Normally I'm not one for special features but the things included in this are done well. We are also treated to a few trailors to other films. 5578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charlie Brewster ( played by William Ragsdale) has gotten an unusual new neighbor named "Jerry Dandriege" ( Played by Chris Sarandon) who's quite savvy with the ladies but he's really a vampire who murders in the night. Charlie's friends such as his girlfriend "Amy" ( Amanda Bearse) and "Evil Ed" start to believe in him after they didn't, he also hires a popular TV host named " Peter Vincent" ( Roddy Mcdowell) who was called " the great vampire killer of the movies" to take down the bloodsuckers. Second, why are they giving Alice more and more powers? How are we supposed to relate to her? Part of the appeal of zombie films - or most films in general - is that you can relate to the characters. You can mentally put yourself in their position, and you worry about their well-being. But what happens when the character you're supposed to relate to becomes so powerful they can do somersaults, know tons of martial arts out of the blue, and can kill people with telepathy? Alice becomes so powerful and superhuman, you never fear she won't survive. It's called the Superman Syndrome - a character becomes so powerful, that you don't care what happens to them because you already know. 3346 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great!!!!! The video game for the PS1 (and it's gamecube remake) are amazing, both in atmosphere and story telling, why the movie didn't follow them more closely is beyond me. Instead you get some horrible story about a computer and the t-virus (which is the only thing in the entire movie from the games, that and the spider-man creature). Stick with the TV Show. The U.S. Government is powerless to assist Doug's father, and Doug soon learns that his father has been found guilty of spying and is going to be hanged in three days. With no other options available to him, Doug concocts his own plan to fly in and free his father himself. He enlists the help of Col. "Chappy" Sinclair (Gossett). Chappy is a retired pilot who lives on the base. He's extremely reluctant to help Doug with his far-fetched plan but, after thinking it over, he decides to go along with it. 1689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If one wants to see how the upper class use to live in Edwardian England and how it ended with the waste of World War I. Than this is the place to go to. The BBC has outdone itself with this one. Close Encounters is long, pretentious, sometimes dull, but often visually interesting to look at. If you want to see a great light show, rent it. If you want to watch a compelling movie, look somewhere else. I'll leave you on this note: Not every movie that bombs at the box office is bad and not every movie that succeeds in the box office is good. There are plenty of movies that failed at the box office that are good and there are some movies that succeeded at the box office that stink to high heaven. Stop being a trend-follower and see for yourself. But the movie villain swipes the ticket and escapes into the real world. Slater and Danny must stop the crook by traveling back to reality, where the bad guys are not scripted to lose in the "closing" scene. What is so useful about this movie is that it is dubbed very precisely in so many languages. This particular DVD features the spoken languages of English, Arabic, French, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Mandarin (Chinese), and Spanish. The subtitles are done in English, Spanish, French, Portugese, and Arabic. If you look at the wonderful behind-the-scenes documentary of how the movie was dubbed, you'll see that they selected trained experts to read the text in the native language and they timed it to the milli-second to make it precisely right. So, when Jesus speaks, it looks and sounds as if He is speaking the native language. 1513 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This would have been a very good version of Jane Eyre except for the terrible miscasting of Mr. Rochester. Mr. Hinds simply isn't a romantic lead in any way, shape or form and his Rochester is nowhere near adequate. Its so distracting that I just couldn't believe the relationship between them. Jane wasn't plain enough for the role. Excellent actress though. The role of Jane calls for an actress that can look really drab most of the time then glow with animation at other times which changes her whole face. Streisand also worked long and hard to bring some of the world's best musicians together to record the original soundtrack and her efforts paid off immensely. The music is nothing less than brilliant from beginning to end. This is an outstanding movie that has something for everyone. Science Fiction, drama, romance, mystery, and even some action. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman (who plays Irene, Vincent's love interest) and Jude Law all give excellent performances. The scenery is breathtaking and beautiful in Italy and Faith meets several attractive men in her search for Damon Bradley. Robert Downey Jr.is endearing in the roll of a shoe salesman, and Marisa Tomei has never been more attractive. 1865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoy the movie and am replacing bus tapes. Cathe Friedrich's Total Body Stretching DVD The part that made spit out my water at the TV screen, the scene after he and Jane first shared a passionate kiss. After we hear Jane narrate how she imagined the kiss or that moment, here comes Mr. Rochester. Jane addresses him as "Mr. Rochester", and he has an expression of perverted that only Austin Powers could love. He whispers, "Edward." I was waiting for him to wink, wink, nudge, nudge and wiggle his eyebrows. The wonderful thing about this set is that the individual episodes can be enjoyed again and again. The story is quite simple, Graham Chapman who plays Arthur, King of the Britons, goes in seach of The Holy Grail. We get the idea that The Grail is some sort of holy cup. He enlists a cast of characters to help him get it. Skip this & read the Fantagraphics reprint series. That's where the real Annie can be found. If you like stories with intelligence, action, adventure, mystery and a touch of philosophy, you'll love the original strip by Harold Gray. 4891 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Didn't get it at all. Sucked Even though it's noting like the game, it still ROCKS! When I saw the beauty product trailer and then saw the virus in the tube and the doberman dog, I immediatley knew it was the sequel trailer. On the first movie's DVD commentary with the director and producer, they talked about the same trailer, but said they never used it, now I'm glad. If they had used the product commercial for the original, it talks about looking young forever and side effects, and no one would understand it, but now that people have seen the first and know all that mumbo jumbo, it's more of a surprise for RE fans. I REALLY can't wait to see this with my brother. 390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie tragedy happened. At the bottom of the hill is a picnic area and 1882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Harrison Ford Film Ever!! 8005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good movie...let's face it Robin Williams is a comedic geneous and his serious moments on film are OK too. 4985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All my favorite Mel Brooks movies, in one place and on blu-ray! This is a great product for Mel Brooks fans. The box is a reasonable size (unlike some other collections), so it fits in my cabinet, and it's easy to watch any of the movies. 3355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well, I have liked this movie since it came out in the theater way back in the late '70s. I never owned it on DVD or Bluray until a few days ago. I was at my local used DVD/Bookstore and began browsing the hundreds of DVD titles for cheap. Less than $10 section. To my amazement, there it was, the 30th Anniversary Ultimate Edition, complete, for a whopping $7.00. I could not pass this up. It is in near mint condition! I am very happy to own this title now. With this set, I went out and got the "Essentials" Blu-ray Edition that has only the 3 movies on Blu-ray (says Disc 1) on bottom. 2680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FUNNY Needless to say, "Easy Rider" is definitely a time capsule for that moment of time and not only do you get the film, you also get the "Easy Rider: Shaking the Cage" in which viewers get to learn from each cast and crew of how volatile things were while shooting the film and things that happened behind-the-scenes that will definitely surprise people. It was also a pleasure to watch Grace Yip who plays Y2K and the introduction of model, Jaymee Ong (who plays the character, Haze) of Australia. Last, you can watch the special cameo of martial arts star, Jackie Chan. PCM 5.1 16-bit - English a) He fell in love with this blond, which dumped him. 1988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really like this movie. A movie with Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman. What a combination!!! 3044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a "movie night" special from my dad. Definitely not a let down. It's nice watching older movies, sometimes, because the style is so much different than what we get nowadays. The saddest thing is it could have been good and I really did want to like this. Martin Scorcese is also able to showcase what would be his greatest directorial skill in the low-budget limitation of the movie. He is able to allow us to see the reality of Travis' world with the sensitive eye of a documentarian. The city, the streets, and all who walked them are seen at eye level, at once intimately close and ephermerally fleeting as the cab drives through early-morning Manhattan. He even gets to show up in the film in at least two cameos - once just as a passerby, the other as a passenger in Travis' taxi who himself is slowly unravelling mentally because his wife is cheating on him. 4072 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Stepmom (Chris Columbus, 1998) The fight scenes themselves are nicely choreographed, but what one remembers from "Hard Times" are the quieter moments - Bronson having a cup of coffee in a diner with Jill Ireland, Coburn smoking a cigarette in bed with a prostitute, Martin sitting in a church listening to gospel singers. These characters are weary and tired, and the Depression has left them hopeless and forgotten. 2044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Used to have it on DVD. Now that I have it on Blu-ray, it's so much better! 135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terrific Christmas movie. A new twist to A Christmas Carol BACKGROUND: The Bob Newhart Show is my favorite show in the history of television. I've bought every VHS and DVD release available over the years, and have been making recordings off the air for 20 years in an effort to collect (and then "upgrade" the quality of) all the episodes in this series. My expectations for this set are high since the show deserves the best DVD release possible. Fox released the first four seasons in 2005 and 2006, only to leave fans hanging for 8 years for the last two seasons. Luckily, Shout Factory took the opportunity to release the Bob Newhart Show the way it should have been from the beginning - as a complete series set. Yes, this means hardcore fans like me have DVDs, VHS tapes, and old DVD-R recordings that we don't need anymore. So sell the old ones or give them away. To me it's a small price to pay to get this set. 9861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An inspirational movie about the victory of the human spirit over the imperfections of the body. A young man, who was born with a medical condition on his heart, wants to be a space pilot. But his health characteristics are not as good as they should be. 7738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watch it whenever I'm lonely and it brightens me up! Cons To pick a favourite moment out is difficult. However, if forced to pick one I'd go for the scene where Virgil tries to rob a bank, and fails because he hands over a note where the word gun can easily be mistaken for gub. Consequently the entire bank staff and customers are all arguing whether the word is gun or gub. Woody insists its gun; everybody else thinks its gub... 3689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters is one of those Spielberg movies where you can really feel the magic. It isn't a downer, and it isn't the kind of movie that makes you think about the world's problems. Even the US government seems to have the best intentions when it comes to the aliens. The whole movie wears a little smirk on it's face. Masterfully done, Encounters has some simple but effective visual effects and a emotional and powerful soundtrack. The casting is good considering it was early in the careers of several of the people involved. Richard Dreyfuss plays his character perfectly. Roy Neary is a regular joe that suddenly is confronted with some life changing events that he can't understand. The messages that he is getting in his head confuse him all the more and Dreyfuss does a perfect job of illustrating that. The supporting cast turns in good performances as well and really give the impression that you are watching a documentary rather than a work of fiction. The best parts of the movie in my opinion is when they are showing you clips from around the world of different UFO encounters and the research team finding evidence of an alien presence. When they're in the Mongolian desert and they find the freighter Cotopoxi. The same ship that was lost for real in the Bermuda Triangle. It still gives me chills. They slowly pan across and you see a huge ship sitting in the middle of the sand. Oooooh man, great shot. Bottom Line: This is another one of Spielberg's classics. You must get it on DVD for the multitude of extras that are on the 2 disc set. If you haven't seen it yet and you like either UFO's and/or Spielberg, you won't be disappointed. 5619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've never played the games but I did enjoy this movie. Lots of suspense! 7001 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A friend of a friend went to see this overblown mess of a movie, despite my warnings and boy, did he receive the disappointment of his life. Just look at the previews, even they look like a disaster. Why make an action film this bad and THEN give it a theatrical release? Still curious? Here is the movie in a nutshell, its a very simple formula folks: throw in every tired action/horror/scifi film cliche, add an annoying heavy metal music soundtrack, base the 'plot' on a boring/simplistic computer game (kill the zombie, find a key, open the door using the key, repeat), add plenty of gore and a hoochie female lead and mix. What do you get? A wasted evening at the theatre and a headache. 7334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie depicting family life of growing up. If you like this movie, get the DVD. If you LOVE this movie, the the Special Editon DVD. 3697 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good transfer to BD, although I think a little more attention to cleaning up the film a bit more would've made it even better. Great movie, sound is good, and really fun to watch. Interestingly enough I would probably give this as much historical accuracy as the newly released King Arthur which was a total disaster of a film. And although Wolfgang Petersen does a nifty job of directing, turning the president of the U.S. into an action hero performing stunts that seasoned stuntmen must have been hired for, does stretch credibility a good deal for the climactic moments when airborne peril is at the max for a cliffhanger ending. 9087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you know anything about Monty Python and you like british humor, this movie is a MUST see. Funniest python movie ever in my opinion. The stupidness will keep you laughing the whole movie. of one of the World's best armies - the Mercenary Hessians - in the 18th Century - from which the British But there was an entire musical number cut from the TV presentation. Perhaps you remember when Jessica (the sexy puppet, who eventually becomes Mrs. Claus) has to free Kris Kringle from jail. And in doing this, she is struck with intense liberation and sexual feelings for him, that cause her to let her hair down out of it's bun for the first time ever (she was kind of a stuck up school teacher at the beggining, remember?) and dance around and sing in this psychedelic flower garden-fantasy sequence. Watching Nemesis was just sad. Why is he after S.T.A.R.S members? In the video game it was because they were out to expose Umbrella's dirty secret. In the movie its...."because they're the best." stupid stupid... The story of Joan of Arc (or Jeanne d'Arc as they call her in France) is well known just about everywhere. Joan is a poor peasant living in a small village in France during the Hundred Years War with England. She begins seeing heavenly visions that tell her she is God's messenger to rid her country of the bloody English. Somehow she convinces Charles, the Dauphin with visions of being king, to give her an army to storm Orleans. Using unconventional methods she leads her army to victory. The Dauphin is crowned king and mostly forgets about Joan. She leads an unsuccessful siege on Paris is given over to the English, tried and burned at the stake, several hundred years later she is sainted by the Catholic church. The Messenger covers most of this relatively faithfully, and beautifully. In fact I barely played Resident Evil so my memory was foggy, but friends confirmed that as the little I remembered led me to suspect this movie stayed really true to the game. One criticism I have heard is that it lacks the story that the first had, to which I reply hey it's a video game adaptation movie not Shakespeare. In other words this movie delivered exactly what I expected and much more, the fact that it was filmed obviously in Toronto, where I grew up was just that much more of a bonus. This special is a classic. Some images have now been cut because of various stupid reasons. 8396 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Considering I have to watch it at least once a day it's really not that bad. 4091 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Oh for Lord's sakes. I can love a drama, but not when it hits all my hated M's -- Maudlin, Morose and Morbid. This overwraught sobfest features Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts as mom and stepmom respectively, working together to build a stable environment for the kids under trying circumstances (illness, kids' hostility towards Julia, Julia's busy career, a dad/husband who raises his voice, but can't lift a finger). While the premise is admirable, the result is lots of overacting and overreacting from the usually watchable Sarandon and Roberts. This is not a reason to spend your money -- a renter at most, if ever I saw one. 9910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bare bones film. Just the movie. Its fun to watch. 168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 7209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful each time I watch it...10stars! Just who is teaching whom is open to interpretation as Mifune refuses and remains mute and impassive.....while Marvin continually demonstrates the demeaning task. 7371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A good story showing a young Brad Pitt 8168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow, the complete Rumpole! I have always enjoyed this series; such fine acting. Now that I have the whole series, I can enjoy it any time. 2349 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of my favorite movies, not only because I am a fan of the Spice Girls, but I thought it was fun to watch. I always watched this movie with friends during sleepovers and it was always fun to sing along and repeat all the lines to the movie. Its more of a movie you may enjoy only if you are a fan of the Spice Girls and their music. 6019 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Huge fan of Steve Martin. Watch it all the time. 7766 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 bleak, sick unhappy characters... bleghhh... Carol Burnett is insane in the part of Miss Hannigan, sheer genius, and she staggers, coughs, sucks down booze like Lee Remick in DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES. Every time she sees a man she gets high, her endorphins flying around the room. She's got to be the easiest girl in town, and she makes it all seem natural. It's a brave performance, and I notice that when she reforms at the very end John Huston has her do so in miniature, at the bottom of the screen while quarreling with Rooster, almost as if to say, he doesn't believe it either. 2455 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wotks fine UFO cliches die a happy death in this film. The aliens are neither aggressive, nor are they provoked into being aggressive. In fact, they are perfectly benevolent, if not partially enigmatic. Spielberg wanted to show a range of diversity amongst the aliens that would be parallel to humans, so you have short, stubby aliens, lanky, stick-figure aliens, and also more humanoid aliens that are expressive. Nowhere are there crop-circles, there are no long exegeses on their superior technology, no ray guns, no tractor beams or teleportations. Meeting the aliens is actually a highly organic experience; achieved with colors, musical themes, and staring one another face-to-face. 5850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a Milla Jovovich fan and would pretty much watch any movie she does. That being said, I am not necessarily a fan of Zombie movies, but the Resident Evil series is the best I have seen. The production values are always good (sound, visuals, lighting, etc) and the stories are good considering the subject. I have the entire series on Blu-Ray, and from time to time I will watch the movies as a marathon. I always see something I missed in prior viewings. 7130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nothing beats Annie! Make sure to pay close attention to the many characters throughout the film, for many of the "Python" principals play more than one character. In many instances, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones can be seen carrying on conversations with themselves. Its one of the many hilarious twists that the Monty Pyhton troupe use in their films. 3270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie will become one of the all time favorites you can watch and enjoy every time. 7779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this film Little do they know that Korshunov and his team, using falsified press credentials, have passed through both Russian and American security and are aboard. Ironically, they are given a tour of Air Force One by the unsuspecting assistant press secretary, Melanie Mitchell (Donna Bullock). And why not? To the Secret Service agents and the Air Force Security detachment, Korshunov and his people are reporters, harmless and unarmed. So how in the world are these guys going to storm Air Force One, "the most secure aircraft in the world?" Hmmm....and why do Korshunov and Secret Service agent Gibbs (Xander Berkeley) exchange that glance as they pass each other, eh? 5124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A "must have" classic! Keeps you watching on the edge of your chair and wanting for more. I highly recommend. If you enjoy action films, you will love Air Force One. 5776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie has been out 12 years and it's still good. The newer Resident Evil movies are better in my opinion, but I just happened to see this one on Netflix and thought I'd give it a go. That being said, I wasn't disappointed. 3977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A lot of good acting but ultimately sad story. A great scene with the teenage daughter outside her school. I do highly recommend this movie, whether or not you are a science fiction fan. For those interested in exploring similar philosophic and ethical questions regarding genetic engineering and cloning, I also recommend watching the 1980 or 1998 TV versions of "Brave New World" (not available on DVD), The Island (based on Huxley's novel Island (Perennial Classics)), Blade Runner - The Final Cut (Two-Disc Special Edition), the action hero movie The 6th Day and Jurassic Park (Widescreen Collector's Edition), though the original Jurassic Park novel's storyline is much better than the movie. Also Michael Crichton's novel Next raises similar interesting and deeper ethical issues regarding genetic engineering, a more comprehensive exploration of the issues than Gattaca, but be aware that "NEXT" has a really lousy childish plot, not Crichton's at his best. 4376 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it. Everyone in family looks forward to seeing it every Christmas. Why is it not being made available by the producer? Now imagine that every parent has the power to choose which part of their genes 1952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, one of Harrison's best! 7551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good. 3386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this when I was little and didn't quite get it, so I did a re-watch for old times sake and it was great. Richard Dreyfus was a hunk...lol 9145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Many say only guys can appreciate this movie...However, it is the funniest movie ever produced in the history of the world. I would note that the theme (there is no gene for the human spirit) is a powerful one. to be in this film too". 549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is absolutely one of the very best movies ever made about the life of Christ. Since it is almost word for word from the Bible, except for a few conversational interactions, such as greetings, etc., you can be sure it is true to God's word. One thing I love about it is that it shows Him as a strong man (He WAS a carpenter, after all.) rather than a milk toast as He is usually depicted. The only thing I did not like was that since they wanted to stay true to the book of John, they didn't put a crown of thorns on his head, because although Matthew, Mark, and Luke all do describe the crown, John does not. Yet, you can't fault their resolve to be absolutely true to that account. If you saw Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ movie, and felt the crucifiction scenes were a little too much for younger children, then this is the best choice out of all other movies made. After a better final boss battle than part 1 offered, there is a still a lot to be desired in the fighting photography and choreography. Even when featuring a hand-to-hand combat action finale, this sequel is clearly more about big explosions and blatant exposition than the quality of anything between. But again, its fun. And Im grateful that the final boss wasn't another miscarriage of bad CGI. A TV gem period series. This 27-year span epic won 9 Emmys, 2 BAFTAs, Golden Globe & a Peabody Award, 31 nominations. Series 4 alone won "Outstanding Limited Series" plus a second Emmy. Classic Edwardian masterful plots in this funny and dramatic back time-travel over 3 decades inside the Bellamy house. A crowning British achievement in the 70's and worth owning today. It is available in a complete collection, highly recommended if you do not own any of the sets individually. 3373 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. One of the best in its time. 7089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I believe I have reviews this on a prior purchase. It's a great story though other DVDs have come out with the same story. This one was very impactful to me. The book is even better -- just as good. *** This looks really good on the UHD 4K TV! 2160p on the Sony 4K upscaling player. You don't have to buy the 4K discs to enjoy 2160p! 8525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great deal Was Steve-O a poseur? God, how we threw that term around way back when. Well, how punk is 'punk'? What is punk? Is it the crybaby Clash of 'Sandanista' bleeding a left-leaning heart out for some idiotic third world problem I have no clue about or is it the thrash of Greg Ginn's guitar solo against a sea of seemingly mediocre music? Do you have to run for office as a joke, like Biafra, and keep up this anti-right atitude for life no matter how annoying (again, Biafra), or do you have to keep your hate face on like Rollins? Or were you no longer punk if you weren't hanging with the CBGB crowd in the mid-70's? What if you weren't in a band? And what about those God-Awful skaters that would hang around like flies on punk's rotten corpse, are they punk? Is it all about fighting authority? What if you become an authority on fighting authority? 9232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terry Jones, the co-director of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", once said that comedy is defined as two disparate forces coming together and colliding. That definition may not fit into all varieties of comedy, but for the Monty Python crew and especially this movie it does. Almost all the scenes in this movie are true masterpieces of this definition of comedy, whether it is a medieval serf spouting off neo-Marxist thought, or the ancient enchanter named "Tim". This film also contains the greatest `deus ex machina' ending in the history of cinema with police interrupting Arthur's last glorious charge. On a personal note, the first time I saw this movie at about the age of 15 on PBS, I did not know what to think. When the film ended with the camera being confiscated by the authorities, I said to my father: "What happened?" My Dad responded "I guess they ran out of film...you know PBS." So, for those of you who have not seen the movie, try to savor your reaction the first time you see a cow flying over a castle wall, or the attack on Castle Aaaaaaargh. The DVD special features are well worth it too, with an insightful director's commentary and a trip with Jones and Palin touring the sites where the movie was filmed. 10. X-factors- 10 (Ending made you want a sequel now, but also left you satisfied with the outcome) I never really thought of the 1897 play Cyrano de Bergerac as a comedy. I'd always thought of it as a swashbuckling romantic drama along the lines of the Three Musketeers. As a romantic comedy it makes more sense. Having tied Roxanne to the famous Cyrano play I will very quickly cover the bare bones of the plot. 8698 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super classic. One of the funniest movies I've seen. Up there with Caddy shack, Vacation & Blazing Saddles. 5143 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I know few films in which the main character lives in a bigger contradiction. "Taxi Driver" depicts Travis Bickle, a man who desperately wants to wipe out everyone around him as much as he wants to embrace them. The action takes place in the New York suburbs and is somewhat of an exercise in style that works just right from beginning to end. Milla Jovovitch and Michell Rodregez are great and I enjoy this movie every time I see it! I've also heard some dissapointment reguarding the color quality of this release. I'm glad it was left untouched. I feel it adds to the atmosphere of the seedy, gritty, raw streets of seventies New York City. It makes the hairs on my neck stand up. The slow dance into the final meltdown is taped on what looks like greasy film, sickening like Travis' enviorment. The final grisely scene where the camera floats over the hallway littered with guns and bodies, blood and dirt in every corner is tinged with this reddish-pinkish hugh, which (not sure if this was intended) gives the illusion that even the air is soaked in blood. I feel this is completey suiting. The movie opens in slam-bang style with an elite American commando team parachuting into Kazakhstan at night. Using the latest hi-tech gear, they kill the palace guards and abduct an adversarial Russian leader, General Radek (Jurgen Prochnow of "Das Boot"), who is promptly incarcerated in a Soviet hoosegow. Three weeks later in Moscow, President Marshall stipulates that the U.S. refuses to negotiate with terrorists. Meanwhile, a ruthless ultra-nationalist Radek zealot, Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman of "True Romance"), succeeds in smuggling his bogus TV news crew aboard the most secure plane in the world. A disgruntled Secret Service agent, Gibbs (Xander Berkeley of "L.A. Takedown"), as we later learn, helped these guys obtain their security clearance. Once the plane is airborne, Korshunov and his men commandeer it, kill the pilots, and watch helplessly s the president ejects in his escape pod. (Does anybody remember "Escape from New York?") Ivan contacts the Vice President (Glenn Close) and vows to kill a hostage every half-hour until Radek walks away from prison. According to Defense Secretary Walter Dean (Dean Stockwell), Radek's release would bring down the pro-American regime in the Kremlin and bring back the Cold War, so the Russians are reluctant to set him free unless President Marshall makes the request personally for Radek's release. Released in the Bicentennial year, after Vietnam, Watergate, and attention-getting attempts on President Ford's life, Taxi Driver's intense portrait of a man and a society unhinged spoke resonantly to the mid-'70s audience -- too resonantly in the case of attempted Reagan assassin and Foster fan John W. Hinckley. Taxi Driver went on to win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, but it lost the Best Picture Oscar to the more comforting Rocky. Anchored by De Niro's disturbing embodiment of "God's lonely man," Taxi Driver remains a striking milestone of both Scorsese's career and 1970s Hollywood. 948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have been searching for this movie on dvd for over 10 yrs , as a lota people have. And finally I found this version , which was until recently , very rare and hard to come by. This is a pretty good quality late 1999 - 2001 dvd. Yes , I know what the title says , but that's not entirely correct. This tranfer is not super great , but it is good. Honestly , It still can be very Dusky and even a little old world blurry at times with the pops and grain clearly visible. There is no behind the scenes footage at all simply a Laser-disc like menu and the movie. Don't let that statemnet fool you , this definitly is a quality transfer for the times and not a laserdisc bootleg by any stretch. But Hopefully one day This movie will get the remastered High-def treatment it so desperatly deserves. But for old school fans like myself right now , it's just a treat to have this on dvd disc to enjoy the fun , and I think you will too. Ultimately, by film's end, we learn that all the fears of the characters have been unfounded, a delusion on their part. All consternation and trouble, which are usually required for a story to be compelling, were human-created and not of alien origin. The encounters were designed out of benevolence, not hostility. Only one character, that of Barry's mother, realizes her error and changes from one who is at first fearful to someone who is willing to embrace wonder. 501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Joseph is my favorite movie out of the Bible Collection. I am going to get one movie at a time as I can afford it until I have the whole collection. 8756 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great collectable packaging grat extras!!! 9496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it! If you don't have this film in your library, shame on you. First the sound quality was not transferred over very well. I found myself having to crank the volume up in many parts of each story just to barely hear what was being said. This brings up the second issue which was the lack of any CC or SDH subtitles. I personally prefer the SDH option over CC as it is easier to access for me but there simply wasn't anything to assist me in understanding the low volume parts of each show. 8990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF!! The black knight? FUNNY!! The 'killer rabbit'? FUNNIER STILL!!! S & T to be certain and not for young children. Teenagers would probably like it though. Even though this film is focused on male prowess and survival, it pulls its weight as a great drama and has fantastic performances by all. The movie keeps a steady strong pace, and Bronson and Coburn play on each other with great synergy meant for these rolls. Strother Martin, as Poe, is perfect sidekick and doctor of sorts. Robert Tessier, plays a great role as the toughest fighter that Bronson floors. He has tattoos and bald head with perfect face for fighter and grit of expressions. 7146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! My two year old loves singing along to this movie. Definitely need to FF through a few parts that I don't want her hearing or seeing. 8708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What's there to say, this is a comedy classic brought to you by the geniuses of Monty Python. Endlessly quoteable and timelessly hysterical. A must own. Go for this ever lasting cult movie and if I may express with absolute sincerity this is the real masterpiece of that legendary ensemble. 2350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is not a great movie, it may not even be a good movie, but it is without a doubt a fun movie. Let's face it, this movie was not done with the hopes of winning any awards, it was done at the perfect time when the Spice Girls were at the peek of their fame. While it won't be on AFI's top 100 films list, it will definitely be on the list of pop-culture because like the movie the Spice Girls are part of pop-culture history. With the girls on tour now there's no better time to pick up this movie and look back on the girls when they ruled the world. In the late 1990's both Oliver Stone and Billy Hayes stated they were sorry for the film's depiction of Turkish people, as not a single Turk was dramaitized as compassionate. The film has gone on to be hated by the people of Turkey for it's narrow-minded view on a foreign country and its people. Nevertheless, "Midnight Express" is an excellent film, one you will watch time and time again for its graphic depiction of prison life and the attempts of those who are imprisoned in trying to survive. "Midnight Express" is prison slang for inmates who want to attempt escaping, thus that is where the title is derived from. 8561 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie! Anytime I need a laugh I will watch this. PACKAGING: The set comes in a standard height box with 3 Amaray-style cases that holds 6 discs apiece. Gone are the two-sided Fox discs with cheesy cartoon-themed menus. Here, discs for Seasons 1 and 2 are in one case, seasons 3 and 4 in a second case and seasons 5 and 6 are in the third case. These are NOT stacked on a spindle and thus are easily accessible. The disc faces feature nice 1970s-inspired artwork across all discs with color variations for each case. The fourth (bonus disc) case is a standard height but slim. The menus for each disc are based on the look of Bob's office door. Everything is classy and everything matches. Complexity and integrity are what make a movie worth watching, and "The Deep End of the Ocean" has all of this and more. The fact that the plot is basically two parts should not be a deference from the film; believe me, the story rolls right along. Dynamic performances and highly likeable characters also add to the film's appeal. What more can you ask for? Because Andrea is so into Todd, she doesn't realize that when Cybil sings a love song she's singing it about Andrea. Cybil is in love with Andrea but this fact is slowly revealed through the film and oblivious Andrea has to be hit in the head with a brick to even notice. Even her other friend's (Selma Blair, painfully anorexic looking and well cast) bulimia is pushed aside for the great Todd Sparrow. Tom Holland, Chris sarandon, william Ragsdale, Johnathon stark, Amanda Bearse & Stephen Geoffreys 8638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It kept the kids occupied and had some good life lessons... what else can you ask for? If a critic is going to review a movie based off a game, can't they atleast play the games for a minute? Or are they too self-obsessed to do that? Laying back in a pile of their own stupidity. 3922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Strange things are happening around the world; things that challenge the imagination and open the mind to possibilities almost beyond imagining. Things that only director Steven Spielberg can explain, which he does in his monumental epic of man's encounter with alien life, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Planes lost in WWII suddenly appear in a Mexican desert; a long lost ship turns up in the middle of the Gobi Desert; and in Dharmsala, Northern India, hundreds of people are gathered together, singing--a short "tune" that consists of a mere five notes, over and over, repeatedly. When they are asked where they heard this tune, the throng, as one, dramatically thrust their hands into the air and point to the sky. And, indeed, in the skies all around the world, strange things are happening. 7156 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic that every child should watch! 7910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie must watch. Great acting! 2088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Missed it at the movies. Now with PRIME how easy. Good action flick, a little predictable but enough to make you guess a little. Great action sequences. RECOMMENDED for the action flick people. The other aspect, the mood, is not delivered the same way...it's more like a futuristic atmosphere, with a certain lack of terror, a very "Blockbuster" atmosphere, with nothing really eerie. The music is not bad, but it certainly is not as creepy as the one in the games. The zombies are not scary at all, and the other "creatures" are plain laughable. 1469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great Jane Eyre. I actually have 3 favorites: 1983, this one, and 2011. They are each different and have qualities that I love. Ciaran Hinds definitely brings out the edgier, tempermental side, which like it or not, is the way Mr. Rochester is described in the book. I like that portrayal, but I also appreciate the more restrained rendition done by Michael Fassbender, as do I enjoy the cocky, domineering traits brought out by Timothy Dalton. They are all good, folks. No need to feel disloyal for liking more than one. However, stay away from the William Hurt version. He did not even come close to filling Mr. Rochesters shoes. It was a train wreck. 4452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watch this all the time it plays on T.V I rent it sometimes. I think this one is a little bit better than the first one, they in Jamacia, yes its better. Jennifer Love Hewitt is just getting hotter and hotter, god I'll smack that ass. But this one is a worth watched horror film. The sheer off-the-wallness is what sells this movie, and Monty Python was in rare form. Graham Chapman's primary role is King Arthur, who seems to be the most competant of the bunch but is still pretty goofy. John Cleese of "Fish" and "Fawlty Towers" fame stars as Sir Lancelot/Tim the Wizard/The Rude Frenchman, and is amazing in each role. Eric Idle plays lily-livered Sir Robin/Roger the Shrubber (don't ask)/Brother Maynard. Terry Gilliam is lower-key as Sir Gawain/Patsy; Terry Jones is also pretty low key as Sir Bedivere/Prince Herbert. Michael Palin has a hilarious series of roles including the King os Swamp Castle/Sir Galahad/Leader of the Knights Who Say Ni. But for every decade, I can identify one theatrical release that hit me like a freight train, and which in my mind has become a cinematic monument. In the 1960s, it was BONNIE & CLYDE. In the 1980s, it was BETTY BLUE (37'2 LE MATIN). In the 1990s, it was BASIC INSTINCT. And so far in the current decade, I would give the honor to CHICAGO. I skipped the 1970s, but you know which film it was: MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. 4541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie! 3000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I gave this as a gift and she loves it The DVD here has great picture with good sound quality and neat extras like 2 commentaries, featurettes, trailers, and clip from "Resident Evil Apocalypse", so if you enjoy zombie movies then this is definitely worth adding to the zombie DVD collection. Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper star as Wyatt and Billy, two hippies who travel by choppers from Los Angeles to New Orleans to attend the Mardi Gras. Along the way they experience gorgeous landscapes, a commune, jail, new friends, unexpected enemies, drugs galore and a whore house when they arrive. 6926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was there ever a better flim vehicle for Sinatra to stretch out into his swingin' womanizer persona circa late 1950's? Everything about this movie, especially Sinatra himself is a picture perfect portrait of the sophisticated super-club scene born right out of the pages of Playboy magazine. Catch this one for the great location shots of San Francisco, the lovely Kim Novak and Rita Heyworth and of course the peerless score by Rogers and Hart. 6277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A very good movie 3152 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm so glad I watched this movie. From beginning to end, it had my attention. These female characters are strong Southern women who navigate the trials of their lives well. It's rare for a movie to have so many female characters that are not steriotypes or bad role models for girls. I would definitely watch this movie again. The central character throughout the movie is Julia Roberts. We discover early in the movie that she suffers from diabetes, and the effects are often severe. The tension between Julia and Sally Field as Julia's symptoms and problems increase, and the tension with the rest of the women in the movie, increases during the movie, awaiting release. The movie alternates between laughter and pain until near the ending that has its sad moments, but ends relatively happily as the true lesson of the movie is finally revealed. 6205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent product quality as advertised. 2409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved the Spice Girls. I loved everyone of their songs. This film is fantastic. I really wish they were still together. The Spice Girls were one of the best musical groups in history. They made millions of people happy. No one ever committed suicide listening to their music because it was all upbeat and energetic. 2500 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great great movie-never gets too old to watch. Admittedly, the Egyptian portion of the special is a bit odd; they continually make reference to the "demon" (played by actor James Mason) that arrives at stroke of midnight to pose the riddle's question to the Egyptian boy, as well as Osiris (the god of the underworld) who poses the final challenge to the boy's ascension. I thought this segment was great, but I never thought I would hear the word "demon" uttered by Big Bird - Maybe they should start having him call Elmo a "little red demon!" (Just Kidding). 8582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is an unusual movie, with Bronson's typically laconic lone ranger persona filling up the screen. Coburn is just right as the avaricious manager, living from bet to bet, and finding himself in some serious trouble. As a period piece, it has few rivals. Ireland's dilapidated one bedroom reeks of depression-era lodgings, as does Bronson's feral hunger. 2032 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was taut and exciting as most of Ford's movies are. I think he is an awesome actor...and Gary Oldman was fantastic as the enemy. If you like action and minimal bad language, sex, etc...but lots of action, this is a good movie for a cold night at home. ;-) 7889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it 5997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Based on a true story, the 1978 film "Midnight Express" stars Brad Davis as Billy Hayes, a young American who is apprehended while attempting to smuggle two kilos of hashish out of Turkey in the early 1970s. When it really comes down to it, you---Gentle Reader---have no idea how narrowly you walk on the right side of the Law. A little too much booze, a second behind the wheel, and you might find yourself in a tank, cuffed, frisked, strip-searched, gutted of dignity, deeply ashamed. 9916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie reminded me most of Aldous Huxley's famous novel: Brave New World. This book is about how your genes make you what you are in life. A great film! 3277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Steel Magnolias" is about a young woman, who's diabetic and is played by Julia Roberts, an excellent actress, who is getting married add the rest of the cast: the wonderful actresses Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Sally Field, and Dolly Parton all make this a worthwhile film to watch. 2266 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not for me..but my daughter was happy 4438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This slasher film is the sequel to the 1997 film I Know What You Did Last Summer. Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is getting over the events of the previous film, which nearly claimed her life. She hasn't been doing well in school and is continuously having nightmares involving Ben Willis (Muse Watson) still haunting her. Approaching the 4th July weekend, Ray (Freddy Prinze Jr.) surprises her at her dorm. He invites her back up to Southport for the croaker queen pageant. She objects and tells him she has not healed enough to go back. He tells her she needs some space away from Southport and him and leaves in a rush. 1425 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This show should never have gone out of reruns. The DVD arrived on time and in good condition. 1832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My girlfriend and I enjoyed this film and felt as though we'd really seen George Washington. The film begins in 1776 and ends with the conclusion of the surprise attack on Trenton. This is one chapter of history we feel intimately acquainted with now. Although it doesn't seem to have enjoyed a great budget and although it has just a hint of an educational taste to it, the Crossing seems far more historically relevant than films like Patriot or Pacino's Revolution. Daniels displays incredible posture especially while riding a horse and as a passenger in a boat through all hours of the night and thus quietly impresses upon us the dignity of America's first and fearless leader. 8647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie He surely did. I really miss Michael Jeter. 707 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Get close and personal with the Holy Land ! 9409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good. The attention to detail was pretty incredible. Doesn't stop there, The formulaic plot satisfies for the most part and makes sense in that action movie sort of way. Nothing is too over-the-top, equaling harmless fun for all. Clearly no one is taking themselves too seriously, and director Benny Chan was smart in throwing in a healthy dose of humor. The end result is a slick, satisfying 1 1/2 hour reality break. Gary Oldman wrote and directed this film. He is from South London and curiously dedicated the film to his own father. This raisied an eyebrow from me. Indeed this film is so brutally real it could almost pass for a documentary. A truely impressive film. 6885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Hey . . . my title comment says it all. Frank had pretty well developed his persona by this time. What else do you need to say. 3644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film, perhaps Spielberg's best among his more entertaining fair, is essentially about the war between wonder and fear. As human beings, we have an innate sensibility of fearing the unknown as a defense mechanism to combat those things which could be hostile and threaten our existence, be they at the individual level or at the societal level. History is filled with examples, usually of a tragic nature, in which human beings perpetrate against each other the worst kinds of inhumanity in the name of fear, be it religious, economic, or political. In large conflicts, human beings on each side rationalize that their adversaries are heinous monsters intentionally engaging in wrong-doing as an act of evil. Both sides, in other words, believe they are on the side "right" and vilify the other. In this circumstance, all behavior is dictated by fear rather than wonder. 1104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Totally met expectations 842 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I looked up a description of this set at Barnes and Noble.com, and as it turns out this set is just a compliation of three other sets: Elmopalooza, Do the Alphabet, and The Best of Elmo (telling me that apparently the best of Sesame Street is very Elmo-centric). Personally I was trying to find some of those classic comedy routines I remember from when I was a kid, like Ernie calling to the fish (Here fishy fishy fishy). But I'm giving it four stars since I'm sure the material on here is perfectly good, even if I'm not personally interested. It has flaws, but a lot of them are due to the filmmaker not wanting to offer us easy answers. There are also some cute little songs in here, like "Mothers and Children," sung by Olivia, "Don't eat the Pictures," done by Cookie Monster and the Girls, and "You'll get Home Soon," by Big Bird and Sahou. I liked this video and I plan to share it with my own children someday because it opens up the world of art appreciation to them. Very well done. And no Elmo! 4313 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This film is a seventh-rate Terminator wannabe. The acting is secord-rate & over the top mainly with Lieutenant Dekker. The action scences are quite decent at best .The celebrity cameos are pointless. Some jokes were funny but not all of them. Not to metion,the lack of realism in the film's "real world" segment. I give this film a 2 and a half out of 10. 8636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids love it, and I'm starting to know it by memory. 1839 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the last 10 years or so, Hollywood and cable TV has finally started to get it right when they make movies (Widescreen or TV) about historical events, and The Crossing is no exception. 2831 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love this movie, and it's still worth a watch. So, what is the diabolic plan they must thwart? Ah, yes....the evil aristocrat, Sir August DeWynter. He plans to threaten the world with his fantastic high-tech weather machine. He is capable of threatening mankind with raging ice storms, scorching temperatures and mechanical insects. The special effects in regards to the weather are seamless and spectacular. 7077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great family movie! Good luck selling your copies. I hope the buying public reads MY review before they see yours. I am sorry to all those people who feel they need to spend such a exorbitant amount of money for the sake of a two hour movie. I know it's rare people, but the asking prices here are just not worth it. I give the film 5 stars. I give those of you ripping people off nothing but my utter contempt! UPDATE: 7/10/12 the "Monty Python: The Holy Book of Days" app for iPad is still available on iTunes but it's $4.99 now, no longer free. 3978 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Upgraded from VCR to DVD. Jill Valentine, and Nemesis, and a couple others FINALLY appear in an RE movie. That's where the good news ends, however, as the film once again forces this useless Alice character into a spotlight that belonged to Jill, Chris, Leon, and Claire. The movie forces itself into the already complex plot of RE Nemesis (PS1, GCN, DC, PC). Sadly it negates the fantastic frantic storyline of the source material and instead focuses on two moody women who would never get dates in real life because their attitudes make them completely unattractive. Jill and Alice were both written as though they were the same character, and both were played out like they would get into a serious cat fight at the drop of a hat. I didn't buy that Jill would rescue Alice at the end because I never got the impression that they were getting along. But its hard to get along with yourself, really... these two were identical in attitude, tone (which was just awful) and even their posture! Not only that, but Jill in the movie was NOT the Jill from the game. They may have put her in the same costume, gave her the same name, but the way Jill came across in the movie is completely different from her superior video game counter part. 1054 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A brilliant mock-documentary on the life of a criminal - played by Let me cut to the chase. Read the well written book upon which the movie is based, "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer. Do not bother with this movie, unless, like me, you are an Everest junkie and a glutton for punishment. It is the only reason that I rated the movie with two stars instead of just one. Even so, it is still pretty much of a stinker. 1788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Truly excellent films on the Revolutionary War are rare indeed, and this is absolutely one of the very best. While it is a serious, well-filmed story on General Washington's most challenging times during the war, with plenty of drama built into it, it is very much a factual masterpiece, more than adequately supported at the conclusion by a summary of the lives of the individuals who were most prominently featured in the story. The film carefully built up enduring the dire situation at Valley Forge into culminating with Washington's famed "Crossing of the Delaware," no mean logistics feat at the time, and the surprise taking of the British forces at Trenton Directed by Danny Cannon. Written by Lois Duncan, Trey Callaway. 9463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 OK Si FY flick enjoyed it but was slow at times Spielberg has some tremendous (especially at the box office) hits under his belt but in the minds of many this might be one of his very best films. If not the best. 4595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic ...it's that I DESPISED it. Milla Jovovich's take on Joan is an intriguing blend of shy farm girl, zealot, religious fanatic, saint, and tormented soul. There is some interesting casting here: Dustin Hoffmann is appropriately eerie as God/Satan/Joan's conscience/Joan's subconscious; John Malkovich, although perhaps a bit too old (the Dauphin/King was only about 9 years older than Joan), is effectively petulant and ethics-free. Faye Dunaway looks absolutely horrid, thanks in part to the bizarre attire and hair style of the time, and in part to really, really bad plastic surgery. A large supporting cast demonstrates the extremes that Joan provoked: loyalty, hatred, fear, and adulation. 9859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very good futeristic movie. Our world becomes a place where you lot in life is decied by how good your DNA is. If you like scifi or pretty boys with pretty eyes you cant go wrong with this movie! Also very slash-able! ;) 7549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw this movie on American Movie Classics many years ago, not realizing how much was cut out of the film. No doubt the cuts hurt my initial impression of the movie. While I vaguely remembered the ending & overall plot, the details had long-since left my memory, so I re-viewed it (this time uncut) again a week or so ago. I'm glad that I did. It's stayed with me. This time I saw it & took in every detail. Other than Raul Julia, the film was basically very well-cast. That is no hit against the late Mr. Julia- he just wasn't the right fit for even the small part he had here. Henry Winkler; who doesn't enjoy his workmanship? 6718 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This stinkeroo is getting as much effort from me in this review as director Luc Besson put into his scenario. Yow!! Luc Besson has made some awful movies, but this one has got to be among the very worst, and is certainly the most blatantly dishonest and ugly. "Hard Times" is about the effects of adversity not street fighting during the Depression. The Great Depression provides the adversity. Under adversity we all find out our substance. We learn who we are who our enemies are and who are friends are. In adversity, we are stripped to the core of our being. There is no veneer left, no false fronts. Everything is out there on the table. 376 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie inspired a person who had no clue who Joseph was. Thank God for spiritual movies Like these. Cool It Off - Debbie Siebers' Slim Series: Stretch/Recovery Workout ( DVD) 1810 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I agree the the reviewer's comments that Daniels is miscast as Washington. No one would take him for a Virginian; rather like the old Disney production of the Swamp Fox played by a young Lesley Nielson with a New York accent. Also Welsh actor Roger Rees with an English accent plays the Scottish general Hugh Mercer who had to flee Scotland for supporting Prince Charlie. This package will be released on DVD and Blu-ray formats containing three seamless branched versions of the film, from the first ever home video release of the original theatrical cut, and the re-edited 1980 special edition, to Spielberg's definitive director's cut as featured on the 1998 collector's edition. 339 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I Didn't like this movie. I will keep and add it to my collection..This movie hit a soft spot with me it's about jealousy something a lot of people have had against me my whole life even family members. This movie was really sad I cried at the end because I couldn't hold myself any longer, and I'm a very strong woman..Joseph brothers sold him into slavery because their father favored him. Joseph had several brothers who sinned in the eyes of GOD, so their father favored Joseph because he was the youngest and most righteous. That enraged his brothers they trapped young Joseph and was going to leave him for dead then Egyptians came along the brothers decided to sell him into slavery instead....I didn't see any nudity in the movie. I decided to write that because I read some reviews that talked about nudity I didn't see no nudity in Joseph.......I purchased 3 movies.......David..........Abraham & Joseph....I rate #1David.....#2 Abraham..#3 Joseph..I liked David the most... 7855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If anyone prior to this doubted that either Williams or Bridges could do fully fleshed out characters with dramatic gravitas, this movie answered that question once and for all. Boy, could the two of them do it all in the movies. Bridges plays an obnoxious radio tv talk guy who makes a life altering mistake on his show. Robin Williams plays Parry, the homeless man who in the circle of life is caught in the rays of what radiates out from that mistake. They will create something positive out of this but it is coming out of the darkest of the dark to do so. Either Williams or Bridges should have won the Oscar for this, perhaps both, but they did not. It did show the movie going world though that Bridges had been consistently underestimated up to that point and he began getting parts instead worthy of his talent. The female roles were fully realized by Mercedes Ruehl and Amanda Plummer and they are beacons for coming home and out of the darkness and into the light. One of my favorite movies with favorite performance from all four actors. I especially don't understand why so many people think this film is so fabulous. I mean, come on, guys, what's the overall point of the movie? What's the general theme? 8367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I miss these kinds of films. They are classics for the whole family. I put together a list to remind folks of some of the best ones out there that are family oriented interesting and full of great music. It blows me away when I meet a 10 year old who hasn't seen something like Sound of Music or Wizard of Oz. It's been a long time since Hollywood has come up with one of these! Enjoy the first TRULY funny effort by the crazy Pythons! 7436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Second best movie Brad Pitt ever acted in! Typical turn of the century Americana story, brilliantly filmed and told. Skerritt should have walked away with best supporting actor in this movie! This is a movie that may move you to tears and may disturb you at some parts, but it is definitely worth seeing. The plot and the characters are presented in such a way that you can really see, know, and understand the ordinary life that they are forced to leave behind and the family issues which they don't choose but must take. Recommended viewing...very effective and poignant with a very strong message. 5215 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off, thanks to McIntosh for the music listings - I've been looking all over for the soundtrack and this should help to at least track down some of the beautiful songs in this superb film. Now about the movie - this is one of the best things I've seen in several years. It is an extremely personal, ultra-realistic story that will have you thinking about it weeks on end. For those who want a look at human nature and don't expect everything to be tied up at the end of two hours. A brilliant first effort from Gary Oldman, strongly reminiscent of Mike Leigh (apparently they worked together early in Oldman's career) - I wish it was available at a normal video price. 515 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. 9116 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this is one of the funniest movies of all time. I got it at a good price and in a timely fashion The reason I mention Grace is because that little 8(?) year old is the grownup in this film. Dignan even feels threatened by her (I won't give away his defensive retorts). I'm sure this is a major theme in Wes Anderson's films. He is fascinated by adults who haven't grown up (Bill Murray in Rushmore), and kids that are wise beyond their years (Grace, Jason Schwartzman's character and his little friend). Perhaps the greatest nod to this film is that there would be no THE X FILES without this film having been made. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS paved the way found countless variations on the theme of extraterrestrial contact. In fact, Spielberg himself had initially dubbed E.T. THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL as the unofficial sequel to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, but he changed his mind last minute as the two films really have very little linkage. 9482 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I couldn't even get through the first 30 minutes. It put me to sleep. 1133 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 England is at war and all of the household is impacted too. Follow both the upstairs and the downstairs during the war to end all wars. All of this works well enough as a mere sci-fi thriller but writer/director Andrew Niccol, who also wrote The Truman Show, is after far bigger fish. What he gives us here is a timely and thought-provoking argument against the idea that genetics is destiny. Just as he showed Truman's seemingly perfect world to be anti-human, he shows here that the utopian quest for physical "perfection", because it can not account for the human soul, must result in a dystopic nightmare. A few of the really fine touches here are the set designs which are cold and sterile; the general absence of women, who will be selected out in a world where fathers can always choose to have sons; Vincent's birth scene, when his own father, realizing him to be an "unsatisfactory" heir, decides not to name the boy for himself; and what is, I think, the best scene in the film, when the genetically perfect Jerome reveals that he envies Vincent's natural birthright, the unengineered will that drives him. In all classic standard tunes and from all accounts the best of the Rogers & Hart stageshows .. not much of a story but any aficionados of Sinatra's vocal style will be more than happy with deliverance of these well known ballads , in all filming color consistent and a chestnut well worth having 7567 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Laura Mars is a very successful high-end fashion and advertising photographer. Detective John Neville notes striking similarities between her art photos and those of actual crime scenes. Although suspicious of her, he soon realizes that she hasn't been involved in any of the crimes but can see what is happening through the eyes of the killer. After her friends and some of her models are killed, she joins forces with Neville to identify the killer before she too becomes a victim. Dunaway is always consistent in delivering good performances and this one is no exception. Clever story, and good original. Adds a nice twist to the usual cops-hunting-murderer story. Good atmosphere and cinematography all around, with some strong direction. The tense moments are well done. Some nice, genuine, surprises throughout the movie. It does manage to successfully keep you guessing just who the killer is. A terrific thriller, both gripping and spell-binding movie. 6511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved it, nice to see the new characters come so close to the game. Milla don't give up just yet on any more sequels. I'm hoping it doesn't take so long for a number 3. Only wish more producers would get a clue from Matrix and film sequels all at one time or back to back. Waiting 2 sometimes more years for a sequel really sucks in my opinion. Hit the audience while it's still fresh in their minds and the adrenalin is still pumping. Never listen to the critics unless everyone is agreeing its bad is my motto. The quality of video and sound was better than I had anticipated considering how long ago it was made. Overall, if you collecting DVDs of your favorite films, I'd recommend this one. Thanks This move had major talent for a cast of characters. Milla Jovovich's character Alice before "Apocalypse" is more relatable and much more likable, in the first movie than she was in the sequel which helped me understand her rigid and less feminine personality in the second movie. Broadway talens Martin Crewes, and James Purefoy (Spencer Parks) play out their small roles to the extent of their obvious screen talent, but Crewes' character (Chad Kaplan) turns out to be the more likable out of the two through out the movie. Colin Salmon (famous for his role in the 3 of the 1997-1999-2002 Jame Bond movies) plays the leading commando 'One' with his usual leader demeanor and atmopshere used in the James Bond films but with an American accent and more lines. Eric Mabius, famous for playing in 'odd-ball roles' in the usual "R" rated movies, turns out to be more believable as an actor in this movie than he has in previous roles. He plays out his character the cop with charm and actual humanity. 6000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It is a fun steve martin movie. If you like steve Martin this is a fun movie. 1976 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good action movie, I think a older Harrison Ford could have pulled this one off a little better, Gary Oldman was a very good choice as the bad guy! 8747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My God daughter loved it! It was fun.. As the movie develops we find ourselves involved in the pain and heartache of the challenges these women face. We cried, we laughed, and we walked away wishing that our town would have the close relationships these families share. Indeed a movie worthy of becoming part of any collection. Don't miss it... 9626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good science fiction movie. Lots of suspense. 2727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic...I love the humor without the need to use vulgarity that constantly seen in many movies today. The auction was a new twist adding humor in an un-expected scene. Winkler ends up being so much fun at the end of the movie making turning it into a comedy. 7771 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Brad Pitts finest works. I have seen this movie multiple times, and read the book. A true piece of artistry. Anyone this good should not let that talent go to waste. 8827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Grandchildren love it! 2205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The product arrived fast and was of great quality, no complaints here. I have nothing else to say, it was perfect. 2507 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 bought to replace VCR tape and wife likes this 4010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie, just classic. Heavy and light all at the same time. 3321 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 It was better than 2001 A Space Odyssey, but it still stunk. 563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This Jesus film is true to the Gospel of Luke. That is good and bad. It sticks very close to the Gospel of Luke and avoids the Hollywood straying which most Jesus films undertake. However, because it is so closely tied to Luke, there is no crown of thorns on the head of Jesus (which is not mentioned in Luke). Because I am a stickler for accuracy, I think this is the best Jesus film available, even without the crown of thorns. In the middle of all this, Jerome (Vincent) is nearly found out several times during a police investigation of a murder that occurs at Gattaca. Will he be found out? Is his will so strong and his goal so pure (getting to Titan, a Saturnian moon), that he can even overcome the watchful detectives and even his brother Anton (who makes a surprise appearance)? 9077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A good flik for "remembering" & refreshing watching. Thought Ihad - looked - looked - looked - "Nope" - so ordered & now do ! 3302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not a huge Julia Roberts fan but her role in "Steel Magnolias" greatly impressed me when I first saw this in the theater over ten years ago. I am definitely not particularly keen on the "chick flick" film genre but I could not help but fall in love with "Steel Magnolias" and its characters. The dynamic chemistry between Olympia Dukakis and Shirley MacLaine's characters were perfect. I couldn't imagine any other actor in their places. Those two seasoned actresses were made for those roles. I loved the banter between them. As cranky as Shirley MacLaine's character was, deep down inside she really wasn't as mean as one might think. Towards the end of the movie the viewer gets to see a glimpse of the real Ms. Weezer. Sally Field was simply amazing in this film. My heart broke into two when Sally finally couldn't contain her grief anymore. I loved Dolly Parton in this film just as much as I enjoyed Julia Roberts and Daryl Hannah. I really thought this was one of Julia's better films along with Daryl Hannah's too. I can always watch "Steel Magnolias" and still get choked up when Sally Field picks up her grandson at his aunt's house as well as the burial scene. "Steel Magnolias" ranks highly as one of my all time favorite movies. 5807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was in the mood to watch the Resident Evil movies. Couldn't find them anywhere else but prime allows the instant purchase. I love this feature! :) If youve never seen it, see it now; if you saw it way back when, see it again. And notice how YOUNG these guys look. Its scary. 6148 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loosely based on Edmond Rostand's play "Cyrano de Bergerac," this charming romantic comedy is just terrific! Steve Martin not only stars but also wrote the intelligent and witty screenplay. This is a compelling story and a really fine film. Even though I own my own DVD, whenever I come across "Roxanne" on one of the movie channels, I just can't stop watching it. Steve Martin as C. D. Bales (Cyrano de Bergerac -- get it?) is in top form here -- perceptive and poignant, yet wry throughout. Just two of the many highlights for me include the "20 Something Betters" scene and the quick bit where he buys a newspaper out of a street box, glances at the front page, and in horror pulls out another coin and puts the paper back in the box! If you like romance but want to skip the "sappy" aspects, and if you like comedy but want it delivered with intelligence, you'll love this film. 5399 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK, can anyone tell my why the blue ray is $200?? This was a scary classic. The Winter Warlock was very scary when I viewed this as a kid. No matter how many times I saw this as a kid I would always wonder if Kris would make it past the warlock. 8761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Walter Hill, Charles Bronson & James Coburn. These are the story of the film. Many good boxing and fightings. Excellent period pictures. Bronson is the best of the movie. Ring the bell and box. You're just mad because you no longer have a say in my life and that drives you up the wall! You're ready to spit nails because you can't call the shots. 1772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best American Revolution DVD's. Jeff Daniels shows Washington as resolute and a great tactician. 158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Christmas story 6519 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I've never claimed to be an expert on movie-making. Having said that, I think it's fair to say that a movie sequel should have at least *something* that distinguishes it from the first one. Something that spices up the overall story and yet maintains a continuity. Well, you won't see that with "Resident Evil: Apocalypse." Alexander Witt sat in the director's chair for this one, but he may as well change his name to Paul Anderson, because this movie is basically a recycled, watered-down pointless sequel to the first one. Witt brings absolutely nothing new to the table. This might as well just be an hour and a half long prologue to "Resident Evil." Judged on its own merits, this one sinks faster than a ball of lead thrown in a river. Like its main characters, the movie seems to have no direction at first, but ends up being more than just your typical slice-of-life flick. There is meat to these bones, and it's quite fine. Recommended for more than just the novelty of seeing Matthew Lillard actually act, for once. *** Do you have any idea how unrealistic and stupid it is to have a facility where it's cubicles share the same air as laboratories working with Level 4 biohazards?!? 4953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Martin S. does areat job directing this film. DeNero shines as a young actor. Jodi Foster was oh so young in this movie and did a great job. 2042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just a wonderful story....great action 1902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun action movie with Ford as a believable President with a couple of slightly unbelievable scenes. Great adventure and suspense. 2603 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Heard about this movie from a friend and absolutely fell in love with it great movie 6) "Two's A Crowd" Russian agents had let loose a doppelganger for Steed, in order to infiltrate a defense conference Some scenes are classic: the siege of the French castle, "bring out your dead",killer rabbit, the knight guarding the bridge etc. 6480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been reading these reviews(mostly the 1 star reviews) and the thing i have noticed most is that people have this movie confused with a Zombie flick. It is not a "Zombie" movie and was not meant to compete with such films as "Night of the Living Dead", "Dawn", "Dead Alive", etc, etc. It is a movie based on a video game that happened to have some of the enemies be zombies(just one of the many enemies in the game). I would have guessed that people would have been mad that Tyrant wasn't in the first film or that the "Hunter" has yet to be introduced. Performances, action scenes, special effects and music (Jerry Goldsmith) are all top-notch, as well as some great patriotic stuff from Harrison. The only thing I don't like is some scenes are predictable and jingoism takes over sometimes. Regardless, it's great fun, and an equally great DVD. Cool stuff. When it comes to bringing these video games to the big screen you need to ask yourself, What makes the actuall game itself such a success? If you take Silent Hill for instance. Probably one of the few video game adaptations that was an actuall success. They have really taken the Silent Hill video game features into perspective and shown us how this is actually done. It actually felt like Silent Hill. But in this case, it looks like the Resident Evil video games where just thrown aside. There is absolutely nothing meaningful from the video games that was put into this film and absolutely nothing atmospheric about it that even makes it feel like Resident Evil environment. And the atmospheric soundtrack from the video games have been replaced by Heavy Metal music. It felt like an absolute joke. It seems that they didn't even take the Resident Evil video games into consideration and without it, this film lost all its perspectives and has no meaning for the Resident Evil title. This is just a pointless action sci-fi. Film makers really need to take these video game adaptions more seriously. This is an insult to the Resident Evil video game series. You will be MAJORLY disappointed! One thing that I'd like to add to the other reviews is audio. I have the Panasonic DMP-BD30K bitstreaming the audio to a Denon AVR-3808ci receiver. The audio is fantastic. There's one scene when Roy is in the utility truck stopped at the train tracks checking his map. When the UFO shines the light on the truck and everything starts shaking, it felt the the UFO was over my house. I can't remember a movie that's ever worked the subwoofer so long or hard before. Gary Oldman, he plays such an unlikeable character, he's as good as Alan Rickman was in 'Die Hard'. 746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is suitable for kids of all ages! 8088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We showed this old classic to young kids and it held their attention. There is nothing offensive in the content and many adults will like the story. Just a plain BluRay case with the 2 discs and the Digital HD card. 6702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After reading the reviews here I've come to the conclusion that this movie is very innacurate 'cept for the actual historic characters. Much better than the Sean Connery film by the way! 2604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nothing compares with this timeless movie. The quotes are hilarious and unforgettable as are the characters and the plot. I rarely watch movies more than once but this one just soothes my soul. Homocide and Old Lace 3552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The special effects in this movie are awesome, especially considering the time it was made, they are still fantastic! I enjoyed watching this with my kids for the first time, and look forward to watching it with my grand kids when they are old enough. I'm always surprised if someone say they haven't watched, I tell them they are deprived and need to watch it soon! Yes this movie is highly recommended! Young Frankenstein- English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin Or the fight with the Knight. His arm is lobbed off but he says "It's just a flesh wound!" Part of the fun for me was that I DIDN'T know about the video game. Why? I didn't know what was going on. The beginning of the film was very confusing as I didn't understand what was happening or why it was happening. Fortunately, the screenwriters did a very good job of having a few of the characters actually explain the subject to me - and it was done well - as a few of the other characters were designed to be as confused as I was. Milla looks even better in this movie than the first and her new co-star, Jill, is as hot as they come. The action between the two main females and Nemesis was definitely fun to watch. As a child Joan is portrayed as a obsessive compulsive loner who goes to confession two or three times a day. A child who hears voices and sees dark, disturbing visions of war, bloodshed and savages beasts feeding on human carnage. No cute, chubby angels or beautiful Madonna's for this kid. A child so obsessed with being with Christ, she sneaks into the church santuary at night, fills the holy chalice with wine and drinks it down reciting, "I want to be at one with you NOW!" Seeing that fragile little girl standing before the altar with her face and blouse covered with red wine is not only unnerving but vampiric in effect. Some charmingly dated scenes only add to the warm innocence of this show: like when Jessica realizes "her own town has turned against her" and begins singing of her love for and desire to be with Kris Kringle....transcending into a cornucopia of hippy-trippy flowers, swirls and polka-dots and finally catching a glimpse of her paper cutout reflection in the water fountain in the center of town. Remarkable!! 4577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good quality 7015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie. Much better than the later version. Thanks. 4819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks 1905 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford is the man 4271 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LAST ACTION HERO [1993/2010] [Blu-ray] [UK Release] Schwarzenegger, Can Be Your Last Action Hero! I do have a detraction from the release however. I think classic movies like this with all the bonus features ect. really need IME/PiP. People that are fans of the movie are going to be the majority of purchasers of this, and as such, are more likely to want IME stuff. Julie's roommate, Karla (Brandy Norwood) wins a radio contest. It is a trip to the Bahamas. She invites Julie and Julie invites Ray. Ray says he can't go. Afterwards, Ray feels like a heel. He now believes he should go and he has an engagement ring for Julie. So Ray and Dave (John Hawkes) hit the road. 640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is a great movie. It was done by a stop motion company in Japan and they did a great job. I love all the songs. Directed by Alexander Witt. Produced by Paul W.S. Anderson, Jeremy Bolt, Don Carmody. CA Luster The ending leaves many questions to ponder: What prompts Chaney to change his mind and try to save Speed by taking on an expert fighter from Chicago? Didn't Speed dig his own pit? Chaney himself angrily told Speed that he didn't owe him anything. Perhaps, as Chaney laid on his bed under the ceiling fan in his dump of an apartment, he realized that maybe he DID owe Speed for granting him the opportunity to utilize his talents and make money. In other words, without Speed he wouldn't have had his success. Perhaps he decided he wanted to make even MORE money in one final fight before leaving New Orleans. Possibly, it dawned on him that, although Speed is certainly to blame for his own problems, Chaney realized that he had fallen into his OWN-dug pits in the past and needed someone to help him get out. Or maybe he realized that, in all the world, he had less friends than can be counted on three fingers and felt it was his duty to help Speed (and Poe) out. DeNiro made a name for himself with his performance here. Its not just the words that Bickle speaks, most of which are in his narration of events. Its not the way that he looks at the world or watches what is going on around him. Its not the odd way of thinking in a nave way that makes him who he is. It is the combination of all of these things and more that make him shine in this role. I had to do some research in order to write this review because otherwise my review would have been too vague and probably inaccurate if I hadn't (not that it's anything to write home about either- admittedly my mind shuts down when religion becomes the subject because that opens the door to an overwhelming amount of information). It's about the character of Jurgen Prochnow portraying Jesus. He comes back to Earth. At first it seems his mission is to cause Demi's character harm and in particular harm the baby inside Demi's belly which is why Demi constantly visits the hospital for checkups and worries something might happen to either her or her baby. Complications arise frequently- some of them real others in Demi's mind. John Malkovich is at his purring, brooding best as the Dauphin; Faye Dunaway brings history to life as the devious Yolande D'Aragon; Tcheky Karyo provides the heavy weapons support and uniformly stolid jawline as the phlegmatic, doubting, faithful Dunois; Vincent Cassel seems to be having the time of his life as the laughing Gilles de Rais; and Dustin Hoffman has a shadowy, skulking, gloriously contemporary little part in tempting, tormenting, and confusing Joan. All very nice, nothing special, but for it's age, it looks great. 5130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everyone's favorite disturbed sentimental favorite cabbie drives on. Even after 30 years, Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" still hits a familiar nerve with it's audience whether new or old. As Travis Bickell, Robert DeNiro plays one of his most well-known roles. His anguish and disgust for all things wrong are intensified with his job and living situation. As a cab driver in a city (NYC) that has it's fair of poverty, crime, and unsanitary conditions, Travis becomes an inevitable time-bomb ready to blow up. Capitalism. The only way to make them do right is through consequence. By not purchasing their products. So overall, if Abby can figure out this mystery, she will be the woman that gives the world a second chance and stops the end of all mankind. I think Sean Connery relished playing an over-the-top diabolical mastermind in this film, and you can see that he was just having a ball. 8024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THe movie is wonderfully Acted and very meaningful. It Shows the ups and downs of everyday life. I would highly Recommand buying this movie This is a profound film. It sounds a too seldom heard cautionary note about the limitations of science, even as it celebrates the limitless human spirit. At one point the Director says : "No one exceeds their potential. If they do it just means we didn't judge it accurately in the first place." This notion, that human potential is a physical quality, to be quantified, measured and judged, is the all too likely and frighteningly imminent horror that resides at the core of this vile future world. Mr. Niccol is a polemicist of a very rare sort, for he manages to entertain even as he delivers his jeremiads. That's quite a feat. It makes him one of the most exciting and visionary talents to come along in Hollywood in some time. Julia Roberts is great in the role of the younger, sexy girlfriend, and Susan Sarandon (like always) is wonderful in her role as the jealous mother. So in addition to seeing one of the funniest movies ever made, you can be entertained for hours with the extras, and the extras are terrific: subtitles in English, French or Spanish; audio track choices -- English (the original mono or a brand new full stereo version), French, a directors' (Gilliam and Jones) track or a commentary track with Cleese, Idle and Palin; a copy of the script overlaid on the film; a painstaking, hilarious Henry the IV-ish subtitle for those who don't like the film; a hard-of-hearing feature; killer rabbit easter eggs; animated menus using Gilliam's original animation; karaoke renditions of 'Knights of the Round Table', 'Sir Robin' and the 'Monks Chant'; a delightful 45 minute visit to the locations with Jones and Palin; an educational film about the 'other' uses of coconuts; Japanese versions of the French Castle and Knights Who Say Ni scenes, including references to the 'holy sake cup'; a 1974 BBC Film Night visit to a location site during filming; photos of tickets, press releases, reviews, posters, production stills and original artwork; trailers; cast credits (Palin played over a dozen parts!) with pictures of each character; a Lego knights version of the Camelot scene; pictures of sketches that were never used (a killer snail?!); a web link. Actually, what's probably most memorable about the picture as a whole is how maddeningly inconsistent it is in terms of pacing and excitement. For every scene that's fun to watch, there's another that's just plot-stopping, whether it's watching the survivors move from one bland-looking corridor to another, or Milla Jovovich jump-kicking zombie dogs in slow motion, or a computer program tiresomely going over the very simple zombie rules. Is Travis the hero, the antihero or the villain of this flick? It really doesn't matter. Travis is a man compelled, his hand forced by the rot, corruption and indifferent hatred bred on the city streets. The cesspool of crime is its logical consequence, just as much as is Travis, the loner turned lone gunman. It is fitting that in his "training" scenes he is wearing cowboy boots, for he has a score to settle. Not so much with Sport (played with abrasive wit by Harvey Keitel) and the pimps, johns and druggies that people this new urban frontier of lawlessness. No, they are merely the tangible targets of his psychotic hate; The vengeance Travis metes out with his .44 Magnum is against a world that sees him as a virtual invisible man. Just as society turned their backs on the Vietnam vet, so does the woman of his dreams, Betsy (Shepherd). Initially, Travis sees her as the last glimmer of hope for the redemption of a society gone to ruin. But, when she rebuffs and deserts him over the clumsy social faux-pas of taking her to a porno movie on a first date, society loses all meaning to him, and he exacts his vengeance on society in order to transcend her rejection of him. You can tell his fate is sealed when he sees his life "pointed in one direction....there never has been any choice for me." Maybe Annie probablee..grew up to be part of daddy warbucks..business..& empire &/_or he may just have let her start a respectable & honorable business of her own& get merried...be a wife..homemaker..mom...& live happily ever after... 2095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great By informal count, Upstairs Downstairs was nominated for 17 Emmys and received 7, most significantly, 4 successive awards for outstanding dramatic series. It was nominated for 9 BAFTA awards and received 2; and was nominated for 4 Golden Globe Awards and received 1. It also received a Peabody Award, a Royal Television Society Award; and its theme song won the Ivor Novello Award for Best Theme From a Radio or Television Production. The program could have continued beyond five years, but the actors, writers, and directors chose to end it. Cyril Bennett, who had been reluctant to air the program in the first place, pleaded vociferously, but ineffectively, with John Hawkesworth that the program should be extended for another ten years. Thus, there have been no further episodes of this outstanding drama. The movie actually takes place one month prior to the Playstation Game Resident Evil and ends at some point within Resident Evil 2 and 3. How? I will explain later in the review. The only think I disliked about the movie was the mansion set used in the movie itself. It looked nothing like the Mansion used in PSOne Resident Evil. The interior of the mansion followed the style of PSOne Resident Evil, but many hardcore gamers will immediately point out that the Mansion is completely different on the outside. Every thing else follows close the game format and can possibly be tied into the game. Having penned the screenplay, Martin cleverly adapts the Cyrano De Bergerac tale to a modern setting, however, manages to maintain the original story line and large personality of Cyrano in the character of C.D. Bales, a fire chief of a beautiful small town in the mountains of British Colombia. But does Monty Python & the Holy Grail live up to this reputation? The influence and popularity of Monty Python is indisputable, but that does not mean that this comedy troupe has found favour from all quarters. Certainly they display the potential to come up with some extraordinarily creative and original humor, appreciated especially by those who find the surreal and absurd in any way funny. But it is regrettable that the humor of their television shows often descends into the risque and irreverent. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is no different in that it contains both the usual brand of Python humor, as well as a significant amount of irreverence and sexual innuendo. Some parts are funny, in fact tremendously so, for who can ever forget the defeat of the killer rabbit with Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, the three-headed Knights that say "Ni--!", the Bridge of Death with its absurd riddles, and the closing scenes where our heroic knights are conquer the grail, only to be arrested by British policemen. But the clever humor doesn't excuse the large amounts of blasphemous material, which frequently is used as a source of humor in connection with the religious aspects of the grail. Monty Python took their irreverence even a step further in a subsequent film, Life of Brian, which is a parody of the Biblical Messiah Jesus Christ. But it's not just unholy religious humor that's problematic here - discerning viewers should realize that "the Holy Grail" also contains some risque sexual innuendo in the usual Monty Python style. And these moral concerns aside, there are cases in "the Holy Grail" where the surreal attempts at humor just aren't funny, but stupid. 9175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For mindless entertainment I love to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail. There is no rhyme or reason to the movie, just a bunch of people doing stupid stuff and making it hilarious. There's no need for neverending flatulance jokes (which is overplayed in almost every comedy of today) or a need to make fun of different races and cultures just to get a cheap laugh. What it is is pure stupidity that makes you practically wet yourself when you watch it. I couldn't tell you how many times I have watched this movie and laugh hysterically every time (as if it's the first time I'm seeing it and hearing the jokes). This movie is perfect for those who feel like today's comedy's are overdone. It's full of fresh comedy (which no one since has even tried to copy) and doesn't bore you with repetitiveness 8096 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Pretty decent film version of the Broadway hit musical. My oldest daughter fell in love with it as a little girl, now her little girl is loving it. A timeless classic. 3589 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've been converting my VHS collection to DVD & of course this one was on the keep list. DVD arrived quickly & in great shape. 4191 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Sub par acting but it's Arnold had to get it 1254 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I got this to replace an old vhs copy, love it! Sometimes the oldies really are the ones to watch! 3713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie In the 70's while boarding an international flight out of Istanbul Airport. A young american named BILLY HAYES is caught attempting to smuggle 2 kilos of hashish out of the country. The drugs were strapped to his body. 7759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 well done 5469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie. This film is kept at a 2 hour length. But the tradeoff is that the events in the film are ONLY from the "Gospel According to Luke." That probably won't bother everyone, but I felt obligated to point out that you can't expect the best scenes of all 4 Gospels. 4280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Last action hero is only available fullscreen on dvd now it's back on blu ray 2 40 1 1080p it's theatical ratio so i had the dvd and it sucked in fullscreen so i got on blu ray now 5036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is a psychological trip through an extremely interesting character study. Leaving viewers mystified, Martin Scorsese has crafted a superb movie. The script is audacious, the cinematography is in your face and gritty, and Robert De Niro's holds up the movie on his very own. The Wilson brothers are in fine form here, especially when interacting with one another. Anthony is calmer and thinks a lot; Dignan is idealistic and wacky almost to the point of mental illness. They have a certain innocence despite their illegal ambitions, and it's fun just to see them ramble around. They, Inez and Bob are sort of misfits, but not the kind you laugh at. 2620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 gift for our son As for the audio, I have one word and that is "magnificent". "R.E - Apocalypse" picks up from the ending of "R.E." Basically, we find that Raccoon City is under siege by a terrible plague that brings the dead to life (surprise!). We are soon introduced to some new characters, one being Jill Valentine (played by Sienna Guillory). Now when I saw Jill for the first time she looked exactly like the Jill from the games - except here she has black rather than brown hair! It's a minor thing of course, but obviously sufficient attention wasn't given to the appearance of characters. Anyway, Jill's ruthless and good with a gun, and that's all that matters. Later on we also meet Carlos Olivera (played by Oded Fehr. Carlos was from the third Resident Evil Game). He's a leader and a great fighter, but this Carlos is much older than the Carlos from the game. Nemesis is pretty well done but his face just looks slightly different from what I remember. And the Nemesis in the movie has some pretty massive guns, which is true to the games as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, all the human characters trapped in the city must escape Raccoon City before dawn or they'll all be turned into Nuclear Pulp. The storyline is similar to the games but it's not particularly original. Overall characters get 7/10 and the storyline gets 6/10. What else... oh yes, the lack of chemistry between Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke beggars belief (Thurman looks continually as if the very sight of Hawke gives her the screaming heebie jeebies), and the thriller/whodunnit piece does not import a sense of drama into the proceedings. And boy does the film need it. This DVD has no extras on it but is still worth every penny because of the movie that is on it. 6468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When Resident Evil : Apocalypse was finally announced for it's theatrical release, no one was more excited than me. Being both a fan of the games, and a fan of the first movie, I had high expectations for what this one could be, and it did indeed live up to what I expected. In closing, the film is not a waste of time. Go see it, it is quite good. You have to take it for what it's worth. Mindless fun in the vain of flicks like "The Fast and the Furious." My brother left the theater and admitted he wanted to hate the flick so bad. But he couldn't. He enjoyed it and said that it will get a bad rap from rabid fans, the same stupid fans who were [upset] that the X-Men dressed in leather, or that the 1st Episode 2 trailer was too lovey dovey. 6420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Face it: game to movie adaptations don't work. They're either way too long and complex that an hour and a half movie doesn't cut it like Final Fantasy, which always need to be long and good 20-40 hours at most, or not enough story so the filmmakers try to make a story out of it like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Oddly enough, the latter was made by the director of this film also, Paul Anderson. I actually found myself willingly watching Mortal Kombat rather than it being on superstation and nothing else on. His 2nd adaptation is slightly better but still fun. 5535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To anyone who has questioned society, this movie is for you. It asks interesting questions about the way society functions and how everyone is living a life of hypocracy, wheather you're punk or conformist. It shows a question that has been long asked from a new angle. The proformances are great, the characters are funny and interesting, and the plot, well, there isn't much of that, but the script itself is good. Another succesful recomendation from the Sundance Film Festival. 6840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Top stars. Kim Novak is one of the best looking stars of the time I can't even watch TAXI DRIVER anymore; it sears my nerves from the opening notes of Bernard Herrmann's score and the first images of hellish, neon-lit NYC. I can no longer bear to see the utter loneliness of Travis Bickle, or hear him say "I got some bad ideas in my head." I cannot watch his conversations with Iris, the 12-year-old prostitute. I can't stand to see him before his mirror, forsaken and frozen, contemplating the darkest things in his heart, playing with his pathetic, terrifying weapons. This is the truest film I know, and if every piece of celluloid in history were going up in flames, this is the only one I'd save. TAXI DRIVER. Goddamn. The sensitive and well rounded way in which this story was handled was fresh, creative, yet took no liberties in veering from the original story. Although it is not as spectacular in production as THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and other such movies, this movie was more like it "really" would have happened complete with humanity in all of its misery and magnificence. 6583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent 8621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie 1375 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 As a fan of the original Avengers t.v. series I have to say that I was so excited when this movie was previewed with what I thought would be an outstanding cast that I can hardly contain my displeasure at how predictable, boring and stupid this film was. Although the performances were credible the story was so bad that I wish I could get the price of admission back. 4097 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is a tough one to watch because many of the scenes (especially during the first hour) are riddled with tension -- the kind you feel when you've just confronted someone head-on. Everyone fights -- parents, children, ex-wife and girlfriend, stepmother and children; you almost feel like you've been inadvertantly caught with a friend when she decides to have a major argument with a family member -- makes you want to slip out of the room until the storm is over. I like it when the good guys win. I like it when the bad guys get their @$$'s kicked in a big way. I like it when people do the right things for the right reasons and the results are good. I guess I'm old fashioned that way. That is what this film is like. 8838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The presentation of this package is outstanding - with one small caveat. Upon opening this edition - i was compelled to put all of the small barnyard animals into my mouth - to test this so called "choking hazard". This resulted in nothing more than very wet toys. I shall have to content myself with merely launching them at the damnable cat. I recommend this film for anybody wanting to know more of Seventh-day Adventists; but also pick up some of the recommended books and web sites for more information. I also have purchased more Adventist information, they have a wonderful health wise message. Two fascinating, very effective and related themes of the film are seeing the world as new, as if for the first time, and persevering aspirations to be faithful to truth amid being called into question by more conventional points of reference. Neary is led at points even to question his sanity himself; the audience is given enough reasons to question his sanity too (or at least fear for his losing it), though are also provided with enough clues to leave open a positive final verdict. On the one hand, for example, Roy is not concerned merely with UFO sight-seeing (even with his family)--he speaks in a number of places where he sees an importance to what he saw and the sharing of it with authorities--; on the other hand, when team of Lacombe (an international professional UFO investigator) first learns of the coordinates of the mountain where the aliens are planning a major visit, they wind up needlessly trashing some furniture (an expensive globe belonging to the county supervisor)--in other words, just what bad decisions will normal people make under extraordinary circumstances? The scenes where Neary inadvertently acts crazy in front of the neighbors--to gather material for building a large scale model mountain in his living room--were taken out from the special edition and restored in the director's cut; perhaps Spielberg worried the scenes put too much of the blame for the marriage breakup on Neary (and no, it's not like Neary has no flaws). In the special edition, in fact, Ronnie leaves the house before we see anything of the large scale mountain; we only see Neary carrying a garden hose and his youngest son protesting being taken by his mom into the car saying that 'dad needs some more help'--with the car then proceeding to nearly run Neary over--; the version underscores: Ronnie deserted Neary. (Though a relevant line of Ronnie's is only found in the original version, where she flatly states, 'I am not getting a job,' just minutes after getting the news Roy lost his job with the power company, a fact for which she was partly to blame as she was careless and nonchalant in passing on some urgent phones messages, including from the governor.) Neary first noticed the real mountain on TV (after building--and regretting having made--the large scale model), in a news story covering a concocted "nerve gas" scare, which he saw just seconds after his wife abruptly hung up him (amid a sincere effort on his part to reconcile). Alot to take in, a bit of a roller coaster, even for the audience. Was Neary alone to blame for his marital problems, or did the failure to communicate (with Ronnie early on even literally plugging her ears), give him too much for him to deal with at once? Roy was actually fired in the wake of his having been sent (also underscored only in the original version) to investigate the cause of a power failure--which he found--it was UFOs. Did Neary, nevertheless, then abandon his kids and fail to provide for them, or did he, at least from the point of his wife hanging up on him, only pursue the best--or even the only way--to make good, provide a fuller appreciation of what is real, even secure visitation rights (against accusations of insanity)? (It is sometimes said that good stories don't tell us what to think, rather, they simply give us things to think about.) In any event, what Neary sacrifices to build the models, unexpectedly losing his family in the process, becomes very meaningful when he draws on this experience to climb the real thing--expressly going against a government cover-up story which evacuated the area to keep lay spectators away. Very intense scene, like a double jeopardy--and he is still not sure what he is going to find (nor is the audience). Beautifully shot. The last half hour of the film deserves its reputation, but the rest of the film is far from filler; it does, however, set the stage. I do think the mountain-climbing scene is helped by showing the prior havoc involved in building the large scale model mountain; I think Spielberg was right to restore it to the director's cut. Neary's recklessness in building the mountain was over the top, but his enthusiasm seemed to stem from being convinced that he was finally going to be able to share what he experienced with his family, though he was tragically mistaken. 5802 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To get the movies in steelbook is definitely worth doing, especially if you are a fan of steelbook case collecting! Audio 9599 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It was all I could do to watch this to the end. Futuristic landscapes dominated by genetic-fueled intrusions into our privacy does not an interesting movie make. William Ragsdale plays Charley Brewster, a typical horror-loving kid who just so happens to find out that his new neighbor is a vampire - naturally, no one believes him, including his friend Evil Ed (Stephen Geoffreys in a truly annoying performance) and his girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse, who went on to play Marcie on Married With Children). For some reason, Charley decides to be open about his suspicions, thus letting the vampire know that he knows his little secret - not a smart move, as Charley soon learns courtesy of a little visit from the new guy in town. This vampire, I must say, looks nothing like your typical Count Dracula; he actually looks like a reject from Dance Fever, making it a little hard for me to take him seriously (although the threat of "Deney Terrio" busting out some disco moves in the film's one night club scene certainly had me feeling uneasy). In desperation, Charley goes to the only man he thinks can help him - Peter Vincent, Vampire Killer (Roddy McDowall). Vincent killed many a vampire - in the movies - and he is now the local host of Fright Night, a late-night horror show. As you might expect, Vincent doesn't really believe in vampires and, once he sees that Charley is telling him the truth, he isn't too anxious to fight them, either. McDowall is really great in this movie; he is the lynchpin upon which most of the movie's success depends. 2947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BACK IN THE 60'S WE WATCHED MORE MOTORCYCLE MOVIES THAN I CAN REMEMBER. THEY WERE A SIGN OF THE TIMES. MOSTLY VIOLENT AND NOT VERY MEMORABLE. SAVE FOR THIS MOVIE. JACK NICHOLSON WAS A HOOT. PETER FONDA WAS BEAUTIFUL AND DENNIS HOPPER WAS COOL. ....E. Deleted Scenes (17 minutes total) There's 7 deleted scenes in all. The 1st is the longest, and was originally going to be the beginning of the movie One of the two major thoughts that came from this movie for me is how we as a society are not really that far from the practice of eugenetics. Eugenetics is the practice of genetically altering the gene pool, DNA of a species. While this film shows that practice in the form of shifting out unwanted traits; i.e. obesity, and other harmful physical conditions, one thing that could not be genetically altered was the spirit or soul of the individual. Each person is an individual which thinks differently and uniquely from any one else. The possibilities are endless, especially since this technology is already in use for cancer treatments. But reality also shows that not everything shows up in the genes of individuals. 7441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie!! 4125 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Too depressing. The only one of Tom Hanks' movies I didn't care for. 7287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great movie that played well! In other words, you've got your funny, you've got your bloody, and you've got your sexy, all in one cheesy package. If the ending wasn't so horrifically bad, I'd give this one five stars (Some DVDs have the original ending, which I haven't seen). It ain't Citizen Kane, but you know that already. If you're a fan of the genre -- B comedy-horror flicks -- this is a worthwhile entry. 4095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 SUSAN SARANDON IS ABSOLUTLY PERFECT IN THE ROLE OF THE MOTHER SOON TO BE "REPLACED" BY HER EX-HUSBAND'S YOUNG & PRETTY GIRLFRIEND. A LOT OF EMOTION IN THIS MOVIE ; A LOT OF GOOD LESSONS TOO. Nicholas R.W. Henning - Australian Author 5517 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If I could best describe this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it yet, "SLC Punk," is just plain stupid. This was one of the highly anticipated films that was released at "The Sundance Film Festival" in Park City, UT, a couple years back. Alas, there's virtually no plot, and no good dialouge. The incessant use of the "F-word" in SLC Punk - gets really old after a while - it made me want to cringe! Why couldn't the director of the movie go by the adage that "less is more." There's a lot of meaningless subtext, and a bunch of cavorting teenagers, who like to "go-against-the-grain." It authentically portrays the SLC Punk scene: you know, the spiked hair, mohawks, plenty of black leather and body piercings. It's about a bunch of young aspiring punk-rockers (anarchists/mallrats) - who at times - border on suicidal tendencies; where there's lots of drug-use; and the main characters making total jackasses out of themselves. Being from the SLC area, I was expecting a scintillating perfomance from these guys. (I wish they could've behaved themselves, in a dignified manner.) IT WAS FILMED IN UTAH, OF ALL PLACES! I THOUGHT IT WAS SO AWESOME! I saw some familiar scenes in SLC Punk: the [Mormon] Temple, the University of Utah Campus, and West High School. SLC Punk, wasn't what I was expected. I was so stoked about this movie from the beginning - and then all of a sudden - my excitment died down. I love punk music, through and through. It's just that, this movie came up way short. I didn't, however, get to see SLC Punk at the film festival, which is why I picked it up at the video store. This movie was so disappointing. There's not a whole lot I can say about SLC Punk, other than I think it's a complete waste of time and money. This movie is rated [R] for: Profanity, Vulgarity, Drug Use, Teen Partying, and Violence. All things condsidered, I wouldn't recommend seeing it. 8339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! One of the best ever! Newly Recorded Featurettes/Retrospectives 1940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie now seems dated, it is now 18 years old. The first 747 was used as "Air Force One" in 1990. When this movie came out "Air Force One" had been a 747 for only 7 years. Now it has been 25 years since "Air Force One" has been a 747. In 2023 the new Aircraft that will serve as Air Force One will be a 747-8. When the last 747 was delivered it was based on a 747-200 at the time it was delivered the 747-400 was being delivered. The 747-8 has the same type rating as the 747-400 they both have no flight engineer. The new Aircraft being used for Air Force One may be modified to have a flight engineers position, because it will undoubtedly have many more systems than a regular 747-8. It will essentially have a type rating unto itself and its twin(s). That is, no 747-8 rated pilot would be qualified to fly Air Force One. Piloting Air Force One is a prestigious job, although it is boring. There are Air Force pilots that don't want the job. Many former Air Force pilots won't work for the Air Lines for the same reason. It's like being a Formula One Car driver and then getting a job driving a Trailways Bus. 1661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought the complete UD series some 5 years ago and the money that I paid was well worth it. I will not buy the 40th Anniversary series because the extras the set offers can be seen on You Tube. If you have never bought the complete set,and have never seen UD, I suggest that you invest the money for this great piece of television history. You will not regret it. British drama is the best there is. The writers and production values are magnificent. I can understand why this program crosses all cultural lines. As in most movies, the requisite girl (played here by Jessica Alba) has nothing better to do but to be a sexual object, and be in danger. She is apparently a "songwriter/musician" but that's just thrown in there for the hell of it and has no purpose whatsoever. In fact, none of the female characters here are at all developed. The "evil-fighter" just randomly appears. The other girl has no point but to die. The movie is mindlessly gory. I liked this film. It's one of the very few successful deep sci-fi films ever, and it's more impressive to me because they did it with no budget and without distracting toys. This film is an adult thought-experiment, making a statement about a number of related issues regarding genetics, social engineering and the nature of the self. Overall, I am very impressed and recommend this to anyone, especially at this price (I paid quite a bit more than the current price and still feel I got a good value). Ford was in real pain and fear and I was cheering, FINALLY a real 6773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While the length of this movie may frighten some people from endurng it, one must consider the epic Braveheart's lengthy time, and how it still remains one of the best movies to date. The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, is a brilliant example of such a film, combining stunning visuals and a talented cast to bring the epic story of the infamous story of the Maid of Loraine to life. Milla Jovovich plays Joan, and the cast choice was impeccable. Her ability to change moods from exhilarated to infuriated, and from strong to terrified, truly make the performance believable. Her visions of the saints and heavenly beings are absolutely gorgeous and totally mesmerizing, cutting from shot to shot of different things surrounding her as she experiences them. Battle scenes are filmed from both sides' viewpoints, and the beauty of it is that 99.9% of all things contained are believable. I'm not that big a fan of the score, though (to anyone in my english or yearbook classes, I bet you're surprised to hear thast one, huh?), and I think that it will have to grow on me before I buy the album. But all-in-all, this movie is great, andone that will remain in the mind for long periods after watching it. 9841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca really makes you wonder about the moral and ethical consequences of genetic engineering, and the risks of mankind playing God. This is science fiction at its best. In a nutshell, Gattaca is the modern version of Aldous Huxley's science fiction classic novel Brave New World (1932). 9902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my 80s guilty pleasure movies. No, it's not great, but I've always enjoyed Roy Scheider's performances. I didn't expect much from the Blu-Ray, but it's actually a pretty good transfer. If you like Blue Thunder, it's definitely worth upgrading if you have the DVD. Of course, by the time Monty Python and the Holy Grail came out in 1976, the original series had been airing on PBS for a couple years, so people were more familiar with the show. But still. Just imagine what reactions must've been like for those poor souls who went into this movie never having seen the TV program. 8564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Entertaining and well-acted. This movie is formulaic but very good and well worth the time to watch. 4494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great film 2040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Non-stop action, fine, if not subtle Harrison Ford. Pleasantly unlikely plot, with an odd undercurrent of executive and cabinet irresponsibility. Oldman stronger, and more restrained, than he sometimes is--and with an accent to boot. Shocking number of dead bodies, however, too much carnage to give the deaths any dramatic (or human) sting. Harrison Ford has one of the most commanding presences of any Hollywood actor, and Air Force One is almost entirely his show. Yeah, James Marshall may be too damn perfect for a politician, but this is a red-blooded action flick, and I want a hero that I can unabashedly cheer for from beginning to end, and Marshall is just that kind of guy. Gary Oldman's the villian, and in true Oldman style, you can expect lots of hollering in a somewhat unintelligible accent (which honestly doesn't sound particularly Russian, as it's meant to). There is a wonderful feel of History; the clash between the English and the French is as fascinating as the conflicts between the different French factions, and both are presented very well in the film. 2440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another Gere and Basinger favorite. Great movie. I liked all the acting very much. Every character was fantastic, real and powerful. The ending, however struck a note of unreality. None the less, this felt perfectly right, because the film is expressive of psychological viewpoint: the eyes being a central symbol. 152 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this several times and enjoyed it more each time. Highly recommended! 1. Access the movie menu and increase the volume output 7359 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My granddaughter tried to watch this three times and found it boring. As did I. One would have to be an Annie fan to enjoy this. 3201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Although I am not a motorcycle rider and I have never used psychedelic drugs, I still found this to be a great movie. If you have allowed these two elements of the film to keep you from watching it, I highly recommend putting those thoughts aside and viewing this. Last Action Hero: the most underrated parody of all time. 4967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been a Mel Brooks fan for years. I received the Blu-Ray edition of this Collection as a Chanuka Gift & I can Honestly say that this is one of THE best gifts I have EVER received. Mel Brooks is one of the best Comedic Directers EVER! And This encompeses his best work. 9 Movies from the 1970's through the 1990's. An all-star cast of Harrison Ford, Glenn Close, and Paul Guilfoyle help the movie to be entertaining and enjoyable from beginning to end. This is a very good movie and I enjoyed it and I believe that you will to. I recommend it to you! Just pop it in to see a scene or two, you'll feel better in no time. 9430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie, Good Quality, Nice price 439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a Born Again Christian <3 ALL BY FATHER GODS GRACE <3 I Love this version Of Joseph. Very Accurate <3 I 'WAS" An Alcoholic <3 PRAISE THE LORD <3 Started to drink at 8 years old. I "WAS" An alcoholic that Did keep all in Control Until I was 47. That's when ALL my life went 'OUT OF CONTROL" ALL GLORY GOES TO FATHER GOD <3 WHO SAVED THE WRETCH "I WAS" IN HIS SON, AND MY SAVIORS NAME <3 JESUS THE CHRIST MESSIAH <3 Sober for over 4 years <3 I am A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST <3 ROMANS 10:9-10, 1 TIMOTHY 2:5, JOHN 3:3, 3:16, 14:6. Blu-ray info: 3546 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WENT FROM RENTAL TO OWNERSHIP OF THIS MOVIE Milla Jovovich and the rest of the cast carry out their performances very well, with the exception of the female soldiers who are sooo "butch" and "tough." Have mercy on us please... Enough with that! They are simply not realistic and therefore not convincing in their roles. 3150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie! I've seen it 100 times and plan on watching it 100 times more! One of the best movies ever made! Back in the '90's Sony installed spyware on music CD-ROM's they released. When a Sony music CD was inserted into a computer, spyware was installed on the computer. Inclusion of spyware on music CD's was a Sony marketing strategy, not a manufacturing mistake. 5486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everyone told me about this movie about 2 years ago. I was shocked the first time I saw it. It is a very funny movie, one of the best punk-related movies I've ever seen. It's placed in 1985 and it really makes you feel like you are living in that year. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone that likes punk. 6439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It almost seems a prerequisite now for certain movies to spawn all kinds of aftermarket merchandising, specifically video games (usually sucky ones at that). But to make a feature length film based on source material taken from a video game? Seems poor prospect (who remembers 1993's Super Mario Bros? Or how about 1994's Street Fighter? Man, those were some awful times), but then again I come from a time when video games were pretty simplistic, and had little or no story. Nowadays, the technology has allowed for extremely well developed storylines within games, and the likelihood of seeing the transition from game consoles to the big screen becoming more and more common. I mean, look at it like this, if a game sold how many million copies, you pretty much already have a large fan base more than eager to watch a film based on said game. A built in audience...how can you go wrong? Well, if you deviate from the storyline, or screw up various elements or characters, you may end up with a fairly rabid pack of angry fans looking for blood...Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), sequel to 2002's Resident Evil film, was written by Paul W.S. Anderson (Event Horizon, AVP: Alien Vs. Predator), and directed by Alexander Witt, a man who has a ton of 2nd director (this is the guy responsible for filming shots of less importance, such as inserts, crowds, scenery, etc.) credits to his name, but makes his directing debut here. Returning in her role as Alice from the first film is Milla Jovovich (as far as I can tell, she was the only one who made it into the sequel). Also appearing is Sienna Guillory (Love Actually), Oded Fehr (Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, The Mummy), Mike Epps (Friday After Next, The Fighting Temptations), and Matthew G. Taylor (Gothika, Detroit Rock City) as Nemesis. 1472 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the story is great the acting was terrific 3462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really great movie but too long. 224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It seems like just about everybody has made a Christmas Carol movie. This one is the best by far! It seems more realistic than all the others and the time period seems to be perfect. The acting is also far better than any of the others I've seen; my opinion. Fonda and Hopper represented something amazing to the generation that they were about, and that's what made the box office bucks; that and Jack Nicholson in one of his abloslute most memorable roles as the drunkard ACLU attorney George Hanson. Must See, if only once, for anyone. 8672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a classic. Everybody should watch this for a lot of laughs. A big thumbs up from me !! The highlights? The score and the rather humorous audio commentary of Anderson, Jovovich, producer Jeremy Bolt, and castmate Michelle Rodriguez. Jovovich sounds like she's in full "valley girl" mode here, and they joke about everything from Milla's gas (a little T.M.I. if you ask me), their time spent in a German nightclub (the film was shot mostly in Berlin), and cast member Eric Mabius' affinity for yogurt. But it says a lot about a film when one of the major highlights of the film is its audio commentary. After all, you don't watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 because the movies they're riffing on are great. 1996 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Harrison Ford knows how to protect an airplane, but I wish he would not fly his personal planes over homes. Although I'm impressed with how well he recovered from a mechanical failure of his plane on a golf course and wish him good health in the future. 5825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it's just what i need v e r y n i c e p r o d u c t So, enjoy! :) Great movie, but if you never watched other versions and/or never read the book, do so, it'll explain a lot of gaps of this movie ( I HIGHLY recommend "not-so-wide-known"1973 adaption. I've just discovered it myself and was blown away...) 1724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good depiction of the problems faced by George Washington when chased by the British after the New York defeat and when crossing the Delaware Rivet to attack Trenton. 2397 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My amazon friend Mr Buckeley just wrote a great 1-star review for this, so I just felt like it too... and is mutated to another horrible beast. Eventually all the survivors escape, and thus stop the Umbrella corporation from doing more damage to Racoon City. As we saw at the end of the first film, we see Alice (Milla Jovovich) unhooking herself from the operating table and leaving the building. She now stands in the middle of downtown Raccoon City where all the turmoil has just ended. 8155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my daughter has watch this like 10 times. she loves this movie, so i had to buy it for her. she is only 7 years old. i would recommend this item. this movie is a classic. 3144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 So many good actors portraying classic characters of the time, generation and style of the South. Keep hankies nearby even when you've seen it several times! Overall, the movie is fantastic. The acting is top-notch, the plot is excellent with a suprising twist and the graphics are great. "Bottle Rocket" is a wise film, and it makes a nice companion to the two aforementioned Wes Anderson films that everyone has seen. It is wise, fast-moving and extremely funny, although certainly not to everyone's tastes. 7126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is my first time seeing this movie as an adult. Overall, I would say that I still like it. Much of what I remember as a child still holds up today. My one criticism, though, having now seen it through the eyes of an adult, is that it is unnecessarily long. Some of the songs I loved as a child, are now annoying. I think cutting one or two of them would have brought the run time down to just under two hours, and that would have made it more watchable. I would suggest that the song between Mr Warbucks and Miss Hannigan was not really needed. I would have handled that scene with dialogue only, in the same way the Grace Farrell/Hannigan scene was done. Otherwise, I still think this is a good movie, and I should note that it was my childhood introduction to the amazing Tim Curry. "The Way Of The Ostrich." 8820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great DVD. Thank you. 1031 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Waited for years for this classic to go on DVD. It previously was only available on VHS tape. It has an alternate ending which is good to see. The two protagonists: Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune start as enemies and discover that they need each other for survival. The similarity to Robinson Crusoe is striking, except they both are on equal footing. These two men are two of the greatest movie actors of all time. It is a great pleasure to see them together. There are very few copies for collectors out there so, get this one while you can. 5. The movie, I felt, did not efficiently utilize and implicate his role as a taxi driver. Why do I feel this way? Because whatever he did and whatever he felt and whatever he knew, could have been done, felt, or known even without being a Taxi Driver. Let's go deeper. He drives around and notices all this crap in the street which makes him dislike the city more and wants to do something about it. You don't need to be in a taxi to feel this way or find out about this. A better way to implicate his role as a taxi driver to further help the plot of the story would be him spying on bad guys or getting important information as a taxi driver, using his taxi driving identity to somehow sneak into certain places and acting as a spy, etc. There are two commentary tracks, with 4 of the actors on one and the 2 directors on the other. I know that the one with the 2 directors is taken from the Criterion Laserdisc, which is neither good not bad. The scene selection is okay, and the extra 24 seconds are unnecessary. Disc two has sing alongs, documentaries of the Holy Grail locations today, "How to use your Coconuts" (which is hilarious), "MPHG in Japanese" (which is okay), "A load of rubbish" (which is bad), "On location with the Pythons" (An 18-minute documentary made in 1974 by BBC), Terry Gilliam's original sketches, and a bunch of other stuff. Despite the subtitles and rabbits, what a deal! Thank you for taking the time to read my review and feel free to leave helpful/not helpful feedback. The story tracks a tiny band of survivors as they try to stay alive long enough to escape the city limits. It helps that this group is made up primarily of highly skilled operatives from the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) unit and also from an Umbrella strike force. It also helps that the scientist who invented the T-virus is willing to guide them to safety, provided they rescue his young child. The odds for survival increase dramatically with the arrival of Alice, former head of security for an underground Umbrella complex. But it's a slightly different Alice than from what we remember in the first movie. She's been experimented on by the Umbrella think tank and she now demonstrates super powers. Another survivor from the first movie figures in APOCALYPSE, except that he'd been tweaked and probed and genetically engineered into becoming the terrifying Nemesis program. And no surprise that even with a city apocalypse going down, there are still fiendish Umbrella asshats bent on pursuing their messed-up experiments - such as pitting the Nemesis Program and Alice against each other, in a backstreet brawl, just to see who'd come out on top. 4467 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This sequel, I Still Know What I Did Last Summer, is a stinker. Not that it doesn't have it's brainless appeal. It does. What makes the first film look like a classic, is that this film doesn't have the fun, cool set-up of the original. It had a creepy feel. This one just falls into typical Friday The 13th type 80's slasher feel in the second half. Not that that's bad. It can be fun. Just don't expect anything from it. Jennifer Love Hewitt is okay in this, but the appeal she had in the first isn't quite here in this one. She seems to be there just to have really hot shots of her body which, um, well, okay, that wasn't a bad thing. Brandy, on the other hand, was wasted. Why was she in this?. Why did she agree to do this?. Freddie Prinze Jr. was another one who was wasted. He got second billing but his part is much smaller than any of the other co-stars. What happened?. The fishermen killer himself was creepy in the first one. Not here. His creepiness was ruined because you see way too much of him in this film. That always hurts a film and character. The ending had another "shock" like the original. Nothing shocking about it. It was expected. You could tell. Let's hope Kevin Williamson comes back to give the third outing more of a hook. Pardon the pun. Thinking back on that movie, the only spying he really did was probably with the presidential candidate that coincidentally got into his cab and talking to him, but even that I felt was useless. And this scene alone confuses the plot, not help clarifies anything. He knows nothing of the guy, how can he be a supporter? 3057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie with a classic story. I've seen it many time and just decieded to buy so I can watch it when I want. If you're a youngster, you need to do a little history lesson to understand it. Many will feel they have sat through a long movie where not a lot of action has happened, only to be denied a proper denouement. Jodie Foster plays the part of a pre-teen hooker with excellence. Her character is sad and provides the only outlet of caring for De Niro. As Apocalypse begins, key players from the Umbrella Corp. are no longer a mystery behind their environmental suits as the T-virus spreads. The zombies are out on the loose, eating and infecting people as they go. The Umbrella Corp. enforces a quarantine lockdown when lovely (Sienna Guillory) Jill Valentine arrives. What was lacking from the sequel was the length of time Jill spent at the police station in light of that same scene from RE2 confronting the zombies and trying to figure out where they came from. Less suspense, gore, and blood didn't prevail after the sequel's predessor. But more zombies and more action earned my approval. My roommate was surprised that I had never seen the movie Gattaca. I was even more surprised when he told me that it was entirely plot driven, had virtually no special effects at all, no aliens, etc. Oh, and there's some really pretty scenery and some fancy fishing. 1803 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is fantastic! Jeff Daniels is the best George Washington I have ever seen! The conversations convey the type of speech used in that colonial period, yet are understandable today. The research that went into the costumes and props is phenomenal and makes the film look very authentic. 5851 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First of all let me make this clear. This is the only good live action RE movie ''other then the first one'' that I actually really liked. The others are really boring and not even close to grab your attention. Now that I got that out the way, this movie was really great. Alot of action, even the acting was great. Nemesis was well made which is another huge step about this movie. This RE movie seemed more darker and alot less cheesy looking then Extinction, Afterlife & Retribution. I have to admit I really enjoyed the first RE movie, but this outshines the first and obviously outshines the other 3. I recommened buying this movie. 9842 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is not your typical sci fi movie. Now I recognize that "Rushmore" and "Tenenbaums" (and "Life Aquatic", and "Darjeeling") suffer from a pedantic deliberateness that Anderson probably just couldn't afford here. I love all of those movies, but "Bottle Rocket" is just so much more sincere and immediate. I am an advocate of good old fasion family fun. I try and take my kids to these and other live musicals as well. We even do voice lesson Cds: (I recommend them as well) get this movie 7491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nail Biter! 2054 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it! Buy this with UP IN SMOKE & YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN you 6687 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really enjoyed this movie after playing the playstation game, i liked this film and laughed a lot but i'm glad he did not spend over forty years making variations of it. one of allen's biggest inspirations, the Marx Brothers, especially Groucho, did slight variations of the same comedic shtick over their entire professional lives. allen took much bigger artistic risks by not sticking to these broad comedic setup gags. GRADE : A 2982 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Don't watch it for the cinematography or the special effects. Don't watch it for the acting, music or costumes. Just watch it. It was never meant to be a blockbuster, just a low buck art film. It is not a shining example of any of the casts best work, but it has a deep message and is a window to the era. I suppose if we were living in that era it's avant-garde message would have stuck us and we would have cheered the performance. Today, not having lived in that era, and spoiled by modern techno-cinema, I missed a lot, but I did see many comparisons and points that were trying to be exposed. Compare them to today. I dare you. After you watch it then run the commentary or the special features and see if your observations were correct. Anyway, I think Ralph Fiennes does an exceptional job in the role of John Steed in that he combines the darker parts of who Steed was when the show started with Ian Hendry, with the charm, wit and sophistication on display during the Diana Rigg era. Plus, he looks absolutely smashing with that suit and bowler hat. 915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An over looked Disney classic. great spoof on spy movies 8720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really loved this movie. Charles Bronson and James Coburn are great actors. All aduslts will enjoy this movie. I highly recommend it. It has bee a long time coming to Blu-ray. 4 stars 4147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A very young Tom Hanks stars as David, an up and coming ad executive in Chicago who plays hard and works hard. He has just been promoted to a window office, and everything seems to be going perfectly until his father, played by Jackie Gleason, announces that his mother, played by Eva Marie Saint, has moved out. Jackie Gleason plays himself - a cigar chewing, joking, clothing salesman who has lost his edge and can no longer adapt to new sales methods and is losing clients until the firm eventually fires him. A smart DVD. As we move deeper into the 21st century, with all it's gifts and burdens, we may find that we need the human spirit more than ever to cope. (to be clear, by "human spirit", I mean imagination, ambition, drive and our knack for achieving seemingly impossible goals). 165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love anything to do with a Christmas carol. Henry Winkler is excellent great telling hard to find excellent condition. Really enjoy it! A little different telling but same result. 6862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a fun movie to watch if you're not the Resident Evil fan but if you are you probably think different. I enjoyed the movie but the problem with this movie is I have a hard time remembering it. It was pretty forgettable because the storyline was pretty thin. The actors gave pretty good performances. If you haven't seen the movie, I would rent it first and then buy it because it is violent and thin storylined. This is not for children. All in all this was a good movie but if you are a Resident Evil fan you may not like this. 1. There is tons of gore But I digress. If you're looking for a not-half-bad action/comedy flick that possesses plenty of super-hokey megacheese moments, and will leave you both entertained and mortified that you were entertained by it, 'Last Action Hero' just might be the movie you've been looking for! I am happy that I got to see this DVD because that is the only Christmas Carol DVD that I have not seen. 2664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gift 5047 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i can't believe i waited this long to finally watch this classic.this is one brilliant film. De Niro is excellent as the title character AKA Travis Bickel. Martin Scorsese directed this masterpiece.i don't wanna to oversell this film,but it's something else.i'm not gonna give any of the plot away,because i think any way who goes into this should view it without any preconceived notions. DE Niro is brilliant here,that much i'll say.i also loved the look of the film,the style,the colours.if you haven't seen it,i would highly recommend it.for me,Taxi Driver is a 5/5 anarchists like the Marx Brothers. 3889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites 8944 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie, what more can you say I just wonder if here Dickens does not reach Zola's pessimism who considered that anyone born in a criminal circle could only be that and drag everyone around him down into that criminal circle. No salvation for those who are badly born. The belief in an elected people turned into a savage and wild social Darwinism: some have been elected to be crushed and powdered by life as slowly as possible for them to regret ever being born but absolutely unable to shorten the ordeal. NEGATIVES: This is the definition of a missed opportunity. One such invalid driven by his passionate dream of outer-space travel, finds a way to beat the system, by using blood and hair samples of a former valid who's incapacitated by partial paralysis. He assumes his new ID with full co-operation by the former invalid, and both these peoples' lives become an excruciating every day routine of trying to keep beating the control-checks and achieving each their own goals. Things turn even edgier when a murder investigation inside the base for space-travel points worrying leads towards the (...) and the police are hot on his trail. From then on it becomes a race of time. If he makes it he's safe for good, safe in the confines of the surreal distance that will separate him and the earth as his destination is Titan, a planet several years of distance away. "Resident Evil-Apocalypse" continues on the path of the popular video game genre. This film is the second in the series of Resident Evils. The always-curious Umbrella Corporation must open the Hive! Of course this leads to unleashing the T-virus again. Raccoon City is built above the Hive, so the virus spreads faster than oil in water. The Umbrella Corporation cannot stop the virus so the decision is made to quarantine the city and nuke it. But what a better situation to try out their new prototype fighting machine Nemesis. 4610 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is my favorite movie. I was young when it came out. I remember looking up at the screen (people watched movies in theaters back then) and seeing steam come up from the street and this big yellow taxi driving accompanied by a burst of saxophone, and I was mesmerized. Every performance is perfect. De Niro was destined to be a star, but this is the movie that made him a star. The writing is so quotable ("You lookin' at me? Ain't nobody else here.") that I still quote it. I love what the movie says about cities and the alienating impact they have on people, but I love the way the movie looks as much as I love the acting, the writing, and the message. I subtracted a star for this. Otherwise it'd be a 5-star. Fright Night is a great Halloween film for the preteens up. It's scary, but with a sense of humor. 7398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A "River runs through it,"remains one of the iconic masterpieces in USA cinema. Robert Redford has devoted his entire life to movies via acting, writing and directing, none have been more radiant that "River"..... 4897 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I wouldn't know since I turned it off a while back. Very enjoyable. Steven is an excellent writer and story teller. I bet sitting around a camp fire he could spin a tale, and everyone present would be sitting there with goose bumps, their eyes wide open, their jaws dropped down to their chest. Umbrella's interest in the city is varied. Can the city be reclaimed? Can the virus be contained? But it also provides a chance for proper field testing of other projects, particularly Project Nemesis. Through all of this we follow a handful of survivors as they try to stay alive long enough to find a way out of the city. In the background a third party is pulling stings for his own benefit to locate his daughter who was left behind in the city. I would definately recommend that anyone see this movie, especially if you need a good cry or if you are a parent going through a divorce and/or remarriage. It may encourage people to be a little nicer to each other and see what a difference it may make to the children who too often get stuck in the middle. The extras were basically the same as on my old LD Sony release with a great in-depth documentary on the making of the movie, the special edition (released in 1980) and director's cut. It also included a new 2007 interview with Spielberg reflecting on the movie after 30 years (the documentary was made in 1997, 20 years after the original release). In the case there was a booklet with some text on the making of the film with lots of pictures and a fold out with the film poster on one side and on the other side there is a outline of the differences of the three versions of the film with three timelines (one for each version) and notes pointing to various points with comments. What I really miss is a commentary track with Spielberg on each of the versions. I don't think that there is a single movie of his that has a commentary track on either BD or DVD. It would be perfect with a commentary track. 5194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Director Martin Scorcese and Robert De Niro (as Travis Bickle) collaborated on a film unlike almost any other I have seen. What to say about it? Bickle is a delusional and dysfunctional (probably deranged) taxi driver in Manhattan who is strongly attracted to Betsy (Cybill Shepherd), a beautiful young woman centrally involved in the political campaign of Senator Charles Palantine (Leonard Harris); Bickle also attempts to befriend Iris (Jodie Foster), a runaway teenage prostitute. He proclaims "I'm God's lonely man!" In some respects resembling the psychotic character Archer Maggott played by Telly Savalas in The Dirty Dozen, Bickle also sees himself as God's avenging angel whose mission in life is to eliminate all of the evil which he perceives in his world. After recently seeing this film again, I asked myself the same question I did in 1976: How many Travis Bickles are out there? All of the performances are outstanding. Working carefully with Paul Schrader's screenplay on which he presumably collaborated, Scorcese portrays a sordid, potentially violent underworld which is most dangerous after all the "good people" are comfortably settled and secure in their homes. Laurent Bouzereau's 70-minute "making of" feature provided with the Collector's Edition is highly informative, as are the mini-biographies of Scorcese, De Niro, Keitel, Foster, and Shepherd. As much an homage as it is a parody, Lucas in Love succeeds where so many others fail. A review of the three other shorts on the DVD - "Evil Hill" (Dr. Evil meets Notting Hill), Film Club (Fight Club in a film school), and Swing Blade (Sling Blade mixed with Swingers) easily demonstrates how this type of experiment can fall flat on its face, turning into a gigglefest by filmmakers and audiences with the kinds of noses that stick up in the air. Thankfully, Lucas in Love is never reduced to this insipid level of "didja get it? didja? aren't we CLEVER!!!) that the other films on the DVD do (and, unfortunately, so many other short films available on the Internet). Here they put their imprint on the myth of the 'holy grail' which ostensibly was the search for the holy chalice which ties back into Christian legend. ok, i hoped this helped and made more knowledge for you. by the way i played all the games too and beat them all. if people say bad things, whatever they just hate themselves and there lives and have nothing to live for or benefit other people. have fun with life, but don't do stupid things. buying used movies from amazon.com makes me feel better. if you don't like the movie then you don't, but it doesn't mean it's stupid. over 400 million dollars gross for 2 movies says something, hey people like them, you don't? don't watch 'em and shut up. 15 years ago, when I watched this horror screened in the cinema, I ended squating on the cinema chair. This film, though, is the best filmed biblical interpretation of the life of Joseph. It is truly astounding with a stellar cast! Paul Mercurio is incomparable as Joseph and deserved an emmy for his performance. He tears the heart right out of you! No less superb is Lesley Ann Warren as Potiphar's lascivious wife who tries to snare him into her web but fails. 4. Costumes The lads are traveling through a forest when they meet the fearsome Knights Who Say Nee. As an aside, I have seen the spelling "Nee" and "Ni." I am clueless as to which is correct. The Knights Who Say Nee demand tribute from our heroes so that they may pass. The tribute shall be...a SHRUBBERY! Yes, a shrubbery. How fortunate that our questing heroes soon encounter a shrubber (supposedly a man who creates shrubberies). 8994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a lot funnier when I was a stupid kid. 6949 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It won't win an Oscar, but who cares. I totally loved this movie, I can see it over and over, the special effects were cool and the lead actresses, YUMMY! 2558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have enjoy everything that I have got from Amazon. Thank you! No, it is not as true to the book as some other versions, but it captures the spirit and tells the story in a very compelling, moving-it-along way. I enjoyed the rapid transitions, cut-aways and voice overs. It tells the story of the novel in a most interesting way. By the way, there's absolutely no truth in the scurrilous rumor that the third film in this series will be entitled "I've Got A Fair Idea What You Were Doing Last Tuesday And If You Don''t Stop It You'll Go Blind"... 8988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well i love English comedy and this is a great movie.i recrecommend for you collection Now we come to the end. A horrible disease ravaged a city the size of Chicago, a huge 30 ft wall is erected around the entire city (we are talking miles and miles of wall), newspapers lay scattered through the streets with headlines reading "THE DEAD WALK", people struggle to escape the city and many do before Umbrella Corporation puts a stop to it. To cover this tragedy up Umbrella Corporation touches off a nuclear bomb and claims the power plant had a meltdown. Fine no problem. 9319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As you may already know, this DVD was released with a serious defect back in November of 2001. Subtitles would pop up randomly whether you had them turned on or not. After numerous complaints, Columbia Tri-Star Home Entertainment fixed the problem and sent out the corrected discs. Unfortunately, they did NOT recall the bad shipment (just like Anchor Bay with Heathers), and there is nothing on the box to indicate which version is which. Ah, but there is a way to distinguish the two. The initial shipment had a sticker, in the lower left-hand corner, advertising "VIP MOVIE POINTS - Buy and Bid!" The newer, corrected version, does NOT have this sticker. Hope that helps everyone out. As far as the first Swedish subtitle being omitted, it was like that on the theatrical re-release, too. So who knows? Now, as far as the DVD goes...wow. This is a Monty Python fan's dream come true. Oh sure, the transfer is far from perfect, and the 5.1 sound wouldn't impress your grandmother. It is still leaps and bounds ahead of the VHS (ugh!) release, and the extra features are too numerous to mention here. (I believe they are listed at the top of this page.) Really, the only drawbacks are the missing subtitle at the beginning and the fact that there are two versions out there; one defective, the other not. But at least now you know how to distinguish them. Just another helpful tip from your uncle Jason. 506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Though this interpretation of Joseph's life has been substantially embellished, the heart and soul of the story remain intact, and is ultimately quite faithful to the Biblical account covered in Genesis Ch. 33:18 through Ch. 46:30. The acting was okay, especially Jennifer Love Hewitt. Even Brandy, who i had low expectations of, managed to surprise. Top world-scientists surrounded by computers, and slide rules, have to rip a large globe from its pedestal in order fix latitude and longitude? Now, there's a piece of needless and embarrassing action. The story unfolds when Travis picks up an underage prostitute called "Iris" (Jodie Foster) trying to escape from her pimp boss "Sport" (Harvey Keitel), who drags her out of the cab. Travis is concerned by this and arranges to meet with Iris via the prostitution circle but instead of hiring Iris to have sex he tell her he wants to help her get out of prostitution. The later parts of the film revolve mostly around Travis and his new found mission to free Iris from her pimp and let her start a new life. But there are some very memorable moments along the way , the quick action sleeve gun design and mirror scenes, the Mohawk hair cut among many others. Also look out for a small scene where the director is paying Travis to sit in his cab and watch his wife cheating. Australian actor/dancer Paul Mercurio ("Strictly Ballroom") is good in the lead, and others in the cast include Leslie Ann Warren as Potiphar's lying wife, the always beautiful Dominique Sanda as Leah, and some fine character actors playing Joseph's brothers, notably Michael Attwell (Judah), and Vincenzo Nicoli (Simeon). Perhaps Rumpole's confrontations at the Bailey in which his strategically deployed nonsense perpetually outwits the common-sensical Red Judge Ollie Oliphant, or when the rumbustious periwig-pated Rumpole silences the sepulchral Mister Justice Graves by speaking the speech as Shakespeare (or, on occasion, Wordsworth) pronounced it, trippingly on the tongue! It's really great that this series finally came out completely... but what about those of us who YEARS AGO bought seasons 1-4... waited patiently for the rest... and want the rest of it? Do we just chuck out DVDs we paid as much as $49.95 a piece just to get the last seasons? 1042 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Played fine on my US Spec Blu Ray player but it is not widescreen, it is only 4:3 letterbox. Wait until the actual blu ray comes out. The zombies in this movie are your basic "pale and rotting skin" undead, some with the occasional missing bits of face and flesh. Unfortunately, the zombies in this film have goofy-looking mechanical movements, as if though their joints were so stiff, they could barely show much in the way of mobility. Maybe it's the effects of rigor mortis, but this makes zombies far less enjoyable to observe. 8649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BRONSON IS THE MOVIE.PERIOD PIECE OF THE DEPRESSION GREATCAST,WELL ACTED 3557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I will not go into detail on how I feel about Steven Spielberg's wonderful science-fiction odyssey, probably one of the best movies ever made and a classic in the science-fiction genre, despite what the knucklehead academics say. Instead, I will address the minor controversy surrounding the Blu-Ray editions of the movie. Sally Field truly shows us a mothers emotion when trajedy stikes so close to home. The bond that all the women developed over the years comes to the fore when they all come together to show support in this most desperate time. By the way, this is the saddest and yet funniest part of the movie. 4789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Incredible acting by Robert De Niro and Jody Foster. Compelling gritty story, flawed only by the ending. 3910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 8148 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always loved the film Annie. 6759 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Sexy security operative (Jovovich) wakes up one night with amnesia, then gets ambushed by a commando squad and led into an underground research facility over-run by flesh-eating zombies. More entertaining than one would expect from another video-game adaption, but the visual effects are so laughably poor and the concept so ridiculous that most die-hard horror fans will see this to be a direct rip-off of George A. Romeros zombie films. Ten points to anyone who can figure out Jovovichs characters name before the credits. 8592 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny classic film The movie is a great vehicle for exploring teenage rebellion. I had a great time watching it with my newly teenaged son. It inspired him to begin posing as a bit of a punker & a bit of an anarchist. I've challenged him to get beyond the poseur side of things and to delve into art, rebellion, creativity & =REAL= Anarchism. 8469 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not interesting 2668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very enjoyable movie of a small town community it which you find a small group of women who are very fond of each other go through some most dicffult times and happy times together. 130 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Terrible 521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 4 year old loves this video. He knew 3 or 4 of the 17 songs on the video, and I was unsure how he'd take to the whole 17 song video... Many times these videos are not produced well... But my fears were washed away after my son sat through the first viewing happily, and then wanted to watch the video AGAIN right away. He watched it a second time (30 mins is the perfect legnth) and was content. Good choice on my part, this is a GREAT video. Paul Race, editor, Family Garden Trains(tm) Iris is a very cleaned up version of a teenage whore. She is unrealistically cleaned up. She is palatable for the movie audience but she is unrealistic, as she herself knows, as her mother knew when she saw the script. Likewise, her pimp is not the original pimp written in the script. Her pimp is a white man, and not really unlikeable. He never hits her, he gives her a lot of affection, he holds her head tenderly and whispers to her sweetly, he has a sense of humor. The original pimp in the script was black, and pimps are known for brutality. This is almost a Disney pimp, if we can imagine such a thing. 6967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The DVD came in good condition. 1308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WOW! 5001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 At first I wasn't going to this at first I earned too little and it cost too much; you could imagine my surprise when the price was cut in half and I never regretted the purchase. 6623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had never played any of the Resident Evil games before this movie came out. When I found out it was based on a Playstation zombie killing game I passed it by time and time again at the local video store. Don't expect stupid puns, toilet humor and bad sex jokes. "Bottle Rocket" shares the dry, funny, erratic humor of Anderson's later movies. Not to mention a thousand funny little lines ("Bob stole his car!"). Anderson and Wilson avoid being self-consciously cool, in favor of being earnestly quirky. No banter, just wit. The performances are interesting, if not altogether successful. A young, thin Randy Quaid is a little over the top, but Paul Smith (later to play Bluto in Robert Altman's Popeye film) is a terrifying presence, and John Hurt turns in a quiet, skilful performance (he nabbed a deserved Supporting Actor nomination). Brad Davis' performance mostly works and he does the turn from in-too-deep bonehead to a slobbering mess, believably and done very smoothly. His only real fumble comes in the scene where he finds out about the change in his sentence and loses his cool; Brad Davis, at least in this film, is better in reactive mode, and he can't quite land this scene where he blusters and yells and must command the screen. But for the most part, he is a fine anchor for this graphic, vivid, forceful film. 7211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 really, this is what Mod Squad aimed for! In a film which sees the President's daughter held at gunpoint and his plane chased by Russian fighter jets, Air Force One takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. This thriller has more twists and turns than the River Nile and is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat right through to the closing credits. 6667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 if u like loud heavy rock music and this game then ull love this movie! The blu-ray transfer is good. 3828 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie that makes you cry. 5156 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is an intense portrayal of a man slowly being driven mad by his isolation and loneliness. Although Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro) lives in NY, the largest city in the world, his inability to construct and maintain relationships with other people has led to insomnia and progressively towards violent insanity. He seems to have only one friend, the Wizard (Peter Boyle), a fellow taxi driver with whom he maintains an awkwardly trusting relationship, but even that contact with another person is largely superficial and deeply flawed. On his downward spiral, he meets Betsy (Cybill Shepard), a woman whose company gives him hope to become "like other people". Ultimately, though, his warped personality drives her away and sends him deeper into his own personal hell. Perhaps then that is where the film fails (in a small way): it's trying too hard to satisfy two different audiences, the gamers and the Romero fans, but ends up being a compromise and maybe (just maybe) the people who will get the most out of the film are those (like me) who fall into neither category. 724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful Christmas story for the little ones! Premise: Daniel(Austin O'Brien) gets a magic ticket from a movie store owner given to him by Houdini. While watching the latest Jack Slater movie, Daniel gets transported into the movie itself and ends up joining Jack Slater(played by Arnold) in his crazy adventures. This particular adventure involves Jack finding out the killer of his brother. Excellent entertainment and a real bargain! As for this particular one: (2) Jillian Guiler (Melinda Dillon, who earned a supporting actress nomination): She is a single mother whose young son, Barry (Cary Guffey), was abducted by an alien spacecraft. She thus also becomes obsessed with aliens. 3065 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Saw this in the theatre in 1969. 983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A terrific third feature from director John Boorman ("Point Blank","Excalibur", "The Emerald Forest", "Deliverance", "Zardoz", "Hope and Glory" and the excoriated "Exorcist II: Heretic" which crashed and burned so badly that it damage his career for a time ) uses a premise that has been mined for other movies (most notably "Enemy Mine"). Two enemies (Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune ) on opposite sides of the war end up stranded on a deserted island together. At first they fight for resources before realizing that they need each other to escape back to civilization. In his sophomore collaboration with Scorsese (following their beloved 1973 classic MEAN STREETS), De Niro plays Travis Bickle, a twenty-six year old honorably discharged Vietnam War veteran. Ever since coming home from Vietnam, Travis has lived the Hell that is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and in no way has he continued forward in the same honorable service he gave his country when in `Nam. Rather, ever since returning home to America (home being New York City), Travis has, when not driving a checkered taxi, been spending time in porn theaters and keeping a diary of all the disturbances that have turned him into a psychopath. 9760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are plenty of reviews here so I will simply add that this movie has stayed with me. I think about it from time to time and remember well the emotional and spiritual impact it has had. I guess people just see things differently, but for me this movie was pure power. It's heart baby. Well guess I made it obvious that once they get their Hookie is there as well. He starts killing people...., including the nice drug dealer played by Jack Black. He gives his best performance ever!! Okay I'm just kidding, he's annoying. Since hookie wants Hewitt dead, it puts her friends in danger. Which pisses off Brandy's horny b/f played by Mekhi Phifer (E.R, 8-Mile) who's just on the island to do the nasty with her. While Freddie "I act so bad even my show was canceled" Prinze Jr. steals a boat to come to the rescue. Nope he doesn't rescue the movie with his acting abilities.. I actually found the movie to be a decent slasher flick. But the end is just awful and isn't needed. It should've just ended with Hookman realizing that Hewitt looked hot in a wet tight t-shirt and asking her to marry him. Instead he still wants to just kill her for being one of the people that threw him off a dock after hitting him with a car. You would think this guy would've just got a life by now. 4543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This hautingly spiritual and thought provoking movie will stir your soul. 3471 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 1759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent insight as to the struggles, determination, patriotism, & courage of the Father of our Country & his army. All performances are outstanding. 3178 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How to make a movie with almost no money ? Watch Easy Rider ! It's a terrific journey ! The story is simple but the actors (if they really are ;) are really fantastic. The Nicholson performance is unforgettable. EASY RIDER is a CULT movie and it still explains very well how the US society was in the 70's. Try to get the 30th anniversary remastered version including a very funny retrospective documentary to better understand the whole concept of Easy Rider. A once in a life ! 2078 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 exciting and well performed. cinematography amazing. but predictable. "Roxanne" actually tells the story of the French Renaissance-hero Cyrano De Bergerac, but brilliantly turned into a modern romantic comedy. Steve Martin stars as C.D. Bales, the head of a small village fire department. He has quite a big handicap, or should I say: nosicap? His nose is bigger than most men's... uhm, finger. But don't feel sorry for C.D.! In the first five minutes you learn that he is charming, witty, that he can take good care of himself and that he is by no means a victim of circumstances. However, C.D. is not always sure of himself. Especially when he meets beautiful Roxanne, played by Daryl Hannah. What will win Roxanne's heart: Good looks (which C.D. isn't really blessed with) or sweet and sensual poetry? 7023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very nice movie. Better that the newer one that is about all i will say if i told the whole story you wouldnt want to see the movie. The extra features on this limited edition disc are seriously interesting as well. C.D. falls head over heels for Roxanne, a visiting astronomer with alluring beauty and a keen mind but feels his appearance, a nose the size of Kansas, will prevent any relationship. 8855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Hard Times" was Walter Hill's 1975 directorial debut. He also wrote the screenplay. His preferred (more accurate and better) title was "The Streetfighter," as it was/is known in Europe. Hill went on to do more popular films like "The Warriors" (1979) and "The Long Riders" (1980). The reason I was interested in checking out "Hard Times" is because it had garnered a bit of a cult reputation over the years (although not as cult-ish as "The Warriors"). 6695 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 To begin with, lets get one thing straight, video games do not make great movies. Like books, video games are a different sort of medium and when turned into movies are usually nothing more than cool bad movies. With that said, I was really surprised by RESIDENT EVIL. I had never played the video game, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The movie uses film techniques and cliches borrowed from a host of other films, e.g. THE MATRIX, ALIENS, and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD just to name a few. Yet, the movie sucked me in. I was enthralled by it. I got caught up in the action and the story and kept wanting it to go on. A MUST SEE MOVIE, AND ONE TO HAVE IN YOUR DVD COLLECTION!!! 1482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who can forget Ciran Hinds as Edward Rochester?! Love this adaption of Charlotte Bronte's novel! The supporting cast is splendid as well! 1565 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I must fervently disagree with the many positive reviews shown here, for 2 major reasons. First, the writers took great 'liberties' with the novel that detract, rather than enhance, the characters. The best two examples involve the main characters of Mr. Rochester and Jane. In the book, Rochester is a brooding, singular figure who is very much a victim of the cruel plotting and vices of others. But in this film version, he is cruel and vindictive in and of himself. Vengeful, plotting, and profane, you have little reason to see why Jane would ever attach herself to such a worthless creature. Jane of course does fall in love with him, but because he is so repugnant, the viewer can hardly see any reason why. Thus, Jane is herself reduced greatly from a woman who loves unconditionally - -as was shown in the book- -to a strange, misguided young woman racked with a codependent psyche. The second area in which this version is inferior to the book, and the other far superior film versions (particularly the William Hurt version) is its brevity. It is only 90 minutes long. It leaves out so many of the small aspects that would normally give vitality and life to the characters. Being that it is such a poor version, this is not necessarily all that bad, but willing to give the film chance after chance to redeem itself, it falls terribly short on nearly every measure. 8818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a cute film featuring your favorite Sesame Street characters. Mandy Patinkin is great and he pulls off some great expressions as the "villain" of the movie. Don't expect life-changing plot twists or super action here, but this is a good kids film with some fun settings and characters and a lot of clever puns and jokes focusing on the backwards nature of Grouchland. 3773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great item. It is exactly how it looks in the picture. Very happy with the product. Would definitely buy again. There are many moments of joy, and heartbreak and romance. Fisher King is a wonderful movie for all to enjoy. Williams as always is brilliant. He will make you laugh, smile, cry and applaud. Bridges holds is own but Mercedes Ruehl is terrific! But the true star is film's message. The film is rated R for scene of nudity. Cover the kid's eyes for a few minutes and let them enjoy the rest of the film. 3872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of those movies, at least to me, that even though it is simple and often times crude I just don't get tired of it. It really isn't a horror film but then it's not a comedy either as most of the humor, weed jokes aside, revolve around bad horror puns. The plot revolves around Anton, a completely worthless character, who basically does nothing but watch television and smoke weed all day. His friends are almost as bad but seem slightly more motivated than our dear friend Anton. Unknowingly to Ant, his hand has become possessed by evil since it has been idle, hence the title. He has already killed a boat load of people, including his own parents, before the discovery is made that his hand is evil. Present at the time of this discovery are his two friends who are quickly killed and then later buried only to rise up from the ground as Anton's undead friends. Oh, did I mention that the beautiful but slightly disturbed Molly (Jessica Alba) lives by Ant. Well she does and Ant, aside from the fact he is a total waste of space, actually hooks up with her, even with his evil hand. So Ant continues to kill and eventually lops of his hand with a butcher knife, only then to release the limb upon the world without the restrictions of a body. So he and his friends go in search of the hand, as the evil slayer (Vivica A. Fox) is also in search of it as she has been the entire movie in small little fragments of screen time. Everyone (Ant, 2 undead friends, Molly, demon slayer etc.) arrives at a school dance where Ant, after nearly being killed by the evil slayer, learns that he made a mistake in cutting off his hand as now it can more easily fulfill its purpose, which involves killing Molly at midnight. And no suprises here...it ends as you would expect it to end. Idle Hands compares miserably to the brilliant hand possession work done by Bruce Campbell in Evil Dead 2 but that has nothing to do with anything. It has ample amounts of gore, actors that make the script enjoyable (esp. the undead friends), and is something that you'll like if you enjoy horror and have that "off" sense of humor. Adding to the wonderful story, Spielberg has at his disposal terrific special effects and a wonderful John Williams score. Who will ever forget the final incredible half hour when the UFOs dance overhead bathing us with beautiful colours and light while communicating with us via music. You simply sit back and let the sights and sounds envelop you. 6562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Tough story and pretty graphic, but I still love it Also of note is the fact the Barbara Streisand was originally cast in the role of Laura Mars; but she decided not to take the role. It would have been interesting to see her take on Laura Mars. Sadly, I don't think any test footage of her in the role of Laura Mars exists. If it does, it would make an interesting extra on any future blue-ray DVD release. 6918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderful musical, fun to watch with little girls who haven't seen it yet. Some beautiful scenes that are classics. 4111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie hadn't seen in a while then got this and just loved the drama to it 9114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This goes down as one of my all time favorite movies. As a History Teacher, I both appritiate the take and spin on some very "Dark Ages". I even show parts of this in my Early World History class every year because it is so good! Two young guys (played by Hopper and Peter Fonda) score a big drug sale, so they head across the country with their cash, towards Florida, on motorcycles, but this is not a biker movie! It's about the hippie attitude, lifestyle, and its backlash. 5358 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good 5248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The "support" behind this DVD is equal to the film. Interviews interlace with the terror of knowing that this film presages the reality that was to come, literally, with the suspense that was Hitchkock was all about. Photography=BRILLIANT A special citiation to Mr Special effect for creating what was a that time considered violent. Now with Blu-Ray, the movie companies go to every effort to force the consumer to buy the same movies again, after have bought them on VHS, DVD, DVD Special Edition. They make new special features, new cover designs, new commentaries, new everything but they forget Europe is in a economic crisis and even if we are SOOOOOO tempted to buy our favorite movies with the BEST picture and sound quality available, we just CAN'T! Us the portuguese have no money and no way to get it. The Wizard of Of of course is one of those classics, as well as Willy Wonka, Annie, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, the Bond movies, etc etc etc. The list is endless. A truly original and revolutionary film! 3328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The basic story is of a telephone line repairman (Richard Dreyfuss) who encounters a UFO and has trouble relating this to his wife (Teri Garr); she is in denial and refuses to entertain the thought that there may be UFOs. There are parallel stories of other people encountering UFO's. Eventually the government is also contacted by the UFOs and sets up a meeting with them had a unique location. The individuals encountered have also been compelled to attend; this to the government's consternation. Will the other invitees make it to the rendezvous point? What trials and tribulations must they endure on the way? 2173 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie love to watch it over and over. Can't go wrong with Harrison Ford in the lead role . At certain points in the film (yeah, like half of it) the waterworks start - I have to keep a box of Kleenex VERY handy. 1843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The main charachter is approaching his retirement. As for his last vacation, he decides to check up on his students. Students that he trained to help the poorer people of his country. However, he soon discovers that something is wrong. His students are missing, and the only explanation he can gather about them is that somehow "Men with Guns" were involved. What starts as a vacation soon turns into a quest. Soon more charachters join him, including an orphan boy, an awol solidier, an ex-priest (my favorite) and a mute woman. All of which leads to the ending. No hollywood fairytales here. Just a solid story, and a solid cast. Part thriller, part drama, this is a truly great film. Alice faces zombie dogs, zombie children and zombie corpses as she attempts to help a group of special force members rescue the child of one of the scientists who is responsible for the virus. The most terrifying evil she faces, however, is not the zombies, but the architects of Raccoon City, who are also the scientists experimenting with genetic mutations. 4206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good service good movie 1252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yeah I loved the movie version of Avengers with Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes Sean Connery had a great part also as Sir August dewinter. 6056 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Don't you love that studio deceit where they say something is "based on" a true story -- which they then think means they can distort and falsify virtually every single detail? But after they've already changed and twisted every significant event in it anyway, why didn't they just say it took place in the mythical country of Xenophobia, instead of going ahead and viciously maligning an entire nation of the kindest, friendliest, most hospitable people on Earth? This is the second time John Malkovich has played a role in a costume drama previously played by Jose Ferrer. Mr. Ferrer played the Dauphin in "Joan of Arc" with Ingrid Bergman, and they both played an older Athos the Musketeer, Malkovich in "The Man in the Iron Mask" and Ferrer in "The 5th Musketeer." of being vampires and must prove everyone and have upto dawn to unmask them 2501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic, entertaining southern movie. No negative 2760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie 8678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this for my Dad, he loved it. In the end, it has little originalty, and fails to improve on past formula. Post Viral-Apocalyptic films like Omega Man, Dawn of the dead series and 28 Days Later do a much superior job in creating a world in chaos.. the hysteria, tension, loneliness, despair, humour. That was riveting. 291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best "Scrooge" movies, a very creative adaptation. 8276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't say enough good things about the Rumpole series. Rumpole is a hilarious, yet also slightly sad character, quirky and not in the least concerned with what other people think. He's himself, and there is no one else like him. Even when you don't agree with him, you like him and you find him fascinating. I can't stand his cigars and cigar smoke all over the place for instance. He drops ashes everywhere, too. But I forgive him because he is SO intelligent, full of biting wit, and a man of ethics and character. His second try at the Resident Evil series, while better then the first, is still crap compared to REAL horror movies. It's kinda like asking to be kicked in the nuts once instead of twice...ones better but who really wants either option? 4462 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I Still Know...is as absurd as they come. Four teens, who are sharing a brain, win a trip to the Bahamas. They arrive to learn that they have arrived at the end of season, which is the 4th of July. Forget the fact that they don't celebrate the 4th of July there. This is a neat way of reducing the cast size. Later, there is a supposed hurricane, but the production company wouldn't put out for more than one rain machine, so it's pretty dinky. It does make a fine mess of Hewitt's hairdo, which was bad before it got wet. 7772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a beautiful movie. The cinematography, which features rural Montana, is beautiful; and the way in which the plot is portrayed is also beautiful. This film has touched my heart for years. The movie varies somewhat from the original novella written by Norman Maclean, but there are several memorable passages from the book incorporated into the script. Regardless, the movie is wonderful and the experience of enjoying it has been improved by having it issued on Blu Ray. When I started to watch, I noticed how it was similar in concept to Gotcha! (1985), with an American civilian mixed up in international intrigue. And as much as I still like Gotcha!, Condorman is the superior movie. Gotcha! is all nerdy hormones and awkwardness, while Condorman just rolls out fantastic comic book surprises one after the next. 2341 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Just because The Beatles have done it, that doesn't mean the Spice Girls should do the same. It's a heavy risk for music artists to sell their name on to the big screen, and believe me, this could go very wrong. Some make it out okay with just the bio-pics, other played it safe and just make theirs a concert movie, but "Spice World" took a completely alternate step. It's a Spice Girls power hour where a lot of zany antics occur, and nothing makes sense. 5209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Director Martin Scorsese (hot off of his critical breakthrough Mean Streets) directed this film that was destined to become an all time landmark in American cinema, and announced to the world the acting genius of Robert De Niro. De Niro plays psychotic cabbie Travis Bickle; an ex-Marine who takes a job driving a taxi because he can't sleep. He is driven to be a vigilante by seeing the ceaspool the city has become, while trying to protect a young prostitute (Jodie Foster) from her pimp (Harvey Keitel). Screenwriter Paul Schrader wrote the character of Travis Bickle so vividly, and De Niro perfectly captures the essence of this psychotic man living in a world decaying around him. Peter Boyle, Cybil Sheppard, and Albert Brooks also star, and look for Scorsese in a small role as a man following his cheating wife (the exchange between him and De Niro has quite a lasting effect). DVD extras include some interviews and trailers, but I would have loved to hear a commentary from Scorsese and/or De Niro. All in all, Taxi Driver may not be for everyone, but those who have never gotten the chance to see this should consider seeing it. The final ten minutes are some of the most gripping and chilling scenes in all of American cinema. Anyone else encounter this problem? Feedback on this issue will be greatly appreciated from fellow CE3K enthusiasts. The acting is good, as well as the excitement. I really cant believe Anderson didn't just read the novel, because it went by the game so well, and was made up as a story. But if he did do it that way, the film wouldve had to at least be 3 hrs. long, but it wouldve been worth it. The actors were perfect though if they still had the same characters: Milla Jovovich couldve played jill. Michelle Rodriegiez couldve played Rebecca Chambers. Eric Mabius(guy who played in the great independent film black circle boys and the crow:salvation) couldve played chris redfield, and they couldve just found other people to play Barry and Wesker. 1632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This complete series starts in 1903 and ends in 1920, featuring a family who lived in a great house in England ~ the lives of the people living upstairs and the completely different lives of those who lived below stairs. 3246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding performances by several well known actors/actresses. This movie has a great story line that I can never get tired of. Kind of a feel good, comedy, chick flick combined. 3341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite movie of all-time. The acting, as well, is top-notch. In my opinion this is Brad Pitt's finest hour. Before he became the heartthrob he is today - which often brings out bad movies by the dozen - he excells as the rebellious Paul Mclean. 8556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A must have for those who enjoy a good comedy. Plus, it's in steelbook. What else could you ask for? 6262 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have played all of the RE games and this movie was better than expected the story line was decent the acting was good and the effects where nice 5815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 saw the first when it came out love it then bought the second then third had to get one four and five love them all 5495 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just a heads up to all that might be reading this, besides individuals selling this blu ray on Amazon you can get it EXCLUSIVELY at Screenarchives.com for about 30 bucks. They have a special deal with Sony Pictures for more experimental titles and they're only releasing 3000 copies of most. I got this one and Mysterious Island on HD and am a very happy camper. 2122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 all is great 8954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it. Get it. But! British comedy is a lil different The DVD itself is excellent too. An impressive widescreen transfer, plus a full screen option thrown in for people who don't know the value of widescreen (ie. a pointless inclusion in my opinion). The DVD also boasts a 1978 documentary of the film, and a trailer. 6238 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Story about adultery with lots of violence as well as sex. Desperate, Charley enlists the help of has-been horror actor and TV host "Peter Vincent, Vampire Killer." Equally desperate, Vincent takes the job as Charley's "savior" because he was fired as TV host and needs the money. It is December 1776 and the Continentals have yet to score a victory against the British. Chased by government forces, the rebels find themselves exhausted on the banks of the Delaware river with General George Washington remaining Commander-in-Chief, but of the now remnants of what used to be the Continental Army (once numbering 20,000, now at 2,000 and dwindling). Subsequently, Washington is faced with yet another difficult choice: does he camp for the winter and hope that he will still have his rank and an army spring come, or does he surprise-attack the city of Trenton, which is in the hands of 1200 crack German troops from Hessen? refreshing. No violence, no revenge, just powerful forgiveness mixed with a dash of gratitude for the end resulting exalted / elevated status My favorite songs in the movie were "The Lady is a Tramp" and "I Didn't Know What Time It Was." 5327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a awesome movie. this is a great vampire film a horror classic. loved this movie. the acting is great, the special effects are great and the story is great. love these old horror movies they are better than the ones out now. if you have not seen this movie then I recommend you do. hope the remake is good. 1184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Shipped fast. JAMES COBURN & STROTHER MARTIN..all gone now...BUT not forgotten by me. The opening & closing THEME MUSIC is great. The story very believeable. I mean when they fight..during the depression time it was very believeable..can't compare to "ROCKY".The real rugged life as it was. BRONSON..should never be forgotten for such a very good role in his career. 4807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm old enough to remember when Taxi Driver came out - but I never watched it. I don't know why. I finally decided it was time - it has been such an iconic movie - and I never quite know what the references to the movie are about. It was surprisingly still relevant. I was also expecting to be disappointed by the cinemagraphics and it was perfect - and by that I mean - I wasn't distracted by cheesy props or obvious old technology. For as raw and simple as this movie is - it is not simple at all. Robert De Niro - looks so achingly young and plays the "hero" - a burned out vet driving a taxi. I couldn't understand why he royally screwed up his date with the woman of his dreams - but it helped to make it clear just how screwed up in the head his character was. Jodi Foster was heartbreakingly young and I kept thinking about my daughters or myself at that age - and how horrible it was that she was so street savvy and so young. But both of their performances were just stellar - absolutely sucked you in and made you believe in them. If I had watched this then - the message may not have been as clear to me - as it is now. One take away for me - is that this is not such an unlikely scenario for our psychologically wounded vets. We have so many out there - at this point in time - "they" are saying the average number of veteran suicide a day is 22. 22!!! Watching De Niro's performance was like looking inside the head of one these soldiers - you got that he just didn't care about anything any longer - and it was obvious that no one cared about him. I am a veteran myself - and have some of my own fears. I am completely against wars - because they are nothing more than a racket - making money money for civilians and killing young idealistic people - all for the sake of power. This movie solidified those thoughts for me. Overall I enjoyed it - but it was definitely dark and dreary and should only be watched when your own internal system is well enough to handle this kind of misery. This isn't a movie for the kids because it rightly deserves its R-rating. Towards the end, there's a good deal of brutal violence and even before that, there's a good deal of salty language (some of it is strongly sexual) and when Travis goes to the porn theaters in two scenes, there's footage of the erotic movies he's watching (one of them being the Swedish sexual film, Language of Love). Not to spoil any parts of the film containing the brutal violence, there's one scene where a man gets his hand blown off with a .44 magnum, and it's not pretty. The major strength of this film lies in Christopher Sarandon's bi-sexual portrayal of Jerry. This man is a wet dream come true and makes every shot pure gold. He has the personality of old-world vampire charm and it's really a shame I haven't seen him in more horror (although he's been in plenty). Every time he's on the set my eyes remain glued to the screen and my glands start salivating. Maybe I should stop now while I'm ahead... They have the potential to be great actress and they have blew it here! They should have gotten a better script. 2138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My Granddaughter loves it. I was disappointed with the quality of the dvd as well. There is a highly noticable "shimmering" in the interogation scene between Dreyfess and the government agents. Also, the night sky scenes looked uneven with streaks of gray overlapping the blacks. Many scenes were "soft" and uneven. The bonus disc, however, is very nice and contains great interviews and a documentary about the making of the film. This BD of "EASY RIDER" trumps any other version on home video before it. The image quality is beautiful and the sound is excellent for this film. This is a very impressive BD and I know that if your considering on purchasing, you will not be disappointed with it. Comes in the book-style case with essays and photos. The filming, acting, and score is superb. My complaint is similar to others: it wasn't long enough. I also feel like the script could have used a little more polish. However, this short film is a fun and diverting fantasy, adding another dimension of folklore to the layered theories surrounding the STAR WARS series and its much-revered creator. 5262 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is one of those rare mainstream horror movies, dark and sinister, ominous and threatening. The mind of Travis Bickle is fierce and frightening, the loneliness omniprescent. The performances are amazing in this film, Robert DeNiro, looking very young, is incredible. Cybil Shepard is an odd fixture, and her role is never adequately explained. Some may find that annoying, but it adds a bit of thought from the viewer, which really makes the movie interesting. The special edition is wonderful, the hour long documentary is inciteful and well worth having. A real keeper, and one that can be watched many many times, each time the viewer brings something new. It is incredibly violent and slightly explotative (which is understandable before Mean Streets, Scorsese did Boxcar Bertha for Coreman) but like Silence of the Lambs, the explotation aspect is one in keeping with the tone and feel of the movie. the lovely DTS. It's all about the widescreen factor- In this day 9996 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've read that this movie is considered "post-modern fantasy" by some. It is not. This film is an allegory based on our own "corporate culture." It is also a story in the tradition of Orwell's _1984_. The difference is that a corporate totalitarian state and not a socialist totalitarian state is described. The results are essentially the same, mind-numbing conformity and a tiny elite in control. 1291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bravo Shout! Factory for releasing seasons 5 and 6 for those of us who had been purchasing the individual seasons. Great move. I'd like to mention that the video quality is excellent as well. 9736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good cast. Great themes and better than average movie of this genre. Inspirational and though provoking. Memorable line, ":They will see what they want to see." 8385 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 "Annie" is the original movie based on the highly successful Broadway musical, based on the highly popular comic strip character - little orphan Annie. I'm going to refrain from reiterating the story herein, because I have already reviewed the previously issued DVD. Herein, I am taking the opportunity to lambast Columbia Home Video. The naysayers were partly right; this was the first sign of Arnold faltering, though it would take another five years before he really started to lose his lustre; and it wasn't his best film by a long shot, though it certainly looks pretty good now in comparison with some of his later, even more expensive and less successful outings like END OF DAYS. Basically the idea here is that we start off watching "Jack Slater III", an Arnold Schwarzenegger cop film in a sort of alternate reality that's pretty close to ours, and then our eventual sidekick character, an adolescent kid named Danny (Austin O'Brien) is revealed as watching the flick in a crumbling and decrepit old NYC movie palace. The early scenes here are very evocative - Danny is watching the film alone, friends with the old projectionist Nick (Robert Prosky), and his mother (Mercedes Ruehl) worries about him skipping school and only being interested in movies and hanging out with the weird old guy. Very Zemeckis-Spielberg. But soon we're in different territory as Nick gives Danny a "magic ticket" that he got from Houdini himself, tearing it and releasing the magic that allows Danny to be catapulted into the movie world of Jack Slater (now starring in the 4th installment of the franchise, brand-new and not even officially premiered yet). 9888 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When Gattaca was released in 1997 it slipped under my radar and I didn't see it until two different people recommended it to me recently. 9016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic But still, I found myself enjoying this movie anyway. It reminded me an awful lot of Blade and Blade 2, so anybody who is a fan of those two movies should check this one out. Don't plan on reading any of the books? This film is a fair alternative. But the viewer won't understand the complexities and drama of the event through this point of view. 1663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very enjoyable series. A must have in any British collection for devotees of Masterpiece Theatre. Extremely entertaining. 7626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a beautiful movie! Especially if you ladies love Brad Pitt! The supporting cast is also great! The scenery is so good it almost steals the show! Previously only bootlegged copies were available. I was very happy to find it recently produced on DVD/Bluray. Those who have played the video game series (I've only played a demo of the second game) will find lots of little homages within the film, at least according to the trivia section of IMDB; so will fans of George Romero films (both Dawn and Day of the Dead are well-represented with visual cues and the like; Romero was originally slated to direct this film) and Alice in Wonderland (Alice is fighting a computer called The Red Queen... In fact, some folks will have enough fun with the movie playing spot-the-reference that they won't really have to have much else for the film to be worth the admission price. For the rest of us, there's more than enough action (almost nonstop after the team has been in the Hive for about ten minutes), decent acting from a cadre of rising B-list actors (along with Jovovich, we have Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, James Purefoy, and a number of easily-recognizable others), more jump-out-of-your-seat moments than in any so-called horror film from the last decade, and, well, zombies. How bad can a film be if it's got zombies?... Add in a Marilyn Manson-scored soundtrack, shake, chill, and serve. 5922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Steve 2085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So impressed by the first 5 minutes, repeat it many times. -The musical score is not as hauntingly addictive as the first movie's. 9837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Once again after experimenting with the Blu Ray transfer I am really happy with the excellent quality. I am checking films which I own on dvd previously where the picture quality has somewhat downgraded over the years. "Brave New World", "1984", and "We" had one thing in common--a powerful ending. I was pleased to see that Gattaca continued this tradition--in fact, it was the ending that prompted me to give this movie 5 stars--prior to it, I was thinking either 4 or 4 and a half. The action sequences were tiring at most. Too flashy and perfect. It also seems that characters don't have to have knowlegde of where characters are to find them. For example, Jill and company are fighting off a group of lickers in the church when Alice comes riding through the cathedral on a motorcyle. She's completely in gear and ready to go, doesn't sustain any wounds from the glass, manages to flip off the bike and kill all the lickers. But she somehow knew Jill and company were there. How? Forget how cool her entrance was! And then she manages to KNOW them all? 9674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I missed seeing this at the movies and was glad to have the opportunity to see it streaming. Really quite a good flick. 8347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Having been lucky enough to see the original on Broadway I was looking forward to the transition to the silver screen. Unfortunately most of the magic of the musical was left in New York and never made it to Hollywood. The songs are, of course, very good, though they did drop one of my favorites, "NYC", from the score and added the, in my opinion, inferior "Let's Go To The Movies". Aileen Quinn does a very credible job in the title role. Albert Finney, as Daddy Warbucks, and Carol Burnett, as Miss Hannigan, also do a good job. Ann Reinking, as Daddy Warbucks' secretary, proves to be one of the best dancers around. Many of the things that are done in the movie, such as the rescue of Annie on the railroad bridge, could not have done on the stage. For all its shortcomings, "Annie" is still well worth the watch. 4205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't see why people were hating this movie. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger at his best. I admit I LOVE IT!!! Especially at the end I shed a tear. That's how good it is with a great ending. 6304 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just what I expected. Mom! Son! AaaAaaaah!!! Watch out for the Icy Patch!!! 1011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of Woody Allen's first film ventures and his first film for general release. It was 100% pure fun and by far his most 'accessible' film for all audiences. You will note that it had aspects of Saturday Night live and much of the comedy that we're used to. Note that this was long before SNL and spinoffs like Animal House or Trading Places. Woody invented some of this humor. 233 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The small historic Canadian town of Elora, with its many century-old buildings, is the perfect setting for this story, set in the early 1900's. Bringing the story to 20th century America allows the story to incorporate situations Americans can more easily with. Henry Winkler does a great job of recreating the Scrooge character, and the supporting cast are no less admirable. This is an annual "must watch" story for me. Video Resolution: 1080p MAKING TAXI DRIVER- 70mins Doco from the very old 2 disc dvd set remastered in new 1080p The acting is superb and so is the cinematography 5155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie for many of the same reasons that other reviews here have listed...Dignan, the asburdity of his plans, how human and real everyone acts, etc. But another wonderful quality is the beautiful romance between Anthony (Luke Wilson) and Inez (Lumi Cavazos). It's a sweet, and again, REAL portrayal of a breathless yet awkward affair between an Anglo suburban guy who can't speak Spanish and a Paraguayan motel cleaner who can't really speak English. Still, they both have in common a feeling of drift and aimlessness (why else would Anthony allow Dignan to involve him in Dignan's ridiculous schmes?)that allows them to form a wordless bond. This is the kind of character portrayal at which the Wilson-Anderson films excel. I must say, though, that I prefer "Bottle Rocket" over "Rushmore". Maybe it's just sentimental because I saw "Bottle Rocket" first--they're both wonderful films. 6461 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This film is a complete misrepresentation of the book "Prince of Tides." After reaching of the film I couldn't stomach it any longer, I turned it off. The Prince of Tides is NOT just about the love story between Tom and Susan, it is also about growing up in the South and living amongst a dysfunctional family of abuse and social problems. There was absolutely nothing about Luke in the movie. Which by the way is the REAL Prince of Tides. Tom Wingo (Nolte) is NOT the Prince of Tides as stated in the movie. In fact the poem written by Savannah titled "Prince of Tides" was already written by the time Tom shows up in NY. I hate when Hollywood tries to change the stories they make movies on, such as the newest film, "Count of Monte Cristo", another total misrepresentation of the original story. 1977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a typical Harrison Ford completely over the top action flick. If you like this type of move you will enjoy this one as I did. If you prefer movies with some semblance of reality then this may not be for you Dr Jacques COULARDEAU THE PLOT: Charles Bronson plays a poor drifter/loner, Chaney, during the Depression who travels by boxcar to New Orleans. He spies an illegal bare-knuckle fight in a warehouse and offers his fighting talents to a fast-talking gambler, Speed (James Coburn). Chaney proves himself a formidable and profitable fighter, but Speed can't hold on to money because of his gambling addiction and is in constant trouble with the mob. 7822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 wife loves this movie The US military, Roy's wife Ronnie Nearie (Teri Garr) and their family, and at first Jillian (Melinda Dillon), the mother of the little boy, belong in the fear department. In a simultaneously poignant and revealing scene, when the aliens come to visit the little boy's house one night, his mother shuts all the doors. Then suddenly, Barry opens one of the doors revealing a splendor of light and magic spilling from beyond. Jillian runs to the door and quickly closes it. She will not forsake her child's safety for Barry's wonder and curiosity. Over and over, Barry displays a kind of innocent curiosity for the encounter while his mother can only react in fear. Lacking the fear of his mother, Barry eventually leaves the safety of his mother and joins the aliens. 2921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of those movies I watch over and over! 7656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great Broadway musical with tons of choreography, however the plot is very predictable and did not explore the depths of many actor's characters. The story is believable, the characters are all of us in a way, the special effects are spectacular, the wonder of it all is evident in almost every frame, the music is second to none, and this was, and remains Steven Spielberg's finest achievement. Look for the thousands of little details and funny bits. It's a pure feel-good-movie if you ever saw one. Every cast member has his or her big moment and everyone is just simply brilliant. In my opinion "Roxanne" is one of the most perfect romantic comedies ever and one of Martins best performances. I don't know if Steve Martin feels that way. I think he should - he'd have every right to be very proud of this little gem! The special was created using stop motion animation called "Animagic," in which all the characters are made out of wood and plastic and animated via stop-motion photography. The special was originally telecast December 14, 1970 by ABC and continues to air every year on sibling channel ABC Family, though both channels have at times edited the special to make room for commercials (ABC has cut two key songs, as well as two other songs in half; ABC Family has cut several scenes that might be traumatizing to younger viewers, like Kris climbing, and leaping to escape to prevent children from doing dangerous stunts, Winter Warlock knowing Kris will return, & telling him he'll never escape including the scene where the Burgermeister Meisterburger character torches the seized toys in front of the children of Sombertown). You have to know these things when you're King you know. 4318 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 What happens when an action movie crosses over into the real world? That's the question explored in the early '90s cult action flick, Last Action Hero. 1012 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funney 4195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good addition to the collection and always wanted this one to add to it being a Arnold fan Allen - with some of the funniest lines and sight gags I've ever seen 7133 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 an all time favorite movie. My kids and I love it. 3141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Driven with an excellent sound track this is a film about two guys how throw their legs across their choppers and head out on the highway for adventure. What could be any more "biker" than that? As they wander with little direction they come across and leave, without recognizing it, the one thing they are searching for. Near the end of the film one braggs about reaching the American dream while the other finally realizes they were fools and missed their dreams. The film ends with audience pathos at the sadness of two high ideal losers who could have had it all. Perhaps this is a commentary on the counter culture of the period. We had high ideals and recognized the failures of the previous generation, but had trouble pulling it all together ourselves. 5779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I completely love this series and need to ad all the movies to my collection!!! I love the action and it really delivers!!! 9160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased this dvd in hopes that it would come to my house before the weekend. I placed the order on a Tuesday and received it on Thursday. I was quite pleased with the product and have had no problems with the dvd. It was a good purchase and I would buy from them again. And that's what this is...a damn good action movie! 1625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember hearing about this series when I was a kid. Probably during the original US run in the 70's. I think they reran it after that. I can remember watching part of one episode, but it didn't appeal to me. Well, maybe I was too young to appreciate it. 3537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I never saw the movie in a theater so I cant say how it originally looked, but this 30th anniversary ultimate edition Blu-ray is great, although there is some graininess in parts of the movie, it is the best I've ever seen it look, and you get 3 versions of the film, all good. the special features disk is not Blu-ray, but who cares. The series dealt with the rich and the poor and as any lover of soap opera knows when you pit these two types of people together fireworks will ignite. Indeed a soap, "Upstairs, Downstairs" dealt with the rich Bellamy family living in the high class Belgravia neighborhood in London. Their lives were intertwined by their servants who lived "downstairs" and who wanted to attain the richness and social standing of their employers. World War 1 was the backdrop for the serial which only added extra drama to the show. 670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I could never remember what the title of this show was growing up although I always loved it. Would have been more meaningful to call it the santa story or something. All the questions of the santa story a answered here. 9457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ni! If you like movies that are so stupid there funny, then you should see this movie, but i say see it anyways though! But the thing is, if you watch this movie and you don't really like this kind of comedy, you have to remember that its s'posed to be stupid and fake. i found Monty Python and the Holy Grail the funniest movie next to Austin Powers! If ya don't like it, i fart in your general direction! I will leave you with these words, Ni, Peng, and Nee-Wom! * The Blackout Challenge, Rescuing a River: A 15 minute mix of ecological, environmental and personal story info about the river and saving it for the future. 5658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 just wanted all the resident evil movies 2722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie when it first came out and I was planning a road trip but this movie changed my mind, 1283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally got to see the ending of a wonderful series, as I missed it when it was on the air. What a wonderful show. 2509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Younger ones, do not be afraid. This is a timeless movie with comedy, conversation and story that could happen today. The only difference is cell phones and tablets are replaced by ruffles and poofy hair. It's a story set in the south, in Louisiana, and centers around an odd group of Southern women in a small town who come together to celebrate and mourn life's most pivotal moments. 7907 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We thoroughly enjoyed revisiting this movie. Music and all it was a good evening's entertainment. Do yourselves a favor. Take an armchair flight to London with the complete series of "Rumpole of the Bailey." Beg, borrow, or steal the money. - To be expected, the mystery build-up in the first hour is better than the last half hour, which is action-filled. Why? Mindless action with numerous quick edits somehow always becomes boring. Wouldn't it be great if a sci-fi-horror film like this ended in a truly unconventional blow-your-mind way (like the original "Planet of the Apes")? But the final sequence makes up for it, sort of. Besides, since the film is based on a video game the slaughter comes with the territory. 8578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all time!!! 3750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All 3 versions of the film. Outtakes, huge documentary, still galore, 3 version comparison poster, storyboards, etc. And a very nice box and book to boot. Yeah, it's a little pricey. But for what you get it's well worth it for fans of this film. 3848 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Steven Spielberg's second smash hit, Close Encounters of the Third Kind is an effective, optimistic, and visually appealing film. In the light of current special effects, it's showing its age, but the story still retains wonder and interest. Richard Dreyfuss is very effective as the man who sights a group of U.F.O.'s and then becomes obsessed with them. Others that have made sightings share the obsession, including a woman whose child is abducted by the aliens. A seed is implanted in their minds that draws them to Wyoming. Their stories are intercut with the story of two scientists (played by Truffault and Baliban) who are investigating the strange re-appearance of ships and planes that have been missing for years, and which turn up in strange locales. They, too, receive a message (along the more conventional method of radio contact) to head to Wyoming. 6610 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Over-acting, silly dialog, and drawn-out camera tricks to convey Joan's "visions" make this a tedious and boring adaptation of an otherwise interesting historical tale. The camera tricks are something out of The Blair Witch Project or the old Batman television series and not something one would expect from a movie with a real budget. It is apparent that historical accuracy was a low priority compared to vain attempts to make the story more dramatic through the overemphasized breathy monologues and tilted camera sequences. This is particularly sad in light of the fact that the history behind the story is truly interesting in itself and the Hollywood tricks rob the viewer of any interest in the story at all. The one good thing about this movie is it will make you want to go back to reading instead. And when it does, try Joan of Arc (Ignatius Press eBook). The fact that any company this late in the home entertainment game would release a 2.35:1 film in a lousy 1:33 ratio is not only insulting and reckless, it shows incompetent individuals are making key decisions at the studios and they deserve to lose money.. This is yet another DVD from Sony which is worthless, and anyone who cares about movies and this film should avoid this version..... Oh, and I finally found an original '97 DVD release of LAH when released in both P&S & Widescreen on the same disc.. Got it for another $1, & yup, after all of these years, it still sucks... even for just $1. Iain Glen (from Game of Thrones) has a supporting role. Mike Epps also appears. Watch for Kevin McKidd (Rome) in a small role as a cowardly victim. This great cast would cause directors of lessor Zombie flick to have loud, envious stomach rumbles. Personally, I was never much into UFOs, a fact which never detracted from my enjoyment of the movie in the least. The film did spark my interest enough to actually read (Prof. J. Allen) Hynek's book (i.e., by a prominent, long time astrophysicist, at Northwestern University); yet my conclusion, precisely from reading it, was that there is nothing to it. What I have read since (notably, regarding the 'anthropic principle' in cosmology, as discussed for example in a book coauthored by astronomer John Barrow and physicist Frank Tipler), has led me to the conclusion that the scientific consensus regarding intelligent life elsewhere (even insofar as it takes into account the Drake equation, just not all the principles invoked by Star Trek), is that, in point of fact, the odds are astronomically against it. The intuitive argument that the universe is so big that it must, rather, be likely, evidently doesn't hold up, as when taking into account the age and size of the universe and the complexity of DNA, the numbers just don't crunch that way. Then again, by the same token, the odds of us being here would also be astronomically against it, so I won't belabor the point; in any event, here we are. The film runs 100 minutes and was shot at El Tecuan Marina Resort, Costa Careyes, Jalisco, Mexico (standing in for the Bahamas), and USC, Los Angeles, California. 2.$80 is a great price for the series if you don't already own the individual seasons, but where is this market? Most fans who are inclined to by DVD'S of the series at all, have already bought one or more seasons. Individuals who are not familiar with the show and would like to "try it out", may buy one or two seasons to see if they like it. I doubt they would spring for the entire series. 997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. Travis was the most sane in a way. He was seeing how bad things really were and was not in denial. The other taxi drivers and other characters had defense mechanisms of one kind or another. Perhaps all that keeps us sane are our favorite defense mechanisms. This is both good and bad. Because if denial is too complete then the only prophets we can have are crazy. 4049 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a wonderful movie. It was very realistic. There were very touching moments as well as sad ones. It held my attention the entire time. I definitely recommend it. Monty Python is a comedy genius!!!!! The ending is guaranteed to plaster a smile on your face for the rest of the day. ASIN: B004IFYMYI movie is one those where the storyline, the action, the acting, the music and the editting all seem to just M'Lynn, played by Sally Fields is married to Drum Eatenton, a playful man who at the start of the film is busy shooting birds that are perched on a tree on his property. This drives us all crazy, especially those of us that firmly believe on the protection of the environment... but they have a very special reason as a motive. 2128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Daughter loves the movie 6988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies out there! It's even better watching it now than when I was a young child. Loved it then and love it now. 1171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great series 4201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a great/fun movie. Nice picture quality! 4212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The DVD and the case was in great shape. I liked the story. The reason that I gave it a 4 star rating was because it did not have caption for the hard of hearing. 2424 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 No Mercy is one of those films that is not really that bad, but it leaves you wondering how did they get big stars to do it. In the film Richard Gere plays a tough New York cop with a drinking habit, an ex-wife, and a bad rep. So what happens to him? Well his good natured partner (you know the one with the with the wife and kids and a good reputation a.k.a has everything to lose) gets murdered when Gere takes a tip from a local hood that a hit is about to go down. So the film turns into the rouge cop on the revenge trail story. This will bring him to New Oreans(that whole "fish-out-of-water" thing), and to Kim Basinger. Along the way Gere will encounter lots of bad guys, bullets, cops who don't like him, swamps, crawfish, and cajons(sp?) all to a hip 80's soundtrack. I couldn't be shocked by WWII material anymore, but I was wrong. It's always been the cost of the war in human lives that I find so unforgettable. To me, the study on Gypsy children by the Nazi working on her doctorate was madness incarnate. I know you have to fight sometimes, but overall this war was insanity in action started by insane men. Who was it who asked, "Was there ever a good war or a bad peace"? I might add, "Was there ever a sane war or an insane peace"? "Making Taxi Driver" is the excellent 70 minute retrospective documentary that was included on the previous edition. It takes a fascinating, in-depth look at how the film came together with most of the major cast and crew members returning, including De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd and Albert Brooks. This is excellent doc. with loads of information. After watching this film, I doubt you'll be able to understand why it didn't take every award that Hollywood doles out. 868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 You have to love Sesame Street-they consistently produce material that is child-friendly and educational. The songs are catchy and it is a great tool for teaching numbers. I did not give the video five stars because I think Benny is annoying, but that is just my opinion. Robin Williams character Parry is lost behind a grief and tragedy so deep that he is homeless and at times seems completely unhinged from reality. But this was indeed overall a charming and enjoyable movie. So, is it possible to top one of the funniest movies ever made? Yes, if the original team does the DVD, which happily has happened here. The whole Python crew has teamed, in one form or another, to bring you the same manic joy that inspired their infamous 1975 movie. Among the gems that kept me laughing are: the "Knights of the Round Table" musical number, reenacted by Lego figures; three "sing-along" features to accompany the "Knights" and other musical numbers of the movie; some highlights of the movie, shown in Japanese (with English subtitles); and the fact that the DVD of the movie actually begins with a different, sub-standard British comedy before the "projectionist" decides to "change reels." This is the kind of comedy gold that DVD's are born to reveal. 4549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty cool end of times movie 2782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Excellent Movie...Love It..." However, I found the bonus material here (or lack thereof) very disappointing. Now, since I've only see this movie before on VHS, I don't know what was included on the original DVD release (if anything), but I was hoping for a little more in this version of the movie aside from just gorgeous sound and impeccable visuals. Instead, Last Action Hero on Blu-ray features Movie IQ, which allows for semi-annoying (if you haven't seen the movie a few times before) pop-ups that give interesting information about the film, and Blu Live, which seems to be a common feature among all Blu-ray movies meant to direct viewers to Sony's online store. There's no deleted scenes or outtakes (my personal favorite extras) or even interviews with cast and/or crew. While I understand that since this an older movie and keeping up with extra features was very different then, you would think that they could have come up with something. 9091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My husband introduced me to this comedic film that is "Monty Python And The Holy Grail." He has owned this dvd for over ten years now and was able to explain some of the scenes to me while allowing me to discover what happens. There are 28 scenes available in this collection and one of my favorite scenes was the humorous part where one of the knights ends up in a castle of several women that apparently want to "take care of him in their own way." "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" is great to watch for those moments when you're craving something to make you laugh. as it won't give you the expected quality. 241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have searched for this film for years and finally found it here on Amazon. Saw it on television years ago and it was one I knew I wanted. Almost every gag and joke works perfectly here. The best parts, in my opinion, are too many to mention: the killer rabbit; the fight between Arthur and the Black Night; Lancelot storming a wedding party and killing everyone; the drawing artist who suffers a heart attack and so the dragon stops pursuing the heroes; the Bridge of Death, with its guardian and three "very difficult" questions;.... I could go on and on. Man, this is humour at its best. Some exceptions: "Jaws," "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," and "Taxi Driver." 6218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I recently watched this again after getting my 5.1 on and was suprised at how entertaining it was. An illiterate Extremely beautiful peasant girl (milla Jovovich), hearing voices of god at the age of 13, convinces the dauphin of France, who lost half of his country, about to lose the other half, and not able to become king in the present situation, to give her an army so she leads France to victory. Amazingly she succeeds; Joan changes history and leads the French army for 2 years. The English, faced with a feared lunatic leader, loose the first battle and retreat from the other. The dauphin is crowned King of France. 5522 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Charlie is just your average teenager, clueless about girls, a protective mom, and a horror fan. He spots a coffin being moved around by the next door neighbor. Later, Charlie sees a nude woman getting chomped on the neck from his vampire neighbor. Vampire? In the first category, sightings of a UFO, we first see a very strange sight in the Mexican desert: an international team of researchers led by French UFO expert Lacombe (the late Francois Truffaut) and guided by several Mexican Federales finds five World War II vintage Grumman TBM Avengers. The planes are abandoned but strangely intact, as though they were brand new. "Who flies this kind of plane?" asks a bewildered cartographer/interpreter named Laughlin (Bob Balaban). 737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The grandkids likes it 7383 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 all time favorite movie 2170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of Ford's best lines ever..."get off of my plane"....kind of sums it up. Oldham really makes u hate him. 3034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Both of my kids love these series of books. They are at a proper reading level and have great graphic illustration as well. Add to the mix a stirring soundtrack, top notch effects, a little humor here and there, a horrific abduction scene, and a consistent atmosphere of intrigue and mystery... 3417 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good The director, John Huston, has turned the show into a huge, bellowing blockbuster, with huge fanfares and leaping dancers. The show is really a simple tale of a girl in search of her parents, and who finds a home in the arms of a millionaire. I love films that drag you in and make you give a damn about the characters and this does it in spades. Its worth more than just a look its deserves a standing ovation. 7030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! The documentaries aren't done in the style you might expect, but instead feature things like cast members walking about meadows, pointing, and reminiscing about "that happened there" and "Graham couldn't remember this here" and such. Very enlightening, but a tad long. For a better Python doc, check out "Life of Python" on DVD. The climax of the film involves a light show that lasts about twenty minutes as various alien ships dart around, hover, and finally land. They then play a rousing tune for a few minutes to communicate even though they give the earthmen no way whatsoever to put the notes into any meaning or context. It felt like an endless nightmare watching this scene drag on and on before it was finally over. I'm fine with a peaceful encounter but this could have been done in one fourth the time with absolutely nothing lost. 3080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 American dreams Also Actor ,Clark Gable narrated Government filim"Combat America"- 7306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic the original great movie The year is 1420. The English and the French are vying for control over France, with the French being at their lowest point yet; the heir apparent (the Dauphin) is bankrupt, the French are divided and some factions support the English side, militarily they are on the defensive and are losing, while Paris, Orleans, Reims and other cities of importance are in the hands of the English. It is at this critical moment of desperation and vulnerability that Joan of Arc appears to rally the French behind her banner and the "Word of God," in an effort to send the English "back to their island." 2771 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well I like this movie except for the ending, had to have a copy for myself. It's more intellectual rather than action, with some talented actors. We saw this in the movie 6350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I read a review when this movie was released. It claimed that the direction was schizophrenic. Well I decided to see the film and prove that critic wrong. He was right. It was in so, so many ways a great film. The flashback of the rapes handled deftly. It could have been perfection, though...with a little editing. The movie poster needed to be edited. We had "A Star is Born". It made money but wasn't very good. This movie is not a love story. The "love story" was a contrived by-product of a harrowing psychological tragedy. What we get is Barbra in Daddy's arms again. Enough already. After crossing what are questionable ethical boundaries and having sex with Mr. Wingo, there is this cheesy romp to the cabin in the woods to somehow legitimize this "relationship". Edit: Barbra and Nick f**k like animals in the doorway. Cut: to Barbra crossing the street knowing he'll return to his wife. No romp in the woods! The movie would stay hard and dead serious. Also, the pan away in the last frames. "Lowenstein, Lowenstein" Bullcrap, Bullcrap How many Fanny Brice, Yentyl, Daisy Gamble, Dolly (I think) pan aways have we seen. It lost it's appeal. And she's only there by proxy, "Lowenstein" Those are the two major reasons I can see that the Academy snubbed her. It was definitely a time when harder movies were in vogue. She got in her own way even when she attempted to get out of her way. It could have been a great film that wasn't a Streisand star turn. She has star turned enough. Barbra's part could have been smaller and much more effective. She might have come across as a temptress, a slut, desperate, but she would have won an Oscar and made a truly Great film for its time. The cast all complement each other and this is one of those movies that girls should really watch together to bond. Guys will think its ok since it does have some funny parts. Overall, this is a chick flick but its a very good chick flick. 6353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Brilliant family struggle w/ adversity as a tough Coach faces himself and learns from his therapist, Barbra Streisand who gives him love. Very high quality script by top actors of our generation. Meanwhile, the servants downstairs comprise competent and firm butler Hudson (Gordon Jackson); cook Mrs. Bridges (Angela Baddeley); head house parlour maid Rose Buck (Jean Marsh, who returns in the remake and takes on the role of housekeeper); a footman, and a kitchen maid (and the occasional changes in secondary staff). likes a well made movie. I did like the gagets and the disguises - funny. Whether you were an 80's punk or simply a fan of well-done, non-Hollywood "product", "SLC Punk" is worth your time; anyone who has ever rebelled against anything will find something they can relate to here. David Breashears, one of the creators of the IMAX film has an excellent book that uses his experience with the climb and the film to study the '96 disaster. This film takes a back seat to his book, too. Instead, one guy gets offed and the rest are either shot, run over, blowed up or Crushed By Christ(TM). 8807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! Thank you! But... we watch from beginning to end... The movie starts with King Arthur of the Britons searching throughout the land for brave men to join him to form Camelot... the Knights of the Round Table. sadly no longer with us, play their roles to the bone. 7079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really good, squeaky clean, family movie. It can be a hard-knock life, but luckily we've got America's favorite orphan to cheer us up. GRADE: A 9591 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great dystopian movie, the Brave New World meets the '90's!!!! The only reason I don't give Elmo 5 stars is that the film is in Pan And Scan and is not available widescreen. My daughter watches Muppets from Space and Stuart Little widescreen, so I am not sure why Elmo isn't. 9140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect edition - I just wanted the dvd - for what else is there anyway? I could say so much about the content of this film, so I won't say anything except you MUST buy it. Danny Madigan is a lonely kid living in a tiny New York apartment with his single MILF. His only friend is Nick, an old-time projectionist at a run down theater (a REAL theater, no multiplex nonsense). Danny likes to escape into the world of action movies, his biggest hero, obviously, being Arnie himself. The latest Arnie blockbuster, the simply-titled Jack Slater IV, is a day away from its premiere, and old Nick has been tasked with checking the print. Before Danny sits down for his own personal pre-premiere midnight screening Nick gives him a magical ticket he's been saving since childhood. Five minutes after Jack Slater IV begins Danny is warped into the cinema screen and becomes part of the movie. 5581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 FRIGHT NIGHT 110 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 still love to watch this movie each Christmas season. This is a real enjoyable movie all the way thru. It keeps you on the edge of your seat during the fighter pilot scenes. I would recommend this movie to anyone. I can't wait to see the sequil to it. 4905 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Poor everything develops its own spiritual presence in the hot tub seduction scene. And, the gentle, sweet, forgiving demeanor of Joseph when he reveals Also included on the DVD are three other shorts. EVIL HILL is a parody of the Austin Powers films and the movie NOTTING HILL. A young Mr. Evil (he's not a doctor yet) is treated like a monster by the people in his small town in Bavaria. However, one day Marilyn Monroe wanders into his children's book store and his life is changed forever. 4128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love it Last Action Hero is hard to describe. It's funny, it's witty, with lots of those one-liners that Arnold became so popular with, and I loved the way he constantly poked fun at his fictional character as well as his "real" self. Some of my favorite dialogue in the movie is when the kid is trying to convince "character Arnold (aka: Jack Slater)" that he's actually just a character in a movie. The kid starts asking about phone numbers and how can they possibly all start with 555- in a city with several million phone numbers, when Jack Slater exasperatedly says, "That's why we have Area Codes..." Priceless. The movie is full of fun stuff like that, and I highly recommend this movie to anyone who is even remotely a Schwarzenegger fan, or who just like campy, yet intelligent, movies. The parody within a parody, and movie within a movie actually worked well in this one. 6735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was picked apart by the critics and died at the box office. Why? It really doesn't deserve this treatment, in fact, I found it to be a stirring, cerebral epic with some of the most engaging medieval battle sequences I've ever seen, and a facinating peek into the nature of intense religious faith. My second main objection was how Ciaran Hinds was directed to play Rochester. I blame the director because I've seen Hinds in many movies and know the range of emotion he can display. In this version he was essentially one-note: he shouts all the time. The ONLY time he softens is in the bedroom with Jane after the fire. That one scene showed me what could have been, and only sharpened my disappointment with the rest. What a sad waste of what could have been a marvelous production. 6135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 4.5 out of 5 My set arrived today. I've watched 4 episodes, so far, and the video quality of seasons 1-4 is at least identical to the transfers of the original set. However, with the Shout! release you get an upgrade from those awful two-sided discs. In my opinion, the single-sided Shout! discs are worth making the purchase. 4876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Different kind. I really liked this movie. 7151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 You can't beat the original Annie! 3573 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Excellent 6750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 For the most part, this movie surprised me with how well it was done. The costumes and the battle scenes are well thought out and the storyline lends a not-so-subtle ambiguity to Joan's "holy quest". She is left wondering if God really has spoken to her. Did God tell her to drive the English out of France, or was it her desire for attention that drives her crusade? 797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a fourteen year old guy and I still love this show as does my older brother who is nineteen. The jokes in the tv episodes go way over some kids heads and even over some adult's and when you catch them you wanna pee your pants. In this movie its less of the adult jokes, more random funny stuff. You have to love the way that in this movie (and alot of the episodes) they have a great way of ripping on toys/movies/books...Its awesome. With how cheap you can get this I would have to say...Watch the show first then go for it. 4454 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If you couldn't get enough of attractive well-known actresses from this month's hot TV show being casted in moronic horror movies with no love for the genre whatsoever then I've got good news. Another "I Know What You Did" film. The fisher man with the hook for a hand is back after Hewitt and her obnoxious friends which include returning Freddy Prinze, Brandy, and Mekhi Pfefier as the token black guy. 7037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 so far is looks awesome. I definetely doesn't look cheap like Tomb Raider. This movie definetely has some promise in it, seeing that they are going all out with the gory Resident Evil style. This movie pretty much follows the way the games are made, (each game has a different main character, etc) and according to some stuff I read, a lot of things in the movie are going to come straight from the game. What do they mean by that, like herbs and stuff? ... well anyway, I've heard that we will be seeing a lot of the same kind of locations that were in the resident evil series, and the movie will definetely be as scary as the game. probably lots of jumping! I'm definetely going to see it. 8715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When Elmo falls into grouchland, I think it's the funniest part in the movie. I love this movie. I love you, Elmo. 8693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. One of the most absurdly stupid-funny movies of all time. ~ Alternate Ending with Director Paul Anderson's Video Introduction 5871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Scary and true but they should have used an actor that looked more like the blond blue eyed kid that did it. 2494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Released in late 1986, "No Mercy" stars Richard Gere as a Chicago cop who travels to New Orleans to track down a blond (Kim Basinger) who is linked to the murderer of his beloved partner. The film features a great love-to-hate villain, Losado, played by Jeroen Krabb; a notable survival-in-the-swamp sequence wherein Gere & Basinger are handcuffed to eachother; and an action-packed showdown in an old city hotel. Although the zombies weren't fast, they did make fierce and vicious sounds. I liked that. 9498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic film. She had already been through hell surviving the HIVE, the awakens to discover the whole of Raccoon City fallen prey to the virus. Quickly she joins a small, determined group of humans who make a deal with an Umbrella scientist to be able to leave the quarantined city in return for rescuing his daughter. Vincent also meets a genetically enhanced female named Irene Cassini (Uma Thurman). She also indirectly helps Vincent to achieve his dream. 184 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Terrible version of this movie, poor acting! And I love Henry winkler ! I donated this movie 913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our grandsons (10, 8, 7) and we watched it together. They had seen it once with their mother and were eager to share this with us. We had watched it when it first came out - with their mother! We had a blast. the kids enjoyed the innovation, they are all committed to becoming comic creators, and of course, who doesn't like the "least likely" to become the super-hero. "Taxi Driver" has a reputation for the levels of violence that it contains, but with the exception of the final 10 - 15 minutes, it is actually surpringly non-violent. Having said that, this is a very disturbing film. Watching DeNiro practice pointing a gun made me wonder if this is what mentally unstable killers are like just before they commit a crime, and it comes as no surprise to hear that this is the film that inspired John Hinckley to attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan. 7744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Almost couldn't watch it as the pain of losing Robin Williams is still fresh but it is his absolute best performance so I did. I hadn't seen it in years and had forgotten how beautiful a film it is. A thinking person's film full of rich character development, it stands as a lesson in humanity. I adore Terry Gilliam's films but if he had to stake his reputation on only one of them, this would be the one I would pick. 5 Stars doesn't even begin to touch it. 9779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great It has been almost 30 years since this movie was originally released. I have seen it before, but as I grow older, film becomes more powerful. Events are based on a true story. It is remarkable story about man's instinct, desire to live and survive at any price. story from script to worldwide distribution success that This movie will touch your soul. 2646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super fast delivery and nice package. 9336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A little strange but the point was that despite the advantages others may have, you cannot outdo the human spirit's will to achieve. "Easy Rider" is presented in 1080p High Definition (1:85:1) for the first time. For a film created back in 1968, the film looks absolutely great, not perfect but still great. No blemishes and certain outdoor scenes look absolutely fantastic and for a film 40-years-old, I have to say that it looks better than many films that I have seen released back in the 1980's and 90's. Grain is kept and for the most part, detail of the chopper's, Billy's clothing, Wyatt's sunglasses, you see that detail. There were some scenes, such as the visit to the commune where picture quality seems a little aged compared to the rest of the film but for the most part, this is the best looking version of "Easy Rider" to date. -- Robert Kolker ("Cinema of Loneliness") I always considered the soap opera Eastenders to be worthless...kind of weird that the same kind of working class Londoners can be depicted with such depth and power as Nil By Mouth has. Watching this film again, in pristine DVD clarity, reminded me of just how little talent and creativity remains in Hollywood these days. As awesome as the effects in "Close Encounters" were (and still are), they never overpower the human element. Today, sci-fi is filled with a glut of pointless CGI, explosions, cleavage, mindless action, and violence, in place of real human characters interacting. How refreshing to look back and see a film from a simpler, more idealistic time when ideas and original concepts still exited! 6941 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It bothers me to see that almost all adaptions of Video Games to the screen focus entirely on special effects and not on plot. Unfortunately Resident Evil is not the exception. The zombie gore and grosseness is all there is to focus on in the film so the viewer is left waiting for the credits to roll. There is no balance between the plot and the action. Leaving this film lacking and boring. Audio Formats: Second major problem: Acting. Joan was played as if she were constantly about to fall down sobbing and have a nervous breakdown. She came across as a total nutcase. There's no way anyone would have followed Joan if she acted the way she was portrayed here. 1837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While everyone's heard of Washington crossing the Delaware from history class, very little attention is paid to the man who actually made it happen: Colonel John Glover. Being from Marblehead, it's rather difficult to escape him and his legacy--I briefly attended Glover School, had a dinner at the General Glover House restauraunt in neighboring Swampscott, and once toured the old destroyer USS Glover--and was surprised to learn just how practical and sensible he was in relation to the more well-known Hamilton and Knox: he deliberately remained a colonel while the rest of Washington's command staff were generals, partially due to being abrasive ("What this army needs is more private soldiers, not more generals!" he declares when Washington remarks on this), wore his own clothes instead of a uniform, and wouldn't stand for any sort of foolishness when it came to his first specialty of seamanship. My point is that they can't match up to the Pythons' thought patterns. They made comedy by touching nerves - sensitive areas that you find appalling at first, then somehow, you find them funny. Remember Life of Brian and Meaning of Life? Those were railed upon by being insensitive and overly nasty to the christian community. That's the humor in it! They make fun of true-to-life events! FILM CLUB is a parody of the movie FIGHT CLUB. If you haven't seen the movie, this short parody will make no sense whatsoever. The final short is SWING BLADE, a parody of SLING BLADE and SWINGERS. That short is filmed as a coming attraction and shows what would happen if Karl from SLING BLADE moves to L.A. and hooks up with the gang from SWINGERS. 6681 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Is the director French? Is Joan not a French heroine? If the answer is yes to both questions, then I have a hard time understanding why Besson makes her "confess" that all her great deeds were a mistake. It doesn't bother me to interpret Joan of Arc as a lunatic - for all I know she may have been schizophrenic indeed! (What else makes you hear voices?) What I don't like is the notion that Joan herself lost faith in her own cause, questioned her own motives and regretted what she did, as apparently Besson makes her do at the end. That's not my idea of a heroine or hero. 1099 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our three-year-old toddler asks to see the Potty Movie when she visits her Nana, and likes me to read her the companion book. I believe the movie and book have helped her with potty training, but they also show Hannah learning to brush her teeth, dress herself, and perform other "big girl" tasks that toddlers must learn. 2009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love Harrison Ford. Action packed and the good guys win. 6792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Forget about eating raw meat, just watch this movie. Based on Sony Playstation's terrifying game, a deadly virus has taken over Raccoon City and mostly everybody is dead. That's the plot, now the funnies. Michelle Rodriguez kicked some serious backside in this movie. While shooting zombies to Marilyn Manson music, the movie's action never stops. Watch commandos get sliced by lasers. Watch out! Hey, that one guy Eric Mabius looks like he's on something. Chica should've lived. Where was the mansion? Where was Chris and Jill? Instead we get "The Fifth Element" chick who should have kept her clothes on. Elevators are dangerous. Don't let people bite your hands. If they do, go to a doctor and say a zombie bit you. Don't trust man's best friend. Oh yeah, be sure to cook your meat, you don't want the runnies. Terry Gilliam's THE FISHER KING (1991) stars Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams, Mercedes Ruel and Amanda Plummer (with a major assist from Michael Jeter). Although there's some genuine belly laughs in it, the story is primarily a melancholy one of two men tortured by a tragedy that affected both their lives in very different ways. i rated it a four star due to the fact that some of the special effects just didn't fit in place with the movie as well as they did what they could on making nemisis real but with todays technology i feel they couldve done better. ~ Audio English Dolby TrueHD 5.1, French 5.1, Italian Dolby TrueHD 5.1, Spanish 5.1, Subtitles English, English SDH, French *** In a tight shot as ship flies in (rock and Melinda Dillon on right), a little upside-down R2-D2 (Star Wars [1977]) is hanging to the left of three circle lights. Still she is an amazing actress whatever part she plays in her movies. Nick Nolte is amazing in this one as well. If you haven't seen this classic and timeless film, please take the time to do so. It is an experience that you will never forget. I think one complaint that I have with the film is that it doesn't FEEL Resident Evil. Instead of quiet atmospheric rooms with dim lighting and ambient music, you get full-blown lighting and loud music, courtesy of Marilyn Manson. As far as gore goes, this one's more gorier than the sequel, Apocalypse which was more implied. Here you get decapitations, cut in half and in one scene, guy falling in chunks after meeting a laser grid. Kudos on the ending though, which ends on a nice downnote and sets things up for the sequel. Plummer, who's always great at playing quirky characters, is a klutzy working gal that Williams admires from afar. Bridges believes that if he can bring Williams and Plummer together, somehow he can also help himself. He tries "awarding" a skeptical Plummer some free rentals at Ruehl's video store, plus the use of a VCR. To convince her to accept this prize, Bridges enlists the help of Jeter, another street person who was once a stock theater actor. 3588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This review is based upon the single disc, Blu Ray of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Others have so fully summarized the movie and provided their opinions upon the acting performances, et al, I will refrain from doing so and just focus upon the quality of the transfer from Standard Definition to Blu Ray which is what I do with all my reviews. 9107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A beautiful BluRay transfer...the visual and audio elements are as crisp and clean as any Monty Python fan could ask for. 533 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 HERMOSA HISTORIA DE JESUS !! 6640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I was younger (much younger) there was a movie venue in America called the "drive in." Folks pulled up in cars, attached speakers to their windows, and watched movies on a large wall set in an enormous field. In my day, the drive in had two uses. One: it was a place where you took a girl on a date because you were too young to have your own apartment and not worldly enough to get a hotel room. When used like this, you and your date simply steamed up the windows in your old man's car, and it didn't matter what the movie was. The other purpose of the drive in was to go with a gang of your friends (with one usually stuffed in the trunk to save the price of one ticket) bringing in as much beer and wine-cooler as you could stuff under the seats. Resident Evil would have made a perfect drive-in movie, and frankly, I loved it. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is the journey of Roy Neary. Roy Neary is a dreamer, stuck in the mundane craziness of everyday life. One night Roy sees something that changes his life, he has a Close Encounter with something unexplainable. 3574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film holds a special place for me, because it was the only film I've ever seen at its world premiere, in LA in '77. My only free film junket, too, back when I edited a weekly newspaper in Minneapolis. I still remember the party with Spielberg and Melinda Dillon and Terri Garr & the little boy. Anyway, a classic of sci fi. I think it shows its age, but it's still lotsa fun. One caveat, though. This DVD edition is dull and murky looking; doesn't do the film justice. I would get the Blu Ray instead. Gotta be better. 5111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Whenever I watch a movie, good or bad, I ask myself what is serving what in the movie. For example, in a lot of contemporary big-budget films, plot, script, and character all serve to support the special effects. Oftentimes everything seems to be serving the lead actor. In adult films, everything serves the orgasm. Generally there is one thing that is the point of the film, and everything else exists as placeholders. I think for Bottle Rocket, the master is character, and the plot really serves to motivate character development. For whatever reason, and for whatever its worth, this seems like a much more valid point than, say, explosions or Kevin Costner's classic good looks. 0 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So sorry I didn't purchase this years ago when it first came out!! This is very good and entertaining! We absolutely loved it and anticipate seeing it repeatedly. We actually wore out the cassette years back, so we also purchased this same product on cd. Best purchase we made out of all! Would purchase on dvd if we could find one. Although the couch potatoes often think so, the movie ending hostility and brutality wasn't all that contrived, and I can vividly recall being bodily run out of a much needed gas-stop in rural Mississippi back then, just for the crime of showing up on a bike wearing leather (it was November...) -- and even today, not every motel looks kindly on bikes unless they're of the Tupperware barge variety. Never mind that Easy Rider starts with a drug buy, we were pretty naive back then, the general peaceful wandering of the two says as much about the era, and those of us who were too wiped out to truly remember the 60's, as, say, Star Trek says about the social issues we attempted to wrestle with... 2919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Genie in Training" features three above-average episodes of "I Dream of Jeannie," the NBC sitcom that aired from 1965 to 1970 and introduced television to Larry Hagman while making sure we never saw Barbara Eden's navel. First up is "Happy Anniversary" (Episode 31), written by series creator Sidney Sheldon. This is the opening episode of the show's second season, the first shown in living color, with a new cartoon opening and the familiar theme song. Jeannie has big plans for enjoying the first anniversary of her bottle being discovered by Tony, who, of course, has forgotten all about it and is due to be sent into orbit. History repeats itself as Tony crash lands on their island, but this time the bottle holds not Jeanie, but the Blue Djinn (Michael Ansara), the evil genie who imprisoned our heroine two thousand years ago. Looks like Major Nelson will appreciate Jeannie a lot more after this one. tragically thou no new retrospective Documentary with cast & crew interviews which is what i was expecting And as was so often the case, Charlie found a suitable role in "Hard Times" for his then wife Jill Ireland, as his love interest, Lucy These "God Children" are pretty much the outcasts of society. Total running time is 109 minutes. 2694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie Southern Gothic at its finest. this will also stay a classic for horror movies for the next 100 and some years. I'm so watching this one over and over and over and over. 107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 8882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Product as described 5635 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resident Evil Rocks. THIS IS FOR THE STANDARD VERSION NOT THE DELUX EDITION. 4674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We enjoyed this movie when it originally came out. It was fun to watch although pretty unrealistic in this day and age. 5418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie does not let up on action and keeps it going all the way to the end. The movie had me in suspense because I honestly couldn't tell what would happen. The things that movies usually wait until the end to show, Fright Night showed in the first 20 minutes. The only thing that I didn't care for was the drawn out love scene between the vampire and the girl. Other than that, I enjoyed it. 3594 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've been watching Close Encounters for a long time in theaters and at home on video tape, but this full HD Blueray presents a spectacular picture! If you want the real experience of the drama and devastation that happened, read Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer. This movie just does not capture any of the terror or convey the personal trauma or experience of the individuals involved. 8730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My mother loves this movie, however only had the movie on VHS. It was time to go with DVD. She enjoyed this more clear version and will always consider this one of Charles Bronson's best. 8369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You cannot beat the cast in this movie. It has some of the greats, like Carol Burnett, Bernadette Peters and Tim Curry. That is part of the reason why the Disney version could never compare to this one. Also, Aileen Quinn makes such a great Annie. She really looks spunky. She can look really sweet, but also tomboyish. She can look threatening, like all the times she raises her fists. The girl in the Disney "Annie" looks too sweet. She isn't as convincing when she tries to fight. If you want to watch Annie, this is the version to get. 4924 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not too good. 3727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters is thirty years old and can be considered a classic among cinema fanatics. The movie was released when special effects were in their infancy. Movies like Star Wars had just come out and the idea of bringing UFO's to life was becoming possible. Now thirty years later movies like this seem very simple. Although the story never grows old and now in hi-def it is well worth another look. Foreign jail flicks all tend toward the Kafka-esque. From the first day of his incarceration, Billy attempts to learn the codes and signals that will enable his survival in this proverbial hell on earth. In an early scene, he is corralled into some kind of mug shot which actually turns out to be a kind of grotesque group shot with his captors. They're laughing and fooling around at first, and Billy almost instinctively joins in, until one of the guards slaps the silly grin off his face. Billy has yet to learn the code at that point. As the perp, he's not allowed to share in the hilarity of the moment. This ultimately isn't exactly deep, and it is somewhat derivative, but it's still a great action flick. And it may be just what you need right now. 6616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film has a rather original - and perhaps not always convincing - take on the character of Joan of Arc, played here by Milla Jovovich as being somewhat shrill, or even hysterical at times. One reviewer wondered whethe she was really a Saint inspired by God (but then why would God necessarily take the French's side?) or whether she was "plain bonkers". Luc Besson, often original - regardless of whether tou likeor not what he does (and a lot of people tend to not like it - seems to have gone for some mix of the two. It still holds up. Basically, this movie jabs the Arthurian legend, heroic knight movies and movies in general in the eye with a sharp herring (sorry, reference to the film there). Bits where references are made to the film's construction are made are among the funniest moments, e.g.: "'It's the old man from scene 24!'" and 'Fortunately, at that moment the animator suffered a fatal heart attack.' Unlike the other Python film I've seen, The Meaning Of Life, pretty much every single sketch is howlingly funny. 6181 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I haven't played the game version, but I'm certainly hooked on this action/horror/sci-fiction story that moves along at a great pace. When experiments by the Umbrella Corporation result in an out of control, mutating T-virus, Raccoon City suffers the consequences. Alice is a highly trained super-chick who fights Zombies as she tries to get the secret to the surface of 'The Hive' to warn the innocent people. A mad scientist has more sinister plans for Alice and her fighting skills, not to mention the computer run 'Red Queen' who doesn't want to risk letting anyone out and taking a chance on spreading the virus. Of course, it's already too late for many of the living. Can't wait to view the next in this series! 7730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. Great to watch with the family. Movie leaves you feeling like you can love everybody. Even though I know exactly what's going to happen (who am I fooling? I have the script memorized and mouth the words without making a sound!), I have NEVER had a movie, play or event in my life that takes me from one emotion and slams gears into the reverse direction so abruptly that you have NO choice but to react to both emotions you're feeling at the same time! In this case you can credit Sally Fields, Daryl Hannah (who does a sort of dorky blonde Jesus freak), and Olympia Dukakis grabbing the gear-shift on everyone's emotion by using Shirley MacLaine's grumpy Ouiser character. If you've never seen it then I suggest you get your popcorn or snack ahead of time and take the phone off the hook. You really don't want anything to interrupt the dramatic rhythm of this sequence. 6685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was what I consider the best zombie flick modern man _will_ construct at this point in time. I LOVE zombie movies! As sad as it might seem to the "true believer" of the genera; the true Zombie Epic for us has yet to be born! It waits to be conceived! What does our existence say to the Age? Will we survive the coming upheaval of the New, or will We, as expected, be consumed by the New? 7066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and it's remake! 4181 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Michelle Pfeiffer fails to convince me of her grief at losing her son to a kidnapper. She seems guilty about losing sight of him momentarily and for letting him get lost. Her guilt overtakes everything, and she is not a very devoted mother to her other two children. You can see that they are suffering from her neglect and total self-absorption. I felt that the movie was supposed to have been very compelling on an emotional, almost primal, level, but it was not compelling at all. I imagine that the book did a better job of conveying the terror of losing your child and realizing that your child may be gone forever. The people in the film all seemed to be too obsessed with themselves. Naturally this kind of tragedy will cause introspection and times of real doubt and soul searching, but I did not get the sense that the people here had any level of depth or sincerity. 2283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is basically the modern version of one of the Beatles movies but modern day and with an all female band. It is good pre-teen, pj night with pizza movie night type of thing. I read a while back that the original rough-cut of the movie that was test-screened with disasterous results was a little under 2 1/2 hours. Warner Bros. then demanded that the filmmakers cut the film down considerably, which they grudgingly obliged. The producers stated that the revised cut they turned in came in at 101 minutes with credits and they were actually happy with that cut. But Warner Bros. then proceeded to cut an additional 12 minutes from the film and the result was 89 minutes of terrible action scenes and no plot and logic. Do I think that the original cut would be better? It might certainly make considerably more sense, but the movie would still be awful due to some huge problems. 6316 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 That's not really true. I didn't find this movie all that mind blowing. And they're in a video store and they see a poster for a movie that starred Arnold in real life. Only in the hero's world, it starred Sylvester Stallone, and the hero says how much he loved Stallone's performance. 183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 an excellent christmas movie. quite a delight. 338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very close to the story of Genesis. If you ever wondered how the Israelites ended up in bondage, this gives you the history. 2454 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like this movie. American Individualism, in 1969, was a classic thread running throughout American history, as was communalism. What was spectacular not only about Easy Rider but the sixties overall was the sense of blending of these two major threads in American history. The tension between Billy the Kid and the Hippie commune can be viewed, among other things, as the cinematic representation of the struggle for true Individualism in the Anglo American psyche. There is no ready resolution to this dichotomous past. If you're an "Easter-egg hunter" (quite literally in this instance), look for the playwright, Robert Harling himself, playing the part of the minister at the Easter festivities (both at the beginning and end of the film), the "Ouiser never did a religious thing in her life," joke in the church, and at the funeral. I won't go into too much detail with spoilers. 5.) Extras. The original 1977 featurette and a new, 30th anniversary documentary are included along with trailers. This disc is loaded! The interviews with Spielberg were riveting, and Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon and "one-take" Cary (Child "Barry" in the movie) all provide terrific insight to how this was made. On top of that you get a full-color reproduction of the movie poster with a chronology of the three versions on the back-side. The poster measures about 13 x 17, but that's not exact I didn't use a ruler I'm eyeballing. There's also a full-color booklet (about 30 pages) outlining the creation of the movie with some great behind the scenes photos. Its a must for Richard Gere fans both male and female. 7424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a classic movie. 2245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Back in the summer of 1997 there was a hit movie called Air Force One, with Harrison Ford Clear and Present Danger (Special Collector's Edition) as the President who formulated a plan to stop a terrorist dictator in Kazakhstan. Praised by the Russians, the President declares he will not back down or negotiate with terrorists. 7202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good clean family fun. Recommended. prisrob 07-06-13 The President of the USA (Harrison Ford) goes to Moscow and gives a stirring speech outlining the USA's new "Zero-tolerance" policy with respect to terrorism. On the flight home, terrorists actually take over Air Force One (the President's official plane) and take the passengers (including his wife and daughter) hostage. The terrorists plan to execute one hostage every half-hour unless/until their demands are met. However, the President is a former Medal of Honour winner, so the terrorists may be in for a surprise... 5995 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I liked this film when I first saw it at a movie house long long time ago and then I purchased this blu ray 6601 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 OK!......PERsanly i didn't like the re movie that much....BUT!.....im gonna watch the second one!....especially how nemisis is gonna be in it....and jill. And Im gettin all excited about it......to bad its not september yet. (sigh)..STTAAAAARRRSS. 7347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert Redford's narration is excellent. A must watch for those who love fly-fishing or watching it. This story of the MacLean brothers may be sad, but it is a great movie. 290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful movie. It stay faithful to A Christmas Carol, but it very American. A fun movie for one and all. 4268 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super Fast. New. Thanks 9840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie will have you on the edge of your seat, its got suspense, sci fi, with a touch of brave new world. this is not far fetched sci fi at all. this is more or less within our reach now. this movie packs in a powerful life lessons that science cannot always predict everything and that anything is possible. And yet the real cause of the drama is in the tolerance some - like the father or the girl friend - have in front of the moderate use of such substances. But it is also a manifesto against the only answer that is leveled at that problem, in this case in Turkey, but it is not better anywhere else as for that, and that is repression. 3240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow this is an old favorite movie of mine. All the actresses are super performers and this movie is one that will make you laugh and then make you cry. It is a good one for sure and I recommend this movie to all who love the actresses playing a part in it. 2125 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent product and fast delivery 4734 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I can't believe it only in Full Screen! No widescreen version. I love the movie, but now that I have an HDTV.... 4651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 depressing 6396 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez It is true that these films don't do much that's new with the genre - if that's what you're looking for, see "28 Days Later" instead. But the Resident Evil films do the traditional zombie genre as well as any film has recently, with great special effects (these were big-budget films), good acting and a lot of action. 5582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 He's sweet, sexy, and he likes to sleep in late. You might think he's th eperfect neighboor. But before inviting Jerry in for a nightcap, there's just one thing you should know,. Jerry Prefers his drinks warm, red-abd straigt from the jugular! It's FRIGHT NIGHT, a horrific howl starring Chris Sarandon as the seductive vampire and William Ragsdale as the frantic teenager struggling to keep Jerry's deadly fangs out of his neck. Only 17-year-old Charley Brewster knows Jerry's bloodcurdling secret. When Charley can't get anybody to believe him, he turns to TV horror host Peter Vincent, who used to be the "Great Vampire Killer" of the movies. Can these mortals save Charley and his sweetheart Amy from the wrathful bloodsucker's toothy embrace? If you love being scared, FRIGHT NIGHT will give you the nightmare of your life! 4836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic that you shouldn't miss. 4943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved the opening of this amazing movie, the cinematography and music really set the tone in an almost modern film noir type of mood that is sustained throughout the film. De Niro is great as is the rest of the cast, but the highlight and focus is naturally on De Niro and watching his character ebb and flow into social and mental instability is compelling. 796 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you're familiar with the Arthur program airing on PBS, you already know just how clever this show can be. Created by Marc Brown and based on his books, Arthur Read is an aardvark who shares adventures (and misadventures!) with friends like Buster Baxter (a rabbit), Francine Frensky (a monkey), Binky Barnes (a bulldog), Muffy Crosswire (a very RICH monkey), and others. Arthur is often at odds with his little sister D.W. (Dora Winifred) which makes for much of the shows comedic moments. 7452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like this movie because there is enough action in it and shows how Kevin Costner is so peaceful in finding himself and living off the land. 3825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pity poor slacker kid Anton Tobias (Devon Sawa): he hasn't seen his parents for days. He's out of milk. He's out of dog food. He has no girl, no car, no central motivating ambition. He's a total loser. A warning to parents: there is quite a bit of violence and mental illness in this film. This is not a Disney movie! Best of all is Ian McKellen's take on the Grim Reaper from Ingmar Bergman's THE SEVENTH SEAL (1957). Honorable mention to Tom Noonan's horribly scarred axe-wielding villain. He and Arnold play dual roles: themselves the actors and their action film characters. 3) 2011 Version with Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fessbender: My third favorite; major problems include Mia being way too pretty to play Jane, and she needed a bit more personality. Michael Fessbender was admirable as Rochester, but he physically did not fit the part--too handsome and too "blonde". Rochester was always referred to being dark, mysterious with black hair and eyes--hard to get past that part, but he is a sexy man. Alternate Ending, 11 Featurettes (total time: 1 hour, 02 mins.) 9375 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is still hilarious and the extras are fun. This movie is one of my all-time favorite comedies (and my favorite of the Anderson films) for two reasons. 2274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There are some unrealistic elements to this movie, but only when you stop and think about it. It's an action movie and there will always be some stretches of reality. Harrison Ford delivers as does his supporting cast. It will pull you into the story without any real trouble, you will find yourself routing for the President and telling the evil guys "take that". In the end, you will feel good about it and you may even be inspired by it. Enjoy! The price has dropped on this set dramatically even from when I wrote my original review. It is still one of my go-to discs to demo my blu-ray, so people can see what the format can do for a film that is 33 years old! I cannot wait to see "Jaws" and "A.I." added to the repertoire. Close Enounters is not just a movie, but an experience. It reminded us to look at the stars with awe and wonder and dream of the possibilities. The story is expertly crafted and still relevant and relatable. The fact this transfer is so spectacular makes it a new experience with all the awe and childlike wonder flooding back to me. A must own for fans of the film and fans of blu-ray. This charming story is an excellent addition to any child's holiday collection. I rate it a 10/10. It is one of my favorite Christmas shorts and it is perfect for children from two to ninety two years old. Probably the most powerful film both men have made "Russell Harty Plus" Interview with Angela Baddeley (9:40) I've noticed a number of studios framing out distribution to other distributors who jack up the prices and only print a limited number of copies. It's a shame the majority of fans can't enjoy them. ...but lets forget about them and talk about Monty Python and the Holy Grail. There are simply not enough adjatives to adaquately describe this film. It is thinking humor, it is slapstick humor, it is political humor, it is irrevant humor, it parodies Arthurian Legends (with a jab at ancient greece as well) documentaries, spectacles, and itself all in one package. Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is a tongue-in-cheek look at the lore surrounding the Arthurian Legend and his quest for the Holy Grail. The film pulls no punches, taking jabs at everything from the political strife between the French and the British, the Catholic Church, the Inquisition, the British Aristocracy and just about every legend and myth surrounding King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. The final mano-a-mano battle royal at then end is pretty forgettable. Although I usually don't like films that feature a narration, this one is an exception. Robert Redford (who has no other role in the film) does a fine job narrating the film from the standpoint of Norman Mclain, one of the two brothers. My favorite scene in the movie has to be when De Niro is talking to the secret service man. It's so funny and yet so chilling at the same time. And, of course, who can forget watching De Niro talking to himself in the mirror. "You talkin' to ME?" From the "horses" that lead to a discussion of sparrows, to the three-headed giant, to the French Knights, to the Brave Sir Robin, you will be left laughing til your sides hurt. Vic 3428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie Then a semi-side plot to whole movie is the conflict between Alice and Nemesis (a huge T-virus mutant). The Umbrella Corporation wants to see the two battle it out and test each other. Allright so the two have a couple semi-random encounters which were actually kinda cool, but then we get towards the end of the movie and their "battle" has yet to resolve itself. So we can't have that. Rather than have to two stumble across/find each other in some random cool location and end it, an Umbrella Corporation scientist forces the two to literally fight now. "You and you step forward and end this." I thought for a second I'd stumbled into a "Mortal Kombat" movie, I expected at anytime to hear the deep gravely voice utter the word FIGHT. Needless to say the scene was lame. Once again however ultimately forgivable due to artistic license. Milla Jovovich looks as tough as Xena: Princess Warrior with guns a blazing on a Harley. As for director Paul Anderson, he was supposed to direct this sequel but, fell back on his word and chose to do "Aliens v.s Predator." The acting doesn't really help the matter. But for me the best thing about this film is Robert Redford (you won't hear me say that too often) and his deft hand at relaying, with tender restraint, the beauty of this budding `sibling' relationship. You can feel the love and respect just flow from Redford's every pore as he delicately settles into telling this beautiful story. The camera finds the right nooks to explore and the right scenes to embellish. The film glows with subtle yet substantial depth, and a lot of that falls on the shoulders of the man who helmed it. Stephen Geoffreys adds his own style to this film and plays an important part as well. He plays "Evil". Incidentally, Mr. Geoffreys did another horror film,976-Evil(1989) and had the lead role. Stephen Geoffreys tried to get mainstream roles in Hollywood, but went on to do non-hardcore sex films with male nudity in play and then adult gay porn under a different name. He is now trying to get back into mainstream films again and appeared in Sick Girl (Special Edition DVD) (2007), New Terminal Hotel (2009), Emerging Past (2010), The Diary of Randy Rose (2010) and Bite Marks (2011). 4284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Its the kid! He ruins it! Not the actors fault, actually, but the writers and director. Ijnstead of being totally excited about getting a private screened sneek preview of his favorite hero's new sequel, he acts bored and barely interested. 7947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember being a kid, and this, one of many, being one of my FAVES. I'd sit on my front porch step, playing in the water hose, singing all the songs!! Also in the cast: Rene Auberjonois, Raul Julia, Tommy Lee Jones, Brad Dourf, Frank Adonis. 18 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a great video that gives the early history of our great country! I'd highly recommend this to everyone - especially for school children that are not learning the history of our country. Upstairs are the Bellamy family. The two members that continue for all five seasons are Richard Bellamy, a member of Parliament, and his son James, a Captain in the English army. Downstairs are the servants who are led for all five seasons by Hudson, the butler, Mrs. Bridges, the cook, and Rose, a maid. The performances by all these principals were excellent in every respect. 8853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I do not remember the movie being this funny, good quality transfer; have not played with the catapult yet. 43 (out of 50). Enjoyment. A rating based on my overall enjoyment of the film. Like a good series of books, these DVD's put you in touch with wonderful characters. Once the series is over you miss keeping in touch with their interwoven lives and trials. 8186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like your English barristers brilliant but eccentric, you can't do better than Rumpole. Leo McKern brings John Mortimer's beloved, but underrated criminal defender to life with humor, irony, gusto, and just a slight undercurrent of sadness in his great, droopy eyes as the establishment, which can't best him in a courtroom, frequently fails to honor him outside of one. HOWEVER.... the History Channel takes the footage and mixes it with its USUAL propaganda and more propaganda stories than talking obectively about WW2. and what happened in the war. so much of the time you will be watching a propaganda story and footage associated with it..and not hearing about the stages of the war. In order to download this UltraViolet movie you have to sign up with Sony and another company. This films hits all cylinders, including all the emotions (love, betrayal, desire to win, hope, jealousy). I cried in couple of moving scenes. In my humble opinion, this film's greatness will be appreciated and validated with the passage of time. There's nobody like Newhart. Watch and see. Bravo! Well-done! Encore! The downstairs staff is directed by the butler, Hudson (Gordon Jackson), who relies on discipline to preserve traditional standards, and discretion to prevent scandal, but can be sympathetic when the occasion warrants. Mrs. Bridges (Angela Baddeley), the cook, overcomes kitchen crises and follows household gossip. Rose (Jean Marsh), the head house parlor maid, later ladies maid, is devoted to the family, but occasionally expresses dissatisfaction with her "place" in the system. Under house parlor maid Sarah (Pauline Collins) makes up in imagination what she lacks in education; anxious to escape domestic service, she becomes a chorus girl. Chauffeur Thomas Watkins (John Alderton) is something of a con-artist, but he evidently has genuine affection for Sarah. Under house parlor maid Daisy (Jacqueline Tong) marries footman Edward (Christopher Beeny) and attempts to advance his career. At the bottom of the servants' hierarchy is the kitchen maid Ruby (Jenny Tomasin). 9164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I ran this for my movie club. They loved it and found it extremely funny - both those who had seen it long ago and those seeing it for the first time. Behold, the gift of Python. Chapman in paticular has the gift to play the most absurd scene with utter conviction. Sometimes, it's good to play it silly, but someone should allways be playing it straight. The film was shot in Chicago and Louisiana (and some parts in NC). The first half of the movie was good, but for some reason they decided to turn it into some watered-down, cheesy, leave-the-audience-feeling-secure kind of movie during the last half. Another reviewer mentioned the movie 2001 and compared it to Close Encounters, all I have to say is that they're completely different from each other- one has a philosophical message and one doesn't. Basically this movie is for those who wanna lie to themselves and say that there's nothing to worry about. 2001 is definitely the movie to see if your interested in aliens- im not saying it's real (who knows though?), but its sure more engaging than Close Encounters. In 1982, Hollywood put its rather dull and child-like stamp on "Annie." Not only does this Annie- Aileen Quinn have a horrible voice, but is also cutesy and phony. Albert Finney as Warbucks, although he looks the part, doesn't act the part. There is no pompus humor. As Miss Hanigan, Carol Burnett get the drinking part right, but that's about all she does through the whole movie. Ms. Burnett, although rather funny throughout the film, acts like a drunk through the whole thing. The characther is more than than. "I got better." 1934 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 now i can throw awat vhs There was no presumed happy ending back then, and no assumption of a neat little 15 minute wrap up at the end of the movie. 9249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is a landmark of screen comedy. It is easy to equate this brilliant Medieval tomfoolery with something that preceded it but this film is a true original. The film is an intricately plotted series of comic setpieces that mocks the Arthurian legend with equal amounts of silliness and informed intelligence. Thirty years on this film has lost none of it's comic luster. I have numerous favorite moments but that would ruin it for the uninitiated. I was fortunate to have seen this film when I was a teenager theatrically back in the day when the Pythons brand of madness was just breaking on these shores. This package includes alot of good extras including commentaries by the surviving Pythons(R.I.P. Graham Chapman) and the "Lego" version of the film. Written and Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson (Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, Soldier) made a Strong, Entertaining, Sci-Fi/Horror/Action-Thriller, Based on a Popular Video Game. Originally George A. Romero was the Writer and Director for this Movie but he left from Creative Differences (Although Anderson does some Tribute to Romero in this Flick). This Movie plays like it's Dawn of the Dead meets Aliens, which surprisingly works well but It's does have Some Weakness and also has some unintentional laughs coming from the Dialogue. Anderson brings a stylish Edge to the Film and Even when the Zombies are Scary. Jovovich looks good in this Flick, also Michelle Rodriguez and Eric Mabius gives Good Performances. The ending isn't great but it's a set-up for a Sequel. Resident Evil wasn't a Huge Hit in Theaters, since there's a sequel in the works. We will see, if that second part of the film-would be better than the first film. Director:Paul W.S. Anderson pulls this off well. Don't miss, this Underrated flick. DVD's has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an terrific Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD has an commentary track by Director-Anderson, Producer-Bolt and Actors-Jovovich and Rodriguez and a few nice extras. Rumor that Anderson is working a 2-Disc Collector's Edition on the film-Including his original NC-17 Cut before he recut it for an R and it seems to have a different ending also. Grade:B+. This movie is pure, classic Arnold, which a touch of fantasy thrown in! 4684 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Andrea Marr (Dominique Swain) is 18 and about to graduate from high school. Her best friend Cybil is an aspiring rock star who performs with a couple of mutual friends (Chris Masterton from Malcolm in the Middle and David Moscow from Newsies) and is well on her way to being discovered. 6539 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Nicholson tends to steal the scenes he is in, and gives a particularly wonderful piece about what freedom is, and why people are so afraid of it. He sort of represented to me one who has been fed many misconceptions about the individuals and movement Wyatt and Billy represent, but once in their company, finds that much of what he has been told may not be true. A sort of individual caught between the generations. 3264 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolias starring Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Dolly Parton, Shirley MacLaine, Olympia Dukais, and Daryl Hannah is such a moving and beautiful film to say the least. Every one of these ladies reach absolute perfection in their perspective roles. I would get a box of tissues because this film is a real tearjerker, Julia Roberts captivates your heart as Shelby, a young wife with diabetes who wants to have a child. Her mother is afraid that her fragile body won't be able to take such a huge responsilbilty. If you want a great Southern Belle film then Steel Magnolias is the one to watch. I HIGHLY recommend it! 9794 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not a five-ster film, but you can do a lot worse than spending a couple of hours with Gattaca. As with most sci-fi you're required to check your common sense at the door, but that's part of the fun of it. If you've ever found yourself rooting for the underdog you should enjoy this one. I found it tugged on a couple of my heartstrings. See it. Directors: Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass Upstairs Downstairs is the story of the Bellamy family of 165 Eaton Place, London from about 1903 to 1930. The Bellamys are an aristocratic family with a houseful of servants. The interplay of story line and personality between Upstairs (the Bellamys and their friends and relatives) and Downstairs (the assorted servants) was beautifully done. Some of the episodes tended to be a bit too soap operaish, but at its best the series was utterly spellbinding and memorable. 1983 Promotional Featurette All in all a very satisfying film. Don't listen to the talking heads, go out and form your own opinion. This film will become more appreciated with time. 6105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved this flick as Steve Martin does a great job with his character. Highly recommended and very funny. If you get a chance, check it out!. The acting is flawless (was the ever a BAD performance in a Scorcese film)?...even Cybil Shepherd gives the illusion she can act....Scorsese himself, playing a jealous husband who's gone over the edge, is simply stunning. 4115 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny, heart warming movie 926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was fun and adventurous. A little romance. We all enjoyed this comedy adventure movie. Full of surprises, too. Yes. The film, directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones of the Python gang, is noticeably low budget, but you can tell they satired that with silly animation transitions and use of coconuts and political satire. One of the few films with a low budget that is intentionally looking low budgeted. 8225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter wanted this classic for Christmas and we watch it over and over and the story never gets old. Special Features: Making of..., Theatrical Trailer. Jennifer Love Hewitt Music Video, "How Do I Deal". 2806 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 an adult movie in the old sense , that is .no violent action or explosions , just real people interacting. Bickle is a retired Marine who is now an urban taxi driver. He thinks that his urban area is a pile of [pooh] and shows how humanity is going downhill. He plays gaurdian angel to a prostitue, played by Jodie Foster. He is a truely disturbed individual, and becomes extreme violent and sinister. This film gives a very vivid look into the mind of a man gone insane. Recommended. 4043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has funny parts, but it also has sad parts. It is a good drama, and I recommended it to those who enjoy emotional movies. 6824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love horror movies, but I'll have to admit, coming into this one I was not expecting a great movie. I mean, come on, what video game turned movie ever is. From the previews, it look as if there were barely any zombies and most of the monsters were the zombie dogs, a computerized girl, or Nemesis. After viewing the trailer, I was dissapointed b/c, quite frankly, the zombies are the scariest part. I am glad to say that I was pleasantly suprised. The movie was great, the acting was wonderful, and there were more zombies than I could shake an machine gun at. I went with my wife to see this and I swear, she spent most of the movie with her head buried in my arm, and she doesnt scare easily. The only downside to the movie was that the beginning was a bit confusing, but it all makes since as time goes on. If you like to be scared and on the edge of your seat, this movie is for you. But don't go into it comparing it to the video game, because as you have probably already read, its not like the game. Just forget the game even exist and view this title as just an A+, action packed horror movie. No, RE fans, its not like the game......its better! 6749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My complete review of this film is on my personal page and elsewhere here (I was one of the first to review it). Most of the other reviews carry all the opinions people have of this movie. Here's just some trivia: Apocalypse picks up right where the first one left off. Racoon City is being sealed off as the virus can't be contained. Alice and a handful of others must find a high ranking scientist's daughter who didn't make it out of the city. The ending leaves you wanting more as well. 496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was one of the best movie from a Old Testament Biblical story. The only problem with this is the nude scene when "Joseph" was nude in the water. I think this could have been left out and the story would had been perfect. 4110 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie is not credible on a psychological level. Sam/Ben was too well-adjusted, too articulate, and too mature for his age. Any kid in real life would not be expected to abruptly pack his bag and leave his home behind. He would not have been able to psychologically heal--never mind forgive--his older brother. It would have taken years of therapy for the family to come together as a family. Basically, this is an escapist, feel-good movie with competent enough acting. The video is worse then the dvd. 9118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Plenty of memorable fun moments in this Monty Python classic. I shared it with my 13 year old and I don't have any reservations about a teen or late preteen watching this movie. A mildly suggestive scene in the castle that houses only women is tame by 2013 standards. Some violence with blood that is absurd enough to be comedic and acceptable to most 12 to 16 year olds. This is a delightfully stupid movie and it helps if someone in the room has seen Monty Python before so that you can help explain to newcomers the disjointed, time warping, Python style of story telling. The "monster" in the cave scene is a classic that was just as funny now as it was decades ago. If possible watch "And Now for Something Completely Different" by Monty Python first and then watch this second. Sony did a 1080p transfer(1.66:1 original aspect ratio) of this movie that looks amazing! There's lots of strong detail in faces, clothes, as well as surroundings like buildings, grass, trees. Flesh and earth tones look very natural. Blacks are deep. Strong color is not going to jump out at you, but that's just the nature of the film as the outdoor setting of much of the movie's grass, dirt, and rocks(browns, blacks, grays & greens) never contained strong color elements. But what color there is (like in the tabards,coat of arms, shields) looks very good indeed. Is the movie without soft shots or grain? No, but they've brought out a whole lot of nicely rendered detail that makes the movie a joy to watch. Until now, I feel like I've only seen this movie through a fog. Well, the fog has finally lifted and everything looks sooo fresh. 4643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great!!!!! 1525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this series and absolutely hated to see it end. Disc 4 of my set had some annoying background buzzing noise for several minutes of a couple of episodes, but the rest were fine. A few blurry spots, every one in a while, but I can live with that. The stories are well worth it. I will admit it's hard to see some of the main characters leave---like colorful, sassy Sarah; or the elegant Marjorie. I also missed Elizabeth, but the writers started playing with her character and she lost some of her charm. I highly recommend this series for anybody who loves to snoop into the lives of the elite while enjoying the far more entertaining personalities of the common folk. Richard talks alot about the special effects in the film and how it was a Big challenge to do because of no CGI effects 7144 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not a fan 768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a cute program, and had a very good message regarding different people's celebration of the Christmas holidays. Nothing lasts forever. Chaney leaves New Orleans, again in a freight car, as Speed and Poe, marking his departure, acknowledge that "he was really somethin'." 6015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love the video game series. I still remember buying Resident Evil 2 when I was a teenager and taking it home and playing it for the first time. It just sucked me in instantly and before you know it I was out looking for the first one. This movie is no different. It sucks you in from the very beginning and doesnt let up till the end. It is a fantastic action/horror/sci-fi movie that is filled with great special effects. If you are a zombie or video game lover this film is for you. Pal Joey is a 1957 American musical film, loosely adapted from the musical play of the same name, and starring Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, and Kim Novak. Jo Ann Greer sang for Rita Hayworth, as she had done previously in Affair in Trinidad and Miss Sadie Thompson. Kim Novak's singing voice was dubbed by Trudy Erwin. The director is George Sidney and the choreographer is Hermes Pan. 3274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Academy-Award winner Sally Field ("Norma Rae," "Places In The Heart"), singer Dolly Parton (who co-wrote the hit "I Will Always Love You" with Whitney Houston), Daryl Hannah ("Kill Bill," "A Walk To Remember"), Academy-Award winner Shirley Maclaine ("Terms Of Endearment") and a young Julia Roberts (long before her win for Best Actress in "Erin Brockovich") highlight this entertaining film based on a play. I love this film. Rated PG for mild language and some thematic elements. No one really believes Charley's rantings that his new neighbor next door is a vampire. Charley's geeky best friend (played devilishly well by Stephen Geoffreys) doesn't believe him; nor does Amy. The DVD also features an insightful series of interviews from the filmmakers including Scorsese, writer Paul Schrader, Michael Chapman, Robert De Niro and the other cast member, and the special make-up creator Dick Smith. The interviews with the supporting cast, especially the one with Albert Brooks (who played the presidential election campaign worker) is particullary interesting. - The slow revelation of the mystery is superb, including who Milla really is. 9097 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is good for about the first five minutes, and after that it becomes increasingly boring. The gags are too simplistic and obvious. And I like Monty Python! 5514 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A fun movie all around. The special effects were great and effective. Still a suprise after all these years. The story I thought was excellent. Roddy Mcdowell turned in a great performance, as always. The only thing that bothered me was the powder white hair, and the gastly white make-up they gave Roddy, could have been better. If you have a vampire collection add this movie, you will not be disappointed. Twenty minutes into this film and all the tell-tale signs of a great and capturing story are already well in place and it almost never lets down after that. 3941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it Love it Love it. Great movie; down to earth and factual 127 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It was merely okay. CONS: No special features like a commentary by the crew, cast or both. No behind the scenes featurettes and no interviews by the cast and crew reflecting on their time working on and making the movie and the fun that they had working on it. The only feature is the theatrical trailer for the movie. I suppose that the theatrical trailer is better than nothing, but still, it would have been better if the DVD had a lot more to offer. 2020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great, old, classic action flick with a fairly young Harrison Ford. I've seen it many times and still enjoy it. She gets married and contrary to Julia Robert's character's mother's wishes (played by Sally Field) she instructs Julia Robert's character, "Shelby" not to have a baby, but because Julia Robert's character is young, married and really wants a family goes against her mother's wishes. 2605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie, both funny and sad. Well acted 8597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a every family should have movie! 3913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I personally think this is one of Spielbergs greatest movies. Melding the wonder of the unknown with high adventure, it still gives me goose bumps 24 years later. Sure some of the effects look a little dated and the 70's hair do's are a distraction but look at the heart of the story and you see a classic. 7455 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert Redfords best movie. That's AFO in a nutshell: simple-minded jingoism masked as escapist adventure. 9185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The first ten minutes or so of this movie are hilarious. What follows is then a hit or miss attempt to sustain the comic element first demonstrated. The scene at the wedding and the stupid romantic son hits the mark, as does the scene at the French castle, but the other scenes at the convent and the modern historian seem to fall a bit short. Composer: Jules Bass and Maury Laws 1994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like action and you like the president, you'll like this. Therefore we should think about electing Harrison Ford president. Otherwise forget it. You must have a president than likes America as well as himself for a change or forget it. Would this movie work today? I doubt it. So just use your imagination and enjoy the movie while you can. 3020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderful movie, never expected it to be as good as it is. wanted a copy for my library Spoken language options: English, French, Spanish. Subtitle option: English 3. There is more involvement by Steed's boss, "Mother" (a wheelchair-bound chubby guy who shows up in very strange places to discuss Steed's progress on respective cases). anyway you should buy it its very cool and very rare! 3731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Subtitles English, English SDH, French This DVD is highly recommended for action movie viewers. 4076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always have and always will consider this a very meaningful and worthwhile movie. Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon were outstanding choices for the lead roles because they truly knew how to fit the types of characters they were playing. Susan Sarandon is Jackie Harrison, a highly devoted mother who is an outstanding example of a woman who loves and places her children above herself. Her ex-husband Luke (Ed Harris) finds a new love, Isabel (Julia Roberts). The whole situation is difficult for Jackie and both of her young children, especially her 12-year-old daughter Anna, who resents Isabel. When Susan is diagnosed with fatal cancer, it becomes absolutely necessary for the two kids to learn to accept Isabel. Many, many hardships and challenges rise between Susan and Isabel before they are finally able to put aside their differences, become friends, and figure out how to handle the future of their family--a future that they can no longer deny. I especially liked this movie because it deals with such serious and complex issues that many of us can at least appreciate if we have not experienced it ourselves. You really feel the tone of the issue through Anna, Susan's oldest child. She is such a horrible brat, you want to kick her, but then you soften when you realize that she is just scared and upset because she loves both of her parents, and it is hard for her to get through all of the changes. Any of us can understand or even relate to that. Although I enjoyed most aspects of this movie, I really loved the way Susan taught her children not to be afraid of her death, especially her very young son. There's no greater way to show your love for your child than by putting on a brave face during the scariest moment of your life in order to spare them the fear that you feel yourself. It truly is touching the way Susan loves her kids so selflessly in this movie. It's very deep, very moving, and worth the money to buy. I hope this review was helpful. Dreyfuss,(a man on a mission), has had a close encounter, is out to find out where and why. Believe me, if this was you, you would have sleepless nights. Dialogue is good, FX, is incredible for 1977, and the soundtrack is FANTASTIC. Spielberg's 3rd feature film is a breakthrough, and one mans drive and vision of his childhood dreams. Spielberg is the man, and he was only 28 then, War of the Worlds basically relies on CGI effects, still fun, but this is the best(friendly) alien encounter film ever. Hope that didn't spoil anything. Entertaining, hands down, or up, if your reaching for the dark skys. Rent it if you want a good laugh, and if you want to watch a decent zombie flick try the new Dawn of the Dead. Grade: A+ 100% Starring: Harrison Ford Gary Oldman Glenn Close Wendy Crewson The movie was very suspenseful right from the get go. Giorgio Moroder's musical score,while such synthesizer work seems so outdated by today's standards now,adds to the intensity;eerie electronic effects,etc. Who can forget the famous Chase theme. The late Brad Davis was perfectly cast. You see his fine acting in the film as he transforms from a wide-eyed and naive, yet intelligent(or not so) American in a foreign land into a violent, maniacal,and broken down prisoner who reaches subhuman level. In fact, it's astonishing how another actor 20 some years later strongly resembles him in almost every way;Brad Pitt. Minus the fact one had black hair, the other is blonde. It would be incredible to see Midnight Express re-made with Pitt in the lead role...Randy Quaid was also memorable as the hyper and tempestuous cell mate planning the first escape. John Hurt's character serves as the voice of reason which is a contracdiction since he's mostly stoned throughout the film and in the same prison for his own crime. The cinematography is foreign (pun intended), gritty, grimy and has plenty of shady/sleazy characters from the consolate(actor Bo Hopkins),lawyers, and court system to the other inmates. The prison warden is nothing more than probably a criminal himself and fits every bit the stereotypical prison villain one can expect in a film who abuses his authority and relishes releasing his own personal brand of hell upon the inmates...The ending of the film is something else. Just as I felt the nervous intensity from the beginning, I felt it in my gut at the end ! 9103 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 how this movie got A high rating on some site, is beyond me, SAVE YOUR MONEY, DON'T BUY IT This is a Christmas wish come true as Fright Night Blu-ray has been the most elusive Blu-ray commodity in the past 10 years. There are many other Blu-ray versions, there is a German Blu-ray version, I believe there is also a Blu-ray Australian version none of which were playable on American Blu-ray players. Then there was the 30th anniversary Blu-ray edition that was released in 2015 that was sold out quickly. Now, finally there is a Fright Night Blu-ray version UK import that plays on American Blu-ray players. After loved ones pass they're truly never gone. 275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My family really enjoys this more modern re-telling of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." You have all of the basic elements set in depression-era America. Henry Winkler is fantastic as both the crotchety old Mr. Slade and the idealistic young Mr. Slade. It should really be part of your holiday movie collection. 9413 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Meh. Not really my cup of tea. While it may have predated our current slew of dystopian movies, it doesn't improve upon the formula that we now accept. 7068 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always a good show for children. 783 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This annual movie on PBS is a favorite of mine, and now my daughters have taken a shine to it as well. Arthur and some of his friends are struggling to meet the cultural ideal of a "perfect Christmas." In the process, they learn that the best holidays are personal, and meaningful precisely because of those heartfelt aspects that cannot be purchased in a store or gleaned from advertisements. This is also the rare holiday movie that acknowledges those people who may not celebrate Christmas. It's a heartwarming experience for any viewer, and makes this father's eyes misty every year. The spring of 1978 for me was the season of "Star Wars" and "Close Encounters." It was my first year of junior high school. My friends and I would debate if "Star Wars" or "Close Encounters" was the better film. Many said "Star Wars." But for me, the film in history was "Close Encounters." 8279 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 When in the 80's I saw Peter Graves use those little laser discs to find out about their new Mission:Impossible, I thought that was great new technology. A few years later audio CDs arrived in Portugal. When DVDs started to come out, I found out what a great picture quality compared to the old VHS tapes. And the possibility of watching a movie with English subtitles was a great way to learn English and to understand the picture much better than any language translation because there are expressions which just can't be translated. Either you understand it or you don't. 4917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Another cult classic like "Say Anything". 776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this movie to go along with the book and it followed the book very well. The kids loved it. 3963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the most amazing movies you will ever see. It's one spectaculer movie. Just to say, STEVEN SPEILBERG is my hero, my favorite director, and the best director. I am his biggest fan. Just to say, I would recommend this movie to anyone. They will love it. If you have any interest whatever in the 60s, in rock music, or in the sociology of the free-love society, you really cannot afford to miss this incredible art-film. It's just superb! "Idle Hands", turned out by director Rodman Flender and a talented SWAT team of special effects mavericks, is simply all kinds of cool. you can't go wrong with this movie. but as my wife says... its more a guys thing (except my daughter likes it). I may have to get that one also. Some stories pass the test of time and the next generation. Apparently this is one of them. It is Hudson who not only keeps the house running smoothly, but is also the keeper of English social propriety and tradition, objecting to modernization and the merging of social classes. Hudson desperately tries to hold onto the society he knew and loved, but international events conspire to change the very fibre of British culture.  Resident Evil: Extinction [Blu-ray] (2007). 9546 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well acted. Thought provoking. In the genre of the old "Twilight Zone" in which suspense is created without GCI graphics. 5772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good 4927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is the definitive cinematic portrait of loneliness and alienation manifested as violence. It is as if director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader had tapped into precisely the same source of psychological inspiration 9315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie Director Cannon - who made a spectacular feature debut with the underrated British crime thriller THE YOUNG AMERICANS (1993) before crashing to an abrupt halt with the poorly-scripted JUDGE DREDD (1995) - begins to turn the screws very early in the film, adding a slightly unpleasant streak of cruelty to some of the murder scenes, and John Frizzell's shrieking music score sets the nerves jangling throughout. Some of the climactic revelations stretch credibility to the limit, but the film employs an eccentric, comic-strip logic which works on its own terms, and subsequent viewing reveals a multitude of clues surrounding certain characters and incidents which are cleverly designed to elude first-time audiences. So, if it's a genuine nerve-shredder you're after, this great big lunk of a movie is just the ticket. 1741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ok 2936 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like Bikes and 3 famous actors together this is it. 9355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 6176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is based on a horror/survival videogame by Capcom. Now I got that out of the way, Resident Evil is a pretty good zombie movie, successfully adapted from the game by Paul W.S. Anderson. This film is everything House of the Dead wanted to be but couldn't. The zombies move at a decent pace as does the movie and there are plenty of "BOO!" moments, but nothing too scary. Gorehounds will be happy and Zombaholics will have fun playing guess the reference, such as the elevator scene which recalls the original Dawn of the Dead. The acting is good as far as zombie movies go and the cinematography is great. A must have for any zombie fan. The story of the crossing, the hanging in the balance of the war with Great Britain, and the attack on Trenton are all masterfully done. Kudoes to A&E. May they continue to produce more historically based efforts of this quality in the future. 1386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK Each of these quotes will immediately be recognized by Grail fans. The list of memorable lines and sight gags goes on and on. 9028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No issues with the DVD and received it in a timely manner What exactly is the movie about? Well, this is the retelling of the story of King Arthur, his uniting with the Knights of the Round Table at Camelot, and of course, the search for the Holy Grail--all told in a British humor fashion. Pointless, you may say, but still funny as hell nonetheless. And what a funny crew of Knights of Camelot, too; we have: Arthur, King of the Britons, Sir Bedevere the Wise (I think), Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Gallahad the Pure, and Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot. When a new strategy was planned along the way though, the Knights split up and went seperate ways to find the Grail, and that's when the comedy ensues. You'll see Sir Robin meet a giant three-headed knight whose three heads bicker at each other; Sir Gallahad run into a castle filled with sex-driven maidens; Sir Lancelot try to rescue a princess locked in a castle only to find out it's really a wussy prince trying to escape from being forced by his father to marry someone in favor of the bride's landscape; and King Arthur and Sir Bedevere meet the Knights who say "Ni!" that order the two to find a shrubbery with their necks at stake. In addition you'll find the entire crew meet up a castle full of disrespectful French and a certain rabbit... The movie's camp factor helps in boosting the film's appeal with teenagers and pop-culture fans, and although the acting is not that great, the film gives us many hilarious scenarios including a Mission Impossible-based fantasy called "Spice Force 5," and an enjoyable photo shoot where the girls imitate major pop icons of the past and themselves. 146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love this adaptation of the classic tale. Henry Winkler is, of course, one of my favorite actors. This is a different slant from the original but it gets the message across none the less. Well worth the viewing. 2169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The best part is playing "spot the cameo" with a generous double handful of guest actors. Not a fan and I still enjoyed it for the campiness. Sally Field plays M'Lynn Eatenton, whose daughter Shelby (Julia Roberts) is getting married as the movie opens. Their friend and hairdresser Truvy Jones is played by Dolly Parton. Doesn't Dolly seem like the perfect small town hairdresser? Shirley MacLaine is the funniest character as Ouiser Boudreaux, the dog owner in permanent war with M'Lynn's husband Drum (Tom Skerritt). Ouiser has the best line in the film: "I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years." Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory *** I HIGHLY Recommend it. *** Enjoy. I said alphabet because we used the other Sesame Street videos to learn letters. We got the same results for numbers with this video. He now counts to 100 and he just turned four. He also does basic math. 150 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 An unusual take on " A Christmas Carol." This movie takes place in New Hampshire in the early 20TH century. It is a made for tv movie on a very low budget. It has some good parts and the acting is not bad, but Henry Winklers' make up is very badly done, when he made this movie he was in his late 40's and he plays an old Scoroge, in this case Slade.in his 80's. Interesting but I would not recommend it. 9729 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I thought "Gattaca" was going to be an interesting, futuristic, sci-fi movie with a story that's worth watching. Wow, what a disappointment this movie turned out to be. If you want to fall asleep and enjoy watching boring movies, then watch "Gattaca". End of story. Followed by FRIGHT NIGHT PART 2 (1988). 3724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Following in Lucas's footsteps with his release of the original Star Wars as it was first presented. Spielberg does his sci-fi epic the same way with this excellent release of the 1977 UFO Classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. When it was first released on video back in the early 80's it was the Special Edition version which was released to theaters in 1980 with new end footage with the interiors of the Mother Ship as well as other scenes edited out entirely and replaced with other scenes or alternate versions of other scenes. In fact, the only way to ever see the original was when it aired on TV as a movie and even then the two versions were combined to fill a 3 hour time slot. In the 1990's Laserdisc owners were the first to be able to own the original version thanks to Criterion Collection laserdiscs, except that the end credits were from the 1980 version. Then in 2001, the Collector's edition came out and it was more of a marriage of the two versions as it still eliminated key scenes from the original version, yet restored the original 8594 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best of the great Monty Python' movies. the scenery perfect with music beautifully supportive of the action. 2150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fills me with a patriotic feeling, every time. Even when there's a president in office who doesn't deserve that of me, in a time when no one remembers what patriotism and national pride even is. It is an action-packed Nine Monkeys/Tomb Raider type of adventure combining significant elements of horror. 5348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great dance Sean Upon the 1st time veiwing the middle kinda draged with one of the most incrediable movie romances ever, but after that this movie files by and files high. 6449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie starring Barbara Striesand and Nick Nolte is a fantastic movie. Although long, you never become bored. You are drawn in from the moment it starts. I think the story is beautiful and has beautiful scenery. Anyone from the south knows why they live here. It's a wonderful place. Great movie of redemption for Nick Nolte's character and Striesand as his savior. The special features on this DVD include two commentaries, some great featurettes with Scorsese talking about his personal experiences, point of view, and goals when he made the film, and plenty more to delve into. It was a long time coming for this special edition, but I'm glad I waited. This is DeNiro's best film, and Scorsese's best film. Enough said. BUY IT! Mr. Washington was a true gentleman. 6061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. FILM FACT: Midnight Express won Academy Awards for Best Music, Original Score for Giorgio Moroder and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium for Oliver Stone. It was also nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for John Hurt. Best Director, Best Film Editing and Best Picture for Alan Parker. The film was also entered into the 1978 Cannes Film Festival. 5585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my faves. I am a huge vampire fan and this ranks the top of my list:) Great movies, special effects, scariness and a touch of comedy. A must see. I am probably bias my name is Amy...I just love hearing Chris Sarandon say my name:) That nightclub scene is a hot one. " Hey Amanda want to trade with me on that scene:) " 7050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Entertaining and funny. Love Carol Burnett years or so and Travis' story will still matter. 9998 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A great, understated, low-key film that is intelligent and philosophical. The filming is beautiful, austere without being cold, and nicely uncluttered. Ethan Hawke turns in a nice performance as a normal man battling his natural genes and the society that rejects him because of them. He has an easy chemistry with both his co-stars, Uma Thurman, who is perfectly believable and looks convincingly like a genetically engineered human, and Jude Law, turning in an effectively heart-breaking performance, and a spoilt, genetically perfect man, who nonetheless cannot live up to his potential. 4560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought this was very good. This was one of Demi Moore's that did she did not get a lot of credit for. All actors were very good. 3262 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If female bonding had an anthem, it would be played to the tune of Steel Magnolias. I don't care if you have a heart made of steel, I defy you not to cry when you watch this film. It's the story of different generations of Southern women in Louisiana. Julia Roberts plays Shelby, arguably the main character, who is getting married when the film starts. Her mother, Melynn, only wants the best for her daughter and since Shelby has diabetes wants to ensure that her daughter doesn't lose her life for a family. This is truly a movie for women and it has something for everyone. When you're in the mood for a little female bonding, put in Steel Magnolias. But make sure you have some tissue handy. 9233 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When I was a teenager, I looked at the few infomercials stating the Monty Python series on VHS and DVD, I thought the series was just filler. But later, as I grew older, some of my relatives introduced me to one of its films--The Holy Grail. Through that hour-and-a-half I was laughing so hard at everything the movie represented. And as time wore, I was watching the TV series itself, and that show was actually a little better than what I expected. "The Special": Building Blue Thunder: Making of the Helicopter. 7386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have never seen this at 47 years old. My 4.5 year old loves it and so did I. Lookin' for adventure 8850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son loves it! As a whole package this dvd is definitely one of the best and this movie is one of the biggest guilty pleasures of all time. 3579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ...to get all three releases in one package like this. I've watched two of the three, haven't seen the Director's cut yet but am looking forward to it when I get the chance. Anderson's filmmaking style, so effervescent in his next two films ("Rushmore", "The Royal Tenenbaums"), still shines through here, although it is hampered by two things. First, he has a stingier budget to work with (at one point we see inmates wearing jumpsuits emblazoned with the words "WASCO STATE PENITENTIARY"; the same suit, if seen in "Tenenbaums" would be professionally made and ornate, while here it appears to be a painter's overalls written on with magic marker). Second, whereas "Rushmore" and "Tenenbaums" were basically confined to one setting (a prep school and a Manhattan townhouse respectively), "Bottle Rocket" is a road movie. Anderson can't plan elaborate tableaus, filled with precious details, when the location may change from scene to scene. These aren't harsh criticisms, mind you. But I did feel like Anderson wasn't able to fully play to his strengths here, as he got a chance to later. 4103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm really tired of popcorn movies that have no soul. Stepmom is a breath of fresh air. You know, I never realized what a good actress Julia Roberts is untilStepmom. Ed Harris is always good of course and seems to inhabit his character with all of his being. Of course he does this with all of his roles, but it's just nice to know you can rely on him. Stepmom is about real life and real people. Give those insipid Hollywood formula films a rest and see the reason why film was invented, to explore human drama. 7125 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Adorable movie. Great dancing and singing. Perfect old movie fun for the whole family. 1979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of the best suspenseful dvd's ever produced! Harrison Ford nails this with outstanding character and emotion! 6602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a very good/well made movie. I am a BIG fan of the RE games, but i was a bit dissapointed that they mess with the story a bit, like Alice, all the commandos, the "hive", and the "Red Queen". The laser part was....ok i did like the beginning and the ending!!! it was one of the best movie endings! you just know there is going to be a RE2! I think this was a great game turned movie, and would recommend it to any horror fans! 4. The real murderer of the director is revealed and there's not much surprise in the actual culprit - but the story wraps up the "murder mystery" subplot so quickly that questions are left unanswered like: we're told that the murderer has had non-violent tendencies genetically engineered out of him, yet he beats another man to death. Huh? 6945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! Dreyfuss, ... is brilliant in this film, with his gradual obsessions and transfixion creating a fascinating film, which has become an undisputed classic. The oft-imitated famous five note tune composed by the maestro John Williams is only one of the memorable moments of the film, including Roy's obsession with the image that haunts him, the chase up Devil's Tower and the re-appearance of all the people abducted by the aliens. Carlo Rambaldi's excellent alien creations surpass most CGI attempts at realism. As far as the various versions of the film go, the definitive one is this DVD, with the extended ending omitted, leaving the film more complete, regardless of the shortened running time. A true classic that will be remebered as one of the greatest Sci Fi films in film history. With nothing to fill his days with, ex-Vietnam vet Bickle accepts an overnight cabbie job that guarantees him very long hours. Unlike his fellow drivers, Travis is willing to take fares to the most dangerous areas of NYC. His brief friendship with an attractive gal ends badly and her rebuff sends him into a downward spiral of isolation and obsessive dreams of revenge against the decadent city he chooses to wander through. These sociopathic impulses play out in a most dramatic and explosive fashion. Much as part 1 ended with the initiation of its sequels premise, so does part 2 leave the doors wide open for part 3: Initiate the Alice Program. Id say keep going if you liked either of the first two. Theres nothing particularly thoughtful to be found here, yet still a lot of effort was evident behind making this fun and exciting. If you have forgotten the CLOSE ENCOUNTERS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting, but different than I expected. Annie. Good family show and great musical. And all is well if it ends well. These are the movie's main ideas. 2975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wonderfull actors. 2288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very very very very good movie, action lovers would love it!!! Harrison Ford does a great job in the acting. Gary Oldman's pretty good, could be better. 5 stars baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 1976 was a funny electoral year. One year after the full defeat in Vietnam and the evacuation of Saigon on the run. Two years after the resignation of Nixon, to avoid an impeachment that would have led to the very first conviction of the President. 1976 was the year when all had to changed, and nothing really changed because the establishment just looked for a way to save face and restore the everyday standard imperialistic power, and of course that will fail with Jimmy Carter, but Scorsese could not know it though everyone knew that success would be a miracle. What's more, success in that line was doomed in the long run. It was not yet possible to know what was going to happen in China, but we could know it was going to change, even if it was quite clear that the Soviet Union was not going to change at all, even if we could not know the industrialized feudal soviet system was going to fall down the chute, was going to be flushed down the drain. That was what Scorsese meant with his crossroads but he did not know how many roads there were in that crossroads nor where they led nor of course which one to take. But one thing was sure in those days: the US were going to take a road that did not lead to any confrontation with their real historical mission which is to create democracy through freedom in a system that had to improve itself all the time because it knew perfection did not exist in this world, be it only because perfection is divine and cannot be found in a non-divine world, in a human world, what's more in a human sinner's world. It was sure the US were not going to face their historical fate and their inner problems and their inner challenges like for example the racial problem, like for example the education of their young, like for example the control of violence, like for example a health care system that was more than necessary. The film is a vague echo of that particular challenge with the allusion to the welfare system, because that was where the US stood at the time: helping the poor. But Warhol had already exposed that problematic solution by showing in his films how vain, hypocritical and corrupted the welfare system was in the US, and that could not be an objective for the US, an objective they could put in their constitution in the form of a new amendment, the only way to really improve the system is by making it constitutional since then to repeal such an amendment is particularly difficult. But the film has aged tremendously since today the US have reached the end of that road, the bad road they chose in 1976. They are deep in the mud of a new war (the Buddhist have a nice saying about elephant getting caught in mud) that has been rejected by the world from the very start, they are confronted to the emerging of a world power they will have to share responsibilities with sooner or later so let it be now, the famous BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India and China, and that has to be done straight away since that BRIC is already the first economic power in the world and will be the first political power in the world within a few years. What's more the US is deeply agitated by the necessity to finally come to terms with the racial divide and the racial problem, by the obligation to provide all Americans with a full health care system, by the duty to provide every American with the possibility to educate themselves even if the government has to cut the military budget to do that. The good old three objectives of equality, good health and education in a system that would recapture freedom and democracy, both having been impaired and limited in the process of the US negating history in order to impose their own self centered epiphanic power. But what does Scorsese envisioned beyond 1976? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The system was defeated in a way. That's why the film has aged since the US and Americans finally have the chance today to be able to choose the road that would lead to their finally getting to political adult age. For high flying escapist entertainment they don't come much more downright enjoyable than this. The DVD is a disappointment with no special features to speak off except a rather slim production notes section in the inside cover booklet. It's 2 pages of notes on the making of the movie, with sections on 'The Story,' 'The Setting,' 'Gadgetry' and 'Stunts and Special Effects,' but it's all very slim pickings. Even more scary is the fact, that the Umbrella knows 8426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Old stone-face Bronson wasn't always like that, although he certainly was in this movie, which I think is his best by quite a long shot (although I did like "Chato's Land", "Death Hunt", and "The Mechanic" quite a bit). Centered in or around New Orleans in the depression era, the film is about men who earn their living as bare-fisted street fighters, and one of the best is an unknown fighter played by Charles Bronson. James Colburn is great as his sleezy manager in trouble with the mob. This is a highly entertaining movie with some good performances (even Bronson's) along with a realistic view of the era. Between 1 and 10, "Hard Times" gets a well-deserved 8. 6097 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I loved this movie, but the only version is full screen, not widescreen. Worthless now that almost everyone has a widescreen TV. 3441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 5040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 'Taxi Driver' is a dark film looking at one mans alienation from society and life around him. It looks at how he gradually descends into his own form of madness and you really get a sense for how he feels through De Niros chilling portrayal. The lack of sleep and night shifts Travis (the main protagonist) works only serve to isolate him further from reality and life. When he meets a young political campaigner and a prostitute, both of these relationships spur him into dark action against the scum of new york. I have to say the direction and acting was excellent, you really get a feel for the malevolence Travis feels around him and his sense of disjointed exhaustion. The soundtrack is very dated now and the same jazzy refrain used throughout the film started to get on my nerves. It is a good film and definitely one to watch, but I have to say I was expecting so much more after all the hype on these pages and from things i've heard before that I was left a touch disappointed. The ending is powerful and then kind of fizzles out afterwards, you'll know what I mean when you watch it. Overall a good film and worth a viewing. "Stay Tuned" - Investigating Steed's amnesia (a returning theme from previous years), Steed and Tara uncover a plot to kill their boss, "Mother". Easily the most hilarious and original comedy ever made, Monty Python and the Holy Grail claims it's undisputed throne through insanely ridiculous situations and characters that will very likely never be duplicated. Pure comedic genius that doesn't go stale with age or decades of competition having been released. Simply seeing the way comedy films are made today, this film will very likely have a long reign before anything can even hold a candle to it. An absolute belly-laugh fest that never lets up. Does not follow the sequence of events in the games, i.e., The Train from RE2 is in this one. Too many scenes in which the director tries to scare you. With a hand here and a zombie there. The film is good enough without those things, it feels strained, like he's trying to make it up to the fans for the fact that Romero was thrown off the project. It's like he was trying to prove he can make a scary flick. Word play: Jerome = Genome? Eugene = Eugenics? Curious. Two scenes in particular illustrate the human beauty that this film is so adept at conveying. The first involves Parry (Robin Williams) and his daily routine: watching and following Lydia (Amanda Plummer), his from-afar crush, on her morning commute to work. Camped out in Grand Central Station, all we see are the throngs of people crowding and pushing their way to their trains. But when Parry sees Lydia, all that stops. Or rather, it changes. The music starts, tasteful glowing light emanates from the ceiling, and all the commuters take partners for a waltz. It's a ridiculously sublime moment, beautiful in all ways. It goes on until Parry suddenly loses Lydia in the crowd, and the dancing abruptly stops. The biggest problem with this film is that there is virtually no scenario, just a succession of shootouts and running. There is hardly any dialogs which would merit to be remembered, the sense of humour seems to have been completely eaten by zombies, most of decisions taken by people (both villains and good guys) doesn't make the slightest sense and let's not even talk about character development... 5970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent story!!! You may even find yourself discovering lines of dialogue that were unintelligible in other copies of the film. 889 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The title on this exercise DVD does not really match the actual content. "Yoga-Lite for Biblical Worship after Childbirth" may be a better title. 9408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have never heard of Monty Python in the early eighties until I saw the "Holy Grail", I did not expect it to be a funny movie at all and was delighted to see how funny it was. I like it over the "The Life of Brian" which I had to watch two or three times to get all the jokes. I think the reason is I used to read tales of King Arthur as a child but didn't know much about the bible or Jesus. As for the technical specs of the DVD I would give a three only because of the picture quality and sound isn't so good and has no special features which is common with DVD's now. (When are they coming out with a critertion edition?) 5123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this film again recently and find it remarkable it has held up as well as it has. It seems as though it could have been made last year, so timeless is this film. Robert DeNiro is simply perfect as Travis Bickle and I certainly enjoy the terrific performances by Shepherd, Foster, Keitel, et al. This is my favorite Scorcese film and his work here shows why he has earned his reputation as one of the medium's elite filmmakers, while Paul Schrader's script leaves an indelible mark. I think the film, however, would not be the complete masterpiece it is without Bernard Herrmann's music. The man behind the music of "Citizen Kane" and so many Hitchcock films, including "Psycho," delivers yet another unforgettable musical score that marries so perfectly with its film. The resulting combination of all these facets is a work that really strikes a chord with me. Yes, it is violent and some of it could be seen as shocking or disturbing; yet, for those who identify with its portrayals of alienation and morality, and who find its style engaging, this film represents a pinnacle in cinema. The collector's edition DVD has some documentary material and the transfer is very good. There are also some extraordinarily unusual subtitles choices. 9569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best sci-fi / noir movies around, just a great movie that should be enjoyed by anyone that likes the genres 2859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of my wife's favorite movies 5846 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 NO. 2692 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 About relationships, commitment. 2015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great blu-ray transfer. No defects. Picture and sound seem brand new. The special edition dvd comes loaded with a heap of extras, and the sound and picture quality are fantastic. I recommned this to all fans of great cinema. If there was any negative of the film, it's that the real story of Billy Hayes and his life in prison has been changed for the film adaption. In fact, Billy Hayes has commented in regards to the film that he wished there were more positive portrayals of the Turks and even Oliver Stone has come out and talked about their wish that the film had shown a positive life on some Turks and that not all Turks are bad. 6156 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Those evil, all powerful corporations just never learn. Rule #1: never, never go back into the secret, underground research facility after it has been sealed off because of cannibalistic zombies, rampant viruses, and a crazed, out of control, killer computer. But in RESIDENT EVIL - APOCALYPSE, the big, bad Umbrella Corporation does just that. And baaaaad things are released into Raccoon City. Very bad things. And it looks like only Alice can stop them. 6471 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I'm not a videogame nut, so I guess I missed this film's 'good' points. The only redeeming qualities "Resident Evil-Apocalypse" has going for it are CGI effects and stunts. Nonexistent plot, lousy dialogue (lots of cursing), women running around half or completely naked (while all the men are fully clothed). Even the zombies were far better done in the recent remake of "Dawn of the Dead". Milla Jovovich has yet to make an impression on me in any film she has been in. What is going thru this person's mind? These characters are all fully developed This movie is way to fake. I couldn't enjoy it because it would never happen. I enjoy action dramas and this is one of the worst ones I've ever seen. If they had decided to make this more a drama and not so much action I might have been able to go along with it. The cast is awesome for the movie and a drama could have worked. The cast and talents are wasted. Why this made so much money I don't know. I guess people are stupid enough to follow the story. Don't waste your time or money on this one. The inner tension in the airport is perfectly made , the fear , the insane atmosphere in the turkish jails , the language obstacle , the hopeless , the dramatic sense when the Turkish Court gives the veredict in the middle of a bitter political conflict are a true landmark in its style. 7662 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Robin Williams! "I wanted to make a very accessible story about the everyday individual who has a sighting that overturns his life and throws it into complete upheaval as he starts to become more and more obsessed with his experience." I will not give away any details or spoil this flick for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Fright Night is really a fun movie and yes it does have some creepy and scary parts to it. I will also add that the movie has some pretty good special effects, they really aren't that cheesy. This movie was also made in 1985, which is the zenith of the 1980s, however this movie really doesn't seem dated. As a matter of fact, it is quite possible this movie is as relative today as it was back in 1985. The one part of the movie that could be abased for having a 1980s flare is the night club scene. There is the peachy music, "colorful" outfits and the hair sprayed hair. Then again, 1980s fashion is somewhat neo in these contemporary times, so it might not seem so dastardly. Ultimately, this movie isn't overshadowed by the fact that it was made in the 1980s. 9059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everyone gushes about the movie so I'm gonna stick to hardware. It arrived promptly and with no complications, the second I put the movie in my PS3 I was laughing. The special features are a real treat, particularly learning how to use coconut halves to simulate horseback riding. All in all, a great movie at a great price. 6169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 With this movie I discovered Steve Martin - and it couldn't have been a better one. In Switzerland, back in 1987, I hadn't heard much of the "wild and crazy" guy. And then two movies came to the local cinemas: "Little Shop of Horrors" and "Roxanne". Since then I am a hooked. While "taxi Driver" is not a movie I'd care to see again anytime soon please don't misconstrue that to mean I didn't think it is not worth seeing, because everyone should see it. Out of context "Taxi Driver" is hard to sort out and feels more like camp or a send up of the whole 1970s genre of gratuitously violent films. "Taxi Driver" is far deeper than that as Scorsese forces us to move beyond our Manichean obsessions over the concepts of good and evil. 1557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say, this show is not only deep and well acted, but it really captures the change in social order before and after WWI. Biohazard: Vendetta (2017) / Resident Evil: Vendetta on Digital June 20, 2017, on DVD July 18, 2017. 6301 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 3629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters Of The Third Kind was written when director Steven Spielberg was just out of his teens. It was a project very close and personal to him and after the box office success of Jaws (1975), he was able to receive respect and creative freedom in Hollywood and was finally able to make his dream film as his follow up. Released in Novemeber of 1977, Close Encounters may be one of the best examples of Spielberg's great storytelling abilities ans sensibilities. I find this to be one of the most hopeful films I have ever seen. When the film opens, we are presented with an unsettling set up, we feel uncertain and even frightened and by the end of the film, we learn to have faith in our existence. 1137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a big fan of the Series Upstairs, Downstairs. Season 4 is very good. The serious nature of World War I on London is so interesting and well done. The actors are very good in this series. 2484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well written, well scripted, encaptivating and very believable! The acters and actresses deserved awards!! Great Picture. What a shame that so many very good movies from the past will probably never get a chance to be seen because of the lack of exposure and time spent in storage. The ending of this film will haunt me forever. And each time I see it, it seems to play differently. THAT is art -- any work that seems to reveal more of itself to you, every time you read, hear or see it. 8785 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This limited-edition Blu Ray version of "Hard Times" is a must-have for Bronson fans in general & fans of this great genre flick in particular. The visuals are a big step up from the earlier SD edition & the new DTS soundtrack is so sharp & clear that when good ol' Charlie takes out his 1st opponent with a single punch, the bone-cracking SNAP of the punch (accidentally) made my poor cat shoot up off the couch, the poor thing nearly clinging to the ceiling. Definitely worth trading up for if you own the earlier edition. Right from the first opening scene with the city smoke and taxi moving through it, the close up eye shots of De Niro then the rain beating down on the taxi's windscreen with the street lights out of focus...topped off I might add with the magnificent Bernard Herrmann soundtrack, it's probably one of the most memorable and perfectly executed openings ever on any motion picture. Of course a sizzling opening does not a good film make, but it does set the "mood" for what is a highly unusual and very graphic film. "Escape Through Time" is by far the better piece, with Steed and Mrs. Peel trying to find out why several of England's most notorious criminals are being found dead of wounds inflicted by archaic weapons. Seems someone is selling them the perfect escape - an escape into the past. True time travel? Or an elaborate get-rich-quick scam? Emma goes through the elaborate plush-toy entry ritual, to find out. Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Ann Arbor, MI This film was written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, who also co-wrote the brilliant RUSHMORE and next year's THE ROYAL TANENBAUMS. In my opinion, they are the best writers in Hollywood today. Some of the lines of dialogue should all be on a T-Shirt somewhere. "On the run from Johnny Law...ain't no trip to Cleveland!" "They'll never catch me, man, because I'm &%*#&%# innocent!" "Could you please give me the money...sir?" 6224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic, iconic Barbra! Overall, I thought that Steel Magnolias was a relatively embarrassing depiction of life in the beautiful town of Natchitoches, LA. Given that the locals seemed not to mind too much, I may be overreacting. They even showed us where the truck made an illegal left turn in the final scene. 9528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 8018 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is amazing. Don't sit there wondering if you should watch it, trust me on this one. It starts out fast, keeps running the whole movie. Robin Williams deserved every award for his acting, he will make you cry, laugh, think. I don't know what else came out at the same time, but Fisher King was better. Totally worth a look. 4166 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As one can see from the reviews, this is a good film. However, I was disappointed not to see more of Jackie Gleason, which is the reason I bought it. He was a great man/comedian and I loved watching him. I felt the film dwelled too much on Tom Hank's character playing around, etc. and I just wanted to see more of Gleason I guess. Good film though and the ending is heartening. Were any of you aware that George Romero (like I have to say it...but the creator of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead) wrote a screen play for the first Resident Evil. I've read it and it rocked, it had characters from the game in it and everything, but noooooOooOo. They had to go Hollywood and use the script that someone puked on and called it a movie. I'm just tired of seeing this crap made when there is a true horror genius out there that no one wants to hear from. 8676 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite Charles Bronson movie. 4232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good This is FAR FAR from a blu ray. I still own the DVD release and will continue to do so. There is absolutely NO difference between the blu ray and the Columbia DVD both in video and audio. I mean NONE. In fact, the blu ray is darker in tone then is the DVD. The darker tone does not account for a richer deeper picture, it is just dark. The DVD has a much brighter picture and the color at times appears sharper. 1463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you've been thinking of getting one of the A&E DVD re-issues of the original 'Avengers', start with this one. The stand-out episode here is 'Honey For The Prince', which is imaginative, funny, and extremely eccentric (a cricket match breaks out during one scene). There is also the infamous 'Touch of Brimstone' -- notable for its bawdy content and Diana Rigg's 'Queen of Sin' costume. Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg's chemistry as a team was never stronger than in the episodes on this disc (and you get a bonus seventh episode with this set, instead of the standard six). 3187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A goodie/oldie movie. A sad but lovely story, One of my top faves!!!!!! Amazing movie. Great cast, too. I have always loved this one. Rent it or buy it. It'll give you 90 minutes of good ole action movie fun. I would highly reccomend this movie especially if you enjoyed the origional. Final Review ------------- -5,321 Spielburg Snacks 9811 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I gave this 2 stars because I think Dominique Swan is right on - she was the most wonderful Lolita ever - and because as a gal who loves her rock n' rollers I thought this was going to be the greatest movie ever. But, it failed to impress. I was the Dominique Swan character, running after my favorite rock band because I was hopelessly in love with the lead singer and would stop at nothing for him. I've had those nights standing out in the rain or arriving at a show that's canceled because I loved that band so much. And my determination paid off! *Patting myself on the back* This is a superb action movie involving hoods, gangsters and a pretty good depiction of what life was like in Louisiana and New Orleans in the height of "The Great Depression" era of our history. It shows the depravity of how far men would go to make enough money just to eat. Men willing to fight just so their families can eat. Cheney (Bronson) comes into town on a box car and will eventually leave on one, but the script only lets on the only thing about him is he is willing to fight dangerous men to make some money, he likes down and out women (Jill Ireland), and cats. He meets Spencer "Speed" Weed (James Coburn) -- an addicted gambler who manages Chaney and facilitates Chaney's quick pocket of money by fighting bare knuckle dangerous men. A very intelligent, funny film. It is not a slapstick comedy, so don't rent it if you are expecting "Tommy Boy" or "Happy Gilmore". If you like quirky comedies, comedies that make you think, in the vein of "Waiting for Guffman", "Drop Dead Gorgeous", "A Mighty Wind" or "Rushmore", then this is a perfect fit for you; buy it. If you want a 3 Stooges type comedy, you can look elsewhere; this one is more low key. 7127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As much fun to watch today as it was when it first came out. Anyway, Bob is the ultimate straight-man. He's not over the top, phoney, or selling out his character for a laugh. His comedy centers on his reaction to others (quirky people & situations) around him. This show can come across slow, when compared to the hyper shows of today, where everything has to be sexual comedy on the cutting edge and inappropriate for family. Bob is a class act and never stoops to those tactics. That's exactly WHY I like it. Breath of fresh air. 1599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I missed this on public TV and and very happy that we have the opportunity to purchase the long running show on a DVD. 835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very Clever! Well Acted! A downright good time. Good god I sound like a jerk. But it was good. If you like X; you'll love this DVD. If you just appreciate a good rock/punk concert, you won't be disappointed. In an OBVIOUSLY pre-9-11 movie, Russian extremists kidnap the US president's plane, Airforce One, and all aboard, and use people as pawns for their political purposes (instead of, say, using the plane to bring down buildings in NY or DC). But they don't reckon on one thing: the Prez is an ex-military special forces guy, and determined to take the terrorists out to the last man. But time is not on his side, and his family and staff are in danger. And there is a traitor among them. 2158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 daughter loves For those of you who have never seen the movie it involves several characters. A group of scientists are researching strange discoveries that are taking place like a fleet of WWII planes that went missing thirty years prior. The discoveries are just the beginning as UFO's begin to make appearances all over the world. Richard Dreyfuss is one of the people who witnesses the UFO activity and from that point his life is changed. Trying to discover what the meaning of this is. Of course in the meantime his family and work life are completely disrupted. Although this is just the beginning of this mysterious journey. Somehow, I can't help but think, that those viewers who raved about this movie spend their vacation in the Grand Canyon searching for conclusive proof that the coyote is still chasing after the Roadrunner. I say, chuck out those sets (seasons 1-4), and buy this COMPLETE SERIES box set. It's easily worth the price, and the image quality is so much sharper. Set in modern day (1976) New York, the story centres around Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), a 26 year-old ex Vietnam veteran. He is shy, dispossesed and utterly alone. He frequents porn theatres, yet is repulsed by the 'filth' he sees on the streets. Unable to sleep at night, Travis becomes a taxi driver, working long shifts with little or no sleep. Through his nightly experiences as a cab driver, Travis becomes even more bitter and confused. Bernard Herrmann's impecible theme aurates Travis' battle between what he thinks he should stand against and what actually arouses him. In fact, the theme music is perhaps the second most important character in the film, acting as a metaphor for the daily downward spiral of Travis' mental state. In his solitude Travis lets the drudgery and depressive nature of his job burrow inside his mind. He falls for an angelic WASP named Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) and even manages to take her out on a date. But his complete lack of nuance for the real world ends up with any chance of a burgeoning romance left in tatters. Now of course the actors play it cool, going through the clichd motions, and getting picked off one by one. Milla Jovovich, soon to be seen in A Perfect Getaway, is sort of bland is this movie (although she gets into the grove of her role in Apocalypse and Extinction, giving excellent performances), and doesn't really do much. (Well, aside from doing the Matrix on some wickedly awesome zombie dogs.) Michelle Rodriguez on the other hand seems to always have a dirty look on her face; when she's not shooting zombies, she's busy pouting. All the other actors that had potential die to early in the movie... 854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who does not like ernie. my nieces like the songs. Reminds me of my childhood Richard Kiley narrates as Luke, and also listed as narrator is Alexander Scourby. The Umbrella Corporation needs to know what happened at the Hive and why it was sealed up afterward, so a team is sent down there to open it. Unfortunately, when they do, they unleash an army of the undead and the T-virus is unleashed on the world. You know people who love to have coffee table books around, or Marxist dialectical imperative pamphlets lying around that they pretend to read? Or Jean Luc Godard films that they pretend to understand? Well this my friends is the American equivalent. Think Antonioni but without Monica Vitti and Alain Delon. And Eclipse almost made me gouge my eyes out. The Bellamy's house parlormaid Rose Buck is portrayed by Jean Marsh, who created the show and starred throughout the series. Rose is compassionate, tough and as real a "person" as if she had actually been alive. 9423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my first DVD review. It's about a really funny movie that(supposedly)took place in England 932 A.D. As King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table go on a quest from God to find the holy grail. On the way the run into a Black Knight, taunting Frenchmen, a killer rabbit, a three-headed knight, a castle of lonely women, the Black Beast of Arrgghh, a Bridge of Death and the infamous Knights who say "Ni!" While there are elements of fantasy and Arthurian legend woven into this story, there is also a theme of Christianity. Originally Jack is driven by a need to regain the former glory of his life when he was a successful talkback radio host. He wants that life back and believes that by helping Parry, he will overcome his guilt, and thus be able to resume his former life. Jack feels a false resolution in his life when he regains his former life. However, ultimately, when Jack agrees to undertake the quest for the Holy Grail, only then do his motives become self-less. He helps Parry because he wants to, not because he needs to drive away his own guilt - this is very much part of the Christian Doctrine. I have viewed the 2-Disc collector's edition which apparently is a combination of the Director's Cut and the original theatrical version. For a first timer to the film, it made no difference to me. However, as fans of the film have stated, the tampering by Spielberg for this special edition was not appreciated. He re-edited the original version removing scenes that perhaps gave it its popularity (eg. Dreyfuss entering the mothership). Spielberg has said he will never re-instate these scenes. Doesn't it annoy you when a Director refuses to let people see a film the way they originally remember? It's almost a kick in the teeth for helping him make his millions. Oh well, at least he had the decency to allow the original 'untouched' version of E.T. to be included on the 2002 digitally enhanced version DVD. Director: Alan Parker 9397 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life and I absolutly LOVED it! Knights, monsters and unladen swallows what else can you ask for? Mind you this movie is for only those who have a weird sence of humor and not for anybody who is looking for a historical documentary of King Arthur. If the movie is in the comedy section of Blockbuster I'm guessing that isn't HISTORICLY ACCURATE!!! 8373 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Really small on the back cover you'll find your purchased an all new anniversary FULL SCREEN version of this movie. Only released this way apparently. Wasn't until I popped it in that I found this out. If I could return it I would and go buy the original release which apparently has both full and wide. 1671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Life for servants and upper class in turn of the century England. Contains quite a bit of history and different sides of political issues. My favorite soap opera and show of all time. 3693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I know this was released back in November of 2007 but Amazon ask me to review it. 4718 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always loved this movie mostly because of the great flight scenes...I could watch them forever. Enjoyable movie featuring the great Lou Gossett, Jr. and a very young Jason Gedric who decide to rescue his father who has been taken captive in the middle east. Great action film which is enjoyable for all ages. Aside from that this movie is a one dam good zombie stomping movie and the end leaves you dying for the sequel which is coming If you do decide to purchase this movie, I also highly recommend that you keep your remote control in your hand or very close by. You may find the need to back up a little and then to pause, just so you can read one of their outrageously funny jokes, side notes, or even something irreverent that might appear where you least expect it to. As I said, these guys are VERY ! Outrageously F-U-N-N-Y ! and you don't want to miss anything. I know it can sort of screw up the continuity of the movie but unless you have eagle-like vision and can read really fast, keep the remote handy. 4662 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fine 4155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm one of Tom Hanks' biggest fans and he never disappoints. Funny story about dealing with one's parents while they go through a separation and drag their adult kid in the middle. Along the way he does some growing up of his own with the help of his high school friend once girlfriend but now best friend. 6410 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed the first movie, and gave it 3 stars, but this sequel truly blows the first away. On Disc Two is the documentary, "The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations" whcih includes Terry Jones and Michael Palin traveling the English countryside, visiting the sites used in the movie and reliving old memories. It's good, I promise! 2312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In this age of terrorism, this is an intensely scary film. Imagine Al-Quada doing what these Russian terrorists do on this plane. Harrison Ford is good in these types of films and gives a very good performance. The violence was hard to watch, but it is not difficult to imagine this kind of hatred esprecially from Islamic or other militant and closed-minded terrorist groups. My rating: 2 of 5 When Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up on a shower floor inside a mansion with no memory, she has little time to try and get herself together. Soon the place is infiltrated by commandos, who then take her down beneath the mansion to a secret train and into a place called the Hive, a hidden underground facility where the powerful Umbrella Corporation was conducting secret experiments. 2. The Prayers of Jesus Thus this film is about the ordinary everyman who dreams of attaining heights of accomplishment but must compete with the best of the best. Add to this drama a love interest played by Uma Thurman, and a murder mystery with an inquisitive detective, played by Alan Arkin. However it is the relationship between Vincent and Jerome Morrow, played by Jude Law, that offers some of the most subtle commentary in the film. Morrow , despite perfection, is an alcoholic who has been crippled in an accident, and now is willing to provide the biomarkers needed for Vincent to engage in the daily activities of the elected super-humans. 3627 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This bluray edition of the package is the one to get as it has all 3 versions of the film (theatrical, TV release version, and the Spielberg preferred director's cut along with a very informative "poster" where the movie flow timelines for all 3 versions are shown and compared. It is great to see and hear Spielberg (both then and now) and appreciate what a creative genius he is. The bluray presents a great picture and the sound stage is as immersive as I remember it when I saw this movie as a child. 6600 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Terrible movie, full of anachronisms; particularly in the dialogue. While the sets were OK, the writing and acting was just plain bad. I was expecting more, as John Malchevish and Dustin Hoffman were billed. Mr. Hoffmans perfomance was really the only redeeming value to the film; It just wasn't worth the time investment to see it. The story begins on the wedding day of Shelby Eatenton(Georgia Native, Julia Roberts, right in her element playing a Southerner) and Jackson Latcherie(Dylan McDermott). M'Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field) is hustling about readying herself and everyone for the occasion while her husband Drum(Tom Skerritt)and their two sons Tommy and Jonathan(Knowl Johnson and Jonathan Ward)are lighting firecrackers to clear the trees of birds that might literally mess up Shelby's wedding reception. There is their customary strife with the town grande dame Louisa"Ouiser" Boudreaux(Shirley MacLaine) before M'Lynn and Shelby arrive to have their hair done at Truvy's. 6356 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie gets five stars for the score alone (though the performances are spot-on from every actor). "Places That Belong To You," by Babs should have played over the end credits. Awesome movie! 8529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a well done and entertaining movie with a good cast The is a film that has survived the times and should be viewed. WARE, United Kingdom I saw this film in the College Town Cinema of Glassboro in 1975 and after thirty nine years, I can safely say that it is indeed a cult classic. It will bust your guts as it is a dynamite of unheard of humour. This group is made up of geniuses. Right from its opening collage of titles in various languages to the arrest of the entire Dark Ages crew by current day bobbies has made this unique in its expression of biting humour. This production comes down hard on English dynasties and reverence of both Protestant and Catholic rituals. The pythons have really put their fangs through the legends of King Arthur with their one-liners and slapstick. The Knights of the Round Table go out in pursuit of the Holy Grail on foot and you will fall off your seat when you hear the sounds of the horses' hooves with lackeys making sound with coconut shells like clippety clop. The plague ridden communities with phrases like `bring out your dead' is extremely hilarious with healthy citizens also being thrown on to the pile of dead bodies. Taunts like `I will fart in your general direction' and `I will wave my private parts at your aunties' are simply mind-blowing additions. The cinematic style is surreal while being outrageously stunning its visuals. The members of the Monty Python Group have to be lauded and acknowledged and they are - John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman and Terry Jones. Jack Trombey has written the fantastic and epic music to this zany masterpiece. Gen-X Cops is different. Police Academy this is not. You get three talented young no-named actors who really kick ass in this film. Notably Nicholas Tse who plays the character of Jack. In the featurette included in the DVD, Jackie Chan even gives respect to the man because he also does his own stunts. There is one scene where he comes out of a swimming pool with gasoline on top of the pool on fire and he emerges out of the pool. These are just a few scenes that you see Nicholas Tse do. Pretty boy? This guy is not afraid to take on risks and this person is definitely a rising star to keep your eye on. Of course, there are a few extra Monty Pythonisms thrown in, such as amazing Killer Rabbits, Tim the Enchanter (who is Merlinesque, anyway) snubbing Frenchmen and a ridiculous witch burning, but everything is directed to the intelligent viewer who can watch it all and laugh out loud while still respecting the legends and stories the Pythons are making delicious fun of. 4203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old movie. 3443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great!! 1388 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I have to second everyone else's emotion. This is unfair that we have to buy a whole box set to gets seasons 5 and 6 when most of us already bought 1 - 4. I am very disappointed. I have been diligently waiting for a long time for the rest of the series. 4755 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Iconic. 4035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have watched this movie I bet 10 times, maybe more and everytime I do, I cry. The actresses and actors are perfect, the plot of perfect, everything is perfect. The score is a death dirge while De Niro drives the filthy 1970's streets of New York in his cab. He has to wipe the back seat after each night's fares. The final Agamemnon scene with the pimps is unbelievably realistic, yet, when it is over, the audience is both repelled and elated. One of the most interesting shots of mayhem I have ever seen. I think its better than the end of The Wild Bunch. I think today it is still the most gripping action scenes and set shots. I have the WS/FS version. The transfer is not very good; the soundtrack is mono, and does not do justice to the film. Technical issues aside, the movie is flawless. It has no special features. 3791 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The single disc has the film in THX & DTS audio track as well as Dolby Digital. I was going to buy the two disc set just for those features, but if you are like me & watching your pennies, this is the way to go. The transfer is great & the DTS track is what you would expect from DTS. I think the first episode is set in 1903 and the last in 1930. Many characters come and go, but many appear in the whole run like Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Bridges, Rose and Richard Bellamy. 5688 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great clarity! 1298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Get-A-Way is rather silly and dated(even for 1968) and Wish You Were Here is just silly AND annoying. Other than that, I liked the rest of the episodes just fine, even the compilation Homicide and Old Lace, which had to use several season 5 scenes to pad everything out. Strange, but interesting. 1967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GET OFF MY PLANE! I wait for that line. Such a fun movie. 4326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie deserves much more recognition than it gets. It is well written both in story and in the parody within the story. It's one of Arnold's better movies, along with Predator and T2. The whole concept of a boy with a magic ticket that allows mixing of both real world and fictional cinema world is brilliant. The writers covered all the major bases on this one. It's a movie I can just sit down, relax and watch over and over again. And really, it's the perfect capper to the whole 80's generation of quality, fun action movies. It's a tribute sealed with a kiss and a hell of a good time. Highly recommend it to those who enjoy 80's movies, those who enjoy well-done parodies, and those who just like to have fun and enjoy the little kid inside themselves. Stretch and Joint Mobility Therapy Harrison Ford plays the U.S. President with fearlessness and cunning. He also demonstrates superb hand-to-hand fighting skills plus superior technical expertise with a gun. He becomes the hero who manages to elude the terrorists when he remains one level below, as they overtake the pilot and copilot. He creates diversions and thwarts their various plans, all the while evading detection. Initially, they are unaware whom they are fighting. Once Ivan Korshunov, the leader, realizes it is the President of the United States who nearly single-handedly prevents them from achieving their goals, the terrorist becomes more vicious. He threatens the wife of the President at gun point and turns on the loudspeaker so the President can listen as she voices her fears. This enrages the President who takes even more serious measures to save their lives: he dumps fuel to force them to stop. The fighting scenes are unparalleled yet eventually Harrison Ford is captured. The capture of the President forces the United States to negotiate with the terrorists, despite their policy against doing so. The terrorists want the release of General Alexander Radek, the former ruler of Kazakhstan ... 3092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having read many of the worst reviews, I can fully appreciate where the kids are "coming from". They don't really get it because it was too full of the symbols of the time in which the film was shot. It is obviously not a piece of timeless art intended for future generations. It was for that time and it accomplished its goal, which was to wake up a new generation to the possibilities of life. Choices. the music was current and dynamic and added to the power. Unless you are old enough, or have submerged yourself in the period, I would not expect you to enjoy it. If Woodstock The Movie, or The Last Waltz have meaning for you, you'll probably get something from it. Otherwise, just assume that you don't get it because YOU HAD TO BE THERE. Film classes might be able to put into context for you. a damn addictive movie. LOVE IT Audio Formats: English Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Surround, English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono, French Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Surround, Portuguese Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Surround, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround The show is just incredible and you don't think it can get any better. Then the war years happen and the show is even better than it was before. These war episodes are classic. There is some great acting by the "upstairs" characters in those years (Simon Williams as James, Lesly Anne Down as Georgina & Meg Wynn Owen as Hazel especially) - also "downstairs" Christopher Beeny as Edward just breaks your heart in these. 7349 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is really a great film. There are a lot of hidden, sort of read between the lines stuff in the screen play. A wonderful film, about life and time. There is not one good thing that I can recommend Despite bombs falling, housemaids giving birth in the attic, party guests committing suicide outside the nursery, various forms of heartbreak occuring both upstairs and down, it's reassuring to know that at 165 Eaton Place, dinner will always be served by an impeccably clad butler on impeccably polished silver, and that tea in the servant's hall will always be accompanied by one of Mrs. Bridges' delicious cakes (when she's not in a snit about being made to go to a lecture on wartime cookery). 4135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jackie Gleason is wonderful in this! He and Tom Hanks have a good chemistry. 6655 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I guess you might have to be a fan of the game in order to enjoy the movie. But I doubt that even if that were true that one could derive any enjoyment out of this piece of trash. There is one moment of pleasure, for all you gore fans, but that is the extent. I hated almost every moment of it. It is not that the story so much is awful, it is the execution. And, the acting is not all that good either. Don't waste your time on this one. 8075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember watching this as a kid - and liked it a lot. I don't think my 5 year old boy liked it quite as much as me :( This is Gilliam's second quest-for-the-Holy-Grail picture. Although off-centre at times, this might be his most cohesive movie, utilizing a fairly standard three-act structure to go along with it's quest theme. Don't worry, Gilliam fans, the director's trademark esoteric visuals survive intact. Manhattan is captured as a gorgeous, but dangerously labyrinthine, wonderland. The screenplay, by Richard LaGravenese, throws in literary and historical allusions, weaving themes and motifs effortlessly throughout. It saddens me that, except for the marvelous "The Ref", LaGravenese has wasted the considerable talent he shows here, turning out schlock after schlock during the years following this, his initial triumph. 2736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it Only time will tell if this zombie video game movie is really something of a classic. If Resident Evil is going to be a trilogy and if the sequels get better with the zombies, Resident Evil will be a classic trilogy. 4146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this on VHS back in the 80's when I was stationed out in Germany. Tom Hanks wasn't nearly as big (no pun intended) then as now, and I still thought of him first from "Bosom Buddies" back then. Gleason does a great job as the cranky curmudgeon old father, and Hanks plays what was, for him at that time, his signature goofy smart alec persona. Embrace it for all its faults and relish in the campy qualities it possesses. Sure, there are a million other musicals that are far better than this one, but honestly, what's not to like? The solution: Vincent "buys" the identity and genetic profile of Jerome Eugene Morrow (Law), an Olympic swimmer who broke his back in a car crash. Vincent will pay Jerome, and Jerome will provide him with blood, urine, skin and hair samples. I give this film one star, but of course I'm only doing that because it's what the Python boys would have wanted. I do so love it dearly... but I'm afraid that there are just not enough curtains!! It's rated R because of Sci-Fi/Horror Violence (zombies, blood, this kind of things you see in the games), language (some f-words, s-words...) ande brief sexuality/nudity (you can see Milla Jovovich's breasts and vagina, real quickly). 260 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We (my daughter and I) have collected just about every one of the DVD "Christmas Carols"... This was always a favorite of mine and We finally got a copy... It was great to watch it again.. by Middle-Eastern terrorists. What does he do? Why, he 7796 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Set in Montana between 1910 and 1935, the story reflects on the communication gap between two brothers and their minister father, all of whom love fly-fishing. I think this is one of the most visually beautiful movies to stream across the screen in a long time. A simple and powerful movie and a timeless tail that speaks to everyone. Notes: I wonder just how drunk the skiers were at the beginning of the film. They're carrying ski gear, but it's clearly summertime (the leaves are green and not one snowflake to be found). 726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arthur is always a winner for my kids. Great video for little ones at Christmas! Why don't they re-release this intact? All songs included and COMPLETE! Look at the prices people are asking for the used versions. Of course I wouldn't sell ours at twice the price. 1747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent portrayals and great continuity throughout the film. The music was very good as was the attention to detail. I recommend this The story evolves around the aristocractic Bellamy family "Upstairs" at 165 Eaton Place, London, and their servants "Downstairs," but it is not a soap opera. It is as genuine, real and honest as any period production, or for that matter, any production, that I have ever seen. If you have not seen this film, YOU MUST. It's a comedy gem and a classic. Look past the hype, the conventions, etc. and enjoy the film. It's still a 5-star classic that shouldn't be ignored. Nooooow! GO! 6691 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc" is nothing more than a by-the-numbers film created with liberal use of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Directing the Medeival Epic." I have been vastly entertained by director Luc Besson's work in the past, but this film is a plodding, gore-drenched nod toward Mel Gibson's vastly superior "Braveheart." "The Messenger" completely lacks all of the finer emotions that make an epic story compelling, despite the true nature of the people and some of the events. "The Messenger" also revels in its violence and grit, rather than trying to create something realistic (and more convincing). Milla Jovovich turns in an annoying performance as the shrieking saint, who does not inspire her troops so much as berate them in her holier-than-thou manner. The film's topics are interesting (was Joan really a saint who could speak to God, or was she just insane and driven by rage?), but the execution is poor. On top of this, the scripting and dialogue is just plain bad. If you want an epic, I suggest looking elsewhere. Maybe somebody out there will make a better picture about this fascinating historic figure. 4779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 but so far great movie 9440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best Monty Python movie out there, this isn't just a great parody of the Arthur's Holy Grail odyssey, but it's also a rapid fire of killerjokes. I don't honestly think there is a minute you don't find yourself laughing with this. Now, even though someone writes as funny script than this, he will still have a very difficult time making it as funny as this, because the Monty Python gang members were arguably the six funniest lads in England that time (probably in the whole world, because the Yankees were laughing at turkies like "Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo" oh mother!!!). especially Eric Idle and John Cleese give a breathtakingly funny performances. So, whatever anyone says, this is still the best movie about the theme. Gosh, why do everyone keep laughing at 70's? (It's the clothes, moron!) "Thank God," Slade responds. Before attempting to play along, you should already know all the major scale modes and the melodic minor scale. Your alternate picking should already be very controlled/synchronized and you should be experienced with string skipping. It also contains some extreme finger stretches/intervals that a lot of people might never be able to do (a shorter scale neck or extraordinary long fingers will come in handy here). What's more, Scorsese's triumph is getting the viewer to actually identify and sympathise with Travis, with his sense of isolation from society, with his obsession over Cybill Shepherd, his taking the young prositute, Iris (played with uncanny spunk by a young Jodie Foster) under his wing, and his unflagging mania for vengeance against "the scum, the dogs, the filth." As he pads anonymously up and down Broadway, as he drives his taxi on rainswept streets in the wee hours of the morning, and as he sits alone in his apartment, pouring peach brandy over his Wheaties, we the viewers are along on his lonely ride and journey into fear. When they get around to releasing a DVD worthy of this fine film, I will be glad to give it as many stars as possible. To give you some idea of the looseness of the subplots, some of them involved; P.S. You can't base a system of government just because some watery tart threw a sword at you. 1555 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I can't say that this version of Jane Eyre followed the storyline closely. Because of time constraints, large chunks of the novel had to be cut out or streamlined. This includes not only some key plot points, but a lot of the best dialogue between Jane and Mr. Rochester as their relationship develops. Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, like any company of note in this "not too distant future", is a workplace that employs only genetically perfect people. In fact, social life in its entirety is governed by genetics - if a girl wants to check whether her boyfriend is suitable marriage material, she merely has to take one of his hairs to a counter, where she is soon provided with a complete print of his genetic code. A Vietman Vet takes a job as a New York cabbie and turns 581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Real cute movie. 9793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 cult classic Frankly, I kinda miss the affable yuppy Hanks and would love to see him in another "Money Pit". In addition, I heard for the first time - and came to love - the series' ORIGINAL theme score. Unlike the familiar perky theme heard in the later 'Color' episodes, the score for the black-and-white series is slower, and romantic. The original theme song is featured on this tape for both episodes, "The Lady in the Bottle" and "My Hero". The first season for "I Dream of Jeannie" was in 1965. 6545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Okay, everyone. This is a movie based on a popular video game. Enough said. Now, as a movie, it is a fast-paced, roller coast ride of a film. We're not talking HAMLET here, folks. Director Paul Anderson keeps the action fire hot, and the cast play their roles as one would expect in this kind of movie. Speed has his doubts about Chaney's capabilities. Chaney is too old. But he does have a calmly confident manner about him. He reluctantly fronts for Chaney when Chaney puts every penny he has on the line. 7098 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sad book, but learn a lot. Such is the world that we see in "Gattaca," a scarily plausible sci-fi story that examines the implications of eugenics and genetic enhancement. Director Andrew Niccol thankfully never gets too preachy or "uplifting" -- instead he crafts a cleanly elegant story with a murder mystery as the catalyst, and the strong trinity Jude Law, Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. Note: The film's star Milla Jovovich may have experienced some dj vu as she awakens towards the end near naked on a lab table, just as she was at the start of The Fifth Element. Bruce Willis co-starred in The Fifth Element and awoke to a similar predicament in Terry Gilliam's 12 Monkeys. All roads seem to lead back to Bruce Willis. I don't like that. 1987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action flick! 3400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you have not seen this epic science fiction event please don't tell anyone. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Richard Dreyfuss. Music by John Williams is superb. 1161 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The series itself arguably merits 5 stars, but after trying to watch three, allegedly brand-new discs that had to "skip over damaged areas," I gave up and returned the whole set for a refund. Shout! is respected for the quality of its products. I'm at a loss to interpret what happened. A curious warmth envelops one when mulling over Rumpole's private life in Froxbury Mansions, under the guidance of the iron-handed Hilda--She Who Must Be Obeyed; or pondering the barrister's professional life at Number 3, Equity Court, under the mis-guidance of the scatty Guthry Featherstone or the unctuous Soapy Sam Ballard. And what could be more enjoyable than the sniping exchanges between the Ice Queen, Phillida Erskine-Brown and her Wagner-doting spouse, the magnificently inept Claude? What, for that matter, could be more enjoyable than the outraged feminist sensibilities of Mizz Liz Probert, always ready to unleash her radical lawyers on the premises at the first symptoms of patriarchal politesse? The original trailers were brilliant and I had never viewed them before so it was great seeing them for the first time. 1654 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A real CLASSIC! Gave this as a gift to my mother, and she is totally entertained by it. Another wonderful british show! 9702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really enjoyed this film. Great performances all around, well written, and excellent cinematography. An original take on the future. 5725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the series. Somewhat predictable, and somewhat not predictable. And Milla Jovovich is in it. 2291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I don't know why I like this movie, but I do. It is mildly amusing and I like to put it on the tv while I am doing housework. (8.5) Taxi Driver (1976) - Robert De Niro/Jodie Foster/Cybill Shepherd/Harvey Keitel/Peter Boyle/Albert Brooks/Leonard Harris/Joe Spinell/Martin Scorsese 1744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie,I recommend it too any one interested in George Washington. Zombie purists were concerned when original director, and zombie Grand-Master, George Romero turned the reins over to Paul Anderson, who had a choppy directorial resume: he had previously helmed the lackluster "Soldier" and the grisly if silly space-opera gruefest "Event Horizon". They need not have fretted; from the opening credits to the apocalytpic coda, Anderson proves a master stylist, working with cinematographer Dave Johnson (who worked with Anderson on "Alien versus Predator") to deliver ample zombie-chewing fun with a tight editing technique that serves up the carnage with a mix of brutality and flair. Another thing that makes this film good for children is that most of the footage is taken from the simply (but also beautifully) written "Good News Bible." Then there is the tale of Sir Lancelot. Poor chaste Lancelot ends up in a castle filled with nubile young women who urge Lancelot to spank them. How unfortunate that the prospect of being spanked sends them into bursts of enthusiasm. Easy Rider represents the feeling of its time about counterculture and the anti-establishment movement. It also reflects the emotions and spirit of its time. I must say that this movie represents what sex,drugs and rock and roll is all about. Great performances were turned in by Fonda,Hopper and Nicholson. Overall,the film is about the times of the Vietnam War era and the spirit of its times. 2246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Version: U.S.A / Sony / Region Free They even change who the Prince of Tides is in the movie!! First, things I liked: 5675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 every single video game based movie from the super mario bros live action movie to pixels and beyond are the greatest movies in the universe there true classics the best of the best every single video game based movie from the super mario bros live action movie to pixels and beyond rocks, the resident evil movies are the greatest movies in the universe there true classics the best of the best the resident evil movies rocks ^_^ Several UK sellers on Amazon are selling this for under $10 plus shipping and at that price, you can't go wrong with this DVD, if you have the ability to play other region DVDs. 4316 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I liked having English SDH subtitles on this Blu-ray disc as the DVD version of this movie did not have them. 197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good copy 692 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ....like a hot cocoa with a shot of peppermint schnapps! Sinatra is fine as the cheerful heel Joey. Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak are lovely and sexy as rivals for Joey's affections. Character actors like Barbara Nichols and Hank Henry milk their smallish roles for all they're worth. Director George Sidney was a veteran of several classic musicals, including SHOW BOAT, TIL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY and THE HARVEY GIRLS, so he's on familiar turf here, and it shows. If you don't already have the skills mentioned above, I highly recommend Don Latarski's "Guitar Theory Basics" and Frank Gambale's "Chopbuilder" be bought first. Sequentially, they'll introduce you to all the basic mode fingerings and get your alternate picking, control and speed somewhat closer to Paul's level. 2591 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoyed the movie. Plus GREAT quality and product. Thank you for such great services. At centerstage is Milla Jovovich. This woman was never a great actress. In fact, I knew her more through her musical work (check out her solo album from 1994 "The Divine Comedy") than her movie roles. But despite her current success with the Resident Evil series, its obvious that Milla gave this film her all - lending her role with such an aura of vulnerability and authenticity that she virtually becomes Jean through the course of the film. 6646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There are many filmakers who have eagerly taken on the telling of the tale of Joan of Arc. I am not only impressed with the performance of model/actress/singer Milla Jovovich, but I was entranced by the strong force behind the goal of Joan in this version. Sticking with her troops when the chips where down, she is portrayed as a devoted woman full of motivation. Whether or not her story is true, it can inspire anyone who hopes to push their ambition past obstacles. 9485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a very deep movie. We could easily fall into that world if we are not careful "You know there's nothing to steal from my mom and CRAIG." - Dignan. The fact that Dignan uses a first name probably signifies that Craig is the step-father i.e. daddy issues. This movie breaks the mold of survival horror movies. The usual formula places a group of characters together and kills them off one at a time over the course of the movie. In Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the story progression is much more open ended. We follow the stories of several different groups of characters in different parts of a city sealed off from the outside world to contain the outbreak of a virus. While many characters do die, in this case, it is happpening to unique groups of people all making their own way to survive in a city over-run by zombies. Their storylines eventually converge of course, but the storyboarding developed to bring about this connection is stellar. As icing on the cake, all of these characters feel excellently cast and developed. 5534 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is simply a very entertaining horror flick with a good mixture of suspense, comedy and good special- effects. The kids - William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse and Stephen Geoffreys - are all excellent but the two adults - Chris Sarandon and Roddy McDowell - steal the show. 2730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 no 464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I recommend this movie, Joseph. It is a great reprentation of of a truly kind, just, and merciful God and the people He loves. We all need positive and true to life movies that are not only good for the heart, but for the soul. 2868 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Bored It's a great concept: young Austin O'Brien (as Danny Madigan) steps into a movie and then he and other fictional characters cross back into the real world. That L.A. police station on the other side of the screen is great. We also get a holographic glimpse here of Arnold's Terminator foe in cop drag, and Danny DeVito provides the voice of 'Whiskers,' a cartoon cat detective. Also here, Austin/Danny I.D.s a confused F. Murray Abraham as Mozart's killer (remember AMADEUS?). The soundtrack is beautiful; the instrumentals totally capture the heart and soul of the characters, and a bit of the south as well. Ethan Hawke, Jude Law and Uma Thurman gave everything they could in this movie and the result is impressive. Four other actors seconded them impressively well: Gore Vidal (yes, the writer Gore Vidal, in one of his very unfrequent appearances on the silver screen), Ernest Borgnine, one of the few survivors of Golden Age of Hollywood who is still standing, Loren Dean (an actor who for the moment didn't really make a great career, which I find a pity after watching this movie) and finally Alan Arkin, who long time ago played Yossarian in "Catch 22" and who returns here (I am CERTAIN it was made on purpose) as a REALLY smart and tenacious cop. so i would highly recomend this to any who is a fan of witty legal/mystery shows and wish to see a true pro in action. highly recomended. 6245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Human pain does not let go of its grip at any one point in time," Robert Veninga writes in Gift of Hope: How We Survive Our Tragedies. "Rather it works its way out of our consciousness over time." The grip of pain and the liberation that comes when it is released is the theme of The Prince of Tides, directed and produced by and starring Barbra Streisand. While filming Christmas scenes in 100 degree weather in the summer of 1988, Dolly was sitting on the sidelines quietly waiting for her call from the director. Totally made up in heavy sweater and a wig, Dolly was approached by Julia Roberts who, with the exception of Dolly, was complaining about the heat. She said to Dolly, "how can you just sit there and not complain about the heat?", to which Dolly stated, "when I was a little girl I wanted to be two things, rich and famous, and now that I'm both of those things I'm not gonna complain". Julia was speechless! Another good quote from Dolly too was when the director, Herbert Ross, told her she couldn't act. Dolly exclaimed, "Shoot I know I can't act. You didn't hire me so I could act. You hired me because I'm a personality. I'm Dolly Parton. So if your any kind of director you'll make it look like I'm acting!". The special effects were really good for this movie. The licker and the dogs were really impressive. The action is also very entertaining. When the action is happening, I find myself not being able to turn away, it is very fast paced. I also really enjoyed the scene when the security lasers were slicing up the team. The Red Queen was an interesing villain as well, maybe even more so than the licker. Overall, this movie is way worth seeing and having if you are a fan or even if you aren't a fan of the games. The movie is just fun Set in Medieval Place near, um, Camelot... ya we will go with that. We follow the Great-ish King Arthur (Graham Chapman) on his holy quest, to find the grail! On his travels he will run into Lancelot (John Cleese), The Black Knight (John Cleese), Tim the Enchanter (John Cleese), Bedivere (Terry Jones), Prince Herbert (Terry Jones), God (Graham Chapman), and many more. Watch in amazement as these people actually get some things accomplished like: collecting a shrubbery, bringing out your dead, chopping limbs off, and many various random tasks in MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL ! 8281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Most things I Review I say yep or nope. So Im short about 19 0r so words for your review. Henry Winkler gives an outstanding performance as Benedict Slade, a loan officer who reclaims valued possessions of those unable to make late payments on Christmas Eve. 4615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE. DEMI MOORE SHOWS WHY SHE MAKES THE BIG BUCKS. SHE IS EXCELLENT IN THIS MOVIE. SHE PLAYS A PREGNANT WIFE WHO GETS WRAPPED UP IN SAVING THE WORLD FROM EVIL. THE KEY IS HER UNBORN CHILD. SHE HAS TO MAKE THE DECISION OF HER LIFE, THE LIFE OF HER UNBORN CHILD AND THE END OF THE WORLD. There is a thread of wry humor running throughout the series. I suspect the deep love and affection between man and wife has never been more realistically portrayed on TV in my opinion than when Rumpole's relationship with She Who Must Be Obeyed, Hilda Rumpole steps in scene. I lovef that Hilda was not a gushing fool or empty headed. Hilda was a strong often severe woman who dearly loved and supported her husband Horrace Rumpole but was clever enough to never let him take her love for granted. Hilda was one smart sista who could have been a great barister in her own right but she opted to be the power behind a great man and that she was and more. There is only one actress in Hollywood who can make Julia Roberts look like she can act, and that is the detestable Susan Sarandon. While Sarandon has been nausea-inducing in a number of roles, this one goes above and beyond the call of duty. Sarandon's character, Jackie Harrison, is the ex-wife of hapless Luke (Ed Harris, showing once and for all that no matter how good an actor you are, if the script makes you look like an idiot, you will look like an idiot). She can't stand Luke's new girlfriend, Isabel (Roberts), and for that matter can't seem to stand much of anyone, including her own kids. Jackie is as loathsome a creature as the average viewer, and most non-average viewers, will ever want to meet. Were she male, she'd be on the Lifetime Movie network in a wifebeater T-shirt, throwing beer cans at the football game and smacking the kids around, and everyone would hate her. But she's female, and she's in a Chris Columbus movie, and so we're supposed to sympathize. (Oh, and to make sure we do, not far into the film she's diagnosed with cancer. Because that's an excuse to be [a jerk].) beautiful scenery and great acting make it a plus. 1167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic tv 7379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie... can relate with many characters 6475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a zombie movie based on a popular video game, so I didn't expect much. I was pleasantly surprised. A bit of mystery, characters with personality and -- of course -- the zombies all came together to make a good film. Science fiction and horror fans are right to love it. -Overall- underrated in my opinion. Give it a shot. 3427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic Spielberg 5499 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 SLC Punk! (James Merendino, 1999) A couple of things usually overlooked, but worth mentioning; the enchanting film score (I wish the soundtrack would be rereleased!), and a bit part by Janine Turner, before 'Northern Exposure' made her a star. 559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taking five years to research and produce, this 1979 film is meticulous in its recreation of the time of Jesus. It uses over 200 locations in the Holy Land, many actors from the region, and is based on portions of the Gospel of Luke. 6312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! 3611 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great special effects. I think that was what hooked me. I first saw this at the theater and it had extra footage in with the movie not as extras.the story wasn't spectacular but it did the job. I think this was one of steven speilbergs best movies 2857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic I very much like Gemma Jones who plays the best Mrs. Fairfax; this version fills in the blanks as far as did Mrs. Fairfax know what was going on? This is the only vesion that does so. 8947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Family favorite I saw it 32 times.... Bernard Herrmann's romantic and sometimes ominous musical score nicely compliments the images on screen. Even though for some reason it has not been reviewed by major critics, I recommend it highly. 5250 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this film at least five times prior to seeing it again last night. It is as fresh and as perfect as the day it was made and I enjoyed every moment again. It seems every actor in it became either a major film or tv star in the years after it was made 25 years ago. Robert DeNiro is at his finest as Travis Bickel, a New York taxi driver, who slips further and further into a breakdown state. He can't sleep so drives his cab all night long. He runs into an amazing cast of characters on the city's streets including Jodie Foster, a teenage prostitute who has Harvey Keitel as her pimp; Cybill Shepard as the idealized woman he wants to court (his idea of a date is taking her to a porno movie!); Albert Brooks as a political worker; Peter Boyle as a fellow cabbie; director Martin Scorsese in a cameo role as an obsessed husband watching his wife carry on an affair from the back of Travis's cab. The soundtrack I've had for years too as it is the most gorgeous saxophone accompaniment. Perhaps the most perfect aspect that struck me this time though was the writing. Paul Schaefer's screenplay was dead on. He grabbed ahold of Travis Bickel's paranoid, alienated world and delivered it dead-on to us. If only other film-makers understood the need to start with an absolutely first rate script, perhaps more films would be winners like this one too. 7533 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This highly implausible but irresistibly fun suspense thriller has lots to recommend it, starting with its novel premise involving a famous fashion photographer who begins to see murders as they happen--through the murderer's eyes (this same premise is also responsible for some of the film's lovably ludicrous moments). 7226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great musical! Also recommended: " Vamp", " The Lost Boys", "Fright Night 2", " Evil Dead II", "An American Werewolf in London", " Demons", " Cemetery Man", "Underworld", "Vampire Hunter D", "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust", "Blade", "Blade II", "Lifeforce", " Demons 2", " From Dusk Till Dawn", " Night Stalker", "Scream", " Buffy The Vampire Slayer" ( Movie and TV Show), " Dog Soldiers", " Bram Stoker's Dracula", " Def by Temptation", " Bordello of Blood", " Wolf", " Van Helsing", " The Hunger", " Blood: The Lost Vampire", " Dead Alive", " Hocus Pocus", " Salem's Lot" ( Both versions), " The Forsaken", " Habit", " Martin", and "Subspecies". This film was a popular success due to its unusual story and the many songs, which masked a poor story. Today it is not worth watching. Could it be called "The Days of the Living Dead"? 3548 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautiful and almost as impressive on a smaller screen as it was in theaters when it first came out. This one will never get old. Fast shipping, perfect as described. Thanks. Furthermore, there is no artistic continuity with the original "Frosty". None of the characters are depicted in their original form and the computer-aided animation doesn't really add anything, either. 3632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Marketing experts, pay attention: this is how you should package all classic films. All three versions of the film, a retrospective look at the making of the films (note the plural), story boards, deleted scenes, the 'Watch the Skies' featurette, several audio and video options (standard def v. high def, DTS 5.1 in three languages, etc) and wide accessibility through about a dozen languages worth of subtitles. There is enclosed a nice 30th anniversary booklet with a lot of pics, trivia and retrospective. We don't get commentary, but we do get a Editor's Fast Track that pretty much does the same trick. Matthew Lillard's performance as Steve-O was dead-on & very touching. He definitely stands out altho the rest of the cast is uniformly fine (if unknown)! 6. Entertainment factor- 9 (kept you paying attention with no real slow spots) 3526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great Scifi movie. Spilberg rises to the top 4625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 bought it for the wife and she loved it. 7764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Excellent! Unless you are a computer fanatic of the popular Capcom game and its spawned 3 sequels or wanting to get a thrill from seeing the protagonists battling terrifying obstacles through the dark labyrinths, you might want to spare yourself from surviving a horrible movie. 2927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautiful Upgrade to High-Definition to a Classic Film. Consider the health care situation today. Is it sustainable? Now consider how -GOD'S LONELY MAN: Paul Schrader and Robert Kolker discuss the psychology of Travis Bickle's loneliness, seen throughout the film, as Schrader talks about the life of melancholy he lived when he began writing TAXI DRIVER. I saw this movie back in June of 1982. It was made to be viewed in a theater. On a TV screen, it tends to look a bit overcrowded. I can't recall ever seeing a more active musical with literally a cast of thousands. And with the startling use of depth of field, you have way too much to look at in some of the more expansive sequences. The two stars (Finney & Quinn) are practically lost in the opulent circus/party scene with all the lights, a b-zillion people, a fountain, acrobats, fireworks, and an elephant! There is such a thing as too much. As for the music, a lot of my favorite songs were cut and replaced by lesser efforts. I've always thought the casting of Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan was a bit strange. Albert Finney (Warbucks) was loud, Ann Reinking (Grace Farrell) perfect, Edward Herrmann dead on as Franklin D. Roosevelt. And then there's the redoubtable Geoffrey Holder as Punjab, also perfect. The biggest surprise for me was finding out that Shawnee Smith (The Blob, Becker, and Saw) was one of the orphans! As musicals go, this one is a sentimental favorite. Supposedly, there is a remake in the works. But, imo, and inventive reinterpretation/update of the classic tale. The acting is excellent. The three younger principals-William Ragsdale as Charley, Amanda Bearse as Amy, and Stephen Geoffreys as Evil Ed-all deliver their roles with an honesty few young actors can achieve, and they are therefore quite convincing as teenagers facing a horrific situation. But it is Chris Sarandon and Roddy McDowall that truly carry the film. As the vampire neighbor Jerry Dandrige, Sarandon is at times flippant and at other times downright terrifying. He knows just when to play it straight and when to be a ham, and he never misses a beat. And veteran thespian Roddy McDowall is perfectly cast as ersatz vampire hunter Peter Vincent. He handles his character's shift from Shakespearean bravado to whimpering cowardice (and back!) so deftly that his performance is nothing less than a sheer joy to watch. 8841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My grandson's first word "ELMO". He loves to watch the show. This is the ultimate movie geek experience. If you claim to be down with British humor and can't quote at least two-thirds of this movie (accents and all) you are LAME. 2669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Will make you cry your eyes out but a beautiful story of strong women who bond when times are tough and when tragedy strikes! Very talented cast, a beautiful story about life, love and all the in-between! 2841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great item would recommend it to all. 3664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a revised review of my previous...because I need to echo once again how amazing this set is. Bluray is such an incredible, versatile, and exciting format. Close Encounters is the kind of transfer which is why I bought a BD player to begin with. It contains all three versions of the film, so if you're partial to one, it's here. It has been so meticulously remastered that it looks like it came out last year. It was like seeing it for the first time, every detail from the knick-knacks in the Neary home to the detailing on the alien craft are rendered beautifully. Each film has 2 lossless sound options, which is almost unheard of. A DTS-HD MA and a Dolby True HD 5.1. I prefer the DTS, but both are very powerful. Not only does it feature house-rattling bass, but ambient and directional effects are exhilarating. Dialogue reproduction is crisp and spot on. Simply put, it will never look or sound this good again. It was restored from the original source. This was the first of Spielberg's oeuvre to be released and the follow-up have not been disappointing. "Minority Report" is a revelation, "War of the Worlds" and Saving Private Ryan" ...all of these are demo-worthy, reference grade transfers. 7338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic. Young Brad Pitt. What more could you want? Great family dynamics 9761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely love this movie. It came sooner than expected, it played with no problem. I've been trying to find this movie everywhere, so I was really happy when I received my package. Without exaggeration, I seriously cannot recommend this DVD any higher. It's not humanly possible. Whether you're a devoted, lifelong Python fan or merely someone with a passing interest in comedy in general, this is a worthwhile purchase. You won't find a better transfer of the film in your life, the list of features is almost overwhelming, the original team is represented nearly in full, through dual commentary tracks and several featurettes, and it's very affordable at the same time. Go out and buy this now, before you forget. 5838 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The original Resident Evil movie play enough homage to the game that it satisfied the gamer in me and was enough of a departure to make it a really interesting movie. From the third movie forward it feel more like the movies influenced the games more so than the other way around. After "Afterlife" these movies are great action movies that seamlessly roll from one into the other. 5228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Man, the 70s were chock full o' excellent films. From "MASH" to "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "Network," "Nashville," "Days of Heaven" and especially "Taxi Driver," the 1976 Martin Scorsese-directed grungy, street-level study of alienation. Robert De Niro, memorable as the young Don Corleone in the second "Godfather" movie, brings us into the closing decades of the 20th century as Travis Bickle, the obscure and troubled cabbie. This remains one of his signature portrayals. 3003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it Dandridge, upon meeting Amy, sees her unearthly resemblance to a woman he once loved. He is immediately infatuated with the young girl. I must warn anyone who wants to watch this movie the it contains more bad language that any I have ever seen (like Pulp Fiction, Scarface, or even South Park) but the profanity only hightens the dread at times. It also looks at life in a very dark way. This is not a happy movie by any means and Oldman has produced a real masterpiece. This has great acting and real good timing between the actors. This is quite simply one of the best movies I have ever seen. Admittedly, the movie jumps in unexpectedly directions. It is easy to lose interest during some of the middle musical sequences. However, there are so many interesting and comic sequences that the entire movie will paint a long term smile on your face each time you see it. I have seen it at least seven times and each time I knew new things. In addition to the three editions of the movies, there is also a new "30 Years" documentary looking back over time at how CE has been a favorite movie that has stood the test of time. Also, the making-of documentary that was on the original Director's Edition that came out a few years ago has been split across the three DVDs. Also included is the 1977 making of documentary which was also on the previously released Director's Cut DVD. 2937 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 B movie at its best In desperation Charley goes to Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall), the host of the local television show called "Creature Features". Even though in my opinion this is the funniest movie ever made, I didn't give it 5 stars because as with most movies, it is not perfect. It falters in the last half hour and the ending leaves something to be desired. If you already know Python and don't like them, this movie won't change your mind. If you don't know them, this is the perfect place to start and if you're already a fan you didn't need to read this review because you've already seen the movie a hundred times. 7486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was the first time I saw this movie and it is ranked as one of my all-time favorites. Love the cast. Love the clothes. Makes you want to take up fly-fishing. "Lucas In Love" anyone will get, probably as much a tribute to Star Wars' pop cultural presence as anything. It's not mean-spirited or ironic in any way (well, okay, maybe Lucas' "source" for the Force cuts a little closer to the bone than the rest of the gags if you know some Warsies), it's light, simple fun. 5991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 had it on vhs and now dvd. saw a reminder that it was available and i bought it. 3039 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 bought this for a gift for my girlfriend as this is one of her favorite movies it still stands up today and with the extras it was an incredible buy 2932 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good family movie. 6845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Frank Sinatra, in his prime, made some terrific movies, but Pal Joey is my favorite. Okay, so I'm gonna tell my age and say that I remember when this movie premiered. I didn't get to see it, my Mom said it was "too mature" for me. Ha! Since that time, I've watched this delightful version of the Broadway play dozens of times. Poor Joey Evans. A down-and-out guy, a real loser, tries his luck with a supper club, thanks to the benevolent rich woman, played by Rita Hayworth. She's a former stripper who married a rich guy. Can't tell you any more of the plot, but I love the songs, and you'll get a good look at a real beauty of the times, Kim Novak. Well worth watching. 4730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Iron Eagle is a 1980s fighter pilot film with an enjoyable fiction narrative. The movie focuses on a teenager, Doug Masters, gaining flight experience from a veteran F-16 Pilot. The film is geared to provide an entertaining action story, and Doug's accelerated desire to fly in combat is to rescue his dad who has been shot down in the Middle East. The soundtrack and hairstyles in this movie will take you deep into the 1980s! This is a combat motion picture that is palatable to a wider audience as it doesn't contain excessive violence. Blu-ray Video Quality - This 40th Anniversary Blu-Ray release of `Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town' features a full 1080p High Definition presentation utilising the 1.33:1 [4:3] Standard Aspect Ratio in which it was originally broadcast. The video presentation looks pretty outstanding for a TV special especially for its age and all of the colours and detail look spot on, easily the best this classic family TV special event has ever been presented. Fans of this TV special should be thrilled with this high definition video presentation and the newcomers to it couldn't possibly find a better way to experience it for the first time. Because it was original made for North America Television, you can see where the adverts were inserted, because you see it fade out, with such a Classic Christmas Special transferred to the Blu-ray format, you think they could of made and effort to edit it in a much more professional way and got hold of the original master tape? I suspect when people viewed this on the DVD format, you would not see the black strings holding up the puppets. But now seeing it in the video resolution of 1080p, you can see very clearly the black string, still after a while you forget seeing this anomaly. 9052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a fun entertaining movie. Great alternative uses for Coconuts. If you have not watched yet please do if only for the help with Bird identification. 9001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a Christmas gift for my husband. He was delighted with the movie. I was delighted with the price. The sellers shipped the item to me well before Christmas. They did a great job. And the extras are outstanding -- down to the nostalgic documentary with Terry Jones and Michael Palin as they retrace their steps to the Scottish locations where they made film history 30 years ago. Steven Spielberg's film has defied dating. Although the time and place are the same, the messages are universal and do not grow less with age. And Richard Dreyfuss as Roy Neary, American Everyman, hasn't been better before or since, in my opinion. Plus, the film boasts the legendary Francois Truffaut. The special effects, amazing for the day, continue to jawdrop. 7446 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie This film presents a more human approach to her story, and whether it is historically truthful is beside the point. After all, this is a Hollywood film, not a documentary. And as a Hollywood film, it works very well for me. The look of the movie is stunning, and that alone should make it worth, at the very least, a one-time rental. But the acting is so fine, with Milla Jovovich doing a superb job of creating a most difficult role. 7215 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a terrific movie! 4701 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 damaged dvd, did not play it until I had had it for a while, so just sucked it up as a loss As the final credits rolled, I found myself asking one thing many times: what in the world was (fill in the actor, director, etc.) thinking? Besson, who gave us such amusing and occasionally brilliant fare as Leon and Nikita, went way off the deep end. Milla Jovovich, who worked so well with Besson in The Fifth Element, delivers every line as if she's being forced to overact. John Malkovich is about as French as a quesadilla. Etc. One wonders why this got a big-screen release and Christian Duguay's incredibly superior three-hour Joan of Arc, release the same year, got relegated to TV miniseries status. 8963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FAST DELIVERY! VERY SATISFIED! THANKS! The series ran for five seasons from 1971 to 1975. The primary setting for the show is 165 Eaton Place, a roomy townhouse, and the time frame spans Edwardian England, the First World War up till 1930. The series explores the lives of the upper-class Bellamy's (upstairs) and their servants (downstairs), and some of the themes covered during the show is the difference between the upper and lower classes, societal changes, the suffragette movement, marital strife, relationship problems, and the plight of the poor, among others. 775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My seven year old grandson is really into SpongeBob, Sam and Cat, and Rabbit Invasion so I was shocked when this was the Christmas video he wanted to watch. He thoroughly enjoyed it as did I. Recommendation: 9439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has it all: violence ("It's just a flesh wound."), sex ("I am Sir Galihad the Chaste." "And I am Zoot, just Zoot."), taunting ("You empty-headed amimal food-trough wiper!"),politics ("Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses.") and music ("We're the Knights of the Round Table, we dance when'er we're able.") You want a moive with quotable lines? THIS IS IT! The writing is fantastic, the humor is screwball and oh so British, and the costumes are excitingly authentic, except the witch's ("We did do the nose.") 420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this entire series. Joseph is very accurate to the Bible. Easy to watch and follow. Great way to teach the biblical section on Joseph, as it brings the words to life. 9816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked this movie. It showed how one can prevail through a world designed of genetic perfections. Ethan did have some help along the way, but his determination and almost obsession conquered the odds. Sure some of the acting was a little stiff at times, but the story line required it. Look at the people who strive for perfection in our world today. Don't they seem a little strange and different from so called normal human behavior? We have those in our society now who try to get certain DNA donors with high potentials of being a superior human child in their families. The quality of the symbolism in this movie is unmatched in any other movie I've seen before. The producers and directors did a great job with this, and it is the perfect chance for a great story to shine through. 1854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks--Terrific movies. 2939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very emotional portrayal, filmed with the female gender in mind. its one of my favorite old movies! 1593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Half way through these Mary Poppins Soon, the bodies - killed in a very inhuman way - start to pile up and the history begins to replay itself. Roy Neery is a blue-collar family man who, while on the job, has a strange encounter with a craft with bright lights in the sky. The experience ends up changing him and pretty soon he becomes obsessed with it and one particular image which causes much trouble with his wife and kids. Elsewhere, a frenchman named Mr. Lacombe and his interpreter Laughlin are finding strange things around the world such as planes and ships in the desert and a curious 5 note melody. All of this ends up tying together in the end as everyone discovers something life changing. Bonus: 5186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WOW! This movie was so great. I read some of the other reviews and I could not figure out why some people put 3 start or even 4 stars. This movie definetly deserves much more than 5 stars, but to each his own. I after watching this movie I said to myself wow! I did not think that someone could make such a dark movie. This was so great it shows you what goes on in the insane/criminal mind. But in the end is the most shocking he turns out to be a hero instead of a criminal. Travis goes nuts gets a bad hair cut and kills some gangsters. Then he turns out to be a hero. WHOA what a mind blow not what you would expect at all! Scorsese scores big with this movie! The acting by De Niro is also great! He really makes you belive that he is nuts! Looking for a movie to watch....rent Taxi Driver! "Original Screenplay" allows you to read the original shooting script and then go to the corresponding scene in the film. 2012 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had this in VHS, so I wanted it on DVD. Plenty of gamers complained that the first film strayed too far from the video game, and here's APOCALYPSE attempting to atone. Consequently, game characters Jill Valentine (Guillory), Carlos Olivera (Fehr), and Nicholai Ginovaef are introduced, and the hulking Nemesis program is the featured Big Bad. The character of Alice was, of course, originally invented for the film franchise. The lickers are back, as are the gore hounds. Plenty for our good guys to shoot to bits. And, as ever, no dearth of the shambling undead, including a pack of flesh-eating school children. Aside from that, the plot, the setting, the special effects, and the battles are all very good! The film does a GREAT job of establishing a cliffhanger for a sequel, which I would definitely line up to watch! 2796 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Had to watch for a college research paper assignment. Would have never watched if not required. Is considered to be a great movie but I hated it. The acting is sub par and the hippies are awkward camera tricks are not impressive although maybe for LSD times they were considered cool. 5525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie the Bluray disk was like new Barbara gives a performance of dignity and determination. Her personal belief and life's experiences are interwoven in this production. 2273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Harrison Ford should have been a President... He is great in this movie and could save the world.... 3804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a lot of fun. It's more stoner than horror. There are a lot of funny parts as well as a few attempts at scaring you but it's just too humorous to be scary. There is a short nudity scene as well as a fantastic shot of Jessica Alba's butt in nothing but panties (according to the commentary she didn't want her butt to be in the shot). There are a few embarrassingly lame scenes that should have hit the cutting room floor. "Go go buffalo" was one of the dumbest but even with a few boners the movie is still a good waste of time. Definitely a good addition to your collection. Nope, it's not Citizen Kane, but then sometimes that's a good thing. It was directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, who always brings a certain integrity to all his work, and at the least this is a carefully crafted movie. This film is perhaps one of the best independent films I have ever seen. Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson (who co-wrote with Owen W. and directed the film) paired on several films of less-than-popular stature. All of them are quirky at worst and extremely entertaining at best. As a note, I would recommend all of them as spectacular, with slight hesitation on "The Royal Tannenbaums". 908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just as I remember it when I watched it as a kid. Great nostalgia. This is a truly excellent film, and I'm not going to ruin it anymore for anyone who hasn't seen it. Just make sure the tissues are filled up, and you're either wearing waterproof mascara or none at all. 3370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The classic first alien movie by Steven Spielberg. Although the effects may seem a little outdated and slow, the acting is what has always made this movie great, and Richard Dreyfuss is superb as the father who loses his family and thinks he's losing his mind because he saw UFOs and is driven beyond all reason to discover what is happening to him and others who shared the same experience. 9298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The film has never looked better. It looks much sharper and more like a proper film than it did on old VHS issues and television broadcasts. very Indepth detailed interviews with 5363 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AWESOME CLASSIC, this was an amazing movie!!!!! 5411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie! BEHIND THE SCENES:Rankin/Bass studios was the most prolific creators of holiday specials we have ever known. After the huge success of their 1964 stop motion musical Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they created no less than 14 more Christmas specials, from a total of 35 specials of which many covered other holidays. In 1970 audiences were eager to see what the clever studio would come up with next, their last picture had been Frosty the Snowman the year before in traditional cel animation. As much as viewers enjoyed Frosty, they really liked the stop motion "Animagic" that was the specialty of the studio. The only TV specials they made this process so far were Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy. The new show aired on ABC on December 14, 1970 and it was in Animagic! It was a one hour special, and it recieved huge ratings. It still airs every year. 6744 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I bought this in the vague hope of stumbling on one more underpublicized and underappreciated (in the US) French masterpiece such as Claude Berri's Queen Margot. Not quite! There are certainly aspects of brilliance here both in the cinematography and Mila Jovovich's performance, but there is a tremendous amount of anarchy and occasional apparent aimlessness in the plot. Of course the Joan of Arc story is well known, but many times, the director seemed to let things ramble on without good tie ins. It's a long film, but that shouldn't be a vice. Here it is, because long portions could be cut without harming the overall effect. Better yet, the themes could have been better established and linked and the character development focused better. Apart from the title character, everyone else was pretty much constructed of cardboard. 9212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" would have to rank as one of Python's high points and came to be almost an icon of the group's zany humour. My first viewing of the movie left me at once choking for oxygen and impressed by some of the subtle angles they took. Admittedly, not that much was all that subtle in the end. 859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter likes this video... It isn't her favorite (she prefers Grover), but she enjoys watching it - Other posters complained about the bunny being rude - he IS short tempered, but it's more humorous than offensive (in my opinion)... *Sir Galahad is waylaid in the temptation-laden Castle of the Maidens (interestingly enough, in traditional legends Sir Galahad did go to the Castle of the Maidens, though in very different circumstances *leer*) The implications of this thought are manifold: had Oliver- who I admire- 1337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Chemistry is Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman (who was pregnant during the making of this). It's quite deliberate on the part of the director, but it's still enough to light up the screen. 5275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After all these years still my all-time favorite. 3440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 thanks my friends 5013 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film comes from the 1970s auteur period of nakedly awful stories about the dregs and losers. I remember enjoying my reaction to this as an undergraduate, the way that it kind of freaked me out, which is a substitute for experience in the young. This time around, while I recognize its significance, fine acting, and relentless realism, I half wondered why I was putting myself through it. OK, you endure it for the sake of art, but it is so awful that I may never do so again, which leads to the question, why buy it? 1014 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 What is it about Robson Green that makes him so compelling? Is it his piercing blue eyes, or the sense that, no matter how inscrutable his expression, there's so much more going on inside his head that we're not privy to? Green is in no way what one might consider a Hollywood-type leading man--he appears small, his hairline is receding, and he's not conventionally handsome--but the man commands the screen like nobody's business. 2788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie a true classic,can watch over and over,good sound track If you want to see great versions. I highly rate the 1944 movie with Orson Wells though it is another abreviatd version, that movie truly captured the spirit and feel. It is moody dark and mysterious. Another is the fantastic Timothy Dalton version which is most accurate to the book of all the movies taking actual lines right from the Brontes story. Dalton's and Clarkes acting is simply superbly sublime! What we get in this portrayal of Joan of Arc is some pretty visuals and a find performance from Dustin Hoffman. Try renting one of Luc Besson's earlier films and pick up anything from Hoffman's hey day in the 70's, they will be worth your dollar and your time far more than anything thing to be found here. With that said, I have to say that this movie was very enjoyable and didn't seem to be that long, even though it was nearly 3 hours long. 4578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really Enjoyed this movie . about the last days Demi More plays a wife thats suicidel 8958 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are certain movies that become more than just movies and attain a lofty cult status. This is one of those movies, and with good reason. To say that John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Michael Palin etc. are brilliant may be an understatement. Robert de Niro gives an outstanding performance. My favourite scene in this movie is when he is talking to his reflection in the mirror. Awesome stuff! 8169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Leo McKern. I've wondered how to adequately describe this mans ability, depth... His... I'm at a loss. Watch him. Here or in his other work. Likely not everyone's cup-of-tea, I think he's awesome! Best not viewed alone, at least the first time you watch it anyway. By: Christopher Curry 8870 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Hard Times is a great movie that for whatever reason has never got as much attention as other Charles Bronson and James Coburn movies. The movie tells the story of a strong, silent street figther, Chaney, who travels to New Orleans in 1933 during the midst of the Great Depression to make some money doing what he does best, "knocking people down." Chaney teams up with boxing promoter and street hustler Speed Weed. Immediately, Chaney destroys anyone he goes up against. As Chaney's reputation continues to rise, Speed has money problems that begin to cause more problems than Chaney ever anticipated. The street fights in this movie are brutal, vicious, knock down fights that are beautiful and horrifying at the same time. Unlike many action movies, Hard Times does not rely solely on the action. There is a well-told story with characters that we come to care and learn a lot about by the end of the movie. Just a great movie overall. 9165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of the funniest movies ever designed by a group of men you will ever find from the 20th Century. The killer bunny, the virgins, the weird prince who wants to sing, the lack of horses for the knights, the Knights who once said Ni. The movie is full of extras and so is are the DVDs. Legos, sing-alongs, on-screen screenplay, commentaries full of back-stabbing, complaints and whining by the crew of Month Python. Looking for a message? Well, there may be a few, but mostly it was meant to be funny, the kind of funny that burns into your brain and slowly burns its way out, till you laugh aloud on the bus, or at the wedding, or when they are trying to pull a tooth. The kind of funny that hits you right when you're trying to chew that very hard piece of beef that you think MAY be bone, but you don't wish to spit it out, because that would be bad manners. is a must. Those who enjoy more group drama or romantic entertainment would be bored. I am glad to have found this movie in my collection. The VHS version plays very well. There is a parade in the next town. Do they have a permit? They meet a local character in the jail. Will he go to the Mardi Gras? Is there another society that is highly evolved? Is this just pretentious babbling to pad out the movie? They stop at a small town. People make comments, and they leave. Will somebody come after them? They arrive at that house of blue light. Then they go to the Mardi Gras to see even stranger sights. We see a New Orleans cemetery (people are buried in vaults). The picture drags on as they pass around a bottle. The scenes suggest intoxication. They leave the next morning. "We blew it." Then there is an end to their journey due to an accidental meeting with a pick-up truck. [Do you find this a credible ending?] 9743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A film which I personally feel is more prophetic than I would like it to be. In the near future Eugenics is now a scientific fact and only perfected humans are born and elevated to an elite status while natural born humans are treated like second rate citizens. A less than perfect born man (Hawke) cons his way into the upper elite by using a crippled elitist' (Law) identity. Although his mind is up to the challenge, his body continually falls short. A brilliant, yet disturbing, look at what might be our very real future and how the human spirit will not be restrained despite imperfections or prejudices. See it for great sci-fi...remember it as a warning. 457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As most movies, this story takes a little liberty with Bible history; the way the story is laid out, it brings reality to the likely interaction between Joseph, his family and those he met in Egypt. A warning to parents - the DVD has scenes you may not have seen in the tv version (a couple of them gratuitous-a scene showing nudity in the pool of his wife and children and the hanging of the baker); the scene with Joseph and Potiphar's wife does a great job of showing just how difficult it must have been for Joseph to stand firm in his principles (would be a little mature for young audiences). Some of the subject matter in this film makes it unsuitable for young members of the family. (...) However, I think this excellent film should be suitable for older children and all other family members. First and foremost was the daunting burden of having to listen to that droning music for two hours. I don't care if the point was to task us with the mind set of Bickle or not that was just atrocious! It was the musical equivalent to having a pebble stuck in your shoe as you walk: it's there nagging you about how crappy it is and you can't get rid of it and it does nothing other than be crappy and annoying. Completely ruined the movie for me. Now according to the composer it was a reflection of the main character's thoughts and mind set. Well there is an evolution of thought so why did the music remain static? I don't care about the great movies Herrmann had done before, he did an awful job. It lacked creativity to me. I know the guy is in a cab all night long, alone, night after night, so what? Is that worthy of any music that would reflect it? How about music that hints at the tedium without being tedious? I understand that Scorsese could have perhaps chosen other songs, I don't really care, just a mess in my opinion. Speed is impressed. With Chaney, his luck has changed for the better. As brilliantly portrayed by James Coburn, Speed can be a pain in the behind. He's loud, he can be irritatingly smooth. He the kind of guy driving an expensive car, wearing a Rolex, diamonds and a silk suit with a smile that shows everyone of his 88 teeth. The always sweet and engaging Marisa Tomei is Faith, on the verge of marriage when a phone call from her fiance's friend will stop her dead in her tracks, simply because his name is Damon Bradley. A game played when she was a child and a Gypsy fortune teller at a carnival in her teens told her the man she would love and marry would be named, Damon Bradley. 6306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great merchandise. Shipped promptly 3. Delivers the goods - When it comes time for action, suspence & zombie attacks, this flick is fun. 4972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A monumental film about human nature, about the aftermath of the Vietnam war, about New York in the seventies. These are the several layers of reading this film lends itself to and they are all worth the viewer's time. For this reason this is a film that must be seen several times to get all it has to offer. It can not be metabolized in one viewing. One of the best films of the seventies. All great episodes of the series at it's peak. 3601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie by a legendary director. You can it watch over and over again and be pulled in by the story telling and the acting each time you see it. 1439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the second half of the 1965 series -- if you're looking for the first half of the '65 entries, go here: 2812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AWESOME! 4667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all time! 2670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 7480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Gripping movie, even though it's kind of obvious how it would end. 3363 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie for Halloween Party on the out door projector 7599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 who doesn't love Annie!!? It is a great musical. Definitely a feel good movie. Just another beautiful day in Raccoon City, but underground the Nemesis has escaped. Important residents in Raccoon City are visited by two agent men from the Umbrella Corporation telling them at their front door, "There's been an incident". They are taken in the van immediately. Their is chaos going on downtown. Officer Jill Valentine (Sienna Gillory) is called in. She enters the Raccoon City Police Department and kills the bio-hazard zombies. 2471 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 still loved it when i was younger at movies still love it as an adult.... must be the chicago side in me... 6957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this movie has been torn apart by viewers and critics and i just cant stand it! this movie wasn't that bad! its got great music (not the slipknot crap but the instrumental pieces are great!) one thing i was disapointed about was the complete story change from the game to this! its practically noting like it except for the fact of flesh eating zombies. if this film was based on the novel by S.D. Perry it would have been amazing but they decided to go original. its still a great movie but i just wish it was based on the novelization done for the first game! the thing i was very happy with was the ending. its not sad but its not good. its got the perfecvt lead off to a sequel. i only hope its based off of either resident evil 2 or resident evil 3: nemesis. if so, its gonna rock! Running Time: 121 minutes Music plays a big part in the movie and helps to establish the 60s feel. Be ready for Hendrix, Steppenwolf, The Byrds, The Band, Roger McGuinn, and many other performers from the era. The other star is the American scenery. The mountain locations are particularly spectacular. The green cover DVD is pan and scan (1.33). It is the first pan 3.5 stars, better than the first but still have the same "teenage flick" kind. Personally better than Scream 1 and 2. 9370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite films ever. 8572 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the greatest movies ever made !! 2339 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I tried to return this item and have to obtain permission from the overseas supplier. So far it has been over a week and no response. I thought my daughter would enjoy this movie put she showed no interest and asked me to return it. Leonard Maltin said it, "not boring, just stupid." No kidding. The DVD would make a good frisbee... The casting is amazing all around. Harvey Keitel is right in his element, with a terrific performance as Sport, aka "the pimp". Peter Boyle is great as the so-called "Wizard", Albert Brooks adds some lighthearted humor to the proceedings where appropriate, and the wonderful Cybill Shepherd is as mesmerizing as ever. Even Martin Scorsese is absolutely brilliant filling in a bit part as a homicidal passenger in Travis' cab. Chaney is just trying to "fill in the in-betweens," as he cryptically puts it. As with so many others, he's looking for a way to get by until the world offers some sort of purpose, something better than hungry hopelessness. Something better than wage labor shucking oysters for too little to live on, surrounded by the sort of stench that hits you hard the first time you walk into an old oyster bar, only worse. The sort of foulness that gets into your clothes, your hair, your skin, so deep you eventually stop trying to wash it away. 6502 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 NOW THAT'S A REAL RESIDENT EVIL MOVIE AND THIS TIME IT'S JUST LIKE THE GAME EVEN BETTER 6274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a great movie for all of you gamers out there. I enjoyed it. It wasent all that bad. I am gonna talk about the dvd aspects of it. I AM GONNA TALK ABOUT THE DELUXE EDITION. 1575 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 why the screenwriter decided to ditch all the most famous dialogue and many of the most pivotal scenes in this extremely pedestrian "Jane Eyre". All lost are the Aunt's deathbed confession to Jane, the buddha-like teachings of Helen in the hellish Lowood school, the gypsy fortune telling scene that infuriates Blanche Ingram, and even the chestnut tree cleft in half as a manifestation of God's displeasure! No sign either of "He saw that the boy had inherited his own eyes as they once were: large, brilliant, and black"--that's one of the most famous lines in English literature, for crying out loud!! it. Consequently, hilarity ensues with this many hits and more misses 9437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Normally, I do not enjoy watching movies, repeatedly...however, this is Monty Python! I've seen this one many times and spread the word throughout the land.... I am proud to say that I have inspired hundreds of people to watch this movie, and they have done the same. I know of groups that have "Grail Quests" every year, because of this Classic. If you haven't seen it yet, you are missing the boat....but, you can find it if you purchase "Erik The Viking!" (another humorous Python escapade, with religio-philosophical overtones). All Monty Python is Fabulous!!! John Cleese should be Prime Minister, or....King ! Imagine The Royal Court! I'd love to see live coverage of all his meetings with other World Leaders. 5541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Released in '85 `Fright Night' is a wonderfully campy, contemporary vampire tale that was one of the first films to bring the vampire mythos into contemporary times, preceding the classic `The Lost Boys' by two years. `Fright Night' is a bit uneven in the beginning but during the last thirty minutes or so the storyline really comes together and make it all worthwhile. Chris Sarandon makes a great vampire as is Roddy McDowall as Peter Vincent, late night host of Fright Night, a weekly television show where he masquerades as a fearless vampire hunter. 4616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Most have never even heard of this movie, which is a true shame, for The Seventh Sign is a nice little look at what will happen, or might happen, when the seven signs of the apocalypse come to pass. Demi Moore plays Abby Quinn, a woman in the last month of her pregnancy who meets a man intent on renting the apartment above the Quinn's garage. This man is seen earlier in the film walking among different places, cracking seals that unleash ruin on the lands and seas. Abby, after much deliberation, begins to discover that her tenant is not what she originally saw him to be, and suspects that he may want to bring harm to her unborn child. She dreams of a man being struck, and a soldier yelling, "Will you die for him?" This movie definitely has a factor of suspense which is evident throughout most of the picture, and the conveyance of each of the seven signs is very haunting and original. Acting is an added plus, especially in the most tense of situations. Do not be mistaken by its low-key status; The Seventh Sign will have you on the edge of your seat, hungry for answers. 6780 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Never have I been so disappointed by a movie. Joan of Arc - France's patron saint - a real-life person, portrayed like a super hero. It might have worked better if they'd added the cartoon 'Sock' , 'Bam', and 'Pow' during fight scenes. All I can tell you is AFTER seeing this, I happened to catch "The Passion of Joan of Arc" on Turner Classic Movies, and thought it was a contemporary film. I was shocked to learn the film was done in 1928! So my advice is to leave this 'glam trash Fishtar' version on the shelf, and buy the REAL DEAL instead - "The Passion of Joan of Arc" (1928). . The UFO experts themselves in the movie didn't know what to expect to happen at the site any more than did Neary. Perhaps they knew less; the movie depicts some commercial airline pilots as seeing what Neary and Jillian saw early on, but the pilots decided not to report it (perhaps so as to not risk being labeled nuts and losing their jobs). The cover up, fittingly, is not presented as invented for the sake of permanently deceiving the world--or involving the UN, the Man from UNCLE, or even the entire US government--and it was not Lacombe's idea at all. An American UFO expert, who also comments near the end that 'Einstein was right' (a colleague jokingly responding that 'Einstein was probably one of them,' i.e., among those who took a ride on the mothership, thus having had personal experience confirming his prediction of time dilation), was the top official at the press conference, where he told spectators along with Neary, 'I don't know what you saw.' He obviously knew more than other officials present at the conference yet there is also no reason to believe he was not sincere in his comments. He was presented simply as discrete, diplomatic, scientifically skeptical; not as conspiratorial. Perhaps this *could* date the film if: (1) it cannot be fully appreciated if enjoyed as science fiction and/or (2) it's narrative tacitly relies upon audiences, if only by drawing upon Orwell, to imagine many extra layers of 'cover up' and/or (3) historians of science have determined that the direct experimental confirmation of time dilation for space travel had come way before GPS. No way did the mothership pass unnoticed; Major Walsh simply did *not* evacuate a big enough area. 6648 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I found this movie EXCELLENT! I cannot comment on the historical religious facts - however, I was moved by Joan of Arc's passion to pursue her vision(s) from God to reclaim the Kings crown to France (From England). 2834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 chick flick that I almost walked away from, but I'm glad I didn't. Turned out to be a really funny movie and very moving at times. Shirley McLaine was a hoot! 9390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow this must be the funniest movie ever! Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a story of a quest yes a quest I say to find the grail with many many adventures along the way. The knights of the round table are sent by god to find this holy grail. They face the black knights, the knights who say NEE, rude frenchmen, Bill, an evil bunny, a monster, police, an old man, girls of peril, the three headed knight, townspeople, harsh weather conditions, a girl I mean man in need of help, wedding guests. The Monty Python team is back to its old tricks for some great acting in a movie that will be talked about for years to come. This is a must buy for anyone who has a DVD player. 1309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent series. Just as I remembered the dry-witted Bob Newhart. Bill Daly is a riot, also. 1353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The World`s Best Agents:John Steel (Ralph Fiennes) and Emma Peel (Uma Thruman) are trying to stop a dangerous man (Oscar-Winner:Sean Connery), who wants to play God by taking control of the World`s Weather. 2677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Didn't think this was the real move because of the case but it is and we love it. Fast delivery great movie 5457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charley Brewster has a problem... It seems his neighbor may be a vampire, so he has enlisted the help of his friends and local celebrity Peter Vincent to oust the fanged fiend from the neighborhood, but his toothy adversary won't be going without a fight. "Welcome to Fright Night!" Tom Holland brings us his own hilarious homage to the traditions of Gothic Horror in the 1985 classic. The clever plays on genre conventions are pleasing to any Horror fan, as Holland exploits the vampire mythos for maximum effect. Cloves of garlic, crosses, holy water... All of the standard rules still apply, but it is how Holland uses them that casts such a sharp reflection on the Universal and Hammer films. FRIGHT NIGHT is filled with wonderful performances from the entire cast, beginning with William Ragsdale in a coy lead as the paranoid Charley Brewster. Roddy McDowall's campy portrait of Peter Vincent, vampire hunter, is a wonderful caricature of the characters played by both Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. The homage to DRACULA in which McDowall discovers that Jerry is truly a vampire is a shining moment in the film. Stephen Geoffreys is just as amusing as Charley's eccentric friend, "Evil" Ed Thompson, whose shrill, nasally voice and wicked sense of humor have made him a fan favorite for years. And then, of course, there is Chris Sarandon as the vampire Jerry Dandridge. Sarandon brings all of the same suave sophistication and courtly manner as his Gothic counterparts, yet he never feels out of place amidst the modern setting. The film's wit is only matched by its incredible special effects, which give a horrifying new look to its vampire hosts. With the help of NEAR DARK and THE LOST BOYS, FRIGHT NIGHT helped to reinvigorate the vampire film in the 1980's, and it has since endured to reach a cult status in Horror. Historically accurate, full of British sentiment, and down-right weird. Avoid this film today, folks! On Disc One, there are two commentaries included. One is by the co-directors, Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam. The other is by the other 3 (surviving) Python members, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, and John Cleese. Also on Disc One are some oddities such as subtitles from "Henry IV, Part II." 4256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Don't believe the critics on this one. This movie got horrible reviews but I actually liked it. This movie had one of the biggest budgets of its time and didn't even come close to making a profit. This is a movie that was cursed by the reviews and people stayed away. Give this movie a try. It was really good I enjoyed this much better than MORTAL KOMBAT, so I'm looking forward to the sequel. It was a tapid action movie. 7342 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite all time movies! Brings out every family related emotion experienced by most. Spielberg's film was obviously a radical shift from most previous Hollywood depictions about outer space visitations to Earth. He evokes the famous line "Watch The Skies" from Howard Hawks' 1951 classic THE THING, but does so without the paranoia and hysteria of the space invasion films of the 1950s. There are no lasers or bug-eyed monsters. 6329 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The chorus goes "Have you met writer/director Paul WS Anderson? He's the biggest hack in the whole wide world, if there ever was a hack, he'd be the biggest hack, he's a big fat big fat stupid hack! Hack hack hack hack hack hack he's a stupid hack!" Well you get the idea. 9125 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say about this movie that hasn't been said. It's got to be one of the funniest of all time. I love most British/English comedy, and this is near the tops. The story is very simple, a ordinary family man sees a UFO and is planted a message. He then tries to put the pieces together and find what the message means. His wife and kids feel that he is losing his mind as he tries to figure out what his purpose is and why he was chosen. He senses that there is a location that is very important although he doesn't know why, he just knows that it means something. His family eventually leaves him and he is left to find the answer himself. He later discovers that a women he met earlier in the film received the same message and together they try to find the location and discover its purpose. It doesn't come easily though, it's a magical journey that ends with people learning to communicate and return to their inner child. You have to watch the film to understand what I mean. Andrew C. Miller - Your Ultimate No. 1 Film Fan the problems in the remake of Dawn of the Dead.. you got too many stupid people in the movie which i see this in every horror film.. & the fact it doenst really stick to the plot.. to me.. there wasn't enough zombies in the mall. 4158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember when I was a kid and this came out the same summer as Jurassiac Park which was a massive box office hit while this was considered a flop at the time. It's really to bad because it captures the action crazed movies of the eighties and early nineties so well. Some great moments and set pieces and I am huge Schwarzenegger fan so in my books he can do no wrong. The only one issue is the main character of the kid can get pretty annoying at times. That being said this is a forgotten action masterpiece. Briefly - "Taxi Driver" is the story of Travis Bickle, an ex-Marine turned NYC cab driver; a young man who "means well" but is a macho character with s*** for brains (kind of like the creators of this movie, I'm sorry to say). Anyone who hasn't sense enough not to take a woman to a smutty movie loses my interest and sympathy pretty quickly. Bickle is his own worst enemy; he doesn't have the patience or wherewithal to apply himself to get educated, etc. to make life better for himself and others. He just wants life to improve, NOW! OK, sure. So he instigates some bloodshed and death, and somehow sometime winds up a sort-of hero. HUH? 1523 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I found this interpretation of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre good. One need only view various interpretations, such as the 1944 Orson Welles film, starring both himself and Joan Fontaine, to appreciate this 1997 version. Twentieth Century Fox's wartime genre encapsulates the studio art department with very poorly executed visuals in the 1944 film. One knows without doubt that this was made in Hollywood. 2769 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Thought it was really cool back in 1969. Still worth a look. All in a day's work 6832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 SINATRA AT HIS GREATEST-THIS IS ROLE HE WANTED MOST AND NO ONE-ABSOLUTELY NO ONE COULD HAVE DONE IT BETTER. 2923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredible movie with both sad and funny parts. The acting is superb! Love seeing all of these blockbuster actresses together in one film. To enjoy the movie (any movie like that) you have to focus on other elements that make a movie, which mainly would be the "how is the story told", and I think the way this story is told is worth 2 stars. Esp. since the movie is not trying to be funny or too entertaining (which I really hate about horror movies). Poetry in Motion: 19 Symbolic Reviews of Transformational Film BBC Film Night, Monty Python and the Holy Grail Location Report, 17:10. Alternate shots of the knights approaching castles on horseback, Terry Gilliam young and jubilant. John Cleese commenting on the directing. The jokes tend to be secondary to whether it looks good. Smoke in all shots, arty visual effects. How many laughs are there in the smoke? Flying cow. Eric Idle with fuzzy hair. A grail is a bird like a dodo with a very large beak, the grail is never found, its anticlimactic from the start Reading dialogue backwards Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Island, Chrysalis, Charisma, and Michael White the theater producer backed the film. The French taunters stand-in with non-French accents for the sake of filming (reading from script). Interviewer asks Graham Chapman how many poofters are there in it? Only one that Ive detected, but were not made for each other. Had trouble keeping track of who plays what, and whos left over. Scene of stage hands behind the fake castle wall throwing animals. This movie is really a parody of two things. First, it is a parody of the Middle Ages in England. Second, it is a parody of our modern presuppositions of that time. It is because the door of parody swings both ways in this film that it is able to be so incredibly funny. Parody is funny because there is an element of truth involved. Here, there are two truths, thus the film is twice as funny: there is the truth concerning the Middle Ages, and there's the truth concerning our impressions of the Middle Ages. By cracking fun at both of these sources of truth, the Monty Python comedy group was able to produce solid parody that is smart, witty, and and in some ways convicting. Overall, the film is very enjoyable and fun to watch and re-watch. 3381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The special effects are amazing!! Defiantly worth watching! And you do not have to be old to enjoy this film, I am 18 and it is one of my favorites. - Trailer 2749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Oh I love this movie. I loved the friend dynamics and what it meant to be a friend. Funny that no one had cell phones and life seemed so much less hectic. 2628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 got what I paid for The sets are very good, creating a futuristic sense but not too futuristic as to alienate viewers. As well, the background music adds to each scene. There is also a "Sing Along Blu-ray Exclusive", which I didn't look at, and a trailer for "Arthur Saves Christmas". One of the worst and unexcused errors is when Washington asks after the battle: "how many killed?" "None" (correct). "How many wounded?" "none". Incorrect. There were four wounded one of whom, the most seriously wounded was a young lieutenant in the 3rd Virginia named James Monroe. Fifth president of the United States. Worth mentioning I would think. That is unfortunate because viewers probably lose interest. Please stay with it; it gets so and its very chilling 1058 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 For a 1968 Hollywood-bankrolled war movie, HELL IN THE PACIFIC was almost right up there with the best of "foreign" films of the Sixties. Featuring only two characters throughout---a Japanese officer and an American officer marooned together on a otherwise unpopulated Pacific island in 1944---the film puts us immediately into the difficulties facing the two men, who are enemies by their circumstances and literally cannot understand each other. The story of how they deal with their plight unfolds in ways that make perfect sense, and both Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune as the two exiles give performances that are both believable and affecting. In fact, the only thing that keeps this from being a five-star movie for me is the very end, which, as I suspected, was grafted on at the behest of the studio heads [cf, director John Boorman's autobiography, ADVENTURES OF A SUBURBAN BOY]. The original ending, included on this DVD release as a special feature, makes much more sense and would have been better. But up until then you're watching one of the best war movies ever made. Even if you have the dvd, this is worth the cost of getting another in blu ray. 460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had these three DVD, this one Joseph and David and Abraham for a long time. I believe it was in the late 1990,s and I got them on VHS and then I donated them to a nursing home because I knew they would really enjoy them. And then I brought them on DVD. So I have enjoyed this movies for a long time. I also got Abraham on VHS and I gave it away and brought it on DVD. All were excellent. -end update- 9645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is truly a great movie. Science Fiction at it's best. The Red Queen is the hives central computer and she has gone in spaz mode sealing the hive shut because of the T-Virus contaminating the air vents and infecting the hives employees. 1035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Some may not agree that this was his best but I found it hysterical. There is a "Storyboard to Film Comparison" with an optional introduction by Scorsese. 3580 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Between autumn 1975, after Jaws had become such a, excuse the pun, monster hit the previous summer, and November 1977, when Close Encounters finally opened, it held the distinction of being the most eagerly awaited movie since Gone with the Wind. Alas, it didn't turn out to be the attraction for the ages that so many people, myself included, had hoped. That said, it does deliver a terrific amount of entertainment value. 9347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most underrated films, in my opinion. I love everything about it, especially the musical score. I love action, I love zombies, and I especially love this movie because critics hated it so much that they wanted it to tank at the box office and it didnt. Theres no better revenge than being successful. And Milla Jovovich has made these movies her entire career. Sharon Stone. So everything looking so non-modern is OK. As you checkout the film's characters you get sucked into 8111 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MY MOM LOVED WATCHING ANNIE GROWING UP 12 Chairs- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Mono, French Mono, Spanish Mono, Portuguese Mono  Resident Evil: Afterlife [Blu-ray] (2010). 5030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 BLU-RAY review / COLLECTOR'S EDITION 6491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't know where to begin with this movie. First off, it was a movie based on one of my top favorite video game series of all time. Second, it is the sequel to my second favorite movie of 2002. Next up, it takes the story from Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, but improves upon it with better elements, action, music, and characters than the game version ever did. RE3 was always average, good, but nothing spectacular, but this was such a better take on the story. You have Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory), the girl from the games, Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr), who is also from the third game, and Alice (Milla Jovovich), who was the star of the first movie. All three of these characters were so much cooler than I ever imagined they would be, especially Jill. This is probably one of the few movies where the co-star gets to do just as much as the main star to the movie, and I liked that. I also found Carlos an improvement over the pompous playboy with the "sexy accent" that was in RE3. The story was awesome, the music rocked, and most of all, it had many different elements from the game. 8033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a very good DVD with a story that remains fresh. The story is built on the armature of the ancient story of the Fisher King. The Fisher King is played here by Robin Williams, a former college professor at Hunter College, who's wife is murdered. From this point on he is mentally wounded and appears to much of the world as a homeless mentally ill man. I've read the script (which is available online) and I'm still wondering just what in the world happened to this film. Ethan Hawke plays the system-beater according to the cue of the story, always below the surface, and always with a "looking-behind-the-shoulder" aura. But the show is actually stolen by Jude Law, his Identity Giver and an ex-wonder "gene holder", who has to daily swallow his bitterness while trying to make what he thinks as best out of the situation. Uma Thurman is rather confined to the backround in the story, making Gattaca primarily a two-actor film. But this never undermines the force of this movie, instead it helps emphasize the story even more. 4921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is one freaky ass movie . . . I had a hard time believing that the taxi driver was de Niro until almost the end of the flick . . . this movie ranks right up there with Dog Day Afternoon . . . a depiction of the mind set of Tea Party Republicans, Mitt Romney and John (Boner) Boehner . . . wake up Amurica Then, ...just as you think we will see if their hard-won friendship from the island and the raft journey will last or they will once again become sworn enemies......BANG! That nihilistic ending I previously mentioned happens and that's it. 1140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Entertaining, nonviolent, real life in the 1920s England. A lot like Downton abbey in theme, and still very different. Very good. 2784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great digital special edition. Sound , color, everything was over the top. Really love this movie. W/out providing any spoilers (although you might want to stop reading here)... 7443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is one of our daughters favorite movies!!! It is such a fantastic movie. The entire family enjoys it!!! A heartfelt drama with some comedic moments about a son estranged from his parents but finds his way back to them through the course of several crises the parents experience. 281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Christmas Carol is my all-time favorite movie, and I had ever version imagionable on VHS, including this adaptation, but the remarkably enhanced quality of the DVD version is extremely enjoyable to watch. This rendition gives it an American twist, as Henry Winkler did a wonderful performance of a modern-day Scrooge. 2332 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Despite a plot that strains credibility at times, AIR FORCE ONE is still a superior action film thanks to the always-reliable Harrison Ford and the steady hand of German director Wolfgang Petersen (DAS BOOT; IN THE LINE OF FIRE). 7836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has some amazing cinematography. I've only been to Montana as a kid for very little time, but I wish I could visit again. The movie is about two different brothers brought up in Montana their father plays an important role in the movie also. There are scenes of fly fishing in this movie that are worth the price of admission. Also this film is well narrated by Robert Redford, it never distracted me and that's hard to do with a star that has such a familar voice, but it fits in so well. A gem, that may not be for all action film fans but a drama that will please many. 1623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Complete Series Upstairs, Downstairs is a beloved drama set between 1903-1930 in Great Britain at the London mansion of an aristocratic family and their staff of domestic servants. It contains 68 episodes on 20 DVDs, plus one DVD with quite a few bonus features The first season comprises 13 episodes and the first episodes seem spare, especially in the dialog--more like stage plays than video dramas of today's miniseries. Later episodes lose that stagey-ness and become very involved dramas. Since the original series broadcast in the US did not include the black-and-white episodes, I was not familiar with the development of the series and how it grew from a rather simple initial season to rather involved arcs. For that ALONE, I'd recommend this set of DVD's because seeing them all in series is fascinating. And I saw entirely new episodes (for me) as I'd missed a lot of the first seasons, being off at college and without a television for some years. To top it off, you have storyboard to film comparisons (preceded with an introduction from Martin Scorsese), Animated Photo Galleries, and the original screenplay! 5402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is another family fun movie for all to enjoy anytime of the year not just Halloween. 5976 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good movie. made back when Hollywood was still putting out entertainment and not the CGI junk they have today. starring Kathy Bates as Miss Hannigan was poor. This is also very historically accurate and well researched,inspite of a few elements (Joan did know how to sign her own name for instance) Everything, including some of her own words is reproduced on screen."Better today than tomorow" was said by Joan many, many times. 5449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's so good to have this classic piece of horror history on DVD. The picture is clearer and the sound fantastic. Same cheesy story as ever =) It is a splatter of unnecessary gore with decapitated corpses and mindless violence that desensitized rather than offer true scares. The phalanx of cannibals and vampire-like troops eating people alive and animatronic creatures like Licker, Zombie Dogs doesn't exactly fascinate either. Paul WS Anderson who also helmed the cheesy Mortal Kombat makes a movie that is stocked full of grunge rock to compensate for its lack of atmosphere. 455 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite movie of all times. It is so realistic that I cry every time I watch. The characters are extremely good in their acting, and I especially enjoyed the Joseph character, Paul Mercurio. I would definatly recommend this movie!! 7935 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not normally interested in romantic comedies, but in the end it's hard to place any of Gilliam's movies into a single genre. The Fisher King is a strange, touching, and hilarious adventure about loss and redemption. It's hard to describe it in further detail in a way that would do the film justice, so all I can say is treat yourself to a viewing. 519 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is not a sing along dvd and it was difficult to understand some of the words being sung. I would not recommend it. 4402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Since the original version was released, there has been minor changes to the film. But the changes do not diminish the quality of the story or the ingenious way Henson tells his wonderful muppet story. 463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a brilliant epic movie, a tour de force, the best Biblical movie I have seen with the exception of One Night with the King Starring Paul Mercurio in the title role, he gives an intelligent and passionate performance of a man who was prepared to die, to keep to the word of his G-D. 3844 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Let me be direct: 90% of the movie sucks. The acting and effects are decent. But the story, the direction, and well, pretty much everything else, are bad. Get it for certain, if you like quality TV. Much of the movie is full of the gorgeous scenery of the United States. Having driven many of these roads myself, I found myself remembering those trips fondly while watching the movie, and wishing I could go back and take those trips again. The beauty of Monument Valley and other locations is brought vividly to life. In many ways it's a celebration of the wild range of landscapes. Mr. Gibson's "The Passion" (2004) was interesting if you want to see just to what extent Jesus suffered. I also give Mel Gibson credit for underlining that the mass is not only a reenactment of the Last Supper, but it also embodies the sorrowful events of Good Friday and the glorious events of Easter Sunday. (Though it's far from what I would call a child friendly version.) 4690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie There are plenty of other examples that use similar fantastic premises to tell their own stories. For example, there is a Twilight Zone episode in which a Western actor manages to get caught inside an alternate reality that somehow emerges from his experiences filming movies and ends up in the real West (not a particularly good episode, I'll admit.) TZ also brings us parallel worlds in which mannequins or dolls have their own reality, parallel, but independent of normal, human reality, and which sometimes intrude upon one another. 9038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must for Monty Python Fans! 6998 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I thought this would be more child friendly, but the actions of the lady who ran the orphanage really ruined it for a family movie. My daughter didn't like it at all anyway so we didn't even finish it. The story is about two free spirits who score a big dope/cash connection in Mexico and then head east, cross-country on their chopper motorcycles, for New Orleans where they intend to celebrate Mardi Gras with the masses. Along the way, they encounter all manner of people and societies including poor Mexican families, hippies in a commune, really mean rednecks, and many more. Overall I was totally shocked by this movie, RE2 is far by one of the best movies iv'e seen period. I already cant wait for this movie to go on dvd.. if u love nonstop action/violence this movie is for you.. 2864 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I went out of my way to re-find this movie because I had an old copy for VHS. I have watched it many times and I cry just thinking about the movie. I'm very much alone in my aging years, my friends dead or scattered and my family is gone. I may never see anyone again and my movies are my family. With all my heart, I wish I had friends just like these women had with each other, at least during the making of this heartfelt film. It's with great pleasure to see those great stars from glitter world honor their parts so well. The movie was very good, it touches the center of your heart, the basic human/spirit you will experience at moments when at least a tear or more will fall. It's the laughter you'll share with these talented women that will make you laugh out loud. It's like being there with them. Everyone of them shines in their part. Shirley, Olympus, Sally, Dolly, Julia and Daryl were doing the performance to perfection. I won't tell you about the movie because other's already have but, I know you won't want to just see it once. It's a must have movie. 3927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I expected Idle Hands to be a straight horror film but I ended up laughing through most of it. Devon Sawa gives a great performance as a teenager who is stoned out of his mind most of the time. And Seth Green was cool too; much better in this film than in Austin Powers. 7606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dunaway gives one of her best performances here! Laura Mars is a fashion photog who is the toast of town with her 70's kitsch style glam shots. She also has the extraordinary ability to see through a serial killer's eyes! Tommy Lee Jones appears as a detective who falls for her. The film is pure camp and Dunaway chews the scenery as only she can. When her pal Donald bites it you can just feel the hilarity as she shreiks "Donnnnnaaaaallllldddd!" Do not pass this up! 7745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent 9804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just finished watching this movie and I loved it. The characters are very real and the plot moves along well. Outstanding performances by Dominique Swain and Sean Patrick Flanery make this movie worth the price of admission. If you want to remember your first crush this is the movie to watch. This is a great movie to watch on a GIRLS night in. 5477 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 7/8/14 UPDATE: Twilight Time has confirmed these re-releases for 2015: 1). FRIGHT NIGHT (1985), 2). CHRISTINE (1983), 3). JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (1959) (brand new 4k restoration). FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DID NOT GET A CHANCE TO BUY THEM BEFORE, JUST A WORD OF CAUTION IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY THEM FROM THESE SCALPERS ON AMAZON. I know that many have mentioned that the price is absolutely crazy. I have been chewing at the bit wondering at what point I would be out of luck getting a copy of it. What if it were to never come back out on blu-ray? I would be kicking myself for it. I finally broke down, closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and clicked purchase....one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I was lucky in that I was able to secure Mysterious Island and Journey to the Center of the Earth at the 29.99 price, however, had missed Fright Night because I didn't know about it until after it had sold out within a month (November 2011). Now third party vendors currently have Mysterious Island (9 copies) between 84.00-85.00 and Journey to the Center of the Earth (10 copies) between 68.00-69.00. Do I think its price gouging?...yes...but in the end am I glad I was able to get a copy...it's the law of supply & demand...I will review the technical aspects once I watch it.... I guess my only complaint would be that I wish it were longer, to satisfy my thirst for more of this movie. Please, if you have never seen "Jane Eyre", don't make this sorry mess your introduction to that magnificient novel. Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine did such a better job of it! This 21-disc set provides several supplementary features. (1) The production of each Series is documented in an accompanying program, featuring interviews with writers, directors, actors. (2) "Russell Harty Goes Upstairs, Downstairs" (1975), in which talk show host Russell Harty visits cast members on the set shortly after the final episode was broadcast. (3) "Upstairs Downstairs Remembered" (1996), narrated by Gareth Hunt, in which cast members give accounts of behind-the-scenes problems and accomplishments. (4) In "Sandy's Last Stand" (2006), composer Alexander Faris describes how he wrote the theme music, including the "upstairs" theme and the "downstairs" theme ("What are We Going to Do With Uncle Arthur?"). This includes performances of both the original 4/4 and the more familiar 3/4 versions of the upstairs theme, and the downstairs theme. 8581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Have seen it before and wanted to watch it again. Uh-Oh things didn't work out like he planned. While his girlfriend that was with him managed to get on the plane. He got nailed & the story will have you glued from there on. 720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a very cute movie Jim Broadbent is brilliant as Mother. The sets are superb. The CGI is well done, and not phony-looking. Sean Connery is devilish. The story is clever. 1464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 everything was great The 1991 movie is helped immeasurably by a galvanizing performance from Nick Nolte, who captures all the layers of pride, regret, anger, sadness and humiliation in his character. He propels the storyline with the unbridled passion of an actor sinking his teeth into a juicy part as only a female director could define it. In fact, Streisand steps back to play the subordinate role of Dr. Susan Lowenstein, the pricey New York psychiatrist treating Tom's sister, Savannah. Granted, she does make herself rather beatific even in her high skirts and flimsy blouses, but such expectations come with Streisand as she basically plays Tom's savior. At the same time, it is probably her most subtle work onscreen even with the touches of excess that often detract from her performances. She also hands out plum parts to both the wonderful Kate Nelligan, who gets to age convincingly as Tom's upwardly driven mother with a dark secret, and Blythe Danner, dependably effective as Tom's conflicted wife. Both especially excel in their revelatory conversations with Tom, the dialogue insightful without delving too much into psychobabble. Credit should be given to Conroy and Betsy Johnston, who wrote the superb screenplay. Melinda Dillon has little to do as Savannah except look traumatized, which she does well. And in a not too subtle display of nepotism, Streisand's son, Jason Gould, sullenly plays the doctor's son, a musician-in-training who is coached on the finer points of football by Tom. mILA ROCKS IN THIS ROLE! This is a warm, wonderful film full of laughs and great character bits. I heartily recommend it to all who want a break from today's gross-out comedies. The only DVD extra is the theatrical trailer. Sub-titles are available in several languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai. The disc is also close-captioned for the hearing impaired. 6496 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Coming off the turkey that was "Alien Vs. Predator", Paul W.S. Anderson swings and misses again with another script full of awful dialouge and cardboard characters. Anderson hands over the directing honors to Alexander Witt on this one but it doesn't make too much of a difference. Witt soaks the film in stylized violence and over-produced CGI but unfortunately, such items as "substance" and "content" were thrown on the back-burner, this time around. 7244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 also the same as the other The cheesy parts of the movie include the aliens and the part on the boat. The most dramatic part of the film is the bit where the Spice Girls are having a fight with Clifford and they all storm off. THANKS it up. Instead, we get Milla Jolladovich, playing some drugged out,security officer named Alice Prospero. 7272 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 6387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Let me start out by saying the only reason I watched this film is because of Milla Jovovich. (Alice) Period. Ever since I seen her in "The Fifth Element" she is now on my must see list. Brains, brawn and beauty are her traits that cannot be matched. But now that I see Sienna Guillory (Jill Valentine) I might have to rethink my reasoning. 3 generations in this household LOVE this movie. Region: All Regions 1415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Set is in fairly good condition. It skips through two episodes on one disk. I will try to clean and fill the disc and 8072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 NICE It also comes with a 30th anniversary collectors book that has information on the actors/actresses and other details of the movie. In this state of things he decides to work as taxman in the night New York streets ; he suffers of insomnia so he explores as a bitter observer the corrupt and decadent stylish life of this underworld in certain places . He comes across a 12-year old prostitute named, Iris (Jodie Foster), who he immediately likes, but the only way he can be near her is to pay for "half an hour". He does so, and despite her attempts to "make it", he tries to tell her that he's come to set her free from the life of prostitution. "Don't you want to get out of here?" he asks. "But it saves me from myself," she answers innocently. He leaves frustrated. 3855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm not at all a slasher movie fan, but for some reason I had to see this. I think it was because of the comedy overtones I read about. I must say it is definately funny. I really enjoyed the comedy approach as the movie went on. I was reminded of the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness series(you'll see). As for the senseless gore...I could've done without most of it. However, they did a pretty good job on the blood, make-up and special effects. 3600 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie on it's original release in 1977. To this day, it's my opinion that it's the best sci-fi film ever made, and not entirely 'fiction'. I remember that it's based on a collection of actual UFO reports, intending to put forth a plausible idea of how they may connect. Well they did an awesome job. "Easy Rider" would star very good friends Dennis Hopper ("Colors", "The Last Movie", "Hoosiers") and Peter Fonda ("The Last Movie", "South Beach", "3:10 to Yuma") in which Hopper would direct and Fonda would produce. The two also wrote the film along with Terry Southern ("Barbarella", "Casino Royale", "The Telephone"). By admitting confusion about the "mistakes" made in featuring a Trojan Rabbit, depicting Arthur and his knights as not having real horses, the fautly information regarding the actual weight African swallows are capable of carrying, and (here's a shocker) there IS NO castle Anthrax (!!!), some reviewers run the risk of making themselves appear terribly, terribly (and I am very sorry to have to say it) stupid. 3823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazon, even though it could be expensive sometimes, it is worth it. Also, the delivery is very fast. 6007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watch this wonderful movie when I need a pick-me-up. Never gets old and is always funny. Against his better judgment, and with Chaney's last six dollars as collateral, Speed gets him a fight with the last man standing, the same one who just finished off Speed's current lackluster representative in the make-shift club fighting ring. Dismissed by his much younger, confidently smirking opponent as "grandpa," Chaney takes him out with one punch. Stunned silence. Still, great job and beautiful digital transfer. This one's a classic! 3194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are so many one-liners in this movie that THAT is reason enough to watch it. This is one of the best "ensemble" casts ever and this movie will go down in history as a class act. My daughters grew up with this and THEY love the movie as much as I do...we recite one-liners to each other all the time and it never fails to make us laugh. I definitely get the same feeling from others which says a lot about the movie! - The story itself and the delivery (sets, etc.) ring of brilliance. This is sci-fi of the highest order. 8664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic, still funny Are there many extras on this DVD? At first, I quickly glanced at the menu before the movie and I said to myself...probably not. I was wrong! After enjoying the movie so much, I then checked out the extras included on the DVD. Bare in mind it was 10:30 p.m. when I finished the movie. It was cool to see the trailers but then I watched the deleted scenes and oh my! It's about 40 minutes long? Well, ok...it's mixed with parts of the film, so I guesstimate that it was 30 or so minutes of extra footage. Most movies with deleted scenes are about 5-10 minutes long or even shorter. It was a pleasure to see the extra scenes. Some I felt would have been nice for the movie but I wish there was a director's commentary to explain why he took it out...but what the heck, they jammed some scenes into this deleted scenes segment already. Very cool to watch! 1097 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My three year old watched it, she sings it, and about two weks later she was doim=ng number 1 & 2 in the potty. I'm gonna start having my two year old watch it. 1456 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it and have every version I can find. 904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I fondly imagined that this would be a gentle stretch to soothing music, so was rather challenged by quite a tough workout. One thing, do have a proper mat. My knees did not do well on a towel and I had to purchase a good mat before I could repeat the workout. Further to other reviews, the instructor's very affected speech patterns were annoying and distracting, but not enough to take away from the fact that I will use this tape again and again. 9970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A beautiful and poignant film, even more relevant now than when released. This should be required viewing for US citizens lest they think that civil liberties are expendable. Full of lots of inside jokes, a great soundtrack, and some pretty fun action sequences, a ton of cameos, "Last Action Hero" has a bit of something for everyone. Definitely worth revisiting. 6415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is quite the love story. Filled with hope and tradgedy. Simply stunning in its entirety. My favorite movie to date. 3986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Cant pass up a movie with these two ladies in it. Great and emotional. Worth the watch. "Take Me To Your Leader" - A briefcase stuffed with money and a bomb seems to have a mind of its own - and it's giving strange orders. We get a taste (though a very light one) of the different attitudes and mentality of English North American colonists during the war e.g. when the foundry's owner refused to let the Continentals use his boats (before they were in turn confiscated). 5660 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So. Good. I marathoned the rest of the films in the first week after watching the original. This 1st installment just has this charm that none of the other films quite capture. And of course, it's the backdrop for the entire franchise. Absolutely would recommend. 1690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rejoice in the technological development of DVDs which provides the perfect format for the celebrated release, in one complete box set, of one of the finest series that has ever graced, or will ever grace, TV! This film was cheated out of the best picture Oscar by Rocky, which (although a fine film in its own right) is a film that anybody can love. In contrast, Taxi Driver is a film that many people would prefer to avoid due to its cynical portrayal of human life. However, it is often the ugly things in life which are the more relevant, more engaging, more compelling, more real. 1628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed Upstairs, Downstairs. The characters are true to life for the era they were portrayed in. The loyalty of the upstairs to the downstairs and the reverse was wonderful to watch. The actors were excellent. I completely got the feel of the way they lived and why they had their roles to follow and followed them flawlessly. There were one or two exceptions but those belonged to the storyline. I would recommend these videos. 7986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had heard about this movie from a professor of mine. I didn't know what to expect and when I finished watching it, it had really left a mark. This film is simply beautiful. I don't want to spoil anything for you so I will be pretty basic. The film focuses around Jeff Bridges character who had recently ruined his career and in a fit of depression tries to take his own life but is instead saved by a homeless man played by Robin Williams. From this point on Bridges character is having a battle with his inner demons and his rough personality and it all ends up becoming a quest for the grail and to do what is right. The movie is a dark comedy so there are a lot of sad parts. This movie isn't for kids and if you are looking for a feel good comedy this is not the movie for you. The movie is well acted and enjoyable over all. I happened to love everything about "Resident Evil." I was a little worried at first, because we all know track records of movies based on video games. They're not that good. So, I was going into this movie with some kind of hope, but I was worried. Well, I ended up enjoying EVERY MINUTE of the movie. It was so good and so scary. It was dark, twisted, and sinister. Theres a nice mix of characters, even if none of them ever develop into anything (except for more zombies, of course). As Rain, Michelle Rodriguez (Furious 7, Machete Kills) continues her cute tough girl flavor that began with Girlfight (2000) and has persisted 17 years later (Fast & Furious 8). In that vein, she has sort of a Hicks and Vasquez (Aliens) relationship with a colleague, both part of a larger team infiltrating the Hive and taking Alice along for the ride. We also find Spence (James Purefoy; The Following, Rome, High-Rise) who, along with Alice, works for the Umbrella Corporation protecting the Hives entrance but now neither of them remember that. 1215 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Dumb!!! Now, Oscar hardly gets things right in my book, and this year was not an exception (Foster for Best Actress? Palance for Supporting Actor?) but one thing that they got SO right was Mercedes Ruehl for Supporting Actress. Her performance here is simply stunning. She has so much attitude and charisma, but it isn't just a showy gimmick with her. She has embodied Anne with so much heart and soul and emotional complexity. Her breakdown towards the films end is the single greatest scene of the entire year. Instead, try the Timothy Dalton version which is excellent though now a little low-budget looking, or the 2007 even sexier and faster-paced version with Toby Stevens and Ruth Wilson, which is outstanding and the best yet. It moves right along, and yet it keeps all the story essentials. 2236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 just like the VHS version i owned as a kid. great to watch when i need a throw back! Only 2 of the movie discs have substantial Bonus Features, a couple of which I recommend. The audio interview on the "Blazing Saddles" disc is very interesting. Find out what John Wayne said after reading the script. Hear how Gene Wilder "saved my life." It's worth it just for the story of Madelaine Kahn's audition. 1204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 dvd in good shape if you love the avengers you will love this. linda thorson as tara king every bit as good as dianna rig as mrs peel. one of the best tv shows ever made 5884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent I have never been a fan of Nick Nolte, but his sensitive performance in this movie is beyond incredible. Another reviewer stated that he lit up the screen, and he did... He IS the Tom Wingo in Pat Conroy's novel. Together, Nolte and Streisand are perfection... and this is one of my top favorite movies of all time.... The show has a couple musical numbers in it which is not a normal feature of the kid's series. They're cute and provide a nice touch. The usual cast of characters are there and we learn a little more about each of them and what they do during their own Holiday celebrations. Every Holiday is covered which has become the norm for many Christmas shows; making sure no one feels left out. As such, you'll learn a little bit about each of those Holidays throughout the vignette of the storyline. Sadly, they keep Christmas focused on the commercial end of it and do not touch upon the sacred core about Christ's birth. But, that isn't distracting or forced, it just is. Arthur's dad does insert a nod to Biblical times when he decides to ditch the usual turkey and taters for first century foods. Neither are the other Holiday celebrations forced into the storyline. They flow naturally and overall the whole show highlights themes such sacrifice, friendship, love, togetherness, etc. 6088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Now we get to the second movie in the Resident Evil movie franchise. While I would think that doing a second movie would be a little difficult to do knowing that there was 2 stories that occurred in the Mountain City of Raccoon. There was Leon & Claire that had to survive through the city let alone, Jill Valentine had to go through the city herself. Although the 3 had their own battles that they had to deal with and knowing how to deal with what would be put in from those games I think had to be a difficult decision. Though we get some of the characters that we got to know from the games like Jill Valentine, along with a couple of the S.T.A.R.S. Mercenaries, though one of them was written differently for the game. Not only that we get, my personal favorite baddie, Nemesis put in the movie, and he's just about just like his video game counterpart in Resident Evil 3. Although the movie does pick up where the first movie left off, yet the Umbrella Corporation tries what they can to contain the virus but can containing it be more than they bargained for? Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, F. Murray Abraham, Art Carney, Charles Dance, Frank McRae, Tom Noonan, Robert Prosky, Anthony Quinn, Mercedes Ruehl, Austin O'Brien, Professor Toru Tanaka, Joan Plowright, Keith Barish, Karen Duffy, Larry Ferguson, Melvin Van Peebles, Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, Noah Emmerich, Michael Chieffo, John Finnegan, Frank McRae, Ryan Todd, Bobbie Brown (cameo), Angie Everhart (cameo), John McTiernan Sr. (cameo), Franco Columbu (cameo), Tina Turner (cameo), Sharon Stone (cameo), Robert Patrick (cameo), Catherine Tramell (cameo), Mike Muscat (cameo), Sylvester Stallone (cameo), Angie Everhart (cameo), Maria Shriver (cameo), Little Richard (cameo), Leeza Gibbons (cameo), James Belushi (cameo), Damon Wayans (cameo), Chevy Chase (cameo), Timothy Dalton (cameo), Jean-Claude Van Damme (cameo), MC Hammer (cameo), Wilson Phillips (cameo), Sir Ian McKellen (cameo) Symba (uncredited) and Danny DeVito (uncredited) This brings up the problems with the story. Since Alice wasn't in any of the games and this film is supposed to be about the third Resident Evil game, this puts the film in the "it's kind like but kinda not like the game" category, so you don't even know where it exists in the canon of the games' storyline. Second, some of the plot points are incredibly stupid from the start. After all, why would a corporation design a research facility with a special security system designed to seal the place off should something disasterous happen and then try to reopen the facility not once but TWICE once something so bad happens that the place needs to be sealed off? Couldn't they take the hint the first time they reopened the place and lost an entire Special Ops team inside? And wasn't the guy that escaped that was infected with their T-Virus enough of a hint that there had been a T-Virus outbreak? The logic that sets this film in motion is so annoyingly flawed. You'd think a major coporation like Umbrella was smarter than this. They could have at least tried to explain it off that the Hive was reopened with the purpose of letting the T-Virus escape to see how effective their bio-weapon was in a major city? That's one of the explanations they give in the game, but they don't even do that in the film. The meaning of the conclusion is open to debate, but if you take it purely at face value, it's quite uplifting. The fights are just a metaphor. Just like the men in the fights, if all you had were only two hands and some guts would you triumph? What rules would you play by? What kind of character would you show in victory? What kind of character would you show in defeat? 1620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We should not compare Upstairs Downstairs with Dawnton Abby, but enjoy both of them. I remember seeing Upstairs Downstairs 40 years ago, and it was absolutely great acting and the storyline captivating. The way movies are made now are of course changed, but that should not keep us seeing the ones made 40 or more years ago. I will recommend this DVD and go back in time. The film is dated, but that didn't detract anything for me. The only scene I really didn't care for was when Wyatt, Billy, Mary (Toni Basil), and Karen (Karen Black) drop acid in a Louisiana cemetery and proceed to trip for an extended period of time. 861 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 My 2 year old daughter enjoys the songs, but the snarky and rude behavior modeled by Ernie and the bellhop is a bad example for her. Sesame Street, at its best, teaches children respect and kindness towards others. That's not only absent here, but what is shown is the opposite of how I would like my child to behave. I must say it was a great time! 1024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Woody Allan flick still going strong into the future A golden gem! (1) The name "Gattaca" is composed of the first letters of the four building blocks that make up DNA (namely "G," "A," "T," and "C"). 5554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not the most interesting film and it appears a little low budget now. But it was entertaining and develops a really good back story I own a vast array of instructionals, and if you only had 17 dollars to spend on a dvd, this is the best money you'll ever spent. Paul teaches shred like he was in front of you and believe me, no one posseses that skill. I also recommend his other instructionals after you are ready to move forward from this one Terryfying Guitar Trip, Get Out Of My Yard and his latest, Silence Followed By a Deafening Roar. 8309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Anyone who enjoys fine stories with quirky characters and great dialogue, will enjoy Rumpole of the Bailey. Pop it in, sit back and enjoy.... 5593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 like character 6289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Contrary to belief and contrary what every hardcore-gamers and "gore fest obsessed" moviegoers like to say, "Resident Evil" is an excellent "prelude" to the very source martial it is playing off of. (What many people do not realize, is that the decision to make Resident Evil different from the games was made by Constantin Film and Capcom and not by Paul W.S. Anderson). 4136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A touching and amusing story with a great script and good acting. Well worth seeing. A long time favorite. 9061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The rating is a 4 star because I watched the movie more than one time and liked it both times. However, I have to rewind and listen more than once because of poor hearing. The words speak a thousand pictures. I laughed lots. It would be considered a stupid movie by many but lighten up and it is wonderful 5177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You already know that this is a classic film. What makes the DVD worth owning is the fascinating making-of documentary that accompanies it. As I'm hard of hearing, I really wish it had subtitles. I have a hard time with a familiar accent, so the British version is hard for me at times. 2820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE 1010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You won't stop laughing Incredible story of honor and courage in the midst of a hostile take over...one I think every President should watch and inspire to be! Harrison Ford is an amazing actor and portrays the true Presidential standard...honor, country, God, and Family! The movie was as good now as it was then, but "good" now isn't what was "good" then. I found the extras to be extraneous. Memory was much kinder to this movie than reality testing was, except in a few places: Another "Big Arnie" action movie, this one with some comedy! The nearly-2 hours moves quickly, lots of action and special effects! Usual bad guys die 20 times each! Highly-recommended. Most people single out the fourth season of UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS as the strongest out of the entire series. Excellent writing, expert direction as well as top-notch performances from Gordon Jackson, Meg Wynn Owen, Christopher Beeny, Angela Baddeley and Simon Williams. 2297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great DVD The package came fast it was new not broken and a good price I couldn't pass it up. I have a good collection good DVDs and like to add on from time to time this was a steal and I decided to purchase it Ive seen it before but wanted in my collectionGOOD Movie/GREAT Price! 1820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I give this film five stars despite some of its historical innaccuracies because it is so well produced. Compare this movie to say something like Mel Gibson's PATRIOT and you have the difference between quality and trash! The movie conveys the feeling and desperation of Washy's army on its last legs before striking back at Trenton. Jeff Daniels does a spirted but probably false impression of Washy. In reality the man was much more stiff and proper than is shown here. Washy would never use such language in front of the common soldiers! He rarely lost his temper as well, otherwise the famous tongue lashing of Charles Lee at Monmouth two years later would never have created such a sensation as it did. Daniels makes Washy much more likeable to the modern audience, but is an flawed portrayal. in 2004. I highly recommend this movie to any horror buff who Ideally, I would love to see a production of Jane Eyre that is as well done as the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. "Peace Out of Pain" - Richard proposes to Virginia, with whom he has fallen in love, whilst Hazel becomes seriously ill with a deadly strain of the flu virus... 4504 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 NA 3175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Easy Rider" is one of the best releases of 1969. Dennis Hopper starred, directed, and wrote this film. It received two Oscar nominations: Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Jack Nicholson). This film has since been held as a history cornerstone, educating viewers the true lifestyles during the 1960's, namely the hippies. Its camera effects are brilliant, though some were accidental. Though accidental, the film's impact wouldn't be nearly as intense. Such effect places it ahead of its time remains influencial to modern-day films. The plot of two motorbikers on a mission to make a drug deal is brilliant. The people they meet and the experiences they live add a lot of originality to the film. The accuracy of the lifestyles prove the writers did their research. The acting is flawless, namely Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, and Jack Nicholson. This film is what deservingly placed the then-unknown Nicholson into higher fame territory. "Easy Rider" is a great movie for those looking for a great classic or a great history refresher. This is sure to continue pleasing audiences for many more years. Those looking for more should also buy the "Easy Rider" Sdtk., which contains great psychedelic rock and great "biker-pride" songs. 5313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic, funny, well-done scary movie. Super sexy vampire! Great acting without the need for over rated special effects and gore. Really fun movie to watch alone or with friends. 1282 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dry humor is an acquired taste, and if you're a fan of that kind of humor and a fan of Newhart, this is for you. Great banter among the characters, good Chicago references (there weren't many TV shows set in Chicago at that time) and situations that have held up surprisingly well over time make this an underrated show worth taking a look at. Too bad this show didn't last longer, but the cast and producers decided to go out while on top rather than wear out their welcome. 4441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another great release from Happy Traum of Homespuntapes.com Now if they would re-release Jeeves and Wooster and Rumpole of the Bailey with subtitles, our cup would runeth over. 2368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I could say that I bought 'Spice World' for my teenage daughter and that would be quite true. Of course that statement wouldn't account for the additional copy stashed away in my own personal DVD collection. I guess it's time for me to face up to the truth and just say it out loud. Mel B - Mel C - Victoria - Geri & Emma, your movie is hilarious! 1645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Being an avid fan of Downton Abbey, I decided to buy Upstairs Downstairs. It was made much earlier than Downton and on a much smaller budget, so it's like comparing apples and oranges. I found 'Upstairs' to be as entertaining though and have even ordered the latest series which was produced a few years ago. The plot of this movie is really not that important, and I fear that a too thorough description might be misleading. Yes - the film revolves around the three friends' attempts at small crimes, but this is not a slap-stick comedy about burglaries gone awry (even though they are entirely inept and even though the burglaries are extraordinarily funny). Rather, this is a very dry comedy that thrives on dialogue (vs. physical humor). If you've seen writer/director Wes Anderson's other films (such as `Rushmore' and `The Royal Tenenbaums'), you know what I mean. What can I say? You need to see this for yourself, so rush right out and get it. Might as well pick up a coconut while you're at it -- you'll need that too. Legacy of Death 5012 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Time will tell you lies -- or at least distort things if you're not careful. With films, especially, this can be true; I've recently watched a few films that I saw in my youth and liked to see if they could stand up to scrutiny in middle age -- and most of them didn't. This film is "meh". It isn't great, it isn't good, it isn't god-awful. It's quite derivative of other films it shouldn't be, and it lacks the elements that make the game so great. The acting is...well...there. It's also hard to care about characters who don't even have names. The only reason we know that Milla Jovovich's character is named Alice is because it's in the end credits. Characters are almost never addressed by their names during the film. So you feel almost completely indifferent when half the cast is killed off fairly early in the film. They all feel like nameless, faceless fodder, as bad as any cast of horny teens in any random 80's slasher film. 3970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good This video is better viewed with a certain empathy and appreciation for a time lost in time. Vincent, in the person of Jerome, falls in love with Irene (played by Uma Thurman), who works at Gattaca in a sort of genetic quality-control position. She falls in love the potential, the idea of Jerome, but eventually comes to love the imperfect Vincent. She herself, for all the genetic planning, also has an imperfection, which makes her all the more attractive to Vincent. 328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 5474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. It is a great movie. Unfortunately $200 for a Blu Ray disc. Someone has to be on drugs to pay so. Amazon should not allow items over price like this one been posted. one and is OK to watch what will happen. But Tom is at his best tho you is much younger Review stated by: Grant Elmore , A.K.A. Simply Overcomplicated Reviews This special had the best voice casting of any they made, with Mickey Rooney as the older Santa, Paul Frees as Burgermeister, and Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock. The Mailmans voice and songs were by the great Fred Astaire, and they recreated him perfectly in a mailman figure. There are 6 wonderful songs including the title song, as well as "One Foot in Front of the Other". The Westminster Childrens Choir performs as well. Music and lyrics were by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Writing by the great Romeo Muller who worked on so many of their projects. Character design by Paul Coker, and storyboards and continuity by Don Duga as they did on most of the studios specials. Also, these are the complete episodes...they are NOT the shortened syndicated versions. A young man runs through reeds into a cemetery. When he returns home his sister scolds him for his absence. A man catches him alone and asks for a file and food. He is an escaped convict! Back at home he is told to be "grateful". Soldiers arrive for the blacksmith, they found the escaped convict and put him in irons. Joe never learned to read. [No schools for common people then.] Pip is cleaned up for a visit. He plays cards with a young girl (pretty and proud). [Does their behavior seem odd?] Pip is questioned about his visit. "Can this be true?" He returns in six days for another visit. He sees strange things in that house. When he returns he is given a large sum of money. Afterwards he gets into a fight. [What a strange household!] Pip dreams of a better life. There is conflict in the shop. Later Pip finds a body! Who did it? If it's Recordable i'll let everyone know and i'll do some Freebees for 3 or 4 of you. I have 2 people chosen already. BEHIND THE SCENES:Rankin/Bass studios was the most prolific creators of holiday specials we have ever known. After the huge success of their 1964 stop motion musical Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they created no less than 14 more Christmas specials, from a total of 35 specials of which many covered other holidays. In 1970 audiences were eager to see what the clever studio would come up with next, their last picture had been Frosty the Snowman the year before in traditional cel animation. As much as viewers enjoyed Frosty, they really liked the stop motion "Animagic" that was the specialty of the studio. The only TV specials they made this process so far were Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy. The new show aired on ABC on December 14, 1970 and it was in Animagic! It was a one hour special, and it recieved huge ratings. It still airs every year. 2174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Air Force One is one of those movies that I can watch over and over again, and still it retains its luster. This movie is about heroes, more specifically the President of the United States, played beautifully by Harrison Ford. He is a man of strength, character, and wit, and must save his crew from hijackers. When this movie first came out, the story seemed very disturbing to me: a movie made in the U.S. about hijacking our very own presidential aircraft. What a country we live in!! Gary Oldman does a stellar job as the chief bad guy, while William H. Macy is solid as usual. Is there a movie that he (Macy) is NOT in? All in all, Air Force One is an excellent action movie with one heart-pounding moment after another. It depicts courage, love, and humanity. As I alluded to earlier, the story is disturbing, but watching it had me feeling patriotic. 5648 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great I can see why. There is lots of 'wet' in NO MERCY. Release it in widescreen and all will be okay. 6460 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I absolutely hated this movie. Resident Evil was the first Playstation game I ever played and I loved it. The game had enough of a plot and storyline that they could have made a MUCH better movie out of it.. if they had even bothered to set the movie in an abandoned Umbrella mansion in the woods, it would have been better. This movie is NOTHING like the game OR the books. I especially hated the cheesy outfit the lead character was wearing.. she was supposed to be a STARS team member, and they don't wear miniskirts for mission gear! HELLO! 6638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This old story is one of it's kind that will never die regardless of the times to come. It just kind of story we daily live in today's world were corruptions lies and power struggles are all around us. Even if you have no idea about Joan of Arc this movie will just show you what one persons believe have good affect on a whole nation that lost hope and can't find its way out will receive unconditional attention of a person who will make different not just only in one country but also amoung the human race. 6049 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My Order Came in on time. I like the Show. Thank you 4873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great collection. Plays fine. Only wish there were more movies. See it! 3329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As all ways one of the best movies of all time The Avengers was a show that broke all of the boudaries and really could not be pigeon holed. Great show! Thomerson stars as Col. Ted Masters. He and his wingman are on a routine mission over the Mediterranean Sea when they are jumped by MIGs from a middle-eastern country. The name of the country is never given, but, due to the time when the movie was made, it can be assumed to be Libya. Masters and his wingman manage to shoot down three MIGs, but Masters himself is eventually shot down and captured. 1960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 1554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful. I loved the book since I was a child and when i saw version of Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton, I didn't think anything could top that. However, this one is fabulous as well. Ciaran Hinds is perfect as Mr. Rochester. After seeing this movie I became a big fan of his. If you like good love stories this is a must see. 2219 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie- I had to upgrade from the DVD. 6398 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What is this trash? Anyone who thinks this movie is any good must be insane. I don't care who liked the videogame, this is supposed to be a movie. The dim-witted plot is carried out so drudgingly, it bores me to tears. How superficial can a film be? This kind of trash is only suitable for possessed retards with anxiety dysfunctions. The movie deserves not only the lowest rating possible, but it begs submission to the Golden Turkey Award, where it would gladly see some glory. Either that or the makers should have their heads examined. 4603 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Seventh Sign, a surprisingly effective piece of Apocalyptic guf from the days when Demi Morre's breasts were still real and she could still play likeable characters. It's quite shameless in the way it invents additional verses to the Bible to support its hotchpotch of apocalyptic predictions and throws in elements from everything from The Wandering Jew to Rosemary's Baby, yet it all works surprisingly well, mostly because the cast and director Carl Schultz take it completely seriously, even pulling off a surprisingly touching ending. Clearly the Fundamentalists were too busy threatening to firebomb the theatres playing The Last Temptation that season to note the film's own unique interpretation of a p***ed-off Christ who has lost all patience with humanity: "I came as the lamb but I return as the lion." 7138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic!!!! The end is sort of an anti-climax, but the legendary individual scenes more than make up for it. From it come numerous hilarious quotes that are frequently used by fans worldwide. 9611 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is for "Gattaca." 8733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Bronson stars as a drifting bare knuckles Depression Era fighter. After hopping a boxcar with a train bound for The Big Easy, what Bronson finds is anything BUT easy - Big, yes, but certainly not easy. 6160 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This review has nothing to do with the movie, i love Resident Evil. But the Blu Ray transfer is bad,bad,bad......!!!!!!! 1. The Parables of Jesus There are many sub-plots running through the story. Tom's inability to deal with his wife, Susan's problems with her son Bernard and her famous violinist husband, Tom and his Sister's repressed memories and his mother's attempts to keep it all hidden. Overall it is undeniably a rich and compelling film. It serves as an example of how good drama can be. Other things attract Bickle's attention. He's particularly drawn to Iris (Jodie Foster), who is a 12-year-old prostitute. As his frustration mounts at the disgusting state of the city, he begins to devise a plan to clean up one small part. An incident on the street gives him the idea of saving Iris from her situation and giving her the opportunity to escape from her pimp (Harvey Keitel). 6209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Its an average blu-ray, but I love the movie itself. I guess I am a Milla fan. 5892 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most original, dramatic films that I have every watched. After purchasing this, I viewed this film for the first time since it's release. Wow!! I was really amazed how the story line holds it's through the test of time. It really competes with great films about inmates suffering and escaping. if you've never watched this film, you won't be disappointed. I just can't believe it took me over twenty years to see such an exciting film! The digibook is a proud piece in my collection. 8170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A truly great series and one to be watched and enjoyed over and over again. Leo McKern was a genius, in my opinion he was to Rumpole what David Suchet is to Poirot and Jeremy Brett to Holmes. Outstanding and John Mortimor author of Rumpole a brilliant and prolific mind. 4398 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Several others have documented all of the scenes that are missing from the US version. Search for this on e B a y - look for DVDs that have R2, UK or Dutch in the description. These versions have all of the scenes and are in English. The catch is that the DVDs are coded for Region 2 (US DVD players are Region 1) and are in the PAL format (US is NTSC). Anyway, awesome movie. There are several releases on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly reccommend. One final dvd bonus is the enjoyable and informative 50-minute 25th Anniversary Special, which was produced around 1998 and includes remembrances by many of the surviving actors (including James, Elizabeth, Rose, Edward, Daisy, and Ruby). it. So go out and do somethingwith your time. Don't watch this 8325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My strongest recommendation: IGNORE critiques which pan this adorable production. Perhaps because this movie manages to be vastly entertaining without resorting to the talentless substitute for creativity we so often see in movies today, and uses humor, drama, a little pathos, capitalizes on the massively personable talents of its fabulous cast, includes many great musical performances, and finds no need to resort in desperation to filth or disgusting images, and even (woohoo!) respects normal standards of decency (rather than "pushing the limits," as panderers of the vile and disgusting like to call it); perhaps because it is simply wonderful, uplifting, warm, and satisfying entertainment, it doesn't meet the ugliness standards of the more "enlightened." Forget them. Buy this wonderful movie and enjoy it over and over again. 8862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An old favorite which had been loaned out, but never returned. We reordered after our visit to Doune Castle, Scotland where this movie was made and had to watch it again. All the extras made it more fun, especially the Sing-a-longs! By far, the worst 7 dollars i have ever spent, and a disapointment i'm never gonna forget. 6193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Up until this film I did not have a very positive view of Barbara Streisand's acting ability. Despite my tendency to hold on to my opinions past their time, I have changed my mind in a dramatic way. This film undeniably proves that Streisand is a very talented actress. Nolte on the other hand has always had great potential, even if it hasn't been realized in every film he appeared in. No need to worry, in "The Prince of Tides" he is tremendous. I gave the movie 4 stars for the great music, acting, gore, scare factor and the unique plot twist. However, it was not better than I Know What You Did Last Summer and the ending was a little confusing, so that's why I didn't give it 5. You've got to see this horror movie, cause it is a one of a kind film. 6703 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It is definitely a Hollywood version. They have changed a lot the real history of Joan D'Arc. I don't think that Joan of Arc was angry all the time like they present her in the movie. Joan, according to the story heard voices from three saints, St. Catherine, St. Margaret and St. Michael. But in the movie they present three images and they never speak. Is like the same angel or saint in three different ages. The movie has more o less a slow pace and it turns really boring after 3/4 parts of the movie had elapsed. I think the version of Joan of Arc, starred by Lelee Sobieski is more loyal to what really happened than this one. Even the one in black & white with Ingrid Bergman was even better than this one. 2052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie!! Harrison Ford is a kick-a$$ president! We need a guy like this in office now! Some of the best acting talent ever has gone into the making of this movie, which is heavily called for considering the amount of emotion that needs to be conveyed to the audience. Michelle Pheiffer is Beth Cappadora, and in this role, she is literally required to become her character. She does this with superb talent, playing Beth as an overall emotional person with a strong will hidden beneath her sorrows. Treat Williams makes the perfect supportive husband, as well as a father who just wants things to be like he always imagined for his family. Ben's return has a big effect on him, and when he puts his foot down about what the family does together, the acting is nothing short of amazing. Jackson does a great job in playing the older brother Vincent, as well as the wild-child teenager who gets into a lot of trouble. Whoopi Goldberg seems like a stretch as the detective working the case, but she works the camera as well with her serious demeanor. The 1981-version has a better first episode; but then drags. 9768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Set in the not-too-distant future, GATTACA depicts a world in which genetic engineering leads to the production of Nietzschean ubermenschen, or super-people, who are the only ones entitled to go on elite space missions. Through an accident of birth, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), finds himself part of an inferior race; but exchanges identity with Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), who has the elite birth but lacks mobility. Jerome gives Vincent his blood, eyelashes and other aspects of his personality: Vincent plays the part convincingly. However things start to go wrong when a murder takes place, and Detective Hugo (Alan Arkin) goes in pursuit of the perpetrator. The film contains plenty of futuristic costumes and settings, but its subject-matter is set firmly in the present, concerning the importance of fulfilling one's dreams, even if it means exchanging aspects of one's identity for another. Hawke turns in a convincing performance; but the end of the film we admire him for the way in which he triumphs over adversity to achieve his goal. Gore Vidal turns up in a cameo role as Director Josef, the boss of the elite unit; it seems appropriate that such a unique personality, who spent his life undergoing just the same trials that Vincent does in the film, should be cast in such a role. 1330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Bob Newhart. I have waited a LONG LONG time for seasons 5-6. I watched him in prime time in the 70's. I wish they would have released it so you could just get seasons 5-6 and not the whole thing but that is ok with me . I am just glad 5-6 are now available. yay! In Resident Evil style, dark things lurk in the shadows and the suspense and tension built in this movie is awesome. I jumped I don't know how many times. Even the parts where you go, "Okay, something's going to pop out . . . NOW!" make you jump. Very cool. The Bellamy's are made up of Richard Bellamy, MP (portrayed by David Langton) and his wife, Lady Marjorie Bellamy (played by Rachel Gurney), and the couple have two children, James (Simon Williams) who is serving in the military, and strong-willed Elizabeth (Nicola Pagett). limited dialogue, scores of nonverbals and two superb actors, this movie 1256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm so excited to own the whole series. I love this show and highly recommend to all fans of it to buy this set. tried to foresee possibilities. For those who can take a movie with very 4634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie, if you live in a major city, we all feel like going crazy sometimes. 4066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So many reviews bash this film for being a sob-fest, but life is not all peaches and cream, and the reality of divorce, bitter ex-spouses, new relationships, children going through adolescence, and family illness, is very real to a majority of people. When watching this film, I will agree that many, if not most, of the plot is totally predictable. You might see things coming from early on. But this doesn't steal from the fact that Julia and Susan are wonderful actresses, with a wealth of facial expressions and sublties that make them all the more captivating to watch. Ed Harris doesn't do much more than stand around here, unfortunately. He has one moving scene, where the emotion seems real, but the tears are fake, yet we still root for him as the dad and ex-husband caught in the middle. You can really see him act in The Truman Show and The Hours, where he steps up to the plate to deliver extraordinary performances. Then of course, Step Mom was directed by Chris Columbus and when I see his name on a film I know I'm going to enjoy it...Harry Potter, Home Alone, Mrs. Doubtfire, Nine Months, and the list goes on. I wouldn't choose this 5 tissue film over, let's say, Terms of Endearment, or Beaches, but for me it wins in the category of Real Life Situations played with true talent by well known popular actors. 7100 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I read the book...very very interesting. But this movie was impossible to understand unless you read the book. Why oh why did they spend the money to make this? This is probably a tribute to a guilty conscience. . Less horror, more comedy, this movie had me smiling the entire time. Very, very funny. As for subtitles, the film is presented in English, English SDH and French. The spark in the film comes from the interactions of these female characters who have known each other in this small town all their lives. They know about Shelby's diabetes and about Ouiser's wang-dang and flapdoodle, and interest is generated seeing these characters knowingly dance around one another. Here are some reasons I found to like it: The film was nominated for three well deserved Oscars. 6917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie. We watched it with our granddaughters and we all loved it. 3542 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Wow - this movie has aged badly, very, very, very badly. SS is not that great a director at all...yuck. 4591 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 muy buena versin en bluray Spoken language options: English, French, Spanish. Subtitle options: English, Spanish 5428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the better 80's horror films, Fright Night takes a slightly new twist on an old story and entertains us the whole way through. Note that this movie, as can be deduced from its title, focuses on an encounter of the third kind but encounters of other kinds do occur in this movie. 4606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While this film came out a few months before Top Gun, it was a hit when it was showcased. Then, Top Gun quickly eclipsed it. With a great '80s soundtrack, it is time to give this flying movie another pass. The only real extra on the DVD is the original five-minute trailer, but it's a gem. Filmed on the film's set, with Sinatra introducing us to Joey's vocabulary with the aid of a blackboard and ruler, it's terrific fun and a genuine collector's item! Thankfully that's included on Twilight Time's excellent limited edition Blu-ray release along with a featurette Backstage with Kim Novak, an isolated score track and a booklet, as well as superior picture quality. 6042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie; it's a survivor's movie. The acting is great; I could feel the intensity of the rage and terror. Be careful, though, if you're disturbed by violence and abuse. The particular logical incident (or rather, illogical incident) involves the trial of a woman accused of being a witch. Through 'logic' it is demonstrated that she would be a witch if she weighed the same as a duck (which, surprisingly enough, it turns out that she does -- 'It's a fair cop' she concedes as the general rejoicing commences at the prospect of a bonfire). Those who have benefit of the 'Executive Version of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail' are also treated to an exposition of the logical problems which itself concludes that 'sex is better than logic'. And who could argue with that reasoning? A truly great artist understands that people want to dream, and be lifted into worlds away from those familiar, if only for a little while. Spielberg is a truly great artist. This was his third film. 5634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a great line from a fantastic movie. The awsomething is how they added thehumor and totaly held up the myths about Vampires. The horrible transformationthat Jerry Dandrige takes on is exactly how I always thought Vampires should look. Not the black cape Bela Lagosi look. And the part were he crushes the Cross and saysYou got to have faith for this to work on me Mr Vincent. And digging up the Banister with his fingernail was just cool. Chris Sarandon is the bestVampire ever. Cool,Class and scary. Check out his walk when he is in Charliesmothers room. I sware he is gliding. Just little things like that makes this movieone of the greats. Dont miss it if you havntalready seen it. Its a keeper.. By the way. The Ashfords in the movie aren't meant to be the Ashfords from the game. Are people so lazy these days that they can't think for two seconds? Angie Ashford-Alexia Ashford. Did you see much resemblence? I recommend this for any Bible study class. My church offered this as an adult education opportunity but now I've learned it is considering other uses. I do believe this has many options for general church education. Once my class ended, people were left wanting more. Since there are many more parables to consider, perhaps a volume two will be forthcoming. While the other movies in the set are all worth watching over and over, I think To Be Or Not To Be was and still is overlooked. It is a truly great film. 721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful Christmas DVD to have I your child's Christmas collection. I have it in mine and don't even have kids. 2224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Get ready for s suspense-inducing, action-packed adventure on board the world's most secure aircraft...with an all-star cast. A Fatal Attraction, Dracula, a Lois And Clark villain, a CSI, the mother of The Good Son, Dracula, Indiana Jones and acclaimed director Wolfgang Petersen bring you "Air Force One." You'll really believe that Harrison Ford IS the President Of the United States Of America. Accompanied by a rousing patriotic main theme from Academy Award winning composer Jerry Goldsmith, this movie delivers all the goods: action and suspense. Never a dull moment. All aboard. This is a great Vampire flick to watch with your Lady/Man, however, it does show a couple of nude breasts in it but in good taste so if you have children it would be your decision as to wheater or not to allow children under 12 watch this movie. 8523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? 9974 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Granted, Gattaca certainly tries to be all things to all people - it sells itself variously as a Philip K. Dick-esque sci-fi, as a Tense Political Thriller, an Edgy Romance, even as a Rumination on Filial Love and Obligation - but in my book it fails badly on every count. I am clearly in the minority on this, so I had better explain. 4802 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok Their next mission is to get Dr. Ashford (Jared Harris) his daughter, Angela (Sophie Vavasseur), back and he will help them get out of the city. 5121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Viewing "Taxi Driver" for the first time recently I'm struck by the feeling that I'm seeing it out of context, and that it suffers by my comparison of it to more recent films rather than films that were its contemporaries. While "Taxi Driver" is a societal-cultural touchstone I never felt compelled to see it and having seen it now doubt I would rush back to see it again. That's not to say it's a bad film, but it is difficult viewing. Director Martin Scorsese certainly captures the nihilism, ambivalence, angst, dislocation, and malaise of the 1970s to a tee. Having grown up in that era, I remember that all too well, and in that respect "Taxi Driver" is a depressing drive down a memory lane I'd rather avoid. The characters also lack nuance or much depth: DeNiro's Travis Bickle is a stereotypical "damaged goods" Vietnam veteran (which I found profoundly insulting), Peter Boyle's Wizard is a hard-boiled, heat-packing NYC cabbie, Jodie Foster is an equally stereotyped drugged out/addled prostitute, and Harvey Kietel's pimp/hustler borders on an ugly ethnic stereotype you'd only find in a movie of this vintage. All border on two-dimensional caricatures and are almost over-the-top. Watching Spielberg's film Jaws (which I may soon review), the police chief makes it, the college guy makes it, but the working class guy just can't escape the shark. There's a scene, when their ship first sets out on the water, I believe, where you can see a reflection of the American flag showing on the water. What it's about is a punk guy named Steve-O and his friends that spend all their time partying, doing drugs, and beating up rednecks, etc. Eventually Steve-O starts to question the punk values he thinks are important to him. In the movie, there is a lot of talk about posers, but in the end Steve is a poser too. 1811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Daniels had brought to life previously a great figure in American history by his masterful job as Joshua Chamberlain in 'Gettysburg'. In 'The Crossing' he takes on a even larger icon from the American past and pretty much knocks it out of the park. George Washington has always been one of my favorite historical characters, I think pretty highly of him. I think that he and his men were the glue that held the American Revolution together. Washington could have been a dictator but wasn't. His character and devotion to country are the stuff legends are made of. To see the beginnings of punk rock, all one has to do is view the extraordinary Sex Pistols' documentary "The Filth and the Fury." The anger and the music eventually spread to America, reaching such humble burgs as, according to this film, Salt Lake City. Fights with rednecks or frats were commonplace, and this is properly detailed. The chaos of concerts in small venues highlighted by thrash dancing and stage diving is expertly portrayed. The all-night parties, where wildly diverse styles including Nerds and Mods mixed with Punks, are recreated to great perfection. it's a blast. A real stress reliever for me. 5864 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Although it's a bit goofy in places, this is a terrific adaptation of the Cyrano de Bergerac story by Steve Martin. In Blu-ray, the colors are vivid and the sound track clear and clean. Overall, Steve Martin has done an excellent parody on the Cyrano story. 6593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ...while wearing chain mail and swinging a longsword. So hot. The Fisher King turned out to be a pitch perfect project for a guy like Williams. In it, he plays a regular man who has his life torn apart by tragedy. The tragedy transforms him from a mild-mannered professor to an indigent who lives in a junkyard, dresses in rags, and claims to hear the voices of fairies. The characters name is Parry, and he seems to constantly be in the throes of a desperate good mood which his obviously nothing more than a cracked mask intended to cover up his spiritual torment (you can see why Williams would be convincing in a part like this). When I asked him to name a favorite special (in The Cartoon Music Book) Musical director/composer Maury Laws called this his favorite, because he thought every element was perfect, from the cast to the script to the overall feel. Fred Astaire proved added another dimension to his legendary career as one of the best narrators in any special. Mickey Rooney's bravado was ideal for the young Kris Kringle. Keenan Wynn's Winter Warlock was memorable (especially when he gets the choo-choo). And our beloved Robie Lester (read Mouse Tracks for more about her) was the show-stopper when, as Jessica, she undid the proverbial bun and belted out her solo, a great tune in a score that hasn't a dud in the bunch (though sadly, in today's more creepy times, "Be Prepared to Pay" may seem to take on an odd -- thoroughly unintentional -- connotation). 903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've had this tape for a little over a year, and I still reach for it quite often. The instructor is warm and friendly and explains how to get into each pose with percision. I always feel loose and relaxed after doing this workout. This is the tape that made me want to try even more yoga tapes to expand my practice! I recommend it to everyone I know just starting out. The price can't be beat and neither can the style. Although I have aquired more tapes recently, this tape will stay in my yoga practice for a long time to come! 2711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm a true film aficionado. I have a collection that numbers more than 5,000 in my collection going back to the silent film days, and I have served as a film reviewer in several publications, so I feel qualified to offer my insights about this wonderful ensemble film based on the Herbert Ross film production of the Robert Harling play. Final analysis, enjoyable Holiday fare; fun for the whole family. 3280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been watching this movie since I was a little kid, and there's no telling how many times I have seen it. But, I still cry every single time I see it and I was so excited when I saw it was out on dvd. i agree that they could have picked someone else to portray "anelle" but everyoe else was wonderful. the acting is superb and the stryline is perfect. I almost wish they could have made a second one but there is no doubt that it could not compete with this one. It is definetley going to go down as one of the great classics and I recommend it to anyone, male or female. 3955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I already have a copy of it but I bought it for my sister bf's Mom for Mothers Day. I thought she might enjoy it as much as I do 8886 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked it and the kids (3 and 5) liked it too.. its funny. My 3 year son was a little scared watching it the first time.. We watched it again and he was fine with it. 1018 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remembered watching this movie years ago and loving it. It never came on TV much at all over the years, so I had to have the DVD. It is a great story told with very few words. It's amazing how entertaining it is without much speaking. Great acting by both men. 8381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. This edition has more extras than the other dvd and I'm getting it. I prefer fullscreen to widescreen-widescreen is distracting to watch- all that black space at the top and bottom of the screen. Full screen fills up the entire screen and I can get into the movie more. I know- if it was shot in widescreen- we are missing part of the picture. I didn't know til I read other reviews that it is so much of the picture- I never saw this movie in widescreen to know the difference. To satisfy everybody, and watch one when you don't want the distraction of the black bars, and one when you don't want to miss any of the picture, the special edition should have both versions. Some dvds do have both versions. Maybe the'll come out with a version with both on it, and all the extras. Until then, you can buy this for the full screen edition and the extras, as well as the widescreen edition- without the extras. They should shoot all movies in full screen- that way we'd have no bars and we wouldn't be missing any of the movie- some movies are shot this way. 5144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's fascinating reading the divergent opinions of Taxi Driver, both here and among working critics; what's fascinating is that I tend to agree with most all of them! 9258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 What is your favorite color? I don't know mine. But, I do know that I nearly died laughing when I first saw this. But, is the grail eventually found. They spend the whole movie looking for it and they never find it. How ironic is that! It took me a while to get some of it though. My favorite is the swallow. I mean, what does a swallow have to do the grail? Although, they could have worked on the ending a little bit. No one likes the ending! Each Scene had me on aching. The french really was the the top dog. That and the bloody rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, this is by far their best. I've just got one question. HAS ANYONE SEEN THE GRAIL? 8926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Children absorb and learn values and behaviors from many sources as they enter into the larger world. This delightful adventure teaches Elmo the importance of sharing, community, cooperation, and friendships. He navigates his way through scary and unfamiliar territory gathering a cohort of new friends who overcome a selfish person. Because the content might frighten some children, Bert and Ernie occasionally interrupt the action to talk about possible fears. I began watching this story with my nephew when he was not quite three. It remained his favorite for several years. Familiarity with Sesame Street, although not essential, is helpful. --Guy P. Harrison, author of 1130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thoroughly enjoy the series. Love the characters and the era it is set in. It is all great entertainment. Very sad to see some of the characters go. but, really like some of the new ones. Anyway, Julie calls up long-lost Ray, asking him to go to the Bahamas with her, Carla, and Carla's boyfriend Ty. Ray refuses her, but then decides to surprise her. Of course, on his way to meet Julie at the airport, he is set upon by Ben Willis, and ends up in the hospital, from which he escapes and spends the rest of the movie trying to reach the resort. That resort is Tower Bay, where the group, along with newcomer Will Benson, who has it bad for Julie, finds out that the resort is left entirely to them due to the incoming of heavily inclimate weather. "This is our version of winter," says the hotel clerk. So pretty soon, the rain is falling, and so are the bodies, moreso than the first movie, and much more gratuitously. 787 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bought this for my daughter and she really likes it, she saw it prior to purchase so new it would be a hit The main draw of A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT is the immaculate, pristine scenery of the Montana, the mountains, plains, sky and beautiful rivers. I was glad to find out that the cinematography for this film took home the Oscar because if any film deserves it, this one does! I just wish it had gotten a bit more recognition from the Academy. What Redford has crafted here is extraordinary. As much as the cinematography has been rightly praised, it is the attention to character detail and how it complements the scenery that impresses me the most about this masterwork of cinema. This is really one of those films that demands viewing! 8141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A reliable entertainment. A personal friend from the past, that has as much enjoyment now as when I first watched them. 6915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 CUTE GREAT MOVIE. Anchor Bay is in 1:66. Probably not a life or death difference, but worth noting 4843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful treatment of this historic film 4028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another Julia Roberts DVD for my collection. I also like Susan Sarandon I have a few of her movies like Banger Sisters. DVD arrived in great condition and earlier then I thought. Arthur and his men prove themselves to be very courageous - well, except for Robin. 8255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Will the sun come out tomorrow? Is it only a day away? Well, Annie says yes in the most delightful way. A story of hardship, challenges and a desire to find a family of one's own all set to music. Annie is nothing short of a classic, and this film provides a highly charming Annie whose adventures are fun to follow. Perhaps in part because its musical aspect makes some scenes less heartbreaking. Besides, there is nothing more cute than someone sporting a ginger fro while running away from people who pretend to be her parents, so they can swindle an adoptive father out of some big bucks. 234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Set in the USA about the time of the depression it is an update of that old familiar story of redemption. The story is classic and this one is as good as all the rest. Henry Winkler is good in this role. 4461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" (1998) 9020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Masterpiece! But I digress. Sadly, when it came to this movie's initial distribution on DVD (A.K.A. the UN-special edition), I was caught up in the notion that it would be the only version to be put out on the digital video market. I never anticipated the Pythons throwing out a special-edition pressing, which is eventually what happened as you can plainly see. But, looking back, I really should've seen it coming. After all, 'Life Of Brian', considered the best of the MPFC flicks by most (myself excluded), went the same route- given the Criterion Collection treatment, no less! Trailers, commentary tracks, the works! Great- now I gotta shell out several more bucks to make my Python DVD collection REALLY complete! Fortunately, I managed to sell my old 'MP&HG' platter on eBay for just a little less than what I originally paid for it; that helped things out quite a bit. Tossing wristwatches away, two bikers hit the road to find America. After a major cocaine sale to an L.A. connection,free-wheeling potheads Billy,played by Hopper; and Wyatt aka Captain America,played by Peter Fonda,head eastward to party at Mardi Gras before going to Florida with the riches concealed in Wyatt's stars-and-stripes gas tank. As they ride through the Southwest, they take a hitchhiker to a struggling hippie commune before they get thrown in a small-town jail for "parading without a permit." Their cell mate,drunken ACLU lawyer George Hanson, does them a favor by getting them out of jail and then decides to join them. Babbling about Venusians, George discovers the joys of smoking grass, but an encounter with Southern rednecks soon proves how right he is about the danger posed by Billy's and Wyatt's unfettered life in a country that has lost its ideals. With the straight world closing in, Wyatt and Billy try to revel in New Orleans with some LSD and hookers but the acid trip is shot through with morbidity. Once they reach Florida, Billy raves about attaining the American dream; Wyatt, however, knows the truth: "We blew it." He knew that their financial success resulted in a spiritual failure. The only faults are a couple minor quirks in the script-- like you can tell whodunit almost right away. 9774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Came very quickly, indeed. They are making more write more words here but I don't have much else to say. 8067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the one for which Robin Williams should have received an Oscar; for as Parry, the victim of a senseless tragedy, he is nothing short of brilliant in "The Fisher King," directed by Terry Gilliam and co-starring Jeff Bridges (who also gives an Oscar-worthy performance here). Gilliam has created the perfect mood and atmosphere to tell the story of successful radio talk-show host Jack Lucas (Bridges), and the homeless and mentally unhinged Parry, whose lives intersect in the wake of an act of unconscionable violence that leaves them both barely clinging to the memory of a reality that no longer exists for either of them. With this movie, Gilliam has deftly crafted a study of the symbiotic existence of mankind and the impact of human nature upon the space we all must share in a world growing smaller day by day. Through Jack's eyes, Gilliam examines the nature of cause and effect, and the results thereof, and Jack's story ultimately becomes Parry's story, and aptly illustrates how the needs of one become the necessity of another, and what it means to finally be able to look beyond ourselves and delve beneath those layers of contemporary frivolity we all manage to build, which in the end are nothing more than pretentious insulations that keep us from the things in life that really matter. Even as Jack's own act of irresponsibility comes back to haunt him and make him question his own values to the very core of his being, Parry receives the brunt of it all from the other end of the spectrum, with consequences even more dire, though for both the result of their shared circumstance is life-altering. Williams gives a masterful performance here that illuminates so well how thin the line between comedy and drama really is. He brings the complex, tragic figure of Parry to the screen flawlessly, with attitude, expression and even body language that is impeccable, and all without a single false moment to be found anywhere throughout (by comparison, even as good as he was in "Good Will Hunting," for which he received the B.S.A. Oscar, under close scrutiny you'll find a moment or two there that do not ring true). This is quite simply the best work he's ever done, before or since, and he's given the cinematic world an unforgettable character that will undoubtedly make a lasting impression on anyone who sees this film. And, though Williams grabs the lion's share of the spotlight here, he by no means overshadows Jeff Bridges, who has also created a memorable character in Jack. He brings a depth to this role through which he readily displays the many different levels upon which Jack works and lives, from the egotistical, self-centered to the compassionate; it's like watching a struggle for domination going on within him, and waiting to find out which side will ultimately emerge triumphant. It's an exemplary performance, and it's a gross miscarriage of justice that Bridges didn't at least receive a nomination for Best Actor for this one. Proving, however, that justice does, at times, get it's due, Mercedes Ruehl was awarded the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her personable portrayal of Anne, the fulcrum upon which Jack and Parry dramatically balance their tender and tentative psyches. Like Bridges and Williams, she gives a performance here that is totally credible, and she's a delight to watch. One of the strengths of this movie, in fact, is the incredible performances; and it's so gratifying to see such a good story brought to life and made so real through artistic endeavor. In a supporting role, Michael Jeter demands to be singled out for his part as the homeless Cabaret Singer, and also Amanda Plummer, as the hapless and endearing Lydia, both of whom are just additional parts of the aggregate that make this such a great movie. With "The Fisher King," Gilliam has given us a wonderfully textured morality tale, both entertaining and engaging and rich with metaphor and substance that will endure the test of time, because it is, in the end, a story for the ages. This is definitely one you do not want to let pass you by. Run time 24 fps: 1 53'48" Video Resolution: 1080p 3306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Follows the lives of 6 Louisiana women ehose courage and humour enable them to survive and endure through life's tough and touching moments. The film sets it's sights on a South London family that defines the term "domestic unrest." A woman, her husband, daughter, brother, their mother and grandmother. As well as the people outside their family who they are connected to. 1850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this film is interesting. As far as flaws go, most of them come in the form of bad casting and unrealistic performances. The biggest miscast was Barbra's son, Jason Gould, as her son, wannabe football player Bernard. He comes across far too dorky and does not have the proper body to be completely believable as a football player. The other major problem is Barbra Streisand's performance as a psychiatrist. It has to be said that the way she acts is extremely unprofessional behavior for a psychiatrist. Real psychiatrists don't get confrontational, talk to their patients like they are stupid, yell at their patients, and certainly do not become friends with/date their patients. But you could argue that that is just something you need to suspend disbelief on. ....D. Theatrical Trailers 4663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to getting around to watching this movie. I was on vacation earlier this week, saw it On Demand and finally decided to give it a try. I thought I had an idea of what the movie would be like, but I was off, and that's a good thing. This had a great story, great acting, great script, great directing, and great suspense. I absolutely love the raw classic look of the 1970's. 6424 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Let me first take a second just to say that i have never written a movie review in the past, but i am a person that when extremely pleased or highly dissatisfied often feels the need to say something, so here it is: This movie is without a doubt one of the most worst action/horror/scifi/whatever the hell peice of crap kinda movie you want to call it. What bothered me most outside of the huge plot holes was that this movie was a horrid rip of of ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK (which i will add was a much better movie by far than this piece of tripe). What the producers of this movie relied on was the fact that the audience they were going after (young males 16-25) probably have never seen or heard of the movie ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK thus wouldnt know that there wasn't one single fresh or original idea in the whole movie. Yes it was nice seeing Alice and Valentie (pretty faces and nice bodies to attract the boys) kick some butt, ill admit, but when you actualy go to the lengths of stealing another persons movie idea you'd think they could at least make the plot work (i.e. to reanimate dead bodies they MUST be infected with the T-Virus, yet when the wayward team are running through a grave yard, corpes come up from the ground. Can someone please tell me how they, 1) got out of ther coffins from 6 feet down, and then tell me how they were infected with the T-virus?)I won't bore you with more details of the dreadfulness of this rip off, my only point was to warn any of you Resident Evil 1 fans that were thinking of picking this up (by the way i did like part one)If you really want to see a better version (AND NOT A RIPPED OF PIECE OF GARBAGE) of what was meant in APOCALYSE, rent or buy ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK with Kurt Russell, i think you will be pleasantly surprised. Spielberg weaves Neary's everyman-faces-an-extraordinary- situation plot with the official investigations being carried out by the UN-sponsored Lacombe team and a more secretive U.S. government First Contact program. These plot threads will all lead to a climactic and awe-inspiring close encounter of the third kind: actual (and documented) contact between humanity and another space-faring civilization. 7067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My kids were singing the songs for weeks 1782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The actors make the Revolutionary War come alive again. Henry Knox and George Washington are well played. Revolutionary War buffs will enjoy this movie. Make a trek up the Knox Trail to really bring this movie to life for you. Henry Knox Rox. 2456 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent thriller. Gere still had natural dark hair. Bassinger has never been hotter. Its a good ole boy and swamp thriller. 8928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every time this movie came on TV, I would drop everything to watch it again and again. 5745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great!! I'm sure that much has been written on the details of the series already by other reviewers, so I don't think there is much I could add there. So, I'll just say that this is a great series to watch and well worth the time required to watch all the episodes. 5135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everyone has commented on the film's plot and characters. What I would like to focus on is the details. The film (unlike the hopeless "Summer of Sam" by Spike Lee) captures in a very visceral and frightening way, the New York City of the 70's. From the opening scene with the lights from the porno theaters reflected off Travis Bickle's face to the end where the same theaters reflect in the mirror shows the oppressive terror that people felt about N.Y.C. and especially Times Square. If you watch it enough times, you'll notice that every scene has imagery that is stating something further. When Travis Bickle goes to meet up with the Jodie Foster character for the first time you hear church bells ringing in the background. The Belmore cafeteria was a real life hang out for cab drivers and the scenes there are of every day life, hustling for a living. Of course, Robert DeNiro's portrayal of Travis Bickle is over the top but Travis Bickle is a character that, however guiltily people are forced to identify with (such as "Alex" in Clockwork Orange). Also, without bringing up the topic, the idea of the Vietnam vet that has become psychotic and lost his humanity (an interesting, although much lesser film would be Deathdream where a Vietnam vet who returns is literally a murderous zombie)and can only redeem it through "saving" someone else was just beginning to be explored at the time. The views of the checker cabs and the bygone Times Square as a squalid frightening place have been "disappeared". Bernard Hermann's score of smooth jazz with the elements of rage suddenly boiling over in symphonic flashes is perfect for the movie. Screenwriter Paul Schrader is picturing a form of Dante's Inferno located on earth. Unlike the morally indefensible Deathwish (not to be confused with the above Deathdream), Charles Bronson's vehicle to stardom, Taxi Driver has a humanity in it. Travis Bickle is doomed by his own destruction, the ending showing that he is a ticking time bomb that is just being reset. Martin Scorcese, especially in combination with Robert DeNiro and Harvey Kietel has made many films that will stand the test of time but Taxi Driver is his masterwork. The Mission of the Kingdom 4121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a 9478 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies even after all these years. Roy Scheider is Murphy, a police pilot and shell-shocked Viet Nam vet, is given the task of field-testing the new chopper in hopes of getting it in service for the LA Olympics (this movie is circa 1982). Never one to go by the book, and with the help of fellow flyer Lymangood (Dan Stern), Murphy takes the super-chopper on an unauthorized jaunt and discovers the dark secret of Blue Thunder's purpose, uncovering proof of a massive conspiracy to turn LA into a police state governed by a fleet of gunships. When the conspirators - who include a sinister pilot (Malcom McDowell) who was also Murphy's Commander in Vietnam - realize they face exposure, they kill Lyman and set their sites on Murphy. Driven to desperation, Murphy hijacks the machine, stalling for time until his girlfriend (Candy Clarke) can find the proof that Lyman left behind revealing the truth about Blue Thunder. The police and the military pull out every stop to bring Murphy down - missiles, fighters and other choppers. Murphy's solutions are pretty inventive, but you know that these are only previews for the big one - the major dogfight between Scheider and Macdowell over the streets of LA. 474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie. Another great Bible character truly comes to life and is a good message for the family. I, however, will be most happy with this purchase! 6717 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Holy Cow! Who told model-girl she could act? I'm sure the casting director who made the call is long out of work by now. The only redeeming quality of this film is Dustin Hoffman. Other than that, it's a total joke. Even John Malkovich made me wretch (and I usually love him). If you're really curious, rent it, or maybe catch it as it flies out of someone's window, or perhaps you'll find a copy at the dump? 814 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I bought this after I had my baby and had a cystocele (bladder prolapse). Tara thoroughly describes the exercises and why they help, and she's very easy to understand and listen to. However, it's not just kegels. It's also abdominal, back, and upper leg workouts, which all help more than just kegels alone. However, the workouts take a long time (the shortest one is 8 minutes, and that's AFTER you've mastered the moves first) and I just do not have time to do these with a toddler running around and my busy schedule. If I had plenty of free time or was a stay-at-home-mom, I would do these every day because I know they'd help and it has great reviews. But unfortunately I don't have the time. 4399 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 We have been watching this for years. Unfortunately, in the DVD version they've cut out a couple of songs and the comedy routine between Fozzie and the Snowman (Reindeer, SNOW Darling!) If those hadn't been cut this would be 5 stars for certain. the rest is the cast & crew interviews 2055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always was good A must own! One of the best prison films to date, along with "Shawshank Redemption". in the end it took a Independent Distributor TWILIGHT TIME to finally give this film new special features Yes, the plot holes were there as far as the script, but at least no one was dumb enough to stand in the path of the vampire screaming. This is what gave the movie strength, despite the troubles with plot. Peter Vincent did stammer and cower after he visited Charlie's neighbor. It's amazing how he rebounds though. 8696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have long been a Charles Bronson fan. Some of his movies were just all right, a handful were great. Hard Times is what I consider to be his best work. Never a fan of James Coburn, he did an excellent job in the role of Speed. Strother Martin (you might have seen him in Cool Hand Luke; if not, I recommend it) is fun to watch. Jill Ireland was...well, not at her best, but then she didn't have much of a role. The tone of the movie is outstanding: it really captures the tough grittiness of the Great Depression era. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched this movie. 8790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great boxing film , Charles Bronson and James Colburn , play is the 30's Depression Era film . Charles Bronson plays a hard knuckle Boxer , with Colburn as His shady Manager. I saw this first only on TV over the years , but the last time was maybe 20 years ago. I saw it about a year an half ago, but the price was super High , I just put it aside since I like 150 items on my wish list , but saw it 6 months ago the price drop from $45 to $15 so I ordered it . Its Full Screen , but this type of film doesn't matter . The colors are sharp an rich ( I do watch my standard films on a Bluray ) . Its a boxing film , Bronson Movie roles has been mostly action films with guns ( I bet Charlton Heston liked Him ) . Also about Bronson , His range most of His Movie roles in the past were supporting roles , It wasn't till Death Wish and The Mechanic shot Him into a top billed Action Star , but now in His 50's. Strange how life can be , some people do it when they are young , but Bronson worked His way up in the Great Escape , The Magnificent Seven , The Dirty Dozen an many more an Tv in The Big Valley an Combat then can Death Wish that spawned a half dozen sequels that He stared in , The Red Sun , that had a International Cast .He played Wild Bill Hicock in The White Buffalo . This fil also stars Strother Martin and The bald fighter , I cant place His name , but was in the Deep and The Born Losers , but He was a good supporting Bad Guy too bad they don't give Oscars for that.. Also stars Jill Ireland . Directed by Walter Hill 7275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic ! 617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect condition. Exactly as pictured and described. Very pleased with purchase. 3563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like this movie, this is the collection for you. You get all 3 versions plus great bonus features and quality packaging. Essential Sci-Fi viewing! This second film has elements from the video games,Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. The story is simple enough, and yet manages to become intertwined and entangled within itself throughout the course of the brisk 89 minute run time. King Arthur, best known for his acquisition of the sword in the stone and subsequent leadership of the knights of the round table, is featured here as a blunt, modest man... oblivious to everything going on around him, and painstakingly patient through the most bizarre of circumstances. As the story unfolds, Arthur slowly gathers his knights, briefly visits Camelot and is charged by god to retrieve the infamous Holy Grail. The troupe embarks directly on their quest, without the slightest idea of where they're headed, and eventually runs into dozens of almost unrelated hurdles along the way. CE3K has not enjoyed a sequel. That's fine; leaves it to the imagination, a bit like the ending of, 'The Life of Pi.' After learning what Neary went through, does the future activity of the aliens include arranging a special visit with Neary's kids? Does Neary reconcile with Ronnie? Does he marry Jillian? What happens to Major Walsh? It makes no sense for the mothership simply to take Neary away and never return. The movie gets 2 stars for good music. Nice clothes, too. The DVD is quite good in picture and sound quality with the theatrical trailer, this is a must own movie for fans of horror comedies and vampire flicks. SERIES 4: 1914-18, the Great War is happening, and it touches the Bellamy house stairway ends. Another 2 Emmys won due to struggles with soldiering, war efforts, changes in lifestyle due to war, and love at all times. A fine dramatic, but historical look at WWI, on the London home front. My current set I recorded off of Nick probably 15 years ago, transferred to MPEG files about 12-13 years ago, cut and edited them with some cheesy video editor from the early 2000's, and got them down to around 750 MB so that each would fit on a CD. My backups have also clogged up my hard drives over the years. $79 to get rid of all this headache and have the complete series? Bargain!!!! Danny Cannon's direction of the movie deserves recognition. The guy makes sure the movie looks great and brings tonnes of atmosphere to the movie. The killing scenes are done to perfection. I was glad he didn't just take the point-and-shoot routine that many horror movies use these days. Cannon put effort into his surroundings. Unfortunately the film editing is pretty atrocious. The characters' mouths move a lot when they're not saying anything, and injuries are cleared up very easily, like in one shot the person is hit hard with something, and then in the next shot they're running like hell and not even a bruise. Think about the editing techniques next time, Dan. Special Feature: Photo Gallery [13:00] It includes a few shots from the set, but mostly presents images from the film. 9381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best sci-fi stories ever produced. Ford stars as James Marshall, the president of the United States. He and his cabinet have just recently made the crucial decision to go after a renegade general named Radek, who threatens to bring back a state of communism to Russia. The mission to capture him is a success, but not long after Marshall and his family board Air Force One on a flight back to the U.S., Russian terrorists posing as newsreporters take over the flight, complete with machine guns and heavy weaponry. Their demands: to have Radek released or else a hostage (50 total) will be executed every half-hour. You can guess where things go from there, as Marshall remains hidden in the cargo area, ready to take back the plane and save his family. 770 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arthur was great when I was younger, and now it's just as good. It's a wonderful show with a great message. 7110 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very nicely made movie. With since of humor and warmth. This movie is an amazing amazing drama. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law play amazing roles. This is a very tense, emotional, and touching movie. It is one of those that really inspires you to do your best. The production quality is great, the story is original, the dialogue, is incredible, and the emotions overflow. Gattaca is an unforgettable movie. You can't miss it. 2275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 People don't often celebrate this movie for its timeliness and relevance but as world events unfold, it is steadily becoming more and more relevant in my humble opinion. This particular version doesn't necessarily add anything to the enjoyment of the movie. But to be honest it's hard to add to sheer perfection. This movie is well-plotted and very believable, even in the moments when you find yourself going "NO WAY!" 8659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hard and gritty, Bronson at the top of his game. 8390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son is an Elmo lover so this movie caught his attention right away. 7740 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Have loved this movie for years so decided to get it in Blu-ray. Has so much more depth. Very good story. I never get the feeling that i am being subjected to watching Bronson stand in stunt men, 5934 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 SHOULD BE 10 The film vividly shows the torturing, deep pain of utter loss, as well as our vital need to be loved -- and our need to perform acts of kindness, and to seek forgiveness for the wrongs that we have done. The love story between Williams and Plummer is one of the sweetest -- and most convincing -- ever in a film. It's enough to give us hope that, truly, anything is possible. Jack's road to redemption is a rocky one -- as is his own love story, which is bound up with that of Perry and Lydia. The lengths to which he ultimately will go in order to help his friend are stunning, inspiring, and, most importantly, believable. 2671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ehhh Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges along with Mercedes Ruehl and Amanda Plummer gave outstanding performances. Williams is great as always and Bridges is at the top of his craft. Still a solid 5 star for this movie. 2 stars for both actors, 1 star for the movie, 1 star for the cinematography and 1 star for the alternate ending. There you go, a 5 star pure cinematic genius. I am very very happy with this DVD. 2267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! Great condition! Works great! While this DVD is currently out of print, it's probably worth the the extra money as it's hard not to watch over and over. I've never seen it on TV or cable, and aside from my DVD, the only other time I've seen it was when it originally came out in the movies. 5941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 the only problems is that I can't share with my family because the digital recording does not have Spanish audio nor subtitles so this fact is forcing me to bay the actual disk instead. this is very bad If your that confused with all the horror afficandos and Resident Evil fanboy adolescents having such differing reviews. Spend the few paltry dollars and rent it first! Buying this one without seeing it, is definitely risking ownership of a very expensive coaster! Well worth your time, this small film is definitely a film to watch. Some of the scenes are nearly stolen by the man who plays Lillard's dad, as he has a great performance too. 5961 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GOOD MOVIE I WAS WAS YEP IT IS WAS WE I TO TOO TWO ONE TWO TREE IT IS IN However Spielberg has stated more than once that he would NEVER release the movie as it was originally shown and true to his word he has so far stubbornly carried out his promise. His reasoning on this point totally baffles this reviewer. It IS a wonderful film,what is the problem Mr. Spielberg? FOR DVD buyers: The DVD could use a lot more extras on it. I hope that Criterion will provide a treatment of this classic as they did the other amazing Anderson movie, "Rushmore". However, the DVD is double-sided, providing pan-and-scan as well as widescreen. The picture is crisp as usual and the sound is fairly rich IMO. It's 2/5 stars as far as DVD's go, but 10/5 for the movie! :) This game had more relation to the game which made me enjoy it that much more 7. Replay factor- 7 (watch again for the effects but the story is a once in a while type movie) ~ Cast and Filmmaker's Commentary, Visual Effects Commentary 6793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you've seen movies like "Alien" + it's sequels, movies like Predator or other SciFi-Action-Horror-Comedy movies the story of this one won't come to you as a surprise. 7308 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Most Hollywood movies over the 3 decades are usually the same. Like soap bubbles colorful, large, and shiny, but look inside and there is no content. Preachers kids who drink, curse, smoke, and gamble. A father who seems to be a good preacher and almost a tyrant, A mother who seems wimpiest and crushed. You think this has some sense of reality to it let me know. The Hollywood environment will never produce a Shakespeare, Dickens, Solzhenitsyn, Dostoyevsky, or Tolstoy. Hollywood is to arrogant, egotistical, or vain to be of much value. They usually make movies from books by contemporary authors with a political or social agenda of contemporary times. Makes you question motivation. You will find movies that were made years earlier at 2 to 3 times the value in price and contextual quality. Bollywood is the highest exporter of movies, not Hollywood. When you look in the mirror the only one looking back at you is your own reflection. 794 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My sister and I have watched Arthur since 1997 and we love it! I'm now in college still watch the show when I have time. Arthur's Perfect Christmas is a great movie to watch during the holidays. If you haven't seen it you should. 4614 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A film that fails to overcome the fact that it stars Demi Moore. Nonsensical hocus-pocus pseudo-biblical script. (Hint: pick up the Book of Revelations while you watch the flick, and see how much they get wrong.) Awful acting, clanking dialogue. Just drags on and on and on.... 5321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Matthew Lillard is somewhat believable in this film, aside from his obviously fake Mohawk, SLC punk is worth a watch. However, unless you were around when it came out, you may miss the hype. With Jerome's help, Vincent is accepted into Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, and is chosen for a manned flight to Titan. But when one of the administrators is found murdered, the police find one of Vincent's eyelashes nearby. If they discover who Vincent truly is, he won't just lose his dream -- he'll be convicted of murder. The cinematography was excellent. The road scenes were just gorgeous, and the motorcycle drive through New Mexico was quite impressive. The most chilling scene was the ending with the panning out of the camera that gave a somewhat dark feeling that might depict a scene from war torn Vietnam. Or maybe a false sense of hope of a generation that fought for freedom. Instead, they created new characters and created a semi-backstory to the events of Resident Evil the video game. And, also surprisingly, it works pretty well! What helps is that we have two cool actresses, Michelle Rodriguez and the always enjoyable Milla Jovovich. But what also worked for this movie is the tension and suspense that built from the very beginning to the exciting climax. As important as these sequences are, the focus of Spielberg's story is on Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), an employee of a Midwestern power company whose life on Earth is ordinary, hectic, and somewhat unfulfilling. Sent out to investigate a section of power lines in rural Indiana (caused, of course, by the UFOs' passage), Neary has a close encounter of the first kind and impulsively goes on a truck-borne pursuit of two small "flying saucers." This sequence, which ends with a Keystone Kops-like police chase of the same UFOs, triggers an obsession within Neary that neither his wife Ronnie (Teri Garr) nor his children will understand, much less accept. Neary, along with several hundred other people from different towns and states, will soon be haunted by both a visual image and a simple five-note musical phrase. The traces of the UFO flights that leave traces behind (sunburn on people who, like Neary, were exposed to bright light at night) are known as close encounters of the second kind. 1795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No close captions! No subtilies! pissing me off still.. end up gave that dvd to my mom. I love this movie.. I remember when I saw it on television once... man! freaking pissing me off when found out has no captions! 3213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have got the movie poster in my home. Need I go on? Music is Steppenwolf, Byrds, Hendrix, and a really cool psychedelic tune by the Holy Modal Rounders called If You Want to be a Bird. This is the ultimate journey of unbound freedom in America in a tumultuous time(Assassination, Vietnam War, Civil Rights, Watts Riots, Cold War tensions). Wyatt and Billy are not involved politically in any of this. They are just out to enjoy a lost America that has been forgotten(also check out Zabriskie Point!)due to the establishment and the progress of mankind. Peter Fonda remarks in one scene "This used to be a helluva good country." Gary Oldman "They Keep Killing Steed" - A plot to infiltrate and subvert a peace conference hinges on the creation of an exact double of Steed (yet another familiar theme!) Awesome DVD. 4709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great classic movie base from China near Los Angeles. There are approximately 800 'known' There'S some good points of course, good special effects, the pumped soundtrack and two sexy female caracters. :-)!!!! 5678 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It isn't one of the great works of film, although there is a possibility it could wind up as a MST3K-esque feature at an indie theater's midnight camp classic showing. Mutated dogs, a paraplegic zombie crawling up the pants leg of a baddie, the Juggernaut...er...somebody's boyfriend or other made into a hulking commando version of the turd from "Weird Science...this movie enjoys a certain...well...it's pretty unique, you have to give it that much. 6683 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The first fifteen minutes of the film are mesmerizing as young Joan of Arc is explored with her leanings towards enjoying confession and how she got her calling. A fascinating openning. Everything from lens flares to the dazzling colors to the 8290 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I can't speak for the stage musical but this film does not faithfully represent the comic strip by Harold Gray. While dir. John Huston slipped in a few (weak) references that only a dedicated Gray fan would understand, the film overall is a terrible adaptation. FINAL WORD: It's hard to put into words why I like this film to the extent of writing a review. It's nothing exceptional, but it somehow 'works' and gets better with repeat viewings. I bought the dvd a year & a half ago and have watched it three times since, which is something I rarely (if ever) do. I think what attracts me is that it's more than just a mindless cop/action flick, although it has the thrills if that's all you're looking for. "No Mercy" has something to say about love, loyalty, courage, justice, freedom and happiness, but it's smart enough to not spell it all out. Hence, not only is the picture enjoyable to watch due to the 'movie magic' but it can also leave you contemplating. 4949 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What a complete waste of film,This ranks right up there with Man on the moon (Jim C) love the actor hate the movie , Blazing Saddles- English Dolby Digital 5.1, French Mono, Spanish Mono 3490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my ALL TIME FAVORITE movie! Steven Spielberg's finest movie EVER! 3735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the best presentation you'll probably ever see of this movie. If you read previous reviews then know that I agree with most of them. 4772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 8871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Walter Hill's 1975 directorial debut "Hard Times" is about as predictable as a "Lone Ranger" radio serial. It's also one of the most esthetically perfect action films you are ever going to see. I'm not sure if there is a single original idea or thought in this Depression era bare-knuckled boxing tale, but it is blessed with a style and verve that raises its level of respectability several notches. 3498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent service and merchandise. 2151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of Harrison Fords last great action movies. If you are a Harrison Ford fan, this one will not disappoint. 6386 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 First of all the CG sucked. Second, Michelle Rodriguez can't act. She rolls her eyes to the back of her head with every line as if to make it more intense and stronger, it doesn't work. The movie doesn't really follow the game much. And although I never thought about this until I heard someone else say it, why would the computer send out all those little lasers and not just the "net laser" if it's job was to kill any and everything? The answer is, so they can include more unecessary action without incorporating it more smoothly and intelligently. TC(NYC) Much of the acting is marvelous, especially Ben Kingsley as Potiphar, whose part has thankfully been enlarged, because he is riveting in every scene he is in. 6136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'll be honest, I'm not a really zombie/mutant monster film fan. This is one of three that I like. Not really overly gory. Decent characters and a good back story makes this film a good watch. One of the better based on a video game films I've seen. Richard Dreyfuss plays Roy Neary, working-class father and husband who witnesses what he believes to be a UFO. He finds himself tortured by visions and shapes seemingly stuck in his head, and he becomes obsessed with UFOs. Neary falls apart, losing his job, friends and eventually his family in several harrowing scenes. He befriends Jillian Guiler (Melinda Dillon), a single mother who has witnessed these UFOs and is obsessed with similar visions. Her son is abducted by the aliens in a terrifying scene. They eventually realize these visions are mysteriously pointing them towards Devil's Tower in Wyoming. They frantically travel there even though the U.S. military claims a train wreck has caused deadly gas to cover the countryside. Scientist Claude Lacombe (Francois Truffaut) and his eccentric team have devised a musical language enabling them to communicate with the UFOs. The meeting place is, of course, Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Neary and Guiler fight their way to the mountain, stumbling upon a government-constructed landing strip where Lacombe and his scientists hope to meet the aliens. An enormous mothership appears and humans make contact with aliens for the first time in history. 2852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved that film and now I can watch whenever I want 9080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have purchased this movie in multiple formats and now I have added it to my DVD collection. This is a timeless classic. 4154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The presentation (video and audio) is above passable and more than adequate for fans of the film. Saw this in the theater, and it's comperable to what I saw; I remember it that well. Recommended. On the extended DVD, there are some interesting extras. I thought the piece on the makeup for the Zombie Dogs was fun. The DVD from Columbia/TriStar is completely featureless (not even a trailer), but it displays the film's colorful palette with a crispness and fidelity that is most satisfying. At the time it was making the theatrical rounds I worked at Sears Brand Central in their electronics division. We had a dedicated laser disc player that repeated every 30 minutes a selection of movie promos, plus Sears and other commercials. These discs were changed monthly. I do understand that this movie was supposed to represent the quirkiness of the original TV show, but I didn't buy it. Perhaps it was starting to grate on my nerves every time Uma showed up in a different tight-fitting outfit. 9848 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have loved this movie since the first time I saw it. In high definition on BD it is even more enjoyable, with the amazing views and cinematography. I would definitely recommend to anyone with a BD player! I rate this film 5-stars. 1511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this series 7305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Did not get finish watching, because something came up. what I had seen I rather enjoyed. The movie is boring, poorly acted, poorly directed, poorly edited, plot starts OK and slowly goes nowhere. In a way it reminded me of 'The Incredible Shrinking Man.' Eventually the main protagonist shrinks to nothingness. Same as this movie. This is a truly hilarious movie and Rick (Top Gun) Rossovich excels as Chris, the hunky Pro firefighter. This guy is a very underrated actor, believe me. 8904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can be said of the genius that is Monty Python. brilliant!!!!! What a classic!!!! This is a film that makes you think and question - isn't that what great films are supposed to do? All of this is bound up and painted with classic elements of horror and action and blended so well you don't really notice the switches. Camera angles, stunts and atmosphere really push the viewer's buttons and keep the fear and adrenaline running. -1 For being so unfaithful to her hard to believe true story making up stuff when it's so easy to Google it out the Real Deal otherwise (hmm, insult my intelligence comes to mind...) This is not Spielberg's magnum opus: I believe that is in the future. As a director he is growing and changing and building on all those glorious films he has given to the world, rushing towards a pinnacle that will change film forever. Not all of them worked. This one did. The result is what our parents used to experience in a dark theatre years ago when people's lives changed based on what flickered before them on a silver screen. Magic. And for just shy of three hours, this magic will be yours again, in your homes, with your families, for as long as your VCR or DVD functions. this new interview is split into 3 parts for some reason, very pathetic Sometimes Chaney is too good. His characterization as a "ringer" by a quickly dispatched opponent's sponsor is used as an excuse not to pay up. But Chaney proves to be too determined and resourceful to let that happen. I have to say I really loved this movie. It is funny, the musical scenes are quite good, and I can't get enough of seeing Elmo getting down with his bad self. This movie has everything that makes Sesame Street so great, and now I'm wishing I would have bought the DVD instead of just renting it. Interestingly, all the award nominations went to the downstairs actors, although it seemed to this reviewer that nearly all the actors put in strong performances. Two personal favorites are Raymond Huntley's portrayal of the very formal, punctilious, and bespectacled family solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon; and Jenny Tomasin's performance as the uneducated and unrespected scullery maid Ruby. Tomasin took to heart Jackson's comment that there were no small parts, only small actors, and her rendering of Ruby may become a model for future actresses. Fortunately, there are occasions on which Ruby knows more than the other servants, and when she shows initiative by leaving 165 Eaton Place to take a factory job, and by soliciting correspondence through a dating service--these events prevent Ruby from becoming a caricature. Better this way, IMO, since the original leaves the sense of unknown in the viewer. And the inside of the ship was kind of simplistic anyway - it looks like rock concert lights! 9307 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is just hilarious. I don't know how else to put it. It's basically a series of short sketches that have to do with the legend of King Arthur. He blunders his way about the land gathering 'knights' on his way and leading them on a search for the Holy Grail. Along the way, he has some hilarious encounters. art evens and dorothy fielding was phenomenon and the direction from tom holland who later reunited with sarandon that had mixed emotions about how it ended. 6419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 People, if you want fleshed out characters and other cinematic niceties, why on earth would you even watch a movie like this? It's meant to be an adrenaline rush, a cavalcade of fights and wow special effects. Who cares about Alice's past? We get enough from the first movie to fill us in. This movie delivers what you should expect from this kind of moviemaking. Milla Jovovich kicks butt in this one, which I think overall is better than the original, which seemed to be nothing more than an extended video game. This time around we get Alice paired up with the likes of Mike Epps, Oded Fehr, Sienna Guillory and others. Thomas Krestchmann who was so good in THE PIANIST makes an interesting villain. There's lots of explosive action and twists and turns. Its dark ending squeals for a third installment. So relax enjoy this movie's mindlessness and appreciate the craft that was necessary to pull it off so nicely. 6782 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Yeah this movie is terrible. This film relies completely on those slit second scare tactics. Where it's really quite one second and then there's a loud noise which usually turns out to be nothing. When there is something, such as a zombie, it's not scary. The zombies are very boring. They stumble slowly to their victims. They're so frail you'd think they could just be pushed over. Which is how it is in the 'Resident Evil' video game. Which is why this game never should have been made into a film. I do like the games but the plot just isn't strong enough for the big screen. If they want to make a scary game into a movie they should have chosen 'Silent Hill.' It's not so corny. Not all video game movies are completely stupid. 'Tomb Raider' managed to faithfully bring Lara Croft to the big screen and actually improve her image. Sorry Capcom, 'Street Fighter' failed and so did 'Resident Evil.' 337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Happy that it was the best version of this story... Final Fantasy's Aki Ross was OK, but not as good... The dvd comes with director's commentary, deleted scenes, talent files, and more. 1910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie Anyway, Resident Evil is a great techno-thriller-zombie combo. 8605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Walter Hill's best movie. Brilliant casting, perfect pace, south Louisiana and New Orleans scenery... VIDEO & AUDIO: 7982 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 As a Christian I must object to the promiscuous and major alcoholic behavior of the orphanage lady played by Carol Burnett. Her character in this movie is not appropriate to show little kids that are very impressionable. There is also a cuss word that really upset me. The name of the Lord is taken in vain in the disgusting G-D slang word at the end as well. I wouldn't recommend to any Christian family. 4659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WHY IS THIS NOT ON BLU-RAY YET? This one should get the full 4K UHD anniversary release imo. Another timeless fav classic. To sum it up, Alice starts off as she ended the first movie, alone. She gets geared up and finds out she was tested on, (Which is what created to her new super strength) She meets with Jill and the others, ends up on a mission to save Dr. Ashford's daughter (I did not see any relation to Alexia Ashford from RE Code: veronica, though.), which would lead to their evacuation of the city. They find her, and meet him. He gets shot, Alice fights Nemesis, who remembers her and joins her side (The only thing I did not exactly like...Nemesis was the big bad in RE3. But, due to the new story, I was able to deal with the new idea.) And they all fly off in a helicopter. (Not the Nemesis) The Helicopter crashes, and Alice appears to be burned to death. Hehe, if you haven't seen the rest of the movie, i'll let you see the rest for yourself. 9986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is sci-fi, but it's sci-fi qua sci-fi European style, with a focus on aesthetics and a sparseness of dialogue--certainly not a "messy American sci-fi action movie." This enables the viewer to picture and concentrate on the fascinating premise, which is that of a society in the not-so-distant future where your station in life is institutionally determined (and limited by) your genetic code. Ethan Hawke works hard to defy genetic limitations and societal expectations and to impress Uma Thurman, who in turn doesn't say much but looks very smart and very pretty. Are you interested in this movie? And Easy Rider EASILY captures what the 60's counter culture was & should have been about: Getting back to basics, Loving yourself, Loving your neighbors, being at one with your surroundings, etc. So if one wants to see what the 1960's counter culture was like, than Easy Rider is the movie to see Chez Joey is the nightclub that Rita will bankroll only if Joey is " in line" Look for Barbara Nichols in the chorus line. When a friend discovered I had never seen the movie, she decided to "fix that" by sitting me down and having me watch it with her. And my verdict? It's a bizarre film, and probably best in small doses, but it's definitely hilarious. A majuscule work that allows not only to reconcile us with the Great Cinema but besides and perhaps most important yet, with the life, an additional proof the Cinema is an Art by itself, but only when the camera is an eye in the mind of a poet, and this is, precisely the case. 8177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rumpole is a true singular character. He is the center of the British legal comedy and all else revolves around him. He loves everything about the court and it's players. This series is what you watch when your brain needs rebooting. What is more powerful in a society than parenthood? Government perhaps? Roy's life goes into an tailspin. He loses many things that are dear to him in his search for truth, his curiosity becomes an obsession. Roy begins to see the shape of a mountain in pillows, in shaving cream, and seems to be falling apart at the seams. A horrifying and all-too-plausible ending is what the movie is really about. ps- Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez both RAWK 7319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite 2390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Harrison Ford played the role of President of the United States very well. And he expressed solemnity as the President and humor as Harrison Ford. The story line is not as simple as it seemed at first sight. It is elaborated in great detail. This film is not showy but worthseeing. Thank you. Bible in hand, we marveled to see that this story followed the actual biblical account with astounding accuracy almost never seen in biblical productions. Entirely enjoyable and a marvelously acted piece, my entire family loved this movie. We had been expecting another biblical mish mash eliciting merely yawns, but were startled to see such a wonderful movie. 1032 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent movie if you are a lee Marvin fan you will like this overlooked movie. Good plot and makes good use of the area where they filmed from. I would like to end this review by saying that I laughed at Nemesis the entire time it was on screen. For any of you that did not, I question your sanity. The reality, if that is what you want to call it, the creative imagination of the original was lost when Nemesis made his screen debut. It was sloppy and cheap. Definitely not something for Witt to be proud of. 6954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! Meant as a prequel to the first game in which Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield have to fight their way through a zombie-infested mansion, this takes place beforehand where employees of a secret research facility known as the Hive are killed by the computer. Alice(not named till the credits) is then taken by commandos into the Hive to shut down the computer. They also find Spencer and Matt, a cop. Running Time: 100 minutes 5698 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty much what I expected; overall well done for the genere. 6280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's heavy-handed, especially the music, but it's attuned to the spirit of the book more than you'd expect. 635 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 loved it 379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks for everything. 5778 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I'm a huge fan of the Resident Evil video game series and zombie movies. Now, while I could start off this review criticizing the movie for having almost nothing to do with the games, I won't because that is the least of this movies problems. If you've ever wondered why video game movies suck, look no further than Resident Evil. 5706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 3866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a nicely packaged set for this famous 70's film. Tons of extra info is included for those who wish to delve into the minutae of the films development and arrival on the screen. This is one of Spielberg's more intriguing films, yet it leaves me curiously unmoved. The storyline is good. The effects are really good. The script is good. The locations are fantastic. The acting is good. I don't know what it is, but this is a film that I am rarely tempted to watch. For me, this is a "pull it out once every five years" film. I find the development of the plot lines to be interesting and one that raises numerous questions. I just am not terribly interested in the way the director chose to answer those questions. It doesn't gel for me. In the end I kind of have a 'so that's it?' feeling. The soundtrack is every bit as cool. In the theater it sounded incredible, and it certainly doesn't disappoint at home. For all of those out there watching on some crud two speakers system... you'll miss out. The movie just doesn't have the same punch without the deep bass and creepy ambient surround sounds around you. For all of those with the system to handle it, you'll have a new showcase title for your DVD collection. 6984 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What might have been: Opening scene a helicopter flies over the forrest on the north western side of Raccon City, STARS Bravo team, lead by Albert Wesker are are investigating the disapearance of the Alpha team, when they land they are attacked by zombie dogs and chased into a mansion where they uncover the house is full of zombies and all kinds of different monsters. The original game (currently being remade for Nintendo GameCube) had the perfect premise for a scary movie, it had the atmosphere, the monsters, the suprises and everything that kept a person on thier toes, all things which the movie that was made a s a prequel did not have. WHat did this movie have that was good? Michelle Rodrigiez is very good looking... aside from that... There were some great makeup effects, but the one non-zombie monster that appeared was the licker, which looked terribly CGI. Over all the special effects were unimpressive, they held back way to much with the gore, and there was far more eye roller moments than scares. This is what we call a hack fest flick, except there wasn't a lot of hacking... so there wasn't a lot going on here that would make it a good horror flick. The problem with a lot of game based movies is that the movies don't follow the games closely enough, that's why only Mortal Kombat has succedded to be a good movie so far, but Mortal Kombat Annihilation strayed too far from the original plot of MK 2 and failed miserably because of it. The same can be said of all of the other game based movies. Many of them have been moderate successes, but we gamers go to see these hoping for a movie that will be true to the games, not be related by name only. Resident Evil Rebirth for GameCube will be time much better spent than watching this movie. The movie has a lot of guns, and a lot of zombies grabbing at people, and neither are enough to call it a Resident Evil movie. they underestimated the outbreak of the virus with in the hive which in turn they couldn't contain it and was released onto the city. who kicked a$$ in 'Nam 30+ years prior. 4227 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like how the kid is like most of us when watching a movie, pointing out obvious movie mistakes, things that only happen in a movie, how real life is completely different, yet how much you would enjoy spending time with your favorite character, not the actor, but the character. What kid would not like to spend time with their hero, being able to take a break from reality. 1923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cant go wrong with Harrison ...yummy 9990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie and it is like a brand new movie now that it has been redone in BluRay and updated 8291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a great movie for small children. It is also enjoyable for adults also. I found it to be very cute and entertaining! It is about Elmo, and how he gets in a fight with his friend over sharing his blanket. Well, alot of things go wrong and Elmo's blanket ends up at Grouch's trashcan. The Grouch throws the blanket down the garbage can and Elmo dives in after it, only to realize that it has been spirited to a place called Grouchland. What he dosen't know is that Grouchland is being ruled over by a guy named Huxley who has a problem with sharing things, and he has been stealing from the townsfolk, always telling them, "If I touch it...it's MINE!" Elmo has to figure out how to get his blanket back, with the help of many colorful characters. The whole movie is great for small children. It teaches them the value of friendship and sharing, which is something they need to know about at a young age. The movie also allows the children to participate in certain scenes (ex. singing along, helping Elmo to blow raspberries, helping Elmo find his way through a dark cave). Overall, this is a great movie for children, and I really did enjoy it, which is why I have to recommend it! 5133 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not that Crime and Punishment was happy but the film and the book are undeniably similar. From the isolation felt by the protagonists, to the heroic child prostitutes. 6490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 they will be releasing RE2 by itself as well with different cover art of the girl alice holding two swords or knifes whichever. should be great i know im getting my copy Well, it has the theatrical version ending; the extended "inside the ship" ending is included in the extra scenes chapter. about the situation but is covering it up. Only a handful of corrupt politicians and Umbrella personnel know about the virus. In the first RE game, a team of special police officers, trace the roots of the virus to a mansion, harboring all sorts of monsters. In fact, "the scene of the mansion" is in the movie, but that's one of a few similiarities between the game and the movie. Eventually the last survivors of the mansion Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine escape only to be separated . (...) BONUS: Special Booklet: Here we have a beautiful designed 8 page booklet with extensive liner notes by Julie Kirgo and film art packaged with the Blu-ray disc. 8682 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 son loved it 8907 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 came on time & my grandson loves this movie.it's one of his favorites. he loves anything with elmo any of the sesame st. characters. 8410 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this dazzling movie with my family when I was 10 years old and the dance routines will truly blow you away! Annie is quite a spunky young character who found herself flying through such hair-raising adventures, including the heart-stopping part where she is dangling in empty air from an open drawbridge (reminds me of the very similar one in the downtown of Tampa where I grew up). However, there are some parts in this movie that may be a bit sleazy for young kids, like Carol Burnett acting like a brazen whore in front of Daddy Warbucks and Rooster hungrily smooching his dumb-blonde girlfriend after they kidnapped innocent young Annie. But overall, it's a truly dreamy Norman Rockwellesque ride through The Thirties. 5919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. No complaints... Repression makes the activity dangerous, hence all the more attractive because it becomes pure sports. What's more it is a manifesto against the cruelty of the punishment. The only objective of it is to make the person suffer physically first of all and to enjoy the slow and brutal degradation of the person. It also creates a social microcosm among prisoners that aims at developing fear and hatred. 9782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Although this movie was written several years ago its depictiojn of a possible future doesn't come across as 'dated'. 2459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always pleased with anything I buy from Amazon!! #Movie showcase 646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a Christmas movie that has been lost through the years. This Christmas movie is all about Kris Kringle as a child and how he became Santa Claus. A wonderful family Christ movie that will bring a different dimension to Santa Claus no matter what your view is for Christmas. I recommend this movie to all! This movie stinks. Not because a remake of the sixties TV series was a bad idea because it wasn't. Not because the movie didn't have potential because it did. Not because the series had a cult following and the movie had a ready made audience to tap into. No it stinks because it boasts one of the worst scripts ever, with plot-holes you could drive a car through, poor editing, poor special effects, a really (...) supporting performance from Eddie Izzard and perhaps the worst choreographed and directed action scenes you could ever see. Take a bow Mr Jeremiah Chechick (also director of the fine Benny and Joon and the awful National Lampoons Christmas Vacation). The movie also boasts a fine English accent from Uma Thurman but a truly awful acting display not just from her but an incredibly wooden and uncharismatic performance from Ralph Fiennes. This changing of one's name seems to be a prerequisite to being a beat, road warrior out on the highway. Not only does Christopher change his name, but in EASY RIDER, the character played by Peter Fonda changes his name from Wyatt to "Captain America," and the character played by Dennis Hopper begins to call himself "Billy the Kid," both taking on the persona of Wild West characters of historical, American lore. In THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES, Ernesto begins to be called "Fuser" and "Che" (the name that stuck with him for the rest of his life!) while his buddy, Alberto, begins to be called "Mial." It's almost as if one has to shed one's former identity as a snake sheds its skin in order to take on one's true identity - and this requires the taking on of a new name, one which reflects one's true identity. We just watched episodes from Season Two this morning, in fact, at which time we said, "It's really a shame the rest of the serious isn't available on DVD." Unfortunately, Abby has some issues, as well as a penchant for having a recurring dream that figures prominently in things to come. As the events unfold in the film, one has to suspend belief, as Abby does things that no one having a high risk pregnancy would do, and the plot spirals into being almost ridiculous at times. Still, notwithstanding its deficiencies, the film manages to entertain the viewer and keep one's interest. 4019 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You'll be grateful you decided to buy it if seeing it for the first time. I think about this movie and want to watch it all the time. I started watching it in my tween years and it is great! Chemistry with the cast is great and this is one of my favorite movies with Julia Roberts, the other is Sleeping With The Enemy. But this is so much better. Great score and Chris Columbus, director of Home Alone, Harry Potter 1 & 2's best work too. A great collaboration of everything, a masterpiece. I found myself buying the score just to reminisce the movie without the dialogue and it's great to listen to too. Overall, one of the best movies I have yet to own on DVD. You'll be grateful you bought this even if never seen. 5845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie glad i found it its not to easy to find ty :) Rigg came along and made Emma Peel a character that will go down in the hall of fame. She is as popular today, if not more so. So when she left--to do as Blackman did -- go on to be a Bond girl, Steed had to have another partner. Enter Tara King. She gorgeous full figure Canadian with eyes to do for. They tried to play on her more feminine side (and with horrid fashions). Seriously, the clothes designers for Tara needs shooting. For the most part, they couldn't design more dumpy look clothes. They stuffed her in a series of wigs - some very bad - so point one, she was fighting an uphill battle. Also, the scripts were not as sharp. Even so Tara is charming and a pleasure to watch. 5323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fright Night is a wonderful vampire film that has classic 80s style all over it. It's an updated 80s version of classic vampire and Dracula stories. The cast is terrific with William Ragsdale and Roddy McDowell as our heroes and Chris Sarandon in a fantastic villainous vampire performance. Also Stephen Geoffreys gives a great and really bizarre performance as well. I love 80s horror films and just 80s films in general and Fright Night has some of the best 80s style of any film of the 80s with its lighting, music and cinematography. The infamous and outstanding dance club scene is one of the best and biggest highlights of the film. Fright Night is a lot of fun along with the extremely rare and underrated sequel. Stay far away from the remake though. A must own for horror buffs especially of 80s horror. Other notable fantastic vampire films are the masterpiece Let Me In, From Dusk till Dawn, John Carpenter's Vampires, Tales from the crypts Bordello of blood and the other classic 80s vampire flicks The Lost Boys, Near Dark and the hugely underrated Vamp. 4522 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 did not work, tried it in both of my DVD players it gave me a disk error 2766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always love a good classic and with clearer picture quality than VHS this is a definite trip down memory lane. 'Aliens' aliens 5681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! 4451 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 OK Since this was a sequel, we all knew what was gonna happen. The man is gonna be coming back after her to kill her once and for all. But some how her and her girlfriend excape any major cuts or killings. Sometimes entertaining but not worth a watch. Producers: John McTiernan and Arnold Schwarzenegger 1980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford at his best! If you like an action movie filled with terrifying terrorist, paramilitary President of the United States--and hair-raising stunts that leave you clinging to the edge of your seat---than this film is right up your alley. Very entertaining. The supporting cast is brilliant including Strother (..."failure to communicate.") Martin of "Cool Hand Luke" fame. He plays Poe a failed junky ex-medical student hired to be Chaney's cut man distinguished intellectual gentle manner. Jill Ireland plays Chaney's `romantic' interest, Lucy Simpson. (This film was made not too long after Charles Bronson stole her from David McCallum while they were making "The Great Escape". But I digress.) 8981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite movie. Thanks so much for having the DVD to replace my VHS tape. 8903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Came new and wrapped. Lots of extras. Happy. I was a big fan of the first movie, even though the storyline and the characters didn't have anything to do with the game series. The second one not only has all the elements that made the first one so cool, but now it actually takes place in Raccoon City. So, now you get a real perspective of what the game might actually look like in real life. Nemesis is just bad ass, definitely the coolest part of the movie. Milla Jovovich spent some long hours in the gym, because she is seriously toned. Sienna Guillory (Jill) is real nice on the eyes too, with her hourglass figure and tight fitting clothes. There's more Zombie creatures, too. The dogs are back, and while there was one licker in the first one, now there's a bunch of them. There's a lot more zombie people, too. Of course, also there's Nemesis. The action is pretty awesome too. You know how in the trailer they show Alice running down the side of the building? She also manages to kill four or so guards at the bottom without skipping a beat. There's also more humor in the movie. Mike Epps plays the wisecracking token black guy (as much as I hate stereotypes, that really is his character) and manages to pull off the bulk of the comic relief. I was very pleased with this sequel. 2148 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks! Love it! Fast shipping I think it is a pretty good film that should be seen yet today. 7288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredibly moving. This was my first viewing. I can't believe I waited this long to see it. Don't wait! In a certain way this outlaw couple behaves in similar terms that Butch Cassidy (Western) , Scarecrow (existential mood city) , Midnight cowboy (outsiders in New York). Now appreciating the entire franchise itself, I managed to pick up the Holy Grail movie itself on a 2-disc Special Edition DVD for $14 at a locat Target store and I was freaking happy. Opinion: There are plenty of good things to say about this movie and very little bad things to say about this movie. The action is plentiful and the sets look great. That kid is annoying little wimp though(I must have watched this movie 10 times and still find that kid insufferable). The humor hits(the outlandish stunts, shooting TNT away with bullets, the hackneyed catchphrases, a funeral filled with strapped mob families etc). My biggest gripe with the film is that it has to constantly explain itself through that craven kid. Its obvious that Daniel is the voice of reason in this movie and what an annoying voice that is! Plus he is a major wimp. You mean to tell me that somebody breaks into your house armed with a knife, dares you to stab them in the back with the knife and you do nothing? What a wuss! Besides these flaws, this movie is still underrated gem that is worth picking up. A noteworthy satire on ludicrous action flicks and compared to the rubbish that passes for parody now(Date Movie, Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet The Spartans etc)it holds up well after all these years. 706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is full with fun facts, true history of our bible, even a chuckle of laughter at the funny but sometimes corny host! This really is a great collection for the family. This is a very strong artful movie that shows not only the power of family, but life, love and nature tied together by fly-fishing. 9030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very funny stuff - if you are a Python fan. 1642 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mu husband saw all of these on PBS long ago and really wanted to see them again. He is enjoying them just as much as the first time amd now I get to see what he was talking about. These will be cherished forever in out household. 7649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched it three times the first week, and am ready to watch it a fourth time. Relaxing escape fare. Besides Direct Scene Access, there is a documentary of Knowing Jesus Personally, where the gospel message is presented and the teachings of Jesus are explained. There is the Behind-the-Scenes look at how the film was made. There is also a Tribute to Jesus from people like George Bush, Larry King, David Copperfield, Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, and others. SCALE: EL~LAME- GRANTTASTIC (1) Nocturnal lights: bright lights seen at night. If you're a huge Wes Anderson, or of either of the Owen brothers you might want to check Bottle Rocket out just so you can say you've seen everything they've been in/written, but if you're not, you're probably only going to be disappointed. This is a pretty slow, boring and pointless film. Could even have been something they were making for a university class or something. around. Freedom was never about freedom from work or freedom Paul Anderson has played the games, because recreates a lot of scenes from them and takes things from them, Thus making it seem like the lead character's doubt and malaise culminated in the destruction of his friend was a bit of artistic legerdemain that I believe film critics will cite as detracting from the greatness of the movie as a whole. 8013 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are few films that feel as layered as `The Fisher King'. There is a lot here to process, and sometimes it can feel as though you've got it all and then it hits you that you haven't even begun to scratch the surface yet. The film is simply stunning, and certainly one of a kind. In ways it reminds me of `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. It is unique, visual and deeply moving, and like that '04 masterpiece, `The Fisher King' is a film that stays with you, a film that unveils itself to you slowly; bit by bit. Thanks. 3744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie good fun The Fisherman has his own travel plans and its a killer. 7859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's hard to classify this movie. I guess it's a "drama", but nothing particularly dramatic happens. Mainly it's a chance to watch the interplay of personalities, mainly between the father and the two brothers. The script, the sets, the make-up, and the actors made this a very enjoyably scary film. I actually recommend it and give it four stars when compared with other films of this genre. And sure enough, this movie lived up to my high expectations. The story was thought-provoking and went at a nice pace. The characters are likeable and do a good job of acting. The VALIDS in the film all look like movie stars at an awards ceremony, whereas the IN-VALIDS look flawed--like a movie-star that didn't bother to put makeup on. I normally don't notice the music when I first see a movie, but Gattaca has some noteworthy background music. 7158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd never seen Annie, but knew in the day it got rave reviews. I thought it was fun, just sheer entertainment with great actors. So this turns out to be a good movie. Better than anything Romero made. I personally love this film but like I stated earlier, it is definately not for everyone. The humor is subtle and wry, but it's non-stop throughout the movie - you just need to pay attention! There are so many classic lines as many of the other reviewers mentioned. I have shown this movie to many friends of mine, some get it and love it while others look at me as if I'm from another planet. However, I am a 'strange' dude when it comes to movies. I usually despise Academy Award winning/nominated films (i.e. Titanic, American Beauty, etc...) or can't figure out why 'American Pie' and 'The Break Up' are considered to be so damn funny. So then again, what do I know? I know one thing - this movie is what movies are supposed to be - ENTERTAINING from start to finish. If I could give it another star I would! The real signifigance of this movie: 2536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wonderful ensemble. Some of the best actresses to grace the silver screen really come together to make this project shine. 'Joseph' is both gripping in narration, and brilliant its direction. It is faithful to Scripture and well-acted. It is THE finest of the TNT productions to date, of which only one ('Jacob') was a failure. 9533 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie 3650 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was out in the 70's way before my kids were born. I got this for them and they loved it. It is a great family movie and very entertaining. Very few movies now are enjoyable for the family, so I try to go back to the era of great movies and shows that had real humor, real horror, real suspense, real entertainment, and great story lines.....This is one of them. 1387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love the vintage Avengers. This set of episodes is exciting and contains some that I have not seen before. I recommend these editions of the Avengers to anyone who appreciates the show as it appeared back in 1967. 2833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Just received it in the mail yesterday. Thanks again. 5282 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 80's vampire film As the doomed but optimistic daughter of Sally Field and Tom Skerrit, she holds her own in a cast of movie divas, including Shirley MacLaine, Olympia Dukakis, Dolly Parton, and (in her best film work, as well), Darryl Hannah. The lead characters couldn't have been cast better, Milla and Sienna's chemistry is evident and meshes very well. The addition of Jill Valentine was a good call and I feel that the franchise will be carried out very well with Jill being the main character. Reviews on movies like this one are difficult to write because the charm and essence of the film are in its characters and insane skits. Recapping the plot does nothing to convey the essence of the film unless you write it in an irreverent or silly manner. Since I am beyond that type of blasphemous writing, I should either plod on or quit and do my laundry. 2423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A film that went unoticed in the 80's is a tight well acted thriller starring the incomparable Richard Gere as tough brash Chicago Cop who's on a revenge misson to the bayous of New Orleans to find his partner's killer and gets involved with a mobster's illerate mistress. Standard Script with a few good action sequences thrown in along with Gere's exceptional talent to hold the viewer's attention throughtout the entire film. Even though the viewer has been through familar territory with this type of script it is still a great movie. Memorable scene was when Gere & Bassinger are treding through the swamps handcuffed together Mouthing off to one another. First of two film this duo has done together the other film was released 6 years later in another steamy thriller "Final Analysis" Magnificent script and extraordinary performances. Now, for a compelling, beautifully written and riveting account of tragedy and the will to survive, watch Touching the Void about the true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates. THAT is how a mountaineering movie should be made! 19 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This video presents a very good capsular History of our country and its founding principles. It the progresses on through the history of america and how the fabric of what once made her an unusual nation began to deteriorate. America was founded through a war that broke the shackles of a tyrant King George and on the basis of religious freedom. Many were still not free and so a second war would ensue . Family, Faith, personal responsibility, generosity, work, morality, integrity and freedom are all part of that legacy. Oven the decades those have been eroded. This is the story of how and when it happened. 6552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful historical fiction about Joan of Arc. Interesting and exciting. If you're a RE fan, you won't be disappointed. 4997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wes Anderson's comedy is without a doubt a hilarious flick that could be called by many as a Reservoir Dogs for the Anderson fans. A highly suggested film. 6943 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 It is a shame that a kids movie has God d*** used twice and all the sexual references throughout. You can tell how the 1980s really started putting out garbage. Yes great catchy songs and nice story but we had to fast forward through multiple scenes. If you are a Christian family and want to keep the eyes and ears of your little ones pure, you will want to skip this movie. The Sound of music, Fiddler on the roof, The music man, would all be better alternatives to this one. 953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i love this movie, my second fav old video. I am a big Harrison Ford fan and I watched this film immediately when it came out on theaters. My first impression was that Harrison Ford should definitely be President because it was like a combination of a President meets DIE HARD's John McClane. Well, not really but Harrison Ford's role as a President who fights back was definitely a highlight throughout the film. 9235 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off I have to I love the fact that they did nothing to fix this up from the original. I would have hated watching this as a digitally remastered disaster. This is a piece of nostalgia that you want to watch the same way over and over again. Also, why does the super smart scientist hero have a serious case of the stupids? Laying low for a few days would have prevented most the the problems in the film. He even has sex at one point! Sex is all about DNA swapping. You don't do it if you're trying to hide your genome. His room mate, frankly, is much smarter. If the hero had been smarter, his room mate wouldn't have had to clean up after him over and over again. The poor guy even killed himself just to tie up lose ends so the hero wouldn't be caught! I felt so bad for him. 4176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Deep End of the Ocean is a weepy drama but thanks to Michelle Pfeiffer's brilliant and realistic performance, I didn't mind it at all. I have never seen Pfeiffer give an average performance and I am including Grease 2, lol. The film is somewhat average but a lot of families deal with a child been abducted so I think a lot of people could relate to this film. Treat Williams and Whoopi Goldberg also star, they are great too in this. I am rating this film rather high because of Pfeiffer, she's one of my favorites! Ragsdale and love interest Amanda Bearse are saddled with stock juvenile characters, but Sarandon relishes his role as the vampiric predator, toying with Ragsdale as the boy's accusations of supernatural horror are met with incredulity by all around him. However, McDowall steals the movie as a faded horror star whose old-fashioned values have fallen out of favor in an increasingly cynical age, and who finds himself confronted at the end of his career by very real monsters indeed. Though somewhat underwritten, McDowall portrays the man's cowardice, sadness and ultimate redemption with a deftness and clarity that brightens the entire movie. 1971 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I never enjoyed this movie. their problems how they survive and live in a world of with no jobs and with little or no money. For me this 9344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 M.P. & The Holy Grail is a very inventive low-budget comedy, shot on location in Scotland. To compensate for a lack of horses and/or equestrian ability, the knights skip and hop along to a backbeat of clapping coconut shells. In their search for the Grail they encounter strange & terrible creatures, odd Frenchmen ensconced in Scottish castles, some pretty girls, British "bobbies," an avaricious landowner, several knights of obscure purposes and a warlock named Tim. 9493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 surely an interesting movie. worth the time 1586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I started reading this book last week and decided to rent the movie. They only had this version of Jane Eyre and was hesitant to watch it because I had never heard of the actors before. As the movie started I noticed that it skipped the beginning of the book (began at the red-room incident)and spent more time towards Jane Eyre as an adult. When I first saw Ciaran Hinds (Mr. Rochester) I thought - this man isn't very attractive and he is really mean! Jane Eyre will never fall for him! But, Mr. Hinds played the role wonderfully and even I looked beyond his roughness and fell inlove with the character! Samantha Morton played a wonderful Jane Eyre and I really felt the chemistry between the two throughout the movie. I think my favorite scene was when he was waiting for Jane to get back from preparing for her aunts funeral and was very jealous. And the ending made me cry! I later rented a different version of Jane Eyre with William Hurt in it, and disliked it very much. There was no chemistry between the lead actors and I was glad that I rented this version first! I don't trust Oliver Stones movies about "real life." That is a joke. Real life is more interesting and rich and meaningful than what he "created" -- here at least. Niro and Scorsese's best. This 2-disc set has good picture This is not a simple story, and the drama which plays out between Neary and his wife (Teri Garr) is brilliant. Guiler's angst for her missing son is also perfectly portrayed by Dillon, one of the finest character actresses of this era. But the core of "Close Encounters," the moment of truth so to say, is the sequence involving the aliens. There are so many hundreds of ways this scene could have gone wrong. The aliens could have looked fake, but they didn't. The lighting could have been wrong, but it wasn't. The aliens are portrayed as being just as shy as we are - a perfect choice. There's a sense of wonder throughout these extraordinary proceedings. Eventually, one gets the feeling that if we truly meet brothers from another planet, it will happen much as it does in "Close Encounters." 3895 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I vividly remember seeing "CE3K" as a teenager and I especially remember the ads with the long stretch of highway and the ominous quote "We are not alone!". Seeing the film 25 years later makes me wonder what all the fuss was about. This has to be one of Steven Spielberg's most overated films. It resembles a tv mini-series, long and plodding, and follows a select group of characters and their experiences with UFO sightings and abductions. I'm all for character development but most of these characters get stale really quick and you just want them to get on with it! As with many early Spielberg films, there are lots of noisy, irritating kids and messy houses which are meant to represent suburbia. After a long hour and a half, these people finally make it to Devil's Tower, where the aliens arrive and communicate with humans. This sequence is still dazzling, but basically just amounts to a spectacular light and sound show. And, oh yes, that five note tone gets really irritating by the end of the movie! 6871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Now I finally have Annie to my library. 5766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 yay 8695 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Buy!!! Why X? Did you know, for example, that: The comedic work of the Monty Python team, their scripts and their timing are flawless. Python's humor is one that works on familiarity and not on surprise, and so I still enjoy it after watching it about twenty times - it's the perfect kind of thing to own on video. Get the Holy Grail, as well as Life Of Brian, And Now For Something Completely Different, and Meaning Of Life. They will become your most precious earthly posessions. 7801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The young folk might find this movie too slow moving for them. However, anyone who appreciates the people of the greatest generation will enjoy the deep reaching relationships in this film. I'm glad I have it in my movie library. It's worth watching again. 3606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Was hoping for a substantial Picture quality increase over the standard special edition DVD. Only marginal improvement during the outdoor scenes. 5 stars for all 3 versions being available on one Disc. 3 stars for the pic quality. 4569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not true to the Bible, but I enjoyed this older movie anyway. I would recommend it to everyone if you haven't ever seen it. I had seen it in the past and decided I wanted to own a copy of it. Chicken wire. 1361 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Wow. I thought I was in for a treat when I saw the previews for "The Avengers." At least the previews were entertaining. The beginning of the movie started out pretty good, but it was downhill from there. While the story has an obvious sci-fi thriller quality to it, one can see that despite being lumped into the genre, it's first a human-drama with many intriguing and challenging questions, which at this day and age seems shockingly relevant. It's a story about the triumph of the human spirit, what its capable of and what it can ultimately achieve. M'Lynn and Shelby, who now lives in another town, keep another appointment at Truvy's as they make the announcement that M'Lynn will donate a kidney to her daughter, amid gossip about what local beauty queen Nancy-Beth Marmillion(Janine Turner), prominently on display during the Christmastime festivities, was up to with a local politician afterwards. 4434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like this one its my favorite out of the three. Brandy is awesome ans Jennifer Love Hewitt is great! Got to see some eye candy too 637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite Christmas classics. I love the scene where the future Mrs. Claus sings. I will be watching several times this holiday season. My nieces and nephews love it too. 5521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun Film,80's teen genre/vamp movie. Quirky and silly and not too scary, I noticed Amanda Bearse is in it before married with children,it's A fun witty movie so it's not the scariest. 4266 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great product and vendor! 2706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good old movie. 1123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this series. Watched all the seasons and must say had a wonderful journey through time. A lot of the story I had missed when originally saw it on PBS. Such a fantastic cast and presentation of the Victorian Era. 5632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In the middle of a decade swarming with maniacs chopping their way through victims came this strong modern vampire tale. Teen-ager Charlie has seen a coffin being carried in next door and young women have been turnign up dead. When Charlie begins to believe his neighbor is the real thing, he calls in late night horror host Peter Vincent in the hopes of stopping the vampire. The story was well written, some of the old vampire cliches are there, but not in the same old way like the crucfix tht does not effect the vampire because Peter Vincent needed to believe for it to work. The visuals are great, there is gore, but fortunately it is not overdone. Roddy McDowell was a great choice as the vampire killer. The few scenes of him as a movie vampire slayer were a hoot. Chris Sarandon is a very suave vampire, certainly one of the best vampires in a modern setting. This is certainly one of the strongest horror films of the 1980's. 4725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like Robert DeNiro I like the Action 5467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 50 years from now this is the movie the actors, director, and writer will be remembered for. 7134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My daughter and I really enjoyed watching Annie. I'm also not particularly fond of the fact that Jill Valentine takes a back seat so the always attractive Milla Jovovich can shine in the spotlight. Throughout the film Jill basically sticks behind Milla's character so Milla can take care of all the approaching danger. Meh, Jill deserves better in my opinion. Also, it seems strange that Raccoon City is so enormous. Don't get me wrong, it's a big city in the video game series so this makes total sense, it's just that it's hard to believe (without spoiling the ending in both the movie *and* video game) such a big city would be considered irrelevant when you-know-what happens at the end. Not a good storyline direction for a movie. 3238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was too young to watch it first time round. I watched it twice this weeek on dvd, and am sort of hooked on it. It has the same effect on me as 9 1/2 weeks. Weird scenes, great music, and adventerous. I liked Fonda. It makes you want to hire a Harley and blow a small fortune for a month in the west. The ending was terrible. What is the point they were trying to make with this ending ? 221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought the movie was great when it came out in 1979 and still think it's great today. This is a good movie for the whole family to watch; however, not sure if the kids of today would appreciate it. 1792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've read several histories of Washington and/or the Revolution, including "Washington's Crossing" by David Hackett Fischer - a very good book and surprisingly easy to read - and "1776" by David McCullough, which covers the Battle of Trenton in detail. This film - despite some revisionism - is an excellent portrayal of the crossing and the Battle of Trenton. Jeff Daniels does a surprisingly good job of characterizing Washington's demeanor, patriotism and dedication to the "Glorious Cause", as most revolutionists of the time called our American Revolution. After all Daniels is not new to portraying historical military figures, having portrayed Joshua Chamberlain in "Gettysburg" and "Gods and Generals". In fact the acting by the entire cast is uniformly good throughout. Despite his dedication and patriotism, Washington had surprisingly little military experience before taking command and had to learn as the revolution evolved. Trenton was his first real battlefield success. Washington came very close to losing his army; and we came very close to losing the Revolution in 1776. It was mostly due to Washington's determination and daring that we were able to continue fighting instead of going down to an inglorious defeat. This movie does a good job of telling that story...it is an excellent film and an excellent history lesson. I think General Washington would have smiled and nodded in agreement after watching this. 4824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Me like! Speed takes Chaney to New Orleans, where he lives with his "permanent fiance', ably play by a little-known actress named Maggie Bligh, one of the most appealing women I've ever seen on film. When his live-in lady inquires as to Chaney's identity, Speed replies, "money on the hoof." It is very good story based on A Christmas Carol set in Depression era. Is this what is considered good literature today? The cold-war is over but that hardly means that some don't want to exert their muscle over the United States. This high-flying adventure is not just another "airplane got hijacked" type of movie. Rather, it is a special effects and stunt extravaganza which stretches the last vein of adrenaline and uses a great line-up of actors to do so. Harrison Ford leads the free world as well as the 40,000 foot high adventure as President James Marshall. A group of pro-Soviet patriates, led by who else but the most convincingly psychotic actor on screen, Gary Oldman , have taken over the presidential aircraft known as Air Force One in order to grab the Western world by the b---s (and they do a thorough job of it) in order to ensure that their leader, one General Radek, played by Jurgen Prochnow, ( Das Boot, The Man Inside, English Patient) is freed in order for him to attempt to restore his regime and take a shot at the title of the being new Stalin. The cast also includes Glenn Close as the swift-thinking, decision-making (or is she?) vice-president and Wendy Crewson, who has appeared in such films as The Doctor and To Gillian, On Her 37th Birthday, as the First Lady. This is not another Executive Decision or another Turbulence. Instead it is arguably the best action, A-list film of the year. The special effects enhanced by digital sound are remarkable. 6785 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 First, let me say this with confidence: "Resident Evil" starts with nastiness, and then goes to downright nastiness till the end. I like Milla Jovovich, so as far as she is on the screen, it's OK. But the film itself is ... awful. Not that it fails to entertain us. It is often scary (some of the kids were jumping in the seat, it's true). Its production designs are decent. However, the director Paul W.S. Anderson doens't know one thing: originality. 9606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Entertaining 3483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just a great movie - even after all these years! the rabbit with "big, pointy, teeth", and of course, the Knights who say "Ni". I still live it good film about the end imperfect people. I won't go into great detail about the plot (ha-ha-ha!) or the innumerous zany characters other than to say it's absolutely irreverent and mad (something that seems common with the Pythons). Even the ending of the film is intentionally anti-climactic. i originally fell in love with the Pythons in my youth watching the Holy Grail, but as my comedic tastes matured, i've found the Life of Brian's comedic parallel to the life of Christ to be the superior movie. however, Holy Grail will always have a special place in my heart with its unforgettable comedic moments. I don't want to dwell on this too much, but CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is a piece of movie history, but sadly, not a living, breathing one. The dvd is a treasure as well. You get a making of documentary that lasts just over an hour, taking the place of a commentary track (and this is one of the few documentaries that can replace a commentary track). There are storyboards, the screenplay, filmographs, advertising materials, and a photo montage that is narrated and covers trivia that isn't discussed in the documentary. This is a fine edition. 6710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I completely love action/war movies. One night when I went to Hollywood Video, that's what I was exactly looking for. I found "The Messenger" sitting on the shelf in the action section. I read on the back that Tcheky Karyo (I love that guy!) was in it so I decided to rent it. At the time, I have only heard of Milla Jovovich. When I watched it, I was left breathless. Milla delivered an outstanding performance as Joan of Arc as well as all the other actors including Tcheky Karyo as Dunois (of course). This movie is definitely a must-see. I can't wait till the DVD comes out! 7700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 4371 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Child actor Austin O'Brien steals scenes in THE LAST ACTION HERO, although his stand-out performance is not enough to make the film worthwhile. Not that the filmmakers weren't trying to make a quality picture. For effort, THE LAST ACTION PICTURE tops a number of routine action flicks (COMMANDO, ERASER) Arnold has made. But by time the closing credits roll, THE LAST ACTION HERO's slow moments outnumber its memorable ones. Inspirational line: "It's what you make it." I just like it for what it is, entertainment. I still maintain, unless Bickle is spinning this resolution inside his noggin...it does not work. But, if he is fantasizing...it is absolutely appropriate. 1187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the coolest TV shows from a time when there was something on that didn't insult your intelligence. 5962 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This version has been edited...I'm guessing..per Millia's request...aka shower scene is almost completely gone. Fright Night is still a fun movie, overall, but it has not dated very well. The music, the look of it, is all very very 80's. The effects are good, but nothing spectacularly better then other films of the time. And none of the actors are putting their best foot forward. Roddy McDowell and another actor share a scene near the end that does manage to capture some real pathos, but other then that it's all too campy, with writing and plot that doesn't support that choice. Camp acting in a dark and serious plot is just not a good mix. 1686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As I type this out, PBS' Masterpiece Theater is about to celebrate its 35th birthday making it the longest (if not 1 of the longest) prime time series on their network. Suffice it to say it is wonderful to see if the best of shows of the series (which we inherited from such British networks as BBC, Granada, etc.) showing up on DVD labels like A&E, Acorn and even their own label. The one series that a lot of people clamour about is this one: Upstairs Downstairs: The life of the Bellamy family and their servants in a story spanning the early decades of the 20th Century. When this series first hit DVD, it was released in 5 sets of 4 discs, and then a megaset of all 20, followed by the 4 disc set of its spinoff (not sure it was seen here) Thomas & Sarah (all of which are still available). Now for the first time all 24 discs comprising both series are in 1 REALLY MEGA set. I will now finally get to see in its entirety a series that I have heard nothing but rave reviews about, plus its spinoff and can watch em uncut and uninterrupted all I want. Nice way to start the new year with this set in my home in time for it's 35th anniversary. Buy THIS set (as opposed to the other 20 disc mega set) and get ready for the most popular series we ever inherited from da British. Niccol's use of dark and light portrayed sinister happenings, which had to be hid from the authorities. The hiding in the shadows, added to the drama of the situation where Vincent (Ethan Hawke) was almost caught by his brother, in a nightclub, where by societal standards he was not allowed to be as an invalid. Vincent found that he was able to achieve his dream, though not without help along the way. Even though he lived in a closed society, he managed to escape from living the life of the marginalized. I highly recommend this movie. Great for all ages, a Classic! BEHIND THE SCENES:Rankin/Bass studios was the most prolific creators of holiday specials we have ever known. After the huge success of their 1964 stop motion musical Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they created no less than 14 more Christmas specials, from a total of 35 specials of which many covered other holidays. In 1970 audiences were eager to see what the clever studio would come up with next, their last picture had been Frosty the Snowman the year before in traditional cel animation. As much as viewers enjoyed Frosty, they really liked the stop motion "Animagic" that was the specialty of the studio. The only TV specials they made this process so far were Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy. The new show aired on ABC on December 14, 1970 and it was in Animagic! It was a one hour special, and it recieved huge ratings. It still airs every year. 6550 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredibly powerful film, interesting script, fascinating look into the mind of one of the most heroic people in human history. 6270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best movie ever! resident evil is great, this movie really brang it all alive. From the Setting to the DEAD! it was awsome, you must see this! 215 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Winkler does a little over-the-top in his role as the scrooge character and the production values leave somewhat more to be desired but all-in-all a nice rendition for holiday viewing. 564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The stories of Jesus' conception and birth are recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. This movie is based on Luke's account. The story begins with a prologue to summarize Jesus' life as a child and to bring the story into focus. John Heyman researched this film for five years and then filmed it in over 200 locations in the Holy Land. I received an advanced copy from Shout! Factory and I can tell you that each disc is single-sided and there is a significant improvement with the audio from the FOX seasons, as well as, a marked improvement with the video. Shout! Factory took extra care for this release. As someone completely unfamiliar with the video game on which the film is based, I didn't know what to expect. In short, Resident Evil is about a group of "security" personnel who work for a huge conglomerate that is doing all sorts of research - some of it suspect. One of their more sinister viruses is released and they must go into the secret facility where it is created to try to fix things. Little do they know that they will be facing all sorts of creepy security devices and ... zombies. 5142 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is one of the best films of all time. 1679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I wish I could give it a hundred stars, this Upstairs, Downstairs is absolute magic. A story about the Bellamy family and their servants, it goes beyond any kind of play or soap (quite frankly, I think it merged qualities of both quite successfully)--but it draws you INTO the family and you feel like you actually become a PART of the whole thing. Troubles? Sure always troubles with both the wealthy family and troubles with the servants. But even in real life, it always has trouble, doesn't it. Frequently very touching; sometimes even shocking; it's GREAT! I LOVE THESE DVDs! I don't give a flip what other people say about the alleged picture and sound quality "troubles". I say, honestly, just WHERE are these alleged "toubles"--remember it was made for television; in fact during some of the early season you have some black and white episodes due to some kind of technical crew strike or whatever. But it's just a few shows but WHO CARES it's all great. 5788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always have liked these movies they got action suspense and all the stuff you like in a good scary movie. 6493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was surprised at just how good this movie was! I am really glad that they turned it into more of a political and psychological thriller instead of just us having to watch Alice and Co. run around killing mindless zombies. I really liked the underlying political statements that were made concerning corporations and media control. This flick is great for those seeking a slightly more "intellectual" movie, and for those who simply want to sit back in their stadium seats with some buttered popcorn and have a good time. I hope the next one will be even better.... 1257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this show i can't say that enough! I have watched it over and over and still laugh. Great dvd set GRADE: A- 2598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You definitely get what you pay for with this movie. Great movie 1230 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Bob Newhart and this show. Still needs subtitles or captioning for us seniors and veterans. 8765 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best kids movie 4400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The plot of the video is simple. The muppets decide to surprise Fozzie's mother and spend Christmas at her farm. The Sesame Street gang show up, and it turns out there is a Fraggle hole in the house to allow the Fraggles to join the fun in the overcrowded farm house. There are many classic moments in the video, from the meeting of Animal and Cookie Monster to Bert and Ernie making alphabet small talk with Doc, a rocking "Jingle Bell Rock" by the Electric Mayhem, and a tear jerking moment with the Swedish Chef who decides to make a vegetarian dinner (after a duet of sorts with Big Bird). As has been pointed out in other reviews, there were some edits due to licensing problems that have purists hopping mad. While a couple of comments are a bit odd given the cuts, the movie still hangs together as great fun. The final vignette with Jim Henson (appearing as himself) together with Sprocket is enough to choke you up and make you raise your glass to the memory of the great man. 6223 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 After seeing the first Resident Evil movie and liking it, I was expecting a whole lot more from this film, which I had been anticipating as soon as I found out they were going to make a sequel. Unfortunately, RE Apocalypse doesn't have any of the things that made the first one good! Resident Evil was first and foremost a horror movie, with zombies and other creatures and a bit of a sci-fi touch, a lot of story going on and a great addition to the mythos of the game, with a plot that tied in neatly and nicely provided more fictional background for the RE world. The make-up and special effects were top-notch, and all of the actors, including the ones with minor roles, did a fantastic job. 1345 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I already own seasons 1 thru 4, so I'm very disappointed not to be able to purchase 5 and 6 separately. The price of the complete set is a bit high when I only need two seasons. Not sure what to do, but I'm hoping the price will go down, or they will also release 5 and 6 at a later date. I do like the Bob Newhart Show, it was always a favorite. L.J. the pimp, played by Mike Epps is too funny. While checking out some topless zombie hookers, L.J. crashes into a parked car. I would too. Eventually the remaining cops become aware of the zombies and other monsters and try to escape from Umbrella headquarters.... In a world where, depending on whether you're born normally or with help from science, determines who you can be and what you can do, a man denies the system. Taking the identity of a friend who can nolonger live in the real world, he heads out to fulfill his dream. But when someone commits a murder and it becomes clear to police that someone is there that shouldn't be, it is a race for time, trying to reach his goals and keep himself and those he loves safe. 5885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you're a fan of Alan Parker's cautionary tale about an American lad caught trying to take narcotics out of Turkey in the 1970's, you'll want to pick it up on BluRay. The movie has never looked better than it does in this pristine hi def transfer. Anybody travelling to parts of the world where there is little tolerance for drug crime should be made to watch this film. Essential viewing. 380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite Paul Mercurio movie. As Joseph he is a truly unharnessed character whose angst is so deep, visually apparent and so complete that we are free to empathize with him. The multi dimensional emotional conflict from within the character is so palpable that it 4275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 2988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great !! fast shipper. 6799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the visuals rock. it is very scary. the music is perfect for it. this is possibly the scariest movie ever made. i jumped many times. it was better than i expected. i think everyone should watch it plus michelle rodriguez is freaking hott. 7861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The river runs between two brothers (Craig Sheffer and Brad Pitt), it runs through their very different lifestyles. Through fly-fishing their father (Tom Skeritt) taught them the fundamental principles of life. Brad Dourif as Tommy Ludlow is wonderful as the loyal but suspicious looking chauffeuer/go-for. As Irvin Kershner states in his commentary "look at this guy, he's in the inner circle, and he's sloppily dressed, and his hair's a mess..." I have often marvelled at the patience and tenacity of Washington through those 7 long years of war. This film emphasizes his tenacity and just plain "toughness." It also gives us a picture of those few common soldiers who stayed with him through bitter defeat and privation while the majority deserted or otherwise disappeared. These few made the great difference. And among these few were fewer still the fishermen from Marblehead who saved the Army in New York making possible the escape march to Valley Forge. This same close-knit group of men made the difference again at The Crossing. They knew how to handle boats actually making the crossing possible. 1890 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the action packed movie 3646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved the insert poster that on the reverse lists out the timeline of the movie for all three included versions. You can see what was added or removed for each version to decide which is the best to watch. The book included provided very nice insight to the actors and director as well as to why each was hired for their particular skills and mindsets. Overall, great collector set to own on BluRay. the scenery 5308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Works fine on USA Non-modded PS3. 7721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "In our family there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing..." Brilliant. I have long been a fan of Maclean's novella, and the footage of western Montana is magnificent. 7) Urban, 70s, NYC 235 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my fav versions....set during the Depression in America. It's unique regarding Scrooge's upbringing in an orphanage (when he repossess the orphanage's piano on Christmas Eve!) 5610 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I love horror movies. I love black Comady, but "Fight Night" had very annoying character's in it. Their's a big difference between funny and annyoing, but not the case of "Fright Night". The Vampire in "Fright Night" is [bad] when he trys to be funny and very laughable when he trys be scary. I am suprised on how much of a hit "Fight Night" actully became. I still suggest you rent this before you buy. 6430 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I can't help but wonder how good this film may have been had it had another director, maybe one more attentive to the nature of the story. Instead, actress/singer/director Barbara Streisand helms this picture, and she does a lot more damage than good. Instead of creating a film that is rooted in raw emotion and heartbreaking tragedy she turns this film into a longwinded soap opera with over-the-top acting and `romance novel' style dialog. In fact, the last quarter of the film is so ridiculous that I seriously wanted to vomit amidst all the saccharine facileness. Everyone can learn and enjoy something from Rumpole. It is one of the BEST TV series ever made and at 17 for 7 series of 6 episodes its a bargain. I would also highly recommend any student of the Bar, to watch this series as you can learn so much about how the legal process works. 2903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a touring motorcycle rider back in the 70's I can relate to much of the general atmosphere expressed in this movie. The music alone is worth it. However Roy soon discovers he has received more than just a sunburn during the strange proceedings of the previous night. An idea, or impulse has overcome him and he isn't sure what it all means. He only knows "it's important." Having said the above, I guarantee that you will root for most of the characters. I love Lady Marjorie the best; captivating Georgina, no-nonsense Hazel, and Virginia as the second Mrs. Bellamy I love second. They are such adorable and charming people. I shall never forget that scene where Lady Marjorie tells Hudson the butler that "the King will be dining with us next week." She was picture-perfect in that one. As for the men, I always admire Mr. Bellamy for his political convictions. Although we don't actually get to see the hearings in the House of Commons, we do get a firsthand look of what goes on behind the life of a parliament member. It is this aspect of the show that gives "Upstairs Downstairs" its political dimension. As for Elizabeth and James, I disliked them most of the time because they are spoiled, but they do have their human moments. Plus, Nicola Pagett and Simon Williams are such good, good actors. These two have some of the best parts in the whole series; Simon Williams, especially, as James, during the War years and after that. 4077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. It made me cry, and was very much like Beaches (in some way) If you loved Beaches the movie, you'll love this. Furthermore, Capcom, obviously didn't care, how the director was going to follow the game, because if they had, they would have seen that the film does horrible injustice to the game. (This DVD is, unfortunately, nothing special. The picture and sound are good, but it hasn't a single extra on it, not even a trailer.) And zombies are everywhere. Good and gruesome zombies. (I particularly liked the ones featured in the cemetery; the level of rot and decay on those things was exquisite.) 4704 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dear Niro, what more can you say. The story begins with Shelby's (Roberts) wedding day, over the course of which we are introduced to the other main characters; Shelby's harried mother M'Lynn (Field), the gossipy yet sensible and straight talking Truvy (Parton), the grumpy but warm hearted Ouiser (MacLaine), the shy, goofy Annelle (Hannah), and the dignified, humourous Clairee (Dukakis). There is nothing to fault about this film; the 6 leading actresses give wonderful performances, the scriptwriting is superior, and the scenery is very appropriate. The story is funny but not farcical, sad but not maudlin. All in all, "Steel Magnolias" is a great ensemble movie (and who cares if the leads are all female when their acting is so superb?) that can be enjoyed by both sexes. 3010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent!!! 647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I was a kid I always enjoyed these movies at time of christmas.....feels like time is back ....without black and white of course... 6078 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is all about Steve Martin and the character he plays. He is wonderful and I wish there were more movies of this kind around with Steve in them. He is the Movie. Get it. 5417 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The most stupid idiotic thing I have ever heard of in my life. By doing limited addition runs will only make the black market that much stronger. With technology today you can press a copy of a blu-ray for about 50 cents and have it shipped that afternoon. The studios could sell it for 15 bucks and everyone wins, you take the black market completely out of it. This is America, you can't limit anything. This marketing strategy is really stupid and is the reason the black market is kicking your Buttocks! 3000 copies and then out of print, it is laughable. How can a business even stay in business only selling 3000 copies? And if a movie is in high demand why wouldn't you keep printing as needed. Stupid!!! Richard Dreyfuss is perfectly cast as Neary, a regular guy-- he could be your neighbor or the man who comes to install your phone-- and gives a thoroughly convincing, introspective performance while creating a character with whom it is easy to relate and through whom you are able to share this unique adventure. Garr does a good job, as well, as Ronnie, the wife concerned with her husband's sudden and seemingly bizarre behavior, someone with whom you can certainly sympathize. Dillon delivers, too, as the single mother who suddenly finds herself caught up in these inexplicable and extraordinary events, and also turning in a memorable performance is the young Cary Guffey, as Barry, Jillian's son, who makes his own connection with the other-worldly visitors. Leonard Maltin and the other Amazon reviewers complain about the ending, which comes as an abrupt and dissatisfying shock, but I think it offers the viewer a choice of interpretations. It could be taken straight, as the objective fate of our two heroes, or it could suggest a metaphor for their (and our) inability to get along together, an image of humanity's potential ultimate fate -- something more in the characters' heads than on the ground.... 8261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such an excellent movie. I am going to watch it over and over again. It's a great watch with the hubby. The storylines of the various "The Avengers" episodes seem absurd to varying degrees as we view them today - but 1968 continued to escalate the absurdity beyond the previous years' entries. This did not diminish my enthusiasm for the "The Avengers" because the overall series always manifested a "Batman" (TV series) tongue-and-cheekness about it. I mention this only to prepare viewers for this actuality. 6805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Unless you're a gaming freak who's played Resident Evil 24/7 and watched this film expecting every single detail to match up to the game, I find it hard to believe how anyone could not find this film at the very least thoroughly entertaining. The story which is pretty simple goes like this. An underground research facility has been experimenting with DNA and doing dangerous and illegal testing on animals. The facility which is run by a computer shuts down and traps all of the employees inside and a virus breaks loose killing everyone instantly. Flash forward to Alice (played by Milla Jovovich) who wakes up alone in a mansion only to discover she has no clue who she or anyone else is. An army like swat team (including Michelle Rodriguez) breaks into the mansion, informs her that she used to be one of them and forces her and a mysterious man named Matt (played by Eric Mabius) to come along to inspect what's gone on in the lab. Soon they find themselves dying one by one and fighting for survival against zombies, mutant animals and monsters. This is one of those films you have to over look it's premise and watch with an open mind, but in the end what you get is a rewarding kick ...action / horror film with some amazing special effects and some sufficiant scares. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who desires some good thrills and lots of detailed gore. Similar to the video game, this movie is not to be watched alone and is filmed with many of the storylines and scenes taken from this game. I suggest watching this DVD twice. First watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is and then watch it with the hilarious commentary on provided by the film makers, Milla and Michelle who give alot of behind the scenes info about the frame to frame sequences they shot that were taken from the game. Also discussed is their time spent in Germany while making the film, the training that went into the fighting sequences and what to expect from the highly anticipated sequel. ... With a great score by Marilyn Manson this loud, in your face flick is possibly the best movie made from a video game ever. Alot better than Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. For those who didn't like it, give it a second chance and watch it with an open mind. You'll fall out of your seat laughing. If you're a fan of Monty Python it's time you moved on up to this holy grail of "The Holy Grail." 6001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steve Martin at his finest! Funny and romantic, a great date movie. 5948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic Steve Martin. Funny and entertaining. One of America's best comics ever!! As is usually the case, the big surprise is noting how good of a comic actor Larry Hagman was on this show, before he made his mark as J.R. Ewing on "Dallas." Just watch how many times he gets to do an over the top reaction to Jeannie's antics in "Help, Help, a Shark." Just do not look for Barbara Eden's navel, because although it did get seen a couple of times, these are not those episodes. This boxed set includes the 1979 spin-off series entitled Thomas and Sarah (thirteen 50-minute episodes), which chronicles the adventures and misadventures of those two memorable miscreants after they leave the Bellamy's employ. Unlike Upstairs Downstairs, which is fairly high drama infused with a spattering comic relief here and there, Thomas and Sarah is very much a comedy-drama. With Sarah's penchant for foreign accents and tale-telling and the conniving and entrepreneurial spirit that both characters embody, the stage is set for some thoroughly enjoyable vignettes. Most of the episodes involve the couple trying their hands (and luck) at something new--like running a match-making agency, working in a boys' school, working as magicians, and so on. For all their efforts, however, they always seem to find themselves skint--and thus the need for another enterprise (and hence another enjoyable episode!). The only thing less than satisfactory is the "conclusion" of the final episode, which left me wondering whether or not a second series was at least anticipated. But that's is a minor quibble, for this is a series to be watched for the sheer enjoyment of the journey. David walks the tightrope between his grumpy, ailing father and his mother who wants to start a new life with someone who will love and pay attention to her. He finds out more about their relationship than he ever wanted to know in some rather emotional scenes. Thus begins a very, very strange friendship, where Jack figures if he can help Parry in some way, he will be able to put his guilt behind him and get on with his life. But of course it's not as simple as his first idea, which was to stuff some money in Parry's hand. He promptly gives it to another homeless person, and Jack objects. But Parry has no real use for money. He has, however, plenty of use for a friend. Bronson was playing the hard hitting, strong and silent type anti hero long before Eastwood ever thought about it. He set the standard and it shows in this film. 8691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all time! This film will work its magic on you if you enjoy a light romantic comedy with a 1950's feel, and will surely become one of your favorites if you are seeing it for the first time. Those who enjoy films like "Roman Holiday" and "Three Coins in the Fountain" will welcome this romantic postcard from beautiful Italy with open arms and grateful hearts. `Pal Joey' is predictable yet fun and it is pretty to look at with lavish sets and some great costume design (the use of color in particular is wonderful). It's a nicely done musical with talent to spare. 6505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resdient evil is a movie based on a video game, which is supposed to be bad, right? Those type of movies generally suck. But, however, this is very good. It is actually scary and interesting to see these characters stuck in a situation. It's the video game live. And, the movie nods its head to alot of the trinkets in the video game. Milla Jovovich is very convincing, but Michelle Rodriguse (or whatever) can go somewhere. The commentary is HYSTERICAL. Besides the story line, the commentary is the best part of this movie. Atrocious camera work just adds insult to injury. They did manage one rather nice plot surprise that I didn't see coming. About the only good point in the picture. It's humorous and exciting throughout the movie. Interestingly, the villain of the film played by Sir Sean Connery resides at BLenheim Palace, a breath-taking private residence owned by His Grace the Duke of Marlborough in Oxon, England, which you get to see the massive and beautiful interior in the film, too! The best film Jane Eyre thus far, in my opinion, is the BBC 1973 version with Sorcha Cusack and Michael Jayston, also available through Amazon.com. Read my review on this version. It lacks the sumptiousness of the latter entries but the acting is first rate. This 1973 version has been unanimously hailed as one of the best interpretations of Jane Eyre. 1354 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 First of all I'd like to put this review into perspective, I wanted so much to like this movie. I think Ralph Fiennes is a fine actor and whats more I'm Scottish and as is the custom if you're Scottish, I'm one of Sir Sean Connery's greatest fans. He was the best Bond (although Pierce Brosnan's doing a fine job) and great in movies such as The Hill, The Untouchables (even if the accent was a bit ropey), The Hunt For Red October, The Rock, Outland etc. He is a fine ambassador for his nation and the world's greatest living Scotsman by popular acclaim BUT what were you thinking Sir Sean when you made this pile of poo? Didn't you read the script? Or were you too busy banking the cheque? 1995 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Short on plot; long on violence for its own sake. I was disappointed in the way it ended; never getting Harrison Ford on Terra Firma. The only memorable line, "Get off my plane" didn't warrant a rating higher than two stars, and wasn't enough to make it worth watching a third time (I watched it twice to see if I might have missed further enjoyment, but I didn't). They cast Wendy Crewson; one of Canada's greatest actresses as First Lady, and gave her nothing to do but cower in the corner acting timid. And Glenn Close as Vice President was a commendable choice; if only she hadn't bowed to all the men, even the discussion over the 25th Amendment lacked the anticipation one might expect in the given situation. This film was cast w/ some of the greatest talents; its just too bad they were let down by what I feel was so weak a script. 9858 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I tend to get into these sort of deep sci fi movies. This movie has a smart screeplay and the acting is very good. Im no Ethan Hawke fan i assure you, I usually loathe him in movies, but he is very good in this, as is Jude Law and Uma Thurman. The movie is fiction of course, but it really makes you think about the future and the trajectory of genetics. If you are into sci fi at all, then i cant imagine you not really getting into this movie, everyone i know that has seen it has raved about it. Highly recommended. "Hi, Bob." 5867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 80's flick 6523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Here's another awesome movie that the worthess critics will trash,just like every other movie of 2004. Just go see it! Don't listen to any bad reviews! "Movie critic" is the most worthess & pointless job ever created! I'd like to see them do better! 9202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ah yes, Monty Python and the Holy Grail: One of the funniest movies EVER made. Who could forget the coconuts replaced for a horse, or the famous lines like "Its' just a flesh wound" and "We are the nights who say 'ni'!"? It may have been low budget, but if you think about it, those are usually the best kinds of movies around. one of Rob De niro's finest performance's of course 5459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 nice item. price is good. couldn't have asked for anything more. i was pleased with the overall purchase and everything. 5425 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this is one of my sons favorite Halloween movies. I personally don't consider it one of my favorites, but, I will watch it because of roddy. Now, to what extent is this film historically accurate? Here also, reviewers have tended to go to extremes. In fact, the film is generally more accurate than the average film we are used to watching, whether Troy, Brave Heart, Gladiator, Robin Hood (both the older version with Kevin Costner and the one with Russell Crowe), Kingdom of Heaven. However, everything is definitly NOT historical. The Director has taken a number of liberties, as Directors always tend to do. For instance, the beginning of the film, where the farm of Joan of Arc's parents is attacked and her sister gets into trouble, to put it mildly, is one of these inventions. Is it a howler? Not necessarily, unless who require each and every of your films that take place in Antiquity or during the Middle Ages to be as historical accurate as possible, but in such a case, there are hardly any that you will really like. On the other hand, there are also a lot of cases where Luc Besson has stuck to the historical record as much as possible. 6526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just got back from seeing this film and it was way better than I thought it would be. I thought the first Resident Evil was okay, but Apocalypse is an even better action/horror film. This movie really flies by with an action scene occuring about every five minutes or so. This film is not brain candy, but eye candy like this is always a treat to me. The action scenes are well done even though the gore is tamed down a bit (don't worry there is still blood and tons of violence). Milla Jovovich returns and really plays Alice tough, yet sexy at the same time. Who would have thought a skinny model would make a great female action star? Sienna Guillory is even sexier in my opinion as Jill Valentine and I'll look forward to seeing more of her in the third RE film. Oded Fehr is a pretty good actor and will have you rooting for him and Mike Epps steals the show with some funny lines. I'd say almost everybody in the theater I saw it with seemed to say good things about it as they were walking out. I really didn't expect to like it that much, but I truly had a great time. I think it is just as good as the recent remake of Dawn of the Dead and the improved CGI over the crummier effects of the first film is a big plus as well. A must see on the BIG screen for all action fans who want to see two attractive female leads kick butt! 7564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one great 70's movie. To answer some people's question of how Laura can all of a sudden see the murders,I read the book and she has or had a psychic connection to the killer since childhood,they probably should have had a scene to explain this. Anyway Faye is great,even when she is overacting,just 2 years later she'd ruin her movie career in Mommie Dearest. Great disco era songs,and a great Barbra Streisand theme song to boot. 7522 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are a couple of life lessons presented in the video and in my opinion are tied to the art of fly fishing. I have long held that women would do well to understand American football in order to understand men and men would do well to understand baseball in order to understand women. One more adage: women and men would do well to understand fly fishing in order to understand each other. The score is moving despite the dated mid-80s electronic drums. I love this movie. The excitement and sense of wonder has always given me goosebumps. If you have a Blu-Ray, right now, this is the only version to own. Milla Jovovich does her best acting thus far in this movie, carrying the movie that most action women can't do. She didn't do the 2nd movie justice, and didn't look as good either. But then, the whole 2nd movie was a mess. Bad B movie. 7840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites, and was happy to see it on Amazon. Lots of meaning of the effect of loss, the interconnectedness among all of us, and even the usefulness of insanity. Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges were great. Overall, Resident Evil was an entertaining movie from start to finish as it had a little bit of everything, including a foundation for a sequel (which turned out to be 2004's Resident Evil Apocalypse). I especially liked the scene transition using a digital schematic of the Umbrella Corporation's research facility known as the "The Hive." I could never understand why the trucks secretly hauling scientific equipment are disguised as Piggly Wiggly and Baskin Robbins trucks. At that point they were still trying to figure out what cover story to get people out of the area with; maybe they were thinking of scaring them away with high cholesterol foods? I also find it hard to understand why there is a scene showing the volunteer astronauts wearing the special red suits as they go into a chartered bus. When sitting in what looks like a university auditorium, learning the hand signals, they are not wearing the red suits, but are singled out by having "special" seats off to the side. So why do they need the suits going into the bus in order to be visually singled out for the audience? The scene where the team members damage the expensive globe is a bit jolting, and seems a bit silly at first; but I can imagine they were planning to bring it back from the get go not realizing how big it was until they got to the county supervisor's office where it was kept, and so, instead of going back to get the coordinates and paper, they stuck to the original idea of just bringing back the globe for everyone to see, and thus infamously dropped it to the floor and rolled it to their destination. True enough, when people wing it, stuff happens. This is a wonderful film that no movie lover should be without. While the DVD is notable for its dearth of extras, do not let that deter you from adding it to your collection. The film alone should suffice. 6351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a movie! It will send you to soaring heights of emotion, and then plunge you into the darkness of the mental illness that is in Pat Conroy's characters. It is a roller coaster, so hang on, it will make you FEEL. Henry Winkler does excellent Acting. 6331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 resident evil apocalypse in my opion was way better than the first movie more action more zombie action and more characters from from the games are in the movie i really hope their will be a resident evil 3 movie and the future 6931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie Finally, I must give no insignificant amount of credit to Dustin Hoffman (the Voice), Faye Dunaway (Mother-In-Law to the Dauphin, Princess d'Aragon), and Timothy West (Pierre Cauchon - a prominent figure in Joan's final trial) for making the most of a flippant and shallow script. 1100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The acclaimed fourth season of UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS focuses on the turbulent years of World War One, with the Bellamy's fighting to keep control of an ever-changing world, shattered asunder... 28 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good movie with morals 8487 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great All movies based on game titles have sucked :Final Fantasy, The characters substitute arrogance for talent. 2276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a good movie and will keep you watching all the way through. Harrison Ford is excellent in this and the supporting cast is good as well. The plot is revelent with all the current world situations. The ending makes you want to cheer! Tom Holland, Chris sarandon, william ragsdale, Amanda bearse, Roddy McDowall, stephen Geoffreys. 9960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Made by the same director of The Truman Show, Gattaca, a film set in "the not too distant future," shows how humankind's blind faith in technology and genetic science will compel us to create a two-tier system of the human race: the genetically enhanced, "Valids," and the nonenchanced, "Invalids." Gattaca is a world where humans are no longer measured by their moral character but rather by their DNA, their genetic code. Dating, jobs, health insurance, reproductive rights are all monitored by the government, which wants to keep the "Valids" pure and uncontaminated. Our protagonist, an "Invalid," must use his human spirit--courage, love, tenacity, cunning--to transcend the strictures the government has imposed on him. More specifically, he wants to live out his dream of space travel, but he has to assume the identity of a "Valid," and the movie goes to great lengths showing us the pains our hero suffers in order to live out his charade. Thus the movie pits human character against blind faith in science in a film that, without ever preaching to us, shows the dangers of dehumanization in a world where technlogogy is supposed to lead us to Paradise. 5952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok 5167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of those milestone films in America cinema about which millions of words have been written, and everybody who's anybody in filmdom has seen. It received a mixed reception when it appeared twenty-eight years ago, and of course the Academy did not reward it. 2786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie!!! never gets old! like it, just to aggravate me. He woke up in the middle of the night and watched the other half! YUCK! is my opinion! This 80s horror classic boasts the standard teen tropes when, upon Charleys initial discovery of his blood-drinking neighbor, he starts yelling vampire to everyone (his mother, the police) and, not surprisingly, no one listens to this nonsense. But thankfully his buddy Ed knows the tricks of the monstrous trade (for some reason; not unlike the Frog Brothers of The Lost Boys). Also following the standard yet somewhat pleasing tropes of the time, his mother grants invitation to her very single fanged suitor (again, followed suit by The Lost Boys). 8475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good. 8989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a great movie, my husband and I love monty python. Shipping was on time, package was in good condition, very happy. 5599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Now this film is the best Vampire Film of all time. Take my word for it. This film is excellent. It's rich in the content of the actors, the script, the dialogue, the vampire effects. the special effects, Brad Fiedel's score, the music, the sets, the humour. This movie just doesn't get any better. This is the best movie of all time. Chris Sarandon was superb and super sexy as vampire Jerry Dandride. Wow and who could forget the nightclub scene with Jerry and Amy. Chris Sarandon is so HOT, words cannot describe, and for anyone that is hot for Chris as much as I, just check out his sex scene with Kim Delaney in 'The Temptress' and he'll blow your skirt up. 2614 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just what I wanted. If you are (Apes Fan) and (Mr. P.F.Curran) please leave a comment and i'll get back to you. 6629 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The Messenger: The Story of Joan Of Arc : 8814 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Set during the Great Depression, Hard Times is easily Charles Bronson's best film. Without a word, the poverty, ugliness, and grim desperation of a world turned against its people fills the screen from the very beginning. Bronson, looking out the open door of a slow-moving freight car, watches as a family, all its members and their meager possessions loaded into an old car, waits at a railroad crossing for the train to pass. Where are they headed? It hardly matters. Despair prevails everywhere. Where is Bronson's character, known only as Chaney, headed? Same answer. 2033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites. Anything with Harrison Ford in it will get 5 stars. Very good. 1158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The funniest Season of all Bob Newhart Shows ! If you love science fiction, horror, and the unknown testing of viral weaponry (or however you spell it) and all of those hidden government labs which claim to not be doing what they are doing, then you will love this move and the first one as well. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and keeps your interest up the very last minute, leaving you hungry for more! Wolfgang Petersen, that is a great name isn't it? He made The Boat, In the Line of Fire and numerous other classics. Well, is Air Force One really as good as his older movies? No, the answer is no. But it's not as far off as you may have heard. Air Force One is awesome entertainment, and although it has its share of flaws in the script, you probably won't even notice because you'll be too enthralled with the high-flying adventure. 240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good Christmas carol dhenry winkler one during the depression. Henry winkler does a good job.a classic film I recommend for all ages. 4071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 where you are a stepmom or stepdad you can relate to this movie its is so real to life. my wife and i saw this three times in theather it was so great. i do not care how many times we see this movie i will have a toldly soaked shirt on from wife putting head on my shoulder and bawling eyes out to my own weeping. i remember driving home from second time from seeing this i thought i was going to have to stop to let wife drive i was still crying so hard. this is just a good old rip your heart type of movie. so if you are stepmom or stepdad this movie is great. see it. 8123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Anyone planning to buy this set should take a look at my review of "Rumpole of the Bailey: The Complete Series [Region 2]," which I bought in June, 2016. Many people don't care about subtitles, but if you need them, as I do, consider buying the "Region 2" set for about $7.00 more, as I did, because my experience was that I got a "Region 0" set of disks that play just fine on an American "Region 1" player. 5315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very clear picture and sound. 9494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just when I started to think this was a predictable movie, the plot thickened. Won't give you any other clues that might be spoiler alerts. 1798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Anyone with even a remote interest in the American Revolution with enjoy this DVD. Few Americans realize how close this nation came to losing its bid for independence from Great Britain. It was Washington's bold raid on Trenton that resurrected the American cause. Never before or since has our country been so close to utter defeat and needed a military victory more. This film offers a detailed and entertaining glimpse at this incredible feat of arms. Jeff Daniels is excellent in the role as our first Commander-in-Chief. The production values are good as well. It's almost like looking back over 200 years at an event as it was happening. This docudrama is well worth the modest price that Amazon charges! 5218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is without a doubt powerful, effective movies ever made. De Niro plays Bickle, a NY cab driver with stark reality. All actors are dead on target, including Jodie Foster and Harvey Keitel. Bickle gets sick of the people he sees around him and takes it upon himself to rid the world of these people. The climax of the film is one of the most intense in all of film's history, as well as one of the most brilliantly filmed. Taxi Driver is not only an aestetically pleasing movie, but also one of those that will have you pondering about it well afterward. Race and Reality: What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity 7922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!! There's a lot of stuff here for fans of this movie. Yes there are some bad spots in the movie as far as video quality, but I don't know that there was anything else they could do to repair problems with the masters. 3908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I fully agree with the Amazon reviewer's opinion that the movie is just an excuse to string together silly gags and gross-out gore. I'm not sure that makes it a horrible film. Hey, Dead Alive and Evil Dead, classics of the genre, are built from the same formula. They do it smarter and funnier, but Idle Hands is not without its charms. 1051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Woody Allen's directorial debut, and it's still funnier than many of his later movies. You know, he tended toward introspection over comedy in later years. At the time I ordered, this import was the only widescreen version (zone 0) available in north america. Sure, it has some korean styled packaging, but you still get english audio and subtitles. The movie itself is is fresh comedy from a guy making a funny movie, not a commercial movie. Beware, this movie contains prison scenes and carved soap. and ready to save the day. The story is not even cohesive in any manner, Travis is not primarily seeking companionship or he would act differently. Human contact is not his primary value. He looks desperately lonely to many viewers no doubt, and we tend to think what happened would not have happened if he were attached somehow to someone -- anyone...not seeing how desperate a belief that is. It would be a miracle if anyone makes it out of the Hive . . . alive. Resident Evil is how a zombie movie should never be done. ** 1/2 out of ***** 2716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You can't get much better than the stars in this heartfelt, moving and at times very funny movie about friendship and family love. 5229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 once again the deniro/scorsese team has struck cinematic gold.althought this was a little on the talky side,the construction of travis bickle made this well worth it.if harvey keitel's charactor was more antagonizing/involved,his demise would have been more effectual.i mention this because in a round about way,hes responsible for travis' transformation.nontheless,the simplicity of the story is genius.a lonely man with too much time to think on his hands.an insomniatic travis is hired as a cab driver to waste away his sleeplessness.while on duty,he encounters societies extremes.a chance encounter with a young hooker(jodie foster)changes him(more so than his brief affair with cybil sheppard)forever.in her,travis finds purpose for his life.this,coupled with the break up of his quasi relationship with the senetors aide(sheppard)pushes travis to the brink.although the VHS version is adequate,i would splurge and go for the DVD.either format,this is a great movie. 1 thing though,THE INCIDENT(you know,that multiple oscar nominated FILM)costs more than TWICE this(and im talking about the VHS version of the all time classic THE INCIDENT).does this make ANY SENSE!?!?!?!?!? 4664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bought for my son. He loves this movie! 8343 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it Best of all, we wisely do not follow Neary into the ship. performance as the lead vampire was phenomenon and the heroic performances of william ragsdale and roddy 2483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good picture and Kim Bassinger is a beautiful woman. The triller is classic and interesting. Picture to remember a Richard Gere young. The Bad: Jean Epstein as well as many other theorists of the cinema, have established over and over the fact to watch a movie into a dark hall surrounded of other people that barely or nothing know about, it `s very close to what we might a sensorial experience, a cathartic evasion (and sometimes a spiritual meeting, just in very reduced exceptions like Tarkovsky, Bresson, for instance). But Mac Thiernan knew to employ smartly all the available devices to convey us through this labyrinths of missed images, memories and livings immersed in those frames that run 24 times by second, because the movie occupies a place into our contemporary memory, according the level you regard it. 2897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A great classic. Good cast. when it came to doing the special features 3420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 1869 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it every time, suspenseful without scaring me 6916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FAMILY FAVORITE. My favorite part of the movie, is when Joseph meets the Pharoah of Egypt face to face! WOW! This movie was very well done, this movie is one of my favorite versions of Joseph! God blessed Joseph greatly, and had big plans for him all along, for living his life as a godly man! I loved the way Joseph, and his Egyption master(Ben Kingsley), became friends, and earned each others trust and respect, eventhough Joseph was still a slave. 2. Leading Gal/ Natural Beauty: JENNIFER LOVE! The reviewer who gave one star and titled their review "Boring" must have a heart made of stone (with a knowledge of usage and vocabulary to match). 6445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is very similar to the George Romero Dawn of the Dead Movies with similar zombies trying to eat the living. This was caused by an experiment gown awry. The group of people in this one are in a cordoned off city looking for the daughter of the scientist who caused the mess. 6621 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Full of inaccuracies and anachronisms, "Joan" looks like she has been doing aerobics for years and has a Hollywood stylist as well. Avoid! One thing that I know is when a film is being directed by Wolfgang Petersen, the viewer is definitely going to be treated with an exceptional, action-packed film and "AIR FORCE ONE" is just that. Even 12 years later and this film still holds up quite well. Petersen and everyone involved in this film did a wonderful job and I have to say that this is my favorite Harrison Ford action thriller to come out in the 1990's. He manages to have the suave, charisma and that look and feel of an action star but in this case, he's the President of the United States. 4286 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a crazy movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger made making fun of himself and his movies. It's funny if you pay attention to the story of mixing the real world and the movie world. JULIA ROBERTS IS GOOD BUT ONCE YOU'VE SEEN HER IN ONE MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN HER IN ALL OF HER OTHER MOVIES ; IT'S LIKE YOU DON'T SEE THE CHARACTERS SHE'S PALYING BUT HER AS SHE IS ; IS THAT A SIGN OF BAD ACTING ! 236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very well done, Henry Winkler is a smooth guy. Close to the original story line, so is fun to watch from an American perspective. 4856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice!!! 57 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is really good,I loved it READ THE ENTIRE REVIEW AT INCHOATUS.COM With that said, without any doubt the greatest vampire movie ever made! Loved it! 1. 2 Original Trailers The bulk of the story takes place during prohibition, and there is an element of that, and of the lawlessness it promoted, in the story. But that's not really what it's about. Norman goes east to Dartmouth, and Paul goes to college in Montana, then takes a job at a local newspaper. But those differences are not really what it is about either. There are women in their lives, good luck and bad luck, but it's really not about that, either. Leo McKern, a well-known British character actor perhaps most famous internationally for 'A Man for All Seasons' and 'Shoes of the Fisherman', found this great role late in life, and became the quintessential image for Rumpole. He performed the role through all the episodes (presented in the UK originally starting in 1978, and continuing with a few gaps through 1992, and presented in the USA via the PBS Mystery series approximately the same time), joined by two different actresses portraying Hilda Rumpole (Peggy Thorpe-Bates and Marion Mathie), affectionately referred to as 'She Who Must Be Obeyed'. Rumpole's mannerisms and penchant for the less genteel things in life are done by McKern in a perfect contrast to the others in Chambers, be they Guthrie Featherstone (played by Peter Bowles as an upper-middle, Conservative-Labour MP QC) or 'Soapy Sam' Ballard (Peter Blythe), Claude Erskine-Brown (Julian Curry) or Phyllida Erskine-Brown ne Trant (Patricia Hodge). 2303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Andrew W. Marlowe, the writer of Air Force One, did an excellent job of producing a wildly entertaining story of a United States president (Harrison Ford), who basically becomes a counter-terrorism agent when his plane is high jacked in the wild blue yonder. 2790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Top 100 American Film One of the things that really blew me out of the back of the movie theater and my living room was the action direction by Alexander Witt. This guy really knows his stuff. This is his first feature, but he's done a lot of second unit action directing on films such as MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. RESIDENT EVIL APOCALYPSE is 90 minutes of non-stop action. There are some good John Woo moments in this, too. The bullet spray from the Nemesis' mini-gun is exquisite. Watching that concrete splash behind Milla Jovovich is sheer poetry. LOVING IT!! 1107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this show as I learn history (just like Downton Abbey).... though sometimes the storylines jump from one period to the other and was hard to follow..wish though some of the characters had lived happier lives..all in all a good show and time piece from the era... 793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a complex but fun look at the holidays- ALL the holidays, in the modern spirit, while holding to tradition. there is silliness and education. there is much for kids to learn in this movie, and much to ponder. Spoken language options: English, French, Spanish. Subtitle options: English, French, Spanish VIDEO & AUDIO: But first, realizing his secret is out, Dandridge acts quickly to rid himself of the problem of Charley and his pesky friends. You have to pay really close attention to understand what is going on - like about the Umbrella Corporation's invested interest in the hive - learn about the red queen (a hologram of an intelligent little girl) and why the T-virus was stolen and then set free in the lab. The film begins with Umbrella agents in full biohazard gear opening up The Hive, with predictable results (The Hive was a ginormaous, underground research facility that was sealed due to contamination in the first film). This leads to the T-virus (the contaminate that has the ability to re-animate the dead) to spread into Raccoon City, forcing the Umbrella Corporation, owner of not only The Hive but the city as well, to quarantine the city, sealing many uninfected residents with all kinds of walking dead, many vicious mutations seen in the first film, along with a few new ones. Alice, joined by a small band of survivors, now trapped inside the city, makes a deal to retrieve the young daughter of a scientist in return for safe passage out of the quarantined area. Only problem is, besides the legion of hungry undead roaming the streets and hideous, nasty, bitey creatures on the prowl, the Umbrella Corporation has ideas of their own, seeing the situation as a perfect opportunity to test out their latest bio-weapon, Nemesis. Oh yeah, there's also plans to nuke the city...time is running out (along with their ammunition), for the small group, but they do have an edge, namely, in Alice, as she is more than she appears... 1150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed this series. I had never seen it in the 70's but heard a lot about it. I am so glad I tuned in. Timeless. 8937 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pythons classic 4857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Do not understand how I put off seeing it for so long--finally had to be nudged by my grandchildren. 8532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL tis but a great film! Such is the luck of the draw in Hollywood, as well as elsewhere. Davis, of course, lived only to age 41 and died as one of the film industry's most notable AIDS casualties. He did, actually, work steadily until shortly before his death. But true stardom--assuming he actually sought it--eluded him, despite his talent and appeal. The DVD for PAL JOEY sadly doesn't have much in the way of bonus materials, just a trailer and some talent profiles for it's main stars and director George Sidney. Still, for musical fans this is quite the treat. (Single-sided, single-layer disc). Plenty of action and a great film for Bronson fans who are looking for something other than cowboys or vigilantes. 5987 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The first Resident Evil surpassed my expectations and is actually an entertaining little zombie flick that I am proud to have in my zombie movie collection. Apocalypse started out awesome and then completely fell apart like 20 minutes in. This movie is just all over the place. When making a zombie movie, please stick to the zombies. We don't need to see the main character fist fight a cyborg/human/alien that carries a grenade launcher. Just shoot it in the head. The whole plot was just ridiculous. Im not even gonna try to explain it to you. This movie could have been great, they had such good material to work with. I cant believe they let it devolve into this mess. If you like Bronson movies you will like this one. It is a must for your collection. A lot of great talent, 5312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am happy with my purchase. it arrived quickly and was as described.. 8089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesn't like Annie?!? The songs are amazing and so timeless they're being sampled in rap songs by guys who've probably never seen a musical. It's also great to watch again as an adult and marvel at Mrs. Hannigan's overtly sexual behavior and alcoholism, and her treatment of the children. Owing to these fun attributes, I cheerfully doubt Hollywood will be destroying this with a film remake anytime soon! 2159 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a great way to Spice up your day. These gals are adorable. The movie has no real plot, it's more like a series of fun adventures strung together, with music and beautiful girls thrown in the mix. In the midst of a town in desolate Utah and amongst the so-called hardcore punk scene, two friends go from not caring about anything to truly finding out who each of them is in the end. Martin Scorsese uses many intriguing and unique camera angles and shots to tell this shady story; his direction really is quite good. I particularly like the long, over-head shot he used to conclude a violent scene at the end of the film. Of the horror films that have come out in recent years, excluding Hollywood smashes such as "The Sixth Sense," or "The Others," and so on. "Resident Evil" happens to be the best, more intelligent than "Jason X," and the last 2 "Alien" movies. 8337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. My favorite song in the movie is It's a Hard Knock Life for us! It includes a feauturette, clocking in at 102 minutes, is a movie itself. It is entitled "Watch the Skies". It also includes a second feauturette and a beavy of deleted scenes, 11 in total. I suggest you pick this up. You could always wait for the Definitive Three Disc Edition, but if you're hard up on cash, I suggest this one. You will not be disappointed. It's an excellent film. The story itself, is interesting and inspiring; the music enchanting and moving, and the locations were impressive. And, now, I can enjoy it whenever I choose! For those of you who loved this movie, I probably haven't said enough. For those who hated it, no words of mine can ever change your opinion. 9276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is my favorite Monty Python movie! If you can appreciate the British's sense of humor, you will undoubtedly enjoy this movie. Eric Idle and John Cleese are at their best and you'll never look at the medieval ages the same again. For a good many laughs, check this one out. 9684 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Boring. The three attempt to rob local bookstores, stay in cheap motels with the money they don't really take (more like five dollar bills grabbed nervously here and there) and get the crap beaten out of them when they seriously try a successful caper. (The most successful one is when they semi-rob Anthony's mom's house. His house.) But I won't. Despite all its flaws, I enjoyed this movie. In terms of gripping action and terror, it delivers. If there's a sequel -- and you KNOW there's gonna be a sequel -- I plan to see it. So shoot me. Because you know I'll come back to get you. Hats off to the late John Huston for making a film that the whole family really can enjoy. NB. In fact, the third film was released direct to DVD under the title I'LL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (2006). The only impressive thing about this film is the performance of lead actress Milla Jovovich, who seems to be the only involved in the movie who realizes this is based on a VIDEO GAME, not Shakespeare. She did a great job considering the quality of the movie. On the other hand, Michelle Rodriguez gives an eye-rollingly melodramatic performance as the token "tough chick." The other actors either just stand around, get killed, or most likely, both. 9552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Unique movie 7615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This one's really great - MUST SEE The scene she fell asleep on. 799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Definitely helped me with reducing my frequent urination when I utilize the exercises...even from day one! I believe some copies include an alternate ending. Mine does not but it is available on You-Tube, and is only about a minute long. 8922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. One of the funniest movies ever made. Warning: Doesn't mix well with women! They just don't get it. 60 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 90 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie here is a whole of creatures and monsters not in the movie: 2386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like this movie because it was action-packed and suspenseful. At first, I didn't want to see it but my dad made me. I'm glad he did. The DVD version has better sound quality and sharper imaging. I only gave it four stars because, even when the cold war was over, this American-made movie potrayed Russians as terrorizing commies. 5375 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is both funny and scary if you are young. I seen it years ago and had to get it for my DVD collection. This movie is everything a drama is supposed to be: funny, moving, difficult, sad. Chris Columbus captured some beautiful moments, and some hard ones as well, making the audience better for the journey. 2777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great cast of female actors. A very touching story about family and friendly relationships. Was not expecting this to be a sad movie, but it shows the ups and downs in people's lives and I was surprised to find out it was sad. Great to see such a nice cast of actresses together. Too bad we don't see many movies with such a great ensemble of great actors. In terms of special features, both the DVD and Blu-ray releases will offer a new interview with Stephen Spielberg talking about the film, and a 'making-of' retrospective documentary. 5. Set Design Film: 8/10 The opening scene with the "snake run" is soooo 80s! A race to prove manhood between a motorcycle and an airplane. Through canyons! And the last guy who did it DIED! 8915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Python! Hard to imagine it has been 30 YEARS! 417 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Genesis actually comes to life again in this adaption of the life of "Joseph". Being well versed in scripture, I'm usually a tad weary of most anything that Hollywood has to offer when adapting from "The Holy Book". What a relief and pleasure it's been to see this film. The story of Joseph is one of my personal favorite accounts told from the Old Testament. What a delight it was to see this wonderful tale done so faithfully and true. And yes, the ending of this film shall bring tears to one's eyes. For any who are not familiar with scripture, then see this film. Any who does read scripture, as I do, then see this film as well. God Bless always. 577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite since I was a kid. Burger Miester Miester Burger . 590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A family favorite. 'On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.' Michael Crawford, if you remember him at all, is more famous for stuff like HELLO, DOLLY and for playing the Phantom of the Opera on stage (for which, to give him his just due, he garnered massive props). Crawford is skinny, gangly, boasts a non-heroic voice, and isn't who you first think of when drawing up the prototypical intrepid man of action. But he's good as the comic book creator/nerd with aspirations of derring-do. This is a Disney flick, so, it's certainly wholesome enough and its sensibilities lean toward the youngsters. A film like this can get away with a character like Woody Wilkins, a "foolish dreamer who draws comic books" who then takes on the identity of one of his creations. Perhaps unsurprisingly it was every bit as intimidating, eerie, and tremendously entertaining as it was back then. 6131 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I think we all agree that this 1987 classic romantic comedy is absolutely wonderful, entertaining, magic, funny and hylarious. The best romantic comedy for some, one of the best comedies of the 80's for others. Great story, incredible performance of steve martin , great production and artistic direction by Fred Schepisi. We can argue with that of course, but one thing beyond discussion, is that this Sony Pictures 2002 DVD edition for this masterpiece is so awful, that it manages to destroy the experience. 7915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Come on everyone, this is a good movie and doesn't deserve the bad rap. If the broadway musical hadn't raised the bar to unattainable heights, this movie would have made lots of money in the box office. There is a small consolation, I believe the VHS, DVD and Blu-Ray versions helped Columbia/Rastar (or someone) make some money. If you have the presence of mind to set-aside the stage version, take a couple of hours and enjoy the last of the big-budget musicals! 541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was a moving movie about Jesus. We had this picture on VHS and it had a wrinkle in the tape, so this is a replacement tape. The story alone makes this film a 4 star picture. Swain's stellar performance demands that I bump my rating up to a 5. 9961 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this 1997 movie is a good movie, and deals with a society 9206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Through the mist in medieval England is the sound of hoof-beats. Horsemen are approaching! Regaled in armor and accompanied by banners and porters, what a fine sight to see. However, you quickly realize that there are no horses. Are those coconuts? Yep, they sure are. "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is unlike any movie you have ever seen before, and quite likely will ever see again (unless some fool attempts to do a remake). - Making TAXI DRIVER, 71', SD 845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Parents, 966 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Julian Jarrold's adaptation shines not because of its faithfulness to the plot of the novel, but because of its effective use of character and mood. Both Abel Magwitch and Miss Havisham appear as ominous figures, much more so than in any other attempt to put Dickens' classic novel to film. Ioan Gruffuld's Pip, likewise, is more frightened as a child, more vulnerable as an adult, than we have ever seen him before. Estella is crueler and more beautiful. The mood throughout, from Pip's strange encounter in the graveyard, to his peculiar encounter with Orlick, to his final encounter with Estella, is often more grim, never more comic than the Dickens. A cloud seems to hang over everything, even its brightest comic moments, offered up in the movie by Wemmick and Herbert. AUTHOR OF "BARRY BONDS: BASEBALL'S SUPERMAN" 7543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The cover made him salivate -- fishing addict that he is. He was disappointed that the script was limited to more drama than trolling but liked it anyway. Region: Region B/2 9325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing movie that gets you thinking about nature versus nurture and what it means when we rely too heavily on the idea of genetics. Whatever liberties the makers of the film may have taken cannot compare with the liberties that was taken by the Turkish government. [...] 816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I may be considered a little biased as my family spent 3 1/2 years as medical missionaries in Brazil working with the Seventh-day Adventists. Before becoming an Adventist myself about 15 years ago, I had never even heard of Seventh-day Adventists. Even today, many other denominations are still confused about who Adventists are, even though the Kelloggs cereal company was started by Adventists as part of their medical/health evangelism. Don't take others people's word for it, check them out for yourselves, Adventists are in more parts of the world, have more schools, more hospitals, than any other Protestant denomination. Are some of their doctrines unique? Yes, but most assuredly they are Biblical. I personally had read the Bible through many times and wondered where the churches were that preached the Bible as written before I became an Adventist. Adventists are not "New Testament" Christians they are "Bible" Christians. The video does a great job of bringing out the medical-missionary work. 8183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are a Leo McKern fan and like his Rumpole of the Bailey series, you should have this set. Each episode comes complete with John Mortimer explaining what he had in mind when he wrote each story. Fascinating, entertaining, and if you find that "she who must be obeyed" rings a chord in your life, you have no choice but to invest in this Rumpole megaset. 9963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like this movie it's a good buy 9776 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 i thought it would get more eceiting but i was wrong, sand the two guys don't look a like at all The acting and the actual movie are perfect and this deserves to be owned by everyone. The story of the Fisher King in the movie is probably the most interesting and captivating. 6071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film has hot chicks, and it has zombies. That's really all you need in order to make a good movie. Buy this. The climax, with Annie dangling over a bridge thing, is completely unrealistic. 3728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AWESOME! Must have on Blu-ray; actually, any of Spielberg's films will do fine. I can't hardly wait for his other films to come out in Hi-def. This film rates high on my list, along with the newly released "Bladerunner" on Blu-ray. Now I'm going to look at the San Fernando Valley at night in a different respect as Spielberg did for his concept look for the Mother spaceship. 6357 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 as stated on the back of the dvd case by Andy Jones. I was holding my breath and finding it hard to blink throughout the movie. What a lucky night, the night I was flipping through channels and happened to catch this movie kinda still in the beginning. I honestly thought I would never like any sci-fi/horror movies (not at all my type of movie) but this movie proved me very wrong. Not only I had my jaw dropped at how awesome this movie is, but now I am the proud owner of both Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Apocalypse which are always a treat to watch. I sure hope that there will be Resident Evil III, IV, V, VI, VII and so on! 8518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My friend loves this movie 712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great Race and Reality: What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity 6999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!!! It's a classic. My kids kids less than five years old were mesmerized throughout with tons of singing and dancing. 6459 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie would have been better if they had developed the characters more and stopped trying to cram so much into a relatively short movie. This is a movie that will speak to anybody who's found society to be nearly irredeemable, but is still compelled to seek a connection to the people within it. Go get yourself "organizized", understand all that is you, and take it to the world at large in the way you see fit. This character's plan of action is contrary to my very nature and downright psychotic, but as a fictional person in a work of art, his rampage is inspiring in it's purity. Bickle's missions of choice are very different, but the same in that he seemed to seek to free the two women in his life from the thrall of two very different but in their own way powerful men. Travis may not have accomplished all of his goals in the movie or even consciously known what they were, but in his violent unfocused catharsis he does save the soul of young prostitute even as he abandons his own. And even doing so in brutal fashion, he at least gains the respect of a woman he loves but will never understand. Leave it to the media to turn a bloodbath into an act of heroism. there are disappointments and expectations. 9309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To be honest with you, I was never a big fan of the Flying Circus when it was on TV, but this had to be one of the most inspired bits of tomfoolery committed to film! Between "Naughty, evil, wicked Zut!", the taunting of Sir Robin by one of his own minstrels, the Black Knight that refuses to give up even after Arthur chops off all of his extremities and various other sight and word gags too numerous to mention, anybody with a good sense of the absurd will love this movie! It's a classic and deservedly so, joined in general quality by the uproarious "Life Of Brian"! However, the Pythons couldn't keep it up beyond "Life Of Brian', and you'll notice they pretty much broke up after the miserable "Meaning Of Life", only making cameos in Gilliam's movies afterwards. 2059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good movie, thought I had seen all of his movies. Like it very much A lot of humor, zany antics, car chases and star wars lasers.. all blended in for a fun ride. Great supporting performances from Christopher McDonald ("I didn't sell out, I bought in!"), Jason Segel, and Til Schweiger make Punk stand out all the more, but it's Lilliard's in-your-face raving that sticks in your mind. 4867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good The underground setting itself is another slap in the face, being everything you'd expect from a movie such as this: endless hallways of steel, an abundance of fluorescent lighting, and a sense of claustrophobia that goes unnoticed in director Paul Anderson's eyes. Joining Jovovich and Mabius is a team of gun-toting security guards led by Michelle Rodriguez. The objective of their mission centers on the Red Queen, whom they must reboot in order to regain access to the Hive's many chambers, presumably to find some answers to the lockdown. 8580 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Charles Bronson,Surprises abound,This is a must watch for any die-hard Bronson fan. 8152 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie. If you have seen the play of Annie you will like this just as well. I have seen both and just love this movie. Its cute and funny with how the girls get into trouble and get out of it also and Carol Barnette is great in this. Carol was so funny in her weekly TV show back in the 70's and part of the 80's and in this movie she still didn't lose her funny quirky self in this movie either. 1768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, especially if you love American history. Professional and very well done. 522 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Our 20-month-old and 4.5-year-old love this video that contains many of the favorite Bible songs I remember from my childhood. The music and singing is good quality, and the scenes behind the music are interesting -- children playing, acting out some of the words, like rock climbing during "Climb up Sunshine Mountain" -- even a farm full of animals during the Noah song. 1085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be one of the funniest movies ever made. When I first seen it was a Woody Allen movie, I didn't have high expectations. I decided to sit through it anyways. And, to my surprise I actually laughed through most of the entire movie. The documentary type style was the greatest idea. If you love irony this is a great movie to see. Heck, if you love to laugh this is a great movie to see. I give this one a big stamp of approval and I don't do that for many movies The soundtrack of LAST ACTION HERO is a metal or rocker fan's delight. It includes cuts by Alice in Chains, Megadeath, Fishbone, Def Leppard, Anthrax, Cypress Hill, Queensryche and Aerosmith. Tesla has the title track. to the book, character by character, and it's also beautifully directed and Rumpole is always for the defense - even in the later story of 'Rumpole for the Prosecution', in which Rumpole is hired to conduct a private prosecution, he manages to provide through his searching for the truth the best defence for the defendant. Rumpole, it seems, will never be anything but the champion for the defence. only when his father becomes seriously ill, do his parents begin to understand how they burdened their son with grief and how wrong they both had been, how they begin to love all over again is tearful, yet it is a story everyone can relate to, for sometimes we all as parents fail to show each other and our children how to think with our hearts. 9279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE MOVIE 4652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Are you talking to me? 4503 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this movie makes you think . 4368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Forget what the critics said. This movie works beautifully on several different levels. As an action spoof it is hilarious, with many in-jokes, gags and cameos. As a fantasy it is ingenious with Austin O'Brien very appealing as a kid with a "magic ticket" that can transport him from the real world into the fake world of action films. And it works splendidly as a send up of Schwarzenegger's movie image giving him a big chance to do what he does best-poke fun at himself. It also works as one of the most original buddy movies ever. There is a lot going on here and it will take a few viewings to catch everything but that is what makes a good movie good. The action is wall-to-wall, no doubt, like many other action films, good or bad. The sequences are very well done but contrived, just like many of those previously mentioned films. But they are contrived for a reason-to spoof the genre. Because a lot of people who originally saw this didn't get it, it is, in this critic's humble opinion, one of the most misunderstood films of all time. That accounted for its bad reviews and low box office. But it is my belief that this was largely due to poor marketing. When Schwarzenegger (who served as executive producer) would appear on television to plug it, he made a fatal mistake. His description of this as a family movie was wrong. It is very violent, even though that too is done for a purpose. Imagine what a lot of parents thought when they took their kids to see this and within the first fifteen minutes or so, several people are killed or injured and there are gunshots and explosions galore. It is a mistake that to this day Arnold's career hasn't been able to completely recover from. Be that as it may, you must see this film for what it is and enjoy imagination and spoof at its finest. You will not be disappointed! 3753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind remains at the top of my list of my all time favorite movies. It has invoked a sense of wonder that no movie has ever come close to. And now that we have the 30th anniversary edition on DVD, we finally get to experience the movie in the original release as well as the two other cuts. Worth noting is, thanks to the Blu Ray format, this release is just two discs (not 3 discs as in the standard def format). All three versions of the film (original Theatrical release, Special Edition release, and the edition for this set, Director's Cut) are ALL on the first disc. Disc two contains all the special features. And there's hours of non-filler, must-watch stuff on this disc too. A 2007 interview with Spielberg and cast talking about the versions, an almost 2-hour documentary from Collector's Edition release, 42 minute "Making of" documentary. After watching all the special features I want to go back and watch the film again. 8437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My son seems to like it! This is a savage, sometimes barbaric film that uncompromisingly exposes spirituality and warfare in a manner that most of us are unwilling to accept. Dark, haunting, deeply mystical and overtly shamanic in content, 'The Messenger' is a masterpiece waiting to be understood by those open to new artisitic interpretations and diverse interior vistas within the mystical life and calling of a great saint. O.K.--I'll admit it. I stayed away from everything Resident Evil for a while, passing them off as lame movies, unnecessary books, and lack-luster video games. I really don't know what motivated me; it was just something I never bothered with. Boy, was I wrong. Although the first live action film--this one--definitely has it's problems, I am now what you could call, or as close as a living person could get to obsessed with the RE universe. I've now seen all the movies, (Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition),Resident Evil - Apocalypse (Special Edition),Resident Evil - Extinction (Widescreen Special Edition)) played the Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil 4, am currently playing Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil, am going to watch Resident Evil: Degeneration, and I have just checked out three of the novels from the library, City of the Dead (Resident Evil #3),Underworld (Resident Evil #4), and Nemesis (Resident Evil #5). (Oh, and I'm patiently waiting for the Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles....) Rated R for a scene of extreme violence and language. 9050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sounds great, looks great, funny, sad, simply really good quality and well for the price it just works great. Thank you very much. 5505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Don't care much for zombie-like horror films but Resident Evil has always been an exception. In my opinion, this is the best of the entire Resident Evil series 7853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good movie. A little long but good acting and happy ending. Ultimately this movie is about friendship and cameraderie, and all of the strange ways we try to fit in. Definitely worth seeing. Note: This is the 120 Minute Version. I own (and prefer) the 83 Minute Version of the film. Grade: B+ The plot is relatively simple: the gang are playing Arthur, Lancelot, Gallahad and others in the search for the Holy Grail. Along the way Arthur has to use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to take out a killer rabbit while Gallahad (the Pure) has to be rescued from nymphomaniacs. As a word of warning if this is your first time watching the film, the ending comes suddenly and you may be confused if there's more; when the music starts, the film is done. By the time the film comes to its lyrically elegiac end, it has touched your heart and made you think. That is perhaps a good reason in and of itself to watch the movie. Personally, I'd even recommend getting the DVD, it's one you'll watch with kids or people who matter to you. 8874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hilarious. Final Grade: A- 7536 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 That's it. Didn't get all the hype. Not bad just not great at least for me. Just my opinion, you may love it! A (Action) - 4 (living dead dogs were scarier than the living dead people, but their asses still needed to be kicked) 119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie decades ago and tracked it down because it tells the entire story of Ebeneezer Scrooge. Felt sorry for him throughout and celebrated hi salvation at the end. There's a thread connecting "SLC Punk," "Quadrophenia," "Easy Rider" and "Rebel Without a Cause." The protagonists are cut from the same cloth - different eras, same story. "SLC Punk" has also been compared to other films detailing punk rock, most notably "Suburbia" and "The Decline of Western Civilization." "SLC Punk" comes far closer to the emotional truth of this 1980s American subculture. I related to almost every scene, though found the ending to be melodramatic. Why can't characters evolve due to changes within rather than the tragedies of others? Take this film for what it's worth, an entertaining adventure. 4307 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger/action movie fan. I own almost all of his movies. Without being Arnold biased, this is a great movie. A very good story with lots of action. I highly recommend. Classic! 689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I took American History in College, my teacher explained the political undertone of the Wizard of Oz. With that in mind, I was able to see the undertone of this story. First, for parents-as a kid I used to enjoy the annual showing of this feature. Now to the undertone:A baby, Santa Claus (capitalism), is abandoned on the doorstep of elves (industrialists). The elves are unable to get their product, toys, to town. When Santa grows up, he decides that he has to make the trip to town, but first he has to go through the territory of the winter warlock (socialism-regulation). Meanwhile, in town, the Burgermeister-who rules the town with all the zest of a communist dictator, has outlawed toys and set mandatory labor for all the kids in town (how commie of him). When Santa gets to town, he befriends the town schoolteacher (education) and is branded an outlaw for giving out toys (how capitalist of him). A cold war ensues between the burgermeister and santa with santa making an annual raid to pass out toys and foil the burgermeister. The end of this story explains well why communism doesn't work. 2545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent thank you very much! 3707 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This may be my favorite movie of all time. OK, it's not perfect, but what is? It's such a fascinating story. The transfers look great on my 51" HDTV, and the sound is fine given the film's age. Over the years, I have bought a CLV Criterion LD, another version on LD that is a terrible transfer, the standard DVD, and now the Blu-Ray. I have one complaint. I don't like any of Spielberg's cuts. I believe this would be a better movie if EVERY scene was present except the entry into the ship, which is a meaningless light show and which Spielberg was forced to do against his better judgment. Why not offer a version with all the cuts present and allow the owner to deselect the unwanted ones? The CAV Criterion LD offered that feature a quarter-century ago but at a $130 premium. The nature of the cuts is such that the movie should still flow well. Hence, four stars instead of five. 8852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter loves Elmo and absolutely loves this movie. We have most definitely gotten our moneys worth out of this dvd. I thoroughly appreciated John Boorman's obvious commitment to realism on this movie. As the film opens up, it just jumps into the story right away, beginning immediately with the image of Toshiro Mifune sitting alone near the beach and Lee Marvin in the jungle, likely just recently dropped in by parachute. The movie wastes no time with set-up or any explanation as to how they both got there. We don't know and don't need to. The editing is done at a smooth, flowing, non-hurried pace which gives the movie a definite real-time feel to it. The scenery and cinematography of the authentic Palau locations is simply stunning and I'm rather amazed by how good this movie looks for its age. The picture quality and clarity of this film is jaw-dropping for a 40 year-old movie. 9525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good 8742 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 a great movie for the man cave, you will not be disappointed, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. First the things I liked about the movie, I love the Resident theme, I like the action/fighting scenes, I generally like the characters and the acting, there aren't too many lame quotes, there are some decently frightening scenes and the special effects are about as good as you could ask for. 7562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A awesome movie. 9308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Another Monty Python marvel, The Holy Grail has a delightful spontinaity to it (which stems from the fact that the leading actor was drunk for the entire duration of the filming). Like all Python films, it is a wonderfully confusing mixture of slap-dash storylines, the obscene and ridiculous, and a satiric view of Celtic history. This film, however, is unique in its "simply silly" approach to one of Britain's most loved myths... Killer rabbits, three-headed knights, naked ladies, snobbish Frenchmen, and flying cows abound, so sit back and enjoy the show! Holden talks to his sister in the novel that if he were to be anything, he would be a catcher in the rye, someone who saves kids from falling out of the Field of Rye, in other words: saving kids from growing up, stop litte boys from becoming violent and most recognizalby for girls to remain virgins, in "Taxi Driver," Travis Bickles worries of a teenage prostitute get the best of him and he wants to save her. 1601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Upstairs, Downstairs is a gem of a show. I happen to watch Downton Abbey first, and the first 3 seasons were great ot that series. This series is truly outstanding as well and maybe even better. I just completed watching season one. I was spellbound by the awesome cast. This series being shot on tape verse film, gives you a feel of live stage and the performances are presented like a play. The acting is great and the stories a very suprising and bold. I am looking forward in the coming weeks and months to continue to see what unfolds in the continuing seasons of this complete series collection. If an individual enjoyed Downton Abbey, they would truly enjoy this series. 4068 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Predictible, sob-story melodrama with a girlfriend agenda to boot! I'm surprised that Sarandon went anywhere near this, it's such a boring Hollywood take on the mom vs. younger girlfriend scenerio. Should be understood that this screenplay was originally written by real-life stepmom Gigi Levangie. I think Gigi had an agenda to push. For once I'd like to see Hollywood come out with a film that sings the praises of original moms, not younger-model girlfriends, and makes these original moms the attractive, healthy, mentally-sound very cool and sexy women they often are in real life. Let's give them the happy ending--they make the world go round! If you like soap opera drama-rama or you're a younger stepmom/girlfriend who wants justification and wants to demean the original mom/wife (I'm not an original mom or first wife, BTW, just an annoyed viewer), you'll think this is a great film. Otherwise, this is one to skip. Needless to say, John Malkovich, Vincent Cassel, Dustin Hoffman, and the rest of the cast have truly outdone themselves with their performances, which are outstanding to say the least! All the actors, without exceptions, give it their 100% and it really shows (the chemistry is AMAZING)! Consequently, they have done a superb job of providing an entertaining film that can be watched over and over again. 6388 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The R rating explanation at the beginning of the movie says it all: "Rated R for non-stop violence." They got that right. It is easy to see the PS2 video game elements in this movie. It flows very well and I personally enjoyed this sequel more than the original. The addition of Jill Valentine to the mix was an inspiration. To tell you the truth, she's hotter than Milla. - God's Lonely Man, 21' HD 91 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For fans of the Dickens story this remains fresh today! For fans of Henry Winkler it delivers with his Fonzi good looks and particular method of acting - very focused and sharp with movement and dialogue. Great watch for the Happy Days familiar. 4.) Content. The two-disc set is loaded with features. The best of these is the "View From Above" setting, which shows you interactively where scenes differ from the original 1977 version. A text sentence and small image are displayed when something differs, giving a terrific, at-a-glance look at the differences among the three versions of the film. With three versions, it's hard to keep all the changes straight just looking at the included full-color, printed chronology but the on-disc version of this is stellar. Simply the best presentation I've seen. 1435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Prior to 1967, "The Avengers" was yielded in black-and-white. Going to color was a definite improvement; however in 1968 there were three additional significant changes: 7000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny happy The story is about two free spirits (Fonda and Hopper) on a motorcycle trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans. Along the way they hook up with a drunk (Jack Nicholson) whose performance provides some of the most memorable scenes in the movie. It's particularly enjoyable to watch the whole series and see how the characters developed. Leo McKern griped to people toward the end of his life that the only role he would be remembered for would be Rumpole, but it was his own fault. When an actor takes a character, makes it his own, and almost becomes it, then he has nobody except himself to blame. 2260 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thoroughly enjoyed this action packed movie. Harrison Ford is amazing in this movie. Thank you. 2. As a result of the lack of scenes with Pip and Estella, we hear secondhand that she's unhappy, and we only hear Pip say that he's in love. The editing/screenplay is so choppy that we never hear why or how. I guess we are to assume from 10 minutes of the movie that Pip loves her madly because she is pretty and treats him very cooly. 6429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "The Prince of Tides" was based on the Pat Conroy novel of the same name from 1986. Directed superbly by Barbra Streisand, the film aslo stars Barbra as a psychiatrist who helps a man come to terms with his tormented past. It is through Susan, the Streisand character, that Tom (played by Nick Nolte) faces his abusive childhood from both his mother and father. He also comes face to face with a secret that has been haunting him his whole life. The movie explores the emotional issues we all face with in life when we don't put our past behind us and when those problems are not dealt with in a professional setting. "The Prince of Tides" is one of the best films I have ever witnessed. Nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, "The Prince of Tides" lost in every category in 1991 as that was the year "The Silence of The Lambs" swept the Oscars. Barbra was also ignored by the Academy for Best Director, an omission I have never forgiven the Oscars for. How could a film win seven Oscar nods and overlook its director? Nevertheless, "The Prince of Tides" is a superb film you will enjoy over and over. The DVD is barebones and doesn't come with any extras. After the incredible success of Easy RiderThe Wild Angels, starring Peter Fonda, The Glory Stompers, starring Dennis Hopper, and Hell's Angels on Wheels, starring Jack Nicholson, were packaged and re-released on a triple bill. I'm sure all of those movies are available from Amazon as well. Lead Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro) is an insomniac Viet Nam veteran who turns to driving a cab at night to make a few extra bucks (he may have a disability check, but that's never clear) and to try to relax his spirit a little. In pre-Guiliani NYC circa 1975, it's not a good move. The city is crawling with hookers, pimps, dope addicts and general filth. As Bickle motors away his evenings, the atmosphere begins to rot his soul and exacberate his mental condition. In all of the Rumpole episodes we get the sense of purpose and duty of what Rumpole is trying to do. He wants no titles or honors. What is important to him is that justice is indeed served. He is an educated man who does deserve the qualification such as QC in his title. In retrospect what Horace really wants is the title of the true defender of the common man. 1401 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I love the series but already own first 4 seasons and have been waiting YEARS for rest of series. Now they only offer as full set. I will not be buying the full set to get only the last two seasons. I hope no one buys it so that the company gets the message that this is an unfair practice. Makes me not want to order any more season sets of any show because they release a few to get us hooked then expect us to buy the whole series. Kind of the same thing with Diagnosis Murder. I guess it's bad form now to buy individual seasons and better to just wait until series has run it's course and wait for a "whole series" release. I'm tired of getting burned by buying early seasons only to be duped in the end when the final season are not individually released. We need to send a message to the people making these DVD sets. 1193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After renting the movie I wanted it for my library. By movie standards it isn't Oscar material, however, it was fun and I totally love Ralph Fiennes in this one. 6452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Streisand's semi-controversial adaptation of THE PRINCE OF TIDES may not have completely satisfied fans of the book, however, the general public fell instantly under the film's hypnotic spell - and turned it into a surprise box office smash! The decision to keep the film's focus in the present rather than the past results in the elimination of most of the novel's lengthy backstory. However, the well-condensed script (written by Conroy himself and Becky Johnson) manages to seamlessly fill in the missing information, and allows all central characters to reach a level of character development that is unusually high for a mainstream Hollywood film. As the film progresses, these characters seem especially real, and they are embodied by an absolutely flawless cast. 2739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hadn't seen it in about 10 years. One of the movies you can watch over and over. Great family movie. 6741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've been a huge fan of video game-based movies from "Super Mario Bros" to "Mortal Kombat", but I strongly think that "Resident Evil" is one of the best game-based movies out there. The monster in the film looks like something from "The Relic", but without the eyes, and it's absolutely terrifying. The mutant dogs were pretty graphic too, but just as cool. The cast (Milla Jovovich & Michelle Rodriguez) does an excellect job playing members of a commando unit, sent in to investigate a viral outbreak that turned all employees into zombies. I wonder how the sequel is gonna be like!!! Spielberg's direction is top-notch and sincere, proving that his previous sucess was not a fluke. Much like his other alien film, "E.T", "Close Encounters..." provides a symbolic theme that is far more significant than what the aliens look like or what planet they came from. With the peformance of Dreyfuss, Spielberg is able to to show that it is okay for all of us to return to the kid we once were, and to explore all of the questions that we all want answers for. A true spectacle of a film with superb special effects, a wonderful musical score by John Williams, and a child-like charm that is for the whole family. 675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was my favorite as a kid and now, as an adult. I was watching again today and realized that the Burgermeister is really my sister. LOL Who knew? "The Danger Makers" -- The '60s version of the TV show "Jackass"! Steed and Peel have to ascertain why these important British officials continue to challenge suicide -- and some succeed! Written by Roger Marshall. I found nothing wrong with either the quality of the DVDs picture and sound. I thought the overall picture/sound is great. Although I have read the story of Joseph, this film brings it to life and reinforces my understanding of it. I thoroughly enjoyed the film which was very well done. Petersen and screenwriter Andrew W. Marlowe never do explain Gibbs' motivations for his subsequent actions (as the director admits in the audio commentary track), but by the time audiences start asking those "real life" questions about plausibility, the sheer adrenaline rush provided by this action-packed film suppresses the "yeah, right" response to its premise. The Air Force (which willingly participated in the production of this film) says there is no escape pod in Air Force One's list of defensive measures, and viewers know that no sane person, whether terrorist or not, is going to fire automatic weapons inside an airborne plane unless he or she knew the mission was going to fail anyway. There are several releases on VHS, laser-disc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly recommend. When I first watched "Bottle Rocket", I thought it was an excellent (hilarious, surprising, brilliant, inspired) film, but one that obviously lacked the polish needed to propel it to "Rushmore" status. I hate to admit it, because it's so superficial and pedestrian, but it's true. Boy, was I wrong. 6554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it this is alltime fav y'all Along with wonderful performances, much credit must go to the cinematographer, as the landscapes are beautiful, especially the wide shots of the western scenery. They are truly breathtaking. And the music used was exceptionally good, fitting each scene and helping to create the proper mood throughout the film. But somewhere along the way, this collection of medieval skits became one of the best comedies ever made. You could credit the use of authentic sets and costumes. For some reason, making the movie historically accurate makes it funnier. Or you could credit the way they used their painfully low budget --- like using different sides of a castle to represent multiple castles in the story. If you notice it, you get an extra laugh. Or you could credit the use of two directors, forcing everyone to get it right the first time to avoid two sets of solutions to every problem. I liked this, but having the one set, and no men, tells us more about the women. Seeing M'Lynn in the hospital with her daughter makes the impact of her telling her story to her friends much less. Be your own judge there. This film, along with Star Wars revolutionized not only special effects but blockbusters in general. I've never seen another film that weaves both music and special effects so beautifully. 2842 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Do yourself a favor and don't lose your time with a low quality movie. 4169 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very funny movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger at his best. * Steppenwolf - The Pusher ... YOWZA! - George Nicholas Koumantzelis / The Aeolian Kid ... April 15, 2009 3488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best cinema movies ever. A must own hoof-and-mouth disease." 129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I had remembered watching this when I was younger and enjoyed it. So I wanted to get and have to watch all the time. My husband and I did enjoy it. 63 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great price, great quality, will buy from seller again 2729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A++++++ good movie SPECIAL FEATURES: 8892 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enjoyable for all! This is a fun story of Elmo's blankie. My son loves his blankie so this movie was great fun! Parenthetical number preceding title is a 1 to 10 IMDb viewer poll rating. 3547 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one great movie, and it always has been. You follow Richard Dreyfuss' obsession from one stage to the next, even to the loss of his family over it. You see the events leading up to the grand finale where they pull out all the stops. It was, is, and ever shall be one of the movies that set the bar for this genre of stories. It was great then and it's great now. You won't be sorry you added it to your collection, I gar-on-tee! 5041 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I didn't think the music soundtrack has held up as well as the rest of the film. It's Gothic in sound, almost like a B-movie from the 50s. But that's what Scorcese grew up on, so maybe he meant it to be that way. DeNiro is classic here, as is Jodi Foster at age 12. I had forgotten about the Cybil Sheppard side plot. Harvey Keitel is a howl as the coke addict pimp. Nice hair. The film looks great in its current incarnation. It's a piece of art. See it. 8826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 He don't talk much, doesn't Charles Bronson. Clint Eastwood, by comparison, is considered a chatterbox. First time director Walter Hill puts Bonson's trademark laconism to very good use in HARD TIMES, probably my favorite Charles Bronson picture. HARD TIMES strays from Bronson's shoot-'em-up formulas, although it does have its share of action sequences. But this film is more a gritty period piece and a low-key character study. Its enigmatic central character plays to Bronson's tight-lipped, no-nonsense persona. Some folks don't think Charles Bronson was much of an actor. But his spare performances always led me to believe there were hidden reserves, something of consequence going on, beneath the inscrutable expression and the lack of loquaciousness. To me, this translated a subtle depth to his characters, that merely by Bronson's weathered presence, a back story is intuited. The extras are fine and they're mostly on the technical side (why wouldn't they be?). Milla Jovovich is absolutely beautiful. Despite the fact that we are dealing here with game characters, I do think that Milla gives a great performance. Furthermore, I do think she is capable of taking higher flights in the future. Aside of that, she is someone the camera trully loves. You Might Just Like It !! 2759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very moving story and friendships. 8126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great classic.my son loves it and it made an awesome gift! would like to get more classic movies...cant beat some of the classics!!! 5641 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rented this movie to laugh at based on the previews. As it is now one of my favorite horror films and I own the DVD. Great film especially with a huge bowl of popcorn. 6979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely enjoyable from beginning to end! 1697 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 For the price of these documentaries,,,the color footage is definitely worth 5 stars.(if you pay under 7 dollars).The quality of the color footage is very very good..and not seen in other documentaries I have seen (I have seen most of the ones on Amazon). "A Sense of History" -- It's a battle over economic theory, by medieval Robin Hood types. But these denizens of the woods (and a college campus) don't mind killing those who disagree with their views. This is a superb episode. Written by Martin Woodhouse. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town is so spectacular that it's the visual crown jewel in the trilogy with Rudolph and Frosty. And sure, it adds yet another set of myths to confuse those trying to figure out the origin of Santa. 3028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great work in shipping and product care. 7254 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 little ones in any place will love this one for sure *(And in question to this symbol at the beginning of my review) 8902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie. 4635 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This brief review is for the 40th Anniversary Nov 8, 2016 product release, not just another countless movie opinion. 8832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is Monty Python, what else can you say! Really enjoyed the extra part where Michael Palin toured the places they filmed with some of the old crew. 1103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a classic!!! 6361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is to be recommended to those who enjoy good action films. The movie has some breathtaking action and fight sequences that are nearly non-stop (Along with the unnecessary blood and gore, which seriously detracts from the film). The best thing about the film is Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory. They can look incredible and kick serious behind at the same time. Their beauty and guts give the film a great boost! Fans of films like "Aliens" and the "Terminator" trilogy will truly enjoy this one, while others may be turned off by the graphic violence. Whatever your view, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is a non-stop action epic that is sure to entertain. Grade: B+ 4458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched the 1st one 3 days ago, and I watched this one last night, and it was good! The only thing that brought it down so far, was the cheap ending! I had a few questions in mind afterwards too! Not going to state them, because it would give the ending away, but this was good! Alright, Julie and her friend(Brandy) win tickets to Hawaii for guessing the capital of Britain! Ray didn't go with Julie this time, he stays back, after getting injured! You'll find out from what! All in all, a great sequal, which you don't see too often anymore!!! In addition to a lovely AVC encoded 1080p transfer culled from the Sony vaults, Twilight Time's Blu-Ray offers a wonderful 5.1 DTS MA soundtrack that enhances the outstanding musical direction of Nelson Riddle and George Duning. The original trailer and a nice, albeit brief, ten-minute featurette on Novak off-screen circa 2010 round out another terrific TT release. 8626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles was my hero. His movies were great and this one was even more so. 6064 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Riviting and a show of hostility towards Americans in particular and humans in general this is the film to show overseas travelers what it means to illegally transport the well known secret that is: Dont mess with the governments flow of revenue YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!! Disk One was corrected, and now I can personally confirm that Amazon's stock consists of the corrected version, and so it is "safe" to purchase this superb DVD (one of my Top 10 films) right from this web page. 2765 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My whole life (I'm over 50) I've read about how great this movie was supposed to be. I never really thought about it till after I watched this but not once in my lifetime had I ever actually heard somebody I know say they liked this movie. Now I know why. 7310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie! 4741 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was only 12-years-old when I saw Iron Eagle with my dad, who passed away 5 years ago, and it's one of the finest memories I'll ever have. It was an exciting movie, and I still love it to this day even if it's unrealistic. For people who moan and groan about movies all the time for not being plausible, especially movie critics, I say "just grow up!" Movies are supposed to be about entertainment. Leave it to the movies based on true stories to be the so-called plausible ones. 6219 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think that I like this movie more than the original, but the original is still great. What is really good about this movie that makes it better than the first movie is the obvious return of characters we know from the video game series. It is great to see Carlos, Jill and the coolest of all, Nemesis in this movie. 7259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the movie. She lives in a palace. It is really big. They wear fancy clothes. The colors are really bright. I think living in the palace is really great and fun. Ethan Hawke takes the leading role as the imperfect man, and he gives the performance of his career. While hes been typecast now in deadbeat-Dad roles, Gattaca reminds audiences how he started his career, as a handsome, likable leading man. His inner conflict is palpable through the screen, and in the many scenes that threaten exposure of his true identity, audiences are nearly tortured with tension. claire was spot on along with angela too bad we didn't see more of her after this move Another amazing acting job by Richard Dreyfuss along with a surprisingly good supporting role by the legendary French director Francois Truffaut and the adorable little Cary Guffey as "Barry!" 2311 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ford plays a president whose toughness nobody can deny! When his plane is hijacked by terrorists, he sends everyone else to safety, including the Secret Service, and goes after the bad guys himself to rescue his wife and daughter. Harrison kicks major(...)and his furious, grated line, "GET OFF MY PLANE!" will forever be a classic. This one is not to be missed. Move over, Han Solo....Ford outdoes himself here! 4636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great watching this again! The inaccuracies in the film are of little consequence since its essence is Washington. His audacious crossing of the treacherous Delaware on Christmas eve in the depth of night, completely surprising battle-hardened, but hung-over Hessians, helped turned the tide of the war at a time when America's victory teetered on disaster. Daniels creates a man, not a myth, giving him just the right amount of stiffness and caring for his men, and a determination that would win the very long war. 200 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember watching this as a kid on prime time television. I love this unique version of a Christmas Carol. We've seen many abusive types in movies--usually one-dimensional and sanitized. But "Nil By Mouth" refuses to white-wash. The fact that this is not a big-budget Hollywood star-vehicle allows this to be a real film-going experience. From the beginning ... in which we are told of Pip's visit to the graveyard ... to the end ... which is not at all in keeping with the spirit of Dickens' ambiguous ending ... this was a true disappointment. 8428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Makes my daughter smile and laugh 3393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic Running Time: 131 minutes 3555 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I got this as a present, but I don't really like it. I know others have loved it, but I couldn't get into it. 8333 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Updated on February 07 2009 at 4:10 PM PST 3096 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes the ending, the ending!!!!!!!!! that redneck goiter laden hick freak in his pick up truck deserved some little trophy award for saying that line "why don't you get a haircut?" and then Boom!!!!!!!!!!!. I remember walking out of that theatre unable to speak, feel or show expression. Those were my heroes (Billy and Captain America)seeing them get blown away so violently seeking freedom and the real America which thay found unfortunately, was just too much for me. But they needed to be martyrs for the movie to work as well as it did. A great American indie that needed to be made before the 60's left us for good. This is grass man it gives you a whole new way of looking at the day. Now If we can get someone to make Easy Rider 2. Get your motors running. As for the other versions I have seen, I'll list them here in my order of preference with a quick review: 6752 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Audio Merits:7/10;Video Merits:9/10;Scenario Merits:3/10;Cinematograhic Merits:5/10;Musical Merits:5/10;Overall Artistic Performance:6/10;DVD Extras:6/10;Recording Total Quality:5/10. Professor's Recommendation:Worst of all Joan of Arc titles. Don't buy it. Despite a predominately youthful cast, this is definitely not the average cookie-cutter teen horror flick. Writer-Director Tom Holland's boy-who-cried-wolf script is both humorous and scary, and he has ingeniously employed all the typical conventions of the vampire sub-genre in fresh and interesting ways that sidestep the cliche. This, combined with outstanding special effects and top-notch performances, helps rank FRIGHT NIGHT among the cinematic vampire classics. Julia & Susan work so well on this film together, that I can't imagine anyone else in their roles. Their love/hate relationship is so good, you actually believe it. The cold stares (something Susan's fabulous at!) make you shiver. And the crying, god, as soon as they start, that's me. Watch out for the conversation about the wedding, if that doesn't get you going nothing will. Subtitles only in English. Gary Oldman, master of a thousand accents, convincingly plays a ruthlessly brutal Russian Terrorist who wants one of his comrades released from prison. Only the president can call in favors to get this done. As companions to this series, I would like to recommend the "Berkeley Square" Series and Stephen Poliakoff's "The Lost Prince." Both of these can be had here at Amazon. There is no doubt that "Berkeley Square" had its roots in "Upstairs Downstairs." To see "Berkeley Square" is to extend the enjoyment after viewing "Upstairs Downstairs." But to get a better understanding of the political situation of the time period, I would recommend Stephen Poliakoff's "The Lost Prince." This is considered to be one of Mr. Poliakoff's best works. I guarantee that "Berkeley Square" and "The Lost Prince" will not disappoint. Both are BBC productions. 952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember watching an interview a few years back like "This is your life" with Michael Crawford, and they went through his career of TV, movies and plays etc.. and I kept waiting for them to mention Condorman, but they never did :( and they should, as it's a very underrated movie. 9256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not even sure why I'm bothering with a review for this cult classic. EVERYONE over the age of 12 has seen this. There are only two kinds of people on this globe, sayeth I--those who "get" Monty Python, and those poor, unwashed souls who think that Adam Sandler is funny. -- Martin Scorcese (Criterion Ed., 1986) 3116 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is one of those movies that is on the AFI's "Top 100 films of all time" list. In my opinion that list is bogus. Only about a quarter of the films on that list deserve to be there. I don't think Easy Rider is anywhere close to one of the top 100 films of all time. Easy Rider seems fairly pointless. Billy(Dennis Hopper) and Wyatt (Peter Fonda) drive around on their choppers, pick up a hippie, and drive around some more. That sums up the first half of the film. Don't get me wrong, it isn't exactly boring, but it isn't exactly a great story either. To be honest this movie doesn't really have a story. One of his pals, Danny is one of the movie's strangest characters. Danny is literally covered from head-to-toe with tattoos and body-piercing. He defines the term "body art." His whole body is like a big collage explosion. But the film is very good in it's own right too. Wolfgang Peterson creates a heavy feeling of tension, Ford a likeable hero and Oldman as Korshunov, a rotten villain who was actually quite scary. The film is also very well put together technically. The editing and sound is top-notch, though some of the CGI is way below par for your average blockbuster. The R-rating helps. If this were made today it would be PG-13 garbage, but the blood spatters, swearing and body count make you believe that ANY character could die next. A lot of the latter part of the film dealt with the romance (and eventual marriage) of Norman and local belle, Jessie, played by Emily Lloyd, whose stand-off-ishness drove Norman crazy before he got his chance at a professors job at the University of Chicago and she agreed to marry the guy. It also dealt with the demise of Paul who seemed to have been stricken with the mark of Cain and was eventually murdered and left to die in some back ally for what could have been any number of reasons from serious gambling indebtedness to drinking to hanging around with Native American women. So maybe in the end the only thing idyllic back then were those beautiful rivers and the joy some took in fly-fishing against the hard realities of human existence. Excellent film though with a good ensemble cast and great cinematography. Robert Redford did good, did very good on this one. 2369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie, I'm 23 and was a teen when these girls hit the airwaves, I love them, I love the movie, it's great for teen girls I think (be careful just a little adult humor), buy it! Plus, it helps that the cutesy elements are kept to a minimum. There's Melinda Dillon as a single mom whose oh-so-adorable-with-his-big-eyes kid gets kidnapped by the UFOs; the scene is played for scares, rather than laughs and it is genuinely terrifying. Neary's kids are mostly unpleasant, and gone after the halfway point. Dreyfuss downplays Neary's potential drippyness and plays up his frustration and rage as circumstances overwhelm him. And Garr is very believable as Neary's doubtful wife; she keeps the character from becoming a one-note shrew. You actually sympathize with her as she deals with what she thinks is her husband's selfish midlife crisis. 2442 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 As seeing the title, I expected a really tough action movie but it wasn't. anarchists like the Marx Brothers. But, there is always Jack Nicholson. His performance is one of the best supporting performances of all time. It is slick with wit, intelligence, bravado and profound sentiment. He ties together a lot of loose ends about the `meaning' here, without ever feeling out of place or forced. His charisma is in tact and his humor is just what this film needed. I won't demean him by using the phrase `comic relief', but I will say that he spices up a film in dire need of some `spice'. James becomes an officer and sees combat and the horrors of war. James eventually returns to Eaton Place after the war ends, but is unable to cope with his "new" life or reclaim his "old" one, so he ends it by his own hand in the former safety of the family estate. The film Close Encounters of the Third Kind for the most part takes it's subject literally and doesn't seem to be a metaphor for something else. It's a good film that makes you think about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. There's a great line in the movie where Richard Dreyfuss, while speaking to a government official, tells the official, "You can't fool us, by agreeing with us". Close Encounters shows government officials dealing with the public in a secretive and less than open and upfront way. Shouldn't government just be more open and honest, and about the people? Of the people, and not the elites? Highly recommended! 8899 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not as bad as The meaning of life, but not very funny. Just dumb. Reviewer: A viewer from Minneapolis, Minnesota United States Resident Evil Apocalypse- Alice played by Mila Jockavich has to help fight the undead and has to rescue a missing girl. 8028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a gift and it was loved by the 8 yr. old recipient. 452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a fantastic movie or the retelling of the Story of Joseph. The scenery in the movie is fantastic too. The actors are great in each of their roles. I'm glad I ordered this movie. Saw it many years ago. 202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this version of A Christmas Carol, but the quality was always poor. If you can get this on blu-ray, I recommend that. This is a great movie, though. 8474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic must have! Brought back good laughters and memories! So why the five star rating? Because this is a difficult movie to get right. It's not five stars for perfection, but five stars for being far and away the best adaptation of the four I've seen so far. Gattaca takes an interesting and almost-plausible science-fiction path and for the most part, pulls it off. In the "not-too-distant-future" world of Gattaca some "God-children" are still conceived the old-fashioned way, but those who can afford it have technology-enhanced test-tube babies with as many imperfections screened out as their parents can afford. Eye-glasses and heart disease are not present in the "valid" population. In Gattaca Ethan Hawke portrays Vincent, who was born the old-fashioned way. Discrimination is technically illegal in this society, but not enforced, and "In-Valids" like Vincent can only aspire to menial jobs like janitor. Vincent dreams of flying into space. In this world Gattaca is a private corporation, and I don't know what else the company does, but one of the things they do is fly into outer space. Vincent begins at Gattaca sweeping the floors, but he has a plan... *Theatrical Trailers 2414 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a really fun film. Alot of people label it as plain stupid, but I wonder.....WHY CAN'T THEY JUST ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS??? JEEZ, THESE ARE THE SPICE GIRLS!!!!!!!! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUN AND WACKY COMEDY!!! Please, take my advice and give this movie a try. You might just like it. Studio: Sony and you don't pay a $100.00 now i don't want to reveal to much ill try to keep it short so as i said above the virus was released due to the fact that umbrella scientist wanted to go back and reopen the hive to see what happen to the hive. The cast did an excellent job and the director was true enough to the games to make any gamer happy. I also suggest to watch it with the commentary the second watch. You hear how intense the set and atmosphere was for the actors to work in. Also guys, you hear the "real" to life Milla and Michelle talk about a bar they "visited" on location. Something about underwear only????? 9253 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can you say about a film whose script has been virtually memorized by legions of fans since its release in 1975? 3129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and has such a great story. This has such great actors. I watch this movie every few months. One hopes, as others have noted, that A&E will eventually release an improved megaset that clears up these technical issues and perhaps includes another set of reminiscences from the series creators and television commentators. 7290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An awesome movie. 4680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 4099 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is yet another good film about a difficult subject: relationships. We all have them, or try to have them. Outside our own range of experience, we can only guess at some of the things that are going on. You may be thinking about getting a divorce, you may be flirting with the idea of a separation, but until you get in there and do it and live it, you really have no idea what it's all about. Is it possible that films like "Stepmom" can help us make wiser decisions? Wouldn't it be nice. 4101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Stepmom" is a beautiful movie about a woman dying of cancer who is about to be replaced by a younger, more attractive woman. Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts are so wonderful together in this film! Both of them earned my applause. Jena Malone is great as the jilted daughter, as is Ed Harris. This is gonna jerk a lot of tears, but it is a magnificent movie that should be shared by families all over the world. 1895 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Harrison Ford as President? You can't beat it.....Great movie 4130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Was a good movie. I had to put up with a VHS edition for 15 years, for what! This? I can say without any doubt, that this is one of the worst DVD editions i own, behind my Asian bootleg martial arts copies. Absolutely awful, this edition manages to restrain the impact of the movie with all the worst features of the fullscreen edition: Extreme close-ups, alternate or moving angles from the same take, chopped off characters from the scenes, people talking to shoulders and corners, people talking from outside the picture, missing scenarios and landscapes, blurry video quality... my god! Not even the 5.1 english soundtrack could emerge, not even the movie could! Extras? The movie trailer...In widescreen! It was torture. 404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This series of biblical films are really quite good. Not totally accurate to scripture but the presentations are good. While not going down in history as a genre classic ( it's not doing anything inventive or original ), it's actually a pretty good time for the monster movie crowd. What it lacks for in substance, it makes up for in atmosphere, brisk pacing and visceral thrills. 6305 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. 2. Neither is the film about a Vietnam vet who is or becomes psychotic and shoots 'em up, not primarily. If that were true than this film would not even deserve 1 star. 8767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great Meanwhile, he becomes enchanted in a non-sexual way with 12 year old prostitute Iris (a very young Jodie Foster). His anger at the poor treatment she receives leads to other consequences. The commandos realize they'll have take down a powerful hologram-based AI known as the Red Queen, because she controls the whole Hive and they suspect she's insane. Entering through a glass corridor we get to watch as most of the team is cut into meat by lasers, including the grid laser seen in the commercial. But they wimp out- we barely see Number 1 cut into giblets Sylvester-running-through-the-chain-link-fence style, and get a semi decent slow motion decapitation. Now, in my mind, after the first laser had passed and killed two of the commandos, the next obvious move would be to roll a couple of grenades down the hallway- made entirely out of glass!! Instead, no, everyone dies, leaving only Alice, three commandos and a ineffectual cop to deal with it all. 4870 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic!! Deniro+Scorsese=brilliance!!! Or is it, screen, back to reality. 2346 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When the lead Russian Terrorist (Gary Oldman) Hijack the Plane-Air Force One, when the President of the United States (Harrison Ford), an Ex-Soldier. The Terrorists thought that the President has escaped from his escape Pod. Now the President takes action take on the Terrorists one by one to Rescue his Wife (Wendy Crewson) and His Daughter (Liesel Matthews), Officers & Civilans from inside the Plane. 4394 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is probably my favorite Christmas special or close to it. When I saw that it was on dvd I was going to buy it right away, but sadly I found out it's heavily edited and extremely over priced. So I found out the UK region 2 version of the movie was the full complete version for less than 20$. It came in less than 3 weeks and it was coming from the UK going to me here in Ontario Canada, so not bad at all. The only thing is for anyone who knows about dvd's knows that region 2 dvd's will not play in a region 1 dvd player, which is North America. What I did was copy the movie onto my computer, got rid of the region codes and burned it onto a disk and it played perfectly on my dvd player. So if anyone wants a full complete copy of this movie this is your best bet. Oh and I forgot to mention that you can find the dvd on amazon.co.uk in case if anyone didn't know that. 5992 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites. Always wanted to run it through computer and edit it about for viewing with small grandkids but never got around to it and tape player no longer works well so stuck. 3091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Its no use trying to explain the value of this movie to people who weren't alive at that time. No need to defend it, either. Young people of any generation usually think they know everything anyway, so why bother. But there was a time before the internet and cell phones, and easy rider is a strong youth statement from such a time. The movie making itself might seem dated, but the impulse behind this film is real in a way that 10 Fast and Furious sequels cant match. And this movie will always be a snapshot of rebellion; from the real life pot smoking done on camera throughout the movie, to an acid tripping Peter Fonda hating his mother out loud in the graveyard sequence (his real mother took her own life when he was a boy.) Theres plenty to be critical about in easy rider from a technical standpoint, but as a low budget attempt at capturing a larger cultural mood of rebellion at that moment, it does quite well. You had to be there. 3729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A true star studded (both actors & musicians/band members doing cameos) cult classic with a great soundtrack. A mostly overlooked or broadly unknown, forgotten & definitely underplayed hilarious soft horror spoof that has not been available for sale on a regular basis. A must have for any horror/comedy cult classic collection! Ok that's most of it. 9681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are a sci-fi fan this is a must-have. Set in a world where genetic manipulation has created a class of perfect people, with a subclass of inferior people. Good story of the underdog succeeding. 8583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Geat movie, Bronson is the type for this Walter Hill movie !!!! 4339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 You've probably read this film's plot description already, but let me sumerize it briefly just to comment on it: Austin O'Brian is a huge Swartzenagger fan. Arnie's latest films (acording to this film,) are the Jack Slater movies, which (presumably) came out right after Terminator 2. Danny idolizes the character Jack Slater, a fictional L.A. cop, in the same way that so many of us idolized Han Solo. Then one day Danny's personal friend Mick, an elderly theater projectionist, gives him a magic ticket that was given to him by Houdini, just before Danny gets to watch the latest Slater film all by himself, before anyone eles does. (Jack Slater 4). Danny watches as the film introduces the two bad guys, who've kidnapped Slaters cousin Frank. The scene shifts to two nameless cops (who of course are sure-fire dead meat) who come to Frank's house after getting a false call about a drug deal. Slater arrives and wonders why they're here, he goes in and finds Frank tied to a chair, Frank gives Slater one last message before dying, Slater sees a note that turns out to be a count down and gets out just before the house blows up, the two red shirt cops...well, need I even say? A car full of dynomite-weilding bad guys drive up, Slater gets in his car and the chase is on! Then something strange happens. A stick of dynomite comes out of the screen and lands in the theater! It blows up, and Danny finds himself in Slater's car, now a character in the film! 4427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thoroughly enjoyed this movie; I've learned that you can't always go by others opinion. Many don't like this movie however I enjoyed it. Watching it right now as a matter of fact. 4443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a very good sequel to the hit 1997 movie I Know What You Did Last Summer and, in my opinion, is a very under-rated movie. Instead of making this movie almost exactly the same as the origional, as most horror-movie-makers seem to do, this movie has a totally different setting to the first - a holliday resort in the bahamas! "Midnight Express" explores one man's time in a hellish Turkish prison. The tension of being caught and then beaten in prison are so well captured that you almost don't want to look. One scene that comes to mind is when Davis is hung upside down and beaten so bad, you can almost feel it. 1433 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have read this book before and it is interesting to see it in a movie form. Cast performs well. The critters are great. In a year full of good zombie films, this one stands out on its own. The plot is more complex than the first. Project nemesis is in full throttle and our heroes now have a new enemy to battle as well as the flesh eating ghouls. For horror fans, lotsa blood and goo. For actioneers it's even better. lottsa fun. Eat popcorn, press play, enjoy. The other story that is not being told is the origins and destructive objectives of organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The founder of Planned Parenthood was interested in eugenics, and specifically in reducing the number of Blacks to survive being born in this country. Efforts by the ACLU to remove prayer and the Bible from school are shown to be in direct conflict with the statements by the founding fathers about what they considered to be essential for a proper education that would equip the youth of this country for effective citizenship. The redefinition of marriage to include homosexual relationships is shown to be tearing at the fabric of the traditional family, and of the stability of our society. The Film Cell? ( It's not even a unique image. It's the Knights at the Castle of Guy DeLombard,looking up at the French Taunter. ) If there is one subtle complexity this pleasant evening's entertainment it is gal pal Shelley Duval as the not conventionally beautiful Dixie. Dixie is was friendly and supportive and beloved by none. Love wins over looks just not always. And just in case you think this movie is about subtle complexities there is just enough physical comedy, slapstick and associated silliness to keep you in cheap laughs. Perhaps Steve Martin insisted on these last few easy giggles just in case there was not enough of his clever writing. 1211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I received the dvds on time, and in great shape. As for the content of the dvds, I was surprised by how little Bob was in the episodes in this last season. I didn't remember that from when it was on tv. It is still an excellent show, and I'm very glad to finally have this entire series in my collection. Thank you Mr. Newhart. 2930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I never tire of this movie seen several times . All star cast GREAT CHEMISTRY characters played well to gather sad,funny , quick wit . All in all makings of a great movie. This movie worth the watch and add to your collections of movies . 598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MY GRANDDAUGHTER LOVES THIS CHRISTMAS MOVIES, NOW SHE CAN WATCH THEM ALL IN THE SAME DAY 3468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic! 5759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first and the best. You just gotta love Milla.... 8689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Quaint old fashioned movie. Refreshing, enjoyable. Well-done. If this was a modern movie, Speedy would be wearing cement shoes and none of them would have got out with their money. However this was back when this type of movie was allowed to have an OK ending, not just drenched in tragedy. 8316 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can not say enough how much I not just loved but adored this series. I always liked Rumpole but, it first came on PBS while I was still young so I did not see most of the awesome subplots going on in Chambers. I love Rumpole because while it has sex, limited violence some rare frontal female nudity and so much more none of it is ever done in purely vulgar bad taste. 1991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good Show 2 disc The sound is HD all right but it cannot be forgiven because of the video quality. "Have Guns... Will Haggle" - Tara's on the hot seat when Black Market rifle brokers choose her for a product demonstration! 2683 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Product, very satified!!!! //wiredweird 2436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hardcorps Action flick. Gere is good as a jaded detective looking to get payback for his partner's death. The final showdown is better than most. Bassinger is good in this too and works well with Gere in my opinion. Great escapism. Finally, this movie is worth watching just to see Roddy McDowall's performance. The entire cast does a great job, but McDowall really stands out as he plays a washed up actor. A small and frightened man, he is forced to confront extreme terrors or die. McDowall is so expressive and believable that the movie gains a depth that another actor might well have failed to deliver. 9821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is what I would call a classic must see movie. It is a unique story line and the directing and acting was great! 8038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love the story and the music, but the misuse of God's Name stops me from purchasing the movie. There are no extras but hey, that's Columbia being true to form. 3990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love the movie vary sad As Barbara G. Walker and others have pointed out, the Grail is actually a representation of the Womb of the Great Mother, from which we all came, and to which we shall all return. Like Finnegan and Bloom/Ulysses, The Fisher King's two heroes find salvation in the simplicity of surrender and in the almost Faustian embracing of the Sacred Feminine, as embodied by the two female leads. Carrie Moss's Trinity (The Triple Goddess) also provides this transcendent nurturing to Keanu Reeves's character in The Matrix. 8284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When considering my review about this show there are items that would sound less than positive, like my feelings for the pompous Sam Ballard, who acts more like a modern day pharisee than a true Christain or the nagging wives and the womanizing barrister/judge. And then there is Rumpole himself who drinks too much, eats too much and smokes too much. When I first began the series I thought Rumpole to be a grumpy old man and I had to laugh the first time I saw John Mortimer with his huge Adam Ant glasses. But as I watched more I went from laughing at Rumpole and Mr. Mortimer, to laughing with them, to enjoying their company and finally to becoming friends. The stories are very well written and Leo McKern is a perfect Rumpole of the Bailey. I may not want to become like Rumpole or encourage my son to use him as a role model, but I would like to have him as my friend. By the end of the show you have a warm feeling for Rumpole and his creator and you have many fond memories. At first I questioned the high marks that others were awarding this show but now I echo them. If I knew Shakespeare better I would give an appropriate quote to summarize this review, but as it is, I will leave that to my friend Rumpole. First of, I should say, that Resident Evil is another botched attempt by a movie company (Screen Gems) to bring 8751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Bargain. Total running time is 83 minutes. 1904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Some unnecessary bad language. Great plot and ending. 9480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie with a very interesting plot. Three years later, Jack finds himself living over a video store in a run down part of town with the video store owner, a blue collar ex-beautician, consummately played by Mercedes Ruehl, in a bravura performance that won her a Best Supporting Actress Oscar, and deservedly so. Despairing of his life and looking like the bum he believes himself to be, Jack goes down by the water front and toys with the idea of killing himself. 8103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i STILL LAUGH WHEN I WATCHED THIS MOVIE WITH MY CHILDREN 35YEARS LATER. I LOVE THIS WHOLESOME MOVIE. COULD HAVE DONE WITH THE HINT OF MAJIC, WHICH DIDN'T ALLOW ME TO PURCHASE. IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT, I WOULD HAVE PURCHASED IT THE CHILDREN WOULD HAVE WATCHED IT DAILY AND THEY ARE 10 AND 13. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW VERSION IN THE WINTER Even if you've already got the excellent DVD version, you owe it to yourself to drop the $30.00 for this BD now before it eventually goes OOP and eBay sellers force you to pay 5-6 times more for it. 6732 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Before watching MESSENGER I read the mixed reviews and expected a disappointing effort. To be truthful I expected to watch the normal 20 minutes that I give most movies (13th Warrior, for example) and then turn it off. But instead, this is a movie I will recommend to friends as a companion to Braveheart and Excalibur. As for accuracy, I'm not a historian. But if you want a grand scale motion picture that looks like you've jumped back in time then MESSENGER does not disappoint. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. Not 5 because the accents don't seem quite right. NOTE: I recorded a copy off the pay channels but plan to pick up the DVD for the widescreen treatment. 9027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best movie ever. If you haven't seen it, you must. it was the dumbest movie I've ever seen, there were TWO discs, I ended up stopping the player and ejecting disc one 4455 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I personally LOVE the I Know/Still Know movies! I am a very big fan of horror movies! (As well as every other genre) Here are several reasons why I love these two movies: 1403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very good and very funny tv show. Unfortunatelly I haven't seen a lot of the episodes for several years so I snatched this up. Ill be watching a lot of theese when it arrives. One of my favorite episodes was when Bob Howard and Jerry got drunk on Thanksgiving and tried to order Chinese food. Between those three and Emily Carol and Bobs patients it was a very funny show which is finally getting released in its entirety. You should get it. 4303 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I've only walked out on 5 movies in an actual theater: Born in East L.A., Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Valentine and The Last Action Hero... Even though I've not changed my opinions about the former films, I thought I'd give LAH one more try.... I was unfortunate enough to find a DVD copy in the horrid & worthless pan & scan format.. albeit, it was only $1... Turned it off after 2 minutes in.. You know, had this been a 1.85:1 film & it was "full Screen", I could have worked with that and adjusted my HDTV to make it 1.85:1, but this is not the case with this film & most of the DVD's that Sony now releases in the 1.33 ratio... 8880 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Tough guy Charles Bronson often copped plenty of criticism over his selection of roles and his alleged one dimensional character range. True, a lot of Charlie's choices were "shoot em 'up" avenger / crime films that ended up on video shelves fairly quickly, but Bronson was a key figure in the 1970's action genre and will be remembered for some stand out "strong, silent type" roles. "Hard Times" is generally regarded as Charles Bronson's best film role and is director Walter Hill's first feature film. Set in the Depression era in and around New Orleans, Bronson portrays the quiet , but toughened drifter Chaney, seeking to make ends meet through the prowess of his fists. After drifting into town aboard a freight train, Bronson hears a commotion emanating from a near by warehouse, Bronson then witnesses a bare knuckle bout and first meets James Coburn as the smooth talking, street wise, but addicted gambler, Speed. Bronson offers his services, to which Coburn replies "You look a little past it...", Charlie proves his worth with a one punch knockout of an opponent and the two partner up and set about winning a few dollars taking on local fighters and hoods. Coburn enlists the services of Strother Martin, who gives another wonderful character performance as the narcotic loving, disgraced medicine man Poe. The chemistry between the three is excellent, and remarkably Bronson's laid back persona is in stark contrast to the highly animated Coburn, but they work together like bread goes with butter ! Fortunately enough, though, the crews in charge of this new DVD didn't stop there. With a full two discs in the set, almost every base is covered... in addition to several spots in between. The discs come fully equipped with two feature-length commentary tracks; one from directors Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, and another from John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin. The commentary tracks are both thoroughly interesting, with the directors' chat a little more insightful and the actors' track more disjointed. Jones and Gilliam reveal a lot of obscure facts about the creation of the film that I hadn't realized, such as the involvement of rock bands Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin in the production, and is generally a much better listen than its partner track. It's strange, it almost feels like Cleese, Idle and Palin weren't even in the same room together when they recorded these audio tracks, and that various comments from each were merely spliced together at appropriate points throughout the film. 6172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Possibly one of Steve Martin's finest films, I have always enjoyed this wonderful modern version of Cyrano de Bergerac. A fine cast turn in some wonderful performances. There are so many sequences in the film which I could talk about such as the opening "swordfight", the balcony scene and the most famous - the 20 things about CDB'S nose (actually 25 but who cares?). At the end of it all its a wonderful film that you can sit back and enjoy. If you need something to lighten the mood then this is one of those constantly funny films. 2787 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Takes my husband back to the times he rode his bikes in the early 70s. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017). Young Frankenstein 1805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Daniels does a lot of movies, spanning a lot of types of roles. But believe me... it's hard to believe that this is the same guy who played in Dumber & Dumber. THIS is a man playing GEORGE WASHINGTON... and while I'm in no way a history buff, I LOVE his portrayal of General Washington, and the whole story of the Deleware crossing, and how that one tiny thread of incredibly fated success turned the whole tide of the Revolutionary War. Awesome movie... awesome acting... and not typical for the types of movies he plays. 7331 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic Movie 4335 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Last Action Hero had all the markings of being a great film. A good director, good actors (Charles Dance would be a wonderful villian). What made it fall apart was a weak story, and this would follow nearly all of Schwarzenegger's films post True Lies. To say Last Action Hero was rushed is quite an understatement considering John McTiernan did such a marvelous job depicting Bruce Willis and Sean Connery as two badass heroes in two brilliant written stories. If your a Schwarzenegger maniac go ahead and pick it up. But if your looking for that "movie within a movie" premise, skip this and check out Wes Craven's A New Nightmare. Everyone will appreciate this wonderful story of forgiveness, but those those who are looking for the 'hidden things of Christ' cannot miss the poignant messianic threads which are so skillfully woven through the life of Joseph. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 5693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good Video I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006). 368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i love this movie exellent service 7120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love Annie, Watched it when I was a kid and enjoy watching it more with my children. Trailers contains the original UK trailer, and the US 2001 re-release trailer. The UK trailer runs for three minutes, and is an audition for motion picture narration in American English, in Scottish, in another Scottish goofy accent, and finally in Chinese!! Awesome scene of a castle cut-out toppling, just as King Arthur knights the mud peasant before killing him (out-take? Goofing around?). At the end, we see that its a Chinese restaurant ad!!! The US 2001 re-release trailer is the same thing, but a wee bit longer somehow and with nicer colours and sleek Now, for the first time on the wide screen cheesy stuff. Ha ha. Grainy, no sharpness, even the colors seem slightly muted. DO NOT BUY. I'd return it, but can't since I've already opened the package. 4598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite movie of all time Writer/Director Paul W. S. Anderson really had his work cut out for him when releasing this movie. With previous video game adaptations failing at the box office, many movie-goers and critics were highly skeptical that any video game franchise could translate well onto the big screen. Understanding that his biggest asset would be to not assume that everyone knows the source material, i.e. the video game, Anderson crafted a story that stays true to the video games, even feels like it could have come from any of the video game installments, yet also stands on it's own as a separate creation. The actors are all very talented, and all give solid, realistic performances that serve to raise the movie up from being a simple video game adaptation and/or zombie movie into a truly suspenseful thrill-ride that doesn't require any knowledge of the source material so that all movie audiences can walk right into the theater and be on the same page in terms of what's occuring in the movie. The special effects work for the most part is very well done, a few scenes are a little weak, but I understand that the studio might not want to risk breaking the bank on a video game franchise that isn't a guaranteed success at the box office. In its theatrical form, The Avengers was a jumbled, murky and incoherent mess that made hardly any sense no matter how hard you tried to figure out what exactly was going on. My friends and I saw it for free back in 1998 despite the fact that it had not been screened for critics (always a terrible sign) and left the theater with a very bad headache, wondering what in the hell we had just been subjected to. The worst sin that this movie commited was that besides the bizarre teddy-bear costumes (I'll get back to those later on!) this movie isn't even enjoyable on a so-bad-it's-good level. 1056 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is no one better than Woody to portray a schmuck. This poor shlep could not do anything right no matter what. I love Ms. Margolin and her untimely demise is heart breaking. That last scene when he asked "Do you know if it's raining" classic Woody. and buy this new 40th anniversary blu-ray 8661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Unparalleled. A classic in comedy. 1281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny, love his humor The problem is something had gone wrong before the team got there. 1016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Hell of a flick. it was hilarious Highlights on this tape: The Ministry Of Silly Walks, The Spanish Inquisition, Flying Lessons/Hijacked Plane (To Luton), 'The Bishop', Accidents Sketch and Registry Office. 'nuff said. 7787 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie play 9505 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Several well-known actors still couldn't save the lame story line and production. I was disappointed. Bottom Line: Extremely funny! A warning though; it's British humor. While it is definetly a comedy, it's still beautifly shot and features brilliant locations. For anybody who likes good jokes of all kinds, this is for you, if you think this kind of humor is worthless, throw yourself down a well, for humanity's sake. Dunaway is the photographer, and her performance--as usual--elevates the material tenfold, even though she is hardly at her best here. But will Faye let bad styling and unflattering camera angles get in the way of her customary dedication to the role? Never! 2143 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Among all the fictional presidents in dramatic roles, Harrison Ford has to rank among the best. This story has the feeling of a Tom Clancy novel which makes you feel like Ford is reprising his role, since Jack Ryan does become president in the Clancy books. He's not Ryan in this case, but his character's courage, foibles and actions will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you want to cheer. I don't understand, African or European Swallow? 4160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ok Uma Thurman appears in a prim, starchy role, with a pinstripe business suit and hair in a severe bun. Jude Law plays the grating, spoiled Jerome, showing again that there's more to a man than the meat he's made from. Ethan Hawke does a good job as Vincent, always a moment from discovery and from being stripped of that world's highest rewards. This isn't an action movie, no guns or chases, but good suspense. 4245 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Arnold seems flat in this film 4040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This story shows how family can learn to work through any problem. The acceptance of a stepmom can be difficult and Julia really comes through. 9646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is a wonderful movie. Where love is concerned, it doesn't matter who you are, and where dreams become a reality. 3060 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 One of the worst movies I have ever seen. This film has virtually no story just some guys ride motorcycles and then get shot. If you like movies with completley irrelavent scenes that are inconsequential, this a movie for you. Seller was fine, quick shipping and decent packing but what good is that if the item is not usable in this country. Should list these items in a separate section. Very disappointing. Have sent it back. so helpful and to navigate the site is very simple Will Travis rescue Iris from a life of being a woman of the night? Will Travis be able to control his urges to use his guns on real people instead of keeping his outrage in the realm of fantasy? What might happen if Betsy and Travis were to get together again--is it possible? No spoilers here, folks, you'll just have to watch the movie to find out! Malkovich had a peach of a part as the dastardly, conniving Dauphin, but played it amazingly straight, with nary a hint of the cheeky chappie the role was crying out for. What would Alan Rickman have made of it, I wonder. Or even Bruce Willis? I highly recommend this Christmas classic over any CGI-animated piece of garbage they make today. 3105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Some films captivate the zeitgeist of the American imagination so completely that they become instant cult favorites. But few such films prove potent enough to retain the favor of audiences in perpetuity. 35 years after the film's release, audiences around the world are still captivated by the raw vision of Easy Rider is no small accomplishment. To this day, the image of Fonda and Hopper (neither of whom knew how to ride a motorcycle before making this film) careening helmetless down the open highway to the tune of Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" defines the American biker motif more clearly than any Hell's Angel could ever hope to." Bart Zeigler Well, Travis finds in his lonely life only a beautiful woman, the really superb Cybill Sepherd, which for me represents life or Eros. But after the sordid incident of the X rated cinema and the killings, Travis carries another more time this woman in his taxi until her home: I think a clear invitation, really difficult to resist for any man. 118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There's only one version of A Christmas Carol that I don't like and I won't mention it here. As someone who collects movies of A Christmas Carol, and reads the book almost every year, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the portrayal of Scrooge by Henry Winkler. Set in the depression, this American version works very well for the story. At a good price. This is NOT the case. 627 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our whole family loves all of these old Christmas movies. Michael Crawford is the best actor and 5440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ah, to be a young anarchist in 1985... in Salt Lake City, Utah. When I first saw it, having read & enjoyed the book Midnight Express, I waited for the incredibly exciting escape, and then went "Huh??" A really thrilling escape story was completely cheapened by the totally bogus ending of this film. Perhaps I'd have liked the film more without reading the book. Some books can be improved when turned into films, such as Forest Gump or For Love of the Game, while some, such as Q & A: A Novel(upon which "Slumdog Millionaire" was very loosely based) really suffer when they reach the silver screen. This is one that really suffered. 7581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert Redford catches the BIG One when he produced, directed and narrated this movie. It is also one of Brad Pitt's best performances. Pitt who stars with or in several Robert Redford movies reminds me of a younger Redford. I can see why Redford might reminisce about his earlier days by watching Pitt. The two brothers grew up in God's country, Montana. Fly fishing seems to be the main activity in the movie but it's the choices and directions that the brothers take from a common origin that is the movie's main focus. 8263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 you have to have Annie! Fun movie and is age appropriate all across the board. must share with your kids! Jack feels awful and befriends Parry and tries to help him. 6733 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie uhhhh, stunk. Period. Milla Jovovich was so bad I wanted to burn HER not Joan...HER! In fact all the acting from the "stars" was horrible including John Malkovich who you'd think would excel in such a role. The fight scenes were so utterly ridiculous...as in: Joan gets shot with the arrow while on the ladder and suddenly the BATTLE STOPS!! INCREDIBLE. The attempts at humorous banter were so bad it actually makes you uncomfortable. About the only redeeming quality of this waste of a movie is the scenic landscapes. And thats the ONLY reason I gave it 2 stars. 9365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As the details of this edition are given above and in other reviews, I'll be brief. On the region 4 DVD there is also a deleted scene from near the end, it has an intro by the director which goes on for a little long explaining why it's not in the film and they reshot the ending. It takes place at the pool in the high school. 3486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always there is time for this one....a classic. 1114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this show Overall this movie is worthy of the name Resident Evil. It follows the game very well and the characters are represented very well. This is a must for any fan of the genre and also any fans of the game. 7301 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Poor acting, directing, and script. If you are looking for quality entertainment... better to look in a cat's hairball. The scenery alone is enough to send chills down your spine. Add to that the killer soundtrack and Jack Nicholson's star making (and in my opinion, his best) performance and you've got yourself one hell of a film. Easy Rider (Directed by Dennis Hopper) is the story of two hippie bikers who take a trip on their motorcycles down to the Mardi-Gras festival in New Orleans. Along the way they stopped at a hippie commune, end up in a parade, and spend the night in jail before finally making it to Mardi-Gras. Where they proceed to have themselves a good old time ... The film is a series of isolated "sketches" loosely strung together with animated sequences or simple captions. As is true for many great comedies, there is no proper ending to this film, dramatically speaking. The Life of Brian is a step forward for Monty Python in that respect. But Holy Grail has some of the most ridiculously funny hair-splitting logic serving as "dialogue," and its slightly daft intellectual atmosphere is unique even among Python's other works. 8863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie growing up and still love it now. Does look nice on blu ray. 5797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Delivered on time, Brand new, still with the sticker for a free movie ticket for the 3rd or 2nd underworld movie. It's violent, it's depressing, and in the end, it's pretty incomprehensible. I'm still trying to figure the point of the story. If any of you remember it and liked it, feel free to explain it to me. 9825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the not-too-distant future, a less than perfect man wants to travel to the stars. Society has categorized Vincent Freeman as less than suitable given his genetic make-up and he has become one of the underclass of humans that are only useful for menial jobs. To move ahead, he assumes the identity of Jerome Morrow, a perfect genetic specimen who is a paraplegic as a result of a fall. With some professional advice, Vincent learns to deceive DNA and urine sample testing. When a colleague is killed he is finally scheduled for a space mission, but a colleague suspects his origins and the police begin an investigation. I really enjoyed this movie. I found it to be a well constructed and elegant exploration of some pretty frightening ideas. Ethan Hawke delivers a subtle performance. Jude Law and Uma Thurman compliment an all around superb cast. Memorable cinematography and set design. See this movie, you won't be disappointed, Warmly recommended. This is a masterpiece of off-the-beaten track sci-fi. 9581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 9728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had the DVD but, I was updating my collection to Blu-ray. If you like science fiction then this movie for you. Recommend the Blu-ray copies than DVD because they are play better and crisper than conventional DVDs. Over one billion people have viewed this work and it has been translated into more than 425 languages and shown in more than 225 countries. The Epic story of the most controversial life in human history could barely be covered in one movie, so this is more of an overview of Jesus' life. 5645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The only Resident Evil movie worth watching and owning. The movies completely strayed away from what the games were, but Apocalypse was based off of Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, the only movie in the series that was based on the events from the games. No, the quality of the DVDs is not the best, but given a choice between owning it, with all its glitches and jumps--and not having it available at all--I'll take it. There are no problems distracting enough to make it unwatchable. This remarkable series has stood the test of time and truly shines. The fine writing, splendid acting and authentic sets involve the viewer in the stories to the extent that the minor jumps and glitches are unimportant. My only complaint is that Alistair Cooke's wonderful introductions are not included. 8017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King [1991] The first disc has a very long and awesome animated opening, showing the king, the many-eyed monster, flags, opening vaults, angels, splitting clouds, angels flying, more clouds, and the Grail, of course. Scene selections with some animation and sound. Disc One says that it has extras, but its only a bit of animation, and the text to see the extras insert disc 2; no, into your DVD player. Yes whatever Audio and subtitles, more animation, with the options of Screenplay: Read as you watch!, English, French, Spanish, For people who do not like the film (taken form Henry IV Pt. II, by William Shakespeare), and if you linger on the menu you hear a voice say get on with it!! In the audio, you get a few options, plus commentaries: Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, or John Cleese and Eric Idle and Michael Palin. Hmmm intriguing! Theres a follow the killer rabbit feature you can turn on or off, so that whenever the white rabbit appears on your screen press enter on your remote or click with your mouse and you will either see into the mind of Terry Gilliam or learn the financial secrets of the accountants version. Interesting and more on that later. Of course, what you actually get is a sketch of King Arthurs hand on his first riding into the scene, an accounting rabbit that shows how much the production crew paid for mud in the bring out your dead scene. Helmets and swords for the black knight fight scene cost 500. Sketches from witch-burning scene. Parsnip and string for witch-burning scene cost 0.22. Petty cash voucher for meals for extras (2 per person, 35 individuals). Camelot castle cutout plywood cost 40. Sketches for Terry Giliams God animation. Model cow for French castle, 19. Other animals, 9. Other sketches and photos. Wood for Trojan rabbit 50. Horse and rider for two hours, 5 per hour, to ride past historian. Springboarding monks sketch. Medieval maidens costumes rental. The madmans make-up. Snuck into Hampstead Heath to film the Lancelot attack wedding scene. Lunches for wedding guests and five pints of Kensington gore. Crone and her warts. Sketches for Roger the Shrubber scene. Crazy frozen land of Nador animation. Rental of stuffed rabbit, rental of rabbit puppet, cleaning blood off of cave. Memo to self: insure holy hand grenade. Rabbit cave and holy hand grenade scene sketches (on bloody rabbit icon). The Black Beast of Aaaaaaargggghhhh sketches. Bridge of Death sketches; invoice for Bridge of Death items. Sketches and shots of the final boat and castle scene. Invoice for shearing of putrid sheep and a bottle of whiskey (prop man). Invoice for 80 student lunches and sketches of final pikemen sequence. Hire of police light, 4.50. 4428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent condition After this, Billy is not really in trouble. 9063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who hasn't seen this movie? It is a must see for everyone. It is fun and never boring. Will spur conversation. 2837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic and heartwarming with fantastic actors. Ford's presidential protagonist is basically Indiana Jones in a suit and tie. The filmmakers rely on Ford's action hero charisma to compensate for the lack of depth in his inadequately sketched head of state. Shrewdly, they shift gears to the parental side of the chief executive. Ford's best scenes occur before take-off when he asks about his favorite football game. Although Marshall emerges as a cardboard politician, it's his "Die Hard" courage that wreathes him with laurels. Unlike those wimpy Jack Ryan movies "Patriot Games" and "A Clear and Present Danger," Harrison Ford's hero here kills the villains. The bad guys don't slip out of Marshall's clutches and conveniently impale themselves on sharp objects. (Remember the way the "Patriot Games" villain died?) Marshall runs up a body count, kills with a machine gun, snaps necks, and slugs it out with rough and tumble adversaries. Ford is one of the few male box office stars who can shed tears (when Ivan threatens to pull the trigger on his daughter) and not make it look schmaltzy. Ford manages to maintain a stiff upper lip throughout "Air Force One" and his scenes with bad guy Gary Oldman crackle with electricity. Ultimately, however, Ford's performance qualifies as serviceable, nothing truly special like the cop the played in "The Devil's Own" (1997). 5546 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ol' Charlie has a new neighbor and he turns out to be a blood sucking monster. No one believes Charlie. Not his mother, the police, or his girlfriend. They all believe he is crazy. If only they were right. 7680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie's title comes from one of the author's original works but the title of this review could serve just as well. The movie does something that films very rarely reach and that is portrayal of real life without attempting to insert events that shake the world. The film is content to portray the moving events of the original story with the calm and compassion that actually occurred. That is a rare perspective and the acting ensemble does a masterful job at driving their characters. From the main protagonists to the fragile/strong portrayal of the American Indian girl on Brad Pitt's arm. And, always there is the sacred art of fly casting fishing in the river that runs through the lives of the story. 164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a different spin on the classic "The Christmas Carol". It is nice, and you might want to add it to you Christmas collection. A River Runs Through It is not unlike the story of the prodigal child, nor is it too far removed to be able to be compared to Elia Kazan's "East of Eden". It, too, was an intelligent film that didn't spell everything out for the viewer. 3288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is a scene in Sleepless in Seattle when Sam (Tom Hanks), Suzy (Rita Wilson), and Greg (Victor Garber) are discussing what are frequently referred to as "chick flicks." Whatever the criteria for selection, there are many candidates for this category which usually include Steel Magnolias. After seeing it again recently, I decided that calling it a "chick flick" demeans what director Herbert Ross and his cast and crew achieved. This film really does have wide and deep appeal to both and men and women of all ages. Of greater significance, it seems even better each time it is seen again. The reverse is true of almost all other films which touch our hearts. As in Robert Harling's play on which it is based, all of the main characters are women: Clairee Belcher (Olympia Dukakis), M'Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field), Truvy Jones (Dolly Parton), Annelle Depuy Desoto (Daryl Hannah), Ouiser Boudreaux (Shirley MacLaine), and Shelby Eatenton Latcherie (Julia Roberts). 8641 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Saw this in a theatre back when it was first released! It was great then and still is! 145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 loved it. 1460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a provocative cover! If you fondly remember that great British import that we watched on TV way back in the 60s then you no doubt know about the content of what you are getting. You are more likely concerned about the quality of the product. Like John might say to Emma, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your back. Just watch the hat please." John and Emma are back and are here to stay. Being on DVD, the aesthetics about the actual episodes are not in question here. More appropriately one may ask how they look. They look good, very good, excellent in fact. Still can't get that great theme out of my head. You get seven on this one. 8746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Once and a while there is a movie that comes by, that hold's its age for decades to come. The sound /picture / location and acting; Are so well done -it captures your attention even now. Charles Bronson made many films, this by far his best (with his wife) and the Magnificent 7 his second best - the rest, well that's for his kids to decide. 8039 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome transaction. A+ For those not familiar with this classic film, it is a wildly imaginative, hilarious satire on the nature of chivalry and the dark ages. Few films have been as brilliantly written as this and the troupe's "Life of Brian". Actually, no films. (That's a Monty Python reference right there). It's not everyone's cup of tea; religion is put in its place, and there is bloodshed and sexual material present. 3228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We love watching this movie at home. It never gets old and I can't wait to watch it over and over again. other might be very difficult but via cooperation--even despite the language barriers--two heads can equal the results of three. Mifune shows 6738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Having never played the video game, I thought this movie was pretty good and stood on its own. With an interesting storyline and some rather innovative twists, Resident Evil is fun--now I want to play the game. Jovovich stars as a cop/heroine who gets mixed up in the whole "zombies taking over the world" thing. But she has amensia and doesn't remember she's a cop, or what she was doing before it all started. My favorite scene is in the tunnel of lasers where everyone was sure to met their demise. It is fun and graphic and there's a few laughs thrown in, and overall Resident Evil is a good Friday night movie that will give you bang for your buck. 2555 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great film and deal Sacred relics: Coconuts. Ministry of Coconuts gives information about coconuts for nearly three minutes! Gorilla gloves! Earmuffs, kneepads. Teaches how to knock them to sound like horse hooves. Japanese version, 8:30, which includes The French Castle, The Knights of Ni. One of the narrators is the voice actor who was the original Lupin Sansei! Bottom line, this film is really not good and I managed to suffer through it all the way until the end only with some fast forwarding here and there (especially during all the one sided shootouts). This DVD is definitely NOT a keeper. Avoid! 6817 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best! Then, he keeps driving, thinking, plotting. 1653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Let me first begin by saying that I remember watching Up/Down when it first aired 40 years ago, as a then vulnerable and impressionable young lass of 17. I enjoyed the show immensely, it was really rather a first offering of PBS, then known primarily as a fledgling "artsy" station, presenting this hitherto unknown British series through WGBH in Boston. From its first episode, Up/Down oozed quality in every way: superb acting, writing, direction, production, with the added bonus of Alistair Cooke's introduction, while seated in a leather armchair next to a roaring fire prior to each episode, to the accompaniment of the famous Masterpiece Theatre theme, Mouret's Rondo, which added to the understated elegance and anticipation of each episode. 9455 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great SCI-FI movie with an outstanding cast. I've seen this movie many times and it never disappoints. 5338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie, it's good for a laugh and some occasional tears... One of my favorite movies starring Matthew Lillard. En resumen es una muy buena pelcula comercial de Zombies, cuenta con buenos efectos y ese par sustos que nos hacen brincar en el momento menos esperado y lo mejor de todo... tiene a Milla. ;) Battleship Potemkin? Citizen Kane? Pshaw! This practice of genetic stereotyping has lead to a new kind of crime, one where a person of impeccable genetic make-up but who has found themselves a victim of fate due to a permanent injury or such, can broker their identity to a natural born person, supplying that person with various blood and urine samples, strands of hair, flakes of skin, allowing that person to pose as a 'valid' individual, and garner a choice position in corporate society. Jude Law plays Jerome Eugene Morrow, a superior individual who suffered a crippling accident and has now agreed to sell his identity to Vincent Freeman, in exchange for Vincent supporting the lifestyle Jerome was accustom to prior the accident. This involves a very elaborate daily routine by Vincent, including a complete scrub down of his entire body to remove any 'loose' material that could possibly be found, analyzed, and give him away. In order for Vincent to pose as Jerome, he must carry on him samples of Jerome's blood, urine, and other identifiers at all times. 136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 5939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was the first Resident Evil film that I had ever watched. Found it to be very interesting. Really I enjoyed it! 7874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got a few R Williams movies after his tragic suicide--Loved it when I saw it and time hasn't dimmed teh virtuoso performances--Terry Gilliam was and is a visionary director. - Influence and Appreciation - A Tribute to M. Scorcese, 18' HD 83 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Since I love Henry Winkler this is an easy one to enjoy. Henry is such a great actor. Who said in 1974 that "They just don't make great movies anymore"? Well, whoever said that could not be more wrong. The tropes are openly mocked as well as celebrated and I feel is the biggest underlying theme of this movie: the celebration, not mockery, of action movies. And what's strange is how many people see Arnold's other film "Commando" (1985) as a parody movie (namely Doug Walker, alias "The Nostalgia Critic") and view "Last Action Hero" as some shlocky mess of a film that can only be laughed at "ironically". 2839 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of my favorite southern gal movies. I am in the south and understand how a southern woman thinks and talks. Good , funny movie. Even thought the movie pokes fun at God and the young girl who is a Christian and trying to stay faithful to God despite everyone else. In the end she is shown to be more wise than they give her credit. I like that. There are 4 episodes on each disk and 14 disks. Will keep us going for a while! 1550 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The quality of the DVD is excellent. Bottom line: For delicate, complex development, sensitive performances, and for sparing us the stuff we don't need much of in favor of the parts that need the time to develop, I give it five. Nicely done. Finally, "My Son the Genie" (Episode 74), has Bob Denver visiting the Nelsons as Harold, an apprentice genie who has to spend the day with Jeannie to complete his training. The problem is that the President of the United States is coming to dinner to congratulate Tony on his latest trip into space and Harold insists on making the dinner. Wackiness ensues, as you would expect with any sit com on which Bob Denver appears. For fans of Jeannie this is one of the better tapes available. Many viewers consider Series 1 (1903-1909) the least successful. (Most of this series was not aired in the U.S. until many years later.) It had a lower budget than subsequent series; and, due to a technicians' strike, the first half dozen episodes were filmed in black and white. Writers, directors, and actors were still trying to set the parameters for the program. As a result, this series includes several strange stories; and some characters (especially the footman Alfred), lack credibility. Some performances are too loud, too demonstrative, and poorly choreographed. Many of the stories in Series 2 (1908 - 1910) provide various perspectives on marriage; others deal with problems created by a superannuated nanny and by Elizabeth's suffrage activities. King Edward VII is a dinner guest in one episode; and this series ends with his death. Series 3 (1912 - 1914) witnesses the arrival of Hazel Forrest as Richard Bellamy's secretary, and her marriage to James Bellamy. Lady Marjorie having died on the Titanic, Hazel assumes the management of the household. She eventually overcomes downstairs resentment; but her middle-class outlook leads to clashes with Richard and James. This series ends with the outbreak of World War I. The war casts a shadow over Series 4 (1914-1918), which many consider the best. The Bellamys take in a family of Belgian refugees, James Bellamy and footman Edward join the army, other members of the household take on war-related duties; and a local baker, of German descent, becomes a victim of anti-German hysteria. The war impacts the household in various ways--the staff must dine on ersatz meat and potatoes, James comes home severely wounded, and the house is hit by a bomb. Series 5 (1919-1930) deals with life in the 1920s. Richard finds happiness with his new wife Virginia. But old values are challenged, as the younger generation engage in wild parties and other reckless behavior, aided by such new technologies as autos, airplanes, and motion pictures. As a result of the stock market crash and the Depression, both upstairs and downstairs residents must leave Eaton Place to start new lives elsewhere. any kind of plot usually keeps things exciting. In this case 3529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A blast from the past! Awesome!!! Boukreev who was Fischer's lead guide, is shown in a fairly unflattering light. There's of course controversy on this. If you read the survivors accounts, certain of Boukreev's clients said they didn't want to be alone on the mountain with him, because they felt he wasn't responsive to their needs. Of course, Boukreev had a different perception of a guides duties. But when he was heading down the mountain he blew past clients that could have used his help, and as for his activities during client's acclimatization, Fischer was reported to have bitterly complained to his business manager that Boukreev was not attending to clients. So while the movie over-dramatizes that conflict, there really was some basis for it. And it also reportedly left Fischer overly stressed and overworked, which perhaps left him underacclimatized and contributed to the edema that killed him. On the other hand, even if too little too late, after the clients failed to return, Boukreev went out and saved many lives. Still, I think the script was overly hard on him. The movie is never boring. Instead, even though it's not a film like Star Wars with ray guns and explosions, it's fast-paced and interesting. It takes its cues from actual UFO sightings and other unexplained mysteries (such as Flight 19, the 5-plane training flight that disappeared off the coast of east Florida in December of 1945) and ends up with a realistic scenario for a "close encounter" between humans and aliens. The acting is excellent, and the young Spielberg got great performances not only from Dreyfuss, but also from Teri Garr (Veronica Neary), Melinda Dillon (Gillian Guiller), Francois Truffaut (Lacombe) and Gary Guffey (Barry). Also adding to the magic was composer John Williams, whose 5-note musical phrase became famous as the proof that music is truly a universal language. 2849 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As far as I'm concerned, this movie is a classic. This is like the 5th time I've watched it over the years and it still delivers. 8719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 7043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie 8857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say ? It's Charles Bronson in one of his all time best roles with a supporting cast that includes, Stuther Martin (An all time great character acter who is greatly missed.) as well as the late great James Coburn. It has been said that the newest Rupole of the Bailey on offer is substandard in audio. This version I found had slight audio challenges at times. For the most part this version of the Rumpole of the Bailey is understandable if you set your TV sound up correctly. I found this a fun and interesting Rumpole Series Set that while not absolutely perfect was perfectly adequate in video and audio quality. For sure this complete Rumpole series is superior to the new version on offer if the new Rupole Series reviews are to be believed. 699 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I just concluded my church small group using this video/book and both my class members and myself thought this was very well done. I advised my group of the quirkiness based on other Amazon reviews, but that didn't dampen my group's response to the videos. Each of us thought they were well done and very infomrative. We all agreed some were better presented than others, videos number 2 and 6 stand out as being quite exceptional, but overall every one of the segments had merit. That said, I still think this is an enjoyable film, so long as you enjoy it in its own right and don't compare it to the book. Both Ciaran Hinds and Samantha Morton commit to their roles with passion. Like the characters in the novel, neither is conventionally beautiful; they are riveting because of the emotional force they bring to their parts. At times, Hinds was a little too gruff as Rochester, but it never went over the top; he looked the part of Mr. Rochester and in my opinion acted it incredibly well. And Samantha Morton is luminous - she may wear plain clothing and sport a ridiculous hair style, but she shines. I did dislike some of the belabored dialogue the screenwriters introduced though. 5529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) finds out his charming next door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon) is a bloodthirsty vampire who is feasting off the women of his neighborhood. In desperate need of help, he enlists the aids of his nerdy friend, Evil Ed (Stephen Geoffreys), his whiny girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse) and an out of work actor, Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell) who plays "The Great Vampire Killer" on Primetime. Charley's problem is that no one believes him and his time is running out since Jerry is looking for his first opportunity to silence the snooping teenager for good. 5577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 40-year-old man watches "punk" movie with teenage son. Son decides to be a punker. Father decides to become an Anarchist. No, nothing's quite that simple... 4531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Movie! The Good: 7834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 River Runs Through It is a pretty film that pays tribute to the joys of fly fishing and the beauty of Montanna. It is has a plot that is one of the slowest to unwind that I've ever seen but it's based on a short autobiography and it had to be stretched and padded for the movie. This is a "must have" for all acoustic music fans with starts for beginners, but a challenge for intermediate guitarists wishing to "spread their wings" a bit and improvise soundly. 4073 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Julia Roberts is becoming the stepmother of two kids who are absolutely partial about it and do not want to give her the smallest space in their life, preferring their own real mother. Divorce is not an easy matter and remarrying is even more difficult for the children. But a stepmom has to learn how to become and be a real mother, has to learn how to capture the children's attention, interest and trust. This is done especially because the real mother has cancer and is going to die. When she realises this she stops fighting and helps the stepmom to be accepted by the kids because she has to give way to her since she is going to go and leave forever. The relation between the two mothers, the real one and the step one, is explored in great details and is very convincing. The kids are also very good and full of feeling and true emotion. The father is mostly on the sideline and certainly not the center of the film, but after all the stepmother is the star, the stepmother who is being born little by little. Emotions and feelings are uppermost in this film that becomes some entertaining and also thought bringing two hours. 3074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Twice in the theater in 1969. Had to wait 20 years for the VHS,then the first DVD, then the 35th Anniversary Edition, and now this SUPERIOR Blu Ray version. Oh, and THIS film is why I invested in a Blu Ray player. Soundtrack...only twice. Original vinyl and the CD. Also have the paperback screenplay from 1969, and of course, a few remaining original posters. The detail of Peter Fonda's face and leather jacket...the metallic paint in that beautiful bike of his...wow, glad I lived long enough to have seen this. I recommend HIGHLY. 220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Trying to make Dickens relevant again, this dresses him up in American hard times and values. Winkler is always a pleasure to watch. I don't know, however, how Winkler would have Dickens speak if set in post-2007 American, though. 4-stars...that's it...and perhaps a rather weak 4 stars at that. 684 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE STORY: Starting off with a newsreel on the children of the world preparing for a visit from Santa Claus, we meet a mailman named Special Delivery Kluger. After some introductory comments from the mailman, who delivers to the North Pole in a snowcat type vehicle, we see the credits spelled out on mail envelopes, with a stamp representing the actor listed. Inside the envelopes are question from children around the world about Santa. "Where did Santa's suit come from?", and more, so that the show can proceed to show where Santa got his start and why things are the way they are. In a sad vilage named Sombertown, ruthlessly run by the Burgermeister Meisterberger, toys are outlawed. On the other side of the mountain, elves are raising a human orphan boy, learned in the ways of toymaking. But a scary Winter Warlock has prevented them from delivering toys across the mountain. Whenthe boy grows up he is givent he name Kris Kringle, and he determines to deliver the toys. Arriving there he meets Ms. Jessica and falls in love, but Kris is arrested for the toys. After his escape he runs into the Winter Warlock, and must find a way to deal with him if he is going to deliver toys. Without giving any plot away, Kris has to find creative ways to smeak the toys to the children and avoid being captured again by the soldiers. Along the way we see how traditions like hanging stockings, using the chimney, delivering at night, making reindeer fly, and a nice/naughty list got their start. However there is not much to relate to the game thats my reason for 4 rather than5 9734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I can see why people like this film. It's a look at the future, filled with high-tech gadgetry 8723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Georgeus and funny 5933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. It has more depth to it compared to other Steve Martin movies. It's a sweet love story based on Cyrano D'Bergerac but with a happy ending. 2074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well, it is stirring even though it has many unbelievable plot devices that strain credibility. 9139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I actually received an error message telling me this didn't exist but it still came up ! "Midnight Express" was an instant classic as soon as it was released in 1978. Little was known about Muslim countries and levels of freedom, if any. This film showed just the amount of freedom people in a westernized Muslim country received. Istanbul is both in Europe and Asia, a large, cosmopolitan city, so it's that more of a shock to encounter a prison like the one Billy ended in in this beautiful city. 8270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter (16) loved this movie when she was a little girl and watched over and over and over. Lately she has developed an appreciation for old movies and I thought it would be nice to get her this one. She was so happy!!! I think it's a great movie for all ages, a real classic! And I would definitely recommend it for any little girl (6 and above). Nothing but contrivance for this film as well, bringing us the same, tired situations that its characters dwell in, going over the same old routine until we feel like we've seen every horror movie known to man. Ben Willis was supposedly killed in the ending of the first, and even if he's alive, he missing a hand. Not a problem. Slap a new hook on him in place of the severed hand, one that's permantently attached, so he can kill quicker and easier. Now the characters need to be placed in the most vulnerable of positions at key points in the movie. All taken care of; just send them to a secluded island paradise that is about to experience a major weather crisis. Need a couple of simple characters for extra bloodletting. Hotel management: 'nuff said. Are you seeing a pattern here? 4628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not much to say that hasn't been said elsewhere so I'll just add that this looks great on blu-ray. This is probably my favorite movie and I never get tired of watching it. 4501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie! A little older but, all in all, good acting and a good plot. 3608 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie in parts when it first came out but not until now have I seen all the movie entirely. I have probably watched this film at least 45 - 50 times, and yet, I still catch something new everytime. Some new funny line that I never picked up before. for some awful acting and lame special effects in fact the video game is a lot more fun than the film. 6853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 6381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the place to go to buy your favorite older movies when you're still switching out from VHS to DVD. A great movie at a great price delivered right to your door! I had to see this movie! And thereafter Besson unwisely tries to have a bob each way. On one hand, he takes the historically faithful/dramatised documentary angle - this is really how it happened, you see - but on the other he plays the dreamy, psychedelic/quasi-spiritual card at the same time. Which isn't how it happened, at all. 5444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fresh and engaging look at punk rockers in Salt Lake City in the 80s. 7523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The story of a young woman (Marisa Tomei) who travels all the way to Italy to search for her soulmate even though she is getting married in days. All the performers are great especially Bonnie Hunt. I hope she wins some awards someday. Beautiful scenery of Italy is wonderfully captured in this great looking DVD. Nothing happening in the 5.1 surround sound but again this is not "Die Hard" kind of movies. Get this, you won't be sorry. 3377 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great film about first contact with alien life. I watched recently with my family. It had been quite a few years since I last saw it. Interesting to see technology in 1977 - no internet, no cell phones, etc. That stuck out for my kids, but they were definitely engaged for the whole film. 9311 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful, absolutely fantastic DVD. Monty Python's crowning achievement in silliness is given fantastic treatment here and makes good use of it. The behind the scenes bits are very interesting and quite funny. The archives of the artwork and sketches are a nice inclusion, but it would have been nice if they were bigger or could be zoomed in on. Maybe I'm missing a button somewhere. 9977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie with good extras that answer a lot of questions. All in all, I would give this film an A-, really enjoyable. However, Mr. Vincent will not be played by and elderly man, so I think that won't be as interesting. Also, this will be in an over-populated place (Los Angeles, I believe) and that is not preferred. In the original, it took place in 'Anytown, USA'. That gave it a better atmosphere, thinking that it could happen in any common neighbourhood much like the one you're probably in. I hear that Chris Sarandon, who played Dandridge in the original, is supposed to have a cameo in the new flick and that would be cool (yet, most assuredly, it will be too small a part). I hope that the FRIGHT NIGHT theme from J. Geils Band plays a lil' bit somewhere, too...perhaps on a radio station in someone's car? Lastly, concerning the remake, I'm hoping that they re-release the original and the sequel with more features. Specifically FN2 as its cost is ridiculous. 8542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is, at the very least, one of the best movies that I have ever seen. It illustrates that correct life principles can and will lead to a successful/fulfilling life, taking with it or blessing all the people, animals, and things in your life. 887 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this workout. The set is beautiful. At first I thought it was going to be all down-dogs. I'm a lifelong migrainer and downdogs make myhead pound with pain. But there is so much after that! It's a little slow, which is fine with me , but the workouts are very graceful and all of the poses I'm used to. It's a total body workout. I rented this, but I'm going to buy it! Oh btw, she dies in the end. But you knew that, right? Paid attention in English history class, right? Of course you did. In my attempt to fully familiarize myself with this man's work, I dug back a few years to see where it all started. In 1996 he teamed up with Owen Wilson to flesh out a short film they had released two years prior. Thus, the careers of both these men were born. Wilson went on to gigantic fame, thanks to his chemistry with the camera and his knack for playing the lovable loser, but his collaborations with Anderson show a depth to his talent that other directors have yet to tap into. `Bottle Rocket' is a blast of a film that shows all of Anderson's promise and potential, and while it is certainly rough around the edges and lacks the glossy veneer and visual grandeur that he brought to his later films, the gritty indie quality adds a layer of likability to the film. If there is a reason to watch this movie,its the sound design,which really shines in DD 5.1 mix included here. I don't know if its because its only audio track and has thus been given more room to breathe or what,but this is one of the liveliest mixes I've head in quite some time. The front soundstage is very wide,with dialogue always coming in clearly from the center and excellent panning and directionality across the mains. The surrounds are active throughout,whether they're carrying echoes of gunfire,the moans and shuffles of zombies,or the annoying numetal soundtrack. Check out the showdown with the lickers in the church early on for a good example of what I'm talking about: As the creatures crawl around on the ceiling,stalking their pray,the mix track their progresses from left surround to right surround and into the front channels. Very Impressive. 7406 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Haunting. 1. Several times the brothers compete physically and logically. Even with his handicapped origin Ethan Hawke" Vincent Freeman" surpasses his brother Loren Dean "Anton." 4805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wes Anderson, what a talent! 5384 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my absolute favorite horror movies from my youth, as well as an awesome soundtrack. 2559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is the best movie ever, i can watch it over and over and never get tired of it. Its and emotional rollercoster and then some. I love everything about this movie even the gut renching ending is amazing, if you haven't seen it, please do yourself a favor and check this one out! 7231 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fine movie. 5695 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderfully scary. 2417 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The Spice Girls have proved all critics wrong and although individually their vocals are thin and lack range and power, they have made some instantly memroable recordings and likewise their solo releases have been fairly good too given to prove that you don't really seem to have to have much singing power these days. This film is little more than extended concert footage with silly and painfully unfunny sequences linked to them. None of the girls could act their way out of a wet paper bag but i'm sure they don't care as they certainly made lots of money from this. Fans will be delighted whilst others will just gauge at how dross like this can be made and earn big money. 6700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Milla Jovovich is astonishingly good in her performance as Joan of Arc. The supporting cast is excellent as well. Cinematography, sets, costumes are all perfection. Mystical sequences are suitably bewildering...are they from the mouth of God or madness? The seemingly endless battle scenes, the thick dark brutality of 15th century warfare, the ruthless machinations of power and betrayal are filmed mercilessly to great effect. The blunt, relentless savagery bludgeons us as we are plunged ferociously into the fray, urged on by a frenzied, schrieking berserker with an angel's face. Regardless of whether you prefer to see Joan's story as myth or history or a combination of the two, this film is a powerful depiction of the mayhem and miracles of martyrdom that can occur when an individual's voice of conscience and reason are lost in the blast of an angry god's screams of retribution. Whether manufactured by religion, manipulated by the state, morphed from some secret personal madness, "holy war" has never been the work of the Creative and Loving Spirit that moves the Universe. Suffering and the horrors of war come from people. I didn't see this film when it was in the theatres, but saw it on VHS three years later. It stikes me that the people behind the 9/11 tragedy, the people who clamored for the death penalty the moment the D.C. snipers were caught, the kamikaze pilots of World War II, and all those down through history who call upon death with a righteous voice have a little of Joan of Arc within them. Who spoke to Joan...the God or the Satan of her religion? Or were the voices from the deep well of her own psyche twisted and turned about by the times in which she lived? Can it be that Bin Laden and Joan of Arc are cut from the same cloth? When will it end? When will it ever end? This movie asks powerful questions that need asking today more than ever. Character growth, loss, tragedy and triumph are the themes of this season, as the characters are greatly affected by the trials of world war I. I highly recommend this for fans of this time period, or fans of BBC drama. I particularly liked the character arc involving Edward the footman, and the arc involving Hazel Bellamy. This is truly an excellent series, I am sorry that it was ended after the fifth season. 687 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE STORY: Starting off with a newsreel on the children of the world preparing for a visit from Santa Claus, we meet a mailman named Special Delivery Kluger. After some introductory comments from the mailman, who delivers to the North Pole in a snowcat type vehicle, we see the credits spelled out on mail envelopes, with a stamp representing the actor listed. Inside the envelopes are question from children around the world about Santa. "Where did Santa's suit come from?", and more, so that the show can proceed to show where Santa got his start and why things are the way they are. In a sad vilage named Sombertown, ruthlessly run by the Burgermeister Meisterberger, toys are outlawed. On the other side of the mountain, elves are raising a human orphan boy, learned in the ways of toymaking. But a scary Winter Warlock has prevented them from delivering toys across the mountain. Whenthe boy grows up he is givent he name Kris Kringle, and he determines to deliver the toys. Arriving there he meets Ms. Jessica and falls in love, but Kris is arrested for the toys. After his escape he runs into the Winter Warlock, and must find a way to deal with him if he is going to deliver toys. Without giving any plot away, Kris has to find creative ways to smeak the toys to the children and avoid being captured again by the soldiers. Along the way we see how traditions like hanging stockings, using the chimney, delivering at night, making reindeer fly, and a nice/naughty list got their start. 5233 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Among the top 20 greatest infact. and a heck of a really good dvd!.. 7948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great family musical to watch. My daughter really enjoyed this one. A comedy full of fun, music and Spice 4364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 John McTiernan's "Last Action Hero" is always looked at as one of the big flops in modern day cinema. The truth is the film is a lot better than a lot of people are willing to admit. In Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose of Cairo" a desperate women falls in love with a character in a film she watches who just happens to jump out of the screen. Well it is basically the same sort of formula only a kid gets in on the action of the latest Schwarzenegger film, "Jack Slater 4" yet befriends the character and not the actor who thinks all of it is real and not a film. True, it is not as bittersweet as Allen's movie but I don't find that to be a flaw. It is a very fun movie and it was very enjoyable the whole way through. Arnold Schwarzenegger does a great parody of himself as Slater who spits out one liners during violent conflicts. I even found Austin O' Brien to be a fairly decent child actor in this film and that is a rare suprise in this sort of a film. The film is also backed by a great score of hard rock music from AC/DC, Alice in Chains, Megadeath and more. John McTiernan and Arnold Schwarzenegger suffered heavy blows with this film. True, it was not either of their best work but I think the critics were way too cruel. Its should not be viewed as a failure but as an enjoyable action adventure that it is. 6666 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is not a zombie movie but a warning about bio weaponry mistakes, but it was still good. I maen the way that they kept the stillness from the game in it. They kept the surprises too. The actors did great too. I hope that they make a Resident Evil 2 soon cause it would be great to see. All in all, hairdos aside, a pretty dissatisfying night in. 4262 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As a movie, Last Action Hero is a very underrated film that parodies the kinds of action movies it was originally marketed as. Audiences didn't expect a comedy when they went to see it and walked out angry. Columbia made the mistake of thinking Arnold could hold his own (and win) against competing picture Jurassic Park, which opening the same weekend (Arnold didn't fare well) LITTLE TRIVIAL NOTES ON "NIL BY MOUTH": Unless you're somewhere in the European climate or at least Australian, you'd best hit "closed captioning" or "subtitles" if you want to understand so much as a damn line of dialouge. The thick cockney accents are almost indecipherable. They're so thick, you could choke on them. For me, it was almost like hearing morse code. The characters might as well have been speaking Chinese. 3450 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Would give it ten stars! There's a version of this movie that is filled with tons of extraneous garbage but this one is NOT that version. Great, cohesive storytelling and impressive visual effects that actually have a purpose rather than being a gee-whiz distraction. Don't rent this, BUY it. You'll watch it over and over. Ask any UFO buff and he/she'll tell you that when it comes to films about the "objects in the sky" there are very few, extremely few, that can demand good notes from the audiences. 8158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great collection, and excellent writing and acting. Well worth keeping forever. 5789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To me this movie is the best in the series, and really nice looking on blu ray. Not the best blu ray out there but definitely worth it for the price. If you've never seen this and your a fan of horror you definitely should get this. 3953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it always amazes me how people can rate the DVD months before its release. Well done to you all, i am in your service. All i can say is i am a huge fan of this movie, it brings together everything that makes Steven Spielburg a GOD! From a beautiful and natural 'everyday guy' Drafus, to dazling special effects, charmingly mixed with a solution of classic John williams (music for Jaws, star wars etc.) If the DVD is loaded with features it will be spectacular if it isn't it will remain simply a masterpiece of cinema history. Buy it, especially if you are the one person alive yet to see it! I hope this is the start to a rush of spielburg releases. Bring on Indiana jones, schinderlers list and about 20 other classics! Any sign of the Goonies? 5147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie grabbed my attention the first time I rented it at my local videostore for it's low key atmosphere and entertaining storyline. The highly persistent (if not entirely insane) Dignan, played by Owen Wilson has got to be one of the most memorable character portrayals in any movie I've ever seen. The slow pace of the movie makes everything just right (you won't be blown away by special effects, unless you consider an altogether cerebral script pyrotechnic) but you will come away from this movie with a sense of adventure and a deep desire for one yourself. The fact that this movie is practically a remake of an earlier project adds even more to its appeal. The caper scenes are hilarious, the dialogue will make you think as well as laugh, and you will come away from this movie with a new appreciation for film making in general. It's not all about explosions after all. And you will find yourself scaring the hell out of your friends when for no reason at all you start screaming "Ka-Caw, Ka-Caw!". If you like this movie check out Rushmore, also directed by Wes Anderson. 4832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a nine-disc set of most of the director-writer-actor's films under the control of MGM/Fox. Six of them - Silent Movie, History Of The World Part 1, High Anxiety, To Be or Not to Be, Twelve Chairs, and Robin Hood: Men with Tights - are making their Blu-ray debut in this set. The other three included films - Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and Spaceballs have already gone Blu. This is exactly the same content as the standard DVD set The Mel Brooks Collection (Blazing Saddles / Young Frankenstein / Silent Movie / Robin Hood: Men in Tights / To Be or Not to Be / History of the World, Part 1 / The Twelve Chairs / High Anxiety) except that Spaceballs is in this Blu set and not in the Standard DVD set. Sadly enough, the only reason I halfway speak in her defense is that she seemed to speak her lines as if she hated every single word of them - and her every look seemed to disdain the movie. OK - Well, regardless, even for that, I guess I cannot in my heart of hearts give her any credit as an actress. 3466 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This film is boring. In 1977 these special effects with all the electronics activating themselves and the giant spaceship coming down must of been earth shattering but viewed now it is a slow, disjointed mess. I know the guy playing the Frenchman is a legendary director but having the character be French means nothing, and is especially confusing to follow. Why is a French UFO hunter investigating missing American WWII planes? What?!? It goes on from the as we transition from one drawn out scene to the next. The characters are all flat, Dreyfuss is underwhelming and after his encounter, he has visions which cause his wife and family to split. I never cared about any of the characters, they were one dimensional and stereotypical. It just goes on too long. This is a slow plodding film with no rhyme or reason that just doesn't hold up. Save yourself 2 and 1/2 hours and skip this. After Jaws, Spielberg was the it boy and they gave him carte blanche and he gave them an alien encounter movie. He did much better with E.T. but this one not so much. But the movie is incomprehensible. 3330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was scarily accurate, I would know, I've seen real life aliens. 7487 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say? This is a man's movie. Call me a chauvinist or anything else except late for dinner but this is a fine work, a neglected work, a work of passion and greatness. 320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this DVD. I can't seem to get it back from people I've loaned it to as they love it too! 5) "Man-Eater of Surrey Green" When a outer space artichoke, lands and takes root, and begins killing eminent horticulturists, Emma and Steed get out the Roundup. Rocky and Bullwinkle fought a similar plant in the cartoons - wonder who was first...lol? * Roger McGuinn - Ballad of Easy Rider 5306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this is one of the best vampire movies,it can hold its own with any other out there,and better than some,I have another copy,so I didn't have to open this one It is also nice to see Janet Margolin in one of her best roles as the female lead, Louise, Virgil's eternally loyal girlfriend. She was taken far too young by ovarian cancer, but this role is a great one to remember her by. 2700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I needed this version in DVD -- because I wore out the VHS. Love it -- love the story-- love, family, close neighbors--- just what we all need :) Am happy to have it in DVD format. 4338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I think I know why this film was so poorly received and tanked at the box office. It was TOO "inside". Much of this film is a series of jokes about the standard, conventional, formulaic, bombastic action film genre. But the humor was so tongue-in-cheek so often that it probably didn't bode well with the average action-junkie film fan. "Last Action Hero" made fun of itself as it unfolded, and one would need a certain sense of humor to fully appreciate it on its intended level. I dare say that most folks who went to this film just didn't "get it". Too bad for them. 2472 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No man is worthy of kissing a young hot Kim Bassinger! Lucky Richard! Very suspense filled, edge of the seat drama! 4998 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The obvious flaw in this blu-ray collection of 9 Mel Brooks films is that it does not include all of Brooks's movies, most notably The Producers. I admit that I'm inclined to forgive this because I already own that movie (probably my favorite comedy of all time) on DVD, and am perfectly happy not to double-up on owning it; and I also don't mind not having Life Stinks or Dracula: Dead and Loving It, as those are my two least favorite Brooks movies. So, yes, some movies are missing, and that is a totally valid criticism of this set. 4100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is wonderfull. It is sad it is funny but most of all it is touching. I love evrey min... Of this film. This is a must see. Producers: Alan Marshalls, David Puttnam and Peter Guber It is a pity that this DVD contains no documentaries surrounding this Oscar-nominated movie, but the movie itself more than makes up for the absence. The Prince of Tides is a pure joy to watch, an emotional experience like no other. For viewers who were raised in a dysfunctional family, the film is particularly meaningful: it will inspire you to let go of past hurt, learn from it, grow stronger, and set yourself free to love yourself and live a happier life. 760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok Visually it is stunning - a virtuoso work. One of the most classic lines coming out of this film is De Niro staring in the mirror, gearing up with his guns, snarling, "Are you talking to me?" Paul is a rebellious, golden-haired youth. His rebellion starts early when he refuses to eat his porridge. He gets into a fight with his older brother Norman, but all is forgiven. The next day, Norman watches his little brother break free of his father's "four count rhythm." He has rebelled into something courageous and original. Though despite its own unique beauty, its gracefulness is different than Norman and his father. It has less control. He calls it "shadow casting" later in life. Like the "shadow casting" Paul's life has less structure than Norman's. The interview accompanying the movie as a Special Feature is very informative but too long, an hour. We learn that the teenage prostitute that Iris is based on is really in the movie. She is the girl who is with Iris. She looks like a drugged out whore, and that's what she is. She looks like she has dead shark eyes. I've seen lots of junkies with those same dead shark eyes. Iris looks very innocent by comparison. 7807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Some years ago my brother had the promotion poster for this movie framed and hanging in a wall of his apartment, my first and only thought was that it was a pretty cool photo. Although it is known that Washington had a temper, especially in extremis, most of the time Daniels' Washington comes across as merely petulant or even bitchy. The flick doesn't have much acting in it, just a lot of action and ... whooping. Milla Jovovich is capable as an action heroine. And she is far superior to the acting of Ms. Academy Award Winner Angelina Jolie in last years debacle known as "Tomb Raider." A film I affectionately refer to as "The Complete Piece of Crap I Saw For Free Last Summer And Still Wanted My Money Back." Back to Resident Evil, Michelle Rodriguez expands on her resume of bad ... chicks with this flick, she offers the much needed action hero one liners because Milla spends most of the beginning of the flick regaining her memory. Eric Mabius is cool, and looks to be seeing more of the RE franchise. Did I say Franchise? Yeah guys there will be a sequel, the cool epilogue at the end sets it up and had the audience fired up. The DVD looks to be a little thin on extras', which is too bad; I'd love to know more about how they staged those fight scenes. A film this old that has not quite made the bargain bins in price, means the demand is still hot. It usually means it's worth adding to your personal collection for repeat viewings. There are tons of special features all of which are listed on the product description - not inconsistency there. They are all on the Blu-ray disc. If you love this movie and concerned about the Blu-ray format, you should not have any fears. You should definitely add this to your collection, turn off your lights and enjoy Fright Night on Blu-ray....for real :) 9369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I Feel This Was A Great Movie !! The Bob Newhart Show is one of those "must have" comedy classics. I can't help but laugh at Bob's subtle, uptight, quirky humor, paired with Emily's playful goofiness. A great tv marriage! Then, when you add in the stellar grouping of zany friends and neurotic patients, it makes for hilarious episodes that we will never forget. This is what comedy was meant to be and will never be again. Highly recommend this series! 7605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Only in the seventies could a glossy, overblown film like this be so good. And it is..in spite of its excesses. Faye Dunaway, fresh from her Oscar turn in NETWORK, plays Laura Mars, a fashion photographer specializing in grotesque murder images. She also can "see" the murderer of several of her models while he or she is committing the foul deeds. Conveniently, the script doesn't address just how Laura got this "psychic ability." But it doesn't matter as it makes a compelling device when she joins the murderer via satellite. Rene Auberjenois chews up the scenery as her manager/agent, whose foppishness and over the top emoting are delightful to watch. Tommy Lee Jones, in one of his first big-screen features, plays the dashing detective John Neville, who falls in love with Dunaway and tries to believe her psychic witnessing. Director Irving Kershner keeps the glamour and glitz going with some deft mood swings. He gets good performances from his whole cast, although at times Faye seems to be auditioning for her later role in "Mommie Dearest," but she pulls back enough to keep her performance interesting. Jones is smooth, although his youth hinders some major transformations in the film. And definitely the costume designer had her work cut out for her with all of the fashions Dunaway wears. But it's the glitzy seventies and the mystery holds your attention, so that Laura Mars emerges as a gripping and entertaining whodunit. Also, it has the stunning "Prisoner" sung by producer Jon Peters' main squeeze then, Barbra Streisand. Shes your typical teenager who's wild and very stubborn and at time presistant but she was also very brave and couragous and determined. When she approches the doufer of France she realizes her destiny is all the more closer after she passes a test to see who the real doufer is , she tells him about her visons that she is to lead the French army into battle at Orleaon they will take the castle underseige and with Joan they hope to gain the victory to crown there King. 7353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie a very funny movie,but what else would you expect from the pythons. Our chihuahua monitors our daily activities, and we now call HER 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' ! 8052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I always liked this movie When I was a kid, this was one of my favorite movies. About Woody (Crawford) who is a comic book writer who's best friend Harry (Michael J Fox's father in Teen Wolf/Longest Yard (original) guy who dies) is a file clerk for a spy company, who when left in charge to send a civilian to Istanbul to deliver some spy papers, he bumbled his way into making a top KGB agent (Natalia) believe he is a top agent and she later wishes to have him help her defect to America. This goes way back--past Kerouac, past Whitman, past Huck and Jim lighting out for the territories, past Ishmael and Queequeg, past Leatherstocking and Chingachkook, past even Hester Prynne and Pearl. 1749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love books about that era. The brave men and women who fought for our freedoms 7172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 3273 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 In 2005, we took a weekend trip from Baton Rouge, LA to Natchitoches, LA, where fifteen years earlier the filming of Steel Magnolias in 1989 remains about the biggest thing that ever happened. Having never seen the movie, we rented it as soon as we got back home. Everyone had a reason for watching it in two segments--mine was my sense that this was one of the "cutest" movies I'd ever seen, and I'd had quite enough "cute" lately, especially after sitting through Will Smith in "Hitch". The accents and the caricatures of the characters were all so thick that it reminded me of The Beverly Hillbillies, though more embarrassing than funny. One "Hillbillies-like" moment that pretty funny was the few non-female characters' effort to shoot some "crows" out of a tree so that they won't "**** all over the reception". Their creative use of a crossbow is a classic. 5583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fright Night, Clownhouse, Halloween, Scream, and A nightmare on Elm Street are the five greatest Horror movie ever. Fright Night is a 1986 vampire flick written and directed by Tom Holland(Child's play). Charlie Brewster is a high school kid who lives with his mother and has a girlfriend. He notices that his next door neighbor Jerry Dandridge is carrying a coffin into his bassment for his sleep during the day. He gets Peter Vincent to help him out. This movie is AWESOME. Horror Movies from the 1980's are the best(except Halloween "1979"). Chris Sarandon is great as an intimidating SCARY vampire. i rented this movie and kept it overdue for almost a month because of repeated viewings. Get this classic to add to your scary movie collection, it is probably better than anything that you already have! 2578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love all the actors 907 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the problem with this film is theres no clear cut case of the villians are there really any villians in this film none that i could figure out. oliver reed s charcter krokov cant really be considered a villian primarily because theres no motive to any of what he does. from what i got out of him hes just a top russian agent with no real motive. films just a excuse to have great stunts and a crazy plot that goes nowhere. see what you can salvage out of this one theres likeable stuff just no plot motivation. "All things merge into one, and a river runs through it." 6163 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Of recent updatings of CYRANO DE BERGERAC, this one is one of the best, and is certainly the funniest. Although THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS has a soft spot in my heart, this version is by far funnier and more romantic. The other film focuses more on Janeane Garofalo's feelings of inferiority compared to Uma Thurman, and although funny, doesn't strive for the laughs like Roxanne does. Also, with apologies to Ben Chaplin, he is hardly as adorable as Daryl Hannah. She has never been lovelier than in this film. 916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just got the Region 2 Disney UK DVD of Condorman in the mail today and instantly put it in the player. 7624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Okay, so the movie is 20 years old. I told you, I review old movies and television shows. Actually, I forgot about this one after all these years, until it was on TV this past weekend. It's a lighthearted, insanely unrealistic, sappy love story. Every once in a while, they are good for an afternoon of mindless entertainment. Want a great RE movie experience? Buy a GameCube and the Resident Evil remake. The graphics are amazing, and the mood is perfect. Play it in the dark and you start looking over your shoulder. Want a bad RE movie experience? Pop this film into your DVD player and you start looking over your shoulder for the nearest exit. Shame on you, Paul W.S. Anderson. What does the W.S. stand for? Writes Sh*t? Next time, stick to the storyline and spare us your own embarrassing version of things. 7147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought for MIL who loves this movie. Another drawback are the "Opening remarks" by John Mortimer tacked on to the beginning of each episode. He's more than difficult to understand. And, unlike some other DVD collections, the menu doesn't offer a selection that allows you to skip the opening credits and jump directly to the program. 3982 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You will cry! Deep, heartfelt, real, and sometimes ugly... which of course makes it beautiful. 3335 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In my opinion, this is one of Spielberg's best movies, if not the best. The sense of tension that is built as all these mysterious things keep happening leads to such a satisfying climax at the end of the move. The score by John Williams is likewise one of the greatest of the last 50 years, and the final piece that leads to the credits is so moving that it gives me chills even after years of repeated viewings. "The Crossing" tells the story of General George Washington's preparations to attack the Hessian soldiers (in service to Britain) at Trenton on Christmas 1776. The movie highlights the disagreements and personality conflicts between Washington and some of his key commanders, and the challenges of pulling off such a revolutionary attack. 3199 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There really isn't any big mystery as to why EASY RIDER was such a massive hit when it was released in 1969. On a budget of no more than half a million dollars, the director/producer team of Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda somehow captured the alienation that a lot of young people felt about America during that turbulent time. 5006 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I thought it would be 2 1/2 star movie but it's a 4 star movie. Love it when that happens! I do not think that this is correct at all. (1977; 2 hr, 15 min; 2 discs; widescreen; 28 scenes) This film abounds in small points. The depiction of the Pennsylvania German troops in Washington's command is well done. The state of mind of Washington's troops, ofter overlooked, is shown in great detail. The use of period sites also was a big plus in the making of this film. 2851 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We loved it. 128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thus is a clever way to tell the traditional story. We watch this every Christmas. 9906 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1980's CHEESE and ACTION does not get much better 7071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still one of the best movie musicals. I put it on for my grandson and I enjoyed every minute. 9157 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is actually a funny movie, even after all this time. Nothing seems outdated in the least. The print of the film is surprisingly clear, a step above the average 1970's comedy. They seem to have overdefined the term "bonus content" as there is some stuff that appears random, like the film in Lego mode! If you like British humor, than you should definitely see this movie, if you haven't already seen it, at this time. If you have seen it and liked it, this is the version to buy, for sure! 1117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have thorouthly enjoyed the entire series. Have two or three more episodes in Season 4 to go, can't wait for #5. I feel like I'm right FREEBIE FOR iPad Owners: Free After Rebate--get the related iPad app called "Monty Python: The Holy Book of Days" ($4.99, App Store) - Recreates the 28 days of location shooting of the landmark film. Mail-in rebate if you buy the iPad app AND the blu-ray. Rebate info is supposed to be on the back of a sticker on the outer wrapping, but some people are reporting there is no sticker so I've included all the rebate details in the first comment below this review. Later after making a deal with the lead scientist for a ticket out of this nightmare, they go to a school to retrieve his daughter as their part of the arrangement. A perfect example is when John and Emma are traveling in their souped up car near the beginning (complete with a mini-coffee maker/bar), they are suddenly chased by giant remote control robotic bees. They eventually git rid of the pests, but after exiting their car it explodes for literally no reason at all. One of our first glimpses of Sir August involves a sort of meeting with some people to show off his new weather-control device. For some inexplicable reason, everyone is wearing giant multi-colored teddy-bear costumes! It truly must be seen to believed and if the rest of the movie had been as over-the-top and campy as this scene it would have been entertaining on a purely guilty pleasure level. But unfortunately, the rest of the film has the same flat and lifeless feel to it that the opening scenes exhibit. A fake Russian news crew boards the plane and hijacks it in an attempt to have the Russian general freed from prison.... 7129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best! Right about when these talentless hacks became popular, I was in fifth grade, and every girl in my class (plus a couple of guys...) had to have EVERYTHING with their stupid faces on it. Me and my friends were starting to get into nu-metal like KoRn and Wimp Bizkit (hey, we were in fifth grade, give us a break), and everywhere you went, you got attacked by a bunch of prissy peabrains running around going "GIRL POWER!!!!" Oy vey. Well, that's okay. Thank god that these mental midgets are no longer around to sully the media any further. 1667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Upstairs Downstairs is the example par excellence of British television. Over five seasons during the 1970s, Upstairs Downstairs riveted audiences in Britain, while in America, it more than any other series made Masterpiece Theater an essential part of Sunday evening television. The final question, once all the fire and blood and plunder and ruin of "The Messenger" succumb to night and silence, is this: do we hear the voice of God because we finally allow ourselves to listen---or because we so desperately want to hear? Bickle is looking for something to brighten up his seedy existence and a woman catches his eye. Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) works in a local office for a senator who is hoping to become the next president. After pestering her for a while, she eventually agrees to go on a date with him. He talks to her in a very straightforward way. It's not clear whether he lacks intelligence, or if he doesn't see any point in hiding the truth about himself. His approach works and leads to one of the funniest scenes in the film when he takes her to see a movie. In no specific order: It takes place in America during the depression. 7928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Bridges and Robbin Williams are great together. 2351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie when it first came out, and loved it. I am so excited to find it here. This movie is not meant to be taken seriously. Basically this movie is about friendship and staying true to yourself. It is a fun movie that any fan of the Spice Girls will love. millions) and well done violent zombie destruction - huge monsters with 4459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This sequel was not disappointing at all! It has everything a sequel needs - more dead bodies and more gory deaths. What makes this movie unique, though, is the fact that it has a brand new plot! 1901 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie 8628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 no problems 7956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rarely use the term, but "The Fisher King" is a "cool" movie. It's a bit slow off the line, but once the relationship between Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams begins, it's absolutely captivating. The acting is superb, the human perceptions profound, personal transitions believable and satisfying, love stories unpredictable, entertaining and ultimately extremely touching. The subtle statements about the differences between men and women are right on. Not always a Gilliam fan as his movies tend to be too abstract for me, I'd recommend "The Fisher King" to anybody. In a strange way, it's the ultimate buddy movie. 2. The film making was so surreal it puts you right into the battles like nobody else could ever do. She even had visions of Jesus and her after they retook the Tourelles saying 'what are you doing to me Joan'..and she was horrified about that. The one thing that the original did not show was the Miracle at Patay!!!!!!!!!! Brilliantly done. She was on her white horse alone in front of the whole English Army and she scared them away!!!! An amazing bit of history for the English. Maybe the most embarrassing. Mel - "Shirley" More focus is required. More self-monitoring. Less subconscious or impulsive 7929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A precursor of Terry Gilliam's twelve Monkeys. Fantastic cast with signs of brilliance from Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges. What happened to Mercedes Ruehl. Too many years since we've seen her in anything. The BD version is very good, and quite a few extras complete an excellent deal. I'm writing here on the assumption that anyone reading this has seen this film, probably more than once. If that isn't the case, this truly is one of the greatest American films. It is a landmark film, showing the ferocity and loneliness that many find in modern life in a way that has only rarely been portrayed in any art form, whether cinema or literature. To say that it is a "must see" film doesn't do it justice. ps: this is also like an hour long, so there is LOTS of info and songs and junk in it! this is a treat for any Arthur episode, which are usually only 12 min. Genre Grade: B 5904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I need to get this on blue ray, because this is still the best in this movie series!!! This one is as close as it will get to the games!!! 5872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All excellent. Take Romero's excellent movie, "Day of the Dead" (the third and last film in his zombi trilogy), add to it a big budget, plenty of computers and special effects and a couple of female stars, in order to grab the required audience, and you get that kind of predigested movie, that you forget as soon as you see it. The story is practically the same: a handful of characters trapped by a bunch of zombies in a closed, underground place, and who quickly slander each other for survival. "Resident Evil" is unfortunately typical of today's American action cinema: it's empty, noisy and brainless, in one word, standard. More than the story, totally trivial today - the virus theme has been told a hundred times, and in better, especially in "Twelve Monkeys" and in Richard Matheson's founder novel, "I am Legend" -, the biggest default of this film is the total lack of gore scenes, which is paradoxical for a zombie movie and the symptom of a politically correct U.S. cinema. Milla Jovovich is not very comfortable, the music, uselessly hard, is deafening and brings bad headache (but this is the fashion today), the beginning is totally taken from Vincenzo Natali's "Cube" and the ending, from John Carpenter's "In the Mouth of Madness". Just as good as the orgional, this movie is not one to miss. It is as scary as the orgional and a bit gorier too. This movie also features an appearance from Jack Black and Ray (Freddy Price Jr) is also back. Sure, there are plenty of action movie cliches, like guns which never require reloading, heroes who are never seriously hurt, and characters who can do amazing physical things. And every bad line you can get into a movie is here. But it works. Mel - "Her friend Irene." 5010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie is one of the best movies, by one of the best directors of all time. Most people know that, But. The packaging of this dvd, is the best i think ive ever seen for a movie. The case is perfect, and as someone who likes to collect movies, that actually really matters to me. The special features are great as well, with 3 commentaries , a documentary, and more. Perfect, a must own. I will be selling this DVD and wait until BBC release the DVD in Australia. 2481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie from 1986, action, romance, crime, revenge, a good bad guy....and a sometimes bad good guy......same thing could be said for the girl........ Enjoyable and worthy to watch again....! So much more stupid crap happens without a shred of thought or time put into the production, even the kills are PG-13 caliber (well by today's standards) and we often cut back to Freddie Prince Jr. doing, something? I don't really know what he just has a bad feeling and runs around, apparently as fan service to the girls watching. Then we get more standard cookie-cutter unorignal scenes such as NO ONE BELIEVING WHITE VIRGIN GURRL, or Token black guy is the first of them to get offed and no one seems to care. 7856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When this film was first released, some critics called it more a travel commercial for Montana than anything else, since it so lovingly handles the scenes of the family members involved in the sacrament of fly-fishing. For those of us who fell in love with the original novel celebrating the ways in which the fishing proclivities of these two brothers framed the outlines of a wonderful story about coming of age, and the tragedy of personal misdirection, this film adaptation by Robert Redford strikes a responsive chord. As he did in "the Natural' and also in "The Horse Whisperer", Redford uses the staggering beauty of the natural environment to emphasize in boldface the ways in which each of us makes decisions as to how to conduct ourselves in ways that either foster our own development and growth, on the one hand, or to take a more sinister route, on the other. 6779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like this move very much. I think that war should be shown as the brutal thing that it is and not made to look pretty or glamorous. But I especially enjoyed the scenes with Dustin Hoffman. I thought it was a pretty good depiction of the inner struggle that a spiritual person can go through. FANS OF THE GAME WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE-Shawn Edwards,FOX TV 3962 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Spielberg's best films, his next blockbuster as the follow-up to Jaws. Close Encounters, about a man (Dreyfuss) and a few others all have a calling to meet at Devil's Mountain where they will meet extra-terrestrials. Some of the best scenes full of intesity made whole with John Williams awesome score. The final scenes are some of the most memorable, and the best special effects you will see in modern cinema (comparatively so with CGI). Spielberg also wrote the script, along with a cameo of famed French director Francois Truffaut. "Humbug?" 3378 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is great!!!! I saw many times through my life, and i still think is a masterpiece!!!! Well, Spielberg got many masterpieces, and this is his 2nd, right after JAWS!!!! If you like Sci Fi stuff, you just got to see this one!!!! Air Force One is a great movie. It is fast paced, full of action and you almost instantly identify with the characters, especially Harrison Ford, as we have seen him play the president so many times that it is instantly believable. It is true that many of the details of the movie are obviously fantasy, such as the mythical escape pod (that doesn't exist on the real Air Force One), the ease with which the terrorists boarded the plane, and the constant firing of weapons on the plane without ever puncturing anything important, but the director is so talented and the cast so believable that you don't really think of any of this until after the movie is over. This is a big-budget blockbuster action adventure film at its very best! -Foster's story line is interesting and compelling 2229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Guilty pleasure! 175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 271 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I worked for an ABC station in the 70's and early 80's so I knew and watched when this movie first aired. I wasn't expecting a great show, just one of those expositions of ABC stars like "Love American Style" was in that error. I was very surprised and my wife even cried. This is a well written, well directed and edited movie. Not corny but as the title denotes, with a script that moves away from the original script. In this era of NAFTA and trade treaties this message is as timely as it was in the period of the movie. Also Henry Winkler, who obviously plays the character in several ages, does a great job. Of course, watching Daryl Hannah in her 80's clothing and hairstyle definitely made this film feel "80's" but thankfully for the High Definition transfer, watching "ROXANNE" in 1080p High Definition was quite nice. Seeing her blue eyes and beautiful smile definitely made her one of the popular actresses of the 1980's and both she and Martin, both look incredible now as they were 23 years ago. 1265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie it is so funny and I wanted to get it so my kids could enjoy it as well. they liked it too, its great when a show is funny enough and timeless enough to engage all the family no matter the age and gender. we love to sit around and watch movies together and this is a great addition to our collection. "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" would be nominated for seven Academy Awards and won an Academy Award for "Best Music", "Original Score", "Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium". 8004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It always amazes me how well Robin Williams does in serious roles (I think he does better than his 'funny' roles). The team of Williams and Jeff Bridges shine, with each character playing off the other throughout the movie. The overall message of the movie: we all have something to overcome. This is something we can all relate to, which makes the movie as good as it is. Like the title says, a hidden gem from 1991. But we know from the ancient myth that only a Knight who has been cleansed of sin can retreive the Holy Grail and cure the wounded Fisher King. Jeff Bridges plays this part. He is an extremely successful radio personality who is filled with arrogance, contempt for his fellow man, and self absorption. Yet he provokes a listener to commit a violent crime, a mass killing in a dinner club, and this links Jack to to Parry, who lost his wife in the massacre. Dolby TrueHD Audio English 1876 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1876 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps) Many people will immediately identify Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriquez in the movie. Other actors are no names, but one actor named Eric Mabius is one to keep a eye on. The movie is centered around a huge underground laboratory under Raccoon City called the Hive which is owned and operated by the Umbrella Corporation. A virus is unleashed by a insider within the Hive and you know what comes next...Zombies Galore! If you remember the games, Umbrella is known for one thing, cover ups and they attempt to cover up this mess by completely sealing the Hive off with everyone trapped inside. A special ops team is dispatched to clean up the mess by making sure if this leaks to the public, Umbrella will not be blamed. Milla is dragged into the mess not knowing that she also works for Umbrella. When the team fails to accomplish thier mission, their new mission is to get out of the Hive ALIVE! Get ready for some excellent nail biting suspense and action as they attempt to get out of the Hive. 2525 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This review is NOT about the movie as it is five plus stars. It is about the blu ray from Twilight Time. I have the DVD and just received the blu ray. For some unknown reason Columbia Pictures never issued this as a blu ray, so Twilight Time did. Normally I have been pleased with Twilight Time releases (HINT: all their releases are far far cheaper on their website, as I just found) as well as Criterion Collection releases. Honestly, Criterion is the best of all of them...Criterion, Twilight, Shout! Factory and Scream! Factory. 562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Before I begin my review, I must state something: Having Been translated into over 700 languages, this film has been seen by more than 4 Billion people since its release in 1979 (over 60 Million who saw it have dedicated their lives to the blessed Savior). 7282 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm so happy this is on PrimeI've been able to introduce this to my 3 1/2 year old and he LOVES it! 106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler does a great job playing Slade. He is just plan mean and cold hearted. Rich with nothing to show for it. Then the usual transformation. 6090 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I hate all the reviewers and critics who say that "fans of the video game are going to love this movie." These critics normally aren't gamers or fans of the source material, so how can they be an adequate judge of the tastes of gamers? I'm a huge fan of the Resident Evil game franchise, the very person these critics believe that will enjoy the Resident Evil films. But I DESPISE these movies. And why, do you ask? Because they really aren't much like the games at all. Oh sure, there's a mansion, zombies, zombie dogs, a "Licker" creature, and the malignant Umbrella corporation. But aside from those aesthetical similarities, the film bears little resemblance to the games. 4038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie... no flaws. Arrived quickly. Thank you! I keep forgetting what DVDs I want when I search for them, but I always know once I remember, I can find the movie I want! Rumpole of the Bailey: The Complete Series Megaset As months pass, the family attempts to cope with the horrific reality of their situation and the film promises to become an insightful study of the effects of the loss, fear and guilt that accompanies the disappearance of a child. But then the film goes agley as it moves ahead a decade and the child is miraculously discovered living a mere few blocks away, happily ensconced with a man first thought to be a kidnapper then revealed as an innocent pawn in an abduction scheme gone awry. As the child moves in with his "true" parents, the screenplay settles into a bland T.V. movie formula, in which each character must act out his or her customary little drama with little heed given to believability or originality. Instead of exploring the various stages a family goes through in the wake of a devastating loss, the film cheats us by coming through with an unconvincingly upbeat resolution. It becomes quite clear that the filmmakers are far more concerned with jerking out tears than with providing a truly thoughtprovoking exploration of its theme. This is a shame because the actors (especially Pfeiffer) handle their roles admirably. Only Whoopi Goldberg, in a totally thankless role as a compassionate investigator of missing children, seems hopelessly miscast. This film might well have been a labor of love for her (and indeed for everyone involved), but for the audience, it only makes one sigh over how much better it might have been. 2526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorites. I have watched this movies countless times over the years and it never gets old. Each and every time I watch it I get so attached to the characters lives and the bonds that they share. Timeless!!! And while this movie has been rumored and believed to be a semi-autobiography of Oldman's childhood and family (who wouldn't watch this movie and believe so?), Oldman himself has said that this is not him or his family. Blu-ray Audio Quality In similar respects, the 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack is decent all around, but not quite exceptional. 'Last Action Hero' had the distinction of being the first movie released theatrically in the SDDS 7.1 audio format, Sony's competition for Dolby Digital and DTS. The latter debuted a week earlier with 'Jurassic Park' and stole most of Sony's thunder. Many of the theatres equipped with SDDS experienced technical problems; for several years, and the format was referred to as a complete failure. In order to show off their 7.1 channels, the film's mixers loaded up the soundtrack with lots of zinging directional and surround activity. Bullets whiz all through the soundstage repeatedly. Even as mixed down to 5.1 channels here, the track is still very aggressive. It also matrixes well into 7.1 configuration with Dolby ProLogic IIx processing. Overall fidelity is pretty good. The rockin' score and songs on the soundtrack are satisfyingly broad across the front channels. Sound effects such as knives are quite sharp and piercing. Gun fire has a nice kick. Dynamic range is a little on the shallow side. The movie has plenty of explosions, but few of them dig particularly deep. In baseball terms, this would be a solid double. 7585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie! * The Production - (24:27) Interviews with Director Alan Parker, Producer Alan Marshall and Billy Hayes. Continuing discussion of the challenges of making the film, which included the studio execs not thrilled of the producers selecting Brad Davis (Richard Gere pulled out of the film) and tried to say he was cross-eyed and thus the producers having to get a medical note that he wasn't cross-eyed and challenges of finding the location and the differences that went into making the film from the original screenplay. Ontop of that the movie down right STEALS from the various RE stroy lines. and re-writes resident evil 3 completly,. 2586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorites!! I cry like a baby every time, especially now that I am a mother. "Noon Doomsday" - Steed is trapped in a convalescent home by an old adversary who has a flair for drama and a thirst for vengeance. 5234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is infamous for its violence and its connection with the John Hinkley attempt on Reagan. Its also famous for starring a young Jodie Foster as a prostitute. However, the real driving force in all of this is one man's loneliness and alienation. Travis Bickle is a young frustrated alienated man. At the beginning of the film Travis is lonely, then when he meets Betsy (gorgeous young Cybil Shepherd) he feels that there is hope for him. One memorable quote is: "I believe one should become like other people". He's probably thinking that he can have a significant relationship with Betsy, marriage family perhaps. Unfortunately all that is destroyed when Travis takes Betsy to a porno movie on their first date. Travis is so socially clueless that he has no idea that this is offensive to a girl like Betsy. Afterwards he tries to make up with calls and flowers which are all ignored. That starts Travis' madness. At first his plan is to assasinate the political candidate that Betsy is working for, in an attempt to perhaps get back at Betsy. WIth that plan gone awry Travis turns to saving teen hooker Iris(Foster) from her pimps. A bloody gory battle that is an incredible climax. So potential policitical assasin Travis turns into heroic vigilante who frees teen victim. The movie can easily be interpreted as a violent nonsensical film by people who don't understand what it is to be lonely. But for the millions out there who do understand, Taxi Driver is an incredible unforgettable film. 9904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 roy u go boy FINAL WORD: "Hard Times" is worthy of its cult film status. Enjoy. 1346 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After recently seeing a Bob Newhart performance at the Wilbur Theater in Boston, in which Bob received two separate standing ovations, I decided to finally buy the complete series box set of "The Bob Newhart Show." Therefore, I have no problems with the earlier releases of the first four seasons of the show. In addition, although the video quality isn't of high-definition quality, the episodes are eminently watchable. All problematic issues were soon forgotten after I started watching the show. Bob Newhart was one of the first successful stand-up comedians to star in a TV sitcom. That started a trend that continued with Tim Allen, Ray Romano, Jerry Seinfeld, and many others. In addition, the show was not cancelled by CBS because of poor ratings. After six successful seasons, Bob decided that is was time to end the series. The writing on the show perfectly suited Bob's personality and comedic style. The casting choices were uniformly excellent, especially with Suzanne Pleshette as Bob's wife Emily. Special mention must be made of Jack Riley as Bob's patient Elliot Carlin, who appeared in 56 of the 142 episodes. To say that he is an unforgettable character is an understatement. The box set also includes an informative booklet, which gives a brief synopsis of each episode, along with its original airdate. I am a huge fan of Bob Fosse, and Ann Reinking is one of his best dancers, however for this film, her taltnents were not shown. She was miscast for the role of Miss Farrel. This movie is a fast action movie with Harrison Ford as a president who knows how to stand up and fight. The movie contains several plot twists and good special effects that will hold your interest in the storyline. This is a movie for quiet relaxing evening. It is the cinematographic equivalent of a very well-made macaroni and cheese side dish - warm a little bit gooey but satisfying. 1) They didn't go far enough. The movie has much less gore than you would have thought a movie like this would have. The director said that any more and they might have gotten an NC-17 rating but I suspect they didn't have the money to do any more since I have seen many other movies that were more graphic that still got the R rating. 6663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc brings to the screen one of the most well known Western European historical figures. It is a rather long movie, but that is to be expected considering who the movie is about. 9803 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have loved this movie since it came out. It is now out of production so I was pleased to find any copy. Jack, realizing that their lives are intertwined by that tragedy, seeks redemption by trying to help Parry resume a normal life. Clearly mentally ill, Parry's battle with his inner demons is seen through his eyes. The viewer is made to feel the heartbreak and pathos of his fears which are brought to life in the fearsome visage of the Red Knight, a figment of Parry's imagination who appears intermittently throughout the film, until it gives way to Parry's fragmented recollection of that fatal night three years ago. Robin Williams portrayal of Parry is one of the most beautifully nuanced performances ever. That he did not win the Best Actor Oscar for which he was nominated was truly a major faux pas on the part of the Academy. he teaching very valuable technique that is helping me improve my speed. I've got all the DVDs and bought them for my kids too! Thanks Paul!!! 9651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We're actually getting there, we just can't sequence the genome and interpret it as fast and as routinely as in the movie. At present, hospitals are already using exome (basically all the DNA sequences that code for proteins and miRNAs) sequencing quite routinely to find the causes of Mendelian diseases, but whole genome sequencing and analysis for common diseases affected by numerous genes are still challenging in the clinical setting mainly because of challenges in data analysis. Also, at present, in reality, predisposition to some diseases that are late onset is not allowed to be tested in children to protect them from being alienated by parents, and patients can choose not to know incidental findings in their genetic testing result in case they can't handle them. Furthermore, insurance discrimination has not occurred. So while the technology is getting there, to the best of my knowledge, the policy is not (while I'm a molecular biology major, I'm really not very literate in policy). Gene determinism is false; there're the epigenome and environment affecting the phenotype, including how likely you will get a disease. Identical twins can get very different when they're old because of that, and for common diseases, genetics is only part of the story. Even for cancer, the epigenome still has a role, like when DNA methylation silences tumor suppressors even when they're not mutated. Don't underestimate the effects of the epigenome and environment, and there's no gene for the human spirit! The structure of the film is a little disjointed at times and not really condusive to an action film, but it's forgivable as the action scenes more than compensate for this. The explosions are big, the conflict violent and complex, and the drama convincing. In this respect I'll give "R.E - Apocalypse" 8/10 for action and drama, but 6/10 for the structure. It's just what I felt, so don't take it as an attack on you if you enjoyed the stucture. Conversely one could say that the disjointed structure merely heightens the drama, so perhaps structure deserves 7/10. But it's your choice and opinion that inevitably matters. 5785 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved the movie. Wanted to add to my library, so did, at a very reasonable price.. I am adding more words so will have 20, although I have nothing else to say. Stupid rule. Trailer and TV Spots - Featuring the theatrical trailer, the behind the scenes making of the theatrical trailer and three TV spots. 4330 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I love a lot of Arnold's movies but this movie is just a one time viewing. 8622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic Monty Python, a must have Of course this role was well played by Brad Pitt to say the least. One of my fav Pitt carachters. The other actors where very good as well. The whole family that the plot circles around are very good actors. In this 2004-version; actress, Justine Waddell, who was great as the sweet and wonderful Molly in "Wives and Daughters", co-stars. Here she plays an attractive woman, who has been raised by her jilted, grandmother to intentionally misuse and abuse men, who are infatuated with her beauty. She plays this part effectively as you feel the young man's emptiness in the end. However, I could not get into this version The acting is good to very good. The script is very good. The story moves along well. The settings are realistic and well done. This is no sacrifice. It is real entertainment. But it could inspire you to a little sacrifice for your country should the need arises. 472 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The acting was good, the story was correct, but naked backsides was not necessary. Also the Potiphers wife did not need to be so very seductive of a naked Joseph. Not a Christian movie. I felt that even though it was probably portrayed truthfully, Christans do not need to see so explicit a scene. This should be rated PG 13 at least. In `Pal Joey', George Sidney's 1957 musical, Sinatra plays a crooner out of luck until he lucks into a gig that lands him a chance to charm a wealthy widow into giving him his own club. The only problem is that that widow is jealous of his attention and tries to put a wedge between Joey and his budding romance with one of the showgirls. 63x927is58401 1155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This series is so amazingly captivating, I'm glad I never had the time to see it before. For one thing, I'd never have been able to get through nursing school taking time to watch TV, and for another I'd never have lived through waiting for the next episode. I'm way too much of an immediate needs gratification sort of person!! 8328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Annie has been a family favorite for years. The songs are catchy, and there's plenty of glitz and glamor to spare. The positivity is the best part; even though Annie is obviously in a miserable place, her can-do attitude and her optimism are as good for a bad day as a bowl of chicken-noodle soup is for a sick friend. All in all, it's not going to win an academy award, might incite laughter from the spoken dialogue, but yet just might love it. most importantly, is there any objective standard of right and wrong or, The film is humorous at times but the effects are well done and the story is about as unique as can be accomplished with a vampire tale. The DVD is clean and clear. "Fright Night 2", an even better movie with the same general theme (our hero is now in college), has not yet made the DVD scene; but when it does you'll surely want to add it to your collection if you enjoy this one. 5508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent The gore was well done, barrowing from Alien, John Carpenter's The Thing, and Night of the Living Dead. Milla Jovovich is a pleasure to look at, scampering through the whole affair in a miniskirt, and she displayed a real flair for action as well. Finally, there is just enough good story and plotting to keep you brain at least idling. Now, everytime I throw my leg across my Harley and head out for a road trip I stick my Steppenwolf CD in and relive the adventure, in 21st century fashion of course. 332 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Movie! 362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was very close to the bible , loved it 6543 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It is a very bad movie about Joan of Arc. Most of it is fiction. 9810 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I have probably spent more time on "Girl" than it warrants, just consider this a public service to prospective viewers who are unable to make head or tail out of the wide range of comments already posted. As to the quality of its adaptation from the novel, I won't go there because there is no purpose in "apples to oranges" comparisons and many others have relentlessly addressed the adaptation issue. 4858 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 TERRABLE PICTURE, VERY BORING 286 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun DVD and I always like the Christmas Carol, this is not quite up as high as others but I still watch it every year. 9035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. If you have a dry sense of humor and a brain (you have to be able to keep up!!!) you'll love this. Don't know how many times I've watched this over the years (yes, on vhs too) but it always makes me smile and even my 20 something son gets it and enjoys it. 2755 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good chick flick 5604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You'll end up crying watching this one; tears of laughter are a must. This movie tries to be somewhat subtle in it's humor, but gets the point across. 4671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Interesting movie. Since its release I never gave the film any thought, but the red poster & DVD cover with Milla Jovovich in a ripped red dress somehow snuck into my subconscious over the years. Then I caught a 15-minute snippet of the film while channel surfing (not knowing it was "Resident Evil"). The part I saw was near the beginning where Milla mysteriously wakes up in a shower in a mansion. She obviously doesn't know who she is or where she's at and wanders around the mansion trying to figure things out when -- BAM! -- something happens, but I don't want to give it away. 2731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it's easy rider 9278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Only recently I've watched this 1975 movie (to be exact, on October 10th, 2003). Man, I could not believe how good, clever, extremely enjoyable comedy this movie was. By Monty Phyton, I had only watched before The Life of Brian. A great story is in the telling, this story was not told well. It could not have been told worse. This guy, quite obviously, has no idea of how to tell a story or direct a film. I trusted him due to Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon, but after Resident Evil and the appauling AVP, it would appear that those first two films are only as good as they are due to good producers and scripts. 9509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie!... syfi... furturistic, but with mid-century type automobiles... strange but good! 7307 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome film,They tired to remake it, lol, Somehow that never works out!! The film takes you trough our nations roughest times in the 1930's Herbert Hoover a chicken in every pot!! The sun does come out tomorrow!! Haught is the editor of West Virginia's largest newspaper. As a seasoned newspaper man, he knows how to skip needless words and get to the point. He packs a lot into this book. Read and be enlightened. But, 7056 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Grand kids liked it 1481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Victorian rags-to-riches? Not quite. Institutionalized by her aunt (Deborah Findlay -Cranford), child Jane's life can get no worse. Moved on as a governess at Thornfield, its wealthy owner Mr Rochester (Ciaran Hinds). Jane trifles with love after a not so dignified introduction. There is a strangeness about the house and among those living there. This version dwells little on the child Jane, but focuses on her relationship with her master. 8354 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 what a waste of money-WIDESCREEN- its how the movie was made you morons-spend your money on the out of print edition this one is stupid C.R.A.P! A small prodigious marvel to be seen by anyone who believes man is better and more important than science which is only an extension of man's mental and nervous system, not a replacement, a prosthesis. 6561 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First off, I was very angry when I saw the teaser trailer for RE2 on their website. The reason for my anger is that it's the same commercial that was made for the Original!!! It was put together as a quick promo for the original and got lost in translation somewhere along the lines. Notice how no new footage was show except for the last shot of the first? Now, marketers took it, added the title Apocalypse to the end,and used it. Talk about cheap! Now, onto the movie itself... In truth, sans sarcasm, I really wanted to love this film. I did not. I will not. I cannot. As it sadly suckity suck sucks! 4315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Granted, LAST ACTION HERO (1993) is probably aimed at pre-teen boys, yet it's a personal favorite. I'm one of this film's loyal fans. 7579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed it as much this time as I did back in the 70's when it was a cult film with my friends. You know how sometimes you go back to something you loved as a teenager and find that it does not fill you with excitement like it did then? Well this is not the case here. Excellent and has some really interesting cast members who I didn't know back then such as Mr Addams from the Addams Family Movies and more. You'l love it. 2886 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Have seen this movie more than once. A happy and sad movie based on a mother daughter relationship as told through various holidays and special events. A must watch. 4989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 was fun to see the man get his hand blown clean off, not a movie for young children but for us adults its a very fun timeless classic Brilliant. Brilliant. Government agents are everywhere claiming an environmental hazardous waste was spilled making the location unsafe for inhabitants ... everyone was evacuated. Roy and Jillian believe this is a hoax and evade detection as they pursue their quest to discover the secrets behind the evacuation ... They climb over a mountain and see a huge landing field. They hear musical tones played which were familiar, as the sounds were heard when the UFO was overhead ... They know the moment for the "First Encounter" is about to arrive. The film has a fantastic climax and conclusion which unravels certain mysteries from the past and is completely satisfying to the viewer. The ending is exciting ... yet many questions remain unanswered. Steven Spielberg created an all time favorite masterpiece which still keeps the mystery alive ... Erika Borsos [pepper flower] Gattaca does have an excellent premise, and has garnered quite a cult following. Manipulating genetics to form the perfect human being is an intriguing concept. Utilizing Science to eliminate birth defects and create a person less susceptible to diseases or illnesses is a possibility that many might consider justifiable. On the other hand, tampering with nature is bound to have its repurcussions. 5969 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great flick Finishing as one of the top five grossing films of 1997, AF1 is a classic late 90's mainstream Hollywood blockbuster. With a huge budget, big stars, special effects, and tons of studio backing, it is Grade A entertainment for the masses, where lovable action hero type, Harrison Ford, dons a superhero cape, and against impossible odds, Marshall saves the day. *The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch * Steppenwolf - Born to Be Wild The zombies were my biggest problem. They didn't look scary at all. Half of them didn't even look dead. Looked more human then some of the people i see around in the streets these days. Y'know Paul, sometimes we WANT endings to our films. We want to be able to have that last sigh of relief when a film ends. We want to feel like something is concluded. We DON'T all want to be left hanging at the end of everyone of your films. Every once and a while is fine, but not EVERY movie. That kind of crap makes me wary of wanting to see the future releases of Driver and Necropolis. Heck, if he WANTED a cliffhanger, he could have stopped the movie 5 minutes from where it did end and I would have been less irritated. This is a definite must see for any Arnold fan out there. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 5453 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Sometimes it occurs to me with a jolting shock that I've seen a lot of films in my life. Many of these, like this one, were with my roommate in college, who was a certified movie freak. Although I forgot about it until I recently bought it for myself, one of the movies I liked a lot back circa 1999 was SLC Punk. As it rapidly segues from hilarious to touching, tragic to gross, ultimately SLC Punk shows it has a message beneath its surface noise, and it says a lot as it unfolds. At its center SLC Punk asks the question "is buying-in always selling-out?" To translate that for the uninitiated, that means is following cultural norms always a betrayal of personal identify and youthful dreams? Stevo and his best friend "Heroin" Bob (who ironically never touches drugs and is terrified of needles) are two young men living in uber-right wing Salt Lake City during the mid-Reagan years. They do their best to be hard core punks in a time and place where that pursuit separates them from just about everyone else in their Mormon dominated society. Steveo, though, is more than he seems. Amid his binge drinking, ambushing of local rednecks, and philosophical asides on the healthiness of personal anarchy, Steveo, it turns out, is a brilliant student who has the chance to get into an Ivy League college. His father, a smooth-talking Yuppie jerk, does his best to persuade his son to accept the Harvard education open to him, even as the life Steveo believes in proclaims that path to be the ultimate in "selling out." Along the way between its memorable opening scene and its closing credits viewers of SLC Punk meet a cast of characters that includes a rebel who disguises himself as a conforming prep, a trust-fund Eurotrash psychopath, a hippie Wiccan woman, and, well...one case of skin infection so bizarre it even stumps medical science. SLC Punk is worth seeing, owning, and heck, even spending ten minutes reviewing on Amazon.com. So go get it. Go get it now. 4825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 okay 4094 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Stepmom is definitely NOT your usual cliche'd movie about divorce and how it affects the children involved; it's MUCH, MUCH more! Emotions run high throughout the film and the bitter tension, jealousy, and friction between the characters is so strong it's almost palpable! The acting in this movie is excellent; the dialogue is so believable, that you almost feel like you're evesdropping on real people's lives! My opinion? If you haven't seen this movie yet - you REALLY, REALLY should! (Just be sure to have a box of tissues handy. You're going to need them)! The setting is modern, but what makes "Taxi Driver" into an eternal classic is its dark and tragic sense-of-life. Scorsese's movies would never be so darkly hopeless after this one; Even the gruesome "Goodfellas" had a much more lighthearted touch (if you can believe it). This would also be Bernard Herrmann's last score. In fact, he died just hours after recording the last bars of the score on a Hollywood sound stage. It is a fitting swan-song for the movies' greatest composer, and a greater loss for Hollywood than they'll ever realise. DeNiro is perfect as Travis Bickle, a hyper-alienated borderline sociopath, a psycho who never noticed his descent into madness. He rides around the city all night, and as all his attempts at human connection fail, he obsessively looks for purity in a depraved world, first with a young political aid, later a 12-year old prostitute. The prostitute, Iris, is played with remarkable candour by a young Jodie Foster. But the subplotting lead me to see this as a silly teen movie. The lesbian aspect was tripe, but I realize that were I in her (Dominique's) position at her age I wouldn't understand something like that either. The other characters were shallow, and it wasn't all that swift a story line otherwise. the story is about a corporation named umbrella doing bio weapons research without the public knowing about it. And all that before I mention the film itself! What more can I add? You all know how side-splittingly funny are the scenes with the plague village, the French taunter, burn the witch, the oppressed peasant, Sir Galahad's rescue of the prince in the tower, brave Sir Robin, the knights of NI, the killer bunny, the bridge of doom etc. I'm undecided whether this or Life of Brian is the funniest movie ever made but whatever, this is a must have purchase and the best value for money DVD in my collection. Recommended for all dreamers. individuals, and their words and actions, no matter how eloquent or direct, are Carol Cleveland Zoot/Dingo Even if you're not a Sci-fi fan, this movie would be a good watch for fans of romance, drama, or drawn out suspense. I recommend the Bible Collection highly. 4758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Viewer's experience should lead to catharsis and growth. 4 stars for room for improvement. 5 stars for profundity and superiority to most films. 6533 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Gratuitous immoral values... also a huge insult to Joan of Arc 6620 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 With certainty, others may have more egregious nominees than this one; however, this is perhaps my least favorite film ever. Which is not to say it is the least historically accurate, but it would win my vote for that distinction as well. 7052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 just what I needed 3076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The entire cast did commendable work in bringing the audience an example of a family and a community which has developed strong, loving, supportive relationships. Those relationships allow the members of the community to share the joys of each others' successses and handle with grace the pain of their losses. De Niro's acting is phenomenal, but the story line, character development,( Jodi Foster gets top billing in the credits right after Di Nero, but does not really appear in the film well into it's second half, the over the top music,( just listen to the score after everybody is dead, about 10 minuets before the end ). What is up with that? Most great directors make one or two horrible movies. This is Marty's absolute worst. Don't waste your time. 6318 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is more base on the video then the first movie was. I have to say the action is better on the second. The woman name Alice doesn't feel or function like a human. She jumps high dodging the missle shot by the mutanted nemesis. In the end Raccoon City was distroyed in the end in reality theirs no such thing, they shot the movie in Canada. Theirs not much blood in the movie compaired to the first movie and mutant lickers don't look as scary this time. That's why only four stars. I watched both of those movies Ian let me borrow over the weekend of April 10, 11, 12, 2009 right on the heels of having watched EASY RIDER just weeks before. The amazing amount of similar themes running through all three of these films is impressive. All three of these movies express a preference for wandering and wonder over worrying and war for the characters involved. Each of them seems to express the plight of characters dealing with their own, personal rejection of the reality of petty worries and war (The Iliad), and choosing, instead, a life of venturing forth into the unknown world of wonder and wandering (The Odyssey). The characters in all three of these movies depict a great love of adventure and a great joy of being out on the open road. Jack Kerouac, author of ON THE ROAD, would have loved all three of these fantastic films, especially INTO THE WILD, as he was a great lover of the books of Jack London. Also, they all have a great, cinematic and panoramic, wide-angle viewpoint of the world. Watching these films gets one out of one's own head and puts one right into the world of the film. The scenery in all three films is stunning and absolutely breathtaking. The viewer is immediately projected "into the wild" world (if you will) of the characters. It's intense! You get taken along for a ride that goes not only far and wide out into the world but, also, deep into the hidden spaces of one's heart and mind. All three of these films will make you think about your own life in particular as well as the greater meaning of life in general. They are deep, psychological films that demand conscious labor of intellectual thought and emotional soul searching on the part of the viewer. You get taken for a ride, but it is definitely NOT "easy!" 6098 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A fine adaptation of a classic story. 3509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT COLLECTOR'S SET!!! Great movie. You've got to have this!! But there is something strangely benign about it. It doesn't make you angry. It lulls you. To sleep. Sometimes that's not a bad thing. 301 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 perfect Finally, the DVD (collector's edition) is perfect in picture and sound quality. It has a few extras, all of which are interesting. 4. When entering prison, one of the guards frisks Starkwell, inducing peals of ticklish laughter. But on to my review. For those who haven't seen Taxi Driver yet, they must. Other than the different fashion styles, Taxi Driver could easily have been filmed today. It's still so fresh and new, it hasn't aged a bit. Everybody in the cast gives career preformances, and though it's one of Marty's earliest work, his style is in full effect. 2250 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 loved them all keep them all coming thanks and have a happy and wonderful but safe New Year. It's an incredible film of superb performances by Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt, Tom Skerritt, Emily Lloyd, and Brenda Blethyn. Of course, it's nice to see the three topics of religion, Montana, and fly fishing to interweave together as a tale to be told. You miss a view other scenes as well. *(Highly recommended for anyone above 12 due to mild profanity and some violence.)* ... The overall film boasts a loud, aggressive soundtrack replete with heavy bass and ear-splitting treble, becoming aggravating and obnoxious without ever attaining our interest. There are innumerable amounts of quick jolts, in which undead zombies jump onto screen to a beat of the music; the abundance of such tactics quickly grows tiresome and redundant. The antagonists themselves, from the sleep-walking zombies and inside-out Dobermans, to the clich-riddled monster that can change form and attain the strength of its victims, do nothing to raise the fear factor, providing more laughs than scares. 9567 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Futuristic cool! -The movie comments on the Dickens work frequently. "Did you read that book, Mister Slade?" a bookseller asks, after Slade has reformed. 2866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just as I remember. sometimes when you go back to movies you saw as a child they are going to be lack luster, but not this one! 2797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Epic ,amazing a must see 1681 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 One of the very best TV dramas ever made, enjoyment of it is almost totally ruined by appalling picture and sound quality. I have no idea what "digitally remastered" means, if this is the result. It's a disgrace to charge almost $250 for a product this inferior. I actually thought my copy was a bootleg, made by some bloke pointing a digital camera at a TV screen -- it's that awful. There is also a constant "shadow" track on the audio, which sounds as if someone has a radio on in the background. Just disgraceful. Avoid. This set has excellent behind-the-scenes extras, including the classic 1977 Watch the Skies featurette that was shown in cinemas (finally transferred here in HD!), a complete 1997 retrospective produced by Laurent Bouzereau, and some new interviews with Spielberg, also produced and directed by Bouzerau, that shed new "light" on the whole project. A must-have for any serious cinephile. This is one of my favorite dramatic comedy films starring two of my favorite female lead actresses. It makes me laugh and cry every time I see it. This film is so relevant to today's families showing that children and parents don't have to choose sides and that all members can have an enriched involvement if everyone chooses to give a little, accept one another's uniqueness and realize that life is a rocky road no matter who you love. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend you do so and if it's been awhile then definitely revisit it. 9623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent picture. A lot of very famous actors that went on to do great work. Enjoyable theme. 5) 1971 Version with George C. Scott and Susannah York: Miscast; both leads were too old for the parts--so/so version, nothing too much going on here. 5265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The story of a mans journey into maddness and its one hell of a ride! De Niro wow what a performance as the afflicted Travis Bickle,a cabbie whose job and lonliness are wearing him down, he starts a obbsession with a local senators campaign worker Betsy played by (Cybill Shepherd) he actually gets here on a date and the guy takes her to a ... well I'll leave that out for those of you who havn't seen the movie yet. The lines in this movie are classics and people well into the next century will be using the line Ya talkin ta me? Some other memorable characters are Iris the teenage runaway hooker played by (Jodie Foster) as a young girl at the time,and her pimp named Sport played by (Harvey Keitel). The ending is a mind blower seriously,you get to see De Niro in a mowhawk, and here Keitel say (hey pal you better get back to your tribe before I have ta hurt ya! A great one man,the DVD has alot of nice extras too like a script by scene follow along,and a cool storyboard follow along too,a very worthy purchase,I reccomend ya by it. MATURE CONTENT What follows is an adventure filled race across Europe with enough gadgets to fill several Bond movies. There is some great car chases (performed by legendary French stunt driver Remy Julienne and his 16-man crew of drivers and mechanics), boat chases and along the way Crawford sports some of the most outrageous disguises in cinema history. It's all great fun and it's executed perfectly. 7554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great transaction, no problems to use lots of drugs. Freedom is about opportunity, not 9979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie and fun action flick to watch! 2631 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic 2. The delivery in this film could not be more subtle. Let's contrast the humor in `Bottle Rocket' with the sort of humor exhibited by other contemporary comedians. Take Will Farrell. When he delivers a funny line, he's usually half naked, his eyes are bulging out of his head, and he shouts it at the top of his lungs so that everyone can hear him. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Will Farrell. I mean, I personally don't find him that funny, but I know a lot of people who do. I just want to use him as a point of contrast. Now take this scene from `Bottle Rocket' and compare: 1943 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Indiana Jones on a plane. What more could you ask for? This movie definitely served its purpose of setting things up for the saga to come, and wasted no time going through zombie origin stuff before getting hardcore into the action, mystery and carnage. Director/writer Paul W.S. Anderson nailed it with this film. Though--according to my Mrs--this flick was different than the game, I enjoyed it big time and have been a fan of the franchise since. Guess I owe my wife one for introducing it to me back when this film came out. The Twelve Chairs, 9892 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm the 110th person to give this film Five Stars and the 194th person to review it. 7061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic; so refreshing to see again I am not a fan of Nick Nolte. I never have been and never will be. He has really only delivered a few (countable on one hand) good performances, and this is not one of them. His over-the-top delivery of Tom's emotions is comical to say the least. He has one good scene, when he finally breaks down and exposes his past. It's the only scene where his emotions seem real, and it's the only respectable `scene' in the film (which ends up getting ruined by the overly sentimental `cry in my bosom' closing). Streisand is better than Nolte, but too clichd. The only good acting comes from the supporting cast, notably Blythe Danner (who is sorely underused) and Kate Nelligan (who received an Oscar nomination for her performance). They are not enough to save the film, but they at least prove to add some interest to their scenes. 4983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The purpose of this review is simply to clarify that the original 2009 release of this collection on Blu-Ray came in a large box and included a lavish hardcover book. Thus the reviews complaining that the oversize package is hard to store. I like Spielberg's third Director's Cut the best, except that it excludes Roy at the power station in the beginning which was shown in the 1977 original theatrical release version. This scene was important, to show why Roy chooses not to show up for that job anymore after his initial UFO sighting (the job was thankless and his bosses were real A-holes). 4011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Tear jerk for amyone. I don't care how tough and rugged you think you are. Not to mention it has some award winning actors and actresses in it. Very said movie, but also heck this could happen. To anyone. And being a cancer serviver it means a lot to share this with you 3857 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I will start by saying that this horror comedy steals a gags from both Evil Dead 2 and Peter Jackson's Dead Alive, and takes a camera shot almost directly from The Shining, but what better movies to lift ideas from anyway? 6328 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 John Huston once said that a good story should have "excitement,color, spectacle and humor, adventure, high drama, tragedy, good conversation, truth and irony". Unfortunately the discerning viewer won't find much of any of those qualities in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". What they will find is a mildly entertaining spectacle of excess. There is enough tension to keep you watching, but when it finally ends and your mind recovers from its numbness, you will wish that you had not bothered. 6423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Paul Anderson to me is a guy movie director: he doesn't make 3 hour long character studies or big period pieces, he just wants to have 90 minutes to show people kicking ass and blowing s*** up. Story may be very one dimensional, as are its characters, and dialogue may be hokey, but if I turned off my brain, I actually could enjoy this. I like the concept of the film. I like that it is mathematics, including music, that creates a universal language.. It is reasonable that, as portrayed, the government would do everything in its power to deny the arrival of extra-terrestrials, not because I believe they exist, but because governments are historically fearful of a knowledgeable public. 5858 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like it 2704 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Saw it at a theater in Dayton, Ohio when it opened. From South, friends couldn't believe things were that bad. Unfortunately, they have not changed much. 7718 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A River Runs Through It is a masterpiece of both film and storytelling. It launched a group of movies where the action takes place in Montana. It tells the true story of Norm Mclean, a Montana born author who is the man of letters from just after the final years of the frontier in America, and Montana in the 1920's was only a generation away from the frontier experience. 8129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderfully funny and well done. ("She who must be obeyed.") The ending is both familiar and predictable, at least to anyone over age six. Apparently predictability is comforting to the movie genre's core fan base, in much the same way as it is for a young child watching "Beauty and the Beast" over and over again. They know the ending so the initial viewing does not scare them, and the repeated viewings give them a feeling of power and control as if they are determining the outcome each time they watch it. Action, Set Design, The Monster at the end, Evil Dobermans, The Beginning, The Laser Sequence, and The Ending. 5241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert De Niro stars in the classic 1973 Martin Scorsese film Taxi Driver. Travis Bickle, the ex-marine loner has come to New York City in search of work. Taking a job as a taxi driver, Travis slowly begins to realize the futility of his life, and the lonelyness that begins to plague him. His days are filled with regularity, and he begins to inspire a hate towards the city, which he regards to be filled with disgusting garbage (He's right for the most part)that needs to be washed away. Every day he becomes more enraged at his surroundings until he eventually becomes a self-appointed vigilante. Attempting to rescue a teenage prostitute (Young star Jodie Foster) from the ghettos of the city, it becomes his mission. A great film, one of Scorsese's best. 6013 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I can't understand how so many people think this is such a great movie. 5748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resident Evil: Apocalypse 5566 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes, he was captivating in Scream. But Lillard really gets a chance to shine in SLC Punk, a movie that my teens (neither of them into Punk music) couldn't stop watching...again and again. Lillard is an authentic, uniquely original actor, able to contort his already strange face into a series of even stranger, but oddly watchable, expressions while throwing himself into his role. Even if you hate Punk music (I'm not a fan of it myself) and find yourself put off by teens who dye their hair red or blue, pierce various parts of their body and act in random and seemingly random ways, give this one a chance. The story of teens who don't fit in and feel out of place and restricted by living in Utah, who yearn for freedom and are searching for their identities and place in the world, is a universal one. My son convinced me to watch this one and I'm glad he did. Now I secretly watch it myself, when my more conventional friends aren't around and I want to remember what it was like being a teen and feeling out of step with the rest of the world. 1124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After the very first episode, I was unable to stop and continued to watch all the Seasons every chance I got. Superb story lines, excellent acting. Love watching movies in that era and seeing how they cooked every meal from scratch and by hand without any modern conveniences. The cooks spent their entire day in the kitchen making meals. Interesting to realize how many cooking products we have today to lessen our time in the kitchen! 5833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great mini-series. Really like the story, characters and quality of the acting. Blu-ray Video Quality Pal Joey is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Twilight Time with a 1080p transfer in a 1.85:1 aspect ratio. As has been mentioned before in other Twilight Time reviews, the niche label is at the mercy of the studios from which they license these titles, and this Columbia Pictures release, while incredibly colourful and vivid looking. There's nothing bad here, certainly nothing to be overly concerned about, but a lot of this film is just slightly gauzy, something increased exponentially in the optical, including (obviously) the credits sequence as well as the big fantasy sequence that caps the film. The pluses far outweigh the negatives here, with some incredibly lushly saturated colour, and excellent fine detail which brings out every nuance in the stunning Jean Louis costumes. If you are looking for a modernized version of a great classic by Dickens, this is it. This film also works well for any teachers who want to do a comparison between the film and the book. 789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 worth the $$ to purchase my little guy loves Arthur. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all !! 3143 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 These classic films with young and rising stars and seasoned powerhouses are not made as much these days. Such a shame to not allow more of films like this to see the light of day. 259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorites... I was very happy to see it on this site. Henry Winkler played this part well. 6147 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 C.D. Bales (Steve Martin) is an erudite small-town fire chief, who is cursed with an abnormally huge nose. He doesn't gladly suffer fools who make the mistake of commenting on his proboscis. One evening, he meets the beautiful, naked astronomer Roxanne (Daryl Hannah), who has been locked out of her house and bathrobe. C.D. falls in love and Roxanne falls into feelings of friendship. The sexy, sarcastic stargazer, instead, has a crush on new hunky firefighter Chris (Rick Rossovich). It turns out that Chris is also interested but becomes very nervous in her presence. He turns to C.D., who reluctantly helps him woo the girl of both their dreams. C.D. composes an intoxicating, soulful love letter, which enables Chris to win the girl. But how long can C.D. keep a rein on his true feelings for Roxanne? The original Cyrano de Bergerac, which this movie is based on, doesn't end on a happy note. Will this version? The cute bunny that guards the information to where lay the holy grail. And the fiasco the knight of the round table have getting past him. 509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Of all the TNT movies, this one is actually the weakest. But it is still a good movie. The movie covers the period before Esau sold his birthright and blessing to Jacob through his time with Laban and finally his confrontation with Laban and later Esau. No one could have made this movie except Scorsese. Everything you would expect, the camera angles, settings and cast are done perfectly. Soon his strange behavior and obsession with the experience results in his wife Ronnie (Teri Garr) and three children packing up and moving out. Undetered by their absence Roy continues on with his quest to discover what he's supposed to do. Roy finds the answer when he looks upon the image of a monolithic rock formation in Wyoming known as the "Devil's Tower." The only question that remains is can he get there in time to greet the ship when it arrives? For those building a DVD library on World War II, especially color features, this 2-volume set belongs in your collection. For those operating on a budget, choose the two DVD's noted above, first. Then, consider "Visions of War, Vol. 2--Hitler, in His Own Words," and various pieces on Winston Churchill, for greater value. One of Scorsese's biggest strengths needs to be tempered. He is incredibly aware of the camera's effect on the audience. The way we see only DeNiro's torso then the camera springs up suddenly to his head to reveal his Mohawk was jarring and very well done. The violence at the end was incredibly effective, I was jaw dropped. It couldn't save the story for me though and I wondered if this was a crutch for an otherwise bland ending. I do think the theme of hero/villain was movie worthy, that is to say there was a good point to the story but it just wasn't enough for me. 8384 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie my son loved it. 9171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You know, I would've loved to have been in the audience when Monty Python and the Holy Grail was first shown. I'm picturing a fair amount of laughter, but also quite a bit of confusion and critics saying, "What the hell did I just see?" That was certainly the case when Roger Ebert reviewed the first Monty Python movie, And Now For Something Completely Different. He seemed very interested in the audience reaction during his review, and I imagine the audience reaction during the first screenings for this film would've been similar. 5226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I think of movies, from an artistic standpoint, some of my favorites are "American Beauty," "The Godfather" (Part One and Two), "Saving Private Ryan," and "The Silence of the Lambs." However, I think that from the same standpoint, my favorite would have to be "Taxi Driver." This is one my absolute favorite movies. It is one of those movies that I think has stood the test of time and is still a classic, and always will be a classic. This is director Martin Scorcese at his best, and may be my favorite De Niro movie (or Godfather II). "Taxi Driver" is a movie that shows how terrible society really is, and it probes into the mind of a person going crazy. Robert De Niro does an awesome job as Travis Bickle, a lonely man who can't sleep at nights, thus becoming a cab driver. He frequently visits porn theaters as well. Driving around every night in his taxi, he sees that the scum of the earth comes out at night and walks the streets, in the form of criminals, pimps, hookers, etc. He feels that the streets need to be washed clean of the dirt that contaminates them. Amidst all the horror of society and the city, he meets a woman named Betsy (Cybill Shepard), and is very much attracted to her. He attempts to take her on a date, but not knowing much about movies, he takes her to a porn movie, and she rejects him. After Betsy continually avoids him, Travis gets hurt by this. Then he comes across a twelve-and-a-half year old prostitute named Iris, who he sees doesn't like what she does and wants to get out of it. As all of this happens, Travis starts to get sick of the loneliness, and the rejection, and the trash that walks the streets, and he slowly goes crazy. Then he gets a hold of some guns and a combat knife, and decides to "clean the streets." The action sequence toward the end of the movie is very realistic and very graphic, and it is possibly the greatest and most intense shoot-out ever filmed. The film has great directing and acting, and is a magificent movie, though somewhat shocking and disturbing. If you're looking for a classic, then "Taxi Driver" is not to be missed. 4839 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I don't like it. The plot itself is described as "resovoir geeks" which is accurate. It borrows nothing from Resovoir Dogs, however, but the premise of being a heist movie. Though to call this a heist movie in the traditional sense, would be silly. Our characters here have no idea how to pull a REAL crime, instead robbing a bookstore and even running practice jobs on one characters parents home. 3726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ...this is important. This is an awesome movie. And you get all three versions of the movie. It is a sci-fi geeks dream. It cool to be able to sit down and compare the versions. This is a classic and a must own. Allen has claimed, contrary to a lot of other artists' statements, that comedy is easy. Allen is so adept in this movie at spinning off high quality jokes at such a rate that he genuinely makes it seem effortless. And yet, like the proverbial Chinese meal, you leave this movie and an hour later, you are `still hungry'. That is, you take away no warm feelings for any characters and their situations or any satisfaction that a hero succeeded in a quest or a heavy got their just deserts. 661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is always nice to enjoy a movie where I do not have to explain embarrasing actions or words. Fun for the whole family 6603 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 ...on it's own, standard Hollywood fare. Don't go into this expecting a faithful take of the original "Resident Evil" game; that storyline was tossed out the window, with director Paul Anderson inserting his own cookie-cutter vision (lack of vision?), looking to cash in on the franchise name. "My Hero" also features a shortened version of the odd couple's romantic meeting on the beach in the opening segment. A male narrator's voiceover informs the viewers of how the couple met, soon followed by the original romantic 'Jeannie' theme played. This was the black-and-white episode I saw for the first time in 1981. From the opening scene in the elevator that was pretty heart stuttering to a confused, upset, and nearly nude Milla in the middle of Racoon City. I was really excited to see the end scene because it has the feel of a sequel and perhaps this movie being sort of a PREQUEL to the game kind of thing, we'll see more of what we wanted to see when we thought this was the first game in the series. (It will just be RE2 that's all) 6094 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This used to be one of my favorite movies but it no longer is. When I was younger I did not bother trying to comprehend the underlying message of this movie, nor any other movie for that matter. The message of this movie is now perfectly clear to me: convicts in Turkish prisons are frequently maltreated and tortured. Turkish prisons are inhumane and the entire justice system is flawed, corrupt and unjust. Moreover, the director of this movie implicitly implies that all Turks are barbarous, intransigent and uncivilized. This is corroborated by the fact that all Turkish characters in this movie are evil and their intentions are always malicious. Also an attempt is made to defame Islam and to show it as a religion which is inhumane, barbaric and merciless. On the other hand, Christians are depicted as humane and infallible. The principal point of this movie is that the Turkish society is flawed and atavistic as its justice system shows no mercy towards drug smugglers, rapists and murderers. Many of these assertions may be true but it would be a gross overgeneralization and oversimplification to claim that all of this is true and that these injustices are unique for Turkey. The director of this movie should have done some research at home before he set out to criticize an entire nation. Consider some of these facts: U.S.A. still has capital punishment; it has been demonstrated in many cases that the application of the death penalty is racially discriminatory (much more blacks are sentenced to death than whites); in many states, minors and mentally retarded are sentenced to death even though this violates the U.S. constitution; the U.S. government incarcarates people without letting them know what they have been charged with and denies them adequate legal representation etc. (Guantanamo Bay in Cuba). If these facts are not indicative of a flawed and unjust justice system, then what is? In my view, it is extremely hypocritical and cynical not to judge our own actions and transgressions by the same standards we apply to others. This is a good movie but it would have been much better had it not been so severely biased and prejudiced. 5493 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Pretty cheesy 2742 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 6076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The acting is outstanding , the story may be similar, but not with Steve Martin on board. I espically like the fire department 341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie and so does my husband. It never gets old! 3684 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Stupid movie 5656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's over the top, silly fun. I loved this one and the sequels. It's all about the visuals and the action. Top notch stuff! 9495 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie, I'm gonna watch it again and soon! JUDGMENT CALL: 9895 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 GREAT MOVIE 7664 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie I always wanted and found a good price 4590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver (1976) is a film that often appears on lists of the top 100 films of all time. Perhaps that may be true, but I give pause. I think Taxi Driver is a very good film, but a tad overrated. I was expecting a little more in terms of plot twists and suspense, but it never went there. Still, this is one fine film by acclaimed director Martin Scorsese. I like Scorsese because he doesn't hold back; he doesn't play it safe when trying to tell a story. Some directors keep things light, but Scorsese goes for the gusto, and that triggers the emotional element that's so prevalent in his films. The cast of this film was on top of their game, and even newcomer Jodie Foster is believable in her role as a troubled teen. This blu ray set will keep you entertained for hours, with some nice special features. The picture and sound quality are first-rate for a film that's over 40 years old, so the cleanup job was a successful one. I recommend this iconic film from the cynical 70's as one that should be in your blu ray collection. 4487 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 You know, if they try to be like Friday the 13 movies with all the sequals, i would not be surprised that in 20 years, they make one where the stalker has alsymers disease and I think they should call it "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID THAT SUMMER" -Sometin' Kool 1808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd seen this movie on A&E many years ago and wanted it in my collection. Despite a low budget it is an excellent historical piece. The movie brings history to life. We need more movies like this so that children will appreciate the sacrifice that has been made for us. Endlessly stockpiled with hauntingly hysterical sketches that will probably never leave your mind (no matter how hard you try) including, The Knights Who Say Nei, The Self-Abusing Monks (Eah aay ess eay dom eay nay), The Black Knight, The Trojan Rabbit, the Ever-Appearing Verbally Abusing French (I don't want to talk to you no more!!!), The Enchanter Named Tim, The Killer Bunny, The Bridge of Death (What is the capital of Hysteria?), The Old Woman Named Dennis, and so many countless more great sketches to include here that I'd die trying. Monty and Python and the Holy Grail remains an ever-enriching mirthful cult-classic that just seems to improve with age. Since Columbia has a bountifully hefty new special edition of the Holy Grail out now there should be no excuse, if you've never seen it (I think I'll go for a walk!!), just drop everything your doing (including Bringing Out Your Dead) and go experience this life changing movie today. You won't be disappointed, just tell them the Knight Not Appearing In This Film sent you, and they'll know what to do. The series has been revived on the BBC as of late 2010. This is an epic movie version of this story the DVD has an inside look at the history of Joan and Trailers until Braveheart comes out this one will keep you busy great sound and cinimatography. 313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good movie , you will love it to . 516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received product ordered as advertised. If one watches closely in the scene where they find a match to invalid DNA, they bring up Vincent's picture, which provides them with a pictorial match to the suspect immediately. Some geneticists have said that such technology like the ones used in Gattaca would be blurring the line between medical and science investigation. Lee Marvin is an American pilot washed up on the shore of a small Pacific island in the waning days of World War II -- only to find the one other inhabitant is a Japanese officer played by the awesome Toshiro Mifune. Although they carry on the larger war between them for a time, they gradually realize the only way either is going to survive and get off the island is if they work together. But can they do it? All in all, this movie was fantastic, and I loved every minute of it. Let it be known, if you are a die hard fan of the video game, then maybe you should pass on this one. Because you might be disappointed. Then again, I read some of the other reviews from people who are fans of the game and enjoyed the movie. If you are looking for a really good scary zombie movie, instead of these stupid teen-slasher flicks that have been coming out, see "Resident Evil." If this doesn't sound like anything you'd like, maybe you'd be better off with seeing "Jason X" or the latest "Halloween" movie. This was an awesome movie that scared the hell out of me. I loved every second. 5398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic u know i couldn't even watch this as a kid? Great effects makes me miss the originals instead of all this cgi.... 1571 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I finally caught up with this set, I was rather late to the party, I guess. 8376 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Annie (Aileen Quinn) lives in a rundown orphanage managed by Miss Hannigan (Carol Burnett), who hates little girls. Miss Hannigan works the girls from dawn to dusk and locks them in the closet when they misbehave. Living at the orphanage is pretty bad, but living on the street during the Great Depression is worse. But Annie doesn't let her circumstances get her down, she knows that she has loving parents out there somewhere and she is determined to find them. After getting caught escaping again, Miss Hannigan is determined to punish her, but Annie is rescued by Grace Farrell (Ann Reinking), Oliver Warbucks' (Albert Finney) private secretary. Turns out that Mr. Warbucks hosts an orphan in his home every year and this year Grace decided that he needed to host a girl. Mr. Warbucks soon finds his home and his life turned upside down by this lovable girl and her sunshiny disposition, but Annie still believes that her parents are out there somewhere and may give up her one chance at happiness to find them... 3215 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I received the product even faster than expected, the price was excellent and the product is just as described, great! 4799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic 5046 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 As usual, I do not write my reviews to get agreement since 95% or more of the population does NOT know what is good from bad, pearl to a swine. Word eventually comes to Bob (the driver) that a family member is in trouble and he has to return to town. Since he has the only car, Anthony and (more importantly) Dignan, flip out, telling him he can't leave. But he does and leaves Anthony and Dignan stranded at the hotel (which is fine with the love-struck Anthony). But Dignan wants to get out of there, so he devises a plan to steal a car and return to their lives of thievery. Not wanting to leave without his newfound love interest, Anthony tries to convince Inez to come with them. A misunderstanding ensues and he and Dignan are back on their debauched road. Eventually they take on a robbery at a meat packing plant and it goes horribly. Risking everything, eventually a choice has to be made about who stays behind -- and takes the risk of capture -- and who goes free. 6149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roxanne... Great movie, although I was disappointed that there are no interviews or a Making Of feature. After the fantastic extras on the When Harry Met Sally DVD, I was hoping somebody would get Steve and Co. together and create a behind the scenes documentary for Roxanne. Maybe one day. It deserves it. 4588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still holds up after all these years, and just a relevant as it was when it first came out. Six Sessions included on this DVD are: So despite of all the flaws and trying to be like an hollywood blockbuster, Gen-X-cops does meet your satisfactions 2152 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter loves Harrison Ford so we added this for her collection. Great price during the Christmas season. Shipped promptly. 5451 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS COPY IN BLUE RAY IS RATED A PERFECT 10. IT IS WORTH THE BIG BUCKS, THAT IS WHY I BOUGHT 2 COPIES. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY BUYING THIS DVD, IT'S SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE IN PEOPLE'S COLLECTION. SPECIAL FEATURES:-B Sandy's Last Stand with composer Alexander Faris (13:15) There are several releases on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly reccommend. 6948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. Carol Bernett is such a talented actress. 989 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I had fond memories of TTMAR. So I watched it for the first time in 30 years. Now I find the movie lacking. TTMAR is very funny at times but the romance part did nothing for me (the scenes seem reminiscent of other late 60's movies I haven't watched in some time either. A man and a woman, Two for the Road?) and the gags are both too erratic and too far in between. Anxiety Test 6673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Best: 1380 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I've already purchased seasons 1 through 4 as many other people also have. Now I'm informed that I cannot buy seasons 5 and 6 separately! That means I have to spend $80 which amounts to $40 per season to get the last 2 and get stuck with the first 4 seasons again. If you're down in the dumps, this version will make you shake your head and perhaps laugh it off. 4355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In the 1993 adventure film, LAST ACTION HERO, Arnold Schwarzeneggger reteams with director JOHN McTIERNAN (Predator) as Jack Slater, the action hero of the 90's. Big time movie fan, young Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien) receives a magic ticket from his old pal Nick- the projectionist of the films. After getting a chance to see the new JACK SLATER movie before it opens, Danny is enjoying the action packed-soon to be-blockbuster when the ticket starts glowing. A stick of dynamite blasts through the screen and BOOM! Danny is in the movie as Jack's comedic sidekick. Then, when Danny becomes Slater's new partner, he must track down Tony Vavawldi and his henchman Mr. Benedict. The adventure is on! As far as other special features go... well.... um... you sort of need to see them for yourself, but if you are a fan of Python, you will appreciate them. There's a nice documentary of them visiting sites, and some other people's interpretaions of some scenes, as well as a singalong. I did enjoy the Lego version of "Knights of the Round Table". Volume 7: +++++ -So it has a metal soundtrack... what did you expect? and age the average film airhead obviously will still settle for Pan & scan for Columbia to release this 2MPH edition. Clueless mothers probably still complaining about "THOSE DARNED BLACK BARS THAT CUT OFF THE TOP AND BOTTOM." Not even so much as digging around the vaults to find an outtake or gag reel? Could've used the original poster for the sleeve! Better In this episode, the contagion has broken out in Raccoon City and the population immediately falls victim. Umbrella Corp isolates the city and ultimately unleashes Alice, who has become a project in and of herself since the last outing. Umbrella takes advantage of the situation and unleashes Nemesis into the city for a trial run. Ultimately, he is pitted against Alice. There is a surprise at the outcome of that match. I am not going to buy this DVD. Fortunately, my VHS tape still works well enough to watch it (yes with the OshGosh commercials and Double Mint Gum ones, too!). Until they put the real complete version on the market, I will not spend my money on this DVD. 4298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Schwarzenegger plays a double role here, that of himself, and that of a movie character. But I won't say more for spoilers! A fine comedy well worth watching. 8991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Been looking for this for a long time. english humor is the best. I enjoyed Rumpole and if you buy the whole set you will also enjoy Horrace Rumpole anytime you want. 3413 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie when it first came out, so it was a treat to see it again. My mom came along with me, and she loved it. I'm not sure what they were thinking, but the plot is slow, the british humor is lamer than normal, and what on earth was up with the giant Grateful Dead-esque Teddy Bear costumes?? The bigger problem is that every character is self-centered and stupid. The writer and the director do not understand that, even when a movie is a horror satire, if the audience cannot relate to any character, interest quickly wanes. One morning Anton discovers his parents have been whacked, and, by that night, he's trying to make it with the girl next door. You can laugh at this idiot, but do you really care about him? This is not to say that there are no clever scenes in the movie. It is to say that the audience's involvement remains superficial. It's one of those pictures that leaves no impact and is forgotten by the next day. 1165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 funny 9654 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Waste of time...I forgot about this one. I saw it when it came out and didn't like it then either. Great potential, but it never really gets going, too bad. This story of how one man manages to confound the destiny arbitrarily laid out for him is well-acted, well-written, and well-produced. Hawke is excellent as the determined Vincent, and Jude Law gives a fine performance as the embittered Jerome. The evolving relationship of the two men, as they share one identity, is at least as interesting as Vincent's relationship with Thurman. Its a WINNER of a movie, but sad while watching Shelby, suffer through her high diabetes attacks and her surgery. 3906 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie once and liked it. Then several years later, I thought about it and rented it from a video store who had to order it because they had deleated it from their list. I watched it a 2nd time and liked it more than the first time. The lighter version, "The Collector's Edition" (ASIN: 0767827031) of the film. This is closer to the original cut but still not the one shown on TV. I bought this version after I realized I had the darker version. Amazon.com did the research for me In Part 2, he sporadically mentions things that would be aimed at relative beginners...which definitely doesn't belong on these videos. On the other hand, Example #7 is so much more intricate/difficult than anything else on this disk, it seems out of place. The best thing on the whole disk are the 2-note per string/string skipping arpeggios (wish I woulda started practicing those 10 years ago). There are a couple of other cool licks, but the video ends up a mess of a lot of talking...my mind wandered. all fun bonus features and NOT on the Blu-Ray? 3520 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally I own it . I love this movie. Probably a top 10 of all time 2261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everyone knows by now that this movie is about an American president (played by Harrison Ford) who must fight for the lives of his family and staff on an Air Force One that has been taken over by terrorists. It's a great movie; I had seen it on TV one weekend and had to buy it. 8610 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice addition Just to hide the fact that the Spice Girls have no acting talent, the rest of the actors have to be completely bonkers. Their agent acts like if Ari Gold popped some speed and drank a pack of red bull, the tabloit guy is pontifically British, and the studio execs are so desperately perverse when they pitch the worst ideas ever in a film, almost like a parallel to this film; the execs even ripped-off an idea from a show pilot in "Pulp Fiction" (Spice Force Five, get it?). Neither of them are funny, they're just pretentious, much like the movie's gags. A little bit of trivia regarding both Star Wars and CE3K is that at the time of the release, both directors were reportedly in Hawaii, discussing the possibileity that their indiviual movies would flop Both films were very succesful. And the projct they were discussing at theat time was another great franchise...the beginnings of what became to be Raiders of the Lost Ark. Here are some samples of the humor. Anyway this is a spectacular film. The sound track helped support the movie. They did a good job of picking the actors. The characters were believable. Uma did not even have to show her Thurman's. Ethan did a convincing transformation and Jude was good enough that you almost thought the film was about him. The scenes were breath taking. I was most impressed with the sunrise on the solar panels and the swim competition. 5 stars...don't miss it. 2053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best action movie. Best actor Harrison ford Luc's sense of black humor and MTV-style of cinematography might not appeal to everyone. And Milla Jovovich sometimes is too dramatic. But to the fans of Luc Besson, you are completely satisfied by his vision, fast-cut, and enthralling exploration. 610 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's the classic without commercials or cuts to add more commercials. Jessica even gets her big psychedelic solo. Three years later, Jack finds himself living over a video store in a run down part of town with the video store owner, a blue collar ex-beautician, consummately played by Mercedes Ruehl, in a bravura performance that won her a Best Supporting Actress Oscar, and deservedly so. Despairing of his life and looking like the bum he believes himself to be, Jack goes down by the water front and toys with the idea of killing himself. 9343 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film was my introduction to Monty Python. When I was a boy, the local PBS station aired it frequently. I was hooked instantly and began watching the television series as well. The Pythons pioneered a delightfully absurd brand of comedy that has been imitated but never equaled. I actually enjoy some of their later films more (particularly "The Meaning of Life"), but this skewering of the Arthurian legend remains one of my all-time favorite comedies. The Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) contains: 532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent, Biblically accurate video. I couldn't be happier with this purchase. I don't know how long I'll be hanging on to this one, because passing it along is what it was made for -- but I'll enjoy it while I have it! With its antecedents in literature like Dostoevsky's "Notes from Undergound" and Sartre's "Nausea" and Camus' "Stranger" and French art films likes "Pickpocket" and "Diary of a Country Priest," as well as the real-life would-be assassin Arthur Bremer (who shot George Wallace in 1972), TAXI DRIVER takes a new direction by linking its protagonist's psychological wounds with sex and Viet Nam. Bickle's experiences in the war are subtly implied here, and all the more artful and true for that. Travis has been trained as a warrior and then thrown into the urban jungle. Obsessed and horrified by sex and women--what a perfectly American trait--his fantasies soon meld into an orgy of violence and perverted heroism. Ain't that America? A critic once said Travis Bickle was the offspring of John Wayne and Norman Bates. Perfect: misplaced psychosis is interpreted as heroism. 3001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT 7921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and think it's one of the best Robin Williams roles he ever portrayed. And Jeff Bridges does some of his finest work backed up nicely by Mercedes Ruehl who brings comic relief and sweet sensitivity to her portrayal of a woman who loves Jeff Bridges character far more than he loves her. Apart from its Nationalistic stance, the dialogue of the film borders on the ludicrous to outright childlike. The only bite that is heard in this film is from the actual enemy (portrayed by Gary Oldman) when questioning the President's (Harrison Ford) moral constitute when dealing with his Oldman's homeland. The points raised were the only plausible or believeable lines in this movie, but it all too quickly falls into the 'remake Rambo' style of filmmaking too many times. This is just entertainment for the masses, and does not ask any questions of moral fortitude or revenge, or anything actually relevant to anything in any real world situation. Should I take this movie just as it is, entertainment, or for what it represents, 'Horse Blinker' propaganda aimed at the public. 9984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the not too distant future, a young man, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), dreams of escaping from Earth and rocketing into outer space. But Vincent is genetically flawed--he's got a bum heart and a life expectancy of just 30 years--in a world where such human frailty is no longer the norm and no one's about to waste precious resources on an astronaut with less than an optimal genetic profile. In order to get around his all too human limitations, Vincent swaps genetic profiles with Jerome Morrow, (Jude Law), a genetically-designed and nearly perfect young man, embittered by the accident that left him wheelchair bound. 6248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Muchos fans se quejaron de la adaptacion de la historia del videojuego a la pelicula, sin embargo es necesario crear un guion muy diferente para una pelicula que finalmente fue hecha como un negocio, esto tomando en cuenta que esta pelicula no es de tipo B. En un juicio personal creo que fue una adaptacion muy buena en la cual solo toman los temas principales de la historia original y actualizan el ambiente del laboratorio, ademas seamos realistas, una corporacin multinacional tan grande como Umbrella merecia un lugar mas digno, no creen? 6009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For the smart, beautiful unicorn I know is out there; You'll know why you're the living incarnation of Roxanne to all us Cyrano's :-) I'd read that the director was relatively new, having directed only a couple of small, independent films. Was he overwhelmed by the massive production or did the studio take it away from him to cut it to pieces? What makes me wonder if it was the former is that Sean Connery's first scenes have him talking with weird, exaggerated tics and such--and then they're gone. Connery just walks through the rest of the film. I've always heard that Connery did not suffer fools on a movie set: did he turn on his young director? 4322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 *** This review may contain spoilers *** plus you get 2 new Audio commentary tracks aswell Aspect ratio: 2.39:1 (Panavision) 1064 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Bottom Line: 1007 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Christmas gift for my son. I'll probably never see it Chpt.: 16 Dolby Digital 5.1 - French, English, Spanish 9830 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Let me come right out and say it--I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated. Okay, that might be a little too harsh. After all, it's not as bad as genital herpes, swallowing cat piss, or watching a Michael Bay flick. But as far as genius sci-fi goes, this is inferior, an imposter, an in-valid. Other than that, loved everything about this film. A great pick me up if you've had a bad day and need some big laughs. This one is a keeper! 7154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really like Annie. I have seen it before 7434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautifully done. Casting was perfect and the scenary was 5670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 EXCELLENT 7313 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All I can say is this has become one of my favorite movies. But, the show's main message is one of love and the courage to follow your heart and do what you know is right regardless of the obstacles that come in your way - so take that!....Burgermeister and Winter Warlock! Some touching moments, like when Kris and Jessica are married in the forest because no town would have them and one of the final scenes where we are shown the contrast of those who have no holiday spirit to Santa Claus, who gives of himself each year, are real tear-jerkers. 1084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Woody definitely hit the comedy goldmine here with the story of Virgil Starkwell, World's Most Incompetent Criminal! The plot is basically Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. There's no mention of William Birkin, Leon, or Claire. It does have Carlos Olivera and Jill Valentine from RE3(the latter also being in the first game). Not an important thing but Jill is HOT. Oded Fehr plays Carlos with a badassness and Milla Jovovich is quite capable in the movie-only character Alice. The big creature is the Nemesis, who transformed from Matt from the first movie. He looks like the game's character and has a rocket launcher and mini-gun. 6532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film from 1999 already in some ways feels like the product of another age. Using only practical effects, no CGI, it tells the story of Joan of Arc and her quest to liberate France. Was she a saint anointed by God to save France, or a delusional young woman, the film offers no easy answers. 327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very favorite movie. I truly enjoy watching this movie over and over and over again. This movie is loaded with special effects which were excellent for their time, and it still remains one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. All sci-fi fans should watch this excellent movie. Craig Sheffer (has the lead in this film and does a phenomenal job of giving us a young man living with the painful knowledge that he must forever live in the shadow of his younger brother, Paul (Pitt). Though, Norman (Sheffer) is the reliable touchstone, Paul has a remarkable brightness of light that encompasses him. 9512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very well done A few odds and ends: 1335 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I got caught up in the nostalgia and hype when this movie was first released. I'm one of the few people who actually saw it in the theaters. The line that best describes this movie came from another reviewer (can't remember who): As a Christian, however, I have a couple of minor reservations about watching this film. First, though by no means comparable to much of the filth that comes out of Hollywood these days, this movies has a fair share of foul language. Some of the worst incidents of foul language are likely to go unnoticed because of the accent/language barrier and the manner of production. For example, at one point the film cuts quickly to a character from a previous scene who says that at least his scene didn't involve a litany of a certain category of sex jokes. Here, this character uses a less than appropriate word which is not even appropriate for me to repeat. However, it goes by so fast that I didn't even notice it until the third or fourth time I watched the movie. It's a huge ripoff and there's no excuse for amazon to be selling this version. I am very disappointed. If this is what they're selling, they should lower the price and INFORM the customer that it's not actually the "movie" version. All of the actors are superbly cast -- and each of them throws themselves completely into their assigned roles, to the point of BECOMING their character, which, unless I miss my guess, is what acting is about. Robin Williams couldn't be more perfect as Perry, the heartsick man with a shattered heart, who has lost his beloved wife in an act of senseless violence. Jeff Bridges, as the radio 'shock-jock' whose flippant comment to a disturbed listener triggered the shooting, is utterly convincing as the guilt-ridden Jack, locked into a downward spiral, despite the love and care vested on him by his girlfriend (Mercedes Reuhl). Then there's Amanda Plummer, portraying the hapless, mousy Lydia -- with whom, as soon as he sees her, Williams falls head over heels in love. Fright Night has a great atmosphere and is really a throwback to old classic Universal and hammer films which relied on great suspense and atmosphere over blood and gore. The scenes as Charley and Vincent stalk the vampire in the house are truly scary as is Charley's final battle with Dandridge. William Ragsdale and Chris Sarandon are fantastic in their roles. While Ragsdale was actually in his early 20's at the time, his young appearance made him believable as a teen. Bearse was even older at 26, but still pulled off her teen character. Chris Sarandon exuded sexuality as the vampire Gary Dandrige but was equally menacing as well. In the world of Resident Evil, the world's largest corporation is secretly conducting genetic experiments and developing biological weapons. A problem develops when one of these biological weapons, called the T-virus, is released in one of the company's underground labs. The lab, called The Hive, is controlled by a super computer called The Red Queen. She kills all the employees in one manner or another in order to contain the virus. A team of paramilitary soldiers is sent in to shut her down, not knowing that they will release zombies who have a taste for living flesh. Milla Javovich plays a soldier who guards the entrance to The Hive, and due to her proximity to the lab, was knocked out by nerve gas, and has lost her memory. 925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A nice movie for the family to watch while getting the feel for James Bond storylines. There's fancy gadgets, the pretty gal, disguises, explosions...and a bad guy who's just a bit scary. 9219 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are so many things about this (and indeed any) Monty Python movie that one hardly knows where to begin. Nothing is left out of the mix--history, religion, politics, personal relationships, prejudices, intellectual prowess or the lack thereof. My title, of course, comes from an early scene in with Arthur approaches a castle, inexplicably occupied by French k-nigits, who claim to already have a grail. That's the plot in a nutshell. 9796 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just discovered this movie and I was very, very impressed. I simply can not understand why did "Gattaca" slipped under the radar when it was released in 1998. The 90s were not a good time for SF cinema - for a long time I considered that only three SF movies made between 1991 and 2000 were really good: "Starship Troopers", "12 Monkeys" and "Strange days". Well since yesterday it is official - make it four! Stripper marries well, husband dies, meets new man below her newfound station in society. Pretty dancer in love with man who is pretty much the boy toy to the newly rich woman. - Brave ( he chose to stay behind and fight the terrorist who had hijacked the plane) Shoring up the cast is Cleese's now-ex-wife Connie Booth as The Witch, John Young as the Historian/Dead Body, Neil Innes as the annoying Minstrel/Page Killed by Rabbit. 5715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An interesting sequel to the first & really helps to tie into the series would recommend. 9402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fairly well done. Scary. May be slightly prophetic. Liked it in an uncomfortable way. I enjoyed it both as a historical war film complete with sieges and brutal battles and as a character study of St. Joan. I'm no expert and can't really speak to the historical accuracy of the film but I do want to praise Milla Jovovich's acting. She conveys a woman who is simultaneously driven and committed, with no uncertainty or doubt but who is also completely out of her depth. She's no superhero, she makes mistakes and disregards reality too much, she almost defies reality by strength of will, but can't quite. One great scene opens with a close up on Joan gasping, it pans back to show her holding her banner, standing defiantly before an enemy castle. It's only after a minute that someone comes by to point out she has an arrow in her leg. Joan seems to notice if for the first time... -There is actually a story in this film and it requires your strict attention. 8824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I won't get into the plot here. I would rather speak of the movie as a whole. Charles Bronson gives what might be the best performance of his career. In the movie he doesn't speak all that much. He does his talking with his fists, body language and facial expressions. The storyline, the settings, the dialog and the acting are all terrific. "Hard Times" has the same feel and aura that makes "Chinatown" (Jack Nicholson) such a great movie. Even if you are not a Charles Bronson fan, watch this movie for all it's other attributes. This might be one of the most under-rated movies I have ever seen. It's well worth watching. What most people remember from "Taxi Driver" is the legendary bit where DeNiro stands in front of a mirror and practices taunting an imaginary foe with the iconic line and mannerism that will never die, "You talkin' to me?". Influences of the film that I didn't mention in the video include numerous other musical references and homages in film and television. In an episode of the second season of the cult television series Code Monkeys (only first season on DVD so far) there was an episode called "My Pal Jodie" which mocked the controversy surrounding violent video game slike Grand Theft Auto by featuring a video game where you play as a man trying to kill a world leader known as "Ray-Gun" to win Jodie Foster's love. So 35 years later, "Taxi Driver" continues to inspire commentary on current events. If that is not a deep work of art, nothing is. Kids, the target audience, won't notice how dated this is. In fact, they'll find the 50 minutes over all too quickly. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, and he's doing it with plenty of charm to entertain for years to come. I think Devon Sawa is a great actor and wish he did more movies today. 9086 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had forgotten all the visuals that are a part of a "film" Things that a modern audience will not understand. Still it is a classic and a must see. 5278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BOTTOM LINE: One of the THE BEST horror movies pretty much EVER, actually. It has a timeless quality, despite the obvious hairstyle & clothing selections which squarely pegs it as an 80's flick. Top-shelf acting across the board, with the wonderful Roddy McDowell being a stand-out. (IMHO, he deserved an Oscar for his terrific turn as hollow, egotistical B-movie has-been, Peter Vincent.) Excellent practical & optical effects still provide the jolts needed to keep you jumping throughout. Sensuous, slick synth soundtrack by Brad (Terminator, T2) Fidel. This Blu-ray plays flawlessly on all machines and the picture is worlds above the previous DVD editions. The extras alone rate 5 STARS, but with the superb hi-def transfer as well, this would be a 10 STAR release, if such a thing were allowed. :-) 4 stars Dr Jacques COULARDEAU It instantly harks back to one of the elemental themes in America: Seeking Freedom by Hitting the Open Road. 8034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a beautifully directed film, as Terry Gilliam exacts bravura performances from the entire cast. This film is a cinematic masterpiece which the viewer will not easily forget. 5341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An instant punk classic! Buy this movie. Rip Torn was originally cast for the part subsequently played by Jack Nicholson. However, Dennis Hopper got into a huge argument with Rip Torn, and pulled a knife on him (most likely a Buck Folding Hunter). Torn, having been an MP in the Army, quickly "subdued" Hopper, and left the production. Opening the door for Jack Nicholson, who Peter Fonda had worked with when acting in some Roger Corman films (such as The Trip, which I'm sure is available from Amazon). And the rest, as they say, for Jack Nicholson's career, is history. You can't get much better than this one. Get it. Watch it with your significant other, your mother, whoever... be prepared to feel deep down in your soul... it will happen. 7634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I,ve seem this movie three times. The story of two brothers & there minister father who teaches them fly fishing from childhood. 5942 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is definitely worth it. It was a great price and I was very satisfied with my purchase :) It comes with a slip cover and all the special features. Perfect for any Resident Evil fan :D The film comes alive when George, played by Jack Nicholsen as an ACLU lawyer. What a handsome dude, a purveyor of many roles to come. I remembered wondering about his character and thinking his Southern accent was too much and his football helmet silly. Now I understand about the football helmet and George's speech about how America used to be "a helluva good country". That night around the campfire, he samples grass for the first time, "Lord have mercy, is that what that is?" But best of all, is Peter Fonda and the quiet, intelligent, Captain America/Wyatt. He moves through the movie with, as my best friend would say, a noblesse oblige, a retired drug pusher who casts away his past and his allegiance to time with his wristwatch. Captain America and Billy find the whorehouse George directed them to and drop acid in the cemetery with two hookers, Karen Black in a great role. It is a long acid trip that sets the standard for hallucination portrayals for years to come. It's a bad trip, but maybe they chose the wrong place with the wrong people. And all is not well in the land of the free. A brief run-in with a few local yokels leads to their undoing. I'd thought Easy Rider would seem dated. Turns out it's timeless. The cast was superb -- Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon gave great performances, and the kids (not sure of their names) were both adorable and the biggest brats you've ever seen -- a great combination. Ed Harris was curiously absent from the film, showing up in less than half the scenes. 3) "What the Butler Saw" has our pair of Britain's best out in search for missing defense plans. 825 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow! During the 9 minute span of this short film, these folks were able to throw in every Star Wars/Lucas joke possible (even the low-blow "Howard the Duck" joke before the credits). "George Lucas In Love" is some wildly funny and entertaining stuff! The character swaps keep the humor moving, yet the nice production gives the film a professional gloss. 1176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the Bob Newhart show. Tons of laughs. Great family entertainment. Brings back good ole wonderful memories back from the 70's. 7142 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! A feel good film! I've had the DVD for years now and it's a good version but with these new flat screen OLED (LG has them and this year Panasonic will too) sets that are out now, even a 4K version would be really cool. Watching good movies is a great pass time and with all this new technology in HD, it's just like going back in time and having these great works of art alive and living right in your own home! Don't forget the surround sound! 8798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hilarious. My sons and I have quoted this movie for years. Hilarious. 8758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie Usually sequels fail after the first, or if they succeed, it's only by a small margin. Well, Resident Evil: Apocalypse is even better than its predecessor and brings another haul of thrills and chills along with it. In this one the post-apocalyptic feel hangs thick on the air. Raccoon City is in ruins. Cars are overturned and on fire. Bodies and blood litter the streets. Guns are going off in the distance. 9709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As described and quick delivery. The film begins with Billy Hayes strapping packets of heroin to his body, prior to his leaving the country of Turkey. Tsk, tsk Billy...possession is one thing, but smuggling? So very naughty...anyway, due to increased terrorist attacks, all passengers traveling by airplane are searched thoroughly, and Billy gets caught. No big surprise there...if he hadn't, this would have been a pretty short film. Imagine getting arrested in a foreign country, one where you don't speak the language. Pretty scary, I would think. Anyway, things actually don't appear that bad for Billy, but we know different. Eventually Billy receives 4 years on a possession charge (the prosecutor was looking for a smuggling charge, which carries a life sentence in Turkey). Conditions are poor, to say the least, in the prison, as Billy suffers many of the things you'd expect one to suffer being in prison. Attempts by his family, his lawyer, and American government officials are for naught as Billy serves his time. Shortly before his time in prison is up, Billy learns that a higher court has ruled that the possession charge he was originally convicted on has been reviewed by a higher court, and they have now decided to charge him with smuggling, increasing his term to 30 years, or, basically a life sentence, given the quality of life in the prison. At this point Billy explodes in the court as the ruling is handed down, and he reacts badly, understandably so, calling the court and its' members a `bunch of pigs' (probably not the words I would have used, as they certainly won't endear you to your captors, but whatever). Now a matter of life or death in Billy's mind, he decides he has no choice but to escape. And try he does...eventually he does, returns home, and decides to write a book about his experience, one that becomes a movie one day, adapted for the screen by Oliver Stone...isn't this where we began? Charley finally goes to horror movie host/actor Peter Vincent, "Vampire Killer," in desperation of someone to believe him, & is met with the same skepticism as all the others. Peter Vincent, played by Roddy McDowall, is the complete opposite of Chris Sarandon's, Jerry Dandrige. Bumbling, inept, cowardice, played with all the conviction of non-conviction this fine actor can muster! Peter Vincent is a major ingredient to why this film works so well, as he is finally bribed by Charley's girlfriend to help prove that Charley is wrong about Jerry Dandrige being a Vampire, in another tense scene. 2333 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Movie is the best movie I've ever seen. First of all, I find it very cool cause of all the advanced technology involved. Then there is all the action that doesn't give you a moments rest, with up's and down's that make your stomach turn with each new scene, and leaves you with the thought of "what's gona happen next" or "how will he get out of this"? And the actors, ah, there out of this world. Harrison Ford (the President) I don't have to tell you is good, he's my favorite actor. Gary Oldman (head highjacker) is so intense, so real, he has his own unique dry sense of humor that spices it all up. What makes this movie so entertaining, and thrilling, is the fact that you can't take your eyes off till the end, trust me. The packaging is nice, although I found it very difficult to remove the DVDs without fearing I might snap them because the locking mechanism seems to not want to let go of the DVDs no matter how hard I press down on them. I suppose I could look at it in that I shouldn't fear them coming off during shipping and getting scratched up. In short, The Crossing is a movie definitely worth watching, and one to seriously consider adding to your movie collection. The music, cinematography, and acting are all very good, indeed. Anyone who didn't enjoy this at least a little really needs to get a sense of humor. Of course, it's a bit cheesy, but it's meant to be that way. It's presented in the slightly corny, overblown way that 'Hardware Wars' or the 'Naked Gun' films were. The same people who didn't understand those films probably won't understand 'George Lucas In Love'. It's not a 'great' film, but who cares? It's a fun little short by a guy who really loves 'Star Wars'. Some have condemned the filmmakers doing this just for the money. I seriously doubt that Mr. Nussbaum will make a huge fortune from this film and if he does, big deal. Nothing wrong with making money from doing what you love or making money at all. Surely, none of the people who reviewed this film would go and work at their jobs for free and live in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere! Anyway, GLIL is great fun and a great to watch before your next screening of 'Phantom Menace' or the original trilogy. 6126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In 1987, the romantic comedy film "ROXANNE" starring Steve Martin and Daryl Hannah, a modern retelling of "Cyrano de Bergerac", was a film that received critical acclaim and has been regarded as one of the Steve Martin's best work as an actor and screenwriter. Visit my blog with link given on my profile page here or use this phonetically given URL (livingasseniors dot blogspot dot com). Friday's entry will always be weekend entertainment recs from my 5 star Amazon reviews in film, tv, books and music. These are very heavy on buried treasures and hidden gems. My blogspot is published on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. The Monty Python troupe, led by the creative talents of Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, incorporated John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle and Graham Chapman as King Arthur, the dominant role in the film. No animals were harmed in the filming, not even an African Swallow, non-migratory as they are. A few coconuts bit the dust, however, as did more than a few comic images. Logic bits the dust, too, on more than one occasion. I did a paper once for symbolic logic which I was told ten years later was still being passed about because I had dared to use something so unconventional as this Monty Python movie in the references (I couldn't see why that wouldn't be much more common, and indeed, hope it is today--I use 'Life of Brian' in homilies, so why not this film in logic?). 7464 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We really enjoyed this movie. Had heard a lot about it and were not disappointed. Glad we ordered it. Arrived on time and packed well. 8712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK In comes a wealthy man who always takes a child from the orphanage each christmas and lets them live in his mansion for a week. He usually chooses a boy, but this time he sends his assistant to get the child, and she spots Annie right away, & chooses her to come to this amazing palace. 7661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of the unknown greats in my opinion....I love everything about this movie and am going my kids are old enough to enjoy it with me now!!! 917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of my husband's favorite movies The basic story is that a young boy is given a magic ticket, the ticket allows the boy to enter the latest film of his favorite action star Jack Slater. While helping Jack thwart crime in LA, he's also trying to convince Slater that they are both in a movie by pointing out things like one cop being an animated cat, or guns that never run out of bullets. Slater doesn't buy it, but when an evil henchman steals the ticket to come into the real world, it's up to Slater to stop him and get the ticket back. If you like to see movies about Richard Dreyfus playing with carbs, then you'll love Close Encounters. And special effects? I don't know why they're considered so revolutionary because they're not half as good as anything I saw in ID4 (that's what I call Independence Day) or MIB II (Men in Black II) or iRobot or even Wild Wild West. Apparently in Steven Spielberg's mind all space aliens are going to terrorize our planet after they arrive in a big Simon (complete with flashing colored lights and the annoying four musical notes) DeNiro plays Travis Bickle, a slightly unhinged Vietnam War vet dealing with bouts of insomnia. To make money while dealing with this he takes on the job of a night time taxi driver in New York. Rather than the up and coming Wall Street crowds this lends itself to his dealing with customers of an unsavory nature. Pimps and hustlers, prostitutes and riders with no issue having sex in the back seat while he drives. Its a slimy world that we view through his eyes. Also, if you had seen only this movie with Sean Connery, you would wonder just why he was an actor. The bear suit was not his finest hour...although pretty funny. 9559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Solid perfomances. The concept is stretched a bit thin and became convoluted at points but overall, I enjoyed this movie. 583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was delivered in great condition. Oh yes I will order again from this company. Thank you for the opportunity to buy this child good DVD movie for me. Now I can watch it anytime I wish. God Bless... 361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good Ben Kingsley plays the part of the pharoh excelently. Congrats to keeping wth the biblical content,to many tend to drift apart Biblical, to Holywood. 8329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I GOT THIS AFTER SEEING IT ON TV. BUT BE SURE TO GET THIS ONE, THE REMAKE ISN'T AS GOOD. Bottle Rocket is a gem of an Indie movie -- hilarious, unconventional, and with a great Un-Hollywood quality. If you haven't seen it -- put it on your "Must Rent" list. If you have seen it, see it again! If you liked Owen Wilson in this movie, check him out in the new Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Noon. The role was written as a stock Cowboy character, but Owen Wilson rewrote it and did some great improv to make it one of the most delightful performances of the year. 5826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Despite myself, I enjoyed this film. It's got a lot of action, some spooky scenes, some horror. Unfortunately, the special effects have not aged well. They might have been sub-par from the start, but today the wall-crawlers clearly look like old-school video game content embedded into a film--they look so bad it's not even scary. Granted, the film is pretty old now, but this was like 10 years after Jurassic Park, so some criticism is justified. I enjoyed it and can recommend it to zombie horror fans but it hasn't aged well. 1931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie action 2135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 everything it is ok and everything it is all right. Thank you for the shipments. 8344 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you were a kid when you first fell in love with this movie, then chances are that you're all grown up now. And if you're all grown up now, chances are that you'll abhor this DVD release as much as I do. The people who released this DVD apparently didn't realize that since it came out in 1982, it would have a large audience of people who fell in love with it then, but have grown up to be discerning movie buyers now. And grown-ups need things with their DVD packages, especially if those packages claim to be "Special Anniversary Editions". They need things like commentary. Sure, John Huston is long dead, but what about the living? Why not round up Carol Burnett, Albert Finney, Aileen Quinn and some of the girls for a real commentary track? Grown-ups need in-depth making-of featurette documentaries, not sappy retrospectives narrated by Aileen Quinn as if she were talking to a bunch of grade-schoolers. And grown-ups emphatically do NOT need cheesy sing-along and act-along with Annie features, or insipid trivia that any 8th-grade graduate could do. But after so long, it really was time for the complete series to be available no matter how it was issued. The upper hand changes, but gradually realisation sets in that they will have to work together to survive, or even just get along. 4224 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Has some good laughs, but mostly pretty stoopid. Even my 13-year-old, who loves Arnold, only felt like watching the first half. Notable for debuting Bridgette Wilson, who was so memorable in Shopgirl among other movies. 9225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the only really organized and funny Monty Python movie. The best thing about Taxi Driver is that it doesn't give any easy answers. Is Travis Bickle a hero or a nutbar? And, most importantly, was Travis dead in the last scene, or is that really what happened? It is left up to the viewer to decide. 6164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is excellent. It's funny, smart, poetic, well-acted, and just a great movie to watch. This is one of Steve Martin's best works. A definate must see for anyone who like Steve's movies. This has some really funny poetry in it, and best of all, a guy with an exceptionally large nose, but it doesn't distract you. You see Martin's character more as a human being rather than a specticle to laugh at and stare at the large snoze he has. If you are thinking about buying this, then by all means do so! THIS MOVIE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU, UNLESS YOU'RE A NAZI! For twelve months the first American patriots had endured very little success against the British, being out-classed and routed from the battlefield in almost every engagement. Desertion was rampant. Arms, ammunition, and rations were scarce. Only a small number of the Revolutionaries had any military experience. 4846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must view oldie...kudos to the seller too 2328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's easy to understand why Air Force One was such a big hit. The President saves the country. America has an honorable man as their leader and he's saving them from evil again. Audiences walked out with pride in their hearts (fueled by Jerry Goldsmith's rousing score) and they forgot about the LewinskyGate scandal that was going down with the REAL President at the time. 8692 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic which everyone who loves edgy humor should have. Norman goes to college and becomes a writer. But Paul rebels against everything (except fly fishing.) 2272 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent transaction and product! 3989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie! The main competition for awards in 1969 came from MIDNIGHT COWBOY, TRUE GRIT and THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE. In spite of the tough field, EASY RIDER was still able to win nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Jack Nicholson), Original Story and Screenplay. SORRY AGAIN FOLKS. THE PERSON THAT SACKED THE PERSON WHO SACKED THE FIRST PERSON HAS JUST BEEN SACKED BY MY GOOD FRIEND ANTONIO, WHO WILL FINISH THE REVIEW FOR US. 2207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie from the 90's. Just silly but the Spice Girls were funny playing themselves. Especially Geri (Ginger Spice) and Victoria (Posh Spice). 8289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A fine Blue Ray presentation. It may not be loaded with great songs, but the dance numbers are terrific. It is worth viewing to see Carol Burnette mug her way through a hilarious role. 691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They just don't make Christmas special like these anymore. There was a whole group of ones like this by "Rankin & Bass"..If you see these names, you know you have found a gem of a Christmas animated special. They also don't air these on t.v. like they used to. This showed up on ABC Family network on Satellite t.v. the other night, and I got the chance to see it for the first time in ages. 1) Good looking sets. Because of budget constraints they filmed many scenes on/in existing locations. This worked in their favor. Five Stars! 8100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excited to watch...haven't seen this movie in years!! Ready to show my kids the movies we watched back in the day! LOL 4282 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Granted, LAST ACTION HERO (1993) is probably aimed at pre-teen boys, yet it's a personal favorite. I'm one of this film's loyal fans. 3422 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and will watch it many times into the future SPECIAL FEATURES: Summing up, those who haven't seen this version of Great Expectations shouldnt wait any longer. Go and buy a copy from one of the Amazon re-sellers like I did. This is the best version you will find and its production values are fine for now. When a re-mastered version is released, Ill buy it. The pace of the movie was too fast and it was not easy to catch on to what we are supposed to be seeing. Not only that, but every five seconds it seemd like there is a fight scene that has no purpose what-so-ever as opposed to the balanced feel of it's predecessor. 1208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 no comment minutes here and there it makes me want to compare it with the Rocky movies' fight scenes for intensity Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) The genius of the Pythons simply cannot be overstated. Holy Grail was made on a shoestring budget, yet the lads managed to wring the maximum amount of laughs and silliness out of the Arthurian legends to great effect on that budget. From the use of coconuts to imitate the sound of hoofbeats, to the burning of a witch because she's made of wood and floats on water like a duck ("Cor, she turned me into a newt!" "A newt?!" "(Long pause)...I got better..."), to Castle Anthrax and lots of good spankings, to the Bridge of Death ("WHAT...is your favourite COLOUR?!" "Blue!" "Very well, then, off you go."), there's nary a wrong step here. The bonus materials are a bit of fun, too; I must add that the subtitles make the lines easier to understand as well. They make it much easier for you and your friends to spend countless hours quoting the film back and forth at each other...and the lines are VERY quotable. Like many movies made of real events, it takes some real liberties with the truth, and to make it a better "story", consolidates and leaves out people and stories. Given events where so many people died, though, misrepresenting events to make a better story is well, disrespectful. In addition, Krakauer is made more central to the action -- the Sherpa leaders are shown appealing to him on various things, and he's mentioned as being involved in the rescues, when in fact, Krakauer was only a client, not involved in decision making, Sherpa leading, or rescuing. (A really embarrassing scene is when a Sherpa begs Krakauer to stop so they can rest). Not that Krakauer didn't perform well on the mountain, being one of the first to summit, but no way would he have a Sherpa begging him to stop so they could rest. There is a History lesson in this tale that dates back pre-WWII to present day. The cinematograph of film is awe-inspiring. The story is classical. This movie is a must see Paul Guilfoyle 8557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! Here's my reasoning behind supporting this DVD; The first disc contains the newest Director's Cut of the movie, which includes the "Mongolian ship" scene -and- Neary's "breakdown in the shower" scene. Both of these add a dimension of reality to both the final discovery and Neary's mental state. CHARACTERS Other than that if you did not see the original or the third version that is shown periodically on TV you would like this movie and it is worth the purchase price. The film tells the a story about Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), a man born naturally, a 'God-child', one who didn't benefit from advanced technology during his development within the womb, and subsequently has various conditions many are familiar with like poor eyesight, heart problems, etc. Vincent has his sights set on the stars, wanting to travel to distant planets, visit far away places (I mean really far away) but due to advanced science, he has no chance as people can now determine the status of your health, your future health, by any number of ways, a strand of hair, a bit of spittle on a cup, a flake of skin, and while biases due to genetic profiling are illegal, the practice is common and widespread, resulting in Vincent relegated to working in less than desirable jobs like cleaning offices. as a rental, when it comes up on Prime again, This movie will be watched and continued to be watched by fans for years to come, no matter those silly persons who write nonsense blubber about whether or not they received anything spiritual from it or not. 1873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ok 9274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Before i saw this movie i thought it was going to be the stupidest moovee ever, i thought it wuz gunna really suk. After i saw it that all changed, it was so funny, i was laghing so hard i had to change my pants about sever times. this movie is filled with the best stupid humor ever, even better and more stupid than dumb and dumber. if you are one of those people that doesn't watch funny movies, u better make an exeption for this one. this movie really moved me, it filled a very special playce in my heart.the best line in the movie changed my life fore ever, that line was the only line i said in 14 months untill my brother beat me in the head with a fish untill i forgot the line. THIS MOOVEE WUZ A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!! 9444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be the funniest movie ever made. At some points you are completely lost as to the reason of a scene, but still find it strangely funny. The movie follows the adventures of King Arthur and some of his knights on their seperate journeys to find the Holy Grail.. Each encounter dangerous adversaries(?), such as beautiful 18 year old "nuns", and a rather foppish boy who needs rescuing from a unwanted marriage. There is really no describing it, other than absolutely hilarious. I recommend it for anyone seeking unending laughs. Even the beginning credits make you cry with laughter. A must have. 4086 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Way, way, way too overemotional and contrived. Ed Harris wants to marry his girlfriend, Julia Roberts. But his kids from his previous marriage to Susan Sarandon don't like her, and Susan Sarandon hates her. So naturally she has to win them all over... and of course tragedy has to happen, so Susan is stricken with cancer and will be out of the picture soon enough. Yes, there are some winning moments here. It would be difficult to have a film with all these well known and often brilliant actors without having some really great moments. But overall this is not a thrilling or interesting film. 4596 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Its a great movie. I recommend 9213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen MPATHG many times and it's always great. There are so many highlights--King Arthur arguing politico-economic theory with the English peasants, trying to justify his status as their king; the knights who say "Ni"; brave Sir Robin's minstrel singing odes to his lord's cowardice; the ongoing discussion as to how a swallow could carry a coconut from Africa to England (the various manservants clap coconut halves together to make hoof noises, while the knights trot along as though they're riding horses); and of course, the "harmless" killer bunny, the "meanest, foulest, most ill-tempered rodent" of all time. One of the funniest movies of all time has now been adapted to become a Broadway hit as the musical "Spamalot". 471 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the better bible stories out there. In adapting Pat Conroy's bestselling 1986 novel for the screen, Streisand has shifted the emphasis from the toxic Wingo family to the brief love affair between Tom and Dr. Lowenstein. Nonetheless, the film does convey the ways in which we are deeply shaped and influenced by our families. Best of all, The Prince of Tides proclaims the value of coming to terms with past pain as a way to reclaim our lives."Human pain does not let go of its grip at any one point in time," Robert Veninga writes in Gift of Hope: How We Survive Our Tragedies. "Rather it works its way out of our consciousness over time." The grip of pain and the liberation that comes when it is released is the theme of The Prince of Tides, directed and produced by and starring Barbra Streisand. Thus, the genes are not manipulated, but only the best combination of a couples genes would be preserved. In this film a love child must compete all his life with his younger brother, selected by the parents for his genetic strengths of beauty, strength, and intelligence. Ethan Hawke plays Vincent Freeman, a man who was conceived the old fashioned way in the back seat of a car, who has to stay constantly on his toes to compete with his younger brother, played by Loren Dean. However Vincent has decided he wishes to be an astronaut in a society where only the strongest, brightest, bravest are allowed achieving that vocational dream, 9154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Because this movie is explosive, this has to e one of the best commedies i've seen in a long time. this movie is up on my top ten best commedies ever made. this movie is silly and it is hillarious, just the way i like them. if you have not seen this movie yet then i recommend you do If a more religious, faith-based treatment is required by the viewer, stick with the cardboard performance by Ingrid Bergman. When Jim Henson died, Brian took over, and the Creature Factory was born. Muppets in Space proved that the son had capably stepped into the shoes of the father. And now... we get this sickly, stupid, ungainly, ludicrous mess that can only be called a film because somewhere someone is burning miles of celluloid with these images on it. At least, I fervently hope so. Even the kids in the audience (all four of them) were relatively bored with this pathetic attempt at making a kid-friendly version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (with audience participation and all). We're long past the point where we feel we need to overly simplify moral lessons for kids, aren't we? Yet the "learning" imparted in this film sounds-- and smells-- like a dead haddock hitting you in the face. 6413 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Story begins with the suicide attempt of a sister and the brother must work with her therapist to unravel the mystery of her dark emotional past. Without spoiling the ending, I must say there were many flashbacks in this movie to help the viewer discover the dark secret. Unrealistic is the romantic adventure between the brother and the therapist, but hey, the movie would be bland without a little bedroom scene. At the end of the film, our druggie heros get shot to death 3.) Image. Holy cow! It hasn't looked this good since 1977! Colors are rich and the print is pristine. There are some minor artifacts in a few sections, like when Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is being questioned in the government trailer, but they look like film grain issues not compression artifacts. 4267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A movie should be entertaining. Last Action Hero is all that and some. Due the plausibility is about a 2 on a 1000 scale, but nothing about this film was meant to be anything other than a laugh. And laugh I did, from Acme brand anything to Robert Patrick walking by in his T1000 garb out of the police headquarters. 5132 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver was one of the most contreversial films of the 1970's, winner of the prestigous Palme d'Or award (Best Film) at the Cannes film festival, and nominated for many prestigous awards at the BAFTAS and the Academy Awards. This film shot Scorsese, De Niro, and Foster under the lime light. This is Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, and one of his finest films to date. To those who might be of that opinion, I cannot recommend watching Nil By Mouth highly enough. It is a work of astonishing intensity and visceral power. It is quite unlike any British film that I've ever seen and so real and true is its portrayal of London working class life that it felt more like a '70s Pacino/De Niro movie like "Raging Bull" or "Panic In Needle Park" than what we have to come to expect from the British Film industry. 9795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember when I first saw `Gattaca'. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I remember quite vividly being completely blown away. It just moved me in ways I wasn't expecting, and the dense originality was such a breath of fresh air. I was taken away to this place I didn't know existed, and that is a rarity with this genre that still seems to bent on recreating other interpretations of the same. It's rare to find a science fiction film that has its own identity, and not one ripped from the souls of another. 3161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolia is one of my favorite movies. Every time I watch it I end up crying at the end! Quest for the Holy Grail locations. For 46 minutes, with Terry Jones. Inconsistent with the dignity of the fabric of the castle, was the reason given for not being able to shoot in any Scottish castles, except for the one that they did use, which was in private hands. A lot of hanging around and leaning against the castle. With Julian Doyle, production manager (who was also the arresting officer). Lancelots attack castle. They buy the script at Dune castle souvenir stand, where they have coconuts hanging about the souvenir stand. Theyre told that about 70% of the visitors know the film, 50% come because of the film - some come in chain mail! Dune Castle also triples as Castle Anthrax. The worlds worst name for seductive castles. Budget was supposed to be 150,000. They re-do the lines One day, lad, all this will be yours. What, the curtains? The find the Cave of Kair Bannogh again, its gotten ominously silent. Talking to Hamish Macinnes, leader of Glencoe Mountain Rescue Team. Michael Palin re-creates his catapult into the Gorge of Death. The island castle, Castle Aughhhhh, from the final scene of the film! Talked to the new owner (since 1965), with tales of knightly families losing it in drunken bets Find some local kids, put them onto camera to re-create the final charge scene with four kids! Even up to the arrest scene!! Organ outro music over credits. Directed by Julian Doyle!! MP&THG parodies & taunts the Arthurian legends, Bergman films, police round-ups, historians, anarchists, monarchists, shrubbery, herrings, medieval food & clothing, musicals, and a few other vaguely related sujbects. It is a film that is watchable multiple times (...I should know...); indeed you may HAVE to see it a second time just to catch all the jokes. Then you'll have to watch it again to catch more jokes that you didn't even realize /were/ jokes the first couple times through. 5633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best vampire movies I have ever seen with LOST BOYS being number 2. Next to RADU( SUBSPECIES) Vampire Jerry Dandrige(Chris Sarandon) is one very bad Vamprie,Roddy McDowell is perfect as PETER VINCENT:FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLER, and William Ragsdale as Charlie Brewster (the stubborn teenager who tries to tell everyone about the Vampire who lives next-door and no one believes), and Stephen Geoffreys as Evil Ed, plus Amanda BEARSE( T.V's Married with Children) as Charlie Brewster's girlfriend.(can you believe it I forgot her character's name, and I just watched this movie again about 2 days ago). This movie has it all good acting great effects, directing was great and it was scary. I highly recommened this movie. 2228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my daughters love this movie Most of the cast ranges from non-descript to just plain awful. Easily the worst of the bunch is Michelle Rodriguez, whose only distinct trait is a perpetual frown; she's given a lot of macho dialogue, but Jenette Goldstein she is not. Surprisingly, it's Jovovich who stands out as the film's kickass heorine. Sure, she's not much of an actress, but she's got the physical stuff down pat, for the most part. And she's cute enough that I don't mind seeing her in a slinky red dress, as well as a couple of scenes that briefly reveal some of her naughty bits. This film is all about Travis Bickle, so much so that he's never off screen for more than a minute or two at a time, and not often at that. Travis isn't from New York City, and isn't a part of it, though he still, somehow, seems to belong. Bickle is a lot of things, but his main trait is obvious from the get-go: He is alone, alienated. He hates the city; he prays for the rain to come wash the filth from the streets, but he's drawn to those streets at the same time. Travis, unable to sleep at night, decides to become a taxi driver even though he loathes and fears his clientele. His reasons for taking the job, though unstated, are apparent: Better to face the depravity of the streets than live alone with the uncertainty and emptiness within himself day in and day out. When not working Travis sits alone in his dingy apartment, staring at the television with indifference, pours his anger into his diary and haunts seedy downtown porno theaters. He feels a need to find something more, something outside of himself, but he doesn't know what it could be. Before too long he finds a cause, a reason to exist, in the form of the beautiful campaign worker Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) and, later, the plight of teen-runaway Iris (Jodie Foster). He wants to be with them, to protect them, but do they want that? Do they need that? A.P. Fuchs 9558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent movie about a dystopian society in which your genetically engineered level of perfection (or lack thereof) determines your social and professional status. The bad acting was the only trouble with this film, the horrible script allowed the Hollywood character and plot clichs to pour in like the flood gates had been opened. The wise cracking character that always has something to say and obscure pop culture references that try to gain a couple laughs from the audience was present. The no-nonsense female cop that has a strange past, but finds out that she has the heart of gold. The corporation boss that is willing to kill everyone for the sake of science and proves that he has no heart what so ever. Finally, there is the large overbearing monster that was nothing more than table scraps of every other Hollywood big budget horror movie, which discovers the true meaning of Christmas. YUK. Could director Alexander Witt either not do his homework or just try for once to build upon the original instead of slicing and dicing. Not just the characters were clich, but also the story. Lines were replaced with explosions and CGI. Gore replaced the sci-fi element and 1984 Big Brother moments were just the mother load. Seriously, I would love to know what happened. 100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Henry Winkler! He's a convincing "Scrooge" with a meltable heart. Really liked the way the story wrote in the not-so-ghostly "ghosts" of past, present and future Christmases. And we just love a happy ending, don't we? 1048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this is the JOHN BOORMAN i love . the director of "DELIVERANCE" and "THE EMERALD FOREST" in addition to this excellent and haunting film . in his twin outstanding lead actors , a very thoughtful screenplay and breathtaking photography and direction , it all comes together for me . i withhold the fifth star as i am conflicted about the ending . that was john's artistic choice though . i don't do alternate endings . Thank you so much for producing this wonderful series for us to enjoy. A close second would be the scene in which Arthur tries to explain his kingship to members of an autonomous collective (read, peasants without a lord) who view him as just another oppressor, and inform him that watery tarts throwing swords at you is not an adequate basis for the exercise of supreme executive power. 3033 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The American Film Institute rated this movie #88 of the 100 best movies of all time. While I tend to agree with the institute on their picks, I believe the Institute was likely stoned when they rated this film. I understand the concept of the film: disillusioned anti-establishment pothead youths dropping out to find true freedom and true expression, but the filmatic means used to reach this end go absolutely nowhere. The director, Dennis Hopper, (also a costar in this monument to the sixties), loads at least a third of the film with mostly meaningless, boring footage of the two cyclists touring through the American west using drug-culture inspired music from the 60's as the soundtrack. Honestly, I could have filmed better footage through my childhood super-8 camera. And with perhaps the exception of one or two songs (Born to Be Wild), the music is dreadfully dated, the lyrics incomprehensible, and incredibly boring. This is one of those frightening on-screen performances in recent memory. Ray Winstone deserves high praise and immortalization for his acting here in the role of Ray. He seems to be one of those unsavory, brutal characters in movies that stay with us. Like Hannibal Lecter in "Silence Of The Lambs," Like Dennis Hopper in "Blue Velvet," Like Norman Bates in "Psycho," this performance haunts us like a ghost. The scorned ghost of a murderer... I will again watch this DVD since I feel it is worth my time! There are no crimes - of the heart or otherwise. No murders. No secret affairs. The Lord's name is taken in vain a few times, but Annelle lets `em know she don't appreciate it. 9076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What is your name? 26 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Being a huge fan of this classic, I own dozens of versions and this one adds a nice variety. The twists and changes to this timeless story truly do justice to the original and the performances, for the most part, are stellar. If you're looking for the same feel good movie but in a new setting, this one's for you. 3847 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Remember all those really campy films from the 1950s such as The Crawling Hand? Idle Hands is basically the same type of movie, only much sillier, much campier, and in some respects embarrassingly bad. The filmmakers really don't even bother to explain the whole silly concept; a corporeal, murderous hand on the rampage normally doesn't need a lot of background info, but in this case Anton (Devon Sawa) simply has his own hand somehow possessed without the rogue hand causing all the mischief even finding him. Only after Anton cuts his hand off, do we return to the more traditional animated, murderous hand on the rampage theme, and that works much better than Anton's constant battle to control what his right hand is doing as long as it is attached to his arm. As far as the rest of the explanation goes, we have a Druidic priestess (Vivica A. Fox) trying to find and destroy the hand before midnight Druid time, at which time the hand will take a soul into the netherworlds. In my opinion, this story doesn't even begin to work. 8356 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you haven't already seen this one, do not wait until "Tomorrow", do it today. 1429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another great Film... The acting is splendid and the story is well written. It is suitable for the entire family and it gives a good picture of the depression era of our country. 9647 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The moral of the film is that we should not strive for genetic improvement, because this would create jealousy, sadness, resentment, discrimination, etc for those were not as genetically gifted. This premise ignores the fact that drastic inequality already occurs in natural evolution, and has always been an element of all life. This film plays into currently popular egalitarian ideologies that try to ignore, eliminate, or camouflage this process, in a quest for a utopia where everyone can believe that they are more or less 'equal' to everyone else and there is nothing to offend anyone's fragile ego. But of course, this is the antithesis of evolution. So, in short, the premise, conception, and perspective of the movie are lame. I only made it through the first 30 minutes or so, and it was uninteresting and predictable. The main character's parents express some sort of Christian/naturalist faith in natural childbirth (playing to popular attitudes today), as if rolling the dice with your child's genetics is morally superior to using science to reduce their suffering throughout life from genetic defects, or allowing them to enjoy superior traits (who wouldn't want straight teeth? perfect eyesight? healthy bones? a strong immune system? a quick mind? excellent memory? a non-violent temperament? etc. ). The kid goes on whining about his older brother having all this good stuff while he has to wear glasses, etc. Though, again, you don't need eugenics for this dynamic to happen. Check out "The Talented Mr. Ripley". I suppose one could say that Gattaca is a science fiction film for whiners. I would recommend going to read some Nietzsche instead. We all succeed through the advancement of even a few, especially if this advance is passed down genetically to future generations. Whiners/egalitarians would refuse this advancement to all future generations, so that they don't have to feel inferior and no one is offended. And the final message of the original - more or less, "where would you be if only the genetically perfect were born?" - this is a specious argument, since there are countless billions of potential people who have not been born throughout human history. Who is crying over these billions of unborn babies? (hmmm... many people against eugenics today might also support abortion. Go figure. Maybe the writers of the script were pro-life Christians?) Anyway, you, me, none of us would be here if more genetically advanced humans were being selected, but then again, those who would be here would live happier and healthier lives. And that is what evolution is all about. While visiting family in Miami one of my cousins went to see the movie. When he got home he was telling me how much the movie stunk. As he was talking it became obvious to me that he had taken the movie seriously. So I yelled at him "It's a parody!! He's making fun of action movies in general and himself in particular!!" I could see the lightbulb go on over his head and he went right out and saw it again. I waited way too long before getting this one, thinking I could do without an X DVD. And I could have. But why should I? This really is worth it, and I'm sure I'll be putting this one in the player more often than a lot of my other music DVDs. Really, really good. 7165 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic music and storylines -- contemporary character development. Annie is a dear and she brings out tie worst and the best in her cast mates. By the end of the show characters get their just desserts before your very eyes and delight us for forever! 7260 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is always wonderful no matter what age you are...the adults, and the kids pulled this movie together for all ages And speaking of the show it has something for every one, it has the Fraggle rock characters and Seasme street regulars like big bird and the whole gang, also the muppets with fozzy and miss piggy ect... Seen with Year 2000 eyes, Taxi Driver does not have a great deal of appeal. It has purely historical value. 480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an incredible telling of the story of Joseph and the roller coaster ride on which he rode. One of many Biblical Old Testament stories made by Turner Films and this is of very high quality. Not the wooden-like acting which is not uncommon in Biblical story telling in some past films. This is first-class and definitely worth 5 stars. 2343 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd like to start off by saying that I haven't watched Air Force One in several years, so I've forgotten whata great film this actually is. I have had the VHS Widescreen version since 1998, but I've only watched it once since then. But fast forward to 2002 and now its on Superbit DVD. All I have to say is WOW! The picture and sound will blow you away. The sound especially if you have a 5.1 surround system. The gun fire is especially intense and well spaced in the the sound field. One of the most jaw-dropping scenes is the F-15/MiG-29 engagement at the end. Another is when Air Force One crashes into the Ocean. WOW! What a crash scene! couple of slow sections around the love story. But these are very small 5307 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Maybe this was great in the 80's, but now it's just cliche. Not even charmingly so. For when this was made, there are some good special effects work, not by todays standards, but back then, impressive. It is the strange and quirky (there's that word again) that drives this film. Owen Wilson's character (Dignan) is obviously an extreme case of an excessive-compulsive. He plans out items to the nth degree, ensuring that everything is okay decades later. Anthony (Luke) struggles to regain some sense of normalcy in his life but keeps getting dragged back down by his bond with Dignan while being tugged the other direction by Inez. 1495 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I didn't think any remake of "Jane Eyre" could possibly be better than the version starring Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine. This one is right up there. I've watched it often, and I'm pleased that I could finally own a copy. If you like the Bronte's books, I highly recommend this movie. Piers Cuthbertson-Smyth (Alan Cumming) is a documentarian desperately trying to obtain footage for his latest project, a look at the popular five-girl singing group The Spice Girls: Ginger (Geri Halliwell), Baby (Emma Bunton), Posh (Victoria Beckham), Sporty (Melanie Chisholm) and Scary (Melanie Brown). While he struggles to sneak into parties and onto sets where they practice, the girls themselves prepare for a big stage show in England. Meanwhile, their eccentric manager is in cahoots with Chief (Roger Moore) the man who feels he is responsible for their success and can take it away with a snap of his fingers, or a caress of his squealing bovine. And if that isn't enough, a mysterious paparazzi spy gets carried away snapping pictures of the fivesome and pasting it all over the headlines. To top it all off, a pair of filmmakers pitch their idea of a Spice Girl movie to studio executives, which as it turns out, is basically the very movie we're watching. 8117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got this movie for my sister. She really loved it. She was very happy with it. Very much satisfied. 4238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Do I really call "Last Action Hero," a satire? Maybe not. Although it uses familiar action movie tropes in a satire-like way, I think if none if it is noticed, letting it be more "wink-wink" fun than a more serious statement (about how unrealistic movies are), it a great movie. 8868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Bronson stars in this depression-era movie about a man who is forced to take up bare-knuckled fighting to earn enough money to survive. Bronson arrives in New Orleans with a few coins in his pocket and no prospects. Fortunately for him (and unfortunately for his opponents) he comes across a betting fighting match hosted by two local sharpies. Bronson studies the situation with cold calculating eyes and realizes that he could earn some much needed food money with a few bouts of his own. Introducing himself to one of the local sharpies, (James Coburn, who is superb in his role of a quick talking con-man in constant trouble with the local mob), Bronson and Coburn set out to win a small fortune on the match-making skills of Coburn and the hard punishing fists of Bronson. One thing that's amazing is that Bronson was 53 freakin' years-old when the film was made, yet physically looks better than most guys half that age. Bronson's beautiful wife, Jill Ireland, plays his love interest (as usual) and was 39 years old at the time. 5 Trivia Tracks So some frustation about it is warrented. SPOILER: I thought bringing modernday characters in showed the lack of progress since 600 AD in finding the Holy Grail. This is a clever film, a bit slow, but stylish, suspenseful, wonderfully visual, and well worth a weekend evening investment. 2896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie All I can tell you is that Arnold Schwarzeneger had to have a lot of balls to be in a movie like this. Especially when he was still a relative new comer to the acting profession and to America. But hey, it's just an action movie, and it's got a good plot. Still, there seems to be no end to the contempt that film makers and critics have for Arnold. That isn't what pisses me off the most, though. What pisses me off the most is that the movie-going public could be so gullible and stupid as to accept whatever Hollywood tells them about a certain flick. Not critics, mind you. Nobody pays attention to critics anymore. Especially the stupid rich ones with their big thick books and their big thick mustaches. No, I'm talking about the entertainment industry, at large. Usually if every actor, every director, every producer, and every talk show personality gangs up on a certain individual, or a certain film and shouts at the top of their collective lungs "THIS PERSON'S WORK IS TERRIBLE. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE," everyone believes them. What these people should be yelling is "WE ARE FEARFUL. WE ARE JELOUS. WE WANT TO SEE THIS PERSON FAIL" That's all entertainment is about. It's about one artist stabbing another in the back. It's not about teamwork anymore. Usually if enough people in the profession denounce a certain person's work, the rest of the world will think "Well, gee! Everybody in Hollywood thinks this movie sucks. It must be true. Well, I'm not going to waste my money" The film is full of action and fighting. There is less suspense than in the first and most of the monsters and hazards are straight from the first movie. But it is the characters and what has been done to them, and how they handle it, that provides the real story in this film. Needless to say there is another cliffhanger/opening at the end to pave the way for a third movie. Most of the action happens at night so the sets are dark. The action is fast and between the lighting and the speed, the fight scenes are often uncomprehendable. ADDED 5/27: Got the set in today, worth the money. I haven't compared the quality to the 4 Season set from Fox, but I did compare a couple of episodes to my mpeg versions I recorded 15 or so years ago. The episodes are un-cut, which is great, but one other thing I noticed right off the bat is the episodes are the correct speed. Syndication cuts episodes, but they also tend to speed them up to get more of the episode into the allotted 30 minute air time. I was really surprised how much quicker the pace was on the old recordings, with all of the actor's voices a little higher as a result. The new set is much more naturally-paced, more relaxed. The video of the new set is not perfect, but it is very, very good. I give it about 8.5 on a 1-10 scale. It doesn't have that super clean, prisitine look of a big name series that has been fully restored from top-notch source elements. But it is certainly cleaner than any Newhart episodes I have seen before, including the Fox videos. The video is excellent for the most part and is consistent from episode to episode. The audio is great, much cleaner than my recorded set which had a lot of hissing. It is perfect for a 70's sitcom, I give the audio a 9.5 out of 10. 5337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic vamp film that I have always wanted. It is a true classic - Billy Zoom, the guitarist who originally formed the band, used to play rockabilly guitar for Gene Vincent and other big stars, and has been voted one of the greatest guitar players ever by Guitar Player magazine? 1373 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Despite what other reviewers are guessing to be true, the video quality of the episodes in seasons 1-4 in this complete series set is NOT an upgrade from the original DVD season releases. I have done an extensive side-by-side comparison and the transfer is unquestionably inferior with the new set. Colors are washed out, detail and definition are reduced. It's a very stark contrast. The video bitrates are markedly higher for the old discs vs. the new. I'm noticing bitrates that are as much as 30% higher in the head-to-head comparison. Overall, Taxi Driver is one of my favorite films. The film effectively showcases the scum of society and the creation of a crazy vigilante, and Robert De Niro gives the best performance of his career. The DVD features an oustanding making of featurette featuring Robert De Niro, Jodi Foster, and director Martin Scorsese. 400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Joseph is a TV movie that tells the story of Joseph from the Old Testament. It stars Paul Mercurio in the title role. 4720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 my husband wanted this again since he dropped his and broke it. didn't take long to get another. shipper was quick and prompt. This film is both. Don't miss it. 9486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good plot line. Thriller goes right to the very end. 9162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't get all the negative reviews. Although all these people like the movie, they all have the same complaint; "Defective Discs." 708 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I so regret buying this movie. Why is it called Arthur's Perfect Christmas? The kids spend very little time on Christmas and more time trying to convince us that there are other religions just as worth while. Avoid at all costs! 6204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Complicated love themes - romantic, familial, fraternal. Strong cast. Great story! I tried to get some insight on the HUH? part by viewing the "documentary" section of the DVD, but I just couldn't muddle all the way through it. It was full of nothing but ego-driven minutiae; details about stuff no sane person would care about (yawn), so I gave up and will happily dispatch the DVD back to the Public Library today and wash my hands of it. The End. 6291 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An older movie I had never seen. I will tell you this will stick w me for a lifetime. 5140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "You talkin' to me?" 3928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while. Its too bad it didn't do well in the theaters, it came out a little after Columbine, but it seems to be enjoying a happy life on video and DVD. Every horror fan should have this movie in their collection! Bonus includes episode commentaries, a "The Making of Upstairs, Downstairs" segment, and "Russell Harty Plus with jean Marsh and Angela Braddeley" The CIA in France has a problem. They need a civilian to act as a courier to Istanbul. Of course Woody gets the job, but right from the start it's obvious he is taking his role just a little too seriously. By the time he arrives to meet his KGB contact in Turkey he has fully assumed the role of his cartoon creation - top CIA agent and superhero Condorman. Hey I don't know if this has been discussed over the years or not but Albert Finney's Daddy Warbucks voice is an impersonation of director John Huston's. It sounds just like him! Close your eyes during his dialog (especially near the beginning when he's more curmudgeon-like) and check it out. 1028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this movie is more than the sum of all the other films about world war two combined. it is a true classic. both men are superb and make us believe what has been said in the past: "that all wars begin and end within the hearts of men." All in all, perhaps what is the main issue is determining just what human potential is and who the experts of this advancement are supposed to be. Added to this are concerns about the future and whether our leaders who will, by then, espouse bringing forth progress will by and large be compassionate philanthropists at best or sociopathic, cultic leaders at worst. couple of slow sections around the love story. But these are very small However, my favourite scene would have to be the liturgical procession and reading of instructions for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, with the leader's instruction 'skip a bit, brother' -- an instruction which I've searched in vain in the liturgical handbooks, but would vastly improve many readings on some mornings in church. This is a perfect parody of the sonorous but deadening readings that seem to drag on interminably. Number of chapters: 16 Milla Jovovich is the female lead and she manages to carry the film well. I'm really not that informed on her background, but I will say that while she probably doesn't have a great depth of talent at her disposal, she is a capable actress and I liked her in her role. To say that she was believable would be impossible, as I don't know that such a person could exist (how many zombie fighters do you know?). 6409 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I love resident evil, and the first movie is one of my favorites. 8938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 20 month old LOVES this video and so do I. My husband and I have laughed at many things from this video, they have done a really good job. You must get this one for your collection, you kids will watch from the beginning all the way to the end and that is no small thing. :) 4785 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A slap stick comedy. 3241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was actually a replacement. I loaned out the copy I had owned for quite some time. It was definately a must replace for our library, a long standing favorite in our home. Amazon offered a great price as usual. It arrived on great condition, also as usual. 4042 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and how it shows how even in sad circumstances life can still be beautiful. Grace, understanding and trying to make things work out for the best is not always easy but still the best way. Copyright 1985 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 1119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The only disappointment was when Meg Wynn Owen Left the series. Although married to somewhat disagreeable James, Hazel could hold her own, and had more compassion for the servants Downstairs. Lord Bellamy needed a wife, so Virginia was added to replace Hazel. Edward and Daisy were a cute couple. Rose was just as loyal as ever. Mrs. Bridges was always proud of her kitchen art. Hudson was a snob, and Ruby was a likeable dimwit. 5115 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first disc features an audio commentary by Professor Robert Kolker. He analyzes the film's style and themes but tends to describe what we are seeing making obvious statements. He talks about the influence of Alfred Hitchcock's movies on Taxi Driver but in mind-numbingly boring way. 7566 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fashion and murder, like those Italian slasher flicks. But instead of Goblin music, there's KC and the Sunshine Band! Faye Dunaway's great as a prude who enjoys photographing beautiful people pretending to be dead. Then they really start dying. 5868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best True Stories ever made into film. A must see. 2082 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ALWAYS A GOOD OLDIE A Great Movie...check it out..you'll not be dissapointed.. The film looks as if there was little DNR (digital noise reduction) was used and overall, you can see grain on the film. Overall, this is a superb transfer to Blu-ray and another classic film given awesome treatment from Sony. Resident Evil: Based on the super popular video games of the same name. still photo galleries and other stuff If you choose to purchase, buy the collector's edition DVD (the one with the B&W half- face portrait of De Niro), which has plenty of extras that the original DVD lacks. It has a wealth of information on the movie's production, including how some of the players researched their characters. There are also interviews of the different actors, including De Niro, Foster, Peter Boyle and more. The disc also has production stills and commentary by the DVD's producer. And I'm certain that the only reason they made it possible to kill the zombies by snapping their necks was to tone down the gore and get it past the MPAA with an R rating, not to mention that video games still have the "just kid's stuff" reputation, and thus movies based on video games suffer a similar stigma so they have to be toned down for "the kids." But this is supposed to be a ZOMBIE FILM, it's supposed to be gory! The games, which are supposedly "just kid's stuff," actually have MORE gore than the movies made about them. So as far as zombie films go, the Resident Evil films are pretty tame. Hell, they could have gone with more gore, taken it out so the film could get an R, then put it back in for an Unrated Version on DVD. That would have been more acceptable than these zombie film abominations. 5679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Works great Carl Reiner to Mel Brooks: 5204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I will just come out and say it...Do not watch this movie if you can't be open minded and look into the lives of people who have it so bad that you wonder, "How do they stay together?!" 8872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Really, what else can I say about one of the funniest movies ever made? If you're not worried about extra special features, grab this version as cheap as you can. Beautiful screenplay, stellar acting, gorgeous cinematography. Just simply one of the best. I will say that some of this movie is far from appropriate for children, especially when Tim Curry and Bernadette Peters (I love her here too) are on the screen (they tend to get rather risqu) and there is some language that I didn't remember but all in all it is something that your children will love (my daughter, too young to really pay attention, was captivated by the singing). This movie will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the finest science-fiction films ever created. In my opinion, it is one of the few truly perfect films ever crafted. Any serious fan of science-fiction will probably want to own this one. 432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I cannot help but notice that ALL of those who serve God have to suffer for him. Though the churches today teach you don't have to suffer, the Bible says different. I wish I were as strong as Joseph. He sure isn't a "why me" type. The film, as you may well know, is a spoof of documentaries called a "mockumentary." The film purports to show the life and times of a petty criminal named Virgil Starkwell (Woody Allen). We see him being bullied by his childhood peers on the streets and his failure at playing the cello signals his failure to become a successful criminal. 1885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it! After a while, every cabbie develops a callus: every passenger becomes a blur. Robert De Niro's character, Travis Bickle, sees society as converging dots flowing together like the scum on his windshield. Prostitutes, pimps, addicts, and winos gum the sidewalks. Urine stings every breath. Neon melts over his cab. This is the world that Travis lives in, and he hates it more and more everyday. The cinematography is very good. Lszl Kovcs does good work and he captures the scenery very well. God knows there is plenty of time for that during the course of the movie. There is a little incongruity towards the end when they try to match 16mm footage with the rest of the 35mm film, but other than that the picture is good. There are some weird things done with the editing that I didn't really understand or care for. There is a reoccuring theme of stuttering images before cutting to a new scene. It kind of seems like a film student experiment that was left in the film accidently. 5881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A 70's classic! Columbia Pictures presents Eyes of Laura Mars. 3045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, and more star in what is considered to be the best biker movie ever made. People still talk about this when talking about biker culture. Classic Sons of Anarchy(FX television series) for classic movie fans! don't bother with this one. 427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my most favorite stories in the Bible, recommend this one to anyone who loves a good Bible story. 5) "EPIC" - "Steed catches a falling star - and Emma makes a movie" has Emma unwittingly starring in a movie called "The Destruction of Emma Peel". A premise John feels is not up to "snuff". This highly detailed futuristic film is convincingly real and very exciting. It also has a strong moral to share. What would you accomplish if you were not told you could not? This sensitively told tale is not to be missed. 3528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun to see the ships, thanks It had great acting, and a classic theme, but I did not understand some of the devices, such as the trip to the porno movie and the Mohawk haircut / bizarre behavior incident. I suspect some of this stuff was put in without much thought to the overall contribution to the story... these segments could have been much better if re-scripted. The billion dollar question, of course, is---is "Resident Evil" scary? Imagine being locked up in the wilderland of the cubicle with flesh hungry co-workers, armed only with your wits and a 9mm automatic. You tell me, Soldier---you tell me. 6645 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the greatest motion pictures of all time. 5819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT PRODUCT SHIPPED VERY QUICKLY NO BAD NEWS One of the best character studies of all time. Highly recommend. 9228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 classic monty python..needs no words from me There's nothing remotely scary about this movie. Apocalypse is not going to appeal to Resident Evil 2 survival horror fans, that's for sure. All kinds of adrenaline pumping shooting action aroung every corner with several Resident Evil 4-style athletic kicks and jumps is what you can expect instead. I say avoid this movie and stick with the gaming series. 7203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A fun movie for the whole family! This version of Annie is my family's favorite. The movie is so fake it's sad. The plane would have been destroyed by pressure. It gets laced with 100's of rounds of ammo. Come on you have to make is somewhat believable. Wolfgang Peterson should be slapped upside the head for putting something like that in a movie. Biohazard: Degeneration (2008) / Resident Evil: Degeneration. 3602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Long-time favorite movie. Gotta love it in Blu-Ray. Real classic. Fun to see the dated parts, but still holds up as a great movie. This is a review of the DVD set. The movies in this collection have differing spoken and subtitle language options, and I've given those. 6473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not oftern does a sequel surpass the first. This IS one exception. More characters from the game appear in this one, and there is a lot of action. It's non-stop, a rollercoaster ride into hell and back. 5239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 With out a doubt, this is director Martin Scorsese's best movie. Robert De Niro plays taxi driver Travis Bickle, a down on his luck Vietnam vet who takes a job as a taxi driver to make ends meet. What makes this movie amazing is how true to life it is. All that Travis Bickle wants to do is be somebody. He wants to be known for something. The bad thing is he is willing to do anything to get his recognition. Many people have connected with this movie because Travis Bickle's life seems to mirror theirs. No one takes him seriously and nobody seems to care about him. He is just another face in the crowd. Many people have felt like him, maybe not to the point of murder, but they have related to him. Scorsese directs this film like no other and De Niro plays Bickle brilliantly. This movie has impressive camera work and one of the best shootouts ever. Watch it! 2431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. Why? I'm not sure but I do like it. Charles Dance does a great one-eyed villain (with a different glass eye for every occasion) and Tom Noonan plays the other villain, something of a slasher-movie type monster called "Ripper". Anthony Quinn is around as a bit as Dance's employer who stupidly keeps making idiomatic malapropisms in the manner of Biff in Back to the Future; we know his minutes are numbered from the get-go. Art Carney has a nice little cameo as Slater's "favorite second cousin" and Bridgette Wilson is there to lend some serious hotness. There are some nice little specific movie references - Olivier's Hamlet transformed into Jack Slater's ("to be, or not to be...not to be" as he blows up the castle behind him) and Ian McKellen doing Bergman's death - but overall the satire is outweighed by action setpieces, and the film has a rather slapped-together feel to it, unsure as to what to do other than lumber towards a big splashy finish. 9401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is brilliant, it's captivating and unique and as terrific acting and directing. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes science and genetics. 711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must for any children's Christmas movie collection. Arthur will always be a classic. Extras 3916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This version is basically the 1980 "Special Edition" without the ridiculous "inside the Mother Ship" sequence at the end. All of the other scenes added for the special edition (The ship in the desert and the additional scenes of Roy Neary's breakdown) are here. The main scene cut from the original version, which shows Roy Neary at work at the power station is still missing, but it is present as one of 11 deleted scenes on the second disk of this set. Most of these scenes were justifiably cut from the film, adding nothing to the story. Most interesting is an alternate meeting between Bob Balaban and Francios Truffaut in a limousine at an airport. Similar dialog but different. This scene was clearly meant to follow the air traffic control scene that is still in the movie. Also includes the obligatory "Making of Documentary, clearly shot at the same time as "Saving Private Ryan" as Spielberg is filmed in front of a debris strewn European street. This is a first class DVD presentation. I just wish that they could have done what they did with "The Abyss" and include BOTH versions of the film. 9425 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ... was right when they chose this as an essential video. This film was my first exposure to Monty Python- quite the film to watch when I was in high school just a few years ago. I have watched this movie over and over, and it doesn't lose any of its humor! Watch this, and you'll most certainly be a Python fan for life. And the special features of this dvd really go over the top. The featurettes were wonderful, the outtakes were hilarious, and the deleted scenes were cool in their own way. This version does not include the "Special Edition" ending made in 1980 for the re-issue of the film. However, the "Special Edition" new ending is seen in the Deleted Scenes on Disc 2. 7674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I ordered this movie for a friend and her daughter enjoys it. 4982 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I mean really, do I have to even say anything? It's Mel Brooks folks, and this is his movie collection. I went through them all in a weekend, laughing it up the entire time, this is gold! 1180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not much else to say but that it is one of the best classic shows on television. This fourth season of the show sees WW I in full swing - James Bellamy returns from the front for a break and finds himself consigned to a desk job (even though he still travels), something which sits very badly with a man who yearns to join his regiment in the thick of battle; Hazel and James' marriage is not altogether happy, a recurring theme from the later part of Season Three, but the war has sort of masked their marital difficulties; footman Edward marries his sweetheart, parlour maid Daisy, and also goes off to war; many from below stairs contribute what they can to the war effort - kitchen maid Ruby goes off to work in a munitions factory, Rose works part-time as a tram conductor, and butler Hudson works part-time in the constabulary. Mr. Bellamy, Sr. gets offered a key government post and ward Georgina tries her hand at nursing. I whatched this movie when I was 6 it always mad me laugh it shourly will make you laugh 1612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We wondered what all the fuss was about. A forty year old series?! The quaint black and white pictures and simplistic sets in the first episodes recede from your consciousness as the stories draw you in. Before long, you have a vested interest in the lives of these people and the history they are living becomes vivid - and feels current. We missed them when we finished viewing and will watch it again. By the way, for my money, the finest original version out there is the George C. Scott version followed closely by Alistair Sim. The female action hero is excellent (reminicent of Gena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight) and the action is well choreographed. "A Touch of Brimstone" -- This one was banned from American television because Emma Peel dons high-laced boots, a spiked dog collar and a very skimpy outfit! Here, we have The Hellfire Club, hoaxsters, and murder! Written by Brian Clemens. The original Special Edition had a decent collection of extras. The Deluxe Edition is a simple expansion of the Special Edition, so it's up to you if you want to buy it. 6783 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Oh-KAY! Resident Evil got a little more hardcore and bleak than I was prepared for, but that's a good thing. I was expecting a mediocre, derivative action movie where I'd be able to predict every single shock and plot twist, with maybe a few cool money shots or zombie gore thrown in that made it worth a rental (I'm a sucker for zombies). If you'd told me before I saw it that I'd be giving it 4 stars afterwards, I probably would have laughed. I ain't laughing now. Do I now return the second one by shipping the first one back? I am still stuck with one that was damaged when it was created and one that won't play in a normal DVD player. 8974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So hilarious!! If Walt Disney had decided to make a film for adults, it would have looked something like "Close Encounters." Maybe Spielberg is the Walt Disney of the "Easy Rider" generation. And perhaps that is what "Close Encounters" eventually represents - a Baby Boomers' "Peter Pan." As a film how does it work? Pretty well but there's minor nitpicks. While the existential aspect of the film delivers, as a "thriller" it's not as harrowing and exciting, the love story is not as developed as it should be and its recurring idea of a swimming race seems kinda odd but it's different so in a way it works but still, a character's life rests in his swimming abilities? Um ok. Acting-wise however it's great, sets and cinematography are lush and attractive and the music's really compelling. A story as profound as Krakauer's and a mountain as big as Everest just shouldn't be forced onto the small screen. The movie suffers greatly from the very things that mountainclimbers cannot do -- rush. The movie pushes along at a relentless pace using fade to white as a time compression device. The movie never takes its time until its way too late. We can't decompress that fast! 5101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 **SPOILERS INCLUDED** Another difference that may matter to you: the new set does not include subtitles, whereas the old discs have both English and Spanish subtitles. It seems Shout! Factory left them out as part of their misguided effort to cram as many episodes on each disc as possible. I'm no fan of the double-sided disc format Fox used for the season releases, and it's a pain to switch the discs more often with fewer episodes per disc, but I'll take them over the new set any day. It's a great flick about politics, "punks", society, love, and life. I really like the characters, the way the film shows the growth of all the characters, and I feel the side bar things, such as narratives and explanations of scenes (the fight scene with the rednecks being what I'm referring to) are great for showing a point, moving the plot and also justifying some scenes to punch up the movie a bit. The virus has now spread above ground and the Umbrella cooperation has sealed off the town, which is crawling with zombies. Civilians and security forces alike are trying to survive and find some way to get out. In the midst of this pandemonium, Alice has teamed up with an unlikely group in search of the creator's daughter who is none other than the girl whose image had been given to the Red Queen's holograph back in the Hive. 3524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just what was wanted,and fast delivery. 1235 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved this movie! 9853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off, if you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it. Each shot is a visual masterpiece and it is a very original story. The cinematography, acting and directing are perfect. A perfectly genetically engineered film. 4986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mel Brooks is a master comedian. When I saw this being offered in Today's Deal I HAD TO GET IT! 8776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well, the only reason I can imagine you are reading this is if you did not grow up in an Engliish-speaking land or that you were born yesterday. I am reviewing it on the occasion of receiving the most recent of many DVD's that have been given away or lost through the years. It marks my age, but in college, people would fill entire weekends with recounting the movie lines from memory (of course with a little help from our friends). 492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was extremely skeptical when this movie came out. I mean, what kind of movie can Bible-basher Ted Turner produce on one of the great heroes of the Bible - Joseph? Boy was I wrong. This is one of my all-time favorite movies and the best part is it faithfully tells the story directly out of the Bible with very few Hollywood additions. The acting is great. The actors are well known and correctly cast. Even the unknown lead of Joseph (Paul Mercurio) does a wonderful job. Even the scenes and settings are wonderful. Two thumbs way up!! 1108 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bravo! 9735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a movie that should have gotten more attention. It' a fine story, and one that should be seen by everyone living, as it depicts a very possible future. Famly Apeal: 10 Music: 10 Special Affects: 10 Sound: 10 Overall: 10 But the action super hero twist and rip-off only serve to tarnish the fact that its supposed to be a "resident evil" movie. The director probably should have looked at some of the movies that RE borrwed from before he went about trying to turn this into a horrible wanna be super hero flick 4036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVED IT. SAD> SAD> SAD.... but it was amazing acting great players... even the kids could act and not just look cute... and many women d face this in our life time may we always keep them in our prayers... and if you know a kid who lost his mom... be more of a friend... kind and show them attention.... this is one hell of a film... two women's stories with the male bastard stuck in the middle. -Another unique thing is once Slade has seen the light and transformed into a better man, he is still a bit of a grump. As if the transformation isn't instantaneous and is still a work in progress. He is more generous, more concerned with the welfare of others, including the town, the unemployed, his employee Thatcher and his sick son, the orphanage where he once stayed at, but he has a very nice and realistic bite to him yet. Anyway, silly story, not greatly acted, and sub-par pacing makes this one to avoid for the most part. 7235 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 5673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I fixed my popcorn ready to sit down and start over watching the R E movies I looked in my dvd's had all but the first one so I got it streaming. I thought I had them all but it's been years since I've watched it. In my mind it's one of the best. Alice woke up not knowing who she was that was the slowest three minutes of the movie the rest pure action. She had no idea she had special powers till she got in trouble and they came out by reflex. If you have not seen any of the R Es and love action movies as much as me you have at treat coming be sure to start with this one. 306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Bible stories on disc. Iron Eagle, as many have said, has holes in the plot the size of 50 cal rounds. But who cares? This is fun. This doesn't purport to be anything but a movie. Enjoy the view from 35,000'. The 1977 "Jesus of Nazareth" offers a harmonious composition of the 4 Gospels as well as educated speculation. You need 6 1/2 hours to watch it. But it is well worth the time. The characters are witty and outrageous. The sets and costumes are overdramatic and really help this movie in it's cause. Anyone who enjoys comedy or the punk movement will get a good kick out of this movie. 5893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of the 70's. And on Blu-ray ? Even better. A must have in your collection. 3959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a cult classic movie about an unexpected event - close encounters of the third kind. When it's on DVD, this is a must for your collection. 23 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Of course it's impossible to separate Henry Winkler from his famous Fonzie persona, but he actually does a great job as a Scrooge-character in this movie. His performance is quiet and subdued, not overdone as we might expect from such an intense actor. I thought Winkler did a great job chaning out of his Fonzie image and taking on the roll of an embittered and lonely miser. 9048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'd even call it a cult classic! We originally saw this movie on BBC many years ago and our kids grew up loving it, now are teaching their spouses to love it too. A Monty Python Gem, get it= you won't be sorry! ALWAYS buy at smile.amazon.com and support Your favorite Charity! I say this version is good for Jane Eyre fans; Mr. Rochester is what makes it good, not Jane. 7372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The music and the photography are magnificent. The story of two brothers going their separate ways in life and the historical accuracy of the Twenties in Montana are spot on. The theme joins all of the divergent paths in life with fishing and the "waters" as a common thread which, no matter how different we may seem, joins all of mankind together. Superb. - Producing TAXI DRIVER, 10' HD Scene Acess with 28 cues and remote access 4388 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Muppets have done many Christmas specials over the years. But this one is not only their best, it's arguably their best production period, ever. Definitely this is worth fifteen bucks. If nothing else, it's a great party disc! A wonderful Christmas special that no holiday season is complete without. This kind of humor is what my mom calls "dry humor". Well it is, for those of you out there who are too lazy to THINK. Comedy requiring thought - what a CONCEPT, huh? 9. But they all smile and sing about it, so that counts for something, I guess. Oh! Oh! And Theatrical Trailers! Picture and audio quality is excellent. They did a fantastic job with the transfer. I watch it on LG OLED 55C7 TV. Make sure you go to audio settings and select 5.1 surround sound (if you have surround sound system) because the audio setting is default to stereo selection. And the final puzzle pieces are the actors, who are all really good. Ethan Hawke gives a quietly powerful performance as a man who goes to desperate lengths to fulfill his dreams, and Uma Thurman has the right mix of icy reserve and sweetness as a "valid" woman who falls in love with the man rather than his DNA. 6619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Messenger, 1999 film 4482 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The only thing stopping this film from being downright awful is the solid characters. It isn't that long, but it feels extremely drawn out, which shows the suspense it is lacking. The plot is very flimsy-even for a horror movie. After only the first 45 minutes I was asking my brother if it was nearly done. 7798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great brings back the memory's from childhood!!! 7459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just fun to watch again and again. Advertisers are always using "The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow" in their commercials. Why? 'Cause it has a happy ending. Cast is great. Fun watch. I'm glad the original story has been restored in time for me to share the DVD for the first time with my own family. 2798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has it all, laughter, joy, sadness and tears. It is one of my favorites! As this DVD proves, X is still as good as ever. Billy Zoom still plays standing in his trademark splayed-leg stance with a broad grin on his face. Did I say he is awesome? Awesome. One might ask what would have happened to all of these characters if they had changed their minds along the way of their respective, individual quests and decided, instead, to stay with companions they had met along the way, or turn back and go back home? I remember when I first saw EASY RIDER as a kid, when it first came out in 1969. We all went to the movie theater as a group and all watched it together, getting a kick out of hippies smoking real pot, live and on camera. Some of us thought they should have stayed in the hippie commune. If they had lived, would they have stayed together? Would "Captain America" have gone back to be with those people? The same goes for INTO THE WILD. What would have happened if Christopher had stayed longer with his hippie friends in the trailer park? What would have happened if he left Alaska before the ice melted and went back to be with the girl he sang with who was a musician and who clearly cared for him? In THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES, what would have happened if Ernesto changed his mind and went back to be with his girlfriend? Would there have ever been a Cuban revolution? It's interesting that the characters in EASY RIDER had the goal of reaching a whorehouse, and the character in THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES - "Che Guevara" - was instrumental in ridding CUBA of all of its underworld-controlled and corrupt, exploitative whorehouses and gambling casinos! Who woulda thunk that - coming from this bookish, sensitive doctor! (Note: If you're wondering why they didn't load this DVD with extras, it's probably because of all the negative feedback this movie got and how little it made in the box office. So don't complain about it and accept it. How in the world do you expect them to put a lot of money on the DVD when it did so poorly at the theatres?) As the film nears its conclusion, the viewer tries to guess just what is going to happen and how it will be resolved, but the surprises keep coming until the final scene. 5570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first installment of the RESIDENT EVIL franchise finds our heroine, Alice, waking up to memory loss in the shower. Then, it turns out, she joins a security team to find out exactly what happened underneath RACCOON CITY. Seems the "Umbrella Corporation" has been dealing with some kind of virus outbreak and they want it contained. Now, why at the end of the movie, would you want to reopen the closed doors of the "hive" to find out exactly what went on down there? lol Answer: to let out all the fools that got turned into zombies so they could infect the others above ground for Episode 2: "Apocalypse". 8411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Didn't really pay too much attention to it, but my five-year-old daughter seemed to enjoy it. I've never laughed so hard at an adaption which is supposed to be a tragic but uplifting love story. Oh, let me count the ways.... First, the Jane Eyre character, played by Samantha Morton. I thought she appeared to be a bit of a vindictive, spiteful, co-dependent girl. She is a "Heather" in Victorian dress. However, I think she was the perfect for this version of Mr. Rochester. Oh boy..... This film is so incredibly intricate and well thought out that I'm astounded every time I watch it. It is also a technical achievement, for everything from the sets to the costumes to that wonderful score are all especially impressive; and then you have Jude Law's heartbreaking performance that is so sincere and commanding and unforgettable. I wish that more movies were made with this intense interest in storytelling, in crafting something profound and unique and beautifully grounded. This is the world according to Travis. A world that Travis will pack some heat with. Travis will have his revenge on them all. Travis will show them who is who and what is what. Travis will practice his lines in front of the mirror for that final confrontation that will show the world who he is and what is right and what is wrong. 4424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An interesting sequel....good twist ending. Sad yet bittersweet when Ray had to pawn his ring for Julie to obtain a gun to go save her from potential death. 1349 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Am slowly going through the entire series and realizing Bob Newhart and everyone on the show are so fantastically funny--even after all these years. 5162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Taxi Driver shocked movie audiences when it first came out in 1976. People gasped out loud at DeNiro's graphic and casual reference to what went on in the backseat of his New York taxi. People were also extremely shocked by Jodie Foster playing a hardened twelve year-old prostitute. There is a gory bloodbath at the end. By today's standards, Taxi Driver is not very shocking; there is so much sex, gore, violence, and shooting in movies today that people are used to it. Nevertheless, Taxi Driver was a groundbreaking film. Many movies after it have used its themes and style. I found the ending symbolic of a Western in "Hell" showdown. 8314 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie's Special Anniversary Edition is offered in Region 2 Widescreen format via amazon.com.uk. Amazon.com's Region 1 version was released on 13th Jan 2004 and available only in full screen format. Three months later on 19 April 2004, a widescreen format was released in Region 2. Why the double standards? Might be pleasing to some, but I've seen better... Charles Dickens's book "Oliver Twist" is wordy, long, and daunting, unless you are a strong and imaginative reader. The "Oliver Twist" DVD is great for the rest of us, because the story has been so polished and streamlined by so many people. Before TV and movies; before radio, every town had a theatre that performed plays. Every town in England and America performed the play "Oliver Twist"; for 90-years, until sound movies. For 90-years; these towns kept polishing the story and improving upon each other. Today; on DVD, the polished story skips along without a bump. The story "Great Expectations" did not get this polishing in the theatre and has a few bumps. Yet, even with the bumps; the 1947-version is a good story. 1682 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I now see why many people adore "Upstairs Downstairs," and also why it has its place among classic television. The whole show is actually a time capsule during the time of pre-WWI UK and after (up to the US stock market crash in 1929.) It is very interesting to note the various stages of changes that were happening during that time. It's like a history lesson but with more fun in it (apologies to my History teacher.) In this, the makers of this wonderful miniseries did not fail in their mission to make things as authentic as possible. Personally, I cannot boast about knowing much about English soceity during the Edwardian era, for my knowledge of it actually comes from period movies and television programs that I had seen before. But when I said "authentic," what I meant was that we can see and feel the labour of love that was put into every detail to make the show feel at home in its period setting. I shudder to think just how a MILLION TIMES cornier this movie would've been in the hands of a Steven Spielberg...o the horror! 5584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an older movie but it still is a very entertaining film. It's campy, for sure, and a bit dated now, but the actors did such a fine job you can totally get drawn into the story- and that is really all that matters. 1493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 probably one of the best jane eyre ever,,,you will love it - well done, great for a family gathering or a peaceful evening together... the acting is well done, the story is well done - you like jane eyre...you will love this one 1673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 During the 1970's I was serving my country in Europe, Panama and Vietnam. When I came home in 1972 I knew nothing of this British TV Series shown on Masterpiece Theater on Public TV. Well over 37 years later, I learned of this Series quite by accident. I purchased the complete series along with the season of Thomas & Sarah. ....A. Cast. A list to read of the cast members and their bios. 2593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just love this movie 2520 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Purchased as a requested gift. It was just as advertised. 7623 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 What I don't like is that I mistakenly ordered a VHS format which I cannot play. Have not been motivated to replace it with a DVD. 5830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie. 4795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 kinda boring 250 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this when it came out on tv way back when, and I have looked for it ever since. I was so shocked when I saw it on here and I just had to have it. WATCH THIS, IT IS GREAT!! I don't need to tell most of you about the plot to this film. King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table go off to find the Holy Grail. Most of the major knights from the stories are here, though Guinevere and Merlin are strangely absent (though there is an enchanter named Tim). The film also adds the rather cowardly Sir Robin and the aptly-named Sir Not Appearing in this Film. 8584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great!! Twelve more words required 4672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old movie for my collection. I think it's utterly selfish and short-sighted to leave spouse and children so that you can haul yourself up a mountain as dangerous as Everest, which gives no quarter to the slightest mistake; irrespective of that, I found their fight for survival and their commitment to each other deeply moving. 8427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Super cute with a good message. Mandy p makes a great villian! 2885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All time favorite! 9137 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really hated this movie and am sorry I bought it. I tried to give it away to friends and family and they all said, "No." I would like my money back...but it is opened...so I guess it goes to Salvation Army! 1512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this show was the talk of the town when it fist aired. It will always be a classic. Being a cab driver is like being a sponge. You become a therapist, a conscience, a drinking buddy, a strip club buddy, a shoulder to cry on, or a one-night stand. People show themselves to you, but you're a cabbie and you've seen it all anyway. For an extra-nice tip, a cab can be a rolling motel, a getaway car, or a safe haven to indulge strange pleasures. A cabbie is faceless from the back seat: he or she won't judge you. Someone's having a laugh, and my guess is he's not part of a self-perpetuating autonomous collective. 8531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Comedy classic. Not everyone gets the scatological humor going on here, but if you do and if silly things like Trojan rabbits and dance numbers at Camelot about Spam are your thing then you're in for a treat. I've seen this far too many times and each time there's something else silly I pick up that makes me laugh.. Some of the humor is so general and childish that this is ALMOST a kid-friendly film, and then you get to Castle Anthrax and it's definitely NOT for kids (same thing with the goofy fake violence and bright-red blood spurting out of dismembered limbs. Keep it to older viewers.) Stands up well with time as a comedy classic. 1973 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Nail biting suspense 1) Buy/Rent the original version of the DVD - the new cover is a spoiler!! (or get the cover free blue ray from Netflix) 2999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 3572 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always been a Spielberg fan so I thought I'd pick this up. I bought the two-disc collector's edition knowing I'd love this movie so I'd want more... and I did want more! I bought it used to and it looked perfectly new. Great movie. Highly recommended. The amazing blu-ray picture and audio quality make this movie seem new again. 3604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am not a alien's among us freak. I love this movie because the combination of acting and storytelling were equal to the special effects of our time. We live in an age of where poor story telling is allowed because the special effects are so good people don't complain: especially when it comes to SyFy...Saaaaad. but you will enjoy this film as its true value is the storytelling and not the subject matter. 7608 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was the movie that made me want to move to New York (hey, I was in grade school at the time). Perfectly capturing the look of glam '70's in a way that other, more famous 70's movies didn't, this thriller delivers some real scares. Faye Dunaway is actually pretty good as the beleagured Laura Mars. She overacts in a few scenes, but for the most part isn't bad at all. Tommy Lee Jones is great as the detective that falls for her, and the supporting cast, while a little cardboard, aren't too bad (except for the dead model's boyfriend at the funeral- while the cops wrestle him to the ground, he practically yodels his line "you're gonnnnaaa paaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!" while Faye dives into the limo to avoid the paparazzi), and the look of the movie; the clothes, the sets, all have a dark, glossy richness that remind us that "Saturday Night Fever" was not the way everybody dressed back then. The quality of the DVD is not great, and there is no stereo, but it's a well-priced disc, and a pretty fun movie. I wish they'd re-relase the soundtrack to it. The story deals with a virus that was purposely released in an underground work/lab environment and causes the dead to rise and mutate on occasion. 8967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Never let it be said that I've forgotten the way to Sesame Street. It had been quite a while since my last visit, but it was great to see all of the familiar faces again: Bert & Ernie, The Count, Grover, Oscar, Big Bird, etc. I was rather surprised to see that some of the human actors I remember are still Sesame Street regulars, as well. Then there's Elmo. Up until now, I only knew Elmo from all the commercials for Elmo-related products, so it was good to finally see just what all the fuss has been about. He's a cool little monster, and it's easy to see how he has become so popular with the youngsters; I especially love the way he always refers to himself in the third person. I also was gratified to find out just what lies inside and beneath Oscar's garbage can after all these years. Throw in some music and dancing as well as a couple of notable guest appearances, and you've got yourself a movie I really enjoyed. Andrea is only mildly interested in her friend's stardom, because she is totally obsessed with local hot guy rock star, Todd Sparrow (Sean Patrick Flannery). She goes to all of his concerts and eventually they do hook up. 7528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 movie 2210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the most memorable scenes for me was when Harrison Ford hid behind one seat but turned the neighboring seat to make it look like he was crouched there instead. So when he jumped out and attacked the hijacker I got a nice jolt. This masculine thriller has good pacing and acting but there were a few amateurish special effects that detracted from its realism. 6937 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love musicals & this is a great one! 3278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like an old friend, this movie always brings laugh, love and tears. It is a great mix of comedy and drama and the performances are first rate. I saw it in theaters in 1989 and as a gay man, just coming out, it was real comfort food. Always five stars for this movie! I'd give it six if I could :) 1027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie will make you laugh til you cry, it really is hilarious from beginning to end. Woody Allen is at his best in this film that he also directed. ....D. TV Spots. Four minutes of different-length TV commercials. So why is this something you'd want to see again. Actually, it's the fighting. Rarely has anyone filmed a movie with more innovative fist fighting styles. I'm guessing that a lot of the actual punches thrown, would not be practical in any real fight, still they look great on film. Each of the main fights has its own array of tactics that make in interesting. The best of which, is the second before last fight, which boasts some interesting, overhead camera work. The sub-plot of the movie revolves around Beth, played by Bonnie Hunt. I love Bonnie Hunt! I always have, and she is so endearing in this film. She goes with Faith to Italy in her search for Damon, thinking all along she's a bit crazy. Her one liners are good chuckles, and they are all delivered with Bonnie's talent for snark. However, her character is dealing with her own heartache and suspicion that her husband, Larry, is having an affair. Along the way, she meets the very dreamy and handsome Joaquim de Almeida, who shows an interest in the beautiful blonde American. Indeed, this film features some of the finest performances I had ever witnessed. Everyone does a spectacular job, but there are some standouts. Ethan Hawke gives the finest performance I ahve ever seen out of him. Ditto for Uma Thurman, who gives a perfect icy performance as Irene. And Jude Law... plays a perfect person in a way that had me crying foul when he wasn't nominated for best supporting actor. I believe this is Scorsese's finest piece of directing. Take a look at his subtle camera movements and you will really notice how a normal scene is enhanced by his slight touches. 4547 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoy this movie. I'm glad I was able to find it on DVD for such a reasonable price. Skip the remake, stick with the original. It makes more sense. It has more accessible characters. Peter Vincent actually has depth rather than the show pretense of depth with the added backstory given in the remake. Charlie is a lot nicer and a lot more sympathetic in the original. And this one had memorable and catchy songs on the soundtrack. The vampires are more frightening while at the same time more charming and strangely sympathetic while also terrifying and deadly. The humor isn't forced and there's no obnoxious product placement. The remake... has none of these qualities. This is by far the superior film. Skip the remake, kids. Stick with the original! To get rid of her, he leads her to a trap where she gets caught by the English soldiers. Terrorists hijack Air Force One. Harrison Ford is President. Take it from there. 6385 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 is it that hard to make a video game into a movie? resident evil should have been the perfect film series. the resident evil games have the following scary movie ingredients:a giant spooky mansion/zombies/zombie dogs/gore/mutated animals/evil dead style splatter combat/freakish characters/gore/gore/GORE!The first resident evil "film" was weak,at best.this one... is not has good.the very best thing about it is milla jovovich.she alone boosts this "film" to a watchable level.every other character is...whats lower than cardboard cut out? the nemesis is okay until that god awful hand to hand fight towards the end.and the zombie attacks are sad,they use this cheap camera trick to slow @ blur them,bad acting or bad makeup,the gory cheap flicks get that one right.and the cemetary sequence was just awful and didn't fit the "film".the editing was the worst i have ever seen,and why does the mpaa allow films like saving private ryan,black hawk down,and shindlers list to show what ever they want and get an "R" rating.those are real events and real people.these type of flicks,horror flicks are pure fantasy but you cant see a zombie chew on a guys guts unless its a unrated 20 year old romero film. Another problem: the geniuses behind this film were obviously trying to clinch the attention of the males in the theatre by having Jennifer Love Hewitt run around in white t-shirts drenched with rain. As a heterosexual female, I got tired of seeing Ms. Hewitt bounce around and felt this move was cheap on behalf of the filmmakers. Well, with a sub-par plot and mediocre acting, I guess they felt the need to do something. 9751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like this movie because it shows the negative effects of demanding perfection. 9372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of the best comedies ever to grace a screen, its only rivial, would be Life of Brian (also a Monty Python movie). 44 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have been looking for this dvd for a long time. Love Henry Winkler in the movie 4666 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Need more of these movies. The leader of the terrorist highjackers is Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman) who is clearly insane, and has no qualms about killing in cold blood. Back in the White House Situation Room sits Vice-President Kathryn Bennett (Glenn Close) trying to cope with it all. Her advisers can't agree, the military folks present various pretty drastic alternatives, and the highjackers have said they will execute one hostage every half hour until their General is released from prison and they have confirmation of the fact. Roy Neary's going into the ship in the '80 version was a studio decision that Spielberg was dead-set against, but his clout in Hollywood wasn't as strong back then. The studio executives thought it's what the audience wanted. His "Director's Cut" is the REAL Spielberg version. I must agree; the extra effects in the '80 version diminished the awe of Neary's adventure, a sort of anti-climax. He is all but dead. 7409 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 3975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 OK, this is a chick flick, tear jerker, but its very well acted and pretty realistic. If the girlfriend, wife, or significant other wants a good cry, this movie will provide it. It's a very involving story set during WWII about an American pilot (the great Lee Marvin) and his Japanese counterpart (the equally great Toshiro Mifune) at odds with each other after they are both unknowingly stranded on the same small, uninhabited island in the vast South Pacific Ocean. They fight and quarrel for a good first half of the movie, but ------ realizing that they are both going to have to rely on the other to get out of their situation or to even survive ------ they gradually form an uneasy alliance. Toshro Mifune and Lee Marvin are both exceptional actors in very different arenas of story telling. 4702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie because it has Jason Gedrick in it. I like all his movies. The film is intense but the dramatic material promised even much more. Keeping in count the entire cast, it was a real waste. 2556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites. Worth watching over again. 2212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I am not a big fan of Harrison Ford's work but there have been a few films that I have enjoyed with him in it. Air Force One is very entertaining with a lot of action and suspense. The special effects are quite good as well with a lot of different and neat tricks to them. Overall, if you enjoy action/suspense type movies be sure to give it a view. 2808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Such an incredible cast. 4220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got what I expected. Not disappointed at all! 5461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just wish they paired it with Part 2. I really would like to get my hands on that. Didn't get that for Christmas this year. 6680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watch a lot of history movies, and I seen many complaints about the accuracy of a book to a movie. Exspecially with this movie. Yes, it was too Hollywood. But without Hollywood a person would not get the deep down war camera views. I totally loved it, and it basically pretty fair on the true story of Joan of Arc. It really is a shame though that, after a great setup, the story the film actually delivers is that of a by-the-numbers, mediocre sci-fi thriller. A good hour or so of the film's hour and 45 minutes is spent on a string of close-calls where our protagonist - an "invalid" posing as a "valid" in hopes of fulfilling his dream of space travel - evades authorities who are on his trail. That's pretty much it. There is barely any character development that occurs during this section of the film (or even after for that matter) and the juiciness of the world and its moral implications is neglected in favor of underwhelming "thrills" as Ethan Hawke thinks on his feet to evade being discovered. 6010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even though this movie is some years ago I still find it relevent today. I was of age to see this movie when it was first made but honestly don't remember it. I was watching TV late one night and my friend brought it up in conversation and within minutes this movie actually came on cable. After seeing it I just had to purchase it and very glad to have it in my selection of great movies. 4385 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this kind of Muppet Special. I grew up watching this program. I think this one came out in 1987 or 88. This one is the best Muppet Christmas Special of all times because the cast of Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock was on there! I even use to recorded this on VHS, but the tape popped! But now I finally find this on Amazon! Now my nephews could enjoy it as well! Thanks Amazon for this VHS tape! 4644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. Very hard to find on DVD. Also recommended: 7820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it had been years since i watched Robin in this movie!!! it is funny and heartbreaking to watch him knowing he is not longer with us! With that said, this review is also including the product itself, not just the excellent 5 star series. The DVD set I found to be lacking a couple of important elements. 2702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fabulous cast - funny and heartbreaking... 6376 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We all should have an open mind about ourselves & others. We never know what our friends are going through just because they have a smile on their face. This movie opens up Pandora's box for just about each one in the movie. I thought it was well played, good dialog and well accepted. It makes you think, and enjoy life a little more. Take a look at yourself & laugh. 7269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched this with my granddaughter, and she enjoyed the musical numbers very well. Although this is a movie from the 80's, this Annie is much better than the most recent version with Jamie Foxx. The song and dance routines are particularly good, and you can see that many Broadway actors are featured. 1913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good action and suspense 5122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I waited a long time to see this movie. I only knew that it was the film that John Hinckley watched before he tried to murder Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster. Hinckley pretty much tries to do a De Niro in real life, but it's here that De Niro really makes a name for himself. After a few years of low budget films, and slowly working up the chain with "Bang The Drum Slowly", and "The Godfather 2" He tackles the character of Travis Bickle with reckless abandon. Bickle is a Veitnam vet who after serving over there is lost in America, and he drifts into a taxi-cab company one day to drive a cab. This is 70's America put on film masterfully by Scorsese as I like the clouds of smoke coming from the cab which reminds me of dream sequence. The dream is dead as no one wants to be the hero anymore. Veitnam has hardened America's hearts and minds. However, the same people that "Turned On, Tuned In, and Dropped Out" are still doing it in the 70's, but this time they do it from behind a desk as they are now no longer dirty hippies, but clean-cut businessmen, and women. They have now taken the stance that it just doesn't matter anymore. I see this as Bickle sees the drek that NYC has become, and how people just don't want to deal with you, or know your pain unless you do something for them, and this is evident when Bickle sees Betsy played by Cybill Shepphard. Betsy is a campaign manager for the canadate for the President of the United States, and Bickle wants to volunteer, but to get close to Betsy. Well anyway it's 1976, and Veitnam has been over for a year, and the Christian revival that went down in Dallas in 1972 has waned out, and this is what we're left with as Bickle has 1,001 nightmares in the backseat of his cab, but the one that touches him the most is a 12 year old prostitute played by Foster who had only done Disney movies before this. Bickle decides to help her out, and gives her money, and then does the next big thing which is to kill her pimp which gives him 15 minutes of fame, and he is labelled as a hero for doing this. I feel that this is what was going on in Hinckley's mind when he went to D.C. to murder Reagan as Reagan in his first months as President would make alot of changes that are still rippling through America today, and some aren't for the better. I guess this is why "Rocky" beat out "Taxi Driver" for best picture of 1976 because with "Rocky" it's about a person who came out of nowhere, and took on the champ in the boxing ring. This is what America had come up with to heal the wounds that Veitnam left on her as with "Rocky" it gave America something to cheer about again where "Taxi Driver" was about an Anti-Hero that killed bad to bring about good?, or did it? I mean it was bad enough that the main character served in Vietnam, but to make him a hero because he killed a pimp to save a 12 year old prostitute was not America's cup of tea back then. I don't know if it had anything to do with the fact that it showed the negatives, or what, but those who did go to Vietnam they deserve the honor and respect that all our servicemen deserve. Perhaps the final scene is rather memorable as Bickle picks up Betsy in his cab, and drives her home as she's going that way, and all of a sudden because he killed the pimp she's looking at him in a different light now as someone she may want to date. However, Bickle isn't buying it now as yes he made a mistake by taking her to porno movie, but after he tries to apologize to her, and make things right it takes him killing a pimp to get her to think differently about him well that's too much. This is a movie not for the kids definitely, and probably not for some adults either. It's a taste of how Americans, and humans in general have been pretty much isolating themselves from each other for one reason, or another, and it's a sad thing to see happen, and over 30 years later it's still happening, and in some ways it's worse today than it was in 1976. Disk 1 has: The Original Theatrical Version, Special Edition, and the Directors Cut. All in 1080p High Def and with English DTS HD 5.1 or Dolby Digital TrueHD 5.1. 7527 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received as expected in a timely fashion. 7473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie will always be a classic. The farm house is still jam-packed with just about every muppet Henson made and the music delights us still. All in all, a movie that you HAVE to have seen, even if it was just to know how to react when someone tells you to go cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring. 8267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic an excellent series man would risk everything to fulfill his dreams and some very cool settings. 4294 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's an action movie that makes fun of being an action movie, in a family friendly'ish way. It's very well done and I at least, still find it entertaining twenty years later. 6607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Excellent and amazing product I recommended for every one because its a very interesting and useful product so buy it now! 1364 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Shout hasn't released Rhoda season 5 so I have no hopes of them doing the right thing and releasing Bob's seasons 5 & 6. 582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic. Had to have it for Christmas and all year. 7162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely adore the original film and so grateful I was able to find a copy of the original in such excellent condition to share with my family again!! Thank you!! 593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun nostalgia! ALICE, the daughter, VALENTINE, and Alice's man sidekick from the STARS squad come to her rescue, while Dr. ISAACs has other ideas for the future... 1359 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 John and Emma are back and are here to stay via DVD technology. Being on DVD, the aesthetics about the actual episodes are not in question here. More appropriately one may ask how they look. They look good, very good. If you relish a series like "The Avengers" or "Twilight Zone" you no doubt know about the content of what you are getting. You are more likely concerned about the quality of what you are getting. Like John might say to Emma, "You scratch my back I'll scratch your back." Thank Mother. Cast: Robert DeNiro, Harvey Keitel, Cybill Shepherd, Jodie Foster, Peter Boyle. 4177 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 a mostly bad story with plenty of frustration. First off. what mother would ever think of taking three kids to a class reunion, especialy a baby? After "Ben" disappears and the remaining family structure falls apart the lead charecter turns to "super cop" Whoopi for counciling, ya right. 7607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have a tremendous soft-spot for this movie. Sadly, I am old enough to have seen it in the theater, but I own the DVD and have watched it too many times to admit. I loved this era: NYC was at it chicest,, sexiest, grimiest best. The sets/locations alone make this worth watching. Laura's pier studio, c'mon, awesome. The clothes were so fabulous for the era, the music... Lets All Chant, man!. Faye Dunaway, Tommy Lee Jones, Brad Dourif, Raul Julia - c'mon! How awesome can you get. This is a masterpiece of imperfection and pure fabulousness! I LOVE this movie. And I am not ashamed to say that it's one of my all time favorites. He surely did. I really miss Michael Jeter. I agree fully with the reviewer G. Black, in that Tom Keogh's editorial review of "Annie" is totally off-the-mark and ridiculous. There is no way that this presentation of Annie is "charmless and dull," I have seen this movie countless times, the first time being when I was about five years old. I recently purchased the DVD version, and continue to love it just as I always have. I love the musical performances by the girls in the orphanage, they are so talented! Oliver Warbuck's character is portrayed wonderfully by Albert Finney, and Carol Burnett steals the show as the wicked and drunk Miss Hannigan. I give this release five stars, but would like to see Annie released in widescreen format, as a few other reviewers have expressed. All-in-all, this is a wonderful production of Annie. Enjoy it! Oh yeah, also while at the end of the first film, we see a guy ripped away to be used for some experiment and we the audience actually are upset; but, in the second film the tenderness for this man-turned-mutant is never developed enough for us to care, and I mean at all. 4529 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great 7538 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For every Movie Fan's collection of Classic movies. The ending is worth it all. Read on line about the author and main character of the movie. Wonderful person, wonderful story. A true Americana piece. 1266 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent experience. It's a great fantasy, where a kid is sucked into the movie screen, into the world of his favorite action hero movie star. And then he tries to convince the hero that the hero's world is just a fiction in the movies. 3469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 !!! Just perfect !!!. Thanks a lot. 6715 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Being a person who admired the Joan of Arc of our history, I was very much looking forward to the releasal of "The Messenger." I had hoped it would portray Joan in an updated version. How wrong I was. 9697 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 REALLY WELL DONE. 778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 " ARTHUR'S PERFECT CHRISTMAS" is worth 5 stars for anyone young or old that loves the antics of the Read family. DW is just a character and what 5 year old isn't. And of course Arthuir as a BIG brother is no different than real life. What older sibling wants their younger sibling following them around, in their room, or just plain bugging them.. This DVD was great fun for Grandma and the Grand kids. Grandma watched it more than once! 3247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's one of the greatest movies ever made. I worked security on the movie, and got me meet some of the stars. This is one of the best films Dolly Pardon ever made. It worth the money. Samantha Morton brings Jane's underlying strength of character to life and Ciaran Hinds, as Mr. Rochester, does very well with a character that can easily be overplayed to the point of silliness. They are supported by a strong cast, including Gemma Jones as Mrs. Fairfax. The overall production value is as high as the caliber of the acting. I wouldn't own this one but it's worth a watch on one of the premium movie channels if you're bored. I'm only hoping that another sequel isn't made, this was enough of a waste of money and film. 9055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I admit it I like this movie so much that I have to buy replacements when I give the current library copy away. The last one went to Romania with a conference attendee who had never heard of Monty Python. When I loaned it to him he offered to buy my copy and I gave it to him. I hope he gets it into the country. 4433 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie rocked. I watch it all of the time and it's not boring. The haters think this movie is stupid, well it's not. IT ROCKS BIG TIME I recommend it for older toddlers and preschoolers...Kindergartners would also enjoy it.. ages 2 to 6 would be a perfect target audience. They are all Christian songs that Christian kids will love. Even my wife and I enjoyed the joy in the songs. 2321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It came right before Christmas. It was a great gift, it was cheap and it came fast. good news all the way! 2182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all-time favorites. I love all of Harrison Ford's movies. The price was great, fast shipping, love it, thank you. 7423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie we remember from our childhood served up with some great extras. You will love it. 6085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've always had a certain fondness for this movie and yet I've only just watched it beginning to end for the first time. Perhaps it is because this movie is comfort food for the eye. This is a pleasant pleasing romantic comedy. This is also something of a watershed moment for leading star and cowriter Steve Martin. For me Roxanne has always represented the cinematic moment when Steve Martin stopped being the over-the-top "wild and crazy guy of SNL, and The Jerk" and admitted that not only was he intelligent but that he could respect his audience. The cast is really good even though the boy seems a little annoying at first. By the end of the movie you will probably think Jack Slater to be really awesome. Anyways, I enjoyed it. There was humor, some one-liners, but the movie was extremely well done and extremely entertaining. 5 stars. 1122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Season 4 is pretty good, but somewhat sad as well. There are some very good performances by members of the cast . Solid performances from Jude Law and Ethan Hawke. Character driven movie that perhaps needed more characters. 1649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So glad to have found this show and this website! Great service and great price! Thank you! Looking forward to more business! Andrew W. Marlowe's melodramatic screenplay shows more agility than innovation. While his characters emerge as largely one-dimensional stick figures, the dimensions of their predicaments assume nothing less than cataclysmic proportions. Marlowe's script keeps Harrison Ford leaping through enough flaming hoops to fill three movies. Like several other summer blockbusters, Marlowe's script does not know when to throw in the towel. Just about everything that can happen aboard "Air Force One" occurs. Presumably, with the recent spate of skyjacking movies, it was only a matter of time before Hollywood appropriated both Air Force One and the President as the pulp of their fictional escapade. 3237 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i have nothing bad to say about this product. It works well and i use it everyday. nice and easy 4157 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say it's Arny! - A young lad has the oportunity to meet his favorite action hero on the big screen (liteally goes into the screen) using a special gold ticket.- Eventually all the baddies find a way of escaping the world of film and coming off the screen into the "real" world where they create havoc - Highly recommended. 3) The movie is actually 3 stars but I gave an extra star just for the director/cast voice over commentary option on the DVD. Watch it once without it then switch it on and watch it again. Very, very funny. 8684 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 asdf 5965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS [1978] [Deluxe Limited Edition DigiBook] [Blu-ray] Its About Never Giving Up Hope! Brilliantly Made . . . Frighteningly True! 1. "The Twelve Chairs" (1970) There are some good sight gags, but they almost come off as comedy sketches, rather than a cohesive movie. 3 stars for me. 9067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I found this on Youtube and laughed the entire time. After getting tired of watching it on my computer screen, I bought the DVD. It was just as funny as the first time I watched it. Love it! Jerry Goldsmith's score is excellent, giving the film an additional intensity, and even revving up excitement during the quieter moments. The main theme is a bit overly patriotic, but undeniably rousing. Hard to say, but this is probably the famed composer's best score since Rudy. Best of all is Ian McKellen's take on the Grim Reaper from Ingmar Bergman's THE SEVENTH SEAL (1957). Honorable mention to Tom Noonan's horribly scarred axe-wielding villain. He and Arnold play dual roles: themselves the actors and their action film characters. 782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We have watched Arthur for years, so when I saw this on Amazon I knew I had to get it! The extras on the DVD include old movie posters and drawings for Nostalgic fans, an extra short on the use of coconuts (which I found incredibly useful for training swallows), Various sing-a-longs icluding a Lego Knight Version of the "Camelot" song and trailers from various films. All in all, this DVD has the most extra material on it for Python fans, so much so that it's on a whole other DVD. That's right, 2 DVDs! What more could you ask for? Full Motion menu with music it's a classic comedy/action movie and it's brilliant - Scoring Resident Evil: Tells about the movie sountrack. How was it to be working with the antichrist superstar Marilyn Manson and the classic musician Marco Beltrami? Was it easy? Or was it really hard to mix both styles? 1514 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love this version, although I am biased because it was the first adaptation I had seen. I adore Ciaran Hinds as Mr. Rochester, and although Samantha Morton captured the fairy quality of Jane Eyre, I never felt she represented the fire she had inside, and there is little chemistry between the two actors onscreen. 8834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film about personal honor and the warrior spirit -- in a world where no one else exhibits any. The fighter does what he has to do, what he can do -- as well as he can, as long as he can, willing to sacrifice what he must to succeed. This is warrior spirit and personal honor, which can also be seen in "The thirteenth Warrior," another much misunderstood film. Now that hard times are upon us, more of us should be watching movies like this for inspiration! Truvy's newly hired assistant, Annelle Dupuy(an initially and uncharacteristically mousy-looking Daryl Hannah) arrives amid a personal crisis. Shelby generously invites her to the wedding, but in a bit of forshadowing,suffers an attack of hypoglycemia in the salon chair due to the stress and excitement of her big day. Family friend Clariee Belcher (Olympia Dukakis)lends a hand during the attack. After the episode passes, the wedding day is beautiful,and we are even treated to dancing with a little regional flair, and the view of the armadillo-shaped groom's cake made by the groom's aunt Fern (Ann Wedgeworth), although M'Lynn expresses concern about the diabetic Shelby's desire to have a child, and the concerned expression on her face is highly visible as the couple leave for their honeymoon. 8815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Walter Hill's debut feature film as director is the perfect action movie that just oozes character developement from the primary actors to the secondary, peripheral ones, and is filled with quotable dialog and terrific bare-knuckle action set-pieces. Bronson is perfect as the mysterious drifter who lets his fists do his talking, Coburn as the fast-talking wheeler-dealer whose out-of-control gambling sets in motion the climactic brawl, but it is the stoned Strother Martin who steals the movie as Poe, the medic and descendant of Edgar Allen Poe (..."hear the tinkle of the bells..."). It's time for a special edition DVD release for this underrated classic. 5606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS MOVIE TELLS YOU THE WAY LIFE IS.BUY THIS MOVIE. This film is properly rated R because of the rape/humping/murder scene of Joan's sister Catherine, for strong language: "F" word used extensively, and for other graphic battle scene violence. 8498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have personally owned the Original Full-Screen version, geez, forever!.., then, Last year I finally got my hands on the Limited-Edition twilight time Blu-Ray version which is truly awesome! ~ Now, I have this Sony Choice-Collection Widescreen version, which I am very pleased with it's High-Quality, yet still plays on my bathrooms DVD-only Player. (perfect!) *I notice little "items" that I never could quite make-out on-screen Before? 5419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The original and best. Saw this in the theaters when it came out and am still really amazed at the makeup and the transformation scenes. Really scary teeth on these vampires -sharklike and huge. The remake had nothing on this one. 3054 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I loved the cast members and this original will always be my favorite. Shirley McClain was really funny and can play any role. Excellent story line and excellent acting. I know you will be glued to the TV to watch each episode. Even if one treats it as a ride in an amusement park, the movie fails to really deliver. The zombie attacks are clichd, and you could feel that even the cast sometimes shows in the movie their own lack of interests. Humor, in any form, is also conspicuously missing in the movie. Overall, no matter what you are looking for, I would not recommend this movie. 9155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As another reviewer wrote, it is a little difficult to remove the disc from the package. Do you really NEED the script? Probably not, but it's cool to have! After the first 5 minutes it was all downhill from there. There is nothing exceptional about this movie. I've seen much better biker movies or better movies of any genre you want to classify this as. The direction is poor. There is a reason nobody would give Dennis Hopper a job for a long time after this. His next movie was a bomb and I think Hollywood realized he just go lucky with the reviews. The editing is poor also. There are several inconsisticies. The acting is well below average also. Not to mention the 'locals' they used didn't help matters. While I was watching it I said to myself "I'll bet they just used local people, these people can't act" and sure enough I learned that's exactly what they did. It ends terribly and I learned nothing other than the hippie movement was a waste of time. There is nothing in this movie that stands the test of time. It appears to be a movie about a bunch of losers who did nothing with their lives. I don't want to make this sound like a political discussion but what good is all this 'freedom' they talk about so for you if you do nothing with it other than to live like an animal. Then again I don't spend my life smoking weed either so I guess I'll never understand. Also included are subtitles "for people who don't like the film". There's also an extra 24 seconds added in the film... motorcycles across the american west. They are smuggling drugs The one part of the film I thought was most thought provoking was William 7005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is based on a video game that I have never played, so I can't comment on how the movie's plot follows the game. When the movie starts, there is a really cool aspect to it. A naked woman has just regained consciousness in her shower and can't remember anything. The next few minutes are packed with action, and a team of military personnel take them to the Hive (an underground research lab). Slowly each of them get filled in on the details of the mission. What that mission is, you'll have to watch the movie (or e-mail me) for. Highly entertaining as always, far out, sometimes provoking, and certainly politically incorrect. But that's exactly what makes 'The Holy Grail' a very funny, respectless film! 2187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a performance by Harrison Ford! If you have not seen or purchased this movie you need to. It's a must have for your movie collection! Could this happen to an American president? Watch this movie & guess for yourself. WHO SHOULD AVOID This is a sample of a new Paradigm which when fully explored, accepted, and implemented in our private and daily lives and policies, will protect us from falling prey to the miseries of apartheid, "Jim Crow Society", The Caste System, racist attitudes so clearly and chillingly portrayed in America, and elsewhere, and in our tendencies towards being religiously fanatical in our interpretations and applications of Religious principles. 1807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A story that every American needs to here. The supporting characters personalities are portrayed very well and accurate for the time period. Jeff Daniels does a solid job as Washington, but I was surprised at the crassness of language the screen writers added. I am not saying that Washington never spoke in such a manner, but in all the books that I have read, I have never come across a time that Washington spoke in such a manner. Still, the story is incredible... and true. 3021 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. I like all of the leads, it's a great cast. Rage against the Inevitable!!! Bernard Herrmann's moving, powerful score sounds absolutely lovely here. 8133 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How can you not enjoy anything with Leo McKern in it?! 7519 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This product was exactly what I was looking for. I like that I can order it and have at my door in just a few days Several reviewers have complained about the scene with Joseph and Potipher's wife, a femme fatale portrayed with unabashed glee by Leslie Ann Warren. This scene is sexually charged, but I believe it is accurate with Scripture. The Bible doesn't sugarcoat things, nor should we think the Bible hereos were not susceptible to temptation. Although God never reveals if Potipher's wife was a temptation to Joseph, I logically don't see how she could not have ben. He was, after all, seventeen when the attempted seduction took place. Wouldn't any of us struggle in this area at this age? Besides, seeing Joseph struggle makes the viewer empathize with his predicament. Anyway, I say this only to encourage you not to let this one scene put you off. Please give this wonderful film a chance. Happy viewing, and God bless you. The only things Chaney has going for him are his fists. Yes, I agree: it makes no sense that a guy living a hand-to-mouth existence riding the rails should be "tough as a nickel steak" (James Coburn's words) and strong as a well-nourished plow horse. But it makes no sense that a guy who was fifty-four when the movie was made should have a perfect physique. Not the bulk of a power-lifter or the almost effeminate definition of a broadly smiling, artfully posing, bare-footed body builder, but the sleek, perfectly proportioned, thick-muscled leanness of a natural, somebody who doesn't have to work at it. The bad reputation is unjustified. The financial loss was a mistake entirely on Sony's part and their lack of foresight into the 1993 summer season. Last Action Hero and Jurassic Park went head-to-head with their advertising but the dinosaur movie's marketing campaign was just too groundbreaking. They also competed with each other on a technical level. JP was the first film to feature DTS sound, while Last Action Hero was the first to feature SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound), an eight-channel system that delivers every decibel of Slater's big gun and the multiple explosions of his daily life. 5164 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Scorsese grew up amidst violence and bloodshed. That he is able to reproduce murder and mayhem so realistically is an achievement that deserves one star. The rest of the film, with its hookers, pimps, and contrived direction is really not worth mentioning. A perfect example of intense violence mistaken for great artistic expression. "Taxi Driver" is, quite simply, not nearly as good as "enlightened" cinephiles make it out to be. 4642 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this movie is ranked in top ten of must see if you are into modern day military jets F-16 migs are not migs , plus there is no mig 23 . In one of the most famous scenes ever, Travis says: "You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here." And that was too true. He really was alone. So here I'm going to concentrate my review on the Columbia Tristar super-hyped "Superbit" series and I can sum up my evaluation in three little words - DON'T BE FOOLED! While it's true that packing on excessive extra features and a feature film onto one side of a DVD "can" result in a loss of digital quality in the transfer, this is not really an issue when the movie itself runs just under the two hour mark and the extra features amount to a fifteen minute "making of" featurette and some theatrical trailers. Interestingly, the idea of genetics is woven into the movie in very many ways, some subtle, some explicit. The very title, Gattaca, consists of the strands of bases that comprise the double helix of DNA G (guanine), A (adenine), C (cytosine), and T (thymine) -- the sequence of these bases constitutes genetic information, much as the arrangement of the 26 letters of this alphabet constitutes information. A decent set overall. Not all of the films are keepers for me, but "Young Frankenstein" makes up for a lot. Although the plot is kinda lame, this movie boasts state of the art (in 1983) aerial combat action sequences over Los Angeles (L.A. natives will recognize the Piper Tech building, where air support is headqurtered, the downtown cityscape, the L.A. river), and a cool chase scene through the LA River, which like the rest of L.A., is concrete and steel. Roy Scheider (Murphy), Daniel Stern(Lymangood), and Warren Oates (in his last picture), give great performances, however, Malcom MacDowell's character, a sinister Army Lt. Colonel, is a bit hard to believe. The real star of the show here is Blue Thunder, a modified 1972 French Gazelle, outfitted with listening devices, video and infrared cams, and an M61 20mm vulcan cannon fitted to the nose. Blue Thunder is able to see through walls, peek down dresses at 1000 feet, and destroy a city block at the touch of a button. Some will notice the similarities to the Apache AH-64, and the cockpit windows are faceted, much like the then-classified stealth fighter. I must say that this is a very "Hollywood" movie. No great character development, no scenes of dramatic dialogue exposition, and no worries about recycling a few Woo cliches. But it works! It works perfectly! Honestly, there is not a bad actor present in this film. Despite the relative lack of depth in individual characters because of the multitudes of them, it really doesn't hinder the movie. Remember that the 3 main leads are all relative newcomers to the acting world, so their performances are all the more impressive. 4922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you can relate to this character you will love this film, if you can't this may be the worst film ever. I think people who watch and relate to the character will be very frustrated, and hurt on a very cathartic level. There is so much depth put Into each shot of the film, I've must have seen the film 20 times and still find new things in it. DeNiro put so much heart and soul into his method acting you will feel so many emotions coming from his character. Watching all the extras and listening to the commentaries adds a new dimension to everything about the film. There's so many layers and aspects to the film it's hard to even know where to begin. The bluray looks amazing. Street location footage and the hiding in the swamps of Louisiana footage help NO MERCY remain a credible viewing entertainment. Some of the hard-boiled dialogue by the police Captain (George Dzundza, for example -- who is good otherwise) is too easy to laugh at: "I don't like you I don't wanna' swap spit ...(really? It comes from out of no where too..) but, basically it's "go get'tum tiger". Legalities have become an afterthought. Never mind, just sit back, enjoy the wonderful colors of the sets and outfits, and get ready to have fun. 9818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Most people have no idea just how close this is to becoming a reality. This is why "GATTACA" is the single scarriest movie I have ever seen! 9368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Although I rather enjoyed the all-around silliness and just plain weirdness of the MPFC telly show, it never delivered the laughs like the troupes' first original cinematic outing did. Oh sure, I got a chortle or two from the 'Funniest Joke In The World' sketch, and especially the 'Cannibal Undertaker' bit, but for some real gut-busting moments, no previous or subsequent Python venture ever hit the mark as well as their quest for the Holy Grail. Knowing that Graham Chapman was on the sauce the whole time whilst shooting the movie made things even more entertaining! 8452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Charles Bronson movie, also great supporting cast 8982 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Come on....How can you not love this classic. Now to have it in Bluray quality...Excellent 6796 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you're looking for a great horror movie with an eerie back drop, flesh eating zombies and plenty of blood you're definitely looking in the wrong place! The eerie mansion backdrop of the video game is completely absent instead replaced by an over stylized laboratory and the basic premise of the game (survival horror) is thrown out of the window. Gere's still relatively young here (36). I realize many hate him, but I'm a fan of quite a few of his pictures, e.g. "The Mothman Prophecies", "King David" and "An Officer and a Gentleman". Kim Basinger doesn't do much for me personally, although she's certainly pretty and her acting is effective here. I know it's a matter of taste but "No Mercy" provides zero 'babe appeal' for me. comic, and this is by far the best adaptation. First of all, it's the closest 5814 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love a woman in action film and especially like the actress Milla Jovovich. I enjoyed this movie so much that I bought it and would see it over again many times. 9636 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not my kind of movie I abandoned Blu-ray after I found it to be too restrictive of a format. Hardcore DRM that requires firmware updates via Sony servers and limited access to view your disks anywhere you want. Slow loading times and the security risk and less than stellar quality of the players. I now own an upscaling DVD player and have HD TV service, and I'm 100% satisfied as are many others. Most of all, I think people long for a president who's more like James Marshall here, than the one we had in 1997 or the one we have now. He's a father figure, he's still vigorous and sexy, he's got a good sense of humor, knows his way around a gun AND he protects us from the threat of Glenn Close. 5292 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I first watched this film on Blu-Ray, the picture and quality was so clear. It has been quite a few years since I've seen this film. And now that I have it on Blu-Ray, I feel very happy!!! Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. are a handsome couple and twenty years younger, looking absolutely stunning together. Marisa's wardrobe in the movie is eye catching. And Robert, well, dang, he is cute and his usual self early in his career. 6236 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 After just reading the book the movie was quite a disappointment. Of course a movie cannot have the detail of the book, but a lot of the highlights I thought were overlooked. It lacked telling the love the people had for their land and the sacrifice for it. The movie was mostly just a love story, and there are so many of those that are just monotony rehashed. 5343 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie, I noticed the price finally coming down a bit so grabbed a copy of the Blu-ray/German region free. I've had the DVD since that came out, but it's nice to have in HD. This movie is a classic, perfect for Halloween etc, some creepy vampire elements but also a good sense of humor is incorporated. It's a movie that is filmed well, cast well, has a enjoyable soundtrack relative to the 80's and never takes itself to seriously as a horror genre film. 7251 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a good movie 8424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Elmo in grouch land is a great stepping stone from Sesame Street. The kids loved watching and had fun after the 2nd and 3rd time watching singing along to all the fun songs. Elmo is always so cute and this gives kids more than the 15 mins from Elmo time on Sesame Street. In print, the premise sounds painfully unfunny... almost a joke unto itself. And, perhaps if they'd stuck to their guns about the whole "knights in shining armor" thing, that early judgment may have been partially right. But a great deal of what makes this so fun to watch is the way the characters interact with one another, address their environments and simply carry themselves. The Knights of the Round Table chat amongst each other in a very modern, almost twentieth century style. Formalities are few and far between, and supporting characters whose entire role in any other period piece would have been limited to "Yes, sire, I'll retrieve my master this very moment" are here given the chance to argue the finer points of foreign birds and migratory patterns. Unimportant lackeys dive into in-depth dissertations at the drop of a hat, spiraling off into a tangent with little or no provocation. Literally hundreds of medieval cliches are addressed and promptly disposed of throughout the course of the film, while simple, obvious visual puns are thrown out like darts at every moment. It's a film that anyone can enjoy, regardless of intelligence, age or demeanor. There's literally something for everyone. 335 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Bible story I had to see agaig. 352 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just something more uplifting to add to my video collection 2. But the movie itself? The movie is utterly ridiculous. And weird. And there is entirely too much dancing. Most kids today wouldn't have it. I thank the Almighty GOD for JESUS in our life's. 8288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must've seen this movie 20 times growing up and I have never seen this movie is such amazing quality. If you are a fan of Annie, I highly recommend picking up the Blu-Ray version. You won't be disappointed. 5273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good 8749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie features Charles Bronson in one of his Very best performances. It also has wonderful support from James Coburn and Strother Martin. A must for fans of action films 5854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie!!! 3525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 9360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must begin by saying that I'm preaching to the converted in this review. If Monty Python isn't your cup of tea, you won't be reading this review anyway. The 2-Disc special edition is awesome just like the movie itself! it's got literally killer extras such as deleted scenes, three audio commentaries, previews, Cast outtakes, six-part making of this movie, featurettes and poster gallery. Oh! there's also perfect picture and awesome surround sound with your choice of widescreen or fullscreen versions. 6438 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a gargantuan bomb of a movie and why do you ask is beacause it is just plain horrible. Bad writing, acting and the action set pieces are mind numbingly crappy and non exciting. This sequel takes place right after the original in the desolate town of Racoon City where the virus has spread even more and the inhabitants become zombies. Just like the first one this suffers but the first one was a notch better in my mind. Starring Mill Jovovich (Resident Evil, The Fifth Element), Oded Fehr (The Mummy and The Mummy Returns), Mike Epps (Next Friday, Friday After Next), Jared Harris (I Shot Andy Warhol, Igby Goes Down) and Alan Tudyk (28 Days, Tv's Firefly). I hated everything about this movie and the Nemesis creature was laugh out loud funny. This bored the hell out of me. I gotta say this goes down the line for being so retarded like Van Helsing was. The chick who played Jill Valentine and the others sprouted some awful dialouge. "im good but not that good" please. For die hard fans of Resident Evil but beware, these people don't know how to make a good movie if it bit them in the ass. I don't really care what other's say..hey, at least I got some taste. This movie is for no-brainers. I know fans won't be happy because it changes certain things from the game. Such as, The Biohazard Counter Measure Force. In the movie, they were there for a completely different reason than the game, and I don't think they were mercanaries. 4842 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Boring. 5738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As awesome as the others 2016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it "The Glorious Dead" - A time of personal tragedy at Eaton Place. Rose receives word about Gregory, whilst Hazel discovers the fate of Jack. 5051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Compared to Wes Anderson's other films (The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, & The Life Aquatic), Bottle Rocket pretty much got the silent treatment by the public, not to mention the group that put this DVD together (it's bare-bones in the special features department). If you haven't seen it, it's your loss...Anderson's debut is arguably as funny as anything on his resume. Charlie's friends, "Evil" Ed and girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bierce), attempt to convince him that he's just imagining things by paying a visit to Dandridge's house with the horror show host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell). Peter Vincent thinks he's going through the motions to dispel Charlie's overactive imagination until, on the way out, he notices Dandridge doesn't cast a reflection. you also have a Turkey running around trying to keep away from cook and more wonderful holiday stuff.. 3365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My family thoroughly enjoyed this classic! Close Encounters now 6348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wonderful dvd TRIVIA: 9026 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good copy. 725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My family watches this every christmas, we had a vcr copy but the sound finally gave. THANK YOU AMAZON!! You saved christmas! 5911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Jose Ferrer was better in the old version, but this was a nich variation for young folks and those who have no interest in seeing the classics. It's obvious from watching this movie that the people who made it either didn't read the historical facts concerning Joan or did read them and simply chose to ignore them. 9452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this is mostly a guy film. I don't know very many women who care for it. None-the-less, I don't know a single guy who can't quote at least one line from this film. I got the DVD because this is one of my all time favorites, however some bonus features would have been nice. Commentary on this film would have been excellent and outtakes were probably hilarious. If another version with these features came out, I'd definitely get it. 5719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic thriller here. Watched in 2015 and still just as good when it came out. 772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Grandson loved it, we watched it several times through the month of January. Will enjoy it again, I am sure. EXTRAS: Some, but not enough to make you forget that "Annie" is just about the most miserable looking DVD experience you've seen in a long while. 9378 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The words of a knight whose arms have been hacked off in combat never sounded funnier than it does in this film. Despite one or two slow periods in the film, this is definitely a comedy you need to have a pulse to get. The DVD specal edition has it's own little moments of humor as well. Not only do you have commentaries from the members of Monty Python (above ground, anyway), but even subtitles in Shakespearean form (for the more high-brow types). The second disc is where you'll find a shrubbery full of features, including sing-alongs and my prsonal favorite in this set, part of the film done with Legos (you know, the blocks you put together to make stuff that you may have played with during your kiddie years)! For Monty Python fans and fans of insane and confusing comedy, this one's definitely for you. 1322 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Let's face it...this movie is terrible, whether or not you compare it to the brilliant sixties series. I went in with an open mind, knowing that Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg will always be John Steed and Emma Peel. I thought the addition of Sean Connery as the villain would be a delight. WRONG. The tv shows' wonderful theme by Laurie Johnson is used quietly in a couple of scenes, but the main theme is another one of those preprogrammed pieces of musical nothingness. Uma Thurman acted like she was on Prozac and Ralph Fiennes looked like he was a little boy playing like he was John Steed. And Sean, what a lousy performance..you know you could have done better. I did like the mechanical bees sequence; the only true original touch in the movie. The teddy bears was preposterous and almost worked, but since the whole movie was such a drag, I'm not sure anything could save it. Macnee was smart in his invisible cameo role. Too bad Uma didn't back out and get replaced by a more lively Mrs. Peel. 4123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Two great stars; one good film. 5834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received quickly and perfect. This is a movie you will never forget. Though nominated for many Academy Awards, it isn't hard to see why it won zero. When watched today, it has the feeling of a Lifetime tv-movie, and I'm sure the Academy felt that what could have been a raw, educational look at psychiatry and coming to terms with your past was made into not much more than a soap opera. But still, this is a very engrossing film that, love it or hate it, will stick with you. Not destined to be a classic, but good nonetheless. 744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good. 296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 TNT has put together a surprisingly good account of the Biblical story of Joseph, betrayed into slavery in Egypt by his jealous brothers. Martin Landau as Jacob and Ben Kingsley as Potiphar give their usual first-rate performances, with the role of Joseph also well-acted. Leslie-Anne Warren is the lustful wife of Potiphar, who unsuccessfully tries to seduce Joseph, and lands him in the Pharoah's prison. This film offers a very credible depiction of life in the ancient Near East, from the desert tents of the Hebrews, to the claustrophobic walled towns like Sichem, to the lushness of civilized Egypt and the Pharoah's court. The film is faithful to the Biblical account, and succeeds in making it come alive on the screen. A well-acted, well-scripted, and entertaining film. END 134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie and came on time. Thanks. 8482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, a lot of memories Also, if you're looking for a non-demoninational practice, this is not the DVD for you. She talks specifically about God, Jesus, and Repenting and includes quotes from the bible during what's called the "Spritual Warm-Up", which assumes all spiritual practitioners believe in God and follow the Bible. It felt more like a sermon/lecture to me. This turned me off, specifically since it's marketed as a regular "stretching" video. 47 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is my all time fav christmas movie. if you haven't seen this version you need to check it out at least once in your life. 524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN, GET BAPTIZED AND HAVE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN YUR HEART. 7816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robin Williams was Fantastic in this movie and so was his costar these two men feed off of one another .I am so glad that I have this movie in my Library and I will never never look at homelessness ever again the same as I did before, just lazy people who gave up on life .mr. Williams gave me another perspective or should I say possibility . We never really no what people go through in life to end up where they are. This movie was awesome in so many ways for me . I cried ,laughter,agreed and I got angry to .I was filled with emotions . 7727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 happy wife happy life 1312 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Let me just say that I love all the Avengers from Mrs. Gale to Tara King (for the most part) and I do love the actors of The Avengers movie but this movie stinks. It has nothing to do with the original show. First off Mrs. Peel never dealt with Mother. Mrs. Peel also did not have an on screen affair with Steed either. But Hollywood got it's paws on the story and ruined it. If your a fan of the show then you will hate this movie. I even tried to watch it a second time and just turned it off. This after Wal Mart had it for $5.00 on a discount rack. I should have been free. 3780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 On its thirtieth anniversary, Steven Spielberg's UFO masterpiece, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977), seems as fresh and wondrous as a child's birthday present. UFO's appear in the night skies over Indiana and kidnap little Cary Guffey. His poor mom, Melinda Dillon, has no idea that the aliens are friendly. Richard Dreyfuss sees the sightings also and all but ignores wife Teri Garr to follow them all over Indiana in a truck. After Dreyfuss makes a giant mountain of earth in his living room without knowing why, Garr takes their son and leaves him. But he's too busy trying to figure out what obsesses him about the mountain. If you like Grade B movies, you'll love this one! I think Jeff Daniels did a fine job as Washington, though I DID like him better as Joshua Chamberlain. Yet Petersen and his cast and crew make audiences forget these dull real life facts. By the time the credits roll to Jerry Goldsmith's rousing End Title Suite, the viewer will wish the current occupant of the Oval Office were replaced by Harrison Ford's President Marshall, who is not only a man of political integrity but also a man of action. 8565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful picture. There's not a whole lot of dialogue, there is not a lot of wasted effort, just a straightforward story about a lonely fellow, A street fighter, who wanders into New Orleans during the depression, picks up a few fights, makes a little bit of money, and also let's not forget about the "in betweens." It's a wonderful little story, but very understated. Bronson is great. 1143 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After three seasons most shows have really started to wind down. 5915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thx 8092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Item - Love It - Would recommend highly. 7758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Annie this one is my fav it's hard to believe this one is there 30th Anniv. Good family movie Watching the film, it's hard to believe that Bronson was 54 years old when he commenced filming...Bronson's younger years saw his physique shown off in several movies, and he was still in good enough condition to still get his shirt off and flex his muscles for "Hard Times". I recollect reading two interesting descriptions about Bronson...one said "he looks like a Clark Cable that has been left out in the sun too long", and the other likened him to a bonsai tree "gnarled, twisted and rooted to the one spot" !! Don't get me wrong: I've enjoyed "Pumping Iron", "Conan the Barbarian", etc., but this has so much. He's the hero, the anti-hero, the poker of ironical fun in action movie conventions, and he has a great supporting cast. Charles Dance, in particular, just shines. He's the perfect foil. which is what i like, i hate the Digi-book package but each to their own I hope a good Blu-Ray, (high-defintiiom) transfer of this film will come out soon. 1135 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this show. I am enjoying it more watching it 20 years later. The filming, sets, costuming may not be as opulent as Downton Abbey, but the story line, is much, much better. 6112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resident Evil is arguably the best zombie game series of all time,before Dead Rising and House of the Dead. The story starts off showing how the T virus was started in the hive by someone close to umbrella and why. Will let you find out the rest from there. Claire and Chris unfortunately do not appear in the movie, however Milla Jovavich took my attention away from the missing characters. She is the real deal. Sorry guys she's all mine! 592 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic Christmas movie that I watch every year. 9288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't think I have ever laughed harder than I did the first time I saw MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL in a movie theater in Dallas, Texas while visiting my best friend in college Becky. I laughed so hard that I nearly hyperventilated, and I felt something like stabbing pain in my ribcage, so that the rest of the evening I had to grasp my chest with my arms to keep from hurting myself. I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then the opening credits ended and the film began. Realistically, noone expects this movie to win any oscars. However, it is a little bit funner than most of Paul W.S. Anderson's other masterpieces. The thing is, you will be laughing at the action rather than be exhilarated by it. My favorite part in the movie is when they take a shortcut through a cemetary. It's priceless. Excellent casting, excellent plot, and excellent entertainment set in a great city- New York! 1607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It really does. OK, it was filmed forty years ago, so the odd wobbly wall etc, but if you don't fall in love with the well-written characters and evocation of Edwardian London you are not human. Mars and her manager her manager Donald Phelps (Auberjonois), attempt to continue with projects and photo shoots as usual, but the strange visions continue. Neville begins to take a personal interest, as several models who work for Mars, become victims. The situation is complicated by the unexpected appearance of Mars' ex-husband Michael Reisler (Julia), and the strange behavior of Mars' chauffer Tommy (Dourif). 9275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie at the theatre when it was first released, then bought it on VHS years later, then requested and received it as a gift on DVD later still. I kid you not, but this movie and Casablanca are my two favorites of all time. The only down side is that the movie ended too soon (with Arthur, Galahad, etc. being arrested by Bobbies). If you don't like this movie there is something terribly wrong with you and you should seek counseling immediately. It is, without question, the funniest movie of all time. My favorite scene is the Castle Anthrax scene, but then, anyone who knows me knows why. 962 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the cruelest stories I know. Dickens is so cruel we cannot imagine he is a man, what's more a humane human being. 7601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A well done rom-com with delightful leads. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER and AUSTIN O'BRIEN make the best team! LAST ACTION HERO rocks! The opening scene says it all! Have fun! That's what fantasy movies are all about! So enjoy this fun flick to catch with friends or just to watch with popcorn!"- MJV & the Movies. 8144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was great, and the little lead actress is so-o-o talented. The actor playing Daddy Warbucks is fantastic, and I'm appalled he didn't have a more advanced career after this. Took real skill to be convincing in his role of a male character who went from cold, calculating and cruel to a kind, compassionate father who understood all little kids. I would give it 5 stars within its genre. Umbrella is responsible for the chaos in Racoon City and 6339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie get me in the heart every time. It has such heartbreak and such sadness, but it also has such hope as well as vindication. Two stellar actors and a story that is many a persons life in parallel. A must watch movie. 5170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Travis is a Vietnam veteran : one more among those who fought in that asiatic land . He is a wounded man ; is spirit is hopeless and his mind is shocked from all the horror . 9824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After watching the movie again for perhaps the fifth or sixth time recently, I felt compelled to write a review for it here on Amazon. The movie has remained as one of my absolute favorites ever since it came out. It is one of the few movies I can watch repeatedly and that I own in my personal collection. After just watching it, after 13 years since its release, it still feels as fresh and relevant as it did when it came out. 4979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really have enjoyed the movies and am glad to have obtained it for my collection. You must own it also on themselves) because as noble as liberals consider drug 4231 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 From reality to screen. Directed by Robert Redford, I'd say that A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT is his best accomplishment as a film director. Redford also narrates it from the point of view of the main character Norman MacLean (played with sublime confidence by Craig Sheffer). Redford's narration is perhaps the best narration that I've heard in any film...EVER! His narrative is a huge reason why this film works; it is perfectly timed, placed, and spaced, almost like another character in the film. It is ironic that Redford narrates from the POV of Sheffer's character Norman, when it is Brad Pitt, the actor that plays Norman's younger brother Paul, that was considered to be the second coming of Redford. Pitt, who is invigorating and engrossing performance as Paul, gives perhaps the most unpretentious performance of his career. While Norman is our guide and observer, Paul is the film's center, the conduit between the clean-cut, pristine world of the MacLean family (the typical American ideal) and the local brothels, bars, and gambling joints (the seedy underbelly of society). 3475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Suspenseful and a great ending. Dreyfus does a great job. 3830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a pity that Close Encounters was so badly overshadowed by "Star Wars" when it was released, because it IS an intriguing movie. Although a bit slow, the ending is exciting and the realism makes it worth watching. Just how WOULD aliens contact earthlings (and would anybody believe them?), how would the government handle it, and what would happen..... Spielberg gives us a definite hint of his greatness to come with this 70s classic. Worth adding to your collection. John William's score alone is worth buying 170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well-cast, wonderfully told version of "A Christmas Carol". I watch this at least 10 times each Christmas season. 7340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good photography,generally well acted and spectacular scenery! The only downside is the rather formulaic young Brad Pitt gifted and pretty though deeply flawed character he brings to all too many movies. His broken personality and his troubled mind slowly will be building a revenge agent of some causes that still may be preserved from that awful world . But even the rabbit scene hooks back into the medieval theme, as it links to an exploration of a cave with literary texts that conclude because "....arrgh...." Well, indeed, many medieval texts remain unfinished, perhaps because the authors died, more likely due to the vagaries of preservation. So Monty Python has something to say not only about history and literature but about literary history; in its very aesthetic form, this film reminds us that the standard linear narrative is not the only way of organizing a story. Many medieval stories are likewise structured either allegorically or with significant disruptions, such as this film has, that reveal that a story is something that is constructed and has its gaps and interventions. 1604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What to say, a classic, the best of British television. It looks like Downton Abbey may be a close rival but upstairs downstairs is the epitome of good theater. Richard Dreyfuss is at his usual terrific best in the role of Ron Neary, another of Spielberg's "Everyman" characters. He is an Indiana power lineman who is called out on a night where the entire city of Muncie goes dark. Then, at a railroad crossing, he is suddenly shocked by the appearance of a UFO, flooding him with brilliant white light. This encounter soon turns both him and his life upside down; his wife (Teri Garr) and kids can't understand his obsession with turning the shape of mashed potatoes or mounds of dirt from his backyard into a mysterious mountain he's been seeing in his mind. Meanwhile, a lonely mother (Melinda Dillon) has her own close encounters with the UFOs, resulting in the still-unseen aliens abducting her son (Cary Guffey). She too has visions of a mysterious mountain, visions which find their way into paintings and colorings. This movie sits on my dvd collection right next to Fight Club, as one of strangest but coolest movies of the late 90's. 2203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 American and Russian Special Forces capture a rogue Russian general who is a terrorist leader in Kazakhstan. The President of the United States, James Marshall (Harrison Ford) announces that the world and America will not bow to the demands of terrorists. His speech is given at a state dinner in Russia and after the dinner he, his key staff and his family board Air Force One to return to the states. 2140 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had this one on DVD and loved it, but The blue-ray is the BOMB. One of my all time favorites. 2237 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's great! I seem to be running a bit behind with these. My bad. ....H. Production Photographs Highly Recommended! 1948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This one is a popcorn-chewer of the first order! Terrific performances by Harrison Ford and the always astounding Gary Oldman head an excellent cast in this wonderful nail-biting trip on the President's plane! The blu-ray is a fine program release. 2025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison playing Harrison, a shot em up, interesting premise. Gary Oldman, he always blows me away with his performance. Great as Smiley in Tinker Bickle eventually meets Betsy (Cybil Shepherd) who is an avid supporter of the presidential candidate Palantine. His former view of the inhabitants of New York as "scum" is finally changed when he meets a girl who "is not like the rest of them". He asks her out to a movie and it turns out to be porn. He knew it was porn (he goes to the same theatre every night he's off work), but he doesn't go for the usual reason people go, he gets no satisfaction out of it, it is as if he's punishing himself for having walked into such a place. He seems to not realize why she looks at him with disgust and eventually leaves and never wants to see him again. 93 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 enjoyed another version of "The Christmas Carol", story still comes through I've gotten to meet the cast twice. I HATE Sarah Michelle Gellar! I do not even want to waste much time on a review 1323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a very watchable action flick, with Uma Thurman doing what she does best - wearing something tight and kicking the bad guys around. Sean Connery goes over the top as the mad Scottish scientist holding the world ransom. Mostly, though, it's comedy of manners. Steed and Dr. Peel (that's Thurman, but her friends can call her Mrs. Peel) maintain a relaxed tea-time manner no matter what the chaos around them or between them. 3416 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Ttally great, exciting, suspenseful, funny in parts, and the beginning of a genre. 3622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very good cut! It is a good movie anyway and I think the quality is better then the original and of course more scenes!! This was a very popular movie in the 70's and I think it is still good today!-Garry Hixon on Steven Spielberg. Let's just say this is a theatre piece, and dramatic elements have to be employed to add to the plot or sequence of events. That this, and so many movies of its kind employ the use of Russians as the enemy (usually using a British actor to supply the villainy) perpetuates stereotypes and misinformation that has existed since the Cold War's birth. I loved the fact that America was seen as a bastion of technology, with blinking lights and computer screens, and intercoms, technology at the helm, while Russia and its leader had a little red phone and a bear on his table. Fantastic. It automatically sets up a perception that Russia is weaker on all fronts, and the victor will always be America, so the whole premise of the film being America in danger is compromised by its visualisation of its power as compared to Eastern Europe. It throws the whole plot out the window by default. Everything is great about this DVD except that freaking Fullscreen treatment. WHY DID THEY DO THAT ANYWAY??? - Set design: The name tells everything.. How were the sets designed, what was the most difficult... 6506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'll make this short and sweet, This is a very good movie but it should of been beter. The acting was OK of corse the story was great and the fight seens were ok. THE PROBLEM, The problem with Resident Evil Apocalypse is that the camera views are awful. When you watch a fight seen you want to see the fight at a good angle and on many different angles. The views were so bad it's almost hard to describe them but think about seeing a fight seen and the whole time the camera's focused on the person's chest the entire fight there's kicking and punching but you can't see much of the kicking or punching. SO GO See the movie if you love the game series or want to know the second part of the story, the movie won't let you down completely but those camera views are gonna start to get to you while watching. 4865 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 it was OK for free, sure glad I didn't pay for it. I don't like James Caan in the first place but I am very happy he only had a cameo. 4931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie was a great one. A true De niro Classic. It just gives insight to how this one man who really doesn't have a lot of education or social skills sees the world and at the end of the day it leaves you guessing who the real hero is in society sometimes. The terrorists, led by Ivan Korshunov (Oldman), are seeking the immediate release of General Alexander Radek (Jurgen Prochnow), who was snatched from his palace in Kazakhstan by a joint team of Russian and American Special Forces. Radek and his followers believe in the restoration of the old Soviet Union, and until both Russia and the U.S. intervened, had ruled Kazakhstan with as much regard for human life as the Taliban exhibited when they ruled Afghanistan. After a ceremony hosted by the grateful Russian President in which Marshall warns rogue nations and terrorists that "we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid," the American delegation heads to one of Moscow's main airports to board the Presidential plane. The same happens in this movie. Ethan Hawke is born a degenerate, someone born only through his parents without any interference. His brother however was 'crafted'. He has a heart condition which should have killed him but he is still alive. His dream is to get into space and he therefore takes on the identity of someone who is capable of going into space but is crippled. Through DNA tricks he tries to but gets involved in a murder scandal. 4580 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A young couple, expecting their first child, are told tales by one of their tenants that frighten the wife, who believes they may be prophecies concerning their unborn child. This movie is very suspenceful and will grip you where you would not expect it to. Hopefully, you will see the need to appreciate the gift of love that is offered not just in this movie but in everyday life. A guaranteed tear jerker and this movie will blow you away. 2191 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have shopped online enough to become, sometimes, overcome by the frustration involved with someone selling me bad product. After all this I cant tell you how much I appreciate someone that delivers quality for a good price...it saves me all the pain and headache as well. 3. Flow- 8 (movie seemed to be moving on a different time frame than the characters were) 1) Milla Jovovich over-acted at times, especially when the camera was close to her face. That made her character a little scary. (Who knows, however, what the real Joan was like). 5750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ok 8722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python and the Holy Grail is hilarious. I was introduced to this movie by a friend and it is hilarious. It is the same style of comedy as BlackAdder. This movie is hilarious and the Monty Python group parodies the story of King Arthur and how he pulled Excalibur out of the stone. Anyone who's ever seen 'Flying Circus' or anything else by these folks will know how hilarious these folks can be. You'll probably laugh hardest during the 'killer rabbit' scene and the 'horse riding' scene. Other than that I just loved this video, and its super songs have gotten me singing them all day. 6786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Genera of zombie movies has had many cogs in its wheel. For example Day of the Dead, Night of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the living dead and so on. Resident Evil proves that this formula can still work for an audience in the 21st century. The biggest fault of this movie is what it doesn't use. an understanding of human nature both of those he defends as well as coworkers in "Chambers". He is a scruffy old curmudgeon but can see through facades and zero in on the crux of the situation. He holds to high standards in his work and his personal life. This series kept my attention and provided hours of entertainment. Anyone who likes British humor and scenery will enjoy this set. 6342 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie got straight to the action before any plot even started which made the movie even better. Most people judge this movie by saying it's stupid and not having any point,but people who love to have fun with action films,this is for you. It's fun, 928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I only wish that I had bought the movie rather than rented it! Great film of good vs. evil. Love it! -COMMENTARY BY PROFESSOR ROBERT KOLKER: Professor Kolker discusses TAXI DRIVER from a psychological angle, helping ALL viewers understand the film better and giving a particular fascinating understanding to psychology and film buffs as well. 3763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic 3398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you haven't see this, you should. And woe be it to those born of a natural coupling. Gattaca is that future examined today. 3625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a stunning movie, the extras are good as you learn how it was made, the politics Spielberg had to endure with the studio and how (and why) he hired certain actors for the parts. People who were reported missing come back with the aliens and people go with the aliens when they leave.....all but Barry because the aliens found him too annoying I guess. In yet another scene we meet a most horrific creature, capable of felling entire legions of men. Yes, it is the fearsome Killer Rabbit. This fearsome rodent will take some serious weaponry to conquer. Until then, the buck tooth bunny bloodily makes short work of several knights. How fortunate they have a holy hand grenade. 754 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this show and this is a wonderful Christmas special! 6609 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This version of Joan of Arc was a complete and utter disgrace. The apparent point of this movie is to depict Joan as completely insane and no real saint. So insane, in fact, that this character of Joan was completely unable to have a normal conversation with anyone. None of the other characters in the film have even a smidgen of respect for her. The closest thing to respect would be amusement to the fruits of insanity to have one's way. One goes away with the feeling that not a single worthwhile human value was in place. A story of a traumatized and visibly very insane woman inducted by the elite of the time as a useful fool and then completely discarded in her time of need after literally saving France and restoring the crown. To add insult to injury, Jesus was depicted as demonic and hideous with bulging eyes, looking like he was in drag, covered in blood, and frightful. A brutal murder-rape was "added" to the story to make it known that Joan was not speaking to saints or doing God's work but a severely traumatized, very immediately visibly mentally ill person who ultimately chose her own death to appease her delusions. The means of escape is through a helicopter. That's it. That's the big plan. Hijack a helicopter. But of course, it's all a trap, and ultimately Alice and Nemesis must duke it out...for some reason. Something about the perfect weapon, yadda yadda. The actor who plays Jesus is wonderfully believeable. He manages to portray Jesus as a real individual, a combination of divine love and purpose but filled with joy and sorrow and compassion. I highly recommend this account of Jesus' time on earth. "Hard Times" is an old-fashioned movie about honor, loyalty, and decency and a great way to spend evening. 7241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 my daughter had never seen this classic. needless to say, she loved this timeless movies. 733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Like Oh, and don't forget your coconuts. 6989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident evil is a movie that will be liked by several different audiences. There are aspects that will be liked and disliked by horror movie fans, as well as fans of the game. For a movie based on a video game, it was very well done. For the most part the story stayed true to the video game's plot. Some of the characters from the game were missing which I'm sure will upset more than a few. But all in all, the feel of the video game runs true. There was a scene where Milla Jovovich wakes up in the shower with a temporary case of amnesia. She starts looking through the drawers in the room and you can almost picture "There is nothing of interest here" printed across the bottom of the screen. For the horror fans in general there are some nice shock tactics used at times and the creatures are really well done. It's very worth seeing. The two-disc collector's edition includes the movie in wide screen format, with a second disc that contains a making-of documentary, eleven deleted scenes, plus theatrical trailers. Both picture and sound are excellent and considering it's a two-DVD set, the price is affordable. I give this movie a strong endorsement. So in closing, if you're looking for a good terrorist thriller in this post-9/11 world, look no further than Air Force One on Superbit. 3210 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 A somewhat interesting movie due to the time period this movie was filmed. Basically, this movie was nothing special and pretty much like a million other movies out there. The production is fantastic, as is the photography and script adaptation. I have only two beefs with this production--first, the actress playing Adele was too old and rather irritating. Second, I absolutely hate the singing voice they dubbed in for Edward/Ciaran--that high, operatic tenor just didn't seem like it could come out of his throat. If they could have fixed those two things, this would have been the perfect version. 359 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Stunning. Obviously you should read the Bible first and after, to know what happened and compare, but this is close enough and done very well. Love the music!!!! 1087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The counter scene when Allen's character says he is robbing the bank and has a "gub". That is hilarious!! Many more humorous scenes! 9070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Can't help it. One is either a Monty Python fan or not. Have at one time or another memorized several scenes/monologues 5618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Even though it was released back in the 80's, Fright Night remains a classic and bone-chilling vampire movie with riveting action sequences that will leave you breathless. 3841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really liked the way this movie used mystery and linked it with good feelings. Spielberg and others who worked on this film, used their imaginations to create positive symbols for the unknown. Roy who was played by Richard Dreyfuss, was child like in his excitement and drive to discover and learn more about his encounter. His child like desire seems to touch the viewer and get them caught up in the movie, feeling his fascination. He kept saying, "I know this is important"! The film has awesome special effects and for that time period was really spectacular. It is definately a classic, at least for me. The only sad part was that Roy's family left him. They seemed like a happy, busy, bustling family before Roy's encounter. Instead of supporting him, they turned away with fear and distance. I felt that was dissappointing. Although, I liked watching him build the mud mountain in his living room, if I was his wife, I may have drawn the line of support there. I also liked Teri Garr's performance. I think she is a good and funny actor. Wouldn't it be eerie to experience an encounter? It kinda makes you wonder if anything is being covered up out there, stuff they don't want you to know about??? "Easy Rider is the late 1960s "road film" tale of a search for freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt America, in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence. Released in the year of the Woodstock concert, and made in a year of two tragic assassinations (Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King), the Vietnam War buildup and Nixon's election, the tone of this 'alternative' film is remarkably downbeat and bleak, reflecting the collapse of the idealistic 60s. Easy Rider, one of the first films of its kind, was a ritualistic experience and viewed (often repeatedly) by youthful audiences in the late 1960s as a reflection of their hopes of liberation and fears of the Establishment." So, if you're a fan of the game or horror/thriller movies, see this as soon as you can. I'm definitely gonna see it again. I can't wait till they release it on DVD! 7739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really loved this movie and I would recommend it to anyone. It came before the date required and in the quality stated. You will definately want to add this to your horror collection and good to watch every October. Still brings back fond memories from 1985. Also running about trapped in the city is a cast of stereotypes: the hot police chick (Jill Valentine, played by Sienna Guillory who fails miserably at disguising her British accent), the hot military dude (Carlos Olivera, played by Oded Fehr), and the funny black guy who swears a lot (L.J., played by Mike Epps). After lots of grandstanding, swearing, amazingly accurate zombie head shots, and a lot of confusion, the plot finally gets going when Dr. Ashford (Jared Harris) gives them a mission. 213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Nice drama- based on the original Christmas Carol movie. This version stars Henry Winkler as Scrooge and takes place during the Depression in America. Winkler plays Scrooge as a business owner who offers home furnishings to be paid off over time. But most people can,t pay off the entire bill due to job scarcity - etc- and Winkler ends up repossessing much of what he has "sold". Soon "ghosts"- ( passed aquaintances in this version)- of Chistmas past, present, and future appear taking Winkler back through time and into the future showing him his past and what the future holds in store for one of his "value system" , Winkler realizes that he best become more kinder and more considerate of the needs of his town neighbors or risk dying a lonely and embittered man. Dramatic with poignant scenes. Held my attention throughout! 6747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I liked this movie very much. It works well on many levels: 9668 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Really? a janitor can just change identity and become an astronaut? This was made when Ethan and Uma were getting their feet wet, good practice for them, bad viewing for us. Long Live Truvy (now with two locations to serve you!) Ouiser Boudreaux, a bitter, ill tempered and outspoken lady, played deserving of an award by Shirley MacLaine joins the women and she puts Annelle through a rather fun and entertainment interview. And it's beautifully filmed. Everything is full of clean lines and cold light, with the occasional moment of symbolism -- note that the apartment that Eugene and Vincent share is centered around a giant DNA-style spiral staircase. Michelle Pfeiffer portrays a young photographer, living an idyllic life in Madison, Wisconsin with a loving and devoted husband (Treat Williams) and three adorable young children. While in Chicago for a class reunion, every parent's ultimate nightmare becomes a reality: her middle child unaccountably disappears in the middle of a crowded hotel lobby. These scenes, in which she undergoes a sense of mounting panic as well as a crushing sense of guilt and personal self-doubt, are more terrifying than anything contained in a conventional "horror" film. We cringe too as the investigators come up against one blank wall after another, empathizing fully with a mother driven to desperation in the face of the unspeakable. 5883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie at a great price, especially when you consider that it's on Blu-Ray, and that it comes with a 32 page hard cover booklet in color. 7270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was a good movie. I watched it with my granddaughters and they enjoyed it also. They have seen it several times. 3094 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For some reason, wives love this movie, and it puts them in a good mood. Very nostalgic for the oldies but goodies. 1710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good 6033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good Definitely worth a look if you like vampire/horror, with some cheeky humor in between. Also has Roddy MacDowall in it, which never hurt a movie. - Travis is sitting in his apartment watching American Bandstand on TV. He is angered by the celebration of adolescent sexuality he sees and how "human" and accessible it is portrayed to be. In contrast, Travis is completely unable to conceptualize himself in this rite of passage, due to the self loathing image he has built up in his mind. Travis then sees an empty pair of shoes on the floor amidst the dancing couples, a stark metaphor for his inability to relate to the world he finds himself in. 7218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! "The Master Minds" is one of my personal favorites, about a MENSA-esque high-I.Q. club called RANSACK, which utilizes the best minds in Britain - without their knowledge - to infiltrate and sabotage military bases, and steal state secrets for sale to the highest bidder. It's quite similar to Ian Fleming's contemporaneous James Bond novel, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" - which, amusingly enough, starred Diana Rigg in the film version. Like "Castle De'ath," Steed and Emma work undercover at the same location, but with a far different result: Emma becomes brainwashed into RANSACK's nocturnal espionage society, and Steed has to snap her out of it - before she kills him. The concluding fight is terrific, Emma's final punch-line one of the more humorous in the series by means of its unique delivery. - "My Plague" Music Video by Slipknot: It's the video of the main song in the movie soundtrack. It mixes and Slipknot show with movie scenes... BOTTOM LINE: To Columbia executives: get a clue! Get a 'really big' clue. To the consumer - save your money! 1829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent, excellent movie! I have watched it over and over and enjoy it just as much each time. A&E movies are always well done and this is no exception! The DVD version, as usual, gives you more for your money with background, actor interviews, etc. 25 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Henry Winkler proves his acting ability in this American version of the Dickens classic. One will actually forget that he was 'The FONZ' and will be amazed at his transformation from nice guy to mean guy back to nice guy. The general feel of this movie, though, is grey. That's the best way to describe it. But then, it was a bleak grey time in American history, with the Great Depression and all. When Dickens originally wrote the book, it was a grey time in England's history as well, so the subdued feeling one gets while watching this 'modern' version fits in well with the spirit of the original story. For a couple of cycles, "Last Action Hero" was a featured item. The ad included some fine concert footage of AC/DC's "Big Gun." A portion of this track opens the picture's final credit scroll. Arnold appears in character during the Sears video while Angus Young does his famous schoolboy prance on stage. 2457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old flic! All the elements are here: The Red Queen, the AI which controls the movie's environment, is like the "dungeon master." It's a lethal adversary, yet it provides backstory, context, and objectives, i.e. the "mission" of each "level." Its primary goal is the extermination of the human characters, yet it bargains with them and even at times saves them for various purposes, rather like the way the rampant AI Durandal behaves in the famous "Marathon" game series. 7403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Fast shipping! 7762 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An incredible movie...one of my all-time favorites, and I don't say that lightly... 4753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Long of the short of this movie is that the star's father is shot down by some badguys over a unnamed country in the Mid-East. The is a young man that is in the process of graduating from high school and finds out that his father is going to be killed by the bad guys and decides to mount a rescue mission. After getting help from Louis Gosset Jr. The star steals a pair of F-16's with help from his High School buddies and goes over there to rescue his father after the US government decides to sit on it hands. Highly recommended! The special effects were about the only redeeming quality in the entire movie. The bubbles they walked in, those big mechanical bees, and the high-flying act at the end were all pretty dang cool. I just wanted more out of the characters. I wanted more out of the plot. I wanted more out of Sean Connery's villain. I wanted more out of the relationship between Uma and Ralph. Perhaps I wanted too much, but when coming right down to the nitty gritty, that's usually what the criteria is for making what most people consider a "good" movie. moderated by Filmmaker Tim sullivan Secondly, this film also marks the maturity of Dominique Swain as an actress. Although Swain was never a child actress in the classic sense of the word, her initial starring role was the remake of the film Lolita. While Lolita was also a mature role, her approach to playing the character was actually somewhat juvenile, as the role demanded in many senses. Here, Swain has shown that she possesses the skills and potential to remain a serious actress for years to come. "The ghost of hell? The ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future? Complete and utter ... what was the word he used?" Perhaps the scene I like best of all the large-scale battles is where Joan takes an arrow, and we look right into her face as she falls 20-30 feet off a ladder, into the arms of the men below. Maybe it's not great acting, but she definitely placed a lot of trust in her cast mates. A lot of horse riding through battles, sword brandishing, serious medieval battle gore... yep, this is a great film. 9619 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Beautifully-shot sci-fi, but with a weak story, and some very *meh* acting by otherwise very talented actors. I blame the director, who directed/edited this film to move at a snail's pace. I actually met Ethan & Uma while they were filming this piece of crap. I was playing a club gig down in Austin, Texas and they were sort of holding court at the end of the bar. They were both pretty tipsy, and quite lovely. About halfway through our set, they very kindly sent us a round of drinks in appreciation of our music. 6324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I read the book after the movie. Loved them both. Travis is dumped. Travis does not understand why. This is all further proof that everything is wrong about America. Travis sees a way to change all that. Video Resolution/Codec: 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 | Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 9472 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I'm more of an action adventure type. I watched because of the rating, it was enough to hold me till a little past the 3/4 mark. This genre does nothing for me but i did appreciate the great chr interaction and the ultimate sacrifice. 7382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely spectacular 1063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Although it may not have been the BEST ending to this otherwise fascinating look at the humanity of war. Nonetheless this is a very enjoyable and intriging look at an awkward turn of events for two enemies forced to confront their foe on solitary terms. The ending was war itself. Irony. Tragedy. Ending. Some depiction of standard 60s drug uand alcohol use with brief nudity and violence. Would be rated PG-13 today. 4510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie I've given alot of analysis, but I don't think I've spoiled anything. Chesterton echoes Einstein: The film is excellently scripted and directed by Andrew Niccol, who later penned the script for the acclaimed THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998). The all-star cast does a fantastic job of acting, too, even those in minor roles (watch for Ernest Borgnine, Gore Vidal, Xander Berkeley, and others). Slawomir Idziak's cinematography is gorgeous but never overwhelms the story, and the special FX, though minimal, are subtle and quite effective. GATTACA is a great example of what thoughtful, intelligent SF cinema should be. 3681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it!! 2098 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great! As usual, the interplay between the two is delightfully witty and sparkling, their interaction with numerous flamboyantly unusual villains (and more common thugs) well-choreographed and exciting. 4705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of those truly great movies that pass through the test of time.....40 years and still a great movie!!!! Among The best from De Niro with Cape Fear and Angel Heart, and that means a lot because he is one of the greatest actors ever......Completely recommended if you like brutal movies!!!! 5471 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 HDDVD fanboy Robin William and Jeff Bridges are both amazing in this movie, as is Mercedes Rhuel. 308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie is well made and does the Bible story justice. A true historical and inspiring story. I was so glad when I was introduced to this movie a year ago! It is just th'illy. Onwards we go in quest for the holy grail, only to be cut short by crazy forest giants, a wizard named "Tim", three headed people swollowers (and other swallows), and a bridge keeper with three questions. . .among other things. King arthur, an un-elected king,(Because no one voted for him), has gone on a quest with his knights, and you are very much invited. So, storm the castle and save the damsel in distress that killed your trusty horse (not really your horse, but you get the idea) (Not really a horse at all, but someone banging coconuts together, carrying your gear, you get the idea.)(Not really your gear, but....not even really your coconuts......thi'lly.) So come along with acres of fans in search for the grail. And beware of Camelot...'tis a thi'lly place! ***** (Sorry If my review is slack, but heck there is too much to talk about!) Loved the mohawk. This movie is hard as nails. This is a must have Blu-Ray for fans of Sci-fi and cinema everywhere! this is one movie to truly experience better on Blu-Ray. 4320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's so strange to me that this movie tanked at the box office. This is one of the most entertaining movies I've seen, and it comes with a message that even children understand. In this movie Schwarzenegger plays a movie hero. One of his biggest fans, a boy, gets sucked into the movie with him. While in the movie the boy sees first hand that what happens in movies is completely unrealistic. When Schwarzenegger and the boy get pulled form the movie into real life, the opposite occurs and Schwarzenegger gets to see the real life is not like the movies. If you get shot, you get hurt and might die. If you shoot your gun at a car it doesn't explode. If you punch a window, it actually hurts. And women in real life? Well, they're not all super models. Etc. 8368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I recently seen what Alieen Quinn looks like after all these years, she is in this special edition DVD with karaoke, documentary, fun history trivia about the 1920's-1930's (Annie's era.) Even though she has red hair in the movie, Alieen Quinn never had red hair in real life, that was just a wig! Carol Burnett won Academy award for best actress as Miss Hannigan, she doesn't really hate children. She took Alieen Quinn under her wing on the set. Albert Finney recalls having to shave his head for the part of Daddy Warbucks, he said it was a bit drafty, (J/k) any way Tim Curry plays Miss Hannigan's sleezy brother, Rooster! Then there's Miss Grace, Punjab, & good ol' Sandy! A musical with brightful cheeryness that makes you wanna sing The sun will come out tomorrow again and again, just as long as nobody can hear you, if people are around, allow your heart to sing it for you! Hope this review helped! JM. 8781 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Charles Bronsons' best films ever! If you're a Bronson fan, you must add this one to your collection! 9260 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Nothing to say about the film itself - simply a word of warning about the box set: it appears from the product listing to be simply a copy of the ordinary 2 DVD edition - which retails for less than half the price of this boxed set - with a copy of the screenplay and some cards and senitypes (whatever they are) thrown in. 7354 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Movie was better than I expected. Cast and music was great. The DVD audio was poor, streaming much better. 7119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An oldie but a goody. Carol Bernett and Bernidet Peters were young and a lot of fun. 2990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the classic movies. Love it! 618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was recently sent a set of Christmas specials in exchange for review, most of which I had never seen before. One of them was the stop motion classic Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town. Nope, I'd never even heard of it before, but I found it pretty fun. how he would accept this dirge of gratuitous.... you name it, they had 9800 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 yikes And now I'm back to Dignan. His sincerity and enthusiasm will overwhelm you. In one scene all he does is make a semi honk its horn with the usual yanking motion out a car window, but the gleam in his eyes and smile on his face when he says "Did you hear that?" evokes a pure, childlike excitement that lights up the screen. Dignan definitely sees through the eyes of a child-the world is in black and white to him...maybe only one color, actually. The only things that matter to him are his best bud, Anthony (Luke Wilson as the compassionate realist he plays well) and his "75-Year Plan." Then come the visitations and, well, we know the rest of the story. 1196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is a gift for my husband 9789 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I got it thinking about the galatica series. Big mistake. There was a futuristic space theme but that was about as far as it went. I barely watched it all the way through 7164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always a favorite in our home and now with my very young granddaughter. 5319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good deal! their products these days becuase pepole say their out of style. 7501 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best scare I have had in a long time. Faye Dunaway and the rest of the cast, including Tommy Lee Jones are masterful 3354 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FANTASTIC PRODUCT, THANKS. 7040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wonderful old movie Okay, I must finish here because I could go on for a while...nobody wants that. Just watch this movie. "I'm calling my gang! KA-CAW! KA-CAW!" If you are a fan of British comedy or are the kind of person who would find catapulting a wooden rabbit funny, this is your kind of film. I have yet to run into someone who has seen it who walked away disappointed; I have found far more people who will quote from it at the drop of a hat. The movie's premise heavily borrows from various sci-fi horror flicks;Dawn of the dead,Return of the living dead,Escape from New York and Blade. but that's not necessarly a bad thing, is it? The plot and scenery remind me of a well-made computer animation game--today's audience accepts this sort of 'near realism' but I could do without it, I would have enjoyed more thought provoking plot lines. 779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arthur is one of those cartoon, that manages to be engaging while having the ability to wind children down instead of up. We love the opening song and the thoughtfulness of this delightful special that should become one of your holiday classics. 5284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sooo hoky and cheesy its almost criminal but who am i to arrest anybody..worth it for that alone to be seen since it has everything in it except elvira lol Oh, really? Sorry about that. I thought we were talking about something else. May be the film age a bit but its descriptive script from its release became in a cult movie.! this reunion panel is a 55mins Q & A moderated by Rob Galluzo Let's get some info on here for once that focuses on quality instead of having to read about it on Blu-ray dot com or some other site - that is, if Blu-ray dot com ever gets around to it or if they even bother to mention what print Mill Creek is selling here (9-2014 release). Eight more words required 8646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids loved it. Please stock more kids fun products 5445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I own over 1000 movies and am a huge critic to a lot of films but this has to be one of my top 10 of all time This film is incredible and not to be missed! I always cry buckets of tears at the end! A true masterpiece in every way! BD Live is also enabled and there are commercials in 1080p for upcoming releases from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Rita Hayworth (in what turned out to be the final movie under her Columbia contract) exudes lots of steamy, repressed sensuality with her performance as the widowed society dame taken in by Joey's charms; and in a rare musical role, Kim Novak dazzles. Frank Sinatra, with trademark raincoat and jaunty hat, is his charming best as lady-killer Joey. Look out for talented Barbara Nichols among the showgirls. 2093 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having concluded his talks with the Soviet Russian Premier, the President of the United States (Harrison Ford) and Member's of his Cabinet, board the President's plane - AIR FORCE ONE. What should have been a relaxing trip home, turned out to be a nightmare on a national then global scale. Russian, neo-nationalist terrorists, who wanted their General released from prison, impersonated member's of the media whom they had killed, to be able to board AIR FORCE ONE. These deranged member's of this radical group, relied heavily upon the treachery of one of the U.S. Secret Service Agents who ironically, was assigned to protect the President from just the sort, whom he was now, aiding. And his betrayal to his country, his President and his job assignment was key, to their success. With a hostile take over on the plane and with systematic hostages being executed, what was the U.S. President/The Commander In Chief, going to do? Especially since, the terrorists were demanding that the plane be re-fueled in the air and re-routed, back to Mother Russia. Thinking that the President had evacuated the plane with the emergency escape pod, the psychotic terrorists, called him a "...coward!" Not realizing that he was still aboard and was the only hope for the hostages and flight crew, he was secretly trying to communicate with the White House. By now, the sadistic Russian terrorists knew, that there was a mystery passenger on board who was frustrating and resisting them, successfully. The sociopathic saboteurs were being sabotaged. Meanwhile, the Vice President as played by Academy Award winning Actress Glen Close, is told by the Security Council to write the President off, because he has been missing in action and as of yet, they hadn't heard from him. In this fast paced action drama, you will be at the edge of your seat if not on your feet, with plenty of adrenaline pumping through you, cheering for the President. So, riveting is this film. You are either with the terrorists or with the President. For the Americans or for the Russians. For freedom or for tyranny. There is no middle ground with this movie. And the Secret Service Agent who betrayed the United States, the innocent American hostages, the President, his Secret Service colleagues and his job assignment? Does he ever get his...!! How? Well, you'll just have to watch the movie for yourself and see. It makes for compelling viewing that will make an American Patriot out of you..., if you aren't one already. God Bless the United States of America, it's people, the President and this Great Land and all of it's National freedom's and personal liberties. AMERICA... the beautiful, forever raise her banner, HIGH! Nina Kish 5777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 that I bought and watched too long ago to remember anything specific to write about. I do not have the time to watch it again just to write a review... So I purchased a second one and darn if there isn't something screwy going on with some DVDs. The second one looks fine, but like my THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH dvd, it will not play in my regular DVD player. Somewhat of a fortunate bit of luck, I have a mobile player this second one will work in. 2420 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The schlockmeisters, from Hollywood, have surpassed themselves with this offering. It needs more than suspension of disbelief to be entertained here, a full-frontal lobotomy is almost a prerequisite. 3863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it The Seventh Sign Is My Favorite !! - Making Of: A basic Making-Of.. How were the main scenes made, some things are said about the Red Queen corridor... You know, it's a Making-Of... Yes, I've seen LAST ACTION HERO many times and will many more! 2579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My all time favorite movie! I can almost quote it verbatim. Wanted to have a copy to keep and watch whenever I wanted to. Keep the tissues handy! You will laugh and cry. "Laughter through tears is one of my favorite emotions." 6320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw this movie a long time ago. I wanted to see it again. It really is a great story and well acted. Note how Joan was wounded with an arrow in her upper right chest, but at the end of the story she had a healed wound on her upper left chest. Continuity? Julia Roberts as the trying-hard-to-win-over-the-kids younger fiancee. Susan Sarandon as the gritty you-will-not-take-over-my- life ex-wife. Both gifted actresses play well of each other. With stunning performances, sharp direction and a one-of-a-kind script, `The Fisher King' is easily one of the best films of the 90's. "Easy Rider: 40th Anniversary" receives Sony's special digibook packaging with a total of 36-pages and information on the music, the talent and an essay of the importance of the film and the beginning of New Hollywood. As for special features, the following are included: 6036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I hadn't seen this in probably over a decade, but noticed the trailer and remembered all the terrific humor so I bought this BD. It's great, a decent HD transfer and all the clean cinematography is intact. This movie is really well written and executed visually with an almost cartoonish style at times. The romantic ode to Cyrano de Bergerac is handled well although the poetic lines to Roxanne can be a bit nauseating lol and I love poetry.... but in the end, while I love this movie it is embarrassing to realize that when they find love it's odd to see Hannah with Martin who's old enough to be her father lol. Love comes it all combinations but it's still odd to see that at the end of the movie. 8372 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have done reviews for the new "special edition" DVD of "Annie" and also the Disney remake from 1999. Both of these were only worthy of 1 star but the actual film from 1982 really deserves 5 stars in my opinion. "Annie" was my favorite movie when I was a kid. It was always a special treat when my Dad would allow me to stay up late to watch it. At one point I had actually memorized the entire film line for line. For a little girl it's a fun movie with great songs. Now that I am older I can watch the film with new appreciation and really wonder why it didn't get better reviews when it came out. I may have figured out why that is though. I believe it had to do with the comparison between the movie and stage musical. The people who loved the live show seem to be partial to that where as most people who have only seen the movie, like me, think it's great. I believe the movie stands on it's own when not being compared to anything and had that comparison not been an issue it probably would have received proper reviews. I understand how people can be partial though. I definitely am when it comes to this film because it's what I know. Still, I can't see how certain aspects could go unnoticed. As I was older I was really able to appreciate Carol Burnett's performance as Miss Hannigan. I can't imagine anyone making this character come more alive. She's detestable while being entertaining at the same time. Disney really missed the mark on this character when they remade to movie. Another element I can really appreciate as an adult is the relationship between Annie and Daddy Warbucks and how it developed naturally throughout the movie. He starts out incredibly hard hearted, but through the charm of a dirty, almost homely, little orphan he sees there is more to life than just money and power. She truly wins him over. Because of all these things I still love watching this movie through the eyes of my inner child. It can cause me to get a little misty eyed, but maybe it's because I am a sentimental sap. There is just so much to enjoy from beginning to end. I am especially glad I was able to get a copy of this DVD edition before it went out of print because believe me, widescreen is really necessary with this movie. All my life I only saw it full screen and watching it on this DVD I was able to see all kind of little things I missed. It's worth trading in the extras for. 9060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It almost shames me to admit that, despite claiming to be a nerd, I had never seen a Monty Python film or sketch. Not "Life of Brian," not "Flying Circus," not even that (ahem) Holy Grail of nerdiness, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Sure, I'd heard many of the classic jokes and lines from it, from the Black Knight's hysterical dismemberment to the Knights Who Say Ni (and demand a shrubbery to boot), but I had never experienced it for myself. And given that it's one of those movies that people either seem to really love or really hate, I was wary about watching it for myself. Raul Julia as the Ex husband Michael Reisler has the line of the decade when he says to Faye Dunaway "I was your husband, I was never your friend!"...... 8587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great hard-scrabble bare-fisted fight film. Bronson is at his taciturn best, the Depression-era milieu is brilliantly expressed, and the characters are well-drawn and lively (see Coburn, James). "Gattaca" is a movie that addresses one of life's great questions -- does destiny determine how we live our lives, or do we decide our own fate? There are no easy answers, but it's always best to err on the side of "we can make our own destiny" -- and this movie is basically all about one man's quest to determine his own fate, DNA be damned. The point being that although he IS Japanese, Marvin has begun to think of him as something more than just a racial type with whom his country is at war. 3236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another wonderful movie about relationships. I can't understand those who who don't agree this is a 5 star movie but each one has his or her perspective. I think this movie is as good as any other out there. - so well acted, written, directed, photographed, etc. 4875 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Too choppy Disc 1 has the feature film 1945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! 1248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I wish there were half stars available because this set is not quite good enough for 4 stars but too good for 3. One thing SLC Punk lacks is a plot. It's really just a bunch of stuff that happens. It's quite good though. See it. SPECIAL FEATURES: Screenplay: David Arnott, Shane Black and William Goldman (uncredited) is playable in the Widescreen & Full Screen Format on 1 disc "Gattaca" is a movie that addresses one of life's great questions -- does destiny determine how we live our lives, or do we decide our own fate? There are no easy answers, but it's always best to err on the side of "we can make our own destiny" -- and this movie is basically all about one man's quest to determine his own fate, DNA be damned. 1492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love the different versions of this story its just depend of your liking Cerion Hinds and Samantha Morton Verses the other other 3 versions know of .. this was a great version of this pair actors 4944 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Tiresome, relentlessly unfunny comedy, aboiut stupid people doing stupid things. 2540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A cute little movie with some fun and some sadness. Running Time: 111 minutes 5972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie, and now that I bought it through Amazon on Prime I got the widescreen version. The picture is amazon. So, why is the Blue Ray $200?? We go into the film not knowing much about Chaney. He exits with us still in the dark about his past. We know that he likes cats, that money motivates him, although he does show kindness towards and even halfway courts a lovely but cynical woman (played by his real wife Jill Ireland). We learn that he does demonstrate a reluctant loyalty towards his manager pal, and that he's not as much of an underdog as initially perceived. At the end of the film we realize just how much of a hard mo-fo he is. In a way, Chaney is a precursor to other cinematic over-the-hill fighters like "Honey" Roy Palmer (Diggstown) and Jerry Ferro (The Hammer). If you've never seen Steel Magnolias don't just rent it, buy it! In my opinion it's destined to be one of the all-time greats of filmdom. It was indeed a powerful performance and a powerful film experience that is so visually disturbing and that Director Alan Parker and crew were able to capture the anguish, the anger, the pain and grittiness of the film was amazing. 8844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie. Let's give writer credit for having the gumption to go with his vision, rather than comprising a good storyline. Hopefully he'll produce more work that captures our attention for another two hours. Setting of the movie was moved from Chicago to San Francisco, so much more picturesque, and Novak somehow looked so good there. The movie picked up several great songs from the play: "If They Asked Me, I Could Write a Book," and "Bewitched, Bothered and "Bewildered," the play's biggest hits. Also, for sure, "My Funny Valentine," and "Zip," a homage to Gypsy Rose Lee. Several of the play's songs were considered still too risqué, and were replaced by other works of Rodgers and Hart, "There's a Small Hotel," "I Didn't Know What Time It was," and "The Lady Is a Tramp." Some knowledgeable reviewers complain about the songs missing from the play; but these replacements each became at least as popular as the tunes written for that play. Musical arrangements were by Sinatra's frequent collaborator, Nelson Riddle. The part had to be somewhat rewritten for Sinatra, of course, emphasis changed from dancing to singing. But he sang his own songs; he was at his peak, and the songs, as the part, might really have been tailored to him. Neither Hayworth nor Novak could sing: they were dubbed. 5665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 liked the movie 2810 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 always good. 7644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The premise, the acting, the extraordinary character of New York City, all keep the viewer fascinated Lisa Nary Filmed in Jalisco, Gold Coast, Mexico. Exposition Park, Los Angeles, California. University of California, Alumni Park, California. 3145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie everytime I watched it. Had to give it another review this year. All the characters are really deep and you feel that you know them. Kino provides some interesting and very good special features. Unfortunately, we don't get a commentary track from Boorman but there is a 30 minute interview with him discussing the film. The commentary by Film Historians Travis Crawford and Bill Ackerman is quite good covering the history of the production and various tidbits. The alternate ending is seamlessly branched so you can choose that ending (which I feel is superior but you may have a different opinion if you saw this when it was originally theatrically released). Art director Anthony Pratt weighs in the production design for the minimalist film in a 11 minute featurette. Kinko also provides five trailers (but curiously not one for "Hell In the Pacific"). 4881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! 5623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it The film was shot on a shoestring budget (funded largely by rock music celebrities) in horrible, wet weather by a small cast and crew, with direction from first time directors Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam. The net result is a quasi-historical, utterly warped film about King Arthur (Graham Chapman) and his knights in their search for the Holy Grail. Many entertaining diversions follow, including encounters with the 'Knights Who Say Ni' (my very favorite part of the entire film), a killer rabbit, plus a visit to the surprisingly appealing Castle Anthrax. Various reviewers have praised the gritty cinematography, the Oscar-caliber acting, the riveting storyline, the Moroder score, and other aspects of this film. I cannot agree more. To my mind, a masterpiece is born when every element of the filmmaker's art converges perfectly to create a rare cinematic experience. This is the case for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. When I walked out of the theater on my first viewing, I was shaken to the bone. The impact has since been diluted somewhat due to repeated viewings on VHS and on DVD, but my opinion of the film has not changed one iota. For me, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS is still the number one cinematic masterpiece of the 1970s. This is a very personal appreciation, but I'm sure that any serious film student who is able to objectively analyze the film within the exclusive context of cinematic art would have to conclude that MIDNIGHT EXPRESS is a true masterpiece. and i say this movie is immature because clearly the people who made this movie and acted in it had no idea of the real emotional effect such a relationship would have on a character such as nick nolte's. Steed and Emma seem to be culturally lower class people who have come into inheritances which they use to buy expensive clothes. The actress that plays Emma would be more realistically cast as a prostitute. Style wise, this is probably Wes Anderson's least "Wes Anderson" film. After Bottle Rocket, he really defined his style and stuck with it for the rest of his career. The cinematography by Robert Yeoman is simply superb and he manages to craft some stunningly beautiful shots. The music by Mark Mothersbaugh is indeed effective while the choice of already recorded music by Anderson is great. I found that "Seven and Seven is" by Love and "2000 Man" by The Rolling Stones define the scenes that they are played in and Anderson continued to burn scenes into our memories through his use of music in the rest of his films. If you are expecting the original series, you're probably going to be disappointed. But if you are willing to see this in its own light, it's really a nice film. Also a great way to have a 60s night! Oh, and the Nemesis Project is online, and it's on the hunt. 6820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 First of all, let me say that I had a preconceived opinion about this movie before I saw it. Being a hardcore fan, I thought it would go the way of Super Mario Bros. Much to my surprise, however, the movie turned out to be less a cold attempt to make quick cash then a proper tribute by real fans, as well as a fun ride. Milla Jovovich plays Alice, a woman who is suddenly sucked into a mission to infiltrate an underground lab called the Hive, which has mysteriously killed its inhabitants. Unknown to Alice, Rain (Michelle Rodriguez), and the rest of the crew, everyone down there is now a flesh-craving zombie. It's not deep entertainment, but it's fun as anything. Just rating the movie, I'd have to give it five stars, for a movie which gives a fan like me everything he wants (including Milla in minimal garb, but I digress). 8968 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I hate to give a bad review of this one, because I admire the work of many of the people in it. However, if you're looking for entertainment that's educational, this isn't it. A note on the side you will recognize many of the actors from both Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers movies. A real joy to watch. There is a lot more characterization here than in many horror films. RE is very imaginative and the movie makes use of the rich history created by the game. Good entertainment for the horror fan. 9239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 From the opening scene, featuring a then-not-king Arthur and his loyal servent "riding" through the mist (as it turns out, the servant is banging coconuts together) to the closer (I won't give too much away, but a bunch of people get arrested), this movie is undeniably funny. For instance, take the famed Black Night scene, where Arthur cuts the black night's arms and legs off. The black night insists that these losses of limbs are "only flesh wounds" and fights on. He's either really brave, or really stupid. Let's not forget Killer Rabit, Tim the Enchanter, the Knights of Nee, and the Bridge of Death. The movie is a real side splitter. I'd recommend it to all. Nee! 3035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dennis Hopper directed this early film about the hippies. It accurately shows what actually happened sometimes when you let your "freak flag" fly, in the words of Jimi Hendrix, out there in square America in 1968. If you like science fiction, chances are you've already seen this. If you are a fence sitter, wondering if the BD is worth it, the special features alone scream 'yes!' For once, you can't complain about sound or video thanks to all the alternate settings. So you don't have to suffer a bad transfer. Instead you are left following the wonder of normal folk who experience first contact. Watch them question their lives and become infected with the promise of something more than their banal lives. This is a much more cerebral film than most other 'first contacts'. Here, we are promised something different, a learning experience, a chance of friendship. 459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I used this movie in my prison ministry bible study. It was very well done and followed the bible very closely. Joseph as revealed in the book of Genesis of the scripture is a type of Jesus and the movie brought this out which shows an obvious insight and knowledge do God's word. I would highly recommend this DVD for all family viewing. Fans of the video games will find more or less constant references or reminders of the various versions of the games. In another cool thing that Zombie film fanciers will like, there is a flash of a newspaper headline The Dead Walk. The same headline also appears in George Romero's famous film Day of the Dead. and this 3rd time Sony have advertised it as 40th Anniversary edition 3284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. Prepare to laugh but bring your kleenex, because you'll need it, and then you'll smile again. As the movie says, "life goes on"... Taxi Driver has strong violence and blood, some nudity and sex. 8030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is Director Terry Gilliam's best for one simple reason: it is his most successful marriage of modern story to mythic content. Just as the first three Star Wars movies (Episodes IV-VI) succeeded in captivating the hearts and minds of its viewers on a deep, spiritual level amidst the revolutionary special effects, Gilliam has taken a segment of New York city's extremes and has recasted the Holy Grail adventure in modern, well-tailored clothes. This movie serves as, perhaps, the best motion picture example of the Jungian theory of individuation I have seen. The main characters map nicely to the ego-shadow-anima trio with Jack (Jeff Bridges) playing an ego maniac who suffers a Icarian fall and is brought to face his shadow, Perry (Robin Williams), who is anything but egotistical and selfish. Providing both support and unintentionally inhibiting his progress is his anima/mother figure of a girlfriend Anne (Mercedes Ruehl) whom he must grow both toward and away from as any immature young man must do as he learns to see his significant other as not a replacement mother but soulmate. But Perry and Anne are also not just projections, but characters with their own depth and complexity each developing a relationship with the other in significant, plot building ways. Moreso than in any of Gilliam's other films is the stories' plot capable of producing a successful vehicle for Gilliam's well-known propensity for complexity that normally tends to muddy the focus of his efforts to the detriment of the film. film. However, not all is benevolent in this society since the selective breeding process has created a class of demi-gods who look down upon their fellow humans who were less endowed. Further, through biomarkers and various surveillance technologies, those of superior genetic qualities are provided with perks and employment that those without these qualities cannot obtain. 9721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good movie About the DVD: The picture quality and sound are excellent, although it's disappointing that the many extras (which included a featurette, deleted scenes, a gag reel, and Streisand's full-length commentary track) that were included on Criterion's special edition laserdisc release are not found on this DVD. The film's original trailer and teaser are included, but I hope that all of the extras from the laserdisc will someday make their way to DVD. "Home Fires" - Rose (Jean Marsh) once again bumps into her former fiance, Australian sheep farmer Gregory Wilmot (Keith Barron) who has joined the army. They decide to get married again, but will Hudson ruin it all?... 3550 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A blast from my past, and a great example of how movies can tell stories that awe instead of simply shock. Pitch-perfect cast and film-making. 6034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie! 6982 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The Hives set up by the influential Umbrella Corporaton has been secretly conducting genetic experiments and the subterranean lab has unfortunately been plagued by a viral outbreak, taking its toll on the working staff. It is up to Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez with the assistance of cop Eric Mabius to confront and isolate the virus. Accompanying them is an elite task force - and the situation is critical with the time factor going against them. They have to reach the Red Queen, the mother of the computer network that powers and defend the Hive. 6107 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is one of the worst movies I've seen ever. This is a story about a man, nammed Billy Hayes (Brad Davis) who tries to smuggle hessise(turkish drug) across the boader to America. But there is one small problem he gets caught. He is sentecenced to serve four years in a turkish prison. Billy leaves a worried girlfriend, father, mother, brother, and sister behind. In the prison he meets durgies and a whole new kind of people he never thought would exsist. The guards beat and tourcher not only him but everybody in that prison and other prisons in that part of the world were just the same. In Turkey who don't have the right to free speech like in America so when he went to court he had a hard time trying to defend himself. Billy is then sentenced to 30 years in the prison which I might add does not really qualify as a prison at all in my opinon. Billy and Rand quaid and one other person try to escape for every day for a whole week but then they are caught by a inmatte who gives randy qaid away. Randy is beaten so bad that he is in a hospital for months with a hernia. Billy gets so mad he kills ruski the immate who gives them away and basically goes insane witth rage and then immeditly after he is sent to a turkish mental institution with pyscos. His girlfriend talks to him and he has a new light os getting out. He bribes then kills a guard puts on his uniform and leaves. Three months later he crosses the boarder into Greece and gets on a plane and goes back to America to reunite with his family. Dreyfuss, who also starred in Spielberg's own Jaws (1975), is brilliant in this film, with his gradual obsessions and transfixion creating a fascinating film, which has become an undisputed classic. While perhaps not as essential as the 2 Disc version with lots of extras, CE3K is an impressive film in any format. 980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was way better than I expected. - and nothing like what I was expecting. Certainly among the funniest of all films, this bawdy, unhinged, send-up of a classic British myth (and spiritual metaphor for human redemption) takes no prisoners in its quest for laughs at any cost. Well, not really any cost because it was filmed on a ridiculously modest budget. 4719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the music and story. Kuroda, a proud Japanese Naval officer and Lee Marvin plays a downed American Pilot. They both end up on a deserted small island. They are mortal enemies, but somehow when you are both staring death in the face, it is easier to make common cause against it. The story of the movie is how they overcome their hatred for each other (in the generic - wartime sense) to find a way to be found, signal for help, or get off the island somehow, someway. Both actors are superb. Racoon City is quarantined, trapping all within along with the virus-raging zombies. Among those trapped is Dr. Ashfords young daughter. Safely watching from outside the city, Ashford agrees to help Alice and Valentine escape if they can rescue her. It's all very Escape from New York-ish (1981). Trapped in a city of undesirables, our bad-ass hero is infected with a virus and will find a grim outcome nearing the end of the film unless she can save the daughter of a scientist who waits safely outside the city. 8811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I won't go into details about the plot of this movie as others here have already done so, but just to add that 'Hard Times' is definitely my favorite Bronson flick as it was my late dad's. Dad must have watched this movie at least 4 or 5 times a year: He was a HUGE Bronson fan. A martial arts magazine once noted that the bare-knuckle fight scenes were the best ever filmed, and I couldn't agree more. Incredibly, Bronson was a remarkably fit 54 when he made this film. This movie proves that you don't have to have a lot of special effects or complicated story lines to make a great film. A classic movie IMHO! In addition, there is an amazing book included that has an easy to read explanation as to how they show came about, stayed on the network, and left while it was still on top in the ratings. 3887 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such an amazing movie, you can watch it and watch it a billion time and you will always cry. I mean, come on now it's JR and SS as main actresses. It's a little erratic, but "Bottle Rocket" comes across as fresh, weird, and extremely well-done. Funny, zany and charming crime comedy with a twist of Wes Anderson. In this film adaptation of Harling's 1987 play based on the loss of his sister, the main area of the congregations of the principles is the home-based beauty salon run by Truvy Jones(played by the always sunny, lively, and amiable Dolly Parton)in a parish of Natchitoches, Louisiana. All in all, A River Runs Through It is a well-crafted masterpiece with a lot of hidden meanings. This review is really intended for the mature movie-goer. I say this because many of the young adults loved this movie and were having a blast. I only wish I could have seen what they found so interesting. But hey, I gave it a go. Even though the critics hate this movie(if you want a real laugh, check out Roger Ebert's review), the trailer was intoxicating. 1541 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I didn't care for this version at all. I thought there was no chemistry between the two leads, and there should be at least some smoldering of repressed emotions. The story was so abbreviated so as to seem just a conventional, brief story of thwarted love--the character development, especially of Jane, was missing in action. No heartbreak, no horror, no sense of Jane's virtue, tough interior and self-reliance, which helped her overcome so many of life's obstacles. Not even much atmospheric scenery. This Mr. Rochester, played by the usually-excellent Ciaran Hines, is utterly forgettable, weak, and miscast. He doesnt have to be handsome, but he does have to be powerful, passionate, sexy, and seething. After all, he keeps a mad wife locked in the attic and he tries to keep that secret while almost commiting bigamy. Oh but it get's even better when Jill, her partner, and a reporter are trapped inside a church with two lickers. Alice bursts in on a motorcycle to save the day and the first question I have is, "How did she know they were there?" Taxi Driver only has one highly-developed character, and that's Travis. I don't really see this as a problem since like the Michael Caine masterpiece Get Carter (1971), Taxi Driver is really all about Travis. Travis isn't a really a guy to look up to (he's a sociopath), but at the same time, his darker qualities aren't at all forced. Probably because of the Vietnam War, Travis is socially-detached from everyone else, and it really shows when he tries to establish a romantic relationship with Betsy. His relationship ends pretty swiftly when he takes her to a porn theater, thinking that when she said "go to the movies," that she'd want to see those types of films (Travis frequently goes to these theaters, and isn't too familiar with "regular" movies). Because NYC is infamous for crime (especially during the time it was set and filmed, which was 1976), Travis's disgust with the slimy people walking the streets is totally understandable. Travis's character is also very creative, because when he plans out his "finest hour" near the end of the movie, you see him take apart the railings from a shelf and lamp, to create a sliding mechanism on his right arm that pops out a gun from under his sleeve. That he's seen as a hero at the end of the film is a joke, a mistake made by people who think he did what he did to save Iris. Travis wasn't interested, I think, in saving Iris. He was just insane and didn't see Iris as one of the filth of humanity. He saw her as salvageable. He didn't go on the killing spree for her benefit, but her freedom was a lucky byproduct to Travis' madness. Stephen Geoffreys and Amanda Bearse also appeared in Fraternity Vacation (1985). 8392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't know why so many people are criticizing this movie, but it proves to be nothing but amazing. The only person who could ever play Annie to perfection would be Aileen Quinn, she was made for the role and the way she performs in this movie just makes Annie come alive. Carol Burnett was so hilarious as the role of Miss Hannigan even my mother agrees that no one else could play the part more beautifully than her. As for Tim Curry as the role of Miss Hannigan's twisted brother Rooster couldn't have done it any better, he really knows how to be an evil character. As for Albert Finney as the role of Oliver Warbucks the selfish millionare well his acting is very believable and he does an amazing job. Finally Ann Reinking as Grace Farell did a beautiful job, her character was so sweet and endearing and just the way she played it was perfect. All in all the songs were just brought to life, the acting was believable, the sets were amazing, the costumes were perfect, this movie has it all. I won't spoil the story line{u have to see it for your self}billy i order to survive had too dig deep into the pit of human strength to grab every oz of fight it took to survive the hot mess he got into. There is a breaking point that had producers in limbo & they walked off set. Billy lost it a few times but that time was a bit vivid be prepared.{BLOODY} Tommy Lee Jones- uni-brow notwithstanding- was however at his utter peak here as a younger actor. I can say without a doubt that I'd be giving this film about two stars were it not for his work here. He managed to balance out the more esoteric elements of the movie with a refreshingly middle-class cop's outlook on things. His sweet sense of charm, earnestness, relaxed & gentle demeanor here was a good foil to the uptight Dunaway, and only he seemed to be able to bring out any real depth in Dunaway's character. The love story within this film is what sticks with me to be quite honest, and I give the appealing Jones the credit for that. He pulled off a performance in the midst of a difficult plot with admirable talent here. He had little time to develop a real bond to Dunaway's remote character in the film, and yet he pulled chemistry out of Dunaway which I don't know that another actor could have, given the ninety-miles-an-hour storyline. His scenes with the other actors of the film are also memorable- Jones' presence is probably what has left such a pleasant feeling in my mind, to be honest. He was endlessly watchable here. Frankly, I didn't have much of an opinion about him as an actor (other than knowing that he was quite talented) before viewing this, and certainly did not see him as a sex symbol. My opinion has now changed! Ah, bugger them all with the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch... 7063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 classic that my 7 year old liked 9893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the barebones edition Blue-Ray of Blue Thunder, nothing but the movie itself. No menu, no subtitles, and only the one audio track. Still, the film looks good - wide-screen letter-boxed (black space above & below the picture). There is a newer special edition version, but I can't say if it has anything this edition is lacking. The fun is just getting started. Cut to former shiny-happy Umbrella Corporation employee Alice (played tastily by actress-model-singer Milla Jovovich) waking up in the shower of a mansion with no memory as to how she got there. Not to worry, as she soon has plenty of company: a crack-squad of commandos sent in to do a by-the-numbers infiltration: get in, shut down the psychotic Red Queen, get out. Simplicity itself, right? A prescient film, that works to thrill and inspire. While this movie does have a certain cheesiness factor to it, that's what makes it so appealing. If you read the pamphlet that comes along with the DVD, it mentions that the director's purpose for this movie was to mix the Boy That Cried Wolf formula with the classic vampire mythology. The Blu-ray Disc will also provide: a new storyboard-to-screen comparison, a 'Watch the Skies' featurette from 1977 and the original theatrical preview. 9462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You don't have to be a Monty Python fan to find this funny. It is just so ridiculous that you find yourself laughing at the absurdity. Good simple gags, and the concept of the horse/coconuts is more than enough to keep the humour momentum going. This is always great for an evening with a group of friends with a similar sense of humour. Great fun. "Taxi Driver" additionally hints at Scorsese's excellent musical taste by using Jackson Browne's "Late For The Sky" in the soundtrack. The song's appearance in the film is a little jarring, but quite fitting, and it IS one of the best songs ever written. 1578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good This is a must own. 852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great RC A;B;C And it's sad because the Resident Evil games are known to be the scariest games out there. So what the heck is up with this movie? Besides the terrible acting, script and story in Resident Evil, there is also a lack of creatures from the games. 2290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It came in great condition and I can't wait to watch it with family and friends. MOVIE NIGHT AT MY HOUSE!!!! 3638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 amazon has once again stuck blu ray material with dvd material and vhs even leading to mass confusion and There aren't enough words to express how much I love UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS. My favorite moments from the series come mostly from seasons 1 and 2, and while I love the entire series, I particularly love the performances of Nicola Pagett (Elizabeth) and Pauline Collins (Sarah). 6059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great retelling of a classic! It really is a beautiful film, and I especially love the urban fantasy element. Theres a reason that fantasy remains such a popular genre in the age of cell phones, the internet, and laptop computers. The image of an armored man riding a horse in defense of good or as an emissary of evil is powerful, and Gilliam manages to explore the impact those images have on our collective psyche. The visual side of the film is stunning, but The Fisher King achieves its power thanks to Robin Williams through whom the audience perceives terrible torment inflicted upon tremendous humanity just like in real life. Go watch The Fisher King or watch it again if youve already seen it. Its a fitting tribute to a great talent, and it will make you happy...a little sad too...but mostly happy, which is good. 4480 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 When I saw "I know what you did last summer" at the theater I was hooked. When I heard there's gonna be a sequel, I was like "Wow! Can't wait to see it" It was a big dissapointment when I finaly saw it. First of all it completely destroyed the brilliant ending of the first part. I think it should have been better connected instead of just being explained as a nightmare. The character of Julie James is still pretty interesting but all of the new characters are pale in comparison. There are a lot of really gory sequences, which are fun to look at but there isn't as much suspense as in the first. The producers just thought "bloodier equals better" I guess but that just isn't the case. The ending is a ridiculous repetition of the ending of the first one and I hope this doesn't mean there's going to be another sequel. If you like seeing Jennifer Love-Hewitt and a lot of blood then this movie isn't too bad after all but if you're looking for believeable characters and a clever story line you're gonna be dissapointed. 1886 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies!!!! Excellent plot, excellent acting !!! Many were written by Brian Clements with a variety of directors such as James Hill, Don Leaver, Peter Graham Scott and Charles Crichton. If time is a factor, the movie I recommend is the '11 (although be advised it begins at chapter 28 in the book, and then goes back to Jane's beginning). There are a couple of deleted scenes that add more background to the story, so you may want to check them out. 4113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. Thankyou. yet but I have read the book. It has been fifty years ago since this 3442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the one you want, if you want to buy this movie! It has all the versions and added bonus'. The interviews and behind the scenes are spectacular! 6240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic. Great cast . . . great story . . . beautifully shot. Even though it isn't a current film, the story of family relationships holds true. 3367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was fun seeing the movie again. We made it a point to see it after our trip to South Dakota where we stopped to see Devils Tower. Along with a star studded cast, this film is a great recipe for a pleasant movie experience. This is indeed a wonderful movie ,a film that works on multiple levels and on a grand scale that focuses on the people that have encountered UFOs up close and personal. Spielberg even gave the late Prof. Allen Hynek famed UFO researcher from North Western University a cameo role near the end of the picture to lend it an even more realistic touch. 7751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When the book was new, my fly-fishing boss recommended I read it, but I didn't because I figured I'm no fly fisherman and it would bore me. Maybe I was wrong. Bonus features on the Blu-ray Special Edition include two audio commentaries with Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda, two documentaries about the making and history of the film, TV excerpts showing Hopper and Fonda at the Cannes Film Festival, and theatrical trailers. 6816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! 3613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is one of the most famous alien movies ever made. Richard Dreyfus is the main person and he has a close Encounter of a space ship that changes every thing. i love the whole movie. At the end we just wonder what we could do to really avoid the sadistic spiral of that vengeful vision of social management. And the only answer seems to be "escape". As far away and as fast as possible from justice, prisons, drugs and all the rest, maybe even humanity itself. STWRITES@AOL.COM 4261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old Arnie flick - glad to have it in my collection - SBJ 9659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, the possibilities of this society being real in the not so distant futer makes it a captivating watch. 8513 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!!! Laughed all the way through it!! 499 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Joseph" is an epic motion picture; another excellent and inspiring Bible story which was creatively and sensitively produced. It traces the story of Joseph in Genesis and brings it to life in a powerful and compelling way. 434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You will enjoy the story of Joseph , it's very entertaining , it will keep you watching, what's going to happen to Joseph next . The good think about the story of Joseph is where he ends up at the end . Good story excellent film. 84 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Slow moving. Boring. Never finished it. 5758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 5 STAR - WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY Although some of the sexually explicit (though historically accurate) scenes should be screened from the very young, this film is an ideal platform from which teens can search out characteristics of moral uprightness in a character of whom the Bible has not one negative thing to say! Similar themed Blade Runner had a pretty crappy DVD release before Warner announced a ginormous edition for 2007. Gattaca is another that should be re-released as this is quite awful for a much-praised film. It's definately a rental but if you're a huge fan and you want to own it now go ahead but when the inevitable "Special Edition" or "Collector's Edition" is released, you'll have an extra so it depends on how often you're going to watch a film and let's face it, with Gattaca, it's not that bad to rewatch it over and over. 5) "A Sense of History" Have Emma donning a merry man's costume in this Robin Hood adventure. A modern day Robin is found with an arrow in the back, pushing Steed and Emma to stop the neo-fascist Merry Men from achieving their devilish plans. 82 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Worth watching if you like dickens This Alexander Witt guy, who has done Second Unit Direction on lots of movies did a great job with this film. Rita Davies Historians wife 8823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like action movies with good old fasioned streetfighting this is your movie. Movie arrived in just over a week, in great condition. 445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Joseph clearly tells how God can use anyone. Despite his background of brothers who hated him and sold him into slavery, he held on through prison years in Egypt and became the second highest, most powerful leader in Egypt. When his brothers finally came to the realization that this leader under Pharoah was indeed their very own brother, it was then that Joseph forgave them for what transpired in his youth. It's a lesson we can all take to heart. This fact aside, "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" is the very best of the wonderful Rankin/Bass specials. The designer for the series of holiday specials, Paul Coker, has done an exceptional job with these delightful wooden and plastic creations. We see Kris Kringle develope from a foundling baby to the Santa figure so well known today. Each stage of his development is wonderful. But then, each of the characters is designed and executed perfectly. Watch the delightful changes of the Winter Worlock from mean and evil to mellow and fun. for the actual movie... 4112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old school movie , loved it heartwarming , a must watch. 2301 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of Harrison Ford's better and least appreciated performances, Air Force One is a thrilling film that makes the most of its action hero star and his unique bond with movie going audiences. In Air Force One, Ford plays the role of President of the United States. In the same way that it's near impossible to envision any other actor in the role of Indiana Jones, it's difficult to envision anyone else as president for this film. Ford projects the image of such a strong, honorable, and likeable leader that the audience is immediately rooting for him. Does it get any better.....yes the women actually aren't stupid morons like in most horror films. They are the heros not the victims. 7121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie; my kids and grandkids enjoyed it! there is lots of blank screen in between the Video clips & the promo TV interviews 295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler stars in this remake of the classic tale of Scrooge. This one is set in post-Depression era America and is oneof the best I've ever seen. Winkler is equally at ease as a young man with a girlfriend or an old man with an attitude. I watch this every Christmas and was delighted to discover it on DVD. You'll love it! 2741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Script beautifully structured with no abuse of long explanatory sentences. gorgeous Cinematography by a master Hungarian. Very well directed, the plot arrives to it's crucial moment in a very casual way; no exploitation of violence or nudity; the story shows, in a pretty good style the universal question of GOOD and Evil, Authenticity vs hypocrisy, tolerance vs bigotry. The acting is superb. 3300 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It'd be hard to go wrong with a cast like this, but just to add that extra bit of insurance, get a smart, funny script and a director who understands women. There you go, Steel Magnolias. This film about six women whose lives are bound together both by kindred spirits, and by the joys and sorrows of their lives, could have ended up sappy and maudlin. Instead, saved by wit, a fine edge of meanness, and a goofy charm, this film really works. It makes the friendships feel real, the characters seem knowable and familiar. These aren't perfect women with perfect lives who smile through tragedy. These are women you know, or would like to know. There's not a bad performance in the whole film, and the supporting cast is as good as the leads are. They'll have you weeping helplessly one minute and screaming with laughter the next. Patrick Macnee shrewdly plays John Steed, England's gentleman undercover agent. Linda Thorson is one of several of a line of Steed's voluptuous sidekicks. In the U.S., most of us didn't even know about Honor Blackman and Macnee's other (earlier) partners until years later when these episodes finally emerged on VHS tape. Diana Rigg can probably claim about 60% of the credit for the vast number of U.S. audience members who were glued to their TVs when "The Avengers" finally hit here. The other 40% (not forgetting Macnee's fine performances) had to do with the presentation of this excellent series. Maybe humans can never reach that without some of themselves showing through. 5690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 you got to have this!!! great 7238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent product....fit every need of mine and came when scheduled. :) One of the most charming scenes is between two of the common soldiers trying to stay warm and dry in a small tent. They discuss the merits of smoking corn silk vs. cow dung in their clay pipes. They are very young and very human 440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Acting was very good, the story line was well done and included all the important parts of the tale without adding too much conjecture in. The acting is fair but nothing special. The only truly good acting performance is by Teri Garr who realistically and grippingly shows what is like to have one's life turned upside down by a spouse who's caught in the grip of an obsession. Other than Ms. Garr, the rest of the cast is either way over-the-top (Dreyfuss) or forgettable. 7034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil is a Hollywood zombie. Because of the MPAA ratings, Resident Evil lacked the necessary gore a zombie masterpiece requires. . Although the film is serious and respectful to the story (about time, I am sick of post-Evil Dead films), Resident Evil would have been more powerful if it graphically showed the zombie bites, intestines, head explosions, etc.--like in Dawn of the Dead which was made independently and released unrated. But instead we are left with a typical action-horror limited by mainstream commercialism and the MPAA. I am just relieved that Resident Evil was treated seriously and has Mila Jovovich playing the main character. Mila Jovovich, who was brilliant in Luc Besson's The Messenger, carries the film from beginning to end without flaws in her performance. Her close-ups are beautiful and with her model features and eyes, she shows us a powerful woman on screen. She is definitely a talent to watch in the future. 2588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. 6962 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I don't understand where all the gore went. Thirteen ghosts was filled with gore that was not needed,this film is based on a video game that was bloody from start to finish,its rated R so why? No zombies show up for 40 min and you only see one mutant creature. The dogs are killed off too fast and with no originality,and yet another slow motion matrix ripoff jump kick. What a waste,they had 40 million dollars and millia jovovich and this is there best.dawn of the dead had almost no money,but they have a 2hr nonstop zombie masterpiece.watch it instead. 5726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The first in a series of rock-em sock-em action flicks with a strong female lead. Bet you can't watch just one... 398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Christian Movie 2911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 delivered on time and as described 7188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid. I love the songs, and I absolutely love Carol Burnett and Tim Curry. Great movie! 6313 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 That was me vomitting from this movie. Not because it's gross but because it's just...sigh...there isn't a word for this. 9714 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 interesting movie Surrounded by snobs and status-seeking social climbers, Rumpole is completely and totally without pretense. He'd much rather rub worn elbows with shady, blue-collar criminals than the haughty, monied upper classes. 4640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GOAT movie Best of all is Ian McKellen's take on the Grim Reaper from Ingmar Bergman's THE SEVENTH SEAL (1957). Honorable mention to Tom Noonan's horribly scarred axe-wielding villain. He and Arnold play dual roles: themselves the actors and their action film characters. So OH NO CREEPY AWKWARD WHITE DUDE TURNS OUT TO BE THE MURDERER, no f***ing s***, who didn't see that coming a mile away? Then he disappears throughout the second half of the movie and only pops in once in awhile to remind the audience "hey I'm still here", then finally shows that he's the bad guy to the last retard in the audience who couldn't tell and puts his EVIL FACE!!! on. This wimp is the least threating villain ever, and his dad comes up and f***s him in the ass or whatever, I stopped paying attention at this point, this movie SUCKS! I put as much thought into this review as they did into this movie. 2910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 clasic The Script Booklet? ( The original is still available,and WITH all the cool photos.)( And,not to mention,if you put the English captions on,it's the same as having the script book! ) Oh, I said that already. Ok, you get it. Some people might get upset about the use of English. It's not the best and if you watch a Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat American movie, you are either used to it or your a person that moans about the English. Just sit down and watch the movie without zoning in on the language, let the story and the action be the main thing you are watching this movie for. I'm sure this movie was expensive to make as well and Gen-X Cops in my opinion has a much more of an interesting storyline. I have had my eyes on this one for years. In fact so many 70's films exceeded my expectations that I wanted to buy it before I started 1976 to ensure it didn't go under the radar. I'm not disappointed with "Taxi Driver" it is precisely what I expected. I think what happened is over the years no one could give me a good reason to watch it. They just said it was great. All the effusive accolades amounted to vapid emotion to me. I want well thought out reasons why a movie is supposed to be good. I don't care who's in it, who directed it, or likes it, no movie gets a pass. If you aren't good then I'm going to say so and "Taxi Driver" is not good. It's boring and unfocused. 2265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of my favorite Harrison Ford Movies!! 3979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great cast! Great Movie! 6628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having seen the Ingrid Bergman version "Joan of Arc", and now "The Messenger", anyone who is somewhat familiar with that period's personalities would agree that somewhere in-between lies the true Joan. The Ingrid Bergman version depicts Joan as a much too innocent and pious young woman who could never have led the many thousands into battle. The Milla Jovovich version is a bit too irreverant but warrior enough to join the bloody gnashing of teeth and breaking of heads as was customary in battle those days. So...for those too unkind with this film, you must agree that somewhere in between is Joan of Arc and we needed both versions to realistically form a picture of what she was truly like. Both films were well directed and well acted. The story line revolves around 3 friends who end up smiling all the way until the end. Anton Tobias finds that his very own parents have been brutally murdered but the only thing he doesn't understand is who did it. His 2 friends come over and help to get Anton high so that he can calm down and forget his problems and then it hits him. He was the one who murdered his parents and it was because of his Hand. It is actually possessed. Now his friends/ the police/ and anyone that he can get his HAND on will be the next target. Idle Hands are the Devils Playground so will Anton be able to keep his hands occupied long enough to not hurt anyone else or will there be more bloodshed? The only way to know is to make the purchase and see for yourself :) But I promise if you do you will not be disappointed. As I said earlier, This movie will have you laughing the entire way through. I would classify this movie as a Horror/Comedy but to be honest it is more of a Comedy than it is a Horror Film :) So please pick this one up while it is still available and enjoy :) 9115 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Download at your own risk: UltraViolet is a Sony Company. Sony has a history of using, abusing, & losing personal information. 7638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Always enjoyable to watch. What makes "Easy Rider" great is that it's more than just a road adventure with a modern Western garnish (i.e. cowboys on motorized "horses"). The film has depth that separates it from the typical biker flicks of that era. It's really about freedom or the lack thereof. Wyatt and Billy certainly have some grasp of freedom - and they desperately pursue it - but they're ironically so shackled by their OWN carnal desires and growing addictions that the most they attain is a piece of it. Wyatt laments near the end of the film: "We blew it; we really blew it" as he realizes freedom has slipped through their fingers like water. Nicholson's character, George, has more of handle on what's going on, but he obviously has his own issues. 745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite holiday shows. I had only seen it before during a PBS telethon, so it was interrupted a lot. The DVD was lovely with no interruptions. The picture quality and audio is great. The story shows the people of Elwood City all celebrating the holidays in different ways, and how all of them are important. For Arthur fans, there's D.W. hi-jinks, funny friend interactions, and cute musical numbers. But I think even people who aren't familiar with the characters would enjoy it. It's for everyone to enjoy, be they aardvark, rabbit, or human. Disc 2 nice animated menu, but nothing too sophisticated. Extra stuff aside, does the film itself deserve a place in the collection of all-time great Science Fiction? The answer is a resounding yes, as the film conveys a sense of excitement, wonder and obsession. Different from other nihlistic sci fi films (The Alien movies), Close Encounters is a story of a man (Richard Dreyfuss), who, after having an encounter with a U.F.O, starts to become fixated with images and sounds that draw him to the film's conclusion. 968 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Even though I have never read the book I found this Production very good. If you can keep an open mind, and accept Joan as a person of her times. You have a good chance of liking the movie. The extras on the DVD try to explain why they did what they did. Remember Joan of Arc's time was called, (The age of Faith). A. Nathaniel Wallace, Jr. 397 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this story!! 5065 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Probably the most grittiest film from the 1970's, "Taxi Driver" stars Robert DeNiro as a New York cab driver who falls for a girl (played by Cybil Shepherd) working as a supporter for a would-be Senator. After she dumps him the taxi driver decides to garner her attention by attempting to shoot the politician in cold blood. The other plot of the movie focuses on the DeNiro character discovering a young prostitute (played by Jodie Foster) and his attempts to get her pimp away from her. The movie is well-known for its use of firearms and the line "You talkin' to me?" The film is violent, especially the last moments of the film, but this kind of motion picture had to be made to show the seediest side of New York City and how people survive in a metropolis. The movie garnered 4 Oscar nods including ones for Best Picture, Best Actor for DeNiro, and Best Supporting Actress for Foster. This set includes a "Making-of Documentary" which is informative and entertaining with interviews with the cast and crew. The American Film Institute listed "Taxi Driver" as "One Of The Best Films Of All Time!". 5345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it Anyway, the horrific, ugly, malign, diabolic evil slaughtering hand is one of the staples of Grand Guignol horror, and Flender and Company hit the ball out of the park and work their material like champs. Hell ain't so bad if you have good (undead) friends and plenty of Cheesey-Poofs---give the boy a Hand. 1691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember looking forward to Sunday nights in the 1970's, when Upstairs, Downstairs was Masterpiece Theater's offering, introduced by the divine Alistair Cooke. When this DVD set arrived, I hoped that at least it could recreate the Edwardian world for me, as it did 30+ years ago. I was wrong. It is so much better than I remember. With the perspective and experience of thirty years coloring the viewing, the foibles and triumphs of the two families upstairs and down are so much more compelling now. With the underlying theme that the house must run smoothly no matter what is going on in the inside or outside world, the dependence of the two families on each other is beautifully portrayed. The period details, down to the china patterns and the paint colors are exquisite, and the characterizations the actors bring to their parts, made possible by the very fine writing, superb. 8192 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This one "grew" on me. Some words hard to understand but will probably enjoy watching again. I like the open credit scenes, while the fine and suitable score. I point out also the rejoicing chorus, similar to Burt Lancaster in "Elmer Gantri." In a society that heaps praises and opportunities on the genetically pure, there is a black market where people like Vincent can, for a price, take over the identity of people like Jerome (played by Jude Law), a genetically enhanced man who is now confined to a wheelchair. With his new identity, along with Jerome's blood, skin cells, hair, etc., Vincent is able to pursue his dream of going into outer space. But a murder at the company Vincent works for, in which he accidentally leaves a DNA trace of his real self at the scene, threatens to derail his plans. Demi Moore is surprisingly exceptional in the role of a woman who wants a baby more than anything in the wolrd. Michael Beign is her husband, a man attempting to save someone off of death row. We love when either of these are on screen and they both shine. Michael Beign is the gorgeous type of guy already familiar with horror - from The Terminator and Aliens to other sci/fi, disturbing roles. As far as I know this is a first for Moore but she conveys fear well and causes sympathy. What also helps is that her character is actually interesting. We see her side of things and get into her mind a bit, making the movie play out even better. 5180 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 If I could I will not giving any star, it's an horrible movie. Robert Deniro is terrible in it, he gets on my nerves, Cybil Shepard is annoying, only Jodie Foster seem fresh and interesting but we don't saw her much. To much violence for nothing and awful cheezy music. It was soooo boring. 1863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just what I wanted and it arrived on-time! 5271 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 TAXI DRIVER is the un-relenting tale of one man's journey into insanity while driving a cab on the streets of New York City. The many situations that Travis Brickle (a bloody brillinat performance by Robert DeNiro) encounters and the many people he meets while drivng this cab at night send him into a downward spiral of hate and contempt for everyone and everything. The fact that he is a Vietnam vet really seems to play a role in how affected he is by this incredibly obscene and disgusting society. Being dumped by a woman with whom is incredibly fond of, in addition to meeting a 13 year old street hooker all further establish as a sort of morality tale which questions both our society, and the people affected by it. The harsh yet mellow aura of the film is sharpley interupted at the end by an incredibly violent climax which may be too much if you're not expecting it. 2216 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie, very entertaining! What I learned from Resident Evil: Apocalypse: Nothing, this is a no-brainer. 9265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First of All, a couple of reviews down .. Dilovod wrote a review called 'An aquired Taste.' In which he blasted MP as 'Crass...Hardly Clever, lacking genius' then Dilovod mumbly stumbled forth into nonsense paragraphs about MP's Holy Grail lacking 'anything of spiritual value' But when it comes to Steve Martin, it's all about delivery. Martin owned this role. The constant use of coconuts to make the sound of galloping horses that do not exist. 1201 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The show speaks for itself. The package and disc setup is good 578 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great classic 3463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Devils Tower, Aliens and Spielberg! 5852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I love the action in this film the story line is not so far fetched either! I never played the video game but the movie franchise is solid!!! The Fugitive 587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 9584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting but didn't care for the swear words that didn't need to be there. Im so lucky to be on Amazon,they are always 8764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Filmed as The Streetfighter but changed to Hard Times in the US to avoid confusion with Sonny Chiba's movie (though still called The Streetfighter in the UK to avoid any raised eyebrows at Bronson trying his hand at Dickens), this is a terrific little movie that never quite got the attention it deserved in the mid-70s. In many ways it's almost a kind of Depression-era Midnight Cowboy with bare-knuckle brawling replacing the sex-for-sale, as James Coburn's ducking and diving street fight promoter teams up with Bronson's drifter and sees his chance at the big time. Naturally it doesn't work out that way, but en route to the inevitable fall debuting director Walter Hill draws a vivid portrait of people trying to survive in brutal times any way they can - with added brutal fights. 4613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another Great Drama Movie. Glad to have added this to My Collection. This is Robert De Niro in His younger day's. d) Scenes of him training, did he REALLLLLLY need to train to kill 3 guys???? Thought he was going to take out an army or something, totally anti-climatic. 230 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All I can say is watch it and judge for yourselves. I used to live in Concord, and it is not truly historically accurate. though there does appear to be a genuine Concord Coach in Slade's barn and there is indeed still a granite quarry. 7010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best kids/girls movie of the 80's. Still love this movie! I personally recommend Mark Twain''s book, Joan Of Arc. Joan captivated Twain such that he spent 7 years in France researching Joan's life. The most interesting narratives concerning her trial were taken from the trials transcripts. I don;t believe anyone can truly understand her brilliant, eloquent, defense for her cause and herself in language that seemed to be written for the bible, unless you read his book. You will actually stand up and cheer. 5421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No way to add to the reviews- this is hands down from plot, actors, music score, everything one of the iconic 80's classics and one of the best vampire movies of all time, so I will add this- notice in Peter Vincents apartment, how careful they are that you never see his reflection in any of the mirrors, even though by some angles you should; pretty sure that was intentional. IMAGE: The real casting coup in "Air Force One" is Glenn Close as Vice President Kathryn Bennett. Close manages to hold her own in a room packed with veteran male character actors like "Quantum Leap's" Dean Stockwell who constantly bullies Close to usurp presidential authority. Although certainly not the most original skyjacking melodrama, "Air Force One" manages to add elements to the formula and boasts enough visceral R-rated violence to keep you distracted throughout its 124-minute running time. 4187 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The story begins with Beth Cappadora going to her High School Reunion in Chicago. For some reason, she brings all her kids and leaves her husband behind. However, a tragedy strikes when she leaves the older boy (Vincent) to watch the younger one (Ben) and he goes missing. He goes missing for 10 years. 2658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A good bike movie!! It's probably considered at least a venial sin in America to criticize Columbus, who's bookended his directorial career with two of the biggest blockbusters ever to hit a big screen, Home Alone and the Harry Potter franchise. But let's face it. Home Alone was pure unadulterated emotionally manipulative schlock. The guy's made his mark directing the kinds of teen comedies John Hughes wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole (and Hughes even wrote Home Alone. One wonders why he didn't direct...). With Stepmom, Columbus has all the schlock with none of the cuteness of the child actors. Not that said cuteness ever made his films watchable previously. 3925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I experienced this film as a young lad and am pleased to own this very good DVD reproduction. Aside from all the obvious DVD advantages, I really enjoyed the extra features on this two-disc DVD. The interviews with Spielberg and others involved in the film are pretty facinating and insightful. Of course it is the film itself that is or isn't worth owning and for the excellent performances and the interesting concepts and questions presented here, this is a film worthy of repeat viewings and a fine addition to any DVD library. Trivia Note - Originally Mark Hamill wanted to audition for the role of Billy Hayes, but due to Hamill's popularity as Luke Skywalker in The Star Wars Trilogy, Alan Parker felt Hamill was not suited for the role and refused to meet him. Think of what it would have been like for Hamill to have appeared in the film? Read what others have to say, I agree. One thing I would like to add is that I particurlaly enjoyed the bonus material on this DVD, the "documentary" where they interviewed the actors, screenwriter, special effects person and the director. I found it very insightful, and being a New Yorker, appreciated the tibits of trivia as to where and how certain scenes were filmed. Another instance has already been mentioned on the site and is probably the direct inspiration for the Pythons. Start the Revolution Without Me (1970) also features a narrator getting killed by the events he is attempting to report. Then there's the casting. Forget the fact that this is basically Mr. Freeze with weather puns instead of ice puns, and it's being said by the great Sean Connery, the real offender of this film is Uma Thurman. Yes, Uma was in Batman & Robin also, so bad picking skills on her part, but my gosh is she miscast. The actress is from Boston, but the character is from England, and speaks in an English accent, and boy does it show. Oh wait, she also gets to fight her clone named "Evil Peel," and gets to say the line, "You just saved me from myself." Yes, that's actual dialogue from this movie. And that's one of the "funnier" lines. As for Ralph Fiennes, I don't believe he's actually in the film. It's actually Joseph in Ralph's face, because that's the quality he puts into this. Granted, his character basically gets to fight with umbrellas, drink tea, and speak in a polite British accent, but my gosh, put a little emotion into it! 6542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 RELIABLE 2515 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! If you're looking for a couple excellent (non-demoninational) well produced stretching DVD's, I would recommend the following: In conclusion, Upstairs Downstairs is quite simply an outstanding dramatic series. It is compelling, captivating, and often thought-provoking; and if you enjoy a dramatic series with lots of "goings on," scandal, and so forth, you'll enjoy it all the more! The inclusion of Thomas and Sarah is a delightful, light-hearted, entertaining bonus, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend this boxed set to all fans of the very best in British period drama. 4738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Iron Eagle should receive 5 stars "hands down!" It's fast paced, high energy; I couldn't sit still! I even turned on my speakers for great amplification, wow! This is a great hero movie with plenty of action, and hits every emotion. Not one dull moment in the movie. I highly recommend it! 4907 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Pace is too slow. Normally I like the actors in this, but I just didn't get it. 1356 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like it. Everyone here is charming. 2965 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Okay flic if you yourself are a stonner or newage-hippie, but overall I was far from impressed with the quality of its story-line. The ending was even worse. What is the meaning of the whole thing don't go riding in hillbilly hoods, karma, bad things happen to everyone who doesn't obey cookie cutter suburban life, or s*** happens only look out for yourself? 4044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Purchased this DVD as a christmas gift for a female member of the family. She really enjoys the movie and is glad to finally have it on DVD. Great price, fast shipping. 9831 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Make no mistake, "Gattaca" is a science fiction film with a vitally important message. It would have made an outstanding episode of "The Twilight Zone". But for a two-hour feature film, the story feels so padded that I had great difficulty staying awake through the recycled scenes and massive amounts of Michael Bay-style sap that spent too much time affirming the audience that they are perfect just the way they are. In spite of it's intellectually sound premise, the film ends up insulting the audience's intelligence with populist tripe when it should have taken on a much darker, grittier tone. The film has it's (legions of) fans though, so if you have ever questions about whether or not human genetic manipulation is something we should explore, then I'd recommend checking this out. You'll probably like it. But if mainstream Hollywood's penchant for talking down to the audience makes you clinch your teeth, pass it up and get back with Blade Runner instead. After all the training, the shenanigans, and the ubiquitous 80s montage in which Louis Gossett Jr. shakes it to an old jukebox, the training mission gets the go ahead, and it's up to Doug and Chappy to rescue Doug's father from the evil, Arab terrorists (and not face long-term prison when and if they get back). I had not seen this series when it originally aired thirty years ago and only by accident saw a video of a first season episode. I was quickly "hooked" and then watched the rest of the five seasons on DVD. Other than taking less room on your shelf, the DVDs did not appear to me to be much better than the video I viewed. 2023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I ordered this for my husband because he had watched it previously and enjoyed it. I asked him how it would rate it and what I indicated is what he decided. The gratuitous violence is a serious blight on the film; the murder/rape scene was arguably relevant to the plot but still was depicted with more detail and relish than necessary, and the remainder of the film overflows with dogs, wolves and crows gobbling human carrion and more battlefield amputations and decapitations than probability would dictate. I'm sure these earned the film its 18 restriction when, fundamentally, it could have quite easily avoided them. The Director's Cut seems to be the one to watch since it is Speilberg's idea of the how the movie should look. Worth noting is the deirector's cut of the movie removes the scene inside the mother ship. Wich Speilberg admits in the special features was a compromise with the studio to fund a few extra scenes for the Special Edition. (The "Director's Cut" is a combination and re-cut of the original release and the special edition.) MILLA JOVOVICH IS HOT AND GETS NAKED IN THIS ONE!! AND SIENNA GUILLORY IS A FOX!! 7573 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A sweet romantic film. This series is so much more, that is should be considered the path breaker for Buffy the Vampire Slayer which shows brains and beauty can coexist. 686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE STORY: Starting off with a newsreel on the children of the world preparing for a visit from Santa Claus, we meet a mailman named Special Delivery Kluger. After some introductory comments from the mailman, who delivers to the North Pole in a snowcat type vehicle, we see the credits spelled out on mail envelopes, with a stamp representing the actor listed. Inside the envelopes are question from children around the world about Santa. "Where did Santa's suit come from?", and more, so that the show can proceed to show where Santa got his start and why things are the way they are. In a sad vilage named Sombertown, ruthlessly run by the Burgermeister Meisterberger, toys are outlawed. On the other side of the mountain, elves are raising a human orphan boy, learned in the ways of toymaking. But a scary Winter Warlock has prevented them from delivering toys across the mountain. Whenthe boy grows up he is givent he name Kris Kringle, and he determines to deliver the toys. Arriving there he meets Ms. Jessica and falls in love, but Kris is arrested for the toys. After his escape he runs into the Winter Warlock, and must find a way to deal with him if he is going to deliver toys. Without giving any plot away, Kris has to find creative ways to smeak the toys to the children and avoid being captured again by the soldiers. Along the way we see how traditions like hanging stockings, using the chimney, delivering at night, making reindeer fly, and a nice/naughty list got their start. 2387 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 One of the most important aspects of a movie like this is for the film to make you actually care about the people who are held hostage. This film failed miserably in this endevour. If they'd killed everyone onboard, including Ford, I couldn't have cared less. You may get the idea I didn't like this film... and you would be mistaken. It's not that I didn't like it... The movie is about a teenager who does nothing but sit in front of the television all day long. His right hand gets posessed because it has nothing else to do, and it starts killing friends and neighbors, etc. 8269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A BRITISH LAWYER WITH A WIFE WHO RULES. HE'S FAT AND FUNNY AND THE ENGLISH JUDGE GIVES HIM A HARD TIME.HE SEAMS TO OVER COME AND WINS THE DAY. GREAT FUN Cut to some time later, and we finally get to the central plot. The CIA learns that a Soviet KGB operative codenamed the Bear wants to defect, but that the Bear wants only the agent known as Condorman to act as the primary facilitator. Woody is initially reluctant, but caves when he learns that the Bear is actually Natalia (who's mistaken Woody for a top agent) and that the CIA has agreed to bring his comic book designs to life. The rest of the film treats us to more globetrotting exploits, zany secret agent and superhero antics, and a whiff of romance. "AIR FORCE ONE" features a pretty solid transfer on Blu-ray. Video is presented in 1080p High Definition (aspect ration of 2:40:1) and one thing that I will make clear is that while many films featured in the 90's tend to have a DNR, clean, waxy or soft effect in terms of picture quality, the good news is that "AIR FORCE ONE" does not. 7143 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good There is also another category not on this list: Dvd ~ Jeff Bridges Disc One: Special Features: Conroy must have realised limitations of a film in comparison with the book. "The Prince of Tides" book is rather thick and to make a two-hour movie out of it is difficult. The film "Cider House Rules" was also criticised of being too thin in comparison with the book -- and, in fact, the author John Irving himself wrote the script. 6377 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is countless how many times I have seen this movie. There is one rough scene with the children, but other than that, it is a wonderful movie and one of her best. Will she ever be recognized as one of the best directors? The movie: 5. Chock full of hysterical scenes, it redeems the somewhat disappointing ending. Watching it on a big screen really makes it special too. 4573 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is perhaps the greatest American film of the past 30 years. TAXI DRIVER explores themes and characters that are archetypically American. If you've ever read about Tim McVeigh or John Hinckley, or ever wondered about the nameless nobody who seems to lurk on your city's streets, you know the Scorsese and De Niro and screenwriter Paul Schrader were there first. This is a brave, moral, explosive and graphic film that has only gained power over the years. 2327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Okay, so it might be a stretch of the imagination that the presidential jet can sustain hundreds of rounds of machine gun fire. That aside, "Air Force One" poses the (then) unlikely premise of a terrorist group commandeering the First Plane (maybe not so unlikely now) and how Harrison Ford, as a strict anti-terrorist commander-in-chief, has to abort the plot while saving not only himself but the First Family. Ford, one of the acting business' most professional artists, is absolutely believeable as both the most powerful man in the Free World and a family man, often struggling not to let the lines of both intersect. The multi-talented Gary Oldman (Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula," "The Contender") is in his element as the thoroughly and dastardly evil leader of the terrorist group, and the incomparable Glenn Close is riveting as the loyal Vice President who refuses to grab the reigns of power as long as her president stays alive. But Close's bigger contribution is her unparalled ability to convey her character's sense of subdued panic while maintaining calm as an uncertain nation looks on. Director Wolfgang Petersen ("Das Boot") has come up with a terrific nail-biter despite a couple of stretches of imagination. And, as for Ford's role as president, even Indiana Jones would have his hands full with the guy. Fast-moving with seldom a lapse in the action, this one is well worth the watch. 2119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very entertaining and a blast from the past. 6971 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I went to see Resident Evil, and I had never played the games(Not like it matters much). I wasn't expecting a good movie, I simply expected a movie just made primarly for money. My thoughts changed after seeing it. 576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AWESOME Family show. Been watching this forever!!! Many scenes of English life during and after the bombings and I could go on. 1079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is treated something like the lost child in the canon of director Woody Allen's career. As if he would have to apologize for this instead of, say, "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion". What Allen attempted here in his directorial debut is groundbreaking. This is the first example I can recall of a director telling his film in mock-documentary style, later employed by Albert Brooks and perfected by Christopher Guest. Allen proves himself to be not only a great comic visualist but there are great verbal puns here as well. The conceit of the film is a gas. We're supposed to believe that Allen's Virgil Starkwell, an inept dweeb of a criminal, if not among the FBI's most wanted does cause Mr. Hoover some sleepless nights. The gags here are rapidfire but I wouldn't spoil it for those who are uninitiated. My favorite being,though, is Virgil orchestrating a prison break with a gun he's fashioned out of soap during a rainstorm. All this failed effort leaves him with is a hand full of soap lather. Also, noteworthy in the cast is the late Janet Margolin as Virgil's faithful wife. Margolin basically plays straight woman to Allen but it's a shame this gifted actress who was so good in "David and Lisa" didn't have a more substantial film career. Jovovich is a stunning piece of eye candy, and I really enjoy watching her breathe, so I was game for this film and its ridiculous sequels. Still, I wish she were a better actress and I wish she were in better films. 2:30 minutes was added to the scene where the Dauphin chooses who will be the impostor. This is a good addition because it introduces the characters that will be Joan's captains in the following battles. A well-paced thriller, with characters - good and bad - having more than one dimension. Moments of ruthless cruelty - and moments of extraordinary courage and valor. 6774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I realize that everyone keeps comparing this to Braveheart...why? This is a totally different story. Jovovich did a spectacular job of portraying Joan. She was innocent and pure, yet crazed and wild. It was extremely refreshing to see a woman warrior for a change and she pulled it off amazingly. The movie was a bit dry in spots but honestly the ending was worth the wait. Unlike the opinions of some others...I thought Hoffman was brilliant...finally a portrayal of god with a touch of darkness. He makes you fear him to some subtle extent. I was glad to see God shown in a shade of grey as opposed to the always white and graceful appearance in most films. I believe that this movie raises alot of questions as to how Joan of Arc was deemed a Saint, if this enactment is accuate..and who knows...maybe she wasn't as blessed as believed. I like movies that make you ask questions and think. This movie did that for me. Audio: English: 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, English: Dolby Digital Mono, French: 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, Portuguese: 5.1 Dolby TrueHD and Spanish: 5.1 Dolby Digital The movie, however, is mindful that no one achieves success alone. Why would anyone help someone to misrepresent himself so he can achieve his dreams? Vincent is helped by Jerome (genetically superior being), Irene (his love interest), and a doctor (who tests urine samples). Even Vincent's nemsis (Anton) finally gets out of his way once he understands the power of Vincent's heart and determination. I believe people help Vincent because, in the end, no one really cares what advantages one is born with. We care far more about the human side of individuals. Vincent is someone we all can admire, and his positive qualities can't be bought or predetermined with genetic disposition. When we encounter such individuals, we are sometimes even willing to sacrifice our self-interest for them. 5994 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Extremely inaccurate representation of a country! People who have some awareness and information about the other nations will know what I mean after watching the movie! 5416 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is such a great movie! entert aining, fun, funny, and just simply a classic. you won't be let down! 4141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was as if destiny played a role in this film. Had they lived in the same state she had went to school, the whole situation of it all would've ended sooner. It's like they were meant to find each other. Also, great score collaboration with the movie, the emotional drama of it all. This is the kind of thing i'd imagine Lifetime Channel would play. But, it is worth every penny to own it forever rather than taping it for temporary. Just as good as I remember. It's one of the movies that gets better every time you watch it, start to understand it more. Highly recommended, one of my all-time favorites, one of the best. This is the type of movie which, on a superficial level, is only somewhat satisfying. However, it is on the psychological level where its real impact is felt - tragic, hopeful and uplifting. It is not the type of movie to watch if you are expecting to be entertained! 7675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just as listed......thanks Jill Valentine oooooo yessss And crack up at a very informative yet sometimes wacky fella If Walt Disney had decided to make a film for adults, it would have looked something like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Maybe Spielberg is the Walt Disney of the "Easy Rider" generation. And perhaps that is what "Close Encounters" eventually represents - a Baby Boomers' "Peter Pan." 278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler is excellent. The only thing I have to say is, there was too much time spent on his Christmas past. I got bored with it. Otherwise, it was good and worth the money. 3534 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Alien classic ....E. Film Flash A pleasant girl became a challenge for strong English king. Aileen Quinn IS Annie; she becomes the character both inside and out. When you watch her in this movie, it's pretty hard to imagine anyone else who could have done better. She's spunky, sweet, caring, and feisty--that's who Annie is, and that's what Aileen Quinn brought to the character. The singing was outstanding too--this is a great movie for children as well as adults....I've been watching it for as long as I can remember and I still love it. It's a classic! .......it's one of the best "Annie" versions out there, if not the best. 5763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sweet international trader highly recommended to all. 8070 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful film, with Robin Williams putting in what I consider his finest performance. It is also quite a different film - the sets are almost surreal, while showing the plight of homeless people in a stark and uncompromising light. But most of all it is a film that will make you laugh, and make you cry, and I feel you can never want more from entertainment than that. Don't pass it by - it is truly a wonderful film about how you can find salvation in the most unlikely of places. 7733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome movie very moving sad funny etc. loved it 6652 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This review may sound pretentious and ignorant, but in truth I'm a big fan of British history, so bear with me! 3865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The film starts and we see UFOs flying above. Roy sees it up close, and becomes obsessed with finding out what is going, at the expense of his family who think he's gone crazy. He becomes friends with a women he met the night he saw the UFOs, who had her son abducted. They both have visions of a tower, that holds some sort of significance. When they see on TV that near Devils Tower in Wyoming, there has been an evacuation because of a toxic spill, they both realize this is the tower they have been seeing. They travel there, and find an awful lot of mysteries there. What is going on at this tower, that is calling these UFO witnesses there, as well as the military? 7252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Granddaughters agedv7 and 9 wanted to see it, they liked it Annie A major shortcoming for me was that the zombie action scenes were all pretty weak. The bites were lame, the horde was uninspired, and outside of a few zombie kills by Milla, I could have done without them entirely. It felt like stock footage from The Walking Deadyou know, the kills you don't really care about as the characters kill their way from points A to B. Although I did enjoy our first meetings with zombies as the team was learning what they were (i.e., not alive). The way the movie ends is stupid too, it basically ENDS where it should've BEGUN, thus resulting to a tiresome sequel that may I say was a total flop! One of the great things about this movie is that it isn't trying to add some weird twist to the idea of vampire movies. It isn't a comedy (Love at First Bite), a grand drama (Interview with the Vampire), an action movie (Vampires), etc. It's a suspenseful vampire movie. Period. That sounds like such a simple idea, yet I've rarely seen any other vampire film actually pull it off like this one. We meet a small group of fairly interesting people, they're put in danger, and we spend the rest of the film on the edge of our seats hoping they get out alive. Chrissy K. McVay - Author 3652 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie is a bit overhyped, I am not going to argue the movie has good acting and special effects,and that perhaps we may not be alone. I really like the scene on the highway near the train tracks and The chase,*SPOILER*but really "Roy" is such a jerk and leaves to join the mothership? I would hope they torture him up there for being such a bad father and husband. probe him good. I also dislike spielberg for commenting "If we can communicate with beings from another planet peacefully then why not The Reds during the Cold War?" something to that effect. Spielberg must be one helluva naive person to state something like that and believe it. I also believe that Aliens wouldn't come here, Humans are too dumb,why bother. And if they did come they would probably destroy us. What to look for; 7038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Let's all hope this isn't another failed video game turned movie. This film is about two punkers named "Stevo and heroin Bob (Matthew Lillard and Michael Goorjian) who are college graduates who's dream is to make pure anarchy all over the country. Stevo's dad is a lawyer, who wants Stevo to go to Harvard Stevo has the grades, but he doesn't want to go with the system. After hardcore punk shows, and punch of drugs taken in, the two punks don't know what to do in Salt Lake. Heroin Bob doesn't really do heroin, infact he is scared of needles, that's why they call him that. What really caught my attention in this film is Til Schweiger and how well he played his character mark. My favorite scene is when Mark explains how his whole family died, I know you will love that scene. Til Schweiger did that part so well it deserved an Oscar. This film talks about the history of punk, and what a punker thinks. 7878 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Just a little cheesie. 553 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Jesus Film is truly a phenomenon and great tool for reaching many people to understand the Jesus that is described in the Gospel of Luke. The producers of this movie did painstaking research for many years, and they sought to be accurate in the little details, not only of the clothing and village life, but the ways the people talked and recited the prayers. The filmmakers sought and succeeded in making a very accurate depiction of the life of Christ as taught in the Holy Bible. "The Fisher King", billed as a modern Arthurian fable, lives up to that description. Crass commercial culture, shock radio, homelessness, and even a sly reference to the nascent AIDS epidemic form the backdrop for this remarkable story, which mixes the entire range of human emotions in a very satisfying and entertaining stew. 5057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taking a trip into Wes Anderson's head is like going into a parallel universe where most things are the same, but the nature of reality is just slightly warped. And that formula holds true for "Bottle Rocket," his first collaboration with actor Owen Wilson (who also stars), an absurdist crime caper. Every problem that a video game movie has ever had is here. A thin plot, bad acting, lazy directing, crappy dialouge, bad effects, I think you get my point. Now, as with most video game movies, the flaws I mentioned about were to be expected and I figured that the movie would at least have some good zombie action. I couldn't have been more wrong! The action in this film is so bag it's almost laughable. Most of the action consist of generic shoot em up scenes and slow motion martial arts type fighting with Milla Jovovich. Thanks to the lazy directing of Paul W.S Anderson, the film is incredibly boring and every scene consist of the same repetitive set up. Characters walk slowly through hallway, predictable zombie jump scare, characters kill zombie, repeat. It grows tiresome fast and I wanted to shut the movie off about halfway through I was so bored. While watching, I was actually shocked by the fact that these movies actually have a pretty big fan-base of people who actually think the story here is good and the characters are interesting. The only positive things I can say about the movie is that it does have a good setup and Mila Jovovich looks hot as hell. I give it more than 5 stars, as all the fantasy (fantastic) scenes were made without today's help from computers. Everything they did was done without computers and it still looked real. As much as I love Harry Potter, and I do, I doubt it could have been made or even attempted without computers. Those words would haunt him. 9999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 got a great disc for almost nothing and the movie is a four star action movie. 3867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is one of Spielberg's most personal films, and one of his best DVDs. Originally released in 1977, Spielberg re-released it with additional footage in 1980, then altered it again for the film's 1997 re-release on VHS with the extra footage dropped and some scenes never released put back in. This DVD is the definitive version of Spielberg's classic, with the extra sections making the film's progress more involving than when it was first released. 3793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of Jessica Alba's best movies. It was one of her best because she wasn't well known at the time and was a pleasant surprise. The movie itself has a solid mix of horror and comedy mixed throughout. The premise was very good and original. The casting was solid as I was entertained from start to finish. 1462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 John and Emma are back and are here to stay via DVD technology. Being on DVD, the aesthetics about the actual episodes are not in question here. More appropriately one may ask how they look. They look good, very good. If you relish a series like "The Avengers" or "Twilight Zone" you no doubt know about the content of what you are getting. You are more likely concerned about the quality of what you are getting. Like Emma might say to John, "Can I borrow your umbrella just one more time? Thank You Mother. 6114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As an avid Resident Evil (video games) and Milla Jovovich fan, my 5 stars could certainly be a biased opinion. I enjoyed seeing more of the story, surrounding the games and I really enjoyed the acting on everyone's parts and I enjoyed the action scenes. This movie is far superior to the next movie in the line "Resident Evil: Extinction". That was in one word: Awful. Zombies don't wear jumpsuits! Why are they in jumpsuits!? So the "real world" kid falls in with the completely fake Slater, who is of course unaware that he's a movie character. There are some pretty good jokes early on - Slater's boss, the blustery Lt Dekker (Frank McRae) gets so angry and abusive if his regular berating of Slater that he becomes completely incomprehensible; Slater never runs out of bullets and never hurts himself; there are cameos from several costars of Arnold's from previous films; cartoon characters work as cops; etc. But the satire on action movie conventions is fitful and often seems to be used just to fill in the blanks between "real" action sequences, and the developing friendship between Danny and Jack, while sweet, just doesn't feel as significant as it should. Perhaps a Spielberg would have made it too shmaltzy, but here you're left wondering just how Danny really feels about the whole experience once it's over. 258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 He did a great job as a Scrooge type character. I truly enjoyed this film. I liked him from the Happy Days show. 126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A version of Christmas Carol. It's a good story based on the familiar theme with Henry Winkler as the Scrooge character. Some very talented actors were cast and the acting was very good. If you like Christmas movies you should definitly give this one a try. This film well deserves it's place on many "greatest films" lists and hopefully it will continue to remain on such lists for many years to come. 3327 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Only good thing was the musical conversation. The rest SUCKED and made me sad. If, however, you're one of those people who hates grunge music because it's dark/depressing, you probably can't relate. 4965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect in every way! Thank you! :) 6155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movies is one of the best Sci-fi genre movies. If you like action and surprises and suspense then you should watch this movie. This is definitely the best of the three movies. So if you haven't seen this movie, you NEED to!!! This is one of my favorite movies and I tell all of my friends about this movie. I give it a 10 out of 10! 1261 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I like British stuff. I like spies...but this movie kept putting me to sleep; however, there was this one bit where they were driving a convertible and pressed a button on the dash and hot tea came out of the tap. They drank it from actual cups and saucers while going down the road. When the credits started rolling, I realized that Voldemort had been in it...Ralph Fiennes as John Steed. Sean Connery was also in it. I do like his voice. 3303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie became the montra by which all of my sisters and my mother related to each other. Every time I would hang up the phone with my mother, I would say: "I love you more'n my luggage" and we are constantly quoting it to each other. Since my mother died from cancer at 45 in November 2000, which was accompanied by kidney failure, the movie took an all too real turn. I would have ever thought I could relate to this movie in such a real way before. It did look like she had been "driving nails up her arms." and what was once funny on television became too real to understand. I have been unable to watch the movie since she died, but it has and will forever be my life on screen. Also in the cast: Oded Fehr, Thomas Kretschmann, Zack Ward, Mike Epps, Stefen Hayes, Brad Borbridge, lain Glen, Larissa Gomes, Alexander Witt. Matthew G. Taylor as the "Nemesis". 542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best Christian movies out there. Portrays the gospel of Luke very accurately. Nothing but Jesus and the gospel. The script comes straight out of the Bible. 5813 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Yes, this movie has technical and script flaws but the action, fear factor and (Alice) Milla Jovovich make that all go away. This is pure action/science fiction/horror with a capital "E" = escapism, excess, evil, and eye-popping. It is beneath it all an amped-up zombie movie with an evil 'big brother' (The Umbrella Corporation)twist thrown in for good measure. This film is more horror than the sequels. This first film in a series sets one up for where this is heading, a futuristic world being manipulated by an evil conglomerate. The plot is this, someone has released the T-virus in the underground labs of the Umbrella Corporation. The only none survivors are Alice (Milla Jovovich)and Spence parks (James Purefoy), the 'married' security officers. A special rescue/security team (led by Colin Salmon and Michelle Rodriguez) takes them and a 'police officer'Matt Addison played by Eric Mabius with them into the underground Racoon City complex. There, they must deal with the super computer, the 'Red Queen; (voiced by Sophie Vavsseur)- the daughter of the computer's inventor and designer, the former complex staff turned zombies by the T-virus , zombie doberman dogs and mutants. Along the way, they discover betrayal, an eco-advocacy/terrorism plot and corporate greed. In the lead role of Alice, Ms. Jovovich shines as the initially confused and drugged security officer who slowly realizes her role in this tragedy and is able to deal with the evil that exists all around her. She comes out the hero but is soon at the mercy of the Umbrella Corporation which designates her as ''Project' Alice and the other survivor, Matt Addison as Project 'Nemesis.' "You're dead!" This definitely a "must see" film. It is well paced and keeps the audience's attention throughout. The settings and the atmosphere of the dark side of the city are convincing. My only reservation is the ending. I cannot see how Travis' action would have been viewed in the way that the film showed. For instance, several episodes from the FOX releases clipped the main title from the opening credits. Comparing the same episodes with the Shout! Factory release, the main titles are intact and all of the words are included. There are no episodes with muddled audio, either. You can spend your hard earned dollars with confidence when you buy this movie and you will want to either loan it to others or buy it for them as a gift. It's too bad that more movies of this quality are made, especially when you consider all the technology that is available. Funny, when I was a kid, I had no interest in Annie, but now, at 72 years old, I found the movie entertaining. 6454 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Barbra Streisand is Lowenstein - a shrink trapped in an unhappy marriage to a violinist (Jeroeme Krabbe) and who ultimately finds salvation in the arms of Tom Wingo (Nick Nolte) the brother of one of her patients, Savanah, who has attempted suicide. This is a love story with plenty of treakle but more than an ounce of vinegar as Tom and Lowenstein hit things off, become lovers, but ultimately part company forever to resolve their differences with their respective spouses. Wheather film fact or film fiction, relation or no relation, "Taxi Driver" to this day remains one of the most powerful films about alienation. Anyone that can't write a screenplay at least as good as this in one day, simply isn't trying very hard. This movie is a tragic waste of time and your wife or girlfriend will leave the room while you sit there hoping it's going to get better. Well, guess what. It won't get better and you shouldn't even spend one second giving any thought to renting or buying this over-hyped, over-acted lobotomy of a film. Option of language and subtitles: English , Spanish, French, Portuguese. 4957 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Stupid movie. theater once upon a time, and loved it then. Good plot, good script, intrigue. A little post-modern 1965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 3434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great show 5060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver stars Robert Di Nero as Travis Bickell, an isolated, alienated Viet Nam vet living in NYC, during the mid-70s. Travis inhabits a world of violence, crime, and sleaze, as he makes his way through NY as a nighttime taxi driver. His personal life is empty, and he has no intimate friends, family, or romantic attachments. I really wanted to give it a 3 1/2 stars,as it's not really THAT good,but so be it... Darker than almost all films noir, think of "Death Wish" crossed with "Othello" when you think of "Taxi Driver." ( Look out for : The scene early in the film at which time Coburn is sitting on his balcony reading the newspaper race guide, and you can clearly see his shirt cuffs, but as the door bell rings and Coburn leaps to his feet, he is suddenly only wearing a singlet, and then reaches for his shirt to put it on !! ) 123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. Therefore, the movie successfully sheds light on aspects of American History that some would rather keep hidden "under the carpet." Yes, the hip and handsome Jerry Dandridge and his zombie boy-toy are bringing women up to the newly renovated (in early Addams Family) house, draining them, then dumping their bodies. in a film. It's important to remember that 'mockumentaries' weren't 8688 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Always liked Bronson but this one was a classic period piece. Decent acting, very good fight scenes although strangely, the next to last fight was more intense than the final, supposedly climactic fight. That notwithstanding an extremely entertaining movie as long as you take it for what it was meant to be, an action flick with good fights and a taste for the depression era environment. It's hysterical at a level that any 12 year old can enjoy, but at the same time it's a sophisticated, post-modern romp through history that any adult with a funny bone can enjoy. 6294 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Let me start off by saying if you like true horror/zombie movies, then don't even bother watching this movie, it's a horror movie made for the mainstream, meaning it sucks. The extras are lavish: The effects are decent even though it was a 1985 production. The sound effects had been remastered to show off your Dolby Surround system. If you're dying for a thriller, this is a must for you! 771 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Grandchildren loved it and have watched it several times. They enjoy watching Arthur and I think there are good lessons in them. The video transfer while not perfect, is still very good. Grain and thus Detail appear left intact leaving a theatrical look. Given the low budget of the film and way it was made may make this the best the film will ever look on a home video release... "My Master the Chili King" (Episode #139) has Arvel (Gabriel Dell), who is Tony's cousin (twice removed) showing up and convincing Jeannie to invest $1,000 in his great recipe for Texas chili. She buys his story that Tony has agreed to endorse the product and promptly blinks up cans with his picture on them and gets them on the shelves in every grocery store in the area. The only problem is that NASA does not let its astronauts endorse products. A solid outing as far as such things go, the episode also has Dick Van Patten as the clerk at the market. I like a good spoof movie as much as anyone, as long as it is funny like BLAZING SADDLES or THE NAKED GUN movies. But I think this movie was best described on an episode of THE SIMPSONS. On that episode there was a fancy party in which all the beautiful people of Springfield attended. There was a character at the party inspired by Arnold Schwarzeneggar named Rainier Wolfcastle. Police Chief Wiggum walked up the Wolfcastle and said, "Magic ticket, my a**!". My sentiments exactly. 188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very good movie. Henry Winker is excellent. It is touching and will warm your heart for Christmas. 5721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good buy. 2437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Gere tough guy, a cop this time, with Kim Basinger at her steamiest as the love object, and the most love-to-hate bad-guy adversary, played by Jeroen Krabb as "Losado" the Cajun mobster who "owns" KB, bought from her mama at age 13 to be his mistress. 9318 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To those who do not like this film I say STUFF IT... "Missing Believed Killed" - James is still missing at the front, and the entire household is thrown into shock. 2296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is a good, solid movie but it's really unrealistic. Like the president could have really taken down a large group of terrorists. I mean he's not Arnold or a military expert. He's the president for God's sake! Like any president could have done this! The movie's simply about the air force one plane that's hijacked by Russian terrorists and the president decides to stay on board and not go in the ejector seat and kick their buts! Which he of course does! Gary Oldman, Glenn Close and Harrison Ford star in this good but completely unrealistic movie. 3711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie, pretty funny... and umm.. . . Jessica Alba. Does it all count for nothing? 8181 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My granddaughter loves this movie. I wanted to get a copy of it so when she comes over we can watch it together. Thanks for your fast shipping and low price 5472 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love the series 805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Liked the program. 5862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was the first film I ever saw in my entire life which exposed me to cinema that was the exact opposite of the movies I was being fed at the time: happy-happy joy-joy movies within fantasy settings, where the good were so good that they could raise your blood sugar levels and the bad were big-old meanies, and the boy and the girl ran in slow motion toward each other to embrace each other and twirl. Yuck. Midnight Express opened a whole new world for me, and I am grateful for that. I especially loved John Hurt and Randy Quaid. I loved Brad Davis in some scenes. And the prisoner wearing a keffiyeh with a radio hanging form his neck? He appears for less than a minute, but he is memorable! I highly recommend it to people pushing forty still hooked on teeny-bopper movies. It will age you. 6996 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 2844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Unexpected ride but a really good film. 1728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We saw this movie ages ago on cable, but it doesn't seem to air anymore. The acting is fantastic, and the movie dramatically tells the story of a turning point in the Revolutionary War. We watched it with our son, and he really liked it. 5290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great vampires movie from the 80's. The video and audio quality from this Blu-ray edition are great. The extras (a ton of them) superb. Good value for your money. A must for a Fright Night fan. 4893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My partner and I LOVE Mel Brooks and this collection had all the movies we love! 3492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my 5 favorite films of all time, I gave up my 3-disc DVD boxed set to get this concise version. I'm not disappointed. Disc 1 has all 3 versions, and Disc 2 has all the same extras as the 30th Anniv version. I am sure that while it seems a little odd, Anderson wanted this to be kind of like Alice down the rabbit hole scenerio. Who wouldn't be feeling that way in this situation? 2355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The airplane carrying the US President gets hijacked and the president may be the only person who can save the hostage and get the plane down. 9350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 From the opening credits this movie gives belly laughs galore. 8535 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 oh, the movie is really a great movie, it was just that there was no audio from Amazon on this movie, it was like watching a silent movie 2395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Legendary German film director Wolfgang Petersen brings on another heart-pounding, steel-reinforced, political action-thriller. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is the kind of movie that critics hate, and movie goers love. It's fast, it's furious, and don't try to make much sense of it (Example: the motorcycle crashing through the church window. But hey! It LOOKED great!). Devil dogs, zombies (very lame ones, who fail the Romero zombie shuffle test), evil corporate scientists, and a band of heros out to save a little girl. That's all you probably need to know. This particular chapter of the RE series is probably closer than the original as far as aping the game, with various moments in various rooms where something hideous awaits. As genre work, this movie is pretty good, with one star missing due to zombies being used as only background noise. Check it out! Even though The Cat From Outer Space (1978) has more than 6 actors with speaking lines, and a cast filled with recognizable stars from TV and Disney movies, Condorman is just as much fun. 6206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie. busy working and living their lives to care much about what (sigh) amazingly smart and funny young Allen capturing the spirit of cinema 8716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must for the Monty Python fan, actually it's a must for everyone. So buy it and feel better about your life for doing so. Tommy Lee Jones is extremely magnetic and intense. His history has shown him to be a very versatile actor, one of the very best. 6721 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Milla Jovovich as Joan of Arc. No. I don't think so. She tries, she really does. She invests her all into this role, and sometimes she does very well. But does she inspire legions of men to defend her and to defend France? Does she convey the kind of passion and compassion that could inspire so many men to believe in her? I think Jovovich errs too much in that she plays the role a little too far down the "insanity" line. This is a debate for some... was Joan of Arc a holy, saintly woman who really heard voices or was she simply insane? Who will ever know for sure? In this portrayal though Jovovich overacts and instead of conveying the passion of someone for whom her religion is sacred she conveys insanity. The story of Joan of Arc has been done better and more convincingly, and this film, while visually stunning, does not compare to earlier versions. Nice try. 6925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Frank Sinatra is at his best in this film. He plays his own role, a singer in clubs. He starts out of money and everything and manages to get a position in a club in San Francisco. He has the opportunity to meet a lady-friend of his, an ex-singer who has become a very rich woman and he plays with the idea of a partnership with her. It will break on the simple fact that he is divided between this rich woman from his past and a new girl. The rich woman is jealous of the other and Joey is taken between the two without knowing how to choose or get out of the rivalry without being hurt. He will in the end make the good choice and move to Sacramento, leaving his past behind and going to new adventures. The film is brilliant, the actors and actresses are very good. It sure is not a deep film, but it is a very touching film where women are shown to be the real masters of the world. 'Truckin' Grateful Dead 1823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is an old debate as to which is truer: history or poetry. 8624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great Bronson movie I liked everything here in this movie. Movie is done in grand way. They have very carefully selected the Angela Baddely's Mrs Bridges and Gordon Jackson's Mr. Hudson are 2 of the most unforgettable characters in TV history. They were so real they really were the glue that held this show together. Add to that Jean Marsh as Rose (how could you not love her) The whole cast was incredible - even some members (like Pauline Collins as Sarah) who weren't in all the episodes are unforgettable. 5744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK You'll agree with me I'm sure. The ending of this story is not really a happy one. Abel Magwich meets a grisly end, Miss Havisham is burned alive, and the romance between Pip and Estella seems to be in limbo. One has to be reminded that Charles Dickens wrote the story and did two versions of the ending. This is the happier of the two. The uniforms,locations, and camp life were accurate as well as the filth and harsh existence the Continental Army had to go through. The movie did an excellent job of trying to film the famous battle, which definitely caught the Hessians by suprise. Screenwriter Oliver Stone and director Alan Parker evoke the era from the outset by throwing in numerous 60s-type references (the frisbee that baffles airport security; the headlines referring to Janis Joplin's death and Nixon's declaration of war on terror). It's a very canny cinematic set-up: a naive, playful and play-acting young American falls victim to the ultimate grim "Establishment" (a labyrinthine, foreign culture--which is even less inclined to show mercy than the most conservative U.S court would be). 8609 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A very funny movie..... As an idea, this movie excels in all aspects. All in all, fascinating camera work and excellent locales. One particular scene will leave you blown away. This film, along with Star Wars revolutionized not only special effects but blockbusters in general. I've never seen another film that weaves both music and special effects so beautifully. For the first and only time, Jim Henson brought together the creations from all his various Muppet universes--Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, and Fraggle Rock--into one prodution. The results are hilarious and magical. There is also the brave admission (by G. Washington) that the Continentals lack public support (enlistment being at a minimum, while trying to keep their minutemen from deserting), and the important role that Washington played throughout the Revolution in keeping the Continentals "alive," long enough for the French (1778), Spaniards (1779), and Dutch (1780) to enter the war against Great Britain, and win the war. 3) Thin, gorgeous De Niro 6062 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of Steve Martins best films! No one could have made this better than him. Full of humor, warmth and cheer! Darryl Hannah is great in it too. I watch every so often when I want cheering up! Umbrella tried to cover the accident up with its own special unit and the R.P.D. (Racoon city's police department) were in charge of the murders occuring a few months later outside the mansion. When the R.P.D. lost control the S.T.A.R.S. were called in to investigate which led to the first game. Bravo team had problems when they arrived at the woods outside the mansion in the movie. Only a few made it to the mansion. Alpha team was sent in to rescue them but they were attacked and the chopper pilot, Brad Vickers, fearfully took off without them. 8425 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun for kids and adults alike - even Grandpas love this one! The story begins as the live-in girlfriend, Isabel(Julia Roberts) of Luke (Ed Harris) wakes up late and tries to get the kids ready for school. Isabel spends a large part of this movie trying to find a way into the two children's lives and to have them accept her as part of theirs. And of course this is never easy. The role of Mom(Susan Sarandon) is built as a strong character who has endured her husband leaving her and is trying to raise her kids with shared custody. She is often characterized as the one who can do no wrong. The plot thickens as the children and the audience sees Luke wanting to marry Isabel and then their mother falling sick with cancer. Travis has 2 choices, Kill the Presidential Candidate or Save the Girl. His first choice is to Kill the Candidate... That says a lot about Travis. For as much as we cheer when he blows them away, for Travis this was his 2nd choice. BOTTLE ROCKET is also a beatiful picture. The photograhpy is excellent--stylish in an understated way--and this adds an element of class to an already quality piece. Almost every shot would make an excellent photograph, full of rich and subtle detail, and interesting interplay of colors, textures, and distances. BOTTLE ROCKET does not have lavish sets, nor does it take place in exotic locales. Anderson instead transforms what would otherwise be lacklustre settings like rural Texas and a cheap motel into places of almost otherworldly beauty. The lighting has a lot to do with this effect, giving the movie a very clean, bright feel--think of a J.Crew ad, only set in the rural Midwest instead of a Cape Cod beach house. The movie gives the warm, uplifting feeling of a young, free, and beautiful America, a feeling one gets at certain times reading Kerouac. The music is superb to boot, as in all Anderson's flicks, and greatly enhances the visual experience. 5/5 Stars 3. It has a great and interesting plot 4150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding Cast! A very emontional movie! Michelle Pfeiffer has always been.my.fav actress since I saw her in,"The Witches Of Eastwick",but when I saw her in this moving role. I felt honored..cause she is the best! The whole cast was super,this was such a wonderful movie,I think every cast member derserves an Oscar! Whoopi you did your thing in this movie also! Great Book and Movie!! 9205 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 From the opening credits to the final crane shot, you'll be in stitches. There are many comments about the fight scenes, and I suppose they are good, but that's not what makes the movie for me. The protagonist (Bronson/Chaney) fights for money, not pleasure. He prefers knocking other people down to being himself knocked down, but he doesn't enjoy it. 4751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 4k OK great movie Milla Jovovich was asked to play here just a standard issue superhuman shooting machine and was clearly forbidden by the director to do and say anything else than shooting - and her two principal sidekicks, with whom she joins ultimately after more than 40 minutes (!) of film are even worse! 7737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved the movie when it came out when I was a kid. Great story. 4650 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this film. This film was Deniro's and Scorsese's 2nd work together, and they shine in it like a million suns, and great work in her debut film role by Jodie Foster, as the lost and confused 12 year old prostitute. From beginning to end, this one sizzles like a campfire that won't go out. 3860 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing. Watch it. If you enjoy this sort of thing, you will really like RESIDENT EVIL. My husband and I did, and it was just the thing for Halloween. But seriously, couldn't the Umbrella Corporation, who owns the research facility, see this coming? I mean, they named their master computer Red Queen. It was in the cards. Eventually, the Red Queen was obviously going to say "Off with their heads!" The supporting cast includes Francois Truffaut (Lacombe), Bob Balaban (Laughlin) and Lance Henriksen (Robert). An uplifting, positive motion picture, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is thoroughly entertaining, as well as thought provoking. Spielberg draws you in as few filmmakers can, with a great story and with characters who are readily accessible and with whom it is easy to identify-- all of which adds up to an absorbing, memorable and enjoyable experience, and a perfect example of the real magic of the movies. Richard Dreyfuss gives a hell of a performance in this. He's an ordinary guy whose life gets turned around by these phenominal events, which are the sighting of UFOs. Other ordinary people are effected as well. This is the power of the film. The heroes aren't these Indiana Jones or super experts who know "everything" about aliens. They are people, like you and I, who have a drastic change of viewpoint. 2295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was completely glued to my seat from beginning to end: this film was nonstop action, suspense and drama. While admittedly *today* in real life there would be intense security to prevent this from happening, it seems a highly plausible plot for a film, especially in 1997 when it was made. The world sat in disbelief when it was announced at a TV press conference that Kazakhstan terrorists hold the U.S. President James Marshall, delegates, and various family members as hostages up on Air Force One not long after boarding the plane in Russsia. Communications between Glenn Close, the U.S. Vice President, a prisoner on Air Force One and the U.S. Press Secretary in Washington confirmed their status ... 8956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My twenty-four month old son was familiar with Elmo from "Elmo's World," the fifteen minute segments that air during "Sesame Street." When we originally played this for him around eighteen months, he wouldn't watch it. It must have been too realistic for him, with Elmo's character being fleshed out a little more than on his show segments. There is also a plot with this, whereas the show simply introduces various simple concepts. Now he will sit and watch the entire movie, which runs barely more than an hour. His favorite part (who knows why) is Big Bird getting stuck in the trash can. This has little or nothing to do with the plot, though it serves to illustrate how well the folks at Sesame Street understand the mind of a child. I really have no qualms about letting my children watch Sesame Street because I know they are in very capable hands. There are learning lessons throughout, presented with the usual Sesame Street flair. The movie is also fairly entertaining for adults, with some decent songs. There seems to be less humor with this one than with other Sesame Street and Elmo productions, but that can be overlooked. 2793 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just love this simple little movie. Something for everyone. Drama. humor, mystery, you pretty much can find it all here. And the acting is all top notch. Great way to spend an afternoon. 758 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 no substance, waters down the true meaning of Christmas-Actually spends more time explaining the Jewish Holiday than the Christian Holiday. And then there's a moment with a character and his mother where they don't really know why their celebrating Christmas and decide to make up their own Holiday. 8331 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Were all (actual) widescreen prints destroyed or something? I'm not a big fan of this movie, in fact I much prefer the 1999 version that actually adapts the musical. But when I saw this for the first time it was in Pan and Scan and yet during A Hard Knock Life you could see the kids knocking themselves out clearly. Here they zoomed in on the picture so that they knock themselves out offscreen. And this has the worst pan and scan job ever too- half the time we only see the characters' noses. I do like this movie very much. I like the look, the story, the acting and much else about it. I think it's very clever with the right amount of tension meted out in good measure.. The big head-scratcher for me though is the basis of the story. The society has the "genetic code" thing down so tight it can predict a person's life expectancy to a tight time line. Why then, in Hawke's case, can't they fix his heart? Or any other person's malady for that matter. The gaping flaw being exposed though didn't lessen my enjoyment of it. All the primary actors do a stand-up job. Uma Thurman looks delicious. Even Ernest Borgnine does a decent job in his decidedly small role. And even as these events are transpiring, one evening in Muncie, Indiana, the city is suddenly blacked out by an inexplicable power outage. Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is at home when it hits, and he is called in by the power company for which he works, then sent out in the darkness to an unfamiliar location. Lost, he sits in his pick-up truck at a railroad crossing, studying a map, when all at once he notices a "disturbance" around him. Mailboxes along the side of the road are clanging open and shut by themselves; then things inside his truck begin to move, subtly at first, then erupting and flying about as if caught up in a tornado--and then just as suddenly his truck is engulfed in a blinding light. He leans out the window for a look, but it's too bright and he has to pull back. Then just as abruptly, it all stops-- the disturbance, the light-- everything. And he looks out the window again; but this time he sees something. And though he doesn't realize it at the time, at that moment, his life changed forever. 5193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the greatest films of all time and with its fair share of a few good laughs. The funniest scene had to be DeNiro taking Cybil Shepherd on a date...to a porno theatre! Her reactions are just classic. "You've got to be kidding, this is a dirty movie." And it's not just any dirty movie, it's a Masters & Johnson instructional documentary! We also get Jodie Foster as a teenage hooker and Harvey Keitel as her crazy pimp. Sometimes it is just so much I can barely handle it. 8601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's Charles and James! Great movie! 624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. Absolutely love it 9436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ... Even they'll wake up with laughter. The loony boys from Britain were enjoying their peak of success after this movie was released in the U.S. 7017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Well, here it is another video game movie destined to follow in the path of Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, and other laughable adaptations of video games. But wait, Resident Evil is good, very good. I was expecting a hackneyed story with horrible dialogue and characters. But instead I got a movie that brings back wonderful memories of the first game and the huge mansion and baddies. It was all very nostalgic. This movie is made for fans of the game pure and simple, anyone else isn't going to get it, there are lots of references to certain game elements. Many characters from the game make an appearence, the zombies, the "licker", and even the ravens make a brief appearence. There is even a slight reference to the nemesis program. I read many reviews that tore into this movie for being implausible and ridiculous. But these reviewers failed to take into account one thing. Anyone going to a Resident Evil movie who knows the game is going to realize that B-movie schlock is part of the fun of RE. The horribly stilted dialogue in the first game was unforgettably bad. Not to say that the movie has anything that bad, the acting is actually rather good, especially Milla who really impressed me. The best thing I have to say though, is that there is enough of the plot of the game to bring back pleasant memories of the game, but not too much so that it looks like I'm just watching the game in movie form. That was a tightrope to walk, and I think it was pulled off admirably. The direction was rock solid, there were far too many "boo" moments at the beginning, but thankfully that quickly faded. There seems to be ample room for a sequel so I hope this movie does good business so I can see another one, because I'll be first in line. But one night on the moor Pip is "accosted" by an prison escapee of some kind who asks for food and the boy of six or seven, maybe eight provides in the night, including a file for him to get rid of his manacles. He will turn up as his benefactor. 2693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are plenty of classic moments in this one. Lots of great characters and solid, life applicable writing. 9886 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 1970s civilian aviation-tech feature... 3669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Usually not one of my favorites of Steven Spielberg and don't ask me why. But this remastered Blu-ray looks and sounds fantastic! Also you get all 3 versions of the film to choose from. A must for any Spielberg fan and the quality is all there. One of the best Blu-ray's out there bar none! 9813 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just watched this movie tonight for the first time. I never knew about this movie until a couple weeks ago. While looking for movies to watch i came across this movie and was immediately attracted to it. I have to say that there were some scenes that at times seemed too "ridiculous" in a sense that It was hard to believe. Spoiler alert! like when the guy walked around without anyone noticing it was him they were looking for even though his picture was everywhere). It was also hard to believe that in those days with such technology Cops were not able to locate the guy on the wheelchair you would think that in the future police will be able to track anyone anywhere.)It was also crazy the lack of technology. Having said this, I have to confess that I have realized that those things are not relevant in the purpose of the movie . I mean sure they could have done better things but let us not forget this movie came out in 1999 i believe). So it's understandable that "technology " was not shown on a higher level. At the same time those things I just explained, Do not interfere with the great message of this gem. I really love this movie , I love the fact that the main character is someone with a lot of disadvantages in his life yet he manages to become even better than those who had it easier. It's a inspiring movie because it teaches us that " where there is a will there is a way". In my life it inspires me to not give up on my dreams and to fight for what I believe to be true. (Remember, Herman's Head on Fox?) His girlfriend, Amy, who he has been pressuring into having sex, is played by Amanda Bearse, who is probably best known as the annoying neighbor, Marcy, from Married with Children. Suddenly Charlie is more interested in learning who his new neighbor is and not so interested in Amy. 1708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 With his Continental Army shrinking around him George Washington has someone 'requisition' some ships to get his men across the river so they will not be as easily accessible to being demolished. He gathers with advisors and is ridiculed for his lack of leadership and the fact that he ahs not won a battle. 8865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my 3 year old watches this over and over. this is one of her favorite movies and has a good plot. she is learning and having fun at the same time. 238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this for the first time in the 80s and liked the "American" twist on the Charles Dickens' classic. I love this story in all versions, as the first version for me was Mr. Magoo!! Now, part of the artifice in the film is that men are little more than accessories to the lives of our starring six women. The script, by Robert Harling from his script, gives us only a spattering of men who are all a good bit dumber, less caring, less compassionate and more boring than the women. Tom Skerrit, Sam Shepard and Dylan McDermot play the husbands of Field, Parton and Roberts respectively, but the screenplay makes them all disposable. one of my top ten movies of all time 723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very cute classic cartoon. My kids loved it. 5906 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. Anyone into the whole zombie outbreak would too! Think about it, a lab comes up with a virus that makes people live after death... it's a curious twist on the zombie tale with a bit of revenge mixed in. 9775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely loved this movie! Great acting, exciting topic, and thrilling. After a long time, finally there is sci-fi movie that is gripping! 1993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 3886 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 the movie was what i expected. thank u Que te puedo decir me encanta la comedia Inglesa , te recomiendo esta pelucula para tu coleccion. - Introduction to storyboard by M. Scorcese 5217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best films ever made. DeNiro has never shined this much before. M.S.'s finest film. 5733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enjoyed this one as well but more sequels to come. 5775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What's not to love, the first 3 movies are a great stand alone trilogy and since I now have a Steelbook problem I am rebuying the original trilogy again on blu-ray w/ steelbook, my buddies kid was happy to take my hand me downs. The plot is engrossing and well-developed; the transition from video game to movie was very well made, compared to most. The dual-"enemy" of the A.I. supercomputer "Red Queen" and the zombies add two layers of horror to the film. And of course, I have to agree with a previous reviewer that indeed, Milla Jovovich is HOT. There's no getting around that. She goes through the entire movie wearing a ridiculously [pretty] red dress which she didn't need to be wearing, but you don't hear me complaining. Milla can look beautiful and kick zombie-[back side] at the same time. The fact that the gorgeous Ms. Jovovich plays the main character certainly doesn't hurt the movie's enjoyablity for the male audience. The only saving grace, if you can call it that, LAH has is Arnold Schwarzeneggar's performance. His (non)acting is just as good in this movie as it is in THE TERMINATOR or TRUE LIES. If the only good thing about your movie is Schwarzeneggar's acting, then your movie is in serious trouble. The kind of film that people seem to have forgotten how to make these days, it's definitely more than the sum of its parts, and Twilight Time's Blu-ray release offers an outstandingly good and detailed transfer that really compliments Philip Lathrop's excellent Scope cinematography. Also included are the original trailer, isolated score track and booklet. Estas (im not really sure of his name, but it sounded a bit like that i think) is a great character, and although his part is small he really does give lots to the film. As too does the hotel manager, who was at times hilarious, and at others creepy. 6867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My headline is a quote from Frank Sinatra who said "what a great sandwich" when he was told that Rita had to have top billing so he would be second and Kim Novak third...Terrific movie. Frank's performance of "Lady is a Tramp" has to be the absolute best I have ever heard him do. Rita does a great song and dance number as well as a dubbed "Witchcraft". My 20 year old grandson loved this movie..he's learning to appreciate the classic films made before he was born, Bonus Feature: Theatrical trailer 9303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie! It's the funniest thing ever!!! What's more, this duel disc collector's edition of the film includes bonus footage that was left out of the extended version of the film, as well as a documentary that takes a closer look at the special effects and great effots that went into bringing the story to the screen. This is great for true film buffs and anyone for whom CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND was a religious experience. The anecdotes are entertaining and insightful. This is truly a great introduction to the films of Steven Spielberg. Not to be missed........ Should you watch/get this movie? Depends. Can you accept that Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, as Steed and Peel, are not McNee and Riggs, and are not trying to imitate the TV actors? That, as with King Lear, different actors can bring different qualities, different interpretations, to a role? If you can, yes, get this movie. Fiennes is diffident, where McNee was suave. Thurman is titillating, where Rigg was provocative. Some of the movie is silly; so was some of the TV show. (And remember, The Avengers was picked up by US TV not because it was good, but because it was the 60s, it had spies - and it was cheaper than making a show in the States.) The writing is really key here. Without the surprising character development, this would have been an average film at best, but there is so much between the lines here, in the things that are not said, and the comedic development is even richer than expected. It's easy to see why Owen is the Wilson with the career, for Luke is rather lackluster but then again, his character is the least interesting. He's even upstaged by his love interest, and she barely speaks a word of English. In the 1968 Set No. 4 (which includes Vols. 7 and 8), we're talking about seven very enjoyable, action-packed, color episodes: 9656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good science fiction movie with a beautiful chemistry between the actors (Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke). The set resembles the one of Luca's movie: THX 1138. Recommended. :) 902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rufus Reid's revised edition of the classic "Evolving Bassist" is a literal tour de force and a must have for all bass players regardless of what level of proficiency they play at. The companion DVD (available separately and highly recommended) is a gem in which Rufus jams with two of the finest contemporary musicians illustrating various aspects of the text. The DVD is worth the price just as a performance video. 9726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent story of a future world where most children are created through gene manipulation to maximize positive traits and those who are not experience prejudice and limited opportunities. Fantastic situations and plot development, well worth watching. DVD in excellent condition and arrived early. Highly recommended! DTS 5.1 - French, Spanish As with nearly everyone else who reviewed this special, I really wish that it was available on DVD. However, if I must purchase a used VHS copy, I will do so. 4472 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The original I Know what you did Last Summer was scary, suspensful, and interesting. This sequel is so bad, I don't know what I can say to caution you strongly away from it. Problem number one: There just aren't enough characters to sustain interest. Brandi, a definitely talented and charismatic actress/singer is totally wasted in her role. Jennifer Love Hewitt will grind relentlessly on your nerves, and your sympathy level for her plight will become nonexistent. Instead you will feel as if you, the viewer, are trapped on that island....and bored out of your mind. 8035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King is a movie that I greatly enjoyed rewatching a couple of nights ago. The movie is in my opinion a masterpiece but I'm sure that a lot of people disslike it. It's a very deep movie, and you have to open your mind to it. You have to think about the themes in the movie and think about each character and their personalities in order to enjoy it to the fullest. * Photo Gallery - (12:35) A photo gallery which is accompanied by music from the film. 6595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THIS DVD WAS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE FOREVER WANTED.I LOVE THE MOVIE SO MUCH.I THINK THE ACTORS CHOOSEN FOR THIS MOVIE ARE GREAT.THE MOVIE CAME IN FAST,NEW AND PACKED GREAT. 1209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You simply must have this series. You'll want to watch it again, and again. Great Bob....thanks for your timeless humor. Dave (in Colorado) 8677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another Classic Charles Bronson movie! Bare-knuckle fighting, gambling, back in the depression era. James Coburn hooks up with Bronson and manages him and gets himself into trouble! James Coburn does a great acting job and beautiful film work (in my opinion). If you are a Bronson fan, you'll like this movie! Even though I have the original DVD, I ordered the special edition to check it out in HD, and for all the extras (making of the movie, the helicopter, etc). I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is far, far away from perfect, but both as a silly slasher flick and a stupidly entertaining brew, it works quite admirably. This movie did not disappoint, in fact I may boldly state it is the best action/horror movie I have yet watched. Mila Jovanavich is again compelling to watch in the lead role as the sole survivor from the first movie. (Well technically she isn't the SOLE survivor, but don't want to provide more spoiler than neccessary to whet Amazonians appetite. 7535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love The Actor line up. This is back when they were young & good looking! A decent mystery story for the time! A + 9043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They made this hysterical movie unavailable and I'm sure we all miss it greatly. 811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you leak urine it might help you - I did not have that problem though and I returned it. 8280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It began with an 1885 poem by James Whitcomb Riley and led to a 1924 comic strip by Harold Gray, "Little Orphan Annie" was a series that may have focused on a young orphan girl, but the storyline was geared for adults as it was political. 8218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This new 30th Anniversary Sing-Along edition of ANNIE in BLU RAY is in the film's original theatrical aspect ratio of 2.40:1. Amazon should delete all the above D V D reviews as they steer potential buyers away from purchasing the BEST home video presentation of ANNIE in many years. Those customers interested in a Pan & Scan presentation should buy the DVD. This blu ray is in WIDESCREEN! things in need of repair/disposal. His intentions and actions were extreme though, but his aim was arguably true. Another 30 6456 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the perfect date movie, a drama so engrossing, so well acted and so lavishly produced that it doesn't lose your attention throughout its long 132 minute run. Adapted from a best-selling novel of the same title by Pat Conroy (also author of "The Great Santini"), director and star Barbara Streisand has the support of the best ensemble cast one can imagine in delivering a superior movie. everyone included does a stllar job, from Nick Nolte as the protagonist and figure lovingly referred to in the title, Barbara as the psychiatrist who unravels the horrible mystery behind the protagonist's family history, and a supporting cast that includes Bliythe Damnner as Nolte's estranged wife, and George Carlin as the complex and interesting gay neighbor to Nolte's kid sister in New York. 9009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The comedy troupe of Monty Python was a wonderful British comedy ensemble of Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, etc. Laurel-Rain Snow 2652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesnt love this movie? Its a classic! The acting is passionate. Purely, genuinely, and undeniably passionate. I don't know where they found that little Aileen Quinn, but she embodies absolutely everything that this character is supposed to symbolize. She is plucky, sweet, tough as nails, and underneath it all, she's just looking for a family to call her own. She probably fits her given role better than any other child actress in any movie I've ever seen, and I mean that sincerely. She is just amazing. For that matter, every single cast member appears to have poured their entire soul into their roles, with acting that contains remarkable depth and incredible spirit. 1351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a great series. I've been watching it every night since I purchased it. I had the earlier double disc collection which I hated. Gave them away and thanks so much to Shout Factory I'm enjoying this complete collection of THE BOB NEWHART SHOW. Plus comes with bonus features. No disappointment here. Plus, Dreyfuss just suddenly given the nod to travel with them, even though he's wanted by the government? I mean come on, not real. NOTE: If you have the original DVD of Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, you may want to hang onto to it, though, because the Blu-ray contains no extras. I know a review should give some hint as to what the plot is all about, so I will tell you this: The plot borrows a little from the ancient story of King Arthur. Arthur and his men are given instructions by God to find the Holy Grail. They must overcome many harrowing experiences to achieve this goal. For instance, they have to appease the dreaded "Knights Who Say Nee!" (Hint: Just don't use the word, "it" in front of them!) Arthur is forced to fight the Black Knight - this scene is very bloody -- not for children. Then, there is the bridge of death. "He who wishes to pass this bridge must answer me these questions three," says the bridge-keeper, a very scary individual, indeed. We never really learn any of the vital statistics of Chaney (portrayed by Charles Bronson). Like a lot of able- bodied men at this time, he is a drifter out of work. We don't know where he is from or where he going. His profession, relatives and family are a mystery. He says little and only what he means to say. 3945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Don't get confused with what seems to be a small amount of extras on this two disc DVD set. The visual and audio for the film were pretty good (especially considering how many different times this movie's been re-edited, re-shot, etc.). The documentary (over an hour and a half long) seems to squash any necessity for an audio commentary. Seeing how a lot of these physical effects were done reminded me how far film effects have gone over the years and shows how the little experiments can pay off big. Included are some deleted scenes (almost all I believe come from the previous versions of the film) and some trailers. However, the main reason for this purchase for me is the film itself. Though Steven Spielberg admits that out of all his films that "it's the one that dates him as a person now", it's one of those films that still has resonance with the little kid in me. It's a truly great film, and one of my personal favorites. 1034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this is not the first movie in which woody allen starred. however, it was the first movie which would form the pattern for the rest of his movie making life. ergo, he scripted it, directed it and starred in it. if you followed his earlier standup act, this first movie captures the shtick he established with that act. he is a character who can do nothing right yet he wants to be a criminal mastermind, especially with robbing banks. he has some great comic moments in this film. in one he attempts to play a cello in a marching band. in another he tries to escape prison using a gun he carved out of soap but it rains. these are great comic set ups and sketches. Special Feature: The Finished Film [24:00] More stories about Brad Davis's eccentricity, the decision to avoid subtitling the foreign dialogue, the photography, the score, and the movie's controversial reception at Cannes. and to the person who is selling it for 500 bucks, BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you have a b grade movie there, not the holey grail. Parental Advisory: The movie is rated PG-13 for brief violence, some language and some sexuality. There are two scenes of implied intimacy between unmarried individuals, as well as three scenes involving obscured male nudity. Characters smoke and drink. A man nearly drowns twice. A character commits suicide (mostly off camera). 6764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Messenger Joan of Arc: If you like Period movies, and costume epics you have a good chance of liking this DVD. If you want things to be accurate as far as history, or(The Myth of Joan of Arc) you might not like this DVD/movie because Joan is Portrayed as a bit of a nut. 1044 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A brilliant mock-documentary on the life of a criminal - played by 7953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I used to have this on VHS and loved the roller coaster of emotions it evoked, but when loaning it out to friends, I'd explain that the first 15 minutes of this movie are difficult to get through but so important to the plot. I was horrified by the number of people who would return it saying they only watched it for 5 minutes because it was boring/ weird/ or strange. Those who watched it...LOVED IT! No extras, but a fairly good 2.35:1 widescreen transfer. 2302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 President Jim Marshall (Ford) has just taken a powerful stand against genocide in Russia. US Special Ops along with Russian units have captured General Raddick, who is responsible for a reign of terror and hundreds of thousands of deaths. In his speech, Marshall admits the USA had waited too long and that they won't do this again---because it is the 'right thing to do.' 4576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie They kept some elements from the games, and that's a good thing. The city is still "Raccoon City", the train really is identical to the one in the game of "Resident Evil 2", (Spoilers) the city in the end really seems to be an image taken from the game, it's the Umbrella Corporation, etc. But, talking about that ending, which is actually pretty good, I would have seen the whole movie setting in the Raccoon City streets, like we do in the beginning of "Resident Evil 2" (the game). The production and mastering of the Acorn set is so-so at best, both as to image and sound quality and the interface. (Oh, the junk you have to sit through on each year's disc one before the program starts! Ugh!) And instead of defaulting to having no subtitles 4 out of the 5 sets defaulted to subtitles on. Grrr! 979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 2 great actors Overall 7.5/10 8440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The dvd is so funny. As I said, merry fun. Hilarious... don't miss this movie! 5782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mila Jovovich is a amazing actress I love everything she is in and Resident Evil is my number film we own 2 copies of each movie and we are waiting for the next movie. Early on, the story draws the divisions between those characters driven by fear as opposed to those who are willing to throw off fear in favor of wonder. Claude Lacombe (Francois Truffaut) and David Laughlin (Bob Balaban) are the two investigators who are led around the world by the series of inter-connected coincidences which lead them to believe something extra-terrestrial is going on. They are in the wonder department. And so is Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), a mid-west suburbanite who has an amazing "encounter", as well as a little boy, Barry, in the same geographical region who is enthralled with the coming of the aliens. 9562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good drama movie!!! 6393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great movie it was fun'exciting'action pack'great story'this movie was hot and sexy.i heard they are making a squel to it called Resident Evil Afterlife i found abouth it on the web. but inny way see it you will love it.you will not be left down Next, a specialist security unit has to get in to discover what happened. What they discover is row after row of coffin like containers, each housing one of the now dead staff members. And, of course, they're all brain-hungry zombies just waiting to get let out! 6709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Besson's "Joan Of Arc" is just short of a masterpiece! Many dismiss it as just show but Besson knew better and flanked his vision is powerful images of war, horror and outstanding acting! Jovovich deserved an Oscar Nomination for this film but due to the films minor flaws such as its often missed directed musical score and bad casting of John Malkovich, voters went cold. The story takes liberties here and ther but a deeper story is there taht no film has ever touched and to really grab the genrebending myths behind the real Joan of Arc who was really called "Joan The Virgin" makes this film even more compelling. Facts like the French may have been embrassed by a poor woman leading them to victory and that Joan was very afraid of being burned at the stake and jumped from the 70 foot high tower which was her prison without a scratch on her when she landed! obviously she was recaptured and burned but while at the stake the crowd began to change their views and demanded for her release. It took the executioner 5 trys to burn her at the stake due to the fire kept burning out! Joan was not on trial for crimes committed against an English king but for immorally corupt behavior due to her donning mens clothing which magically found its way into her cell! This is what she was killed for being a witch! The english belived it looked bad to give just a mere powerfull, intellignet, brave, self driven-19 yr. old the hand of death but to murder an all powerfull witch her last due was justified! Besson's take on this is brilliant painting Joan as a saint to those who love her and powerfull to those who fear her! The film does not paint her as diluted but as the English would want us to view her! Hoffman is brilliant as the FILMS voice of reason and as a whole the images and sounds take full advantage of the films epic scope! A must by alone to see a distraught Jovovich in a wheat field telling an army of thousands to "Fight Me If You Love Me"! About as close to the true Joan as we might see for a long time...a must own! 8637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! My grandson really liked it!! We began saying things like, "Look at that one! That one!" I believed for a long time afterwards that what I saw that one night were alien ships circling Earth, that we were not alone, and that it wouldn't be long before everyone else knew what I knew. Of course I was a tremendous fan of Sci-fi films like "Last Starfighter", "Explorers", the "Star Wars" films, TV shows like "Transformers" (later on in life a show called "Space: Above and Beyond" would get cancelled much to my disappointment). I was the believing nerd; you couldn't convince me aliens weren't real. Every single song is downright catchy. I often find myself humming them. And as for the choreography, it's usually wonderful and unique. Season 1 - We are introduced to the Bellamy family: Richard (David Langton), his wife Lady Marjorie (Rachel Gurney) and their grown-up children James (Simon Williams) and Elizabeth (Nicola Pagett). In the first episode, "On Trial", we also meet the vivacious Clemence (Pauline Collins) who arrives at 165 Eaton Place looking for a job. After Lady Marjorie re-names the girl Sarah, she's quickly inducted into the household, but finds life as a servant frustrating and unnatural. 5274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Thank you ! Excellent service rapide merci beaucoup ! Now, let's be clear. This film (and it's stable-mates) have no pretentions to high art. Neither are they really intended to faithfully reproduce the games from which they developed. The RE film series is no more than a bunch of zombie movies and I think we need to hold on to that thought. There will be plenty of shuffling, slack-jawed, dead-eyed ghouls (but that's enough about Amazon reviewers), gallons of gore and, as the protagonists have access to military-grade weaponry, a far-from-modest body-count. The story-line, believability and acting all take second place to the really important stuff - heads coming off and good-looking heroes/heroines and at least we can take comfort that the director and producer understood that perogative. 9741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good, very underrated movie. It wasn't a hit when it was first released, but it's one of those films that, upon repeated viewing, keeps opening new avenues of thought. 1444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MY FAVORITE EDITION OF JANE EYRE. I LOVE CIARAN HINDS. ALL THE ACTORS ARE WONDERFUL. VERY WELL DONE. 6005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fast shipment, thank you AAAA++++ 9518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am not into lengthy reviews. Either I liked a movie or I didn't. I liked this movie. 8671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Looks great, Thanks! 964 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am thrilled to have found this version of "Great Expectations".I am a big fan of Charles Dickens - and of Ioan Guffudd, and I found it at Amazon.com * Roger McGuinn - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) Anyway, the Umbrella Corp. very strong company cause the infection of deadly virus that spread all over the city (which has only one bridge to access there), and it should be contained immediately. Many citizens are turned zombies, who attack the following hapless people -- Beside Alice, tough (suspended) cop Jill (Sienna Guillory, 'Love Actually'), soldier Carlos (Oded Fehr 'The Mummy'), small-time crook LJ (Mike Epps, 'Friday'), newsreporter Terri (Sandrine Holt). Plus you see Dr. Ashford (Jared Harris) and Major Cain (Thomas Kretschmann, 'The Pianist') who controls the military operation ruthlessly. 7689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie ! Unfortunitely she doesnt know what the hell is going on and we follow her through different confusing paths. She thinks "Jesus" is actually some madman into some sort of strange rituals at first and then keeps evolving her opinion. Her emotional problems don't help her at all but are a great addition to the film. 2136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 But then you can be dumb and do dumb things in a movie and have it all work out. Other than that, not a bad movie. The film itself remains a raw, audacious classic. It's like an American Look Back in Anger, full of the bitterness and rage of its time. The outcast filmmakers seize the medium for expression of the culture's hostility, confusion and prejudice. It's the classic journey through Hell with an unreliable tour guide: Travis Bickle, the psychotic antithesis of the sensitive 70s male. He's the Vietnam veteran who wants to be Ethan Edwards rather than Kris Kristoferson. (He points his gun at the kids dancing to Jackson Browne on Bandstand.) 8090 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a story that never grows old. I purchased it for the children in my life but totally enjoy it myself. I have seen it many times and still enjoy it very much. Highly recommend this movie. 6378 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have watched this movie a couple times , as well read the book. It is based on true story and well described. It shows the reality that boys too can be raped. 7414 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 there are quite a few levels to this movie, and it is well done at all of them. 3929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i wrote a review earlier saying that vivicia fox got half naked at the end but i think it was jessica alba or something i think.anyway,this movie is totally worth getting.after you rent it,you'll want to buy it! it was hilarious! very entertaining.see this movie! Great performances by all. Bronson and Coburn are magic together and Strother Martin is, as always, the consumate character actor. As for Robert Tessier, well they just don't get any meaner then him. Truly one of the great bad guys of film! There are many comments about the Hinda/Morton version not closely following the book, I was more interested in the movie than the book, if I purely wanted the book, I would read that and not watch the movie. I've seen the Hinds/Morton Jane Eyre many times, each time I see more and more pure acting ability from Hinds than any other actor in this role, his facial expressions portray as much as his spoken lines. Hinds in excellent in portraying the gruffness and hard edge of Rochester yet tenderness in his passion and love for Jane--Hinds brings Rochester to life. The last scenes of this movie with Hinds' and Morton's recital of love and devotion for each other are nothing short of astounding. Hinds' tears were real as he poured out his heart to Jane that he was no longer worthy of her, how could she love him now as a wounded blind man unable to care for her--amazing acting on Hinds' part. The same was true for Morton as Jane, her tears flowed easily and with such realism as she promised to never leave him again, she had returned to him forever. 5478 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Anton gets STAR BILLING and over Toni Collette etc...but I am not into this genre of movies but I'll look at anything with Anton and Toni Collette, they are the best, been following their careers for so many years.."Muriel's Wedding" for Toni. I looked up on IMDB why Toni would do this movie & the answer is ,the director/producer? of her Showtime series did this movie..so maybe as a favor because it's not a huge part that Toni has...Anton Yelchin is the star along with Anton & Colin Farrell, who play the next door neighbor/vampire...really liked it.. 6706 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Well, you can be sure you'll be treated to your fair share of glorious Plantagenet hairdos if you rent this DVD. Almost everyone in the (fabulous) cast - even John Malkovich - has one. But alas the hair styles are about the only source of genuine cheer; almost everything else is a let-down. Watching these episodes is addictive. Unreservedly recommended. 3316 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very pleased with this purchase My only grievance with this movie was its ending. I will not spoil it, but I will say that I did feel it was inconclusive and didn't provide me with adequate closure for the two characters' ultimate fates. Even the alternate ending still left me feeling a bit unfulfilled but I will leave it up to each individual viewer to decide for themself. The ending just didn't quite work for me and was the only element that prevented me from giving this film the full five stars. 4138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie And who says you have to have credits at the end? Leo McKern, who plays Rumpole, is one of the best actors I have ever come across. The rest of the cast is also outstanding, many of them playing characters who are unintentionally funny. Unfortunately, the film grinds down to a deadly pace in the last 1/3 of the film. It is essentially 40 minutes of a faceless mob (of scientists) and Dreyfuss staring at the sky and watching lights appear and disappear. Yes, the effects are good, even by today's standards, but it is boring! Similarly, Teri Garr as the protagonist's wife is nothing but a carricatured harpy, and their breakup is clumsily handled by the immature (at the time) director. All in all, though, the film holds up well to time and repeated viewings. 7206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a success at what it attempts to be: a high-octane, bullet-riddled, stunts-galore, action-packed, youth-themed, glossy Hollywood-style bonanza. We're talking skydiving scenes (never attempted in an HK film until now), detailed exploding miniatures, gun-fights on top of gun-fights, special effects, quick-cut filmmaking, and a cast of characters so huge it must have been a nightmare to coordinate them all. the movie garnerd awards including an best actor nomination for sarandon and the film is the most repeated movie 6215 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great old classic - fun seeing again 6581 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie, fast delivery 3950 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The new 2 disc DVD release (Close Encounters of the Third Kind - The Collector's Edition) FINALLY restores scenes lost in the so-called "Special Edition", and those 'sense-of-wonder-stealing' scenes added with Richard Dreyfuss entering the mothership. This scene is now among the 11 "deleted scenes" found on disc 2! 9004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great stuff so much fun. Just pass on this one, OK!!! This special had the best voice casting of any they made, with Mickey Rooney as the older Santa, Paul Frees as Burgermeister, and Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock. The Mailmans voice and songs were by the great Fred Astaire, and they recreated him perfectly in a mailman figure. There are 6 wonderful songs including the title song, as well as "One Foot in Front of the Other". The Westminster Childrens Choir performs as well. Music and lyrics were by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Writing by the great Romeo Muller who worked on so many of their projects. Character design by Paul Coker, and storyboards and continuity by Don Duga as they did on most of the studios specials. 101 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 it was a good movie but we still like the old one best. 1046 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I greatly enjoyed 'Hell in the Pacific' and it was more than I expected. I watched this movie the other night and got a lot out of it. 6748 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 An unusual movie, but ultimately an embarassing failure. Beautiful cinematography and costuming cannot rescue this false, bloated, at times ridiculous, reprise of the story of Jeanne d'Arc. The problems can be stated precisely: 1) Luc Besson. 2) Milla Jovovich. Also see "Guatemala: Never Again!", the official report of the human rights office of the archdiocese of Guatemala. Sadly, Bishop Juan Girardi was murdered a couple days after turning in that report. All of this is housed in a sturdy cardboard case for both the Blu-ray and DVD. This set is highly recommended on both DVD and Blu-ray since it houses the ultimate edition and allows viewers to pick the version of the film they enjoyed the most. It's also a way for Spielberg to have his cake and eat it, too. I mean, honestly, we get what's got to be a total of 30 minutes of boring scenery in the movie, and then almost none of the adult Pip falling in love with Estella, or what happens to Estella after marriage? 2576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies, if you like a tear jerker, with fun and laughs this is the movie for you. Robin Williams will be missed. 468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie never presents a story exactly as you envisioned it, but nevertheless, every movie version you see gives you new insights into the story. This is a very Biblically accurate version of the Joseph story, not changing the Biblical story but rather developing it. (For example, in this version, Potiphar believes Joseph is innocent of immorality with his wife, and Joseph tells him about his past as a flashback, not found in the Bible.) The massacre at Shechem in Genesis 34 is included and shows what rotten people some of Joseph's brothers were. The actors for the brothers do very well demonstrating individuality but also a group mentality, and they show powerful character change by the end. It's interesting that the movie shows the brothers have really changed just by showing their eager attitude in blessing the name of God with their father Jacob ("Blessed be His name")! The actor for Jacob does very well, too. (The actor for Joseph is fine, too, but the character couldn't have too much personality, because every viewer has a preconceived expectation of what he should be like.) The movie introduced me to an interesting idea, which is that Jacob may have been involved in preserving genealogies and stories from Abraham. The Book of Genesis does have a much more continuous account of Jacob's life, whereas stories of Abraham's life are like disconnected snapshots. So what I got most out of this movie was the interesting idea that the Book of Genesis was recorded before Moses' time. 5792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I recently watched this film because it came on TV during Halloween. I had seen all the previous Resident Evil movies, and figured I'd continue to watch the rest of the series. I found this to be entertaining in a cheap thrills and one-liners sort of way. Although fun, I am quite stumped by the giant Franken-zombie with a huge meat-tenderizer looking weapon. Really? But I digress. As the heroine, I like that Alice has a "heart of gold" which is emphasized more in the next movie - Resident Evil Retribution. Lucas West is also a fun character who is introduced here, and also appears in the next movie in this series. Overall, watch it if you have the time and enjoy all-out zombie gore. 954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was in middle school when this movie came out. It was 1981 and I had saved up my pocket money to pay for the bus ride into the city and the admission for a matinee to a movie that seemed so exciting and lively to me. 5335 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie and very good acting So, I agree that this season is a must for those of us who have been waiting to complete our individual sets and appreciate Bob Newhart in any form, but the quality isn't quite up to previous seasons. 4300 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First time I've ever seen this movie, because I love Arnold. I get all of the comical references, but would have liked the movie anyway if I didn't. I usually hate movies that are older than 15 years, but this one is a gem. History Of The World Pt1 Morbidity, obsession, talent, and the definition of each are the conflicts that drive the characters in this lush film. Milla Jovovich stars as Alice in this three and a half brain Zombie fest. Michelle Rodriguez supports with help from James Purefory late of Rome where he played Mark Anthony. Paul W.S. Anderson directed from his own script. The R rated film runs for 94 minutes and grossed world wide $102,000,000 on a $33,000,000 budget. There are five live action Resident Evil films and one animated version, as of 2014. Schrader creates one of the most complex and disturbing film characters in Travis Bickle. Robert DeNiro also lends, significantly, to the character of Travis in one of the greatest cinematic performances ever. He perfectly captures the loneliness, complexity, and frustration of Travis. Jodie Foster gives a commendable performance as a young prostitute on the streets of New York City. Peter Boyle, Cybill Shepherd, and Harvey Keitel all give noteworthy performances. 9469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I cant believe this movie is `almost 20 years old. If you love Science Fiction this is a worthy one. 9928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just rented this movie last night for the first time and I must say that I am truly impressed. A bit slow moving, but makes up for it in smarts, music and acting. This is Jude Laws first major role as the cripple and you can tell right away why he has become such a great actor. This movie and "Training Day" are probably the only two films I can stand Ethan Hawke in and thats a good thing. Uma Thurman is pretty good and beautiful as the love interest (see the "Kill Bill" Volumes for true Uma!). Ethan was a retard for cheating on her in real life! If you want a great science fiction film with events that could actually happen one day, look no further than Gattaca. 9991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie and service 5302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still crazy after all these years! SERIES 2: 1908-10, shows life with a newly married Bellamy, potential fatherhood, and romance downstairs too. All scandalous in high society, as is several topics this show dared to address in the 70s. Cast members playing Sarah and Thomas would eventually marry in real-life. 2435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 DVD arrived in great condition n plays fine. 6568 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was looking forward to getting the chance to watch this movie, after the success of the Resident Evil Video game. But unfortunately, this movie is nothing like the game. The characters aren't the same, and the actual story is different. Sure, it is good to have a different story, you don't want to copy everything from the game, but i think the overall idea of the movie, should be based around the game, because thats what everyone is familiar with. But no, it is completely different, and thats its biggest downfall. 2202 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Impeccable production of a wildly absurd story. . . 7685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a well done movie with a great plot and storyline. Of course, I always like movies produced, directed or starring Robert Redford. He directed this one and the cast is outstanding. Beautiful cinematography of Montana. I would recommend this film for anyone in search of a great comedy. This film in towards the audience of older teen to adult simply for some mild sexual references including the words oral sex being stated. This film is rated PG but is more formatted to the PG-13 audience. I think the most fascinating thing about this film is that Jean of Arc was a real person, and about 60% of what she faced in real life is not even mentioned in the movie. Jean's parents, for example were totally involved in her life until the very end, but in the movie they do not make an appearance anywhere in her adult life. 3840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I admit it: I'm not a Richard Dreyfuss fan. I have only really liked him in two movies -- George Lucas' American Grafitti and Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 9168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this box set is just,wonderful.full of surprises and with the additional disc choke full of info. 3617 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Be warned that if you buy the streaming video version of this movie (rent is not an option) you are not getting a film version of this movie, but the hacked up narrow screen version that is formatted for TV. It's also low resolution and essentially looks like someone recorded it off of their television on a DVD recorder 10 years ago. 6975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Regardless of what others have said (armchair critics) this movie was pretty good. What I think it needed was not to be cut so much. It seemed to go from one scene to the next with jump cuts that practically gave you whiplash (like going from the scene where there in the office And Milla kills the guys sister, right to them getting a back to the rest of the team running from the Zombies without anything in between). There was more of this movie people! I think the things that kept it from being great were left on the cutting room floor. Hopefully the'll come out with a directors cut. Still I think it deserves a sequel an a shot at being a better movie... 4763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 historical 2394 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't care how cheesy or overly patriotic those cynical reviewers think this movie was. It's good, old-fashioned, edge of your seat entertainment. The president is a decent, moral man who loves his family and takes care of business in every sense of the word and right now I'd love to see his real life counterpart in office. For a couple of cycles, "Last Action Hero" was a featured item. The ad included some fine concert footage of AC/DC's "Big Gun." A portion of this track opens the picture's final credit scroll. Arnold appears in character during the Sears video while Angus Young does his famous schoolboy prance on stage. Disc Two includes a 1 hour and 41 minute documentary, "The Making Of Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Very interesting details about filming locations, casting, a deleted scene, and seven new scenes added into the 1980 re-issue called "Special Edition: Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Also on Disc Two, an over 4-minute theatrical trailer of the original film and a theatrical trailer for the "Special Edition" version. An over 5-minute 1977 featurette of the original film. Over 15 unseen deleted scenes not seen in the original and not the "Special Edition", except for the "Special Edition" ending which is shown. Jeff Daniels is cast as Washington, and I found myself very critical of his performance. He seemed aloof and wooden and, even though there was constant danger, he never lost his cool, calm leadership abilities. I understand, though, that this is exactly the kind of person that George Washington was. If this is true, then he did portray him well. 6852 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kim Novack, Rita Hayworth and Frank Sanatra at the Oakland Mole and SP ferry crossing the Bay. 3222 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie so much!! I am grateful that it showed up in time for the holidays with my family...because I know we watched it at least 5 times in a week! Thanks for being fast!! 9723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Vincent is a naturally conceived person in a genetically engineered world. And genetic prejudice is common. By societys standards, he is labeled in-valid. He always dreamed to be an astronaut, but and in-valid cannot become one. As an adult, through incredible means, he borrows the identity of Jerome Morrow, a swimmer of superior genetics, who had been injured in an accident. 3831 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even though Spielberg "trimmed" the film a few years after its initial release, there still remain some really slow scenes, especially at the home of stars Dreyfuss and Garr. The actors do there best to work the "family thing" but the scenes are prolonged and drag the story line. More effective are the ones with Melinda Dillon and the precocious Cary Guffey as a mother and son, respectively, terrorized by nocturnal and unseen visitors. Not necessarily so, Lois. 5423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Interesting characters and an enticing script. Chris Sarandon's portrayal of Jerry Dandridge is a compelling one and he is also one of the sexiest vampires to ever hit the big screen. Roddy McDowell is humorous, compassionate, and fun to watch. I've seen the remake and I still like the original tons better. Directed by Martin Scorsese Andrew's Blu-ray Review: `Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town' was originally a 1970 stop motion television special, made by Rankin-Bass. The film stars actor Fred Astaire as the narrator S.D. Kluger, Mickey Rooney as Kris Kringle/Santa Claus, Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock, and Paul Frees in various roles. The film tells the story of how Santa Claus and several Claus-related Christmas traditions came to be. It is based on the hit Christmas song of the same name, which was introduced on radio by Eddie Cantor in 1934, and the story of Saint Nicholas. Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy, and all those others - mere cannon fodder to the Pythons! I'm not saying they aren't funny, mind you! I think Eddie Murphy is definitely hilarious! And Adam Sandler is..... .... well, his supporting cast does a better job than he does. If it wasn't for them, he wouldn't be quite as funny in movies (his CDs are a great though!). 4574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 another collectable for me. You just don't see movies like this anymore. As for the quality of the DVD itself, I think it's pretty unimpressive and obviously not much care was taken with the transfer. But ultimately it fails to dent this startling snapshot of the dark side of Britain, one that all too often gets swept under the carpet amidst more easily digestible mediocrity. 4638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Deniro finest performance 98 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent story that reminds you - to love yourself and other as God/Jesus loves you. 6416 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Prince of Tides movie arrived on time with no damage. Even though it's an older movie, It's still a great movie. I feel it's worth adding to any movie collection. in a film. It's important to remember that 'mockumentaries' weren't 7939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very cheerful, optimistic, and overall great movie 1709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Daniels is one of my favorite actors. In this film he plays the part of Gen. Washington who leads his forces across the Delaware river to attack Trenton. Mr. Daniels plays the part of Washington with great humor, which of course in real life Washington never had. But Jeff Daniels makes Washington seem like a man you would follow, because he could lead. This tends to somewhat summarize LUc Besson, his style, and this film in particular. It is spectacular all the way, from the battle scenes - as gory and "realistic" as you might expect - to Jeanne's "voices", pictured as if in some kind of fantasy or even a horror film. You like it very much or you dislike it just as intensily, or, you like perhaps some of it - the battle scenes are rather good, although they may perhaps feel a bit "overdone" -(and "over gory" in particlar), but then this is about personal preferences and since none of us were actually there, it's rather difficult to objectively appreciate whether scene A or scene B is "realistic" or not. My favorite "extra" is the documentary of Terry Jones and Michael Palin, revisiting all the sites where the movie was filmed (just 1 castle for many; an old copper mine; the Castle Aaarrrgg which they never got to enter during the shooting). What this film looks at is a kinder, gentler time out among the big rocks and the fast running western rivers as seen through the eyes of Norman Maclean, played by Craig Sheffer, looking at his coming of age and growing up adventures along with his wilder younger brother Paul, played by younger wilder Brad Pitt, up against the stern Jehovah out of the wilderness father figure minister father, played by Tom Skerritt who took both his religion and his fly-fishing seriously. The early part of the film aside from serious breathe-taking looks at the Montana wilds involves the usual boys coming of age stuff including defying the cloying family home life befit a ministers sons. Later after some time away from college in the East Norman came back for a time before setting out for a career as a professor. In Cain and Abel fashion (without the murderous impulse) Paul stayed home, stayed in bedrock Podunk Montana working as a newspaperman after college but more to the point living the high life as a gambler, fist-fighter, heavy drinker and woman chaser, including having a Native American girlfriend (and just to prove that those times were perhaps a little less edenic for Native Americans she faces as much Anglo hostility as blacks faced in the that golden age 1950s). 719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good for children just learning to read. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, and I recommend the Director's cut. Watching this sort of thing and The X-Files: The Ultimate Collection makes me feel better about real experiences. Watching some other poor bastard go through it is much better. 9929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A great sci-fi film that has genetic engineering, class discrimination and an intriguing murder mystery. Ethan Hawke is fantastic as Vincent, a man with a heart defect who has to fool the world in order to be a recruit for space flight. Jude Law's performance as Jerome, the cripple who gives his own identity to Vincent, is one of the best performances of the 90's. Law's best scene is when he has to climb the stairs only using his arms. Amazing! Milla Jovovich does a great job in the title role. Yes, she's extremely erratic, but this serves to convey the feeling of overwhelming religiosity and sense of purpose...and, she's of believable age and appearance for Joan. The entire film has an undercurrent of tension that comes from the weight of the subject matter. Luc Besson has created a visual masterpiece, sometines looking MTV-ish, but in a manner that makes the period come alive for modern audiences rather than being distracting. 4570 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I remember seeing this as a kid and thinking wow how scary? and seeing it again thinking the same,but I take issue with(SPOILER,if you Have not seen it,do not read further)The Priest being portrayed in the utmost negative light,GodForbid the Rabbi or some Moslem is portrayed like that in Hollywood. The whole end of the world thing reminds me of the "Left Behind" stuff from Protestant sects and how they take advantage of Revelations,the way God is portrayed as a Vengeful God A-la Old Testament,it seems to be like a typical Protestant taking advantage like they do with Sola Scripture. The movie itself is not bad nor does it seem to be blasphemous(I could be wrong),the acting and Jesus seems very intense,But nobody knows when the End of the world is they say not even the Son. The movie is awash in bright colors - the opening shots of the child Jean skipping down her childhood hills of Orleans are quite simply, stunning. Equally enthralling are her visions of `Jesus on the throne' as well as the extended sequence ten minutes into the film where Jean is chased by a pack of wolves, culminating in her discovery of the entire village being torched. If there is one downside to the film, it is that it depicts the English as overly boorish and immoral, while the French are noticeably better looking and far more civilized. Whether this is historically accurate or not, I do not know, but the portrayals of these two sects are quite distracting. 7470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good, very, unusual dilm..it is From Its Time, I'd Say :))) The main message of the film is that there is no genes for the spirit. Extraordinary. alone...on a dark and stormy night. I have seen this numerous times (40?) over the years and still can be reduced to painfull fits of laughter by at least several scenes. Do you need any other recommendation? 2530 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm glad I own one of my favorite movies 5829 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Great transaction. 891 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I thought I was watching an exercise video instead she's quoting the Bible. This is garbage, if I want to read the Bible I'll do it on my own time. very deceiving Upstairs Downstairs is a world in flux, much like our own, and the efforts of the extended family to adjust to it are absolutely mesmerizing. If you're not particularly interested in Joan of Arc, check out this flick for the battles , they'll leave you floored. 2973 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Movie ever This certain Video by the MP group is a parody of King Arthur and the nights of the round tables guest for the ever elusive Holy Grail. Outrageously funny! 5622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie! I'm afraid to say that this is a very poor movie based on a true story. If you want something along the similiar lines of this read Jon Krakauer's book or watch Vertical Limit anyway I will tell you the plot: That's all I saw. I didn't have time to watch anymore but I decided right there to pick up the DVD. The set-up is intriguing and brilliantly executed. 9862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is very innovative science fiction. It is just so intriguing not only in its central theme but as a very interesting story filled with many fascinating character complexities and interactions. Once you start watching this movie you cannot turn away from it. Once you see it scenes keep coming back to you for several days. It is that engrossing. I wanted to watch it again the next day. It is so different and appealing. I wish this DVD was in widescreen but honestly the film is so good that you just look beyond that. There is a certain intimacy about this film that I can't seem to describe but it just captures you. We're supposed to sympathize with Richard Dreyfuss's character who becomes possessed with a vision imparted within him by super-intelligent, super-sensitive aliens. But how can anyone sympathize with a man who willingly throws away his wife and children to follow some vague abstract space vision. This is about King Aurther of Camalot and his knights of the round table serching for the Holy Grail. What insuses is a 2 hour comedy romp with memorable chearcters, witty and remembrable dialoge, and sene after sene of gut busting humor. The first hour of the movie offers little in the way of gore and some decent semi-scary vampire make-up, but in the final 30 minutes things get really good. I mean, its still silly. But this movie features a looong gory death scene that doubles as a gooey transformation scene (to a werewolf-looking form), a super disgusting melting death, a huge and ugly vampire bat, and the monstrously over-sized vampire mouth that would subsequently be used in the Fright Night (2011) remake and the From Dusk til Dawn (1996) films. 8651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 2 year old granddaughter loves it. 9362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 On the outside it looks like your average, everyday, special edition two-disc set, with two audio commentaries by 5 of the 6 surviving Pythons, with trailers, sing alongs and- OKAY it's not the average special edition two-disc set, with two audio commentaries by 5 of the 6 surviving Pythons. Monty Python and the Holy Grail delivers the dream DVD for a quintessential cult classic. But with this DVD the Pythons don't let it go untainted. You can still sense their sinister, humorous presence, and the irony is that's only when you're on the Main Menu. You're already laughing [a lot] and the movie hasn't even started yet! The independent film was also quite volatile behind-the-scenes as Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda who were close friends at the beginning of the film, because of the demands of the film, the two had a falling out. The film featured a lot of fighting between the crew, there was a lot of drug use with not only the cast but also the crew. In fact, some of the scenes used on the film, the talent were wasted on marijuana and some have said that it was remarkable how much the actors were able to work while high on drugs. -DeNiro is great 5166 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can be said about such a classic? I just wanted to point out one scene in Taxi Driver that I haven't heard many people talk about. I believe Travis is watchin Soul Train or something of that sort and there is a slow song playing and everyone is dancing in couples. You then see Travis's face and you can almost see the tears and despair in his face. He sees eveyone on the T.V. with someone, with some form of companionship, whether it be just for TV or real. When they show Travis's face, you can tell he realizes he'll never have that. The lonliness in his face is saddening and I think this one scene really brings home the lonliness and despair Travis feels. 1077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very funny for Woody's first full length feature. He's an incompetant bank robber and his wife is a laundress. Enjoy! Don't waste your time, money, patience, eyesight, hearing or mind on this huge waste of finances. I can't believe some of the actors actually did. OMG An adaptation does not need to be a word-for-word translation from page to screen, but it does have to retain the spirit of the original for me to appreciate it, and this version does neither, so I cannot find much to like about it. After watching this movie, I never thought of coconuts and swallows (African or European) again in the same way. 9630 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Many of the scenes have the state of the art technology at that time, which are totally antiquated at this time. That is the only reason for not getting all 5 stars. At the same time, it represented an attempt to look beyond any immediate advantage of genetic engineering, to some of the darker eventual outcomes. There is a certain weakness to the development of the plot, but the subject matter is going to soon be back in the headlines. We come to know the couple and their problems, as we witness a doomed love affair by Marjorie with an artist that she forsakes to save her mariage and which underscores the power of duty in English society. Richard learns of the affair but doesn't address it directly with his wife, whom he resolutely adores, but instead stands by her as she grieves for the one true love she has chosen to give up. Marjorie's life is cut short (the actress left the show after two seasons) after a fateful voyage on the Titanic. Ignore anyone selling this second hand on amazon or anywhere else for over 20 bucks... they are ripping you off hard. The DVD quality is not that great, it kind of looks like it was done straight from an old VHS to DVD without bothering to clean it up. And there is no bonus features. This DVD deserves more respect then this, and I hope Disney decide to do a special edition of it someday. 4737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It seems everyone reviewing Iron Eagle has seen and loves it. What I know is, it reminds me of simpler times. Cliched? Probably. I remember watching this with my sister as a kid. I love the whole thing and hopefully is as available in the future as it is now. The comparisons to Top Gun are unavoidable, like comparing the Stones to the Beatles. But, as it is with music comparisons, you can't look at Iron Eagle as a Top Gun rip off, it is in my opinion more entertaining and way better in it's own right. The final raid scene is complimemted by the awesome track by Dio "Hide in the Rainbow", when Doug rescues his dad at the end of a fire engulfed runway you just jump up and cheer. What a great moment! Im sure there are technical short comings as far as communications go but so what?Do you like a good old fashioned calvery rescue? When 4 planes lead by MAJOR "Dwight Smiley" show up to fend off the bad guys...well all I can say is grab your apple pie, and classic Coke and enjoy being an american. 6818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite Sinatra movie w/a couple of his best songs in it. Old school & can't help loving Italian skirt-chasers of questionable means named Joey. Had one myself a few years back. Kim & Rita are gorgeous...just radiate that back-in-the-day movie star quality. I know exactly why Mrs. Simpson calls him "beauty"...they're like pets you unsure of ever owning. Doesn't matter that it's romantic mush w/a predictable story line...it's Sinatra & his ladies in their peak years. After its initial release, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS enjoyed a second release not much later with CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: THE SPECIAL EDITION, which added footage cut and/or reshot to make the film a bit closer to visionary Steven Spielberg's dream picture. The added footage, however, really was tacked onto the end of the film, giving viewers a glance inside the Mothership of the UFOs that have been haunting Earth. 9194 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I've seen this movie 4 times now and ever since the first time I sit there wondering "What the heck do people think is funny in this movie" - Than I realized that if I had been high when I watched it this movie probably would have been hilarious! That's actually a good thing because than I could have some killer food and laugh at this stuff even though usually I'd just turn it off lol 195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing. Gives a whole new view. 8036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I hadn't seen this film since it's release in 1991. I borrowed it from a friend's bookcase and watched it last night. I had forgotten how funny, surreal, and moving this film is. Along with FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, this is one of Terry Gilliam's best films. Although, the themes of these two films couldn't be farther apart. With those four words, a legend was born. 4935 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is just not an 'ordinary' movie. For that alone it has some merit, but if you have a desire to see different perspectives on things, this is worth a watch. It is excellently made. 2629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic. This is a fascinating movie. Take big star, add big action, add a bit of seriousness, then a bit of spoof then to finish it off add a interesting plot. You have Last Action Hero. 8784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Probably the best film Charles Bronson ever did. A Walter Hill directed film and it is a good one. Gives a great picture of the Depression Era. The role played by his manager. (sorry forgot his name) is a classic. I saw this when it first came out many years ago and still like it today. 3. Miracles of Jesus 7083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always love Annie! Movie Buffs Listen UP. Faye Dunaway and John Malkovich give good performances but they are not in enough of the movie to save it. By the time Dustin Hoffman shows up at the end, who even cares? 8744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Enjoyed this. Like the title says and during these times it was "Hard Times. Many people made a living as best they could. A wonderful sentiment. The whole movie is full of incredible quotes and comments on generosity, history, a man's life, and a man's effect on the people and world around him. 3647 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the movie was great and as enjoyable now as when it was released. the vhs cassette with case was in mint condition. thanks!!! 8) Albert Brooks sporting a curly headed fro 4991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The last film ever made that examines realistically the nature of man, the pain of loneliness and the seedy streets of New York circa early 1976. It also has the last greatest Soundtrack written By Bernard Herrmann. It is a masterpiece of film making and acting. The DVD gives you every special fea?ure available. It is a MUST own. The only negative is that Scorcese does not have the original negative 35mm film of the last 12 minutes or so which feature (at the time) a very bloody chain of events. So the footage is a bit dark and red during the restored sequences but it is the only surviving footage. He had to cut the original negative for distribution to ABC. TV and network never thinking about the possibilty of the DVD genre. Such is life. Whatever happened to all these tenements and X rated palaces on 8th Ave and 42nd Street. 2974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 8485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My Grandson loves this movie, I am so glad to add it to my movie collection. 9868 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Absolutely a thought provoking, entertaining film. Excellent 7026 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I do like seeing scary movies, so I saw previews for this so I thought I'd check it out. Well I liked it scared me to death if the filmakers make Resident Evil 2 hope they make it scarier all the zombies looked scary. So if you really like horror flicks go see this. 5712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good scary action movie! 9596 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This sci-fi thriller is a chilling reminder of how he advances in medical science must be addressed with a new morality. 7103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 kids watch constantly 6940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I wasn't expecting much, knowing this was another one of those based on a game. But I had hopes, so I went, and I'm glad I did. This was a horror movie in the ruest sense and of the highest claiber. If you like a scary, suspenseful, shiver down your back, jump out of your seat movie, you'll like this. Get it - you won't regret it. These people are stuck down there which always makes for a good horror movie. To that add some vile zombies...like the night of the living dead, and viola! And best of all - it's made by the same guy who made "Event Horizon". If you liked that, you'll like this, and if you never saw it, SEE IT! 5357 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. 'Ron 6442 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have seen this film a number of times, realized I wanted a copy to keep. While Pat Conroy's books are too often "over-written," including PRINCE OF TIDES -- I still love this particular book, and the script for the film -- brava to Streisand. And Nick Nolte is marvelous! gains steam. As we get to know the main character it builds up to a violent climax Vincent encounters his brother again, in the form of the senior investigating officer, when a member of Gattaca's senior people gets his perfect cranium clobbered and all of its `employees' become subject to interrogation thereby threatening Vincent's dream. SPECIAL FEATURES:I give it 6 stars out of 10. 8323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Elmo movie and great lesson to the movie. 7569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a old fly fisherman of 79 years and the movie brought back old memories of my childhood. In addition to De Niro's stunning performance, we see a young and gorgeous Cybill Shepherd and a very, very young (12 years old) Jodie Foster. I've always wondered what kind of parents would allow their 12-year-old daughter to play a role like this, but that's another subject. Albert Brooks, Harvey Keitel (with shoulder-length hair!) and Peter Boyle all lend good supporting help. First they recruitt the timid Bob (Bob Musgrave) as the getaway driver, as he is the only one who has a car. They practice for a while on smaller-time burglaries, such as robbing a bookstore -- then hiding out at a motel, where Anthony falls in love with the pretty South-American maid (Lumi Cavazos). However, the guys find themselves in hot water when they bump into a REAL crime boss (James Caan). 6272 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 When I saw "Resident Evil" I like it, although it was a free version of the game, of the story. But "Resident Evil - Apocalypse", it's disastrous. With a useless explanation by Alice of what happened in the first film and flashbacks. I think they made some kind of mistake when editing the film because the story can be confusing. The dialogues are bad and the performance terrible; why make Alice look tough in the film? And the zombies almost doesn't appear. The special effects are bad and Nemesis is just a mass of makeup, not to mention the music. The only good thing in the movie is Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory, which perfomance as a sexy policewoman reults unbelieveable. rocket launchers- exploding helicopter machine gun violence - fashion 1907 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love it 7336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased this for my adult son as an inspiration. The scenery is greaat too. 9922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed the movie the first time I sawed it. I rented it so I can see it again, but did not enjoyed it. There was something wrong with the sound. I played it three times and about the same place in the movie the sound became garble and silent. I know it was not my television and my Roku device. I've tried a different movie on my list and he sound was good, I also tried just the television station and the sound was good. I tried to request a credit for it but I could not find a link. I hope this will help. Again the movie was great but the sound was bad. of the world and Judgement ... I am going to buy this movie as I only rented it .. 7335 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A-OK 7281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 6950 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was one of the naysayers who initially believed this film would fail without the guiding hand of George Romero. He is, as many of us remember, the man who was originally picked to direct "Resident Evil." When Paul Anderson was chosen to replace him, I seriously had my doubts over whether he would possess the proper credentials to tackle a film of this nature. Now, after having seen "Resident Evil" twice in theaters, I can definitely say my hastiness to prematurely slam it was wrong because, people, this movie flat out rocked!!! Paul Anderson surprised me. The cinematography shows strong in the pans of the city at all hours as it is seen through Travis's eyes; and the choreography works well in the bloody fighting at the end of the movie, too. 'Gattaca' is a the story of Vincent (Hawke), a young man who was conceived by natural birth, and his determination to fight back in a world where genetic engineering is the norm, where employment solely rests on how you were born. Vincent decides to take the identity of genetically engineered man, Jerome (Law), an athlete who, unknown by the public, suffered an accident that left him paralyzed. Vincent is now Jerome and is working at Gattaca so that he will fulfill his dreams and be launched into space. However, things take an unexpected turn when a man is murdered at Gattaca and the police arrive to investigate. While cleaning up the scene, a single eye lash from Jerome/Vincent is found, and the police now suspect the murder was caused by him, as Vincent is an "in-valid." IF ONLY SOME WOMEN COULD BE AS SMART AS THE WOMAN PLAYED BY SUSAN SARANDON MAYBE LESS CHILDREN WOULD SUFFER... 5322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie, even though it's about the type of privileged fellows I grew up around who had the luxury to be like what he was. What I like is that he's honest about that. 4750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie, I like spectacular, fast paced movies and I am not really a great intellectual - but when a movie is REALLY intelligent and well done, sometimes I like them even better. And "Gattaca" is an exceptionally well thought, well conceived, well directed, well paced, well balanced and VERY well interpreted movie. It is amazing how much you can do with a modest budget if you have a brilliant scenario and a good idea how to use it, when you keep a good control over your movie and when you hire half a dozen of really excellent actors, who clearly enjoy playing much more than "being a star". The director, Andrew Niccol, managed to do all of it very well (oh, why, but why, couldn't he direct the "Terminal" rather than only writing the scenario). Milla Jovovich is a capable actress, but good acting really doesn't drive this movie. She's at least believable. Rodriguez is over the top, but in a good way, as the ever-vigilant militant soldier. Good action sequences and superb special effects render this movie one to consider. What....you want a plot? Sorry, there just isn't one. Well, nothing that could be coherently described as a plot, anyway. The target audience of this movie won't realize this, but what we get is a collection of music videos very very loosely tied together around a number of dismal subplots. 9739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I went to medical school at one of the best in the country. I studied molecular biology and this movies science is spot on. For those that don't know the title Gattaca is made up of letters that are all nucleotides , the building blocks of DNA. That is kind of neat. And they never really advertise that. They don't mention that in the movie. You just have to kind of know what. Makes you feel special if you do know it. That's how I know the writer is a highly intelligent person and expect the audience to be intelligent also. They don't dumb it down for us. I loved it. Five stars. I would give it six if I could. Now I don't know how realistic any of this really is: bullets flying all over the plane and the plane apparently puncture-proof. Or people jumping from a plane at 15000 feet without too much fear like they grew up jumping out of planes. 5646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Recommended. In 1980, Steven Spielberg re-worked the film cutting some scenes out and adding newly-filmed scenes with more of Richard Dreyfuss inside the Mothership. It also included the song, "When You Wish Upon A Star" in end credits. 6923 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I do not like Sinatra, and as someone once said, Joey is the role he was born to play. A self-important little heel. I think he had a very slight singing voice (with orchestral delusions of grandeur, look at the arrangement of his "Softly, As I Leave You") and I think he was a megalomaniac. Also, before I drop the subject, the tune in this flick that floored all the other reviewers here ("The Lady Is A Tramp") was written for a woman and has many more, and many cleverer choruses, and was written for "Babes in Arms," not "Pal Joey." Rita Hayworth (whose character, Vera Simpson, was just rich on the stage) plays a former stripper, not a former singer. And her number, "Zip!" has words in it not even written by Hart! The plot of the show (par for Hollywood) was bowdlerized, rewritten and destroyed for the flick, and left simplistic and with most of its songs gone. Good ones too. I've read O'Hara's libretto and I've heard the score. The film is a colorful diversion (like the films of Porter's "Can-Can" and Loesser's "Guys and Dolls," both also with Sinatra, both also eviscerated and abridged, though Loesser fared best of the three), it'll kill an hour and a half, Rodgers' tunes are done well (as well as non-singers can do them), O'Hara and Hart are rewritten with only the bare bones left, but in 2003, who really cares anymore. Rodgers & Hart will be around when this shadow of one of their best shows (almost all their shows were their best shows, they were gems, but this one had a script by John O'Hara, sigh, what a waste) is forgotten. Watch it, feel good (if you can stand Sinata; Novak and Hayworth are talented and beautiful), and then forget it. 6837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie.kim knovak ,mix great and the songs are classic. Histoey Chanell. I am very pleased with satisfaction having these 2780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks 5668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 toothpaste? The movie may be 30 years old, but this transfer makes it look as though it was released this year. 2313 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is the kind of movie that should have never gotten to a studio once the script was written. It's so fake and it would never happen. 9799 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Boring, boring, boring.....don't buy it. 3577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Enjoyed the movie but a lot has changed since this came out. I heard that it is being refilmed and updated which should be great using today's technology. I hope they include Richard Dreyfus in the new version because he us a fantastic actor and really made thus version of the film the classic that it is. 9754 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The story illustrates the possible dangers of science through genetic manipulation using an interesting story line and good-looking actors. I show it in my high school class. 9351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has to be the worst film ever! Monty Python has to have some of the stupidest sons of... 8189 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 2 words: Carol Burnett. Are you kidding? Funny, raunchy, rotten, awful, yet somehow lovable character performed by well known tv variety show personality. A great movie, but the heartwarming aspect mitigated by some excellent reality. 1458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The concluding black-and-white episodes of the Diana Rigg series had a more than usual tendency to show off her figure to fullest advantage. Such is the case especially with "A Sense of History," in which she dresses in a leg-revealing Robin Hood outfit, and "A Touch of Brimstone," where she wears next to nothing as the Queen of Sin (and is attacked with a whip, to boot). "How To Succeed...At Murder" has her in a bodystocking/leotard, practicing ballet for a good portion of the story. And when she isn't dressing down, she's quite the clothes-horse, wearing a gorgeous white pants suit, for instance, in "The House That Jack Built," a memorably striking bit of surrealistic sci-fi. or willingly (depending on who you ask) has unleashed 1614 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I took a chance on this item as i had never seen it before. I am a HUGE Downton Abbey fan and felt if I enjoy that so much then why not this series? It took me a few episodes to get into it but now that i know the characters I have to say this is quite entertaining. Of course you have to remember this is a series from the 70's so if you are expecting to be as entertained as one is with downton Abbey then you will be disappointed. You must watch this series with the adult mindset that the 70's were a different time and filming was different and acting wasn't what it is today. I am thoroughly enjoying this series but really ticked off at how many characters have come and gone so far. What was up with that? 1432 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The DVD had a small crack in it, and would not play. 3856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 IDLE HANDS WAS THE FUNNIEST HANDS FILM I SAW SINCE EVIL DEAD 2, AND THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FILMS OF 1999, IT HAS DOPE SMOKER ANTON KILLING HIS PARENTS,FRIENDS,COPS,AND ANYONE WITHIN REACH.IT SOUNDS TASTELESS BUT IT IS QUITE HILARIOUS FOR A HORROR-COMEDY FLICK. A VERY HILARIOUS FILM. Martin Scorcese's classic Taxi Driver is the quintessential "Through The Looking Glass" examination of how a man becomes an island in a city of millions. The Classic Anti-Hero, Travis Bickle, (Robert DeNero, "Henry Krinkle") is all too pathetic, all too pitiful in the way that he wrenches from you pure disgust of his persona. Everyone sometime in life have felt that crushing loneliness he goes through, but few people compound that loneliness in layers as he does. It seems that his every action feeds his problems until he loses contact with reality, and his fantasies take control to turn him into a killing machine. Through Travis' eyes and mind we see the worst of society. Travis seems to incorporate all these defects into his own personality. 8843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can only echo what so many have already said, this is by far Bronson's best. I just want to give a nod to the fine supporting performances that help to elevate this film to the status of B-movie classic. Robert Terrier, always the tough guy, fits the role of "the one to beat" to a tee. (Terrier was actually a decorated Korean war vet who was also an accomplished furinture maker.) And while James Coburn does a fine turn as the slick fight promoter, it is Stother Martin who steals the show as Bronson's corner man, Poe. No one could have delivered the line, "In my third year of medical school a dark cloud appeared over campus and I left under it," quite like Martin. I loved the scene where they find out a nuke is coming to destroy the city. If you long for the days of a real horror movie, check this dvd out. 7022 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed this movie this movie is not just for kids. As an adult I would recommend it to everyone young or old. 85 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I thought it was a good Christmas movie. Winner in Cannes and a top cult movie from its first release. 6649 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 As a St. Jeanne d'Arc devotee, I have read quite a bit on my favorite Saint, as well as seen my share of movies. Some were well done, none have been definitive, and others are, well, like this one. I usually try to be a bit more intelligent, but the first word that comes to mind when I think of this particular version is CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Historically innacurate, spiritually unfaithful, this film stinks. It is downright heretical, portraying our beloved Jeanne as having made a pact with the devil. She is shown as a proud, haughty girl at odds with her Church. What a bunch of bull. The ONLY two bits of this film I appreciated were the attention given to her ring (given her by her brother), as well as the scene when she brings a child back to life (I am unaware of any other films on her that portray this true story). Other than these, it took a lot not to walk out of the theatre when I went to see it. In other words, BLAHHHHHHHH! Don't waste your time, money, or soul on such non-sense. Anyone looking for a silly movie, to pass a few hours, this works. Anyone nostalgic for seeing and hearing the Spice Girls this is great. 9887 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This being a Hollywood film, I was expecting lots of "The Human Spirit(TM) always triumphs over Technology" soapbox cliches---which there was, but it was relatively subtle and well-integrated into the film. 204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler is a fine actor and this version of the famous story is proof positive. He does and excellent job as Ebeneezer Scrooge. The story, of course, is the same as the other versions, but each remake brings a different interpretation by the actors and writers. This one is fun and easy to watch. A fine family film. 3360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love love love this movie. This is basic Spielberg and very watchable. 9129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i still remember playing fallout 2 in the late 90's with marauders searching for the holy hand grenade of antioch, i wish fallout 3 had a holy grail reference. some great lines to indocturne anyone that hasn't experienced the greatness of the holy grail: help help i'm being repressed...bloody peasant...oh what a give away-your arm's off...just a flesh wound-we are the keepers of the sacred words: ni, pang,& niwong-cut down the largest tree in the forest with, a hering-its a loneley life/dressing/undressing/making exciteing underwear-i warned you/do they ever listen/no no/its just a harmless bunny-1,2,5... 3 sir... 3(throws the holy hand grenade to vanquish the mighty rabbit)-what, is the airspeed veloity of an unladen swallow. Robert Downey Jr. is at his most charming as Damon Bradley, who Faith meets by chance, or perhaps fate, and falls in love with. Faith will discover, however, that destiny has a few twists and turns in store for her, in this truly delightful violin concerto to love. 4408 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Really now... When I heard that they were putting my FAVORITE Christmas film on DVD, I was so excited. A Muppet Family Christmas is something I watch every December. It's funny, sweet, and so entertaining. But, unfortunetly, the version on this DVD is not the version I just praised. There are massive edits that are very noticable to viewers who have watched it since it first aired on TV and may leave first time viewers confused. Fozzie's duet with the Snowman is cut out, the Muppet Babies home video is cut out (leaving Doc with a very strange line that doesn't make sense) and in my opinion the best part, where Miss Piggy enters, sings her song and slips on the Icy Patch, is edited out. The best Icy patch gag and it's left out of the DVD/VHS. 4289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Much better than I was expecting. Pretty funny and a blast to watch! Sons loved it and have watched d it over and over. 4358 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of the top all-time underrated movies of all time. Shot on a very low budget (less than $1.5 million)and originally slated for director Brian DePalma (who ended up tackling "Obsession" also from a script by "Taxi Driver" writer Paul Schrader which also featured Bernard Herrmann writing the score), "Taxi Driver" became Scorsese and Schrader's first great film. It's fascinating to watch the script-to-screen comparison which illustrates the artistry of writer, actors and director bring to the project making it quite unique. Of all the methods out there, Reid's is the one that has really stood the test of time, and for good reason. He starts the reader off with basic scales and simple patterns for playing over changes. From there it's on through more complex scales and patterns and finally, soloing, illustrated with a number of transcribed classics. 5739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+ Milla Jovovich does a wonderful job in performing Joan, she show the character's struggle against the non-believers beautifully, other actors like John Malkovich and Dustin Hoffman also shines in their part, Faye Dunaway is also brilliant in this film as the mother in law of the King. Save Your Lower Back with Annetee Fletcher 1876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really liked this movie. It has a great story line. 8302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a big fan of British comedy and drama, I have to say Rumpole is one of the very best. Production values are only fair, but Leo McKern "is" Rumpole. The superb supporting cast only serves to add to the fun. if your into resident evil or if you like action/horror flicks then this is a must see. A few minutes into the movie, I thought it was a horror movie. Even then I was disappointed because it's not nearly horrifying enough. Then a third of the movie gone by, the plot became more and more ridiculous, and only then did I realize that the filmmakers wanted to make it a black comedy. But just that the movie has the style of a black comedy doesn't mean that the filmmakers would feel obliged to offer you any laughs, witty dialouges or dark humor. The movie has none of those. 1542 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This out of all the many versions of Jane Eyre has to be my least favorite... Wes Anderson does have a peculiar gift. He is able to give life to the strangest characters and make you care for them. The hero of RUSHMORE and Luke -Anthony Adams- Wilson in BOTTLE ROCKET are uncommon guys, so naive in the way they are apprehending the outside world that you cannot but smile while following their adventures. 2964 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is part of my small private collection of watch-again-and-again-and again movies. Probably once a year on a day I just curl up and watch this. The female characters in this movie exemplify the best in human character, and the funny parts are funny even when you know they're coming. All the actors fit right into the skin of their characters. The famous choppers that the two drove, although there were four total, two for backup. The person in charge of watching over the choppers, Tex Hall, had a robbery attempt at his home with a shotgun on him and his girlfriend and the motorcycles were stolen. Like part 1, Alice once again awakens quite scantily clad with no clue where she is. This time in a surgical gownerrrra piece of one. LOL. They sure do like having her wake up with a heavy dose of legs and side boob. She has also clearly been operated upon or the subject of experimentation. Alice wanders outside the facility to find the streets of Racoon City barrena newspaper headlined The Dead Walk blows by. Nice touch, right? We come to find that after her capture at the end of part 1 she had been dosed with the T-virus (a special strain, I suppose), making her a superhuman killing machine. 4564 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Thi move while the story is ridiculous is good entertainment, Demi Moore stunning. I don't like being told howm many words I should use in my review so now I bet I have hit the minimum. I'd recommend it for a rental, if you want a mindless, scary action movie with some real suspense. Big fans of the game, it's probably a good investment to purchase (though I'm sure everyone that was going to buy it did so a long time ago) . You could do a lot worse (like rent the director's Mortal Kombat, for instance) Bonus/deleted/alternate scenes, and easter eggs (yes, you can stop hunting for them now), are conspicuously absent on the DVD, which leads me to believe the talk about releasing a 2 disc set a few months down the line of an `unrated director's cut'. I'll rent that to see that extra gore (hey, I ain't above that, and I'll gladly admit to it), and I wouldn't mind seeing the flick again, either. 6367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Prince of Tides is an interesting movie. The cover picture does not convey the correct picture of what the movie is about. Frankly, the love affair between those two is a small part of the film. The film is more about Nick Nolte character's memories of his childhood, considering that Barbara's character is trying to figure out why Nolte's character twin sister is suicidal. In fact, Nolte's character is so affected by his own childhood that he needs to find his way; in the end he does. 8729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is my favorite Bronson movie! I loved seeing this movie in widescreen Blu-Ray (at last). The pan and scan DVD was all that was available until now and was a disappointment. The only knock is the limited edition price of nearly $50! Some extra features like a "making of" documentary or deleted scenes would also have been nice. 66 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 did not like Cookieman108 8794 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bronson was the Clint Eastwood of street fighters-Doesn't talk,just gets it done, in style! Goes to work,,wins,and moves on While each Spice Girl physically embodies stereotypical fashions, physiques and attitudes, those characteristics don't translate over to their personalities. Either they were all scripted to be ditzy, or they're just naturally that way. Through constant daydream sequences they act out various scenarios, most of which are intended as comedy relief, despite the blatant absence of humor. Similarly, the dance and song segments arise from nonsensical situations, and they're choreographed with little self-respect, and with obnoxious elements such as an Army dance instructor and poor lip-syncing. Alan Cumming plays a character very much like we envision him to be in his everyday life, and Roger Moore embarrassingly plays a villain who strokes various furry animals and speaks in riddles, an obvious farce of his own James Bond evildoers. Buy this Blu-ray. 1755 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good. 1884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 4992 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 When it was new, I didn't go see it because I was told it was pretty violent. Then when Hinkley did his thing "to impress Jodi Foster," I was even more turned off. I had seen some still photos of Foster in her baby whore costume, and admit to having been a bit curious as to what really was involved and how she handled it. That one star up there is for her. 8731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite CB movie. I just had to get the blu ray version for years of clear viewing enjoyment. Now all I need is Jan Michael Vincent, White Line Fever in blu ray and I'm set. 2931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Have kleenex ready for this one.... The film continues the story of the 2002 film, but this time it takes place in Raccoon City. Alice meets Jill, Carlos, and a few other survivors. Most of the citizens of Raccoon City have been turned into zombies from the T-Virus plague, and the main characters are being followed by Nemesis. Along the way, they have to fight against the zombies, lickers, and Nemesis himself. The cast performances are spectacular all around, from the leads (Richard Dreyfus and Melinda Dillon) to the supporting characters (especially Bob Balaban and Teri Garr), there is not a weak link. You owe it to yourself to watch this movie. 3819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this movie for my son-n-law for Christmas as that is what he wanted. He enjoyed it. It appeared to be in good shape, ie-no scratches on DVD. It came in the amount of time estimated by Amazon. 1221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good show featuring the very funny Bob Newhart. This completes my collection and will be enjoyed as part of a marathon. The marvelous actress Sally Field plays her mother, M'Lynn, who loves her daughter so much that she gives Shelby one of her kidneys. Her reactions to Shelby's pregnancy and the aftermath of Shelby's death are impossible to keep a dry eye. The funeral scene is a display of raw grief that few actresses can equal. Dolly Parton is a natural as gossipy beautician Truvy Jones, whose marriage is falling apart. Olympia Dukakis brings sarcastic but lovable Clairee Belcher to life. Her dialogue sparkles: "They were both high. They'd been smoking everything but their shoes," and "She's the new mayor's wife. We hate her." Daryl Hannah is adequete as shy prayer Annelle Dupey Desoto, although she could have been better. And finally there's Shirley MacLaine as the extremely grouchy Ouiser "People are nice to me because I have more money than God" Boudreaux. Tom Skerrit and Dylan McDermott are great in their supporting roles. Steel Magnolias is the story of six Southern woman who stand up to life's tragedies and find laughter, wisdom, and grace in a beauty parlor. Unparallelled. R.I.P. Robin Williams: :( 6311 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Shocking! Of course, i tried to take it on it's good points. Before i saw it i was looking forward to seeing the movies translation of nemesis. It was CRAP! There's no other word for it, sorry to anyone who may have found that rude, but it was a big guy in a suit. The movies neither scared me, thrilled me, or even interested me at parts. But as i always say, it may be to some people's liking so check it out if you liked the first one. All in all, i didn't like either. I'm glad i still have the games to give it a good name. Enjoy! 4) 13 year old Jodi Foster able to match De Niro's charisma and acting excellence This show has an amazing cast, not to mention riveting plot lines. As a costume drama, it is pretty enough but due to the age of the show and the budget constraints back then, the production quality is not as great as contemporary period dramas such as seen on hit series Downton Abbey, the remake Upstairs, Downstairs and others. Some of the episodes in Season One are rendered in black and white instead of color due to a strike back then. This however did not spoil my enjoyment of the show. 1365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are a Bob Newhart fan you will love this! I know most of us didn't get to view each episode of the series, ... so here is your chance! Great set and the price was right! 4502 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My mom's been looking for this. She was excited when it arrived. Thank you. 1732 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good historical take on history 5903 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Resident Evil" has gotten a bit of a "schlock" reputation; I find trailers for the latest theatrical release intriguing; when I mentioned this to my son, he recommended this first in the series. It doesn't have the timbre of supernatural or horror film that I've been told sequels do. In fact the story is more plausible than say, "Total Recall" or "Sixth Sense", which are accepted as scifi. If you're looking for horror/zombie, this isn't the flick for you. But I recommend it to SciFi fans who may have passed it over. 3298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie, and frequently watch it again and again when I need a good emotional movie - or a good cry. Don't watch without your Kleenex handy!!!! I've never met a man that enjoyed this one... so don't bother watching it with them. This is great to watch with the girls, or your sisters!! The Louisiana setting is fun, along with all the southern-belle accents. The story is just a moment in the lives of this family, and the choices a woman makes to have the family she so desires. Full of crazy characters, and a wonderfully warm family... it's the ultimate "chick flick". INTENDED MAINLY FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVE WATCHED THE MOVIE OR PEOPLE THAT DON'T GIVE A BLANK. 1091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Though I usually enjoy Woody Allen's more recent work, I'm one of many filmgoers whose heart still belongs to his earlier, anything-for-a-laugh, anarchistic comedies like Bananans, Sleeper, and this one. Take the Money And Run was Woody Allen's first real film to direct himself and it remains one of his funniest. Disguised as a documentary, this 1969 film tells the hilarious story of Virgil Starkweather, the world's most inept (if stupidly optomistic) thief. Like most of Woody Allen's early films, everything is played almost solely for the laughs it might provide and nearly forty years later, it all holds up very well. Lots of hilarious stuff in here (at times, this film is the funniest Mel Brooks film that Mel Brooks never made) but my personal favorite bits would have to include: Virgil's parents who disguise their indentities by wearing Groucho Marx glasses but will be familiar to anyone whose seen any of Allen's films, Virgil's attempt to rob a bank is foiled when none of the clerks can read his bad handwriting, another robbery goes wrong when a rival gang decides to rob the same bank at the same time, Virgil's attempt to escape from prison by making a fake gun out of soap is ruined when it starts to rain, the sight of Woody Allen on a southern chain gang (and being punished by being locked in the hole with an insurance salesman), and especially the scene where a man Virgil attempts to mug turns out to be not only a childhood school friend but an undercover cop as well. Directing with a wild-anything-goes-spirit, Woody Allen gives one of his first (and best) "born loser" performances as Virgil. Amongst all the madness, the film also presents a bizarrely sweet love story between Virgil and his wife, who is well-played by the lovely (and the sadly no longer with us) Janet Margolin. Always underappreciated, Margolin was one of those forgotten, at times almost painfully vulnerable actresses that one can't help but fall in love with everytime she appears on screen. Though overshadowed by the later Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow, Janet Margolin was Woody Allen's first unlikely love interest (in both film and briefly real life) and they have a strong chemistry together that adds much heart to a wild film. Take the Money and Run remains hilarious and will be enjoyed by both fans of Woody Allen and classic film comedy. In the biography, If This Was Happiness (Sphere Books Limited), writer Barbara Leaming observed that "it was common knowledge that Harry Cohn had anointed Kim Novak to replace Rita Hayworth at Columbia and shortly thereafter, the creation of Kim Novak as Columbia's next 'big star' was widely thought to be Harry Cohn's revenge on Rita Hayworth, so that putting the two actresses together made the press and public expect fireworks. Still, according to George Sidney, on the set 'there was no friction between Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak.' Although Rita Hayworth did lament that she was actually younger than Frank Sinatra, she was really just anxious to fulfil her final obligations to the studio as quickly and as smoothly as possible." 4014 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A tear-jerker but great actors in the cast! 5366 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great One of Brad Pitt's many, many great movies! The extras are what make this version so desirable. Included on the two disc set are numerous diversions, including a couple of documentaries (one made in 1974 on location, and one made for this release.) One of the highlights of this package is the documentary "The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations!" in which Terry Jones and Michael Palin take us on visits to the locations where the film was shot. It is a very interesting and entertaining documentary with footage from the movie compared with how the areas look now; of particular interest are the interior views of the castles. A refreshing, entertaining, and witty horror comedy that makes fun of the vampire genre with some good ideas, gore, self-referential jokes ( Before " Scream"), great special effects by Richard Edlund, wild vampire make-up effects by Steve Johnson and it's just a down and out fun yet original vampire movie with a cult following, it's one of the best from the 80's next to " The Lost Boys". * Casting a Line: A 6 minute guide on how to start fly fishing, there were actually a few kids that watched this part and seemed interested. Other noteworthy performances include those of Kate Nelligan, Blythe Danner and George Carlin. Oscar-nominated Kate Nelligan brilliantly portrays Lila Wingo Newbury, the high-strung and status-hungry mother of Nolte's character. Nelligan is stunning as a young mother in the flashback scenes and looks convincingly older in the present setting (kudos, makeup and wardrobe crew). Blythe Danner was perfect as Tom's frustrated wife Sallie, a character deserving of compassion in her own right. Comedian George Carlin plays Eddie, the gay and caring neighbor of Tom's suicidal twin sister Savannah. Carlin is commended for conveying his character's sexuality with a bit more subtlety than flamboyance and for playing his dramatic scenes as wonderfully as his comedic ones. 2204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Any resemblance between President Bill Clinton and the Harrison Ford Chief Executive in Wolfgang Petersen's far-fetched, entertaining, but woefully predictable skyjacking saga "Air Force One" ends when Ford's fantastic First Guy starts knocking off the villains. Nevertheless, the parallels between Clinton and Marshall appear clearly obvious. Harrison Ford's President James Marshall is married to a tenacious, headstrong wife in the Hilary mode, and they have a 12-year old daughter. (So was Bill Pullman's president in "Independence Day.") Unlike Clinton, President Marshall flew helicopter rescue missions in Vietnam and received a Medal of Honor. No, the filmmakers refuse to identify President James Marshall's party affiliation, which make "Air Force One" impartially political, while it trumpets America's anti-terrorist stance. 4999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mel Brooks is by far, the greatest entertainer to ever live. There is nothing he can't do or hasn't done. This collection is a nice showcase of some highlights of his career. As many mention there are some movies missing, most notably the producers which as of the date of this review, is not yet available on blu ray. But so what, I'll enjoy my DVD until it does come out. So instead of whining about what isn't there, sit back and thoroughly enjoy what IS included. I don't need to sit here and tell you movie by movie why they are great, you should already know that by now. Buy this, cherish it, watch each film over and over again, and maybe you can remember not to take life so seriously anymore. All in all, if you have time to kill, and want a simple non absorbing musical, this is your movie. Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman) and a team of Russian bad guys manage to sneak onboard Air Force One and take over the plane. They believe the Prez took the escape pod and left his staff, wife, and daughter to die. What they don't know is that Marshall (a Medal of Honor winnter) is still onboard and is working to take back his plane. Kudos to the cast, which is stellar all around. Nolte shines as Tom, giving a powerful performance full of convincing emotion and forceful dialogue. Streisand's role as Lowenstein is good enough, better than most give her credit for; she gets the job done in front of and behind the camera with serviceable results. Add to this a supporting cast that includes Blythe Danner as Tom's wife, Kate Nelligan as his mother, and Streisand's own son, Jason Gould, as her character's son, and you have a truly becoming cast that adds zest and freshness to the script. There are good things, though. Sienna Guillory is a standout as the strong-willed police officer, whose acting is perhaps better than the star Milla Jovovich. Perhaps her roles was cut short (especially the earlier part) because some of her behaviors in the opening parts look too adrupt. They should not have done that (if they did, I mean). And Mike Epps gives us a few moments of genuine laughs, which are always welcome to me. 7447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An unusual movie that develops beautifully throughout its length. Lots of great scenery and suspense throughout. If you are like most of us you will want to see this one again to get its full impact. Go for it!!! 884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great history series. We love drive thru history as well as the kids. Very educational as well as entertaining . 8400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ok, so the first thing we look at is the fact that this is technically not the real storyline for the musical Annie. But the second thing we look at is that kids will enjoy this version more, I know I like it better than any of the other movies, but the musical is still the best thing, if only they had the obc doing a performance on vhs, then that would be the thing to get. None the less, I love the musical Annie, and this is what got me started, it takes away from the real setting(eg: the real thing was during christmas, not the 4th of july, and some songs are missing and some were replaced) but it is still a great way to start kids into a love for musicals. 8374 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie shines like the top of the Chrysler building! 2213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The film is reminiscent of many an airplane, ship, railroad and, probably, even ferry boat, terror-hostage-'noted individual at risk' film; however, making it the President, gives it an extra bit of pizzazz. Of course, Harrison Ford does his usual professional job, the nasty guys are suitably nasty, the good ones are suitably heroic, and one forgives them their excesses in the name of thriller necessity. Thriller it is, and, a good one. Lovers of the genre, accustomed to forsaking reality for the sake of enjoying a film, will like this one. I liked it. The only thing which marred it for me, occasionally was the lurking thought which would rise to the surface before I firmly repressed it; what if we really had a President in a crisis who also ignored his oath of office so readily, had no sense of his duty to the country, what if we really had a Vice-President so unwilling to do the hard but necessary things. Never fear, President Harrison Ford will triumph as will V.P. Close. Never fear, the United States does not collapse into anarchy. Now years later, same effect. The drag show performed by Michael Jeter in Amanda Plummer's quite office is worth the price of the video. It is the most over the top scene in this over the top film. 479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really loved this movie ,it describes the biblical account pretty accurate. it starts w/ Joseph being sold to Egypt and backtracks after Joseph is accused from Potiphars wife, when Joseph defends himself in front of Potiphar through telling him his life story. I was clued to the screen the whole time. Also the actor for Joseph is very likable and also Jacob(Martin Landau) did a great performance. 8307 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good for fans of Elmo and "Sesame Street". I purchased it for the adult cast, especially Ruth Buzzi as Ruthie . A harmless time-filler for people of all ages:-) first flick by the Wilson boys, So basically, if you watch this the first time, you might really find objectionable that it deviates in some respects from actual occurrences. and draws some characters and events with a too broad and thus somewhat inaccurate brush.. But it actually isn't too bad a movie, when you realize that all movies of true events deviate somewhat from the truth to tell a story. And while this has some deviations from reality that seem excessive at first, actually it really isn't too far off the mark, or too bad a movie. 5029 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 TAXI DRIVER is an iconic film, considered by many to be a masterpiece and the crowning achievement of both Martin Scorsese and Robert DeNiro. Whatever your opinion this is a powerful film that starts strong and never lets up that has also stood the test of time. Everything in the movie is done so realistically that the story could still be told today. Robert Deniro plays Travis. We know little about him other than that he is an ex marine and a deep insomniac. He also sees the world as a dirty place that needs to be cleaned up. He becomes a taxi driver in the city of New York which takes on a realistic role of its own here. We see the two sides of everything and the same goes for New York. Nothing is held back on showing the realistic gritty underside of the city. It's no secret that Pal Joey was cleaned up considerably for the screen after the Production Code office demanded numerous changes, but it survived the sanitation process and even made off with four Oscar nominations: Best Editing, Best Costume Design, Best Sound, and Best Art Direction. It also marks the end of Rita Hayworth's long relationship with Columbia Pictures. 7885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's the original Annie it's a classic all four of my children loved it! Girls and Boys alike 1183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good. 5247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hi, all. I am 32 years old and definitely, my son (4yrs old) will be told to try all (well, most at least) De Niro movie. The 'Awakening' was the first impact. Then I was a freshman who couldn't help tears. The 'Mission' finished the game...the scene of climbing cliff with his heavy armors, gee- even just reminding of it causes tears again now. What a great actor he is! God father 2, Deer hunter and so on, even though some of his recent stuffs were not great (I didnt' like 'Heat' anyway). Yesterday, I had bought a used video of Taxi driver and today morning, before coming to work, I couldn't help watching about 10 min. Yeah- really it is a great movie and I can know it with only 10 mins' watch. It is a really great thing to live with one great actor or two (Jack, it is you). Ah- check 'Midnight Run'. You shouldn't miss it if you are real De Niro fan. 8336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are looking to buy this film as I was and are wondering which version is better, allow me to make it simple for you. THIS version is the widescreen transfer (yellow background) while the more available red and glittery version is not. This was a 2:35 to 1 film, and if you get the other full screen version you are missing half of the performances right off the top. Do yourself a favor and stay away from the more readily available red cover and grab this. Unless you enjoy losing half of your field of vision by "filling" the screen on an old-fashioned 4:3 out of date TV this is the one to buy. Yeah, I'm pretty anti "full frame" and have been for quite some time. Unless the original source was 4:3 of course. John Carpenter (The Thing,The Fog,Escape From New York) who was soon to make a huge splash with Halloween (1978), wrote the screenplay, which similar to a giallo includes stylized violence, and shots from the gloved killer's POV. The film prominently features New York City, providing a look at the ultra chic world of high fashion, the excess and decadence of affluence, contrasted with the dirty and gritty aspects of the city. 297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a must see 5397 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie if you l like classic 80s movies... They moved their ragged, starving, inexperienced army across the water, marching all night, cold and drenched to the bone! Many of these fellows didn't have shoes. It rained most of the way. The gun-powder was too wet to fire their rifles and muskets. Only the artillery had dry powder, ...which they used to great effect. sick, sick movie. and scary (but perhaps not surprising) that it became so popular in america. 8810 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One thing confused me about this movie. Bronson's past. He seems to possibly be the best streetfighter in the country. Or could have been at one time. He obviously came down south to make money. Could he not make money up North because of an unbeatable reputation? I wanted to know these things. Did not believe Chaney would give all that money to Coburn and Poe at the end. Before the final fight he said he owed Speed nothing. Best things about the film. It's pacing. It seems everyone is acting in slow motion ( which was a great change from todays overly edited films ), except "Speed". Chaney taking on a bar and its patrons ( for a good reason ) and teaching a lesson in ettiquet. DVD transfer was poor. 2433 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. 8939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 old favorite and still is 2388 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This film is a real dissapointment. Harrison Ford gives a credible performance as the President and Gary Oldman pulls off his villain role with panache. But this movie simply doesn't work. Overall the film is completely illogical and frankly a bit too patriotic, especially for someone who comes from Europe. Maybe logic isn't exactly what people are looking for when they watch a "no-brainer", but this film is really too much. The plot is about a middle-age man Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) whose family life disintegrates after a close encounter of the second kind with an alien spacecraft as he's called out on a job late at night. Lost on the roads, he stops to check a map when suddenly blinding lights appear from above. No his truck doesn't go soaring up into a spaceship, no Neary doesn't get probed, instead his truck dies, there's a moment of anti-gravity, and Neary gets a nice sun-burn on one side of his face. 7367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, would recommend to all Why this film has been hailed as a feminist classic and has become a perennial staple of "Feminist Film" courses is beyond me. Marvin repeatedly cries out "Don't shoot...don't shoot....he's my FRIEND!" 2608 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesn't like this movie!!! A movie to make you laugh and cry all at the same time, seriously. The cast in this movies is outstanding. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen which is why I wanted it for my private collection. Plot: Viet Nam vet Travis Bickle drives a cab in NYC and is slowly driven mad by 2362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 That line itself is the most classic line of all from this smash hit! Harrison Ford plays the president who after making it clear to the world he will never negotiate with terrorists falls victim to a terrorists hijack of Air Force One! The president is pressed to the ultimate limit when his wife and daughter are held hostage by a Russian goon (Played so deliciously by Gary Oldman)! With the fates of the world & his family both hanging in balance, it up to the president to kick some ... Although the dialog & action is 100% macho, some of the CGI effects for Air Force One leave much to be desired. When you see the end of the movie, you'll know what I mean! Still it has heart and attitude which makes it out to be a true action classic! 1390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Looks like I'm the first reviewer to have actually received and viewed (at least in part) this set, having pre-ordered it from Shout who delivered it five weeks before the official release date. 7160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have loved this movie since I was a little girl 7741 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bluray really does do amazing things to older films. You can barely even imagine watching DVD after viewing many of these films in 1080p. I give this one the full 5 stars as the old time feel with the pretty good script is fun, nostalgic, and meaningful though it may get a tad smug and schmaltzy at times. The acting and directing are in general stellar. Stunning photography finally brought to your screen how it should be. You won't want to ever go back to the blobby mess that is DVD again. Film grain is apparent and the encode has a decent bitrate. All in all a great release. Overall I am very dissapointed with this title, and I would not recommend it at all! 2960 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has become one of my favorite movies.story line is really good. If anyone likes bike movies they will like this one. and ridicule they foust on the audience. The best science-fiction film ever made. Every child and adult should see it. 1585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Welles did such a definitive Rochester for me, exactly as my mind's eye saw him in the novel, that it is hard for me to appreciate anyone else in that role. However, George C. Scott did a very good, very restrained Rochester in his later version and this version presents a very good Rochester as well. Morton as Jane Eyre confirms my earlier opinion from her performance in "Sweet And Low Down" that she is an actress to watch. As far as faithfulness to the novel, I really don't demand that from films which are a very different creative medium from novels. The basic story has become a timeless classic, often copied but never equaled. Jane is a poor orphan who becomes a governess for Rochester's ward. He is a wealthy man with a beautiful estate. They fall in love but a horrible dilemma from his past comes forth to haunt them both. So ready for more Milla and Resident Evil's 6th movie coming. This is simply a great historical movie. Washington, the most singular military leader and hero of the war. The reason I'm addressing this is because some Amazon.com reviewers (including myself) have expressed dismay over buying the wrong edition. Unlike these reviewers, I am not entirely angered by this since I already have the 30th anniversary edition on DVD and that I bought the "Essentials" version just to upgrade to Blu-Ray (it also helped that it was on sale for a meager $7). But I can understand the frustrations looming in the reviews section and I wish Amazon would have notified this and state the differences. Fonda states this explicitly ("we blew it...") and it's firmly implied in a devastatingly funny caricature of a dead beat hippy commune (as the city dropouts joyously commune with nature, scattering their seed on the barren land of the New Mexico desert, Fonda asks wryly, "do you, ah, get much rain up here?") Running time: 2:04:35 can't wait for Resident Evil code Veronica whenever it comes out 4946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic blu ray transfer and product packaging for a very reasonable price. 6) 2003 Version with Willian Hurt and Charlotte Gainsbourg: I like Willian Hurt, but I hated him in this part. Too blonde, too cold, no mystery here. Charlotte Gainsbourg was painfully plain with NO personality. This was as dry as toast and uninteresting with little to hold your attention. NO chemistry between the two leads--absolutely none. Just know this... I have a personal collection of currently 538 horror films.... And I've prolly seen close to a thousand! I own most the Resident Evil games, and love those, although the series is getting moldy. Obviously I pick up just about anything within the horror genre... I will never claim ownership to this dreadfull title! Also know that considering that it boasts itself as being the movie based a videogame series that features flesh eating zombies... There is not one on screen munching of any kind! Anyone who says otherwise is full of it! 705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Informative humorous When Mercurio tenderly reveals himself as the second most powerful man in the ancient world--to the brothers who hated him as a youth, the words 'I am Joseph' will not fail to bring even the most calloused heart to tears. 7115 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is a fair version of the Jon Krakauer book on the Everest disaster of 1996. The characters of the climbers are much richer in the book than this film. Of course, that's often true of any film. However, it's the people who experienced this climb that really make the story vibrate and live. The film takes about two steps back and puts the mountain and conditions first. You've already got the basic story line from other folks and apparently this is a 'love it' or 'hate it' type. Maybe if you can see the movie while putting aside the game you'll have a better time. Just sit back and enjoy the story and the action. You'll do just fine. RESIDENT EVIL opens with a bang: something has gone seriously wrong in a secret, underground research facility. (Isn't that always the case?) Red Queen, the computer that runs the complex, has gone mad, killing everyone in the place, and initiating a complete lock-down of the facility. The only people on the outside who might know what is going on have no memory. A crack military team is sent in to determine what happened. But things go horribly wrong... 7508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good family movie. Rated R for intense terror violence and gore, strong language and some drug use. Excellent movie IMO. 5844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A triumph! A classic! 8420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My grandson loves this movie yours will too. 8576 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good movie Anyway, a fine, tight little movie. First she slaughters half the team in a laser grid based trap, and says "You're all going to die down here." The laser trap was stupid because there is an area of about 3 feet by the entrance to Red Queen's chamber where the laser grids can't reach. The leader of the security group is safe for a bit and actually backs up so he can get cut to pieces like the rest of his team. 8724 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can watch this over and over again! A great story with great characters! with an all new 5.1 Master audio mix to the sound quality which does boost the sound quality aswell ~The Rebecca Review People often forget that Joan of Arc is one legendary hero about whom there exists indisputable historical evidence, in form of her court deposition (try to find the transcripts online). Even as a teenager she was remarkably mature and well-spoken for her age, and even if God did or not speak to her, her intelligence and political acumen at that young age is quite impressive. 4134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another exceptional movie with Tom Hanks, but also with the Great One, Jackie Gleason, who adds a lot of seasonong to the story line. 4530 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Pretty good! BEHIND THE SCENES:Rankin/Bass studios was the most prolific creators of holiday specials we have ever known. After the huge success of their 1964 stop motion musical Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they created no less than 14 more Christmas specials, from a total of 35 specials of which many covered other holidays. In 1970 audiences were eager to see what the clever studio would come up with next, their last picture had been Frosty the Snowman the year before in traditional cel animation. As much as viewers enjoyed Frosty, they really liked the stop motion "Animagic" that was the specialty of the studio. The only TV specials they made this process so far were Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy. The new show aired on ABC on December 14, 1970 and it was in Animagic! It was a one hour special, and it recieved huge ratings. It still airs every year. 2373 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A lot of people want to say that this movie is a pathetic waste of time, and I'll admit that I used to say the same thing. But the thing was, I'd keep on watching it because it was fun to make fun of it! The movie includes cheesy lines, not perfect acting, and scenes that are plain out silly. But at the same time, it makes you have a great time just watching it. It's the guiltiest pleasure ever, just like the songs are. This movie has so many different scenes to it that are great fun watching, and some of them make you laugh out loud. Even if you want to laugh and make fun of it, you should really see it. Overall, it's fun and entertaining, and it's also worth watching. AFO, like those Clancy-based political-actioners, is technically pretty snazzy. But it also suffers from a ham-fisted arrogance. I mean, who would have thought we'd actually see a movie where the prez himself becomes the super-dude (Bilbo Clinton would need to cut down on the cheeseburgers, lose the gray, and run four million laps around the White House to be up to such a task). I got this a couple months back and I have been very impressed. For the obsessive (or just curious) there are multiple versions of the movie and you can even select to have an on-screen indication of whether or not each scene you are watching was in other versions or not. I am a bit of a purist and tend to like the theatrical version but there are good and bad things (relatively) to say about each version. In this case, you don't have to compromise...you get them all. They even include a card summarizing the different versions and their differences so you can choose before you hit 'play'. 5356 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it 5237 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Martin Scorsese's colorful masterpiece is one of the best films of the 70'es and one of Robert De Niro best films. This film may turn off some do to the violence. But for people who like strong stomic drama's this is a film for you. The DVD is very good and the picture and sound are perfect. So many people complain that the humor isn't obvious in this movie: I'm not sure I understand that. Everything these guys do is hilarious in one sense or another--especially what they don't do. Should there be an applause and cackle button in the DVD menu? To me this is an absolute classic--don't miss the "bank heist". "Fright Night's" production design will remind you of "Gremlins", a contemporary film, but the spirit of the film is more along the lines of Polanski's "Fearless Vampire Killers". 6636 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cinematography fantastic. Sound design fantastic. BD's A/V quality fantastic. Hop on board and have some fun. Besson style. Great effects, bloody battles, fiery drama as well lush location spots. This movie confounded pundits when it came out. Still does. Doesn't anybody try anything different anymore? Look! Low price advantage. This DVD is a rare two-for-one: if you've never seen Monty Python before, it's an exellent introduction to what is probably their best-known work. If you are a big Monty Python fan, you get a ton of features to entertain you, not to mention the film. It's too bad other 'special editions' of films haven't been this well done. People not of the Christian faith may have a little more trouble losing theirselves in the plot but if so I pity them. To me watching a movie effectively comes with the ability to open your mind to the beliefs and settings of the characters, no matter how foreign or alien the situation appears to you. I can watch The Craft or another film based on pagan religion, satanism, and what not - there is no reason an athiest cannot enjoy a film speaking of Christianity in high terms. Just my opinion though. Turned off by a film by the content alone seems sad, like you lack the ability to truly "Just watch a movie". If you don't enjoy religious sub-genres at all then of course avoid. But if you enjoy some give this one a chance. The cast is wonderful, and this film is inspirational! Standout scenes include Jean's trial. Milla's gradual transformation of Jean from a passionate female warrior to a helpless peasant girl behind bars is done in spectacular fashion. In real life, Jean was raped repeatedly by her guards and often appeared at her court trials bleeding and totally disoriented due to her abuse. The film isn't quite so graphic in its' exploration, but it does speak of the various issues she faced behind bars. Of equal importance is how France completely sold her out, and how the country she so fondly fought for, couldn't care less about her execution. Science fiction used to be called "science romantic" for good reason. I've found that all science fiction tends to involve a typical romance of some kind, whether it be a love for the future or a sexual relationship, but mostly it's a love and passion for new ideas that can truly change the world around you. This film does not stray from that. Even if you've seen clips of that one genetic-related scene shown on Charlie Rose 4 times, this film won't disappoint. favorite part in that whole movie is when they meet the killer bunny. There are some other hilarious and memoriable parts like the Castle Anthrax with all the horned up maidens who want spankings and oral sex and the holy hand grnade of antioch. If anyone doesnt like this movie they ought to be shot. 6707 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Where to start criticizing this movie? It fails so miserably on so many levels that it's difficult to know where to begin. 7725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THANK YOU! It would be easy to put Taxi Driver down as a fairly violent drama without much soul, but the reality is Travis despite being a bit of an oddball has a heart beneath it and his one man mission to extract punishment on the "scum" of the streets is a novel twist on the vigilante take. All this wouldn't work were it not for some masterful direction from Martin Scorsese, and some very convincing acting from all the cast members esp De Niro and Foster who both have difficult roles to play. Aspect ratio: 2.40:1 9419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great! However as sneering Jack rises, Parry falls. He fears rejection and loss (symbolized in the film by the Red Knight)and after being beaten by punks, he goes into a catatonic state. Jack knows that only by obtaining the Holy Grail will the Fisher King be cured. There's a saying where movies are made for the last 20 minutes, and I would say that is true about this one too. It has a really good ending that I like a lot. The beginning is plenty entertaining, but at times, can seem a little aimless or pointless. It is mostly just establishing atmosphere and backstory. 7076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cute 4058 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I just rented this because I was interested in seeing more movies with Julia Roberts, one of my favorite Hollywood actresses. i think she is beautiful and really gets into her parts. "Step Mom" is one of her best films. I'm not really a big Susan Sarandon fan but she was good in this movie. It revolves around the lives of the step mother conflcting with the mother from the previous marriage. The kids in this movie help liven up the movie and unfortunately haven't been in any big name future films since. Jackie ends up getting cancer later in the movie which will bring tears to your eyes in some scenes. Isabel (Julia Roberts) is pretty much an artsy photographer who is considered "hip" by Jackie, the mother of the children. They have to put up with Isabel's poor motherhood instincts like accidentally "losing" one of the children in one scene. Later in the movie you grow to like both mothers. Even the father Luke gets likeable later in the movie as his character becomes more real. The cast of the movie is pretty talented. This is one of the better films Julia Roberts has been in. While "The Pelican Brief" is my all-time favorite of hers, "Stepmom" is still worth watching even though it's an older movie. Warning: if you're emotional be sure to bring some tissues with you while watching it. Definately worth the price. Beyond any and all comprehension she actually loves Rochester (despite his blatant mistreatment of her- especially when she's about to leave)!! 7701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This will be another of my favorites. I like several of the actors, and they played their parts exceptionally well. People really lived these kinds of lifestyles, hard to believe nowadays but quite true. I've seen it three times in the last few years. It makes me wish I had lived in those days. This is a great film for anyone who has yawned their way through a world history class in high-school or college. It brings a slanted and hilarious version of history to life in a way that only the men of Monty Python can. 7507 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie the originals the best , a must see Instead of Paul directing the sequel, the reins are given to Alexander Witt, a long-time second unit director but first time head director. He sometimes has a tendency to have the fast editing syndrome that plagues a director like Michael Bay with fast shots. This makes the fight with Alice and the Nemesis kind of weird too watch cause he's so damn slow yet it's shot like he's going Bruce Lee on her. 4715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this for my husband and he was very pleased. If you are a De Niro fan, then this movie is a must see. ~ Featurettes: Playing Dead: Resident Evil from Game To Screen, The Making of Resident Evil, Scoring Resident Evil, Storyboarding Resident Evil..Costumes, Set Design, The Creature To add to this, her hair color changes from scene to scene. One scene she is blonde then she is brunette. Is this to distract us from her acting? Is this a God given hair color change? Or is it a vision from Clairol? 6936 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I found it very enjoyable. De Niro's Bickle is a Vietnam veteran suffering from insomnia. He takes a job as a cab driver to work nights, driving through the most dangerous New York neighborhoods for fares. He becomes infatuated with a beautiful woman (Cybill Shepherd) who works at the campaign office of Palantine. Bickle takes the woman to a porno theater on their first date, and she dumps him immediately. To no one's surprise, Bickle soon begins to stalk her. He purchases a deadly arsenal of hand guns and intensely works out in preparation for his assassination of Palantine (and most likely the woman too). Along the way, Bickle stumbles across a 12-year old prostitute (Foster) whom he befriends. His attempted assassination fails and he walks over to the prostitute's home and kills her pimp (Harvey Keitel), landlord and an unlucky gangster. "Taxi Driver" unbelievably ends with the prostitute having been returned to her parents and Bickle becoming an inner-city folk hero. Shepherd's character tries to make a date with Bickle, but he's now at peace with the inferno around him and drives on disinterested. Daryl Hannah is good in this one too. Cute little love story..... "Resident Evil" tells the story of a woman who had been rescued from a virus infested research center. She awakens later on, she has forgotten everything. After that, a military team takes her and brings her back in the research facility, when the effects of the virus are no longer contagious. They find that the release of the deadly virus was a conspiracy. But there are many problems on their way; some almost invincible zombies, a main system (which takes the aspect of a little girl) that wants to kill every intruder, and a security system that turns against them. 481 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This film is closer to the Biblical text of this account, than any we've yet seen....it's very emotional and very encouraging as well. Long film, but not too long! The only real problem (meaning unacceptable) is the bath-tub scene with Joseph. He's seen from waist up, in a pool relazing/bathing, and in comes his boss's wife who's been after him sexually. Potiphar's wife seductively rubs up and down his chest, until (WITH MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS GOING ALONG WITH THE SEDUCTIVITY) she goes down into the water below his waist and connects with his genitals (yes, for real). Both Joseph and her are shown to react to the moment ever so...."slightly" and then she leaves him alone until the next time she confronts him. We had this film for YEARS and thought how awesomely Biblical (compared to any other film) this movie was, but never noticed this part until this year. Why? because we had younger children at the time, and so the inferred sexual tension of her rubbing his shoulders over the bath-tub/pool was something we'd simply pass by w/ the fast-fwd button a mere several seconds. We didn't do that this year, and WHOOOAH!! We were SHOCKED at what transpired in those few moments. They don't show below the water, but they PLAY UP the moment big time to let you know what is happening. For this reason, i say DON'T BUY THE MOVIE unless you can edit it. If i had this film on VCR, i'd simply tab the "edit" tab on the VCR tape and i'd record a whole minute or two over that one moment (which wouldn't hurt a 3-plus hour long film!). 5131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Its not often that you come across a movie so completely dominated by one character. True, no character in the movie is as fleshed out as De Niro's - Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel & Jodi Foster to name a few, all play important roles but none of them so completely dominates the screen as De Niro. And it is in this characterization and its treatment do we see directorial brilliance. 8666 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bronson is an aging but stone tough bare-knuckles boxer during the Great Depression. A loner, he teams with manager James Coburn and doctor Strother Martin to make some money in the illegal fight business. He knocks down a number of competitors, and has a little romance with Jill Ireland (his real-life wife). 6325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie was great. In adapting Pat Conroy's bestselling 1986 novel for the screen, Streisand has shifted the emphasis from the toxic Wingo family to the brief love affair between Tom and Dr. Lowenstein. Nonetheless, the film does convey the ways in which we are deeply shaped and influenced by our families. Best of all, The Prince of Tides proclaims the value of coming to terms with past pain as a way to reclaim our lives. The effects are quite good, as are the atmosphere and musical score. The film's only drawback is that it is sometimes directed with a heavy hand, and spends too much time on the juvenilia of Charlie and his friends - though the latter works to good effect, in the sense that it makes them very believable high schoolers, hardly up to facing the menace of an experienced and supernaturally powerful killer. 3100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is not just about riding, it is about counter culture and love for freedom---the feelings of the 60s. Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper ride on a wirlwind journey of America after making money on a drug deal. Along the way they meet a rather straight-laced (so to say) attorney played by Jack Nicholson. It is their story and a remarkable road trip on a bike. This movie brought us 3 great actors---Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. The sound track is incredible and this 35th anniversary DVD collection has a CD that includes the theme, "Born to be Wild" and many more. I watched this classic movie again tonight for a different reason. The acting in this movie is well done. Ethan Hawke and especially Jude Law give very convincing performances. 1563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful series and I hated to see it end! Really gives a historical view of what early English high society was like with their hired help. You really become attached to the characters. Enjoy! 2314 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I first saw this film on ABC, and I enjoyed it,my little sisters didn't like it very much, but I did,Great Peformance by Harrison Ford. Filled with stunts and action expacially on a plane. 7180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic! 6273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A RUSH OF NON-STOP ACTION-Lou Lumenick,The New York Post Four more words required Just to clear up on this DVD set, it includes the original theatrical version, the ultimate version and the directors cut version. The movie picks up where the predecessor left off, with a silly dream sequence that seems to belong in a comedy spoof of these films instead of here. Julie apparently has been haunted by these dreams for many months since her last encounter with the killer from the first film, Ben Willis, who fell off the boat in the end of the movie and was never seen again. Until now, but more happens before then. Julie's best friend, Carla, wins a trip to the Bahamas by answering incorrectly to the question requiring the capital of Brazil. Of course, given the mentality of this film, I wouldn't expect too many people to know the right answer, and I guess the filmmakers were counting on that, too. Hank 429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This one was really interesting! Loved it completely. Acting was exceptional. It flowed so well. I liked the temple of it. Everything fell into place. No fillers to eat up time. This Movie is a Winner! 4971 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Directed by Martin Scorsese from Paul Schrader's semi-autobiographical script, TAXI DRIVER is depicts the emotional struggles of an self-isolated loser who through some cosmic joke becomes a hero after he attacks and murders three lowlifes. This when Travis Bickle's irrational plan to assassinate a presidential candidate at one of his rallies is thwarted by watchful Secret Service men. It's definatly an adult movie, so you might want to watch it once before you make up your mind on the youngins. Though if your one of those who allow your kids an advanced more liberal grown up type learning, power to you, as I can see something in it for all but the very young. in interpersonal communication. Marvin brings in new vitality once he 3418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cd was in great Condition As well as having an excellent plot that keeps both the mind and eye stimualted, the quality of the acting and special effects used make a major contribution to the film. Any movie which features a household name such as Harrison Ford usually guarantees acting of the highest quality and Air Force One is no exception. Ford maintains his reputation as being a top class yet versatile actor in a career that has seen his roles range from playing an outer space cowboy through to an adventurer in the deepest jungle. Although not in the same league as the Indiana Jones or Starwars trilogy. 7530 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Love the music. Quality is good. The chemistry between two actors are almost none. The filmmakers cannibalize in typical Hollywood fashion every neat idea from all the other skyjacking thrillers. Generally, "Air Force One" follows the formula of the Kurt Russell hit "Executive Decision." Both movies start with a commando raid and then shift to terrorists hijacking a jetliner before an unconventional hero makes his entry. You can tell that Marlow evidently watch the Wesley Snipes thriller "Passenger 57" for one scene. Another scene features a stunt that appeared in both "Airport 75" and "Cliffhanger." The president here imitates the action heroes from the Bruce Willis "Die Hard" franchise and the Steven Seagal "Under Siege" movies. Finally, the "Air Force One" ending should come as no surprise to any "Star Trek" movie veterans. Anybody who thrives on movies like an insomniac will spot these plot elements. Although "Air Force One" borrows heavily from other epics, the staging of the action and some new scenes in the skyjacking formula boost this opus over the rough spots. 5351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 AWSOME came as advertised and didn't take long to get here 4079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw this movie one weekend recently, and at first, I thought it was a bit boring. Then, I just relaxed and I was amazed by the acting chemistry between all of the characters. The story was a bit typical for any movie like this. The kids did a really good job. They acted as though they've been in the business since before they were born. Definitely a great movie, but make sure you have plenty of tissues, because you will cry! 2) The film is violent but not as bad as I feared - Scorsese used subdued color and artistic filming to keep the R rating His visit by the spirits, the life in the orphanage and how one man helped him, leads to a very sentimental ending. "The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle." (Albert Einstein) 9261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There are so many things about this (and indeed any) Monty Python movie that one hardly knows where to begin. Nothing is left out of the mix--history, religion, politics, personal relationships, prejudices, intellectual prowess or the lack thereof. My title, of course, comes from an early scene in with Arthur approaches a castle, inexplicably occupied by French k-nigits, who claim to already have a grail. 6371 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really enjoy both of these movies. They are not by any means award winning cinematic achievements, but they weren't supposed to be. The camera angles can be a little distracting and there are more than a couple times you wish the rambling explantions would come to an end, but overall they're very entertaining. The action and suspense is incredible! There were a few times I actually caught myself holding my breath as they made there way through the hive in the first one. The actors all reallly went full throttle with this one. The dialogue, although a little bland at times, feels really genuine coming from the actors. They all seem to believe what they are saying and this pulls you right in with them. All in all, a great movie to snuggle up on the couch and watch (with someone to protect you of course). 2374 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford plays the President of the United States and does a great job at it. I have watched this movie too many times to count. This is one of those movies that have you cheering for the President. It's about time someone made a movie where the President stands up for himself instead of someone always trying to save him. Gary Oldman does a fantastic job as the terrorist. He really makes you believe that his cause is the right cause. Some scenes did remind me of Die Hard, but if you liked Die Hard you will love this movie. My wife was watching the movie with me and kept digging her hand into my arm! She really gets into the movie more than I. Overall, the DVD sound and picture is excellent. This is definitely a buy not a rental! 9285 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Of all the films and television programs produced by airborne members of the Flying Circus, I consider this to be their greatest achievement. Co-authored and then co-directed Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones (two rather silly people indeed), this film makes at least some effort to recreate a distant period in history and from a somewhat 20th century perspective. Apparently available funds were limited because Gilliam and Junes could not afford to rent horses and thus were forced to simulate them with body language and coconut half shells. Also, various members of the Ye Olde Merrie Companie were required to play several different roles...on occasion at the same time. For example, Graham Chapman as King Arthur as well as (or as unwell as) the Three-Headed Knight and the Hiccoughing Guard. Eric Idle ia also actively involved as Sir Robin, Maynard, Roger, a Guard, and the Historian Who Isn't A.J.P. Taylor...plus some other stuff my limited space precludes noting. One of Gilliam and Jones's cleverest strategies is to juxtapose 6th century Breton with 20th century England. Actually, not only juxtapose them but to have the former and latter interact without prior warning. Yes, this creates some confusion but the plot lags on fewer occasions and younger persons in the audience will feel more at home. 4083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I actually got this DVD, plus four others, for free! It was part of a special deal that I got with the purchase of my Toshiba DVD player. It sat around my house for a few months before I finally opened it and played it. I had been a little reluctant to see it because, even though it stars one of my favorite actresses--Susan Sarandon, it looked like a stereotypical oversentimentalized "chick flick." I was pleasantly surprised. The film opens with shock jock Jack Lucas verbally attacking a man to the point where he takes a loaded shotgun into a bar, opens fire and then kills himself. Emotionally devastated by the act, Jack turns into a reclusive shell of a man, resorting to alcohol and basically living off of his girlfriend, Anne. After a night of drinking, Jack finds himself at the mercy of some thugs who think he is homeless only to have his life saved by a crazy man named Parry who happens to think he is a knight on a mission from God to find the Holy Grail. Jack soon learns that Parry is the widower of one of the victims in the bar shooting. Feeling almost obligated to make things right, Jack follows Parry around, looking for ways to help restore his sanity. It seems my main complaint with the first movie, that it didn't have anything to do with the characters or events or the game, were taken care of in the sequel. Jill Valentie (Sienna Guilloy) makes her big screen debut as she bursts onto the screen as one of the bad-ass gunslinging heroines. She doesn't seem very much like the Jill from the RE games, but she dresses and looks very similar to her. My only question left would be, Where's Chris? Instead of Chris we get Carlos (Oded Fehr) who's an alright character. Doesn't seem to really stand out or be that special though. All the questions from the first movie are also effectively answered in the second. The T-Virus has broken out into Raccoon city, and now it's citizens are in mass paranoia. Umbrella has to contain the incident by isolating the virus or destroying the city. Alice (Milla Jovovich) the heroine from the last movie awakes in the lab where we saw her in the last movie. She then removes the cords from her body and walks out into the street and grabs a shotgun from a crashed police car (much like in the ending of the last movie). Alice ends up coming into contact with Jill and some others during her quest to get out of the city. Eventually the programmer of the T-Virus, Dr. Ashford, calls Alice and Jill and makes a deal with them that if they can get his daughter from the Junior High, he will help them escape. This is where the movie really surprised me, because I guess my brain just didn't make the connection between Ashford and the first movie. I mean he's not even in it. But we all remember the little red girl who was the image of the computer in the first movie? Well guess who doctor Ashford's daughter is? It's quite surprising to see her in real life, but as soon as I heard her talk, my brain mad the connection. So now you have some background knowledge, so that you will catch that. The main villian of the movie is Nemesis. If you've seen the last movie you remember at the end where Matt and Alice are coming out of the mansion and then a group of umbrella workers surround them. They see Matt mutating and then say "Put him in the Nemesis program". Much of the movie has to do with Alice remembering Matt, and now seeing him as Nemesis. You'll quickly learn that Alice and Nemesis have ultimately been programmed to fight eachother, and see who is the greater power. Perhaps the funniest part of the entire movie though is the black pimp guy. Sorry I don't know his name, but you'll know him when you see him. The things he says are just hilarious, and it's no wonder that they keep him around the whole movie, like when a stars officer trys to hand him a gun and opens his jacket to show to custom made golden guns, and he says all his stuff is custom. The movie once again had a very interesting story, and even more action than the first, which will appeal to all of you who liked the fight scenes in the first. The ending though is another cliff-hanger, because it's ending leaves a question that has to be answered. Now back to the movie--yep, you heard me, it has its flaws. Alice is the head of security at a top-secret base miles underground called "the Hive", a secret, high-tech facility owned and operated by the Umbrella Corporation. The scientists there specialize in bioengineering and viral weaponry; and one morning their T-Virus, a virus which revitalizes dead cells and has it's side effects, is unleashed on the unsuspecting workers there. Now a team of highly elite trained officers must infiltrate the Hive and find out what went on down there. They stumble upon Alice who can't recall who is she and what she is doing there; they bring her along anyway. They open the Hive, and almost immediately stumble upon the dangers in there...Did I mention the "side effects" that may occur are A: death, B: waking up again after dying, due to the virus revitalizing dead cells--there for reviving you, and C: after you wake up, you want to eat something, namely, people. And that means that our people down in the Hive are in serious trouble. At any rate, this is a movie you should definitely watch if you haven't already, and if you have, watch it again. What a wonderful slice of life, drama and delectable humor! Even though the aforementioned battles and action scenes are riveting, the best thing about the fim is the cerebral undercurrent. Does the Dustin Hoffman character represent the Devil, God, something strictly inside Joan's head, or all three? The interplay between these two is intriguing, as are the trial sequences, which were often lifted from the actual historical texts. P. S. Did you know Harrison Ford was a carpenter when discovered for the first Star Wars movie? 6812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Loved it. In chambers the bright and witty barrister Horace Rumpole, who often includes fragments of poetry from Arthur Quiller-Couch's Oxford Book of English Verse, or William Wordsworth, in his conversations enjoys friendly interchanges with other chambers members: Guthrie Featherstone (Peter Bowles) a Q.C. (Queen's Counsel), and later a Red Judge, Samuel Ballard (Peter Blythe), Rumpole refers to him in private as "Soapy Sam", was head of chambers in several episodes. Claude Erskine-Browne (Julian Curry), an opera buff with a preference for Wagner, who eventually became a Q.C. amid comments of "They must be handing out silk gowns with pounds of tea nowadays!" and Phyllida Trant (Patricia Hodge) called "Portia" in chambers, were finally married after starting their family ahead of going to the alter. Portia later became a Q. C., a Recorder, and then a Judge. Fiona Allways (Rosalyn Landor) and Miz Liz Probert (Samantha Bond) were the new young stars in chambers. Dave Inchcape (Michael Grandage) added a new promising young man, who later had a stormy and occasionally romantic relationship with Miz Liz. Rumpole referred to him as the Inchcape Rock. Ballard brought Charles Hearthstoke: (Nicholas Gecks) in to reorganize and streamline the clerk's office. Rumpole called him "Hearthrug". The role of Rumpole's wife Hilda, "She Who Must Be Obeyed", was played in early episodes by Peggy Thorpe-Bates and later by Marion Mathie. And I would only ask that if you found this review helpful in your decision to purchase this item that you could click the button and let me know. It really does mean a lot to me to know that you guys think I wrote a good review and to know that it helped you in your decision so if you could just click the button and let me know It would mean A lot to me :) Thanks again friend Okay, in this type of film viewers know from the beginning that the good guys are going to win and the bad guys are going to lose, badly, but not before lots of people die. But, while somewhat predictable, and highly implausible, this is still a good thriller, with plenty of edge of your seat chills. There's just enough twist on the action adventure formula to keep the viewer from guessing what will happen next. 4562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a must watch over and over movie. I watched it with my kids & they loved it. We finally got around to watching it & they really enjoyed it. 3127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolias is something I cannot deny enjoy watching. 7790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful film about families, growing up, and self-destruction. I saw this when it came out and was again wowed at the elegance of its sentiments and execution, with great psychological realism. It centers around a gifted young man, who is finding himself and getting ready to leave his first home. The landscape and the culture of its inhabitants are also important themes - we see the beauty, the customs of the people in all its grace and macho ugliness. Overall a superb movie with a great cast, script, and filmed with a realistic view of the "Great Depression". 5374 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I am amazed that this film gets so many positive reviews. I love horror films, and I want them to be scary, frightening, etc. I'm not a big fan of the horror comedy genre. There are a few good ones. But, this is not one of them. This is simply a bad comedy, and there are no real jokes here -- just kind of "stupid comedy": the characters constantly simply act stupidly, and that is supposed to be funny. There is nothing clever here. There is no believable character, with the exception of Roddy MacDowell. He is the one saving grace, and his professional acting ability shines way above the rest. He is playing a comically "reluctant" vampire killer, who doesn't really believe in vampires but plays a vampire killer in his films and on TV. Now he has to actually kill a vampire, after he finally comes to believe they are real. Thankfully, Roddy MacDowall is in this film. But the plot, the other actors, the "jokes" are really bad. The special effects are mostly consisting of "melting faces", and were done on the cheap. Good special effects for the time and for a low budget -- but, not very good for scaring the audience. At the time this was made (1985) perhaps it deserved good reviews as a send-up of horror films. But, it really does not stand the test of time, in my opinion. 4484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i liked this one because it had a lot more violence.this one was definetely more scarier than the first one.the first one was just more of a mystery.this one is horror.i loved every minute of this 6991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For not being faithful to the game, this movie was suprisingly great. This is the kind of movie where you get SO envolved in it that when it's over, you're just sitting there thinking 'man, that was just...WOW.' I was so shocked that it was so GOOD. I mean, when alot of people go to see a movie based on a game, they basically think 'you just wait, this is gonna be corny with no real plot.' Well, I THINK NOT! Of course, you know there's gonna be alot of critics out there that are going to terribly underrate RESIDENT EVIL. Take my advice, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR [comments]. I am so fed up with critics! What do they know? When YOU see a movie, YOU judge if YOU like it or not. EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT TASTES IN WHAT MOVIES THEY LIKE. Ok, enough said about that. I do agree with some of the reviewers who claim that even though Mercedes Ruehl won an Oscar for her role as Jack's girlfriend, everyone should have been nominated for a Golden Boy. It also should have won Best Picture. Jeff Bridges is remarkable. Michael Jeter is funny as hell. Amanda Plummer is perfect. And next to AWAKENINGS and THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY, this is truely one of Robin Williams' greatest dramatic roles. So finely, this movie does get a star because the location shots are not bad. And you have to enjoy the only opportunity to see a deeply respected actor(Connery), make a fool of himself in a gigiant bear suit. Other than that, if you really must find out how bad this is...rent it! 5562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's about time Dracula had a modern makeover, and this film does it with style. Parts of the story are fun and campy, but it's serious and scary enough for me. Dracula is suave and seductive; one could imagine wanting to be bitten by him, and there's a surprisingly erotic scene in a disco of all places. Roddy McDowall plays the part of a late-night television horror film emcee, and he adds a nice touch as he haplessly helps his young friends defeat Dracula with his "vampire kit." This is a good film to sink your teeth into. 3295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You'll laugh, you'll cry with the story of Shelby, based on the true-life story of Susan Harling, a woman trying to live her life regardless of her diabetes. Her brother, Robert, wrote a play based on her life, which became the basis for this wonderful movie. I truly recommend this movie. It is funny and thoughtful and about life and how we live it to its fullest everyday. DVD features include a really good featurette and not so good commentary by the director Herbert Ross. He gives a bit of unique information as you are watching the movie, but there are long periods where he doesn't say anything at all. Definitely this is a sweet little movie. Recommendable for indie films lovers. The other great parts of this film are some of the supporting actors. Fisher Stevens is hilarious as Kate's roofer husband who can't believe his wife is in "It-ly" as he pronounces the ever so romantic country. People also neglect mentioning Giovanni (Joaquim De Almeida), the man who tries to woo the married Kate (Bonnie Hudson). He does the perfect foreign playboy role. And, of course, you've got Billy Zane in the cast to mix things up. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU 1025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic slapstick humor movie by Woody Allen. Silly. Funny. 6177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Same movie, definite upgrade on visuals and sound. You have to have the 1080P TV and Dolby Digital capability, otherwise just buy the DVD. THE FISHER KING is a modern masterpiece -- and one that will, I think, continue to move viewers for many, many years. It's story is a timeless one, skillfully brought to the screen by a modern master. If you want to show someone how good film can be, show them THE FISHER KING. M'Lynn acknowledges that the women are handling this crisis better than the men were. The religious Annelle tries to make sense of the tragedy, stating that in death, Shelby is in a better place, and better able to take care of those she loved. The only justification for the two stars I gave it. 7584 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Started to watch but, the movie was going nowhere so, I shut it off, so I guess you just be your own judge on this one. I didn't like it but, different strokes for different folks! Again, if the powers that be and Hollywood's listening,re-make this film with Brad Pitt and see what we get. Probably shadings of other characters he's played from the lunatic in 12 Monkeys to what we see now in his latest film The Mexican and other various films...Give me credit for the idea if it get's done (yeah, right). You would think that a movie of this caliber, with such a climactic and intense ending, would lose it's power to leave you staring at the screen in awe, but it doesn't. During the whole last half of the movie (the close encounter and the events leading up to it), I was not only riveted, I was anxious and nervous. Just like the first time I saw it. I was doing all those nasty habits I do when I get anxious or nervous, even though I KNEW what was going to happen. That's how friggin POWERFUL this movie is. Everyone knows the basic plot to this movie, but it doesn't matter. It spins it web over you, and you can't help but get caught in it every time. there with the family as I watch all the "goings-on". 9010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 funny THANK YOU, NAMELESS TV EXECS! which was the 4k remaster transfer supervised by Martin scorsese himself In this story, Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), an Indiana electric utility company worker and family man, experiences a close encounter of the first kind one night while investigating a power outage. He sees something extraordinary that scares the wits out of him and also leaves him with an encounter of the second kind (a partial sunburn) and disturbs him so severely that it eventually estranges his wife Ronnie (Teri Garr) and his children. But the episode also endears him to Jillian Guiler (Melinda Dillon), a similarly tormented, single mother whose son (played amazingly well by four-year-old Cary Guffey) has been kidnapped, presumably by the aliens. While Neary tries desperately to figure out what is going on, in another part of the country a secret team led by French scientist Claude Lacombe (the great movie director Francois Truffaut) is investigating the recent strange occurrences, and the efforts eventually draw everyone involved to a climactic meeting at a most distinctive geographic landmark. Spielberg orchestrated that climax with so much visceral power that I once saw a fellow moviegoer weeping uncontrollably after the house lights came back up. 6050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film! My boys lived it. 8 and 9 yr old. 6711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Based on the video game of the same name. Resident Evil stars Mila Jovavich as Alice, a member of a group that is supposed to protect the Hive. The Hive is an underground facility owned by Umbrella Corp., an orginazation that specializes in bio-chemical products. Little does anyone know, but someone has tried to steal a secret formula that bring on the end of the world as we know it. In doing so, they have set loose a chemical that keeps the dead alive and truns them in monsters who only crave one thing, human flesh. Alice and her group must infiltrate the hive, and find the red queen, a computer that controls everything in the hive, and find out what caused her to go crazy and kill everyone. In doing so, they endanger their own lives because they must let loose all of the flesh eating zombies to get the hard drive that holds the red queen. Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, James Purefoy, and Martin Crewes. They must all work together if any of them wants to get out of the hive alive. One of the best video game to movie adaptations I have ever seen. While in fact this Sword: 5735 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it Bridges is a popular NYC radio show host whose denunciation of yuppies to a regular caller pushes the man to kill people at an upscale eatery. As a result, Bridges loses his job, his GF and a fabulous Manhattan apartment, is alcoholic and now lives with (and preys on the affections of) the owner of a video rental store (Ruehl). I really love this series. It's a real treasure. The film will probably gain some sort of cult status based purely on Sean Connery's over-the-top yet terrible performance. I thought that his efforts came across as way too forced and I've always wondered if he did this movie just to pay some back-taxes or a sizable poker debt. He's been in some bad movies before, but he's still managed to turn in a solid performance (Medicine Man and Entrapment for instance). But in this movie, he's just awful in every respect. I will admit that I think the film could've been a little better in parts, I have a feeling that there are many deleted scenes from this film, and this is something that is simply begging for a Director's Cut Special Edition. Sound of Music 5936 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good fun Bah. 458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 gave it as a gift to my sister she love it. a good telling of the life of Joseph, son of jacob. From a philosophical perspective, one might argue that though the setting is in the future, the vision of the created society is quite ancient. In this movie only the most powerful leaders making the most influential decisions are the so-called "gifted", which is idealistically a mirror of Plato's Republic. So from a structured standpoint, Gattaca is the culmination of ideas or ideals established from the most highly esteemed of the ancient Greeks; however, it is also blended in with the modern day science of genetic engineering, where a perfect society must be run by perfect people, most of whom are products or byproducts of the scientific wonders of those who have determined what constitutes the attainment of human perfection. 5947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Classic, kids loved it. A very young Demi Moore stars as Abby Quinn, a pregnant woman with a history of miscarriages. She and her husband are eagerly and hopefully awaiting their baby. He is a lawyer who is passionate about his clients. One, in particular, the Word of God Killer, has some significance in how events unfold in the film. The Quinns live in a lovely home with an apartment over their garage that they rent to a mysterious stranger (Jurgen Prochnow) who purports to be a teacher of ancient languages. 8301 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Leo McKern's understated Rumpole is a joy on every level, especially if you're curious to see the subtleties of British justice. While some episodes are more watchable than others, the performances are universally excellent. Not recommended. THere are far better things to waste one's time on. I have a cousin who actually did the same thing once. He was even younger than me when he did it. My cousin, George, actually made it all the way to Alaska, and then Hawaii, and then Europe as well. He went all around the world. When he reached Alaska, he hooked up with some of his old friends from Dunstable, Massachusetts who had also moved up there to make money working on the pipeline and on fishing boats. He found work up there for a while, too, just like some of the characters in these three films. They worked along the way to help to make their journey. George ended up finding his friend, Jim Lavrakas, a famous photographer today for the Anchorage Daily News in Alaska. Ernesto and Alberto worked in a Leper Colony for a while in Peru. Christopher McCandless worked out in the fields cutting grain for a while to help pay his way. I have a good friend named Phil who actually did do what I had once intended on doing myself. He worked his butt off for years, saved a bunch of cash, and bought himself 25 acres of land up in Maine where he lives off the grid out in the woods as an independent, organic farmer and orchard grower. He says he did it to be able to live like a free man out on the land away from all of the social evils and urban ugliness of the city. He also wanted to be free and independent of his family, like Chris in INTO THE WILD. He did it. I guess I was too much of a homebody and a Hobbit to live alone all by myself out in the woods somewhere where no one knew me. It takes courage to live alone like Thoreau out in the wild. You need guts to do this kind of stuff. I know that one reason why I returned back home from my meager attempt at wandering through the woods was that I really missed music. I am a musician. There is no way to jam with other people and enjoy music and dance when you live alone out in the woods. It is impossible. Nevertheless, till this day, the TV series that ran in the early nineties about life up in a small town called Cicely, Alaska - NORTHERN EXPOSURE - is still my all-time, favorite television program. It had colorful characters. I guess some romantic ideas die hard. Must have for any fan!! Rated R For language, nudity, and violence. literally got off of his high horse, dared to sit as an equal in a row boat with some of his most common soldiers, Intertwined between the bouts is Bronson and his co-star Jill Ireland (his real-life wife), and their effort to establish a relationship. Other times I can barely see And try to spot three villains from Beverly Hills Cop 2 and one villain from Beverly Hills Cop 3. They're all here. The most obvious problem when adapting a novel is that the screenplay can include only a fraction of the material. The more characters included in the adaptation, the more shallow the character development. This is one of "Girl's" most obvious flaws as there is little reason to connect or care about any of the supporting characters, their quirks exist but we receive no background information so we can never understand why. There is Rebecca (Summer Phoenix) - a big-time grunge music fan who rambles on constantly about music trivia and sex. Rebecca gets the movie's best lines. There is Darcy (Selma Blair) - a walking eating disorder who is supposed to be Andrea's best friend although all they choose to showcase is her resentment of Andrea. There is Cybil (Tara Reid) - A nihilist grunge rocker with a bad home life and a lust for Andrea. Despite Tara Reid being shockingly good in this role (by far her best performance ever) the part is so poorly written and false that it should have omitted from the screenplay. There are Kevin (Channon Roe) & Richard (Christopher Masterson) - class geeks who appear in the school cafeteria as part of Cybil's band and seem to have otherwise been omitted from the screenplay. Finally there is Todd (Sean Patrick Flannery) who is Andrea's main love interest and seems embarrassed about even being associated with this movie-he and Swain have no chemistry and seem genuinely uncomfortable together. 1164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I didn't see much of The Bob Newhart Show when it was originally on television, so almost all of this series was new to me. During the first season, I was only getting a rare chuckle, if that, out of the episodes, and I was wondering if I had made a mistake in purchasing the complete series. Fortunately, seasons 2-5 were better, and I was getting chuckles and sometimes laughing out loud at the episodes. The introduction of the character known as "The Peeper" was, for me, a misstep, because he was too over-the-top silly to be amusing. Season 6 was a letdown, with more slapstick (e.g. Zorro) and fewer good jokes. 7574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun little movie always been one of my favorites. This review is given by a Resident Evil fan, so undoubtedly, some people will think the film was trash. But I certainly do not. It rests high on my list of favorite movies. 7552 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 sadly this was ruined by Carroll Burnett. Do Not get me wrong she is a great personality and comedian. But why does she get to make the bad character a good person at the end??? This shows she does not have the ability to play a wide range of personalities. Please do not defend her by saying that is "Carroll Burnett ... people do not want to see her as the bad guy". She is not playing herself she is playing miss Hannigan! Plus even when this movie came out most people who watched it would not have said "Oh no she cant play a bad guy". Heck most who watched it do not know her. (Today most don't even know John Wayne who was more famous). why change the story line? 3834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "We are not alone!" screamed the ads when "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was first released to theaters in 1977. After 95 minutes of suburban angst, the viewer discovered they indeed had a friend from the skies. Graham Chapman stars as King Arthur in the quest for the Holy Grail. Follow the farce as they meet horny women, the rescue from the tower, the bridge of death & the killer rabbit. 9710 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a brilliant and inspirational film. IMHO it is a flawless film in every way. Conveying a story of the human spirit triumphing over selective genetic engineering is not any easy undertaking, but this film achieves that goal by weaving an intricate tapestry of intrigue and ambition that results in a glorious vision of the human spirit, beauty, frailty and exquisite poignancy. 4184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Anything Arnold is 5 stars in our house. 6150 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a MUST see for people that have low self esteem for one reason or another. The location it is filmed is just perfect and the way Steve Martin acts is as if he was born with such a nose. If you can buy this movie go ahead you will not regret it. 8559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 really good fight scenes The film was directed by Fred Schepisi ("Six Degrees of Separation", "Mr. Baseball", "Iceman", "The Devil's Playground", etc.) If you liked the first movie or the games, you will probably like this one as it is not just a rehashing of previous stories. 6243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks Blu-ray Audio Quality The Pal Joey soundtrack is offered in two mixes, English: 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio and an Isolated Music: 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio Mono. Fidelity here is quite good, but it must also be stated for the record that some of the dubbed singing sounds noticeably boxier than the bulk of the soundtrack and listen especially to the women in the opening "Rainbow" production number for a very good example. The 5.1 mix isn't overly immersive, but the music is opened up rather nicely in this mix, and occasionally some ambient environmental sound effects will dot the surrounds, adding a bit of spaciousness to the proceedings. The music sounds spectacular for the most part, and Sinatra's voice is magnificent, reproduced with its entire slightly aged lustre. now the other con is the zombies themselves before i saw land of the dead i thought resident evil zombies were great and made perfect but when i saw land of the dead and george romero zombies well im sorry romero wins hands down. 8. Casting/character depth- 8 (Good casting for roles, but not a lot of character detail) Watch this with your parents--everyone should get a kick out of seeing a post-college son struggle with opposing or embracing his father's ideals. The idea of using a false idendity is fraudulent of course, but as the proverb says: "The purpose justifies the means". 3472 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 July 4th film, ET fireworks. 5369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Always liked this original version of the movie, a bit campy in places but quite enjoyable. Chris Sarandon is great as the vampire. 8040 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What if I told you you were going to watch a movie in which Robin Williams is all kinds of naked and you were going to like it? The movie I mean. Not the nudity. Well, maybe the nudity if that is your thing. Anyway, I digress. 1486 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This version is the 3rd that I have found to have fallen short of the mark. This one is more likeable of the 3, but still not the best. Daryl Hannah somehow manages to look positively dowdy as Annelle, Truvy's new assistant who starts out like a whipped puppy, then goes pretty wild after her worthless boyfriend is sent to state prison for a long term. Finally, she gets religion and prays all the time. Still, she marries and has a baby at the end of the film. Or just after: the ending is rushing her off to the hospital because her water broke during a picnic. What more is there to say about Taxi Driver that hasn't already been said? Disturbing, gritty, dark, compelling... masterpiece. 7655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Picture was well written and the Direction and acting were very good. Over all a very well made film. 5 stars! Must see! This compilation contains Mel Brooks` interpretation of famous movie milestones of the last century, most of them having become milestones themselves. this is sad because the beginning is good, i mean the 20 first minutes are good, all the panic and etc, i won'T spoil it. But after it'S only mindless action with stupids caracters, a lot of zombies and action, but where is the gore, i mean zombies, people with big guns, you see what mean. I will not talk of the storyline, it'S just not very good and so the acting, i know it'S a horror action movie, but it'S not a reason, just watch Dawn of the dead (remake) and Shaun of the dead. 2 recents horrors movies and 2 great movies with good storyline and acting. (1) Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss): He is an everyday kind of guy that has a materialistic wife (Teri Garr) and three children. He has an experience that makes him obsessed with aliens. (This is the person Spielberg is talking about above.) 9373 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the early 1970's the Monty Python troop (Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, and Terry Jones) stars from the immensely popular television series Monty Python's Flying Circus began producing, with the help of a fundraising concert headlined by Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd (You lie!! No, I didn't!), initial photography on what would later become (from all my extensive years of movie watching) the single most unforgivably sidesplitting, enormously irreverent, shrewdly perceptive, unremittingly uproariously aggressive, gruesomely hysterical, and endlessly quotable comedies EVER. Not even Mel Brooks's Best Efforts (The Producers, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein) comes very close to the revolutionary medieval merriment sustained in this royal purebred of cult classics. BAR NONE. No contest here. 2003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Disc Two carries the bulk of the extras. For starters, we have two fun featurettes: "The Quest For the Holy Grail Locations" where Terry Jones and Michael Palin show which landscapes were the entire movie shot; and "How to use your Coconuts", an interesting feature on how to carve your coconut to a point where you can start banging them to make a trotting horse sound. I really hope APOCALYPSE is goin to be good. It should be, with NEMESIS in it that is. (...) In this next round of FUN, Jill is also joining in, and some other people, who i forgot about. (...) this [may] be one of the best sequels ive seen in a while. 1062 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Hell in the Pacific" is a fairly early film in the career of John Boorman, a sort of stealth director whose name rarely occurs to you right away as one of the greats but who has done excellent work over many decades. "Deliverance" was four years off, "Excalibur" and "Hope and Glory" further out, and the clean and sharp "The General" a full three decades away. one very happy customer. Well we were very much robbed. This film is worse than the first. Nothing surprising happens. It is a VERY badly written film, I kid you not. This is not the films worst quality. The acting, photography, lighting, direction, music and editing are terrible. Even the title is too long and stupid. I STILL KNOW would have been a much better title. The movie acknowledges that the genes make the man (or woman), but points out that it takes a lot more than just genes. Jerome, one of the genetic elite, is physically and spirtually crippled by accident. His golden genes don't do him a lot of good. Vincent has the flaws we would call "the human condition," unacceptable in his world, but personal drive and determination to overcome almost any obstacle. In an elaborate ruse, Vincent presents Jerome's genetic identity as his qualification to enter the highest echelons of achievement. He excels, because of his drive, but that is taken for granted because of "his" genes. 8579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bronson's best movie, should be mentioned when talking about great fight movies WARE, United Kingdom Each season disc from FOX is double-sided, providing awful audio, and sometimes poor video images. Imagine what these first four season sets will look like on single sided discs, restored, and professionally produced by ShoutFactory! If you enjoy this movie three other prison films are worth watching: "Ecsape from Alcatraz", "The Shawshank Redemption", and "The Green Mile" are near the caliber of "Midnight Express". 1421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is not much to say about the color series of The Avengers, with Emma Peal. It is, quite simply, among the most entertaining and clever television ever produced anywhere. 5053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I find that the best films are the ones that can reset your mood and this is definitely the case with "Bottle Rocket." It's not a very serious story but it is, in a strange way, touching and valuable. It was the first we saw of the famous Wilsons and Owen is tremendous in his debut. As a viewer, you'll feel as free as the characters as they go driving through the countryside in this sunny, clever movie. Some of its dialogue and interplay between the characters is a portend of what is soon to come in their masterpiece, "The Royal Tannenbaums." "Bottle Rocket" is like an awesome band's first record; its full of promise and you can see signs of the greatness which is to come. Overall, I recommend Stepmom for anyone who is nearing their teenage years. 6863 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 With the great cast and a cool plot, this could have been a pretty good movie. However, it just takes all the usual scare tactics to new lows (disappearing bodies, constant gore including a very graphic scene involving lazers, etc.). There is about one cool scene in the whole thing, not including the beginning and end shots of a very exposed Milla Jovovich. Well, there's always that upcoming sequel... The boxed set contains all five series (with a total of 68 episodes). Series one and two cover the Edwardian period from 1903 to King Edward's death in 1910. There is little change in the household throughout these two series, and although the entire series is spectacular, these first two sets are my favourite. Series three covers the period from 1912 to the start of WWI. Series four covers the war (1914-1918), and its depiction of the realities of war from the human standpoint is unsurpassed, making series four a very, very strong series indeed. Series five covers the twenties. 4685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 GOOD MOVIE BUT THEY DO NOT CONNECT TO INTERNET. CHECK THEM SO NO ONE ELSE CONPLAINS MR.B For proof, they are herewith directed to the abundance of materials which are available only with the DVD version of this film. If they are still not convinced, I fart in their general direction. The girl I saw it with later broke my heart! The story centers around a high school student who discovers that a vampire and his personal aide have moved in the house next door. A series of murders leads the lad to initially investigate the goings-on himself, then later seek the assistance of his friends, then finally Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowel), fearless vampire killer -- hero and host of a local television show. One thing leads to another and eventually the vampire is killed -- the neighborhood saved. (ho-hum *yawn*) 9263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who would have thought that, after nearly 30 years, the world's goofiest movie could be made even moreso? Not only is this DVD a comedy triumph (it would be simply if it were the DVD version of the classic film, in which a crew too broke to afford horses for King Arthur and his Knights changed history and college kids' banter forever by introducing coconuts as migrating props). Oh, no, this DVD is one that may become a standard for other DVDs. Just look at this list of extras above! To be sure, some of them are fluff. The "load of rubbish" selection is simply some receipts and a few odd notes. But most of it is stupendous. 9534 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The first 30 minutes or so of Gattaca are pretty great. We're introduced to a not-so-distant (and relatively plausible) future world where "natural" birth is performed in vitro under the guidance of geneticists who carefully engineer/select the most genetically gifted and healthy zygote. From birth, people are identified and defined entirely by their genetic makeup and the diseases to which they are or are not predisposed. The film does a really great job of exploring the philosophical, moral, and legal implications of such a society, and the resultant discrimination that "invalids" - those who are born in vivo - face both in their health insurance and job prospects. There's also a nice underlying message that is touched upon: often times the best person for a job may not be the absolute smartest or healthiest candidate, but the one who is the most passionate about the work. The grand finale begins immediately after Neary and Jillian show up. The first few scout ships, pass right by them, before going to the landing area and then signaling to the other ships. The film therefore does pose the question whether the final encounter (especially of the third kind) would have taken place at all if none of those 'invited' had actually arrived. Perhaps the aliens would have suspected something was wrong or that humanity just wasn't ready. 663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of the great classic christmas movies. Really glad that I now have it on dvd, since I couldn't seem to find it on vhs when I was younger. Added to our ever growing chrismas collection. The points where I would focus a little more are two very important elements in the "Resident Evil" video games. Like I said before, originally, these games were moody and gory. Two major deceptions here. The gore...ARGH! I just can't take it, it's made by computer! This is a message to all directors: If you want to put any gore in your films, do it the old fashioned way. Digital blood looks fake, digital monsters look fake...Even with some very cheap gore/creature effects, you can do a better job than the one they did in "Resident Evil"...the same thing is true in Blade...Every single mutilation in "Resident Evil" was made in CGI, and every single one of them really looks bad. (Spoilers) There's a part where more than half a dozen soldiers are cut in pieces by lasers (and it really deceived me to see that three quarters of the human characters die in two minutes...human characters were the only hope of seeing a gore scene in this film, because the zombies in this film have coagulated blood, which is, for sure, realistic and intelligent, but absolutely not satisfying for the gore fans) and some heads are cut off, some bodies are cut in cubes. But every darn death looks so fake! Even in the excellent low-budget Canadian movie "Cube", the effect with the guy that gets sliced into dices is really, really, really, really, a thousand times better than all of "Resident Evil"'s reunited gore moments. I'm sick of CGI gore...and all CGI made movies...this is removing all the human aspects of movies...people are amazed to see things that were made with computers and almost look real...Yeah, they almost look real, but if they were done like before, they would look even more real! Well, what is the point of being impressed with things that could be a lot more simple and look better if they were done like before...It's not because technology exists that films should overuse it...Technology is a tool, and many film makers don't understand it. 7025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the Annie I remember, with Carol Burnett. Love it! Even so, the drama and action are good. The director(s) commentary (Terrys Jones & Gilliam) is good, but a little too much time is spent on "the history of Monty Python" for my tastes -- I would have liked a little more about the film and a little less about stuff that is available in a couple dozen books and tv interviews. The other commentary track is also uneven, but with spots of true brilliance. Imagine three Pythons deciding to pull the MST3K treatment on their own film and you get the idea. The mini-features on scouting locations, on how to use a cocoanut, the sing-alongs, the Lego-vision (yes, as in Legos, those snap together bricks), and how-to-walk-like-a-monk-hitting-his-head-with-a-board are quite funny. The film runs 106 minutes. I recently watched it a 2nd time and thought I wasn't all that into it... until near the end, when it suddenly got me on a deeper level emotionally than on first viewing. There's something in it about the loss of childhood dreams that resonates beyond the silly and playful surface. 9468 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was an interesting movie To see "ROXANNE" in high-definition was actually quite nice. The location in the Pacific Northwest shows us the mountain regions surrounding the area, sunshine, blue waters. Now in 1080p High Definition with an aspect ratio of 2:40:1, the film really does bring out the outdoor scenes and for an late 1980's film, the picture quality is actually pretty good. As an aside, is their ANYTHING funnier than someone proclaiming they have a great sense of humor, and then saying Monty Python isn't funny? Now THAT'S comedy! 3545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this on DVD because I have it on VCR & couldn't imagine not having it in my movie library. The movie was magical when I first saw it & it doesn't lose its magic with repetition. It's a classic great movie. distinguished themselves through conquest. Secondly, he overcame all of the serious setbacks in his troubled life, as opposed to most of us, who are overcome by our disasters. But, it is through the character of James Bellamy that these historical events are played out. Initially, a "useless" member of the young nobility, James was restless and lived primarily for himself and leisure pursuits. Uncontrollably, he is swept up in the tide that became World War I and changed England, as well as the World, forever. - An Honorably discharged veteran (in the movie he had won the Congressional Medal of Honor) I was nearly scared away by all the chick-friendly marketing, but I persisted---and happily, I found this little romp in the cemetery to be sick, twisted, and totally freakish. Seth Green (Anton's slacker buddy Mick) gets to spend some up-close-and-personal cranial quality time with a beer bottle (local brew). Buddy Pnub (the hysterical and eminently blase Eldon Henson) loses his head and sees his social life improve---albeit with a little duct tape and a garden trowel. Dexter (lead singer of Offspring, who does a killer cover of the Ramones "I wanna be Sedated") gets scalped by an evil possessed right hand (played, admirably and with great dramatic restraint, by Christopher Hart, who plays hands and nothing else. I'm not kidding). Viewers sit through one cliche after another until the unsatisfying and predictable twist is revealed at the end. And then the ending itself is another cliche, hinting once again at another installment. Thank goodness it hasn't been made (yet). 9395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie... I've watched it at least five times and it's still entertaining 5655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie This is that new breed of movie in which no one knows how to write the music. Here, there is scary music every time someone turns their back to the camera. HD20 had the same problem. These little movies used to have some interesting music, as well as some swell camera angles. Now they've all turned into MTV marathons. 5339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic The characters are great, the plot is superb, the production is unbelievable, specially if you take into account that it was made so many years ago. I recently visited a friend who lives in that area and walked across the bridge where George Washington made this historic crossing. Of course there was no bridge back in 1776 on that cold December day -- just the dark and the cold and an ice-filled river. The Continentals, which was what the Americans were called then, were losing the war. They had not won a battle since they declared independence six months before on July 4. The troops were weary and starving. It looked like the American Revolution was lost. And by the way, the end is pathetic... Broson,Coburn,Strother......great cast. 5946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 knew i'd like it. 909 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it very family friendly old fashioned like a Pollyanna movie with action. 8726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of Bronson's better pictures. If you like MMA, you will like this picture. 3972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 tearjerker everytime, yet its one of those movies that you cannot help but watch. It has an all star cast and makes you step back to appreciate the little things in life. Loved it! 1999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie I can't wait to watch it again. 9102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesn't love Monty Python and the Holy Grail?! Unless you have NO idea about Monty Python. Then maybe you wouldn't. But then you would be a turtle stuck under a rock. With giant fangs. Aaargh. Aarr. Theres just one problem. The Nemesis Program (mentioned at the end of part 1) is activated, awakening Alices old buddy who has now mutated into an unrecognizably hulking dreadnought resembling Hellraisers (1987) Chatterbox on steroids. 3691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the clearest, sharpest and most colorful transfer to Blu-Ray DVD I have ever watched! This film was made in 1977, prior to the well explored theme of government conspiracies with evil aliens intent on colonizing Earth. Earlier and later sci-fi films (with the exception of E.T.) have generally attributed much less benign motives to space aliens. Yet Resident Evil has reinvented the zombie genre for a new audience of moviegoers. The purists can say whatever they want to say in retrospect of their zombie films of the 70's. Please remember we are in the year 2004, and today's zombie flicks contain some of our current event themes. 1020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very satisfied. 8821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 12 year old son loved it. He laughed!! 7651 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Norman Jewison created this warm and airy ode to love, giving it both the beauty and fragrance of a flower cart on the cobbled streets of Italy. The scenery will take your breath away and the story make you smile in this light romantic comedy. (1997; 1 hr, 45 min; widescreen; closed-captioned) Its story is well written and well imagined and it makes me wonder about some of the trash coming out of cinemas today. *The encounter with the Communist peasants in their autonamous collective ("HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!") 9748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are tired of people telling you your limits, you will love this movie. The film is bitter, and very much alive, very real: Brad Davis is even more astounding, in that he very much dissolves into his character, this modern day Montecristo who realizes that penance is just not enough, and seriously---when does Punishment itself become Crime 9064 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a classic of my younger years and when I saw it on Amazon video, I decided I should rent it. It's a pleasant but corny and dated movie, but it was still good. My 15 year old son watched and thought it was good. So... decades after it was made it can appeal to all ages, but it's not as over the top funny as when I saw it long ago. 941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies of my youth. It was one that the whole family enjoyed. A good movie to take me back. 3271 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE Shirley McClain and Olympia Dukakis is a RIOT! If you loved Terms of Endearment, this is one for you. 3426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Timeless! 9095 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I will watch this movie over and over, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. SO THERE 4391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't count the times I watched this as a kid. Having this on VHS just ensures that my family and I will be able to enjoy it for Christmases to come. So often we find that these classics become unavailable as time goes by. It was such a blessing to learn that this one was still up for grabs! 6026 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not his best work. 8077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Item arrived on time and as described, very pleased with the seller and the item. Parenthetical number preceding title is a 1 to 10 IMDb viewer poll rating. I believe fear rarely serves the human race. Certainly, fear has its place if a rhino is charging at you in the jungle. But if all human behavior is dictated by fear rather than a child-like wonder, we will miss out on some of the best of human experience, which I think may be Spielberg's point. The encounters and the close encounter of the third kind are only possible when human beings tear down the walls, throw down the barriers, and build bridges to the unknown. Certainly the unknown may be filled with snakes. But it could be filled with treasure also. The child risks falling by walking on two legs. Maybe adults should learn to do the same. Are we going to be a species who continually hides under the bed in the face of the unknown, or are we going to be the little boy who opens the door into the world of unknown wonders? The premise: ex-Soviet dissidents hijack Air Force One in revenge for the President's crackdown on terrorism and terrorist regimes. Gary Oldman plays an excellent terrorist, and Harrison Ford's President is the kind of hands-on hero that would prompt a repeal of the 22nd Amendment (for those unsavvy of the Constitution, that's the one that limits Presidents to two terms). Go elseware for the story of St. Joan! Next, the security team successfully infiltrates the Hive in order to stop Red Queen (the main computer) who has killed all the inhabitants in order to contain the outbreak. 668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love all the rankin bass video's I own all the christmas one's, the monster party is kind of dull and the easter bunny one is good. Badham knows how to direct action (once he finally cuts to the chase), and here we get plenty: Copters vs. copters; copters vs. cars; F-16's with heat-seeking missiles vs. Blue Thunder (and Frank's wits); and--just in case you aren't tired of car chases--a doozy of a chase that begins in a drive-in. There are in fact a lot of chases and a lot of destruction (but very little blood); some macho fun; adventure, suspense and wowing aerial action; and another wonderful performance from Scheider. All this, and you'll find out what JAFO means! What more could a guy ask? Thank you once again BBC - Robin Hood - Men in Tights The DVD quality is also very good. Highly recommended. 9357 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Food for thought 1392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Too bad the Avengers series are no longer being made. Netflix use to stream it but no more. If Amazon could snag the series I might reconsider Prime. I use to watch this as a little girl and it brought back a lot of fond memories The first time I saw this movie in any way, shape or form, I started watching near the end of the movie and it was one of the more confusing, worthless movie experiences I've EVER had and it really turned me off to the possibilty of this being a good movie. Then I moved in with a roomate who owned the Video and was "forced" to watch the movie. Visuals 7/10 The Fulfillment of the Kingdom 9809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you were a teenager in the mid-'90s (and enjoyed it), you will probably love this movie and relate to it. It really captures the feel of the grunge era well. 4120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good story! is by a computer called "The Red Queen" which 6295 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This Paul Anderson is a really funny guy. Every script he puts his hands on turns to crap. OMG this movie was just horrible. Come on people why are yall even giving this guy your money. Movies are not supposed to suck. The more money yall give to this guy the more movies hes going to make. And this it a bad thing BTW. Combine this book with the Simandl book for basic technique (and a good library of jazz albums), and you have just about everything needed to guide the beginning bass player through the intermediate stage. For a player who already had a basic classical technique, this book alone is just about all that's needed to learn to play jazz. 8755 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Cute movie awesome for kids and adults. Bridges is a popular NYC radio show host whose denunciation of yuppies to a regular caller pushes the man to kill people at an upscale eatery. As a result, Bridges loses his job, his GF and a fabulous Manhattan apartment, is alcoholic and now lives with (and preys on the affections of) the owner of a video rental store (Ruehl). 8023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Phenomenal movie. Why Terry Gilliam is one of the finest filmmakers ever. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor. Micheal Jeter also deserves complete respect for his performance as well. Did you see Tom Waits? BOOP! Go No Further! 9488 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not interesting enough to finish. 2364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford brings to life a good presadent traveling on Air Force One that gets highjaked by world terriost and the terroist are seting demands to have a relese of a russin general from jail or he will crash the plane and he kills a hostege every hour. Overall, a well acted, accurately portrayed Revolutionary War movie. moderater Tim sullivan keeps Tom Holland and chris sarandon and others on track for the fans that are listening As far as accuracy on climbing details, there were some irritations - climbers not wearing goggles at times (when even a few minutes exposure could result in snow blindness) or gloves. Of course an actor covered in mask and goggles can be hard to discern one from the other. And don't think you'll see the Himalaya here, this was filmed in the alps. The long acclimatization climbs are more or less skipped over. 5855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 nice and clean transfer Yet it is within minutes of these glorious opening scenes that everything takes a very dark turn. Suddenly, the child Joan sees the storm clouds culminate as the wolves and the English Army thunder in. The sight of this is quite ominous -- not only for the child Joan, but for the entire course of the movie as well. It's a shame - because, from here, THE MESSENGER actually could very well have become a movie of remarkable depth, voice and vision. 1295 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I used to watch the show as teen and would catch it on A&E when it used to come on. Sure it was campy but it was fun to watch. This movie is no such luck. It was doomed from the minute the director screamed action. The whole plot involves some asinine scheme by August De Wynter(played by Sean Connery) to control the world weather. The British secret service assign Emma Peel(Uma Thurman) and John Steed(Ralph Fiennes) to the case. The story also involves plot twist where one of the head of the secret service(affectionately called "Mother") is in cahoots with Sir Wynter. When you're not laughing at the cheesy dialogue, you cracking up at the hackneyed fight scenes and the overacting by Sean Connery, who seems to have more fun chewing up scenery even though he advised people not to watch it. The chemistry between Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman is non-existent. The mechanical bees and the teddy bear costumes...nice. This movie wasn't pre-screened for a reason and Sean Connery did warn people not to see this movie. You can put two and two together and see the outcome. People overact like its going out of style, the humor is on par with those Roger Moore James Bond flicks and the premise is pretty juvenile. If you liked the show you'll hate the movie. In his most powerful role ever, Harrison Ford is the President of the United States in the must-see blockbuster action thriller of the year......AIR FORCE ONE! Aboard the presidential plane-the most heavily guarded aircraft in the the world-President Marshall (Ford) is returning home with his wife, daughter and a plane-load of top government officials. But no sooner have they lifted off when the plane is hijacked by Communist radicals led by the ruthless terrorist Korshunov (Gary Oldman-The Fifth Element). Unless the country's imprisoned dictator is freed, Korshunov will start killing passengers. Now the most protected man in the world must take responsibility for the safety of all on board and the future free world! With high-stakes action and suspense, and featuring Glenn Close as Vice President, AIR FORCE ONE is sky-high thrills at full speed! 1722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies that I can haul out and watch over and over especially at Christmas time. It sticks pretty closely to the historical event and has some humor as well. Jeff Daniels always looks just like whomever he is depicting. It's quite uncanny. Bottom line - this movie weaves serious, spoof, danger and brings it all home in the end. Its a cerebal movie you have to stay with from beginning to end to understand it. Catching it 25 minutes in on TV, more than likely you'd be lost. 3421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The melody is stuck in my head 3947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I had forgotten how good this movie was until I got it on DVD. Richard Dreyfuss puts in a great performance as Roy Neary. His portrayal of the subtle changes his character goes through throughout the movie, from child like enthusiasm, to outright obsession, is spot on. Francois Truffaut also puts in an outstanding performance. This is the movie that established Spielberg's kind of "awe/woundrous" style of filmaking. You know, like the spaceships in Close Encounters, E.T., Indiana Jones' adventures, the first glimpse of a dinosaur in the Jurassic series, he just stages some wonderfull awe inspiring scenes. 9968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A lot of action. This movie kicks butt. Roy is great here. And I am not a fan of helicopters. There is sonething satisfying in seeing this movie. Maybe the satisfaction of seeing McDowell... Best say no more 714 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Grandkids love Arthur. And Christmas. So this was a natural to order. Penetrating script with a towering acting of Nick Nolte. 113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I didn't like it when it first came out. But I guess it grows on you. The disc is single sided. I think the TV version of Annie 7720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this film not long after a very close person to me had passed away, it could have been prevented. This is a most beautiful film, it is story of a man looking back on his life and the love and bond he had with his brother. Some parts are hilariously funny, the ending had me in tears. I can't recommend this movie highly enough, you have to see it. "Now, nearly all those I loved and did not understand in my youth are dead, even Jessie. But I still reach out to them..." 4981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Mel Brooks Collection is a great set. it contains almost ALL of his directed movies. The Twelve Chairs, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, High Anxiety, History of the World: Part 1, To Be or Not To Be, SpaceBalls, and Robin Hood: Men in Tights. This set does not contain The Producers (1968) or Dracula Dead and Loving it (1995) though nither of those are available on seperate blu-ray anyway. The only good flick he ever made was Ronin anyway. Laura has a new gallery book out "The Eyes of mars". A woman she had photographed, Elaine Cassell (Rose Gregorio) was murdered before the Art gallery's opening. 6755 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 There are so many things wrong with this movie, I'm not quite sure where to begin! I guess I could start with historical accuracy. I knew trouble was abrewin' when I found out that John Malkovich was playing the French King Charles, who was actually only 19 years old! Lots of silly, fictitious stuff was added about the various people at court who supposedly convinced Charles to betray Joan. And one of Joan's big motivations was shown to be the rape and murder of her sister, which has no basis in fact. 4477 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is way bet- ter than the first one. It's completely different and surprsing. But it's not as scary as Scream or The Blair Witch Project. I liked it, and I recomm- end it. 5783 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 As it is the case with most sequels, this second instalment of "Resident Evil" franchise is significantly inferior to the first film. Below, more of my impressions, with some limited SPOILLERS. 4361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It`s the Muppets! what`s not to love? 9587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have watched this from time to time and always like it Biohazard: Degeneration (2008) / Resident Evil: Degeneration. 703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent, Dave makes going through the Holy Land so much fun. If you're going to Israel, you especially ought to watch these episodes before you go. 5492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Satisfied with purchase. Great buy from seller. 2227 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good 5109 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Early on in "Bottle Rocket", there's an exchange that crystallizes, for me, Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson's filmmaking ethos. The scene is set at night. Three men are sitting in their car outside a bookstore, pre-robbery. Dignan (Owen) and Anthony (Luke Wilson) put white tape across the bridges of their noses. Bob (Robert Musgrave), the get-away driver, innocently asks, "Why is there tape on your nose?" Dignan, with a devilish grin stretching from ear to ear, excitedly replies, "Exactly!" It's typical for Anderson/Wilson characters to not fully understand the reason for their actions (or if they do, never tell the audience), while knowing that, like sharks, if they stop moving they will die. 8259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rumpole fun. As English as Midsomer Murders. Crime after DCI Barnaby does the investigation? Rumpole is on the level of that other series. The Rumpole character made the career of the writer (John Mortimer, now deceased, died Jan.'09.) "Rumpole of The Bailey", a lasting 7-year TV series still gains new fans. A book, "A Rumpole Christmas" is a perfect companion to any Rumpole collection, even DVDs. 9987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 flies in the great ointment. 7994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful wonderful movie! Robin Williams in a more serious role and Jeff Bridges make an amazing performance that is not to be missed! 1535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is by far the best Jane Eyre out there at this time...the performances are brilliant, the original text respected...the character of Rochester is for once done as it was meant to be done. I highly recommend, if you like your movies to show some respect for the books they represent. This will never be the definitive The Avengers. But if you have an open mind, give it a look. Better (IMHO) than another couple of hours with another 'reality' show. Then, if you haven't, watch McNee and Rigg too. And if you have, watch them again, after some well-spent time with Fiennes and Thurman. 9731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I never really cared about futuristic movies when I was younger but I guess as I've gotten older they have found a place in my gallery of excellent movies. Recently I have watched Gattaca, Island and Equilibrium and have rate all 3 as 5 star movies. Head out on the highway I have the MRA DVD, ...transfer is good (but not brilliant) and the sound quite loud. 7540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my favorite make of this movie 1777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a very well-scripted and well-acted portrayal of this critical event in American History. Washington's, faith, strength and courage come across well. It made me appreciate how tentative the Revolution was, and how close we came to being subjects of the British Crown. Very inspiring! 9484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ssssggg 6174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ravenous zombies - what more could you ask for on Halloween? RESIDENT EVIL is chock full of monsters, blood, gore, and actually cool, creative decapitations. Based on a popular computer game (which I have never played), RESIDENT EVIL is an entertaining monster flick for a cozy evening at home. Second film in the series, based upon the "Resident Evil" video game series. 3308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Everything I needed to learn in life, I learned from Steel Magnolias! 8139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great classic British tv 'The Parables of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life' is one of the volumes of the Deeper Connections series focusing on parables of Jesus. Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. The study helps you gain new insights into his parables and their meanings that will help you to appreciate more fully their relevance for your own life. 4866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 nice movie Composers: Richard Rogers, Lorenz Hart, Nelson Riddle, Morris Stoloff (supervision) and George Duning (arrangements) The DVD extra features are rather standard and I didn't avail myself of all of them. However, as DVD extras become the norm, I think we'll see more and more added features for big budget films and more of the "standard fare" extras, such as these, offered: Director and actor commentary, subtitles, music video, biographies of the actors, etc. 3087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie. It has an all-star cast. It has drama, comedy, sadness and good stuff. I enjoy watching it over and over and over. Who wouldn't love a movie that had Dolly Parton, Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine AND Daryl Hannah in it. I already have this movie in VHS, but I wanted it also in DVD. I have watched it MANY times and LOVED it EVERY time!!!! 4336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 saw this many times on tv 7846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Robert Redford has done it again. hes made a movie so memorable that it is great. with a cast like this it makes the film worth while. Craig Sheffer and Brad Pitt are brothers, Pitt is the wild one and they have a priest father played awesomely by Tom Skeritt. full of powerful scenes and the tear jereker for some girls when the shocking news of their beloved Brad Pitt dieing of the spice girls. and all their unique personalites. 2756 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! All the actresses in this movie are very familiar to me and they play their part magnificantly. Us ladies should always band together in support each other like these ladies did instead of bitching about one another. I still cannot fathom Sally Field with a sourthern accent but she does make her role believable. There is a surprise ending although it is very sad in its own way. Olympia Dukakis is exceptional in that she tries to make others laugh in a sad situation. Either way, the plot indicates that us females can and will support each other in times of every tough crisis possible. The actual author who made the play that this movie is based on also has a sad story in that the play and this movie was based on his sister's illness and ultimate death. He does appear in this movie as the pastor in the beginning of the movie when Shelby is married to Jackson; and again serves as the pastor at the cemetery. If you want to be cheered up and to be shown that life truly continues then this movie will make a whole lot happier. It does for me! :-) Not to be missed--in fact, this could even be sold as a stand alone 5 minute video--is the scene where they cross the state line to buy booze. That short scene is worth the entire price of the movie. Don't miss it. I've read a lot of mixed reviews about people who have played the game. Some say it strays from the games plot, while others say (with the exception of character changes) stays pretty close to the original video game. I don't know. However, I do know that I really didn't think I would like this movie, but I ended up liking it and was thoroughly entertained for 90 minutes. 3766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters is a superb Speilberg film and this is his first film presented on high defintion disc. This BLU-RAY disc should look and sound fantastic. A fine film with state of the art special effects, and a wonderful John Williams score on the best High Definition format-BLU-RAY. A must buy regardless of price by anyone who loves movies in High Def. "Love All" - The missile department is leaking secrets but Steed and Tara sniff out the source of the indiscretion. A terrific episode. 2607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Worked great. Superb, 30 Dec 2007 4239 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a fun to watch movie the plot is that of a 90s movie. This is one of those movies you can lay back and enjoy. 2791 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie for the whole family to watch. It is funny and sad at the same time. A lot of stars are in that movie. I would watch again. 1972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford do you really need to know any more. great cast also. Filmed in Berlin, Germany and Toronto, Canada, plays like a film the SCI-FI (now Syfy) cable network would broadcast. -Not much gore. Some will find this disappointing. I personally don't think it matters. There is an ample supply of blood however. 4088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This five-hanky "women's picture" was unfairly shut out of the Oscar race a few years back. It features a mostly terrific -- and consciously sentimental -- screenplay that allows its two stars, Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon, to cover new territory as actresses. The biting, realistic dialog between two strong, competitive women resonates with the ring of truth. The children in the movie shine throughout, and Ed Harris is, as usual, appealing, masculine, bringing gravity to his role as the man in the middle. The Christmas settings, the snowfalls, the terminal illness, and the classic song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" all combine to produce more than a few well-earned tears, none more so than in the final ten minutes. Chris Columbus, the director, allows delicate, and sometimes not so delicate, humor, to ease the real pain of many of these well-wraught scenes. The Hollywood gloss notwithstanding, this is one of those human, heartfelt explorations into some unchartered territory. If you love movies you can cry with, you'll love Stepmom. 7286 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 as described Allen - with some of the funniest lines and sight gags I've ever seen 9541 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent story. 7483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. If you liked legends of the fall, then this might be up your alley. 9470 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 It seemed to get stuck in and rut and never got out. Sheffer and Pitt don't resemble each other in reality, but they really seem like REAL brothers with a love-hate sibling rivalry that never boils over into anything absurd. The way they play off each other is great. The MacLean family scenes are so inviting and authentic that it's unreal! When watching them, I almost felt discomfort at times that I felt like I was spying on them. I would wager that many parents can relate to this family's situation...The Reverend MacLean worrying about his 2 sons' future and Mrs. MacLean just plain WORRYING! And Norman and Jesse's relationship is sweet and understated. The film also dares to subtly tackle issues such as racism (the Indian girl that Paul brings on a double-date with Norman and Jesse) as well and to realistically show the seamier, seedier side of Paul's life (gambling halls and brothels). So, yes this is a good movie, but it is meant for teens and men 20-45, not women like this idiot named Claudia Puig. I can understand how the 1978 film caused a bit of controversy. But, knowing Oliver Stone, he was making a very serious point about how Turkish society can be very brutal and how its government and people can be so inhumane. Granted Stone may have taken a few liberties on Billy Hayes' true story, but he ultimately got the point across about how the Turkish deal with prisoners and how inhumane their laws really are. Obviously, the film cut right to the bone and struck a lot of nerves in the Turkish people. The only reason they were offended and had the film banned was because the truth about Turkey came out into the open, and really hurt them. If they were not so barbaric against foreign prisoners, such secrets would not have been exposed. 6951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 first of all when i saw this movie in theaters it rocked but i would like to say how did final fantasy get all these extra feautures when resident evil was a better movie because i wouldlike to see alternate stuff and a documentary on how they made everything but apart from that i'm still goanna by this because i liked the movie. So grab your coconut shells and gallop along with the troupe. 1. Plot- 8 (solid story with a few twists) 6556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "I shot her five times, Susan Sarandon eventually has no choice, but to let her ex-husband and his new love know that she has cancer, and time is not on her side. As time passes, the two women try to be more compassionate for the peace and tranquility of the family, as they try to understand each other. This uplifting story tugs at the heart, and Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon give outstanding Acting Performances. A movie that grabs your attention in the very beginning, and keeps you there. Inspiring, emotional, and heartfelt. Highly recommended! It's interesting to see the kids in the video, who are all great performers, by the way... while the clothes are clearly from 1995 (i guessed 1994), the production, song choices and approach are 100% timeless. This video does not show its age. It's that good. The title of this movie is actually one of the classifications used to classify the reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). A six-fold classification was developed in the late 1950s: The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future are represented by some of the clients. But, anyone familiar with "The Christmas Carol", will have no trouble recognizing the storyline. In his mind these two goals become almost identical. Killing the apathetic. patronizing politician, who is socially or politically responsible, and the pimp, who is individually responsible for the abominations of modern city life, like child prostitution, have little to separate them. Indeed, only the candidate's security guards make the difference. 1177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Grew up watching The Bob Newhard Show every Saturday night with my family, wonderful to be able to enjoy the laughter all over again. 2733 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it 7299 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Got boring, too much foul language, blasphemy, and a nude scene. Would have been great without these things 2547 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got these for a family member. 7344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an AMAZING movie. I love Missoula,Montana (where it takes place and is mostly filmed) and the visual of the hill behind the school during several scenes, the hill that now houses the the 'M' in rocks with a trail (steep hike) up the mountain. I lived there for a year. This edition is the equivalent of a "Criterion" collection release. If you prefered the Criterion "Life of Brian" or "Time Bandits" over the standard studio releases, then you're interested in more than just the film itself, and you definitely would appreciate all the extras that this release gives. While the taking of Air Force One has to be far more difficult than portrayed on screen, don't worry about it. Sit back and enjoyed the ride and what a ride it is! 1590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Will always enjoy watching Upstairs/Downstairs. So well done in every way. Favorite actor, Jean Marsh, also Lesley Anne Down. THIS TRANSFER IS VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL TO THE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED DVD. New Orleans BEFORE the FLOOD! 8467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classically hysterical movie. Especially if you like British Humour. 160 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 NICE TWIST TO THE ORIGINAL 2751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The filmwork isn't the best, the plot is thin but if you lived during this era you will be the only one in the room to understand. Roddy McDowall was a well-liked professional actor who began his acting as a child. You may have seen him in How Green Was My Valley(1941). He had many female friends, including Maureen O'Hara and Elizabeth Taylor, and had male friends, however he never officially came out as being "gay". He was. It was hinted a little bit in tv-movie, Mae West (1982). He died October 3, 1998 of lung cancer. He never had an enemy. It is unusual because so much of it takes place on the plane but it works. 557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Jesus, His Life, Mystery and Message" is a marvelous film on the life and times of Jesus, and though in its 10 chapters it skips around a bit, and there is an occasional slip in the script, those familiar with Scripture will appreciate this ambitious project, and the content that is biblically based, as well as the visual presentation. An Italian production by the Paulines, with writer/director Alberto Castellani and cinematographer/director Giancarlo Cappellano, it takes us through the significant sites in the Holy Land, and also blends in exquisite works of art, from masters like Duccio and his contemporaries, and iconic treasures of Greek and Russian origin. -Plenty of good extras for the money. 4855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a huge Scorcese fan, so naturally I am a huge De Niro fan. Well at first I became a Dicaprio/Scorcese fan then I discovered De Niro and WOW he is amazing and they work so well together. Having never seen this movie I didn't know what to expect really. The movie has a really (reallly) slow tempo, which surprised me cause I thought there was going to be a lot more of De Niro mohawk action. But when those mohawk scenes do come... you just want to watch them over and over and over. Definitely a must see, and for a $10 value this special edition Blu Ray is a great addition to any collection. 4386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought this was a sweet little movie, and enjoyed watching it over the holidays. Being able to watch it on VHS made it all the more special for us. That is to be commended, however bad the rest of the experience. 33 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A rare classic, a good movie. OK, enough of what didn't work. On the plus side, Milla Jovovich has proven herself to be one of the few genuinely talented model-turned-actresses, and gives a great performance. I was kind of disappointed in Michelle Rodriguez's acting, mainly because she was so good in Girlfight, but she was acceptable and at least can really look like a badass. There's quite a few fun--and sick--shots. There were plot twists that I actually didn't see coming--sorry to say, I could see most of the jumps walking up 5th Avenue-- and the plot was a lot more brutal and downbeat than I expected (for a movie based on a video game, and for a modern zombie movie, anyway)--good for them. They did definitely outright steal some ideas from Dawn of the Dead (and, as everybody has already probably pointed out, Cube) but at least had some originality by putting a slightly new twist on them. There was a much higher body count than I thought (not counting all the zombie employees, of course, I mean among the heroes), most of which was pretty b-llsy. Characters did not die in the order I expected them to. Things got pretty cold-blooded (so to speak). 6106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Plenty of charm & wit and comic stupidity in this. That night, Laura had a dream of the murder. The next morning, during a photo shoot at Columbus Circle, she had a vivid vision of someone watching her friend, Doris (Meg Mundy). She is worried. As she walks across the street, she suddenly stops. she has a vision of her friend being murdered. As she runs to her friend's apartment, the police have arrived and Doris is dead, just as Laura "saw" it. 2928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I would rate the opening sequence of born to be wild as one of the greatest openings in film I make sure my system is at full blast. It makes you wanna take out the harley for a ride right away Everyone in the offices and laboratory of the Umbrella Corporation is gassed with a biohazard substance. Those that tried to escape in the elevator are killed. 8918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This never gets old. Eva Marie Saint plays Lorraine Basner. Lorraine was trapped into a marriage some would call loveless, but it is much more complicated than that. Again, you will have to watch the movie to learn all the subtleties, but during the film she decides to break free and "find herself" by walking out of her home and marriage to file for divorce and get the first job of her life. Both Max and Lorraine begin relying on David in ways that reverse the parent - child relationship and put a real strain and the solo life and upward career path David is enjoying. 785 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always liked the Arthur episodes on PBS and watched them with all the kids. So, to have a movie with Arthur and the gang was a pleasure! Christmas is a time for family, joy and sometimes a helping hand to makes things even better. This movie is one of those. Great for kids of all ages. This is not one to rent. This is one that is well worth buying, sharing with others, and watching again. I loved the ending and had butterflies watching it. I found the passion between the actors moving and can easily watch this version again and again. There are some odd bits in the middle where the movie gives a nod to some of the more mind-twisting elements of the series, but with no real effect. The cgi killer-robot bees are at best laughable and at worst downright embarrasing. Then comes the ridiculous plot of the movie, which is that 912 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fast and awesome product thank you. 8121 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If I knew more about how the courts are, or were, set up in Rumpole's time, I might have enjoyed this series more. 552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Please tell 'em that Amazon is going to lose me as a reviewer if they make it complicated! Five stars means that I got the order promptly and in good condition! I don't know how to communicate with them. -boring mainly due to the music 9339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a classic movie that is very relevant to today society. 8546 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 satisfied 1861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Used--Works as advertised! Special effects just don't get any better.......great story! 9337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Gattaca" isn't aging as well as I thought that it would but it's still an engaging if minor key/ subdued science fiction vehicle that takes its science more seriously than its fiction which turns into a more procedural whodunit. But before we get to the end resolve of the non-essential mystery of the movie and the surprise ending (someone was killed at a space launch site, but who could it have been, and why?) we are treated to a pretty prescient story about how society had modernized after carefully controlling the genetics of children at birth. Life expectancy is up, productivity is up, currency for the genetically superior population is up, as are other character traits such as intelligence, mental acuity and alacrity, physical conditioning and beauty while certain other non-desirable traits are down or removed such as anti-social personality and hostility, tendency toward violence and uncontrolled emotions, etc. In short the world of Gattaca is supposedly moving toward a manmade utopian ideal but the lower classes, those persons (usually older) who were borne of natural circumstances with all the variables that come along with the unknown and unpredictability within human nature, are the menial servant class. Their dreams are restricted; their lives are limited. 4) "Dial a Deadly Number" have Steed and Emma investigating a device called a "Bleeper". The Bleeper is designed to help millionaires keep in touch, but an evil doer has set it to reach out and kill. 5267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Mean Streets" put Martin Scorsese on the map, but he carved a place for himself in the annals of film history with this disturbing tale of "God's lonely man." What's most disturbing about Travis Bickle is the way that we almost understand his actions in this film: he's so lonely and isolated that he's locked away from the rest of the world, letting his obsessions drive him to the boiling point. Scorsese's film style is remarkable and utterly hypnotic: there are scenes in this film I find my self watching over and over again, as the soft voices, silence, and tension lock my eyes to the screen and put me into a trance. The scene where Travis puts his weapons together, in particular, is so magnetic that it simply grabs you and will not let you go. Every well educated, well informed person in the USA should watch this movie, because it will allow them to visualize all the bad things that drag down all of us. Robert Redford's excellent directing, and narration, along with strong performances by a well know cast, and the breathtaking cinematography make this a very memorable film. 8258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Rumpole of the Bailey is a wonderful show that tackled issues and showed characters in ways that rarely American television would. 9864 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Many people spend their lives searching for their place in life, and many movies are made that deal with this theme; examples include "The Majestic", "As Good as it Gets", "Lost in Translation" and "X-Men". But what about the exact opposite, what about those who know for certain their place in life and are not happy with it? This is the central underlying theme in this movie. It is the future, and mankind has progressed to the point where genetic engineering of newborns is a common practice. Some kids are born naturally without any genetic improvements, and have set limits and expectations for their life. These are known as "invalids". Others are born with genetic improvements, and they are born into a different life with different limits and expectations; usually higher. These are "valids". This movie is about both individuals, brothers really. One is a Valid and rises high within the ranks of Gattaca, a futuristic corporation that sends people to space. The other is an "Invalid, and being unhappy with his fate, uses his wit and the friendship of a thoughtful Valid to rise even higher. Their fates intertwine at the very end in a triumph of the human spirit over predisposed social constraints. The movie moves briskly but not too quickly. The dialogue is quite sharp and natural. The personal relationships are well-thought out. And Jude Law is probably in his best role as an actor. All told, a great movie and worth the time to watch. Premiering in the mid 1990's, it touches on many of the themes now surfacing in the era of biotech and genetic engineering. 4820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is an excellent movie. Even though some people complain that it is slow moving, it kept my attention which usually doesn't happen when I watch movies. There was a lot of attention to small details, which was important and added a lot to the movie. It raises some difficult questions which aren't really addressed, but that's a sign of a good movie - it gets you to think about your own thoughts and answers to the movie and the situations presented. I think it is an excellent film. Don't buy or rent any of the R.E.'s go to the video store or Best Buy and buy or rent "Night", "Dawn" and "Day"...even the Tom Savini "Night" remake that rocked too, then see Land of the Dead. Those movies will show you what can be accomplished when you put a little heart into your movies. 6876 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The blu ray transfer is not that great. The colors are faded. What a pitty. They could have made a better job here. The images are too dark. If you wanna see Rita Hayworth in a great and full HD, try Blood and Sand blu ray. 9931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is a sci-fi/drama classic that even the most sci-fi adverse crowd will enjoy. The story, though set in the not-so-distant future, is not so much a tecno dazzler like the Matrix rather an exploration into the power of the human spirit. The story digs deep enough into the science to show the biotech driven Big Brother society we could grow into if we are not careful without overloading those who aren't interested in that sort of thing. There is also a good romantic side story involving Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. The entire cast is excellent with a breakout performance by Jude Law. 3005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie saw it first at a drive in and still enjoy watching it! Great music and beautiful scenery and Jack Nicholson!!! Nip nip nip...yeah! 2599 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 With the line up of cast members this is a great movie with some good morals! 7191 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Looks like all I can do is keep the old tunes in mind, and modify them just a little . . . "Tomorrow, tomorrow, maybe we'll get a better DVD release tomorrow -- it's only a day away!" Jackie and Luke are divorced, which is emotionally taxing on their two children, Anna and Ben, Anna refusing to accept the fact that her parents are never getting back together again. Ben is too young to understand much of what is going on; he merely aides Anna in making Luke's girlfriend, Isabel, completely miserable. This includes hounding her for unwashed laundry, putting down her lunches, and just about anything they can to make it look like they have been treated with less care than they would under their mother. The movie's setup of these relationships between different characters is well-done, keeping its focus on the children's actions and their feelings on the situations they are put into. 9917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Gattaca paints a future where the haves are genetically designed and the have-nots are genetically inferior with no hope of advancement. But one young man has a dream. He wants to get into space. To do this he works out and studies as hard as he is able. But all of the hard work does no good. Then he finds a way. 9882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie! 6910 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's larger than life and really over produced but you know what, who the hell cares? It's fun, killer songs, The cast is mesmerizing and it's still as fun to watch today as it was years ago. 3559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1977 saw the release of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, and I was lucky enough to see it in the theatre. Once you see it, you'll never forget it. For it's time the special effects were awesome. But don't let that stop you from purchasing this great movie. It's good none the less. 71 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good variation of a theme. 5966 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Why was Brad Davis not nominated for an Oscar for this?? He's terrific in the role. As are John Hurt and Randy Quaid. 5128 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My friend recommended this movie to me and said it was the funniest movie ever. Boy was she wrong! This movie has no plot and is in no way funny. The only feelings I had for this movie after I was finished watching it was sympathy for actors because it might ruin their careers. I can't recommend this movie to anyone. You can, if you really hate that person. Countered to this inbred "fear" is also the capacity to engage in wonder. Human beings are also infinitely curious, and our curiosity stems from a child-like desire of wanting to know, to understand, and even to touch that which may be different. Fear and wonder are very incompatible bedfellows which reside in each of us. It is a constant challenge for the human race to decide which emotion will have its say in terms of behavior: wonder or fear. Fear is about anger, stereotypes, barriers, burning bridges, and making war. Wonder is about happiness, trust, letting go, being curious, and being vulnerable; it may be ultimately linked to those emotions associated with love. In the brilliant SF film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", Spielberg and co. explore how these two opposing views clash in the midst of our "third" encounter with aliens from outer space. 9071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Always a great movie. Picture quality isn't the best but I guess there's only so much they can do to fix that. 4872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son-in-law loved this. It was one gift he was totally surprised to receive. My advice is to at least give it a chance. Like many of Kubrick's films though, it's a movie you really have to see twice in order to appreciate it. The screenplay is truly one of a kind and you'll never see such a character study ever. Travis Bickle will go down as one of the most dynamic characters in cinema. 6485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A deadly virus has escaped into a underground scientific colony owned by the Umbrella Corporation killing all the researchers and employees, a lovely woman named "Alice" ( Milla Jocovich) is joined with "Rain" ( Michelle Rodriguez) and a elite commando squad to investigate the mysterious deaths of the workers. They discover that the computer that runs the place has taken over and accidently unleashes hordes of zombies & mutant monsters, they must find a way out or else end up as dinner before the virus will infect humanity. The practice is somewhat weak, Tonya's voice is too soft and she does not provide clear enough queues so you have to look up quite often to follow her routine. Moveover, the music is too load and has church-based singing which even more overpowers her delicate voice. 4317 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the story of young Danny Madigan who is a huge fan of Jack Slater, a larger-than-life action hero played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. When his best friend, Nick the projectionist, gives him a magic ticket to the newest Jack Slater film, Danny is transported into Slater's world, his number one hero where the good guys always win. It's a dream come true for Danny, but things take a turn for the worst when one of Slater's enemies, Benedict the hitman, gets a hold of the ticket and ends up in Danny's world, where he realizes that if he can kill Arnold Schwarzenegger, then Slater will be no more. Slater and Danny must join forces and travel back and stop him at all costs before it'll be the end of Jack Slater. This movie is one of my favorite Arnold movies, because of it's boldness, and the fact that Arnold can be really funny when he wants to be. It's on my top favorite comedy movies, and it's also in my DVD collection. Very entertaining. If you like Schwarzenegger action movies, you'll like this one as well. Joseph is the favored son of his father, a fact which causes no small amount of jealousy from his other brothers. It eventually causes so much resentment that they sell him as a slave to a passing caravan and tell his father that he was killed. In slavery, he is taken to Egypt. His intelligence and honest are both a curse to him and a blessing. Through God's favor, and Joseph's steadfastness, he rises to a position of immense power. When his brothers come to him, seeking help, they do not recognize him and the stage is set for either reconciliation or terrible retribution. 6965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I believe this is the closest to the original story of Annie. So enjoyable, especially the music! Surandon is inspirational as the grief stricken mom trying to drink up every blessed moment she has left with her children while leaving them with fond memories of their mother. This film is a roller coaster of emotions: love, jealousy, hate, anger, regret, loss and so much more is portrayed within a few hours. 8545 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 its a classic 7668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 View tips and guidelines | Headline & 20 more words required. View tips and guidView tips and guidelines | Headline & 20 more words required. elines | Headline & 20 more words required. This leads to the most humorous part of the film where Jack tries to fix Parry up with a strange young woman, played by Amanda Plummer, whom Parry has grown to love from a distance. Jack does finally move out of himself and help someone else and sure enough he gets a job opportunity. 7091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great cast, especially Carol Burnett, who played the villainous woman in charge of the orphanage. 1824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 GW is a very hard man for Americans to warm up to the. The Man is like another Virginian that comes to mind, Robert E. Lee. Both seem to be Marble Men (Not of real flesh & blood). All I can say is Thank God we have men like them when we needed them. Mr Daniels does his best to create the persona of out Founding Father and I feel that he comes pretty close to the mark. Enter Milla Jovovich (character names matter not in such a film), who awakens after a fall in the shower to find a mysterious scar on her shoulder, a strange note left in her bedroom, and a dresser drawer that holds a full arsenal of weaponry. Equally unsettling is the storming of her elite home, where she, along with Eric Mabius, is taken into an underground cavern through a hidden door in her home, and transported by rail to the Hive. This sequence, as well as those to come, is poorly shot, with the use of flashy cinematography and quick-cuts; it matters little, though, because to see it clearly would not be to like it more. 4553 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i just love this tape so must it is great i just love to watch it thank you so must 7074 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good upbeat PG movie Cinematography: Harold Lipstein Do me a favor and just buy a dvd instead. the other con to the movie was the film angle of the zombies or how should i put it they zipped them in and out persay its hard to describe once you see the movie youll know what i mean. 5424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like vampires this is a must see! This is one of my favorites. They tried to remake this and ended up doing such a horrible job. Rent it and watch it ... You won't be disappointed! Video quality is top notch in every single scene. This movie has a subtle color palate that casts a warm orange hue in day scenes, and a cool blue hue in darker shots. Some people may complain that this type of cinematography is overly processed, but regardless of what your feelingss are on the look of the film, you can't argue with this blu-rays amazing image quality. I can't stress this enough, the movie just looks perfect. Filled with action and some memorable one-liners, Air Force One is a classic Harrison Ford action thriller along the lines of Patriot Games and Clear And Present Danger. In addition, prior to filming Air Force One, the producers were given unprecedented access to the real thing. The result is a film that displays the inner sanctums of Air Force One with stunning accuracy, providing the audience with a glimpse into the actual traveling life of the most powerful man in the world. Overall, this a must-see movie that you won't want to miss... Running Time: 120 minutes. 2644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT! nice if turn the sound down and just watch what there is interesting only. 8879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 For anyone who loves Coburn/Bronson, great direction, stylistic cinematography or period films, this is it. I was oh-so impressed with how great this movie looks in 2.35 widescreen. Great transfer and a great price!! The ending was a bit anti-climatic, but this disc is definately staying in the collection. They don't make 'em like James Coburn or Charles Bronson anymore....... 1711 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good Sure the SFX look dated, they were obviously optical not today's CGI but still great. "Midnight Express" is a Seventies classic--it was nominated for six Academy Awards and won two, and its soundtrack produced a Top 40 hit, Giorgio Moroder's "Chase." The DVD set for this unforgettable film comes with a booklet that discusses the production of the movie, and the DVD itself contains the original preview of the film. "Midnight Express" is a searing examination of the depths to which man can fall but also of the tremendous inner resources that some possess in the face of extremity. The movie does not represent True Bikers. Bikers Are not Hippies,They Are Tough,they were TRUE Counter-Culture,Realists And Reactionary like myself. Sure There are bad apples and racists, but it isn't liberal fascist like most hippies. The best Biker Film is Hells Angels 69' and it actually has them in it! 5806 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I liked the game. I like watching Milla Jovovich. Did not like this movie, however. There are a few neat scenes such as the "slice and dice" lasers, but it never caught my attention and held it the whole movie, the way the original Aliens movie did. Just my opinion - take it for what it's worth. 6766 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 If you think that this is an inspiring movie such as Braveheart which Mel Gibson acted so brilliantly as Sir Richard Wallace, you would be extremely disappointed with this offering. Luc Besson's movies are always interesting to watch with beautiful cinematography & French flair. But this latest offering, despite it still shares those traits, it could become disillusioned at times. I couldn't stand Milla Jovovich running around the set screaming her head off. If I were one of her soldiers, I wouldn't be inspired by her at all to fight for France. Rather, the English looked more like those civilised type. With due respect, Milla is not a bad actress after seeing her in the Fifth Element & her minor role as the prostitute in You've Got Game with Denzel Washington. So, the decision for her to depict Joan as that mad woman is questionable. The part of her arguing with her conscience acted by Dustin Hoffman is like watching X Files, you want to know the truth but the truth you shall not find. At times, I just wished that she could be burned & done with so that I could get on with life. Well, a completely forgettable film & I wouldn't dream of watching it one more time, just like putting myself over a guillotine. Having said that, Faye Dunaway & John Malkovich were superb in their amoral roles being calculative, manipulative, conniving to serve their own interests. Loved this movie! It played perfectly and I enjoyed watching it very much! Such a Classic! I will definitely buy more movies from this seller. Monty Python is undoubtedly one of the most talented comedy troupes ever to perform, and this is the creme of the python's crop. If Monty Python isn't funny, I don't know what is. 4062 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I bought this DVD for my collection. I do not buy full screen format DVDs. Amazon described the DVD as "Anamorphic, Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, Full Screen, Widescreen, NTSC" with an aspect ration of 2.35:1. However, when it arrived, it was Full Screen only with an aspect ratio of 1:33.1. Consequently, I returned it. My recommendation, if you only want Widescreen, don't believe the description that this DVD is dual-layered and don't buy it. 2248 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Harrison Ford plays a US President that has traveled to Russia to make a deal with the Russians to fight terrorism, and to seal the fate of a rogue ultranationalist, former Soviet general. When terrorists supporting that general slip aboard and then take over Airforce One, the president and his family are in danger. Also, Daryl Hannah is the best looking astronomer I've ever seen. No one believes Charlie Brewster when he states that the neighbor is a vampire- and believe me, Charlie, the goofy high school student, has tried everything: telling his friends, his mom, and even the police. Unfortunately, Mr. Dandridge, the vampire, is extremely charming and everyone is so taken with him-even poor Charlie's girlfriend- that they think Charlie needs to stop watching horror films and get a life. 7743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Never saw this before. Outstanding acting and performance by two of the best. In a way, this film is a group effort, with tremendous performances by Harvey Keitel and Jodie Foster, and a tremendous score by the legendary Bernard Herrmann (CITIZEN KANE, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, PSYCHO). But the main credit for this film should go jointly to De Niro, Scorsese, and Paul Schrader. Unbelievably, neither Scorsese nor Schrader even received an Oscar nomination. This, of course, says a lot more about the inherent conservatism of the Academy than about the job these men did. In fact, most of the greatest directors to work in American cinema (Hitchcock, Ernst Lubitsch, Howard Hawks, Preston Sturges, Orson Welles, among many others) never won a Best Director Oscar, and neither has Scorsese. And very few better, more literate scripts have been produced in America. The sex scenes are tasteful and not at all gratuitous in any way , and yes this is an adult movie, but they simply cover what is told in the Bible without going further and it is extremely narrow minded to find them offensive there has been more than one blu-ray release of Fright night since 2010 Where else can you learn that the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize? Or that being gentlemanly is to take the dishes out of the sink 'for ya pee in it? 3082 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good. 1129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It is always sad to hear, read, and or see how the World War I and II impacted people's lives. Learned a bit more of history watching this show. 3263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely love this movie. It has everything a movie should have...memorable characters, comedy, drama, romance, etc. It brings out almost every emotion. I highly recommend this movie to anyone. Be prepared to cry at the end though, Sally Field gave an excellent performance. 690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent film for those that love classic Christmas stories. Buy it now. That's an order. They thought it was soo funny. The music was changed drastically. Did you know "Tomorrow" was actually a scene change song in the Broadway show? Well here it is song constantly, terribly as well. "We Got Annie" was planned as a song in the Broadway show, but here is sung by a bunch of people who we don't care about. It isn't particulary good here anyway. 3683 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank You 8020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie ! Timeless in theme and music is fantastic. 8524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FUNNY , IMMEDIATELY GOT EVERY REFERENCE MADE, , WELL WORTH IT 6987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Thanks so much. 8107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A real classic. I was replacing my VCR tape, which I gave to my grandson. I still like VHS better than DVD, except for it takes less space Steve Martin may think he's being clever, but really he isn't. I absolutely hated his charcter, who, despite his big nose, was awfully cocky. Now, I wasn't a huge fan of the real Cyrano de Bergerac, so that MAY be part of the problem. Nevertheless, the plot made me roll my eyes and every bit of the movie bored me to tears. Please try to find something that is actually witty and funny, like The Simpsons. The Simpsons knows how to paraody literature. Ethan Hawke as Vincent does a sterling job of displaying how the odds are stacked against from his very inception! This is someone whose life is limited before he even tries. However, just as fascinating were the theoretically superior characters; Vincent's girlfriend, brother and his genetic original who suffer from the lie that genetics can perfectly predict a person's life. and 8924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was first video cassette I ever bought still as good today as then. 3352 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my new favorites! 3186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this movie! Being a southern girl myself, some of the phrases and genuflections really hit home. 500 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The series are amazing! Thank God such biblical figures are protrayed with the Lord God as foundation. creepy as heck zombies If you haven't seen it, you must. If you've seen it, you need this DVD to get the complete 'picture' of the making of the Holy Grail. The actors add their own powerful psychotic theme to "Taxi Driver". Robert De Niro plays Travis delightfully. His every expression is flawless. Jodie Foster plays Iris beautifully as her character's pain and yearning are expressed to the fullest. She proves that she was one of the best child actors from the 1970's. This role is great for audiences to watch to see how she's become the genius actress she is. All other actors also performed their roles wonderfull, namely Cybill Shephard, Harvey Keitel, and Peter Boyle. * The 30 minute making-of filled with plenty of background, interviews, excerpts and tidbits of information. 7457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you very much I would like to see a sequel. No doubt about it. It got jolts and scares out of me despite reading the scorn and criticism I'd read before seeing the movie. I mean-- I liked Aliens, I liked The Cube, I like zombies and freaky scenes. The red queen was pretty neat and I thought Milla and Michelle rocked. So if you enjoy just a good scare flick and can leave some of the scorn people are throwing around out of it--you will have a good time. Taxi Driver has become an American fable, complete with heroes, villains, violence, and compassion. A solid, complex film that defined urban drama and raised the bar for stark realism in film. Besides, it inspired a presidential assassination attempt. Obviously the film speaks to madmen, but it also echoes in the minds of the supposedly sane. 9236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A few months ago, I wrote a negative review for "Monty Python and The Holy Grail" that no one seemed to like. Well, today in school, we watched it in music class (didn't really understand the connection, unless it had something to do with "Spamalot"), and my opinion has now changed. Running Time: 48:40 minutes All of us fans hope that some day soon, Steven Spielberg may release the ultimate longest version with the original footage and the "special edition" footage and the additional network television footage all together in the movie itself and release it on DVD. A full-screen version (standard) would be nice too. (In December 2007, All versions of the film was released in a new ultimate DVD package). Now ... why do I like this movie? There are many reasons. For starters, it's got everything a fun teen slasher requires. Lots of big breasts, reasonably good acting, truckloads of gore, unpredictable twists and turns, some big laughs, a scary killer and a brilliant setting. To add to that, the movie never stops with the scares, is never boring and had something that I really appreciated. In some teen slashers (Urban Legends: Final Cut especially) the main characters really don't really seem to care after their friends/people have been killed. In I Still Know What You Did Last Summer; Julie James is a very respectable character. She stills mourns for those she has lost and those she may lose. I was actually shocked with the amount of emotion the movie put on when showing Julie's new life and what she goes through. 5003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have purchased and viewed all of Wes Anderson's films in the past month or so and I have got to say that I am thoroughly impressed. Rushmore, probably his most popular and acclaimed film, is an interesting story focusing on one character (very uncharacteristic of Anderson), Max Fischer. The Royal Tenenbaums, in my opinion, is TECHNICALLY his best achievement to date. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Darjeeling Limited were both solid entries that I thought were great despite a lack of a certain something (still trying to figure it out). Fantastic Mr. Fox was an extremely well done stop-motion film adapting a story from Roald Dahl. My FAVORITE however is his debut film, Bottle Rocket. 1411 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 i love the avengers...of course i'm talking about the tv show.patrick macnee and diana rigg were always charming and sly,making the plot almost secondary,but always interesting.now on to the movie....mr.fiennes and ms.thurman are neither charming or sly,and neither they nor the plot is interesting. even sean connery,the BRILLIANT sean connery,who has given us such memorable performances in such movies as:the rock,medicine man and,of course,bond,james bond, this time just gives us a headache. the basic plot is that sean,playng the villian,sir august dewinter(subtle) wants to control the weather. the sad thing is even after you watch the movie,you're not really sure why. there's also an "emma peel" twin on the loose,and poor patrick macnee as the invisible guest. don't ask me to explain it,really...it's just so...i can't even say contrived,that would give the plot too much depth..it's more like a defrosting refridgerator with the food left in. and is it just a coincedence that uma has been in the two worst films of all time,("batman & robin" being the king,and this coming a close second!),or is this a case of the odor in the elevator every time she's in it. i don't know,but all i do know is,DON'T WASTE TWO HOURS OF YOUR LIFE ON THIS!!!!not even connery could save this one. both commentaries are very informative & worth listening to Now as for the CGI animation for the Lickers and the schematic of the Hive: Its the best done for this kind of movie. Though at times the Licker does seem out of place in some scenes(he appears to come off the background instead of blending in with it), it otherwise flawlessly blends within the film. The Hive Schematic was usual 3D animation, its never painful to the eyes and it works well with what its got. -Loved the camera angles. I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997). This is an eye-opening survey of prominent historical figures who did not believe in a god. Readers are sure to find many surprises here. Joan finally understood that faith in God will move those mountains at Patay and no killing needed to be done. 3813 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ...and I have no idea how many times I've watched the awesome and stunning masterpiece "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" indeed is. The effects (still today, and not just for its' time) somehow work to make the movie timeless, and the same with the story. How many people doesn't still look to the sky for answers of the great unknown that's above us for sure, the universe is there serving us with its' giantness and all that yet undiscovered out there making our imagination go wild -and that's what makes this movie as facinating as it still is today! 3592 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This one comes with a beautiful book full of great pictures and information. I love that the menu lets you choose which version you want to see (original, special, and director's cut). The image quality is great for a movie from the 70s. It is full of extra material, documentaries, photo galleries, and everything you could ask for. Maybe a commentary with director & cast would have made it perfect, but it's ok. I was lucky to purchase this one now, because in a short time it will be impossible to find at this price. It's a poignant look into the world of drug smuggling on an individual level no cartels or glamorized drug rings. He was young it was the 70's sad to say "everybody was doing it" here or there. He jus had the foolish guts to do it & it was something he paid for 10 fold. The story itself is very simple. Charlie, played by William Ragsdale, notices that his new neighbor's aren't quit as normal as they seem. He begins to see very mysterious happenings involved with them, and when he reports them, nobody seems to believe him. Soon, the neighbors know that Charlie knows their secret, and Charlie finds himself running to save his own life as well as a few others. Many people love to rehash Steel Magnolias for the script, this actress or that actress, but the truth is that Steel Magnolias was one of those films that was just plain spontaneous combustion. It was the right screenplay, with the right director, one of the best ensemble casts ever assembled (that includes Tom Skerritt and Sam Shepard--who's a damned good playwright in his own right in addition to being a world class actor--put he and Dolly Parton together and it's pure magic!) and the enticing cinematography of the beautiful area surrounding the true backdrop of Robert Harling's original story, Natchitoches, Louisiana. About 6 years ago I was driving through the area and stopped to see if Natchitoches was as beautiful as it was in the movie and I can tell you it isn't. It's even more gorgeous than you see in the film! It's warm and caring community of people who were just as changed by Robert Harling's play and screenplay as some of you were! I strongly suggest you drop by, kick your feet up and stay awhile! GREAT It might not have been the greatest movie ever made but, thanks to the canny direction and score, "I Know What You Did Last Summer" was a very effective thriller. Shame the same can't be said of this sequel, which crams in every slasher clich known to man with such little awareness of how hackneyed it all is that it actually seems to believe this is scary stuff. In a fit of apparent desperation, writer Trey Callaway packs Julie (Hewitt), survivor of the first film, off to an island in the Bahamas when she wins a holiday thanks to a radio show calling her number. Joining her is fish-faced Karla (Brandy), her boyfriend Tyrell (Mekhi Pfeiffer, who I seem to remember used to have a promising career) and spare wheel Will (Matthew Settle). Joining them soon after that is the killer fisherman, who engineered the prize (the fact that Julie's number's unlisted doesn't set off any warning bells) and proceeds to slice his way from one end of the movie to the other. There are no boats scheduled for days, the phones don't work, and there's a storm on the way...you get the picture. First, in terms of story, there's not much going on. A Presbyterian minister (Tom Skerritt), a stern but decent and loving man, raises his two sons in Missoula, Montana, and bonds with them by teaching them the art of fly-fishing. The older son, Norman, is steady, serious-minded and, especially as played by Craig Sheffer as an older teen and young adult, rather dull. The younger son, Paul, is brilliant at fishing, full of life and wildness, an iconoclast, a gambler in every sense of the word, a bright shooting star destined to crash and burn. Norman plods towards his destiny, including a degree from Dartmouth, an uneventful courtship with a woman named Jessie (Emily Lloyd), and an offer of a teaching post at the University of Chicago while Paul races headlong into his. Because a key theme of the movie is that we so seldom can help the people we most care about (after all, these are Presbyterians, and Presbyterians believe in predestination), there's no dramatic tension. We know Paul's headed for trouble and nobody, least of all Norman, can do a thing about it. How Jane could have felt anything beyond oppression and disdain is beyond me! Jane's character is even altered; she's borderline bratty, somewhat mouthy, and unreservedly opinionated. 2836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie 5603 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Wanna be punk kids. Small town america. Rich boy with a big mohawk. Angst. Angst. More Angst. Its Like Greg Araki lite. Great blue hair and super soundtrack but...it lacks something... Hmmmm...This movie could be best described as 50% My Own Private Idaho (only punk and not gay), 30% Fast Times At Ridgemont High (only post High School and Punk, not new wave) and 20% "lets hook it up with a punk soundtrack and the kids will love it". I was kinda depressed by this movie. Maybe it hit too close to home and I felt like I know 10 people who could have easily been Stevo. There were some scenes in the flick that I really laughed at...The doctor visit at the start of the film, the convience store incident, Stevos talk with his mom and dad about law school. But mostly I just didn't believe Matthew Lillard as a punk. Maybe that's the point. Im not sure. The ending, I felt, was contrived and just silly. And the fact that the movie seems to be trying to say that "all punks have to grow up" just makes me shiver and laugh. This movie is worth a rental but Im not sure about buying it. hmmm. I wouldn't buy it but I wouldnt laugh at you if you did... I would suggest maybe checking Greg Araki out before you slap your money down for this flick. 6412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is (like the title of this review) totally awesome. This one has a lot more action and is more suitable to the Resident Evil series. It touches more on the coolest monsters in the Resident Evil series, the Lickers. The ending is awesome. Good thing thier going to a third one cause I can't wait. 4509 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie 2063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A little far-fetched, but a good movie for those days you just want to be entertained. 5325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great! 5032 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wes Anderson is not for everyone. Personally, he's my favorite modern-day director and this is my favorite of all of his films. I fell in love with this movie right from the get-go. The directing is so unique and the film's score by Mothersbaugh is simply brilliant. The characters in this film (like the three other Anderson films) are all so likeable no matter how eccentric and dysfunctional they may be. Everyone in the cast does a fantastic job, but Owen Wilson (Dignan) steals the show. His performance in this film, in my opinion, is by far the finest work he has done to date. It's pure comic genius, and one could easily say that this was a role that he was born to play as cliche as that may sound. I would also have to say the same about his charming brother Luke as well (although he did an excellent job in the Royal Tennebaums too). James Caan in a small, supporting role is absolutely hilarious on top of just being Jimmy Caan, one of the coolest cats alive! He gives the film that extra added kick that it needs half way through when he first appears on screen. 7468 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 You know what I like the 1970's stuff in this movie but over all it really kind of stank. The modeling stuff, Faye Dunaway, 1970's stuff all cool but a bad movie People band the "timeless masterpiece" title around a bit too much, but this is such a unique film on every level and has earned great respect among fans as a real cult classic. I remember the first time I watched this pondering just how tedious could a film be about a Taxi Driver? Well this is no ordinary cab ride a gritty street/crime drama that leaves a lasting impression on viewers. PLEASE give this movie an HONEST chance. Don't go in expecting to have everything spelled out for you, this is a very sly comedy. For the most part the action takes place in the Bellamy's London home. Over five seasons we see little of London except through the windows of the Bellamy's house. The war footage is a notable exception to this statement. Even so, enough is happening under that roof to keep us genuinely interested and engaged. Giant, poisonous spiders, killer sharks, 2 arm ferocious hunters, large killer poisonous plants and the over 6ft tall indestructible Tyrants in the game. A waste of a golden opportunity to make a good movie. 4526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite all-time movies. It will take some time to get used to the "Jesus" in this movie if you've seen 'Das Boot' the same way that the soundtrack of 'Caligula' kept me from enjoying "The Hudsucker Proxy" by having flashbacks from the former movie every time Hudsucker's theme played. Why do film-makers do THAT!? As for the movie's message, when it comes to Albuquerque: "DON'T Forgive Them, Lord, They Know EXACTLY What They're Doing!" lol In conclusion, this is a rare movie since it's an intelligent combination of science fiction and thriller. With a great plot, good acting, and great visuals, it is a movie not to be missed!! The first film spent half its running time zombie-free, as they tried to set up suspense and that's pretty understandable. This time around, there should be zombies galore, right? But the plotting is so damn slow, you almost forget there are zombies in the film! And even when the zombies are on-screen, they use this filming style that looks like choppy stop-motion animation! Who thought this was a good idea in post-production? Whoever has this film editor hired now on ANY film, fire them immediately. 428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I own a lot of Bible stories from this series on CD. This one is particularly good. You can't beat the Holy Bible for great story lines! 6668 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 -Good- 1218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT COMPLETLY 2084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1st rate thriller. I muse at the one star ratings from people who probably find fault with everything in life that they did not create themselves....if they ever did anything My favourite Spice Girl is Emma, and she had some funny lines during the movie. Sometimes the formality of the interactions between the upstairs folk and the servants was almost comical, but it was still kind of nice to see it at times. We seem to live in a world without much in the way of good manners anymore. 7173 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful use of 2 hours. Acting superb. Familiar story line takes you away to a different place. This film is refreshing, optimistic and the perfect counterbalancing vision as opposed to the totally urban paranoid approach of many authors, the latest book on the subject being Steven King's Dreamcatcher. Here we understand we must not be afraid of them or their coming, because, and definitely more than us, they want to know, to exchange, to build together with us rather than destroy and annihilate. More than that, however, in my book the very best scene of this film has absolutely nothing to do with the Grail or with anything medieval -- and that is the scene of the fierce rabbit. I still cannot watch this film without cracking up (as we moderns say) over the scene in which the "harmless little rabbit" attacks the Arthurian troupe. The hubris that the rabbit scene uncovers is a sadly (but hilariously) universal feature of human nature. Of course, historical material such as this brought tears of joy to the eyes of both Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones (also their parents). They were inspired by it to bring the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail to the sometimes silver screen. This they have done. Truly, the Pendragons are the stuff of legend. Predictably, Gilliam and Jones took certain liberties to achieve enhanced dramatic effect, adding some important new information revealed by their own historical research. For example, details about martial arts for quadriplegics, the Sepulcher of the Holy Grenade and its Killer Rabbit, aerodynamics of various species of migrating swallows, and interior decorating (e.g. curtains) in 6th century royal quarters. Exciting new stuff indeed. 3496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great movey and terific directing "Annie" is perhaps the worst stage to screen musicals. How could they ruined this well-written masterpiece? 8114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this version of Annie! I had the soundtrack growing up and listened to it all the time! Definitely a classic! SOUND:+A It is one of those films that transcends itself. Despite the shoestring budget and no-name actors (Hopper and Fonda and Nicholson were practically unknown), it pole-vaults into the category of National Myth. 1746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well acted and more historically accurate than most. (Except that part where the men start singing in the dead of night as they row through the ice to surprise the enemy). It's a great story, well scripted and directed, with lots of action. Worth watching and worth keeping in your library. Meanwhile, Ted's son Doug (Gedrick) has become a fairly good pilot himself. He and his friends have their own flying club, and they enjoy flying their Cessnas on the weekends. Doug has an enemy in school who challenges him to fly "the snake", a dangerous canyon near the air force base. Doug accepts and, even though someone messed with his plane, Doug still manages to win. However, his victory is short-lived, for he soon finds out about his father's capture and impending trial. This is a serious, dramatic film, with humor mixed in. This is a movie that should make you think and feel, and a must have in any film buffs collection. * On The Blackfoot River 1080 Loops: Exclusive to the BD. They contain a looped 1080 view, that is selectable by the user between a "Rushing River", "Rocky Mt", "Big Sky Country" and "Forest Bend". All of them have background scores by the film's composer (able to turn that on/off). They all looked and sounded adequate, and the best thing out of them would be the 5.1 mix of water and insect sounds; maybe one of those screen saver moments to have on the display for background and such. This kind of sci-fi is based in science too, not in explosions, space car chases, or gritty unshaven (and possibly inebriated) main characters that make wise cracks every 30 seconds. There aren't many technologies in this movie that aren't possible right now either, giving it its not-too-distant future feel. Another aspect I liked was the costume design, and architecture incorporated in this film, which all come from various parts of LA, and Orange County. They gave a very minimalist feel to the movie, which is apparently one of the best and easiest ways to convey a futuristic setting. It's never too much to presume that 40's fashion and art deco might not come back into style either. If the 70's can be considered cool again, I guess anything is possible... 786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a nice Christmas video. The story line is good with several plots intertwining. One of our favorite picks for the season. It is appealing for both small children and older. 2779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun movie. I have to say this movie makes me cry every single time. And once you've seen the movie once, you'll start crying earlier & earlier in the movie each time. It's amazing. 4328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "The last action hero" is a puzzled fable, a movie within a movie, a smart recreation of our modern vision about the seminal concept of the hero, rescuing the essence of its meaning, spiced of clever humor that truly demands from the viewer a very detailed knowledge of certain classics of the genre. He will make you laugh, cry and fell terrible pity for him. How he didn't win an academy award or oscar for this is ridiculous. 6127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Midnight Express is the true story of Billy Hayes who is thrown into a turkish prison for trying to smuggle hash out of the country. During the five years he spends in the prison,he suffers emotional,physical and mental torment. The prison is run by a brutal guard played by Paul Smith who seems to have a good time beating the prisoners which makes him a symbol of cruelty. Among with Brad Davis' great performance as Billy Hayes is John Hurt and Randy Quaid who both deliver really great performances as well. Brad Davis I think was overlooked by the academy which surprised me because he displayed his character with so much emotion that you had to feel sorry not just for his character but also for him. Midnight Express is the kind of prison film that makes other prison films too hard to compare. The Shawshank Redemption was also a film I enjoyed but wasn't as gut wrenching or emotional as this film. Midnight Express is in my opinion a film that is too horrifying to ignore which means that this film should not be ignored. It shouldn't be watched for entertainment value. That isn't why this film was made. Midnight Express I highly recommend. Fearing contamination, the high-tech super-computer that runs the lab's security decides to kill everyone in the complex! Not only that, it offs a few people in interesting ways; but you're left wondering - what for? Surely such a complex would be able to isolate the affected area? Why'd everyone have to die? 8665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite movie of three great actors! Bronson, Coburn, and Martin! I don't see how it could have been any better! AWESOME! 6307 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Disgusting because of a scene where the mom, a little girl and boy get raped. It is very graphic. Burn this movie. The movie is accessible on many levels, the acting is fantastic and the story itself, subtle, violent, occasionally funny - and finally, something to think about for those that are paying attention. 3 Mindless Sing-Alongs (480p, 5:10). 6185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Resident Evil" is a great science fiction/horror hybrid. The plot, a virus released from a laboratory, is frightening and plausible. A beautiful cast, led by a multi-talented Milla Jovovich, comprises a group of paramilitary commandoes who find themselves trapped miles beneath the earth's surface in a secret laboratory where illegal genetic experiments are being conducted by the Umbrella Corporation. It is a "who-will-live-who-will-die" action adventure. Flesh-eating zombies are not usually my cup of tea but this movie makes them very plausible. The Red Queen computer is chilling, especially when her voice and hologram are that of a child issuing threats such as "You're All Going to Die Down Here!" With the advent of avian flu, the movie's T-virus has frightening possibilities. Thus, the movie remains current and fresh. It is reminiscent of "The Stand," "Rabid," "The Crazies," and other out-of-control virus movies. Favorite scene: When the Red Queen traps four commandoes in a glass corridor and dispatches them with lasers that slice and dice. A must have for all fans of science fiction/horror. "Resident Evil" is followed by two strong sequels. 3567 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 nice paging and nice to see old things look new and stylish. Brings back my childhood. Worth the money. good deal 7466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great classic movie. Fun. 9938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 EXCELLENT TRANSACTION. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. AAAA++++ 3164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Easy Rider" directed by Dennis Hopper, produced by Peter Fonda and written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Terry Southern was a low budget film ($340 grand) that surprisingly became a box office smash. The story is about two hippys (Fonda & Hopper) who buy choppers with cash they've gotten from a drug deal. They ride cross country heading to Louisianna (to Mardi Gras) and on their way meeting different people, visiting a commune of hippys, ending up in jail, going to a brothel, taking acid etc. The ending was disturbing in 1969 and still is, even in these days of non-stop violence in our country. This 35th Anniversary Edition is identical to the regular dvd version of "Easy Rider" with the exact same bonus material "The Making-Of Documentary "Easy Rider: Shaking The Cage" (feat. interviews with Fonda, Hopper, etc.) and an audio commentary by Dennis Hopper plus production notes. The bonuses for this 35th Anniversary Edition are a cd which includes eight songs (do not confuse this cd with the actual "Easy Rider Soundtrack" as it is not). The songs are "Born To Be Wild" - Steppenwolf, "The Weight" - Smith, "Nights In White Satin" - The Moody Blues, "Wasn't Born To Follow" - The Byrds, "San Francisco Nights" - Eric Burden And The Animals, "The Pusher" - Steppenwolf, "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" - Roger McGuinn and "Get Together" - The Youngbloods. The 80 page book "Easy Rider" by Lee Hill is interesting and includes all you'll ever want to know about the film. The bottom line is, if you already own the regular dvd of "Easy Rider" I'd pass on this 35th Anniversary Edition. Of course, if you don't own this classic film it may be worth the extra cash for the bonus cd and book. Performances are good, ....although Marvin is perhaps a little too old for the character he's playing. The settings are genuine and their misery well-portrayed as they fight off thirst, starvation and the elements, ...even the sheer boredom. 3078 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Definitely a woman's movie. Sally Fields, Dollie Parton, Shirley MacLaine and Olympia Dukakis are real close friends. They portray southern woman. The story is their life story, Julia Roberts plays Sally Fields daughter and Daryl Hannah is a hair dresser. There is so much to this movie. Funny, sad and a good movie for the girls to bring out the tissues. Great story and great actresses. 1. Her Sister Catherine must of been 'Saint Catherine' in a different war, and it was her training, and that is how she got to hate the English so much. What child would not be terorized by such an event! Heck I was terrified, and felt the same feelings. Who wouldn't? Comrade? English didn't say those kinds of terms in the 15th century. It was another time. Call it another dimension. It was told she had special training from St Catherine. I told you its far out there. I highly recommend this movie. I don't always recommend classics like this. I often punch holes in them and rate them 1 or 2 stars. This is deservedly a classic. 1121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this show! I now remember why I loved this program. Downton Abbey would not be as successful if this program had not been made 2723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Mostly like this one for the awesome soundtrack 7734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I consider this Robin Williams best movie Last Action Hero scores huge points all round. It's technically wonderful, with gorgeous anamorphic Panavision photography full of wide angles and lens flares. The writing is sharp is funny. Arnie is great as an infallible hero in crisis as well as making fun of his screen persona. And the action, both fictional and meta-fictional, is wild, overblown, and exciting. I just love Slater's huge fall from the elevator. 9577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Thought provoking 728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic. I love the original Arthurs, and this one is just fantastic. We've watched it every single day since we got it, parent and child! 3690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember seeing movie when I was 13, and was just floored at the special effects, and the story. Then in 1980, they came out with the "Special Edition", the version where they show show the inside of the Mother Ship, and I thought, "that was total crap!" Never really looked for the original version, but I remember the S.E. was about the only one out on VHS. The series includes rarely shown episodes from the 1st season, as well as the special, Upstairs Downstairs Remembered: The 25th Anniversary Special. While the special is included with the first series episodes, I would advise waiting until you have viewed the entire series before watching the special, to avoid any plot points being given away. Devon Sewa stars as Anton Tobias, a High School Slacker who's Hand seems to be Possessed. Along with his Equally Lazy Friends (turned Un-dead Lazy Friends) Mick (Seth Green) and Pnub (Eldon Henson), and his Girlfriend Molly (Jessica Alba), Anton sets out to stop his Evil hand from Killing Everyone he Knows. The 1977 version of Close Encounters shows Terri Garr listening to an officer talking about UFO's. The 1980 version of the film shows the bright, colorful inside of the mothership. Cary Guffey is quite good as a three year old who is kidnapped by aliens. Close Encounters came out in 1977; it had to compete with Star Wars. Both films were referenced in Independence Day(1996). Times have changed. Steven Spielberg directed War of the Worlds(2005) and that film showed us some nasty, malevolent aliens from Mars. In the 1970's and the 1980's, Spielberg was willing to show us optimistic tales of encounters with space aliens. Close Encounters is a keeper. Ignore the claims of racism made by pro-Turkish pundits that this film supposedly displays. This film is NOT racist. If the truth is racist, then let the truth be shown in its' most brutal detail. What we see in the film are real, actual events that happen to both Turks and non-Turks in Turkey, every single day. While it's true that Billy Hayes did not experience every single act of torture in this film, Oliver Stone and Alan Parker simply culled through the records of Amnesty International and gave voice to the countless victims of a brutal regime that has yet to this day to change its' human rights record. However, some amateur footage of the zombie tragedy ends up in the hands of mainstream news. Reports of disturbing and shocking footage are aired. Oh, wait sorry, never mind the whole thing was just a hoax. All we know is that Racoon City was leveled by a nuclear meltdown. WHAT? Are you trying to tell me no one in the outside public knew about this outbreak? No one noticed the 30 ft wall surrounding a major metropolis? Newspapers had enough time to release breaking news headlines reading "THE DEAD WALK" and nobody outside heard about it or read these articles? None of the presumably thousands of earlier escapees told anyone about the tragedy? None of the remaining people not to mention the reporting local news, government or law enforcement groups made a phone call to the outside world to report what was happening and/or ask for aid and/or say there goodbyes to loved ones, especially in the early hours of the outbreak? How in the world am I supposed to buy that crap? Robert DeNiro stars as Travis Bickle, a 26-year-old honorably discharged U.S. Marine. He's depressed and lonely and drives a taxi to make money. He soon becomes infatuated with Betsy, a campaign volunteer for Senator and presidential candidate Charles Palantine. Their relationship is quite awkward. He also becomes interested in helping a teen prostitute named Iris (played by a young Jodie Foster) get out of the hooker life. Travis becomes a vigilante by buying up guns and tries to help clean New York of corruption and overbearing pimps. I will consider buying the 40th Anniversary Blu-Ray of this film. I highly recommend TAXI DRIVER!!! 9866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I finally saw this film for the first time last night after hearing how wonderful it was time and time again. I have to say that the reviews for this film are right. It's very smart and excellently paced, keeping your attention and testing your wits. Vincent Freeman was born into the world conceived in love. His parents had opted to have a child naturally rather than have a child according to new procedures. You see natural selection is the way to go, having your sperm and eggs inspected as to the perfect child, wiping out all disease and medical problems, mood disorders or any chance of early death. These genetically altered children are considered 'valids'. Vincent was born an 'in-valid', not expected to live more than 30 years. Because of this set-back Vincent will never be allowed to realize his dream of space travel for only 'valids' are allowed to enter the training program. You must be of the utmost physical shape. 7451 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Boring and sentimental memories of one's formative years in Montana. the romance he sets up involves the female archtype we see in every woody allen movie. she is young, good looking, bright and, most importantly, not Jewish. his pursuit of the ultimate shiksa will continue in virtually every subsequent film. he gets better at this when he starts using Diane Keaton, followed by Mia Farrow. These plotlines are developed quietly, unhurriedly and without any sensationalism. No matter how detached the tone of the movie is, you find yourself touched by the characters, who each in their own way are sympathetic, some of them surprisingly so. The acting of the three leads is excellent and thoroughly believable. The wonderful, haunting score by Michael Nyman further hightens the impact of what is ultimately a very moving film, that surely deserves wider fame than it currently enjoys. This and "Contact" are as yet the only two must-see sci-fi movies I've come across. 4928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 DeNiro, Shepard, Foster, and Keitel in a gritty story of lonliness and redemption. Martin Scorcese(also acts a small role), 3068 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of my favorites. Excellent cast. Played so well together. Sad ending. Would love to see a part 2. Dolby TrueHD Audio French 1581 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1581 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps) If you are a Monty Python fan, this is a great DVD to add your collection. REA was supposed to be the film that addressed the problems of the ill fated poorly received original RE movie, and while this film is significantly better it still falls flat on its face, and completely lacks the artistic integrity of the game on which it is based. 1650 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Indeed .. this brilliant, classic series of the 70's remains absolutely unbeatable in every sense of the word. Even the most recent 3 episode series could not measure up to the original script and characters. It wasn't all that bad .. just not all that great. I so loved the "Entire Original Cast and Settings" .. if I could wave a magic wand and kinda do a little SyFy time travel .. you can be sure .. I would head directly to 165 Eaton Place in London. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX. 1944 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie!! 1703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 History and war buffs, rejoice. Just when you thought you'd seen every World War II documentary, from "The World At War" to "Victory At Sea", this set appears. While you may not glean a wealth of new information or insight into the period, the color films imbue the war with an immediacy you've never experienced before- unless of course, you were there. This alone makes the DVD a worthwhile investment of time and money. Bear in mind this is all bona-fide color footage-nothing has been colorized. The effect is spellbinding, almost miraculous- as when Judy Garland as Dorothy first lands in Oz. Overall, this was quite an enjoyable movie with some likeable characters, some utterly despicable ones, and shining fight scenes. 2534 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just as described I admit, when I first seen Nemisis I was a bit taken back. I couldn't help but thinking the whole movie had just gone down the toilet with an oversize monster. But, having faith in the first Resident Evil and watching on I was quite surprised to see how well they integrated him into the sequel. It was better than to be expected. There's no crumbling Spencer Mansion. No odd puzzles to solve. No lone zombie wandering a dark hallway. No mouldering tombs to search. No blackened catacombs. No Trevor family. No freak mutations like the massive snake Yawn, Plant 42, Lisa Trevor, the shark Momma Neptune, or the dreaded Tyrant. No moody atmosphere of being stranded in a remote mansion, looking for your missing comrades without a clue as to what happened. No horror of discovering sinister experiments. In fact, there's nothing in this movie that made the game so creepy and effective. It was all there; perfect source material to make a truly frightening film. Sadly, it was all trashed in favor of pretty actors and lame Matrix-like action. In other words, Hollywood took another promising franchise and turned it into the typical garbage that they churn out day after day. On it's own, the film is your average Hollywood action/horror job, indistinguishable from the rest of its ilk. As a RE film, it is a complete bomb & miserable failure. Laughlin is baffled by something else, as well. A Mexican villager, old, sunburned, and seemingly delirious, keeps repeating, "El sol salio anoche y me canto. El sol salio anoche y me canto." When Laughlin asks what the phrase mean, a researcher who is fluent in Spanish says, in an awed tone, "He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him." 216 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked Mr Winklers pertrayal of a depression error Ebineser. He played the part of promising, driven young man, to unmoraled business man, to kind hearted senior citizen quite well. It was not a big Holywood production. But for a made for TV Movie it was quite good. OVERALL: This is yet another excellent film with a wonderfully moving performance by Robin Williams and the auteur sensibility of visionary director Terry Gilliam. While sorely lacking in bonus features, the film is still good enough to stand on its own. Recommended purchase. 6434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the first resident evil movie was a real horror master but resident evil apocolypes is something else. this film has a lot more style in it and it reaveled more secrets. the director also did a great job in capturing some of the games scenes. now, this takes place were the first film left of, the people at umbrella have reopen the hive and the virus along with the zombies, mutant dogs, and lickers excape. in less then 13 hours all of racoon city is in shambles. we then learn of the women from the first movies name. ALice awakes in a hospitale and finds that something is wrong with her. she is infected with the t-virus but isen't a zombie, they mutated her. she is the joined by jill valantine (from the resident evil game) and other survivers. now with a entire city full of zombie, mutante dogs, and lickers they now must fight for there lives and escape the city before sunrise, at sunrise umbrella will destroy all of racoon city to barry its dark secret. also Alice must fight a new biogenice weapon called Nemises, a zombie more powerful then the licker and twice as deadlier. in order for them to excape they must find Angela, the daughter of dr. ashford. who made the t-virus. this movie was really worth the wait, it has more action, more thrills, and more effects then ever, see the next big zombie movie. sets and clothing pathetic 7374 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great DVD. 5021 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This 1989 videotape is a full screen pan & scan dub. The DVD treatment here is exquisite-more than you need really, but that is a good thing. I found the extras more compelling than the film itself. I probably would not recommend the film on its own, but the inclusion of so much other material makes this a good buy. As for the Special Anniversary DVD Edition...it is not anything major, but it does include some good stuff. The popular teen group "Play" sings their own version of "Hard Knock Life" (which, if you know the 4 teens who make up this girl group, it is a perfect song for them), there are some "Sing and Act Along with Annie" sections, and most notably, you get a short featurette with an all-grown-up Aileen Quinn. Long-time fans of this movie will absolutely love to see her come on-screen and talk about her experiences with the film and how the newfound fame impacted her life afterward. (I personally love the flashback video segment where Carol Burnette hugs Aileen and says "Aileen, can I put you in my bag and take you home with me? I can't be mean to this kid!") Judging from this featurette, Quinn seems very personable and easygoing, and there's no doubt that playing Annie must have been a very special memory from her childhood. Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is back with a whole new life, new friends, far away from South Port. When her best friend Karla (Brandy) wins a trip to Bahamas, she is ecstatic. Karla brings her new crush along with her and Julie (after Ray rejects) hooks up with her new friend Will Benson. Plummer, who's always great at playing quirky characters, is a klutzy working gal that Williams admires from afar. Bridges believes that if he can bring Williams and Plummer together, somehow he can also help himself. He tries "awarding" a skeptical Plummer some free rentals at Ruehl's video store, plus the use of a VCR. To convince her to accept this prize, Bridges enlists the help of Jeter, another street person who was once a stock theater actor. Now that I have seen it many many times and own a copy, I still say that it is one of my favorites and I am not a science fiction fan. However, this is more than science fiction. The author thought of a way to solve many of the mysteries we have experienced in the world and never could explain. And also, inserted a lot of psychology. What is fantasy today could be our future! But what makes this movie stand out is the terribly violent battle scenes. In an age before gunpowder, the imagination used for weapons was truly astonishing. The 'bowling balls' that were dropped and shot out of the castle was something I had never heard of before. The 'gatling gun' arrow machine was also gruesome. The decapitation device that swung as soldiers reached the casle roof was another example of the horrific violence of being in the military in those days. 3861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. The interaction of the characters was heart felt. I recommend this movie. The actors were great. 7467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This one's a really good thriller/mystery. The disc is two-sided so you get the film in widescreen and in full screen. It has subtitles and closed captions and the director's commentary track. 4926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This performance is one of the greatest performances ever filmed. DeNIRO is just perfect here. Just perfect. And Scorese scores again! That man has one incredible vision. I hope he lives forever! These two make a great team! Fantastic film! I believe this release is in 1:85, whereas the out of print, but still often available used film to everyone who enjoys seeing a fine re-enactment of one of the greatest achievements in the Revolutionary War, led by George I wouldn't touch the scene where the mothership, when seen for the first time, seems to rise over the mountain rather than descend from space; it is a very powerful visual symbolizing being both "on earth and among the stars"--and is just ambiguous enough to allow for the mothership merely "appearing" to rise while in fact traveling horizontally (relative to the ground at the tower)--an appearance perhaps due to the size of the ship and/or the curvature of the earth--it leaves the audience wondering a bit just what is going on--kind of like watching a moonrise. However, on very close scrutiny, it seems there were some minor flaws in the special effects concerning the mothership (perhaps due to a rushed editing job, which Spielberg admits): In certain scenes the mothership does not appear quite as big as other scenes require. Basically, in the shot of the rising/landing mothership, it should appear about 4x or even 8x (at least 2x) as large if it is to be the "city in space" (though even at 1/2 x it would still be too big to escape the notice of Howard K. Smith) which the more close-up shots of the mothership (both outside the ship, as given by all versions, and inside, as given by the special edition) require. (I suspect a similar scene in 'Independence Day' was closer to what Spielberg was technically going for.) Still, the visuals are remarkably effective and quite beautiful, and give a very memorable impression. 883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect educational item for car. Daughter hates learning...lol this made it a little more bearable. Unbeknownst to the President and his fellow Air Force One passengers, the group of men aren't journalists at all, but instead an elite team of terrorists bent on taking the president hostage. With a Secret Service agent (Xander Berkeley) collaborating with the terrorists, Korshunov has intimate inside knowledge of the procedures and safeguards deployed to protect the president on Air Force One. When Secret Agent Gibbs (Berkeley) opens the onboard weapons cache of Air Force One, his terrorist friends carry out a methodic plan to eliminate the president's security circle. 9353 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Waste of time The essence of this highly interesting Series is the character of Horace Rumpole an aging barrister who defends clients from petty thieves to murderers. If you are a fan of the series or a fan of British period drama, then I highly-recommend this superb series! A must-own. Easy Rider falls roughly inside the lines of the master narrative of the western. The hero is an outlaw named Wyatt (Peter Fonda), his partner is Billy (The Kid, presumably, played by the film's director, Dennis Hopper). The sub-narrative is the road, and this time a couple of longhair hippies ride it on motorcycles. 2445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie in all respects but it is best in its portrayal of the Underworld of New Orleans and its criminals. Also Richard Gere and Kim Basinger were perfect in their rolls as cop and her as the owned woman ot the underworlds boss. A riveting movie from start to finish. I don't want to give away any of this movie, but a little advice. Be prepared to jump because I was so shocked I jumped seven times. Enjoy! I know you will. Well excuse us for not having a typical, American sense of humor - a movie doesn't have to have raunchy penis jokes or ridiculous one-liner 'punches' to be humorous! Granted, the movie does exihibit plenty of idiocy in itself, it is a different kind of idiocy. The Pythons' lunatic-like randomisity is what endears the fans. Critiquing a sacred cow is always dangerous, not least when this films is regarded one of comedy's holy grails. But those of us who err on the side of conservatism with our moral standards will want to give this film a miss. For a more innocent parody of chivalry which avoids the unholiness and irreverence of this humor, try instead Goldman's The Princess Bride. - GODLY GADFLY so I got it on dvd 5391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome 844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Parents, 5266 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Taxi Driver" is an effective, gritty work that is both a masterpiece and unforgettable. It is, I believe, the first movie that really showed the brilliance of Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader. This is a dark, disturbing journey into madness, realistically capturing the mean streets in all their realism. Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), is a deep examination of a man falling deeper and deeper into the abyss of madness. Driven even deeper by what he sees in the world around him. Schrader's screenplay at times has the feel of a documentary, as does Scorsese's adaptation onto film. "Taxi Driver" vibrates with a realism seen in few movies. Maybe that's why it has stood the test of time triumphantly. Seeing this movie once is not enough, because you need to see it more than once to really get what it's saying, to truly understand it. Scorsese's film is gritty and at times, shocking, but not dumb or bloody just for entertainment. "Taxi Driver" explores through Bickle, the nature of crazy people, really getting into the mind of a lonely man who doesn't know much about the outside world because he seldom goes out to explore it. The film is always interesting, Scorsese brings it to life through the settings, camera angles and cinematography. The shoot-out at the end is one of the most brilliant ever filmed because it seems realistic, but not over-exagerrated, it's shocking, but we understand it. "Taxi Driver" opened doors for more filmmakers who wanted to make movies that didn't hold back, that were realistic in their representation of the dark corners of society. It stands as a brilliant work which will be studied and endured for years to come. VIDEO & AUDIO: 2) Fairly fast paced. You are put in a bad situation that just keeps getting worse. 8883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great Movie especially on Blu Ray 8562 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 These guys were great. 294 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My wife and I grew up in New Hampshire where this version takes place; so we can easily relate to the characters and setting. Asside from this, we both really like this version because it places the story in a more comfortable setting in general; early America versus England. 5283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 9600 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good plot Silent Movie- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Mono, French Mono, Spanish Mono 7866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you very much for getting this to me so quickly. I'm going to have a Robin Williams Day after the first of the years and catch all his movies. Your promptness is greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing it. 9051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Do I really need to explain this to you? It is Monty Python... What else do I really need to say? 2528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies of all time. Some would classify as a "chick flick," but not the men in m life. Great characters.. Definitely a movie that can be enjoyed by all. 8598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 received as promised! Good movie! 8817 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son loves it! Watches it all your time. Worth it! 3560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You already know the movie but if haven't seen it on Blu-ray, you don't know what you're missing, it is spectacular! Picture and sounds is first rate and includes the extended director's cut too. You don't want to miss this one! Americans who work, have families, have jobs, are clean and The special-effects are good and the film is played strictly for fun, even with the suspenseful scenes. In fact, it reminds me of the word "camp" because it's so hokey in spots. Yet the film definitely has its scary moments. 2347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This brings back old school memories that I just can't live without. I own all their music and the collection didn't feel complete without their mini live story. Its a great movie, cheesy but totally worth it. No DVD collection should be withour a little spice. Fun movie, and it brings out the Spice girl in all of us. Men included. 3965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter and I loved his film when it came out many years ago and it never seems to get dated or old. Still our "girls night out" favorite! A definite keeper. 5503 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fright Night 1985 is one of a kind, period. Remake or not, which Ive seen...although not bad, still doesn't have the charm the original has. Chris Sarandon as jerry is the perfect person for the role, plus it has the whole 80's feel to it, which of coarse is the best decade for horror... 9773 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 JESUS that movie sucked, NO BOOBs NO Nudity, nothing! and all sort of from this "girl's" perspective, gimme a break 3242 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolias has a cracker jack cast and a very good storyline. It's about a group of life long friends and their lives in a small southern town. They handle each others problems with honesty and humor and help one member's ill daughter and take in a lonely hair dresser looking for a home and friends. As I was born and raised in the South I can relate to this movie. I had seen it years ago. My husband however, had never seen it. I ordered it and he loved it as he is from Texas. For laughter and tears and a bit of the traditional south from decades past, this is a great movie! 5393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great item 5178 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is set in New York, and focuses on a loner cab driver named Travis Brickle ( Robert De Niro). Travis is a somewhat mentally unstable Vietnam vet, who is sickened by the sleaze and violence that he sees at night on the streets of New York. One night, Travis has an encounter with a young prostitute named Iris (Jodie Foster) and becomes determined to persuade her to leave her pimp (Harvey Kietel). As Travis slowly decends into depression, paranoia, and overall madness, he becomes determined to rid the streets of crime himself. GOOD MOVIE VERY EMOTIONNAL. Add color to all this and the documentary clearly stands above anything else I've ever seen about the war. Some of the images are average, some are stunning, some are beautiful, some are horrifying, but all are in color. 3310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a wonderful movie. Whether the characters are bitching around with each other, gossiping, or grieving for the loss of a good woman, Steel Magnolias is filled with wit, humor, love, and tragedy. Let's start with Julia Roberts as the generous Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie, a diabetic whose choice to have a baby may kill her. Julia Roberts captures Shelby's wit and loving nature perfectly. Here are some quotes: 8000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie, great songs! 355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fine performances. Good quality dvd. 5270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Remarkable,powerful,poignant film about Man's decent into madness as seen through the eyes of a vengeful N.Y.C. taxi driver/Vietnam vet who tries to protect a 15 year old prostitute from an evil Harvey Keitel. Great writing,directing and acting highlight this disturbing film. Directed by John Kirsh and Peter Sykes, it has some terrific passages; one of my favorites is the storm at sea (Luke 8:22-25), which is very effective, and the cinematography by Mike Reed, and the locations, a pleasure to watch. 9127 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They made a legend of comedy in blu-ray, what could be better! This has so many extra features it is amazing! The clarity of the movie is breath taking! I am very happy with this purchase, and will hold on to this one. I am happy to see that they are making these older classic movies in bluray! There are many times in this film that make references to the games. It was fun watching and saying, "Oh that was on Code Veronica!" for example. The acting was once again really good, but the action and special effects really make this a fun movie to watch. IF you love the first movie, then you should like this one. Especially if you know the series and know the game references that are made. ..its all action & this film definatly dint dissapoint me like matrix 2 & 3. Even tho i liked those movies this one proved to come out with better sequals, i loved the first one despite the flaws in it. But this one really kept me interested & glued to the screen. I have noticed that this movie had some similarities with the RE game series, u get a couple of scenes from RE2, Nemesis & some characters from RE3 & another scene from Code Veronica. While many people have complained on how horrible this film is.. i want to say first off many flaws in other zombie/horror films.. The film revolves around two bikers Wyatt (Fonda) and Billy (Hopper) who begin the movie by smuggling drugs from Mexico to Los Angeles and making a very good profit. With the money, the two can do what they want and that is to go on a on a road trip on their Harley Davidson choppers and drive to New Orleans, Louisiana for Mardi Gras. First off, the sci-fi premise is flimsy (it's a rap on the genetically programmed to be perfect humans vs. "human" humans debate: where "human" humans have become "invalid" citizens, electronically tagged and shut out mainstream society of perfectly engineered "valid" humans. But, you would think, if there is sufficient technology to eradicate human flaws at conception, then surely someone must clever enough to fix them later in life too, no?). 4323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is probably the most self-deconstructing film of all time (something that literary and film students could have a blast with) -- plus, it is action-packed and full of laughs. A winner! 3059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 These women don't have to like each other, but the respect for each other's trade is inevitable as they act their way through one of the most precious movies written. The chemistry is strong and the plot is as sweet as apple pie. The one liners are a hoot and I still wonder who had to clean up the trunk of that car when 500 Easter eggs were crushed! Love the movie though and through and the ending wraps it up so nicely. Watch it with your man...he won't be able to resist it either. It's a annual thing for this mushy gal. 3801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An obsessed, ordinary man... his skeptical wife, his new neighbor friend, and the mega forces of a government and scientific community who seek to shield him from knowing the truth! If you have the patience to actually listen to the dialogue in this movie instead of having the humor hit you over the head, you will get a great reward. Excellent, witty comments, hilarious plans, and wonderful performances. Dignan saying that Bob "...has no character man..." when he wanted to go help his brother in jail almost killed me I was laughing so hard. 2225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford portrays the President of the US. VERY GOOD movie! I really enjoyed it. It keeps you on the edge of your seat & is very action packed! 5 stars! 875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sure, it teaches them to be naughty and tease like Ernie teases poor lazy Benny, but it has a nice story line, and really teaches the numbers -- my son just starts dancing when he hears the title song sung by Ernie. Lots of the songs are pretty good, and definitely stick in your head. The great thing(imo) is that Elmo has only a small bit, and this video has firmly lodged Ernie as his absolute favorite Sesame Street Character!!! He talks about tubby time and bath(not on this DVD though), and has learned some numbers (I think :-)) We have a laugh at Benny every time we watch, which is a few times a week -- would be 24 x 7 if it was my son's choice. 2917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this tape of the early 'I Dream of Jeannie' shows. I remembered seeing the series in color during my childhood. It was in 1981 (when I was a teenager) I discovered the series was originally shot in black-and-white. *Anarcho Cynicalism Once I knew that, I knew the movie was going to suck. 949 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 My other review was deleted but beware this disney dvd of condorman is not out of print and is way cheaper on the disney club i cannot write down the prices because that is why my review was probrably deleted because the sellers don't want people to know they can get this dvd cheaper.the anchor bay versions are out of print but not these ones.....you have been warned.i am going to write to disney to let them know about this and hopefully amazon can list the proper prices for everyone to buy.and not be ripped off in times of hardship otherwise great movie 5 stars for this. Movie size: 33,864,486,912 bytes An American Christmas Carol is a superb and original adaption of the Dickens Christmas classic. Henry Wrinkler stars as the Scrooge character, Benedict Slade. He does a great job as a hardnosed old man, and he does look convincing in aged make up. The story takes place in New England America, during the Great Depression. 5512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally a good movie. Hadn't seen one of these in a while. This movie is a perfect representation of punks in the 80s. Todays punks have become smart, and have adopted the individuality belief instead of anarchy. This movie I believe gets it point across. It also is very unique. The scene at the punk show is pretty acurate to todays punk shows, but the punks of today don't party. They fight for a cause. Also this film does a great job at exposing posers, skinheads, mobs, metalheads, punks, and new wavers. SLC Punk starts out entertainingly enough as a sarcastic snapshot of the punk-rock scene in Salt Lake City in 1985 and is complete with mohawks, moshing, and vague avowals of anarchy. But gradually, the wanderings of Stevo and Heroin Bob turn into a multilayered exploration of character and culture shock. Though he spends his days drinking and mocking the values of his parents, Stevo turns just as critical an eye on his own rhetoric and lifestyle, and comes to find that aimless rebellion may be just as hollow as the mindless pursuit of money. No character has the right point of view; there are no easy solutions. SLC Punk sustains its energy through wit, realism, propulsive editing, and excellent performances from Lillard, Goorjian, and the rest of the cast. Did I mention plot. Yes the plot is great. It's emblematic of the movie's sophistication that Stevo's lawyer father is treated satirically without being dismissed; though baffled by his son's form of rebellion, he never loses hope that Stevo will go on to law school and continues to cajole Stevo and argue with him about how the world works. By its end, the constantly shifting perspective of SLC Punk achieves a surprising emotional depth. All in all at the end Stevo becomes anything but a poser. Now that he thinks for himself, and has a purpose for his rebellion, he's become a punk all of us punx would be proud of. Forget the critics, and the poseur anarchist out there. This movie is an accurate portrayal of the 80s punx, and thus you must keep in mind that we've changed. Although there are more poseurs out there than there are real punx. It was true in the 80s and is still true today. 7776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good the suspense is very original and the action is very entertaining... of course you see that US politics plays a major role in HollyWood! 4974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 W.A. straight out of the gate, and what a start! Begin here, then, if captivated, proceed to savor the rest of this magnificent, highly idiosyncratic filmmakers work. It's a world quite unto itself. 162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 gift. Loved it! The DVD version of the movie restores the portions of the screen cut off by the pan-and-scan process. The Python troupe notoriously used the big screen to their fullest advantage. You can now SEE things that could only be heard in the VHS version. And hearing gets better too thanks to Dolby Sound. Overall, its great to see the film receive a lossless soundtrack and also include the original mono soundtrack as well. But you are able to hear the screams of the prisoners while being tortured and overall, the pain and anguish from the talents who just are trying to keep sane in the prison. 9750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the best version of Gattaca to own. There is also a 2013 Image Entertainment re-release with the same extras (Sony has since sold the title). Gattaca features great acting and story in this sci-fi thriller. The audio is good and the picture quality is superb. There is roughly 1 hour of total bonus content. Missing from the Blu-ray is the Blooper Reel and one minor featurette from the DVD. 9722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this one hit it out of the park. smooth and cool and sophisticated in many ways. i was immediately taken by the stark landscape of the future. 9238 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It does not get any better than this! If you want to see MPFC Masterpiece, then here you go! I just love to watch this when my Born Again relatives come lurking around. If you are a Christian having a sense of humor and a semi open mind you should enjoy it. 9993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roy Scheider is at his best as a non-conformist cynical cop that uncovers a plot to start a race war in LA. His efforts to thwart that plot just became easier because of the new state of the art toy he has at his disposal. Action packed, intriguing and suspenseful, this is a ride you don't want to miss. IMAGE:I give it 8 stars out of 10. 263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always enjoyed this movie. I had it on DVD but wanted it on Blue Ray and the quality is excellent. I have no complaints and am very pleased to buy from Amazon. 5982 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 funny Owen Wilson is amazing as the headstrong yet extremely fraglie Dignan. This movie is not to be missed! 788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I choose this rating because it's "Authur" a very wholesome cartoon for this generation of children. The only reason as to why it did not receive 5 stars was because the voices are different...I'm not one for changing character voices although I realize Authur can't stay eight years old forever. I just like the focus being in the everyday life of a little boy who's dealing with growing pains lol. I would recommend it however don't depend on the episode to put you in the Christmas spirit alone... :) 2856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Time-bound in style and writing, silly in parts, still an all-time classic for a great cast. All at their best. 1454 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rented and watched all the Jane Eyre movies to see which one I liked best. I believe they are all good and you really can't go wrong but this is my favorite. Highly recommend if you like Jane Eyre. 7778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good, one of the best. 629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 birthday present!! And just when I thought the movie couldn't get any better, the DVD version became available. The deleted scenes and other tidbits are nice but the overwhelming reason to buy this version of the film is for the interview with the author. I was floored to learn that Steel Magnolias is a 'real life' story which only makes every scene in this already powerful movie that much more meaningful. 7364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great quality, no problems streaming. 7400 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fun and warm watch Even if you've never played the video game, didn't like the first "Resident Evil" movie or don't care for a lot of high tech military action in a horror film, I'd still highly recommend you take the time to watch this one. If you liked both the 1978 version of "Dawn of the Dead" and "Aliens", you're going to love "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". Besides, if internationally acclaimed Milla Jovovich agreed to add it to her rsum of, among others, "the Fifth Element", "the Messenger: the Story of Jean of Arc" and "the Million Dollar Hotel", it has to be good! And it's too bad, because, when it came out, THE AVENGERS could've out-sluethed both Austin Powers and James Bond. It could have had the bizarre Avengers flair with the 007 intrigue and thrills. Thank goodness that Star Wars, which was released in theaters in the same year, didn't overshadow this arguably important sci-fi film. It's one of the greatest sci-fi films ever made, and it one of my favorites alongside 2001: A Space Odyssey & John Carpenter's The Thing. 7690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 somewhat serious movie is great. I am fairly certain that I saw this in the theater and then a million times on the Disney Channel, but have not seen it since the mid 80's when I was very young. An outbreak occurs turing all the staff into flesh hungry zombies. PS What WAS interesting however, is the fact that this movie was made back when parts of NYC were so blighted that one could buy a Park Avenue co-op for the price (in today's $$$) of a used car. One of my relations did just that. 8906 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love the movie! Monty Python Troop is hilarious! Get your copies of the troops movies! If you want a serious documentary like one about the Beatles, or the Rolling Stones or the Who, that tries to discuss the more serious influences the Spice Girls have made on our culture, you can fergitabutet, although one of the film's character's is a documentary-maker trying to do just that. Like the Girls themselves, this film is never meant to be taken seriously. It pokes fun at everything in true British Spike-Mulligan "Monty Python" style. It kids VIP parties, publicity photo sessions, girls being girls, "Charlie's Angels", haunted house themes, army sergeant-majors, news happenings, and the BBC. There's a newspaper magnate so tired of the group that he's willing to jump on anything that may cause them to disband. There's George Wendt as a Hollywood producer eager to make some sort of film about the Girls and is full of daffy ideas for it. There's Richard Grant as the Girls' hysterical road manager. There are cameos by Sir Elton John, Sir Elvis Costello ( interesting the amount of knighthoods handed out to major entertainers during the Tony Blair premiership), Stephan Fry, Hugh Laurie, Bob Hoskins, and Jennifer Saunders ("Absolutely Fabulous"), among others. And there's Sir Roger Moore as the Girl's All-Highest Manager, kidding his own James Bond image. Though I'd agree with other reviewers that the "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" take-off is perhaps a bit much. Is this to show how the appeal of the Spice Girls is truly "universal" or something? But I can see that it would bother some people. You should probably rent this first or get it from a library to see if it would bother you. Four Stars for the Production itself but giving this Two stars because of the DVD quaility. This genre splitting ultimately undermines the Andrea character who despite Swain's best efforts comes across as a cobbled together mix of inconsistent and conflicting motivations and behaviors-making her impossible to identify with or care about. She is intelligent (headed for an Ivy League school), beautiful, self-assured, adventurous, and has a lot of friends. You have seen this character before in "Say Anything" but in "Girl" she overnight becomes one of the most hated heroines in teen comedy history. Meaning you have sympathy only for her various victims as she virtually rapes a guy to have her first sex, unfeelingly abandons her friends for cooler ones, explores her emerging femininity without regard to the consequences, and generally acts more eight than eighteen. Swain is physically perfect for the "Say Anything" type of heroine but this ultimately works against as her as her transformation into parental nightmare just doesn't ring true. 9661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really liked this movie...oh!, except for the ending. 589 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good condition Rumpole of the Bailey is a treasure - in the US, this would have been groundbreaking in terms of cultural significance / complexity of scripting / quality of cast perfomances / etc. Sadly, US television (not premium networks) frequently fails to ask the audience to reach, think, process, or be challenged. Rumpole does all this and more. Albeit, the every present alcohol consumption gets to be a bit much, but that was/is also British culture - so I got over it. (2) Daylight disks: usually oval or disk-like. About twenty minutes should have been cut from the final version. The big three things that make this movie special are the scenery (photographed to perfection, by Laslo Kovack) the music. Which just plain rocks and Jack Nicholson's performance. Nothing against Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper's performance but Nicholson steals every scene he's in. This movie is also a fasinating look at the 60's counterculture. Lots of ... great music, killer movie. Enjoy. 9037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome 9568 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Older movie with intriguing futuristic timeframe 4290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you don't like Arnold Schwarzenegger movies then you don't deserve to like his movies at all and that's the truth. 5189 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Scorsese's dark and brutal tale of an isolated outsider who wonders the Big Apple behind the wheel of his taxi cab, a job he takes and works relentless hours to fill his sleepless nights. He observes what he calls "Scum and garbage" polute the streets. Tips from a fellow cabby and an insatible desire to do something big leads to an assasination attempt on a presidential candidate. When that plan flops he turns his sights on saving a young prostitute, played well by a young Jodie Foster. This heroic or psychotic rampage depending how you look at it, (I'm partial to the latter) leads to a bloody climax. Taxi Driver is a brilliant character study and a stunning betrayal of New York City in the 70's. Great direction and an outstanding performance by DeNiro. The film, it's direction and it's star deserve all the awards in the world that it didn't win and will always demand our attention. This Close Encounter has changed Roy Neary's life, and that of those who are featured along his journey. This film has stood the test of time for thirty years, and is a testament to the talent of Steven Spielberg. 8327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought I already did this once, but.... Got the movie about a week after I ordered it - phenomenal!! It was in very good condition - great service!!! 4835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They did a great job with the blu ray edition, I love this movie! The movie is classified as a horror movie. However, it's really more of an action/adventure or sci-fi movie with a little gore and for a horror movie the gore is rather tame. 4197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 exactly what I wanted I am usually very critical when it comes to movies. My views on movies usually parallels many critics but I found myself thoroughly engaged while watching this. "The House That Jack Built" -- Here, we have a psychological thriller. Mrs. Peel inherits an estate from her "Uncle Jack," and is subsequently trapped inside a carnivalistic madhouse. Steed rushes to the rescue. This is a great one. Written by Brian Clemens. 1606 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I was expecting this to be wonderful from the reviews, but due to the wretched moral values of many of the Upstairs people I had a hard time enjoying the story. A few of the Downstairs people had difficulties, too, but they in general set better standards of conduct. Wish I could sell my copy. It's nice to go visit old friends again and have all the episodes and extras. There is a lot of value here, plenty to watch and re-watch, especially if you are a fan of BBC historical drama series. If you are a fan of "Downton Abbey" and don't know this series, you are in for a treat. The extras , we watched every frame and to back this up checked out Wikipedia's summation. The set has recently been re-released at a substantially lower price, packaged in a 9-disk blue plastic case of standard height and width, sans the book. Instead there is a simple 16-page pamphlet tucked into the front cover. 1327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a documentary DVD that shows every aspect of the creative forces involved in producing what I believe to be the most captivating of art forms. "Dancemaker" is long on intimacy, giving equal time to the minds, the hearts, the souls and the bodies which collaborate to produce great modern dance. The genius of Paul Taylor and Director Matthew Diamond combine to make an extraordinary documentary. 3930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite movie so I figured Id register and give it 5 stars. Being a fan of Horror(B-Movies) I am sure helped. Being a Columbia picture probably helped this flick don't kid yourself. This wasn't as low-budget flick as one might aspect. The actors are all A -quality and the special effects are done well. And Columbia doesnt hire garbadge. Either way you get the best flick for the money. The DVD is a must with all the extras. SOUND is INCREDIBLE even has Audio Commentary with Seth Green. Widescreen and Full Screen features along with another ending makes this a MUST for any small collection. This is my FAVORITE MOVIE. !! moderated by Filmmaker Tim sullivan 6255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite all time movies. Not as good as the book but still impressive. 1665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Heard about this series all my life...finally bought it..and have problems understanding dialog....cast seems to mumble at times...and at others, talk so fast with the British accent that this Southern gal has problems hearing/unstanding dialog. love the cast... but am tired of "backing up" trying to get the gyst of the script 7923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King on VHS Arrived 2-4 days after I placed my order. Very Powerful movie w/ a very detailed story, probably have to watch it a second time, Great Movie! In `Gattaca', the world has a pretty terrifying idea of what constitutes humanity and equality. In this future world (not so distant), genetic manipulation is used heavily to influence the future of our offspring. Classified as either `Valids' (those who have been genetically manipulated to be superior humans) or `In-Valids' (those born naturally), people are separated out and given certain privileges based on their status. For Vincent, those privileges are not forthcoming because he was born naturally and thus is deemed inferior. He has poor eyesight and a few other conditions that genetic manipulation could have eliminated and so his dreams of space travel are nothing more than mere dreams since he is unqualified to actually reach for them. Vincent sees a way to reach his goals with the help of Jerome, a `Valid' who has suffered an accident and thus is crippled. Offering his services (in the most complex of ways), Jerome essentially hands over to Vincent his `Valid-ness' and helps Vincent secure a position at Gattaca, a NASA of sorts that will groom Vincent for space travel. 5025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful Transfers. I don't think anyone doesn't know the plot of any of these movies, except maybe Twelve Chairs, so there's no need going there. Great collection. Well packaged. Some have complained about the sleeves but Blu-Ray is supposed to be more scratch resistant isn't it? Anyway transfer them to cases if you worry about it, but don't deny yourself the sound and glory of these madcap films in Blu-Ray. The book is great. 6928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great musical. our own experience. There are no perfect people in this movie, not even close. 7920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesn't love Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams is, as usual, fantastic in this movie. He will be missed! This movie is dark and funny and the characters are great. I re-watch this one time and again and its still very poignant. 3208 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The episodic plot concerns two motorcyclists who take their profits from a drugs deal to head for the New Orleans Mardi Gras. In the course of their odyssey across America, they encounter frequent backwoods intolerance........The film's lasting effect made a star out of Nicholson, who won an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of an aimless lawyer making his first experience with drugs. An offbeat, low-budget ROAD MOVIE that has become a cult film by capturing the restless hedonism of the hippie era. The film's surprise success insipired a wave of youth-culture movies, few of which are now remembered; although the big studios attempted to imitate EASY RIDER'S casual technique and rebellious attitudes, its impact has never been equaled. The film cost only $375,000 to make and it grossed a whopping TWENTY MILLION at the box-office. Young Frankenstein, I own the Blu-Ray of this film. It is a digibook case that comes with one blu-ray disc, and several picture-cards. The picture and sound quality on this disc are superb; definitely a high-quality master similar to the high quality "Blade Runner" and "Psycho" transfers. A must-own blu-ray for fans of this film and film collectors that want the definitive version. Blu-ray Special Features and Extras: Just like earlier DVD editions of this film, the Blu-ray has no bonus features. Unless you count a bunch of trailers that are not very relevant, which is to my mind, a complete waste of a Blu-ray disc. Also rising above the mix are the performances by the lead actors, Matthew Lillard as Stevo and Michael Goorjian as Heroin Bob. Lillard transcends his usual one-note snarkiness to create an actual character, and Goorjian makes Heroin Bob (so named because of his fear of needles) one of the most likable - nay, lovable - characters in recent memory. History of the World: Part I- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Mono, French Dolby Digital 5.1, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1, Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1 7475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very well written. Wasn't this a true story. Beautiful scenery I think the older man on the rock fishing was a grandson of one of the boys. 7069 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is a timeless classic that captures the hearts of children with its message of how love can soften even the hardest heart. 6355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is great.; I enjoyed watching it recently and its great to have a nice DVD of this wonderful movie. The Breakdown: 9172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I haven't seen this movie in quite some time and it hasn't lost a thing. Halarious! 5225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is a tour de force. Scorsese is not my favorite director, but he did everything right with thtis one. The growing apathy, frustration, and isolation of the main character (played, of course, brilliantly, by De Niro) is wonderfully displayed by well filmed scenes and priceless voice-overs that make NYC llok like a real gutter. De Niro's character enters a campaign headquarters to woo Cybill Sheperd, and it is one of the best film scenes in history ...The film is brutal, but honest in its own way, and tells a brilliant yet disturbing sotry as well as I can imagine... 8060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So happy I bought this movie my kids love it and so do I. 2118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is so great and timeless. It almost beat titanic at the box office opening weekend no joke. BTW--Don't know why they have Danny Devito listed as the star here. His voice has a bit part. The picture quality is absolutely phenomenal. It's so crisp and clear that, quality-size, it feels like a modern movie. The colors are so vivid that the film feels like it's jumping off the screen (almost literally, making the nature of the movie itself even more interesting). I've never seen this film (okay, so I missed the DVD version and only saw the VHS version) ever presented in such a beautiful way before. Disc size: 35,455,409,746 bytes 7983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic family musical. 3046 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What an interesting movie. Apparently Easy Rider gets its primary kudos, and placement on the AFI top 100 list at spot 88, for being a fully independent movie. It was one of the first to really make inroads in the high-power movie system. Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pretty much made this movie on their own, funded it, and then filmed themselves riding motorcycles across the US. 8951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed this dvd more that my daughter did. She was 1 when we first watched it. It did not keep her attention. She prefers the Elmo dvds with a lot of singing and dancing. I still bring it out once and while and as she gets older, she pays more attention to it. 3) The wide assortment of of medieval weapons used (catapaults, gravity cannon balls, multiple arrow shooters, boiling oil, maces, flails and decapitation devices) were more varied than any other movie. That alone makes this one a classic. So, Gattaca is both thoughtful and thought-provoking, but I must admit I'd have liked it better if there were less loose ends. The performances by Hawke and Thurman and Law are all good, as well as Alan Arkin as the most persistent FBI investigator. 3312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The female characters in this story would have made Varina Davis the flower of the confederacy,turn in her grave for their unsouthern & unladylike behaviour,especially the character of Ouiser Boudreaux played by Shirley MacLaine. But they do capture our attention,especially with the wedding preparations at the start. The six main actors give off wonderful performances and Julia Roberts is a scene stealer,for which she was deservedly nominated as best supporting actress. It is undoubtedly a 'chic flick' but guys will enjoy the humour too. Rent it out this weekend,invite your friends...and bring lots of tissues. The rest is action and suspense. Predictable sometimes, but who cares. People who want to be amused by a movie should watch comedy, not horror. People who want movies to make sense should watch the news (even that doesn't always make sense) and not action-horror-suspense movies. Truly great films transcend the times in which they were made, and Taxi Driver, with its mannered and one dimensional performances, suffers from a lack of emotional credibility. We never witness Bickle's motivations or demons, instead viewing him as a two dimensional, socially inept caricature who can't handle male-female interaction. Then, almost spontaneously he obsesses on making a violent "big statement". The dialog and plotting provides little insight into this tormented man's inner voices- Is he suffering PTSD? Is he the product of a terrible home situation? Where do the violent and anti-social tendencies come from? What are Bickle's primary motivations? 3807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When this movie hit theaters it happened to coincide with the Columbine high school tragedy back in '99. Some critics have already pointed this out and blamed the public's poor reaction to this film on the events of April 20th, 1999. Others disagree, saying the film lacked a target audience ang genuine humor. 6632 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 As a movie, certainly entertaining, but don't look for anything historical here since it must have been a Joan from an alternate universe being depicted. For example, in this movie Joan has deep angst about her sword she may have found in a field. 6567 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Look, I don't care that this is not historically accurate, most historical fiction is not. What matters here is the acting and the presentation of the plot. Milla is terrific, as is Besson's direction. You love the way this film moves. Not only is it a great action story, but it is appealing in the way Joan slowly gains the recognition, admiration, and finally idolization of her male Knight partners in battle, exhibiting heroism and absolute unrelenting determination. For me, it is set aside from all those other Joan movies exactly because we are kept guessing as to whether Joan is mentally disturbed, entrusted on a path from God, or maybe a little of both. The supporting characters are believable, and the acting is great, especially from the fantastic Malkovich. I give this a big "thumbs up" (missing you Eber). A great movie for the believer or non-believer. 3243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is, after all these (20+) years, one of my favorites: a great script, excellent cast (no exceptions), marvelous directing, and shot in the town where the story actually happened, using many of the local folks as extras. I can't believe that I have not praised "Magnolias" here before now. I see that many reviews have covered the territory well, but I feel that not enough has been said about Sally Fields. She has many fine performances to her credit, but her contribution in this film is outstanding, even among those of other cast members. That is why this film bombed. Not because of its quality or lack thereof, but because of quantity. That is, quantity of people in the business who SAID it wasn't any good. And the so called fans just like the toadying bunch of impressionable troglodytes and knuckle-draggers that they are, fell for it. They stayed away from the film in masses. And what do you think happened? Well, the film flopped of course. It is Arnold Scwarzenegger's most daring attempt at artistic genius and nobody went to see the ****ing thing. Well, let me tell you something. I DID SEE THE FILM, AND I LIKED IT! AND I'M NOT ALONE! But I'm sick of being made to feel like a doofus any time I defend this flick. I am tired of people laughing at me when I tell them that I am an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, or a Jim Carrey fan, or a Norm Macdonald fan, or a Stephen King fan. I'm sick of it, and I won't stand for it. If anybody here needs to feel ashamed it is YOU POEPLE! I don't care what anybody says. So, you can all kiss my a$$ and go to hell. I love this movie, and I'll KILL ANYBODY WHO TRIES TO CHANGE MY MIND. It's interesting to note that it has a lot in common with Loaded Weapon, which came out earlier that year. Both are send-ups of the 'L.A. cop movie' genre, both star F. Murray Abraham in supporting roles. Both feature Frank McRae as a screaming Lieutenant. Both have obvious Die Hard references (also directed by the infamous John McTiernan). 9312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Holy Grail hasn't looked so good in many years. With "restored footage" of about 10 seconds in Castle Anthrax, nothing is really added much or lost. The Commentary tracks are interesting as the cast recorded it in two groups. For that, it makes the Special Edition excellent. 615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this movie 1797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Will not will any awards but if you like American history you will find it entertaining. A different look at history. I am now convinced this is one of the greatest films of all time. I don't say that lightly. I watch a LOT of old films and watched most of Roger Ebert's top 100 films of all time. In my opinion, this movie belongs in that list. 6441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Barbara strived to be someone as she was growing up in Flatbush. She was always told that she couldn't do this, wouldn't be this, and with that nose........ 5912 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steve Martin at his best. A very funny, yet touching movie. 6591 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A 2097 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watch this many time in dvd & now on Bluray with Clear picture & good sound efect. still are very interesting 70mins of watching behind the scenes footage making the film 4694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A little on the weird side but it definitely had a deeper meaning as a whole in the end. Deniro shines in this role though. This movie is great for a viewing. Enjoy. 7163 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Delightful musical. Producers: Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass Another expedition leader, the late Rob Hall, fares somewhat better, in that he is portrayed as an organized, stand up expedition leader, who puts the welfare of his clients above his own. His much publicized radio farewll to his pregnant wife is included as part of the drama. A really effective movie that gets you to contemplate your own surroundings. Nothing is it at rest here and Scorsese and De Niro really bring this character to screen, especially De Niro. You can't even consider him a "character" after watching De Niro's brilliant performance as Travis Bickle. A little segment about "Unused Locations" which means Python members talking nothingness over video of various things from the mid-70s...I mean, unused locations. 2401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Out of the two airplane films of 1997, Air Force One is arguably superior to Con Air. Air Force One is definitley a great film, and here's why: Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman are terrific in their roles as the President of the U.S. and a brutal Russian terrorist. but if you want to see slightly better Harrison Ford, check out his Star Wars films( especially The Empire Strikes Back). Glenn Close is also very good as the Vice President who tries to negotiate with the terrorists from Washington. Wolfgang Petersen does a superb job of directing (Das Boot), (In The Line of Fire). The plot was believeable, and the plane was much, much larger and better than the one in Con Air for there was a basement, a large cockpit, and many different rooms. there are enough hand-to-hand combat fights and gunfights to fulfill any action fan's requirements. This film is also very stable, for the plane stays n the air the whole time. Jerry This is definitley an edge-of-your-seat suspenseful thriller, so buckle your seat belt and enjoy. For Great Comedy and Up Lifting Out of This World Humor, Monty Python is the way to go ! ..... And don't forget your Spamalot ! 5087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Anthony Adams (Luke Wilson) is about to be released from a voluntary mental hospital, but the perpetual plotting Dignan (Owen Wilson) is there ready for Anthony's "escape". On their way home on a Greyhound bus, Dignan lays out their criminal plan for the next 70 years and what they need to do to obtain their goals within this time. They set out to accomplish these goals with the help of Bob Mapplethorpe (Robert Musgrave) whose car they need, and they equip themselves with guns. However, as the story unfolds, their dreams and visions are set into action in a most feeble manner, and it seems like their ability to dream is grander than what they can accomplish. Bottle Rocket is a funny and clever film with a superb script that enhances the cinematic experience that leaves the audience with brilliant dialogues and several notions to reflect on. The Blu-ray presentation adds a lot to the experience and is a must-own for fans of the film. 9801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best film of my youth! Teenage girls will love this coming of age film, expertly acted by the underrated yet incredibly talented Dominique Swain. Onto the features. The Slipknot video is just that, nothing great unless you're a huge fan of the band. The featurettes are cool. The making of is the best by far, and the "Scoring Resident Evil" was extremely interesting, considering the score in the movie was great. Other than that, the make-up tests, and costume trials weren't spectacular, rather short, but still fun. The highight on this disc in the Commentary track. On the track is the director, Paul Anderson, Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, and the producer(the name escapes my mind right now). They're all very comfortable with eachother, and crack wise quite often. They talk about an upcoming sequel, which excites me, but I'm curious as to how they'd bring back Rain(hopefully they will!). The only thing is that it was recorded before the film was released theatrically, so I wonder if the box office gross will affect the sequel? Story 8/10 The movie was based upon BILLY HAYES real life experience who was featured in the highlights in the main menu on the dvd i have & i recently saw his story on Nat/Geo's show called locked up abroad~His account was pretty much close to the same but hollywood amped it up a bit. 9277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An awesomefilm with so many great line and great scenes. The bridge scene is by far the best. The special makeup effects in this film are terrific and imaginative. The script is tightly written and well acted and Tom Holland's direction makes it work. (Holland's other works include "Child's Play," "The Temp," and "Thinner"). 4060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Photographer Isabel Kelly (Julia Roberts) steps into the role of Stepmom when she moves in with her older boyfriend, Luke Harrison (Ed Harris). He has two children, a young boy named Ben (Liam Aiken) and a teenage girl named Anna (Jena Malone), with his ex-wife Jackie (Susan Surandon). Only Martin could weave a whimsical romantic tale of a Seattle fire chief (with a prominent proboscis) who adores the beautiful Roxanne (Darryl Hannah, naturally),who's infatuated with the hunky new fireman (timid but likeable Rick Rossovich)who likes her too---but is terrified of talking to her. I personally love this director's cut. I must admit my initial viewing ended in disappointment when the final mother ship sequence had been removed. After watching the phenomenal documentary on disc 2, I understand why it was taken away (you can still view the scene as part of the "deleted scenes" portion of disc 2). There was no need of main stream type of violence... would have been better if the writer found an imaginative escape. 1173 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I happen to like Bob Newhart even though he is pretty much the same all the time. This series is certainly "dated" but it is well done and amusing. I enjoy watching an episode every day or two when I sit down with a cup of coffee. I'm glad I purchased it and look forward to many ours of enjoyment. A FEW WEEKS LATER....I'M BEGINNING TO BE VERY UPSET AT THE NUMBER OF EPISODES THAT CANNOT BE VIEWED BECAUSE OF FREEZES. THE WHOLE LAST HALF OF SEASON 4 COULD NOT BE VIEWED AND 2 OR 3 EPISODES OF AN EARLIER SEASON WERE THE SAME WAY. 7671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always a classic! 7108 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I don't know what should have tipped me off first -- that this film is made for TV or that the "bonus trailers" on the DVD are for "Cliffhanger" and "Vertical Limit." there's also new Q & A featurette pro shot filmed earlier this year Roy Neary is the everyman. Just an ordinary American schlmoe in a small town, an electric power county repairman, who one unexpected night, called out on an emergency power blackout, is encountered on a dark, quiet, star-filled night sky, by something very strange, and beings far beyond his understanding. Canister X Garr plays Dreyfuss's wife, who while skeptical, does also try her best to understand him. She goes with him to the press conference. But to her it's as if he claims to have seen the loch ness monster. He's already lost his job over this. How about her kids? How much can she let her husband's "bizarre behavior" affect them? When he flings a heavy plant through a window and at her head, and starts ranting while stealing fencing from his neighbors, many would say she's quite right in taking her kids to safety. In fact, the film cribs a lot of elements from The Matrix Bargain Bin, such as references to Alice in Wonderland (Alice, the Red Queen, the entrance to The Hive is a mirror), wire-fu, slow-motion bullets, and a lead character who suddenly discovers that they have incredible abilities. The film also seems to "borrow" elements from other genre films like Cube and Day of the Dead, though it's hard to criticize the game for using elements of Romero's zombie films since the games themselves are inspired by them. 2. An engaging, close look at the biblical text and its meaning We've waited a long time for this DVD and it doesn't disappoint. It deserves 5 stars (though it would have been even better had it included the parody, "Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind"). 8873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 6457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't believe the low reviews this movie is getting. I thought this movie was really entertaining. The action is awesome, the costumes are right on the money, zombies look great, the women are hot... it's pretty much straight from the video game. Nemesis looks awesome and Jill looks hot, just like the video game. It's not as scary as the first one, but it's still good. The only thing I thought was missing was the creepy electronic soundtrack by Marilyn Manson. He should of done the music for this movie, it would of been even better. Anyway, both Resident Evil movies are the best video game movie ever, second being Mortal Kombat. 9952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE IT 4771 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Stupid Stupid Stupid 2895 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Lots of great characters that really know how to act. 871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son loves this DVD. He is 11 months old and can't get enough of this program. Even my 2 year old nephew can't get enough of it. It's all Ernie so if you child doesn't care for Ernie, they may not sit and watch it. It such a cute program with Benny the Bunny. What a jokester! I think any kid would love it but again, it's all Ernie. 6132 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Steve Martin is C.D. Bales, a perfect catch for any woman except for one drawback. He has a huge nose. Everyone is hypnotized by it. No one can ignore it. The movie is a take-off on the play, Cyrano de Bergerac. C.D. works for the fire department and falls for Roxanne, an astronomy student. Because of his nose, he courts her through a friend. Romance and humor intertwine. The scene in which Martin enumerates insults about his nose is brilliant. 3748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've owned hundreds of laserdiscs and DVDs over the past few decades and I have to tell you this release is quality form the ground up. Here are a few reasons why I think this is my favorite version of any movie I've purchased. Imagine going to the doctors office with your spouse, after deciding you want to have a child, and hand-selecting genes from your marital pool. Your husbands blue eyes, your cheekbones, your eyesight, your husbands height, etc. In Gattacas world, thats what parents-to-be can do! I thought that concept was extremely alluring, and when I learned the main plot was about a love childsomeone who was conceived the old-fashioned waywho tries to fit in among a world of perfect beings, including his hand-picked brother, I was sold. Gattaca is without a doubt one of the most intelligent films in recent time. Packed with superb ideas about a dystopian future without resorting to pomposity is its utter brilliance, subtle and convincing performances cement the result and the directing is equally great, using color and unidentifiable space to set the atmosphere. 2920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love this movie, haven't seen it in years. Watched with my daughter this weekend. What a timeless classic. 7328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! However, this version starring Ciaran Hinds and Samantha Morton is my second favorite for several reasons. First, the casting was perfect. Ciaran Hinds does a wonderful job portraying Edward Rochester, a complex, authoritative and tortured man who is hiding a horrible secret. He is supposed to be almost 20 years older than Jane and not overly handsome--although not as moody and dark as Orson wells, he gives the character more humor and fits the bill admirably. Samantha Morton is simply fantastic as Jane Eyre. She is my favorite of all the female leads to date. She is not as pretty as Joan Fontaine or Mia Wasikowska, but she is attractive enough to be pleasant to watch. (Jane is supposed to be "plain.") Her Jane has much more personality compared to other actresses who have played the part. She gives us a strong, confident Jane while showing us enough warmth to make her sympathetic to the viewer. She is Jane Eyre in my eyes. The two leads have one thing that many other versions do not--fantastic chemistry!!! Together, they sizzle on the screen, which is something you would not expect from these two as a couple. In a nutshell, it's a weak movie; it lacks that something to make it bearable, let alone put it over the top. No masterpiece here. "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" begins directly where "Resident Evil" left off, starting with a flashback sequence that serves as a refresher course for the audience so that all are on the same page when the action really gets going. Surviving the zombie attacks in the underground compound of the Umbrella Corporation, Alice (Milla Jovovich) arrives in Raccoon City, located right next to the compound, and discovers that she is too late. The entire city has apparently been overrun by zombies, with most of the city in ruins, Alice begins searching for any non-infected survivors. She finds a few companions that are willing to take the fight to the zombies, Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) and Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr), well-armed and ready for action these compatriots set out to rid Raccoon City of the evil unleashed by Umbrella Corporation. However, Umbrella Corp. has a surprise for our heroes, a nasty mutated form of zombie known as Nemesis. With supplies becoming drastically limited, it appears that time is running out for our heroes, and humanity's days could be numbered. When it came out in 1978 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS was recent enough history that many members of its target audience could identify with Billy Hayes. If you look at customer reviews posted in recent years on Amazon and elsewhere, you may find that many fewer people sympathize with the character today. That says something about our own times too. Back in the 60s and 70s, there was a good deal of "that-could-have-been-MY-kid" sentiment. I don't see that kind of compassion-and that's what it is--as much these days. I kind of miss it. 5100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver gives us a gripping character study of Travis Bickle, a rather lonely man who takes a job as a nighttime taxi driver because he can't sleep at night. Unfortunately for Travis, he can't sleep in the day either; instead he goes to dirty movies and runs around the city. Travis is unable to make any real emotional connections with people, although he does try. 9737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic storyline, great acting, good dialog. A fantastic value at this price! Would definitely recommend this to all of my friends and family. 3389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the few movies I have seen that makes a virtue of the term, "blockbuster". Left me with a sense of awe and wonder. And even today, it excites me to watch it. Fun! 2337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Air Force One is one of my favourite action films, as it is for many people, and it's easy to see why. Wolfgang Petersen's action thriller starring Harrison Ford as the president of America is a taut, exciting action flick (And sure to never be in-flight entertainment). British actresses Jean Marsh and Eileen Atkins conceived U/D as a comedy focused on the downstairs staff. But it gradually evolved into a drama about the entire household--both upstairs and downstairs. London Weekend producer Cyril Bennett did not believe that U/D would be successful. He held Series 1 off the air for six months, then chose to broadcast it at 10:15 on Sunday nights. Despite this scheduling, the show became one of the most popular PBS programs of all time. 4601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie i really like it 5515 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I saw the trailer for the unnecessary remake of the classic mid-1980's flick and I am not impressed. I'm not putting it down just because it's a remake; a remake could be good, though I cannot really name one off the top of my head. The trailer just looked boring and Colin Farrell as Jerry Dandridge, the head-vampire, doesn't look the part. I'll give it a rental, but have no interest in seeing it in the theatre. 4524 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie hold now Biblical truth, I was very disappointed in it. I think the English have sought the Holy Grail for two thousand years - and still do not know what it exactly is(multiple theories), where it is (let's hope not in France) or even IF it is. Everyone remembers the most quoted line from this film, Are you talkin to me? It is one moment in the film but a powerful one in the most subtle way. It shows the character of Bickle slowly losing touch with reality. There is no telling where he will go from here. 6458 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie was so bad it made me angry. Angry because it should be scary. But this director doesn't even try for horror. He goes for action and he fails at that too. The problem is, this is a director who simply doesn't know how to make a movie. What's the movie about? I'll tell you. There's this super woman, this group of people, a mad scientist and a monster guy and they all run around shooting stuff. There, you don't need to see it now. My favorite scene is when this super sexed up cop enters a room with a little girl and there are zombies in the room and the girl is scared but the cop says not to worry because the zombies are slow and they can just run right around them. HAHAHAHA! That takes any kind of threat out of zombies right there. End the movie now. But no. It drags on through this plot that makes absolutely no sense. Somebody explain to me what the point is of scientists making two monster people and making them battle each other. There's no suspense in this movie, no drama, horrible acting, so-so special effects and no story what so ever. One must wonder what kind of corruption is behind this completely soiled and devaluing version of the story of Joan of Arc and this disgraceful depiction of Jesus. Lots to enjoy & good scenery also. I completely enjoyed this movie. From its sadder to happier moments. I say watch with your mom. 498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A truly wonderfully made film, mostly accurate to scripture and brilliantly acted. Joseph's brothers are the stars here in their own right but Paul Mecurio is in fine form as well. 8920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great item!! For starters, the movie ran just too long. Movies that are long that people don't mind, such as "Forrest Gump" are tolerated because they were good. This movie was just plain bad. 784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My little one has always enjoyed watching Arthur. So when he came across Arthur's Perfect Christmas, he had to watch it. I really enjoy, that I am able to watch my Amazon Prime shows on my iPad. WATCH IT YOU WILL ENJOY IT...Its one i rewatch from time to time! 7823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Product as stated. Very pleased. 3980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 worth watching. Jack Nicholson has the best lines of the movie when he explains that we love to talk about freedom, but we are scared to death of people who actually live it. A very important idea considering the war that was going on at the time of this movie. Then after all the zombies have been released, you see these shambling corpses with bite marks, and half eaten faces. This makes no sense as everyone was killed by Red Queen at the same time. So they all should have become zombies at the same time, which would give them no reason to feed on one another. I believe this release is in 1:85, whereas the out of print, but still often available used . Seeing this again many years later, I can see why it is more of a cult classic then a very popular action/adventure comedy. But, it is still a lot better then most of the **** that floods the shelves these days, and this one is very underrated as a b grade comedy. 5708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Part one is cool,kinda thriller -action! This is not a comfortable video to watch as it brings the viewer not only into the realities of the political systems in South America, but to the basic question of individual responsibility. I recommend it for those who are willing to take a fresh look at these things. You will not be smilling after viewing this video. But you will be thinking. 8377 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was very happy to see this 6890 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who doesn't love Annie? 9 (out of 10). Must see. Is this movie worth seeing/renting? 7170 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie 5258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 'Taxi Driver' is one of the most passionate films ever made, everyone involved did it with such professionalism and dedication that you can't help but admire it. Scorsese scored big with this one, although this wasn;t his first masterpiece, 'Mean Streets', another Scorsese triumph was made in 1973. Powerhouse directing by Scorsese, and brilliant screenplay by Paul Schrader. But the acting is the thing that blows you away. Robert DeNiro delivers one of the most expertly realized performances of all time, he 'was' Travis Bickle, the ultimate antihero, loneliness and violence have never mixed so well together. His performance was basically a big improvisation, the whole 'you talking to me' scene was never staged, that was pure DeNiro. Travis Bickle is just about the loneliest character in the history of cinema, and that's what 'Taxi Driver' is all about, basically loneliness. Also a powerhouse performance by a very young Jodie Foster as a 12 year old prostitute, that's a role that could never be done again, even now in the 22nd century. Cybill Sheppard and, surprise, Albert Brooks are also good in support. An unforgettable film that really leaves an impact. A milestone 70's film. Extras: you can spot Martin Scorsese in the background in the scene where we first see Cybill Sheppard in her white dress, he also appears as the psycho whose wife is cheating on him and takes Travis along for the ride. From a scale of 1-10 I give this film a 10! "Easy Rider: 40th Anniversary" was hailed by Time Magazine as "one of the ten most important pictures of the decade" and entered the Library of Congress National Registry in 1998 because the film showcases America during that volatile time back in the late 60's. Annoying ET theme music. THOUGHTS: I have loved this movie ever since first catching it on cable decades ago. It is one of those movies that you never get tired of, the kind where if you come across it on TV you'll settle in and watch it, no matter how far along into the film it is. Writer/director Tom Holland crafts a full-blooded film that takes many of the time-honored vampire tropes and embraces them, while at the same time adding new wrinkles, all without smudging the trappings we've come to know and love about the genre. Every actor here is putting in A+ work, with only Charlie's mom coming across as over the top/farcical in her performance, (though it's still not too far-out and, thankfully, her needed presence is brief). Chris Sarandon as new pain-in-the-neck neighbor Jerry Dandridge is smooth & suave yet also frighteningly threatening... yet still a little sad. Young William Ragsdale makes for a wholesomely good all-American boy next door as our hero, Charlie Brewster. Amanda Bearse, as Charlie's girlfriend Amy, is both a quirky cutie pie and a smoldering seductress (post neck-bite). Stephen Geoffreys is hilarious and appropriately scatterbrained as Charlie's dorky monster nerd pal, 'Evil' Ed. And rounding out the main cast, is legendary thesp Roddy McDowell, playing an in-joke former sort-of 'star' as Peter Vincent. Vincent is on his last legs; eking out a living milking his tarnished status as a former horror film icon to host a chintzy local late night creature feature TV show (which, much to his bitter disappointment, has just been cancelled). He lives in the rose-colored past, pompously clinging to his former (not so glorious) glory days. The character arc for Peter is wonderful, and lifelong yeoman actor McDowell masterfully exploits his character's hidden strengths and abundant weaknesses to their fullest. His transformation from bitter, self-important fop to fearless slayer of all things evil is a joy to behold. (And his quiet monologue in his apartment when Amy & Ed come to visit him is unexpectedly touching.) Truthfully, the man should've gotten the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance, or at the very least a nomination. He did however win the Saturn Award in that category that year, so his work in FRIGHT NIGHT wasn't completely ignored. Couldn't be happier. 6359 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is not so much a movie as it it simply @$$ kisser to the fans of the game. Plot ides traight out of every zombie movie ever made,charaters either appear and die or jsut live to say stupid tough guy dialogue. The movie wouldve seemed lame at any point in time with plotholes the size of craters. The movie tries to cram alot plot in for the lack of anything inovlving charchter. But i guess what can you expect, not much, since almost every video game to movie has sucked. The first one was bad, this one even worse. The movie seems achingly stale and repetive with some of the msot heavy handed action scenes complete with stale bullet time effects and slo motion and fast motion effects that have gone past expiration date. everything adds to ntohing. jsut maybe some geeks wet dream of the game coming to life. as a movie its hacked to pieces Essentially, `Bottle Rocket' is about 3 young men. 1.) Anthony (Luke Wilson) - a somewhat caring, laid back and under-motivated dude. 2.) His pal Dignan (Owen Wilson) - an extremely motivated - albeit misguided - and overly energetic guy, who is perhaps a little clueless. And 3.) Bob - a guy who always wears Reservoir Dog-esque suits; Bob seems frequently annoyed by Dignan's antics but puts up with him because he is kind of lonely. 2011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie, I give it 10 star's 3878 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Director Steven Spielberg's classic 1977 follow-up to "Jaws," "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" stars Richard Dreyfuss as Roy Neary. Neary's just an ordinary blue collar guy, a bit of a dreamer with a taste for Disney films and miniature railroads... until he witnesses a spectacular UFO appearance. Haunted by mental images of a mountain he's never seen before, Neary risks his job, his marriage, his sanity and, eventually, his life to uncover what it all means. It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; and U/D has had several imitators, including Beacon Hill (1975), as well as a new Upstairs, Downstairs (2010) . But the program's real heir is Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey - Seasons 1-6 Complete Collections with Bonus (2010- ). Consider the similarities: In both the wealth comes from the woman's side of the family. Both Richard (U/D) and Robert (DA) are in precarious financial situations: When Marjorie dies, the family fortune goes to Richard's children. Without a male heir, Downton Abbey will go to another branch of the family. In both programs: (1) family members die (or appear to die) on the Titanic, (2) the young men are involved in World War I (in each, the principal young male character, after being missing in action, returns home gravely wounded; in each household, one of the domestic servants suffers from shell shock); (3) a young female member of the family becomes a wartime nurse; (4) a young woman dies from influenza; (5) there is a downstairs romance; (6) there is a homosexual footman; (6) a male aristocrat refuses to take responsibility for a child he has fathered by a maid; (7) an adventurous young daughter gets into trouble from her involvement in the suffrage movement; (8) the cook is courted by an unworthy suitor; (9) the question arises as to who will fill in for the ailing butler; (10) the household feels obliged to dismiss an unsatisfactory nanny; and (11) the family suffers from making bad investments. Well, you get the idea. 1552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful!! I haven't seen it all but very good stuff. 1273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The product was as advertised, delivered quickly and fairly priced. What's not to like? Brad Pitt shows real acting genius in this one, too. 3027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Have it on VHS and have almost worn it out. Wanted it on DVD and am so glad I did. Great movie. Has every emotion you could imagine from happiness, saddness, comedy, etc. If you've never seen it you're in for a treat. Moving on, the movie tries to create a 60s feeling, and to a great deal they succeed. We see John Steed gradually walk through a series of 'obstacles' to test his spy abilities. Uma Thurman and John Steed meet, and right away, we see that Uma Thurman does not always play by the established rules. We are lead to believe that Uma Thurman has sabotaged her own project, and of course we know that that is a little too obvious. So, Mrs Peel and John end up working together to find the real problem. 8662 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Annoying!! My daughter loves this movie but I hate it. It drives me nuts. The acting is terrible (even for a kid's show) and it goes on forever. Better lessons on sharing and not being greedy have been taught in less than 20 minutes but this is a full length film. All the crazy stuff going on takes away from the actual message. The songs are horrible. But my daughter loves Elmo, so she loves it. That's really all this movie has going for it. Ronnie Neary not only can't understand Roy's mood-swing from his encounter, she doesn't want to know anything about it. Something has been planted in Roy's mind, presumably by the aliens during his encounter, and he can't reconcile the image and its meaning. But Ronnie only fears what she doesn't understand. Roy doesn't do himself any favors when he turns his family upside down, but neither does his family attempt to find out what's troubling him. Fear becomes her dominating emotion while Roy is desperate to understand. The US military acts similarly to Ronnie as they want no outside interference in regards to the alien encounters, and continually deny the presence of these encounters. 3283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is wonderful for its simple story of life, enhanced by a rare combination of heavyweight talent. The characters seem to jump off the screen because they are so homey and natural, and the deep philosophical thought into which so many movies of this type sink is almost completely absent, leaving something readily understandable and enjoyable that allows you to laugh or cry freely. 4162 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First I read the book and I loved it. Then I saw the movies a few years later. When I saw that it was out in DVD I had to have it in my DVD collection because I enjoyed that much. It this particular version a lot of events were dismissed and rewritten, but what you can expect from not-even-2-hour movie!? Also didn't like Mr. Rochester in the beginning, he was hateful, mean, arrogant, bad-mannered, not quite Charlotte Bronte's description and again -still handsome (in the book he wasn't handsome man). But with the movie's progress he becomes quit Bronte's Rochester. 414 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 enjoyed a lot And, in just a short matter of time, this same psychopath will make his "second coming." After girlfriend Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) leaves Travis following his taking her out to a date to a pornographic film, his new focus becomes Iris (Jodie Foster), a teenage child prostitute estranged from her parents and being used, manipulated, even treated like a slave and underage lover by her pimp Matthew "Sport" Higgins (Harvey Keitel). Travis may be Iris' only "hope," but with Travis being a psychopath, can we really trust that Iris' best interests are truly at heart? There is much more to be said about Gattaca, and it is best left unsaid for the viewer to see the movie and experience it. Surprisingly, for such an accurate view of the future depicted so well, Gattaca is surprisingly less known than The Matrix, along which it stands as one of the best Sci-Fi movies of the last decade. 7427 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A beautiful told story set in the country/city of Helena MT. A real life story of Mr. McClane. A movie that fishermen and non fishermen alike will enjoy. 292 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am happy I got to see this and it plays on my UK DVD player. 6536 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The movie is sort of a crossover between the genres of zombies [a la Night of the Living Dead] and artificial intelligence gone wrong [in the mode of one of the less good early X-files episodes]. The result is a mediocre horror flick, with a story not convincing enough and character development far from sophisticated enough for the movie to be even slightly memorable. What is about is a lot harder to describe. It's philosophical, rather than religious, although there sits Reverend Maclean to make it sound like religion. He's a gentle, wise old soul, not one of those hellfire types. I can't really explain it any better than to give you the line from which the title comes: 7402 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My family really loved this movie! 3676 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love the movie worked great 5520 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 THE PICTURE AND SOUND QUALITY IS GOOD. THE MOVIE ITSELF IS PRETTY GOOD CONSIDERING, THOUGH IT'S NO EXORCIST. I AM UPSET ABOUT THE FORMAT. THE ONLY REASON I GOT THIS IS BECAUSE IT STATED IT WAS IN FULL SCREEN AND WIDE SCREEN FORMAT. IT ENDED UP BEING ONLY WIDE SCREEN FORMAT. I WANTED A FULL SCREEN FORMAT. I DON'T LIKE WIDE SCREEN FORMAT. OTHER THAN THE QUALITY OF THE MOVIE AND THE MOVIE ITSELF, I'M UNHAPPY WITH THE TRANSACTION. Now, with that out of the way, it's obvious that Besson took many liberties in his interpretation of the LEGEND of Jean d'Arc. He never claimed to be portraying the events exactly as they happened. After all, a good portion of the film takes place in the mind of Jean, and no one--not even historians--know what that was really like. If you want a history lesson, watch PBS or the History Channel. If you want a thrilling, disturbing, inspiring, gorgeous, brilliant, and innovative lesson in true Christianity, then watch this movie. That's what this movie is all about--Christianity. In a sense it's an anti-Catholicism film; however, it urges a close relationship with God. It displays the horrors of giving over to one's personal desires and ignoring the message of Jesus Christ. The film is an indictment of misinterpretation of the Bible and of feelings of superiority over others. It's not "about" Jean d'Arc! It just uses her--a well-respected and almost idolized figure--to get across a vital message. That message is that we mere humans--all of us, including priests, popes, and saints--can not begin to fathom the purpose of existence, that we do not have the wisdom or the right to judge others, and that giving over to our worldly desires will be the end of us. 5489 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie "The Hero's Farewell" - Lady Prudence and her society friends decide to stage a 'historic tableaux' at Eaton Place. The situation turns deadly when a zeppelin raid begins and bombs start falling nearby... Then there's that one great thing about having this flick on disc: I no longer have to hang out at the local midnight cult-matinee bijou! Nevermore must I stoically suffer the Python uber-geeks' annoying verbatim reciting of entire scenes from the flick and/or TV eppies, complete with really bad attempts at Cockney brogues and worse comic timing. Please, take a hint and leave British sketch comedy to the professionals, all right? Sheesh- and just when I thought Trekkies trying to imitate the halting speech patterns of Captain Kirk set the benchmark for obnoxious geek fandom! But, at least the Pythonphiles don't throw Spam or voles at the screen, like those black-leather-teddy-&-bustier-clad (and the women are dressed strangely as well!) 'Rocky Horror' freakos do with their toast & hot dogs. Great, there's people starvin' in some third-world country somewhere, and these retro-goth wanna-bes are flingin' the heat-crisped bread & processed meat links around like they're freakin' frisbees or something! The film tells the story of orphan Annie who escapes the clutches of the evil Miss Hannigan when billionaire Oliver Warbucks decides to let an orphan live with him in his mansion for a week; and Annie is that orphan. After a week of fun and games (and singing and dancing) Oliver decides (with a little prodding from the lovely Grace) to adopt Annie, but there is a problem. Annie is waiting for her mother and father to come back for her, and so Warbucks decides to help her in every way he can to find her parents. What Hannigan and her evil brother Rooster have in store for Annie (and Warbucks) is another story all together. I haven't said all that much about the plot so far, but there isn't really that much to say. Travis drives the cab, fixates on the two females, muses on and on and eventually loses it at the violent finale. But man, there are some great individual scenes stuffed in this frame: Travis picks up a deranged man (played by Scorsese) who gives a chilling monologue about his plans to punish his unfaithful spouse; Travis converses with Wizard (A great turn from Peter Boyle) about life; We see Bickle's bizarre training regimen in his apartment as he prepares for the end; Travis humiliates himself horribly when he tries to go after Betsy. These individually great scenes all come together in climax that is absolutely stunning and brutal. To be sure, this is the best children's music DVD we own (yes, even more popular with our kids than the Wiggles) -- that is, until we find a DVD of action Bible songs that actually features the actions. Maybe they missed the point of all the self-mocking sarcasm? Arnold got a chance to relax and make some serious fun of himself and his image. 1769 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie Pocket (here, Daniel Evans, looking really cute in the role Alec Guiness played powerful and unsettling way. Can any of this be avoided? 8505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The music was really good.., and so was the plot Almost Every day Rumpole walked over to "Pommeroy's" wine bar on Fleet Street, which is also within walking distance of the Old Bailey. There he could order glasses of his favorite red wine, "Pommeroy's Plonk" or "Chateau Thames Embankment" on the slate. He could also have a chat with other members of chambers: Portia's husband Erskine-Brown or perhaps chamber's clerk, Henry Trench (Jonathan Coy). Henry was efficient, unhappily married, and an amateur dramatics enthusiast, frequently appearing in works by Nol Coward. It's interesting watching Bickle trying to escape his miserable existence. He figures out how to buy and use weapons and starts working out to strengthen his body. All the while, there's mounting tension, and we sense that Bickle is close to losing touch with reality completely. Malone and Aiken impress, as the emotionally hurt children that are suffering from their parents past divorce, while they must cope with Isabel, their soon to be stepmom. And despite some mild film-making don'ts, STEPMOM has few flaws, and truly shows us how "family" is more than just a word. The DVD features a "making of featurette," film trailer, and both Widescreen / Full-Screen versions. The story of the crossing, the hanging in the balance of the war with Great Britain, and the attack on Trenton are all masterfully done. Kudoes to A&E. May they continue to produce more historically based efforts of this quality in the future. if you don't like the typical action well then forget about this because this is arnies biggest action film when impossible things happen like when arnies driveing with no hand and busy shooting the bad guys.if your the erson who does love his typical action films then your in he right place to buy it because your be watching it over and over until you die. ***** Highly Recommended! is put in the custody) of a group of special police cops , 6964 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a fan of the Resident Evil videogames, I was over excited to see the film. When news first sparked that the film would be made, I actually overreacted with excitement. As I sat in the movie theatre, waiting for the previews to be over, I could barely contain my excitement. I was like a little child waiting to see another Toy Story, except Resident Evil is far from being another Toy Story. 4403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes I still have my video copy of this special and I enjoy it this every holiday season! My favorite part is the holiday sing along part towards the end plus the cameo appearance by Jim Henson! This is still a great Christmas gem!! Blu-ray Special Features and Extras: The series ran for five seasons from 1971 to 1975. The primary setting for the show is 165 Eaton Place, a roomy townhouse, and the time frame spans Edwardian England, the First World War up till 1930. The series explores the lives of the upper-class Bellamy's (upstairs) and their servants (downstairs), and some of the themes covered during the show is the difference between the upper and lower classes, societal changes, the suffragette movement, marital strife, relationship problems, and the plight of the poor, among others. 7330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must have seen this movie 100 times by now. It is the reason I started fly fishing as a kid. Do yourself a favor and take 90 minutes to watch this gem! I love the scene with the young prince and his incompetent palace guards and the tale of "courageous" Sir Robin and his minstrals. The animation is very well done, like illuminated medieval manuscripts come to life. 2703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My girlfriend loves this movie! Unfortunately she makes me watch it with her all the time. It's a good cast and story! 7512 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I lived back when this movie takes place. Today's generation would have trouble understanding the agenda. It was well done but slow moving. 6679 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is quite possibly one of the worst films ever conceived. Not just made, but conceived. Milla Jovovich can't act her way out of a wet paper bag. I thought The Fifth Element illustrated that. The following people wasted their time and talent on this project: Dustin Hoffman, John Malcovich, Tchky Karyo, Faye Dunaway. The insane in your face cinematography and the disturbing screaming and gestures of Jovovich's are just awful. Why does Bravo: The Film and Arts Network include this in their 5-Star Cinema series? It's fertilizer. Alice drops her gun then lowers herself to catch it while being surrounded by umbrella soldiers, The missle launch while Racoon City's zombies are looking overhead to meet their maker, Nemesis utters; "STAAAARRSSSS" after mowing down the entire racoon city police department,etc. some may recognize Dr. Ashford's daughter as "the Red Queen" from the first movie although they didn't make it obvious enough. When all is said; Resident Evil Apocalypse is a popcorn movie, and a very good one at that. unlike Hellboy, you won't be disapointed in this one. thanks SONY! Now let's see a sequel and hopefully Alice will have one big faceoff with Wesker. 4959 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Thought it was going to be a charming funny go round with the "boys"... bored the heck out of me. Had to fast forward a couple times. Poor editing maybe. Silly comes to mind. Simple minded..another... and I like all of the actors. Something not happening for me. 7088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie What else is there to say, it's perfect. 5808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Was in the mood to watch the Resident Evil movies. Couldn't find them anywhere else but prime allows the instant purchase. I love this feature! :) Robert Musgrave rounds out the trio and gives a delightfully quirky performance as the awkward one who endures constant abuse from his brother. He cements his place in the group simply because he is the one who has the car. James Caan and Wes Anderson regular Kumar Pallana also deliver energy and comedy in their supporting roles. This film is solid storytelling. There is never a dull moment. BUY the DVD. Its worth seeing the original unedited version. Now, our daughter just watched this for the first time as she's turning 4 and the magic transcends into her generation. She was captivated by the entire show. From start to finish she was locked to the screen, dancing along with every song. see this movie if you liked the first one 2715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 go for a ride in the 60's...Jack Nicholson wins hearts with his "Here is the first of the day..." 6372 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 There was a time, long, long ago when the Silver Screen was reserved for for classics, for art, for the Golden Age of Hollywood. Those days are long gone. But at least movies had that special time. Video Games will never be regarded in this way. No matter how realistic and frightening the Resident Evil games can be the world of gaming will never be able to shed the geeky image of friendless, degenerate nerds playing for 11-hours straight. There's no glamour or admiration to be had here. And with the worlds of movies and video games merging closer and closer together (whether we like it or not) we can only expect a Sonic the Hedgehog live action movie soon (and some studio exec will probably cast Ben Affleck in the title role). I may sound like I'm talking nonsense, but, when you think about it...not really. We've already had a Super Mario Bros. movie and Double Dragon and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation and Alone in the Dark. 1734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For persons who are interested in looking into the ways in which ancient Rome went to war, this is a must-buy video. It is one of the more well-done documentaries that I have seen and does an excellent job of laying out the battle tactics, territory, major personages and instruments of Roman warfare up until about the time of the Antonine rulers. 5386 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a fun movie. Love it 1505 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have the Timothy Dalton/Zelah Clark version of Jane Eyre, the George C. Scott/Susannah York version of Jane Eyre, the Toby Stephens/Ruth Wilson version of Jane Eyre and the Ciaran Hinds/Samantha Morton version of Jane Eyre--yes, it's one of my favorite movies. Without a doubt, Ciaran Hinds' portrayal of Rochester is head and shoulders above Timothy Dalton as well as Toby Stephens. I do like Toby Stephens but Ciaran Hinds' facial expressions, his emotional portrayal of Rochester is unparalleled. Samantha Morton is a wonderful Jane, plain yet with an inner beauty, stoic and strong, unemotional on the surface but in love with Mr. Rochester. She was the ideal actress for this role. I was very disappointed with the portrayal of Jane in the Timothy Dalton/Zelah Clark version, for one thing Zelah Clark is so short compared to Dalton, I couldn't watch the movie without thinking she looked like a child in height yet older in her face than Dalton--it was very distracting for me. She also does not have the range of acting and emotion Samantha Morton gives in her performance--Clark is very bland compared to Morton. As much as I like Timothy Dalton, he isn't Rochester. The George C. Scott/Susannah York version is good, I really liked George C. Scott as Rochester but not as much as Hinds. Susannah York comes closer to Samantha Morton as Jane than any of the other versions but Samantha Morton still excels in this part. There have been several moments in the history of America, at home and abroad, where the nation faced seemingly overwhelming enemies, and abyssmally dire circumstances. This film portrays one of the first of such incidents. REAL AMERICANS take action. They lock and load, fix bayonets, ...and by the grace of God force a glorious victory from what was presumed to be an "inevitable" defeat. Be thankful that we had a REAL AMERICAN in command on Christmas Day of 1776! 9008 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It;s the story of King Arthur and his quest to find the holy grail. He collects his men, they set off on a journey together only to split up to find it and it follows their stories until they join up once again. 1966 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 add on to my library :) 3598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for a friend who lives in an Assisted Living Facility. It was packaged perfectly and arrived in perfect condition. She loves the movie. The last third of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, secretly filmed in an Alabama warehouse, has some of the most spectacular visual effects in movie history and won Vilmos Zsigmond a Cinematography Oscar for his brilliant work, in tandem with at least five other cinematographers all over the world, including Douglas Slocombe in northern India. (The great Douglas Trumbull gets Visual Effects credit, along with Spielberg.) Legendary French filmmaker Francois Truffaut has a nice supporting role as a French scientist who initially wants to know what Dreyfuss knows. But he turns out benign. This was one of the first mainstream Hollywood movies to treat extra-terrestrials sympathetically. (Spielberg's E.T. was still five years in the future.) And it is still one of the best ever, helped immeasurably by John Williams' ethereal score and an innate intelligence toward UFOs. Young Guffey's final scene is particularly lovely as he waves goodbye to the departing spaceship. 6657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I thought Paul Anderson has done a really good job at directing this movie, and 2 of the cast members doing a funny audio commentary with one of the director's producing buddies. I'd give this movie 4 stars, because I've been a fan of video game based movies, after seeing Super Mario Brothers in 93' and Paul Anderson's "Mortal Kombat" in 95'. I would have given this 5 stars, if the movie wasn't too short and extended by 10-20 minutes. But I definitly gotta catch the sequel whenever it comes out. 2672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Receive track in excellent condition thanks 1038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 5 Stars = Masterpiece Anybody familiar with German director Wolfgang Petersen will recognize the affinity between "Air Force One" and his earlier classic U-boat thriller "Das Boot"/"The Boat" (1981). The casting of "Das Boot" star Jurgen Prochnow as the heinous General Radek aids in this comparison. Moreover, Petersen sends his highly mobile and energetic cameras plunging about the corridors of "Air Force One" with the same dexterity that they swept through the hull of the sub in "Das Boot." Despite a connect-the-dots plot, Petersen makes every dot a fire storm of intensity. The scene where the President's jet careens wildly across the airfield in Germany and nearly crashes is pretty harrowing. Stay Tuned 1. Leading Guy/Hottie: FREDDIE PRINZE JR.! (sigh) Masterpiece Theatre has spoiled this Great BBC Production of Dickens Great Expectations with it's Commentary (even though they think they are being helpful- but are not) and poor DVD. 9863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is really excellent. But, be aware that information provided by Amazon is confusing. This version IS NOT WIDESCREEN. And, in this case, I strongly recommend the widescreen version. 231 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of the best Scrooge movies out. Henry Winkler outdoes himself. The casting is excellent and the music and theme old but very relevant. Oded Fehr does pretty a pretty good job with the limited character Carlos Olivera, he's never too macho and his character is quite likable (much like Nicholai was). Most of all the music is well fitted and plays best on the most important parts of movie overall. Best of all, Resident Evil: Apocalypse deals heavily with the video games in only a way the fanboys of the games would recognize. All in all this movie was up-to-specs and majorly different from the horde of Horror movies concerning the Undead that came out in 2004. There are indeed, plot holes big enough to stick your finger through but this does nothing to diminish the movie's high-rate enjoyment. Purchase this movie if your a fan of Milla Jovovich or the Resident Evil series, but consider this movie with an open mind. This movie contains brief scenes of nudity, mild-swearing, gory scenes, frightening images, and nonstop action violence (Written by Paul Anderson, Directed by Alexander Witt). FYI: The female protagonists, Jill and Alice are not "scantly dressed" they're quite covered with clothing for combat and easy mobility -----[a 5 out of 5] This disastrous movie (but what could you expect from the director of pitiful "Mortal Kombat", also based upon a video game?) is a good proof that money and technology don't always do good to cinema. 3249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Will this movie ever stop being funny? It's so wonderful and entertaining, with such a great cast of ladies. Dolly Parton and Shirley MacLaine were my two favorite of them all. It's about a woman choosing between life and death in order to have a child no thanks to her diabetes. But she has her mother and friends to help along the way. It's touching and really well done. One of the best films out there. 535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 they did a very good job taking the book of Luke, studying it. and doing tons of research how the lived in the time of Jesus. A very good cast for the movie. Get-A-Way 4252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent "Anna Karenina" starring Sophie Marceau, Sean Bean, James Fox, Phyllida Law and Alfred Molina. This movie was initially rated PG, but upon the (ultimately stupid and late) decision to include brief rear male nudity and an "F" word (which were really not neccessary), was re-rated PG-13. Whaddya say, Tom....huh? You may of course feel differently, but the movie as it stands remains largely a psychological study of two men, rather than any war-action piece. The singing is spotty, the musical numbers are all over the place, the little girl is highly annoying, the film is borderline preposterous and Albert Finney looks bored but we never are (bored that is). The great thing about `Annie' is that no matter how bad it really is you can't help but like it. I've seen this movie a hundred times (granted I was very little for the majority of them) and I could watch it again tomorrow (bet you're bottom dollar). 8985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Tis but a flesh wound 2745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. One of my all time favorite movies. This is one experience I heartily recommend. He wins, but you'll need to watch to find out how :) The packaging is pretty nice and colorful with a nice foldout poster and great colorful picture book inside as well. I have taken a picture of my set to add to this review. Enjoy this movie for what it is, pure Sci-Fi fantasy greatness! The sound is awesome on the set as well and even more enhanced for the Blu-ray editions. with commentary also look closely on season 4 for extra bonus features Thank You!! 1754 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie! Great history and information about Washington and his army crossing the Delaware River during the American Revolution. Really enjoyed this movie. It really makes you appreciate the hardships and dedication of George Washington and his troops. 9694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies of all time. The first Resident Evil movie surprised me because I was mildy entertained by it but I did not enjoy it nearly as much as this one. Of course if you're expecting an Oscar-worthy blockbuster here you will be disappointed but if you just want some good ol' mindless movie-watching fun, I recommend Resident Evil: Apocolypse. The producers seem as if they really put some effort into making this movie an enjoyable experience and not out for the fast buck. Matter-of-fact, I really wouldn't mind owning this movie. 2584 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent outstanding movie. My personal all time favorite Dolly Parton movie. But in my opinion Shirley MacLaine made this movie playing Weazer. She was brilliant in the role. But all the women in the movie were wonderful. This is a must have for any movie collection. If your a fan of Dolly Parton like I am it's a must have. This is a movie you will be watching over & over again for years to come. Worth Buying!!! Julia Roberts is also amazing in it. Also, the Blu-Ray came with a Wal-Mart price sticker on it. Whaaaat? 3952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters is the best movie I have ever seen. It has a place in my heart that no other movie can have. I have always been interested in stories about UFO's and this was the firs movie I ever saw in the theaters that dealt with them. When viewing this film back in the late 70's, I was just mesmerized in a way that no other movie has been able to achieve again. 2172 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this movie several times, but never get tired of it. But what ultimately sets this film apart from standard sci-fi action flicks is the EDITING. I studied this film hard the second time I watched the DVD. IT REALLY IS A MARVEL of MONTAGE, STORYBOARDING, JUMP CUTS, FAST EDITS, DISSOLVES, and EFFECTS EDITING. All I can say is WOW!! It is hyper-kinetic, which I know, turns a lot of people off. But, if you like the new wave of hyper-kinetic action film, you're gonna love this. 6537 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved how actor Paul Brooke went from his priestly duties (The Messenger - 1999) of hearing the 2 or 3 times a day confession of young Joan of Arc, to auctioning off the Phantom of the Opera's (2004 film) glass chandelier in Paris, France in 1919. Paul Brooke is the KING of opening scenes. He was the star of the opening scenes in both films. Very distinctive voice. 2294 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What happens when the leader of the free world gets hijacked on his own airplane? A damn fine movie! There are a handful of weak episodes, mainly from series 6 and 7. I suppose after writing so many episodes the ideas began to dry up. Yes, I've seen LAST ACTION HERO many times and will many more! 122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great A -LOT- of pictures from the film, and not all by Terry Gilliam! It includes promotional material and a whole bunch of other stuff. That scene, in the hospital, tears in his eyes...UGH. 4557 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Seventh Sign is a pure religion sub-genre addition. Some may instead view as more of a drama but the horror elements are there and it was classed in our genre. 879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Paul gilbert showing some of his favorite chops, a true innovator of the 80's 751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids 6&4 loved it. I'd rather not go too much into a plot synopsis. If you have read "Luke," you probably already have an idea of what is to follow. I can however say that the film is done with a beautiful style that has dignity and is not overdone. Brian Deacon (Jesus) doesn't play the role with the same intensity that Robert Powell did in "Jesus of Nazareth." But Deacon gives the role a gentle dignity. He gives a real feeling of beauty to the lessons. And while he doesn't have the same fierceness during Jesus' frustrations as Robert Powell did, we can feel his frustration when he gets annoyed. 5764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sweet international trader highly recommended to all. 5513 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After I finished reading the truly horrible script for the 2011 remake of Fright Night I found myself with a new appreciation of the original movie. 4055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "Stepmom" is an arresting existential drama about the lives and times of a fragmented couple(Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris) with two kids. He has a fiance (Julia Roberts) who has to deserve and then to win respect and affection from these two sensitive children whose unerring behavior is perpetual motive of comparison respect her. In order to melt this emotional iceberg, Roberts who is a successful professional photographer, will have to fight very hard to occupy her own place in the new state of things. 3981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No matter how often I see this movie I still end up a crying baby. Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts makes this movie go over the top... the little boy helps bring many laughs especially in screens that is wonderful. 8043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is one of my all time favorites, for so many reasons. Robin Williams gives an amazing performance. Mercedes Ruehl has many of the best lines in the film-an awesome actress. i could watch Michael Jeter singing to Amanda Plummer a million times and never grow tired of it-he steals the whole movie with this one scene! so much of the dialogue is touchingly funny and sweet.i also love the music used in the movie.this is a great film,with great performances; i love it. In conclusion, if you dare watch this insufferable abomination, you had better have a pair of "frownies" on hand; Rochester's scowl is that infectious! I love this movie. It has truly sad moments, and many powerful scenes, this film is a time capsule in the best way possible, given a good state of hippie culture at the tie this film was released, and should be mandatory viewing along with "Woodstock" to give a broad picture of those turbulent times. This was the first movie to EVER to rock(I mean rock, not rock'n roll, which truly are two separate types of music) music in it as the soundtrack. This is a landmark film, it has major killer tunes from The Byrds, Steppen Wolf, Jimmy Hendrix, and many others. A team of military guys enter a secret facility to "save the world". People die, only few make it out alive. 4558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is great!, Great story, great acting...very acurrate historically and inspirational to watch. Loved all the characters and I thought it was super throughout. now the second movie, a tab bit less story, but still had a story to keep it motivated and not to be dull (slow moving or to drag the story out) at any parts. some parts seem redone in other movies, like the graveyard scene with the dead coming out of the graves. well is resident evil 3 the game this happenes, and what is the movie based on? can anyone help me here... THE GAME! that's right! so not only is it a great action sequence, but also taking from the game as well for the fans. this is how you make good action movies and people will not relize that this is one. has there been a good action movie lately without a bunch of CG effects in it that makes it look cartoonish? this movie uses alittle, but it mostly stunts, and that is how most of them should be. 56 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved watching "American Christmas Carol". Tradition in our family. 5355 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another great classical movie, a must add to the 80's collection. Love it. -Scott Kolecki 9664 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It was alright If you like random/odd endings (especally Monty Python endings) then you will love this ending, if not you will probably hate the ending. But don't let you think this is a bad film it has laugh's all the way through and is one of the great comedy's of all time if not one of the top ten films of all time. If you like to laugh just buy it. 112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow. Didnt think I'd like this as much as I do! You never think "The Fonz" when watching this version of the classic story. Three quarters through this movie I hated Winklers character!! What a creep! Arnold just simply rocks in any movie and this is one of them to add to your collection now Geth in da Choppaahh ! Frankly, I don't think there are enough romantic comedies these days worth watching. With the high ratings on Amazon, it seems to be a hit with a lot of people filling a need for crazy love. The writers of "Upstairs Downstairs" leave in the details of the human relationships that the characters have, as they act out the scenes. 5831 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great condition 203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed this movie because it was much easier to relate to than the original English classic version. I had watched parts of it on TV many years ago. 9847 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 IIn some dystopian future, date unspecified, our descendants are on the cusp of a brave new world in which designer babies become the norm. Shortly before this technological achievement our hero comes upon the scene with all of the normal faults and frailties that mortal flesh is usually heir to. Having forked out for the specs necessary to redress the faults in his vision his parents decide to spend their cash second time around ensuring his brother has no need of such artificial aids. In due course the younger son surpasses his brother in the usual childhood games and is well on the way to fulfilling all of his parents aspirations and repaying their investment when Vincent, the elder and imperfect son, decides that his home life isn't doing his self esteem any favours and leaves to find his imperfect way in the perfect world bequeathed to his favoured sibling. He obtains a job as a cleaner at Gattaca, an institution whose existence depends upon selecting and training only the most ideal human specimens to continue humanity's quest for the stars. Demonstrating that crime is always a corollary of social injustice the movie has Vincent obviously managing to save enough from his cleaner's wage to take advantage of the black market in false identities and we meet Jude Law, the antithesis of Vincent in many ways: the golden boy made bad. They `swap' identities and Vincent becomes the `perfect' Jerome and begins to take pleasure in all the fruits that perfect specimens, or `valids' enjoy as part of their birthright, including those provided by off-screen wife, Uma Thurman in the person of the perfectly lovely Irene. He gets accepted for flight crew training at Gattaca and loses no opportunity to gaze at the stars his soon to be destination if all goes well! Fonda and Hopper arrive in New Orleans at the height of Mardi Gras, and cavort around an Orleans cemetary with two hookers (Toni Basil, Karen Black) during an acid trip. But dismayed by what they've seen, they beat a hasty retreat and continue east. Fonda realizes the futility of their journey now. He tells Hopper, "We blew it." Their journey comes to an end on a Florida highway when Hopper flicks off two rednecks in a truck, who then proceed to blow both him and Fonda off the road. These two very different brothers are the focus of the story. They love to fly fish, and enjoy this one sport with their strict but loving father. Norman comes home from college and sees his brother's life become unraveled by the usual sins of gambling, wild women and drinking. Certainly one of the less known Anderson films, this one still comes highly recommended, just not as highly as his more recent works. JSG In conclusion, the film establishes a GREAT cliffhanger for a sequel, which I would definitely line up to watch! 1052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Take the Money and Run is a very funny Woody Allen comedy released in 1969 between What's Up Tiger Lily? and Bananas. This excellent Korean transfer is the only widescreen version of the film available. There are some extra features available if your Korean is better than mine (non-existent). 7629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Movie Is In Some Parts A Heart Breaker, Won't Give Away The Plot But and there is rain. 540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are many films about our Lord and Savior out there, and they usually offer something different. 3778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When a film so knocks you off your feet everytime you watch it; when a film that is so sensually created and crafted with such magic as only the mastermind of Spielberg can create; when a film can evoke emotions in its watcher and choke them up, without trying to hide it in front of friends, family and the like; when a film can so catch the inner youth of angst when looking up into the nights sky and dreaming with every creative joint you can muster; when a film's cinematograhy can be so visually stunning and so imaginative, that you are completely in awe; that is when you can honestly sit around on some idle Sunday in May, and share the film again with people and everyone around you says they have goosebumps, and you know there is another reason to be alive. That is the way Close Encounters makes me feel; when I was 8, 18 and 28. Spielberg has created such masterpieces that have shaped our lives. I thank him. I thank him. 9669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very smart and creative writing. Excellent casting and acting. One for the DVD Library! Although this sequel clearly had a much bigger budget than the original film, director Alexander Witt has kept it credible and didn't use digital technology to bombard your senses and keep your mind of the lack of a decent storyline. Rather than making you feel like you're watching a computer- made movie where nothing seems real, the special effects help create a desolate and panicky atmosphere with credible characters who struggle to survive in a city that's infested with their undead compatriots, partially decayed K-9s and other creepy lifeforms. The scene where one survivor has to go up against a class of elementary school zombies is just terrifying. -An American Christmas Carol is unique in many ways. Slade doesn't believe he's evil or even a miser; he's just a practical businessman. On Christmas Eve he and his employee, Thatcher, go out in their truck to repossess items - to take back what is rightly his, Slade says. When carolers show up at Slade's door, he doesn't chase them away with a stick like Scrooge did, he congratulates them on their wonderful singing and offers them a present: A small book he printed up at his own expense on how to save money and make yourself a future. Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and her best friend and roommate Karla (Brandy) win a radio compition and win a holliday for four to the bahamas. Karla takes her boyfriend Tyrell (Mekhi Phifer) and Julie takes her new love interest Will (Matthew Settle). The arrive and check into their hotel (which I admitt, was a bit of an unrealistic point of the film as there are only five or six staff members and seemingly no other guests, however it is the "off-season"). The real clincher for me that decided its three star rating was the commentary. It presents the situation of four (the most I've ever heard) people in a room: Milla, Michelle, producer Jeremy Bolt, and director Paul W.S. Anderson. Because of this turmoil, the commentary plays like having four people behind you at the theater: three film students, and their ditzy blonde friend, with Milla playing the part of the latter. I loved her as Leeloo, and I think she's an accomplished and attractive actress, but damn, is she annoying. The commentary rarely answers any questions that the viewer might have about the film, and when the director or producer is about to, Milla typically interrupts to talk about her topless scene, or something else trivial. 3859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How could I have missed this blu-ray release of one of my favourites?! I always look for surprise release treasures on blu-ray and found this amongst them. An excellent transfer, with a touching tale of real life best friends Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon, who had been looking for a project with strong female roles to take on together for a long time. And they found it! The insight we gain into Travis's character could not have been done any better: we see Travis as the outsider who watches New York City and its people go by as people take rides in his taxi cab. He meets a good intentioned politician and many not so admirable characters as well. All along, we increasingly see that Travis is ever more on the outside looking in; and he's often remarkably disgusted and enraged about the not so happy quality of life issues in the city. 10 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 REALLY ENJOYED 2597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is the best proof that stage comedies do not transfer well to the screen. The comedy lines that play well on stage sound forced and badly delivered in a movie and it's like they are trying to make the first part of the movie all comedy lines. The badly done comedy scenes are spaced here and there throughout the movie. I think it's just badly directed because some of the comedy lines are really funny but they sound so forced and artificial that you just cringe. The drama scenes are for the most part very well done and well acted. It's a good story with a lot of very good characters. I found the forced southern accents badly done. I'm from the south and I know what is natural and what isn't. But, all in all, it's an enjoyable movie. 3043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you can't handle the counter culture movement of the late 60s and early 70s and all that went with it (hippies, drugs, free sex and communes) I suggest staying away from "Easy Rider." For everyone else, this is an excellent period piece from 1969 that explores the nature of freedom and the quest thereof. his tenderness first. But both play outstanding roles. While trying to develop the peace, Marvin reads a military manual that mandates troops always to kill the enemy. Their keen attention to the nonverbals, even as both seem not to be observing is a case study for those intererested 5796 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this used, disc was clean and so was the box. save a dollar or two. same features as the dvd so i gave that copy away. 7498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The whole family enjoyed this quality musical. 4001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it I was not expecting much from this film, being the only reason I purchased it was to add to my collection of Jessica Alba films, but I was greatly surprised with the results. The film is a perfect blend of horror related comedy, kind of amongst the lines of other horror-comedy films such as "Shaun of the Dead", "Young Frankenstein", "Evil Dead" and more recently "Zombieland". Being a blend of these two genres means that one cannot take the film seriously, so do not expect award winning writing or acting, it's meant more as a parody of the horror genre. As long as you know what to expect from this movie you will gladly enjoy a few good laughs and find yourself indulging in a highly underrated film. 9538 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie 2561 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 5045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not capable to say, as many people says, if Travis, this taxi driver, is a madman or is more sane than the majority. But for me, one thing is clear: he will kill more times. Why this conclusion? In many ways, Williamss talent didn't exactly mesh with the silver screen, but he had so much obvious ability that you had to find a way to use him or you weren't being true to the concept of art. In some films he gives tremendous reserved performances such as in Good Will Hunting, but I think that unless directors can utilize the mania, they really aren't taking full advantage of what Williams can do. The sketches become a film without you even noticing, i have seen it many many times and i see something new every single time. What makes python great is you never know what they are thinking so everytime you see a scene you see it in a different way. The nights who say ni are perhaps the most famous, but lets not forget 'roger the shrubber' or the gorilla turning the pages of the book... the black night... the three headed knight... the professor... or the wedding... i could do the whole film right here for you but you know what, i wont, go and buy the DVD, ESPECIALLY if you haven't seen the film, where have you been? 5672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great "Taxi Driver" changes gears so many times you really don't know where this film is heading. It makes so little sense and De Niro's performance is so uneven, you don't know if he's doing it on purpose or he's just a bad actor. 561 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Slavishly faithful to the Gospel of Luke, this by-the-numbers retelling of Jesus's life never develops dramatic momentum. As cinema, it's just plain dull; the photography is washed-out (as it was even when the film was new), the zoom lens is overused, and the special effects, minimal as they are, get really cheesy. Everything is exposition, and it's not terribly competent exposition at that. 697 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I haven't watched this DVD but have been checking them out for potential purchase. The Zondervan website shows several DVDs in the series: The Parables of Jesus; The Life of Jesus; The Miracles of Jesus; The Prayers of Jesus; The Forgiveness of Jesus; The Last Days of Jesus. Also, I cant find in any of the reviews the length of time in minutes of the videos; the Zondervan website says: three hours of teaching per DVD by Bible professors who know how to communicate the world of the biblical text to today's world. I hope this helps someone. 9120 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Liked the stage version so much better. Love British humour but this was even a wee bit bizarre for them. Did not help that the case for the dvd did come damaged as well, could return but probably will give as a gift to someone who will enjoy more than I. I would skip this and just enjoy on youtube. 7391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great "Fog" - When foreign committee members arrive in London for a meeting, they find themselves stalked by the "Gaslight Ghoul," a Victorian killer with a modern motive. One thing we learn immediately about Chaney. This middle-aged man can obliterate opponents. He is hard but not sadistic. He just doesn't believe wasting time or anything else. Chaney is the kind of man all men wished they could be. He is cool and collected regardless of the situation. While we immediately know he can take care of himself, the only question is will he take care of anyone else? This is a great cat-and-mouse thriller, that just happens to be about a vampire instead of a mere serial killer. The script is clever, the performances good. Chris Sarandon is charming and menacing, in equal measure, as Dandridge. Roddy McDowall gets to play cowardly hero as the first person Charlie gets to believe him - a late-night horror movie host/has-been actor, who sets out to cure Charlie of his "delusion" and instead meets the devil next door. A pre-Married With Children adorable Amanda Bearse plays Charlie's girlfriend. Now the bad: The Blu-Ray version doesn't have any extras except for Director's Commentary (which was on the DVD) and "Blu-Ray Live." A serious disappointment for me! The criticism for the film's lack of historical accuracy makes me laugh. Some reviewers fervently deride some of the films events, as if they were witnesses to the historical reality. These events happened almost 600 years ago. Much of the "facts" about Joan's life come from testimony twenty years after her death, when her family was trying to reverse the guilty verdict. Joan was already a legend, and the testimony of her reality was certainly already tinged by her fame. Followed by Fright Night Part II (1989), with William Ragsdale and Roddy McDowall. 1789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every has visons of Christmas morning - waking up, opening presents, But in 1776 Washington and te Continental Army crossed a nearly frozen Delaware River. This is that story. But this story goes into some personality traits and some of his men. Highly recommended at a time when it has become chick to belittle our foundng father. The only part of this movie I really hate is the ending. It completely stunk, and made me agree that it was only a two and a half star movie. There are a lot of people who still like this movie and I hink it's great. But to give this film three stars is silly. 174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good working order 4390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When my kiddies were much younger, Sesame Street was a daily treat for them. As they grew older, they enjoyed the Muppet movies and seeing their familiar and favorite characters again. When the Muppet Family Christmas first aired on TV, we recorded it on our VCR, but it was a terrible print -- very fuzzy. To now have a DVD with a great copy of the show, we can enjoy it again with our kiddies and their kiddies. 543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I found this movie on YouTube and wanted it to use in Sunday School. I try to collect all of the movies about Jesus and this one was good. At the court, Davis' looks were lacking energy and interest... His voice trembled with rage and affliction when he delivered a despairing frantic speech accusing the prosecuting attorney and the judge... 2179 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very enjoyable film Regardless, this movie set is fantastic, and the special effects are terrific. I had never seen the movie, until I purchased this set. Recently, I enjoyed the film, and I recommend this edition. Chaney idly wanders into an illicit prize fight. This isn't a boxing arena with its Marquis of Queensbury rules. This is bare knuckle street fighting where there are no referees and few rules. Head butts, biting and kicking along with kidney punches are perfectly legal. Each fighter works with a gambler. Odds are given and bets are taken. Then the mayhem begins. The two children, Sarandon's and Harris' children are played extremely well. For their ages, they act similar to what would happen. The younger boy doesn't feel much different except asks 'mommy, if you want me to hate her [meaning Julia Roberts], I will' - typical for a young boy to side with his mother but also not be angry at the other woman in his fathers life only because he doesn't quite understand yet. The daughter however is like pin point. She's angry and doesn't seem to give Isabelle [Roberts] a chance. When Isabelle brings home a puppy to try and win her love, she exclaims she's allergic to dogs but is actually lying. She doesn't want Isabelle to think she is giving her any part of her. She "hates" her. The movie is mainly focused on how Anna hates Isabelle and how they bond. The unrealistic part is how Roberts character and Sarandon's character coexist towards the end. I'm not saying it could never happen but it's a little over the top. In all, this is a good family film, a good movie for people going through that type of situation, I somewhat wished I had seen it before or while I was going through the same thing. 2566 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic story about love, friendships, acceptance and how to deal with tragedy. One of my all time favorites! 4948 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While DeNiro might be ruining his legacy with movies that do not deserve even the mention of his name ("Silver Linings Playbook" is an exception and maybe a sign of good to come). We have movies like this to remind us why he terrified us and why we thought and knew he was a masterful talent I swear, Paul Anderson is films version of Piers Anthony (sp?). He doesn't know how to end a movie, so he stops them all on some freaking Joss Weadon cliffhanger. 6) The origin of a line (that's been re-stated in uncountable movies since) impeccably delivered In a nutshell, though not a masterpiece it will provide for an evening's entertainment. 3612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For those who love si fi movies, this is one of them that I enjoyed watching on Tv and being that this is going to be a gift to an elderly couple, I am sure they too will enjoy it. To think that Hitch's blonde in "Vertigo" had music in her veins, Kim Novack was a good foil for Sinatra's antics on and off stage. But it took Rita Hayworth to put him in his place. She was the star from Knob Hill. Why does he go down the Chimney? 4670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not something I want to watch again soon. Love the scene with the psycho cab passenger and the one where de Niro takes that stuck up bh to a porn movie. Totally sick. The movie's quite simple: after a very strange encounter with bright flying lights one evening, everyman Roy Neary starts experiencing compulsions and visions related to a particular mountain and a particular strain of music. Apparently people all over the world are also having similar encounters and subsequent visions. The visions draw Roy and his compatriots to a Wyoming mountain, where all signs point to an impending world-shaking encounter with aliens. Meanwhile, the American government is also aware of the impending meeting; its agents are doing everything they can to secure the area. Roy must evade these agents to reach the mountain so he can respond to the celestial invitation he's been given. It's a slow burn of a movie, more about how someone normal responds to an extraordinary situation than about the actual mechanics of aliens and spaceships. It doesn't whizbang with car chases and shootouts, but that's a big part of its charm (when a group of government scientists break into an office in one scene to steal a large globe, I cheer every time that thing thumps into the hallway as they roll it away--it's such a human moment; yes, they don't really need the globe, but it's so exciting to see anyway). And when someone considers the year in which this movie was made, its special effects become all the more impressive. I find these older movies very charming because their special effects had to be made by hand. ..Thankfully it was only 108 minutes long-- anything beyond that would have been torture! In an interview with Film Comment magazine, Spielberg once summed up his abilities by saying, "I sort of know what works." It's true. What's also true is Close Encounters works despite making very little sense - if start asking obvious questions the whole story begins to fall apart. No matter. Spielberg communicates subliminally to moviegoers so effectively that they willingly buy on, whatever the logical shortcomings. Along with the director's considerable skills at cinematic storytelling, the movie boasts dazzling and groundbreaking visual effects by Douglas Trumbull; gorgeous, Oscar-winning cinematography by Vilmos Zsigmond, and possibly the best work that composer John Williams has ever done. It's an absolute crowd-pleaser. Phil's Favorite 500: Loves of a Moviegoing Lifetime (2014 edition) 2876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Easy Rider" does more for movies than any other when it comes to dealing with the conclusion of the 1960's, one of the most turbulent tmes in American history. People wanted to live "free" lives and be their own self after the killings of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King and so many other prominent figures in U.S. society. Men and women wanted to be free spirits to find their own way in life which meant doing drugs, having sex when they wanted and basically being themselves. Performances: 5/5 (I'm still shocked nobody won an Oscar) 5460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie years ago and Chirs Sarandon made a delicious vampire. Although it wasn't as scary as I would have liked, it was a fun movie. He soon secures a lowly job at the "Gattaca Aerospace Corporation," a private space institute that at this time is planning a manned space mission to one of the moons of Saturn. (Saturn is the sixth planet of our solar system.) At this time Vincent meets a genetically enhanced person named Jerome Eugene Morrow (Jude Law). But Jerome is special. Why? Because he is disabled and even though he is nearly genetically perfect, his disability makes him useless in a world obsessed with perfection. Jerome helps Vincent try to achieve his dream. I loved Shirley McClaine, who is an outspoken woman, and her friend Olympia Dukakis. Dolly Parton, who owns the beauty shop, and Daryl Hannah who is befriended by Dolly and the others and who has a past that they were all curious about. It is a story that could take place in just about any town, but it took special talent to put it together to make it so wonderful. It has everything-comedy, drama, and sadness, all put together harmoniously. That's where the acting comes in. All the actors here are a part of this new The quality of the shows does go down a bit in the middle of the run. The characterization of the female characters is uneven - often what they do does not make sense based on how they are developed earlier. I really miss the first Mrs. Rumpole, after she leaves for health reasons. 6330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I feel that both of these films are somewhat underrated. They were hurt by critics who sort of missed the point and by video gamers who expected them to be carbon-copies of the games. They are, simply, very good zombie movies - lots of campy fun, great action, and even some genuine scares. They're just fun to watch, and one of the big reasons for that is Milla - who looks great and is just perfect for this role, simultaneously strong and vulnerable. (An earlier review said these were among her first films - in fact, she has been acting since 1991, when she famously appeared nude at age 14 in "Return to the Blue Lagoon". She is a veteran actress with nearly 20 films to her credit.) This movie made me stop and think, in the not to distant future this could happen. 7. The Elevator And for a bit of trivia: It was in this episode that Barbara Eden was pregnant. The extensive veil from her headpiece wrapped about her midsection hid her pregnancy. Eden's first husband would later play the wicked genie - 'The Blue Djinn' - who imprisoned Jeannie in the first color episode of the series. These facts are from the book "Dreaming of Jeannie: TV's Primetime in a Bottle", by Steve Cox -- which I own. Thank you, 9367 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Truth be told, I HATE when people call things "classic" because it's usually a word used to describe many things that don't deserve such a designation. To call somehting classic, it has to have been absorbed so completely into society that it's essentially common knowledge. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is such a thing. If one doubts this, just go up to practically anyone and say "I am Arthur, King of the Britons" and I'll bet you 9 out of 10 will reply in falsetto female voice "I didn't know we had a king!" Thus is the phenomenon that is Holy Grail. This special edition delivers a great deal of additional fun as well, including a facinating tour of Holy Grail shooting locations from Michael Palin and Terry Jones, and the entire script can be superimposed as you watch(yeah, like we all don't know the lines already) Bottom line: GET THIS DVD, and BRING ME SOME SHRUBBERIES!!!!!! Or else...(you know!) Could it be used to extract information from even the most dangerous of spies? Definitely. 4241 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good 264 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "An American Christmas Carol "is different in some ways from the original " A Christmas Carol ". At least the characters names are changed in this movie. I have seen many versions of this story and have enjoyed all of them. This is not my most favorite version of all,but it is maybe my fourth favorite. I like the original story better, that is why I gave it 4 stars. It does do a good job of telling the story of Scrooge, even with the name changes. It is the same general idea. I would recommend it to anyone who likes the original story. 9542 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Very slow and boring. 3751 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this has to be by far my favoriate movie of all time. It really makes you want to belive in life outside of our universie and to have it on DVD is even better. Screenplay: Dorothy Kingsley and John O'Hara (from the musical play book) Look for Lance Henrickson in a small role. He'd later appear as one of the Mercury 7 in "The Right Stuff," and investigate the unknown on "Millenium." And Carl "Apollo Creed" Weathers as a National Guardsman! 6510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I didn't care for the first one. I thought it was too slow. This one however revived the series. As the rating board says on the movie, in fine print under the R rating "Non stop violence and gore" need I say more? Mine plays wonderfully. Maybe there was a glitch in the production of this edition, and it was corrected, and the one I bought, was manufactured after. Maybe. Just a guess. So it looks as though I am one of the lucky ones. My overall opinion a horrible movie, would have been great if it was actually funny. But the war is only a part of the story line, albeit an important one. We come to know the Bellamys and their servants almost as well as our own family. In fact, they seem to become a part of our family, so real are the stories and the performances of the actors. Rarely have actors in a television series ever been able to provide so much depth of characterization. This is due largely to the fine direction and superb dialogue of the scripts for each episode of the series. 7224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 old time favorite 3685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great black comedy horror film that seems to be forgotten. Entertaining story about a stoner who is so lazy that he loses control of his right hand and it starts killing people when it becomes possessed by a demon. person in the movie who can half-way act, and at best he gives 4465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This, i guess, is the exception that proves the rule. Almost all sequels are worse (not always bad, just a bit less enjoyable) than the originals films which spawned them. 6742 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It seems that Luc Besson is capable of reaching deep inside of this Milla Jojovich and bringing out a beautiful monster. Her portrayal of one of the least understood of our most famous icons is intense, and thoughtful - bringing the viewer full circle around the character of Joan of Arc. 1262 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This has got to be one of the worse movies ever. Especially since the elements to make an interesting movie were already there. Story. Characters. They even had decent actors. The dialogue was terrible. Amanda Bearse plays "Amy" who is also the perfect female lead. As you know Miss Bearse went on to co-star in the Fox tv series "Married With Children" (1986-1997). Bearse announced in 1993 on a "Comedy Central" special that she was lesbian. She currently has an daughter. 9777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the most compelling stories of the future of genetic manipulation of the human genome. Much of what is in the film is ocurring as I write this. Slow but dramatic. I've used this in classes I've taught about the social ramifications of genetic modifications. 4278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 That's right this re-release from Mill Creek restores this film back to Widescreen format, why Columbia Pictures didn't keep it that way on DVD is just plain nonsense & stupid, I mean I know it didn't shatter box office records, but still that is no excuse, A big thanks to Mill Creek for restoring it to Widescreen, there isn't much I can say that hasn't been said about this one, this had a lot of competition in the summer of '93, films like "Cliffhanger" & "Jurassic Park" for starters & later on "In the line of Fire" & "The Fugitive", but this one is still fun to watch, If you are a fan of Arnold, this is a must have. This film, along with Star Wars revolutionized not only special effects but blockbusters in general. I've never seen another film that weaves both music and special effects so beautifully. 7087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this film when it originally aired on TV. I enjoyed the film so I purchased it. I love mountain climbing and wish I could do more of it. Films like this remind me just how dangerous the sport can be. 3075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In 1969, the film "Easy Rider" debuted with much fanfare in America. Not only would the film receive distinction as an important film that depicted the late 60's in America but it would be the first Independent film to be created with a low budget (under $400,000) and made $19 million dollars in the box office. And help install confidence for the film studios that a Independent films can be successful and also a film created on a low budget can be successful as well. Not only that, the film would be groundbreaking in that it used contemporary rock music at that time by The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Byrds, Steppenwolf and more. 848 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this for my 2 year old son. He loves the songs and is learning to count along. From the parent's perspective, it's catchy but not terribly annoying, even when on the inevitable toddler repeat loop. Bottom line: If you like Action Movies and a good bit of satire, get Last Action Hero not without faults, i didn't like toward the end, implying she was inspired by the devil...and SOME like that other Joan movie better, but i think the joan in it was not so good an actor...but then some loved it! i've seen it twice now, to try to see what i missed, but... have seen The Messenger 8 times. Glenn Close plays a superb Vice-President. In the movie the President's family on the surface mirrors Bill Clinton's, wife with a teenage , blonde headed daughter. Too bad reality is so different. 1473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am happy with my purchase. I would buy from seller again. We checked it out...Amazon had th film and it arrived two days later in the mail. 9113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 British humor at its best or worse depending on your likes and dislikes of British humor if it can be called humor The first DVD also includes footage of the fight in the Pacific; we see our men fighting to capture islands in the Pacific that could be sued as bases for important military maneuvers including the Enola Gay flight that would drop "the bomb" on Japan. 3358 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Steven Spielberg...the development of Richard Dreyfess as a major acting star combined with the advancements special effects in this film was an insight into the future of the film industry for years to come. 790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best children's videos to introduce other holidays and traditions in addition to Christmas. So glad I bought it. 15 years later, I still ended squating on my sofa while watching the DVD version...I guess old habbits dies hard! Robert DeNiro, already a veteran or soon-to-be-star of many classics of the period, owns Bickles' troubled soul and is thoroughly believable of a failed "hero." Its not so strange that the only time someone else truly connects with him is when they both have a sense of violent helplessness of their own situations, namely the grocer Travis saves by blowing the would-be robber of his store's brains out. 1) "The Murder Market" takes Steed and Emma undercover at a marriage bureau, ending with Steed rescuing Emma from being buried alive as she gets too close to the "black widows" at the center of this evil plot A word should be said about the special features here: while it's a treat to have a ticket to the less ambitious "Resident Evil: Apocalypse", fans of the original will find the six segments on the special effects centerpieces of the film tasty, particularly in the mix between good old-fashioned animatronics and CGI. The alternate ending is amusing for completists, if only to show just how critical a solid editor can be. And without a doubt, the hysterical main commentary track with Anderson, Jovovich, and Rodriguez is worth the price of admission alone. Lucky, lucky Paul Anderson. 6093 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Many reviewers ridicule the method used to try and smuggle the drugs in this movie, but back in the early 1970's (when the film was based) these kind of methods actually took place. Yes, people are stupid for doing these things ... but it's hard not to have compassion for them when they are served lifetime sentences. 3596 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 There was 3rd encounters. A playful yet sometimes psychotic look at a group of humans encountering extraterrestrials. They make contact, they communicate and the return some people they borrowed. 944 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie from my childhood. I saw this all the time. Its alittle cheesy but still holds up as a great movie. -Bad- 1543 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really like this version of Jane Eyre. Fans of romantic/historical movies will enjoy the detailed sets and costumes as well as the high drama. Fans of the novel will appreciate a script that's true to the book without ploddingly recreating it word-for-word or--just as bad--peppered with anachronisms in an attempt to make Jane Eyre hip and modern. 803 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My mom bought this about 6 weeks ago and has shown significant improvement in bladder control. She convince me to buy it and now I'm getting results myself. 6364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked this movie. I'm a big Pat Conroy fan Nick Nolte a former college football player was exactly the way I imagined Pat Conroy would be his accent, his southern charm, athletic good looks. Barbra Streisand had me sold as a Manhattan head shrinker who must fight her way through Pat's defenses to pry out a hidden family secret so she can help Pat's mentally ill sister recover from a nervous breakdown. An excellent movie about family, about love. -1 for being magnificently historically inaccurate The Bizarre Storyline provides Ample Shocks and Sniggers, but it Never really strives for Outright Horror or Comedy, it aims for the Middle ground and it claims it well. Critics have attacked the film for it's Gross out Violence and Dim-witted humour... But isn't that what the Audiences want. In my opinion, this was an excellent Bridges movie, slightly reminiscent of his Lebowski character. Also, this was a good, although fairly unheard of, Williams film. I recommend this movie because it's a good mix of humor and seriousness. Also the movie is built with a good group of leading actors. This movie is good for your extensive film collection. 6228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. Nothing in this movie blends with the real show. Nothing! I only wish that the real Avengers fans had a say with the script before they drove the image in the ground. I bet the script writer never really watched the show in the first place. 3957 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 First of all let me just say that this movie has the worst anticlimatical ending of all time: there's no verbal or telepathic communications established with the aliens, no sense of what their intentions are, no reason mentioned for why they've abducted people, no reason to explain why Richard Dreyfuss' character is the "chosen one", and worst of all we (the audience) are left to believe that a stupid little hand gesture means that everything is all hunky-dory with the aliens- case closed, everything is all right with the aliens because Steven Spielberg says so. Don't worry about cattle mutilations or any of those other violent abductions you've been hearing about, everything's all fine and dandy. OTOH, things like the logjam on the Step, the suddenness of the storm, the effects of running out of oxygen on climbers, are done well. It's only once the storm hits that things go far off accuracy again, with the Krakauer being involved in the rescues and coordination more than he was. 7673 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Waste of money -- dark, rambling, weird. Did not like or finish. The DVD comes with many extras, including the Camelot song being sung by Lego-land figures, and extensive commentary by actors and others involved in the production. The movie has an excellent cast including Bo Hopkins, Randy Quaid, and John Hurt. Brad Davis is mesmerizing as the young Billy and he should have received an Oscar nod for Best Actor but was overlooked. Maureen McCormick from TV's "The Brady Bunch" was considered for the small part of Billy's girlfriend, but the role was cast with another actress. 8657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie...always enjoy Charles Bronson A little bit of comedy is supplied by the always-funny Seth Greene (who plays Mick) and his buddy Pnub (Elden Henson). These two, along with Anton, are the triumvirate of lazy, pot-smoking teens (just the type of victim said hand likes to prey upon). Probably the funniest part of the film involves the reappearance of an undead Pnub and Mick (who carries his severed head around with him most of the time); the staircase to heaven, they said, was just too far to walk, so they decided to just stay on earth. The only bright spot in this film, and the only reason I wanted to see it, is Jessica Alba. I was somewhat amazed to see some of the facial expressions and attitudes she would later display in her role in the incredibly good TV series Dark Angel. 7145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! So if you like romantic comedies and their highly predictable endings, and especially if you dig Robert, you'll like this movie. (Oh and it also has Bonnie Hunt -- from Jerry McGuire and Return to Me -- another good reason to check it out). I got this on dvd now and will watch it again and again. it's just too memorable to forget a movie like this. 6492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Blood flows and the Dead walk and chomp in Paul W.S. Anderson's charnel house of a videogame-to-movie zombie opus "Resident Evil", a hyper-kinetic, supremely stylish, super cool barrage of living Dead and corporate wickedness. 8463 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The highest cinematic achievement in the history of mankind. Even Pepe approves. 5052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bottle Rocket is ostensibly about a pair of recently graduated high-schoolers who, through boredom or ill-ambition or the mercy of friendship, choose to initiate their early adulthood with a heist. the top of her eyes while tilting her head down while scrunching 1237 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK 5259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When I first saw this, it was from flipping through the channels and I came in at the violent conclusion when Travis Bickle (De Niro) finally snaps. I remember being surprised by the graphic violence, it being an older film. The story is a little dim and definitely unpleasant at times but so is life. I believe that the idea of a man becoming sick of crime and filthy surroundings and has his boiling point makes sense. See it for yourself and try not to judge it based on bad reviews, especially Leonard Maltin's. De Niro was great in the film. *Scorcese plays the nutty guy spying on his wife. 9767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bought this movie for a class assignment. Really enjoyed the price and it was an overall good movie. Shipped quickly and came in perfect condition; including the case. 8593 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Aaa 3822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 IDLE HANDS is a movie that I remember always being on the USA Network when I was really young, and I remember it was a sick movie. It still is, but now older (but not wiser), I see this movie for how it should be seen: a twisted little gem that turns the Dawson's Creek world inside out. Yes, SCREAM did it too, but for some reason, the way IDLE HANDS shows us a guy that loves the girl next door and has two dumb buddies like every bad teen movie ever makes the fact that the movie is about a stoner that kills his parents and best friends (who come back as freaking zombies) with his possessed right hand (hi, Ash) so much sweeter. Yes, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but this movie really is underrated in my opinion. It has great music (especially The Offspring's version of The Ramones' I WANNA BE SEDATED), a clever script, great performances (especially by Seth Green & Elden Henson as the zombified buddies Mick and Pnub, who didn't walk up the stairway to Heaven because "it was too far"), and sly direction by Rodman Flender, who has done TALES FROM THE CRYPT episodes, which at times this movie shares its tone with. Overall, IDLE HANDS is great for horror fans that like their horror with a wink and a nod, and it even throws in some unnecessary nudity, just like the good ol' days. Here is an interesting bit of trivia: The profits from Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album helped finance this movie. The members of Pink Floyd were supposedly big fans of the television show. In this wonderfully realized, highly imaginative film that is extremely well crafted and presented by Spielberg, he takes you along with Roy in the days that follow that strange occurrence in Muncie. Roy becomes lost in thought, drifting, unable to focus on anything, much to the consternation of his wife, Ronnie (Teri Garr). But he can't help himself; something-- an image-- has begun to form in his mind. He has no idea what it is or what it means, but it becomes an obsession, and slowly it begins to take shape: First in a handful of shaving cream, then in a plate of mashed potatoes, which he piles up and begins to sculpt with his fork, while Ronnie and his kids look on in bewilderment. But he can see it in his mind, and it's like a mountain-- a mountain shaped like a "tower." And Roy isn't the only one. Around the world, others are being drawn to the same image in their minds, and it's a force that compels them, pushing them on to find whatever it is, a power so strong in cannot be denied or refused. They know only one thing: Whatever it is, it's important, and they have no choice but to follow where it may lead. And it becomes a great adventure, one in which they discover what Man has long suspected: We are not alone. 1153 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Note: As far as I can tell, the episodes for Season 4 now appear to be in order. I give no apologies for this review, it is completely biased one, first things first, and this review is about the `superbit' circ 1998. If this review is found next to another format version, please ignore. 7356 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie The solution: Vincent "buys" the identity and genetic profile of Jerome Eugene Morrow (Law), an Olympic swimmer who broke his back in a car crash. Vincent will pay Jerome, and Jerome will provide him with blood, urine, skin and hair samples. ** Special Features are: 8198 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is another movie to be watched over and over. It is a fun, uplifting story with a great cast. -To people who haven't played the games, Jill might seem as a character lacking more background info. 7341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 as advertised I admit when I first saw EASY RIDER I was not too thrilled but after seeing again and looking at it more closely I realized how great a movie it is. It is a true experience of the uncensored sixties. How the life of a hippie really was. His experiences with drugs and love and rejection from society. If you want the less sappy explanation -- it's a disillusionment archetype with an archplot structure. A character has certain ideals and those ideals change through his experience. We are carried through the story from his perspective and see why this happened. At the end, we are led to believe he is completely and irreversibly changed. 3269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolias is a movie about family, love, and relationships. The plot revolves around a beauty parlor where the main characters go to become beautiful. The character of the beauty parlor owner is played by Dolly Parton. In all, this is an amazing movie. Filled with great acting and mind-blowing special effects, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is truly a masterpiece. And a magical John Williams score only makes it better. Mortimer intertwines recurrent characters throughout the 44 episodes over the span of 13 years. Such characters as Justice Roger Billingham (The Mad Bull), Justice Vosper, Justice Gerald Graves, Dodo MacKontosh and my absolute favorite Fig (Soaking Wet) Newton all bring predictable scenarios and comic relief. Best wishes to anyone reading this review. If you feel like you could benefit, you probably can. 3195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved this flick, got it for a girls' dorm and it's checked out all the time. Movie nights galore with this one. I think this movie is hysterical, and worth watching. Those of you who feel otherwise, well, "I blow my nose in your general direction!" The only small drawbacks; a sometimes cloying musical score and a 5328 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fright Night is a pretty good vampire film. Kind of silly, kind of good. Roddy McDowell is in it. Love the Disco Music. Chris Sarandon is the vampire in this one, and makes a scary one right down to his fingernails. 4213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome flick edge of your seat action 6183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There's just something about watching a hot babe laying the smack down on anyone and anything that gets in her way - and no one does it better than Milla Jovovich. She is, to put it mildly, a whole lot of woman. Resident Evil isn't all about Milla, though; nor is it all about the gore (actually, the movie wasn't nearly as gory as I expected). Above all, though, Resident Evil is not to be dismissed as just another video game adaptation thrown haphazardly together just to make money. This film has substance, subplots, and surprises to go along with the generally impressive special effects and, for my money, pretty good acting. In other words, while the unfortunate denizens of the Hive may be essentially brainless, Resident Evil is not. 1393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Like the Avengers and Mrs. Peel.... 5263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is a great film, and the makers have done it justice by creating a Collectors Edition DVD filled with cool added features. *Advertising Materials 9330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not only is MP and the Holy Grail on every movie critic's 10 ten funniest list, but this DVD offers more special features than any DVD I've seen, including TWO different commentary versions featuring different MP cast members. There are so many other hilarious special features, it can take you hours upon hours to explore and appreciate everything this DVD has to offer. 5296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Product as described. Smooth transaction. I had hope when I saw the father come to visit the son -- as in the movie "In the Name of the Father" a 5 star movie about prison, cross-cultural (Irish-English) life. But when I saw the father shout threats at the prison warden for no other reasons than sheer anger-indulgence, I realized this movie was probably bankrupt. The movie reflects immaturity and failure to develop a controlling vision. There were SO many wonderful ways this material could have gone. The creative potential was enormous. The 70's macho culture could only see this? Slaves to their narrow world view. 625 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Bronson is left with fairly minimal dialogue to worry about, This was until Vincent (Hawke) met Jerome Morrow (Law), a 'valid' who lost everything due to an accident and is now bound to his wheelchair. He offers Vincent the opportunity of a lifetime, to take over his life, live as he should have. He cuts his hair to look like Jerome, he gets contacts and he even has a procedure done to his legs to make him the right height (crazy). Jerome supplies Vincent with enough blood and urine to pass any test. To everyone around him Vincent is Jerome Morrow. And now Vincent can realize his dream of Space Travel. 5426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hey it's Sunnydale Girl, no it's not midnight-this is what I call my classic scary movies (it says this on my Killer Clowns Dvd) I've been talking about this one for like three days. And I think a lot of it is because my favorite character in the entire movie is Evil Dead...he's like the same character as Corey Feldman in Bordello of Blood. He was lonely outcast teenager who gets turned into a vampire, not these weird T2 Super-Killer vampires some people are expecting, and as I've said before Shut Up! That is Not what vampires are about; and that's why I have no interest in seeing the Re-make; cause that is exactly what they're trying to do....so next topic.....Love and Marriage---She actually makes a pretty good vampire....it's kind of that funny Judd Nelson Way too old to be in High school joke, plus Charlie seems more like he'd date someone more like Sissy Spaceck in Carrie, not someone old enough to be his mother....but I do like the cool club scene with that great song that fit So perfectly.....and I liked how she was like one of the Three Sister vampires Dracula always has (odd though that they always say sisters) But why did they have to kill off Evil Dead? He was a great vampire and they killed him off! They did that in Bordello of Blood with Corey---Why? These vampires without souls aren't Always hurting people and that ---when you're looking at Evil Dead you're not looking at your friend you're looking at the thing that killed him....Shut Up! I've Never bought into that, cause for one thing, not only is that Not the case we're back to talking about those stupid T-2 Vampires again, I mean--yeah sometimes you get one like Luke, in the 1st episode of Buffy (who I did like, also as The Judge and as The Silence of The Lambs guy in Joe Dirt, but I just think that's a cool actor...so once again Enough! You broken records about these giant T-2 Vampires...they're my favorite monsters and they're supposed to be like outcasts! Spielberg has referred to his making of the film as a sort of catharsis. I can understand that. 8048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always entertaining. Well casted and well performed 2293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 When Air Force One, carrying President James Marshall and his family, is taken over by terrorists, the President makes it to the escape pod on the plane, but he refuses to leave while his family is still on board. With all members of the Secret Service dead and the terrorists threatening to kill a hostage every half-hour until a prisoner is released from a Russian jail, it is up to Marshall to stop the terrorists. Will he be able to stop the terrorists and save his family? 8206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sometimes our older generation in other professions show us what honesty and integrity means. Rumpole using logic and truth defends his clients with all the wit and cunning of a master chess player. This is a great series dished out with subtle humour and wit keeps one at the edge of your seat to its conclusion. I recommend Rumpole of the Bailey to anyone the slightest interested in British comedy! 5640 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fright Night is definately a good horror/comedy film with great special effects. Chris Sarandon (Childs Play) is a suave vampire who is persued by his neighbour who suspects he is a creature of the night. Roddy McDowell as Peter Vincent, Vampire killer is extremly entertaining and makes the film what it is. 8. "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" (1993) Gags run from silly to low-brow, but Roger Rees, as the Sheriff of Rottingham, is played with perfect petulance. 4 stars for me. My only real quibble with the video quality is that you can tell where the commercial breaks were from the original TV production airing. I would think that they could have edited the video together a little bit better so that those weren't as noticeable or else didn't exist at all on the DVD. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't enjoy the movie, but it was noticeable at least a few times. 8228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Family musical anyone can enjoy. Carol Burnett is a blast to watch as Miss Hannigan. In a supporting role I particularly liked seeing Colleen Zenk who played Barbara Ryan on As The World Turns for many years. 1245 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 shout factory knows how to produce a great DVD 4765 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fast, Fair, As Advertised! 2130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was one of my favorite groups as a kid in the 90s I used to have this on VHS tape as a kid I watched this every day in happy I found this on here 730 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I have been watching Arthur for 16 years. Started when my child was a toddler. I still watch it but this movie was not so great. The voices of the characters were not the same as the t.v. show and the songs were blah. I will continue watching the show but never this movie 2980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great picture, sound and stream. We had no issues with this movie. This was a classic I had always wanted to see. Loved it. 9719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What is humanity? Is the entire course of our life decided by a few base pares in our DNA or do something else make us who we are? Explore some of these philosophical ideas and intrigue with this stunningly well done Gattaca movie. 5/5 stars! The film does feel like a lot of one-shot sketches strung together into a full-length film, however, and at times the humor can wear a little thin. This is probably best viewed as a party movie, or a piece at a time instead of in a single sitting by oneself. Though I'm sure it could make for some hilarious drinking games or quote-along experiences. 1246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the classic series from the 1970's and you are sure to enjoy it. I also clearly remember playing a drinking game we came up with whilst watching the show. Anytime someone said "Hi Bob" you had to take a drink. 4192 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 the cast in this movie is trying to make this movie dramatic and touching but is wasted with bad acting and cheesiness. Michelle Pfeiffer could have done a lot better. Whoopi Goldberg was kinda good in this 957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For some reason it seems fashionable to criticize this production, mainly because it carries old footage from Masterpiece Theatre, hosted by Russell Baker. Further, this film was sponsored by Mobil Oil Co. and produced by the BBC. In addition, some reviewers may see it competing with the classic starring John Mills and Alec Guinness from 1947. Moreover, since this 1999 film was made, weve had the 2011 production starring Gillian Anderson and other versions, as well. But viewers who fail to see this 3-hour epic from 1999 are really missing the best rendition of what may be Charles Dickens best novel. The story is timeless and inspiring; the romance, touching and well-portrayed. TV simply cant be better than this. A film nor of sorts, with beautiful scenes of New Orleans and music to frame appropriate scenes. The movie is a history of how prize fighting started and what it takes to be a man in hard times. Subtitles/Captions: English Subtitles, English SDH, French Subtitles, Spanish Subtitles, Portuguese Subtitles 3200 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 "Easy Rider" (1969) 1816 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In all honesty, I expected this to be a so-so movie, however it turned out to be well done and very enjoyable. Jeff Daniels gives a wonderful performance as Washington and lifts the movie above the usual mediocrity of most made-for-TV-movies. All too often, actors are cast to play historic characters they just do not fit. In this case, not only does Daniels bear a passable resemblance to Washington, but he conveys the concern, insecurity, impatience, and determination the general admitted to feeling in his letters and correspondence. As Shawn Edwards from FOX TV said, "FANS OF THE GAME WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE." It's like ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK meets NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Nice. This has CULT CLASSIC written all over it. 6278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nick was very good...got that Southern accent without making fun of it ( I am a Southerner and hated bad movie Southern accents in the 50's. Movie shows resurrection and faithfulness renewed. 4234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not the best Arnold movie ever made but the price was right and I am glad to have this movie in my collection. 8399 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Annie is the type of movie that I loved when I was 8 or 9 years old. I remember being mesmerized by the songs and the storyline! It was my absolute favorite movie during that time. Unfortunately, after watching Annie hundreds of times, I moved on to other movies. The movie is so beautiful because it shows how one homeless man changes a once rich man. Parry transforms Jack into a kind and loving man, whereas at the start, he was a mean, arrogant, snob. The movie is quite frankly absolutely amazing. 6431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I haven't read the book, so my review is based solely on the movie. Another interesting function is that you can compare the film with the screenplay simultanously, and understand how Scorsese preserved the structure of Schrader's script while filling in more details that makes the characters and the story alive. This DVD is really worth buying if you like the movie. You can see it repeatedly, and learn a great deal about how it was made. But I think Criterion should re-issue their version (with audio commentary by Scorsese and Schrader) on DVD as well (and also Raging Bull). 6686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off, for all the real Resident Evil fans who love the video game. You will not be disappointed by this movie. The detail gone into the sets like the mansion, the zombie dogs, the sound effects, even the way some of the characters talk is like Resident Evil-the game. The music is innovative, exciting and moves the movie along nicely. Each scene is filled with action and there is not a scene in the movie that is slow or bogs the movie down. Mansons music is great. Milla Jovovich is perfect as the lead kick arse character Alice. Michelle Rodriquez is excellent as the tough as nails Rain. Not one actor is miss casted in this film. I'm so glad director Paul W.S. Anderson did the film right, justice has prevailed. When I first heard that a Resident Evil movie was getting made I instantly thought that some hot new upcoming actors would be cast ie( No this can't happen), but no I was over the moon and over joyed when I found out that Milla Jovovich- one of THE BEST ACTORS around and of her generation,was going to play the lead. I then knew that this film had a chance of being grouse. So if your thinking of buying this film, it is a diffinite must for any fan of the genre. The extras are worth it and the commentary is excellent and very funny. 3551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great 5551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks Rumpole of the Bailey, staring Leo McKern and written by Sir John Mortimer, is a very enjoyable series of shows. You will love watching every one of the 42 episodes. Horace Rumpole is the essence of being "an Old Bailey Hack". He loves being in court exchanging banter with a red judge. It's all seems easy going until you realize that Rumpole is deadly serious and is only happy when he succeeds in getting a "Not Guilty" ruling from the jury of twelve, tried and true members. Horace Rumpole does not agree that being on trial implies guilt; it is the prosecutions job to prove, using factual arguments and evidence, that the accused is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. He enjoys nothing more than skillful cross examination. He is a staunch believer in the presumption of innocence and the "Golden Thread of British Justice. Rumpole is very proud of his success as a junior in the Penge Bungalow Murders case where he put on the defense as a white wig, alone and without a leader. Terry Jones Sir Bedevere and three other roles: Woman, Left Head, Prince Herbert Even worse, as was usual in warfare until the 20th century, epidemic diseases were the major cause of casualties, with so many men living together in the open under unsanitary conditions. As if this wasn't bad enough, it was winter, and most of Washington's demoralized troops had only days left to their enlistment contracts. 1626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Satisfied with the timely delivery. Wonderful series, Amazon always accept returns and I had no worries. Expensive yes...but not for all the entertainment and such a wonderful series...I would buy again and may have to since my friends borrow series ALL THE TIME Thanks Amazon.. 2184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Harrison Ford and have almost all his movies. This movie was in excellent condition. Thanks so very much. 3209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A lot of people say that EASY RIDER is merley a biker movie with two stoned biker hippies going across America with a kick butt soundtrack. However it is more than that To me, that is what most undermines the film -- I would much rather have seen more time spent on Parton and MacLaine, and even Dukakis, whose lives, in the brief glimpses we are given, seem much more interesting, and whose characters are by far much more alive and vibrant. Their barbs and quips are a compelling reason alone to watch this movie again and again! 4122 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 tom hanks is one of the worlds greatest actors. early in his career he portrays a young man trying to run a advertising business, while trying to keep the peace between two bickering divorced parents who cannot show their son any signs how much they love him. He knows they love him yet they are so concerned over their own feelings they display little emotion toward their only son. and never say or show their love for him. Though I found the personae of both Ms. Shepherd and Ms. Foster somewhat off-putting and incongruous, their respective characters serve the narrative well. A Betsy who's a little less "ideally beautiful" and an Iris who's a little more mature would have suited the tone of the film much better, in my opinion. Travis's abject social ineptitude belies his Marine training (A porno flick on a first date? C'mon!), not to mention the absurdity of Betsy having anything to do with Travis in the first place. (I never knew Kris Kristofferson could so warp a beautiful woman's senses!) One could point out a myriad of such incongruities in Taxi Driver; but I must admit that the possibility of the film's coda being Travis's dying fever dream never crossed my mind. It would certainly make more sense than a straight literal reading and puts an added interesting spin on it. Any shortcomings aside, the film's sheer "cinematicism" is truly a wonder and a reason to have it in one's collection. De Niro's portrayal of "God's lonely man" is one of the most memorable in late twentieth century American filmdom, only to be surpassed by him a few years later in Scorsese's masterpiece Raging Bull. This is a film that deserves multiple veiwings. If nothing else you are going to want to see the scene in Grand Central Station more than once (if you know the movie, you know what I'm talking about; if not, you are in for a beautiful treat). This is a film that teeters between rampant silliness and powerful truths. Somehow it never feels schmaltzy, forced, or preachy. version. Beware. It can be difficult to find a "Fourth Season" available as a 7298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautiful tribute to the book. Does anyone else remember when these guys were actually actors?? 1701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was amazed when I saw some of this as a child in color at a time when most films were black and white. I thought that color film wasn't even invented prior to WW II. Ted Turner can colorize anything these days, even WW I, but this is the real thing and you can tell. Very nice indeed At the center of the story are Sally Field's M'Lynn, who is mother to Julia Roberts' Shelby, who is marrying Jackson. Everyone gets their hair done at Truvy's (played by Dolly), but the chief currency at the beauty parlor is gossip, traded with most enthusiasm by widowed Clairee (played by Dukakis) and with most bark and a little bite by Ouiser (Maclaine). As the film opens Darryl Hannah's Annelle has blown into town not sure if she's married or not (good fodder for the gossipers) and ready to put her fledgeling beauty technician skills to work at Truvy's, just before Shelby's wedding. Sheet torture does not even begin to explain this film. Obviously you should like the Spice Girls if you hope to enjoy this movie, but how can any sane person appericate such a contrived group of utter fakes? Those who are manipulated by our society's every whim, that's who. 4592 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cannot find a better copy of this movie on disc. This is a classic, and no one can ever take that away. However, keep in mind that since this is a classic, it does not mean that you will like the movie. I cannot tell you if you will like it or not, and neither can anybody else. Just because "Citizen Kane" is a classic didn't change the fact that I didn't like that movie. If you are currious to see it, then rent it and see if you enjoy it. Even if it turns out that you don't like it, I clearly doubt that this will be the worst rental you will choose. "Taxi Driver" is a magnificent work of art, and it is film-making like you have never seen. A great movie that can never be duplicated. A spectacular film. Not one single complaint here. 9105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perfect! I am incredibly glad to get this. Overall score 3.75/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7773 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you so very much for this great movie; I love it! I will be sharing it with my friends. In the end I think "Taxi Driver" was just overrated as far as I'm concerned. from this film. There's no use saying anything good or bad about the movie. Like I said you either like Monty Python or not. 4565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I along time ago I watched this movie and for some reason it a have always been touched by the messages in this movie. So I decided to find this movie again and found it here on Amazon and at the moment the only option available was to buy it and I went ahead and bought it because I wanted to watch it again. And I am glad I did. I am not really a religious person so don't know to much about how closely it follows biblical prophecies but one thing I know is that I can relate the messages in this movie (I know not the same things is occuring but the essense is the same) to what is going on in humanity at this time. We are living in a time of chaos and regardless of what race, color, religion you are the world needs healing. And Demi Moores character Abbi does a great job of bringing healing to the world. Which I think what she does is selfless and what she does (watch the movie to know) is what I think always brings transformation and healing to humanity and this is the most powerful message for me. Thank you. 8115 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome! Original Theatrical Trailer [1957] [4:59] This is a Frank Sinatra hosted longer than usual trailer. It sports pretty ragged looking video but is fun to watch nonetheless. 3826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 6540 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 this may have been a good movie without Milla Jovovic she is terrible. she plays Joan as a unstable or off her medication type person. Sorry I could not wait for the execution scene, Gary Oldman Bram Stoker's Dracula (Collector's Edition) played a pretty psychotic terrorist, foreshadowing later interesting roles as in Dracula or in that Batman flick! 1. Sinister corporate paranoia - The idea that things could go terribly wrong when the activities of large, greedy corporations are left unchecked is not exactly far-fetched. The creepy goings on at the Umbrella Corp present a currently relevent scenario. Basic plot is that the Umbrella underground lab known as "The Hive" has had an outbreak of the T-virus, and everyone was killed. Milla Jovovich 's character awakes with no memory of what has happened, and is forced by Umbrella-sent commandos into the Hive to see what went on down there. Chaos ensues. I remember seeing Resident Evil in theaters in 2002 (LOVED it; I was 21), again in 2003 after I bought the movie, and once more (rewatching parts 1-2) before seeing part 3 in 2007. Three times I had seen it and I recall quite enjoying it. But its been ten years and I was easier to please back then. So I wondered, how would these videogame-to-movie-adaptation films hold up to my criticism now? 1055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A brilliant mock-documentary on the life of a criminal - played by 9434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is the best comedy ever put to film. after a while it may feel a little sluggish, but the laughs continue right to the abrupt and rather unique ending. Full Body Stretch 9854 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite films...EVER. The plot and premise are artistically crafted, the acting is superb - Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Xander Berkley, Alan Arkin, Ernest Borgnine, Tony Shalhoub (it also has a rare and brilliant appearance by Gore Vidal in a significant role) and it is not overwhelmed with gratuitous special effects. It is a piece of art, even the title and name of the facility is crafted to reflect the topic of the film, the letters in Gattaca comprise the letters of the proteins in DNA. The messages in the film are nothing short of tremendous about the human will, turning our weaknesses into strengths, achieving our goals and the darker tendencies of society to categorize and box in our potential. It is an emotional roller coaster you will never forget. I can't recommend it highly enough. If you liked the Shawshank Redemption, I thought this was a far better film. Everyone knows what happened in the market square when Joan was nineteen on May 30, 1431. Five hundred years later she was canonized as a saint. [This is more than posthumous rehabilitation.] This is a very good story if slow and talky in spots. You can compare it to the earlier version with Ingrid Bergman, if you can find the video. The movie does not go into the political background of France and England. Later in the 15th century the English were involved in the Wars of the Roses. France defeated the Duchy of Burgundy in the early 16th century. 3896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steven Spielberg went all the way with this cut of CE3K. It includes all the scenes he originally wanted and eliminates the ending that was forced upon him by the studio for the Special Edition. Truly a wonderful version of this great piece of cinematic art. 8987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GRANDSON LOVED IT - I DID NOT LIKE THE MOVIE "Fetchez la vache!" "Bring out your dead!" "English knnnnn-iggets!" "How do you noo she is a witch?" "Castle Anthrax" "Of course it's a good idea!" "Some call me.....Tim?" "It's only a flesh wound!" "Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?" "The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch" "Answer me these questions three!" 7194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this as a kid and now my children love it as much as I do. A great family movie! 2) "A Touch of Brimstone" lets Mrs. Peel take down her hair, or rather put it up, as Emma and John investigate a group resurrecting the infamous Hellfire Club. Mrs. Peel shows she looks just as stunning in corset, high-lace boots and spiked dog-collar, which she wears as the "Queen of Sin". The look was designed by Rigg, and ridiculously, because of her costume, the episode was banned from airing in the US! 7) "Too Many Christmas Trees" is one of my fav episodes. Steed has been having a strange nightmare, so he welcomes the invitation for Hols in the country at friends. He invites Emma to tag along. They dress up in period costumes, and all seem to have a good time, but Emma begins to suspect Steed's dream is not a dream, but someone trying to control Steed's mine through telepathy doesn't even begin to cut it and at some points in the movie I was I liked how Joan of Arc went from hearing the voices of Saints: Margaret, Catherine, and Michael Vincent Freeman (Hawke) is an "invalid," conceived without eugenic technology. On the day he was born, it was predicted that he would be myopic, might be bipolar, and would probably die at thirty from a heart defect. Throughout his life, Vincent dreams of becoming an astronaut, but his genetic status dooms him to menial labor. 3491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you 2513 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watched this half a dozen times and it still blows me away. 1540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is probably the best film version I've seen of Jane Eyre. One of my friends, who is no fan of the book or the other film versions, commented that she "got" the characters for the first time when she caught a rerun on A&E and I'd have to agree. The essence of Jane and Rochester is all here: Passion. It's restrained in "plain and little" Jane, who inside is all rebelliousness, and smoldering in Rochester, who here is just as gruff and domineering and bad-tempered as he ought to be. Watching this film I can believe that this version of Rochester and Jane are passionately in love with one another. I don't believe that in the other versions I've seen, including the most recent PBS version. Cutting out portions of the book to get at the meat of the story was a wise decision that made for a much better film. 5079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In 1976, Martin Scorsese directed "Taxi Driver", starring Robert DeNiro. Calling this a "conservative" movie is a stretch, but it is a prescient look at New York attitudes that preceded the age of Giuliani. Paul Schrader wrote it. His story is a hoot in and of itself. He and his brother were raised in a strict Calvinist Pennsylvania family, emphasizing the strictest tenets of Scripture and absolutism. The Calvinists are big on pre-ordained destiny. Released from this environment, he came to Hollywood and tried everything. Naturally, he was a mess; a drug addict, an alcoholic and a heterosexual so confused he tried homosexuality just?to try it. Given the assignment to write a screenplay, he was holed up in a downtown L.A. hotel for weeks, then months. He had little social contact except occasional taxi rides to restaurants in and around L.A.'s skid row. He began to see the world from inside the taxi, and came up with a character and a plot revolving around the concept. 1617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the greatest dramatic series of all time, Upstairs Downstairs (U/D) is about life at 165 Eaton Place in Belgravia, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in London. It reflects the tensions between masters and servants, between different categories of servants, and between the existing order and those who do not fully accept it--servants who aspire to careers outside of domestic service, persons motivated by middle-class values, and the nouveau riche who respect money and power more than tradition. Both upstairs and downstairs residents are influenced by British imperialism and xenophobia. 6326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie 7811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great story of redemption ... funny and touching. A modern day search for the Holy Grail. It's in the top five of my desert island classics. I never tire of this story. 8364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A great old Musical with great stars. A must see for music lovers! 4749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 as advertised 7117 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The making of this movie was quite an undertaking. Unfortunately, it never quite makes the grade. The characters are not developed. Instead, they are caricatures of those whom they purport to be. 9565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent 757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is an adorable cartoon. An ok movie for people who have never played the game.. GRADE: B- (a weak 4/5 Stars or strong 3/5 Stars) - X has a different sound based on the unique harmonies between co-lead singers Exene Cervenka and John Doe that really sets them apart from anything else out there? is as fatal as work failure. 2642 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks 'George Lucas In Love' was a very fun short. From Lucas' roommate Benji talking about an 'all powerful force' to his friends Hal & Chuck working on Hal's 'fastest thing on campus' to a professor whose speech patterns resembled a well known Jedi Master, this film has a heck of a lot crammed into it's 9 minutes. If anything, the filmmakers should have done a 15-20 minute film! The film was very clever and enjoyable. Maybe just a tad bit funnier than 'Hardware Wars'. 6175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil: Apocalypse [Blu-ray]MILLA JOVOVICH, MILLA JOVOVICH. NEED I SAY MORE. I THINK NOT. Noon Doomsday I'll be reviewing all of the 1968 sets, (as I mentioned earlier, there are five in all, with 2 "volumes" per set), so be on the watch for my comments regarding the other sets at their appropriate sites on Amazon. In the meantime, while not exactly as marvelous as the 1967 episodes, this particular set still garners my highest recommendation! 8086 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie (really, they are.). There is also no dialogue. Really. Not even a 8370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i remember seeing this film in the theatre when i was about 12 or 13. i feel in love with it!!! i see the other reviews that this version does not compare to the disney version, and more so on the play version. might i remind you that Annie was a comic strip, long before it was even though of as a play or even a movie. so i don't think that it is fair to compair this movie to the play or even to the disney version. i feel that it is simply a different version that hollywood put together. at that time when annie came out, musicals were fading fast!! the last big musical that was a box office smash before annie, was grease. but even though musicals were on the way to becomming "extinct". it was not really until evita that they started to be "revived". look at moulon rouge and chicago. the latter won a best picture oscar award among others. i feel that this movie fif a real good job on tellng the story of how annie meet daddy warbucks in a two hour or so movie. i feel they could have found a better girl to play annie, but we can't win them all. all and all she did the best that she could knowing that this is the first movie that she made. i bought this dvd movie a few months ago, and i don't think it sound really well on a good surround sound. I have done some research in recent monts to find that the new version will be cheese and scan. That is a major turn off when I am buying my DVDs. I will stick to this version, for it is, if not already out of print. Dont get this movie, this movie it very wide. In conclusion, I still like the film as much as the DVD treatment here. And I appreciate the show itself,too. So buy this film and enjoy this film... 9466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Entertaining and great cast 1205 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This was the biggest bomb 5920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie, as an Israeli, I love the actor who play the main prison guard who is an Israeli actor that play in lots of movies in Israel in the early 70. 54 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic movie There is nothing I can say in this movie's favor. I could say, "Why is it that Rodriguez yells 'we're running out of ammo!' near the beginning of the movie, but no one ever actually runs out of ammo?" I could say, "Zombie dogs? They just look like a bunch of dobermans who rolled in Black Forest cake!" I could say, "I don't care if you loved him! He's a bloody ZOMBIE! Wipe that shocked, tragic look off your face and RUN!" I could say, "What were these people paid to be in this film and will they ever live it down?" The film reminded me a bit of "American Werewolf in London" with the "undead" kids. Despite the absurdity of it, there are a couple of good messages in here....but, generally, this is purely escapist fun. 9635 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is a dated movie. The plot tends to drag. There are some moments of suspense, but the ending is ludicrous. Put on you three piece suit to travel into outer space? The fight scenes were very awesome. THIS IS DEFINELTY A MUST SEE!!!!!! While on their quests, each face a variety of hilarious challenges, including the construction of a Trojan Rabbit, the approach of Castle Anthrax with the multidle of Vestial Virgins, This film raises the question: Is someone who takes a gun and tries to blow away a President or one of the other fakirs of the frenetic passivity of ungovernment, a hero? The answer is probably yes. 7904 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A very inspiring old Movie. All Kids should see it? 632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great It made me think because these things have & do happen to our fellow americans like P.O.W's,Radicals that kidnapp people for political reasons for ransom/& drug smuggling that still happens today. 6024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roxanne is a great movie any time. Steve Martin plays C.D. Bales who is head fireman. Daryl Hannah plays Roxanne the new girl in town. Rick Rossovich plays Chris the new fireman in town who sees Roxanne at the bar and has to leave before he gets sick. C.D. Bales helps Roxanne to get back in her house as she locked her self out. Roxanne tells C.D. that she likes Chris and wonders why Chris hasn't asked her out on a date. Chris is to shy to call her up or talk to her because he knows he will get nervous and get sick. C.D. tells him he should find a way tell her how he feels about her. Chris comes up with a plan write to her how he feels but when he tries to write to her his mind goes blank. C.D tries to help him write a letter to Roxanne. Chris tells him to write to Roxanne and he will sign at the bottom of each letter. This plan works for awhile until Roxanne figures it out that C.D. wrote the letters and not Chris. Then both Roxanne and C.D. make up. This is a romantic misadventures comedy. that resulted from his brothers' betrayal. I love using this movie to learn languages. The layered emotion and richness makes it, for me, a movie classic. I think Paul Mercurio movies in general are great language learning tools. They are so interesting that I don't mind watching them many times. And, watching anything more than once is a rare occurrence for me. I initially saw this movie on a religious channel so The pacing in this film is virtually flawless as the action, horror and comedy are shifted around from one scene to the other and boredom never sets in. The performances are also worth mentioning because the entire cast delivers in spades. Roddy McDowell, who provides his quirky mannerirms and charm, is his usual brilliant self as the doubtful Vampire Killer. Chris Sarandon is effective and charming as the modern day Dracula. A pre-"Married with Children" Amanda Bearse is also note-worthy. She is pretty enough as Charley's girlfriend possessing all the qualities of the girl next door and all the charateristics of a jealous girlfriend. Once infected however, her metamorphoses is stunning and she is almost unrecognizable as a sultry vamp. That is of course before her final transformation and once the fangs come into play, she resembles a Carly Simon-esque freakshow in need of serious dental work. The young lead, William Ragsdale, also turns in a good performance but his foolish character may have some viewers rooting for Mr Vampire. But where will the horror genre be without these nonsensical teenagers? this will be a classic movie 120 years from now. I'm so watching this one more times then I can count. It truly shocks and rocks both at the same time American losses were actually 2 dead from the march, and 4 wounded from the fight, including Hamilton and Monroe, the latter a future US President! I don't know why the movie did not convey this. The effects of Knox's artillery seems also much exaggerated. Solid shot and cannister was used, not explosive shells as shown here. Most films on this period fail to show artillery accurately in that regard. Still, the acting and mood of the film are right on the mark which makes it easily the best Rev War production out there. Too bad it did not go further to show Washy's next great triumph at Princeton where a small British detachment gave him a much harder run for his money. Still, what we have here is a nice concise work that comes close to converying the actual history of the event. This is more than most Hollywood productions do these days. Let's hope future movie producers draw upon this movie for inspiration rather than the PATRIOT and others like it. -Very decent cutting. After watching the deleted scenes, I noticed they were enjoyable but would have made the movie feel more campy. Rounding out the main cast are Tom Skerritt and Brenda Blethyn as Reverend and Mrs. McLean, the parents of Norman and Paul, and Emily Lloyd, as Norman's future wife Jessie. Skerritt and Blethyn are pitch perfect in their roles, each representing the traditional parental stereotypes, the stern father and the worrisome mother. Lloyd is sweet and charming as Jessie and her courtship with Norman is refreshing as it is simply the story of 2 people who found each other at the right time and place that realize they are each other's soulmates. Additionally, there is a diverse cast of scene-stealing supporting characters providing welcome comic relief played by Stephen Shellen (Jessie's brother), Edie McClurg (Jessies' mom), and especially Susan Traylor (as the local wild girl). 1938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Riveting THE FLY FISHING SCENES ARE AMAZING. THE STORY AND ACTING ARE SUPERB. ROBERT REDFORD DIRECTED THIS GEM. This world is fictional, but so are Never-Never Land, Middle Earth and most other worlds we visit in film, so as a native southerner I'm able to reconcile things like accents: Dolly is pretty stuck playing women with an East Tennessee twang, and to be honest I found Julia's accent no better than Olympia's. You'd think for two Oscar-winning actresses that the one from Georgia would have a better Louisiana drawl than the one from Massachusetts, but there ya' go. 4968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one the best BD packs there is, the material is perfect, the cards, the way it opens the disc art, everything, its totally worth it. And the movie what to say ? ARE YOU TALKING TO ME ? Finally, superbly crafted and emotionally involving, Midnight Express often defeats the moral quagmire as presented in the film and the controversial aspects of its script through sheer film making brilliance. Managing to turn a drug-smuggling character into a sympathetic figure due to his disdainful treatment in a hellish foreign prison and taking liberties with a true story for dramatic and artistic. Midnight Express certainly deserves the accolades bestowed upon it at the Academy Awards despite the subject matter and controversial depiction thereof makes it a rather unique film in the annals of cinema. No matter one's take on this representation of Billy Hayes' story, there is no denying the artistic merits Midnight Express brings to the table, its superb technical achievements reason alone to watch. SONY's Blu-ray release of Midnight Express befits the film and there is plenty of bonus materials information with this brilliant beautiful "DigiBook" and that is why it has gone pride of place in my Blu-ray Collection. 30 years after its release, Midnight Express continues to impress. However harrowing and unpleasant, the film delivers a strong sense of dynamic verisimilitude [meaning the appearance of being true or real] and creates a good look at a miserable situation. The Blu-ray offers better than expected picture, acceptable but dated audio, and a few nice extras; the audio commentary proves particularly enjoyable and ever since I viewed this film, it has always burned an amazing image of viewing a great directed film, that deserved all the awards it garnered and on top of all that it also a very character driven film with a stunning script and now it has gone pride of place in my Deluxe Limited Edition DigiBook Blu-ray Collection. Highly Recommended! the lab was under the city called raccoon city and the workers for umbrella live and work there. To understand why Resident Evil is a pitiful attempt 7199 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Very annoying singing voices. I did not enjoy this at all. bob 5653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved and bought the whole series. Milla is energetic and beautiful and plays her part well. Some are better than others, but I'm still waiting for final movie in series. Unless the viewer happens to understand Japanese, the only person whose dialogue can be followed is Marvin's. This is no matter, because one can get the jist of each situation quite easily. Dubbing in subtitles would have been utterly stupid, not being needed at all. 2493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No Mercy is a good cop movie from the 80's. Richard Gere looks hot as ever. This is sexy movie but not a lot of sex wich is typical of American movies. They like to tease you the watcher looks forward to watching this but theres not much lovemakeing. I was pleasantly surprised at least, that the movie does manage to help me learn the gist of what happened in the first one. Now I don't have to watch it. Im one of those few people who got the joke. I got the joke back in 1993 when it came out. I know that this movie was meant to spoof those absurd action movies. Its these bonehead cookie-cutter critics that don't get that point. Bunch of pinheads keep saying the same thing because they allow weirdos to dictate to them what qualifies as quality movies. Check out the negative reviews on this site. They all go along the lines of "worst movie I've ever seen". Simple-minded predictable sheep. And now....... the review. 5293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an old favorite and, having just seen it for the first time in 15+ years, I can see why. The practical effects and humor hold up surprisingly well and the gore is pretty feisty. Not at all scary, just loads of gross fun. 5661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love the Resident Evil franchise. This one ranks 4 of the 5 for me, though. The other ones are just too good. That said, though, this one is still enjoyable. Milla Jovovich, if you're reading this and you'd like to adopt a 31 year old, I wouldn't say no. PM me, boo. 6104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a teacher of Literature I really enjoy the contemporary version, ok - it's the 80's version - but all in all it does show the traits of both primary characters and clarifies what many students might not completely grasp of understand from the original play. 8334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is by far the best Elmo movie. My child adores it. We watched it so much when it was prime and then we purchased it when it was no longer under prime. A must watch for any young Elmo fans! 8615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES BRONSON MADE AND I NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING IT. I recomend the movie, because the story is really dreamy, and also the actors and the actress (Uma Thurman) are very good looking, and the building facilities of the training center Gattaca are really beautiful and futuristic. If you have to pass some tests in your life in order to get accepted for your dream university or a dream job - then you should see this movie. Don't let anything stop you on your way to success - such is the message of the movie. 3769 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you. Holidays seem to mark times of relevant events for the characters. Shelby's pregancy is announced at Christmastime, and the apprehensive M'Lynn, still worried about the effect pregnancy will have on Shelby's health, is comforted by the others as they try to remain hopeful. 579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great price and good quality DVD. Enjoyed watching this movie, another favorite for the Holiday list. 5207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 British cinema is thoroughly disappointing at the best of times. Its product seems to consist of either unbearably lightweight pap or wooden and earnest social commentary that bores with its incessant sermonising. Occasionally (i.e. once a generation) you may get a film like The Long Good Friday but these are far and few between. Seeing the average British film would make anyone think that here is a nation that hasn't a clue how to make a picture. I was quite surprised to find this movie available on DVD and have gladly purchased it to add to my collection of Christmas movies. -As a unique feature I've never seen in any other adaption, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future are played by Slade's customers, the very people he just repossessed items from. Slade actually believes them to be the same people, having broken into his warehouse. Until they provide a sample of their supernatural powers. The spirits are heralded by Slade's old radio broadcasting music and news from either the past or the future, even when it's unplugged. 7469 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just finished watching "The Eyes Of Laura Mars" released by Columbia Pictures. This movie wishes to illuminate. Not entertain or delude. This is "slice-of-life," not escapist fantasy. I've told members of my family about it and they've given very mixed reactions. My father and sister disliked the dime-store production values and no-name actors. They asked me why I would rent such a bitter and hateful film. My mother says she has spent her life shunning this type of humanity and lives as if it does not really exist. 896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always been skeptical of yoga, but this one actually made me break a sweat. It was also somehow easy enough that I could follow along. 984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Definitely a strange movie. Being a Lee Marvin fan I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The character development between 3899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rodman Flender delivers a very funny movie. Yes, this is the movie where Seth Green proclaims "I'm Leatherface." This DVD is loaded with extras including deleted scenes and a making of documentary, plus a unique storyboard sequence. This is NOT a horror film. It is a comedy set against the backdrop of the horror genre and it succeeds at every point. Sure to be a cult classic. 3202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 UPDATED Dec 5, 2017 FOR GRAMMATICAL AND STRUCTURAL REASONS. My views have significantly changed since the writing of this review, and I am a lot more Biblically grounded now. If you're not a Christian, do not concern yourself with that, just read my original review: 5671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Very fun with a minimum of blood and gore for this type of movie, but with plenty of action and spookiness. 1340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have seen this movie more than once and I am trying to understand the hostility it has generated. I am old enough to have seen the original TV series the first time around and while I remember it fondly, it was definitely a product of its time. What makes this film so enjoyable for me is that it is not merely trying to copy the old series but to reinvent it. Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman are John Steed and Emma Peel this time around. No they aren't Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg nor should they try to be. They have created their own version of the characters and they work quite well together. Their overwritten dialogue is overplayed with just the proper restraint. Sean Connery as Sir August, the principal villian, seems to be underplaying his role until you notice his eyes. Watch the eyes of all the characters. They are an important motif throughout the movie. Jim Broadbent's liquid eyes as "Mother" are full of knowledge and sympathy while Fiona Shaw's traitorous "Father" is literally blind to everything. Patrick Macnee (the original John Steed) has an important cameo as an invisible man. He holds the key to the mystery but he cannot be seen. 2. It isn't fake looking like alot of other vampire movies 4797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very entertaining. "Nil By Mouth" represents many of the other families in South London, not Oldman's. The colorful cockney ways of the Great Britain. But more than anything, it's problem of casual brutal urban violence. 5882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well written with a strong cast. 5243 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a brilliant film with, in my humble opinion De Niros best performance ever. He plays the original loner who prophesises that one day a "real rain will come" to N.Y and wash the "filth" from the streets. As he's an insomniac he gets a job as a Taxi Driver working late nights in the worst parts of town. he sees things that anger him and throughout the film he is drifting further and further away from reality. He forms an unsteady relationship with a beautiful woman named Betsy. And meets a teen prostitute (Foster) whom he is intent on rescuing from her controlling pimp (Keitel). Oh and he takes a slight interest in guns somewhere along the way. A brilliant film from a brilliant collaboration. Disc 2 has the rest of the old extras 7516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an American Classic. Amazing movie!!!!!! 4104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I think the leading performences where rich and powerful,specially Susan Sarandon. It is an excellent Hollywood style movie,it was charming and well done. Chris Colombus done it again. Overall, you can't fault the film because it's an entertaining romantic comedy that continues to stand the test of time and now it's available on Blu-ray ala High Def. If you are a Steve Martin fan, "ROXANNE" is a film that deserves to be in your collection. It's one of his best films (next to my favorite feat. Steve Martin, 1991's `L.A. Story') and definitely a film worth checking out! Anderson, in the liner notes, is called a "fan" of the RE video game series. Coulda fooled me, since his big-screen adaptation hardly has anything to do with RE. For whatever reason (ego? studio execs with zero inspiration beyond $$$?), Anderson decided to script his own "prequel" to the events of the first RE game. The game was a slow-paced creepfest, all about atmosphere. This film is typical Hollywood tripe, full of kung-fu babes, lame one-liners, wooden acting, obnoxiously-loud industrial metal music, and cheap "things popping out of lockers" scares. 611 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not At This Time 9244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a comedy Classic simply put. You'll either love or hate the Monty Python humor, there is no in between. I'm sure everyone is aware of the plot, and that it's them making fun of the medieval times and king Arthur in his search for the Holy Grail. I got it as a Christmas gift, and it's absolutely perfect! The thing with this movie, is that it brings all its fans together over a wide age audience. My uncle is a Monty Python fanatic and it's grown on me even before I knew he was. The quotes you find yourself saying make it more enjoyable the next time you watch it. The swallows, the virgins, the wedding, the witch, the 3 headed giant, the knights who say NI! It's all perfect, it's got this shine to it, that will never disappear. I've seen this movie so many times and well for me personally; it's never lost its touch. I've seen the Spamalot play and even bought my own personal pair of coconuts. (*chuckles*) Anyways, rent this and see for yourself. You may not get all the jokes at first, or understand it. As the first time I saw this I was about 8-ish and other then the rabbit scene (which is what I consider to be the best part of the movie) I didn't get it. But then again, I was eight at the time. The second Disc with extras is great especially the Lego knights signing Knights of the Round Table. If you want to see the credits for disc two, highlight the Holy Grail on one of the menus, it's an Easter egg. Although I haven't watched it with commentary yet, this is one ultimate package for Python fans everywhere....unless perhaps, you are French. 1015 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this video specifically to see my all time favorite Scottish actor, Tony Curran, play the sinister serial killer, Emerson. I was not disappointed by any of the three episodes in this set, however. I recommend this video to any fan of cop drama and/or mysteries. 876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My four-year old son just asked if he could watch this for the 3rd time in a row this evening. The little story line (Ernie is learning the routine in the Furry Arms, the local hotel) is entertaining for little kids-- as are the characters. Some are over-the-top, but with little kids, they *have* to be so the kids recognizee they're obnoxious. Yes, De Niro is brilliant, and yes, Scorsese's techniques are still as effective today as they were innovative in 1976. In summary,Taxi Driver must-see film for movie lovers, this Martin Scorsese masterpiece is as hard-hitting as it is compelling, with Robert De Niro at his best. 4061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I CAN RELATE VERY WELL TO THIS MOVIE. AS A CHILD MY STEPMOM AND I DIDNT REALLY SEE EYE TO EYE. THAT HAS DEFINATLEY CHANGED SINCE IVE GOTTEN OLDER. KIDS REALLY DO HAVE A HARD TIME DEALING WITH DIVORCE AND A PARENT SEEING ANOTHER PERSON. IT CAN AFFECT THEM IN WAYS NOONE COULD IMAGINE. THIS MOVIE DEALS WITH THE EVERYDAY DRAMA OF A SPLIT UP FAMILY AND ADJUSTING TO A PARENTS NEW RELATIONSHIP. I THINK THE 12 YEAR OLD IN THIS MOVIE WAS MORE AFFECTED BY THESE EVENTS THAN HER YOUNG BROTHER. SHE WAS VERY HOSTILE AND DEMANDING BUT TURNED OUT SWEET AS PIE. I HOPE THIS IS AN ISSUE MY DAUGHTER WILL NEVER HAVE TO DEAL WITH. IF YOU CRY DURING MOVIES BE PREPARED. I THINK EVEN THE STRONGEST PERSON WILL SHOW SOME EMOTION TO THIS MOVIE. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME I SEE IT. 8265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Believe it or not this movie is HD all the way, its a great story and a clear crisp picture and sound. 5746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bad ass movie! 1005 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had a time follwing the plot in this movie and it seem that the movie didn't go anywhere Also in the cast: Muse Watson, Mekhi Phifer, Jack Black, Jeffrey Combs, Bill Cobbs, Jennifer Esposito. 3230 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Easy Rider is a legendary movie. This ofcourse is due to its cultural and box office impact rather then the quality of the film itself. Today the film is merely a curio-item, but as a film, it just doesn't work. Witness for example the ludicrous dialogue, when a farmer invites Fonda and Hopper to eat with his family, there is a close-up of Fonda's face as he says "Its great thing for a man to live off the land, you should be proud." Please, this sounds like a public service commercial for some farmers union. Hopper as a director has this highly annoying gimmick of falshing frames of the next scene twice before actually moving onto it, and he doesn't do it once but throughout the film. Now I'm aware that this gimmickry might have been revolutionary back in the sixties, but now it only breaks the flow of a film that is already hard to sit through. The movie consists of endless shots of Fonda and Hopper on their bike, and not much else, but it does however recieve a major jolt with Jack Nicholson's arrival, he briefly awakens this movie out of its slumber. Unfortunatly he's not on for long, and we're back to Fonda and Hopper on bikes. The movie then ends in an extended acid trip which despite being completely pointless is far more entertaining then the rest of this tepid film. Watch this if you're a serious film buff and want to know what the hoopla is about, but once you've gotten through it once, I doubt you'll have it in you to sit through it again. 1009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good entertainment 7168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good The God of the Kingdom 9411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Absolutely loved this film! What a fascinating and thought provoking story, from ethics to morals - to love - what and how far will the human species go? Or what about the Knights Who Say Nei? Get me a shrubberry! The poignancy of this story can touch anyone out there who has ever experienced the family complications conveyed in this movie; it can deeply affect everyone who has ever lived through anything like the joy and sorrow felt by the characters. Very pretty steelbook. My only complaint is that, after the special edition in 1980, ALL the artwork seems to have no problem with GIVING AWAY THE ENDING ON THE COVER! Geez, spoiler much? Oh yeah, the reason for my title is of course because this movie makes you use your brain, but it also leaves you feeling good after you watched with wonder as the close encounter unfolded. Well, I don't know... Maybe it would be scarier to watch on a big screen in a darkened theatre, but to me today's horror directors simply got it wrong. You don't make a movie scary by showing lots of blood and organs and people with no eyes or no jaws. A truly scary movie is created by ATMOSPHERE (note Hitchkok and Kubrick). Seeing a guy being sliced into a hundred little pieces isn't scary, it's repulsive. There IS a difference, you know. Two thumbs down. 5548 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed it. 2792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Greetings All, Such a wonderful movie with great acting! Cheers! William and I had very high hopes for this sequel. If you are not used to British television, well, the first disk you have to get used to the accent...but it's not hard--TRUST ME IN NO TIME YOU WILL NOT EVEN NOTICE THE ACCENT. 3168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Dennis Hopper made a cathartic movie. I 've always recognized his talent as actor and film maker . He's an outsider artist , in all the sense of the expression. 9905 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BLUE THUNDER has been reissued this time by Mill creek but has no extras, nothing not even the theatrical trailer 2929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic if there ever was one. A must see. Love it and very good cast 2036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 old movie 927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this, it was packed well and exactly as pictured. i would recommend this product to anyone looking for something nice. 5055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The movie "Bottle Rocket" was widely ignored in 1996, but after a few years, the film has gradually gain respect and fans. "Bottle Rocket" was directed by the great indie director Wes Anderson, who wrote the screenplay in collaboration with Owen Wilson, who plays one of the main characters of the movie, Dignan. Recommended. 6589 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 BEFORE THIS MOVIE CAME OUT I HAD HIGHLY ANTICIPATED TO BE A GREAT MOVIE, BUT IT SUCKED SO BAD AND IT WAS STUPID THE GRAPHICS WERE HORRIBLE IVE SEEN SCARY MOVIES FROM THE 70'S THAT HAS BETTER SPECIAL EFFECTS THAN THIS CRAP. A LITTLE ADVICE TO ANYONE WHOS THINKING ABOUT BUYING THIS MOVIE DONT!!!!!! NOT EVEN RENT IT, ITS NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY. 1822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Unlike The Patriot which was purely made for propaganda purposes, The Crossing, follows a much more pragmatic, realistic, and in effect a more truthful account of events during the American War of Independence (1775-1783). The film brings to the screen George Washington's first victory during the American Revolution: The Battle of Trenton. 2183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 they do a job on time. i wel buy form them sametime. wich the dvds on ps3 or dvdplay. i 2883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie watch it over and over good movie. 'Late 7092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I read about this event in a Reader's Digest article many years ago. Upon seeing the film, the horror of what those climbers experienced had a much greater emotional impact. The special effects were awesome!! You had a sense of being right there with them. Remember those lost recently in the earthquake in Nepal. 6624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film was a very intense 2 hours of jumping and gasping. It is based on the popular video game series, but you don't have to have burned corneas or sore thumbs to enjoy this modern and believable zombie flick. For those who haven't played the game, Resident Evil was a spooky game to play alone and in the dark. The film is no exceeption. 508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This four hour video looks a the familiar "Joseph" story from the Bible but with a few wonderful twists. First, it just jumps into the Egyptian setting. Second most of the actors do a great job on their roles -- I want to say "brava" to Leslie Ann Warren for making Potiphar's wife engaging and even more scary than the original tale suggests. Finally, the customs and backgrounds are the best yet that I've seen in a film version of the tale. However, my "four star" rating refers to the "flashback" section of the film. Yes, why it happens makes sense internally but did they need to spend so much time on it? It very sad that Paul Mercurio's careers seems to have turned off onto the "B" grade track -- I think he is excellent in this movie and also in Exit to Eden. The only thing I had an issue with was the talking was quite but the action was very loud...as if I was in a surround sound theater. I turned on the caption and it was just fine. 4544 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent - Item delivered on time, was as described, 4862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Goodfellas but to me, Martin Scorsese reached his peak with this nightmarish and brilliantly fascinating work from 1976 and Raging Bull four years later. Combining influences from Alfred Hitchcock, particularly The Wrong Man (1956), and European cinema as well as being a look at the decaying times. Paul Scraders already challenging script is elevated to an even mysterious grandeur as we follow Travis Bickel (Robert De Niro) and his descent or ascent into a psychological journey with an ending that leaves the audience embracing or questioning his morality and humanity. Beautiful cinematography capturing the grim New York of the 70s and a haunting score from Bernard Hermann, also his final, that is equally as important at exploring the lead characters psyche as the camera work, acting and script. 7039 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoyed it. I watched it while my Husband watched football. :-) The other thought brings into focus much of what has been happening in the development of identification technology. The use of lasers to identify individual through their eye imprints, is now available in certain secure government facilities. The future may be nearer than we think. This series is good enough for a repeat viewing and so I have the deferred pleasure of knowing I will be reintroduced to the Bellamys and all their servants at some later time. However, for the first-time viewer, a real treat is in store for you! Diana Rigg can probably claim about 60% of the credit for the vast number of U.S. audience members who were glued to their TVs when "The Avengers" finally hit here. The other 40% (not forgetting Macnee's fine performances) had to do with the presentation of the series. Starting in 1965, with Rigg, the filmscore was notably updated and played more prominently throughout the story, enhancing the action and suspense. Also, the action itself was boosted. Never a dull moment with Steed and Mrs. Peel. And these episodes were all FUN -- one embraced a sense that Macnee and Rigg were having a great time in making these films. Now that I've seen episodes from "The Avengers'" earlier years, ('63-'64) I can see that they dragged quite a bit and were much more soap opera-ish. I am actually one of the few unlucky people to actually see this "film" in the theater. I fell asleep. So just to be fair and to have a complete impression of the film, I rented the DVD. I fell asleep twice more before I saw the entire film. It was so bad it made me wish I had fallen asleep a third time. 1715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 6990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First of all, this is not an oscar-bound movie, so don't expect it to be anything it's not. It's an excellent horror/sci fi thriller that kept me at the edge of my seat from start to finish. Just turn off your brain and let the zombies munch on it for awhile and have some fun. Don't think too hard about plot holes and such :-) Resident Evil is truly frightening, and is one of the few movies that actually made my heart pound in fearful anticipation. The movie is excellent at creating a kind of clausterphobic panic that really gets to the audience. And yes, there are more zombies than you can shake a stick at. And just when you thought there couldn't be any more zombies... It is a difficult movie to watch but you will see that even though drugs and violence can destroy a family, some families survive. 9898 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You may not be able to tell a good book by its cover, but it seems to me that much of the time you can tell a good movie by its opening credits. GATTACA begins with extreme closeups of the genetic material falling off of a man while he grooming himself early in the morning, at the main credits appear with the letter of the genetic code standing out from the other letters. A brilliant opening score is paired with this beginning, and it only gets better from there. Like the opening credits, the entire movie is less about flash and more about substance, depth, and (in my opinion) sheer genius. There is also a very good documentary about the film. It is a must for Scorsese fans and Taxi buffs. Anyone who tells you that this movie is boring or that it meanders is horrendously missing the point. This is an incredibly well-realized movie, masterfully paced, and evocative. There is some great black humor in "Taxi Driver", but its primary impact is psychological, and in turn, emotional. The movie tends to be very low-key, but in a continuously arrestingly and usually creepy way. A ton of the credit for this of course goes to Robert De Niro for his incredible lead performance as the crippingly lonely cabbie Travis Bickle, a man of contrasts who's disturbed to the very core of his being. Seeing Iris, a 12-year-old prostitute remarkably portrayed by Jodie Foster, ultimately pushes Bickle to the very brink. The movie's post-shootout finale, which I agree is clearly a fantasy from Bickle's mind, is a hauntingly powerful stroke of genius. 225 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked this production giving the possible American point of view. We've all seen the original Christmas Carol but I'd highly recommend this to anyone. We watched this with our grandchildren whose interest was kept the entire length. 6300 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Beautifully filmed but otherwise, a vanity piece for producer Streisand who loves the camera to love her and blonde love interests--Nolte, Redford, Bridges. Best Nolte ever looked and good performances from Kate Nelligan and Blythe Daner but otherwise, offputting by profanity and focus on Streisand. The "romantic" opening slo-mo shot of a yellow cab emerging from a cloud of billowing steam to the progressively rapid beating of a one-handed snare drum sets a dark underlying malevolent tone, and for the most part, that tone is maintained through to the end credits. We meet Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), a twenty-six year old ex-Marine who suffers acute insomnia and harbors an utter contempt for what he perceives to be the filth of his urban surroundings and all the depravity it engenders. He takes a job as an all-night hack in a bid to quell his anxiety. The tone is interrupted only by Bickle's inept attempts at social intercourse, especially with a beautiful "uptown" campaign worker named Betsy (Cybill Shepherd, whose presence reminds one of no less than Claudia Cardinale's idealized woman in Fellini's 8 1/2). However, the viewer always senses Travis's lingering malevolence just beneath the surface. A chance meeting with Betsy's candidate gives him a brief but prominent locus for his frustrations, what can't be given by his colleague cabbies (including Wizard, memorably played by Peter Boyle), but it also eventually gives him a locus for a misdirected "sense of purpose". Later, another female/male pairing engages this "purpose" as Travis tries to befriend a pubescent prostitute named Iris (a young Jodie Foster) who works under the "aegis" of a slimy pimp named Sport (Harvey Keitel). The narrative eventually boils to an explosively violent climax. 9978 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is an excerpt from my book "Killer B's: The 237 Best Movies On Video You've (Probably) Never Seen," which is available as an ebook on Amazon. If you enjoy this review, there are 236 more like it in the book (plus a whole lot more). Check it out! Region: All Regions 5332 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse and Roddy McDowall star in this 1985 horror film. Well packaged, the two-disc set has several extras. The main menu on the first disc is funny in itself with an option for the hard of hearing. There are two alternative commentary tracks. The first is newer and features Idle, John Cleese and Michael Palin; the second was recorded much earlier with Gilliam and Jones. Both are informative but only fitfully funny since they defer to the movie. The second disc has "Mindless Sing-Alongs!", where three scenes are taken from the film and subtitled so that once can sing along to the amusing "Knights of the Round Table" (which inspired the Broadway show title, "We dine well here in Camelot, we eat ham and jam and spam a lot."), "Sir Robin" or chant along in "Monk's Chant". There is a hysterical little "educational" short entitled "How to Use Your Coconut" and two scenes dubbed in Japanese. But the highlight is a 45-minute documentary called "The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations," in which Jones and Palin explore the various film locations with humor and a sense of deserved nostalgia. Other features include a mock interview with the cast done during the filming, a Lego version of "The "Knights of the Round Table" song and various sundry features suitable primarily for a Pythonite. For non-Pythonites, the film is still worth a look at a comedy that only looks better with all the witless dreck produced now. 2279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 thanks 249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How a bitter old man comes to know the true meaning of Christmas. Realizing to late his lost love and life. Season 2 - Picks up the story following Elizabeth and Lawrence's honeymoon, and their household in Greenwich. Humorous scenes downstairs featuring Rose (Jean Marsh), Thomas (John Alderton) and Mrs Fellowes (Dorothy Frere) contrast dramatically with the unhappy marriage of Elizabeth and Lawrence upstairs. Roy's life goes into an tailspin. He loses many things that are dear to him in his search for truth, his curiosity becomes an obsession. Roy begins to see the shape of a mountain in pillows, in shaving cream, and seems to be falling apart at the seams. 7747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best. When the news comes on TV with word that a train supposedly loaded with deadly nerve gases has overturned in northeastern Wyoming, however, both Dreyfuss and Dillon know the locale--Devils Tower. In spite of government officials closing the park off to outsiders (the nerve gas leak is an elaborate cover story), Dreyfuss and Dillon witness, along with a noted UFO expert (Francois Truffaut, director of the 1969 classic THE WILD CHILD) and hundreds of others, the first actual close encounter of the third kind--direct physical contact between Earthlings and extra-terrestrials. 6830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i am a sucker for the old movies 9363 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Extra super special, not just ordinary special, but super special edition is packed with extras to make a python addict drool. What is most amazing with the DVD is the depth of color that is simply lost on VHS copies of the film. Having seen the movie any number of times, the difference truly is amazing. You will like it and will enjoy it too ! ! ! I have seen it before and think it is Robin Williams best performance in anything. When a new neighbor moves in, Charley notices strange things. Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon) is suave and sophisticated and is never seen before sunset. When some girls start missing, Charley starts to suspect that Jerry might be a vampire. When he cannot convince anyone else of this, he goes to Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell). Peter, at first, is skeptical, like the rest. But eventually Charley brings him around. 2022 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie ~ great go to movie when you need a little drama, excitement, and Harrison Ford. Beyond the visual elements the only saving grace is Dustin Hoffman's performance as the Grand Inquisitor or Conscience. It is a fine performance from a fine actor, but it is a peculiar character. He spends his time questioning Joan's own sanity. Could her visions in fact be some form of psychosis or fantasy? Could crucial moments in her life like finding a sword in a field in fact be simple coincidence? Good questions in the history of the real Joan of Arc, but they seem out of place here. Nowhere in the film are we led to believe Joan is nothing but the real thing. Why bring these questions into play during its climactic ending. The film would have worked much better believing whole heartedly in Joan's purpose and vision. Or questioning her visions from the beginning, a revisioning of the myth could be very interesting. Instead it kicks its legs out from under itself by bringing her into question so late in the film. I can come in on any part of it on TV, and always wind up watching it all Where did he get his red suit? 5354 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all-time favorites, but I find this movie is usually very personal. That is, some people respond to it very strongly where others just don't as much. The ending always leaves me with a bittersweet feeling of "I've been there". You know the main character will be alright, but something else was lost. it's one of those times you know you'll look back on fondly, but you knew it had to come to an end. 8112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Comical,good music, well acted. If you like musicals, this shold float your boat! Albert Finney is name recognition butthe actress who played Annie ...made the movie. Steve Martin was absolutely fabulous in this film and his role as an executive producer, main actor and screenplay writer must have been quite interesting because he manages to seamlessly make this film seem smooth. How he took the storyline of "Cyrano De Bergerac" and wrote his interpretations for his character was a bit humorous and entertaining. 9511 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic that seems more relevant now than when I saw it years ago, because it has many parallels to our lives today. This isn't so much sci-fi as it is a psychological study. It asks what does it mean to be human? Is it our flaws that make us who we really are? And what happens in a society where flaws are not tolerated and we discriminate against the less than perfect? (SPOILERS HERE) To me, the most memorable character was Jerome Morrow. Being the embodiment of perfection--why did Jerome not excel to the heights? He had every physical advantage, so why did he win only a silver medal? And why was he so suicidal as the "perfect" man, that he walked in front of a car? It showed that genetic advantages cannot overcome a person's inner angst. And Jude Law's bitter, depressed Jerome Morrow was heartbreaking. The scene where he drags himself up the stairs was excruciating to watch. Uma Thurman was her usual languid, one-note self. Ethan Hawke was very good. But it was Law's performance that made this movie for me. This was the same year he made "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and the difference between sallow, broken Jerome Morrow and the bronzed Adonis Dickie Greenleaf shows you just how amazing and versatile an actor he is. Buy this collection. It is pricey but fans on a budget can buy "like new" used copies for $50. There is also an identical full-screen (1.33:1) version of this set sold separately for considerably less. 7808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding movie, and acting. Watch it over and over again. Too bad it spawned so many idiot "wannabes" to pick up a fly rod and clog the riverbanks. 4460 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Jennifer Love Hewitt and her friends go to the Bahamas for a weekend of fun and sun, but the storm season holes them in and psycho killer Ben Willis is back and out to kill them all. Sequel to the middling original is very stupid (just think, the killer goes through the trouble of conning all these people to the island and decides to off not just them, but even the islanders?) and has almost no story, but remains a bit watchable thanks to the last 35 or so minutes, which features a LOT of running, gratuitous cleavage shots, and bloody slasher action. Too bad the villain is dressed in a silly fisherman's outfit. 680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a special, touching Christmas video. Wonderful for the kids and to add to your Christmas collection 1866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have this same movie on "SuperBit DVD" with DTS , and i know this blu-ray audio is recorded in Dolby True and it should look better but i want to hear which one will sound better or more dynamic..? 6644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is part of the famous Resident Evil video game franchise and is a side story for what is occurring in the games. The special forces in this film are not S.T.A.R.S. They are actually working for Umbrella corporation. The contamination in the game series occurs several months before S.T.A.R.S. team Bravo is sent in to investigate. 8365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I actually saw this musical in New York as a kid (in the early 1980's), and I remember sitting in the audience wishing I could play Annie - I think most girls my age were wishing the same thing... 7253 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My daughter did not want to watch this when I first pulled it up. She was stuck watching animated movies, over and over. When we watched this together she watched it over and over and now requests Annie soundtrack to be played while we're driving around. 4017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The film's story is one that, for the most part, is unfortunately far too engrained in our society today. But this is still a great movie as its leads bring their characters to life on the screen, allowing us to sympathize with their troubles...and perhaps choose sides in their disagreements. Susan Sarandon, Ed Harris, and Julia Roberts are involved in a triangle as they work to adjust to one couple's divorce and the other's pending nuptials. The child actors, Jena Malone and Liam Aiken, were also great as the kids not happy with any part of the situations. These kids were given distinct personalities and each one made the absolute most with what they had...job well done. Sure, the ending was totally sad and corny all at once, but it worked so well that I won't complain...instead, I'll credit the cast for making it work so well. A fine film for viewing, though some might recommend a box of tissues. Enjoy. -I have never played the game. This is the film, not the game. It's clear Bickle wishes to be a cowboy hero in "Taxi Driver," as seen by the boots he wears and the guns he straps on like an inner-city John Wayne. His famously improvised "You talkin' to me?" speech is in fact a line of dialog lifted from the classic 1953 western "Shane." And the final showdown has Bickle taking on three men (outnumbered a la Cooper in "High Noon") in a bloody, ferocious battle that to this day is one of the most violent scenes in history. Bickle, adorned in Mohawk and Army jacket, fires at random. The violence is so sloppy one gets the feeling they are viewing an actual crime scene. There is no music, only the jagged noises of constant screaming and guns blasting within closed-in spaces. While we love the balletic violence of the final shootout in "The Wild Bunch," we turn away from the gore in "Taxi Driver." It's as repellant as reality. The Region 2 Disney UK DVD comes with no special features. Audio options are English, French and German. With Subtitles options being English, French and German as well. The credits all come at the beginning of the movie, which was how credits were done until George Lucas changed the industry with Star Wars, so the lack of end credits seems a bit jarring. When I played this on my computer with the VLC player, there was black bars both below and on the side of the image. But in my multiregion Blu Ray player, the image wiled my widescreen TV. good. 10 (out of 10). Immersion. Did the movie suck me into the story? 8772 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I have had only measured appreciation for Bronson's work, but this film fit him perfectly. The rugged, taciturn persona of Bronson naturally fit this character, a character that would likely have those attributes at the time of the Depression. The supporting cast was well chosen- Strother Martin, for one, of fame for intoning the infamous, "What we have here is failure to communicate" line of Cool Hand Luke. He was a perfect fit for this film as well. I have only one minor problem with the film and that is an historical inaccuracy. In the opening of the film where Chaney is riding a boxcar into New Orleans, the train locomotive is a diesel. Diesel locomotives were not in use in the time of the Depression and did not appear until the 1950's. Then later, at a train station, steam locomotives are used which were, in the 1930's, in common use. Beyond that, Hard Times is a forgotten jewel of a movie, especially for Bronson fans. Well worth the price of admission. 8629 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 kids love it really funny 8322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My special needs son LOVES Elmo!! If you want the real Resident Evil expirience, I suggest you play the remake of the first game on Gamecube. If you desire a non-interactive adaptation of the games, read the books. If you must see just how badly Anderson botched up the RE mythology, then by all means see the movies. But be forwarned, they suck. What could have been an excellent horror film adaptation of a classic game turned into a C grade action movie flop. The ending is very bittersweet. On one hand, Dignan is in jail but on the other, it seems like he is growing up. He makes belt buckles while in prison and tells Anthony and Bob that they could give them to Mr. Henry (who totally used Dignan to get closer to Bob and ultimately robs his house) and Apple Jack (who was caught at the scene but the charges were dropped because of his medical condition). He also jokes to Bob and Anthony about an escape plan which shows that he has accepted his fate. This is truly a coming of age story. and Stretch Max 3) "The Correct Way to Kill" "Steed changes partners - and Emma joins the Enemy" has more than one Steed dashing about, as John and Emma try to end a ring selling British top secrets. 9405 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Okay, I previously gave the original release of this disc only 4 stars, but now I can go up to five. First off, the movie itself deserves a much higher grade than five. It is absolutely one of the best comedies ever made. Unfortunately, the original DVD release included no extras. For people like me who care about such things, this was a major tragedy, especially since the DVD release of Life Of Brian was so good (more extras than you could ever want). Now, finally Holy Grail is getting the same treatment. Available as a two disc set, I definitely recommend it. The extras are just great, plus you get a (very slightly) longer version of the film. The special edition is the ONLY version of this disc to own. 2325 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I rewatched this movie just last night (April 13th, 2003), to see what messages it actually uses to play on people's fears and misconceptions about the world around America. At times embarassing, at times eerily in tune with current events, and at all times constantly questioning one's own common sense. Hollywood is always seeking to entertain and distract its audience, but putting such political issues in focus without any thought or plausibility insults those with any mind to question. SOUND:I give it 9 stars out of 10. 2094 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I had not seen this movie in quite some time. A great performance by Harrison Ford and the villain is one that is hard to forget. I enjoyed watching this movie again. And then get Rumpole to defend you! 4540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great..super fast delivery! Jane Eyre movies Brad Pitt Play An Excellent Part As Do The others. 8533 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie and story Now here's the next kicker that strikes me as a little funny. It's odd that people can't fathom two people can experience the same phenomenon differently or have a different take on it. Being a punk in say NYC 77 would have been much different than being one in 86 insert small Midwest town, '81 Manchester England or '82 Los Angeles. This movie can't capture every 'punk' experience or perspective everyone had and it shouldn't. What it does well is describe the isolation, outcast and sometimes bizarre lifestyle proclaiming yourself a 'punk' might put you into. The scene with the drug dealer where he's shooting the car hoping to sink it in Great Salt Lake wasn't exactly my personal experience but it wasn't too far from the 'anything could happen so watch out' feeling I had when I proclaimed myself a 'punk'. 6884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Definitely a DVD for your library collection. All three actors were Anthony (Luke Wilson) has just been released from a mental hospital after being treated for exhaustion ("You haven't worked a day in your life. How could you be exhausted?"). He hangs out with his idealistically weird pal Dignan (Owen Wilson), who has mapped out his life over the next 75 years. Dignan, having seen a TV special, has decided to become a master criminal. The blue ray finally brings us a rendition worth watching. as others have mentioned, the original DVD pan & scan totally sucked. The BR is sharp, clear and of course the complete picture. 247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This has been a favorite movie of mine for a long time. Henry winkler is great as a modern day Scrooge. There are many movies giving a new twist to Dickens, but this one is true to the original story. It is set during the depression. 426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must admit this bibical movie has it all. Passion,Suspense and Temptation. I think this is more for a mature audience. Due to some scenes in this film I wouldnt advise children to view it. But the cast and movie is wonderful. It's truly a movie worth watching! 5523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie that is fast paced and with great lovable characters. The movie is fun to watch and the story does have some depth to it. You will cheer loudly when the loser finally becomes the hero. I love the scene where Dracula laughs at the vampire killer who is holding the cross with his shaky hand. That scene is so much fun to watch. Anyway, if you've read this entire review, and if you still want to purchase this DVD, that's your own choice to make. But I'm staying as far away from this movie (and anything else related to Monty Python) as humanly possible. 7316 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this is the first time that I've watched a movie that was better than the book on which it was based. The Montana landscape is indescribably beautiful. No words can do it justice. It must be seen. Also, there was quite a lot in the book about the intricate art and skill of fly fishing. The movie emphasized relationships and family dynamics which I found more interesting. The movie was beautifully done. I will probably watch it again sometime just for the scenery. 8419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Grandson enjoyed it leaning more toward the HUMOR than the SENSE. Zombie Dogs 6983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil (Paul W. S. Anderson, 2002) 9897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is about the promise of modern genetics, both passive, reading one's identity from a sample, and active, in changing the physical character of a person-to-be. The dark version, also called "The Collector's Edition" However I think it was supposed to be a director's cut (ASIN: 0800198395) cut out all the comic scenes like the throwing all the dirt in the window prior to building the replica of Devils Mountain. And added some "Mother gets disturbed scenes." I bought the dark version first because I thought it had the special ending where the inside of the ship is shown. But I did not know that it was completely remade. Some of the Gas mask scenes are missing also. 2746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched this movie because I recently saw Steel Magnolias as a play at a local dinner theatre. The play was better with better and funnier actresses than the movie. The movie was good, especially Julia Roberts, but the play ruined the movie for me. 6257 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Following the moderate success of the first "eh, good enough" film, Resident Evil: Apocalypse continues the story of Alice, one of the few survivors of the T-Virus outbreak that turned the Hive facility's employees into flesh-eating zombies. The Umbrella Corporation has reopened the Hive and the T-Virus has escaped into the Raccoon City above it. Now, Alice - who is now superpowered thanks to Umbrella tinkering with her DNA - must once again escape hordes of zombies, hellhounds, and Umbrella-created mutations before the whole city is nuked off the map. 7490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very riveting it had me on the edge of my seat Highly Recommended. The film gets the look of the future down just right. I can't say this is a 'fun' film, since it's pretty serious about its subject matter; but I can say I enjoyed the film from beginning to end. The questions raised in one's mind about the subject (could genetic engineering lead to a VERY stratified society?). 9673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting concept. But you really have to want to watch it as it is very slow paced!! 7862 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A River Runs Through It is one of those films that can be watched over and over. The movie focases on the lives of two brothers(Brad Pitt and Craig Sheffer) growing up in Montana and the different paths they take. The sons of a minister(played well by Tom Skerrit) they are brought up religiously with two faiths, the church and fishing. Eventually Normon(Scheffer) goes away to school and Paul(Pitt) stays at home and becomes a newspaper reporter. Years later, after finishing his degree, Normon returns to Montana to decide what he wants to do with the rest of his life. While he was away Paul has developed some bad habbits, namely gambling. Everyone in the family is aware of the problem but doesn't seem to want to confront it. Instead they go fishing and catch up on old times. Normon meets a local girl at a dance and begins courting her. This leads to a hillarious incident involving her brother, who is a compulsive liar and a drunk. Eventually Normon settles on what he wants to do and Paul's problems come back to haunt him. Robert Redford's excellent directing, along with strong performances, and breathtaking cinematography make this a very charming film. It is worth seeing, again and again. 7995 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges) is one of those outrageous disc jockeys and radio talk guys who says crude things for the effect, without figuring what it might do. One of his callers is pretty clearly on the edge of a breakdown, and Jack heartlessly pushes him over. The guy gets a rifle and goes into a disco and shoots it up, killing several people and injuring several more before killing himself. Wonderful Christmas movie. A deserved classic, Easy Rider functions so well as a capsule of its time that it should be used in history classes; that said, it's also a nearly-great motion picture that admittedly lags a bit in its first half hour but hits the ground running once Jack Nicholson comes aboard and never stops for breath. 7667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An excellent film that was overlooked in its time. I would say that this is one of Robin Williams' finest performances. There is a lot going on in this movie and should be watched several times, at least. Great cameo by Tom Waitts too. Great acting overall, and great cinematography. 3429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! 9046 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What more can I say. It's Monty Python and it's funny. What makes it even funnier is the people doing the acting don't seem to recognize how off the wall they are being. It's gut wrenching funny. 9075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great and classic comedy film. A must see for any who love comedy. One of the best of all time. This is a hokey premise, even for me, and I always love the hokey romantic comedies. After the first 20 minutes, I almost gave up. But then the lovely Robert Downey Jr. graced the screen and reminded me why I watch reruns of Ally McBeal on F/X. He's sweet, he's charming, he's fantastically charismatic. He spends this movie doing his best to charm Marisa Tomei into falling in love with him, resorting to some not-so-honest tricks. Normally this would be a little too stalkerish, but somehow, Robert just makes it work. 8010 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 How can you not like it! Its a fantastic classic, even with the slightly racist overtones in some of the characters. I was slightly shocked to not have remembered that there were a few choice words I would have preferred my six year old not overhear, but then again, there are worse movies to which he would be exposed. The songs are still wonderful and aside from not fitting in to the politically correct mold movies currently are, the movie still transcends time well. (And don't worry, there aren't any Scientologists in this film.) Also in a packed and crowded club the director knows that another cheap jump scare needs to be tossed in or else the mouth breathing teenagers won't be interested, so white virgin sees a shadow reminding her of the killer until she realizes it's just the dark, but wait, it's the corner of a club with couches and everything, and no one's sitting there? Have any of them actually been to a club or did they have to ignore basic club settings in order for the cheap phoned in jump scare to work. 4218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 9608 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting story, good acting. 3605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great deal to get the anniversary blue ray discs at this price. If you are the ultimate sy-fy addict like myself you will love it, Came with nice little booklet the size of a DVD case. What can I say but da-da-dah---dah--dah What amazed me about the film is that it worked as an insightful allegory of the path of the hippy movement - while the hippy movement was in full swing. The film was shot in early 1968 - before the assassinations of MLK and Bobby, the Chicago riots and the election of Richard Nixon had soured the counterculture. So it was wild to see the film suggest the fatuity of the movement, its self-contradictions (back to Nature + smoke/drink/pill-pop your brains out) and its eventual rejection by society at large. 4622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 really like this movie 9909 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Keeps you on edge all the way through 988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic early Woody 4607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Let's hear it for Louis Gossett and the young hero. 5644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Being an ex-punk (my punk years were 1978-1983) I didn't expect much from this movie. what a pleasant surprise! Rather than the fashion clones most movies portray, the punks were all individuals, no two the same. Matthew Lillard was absolutely brilliant. I agree that he is probably one of the best and most under-rated actors of his generation. The introduction video section has Tonya and her single student showing their new babies. It is commendable that they both just gave birth and have made a video. All the proceeds go to "Acres 4 Life" which helps people in Africa learn to farm their land, which is awesome! I really appreciate their efforts and work helping people with their loving kindness, but again, it would be better to be straight forward in their marketing that their efforts have religious undertones. It's not that I don't support them, but they should be clear on the cover of the DVD that the proceeds will be used for religious-based projects. 5539 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really love this movie and I been wanting it on Blu-ray for awhile now the price was alittle steep but it was worth it for me I really love the picture and sound quality too they did a very good job and the extras are good also, no complaints from me But when he and Jeff Bridges character meet it becomes a wild ride; sometimes funny, always poignant and deeply moving. 6220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like many that have seen this movie, I have been a fan of the video game series for years, and this movie never disappoints me. It has everything that makes RE great; strong characters, interesting story and scenes that make me jump. At first, it is sad that no video game characters make it on to this movie, but Milla Jovovich is great as the heroine Alice. There was some good acting but the storyline completely distorted the message of Joan of Arc. Instead of the courageous and noble young lady that I believe her to have been ,in this post-modernistic , oversophisticated era of cheap thrills she is portrayed as a pschotic ,ultraneurotic who the movie seems to suggest was motivated by selfish and bloodthirsty reasons which anyone who has studied Joan of Arc would know is not true (Read or see George Bernhard Shaw's Saint Joan which shows more genius in one sentence than this movies wise guy writers and producers could ever write in their collective lifetimes) I am going to see the other Joan of Arc video and hope it is better than this one and reflects the genuine values of freedom and justice which so many older movies (but also quite a few new ones ) more satisfyingly portray 3430 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A CLASSIC MOVIE!!! It was great to watch it again! Last but not least is Roddy McDowall, as brilliant an actor as he was, he played "Peter Vincinct", a man who is a tv host for broadcast horror movies and "Charlie" (William Ragsdale) hires him to rid of the vampire living next door to him. 7658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In this beautifully filmed story, Faith (Marisa Tomei) is getting ready to marry a successful podiatrist when Damon Bradley, the man of her dreams calls up to speak to her fiance. Damon's a man that she's never met; however, as a young girl in a game of Ouija board, she asked the name of the man that she would marry. The answer was Damon Bradley. Faith probably would have ignored that, but several years later, she's again given the same name by a Gypsy fortuneteller. She feels that she can't ignore the phone call and takes off for Italy to meet Damon Bradley who she thinks may be her soul mate. 3158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie dominated by great actresses. I love this movie, a true chic flick. If you need a good laugh or cry this is the movie to see. Studio: Columbia Pictures / Twilight Time [Exclusive] The supporting cast is in top form as well. Shepard does a great job as Betsy, and despite Travis's eventual disillusionment with her and his conclusion of her being "just like all the others," we can't really look down upon her for leaving him. Foster did a great job with her role as Iris, as she really wants out of her deplorable life, but is also afraid to leave, and shows this by pretending to like the life she has. Keitel is excellent as Matt since he's a slimy pimp, but his character doesn't seem forced at all. While his appearance was small, Peter Boyle was great as "the Wizard," a seasoned cabbie whom the other cabbies Travis hangs around with seek knowledge and interesting stories about the business. This is an unrealistic action movie (unfortunately it doesn't seem quite as unrealistic anymore). But if you don't mind unrealistic action movies, which I don't, I am sure you will be very entertained by this movie. It's well written, and very thrilling, with good actors, especially Harrison Ford and Glenn Close. I have seen few action thrillers that were more entertaining than this one. It kept me at the edge of my seat for two hours and a couple of minutes. I highly recommend it! This is action at its best! 3 new episodes advance the story to 1936, with a new cast (excepting Marsh) and also now including Atkins as Maud, the same house, same music, same title. After "Upstairs, Downstairs" the pair of actresses combined again in creating "The House of Eliott", another period saga, bloody good Brit drama, an absolute must own "complete collection." All in all, a bad movie that is aimed at the teen-age genre with pointless drugs and a bad script. I do like Seth Green, however. He is one of the few redeeming factors (that and the movie's refusal to take itself seriously) in this B flick. Monty Python And The Holy Grail is a truly great film and in particular a truly great comedy - to still generate laughs even after repeated viewings. 4850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In Martin Scorsese's classic 1970s drama, insomniac ex-Marine Travis Bickle works the nightshift, driving his cab throughout decaying mid- '70s New York City, wishing for a "real rain" to wash the "scum" off the neon-lit streets. Chronically alone, Travis cannot connect with anyone, not even with such other cabbies as blowhard Wizard. He becomes infatuated with vapid blonde presidential campaign worker Betsy, who agrees to a date and then spurns Travis when he cluelessly takes her to a porno movie. After an encounter with a malevolent fare (played by Scorsese), the increasingly paranoid Travis begins to condition (and arm) himself for his imagined destiny, a mission that mutates from assassinating Betsy's candidate, Charles Palatine, to violently "saving" teen hooker Iris from her pimp, Sport. Travis' bloodbath turns him into a media hero; but has it truly calmed his mind? Written by Paul Schrader, Taxi Driver is an homage to and reworking of cinematic influences, a study of individual psychosis, and an acute diagnosis of the latently violent, media-fixated Vietnam era. Personally, I thought Uma Thurman was a mistake as Mrs. Peel, only because the built-in audience (those familiar with the popular British TV show) would've expected an English girl. Other reasons to view the film again are the very young and pre- Homer Simpson Dan Castellaneta, the now strange 80's fashions, and the wonderful exchanges between David Basner and the deadpan secretary, and Conrad Janis on trombone with his jazz band (however briefly). 4987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Even without "The Producers" the Mel Brooks Collection is a major gem in my dvd library. A "must have" for a true Mel fan. vince on oahu, hi Such is the world that we see in "Gattaca," a scarily plausible sci-fi story that examines the implications of eugenics and genetic enhancement. Director Andrew Niccol thankfully never gets too preachy or "uplifting" -- instead he crafts a cleanly elegant story with a murder mystery as the catalyst, and the strong trinity Jude Law, Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. 7273 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A fantastic family movie for all ages. The music is terrific, the actors were fabulous and a well loved show in our home. Our children still get a kick when my husband and I repeat a scene along with the actor or sing the songs. A clean movie, without all the garbage too many movies have today. Given Sony's checkered history using, abusing, and losing customer information, I'd highly recommend that you keep your computers free from Sony applications that are likely laden with spyware. 8897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic comedy. You can't help but belly laugh all through it. 6669 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 (...) Frankly, I couldn't care less about RACOON city. 6344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very great adaptation from game to screen 4249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought the movie itself was fun. It had good action sequences for a PG-13 film. I thought the dialogue itself was witty and the pop culture references were more than welcome in my book. The DVD itself, however, could've been much better. I know it was distributed by Medium creek entertainment or whatever its' called, and not by Sony itself. I for one would've included scene selection, language selection with English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other subtitles. I also would've included bonus features, like a commentary by the cast and filmmakers, deleted scenes (if there are any to be found), marketing materials including a foreign and domestic poster gallery, a gallery of theatrical trailers and TV spots and a making of documentary or 2. countlessly with a big bottle of booze. I wasn't ready for the end but 4026 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an amazing movie - heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching - addressing real-life issues from a unique angle. Get ready for a tear jerker. The movie has no special effects and does not need them. It's a murder mystery in the not too distant future. As mentioned before the book Brave New World comes to mind but also the movie 'AI' in its cleverness and 'Blade Runner' in it's artistic sense, even a little 'Brazil'. At the video store, Sylvester Stallone is seen on a lifesize cardboard stand up display as THE TERMINATOR. Jack Slater (Arnold) raves about how good Sly is in the role to a shocked Danny. It's too funny! Oh, and other bad puns, like when Slater kills a villain with an ice cream stuck in the eyeball, he quips: "Iced that guy... to cone a phrase!" But that's a very small complaint, because we're talking about Monty Python and the Holy Grail here. Even if the picture is never remastered, at least will still have one of the greatest comedies of all time. The outbreak occurs when Spencer shatters a vial of T-virus against a lab table on his way out of the Hive. The icicle virus melts, the water evaporates and carries viral particles through the air vents, infecting the entire staff. The hard of hearing part reads out the menu itself (useless, no?). The King Henry IV Pt. II subtitles are probably not accurate, and roughly follow the action of the play. tis Gaultree Forest. Hanging on Hotspurs neck. I feel happy becomes Happy am I. Mention of Falstaff 4194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Arnold was one of my favorites back in the day so I thought this was a great buy. 4491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I recently saw this film again after several years and I enjoyed as much as I had done when I first saw it when in was released onto video at the end of the 1980s. The Seventh Sign was not your run of the mill horror film. What it lacked in blood, guts and gore, it made up for other ways. The acting was excellent; Demi Moore was brilliant as the pregnant young woman about to give birth to the first soulless child who will herald the end of the world. Jurgen Prochnow in turn was superb as God's witness on earth and even Michael Biehn gave credence to his supporting role as Demi's disbelieving husband. Many Jacobs who plays the young Jewish boy Avi also deserves a mention, all in all the entire cast were brilliant. This is a much under-rated film as it is intriguing, atmospheric, and well put together. If you get the chance to rent, buy or borrow this film, then do so, it is well worth it and you won't be disappointed. great flick with a great story line from beginning to end and it doesnt leave anything out. 6731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Like Braveheart before it, this film portrays the English as a truly barbaric bunch of pillaging maniacs, which indeed we were before the invention of the cucumber sandwich. 6123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roxanne arrived from Amazon earlier than promised. The Blu ray disk was in excellent condition upon arrival. The picture of this blu ray is pretty good and the sound was also pretty good. In Ethan's world, perfection was the norm and others were outcast. Sort of the have and have nots society. Sounds like our world with the prejudice that presents itself. Ethan just wanted a chance, which he got, though sacrificing alot along the way. Uma did okay for her part and Jude Law was great as a spoiled cripple living his dream in Ethan. 6512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Disregard Roger Ebert's negative review and see this sequel for your own judgement. (BTW wasn't it Ebert who back then wrote that turd of a film; Beyond the valley of the dolls?!?) Gotta say I love, love, love scene #15- "you lookin' at me??". That was just great, I've played that scene over and over again many many times. 1763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I saw this movie years ago and recorded it off TV. After many years and a format transfer, my copy was in pretty poor shape. Happy to have a DVD copy to enjoy (as I did last night). Be patient and stay tuned...but don't buy yet! 5136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BOTTLE ROCKET, directed by Wes Anderson, rewards intelligence. Is that elitist? Maybe. But in a world of candy-coated feed-it-to-me-in-the-simplest-of-ways movies, BOTTLE ROCKET is a gem which you have to examine every facet. And Owen Wilson's Dignan is a comic masterpiece. I would love to see another Dignan movie. 8913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Funny as I expect from Python. I'll be getting more of their stuff. Will Annie ever get to be adopted? Will the nasty orphanage "mother" get her way? What about all of the other kids that are stuck in that horrible place - what will become of them? I won't answer any of these questions, as I don't want to ruin it for you if you've never seen it. Suffice it say that this a wonderful movie, and the endings not one to be forgotten... 7919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Film That Shows The Range That Both Actors Display During This Film. 7944 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Already left a review of this item. Love this item. Please don't force your customers to write more than they want just to fill a word quota. It is very annoying. 5718 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the 2nd in the franchise and in my opinion the best Yes, I CAN sing along with the "Camelot" song! Besson's Jeanne is a bellowing lunatic and latter day feminist with a wicked right cross. She lounges in bed until midday then furiously berates her commanders for starting the battle without her. Similarly, her knights can be found sleeping late (in full armour!) on the battlefield with the English Army directly to their front. The English in their turn are mercilessly pilloried as a race of brutal proto nazis, well...OK. These are just a few of the film's more besetting problems. Besson's Jeanne comes across as not a maid, but a madwoman worthy of institutionalization, if not the stake. 2196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies as a kid. 4401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Movie Is So Wonderful. I Used To Watch It. And It Was So Cool. The Movie Starts Off As Fozzie Bear And The Gang Are In The Truck. They Were Going To Fozzie Bear's Mother's House that's on a Farm. Kermit, His (kermit) Nephew Robin, And Fozzie Are Inside The Truck. And Fozzie Is Driving The Truck. While The Others Are In The Back Of The Truck. Next We See Fozzie Bear's Mother Getting Ready To Go On A Vaction When An Old Man And His Dog Came to the house. The Old Man And His Dog Were Going To Spen Christmas At The House While Fozzie Bear's Mother Goes On Her Vaction. Until Fozzie Bear And The Gang Arrive At The House Before They Came Into The House They Slipped On A Frozen Ice Patch. Once They Were All Inside The Old Man Didn't Like To Have Anyone Else Spending Christmas With Him And His Dog. Next We See Gonzo And Kermit In The Kitchen Talking To Eachother When Robin Came Into The Kitchen. Gonzo Left While Robin And Kermit Were Talking To Eachother. Until The Muppet Band Called The Electric Mayhem Were Performing In The House. After They Were Dune. The Whole Muppet Gang Heard Some Carolers. And They Were Suprised To See The Sesame Street Gang Outside. They Let Them Into The House. And Kermit Was Waiting For Miss Piggy (who i think is the diva of all divas even through she's a pig) to come home for christmas. So If You Want To Know What Happens Next. You Should Buy This Movie. It's A Wonderful Christmas Present For Your Little Boy Or Girl Who Likes The Muppets. 6658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having first seen Milla as the stoner chick in Dazed and Confused, I was mightily impressed with her powerful performance in this beautifully made Art Movie - and that's what it is. All the characters were stale and you began to not really care if one guy lived or died. When the characters did die, there wasn't ever that feeling of "Aw, man, I really liked him/her too". The comparison to "Reservoir Dogs" that appears on the cover is without basis, in my opinion. There is little grit or darkness to Wes's film. There's next-to-nothing in the way of violence or true obscenity (the things that often turn me off to Tarantino's films). It's colorful and bouncy, which is a good way to describe Dignan, the offbeat character played by co-writer Owen Wilson. It's the finest comedy work I've seen from Owen. 1405 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Ho-hum!!! What good can be said about this movie except that it takes the mantle of "Most Wretched Action Movie" away from "Batman Forever". No chemistry between Fiennes and Thurman, both are great actors, but horribly miscast. Even poor Mr. Connery looks weary of it all. Plotting is tepid --I dozed through the middle of it-- and the only good part is Uma in that leather catsuit *mrrrrroooww!!!!*Look, save your money and just buy any of the boxed sets of the original series. They rock! And Ms. Rigg looks better in her catsuit anyway!!! Alice was a soldier too, but her memory is only coming back in bits and pieces. 2113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. this is a review of the BLU-RAY edition. This movie was a bit of a financial failure I believe in its release but I enjoyed it for a fun/dumb action flick! 2498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a GEM! 802 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased after doing a lot of research after finding out I had prolapsed bladder. I guess this is fine though for people who can't handle the real horror movies, like 15 year old girls and horny guys who only want to stare at the hot main star. It's generic and cheap looking at times, much more so then the budget would suggest. 6404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. I've watched it on TV many times, and decided I should just buy it! Nick Nolte was the perfect choice for the lead, and Barbra Streisand is a very good actress. For mature adults - even guys. As far as using film for a device to explain a complex subject such as genetic tampering, "Gattaca" is a triumph. But seeing that I already was well aware of the social ramifications of such a practice, I have to judge it based on how the story affected me personally. It didn't. The devices were hackneyed, the characters were boring, there was no visual feast to pull it out of the fire. As nice as it is to think that no matter what, the way we do things is always the best, the fact is that once we open that Pandora's Box, Invalids will be exactly that. Invalid. It's always fun to see David beat Goliath, but a more realistic take would have been appreciated. Take District 9, for example. When the underclass was abused and treated as animals, that's practically what they became. Seeing something like that mirroring the real-life hardships of apartheid would have been much more convincing then the schmaltzy approach taken here. 2002 DVD release. Single Disc. Widescreen. No Special Features. 3877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am not a sci-fi fan. At all. But i just saw "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" on DVD and I loved it. Maybe not Spielberg's finest ("Schindler's List" takes the cake), it's definitely one of his best. Worst of all, he's "dry": totally out of fuel for the bong. Forced to face the bleak prospect of a cheerless world not percolating to the hazy slacker cumulus of marijuana. Oh, and there's a brutal serial killer loose on the streets: a maniac who slaughters his victims, skins them alive, and---when the need arises---takes eyeballs and other chunky bits as souvenirs. "Taxi Driver" on Blu-ray is HIGHLY recommended. The trouble with an anti-hero is that we are tempted not to identify with him. It is too painful. The Greeks knew they could only create catharsis through identifying with a larger than life figure. The film plays with that awareness that we have to raise the protagonist to heroic proportions somehow in order to find our way. 37 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great spin on the Classic Christmas Story by the master C. Dickens... 8977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Watch as ELMO, the fuzzy red muppet from SESAME STREET, loses his favorite BLUE BLANKET and heads off into the big scary world to find it! Even if it means heading into GROUCHLAND itself! This is the first feature-length movie starring Elmo and there is probably not a thing anybody can do to stop it from being the last! MANDY PATINKIN and VANESSA WILLIAMS help Elmo in his quest! This is a movie for the kiddies and not for the young at heart! This movie will only drive older people up the wall! But the little ones will be ENTRANCED for hours! Just do not let them see the "Making Of" segment on this DVD or they might be upset by the fact Elmo is not real! 2096 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As always,Harrison Ford is a fine actor in most of his productions. Widescreen No rating 4473 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 well, what to say about this trash other than "Don't waste your time watching it like I did !! "" Movies like this are responsible for the bad reputation sequels generally have !! Irc !! Only Jennifer is amazingly pretty here, the rest is a screenplay so bad that the producers must be laughing until now ... or jusy buy the DVD to rewatch again and again like me. 6370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Picking up from where Resident Evil left off, Apocalypse sheds light on events surrounding Raccoon City following Alice's exit from the Umbrella laboratory facilities. 2153 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We really love this movie and have watched it many times. We love Harrison Ford. He is really good in this movie The questions, the fear, the immense intimidation, the complications and the implications come through in brilliant manner through all the characters that parade through this classic film. I still laugh until tears are streaming down my face at the Swedish Chef's turkey sequence that leads him to attempt cooking Big Bird as the Christmas turkey. "Gobb-leh Gobb-leh Hu-mon-gah!" Writer/director Andrew Nicole (Simone, The Truman Show) has rendered a near perfect film depicting a not so future dystopian world where governments determine its citizen's place in society before they're even born. This is fascism in its purest form. Our protagonist, Vincent, had the misfortune of being born a `love child' conceived in the back seat of his parent's car. He is a `de(gene)rate' whose future has been already determined: a life of slovenly jobs, a marked citizen, known as an `invalid'. One day he realises, after saving his near perfect, genetically engineered brother's life, that he has what it takes to join the ranks of society's elite, and sets a plan in motion to join the Gattaca company. The lengths this boy goes to in order to achieve his goal is nothing less than astounding. 8204 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Used to watch this every Thursday evening years ago. This has been a trip down memory lane. If you can get used to the poor quality of the DVD just due to video technology of the time, the content is still superb. 4314 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Granted, LAST ACTION HERO (1993) is probably aimed at pre-teen boys, yet it's a personal favorite. I'm one of this film's loyal fans. 8091 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My favorite movie of all times!!! Love the Blu-ray format. The extras are cool, the colors amazing and so worth the money! A nice twist (sorry, Oliver!) to a true classic. What is admirable in this film is that the ETs are shown as absolutely mature and our society, at a scientific level, as being ready to experiment, to take risks, to engulf in an adventure. It is a very positive approach to the problem and this is refreshing. Steven Spielberg manages to literally mesmerize us by organizing a real ballet of light and colors and music as the way these ETs can communicate with us (music and colored lights) and can demonstrate they power as well as their total un-agressiveness (the ballet of lights and beautiful movements in the sky). He also evades the necessity to show the ETs by blurring their rather childish forms in a nearly blinding light. They are only shadows in this light, and this keeps some kind of mystery in the encounters. This sequel, much as its predecessor, features the lamest zombie scenesall phoned in and clearly wastes of film and make-up. However, once Alice fights the Nemesis hulk, things get REALLY entertaining. Im not a fan of the 30 Crouching Tiger Jedi jumps, the canned fight scenes, or how thousands of bullets perpetually miss Alice despite having no cover and minimal evasive maneuvers. But the action sequence is really quite entertaining. I roll my eyes more here than at the original, and part 1 was clearly better written (in my opinion), but this sequel truly succeeds at being more FUN however over-the-top it may be. 4265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 5 stars for several reasons, 2 of which are The 'Villians', Benedict and Death. Charles Dance plays his character so well that he leaves Arnie and others in the dust as far as character depth. I don't know if it was the writing or acting, but i was left wanting a spin-off just with him! And Ian Mckellan was just sublime as a 'Bergman' Death. 5639 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The step-sister of "An American Werewolf in London", in that it mixes legend with humor, but doesn't skimp on the horror. Both movies have great jokes, good characters, excellent special effects, and plenty of scares. Not as funny as the '99 version of "The Haunting", but infinitely more lovable. The characters are fantastic, the story is fantastic, and it keeps you guessing all the way through. I was deeply impressed with this movie when I saw it in the theatre. I was living in L.A. at the time, so maybe that's why it was actually IN theatres. Genetics has been an interest of mine (probably ever since I was a kid watching GI Joe, and Cobra genetically engineered Serpentor), and so when I saw the adverts for this movie I knew I wanted to see it. This was the movie that changed my opinion about Ethan Hawke, who I couldn't stand after seeing that piece of [junk], Reality Bites. He actually convinced me that he was Vincent (and then Jerome). I wouldn't suggest this movie to just anyone however. Here's a litmus test (and if you don't know what that is then you've already failed): If you thought the movie Armageddon was good sci-fi, or for that matter even watchable, it's probably best to stay away from this movie. It's probably way beyond your ability to grasp, what with its subtleties, social commentary, and lack of stunt work, or professional wrestler cameo's. To everyone else with an I.Q. over 100 this movie may appeal to you, and therefore I recommend it. And now we have it on glorious Blu-Ray with a DTSHD audio track, and a bonus audio track of Brad Fiedel's floral music score. A gift for any fan. The film stock used to shoot the movie probably wasn't the best as the colour scheme's don't quite jump off the screen as I'd hoped, but it's a clean enough transfer in mighty 2.40:1 aspect ratio. In short, this movie was a complete waste of time and has thoroughly discouraged me from seeing the third one, which is set to be released next year. Somebody would literally have to pay me to see it! 1947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My second time watching this one. Just as good as the first time. Thoreau said it best: "In wilderness is the preservation of the world." Wandering through the wilderness is dynamically healing! 8590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Epic movie. 8418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All time favorite for my kids and now my 18month old grandson too 4432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great slasher movie. Almost as good as the first but still a bit farfetched. Loved it. My kids seemed to enjoy it too. Worth mentioning is, that the AI is not the usual [bad]-software that simply goes berzerk, or follows a plan of it's own or wants to rule the world. The AI most of the time in this movie makes sense and is simply doing what it was programmed to do. 4533 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very well done and great acting. 2993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Used in graduate school for triangulation examples. 9112 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a classic I can't even tell you anything I dislike about it. Monty Python makes everything better. 1685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is no exaggeration to say that this classic early 70's British period drama is one of the all-time best series of its sort ever produced. The series covers a time span of nearly 30 years (from early Edwardian England in 1903, through the horrors of the First World War and the Roaring 20s, finally concluding with 1929's stock market crash). The setting is the household of the Bellamy family at 165 Eaton Place, London. Upstairs live Richard Bellamy, MP, and his beautiful, aristocratic wife, Lady Margery. The Bellamys have two adult children, Captain James and Elizabeth, who come and go much like a recurring motif (though recurring nightmare might be more appropriate, for they are the source of much grief (albeit unintended) for their society parents). I don't wish to give the storylines, scandals and surprises away. Suffice it to say that as the series progress, there are lovers, marriages, births and deaths (not to mention the arrival of a beautiful young niece) which impact on the relationships and alter the composition of the group above stairs. FYI, I should mention that there is still one flaw, which it seems will never be corrected, that the first "Swedish" subtitle is strangely missing, even though all the subsequent "Swedish" subtitles are there. ... 3458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I Like It (3) Radar visual: visual sightings detected by radar. 7659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie lost a star because, in truth, I found Marisa Tomei's character to be a bit over the top. She believes in fate, and that a ouji game when she was eleven proffered the name of her future husband. And so many years later, she ends up all the way in Rome to find the man with this name -- the man of her dreams. (By this time she's engaged, but the guy is schmuck, so it's really not important). Even today, this movie remains one of the most original, intelligent comedies ever made. The entire conceit of making a comedy about King Arthur and the search for the Holy Grail is a bizarre one, but the Python boys pull it off with style. The skits (for there really is not a plot so much as a general framework for hanging great skits on) are extraordinarily intelligent, unusual, and, best of all, hysterically funny. To this day, except for other Monty Python films, there has been no humor along the lines in this film in either England or the United States, and that's a pity. This isn't easy humor to reproduce. It takes a certain amount education, a certain level of literacy, a certain level of intelligence, and very definitely a level of comic genius. What is brilliant is that the humor can move from highly cerebral political satire (the peasants who refuse to acknowledge Arthur as their king merely because he had been chosen by "a watery tart" who gave him Excalibur) to the delightfully absurd (the syllogisms by which a knight proves that a witch and a duck weigh the same, and then placing a duck on one side of a scale and the witch on the other, incredibly proving that she was indeed a witch) to the out and out farcical (the Black Knight). Loved the action! loved scares! This Close Encounter has changed Roy Neary's life, and that of those who are featured along his journey. This film has stood the test of time for thirty years, and is a testament to the talent of Steven Spielberg. 2330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Any die-hard Spice Girl fan must have this item! The video box differs from the main one that was sold at the time of release. *Special Edition*!!! 9527 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good Sci Fi story Now, one year later, Julie is still haunted by the infamous fisherman... in her dreams and in her thoughts. Although she has friends to comfort her- her roommie and BF, Carla, her boyfriend, Ray, and guy friend Will- she still feels unsecure. But when Carla wins a radio contest for four to go to the Bahamas for the 4th of July weekend, Julie brightens up and asks Ray to come. But Ray resists the invatation, and Julie is crushed. So Carla invites Will to come instead, along with her boy friend, Ty. But when the breif fun turns to confusion as the four winners find that there are limited employees on the island as the result of "storm season", the troubles begin... as well as the deaths... The increase dark shadows will cover the landscape and will carry to that magnificent and poetic ending. so in short great all around flick to own or rent and since it is halloween season great flick to spook ya so go out there rent and or buy it. 4673 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great could take or leave mike epps but he did a descent job 9158 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is still to this day one of the finest, funniest movies ever made. Im so happy they have it on pretty much any format. Monty Python has a youtube channel now too. Great stuff. 7991 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 NOTE: This is NOT a DVD. It's a 12" Laserdisc. These record album-sized predecessors of today's DVDs were visually superior. Until the advent of Blu-Ray technology, Laserdiscs were the best video format available. 9084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorite movies and it was great in blu ray format. A must have for any fan. 3325 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just as good today as it was in the '70s! This ultimately makes Besson's sins (all those of excess, the very best kind) forgivable, because this final inquisition between Joan and her hooded tormentor makes the film so much more accessible to all us, beset as we are by our fears and doubts. 3549 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film (probably errantly) reminded me of the film Field of Dreams, in which, instead of extraterrestrial visitation, a middle aged guy starts seeing ghosts. So many of these movies are said to be meant as a metaphor (I suppose if one has a cause one wants to champion). What about Close Encounters of the Third Kind? What is the hidden meaning or relevancy, if there is one? 8277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I remember watching this series on PBS years ago and really enjoying it, and I enjoyed seeing it again. In any case, buy and enjoy. 9725 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a clever story with top notch performances. The futuristic aspect is so very well done, it's believable and interesting, but not over the top. It doesn't overpower the story, it enhances it. So glad I finally bought it, it's a movie I can watch over and over. 8786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Cute movie...I put it on for my 13-month old nephew and it kept his attention for 3/4 of the movie (impressive)! The characters and songs were great. Cast: Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon. Just because this subject came up in a prior review: I have had no problem turning on (and off) the subtitles (aka closed captioning) using the onscreen menu of my Blu-ray player. The setting is Concord, NH in 1933, and miserly Benedict Slade goes about repossessing people's furniture, stoves, radios - and even a piano from a children's orphanage! - on Christmas Eve. Finally, there are several galleries with stills taken on location, for publicity purposes, shots of composer Bernard Herrmann's sheets music for the score and posters. One afternoon he notices a young woman working in the campaign office of Senator Charles Palantine. Obsessed with her he watches her whenever he can. One day he walks in and applies to work for the campaign, finding out her name is Betsy (Cybill Shepherd). He asks her out on a date and she agrees. But here is the glimpse of his not knowing right from wrong as he takes her to a XXX movie on the date. She walks out disturbed as he tries to find out what he did wrong, having no clue. Michelle's character eventually settles into a "Oh that makes sense- that's how a mother should react to such a traumatic situation" but the father and oldest son were never really given the same kind of believable treatment, which makes me think the writers intended to focus the film around Michell Pfieffer's character and reactions all along. Hey, she was the most popular actor/actress the time it was released after all. 3307 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie really borders on absurd. The play was simple, heart-felt and centered more on the goings on in the beauty salon. This movie is so overproduced that it diminishes the story and the performances. Sally Field gives a credible performance. Shirley McLaine and Olympia Dukakis play their characters like a cartoon. And Dolly Parton proves she is really sweet but can't act her way out of a paper bag. As for Julia Roberts...well she has screen presence, but she just can't act. Forget this super-size cotton candy film. I really cannot provide further detail because every scene entices such cringing from the woeful depiction that I consider having watched it an act of self mortification on my part. The production is lavish and the actors excellent. Ciaran Hinds may not be the dashing hunk Rochester of legend, but he is the older man of the book. Sometimes I wonder if the Jane fans are mixing Rochester up with Teen Wolf. And Samantha Morton makes an elegant, attractive Jane. 2893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good 9747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie! Ethan Hawke is hot, too, but I also think that this movie is great for showing science fiction that can actually happen in the next decade or so with the advances we've had with DNA research and the ethical questions it brings up. 2043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thrilling. Happy Reader Now, here is the not-so-good news regarding Season 5 Disc 1 - "A Crime Most Foul". It has a very noticeable sync problem. I contacted Shout! Factory to see if I was sent a defective disc and they replied that the master they had access to and used also had the sync problem. I'm not sure if Shout! Factory had access to the original broadcast master because the show was shot on film and I also don't believe CBS would have allowed it to air that way. Regardless, the master that Shout! Factory has access to is the problem, not your individual disc. 5126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most cotroversial movies in cinema history, with an ending that has been analyzed by any and every true film scholar, Martin Scorsese's 1976 classic "Taxi Driver" is a masterpiece in every aspect. The themes of the film (delirium, insanity, isolation) have never been more deeply explored by any other film, the acting (in addition to De Niro's brilliant portrayal of Travis Bickle, everyone other actor involved in the film performs their best efforts, especially the [...] year old at the the time Jodie Foster), and the plot is genuinely disturbing and well developed. While I might not watch this film again for another year, I am very glad to have the upgrade to Blu Ray as it is heads and tails superior to the Standard Def version I bought a few years ago, plus, you can't beat the inexpensive price. The story is well done and is in keeping with the scriptures. At first, it can be a bit confusing because it relies on flashbacks that are not always immediately apparent but this is soon gotten over. The result is a good story done well. The Columbia/Tri-Star Collector's Edition brings not only a newly re-edited version (trimming some excess material from the 1980 Special Edition) of the 1977 film, but also comes with a second disc loaded with extras such as a Laurent Bouzereau documentary on the making of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a 1977 promotional featurette, and the theatrical trailers. To enjoy this movie, you have to be prepared to sit back, relax, and be receptive to a slow unfolding of the story's subleties. A little bit like the way people enjoy fishing, come to think of it. In this dystopian world, genetic determinism has taken over every aspect of life. Babies are built to order, with soothing assurances from the practitioners that it's really quite natural. A job interview consists of a cell sample - anyone with all the right strengths is in. That excludes people with any molecular flaw, including Vincent. 9531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good and prescient 517 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good. 9088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 That is all I know to say! Hahaha! My adult kids love this movie! Maybe I'm too old to understand it... But it's funny and weird all at the same time. 74 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent inspiring movie!!! There are set pieces about these episodes, but they are far from formulaic. Unlike some American counterparts with which one might hazard a comparison, Rumpole does not always win the case, although he almost always solves the mystery. Rarely do cases turn on points of law (indeed, Phyllida Erskine-Brown, the 'Portia' of Chambers once remarked that Rumpole knew nothing of law, but did know how to win over a jury), but the cases usually involve issues of eccentricity, both among those in the legal profession as well as among those who have need of the legal profession. Most shows involve several subplots, and the line between victory and defeat is often blurry. However, there will always be an England, at least in certain ways: As Rumpole said once during a defence, the English nation when it is long gone will be remembered for three things -- the English breakfast, the Oxford Book of English Verse (the Quiller-Couch Edition), and the presumption of innocence - this is Rumpole's mantra, and his statement of faith. Thank you for your interest & comments--CDS 7438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. Subtitles are in English, English SDH, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. 5842 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not as entertaining as it used to be. 6117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WOW! I'm get'n to be a big fan of the Resident Evil Resident Evil - Apocalypse (Special Edition) Series. So far they haven't disappointed me. Entertainment in this DVD is worth it. I would want Alice on my side! Go Miljo! Then, he states that she is just his style. Of course, she is not the type of woman he needs to save from herself or anyone else for that fact and more than likely he is describing the other Mrs. Peel who seems much more violent. This Mrs. Peel can take care of herself, thank you very much. 3396 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great story. Unique concept. Perfectly fitting acting. Great direction. Intelligently entertaining. 2163 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am very grad I purchased this Blu-ray. It is a movie I can watch over and over. I highly recommend all the DVDs in this series for group and even individual study. I would buy more if Matt Williams would continue to make more in this series. 623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love these old Christmas puppet movies! I will definitely have my kids watching these! 2775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a great show! 4810 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is a well-known movie starring Robert De Niro, with Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd and other stars. De Niro is a lonely and depressed former Marine, now driving a taxi in N.Y.C. He pursues a hopeless relationship with a presidential campaign worker (entirely different backgrounds and interests), but does manage to save Jodie Foster from a continued life as a prostitute. He's hailed as a hero, encounters Cybill again as a fare, but nothing grows out of it. Too long, FAR too slow - boring. 6083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome old movie. It is De Brezherac, but its also king Tut playing him! Almost nothing Steve Martin made is not worth seeing. This film more than once for me and mine. You know what I find funny? People have been telling others that 28 Days Later is nothing more than a rip off of the Resident Evil games and movie, but they say, "It's not a rip off of the game at all. It is an original idea." But now, all the sudden the next Resident Evil movie comes out and people are now say that the movie is nothing more than a rip-off of 28 Days Later. Hello? Didn't you listen when everyone was telling you 28 Crappy Days Later was a rip-off of Resident Evil? To many idiots in the world. I totally accept the many valid points about the sketchy casting of certain figures and groups, and even some bending of history, but the movie just has a power of its own, and despite certain shortcomings, I would highly recommend it. 5216 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You will not be able to determine that Gary Oldman's first film Nil by Mouth is an acted scripted film rather than a documentary. A great film depicting a working class South London family shot in candid documentary fashion. We focus in on off the cuff conversations, a junkie's (Charlie Creed-Miles) endless search for a fix, a raging alcoholic (Ray Winstone who also starred in Tim Roth's debut The War Zone), and their 4 generation family. As I said I had trouble grasping that the dialogue was actually scripted it's so naturalistic. Such a refreshing contrast to the Hollywood stuff so far removed from naturalistic dialogue it has little to do with reality. It's truly a shame that the film makers snuck in a scene of this degree, they simply could have ended with the woman rubbing Joseph's shoulders in flirtation (showing her constant pursuit of him) and played up the moment that way, at that time. However, they stuck a little leaven in to satisfy Hollywood and to "leaven the whole loaf" with making it clear that she was touching his genitals for a bit and he was helpless to deal with the tempation for a few moments. This cheap move by the film makers reminds me of the "Sampson" film put out by the Bible Collection film makers....which is TOTALLY TRASHY...taking the sexuality way OVERBOARD for the Sampson screen (don't buy it! My family was apalled!). Again, i say if you cannot edit the movie, DON'T BUY IT. 1721 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent ! A solid 5 stars... poster tagline: IF YOU LOVE BEING SCARED IT'LL BE THE NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE The sequel follows Jennifer Love Hewitt's character Julie to college, where she still has flashbacks of that fateful summer where she was being chased by a hook-wielding killer. Her roommate Karla, played with limited acting skills by singer Brandy, tries to take her mind off things and suggests that Julie dates someone new (Julie and Freddie Prinze Jr.'s character Ray are estranged at the film's start). To their surprise, the girls win a trip for four to the Bahamas for answering a trivia question in a radio contest. Julie invites new crush Will (Matthew Settle) and Karla takes along boyfriend Ty (Mekhi Pfeiffer). Number of discs: 1 Jerry Goldsmith's music here is good, but not great (his score for "U.S. Marshals" was better). I wasn't overly thrilled with Gary Oldman's performance as the leader of the Russian terrorists (a little over-the-top at times) and I wonder if the Russian nationalist plot hasn't been overdone by Hollywood. I also didn't buy the climactic final rescue of the President from the crashing plane. The rest of the cast is quite good however, and the action is exciting. 1212 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME...BRINGS ME BACK TO MY CHILDHOOD 6899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a great Movie!! Just what I wanted! Fast Service. 8694 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 EPIC 1726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In insightful take on of the most important but nearly forgotten battles of the Ameican Revolution which had the longest odds and gambled the survival of independence in the most uncertain weeks of the war. Washington's crossing of the Delaware to attack Trenton is known more for a painting it inspired but the film goes deeper into the battle that kept the cause alive and an army intact when defeat seemed inevitable. 7526 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Nine Things About the Movie "Annie" (1982) Barbara Eden would re-create her and Captain Nelson's meeting in the 1985 T.V. movie "I Dream of Jeannie: 15 Years Later" - minus both Larry Hagman (who, at the time, became mean and greedy J.R. of "Dallas"), and without the early 'Jeannie' theme song. 7781 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not never gets old! Great story! 3348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie!! 9563 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good one. Don't expect anyone to go outer space. Entire drama is on earth. 1577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Batch of British Treacle was Especially Strange as I'D seen Many Other English Sagas prior. As I came to it at LAST ,Rather than First , I knew it desired from me a LOT of Apt Attention. I , Naturally, Gave it That. And became Addicted in process. Yummy AND Soapy , enjoy in as small or LARGE of doses as possible. BUT ENJOY!!!!! -Laser room is a great moment in horror film history. If it does not freak you out, then I don't know what craziness you've witnessed. 2425 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action flick about a cop out for revenge over his partner's death. Fantastic Louisiana swamps, explosive action, cheesy dialogue and of course Kim Basinger getting wet. She was a hottie in this film. Need I say more? 9954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Classic movie. I'm in the process of getting digital versions of my DVD's. 9302 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you're a big fan of Monty Python, then you're already familiar with their style of humor. If not, this is a perfect place to get acquainted with the boys, as I know many people who know little about MP except for this film, and they all love it! 6384 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film, as almost everyone in the world knows, is based upon a very popular video game series and is the best adaptation ever, albeit not the closest. The adaptation closest to its source material would be House of the Dead, as much as you hate to see it written it is. I love House of the Dead by the way. However, the "Complete Series" set is the only way to get your hands on the final two seasons, so if you own the older discs, my recommendation would be to make your own set with seasons 1-4 from the season discs and 5-6 from the new set. I can't comment on the bonus features as I haven't viewed them yet. But the episode commentaries are all still here and there doesn't seem to be anything new in that department. That's how this movie is. It's an oldie with good acting and whatnot, but I did not enjoy it very much because of the following reasons: 8512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie. 8457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic Charles Bronson movie. "AIR FORCE ONE" has one of the most impressive soundtracks that I have heard from a 1990's film. The soundtrack just sounds absolutely wonderful on English Dolby TrueHD 5.1 (the film is also featured in French Dolby TrueHD 5.1). I saw this movie when it came out on the big screen. I had a huge crush on BRAD DAVIS who sadly died from something close of the content of this movies plot. He did fabulous job & he also starred in SYBIL.It starred Sally Field with JO Anne Woodward. 3024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved the pace and the way the director depicted life back then. a lot has changed and they saw the changes. Wish i was born back then. 1900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terrific! A must see! 8739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 funny As for the end where it states that: "The records show that a total of 16,992 Hessians were brought to America to fight the colonists." That should be "...to fight the rebel colonists," not forgetting the Loyalists and the Neutrals made up approximately 1/3 each, of the total colonist populace. Another hilarious technique used in the film is the use of comedy in the background. From people slamming cats against poles for no apparent reason, to people filling up baskets with mud in the fields....all very strange and hilarious at the same time. It's also simply amazing that all of the characters are played by the same group of actors, which shows the great range all of them have. Some are simply unrecognizable from one character to the other and it sometimes takes a good eye to pick them out, which makes it fun. And I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but this film takes some turns that no sane person could see coming. 6299 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Caught this again last night on TCM. Haven't seen it for at least 15 years. It's as good as it was when it first came out. Superlative acting , story, and direction. The final two scenes always make me teary eyed. Thanks You always for giving me this. I highly recommend. 1784 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great video to use as a teaching aid for homeschoolers to augment their other American history study lessons. The Discs. are EXACTLY the same.( Not to mention the original release 2 disc. set is STILL available.) 4790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great 3993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Alice (Milla Jovovich) wanders the streets of Raccoon City, now under quarantine, blasting the heads off of anything dead that moves. Soon she saves Valentine (Sienna Guillory) and crew and the group is quickly contacted by Dr. Ashford (Jared Harris) whose daughter, Angie (Sophie Vavasseur), is still in the city. Umbrella Corporation scanners show her at the school she attends. The deal: if they save his daughter, he'll guide them out of the city and past the perimeter Umbrella has put up to keep the T-virus in. They have to do this before sunrise otherwise they won't make it out before Umbrella nukes the entire city, erasing any trace that the T-virus existed and reanimated the dead. What makes this movie work for me is the complexity of the story as well as the characters, and the magnificence in which the two blend together. The first part of the story admittedly is the more believable of the two, diving into the emotions of the family as they must cope with the grief of the missing Ben. Beth's reaction to her son's disappearance is superbly acted out by Michelle Pheiffer, who carries it like she's been through it in reality. The first half of the movie shows her dealing with the pain in the only way she knows how: shutting everyone else out, ignoring the optimism of life that is to be explored. This causes her to become somewhat distanced from her husband, played by Treat Williams, and her oldest son, who feels the great weight of responsibility set in when he must take care of his little sister while his parents argue. which has Audio commentary, retrospect making of Documentary & other extras plus an excellent HD transfer & 5.1 master audio mix Quite disturbing portrait. Jody Foster as a teenage prostitute. This one has to be seen. ....B. Production Notes. Four pages of notes to read on the screen. In 1984, Mel Brooks won the WGA (Writers Guild of America) Award for Best-Written Original Screenplay for "Blazing Saddles". world, this new way of socializing and competing. There are no weak links in 3459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. 2835 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny, sad, lots of great one liners. A great movie by wonderful actors. 3189 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An uncomplicated film for complicated times; Easy Rider is the road movie to end all road movies. The plot is simple enough, 2 hippies (Fonda and Hopper) make one big score dealing cocaine, buy 2 fat hogs and saddle up to ride down to Mardi Gras. Well, along the way the boys encounter friends and enemies (mostly the latter) until they end up in jail for parading without a permit! Enter Nicholson...Jack plays a drunk ACLU lawyer named George who comes from a priviledged background. But, he can relate to these longhairs and in fact has more than a little in common with their world view. I don't want to give away any more of the plot as you must watch to be shocked, but let's just say it doesn't end pretty. Peter Fonda's Captain America character is a pure optimist and the embodiment of what America used to be. He is accepting, caring and fiercely original. Fonda turns in a strong understated performance. Hopper's character is more of the stereotypical hippie, complete with paranoid rants and goofy behavior. He's definitely not the straight man here and his performance is too over the top. Nicholson steals the show even for the brief amount of time he's actually in the film...a truly great performance. Easy Rider shares a commonality with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in fact the two plots are basically interchangable: 2 friends set out in search of America and couldn't find it anywhere. There are a few problem's like the acid trip scene which is ridiculously overdone and the ending which paints an overly pessimistic America to come. But, in the end there's no denying the simple genius here. The landscapes are breathtaking and so is the soundtrack (The Band, Grateful Dead, Hendrix, etc.). This is one trip you must take. Highly Recommended. 7109 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 A few years ago I read the book this movie is based on and it started a fascination with the mountain and the people who sometimes die climbing it. I then discovered a movie, this movie, was made. It took some time to get a copy, and when I finally had opportunity to watch it with my girlfriend, I fell asleep (not really a comment about the movie, but the excessive hours I was working). I forgot to pay attention to the format, and I was disappointed when I realized the widescreen images vanished after the open credits. An edition like this should not be done ever. I threw away my copy. Buy the widescreen edition when be available, not this. I rate only one star because of the full screen. No need to overthink this one. Sometimes looks are everything. Basinger is beautiful and Gere is in the prime of his great hair days. Score: 67/100 3181 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie the first time I watched and every other time since! It's a sweet movie. The actors are awesome! Foiled in his first attempt, it is only the second of these goals that he manages to accomplish. Ironically, the courage that would have had him damned as a sociopath in the first case, allows him to become a hero in the second. All in all this is a very nice and enjoyable movie, if you are into family issues and traditions and family life and situations in general 1712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My husband really likes special movies to fit the holiday. He really enjoyed the further truths and knowledge he gained from this movie. "The Holy Grail" contains numerous jokes that range from small to large. Some of the humor pokes fun at nearly everything imaginable. Religion gets lampooned numerous times. Ignorance and fear of the unknown are also regularly parodied. Scientists, Camelot, Knights, peasants, politicians, judges, and many others get varying levels of treatment; even a duck. After all, not everyone can be thoroughly lampooned in a movie that is an hour and a half long. Overall, I guess Lou's performance was fairly good, but everyone else performed at the grade-B level this flick is. Note especially a very young Shawnee Smith as one of the kid's buds. Worth seeing for laughs, and as a film version of a kid's pilot fantasy. No wonder we feel so compelled to imagine a God with a Paradise . . . actually, just a fantacized opportunity to do it all over again (and again, and again, for eternity, until we might hopefully get it right). But we cannot appreciate what we have when we have it because to do so throughout the time we have the love we seek would rob us of the pleasure of first falling-- i.e., the initial falling in love. So we soon lose interest in as we abandon what we have, and go off seeking it (what we already have) all over again. It would seem that to us it is NOT so much the "having" as the "falling" for it that drives us. 3174 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 bought for my mom. she has Alzheimer's and is really enjoying watching the old classic movies! hj kjh jklj lkjl The zombies this round are filler in the film. The movie just seems to flash back at them, as if to say "Oh yeah, they're here too". The Licker was even downplayed as a minimal threat to the people who had guns. In the first, it ransacked everything in sight and began evolving and becoming badder. This time, there's like TEN of them. You're thinking, "Holy crap, they're screwed". As for technical difficulties, I occasionally had problems with the "white rabbit" locking the playback, but that was all. Everything else worked as advertised. plus some of the old small featurettes from the old 2 disc dvd set all remastered in 1080p now "Nil By Mouth" is the very first film written and directed by the great Gary Oldman, a seasoned veteran actor who has still yet to give a bad performance. Oldman grew up in the poorest ghetto of South London, where this film takes place. This is a film like those for instance, when it all starts at some point of the characters life and it takes you all the way through their lives until 20 or 30 years later, it is something like The Color Purple, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Green Mile, Driving Miss Daisy and I can keep going on and on . . . Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper play Wyatt, or Captain America, and Billy, two free type spirits who, after a making quite a bit of money through a sale of drugs, decide to hit the road and drive cross country to Mardi Gras. Along the way, they pick up George Hanson, a southern lawyer, played by Jack Nicholson. 1912 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 1521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love this whole series. If you loved Downton Abbey you will love this series too. 4624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie very much. 9483 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great look into the future. 7240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 kids watch it constantly. 921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie! I always wanted to fly like he does with the wings. 8466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you did not know, "Charles Bronson" was the man! I was glad to see the Bertha portrayal was very close to the book in this one as well as the 83' version. Unlike, the most recent Masterpiece version that had Bertha looking like she could step out of Thornfield, put on a gown and walk the red carpet. Instead you get a bunch of incompetent special forces jerks who have no personality and seem to not think of trying a headshot when the people they shoot get back up after emptying entire magazines into them. This movie plays more like a crappy matrix remake with zombies delivering neck-breaking and kung-fu kicks galore instead of horror. Another thing there's no blood when they shoot 'em in the head just a shot of the gun going off and a quick cut to the tiny bullet hole on the forehead of the zombie; no forehead squibbs! What I loved about this movie though is its realism as to the future of DNA. While doing research for a paper on forensic science I found that there are laws that investigators in Britain, Japan, and the Netherlands can use DNA technology to determine a person's ethnic mix and that scientists are extremely hopeful that DNA will one day allow them to get a profile of a suspect. Volume 3: 9843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Iliked it, i will keep this in my collection, i sell the bumms on ebay lmao Happy with his crown, the king wants to negotiate with The English, while Paris is starving and under siege. Joan is not convinced and wants an army to liberate Paris. 2678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie and didn't have in my home collection so I had to add to it. Great quality and has not given way to being played over and over. 3448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An amazing movie. Highly recommend. 340 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Even tho it states bible collection it might as well have been sold in the back of a xxx video shop, the women wear see through clothes, and they might have worn these in period but they could have worn under ware under them, I would not recommend this video to anyone..... There are several releases on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly reccommend. "Hard Times" is quite enjoyable but this particular edition from GOODTIMES only rates two stars because of manufacturing limitations. The brand dubbed tapes in LP mode, thus they have a degraded picture quality compared to SP transfers. Audio is linear mono instead of the far superior HiFi stereo. 5983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 rOCK'N GOOD TIME. Dave Stotts, the host of Drive Thru History again brings viewers into the world of fascinating history in Volume 1: Egypt to Qumran - Covenants, Kings, and the Promised Land; and in Volume 2: Jericho to Megiddo - Conquest, Canaanites, and the Holy City. Each volume contains three episodes for a total of 85-90 minutes. The movie starts Federico Luppi as Dr. Humberto Fuentes, a wealthy doctor who is approaching retirement and has never paid close attention to the realities of his country. His greatest achievement, the "legacy" he is leaving, is his participation in an international health program in which he trained young doctors to work in the poorest of villages. 9 (out of 10). Intangibles. Special effects. Movie pace. Is the movie forgettable, or something you will talk about and remember for weeks? Years? Unfortunately, there are certain scenes that don't quite ring true to me, in particular those involving the kids and their rock. The siblings get on way too well, in particular the young son is way too accommodating and nice. But overall, it is done with sensitivity, funny without being a comedy, and sad without being a melodrama. 1899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my all time favorites. 5918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great show Travis's eyes (as is true of us all) see selectively. The film is playing with the idea that humans have limited views and distortions: for example, the angelic American goddess in the back of the cab, who suddenly is adoring Travis as heroic, is conceivable: People do follow the interpretation of events they read in newspapers, the interpretations they want to hold. ENJOY! 476 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This telling of the story of Joseph in the TNT Bible Collection is very good. Although certain liberties were taken with the account as fleshed out in the Bible, these did not impact the overall telling of the story in keeping with what the Bible reveals. The use of Joseph telling of his early history with his brothers and how he came to be a slave in Egypt was done as a flashback, which actually enhanced the dramatic telling of the story. Very nicely done and mostly true to the Bible account. 5575 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yeah, it's cheesy in some places, campy in others, but, in all, it's a movie you find yourself enjoying more every time you watch it. 8489 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is not shown on TV or hard to find on streaming. The storyline was good and if you are a fan of Charles Bronson, it is a must see film. 6734 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a movie. This was historically inaccurate beyond belief. It almost seemed like it was making Joan out to be the villain. If you want to see a good movie on Joan Of Arc, see the "Joan Of Arc" movie that was on TV. Granted it is a nudity scene yes, however I don't want to pay of something that has been edited down...if I didn't want blood, sex and violence I'd watch network tv. 1168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny very happy !! 5350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For any true horror fan you cant get much better then fright night. The only small drawbacks; a sometimes cloying musical score and a Yes, there are extras on this disc. It includes the "My Hollywood Adventure" with Aileen Quinn, a 12 minute featurette from 2002 where she shares her memories of getting the part of Annie and filming the movie. It is very well done, with some good archival and behind the scenes footage. In the absence of a more in depth documentary, this will have to do. The Blu-ray also includes the music video for a contemporary pop version of "Hard Knock Life" by the group "Play", whom Wikipedia informs me was a Swedish girl group from the early 2000s (both the "My Hollywood Adventure" and music video are from the 2002 DVD). 2181 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie and fast shipping. Movie looks and sound great. Like new. Movie will always be a good watch. I can watch it numerous times and never get tired. Provided on this DVD is both the wide screen and full screen formats. I've only watched the wide screen format, and while the picture is good, I felt it could have been better, maybe cleaned up a little, giving us a better tone throughout. Special features include a theatrical trailer and a short featurette with the real Billy Hayes (nice perm, dude) on location of the movie shoot. Aside from following people around, Mr. Diamond's camera gets to many places I've never seen before. I loved the views from the wings in the opening sequence ("Esplanade"), and also during the performance in India when the sound system went dead and the crew was trying not to be frantic during the silence (the dancers continued on without missing a step until the sound was restored!). I also got a kick out of the dancer in his hotel room explaining what he had to go through to wake up after a night of performing. 7780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Two thumbs up. 7012 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Movie. The signing and dancing was so fun. This was a movie that I grew up on and was happy to see that my boys enjoyed the movie and wanted to watch it twice. 2612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 SOUTHERN WOMEN SHARING & CARING FOR EACH OTHER AS LIFE THROWS CURVES 3909 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Depending on who you are, you will either enjoy this film or think it is rather stupid and insipid. I happen to fall into the latter category, and although I do believe there are good movies aimed at that particular audience (teens) I don't feel this is it.. The writing is underdeveloped, with a story that is, although has its moments, seems to be trying to hard to be humourous while still maintaining its horror element - resulting in a graphic gore element mixed with botched comedy. This, like HALF BAKED, seems to support dope smoking, although the interpretation can be that that is the reason Anton's two friend's end up dead and he has a possessed hand because he is lazy and is going no where with his life. Yet this is nullified when the kids still smoke it at the end, contributing the end to `good marijuana' The main character's name I figured was a nod to Anton LaVey, who is the founder of the modern day Satanic church. There is no explanation given why Anton's two friends come back from the dead, other than they just didn't want to go `toward the light'. In a scene reminiscent of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD they come out of the ground, providing gross humour. Like the horror genre it is more of a spoof of than an actual example, there is nudity (two kids decide to fornicate and are dressed in KISS costumes). 3994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good actresses n nice story line The movie drags on and on and on long after it should end, such that it feels a lot like you're watching the third film (an inevitability). By that time I had lost interest. When the most interesting part of a film is Jill Valentine's miniskirt, it's hard to care about Alice's fate. They shouldve gone exaclty by the original story. Some fans of the re game say they wouldnt want to see the same thing over again, but that is something that would be great to see. The game Resident evil had a great story, while the movie was though original. If anyone reads the Resident Evil novel, I think they will be very angry when viewing the movie of how it turned out. But I gave it 4 stars for the entertainment, the acting, and the monsters effects. However the story couldve gone by the original and the soundtrack couldve been better. Static X and slipknot do not fit this kind of film, it isn't even real music, if you disagree then learn how to play a guitar properly. Anyway the movie is worth viewing. It was good, but could've been amazing. Hey its a really good movie, and I plan on buying it, but I say this,"Everyone play the first Resident Evil video game from beginning to end, then read the novel. If your not a fan of video games, then just read the book, and to people who don't like to read either, read it anyway, youll love it". 2391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I know that special effects are supposed to make a story better, but this is one case where they ruin the film to a certain extent. "Air Force One" contains a terrific storyline, along with a great cast of stars. Harrison Ford plays the President who, along with his family and Cabinet members, are beginning a return journey from Russia, where they have kidnapped the self=proclaimed leader of a small country on the brink of rebellion. Before take-off, a camera crew boards the plane, headed by Gary Oldman. Soon, the camera crew is revealed as being a group of terrorists who begin killing at random and hold the remaining survivors hostage in return for the release of their leader. Ford makes the president a true hero as he tries to stop the plane and the terrorists, and the story never stops moving as things unfold. However, the special effects are not believable in all places, and while the majority of the shots look honestly true, there is always something to give away the computer wizardry. This movie is a good movie, and I reccommend watching it on DVD instead of VHS for better experiencing of this film. 161 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Henry Winkler is a bad actor and has never had much talent. 9100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is one of my all time favorites and has humor like no other. You'll either love it or hate it but it's a must see movie! Fun for all and really funny! The movie is perhaps worth renting once but this is certainly not the best rendition on this most intriguing of Christian saints/martyrs. 8050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my great granddaughters favorite, so i purchased it for her as a gift for her birthday 1424 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It would not be possible to be more pleased than I am. The product appears to be brand new even though it was sold as "used". Delivery was fast, the price fair. There's nothing to add except that I have already placed another order with this same supplier which should speak volumes. As a certain actor once said: "I'll be back!" 8252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The series is very interesting and Rumpole is a character and most enjoyable. The only problem I had with the set was that it is so very English and hard to understand at times. Liked it very much. A great buy for the money. The story itself is very basic, but very enjoyable. The idea is that a ragamuffin of an orphan is "adopted for a week" by the richest man in America, and they end up becoming the best of friends. It has the air of a fairytale; many elements of the story, like the characters of the Asp and Punjab, are colorful and fantastic indeed. Now, if you'll excuse the fact that Annie's good luck is a little too good (the whole universe seems ready to bend over backwards for her), you'll find her character and story quite enjoyable. Perhaps this is because she's so kind to everyone around her; she never seems to become too saccharine. In any case, when I was a kid, I liked to imagine that I was Annie... street-smart, optimistic, opportunistic, and talented, too. Wolfgang Petersen is a storyteller, that understands the effective use of action, and he provides an enthusiastic, and informative commentary. He marvels at the amazing things that were done in the special effects department, which by today's standards, appear quite dated. Air Force One is an overdramatic, pretentious, but fun fantasy, with a patriotic streak. It is too bad that today's real problems can't be dealt with so simply. 1637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 No so sure this is the WHOLE story. Some series did not follow so well like there has been some edited?? But on the whole i enjoyed it very much. * The Band - The Weight 1st commentary is with Tom Holland, and Actors Chris sarandon & Jonathon stark Disc Two: "Three Mindless Sing-Alongs"; -"The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations" featurette; -"How to Use Your Coconuts" educational film; -"Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Japanese" (with English subtitles); -the BBC Film Night special "On Location with the Pythons; -an interactive cast directory; -still galleries with Terry Gilliam's original sketches and behind-the-scenes photos; -"A Load Of Rubbish" with mystery items; -unused ideas and other material; -two trailers and weblinks; 4525 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic !!!! 947 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great, clean 4 the whole family. any adult that liked the old pink panther movies will like this as well. 8847 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes, this is arguably the best Charles Bronson film. This movie has great fight scenes considering the fact that it was created over 30 years ago and Colburn is great. with a help of an veteran horror actor turned horror showcase tv host to stop 5200 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is truely one of the greatest films of all time. Taxi Driver is surely De Niros greatest. Martin Scorsese is an absolute genious. I reccomend tis movie to everyone. The result is a hilarious series of poorly executed robberies, mostly robbing people they know. The last robbery is so over planned and yet completely miscalculated it becomes an absolute mess. I laughed so hard and for so long at the last robbery I almost passed out from a lack of oxygen. This is a fun film with two endearing lead characters. Basic plot, OH Geeeze Meathead don't spoil it for the rest of us who might want to see it. Players of the Resident Evil series of video games will recognise many of the scenes and plot elements. I didn't becuase I haven't played the games except maybe the first or second one once or twice (whichever one starts outside the mansion). OK so without giving too much away, a deadly virus breaks out in a super secret experimental laboratory complex that is controled by a supercomputer Named "The Red Queen" that has gone out-of-control so the powers that be send in the marines so to speak (a special forces type paramilitary unit). Meanwhile the main character Alice played by Jovovich has amnesia, a side effect of nerve gas released by the Red Queen, and slowly regains her memory as events unfold. Yes there are intentional parralels to Louis Carols Alice In Wonderland. I enjoyed this movie although you do have to turn off your brain as with most other movies of this genre. An interesting bit of trivia is that Night of the Living Dead (1968) Director George A. Romero, was originally on board to write and direct, but left the project due to creative differences over the script. The sound is typical Sci-fi, Horror, suspense heavy metal type music scored by Marco Beltrami and get this Marilyn Manson. Oddly enough despite that bizarre match up the music works. As for the plot etc... The result is something like Demon Seed meets Night of The Living Dead, meets Lara Croft - Tomb Raider with a little Total Recall and Raiders of The Lost Ark thrown in. I liked one scene which according to Internet Movie Data Base was inspired by and is very similar to a scene in the Canadian movie The Cube. My entertainment dollar was well spent even with the slightly cheesy CGI effects and occasional cheap Zombie makeup mixed with just plain gory Zombie makeup. BTW they don't ever call the undead creatures Zombies, they usually refer to them as the monsters or creatures or things, wouldn't you? 7499 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Family Classic 9535 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Odd Si-Fi picture. The premise of the movie is different and it has a lot of twists and turns that keep you guessing. The ending will shock you. 8504 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Monty Python. 1st movie I watched with my dad. Thanks for the great memories. Great movie...lots of laughs.. 5667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought as a gift for someone and they loved it! 4631 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 another of my favorite movies what a great edition with all the extras thanks for getting it to me so quickly I'd also recommend books by Nobel Peace Prize-winner Rigoberta Menchu (who, predictably, had a Yale professor conduct a campaign to cast doubt on her credibility - a standard psy-op tactic of our military establishment) and the DVD documentary, "When the Mountains Tremble." 9364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film veers between inspired lunacy and stupid silliness without seeming to know the difference. But say what you will, the movie is never boring. It is unusual for so many famous stars to appear in one film. Julia Roberts is listed after many of the other names, though today she is one of the most popular and highly paid actors in the world. Sally Field plays Julia Roberts' fretful mother, always concerned about her daughter, but a balanced concern. Julia is the marginally rebellious daughter, who thinks her mother fusses too much over her, wanting her mother to let her lead her own life. 9995 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Some people compare this film to Orwell's 1984, but in all honesty, this film is far closer to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, where an infant's occupation is determined at birth. Gattaca isn't far-fetched at all. Who could resist a future where all babies are perfect? No congenital defects, no weakness, no shortcomings... "Hard Times" has numerous memorable scenes, lines and characters. I was entertained throughout its 90 minute runtime -- grinning, frequently busting out laughing and even clapping (huh?). Speaking of the runtime, I love it when pictures aren't needlessly overlong. The beginning is a little confusing, with everything going on at once. But after everything settles down and all is explained, the movie gets much better. The special effects were quite good, and the acting was convincing too, especially Jovovich and Rodriguez. Fright Night, a 1985 horror film that combined the elements of horror and comedy, is another winner from the 1980's and is one of the best films that the decade had to offer. 2035 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie, Good action 9696 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still one of my all time favorites! best regards 5033 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If we could decide wich movie deserves a special edition, there will be trouble. For example, i think "alien vs predator" sucks bigtime, but deserves it`s special editions cause of both series fans and the tons of extra materials that they can provide, comming often from special effects. Other cult classics have no special effects, but can provide interviews and other info , very useful or appreciated for the fans. The movie itself is a fascinating hodge-podge of hilarity. You get to see several film genres, including swashbucklers, fantasy, epics and musicals, all get joyfully skewered. One cost-saving move, using coconuts banged together to simulate the sound of horses, since they couldn't actually afford horses, is an inspired notion. Despite that, much of the film shows the time period in a more realistic fashion than most other movies. There's lots of dirt and lots of mud and people know the king is the king because "He hasn't got [...] all over him." Episodes include: 302 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Many changes / additions! 5279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just recieved this. Case is cheaply made but thats not my concern. The bluray transfer looks fantastic on my 4k tv. It plays perfectly on my PS4 if anyone had questions about that. Very happy CFH This Movie Rocks! GET IT! Its both scary and cheesy! one of the better 80's horror movies!!! 5597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is a lot of fun. It takes a classic horror theme, vampires, and brings it up to date, atleast when it came out in 1985. The use of special effects is done really well, in that they compliement the story, and not try to cover up the fact that the story is weak and full of holes, like in other movies. This movie is about a guy named Charlie who finds out that a vampire has moved in next door to him, and has started killing people. The more he tries to convince others of this, the crazier he appears to look. He tries to enlist the help of a local TV personality, the character played by Roddy McDowall, who hosts his own creep show called 'Fright Night', with little intial success. Eventually some of the other characters see that Charlie is right, and this leads to the climatic finale. I think Chris Sarandon plays his role as the vampire realy well, not over the top but right on the money. He's charming, seductive, and alluring, with a sinister side that only Charlie can see until the vampire exposes himself for what he is....Roddy Mcdowell is great also, playing his role as Peter Vincent, a sort of washed up character actor trying to squeeze as much as he can out of his past celebrity. A fun movie with a lot of charm and appeal. I am amazed that this movie came out like 18 years ago....seems like only yesterday...where does the time go? a B-grade supporing character actor performance. 7373 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good -More tension and suspense than scares. I think this film has a great emotional edge to it. 7105 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The Bottom Line: Buster Baxter worries about his Mom who seems to obsess over having a perfect Christmas for her son, especially since the divorce. Buster comes up with "Baxter Day" which takes the pressure of his Mom and displays the true meaning of the holidays--love and kindness. Having watched the film dozens of times with adults--as well as with my middle-schoolers in the classroom, I can say that the greatest of Bible stories is captured in all its power, pathos, and glory. Although creating a few anachronistic vignettes (such as Joseph's 'foreshadowing' Christ's "My God, my God..." speech from the Egyptian prison), the film also captures all of the great ironies of the Joseph story. And the general quality of the film in the special edition is greatly improved; the prior DVD release had muddy sound and murky images, and while the film was enjoyable nevertheless, you still felt a little cheated--after all, the DVD is supposed to be an improvement over the old VHS. With the special edition, it is. Clearer and brighter both in sound and images, Sony Pictures has finally given this classic film a new lease on life. And the extra 24 seconds of footage are good for a chuckle or two. BESIDES, WITH CAROL BURNETT, HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG? 6739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As a lover of science fiction movies, I am too often disappointed by their ridiculous and over-the-top production and implausible plots. While I grudgingly accept that far out tales are what make science fiction actual fiction, let's have some grounding in reality, okay? This isn't the best movie I've ever seen, and far from the best sci-fi adventure I've watched, but it's certainly worth two hours of time. C.D. Bales is an educated, romantic and modern swashbuckling man who can street fight and win with style, possess a sharp wit, can swing and climb rooftops with the agility of a cat and write poetry and love letters that will make any woman swoon with delight. Unfortunately, Bales like De Bergerac, has a nose the size of a small tree, resulting in his shyness in the matters of love. A conscientious comic book artist, Woody Wilkins won't put anything in his comics which his characters couldn't do in real life. As such, the movie opens in Paris with Woody gigged out in full Condorman regalia and leaping off the Eiffel Tower to test his Condorman wings. It sucks for him that the wings malfunction and he ends up diving into the Seine river. So right away you get a sense of what this cat is like: an adventurous dreamer. had pretty good picture and sound quality plus the theatrical trailer. This Blu-ray slightly improves 4939 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 this movie sucks. i thought this was going to be compelling but it wasn't at all. it was quite dull and unwatchable. i turned it off five minutes into the flim 6197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This 1st Resident Evil movie directed by AVP director Paul W. S. Anderson was actually pretty darn good. Much better than the next movie in this trilogy, Apocalypse. (But the next one, Extinction, looks the very best!) This DVD package, (2 DVDs, individually cased and further packaged in an attractive cardboard box, this "Set No. 2" color-coded ORANGE), is the second of FIVE sets for the 1968 episodes. The marketing of "The Avengers" can be quite confusing so I wanted to get that information out up front. This is also the BEST way to buy the DVDs (by the "set" rather than by the "volume") for any season, from 1963 through 1968. Wolfgang Petersen, the maker of the terrifically gripping "Das Boat", directs here and lends the film a terrific sense of claustrophobia. The cat-and-mouse game Ford plays with the terrorists will leave the audience on the edge of their seat. Ford is the idealization of what every American wants his Chief Executive to be- tough, a man of action, resourceful. The same way Cary Grant and Humphrey Bogart were film icons of the 1940s and 50s, Ford will come to be remembered as one of the great actors of the 80s and 90s. His casting could not have been better. 8574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite films. It is also one of my favorite Charles Bronson films. I have it on VHS, but decided to get it in DVD. The DVD is of good audio and visual quality. Nothing new in the DVD that isn't in the VHS. No special features. Nada. Love the Nawlins location for this film that takes place during the depression. of humor. tops james bond any day.... Each 52-minute episode is futuristic and on the cutting edge of excellent television productions. I know of no series, "The Original Star Trek Series" excepted, which has remained as timeless as "The Avengers". You'll encounter, in these episodes, every nemesis ranging from an airborne costume party to a man (actually, an androidish double of a man), who cannot be killed by traditional means. Overall, a highly entertaining DVD that fans of STAR WARS and/or film buffs will enjoy. 7278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First time my six year old saw Annie. And, she absolutely loved it! 1834 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As with all movies based on historical fact, the yardstick for this movie should be the accuracy presented regarding the battle of Trenton. Based on my somewhat limited reading (Richard Kethchum's "The Winter Soldiers"), this movie delivers reasonably well. More so, the most truly important aspect of history movies, in my opinion, is the context and how well this given period is presented...in essence, how deeply does the viewer feel involved? This is the issue that makes this movie stand out. Watching this, I felt all the emotions that Washington appeared to go through (desperation, frustration, exhileration upon smashing the Hessians at Trenton...) and just marveled at the "period" depiction. I really felt that this was what it was like in 1776 Pennsylvania and New Jersey (volunteers with no uniforms or warm clothes...some even without shoes in the dead of winter...). Washington's character was well played by Jeff Daniels as he portrayed the important leadership qualities that made him a legend and founding father. Daniels "playing" Washington also managed to come across as somewhat flawed (i.e. "human"...) while giving a semblance of Washington's major desperation. On the negative side, I'm not so sure that Colonel Glover's role was historically accurate, although it was also well acted. In summary, an excellent movie and one that should be viewed by anyone interested in the Revolution. Highest recommendation. 176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 watched it for Christmas thought it was excellent glad I bought it. 4919 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie was terrible from beginning to end. 8449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A GOOD CLASSIC BOXING MOVIE WITH BRONSON 4920 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Not mental stimulation 2734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a good move 9602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! Uma and Ethan killed it. Surprised this wasn't a more popular film. I found Resident Evil incredibly hard four years ago to watch. Horror movies aren't my forte, therefore I never bothered to watch this. But to my great surprise - the movie wasn't that bad. And while it still holds the fear-factor for me, I can watch the movie now without worrying about frayed nerves afterward. 7712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie says it was worth five Stars. Who am I to quibble? I wasn't the one who saw it she was. So that's her rating. I suspect a little name bias but how can you prove it? 5684 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great The beginning sets the viewer up for the rest of the movie. We are shown the birth of the hero of this movie, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), and hear his genetic profile for major afflictions: 2926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very happy 9805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you are a fan of the book "Girl" you will probably not enjoy this movie. The movie leaves out much of the detail in the book which presented a more together, engrossing, and character-rich story. If you can watch the movie as a separate entity from the book, it is enjoyable. The strong point of the film is the excellent cast of many indie film stars like Selma Blair. Portia De Rossi from Arrested Development also has a role in the film. The film still presents a coming of age story that doesn't take itself too seriously. 3614 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This box set of Close Encounters contains 3 diffeent versions of the film. The original theatrical edition, the special edition, and the director's cut. It also comes with a movie timeline that shows tells the differences between the 3 versions, the original motion picture soundtrack, and a collectors edition booklet. The movie timeline is reversable, on the other side it becomes a movies poster. It's glossy and well put together. The box is pretty thick and well made also. I haven't seen a more comprehensive Close Encounters box set. If you are planning to buy this legendary movie this edition is stacked and well worth the money. 3715 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steven Spielberg read my mind. I must have come up with same story in my dreams and thinking because when I saw it the first time, I was aghast at how closely it resembled my hopes and ideas about alien encounters. I love this movie and can watch it over and over. Richard Dreyfuss gives, what I consider, the best performance of his career. Teri Garr was great for the part, but I fell in love with Melinda Dillon. If it ever happens, let it happen something like this. Kudos to Mr. Spielberg for his insight and knowing exactly how to put it together. The film was shot in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah (Monument Valley) and Louisiana and runs 95 minutes. 2945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the blue ray book awesome tells the whole story IF THE SUN well any way that's old Amelia Lousiana this is a real good movie your mom wouldn't let you watch it's good There is one sequence, involving an elementary school, which is not bad and will certainly delight all those who simply hate kids and puppies. It also makes sense that in the middle of an anthropophagic zombie infestation an elementary school is a particularly dangerous place, because playful kids need hearty balanced meals on a regular basis...))) On another hand the director couldn't follow this idea until its logical conclusion, because then this film would probably be banned in most countries... 7350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of those really good shows. Superb. There have been very few movies that I can say, hand on heart, that have ever touched a nerve with me, but this is did. If anyone but Williams and Bridges had played these roles, the film would have dragged on and on. Bridges is excellent as the ex shock jock, trying to make some restitution for the consequences of his 'actions'. Williams should be given some kind of Knighthood - the man is flawless as he tries to claw his way out of his personal madness, his grief and guilt. The support cast are pretty fine, too. Excuisite. As for the DVD itself, it is presented in letterbox/widescreen. There are several subtitles that can be utilized, so it is foreign speaking friendly. The original preview/trailer is included, which is somewhat a disappointment. It seems rather a mundane promotion for such a great movie. Nevertheless, it is cool that the trailer itself is included on the DVD. Hayes book "Midnight Express" details his life behind bars and the inhumane treatment that he and others received in prison and eventually how he escaped from the prison. The film adaption had gone through so many hands through its screenplay adaption and studio pressure that in order to make it a commercial film and due to budget constraints and location challenges, there is a difference between the book and the actual film. 5349 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very enjoyable , and somewhat frightening. with some comic relief added. So many scenes here are micro-treasures, and I don't want to describe them to an extent that I spoil the humor, but watch for Anthony's conversation with his little sister, the live-translation of Anthony's ardor for a Paraguayan motel housekeeper by the motel's dishwasher, and the amazingly ridiculous target of their second heist. 5487 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 No one i repeat no one can say or not say that there ae rules for punk rock. Punk is not what you wear it's not anarchy it's not something you can call yourself by having a mowhawk!!! it's a way of life it's an expression it is something that has been ruined by the media and hollywood. This has to be the most ignorant movie i have ever seen, and if people actually buy into it than thats their own fault. I was briefly entertained, but the simple fact that steve-o has set rules to be a punk rocker is bull-sh*t. I cant have a girfriend im a punk rocker. I can't be a sellout, so that means i can't like english bands?Rules are for your so called establishment, not for an anarchist. This movie is a giant oxymoron. Just the fact that steve-o comes from an upper class family contradicts his own moronic beleifs. go out and watch into hell. If there ever was an acturate interpretation of the punk movement this is it. Or you could go to Hot topic and buy this movie and join the throngs of other people that actually believed it. The Teachers featured on the series are : Dr. Gary Burge, Wheaton College; Dr. David Garland, Truett Theological Seminary; Dr. Mark Strauss, Bethel Seminary; Dr. Michael Wilkins, Talbot School of Theology; Dr. Matt Williams, Biola University; Dr. Ben Witherington III, Asbury Theological Seminary. 8805 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's Monty Python, what's not to love? 7926 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites by Robin Williams I was only ten years old when 'Easy Rider' came out, and without even seeing it, I can recall how popular the movie was. In fact, it was very common to see a large black & white poster of Peter Fonda on his chrome chopper, with the helmet and gas tank colorized in florescent red, white and blue. For the counterculture/anti-establishment crowd, it would seem that traveling cross country on a Harley with a stash of money, drugs along with easy sexual encounters was the new American dream. It wasn't until recently I had the chance to watch this film in its entirety on DVD, and the sense of free-spirited travel across scenic landscapes holds up well and so does a lot of the music, especially songs like "Born to be Wild" and several of the songs by the Byrds. In addition, the movie has some great moments including just about every scene that features Jack Nicholson. But sadly, communal living, acid trips, getting high on pot, having unprotected sex with prostitutes and dealing drugs for money just dates this film miserably. All of this wouldn't be necessarily bad especially if it was a bust-your-gut comedy, but unfortunately the film idealizes this lifestyle and plays too heavy-handed against their stereotypical Southern oppressors - especially in the final scene. Overall, I did like this movie for the cinemetography, music and nostalgia, but wasn't at all sold on the manipulative and outdated message. However, it's definitely one of these movies like Woodstock, that brings insight, be it good or bad, into the hippie counter-culter of the late 1960's. 2. The producers asserted that the 1968 episodes were more [paraphrasing] "believable" -- in fact, just the opposite is true. The '68 episodes are more bizarre than ever, but still very good. You will love this series, and never tire of it; it's well worth the investment. And don't forget to read the books as well! 4714 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Sorry but I'm glad I did not see this when it was released. DeNiro and Foster are awesome actors but not in this movie. Save your money and get one of their recent releases, much better. 3558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must not have read the description well enough when I purchased it. I was expecting a new dvd in a simple new dvd case. Instead I recieved an amazing collectors box! I knew the dvd was special edition, but this was amazing! Perfect condition, hard case box and art, all dvds were impeccable! Im so happy w this purchase! It was a gift for my mom, and she loved it too! Now we're enjoying watching all the different versions! the cinematography is sweeping and vivid!! Peter Fonda spends the whole film in love with himself. I can 5652 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT VID My excitement for Resident Evil was not failed or a waste of time. Everything this movie gave, I was completely happy with it. First off, with any Resident Evil fan, the first thing you will look for are the zombies and references to the games. The zombies were excellent and I must note that the first zombie to attack was creepy as mess. The references to the games didn't really come until the last 15 minutes of the film, and it made the film 10 times better. Especially the final scene in which I was almost gaping at. The acting wasn't topnotch, but enough feeling was given to make the film. Mila Jovovich stole the show of course. Michelle Rodriguez and Eric Mabius also did noteworthy jobs, but I'm getting a little tired of Rodriquez playing the smart-arse girl even though she does it well. Total bit rate: 36.24 Mbps 9418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is one of the most quoted movies in history. The scenes and comedy evoked by the small ensemble of comedic genius's are simply brilliant. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL is one of the funniest movies ever made. It tells the tale of King Arthur, who is searching for knights to join him at the round table. He assembles them, and then receives a message from GOD to seek the holy grail. Thus begins the quest that will have you rolling off your seat with laughter! From the Knights Who Say 'NEE', the three headed giant, the nymphs of the castle Anthrax, to the silly insulting Frenchman, this movie embodies the funniest situations ever to be captured on film. The bad boys of the hit British comedy show are all together to give the funniest performances of their careers. They are John Cleese(Academy Award nominee:Best Screenplay A Fish Called Wanda), Eric Idle, Graham Chapman, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, and Michael Palin. Each man plays an incredible array of characters, showing their truly great talents. Terry Gilliam(12 Monkeys,The Fisher King)and Terry Jones(Erik the Viking, MP and the Life of Brian) direct the film with a masterful stroke, and is also an actor. The best lines in cinema are said here, so don't miss it! ....C. Trailers. Five slightly different trailers for this movie. "It's coming, from the deep dark recesses of the mind of Mel Brooks." 8780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this Movie Hard Times ,in my opinion is Charles Bronson's best movie ever. The only thing that really bothers me is I can't get a Widescreen version of this movie. The movie loses something in a few of the scenes because you can't see all the characters. In one scene Mr. Rumbold wouldn't pay for the fight they won, He tells them to leave, there was a man standing next Mr. Rumbold opening his jacket displaying a handgun. The full scene version completely cut's him out. The scene loses something not showing that. Amazon please get the widescreen version!!!! Talk to the studio that owns the rights to make an in house copy to sell. 2764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great I've got Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom to revisit next ... can't wait. Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 [4:3] I think I realized how off base I was after I saw "The Royal Tenenbaums". I loved that movie, don't get me wrong. It was like "Rushmore" on crack. But I still felt like I'd eaten a whole bag of candy after I watched it. 5479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Upon initially viewing this movie I expected a cheesy story about some punks in Salt Lake City who think that they are better then everyone else. What I discovered is that this is a deep story about the coming of age of a punk rocker. I was quite moved by the story and it certainly took turns in unexpected directions. The acting in this movie is great and you will not regret spending some of your precious time watching this flick. 2139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 While the basic story line is not that believable, the cast pulls it together and somehow makes it entertaining. Lots of action and Gary Oldman is such a nasty character to Harrison Ford's good guy role. I enjoy the movie since part of it was filmed in Columbus, Ohio and a former co-worker's relative did the lighting for the night scene with the 747 in an airport. A good action vehicle for Ford. common when Allen made this, and it was actually seen as quite Overall, I'd say that "Resident Evil" really is a disappointment, especially if you were a big fan of the games, but for those who haven't heard of the games and saw the movie and thought it was good, you should definitely check these games out! "Resident Evil", the movie, is a very common piece of entertainment, that, without being bad, simply offers some acceptable entertainment, some mild thrills, and an easy and agreeable night at the theater. It really is nothing impressive, but it's very ordinary recipe of Hollywood thriller that puts itself under a name that has acquired reputation with the years. Not that bad, but nothing great either. 8134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As movie is the first time I've ever seen the story. In the Sunday comic section, which I pored over, it was always there, but never caught my interest. The movie was my first experience with Annie. It was a good experience. The acting of Jones is not very believable- this was one of his early movies. At first the motivations seem to be to kill, but gradually that changes to a power play for dominance over and degradation of the other. 9231 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I recently watched this classic again for the first time in years, having previously viewed it about a half dozen times. It was great to see one of my all-time faves brought to DVD. The Pythons epitomize the greatest imaginations and creativity in British humor, and this movie is, in my humble opinion, the hands-down best work of the Python troop. 6037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WATCH IT !!! I know the Pythons wanted the movie to be completely absurd and nonsensical pointless. What makes the Seventh Sign so good is the atmosphere and writing. There's never a dry moment in this movie, right down to Demi thinking she sees Jurgen everywhere around town, to the amazing conclusion that you'll probably see coming but won't mind because it makes sense in the context of the story. There's another element to the story that involves a young man who murdered his family and is set for execution, but to be honest it's really confusing trying to understand how this all ties into Jurgen and Peter's characters. The shapes in the shaving cream, the mud pack, the mashed potatoes are subliminal to what you will finally see. ---The where the zombies start eating somebody, then the angle pulls up into the air. Isn't that how they usually do the You Are Dead thing in all the "Resident Evil" games? 8398 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Annie" one of the all time classic movies of the '80's. They don't make movies like this anymore. "Annie" is a musical movie with a story behind it. 9703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This ia a thought provoking movie on what actually 'could' happen n the next 100 year's if 'designer babaies' actually become a thing. The initial concept of engineering out defects and disease is honorable and altruistic. The by product of this is well demonstrated by this movie. One of few movies that have left me pondering in recent years. 9556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent show. I re-watch this movie at least once a year. 9877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Gattaga" is a masterpiece. Firstly, it is a timeless movie. Released in 1997 you would expect it to seem dated by 2006 but it is far from it. Instead of using "futuristic" clothing and hairstyles, etc the director chose to give the movie a classic feel with hints of the 1920's and 1950's with just the smallest "futuristic" twists. The result is a movie that doesn't make you cringe at what people then thought the future would look like. 9788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Gattaca is set in the not-too-distant future. Genetic modification has developed to such an extent that parents are now able to order custom babies, eliminating what would have been any physical liabilities and putting in their place brains, brawn and beauty (the movie derives its name from the letters found in DNA sequences: G, A, T and C). This technological advance has created a two-tiered society of elites (called "Valids") and normal people (called "In-Valids"). The former get the best jobs and all the perks, while the latter muddle along as best they can. The protagonist, Vincent, was born the normal way, but he refuses to settle for mediocrity. He aspires to be in space. And nothing is going to stop him. ORIGINAL REVIEW 2002: 6968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best of any Annie's I've seen, and my grand children love it! Never get tired of seeing it! 1736 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great video 6778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i can't believe that reviewers found Milla's acting exaggerated! Joan of Arc was going through every kind of turmoil possible i think the least Milla can do is portray that, which she did beautifully. Superb acting, amazing battle scenes and a neutral view, which allows viewers to decide for themselves if Joan was seeking revenge or fulfilling God's message. Go out and buy it! Great work. This is also probably my favorite Steve Martin film. Despite his surreal schnoggin, he manages to inject his character with warmth, character, and lovability. You like him so much that you find it believable when he and Roxanne end up together at the end. (Interestingly, both this and the Janeane Garofalo film end happily, unlike the Rostand play.) The long scene in which a bar patron insults his nose, and he humiliates the man by coming up with 20 better and vastly funnier insults (this "Cyrano" is not merely a highly capable street fighter, but equally adept at verbal sparring) is easily the highpoint of the film. Even if I have seen the film recently, if in channel flipping I see the movie playing and that it hasn't reached this part of the film, I will wait and watch it. 7432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No one should go through life and not see Annie! It's a classic ! The movie also featured a bus with a Union Jack plastered all over it which was the Spiceworld tour bus. They must have put Dr Who's Tardis somewhere in this bus, since it was an awful lot bigger inside than outside, but never mind about that. Meatloaf drove the bus. 9836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When 'Gattaca' was released in '97, it really flew under the radar, thanks in part to a certain big sinking ship. I've known about about the film since its release but never saw it until about a year ago. Needless to say, I was very impressed. How could a film with such a talented cast, a brilliant story, incredible direction just fade out and not connect with audiences? 2106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie especially if you like Harrison Ford 2317 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When President James Marshall (Harrison Ford) goes off of the regular script at an international dinner and announces that the United States will not bargain with terrorists in any fashion, he has no idea that his challenge will soon be put to the test. On his way home from Russia, after his remarkable pronouncement, Air Force One is hijacked by terrorists led by Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman). They are determined to win the freedom of General Ivan Radek (Jurgen Prochnow), a military leader who murdered thousands of people in his bid for power. The secret service agents on the plane sacrificed themselves to get the President into the escape pod in the belly of the plane, leaving the President's closest advisors, as well as his wife and daughter, at the mercy of the terrorists... Just let some story implausibilities slide by and enjoy the buildup to Gere and Basinger's relationship and, of course, the action finale. 6671 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Besson's film on the legendary Joan of Arc leaves mixed results. Although he presented an original angle in showing her to be less than heavenly inspired, Besson has seriously and uneffectively distorted several documented facts about Joan of Arc. This is rendered worse by a bad script and questionable acting. My grams daughters and I finally got to see the movie together. Finally, the 1977 uncut version of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" has been release on DVD. The first release on DVD still had three scenes missing from the 1977 version that I saw on the theaters. I did miss seeing the man with his family commenting on how far behind the aliens was in technology when it came to our highway systems. I also miss Ray wife (Teri Carr) complaining that she was not going to get a job and Ray looking at the pillow and seeing the mountain shape in it. The third scene was included with the outtakes. It was the scene with Ray walking into the Electric Power Plant (his job) and talking to his co-workers. P.S. - Does anyone else but me think that Milla Jovovich is a little flat chested? I've never understood the charges of xenophobia leveled at this film. It's a story told from the point of view of Billy Hayes, a young man sentenced to years in a foreign prison, with no friends or help in the country where his (foolish) actions have trapped him. OF COURSE he's going to see the people abusing him as horrible monsters - wouldn't you? And really, the only people I saw that were portrayed as "evil" were the big horrible prison guard played by Paul Smith, the hard-line prosecuting attorney, and the rather oily defense attorney who really does seem to be trying to help. So there ARE no horrible abusive prison guards in reality? There ARE no hard-line prosecutors who are more interested in coups than justice? Defense attorneys are NEVER the least bit sleazy? Seems to me the only reason these characters are deemed "racist" is that it's apparently a sin to portray anyone outside America as being other than nice - as if there were no ugly, mean, selfish, violent people anywhere else in the world. Sorry, that's dishonest. Bad people exist everywhere, and it's purely self-serving to insist that filmmakers must never allow such people into their films, ESPECIALLY when those characters are based on REAL people in the original book! In fact, there are scenes where the detail comes out quite nicely. But if there was one thing that the Blu-ray High Definition transfer does happen to bring out is the amount of grain. But I would rather take a transfer full of grain than the soft, waxy DNR look any day. And I am so happy that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment decided to feature "AIR FORCE ONE" with a good HD transfer of the film. 9492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie! Some of the events were a bit unrealistic but still a very interesting take on how the future can look that is still relevant today! Easy Rider absolutely refuses to idolise the sixties ideal, and it is not to my eyes even vaguely dated (I say this having seen it for the first time last night, thirty three years late). Ciaran Hinds on the other hand carries this version. He is a GREAT Mr. Rochester! I love the novel and have various movie versions; I was totally surprised by him. He totally carries the flick! With the exception of the kissing scene where he reveals his feelings for her after she returns from being away - the side of the face fake kisses (don't look!). How did they let all THAT stay in the final? It was so entirely awkward. Forget that part when you see it as it was a total disaster. But, I was totally surprised by how great he was in this movie. A good look for him as I did not care for him much in the Jane Austen adapation of Persuasion. 1758 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a history buff, I really enjoy the Revolutionary war period pieces and the Civil War. Jeff Daniels portrays people from both wars with style and excellent acting. 7965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like the singing and humor of this movie. I'm incredulous as to how Taxi Driver has sustained its aura after all these years when it basically plays out like a low budget, violent melodrama with a tawdry and frankly unbelievable conclusion. If it wasn't for Jodie Foster's amazing portrayal of the world weary teenage prostitute, there'd be little reason to watch the film other than for curiosity's sake. Grade: ***** out of ***** The film love story between Wingo and Lowenstein is one of the most memorable of the past decades, yet the picture also encompasses deep social undertones -- suicide, hypocrisy, lack of family understanding. There is a couple of memorable scenes; the most special one comes when Wingo finally lets the demons of the past out -- this is acting at its best on both Nolte's and Streisand's part. Although some other films also attempted something similar (e.g. "Good Will Hunting", with Matt Damon and Robin Williams), it never was so powerful as here. The ending is bittersweet, not typically romantic but ultimately inevitable and logical for the story. The film's worst scene involves the girls' encounter with aliens during a midnight hike in the woods. Personally, this scene seems out-of-place in such a film. Richard E. Grant is great as the girls' manager, and the film's subplot of a tabloid thrasher going after the girls makes it much more fun to watch. I had a hard time trying to decide as to whether or not this is one of those bad movies that happens to good actors, or if they should be held responsible for getting into it. Hewitt and Prinze, Jr, who reprise the roles of the earlier film, should have known better when they read the script that this material would not be sufficient enough to live up to the standards, however low, set by the first film. Brandy Norwood and Mekhi Phifer are the newcomers in the places of Phillipe and Gellar, and Phifer is the most amusing as the oversexed boyfriend who turns sexual frustration into comedic relief; Brandy is okay on TV, but I think in this case, a bad movie happened to her as an actress. Overall, a worthwhile addition to the store as the entire product was given a good treatment. Hope you enjoy. Number of discs: 1 2997 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I loved this movie when it was first released so I thought I would love it again. It is so dated I don't know that younger people would "get it". Watching it now a good deal of it seemed...well, silly for a lack of a better word. I am torn between giving it a 2 or a 3 but I had to rate in on my impression now. 3361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must see! 4984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm not a fan of "Men In Tights", but even it looks great in this set. Beautiful set at a good price, and I loved the "book" that comes with it. 3561 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes, I replaced my VHS copy with this DVD. Its a great movie that I watch from time to time. 5485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you're going to appreciate "SLC Punk," the 1999 film by writer/director James Merendino, you need to have grown up during the 1980s. The film, taking place in Salt Lake City in 1984, hits all the right notes when documenting rebellion and music of the period. The lifestyles, attitudes and different cliques which spun off from American punk rock have been accurately detailed. Most importantly, the story transcends the era, revealing the frustrations of youthful rebellion and the angst of American suburban living. MORE INCLUDED EXTRAS:(Some HD, some SD) Animated film series, Japan: 6233 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Please read this review before you decide if it's helpful or not. Seriously, I played the games they are fun, I saw the first film, it was pretty good, this one does not have much going for it. If you want a good shoot-em-up Zombie film see the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" or even the great comedy "Shaun of the Dead". Both of those movies will give you so much more than this one. The "Lickers" in the Church is a good scene, and a brief scene with Zombie Hookers is cool, and that is the two stars I give it. Nemesis (The huge monster villian in this movie) looks no better than a Power Rangers creature I kid you not, and the acting is non-existent. If you are the kind of person that will enjoy anything with the "Resident Evil" tag you may like it just fine, but people with a higher-standard on their action/horror films REALLY should look elsewhere..........the Zombie Hookers are cool though. Everthing is calm and cool, until an employee drops a With Taxi Driver the climax is the violence, it is the insanity. An insane man saying 'you talking to me' is cool and funny. Travis is the hero, an insane man who murders and tries to assasinate people is looked up to and idolized. Thats a hallmark of Scorcese films and why I don't like a lot of his work. He shows the seductiveness and romanticism of satanic actions and people, but brings too much sympathy to them, too much idolization. Instead of showing the real consequences of these dark impulses, Scorsese seems to be infatuated with them and splashes them pornographically across the screen for his own amusement. Blu-ray Special Features and Extras: 6653 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've read many of the reviews here at amazon.com. I find it interesting how what is considered "a minor film" has brought on so many "Love it"/"Hate it" opinions. I (a non-gamer) fall in the "Love it" group. I've read criticisms of the beginning of the film and how it is hard to follow. It seamed quite apparent (to me) that you were supposed to be confused in the beginning so you could identify with the main character that has lost her memory. I thought it actually brilliant how things become clearer to the viewer as the effects of the knockout gas wear off of Mila Jovovich's character. I am also surprised that people can watch a video-game based film and have such high expectations. I went into this thinking, "I sure hope there's a lot of special effects and good action". I came out of viewing my rental thinking, "That was so much better than I expected, I must own this!!" Heck, I thought "Mortal Kombat" was a passable video game adaptation; Full of action, had a story, fair acting. I'm not sure what people expect when a film like this comes out. 4436 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 We ordered them all and watched them after they all came in. It came in on time so that's always a big plus to me. As for the Blu-ray release, for those who want to sing along with the music or learn the lyrics, can easily do so with the exclusive "Sing-Along" feature. And for those who don't own the previous "Annie" releases, will surely enjoy watching an older Aileen Quinn discussing her experience of working on the film and the various talents at the time. As for video and audio quality, there is no doubt that this is the best version of "Annie" to date. While I wish there was more use of the music for the surround channels, it's still crystal clear coming from the center and front channels. While the picture quality didn't look too aged or feature heavily use of DNR. Then they all get to battle hand to hand with a bunch of rotting graveyard zombies which is funny because A. How did the T-virus infect the already-dead-6ft-burried corpses? and B. why did they choose THAT moment to unearth themselves? Valerie's little brother, Billy is a severe heroin addict. Despite the fact that he's occasionally allowed to sleep over at Ray and Valerie's, Ray even feeds him and gives him a banknote here and there, Billy steals a score of dope from their flat. DVD EXTRAS: None 5613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This gem of a horror film is a true modern-day vampire classic. Chris Sarandon plays the vampire with a lot of enthusiasm. He can be sexy & seductive, while at the same time, monstrously frightening. Roddy McDowell gave one of his finest performances. Kudos to William Ragsdale & the very pretty Amanda Bearse for giving believable performances of two lovestruck teenagers who are involved with the charismatic, yet monstrous vampire. Some comedy elements were added to this film which made this film very enjoyable to watch. 2034 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic collector for those who love HF. 2871 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie Oh boy, Raccoon City has only hours to exist before the cleansing flash of a nuclear weapon, the Zombies run amok and Alice has lives to save in what to my mind is the finest of the very successful Resident Evil films. Milla Jovovich returns to her role as Alice, the Umbrella corporation security officer who we now know has been experimented upon. Sienna Guilliory serves in the role of a very attractive cop in a mini skirt. Oded Fehr plays another policeman, all three of them are survivors of the man made Apocalypse. Young Sophie Vavasseur plays the young daughter of Dr. Ashford who the survivors must rescue from the soon to be wiped out city. 3920 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is one of those films that define what the 70s were all about, moviewise. It is an exploration of humanity - what would it, truly, be like to meet an alien race from another world? What kind of people would be up to it? How would we communicate? And would they be hostile or friendly? I much rather have had a RE type story or one that could have ran parrel much like the first movie. In stead we get whole a scene stolen from RE code veronica and they actually look less stunning. If it wasn't a complete rip off (say if the character was the same) it wouldn't have been so glaringly bad, but when you go to see a movie you go to see "new" thoughts and ideas not just shifted image stolen from video games with different characters doing things that run logically against the game that the images are being stolen from. 9069 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 this was a gift the person who rec'd it was a big fan of monty python, he is looking to purchase more  Resident Evil: Retribution (+UltraViolet Digital Copy) [Blu-ray] (2012). Finally John Huston would say that it doesn't hurt to have lovable hero's in your story. Lovable heroines wouldn't hurt either or at least ones that look sexy. Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory are attractive women but if they chose their own costumes (?) for this movie they are also airheads. Like many women they dress in what they think makes them look sexy. The result is a 6th Street hooker look that makes you laugh every time they appear in the frame. Check out Milla's "Zoolander" look if you want to see what could have been; she actually looks sexier wearing old army fatigues in "Dummy" than she does in her "Resident Evil-Apocalypse" outfits. 6902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids loved it. This series is... Well... British, I guess is the single best descriptive word. If you don't understand "British", McKern, et alii, will show you the meaning, in full, washed out, colour. (sic). This is an amusing, endearing ongoing demonstration of light humor. Follow the day to day trials, troubles and tribulations of a middle-of-the-road white collar worker, his help (sometimes) mate, and colleagues. View the inner workings and decor of middle-class English life as lived by the reslover of the Peng Bungalow murders. Thrill to scenes of the long walk to work. Marvel at the criminal activities of lower-middle-class denizens of the British judicial system, judges and crooks alike. Political intrigue of the lowest noticeable order and dry humour (sic again) as only the Brits can play. Actually amusing, believable, endearing, and well worth owning, this can be an investment that is watched over and over through the years. A somewhat painful scene (except for the chance it gives us to watch Terry Jones in action as a director) is the BBC documentary made during filming. The interviewer seems more interested in trying to be funny himself than in the Pythons. But there are several great comic extras, including words to some songs, a coconut skit, two scenes dubbed in Japanese, and best of all, an animated feature of the "Camelot" scene and song done entirely in Lego...must be seen to be believed. Close Encounters is very slow moving, with the occassional interesting thing occurring, but it is not until the end where something interesting happens. And even then, I expected more. I was left thinking "is that it, after all that slow build-up?". Many scenes during the film are just too stupid for words. Dee Smalls Charles Bronson gives an excellent performance as Chaney, the strong, silent street fighter trying to make a buck. Roles like this show Bronson's acting ability and that he wasn't just a tough guy, although he more than holds his own in this movie. James Coburn is equally as good as Spencer "Speed" Weed, Chaney's promoter who always has trouble holding onto money. Bronson's real-life wife Jill Ireland plays Lucy, Chaney's girlfriend who is looking for security in her life. In a smaller role, Strother Martin plays Poe, an opium-addicted medic working with Chaney and Speed. The movie also stars Michael McGuire as big-time gambler and heavy Chick Gandil, Felice Orlandi, Edward Walsh, Margaret Blye, Bruce Glover, Robert Tessier, and Nick Dimitri. The DVD offers widescreen and fullscreen presentations, and trailers from Hard Times and The Stone Killer, another Bronson movie. For an excellent movie with great performances from Bronson and Coburn with a well-told story and plenty of action, check out Hard Times! 1350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1of my favorite shows 1297 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Yes, it looks like it was edited with a chainsaw (blame the studio). Yes, Ralph Fiennes looks like he'd rather be elsewhere. And yes, the teddy bear suits look ridiculous. Guess what? I still love it! This, my friends, is what I call a guilty pleasure. Does it always make sense? Hell no, especially since there seems to be a lot missing (judge for yourself by watching the theatrical trailer). But it's so much fun. Let me say right now that I have never seen the old television series, so I went into this movie a novice. And I was entertained. It's campy, over the top and a little silly. But it's okay. As much as I love this film, I hope someday to see the whole uncut Director's version just to fill in the (many) holes. There are far worse movies out there, trust me, and if you just give yourself over to it, you may be pleasantly surprised. How Jane could have felt anything beyond oppression and disdain is beyond me! Jane's character is even altered; she's borderline bratty, somewhat mouthy, and unreservedly opinionated! It's amusing that some of the alien music ends up sounding Jaws-y. 3196 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The DVD arrived before the estimated date in perfect condition. I loved this movie when I was a teenager and I still love it today. I remember watching it with a couple of my girlfriends and relating to the closeness of the characters. Watching it again brought back great memories. Love it! Would recommend it it to anyone who likes a good,funny,real,tearjerker! This is one of those love-it or hate-it movies. I loved it. This is one of the best game-based movies out there. Sure, the zombie thread is standard fare (a virus causes a zombie plague and a group of people fight to survive), but there are good special effects. 4380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This gets brought out during the Christmas season, mostly. My kids and sometimes my wife, will watch it anytime of the year. Hey, it's the Muppets! 8076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it. Thanks for your service. Sherlock Holmes and the Flying Zombie Death Monkeys 977 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Filmed well , but not realistic! The two protagonist would of killed each other @ the start! to bring the game to the screen, you have to know the 9287 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I'm not sure what it is that I don't like about this movie. It seems there is something off balance that is apparent from the opening sequence. Obviously all the reveiws for this movie were written by fans. Most people who wouldn't like this movie most likely have not heard of it, or barely remember. It does not leave a lasting impression unless you find it hilarious. Filmed on a shoestring budget and probably in locations within just a few miles of each other, this movie is a journey into the bizarre and dryer then a dessert humor of one of Englands most popular comedy troups. Rest assured, if you like English humor, this movie will most likely leave you rolling on the floor. For some who just can't laugh that hard at it, you may find yourself giving up on it early. There is some tremendously funny writing and some very cerebal wit. For example, the argument about whether a swallow can carry a coconut during it's migration. The taunting of the Frenchman from the top of the castle wall. The dual with the black knight, and the killer bunny. The hightlight being the peasent in the road who King Arthur mistakes for an old woman and gets a tougue lashing for the simple mistake. Even these moments though rely on the bizarre circumstance that these people don't ride horses but pretend to with the sounds they make with two coconuts to show you that there is absolutly nothing to be taken seriously and nothing that shouldn't be considered off the wall. This movie seems funnier when quoteing lines in the company of friends, rather then watching it straight out. My personal tastes do not run to something this unbalanced, but I realize it is adored by many. So to those who enjoy it, knock yourselves out. To those who enjoy more straight foward smart comedy, I would suggest Real Genius. Or the Killer Rabbitt? Priceless! 5254 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Notes from the underground"-it's the title of a Dostoyevsky book. Actually it's one of his best. If you've read it you could maybe appreciate more the Scorsese movie. "God's lonely man"-that's Travis Bickle,the Vietnam veteran who spends his life driving a cab through the seedy streets of New York. He observes without taking any part. He despises the pimps, the prostitutes and the junkies. He welcomes the rain that will sweep the city clean of its filth. He haunts the streets as he begins a mesmerizing descent into his own personal hell. He's drawn to two women in particular: there's Betsey, the unattainable blonde campaign worker for a president wannabe, and there's Iris, a child whore who is in the thrall of a brutal pimp. At a certain point of the movie he sets out to win over these two women and at the same time atone for his own sins in an orgy of violence. His original plan to kill the candidate is foiled by the Secret Service, so he decides to descend into the squalor to redeem himself by rescuing Iris. Like every kind of underdog Travis takes out his anger on the guy below him rather than the guy above him. He contemplates his arsenal before beginning his rampage. He is wearing faded combat fatigues and has designed a complicated holster contraption that would allow him to draw and fire much faster. He is surveying his handywork in a full-length mirror. "You talking to me" - he says as he spins and draws on a non existent opponent, savouring this moment. It's the picture of a man on the brink of the abyss! A truly wonderful moment of genuine movie magic! Travis Bickle is a man who is in emotional pain throughout the movie. The pain and torment that Bobby De Niro endures on screen as Travis goes far beyond simply acting. To give that feeling of rejection, the feeling of really being angry, the fear of not being able of making relationships survive, to understand the pain and play it so convincingly he would have had to endure at least some of it. Undisputably one of the best performances in the cinema history! I won't bother listing all the special features as Amazon details them nicely, but I will say the picture and audio were excellent. This is a two disc set, the first DVD containing the film (both widescreen and full screen format), along with some special features, with the 2nd containing the bulk of the extras. 3 stars stumbled on some good acid; is justice, as in the thought of Michel Foucault- a function of historical power forces; should everything, as in DeSade, be permitted. Is there such a thing as "victiomless crimes?" And 3827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. They should have got academy awards. It will make you cry laugh and think how precious life is. The women and these kids are out standing. Ed Harris I always love. I need to buy,, I have watched at least 10 times. Great Christmas movie if you get through the tears 774 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this show many times but it never fails to amuse. It is a great holiday show for the kids and adults and manages to educate as well. 2193 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 It may have seemed pretty good when it came out but in retrospect this is one lousy movie. Clearly high raters are rah rah Americans. Much overacting on almost everyone's part. Harrison is just horrible. Actually he's never been very good has he? Meanwhile, one element that often goes unmentioned outside of deeper analyses of the film is its musical score, one of Bernard Herrmann's last and very finest. With the veteran composer of Alfred Hitchcock films tabbed for this film, you might have expected dark and disturbing, Psycho-esqe music, befitting Taxi Driver's status as a nightmarish psychological journey. Horrific dirges find their way into the score on occasion, but surprisingly, Herrmann more often used a jazzy, romantic theme to underscore Travis' subconscious rants about the "scum" and "filth" he'd like to wipe out of New York City. 1893 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good 2438 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 And oldie, but a goodie! I loved this movie years ago and was so happy that I could find it on Amazon. You can't go wrong with Richard Gere!!! Another theme that runs deeply through all three films is the powerful and destiny changing power of rivers! The awesome power of the natural world, exemplified by a river in all three films, is undeniable. You can't miss it. In the case of INTO THE WILD, it was the raging force of the rolling river rapids that prevented Chris from crossing back in the spring to the other side from which he came. It was too wide, too deep, and with waters gushing too fast to cross. He was forced to go back to the bus where he had been living all winter. It ultimately decided his destiny for him. He almost drowned in it on his attempt to cross it. In the end, it was because of the river which separated him from all that he cared about in his past that sealed his fate. The poison plants he mistakenly ingested while he was starving did not help, either. In the case of EASY RIDER, it was along the river that both characters met their fate, and got blown away by a couple of backwoods rednecks out for a spin in their pickup truck. Maybe it was their bad karma? Still, the injustice of the moment is profound, as one watches Peter Fonda's motorcycle go up in flames while Roger McGuinn of the Byrds sings Bob Dylan's song, "The Ballad of Easy Rider,' as the lyrics "flow, river flow" repeat throughout the song like the flowing river itself. In the case of THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES, it was along the river where Ernesto found himself, in the sense of his true calling, while administering to a sick, leper woman who made him realize that there are other ways to heal people - and prevent them from getting sick in the first place - than by being a physician to individuals. Society itself can be in great need of a social healer. The river separated the sick lepers on one side from the hospital care workers on the other. Ernesto refused to wear the superstitious rubber gloves on his hands from the very first day. One night, on his birthday, he had a spiritual rebirth when he took a rite of passage and dove into the river, swimming all the way across to the other side where all of the sick lepers along the shore encouraged him on. On doing so, he once and for all proved to his friend, Alberto, that he was no wimp but a true man with determination and courage. He showed an inner strength that inspired all of those around him. How they cheered his victory over the river! He would not be stopped by anything. That came later, when he was "Che Guevara" the revolutionary in Bolivia, when the sneaky CIA killed him. His nobility still shines brightly! Like "Alexander Supertramp" in INTO THE WILD and "Captain America" in EASY RIDER, he had a huge heart and a great soul. He truly cared about people. represents the zenith of scare tactics even with the most insipid of 4131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great. :) I guess what I'm getting at is I am damn sick and tired of listening to people rag this movie. I'm so sick of it, in fact, that I will outright lie through my teeth to people who dislike it and tell them that it is my favorite film, even though it really isn't. It isn't my favorite films of Arnold's by a long shot, but I still rank it in the top-ten. It isn't even one tenth as bad as they say it is. There were avid Schwarzenegger fans who actually came to loathe Arnold after he made this movie. Why, I ask? WHY? I DEMAND TO KNOW! Is it the acting? Is it the script? Is it the story and the premise? Special effects, car-chases, what? Okay, the acting is corny. I give you that. The story is far-fetched and the action is over-the-top. I give you that, too. But guess what, you stupid sh*ts? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY! This film was intended as a social commentary. It is satire. It was intended to make fun of movies by example. It points out the most inherent flaw in all of cinema. Fantasy! That's right! It exposes the film industry for what it is. That is, a circus, a mad house, a rabid dog, a wild beast, a monolithic volcano of glamour, pretense, vanity, and and... AND just... shrill-shrieking-FRAUDS. That is what makes EASY RIDER so special. The fact that it is the ultimate sixties experience. Also with Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper and a awesome soundtrack with Jimi Hendrix, Steppen Wolf ,The Byrds and The Band how could this movie be bad? In conclusion EASY RIDER is one of the groovy, trippy, American classics that is just down right cool! Highly Recommended! I also thought the humour was good. Trying to chat up Betsie, chatting to the special security services man, chatting to the pimp. He was so natural. Ive been around a lot myself, and you do get bad ideas in your head, and want to do exactly what Travis did. I suppose thats the point of good acting - making you believe it is real. Given that De Niro was only about 30, he really was amazing. Two thumbs up. The Dear Hunter was also in the same league as this. Great picture and sound quality and a great comedy makes this an easy recommendation. 6696 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Derivative, boring, and beyond stupid, zombie flick "Resident Evil" misses every possible opportunity to scare, thrill, or even make sense. It doesn't even have the gorey guts of its video game inspiration. Your best bet? Skip this soulless claptrap and see how good movies weave complex plots, well-drawn characters, and true scares into a terrifying whole. "Aliens," "Dawn of the Dead." and "Blade 2" are an excellent start. thing that botherd me is that sometimes they start showing 7280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great quality! And we have loved it well, for these many years. The broad gag, the running joke, the literate aside, we've spent years here trying to show y'all that it didn't go over our heads. It really was funny. Lots of it still is. The DVD is nice because the menu has all the songs available to listen to at your preference. The length is about 40 minutes. This is a great buy, and I highly recommend it! Russell Harty Goes Upstairs Downstairs (30:00) 6919 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After such a long time I still enjoy moments watching Annie. Great production. Glad it's available on DVD 881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gilbert is a master player and instructor - and I think we all know that those two things don't necessarily go together. His technique on this DVD is jaw dropping. I really don't think it would be possible to alternate pick faster with the clarity Mr. Gilbert brings to the instrument. Paul seems to have both sides of his brain fully developed - the artistic left side that rocks out with gut searing intensity and emotion, and the geeky analytical right side that can perfectly explain and break down why it all works. I own literally thousands of guitar instructional materials that I've purchased over the last thirty years, and can honestly say that this DVD ranks in the top three. If you are at all interested in shred guitar, you simply have to buy this. Many of us paid $40 or more per VHS tape for the original videos (parts I and II), so this DVD is an amazing bargain at this price. Thanks, Paul! 4637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great, great movie. 9521 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very well done! It certainly deserved all the Academy Award nominations and wins it got. I should have seen it when it came out! 5968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Although the DVD appears to be homemade the quality is Good. The movie is entertaining and quite well done. The acting is excellent. 6722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie completely and totally blew me away in every sense of both words. Not much can be known about the true Joan of Arc, but it is known that she supposedly found a sword in a field and used the cause of God to attack the British and try and save her fellow French. And, just so people know, where do you think the "F" word got its start?? It was back in the middle ages, and thus the evil English like to use it a few times. But, I'd hardly say its overused. I counted no more than half a dozen uses of the word, myself, and there is little other swearing in the movie. Other than that, this movie got 'R' for its very violent and thematically tense content. This is not a movie for the weak or stomach or heart. It's take on the reasons for Joan's crusade is displayed perfectly and while this movie doesn't offer any solid view of its own on how her life really happened, it gives us a good idea of what it was like. All in all, this movie may be better than even Braveheart. The acting is superb, the music by Eric Serra is outstanding (the song that plays as Joan was getting burned at the stake ALWAYS sends chills up and down my spine). All in all, if you like medieval movies about famous war figures, don't miss out on The Messenger. It's a dramatic and very realistic portrayal of one of the key icons of medieval history that deserves more respect and attention than its gotten. 3570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good to watch again, especially since I don't believe I had ever seen it from the very beginning. Liked seeing all the old things from my childhood. DVD itself was great since in Blue Ray. I recommend this movie to all who want to know how to leave this world alive. This movie left me with a feeling of love for Jesus Christ, who gave his life for us so we can spend an eternity in heaven with our Creator, God. 431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No matter how many times I watch it, it is still very moving. Excellent acting, excellent adherence to the true story, and something I will soon not forget and enjoy watching again. I bought several copies to give as gifts. 6102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The only word I can think of to accurately describe this film. Midnight Express at its' core is an expose not of the Turkish prison system but of the brutality that man is capable of. Based on true events, Midnight Express follows the life of American Billy Hayes, who is caught trying to smuggle a small amount of hashish on to his plane. Needless to say he is caught and sentenced to serve time in a Turkish prison. Billy endures endless torture both physical and mental during his tenure in the prison. There is one particularly beastly guard who looks like James Gandolfini from the Sopranos; anyway this guard loves to whoop up on the prisoners, especially the Americans. The film takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions with plenty of twists and turns. The film score is nothing short of haunting. The use of sound and music in this film add a whole other level of horror to an already hellish situation. Some film buffs might also notice Randy Quaid in one of his earliest film roles as another American imprisoned with Billy. Overall, Midnight Express left me with a sick feeling. It challenges the viewer to endure countless acts of violence and brutality and yet still believe in the strength of the human spirit. A must own for any serious DVD collector. Highly Recommended. 4) 2007 Masterpiece Theatre version with Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens: Non-descript actors, but a decent production. Except for one hot scene with Jane and Edward on the bed (which would NEVER have happened in the novel), sort of forgettable. 9195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's easy to dismiss this movie and everything done by the Monty Python troupe as silly, throw-away. But you would be doing yourself a huge disservice. There's an underlying deep understanding of the very legends and events the boys are making such merry fun of. 7494 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful movie. Sad but with a great sory about two brothers who share one love with their father. Fly fishing. I have watched it several times and will again I think. Neary and Barry do have the common failing of not being notably articulate. Neary even once quotes Barry in trying to describe the UFOs as "like an ice-cream cone"--adding only that its flavor was "orange" (and this being an improvement over his first attempt: "there was a red whoosh..."). He does improve considerably in comparing them to the aurora borealis, the northern lights--but only mispronouncing "borealis." Jillian, more sensitive to the interpersonal side of things, does a better job too--and betraying herself a kindred spirit--when she spontaneously calls the visits in the sky "Halloween for grownups." Eventually standing at the end of a line of volunteer astronauts arranged by Lacombe (and the only one not carrying a large duffle-bag), Neary is singled out and playfully caressed by the playmate friends which Barry had already made, solidifying, confirming and celebrating the new family bonds (the most moving moment of the film, with music from Neary's favorite movie, Pinocchio, playing spaced-style ala John Williams). On the whole a remarkable accomplishment, and a Spielberg masterpiece (both written and directed by him). Taking nothing away from "alien contact," it still in its own way trumps it with a "family reunion." This theme was to recur in E.T., but there alien contact becomes tongue-in-cheek and all-too-familiar; one might even say that E.T. is "CE3K for dummies." Barry was no less interesting or precious than any alien; at one scene it is even made obvious that he looks a bit like his alien friends. The deep, personal contact of the kindred souls, even if visceral and inarticulate, is the real "encounter." It was this simultaneous solidifying of earthly and extraterrestrial bonds which was really the most striking thing about the film. After welcoming Neary, and just after "waving" to Lacombe, the alien takes a moment to gaze upon the human crowd with such an expression of wonder and amazement, it is breathtaking; another inspiring, moving and thoughtful scene--as if Spielberg were holding up a mirror to the human race. When Neary was caressed by Barry's playmates, they visibly did so with a sense of awe and amazement, a moment which moved Jillian to tears as she witnessed it herself; in a sense she sees Neary through the aliens' eyes. Yet why shouldn't aliens act that way? Why suppose that these imaginary beings of the story are more jaded than Barry, Jillian or Neary? Neary's virtue might be summarized by the simple fact that (as expressed in his own words, while once commenting on the UFOs), he 'didn't want to see this;' he was just someone open to truth and faithful to whatever he saw. He wanted to see Pinocchio with his kids. Are such attitudes really so unbelievable or trivial, or are they neither? 8063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 enjoyable movie 2873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My Husband was actually wanting to see this movie again, we had a copy at one time but could not find it, most likely loaned it out and never got it back. This is the 1989 venison We enjoyed it all over again. In 89 which seems like yesterday to me, not as much was said publicly about Diabetes or death and this movie covers some of that but also has humor. I was speaking of this at lunch yesterday and one of the ladies commented that she had seen the newer version made in about 2012 with all Black Actress and had really enjoyed it also. 3405 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love that movie! 3923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great 2-disk set of one of my favorite Spielberg films. Actually, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is one of my all-time favorite films. 5737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All good Horror movie wise, there isn't that many great moments in the movie. The zombies are mediocre, I'd take Romero or Jackson zombies over these ones any day. They're just not that frightning and they don't do a whole lot. The part with the dogs is fairly decent, but the licker at the end of the movie is just plain laughable and crappy. The budget wasn't very big for this movie, but I've seen TV movies with better special effects then this movies licker. Although I must admit, the part where they're trapped in the corridor with lazers that our out of control, is one of those "wow" moments of horror movies. 6633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Truely one of the best Biographical films ever made, ever witnessed on screen. Not very often does an interesting historical charecter show up in cinema, some actors get immersed in the charecters so well, so fine... you just have to believe that you are taken back right there at that very time. 'The Messenger' is one of those films that carry you all the way with it and take you back to its time, the time where a once little girl who turned out to be a rebellious young woman taking charge of the French army. The lead role is played brilliantly by Mila Jovovich, you simply run out of words when it comes to her performence. The pain, the madness, the temper, the true nature of Joan so beautifuly shown by the young actress. The film as a whole leaves you quite sattisfied, the performence, the acting, the directing, timing and a reasonable score. Look forward to some really good performence. It was good to see Pascal Greggory in a very brief role. A fine piece of cinema indeed. 9610 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Interesting premise and good actors. 4431 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good 8492 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still as hilarious as ever, and the extras are great. I really appreciate the style of the DVD menus in that they share artwork and the same tone of the film. Well, at the end of my day, I would have to say that it basically comes down to the "inner truths" playing in Billy Hayes' (the MOVIE'S Billy Hayes') own head. Dramatically, the hatred he develops for Turkey and all things Turkish makes a certain sense. And his worst utterances are delivered when he is in extremis certainly. Discerning viewers will realize that it is the character speaking, not necessarily the filmmakers. 659 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We enjoyed watching even though we ordered late. Will enjoy for years to come. Great xmas story. You/your kids will love it. 6401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Barbara and Nick did a great job on this! The story told what can happen when secrets are kept. Great 1452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it'm Screenplay: Romeo Muller 6959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The kids loved this movie. has a new generation of fans! I recommend this product for purchase! 7875 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A different view of Robin Williams. Kinda Weird. 6) "How to Succeed at Murder" puts Emma and John on the trail of executives being executed, in a posh perfumerie where a woman "nose" best. 5713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome 9685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty good movie but is not something I will watch again any time soon. 621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rating is for: Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town, the original TV special from Rankin and Bass. It is the Best! I love it. However, if you like the other similar shows, then BUY it in a combo pack to save a lot of money! Do not buy just one at a time! 4309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It was nice to get the widescreen version of this film. I had an old standard aspect ratio and wanted the new `Easy Rider' is sort of boring. 7167 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The old classic and my kids loved it!! 6775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 For those not familiar with the real life story of Joan of Arc, and to be to the point she was THE girl who saved France from the English in 1431, and later she got captured and burned by the English. This film is based on her life story and how she became the saviour of her country in the time of crisis, The film start of when Joan (played by Milla Jovovich) is young and for the next half and hour, you get to understand how Joan did what she did later in the film. The middle section of the film involves 2 different battle scenes, they are good, but not on the same league as Braveheart. The last section of the film deals with Joan's trial by the English. This film is well put together by Luc Besson who also directed the Fifth Element and Leon, the cinematography is great, the costume and backdrop are faithful to the 15th century. - Rirath_com I would rate this movie a 4 of 5 stars!! There are several reasons why I rate Gattaca as one of my all-time favorites. Unlike the Matrix, which seems like its a possibility a few 100-200 years from now, Gattaca is disturbingly around the corner. The movie gives a sneak peak in wonderful manner, of the possibilities of Genetic engineering, and allows the viewer to ponder over some of its more unintended consequences. Much of the movie involves the consequences of such an action immediately after the abduction as well as the scars that it leaves even 10 years later. Vincent, who is not like 17, has become a hardened teen, partly because of his guilt for letting Ben go and partly because his mother stopped doing her job as a parent for so many years. The wife/husband relationship is also strained but is on the mend as Ben (now called Sam) comes back into their lives. This is one movie you might not fully appreciate after the first viewing. Thanks to the brilliant and captivating performance of Jude Law, I watched the film again, then again. After about the fourth viewing, I decided this is a "must own" for my sci fi collection. Although the ending is bittersweet, it does satisfy, leaving a glimmer of hope that the human spirit will triumph. Finally, with the help of Jerome's "ladder", Vincent is accepted at the aeronautics company, where his superior work comes in for praise ("not one mistake in a million keystrokes"). However, complications ensue: Vincent falls in love with a beautiful colleague (his then-wife Uma Thurman) and is faced with the dilemma of whether to tell her what he really is, especially as she seems to suspect something unusual about him from the beginning - she steals a hair from his office comb (fortunately, Jerome's hair) to have tested at a DNA lab. 3): Commentary by cast & filmmakers But for all the above, I think the main problem with this film is Luc Besson himself. The early stages are laden with meaningless cliches - wolves streaming through the forest, girl running through meadows - and laboured imagery (crucifix, fire, dripping blood and a combination thereof) which get the film off to a bad start from which it never recovers. 667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Santa Claus is Comin' to Town came to ABC first in 1970, when Rankin/Bass was firing on all cylinders. The visual difference between this production and that of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is considerable, especially with regard to the immense, detailed sets and more intricate characters, designed by Paul Coker, Jr. Yes, there is the same animation "on two's and three's" as well as a few modest effects, but everything clicks within the brisk 51 minutes, none of which seem padded. I am almost certain that the majority of these people that write this crap in movies are drunk, horney, 13 year old's. It's sick that these people make tons of money to produce meaningless garbage. I loved the video games and these movies were nothing like it. Nothing. 3339 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this to replace my old worn out VHS copy. Great plot and acting. They should do a "Return of Close Encounters. No new flying sequences or ground fighting film, but seen here is prisoner of war footage and many striking civilian realities. I never knew that when the Russians took Berlin, every Russian soldier was given three days to enter any home or apartment and take what he or she wanted; a grim reminder of hell. It seems Peter Fonda's main role is to look cool, and he does this quite well, but he does little else in the entire film. His emotional range does not register on the Richter scale. Dennis Hopper's character is one-dimensional as well - we know all about him in the first 15 minutes of the film. Only Jack Nicholson's character lends any acting credence to the film. Nicholson shines as the lawyer who seeks the freedom to throw off society's restraints, but even Nicholson cannot save this sinking ship. 2688 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is very dated and very odd. But it is very entertaining. I had a copy in the early 90s on VHS that finally wore out for me its one that ill watch once a month or so......Like Tombstone This fourth season of the show sees WW I in full swing - James Bellamy returns from the front for a break and finds himself consigned to a desk job (even though he still travels), something which sits very badly with a man who yearns to join his regiment in the thick of battle; Hazel and James' marriage is not altogether happy, a recurring theme from the later part of Season Three, but the war has sort of masked their marital difficulties; footman Edward marries his sweetheart, parlour maid Daisy, and also goes off to war; many from below stairs contribute what they can to the war effort - kitchen maid Ruby goes off to work in a munitions factory, Rose works part-time as a tram conductor, and butler Hudson works part-time in the constabulary. Mr. Bellamy, Sr. gets offered a key government post and ward Georgina tries her hand at nursing. The only dialogue worth mentioning was the reference to killing 100K Number of discs: 1 665 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have such fond memories of this movie growing up. It is the story of Kris Kringle...and is a classic! A must have for Holiday DVDS! 8401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 How could you not like this movie (Annie)! It's so fun to watch. It has all the classic music, and it's funny too! Carol Brunett is often humorous and good as her role, and so is the girl that plays Annie. It's a highly entertaining DVD that I recommend greatly! 8867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For anyone who loves boxing movies or period pieces,DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE! The fighting scenes barehanded really capture the 1920s aura. If you can,watch this movie in widescreen with the sound up, it helps bring you into the 'hard times' experience. Their is some really simple but great dialogue in this film. The "ring doctor" plays his role uniquely and Coburn and Bronsan are believable charactors you want to know more about. Jill Irelands poor everyday girl works well. A really good and interesting movie. 109 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Is a Great Holiday Movie,,, Outstanding,,,, Not To Be Miss'ed Finally, the psychology behind Ray (Winstone) is delved into to the extent that this brutal guy retains humanity (unlike the Hollywood counterpart which would be a mindlessly cruel non-human monster). It's important to get to the root causes of such things and this great film does (by intentional implication). 8534 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of Charlies best. 9551 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was really good! Excellent plot and ending!! 7219 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great This movie is one of the most enjoyably improbable movies of all time. It's a classic from that period of the 80s when there seemed to be no rules, and movies were made for pure, silly entertainment. Shut your brain off for two hours and just enjoy the good guys getting the better of the bad guys in a movie less believable than James Van Der Beek's accent in Varsity Blues. Chris Sarandon (Lifetime Movie Channel staple) has an absolute field day playing the villainous Jerry Dandridge. Amanda Bearse ("Married with Children") plays Amy, the young high school target of Dandridge's desires. And William Ragsdale (a Hollywood newcomer at the time) plays Charley, the young hero who does his best to convince others to help him save Amy. 8461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great for the little ones who love Elmo!!! What I can say is that the lead actress Milla Jovovich gave it a good performance (as far as action flicks go), on top of being HOT. Sure, being the femme fetale and kicking butt is cliche nowadays. But you should see her in action. 1181 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THANK GOODNESS THEY FINALLY PUT THIS OUT. I have been waiting for years and years-- just crazy they wouldn't put the last seasons out!! So-- I'm very glad to have been able to order this finally. An interesting thing I read-- I had wondered why they did such a sudden set change for the apartments. I guess they thought the show had been cancelled and they took the set apart already and got rid of it-- then they were called back for one more year-- so they had to slap together a new set! This is also why Bob isn't always physically present in every episode-- he had booked other gigs when he thought his show had been cancelled-- so they had to make due without him. Kind of a sad way for what was a really great show to go off-- But there you have it. (I don't think this is the strongest season of the show, btw, but if you love Bob, you're still going to love it.) So, in the end, is Resident Evil really the best effort they could have given? The answer is no, but it still has its fun moments. Whether it's seeing the zombie dogs, getting scared by a random loud noise, or seeing elevators kill people in particularly gruesome ways, Resident Evil still packs a (mild) punch. 3347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The perfect guide to an alien visitation. 9850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must admit that this movie did not appeal to me when it was first released in theaters. However, many years ago, I rented it and was captivated by the story. Since then I've had to make do with the underwhelming DVD edition. If you are looking for a lot of action, then this movie is probably not for you. What it does offer is a fantastic story with a cast that gives top notch performances. If you already own the DVD, and are not sure if this one is worth the upgrade, believe me the Blu-ray edition blows the old DVD out of the water. The sound and picture are near perfection. The colors on the DVD version appear washed out compared to the high def color palette. While this movie won't give your surround system a major workout, it does provide very clear ambient surround effects. The special features include two new short documentaries on the making of the film. While these don't compare to some of the extras offered on other titles, they are very informative and a welcome addition to the previous version. My one fault would be that it would have been great to have at least a good commentary track, or even a picture in picture feature. But, because I feared that this movie would never get the treatment it so rightly deserves, I would still highly suggest you add this title to your Blu-ray collection. If you love motorcycles, this one is a must see. 1. Historical and cultural background The story revolves around Norman and Paul as they grow up in Montana with their minister father and loving mother in the 1920's. Montana, itself, is a character in this film, as Redford shows us its majesty and grandeur without making it feel like a travelogue. * Easy Rider, Shaking the Cage Documentary - (1:04:51) The crew and talent of "Easy Rider" give us a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this film, how volatile things were and also dangerous. An amazing documentary. Note: This documentary was featured in the DVD release and is featured in standard definition, English stereo and subtitles in Portuguese and Spanish. 5749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 perfect 5877 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The original and the best. All the sequals they've made cant compare to the first one. I never get tired of watching this. Featurettes 4567 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie is such a mishmash of nonsense that I could not watch it to the end but turned it off part way througgh. I found the character Demi Moore played repulsive, doing illogical things, illegally entering the room of the renter & examining his things, etc. I have read and studied the Bible for over 40 years & am well acquainted with what it says concerning the end times when God judges the world. Opinion here was presented as fact among other things. There is nothing in the Bible of which I am aware that indicates a baby can be born without a soul - soul-less - & be alive. A body without a soul is dead physically. Such a baby is referred to as stillborn. This movie is just confusion & chaos. There are apocalyptic movies that make sense but this is not one of them. It is a total waste of time 8975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 FUN!!! 6437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you felt the first "Resident Evil" movie didn't quite capture the atmosphere of the original game, you can sleep a little easier now. "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" has EVERYTHING: from dark, creepy graveyards, a gothic cathedral and classic lorries in an "Escape from New York"- style deserted city to a cigarette smoking Jill Valentine and half naked hooker zombies. 7731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 saw it as a kid, the plot is thin but the songs are great, fun to be able to watch it again. 565 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 While it is mostly Biblically accurate, nevertheless this is a very lackluster re-telling, being obviously low-budget. The most dramatic and emotional scene for me was when Mary Magdalene's tears fell on Jesus's feet and she wiped them with her hair. The scourging scene lacked any impact, probably not to horrify the audience. According to evidence from the Holy Shroud of Turin and the witness of several Catholic mystics, His scourging was absolutely heart-rending in its horror. Of course, this being an obvious Protestant production, they gave short shrift to Jesus's mother, Mary! Maybe that is why they chose Luke, instead of using material from Matthew, Mark or John!!! I guess what I am looking for is a good Catholic rendering. Any good Catholic out there have about $100,000,000 (or possibly less), as I am ready to do it right!!! next time you want to try a film.....based on series use them which can be no longer done RIP PATRICK MAGNEE and forget the hacks 2137 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 scam 5747 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My boyfriend's Christmas gift. He had the rest just needed this one to complete it. never recovered, and made the first reversal which resulted in victory! Most important, how General Washington 1915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! The parents tried again, this time conceiving Anton, who was a product of genetics but the parents decided they wanted to keep a few things "natural." Fascinating. 5889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Midnight Express I was at the screening of this film in 1978 and had not seen it since but the impact was the same after 37 years it's an experience not easily shaken off. This is a true story of Billy Hayes who was arrested for trying to smuggle two kilos of hashish out of Turkey and spent 5 nightmarish years in a Turkish prison (that is not the place you want to be) Midnight Express is not a film easily forgotten and has very powerful and important lesson. Similar to The Shawshank Redemption you are there in the middle of it all the screen play was written by Oliver Stone directed by Alan Parker (Pink Floyd The Wall) and stars Brad Davis, John Hurt, Randy Quaid and the unforgettable antagonist character Hamidou played by Paul Smith. Filmed in Malta this film is bound to shock as well as make you think the movie is rated R and runs 121 minutes you need check this out for yourself you won't believe what your seeing 4478 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Why do some directors and writers of horror movies think it's fair to completely annoy their audiences with these ambiguous endings, so that even though you may have enjoyed the movie, you hate the resolution! It's such a cop out. It's like they're telling you, the third in the series is coming out. Unfortunately, this particular series should probably stop. I liked the first movie a lot; it was suspenseful, imaginative, and pretty scary. The acting was generally better too. This time around, the acting and script are pretty irritating. First of all, anyone who knows their geography will get a big clue early in the film. Secondly, Freddie Prinze's character is such a jerk in the beginning, you can't believe his sudden transformation. Third, I figured out the villain very early in the film, so there was little suspense. The acting overall is lame; Jennifer Love Hewitt has decided to join Neve Campbell in the "I'm only doing this for the money, and I'm really wasting my time in this silly horror movie." She does look a lot like Kate Jackson in this one, though. Freddie Prinze is absolutely awful, completely unconvincing, and a pretty shoddy hero, to boot. The guy who plays Titus is an offensive, stereotypical insult to intelligent viewers, providing none of the comic relief the director obviously wanted. Jeffrey Combs, who was so good in the "Reanimator" movies looks as bored as Miss Hewitt, and does nothing to pad his resume. Three actors do manage to rise above their material: Jennifer Esposito as Nancy, the barmaid is very good; Brandy is surprisingly effective as Julie's best friend, although her character does become annoying and stupid; and Matthew Settle as the good-natured Bill is very effective. I still think Gorton's should sue for using their fisherman image, but it is a horror movie. That's what so sad. It could have been a lot better, but it's too predictable and a little too gory, as well. When all is said and done, "Halloween" and "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (the first in the series) are still the benchmarks for modern horror movies! 9540 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 2552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Funny and sad movie! Must see! A quickly-put-together and unconvincing version of Krakauer's amazing book, Into Thin Air (and other movies like it, obviously) is the reason why "TV movie" is a pejorative term; rewriting real people to make heroes and villains and condensing everything into a tidy 100 minute block, Into Thin Air is depressingly bad. 6688 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 THIS MOVIE WASNT WAHT I HAD THOUGHT. ITS ALL THE WRONG THING. U THINK THAT THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN AND SOMETHING ELSE HAPPEN. IF I WAS U THEN I WOULDNT GO AND SEE IT. What's even cooler is listening to my 5 yr. granddaughter singing the songs. 8164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like Rumpole this is for you. It gives methe opportunity of watching more than one in an evening. 5843 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like Midnight express. 3481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a movie!!!! "Idle Hands" is a superbly crafted film that unfortunately bombed at the box-office (though I don't see why it bombed) and in a few years will probably become a cult-classic. "Idle Hands" is a solid buy, the special features are great and so is the price. 6889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie at a good price. The extras were enjoyable and perfect for to the point behind the scenes 8519 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 5957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 another sunday afternoon movie, curl up on the couch with a bag of chips and dig in visually on the film and dig into the bag of chips with your hands! There are certainly flaws, the most glaring having to do with the time period. The opener hails the year: 1929. However, the film does not stick to that year. It includes Franklin D. Roosevelt as a character, and yet he was not elected president until 1932. Furthermore, the New Deal discussed in the film did not come about until 1933. Also, the film everyone goes to see in the theater is Camille from 1936. Even the most avoidable of mistakes occurs. In the beginning of the film, one learns that Annie is ten years old, but later, when reading her birth certificate, one learns that she was born in 1922. However, one with no interest in history could easily ignore these mistakes as they do not detract from the story. Run Away! The acting, portrayal of conditions and general lack of support and material for prosecuting a war against Great Britain was well done. The moral of the Continental Army under Washington was at an all-time low prior to the crossing. Indeed they had known little but defeat until that time. Washington even had his doubts about whether some of his chief commanders would even follow orders. 4308 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Last action Hero is a Awesome Movie. It has great action, funny one liners and a great cast and a great story. This movie is just toataly awesome. If You have not seen this movie then i recommedn you do. 8317 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I hadn't seen this excellant series since it was first shown on public television years ago. I was much younger then, and even though I quite enjoyed it, I don't think I appreciated just how good it was and still is. When I saw that I could purchase the entire series for some 40% off, I couldn't pass it up and I'm very glad I didn't. If you are an anglophile, or even not an anglophile, but are tired of the barrage of mindless mediocrity in entertainment that surrounds us, then treat yourself to hours of truly intelligent, wry, witty and sometimes poignant entertainment. I think you have to be over 40 to fully appreciate Rumpole. Also, I was quite satisfied with the remastering. Some of the initial episodes, sadly, are recorded only in black and white due to a technicians' strike in the early 70's. It doesn't actually detract from the enjoyment, just makes it a bit sad we can't see the sets and costuming as they were filmed. The black & white are sharp and clear, but the color episodes can be somewhat lower in resolution. The colors can be dim as well, but it doesn't detract. The cropping is often odd. This is not a perfect conversion from the television to DVD, but it's adequate and probably a lot has to do with changes in technologies since the 70's and the early days of television-to-DVD remastering. Luke Wilson (My Super Ex-Girlfriend) is no stranger to Anderson films now, having been given the lead role here and later strong supporting roles in The Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore, Luke can celebrate his strong Anderson film trifecta and proudly point back to his roots in this film. Brother Owen (Cars) is one up on Luke in that he has performed in all of those, plus The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. 8187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've bought quite a few movies for my friend, like me her VCR died so now she has to replace all her VHS tapes with DVDs. She's kind of like my mother, had to learn new techs to be able to enjoy her movies. 6705 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (Luc Besson, 1999) 6933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think this movie is great. As a fan of the game, I knew I would like it. And I'm not sure if most people understand, but it takes place before the game Resident Evil. By the time it's the end of the movie with that final scene where Milla picks up the shotgun, it is the time of Resident Evil 2 (you'd have to see the movie to know what I mean). I think some people thought this was suppose to be based on the first game for Sony Playstation, but it's not. 9290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For those who don't "get" the humor in this movie, it may seem like a 90 minute detour into one of the outer circles of hell. Actors playing multiple roles, idiots smacking coconut shells together to make horse-sounds, men playing most of the female roles, modern-day police tracking medieval knights, the use of the word "nee" to a huge extent and lots of blood gouting from gory wounds. For those people, I can only have pity. 1818 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good films on the Revolution are hard to find. This one was packed with action and the drama of Washington's last roll of the dice when the odds were so severly stacked against him. The film is truly worthwhile, if only to further instill some patriotism in your kids and remind yourself what our ancestors went through to gain our independence. And Washington would be a hard character to play: unless your Jeff Daniels. He nails it and truly captured the heroic aspects of that great man. 2105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it 2497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 That is one of the most beautiful movies ever As far as DVD features go, nothing extraordinary, but lots to read about the "inspirations and interpretations" behind the dances, biographies of selected dancers, and a scrolling list of the company's complete repertory (through 1999). 729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Arthur reminds me of my childhood. This is a nasty, pig-blood ugly little flick: Alan Parker (who also directed the equally moody, sultry, sweaty, stinky, and scary "Angel Heart) reaches deep into your cowardly heart and pulls out the true guts of fear: you're young, you're stupid, you're American, and you've really messed the hell up in a brutal, capricious, totally alien land. You're in *their* System, baby, and that System brooks absolutely no tapdancing bullsh*t artists. I am so pleased to have this series -- nostalgia and history win with me every time and I have not regretted buying this -- not one bit. I also liked the extras you get with the set, it is nice listening to Jean Davies describe how the idea came about and also listening to writers, producers was, as I found, very interesting. As for the stories themselves -- each episode could stand on its own -- although they do follow. You meet delightful characters and also there is a lot of pathos, I have cried a few times -- and laughed. If you enjoy well written, well acted, stories about Britain's past then buy it. 1731 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a most remarkable movie of a key episode of the Revolutionary War. The characters are ALL wonderful and each memorable. Daniels makes a most impressive Washington but all the actors are strong. Have already watched it twice and will certainly watch it more. Many thanks for the very quick service. This isn't the deep, brilliant film-maker of 'Annie Hall', etc, but an The music reminds all of us what happy days we spent with family and friends at this wonderful time of year. The muppets are still lovable and sweet. Miss Piggy and Kermit are still together. Sprocket the dog is still jumping around making everyone happy. 3258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 At the moment I can think of no other film featuring four academy award winning actresses, and Darryl Hannah and Dolly Parton hold up well in this ensemble featuring Oscar-winners Julia Roberts, Sally Field, Olympia Dukakis and Shirley Maclaine. 986 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my father's and mine favorite movies, but none of my friends agrees! 2211 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Air Force One is certainly not a new film but buying it in its Blu-ray edition will most definitely be a new viewing experience for you. I do have the original DVD release, which I had always thought was pretty good, however, on Blu-ray you will find yourself on the seat of your pants almost from the beginning. In the first takeover scene on Air Force One, the bullets go flying literally all around you. The lossless audio is just outstanding. Too many films skimp on proper audio production but not on this disc. There is extensive use of all five channels from front to back, side to side and diagnally through the sound stage. 4. There was a lot of useless scenes that did not assist with the ending scene. Scenes like: 6770 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a BIG fan of the Resident Evil games,so I was very much looking forward to seeing the film. Of course,movies are rarely as good as the original material,be it a game or a book. So I was prepared to hate the movie. I didn't. As an action movie,it's quite good (although the music was loud and annoying).It didn't have much in the way of horror in it; unlike the games,it didn't scare me all that much. So if you keep your expectations low in comparing it to the games,it's an enjoyable enough action flick. DeNiro then meets twelve year-old prostitute Iris (Foster). he wants to save her from her pimp, Sport, played by Harvey Keitel, and her life as a prostitute. Keitel looks and acts so much like Kevin Spacey does now, you have to see it! It is unreal. Running time: 2:04:36 Essential veiwing I have to mention Scorsese's decision to shoot most of the scenes at night. It was an inspired choice and adds so much atmosphere to the film. Bernard Herrmann's saxophone-heavy score is also an important part of the mix and helps helps transport us into Bickle's troubled world. The sadistic prison warden i think was harder on him because he was strong fought back & was american. Unlike the native captives under his rule who seemed use to his abuse. 3221 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a all star cast, these lady's bring a smile or laugh to every ones face, this is a must see family movie 7897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another beautiful movie starring Robin Williams. Jeff Bridges plays a popular late night radio DJ/talk show host named Jack. Jeff's performance in this movie is amazing. Robin Williams plays a homeless man named Parry. Something Jack says on-air causes one of his callers to commit a fatal mass shooting in a restaurant. Jack had been on top of the world with stylish clothes, a beautiful apartment, and, obviously, a good job. Once the radio station realizes that Jack's comments instigated the mass murder, he loses his job and goes into a downward spiral. Finally, Jack is ready to jump off a bridge and who stops him from doing this? The homeless man Parry of course. Another twist is that Parry was in the restaurant the night of the shooting and his wife was killed right in front of Parry. Parry does rescue Jack and they strike up a friendship after Jack puts the pieces together that Parry was in the restaurant. Robin's performance is painful to watch because he does such a good job portraying human suffering. Robin could have won an Oscar for his performance. The Fisher King is another movie that will make people cry. Some people, including me, may feel that the movie is too heartwrenching to watch more than once. 6873 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This DVD was for my granddaughter and she watches it frequently 3870 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Idle hands is hopefully at the end of a cycle of horror flixs that was started in 1996 by Scream, a satire of the slasher pictures of the 70s. Like all cycles in the movie business, this one has been brought down by the weight of too many cheap and derivative knockoffs When this happens, it finally doesn't matter if a movie in the category is good or not. People don't buy it. Ironically, the next big cycle was kicked off this summer by another, albeit more sophisticated and serious, horror genre - the psychological horror / ghost story [The Blair Witch Project, The Sixth Sense]. Idle Hands is further handicapped by being neither one of the best nor one of the worst of the "scream" cycle. 3892 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just got done watching this for the third time. The first two times, I had seen it on TV, and kept getting interrupted. Either by people talking so that I couldn't hear, or having to leave the TV and missing scenes. So, when I finally got to sit down and watch this straight through, I was blown away like it was the first time. Brad Davis puts on view the frustration, anxiety and severe mental suffering of a tragic figure... He stands shaking with fear in a small enclosed chamber... Extras: 1378 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I've been weary of something like this happening. Roseanne and Cosby were released in their chopped up syndicated versions instead of the original... which version are these? Unluckily the former has a dream and the latter has none. The former is motivated to do what only the genetic elite can do, and he is not. The latter is motivated to do nothing except be a bureaucrat that will trace out all the "fakes", the non-genetically perfect who are trying to go through nevertheless, frauds in other words, like his own brother. The latter will find a way to go through the genetic selection by assuming the identity of a genetically perfect man who suffered a severe accident and cannot be anything any more. 4743 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie. Our little one likes to watch it a lot. Arrived just as seller said it would. Thanks 7401 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I've always wanted to see this musical. I enjoyed it. Another one to take off my bucket list!! 6482 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All the action in this movie is insane. It's awesome when The Militiant Group is kicking the zombies' asses. Milla Jovovich is one tough cookie against the zombies and knows all their weaknesses and Michelle Rodriguez did a great job playing her part even though the role was not as big as it should have been. This movie is a great way to be entertained for a couple of hours! 1662 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the most successful British television dramas, "Upstairs, Downstairs" became one of the few english programs to attain global recognition, garnering an impressive seven american Emmy awards when it originally aired between 1971-1975. Most Americans saw the series when it ran on local PBS stations and later cable's A&E channel, while Canadians viewed it via the CBC. The Bad: 526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Met all expectations and more! 7972 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 3527 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So glad to be able to get this on DVD as my VHS tapes began to fade and snap. 798 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The DVD was blank, unfortunately. 3746 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome Thanks 4485 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 this has got to be the most pointless sequel ever made. I hated the fact that it completely ignored the ending of the original. the plot did not make sense and the ending was even more ridiculous than the entire movie. I know what you did last summer was one of the few slasher films that could have and should have stayed away from a sequel. I actually want a third in the series to tie up all the loose ends and ridiculously bad ending in this one. Not bad as a slasher pic, but pretty pointless sequel.... 846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Because it certainly desrves it. Unlike today's emphasis on dumbing down programing ala Barney, this video tape was made in a time when children were actually respected and given enormous respect. Luc Besson is a talented director filming such classics as Le Femme Nikita and The Professional. His talent is presented here in his ability to create interesting and beautiful shots, but is lost in creating a cohesive story. He doesn't seem to know what to do with the story about the young saint. In parts it seems earnest in it's recreation of this revolutionary with heavenly visions, but then it sinks into near parody of itself and in the ends sinks towards a reinventing of the events themselves asking Joan herself whether or not her visions were real or mere psychosis. 2418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ya, the spice girls aren't nearly as popular as they used to be, ok not at all, but sure ther were when they were around! And so that makes this a pretty good movie since I was a big spice girl fan. These girls are really funny here! 7477 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites. 5705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still the best movie in the series. 310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing movie that perfectly tells the Bible story of Joseph, the actors couldn't be more perfect, it tells the story exactly the way I pictured it! 7276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Come on, who needs another rave review of "Annie"? Any movie buff knows this movie is a True Classic. The sound track is worth the price. Further, ABC VIDEO is not affiliated with PARAMOUNT. kone - Travis' New York, 6' HD synic cop plus his lover thinks he's crazy and even acussing the houses occupants Charlie spies on his new neighbors and discovers one of them is a suave vampire named Jerry Dandridge, but it's not always easy to convince doubting friends, and Charlie has a hell of a time getting his pal Evil Ed and girlfriend Amy to see the light. The addition of Charlie being a young teenage horror fan was pretty clever on Holland's part. Because of his fascination with the dark side, it limits his credibility when he start spewing off about ancient vampires right next door. I was more disappointed than I can say to see that Ciaran Hinds, so wonderful in "Persuasion", was so terrible in this. And Samantha Morton as Jane was even worse. There wasn't a hint that she had lived through the childhood Jane Eyre had to become the governess Rochester encounters in the mist. 2406 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like a "edge of your seat" movie then check out Air Force One and you will not be dissapointed. I originally saw it in the theater and the DVD does it justice (especially if you're watching it in a home-theater setting!). Watching the movie with the Director's narration is almost as good as the movie itself. 3942 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent acting and good story. 5161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you haven't seen the movie it's good in any format, and there's no need to tell you why. Just watch it and enjoy. Because many film buffs have already seen the flick, it's probably better to discuss the bells and whistles contained within the DVD. I have an old VHS copy that was beginning to lose its luster, so I added the Collector's Edition DVD to my library. Here are my thoughts on the "extras": One of the funnest thing about this film is how many things go unexplained. That means a lot of it remains under the surface, where answers are implied but never made explicit. Why now? What were the aliens looking for? Why was Dreyfus "invited"? (Did they see something in him? Were they testing similar people? Why didn't his friend feel ready to go as well?) If you are so inclined, these questions can ignite your imagination as the best sci-fi can. 141 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In this Americanized version of The Charles Dickens classic..which takes place in Concord New Hampshire on Christmas eve,1933.."Ben Slade"(played by Henry Winkler)is an insensitive and greedy time payment holder..who forces the citizens of the small New England village to either pay up their loans or lose all of their items. When they can't pay up..they lose all of their assets and he even fires his assistant"Thatcher"for trying to get his boss to reopen the failed mill to create new industry and jobs for the unemployed workers. But "Slade"soon learns the folly of his ways from the ghost of his late partner"Jack Latham"..who tells him that his cruel nature will be the ruin of him and to prevent his soul from being dammed..he must expects the visits of three more ghosts..that night.."Slade"does receive those visitations..and thru the retelling of his past and seeing tragedy of a lonely and sad death..he learns his lesson and although he doesn't became a happier soul like"Scrooge"..He does learn to deal with people in a better way..This film is a wonderful retelling of the Yultide tale and Mr. Winkler gives his best performance ever. If you love science fiction, it's almost guaranteed you'll love this movie. ....C. Interview with Mel Brooks (62 minutes) The interview is audio only, so they've run it while playing the movie in the background. There are no subtitles for the interview itself. I think the interview dates from around 1998. There is a remake (2011) that actually is fairly good. Fright Night. Much better than the original. Still mixes comedy and horror, but the special effects are very good, and the comedy is less obtrusive and more effective. The acting is nearly flawless. It's an extreme thing to say, but the world in this film feels so entirely genuine and real because of the emotion we see conveyed on screen. The direction and writing is, of course, awesome. Special effects--still impressive, and almost more convincing than the stuff we see today. Beautiful cinematography, and the musical score is cosmic and moving. Like the game, the complications rearrange the order of priorities and the journey is constantly being redesigned according to the new obstacles found. Like the game, some characters have secret agendas and everything leads to the high-powered action confrontation scene. I was a bit surprised to learn that not only did John Carpenter co-write the original screen play for this unique movie which deftly mixes the genres of suspense, crime, horror, and romance into a highly intriguing movie that is a sly commentary not only on glamorizing death to sell merchandise; but of those who create the demand for the desensitization of violence and sexuality to increase a product's bottom line; but John Carpenter also came up with the original story as well. 6848 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are looking for a great movie to see, one that will scare you but not to the point where you think about it all night, with some great special effects, some intense chase scenes and a suprise ending, this is your perfect choice. While it isn't overly scary, they do a great job on make-up with the zombies. The plot is very easy to follow and keeps you on the edge of yours seat the whole time. There are some great performances by the 2 lead roles, and the movie keeps a mysterious, dark undertone throughout the movie like is felt in the video game. If you enjoy the video game you are going to love this movie, although it is hardly even loosely based on the video game. But since this is coming out to video soon, this is a great movie to rent and have fun with. This movie isn't meant to be overly scary or original, as it does borrow from other zombie movies heavily. Its meant to be one hell of a fun ride and thats exactly what it is! 2517 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Touches my heart 2338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After making a speech to the world about a no-tolerence policy againgst terrorism, the president's plane is hijacked by terrorists. This is an amazing film. The plot is superb, and the action is great. Harrison Ford is an astounding actor, and plays a president/father with super accuracy. The stunts in this movie are great, including a scene with a refueling tanker, and a scene where the president must ride a tether to get out of the plane. The top performance in this film, no question, was by Jack Nicholson who plays a drunken, seedy, small-town lawyer who throws caution to the wind and permanently forsakes his small-town life to ride with the boys to Mardi Gras, his pilgrammage of sorts. 4900 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I'm sorry I watched this movie, a complete waste of time. Actually it was my own fault for not knowing that Luke and Owen Wilson were involved in this sorry piece of cinematic trash. Two-dimensional characters, predictable plot, sophomoric attempts at humor, and wooden acting combine to make this a movie to avoid. 9142 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Really? Do I really need to write a review about Monty Python and The Holy Grail?! It's a spoof movie about knights and their quest for the Holy Grail. All these years my sisters and I have used lines from the movie. Now that my boys are teenagers and watched the movie, they finally understand what their Mom has been saying all the years...and discovered that she's actually funny. Monty Python. Watch it. It is a time of frenzy; it is a time of ecstatic vision. 2180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This story is a favorite of mine Harrison Ford as P.O.T.U.S. versus one of movies all time bad guys in Gary Oldman who will in this ultimate winner take all plenty of twists and turns great family movie gotta have it very coveted As you can see, there are some flaws that keep this film from being totally realistic. But for the most part it is, and I liked it. I think you need to see this film, you will enjoy it for the first time at least. Seeing it again and again? I don't know about that. That's why it's four stars and not five. Hope they cleaned up the transfers. The original releases of the first 4 seasons were pretty poor. 4052 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I didnot like this movie. I thought it would be good because Julia Roberts were in it. (WRONG). It was just as boring as it could be. Watch Pretty Woman for a outstanding Julia Roberts performance. If you have not yet seen the original "Annie" movie; you are in for a treat. I for one, can not see anyone else in these landmark roles. 5429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just have to say that the movie is a really great classic! Cool actors, great plot, no b.s. It's just a movie that must be seen! Actually the characters Winkler plays aren't all that different from each other. Slade felt abandoned and betrayed by those he'd loved, and Fonzie was also abandoned by his parents. Winkler's parents turned their backs on him when he was a young man because he wanted to be an actor instead of following the family business. I believe that's why he does rolls like this so well. 2396 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a big fan of Harrison Ford's movies, and Air Force One is no acception. There is tons of action, and the story is great. I honestly couldn't imagine any other actor being able to pull this role off, Harrison Ford was perfect as the President. 4. Turn off the EQ - EQ should be flat 7312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They simply just don't make movies like this anymoreit is indeed sad. I laughed. I cried. I walked down memory lane, thinking back to the days when my own father taught me how to flyfishwhen he is gone, I will always have that treasure, in my memory, that only a father can share with his son. 5 star masterpiece, and one of the best movies, in my opinion, ever made! 7795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best movies about growing up in a challenging natural world. 7577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a family movie. How the family sticks together thru thick and thin. The father Tom Skerritt is a preacher. 2901 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent and shipped on time. 3106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The ultimate counter-culture classic, Hopper's " Rider" jolted a Hollywood in transition when it became an unexpected hit in 1969, encapsulating the freewheeling spirit of the times and the divide between the youth culture and the Establishment. Nicholson became a bona-fide star playing football-helmeted, hard-partying lawyer George Hanson, for which he earned a Best Supporting Actor nod, while Hopper and Fonda merely amped up their reputations as iconoclasts. Along with its pulsating rock soundtrack, "Rider" endures as the ultimate psychedelic road-trip. 3338 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 terrible...absolutely terrible, there are 3 disc's....the first one is the original, B.S. @ 15 min., dad shows son math problem by using a toy train set- not this one, only a train wreck....@ 30 min.,scene shifts to the desert where a ship has been found- not this one; disc 3 is the directors cut, it shows these 2 scenes but also cuts out a couple parts from the original.....had I known this, I wouldn't have bought it...don't waste your money on this one to change it. There is an old idea called "the hoof and mouth cure." It goes 3399 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another Sci-Fi classic for your Blu-ray collection. Still holds up today. I will never look at my mashed potatoes the same way again. The whole thing was just stupid. I hope that the director of this one doesn't try to tackle any of my other favorite Playstation games for movies.. if he tries to come out with Parasite Eve I'll be violently ill. Dare to relive this nighhtmare! DeNiro's performance is so realisticly tragic that even the camera at times cannot take looking at him, and would rather pan an empty hallway than look at Travis and his pitiful condition! I haven't seen a good action movie in a while, so this movie was a surprise. They did a great job with everything and the acting was good just like the first one. You need to have a balance in movies like that. 8547 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a classic! 3038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is a classic and will go on for years to come. 120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this on Amazon Prime and immediately bought a copy for my library. A great modern retelling of Dicken's classic, with Winkler as the lead character--WELL acted. Loved it!!! The ending was extra nice; I wasn't expecting it. 3055 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Academy award Winners Sally Field,Dolly Parton,Shirley Maclaine,Julia Roberts,Olympia Dukaksis and Daryl Hannah star as southern women dealing with Diaylsis and life's situation's. Parton won the People Choice Award Best Actress. Roberts Won the Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe, lost the Oscar. All the ladies have Oscar's and Nominations except Hannah. Parton steals the movie as Truvy 5729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Writer & Producer Commentary by Paul Anderson and Jeremy Bolt. This is the best of the 3 commentaries on the 2 disc set. This is good learning material primarily for their discussion of the relationship between a game franchise and film, and their respective roles as writer and producer. Going to war against my government is all the gaming I can handle. I don't generally understand gaming, but after a 2nd listen I realized they had valuable information. Plus, I wanted to write this review just to say, they were taken by the person who charged them $15.00 for the Impact logo. A good sock on the jaw would have more impact! Gag me with a spoon and send me to the valley for even bothering to listen to the actor's commentary. 6365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I enjoyed watching this movie with a clear picture and good audio. I'm glad i purchased it so i can watch it again at another time. 810 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The author is right, this information is not talked about enough. Yet all women could benefit from doing these exercises. Tasha makes it very easy for anyone to follow along and stay engaged. There are different length sessions too so it's easy to fit into your schedule whenever you have a few moments to yourself. Another instance of something similar is Cline et Julie vont en bateau (1974) in which our two leading ladies somehow get caught inside a ghost story that is being played/acted out. They retain their memories of who they are outside of the ghost story and mess around with the ghost story events as they play out. Carl - "Mel, out of all the girlfriends and wives and women you have had in your life, who was the best?" 6827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The DVD came in before schedule. The colors and quality great. Great buy! What it boils down to is this, game fans want to see the story of their favorite games brought to the big screen true to form. We never asked for Alice, we don't want Alice, drop kick Alice! Let's make the next one based on the magnificent RE4, let's get good actors in there, and let's get a writer that can actually write instead of just hack his way through a script. PWS Anderson is the biggest hack in Hollywood and people need to stop giving that guy projects. He ruins everything he touches. This one's not even worth playing MST3K to. 8752 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies ever. Top ten favorite. is) but if you can just sit back and enjoy the ride you won`t be disappointed. It has alot of funny moments and some terrificly gruesome scenes. It`s like a In watching this movie, I kept thinking to myself, "People are actually going to like this." Then I found myself thinking of the demographic group who would gobble this stuff up and actually enjoy it. This is going to appeal mostly to young teens who want to be more like the older set of teenagers who have seen movies like this, one of those "in-crowd" movies that makes you look popular. To those who fit into this group, you're in for a sorely rude awakening. 2916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Eden was superb in the lead. She was amazing at conveying both sex appeal and innocence at the same time. The characters on the show are sometimes a little uneven by the way they're written from ep to ep but the talent of the actors overcomes this small fault. I liked the show much better when it switched to color (it was rather dour in black and white). And I like the married Genie stories as much as the eps where's she is single. 6672 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A very well made historical film about a very controversial character. Excelent acting. 9374 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm trying not to gush here. I know I've said that before, but I am a girl with a thing for dead parrots. (...) I think that anyone who doesn't like the film must have something wrong with them. Who cares about the plot? It's the Pythons, for heaven's sake, of course it won't make sense! For fans only! Hah! I was weaned from Saturday Night Live on this stuff! This film is the reason I became a fan! I can't really review the plot here, as the film's really not got one. It's supposed to be about King Arthur and the Holy Grail. Then it becomes somewhat of a cross between a Python episode, and T.H. White's "the Once and Future King". Funny, yet, all the same, staying true to its theme of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table. "Between our quests, we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable"... This film is Biblically accurate, well-acted, and the producer and director are to be praised for the sound Biblical reasearch! I love this movie. I loved it at eight years old and I still love it now all these years later. If you can still get one of these blu rays from the above mentioned website or off of ANY other website, I hight recommend you do. If you love this film as much as I do you won't get buyer's remorse. 5760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An ok movie. 'Terminator' dressed in a full leather with a mini gun. Screen Gems (remember them from television in the 1970's?) presented this film which is now part of the Sony Pictures Entertainment company. 4031 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Good story, very current. I hope writers keep writing interesting stories like this. Enjoyed the ending, very positive, loved it. "Russell Harty Plus" Interview with Gordon Jackson (6:40) 2915 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic There were naturally a couple of scenes that were lame or dumb, such as Alice jumping via motorcycle into the church where the other characters are battling against some Lurkers, not knowing where she was going to land and who she might squish on the other side. A little bit reckless, but I'll forgive it as a theatrical flair. And of course if a zombie/undead resurrecting virus gets lose one of the first things you would put on your site seeing list is a stroll through the cemetary, right? Well our characters did, and of course the buried zombies don't crawl out of their graves until our characters are right dead smack in the middle of the cemetary. Sigh... well every horror movie has to have the character stupidity moments and maybe the buried zombies didn't have enough willpower to dig themselves out until they started to smell fresh blood standing right on top of them. All right I'll forgive that stuff. 7833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is a favorite of mine. The story is a simple, yet moving one and the scenery is breathtaking--a natural side-effect of its gorgeous setting, the Bitteroot Mountains in Montana. 5364 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies of all time! What really struck me as profound is Steve-O's girlfriend who points out how punk is just another uniform. Maybe the movement didn't start out that way but we all know that's all it became. It pains me to see what my friends and I used to call 'safety hawks' sported by people trying to look trendy just as much as it pains me to see motorcycle guys riding around wearing Harley gear. It's too cliche' to have any meaning or impact any more. When punk got corporate sponsorship a'la Hot Topic it said it's final death knell. It sounded kind of like this: ghhgghgghgghhh! Ghaaahhhh. Gehhhhehhgggh! (cough, cough, roll on the floor dramatically). 4164 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have always loved this movie.... I grew up on it!!!! Its in really good condition.... What a great purchase 8797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 best movie ever 1941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 still relevant with intense shoot-out after all these years! Good Friday night fun! 1611 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Sold it on eBay for half the price after only watching 15. Minutes. Would recommend you only purchase one DVD before you buy the whole set. I had thought it would be like Downton Abbey unfortunately it was not even close. 4964 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mel's best. Buy it. 9820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I passed by "Girl" at the video store on more than once occasion because the box didn't look all that interesting. Finally I decided to give it a shot, and I found that it's one of the true gems out there. It's definitely a keeper. I've recommended this movie to several friends who've all loved it. I hear "Resident Evil 2" is in production. Milla Jovovich will be reprising her role. I'm really looking forward to it. 4766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love Wes Anderson's movies, he is one of a kind!! I recomend any of his movie, you will love them if you are not a "normal person". 9049 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who, besides my wife, doesn't love this movie. Watched it with my 3 kids, ages 9-15 after receiving and there was much rejoicing. Classic British comedy that is mostly kid friendly. So many classic bits rolled into a comedic masterpiece. (5) Life expectancy 30.2 years 5579 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As of this writing, there are over 105 reviews, and easily more than half of them have given this film five stars. That says a lot about this completely enjoyable, suspenseful nugget of mind candy. Roddy McDowell turns a splendid tongue-in-cheek performance as a horror movie t.v. emcee who is way beyond his prime, and is now enlisted by a couple of teens to fight real a vampire. Chris Sarandon as the vampire, Jerry, does a terrific job as a super-smug bloodsucker. The clash between the Loyalist American English and the Continental American English is not really shown, just the one between the Continentals and the British along with their Hessen allies/mercenaries, which is nonetheless fascinating and very well presented throughout the film; but then so is the clash within the Continental side (the undermining, the personality clashes-Washington vs Gates and Lee etc, favoritism-the contingency plan in having Sullivan arrest Lee), as well as the problems between Congress and the Army (there are the subtlest of hints for the latter/Ral's sword sent to Congress). 939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm buying classic moves. I remember this from long ago and since I liked it then, I bought it so others could watch it. This is a piece of work that is a clear cut above what gets an Oscar nomination. It is a true classic. 3051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Live this movie 2336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Edge-Of-Your-Seat excitement! Top-notch special effects! A-level acting! Riveting storytelling! Watch and enjoy! Grade: A+ Some won't get it. Some will think its morbid. Some will go out and buy a shrubery. I still find myself shouting "Ni!" uncontrolably from time to time. I'm sure this will pass. Travis takes her on a date but his lack of social skills soon ruin the date after he takes Betsy to an adult movie playing in a local cinema. These early scenes show a lack of maturity and isolation of Travis who is detached and indifferent to normal behaviour. But deep down Travis has a sense of morality and is often sickened by what he sees on the streets, the crime and prostitution. He starts to tone himself up and vent his frustration into physical training Even on the VHS tape of this movie, there is an interview following the movie. Just why would there not have been air conditioning brought in to the hangar in Alabama, so that the crew and actors were not sweltering. What was the point? I mean, they went to India. This is why I can't even be an extra. I'm working. I get fed. I don't get exposed to conditions that could land me in the hospital. This is all very sado-masochistic. Very unnecessary. 1202 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Bob Newhart's trademark dry humor shines throughout the show's sixth and final season (although Newhart's frequent absence by mid-season, due to other filming obligations, doesn't go unnoticed). 288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie was made in 1979, when Henry Winkler was in his heyday of playing "The Fonz" on "Happy Days". It was exciting back then to see what else he could do, and he came through admirably. 5798 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good story, and action. A dudes movie for sure with the shooting and gore. I may watch the next one as this was pretty good. 4744 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Iron Eagle is about a group of teenagers who need to save one of their fathers from the clutches of an evil unnamed country. Of course the US government is too weak to act, so they enlist the aid of Chappy, steal a few fighter planes, and take care of business. 7534 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Looking at the list of the cast - an "A" list- I was looking forward to a great movie. I was very wrong! Along with 2001, this is one of the greatest of all sci-fi movies. 7348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A River Runs Through It one of the best movies I have seen. 8536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie so funny and I am very happy with my order. 3836 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The film "Close Encounters" is one of the best Spielberg ever directed,some would argue THE best and I would be hard pressed to counter that assertion. It's a gorgeous transfer, and a must for anyone who considers themselves a cinephile. The refueling plane blowing up is dumb. There are so many saftey devices in place that would never happen like that. You have to mkae a movie at look least real if your trying to make an action drama like this and it's not. - A man of action, not just words. 166 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic XMas movie 8185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was glad to find this series since I had seen it when it first came out. Love Rumpole's wry sense of humor and always love how this series plays out. Fun viewing! and is a Master of Film Making. Barbara Streisand supposedly turned down the role of Laura Mars, but did provide some stunning, soul stirring vocals on the song "Love theme from The Eyes of Laura Mars". The DVD is a bit pricey, but is also available in a three film set together with Bob Carol Ted and Alice (1969), and Shampoo (1975), which could be a more economical way to acquire the film. "Travis' New York Locations" is a very cool featurette that compares nine locations used in the movie then with what they look like now and not surprisingly most them look very different. 5526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Where it all began...WATCH IT... '28 Days later' she wakes in a deserted hospital 2595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wow, such a good chic flick. Have to have a box of tissues handy every time I watch it. 7714 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film and "Horse Whisperer" are the only two Redford films I really like, I guess because they revert to a long gone time in film making. No endless sex, violence, and things blowing up. No one is making movies like this anymore. Not even Redford. Entertaining story and good acting by all the players in this movie. 1106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my second time through this wonderful production. I watched it all for the first time a few years back. I have come to feel like part of both the upstairs and the downstairs characters on my second time through. I even feel a little British. I can't stop watching and am sorry it's coming to an end on my second time around. The picture quality of this DVD is excellent. The sound is good. The only downside would be the lack of features. My advice would be to buy it anyway. I think this movie was very realistic and avoided the corny, unrealism of other sci-fi junk. The negatives of this movie is: 5801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To get the movies in steelbook is definitely worth doing, especially if you are a fan of steelbook case collecting! 6888 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film was a lot better than I expected it to be. From the previews I expected a bloodier version of Tomb Raider. I was wrong. I have never played the game, or even seen it up close, but I must say that it was one of the better video game-to-movie adaptations I have seen to date. This one had an interesting plot unlike the "Mortal Kombat" style of video game movies in which everything from the game is attempted to be squeezed into the film and therefore some items are left out, including a plot sometimes. It should have, - well made, well acted, great story! 3619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my husbands favorite movies. So when I seen this on amazon I just had to get it. I am very glad I did,he really likes it and I also enjoyed it. It was a great price also. Yes, Joan constantly asked for confession. The concept of confession is very important in the Catholicism and in the path to saint. Luc Besson couldn't be more accurate in portraying Joan's feverish faith in God: her confession in the beginning of the movie till the last, the continuous examination by the Conscience, her absolute confidence in God when she was burned at stake. That she won battle after battle, that she saved France from the foreigner in the 15th century, that her single-mindedness and devotion to her country are only penalized by her fellow countrymen out of greed, jealousy and power. 1232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An awesome action adventure. Creative and involving. Sean Connery delivers a great performance as Sir August DeWynter, an maniacal genius and former British Intelligence agent (?) with an axe to grind with the Royal Empire. He has stolen control of a satellite that allows him to control the weather everywhere on the planet. He is holding the world hostage and has a hefty ransom. So British super agent John Steed (Ralph Fiennes) is called into action to stop him, and he is first advised to bring in Dr. Emma Peel (Uma Thurman), a noble prize winning physicist and the number one suspected ally of DeWynter after video footage of her surfaces implicating her in the murder of a high ranking member of the British business community. After he brings her in to meet Mother and Father, they determine she is innocent. But if so, then who is the woman on the video? They decide to team up to get some answers, and start at the home of Sir August DeWynter, where they quickly discover who their enemy is. But he is ready for their every move, and has them both at his mercy in a hurry. But they also soon discover he has a friend on the inside who gave him vital information to help him steal the weather satellite. A mole in British Intelligence. But who? This a exciting and involving action film that has every bit of the charm and charisma of the popular 60's TV series, and all the gadgets as well. It gets a 90's update, of course, but still keeps true to the show at the same time. Thurman and Fiennes have great onscreen chemistry, and as I mentioned, Connery was awesome. The idea of him being a former British agent was a bit cheesy, but still worked well. Brief nudity and mild language are all parents will have to worry about. There's a ton of action and snappy banter, as well as tea. Their was no sequel, which I felt was unfortunate. It didn't exactly kill at the box office, which might be its only downfall. I found it enjoyable and fun. 1538 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I have it in my Jane Eyre collection and the chemistry is not believable at all. Ciaran Hinds is barking at her the entire time. There is no inflection in his voice that would give way to you believing he had a soft spot for her on more than one occasion. He also didn't have Mr. Rochester's dark wit. If you want to see Ciaran Hinds in a wonderful movie, see Jane Austen's "Persuasion." 6484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First off. To the person who did nothing but diss this movie, you obviously need to go find something to do. You wrote that review because you were disappointed that it wasn't as "game-like" as it should have been. Me, being one of the biggest fans of Resident Evil, think the same, but I loved the movie. Jill and Alice were both great, and it actually had a lot to do with the games. You see, if you were a real fan, you would know that. Obviously however, you are just a wanna-be. Do not listen to people like him. 218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great American Versions of the Dickens's Classic. What's the plot? Basically, it's about three friends who decide to be bank robbers. Anthony (Luke Wilson), who has just checked himself out of a mental institution, is friends with Dignan, a man-child who dreams of being a bigtime thief. Bob is their other friend, the getaway driver, mostly given that position because he's the only person they know with a car. Together the three live a life of crime, basically because there doesn't seem to be all that much else to do. This is a funny, well-written show, and I'm ecstatic to have every episode, even with minor edits. 4030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Get your Kleenexes ready.....this performance by three strong actors is a must have for your DVD collection! And don't give your copy away --a keeper for those dreary Saturday afternoon "I have nothing better to do than to watch this AGAIN!" films. I love it! 177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent TRIVIA QUESTION: Try and count the number of microphones that mistakenly pop out at the top of the screen throughout the movie; you'll be surprised. Another vivid proof of a half-hearted attempt to bring a popular videogame franchise to the big screen. 4046 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good very wonderful ve fo scvjkldnhvclksnr sdlk/fnhrskdvcnh jdgsklvnhlsdfkn ,/sdgfnsvhk lksdngfwklrsvn /lskdngfrlkvfnhlkn lksdfnglkvnhlkdzsfne/Kn lk/gtrnjwlrkjnlgkn/s,dfnewL:Knj .,sdngtwlrknvtgnlsrkn sdfnglwkre lknjsdFK sdnmfkl; .,dfgnmrkl;nj ,snmkdfkl 2404 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Air Force One" is a great movie, one of the best action thrillers of it's kind since "Speed"in 1994. Harrison Ford as always is perfect in this role as the president of the United States, and the rest of the cast give good performances also. The action scenes in this movie are clever, original, suspenseful. The DVD is also great while there aren't many extras on the disc the transfer was just as good as it was in theaters if not better, the sound is actually better and if you have a good sound system it's even better. 8359 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Now my 4 yo granddaughter has to see it every time she visits. It's a great moie for kids and not bad for adults who hae to watch with them. Most definitely not a film for those in search of sanitized mainstream inspirational entertainment and definitely not suitable for young children. However if you're ready and curious enough to look deeply into the spiritual abyss you might be able to catch a fleeting glimpse of the terror and horror that awaits on the Otherside. A must get for those who love the games! Buy it, or die! Cheers.. To Be or Not To Be- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Mono, French Mono, Spanish Mono, Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1 3699 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Condition I love the movie, but the aliens used in the picture are just not that believable. Since there was no CGI back in the day, it was okay. 7104 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 The true story of the Everest 1996 disaster is so compelling, it is almost unfathomable how that story could be taken, and made into a cheesy, poorly acted, poorly made film. I guess the actors aren't all bad, but the cinematography is awful, the characters are never developed, the script is choppy, and the way the story is fleshed out is almost anti-climactic. 9778 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Kind of stupid but good 2606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You'll laugh, you'll cry... it's better than "Cats"! But really, what isn't? One of the most quotable movies of the last 50 years! 4582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I had forgotten how entertaining this movie was. I saw it years ago and just happened to catch it again on FEARNET. Yes, it's a Demi Moore 80's classic and yes the eyewear in this film reminds me of whay I always wore contacts then, but it is actually pretty good. I hadn't seen it in so long. I didn't remember very much of it. It's a pretty fun, tense, fast-paced religious apocolyptic thriller. You could find many worse ways to spend and hour and a half. Even this very first movie has many of Allen's trademarks. For a relatively low budget movie, the quality of the music is very, very good, with original pieces contributed by the up and coming Marvin Hamlisch. Even though the supporting cast is not filled with a lot of highly recognizable actors, most of the faces such as the chain gang supervisor all seem to have a vaguely familiar look about them. Allen's female lead is Janet Margolin, for whom this is probably the highlight of her career. His `Bananas' costar, Louise Lasser, later of `Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman' appears in a very small role. 5643 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a good movie. It's pretty good and the drug scenes might give you flashbacks. This isn't Trainspotting...this is the neighborhood punks who later became computer programmers, television producers, etc. You'll be disappointed if you are looking for a movie about the hard life punks...these kids have problems but it's hard to have too many problems when you live in a big house, parents give you money and food, and get school paid for. This movie is about rebeling even when you aren't down and out. 8575 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very funny Bikers Wyatt/Captain America (Peter Fonda) and Billy (Dennis Hopper), with money in their pockets from smuggling cocaine across the border, head from Los Angeles to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras. En route, they are temporarily sidetracked by a commune of free spirits and later arrested for parading without a permit. In jail, they meet drunken lawyer George Hanson (Jack Nicholson), who agrees to join them on their road trip. 2963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my old fav's but it is a tearjerker. Grab some hankies! 1536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I HAVE SEEN ALL THE JANE EYRE ADAPTATIONS....THESE TWO MAIN CHARACTERS WERE GREAT TOGETHER..I LOVE CIARAN HINDS ..HE DOES LIKE ALWAYS AN EXCELLENT JOB WITH HIS CHARACTERS..AND AS FOR SAMAMTHA MORGAN..SHE COMPLETED THIS ROLE TO PERFECTION..I THINK THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES..DO NOT ALLOW THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS TO PREVENT THE VIEWING OF THIS CLASSIC MASTERPIECE. Williams, in perhaps his greatest screen role, is a college professor who saw his wife murdered by a shotgun blast from the crazy talk show caller. After some months of hospitalization for catatonia, he becomes a delusional street person, and a self-appointed do-gooder knight named Parry (for Parsifal) who hallucinates that little people tell him where the Holy Grail may be found. I mean, come on: you have Ramones cover songs. You have Hands Baked Alaska in the microwave. You have adorable little kitty cats nibbling away at eyeballs and licking up spilled blood. You have one of the uber-coollest opening sequences ("I'm Under the Bed"---oh BOO-ya!) in horror movie history, in which veteran character actor Fred Willard plays Dad. You have Vivica Fox brandishing a meat-cleaver and screaming "die, Host of Evil!". You get "Dawn of the Dead" and "Evil Dead" tributes---who am I kidding, "Idle Hands" is itself one long Evil Dead tribute. You get slacker friends consigned to walk the Earth forever as the soulless Living Dead---all because they hated the white light, the Enya Music, and the general sense that Heaven meant having to "walk to far". Fast forward a few years. Jack has been wallowing in self-pity and depression, guilt, and his girlfriend Anne's (Mercedes Ruehl) apartment. He gets stinking drunk one night and gets attacked by bashers who pour gasoline all over him and are about to light him on fire when he is rescued by a band of crazed homeless people led by a self-appointed knight named Parry (Robin Williams). Parry takes the injured Jack back to his digs in the boiler room of the apartment building where he used to live with his beautiful wife before the tragedy. Turns out Parry's wife was one of those killed in the shoot-up by the radio listener. Plus the differences between the valids &n in-valids were blown way outta proportion. Granted, he shouldn't be able to run as fast or swim as far. But he can't cross the freakin street? This movie might be making a statement how ridiculous prejudices are, which does of course carry some merit. But I felt this was way too heavy-handed. "Even if there ain't no such thing," Roy Neary said. The special effects still hold up pretty well and have been improved for this 30th anniversary edition. I haven't watched this on blu-ray so I don't know how the quality holds up there. I did think some of the blacks could have been cleaned up to remove some of the "static," but I have to say it also gives the movie a nice "older" feel. 1144 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The stories might be from the past but are able to relate to them in the presence. It's nice to have entertainment that isn't tainted with profanity and nudity. Wish all tv shows could be at this quality. 3388 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is truly a classic movie and should be in everyone's sci-fi collection. If you watch this movie (which you should) make sure to pay close attention in the begining 10 - 20 minutes otherwise you may get a little lost. Overall great movie, recomend it to everyone and stongly recommend it to Sci-Fi fans. *Storyboard Sequence 5298 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent 4021 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My newcrack movie. Watched it over and over from the point when they have a drink together and decide to spill their guts and be moms to the kids, and just love everyone...that is the answer people! 6382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is Streisand's best, and ditto for Nick Nolte. It's the story of Tom Wingo. It is the story of passion and love and hate and fear and redemption. Based on Pat Conroy's brilliant novel it is mesmerizing and touches the heart in a way that no other movie has quite managed to do. 5923 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really funny 80's movie and great take on a classic. Some language may be inappropriate for kids though Milla did a decent bit of acting in this movie. Granted, the outfit was an obvious ploy to get fanboy response, but oh well. Eric Mabius did an excellent job as supporting lead, especially towards the end. (god bless those candid muscle shots) Michelle Rodriguez was also very believable in her performance. 8193 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 She who must be obeyed rules! Loved it. An innate understanding of the characters is displayed, by each actor playing their part. A full picture of each character is revealed in scenes that show the characters motive, thought process, and conflict. A real understanding of human nature, class structure, and culture was known by the writers of this Magnificent piece of television history. 1946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie all the way thru. We really like this one. During their stay on the island of Tower Bay, they fool around at the Karaoke Bar and Julie sees a menacing message rolled on the screen "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer". She is badly shaken and wants to get off the island, but no one believes her. What is even worse, the storm is starting and therefore the telephones stop working. So, the four teenagers and five-member personnel are trapped on an island with a brutal murderer. The premise has some potential: A boy's hand is possessed and no longer obeys him. And the movie has much fun with that, and I'm sure Devon Sawa had a lot of fun with his hand. But the movie is really unimpressive. You have to wonder how much pot the *writer* was actually on, because that's pretty much what the movie revolves around: smoking lots of pot. _________ *French Taunting 7246 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There were so many extra scenes that were otherwise deleted in the main release of the film. I know this film inch by inch so the new scenes stood out. I understand why they trimmed the fat but it's a nice treat for Annie fans to see the extra songs and dances. The performances were so stiff. 2807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. This is the only 'film' I'd rate a zero if I could. The government does send two females in their nearly all-white-male submission to the aliens. And the movie features the two women in the cast showing two different points of view - the one who shies away from the aliens for her kids and the one who goes towards the aliens for her kid. But really, 99% of the movie is about men. The two women never talk to each other and barely see each other as they pass in one scene. Dreyfuss has one woman to take care of his kids, another woman to empathize with his dreams, and it doesn't seem like he gives his family even a passing glance before he hops the next spaceship out of there. He created those three kids - but he was apparently "meant for so much more". They annoy him with their talk of fractions and mini-golf. I may get some argument on this, but I think "Taxi Driver" might be Martin Scorsese's greatest work. It has everything -- a great plot, incredible acting, and despite it being a harrowing, dark film, it has elements that are eye and ear candy. Especially ear candy: "Taxi Driver" and Brian de Palma's "Obsession" were the last two scores from the great Bernard Hermann, who had written so many incredible pieces for Alfred Hitchcock. Hermann's work on "Taxi Driver" really helps ratchet up the tension, and does so without being especially "edgy" or, worse yet, pretentious. From blaring brass to softer woodwinds to, at times, just a simple percussive beat, the music helps draw you into main character Travis Bickle's lonely, twisted world. 1826 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every American should see this film. They should see, in the dramatic way that a video makes possible , the sacrifices that these earlier people made to give us a free country. 6021 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 No problems. Fast delivery. one meets a nice Ecuadorian lady who looks like she just came from Spain. There is no discernable plot except crime doesn't pay. 8753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Monty Python and Holy Grail is a timeless classic. We are forever quoting this movie. Two thumbs up. 3156 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is another work of liberal propoganda from the sixtys The cast from Monty Python made it their goal to create a movie that is silly as hell, and yet will have you struggling to keep your tears from laughing so hard. De Niro has produced some incredible performances over the past 40 years and Travis Bickle is probably my favorite De Niro character. There's so much going on beneath the surface and De Niro portrays much of it with his body language. 7031 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good family night movie, entertaining 3011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My wife and I love this movie one that we can watch over and over. 4435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great condition and received the movie faster then expected , this movie was a gift for my neice to complete her collection we were unable to find it anywhere around us, thank you :) The first season seems almost experimental--many of the episodes have specific themes, such as those mentioned above. A couple were unsuccessful and their events are never referred to again (for example, "The Swedish Tiger"). In the remaining seasons, events tend to build over the thirteen episodes, to culminate to some extent in the final episode of the season, which usually deals with a major event in the world (for example the King's death at the end of the second season, the start of the war in the third, the end of the war in the fourth). 1203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally! I've been waiting a long time for this season of The Bob Newhart Show! 2038 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Seen it a number of times, always enjoy watching it again and again but with a few years in between. Throughout the movie is an undercurrent of dissonance between an anti-oppression philosophy and the characters' aimless,testosterone-fueled adventures. While Stevo and his friends rail against "fascism," they glorify violence and act in ways that perpetuate the "macho" dominant culture. Fights are a way of life, and in one scene, Stevo (who claims earlier that "nobody owns anybody") catches the woman he likes with someone else and proceeds to beat the daylights out of the rival, who he accuses of "invading his territory." A less obvious irony is Stevo's...well...patriotism! He goes to great lengths to extol the superiority of America's punk scene, in one instance harassing a singer from the UK who's been roughed up by Stevo and other patriotic punks. 762 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My children grew up watching Arthur and I purchased the VHS when the Christmas episode came out. When we saw it on Amazon Prime we had to watch it. It brings back a lot of fun memories of when the kids were little. While I am not thrilled with all the choices the characters make along the way, I do think the movie ends in a good place - though some might find it maudlin. In my view, the character that comes off best is Charlie Gargas, David's Boss, played by the always effective Hector Elizondo. Don't think I'm against Harrison Ford or anything. I believe these kinds of movies make the public feel very patriotic. And I believe that if Harrison Ford ran for president, he would probably be victorious. 185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An updated superior version of a classic which has to be THE most underrated christmas classic. Winkler, as another reviewer posted, really demonstrates his incredible acting ability. 679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just like I remembered it when I was a kid. My son (11) also enjoyed it alot! The figures are still a great way to do animation. 6704 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Having been somewhat fascinated by the life of Joan of Arc, and entertained by the French flair of Director Luc Besson's movies, it pains me to say that my disappointment in THE MESSENGER is most profound. Truly, with such a promising opening scene and more than a couple of excellent actors at its disposal - not to mention a mythical and supernatural aura intertwined with an amazing history - one would expect, even at the very least, a little glimmer of brilliance. But the BEST feature in this DVD for me is the 1997 "Making Of" documentary filmed with Steven Spielberg on the set of "Saving Private Ryan". Interviews with cast, and crew reliving the making of CE3K make this a must-see! For the film's key element, the producers researched the real AF1, as much as they could, but much about the craft remained classified. Within that pseudo-realistic framework however, reality is seriously mangled, as Marshall travels with relative ease, and the hull is never breached by a bullet. The terrorists are terribly inefficient, failing to take immediate control of the cockpit, and letting the President escape. Oldman's Korshunov, is quite the patriot, when threatening women and a child, but isn't much as commander of men. The cast also includes William H. Macy (Sahara), Wendy Crewson, Xander Berkley, Paul Guilfoyle (CSI) Dean Stockwell (Quantum Leap), Liesel Mathews (A Little Princess), and Jurgen Prochnow (Das Boot). 8229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great "Feel Good" video. It came very quickly. Thanks you for your service. Good to watch with your whole family. Despite an often dark plot, THE FISHER KING is ultimately a story of hope, redemption and second chances. I so love this movie. It's one of my favorites. The movie arrived in fine time but the disc needed extra cleaning and buffing to play right, but it does. 5963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hello I'm telling you the order arrived and everything is in perfect condition. I'll keep buying more stuff. They are of very good quality. 100% recommended. Therefore if you would like to see an uncut/original version of this film,NOTHNG at ths time of writing is available to satisfy your desire. Nor does it look promising for the forseeable future. What a pity. I have viewed every version released on video and DVD and each one changes the feel and direction of the movie in some way and none of them match the impact and intent of the original. This movie is a masterpieace of British Comedy. There are wonderful and unforgettable lines like "Bring out your dead" and "The knights who say nee". It is loaded to the gills with humor and wit from the genius minds that brought you classics like "The Life of Brian" and "A Fish called Wanda". That is just the movie itself now with the DVD you have a whole new level added to the experience. 8462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was the first Monty Python Movie I ever watched as a kid (and really considering some of the others the only one I was allowed to see as a kid) It continues to hold a special place in my heart. The movie is not technically family friendly but if you want to introduce your children to the classic comedy of Monty Python, this movie will do great. The music score by Marylin Manson works great. I detest that guy's personna, but I am forced to give him credit here. He did make me laugh once when he said in an interview that at a multi-artist gig he felt he had succeeded if at least he made a few Alannis Morriset fans throw up. After seeing it, I have to say that Capcom did probably the most stupidest thing they could have done, by giving the rights for this movie to be made. 7420 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is, from start to finish, an excellent rendition of the book. It does a marvelous job of explaining the inexplicable; a story about a young man who had so many gifts and talents, yet squandered them all, which ultimately led to his self-destruction. The beautiful photography keeps you mesmerized. The acting is flawless. A must-see movie! 9180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Several years ago Azon included a Leonard Maltin review in the notes, and it was obvious by the review that he either hadn't seen the movie, or at least hadn't paid attention, he had characters and scenes out of place. I posted a review that said (more or less), who cared what Maltin had to say about anything anyway. Believe it or not, apparently Maltin read the page, took umbrage with my comments, managed to get Azon to reveal my personal information, and actually had an assistant call me at work to complain about my comments! True story. 2087 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best Harrison Ford movies I've ever seen! If you like lots of action, then this is the movie for you !!!!! It's a heart-warming and also heart-breaking story. I will say only that it has a happy ending, but the fun is getting there. Williams, as always, has some great comic lines, and Jeff Bridges makes a great straight man for him. They really should do a stand-up comedy act together for Comic Relief or something. VIDEO & AUDIO: 6447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Sensible and poignant melodrama about an alcoholic. With a sumptuous reference frame, Streisand made possibly her finest masterpiece. Trey Callaway's script is not perfect. While he does mix in freaky-as-hell horror with funny-as-hell comedy quite well with some great in-jokes and an excellent setting for a horror film, there is not much depth or range in the film. He does make sure all the possibilities are used for the killing scenes and horror action, but if Kevin Williamson had written this sequel, I feel it would've been a little more plausible. If you've seen the end of I Know What You Did Last Summer you'll know what I'm talking about, Ben Willis just couldn't of survived. 5553 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 We laughed at the stupidity of this show. Paul Smith plays beautifully the brutal and sadistic head-guard... Being of nature cruel and heartless, this bald man is vindictive and indifferent to the truth... He is cruel, vicious, unjust, and verbally abusive... Old Murphy (Roy Scheider) would be dumbfounded by how far we've sunk. 2508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 movie was ok Besides the film's look, one cannot forget the soundtrack of the movie. It included a diverse selection of artists, and who can forget the Steppenwolf's overplayed Born To Be Wild, which opens the movie? Other than that, music of The Byrds, Jimi Hendrix, and Bob Dylan captured the film. There is really no surprise as to this film's ending. Yet in many ways it is poetically perfect as Bronson, having saved the day, disappears back into the shadows never to return. This is a street legend as old as the hills. We watch the recent film "Sea Biscuit" and roll our eyes at its excess. We watch "Hard Times" and understand this tale at heart, is a simple yet inspirational one. Rarely has the legend been more perfectly executed on film. IF YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WHO LOVES SCARY MOVIES, SCREEN IT FOR HER. AT TIMES, THIS FLICK IS JUMP-OUT-OF-YOUR-SEAT SCARY. AND FUNNY. 3709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Hollywood runs 10 years behind. My friends and I were watching for UFOs in 1966. Somehow, Dreyfuss got into the three biggest movies of the 1970s. In Close Encounters, he is obsessed with an image in his mind. It turns out to be Devil's Tower in Wyoming, a vertical monolith created by erosion and the nation's first National Monument. Dreyfuss is drawn to an alien landing. "The Third Kind" indicates actual contact with UFOs. The film tries to create a sense of realism. So far, UFO stories have been hoaxes and science fiction. Where does Dreyfuss go with his aliens? 1657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We have loved Upstairs Downstairs since it first aired--40 years, can it be that long? We own the complete series on tape, but now that we are no longer young, we will repurchase this release because of the subtitles, which add so much enjoyment to Americans for British programs. 8836 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Walter Hill's first movie is a Depression era tale of street fighters. Charles Bronson is Chaney, who travels from town to town, picking up money on bare knuckle fights and then moving on. James Coburn as huckster promoter Speed and Strother Martin as Poe, as a dope addict corner man. The best fight is a terrific battle in a cage between Bronson and movie bad guy the late Robert Tessier! Ol' Chuck tatooes his pointy-bald head with his fists. It is actually better than the final confronation between Chaney and a top fighter brought in by a gangster. Fun fair. This is pan and scan so be warned. He befriends a young girl on the street, a near pre-teen prostitute named Iris (Jodie Foster). For him its a question of friendship and trying to help her. For her hes just another john, but someone nice rather than the usual clients she has. 4180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Deep End of the Ocean" is one of the most effective and emotionally heartwrenching films I have ever seen. It really shows how it only takes a minute for a child to be kidnapped and his family to be permanently affected because of it. Michelle Pfeiffer is excellent as Beth Cappadora, the loving but somewhat ditzy young mother who takes her two small sons and her infant daughter with her to a high school reunion at a hotel. There, Beth makes perhaps the biggest mistake of her life when she leaves the two boys alone right smack in the middle of a very crowded lobby while she pays at the front desk. As can only be expected when two young children are left unsupervised, something happens. The younger son--3-year-old Ben--disappears and is not found. After a series of breakdowns and withdrawals, Beth is finally able to start putting her life back together with the help of Pat, her extremely loving and supportive husband. Just when things are finally getting better for Beth and her family, a 12-year-old Ben randomly shows up at the Cappadoras' doorstep, so beginning another long period of confusion, fear, discomfort, and pain for everyone involved. It really is a very moving film; much like "The Face on the Milk Carton," but with a very different conclusion. "The Deep End of The Ocean" really grasps the issues of child abduction, the effects that it has on the other children in the family, and everything a mother goes through when she realizes that her child is lost and may never be seen again. I was personally touched by Jonathan Jackson's character--Vincent, the oldest Cappadora son. Only seven years old at the beginning of the movie, he ends up holding his family together when Ben disappears, and he is clearly overlooked throughout it all. Obviously, this plays a big part in the behavioral issues and problems that Vincent develops as he grows older. The character he plays is very realistic, and you come to understand how much he truly was overshadowed when Ben disappeared and how much he needs to know that his parents still love him and have forgiven him for what happened. (I won't say what he needs forgiveness for, but it all ties together in the movie.) Treat Williams was masterful as the loving husband. To me, he was the strongest part of the movie. He loved his wife unconditionally, he was a very caring father, and all he wanted was to help make his family whole again. Although he is sometimes a little unrealistic through his opinion that everything will fall right into place, it is very nice to know that there is a character in the movie with a very optimistic viewpoint and a belief that things will be all right in the end. 8499 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Elmo Rules 5361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of those movies that nobody knows, and after they watch, people try to get their friends to watch it. The Ugly: Another issue is embedded in the relationship between Jackie and Isabel. Jackie has the maternal instinct where Isabel is trying her best, and the story is intensified emotionally by the clashes in how they feel the children should be raised. When Jackie realizes that Isabel is going to be a permanent part of her children's lives, she also comes to the realization that she cannot keep arguing with her about how to raise the children. As they come to an understanding of one another, it's intriguing to watch the two actresses interact onscreen. I think the director was trying to get away with implying that Heroin Bob's death was a natural result of the boys' crazy, chaotic lifestyle, but instead it was a mere happenstance the way Bob died: it could have happened to anybody. 2667 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say, it's a classic. 9179 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is probably my favorite movie of all time, comedy or otherwise. I haven't seen a huge amount of movies - I'm more of a music guy myself - but here's one that I keep revisiting. It's one of those rare comedies (at least according to my rather limited experience) where literally every gag not only succeeds, but succeeds wonderfully. This is easily up there with classics like Airplane! and Young Frankenstein, and something tells me it might be even better. 6048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great funny movie before Steve Martin decided to become a dramatic actor! He's funny in this show! Seems like he's lost his sense of humor for good! The vast majority of the running time is spent watching Vincent cover his genetic tracks as he enacts a plan to join a space mission by posing as a Valid by borrowing the identity of a crippled athlete. He has urine samples, nail clippings, hair, fake ID, and everything else to pass the constant genetic screenings. The screenings and the fervency of those involved seem to indicate that the innocent "best person for the job" ideology has evolved into outright racism. Along the way, our everyman courts a Valid played by Uma Thurman, who looks extremely genetically superior in this. Seeing Vincent dust his skin dust off of his keyboard and enact successively more complex plans to bypass the system got old to me quickly. I didn't much care about him nailing a hot Valid chick either. After a while, I just wanted the movie to be over already. we all knew how it was going to end from the second he looked up at that rocket. The rest was filler. Very sappy filler. If you enjoy "Roxanne," then check out these other films on the AFI's list: #10 "City Lights," #24 "King Kong," and #34 "Beauty & the Beast." Why? Well, the first one because it also has a guy who has trouble believing he is good enough for the woman he loves and the other two because they are less metaphorical versions of the Beauty and the Beast type love story. 3088 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still timeless after all these years. Shirley Maclaine and Dolly Parton at their finest. Ad it to your collection please. 8085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You can't go wrong with this one-- the movie quality was pretty good and it's just fun to sing along with. Indeed it does not have a high body count, much gore, or attempt to really frighten - but it does deal with a terrifying premise: the apocalypse. It also has some disturbing images woven throughout and is darkly themed. It is more of a horror meant to disturb and deeply interest than lightly entertain or terrify. At the center of the story is Tom Wingo (Nick Nolte), a middle-aged Southern football coach with a wife and three children. The film's calendar art opening sequence serves to show his childhood in an appealing light, yet his adult life is anything but enjoyable. His wife is estranged from him, put off by his humorous approach to serious situations and by his unwillingness to discuss the pitfalls of their marriage. When his mother, whom he clearly despises, informs him that his sister Savannah has attempted suicide again, he heads off to New York City, where he will meet with her psychiatrist, Dr. Susan Lowenstein (Barbra Streisand), to help her unlock the pain in Savannah's subconscious. Andrew Niccol makes his film dbut with Gattaca (1997). Born in New Zealand he is also a screen writer and director. He directed TV commercials in London before moving to Los Angles, where he felt that he could do something with more substance than commercials. Niccol actually made our deepest fantasies come true with this sci-fi thriller film. One is reminded of Orwell's book 1984, which also delves into the mind of the devious, not to mention Lois Lowry's book, The Giver. Both authors, along with Niccol give us glimpses into a futurist world where society is stratified; life is pretty much predictable for the privileged, those not so well endowed have to scrounge for their very existence. The message here is that we need to face our deepest fears and conquer them. We have the means at our disposal to do anything that we want or put our minds to do. 1214 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great slightly slow but fresh. 2. The dances keep showing their underwear in the dances. They might have at least gave them petticoats or such, or been a bit more careful. You can do a 'kicking dance without showing your unmentionables. Oh well! 1506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my favorite Jane Erye adaptation of all, due to excellent acting. Although less true to the book than some others, this Jane Erye offers such good characterizations that one can't but root for both stars, as well as get caught up in the romantic tensions. I loved it. 2486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watch this movie over and over. I like it because of the intensity between Kim and Richard, and because of the sound track which generates a constant feeling of danger, and because the villian is so good at being bad. 4512 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I like this movie. I'd say it falls in the religious or metaphysical realm, and it's a story that's been told many times in multiple formats. Demi Moore is believeable, and Jurgen Prochnow is fantastic, as always. It really doesn't give the details that most of the other stories do...almost as if discussing a religious story might be so offensive to the movie watchers, that they prefer to avoid almost all of the actual biblical lore. It's a nice movie for a quiet evening, but it's really not that deep. the whole way. Its less a movie than a music video because 7320 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is supurb. I really liked the whole movie. I'll be watching it several times. Thanks for a great production. 1856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent. 283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent remake of the Dickins' A Christmas Carol. It should be placed along side your existing Christmas collection! Complete TRIPE, with final "cliffhanging" sequence that is so hilariously moronic it had me laughing uncontrollably. 5470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you're looking for a great zombie flick to watch and enjoyed resident evil one, this is a must see. Although, it kind of explains the first one so it could be a stand alone movie if you didn't want to watch the first one. All the resident evils after this one are just ok. This movie and the first are must sees. 9226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is from 1-5 stars a 6,this is flawless comedy The Fisher King is a lovely story of redemption and healing. The title is from Arthurian legend and Parry (his name should evoke Percivalor Parcival depending on the translation you read) tells the story of the Fisher King in one of his moments of lucidity. Parry inherently knows that he needs the grail to be healed, so the film becomes a grail quest narrative. I found it pure fun as I don't remember it having any political or heavy social comments as most of his films do. 5368 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies and I was thrilled to be able to add it to my movie collection in a higher quality format. I really think that this is one of those fun movies that can reach almost anyone. Comedy? Check! Vampires? Check! Catchy '80s soundtrack? Check! Blood and guts? Check! Romance? Check! Bromance? Check! Action? Check! Do you need to add this to your cart now? Check! 1775 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. 6195 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ...brilliant movie,well made and acted besides the stunning photography. Still thought provoking after 6 viewings. And a film that directed itself apparently for all the attention the academy paid its director. Nolte does the star turn as does Streisand who was loath to take on the psychiatrist role but was eventually persuaded by the producers. She was also reluctant to cast her son Jason who eventually won her over. Kate Nelligan deserved the nomination for the abusive and exploitative mother. What a bitch...! An adult movie with adult themes,not for the faint-hearted. 7294 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have read the book and seen this film many times. 4995 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Wes Anderson is an acquired taste. His aesthetic is very uniquely tuned into who he is as an artist that if you aren't dialed into his brand of humor his films will be lost on you entirely. I have to admit, I am not a fan of all of his work, but when he hits a home run it is a real, tried and true masterpiece, and I must say that I have found his latest two offerings to be undeniable cinematic treasures. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is clearly after a MONEY GRAB with this Blu Ray release. The studios that do this really tick me off. Unfortunately, many of the people in the general public are not aware of the differences between Pan and Scan, Anamorphic Widescreen, Full Screen, Letterbox, or understand ASPECT RATIO or how a film was SHOT and why it was shot that why by the director. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998). 15 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 While there was a lot of information in this piece (some of it coming at your faster than a freight train, another down side of the video), there is no doubt that it was produced as right-wing propaganda, which means I'm not able to use it as I hoped (for my children's home schooling). One large section of the video is a series of quotes from historical U. S. leaders, mentioning God and/or the Bible -- the quotes are simply inserted without any background or even a common-ground to relate each of them. - Zombie Make-Up Test: It's basically some zombies running around the screen. 946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE this movie! I remember when it came out in theaters AND when it came out on the Disney Channel--back when the Disney Channel first began and wasn't full of formulaic tween chaos. My brother and I couldn't get enough of it. The effects are cheesy, but pretty cool for their time. It is clearly a ridiculous, unbelievable, unlikely premise, which makes it a fantastic adventure. What child/comicbook fan doesn't fantasize about being the superhero? What inner child (especially guys) don't wish for an inexhaustible bank account to create the weapons and toys that the superheroes without special powers get to use in their fight for truth and justice? That's what makes this film so much fun, even now almost 30 years later. Also being from Louisiana I thought the film portrayed Louisiana correctly for the era. Poor but proud , hard and tough , fun loving and good food to eat . Some good folks ..some bad . 7032 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great product! Fast delivery! The best aspects of the film are the on-target performances and Laszlo Kovacs' stark cinematography. Also of note is a stunning, hallucinatory montage of an acid trip, complete with a bizarre Catholic motif. The writing (by Fonda, Hopper, and Terry Southern) is strictly ordinary, providing only the barest structure to hang the story on, punctuated by mostly improvised dialog. 6713 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Despite a promising start , I found the movie extremely disappointing. Also in the cast: Bob Balaban, Francois Truffaut, Roberts Blossom, George DiCenzo, Howard K. Smith, Carl Weathers, J. Patrick McNamara, Lance Henriksen. 8341 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 She is an orphine in the 20s, that is a double whammy. The richest man in town adoptes her. -The animation blends better with the video here than in the first movie. All in all, FRIGHT NIGHT is a must-have for all horror film fans. - X were playing Leadbelly tunes way before Kurt Cobain? 1182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loving my new Bob Newhart Show DVDs. This show is a classic gem and is one of my favorites. Great cast, great acting and the humor is timeless. You won't be disappointed. This is an extremely intense, phsycological movie and one worth adding to any movie buff's collection. 7916 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this classic movie! The casting here is perfect! Aileen Quinn is superb as Annie! She's the original comic strip come to life and so adorable! Carol Burnett, Albert Finney and Geoffrey Holder give magnificent performances as well. Truly the best cast ever assembled for an Annie production. Great music and amazing choreography too. Wonderful family film and faithful to the original comics. And how to deterimine if a person is a witch. If however, you want a version of Jane Eyre that keeps closer to the book, then the Timothy Dalton version (1983) is a better choice. It too is very good but is a bit dated (I felt like I was watching a play rather than a movie). 8460 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best Bronson movie ever More recently Sony's PlayStation network has been repeatedly hacked resulting in the loss of customers' private information. Also, the direction is masterful: for instance, watch the transition between the funeral scene and the Easter scene; an incredible combining of dialogue, lighting, and music that is absolutely transformational. If you have not seen Steel Magnolias, by all means, do so. Then watch it again. And again.... Highly recommended!! 2918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The three episodes collected on "Jeannie's Seeing Stars" come from late in the run of the classic television sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie." By this point Jeannie (Barbara Eden) is married to her master, Major Anthony Nelson (Larry Hagman), with best friend Major Roger Healy (Bill Daily) still in on the secret, which is more than can be said for Dr. Alfred Bellows (Hayden Rorke). None of these episodes would really be considered classics, but they are all certainly representative of the show: 6075 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and I am so glad to have it on blu ray. Steve Martin is so funny in this movie 5240 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is one of the most powerful and disturbing films I've ever seen. The main extras are: Someone unfamiliar with Wes Anderson's works might want to start with Bottle Rocket first, since it's probably the lightest & most "accessible" of his films...be that as it may, the ride is no less rewarding. 4.5 stars. 1003 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love everything Woody Allen does in the movies and this is just a great example. I hope he makes many more movies before he casts off this mortal coil we call ' life'! 7369 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good product. "Bottle Rocket" tells the story of a small time thieves trio: Dignan (Owen Wilson), Anthony (Luke Wilson) & Bob (Robert Musgrave). One of the strongest points of the film is that the characters are so well developed that it's easy to feel identified with them. Plus, the story is a breath of fresh air, something that is difficult to see frequently in these days. 6618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mila Jovovich gives THE performance of her life in this movie. I watched this film with a very open mind, though easily brought to a place of eye-rolling when over-glorification or misuse of historical facts come into play. So I did not know what to expect with this version of the story of joan of arc. I was completely enthralled! And floored! From the first minute of this film, you are drawn in by a powerful story and beautiful cinematography. Every minute after the first is so compelling and believable. Twilight time's first blu-ray release was back in 2011 which was s*** release, had no new special features at all, waste of money 1627 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 we all like to nosey in to others' business and this gives us the perfect opportunity;I admit I enjoyed it. By liberal logic, Hopper and Fonda blew it (and brought death After the initial introductions to the two secret agents, they begin to check out Sir August's true plans and wherabouts. The movie quickly turns into a series of badly edited action scenes that fall flat every time and a series of scenes that literally make no sense at all in the grand scheme of things. Another typical aspect of this movie is that it is a parody of documentaries, although not with such loving artfulness as Allen does in `Zelig'. 7408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All time great musical - Great cast!!! Stepmom is a movie that I saw many years ago - first in the theater and later on VHS - and when I ordered this DVD, I knew that I would enjoy watching it over and over for many years to come. 1595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 rather disappointing after Mr S 229 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is hardly ever on TV and thankfully found on Prime. This movie captures the 30's as well as Dickens' Christmas Carol 2092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excelllent!! Eventually the raft drifts to some islands and upon coming ashore the two discover what seems to be a large abandoned military fortified gun emplacement. There are tense moments trying to discover whether it is Japanese or American, and tellingly, Marvin becomes concerned that the eagerly exploring Mifune may be shot by some American forces due to his being Japanese. One thing that is entirely absent is any intellectuality. I can't recall any joke for which you need to read a Russian novel or see a classic silent movie to understand. While it strikes me that poor Virgil Starkwell does have some mock heroic aspects which may have been borrowed from `Don Quixote' or `Candide', I think that may be my seeing things of which Allen had no inkling. 4041 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is soo good. The movie is like real life stuff that goes on in peoples lives. I believe you would enjoy it. It makes you happy, sometimes sad and a lot of things to relate to. I recommend this. Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) walks into the Catholic church to make a confession. She tells the priest about killing a man. She mentions the man's name as "Ben Willis". The priest says, "I know". Julie then says, "You know?". We then see the priest is actually Ben Willis. Julie lets out a big scream as she wakes up from a dream in the classroom. Julie leaves upset and Will (Matthew Settle) runs to her to see if she is alright. These dreams won't go away. It is nearly July 4. It has been one year ago. Ray comes to visit Julie. She wants him to stay, but he has to go back to work. The story: The Umbrella Corporation is a very wealthy business. It sells household products everywhere. But what the public doesn't know is that it makes most of its money off of human experimentaion and biological weapons. One day....something goes wrong. Very wrong. That's all you need to know. There's a bunch of twists and turns this movie takes that I am not going to give away. But let me say this....this movie has one hell of a dark and twisted ending that really made the movie that much better. So, if you've got a free afternoon and need some decent entertainment in terms of action, suspense, and zombie-popping fun, go for this flick. It's not like the games, but I guess we'll have to gag and bind Paul Anderson for him to do a *real* Resident Evil film. The zombies in this movie were excellant as well. They had a eerieness to them being shot in slow motion (in the beginning) and looked very realistic. As realistic as one would imagine a zombie to be. And, beeing a fan of die hard Horror movies, I have to say that these zombies get 2 thumbs up from me! The director didn't focus too much on them so as not to make this appear as another "Dawn of the Dead" movie. He kept up with them and the story line which was great. The cinematography is stunning and I really appreciate the alternate ending. I find the original ending really sucks big time. 9306 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the all time best comedies in existance. The larger theme here is the perceived freedom of the sixties, which turns out at every intersection to be little more than a fantasy. But I need to say right here that the filmscore for this movie represents one of the top Classic Rock albums of the 20th Century. Jimi Hendrix, Steppenwolf.... need I say more? And whatever comes our way" Steppenwolf- "Born To be Wild' 2968 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great idea. Take everything you got. Make one big score. Buy some sweet motorcycles & keep riding free to Mardi Gras. Riding free, partying hard & living. So, now searching for a blu ray edition of this great Lee Marvin flick to no avail. I sure wish they'd release a nice blu ray version. I love this movie. 256 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had forgotten about this movie til I saw it on Amazon. Loved it when it came out and still do. The Fonz is really cool in this modern holiday classic. 3932 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind has lost none of the magic that made it such a favorite of mine 23 years ago when it first hit the big screen. * The Producers - (25:54) Peter Guber (Executive Producer), Producer David Puttnam and Director Alan Parker discuss the challenge of making the film and the changes that had to be made for the film. I got the edition with the theater , directors cut and another different disc. Haven't seen all the discs yet but enjoyed the one I saw. Looking forward to the others. 4552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved this movie when I first saw it. I enjoyed revisiting it. I like the biblical references that make you really think about how you are living your life. I love the message of hope in the ending. The last episode is a touching one, since we would have gotten used to the characters and feel that we know them already. I was sorry to see the members of the Bellamy household disbanded like that. I especially felt heart-pangs when Rose (Jean Marsh) was closing down the empty house. The ghosts of the past whispered into her ears as she did this, from floor to floor of 165 Eaton Place. These final few minutes of the show will not soon go away from your memory,. 470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is extremely well made. It is so touching when Joseph's brothers throw him into a pit. His crying and pleading with them to be merciful is so moving as is the part when Joseph finally meets his brothers again and tells them who he really is. 5773 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie series is an abomination and if you come across any copies please make sure to burn them. A bunch of people making a resident evil movies who have never even played the games. Oh the irony. I bet George A. Romero would've done a much better job. Point is, if you don't know the source material you're basing your work on don't base your work on it. 6571 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Where to start, where to start. I know... the game. Resi Evil the game was, and still is, one of the greats. It had everything you could've hoped for. Zombies, action, scaryness, and a conspiracy/mystery. The sequels continued the story, and once again great. They where like movies themselves. Now, lets look at the movie on its own before we compare it to the original game (resident Evil 1 - psone). The casting of Milla Jovovich, although she can't act, wasn't bad. It was the others who where terrible. Michelle Rodriguez... OH MY GOD, when she tried to act tough, i squirmed. The Story... oh yeah, there is no story. The zombies... people with a bit of grey make up and contacts (although the dogs where good). Action... Yawn. Scary level 1-10 (10 highest) -4. Sory to sound sarcastic, but it stunk. Now the comparison. With the game, you had a great story with real suprising twists. You had real terror, and great music to go with it. Even the characters where top (although the voice acting is the only bad point on this game). It was gritty, it never had mad sci fi gizmos... it was a true horror game with true horror survival game play and could've been easily converted in to a film. But no, Paul Anderson (One of the worst directors ever) some how gets the job to turn this great game in to a film. Instead of keeping to the story, he throws out all the work done by the guys at Capcom and uses the name to tell his own so-called story. he throws out the characters of resi evil and brings his own in. Who ever says this is a kick ass movie deserves to have there ass's kicked. I've heard this be called a prequel. If its a prequel, where's Albert Wesker. Bye this film at your own preil. Regarding the sequel, Apocalypse, i've seen stills of Milla and the new character, Jill Valentine (thats right) and four words come to mind, looks cheap and tacky. Don't let the trailer fool you. Kick ass film... yeah right... idiots. If the review sounds rough, sorry. Very angry man. Paul Anderson has destroyed any chance of a proper Game Adaptation with Resi Evil, With Chris Redfield the main guy, and Albert Wesker the arch nemeisis and the betrayer. I Hope the studios see sense and don't make a 3rd resi film, and leave it a few years for a proper director to come in and revive the franchise in the proper way. for my widescreen. This movie deliers for sure. Arnold at his best. 6407 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT MOVIE! GREAT TAKE ON THE BOOK! BUY IT! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! YOU WISH IT WOULD'NT END THATS HOW GREAT A MOVIE IT IS!!! 5206 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A brutal, harrowing film about domestic violence filled with the most swearing probably ever committed to film. Worth seeing for the amazing performances of the two leads, most notably the abusive husband played to perfection by Ray Winstone. Directed by Gary Oldman and loosely based on his own experiences growing up this is one childhood noone would want repeated. 3408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good 7048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun movie. 3411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. 7988 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ...the service was very good. Pilates for Flexibility by Amy Brown -Jodie Foster 5099 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 With BOTTLE ROCKET the Wilson Bros. and Wes Anderson launched their impressive careers. And no wonder, for this film is a delight to watch. It's completely devoid of the cynicism, brutal violence, and pop-culture-ridden cliches of mid '90s filmdom. I completely fell in love with Owen Wilson's acting, his comic delivery and utterly sincere reading of Dignan, was like nothing I'd ever seen. Of course Anderson & Wilson's script, though nowhere near as astute as RUSHMORE or THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS, is the real charmer here. They are the Dynamic Duo of scriptwriting today, it's too bad Oscar didn't notice that this year. I look forward to their future collaborations and solo projects. 2069 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action packed movie! Harrison Ford really delivers in this one! You won't be bored watching this one! The kid and Lou Gosset meet up when the kid's challenged to race the local bully with his PLANE while the bully's using his dirt bike. Suffice it to say he wins and impresses his babe; he doesn't get his slot at the USAF Academy, though. You gotta take the bad with good I guess. When the words on Dad get back to the family, this kid uses his base "network" to get access to imagery, enemy air defense data, and two F16s carrying a B52's worth of ordinance. All of this being done by his friends exploiting the dim bulbs who are their parents, no less. (If only strike planning was this easy.) Of course, the kid has flown training missions with his dad, and has a boatload of simulator time, so he's a natural to fly the mission. He convinces Gosset to go along with him, and his two-ship is on the way. The flying scenes are nothing spectacular, with obviously Israeli F16s playing the good guys, and Kfirs (modified Mirages) acting as MiGs. Cockpit scenes are completely the imagination of the set designer; I'm guessing he never was anywhere near a real aircraft. These are especially dated now as many computer flight sims are pretty darn accurate in cockpit, flight, and combat models. Anyway, lots of explosions on the way in, Lou gets hit and aborts and our hero must press on alone-go figure. He manages to talk with the evil dictator directly and get his dad on the runway for him to land (!) and pick him up. More silliness ensues as he launches weapons on the ground, taxi's out and takesoff. He kills the bad guy and heads home to find Lou punched out and was rescued. Rather than the prison sentence for espionage, and theft of government property that Lou, the kid, his pals and the idiots they exploited on base should've got, he gets his slot at the Air Force Academy. The end. The utter desperation of the times when ordinary folks did whatever it took to survive . 8066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not many movies have stayed with me as strongly as this one has. I watched it again last night and found it just as enthralling as when I first saw it at the cinema. My companions, who hadn't seen it before, loved it, and I had the opportunity to savour again some of the great set pieces - the naked romp in Central Park, the ballroom scene in Grand Central Station, the most over-the-top singing telegram in film history, and more. A feature of the film not mentioned by other reviewers is the way in which Manhatten is not only the backdrop to the action, but almost a character in its own right. I love the way Terry Gilliam has mythologised the city. When I visited Central Park, for example, I couldn't help imagining the red knight charging through the undergrowth, couldn't help seeing the skyscrapers as medieval fortresses. Another thing I noticed on a second viewing was simply how superlative the acting is. Despite the tone of melodrama throughout the film, each and every performance is utterly convincing. First time round I loved Robin Williams's performance. This time I was particularly struck by the dynamic between Jeff Bridges and oscar-winner Mercedes Ruehl. The only complaint I heard after last night's viewing was that the start was a bit slow. In all, though, this film ought to have made everyone involved with its making very proud. I hope they are. in short this movie takes off where resident evil left off and shows a virus breakout onto the city of raccoon. If you like vampire movies and a bit of comedy mixed in, this is a good choice. all the footage was filmed back in 1984 when the film was being made for a 1985 Theatrical release 3419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you, Amazon, for having this movie. So happy to finally add this to our DVD collection. One of our favorite movies of all time. Close Encounter of the 1st kind: Sighting 9089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What kind of a review do you need, African or European? I suppose I could attach a small string under the dorsal guiding... 2050 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice production! 2070 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 What a heap of steaming DUNG...... 7955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie. One of my favorites...kind of like "one flew over the CooCoo's nest" soft of movie. Leaves you feeling good at the end. :) CONDORMAN is loosely based on Robert Sheckley's novel The Game of X, which I haven't read but have just now ordered online because I hear good things about it. Catering to Woody's intent that Condorman be an international crime fighter, his plan to help Natalia defect involves their navigating a circuitous route, from Yugoslavia to the Swiss Alps to a final showdown in Monte Carlo. Considering that they end up running a gauntlet of enemy operatives in all their stops, they might as well have taken a direct flight home. But where's the fun in that, right? I thought it a perfect touch that Krakov is able to anticipate Condorman and Natalia's itinerary simply by reading Woody's comic books. Russia would never give up dangerous men either. They'd tell us they felt bad for the president being in danger and would tell us to shove are demands where the sun don't shine. I have always enjoyed the story and the actors. This version is especially finger snapping, foot patting Okay, that's it then. I just answered my own question. The reason Hollywood holds such disdain for this film is simply because it does not like being the subject of such debates as morality and ethics. It's not like it is any big secret, though, that Hollywood is full of phonies, Satanists, (...)and demon worshipers. The world knew that years ago. It doesn't seem to hurt the grosses, though, does it? People keep seeing the movies. They keep watching television. They keep tuning into that political media circus that is the Oscars. Holly weird is clearly doing okay. So, why did this film scare them so? Don't ask me. 2803 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie. The series did try to bring to life the big events going on at the time the series is set. It also showed how the upstairs people and the servants saw these events in very similar ways in many cases. I was surprised at how the servants were so often in agreement with the upstairs people on politics. Maybe they all valued stability and tradition very much and so agreed on the politics as a result. 3911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Two great Actresses I love, great movie, I cried and cried. Likewise, Milla Jovovich's Jeanne is an insult to her memory. Alternately screaming, squeaking, pouting and hallucinating... It is difficult to imagine teenage boys following such a girl around a swimming pool, let alone hardened campaigners following her into battle. One finds one's self looking forward to her execution. 9284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you have not seen this film, seriously, you've been deprived. Monty Python was going strong in the late 60s/early 70s and after the show ended, the team decided to embark on a film project which led to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Released in 1975, this film has stood the test of time and produced many fans around the world and developed cult status. Monty Python followed up with two sequels ("Life of Brian," "Meaning of Life"), but of the three this comedy marvel is still the strongest. Easy Rider: Shaking The Cage... make sure you watch this if you get this DVD. It is AWESOME. Dozens of other characters come in and out of the various plots throughout the years. Most notable are Richard Bellamy's first wife Lady Marjorie and a niece, Georgina. Downstairs Edward, the footman and chauffeur, his wife Daisy, and Ruby, helper to Mrs. Bridges, all played important roles in the series. 2569 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my fav movies! Phenomenal cast! 2582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this movie to replace a VCR tape that died. I love this movie and look forward to seeing it many times in the future. 6203 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a great movie, the book drags on and on, but the characters are spot on!! But as a whole 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse' is a bit disappointment, because of its recycled ideas and mediocre actions. What if Paul W.S. Anderson (who wrote the script, but went to direct 'Alien vs Predator') directed this? I don't know, but perhaps, just perhaps, made it more effective than Alexander Witt, who was the second director for pefectly choleographed 'Pirates of the Carribians.' So, RE2 is definately a great movie. Some people may not like it, but that is because they really have no taste in movies. Both RE1 and RE2 are great movies. Definately buy this dvd boxed set. 955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is defintly a movie that the whole family will enjoy. Michael Crawford is just wonderful in it. I highly recommend this film. I'd give it ten stars if I could. Thinking about Closer Encounters (after only first watching the whole movie on TV 5 or so years ago), I had to wonder, myself, if this film was focusing on Richard Dreyfuss's mental illness. I remembered the scene of him throwing shrubs out the window. Are masses of American men in such dire straights? What about real people, apparently, who honestly believe they have been visited by UFO's? Is this film exploring mental illness, or is it meant to bring to life the thoughts of someone who genuinely believes they've been visited by aliens? Could there be a more noble cause than giving voice to such a voiceless and likely powerless person? What really makes this movie so good is the use of odd camera angles and some very eerie saxophone music. A great movie that triggers all of your senses. * Electric Prunes - Kyrie Eleison Steve-O is played by Mathew Lillard of "Scream" or "Scooby Doo" fame (he played Shaggy). No. This is NOT your typical Mathew Lillard performance, though his zany personality DOES come out some in his character. 3447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent release of one of the classics of modern American cinema--one that truly deserves its crown. Plenty of extras make this a DVD set that people will return to over and over again for entertainment. 5742 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love movies based on video games In the 1968 Set No. 2 (which includes Vols. 3 and 4), we're talking about six very enjoyable, action-packed, color episodes: 2428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Definitely a film of it's genre. 1986, Miami vice was all the rage, Hunter, etc.... 8690 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say? My 18 month old granddaughter crawls up in my lap and snuggles up close and we watch Elmo! And, "No", not every video has that affect on her - she just loves Elmo. Kind of makes me glad I loaded up on the Tickle Me Elmo's back when they were a hot commodity. The story line, graphics, music and every aspect of this movie are great. Highly recommend. 5650 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best Zombie movie I have ever watched - I'm still to find something as captivating as this one. 7476 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 SPOILER ALERT So there you have it. Theres nothing particularly thoughtful to be found here, yet still a lot of effort was evident behind making this fun and exciting. It came as no surprise that it was successful and infected multiple sequels. The film ends with an invitation to salvation, and with it the promise of "a full, abundant life, filled with purpose and meaning", and with a quote from Revelation 3:20: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him". John Mortimer introduces each segment with "Opening Remarks" - wow, presented by the writer as his perspective on his own character. Rumpole starts out very confusing to the unprepared viewer, but then with perserverance and attention, you adapt and understand Rumpole talking to himself / Rumpole talking in court / Rumpole talking to his wife / Rumpole talking in Chambers / Rumpole quoting Wordsworth / and just plain, but not-so-plain Rumpole. Biohazard: Damnation (2012) / Resident Evil: Damnation. If you are a fan of the Aurthur Legend or just like off-the-wall comedy, this is a must see for you. 1830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A&E does a masterful job of putting together a top-notch cast with an event of great importance to the future of the foundling United States of America. 1318 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The problem is that I have been waiting for ever to get the last two season of the Bob Newhart Show. I already had seasons 1 through 4, but to get the last two seasons you have to buy the entire package. That is really a smarmy way of making the customer pay more money. 6712 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't wait Untill Resident Evil Nemesis comes out in 2003/2004! Great Director! I love they way it is based on the RE Series from the Classic PS days! RE 1,2! it is just a even total different type of Horror Movie! Um "Night Of The Livin Dead!" Remember that classic movie will its kinda like it so..watch and see if you like it..Don't watch it in the dark! One of the reviewers claims that this is only happening inside Bickle's mind (right after the shoot-out) ...I can't say more from fear of spoiling it for those who have yet to see this powerful flick... I will only say that I doubt Scorsese and Shrader are that clever to have thought of it. Say, for the sake of argument, that that's what they meant and intended...well, then, I'd say it's pure genius on their part. However, I doubt it. The box set includes not only the different versions of the movie from the theatrical release to the 1980 Special Edition and also a more recent Collector's Edition that includes a bunch of once-deleted scenes and what I think is a much smoother ending. We also get a bunch of interviews, documentaries, and associated standard DVD extras like deleted scenes. The sound and visual quality is superb and quite beautifully mastered, with even dark scenes crisp and easy to see. The creators of this edition really worked hard to take full advantage of modern technology. Even if someone has one of the previous Close Encounters DVD, this might be a really good upgrade to consider for its extras and incredible mastering. And if one has not ever seen this classic, what better time to jump in? Number of discs: 1 "Taxi Driver" remains a powerful and disturbing film even after all these years despite far more graphic films because the characters are so believable. As for subtitles, the subtitles are in English, English SDH, French, Portuguese and Spanish. With all these available dramatic premises, the expectations were too high. But the screenwriters bet for a tearful approach in the third movement of the play when a sudden twist of fate will intend to make us aware about the importance of the familiar values, above any serious conceptual difference between the new visitor and the original mother. Personalmente me gusto mas esta pelcula que su continuacin, en la segunda se fueron mas por el lado comercial y taquillero, obviamente la primera tambien lo fue, pero no tanto como la segunda. This leads to a great elevator scene with Bridges and Jeter, who's all decked out like a showgirl. He warms up to sing for mousey Plummer at the office where she works by hitting these impossibly squeaky high notes, which annoys Bridges, who tells Jeter to stop. Instead, he responds with a line and some behavior that is so funny, you just may continue laughing through the rest of the scene. Leaving the elevator, Jeter triumphantly exclaims "I made you laugh!" 8895 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! Every Montes Python fan should own. Their best movie. Funny stuff. 3474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT MOVIE! Anyways, I thought the story was about average for a film of this type. Nothing that will really surprise anyone. 2824 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 TIMELESS 5913 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding Film! This movie gave me nightmares, and even though its a few hours away, I never want to visit Turkey. 9936 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic. Hopefully, they don't try to improve upon perfection. Spice World is clearly worth owning and cherishing. I hope the Spice Girls come back together and make some new music and some more films. This movie isn't for everyone, of course. There's always a few humourless louts out there who won't enjoy it. Us normal folk know better, however, and we can enjoy it for the wonderful, creative, hilarious film it is! Overall, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is a very solid, zombie thriller that doesn't stand up well on it's own, but when coupled with the first film, the two make for a very entertaining thrill ride of zombie mayhem. gel together. The bare-knuckles fight scenes were well choreographed. No kung-fu here, but for a few 1588 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 To this day, Monty Python remains THE idol and source of inspiration to humourists all around. Monty Python's Flying Circus made the group famous, and it is the best ever to come out, not only from Monty Python, not only from Britain... but humour in general! 1136 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE THIS! UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS IS AN AWESOME CLASSIC! I LOVE BRITISH TV. NOT TOO EXPLICIT AND VERY INTRIGUING. THANK YOU If you like action movies, you'll like this one!! 2217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great family fun movie! I'd recommend instead seeking out the 5 film boxed set, this is much more acceptable as part of a longer series. 1290 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This collection is the best of Newhart. They just don't make TV like this anymore. Too bad. Wewould rather watch these than anything on TV today. Always a great laugh. 7139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Granddaughter loves it EVERY time she watches. 9985 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i have seen this on the shelf when renting movies for years, yet just by the box it never looked like something to interesting... also seeing as i never even heard one review and never heard anyone even talk about it, it couldn't be that great right? One prime example of why I liked the movie was when Parry sees Lydia come walking through the crowd and all of a sudden all of the hustling and bustling commuters are waltzing around the room. The only two people not caught in dance are Parry and Lydia. Once she is out of his sight, the dancing was no more. It was this little detail set among others of the sort that show that maybe there was a little extra effort put into direction of The Fisher King. I have to say it was appreciated. 6379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nolte at his finest...Streisand should have won "Best Director" for this movie...normally not into 'chick flicks' but this was to me more than that...it had a story...with a great title! So, please do not listen to the people who are slamming "Resident Evil." They are the same people who, like many critics, go to "Friday The 13th" films looking for character development. That, in itself, is as silly as watching "There's Something About Mary" for it's heart-wrenching drama. No, folks, this is a zombie film through and through, quite possibly one of the very best since Romero's "Day Of The Dead." It's not Shakespeare, but it is a whole lot of good old fashioned fun! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time! What many viewer see themselves in Travis is his disgust for However, I would dearly love to see the interview with John Oliver, the instruction video on how to use coconuts, and play with the catapult and rubber animals. "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" It helps that Condorman has a supporting cast who mostly plays it straight, notably Oliver Reed as the sinister Russian masterspy Krakov, Barbara Carrera as the exotic femme fatale Natalia, and James Hampton who plays Woody's amiable pal and CIA contact Harry Oslo. Jean-Pierre Kalfon, the sorta scary one-eyed Russian hitman Morovich, does it over-the-top, but, really, what else can you do when you're sporting a menacing glass eye and tearing down the Yugoslavian roads in an intimidating black Porsche? And, man, watching this film again just brings back those good old days, when the Iron Curtain was still up and the U.S. and the USSR were still kicking it Cold War. The prevailing thought back then was that the Russian Bear would be a superpower forever... 9508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a "find". Certainly would recommend it! Endless re-watchability. We go somewhere almost every day and videos like this one get to play for 10 - 20 minutes and he learns on every car ride. Mix videos like this with books and you'll be surprised at the results. Because the movie fills itself with dramatic nothingness, as only great comedy can. it is also very interesting to see the underlying theme of self confidence, perseverance, determination, unity, sacrifice, optimism, and trust throughout the movie. which was the nation's feeling and identity in the pre-911 days. It doesn't matter if you've ever played the video game or not - Resident Evil is just an exciting, action-packed horror film. I don't consider it to be the least bit scary, but it is quite atmospheric. As a horror fan, I must say I've never counted zombies among my favorite monsters - let's face it, they're basically mindless, slow-footed creatures with no erotic potential whatsoever - so I'm not just whistling Dixie when I say that Resident Evil is a great movie. Of course, a lot of the credit has to go to Milla Jovovich, the finest of one-woman killing machines. 4. Industrial setting - If you like that asthetic, lots of cement and steel for you. Industrial music too! 9537 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 eh , so so. They didn't even head line Jude Law, weird. 6252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Read this decades ago when it first came out, then saw the homage to herself that Streisand directed. Found it in a buy-one-get-two-free bin at my local library. Had forgotten how wonderful this is. Worth a second read. The other two books were Mildred Pierce and One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest. I should have bought a lottery ticket. It was my lucky day! the Sony pictures German release which is ALL REGIONS 4962 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a compact collection and doesn't take up much space on your shelf. Each of the 8 movie discs is in its own slim-line case. I've decided to keep just three of the movies and give the rest away. Furthermore, the fast action scenes (i.e. minions of zombies being massacred by 3 people) are obscenely influenced by the stylistic renderings of the MTV age. Any gore that may have been present in these sequences is completely blanketed in an overkill of rapid-fire filmmaking tricks and stunts. So while it may come as a surprise to all 4 (count `em!) of the producers, the jittery camera pans, quick editing, flickering lights and extreme close-ups just make for one unpleasant mess. 9220 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This isn't funny! If I went around saying "Ni" thinking I was some kind of great comedian rather than laugh people would point me towards the nearest lunatic asylum! Try some comedy which actually makes sense like the Vicar of Dibley. 1 For the incredible exciting siege sequence 4513 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 ok 8550 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie. Bronson great as usual 9262 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent. Possibly the funniest movie ever made. Who could forget such a line as "I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of eldeberries." This is a great movie and a great dvd edition that gives it justice. This is completely worth the money. A comedy Classic. My main objection is that the scriptwriter decided she could improve on Charlotte Bronte. Instead of sticking to the words in the book as closely as possible, she completely rewrote the dialogue. What arrogance! The result is that both Rochester and Jane say things that are completely out of character to anyone that's read the book. "I feel your passions are aroused"? I found myself screaming at the screen "he'd never say that!" 8340 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A must for every house to own. A classic for our family. Please read God's story of Joseph, thats in the book of Geneis, in the Holy Bible first, so that you can know Gods true account of Joseph firsthand! This is a awesome, and remarkable true story, of so long ago! 5565 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In my opinion, the best vampire movie ever made. The characters are very personable, the plot (if not original) wildly entertaining, and the music (for 80's fans anyway) nostalgic. The special effects are top-notch, but the movie doesn't rely on them to provide thrills and chills. I'd be lying if I said I didn't I wish I could jump into this movie and be one of the characters. It's that good. Really. 6179 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 It's another bad zombie movie. Compared to the majority of thhe others, the only difference here is the main character is a female. The plot is the same. The action scenes are not engaging. Special effects are so so. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly this arrived. Thanks, Amazon! You're the best resource a film buff could ask for. 8940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie with great quotes. Everyone needs to see this at least once. It's just a flesh wound! The only extras in this DVD is the commentary from director Wolfgang Petersen and trailers for the featurette.. The audio is a lossless soundtrack (DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless). Voices sound very crisp and clear. Sound effects in general are very good. Audiofiles will notice some very rich sounding sections, but also some that are just acceptable. Overall, it is very enjoyable with nice use of surround sound and I think most people will be more than happy with it. I have deducted one star for the technical problems of this DVD set, which have been cited by other reviewers as well. A&E obviously didn't lavish the same attention to detail on the mastering of these discs as the writers, directors, and actors who created the show, and it's a shame. Especially annoying are the little boxes of "digital dither" that appear in the upper right corners of many episodes, plus the nonexistent color correction in others. 3730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic movie,hadn't seen it in awhile still as good as the first time I saw it 7979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful and light hearted film. It is full of great music that is familiar to most of us. All actors are especially well suited to their parts and it is one of Carol Burnett's finest performances. The second disc of CE3K contains the extras which I guess would be gold for fans of the film. The DVD overall is a limited edition and at a price too - I am surprised at the price considering the film isn't that great. I wish someone could enlighten me on why this film is considered a classic. 1146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 two thumbs up! Great watch..the whole dang thing is just great..will watch again with no problem! 9379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL" (Columbia Tristar) is the kind of movie that should come with a pack of Depends because the odds are very high that when you watch it you'll wet yourself. A must see! Although it wasn't especially noticed at the time, 'Bottle Rocket' now looks set to join 'Citzen Kane', 'They Live By Night' and 'Badlands' as one of the great American debuts. It has the spaciousness, generosity, inbuilt mystery, feel for America and stylistic depth that could see it grow. Two opposing themes are prevalent throughout. At one end of the spectrum, society has accepted that science is advanced enough to pinpoint the outcomes of one's destiny from birth to death as well as tell in advance what that person's particular strengths and weaknesses will be. On the other end, however, is one's attempts to show that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that the efforts of constituting a perfect society are misconstrued for they are merely the result of adding those methodical bits and pieces. 9953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I first saw this film a million years ago, it seemed farfetched and exaggerated. Today it's a prophetic surprise. One of the best Blu-ray deals in a while. Not a bad BR, especially if you can get it cheap. 8058 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Fisher King is a representational movie. It makes use of Arthurian legend, and parallels the legend of the Fisher King with the lives of the two main protagonists - Parry (Robin Williams) and Jack (Jeff Bridges). Symbolism and metaphorical techniques are utilisied extensively throughout the film, which makes it an extremely visual experience to watch. However, the symbolism extends beyond the visual plane, to a very psychological one. For example, Parry's creation of a fantastical world full of 'little fat people' and the 'Red Knight', is very much representative of his own mental condition; the fantasy world, minus the Red Knight, represents Parry's acceptance/ignorance of his mental trauma. At the same time the Red Knight is symbolic of the pain and suffering as caused by the trauma itself. 7621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The cutest movie! Marisa Tomei is darling and so unwavering on her beliefs, until the end. Robert Downey, Jr is a doll. I love Bonnie Hunt, how many wives know what she goes through and to be able to take that trip. Ahhhhh! The Italian man is so handsome. And Damon played by (?, I forget his name) is great. This is one of the movies I can run while doing chores, get into it and go away and come back. Too Cute, I love this movie!! 486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this story about Joseph. It's one of my favourite stories in the Old Testament. I felt the actors brought this very important story to life in a manner that was refreshing and interesting. The direction was very good, the costumes inhanced the film, and acting was top notch. I almost forgot that this was a made for TV film. If you're looking for someway to present this story this is a very good way. It's close to Scripture without being confusing and perfect for those who are beginners and delightful for those who aren't. 3631 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best DVD edition that has been released of this film. It has 3 different versions of this movie: Theatrical, Special and Director's Cut. The problem is that there are some altered and edited scenes, that are only shown in their entirety in the Theatrical version. But, the sound and visual quality is perfect on all of them and there's some good bonus features. So, this is totally worth the price. If you haven't seen this movie, see it. 3344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a rare classic indeed, everyone should get this one! 9572 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a great movie. It was different than what I expected at first, but it presented a lot of ideas that were thought provoking, and I haven't seen in any movie since. 2104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is good movie,so exciting! I so love it! This special had the best voice casting of any they made, with Mickey Rooney as the older Santa, Paul Frees as Burgermeister, and Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock. The Mailman's voice and songs were by the great Fred Astaire, and they recreated him perfectly in a mailman figure. There are 6 wonderful songs including the title song, as well as "One Foot in Front of the Other". The Westminster Children's Choir performs as well. Music and lyrics were by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Writing by the great Romeo Muller who worked on so many of their projects. Character design by Paul Coker, and storyboards and continuity by Don Duga as they did on most of the studios specials. Carlos etc. 4226 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 He is good in this one. 1426 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A number of actors have played the part but I like these 2 actors best of all. 1757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie and a lot of highlights that are very interesting. Jeff Daniels does a fine job. 7096 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I purchased these for a teacher in my school district as requested. She has been very happy with them so far. 6234 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Anyone who has watched "The Claim," with Milla Jovavich, and then the "Resident Evil," movies, would have to shake their head a few times and say, Is this the same actress? Well, yes it is. And I like both. In the Claim, a retelling of Thomas Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge, you see MJ give a performance that should of at least netted her an academy award nomination (and she can sing!). But the Academy, being the sink hole it now is, ignored that wonderful movie and the performances in it. Fast forward things a few years, and Milla is kicking tail in better than Tomb Raider style. A business decision on MJ's part? Who knows? But Hollywood can be cruel to women as they age. For my money, it's clear MJ can do anything, and if B-movie Superchick is her choice, then enjoy the ride. According to generally reliable research sources, for example, Geoffrey of Monmouth (about 1100-1155 A.D.) recorded Arthur as a High-King of Britain. He was the son of his predecessor, Uther Pendragon and nephew of King Ambrosius. As a descendant of High-King Eudaf Hen's nephew, Conan Meriadoc, Arthur's grandfather, had crossed the Channel from Brittany and established the dynasty at the beginning of the 5th century. The Breton King Aldrien had been asked to rescue Britain from the turmoil in which it found itself after the Roman administration had departed. He sent his brother, Constantine, to help. Constantine appears to have been the historical self-proclaimed British Emperor who took the last Roman troops from Britain in a vain attempt to assert his claims on the Continent in 407. Chronologically speaking, it is just possible he was King Arthur's grandfather. Arthur's Breton Ancestry was recorded by Gallet. 5 stars...don't miss it. 9085 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you haven't watched this movie, you've been living under a rock for most of your life. British comedy at it's best. Family favorite. 1197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Look great and sound good.....the final season....tv isn't this cool anymore Humans have the drive to aspire, to reach for more. That's what this movie show cases. The settings work with the intricacies of the plot, the small things are cleverly used in the larger story and the while the ending wasn't what I expected the scenes leading up to the climax were excellent. I did notice more details the second and third time I watched it. listen, but, to tell the truth, I didn't even know what "Gattaca" refers to. I think it's the Stephen Geoffreys plays Evil Ed, with his annoying voice and his nerdy looks, he pretty much steals alot of the show with his antics. My dad rented this movie because we somehow stumbled upon talking about this movie when discussing war, well that's only logical I guess given the context of this film. 3790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is another one of Steven Spielberg's innocent looks at children and aliens, as in ET. This classic is a superior example of good filmmaking, with its rather thin plot overshadowed by its wonderful direction and Richard Dreyfuss' marvelous performance. Also note the fine support from Teri Garr and Melinda Dillon; their presence gives the movie a foundation of family ideals. The scene where Dreyfuss makes his mashed potatoes into a replica of Devil's Peak is still one of the most memorable in science fiction films. John Williams' score is as always impeccable and the effects state of the art. A lot doesn't really "happen" in the movie, but its view of friendly aliens and contact with we earthlings still gives it classic status. Frankly, it's hard to think of Camelot now without rhyming it with "I have to push the PRAM-A-LOT" and the line of tap-dancing knights. This movie is lodged in the American brain, and it ain't budging soon... 7020 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just got back from seeing "Resident Evil". The theater was packed with college kids out for a good time on a Saturday night. They sure got it. I was pleasantly surprised by how the movie managed to consistently dish out screams, laughs, and action-packed roller-coaster thrills. It's not Shakespeare, but it was a really entertaining movie. 8106 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My girls loved the story and never trier of watching it. they were 4 & 5 when I purchased it. Now they are 6 & 7 and still love it. It's worth a buy if you watched it and liked it. If you didn't watch it, just rent it, and see if you like it... 5090 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was easy to see that Robert Deniro was going to be an amazing actor from this film. I caught most of his movies from the 80's and 90's so he was a seasoned actor by then. In Taxi Driver you could see the rawness and hunger in him. Loved it. Other than that I don't know what to say about a movie that seems to go out of its way to demonize a young girl who, by all contemporary accounts, was literally a living saint. A wonderful film, but this edition is UNACCEPTABLE! This version comes with some great bonus features: The commercial that inspired the coconuts idea, the sites for the castle shots, and some random ones as well. One of my favorites would have to be on the first disc, where you click on the bonus features and someone says, "Please insert the second disc." Then 5 seconds later you hear, "No, into the DVD player," and you hear someone zipping his pants up! 6428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Item arrived before expected delivery date and in condition promised. Would definitely recommend this seller! 497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVED this movie. It was very well made and held my interest from beginning to end. As to the Lego edition - sheer maniacal brilliance. Like A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM you will miss funny things if you don't watch it multiple times; Unlike FORUM it is not due to editing but do to little backround things that are easy to miss. I think three viewings minimum are necessary to catch all of the backround stuff. Of course if you are not Leonard Malton then you will watch this movie three times out of sheer pleasure. If you haven't bought it yet, shame on you! Don't you know that people are starving in the BBC residuals department! 3768 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is definitely one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever. Steven Spielberg has given us many Sci-Fi movies and his first is still arguably his best. The "Collector Edition" of Close Encouters of the Third Kind presents us with the third version of the 1977 hit. 9399 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The grand opus of Monty Python, a goofy gang of guys who invented the most skewed comedy routines in the world. Rather than a series of individual spoofs, this movie is a long spoof based on Arthurian legend; specifically, the legend of the Holy Grail. Somehow, these six guys not only produced a low-budget movie, but cast themselves in multiple (many multiple) roles throughout it and still maintained a hilarious result! 8632 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Typical Charles Bronson movie. A few uses of profanity that should have been left out. on this blu ray compared to any other DVDs. 360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 all good ty Steel Magnolias is an artifice - a fictional Southern Universe where all the women are strong and funny and compassionate and lovable despite their flaws. It's the kind of fictional universe where the characters are named M'Lynn, Truvy, Ouiser (pronounced "Wheezer"), Annelle, Clairee and Shelby. In my extensive travels in the south I have met one Shelby, and no real people with these other names. I also have not met a Drum, Spud or Jackson. But the writing, which is funny from the opening wedding to the final funeral, is crisp and delivered with relish by the above-mentioned crew. 6788 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Resident Evil was fascinating as a visual, technical piece but overall empty as a movie. And as a horror movie, there were no thrills, no jumps, no real scares. I anticipated every zombie, mutant doggie jummping out from corners. Most of all, I kept wondering why Milla Jovovich, who is such a good actress, deliverd such a flat and emotionaless performance. But what still impresses is that "Close encounters" manages to remain intelligent even if you see it today. That might sound 5080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0
"I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people." -Travis Bickle 3) "The Hour That Never Was" Steed visits his old RAF airbase in Hamlin. Hats of Martin scorsese for his amazing direction (and acting in his short role in the film. Maybe he triggers the malevolent side of Taxi driver in the movie !) 9678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watched this 10 times and never gets old! 1539 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BBC has filmed a couple of versions (a 248 minute job in 1973, and a 311-minute version ten years later) of "Jane Eyre" before. Due to their greater length, both of those are much more closely stitched to the text. If you're a stickler for fidelity, you'll probably want to direct your attention thither. 3815 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). Rated PG. 5595 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The effects may be a bit off by the standards of the 21st century but when this movie came out there were good, not great, but good. Chris Sarandon is an excellent vampire and Roddy MacDowell is good in almost anything. Interesting twists on some vampire legends. I think it has few plot holes and I was never bored with it. Can't say the same for it poor sequel. My favorite line from the movie is: "you have to have faith; it doesn't work if you don't have faith" because I think that gets to a core truth of the legends and of religion. 4310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's sad to think that 18 years after its release Last Action Hero is still trying to find its target audience. Audiences don't like smart movies. Or perhaps I should say audiences don't like to be OUTSMARTED by movies. In the summer of 1993 the world was going crazy for a certain dinosaur movie, almost everything else didn't stand a chance. LAH came out a week after Jurassic Park. The only people who really went to see it were those who were too late for sold-out screenings of Spielberg's movie. Bad word of mouth spread for many reasons. 4936 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 STUPID ! The story of Joan is inspiration in a world where womans' are considered weaker. 2570 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 fun and sad look at life. What really offended me about The Messenger was the dialogue, which in many places is simply ludicrous. There is plenty of 90's colloquialism and plenty of medieval cliche, but very little authentic sounding conversation reflecting the status relationships between French nobility (and royalty) and peasants. At the same time, there are some cheap, Keystone coppish antics in which the ostensible army leaders bumble like the Three Stooges, while Joan takes some implausible action. In these respects, at least, The Messenger demonstrates that the Hollywood lowest common denominator can be at home on the Continent as well. This sort of triviality really disappoints me, as I think it did a lot to mediocratize another film which should have been very good, Mel Gibson's Patriot. All in all, what is frustrating is that this could also have been a very worthy effort, perhaps memorable, but fails because the whole was far less than the sum of the parts. The supplements are thorough for any fan, and include: 6909 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've loved it! Jack Nicholson stands out as one of the friends they meet; while the beautiful Karen black & Toni Basil star as two prostitutes in New Orleans. I wonder if Martin is a psychologist. Mind-blowing acting by De Niro. Slow motion camera at its best. Travels deep into the mind of lonely man and his dangerous transition into sociopath. The camera and motifs are enough to do this job. Full of motifs - Empty hallway and 'You talking to me'. Depressing story of a lonely man who finds self-esteem in rescuing a underage teenager and by killing a aspiring political leader. However the movie doesn't tell why this young man becomes psychopath in the end. May his war past ? The violence in the end is disturbing ! The guy has Sczhiotypal personality traits and some type of paranoid delusions (other are out there to get others) possibly. 7571 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie. Of course anything directed by Clint Eastwood is good but I rate this one as excellent. Sure you will enjoy it too. Downstairs we are privy to the lives of the servants in the Bellamy household. First and foremost is the devout, inflexible and regimental head butler, Angus Hudson, the staff overlord. Then there is the curmudgeonly but good-hearted cook, Mrs. Bridges. Other memorable characters include the efficient but sheltered head house/parlour maid, Rose Buck; the religious but simple footman, Alfred; his successor, the good-natured Edward, who has something of an eye for the female staff; the not-overly-bright scullery maid, Emily, and her successor and intellectual equal, Ruby; and Lady Margery's prim and snobbish lady's maid, Miss Roberts. Of course, one simply cannot forget the sassy, vivacious new under house/parlour maid, Sarah (Pauline Collins), who is a real dreamer and schemer, or the new chauffeur, Thomas (John Alderton--Collins' real-life husband), who is nobody's fool! Like the family upstairs, the downstairs "family" too has its share of comings and goings, what with lovers, marriages, deaths, hirings, and firings. 1219 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 As a major fan of the original series I watched this move about 15 years ago and hated it. Today I thought maybe I was in a bad mood that day, but no, it is that horrid. There simply is nothing here. A pathetic Steed for sure. It is all imitative and it fails. There is no plot. After seeing it twice I still have no clue who Sean Connery was supposed to be or what it was all about. The Emma Peel clone is pure stupidity and just wastes all the screen time. I can't understand why anybody thought anybody would like this. Complete failure. 7830 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes the movie is filmed in beautiful Montana - though I do not recall any winter scenes and those must be part of what formed young boys growing up there. Equally cold should be the religious view. This is somewhat reflected in the house. It can be especially seen in the contrast between the family of the future bride (why not see the wedding?) Methodists ("Baptists that can read") and that of the groom - Presbyterians. This might have played out somewhat like the contrast between families in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". But this does not seem to be the main point. The main contrast is between brothers. Suppose the one has religion and the other has fishing. One becomes a professor: the news sends mom into a most embarrassing explosion of joy. The other wants to be a professional fly fisherman - but there is no such profession. This frustration leads to the conflict in Paul who clearly is not full of joy with anything else he does. Booze and a wonderfully though too briefly developed character of an Indian woman - (if only she could have played a bigger role in more ways than one!) are all that keep Paul from the deep end - even Presidents don't consider fishing with enough seriousness. "What are you going to catch them with?" "The end of my line." Fishing might hold all the answers - especially if you listen to the voices under the rocks - but society demands something more and Paul can not manage this. For any parent that worries about losing one - or several - how do you know they are saved? - this is a mortal dilemma. Yes, we can love them completely even without understanding, but is this a flaw in Presbyterianism? Is that a sufficiently emotional religious connection with the divine in man? Baptists lose some of their own too - and to the same things. "Why do the ones who need help the most refuse to take the help they are offered?" (I am sure I did not get that quote correctly but it is close...) Good question. The film is ultimately a powerful film and the acting is top notch and Brad Davis just shined in this film. He was incredible playing the part of Billy Hayes and it was a role that consumed him even when near the end of the filming of "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS". But his performance made "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" so believable in that despite what he did to receive prison time, we sympathize with him when he is tortured and is told that his four year sentence has been overturned and he would be getting a life sentence. Don't miss this master piece And though most of these questions are answered with what amounts to a cinematic shrug, it is done in a knowing, wink-wink kind of fashion, as if the filmmakers are well aware that no solutions are being provided, and that it's only important that the viewer ponder the paradox. In other words: "think for yourself." with most of the cast & crew- 42min 7185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 outstanding it is peobaly how some ophan homes are conduct 4776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I missed it when it was in theaters, and this was my first time watching it. I'd read about the production in Julia Philips's book, You'll Never Eat Lunch in this Town Again", and had to see it. 3123 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Get your motor runnin'. . . . " was more than the opening theme song of this the creation of two then little known counter culturalists, Hopper and Fonda, and their sidekick Nicholson. You have to remember when this was created, the summer of 1969 to 1970, we were faced with all sorts of stains on the theme of America, or as Codeleesa Rice once quipped, America with 'its birth defects.' John Mortimer, who I once met at Foyles Book Shop in London, was a genius. He was an experienced Barrister and used this vast experience to write characters and Court Room cases that are so true to life. Series 1 and 2 are focused on the law and the legal process. Rumpole is portrayed by Leo McKern to be more legalistic and less comical than in series 3 to 7. I personally think series 4 is perfection with absolutely the right balance between comedy and legal drama. The development by Bill Fraser of the "Mad Bull" was genius to Rumpole's anti establishment character. There are better films by almost any measuring stick. Most importantly, there are better road films: Sugarland Express and Vanishing Point, to name just two from the era. Counterculture biker film? The Wild One. For a progressive exercise in filmmaking techniques, Citizen Kane had it beat by almost thirty years. And if all you want is a young Jack Nicholson on his way to acting superstardom, there's always the diner scene in Five Easy Pieces. 2434 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great ....F. Mexican Interviews (7 minutes) Marty Feldman, Gene Wilder and Cloris Leachman are in costume in these short interviews filmed with a Mexican host. Feldman explains that his "hump" is a "pregnant pad" someone found in the stock department. 5252 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Travis Bickle (De Niro) is an ex-Marine with a problem, he cannot sleep. So, he gets a job driving a taxi in the New York night. He is a man without fear so he will go anywhere anytime and of course, this means that he always sees the worst of the city. 7620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great chemistry here! 1258 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just because I don't write a comprehensive review doesn't mean my rating is less important. Bronson is never to everyone's taste however if you enjoy tough,reality driven entertainment 7630 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved the movie when I was younger so wanted to watch it again. Love the scenery and love watching the fly fishing but it wasn't as good as I remembered it being. Twelve Chairs, The 7493 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A really interesting story of an early 20th century preacher and his wife and 2 sons whom he brought up loving fly fishing. The family grew up in Montana. 5496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is a typical 80s teenger movie. Kids having sex. Bad things go wrong. Mom and dad are either clueless or out of sight. Anyway, it shows some 80s design if you want to talk that walk back. But the plot is pretty solid. And the one little guy who turns into a vampire . . . is the best!! More recently The Lego Movie also shows similar parallel realities: the toy perspective reality and the god-like perspective of the child playing with them. I thought it was so funny. The first time I saw it I laughed so very hard at some parts. There is some silly comedy that is bordering on dumb but that's what comedy movies must do, strive for any laugh no matter how small. It;s hard not to love these characters even the bit roles. 4171 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE LAST ACTION HERO IT'S ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGERS BEST COMEDY Thanks candpfoote 4048 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well, obviously Julia Roberts and the great Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris are going to give stellar performances in every movie. This movie was great and I loved it. For all those who felt sorry for the mother, remember they pointed out SHE kicked HIM out for working so hard, and of course the houses that both live in are fantasy places that only multimillionaires could afford. But there you go--if you are going to get this rich you have to work around the clock, it's just a fact of life. It comes down to two women who were excellent in their roles and I loved the fact that the director forced us to feel annoyed and love both characters in their own way. It's really well worth picking up at a garage sale or renting from the library. The kids played brilliantly and I am truly surprised that they did not become stars as adults. For all of you who complained that the 12 year old girl was annoying, you must not be around 12 year old girls. They are beginning puberty and they are ALL difficult and annoying even without faced with these heartbreaking situations. Well worth a look. 9983 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I rate this film excellent! I do not know if it proves that we have a soul as others suggest, but it does present some very good ideas about the future. After all, "science fiction is not the future, it's a twisted view of the present." If you like this be sure to grab the soundtrack as well, which is impeccable at recreating the scenes you see in the movie. 6418 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is absolutely stunning from beginning to end. It is cinematography at its very best... Most everything has already been said here, but I am amazed at the reviews that say the movie varies from the book... Of course, a movie can never include all of the description and detail of a book, especially one written by Pat Conroy, but Ms. Streisand does a remarkable job of following Mr. Conroy's story and portraying the emotion and deep impact of the events. It is an abomination that Ms. Streisand was not nominated for an Academy Award as Best Director or Best Actress when the movie received so many other awards. How does one make a movie of this caliber and not receive a nomination for directing?!? The second half of the movie is the more emotional of the two, however, as the family, who is just beginning to enjoy life, find their son and bring him back home. There is an unmistakable truth in what occurs emotionally between the two brothers, Vincent and Ben, who goes by Sam. Vincent, who has just begun to gain the attention he never got from his parents, feels threatened by the presence of Ben, and does everything he can to make his long-lost sibling feel unwelcome. This, accompanied by the emotional baggage toted by the family in their struggle to be happy together all conspire to make the movie more heartfelt, warming and true. Making a long story short (too late), Bottle Rocket is in my top 10 films of all time. All the characters are just so rich and fleshed out that I find it irresistible to come back and continue to watch and enjoy there little quirks and mannerisms. I just find it amazing that all of the newcomers (Wes, Owen, Luke, and Bob Musgrave) met each other (obviously Owen and Luke didn't meet up, haha), created this masterwork, and now are all famous and successful (not so much Bob). This film gets my absolute highest recommendation if you have yet to see it. I urge you to watch it multiple times though so you can really catch the genius and depth of the characters. Also, check out Wes Anderson's other movies, especially The Royal Tenenbaums, which also delves deep into it's characters and is considered by many to be a near masterpiece. 2538 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie 8062 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Firstly, it's totally unacceptable that it's not in 2.35.1. You see more, and so you should. Secondly, it's probably one of the worst movie musicals ever made. One star for Carol Burnett, and one for Ann Reinking's all too brief dancing. I like the 'We've got Annie' dance number, even though it's completely out of the wrong period that the film is set in. The film though, in trying to blow a paper thin stage show up with a third rate score into an elephantine extravaganza, completely loses what little charm the show had. But many people love it, so I'm happy for them. 9632 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 With the star studded cast I expected far better. 9321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you've never seen Monty Python before, this is the definitive starting point to all their movies. Actually, they are all great and I have a hard time deciding which one is my favorite, but this one is tops... If you are already a Monty Python fan and don't already own this, what are you waiting for??? For those who lack a funny bone, dislike tasteless humor or can't understand British Comedy, stick to Comedy Central, you can't be helped here. Indeed, a very disturbing movie, which paints a bleak picture of our (immediate) future, and which stops short of saying what the silent majority already knows: 4082 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Stepmom has a pretty good cast Given the right project and a director who cares about getting the best out of her. stepmom Starring Julia Roberts(Isabel) and Susan Sarandon{Jackie) as a couple of women who fight for the hearts and minds Stepmom is also about two strong independent women and apparent polar opposites who must find a way to connect. When Jackie discovers she is terminally ill and Isabel's relationship with Luke becomes serious, both women realize they must put aside their differences to save a family. The questions don't have easy answers: How do you hold a family together when the person who has been the rock, the most solid center of that unit one could imagine, gets sick Can another person take her place? 7911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 THE FILM: While not the absolute best I've seen from Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges or Terry Gilliam, THE FISHER KING is still wonderful tale of friendship, love, and loss. Jeff Bridges plays Jack Lucas, a rather callous shock jock who makes an offhand remark that influences a listener to commit a murder-suicide. Robin Williams is Parry, a homeless man whose life was severely affected by that act. As the film progresses, the two of them come together and help each other deal with loss in their own ways. While the theme of loss, and accepting it in order to move on, is a subject that's been shown many times in film, Terry Gilliam finds a way to make it seem fresh with his wit and unmistakable cinematic style, even though it's toned down here considerably. Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams also give outstanding performances that are properly nuanced and full of emotional depth. There is also several really funny scenes which showcase Robin Williams gift for humor, despite not being as manic as he can be. Here, his "insanity" is a cover for some deeply held emotion regarding his past (not unlike many comics in real life whose gift for humor masks very real pain). Jeff Bridges also has pain of his own, in the form of guilt over that incident which resulted from his on-air comment. The journey on which these two go, represented in Parry's mind by a quest for a holy grail (Monty Python?) was fascinating and gripping. Gilliam also gets to indulge in some fantastical imagery, as Parry imagines himself a knight with an evil, fiery Red Knight in pursuit of him. However, despite whatever trappings the story might come in, the performances are what make the film. Also of note is Mercedes Ruehl, who also turns in an outstanding showing as Jack's live-in girlfriend (technically, he's her live-in boyfriend). I read online that she won a Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance, and from what I witnessed she definitely deserved it. If there's one issue I take with the story, it's that it perpetuates the movie stereotype of the wise and wacky homeless man, even though Robin Williams plays it so well. There were also a few scenes that could have been trimmed. But overall, it was a pleasantly satisfying experience that spoke to me on a personal level, and that I enjoyed watching. 9526 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good themes, good plot, good acting with good emotional content. My kind of movie. Ethan Hawke excellent as always. it's been 40years since the film was released in Cinemas that's why 5163 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Short and Sweet, DeNiro, Scorsese, Foster, Kietel, Sheppard and others are brought together to mak the best character study ever, it is slow but intriguing and superbly directed, it captures the characteristics of madness and sleaze and you can relate to Travis Bickle (DeNiro) in every way, even though he is a raging lunatic who his quite contempt to blowing a few pimp's heads off. It is superbly performed and pulled of and that is why it deserves its five stars and recognition. 2060 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 a brilliant and bold story is very entertaining, and Mr. Ford provided great performance which had held this movie up to rather height. The Messenger concentrates too much on special effects and the action factor of war. Joan is dismissed as a saint in this movie and merely portrayed as an insane woman who pretty much got lucky with people listening to her rants. I have never been so disgusted in my life with a biopic, which is usually what we expect -- a factual version of a historical figure. My recommendation is to SKIP this... and look up an older version of the movie or check out PBS' website for information on specials of Joan of Arc -- they care more about facts than special effects and shock value... 2889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A 3837 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "We are not alone!" screamed the ads when "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was first released to theaters in 1977. After about 95 minutes of ponderous suburban angst, the viewer indeed discovered they had a friend or two in the skies. I'm not a fan of theatre and so I don't speak to the reviews of fans of the Broadway musical other than to say that they tend to go the route of the book people who never let films be just a film. 7315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie and have for years! 7442 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Wasn't what I was expecting. The unsettling tale of one man's collapse into psychosis is made human and connectable to the audience thanks to Paul Shrader's(sp?) wonderful script. None of the events in his life that inspired the story, mentioned extensively in the truly-worthy new and old DVD extras, make it into the movie, but the important issue - the lonliness we all feel and have to deal with - does. Travis may be losing his mind and heading for a nuclear-sized explosion, but we can relate to him by how alone he feels. 5709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just plain fun for Milla Jovovich fans Rigg came along and made Emma Peel a character that will go down in the hall of fame. She is as popular today, if not more so. So when she left--to do as Blackman did -- go on to be a Bond girl, Steed had to have another partner. Enter Tara King. She gorgeous full figure Canadian with eyes to do for. They tried to play on her more feminine side (and with horrid fashions). Seriously, the clothes designers for Tara needs shooting. For the most part, they couldn't design more dumpy look clothes. They stuffed her in a series of wigs - some very bad - so point one, she was fighting an uphill battle. Also, the scripts were not as sharp. Even so Tara is charming and a pleasure to watch. 855 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My grandson loves it!!!! Of course, in the ending, we do see the true core of the truth with a psychopath/narcissist: if they give you a gift, you will pay three times more for it than what it is worth. At first, Travis Bickle is REWARDED for his "actions" that prove him to be a psychopath/narcissist and this same truth about him does not show him being held accountable. The ending, while I will not spoil it, saves this from being taken any farther (pay close, close attention all the way to the very last credit--and I mean the very last credit), and the intention--challenging Americans to think about the way society rewards such villains (in the case of a fictional character like Travis Bickle, antiheroes) like the would-be assassins of President Ford who, after nearly making America suffer through another tragedy, ended up on the cover of Time Magazine (one of the special features confirms this)!--has a great message and purpose to it, even if young people of this generation will not be able to recall it. 3890 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Before the show was sullied by the addition of Cheryl Ladd, Shelly Hack and Tanya Roberts, it was an unlikely example of both feminisim (women working together to save each other from abuse) and anti-feminism (the bad woman is still butch and grotesque). YOU MAY EVEN CATCH YOURSELF SINGING SOME OF THE WORDS! 2432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie 4980 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The films are great, but I thought the book would be comparable to the awesome book included in the Planet of the Apes Collection. Not the case, not a lot to the book, I would recommend getting the films only collection if the price is less. Rule #2--to make a successful show to screen transfer, the numbers have to be shot in a fantasy style. Sounds corny, but I'm telling you--it works (See the modern version of "Pennies From Heaven." As gritty as the storyline is, it works as a musical precisely because the numbers are shot so unrealistically). When you shoot a musical in a completely realistic style, no matter how good it is it will never have the magical feel that makes musicals feel so special; the film will just look like a regular movie with a bunch of dopes singing out of context for no reason. That's exactly what happens here. There's no magic or charm in this "Annie," although the cast had enough of it. Oh, well--what a shame--this could have been better than it was. 9718 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great Sci-fi film! It was made in 1997 but is still very relevant and forecasts the newest science and technological advances we have made today and have yet to see in the future. Realistic and intense. A must see! amazingly smart and funny young Allen capturing the spirit of cinema 4319 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Hi Folks, 1801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an incredible and accurate portrayal of Washington's Crossing the Delaware, and his remarkable defeat 5125 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The 1970's are widely regarded as perhaps the most artistically exciting era in film, and "Taxi Driver" stands as one of the finest films of that great period and 30 years later, "Taxi Driver" is still Scorsese's best film and one of the greatest films of all time. If, for whatever reason, you have any interest in films at all and still haven't seen "Taxi Driver", don't put it off another day. Although the last half-hour does reflect certain conventions of Hollywood dramas ("Terms of Endearment" comes to mind, a little bit anyway), STEPMOM never falls into cliche` territory. It deals with the situation bravely, and doesn't lose its step. By the end of the film, I felt like I knew these characters and cared about them, because they contained aspects of real people I have known. I love this movie more than my luggage. 2): Clip compilation: Resident Evil: Apocalypse the first 20mins is the 2 Video clips plus an interview with J Geils band The world has become a toilet to Travis Bickle. Out of this filth appears a flower of virtue that nothing can touch--a young gorgeous campaign-volunteer named Betsy played by Cybill Shepherd. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Driving a cab at night, all Travis sees are whores; however, Betsy's incorruptible, and she alone can redeem mankind. She allows him to take her on a date. Though awkward, he says all the right things. He takes her to the theater to see a movie--a porno flick. Horrified and offended, she hails a cab and leaves him on the sidewalk. Travis is stunned. At that moment, a whore saunters by. They pause to gaze at each other--she is his mirror; they are one and the same. Watch this one when you have time to sit through the whole thing. You won't want to stop for anything. Brad Pitt is out of control. Gambling, bootlegging, etc. The movie is really about the good and bad of things that go on through the families life. Great movie. 935 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I gave it four stars, what else is important? This whole idea that you MUST add words to a review makes me not want to bother. 2523 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sad movie, but funny and overall. 8617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Simply great and timeless 9757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie! It has been a family favorite for years. We have always liked the underdog getting ahead type film. Add genetically enhanced humans and the idea a typical sick one can keep up and you have a really great movie! Most of the rest of the movie is involved with trying to maintain identity long enough to manage take off. Complicating matters are a Columbo-style detective (Alan Arkin), a love interest (Uma Thurman) and his brother from his old life. In the end it comes down to a simple idea. Many of the haves know a have-not (be it a child, sibling or whatever) who they have had to abandon and our hero represents the one ray of hope that these people can have. So just as he is discovered, the discoverers each have a reason to not turn him in and he begins the mission to Titan. 7770 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 beautiful nature - the movie is just ok - wouldn't recommend it - pretty boring at times - had to fast forward it. And now, the infamous "ending". Can it really be called an ending, or is it just the beginning of the next chapter? (or even the end of one) Personally, i didn't really like it, but only if there isn't another film. If there is another film, the it fits. Don't expect CGI's or fancy SF stuff but a good story. It has been announced that a Resident Evil 2 is in the works already and will star Milla Jovovich and Eric Mabius who will play the "Nemesis". Resident Evil ends somewhere within PS1 Resident Evil 2 and 3. You have to remember that in the PS1 Resident 3, PS1 Resident Evil 2 took place when Jill Valentine was injurned and poisened by the Nemesis. Two other characters from the game will be showing up in Resident Evil 2. Gina Phillips will be cast as Claire Redfield and Natasha Henstridge will be cast as Jill Valentine. This is going to be interesting to see them together on the screen when they never really met in the Playstation Game Series Resident Evil. We know that Claire was in Raccoon City looking for her brother Chris and Jill Valentine was attempting to get out of Raccoon City Alive. I sure can't wait to see how Paul Anderson will bring this movie together in Resident Evil 2. If you are a fan of Resident Evil, I know you can't wait too! 2190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the best movie ever, hands down. "A River Runs Through It," a historical drama that begins around 1912 and carries through 1938, feels more like a combination of poetry and painting than film-making in any usual sense. I've seen it twice, once when it came out and again recently. I appreciated it more in my 50s than I did when I'd just turned 30, but still can't totally love it. But the most compelling, heartfelt scene was when Edward ,who was now, a scarred and broken man, with tears rolling down his face, with still so much love for Jane, while Jane helded him in her arms! It makes you wonder how it would feel, to be loved that way! I so love happy endings, and Jane and Edward finally had one! 5139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great motion picture. No point going into the plot; you know what it's about. Love the late 70's fashion, photography, interior design and music. This movie has some terrific disco tunes. 2823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Always good to see this movie over and over. in one of his earliest works as a director, captures perfectly the lonliness and despair of street life in NYC. Jodie Foster, This is one of Steven Spielbergs first films, and was very successful. At the time their was a lot of interest in UFOs in the mainstream. The special effects in this movie are stunning, and the UFOs look amazing. There is also a small romance undercurrent present. The film is open ended and has a lot to be interpreted, letting us use our imagination to build upon the story's conclusion. Kids and adults will enjoy this film, but there is some profanity. Any fan of science fiction absolutely needs to see this film. 4 stars. Check it out. 5571 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Director: Tom Holland i feel regret. Rumpole is always for the defense - even in the later story of 'Rumpole for the Prosecution', in which Rumpole is hired to conduct a private prosecution, he manages to provide through his searching for the truth the best defence for the defendant. Rumpole, it seems, will never be anything but the champion for the defence. 2726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This rocked my world in 1991 during the Gulf War. F/X-wise, the full-scale Blue Thunder chopper itself is pretty impressive but sadly outdated in today's real world of ultra-sophisticated gunships like the Apache & Cobra, and their Super versions. Still at the time this came out, it was a cool yet also frightening concept: something that could blow away most anything in the air and at the same time be capable of silently hovering undetected outside your window and stealthily recording everything you say & do. Big Brother in the air? Scary stuff - and rather prophetic. (Although the airborne eyes & ears that we must contend with and worry about today are tiny remote-controlled drones rather than huge manned gunships.) The movie's SFX miniatures look good but the optical composite work is rather lacking; (the shots of the Air Force jets are kinda lame). They work well enough to service the story, and if you've gotten into the movie and are rooting for Frank during the film's tense, climactic airborne confrontation then the jet F/X wonkiness won't even matter. Some nudity and violence makes this an R-rated film. Recommended. 7431 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Very slow, pointless at times........seemed to be going aimlessly down the river. Really, as much as I have gone on about them, the negatives are slight in comparison to the overwhelming positive air surrounding Annie. I watched it religiously as a child and the wonder still hasn't worn off on me today. I pop it in regularly when I need a pick-me-up. Now first of all, I have to say, for the life of me, I just couldn't develop any sympathy for the main character. Let's face it...he was a criminal, got caught, and sent to prison. Here's a tip for the youngsters out there...if you are planning to commit a crime, especially in a foreign country, it's probably a good idea to research the consequences, specifically how much jail time is involved if you get caught (for instance smuggling drugs in Turkey will get you a life sentence). The film seemed to spend a lot of time focusing on the brutal and sadistic conditions within the prison, and trying to give the audience justification for Billy's need to escape (that was the way I saw it), but again, he committed a crime, and got caught, so I still found it extremely difficult to feel sad for Billy. Just because he was an American, he shouldn't be bound by whatever laws exist in the particular country he's in? I don't think so...I did think Brad Davis did a great job caught up in forces he didn't understand. I thought John Hurt was good as Max, a perpetually drugged out Englishman in prison with Billy, but I didn't feel he was Academy Award good. I did think Randy Quaid was really good as another prisoner named Jimmy Booth, a constantly angry man whose entire existence seemed to be based on devising a means to escape from prison (his crime was stealing two candlesticks from mosque, a very serious, and stupid, crime, apparently). So how much of the story was real and how much of it was exaggerated? I suppose only Billy knows, but I think there is a clear message here, and it's not that people shouldn't visit Turkey. No, I the message I got was don't commit crimes in Turkey, or any other country, for that matter. Having to go to prison sucks, and I am sure the quality of life within these prisons varies greatly, but regardless, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Pure and simple. Ultimately, as far as prison films go, this is a gripping, sometimes harsh to view yarn, but not the best one I've ever seen. One of the best, in my opinion, is Papillon (1973), starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman, which, oddly enough, is also based on a true story. and bare knuckles drawing blood,you will absolutely love this. 685 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE STORY: Starting off with a newsreel on the children of the world preparing for a visit from Santa Claus, we meet a mailman named Special Delivery Kluger. After some introductory comments from the mailman, who delivers to the North Pole in a snowcat type vehicle, we see the credits spelled out on mail envelopes, with a stamp representing the actor listed. Inside the envelopes are question from children around the world about Santa. "Where did Santa's suit come from?", and more, so that the show can proceed to show where Santa got his start and why things are the way they are. In a sad vilage named Sombertown, ruthlessly run by the Burgermeister Meisterberger, toys are outlawed. On the other side of the mountain, elves are raising a human orphan boy, learned in the ways of toymaking. But a scary Winter Warlock has prevented them from delivering toys across the mountain. Whenthe boy grows up he is givent he name Kris Kringle, and he determines to deliver the toys. Arriving there he meets Ms. Jessica and falls in love, but Kris is arrested for the toys. After his escape he runs into the Winter Warlock, and must find a way to deal with him if he is going to deliver toys. Without giving any plot away, Kris has to find creative ways to smeak the toys to the children and avoid being captured again by the soldiers. Along the way we see how traditions like hanging stockings, using the chimney, delivering at night, making reindeer fly, and a nice/naughty list got their start. Resident Evil is without a doubt an influence of DAWN OF THE DEAD. But RESIDENT is DAWN without gore. And that is a definite flaw. A good zombie film or a good horror film disturbs--it is suppose to make you sick. And when this sickness is combined with a serious approach storytelling and good acting, what you end up is usually a unique film or simply put, a classic. I remember when I first saw Dawn of the Dead, it had a good serious story, serious acting, and unforgettable sickness--head exposions, zombie bites, flesh eating, etc.--which made the film unique at the time. Although gore is considered by many as bad taste, a zombie film along with good serious storytelling and acting must have it in order for it to be a zombie masterpiece or a zombie art film. Resident Evil lacks the zombie gore. Travis Bickle (Robert Deniro) is a loner cab driver who loves working the night shift due to his insomnia. During the course of his rounds, he becomes obsessed with a young political operative, Betsy (Cybil Shepherd). He is a rather strange guy and ends up taking her to a porn movie on their date. After this bizarre behavior, she wants nothing to do with him. Unfortunately, he is obsessing on her. The story begins with a young woman, Annelle Dupuy (Daryl Hannah), who is new to the Lousiana town and planning to work as a beautician for Truvy Jones (Dolly Parton), whose husband Spud Jones (Sam Shepard) is an often out-of-work contractor. Impressed with her abilities, Truvy hires Annelle and they receive their first customers of the day: the wealthy widow Clairee Belcher (Olympia Dukakis), the responsible mother M'Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field), her engaged daughter Shelby (Julia Roberts) and the eccentric/antisocial divorcee Ouiser Boudreaux (Shirley MacLaine). Since one of the activities that most of the ladies enjoy doing is gossiping, when Ouiser begins to interrogate Annelle about her life, everyone is all ears as Annelle explains her troubled marriage and vanished husband. Shelby then invites Annelle to come to her wedding, which Annelle does and meets a man who becomes very interested in her: Sammy Desoto (Kevin J. O'Connor). Shelby's new husband is Jackson Latcherie (Dylan McDermott), and her outspoken father, Drum Eatenton (Tom Skerritt), often enjoys teasing Ouiser about her aging dog. Shelby suffers from diabetes, but is determined to live as much of a normal life as possible, even when it comes into conflict with M'Lynn's concerns for her health. 4804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good movie 7799 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 To weird for me. Didn't understand most of it. Best performances by Jude Law and Uma Therman. Alan Arkin too. overall its a great movie and a must see and turn out the lights grab some popcorn get ready for some good fun. 9845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I showed this to 5 classes of freshman Biology students, and on the whole, they loved it. Some of them had a hard time following the story, but I think that had more to do with their two-second attention span than it did with the quality of the story. Harrison Ford 2334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love the new superbit collection dvds. Criterion collection a vista are both doing a great job in creating movie viewing pleasure Through extras, picture and sound but superbit is coming back with some strong DVD's. The sound is so strong and tight. Utilization of every field of sound leds to an experience you will not forget. I've watched this movie ten or more times before the superbit. Now I haved added to this number greatly. Wolfgang Peterson has made one of those few movies that make you happy for watching it. Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman did a fantasic job with each character. All I can say is watch it on the superbit and you can thank me later. Does this mean another RE movie? We can only hope. So if you've seen this in the theatre and liked it, pick it up, the bonuses are worth it. If you've seen the first, but missed the second, pick it up also. And if you don't like Resident Evil at all, then why the hell are you reading this review? Get out of here. All in all, this film is nothing like the video games. None of its characters are likeable and truth be told, I wanted them all to die. However, the production values are very high and they obviously put a lot of care and thought into the end product. I'm also a big fan of Jon Anderson- Event Horizon will always be one of my favorite films. But in Resident Evil he changed too much, took too much away from the games that made them so effective. Very few of the monsters made it to the screen save for the lickers, which were underused and the undead skinless dogs, again, underused. Notice I have said much about the zombies? I haven't because there aren't exactly a lot of them, nor a lot of scenes with them. "Taxi Driver" established Schraeder as a major screenwriting talent, Robert De Niro as a star and Martin Scorsese as the pre-eminent filmmaker of his generation. 1639 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful series. We were so sorry when it ended !! The next series is not nearly as good :( Sorry to say! Or so they think. But despite the obvious differences between them - Isabel is a Manhattan fashion photographer and Jackie is a stay-at-home mom to two kids - there is a bond growing between them. The best things you can say about this film is the very beautiful filming, plus that it is interesting to watch very young Robert DeNiro's and even younger Jodie Foster's already then great talents. You also get glimpses of Harvey Keitel. "He thought he had a team, turns out to be a man alone. Now, that's tough now. Real tough." - Mr. Henry speaking of Dignan. This totally captures Dignan up to that point in the movie and really foreshadows what happens during the final heist where he is let down by his entire crew and in turn is the only one who is punished for the 'attempted' crime. The movie also has some truly sterling direction, through the use of colors, and through the depiction of the interplay of human emotions. Uma Thurman's dilemmas, Ethan Hawke's determination, Jude Law's helplessness - are masterpieces of directorial brilliance and acting superiority. The casting is definitely one of the most definitive aspects of the movie, with even the fringe cast being appropriately selected - Be it Ernest Borgnine as the Janitor, Xander Berkley as Dr Lamar and even Blair Underwood in his 10 minute role as the Geneticist. Gattaca uses some stunning shades of color and hues, which accentuate emotion, convey depth and enhance the visual experience of the movie - be it the Green hues of the beach or the orange hues of the launch pad and external world. 1. SHOUT FACTORY was more than well aware of the history of the series release. Why did they choose to release the entire series rather than seasons 5 and 6? Would they have us believe they felt the majority of individuals inclined to purchase the Bob Newhart sat out the first 4 seasons in the hope that SHOUT FACTORY would come along and release the entire series at a great price? They new quite well that fans already owned the first 4 seasons, and bet that they would pay a hefty price to get the remaining two. Their offer to release seasons 5 and 6 now, after numerous complaints, is a bit lame. This story begins in 1420 when there is war from the English invasion of France. Joan asks forgiveness for her sins - again. She converses with `him', who tells her to be good and take care of people. Joan is happy like any care-free child. She finds a sword in the grass. Then wolves run past her! Her village is attacked and burned by soldiers. Her home is invaded. Her older sister Catherine gives her a hiding place. Murder, robbery, and rape follow. [That grave is too shallow.] Joan will live with her aunt and uncle now. Can she forgive her enemies? Did God save her for some higher purpose? In Chinon the Dauphin waits. There is a message from the Maid of Lorraine, a peasant girl who wants to fight for France. Is she a fake? Simple people believe in her, it could be good for morale. Joan comes to meet the Dauphin. She avoids the fake. [Cold reading?] She has a private message to deliver. She wants to ask the King of England to leave France in peace. Or else. Anyway, Alice and the team discover that the T-Virus has turned everyone in The Hive into flesh-eating zombies, and they must get out of the facility before it is sealed up permanently. But seeing the risk of letting them leave, the Red Queen isn't going to make it easy for them. But years after that I realized that it was a lot more and better than just that, when I came accross the actual DVD here on Amazon and I decided to give it a try on top of the nice price it was for sale. IF YOU ARE ALSO INTERESTED IN THE REAL SEQUEL: The studio that made the first hour long Frosty special that first aired on CBS television in 1969 is Rankin/Bass Productions, the kings of holiday specials. That show was based on the original song written in 1951 by Steve nelson and Jack Rollins. The studio made a terrific half hour sequel in 1976 for ABC television titled "Frosty's Winter Wonderland". That special starts right where the first one left off. The basic premise of the story is that Frosty gets a wife named Crystal (played by Shelley Winters), and is sabotaged by the jealous Jack Frost. The character design was by Paul Coker Jr., who did the same work for the first special, so the visual continuity works very well and the characters have that classic Rankin/Bass 'look'. He also did the unique lettering for the credits in both specials. The famous voice actor Paul Frees stars as Jack Frost, and the policeman. Frees was a regular in studio productions and had also voiced the policeman, ticket seller, and Santa Claus in the original. Jackie Vernon voiced Frosty just like he did before. The writer for both Rankin/Bass shows was Romeo Muller, and Maury Laws returned as the musical director. Interestingly, while Rankin/Bassis known for the high quality of their original songs, they used Christmas standards in their sequel. The major change in the sequel from the original is a big one, the narrator, and it can be unsettling if you watch them back to back. While the first show was narrated and sung by Jimmy Durante, the second time we had the voice talents of Andy Griffith. Nothing against Andy, but it is a big change. The whole film is a basis of a makover of Scream which just goes to show, that anyone...ANYONE...can be famous...that is food for thought for all your theatre majors and film students. With his lantern jaw and square-cut, comic-book looks, Arnold Schwarzenegger handles his various roles with good humour: it is fun being the boss. Young Austin O'Brien is also a very slick performer. Note should be made of the contributions of Dean Semler, the director of photography; Eugenio Zanetti, the production designer, and Richard Greenberg, the visual effects consultant. 333 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like Joseph, many lives are lived from one tragedy to the next as learning, reshaping, the and the molding process of God takes place. But when it's time for these servants to come forth into the lives they have been trained for, they do shine with God's favor and glory on them, indeed! 8804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 the standard... The rest of the cast was good. There was nothing scary about the movie, it was more of a comedy I think...but it is fun to watch Richard Dreyfuss and Teri Garr worked together again in, Let It Ride (1989). So, sadly, this didn't make me jump or even bat an eye once. And then there is the white guy who's acting like whats seems to be a Jamaican-and thats in the big, bad stereotype way. Probably meant to be comic releif but you only end up wanting him to be killed off so you don't have to suffer with him anymore. 2353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Air Force One-1997 8998 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie sucked it was not funny. Some may enjoy this I didn't. Not by this "Annie (Widescreen Edition)" 8128 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Most enjoyable series. However, even though I spent my childhood in London in the 1950s I regret the absence of subtitles. Part of the problem is that I am hard of hearing. 1017 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An interesting movie 5085 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Bad acting, lame story and very poor execution. It could have been good if carried out right but it moves too slowly. The dialogue doesn't make much sense and it's like Martin was just killing film time by having the actors talk slowly so they had less to write. Nothing brilliant about this film, 1/5 The film takes a very deliberate timeline, deftly maintaining a perfect balance between the humor and the horror. In many ways, it goes one better in that department than my other favorite horror/comedy from the 80's, An American Werewold In London. As much as I love AAWIL, the humor in it can occasionally seem a bit forced or out of place. Not so in Fright Night. It hits all the marks in perfect sequence, and results in a delightfully scary roller coaster ride of a movie. I have read somewhere that their were alternative endings of this film. If so, this DVD does not show them here. 3900 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Well, all you'll get watching this freak movie is a little bit of gore ( bad special effects, by the way .. )and some young actors who seem to be wearing skirts yet ... Sad. Skip it. 4745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Four Iron Eagle movies were made. This is by far the best. Often true of any series of movies, the first is so good it inspires sequels. I saw this movie during its first release. It was great then and it is still fun today. Surprisingly the aircraft are still used today and so it seems timely even now when you consider what is happening in Iraq. Filmed during Ronald Reagan's administration it is interesting how this could apply even today. All in all a stand out movie that is still fun to watch today. This is one most the family will enjoy. Those lucky enough to actually see it on the big screen walked away confused and disorientated. They thought they were in for a straight-up action movie, not an existential, meta-fictional parody of the genre they cherish. It was just too much and they weren't ready for it. Arnold had been riding the wave of Total Recall and Terminator 2 before the release of Last Action Hero, no one expected such a radical deviation from the norm. And am I the only one who is so tired of the blue tint they see in every action/sci-fi film since The Matrix? I haven't been to a single city where the lighting is blue EVERYWHERE at night. Enough with the blue lighting, damn it. 3999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 will tug at you heart and make you laugh, as well. 269 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful story about the Christmas Spirit & how it changed the life of a very lonely, old miser. A true witness that it is ''NEVER TOO LATE'' to open up you heart & life to others. Later standouts include "A Perfect Stranger" where Rose gets her first taste of real love when she meets charming Gregory Wilmot (Keith Barron), an Australian sheep-farmer. Romance also keeps up James who impetuously proposes to and marries the mild-mannered Hazel; "Goodwill to all Men" introduces us to Lord Southwold's young ward Georgina Worsley (Lesley-Anne Down), and a charming storyline featuring the second (and last) appearance of Cathleen Nesbitt as Dowager Lady Southwold. The season ends on a dramatic note when World War One is declared. 9554 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An intriguing story of a man with dream in a future governed by genetic probability. What if our actuarians (statisticians for insurance companies) applied their art to our DNA? And what if our society used those probability tables in determining what type of vocations we could obtain? What would the dreamers do to succeed? 4063 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. I saw it at the theatre when it first came out, and was left in the theatre once everyone else had gone trying to mop up after myself. It was so sad. The little boy broke my heart when he had his last talk with his mom (Susan Sarandon). Basically, Julia Roberts and Ed Harris are an item and his ex is Sarandon. His kids don't like Julia, Julia and Susan don't like each other, but through predictability, a personal tragedy brings them all together (as you can imagine). So apart from the predictabilitly, this is an excellent film that will make you laugh, cry and bawl. I thought it was really well acted, and don't read those negative reviews if they didn't like this. This movie is for people with hearts. 4868 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie 4661 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Amazing movie ! Amazing service! That brings us to the special effects: surprisingly varied, they range from awesome (the zombie dogs, which are a mixture of CGI and make-up, are realistic and ferocious), to mediocre--the Licker, a monster that terrorizes the group towards the end of the movie, looks straight out of the video-game, graphics wise. I would say they could have done way better, but the special effects group started work on the Licker late, therefore it wasn't exactly up to par. (They solved this problem in Apocalypse though; they started working on the Lickers during pre-production.) As for the zombies--they have a ton of detail, and it looks like they seriously put some time into them. After sending the actors to a "zombie boot camp", they intricately placed their details, creating effective and creepy zombies. Bravo to the special effects team on that--you need it after that horrible Licker. 2967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was fortunate to find this buy. It was always in the above $70 price range but found it for $16.19 one day. The packing was great. I waited for the Blu-ray edition but was disappointed in the quality of the HD. It's better just to buy the DVD version for less. 389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie! 8027 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the original and it is very good. However the 1999 Disney version is just as good if not better in some areas. The famous music that made this show so good is used more often in the Disney version and I like the dancing better. The Disney version is faster moving for today's younger kids. Both shows are great. 3885 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I read and heard amazing reviews for this movie, so I wanted to like this movie... I really did. The cast is amazing! However, I did not like it. Too predictable, cheesy, and the line that made cringe in my seat was when the son asks the mother if she can teach his dad how to tie the shoe laces like she does. It seemed like an insensitive line, like the boy had no feelings for his mother. And the ending was the worst... I don't know I just did not get on this bandwagon. 347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First watched this as a teenager in youth group at church. Was happy to find the 2-cassette VHS version a few years ago. Am now happy to have it on DVD for continued enjoyment. Wendy Crewson Reminiscent of a "Hard Day's Night," Spice World will garner more new fans throughout the year as the film is aired on television and at midnight-movie festivals. If you want a fun, fun movie, wthen this is it! homicidal. This is a terrific film that's definitely one of De 3114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Could write a college paper on the meaning of this film; but would like to leave it up to the view to view and consider for themselves. What do the characters and their actions signify. Some are obvious, but those are just clues to view the whole film as a metaphor for American Society. The thesis of the film is around the camp fire spoken by Jack Nicholson. Sorry if I've said too much. AUDIO...Watched in the lossless DTS MA HD 5.1 and the balance of audio levels between the dialogue and John Williams music score was exceptionally good. The music score is spread quite nicely across the front stage with stereo imaging of the instruments nicely placed. During the first half of the movie I was a touch disappointed that the rear channels were not used that often for front to rear pans or foley FX. However, the second half of the film wakes things up with several uses for the rear channels and discreet channeling of the audio fx to both left and right. It is here where your LFE sub channel will come alive and if you have a good sub and it is set properly, it will certainly get a musical workout. I rate the overall audio with 4 stars. 8182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really have enjoyed the movie and am glad to have obtained it for my collection. You must own it also The Blu Ray features a great 2.35:1 1080p picture with a loud DTS HD-MA soundtrack. Zero extras are included. Sony seems to still be ashamed of the film. The hate is not deserved. While Lillard and Goorjian are the centerpieces, some of the fringe roles are just as well-acted and engrossing. Star Trek cutie Jennifer Lien plays Stevo's on-again off-again soulmate, while Bob falls in love with X-Files' Annabeth Gish. Christoper McDonald, forever branded with the stigma of having played Tappy Tibbons in Requiem for a Dream, does a minor but wonderful turn as Stevo's dad. James Duval, Summer Phoenix, Devon Sawa, and a host of others all also pop up in minor roles. Alternate version of Episode 1 "On Trial" 4470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 9473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie I highly recommend this film to the objective viewer. You may or may not agree with my qualifying MIDNIGHT EXPRESS as a rare cinematic masterpiece, but you will never forget the raw emotional experience of it (personally, I've always found it more uplifting than depressing). In fact, in every way that a film can, this one will haunt you for life. 5072 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really wanted to like this, but just like "The Royal Tenns." and "Rushmore" it did not do it for me somehow. You know the feeling where you keep waiting for the good part? And waiting...and waiting. I would only recommend this to you if you are a huge Wilson brother fan and really do not care what they are doing or look like. They don't do much in this film and don't ever look great. If you are a close and personal friend of anyone involved in making this mess, go ahead and rent it. If not, steer clear. Even if you've never seen this movie, you're probably familiar with most of it, because it's passed into "pop-culture-touchstone"-ism for good reason. I'm sure you have friends who can recite scenes of this movie by heart. I know, because pretty much all of my friends can. Me included. But it's just so funny, so off-the-wall, and so original that it never gets old. It's just one of those types of movies, you know? From the master of reinterpretation and anachronisms. The more movie classics you have seen, the more you will laugh watching these delightfully funny parodies and parabels. 9254 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 THE HOLY GRAIL is the finest work from the esteemed British comedy troup Monty Python. Their hilarious skewering of the myth of King Arthur and the Round Table is successful on so many levels that it makes one, well, laugh out load and smirk with knowing admiration. From gross physical humor(the Black Knight losing his limbs in combat, but refusing to give in) to pungent socail commentary (most of the movie) the Pythons deliver over and over. Because there's hardly any gore, Resident Evil doesn't really work all that well as a zombie flick. And because it's not scary, horror is out of the question, too. But being a zombie fan, I'm prone to forgiving movies of this ilk simply because I'm pretty easy to please. Resident Evil is a passable enough timewaster, worth a rental, but it's certainly nothing I'll ever give much thought to again. The film is a visual joy; and a heart-string tugger. You'll be glad you invested in it. 9822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie is a timeless classic (retro/futuristic at the time now ages very well) but you've got hundreds of reviews to tell you that already. 1723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! My son is a history buff, and said the accuracy of the weapons and uniforms was right on. Such is the world that we see in "Gattaca," a scarily plausible sci-fi story that examines the implications of eugenics and genetic enhancement. Director Andrew Niccol thankfully never gets too preachy or "uplifting" -- instead he crafts a cleanly elegant story with a murder mystery as the catalyst, and the strong trinity Jude Law, Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. Disk 2 has the Special Features. 9176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Listening to previous reviewers here on Amazon, I ordered only the "special edition" vs. the "foo foo" version that came with the book and other thing. 2542 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome movie. 3974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great deal In the film you will often hear background voices. For example there is the occasion where a poor old lady deposits two small copper coins into the Temple treasury, since all she had were those two coins. As she is doing this, you can hear people in the background commenting, in cockneyed accents, "only a mite?" "can't she give more?" "it's very little." These sayings are not documented in the gospel but again, do not detract from the message; rather they emphasize our own sinful nature and our need to repent. 5876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are a concrete thinker and do not "get" films made from video games or comic books, nor their intent, then are comments like "avoid this trash" necessary? Sure, nonsense is probably accurate but this movie is excellent for fans of the genre and of course Milla. it so is Rated R right 5929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+A+A+ 5213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first heard about this film on Siskel&Ebert and I wanted to see it. My brother found it in a small video store and rented it for me. This may very well be one of the most dark, depressing,and brilliant films I have ever seen. 4304 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not many people appreciated the genius of this movie when it came out. The most self aware action/comedy ever produced. It was a total bomb but us 80's - early 90's kids and teenagers and kids at heart discovered this mutha out on video and man were we pleased! Charles Dance makes a great British bad guy. Remember him from The Golden Child and also the sympathetic doctor in Alien 3? Well he's at his best as the cynical bad guy and funny as hell when he needs to be. Arnold is at his sarcastic best and very likable putting up with that know-it-all brat/good kid Danny Madigan. The Blu-ray is a really top notch effort in the sound and picture department. The picture is amazing. Good to have this in widescreen finally. What did the director and producers blame this being a bomb for? Going up against Jurassic Park that summer??? Well, it can please any age renting it or taking a chance on it. Glad this is cheap and in my Arnold collection. Now if they would only release Kindergarten Cop and Twins in a widescreen two-pack on Blu-ray that would really please me to no end. 6606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie. The actress did a fantastic job depicting Joan of Arc. I will definitely see it again and again. I first saw this movie on a Cinemascope screen, and the DVD loses almost -nothing- in the transfer to my Projection TV. As a long time Speilberg fan, I highly recommend this disc set. 3788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I wondered if the disk had the original ending or the "extended" ending that came out a few years after the theatrical version. As story telling and inspiring goes, they don't get too much better than Gattaca. And you have to give a thumbs up to the actors, and the music was spot on perfect too. The cast was well chosen, and all the scenes. It's not only great storytelling, it's a work of art. Albert Finney is horrible. He seemed to hate acting in the movie almost as much as I hated watching him act in it. 7155 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 We loved it. 6309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 From all the reviews I've read for this movie, they're pretty mixed in opinion. Some people Have been ranging on about how the movie sucked and how "scantly dressed" the female characters (I.E., Jill Valentine and Alice) are and ect. But really, the reviews --- for the most part--- could not be more far from the truth than the Miami Dolphins lost in Baltimore. "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is the coolest movie of late summer 2004, only second to "Spider-Man II." It's that great of a movie. Contrary to belief, "Resident Evil" had a major scare factor for me, I still cannot will myself to watch the Claustrophobic-filmed movie that left me with a sense of hopelessness for the characters as they were attacked by the former "Hive" employees of the Umbrella Corporation. So you can believe that when I heard "RE:A" was on Television (7-2-05) I had a pretty hard time willing myself to watch it. I was that scared of it. I had watched enough for the first movie to understand the sequel: 9497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Outstanding plot and excellent cast. A very good movie to watch!!!! The perfect timing and team work of the Monty Python crew, which made 'Flying Circus' one of the most popular shows in history, was transferred well to the big screen. Additional actors were kept to a minimum, so each of the Pythonists played several parts. As usual, the casting is wonderful, and each of the six actors brings life to all his characters, as each one gets one or two great scenes to show what he has to offer. Graham Chapman was given the role of the straight man (sort of like Zeppo Marx only funnier) and does a great job in the part of King Arthur, as well as an unforgettable short appearence as God ("Every time I try to talk to someone it's sorry this and forgive me that and I'm not worthy...") Terry Gilliam is, as usual, not given a very big part in the movie, but does a great work on his very few lines as both Patsy, Arthur's trusty steed ("It's only a model.") and the keeper of the Bridge of Death, as well a short appearence as himself (The Animator). His animation sequences on this movie are his absolute best. Director Terry Jones does a wonderful Sir Bedevere, supplying the brilliant witch scene, as well as the unforgettable Prince Herbert. Michael Palin is a great Sir Galahad, but is more memorable as Dennis ("Help! Help! I'm being repressed!") and of course the leader of the Knights Who Say Ni. Eric Idle is dreadfuly funny as usual as Sir Robin, and also as Roger the Srubber, Brother Maynard, the Dead Collector ("Bring out your dead!") and Concorde. And most of all, John Cleese, making not only a wonderful Sir Launcelot, but also supply some of the film's most memorable moments as the newt guy, Tim the Wizard, the rude French soldier and of course the Black Knight ("It's just a flesh wound!") 1002 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. One of Woody's best! - Although "Resident Evil" is original in many ways it's sometimes reminiscent of other films like "Aliens" and "Dawn of the Dead". Hence, some things are predictable; for instance, you know anyone who gets bitten by a zombie is gonna eventually turn into one. 5268 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have to admit I didn't enjoy Taxi Driver when I first saw it. I thought it was slow, grainy, and dull at times. The motorcycles are now iconic, although one has to wonder with their tiny gas tanks just how often the characters would have had to stop for gas on their cross-country trip through some fairly empty wastelands. Both the Burgundians and Benjamites were known for rape murder (or) gang rape murder. In the attack on Domremy(Doe Ray Me), a pack of black wolves leads the charge, as young Joan investigates her burning village. Joan's sister is then rape murdered (or murdered, then raped). Jack is hard-headed however, and he has to sink very low before he can become honest with himself. He loses his job, his sophisticated girl-friend, his wealth, and becomes an alcoholic. At the depths of his fall, he meets Parry, who rescues him from young punks. Jack soon learns that Parry is mentally ill since the death of his wife and Jack decides to move out of his own self pity and attempt to give Parry back his life. Jack is living with a woman, played by Mercedes Ruehl, but he will not open himself to love her since despite her big heart, she is far from the sophisticated women he once courted. Visit my blog with link given on my profile page here or use this phonetically given URL (livingasseniors dot blogspot dot com). Friday's entry will always be weekend entertainment recs from my 5 star Amazon reviews in film, tv, books and music. These are very heavy on buried treasures and hidden gems. My blogspot is published on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 3437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. No further explanation necessary! The characters are tender and their lives are real and delicate. The themes concern the nature of faith (both in God and in the people you love) and the helplessness of watching those you love self-destruct; they are conveyed with patience and generousity of spirit. The director respects the individality and privacy of his subjects. 5908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I got Roxanne because it is a movie I have lived for a long time. Such a great movie! This movie is a great movie that touches the human spirit and shows what can happen even when the "ladder" is stacked against you. 9041 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 EXCELLENT!! Watched the Blu-Ray Original version last night, and all I can say is WOW. Excellent picture, excellent sound, and excellent memories. If you enjoyed this movie when it first came out, then please purchase this edition, you"ll be happy you did. Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory are hot. The costumes, weapons, action sequences, etc...are very well done. Overall, it's a good movie that could have been so much better. 8779 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! This was done perfectly. It reflected the times, the people and the locale. I have watched this many times. One of my favorites. On the downside, the movie does little to explain a lot of things that happen and leaves the viewer to fill in the blanks. For instance, we never know why Alice comes crashing through the stained glass window or how she knows what is on the other side. If the Nemesis creature could be mind controlled, then why wasn't Alice. And why were zombies coming out of the ground in the graveyard. Travis's first interest in a young woman named Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) who is working to help a Senator get elected to the White House. Betsy soon rejects Travis, though, when on their first date he takes her to a dirty movie. After being rejected by Betsy, Travis soon develops an interest in guns--but in a most unhealthy way. Travis dreams of murder although he does still have enough of his sanity left to want to rescue a very young girl, Iris (Jodie Foster), from a group that uses her as a woman of the night. All of this happens as Travis descends deeper and deeper into a world of madness and psychosis. 6558 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Resident Evil is a nitroglycerin packed horror film that is based on Capcom's best selling horror videogames with the same name. Before the story begins the audience is introduced to the Umbrella Corporation that produces 90% of every home's household products. However, its large profits are derived from military technology, genetic experimentation and viral weaponry, which is unknown to the public. The story begins with Alice (Milla Jovovich) waking up with temporary amnesia caused by gas released by the Hive's supercomputer, the Red Queen, as a defense mechanism. The Hive is a secret underground research complex with an exterior design similar to the form of a virus, which hosts over 500 scientists. Alice learns through a group of special operatives working for the Umbrella Corporation that she is also a special operative and something has gone wrong in the Hive. The mission of the group is to find out what went wrong and turn off the Red Queen that has seemed to run amok. As the group enters the darkened corridors of the Hive they enter a nightmare that submerges them into an agonizing reality of hellish creatures that want to nourish. Resident Evil is a fast paced horror tale where the unknown is known, yet the moment of surprise will cause nerves to twitch involuntary as it offers a creepy cinematic experience. Recommended. 7869 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gift for Christmas that was on a list. 7361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love it! experimental in it's own crazy, low budget way. Whenever Parry shows glimpes of sanity (lucid speech, dating, feeling love again, etc.), the Red Knight always appears in his life. While the Red Knight is at bay Parry is not catatonic or overwrought by his trauma. To overcome/accept the trauma of seeing his wife murdered before his eyes, ultimately Parry has to confront the Red Knight and vanguish him. However, he lacks the insight and strength to do this on his own. Enter Jack - who ultimately feels responsible for Parry's condition! Jack is the equivalent of the fool or simpleton from the story of the Fisher King. Jack's intent is one of redemption, while he is absorbed into Parry's world. Eventually Jack begins to understand Parry's need for the Holy Grail, which represents Acceptance of Loss. If Parry is able to possess the Holy Grail, then he shall be able to vanguish Insanity as represented by the Red Knight. Robert Redford directed this family drama, and as always, you can see his love for nature in every scene. Hes also the narrator in the movie, so if you think you recognize the voice in the beginning of the movie, you're right. Redford specializes in directing beautiful nature scenes and capturing emotional turmoil within a family. A River Runs Through It is very pretty to watch, but as much as I love Robert Redford, its not my favorite of his films. Dont throw anything at me, but Im not really a Brad Pitt fan, so I found myself rooting for Tom Skerrit more often than not. Wonderful NY scenery, and a good performance from Faye Dunaway, along with the supporting cast of regulars. With Jerome's help, Vincent is accepted into Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, and is chosen for a manned flight to Titan. But when one of the administrators is found murdered, the police find one of Vincent's eyelashes nearby. If they discover who Vincent truly is, he won't just lose his dream -- he'll be convicted of murder. 4466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER 4740 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Little Doug Masters (Jason Gedrick) has an Air Force pilot for a father, an incredibly irresponsible father who has been allowing him to fly training missions since, evidently, Doug hit puberty. The kid has more simulator time than anyone on base (wherever that may be). He's so into flying that he has a club of fellow high school aviators - officers' kids - who take their personal planes out on the weekends for fun...and to race paint-huffing morons on dirt-bikes through treacherous mountains. He's a whiz at flying (but not acting). Doug's happy little world halts when he finds out that not only did his application to the Air Force Academy get denied, but his father was also shot down, captured, and scheduled for a hanging in an undisclosed Middle Eastern country. Ciaran Hinds as the hero begins with a great deal of roaring and bluster, but here and there are hints that this is a screen he uses to protect himself from the pain of intimacy. The key to Mr. Rochester's character is in the scene in which he tells Jane about his "grand passion" and how he was betrayed by the woman he adored. Juxtapose this against the first Mrs. Rochester's passion for him that overset her reason. The Region Free Blu-ray version (Dutch import) of Fright Night looks fantastic! If considering DVD still, check out this double feature that is currently dirt cheap: Fright Night / Urban Legend (Two-pack). 1844 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie grapples with some serious issues. What, exactly is going on politically in South America? Where does individual responsibility lie? What does helping people really mean? What kind of legacy is it possible to leave? The setting of this movie is an unnamed country in South America. The writer/director, John Sayles, did this on purpose. This is to show that the kind of thing depicted in the movie could happen anywhere. However, it was shot in Mexico, in Spanish, with English subtitles. 7249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. Enjoyed it all over again with my 6 year old grandchild. A pity though that this DVD is lacking great extras such as a behind the scenes look or interviews with the cast. I would love to know how they built the set for Air Force One. 8362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ANNIE is better today than when it came out. Little Aileen Quinn seems like a real child, and whenever the camera is on her, there's always some real emotion in her face and in her voice. Her singing voice isn't perfect, but it's real. 9614 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Bought this, bought shouldn't have. Claims to be SciFi. And maybe it technically is, but the interesting part starts as the credits roll at the end. Boring movie. 1851 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this movie when it was up for renting and I se 2560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Christmas movie, wonderful acting, love it!!! Unfortunately, Jojovich is the the only relief from what is a long and generously violent flick. There are a number of "spirtual" moments in the film which deal with her supposed communication with God. However, it is apparent that Besson has his predetermined notions as to whether Joan of Arc was indeed divine or disturbed and we are never really given the opportunity to consider the other. But as far as the real Joan of Arc, the only major historical figure whose life and thought has come down to us through sworn court testimony---Oh well, in the first place she's had writers of genius like Shaw and Twain to balance this dramatization, and in the second place, as long as we're making films about protagonists who hear voices, wild battle scenes and trials for heresy it could have been much worse. 1750 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 interesting take on the crossing all thought conversation obviously imagined 5638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie The second disc is the real showpiece of this set, though. It contains all of the currently deleted scenes (including Roy's journey inside the UFO) and many other deleted scenes, as well as a making-of documentary, and theatrical trailers. 1090 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Take The Money & Run is the first film that featured the Woody Allen triple threat of writing, directing and starring. The film is set as a documentary on the life of the worst criminal of all-time, Virgil Starkwell, who never pulled off a successful crime in his life. The film is a fast-paced and sharply written. It sets up the Woody Allen persona, the likable loser, that he would portray in most of his subsequent films. Take The Money & Run is an excellent start to a movie legend's fabled career. That aside, Milla Jovovich was brilliant and convincing. She certainly portrayed a very strong willed, confused and angry girl capable of controlling an army. The fact that she came close to tears at all the bloodshed didn't contradict anything. We can't forget that this was still a child in very unusual circumstances. Without Milla the movie would have been so-so. 7317 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Review of A River Runs Through It 6723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The story of Joan of Arc is familiar to most, and I appreciated this movie for putting a spin on it. Dustin Hoffman plays her 'spiritual guide' in a way that makes one wonder if Joan was truly a tool of God. An interesting footnote was that she was made a saint almost 500 years after she was burned. The dauphin was played admirably as a young bumbling king. Almost all the French Kings of history were buffoons save a few. 1. Playing Dead: Resident Evil,From Game to Screen Jackie does everything she can to undermine the kids relationship with Isabel short of coming out and telling them to hate her. But it is implied. When she finds out that her breast cancer has returned she's worried about the kind of mother she's leaving her kids with. It comes down to deciding if she's going to continue to sabotage Isabel or help her to be the best Stepmom she can be. Not to deny the beauty of the Cinematography--glorious limpid shots of 50's San Francisco. A minor point - there's a some debate as to whether the correct aspect ratio is 1:66 722 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My kids love this episode! It's pretty cute. The thing that stops it from being great was that, while it did have a good ending, the mechanics of the ending were not well-thought out. Heroin Bob's death was just an accident, a fluke. I'll watch this again. ---The typewriter in the church. How do you save in the "Resident Evil" games? 1428 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best versions of Jane Eyre .... Ciarn Hinds is wonderful as Rochester and Samantha Morton is a perfect Jane. The Grace of the Kingdom 9677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Enjoyed the concept. This is just the starting premise for Gattaca. I don't like to write spoilers, boring and solopistic. ah well, can't win them all! 2879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Stuff. Wish there were some good extras but the picture and the sound are great. They don't make movies like these anymore. Too bad this isn't widely available on blu ray. 274 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The title says it all - this is a Christmas carol re-done. Henery Winkler play the part of Scrooge in this American version of the timeless Classic It is well worth the investment if you are a collector of the Christmas carol stories. 8113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. Singing and Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan there is no one better. Bernadette Peters, Tim Curry, Albert Finney and Sandy. I love every sec of this movie. 461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is very inspirational to me, it helped me through my trails and tribulations during the time I needed it most, this movie relates to me. 5394 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Better then the remake. 3130 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm a sucker for movies like this. What an amazing cast although Dukakis and McLaine outshines them. The movie is a decent adaptation of the play. 7489 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love, Love this movie. Funny, crazy, the greatest songs and Carol Brunette. 8510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python, enough said. 6582 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Brilliant retelling of the Joan of Arc Story The acting and the play/screen writing is also high classily, historically accurate in my opinion having studied and living in that country for much of my life. 5811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is based on the video game series ''Resident Evil'' by Capcom. This is a fun zombie film with lots of action. It's just pure fun all the way around. I love this movie. the direction and directing 3151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 every time this movie was on television i would watch it and when i heard Queen Latifah was going to do a remake i was excited until i actually saw it. Needless to say the original is way better, and shows more emotion; really the funniest actress in this movie is Shirley MacLaine. 5621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a fan of the Resident Evil series so yeah I liked it They are forced to work low ladder jobs and are not allowed to excel in society. I am not going to say anything on the movie itself - no spoilers. Let's just say that this is a tale about a horribly unfair society in which a member of discriminated and opressed minority will challenge the fundamental rules which govern this world. It is not gonna be easy and is gonna hurt... But you will have great time watching it. Take The Money And Run is sure to give you a laugh--in fact, you'll be laughing all the way. The "mockumentary" style of the film enhances its comedic effect. I highly recommend this film for people who enjoy comedy films and fans of Woody Allen. 4114 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love these great actors together along with EVA MARIE SAINT.Such a funny and wonderful story. This is one of my all time favorite films. I love the background music as well. 1796 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Daniels IS Washington. Got tired of watching it on my old VCR and bought the DVD to watch it on my wide screen. 4293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not a great movie but a very good classic comedy/action movie. Entertaining for the whole family. Watch it and see how many scenes they borrowed from other popular movies of that time. 8568 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Kids said 4 thumbs up What makes "Resident Evil" such an excellent film is the style and attention with which it is executed. Even on a tight budget, the filmmakers, most of which were fans of the game themselves, went to great lengths to make this a movie worth watching again and again! The style of the game is ever present, from the extremely authentic scenes, creatures, and characters, to the brilliant sets, lighting, and camera angles. Homage is paid to great scifi/horror films of the past, as well as to "Alice in Wonderland," seemingly a favorite book of filmmakers all over. The cast is excellently chosen for this type of movie, and I'm particularly impressed with their love of the games. Michelle Rodriguez is frightening, even when not a zombie, and Eric Mabius looks computer generated himself! And I don't mind adding that the producer's sister makes quite a lovely Dr./zombie in the film. And speaking of zombies, thanks so much for sticking with the game and not making those new, fast moving style zombies we see so much in current horror. Those are scary, but they're nowhere near as creepy. Conserving their energy for when you're within reach, these zombies are fast when they need to be, their deceptive slowness making them all the more frightening! The new "Deluxe" version of the DVD isn't overwhelmingly loaded with extras, after all, it's still only one disc, but it does include a fun cast and crew commentary that brings to mind a favorite line from Zoolander: "A model, idiot." It also includes theatrical trailers and featurettes, a clip from Resident Evil: Apocalypse, a visual effects commentary, an alternate ending that I'm sooo happy they didn't use (the ending they DID use is awesome), and filmographies. An incredibly cool, must own film for all fans of the video game and zombie genres! And the sequel is even better! 4649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Finally watched it. Good entertainment. 9617 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this movie when I was a kid,and i watched it again now, It is an amazing movie, so touching and with a great message. Jude Law is an amazing actor! 1594 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it when it came out all those years ago - love it still. This series retains its cachet.....If you love Downton Abbey, you should try this series as well! Look for some actors who have gone on to other memorable performances..... Now I'll also admit--I was going to give this an even lower grade, but decided the positives-negatives canceled each other out. The positive? I loved the ending. Although it too obviously sets up for a sequel, I just loved it. It has a desolate, creepy feel to it, and it kind of assured me that the sequel would be better. The negative? The editor should have been fired. It almost seems as if whole scenes are left out; therefore the movie at times gets highly confusing. For example: Alice and Matt--an environmentalist who befriends Alice--are talking in a room. The next moment they are running from a horde of zombies! How did THAT happen? After examples like this happen at least three times throughout the movie, I got fed up. They should be happy they made the ending so good... "Gattaca" is a masterpiece of science fiction -- a richly nuanced, beautifully understated work that reminds you that, no matter where we come from, we can all reach for the stars. 7113 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is really one of the most effective and terrifying adventure movies I've ever seen. The acting is uniformly wonderful, the musical score gave me goosebumps, the photography catapaulted between spectacular and almost claustrophobicly personal, and by the last gripping half hour, you really feel like you're there with them. My primary recommendation for people who may like some but not all of Allen's films, this one should definitely be in your collection, whether you just like his `early, funny' movies or prefer all his styles, but want to skip over some of the darker, less well written, or less interesting works. 3323 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The original +5, Buy it if you feel strongly about it and for sentimental reasons or it you know someone who has never seen it. Youngsters anyone? SETTING 9481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a strange science fiction movie. It was almost like one of Rod Serlings' Twilight Zone Episodes. The writing was far better than most SF movies. It was not written for kids. The household is headed by Richard Bellamy (David Langton), the son of a clergyman, who has married Lady Marjorie, scion of the prominent Southwold family. As a political and social conservative, Richard attains high administrative offices, but, as a member of Parliament, he prefers to vote according to his conscience rather than the Southwold family's preferences. Lady Marjorie (Rachel Gurney) is imperious and aristocratic. Their son James (Simon Williams), an army officer, is plagued by such bad judgment that we generally cannot sympathize with him. His sister Elizabeth (Nicola Pagett) is idealistic and romantic, but unrealistic. Her relations with the male sex always turn out badly, until (having left U/D after Series 2) she is said to have found marital happiness in America. Following Marjorie's death, management of the household falls to James's new wife Hazel (Meg Wynn Owen), the daughter of an accountant, who is guided by different values than other members of the Bellamy family. Marjorie's niece Georgina (Lesley-Anne Down) arrives in Series 3, with a sense of idealism and adventure. After the war, Richard marries Virginia (Hannah Gordon), who provides companionship and support. 9259 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "I THINK I'LL GO FOR A WALK!" This is as silly as And Now For Something Completely Different. Very good "knight" movie. It starts out with King Arthur and Patsy traveling through the land of England seeking out other knights that will join him at the Round Table and it goes on with him being successful with some of them such as Sir Lancelot and Sir Bedevere, Sir Robin the-not-so-brave-as-Sir Lancelot, and Sir Galahad. The end is sort of surprising. The killer rabbit is cool, too. That's later in the movie. This movie is worth being enjoyable. You will agree too. You will enjoy it yourself the whole entire time. 9966 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Normally, you won't find me rating anything w/5 stars but this movie was a most entertaining blast from the past. Better than 99% of most 80s dreck. Exellent commentary track by the parties involved. Product arrived quickly and even included the printed synopsis inside the box; which is often found missing. Aside from Bob and Emily's move to a new apartment (because apparently the old one wasn't "spacious" enough!) and then magically having Howard move into a neighboring apartment (which is never actually explained - Howard just resumes his regular routine of barging in every day) the season continues much as before. Bob meets regularly with his clients, particularly the infamous Mr. Carlin; he and Emily socialize with Howard, Carol, Jerry and others. Although plot-wise there is little that is truly unique or surprising, the show still works. The actors' chemistry, Bob's traditional straight-man shtick against the blundering Howard or goofy Jerry, the ridiculous statements of Mr. Carlin (all delivered in deadpan) continue to amuse and entertain. 4723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great quality disc and box! And as for the film itself; a classic! MUST WATCH. 5676 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE DVD MOVIE HAVE ALL OF THE RESIDENT EVILS 974 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's an unique adaptation of Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations", but still, it's not as good as John Mills' "Great Expectations" (1947). Air Force One has some small flaws, but it is still cracking entertainment with a good plot and breathtaking visual effects. The movie really has nowhere to go but down from here, relying heavily on gore, blood, and useless plot twists to create what they hope will be a sense of tension and suspense. No such luck. Yes, we do spend some time wondering who is going to meet the fishhooked Ben Willis next, but since we never get the chance to know the characters, we never can care for them once they are killed, sauteed, gutted, and what-have-you. There is never a moment in this movie where you'll find yourself saying, "This is such a good film," because there's never any reason to. What makes it even worse is that the movie makes itself out so that it is not necessary to see the first in order to get the second. It spends so much time dwelling on the past that its concern for its own events are missed by a longshot. If you like movies such as 'Steel Magnolias', 'The Hours', or 'To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday', then I think you'll love this movie. 8275 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Leo McKern was wonderful as Rumpole. The stories were excellent, multilayered, humor, pathos and wonderful characters. You will see a lot of actors that have appeared in other series and its fun to see them in this series. 3956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Spielberg's alien masterpiece about aliens invading Earth was an instant classic in the seventies, and is still a great film, better than Star Wars. Why? Because we can identify more with a middle-aged electrician than we can with a moisture farmer on a desert planet. Richard Dreyfuss is the aforementioned electrician, who has an extraterrestrial experience and suddenly is obsessed with these aliens. This epic is an excellent early work of Stephen and truly delights the senses as well as the mind, and is still extremely watchable today. Now, for the faults. It starts slow and never really builds to a frantic pace, but it only increases the suspense. Although the aliens are a little disappointing (just the basic pointy-eyed, almond faced stereotypes), these faults are easily compensated in this amazing experience. One of the best sci-fi movies of all time. I can't think of many real criticisms of this film, apart from perhaps the slightly corny dialogue at times, and Ben Willis's voice, which really managed to get on my nerves. Otherwise, all aspects of this film were great. there was some nice scenery, good acting, a really superb plot, and lots of nice shots of JLH's clevage (which was shown so much it could probably come under scenery!) some great eccentric characters and a cracking ending. (I am not talking about the very very end, that was a bit disappointing) 2701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a great classic, I am glad to add it to my DVD collection I like that there's more zombies in this movie than compared to the first movie, though it's in the city this time around so they could be able to pull that off, though at the same time they made the city almost just like in the games. While the story itself is a little different than that of the games, just like with the first movie and there are things that are in the movie that the fans will be able to recognize as they watch the movie. After all that, the features that come with this package, it's nice to see what was left out as well as some of the things that went into making the movie, which should be good if you like seeing what done to make the movie possible. Overall I give 4 stars out of 5. But the best performance is Jude Law. Jerome a truly tragic character, whose genetic perfection wasn't enough to keep disaster away -- he's proof that DNA can't make your life good or rewarding. Law plays him with a mixture of bitter wit and compassion, with perpetually shadowed eyes and a drink always in his hand. You may cheer for Vincent, but your heart will bleed for Jerome. Jeff Bridges plays Jack, a radio shock jock whose unthinking tirade provokes a caller into a senseless act of violence that culminates in tragedy for a number of faceless New Yorkers. The tragedy derails Jack's career and ends his glitteratti lifestyle. Gone is the fabulous hi-rise apartment, model type girl friend, and high paying media career. 2077 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For pure action, this movie is hard to beat. Harrison Ford is at his best. 6069 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This movie is entertaining, fight scenes, gory dead, grusome dogs (yes ewww) and some revelations you will need for the next movie. Even though I did not give the first movie a good review, these are at least entertaining. The battle or Orleans is tame at best. There are virtually no scenes of real ambitious spectacle. We are given nothing to inform us of her revolutionary forms of combat. Instead her method seems to be screaming a lot and jumping a horse over the enemies fence. Later the storming of Paris is so humorous it is sad. Joan screams and screams that she needs back up while a few soldiers randomly knock on what must be the Paris gates. These soldiers are so bewildered a pathetic looking they seem more out of a Monty Python sketch than a serious film about war. 764 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Pretty cute. Good message. Grandkids liked it. 6157 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really wasn't expecting myself to enjoy this movie as much as I did. It was a nice popcorn flick with good action. I found it to be quite entertaining. 6178 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This second in the trilogy is good, but as many of my friends warned me, not as good as the first. You have the zombies, demon dogs, etc. as well as a monster who has 'very familiar eyes', but it seems a little dark and shadowy, which seems to rob it of some intensity. It feels more spooky than action packed. Perhaps because they're still stuck in the city fighting in and out of the buildings it just seems too cramped, and too much like the first. I did like it though and it's good enough to stand on its own without watching the first in the series. Being a top model, I suspect that Milla Jovovich has experienced the same kind of jealousy-based animosity towards her multi-faceted talent (she was also stunning in the Bruce Willis classic The Fifth Element) as David Bowie has. Despite many excellent film performances, especially his superb role in Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, David has also drawn fire from people who seem unwilling to acknowledge that he is also a fine actor as well as a brilliant singer-songwriter. 8669 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful . My grandson and I love this movie. British actor Brian Deacon is a wonderful Jesus, with a soft but manly voice and perfect enunciation, making the words of Jesus come to life in a very special way. 7847 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A truly memorable film featuring superb direction, acting, and writing. Redford, the film's director, also is its narrator and does a wonderfully at both jobs! in a Nietzchean sense, good an evil. 4639 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Brand new & shipped quickly. The US president single-handedly (or nearly so) takes on a half-dozen extremely well-armed terrorists, carrying out feats worthy Bond, James Bond. But everytime he gives in when the leading terrorist threatens the president's wife or daughter. In addition to the absurdities, i also find it unpleasant to see the US president being tortured and degraded by the terrorists. Also, the director seems to use the movie to promote his personal politics. 6054 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Saw this a long time ago and it struck me as a 70's liberal film. (it's always easier to be outraged when the oppressor is a one dimensional third world ogre). 2411 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This movie sucks, simple as that. There's no reason to watch and only god know's why it even made a dollar at the box office. Completely useless. I would go on, but it upsets me even thinking about that god-awefull movie again. In fact, none of the characters from the game: Chris Redfield, Claire Redfill, Jill, or Leon, the policeman are in the film. This new special edition DVD is superb, containing a 90 minute documentary on the making of the film that includes interviews with many of the cast and crew ( Scorsese, De Niro, Jodie Foster, Peter Boyle, Albert Brooks, Paul Schraeder, makeup man Dick Smith, and Elmer Bernstein, standing in for Herrmann). 9126 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. I could seriously watch it everyday. If you do not buy this movie I will be forced to say... "Ni !!!!!" did not bother giving this film any special treatment at all which is tragic 2872 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I need a good cry this is my "go to movie"! I can't even tell you how many times I've seen it but I love it! 6882 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The acting is meh. Clearly the stars are portraying their Hollywood personas. But if you like these stars you won't mind at all. The story is hokey & predicable but the songs are amazing. Some of the best songs ever written, IMHO, and well-performed. Great movie for a rainy afternoon. 556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie about our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 1355 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The rumor that shuttled around a while is that the original script stayed very close to the TV show. The people who developed the film were huge Avengers fans that spent years trying to bring this to the screen and saw it as an art house action movie. When Warner's realized that they didn't have a big budget summer film for 1998,they rushed production on The Avengers, threw a lot of money at it, and more or less told the producers they wanted a big hit. Needless to say, pandering to the masses and doing good "Avengers" are incompatible, which the test audiences more or less told the studio execs during test screenings by not liking it at all and getting confused (though I am hard pressed to see how they were any more confused than I ended up) . Unfortunately, take out the sublime strangeness and the film falls apart and makes little sense. Apparently, the studio thought they could rush this out on name power and no real story and maybe make a little money, which is exactly how much they made. I think the only way to interpret this movie is to see that the Arthurian events are, somehow, just as real as the parallel, modern instances of an intruding modern world of historian/narrators and investigating police. The low-budget documentarian explanation does not really make sense, as it does not explain why murder would happen, or how the instances of fantastic intervention of God, sorcerers or fabulous monsters could happen. At the very least, all the scenes presenting multiple performers acting out scenes of medieval life would have to be explained via the use of extremely sincere madmen as actors. Other fabulous events would simply go unexplained. Outside of the raging stupidity of the protagonist and the clear genetic plot-hole, this was an enjoyable watch. Wonderful music, themes, and plot. 865 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for my daughter a month ago. She is now 10 months. She loves puppets so I though this would be a good fit. She watches this video intently and loves it. I find it entertaining. I've seen it at least 2 dozen times. I like Benny, the surly, angry rabbit who is the bellhop. He keeps it entertaining for adults with his sarcastic quips. Highly recommended if your kids like puppets. It will keep them entertained while learning about numbers. 5392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome! an awesome opera singer ... 7783 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I should have read the bad reviews before watching this over-long, misadventure in film-making. I have to agree with ALL the one-star reviews here. I am glad I saw this mess on TV before buying the DVD. It is highly offensive to anyone not saturated in liberalism with perverted views of religion and art. This crap is pointless, obtuse, and degrading to the kind of people who live in Montana, none of whom appear in this movie. I Still Know What You Did... still manages to get away with the usual horror sequel criticisms. So hopefully, producers will prevent another sequel spawning unless they want the whole saga to become one big embarrassment. This movie is pure suspense. Every little sound, thump and bump make you wonder when a zombie's going to pop out of nowhere and devour one of the living. Keeping things even creepier is the Hive itself. It's location: a half mile below Raccoon City. Space is limited. Time is running out. You feel the tension all the way through, right from when Alice wakes up till the blood-soaked climax. Great movie, F-You. Unless you were one of the lucky one's like me who bought a copy for $40 from Screenarchives.com, you'll now be expecting to pay around $100 since it was limited to 3000 copies worldwide. Try Ebay now and again. You won't regret it!! 9992 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great! 8387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the cutest kids movies of all times and I loved it . I love little Orpahn Annie the young lady who portrayed this role did a wonderful job!!!!! Albert Finney, and Carol Burnettt did a great job also . This is a musical and it is about and orphan going to live for a little while with a rich tycoon billionaire "Daddy Warbucks" I liked this movie it was cute, witty, and entertaining this is a lot of dancing, tap dancing , and singing in this movie I really did like this movie I thought it was so adorable!!!! 6856 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very happy... great value... Thank YOU... +++++ One last thing, if you want to view this film, I would recommend the 1998 director's cut which I feel is the best version of this movie. Overall, it's all right, but I'd stick with the 2nd movie, Resident Evil: Apocalypse for a better time being entertained. 5616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Fright Night" is a very fun, frightening tale about a boy, Charlie Brewster, played by William Ragsdale. 1053 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This ABC VIDEO tape of Woody Allen's TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN (1969) seems suspect. Although the back cover says it's a licensed product, I can't imagine why FOX would allow a company to sell really BAD copies of any of their catalogue. 7057 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This Classic movie is up there with titles like "Mary Poppins", "The sound of music", "It's a Wonderful Life". First of all, there's not much here in common with the games, other than zombies and an occasional mention of the T-virus or some other phrase from the games. Secondly, there is nothing frightening about this movie. Unlike the games, all the instances of violence/gore/shock come across as very campy rather than scary. Actually, "campy" may be the wrong word to use, as that would imply a bit of lightheartedness- this movie takes itself *way* too seriously. Yes, this is my favorite Steve Martin film of all time (a close second being L.A. Story). It's romantic, thoughtful, clever and hilarious, with probably one of the better portrayals of unrequited love I've seen in pictures. The bar scene, where C.D. faces down an insulting drunk, is an instant classic. Another gem is C.D, in his guise as Chris, courting Roxanne beneath her window. Martin, who wrote the screenplay, is charming and earnest and puts his heart and soul in C.D. Bales; he makes you root wholeheartedly for him. Lovely Daryl Hannah has never been better or looked more ravishing, in her embodiment of the sexy, intelligent Roxanne Kowalski. Rick Rossovich is so good as the clueless, dimwitted Chris that I don't know if he'll ever be able to live the role down. 2001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of the best movies I have seen! Harrison Ford is the greatest in this movie! Edge of your seat !!! 1188 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a very fun movie. I love the characters. 9589 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watched this again the other day and forgot just how truly awesome this 1280 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The cable movie rating was ONE STAR, but the names were fabulous. So I watched it. It may be the worst movie ever made, by the rating, but it is CERTAINLY one of the MOST ENJOYABLE ever seen. It took a little research to discover that this was made after the successful TV series -- and then it dawned on me that they got the one star on purpose. This is a fantastic "send-up to the extreme" of all the earlier "spy movies" and when watched with that in mind it was very enjoyable. A must now for my collection. 1883 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Outstanding movie. My Mom and I love this movie. I've always thought this movie was brillant. You have obvious gags - The glass eye seen at Slater's exwife's house. The cop rotates it completely blowing up the house. Then the next scene Slater and Danny at the police station smoking - literally. I Other scenes are subtle; Robert Patrick leaving the Police station as the T1000 or elsewhere the hubcaps on Slater's convertible change for no reason. Also, look for the E.T. and Lethal Weapon gags. The gags really get going about 15 minutes in. 2073 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action flick. Ford is the man. Highly recommended for both men and women because it's a drama. 1072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Watching this movie almost 40 years after it came out cannot capture how irreverent it felt in 1969. The world has become so much cruder and the language so much more coarse that this feels much like a family film today. It is funny, yes, but some of it feels dated. Comedy is often tied to its time and doesn't travel to a later time so well. Yet, much of the movie remains terrific and classic. There are many lines that have become part of the language ("it is if you're doing it right", for example). Just go up to anyone who knows the film and say "abt natural" or "I have a gub" and they will likely begin to chuckle. And, of course, there is the soap and shoe polish gun in the rain. I've now seen or heard all the Annie's (all the movies and Broadway soundtracks) and I remain amazed by the talented Aileen Quinn. Just as no one could be a better Maria than Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, no one can ever be a better Annie than Quinn!!! Frank Sinatra stars as John OHaras caddish crooner in this 1957 film version of the Book by John O'Hara, the music by Richard Rodgers and the lyrics by Lorenz Hart for the hit musical Pal Joey. A fresh, very fresh arrival on the San Francisco nightclub scene, the amoral and ambitious Joey soon finds himself entangled with two mice: the rapacious stripper-turned-society dame Vera [Rita Hayworth] and the good-girl chorine Linda [Kim Novak]. Handsomely directed by George Sidney, the film features a double handful of Rodgers and Harts greatest tunes, including Zip, My Funny Valentine, The Lady Is a Tramp, and I Could Write a Book. ....B. Theatrical trailers 4889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 PERFECT THANX!! 8260 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got these DVDs for my husband's birthday and we both love them! The idea behind the film is a good one in my opinion (I have not read the book, although I don't hear good things about it so I don't think I will) but the handling of the material really sidelines the film in my opinion. Instead of taking a raw and emotional approach to the film, the soap operaish delivery makes light of the tragedy surrounding the film and ultimately turns the serious subject of abuse, suicide and murder into a joke. All of this weighty material is more or less just a backdrop for Tom and Susan to fall in love and in the end the film makes their relationship the weightiest subject; expecting the audience to swell up with tears at the prospect of them having to leave one another as apposed to the audience being emotionally responsive to the turmoil boiling within Tom's past. as a teen prostitute, is worthy of our sympathy. Harvey Keitel, as her pimp, is well cast for this role. Travis Bickell, 7752 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my mother loved it,very good story . 7763 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Item delivered on time, was as described jUST PLAIN KICKS ! In fact, some of the death scene in Re are actually There is a near accident. Travis meets a salesman who makes house calls to display his wares. Are the prices reasonable? [Is this a parody?] Is Travis stalking somebody? Was that ZIP code correct? Is Travis going insane because of a lack of sleep? Does anyone notice? There is an attempted robbery of a small store. [Believable?] The film drags on. "No rough stuff." There is a failure to communicate. Is this a parody? Iris has a new friend. Is the conversation pointless? And the film drags on. There is a political rally at Columbus Circle. Does somebody stand out like an odd haircut? Travis runs off to do what he has to do. There is a violent shoot-out that should wake up those who dozed off. And so it ends, a tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing. The art direction is superb and even the story was intriguing. There are some plot holes, but hey, it's a COMIC BOOK and I made up some of my own exposition. A Global Corporation named UMBRELLA with too much power and money experimenting with BioWeapons and expenable, genetically enhanced humans. Something to think about when you have a government in this country that has experimented with mind-control, telepathy, remote viewing, and God only knows what else. Some conspiracy theorists believe that AIDS was a bioweapon virus that got out of control. RESIDENT EVIL has the T-Virus. The story hits hard in the wake of the discovery of the human genome, cloning, and biological warfare. Remember, science fiction sometimes becomes science fact. And, corporations are out of control. So the whole notion of a corporation, probably funded by the military, making viral superweapons out of soldiers sends chills down my spine. Although, the Nemesis brought me back down to Earth. He's a scream. There's also a media cover-up at the end that's more plausible than you can possibly imagine. Good stuff. 7934 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 HEAVEN WILL BE A FUNNIER PLACE NOW. 7888 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+++service When Travis meets Betsy, we are never really know how she really feels about Travis. It's not until the third or fourth viewing that you can tell by the way Betsy talks to Travis that she's not really sincere with him. In fact she may have even ben playing with him. Others might argue with that, which is why Betsys true feelings for Travis are a mystery. tears flowing. I will warn it may not be everyone. It does These are only a few of the characters and events that become real in the series, which ran through 68 riviting episodes. 9876 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 More worth while seeing than most, is : Gattaca. Le Cinema Paradiso 1255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love Bob Newhart in his classic 70's sitcom! 4940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great movie. 5255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 First, a phenomenal faux pas on the part of Columbia Tristar Home Video's marketing department: on the cover of my copy of this landmark movie is a quote from Liz Smith: "Jodie Foster is Delightful." If there was a more inappropriate term for anything about this movie, it is "delightful." For anyone who hasn't yet seen this modern REAL horror masterpiece, it is one of the most effective studies of frustration, isolation and suppressed (for the most part) anger in today's world that I have seen on film. And, the movie works brilliantly despite all the strikes against it; Paul Schrader's psychodrama/part pulp creation may have fallen apart, were it not for Martin Scorsese's adept direction and the gritty, committed performances of the lead characters, not in the least Robert DeNiro as the alienated, deadened ex-Marine Travis Bickle. I am always fascinated by movies that have major contrasts in tone and style within them; consider the scenes with Albert Brooks and Cybill Shepherd at Palatine Headquarters, played at a (bad) sitcom level, then contrast them with the hyper-realistic scenes of Travis's customers (Scorsese has a bravura cameo as a murderously jealous husband), Harvey Keitel's greasy pimping duties, the final massacre, and for me the most unexpected and shocking display, the aftermath of the convenience store robbery which Travis is involved in. This is the stuff of nightmares. The movie is also populated with wonderfully odd supporting characters, including Travis's fellow cabbies who have a camaraderie which feels real, and the fast-talking gun salesman who brings his arsenal to Travis's apartment for a sale. After you've viewed it a few times (if you're so inclined!), questions come to mind: Why does Betsy even give Travis the time of day, especially after their incredibly awkward "lunch" together? Why has Travis's character been written as SO clueless, sometimes distracting to the point of amusement? Doesn't Bernard Herrmann's loungy main theme, complete with emoting saxophone, seem at odds with the unadorned realism the movie is presenting us? As it is, though, these aspects, contradictions and all, are what make "Taxi Driver" a unique and unforgettable experience. There are a hundred different things worth commenting on, from the look of the film, to the ironic "message" of the movie, etc. But, for those with the mettle, this is one of the best, and should be seen for those with any interest in contemporary cinema. And, oh yes, Jodie Foster is as delightful as any pre-teen prostitute could possibly be. 9110 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The movie is as expected with slapstick humor. Always good for a laugh along the way. Fun for a group to watch. 3749 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought a Blu ray player a few months ago. At 39 years old I was really hoping to see some of my favorite movies in this new HD format. Some movies seem to really benefit from this format (Kubrick's re-releases, Fifth Element, etc.). And some movies don't seem to take full advantage of the HD format. As for the role of Glenn Close as V.P. - she should know better. The scenes in the war room with the false sentiments of angst, anticipation, anxiety and, finally, overwhelming relief and joy...... it was cringingly awful. Neil Innes Robins Minstrel, Villager 4, Servant, Monk Marvin himself, (the actor) appears very ill-at-ease performing this bit and it's not entirely successful. This special had the best voice casting of any they made, with Mickey Rooney as the older Santa, Paul Frees as Burgermeister, and Keenan Wynn as the Winter Warlock. The Mailmans voice and songs were by the great Fred Astaire, and they recreated him perfectly in a mailman figure. There are 6 wonderful songs including the title song, as well as "One Foot in Front of the Other". The Westminster Childrens Choir performs as well. Music and lyrics were by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Writing by the great Romeo Muller who worked on so many of their projects. Character design by Paul Coker, and storyboards and continuity by Don Duga as they did on most of the studios specials. thanks sgain there is growing up to be done at christmas. What piqued my attention was its subtheme of the passion for a pursuit -- fly fishing in this case, which is an intrigue to me in itself. As the fishing lines flick and whisk over the whispering river, a low sun sheening the tree-lined horizon, the rhythm of image embraces imagination and meditation. We are close to understanding what Norman means when he says he is "haunted by waters". 2510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this movie over and over, and every time I watch it, it's just as funny as the first time I've seen it. It's a classic. The Basis of the Story is Alice, Jill, Carlos and others try to survive, get out of the city and rescue a young girl all before a missle goes off by the corperation that will kill every single person or zombie and the virus. If I want to re-experience my version of Jane Eyre I will reread the book. That does not mean I cannot enjoy another interpretation of the story. Writer/Director Tom Holland effectively blends horror and comedy together to create a very unique viewing experience. The film will scare the daylights of you and will have you on the edge of your seat, but will also make you laugh a little because this film does teter on the edge of spoof. It doesn't skimp on the scares nor does it skimp on the laughs as you will both be scared and be laughing a little as this film entertains very well. The film is well acted, well written and wonderfully directed by Tom Holland as he keeps the pace going and the action never lets up until the bitter end. Tom Holland works wonders with his script and his direction. It all works. It is a fun filled scary and funny movie that never gets dull no matter how many times you watch it. dollars saved. And... 8220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this set over a year ago and am on the third go-through of the set. That guy cracks me up. Doesn't conform to the accepted role of lawyer. Those things together make for a good, but not completely outstanding show. 326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great For example, Muffy expects Francine to attend her big Christmas party, but Francine has told Muffy REPEATEDLY that her family is having a Hannukah gathering the same night. What happens when Francine doesn't show up for the party to receive her present? 3732 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a great movie. A cult classic! 638 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Childhood favorite. 1897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My husband & I both like this movie, so I bought this to replace our VHS format. I have always liked Harrison Ford movies and this is a definite keeper to be watched over and over again. I liked the fact that I could choose to watch it either wide-screen or full-screen. This is a movie that needs to be seen in wide-screen. All fans of Harrison Ford will undoubtedly like this film of a man determined to live by his convictions, only to be challenged to dig deep to find the strength and courage to do so when the unthinkable happens. Those who like a good action adventure will like it as well because it is full of action with fights in a plane being wildly flown, bullets flying everywhere, people either parachuting or falling out said plan, and other adrenaline rush scenes. You too will want those terrorists off the President's plane. As plot goes, the premise for the movie is better than the final movie turned out to be. The main story revolves around an artificial intelligence system that exterminates the entire staff of an underground biochemical lab when one of there super-virus' secrets is compromised. A team of soldiers, sent in by the Umbrella Corporation, is sent in to uncover why the A.I. system malfunctioned and to shut it down. A single agent (Milla Jovovich) and her partner/husband, were in charge of guarding the secret entrance to the underground lab and are both left with no short term memory about the incident. As the story is told the plot twists somewhat, but the overall feel of the movie is that it's been done before. Several of the characters line up to be "next to die" in a series of creative deaths that parallel "The House on Haunted Hill." The one outstanding thing that I did like about the story was the way the movie ended. I won't give away anything, but the way the ending was filmed left you craving for a sequel. At the same time, it didn't feel like this particular movie ended early either. Humor, pathos, deep sadness & victory make for a great tears streaming down your face emotional ride. Don't miss this one. 9738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoy this movie because it makes you think from a different perspective. In a world where you can genetically predetermine and 'order' traits in a child..what happens to the society...and what are the certain unknowables that figure in to who a person is. 8120 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this three years ago and we've watched it a dozen times since. The grandkids love the music and we watch it often. Roddy McDowall does a great job playing an olden days movie hero who doesn't believe in vampires then is forced to be what he plays on screen. William Ragsdale does a pretty good job as a teen who is a big fan of old horror movies and is convinced his new neighbour isn't just a serial killer but a vampire as well. Stephen Geoffreys does a great job too as his fellow high school loser friend who likes to make fun of him at every opportunity. It's a bit odd seing Amanda Bearse playing a supposed teenager when of course she was more well known for playing the parent age Marcy from Married With Children that would have been on air only a year or two after this hit cinema screens. She even has the same Marcy haircut. She definitely looks way older than a teenager, though granted so does Ragsdale, but not to the same extent. 5832 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the top movies ever released, I watch it time and time again, and never tire of it. Alice and the commandos dodge zombies, the Hive's super sophisticated security system--called the Red Queen--and teammates who have secrets of their own. JUDGMENT CALL: 8623 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What's not to like about Charles Bronson, James Coburn and Strother Martin? This early Walter Hill film, with some of the best fight scenes ever filmed, has as its serene center the fighter himself. 9583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Enjoyable, interesting concept, testament to perseverance It's just a terrible movie. Please don't waste your money. 7444 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT 4901 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It was okay. We were disappointed in the humor and storyline. 6553 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the historical value 8992 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic! 8083 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 6186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Perhaps the only movie that could come in with lower expectations of an adaptation of a video game is the sequel to an adaptation of a video game. Despite (or perhaps because of?) such low expectations, the movie was remarkably well done. The twists and turns of the plot were interesting, and not 100% predictable. There was advancement of the broader story line of the t-virus: A bioweapon that happens to turn the infected into flesh eating zombies. Sounds simplistic? Well, the story has more to it than that. it over and over and still cry at the end. New York is the location and it is beautiful. You won't be disappointed. Point being, it's beautiful now and was even more ruggedly, gourgeous when the movie was portrayed to be filmed there and the historical media used for the film. They accentuate the 'Beaty of the Wild West' (at that period in time) and that is a major reason to love the movie. It is very realistic, and harnesses light on the rustic and rough nature of the geographical region as well as society at that point in time.. It portrays what I know by growing up in the mountains and about the early European heritage settling in This great country during that time. Unable to convince anyone that his new neighbor (Chris Sarandon) is a vampire, a desperate teenager (William Ragsdale) summons the help of a reluctant TV 'horror host' (Roddy McDowall) to confront the monsters in their midst... It's well filmed; there isn't that MTV, rapid editing that can cause seizures. The audio is excellent; you can actually understand the lyrics. It's well mixed. It's far superior to a lot of live performance DVD's currently released by some bands. X released a product that is worthy of ones money. 8. The character of Punjab is a car crash of gasp-inducing stereotypes. 3380 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one movie that has stayed with me from the first time I saw it. Now, I have access to all of the iterations - from the Original Theatre presentation, to the "Director's Cut", leading to the "Special Edition"! There is the christian sacred and historical element at the same time. Fargo puts me to sleep too. Something about the snow. This film is marginally better than Ghosts of Mars, but only because Milla Jovovich goes around the place in a really very short mini-skirt and just happens to get skin sticking wet clothes towards the end of the picture. Overall the movie has extremely low production values and even lower prospects in the execution of the film. All of the sets looked contrived, i.e - they have no point being there other than to match scenes in the computer game or look interesting. Oh, yeah did we mention that this is based on a computer game? No, okay lets back up a bit here... Resident Evil just happens to be a really popular 3rd person zombie shoot 'em up horror survival game that they are now selling as a movie. Okay, let's move on... 2783 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hey, what can I say? This movie is a CLASSIC! For those who were around in 1969, this movie gave us a glimpse of what movies would become in the future whenever stars like Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper get together! A must see! 6828 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 IF YOU LOVE SINATRA , YOU WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE , 8654 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie need more older movies like this his neigbours from turning it's victims into vampires including saving his lover 2958 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 No comment 671 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fast shipping, and Tape was in excellent condition. Somehow these old shows are better in VHS. This, specifically is about the movie's blu-ray transfer and I have to say it's excellent. I would go so far as to say that I prefer it to newer high-def titles as you get ridiculously clear picture and detail, but not in a surreal way. I have *no* idea why that is because they're all supposed to be shot on film, even newer movies. In this story Jude Law, a privilaged rich guy who becomes incapacitated overseas unbeknownst to the authorities sells his identity to Ethan Hawke in order for Jude to continue his rich lifestyle while Ethan works at the astronaut corporation. In the story Jude's genetics said he would be the best swimmer in the world but only earns a silver medal and overall Jude is the epitome of that guy whose pedigree says he should be #1 at everything but isn't - probably because he rests too much on that pedigree. 5925 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 3461 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! 605 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wish more of these classics would be offered on Prime. 5197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert De Niro's performance in TAXI DRIVER remains, after twenty-five years, one of the most powerful ever witnessed in an American film. It is almost shocking today that he didn't win the Oscar for Best Actor. The reason isn't hard to locate. Just as Shirley MacLaine lost in 1960 to Elizabeth Taylor when Academy voters thought the latter might be dying (obviously, she survived), so Robert De Niro lost in 1976 when Peter Finch, who had been nominated for NETWORK, actually died. I liked Finch in NETWORK, but today his performance seems to pale beside that of De Niro's. In addition to Henry Fonda's mythic performance as Tom Joad in THE GRAPES OF WRATH, it is almost inconceivable that his performance was not acknowledged at the time. 4139 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 1278 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I bought this movie in the $3 bin at a local discount store. I then read the reviews and thought I had been had. However, I actually liked this movie. Sean Connery as the bad guy and I found it very well done with excellent picture quality. 276 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Glad that this american classic came out on dvd. I have been waiting for it for a long time. I haven't seen this production since it came out years ago. Plus it's better than some Hallmark holiday movies. We have a lot of action, very bad guys to hate and a script that makes the minimal level of sense that we need to go with the flow. Some of the scariest bits in the movie involve Zombie dogs, real man eaters. They are real dogs too, actor dogs with Zombie dog make up which we prefer to computer generated dogs or other monsters. A lot of effort went into this special edition dvd, and it shows. I particularly enjoyed seeing Jones and Palin visit locations. They were in a jolly mood, their comments are interspersed with film footage, and they meet affectionate and funny fans along the way. 315 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 True to biblical narrative. 7788 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robin Williams! 'Nuff said!!! What Easy Rider does is lay out the bare bones of a classic American dilemma and invite the viewer to piece them together. The film is European art-house style. This is no ordinary cowboy movie. Dennis Hopper's directing is not merely brilliant; innovative would be an understatement. Lazslo Kovakcs' cinematography is more than breathtaking; it's magical. A fine classic to own and watch through the years, to think about and enjoy. 9881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie great price....I love it 1) "The Living Dead" - "Steed finds a mine of information - and Emma goes underground". Steed and Emma find rumour of ghosts abound around an ancient chapel, leading the pair to underground plot to take over Britain 7175 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This may not even be that great, but I am rating it purely on nostalgic value. Just watched it with my 2 year old who is suddenly into musicals. I was surprised- she actually liked it! Sat through 3/4ths of it, and dug the songs. I still love this as one of my all-time favorite movies from childhood. Worth the re-watch, especially for the incredibly young Tim Curry! 9345 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Well, I've just spent the better part of two hours reading up on this disc from many different sources. Much of the interaction in this movie takes place between Dolly Parton, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Darryl Hannah and Sally Field. The women gossip, criticize each other and support each other, the kind of love and friendship that seems to exist more often in smaller communities. Dolly Parton is outgoing and friendly, as is Olympia Dukakis. Shirley MacLaine is noisy and complains about everything, figuring that being old and wealthy allows her the right to complain. Darryl Hannah is a very religious frumpy young woman with (gasp!) a past, though her past seems mild to many of us. These women support each other and provide advice, but also an outlet for their wishes and hopes and problems. They also often like to talk about each other, though in a way they try hard to be polite and supportive when they can. 853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thank you I didn't, but there's no saying you won't. 8560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this movie quite a number of times and loved it each time. My grandchildren love it and so do I. 5536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had heard so much about this movie before I saw it, and had come to expect a lot. I wasn't at all dissapointed. The movie has the type of laid-back and character-driven humor that won't appeal to everyone. This is comedy that doesn't target laughs or build up elaborate set-ups as most comedies do. Instead, the humor is continuously slow-pitched to you in the form of weird but likeable characters, off-center attitudes, and situations that seem familiar to us but are played in unreal ways and thus become extremely funny. All together, it's an extraordinarily enjoyable and pleasant movie that strolls through its story with no particular rush. When our inept politicians claim to know who arethe superior persons, and with the scientific advances in genetic research, this may not be science fiction after all. Bottle Rocket is not flawless. I'm not sure why not, just as I'm not entirely sure why its so close to flawless. But it has a wonderful screenplay, full of such lines as "Bob's gone, he stole his car!" or, in response to one characters depression that his eight year old sister thinks he's a failure, "She thinks your a failure? What she ever do with her life that was so great?" The romance between main character Anthony and the Paraguayan housekeeper Inez is touching, as is the sometimes uncomfortable friendship between Anthony and the bonkers-in-a-sad-kind-of-way Dignan. Scenes stay in your memory, like Anthony and Bob watching the retreating Dignan through a fence, or Dignan handing a sparkler to Inez. The cast is great, from Luke Wilson and Owen Wilson (Owen is always an obvious standout, Luke is the type who you appreciate more with each film you see him in) to Robert Musgrave as the hangdog Bob and Lumi Cavazos as Inez. And Kumar Pallana makes his inevitable Wes-Anderson-movie appearance as a safe cracker ("ya, I'm ok man"). The Crappy, Sucky Movie version of Resident Evil Thank you ShoutFactory! for answering the call of the consumer. I'll proudly spend my money with you! 1073 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is one of the funniest Woody Allen films. I don't know why it was released in full screen and that is why I deduct one star. One of Woody's less complex comedies, but still one of my favorites. The DVD transfer looks good, but a widescreen version should have been included. 6207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I really liked this movie. The sets were excellent, the acting decent, the action very good. I never played the game so I came into it totally unbiased. This is definately on my top ten list of movies to watch on cold winter days when I'm able to curl up in front of the tv and enjoy myself. 3858 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has the perfect balance of comedyy and horror. The animals in this movie are great. If you like what happens to the cat in Christmas vacation you will love what happens to it here. Jessica Alba is another upside in this movie adding a somthing that all guys want to see. Caution to those of you with weak stomachs or to some uptight people, this movie is really bloddy, has stoner humer, and has female nudity. 8606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very funny movie. I do not try to compare the movie with the television series, which is why I think so many people dislike the film. 1975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the movie 5137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a mostly well written, acted, and nicely filmed wacky movie. There is nothing deep here just a few bumbling young robber friends. The problem is only one of them wants to really be a great robber and he is a complete moron who can't even keep a job mowing lawns. Another is just trying to impress his jerk brother and the third just wants to be a good friend and find a chick to love. Chalk this up as another unnecessary slasher flick specifically made to capitalize on the success of "Scream." While "Scream" had a certain wit to it, this is plain silliness rolled up with blatant T & A. Don't waste your time. 7951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always liked this movie, finally got around to buying it. Good quality, plays good, no complaints. Enjoyed seeing it again. Save your money. Trust me! 7149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Definitely 5 stars. Our little girls love the movie. Ten years later, during which Besson, sadly, has been unable to recapture his earlier promise, but during which Jovovich has actually proven her chops as an actress sans Besson, The Messenger really does deserve to be reconsidered. It turns out to be a smartly-mounted, crisply-edited medieval war movie, more entertaining than Braveheart and others in this genre, and its light, humourous style actually seems prescient in terms of some of the less reverent historical epics that have been produced since. John Malkovich, who, back then, just seemed old and miscast as the Dauphin of France, now somehow seems spot on, a most knowing parody of his own egotistical image, and Jovovich, despite her technical limitations, is full of energy and fire and, as always, looks fantastic. There are even amusing echoes of Besson's more seminal work, with the story bearing striking similarities to that of The Fifth Element (beautiful girl suffused with a higher power saves medieval France instead of the world) and Tcheky Karyo providing a bemused sort of Leon to Jovovich's Mathilda on steroids. Besson's Joan of Arc may not be a candidate for cinematic canonisation, but it's a terrific movie that never deserved to be burned at the stake. 681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 With such big names as Mickey Rooney and Fred Astaire donnating their vocal talents, this 1970 stop-animation Rankin-Bass special attempted to explain how Santa Claus came into being. It will always keep the whole family entertained. A young man named Kris is determined that the children in a drab village will finally have fun. 6776 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "The Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc" is exquisite, exciting and incredibly well-acted. Milla Jovovich gives her greatest performances as one of history's greatest martyrs. We forget about the beautiful model that she is and are totally convinced and astounded that this is Joan Of Arc. Luc Besson, probably France's best director, brings to the screen an astounding story told with style, elegance, a gritty feeling, hard-broiled action and beautiful cinematography. Not to mention the moving and rich musical score by Eric Serra. "The Messenger" got some heavy flack by critics who claimed it tried to be "Braveheart" and resorted to being an action flick. Not so! In fact, I enjoyed "The Messenger" more than "Braveheart" and the screenplay doesn't just concentrate on the action. We get to know the characters and Besson brilliantly shows Joan's troubled psyche and her battles between her heart and and her conscience. "The Messenger" is exhilarating and stylish, moving and Besson's masterpiece. This is his best film since "La Femme Nikita," and the most moving. This movie is grand and inspiring. Look at the attention Besson pays to the sets and costumes, music and style. "The Messenger" is rich in the detail seen in the greatest of period epics. A 90s update of a timeless story. A masterpiece. 9215 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I LOVE this movie. It is one of the funniest movies ever. Consequently, I am desperately tired of new editions coming out every twenty minutes, with minimal special features, hoping to wrest more money from people who went through college saying "ni", singing about spam and saying "burma" because we panicked. This is the third packaging of this edition of the movie (and I believe fourth DVD release), and the rationale seems to be that there is a tie-in with the highly unnecessary "Spamalot" stage show. I cannot fathom why this happens rather than there being, say, something NEW out of five funny men who are still not dead yet. Come on, leave it alone and do something else. Since I was in high school from '94-'98, I love Girl. I happened upon it by accident (someone recommended Girl when he actually meant Party Girl), and I was so happy that I did. But I know the time period has a bad reputation. If you loathe Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Candlebox, My So-Called Life, and dyed hair, this movie probably isn't for you. That is hard work, but that is possible because they are only dealing with machines, as long as they are dealing with machines. But there comes a time, and it is a lot earlier in the story than you may think, that one will trace the fraud but will say nothing because he has a personal reason to see if the fraud will go through and that the fraud will go through. 9706 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The future as defined by the human genome and genetics greets history with an unspoken salute. Genetics in Gattica determine a human beings fate just as genetics exterminated Jews and so called physically imperfect people in Nazi Germany. BIond hair and blue eyes are favored in both time periods although perfect physical specimines of different races exist sparcely Gattica does not exterminate undesirables, just excludes them.. Before the genome genetics were determined visually and prejudicially. In Gattica it is proven that genetics are a barrier to goals and dreams and what measures must be taken to fulfill them. Gattica is a modernist restatement of a historic evil. Must see. There is no greater comedic mind than Mel Brooks, and there never will be again. Overall, "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" is an amazing film and worthy of having in your collection. But I can understand if the film may be a bit much for some to watch it for a second time or more. 4727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just plain silly. A teenager (Jason Gedrick) learns that And as for the people in the small towns, Hopper used actual people not actors and thus what we are truly seeing in the film are real reactions by Southerners in Louisiana reacting to the men who had long hair (Hopper) and Fonda's black leather pants. These were just a few things that happened behind-the-scenes of "Easy Rider". There will be no special features with the special edition? RUBBISH! This is not simply a reissue of the older DVD with new sound and audio as some have implied. When Air Force One is infiltrated and overtaken by terrorists, the persident is hustleld into his escape pod and sent on his way...or so everyone thinks. Instead, he gets out and the pod flies empty while the commander-in-chief uses the skills that won him the Medal of Honor to outwit those holding his staff and family hostage. She keeps telling me how much she enjoys watching these movies. Very Little. 2618 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 my husband loved this for Christmas! 3897 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nearly a quarter century since it was unleashed, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND ranks as one of the supreme cinematic achievements of the modern era. Steven Spielberg wrote and directed this tremendous science fiction film with his own distinctive middle-class view on things. I don't know about the superbit version. I would hope that for 6515 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 At least, that's what he has implied by ruining both Resident Evil and Aliens vs. Preditor. Why oh why did Sony choose him over George Romero? He had a script ready to go, and then Anderson walked in and offered to do it for less money, and that was that. The same thing can be said about Aliens vs. Preditor. Dream projects like AVP and RE will never be safe so long as Paul Anderson is making movies. 2255 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So excited to own one of my favorite movies of my childhood arrived on time and the packing was great Chalk me up as happy Japan uses NTSC also and has the movie out in the Superbit series with DTS sound. 7263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So this movie for the first time at a Drive in when I was a child. Hard to believe it is now on DVD and Bluray 387 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! 6303 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a great and timeless movie. Nick Nolte is spectacular! Scorsesse not only made a bitter sight of the next hard times that followed to Vietnam ' s but also revealed (through a pathetic character) many issues that still permeated some troubled mind . This neo film noir was a knock out film in that age (1976) , but also it represented the personal triumph of the key Scorsesse De Niro . 6841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fun movie of the times. With "Resident Evil", it was far from a given that it could make such a good transition into a movie, to me at least. It's not like "Silent Hill" (which has also generated an excellent movie) or "Fatal Frame" (which I'm still waiting for the movie version of), both of which had lots of identifiable movie potential from the beginning. The "Resident Evil" games are a bit different, almost nonstop action, most of them not as developed along character or story purposes (these aspects have begun growing in some of the more recent Resident games). They needed to fill in some areas for the movie to be as good as the games. Most of the games pit S.T.A.R. (a highly trained law enforcement organization) agents against hordes of ravenous zombies, occasionally teaming the S.T.A.R. agents with other characters. It's made a lot of great games, but could it move into just as great a movie? One thing they did was split the focus up among more characters of different backgrounds - you've got the S.T.A.R. team, you've got the amnesiac Alice - whose nature is kept a mystery until near the movie's end) - as a main point-of-view character, there are the Umbrella (the name of the corporation that owns the underground facility) people and you've got another major character coming into it from outside the main 'groups'. (This trend of character diversifaction has continued with the "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" sequel, and some of the more recent entries to the game line) It takes longer to build into where the zombie carnage really starts flying, which is fitting for the first entry of a movie series. It introduces the elements at a pace that's equally good for longtime fans of the games and books as well as for viewers who've never even heard of the concept. All in all, the transition was more successful than I thought it could be - this is a great, hi-octane horror-action movie which succeeds in establishing good characters and a great 'edge-of-catacylsm' air. The ending flows directly into "Apocalypse"; and a third "Resident Evil" movie is coming in Fall 2007. 7390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie This film is seductive yes, but certainly unhealthy. 7365 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I introduced Annie for the first time to my 12-year-old step son who's really into musicals, and he really liked it. It was my favorite musical/movie in the 80s when I was 10 or so, and watching it again for the first time in 20-some-odd years brought back a lot of fun memories. It also reminded me of just how incredible Carol Burnett's performance was--something I couldn't fully appreciate as a child. Enjoy! 1043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is another, funny interesting comedy from Woody Allen in the vein of his early work. Good stuff. Great comedic style in classic Allen fashion. As for the movie is it deep and causes you to think about your place in the world? No, not even close. Is it a fun popcorn chomper that will have you veering to serious to spoof in a matter of seconds? Yes, absolutely. Is it worth seeing Ahnold spoof himself? Yes. The scenes where Slater comes into the real NYC - fascinating, serious and fun. the Audio quality is a bit off throughout the 55mins so you have to listen closely to the comments from the 9566 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 husband watched it not me. 2244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Spice Girls In fact, nothing is really explained, it just happens and plays itself out. How are these people having visions of Devil's Tower in Wyoming, the exact coodinates of the alien visitation? How do they prepare the "arena" that's like a landing pad next to Devil's Tower? What's up with the alien technology? Do they have warp-drive capabilities? Do they have anti-matter containment units? Do they explore "temporal disturbances" like the crew of the Enterprise show after show? There's something dystopian about 1970's movies that I really like, 6337 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I think I have seen this film several times. Love anything Pat Conroy! Olly Buxton Director Luc Besson also made the useless "The Fifth Element", and the style-over-substance perspective of that movie is present here, too. This is just a bunch of random fight sequences and melodramatic moments that go nowhere and generate a messy cinematic experience. A lackluster movie and one to avoid. 447 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. Excellent acting and definitely not boring. Thank God like most Bible based movies these days this movie is exceeding with talent (which sounds like true christmas to me!) 7435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Lived in Montana so we can recognize the rivers they used in the film. Something very calming about watching it. It's like watching an artist paint a picture. 9689 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Didn't care for the slow story. Taxi Driver has a deep and thought-provoking storyline- a story that many can relate to because of its realism and accuracy. In my opinion, the story is really about a character that is lonely and misunderstood; I'm sure others will find different themes in this film, and that's okay because film will be interpreted differently by different people. Much of the film intensely builds up to a stunning climax, and it works well. The ending of the film is darkly ironic, and I liked it; however, I won't comment further to avoid spoiling it. It's a great story that manages to send significant messages without sacrificing entertainment. Robert De Niro as Travis was spectacular; he really captured this character; the rest of the cast was also amazing. 6395 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's not like you won't have a clue if you don't see the first movie but if your a major movie buff and and need to know the in's and out's then watch it! 9759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Isn't it wild when a movie seems to have the same idea you've had for years? 9851 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Simply stated, this is one of the most moving and intellectually stimulating movies of recent years. The Blu-Ray release is nothing short of spectacular. 1674 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Upstairs/Downstairs was a great series and having the ability to revisit with these marvelous characters whenever I want is marvelous. I've wanted this set for years but I just couldn't afford it. The deal offered here was absolutely fantastic and having Thomas and Sarah added in was the icing on the cake! 5984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like Sci-Fi horror films and this one is a good one. It is based on a video game of the same name and it has really become a cult type of zombie film. A beautiful woman named Alice wakes up in a large mansion and doesn't know who she is or where she is. She is really an guard for the Umbrella Corporation which is the largest company in the USA. They are also a company deeply involved in military technology and viral weaponry. 8118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This review is for Annie (Widescreen Edition). Unless you are going for the Blu-ray version, this is the ONLY DVD version to own. It has both the widescreen and full-screen versions. The movie was shot in widescreen and the full-screen version takes you back to the good old days when full-screen ruled the TV world (really bad experience). Amazon or someone needs to pull the full-screen version Annie (Special Anniversary Edition) off the shelves. The extra interview isn't worth it compared to having the wide-screen experience. 3217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is the movie that made julia roberts career and what a great movie, offers so much it is so funny and will make you cry this is a movie i watch from time to time and it never gets old one of the best movies ever and such a great cast no one else could have played any of the roles 4941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I believe this was De Niro's first starring movie. 5856 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not true to actual facts 9039 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the film that everyones seen a million times! The Knights of Ni! The Bridge Of Death! Bring out your dead! The Camelot song! Castle Anthrax! Swamp Castle and Herbert and Luckys wedding! Coconuts! French soldiers in Britain (mind you own beeswax!)! The Black Knight! The Three-headed Knight! Insane animated bits! Tim the Enchanter! The RABBIT!!!! The intermissions organ music! Even the opening credits are brilliant!! Love the Anglo Amalgamated Bertram Ostrer film Dentist on the Job fake film starting it all off just to screw with our heads, heh heh Dreem toothpaste for me! Credits signed by Richard M Nixon. Reference to moose in credits! Flashing red and green!! Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. You cant expect to hold supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you. I mean, if I went round saying I was an emperor because some moistened bink had lobbed a scimitar at me, theyd put me away. King Arthurs sword fight the crappiest ever. We are now the Knights Who Say Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing! There is also a storyboard to scene comparison section as well as conceptual art done by Ralph McQuarie (who also worked on "Star Wars" and "Alien" coming up with designs for various aliens and spaceships). Complimenting these sections on storyboards and artwork is a companion 30th anniversary scrapbook. We get brief biographies and backgrounds for the key players in the film and behind-the-scenes as well as comments from Spielberg about the project and behind-the-scenes photos. her face up like ICE T. She tried talking like him, and rolling 8001 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another fine musical. I hope that all kids get the opportunity to view this film. 4437 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Just watched this the other night for poops and giggles, holy jesus it's awful. You can see the twist the second you meet the character and everyone plays their crappy cardboard cut-out roles like a factory produced them. Really it's so unremarkable, so what's the appeal? Well the first one was a big success, so obviously it's riding on the coat tails, but what is it about dumb kids being underwhelmingly picked off by some guy in a raincoat. 3894 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Saw this one in the theater on my tenth birthday, and it was the most amazing movie I had ever seen up to that point, more amazing even than "Star Wars", which came out the same year. 9011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 for all monty python fans 2100 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is a definite must for any fan, young or old. It is hillarious, with great new versions of older songs, with awesome performances of thier first ones. Older fans, keep in mind that it is a senseless comedy, and gets awfully hokey sometimes, but the movie never takes itself seriously, so you it's dumbness is forgiven. To make up for it, seasoned movie buffs will have fun spotting all the cameos, especially if you pay close attention to brittish television. END 1656 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't remember ever pre-ordering a DVD boxed set - or anything else - on amazon. But I so enjoyed this series on PBS years ago, that I took the plunge and pre-ordered this 40th anniversary collection. The only reason I didn't give it a 1 star is some really really terrible movies deserve the lowest grade more than this one does. Not by a lot, though, I have to say. 1272 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I watched all The Avengers way back when, and own all of them now. As John Steed and Emma Peel, Patrick McNee and Diana Rigg are and probably always be irreplaceable and unsurpassable. 5310 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great film and deal I noticed that some previous reviews had a few objections about various technical and political aspects of the movie. Yes, there are plenty of bullets flying around while everyone is flying around. However, I dismissed that as an aspect of the latest in aviation technology as would exist on Air Force One. Ironically, the idea of terrorists hijacking Air Force One is more believable today than when the movie came out. My pet peeve with the movie has to do with the failure to properly explain how an inside member of the President's circle could be the one to aid and abet this takeover. In the several times I've seen the movie, this matter has never satisfactorily been explained. However, these are mere anomalies when compared to all of the thrilling, action-packed adventure that is the essence of "Air Force One". It is truly one of the great action movies of the 1990's. 7363 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A nice movie to watch with family Overall Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a great film. But it just seemed like something was missing. The movie could have been longer and focused more on the zombies, lickers, and Nemesis. But for what was given on the silver screen, it is satisfying. The DVD has a plethora of extras on it as well so you shouldn't get bored with it. Definitely worth a look if you are a fan of this kind of stuff. The 1978 film "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" was a film that was known for its controversial story but also seen as a film masterpiece as it was the first major film to depict foreigners inhumane treatment in prison and it was brought alive due to the awesome performance by actor Brad Davis ("Chariots of Fire", "Roots") and a film directed by Alan Parker ("Bugsy Malone", "Pink Floyd the Wall", "Fame", "Evita" and "Angela's Ashes") and a screenplay by Oliver Stone ("Platoon", "JFK", "Natural Born Killers", "The Doors" and "Alexander"). The film would also feature the talents of composer Giorgio Moroder ("Flashdance", "Scarface" and "Over the Top") and cinematography by Michael Seresin ("Fame", "Angela's Ashes", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and "Step Up"). 7967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Annie is always a cute show you just can't go wrong with Superhero films are big in Hollywood right now, though I doubt they'd make a reboot of this movie a part of me is glad they won't. This classic can hold it's own without the need for any blockbuster A-lister or CGI effects. The atmosphere is clinical, very much reminiscent of Event Horizon, another movie made by the same director Paul Anderson, only that Event Horizon is a slightly more interesting movie. The movie's sterilized feel is almost devoid of human emotions, even in the one or two forced scenes where the characters are supposed to express sympathy and compassion. Those scenes are ineffective. It feels like the script writers feel compelled to include them only to make sure the audience can distinguish the otherwise cold and expressionless human characters from the zombies and artificial intelligence. The stubborn refusal to develop the characters in any three-dimensional sense is rather annoying. Just when you might think the plot drags a bit here comes another Sinatra standard..and oh that 1957 Thunderbird.! Billy tries to makes a run for it & is recaptured. He is initially sentenced to serve just over 4 years for possession. With no time for the more harsh crime of smuggling drugs. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law can all make a case for this being their greatest artistic achievement. Each actor seems to cease being themselves and immerse themselves into the role with a completeness that I have rarely witnessed on screen. As one begins to watch even the first scenes, you are drawn into Ethan Hawke's character and cannot help but become emotionally attached. 7909 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 terrible so sorry Robin William's was in it 49 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always loved this version of a Christmas Carol. 4895 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is an enjoyable movie and the acting by Robert De Nero, Jodie Foster and Cybill Shepherd is very good. But there are no deep lessons here. It is truly sad that violence is such a deeply ingrained theme in American movies. 895 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not for me. 7769 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! 9994 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In the not too distant future, science has perfected the technique to genetically enhance babies before they are even implanted into the mother's womb. 5809 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have the Resident Evil movies, but, was missing this one on DVD, After seeing it on HBO, I had to have it. ~ "My Plague" video by Slipknot This movie is surely the benchmark by which all other vampire films should be measured. But, why rip people off to get rid of it? I don't, can't, and never will understand human greed. You people all sicken me. The reason you haven't sold your Blu-ray copies is not because the movie is not popular. It is. You haven't sold your copies because you are trying to steal from your buying public. It's too bad Amazon has not shut you down yet, worse, that they allow it. 1516 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed this movie version except that Jane played by Samantha Morton was not the strongest Jane. Jane is a solid and strong inside herself type of person. I love the 'look' as Jane but her acting is just not there. It is like she is too faint and disembodied in the role. Jane is a substantial person with depth. Samantha captures the fairy unworldy part but never is strong and resounding in her performance. It is almost like the role was too much for what she had inside to give to it. 4748 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I hadn't watched this movie in many years so wanted to see it again. Amazing filmmaking and it was just as good as I remembered it to be. I have always loved Gothic Horror, particularly the old Hammer horror films such as what Peter Vincent shows on his TV show. Not only do I not see a purpose in the Fright Night remake but I feel it fails on my many levels where the original excels. The vampires of the original Fright night had the powers of Dracula, himself. They could turn into horrible little bats, or wolves, or mist. They could enthrall human wills and could show up on film as a human might. In the remake they have no such abilities and this is not so-well compensated by an excess of explosions. 6956 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Milla Jovovich (looking incredibly sexy, might I add) is an amnesiac who unwillingly becomes part of a group of commandos sent to a large underground facility to destroy a sentient computer. Unfotunately, what they don't realize is that awaiting them are hordes of the living dead who are hungry for human flesh! Action/horror film directed by Paul Anderson mixes in elements from Cube, Ghosts of Mars, and Day of the Dead, and is never entirely successful, due to some bad acting (Jovovich, surprisingly enough, being the exception), a grating industrial musical score, and zombie shootouts that aren't directed with as much flair or intensity as you might expect. Still, there are several standout sequences that are tense and thrilling, particularly a scene where approaching lasers try to make mincemeat out of the team inside an enclosed hallway, several exciting fight scenes against zombies, and the suspenseful finale that pits the survivors against a monstrous genetic experiment. Definitely recommended to genre fans, and once again, Jovovich just rocks in this movie. 7657 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I was disappointed. Nothing great like the original. The Avengers is rated PG-13 and contains violence and language. Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle, a taxi driving nobody who has served in a Vietnam and goes to pornographic movie theaters, making small talk with the woman who sells the food and candy. The story never let's go off you (even the end will leave you haunted and wondering) and the lonesomeness of New York seen through Bickle is mesmerizing. It is filmed in such a way that allows you to see the world has the main character would, who thinks New York is covered with "trash". Travis Bickle also narrates the story, making it emotional and more than just a one-dimensioned story. 1624 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 VERY FIRST DISC WOULDN'T PLAY.TRIED FOR 2 MONTS FOR SATISFACTION FROM VENDOR 9982 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Gattaca. Wonderful idea turned terrible movie mistake. While the basic idea nad theme of Gattaca are spectacular, this film has a very poor plot, and so so acting. Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman do not shine in this movie sa they have so many others. This film grows old quickly. Half-way through the film you are bored to tears, by two-thirds through you want your money back. What happened with this movie? Listening to Spielberg discuss almost every aspect of the making of this film is fascinating. And you get two versions of the movie. The one he originally cut and the theatrical release. For Sci-Fi fans the original version Steven cut is far more superior. And even when the film has its funny moments the focus isn't lost for a single second. Time line graphs which made easy tracking of progress of ww11. Good Maps, 228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a movie from my youth that I would watch every year. I just love it. I am a Charles Dicken fan. Great movie at an amazing price. One of those movies that I watch over and over again with my teen girls! 2590 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Glad to have it on DVD rather than VHS, which is more lasting 3154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Easy Rider, the winner of the Cannes Film Festival (Best Film by a new Director) speaks volumes about the time in which it was made: the pinnacle of one of the most socially tumultuous periods in U.S. history. His rise in prison, his interpretation of the dreams of Pharaoh (Stefano Dionisi) at the same time as we are taken back to Canaan and see the story of Tamar( a pert and beautiful Kelly Miller ) and Judah (Michael Attwell). The final sequence where Joseph's brothers go down to Egypt until the moving scene where he reveals himself to his brothers is the finest. 4429 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1997). Rated "R". Running Time: One Hour, 39 mins. 3457 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the great benevolent e.t. films. The plot and special effects remain surprisingly fresh today. We are encouraged to view e.t. contact responses from both military and civilian perspectives. Pay close attention to the strategically placed "big foot" testimony witness which disrupts a potentially productive e.t. press conference. 244 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm a big fan of Christmas Carol-esk stories so I gave it an extra star for that. Of course, the storyline is cheesy and overworked in these types of movies but I actually enjoyed it. And Henry Winkler was excellent. 8658 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin. Enough said. 5465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is over looked and recently was redone, poorly. This one is classic and captures the 80s style. There are several cheesy effects but the overall composure of the entire film is excellent. The best scene is the one with a very young and pretty Amanda Bearse (her first role) being seduced by the vampire (Sarandon) in a Disco. The lighting and scene is to die for. Roddy McDowall also never really got credit for this role properly. His role is very well done. And some of the lines are quite funny. It mixes horror and comedy in the best possible ways. Rent it and see. Colin Farrell is cute but could never play the kind of character as well as Chris Sarandon did in this version. Finally the role of Charlie is much better portrayed by William Ragsdale , very sexy and attractive I must say. Again this film and many actors were over looked at that time. Later, in the Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center, a more dramatic close encounter of the first kind plays out on the radar scopes as airliner pilots call in reports of bright lights in the sky and unknown contacts make their presence known. For a few tense minutes it look as though tragedy is imminent, but within moments the contacts vanish into the night sky. Torn between reporting a UFO sighting or just letting the incident slide by, pilots and air traffic controllers alike opt to keep quiet, mainly to avoid having to fill out tons of bureaucratic paperwork. Overall, it was inspiring and it too displayed the myopic view of where the world thought a woman's place was. And, how not unchanged it is today. Irony though...her name and history was canonized, nevertheless. Bravo! 5473 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 it's ok 3808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is sent out on an emergency repair job late one night. While traveling alone on an isolated road he encounters the unexpected, an unidentified flying object is spotted overhead. The object also sees him, shining a bright light on his vehicle which causes a sunburn effect to appear on his face the next morning. Not only does this film address a side of schooling that isn't always addressed in schools, art, it is a great way for parents to spend time with their children and help them to grow. 2867 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of the best movies ever made 3914 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The most telling thing about "Close Encounters" is that it's been out for a quarter of a century, and even Steven Spielberg doesn't feel he's *quite* gotten it right yet. The 2001 DVD print is the "Collector's Edition", and is not the same as the version you remember from the movie theater, cable television, or the laserdisc (depending on how you were first introduced to the film). 8350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was very happy with the product and the transaction, would do business again! De Niro is the lonely guy who takes a one-way ticket to the loony bin when he is shunned by the world. The world around him is too busy to take notice of him and his loneliness turns into frustration, then into desperation and culminates in psychosis. He becomes in hell-bent in rescuing a young prostitute (Jodie Foster) from her way of life and shoots up some pimps and low-life along the way. That is Taxi Driver in a nutshell, but what makes this great is how all the actors literally live their roles and make us feel as if they are just on candid camera. You feel a bonding with De Niro since once in a lifetime, everyone goes thru this patch of neglected loneliness. 1076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Presented as a mock documentary complete with narration by radio ham Jackson Beck, Allen's hilarious directorial debut is nuttier and loaded with more gags than his later, more sophisticated New York films. But that's exactly why it works: The laughs are goofy and often puerile, and for all the zippy one-liners that don't quite elicit a full-belly guffaw, Allen piles on with cutting satire (focused mostly on footage of presidents Nixon and Eisenhower). You'll have a lot of fun watching this manic genius at work in one of his earlier comedic efforts. 1633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful series great for a rainy weekend cozied up with cups of tea and occasional sherry. Marvelous cast, wonderful story and lovely nostalgia if you saw the original. When watching this movie I had the impression to make a comeback to the great age of SF, which were the 70s, with "Soylent Green", "Planet of Apes", "Alien", "Westworld", "Andromeda Strain", "A clockwork orange", "Close encounters of the Third kind", "Star Wars", etc., a blessed time in which even "Star Trek" movies could be great (just think about the first one, "Star Trek: the Motion Picture" which opened in 1979). Making this time travel back was a really great experience. Thank you for your time. Im sorry that as a group they didn't last as long nor did their reunion concert that I attended with my then 13 year old daughter catapult them into a new vibrancy. They had the energy and the talent imho. Unfortunatley wether or not it was bad management, chemistry gone bad or just wanting family life it didn't happen. Seriously - I tried to watch this movie on two different occasions and it failed to make me want to watch it thru to it's conclusion both times. I found myself distracted by the least little thing. Watching a bird out the window, counting how many times the ceiling fan rotated every 60 seconds, trying to determine if this number was constant or variable, if not constant then how many rotations did it vary per minute, was there a pattern to this variation, what's for lunch, blt sandwich maybe? Bacon... mmmm... bacon..... Not long after that, Billy Hayes finds himself in court, having his sentence upped. This is one of the more troublesome scenes in the picture; his big courtroom speech, which includes some of the most obviously anti-Turkish sentiments of the film, is full of the less-than-subtle dialogue and reckless hyperbole that have been a thorn in the side of Oliver Stone's critics in the years to come. For all of its problems, however, Midnight Express is unquestionably effective. Parker seems to see it, first and foremost, as an antsy, jittery mood piece, he doesn't let a lot of sunshine in to his frames, and his handling of the story's violence is demanding and relentless. The direction is particularly compact during a nervy escape attempt; he shoots and cuts the sequence with razor sharpness, made stronger by the choice to go without music. The score itself, by Giorgio Moroder, is a mixed bag; renowned at the time for its innovative use of synthesizers, it was the first all-synth score to win an OSCAR, the dread-filled music works beautifully in the first act, but is alternately bombastic, syrupy, and button-pushy through the rest of the film. We've seen before how nothing can date a film quicker than an inappropriate score, and that's often the case here. But as you will hear from the Extras, that Vangelis was Alan Parkers preferred choice and I feel it would have been a far more of a superior music score and I think Alan Parker was rather miffed at being over ruled by the studio executives. Any Muppet fan will fall in love with A Muppet Family Christmas. It really is the whole family... when Fozzie and the gang arrive at his mother's farmhouse for the holiday, they stumble across Doc and Sprocket. Other Muppet characters straggle in as the show progresses, and the entire Sesame Street crew arrives to help celebrate! The Fraggles even come around after Kermit and Robin stumble across the hole that leads to their cave. With the family coming full circle, it's a full house brimming with love, laughs, and fun. And I thought I was the only one who thought Chris Sarandon was extra hot here. If vampires look like him, I'm a willing victim! :-) (Tom Cruise, eat your heart out!) 5552 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A movie I had to own. 3814 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Can you believe, I have never seen CEO3K until the other week. I looked forward to seeing it, but unfortunately it did not measure up. After hearing mixed reviews (so many of them referred to it as 'boring'), I was prepared to give it a go. This is not a simple story, and the drama which plays out between Neary and his wife (Teri Garr) is brilliant. Guiler's angst for her missing son is also perfectly portrayed by Dillon, one of the finest character actresses of this era. But the core of Close Encounters, the moment of truth, is the sequence involving the aliens. There are so many hundreds of ways this scene could have gone wrong. The aliens could have looked fake, but they didn't. The lighting could have been wrong, but it wasn't. The aliens are portrayed as being just as shy as we are - a perfect choice. There's a sense of wonder throughout the extraordinary proceedings. Eventually, one gets the feeling that if we truly meet brothers from another planet, it will happen much as it does in Close Encounters. 64 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was thrilled to see, "An American Christmas Carol", on the Prime list. I love the Dicken's story and this was a worthy adaptation that I remembered from my original viewing more than 30 years ago. Set in early 20th century America, there are a few simple changes from the classic version. Scrooge is a money lender, having grown rich by lending, then repossessing merchandise when his clients could not keep up on payments. 9594 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Like Ethan Hawke & Uma Thurman. Like the storyline. The emphasis on action increases once Alice begins regaining her memory, suddenly remembering that she is a martial arts expert who can run along walls, do flying kicks, and break necks with her thighs. It feels like her sparring partner was Trinity in The Matrix. 8845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Hard Times" a film directed by Walter Hill, takes place in New Orleans during the Great Depression. 4360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Muppet classic. If only the un-edited cut were released. Blu-ray Special Features and Extras: Irvin Kirschner, the very intelligent director who guided this (as well as "Empire Strikes Back", etc..), provides a non-stop commentary track which is interesting. What I have is the 2-DVD Special Edition with tons of bonus material. Disc one has the feature presentation with the option to view it in either wide or full screen and three audio commentary tracks (including one with actors Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr, Milla Jovovich and Milla's unfortunate cackling - and they sure make fun of Germans a lot). Disc 2 has: 20 forgettable deleted scenes, 12 minutes worth; cast outtakes; "Game Over: RESIDENT EVIL Reanimated" - a six-part "Making Of" the film (focusing respectively on the stunts, the zombie choreography (the Undead Boot Camp), the sets, the weapons used, and the visual f/x); "Game Babes" explores the emergence of female action stars in cinema, showcasing Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory; "Corporate Malfeasance" is a featurette focusing on how the Umbrella Corporation bears real world similarities; "Symphony of Evil" is a special effects montage; "Poster Gallery" showcases five submissions from the finalists of the online poster design contest; and there are movie trailers, including the theatrical trailer and teaser for RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE and the trailer for RESIDENT EVIL. The special effects team (who, in fairness, didn't have much to do other than the aforementioned toenail clipping close-ups and the odd distant rocket launch) seem to have missed the last 35 years in development of special effects. The actors are first class; the story well written; 9896 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Gore Vidal and especially Jude Law all shine in this low key sci fi drama set in the not too distant future. Two trends that are now really beginning to unfold have reached their full fruition: 1) genetic engineering has reached the level where it is available "over the counter"; and 2) society has completely split into a privledged and unprivledged caste system, based almost entirely on the genetic quotient. The struggle for survival turns the film into a roller coaster journey that goes up and down, but unfortunately it seems to stay down most of the time as the action sequences become too cool, almost godlike, which removes any atmosphere of fear, or trepidation that Resident Evil should arise. The true horror, which was an element in the first film, is wiped out as the film instead attempts to offers a cinematic experience through shoot 'em up action. There are some interesting scenes such as Alice running down a wall, and the Nemesis attack on the S.T.A.R.S. station, which leaves one survivor. But overall, Resident Evil: Apocalypse does not provide much fright or scare. The action sequences, at times, feel awkward and more humorous than suspenseful as the characters are supposed to struggle for survival. When some poor soul is about to die, it becomes slightly predictable as if some formula was concocted in order to save the film. 2952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A good movie that I cry every time I watch. One scene, a very important scene, one that any "Christian" should take note of, has the Jesus character visiting the retarded boy in his jail cell shortly before his scheduled execution. This was obviously a death-penalty state, the law of the land for a capital crime prescribing capital punishment, and while this condemned boy was praying in his cell for forgiveness, Jesus himself appeared to him. And without a word, he placed his hand on his shoulder, looking at him as an understanding father would, as if to say "I know your heart, and I forgive you." It's a moving scene. 4051 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie never fails to move me - the actors portray REAL emotion. Chris Columbus (Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone) directs with a deft hand, allowing some of the intertwined relationships' rough edges to show. An impotent, stressed out manager - Clifford (Richard E. Grant). The other woman is the redemption vehicle : twelve years old child-woman who sells herself in the streets of the city . 7481 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Stylish 70's thriller with great soundtrack. I'm going back through my list of all time favorite movies searching for the DVDs, or even better Bluerays to get, 1619 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had never seen this series when it was on tv. I had heard such good things about it so I figured I'd see what it was all about. At first I had a bit of a time getting into it, BUT...once I did...I was hooked. It's a great series. Twenty years later I was asked to teach a course called "The Journey of Life" and use it as one of the pieces. 1549 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I really disliked this version of Jane Eyre, so much so that I found myself skipping parts and pulling the movie out before finishing it. I infinitely prefer the William Hurt adaptation of the novel. 7622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good feel good movie, would recommend it for a date night or just to enjoy. 7858 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen all the films directed by Robert Redford and appreciated his love of the American people and the land. In A River Runs Through It, Redford displays the lyric romanticism and visual splendor of the high Rocky Mountins of Montana as if he were a 19th century landscape painter of the ilk of Thomas Moran or Albert Bierstadt. This film makes love to the visual and the word, with text by author Norman Maclean, and stunning camera work by Phillippe Rousselot (Serpent's Kiss, Reigne Margot). I've never seen an episode of the original TV show so I didn't have the element of familiarity to help me out - but from what I've read in other reviews similarities between the TV show and this movie are few. in spite of his trangressions, is still representative of the dark side I am glad that I added it to my collection of 1041 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I've never seen a worse comedy. It has a promising idea (that a criminal would fail at every turn) but is so tightly over scripted that you can't even laugh in the wrong places. There are none of the quirky truthful insights about real life that "Annie Hall" later had. Woody Allen must be an absolutely humorless person. The only good thing that can be said is that this failure forced him to go in a different direction. This movie isn't so much watched as experienced. For maximum viewing pleasure don't let anyone tell you about the film. Let them sit you down, turn on the VCR and be amazed. 1199 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This show is one of the classics: it's humor is hip, intelligent, sometimes surreal. the cast is absolutely perfect. With so little sit-com type shows on tv these days, do yourself a favor and invest in this for many hours of feel-good comedy. I thought that I wouldn't like the follow up series "Thomas and Sarah" but I enjoyed it immensely as well. I was, however, dismayed by the ending and while I won't include a spoiler, I will say that it, too, left me sad and wanting more. Marc Brown's characters are true-to-life in that he does a fine job having them mirror how kids act in the real world. As such, their reactions provide lots of opportunities to talk to your kids about what is happening during the show. At least, that's how we watch shows. : ) 3626 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Not very often does a an old film come along on Blu-Ray and look so good. This and the Star Wars trilogy look amazing on Blu-Ray. I had already had it on DVD and the big difference, which is a huge plus (aside from the high definition and other Blu-Ray Standards) is that all three versions of the film are one one disc with a special viewing mode for each version that lets you know if its new, old or just for that version. The special features are also quite amazing. This is definitely a must have on Blu-Ray! Why I did not give this DVD 5 stars is the lack of extra features. There is a director's commentary out there--I heard it years ago on Comedy Central! 1929 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic Harrison Ford. I Think he though he was in a Star Wars Movie. LOTS OF EXTRAS: (Some New Stuff) 8703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic performances by Bronson, Coburn and Strother Martin. Great sets and locations. 2531 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Originally saw it in the theater. Cried just as hard at home. Then the pair suddenly become estranged again as Mifune sees some very graphic pictures of slain Japanese in an old Life magazine and wartime hatreds emerge once more. Also available in the DVD set: Costume Drama Collection In the end I can honestly say that `The Prince of Tides' is a missed opportunity, which I think is what makes the sting of the films failure hurt all the more. It could have been so deep and haunting but instead comes off vapid and hollow. 8630 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hard Times is an outstanding movie, with an outstanding cast: Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Strother Martin, Jill Ireland, and the great bit player, Robert Tessier. The fight scenes are exciting and realistic. The plot works. SEE: Upstairs Downstairs 2011. 8488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 My kids enjoyed it. 6261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I give this 4.5 Stars out of 5 not 4 or not 5 4.5 9079 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. When we lost our original in the tornado, this was one of the first ones we replaced. Where did they discover the FAX Lady? She was awarded PostMaster Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017). 905 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie for fans of Michael Crawford. Gary Oldman is the movie's main villain, a terrorist with some scores to settle. Both he and Ford are great, and with the added start power of William H.Macy and Glenn Close make this big-name action-fest great fun. He's suicidal and is about to kill himself when some punks grab him and are about to kill him when... Parry (Robin Williams) arrives and saves him. And then Jack finds out about Parry. He's a homeless guy who thinks he's a knight on a quest to find the holy grail. Jack thinks that he's insane. And then he finds out the awful tragedy that happened to Parry. And that tragedy occured becuase of Jack 3 years ago when he was let go. All Travis really wants (and perhaps it's his dissapointment after fighting in the Vietnam war and comming back to a life like this, without the respect or the quality of life he feels he deserves for being a soldier, which many vetrans were faced with) is to protect something that is worth protecting and to seperate himself from the filth that traps him. So he becomes the self appointed angel to a twelve and a half year old runaway hooker named Iris (played by Jodie Foster). To become reconized as the hero he may have been in the war (noticethe scars on his back during the excerise scene) which leads him into this horrific descent into hell. Many scenes are laugh out loud funny. I was rolling on the floor laughing during the exchage about aliens. The drug trips are interesting. The music is a huge part of the culture and so it is in the movie. The Resident Evil movie also has very little in common with its console video game forebears- other than it's title and that it has an evil corporation named Umbrella which has made a terrible virus that turns people into flesh eating zombies. Now, to me, this sounds like a match made in heaven. I'm a graduate of the George A. Romero school of zombie flicks and cut my teeth on Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. I make no apologies for like spectacular gore- I want to see people being ripped in half with their intestines and other organs spilling out on the floor with wet goopy splatting noises like a bowl of rotten fruits being tipped over. I want limbs hacked off. I want people using 500 bullets to kill something instead of using just one. I want Peter Jackson `Bad Taste' and `Brain Damage' level gore. Resident Evil the movie has flesh eating zombies, but very little gore, very little actual eating of flesh. Almost none. So, what's the point? Co-starring Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Liesel Matthews, William H. Macy, and Dean Stockwell, Air Force One's premise is simple: Russian ultra-Communist terrorists take over the President's plane on its way back to the U.S. from Moscow. Marshall, who by happenstance is separated from his family and staff during the takeover, must use his military training (he's a former Air Force pilot) and his wits to regain control of Air Force One and rescue the hostages before the terrorists achieve their aims. 8613 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Love the movie, but the audio quality on this is terrible. Cannot get enough volume out of it. 6819 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it!! Classic Sinatra at his best Samantha Morton, although a great actress here, played Jane far too impertinent for her position, the era and most importantly for the post-Helen Jane who had a gentle spirit that made Mr. Rochester drawn to her in the first place. Chaney has the self-confidence that comes from being good at what he does. He supports himself with his fighting, but does not live for it. Chaney lives for "the in-betweens." He is a drifter because being settled in hard times gives him no satisfaction; Chaney is an upright man in a beat-down time. His mannerisms are not genteel, though his spirit is. He does not say much, but his actions are compelling. 8586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie. And a great cast to boot.. Don't miss this one. If you don't know what this moive's about, you live in a cave and owe it to yourself to buy this right now. If you enjoy the 1980 re-release version of this film it is also in this package and so is the release 1997 DVD copy. If you get it now it cost a lot less than it did in November of 2007 so, if you enjoyed the original versions of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" take advantage of this offer. 1267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still one of the classic sitcoms. It of the 70s but the humor remains tweaked enough for the modern audience. Bob is a master of the reaction shot and the others (special call out to the late Marcia Wallace) are comedy greats in their own right. My favorite characters here are Cybil and Rebecca (Summer Phoenix). Cybil is just too cute with all her crazy hairstyles and that dry comeback to everyone's compliments ("It doesn't matter."). Rebecca is Andrea's sort- of guide through the "underworld" of guys, music and pop culture. mega-budget CGE movie. Its a people movie. For those of you who live in the city, get away from the light pollution for a while. You'll appreciate this special edition boxed set even more. 6118 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One word, NEMESIS! "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" takes the viewer straight to the world of the "Resident Evil" video games... and it's a TON of fun. Picking up exactly where the first film left off, "Apocalypse" once again puts the viewer in to the extremely competent shoes of our protagonist/heroine: Alice. This time, Alice is a genetically engineered killing machine who makes it her lot in life to kill as many zombies as possible using motorcycles, automatic weapons and even her own fists. From the start, the film takes off at a break-neck pace and simply doesn't let up through it's concise 94 minutes. Many character are added throughout the film (some great, some... not) but if there's one thing this film IS, it's vintage "Resident Evil." I highly recommend these latest volumes in the Drive Thru History saga and have added it to my listing of mom-approved movies for families on my wordpress blog. 2450 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 2 of the most beautiful people on the planet along with an interesting story - what more can you ask for. When I'm searching for a new film I'll often say something like 'No Mercy' or 'Basic Instinct'. Monty Python's Flying Circus, which aired on British television from 1969-1973, is an original, funny, TV experience. The latitude that the group was given in terms of creativity is amazing. However, if one digs deeper, he/she learns that sometimes the BBC put the kibosh on some of the gags. In short, the Flying Circus shows were a testimony to the comic brilliance of John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, and my personal favorite, the now deceased Graham Chapman. The other Python films are all great as well, including The Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life. But in the end, I think we all keep coming back to this film as the first and funniest of the Python movies. 538 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This film is a classic true story about the Son of God taken entirely from the Gospel of Luke. I also recommend a video called the Gospel of John, get the 3 hour version it is totally worth it! The Gospel of John is a 5 star film. Holidays such as Kwanzaa and Hanukkah are also highlighted making this a fun and informative DVD. there's stills & memorabilia Gallery from Tom Hollands archives Ive seen this movie twice in a one month period and hope for a sequel! See it, its a fun movie and you won't be dissapointed. 3449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent classic. A staple in your movie collection. I recently finished Krakauer's book, and the movie does it justice. It's just so emotional, so in-your-face, I was mesmorized by the journey, and devastated by the outcome. It's a terrific film. It's a study of a man who's completely alone in the world even when surrounded by other people. What DeNiro was able to do just looking into a mirror asking "Are you talking to me" by himself is one of the best movie scenes in movie history. Remakes: Fright Night (2011). Fright Night 2 (2013). Scorsese's film: a study of urban alienation, and a restless, fluid camera contributed to a view of New York as hell on earth, and mirrored the protagonist's growing insanity... 5414 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember when I was a younger I loved this movie... I loved this as a child and so glad she likes it as well and for under $5 I thought it was a great deal. Vincent is getting closer to his goal of outer-space flight when a hated director at Gattaca is murdered. Vincent has always been careful to not leave tell-tale evidence - like flaked off skin fragments - but soon Gattaca is crawling with persistant FBI types. (Interesting that in the future the FBI has gone from only investigating Federal crimes to also doing murder investigations - but I digress.) His truck is "explored" by a brightly lit UFO, turning his vehicle suddenly anti-gravity, and sunburning one side of his face as he tried to look up at the ET craft, in a truck whose electronic systems and radio have all gone haywire and dark. 7488 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good Movie 9934 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 BOTTOM LINE: Been a fan of this film since it first splashed across cineplex screens. I've owned it on tape, two different DVDs version and now this Blu-ray. BLUE THUNDER is a solid action film, thrilling and highly entertaining from start to finish. Roy Scheider is excellent as is the rest of the cast. I enjoy revisiting this movie every so often, like an old friend. The audio/video improvements in this new 1080p format make it a recommended upgrade. This spiffy new BLUE THUNDER Blu scores a solid 4 STARS from me. "Some guys have a system with horses, and I got a system with dames. It's a snap. You treat a dame like a lady, and you treat a lady like a dame." Says Joey Evans [Frank Sinatra] on the subject of romance. 9153 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just the fact that this is Monty Python automaticaly means 5 stars! Being big Python fans, we got this to replace our old copy on VHS, plus this has all the extra goodies and much better picture quality. Not a movie I would watch repeatedly - but definitely a movie I am glad I watched once, to get a sense of that era in history, and to understand more the references that others make to this film. 7845 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Once upon a time, Hollywood made "films, " and some of these films became the epitdome of art. That talent has all but been forgotten in an era where imagination takes a back seat to the obvious. There used to be a clamor for fine directors and actors who could convey the thoughts and feelings of an author or screenwriter without the use of nudity or foul language. They used to make films without explosions and blood and gore. And those films used to be AND still are better than most anything that Hollywood cranks out today. 1 For Milla Jovovich 3782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Yes it's one of those weird teen films but c'mon its hilarious and cool. Seth Green truly is funny. Not to forget Jessica Alba is amazing as well. These are one of those films that can make you feel good about yourself. 4693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie was good. mild action; but, quit tastful. 3961 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steven Spielberg topped himself with this movie, which arrived two years after JAWS, the movie that blew the movie industry -- and the rest of us -- away. The first movie to explore aliens from the vantage point of someone who could be your neighbor, or YOU, is fascinating and utlimately surprisingly moving. The visual wonder of this movie is so palpable you can almost touch it with your hand, and the performances are so in synch that you become friends with these people by the time the Mother Ship arrives -- especially Melinda Dillon and Richard Dreyfuss; Teri Garr is as usual excellent, and Francois Truffaut is the perfect man to embody a sympathetic scientist, filled with wonder. When communication between humans and aliens begins to explode, I found tears welling up in my eyes, so complete was Spielberg's magic spell. The fact that this movie essentially features no real villian is remarkable; it manages to be profoundly funny, sentimental, interesting and magical without any real violence and no real character conflict/battle. John Williams once again provides a score of majesty and power; the creative collective genius who concocted an alien encounter entirely through music, whether it was Williams, Spielberg, the writers, or a combo, deserve(s) special mention, and Williams' theme evokes precisely the right emotional chords to transport you to the galaxies above, or at least to heaven. And, the movie warns us, what goes around comes around. I can't express the theme of the movie any more simply than that. Now go buy it you sons of a silly person! Beyond the directorial elements and acting brilliance, is a wonderful storyline. A storyline that in addition to raising some fundamental questions about mankind's role in Nature, also brings out the spirit of human passion, the emotional interplay between Ethan and Uma, the friendship between Jude and Ethan, the relationship between Ethan and Elias Koteas (who plays his brother), and even Ethan and Ernest Borgnine in one honest-to-god natural sequence. The Bellamy's are made up of Richard Bellamy, MP (portrayed by David Langton) and his wife, Lady Marjorie Bellamy (played by Rachel Gurney), and the couple have two children, James (Simon Williams) who is serving in the military, and strong-willed Elizabeth (Nicola Pagett). 8978 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very very funny...a must have 2359 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was good to see Roger Moore, no longer James Bond 007, in a film again. This time he plays a character that looks very much like his nemesis Blofeld. Instead of a cat he now keeps a pig in his lap. Very cool idea! As with David Lean's DOCTOR ZHIVAGO it is about a few years in the turbulent life of the all-female Anglo-Soviet assembly. The Spy and Spice Girls have plenty of character, and that helps make up for the lack of action and adventure that keeps their movie debut from being a truly epic motion picture. The concert scene at Albert Hall in London was very reminiscent of Hitchcock's THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. It was kind of a 90's version on some of his themes as well as David Lean's and those of the Bond producers. However, it has a potential of being cult epic like AUSTIN POWERS. Perhaps not. Perhaps time will be kind to these spicy gals. 3272 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's funny, it's sad, it has everything that most women can associate with. It is one of my very favorite movies and I've watched it at least 10 times. Shirley McClain is hysterical. 8025 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 After losing his beloved wife in a horrible shooting, a former college professor played by Robin Williams, reinvents himself. After coming out of a catatonic state, he becomes Parry, living in the basement of the apartment building where he and his wife had resided. He is a friend to the homeless and saves the life of Jack Lucas a disc jockey whose vitriolic diatribe sent one of his listeners over the edge. The listener is the guy who shoots up the bar where Parry and his wife were. After this happens Lucas becomes an alcoholic being supported by his long suffering girlfriend played by Mercedes Ruehl (in an Oscar winning role). His connection with Parry saves them both. The human mind is an incredible thing. Every time Parry thinks about his wife or happiness with a woman he has fallen in love with, he hallucinates a "red knight" who chases him on a horse. He becomes hysterical with fear. He can't "be" anyone but Parry, his mind won't allow it. Its self-preservation. Robin Williams is one of those rare actors who can make you laugh and cry at the same time. I wish I could give this film more than five stars. The only area that one may criticize is the very white actors when in fact the people at the time were much darker in complexion. However, this shortcoming is compensated by the accuracy of the actual biblical account of the story which is rare in many biblical productions. and brad is stimulating, good looking man! OK. ...are As it is, fondly remembering James Cameron and David Twohy, I started to get bored after a while, the film being completely relying on shock tactics of sudden big "Bang!" and strongly suggested violence. 4152 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This father son movie is pretty entertaining. I don't much care for Gleason but he holds his own in this 4559 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I first saw this movie when it hit the theatres back in the day when the only reviews were from movie critics on television and in the local paper. No one really knew anything other than Demi Moore was in it and she was actually pregnant. When the movie ended the entire audience got up and left the theatre in absolute silence. I've never had this experience again. The movie was food for thought. It's based on the 7 signs of the apocalypse found in the Bible and The New Testament but it is applied to the current day's happenings with explanations throughout the movie plot to help people who are not familiar with those teachings understand. With that being said it is not a bible thumping movie. You are taken through a whole chain of events (with a couple of twists) with the story being centered mostly around this young mother who is pregnant and her attorny husband that unknowingly are participants in the revelations. You may be able to guess the end of the story as it approaches but it doesn't soften the impact of the message. It you're a thinker, it leaves you speechless. I highly recommend it as a good movie whether you do or do not hold religeous beliefs. 5771 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A dangerous virus leaks out, turning the population of an entire city into meat-eating, bone-munching zombies. Even the dogs are zombified. Strangely enough, all dogs in Raccoon City are over-sized Dobermans Meanwhile, the secret organization Umbrella (heavily responsible for just about every zombie apocalypse this side of Hades) sends in its specially trained super-zombie killers to eradicate anyone in town who thinks he knows something above top secret level. These are just two of the subplots in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, featuring Milla Jovovich as surprise a genetically enhanced superhero with a penchant for zombie-slashing. Resident Evil doesn't deserve a closer analysis, but it's great fun as entertainment, at least if you want to be entertained, something I readily admit that I wanted to late last night But no, it's hardly an Academy Award winner, LOL. 3334 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Still lots of fun. Holds up fairly well. 4449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite films. The acting was real good,especially Brandy (What a surprise.)The ending was one of th best. The rain made it look like a real horror movie. Even though I do agree with a couple of other reviewers the movie was kind of rushed into production (I mean I never even heard of the guy who made it.)I still was pretty good. I'm only 13 don't get me wrong but I write my own stories and probably wouldn't thought of a better script. [...] 5800 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Not quite bad enough to be funny, but close. 1841 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As the Peruvian's review indicates, there are certainly Latin Americans who don't want to face part of their political reality, just as there are US citizens who like to deny or rationalize the violence of the United States of North America. The "Indian Wars" of the US empire continue as this film on the oppression of Guatemalan Mayan Indians reveals. While President Clinton did offer a near-apology for our decades of funding and organizing Guatemala's dirty war that killed 200,000 people, our corporatocracy continues to exploit the region and to wage economic warfare via NAFTA, CAFTA and the World Bank. What I really like about this version is the sweet chemistry between Jane and Mr. Rochester. She finds him charming in spite of how flawed he is, and it really shows in her expressions. Ciaran Hinds' Mr. Rochester is abrupt and unpolished, and I rather liked his portrayal. His Mr. Rochester is gruff, passionate, volatile, and vulnerable. And Samantha Morton's Jane is spunky, sweet, and feminine, I think more so than other Jane Eyre's. Yet she still embodied Jane's quiet reserve and stifled passion. 9975 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is another one of those conspiracy movies, only this one involves helicopters that see through walls (we've got that now), listen through closed windows (we've had that for years), and are armed to effectively control any situation. Roy Scheider is the pilot cop who comes to term with the new beast, bests the bad guys, and saves the country from itself. Many of the flight sequences are outstanding, though the dialog frequently sucks and makes the pilots seem stupid. This is one that is worth sitting through every couple of years. 9382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie For anyone who seeks a quality VHS of this work, you'll be pleased with the 1996 SONY/COLUMBIA version. 5703 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 the resident evil movie franchise is the greatest movie franchise in the universe a true classic the best of the best the resident evil movie franchise rocks all the video game based movies that hollywood produced for over 2 decades from the super mario bros movie to pixals are the greatest movies in the universe there true classics the best of the best all the video game based movies that hollywood produced for over 2 decades rocks from the super mario bros movie to pixals rocks The film's plot revolves around Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), an In-Valid who works as a janitor at an aerospace firm named Gattaca Corporation. But in spite of society's view of him, Vincent has dreams of someday going into space himself, and his intelligence and all-consuming drive to find a way to transcend societally imposed barriers leads him into an alliance with a black-marketeer (Tony Shalhoub) and a genetically "superior" young man (Jude Law) who wants to sell his own identity. Soon Vincent is engaged in a scheme to secure employment as an engineer at Gattaca and thereby realize his goals and dreams. But once he's finally on the other side of the fence, how long can he sustain such subterfuge in a society where an individual's genetic identity is constantly monitored and even a lost eyelash can provide authorities with enough genetic material to expose a fraud? WARNING: Do NOT watch if the title has you hoping to see some Audie Murphy/John Wayne heroics, with intense battle scenes. "Hell in the Pacific" is one of the greatest movies of it's ilk. Can't even begin to remember the first time I watched it, most likely not long after it was made. A true portrait of two men fighting a war on opposite sides, that only know their on opposite sides, but find out what it is to know your opponent, who may not necessarily be your enemy. 3332 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Good acting, and there's some suspenseful parts that keep you on the edge of your seat, but overall I wasn't impressed. I didn't even finish watching this movie. I only watched about half of it, then turned it off because I was getting so bored. Would not recommend. 4024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie has great actors and a very good story. I Love It! I recommend it to all Julia and Susan fans. 6574 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 awesome 2177 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always loved the SpiceGirls! 1467 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hands down - Samatha Mortion is the best Jane Eyre ever! 9186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 By far one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, Monty Python and the Holy Grail holds up to repeated viewings. The knights of the round table are all delightfully dimwitted on their quest and it is a perfect mix of song, hilarious one-liners, and physical gags: "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"; the Black Knight ('tis but a scratch); the Killer Rabbit; the Holy Hand Grenade; "cut down a tree with...a herring!". It is hard to believe it was made for just peanuts and only in 5 weeks, this comedy has stood the test of time. A few lines here and there that I don't remember, particularly during the battle scenes that made the battles seem a little bit less intense. For example, "Do something!" "What do you want me to do?" "I don't care, just do something!" which are lines I don't remember, but I could be wrong. None-the-less some parts of the battles seemed less intense to me from what I remember. the Sony pictures blu-ray versions are barebones terrible versions 934 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I thought I buying a copy and not paying a ten dollars for a playing of condor man. It's a good movie but not that good. Besides I have a Walter Cronkite, though mentioned by name, was not the newscaster making the cameo in the movie. It was, however, the also prominent real life newscaster Howard K. Smith. There is no suggestion he is to be taken in the story (let alone in reality) as part of any conspiracy; presumably the character was just reporting what Major Walsh and his team told him regarding a relatively mundane story about a train accident. 1445 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent version of Jane Eyre. There is obviously some gaps, due to time constraints, but the movie is well done. Cieran Hinds is brilliant! 5518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Okay, let me first say, what is it with the word "Poser"? Why is everybody so damn concerned about what OTHER people are doing? Anyway, when I first rented this movie I turned it off half way through because i thought it had no meaning..., well i tried renting it again a few months later, and I loved it! Don't ask why, I guess I was just in a better mood or something. It's funny, very well acted, and has meaning. The near ending scene( all you people who have seen this know what I'm talking about) shows how good of an actor Matthew Lillard really is. So This film is great for anyone who enjoys a little fun and diversity. To begin the characters were very disrespectful to the original. I remember hearing of this sequel and hoping they would build more on Milla character, giving her more to work with and more past stories of her time at the Umbrella Corporation. I was a hopeful viewer who wished for more deeply rooted characters with many layers, but found the Hollywood clich instead. The entire character known as LJ could have been eliminated with the greatest of ease and without any remorse. His lines were the epitome of every other zombie film created while trying to bring his own game references into a franchise that was doing well on its own (the GTA line nearly took my rage over the top). Like any good supporter of films and video games, I don't mind when they bring in more characters from the series, but let us know who they are first. There was no introduction to Valentine for those less familiar with the series other than she knows how to shoot zombies and she was disbarred from the force (see the writing on the wall). This goes the same for Carlos, who just wandered through his part without really contributing anything worth while, and Nicholai, whom I always considered another villain of the series. Oh well, I guess when tons of Hollywood cash is being thrown in your direction, you can just go crazy with creativity and forget the basis of your film. Yet again, who am I to say? Milla was the only one worth watching in this entire film, and even her character seemed to be turning to cardboard by the end. It was a sad change of events for the Resident Evil group. 3131 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I co-worker once quipped that this movie was just a "woman movie." She seemed to have some disdain for that. It's too bad she marginalized it in that way because this is a fantastic movie about the love of friends. Just look at the cast, and you know it's going to be good. 6970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I must say, I certainly didn't have high hopes for this movie. I've been a fan of the video game series since the first game was released back in the spring of 1996. I can't remember when the movie was announced, but it was a very long time ago. I want to say 1998, not long after Resident Evil 2 was released. I think I was a little optimistic at the news, but months and months went by with no more word of the movie actually being made, just rumors that George Romero was possibly being brought on to direct, and then that he wasn't. Finally, the first details and publicity photos emerged. It looked and sounded... well, pretty bad. It was revealed that the plot revolved around an "evil computer". This wasn't good news, since NONE of the games involve such. It sounded like it was going to be yet another weak video game cash-in; "Ah, who cares what's in the games, that stuff won't work in a movie. We'll start from scratch, as long as there's zombies in it, those mindless, idiot gamers will be happy." I pretty much lost interest in it. But then couple of months ago I saw the trailers, and my curiosity was once again piqued. It looked like it might actually not [be that horribly bad]. (edited by Amazon) How is this a racist movie? One guy was complaining that it was racist against black people because the black man does not kill many zombies, and only has a few lines. That tells me that a movie that is nothing but a black man standing on a stage telling a bunch of other black people that black men are perfect and every other race in the world is stupid is not racist, but a black not killing zombies and having a few funny lines is racist. I am Asian, but I lived in America my whole life. I do not have an accent. I do not look Asian, and I do not need some black guy telling me that when I get pulled over by the police, I pretend I do not know how to speak English. I speak one language, and have always spoken one language, and that is English. I do not need some black guy telling me what I do and do not do. He does not know me. If you think this movie is racist, then you need to get with the times, because everything is racist now, and nobody cares anymore. 8389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Last night, ANNIE was shown on one of the movie channels. My almost six year old grand-daughter was visiting, and when ANNIE came on, she ran into the den to watch it. She's "only" seen it a few dozen times before, but not for the last six months or so. Hot Toasty Rag, September 25, 2017 9634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca is among the very best of the best SciFi movies ever made. The movie underscores the lesson that where there's a will, there's a way. The movie also underscores the evils of genetic testing. A must see movie at all levels. Kid gets to live out a fantasy of action. You'll notice that three languages are used in this movie (Btw, I watched it in Cantonese in English subtitles, I'm not into dubbed in English movies): Cantonese, English and Japanese. The Japanese star in this film is Toru Nakamura. Popular for his awesome work in Japanese dramas such as "Nemureru Mori" (The Sleeping Forest) and "Ko-ri no Sekai" (The Ice World). He speaks in English and in Japanese in this movie but I think it was pretty cool they included him in this movie trying to attract Japanese viewers. In this movie he plays Akatora. The bad guy! For those who followed his works, he can definitely play a hardcore bad guy! The man is definitely a talented actor. his eyes realllly bugged out in all of the strangleholds by Oldman. The quality of the Blu-ray is amazing and could not look any better. The little featurettes and documentaries are pretty cool, but the main treat is the movie itself. And with Amazons price of $20, it is an offer you can't pass up. Very much worth replacing your good old fashioned DVD with. Highly recommended. 2129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I bought this for nostalgias sake and I love it! The plot focuses around a teenage boy named Anton Tobias. Like any other teenager, Anton is lazy and enjoys the usual stereotypical activities such as getting high. His two best friends are no better than he is, and together the three of them are the ultimate slacker archetype. The premise of "Gattaca" is a future utopia where humans are able to be genetically engineered. This is to say, that parents can shop for their offspring's biological traits as one would select features on a custom-designed automobile. Innocent enough according to most people, but those of us who think these things through know where that will inevitably lead. This is a story about that inevitability. Ethan Hawke plays an abused minority in the film; he was born naturally through sexual intercourse the way we all were. This makes Vincent what is referred to as an "Invalid". "Valids" are those who had their makeup determined for the strongest and most genetically superior traits. How can a random smattering of parents' DNA with all of the intrinsic flaws compete? It can't. Hawke's character is not only gnerally physically inferior, but he was born with a heart defect that all but insured he wouldn't live to see 30. But he did. Being a stubborn underdog we can all root for, he is bound and determined to realize his dream of being an astronaut. But given that every Valid on the planet is physically better qualified, people like him are only allowed to perform menial labor. Legalized worldwide apartheid with no constitutionally unsound ramifications. The idea bears a striking resemblance to some of the practices of Communist. It's a simple system of picking the best people for the job so technically it's not discrimination. No morality involved. At all. Hitler's vision of a Master Race is just around the corner. Often, what works well in a novel does not work well on screen. Jarrold understands this, and presents Dickens' characters as real human beings, establishes a setting that complements mood, and creates a version of 'Great Expectations' that is, in my opinion, one of the best every made. Special Features: Audio Commentary, 4 Featurettes, Still Gallery, Booklet Essay 3098 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Jack Nicholson and the great soundtrack are really the only interesting or entertaining aspects of this film. I found myself fighting the urge to sleep, which was especially annoying after reading over and over again for years about what a classic, epochal movie ER was. If you want excitement, great story and script, great acting danger and an even better soundtrack from the same era, go for Performance or Get Carter. Avoid this snore. Young Danny (Austin O'Brian) spends his time watching cheesy action flicks, particularly those by action star Jack Slater (Arnold Schwarzenegger). When an old projectionist gives Danny a magical ticket, Danny is transported into one of Jack's movies where the laws of physics (or reality) don't have much meaning. It seems like the perfect world for Danny until Jack's nemesis (Charles Dance) finds the magic ticket and enters into the real world. It's up to Danny and Jack to stop him, but without the luxury of movie magic. 4754 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I just finished the book, Killing Reagan and I wanted to see how a movie could make John Hinckley want to kill Reagan. It did not have that effect on me. It made me want to kill myself for a waste of two hours and 15 bucks. I would not recommend the movie nor trying to figure out a crazy person's motivation. I highly recommend the book Killing Reagan however. The fight scenes are some of the best I have ever seen, the costums, dialog settings and acting are all superlative. I saw the trailer and so wanted it on dvd too *AND it has a cameo appearance by 'Project Blue Book' scientific advisor and developer of the 'close encounter' classification system - Dr. J. Allen Hynek - look for him during the climax (with mustache, beard and pipe) moving forward in the crowd on the mountaintop. Okay, the "cheap" feeling stayed for somewhat longer. Only as the years went by did the production values start to go a bit upscale. Never near the level of something like Downton Abbey, mind you, but good enough to become invisible. 7946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fisher King is a wonderful about a man who has to learn to give to others before himself. One of my favorite performances from Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges. 4782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I lived in NYC a few months around this time. The movie scared me. I knew the city was like this, but never had the bad experiences. Probably the best movie of the period. And the best display of what we now call PTSD. 1236 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Quite a few reviews were pretty negative. I found the film not great but a clever parody. Opening art work was a 'take-off' of all the "007" openings. Don't look for an action flick tho it has that. Enjoy the subtulties, the double meanings, and the wit. The setting is rural Indiana. Our main character is one Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), a struggling electrician who is contacted by aliens and travels to Devil's Tower to meet them. Accompanying Roy is a distraught mother (Melinda Dillon), whose little son was "kidnapped" by the aliens. But also heading to Devil's Tower is a band of government researchers led by a French scientist named Lacombe (Francious Traffaut). 8603 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is the foundation for all street fighting films! All star cast! Classic! 1292 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent series. I'm watching it now, and it brings back so many memories. I've even gotten my son to watch some of the episodes, and I catch him laughing though I think he didn't expect to find this funny. Bob Newhart is a comic genius. I would recommend this seller. 8324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Elmo Rocks Leo McKern was amazing as Rumpole. He played a brilliant courtroom attorney, but was so miserable in his personal life. The secondary characters seem utterly human, flawed, but yet interesting. 7322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it probably always will be. I have see just about every version out there. 6823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Good: 443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is an excellent movie which I have used in Sunday School. The youth were able to envision the Bible's narrative in Genesis much more clearly because of the fine acting and appreciative telling of the Joseph story. Now you don't have to see the original to enjoy this sequel, as the makers of the film provide a certain amount of back-story at the beginning, but you probably should to get the full flavor. I really wasn't expecting a lot seeing as how this was a sequel and we all know sequels rarely meet the level of the original that spawned said sequel, so I was pleasantly surprised when the film turned out to be pretty good, well, good in the sense that it's a movie based off of a video game. And that's what I think people should keep in mind, especially those disappointed at the lack of substance within the plot. A majority of the plot actually extends from the first, setting things up for this picture, which is heavy on action, light on nearly everything else. I thought the actors did a pretty good job (that Sienna Guillory is one fine, hotsy totsy momma, playing the role of Jill Valentine). I especially enjoyed Mike Epps as the urban civilian caught up in forces way beyond his control, relating some truly funny lines in a completely realistic manner. I normally despise comic relief characters, as they're often played so ridiculously over the top that they distract more than anything else, but that wasn't the case here. The one aspect I disliked the most about the film was the excessive, epileptic, herky jerky camera work and quick cutting, meant to heighten the tension during the more action filled scenes, but it just served to annoy the heck out of me. This type of direction can be effective in smaller doses, but it's used too often here, and may cause some viewers to reach for the Dramamine. Also, I thought it odd that every time the undead were shown, their shots were often marred by jittery cutting, as if to highlight something (I don't know what), but it made me wonder if it was done to draw away from the detail, or lack of, concerning the make up of the characters. There were quite a few characters in this film, each seeming to have their own, little storyline going, but then they're unified nicely once their goals become shared. The special effects are very slick, and the action rarely slows down, and there's lots of guns, gunfire, explosions, things getting blown up (blown up real good). I thought the film a little short (it does list a 94 minute running time), but the ending sets up for a possible sequel. As to the differences in the plot, are you kidding? Do these critics have any idea how horribly mangled a book can get when it falls into the hands of Hollywood producers? I give this film credit for letting Billy stay male instead of being made into a woman to make him more "vulnerable", or getting arrested in Aruba instead of Turkey because it's more photogenic. And hey, kudos to the filmmakers for wanting to use the story to try and fight a horrible injustice, since that's one of the reasons Hayes wrote the book in the first place! Not for all tastes, and the Internet has probably spoiled most of the jokes, but still worth a look and good for some side-splitting laughs. Best for ages 13 and up due to some off-color humor and a few scenes of over-the-top gore (played for laughs, of course). 7053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of only a few movies that when I rewatched it as an adult, it was just as good as I remembered as a child, or even better. 1089 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of those Woody Allen movies that most people have never seen, yet, in my opinion, is still one of his best. It's along the lines of "Bananas" and "Sleeper," so it's definitely a comedy, and it's just one laugh after another. No chase scenes. No surround sound. Just a very funny movie, and one of the few worth having in your collection. The action and suspense pack Gattaca to the top. The suspense is kept on full burn the entire film, with Vincent being suspected of the brutal murder of a flight planner. A riveting cat-and-mouse game begins between the characters, with myriad twists, turns, and agonizingly tense bursts of action. 3620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Are we alone? Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a classic American film. It was directed by Stephan Spielberg and stars Richard Dreyfus. This film set the tone for much of what happened at the movies for roughly the next 15-20 years following its 1977 theatrical release. Close Encounters is essentially a near perfect product defining the time it came out. The film explores alien visitors, government conspiracies, general paranoia, sensationalism. family issues, and ultimately madness. The depth these issues are explored make this film a hallmark of American cinema. It is the movie version of imagination and wonder. This is a philosophy and vision regarding what an alien visit to the planet would look like. There is no war and nothing is getting blown up. The main thing happening is communication. It is amazing. It is done in a such a thoughtful way that it stands effectively as an excellent contribution to the collective consciousness imagination about such matters as alien visits. After repeat viewings the most important question is: What do you believe? This is a human film that defines the medium of movie making. 5586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This proves punk isn't dead. SLC PUNK is top quality fun. PUNK takes you into the life of a group of punks and punk wantabes and explores their universe, shedding light on the whole spiked blue hair look. Matthew Lillard does a truly wonderful job capturing the essence of a confused teen punk in the middle of religious nowhere USA. Unfortunately Lillard always plays the exact same charater in all his movies, but thats cause hes a damn good screwball. Another reason that I give this five stars is its soundtrack. You'll be banging your head to the awsome selection of tunes. Alright. Onto the subject at hand. The film begins with Mary being visited by the Holy Spirit. Another thing I should point out is that to help keep the film under 2 hours, narration is used to explain the shift from event to event. 8496 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Nice movie that takes place in the Depression. Bronson is Bronson and is supported by a good cast. WEorth the effort to watch. 999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Woody Allen ever :) I don't think I have ever busted a gut laughing as hard as I did the first time I saw the "Bring out your dead" scene. If you've never seen this movie, I suggest that you leave the ascetic cloisters (where you chant "Pies Iesu Domine, Dona eis Requiem" and bang your head with boards of wood) and come back to the world, as fearsome as this modern world may be, because some things like this movie are well worth the trouble. 7864 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are few movies that I'm willing to purchase, only those that I enjoy seeing again and again. This is without a doubt one of those films. Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer, Tom Skeritt, Emily Lloyd et al, all gave fine performaces. Redford's narration of a great Norman Maclean novel and the scenic Montana views added immeasurably to my enjoyment of this film. This is one for folks of all ages! As Chaney's reputation grows an eventual showdown looms on the horizon with the toughest, dirtiest fighter in town, Jim Henry (Robert Tessier). The big money is within reach if Chaney is really as good as he thinks. PS: Maybe all this Easy Rider history is in that booklet accompanying the Duluxe Edition. I do not know, as I've never seen that booklet. 9092 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is should be part of a start kit for comedy and fantasy films. It is so stupid you cant help but laugh. Half the time it makes no sense at all, that is what makes it so funny. 1566 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Jane Eyre is one of my very favorite books, so I simply cannot like a film version that leaves out important details. I liked it when I first saw it, but had the nagging feeling that something was missing. So I re-read the book, and discovered exactly what was missing -- about 1/4 of the book. Among the scenes that were missing were the other reasons behind Jane's return to Thornfield. This is Martin Scorese's best work. 5116 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In Brief: Martin Scorsese leads us into the darkness of the human soul by exploring the character of one Travis Bickle, a disillusioned Vietnam veteran played by Robert De Niro. Failing to make a connection with those around him, Travis decides to take matters into his own hands, via such instruments as firearms and interesting fashion statements. Overall, this film's portrayal of the ways in which modern dance is created and portrayed make this a DVD I'd recommend to anyone. Every minute was fascinating. and slim physiques and stylish suits. The whole thing is about one's looks. But it's also Harrison Ford is the president and he's kidnapped aboard his plane by a terrorist Gary Oldman. He's negotating for the release of some of his comrades to the vice president played by Glen Close. Ford won't give up without a fight and he's determined to save his family and friends without Oldmans plans being met. This is the definitive edition for this movie. Don't bother with the other. My cause, I suppose, is men's rights. I'm sympathetic towards the men's movement. When I watched, really listened (playing in the next room) the film Rain Man, I couldn't help wonder if the film makers were intentionally contrasting the two main characters in the film, Tom Cruise, a harried self-employed man, and Dustin Hoffman his brother who is stricken by Autism. Dozens of years ago (now long forgotten from memory) psychologists felt Autism was caused by some kind of environmental problem or parental neglect. But the existence of such an idea could potentially be offensive toward women and mothers somehow? In the film Rain Man itself, the film may be suggesting the child with Autism is the luckier or happier of the two. A free-wheeling comedy by Allen, made before Annie Hall ushered in his more serious phase, Take the Money and Run offers a lot of laughs in a short period of time; its humor is not always sophisticated, but it should crack you up quite a bit. 514 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super good DVD for little ones! "All the people that were working here are dead." Like many of these stories I call "male enlightenment films", Jack transforms from cruel and selfish and emotionally retarded, to a joyous, heart-connected fellow, for he has integrated the heart-centered aspects of his being which were formerly modeled by Parry and Anne. In Arthurian terms, he has vanquished the haunting aspect of his experience which the Red Knight represented. The journey from here to there is full of lots of great symbolism; those old Arthurian tales are totally symbolic, of course. Gilliam and writer LaGravenese had fun with Pinocchio, with cups and wounds, with mirrors and cosmetic face masks, and nakedness, that symbol of authenticity easily understood by all. 3761 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great comedy/horror flick....the movie is very entertaining.... might add it to my collection sooner then later. 4382 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is a great dvd to buy it is out of print but a good dvd to buy by the late Jim Henson and his brother john Henson it has great songs like "we need a little Christmas" and "caroling medley written by Jim Henson and "pass it on by fraggle rock" and all the Muppet together as one on Christmas day. original aspect ratio (e.g. vintage B/W, etc.) 9121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Classic Classic 9560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Very good movie. Good look at what could be the future. Taxi Driver certainly isn't a film for everyone. By showing you Travis's disturbing life, it will leave you feeling hollowed out but if you think you can stomach it; I urge you to give it a try. 3412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hard to believe this classic needs a review. Richard Dreyfus and Terry Garr are genius as the couple whose world falls apart after he sees UFOs. Then haunted by visions, he's driven to near madness as he digs up his own garden to replicate said vision in his kitchen. She leaves and Dreyfus befriends a woman who has lost her son to the same UFOs, but terrify as the kid is sucked through the pet door up into the sky. She's been drawing the same mountain he's been building on the linoleum, and when they see the mountain on a news report, they hightail it to find out what's going on. An all star cast that includes Francois Truffaut... There is one scene where he is encountered by a man at the bar who wants to fight him but after losing a bet in darts, Martin's character C.D. has to come up with 20 unique nose jokes. Martin flawlessly pulls off over two dozen and you can tell by the talent watching him at the bar as they all watch him showcase his acting style, his quick wit but smooth delivery of his lines, they were impressed. You need not be british to understand the humor, 5598 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All-time entertainment thriller. Now a classic. A vampire movie in the comic vein. Wonderfully written story and screenplay. Great cinematography in great detail. A lot of work went into making this film. Perfectly cast. William Ragsdale is perfect in the lead. William Ragsdale has been married since 1999 and still has an active career. 4189 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Like far too many films these days, "The Deep End of the Ocean" begins promisingly then collapses midway under the crushing weight of heavyhanded plot mechanics, incredibility and sentimentality. The premise of the story is so compelling that the audience can't help but be drawn emotionally into the intense plight facing this family. 1. The characters are entirely likeable. They're doofuses, but they are really sweet. It's impossible not to root for them. For instance, when they rob a local bookstore, they don't blast into it like a bunch of tough guys. They are bumbling and apologetic - and yet, as giddy as can be. I mean - they're really excited to be hanging out with each other and to be pulling off this heist. It's almost like a bonding experience for them. And this is the tone throughout the film. Despite disagreements, they really care for each other. Their playfulness (and quasi-innocence) is accentuated by the lighthearted soundtrack (which is also excellent). 8912 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 23 month old son loves this movie. The movie is mainly revolving around Elmo's blue blanket, and my son also has a beloved blue blanket. The characters do a lot of interacting with the audience. 209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It is pretty much the traditional Scrooge story, but set in America in about 1880. It does give a twist to it to help Americans tie the story into a scene in their history. The movie remains a work of art as well as an entertaining film. Of course not entertaining for everyone, especially the easily offended. But to watch it now, 40 years later, and still feel its impact says a lot. Extras include three different commentary tracks, a Tribeca Film Festival Q&A for the 40th Anniversary, featurettes including Martin Scorsese on Taxi Driver, Producing Taxi Driver, Gods Lonely Man, Influence and Appreciation: A Martin Scorsese Tribute, Taxi Driver Stories, Travis New York and Travis New York Locations, the theatrical trailer, the documentary Making Taxi Driver, the featurette Intro to Storyboards by Martin Scorsese, a storyboard to film comparison and galleries. 6866 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What a cast. Sinatra, Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak. I saw this in theaters when it was first released. I had it on VHS, DVD and now Blu-RAY. It takes place in San Francisco. All three sing in it, Frank, Rita and Kim. I am sure everyone is familiar with the songs. Rita and Kim at their best. Well, so was Frank. 8848 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My granddaughters Love it 6861 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 These days, when we hear about video games being adapted to the big screen, all fans of said video game begin to weep and complain. And I can't blame them. Just look at the other Video Game-Movies out there: "Street Fighter", "Super Mario Bros.", "Mortal Kombat"(1&2), and "Tomb Raider". None are very good at all. As a matter of fact, they all [stink]. So when I heard news of "Resident Evil" taking the doomed trip, I was kind of [ticked] off in a sense. Then, I heard Milla Jovovich, and Michelle Rodriguez, two very gorgeous women, were starring in it. This got me a little excited, but then I asked myself: "Remember how hot Angelina Jolie is, and look at 'Tomb Raider'". So it rolled around in theaters, and I went to it as an alternative to "Blade II", which was beyond sold out. 4350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 People didn't like this movie for some reason. It's funny, smart, and action-packed. What's wrong with everybody? "Last Action Hero" is about a boy named Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien) who receives a magic movie ticket from a crazy old guy. Madigan is a defiant kid who sneaks out of school to go to the movies. His action hero is Jack Slater (Immortal Arnold Schwarzenegger) and he has the opportunity to see the newest Slater movie before it opens. Well, as he watches the opulent cinematic experience, the ticket thrusts him into the screen and he steps into a whole new world. The movie world. How absurd you say! NO! The most original plot in years. Madigan meets his hero and helps him find the man who killed his favorite second cousin. Big mistake for that man! The chemistry between Schwarzenegger and O'Brien is wealth! This movie should have made more money in the theaters and is under-appreciated. This work of art came from the same whiz kid who made "Predator". Truly prominent work! All in all a fun, believable movie, although it's probably not for everyone. 475 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My son has been collecting the different books of the bible for a while now. He is so excited that I am able to order these from Amazon. He has a few more DVD'S that we need to order to complete his collection. I'm am very pleased with the DVD and quick shipment. 6730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Not many would appreciate what portrays Joan of Arc as is in Luc Besson's The Messenger: Joan of Arc. She may be not the one the Church has told us. She may not be the one written according to the historical documentary. But she may be the one she could possibly be. Potatoes. 3996 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie!! The packaging was very nice, and my DVD's were delivered quickly. Blu-ray Audio Quality - While it states that the main soundtrack is 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, we are instead treated to a 5.1 channel Dolby Digital soundtrack which isn't too shabby and it's certainly a pleasant surprise to find a multichannel soundtrack of any sort present for such an old special. While as one would expect, the surround element may not provide much in the way of background effects, the special sounds are pretty great here nonetheless and I think overall most will be pretty satisfied with this 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, especially if you have not got the facility of a Home Cinema set-up. 7439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Robert Redford can make a poignant, visually stunning film, and one of his finest examples is A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT. It's the story of two fly-fishing brothers coming of age in 1920s Montana, told in the form of a memoir by older brother Norman Maclean (Craig Sheffer). Norman is a deep thinker, the complete opposite of his kid brother Paul (this was Brad Pitt's film career launching pad), who is rambunctious, rebellious, and ultimately self-destructive. While both brothers rebel against their stern minister father (brilliantly played by Tom Skerritt), Norman manages to get a college degree from back east and contemplate leaving his home state, while Paul is in and out of trouble and constantly running up gambling debts. Yet the brothers bond by fly fishing; it is a mutual commonality that defines their closeness and love. These fishing sequences are some of the most compelling scenes in the film, and Redford delivers the vistas magnificently. 1874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford at his best in one fast-paced thrill ride ! Later Lawyer Jaggers tells Pip he has a fortune and will be brought up as a gentleman "with great expectations". It's a secret benefactor. Can Joe be compensated for the loss of Pip? Pip gets a new suit and goes to London. They show scenes of life in those days. [To shock the viewer?] Pip's education begins. He lodges at Bernard's Inn. He visits a coworker. He visits Jagger's home and is given a letter. He learns of the death of his sister. Pip visits Miss Haversham again. Pip meets a young lady, they go to a recital. There is a dinner, a toast creates conflict. Pip is jealous of Estella's beau. Pip is in debt, he gets 500 as a birthday present! A strange man meets Pip to tell him a secret. What will Pip do now? Pip visits Miss Haversham, there is a conversation and conflict. Then he visits Joe Gadgery. Miss Betty taught Joe to read. "Never leave documentary evidence laying around." Pip advises Abel to leave. Drummel married Estella. Jagger's housekeeper Molly has a past. 4210 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Really good However, that's how close you'll come to similiarities once again between the game and the movie. 192 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 well well well, lots of talent here While I agree with many of the previous reviewers that ANNIE is corny, poorly plotted, etc., I think that they've done something right that makes all that production values stuff unimportant. The relatively happy ending for the central character is not believable, and contrasts with the noir tone of the rest of the film. 3326 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic movie, great movie! Yet BOTTLE ROCKET falls short in its bid for perfection. For one thing, the love story, while sometimes touching, is very artifical and abstract. At times I really wanted Inez and Anthony to get together, but I couldn't help but feel manipulated by the forced nature of their love. Anthony instantly falls in love with the motel housekeeper, who doesn't speak a word of English because she's from Paraguay. The love-at-first-sight gimmick only works when the characters develop a fulfilling emotional bond over time, but this doesn't happen in BOTTLE ROCKET. Also, I think Anderson indulges in the 1960's motif a bit much. From the music to the sets to the hairstyles, everything reeks of the sixties--hell, even all the cars are vintage. There are points in the film where one could easily forget it was made in '96. The ending even reminded me of COOL HAND LUKE. But BOTTLE ROCKET, I've learned, is a very subjective experience and therein lies its genius, at least in part. If you have a well-developed eye, you'll probably like this film, with varying degrees of enthusiasm. The movie's much like a bottle rocket, in fact: it can spark, sizzle, and delight, but in the end, you're not sure whether it could have had more substance. Final note: the DVD is bare-bones. Can't we get at least a commentary, people? 2470 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good 'ol wet fun in the bayou! And Kim Basinger has the best on screen scream ever. She screams the same way in the batman movie too. Hot Hot Hot and filmed in New Orleans and Louisiana. One for the library. his Air Force dad has been shot down and taken prisoner 4498 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It came way faster than expected and was in perfect working condition considering how old the movie is. She was pregnant with Rumer in it. I watched it as soon as I got it (well, after a quick cleaning. The disc was kind of icky). Still love the movie and now I am going to go and thank the seller! 6267 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 We loved this movie. I have read all of Pat Conroy's terrific books except Prince of Tides but was thrilled to watch this movie which was excellent. Even though it is over 20 years old it was as good as it gets. Sure beats a lot of movies made these days. 8905 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie! 7612 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 They just don't make musicals like this any more! 4811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Its hysterical. For a long time I could never see without thinking of Dignon. 922 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Disney movie. This is not the best copy but good enough for us. The movie is terrific of Disney, especially in the old days! We get to see Santa Claus go from an orphaned baby raised by elves to a groovy, hip young adult who's outlawed for delivering toys to finally becoming the toy making/giving king of Christmas! We also get to see Mrs Claus as a groovilicious babe in her own right and she finally gets a name, Jessica. Bee Duffell Old Crone You've got the Seth Green factor (I'd watch Spiceworld II: The wrath of Ginger if he was in it), the Dexter from Offspring getting slaughtered factor, the giant-fan-as-teen-blender factor, the Vivica Fox as martial arts demon hunting babe factor, the scantily clad Jessica Alba factor. As usual, not every great movie is a box office hit, and Gattaca actually went unnoticed for many sci-fi fans. Why? The film's atmosphere is that of a slow pace dystopia, quite similar to the classic novel Fahrenheit 451. Therefore, the movie lacks many of the sophisticated modern special effects we are used to, up to the extreme of astronauts traveling to outer space in full business suits. Also, worth noticing is the great performance by the leading and renowned actors Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law. Deliberately the movie does not have any flamboyant SFX because its simplicity is part of the attractive. It is high tech against the human spirit! 6797 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was waiting anxiously for this movie to be released and I am now wondering why. This was absolutely the worst movie I've seen in years. It is a mish-mosh of totally irrelevant scenarios and I, being a fan of horror for years, lost interest in the first fifteen minutes. If you enjoy the game, do not purchase this film. I have a feeling that we should expect to see Resident Evil 2 on the horizon, due to the ending. Please don't bother. about how good it is so I got the DVD to find out. The movie starts out slow but slowly 1148 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved every episode and couldn't wait to watch the next one! In fact I have watched in several times over. 7006 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Superb!! 3465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! movie was great but Not to deny the power of the songs--Rodgers and Hart at their best. P (Plot) - 3 (plot elements were well explained, no big surprises) 396 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT PARALLED TO THE BIBLES ACCOUNT. Anton is so out of touch with the world that he does not even realize the sudden slaughtering of his parents that occurs, instead deciding to continue with his usual behavior. It isn't until later that Anton even realizes that both of his parents have been brutally murdered and all of the fingers are suddenly pointing to him as the sole suspect of the crime. They say that "idle hands" do the devil's work, but in this case it's true. All of those years of doing nothing have come back to haunt Anton. After inviting his two friends over, Pnub and Mick, Anton's hand suddenly brutally murders the two of them. It appears as if his hand has a mind of its own, and the only thing on its mind is murder. 5295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 OK most of the damage inflicted on the personnel of Umbrella, 4902 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is the kind of movie that will evoke many different emotions from the watcher. This movie is not for the faint of heart. 5146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Director Wes Anderson's BOTTLE ROCKET is the living proof that you can still present a comedy without being vulgar and without having to destroy 40 cars in 90 minutes. And it works. We come to learn that The Hive, a subterranean research megaplex below Raccoon City, has an artificial intelligence: the Red Queen. Her defense systems whittle down the infiltration team and at least one such scene really stuck with me. To that end, the effects held up well enough and included some much-appreciated nuance. The CGI was pretty damned good for some parts and very bad for others. For example, after getting laser-cubed, a soldiers eyeball leaks some white goo before its severed parts fell asunder. I also liked the zombie dogs, which were less CGI and more live dog covered in goo suits. On the other hand, certain zombies missing chunks of their face were blaring examples of obsolete CGI technology and the main monster almost looked as it would in the actual videogame complete with 128-bit graphics. The boss creature was little more than a dumb tongue-lashing monster depicted as a CGI mess. I preferred the dogs and the chop suey lasers over this non-descript beast. 880 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Part 1 of this DVD is crammed with standard shred licks...but not much in the way of how, when and where to use them. In that respect, it's one of the more disorganized guitar instructional videos I've seen. Despite Paul's youth and enthusiasm,, the material gets relatively advanced rather quickly (and he can play the licks so fast and perfect, it's just as discouraging as inspirational). 4348 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this was one of my favorites back when I had it taped from television. It is a sweet tale of the Muppets sharing Christmas together. It is a classic tale for young and old. Jim Henson always had a way of reaching the hearts of his viewers. This video is no exception. I look forward to watching it every year 940 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 8-1982 until 9-1983, we lived in Germany. My Dad worked for National Semiconductor, and they needed him in Germany. We had jack for American movies, so we learned to love the ones we had. Thanks to this purchase, I now have DVDs of what I call my Germany Classics: Tron, Grease 2, Stripes on one tape, Love At First Bite, Zorro The Gay Blade on another tape, and Dragonslayer, and Condorman. 5689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 R E Apocalypse is one of Milla's best performances in the series, the movie it self is the best of the series. I Like! This film is so much fun. 2480 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Richard Gere and Kim Bassinger heat up the screen when Gere, a tough Chicago cop, becomes a fish out of water in Cajun country seeking revenge for his slain partner. Definitely worth buying, 8737 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 one of the greatest comedies (probably the best british comedy ever) and a must have for any movie collector Then came the trailer, which made the flick look like an "Aliens," "Matrix," "Day of The Dead" rip off equipped with the obligatory kick [all] babe in a dress and a Matrix style super kick to a Doberman. Needless to say I thought this was going to be the most worthless movie ride ever. Monty Python's Life of Brian 739 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE 5890 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie and the price totally worth it. installation called the hive. This is the place where an evil corporation has done experiments with a virus. This virus has turned dead employees of this corporation into bloodthirsty zombies. If these creatures bite a normal person they too are turned into a zombie. If is a fight for your life as these commandoes try to escape. the only way to kill these zombies is to shoot them in the head. One of the most able fighters turns out to be the heroine Milla Jovovich. She kills zombies as well as devil dogs. There is also a super creature with a eleven foot tounge that the commandoes are forced to battle. If you like science fiction and horror this is your movie. This is nonstop excitement. Watch this movie. I write this on the day after the release from prison of Arthur Bremer, would-be assasin of Democratic Presidential candidate and segregationist George Wallace was gunned down and paralyzed for life in a Maryland campaign stop. I was a grade schooler when this shooting took place and it was one of the more horrific events to see on TV at that age. Screenwriter Paul Scrader and directer Martin Scorcese based "Taxi Driver" on the events of Arthur Bremer's life and diary, a man with a pathetic and lonely existense who sought quick fame and acceptance by assasinating a political figure. FIrst he tried to blast Richard Nixon, and when that proved too difficult, he made Democratic front runner George Wallace his target. There was no political motivation in Bremer's actions, only a desire to rise above the emptyness of his existence. It's difficult to say whether or not the Blu-ray edition of Last Action Hero is worth it, especially with the serious lack of bonus features and the relatively high price tag associated with Blu-ray disks. If you are looking for flawless video and audio quality, then the Blu-ray is the perfect choice, but if you're looking for new material, then save your money and check out the DVD (or even VHS) version of the movie. 970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a well done version and follows the book with just a few minor changes. Ioan Gruffudd and Justine Waddell certainly make an attractive Pip and Estella. Charlotte Rampling as Miss Havisham is younger, more beautiful and a bit more sane than she is usually portrayed but the part is well acted. The actors playing Joe Gargory, Magwich, Remmick, Orlick and Jaggers are all well suited to their parts and do admirable jobs. The movie has quite a dark and sinister mood and a lot of the characters that provide comic relief in the book including Pumblechook, Wopsle, the Pocket family, and Clara's father are eliminated or have the humorous aspect's of their characters trimmed leaving us nothing to laugh at. A brooding musical score and lots of scenes of the desolate marshlands, dirty London and the decay of Miss Havisham's house also contribute to the somber mood. 4312 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Like a large percentage of Arnold Schwarzenegger's work, this is a film with a strong fantasy/altered reality element to it that works quite well overall, despite at times seeming too beholden to action formulae, rather than being willing to take the fantastic risks it looks like it's going to. John McTiernan's 1993 LAST ACTION HERO was roundly criticized at the time of its release for being overblown and not delivering the goods that were expected from a $70-90 million (a lot of money at the time) film. It came in the wake of TERMINATOR II, a hard act to follow certainly, and also just after McTiernan's financially disappointing MEDICINE MAN - but with his big hit THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER still reasonably fresh. More importantly, the director had gotten his big break with PREDATOR, which was an important step in Arnold's rise to superstardom; this was their first (and to date only) reteaming. I suppose expectations were higher than any film could deliver, and when the film failed to ignite either critics or the box office (to be fair, it was always in the mighty shadow of JURASSIC PARK), the word "flop" started to get bandied about, and the cynics started to wonder of the star's decade of dominance was coming to an end. Does Red Queen greet the Umbrella personnel and explain her actions to them? Does she reveal ANY helpful information to these people who in all respects she should view as her masters?? NO! 9465 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I don't need to say anything, it's already been said. I've watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail six times and each time fell off my chair laughing at least twice. Everyone should watch this movie! A lot is said in finely nuanced facial expressions and through body language--the kind of acting that is a notch above ordinary fare. Some of the topics dealt with are quite intense, and yet somehow Barbra Streisand as a director manages to handle them deftly, neither overdramatizing them nor underplaying their significance. This movie deserved every Academy nomination it got, plus one for director, and should have won far more than it did. Kudos and many thanks to Barbra Streisand and Nick Nolte for this gem. 2814 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My husband loved,it! 8953 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the "Holy Grails" of comedy. Because this DVD is edited. These aren't just minor edits, but entire scenes are cut out and the edits are extremely noticeable. It seems that Sony couldn't be bothered to get the rights for some copyrighted Christmas songs to release this unedited. Well then, I can't be bothered to get the DVD, and neither should anyone else who cares about what he/she is watching. 1277 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Even though ten years older than myself, it is clear that director Jeremiah Chechik didn't have a clue as to what made the TV version a draw (Diana Rigg). If you don't cast a Diana Rigg then forget doing a remake. When Val Kilmer took on the role of "The Saint" it was casting agent Elisabeth Leustig and director Phillip Noyce (Clear and Present Danger, Patriot Games) that had the right stuff to revive a British staple of 60's television. It should have been Noyce directing "The Avengers-1998" as well, coupled with another incredible music score of Graeme Revell. I've no doubt it would have been DY-NO-MITE! But it wasn't....not even close. Keep your fingers crossed for the 2012 version. the special effects are great for what money they were allowed to spend as well as the actors did a heck of a job bringing it to life. Washington made his proposal to his subordinates. Most of them were vehemently opposed to the operation, given all the factors involved. The weather was abyssmal, intense cold and freezing rain. To get to Trenton, they had to cross the Delaware River, which was already full of large chunks of ice, and a limited quantity of boats. 1381 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I always liked this show when it originally aired. Bob Newhart is at his best playing a low-key everyman that quietly reacts to all the lunacy that surrounds him. In this series he plays a psychologist which is a creative way of introducing some quirky characters for him to respond to (not that his friends and co-workers aren't quirky enough themselves). The show ran out of steam the last couple of seasons when supposedly Newhart wanted to end the series but was talked into staying. It is still a fun show with a lot of good memories. After being misunderstood and rejected by Betsy, these vague political misgivings crystallize around his dented male pride and lead him to plot the assassination of Palatine. As he prepares himself for this, however, his paternal feelings are aroused by the plight of Iris, the child prostitute, whom he resolves to rescue. Already living on the edge, he decides that the best way to do this is by killing her pimp. You should see it if you want to see the most expensive (tens of Bridges is a popular NYC radio show host whose denunciation of yuppies to a regular caller pushes the man to kill people at an upscale eatery. As a result, Bridges loses his job, his GF and a fabulous Manhattan apartment, is alcoholic and now lives with (and preys on the affections of) the owner of a video rental store (Ruehl). Forget about me writing anymore. Not worth it. Just go play the game instead. Director Andrew Niccol paints the picture of a future where humans are valued for little more than their DNA structures. Prospective employees must give blood samples as part of their initial interview process, allowing employers to unfairly discriminate against applicants with undesireable DNA structures (poor health, balding, heart problems, etc.). Into this picture Niccol paints Vincent, an underdog "degenerate" who will do whatever it takes to achieve his dream job: working at Gattaca Aerospace Center and flying into outter space. As the story unfolds, the audience sees just how far Vincent is willing to go to make his dreams a reality, and the consequences that arise from his actions. Pitifully, the message was not entirely understood, due perhaps the presence of Scharwzeeger meant for many people full action without another second reading. 5024 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 MEL BROOKS IS A GENIUS. Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles have been on my top 10 list of movies (numbers 2 and 3 respectively) since they first came out. That has been many years ago and nothing has been able to knock them out of their slots. With the exception of my number one favorite movie, I have watched Young Frankenstein more times than any other movie. I still quote lines from it to this day. So....why is it,that less than two years after the original 2 Disc. release,did THIS version get released? And why would you buy it? For some reason it just gets my heart melting and my 7411 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Beautiful character study. Filmed with an artists' eye. A bit slow ~ particularly when compared with the pace and movement of today's action packed films. My 16 year old couldn't sit still and watch it ~ which was a loss for him. This is the kind of movie that stays with you and makes you think about life and relationships. 8137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great series. Nice to have an introduction by the author for each episode. Audio seems a bit muddy between characters although narration is clear. 2663 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellent. Filmed the year after the summer of love had ended, Rider is one of the few true portraits of the cultural landscape of that turbulent era. The mellow Fonda always represents a generations quest for a simple kind of peace while Hopper, who also directed, is the fatal drive towards a futile end, always pulling away from the obvious path. They ride their custom choppers like two cowboys headed through the wild west. It's an obvious analogy but a meaningful one, their dangers were no less great as we find out. Although a notoriously frazzled production, great performances (notably Jack Nicholson), and a supurb use of some of the great rock road anthems of the day help create something fascinating, if quite dated. Of course, whether you lived the era or not, today the movie stands as a great historical representation of the mood of a country during one of America's strangest periods. Hopper's direction seems subdued by contrast to his performance (outside of a depressing and sureal trip and acid trip through Mardi Gras and a rather blunt ending) although perhaps less so considering his admitted, much longer initial cut, before leveler heads prevailed. There is an obvious fly by night amateurish quality overall but It's still a good film, maybe even great in certain ways. Cultural sign posts like this are rare. Rarer still to be made by the ones who lived it. VIDEO: 80 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Pathetic reproduction of the Dickens classic. Interesting that the movie is particularly concerned with the problem of people who lose their possessions to money lenders--corporations not unlike the ones which own directly or indirectly the media which present us with the American version of the Christmas carol. This is a great film and I think that it would probably be more enjoyable for those people who eat up dramatic and smart thriller movies; persons who want more futuristic science fiction and especially special effects in their sci fi may be less impressed with "Gattaca" depending on what they are looking for. Some may notice a slightly homoerotic (was I the only one to pick up on this? it wasn't so much about the characters in their interactions but how the movie was filmed and how it lingered on the male stars) tone to the movie, one that is accentuated by more muted and blue and silver colors for the movie's color wheel, but the movie's visual presentation lacks invention and forcefulness. This in turn gives more suspense to the movie as there are fewer places to hide Freeman or distract a structured society that, I think the filmmaker and writers intend to comment on, is in danger of becoming sterile. Are these two thoughts joined? I highly doubt it, but it made me wonder. 4.5 stars. 1030 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 What's not to like? Except the ending...Jesus, who wrote that ending? Marvin a real Marine in WWII who actually killed Japanese on Guadalcanal as a 19 year old, played a total realistic part. Mifume, the greatest actor to ever come out of Japan plays a smart realistic soldier. I cannot add more that what others have written on here. 5588 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 SLC Punk is a complete waste of time and talent. Matthew Lillard gives a really good performance as an anarchist going through some major life changes, but the rest of this film is a waste. Way too much hokey philosophy and hackneyed visual shots by a third rate cinematographer. The soundtrack is great--Sex Pistols, Fugazi, Specials, even a little Rush at the end. But Heroin Bob played by Goorjian is completely overacted and ridiculous, he ruins every scene he is in with his inadequacies. One other thing, will someone please get the acid trip right. The director of this film has chosen to go the traditional Easy Rider acid trip route which is a total wreck. I'd love to see just once an accurate portrayal of LSD consumption on the big screen (check out Fear and Loathing). This movie is for posers, I caught it on HBO at 2:00 in the morning so luckily I didn't waste any cash on it. But if your into a mindless story with an aimless plot that leads nowhere then check out SLC Punk. 1247 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Bob Newhart show is always a winner no matter that it is now many decades later. The humor is still fresh today. 3734 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie!! Hilarious 3967 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wife loves it 3134 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Replacing my VHS with dvd's and this is a family favorite. Funny yet still can watch with little ones about. Great family movie and great actors. 1858 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 just what i wanted 322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it. 2220 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and I was very excited to find it a such a great price. It arrived on time and in perfect condition. 217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love An American Christmas Carol with Henry Winkler. In my opinion it is the very best version of Scrooge. Hope everyone sees it and enjoys it as much as I do. 9679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still holds up visually after 20 years. 3379 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best Sci Film about UFO encounters. 6790 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Having never played the video game, I bought this movie only because of the star, the ever beautiful Milla Jovovich. I've really enjoyed a lot of her past films. That said, this movie floored me. I've seen several, video game to big screen adaptations in the past, most of which were horrible. This is not the case. Resident Evil is an absolutely great movie that has some great acting on everybody's parts. I'f you've not taken the time to watch this movie, correct that. The discs and extras are the same as the first release. "The Producers" is still not included because it's still not distributed by Fox, as are the 9 included titles. 3649 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked the transfer on this Blue Ray. Nice job for such an old movie. Not all older movies are transferred well like this one. The performances in this film are amazing. Oldman has presented them in their environment, without judgement, and the results are so effective. Especially Ray Winstone and Kathy Burke (Ray and Valerie). These two actors deliver some of the most devastatingly realistic characters strugling internally, against their family, and against each other. The supporting cast does not miss a beat either. 9580 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved it and have watched it numerous times. Provocative, thoughtful, mysterious, entertaining. When I can't find my own copy, I rent it because truly intelligent films are a rarity. No, A River Runs Through It depends on talent. Talent from the book it was based on - talent from the screenwriter - talent from the director - and finally, talent from the fine cast of actors. With more than a few references to other zombie flicks, particularly Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil doesn't offer anything very new. The action is passable but nothing special; essentially, anything this movie does, some other movie has already done better. On the other hand, there is nothing truly bad in this movie: it merely lacks anything good. 9827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Written and directed by Andrew Niccol, this provocative sci-fi thriller envisions a world in which society is fixated on genetics and human-enhancement, and everyone of privileged social standing is classified as either a "valid"--one who is genetically sound--or an "in-valid"--one whose genotype is lesser than that of a valid's. Gattaca is a strong and very intellectual film that poses questions regarding destiny and our society's burdening quest for perfection. It features an enticing cast (which includes Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, and Alan Arkin), a stimulating premise, and fervent execution of the done-over murder-thriller plot. 3017 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I don't have too much to say about this movie, mostly because I already wasted too much time simply watching it - I'm not going to waste even more time detailing out the many reasons why I hated it. I just wanted to add my 1-star rating in the hopes of lowering the average. Hopper and Nicholson have performed better on their respective crappers. (I'm not a fan of Fonda's.) This movie was about as bad as watching a stranger's home video of their toddler's first trip to the petting zoo. There are a few things you might cringe at. I found the spikey-haired friend (Ebo? Is that what they kept calling him?) to be shrill and annoying. And the cheesy 80's dance scene went on two verses too long, but overall I was impressed by the special effects, the dedication to detail, and the fact that the movie never tried to be anything other than a good, old fashioned, fang-flick. 9324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Gattaca (1997) is a sci-fi film that is thought-provoking, as it has you questioning your place in the world. What I love about this film is that it doesn't try to do too much; most sci-fi films indulge in special effects or exotic characters, with some exceptions (2001: A Space Odyssey comes to mind as an exception). This film, however, has some interesting settings and neat lighting in many scenes that gives the film a 'tint'. In this film, the characters are very organic and have an abundance of emotion, so I didn't care about exotic locations or special effects, though they're sprinkled in. The plot is easy to follow, and that's what drew me in. The storyline or subject matter sort of reminds me of Blade Runner, and the sets are futuristic, but not dystopian, like Blade Runner. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Alan Arkin, etc. turn in fantastic performances in their respective roles. This is a film about sheer determination, and realizing ones dream, though it's achieved in unethical fashion, but I didn't care because I believed in the performances of the actors. I also appreciated the occasional humor and memorable dialogue. I respect this extremely underrated sci-fi film that bombed at the box office (despite critical acclaim), and am happy to see that it's getting the respect it deserves as a cult classic years later. The special features are the standard 'making of', deleted scenes, original featurette, etc. The picture quality is pristine, and the sound is clear, though it's on the lower side, so adjust your volume accordingly. A spitulous newspaper mogul, Kevin McMaxford (Barry Humphreys) whose goal is to break up the Spice Girls so that he can sell more newspapers, and his associated super sleazy press photographer. 7609 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Okay, you want a cheesed out supernatural thriller? This is it! And amazingly enough, it gets royal treatment on DVD without any of the VHS edits, a very clear picture, director's commentary, and even a commentary over the photo gallery that is just as informative. The movie itself is a great social commentary on New York and advertising in the late 70s. It's a little predictable, but completely entertaining. Finally, amongst Christmas specials, but particularly amongst those produced by Rankin and Bass, `Santa Claus is Comin' to Town' stands apart. It does so because it is most the most triumphantly well-told of the lot, soon I will describe the most cinematic but here we're talking strictly based on narrative. This may just be Romeo Muller's, the writer Rankin/Bass employed, best work as he makes Santa an even more heroic figure because in this tale we learn of his past, learn to think of him as a person not just an icon, and then also have an antagonist who vilifies him and renders him an outlaw. You have, of course, the talents of Fred Astaire and Mickey Rooney in this tale and the indelible figures of the Winter Warlock and Bergermeister Meisterberger and of course another classic song. It is an absolutely unbeatable combination and one of the best options for the festive season. Highly Recommended! I forgot how much I loved this movie. I saw it in theatres in a third run discount theatre in Williamsburg, Virginia and so loved the movie. I love it even more now. 8423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Can't lose with Elmo!! The worst thing of all about this DVD is the fact that it's not presented in letterboxed format. What kind of era are we living in that we could get a movie shot in widescreen on a pan-and-scan DVD?? It almost made me cry to realize that I was missing a third of the action in most of these shots. Had I realized that, I never, ever, would have paid for this DVD. Let that be a lesson in always reading the packaging carefully, and never presuming for a moment that DVD manufacturers are in tune with the needs that grown-up consumers have for their movie merchandise. I would have given this sham of a product 0 stars if I could have, but I can't bear to give so few stars to a movie I love so much. 7293 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Masterfully done...a hauntingly beautiful movie 9869 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great fiction movie based on some realities of life; nothing more to add to all the other great reviews here. Uma Thurman is at her best. These roles suit her so well. She is extremely elegant same like everyone else in this movie. The dialogue is great same as the photography and the music. Now when I say that this is the best vampire movie ever made, that is exactly what I mean. This movie has nothing to do with Dracula it is a basic vampire movie, so any comparisons with a Dracula is dubious. Hence Fright Night it is a marvelous vampire movie, not a marvelous Dracula Movie. 5981 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 couldn't wait to get this one in the dvd player. wow 251 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every few Christmas seasons I watch this with my Mom. The film makes us feel so good....it is well acted and never fails to leave a good feeling inside. 8759 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Disc and packaging were brand new. No scratches or damage of any kind. Perfect. 8792 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen this film about 17 times and I never tire of it. It's not only classic gritty 70's cinema, but it's probably Bronson's best movie as lead actor. Well directed by Walter Hill, who also directed classics like The Warriors and 48 hours. Hill brings the depression and New Orleans in the 30's to vivid life. The acting is spot-on, and personally I think this is Bronson's best performance, as well we have James Coburn who hams it up to classic measure. Struther Martin is simply perfect in his role as Poe as well. There is a lot of superbly crafted fist fighting scenes that are some of the very best I can remember ever seeing, and the film is just plain classic 70's cinema, laying somewhere between B film and Big budget 70's movies. This movie is one of those little miracles that comes along once in a long time. Bronson was just great in this as a bare knuckle boxer who seems tough as nails and merciless, but who really has a heart of gold. By the end of the film there's a beautiful message about the bonds of friendship that we can all learn a lesson from. So I've seen it many times and the film still captivates me every time I see it. It's classic Bronson and well worth seeing!!! Why does Travis want to kill Palantine? Is it because he wants revenge? He wants to Kill the thing Betsy loves most, which is her cause? Is it because Travis sees the phoniness of politicians is just as bad as the Pimps and Prostitutes on the streets. Is it because HE wants the fame? Love it, Love it, Love it! It's the Spice Girls first big concert. The girls are nervous enough as it is, without having to deal with the pitfalls of the music world; a newspaper editor who hates them; a photographer who appears from out of nowhere; and a slave-driver of a manager. 5389 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this when it came out. It's still fun today 899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I came to bass playing in my late 30s after a lifetime of playing mainly guitar, banjo and mandolin, and I went through a lot of books looking for a clear and solid foundation for upright jazz playing. I'm glad I only rented it and spent 2 bucks rather then spending more buying it. All I can say is save your money, if you've seen the original 'uncut' version that was aired in the 80's this DVD is not for you. 7502 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just love this old movie. still scares me I recommend it to any one who ejoys quality programs despite the aged attitudes to life in some aspects those you can view with an historical eye. 6448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I WATCHED THIS MOVIE FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE EARLY 90S AND WAS AMAZED AT WHAT A WONDERFUL PICTURE IT IS. THE FILM WAS NOMINATED FOR BEST PICTURE, BEST ACTOR FOR NICK NOTLE AND BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS FOR KATE NELIGAN - UNFORTUNATELY, MISS STRIESAND WAS NOT NOMINATED FOR BEST DIRECTOR, WHICH SURELY IS A MISFORTUNE BECAUSE IT WAS SHE WHO COAXED THESE MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES FROM THESE ACTORS. WATCH IT AND LOVE IT. 2.5/5 Joan rides to Orleans to defend the city. The people gather around. Joan has a new plan to attack the English. "So that's it!" The English reply with a simple message: never. Joan rides to rally the French. "Follow me to victory!" They do. They raise a bigger army before attacking the English. "Bless them all." Joan speaks to and inspires the French army. "Follow me!" Joan leads an attack and is struck by an arrow through her chain mail. The next morning Joan recovers and calls for another attack. Joan has a new tactic with an old tower to break into the castle. The French break down the gates and invade the castle. "We won." A glorious victory! But the English are forming on the other side of the river. Joan tells them to "Go Home" now in peace. Or be buried in the field. The British retreat, Orleans is free. It's a miracle. The Dauphin is crowned in Rheims. The holy oil of Clovis is used to anoint Charles of Valois the king and ruler of France. 2686 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Disc was in great condition To make matters worse, though Milla is as beautiful as ever, the film's confusing (and unfocused) plot somehow refuses to use her to the full. In fact, you don't see Alice on screen for considerable time, as the film heavy-handedly introduces other characters into the story. And the way it does is so confusing that you find the film repetitive -- see how many times you have to see some people biting others, which causes inevitable results. Many have already seen the consequence in the original, so once is fine. Twice is unnecessary. Our film starts off with young Arnold movie obsessed Danny Madigan as he hangs around at his local movie theater. He's a regular and has befriended the boss from Mrs. Doubtfire who moonlights as the theater owner, who invites Danny to a secret midnight screening of the new Jack Slater movie. Sounds a bit to catch a predator sketchy but the old man checks out and was not just "some old guy wanting to perv you out." Somehow the ticket Danny receives is magic and transports him into the back of Arnold caddie. From there he tags along everywhere in a world where the movies are a reality. ciao yaaah69 446 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a great DVD. It tells the story of Joseph and his family. Good for the whole family and great for reinforcing your knowledge of the Bible. 1928 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good old edge of the chair movie. Harrison Ford, as always, is excellent. 7228 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent There are actually a lot of movies in that same path and in my humble and personal opinion, I love them. Another aspect of the film that was refreshing was just the scenery. The scene at the beginning with Pip encountering the convict in the cemetery, the grassland scene at the beginning and the end of the movie, and the dreariness of London (as Pip first arrives) all seem to be very illustrative of the attitude of the film. The film won Oscars in 1978 for Best Adapted Screenplay and Original Score. It also received nominations for Best Picture, Director (Alan Parker), Supporting Actor (John Hurt) and Editing. 2924 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Got it for Father's Day , it's loaded with extras, it's a classic and he loves it. No further explanation for this classic movie that is a part of the pop culture collective conscious. Synopsis: Two men on bikes searching for the American Dream, beautifully shot, great soundtrack. If you haven't seen it buy it now. 10/10 The story goes that under the streets of Racoon City there is a secret facility (The Hive) controlled by Umbrella (a massive pharmacutical company) which is designed for creating vast viral weaponry. Also, there's the famous final scene when Travis emerges as a hero. It's likely that the dying Bickle fantasizes this whole scene, but that's never made clear to the audience. That confusion at the end is enough to eradicate a star in an otherwise brilliant movie. 257 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a timeless classic which shows that those people from the Depression era experienced a lot of what might have taken place in England during the time of Dickens. 4575 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's still a fun watch after all these years and what a trip back in time! Who doesn't like watching F-16s blow stuff up?! The aerial scenes and effects are pre-CGI and not as well done as in Top Gun. The low budget effects don't detract from the story and has that fun 1980s cheesy feeling that you get after being spoiled by 20+ years of improved special effects. Louis Gossett Jr is great, the guy who plays protagonist "Doug" isn't toooo bad and who knew that "Katie" (Doug's girlfriend) would make such a great career for herself after such a tiny part in this movie. It stinks that it's not "for rent" as I've watched it exactly 3 times since it first hit video, but the "buy" price is pretty cheap. I look at the bad reviews of the movie, and wonder how many people have actually WATCHED the movie? Did they just give it one star because they hate the Spice Girls? I think that was probably the case for most reviewers. Congratulations to the people who gave it 4 or 5 star reviews - you're not ashamed to admit you liked the movie! I also liked it. The Spice Girls may not be popular anymore or what you'd call the latest thing, but they were a fantastic girl band. I bet nearly everyone had at least one song they liked from the girls. 1719 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Another great history lesson come alive ... worth the investment ... Rating Flags: Bloody Comic Violence..., Language(a couple s words and so forth) and Sexual References. As a special feature, Dennis Hopper's running commentary on the film brings special insight to one of the finest, most colorful period flicks ever made. 7437 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have seen this movie several times and wanted to watch it again. If a movie could receive 10 stars I would give this one 10. The acting, storyline and execution of both were excellent! I love all the characters, actors especially Anthony Hopkins and his role in this movie. I was a teacher for many years and can tell you that after this movie was released, a few years later I had many "Tristen's" in my class both boys and girls!! Neither are the science nor the government perfect: they're just groups of 2354 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 i'll be brief this film is an absolute rollercoaster. people who like SPEED and Gone in 60 seconds should see this movie. I really don't think much of plots but i thought this one was good. You'll enjoy the visual and special effects. maybe not relating to this specific film, 4263 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 what if......... Resident Evil has the state-of-the-art special effects. Specially with the laser grid part. The Licker, the one monster, looked really cool. 6489 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 oh, c'mon, what a load of crap, what a waste... 105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. 2611 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful all star cast! This is a movie I can relate too being a diabetic myself... I cry every time I watch this movie.. The movie is layden with completely random parts, but you can tell the characters in the movie know it's random so it works for the film. The arguments over the swallows carrying coconuts, the black night scene, the scene where you "Bring out ya dead!", the nights who say "ni", and the very, VERY random scene with the animated sun and clouds yelling "Stand up! Stand up!" This is all pretty confusing at first, but that's the genius of Monty Python. And these sorts of scenes seem to fit in no matter how bizzare they are. And you just gotta love the beginning with the subtitles continuously being messed up, with some guy typing about his sister getting bitten by a moose. The ending is probably my only complaint, as it's so abrupt and kinda leaves a little to be desired. Video Resolution: 1080p [Technicolor] Billy Hayes has complained about both the ending, and the strong anti-Turk attitude, but when asked about a remake, he has said "It's done. Time to move on." 3820 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is amazing! Its got Devon Sawa, Jessica Alba and Seth Green! You cant go wrong with this spooky, high school comedy! Its from the 90s and its the most fun movie ever! The Offspring play at the school prom! Check this movie out! 1547 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This version was awfully butchered. It felt like I was fast-forwarding through the entire novel. The actors were fine, but the dialogue they were given was so trite that I found myself wincing through most of it. The script lost a lot of the novel's "punch" and intensity. This DVD is definitely going into the Salvation Army bin. I couldn't sit through it again. Finally I found this 40th Anniversary set -- produced by Acorn -- at an irresistible price and took the plunge. Young Frankenstein- English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English Mono, Spanish Mono, French Mono "Ride With the Angels": Making Blue Thunder multi-part Featurette 4023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Again, another great Julia Roberts movie. This movie really pulls at your heart strings no doubt! I'm really glad I bought it! The Pythons: Autobiography by The Pythons 4708 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For my husband who loves this movie! He loves it! Good price. 6016 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Resident Evil: Apocalypse is, of course, the second in the (so far) four-part, video-game inspired, film franchise. It picks up where the first film left off, with Alice (Mila Jovovich) waking up in hospital to find that Raccoon City has been taken over by the undead and sealed off by her erstwhile employers (the Umbrella Corporation) Oh noes! What will she do? Well, she'll need to get dressed, for a start. But you can forgive the obvious older than characters thing, as Fright Night is simply a fun movie. Fun horror and kid friendly horror. They don't make many like this anymore. 3507 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 probe me Gattaca, with its heavy detective cat-and-mouse, could be the successor to Alfred Bester's THE DEMOLISHED MAN. This was a very well made film with a good story, characters, acting and pacing. There were excellent performances from many of the cast including author Gore Vidal. If you like your films with a bit of thought then this is one you should look out for. 8644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say...killer bunnies, farts in your general direction, coconut shells, gotta love Monty Python! 7589 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great performance by all! Enjoyed it so much! 7596 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Looking back this film made its mark in its day. It seems less a definitive stylistic thriller today since the impact upon its initial release. However, it is a great look at the not to distant past. This was an "in" film, a film you had to see. What I like about it is the location photography, production design and a young Tommy Lee Jones. Times have sure changed right before our eyes. (4) Close encounters of the first kind: visual sightings of an UFO. 14 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Well done video with important information that Americans should know. 6391 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Still great after all these years!!! Love the South Carolina lowcountry. Beautiful country - beautiful people. This story brought me back to some great memories!!! I found the movie very humorous and also very French. Many actors speak with a French accent which I think is a very clever device. You cannot separate the life of a person from the culture in which this life evolved and I found the movie reflected well on some of the special tidbits of the French soul. 4161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie because I loved the book that it was based on. Michelle did a wonderful job as the mother in this movie. The movie has a murder mystery build into it to keep things interesting as Ethan tries to avoid detection as an In-Valid while still keeping himself as the selectee for the Saturn Mission which he has been selected for. All of us have known, in some shape or form, how Travis Bickle (played brilliantly by Robert DeNiro) feels. There is a time in every person's life in which he/she feels isolated from the world, perhaps out of place or unjustly a receiver of misfortune. Travis, on the other hand, is consumed by this sense of loneliness and despair, taking it to the brink of pure destruction and maniacal proportions. Both of these men bring an entire new depth to they portrayal abilities - one we have not had a chance to see before. If you like this film you will love this dvd version; if you love the film, you wil adore this two-dvd set. An essential item for your collection. 7879 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Such a great performance from all the cast! ....A. Written Profiles on 3 actors Bravo Bronson. Cast: Brad Davis, Irene Miracle, Bo Hopkins, Paolo Bonacelli, Paul L. Smith, Randy Quaid, Norbert Weisser, John Hurt, Mike Kellin, Franco Diogene, Michael Ensign, Gigi Ballista, Kevork Malikyan, Peter Jeffrey, Joe Zammit Cordina, Yashaw Adem, Raad Rawi, Tony Boyd, Zannino, Mihalis Giannatos, Vic Tablian, Ahmed El Shenawi and Alan Parker (uncredited) 6486 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I enjoyed the first resident evil film because of the action but where was the gore from the games. The zombies didn't seem that hungry to me. They were supposed to be ravanous flesh hungry zombies but that wasn't what you see. For instance take the bloke who gets pinned down in the lift. You see loads of zombies clawing at him but when he becomes a zombie later, he has some lacerations and a few chunks out of him. Does that seem like ravanous zombies to you? If that had been a george romero film, you can guarantee that there wouldn't have been anything left of him to get back up. Except maybe a skeleton. Where as Resident Evil Apocalypse was better than i thought it would be. The blood flowed much more in this film. The zombies took more detailed chunks out of their victims (if you were pinned down in this film, there would be nothing left of you as these zombies really are hungry. Check out the poor woman who gets it in the school. You don't see her again. Gee i wonder why?) and the lickers were better too and it was scary during parts too. The intro to jill was cool. You don't need an intro to her character in this film as you already know her from the games and the game that she used that dress in was Resident Evil Nemesis (which i believe this film was loosely based on)where she popped a zombie's head as soon as she saw it. Alice is better in this film as she can seriously kick ass. Both zombie and nemesis. The intro of the original s.t.a.r.r.s team was good, even though they didn't last very long. The ending was very good too as alice, the zombies and a special character turns against their creators at umbrella. About time they got what was coming to them. Look forward to R.E 3. More blood, more guts and most importantly more glory. 933 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Condarman is one of Disney's more brilliant films in the last few decades. The story has the taste of Peter Sellers classic "Pink Panther" movies and that special "80's" movie magic that hollywood hasn't been able to replicant since. 9093 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is classic Monty Python. Medieval King Arthur in search of the Holy Grail which is guarded by a vicious killer small white bunny rabbit. The Enchanter's name is Tim, the Knights who say "Nicht!" want a shrubbery, what is the capital of Assyria, and galloping horses hooves are really coconut shells banged together, and what kind of swallow could carry coconuts to England's shores an All in all a good movie to see, but not necessarily one to watch again and again. And in my mind, if you combined the start of "House on Haunted Hill" with the ending of "Resident Evil" you'd have a near perfect horror movie. I think those who've engaged that argument have been going about debate much the wrong way, for there are really no similarities in these two pictures except for the fact that both includes aliens and otherworldly craft ... but the comparison really stops there. It is of an older style. The characters are so human. All of the episodes are based on Mortimers books, I think, and I have the books. Set in the current time of the mid 1970s to the early 1990s the episodes concern common regular folks in London for the most part. 7440 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Beautiful scenery and inspirational theme along with stellar cast. Well worth watching. I would never want to have an encounter, The movie itself is not bad,but you go back to one place(India) then another (Muncie,Indiana) why not focus on One place and one plot? I prefer Signs to this. And the end of this movie totally killed it for me. See for yourself whether you agree or disagree with my review.it's not a bad movie but certainly could have been better. But as an action movie, it's up there with the best of the I've-got-some-time-to-kill-and-feel-like-watching-some-action-movie genre. That's the situation I was under when I watched this movie. Must say, I was thoroughly enjoying this movie. Didn't really care that the plot was thin. Didn't give a damn I didn't see any recognizable characters from the game (which I've played). I saw a damn good action movie! I think what makes this movie so special for me is how little you see of the UFO's during the entire movie and how it affects the characters throughout the film. Then we are rewarded with the best final 20 minutes of any film made since. And the music...not just the "5 notes" but the entire soundtrack by John Williams is so haunting and is a character in itself. 7186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A wonderful film! After watching the first season of Upstairs, Downstairs via Amazon Instant Download (free for Prime members), I was so captivated by this well-written and credibly acted series that I purchased the rest of the series (via instant download) and have been enjoying the show since (except for Season 5 which is sadly not available via streaming). 8620 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A+++ 1149 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What can I say - I got sucked into the characters in Season 1, and just couldn't stop watching. Was very sad when I had finished the last season. Wanted to know more. Love the sweetness of Rose, and of course, Hudson's voice.... Enjoy In my case, watching these films - especially INTO THE WILD - brought me back to a time when I myself, like the character in the movie, was 22 years old and questioning my place in life: what I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, where I wanted to live, how I wanted to live, and who I wanted to be with. I realize now that I was seeking a sense of place to fit in and a community to be a part of that I felt comfortable in more than merely trying to "find myself." But understanding that when you are going through it is another thing altogether. Watching INTO THE WILD hits home on all these points and more! I remember having just seen The Grateful Dead in concert in Hartford, Connecticut with my good buddy, Jimmy, in May of 1997, and feeling like I wanted to just bust loose of all of the constraints of society that seemed to be holding me back from my true calling - whatever that was. I was feeling like a wild animal caught in a trap, and I wanted to be free. I had dropped out of college almost two years before, and I had been working at two jobs back in my hometown of Lowell, Massachusetts. That summer, like the kid in INTO THE WILD, I planned to get away and I bought a bunch of camping equipment, quit my jobs, and hit the road. I first went up north to New York State to camp out with some members of the Neo-American Church in the region of Cranberry Lake. When I decided not to stay and started to trek back out to head off somewhere else, my glasses fell off of my head and into the muddy, swampy muck I had found myself in along the water's edge. It took me an hour to find them. I realized then and there that I was handicapped for this kind of wandering around with all this heavy weight on my shoulders. So, I hitchhiked back home, feeling just as lost and just as confused as ever. I continued to read hundreds of books to find an answer to my quest for authenticity and community, only to learn that I was just making the book stores richer. I tried yet again to break away that fall, and went back to western Massachusetts to see if I could find work out near my friends who were still going to school there. I could relate to the scene in INTO THE WILD where Christopher writes in his diary of all freedom seekers in the history of this country seeking it by going out "west." Whenever I would hear the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, when Robert Plants sings: "There's a feeling I get when I look to the west and my spirit is crying for leaving," I would feel an urge inside me to head out west before I got too old to do it. Indeed, Christopher tries to inspire the old man who wanted to adopt him in the film (Hank Holbrook) to do the very same thing! After spending two weeks looking for work with no luck, and deciding not to move into a deserted cabin or tepee built out in the back woods of a local farmer's land because of the weather and being all alone, I left the generous hospitality of my good friend, Greg, and once more headed back home to find my way that way. Years later, after working an assortment of odd jobs over many years, I eventually ended up opening my own health food store in the summer of 1989 after deciding not to buy some land way up north in Maine or Vermont near the Canadian border - the only place I could afford land at the time. I concluded that if I bought the land, I would never be able to later do the health food store (one of the last business bastions left of hippiedom in corporate America), but if I opened the store and did not like it, I could always cash-in and then go off and buy some land somewhere out in the woods. I was always talking about "moving to Alaska," to live in freedom and stuff like that - so I can really relate to what Christopher McCandless (the real character and promising young man of the true story of INTO THE WILD) was going through. I felt like I was looking at myself re-living my past. He took the path I almost took. I turned back. He never got the chance to. God only knows where he would be today if he had lived to tell his story! The characters of the series are reflections of the changing times. The Upstairs family sees the pater familias, an aristocratic man of conservative principles, losing ground to the younger members of the family who are going through the emotional ravages of World War I. They question everything and challenge many of the basic principles of social behavior, including the roles of women, political power and who should wield it, and the behavior of society during war. Below stairs, too, there is disruption. The younger generation questions the reasons for the demand for "gratitude" for their position of servitude and see the efforts of the butler to prevent their adopting new ideals as repressive and patronizing. They question the need to ask the family they serve for permission to marry, to hold a war job, to question their additional work load without commensurate compensation. Can you find the Farrah Fawcett poster? Can you find the Star Trek Enterprise? After getting her life back on track Julie moves away to College and living with her best friend Carla, win 4 tickets to the Bahamas, after answering a radio competition. 5129 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 WOW. Thats all I have to say about the film AND the DVD. If you are looking for the best of the best in films, check out this controversial movie. The extras include ALL: 6213 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 GREAT movie!! Premise: Daniel gets a magic ticket from a movie store owner given to him by Houdini. While watching the latest Jack Slater movie, Daniel gets transported into the movie itself and ends up joining Jack Slater(played by Arnold) in his crazy adventures. This particular adventure involves Jack finding out the killer of his brother. 7462 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Norman Maclean's memories are brought to life by the handsome Actor/Director and Academy Award winner Robert Redford, who captured the beauty of life in this poignant story, that is set in the backdrop of the breathtaking beautiful and scenic, State of Montana. The movie chronicles the lives of two son's whose father was a Christian Minister, but his boys were as diverse as can be, with the exception of one thing: FISHING! Not spiritual fishing as in the catching of souls for the Kingdom of God, but the physical fishing complete with hook, reel and rod and of course, the worm. The binding tie between father and son's and even between brother's, a family tradition that their father taught them, the intertwining of worms, fly catchers, fish and the art of fishing as it weaves through daily life. There's nothing like it. There's a certain art and style to fishing that one must practice always, in order to get the fish to voluntarily come, to your hook. Be it people or aquatic specimen. Then, you have to know how to hold the line, so that the fish will bite, even when it's not hungry. Norman (Craig Sheffer), the eldest son, writes his now acclaimed memoirs and the younger son as portrayed by Actor Brad Pitt, was a rambunctious risk-taker in his drinking and gambling as well as in his other pursuits (women & gambling), and preferred to live life..., on the edge. Except when it came to fishing. Then, he humbly followed in daddies and big brother's, fishing footstep's and even developed a style of his own. A memorable film with endearing family values and lessons in life, that are subtly gripping. It is yet another Robert Redford Film Classic which is to be treasured. You'll enjoy this one... Nina Kish 1037 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent study of a American Navy pilot and a enemy Japanese Army soldier stranded on a small Pacific island during WWII. They combat each other with whatever natural weapons that can be found and then realize their surrival depends on their cooperation. The film features a high number of action scenes and gunfire, music, mechanical sounds from the vehicles, jet engines flying, helicopter rotors spinning, it would seem that so much was put into the emphasis of having a wonderful soundtrack that "AIR FORCE ONE" truly delivers. And these are not short bursts of audio, there are plenty of scenes that utilize this explosive audio throughout the film. Sinatra's voice in Pal Joey is very bad, his style of acting is no style at all, and his acting, even on its one note foundation, is excruciating. He needed Gene Kelly and others to fill in when he made MGM musicals; he was never a star, and Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak eclipse him in every scene,proving that point. Joan perhaps was the Messenger. Joan perhaps was the Maid. Joan could, certainly, be the Revenger, driven by her own desire to make revenge on the Brits for her sister death. We should remember that we are sometimes the servants (or the maids) of God, sometimes we are just driven by our own internal desires. God knows it certainly well. One could not become a saint on earth while he/ she struggles, but only after his/ her death. On the contrary, the Holy Mother Church would not turn away (as the Bishop vividly said in the movie) anyone who repent, who make confession to the Church. The DVD extras won't disappoint either. In addition to the Coming Attractions, the Special Features include cast and credit info, a production diary, a film magic sequence exhibiting storyboards and special effects, a Making Of, additional footage, and trailers and TV spots. There are Cantonese and Mandarin language tracks with traditional, simplified, and English subtitles. There is also a great in-depth commentary (w/ subtitles) from the cast and crew. Unfortunately some of the special features do not have subtitles, though you won't miss much. Another drawback is the overall sound quality of the Cantonese track, which is uneven at best. 2441 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I worked on this one when it was filmed in Wilmington and Chicago as technical adviser. It was very challenging to Kim to work with Richard, she hated his attitude and showed it off set. But both are great actors in my humble opinion. The acting is a treat, you will love it. Luck, luck and luck. But then systematically Dickens shatters every single opportunity and hope on the side of the boy, Pip, who ends up in prison for unpaid debts, on the side of his benefactor, Abel, who will die in prison holding Pip's hand after his final arrest, on the side of Miss Havisham who will achieve none of her plans, on the side of Estella who will marry the rich and noble young man, will be brutalized and will end up alone in Miss Havisham's house, on the side of Biddy who will marry Joe the Blacksmith when Pip finally realizes she had been his closest ever friend, and even on the side of Estella who will refuse to requite Pip's love, though she will accept to make him her platonic companion in Miss Havisham's.redecorated house. 938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have not been able to purchase this movie yet. I rented the movie to watch since I grew up with it. I absolutely love the movie and wish I could find it for a cheaper price. I hope it will be released on Blu-ray. Will rent again if still available sometime. Moreover, we get to see or hear about, the double-crossing generals such as General Lee that allowed himself to be caught... and yet not so much about the merchants, farmers, and politicians that supported whichever side the wind happened to be blowing in, always in search of profit and personal gain, which another film, Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor, portrays so well. 9053 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is the best movie in the Monty Python set. I have seen it multiple times, and find myself laughing out loud before some of the scenes even start. I won't spoil it by revealing the lines I liked most . In the end... King Arthur finds the Castle of Arrrghhh... where the Holy Grail actually is... and we had no choice but to say to ourselves.... Arrrghhh!!! 2941 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies. Watched it 50 times over the life of the movie. 2324 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Harrison Ford as President--that aspect alone would be enough to drive many to see Air Force One. Yet this thriller does not disappoint even the most discerning critics of action film and indeed stands out as one--if not THE--best action film made since the 80's. This DVD version of the film keeps some of the Special Edition extra scenes added after the film was originally released in 1977, and the result is the best of both worlds. The film clearly states that, although the unknown may be frightening at first, we may not really have anything to fear. Midnight Express is powerfully directed by Alan Parker, who inspires searing performances from Brad Davis, John Hurt and Randy Quaid. It is an unforgettable look at one of the most dangerous prisons in the world, and one mans fight to get home. 86 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just really great! I never knew the Fonze played Scrooge. Well, the characters' names are all different, there's no nephew, the ghost of Christmas future talks, but the basic story line is the same old wonderful classic. I really enjoyed this movie and I think you will too! 2439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie to cop in the NOPD station is a charm 8151 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've always loved this movie and not realizing I didn't have it on dvd, prompted me to finally buy it. 6992 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 It's been six years since I have run out of a movie theater angry and bewildered. Average video bit rate: 23.92 Mbps 1668 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The first episode was in color. The next episodes were in black and white. The sound went up and down throughout each episode. I think it was episode 21 or 22 which was repeated and the ensuing episode wasn't on the disc. I wrote the BBC to ask about getting a replacement disc with the missing episode and never got a response. The lightness of the film is highlighted with some very entertaining Karaoke takes on popular music as performed by mom and the kids and by a little Thanksgiving talent show. But over and above the cutesy schmaltz are a lot of well shaped statements about life and death and family. It remains a very fine movie. Grady Harp, May 13 2408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is such a great movie. Talk about guilty pleasure! It's one of those "feel-good" movies that makes you laugh any time you watch it and puts you in a happy mood. It follows the girls as they prepare for a big gig (no pun intended) at Albert Hall. The band even experiences a fictional, yet scarily ironic, break up part way through the movie. They work it out... but don't we wish that the same thing could've happened with the real-life break up. This movie makes you feel like you are with the girls and makes you wish you really were! Of course, Emma "Baby" Bunton steals the show with her charming good looks and always loveable personality. (P.S. Emma, feel free to visit me whenever you want! I'd love to meet you!) This is a must have for any fan of the Spice Girls or anyone who is into fun - loving movies. Also check out the Spice Girls' CDs "Spice" and "Spice World", they are awesome. But pass up "Forever" which lost the girls about 7 million fans here in the U.S. This is definitely a movie that I would recommend (FINALLY, I spell it right!) to anyone! You won't regret this purchase... at least rent it! Enjoy! 5528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Chris Sarandon (CHILD'S PLAY), Roddy McDowall (PLANET OF THE APES), William Ragsdale (WALLY AND THE VALENTINES), Amanda Bearse (MARRIED WITH CHILDREN), Stephen Geoffreys (976-EVIL), Art J. Evans (I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS), Jonathan Stark (HOUSE 2: THE SECOND STORY) and Dorothy Fielding (GOLDIE AND THE BEARS) star in the Tom Holland classic; FRIGHT NIGHT. The main story line is remiscent of DISTURBIA except it is a vampire instead of a human that is the killer. A high school student named Charley Brewster claims that his new neighbor Jerry Dandridge is a vampire because of the blood shed and screaming happening every night. He does everything until he meets up with the great vampire killer himself; Peter Vincet. Their adventures together are funny and very brave. The movie has average special effects for the 1980s. A lot better of effects than any FRIDAY THE 13TH movie of the early '80s that is for sure. The movie is pretty graphic in some parts of the finale but it is so much fun at the end. That is all I will give you. I know I give short reviews but I only want to say the things I like about a movie or product and some favorite scenes, no major spoilers. See you later. Infinity out of 5 star rating! 5899 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Steve Martin favorite at our house Scorsese shows how the most disturbing people are the ones that you least expect. How someone that you trust will never hurt you, can be lead to put you into danger. Many people who saw this movie were horrifiied and diesgusted by the storyline. The movie has often been misunderstood as a violent and graphic, however, this film is a classic look at how far and disturbed a mind can be. The evil in the movie is to show the intense disturbance inside a man's head. This movie in total had eight Academy Award nominations and one win for Best Cinematography. I have tried to avoid discussing the plot, so as not to give away the plot events that should come as a surprise to you. But suffice it to say that this is one of the first series when anything can happen within the framework of the series, when you could not count on everything ending happily by the end of the hour--or at all. Some of the genetically perfect nonetheless come upon hard times. Jude Law plays Jerome, who was born perfect, but was paralyzed in an accident. His hair and blood and urine and saliva all remain genetically perfect. Vincent is brought to Jerome by a shady character who pairs ambitious godchildren with impaired valids. Carrying Jerome's urine strapped to his leg and his blood in a small cache concealed at his fingertip Vincent applies once again at Gattaca to become an astronaut. His "interview" consists only of testing Jerome's perfect urine sample. With DNA like that Jerome must be perfect... 9388 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 From the moment you see King Arthur (Graham Chapman) and his trusty aide Patsy (Terry Gilliam) ride out of the fog at the beginning of Holy Grail (I won't spoil the joke, it's one of the best), you know it's going to be on of those films. By "those", of course, i mean films that are consistently funny throughout. And Grail is one of the most startingly original comedies of all time. It's hard to imagine that it was produced by a comedy group that merely a year before had put together a woefully unfunny final series of Monty Python's Flying Circus. 8787 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What's not to like about this movie? I'm a huge Monty Python fan and this movie almost completed my collection! At the time it was making the theatrical rounds I worked at Sears Brand Central in their electronics division. We had a dedicated laser disc player that repeated every 30 minutes a selection of movie promos, plus Sears and other commercials. These discs were changed monthly. I have seen this film several times now and I always enjoy it. Ethan Hawke as Vincent and Jude Law as Jerome are excellent. Their future world is aptly colourless and sterile. Expressions are always serious, clothing is austere. The eerie musical score and Hawkes narration make for a hypnotic atmosphere. Even in this restrained and supposedly predictable world though, human passions and mistakes are still a fact of life. This is a very well paced and often tense film. It raises many intriguing questions about the interaction between technology and human development. It is a very entertaining, yet cautionary tale. The same is true about this series, but it doesn't mean there aren't a few stories left to tell. All in all, this is well done and quite entertaining. 4884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great movie,the scenario is amazing ,this is a must,recommended ! good quality video and seller 1962 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Classic Harrison Ford The loneliness and disconnection of Bickle has echoes in the character of Holden Caulfield in "The Catcher in the Rye" who likewise drifts around New York City searching for some kind of meaning. 7500 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 very good movie. 7930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent item, highly satisfied 4497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I loved this movie As a film, "Resident Evil" lacks a compelling storyline, deeply drawn characters and even well-choreographed action sequences. Instead, it focuses intensely on cinematography, production design, sound, and editing. This actually makes for a more interesting film, since nearly every frame is a carefully constructed movement within the scope of the film. Its goal, put simply, is horribleness. This movie, like other films such as "Final Destination" and the director's own "Event Horizon," elevates the terror of danger and death to an art form. How terrified can you be before you die? Getting shot in the back or killed in a car accident is tragic and even painful, but at least it's quick. The anticipation of a baroque and cruel death is milked dry in this film. Irony, too, is an important factor, as in the case of the businesswoman who squeezes halfway out of a stranded elevator only to find that the elevator's about to start moving again. One of the few Columbia musicals that creates some of its own magic rather than trying to copy the RKO and MGM formula, Sinatra is so perfect as John O'Hara's heel that it is now impossible to imagine Kelly in the role. Not all of the Rodgers and Hart's songs are well served - some, such as I Didn't Know What Time It Was, are all but thrown away - but the score is a strong one (The Lady Is A Tramp, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, If They Asked Me I Could Write A Book ) and the film is one of the few successful Broadway-to-screen transfers of its day. Great dog too. 6670 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I decided to give this movie a try despite the many negative reviews. Boy was I sorry! This film is a travesty so save your time (and your money if you're thinking of buying). Milla Jovovich simply doesn't have the acting ability to pull this role off, plain and simple. She portrays Joan as a wild-eyed nut case and somehow it's hard to generate much sympathy for her in the end. Add to that the ridiculous dialogue (somehow I can't see 13th century people using the 21st century expression "whatever!") and you have a mess of a movie. The sets and costumes are fairly good and the battle scenes reasonably realistic but that's about all I can say for it. But what caught attention was that the film was based on a true story of Billy Hayes who was convicted for smuggling hash and sentenced to four years in a Turk prison where he and many people were tortured. To make matters worse, he became a scapegoat to prevent foreigners from even thinking of smuggling drugs in the country by having his sentenced overturned and giving him a life sentence. Various facets of the Santa Claus legend have come about (at least according to this particular screenplay) from strategies which Kris and his friends had to develop in order to triumph over the oppressive government. In this version of the story, Santa Claus is a countercultural radical (also in keeping with the 1960's anti-authoritarian motif which original audiences were themselves living through). The future Santa Claus is a thoughtful young man who was raised by elves as one of their own. They did not even mind he was human! Regardless of his reasons, the ending expertly shows Chaney's loyal and generous character. He may be a man of few words, but he certainly CARED about those connected to him, even if they were severely flawed addicts and con-artists. Heck, he even LOVED his cat! 800 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very helpful, excellent ! Awesome film. Turn the lights off and the sound up! The special edition will contain the following: It's also burdened with what has to be the weirdest selection of music as the soundtrack, varying from full church organ, loud discordant atonal concrete music and what surely has to be the sounds of air being allowed to escape from the stretched neck of a rubber balloon at one stage! 8416 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My granddaughter really enjoyed Elmo. Personally I think it's merely a good action movie with a good moral to the story. Good will only triumph over Evil when Good learns to take its head out of its scared hind end and actually be willing to stand up for what's right. Also, the documentary on this disk is incredible. It is much more thorough (and seems to be a longer version) than the one that was included on the recent VHS release. 8670 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kept both my kids attention -- 4 & 6. We never watched Sesame Street but it was free so we checked it our on Prime. They both loved it. We watch all the time now. 2502 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was going to get this to see it again for nostalgia. After reading the reviews it seems Amazon is having us pay for lesser quality viewing. After reading the reviews I also realized that many of the digital purchases we have made on Amazon are also horrible quality as we rate the quality when asked. Why does a money monster like Amazon have to stick it to its customers like this? Because clearly, we are taking it lying down and we give Amazon loads of money for bootleg quality products. Maybe Jeff Bezos should get the same "invitation" Zuckerberg just got to answer some questions under oath. 1080 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Woody Allen is a great filmmaker who has made some comedies that are also deep character studies (Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters, etc.). However, there's something to be said for films like What's Up, Tiger Lily, Play it Again, Sam and Sleeper -- films that are just plain funny. Probably the best of these is Take the Money and Run which spoofs the true crime documentaries of the time. Allen plays Virgil Starkwell, a hilariously inept career criminal whose life is one misadventure after another. Using "testimony" from people in Starkwell's life and cinema vierte style photography, Allen peppers the audience with hilarious sight gag after sight gag. Among my favorites: 9946 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've seen it a thousand times. It keeps getting better every time I watch it. - [The Umbrella CORP. has reopened the hive after capturing Matt (Eric Malbus) and Alice from their narrow escape from the hive upon sealing it to prevent further contamination. Both have been subjected to laboratory experiments with the T-Virus under the orders of men named Dr. Isaacs (Iain Glen - Tomb Raider), but only Alice is left partially unscathed through the entire incident. However, Alice's attempts to keep the T-virus from escaping the underground facility were foiled by the Umbrella CORP when they reopen the HIVE and released the T-Virus and the lickers along with it. Thus creating mass hysteria within the walls of Raccoon City whose citizens have fallen prey to the deadly virus and are locked inside the city when it reaches the city limits. McDowell plays the part as frightened man who knows that vampires really don't exist and then discovers that they do. He squeezes every bit of humor there is to be had out of the part and somehow gets everyone else up to his level. Just when you think the film is in danger of failing in spite of Sarandon's coolness, McDowell demonstrates that there is still a lot of life in those old clich's. Fright Night can't help being light weight, but it does manage to be successfully entertaining. And you get some interesting special effects when people go vampy face or dissolve upon staking. What an awful, awful film. This is the kind of movie that makes me look suspiciously at anyone who thought it was good. I wish there were a no-star option. Paul's spiritual gifts are no less important, but they are not sustainable, because they lack the discipline and the structure of Norman. Despite his sad outcome, Paul's fishing and his life are "beautiful." They are beautiful because you can love them "completely, without complete understanding." 8071 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A long time favorite for the whole family. I saw this original there and got it on DVD for just $2 at a yard sale recently. The DVD's best 'special feature' is simply the movie, as there is nothing else. It has widescreen on one side and full-screen on the other, so that's good for those who have a preference. As well, this has subtitles in the most languages that I have on any DVD on I own. However, watching it with the English subtitles, it seemed that there were many points were there were no words for quite a while. 9874 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Gattaca" may well be the sci-fi movie with the most gorgeous art direction yet made. Make sure you see it in a wide-screen version. The expansive, minimalist, vaguely art deco settings glow golden in a kind of persistent late afternoon light. The perfect hairdos, impeccable suits and beautiful people blend perfectly into the shiny surroundings, as does Uma Thurman's peculiarly expressionless face. There are no lame attempts at futurism or obligatory CG effects to draw attention away from the story - a story that has an unabashedly philosophical portent, much like "1984" or "Brave new world". I have watched this many times over the years. It never fails to impress me. It is both stark yet full of life. I think it is a quiet look on human nature and how the people can be so involved in the same event but be motivated so differently. 350 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Beautifully written and produced film. And a story that is true today. 1154 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The aristocratic Bellamy's of 165 Eaton Place, London, live upstairs over the downstairs clockwork servant aid led by butler Hudson (Gordon Jackson). Classic Edwardian masterful plots in this funny and dramatic nostalgic time-travel covering 1912-1914, pre-World War One. The whole deal even includes a semi-rigid mylar slipcover for the snap case! Unfortunately, the mylar apparently isn't very durable- I had to exchange this set twice because the slipcover got cracked in transit both times! It made for a frustrating demonstration of the hazards of purchasing things online. Fortunately, in this case the third time was indeed the charm. The slipcover also has a lenticular finish- you know, like those trading cards where there's two separate pictures on the same card. You look at it from one angle, there's one image. Then when you turn it a bit, another picture appears. Except in this case, there's no different images; it's just put on there to make the slipcover shiny & stuff. What a gyp! 8405 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Yes, I know there are people that love this movie, but they clearly did not see the Broadway version or hear the music from the cd with Andrea McArdle. This is an action paced movie and it probably appeals to those who like that kind of stuff, but for those of us who know something about music and are familiar with the original know that this is inferior. Read the bad reviews of this movie and that is what I think. Should have not left out some of the songs, should have not taken place 4th of July. I love Carol Burnett and she does do a good job in this, but a little too drunk. I think the writers overdid it. Don't rememberher being so much in the play. I wrote a review of the Disney version and it the Disney version is better than this mess, but not as good as the Broadway Version with Andrea McArdle. I haven't seen it, but I was in a local production with the Broadway version. They should have made Bernadette Peters a ditsy blonde in this, but she comes off too smart. They kept her ditsy in the Disney Version. I will have to say that the Disney Version should have not had a black love interest for Daddy Warbucks. I'm not trying to be racist but it just doesn't make sense for the Depression era to have a mixed relationship. They should have gotten Rebecca Luker(Miriam the Librarian on Broadway and a friend of mine. She would have been perfect for Grace. Not too impressed with Ann Reinking in this version as Grace. At least Audra McDonald in the Disney version can sing the way it should be. Ann is more of a dancer. If you have never seen the Broadway version or heard the original or seen the Disney version you might like this, but it is inferior to the original. So save your money and buy the Disney version and buy the Andrea McArdle version on cd. Too bad that version is not on tape. U.S. Rating: PG for a Scene of Child Imperilment, Some Language and Alcohol Use. This is the case, cause Wes Anderson`s directional debut is a highly important independent movie, for its style, that gived a whole new perspective of filmaking in low budget for the 90`s, i think the film deserves better. 1959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 6720 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Visually dazzling and hypnotically exciting, the Messenger is a movie that never fails to entertain. Staying true to Besson's flamboyant film style, the movie begins so well, that it grabs you and doesn't let go. Its too badit doesn't completely hold out to the end, but Jovovich's wild-eyed performance more than makes up for that fault. Historic film making at its finest. So much of it is intentionally predictable. You don't mind. Arnold pokes fun at himself and other stars of the genre, drawing from plenty of cheesy motifs, puns and plot lines. Trailers For Monty Python fans, this DVD is an absolute must, and I recommend it most highly to everyone else! Some years ago at a film event, I asked Ernest Borgnine, who played the janitor in the film, what he thought of GATTACA. In a rather dismissive way, he said he did not get it. Well that is his flawed genome. If you would like to see a sci-fi film that is based on curious characters and thought provoking circumstances - and not explosions, try Gattaca. Enjoy! 4084 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon light up the screen in "Stepmom," a heartwarming and emotionally involving comedy/drama which tells the story of two women, one divorced, the other married to her ex-husband, and the hurdles they must jump in order to find a common ground of understanding. The movie has it laughs, tears, and an upbeat attitude that keeps going throughout, telling its story in an appealing fashion with the help of its brilliant cast and director Chris Columbus. You can enjoy this movie for everything it has to offer and feel satisfied in the end with how you spent your time; I did. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. 3937 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks! Love it! Fast shipping The only problem is with the dvd which is not restored in any way and so the picture and sound quality really suffer in comparison with what's currently out there. There are no special features of note either. This film is certainly one of the funniest and most enjoyable that I've ever seen but my advice is to wait for the Blu-ray version that significantly restores the picture quality as well as adds good special features and has good audio options such as at a minimum a Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround option to do justice to your home theatre system. 1587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't even count the number of times I've watched this one! The performances by both Samantha Morton & Ciaran Hinds are both SUPERB! If you're a romance lover, this one's for YOU--I promise, you will NOT be disappointed. I'm not going to get specific so as to not reveal any of the juicy details of the story, so I remain mysteriously vague on purpose to spur you on to buy this one for your DVD collection. The story is tragic, but with a happy ending for all. It will keep you on the edge of your seat & hungering for more all the way to the end. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this movie, & I refuse to ever watch any previous versions, that's how taken with this one I am! Highly Recommended! The plot is straightfoward: Woody Allen plays a chronically challenged underachiever(as always) with a long-suffering girlfriend/spouse. He finally holds up a bank and does it in the way only Woody could. The sight gags, blackout sketches, and double-entendre(inside jokes) are relentless and great. Whatever you see that's inventive and reminds you of something else, remember that it was invented here, probably. This movie in my opinion actually has a chance to be great... a slim chance. Under the direction of rookie filmmaker Alexander Witt, we may be in for a rough ride. Paul Anderson has returned for the script, goodie :-(, and Mila is back as Alice. The plus side to this movie is that it contains characters from the RE series including Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveria. But most of all, the main reason this movie looks remotely good, it that Nemesis will finally make an appearance. The greatest, scariest, toughest bad guy to ever appear in a video game will be on the screen. 7963 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is an interesting flick about a Harvard professor who becomes an alternate personality in a quest not only for the Grail but for real love. Overall a cute flick. 5757 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 SteelBook of Resident Evil is beautiful, this used copy is very good if not better as described by Movie Exchange_Highway6. Blu Ray inside of SteelBook looks like knew, and the bonus dvd looks good. Gave me a good deal as well. My favorite version of Jane Eyre is still the 1983 version with Timothy Dalton - good dialogue, fine acting, and great film score, plus at 311 minutes the original story remains pretty much in tact. Maybe the only problem, if it's a problem at all, is that there is one guy that tries to be funny a couple of times, but you'll be able to over look it considering the rest of the movie is great. here in england on sattelite tv and continues its growing fanbase of legions of fans the world over. 5187 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is a lot like the John Wayne Western, "The Searchers". 9957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A fun action packed 80s movie! 2613 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. 7597 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I absolutely LOVE this movie, and I am also a fan of Faye Dunaway, who played the title character in this film. Her character (Laura Mars) is a fashion freelance photographer who has a "psychic" ability to see murders taking place from her mind even though she is never at those happenings in person, and whose photographic work is controversial. Tommy Lee Jones, who played Laura's police bodyguard (John Neville), was great as well. It is really shocking to also see a slight trace of nudity in it. Well, it's not considered a pornographic movie because there is not enough nudity in it. It's really amazing to see Faye using a camera in this movie (that's why her character is a photographer). This DVD is excellent. When you put this into your DVD player, you have the option of watching the movie in either widescreen or full screen (I prefer widescreen mostly; but then again, it doesn't hurt to see it in full screen once in a while). You also have the option of seeing the movie with Irvin Kershner's directorial commentary. He did a great job on his commentary, because it's almost like you're watching the movie with him. There is also a featurette called "Visions", which describes the making of the movie. And, there is also a photo gallery (with interesting photos) with the DVD producer describing how some of the things differ from the script and the finalized movie. Barbra Streisand had declined to play the title character in this movie, but did agree to sing the title theme from the movie, "Prisoner". Even though Barbra declined to star in the film, I strongly believe that she did a great job singing the "Prisoner" theme. The other music heard in the film is wonderful as well, with some well known disco grooves and some incidental instrumental music. I have the soundtrack album of this movie on LP, and I think it is so appalling that it has not become available on CD. I hope Columbia/Sony Music can get it issued sometime. Great movie....see it!! 4586 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie with the best from deniro and scorsese, just as described very great quality so how is this new blu-ray reissue differ from the previous 2011 blu-ray for eg 7284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! Love it! So happy my kids love it as much as me:) 9655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I watch TOO much movies, especially Sci Fi, however, in this case the movie plot and story fit together very well! The future which is ALREADY here using our DNA to solve most crimes today that are complicated will surely control our futures. Yes, from DNA testing today the medical field can know if you will have mental or physical concerns from exams within 99% I hope in the future we can prevent most diseases from being past on and actually increase quality of life and length! The FUTURE is ALREAY here PEOPLE- already released is the TESLA X which can drive 100% on its own and in two years GOOGLE is releasing multiple self driving cars also. I see robots -like I robots as the REAL future and yes TERMINATOR being true to some extent. Today we depend on computers to communicate to each other, record data and execute commands. There is not anything else much left to be computer/robotic controlled except humans themselves! AUTOMATION can be a good thing, but in the future it will be HUMANS controlled by ROBOTS not the other way around............... The Monty Python troupe, led by the creative talents of Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, incorporated John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle and Graham Chapman as King Arthur, the dominant role in the film. No animals were harmed in the filming, not even an African Swallow, non-migratory as they are. A few coconuts bit the dust, however, as did more than a few comic images. Logic bits the dust, too, on more than one occasion. I did a paper once for symbolic logic which I was told ten years later was still being passed about because I had dared to use something so unconventional as this Monty Python movie in the references (I couldn't see why that wouldn't be much more common, and indeed, hope it is today--I use 'Life of Brian' in homilies, so why not this film in logic?). Classic sci-fi sun burn. 7989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Who could ask for more. Robing Williams and Jeff Bridges. 2 excellent actors and a wonderful story with a good supporting cast. 65 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Thought it was a very good interpretation of A Christmas Carol. Henry Winkler did a good job as Mr. Slate (Scrooge). I would recommend this movie if you are a fan. 6798 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This one should have been "The Night of the Living Dead" of the new millenium. Instead, we get a Matrix-like movie with amateurish directing, an incredibly irritating techno soundtrack and a mistalented cast. Ironically, Paul W.S. Anderson was also the director of 1995's "Mortal Kombat" ; perhaps the ONLY good videogame turned movie in cinema history. The success of this film was due to the fact that it gave the videogame fans what they wished, that is action and plenty of it. Unfortunately, Anderson probably forgot that "Resident Evil" is a horror videogame, NOT an action one. We wanted endless scares, suspense, a creepie environment. We deeply wished to see the dark atmosphere present in the game, but we get nothing of this. All we get is a group of soldiers spending nearly all of the movie wandering through labarotory rooms and shooting bullets which seem never-ending. "I will taunt you again." 5 stars i gave it based on so much special feature content on 1 Disc The characters hold up just as well. Each is real, sympathetic, layered, and deep. 1. Mrs. Peel (Diana Rigg) was traded out for Steed's new partner, Tara King (Linda Thorson). 2957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic Besides Eugenics, I think another theme of this movie is that your genes don't have to determine your fate. The greatness of this DVD, exlucding the movie, is in its Extras. The extras are enough to make a Monty Python fan weep and a worth the money purchas for the consumer. I was browsing through my netflix and see this movie and saw 2 stars-2 1/2 stars when I said you know I should give it a try, Dustin Hoffman is in it and it's about Joan Of Arc,I am Catholic and I like movies like that. So I see the movie and it is looking good except the graphic parts and half-way It starts to sink that what the director Luc Besson intended is his biased view of events. I then google and it confirmed my suspicions, In LEFTIST Rag "Le Monde" He is as quoted as saying Joan Of Arc Should have followed the commandments if she is a true Christian ,Thou Shalt Not Kill"and quote. Although he fails to realize it's Thou Shalt not Commit Murder. In fact there is such a thing as a Just War and Self Defense is covered as well. Murder is a different story,So you get another Liberal Trying to rewrite history and make Joan Of Arc look crazy. The French Adore Joan Of Arc and for Good Reason,she wasn't crazy. As for the Acting, I thought John Malkovich was great, and The Battle Scenes are good even if they are not ACCURATE by a longshot,and certainly you see why The English and French hate each other(The English Protestant wackjobs who would later rather Follow Henry and his Hideous Girl and Become Anglican-a Mutated Form of Catholicism),this movie is entertainment not historical,I will look elsewhere for A Joan Of Arc movie perhaps it will not be such a Special Effects Bonaza but I want to see a less biased movie. I have been watching The Mechanic at present and this will be my next stop for more than the first time.. Lastly the story is weaved in a very interesting and followable way. It's an easy watch. (In my opinion). Very entertaining with followable but not boringly so plot. It is a moving adventure of growing up in that time period and geographical region. That is very 'romantic' or a 'utopian' society for me. Not that it's was perfect, but it seems more simple and pure of truth and honesty to me. (While this may not be true just my romanticize he the time period and region). It at least makes me feel good to watch it for at least entettainments sake and to day dream of a time more simple and without the outrageous mess technology has made our workd. If you have never owned "Easy Rider", this film deserves to be in your collection. This is one of those rare films that manages to capture American culture at that time. This film embodies the term "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" and once you are done with the film, "Easy Rider: Shaking the Cage", the documentary will definitely impress you. James Kidnie as the Hessian Colonel Rall is the perfect foil to Washington. As the attack rages, he meticulously dresses himself and then panics at the American onslaught, hardly believing his eyes. Director Harmon's pacing is plodding at times, but the crossing itself is full of suspense, the battle scenes more than passably exciting. The cinematography and supporting cast are adequate. But the star of this film is Daniels. In sum, a fine A&E production well worth seeing. 9603 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 enjoyed scary,and gets you going,and it doesn't have stupid love stories in it. 5105 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is no other way to describe this DVD than just saying flawless. I mean the features are fantasic, the transfer is next to perfect, and let's just say the package is absolutely different, original, and is a must for any collector. I'm glad I waited this long to finally buy this movie. Yes, it's extremely silly. But what makes Grail, and the later Monty Python's Life of Brian, stand the test of time more so than the TV series and the film Monty Python's Meaning of Life is that the jokes are so accessible. They are not obscure or pretentious, they are just plain funny. And it's beautifully filmed. Everything is full of clean lines and cold light, with the occasional moment of symbolism -- note that the apartment that Eugene and Vincent share is centered around a giant DNA-style spiral staircase. Either way, this movie is a dazzler on Blu-Ray. Columbia did a phenomenal job restoring "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" in its best condition. The picture quality is superb and the audio is dazzling, particularly on the surround sound speakers. Some reviewers complained about the existence of grain, but this movie was shot on celluloid, not digital photography, so, of course, the grain is inevitable. Even so, it shouldn't distract from the incredible experience you'll have while watching this terrific movie on Blu-Ray and with a big screen TV. When the alien mothership lands on the Devil's Tower in the movie's climax, you'll feel the experience like no other in the previous VHS and DVD versions. 2976 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a great older movie. I really like the older action movies. This one is a real classic. One of the first ones, other than One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest that I remember Jack Nicholson appears in. Combine that with Peter Fonda and Dennis Hooper (deceased) you have an excellent movie. Brilliant! 3522 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a gift for my wife's niece who came to visit us in NE Wyoming, after we took her to see "Devils Tower" (she's from the Seattle area).We live about 40 miles from "Devils Tower", where they filmed the close encounter scenes in the movie. This is a true classic Steven Spielberg's film, and she loved it, especially after visiting the tower. 9361 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It is well-known that the Pythons themselves believe "Life of Brian" is their best movie. In terms of production value, it probably is, but it's not nearly as funny as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Made on a shoestring budget and played absolutely straight by the troupe, it is hilarious and intellegent at the same time, as well as being charmingly rustic (due to the low budget). are set for life my friend. This genetic make-up will insure that Anton has a bright future. He is labeled a "Valid" because of his good genetic profile. 9393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids in Psychology Class enjoyed trying to figure out what was going on. I binged on the Resident Evil films this weekend and while the series is strong this one is fairly weak. It marks a transition from an older style with practical special effects and conventional film making to the more stylized films that followed. And the result is, even though this film is from 2004, it often feels like a low-middle budget films from the 80s. The zombies are just extras with dirt smeared on them walking slowly. The final monster looks and moves like a guy in a rubber suit. The secondary characters are one dimensional 'jive talking black dude', 'tough chick' etc. The fight between Nemesis and Alice was cool along with her other wheelings and dealings with the undead. Her super solider-esque, Matrix-like fighting techniques was a treat to watch. 2458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie! 2583 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is another one that falls into a favorite of mine... mostly for all the wonderful actors in it.. and.... how well they interact with each other. This story is one that has you laughing... crying... and with tender feelings... what more can you ask....??? 8635 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 My son didn't care for this and never finished watching it. I have since I reviewed it bought an amp with HDMI to hear the uncompressed PCM sound from my PS3. I must say how that the sound is truly amazing. It is so full and detailed. The bass, especially in the scene with Dreyfuss in the truck in the beginning, is truly spectacular. The sequence at the end behind Devil's Tower is a feast for the ear. I have only been able to get the HD sound from the Dolby TrueHD track but I would expect the DTS HD-MA track is equally impressive since both is a lossless format. 1344 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Unfortunately, the wonderful episode "Escape Through Time" is paired with the clunker "The See-Through Man," but, well, you can't have everything. They're nicely paired in one regard, which is that they're both faux sci-fi pieces about bad guys playing on the credibility of others with elaborate frauds. "See-Through Man" is too see-through plot to maintain the suspension of disbelief, where "Escape Through Time" is far more cleverly done. "See-Through" is largely an intentional comedy, which makes matters worse, since it's painfully unfunny - it's idea of humor is a comic-opera Russian idiot, who, ironically enough, is the same Russian idiot used in one of the previous season's equally spectacularly unfunny scripts. What it does have is Diana Rigg charming her way nicely through the mess that is "See-Through Man's" script. The only thing that gave this movie four stars from me was the little problem with the subtitles. It could have been betterly handled. 8846 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Charles Bronson plays Chaney, a street-smart, aging bare-knuckle boxer, who arrives in town as a hobo on a train. He has little money, great brawn and grit - and enough wisdom to observe and learn with little reason for small talk. While having coffee at a downtown diner, he notices activity in a nearby building. Watching a no-holds barred street-fight, he realizes he can win and make some easy money. James Coburn plays Speed, the two-bit promoter who books Chaney in street fights in small towns. Chaney has a soft side, trying to find love and adopting a stray cat, with scenes showing he cares for it. He is briefly involved in a love affair with the lovely Lucy, Jill Ireland - Bronson's real-life wife. This goes nowhere, Lucy wants stability, but Speed is strong and knows one gets hurt in life by showing feelings and forming relationships, even with a cat. So, it is back to a final gut-wrenching fight to show if Chaney is really as good as he thinks. Fog Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez See this movie on DVD and I'm certain most people will like it. I did. Some people may say that since I haven't watched the whole movie I have no right to give it a bad review. I say the fact that I COULD NOT watch the whole thing speaks for itself. left me cold. 3107 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I just love the way these women ban together thru thick and thin, I have a friend like that and when I miss her I w 1692 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Upstairs, Downstairs is a really great show! After more than thirty years it holds up extremely well. The acting, the sets, the storyline, the scripts--everything about it is first class. It's one of my favorite TV series because it has characters and episodes that I, as a woman and author, can totally relate to. 5103 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Taxi Driver" is certainly one of the finest films in the American tradition; it stands out among films from a very strong decade. It's certainly one of Scorcese's best, and one of his earliest mature works- if "Mean Streets" works as a transitional stand-alone film between his early, genre pictures and his later, more varied works, "Taxi Driver" is only his second film of the period. It is a directoral masterwork; each decision that Scorcese made here was the right one. It's also one of the clearer examples of the extent to which the American 70s were in a thrall to the films of the Nouvelle Vague. But I digress. The movie has one clear thematic problem, and it's Shrader's. Why does Bickle take Betsy to a porno? If he idealizes her (and he does) he should separate her from the mass by which he is clearly disgusted. Thus, he should wish to protect her from the things he associates with the mass- namely pornography and prostitution. Bickle is clearly torn between including himself in the mass he envisions as damned and separating himself from them; he sees Betsy as a means of saving himself. He only goes to porn theatres to ritualistically purge himself of the tendencies which align him with the mass; Betsy is supposed to take him out of it altogether. Yet, he takes her to a porno. This doesn't make much sense and it's the only reason "Taxi Driver" isn't as good as "Raging Bull," "Goodfellas," and "Mean Streets." This doesn't mean that "Taxi Driver" isn't a great or important film. It's outstanding, and this new edition is much-needed. 6347 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had previously seen this movie but I wanted my granddaughter to see it. She isn't into musicals but when I explained that Barbra Streisand doesn't sing in this movie (although I am a great fan of her singing) she consented to watching it. She loved it. It is a complex movie you can enjoy more than once and each time you see it, some new thought enters your head. It is loving, hating, exciting, passionate and you go through all of the emotions with the characters. It also was the first time I had seen Ms. Streisand's son. But I felt also that the GoGos also ended too soon as well. Sei La vie. 812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this DVD. The instructor is concise and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this to all women. It is the perfect DVD for our lower bodies. The exercises are challenging in a good way. 5955 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great movie and scary and disturbing 7654 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Tragic movie. Moving because we can recognize one of our family members (or someone you may know) in at least one of the characters. Of course, Vincent's pursuers are led by his brother, the genetically-planned offspring of the family, who thought that Vincent was dead. There is an ultimate contest, which Vincent wins, proving the victory of determination over pre-determination. 4722 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Maybe this film just doesn't age well. Or maybe it's just not very good. One star is too high. Based around the cynical short stories of John O'Hara, PAL JOEY is the story of womanising nightclub entertainer Joey Evans (Sinatra) and his various affairs, most notably with Mrs Simpson (Rita Hayworth), a widowed millionairess trying to escape her past as a stripper; and Linda English (Kim Novak), a naive showgirl whose heart is stolen by the caddish Joey. 2991 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I remember watching this at the drive in when I was a teen. Thought it was the coolest ever. Although I still love the premiss of crossing the country on cycles, this seemed like a much better movie in the 60's. 7560 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great love comedy. 1145 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I like to follow the story of how these people adap to life during wars, romance and death. I like to think that life was really like that. The more times I've watched this, the more I appreciate the cinematography and the music in here. There are some wonderful night shots of the city's oil and rain-slicked streets. Also, Bernard Herrmann eerie soundtrack is an instrumental part of the success of this film and should never be neglected in discussing this film. 6287 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 well i have to admit they did a great job for a sequel to resident evil. 6023 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 goog movie The first Resident Evil movie was no classic that's for damn sure but it's still a far superior film to this drek. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is so wantonly awful it's almost on par with House of the Dead. No joke! These zombies are not scary! At all! Dawn of the Dead this ain't. Freeman meets Irene Cassini. She's a have but harbors a secret. She's actually less than perfect herself. After the director of the space mission dies, an investigation pursues. Freeman's got to cover his trail better than he ever had before. This video is a single aphorism stretched out to movie length. Although I liked some performances (Joey Mazzarino as the bug,) and some songs (the STOMP - inspired song at the laundromat) the big picture was completely ignored in this video. I can't stand when children's performers talk down to kids, and this movie does that in spades... 1556 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great the 2 soldiers was great. The ending had me wondering. After watching I researched and read several reviews and 5951 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "it is the one of the best movies ever made!" 4321 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Despite a rapid decline in the weekly soundboard routine Sid remains very loyal to the king of pranks himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. For years we have been blessed with so many laughs and enjoyment from our bulky headed California governor that we felt the need to get another one of his films in. At this point the pickings are very slim since we pounded away at the Arnold market for a year straight in 07. However we were reminded that Last Action Hero still lies in wait and luckily our friend on-demand just happened to have it available. 4833 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There are SEVEN movies in this set: 9329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is HILARIOUS!!! The pythons have taken one of the world's greatest fairy tails and given it a whole new spin. It tells the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in a search for the Holy Grail. But nothing is normal in the world of the pythons. The Knights meet a three-headed guard who argues with himself, and complains of his own bad breath, they meet some French knights who taunt them mercilessly, and best of all, a vicious bunny-rabbit that must be killed with the Holy-Hand-Grenade! This movie is just so fun to watch, I guarantee that you will laugh during every minute! 5853 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Product was as advertised. Brand new The story, itself, is more or less, a mishmash; more of a prequel to the events in the games than anything else. So, don't expect to see any characters from the games. That, I am told, will be happening with the sequel, "Nemesis," which is currently being put together as I write. 4681 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Iron Eagle is one of our favorite old movies which we had on VHS. We decided to go ahead and replace the VHS movies with DVDs. Shipping was fast and the movie quality is excellent! Last Action Hero (1993) 9641 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I wasted almost 2 hours of my life. Wish I could have them back image of the Red Queen who says "I've been a very bad girl". 1655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For those who like British drama, one cannot find much better than the series entitled "Upstair Downstairs". It protrays a fictional family and their servants living through the peaceful times of the 1910's, through WWI, and on until the early 1930's. It is a great story and wonderful acting and directing. The characters are truely believable and "alive"! My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the series, and have recommended it to our friends. 8957 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I got this movie for my son and he loved it. I found it to be a little disgusting, but it entertained him so much. Elmo is looking for his blanket in Oscar's trash can and he gets sucked away to Grouchland. He learns that he can do what he puts his mind to....getting back his blankie. 9224 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Monty Python and the holy grail is without a doubt on the essental comedies of all time. This Comedy Classic is one of my top 10 movies. The whole movie is about King Arther and his knights (Gallahad, Sir Robin, Lancealot, Sir Not appearing in this film, ect) and there quest for the holy grail and also to find out if a 1 ounce swallow can carry a one pound coconut. You also have classic characters like The French Guards, The Knights who say ni, The evil Rabbit, The Black Beast of AAGGGHHHHHH, and don't forget Tim the enchanter. This movie is what is one of the greatest comedies. Possibly the best Python Movie of the 3. Get this movie I highly recomendit. emotion from this one noter. 806 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 arrived on time, as advertised In-film advertising: Coca-Cola, Oscar Mayer,Bekins, McDonald's, Shell, Amtrak, Philco Kentucky Fried Chicken, Budweiser, Western Union, Greyhound, Piggly Wiggly, Baskin-Robbins 31 , Lockheed, TRW. 2281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is not great art. It is just a silly, fun, lighthearted movie. If you take it for what it is, it's a pleasant way to pass the time. 449 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 to see how they take a name from bible (JOSEPH) and turn it in to a dvd movie to show how it was in the bible days Unfortunately the digital transfer (both for DVD and for Blu-ray) was not entirely successful. Excessive graininess in some of the scenes and particularly disappointing is some blurriness / halos around the special effects (all three problems for the landing of the mothership). The UFOs in the original film actually enjoyed some degree of 'photo-realism;' they did *not* just appear as 'moving neon lights,' each a 'red whoosh' with no visible object (i.e., nothing reflecting ambient light), though too often in the transfer they appear to be just that. Having viewed the DVD shortly after seeing the original again as it made a one-time showing in a local theater (not too many years back), which was still using standard film projectors, and I immediately noticed the difference. Comparing CE3K's preservation, to the restored version of the original Star Wars, is just plain sad. (I've heard rumors that Trumbull actually filmed the original effects for CE3K in 65mm; in any event, to my eye, the digital transfer is noticeably poorer than the 35mm.) Perhaps it can be said that even Chaplin film restorations have now enjoyed better final results; it can be hoped that one day CE3K will enjoy a better transfer. 5071 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Other reviewers compared this movie with Rushmore and Kevin Smith's work (Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, etc). Those are some of my favorite movies so I figured I would like this one as well. I didn't, and it took me a while to figure out why. They're all quirky, all dialog heavy, all off-beat. So what's wrong with Bottle Rocket? In the other movies, the main characters are more intelligent than everybody else. That is not the case in Bottle Rocket. All the main characters are unbelievably boneheaded. I had high hopes, and just couldn't get myself to care about the characters. In a movie like this, if you don't care about the characters, there's nothing left. Lots of people loved it. Maybe you will too. I couldn't get into it. Overall, though, this is perhaps the Python troupe's best effort. The writing is fresh and lives up to what Monty Python was doing on television (to a degree), and the end result is something you will want to watch again and again, but put a few months in between viewings. There are also some parts of the film that just makes one feel a bit queasy. Burnett plays her scenes to perfection. Perhaps she plays them a little too perfectly! Ms. Hannigan is a low-life drunk, to be sure, but wow! Burnett gave the character a bizarre likability and attractive personality; nonetheless, I always found myself eager for her scenes to be over, even when I was a kid. She's the epitome of depression, and her scenes--as well as those of the post-Annie orphanage--are always big let-downs. They are stark reminders that Annie's fantasy is just that: a fantasy. The ending doesn't really make up for it, either. What could (and should) be a happy joyride all the way through is tainted with this sick reminder that this is just a movie. Now, I don't expect all of my entertainment to be happy, but in a movie like this, the effect is jarring, and the only word I can use to describe it is "bipolar." "I'm a happy wish-fulfilling movie where everyone's dreams come true and every single person in the universe can jump into song and dance at any moment! OH NO, WAIT! I'm reality now! Death waits for you with cold fingers!" 5730 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This series is very good. 528 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice to buy good and cheap movies. 5043 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver is what I believe to be Scorsese's masterpiece and his most artistic and emotional film. This movie is just a culmination of Scorsese, Schrader and DeNiro beautifully portraying material that they all identify with on a personal level. The direction is flawless, the script is fantastic and Robert DeNiro's performance as Travis Bickle may be his finest ever, and definetely deserved the Best Actor oscar for that year. This is filmmaking at it's absolute best, and even though it came out of an era with countless classics, Scorsese's Taxi Driver still stands out as one of the most breathtaking peices of cinema ever created. THE STORY: U.S. government develops a highly-specialized prototype helicopter gunship, nick-named Blue Thunder. The copter sports impressive firepower, is heavily armored and loaded to the rotors with all manner of high-tech, stealthy surveillance gizmos. It is assigned to Los Angeles police department's Astro Division to test its real-world capabilities, in anticipation of using it to possibly quell unrest & potential trouble during the upcoming 1984 Summer Olympics. Loner pilot Frank Murphy (Roy Scheider) draws the short straw and together with his newly-assigned partner Richard Lymangood, (a young, gangly Daniel Stern), the duo takes to the skies. Soon afterward, Murphy uncovers a sinister plot by a handful of corrupt government officials within the Blue Thunder program to turn the super-duper chopper into an unchallenged master of the not-so-friendly skies. When these creeps discover that Murphy knows, (a terrific "Oh, crap!" moment), he suddenly becomes Target Number One. I haven't even mentioned the Knights of Nee, Tim the Enchanter, Sir Robin's Minstrels, Killer Rabbit, the typically surreal between-scene animations, the gay heir and his perverted dad, the well-known Bridge of Death, the monks, and about a million other things. That's for you to see for yourself. If you've honestly never seen this movie before, you need to fix that as quickly as possible. 2117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very Satisfied All the animation is smooth and precise giving the excellent illusion that these figures are actually alive. 9965 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very exciting and action packed. A realistic event in today's world of the POLICE vs. the "Bad Guy's" Fans of Lucio Fulci and/or George Romero's zombie epics will find little redeeming in this sanitary picture. It's appalling that Hollywood can screw up such a simple formula. There's no need for convoluted plots or deep subtext. Merely start with some dead bodies and a gung-ho group of survivalists fused with radiation or good old-fashioned voodoo and you've got yerself the makins' for a zombie marathon. Oh, and you can't forget the blood, lots of blood. 823 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was an excellent film. Gosh, if only it could have been longer! The commentary and the making-of pieces are equally as entertaining. 4572 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can't believe I am the first to write a review of this film. I'm not worthy. This movie has been quoted to death and picked apart as much or more then any film in the last quarter century. There is good reason. More then anything this movie is a study in madness and sanity. We all feel as Travis does sometimes. The world has gone to hell and a rain should come and wash away all the garbage off the street, all of it. Of course we, as sane people, realise this is wrong thinking and get over it. Travis does not. Travis Bickle is an unbalanced person who just wants to be a normal person, like anyone else. He tries this. He gets a job driving a cab becouse he can't sleep nights "there's porno theaters for that" the cab manager tells him. And indeed there are. But Travis has no interest in sex, he just goes into the pornos becouse that's were other people go, he wants to be like other people. Had he lived in a small town instead of New York, he may just as well have followed the heard into church or to the mall. his neighborhood has no churches so he goes to see dirty movies. Travis wouldn't know a dirty movie from a pop-tart. This is made painfully clear when he asks a girl out on a date. Bickle is sitting in his cab whe "she" walks by. Cyble Shepard. "she" is wearing a white dress, she was like an angle in this filthy mass, "they must not touch her". Travis actually convinces this high class beauty to go to the movies with him. You can guess what happens next. He takes her to the only movies he knows about. Needless to say, Betsy (shepards character) is not a fan of "Somethime Sweet Susan" and "Swedish Marrage Manual" She storms off and refuses his calls. Travis didn't mean any harm. He can not understand why his genuine efforts to fit in don't work. He becomes angry and self absorbed. He meets a 12 year old prostitute and after his ill fated date with Betsy goed to see her. Harvey Kietel is as good as he has ever been as the pimp who tells Travis about the little girl he is going to see. I won't quote him here as I am sure the good folks at Amason would not appreciate it, but he gives a graphic detailed discription of all the sexual things Travis can do with this 12 and a half year old girl. Travis had no intentions of doing anything with this child. He talks to her and says "you're a young girl you should be in school" What a nut. Any sane person can see that she (Iris) is a whore and can only be a whore. No one in this film, none of the "sane" emotionally stable, normal people do anything to help or are even upset at this arrangement ( a pimp and a 12 year old girl) they either buy her services or ignore the situation. Bickle takes Iris (Jodie Fosters 12 year old hooker character) to breakfast and tells her she should not be selling herself on the street for a bunch of pimps and lowlifes. In a very moving performance, Jodie Fosters character looks at him like he is form outer space "I don't know who's wierder, you or me" She really can't understand that someone cares about her and that what she is doing is wrong. The only person in the world that says what is right, that 12 year old girls don't belong ont he streets whoring, is a raving nut. Who are the crazys and who are the sane? Travis eventually loses control and goes on a shooting spree. He kills off a bunch of people the police don't like anyway so he is a hero. Some problems can only be solved by a crazy, lonely white guy with a pistol. "You talkin' to me? I don't see nobody else here". This is the first time Jodie Foster was recognised as a great actress, she was nominated for best supporting actress and deservedly so. Martin Scorsese has done films as good as this, but never better. I can't recomend in enough. "Lost Johnny" This film was the first pairing of Richard Gere and Kim Basinger together and to it's credit it is better than there second film, Final Analysis. However there really isn't much going on here. The plot was as predictable as traffic at five o'clock. Neither Gere nor Basinger is very good which is Richard Pearce's(the director) fault because they fall in and out of their accents. I have to say though there is something about Richard Gere that even in his weaker films, like this one, he is still fun to watch. The same can be said for Basinger who is always delightful on the eyes even when she is hard on the ears. 3071 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Overrated,boring and long,It stars Two Pseudo-Commie And Poseur Actors:Fonda and Nicholson(Hopper is good though). A snooty bumbling reporter, Piers Cuthbertson-Smyth (Alan Cumming) filming a documentary on the "real" Spice Girls. He wanders about with his moronic crew, bumping into things and falling over a lot. Bad editing, some silly dialogue, unanswered questions and cheesy lines do stop the movie from being great. There is also not enough depth to the film and damn, what was the final scene all about? But, excuse that and you've got what is my favourite guilty pleasure at the moment, and a fun slice of harmless horror. 5716 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites! Plenty of action and Milla rocks. 2383 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Spiceworld: The Movie is a movie starring the Spice Girls. 995 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Thanks 7197 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good Classic Family Movie 6807 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 PAL JOEY had two revivals before the movie was made, but that was not enough for producers who decided to remove many songs from the original production and made a singer out of JOEY who was a dancer. Still ,who can resist FRANK SINATRA singing THE LADY IS A TRAMP,I COULD WRITE A BOOK and I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TIME IT WAS in his own unique way?After all these years it remains a top movie enternainment, and like FRANK used to say when he changed a lyric to the consternation of mister RODGERS ,broads won't do the dishes in earmans and pearls or maybe i just made that up. It's fascinating how FRANK could get away with this, but let's not forget that the league of feminists wasn't too strong then. 585 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I would live here if I could sing The low amount of special features is the only reason I don't give this DVD 5 stars. The movie itself is so rich that it requires repeated viewings to catch everything. Both men and women should find something to like in this epic. 2335 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Air Force One has been hijacked by terrorists demanding a great deal from the president. they hoped to find him in the plane, but not the way they had hoped. the acting is great in this film by both harrison ford and gary oldman. gary oldman will be the Christopher Lee of the future, always playing the bad guy, but always getting a part in a movie. the most powerful scene in the movie is when the president has to decide on the fate of his family. is national security more important than his own family? 5173 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every film class should have TAXI DRIVER on it's agenda: This is an exercise in cinematic symbolism. The steam rising from the manhole covers suggesting NYC houses the gates of Hell; The .44 Magnum; The long apartment hallway shot with Travis on the telephone to Betsy (being rejected); The rally at Columbus Circle...it goes endlessly. This tale of urban angst and desperation is an all time classic. The Bernard Hermann score (his last) stands on its own pillar of greatness. One of Scorsese and DeNiro's best works and without question the best film from 1976. 3357 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 nearly 40 yers old and still a great movie 2827 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 good 6249 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The movie was completely awesome! I just can't wait for part 3! 9415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For being a low budget film, this one is really good. The classic Monty Python actors come together the funniest rendition of King Arthur and his K-nig-hits. It was filled with comedy, a funny story, weird twists, french men, and a killer rabbit. The only thing that I didn't understand (well not too well anyway) was the ending. Other than that, It was excellent and well worth your time. 8326 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I was so excited to see a "Special Anniversary Edition" for Annie. I was sure it would be widescreen anamorphic. But, alas, we Americans are given another "pan and scan" version of a "scope" movie. Why? It seems someone, somewhere, (and there seems to be a lot of "someone's") is hoping to kill the DVD and Blu-ray industry and thus worsen our economy. (I include Blu-ray because we keep getting so many B movies released while the "Classics" are held back or offered first to other countries.) Why are we getting such pittyful releases? You now have to go to Australia or England to get the "goods". Anyone in the "know" know why? (This reviews the format not the movie itself.) 6859 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved this movie. Great, great songs. Favorite actors are present and in fine form. A movie-keeper for my collection. Sinatra at his sharpest. Kim Novak as delicious as ever. Rita Hayworth deserving of her fame and reputation as an actress/dancer/singer. I could watch these three forever! Worth the purchase. 6474 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is the sequel to 2002 first Resident Evil, which is based on the popular video game series. The movie starts right where the first one left off and you don't have to worry about them messing up any of the plot points because there is no plot to either movie. Instead of plot, you have Jovovich and a few other people running around shooting, stabbing, punching, exploding and basically killing every kind of zombie that happens to cross their path. It is nothing but non-stop action and explosions the perfect thing to watch if you are trying to fall asleep. The zombies spread their plague by biting their victims which makes you wonder why Jovovich and the other women in the movie run around in shorts and tank tops. You could ask, but remember there is no plot so just let it go. Unlike King Arthur, where I was told no one wants to watch a movie with ugly people in it, Resident Evil is filled with ugly people. Really ugly people. It tanked at the box office so therefore, the ugly people rule must be right. The ending leaves the movie wide open for a third installment and I know everyone will be holding their breath until number three hits the big screen. Enter "A River Runs Through It" directed by Robert Redford. This film is a quiet character study that has brilliance in the acting and directing. This is so apparent that you'll find your emotions welling up in you as you watch it. It is such a delicately made film that you'll need to watch it multiple times to understand that the director and actors aren't going to spell out what you should be feeling. They aren't going to speak every emotion they're having - you're going to have to surmise those for yourself. This is so NOT like the films Hollywood makes today. It's a subtle, beautiful film. This is emmotional true story. I don't like this movie for many reasons one is almost have the movie is spoken in the turkish natoinal language. This has too many graphic seens that I don't care for and many people won't like. I was frequntly looking at how much time was left in the movie and you should never be doing that when your wacthing a movie. I don't like this for another reason becausethe story is horribal even though it is true. I just don't like to see Americans being beaten in a turkish prison. Maybe you would like to rent this movie and see what I'm talking about but this is definitly not a movie to buy. The Rodgers and Hart score is great, but the numbers are not as many as you might hope. Still there's "My Funny Valentine," the aforementioned "Bewitched...," and, the highlight, Sinatra's definitive take "The Lady Is a Tramp." Well, worth 111 minutes of your time. If you are looking for a great film for the holidays, give this one a try. You won't regret it. Happy Holidays! 7394 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Love, love, love this movie. Just wish it didn't have the one cuss word in it. My grandkids have to wait to watch due to that. But as a musical hands down one of the best Second reason is what happens with Nemesis at the end. Alice has a final fight with him and, well I don't want to give it away but the way they wrote it was very cheesy and sappy. even if you never played the video game it is a must see movie and a must have. 3454 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Incredible movie! So if you are thinking about adding this movie to your collection, do it! You will enjoy every minute of it! 2289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a masterpiece. If anyone remakes this movie I will gut them like fishes. It had great CGI. The bad part was the clouds looked like snow. Anyway if someone remakes this film I will gut them because this is Wolfgang's masterpiece not yours. And if Peter Jackson decides to remake it don't see it because it will more likely be more than three hours. 8840 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is good. I am not a huge fan of Elmo but my kid likes him. Socialite Sandy Hill Pittman seems to represent conspicuous consumption and is depicted as a self-absorbed, rich bitch with little regard for the Sherpas whom she treats as little more than human yaks. Texan Beck Weathers fares little better, as he is characterized as a buffoon. I am sure that, were he to see this movie, he would wish that they'd have left him on Everest. Jack Slater (Aronld) is a LA cop who is teamed up with Daniel Muggian. Daniel is from OUR world, via a magical ticket that old Nick gave him. Jack Slater is Daniel's hero. There has been several Jack Slater movies, as we see that this is "Jack Slater IV" that Daniel was watching when he enters the world of movies. 5701 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Added to my RE collection. Includes funny animations by Gilliam. They're making a 3rd one with Paul returning as director. Seeing as how Resident Evil 4 just very recently came out, I'm wondering how it'll have its plot turn out. And here's to having Claire, Chris, Ada and especially Rebecca in the next film. But as for this one, give it a shot since it won't do anything bad and may enjoy it(except if you think the movie sucks). A great cast, very well written and definitely worth a watch. 7279 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was the best of all the Annie movies and Television specials. Annie is cute and sassy and her dog Sandy steals the picture. It was also shot at my college, Monmouth College, now Monmouth University in Long Branch, NJ. Wilson Hall never looked more beautiful. The singing and dancing were great and I just loved it. 8351 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 By now, everyone probably knows the story of Annie (Aileen Quinn), the little tomboy who longs for her real parents to take her away from the orphanage. Instead, she is adopted for a week by billionaire Oliver Warbucks (Albert Finney) under the care of his secretary Grace (Ann Reinking). They fall in love with her and try to help her find her real parents who we find out are really dead. The orphan home's caretaker Miss Hannigan (Carol Burnett), her criminal brother (Tim Curry), and his moll (Bernadette Peters) decide to impersonate Annie's parents to get the cash reward, but the orphans get wind and try to stop them. 6184 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In "Resident Evil: Apocalypse," Milla Jovovitch once again stars as the renegade security agent from the Umbrella Corporation. This time around, we know her name - Alice. In "Apocalypse," the deadly T-virus has escaped from the underground laboratory known as the Hive and threatens to destroy an entire metropolis, Raccoon City. Alice has been injected with the T-virus and has become a mutated super hero. She leads a handful of survivors in search of a scientist's lost daughter. The scientist has promised to airlift them to safety before a nuclear bomb destroys Raccoon City. Like the original "Resident Evil," this sequel is a science fiction/horror hybrid with non-stop action. Instead of an underground lab, an entire city has been infected with the T-virus. There are a thousand more zombies, killer dobermans, and hideoulsy mutated creatures that must be fought by a gorgeous cast of young actors/actresses. A powerful rock-n-roll score accentuates the numerous action sequences. While watching this movie, Euro horror fans will think of Lamberto Bava's "Demons" and "Demons 2" in which everyone is turning into hideous demons in lieu of zombies. Favorite scene in "Apocalypse:" When Alice crashes her motorcycle through a church's stained glass windown and battles the mutated creatures. A very strong sequel that rivals the original, "Apocalypse" is an apocalyptic disaster movie. If you own the original, you must own "Apocalypse." The rest, really, should be for you to encounter; Bill Hurt (Max) in all his decadent English goodness: Norbert Weisser (Erich) as the prison confidant; the Great Peter Jeffrey as Ahmet, the Really Bad Machine; and of course, the implacable, sadistic Paul Smith as prison Major Domo Hamidou, who has a fat kid and is a total monster. Like I said, if you don't have 6 1/2 hours to watch the phenomenal "Jesus of Nazareth," and you don't feel quite up to the brutality of 'The Passion," this 1979 Brian Deacon film is a perfect alternative. 5412 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie Excellent blu Ray ...Available to buy in Australia $15 or Germany for 14 euros . 3314 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 All three versions of the classic movie, plus lots of extras. 6317 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 At the end of the first movie we were left with a bit of a cliff hanger. In this one we see just how the cliff hanger came about and how it is resolved. Racoon City has been ravaged by the T-Virus and its ability to animate dead tissue. The city has been walled off from the rest of the world by the Umbrella Corporation. (This review has been posted by Marcus Damanda, author of the afore-mentioned vampire novel, "Teeth: A Horror Fantasy.") 9908 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Old School action movie with terrific acting. Roy Scheider is brilliant as the PTSD suffering Vietnam pilot. He overcomes his demons in a good cause to save the public from sick government corruption which intends to use the advanced helicopter for crowd control and armed insurrection. The government agents are deliberately stirring up trouble in the streets just to create an opportunity to show off the new helicopter's firepower on innocent civilians. This movie has air battles, police chases, and non stop action to the end. Malcolm Mcdowell is wonderfully brilliant as the main opposition and Warren Oats delivers his usual gritty performance reminiscent of "Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia". The dispatcher voice in the movie is Shaaron Claridge who also was the dispatcher voice in "Adam-12" A blockbuster from long ago . "Not only does The Avengers make you think that the filmmakers never MADE a movie before, it makes you think they've never even SEEN a movie before." 6345 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie. Has great visual style, lighting, casting, music, and flow. Pretty happy with the casting, I was bummed when Michael Rodrigez character died I was hoping she would be in the sequel(maybe the sequel wouldn't have sucked so bad if she was in it). I wasn't blown away by this when I saw it at the theater(high expectations being huge fan of the Video Games) but I find myself going back and watching this time and time again. It seems to get better every time I watch it, those are the best kind of movies. Watch the original version first, and enjoy. 6921 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This film is worth watching over and over again, if only to see Sinatra's rendition of "The Lady is a Tramp", which he sings with riveting style and musical finesse. 9766 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie 186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great American Version of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol". Excellent ensemble acting! A must to watch every holiday season! 1301 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love the show and to have all seasons and extras in one set is fantastic. 6677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Maybe this film is not historically accurate. Then again, maybe it is closer to the real thing than most want to realize. Like the life of Jesus, Joan's life is vague on the printed page, and Hollywood has had a history of its own trying to fill in the gaps. No two films about her are alike. You can only imagine how Ray takes to this. Billy is scorned, but although he is cast out, he still stays with his side of the family and even retaliates against Ray, stealing an irreplaceable family heirloom. 1194 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Transaction! Awesome Merchandise! Each girl brings a certain fun element to the movie, but it's Victoria Beckham (or Adams, as she was known back then) who shines. She has great comic timing and her dry sense of humor goes perfectly with her 'Posh Spice' persona. 1698 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A colorful view of WWII. Mostly have only seen black and white WWII - this gives it a new depth. I would recommend. BTW, the transfers are beautiful. They did it right on this one. 5954 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This riveting, awe-inspiring, true story and winner of 2 Academy Awards will take your breath away. In addition, it'll make your heart pound hard and race with gripping fear and your eyes will not believe the horrors that this 20 year old man suffered, in a Turkish prison for attempting to smuggle drugs out of that country. Unimaginable sadism, violence, starvation, corruption, deliberate and prolonged cruelty, repeated psychological torture and brutality personified, were consistently for 5 years, performed upon this undeserving man. You will be mute with shock and enraged at even the thought that in the 20th century, an American citizen, a young tourist was subjected to such unwarranted creative savagery by the archaic, Turkish prison system. So much so, that upon his ingenious escape, the American government stepped in. And in valiant defense of one of it's own and in the name of human rights, exposed and forced the Turkish government to treat Americans, others from around the world and even their own who were incarcerated, with humanitarian rights and human dignity. This man exposed a brutal, foreign, dehumanizing penal system which the Turkish government sanctioned and practiced daily. Within the unsanitary, uninhabitable, jail cells of which this young man found himself a part, of. Having almost lost his sanity..., his only thread of hanging on to survival was a visit from his father, his girlfriend, an attorney and the hope of freedom. His daring escape made history and you will undoubtedly be moved to cheering with tears running down your face at this man's courageous battle for freedom and the way that he finally, obtained it. His tenacity in not giving up was not only commendable but absolutely, inspiring. This film is a magnificent portrayal of 'liberty lost and liberty found', as one man breaks through the choke hold of tyranny and the shackles of unwarranted servitude, to obtain the prize of FREEDOM! Nina Kish 5654 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Super movie "Upstairs, Downstairs" is known as the series where many Hollywood leading ladies received their start, most notably Jean Marsh (who had a hand in the creation of the show) and Lesley-Ann Down, most famous for her role in "North and South" and currently starring in "The Bold and the Beautiful". 2479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 TWO GREAT ACTORS THAT TEAMED UP AND MADE A SO SO STORY LINE WORK GREAT. WHO DOSNT LIKE KIM BASSINGER. RICHARD GERE RIGHT UP THERE WITH THE BEST OF ACTORS. 6192 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 You watch an Ed Wood film, it's bad, but it's fun. It's fun because the director cared, and despite the fact that Ed Wood wasn't a good director, his personality and care is evident in his films. 4186 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Surprisingly good film despite some of the reviews it got. Michelle Pfeiffer plays distraught mother Bethy Cappadora whose three year old son Ben goes missing during her High School reunion. If you are looking for an exciting film with lots of action then don't watch this. "The Deep End of the Ocean" is an intelligent film about a family coming to terms with the loss of their child and then his miraculous recovery nine years later. Pfeiffer is excellent in her role as mother and photographer who must come to terms with her guilt of turning her back for just a moment and loosing sight of her small son. Treat Williams gives a credible performance as her bewildered husband and Jonathan Jackson who plays Vincent, the Cappadora's oldest son at 16, is quietly believeable as a boy with a troubled conscience. Add to this the talents of Whoopi Goldberg as a gay black Police Woman assigned to the case and you have a solid film that is both compelling and watchable. I enjoyed "Deep End of the Ocean" because of its intelligence and the compassionate way it treated a very sensitive subject. Not a tear jerker per se but it will give you a lump in your throat at times. Well worth watching if you want something that won't fighten you to death or leave you with heart palpitations. Might never be topped as a believable and realistic sci-fi movie. Average suburban teen Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) accidentally discovers that his new neighbor is an evil vampire. The vampire is not particularly discrete, not bothering to pull the window shades and disposing of a victim in a plastic garbage bag. Charley unwisely goes public with his accusations. This tips off the vampire that his teenage neighbor may be a threat. But he is still safe because nobody believes vampires are real. I did, however, get to both see and meet Reid: he taught at what was then William Paterson College-now university, and used to play there on Sunday afternoons. Twenty minutes from where I grew up. He also has at least one good album out, Rufus Reid Trio: Perpetual Stroll [ LP Vinyl ] 7709 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, good price 9338 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you like Biology and Genetics study, then this film is going to interest you. Plus, it is interesting in terms of the actors who play the character roles in the film as well as the troubles each experience through out the movie. Great Sci-Fi flick. I wanted blood, but there was barely ANY, what were they thinking? Resident Evil is all about the blood 'n the zombies, which mind you, not EVEN ONE get's it's head blown off, which is how you kill them idiots! No wonder Alice's team suffered so much! The most redeeming, interesting part of the movie is the way it tries to give suspense and surprise, it fails on some levels to say the least but it is the best feature. The reason I'm particularly fond of this one is its references to classic movies, including Hamlet, in a fab b&w scene where Arnold as a grungy machine gun packing Dane says, "To be or not to be" and lights a bomb off his stogie. He tosses the TNT. Big explosion behind him and then a drolly given, "Not to be" ends the sequence. 9138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love it. It made me laugh and think. I love English humor. If I am not dead yet, I will watch it again. 4767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 wes Anderson is amazing 117 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It was difference and good. 4993 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Brand new DVD, good price and arrived fast. This is a classic movie that should be in every movie buffs collection. 5628 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This gem of horror from 1985, featured Roddy McDowall as the great vampire killer, who is quite shaky, though ends the film with much bravery, William Ragsdale as a sex-crazed teenager and Chris Sarandon as a new neighbor with a little bite. Also showing up on the scene are Amanda Bearse as the present-day Mina and Stephen Geoffreys as Evil Ed, who is an absolute riot in the film. This vampire classic is not only for me, the best vampire film, but perhaps the best horror film. This movie is one of the great definitions of entertainment. There's some great special effects in the film including a very freaky Evil Ed-wolf and a menacing Jerry Dandridge-bat. Tom Holland, a master of horror who's also directed Child's Play, and written such creepy-pleasers as The Beast Within and Psycho II has given this film a great foggy atmosphere and vibe-full colors, and a great 2:35.1 widescreen aspect ratio that is an incredible delight. This film also stars Jonathan Stark from House II. 6363 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 This is one of the worst zombie movies I have ever seen in my life, and that includes the original Night of the Living Dead. 1026 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Woody Allen's Take the Money and Run is one of my favorites amount his great movies. It is hilarious! I love it! The catch is that the audience must believe that it's watching the president of the United States. Buy it, and ``Air Force One,'' now out on video, is halfway home. Don't buy it, and the film becomes a preposterous thriller. I can only say that the Wyoming tower (known by Native American cultures as 'Bear Lodge' and a traditional place for religious retreat), for the final scenes, was an inspired choice by Spielberg. Situated in a lush prairie and part of the Black Hills, it is evidently the only volcanic structure in the North American plains (protruding through layers of exposed sedimentary rocks dating back to the Triassic age) and effectively symbolizes as well as gives a visceral sense of something which reaches deep into the earth. Spielberg has said he wanted to underscore the earthly location of the story; he succeeded beautifully. Add to that even its 'western name' mentioned in the film--insofar as it only underscores a tower which goes down instead of up--or rather, given that the mothership arrives upside down before turning right side up to land: poetry in motion. The earthly witnesses of the mothership, looking up, are thus shown looking 'down' onto city skyscrapers made by aliens who, wherever they are from, have long looked towards the earth simply when looking up towards their sky. (Of course, we need not appeal to extraterrestrials, to accommodate these differences in perspective.) Add to that the fact that it is a national monument which most people, including most Americans, have never seen: impeccable. 7723 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great film. Good delivery 4353 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Last Action Hero" is just fun !!! Tongue & cheek action adventure for the entire family!!! (...)Anamorphic format (either Widescreen or Full Screen) and ENHANCED FOR 16:9 HDTV. Great picture & sound, lots of action, cute story line. 4915 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This movie had some humor but overall was a waste of time. Kind of pointless 3760 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 heres a movie thats really good ,it will keep you watching good halloween movie ,it will give you lots of scares and a few laughs to go with it, for showing that your better than other people is severe. 5261 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Travis Bickel's interests include procuring and stockpiling weapons and firearms, shaving his head, stalking women, and taking dates to porno movies....he's your everyday average guy. Taxi Driver is more than a little rough around the edges, although it is leaps and bounds better than Mean Streets. The film has an urban feel and Scorcese truly captures the essence of the city through magnificent cinematography. However, De Niro is a master at grasping the audiences attention and not letting go. You never really know what Bickel is going to do next, he is a loose cannon in a dangerous urban jungle. Travis Bickel is every American's nightmare and wet dream rolled up into one. This movie requires repeated viewing, but I will say this, Taxi Driver has one of the most memorable endings that you will ever witness. Happy Viewing! P.S. This movie has warped my fragile little mind! The only criticism I have is the time spent on the love interest. It seemed contrived and added as filler. I suspect the short version is better because it probably severly underplayed or didn't include the love interest at all. But that is really a minor flaw. James Brooks had a hand in the making of this film and the result is something to be proud of. 2490 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Quality was excellent. Stars are handsome and beautiful. Locations are impressive. Direction is magical. Titillating. Download was easy. I'm a happy customer. 2707 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies and it gets better and better every time. I LOVE the interplay among the friends who, despite numerous eccentricities, support and care for each other through whatever life decides to throw at them. 289 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I loved this film when it was on tv when I was in High School; seeing it on DVD was an enjoyable experience, but I found an annoying problem in continuity: Winkler's character seems to be growing up in the 1890s, which is fine, but at one point we see him at a WWI War Bond Rally, and he seems to be in his early-thirties. Yet just fifteen years later, during the Great Depression, he's a very old man. So what's the deal? It seems as if the film's producers just happened to have a few WWI-era cars and costumes and posters hanging around, so they decided to twist time around to fit the props. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for Winkler's character to be a young boy in what seems to be the early-Industrial Revolution, then a young man during WWI, then a very old man during the Depression. Very odd. 3166 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can recall the first time I saw this film. Since I was only 6 years old in 1969 I didn't see it on it's original theatrical release. I saw it on commercial television circa 1980 in the days before video stores and cable TV. The movie was slotted in a two hour block and they started the film at the "Born to be Wild" opening credits segment. When I saw it on video a few years later I was shocked that Fonda and Hopper made a drug deal prior to their trek to Mardi Gras. There were other excisions, usually relating to drug use. Why is this an important film? Our heroes(?) aren't exactly noble individuals. There is no real discernible plot. The direction is haphazard at best(legend has it that director Dennis Hopper was probably stoned to the gills while making this film). Well, this holds up as a picture of America at a time when social mores were changing. The cinematography is beautiful. Most impotantly, this film heralded the entrance of a new force in films, Jack Nicholson. When Jack comes into the picture as the alcoholic ACLU lawyer the screen just lights up and maintains this aura in every scene he's in. The scene where he smokes pot and explains the Venutian plot is classic. The energy of this film deflates once he departs from the film. I wonder though what relevance this picture has to a more youthful audience whose reference point to Jack is "The Joker". To a younger audience Vietnam and the civil rights movement are things that may or may not have been taught in civics class. I recommend watching this DVD (If you've seen it before) with Hopper's commentary on because it's a good one. And the documentary on the disc isn't bad either. 6161 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This 1987 film is another brilliant collaboration between Carl Reiner and Stever Martin: bringing us a more jovial interpretation of Edmond Rostand's famous play, 'Cyrano de Bergerac.' But the Pythons themselves had already played around with a similar concept. In a sketch a constable attempting to catch a ring of pornographers goes undercover in Edwardian Elizabethan dress only to be caught/transported to Edwardian Elizabethan times. his identity becomes confused about who he is, and eventually he returns to modern times. But Washington took a huge risk, and in his own quiet and determined way, made a decision that changed the course of history. The scenes of the actual crossing were done in fog and shadow, as the boats moved towards the opposite shore. But there were no scenes that looked like the famous painting with Washington standing in the front of the boat. In this film, Washington was sitting throughout. Naturally, this made me re-think my own historical perceptions. 6767 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Historical relevance aside, Messenger is a pretty cool movie. If you don't take it as an accurate chronicle of a figure who may or may not have existed several hundred years ago and instead just think of it as the fantastical chronicle of a confused girl, it works very well indeed. 7782 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE AND ENJOYED IT TELL OTHERS TO WATCH TOOOOOOOOOOO I won't summarize the plot to you here since there are plenty of reviews and websites that can do it for you better than I can. Rather I'll say it is among an exclusive club of intelligent sci-fi movies that make you think and don't get bogged down in their 'future-ness'. There isn't any special lingo to learn or technology to understand to appreciate and enjoy this movie. That makes it readily approachable by even those who are typically put off by the genre and an even more special treat to those who like sci-fi. 6724 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I've been a fan of the console version of "Resident Evil" ever since it was released on Playstation. However, the live-action production was an EXTREME disappointment. They basically mutilated the video game story (which was brilliant by the way), and turned it into this new-age pile of .... Combined with a thrown together plot, terrible acting, and having not one solitary *scary* moment, this movie looked bad next to digestive waste. "A Patriotic Offering" - Lady Prudence (Joan Benham) convinces Hazel (Meg Wynn Owen) to take in a family of Belgian refugees, resulting in a major upset for the servants. 5288 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Its a great movie. I recommend models with dual machine guns - even a good nuclear explosion - ever put At once, funny and poignant and heart rending, A River Runs Through It tells us the quiet story of the two brothers growing into manhood and getting on with their lives. It doesn't have car crashes and there's no gratuitous nudity. The script doesn't rely on the screenwriter having a hampered vocabulary, thus forcing him to use expletives instead of true dialogue. First film in the series, based upon the video games. Standout Scene: The entire funeral sequence. So when we look back and try to find the last good patch of Harrison Ford's once invincible streak, we come up with a thump against this indisputable box office sensation, which rules the theaters world wide for a brief spell in 97. The critics thought it piffle, but it answered a need in the US public, maybe to see a strong president defying the Russians one last time. Reactionary? No two moviegoers will read its plot the same way, but there are certainly cimilarities to the FOX TV hit "24," which it foreshadowed in so many ways, even down to the canny use of amiably sinister Xander Berkeley, the husband in SAFE. And of course the death defying traumas that occur to Air Force One in both programs. Buy this Blu-ray. The previous DVD releases are now considered obsolete. 3702 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great devon movie, fun and kindasick 9191 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a classic that everyone with a sense of humor should see. For those of you who are big fans of this movie, the extra bits are worth it. Michael Palin and Terry Jones go back to the actual location where they film the part, "The Castle Anthrax".There is a small script book and a film slide(very cool). I know that many people don't like Monty Python, but like I said, if you have a sense of humor, this flick is a great choice. I have watched this movie hundreds of times, knowing almost the whole script, so when the added and extended scenes play, I really noticed the difference! Easy Rider's soundtrack is really the only thing to recommend. So what else is to say about a movie featuring a basic story that has been told many times before? The bonus features add amusing little bits to the film. One of the important points noted in the mini-documentary on sites, was the the whole film was budgeted for 150,000 Pounds-Sterling; in the end they went horrendously over budget and spent 200,000 Pounds. Imagine making ANY film for that little money nowadays. Then imagine making it as brilliant as this. Something pretty disappointing about the DVD is the movie commentary. It features Milla Javovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Producer Jeremy Bolt, and Paul Anderson. It's disappointing because everytime the two filmmakers start to discuss something interesting in the movie, Milla comes in and interjects "nobody cares about that" or "that's not very interesting" and goes into some rambling that has nothing to do with the film. In fact, at the beginning, it seems as if Milla doesn't even know what a commentary is: "you mean we're going to comment on the whole movie?" She comes across as an immature valley girl. You can always just never listen to it. 8318 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 'Rumpole of the Bailey' is one of my favourite book series, and is also one of my favourite television series of all time. Spanning well over a decade, Thames television produced over 40 episodes of the crusty old barrister's tales, penned both for book and screen by John Mortimer, who used to take delight in highlighting silliness in judicial judgements by putting those decisions into the guise of his own judges, perhaps most especially judge Bullingham. I enjoyed Peter Fonda's performance. He conveys a lot of compassion with only a few lines here and there. 4508 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Oldie but a goodie... 5894 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 top 10 I have only two negative comments to make on the movie. First, I think they overdid it on Steve Martin's nose. It is impossible to imagine that anyone with a nose that long would not have had surgery on it, and there isn't any believable medical reason to believe the surgery couldn't be performed. Second, the musical soundtrack really sounds dated. The Kenny G. sound today just hasn't stood the test of time, so that the soundtrack reminds one more of elevator music or at best "Lite FM" than anything. 1098 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 kids loved it! Many things make this series great and the stories come first. The Bellamy family and their servants are living in tumultuous times, the first thirty years or so of the 20th Century. The 1st World War, "the war to end all wars," was a defining moment in time for the English, the Bellamy family, and their servants. The war changed everyone and everything forever and this series does justice to the horror of that terrible event and its impact on the lives of the English people. So I looked this morning and discovered - lo and behold! - that the complete series will be released in May. But the five stars are for the movie itself, and I would have given it ten stars if it were permitted. This may be the funniest movie ever made by anyone anywhere, its only real competition being the later Peter Sellers' Pink Panther ("Return of..." and "Revenge of...") movies and other movies by Monty Python, particularly "Life of Brian" and "The Meaning of Life." (Well, and another little movie that seems to tickle my funnybone more than it does most other people, "Soapdish.") 7217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Bought this movie as a Christmas present for my great-grandson who always asks to see it when he comes to visit. There are a lot of neat graphical touches throughout the film. Alice's bullets have little Umbrella Corp. icons on them. The helicopters are painted with the Umbrella Corp. logo. And the end of the film (and subsequent cover-up of the nuclear blast) is entertaining in the same way that the rise of a zombie outbreak was entertaining in Shaun of the Dead. Which is to say it's awful, but you enjoy it anyway. The other inmates that had been there for a while were zombies from the torture they had been exposed to. You will be surprised @ one of the americans he makes friends with who is still known in hollywood today. All in all this is a superbly crafted film by Scorsese and should definately be on the film junkie's shelf. But, this won't be for everyone's taste, people will find it too disturbing, violent and dark. So I wouldn't reccomend watching it with your girlfriend or mom, or any woman who are easily upset or sensitive. But you haven't watched a Scorsese film until you've watched Taxi Driver. My highest reccomendation. 265 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As we were picking Christmas movies this year, I remembered seeing one with Henry Winkler. Took me a while to find it because I didn't recall the title correctly. Told my wife she would really like it. Was not disappointed. A very good Christmas classic in my book. Winkler is terrific in this role. 678 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sometimes you get sentimental and it always seems to be around Christmas time in my case. I hadn't seen Santa Claus is coming to Town for over twenty years so I checked it out the other day. Amazingly it still holds up which is mostly due to the gravitas voices of Fred Astaire and Mickey Rooney. What's kind of funny is that all the songs came back to me while I was watching them. The melodies have gone through my head from time to time and I had forgotten where I first heard them. This cartoon special explains the Kris Kringle legend in great detail, but the purity of the characters is what makes it so endearing. Yeah, "changing from bad to good is as easy as putting one foot in front of the other" is kind of silly but suspend your disbelief and enjoy this feel good hour of old school television. A film like this would never be made in the contemporary USA as you're not aloud to refer to Christmas as "the holiest night of the year" on a television network. I enjoy reading about history, particularly the colonial/Revolutionary War period, and am generally wary of historical movies due to their tendency to fudge on facts. While I do not claim to be a historian, I found The Crossing to be pretty accurate. I do wish they had brought in more soldiers since the battle scene appeared somewhat skimpy in that regard. The viewer must get used to the format. Each videos starts out with the host appearing soewhere in the holy land. Then they transition to a biblical scholar based somewhere in the US. The host only appears for a couple of minutes at the start of each lesson then plasy no further role. Once we break away from the host, theme music runs again as if we're beginning something new. After the second set of theme music the video will cite the Biblical reference then transition to the presenter. While this all seems a bit odd, it really doesn't detract from the overall presentation. A more level playing field means that the small errors become more critical. Overall, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Special Edition" is worth any fan's time and money. It gives them a chance to own one of the funniest and greatest films ever made, while also offering some insane extras that aren't found anywhere else. Whether "Holy Grail" is the greatest Python film is debatable; whether it's worth owning isn't. Go get it! Now! My favorite bad scene is where Emma is walking away from Steed and unable to see him. She has her sword over her shoulder point to her back. Steed hits her sword on opposite sides with his sword. This is something the Three Stooges would do. The real Steed would have whacked Emma's bottom with his sword. Jack, realizing that their lives are intertwined by that tragedy, seeks redemption by trying to help Parry resume a normal life. Clearly mentally ill, Parry's battle with his inner demons is seen through his eyes. The viewer is made to feel the heartbreak and pathos of his fears which are brought to life in the fearsome visage of the Red Knight, a figment of Parry's imagination who appears intermittently throughout the film, until it gives way to Parry's fragmented recollection of that fatal night three years ago. Robin Williams portrayal of Parry is one of the most beautifully nuanced performances ever. That he did not win the Best Actor Oscar for which he was nominated was truly a major faux pas on the part of the Academy. A welcome addition to my small, yet selective collection. 911 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Best movie disney made in 1981... It is 1425, and France is a corpse-strewn battlefield. Since 1337 the land has been ravaged by the Hundred Years War between the English, the French, and fickle barons and dukes willing to shift their loyalties for gold, titles, and land in Perfidious Albion, north of the icy Channel. English soldiers, brigands, and madmen roam the countryside, burning, looting and pillaging everything in their path. conclusion of this story. A classic, timeless film.... 9124 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I've not seen this in awhile, but it is pure Monty Python if you don't know English(Brit) rumor, this is 101 to PHD I never read the book so I can't say how faithful this adaption was. The beginning dragged for nearly an hour. Maybe another writer or director would have done better? There were a lot of close-up shots as you would expect from a movie made for television. Charles Dickens's story tells how riches can make an average man into a gentleman, and no one seems to care as to the origin of these riches. Could someone who becomes wealthy through illegal or unethical means become a respected gentleman? Yes, it has happened many times. There once was a book that told about the History of the Great American Fortunes. There may be comparable books today, if they could be published. PERSONAL GRADE: A- 973 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I've never read Dickens, or watched any movies/tv series based on any his novels, so I don't know what is from the book and what is from the movie director. I really enjoy historical dramas, especially BBC tv series. In this Great Expectations, the acting was good, especially the heartless little Estella. However, what I didn't like about the movie: 1827 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The Crossing is really just not a good movie, but I still find it interesting because some of the movie was filmed quite close to where I live; the opening scene when Washington's bedraggled army is marching through a wooded area, and the camp scenes near the beginning of the movie. While still pursuing her he is pushed aside, denied the chance he longed for. This leads him to feel the need to do something to atone for the mistake he made, a way of cleansing the city streets he rides of the filth he sees there nightly. His mind is twisted and his first thought involved assassinating Palantine. But before the films end his search for redemption will lead him elsewhere. Jurgen Prochnow is an interesting choice of actor to portray Jesus, namely because he doesn't look like Ted Nugent. And at no time in this film is he called by name. "Fundies" who would like to nit-pick will tell you that this is inaccurate, because he didn't return on a great horse, and didn't judge the world; didn't make himself seen by the whole world at his arrival. There is nothing anywhere that says he can't appear to somebody to see them through a hard time in their life, in preparation for the "Great White Throne Judgement." He was ready, but willing to back off if anything could avert it. And, why not a regular, nondescript woman for the fate of the world to hinge upon? That kind of reasoning would think, "What? A stable? The King Of Kings wouldn't be born in a filthy stable!" When you listen to someone criticize, consider who is criticizing, and how they are doing it; it puts the whole argument into perspective. 8479 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best movies made. Saw this at the theater with my father when I was very young. The Rialto (historical, Denison, TX). Now I get to see it in 4K UHD, and it looks amazing! 7009 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you are a fan of the game or not, you will like Resident Evil. That is, if you can handle a scary movie. This one will have you jumping out of your seat. Scary stuff is around every corner. Eerie environments (like the spooky quiet rooms in the game), monsters that pop around corners, as well as the good ole blood and gore that accompany any resident evil game fill this movie. Watch it if you are ready to be scared! 7137 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a good movie with lots of feeling, entertainment and we enjoyed it immensely. 8808 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My 3 year old loves it! Streisand's character, Dr Susan Lowenstein, helps Coach Wingo discover himself by forcing him to face his past. Along the path, Wingo also opens Lowenstein eyes to aid her in viewing her own personal demons. And, of course, love ensues. The relationships are intricate and story is dynamic. The film is certainly critical of the intolerant "establishment" (which nevertheless prevails), but if there is one character who does smell of roses, it is the farmer who takes the boys in for the night and who, says Fonda, should be proud simply for living off the land. 4029 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Solid story that touches the heart. Just not that fond of either actress. Too bad they let politics get in the way of their acting. I never knew that the colors were as bright as they are on this DVD. My previous two video versions are very grainy and washed out, this is far superior. Then theres an alternate ending with an introduction by the director. Then there's a clip from Resident Evil Apacolypse. Then there are filmographies. The last thing is trailers. On the balance, a pretty darn good movie. 5362 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In a year of good movies (1999 was just fantastic for some reason), SLC Punk was easily missed by many. It has its share of problems, of course, and Matthew Lillard as an actor is extremely divisive. However, if you can approach it without hating it simply because of him, SLC Punk is an enjoyable coming of age film with a pretty great soundtrack. Also, look for an early performance by Jason Segel. 7753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 In itself, loving is tragic. But most of us are not raised to live loveless and alone. This film, as does the book out of which it came about, takes us through the agony of when love has passed . . . as loved ones pass away, and we are left alone to pay the long price of our short experience of love. In our daily lives, the rule seems to be: Thou shalt not appreciate whilst thou hast! It is in the not having-- or, more precisely, in the no longer having-- that we gain a fuller measure of realization of what we had. The DVD is well done, but the rest of the shorts on the DVD are merely OK. The extras are nice and really worth watching. Old Rubbish shows nutty items, such as the Investors Preview of the film, old press releases and some visuals. Narrating a radio review of the film from May 1975. 6504 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Oh, now wait a minute. Didn't this movie just come out two years ago? Why are they re-releasing it? Oh, it's the sequel? Oh, well than it must suck, right? I mean, it's based off of a video game, so it's gotta suck? Wrong! It is a really good video game movie! I saw this movie the night it came out and the following weekend, and it is really pretty good. You'd think the franchise would have fizzled out, but it just adds more steam. The best part is Jill Valentine. She looks like Jill Valentine. It is uncanny. And, there are plenty of scares to make you jump and feel stupid with. The story line is pretty solid and the Nemesis is pretty freaky looking, too. Mike Epps is funny in it. Milla Jovovich holds it down, once again, and delivers a really good preformance. I think this movie is much MUCH better than the first one because it mirrors the video game so closely (one scene is taken right from RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA!) So, see this movie if you want a good scare with an amazing story. And I strongly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of the video game. It does the game justice. Bonus Feature: Theatrical trailers One must first understand that Steel Magnolias was the first film director Herbert Ross did following the death of his first wife, Nora Kaye, in 1987. He said in an interview that Nora was an exceptionally strong woman just like the women in Harling's play and screenplay and he felt that he could pay her no better tribute than to make Steel Magnolias the best film of his long and illustrious career in her honor. When Ross passed away in 2001 we lost perhaps one of the greatest directors of his generation. Steel Magnolias was nominated for three Academy Awards (unfortunately, a split vote between Shirley MacLaine and Julia Roberts robbed both of them a Best Supporting Actress Award), two Golden Globes (of which Julia Roberts won one for Best Support Actress over Sally Fields), A Chicago Film Critic's Award nomination for Shirley MacLaine (which she did not win), A People's Choice Award for Steel Magnolias as Best Dramatic Motion Picture (which it did win), and finally a BAFTA nomination for Best Supporting Actress for Shirley MacLaine (which she did not win). A handy tally of success to say the least. Steel Magnolias was the 5th from last movie Herbert Ross would direct before he passed away of heart failure. Note: The DVD I am reviewing does not contain many extras -- just some trailers for other films. And Sony pictures: Widescreen versions fit the screen too! 2268 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Loved this movie as a young gal and wanted it for my kids! I don't know anything about the games these films were based on. All I needed to know was they feature a lot of zombies. 606 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie given his "Immortal Beloved" venture, went against type but he As far as the stories are concerned- they are like most others. Some will keep you guessing until the very end and some others are given away seconds after the title appears. 2616 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 you are tops If you don't believe me, rent it first and see what I mean. Then get back online and order this DVD. 6322 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As you can see, I just enjoy Barbra Streisand CD's and DVD's. This is an amazing movie. Content is very intense. This beautiful box set contains 21 DVD's featuring all the show's 68 episodes and has a plethora of extras that include over 25 hours of never-before-seen footage! The bonus features include a 5 part documentary called "The Making of "Upstairs, Downstairs", 24 episode commentaries, interviews with cast members, and more. Sadly, when the producers went into the ITV archives to clean the show's original prints it was discovered the pilot had been "wiped" which was the custom for many British shows in the early seventies. 9536 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An old movie, but still one of my favorites! Terry Gilliam Patsy and four other roles: Green Knight, Old Man/Bridgekeeper, Sir Bors, Animator 5176 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As I watched Taxi Driver for the first time in twenty-odd years, I was reminded of M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. Not because Unbreakable comes anywhere close to Taxi Driver in terms of cinematic merit, but because Taxi Driver seemed to be aiming at the same broad theme--a comic book-style hero in a gritty, adult world. Because, if anything, Travis Bickle seems to fit quite closely a real world Batman, enraged by the injustices of the world, unable to fit in, and ultimately taking the law into his own hands. He has a raw honesty--in sizing up people, in not being offended by a porn movie--and an uncontrollable urge to act on a primal sense of right and wrong. 5680 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Wonderful movie I am not sure what this person was trying to do/accomplish or get out of any Monty Python while watching it, but I am sure Dilovod was barking up the wrong tree. 2218 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 So much fun. Blah blah blah world peace, Girl Power! What made "Easy Rider" different from the ordinary Hollywood films of its time was its rebellious spirit and youthful exuberance, complemented by its loud hippie rock soundtrack. Directed by Hopper and produced by Fonda, "Easy Rider" was the first movie of its kind to reach such a wide audience and gain mainstream acceptance. Its casual portrayal of drug use and confrontational defiance of authority combined to make "Easy Rider" an anthem for young people. Although the film today seems inevitably dated, it still stands as an enduring emblem of its age. This film is garbage. Sure, there's some well secquenced fight scenes, & they way the computer tries offing the specialist secutirty unit is also interesting. Obviously this computer is highly original, and uses its artisitc bent in coming up with ways to kill people. 3182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie will make you laugh a great many times, and it may even make you cry a time or two. The casting was great and these awesome performers definitely deliver performances to be proud of. 8607 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! 1036 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune are the only characters in this rather unique film. Sworn World War II enemies, they find themselves marooned on a desert island together. The story moves along, as the American and the Japanese gradually learn to mistrust one another less and less. Even though neither can make himself fully understood to the other, they finally manage to construct a raft together and sail to a different island, formerly occupied by Japanese military, but now abandoned. The crucial encounter with a dream maker, a lonely person who undertakes an absurd search of the Holy Grail in New York city will be the premise for Terry Gilliam, who consolidated still more his personal status as one of the most prolific and innovative filmmakers of the world. 987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This the first Woody Allen I saw in a theater and still think it is vey nearly his funniest. Some of the gags have their origin in his standup comedy repertoire. In his routine he jokes about how five inmates chained at the ankles snuck past the guard posing as an immense charm bracelet. Matt Blevins 1019 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fascinating film diverging from most war flicks in its presentation of the protagonists and their eventual grudging accommodation to their circumstances. Withheld a fifth star as I didn't like the ending. 9624 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A totally excellent movie with an imaginative script and great acting. As usual the streaming quality was outstanding. 2209 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Yeah, I'd vote for Harrison Ford for president. President James Marshall, to be exact. He's not only the president, he's a first class hero, as this story makes clear. Brief sketch, so as not to ruin all the surprises: there are dozens. 5891 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Rated already. Compared to the recent spate of zombie horror, Resident Evil might very well be the most lackluster of the bunch. It's never as intriguing or intelligent as 28 Days Later or as marvelously thrilling as the Dawn of the Dead remake and it's never as hilariously enjoyable as the misguided House of the Dead, proving that mediocrity really can be less entertaining than plain awfulness. The inserted scene in the special edition, which depicts the Cotopaxi as found in the Gobi desert (the 1920s cargo ship thought lost in the Bermuda triangle), in my view has the failing of overextending the mock docudrama format (as well as interfering with the lyrical timing) of the original version. Though it was nicely filmed, I also have no idea why the helicopters are flying fast so close to the sand dunes, following their contour. This film is lovingly and painstakingly made, gorgeous to look at, delves into human depravity in the Presbyterian sense in a way you don't expect of mainstream Hollywood movies, hews closely to the highly literary source material, and you can't fault any individual performance, so I have to give it four stars, But I still have problems with it. 81 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie. Brings back memories to when I first saw it. Henry Winkler is wonderful as an American "Scrooge". It is set during the Depression of the 1930s. And "tiny Tim" is a young boy who has been hit with polio. Seeing "Taxi Driver" after such a long time really took me by surprise. Sure I remembered the 'classic' scenes and lines ("You talkin' to me?"), but there were so many other things that I had outright forgotten. Such as: how Travis (played by incredibly young--and skinny--Robert de Niro) finally manages to get a date with the woman of his dreams Betsy (played by incredible young--and beautiful--Cybill Shepherd), only to then promptly ruin it by taking her to the "movies". Or Travis' utter paranoia (when flowers intended for Betsy are returned to his apartment, he is overwhelmed by the smell and he worries that "I think I've got stomach ache"). Or the rather uplifting ending of the movie, which also came as a surprise. Other things that stuck out are that this movie is now a time capsule of New York 1975. It is astonishing to see in what terrible shape New York then was. Really enjoyed the score of Bernard Hermann. I had bought the soundtrack CD some years ago just for that (it also contains some of de Niro's musings seen in the movie). Audio suffers in that it is hampered by a slight buzz and hiss combination but I was clearly able to hear Rumpole's side bar comments to himself without trouble. Rumpole honestly needs higher quality sound if the full awesomeness of his stories are to be enjoyed. The best moments of Rumpole happen when he takes his audience into his own mind for a cozy little side bar. Rumpoles self talk sidebars reveal to us alone delicious little facts and tidbits about goings on. I love when Rumpole calls us old darling or other such things. Rumpole speaks to his audience as if he is sharing with us priceless insightful tidbits that only an old Bailey hack like himself would know. Rumpole often shares with you the issues and interesting challenges faced by the people he encounters. Extra features: 3. Languages and subtitles. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen trailer was good. They could have used a Holy Grail trailer though. 4270 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 excellant Home movies of Hitler and Eva Brown and others are shown during leisure moments. The walk-through of German citizens ordered by the American authority at the site of a newly liberated concentration camp. Horrific! The movie had several inaccuracies the most disturbing of which was the rape scene. It seemed to have been done to rationalize her motives and was completely unnecessary. (Save that for the rape of Boudicca's daughters or something factual, for the scene was effective, if loathsome.) Also, the last half hour of redemption, justification and explanation with her "vision" was utterly uninteresting. In the movie I loved the talk that Edward gives Jane, about Adele's mother, by the lake. And I love the part where Edward asks Jane about, why she did not write him a letter, while she was gone. And I loved the part where Edward asked Jane to watch the sunrise with him! I highly recommend this movie, I liked this version of Jane Eyre very much! I loved the intense, all consuming emotions, of this Mr. Edward R.! actors, Harrison Ford. You can tell he did not know what hit him when Given the enormous commercial success of sleeper hit I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (1997), a sequel was inevitable. Five more beautiful teenagers, including two survivors of the previous movie (Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr.) are hunted through a deserted, storm-lashed holiday island in the Bahamas by a hook-handed serial killer in Danny Cannon's lavishly mounted and hugely entertaining potboiler. It doesn't have the strong narrative drive of its predecessor and it tends to ramble aimlessly from set-piece to set-piece, while Trey Callaway's superficial script relies too heavily on implausible coincidences (like the tropical storm which gives the killer a helping hand by rolling into the island almost as soon as our heroes arrive, isolating them from the mainland!), but once the main scenario has been established and the killer has claimed his/her first victim, the thrills come thick and fast, with one genuinely scarifying climax after the other. The last ten minutes of the film are the most poignant, as Jean is offered to lower her principles so that she can escape being burnt at the stake as a heretic. Milla brings such an award-worthy performance to the table here as her mind, her conscience and her rapidly deteriorating sense of self lead her to make some very forced and confused decisions and by the time politics intervenes and finally hands her the most twisted judgement, its evident that Jean has suffered both a moral and spiritual breakdown. The final scene, of Jean gazing at a cross while being burnt alive, answers the most burning question posed by modern theology - will God be present at the time of your death? The movie does not address this, but again, presents it to us as an issue to think about. 4090 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a 5, to me. Sure, I'm a dad, and not a mom, and sure, this does seem like a bit of a "chick flick"... but it's not. GLENN CLOSE makes a very commanding presence as the Vice President, seemingly never at a loss in moments of distress, and GARY OLDMAN handles his Russian accent and menacing villainy with his usual aplomb. It's just that if you stop long enough to take a breath while all the action is going on, you might see that underneath all the fancy pinnings this is regulation stuff that's been time countless times before--and sometimes with better results. 329 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This was a made for TV movie, that I watched when it was aired. I love this story from the Bible. It is so interesting and has such a good message for all of us. This is the best production of this story that I've ever seen. It is very thorough and emotional. A must see for everyone. Bring it on! 2633 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cowritten directed and starring Dennis Hooper, this classic road trip movie involves two hippie motorcycle riders who pick up a boozing salesman, played by Jack Nicholson, try to know what life is really all about. Considered the best film of 1969. But at the heart of the story is the young Richard Dreyfus. I think this is one of his greatest performances, which is really saying something given his qualities as an actor. Here, he is a normal guy who becomes an extraordinary person: while he lacks the education and experience of those who are similarly smitten with close encounters of the 3rd kind, he rises above them all in an earthy way that shows the qualities within him that no one, not even himself, knew he had. It is really a subtle transformation, a new kind of film experience in my view. His crazy behavior in the beginning is revealed later as an almost spiritual journey to which he was "invited." Let me discuss the DVD extra's first. There are many. It has two versions of the film. Several "Making Of" documentaries and the interviews with the original cast and crew. Including the then 5-year-old Drew Barrymore. The model making, lighting, location scouting and even the actual shooting of the scenes can be found here. 2068 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 suspensefull After watching the first season of Upstairs, Downstairs via Amazon Instant Download (free for Prime members), I was so captivated by this well-written and credibly acted series that I purchased the rest of the series (via instant download) and have been enjoying the show since (except for Season 5 which is sadly not available via streaming). The movie contains many songs, performed by various characters; all of them will be fun to learn, and many of them are also very motivational and with nice words. Yeah, that's it. Brilliant movie. 9621 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I liked this movie for some reason although it has much sadness in it. I loved the simple retro ambiance feel to it. The byline "There is no gene for the human spirit" almost sums the movie up perfectly. I did not think the fate of the Jude Law character was necessary nor the way he ultimately dealt with his parents - his mother was so loving. But the simple message of perserverance was really good. 9523 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Plot is poor, & unbelievable as well as poor acting. (Which may be due to poor script) Movie does not enable willing suspension of disbelief. 6400 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 This is the first movie in the supposed Resident Evil trilogy and so far, things aren't off to a great start. As someone who's dabbled in fiction, hearing Mortimer's clever dialog is depressing -- how could I ever write that well? Of course, Mortimer was helped by not having the turn out more than six episodes per season, giving him plenty of time to polish his work. 2884 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this movie kills me everytime. one of those movies that can easily keep your attention. i love everything about it!! beware toward the end, if you are a crier, you may be crying for like 15 mins straight haha this movie is so good. a must see. very very good movie!!! 4952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Taxi Driver follows Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), a lonely and depressed taxi driver, as his character deteriorates due to disappointment after disappointment in his own life and his frustration with the harsh world around him. Taxi Driver delves deep into the mind of the lonely and misunderstood. 6190 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 After Sony and Capcom rejected zombie genre director George A. Romero's script in 1999, Director Paul W.S. Anderson was selected to take over the reigns of the Resident Evil production which was somewhat inspired by its video game counterpart as well as the Disney fairytale, Alice in Wonderland. urban decay. acted. It's true Personenregie: you really feel the relationships among the 2451 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great acting, great story line.. 6939 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sitting in the movie theatre, watching this with my teenage son, I found my stomach quite tense/nervous - something it hasn't felt in awhile (last time, was when "Alien" first came out / the first time was when they handed me a barf bag for the premiere of "night of the living dead" in '68). The movie takes off like a rocket and the action doesn't stop 'til the end - and that's when you suddenly realize the ride is almost over and you start wishing for more. After years of hunching over our CRT, killing zombies and other dead maniacs, finally, someone in the last decade has made a decent "kill-the-dead-thing" flick. Hopefully Director/Writer Paul Anderson will at least equal this in the upcoming sequel! Our only regret - not enough screen time for the mutant dogs. 901 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When I was in high school in the 1980s, I studied bass. Not that I could play it. I have Cerebral Palsy. For our purposes, my mind could do the walking. My fingers could not. 5756 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie. We are relishing each episode and they have all been as good as we remember the ones on TV being. 2799 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 great movie 8881 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Unless you use Amazon Prime shipping will be expensive. Cows are heavy and rather flatulent beasts. We lost 3 cows during testing. Now about those criticisms... 370 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Very good movie! I really enjoyed this about the life Joseph! Ben Kingsley was outstanding! 1086 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I'm a great Woody Allen's fan but I believe he offer us three types of movies. 1. Kind of serious movies 2. Nice comedies with great dialogues and history 3. Hilarious comedies. The last type are my type. If you've seen one of the following listed below, you MUST see the others: Love and Death, Bananas, Take the Money and Run, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask, Anie Hall, Sleeper, A Midsummer Night's Comedy and Zelig. Garanteed laughs ! 5277 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This bluray is awesome great picture and audio quality and lots of extras can't recommended this bluray enough 9281 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The very mention of this comedic masterpiece should be enough to bring a smile to your face. Widely regarded as the very peak of sketch comedy troupe Monty Python's career, The Holy Grail has nearly become as much of a religious establishment as the dark-aged deities it spoofs. There exist lunatics around the world who are able to not only directly quote lines from this film, but to recite the entirety of the script, from start to finish, without err. And, after just a single viewing, it's easy to find yourself tempted to join their ranks. 1778 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I wish I could give this movie a better review. Amazon did NOT warn customers that this movie was not subtitled or closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired/Deaf. In my family, we need all our DVDs to have subtitles or close-captioning capabilities. Don't get this movie if you rely on subtitles. 2679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Brand new in packaging. Quick shipping. 602 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A Christmas movie classic. I watched this with my 3 year old niece and she loved it! 1745 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every student of US History should watch this!!! 133 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 great for christmas movie With the Revolution on the verge of collapse, General Washington needed a victory, ...immediately. 642 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 no review Most of the reviews for this film stress the fact that the original Broadway play was considerably darker, and the main character much more of a louse than the cheeky nice guy Sinatra plays here. Given the era (the late 50s), this is hardly surprising, and it's easy to guess how the edgier theatrical version actually played, even if you don't know the "book." 5677 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 LOVE DVD MOVIE The Italian country side is a beautiful place to be stranded. Having the original edition again is a thrill and I believe I have to give it the edge, though the "Director's Cut" is a very close second. The Director's Cut has the better Neary introduction but everything else I like better in the original cut. Don't ask me why, but the pillow scene was always a haunting scene and I liked it. And I like the order of the scenes between Roy and the government officials better. Though, as a whole, the director's cut isn't bad at all, I just like the original. When I was younger, I was thrilled to hear about the Special Edition to see "inside the mothership." And as a kid, I loved those scenes but was so unhappy that the building of Roy's Devil's Tower was left out and as a result, it ruined the movie for me. Now, I am glad the mothership inside scene was removed from the Director's Cut as it does take away the sense of wonder if what it would be like from our minds. This ultimate Blu-ray set is the last version you will ever need. Unless Spielberg comes to my home and talks with me during the screenings this is the last version I ever plan to own of this film. 'Last Action Hero' is slightly overlong, and not nearly as funny, smart, or entertaining as it thinks it is. Sadly, everyone realised it. At $85 million, the film was quite expensive for its day and it cost more than 'Jurassic Park' did, and yet grossed a paltry $50 million domestically. It did better overseas, and I'm sure turned a profit eventually. But the vanity project is still remembered as a black mark in its star's career. On the other hand, 'Last Action Hero' is not quite the worthless disaster that it was made out to be at the time either. If you can go into it with low expectations, the picture is just moderately clever enough to be watchable. Just barely, though and set those expectations really low. 1812 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Fairly well done, except for the rather rough language that the real Mr. Washington would never have used. I loved the moving through the year and how each in the community ineract and problems that occur and how family and friends deal with life. 485 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie is almost like the story of Joseph, thats written in the Bible. Joseph was a remarkable man! If only the leaders of the world today was like Joseph was, a wise man, who listened to God, and kept the Ten Commandments! There's loads of foul language but I found it realistic for these types of individuals in such critical situations. So I didn't mind it too much but my wife took (minor) offense. 8272 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always a treat! This ginger is a die-hard orphan with talent & the will to survive. I loved this movie as a child & my children love it too! 1. The film even as it stands -- without improvement -- is not primarily about loneliness, unless loneliness simply is a word for all that ails human beings. I can't make a final judgment about the professor's thoughts about loneliness as this movie's theme unless I read his book about loneliness in film, but...not quite true for Travis. Taxi Driver was the second collaboration between Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese. Bernard Herman's magical score wafts over every scene. Taxi Driver was an omen, forecasting the senseless tragedies of both Columbine and Virginia Tech. No movie collection is adequate without this great film. See it. Buy it. Enjoy it. Pilates for Life: Pilates for Flexibility 9806 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 In the near future, humanity has mastered his own genetic code. So thorough is this knowledge, in fact, that the majority of modern conceptions are performed in a petri dish, on an embryo with the lowest number of negative hereditary traits. Against the backdrop of this fanatically eugenic-conscious future, discrimination has reached new levels, as jobs and relationships are won and lost with a simple blood sample and naturally conceived children are second-rate citizens. It seems like there's always a persistent, rebellious figure when confronted with such an oppressive system, and in Gattaca's case that role is filled by Ethan Hawke as the physically modest, daydreaming genius Vincent. The bevy of hoops Hawke jumps through to maintain the illusion that he's a top-tier genetic example make up most of the film's substance, with an ongoing murder investigation pressing the matter in a few hairy new directions. Somewhere along the way Vincent stumbles into a hollow, affection-free relationship with Uma Thurman that seems to spawn more from boredom than passion. Quite slow and methodical in nature, it's still a bright rumination on a future that already seems within grasp. Could have used a more flavorful tone, and the cast is almost universally glazed-over and dry. 2689 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic CD Bonus Features: Composer: Giorgio Moroder 8801 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a real great movie and Bronson's best without a doubt. James Coburn almost steals the show from Bronson as a fast talking hustler Speed who pairs up with Bronson as his manager to make big money through street fighting. Bronson is an older man but a tough fighter. Bronson faces a lot of tough guys in fights. Bronson's real life wife appears in the film as his love interest. Strother Martin appears as the cut man who has a weakness for Opium. Great lost gem. 451 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I thought the movie was sufficiently close to the Bible story. The sets were often lacking, but I enjoyed the movie anyway. I had a copy that I bought with the Bible Collection 7 or 8 years ago that I loaned out and never got back. I was happy to get this at around $7. 648 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have this movie on VHS, but I have a DVD player now, and I enjoy sharing these old shows with my granddaughter. She is seven now and has to tell me to be quiet when I sing along! I never get tired of watching, this one is probably my favorite! The film starts with a young man named Charlie Brewster(William Ragsdale)watching his favorite TV show, called Fright Night, with his girlfriend Amy Peterson(Amanda Bearse)when he hears and sees that there is a new person living next door that is strangely moving in during the middle of the night. Soon, after seeing a familiar face on the TV news, that of a known prostitute that he saw the previous evening and also, after accidently witnessing his neighbor Jerry Dandridge(Chris Sarandon)with fangs and about to bite a young lady on the neck, he realizes that he has a vampire living next door to him and tells people that he knows about it and the reaction that he gets is one of disbelief. After surviving an attack by his neighbor, where Charlie stabs his hand with a sharp pencil and in revenge, the vampire totals Charlie's classic Mustang. He first goes to his some time friend "Evil Ed" Thompson(Stephen Geoffreys)and asks him for advice on how to defeat and destroy the vampire living next door to him. Also, in desperation, he turns to his hero, the host of Fright Night, Peter Vincent(Roddy MacDowall, may he rest in peace), who was a big star in early films as "The Famous Vampire Killer" and hopes that Mr. Vincent will believe him and hopefully, help him do something about him. After a few failed attempts, Mr. Vincent accidently discovers that Charlie's neighbor is indeed a vampire as Dandridge cast no reflection in his pocket mirror. After that, Dandridge decides to go out and follows Charlie, Evil Ed and Amy throughout the town. Evil Ed abandons them and winds up becoming Dandridge's victim by biting him. Charlie and Amy try to hide out in a dance club, but Amy winds up under the spell of the vampire and doesn't notice that Dandridge casts no reflection and after a scuffle in the club that has Dandridge kidnap Amy and orders that Charlie and Peter Vincent come to his house if they ever want to see Amy stay a mortal, but it is actually a trick as Amy has already been bitten and it is up to Charlie and Peter to stop Dandridge before he does it to somebody else or the rest of the human race. Again, I won't give too much away as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might not have seen this movie as of yet. 1233 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Received as expected. ~The Rebecca Review 6676 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Clearly the producers set out to make a mockery of Joan of Arc and they accomplished that goal rather well. While the costumes and the music are rather good, the script and the actors play their roles over-the-top and it makes for a silly sight. 7041 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love Carol Burnett, she is great with all her facial expressions Human vanitys abound so often in ironic humorous situations. Sometimes it goes a bit too far but still believable. 2938 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a young teen I was mesmerized by this film when it came out. This film was to the 60's what "The Wild One" was to the 50's. The definition of cool. Now, decades later, I see much more in the film than I did back then. The social issues. Rebellion. Drugs. Freedom & travel. Conformity & captivity. Love. Hate. Peace. Violence. The stars of the show remain the motorcycles (which in this case, also served as vehicles of rebellion, escape, and non-conformity). 1142 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Being a half Brit, this series brought back many things. My mother used to sing one of the songs in the series. The story had many ups and downs as well a lot of laughs. I hope our children appreciate how easy they have it. As for the DVD, I would recommend going the way of Mill Creek's recent re-release. This is mostly because Columbia's DVD is in full screen, which makes it undesirable. Mill Creek's DVD is in widescreen, the transfer is good, and the artwork is the original artwork (Columbia's wasn't). The only draw is the the DVD is even more bare-bones than Columbia, a fact I didn't think was possible. The menu has nothing but a play option. Either way, I would recommend this disc over Columbia's simply for the fact that it finally shows the film in widescreen, as it rightfully deserved. Definitely bring your kleenez boxes! 7604 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I can remember when "Eyes of Laura Mars" came out back in 1978. The movie trailer shows that fantastic scene when Tommy Lee Jones comes right through that huge glass window. They would show this over and over on TV back then, when advertising this movie. For some reason, I knew who Tommy Lee Jones was back then. And I didn't watch the soap opera he was on either. Goes to show you what STAR POWER he had then. So cute with that great bowlish haircut!!! the original classic 1985 version of fright night in it's 7497 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Once a classic always a classic... 1476 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 After years of owning the book, I finally got around to reading it a year or two ago. Besides this particular adaptation, I've seen 6 others: '11 movie, '06 mini, '96 movie, '83 mini,'73 mini, and '44 movie. 6296 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The sequel to Resident Evil is one of those movies that is so to surpass the original. It is a really good movie but it does not have alot of character development as the first one really did have. But it is still a really good movie. The action scenes are alot more artistic than in the original and the zombies and creatures (NEMESIS!) look awesome. My favorite character is L.J. played hilariously by Mike Epps. This is also the film that includes Jill Valentine from the game played here by Sienna Guillory. Oded Fehr is also good as Carlos. Directed by Alexander Witt and written by Paul W.S. Anderson, who directed the first film. Recommended. 8383 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Columbia Tristar you are a loser!! You took a great film like Annie (1982) and shortage all of us with 1.33:1 . This is an OUTRAGE. Why this is even called a Spedical Edition. Lucky I already own the widescreen version. 3510 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Just rating, not reviewing. 9283 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A real classic. You won't stop laughing. Gotta have it. I thought I might find the movie religiously offensive - but it was not at all offensive. 2309 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I used to love this movie when I was a kid and when I found it on DVD i was so excited!! Love this movie!! Spice Girls 'Viva Forever'! :) Both spins are great, this just adds to an already powerful Christmas message. Yes, I've seen LAST ACTION HERO many times and will many more! How about: " Socrates, Herald of Hades! " 3738 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Just thought I would bring a matter to the attention of those interested in this set, especially those who already own it. Though of course each of the three versions of CE3K are offered with the DTS audio option in the languages menu (as was the case with the original DVD release) the set I own returns to the default Dolby Digital 5.1. And it is the case with ALL THREE of the discs. I highlight "DTS 5.1", then select play, and trying this numerous times, but is still playing in DD 5.1. Just in case, to check to see whether if it is my Pioneer DVD player that is acting up, I tried several other DVDs (including the above-mentioned first DVD release of CE3K) and they are accepting the selection. So my question to any owners of this set would be: Does anyone else experience this, or might I regard this as just a isolated defect for the set I own? I do plan to exchange the set to see if another one would have this same issue. Though I feel the DD 5.1 quite adequate in most instances, I do find (to my ears at least) that the DTS audio is often more rich and has a more seamless surround perspective. Regardless of one's preference, I want of course what I pay for in any product, per the advertisement. Baby Cromwell, Nottingham, England 8199 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you enjoy British humor and great acting you will want to view this series -- Rumpole of the Bailey is a great story of a defense attorney's case load and how he uses his wit and knowledge of the law to solve his cases. If you want a less distasteful, less distracting, less painful depiction of Jeanne d'Arc, look elsewhere. FINAL WORD 1459 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 "Castle De'ath" is an unusual Avengers entry, in that Steed and Emma are both undercover at the same place at the same time, from the very start of the episode. The cinematography is curiously rather bleached, for what probably should have been a starker melodrama - but it works splendidly, anyway. This one consists mostly of skulking and good fights, Emma's skulking done in a fetching peignoir by moonlight. The flirtation between Emma and Steed is especially light and playful. The plot, about a secret submarine base and its connection to the disruption of the local economy, is clever and credibly handled. 8705 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 1st. time I saw it. I loved it. Apart from various transitional errors and a stunning lack of continuity, this picture further bears the awesome burden of poor casting and an even poorer script. John Malkovich (Dauphin Charles VII) did a fine enough job of it - however, the script, relative to the role, was not compatible with his talents - and he was very blatantly miscast. As for Milla Jovovich: Well, I cannot say much about that folly, actually, without blasting away all credibility to her as an actress. Truly, that's something I really do not wish to do. Really, I must say in her defense that it seems she was obliged to make do with a script that made her sound like a borderline psychotic and rebellious adolescent somewhat of the present-day variety. It's impossible to buy the possibility that anyone in the French Army would even consider following her lead. 4506 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The Seventh Sign is a unique horror. For some reason I've never heard about it until now, and what's especially surprising (to me at least) is that Demi Moore would star in such a movie. 8421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our great granddaughter loved this movie. She has never watched much of Sesame Street, but was really taken with thus movie. Great music! the acting in this movie. The audience is left wondering about every character. 5780 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I believe we have all the resident Evil movies so you no we had to have this one as well, action packed awesome thank you for my movie it arrived on time and as described And the table is set for the climax; even now, all these years later, I marvel at the special effects. The image of spacecraft of varying shapes, sizes, and colors is awe-inspiring. (The munchin-like appearances of the extraterrestrials is kind of lame, but who nitpicks?) Over the course of this encounter, those who have disappeared over the years come home, and a select few volunteers board the mother ship. And we witness an exchange of civilizations sans violence and bloodshed--in essence, an exchange that someday may very well happen. Augmented and enhanced by the core group of Dreyfuss, Dillon, Teri Garr, Bob Balaban, and Francois Truffaut, Steven Spielberg's CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is a gripping, engrossing tale of otherworldly dimensions. Beam me aboard. 1683 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I can't help myself, I just love this series. I missed it the first go round in the 70's on PBS due to "life events" that were going on for me, but it is such a stellar series -- and it is so affordable in the "Complete Series" package by A&E that I have to tell you that despite the poor poor quality of the DVD, the stories are too fantastic to not view and own if you are on a budget. I do notice the DVD "panning" or "slowing down" or even the fuzzy notation for the next reel in the upper right corner, but I just acknak it and let it go, and let the story and character draw me in and in and in and on and on and.... The casting in all episodes is spot-on, punctuated with the very best sets and scenic locations. And Linda Thorson's astounding beauty (tenoned with her great figure!) really accentuates the `60s look in her mod attire. with only the cast from the film except for Roddy McDowall of course who passed away many years ago No, hear me out. 8484 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Our 2-year old absolutely loves this movie. So far, the only movie that keeps her attention for more than 10 minutes at a time. (Not sure if it's good that she watches that much tv anyway) This movie is an oldie and goodie. 6555 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I LOVE Resident Evil. It started when I was 5 and saw my older brother playing the old school version on PS. (see my review for the Gamcube game)Now I'm 14 and still love it!!!!!! If you Have written such an impossible thing..I want to read it. 9435 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I must take exception to the other reviewer who thinks that the TRUE fans who quote this EXCELLENT movie are geeks and ruin it for "normal" viewers. Anyone who watches Monty Python and considers themselves "normal" are the true geeks. :) Anyway, do not fault us MP fans, to enjoy something is not geeky. I have been a MP fan for 20 years and never get tired of it. Holy Grail is the best comedy movie of the modern age. (Post 1940's). As for the DVD rendition being not superior, oh well. At least we still have this wonderful movie to enjoy for many years to come. 7575 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the best feel good movies of all times 2637 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steel Magnolias is one of my favorite movies. It manages to mix humor with sadness in the best possible way. Aside from that, I think it has a perfect cast. Sally Field as the lead, the mother who worries about her diabetic daughter, Julia Roberts as her diabetic daughter, Dolly Parton as the lovable town beautician, Shirley MacLaine as the town grouch, Olympia Dukakis as the fun-loving ex-first lady of the town, and Daryl Hannah as the new girl in town. I can't get over how well I think this cast does together. They do perfectly together at making their friendship seem believable, and long-lasting. Steel Magnolias is a very watchable movie even to this day, and offers more than a mere ''chick flick'' viewing. Along with Fried Green Tomatoes, Thelma & Louise, and Beaches I think this movie is undeniably classic! 2539 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite movies 704 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Great series 5 stars for it based on the 4k remaster transfer plus new & old extras IMAGE:B 5532 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 An 80's "classic," FRIGHT NIGHT is a straightforward (and yet tongue-in-cheek) vampire film that doesn't have any real surprises, but which never fails to entertain. Chris Sarandon mugs it up as the bloodsucker who moves next door, and our teen leads are suitably cute and pathetic as they run around trying to enlist the aid of skeptical cops and the narrator of a nightly horror show called, of course, FRIGHT NIGHT. all that said, NO MERCY has a great look that begins in a pretty dreary Chicago and the gritty look does not change when locales change.. 2366 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 . . .I liked this one. Of course this is the president we'd all like to have, a loving father, a stunning fighter, and great one-liners for any life threatening situation. This movie was suspense from beginning to the end, and chances are you already know that, cause who likes action has seen this film. 3061 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Put Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson together and you have an iconic film about the crash landing that was the end of the Sixties in America. The making-of documentary included in this disc is an absolute must after seeing the film - the insight you get into how it was put together is both funny and amazing. I can see how this may appeal more to Baby Boomers than those born after 1970, but everyone should enjoy Easy Rider. The ending is powerful and makes a lasting impact. SOUNDTRACK 1284 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Terrific final season of a great TV comedy. 9885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent quality. Exactly what I was looking for. Brad Pitt may have made a mark in the public's collective memory when he appeared shirtless in "Thelma and Louise", but in "A River Runs Through It" he shows his chops and in doing so, let's us know he is an exceedingly talented actor not just a pretty boy. 822 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 George Lucas in Love may very well be the "Form" of a short film - what the perfect short film should be, in a higher realm of understanding. A low-budget, well-shot, beautifully scored, and endlessly engaging piece of work, Joe Nussbaum's clever little feature never falls into film-school pretentiousness or short-film stupidity. Although it is a one-joke premise, the directing and editing manage to keep things moving fast enough that it doesn't get old. 4415 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I grew up with these slashers of the 90's. I recently re-watched them in honor of Independence Day, and I still love them. They might've even grown on me. I appreciate the suspense more, the kills, the great music as the Fisherman stalks his prey. I liked that you could see his face more in this one, now that we know who he is and why he continues to stalk Julie James. 2878 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome movie 5104 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am not a fan of the DVD companies releasing SPECIAL EDITIONS of their movies. Usually they'll put a couple of little features on the NEW ULTIMATE VERSION of the movie but really its not worth buying the thing if you already own the old version. Such is NOT the case with the new edition of TAXI DRIVER. It blows the old version away. If you are a fan of the movie TAXI DRIVER and you already own it on DVD, I will tell you that's its worth spending the money again to upgrade to this version. Lots of extras that you will ACTUALLY ENJOY. Get it. "Voice Lessons To Go" by Vaccarino, to prep before we sing through their sound tracks. It's just another alternative to regular television time. There is a wholesome quality to them that sadly is not very prevelent today. 1474 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Good movie. 2655 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 One of the first and best biker movies ever. 930 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I ordered this for my grands, ages 6 & 7 and they love it! Thank you for creating the instant purchase. It filled a "snow day". Skip it. However without spoiling too much, Jurgen's character arrives to intervene. He finds himself battling a mysterious ageless priest (Peter Friedman) who wishes to cause harm to Demi's baby. Throughout the movie we see Demi constantly sneaking into Jurgen's room because he's renting a room on Demi's property and she suspects something is suspicious with his attitude. She becomes nervous upon finding out all the paperwork he has up there related to the Apocalypse. 2392 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 There is a lot to like about the film "Airforce One". Fine acting by Harrison Ford as the U.S. President, and even better acting by Gary Oldman, as Khazakstani terrorist Egor Korshunov, draws you into the story of the hijacking of the presidential jet. I truly cared about the characters portrayed in this film, which is essential if you want to keep a viewer interested. If you're fortunate enough to have a decent home theatre setup with digital surround sound, then you're in for an aural treat with this one. Frequent gunfire , huge explosions, and numerous jetfighter sequences, will shake your house and keep the excitement racing. I've watched the film twice in the past week, with different family members, and everyone has enjoyed the experience. While some might criticise the unbelievability of certain story elements, I don't think a movie of this kind is meant to be taken too seriously. As an action film, "Airforce One" succeeds in almost every department. For fans of suspense filled action movies, they don't come much better than this - enjoy! I had read the book 'The Game of X' by Robert Sheckley as well as the adaptation of the movie by Heather Simon and imagined every scene in my head as I had gone through it. The movie was everything a young boy could have hoped for - a rollicking, comedic adventure with a very beautiful female Russian agent (Carrera) and a sinister KGB chief (played by Oliver Reed). 7999 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I love this movie and enjoyed a lot. I like Annie, even thou is an orphanage little girl, she is very sweet with an unique tough and funny character. 937 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I loved this as a kid and i still manage a few laughs now. It is a pretty cheesy movie but I guess I like a bit of cheese. I cannot stress enough that "Taxi Driver" deserves every ounce of the "R" rating it got (strange that "Midnight Cowboy" had received an "X" rating less than a decade earlier -- only Scorsese's decision to desaturate (but not delete) the final blood- filled killing scene kept "Taxi" from the "X" rating). It's difficult to suggest just who would be interested in a movie that starts in such a dismal air and spirals into psychological depths even further down as each scene rolls by. You may love it or despise it, but you'll be moved by "Taxi Driver." 7072 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic. This is a good family movie. One of my favs. Plus it's a original I grew up watching. A good way to watch something and enjoy and remember your child hood A great film. Watched by many and probably interpreted in as many different ways. 5927 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 darn good true story 2979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 8360 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I still own the original DVD release for this film which sports the great panavision 2.20:1 aspect ratio... how can you offer a new and better special edition of a film like this and use a Pan/Scan version beefed up by new audio tracks? Who ever was responsible for this should have been fired immediatly nbo questions asked they obviously have no love for the original aspect ratio of any film let alone Annie. What a waste of a release and time and effort. 8453 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I am a Bronson fan. This his best, I think. Highly recommended for kids and parents alike! 2253 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is filled with Spice Girls music. It gives the audience a taste of what being a pop star is like. The movie show the girls on tour, in photo shoots, in publicity stunts, and at concerts. The Girls are silly, sexy, and adorable. The concert at the end was Pure Spice. Now there are so many weak people, it will be interesting to see how many make it through the next great crisis....and yes...man's nature ensures that there always is a great crisis that gobbles up the weak... 5979 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Roxanne is Steve Martin at his sweet, romantic best (although he is equally so in It's Complicated). For those not familiar with this movie, it's an updated version of the Cyrano de Bergerac story: the Martin character has a huge nose that makes him think no woman could love him, he pines for Roxanne, and pens love letters for Roxanne's would be moron paramour. We all know how it ends, and it's still a great tale. And if you *don't* know how it ends, well, get it now! This is definitely a "guy's film". Nearly all women who appear are nameless and are there to ogle or idolize the men. The only two women who seem to talk more than a word are two are the two prostitutes in New Orleans, who go on a long acid trip with the guys. Most of their "talk", though, is wild ramblings due to the drugs. 5336 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 this is the original classic vampire film to me . i love the plot and the acting is great. i love the scenes and how the vampires are more like what you think they are suppose to be . there are a few corny points in the film however it is a classic and some parts are slightly scary . for there being a lack of blood and guts for a horror film you will want to rewatch this often. The visual effects (for a non video-game fantatic like me) are well done, and there are some jump out of your seat moments. Milla Jovovich, who was so good in FIFTH ELEMENT, has a rubber face that displays a wide range of emotions for a basically undeveloped character. Michelle Rodriguez overdoes the tough girl part, but is effective nonetheless. Eric Mabius gives Matt both a tough and sensitive edge, and redeems himself for BLACK CIRCLE BOYS. Martin Crewes as Caplan is quite good, as is James Purefoy (A Knight's Tale) in the role of Jovovich's undercover lover. The monster dogs, zombies, laser killer and chief monster are all well done, and the movie's apocalyptic ending certainly leaves room for the upcoming sequel. 7060 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I don't care for musicals like this one. Kids singing voices, after awhile, get on my nerves. This would have been better as play. 5002 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Since I grew up in the 80's, I grew up with Mel Brooks' films. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. When I saw this set listed on Amazon for $45.99, I couldn't pass it up. I must say that Fox has outdone themselves here. Those of you who have been buying Fox's DVDs and blu-rays probably know that there is nothing special about the majority of them, as many are lacking special features, etc. But not so with this set. First of all, the video transfers on all nine movies are simply incredible. I have watched all of these movies on DVD in the past, and the blu-ray versions just blows them all away. Every movie also has an impressive collection of special features. These include excellent documentaries (many of which are in HD), deleted scenes, trailers, TV Spots, etc. My only (albeit small) complaint here is that I wish more of the films had commentaries, because I love listening to Mel talk about the making of his movies. He is funny, witty, and he tells a great story. Also included is a 119-page, hard-bound book which talks about the making of all nine films. I am still in the process of reading it, but so far there is a lot of information about the making of the movies that I had not known before. My only other complaint about this set is that it is missing The Producers, Life Stinks, and Dracula: Dead and loving It. It really is too bad that these films were left out for whatever reason, but when they are finally released on blu, I will pick them up just the same. The bottom line is that if you are a fan of Mel Brooks' movies, then you simply can't go wrong here. You will not be sorry. 5786 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Mila can be both victim as well as oppressor. Her skills seem to be ever evolving and the story line is well conceived. 2601 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 You cry. You laugh. you are unamerican if you don't watch. 7987 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really am a big fan of Robin Williams. It is rather strange but entertaining to watch. It does have some crude seens that are rather nuts but I enjoyed watching it. I would recommend this to any Williams fan. Oliver Stone apologized to the Turkish people when he finally visited Turkey, and he was kindly forgiven -- but I sure wouldn't have let him off so easily. His self-serving "apology" was far too little, and far too late. And the final puzzle pieces are the actors, who are all really good. Ethan Hawke gives a quietly powerful performance as a man who goes to desperate lengths to fulfill his dreams, and Uma Thurman has the right mix of icy reserve and sweetness as a "valid" woman who falls in love with the man rather than his DNA. An overlooked comedy---and if you're a Steve Martin fan, then this one's a must! Parry takes Jack to his refuge, and there Parry tells him of his quest for the Holy Grail. A curious bond between the two men begins to form. After Jack leaves, he later returns, curious to know more about this strange, but kindly individual who saved his life. Jack discovers that Parry was a former college professor whose own life drastically changed three years ago, when a caller to a shock jock's show went on a shooting rampage and killed Parry's beloved wife, one of the faceless New Yorkers who for Jack is faceless no more. 9443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 If you're like me, and like raunchy comedy, see this classic movie! There are just so many elements that make this movie fabulously funny. Take Sir Robins song for example, "..He bravely ran away, away. Brave, brave Sir Robin, bravely chickened out..." Or what about the dismemberment of the black night in the beginning? "It's just a flesh wound! " Meanwhile both of his arms have been removed (his legs follow soon after.) There hasn't been a movie since this one that captures so many ridiculously funny scenes in one film. Sir Lancelot's charge to rescue the King's son cannot be redone! As he has just massacred the entire wedding party trying to "save" the prince, Sir Lancelot climbs down the stairs, with the King, apologizing to all those he has just slain. This film is oriented toward British humor, but what makes it so good is that it also incorporates American potty humor as well! I'm giving it 4 stars as I did not like Janet Margolin as his girlfriend in this movie, thought a better choice could have been made to play this role. She seemed to be reading the lines throughout, not breathing any life into the role. An undeniable modern classic and a chilling reflection of its bleak time. Features Bernard Herrmann's last film score, a darkly brooding jazz suite driven by saxman Tom Scott that nicely fits the story's mood. 7518 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great classic movie 5458 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a well done horror movie. I feel its much better than the remake, and has a surprise that most people may have forgotten. Sure, you have Roddy McDowl as Peter Vincent, but take a look at the female lead in this movie, and then take a look at Married with Children. You'll see what I mean then. 1374 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 Tiresome, absurd, and senseless plot, but the kiddies might enjoy it for the special effects and cartoon like action sequences. I wish I could say it was the worst movie I've seen in awhile, but the Mod Squad has that honor. A total disgrace to the original TV series. Aspect ratio: 1.78:1 (orig.: 1.85:1) Joan of Arc may not have been a saint, but her tragic and short life is as close as reality can get to a miracle. In that sense Besson's "The Messenger" tells her story in a masterful way. This is one of the best films I have seen, and one I have already enjoyed seeing several times. (Except for the horrible and terribly memorable violation scene in the beginning which I jump over every time...) 644 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Christmas Classic to Own! All that said I have to say that the film is very entertaining. I just wouldn't rate Air Force One as a purchase. Bernard Herrmann made a fantastic soundtrack for this movie. The main theme is loaded with dread, and perfectly matches the tone of the movie. The other for the movie also breath life into it, almost making a snapshot of what NYC was like in the 70's. He surely did. I really miss Michael Jeter. 1675 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I just have received this set. I have viewed the first 2 episodes and it is as well produced and written as I had anticipated. I saw none of the productions during their initial showing. I am truly looking forward to viewing this whole series this winter. 8408 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 For as long as I can remember, Annie has always been my favorite movie. When I was a little girl and it was playing in the theaters, I must have seen that movie at least 20 times. Even now I love watching this movie. I will pass it on to my daughter and her daughter. It is a little girl's wonderland, to imagine the fancy world that Annie gets drawn into when she goes to live with Daddy Warbucks. And of course it wouldn't be the same if the girls from Miss Hannigan's orphanage don't have adventures of their own. 7912 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The waltzing scene in Grand Central is a classic. So much to love about this movie. To me it's highly significant that Travis writes. He is writing about his experience: he is wanting to understand life, his life, to grow. And he does not want to take the easy out. In fact, his bringing Betsy to a porn movie is only stupid if his primary need were to escape loneliness. Travis's behavior here only makes sense as an attempt to bring his vision of a pure and angelic other into the world he is seeing and trying to make sense of. He needs another view but he needs someone who can go into his world enough to understand. 5452 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 SLC Punk is about a couple of punk/anarchists stuck in the middle of conservative, Mormon-dominated Salt Lake City. This is a pretty good film, as long as one bears in mind that the kids in it represent more of a "lifestyle anarchism" than a political philosophy, and as Stevo (the main character and narrator) self-consciously admits at several points, their actions and attitudes often stand as a flagrant contradiction of the punk ethos they espouse. While the movie does not accurately portray the "authentic" punk or anarchist philosophy, it does accurately and poignantly portray a widespread, popular bastardization of it, so it still creates relevant social commentary. As a coming-of-age story, it is poignant and affecting, particularly as tragedy descends upon Heroin Bob, ironically named for his aversion to needles and drugs. Taxi Driver opens with a dreamy opening sequence where we see Travis Bickel gliding through the streets of New York city with superb imagery and colours. This story follows the uneducated and somewhat disturbed man that goes by the name of Travis Bickle, he gets a job as a cab driver because he can't get any sleep. As he does his job he starts seeing and experience the dirty, gritty, and savage side of New York nobody ever sees, the story is narrated to us by Travis and gives us a chance to get inside his head. Travis then starts watching a women that goes by the name of Betsy, she works as an aide to New York State Senator Charles Palentine who is a nominated candidate in the presidential elections, he claims she's an angel in all this chaos and decides to talk to her and ask her out to a movie. Travis also starts to a plan to clean the 'scum' off the street, and starts stalking the senator Palentine. One of the key plots in the story is his obsession for saving a twelve and a half year old prostitute named Iris from this immoral world (through his mind) that lies around him. The only reason I could see for not enjoying this is if you were expecting to see something deep in character development and pathos, like John Woo's The Killer. Gen-X Cops is a glossy film, to be sure, and in that respect in does not disappoint. Just don't go in expecting to see copious amounts of plot development, or magnificent stretches of oratory. This is an action movie, albeit with much more gun sequences than real martial arts moves (another thing that might annoy devotees of the Jet Li school of Hong Kong cinema.) My GF thinks it's cheesy and if I watch it around her, she always says loudly "It's SOOO CHEEESY!!" Like I care. She likes Secret Life of The American Teenager... yeeccch! 1. What did I just watch? OK, the songs are just as catchy as they were. And fine, Carol Burnett still rules. Whatever the reason, Monty Python and the Holy Grail holds up as one of the best comedies ever filmed. It still looks cheesy, but in a good way. The plot is full of nice big holes, too. Every time you see it, you notice something new and miss something you've memorized. The jokes don't wait for a laugh track. It's just one strange punchline after another. 898 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I used this dvd in my day off from exercise and It is very relaxing on my body, it makes me feel great, I really enjoyed it. The film references her as being only 12 years old, and I thought NO WAY! Thats ridiculous, shes obviously at least 18 to 20. Turns out she actually was 12 or 13 at the time, but her dress, her makeup and demeanor made her look older than her character and the actor herself was at the time. 7178 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Great flick 6627 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 For the easily pleased, simple-minded, less discriminating viewers only. John Malkovich and Dustin Hoffman couldn't even save this one. I even think their characters dragged this story down, but there was so little hope and promise from the moment this movie was conceived. Mila what's her name was so thoroughly annoying and unconvincing throughout this mess I just wanted to fast forward to the end to see her burn. At least it has a happy ending. The best thing I can say about this movie is it took pathetic and lame to new heights. 2984 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Glad I purchased this movie - one of my all time favorites. 7448 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie, great price, fast shipping, highly recommended this movie. An undeniable modern classic and a chilling reflection of its bleak time. Features Bernard Herrmann's last film score, a darkly brooding jazz suite driven by saxman Tom Scott that nicely fits the story's mood. mainly contains Promo TV interviews with all the cast and some of the crew 410 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great bible story worth watching and learning the story/events. 7797 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A classic the whole family can enjoy. Great movie awesome storyline. 7375 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorites & the scenery fascinates me! 3013 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Highly Recommend! Fast delivery! Exactly as described! 5753 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excelent Movie. Dubbed in Latin Spanish with Latin Subtitles. 100% Recomended. there are only 1 Emma Peel and 1 John Steed,,,,Diana Rigg and Patrick MacNee RIP 7327 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 thanks One caveat: One of the selling points for the DVD is the promise of 9 extra scenes. Frankly, there is a good reason why these never made it into the film. They're unmemorable; they don't advance the plot, or contribute much to characterization. If this is the make-or-break point for buying the DVD, I wouldn't bother. That said, I love the quality, and the other special features are pretty interesting. All things considered, this is a good buy. 961 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I have loved this version ever since it was aired on PBS' Masterpiece Theatre. The production values are very high here, as the sets, costuming, and cinematography are top-notch. The acting is first-rate here as well. In my humble opinion, Charlotte Rampling IS MIss Havisham. She embodies the complicated, subtle malice of a woman gone mad and Hell-bent on wreaking slow vengeance on the world, and the male sex in particular. And while this doesn't have a "happy ending", per se, Dickens' felt it appropriate to leave us with an ambiguous ending (albeit after changing the original ending), and I think it suits the film after the rest of it is very dark and sad. It would have seemed foolish for a happy ending to pop up out of nowhere. This version comes HIGHLY recommended! Now let's hope that a Blu-ray version is in the future to address the picture quality of the DVD! E (Erotica) - 3 (2 scenes with close to full body nudity, but tastefully done) I'll be reviewing all of the 1967 "sets," (as I mentioned earlier, there are four in all, with 2 "volumes" per set), over the next few days so be on the watch for my comments regarding the other sets at their appropriate sites on Amazon. In the meantime, this particular set garners my highest recommendation! 4463 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer' really does milk the slasher formula. It's a follow-up to the pretty good 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' but the first movie already killed off the only two members of the cast that could act. The title is also all wrong - shouldn't it be the summer before last? Keep in mind this was years before the movie Backdraft. So the film is a classic. What about the disc? First, this is the only Blu-ray I've come across that doesn't have that cheesy blue plastic top. The packaging is a stylish cardboard slipcase with shiny metallic artwork of a bright light on the horizon. Along with the two discs, which I'll get to in a minute, are a book containing on-set photographs and biographies of the cast & crew, and a poster outlining the differences between the three versions of the film. These are the kind of paper inserts I wish more movies came with instead of worthless lists of chapter titles and ads for other movies. All told, this set looks very nice on the shelf. 2900 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Easy Rider is a very good movie....The soundtrack is great and the story is interesting.... 4168 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Before he went all soporific on everybody. Before he made the ill-advised "Philadelphia" and then the cleverer "Forrest Gump", Hanks was actually a fairly broad comic actor. Some of his movies hit the mark, like "Splash" and "The Money Pit", and others bombed badly, like "The Man With One Red Shoe" and "Bachelor Party". He was great at playing overly-confident, affable yuppies that were almost always put-upon in the extreme or finding themselves in odd situations, like he did in this one. Director Scorsese uses dark camera angles and vivid images to portray his story, incorporating a musical score that embodies the essence of the film: an unoffensive saxaphone that dwindles into a deep, resounding boom. A film that can shock and chill, one that should be celebrated for its original genius, but also a work that is almost too graphic and emotionally-draining to enjoy. Jeff Bridges is also amazing and also captivates you. These two leading actors did a fantastic job. And all of the other actors and actresses were also great. Matthew lillard really out done himself on acting in this movie, in fact he has never surpassed his role in this film. This is a movie for anyone born in the past 30-35 yrs. please give it a chance, it will be worth your while. Uma Thurman is on-hand as well, as another Gattaca employee who was perfect enough to be hired, but whose genetic profile includes an "acceptable" risk of heart disease. 4729 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love Jason. He is a very taliented actor. Louis Gossett is also very special. 8754 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I purchased this for my son and grandson as a Christmas gift. My grandson is only 4 years old, so he's a little young for the movie, but he loves the castle and catapult. One of these days, I know they will watch the movie together, and I'm sure he will love it as much as his daddy does. well the 1080p 1:85:1 HD transfer for this new 40th is exactly the same as the 2011 blu-ray actually I guess that's obvious from the five-star rating I handed it. 419 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 The whole story of Joseph is not well known, but this video tells it well. The suspense of the family dynamics are very intense. It would be nice if families today could be so forgiving. You can practically hear director Danny Cannon, whose last movie was the underrated "Judge Dredd" and who deserves a lot better than this, sighing behind the camera at just how witless all this is. Cannon does manage to captivate the beautiful island scenery and the excellently-captured eeriness of the hotel at which the quartet of teen protagonists are vacationing (it's also a sort of sad waste of overall possibilities when you reflect on how they utilized these potent settings); a couple good scares throughout, though nothing scary, as if any movie could be deemed such; Freddie Prinze, Jr. is certainly not a notable talent, yet he exudes sufficient charm and is a likable hero; Mekhi Phifer, in a stereotype black tough-guy role, gives his role some enjoyable attitude, but his disbelief of Julie's claims that a killer's on the loose become tiring and cruel. "I Still Know..." fails due to a maddening lack of logic, intelligence, and most plausible qualities of humanity in all the characters; entirely arbitrary and thus boring murders of all the islanders we don't even really know is an obvious compensatory ploy for the fact that only two of main five characters are killed; technically mediocre acting (except Hewitt), plus bothersome, forgettable work from newcomer Brandy; low-IQ script; splotches of incompetent directing throughout; an incredibly demeaning and character-betraying "shocker" finale that essentially tosses this film into the pile of identical slasher formula flicks from the past 20 years. Our only consolation is that it may just be a dream, a la the "surprise" ending of the first "I Know What You Did Last Summer"...I guess we'll find out if and when "I Still Know What You Did Lots of Summers Ago" is made. Another must see movie from Hollyweird. Time passes in the film and we leave the boys as youths and rediscover them as young men. A visiting Norman has returned home in the 1920's, having completed college in the east. Paul is now a somewhat infamous regional newspaperman, who uses his articles to skewer corrupt local figures in business and politics. Where Norman is every bit as staid and responsible as his childhood hinted he would grow to be, Paul is a hard-drinking charmer whose fondness for high-stakes poker games in frontier saloons and nights out with the wilder of the local women stands at odds with his upbringing in the respected Maclean household. During the summer that follows Norman's homecoming after graduation, he and his brother and father once again return to the river and fly fish, Norman finds love with a beautiful girl from a neighboring town, and the entire Maclean family watches as Paul slowly destroys himself in a fast life he cannot seem to leave alone. The film tells the kind of engrossing, touching story that very few cinematic works do, and is one of the crowning jewels of modern motion picture achievement. A River Runs Through It is at times funny, at others profound, throughout it radiates its quality, and ultimately... 7183 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great Family Movie 5615 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 What would you do if a vampire moved in next door? That's the question this movies asks as young Charlie Brewster gains a most unwelcome neighbor at the beginning of the movie. Charlie isn't the smartest guy in the world but he does figure out that a vampire has moved next door and immediately tries his best to tell others about him... a strategy that is obviously doomed to failure since no one will believe a hysterical teen yelling that a vampire next door is killing people. Without giving away any more of the plot, most of the rest of the movie involves Charlie and his friends trying to survive long enough to kill their new nemesis. 7952 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent movie. Best yet. Have always loved movies and music. This is the best! Yep, not only did director Richard Pearce have his cast and crew playing in lots of water, but they also did an impressive job of playing with fire. 5530 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I decided to write up this review since this is the "scary season." "Fright Night" is one of those great chillers that takes every cliche about vampires and somehow makes it all work well. Chris Sarandon, a very underappreciated actor (Prince Humperdink from "The Pricess Bride" and the voice of Jack Skellington), plays vampire Gerry Dandrige to a charmingly oily, serpentine perfection without being remotely campy. Stephen Geoffreys, who plays uber-geek best friend "Evil Ed," lightens the mood of the film with sometimes horrific comedy, and Amanda Bearse ("Marcy D'Arcy" from "Married With Children) and William Ragsdale are perfectly cast as teenagers caught up in a battle of wits and wills with Dandridge. But, the icing on this cake is Roddy McDowell's homage to Peter Cushing as the embittered, washed-up B movie vampire movie star who manages to find both his dignity and his faith as he comes to the ultimate realization that vampires DO exist and he is the unlikely choice to do battle against them. McDowell's performance was so fine - alternatively funny and prosaic - it is worth watching this film to see how an older actor can still turn in stellar performances, who uses the script and props without letting them overpower his range. It is such a pity this wonderful actor has since passed on since "Peter Vincent, Vampire Killer" is arguably one of his best roles. 9762 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Imagine a world where your future is determined by your genes. Your schools, your job, your social status are all determined by what genetic flaws you have. 5138 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I was really quite surprised with this movie- didn't think it was going to be this good. I think to really understand this movie you have to look quite carefully at Travis- I think two things really drove him to do what he did in the end...first of all he is of course fed up with the grittiness and grim of society...and then I also think the extent to of which he experienced loneliness was also very, very obvious. He's searching for love in all the wrong places...and doesn't know why. Ethan Hawke gives a flawless performance as Vincent Freeman, one of the last natural humans in a world of genetic enhancement, pre-birth specialization, and advanced science. Jude Law, in perhaps his finest performance ever, beautifully portrays a tortured and broken wreck of a man. Uma Thurman plays a femme fatale, and Alan Arkin, the scene-stealing noirish detective (Gattaca pays a lot of homages to film noir classics of old). The rest of the cast gives brilliant performances, and the result is a character driven sci-fi (Solaris, Blade Runner), rather than a tech-driven sci-fi (Aliens, Star Trek Into Darkness). The good thing is that the adaptation for Cinema of that basic game structure is reasonably well made. The result is this: a group of top-soldiers is sent inside a secret corporate lab complex where a lethal virus has been spread. They have a few hours to a) discover what happened, b) disable and neutralize the virus and c) get out. So that's why the original Steed/Peel episodes of The Avengers rocked. And that's why the movie is a failure, because it has none of that going for it. It could be argued the social milieu within which the TV series existed, that provoked and informed its subtext, no longer exists and so the movie couldn't have used it anyway. Maybe. But I see no evidence the moviemakers were even aware of it. The props are there, the surface accoutrements, Steed's umbrella and bowler hat, Peel's catsuit, but the conflicts and dynamic that drove the original relationship and made it something truly special are nowhere to be found. Things I didn't like: 7691 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 As a career union (IATSE) projectionist who has viewed more movies than most, this film (after so many years) is still my #1 favorite after literally hundreds of viewings. Never fails to get the tears running and if you have an ounce of sensitivity in your soul, you will treasure this film forever. 6319 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 The first Resident Evil movie was a homage to zombie movies that have gone before. And Aliens. And a few other movies thrown in for good measure. It had a creepy girl, zombies, long-tongued monsters, carnivorous dogs, and Alice (Milla Jovovich) with lots of firepower. Still, having been a fan of the videogames, I must say that this film went a direction I was not expecting and thus proved itself far less than I could have hoped for. I kept seeing a lot of extras not on the original DVD, and found out they are on this special edition, which I understand has been remastered in HD. Though there are some smiles and heart-filled scenes, the emotional and dramatic script offers a typical family drama story, in which a family is sometimes torn apart by the horrible consequences that life brings sometimes, and the difficulty of changes. Fortunately, the story plays out well with great direction, two amazing lead-female stars (also with executive producer spots), and a plot that keeps the audience emotionally attached throughout the film. What makes a film great? To me, a greatness of a film is measured similar to a great music. A great music can be enjoyable, visceral, fascinating even after repeated hearings and many years of absence. This movie has that quality to me. Even though I knew its plot and its ending, the movie kept me fascinated and drawn into the characters unlike most films. Scorsese and Scharder's powerful glimpse into the mind of an alienated and disturbed lonely man trying to connect with others and finding the only way to do so is the murderous ramapage to "wash away the flith" continues to resonate today. 4990 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The first time I watched and reviewed Taxi Driver, I didn't like it so much. I think I may have given it a 4/10, or something. Fastforward to today, the release day of the 35th Anniversary Blu-ray, and viola. I bought it, knowing how much I didn't like it before. I was willing to pay money for something I knew I didn't like, just to give it a second shot. So anyway, I rewatched it, and I actually got much more out of it the second time. Admittedly, I'll need to watch it again a third time (with Director Marty Scorsese and Writer Paul Schrader's 1986 Criterion Commentary) to fully understand what happened in Travis Bickle's (played to perfection by one of film history's greatest assets, Robert De Niro) mind. I mean, we all have our good times, and bad. Everybody has issues, and many people hate the scum that can be found on inner city streets late at night. Not many let it bother them so much that they go damn near insane and kill people. I know I'll catch a little flack for this statement because these films are held in such contrasting regards, but this story reminded me of Kick-Ass (or vice versa). A guy gets fed up, and fights crime, etc. So I will need to watch it a third time to fully grasp it, but even so, I recognize quality when I see it. This film deserves to be considered one of the greatest American works of art. Hats off to Scorsese, De Niro, Bernard Herrmann for the magnificent score, and most of all the scribe who penned the screenplay, Paul Schrader. My score may seem a bit low for all the praise I'm giving this film, but keep in mind that I didn't like it when I first saw it, so that score is quite a leap. Highly Recommended! 8439 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Movie is hilarious. The Turkish prison is seen as an environment so dirty, horrific and inhuman, clouded by rape, beatings, stress and punishment... Parker permits the cruel prison guards--characterized by their aggressive, cynical, and inflexible behavior--to speak in Turkish since this situation can easily create hopelessness, frustration, hatred and despair... dvd has good picture and sound, but only the This DVD edition is quite nice, with a 100-minute feature with commentary and insight from most of the principle filmakers and stars (except Truffault, who had passed away). Spielberg does not do commentaries for his films, but he talks a lot in the feature which should sate the film buffs. There are also some deleted scenes, including the "new" ending Columbia demanded for the "Special Edition" release in 1980. The original 1977 ending is maintained for the film on this DVD (and rightfully so!). 6466 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 When you glance at many of the sequels to good movies, you would say that the sequel should have never been made. In this situation, this way of thinking is not the case at all! Milla Jovovich returns in this sequel to "Resident Evil" as Alice. She does such an amazing job with her character and was more than willing to do many of her own stunts during the filming of this movie. Another aspect that many gamers will find appealing is the fact that this movie is even more like the video game. Also, on that note, Nemesis looked absolutely amazing in this film. I loved what they had done with his character and (a personal favorite of mine) Nemesis' weapons. It totally took my breath away to see how well Nemesis was done for this movie. It was truly amazing. Non-stop action throught the movie. If you are in for one non-stop action ride, then "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" is the movie for you to enjoy. problems in Night of the living dead (possibly both original & remake) you end up seeing fights between people instaed of them fighting zombies.. what is the deal with that?? I'll not try to navigate through the "plot" as it would be futile. Instead, I'd like to show what an excellent DVD this is. Not only do we have the film in widescreen (that's a must---don't even try to get me to watch a film in "pan and scan"!) but there's also some great extras including a 45 minute documentary where Michael Palin and Terry Jones revisit the old locations in Scotland where the film was shot. Who knew that the vast majority of the movie was shot in one old castle built in the early 14th century? Not me. There's also a neat little 17 minute BBC production called "Film Night" that shows on location interviews with all of the Pythons. You can also sing-along to all of the musical numbers and there's a Lego version of the "Nights of Camelot" sequence (It is a silly place). The Red Queen was creepy, but then again little kids in these kinds of movies are usually creepy to me anyway. 8299 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I bought these after hearing several good radio theater Rumpole shows. The video Rumpole character is little more than a hopless British WC Fields less the sense of humor. I'm not sure these are worth donating to the thrift store. The hippies at the commune seem to have escaped society's shackles but to what end? There's a reason communes never really caught on in America, and the film shows why. Pretty much nothing in the story makes sense, no-one behaves in a remotely believable way. (People line up peacefully to get let out of a city, with cannibal zombies behind them? People aren't even that polite on the subway). ***PLOT SPOILER*** (Don't read the next paragraph unless you want to know the basic plot) 5102 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great extras here - love the commentaries which have subtitle options. They took time with the extra docs on the second disc, there's a nice one where they talk to cabbies and a great one that shows the locations then and now. (Although the documentary that has the most from DeNiro and the rest of the cast is clearly from some time ago and it would have been nice to know when.) 3811 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a great example of a film doing away with conventions and making a compelling and even magical film that you can't imagine being made today. When it comes down to my top 5 favorite films ever, this tends to interchange with E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial. Whereas that film is still touching and more emotional, Close Encounters is filled with a visual splendor where the images are made to show us the wonder of things that can happen. Despite Spielberg's claim that it's the one film that "dates" him, it's still arguably one of his best, even in light of Schindler's List or Jaws. 5) Cinematography, from minute one where the taxi emerges from the man hole steam - awesome! 1. Too much scenery, not enough interaction. Instead of 10 seconds of Pip walking on the moors, we get 30 seconds. The same goes for birds flying, waves on the water, Pip walking through dark tunnels, Pip walking through dark streets, Pip walking up stairs, Pip rowing a boat. Pip opening doors and walking down dark hallways. Lots of extended scenes of scenery and no character conversations. Also, there're lots of scenes of Pip and Miss Haversham, Joe and the convict. But, there's next to no scenes of Pip and the love of his life, the grown-up Estella. Which leads to the next point: Widescreen, color, 2:40:1 aspect ratio Digital downloads like Amazon's service and cheap DVD's and upscaling players have all but killed Blu-ray. Sony is desperate now to the point of manipulating sales numbers and putting "plants" on sites like Amazon to try and boost sales. DVD's are outselling Blu-ray 3 to 1 now but Sony has a plan to manipulate those numbers by including the DVD with the Blu-Ray...it counts totally as a Blu-Ray sale and thus manipulates the numbers. Ultimately, what one comes away learning from all three of these films, and which is expressed at the end of INTO THE WILD by Christopher McCandless, is that what really matters most in life is true happiness and peace of mind, and that the only way to be truly fulfilled and happy is by sharing it with other people. Happiness can only be found in community. To reach a real community where you can truly be yourself and live an authentic life is a real blessing. Billy and "Captain America" never got the chance. Christopher McCandless learned this truth - but too late to live it. Only Ernesto reached the higher octave of societal existence and sustained a life on a higher level of community involvement through his unbending will and indomitable spirit to "work for the good of the whole," as my friend, Al, likes to say. He was true to himself; that is, he took what he learned from being alone on the road away from home and brought it back with him to transform society back home and, ultimately, everywhere. He may have fallen off that damn, rickety, old motorcycle one too many times to be content with the trust in machinery and mechanical living to the extent that most people allow themselves to fall prey to. He found true freedom from the fold by transforming the fold itself, and it was life on the road that transformed him. 8777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Awesome awesome movie great for all ages a must watch 5232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of the great things about DVD is the opportunity to collect great films and watch them in widescreen format the way the filmmaker intended. The image in letterbox is the image that was shown on the theater screen. Why anyone would want a full screen of less movie is a mystery to me. Oh well, I digress. The DVD transfer is sharp and clean. The disc features both a standard full screen version (4:3) and a widescreen version (2.35:1). Sound is presented as 2-channel, Dolby Surround. The issue is taken out of his hands when he is accosted by two youths who are sick of "his kind", as they apparently mistake him for part of the great unwashed horde of humanity of which they are heartedly sick. They beat him with a baseball bat and douse him from head to toe with gasoline, but just before they ignite him, a knight errant named Parry, touchingly played by Robin Williams, comes to his rescue and saves him from an untimely and excruciating death. 5795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I'm late on the Res Evil franchise. Decided to purchase several to see what I've been missing. The efx are top notch with more than enough ghouls and dog-like creatures. Reminds me a bit of the Blade series. Jovovich and Larter are also easy on the eyes for men that like a little superhero in their woman. This picture, is reflect of his own character. The tale about two renegades , every one of them trying of seeking his destiny, decide to make a journey (the mythical approach) to New Orleans Mardi Grass (evasion once more) , in his powerful motocycles . 207 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Henry Winkler plays a great part in this movie, brings it to life! Good modern version of Scrooge! Don't miss this classic Overall, Annie" is a family film filled with memorable music, wonderful dance choreography with a talented ensemble cast. But also featuring a heartwarming rags-to-riches story that families can easily appreciate and enjoy. - I love the criticism of politicians found here. The film just has Palantine talk for some time and he *never* comes close to saying anything meaningful. You can't fight your way through the slogans and double-talk, cause that's all there is. With each viewing of this film over the years, its profound use of symbolism and metaphor becomes ever more apparent to me. It is truly a family story in that it revolves around the universal themes of sibling rivalry, parental tribulation, the tenuous beginnings (and deep foundations) of love and the seemingly random but somehow inevitable movements of the hand of fate. You don't need to be a fisherman or have any interest in fly fishing to be deeply moved by this film; you simply need to be a human being. I give the movie two stars for suspense, a great initial plot, and choosing Milla Jovovich as the lead. I enjoy her acting, she is blossoming into a great actress. In all, this movie felt like a combination of "Aliens", "Ghosts of Mars", "Return of the Living Dead", and "Relic". It's a mish-mash of many great film ideas...but the ridiculous zombies were the movie's downfall. If they were more realistic, and frightening, instead of laughable, the movie might have succeeded. 8945 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Nice item. Recommended. Thanks. This is a film that should be bought and watched periodically to remind ourselves of the kinds of depraved govts. that exist around the world and how they abuse human rights aimed at not only their own people but to Americans as well. And it's beautifully filmed. Everything is full of clean lines and cold light, with the occasional moment of symbolism -- note that the apartment that Eugene and Vincent share is centered around a giant DNA-style spiral staircase. If anyone is interested in a good scare Resident Evil is a good choice. Lots of blood,gore,and sexy women with automatic weapons. There is no gene for the human spirit. When discrimination is down to a science, and the gene police are everywhere, a normal flawed human being has to push themself to their limits and beyond, "exceeding their potential" in order to find their dreams and be freed from an invisible social-order prison. The struggle of the protagonist (one Vincent Freeman) against a world obsessed with perfection makes for an incredibly gripping drama. 9217 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my favorite comedies, and Monty Python's best and most irreverent movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Monty Python troop made three films and had a television series that challenged the status quo by dealing with religion, class welfare, politics and dead parrots. There humor seems as fresh and rebellious today as when it was aired. Sometimes their humor was forced -- some scenes in The Meaning of Lif(e) ; however, Monty Python and the Holy Grail has the perfect mix of antitoletarism, irreverence and silly sots. 5863 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Replacing an old VHS with the much-needed DVD. I've always thought this was Steve Martin's best movie, perhaps because of the classic upon which it's based. The scene of 20 ways in which to describe his nose is a film classic. The problem of drinking a glass of wine was also cleverly written and brilliantly acted. 3052 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 love it .. and watch this movie all the time.. very heart warming and reminds me of family that i miss 7777 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Jeff Bridges & Robin Williams are hysterical magnets in kind. The under-lying story is one of strong emotion & trauma; but with the supporting cast it pulls off a hilarity that ends with such a release of happiness & recovery for Williams & Bridges 1296 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 How can you improve on perfection? The original series with Diana Rigg was one of the best ever. It was campy, perfectly synchronized with the oddities of 1960s design, worldview, and style, and told good, short stories. It was a wonderful world unto itself. 2789 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Every movie buff needs this under their belt. - Taxi driver stories, 22' HD 3019 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Sometimes you just need that good chick flick. This movie has so much to offer, fantastic cast, great plot, humor, and saddens. I think it needs to come with a "WARNING: BOX OF TISSUES HIGHLY RECOMMENDED". If you need a laugh and a VERY good cry, this is one I will recommend any day of the week. If by some chance, you haven't seen it, watch it!! The film is full of play, silliness, mucking about, kids pretending they're big men, their failures eliciting laughter and sympathy. Anderson's fluid but fidgety style, true to the needs of his story, but employing all manner of stylistic variations, approximates his young heroes' vitality, imagination and restlessness, while the family intimacy of cast and crew spills into the performances. Because these aren't kids, though, because their lives are slipping away, because their dreams far outstrip their means, the larks stop being funny. The true hero of the film is not the compromising Anthony, through whose developing eyes we watch it (the nocturnal, neon-pool love scene at the motel is a hymn to quiet rapture, quickly intruded on by his friend), but Dignan, a man out of time (and, let's be honest, mind), a man with ambition, big ideas in a little land, a straw target easily unstuffed by burly policemen; a man who needs space, confined. actors sure were good looking and hard to view as enemies, they even 9045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Always have loved this movie. It's incredibly quotable and so hilarious. I highly recommend getting and, if you've never seen it befre - where the hell have you ben/ In fact, I was sold on this movie mainly by the performance of Ford, who does an absolutely Oscar-caliber portrayal of the kind of president we all imagine in our dreams. He brings a believability and an integrity to every character he plays, whether it be as president, Han Solo or Indiana Jones. 4222 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic! A Must Have For Blu-Ray Collectors. You have a soft hearted minister who has two sons. One is sensible and tells the story, the other one is "wild". Brad Pitt plays the wild brother, Norman. Norman is beautiful and charming and his family loves him and indulges him too much. He has a big time gambling problem and he hangs out with some bad people. You know how this is going to shake out. Norman might as well have Grim Reaper standing behind him in every scene and when he dies young and off screen you aren't surprised. 885 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent Blu-ray Video Quality Considering its history on the very inferior DVD, 'Last Action Hero' looks surprisingly respectable on Blu-ray. The 1080p transfer is presented in the films correct 2.40:1 theatrical aspect ratio. The image is at least reasonably sharp enough that the small engraving on Arnold's belt buckle is legible. Black levels are solid and the contrast range appears to be properly rendered without artificial boosting. Colours are well saturated and sometimes striking. In another pleasant surprise, I didn't spot any edge enhancement artefacts. My initial expectation was that Sony would merely recycle their DVD master from 2001, and the studio's DVDs of the era were almost all plagued with edge ringing problems. Countering that, however, is some moderate but noticeable Digital Noise Reduction filtering that does give the transfer a dated appearance. This causes occasional smearing during motion, and frozen grain patterns. Grain representation in general is a problem with the disc. The movie's photography is fairly grainy in spots, especially during special effects shots. The high-definition transfer doesn't handle the grain very well. It looks very noisy and even blocky at times, which suggests either poor digitalisation during the telecine transfer or poor compression during the disc encoding. then it sort of reminded me of that old silent film The Crowd. Last night, I watched the original theatrical version and forgot how much was removed for the "Special Editions" and the final "Director's Cut". In my mind, the original version is the best and to finally have it in all it's uncut 5.1 surround sound (which didn't exist back then) glory is simply wonderful. This was a gripping story of the real deal{THEN}if you get into trouble transporting drugs overseas. The turkish prison had hellish conditions that unto itself would make any one crazy. I've been fortunate enough to procure a beautiful widescreen version of the film in NTSC. Its wonderful being able to see the film the way it should be seen! At any rate, one need look no further than the brilliant first episode to see why this series is one of the best -- if not the single best -- historical drama ever, and every bit as captivating today as when it was originally broadcast. It delves into the archeological evidence of the Bible, including the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the many miracles of Jesus, His life as an observant Jew, historical perspectives, and much more. The mixture of music used is also good, and ranges from dramatic melodies to beautiful cantorial singing. This is a 2-sided DVD, with 5 chapters on each side, and is playable in either English or Spanish, and the Spanish narration overall has a better audio quality. It must be noted that the film does not have a Hollywood multi-million $ look, as the color reproduction in the art work is a little off at times, and it is slightly grainy, but not bothersome at all, as the content overrides its flaws. Informative, wonderfully photographed, and occasionally quite moving, this is an excellent addition to anyone's library of Christian films, and will be of interest to those of any faith who wish to learn more about Jesus, and the historical roots of Christianity. I give it 5 stars for making the most of a low budget production. Total running time is 160 minutes. After placing the UMD in the PSP, it's immediately obvious that even at full volume, the built-in audio for the PSP just won't cut it for movies. The dialog is barely audible, while the explosions, gunshots, etc. are blaring. To combat this, try a couple of things: 8295 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best of Television, just take out the John Mortimore garble and those big big glasses before each episode and it would make my entertainment complete viva the remote control. I hate comedy, but for this I concede I could not stop laughing and I wished I was Rumpole and had all those great prose to hand. The lines are so tight, thank god he doesnt win every case like the modern day Court drama TV ala Law and Order. This is a classic that I will rewatch as I am sure I will forever see different things not spotted before, with the strongest of casts it is in a nutshell the finest of classic and contemporary TV. Perhaps one of the most intriguing things about "The Eyes of Laura Mars" is that it somehow got away with an R-Rating, instead of an X-rating. There are plenty of topless young women and there are LGBT undertones throughout the entire move - including a double murder of two lesbian models. 7713 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was enjoyable to watch again after all of these years. Pitt really plays those rebellious, wild child parts well. I love this movie. Good narration too. 8507 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 it was better than expected 3066 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I had forgotten how sad this movie is. Still funny and memorable with great performances from all involved. Must see ... again. But thats what really makes the DVDs a good bet with these spcials. I'm a kid of the eighties. I have no real recollection of what the sixties/seventies were all about but I like the style. For you peeps out there that do remember, you should appreciate the uncut renditions of these specials found on DVD. It is the only way to ensure that your kids, and your kids kids, never forget just how flipping strange you people were in the seventies. Thank you. Much love and Merry Christmas. Now put that foot in front of the other and get this thing... 8180 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 My kids really enjoy the suspense at the end of this version of Annie. Carol Burnett's Mrs. Hannigan is a little tougher/rougher than in the Disney version, but my middle schoolers prefer this one. For younger viewers, I would recommend the Disney version where Kathy Bates plays Mrs. H. If that isn't the most preposterous, far-fetched, Ben-Affleck-in-Armageddon-ridiculous premise for a movie, then someone has to fill me in on what tops it. 3648 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An Ultimate Edition for such a low price? How can I not resist? Comes with all the cuts of the film too so that's a bonus. A fun film about aliens, aliens that aren't trying to kill us by the way. 6 (out of 10). Must buy. Is this movie a must buy/purchase? 6608 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I really enjoy Milla Jovovich movies. I just get a real kick out of thinking of her on the cover of fashion magazines while watching her duke it out with the bad guys. The Messenger is a serious movie, with a LOT of action. 8704 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A story that touches your heart and soul...love Charles Bronsons acting...love boxing! 4821 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The best 6182 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 While I felt the first and third movies in this trilogy were entirely average, this second part of the trilogy is nothing short of excellent. Here's why. So, we have a great movie on our hands. What about the Special Edition? Let me just say that any fan of "Holy Grail" is missing out on the ultimate experience if they miss this DVD. This Special Edition is packed with extras, including but not limited to: an extra 24 (yes, 24!) seconds of film, a documentary on how the Pythons scouted movie locations, a scene from the movie done entirely in LEGO, an educational video on how to use coconuts, and so much more. There is so much stuff here that it'll keep the Python lover occupied for a long time coming. However, there is a slight glitch in the film that causes subtitles to appear sporadically in the film (I believe they're found in the places marked for the "Follow the Killer Rabbit" feature). While not life-threatening, it can get a little annoying. It was real life nephew of Richard Dreyfuss, who plays Neary's younger son Toby (perhaps that is why he had a easier time than his elder brother, Brad, to take in stride Neary's apparent nervous breakdown). 5000 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Mel Brooks has a controversial kind of humour, either you like it or you hate it. John Hurt (Max) plays an unforgettable role as the addict friend of Billy Hayes (Brad Davis) and his performance is only overcome for The elephant man two years after this film. The film does not overcome its negatives as in the end the film does fall flat, but there are some highlights in the story. For example, the film has interesting cinematography, good lightning, and cool special effects. These positives only make it bearable to view the film as the story seems to be hurried and unfinished. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a distilled cinematic version of the video game by Capcom, but the film does not move the near heights of the video game as the film is purely a trip to the shooting range, which leaves an empty feeling within. Their task is to rescue a sweet little girl, fight off a big bloke in a rubber monster suit (not to mention all those pesky zombies) and flee the city before it is "sanitised" by the naughty old Umbrella Corporation. Just another day in small town America, then. Really though, this does its job admirably, if you're willing to accept some big plot "issues". How can an entire city be cut off from the outside world? How can the corporation then nuke it (sorry! spoiler!) and pass it off as a power station accident? How can the Umbrella Corporation achieve such fantastical things but still designs a swipe-lock that can be opened by poking it with a needle and a computer security system that can be hacked by typing in "find password"? How does Jill manage to keep her bouncy bits from popping out of that boob-tube every five minutes? I think we should be told. Don't expect Milla's character to supply you with any early answers, as Alice wakes up in a ritzy-looking house with no memory of who she is. Even the shocking jolt of a stranger claiming to be a cop grabbing her just before a team of commandoes suddenly crash through the windows fails to jog her memory, but she doesn't question the special ops commander when he tells her she is one of two security agents stationed in the house to protect that particular entrance to The Hive, the mega-powerful Umbrella corporation's top-secret, underground facility devoted to all kinds of dangerous and illegal research into bioweapons and the like - and that her amnesia is the temporary byproduct of exposure to a nerve gas. By the time she and the suspicious cop accompany the group to the entrance to The Hive, Alice has met her equally amnesiac "husband" and learned that the Red Queen, The Hive's central AI, locked the whole facility down and killed everyone inside in an effort to try and contain the super-deadly T-virus from spreading outside the complex. Their mission is to get to the Red Queen. It sounds pretty simple, what with everybody down there being dead and all. As they soon discover, however, those 500-odd dead bodies have arisen as blood-thirsty, flesh-eating zombies, and the Red Queen isn't going to let anyone into her inner chamber without putting up a fight. 2076 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great action movie! Jill asks, "What Yield" 8029 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The only reason this movie doesn't get five stars is because of the occasional over-acting of Robin Williams. Williams, who so often gets out of control and overshadows the other actors, does exercise enough restraint in this film to make his character sufficiently rounded and believable as an ex-professor tormented by the tragedy that took his wife's life. The Timothy Dalton version remains my favorite. Too bad Hinds and Morton didn't have that script and that director! The action is good, and the bravado of Ford as the US president is exciting. I have to admit, however, that the believability of the entire story is pretty sketchy. There are quite a few holes in the plot, the largest being the lack of an explanation about why a top secret service agent, the one over the President's security detail, would ever help terrorists. 1423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Product exactly as advertised. Fair price. Quick delivery. What's not to like. I'll be back! Audio commentaries by: 1065 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Probably the least funny of the old Woody Allen films that I've been re-visiting. Although I really did like the scene where he is given an experimental vaccine and suffers the unusual, "Side effects of turning into a rabbi for several hours." 6726 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 I don't like video games to be turned into movies. However, this is a pretty good movie. (Not to mention Mila Naked) It lacked something along the way, and the super creature zombies [were bad]. The dog zombies were the best part of the film, and its worth watching just to see them, and mila naked. Definately worth watching. 61 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Hate to say it, but this is an example of a re-make falling short of the mark. 693 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I will be 33 in January 2002. I only mention this so that readers will be able to gauge my review of this classic based on my age. While I was growing up, prior vcr tapes and dvd players, I and my friends would wait all year to view the various Christmas specials that aired each year. I remember sitting glued to the tv taking in every second of the shows. Back then if you missed part of the show or even the whole show you were border line depressed because you knew you couldn't see it again for a whole year. In some ways anticipation made the viewing of Christmas specials that much better. Throughout the movies are great horror moments tied in with simple humour. Mostly the dorkyness of being a teenager, and trying to unveil a "supposed" vampire. Tom Holland's direction is pretty on, especially the whole alley scene and the showdown between Evil Ed and Peter Vincent. All of the actors put on believable performances. Stephen Geoffreys left behind a classic character in the horror genre. 7059 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Love this movie Onto this movie... If you want a movie about a GOOD British band, check out "This IS Spinal Tap" Disc Two: "Three Mindless Sing-Alongs"; -"The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations" featurette; -"How to Use Your Coconuts" educational film; -"Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Japanese" (with English subtitles); -the BBC Film Night special "On Location with the Pythons; -an interactive cast directory; -still galleries with Terry Gilliam's original sketches and behind-the-scenes photos; -"A Load Of Rubbish" with mystery items; -unused ideas and other material; -two trailers 5330 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great oldie but a goodie; enough to give the grandkids a fright without all the graphic gore and violence. 6771 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 I have seen three films based on the life of Joan of Arc, the Ingrid Bergman film from the late 1940's, the video verison of the recent mini-series and this one, and this is, by far, the worst of the three. Historically, it is a farce, (Joan did in fact have a sister named Catherine, but she was not in any way harmed by the English, in fact, Joan's village apparently only suffered one minor raid during the entire war)...Bishop Cauchon, far from wanting to "save Joan's soul" was the spearhead of the plot to completly discredit her and have her burned. Neither did she sign with an "X"one of her letters to the English garrisons around Orleans still survives in a museum and the signature,Jeanne, which is what she called herself is plain...All period sources agree on how even tempered she was, becoming upset only on very rare occasions. The Joan of this film seems closer to a lunatic than the peasant girl who led an army. I will admit that the costuming is superb, as good as any I have ever seen. Joan's spiritual side in this film is almost non-existent, shown only by her requests to hear Mass during her imprisonment. As it stands, I only give this film two star based on the cimenatography and the costuming...The great "Joan of Arc" film is still to be made.... NB: Despite information given on BD-cover or by e.g. amazon or blu-ray.com, this otherwise very fine BD edition presents the film in a cropped version (aspect ratio 1.78:1 = 16:9 full frame) 7646 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 It's a classic. No need to rate this movie! 6804 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 If you are a die-hard fan of the RE video game series, you might be a bit let down. In the whole movie, there are only a handful of items and instances where you will go "Ah...that I know". Seeing this movie with the video game in mind might disappoint you. 5728 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok 1970 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kept the viewer on the edge of their seat! Some scenes were somewhat unrealistic, but overall, very good movie! 5491 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Satisfied with purchase. Great buy from seller. MONTY PYTHON and THE HOLY GRAIL 3-Disk Set 2403 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This was a great film but it let itself down with the ending. In truth , Hollywood wrote this ending so that the good old USA trumiphs over evil again (and the box office isn't harmed again). But up until that point , this was up their with the best of them as Harrison finds himself aboard a hijacked Air Force One. The vice president (Glenn Close) finds herself eventually almost forced to rule that the president is making decisions not as a leader but as a family man and that as a result of this she MUST take charge. The film looks as though it may take this view but then about turns and declares that the Vice President makes a brillant decision by not only giving in to the terrorists who then reveal that they would not let the president go anyway and will use him as a political tool. Now at the end of the film the President escapes and the film in a few scenes shows her as having solved this crisis - presumably she knew that the president would become Rambo and save the day. Good movie until this point after that typical American Schmaltz (but still great fun) If you liked Sleeper and Love and Death, Allen's best early comedies, you will like this one. As for the characters, Milla Jovovich's character does steal the show but as we quickly learn, she is kind of the center of the movie. The acting though is just great! Definitely worth mentioning. Parry thinks of himself as a knight, and he patrols the city streets in a personal quest to help those in need. As long as he is able to live in his illusion, he is more or less a functional person. However, if something happens which allows him to settle down and remember how regular people behave (falling in love for example), he is tormented by a vision of a red knight which chases him back to insanity. 6615 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 1.0 I don't know about the video game but I don't have to know about it and to be a bright one to see that the conceptors of the game were inspired by George Romero's cinema. 3958 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great special effects are of course of value in science fiction but here the draw is really the characters. I felt invested in each of the main characters and wanted to keep watching. The music was haunting and well planned, adding wonderfully to the atmosphere of the story. Might be too frightening for young children but not boring to non-science fiction fans since the focus is on what drives and pushes the characters. 3700 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This is a guilty pleasure movie for me. Idle hands are the devil's plaything...so what happens when an idle hand gets loose? It's worth a watch if you are into something campy and fun, and if you want to see young Jessica Alba, Seth Green, and Devon Sawa. 9119 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I remember watching this movie at the drive inn. It's a good Monty Python movie. It's British humor at it's best. 6432 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 The Prince of Tides starring and directed by Barbra Streisand is a moving story. Nick Nolte is perfection in this film, I love the character development and layout. This movie is so sad and draining but the end results was totally worth it, you've got to see this one! Enjoy. 5390 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Cheap DVD for an old 80's flick. Too bad the blu-ray is insanely overpriced beyond compare. Hang on to your seats, this is a good one. But i purchased the DVD last night, and watched it about 3 times. Seeing it in color is a real treat, and there are actors that i now recognize that i didn't back then. It's OK as part of the series but not as tense as the first film nor as over-the-top as the later ones. A cute adaptation of Shakesphere's famous Cyrano - although the nitwits who make up the fire department in this little town are just a little TOO stupid for my tastes. Fresh off the outrageous success of his first hit "Jaws", Steven Spielberg creates the extra-terrestrial epic "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". While obviously a film about aliens, Spielberg uses star Richard Dreyfuss as a chess piece to how the mystique and mystery of a foreign being can not only cause a man to go crazy, but can ultimately influence mankind as a whole. 3714 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Okay-- it's an old movie-that doesn't mean it isn't funny and it's really quirky --- at the time- it was a "new' concept--- Give it a try and you'll agree it's worth the watch. Halloween would be good.. 4657 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An incredible Blu Ray transfer for one of my favorite movies of all time. Highly recommended. Great for fans of all his works or just the Star Wars saga fans! 121 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A great take on Dickens's classic with a twentieth century twist. It shows the range of Henry Winkler's acting ability. 6004 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Steve Martin remakes classic tale. Love this movie! MARTIN SCORSESE ON TAXI DRIVER, PRODUCING TAXI DRIVER, GODS LONELY MAN, TAXI DRIVER STORIES With nothing to fill his days with, ex-Vietnam vet Bickle accepts an overnight cabbie job that guarantees him very long hours. Unlike his fellow drivers, Travis is willing to take fares to the most dangerous areas of NYC. His brief friendship with an attractive gal ends badly and her rebuff sends him into a downward spiral of isolation and obsessive dreams of revenge against the decadent city he chooses to wander through. These sociopathic impulses play out in a most dramatic and explosive fashion. -There are some plot holes, but that happens in the games as well so I am used to it. You might not be. 2634 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Loved It. 2577 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is my all time favorite movie of all! 8679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A real sleeper. Great movie. One of his best Has a major twist in it too :) This two-disc compilation boasts an excellent digitally mastered (audio and visual) product along with Dolby DTS and Dolby 5.1. The second disc includes a Making of Documentary that gives some valuable history to the picture as well as commenting seriously on the films of Spielberg as a whole. The deleted scenes add little to a film that already holds a complete rung on the ladder of the film industry. 2698 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A great movie for all genrations. 6622 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 A few unfortunate lines of dialogue aside, it's hard to see why Luc Besson's epic was met with such derision - it's full of some terrific film-making, the battles are the right size, the story's well-told and Milla Jovovich comes over surprisingly well as someone caught somewhere between God's will and psychosis. The inclusion, two hours in, of Dustin Hoffman as her conscience to address her own and the audience's doubts as to whether she is driven by divine guidance or self-delusion is an inspired touch that is completely unexpected in a mainstream epic on this scale. Unfortunately, it's also the point when the film almost crosses the line into Monty Python - the dialogue's just too funny too often, and somehow the notion of a 15th Century French Catholic peasant girl's conscience manifesting itself as a 62-year-old New York Jewish actor in a cowl doesn't seem overly likely. Curiously, these scenes work better on a second viewing when you're not caught so off-guard by them. 8146 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Faultless . The introductions by John Mortimer were wonderful and all the various characters were superb...surely one of the best series ever made 2157 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 By far my favorite musical. 4045 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Julia Roberts with a all star cast, this is a wonderful story of family trying to over come many problems off everyday life and then trying to come together as one family must buy. The only thing that I could say that would be bad about this movie is the picture and sound quality but other then that I really can't think of anything else. 6087 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Alice wakes up to a plague in Raccoon City. Trapped with a small group of survivors, she is forced into finding the daughter of one of the scientists on the t-virus project, in exchange for passage out of the cordoned-off city. But now there's a new threat--along with the zombies and killer hounds, there is Nemesis, a post-human armored mutant. Lucky for Alice she's been given new abilities while she was sleeping. A great excuse for a lot of violence, with very little plot. The makers of Apocalypse don't really understand horror, believing, apparently that special effects and graphic destruction create terror. They don't. Director and writer Paul W. S. Anderson (Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, Soldier) did justice to the popular videogame with this popular horror-action franchise starter. The movie may lean on heavy exposition (e.g., the introductory narration)but, hey, so did the game. A lot of it is videogamified over-the-topand thats okay sometimes. We have Milla jumping off walls to do jump kicks like Donnie Yen or Carrie-Anne Moss. But I don't mind at all. A deadly mutating virus has been released and the massive hidden facility below the ground is being shut down with all of the employees trapped inside. It is located under the mansion where Alice is. Alice is a guard who was living in the mansion which really is the entrance to the facility called the Hive. As she wanders about trying to recognize where she is at as a group of commandos break into the mansion..... 5028 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A gritty, dark trip into an alley of alienation and isolation Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" appears on Blu-ray in a restored nice looking edition. Always gritty looking detail has been improved and colors look extremely good here. This is a large improvement over the previous DVD edition of the film. At first the film appears a bit dicey when the Columbia logo rolls up on screen but the film improves markedly by the first couple of minutes. 2989 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Can't go wrong with this movie! 2405 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Is it possible for Harrison Ford to make a bad movie? Maybe, but "Air Force One" ain't it. This is a riveting movie about a terrorist group hijacking the world's most well-known airplane, while the President (played by Ford) must single-handedly defeat them. From Ford's performance to the special effects to the music, this is a wonderful film. 1443 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 So far, My Favorite Production of a well-told Story. 1635 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 A thread runs through every season of Upstairs Downstairs tying the characters, and stories together in five seasons of continuity. This is the best written,best acted television drama I have ever viewed. Thereafter, things do not improve. 7917 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Excellent! Clearly, Travis is also more complex--and more disturbed--than the average comic book hero. After all, Scorcese is aiming for real life (as to which Unbreakable is a pale, upper-middle-class imitation), and Travis' own, flat reaction to his apparent "psychosis" (his lamentations about having "these thoughts" was particularly impressive) betray a condition that at least fits our preconceived notions of what it means to be mentally "ill." But, unlike so many "sane" people, Travis does the unthinkable--he speaks to people honestly and openly, he gets enraged by injustice and immorality (no one else in the movie seems to care very much about 12 year old prostitutes), he has a nobility about himself (not giving in to sexual temptation from Jodie Foster's character). And his apparent planning to attack a presidential candidate (the movie is never really clear as to whether he intends to harm the man, or even scare him) seems driven by the falsity of the candidate's message--his "we are the people" mantra echoing in a world where the common people (at least those encountered by Travis) are the last ones you'd want running things. 7250 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Fantastic! I jumped out of my seat when she went to the mansion! (I'm trying not to post any spoilers) It was opulent, amazing, Beaux Arts architecture, phantom rolls royces here and there, it was just a joy to watch that part. And the MUSIC, fantastic! A great family movie if you have toddlers. The picture and sound quality of this DVD are consistently great - only let down by a grainy section at the end of the movie, where the original print had to be desaturated (to satisfy the censors by making the scene look a little less... red). The making-of documentary is approaching an hour in length, and features the director, many of the crew and all the significant actors. Robert de Niro, Jodie Foster, Martin Scorsese and the make-up / special effects artist provide the most interesting behind-the-scenes info, but the whole documentary is intelligent and well-made. In addition to that, you get a storyboard section where Scorsese's original sketches are matched to the corresponding scenes in the movie, and you get the whole original screenplay, with each section linked to the related movie scenes. Also the original (melodramatic!) movie trailer is included. All in all, a very good conversion. I hardly need to add my thoughts on the movie - I agree with all the excellent reviews here. Travis Bickle is a unique anti-hero. Disc size: 37,986,570,643 bytes Yet, apparently, it never was meant to be. However, I must say, the movie opens promisingly enough: There's the pious child, Joan d'Arc, living her bright yet humble life in the 15th century French countryside. - She is portrayed at once as being extraordinarily blessed and preternaturally enlightened, by Heaven. There's Music of Angels singing ecstatic praise, Visions of Divine Power moving nature around her, and Voices of "Him." (Be it Deity, Angel, Archangel, or perhaps her own Subconscious Soul? I cannot tell...) - All so enticing and gravitating her toward Heavenly bliss. 8011 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 good movie. Great music 4393 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I was so happy to find this movie on Amazon, because it is hard to find (even though it's the best muppet christmas movie ever!) Would recommend giving it a try if you haven't seen it, it's the perfect christmas movie for the whole family! Cookieman108 662 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 On the 12th day of Christmas 2012 I'm going to review...Santa Claus is Comin' to town. It's a heartwarming story with tons of good & memorable characters with lots of great songs to boot. The voice-acting is dead-on great. The villains are creepy and give you chuckles once in a away. Mickey Rooney as Santa Claus is heartwarming and pretty good. The claymation was pretty good when it came out and still is to this day. The sets are pretty good and beautiful. The effects are corny but still nice at the time it was done. Overall, despite,some silly moments & plot holes,it's still a great Christmas special to watch every year. I give this special a 10 out of 10. It isn't just personal identification that leads me to recommend this film. "SLC Punk" is a classic coming-of-age story about the angry young man too intelligent for his surroundings, questioning the values & lifestyles of those around him. Since JD Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye", every generation has had it's defining story of this type. "Repo Man" & "Drugstore Cowboy" are earlier movies that came to mind while I watched "SLC Punk" for similarities in attitude & style. I was particularly impressed with the cinematography of the "drug" scenes; they caught the visual jerkiness of LSD very effectively. I have always been impressed with the actors and actresses who gave life to the characters in the movie. The one that has always impressed me is the character "Barry" (played fantastically by Cary Guffey!); that, and the way writer/director Steven Spielberg was able to get the responses needed from Cary. I know, from reading on the web, that Mr. Guffey doesn't want to be remembered only for his role in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"; this, I can understand. I have to say, though, that he did a hell of a job! As for the boxed set perspective, I am extremely happy that they did this. My old copy of RE1, (The one I bought the day RE1 came out) Is pretty worn out. I watched it so many times, and brought it to so many places, that it is all messed up. So, I figure why not kill two birds with one stone. And to answer the "Special Features" question, I am sure they will have them. Somehow the film has to be about you and me, and it has to open a door into our shared human condition. As soon as we show our fear by describing and talking about lonely vet Travis, a "psychotic" or crazy, out there somewhere, we are distancing ourselves and the film becomes a failed attempt at entertainment or merely a way to affirm our own safety and sanity. We merely toughen ourselves, not soften ourselves to the true power of this film. 7635 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Lovely scenic scenes of Venice, Rome, the Amalfi Coast (Positano). 8795 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Great movie 1067 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Told in a documentary style complete with voiceover and "interviews," Take the Money and Run is a hilarious play-by-play of the life of a hardened criminal named Virgil Starkwell (Woody Allen). From the day he was born, he devoted his life to crime from the beginning when he knocked off bubblegum machines to his later years when he attempted several bank robberies. Unfortunately, although Virgil was inventive, he was hardly smooth and all of his attempts ended in failure with his glasses smashed on the sidewalk. One good thing happened to him, though; he met a pretty girl (Janet Margolin) and fell in love. This movie may satisfy Streisand fans who have not read the book, or perhaps other people who haven't read the book. If you read and remember the novel fondly, you will find this movie wanting. At the same time the surrounding microcosm of the prison wardens is a descent into a sadistic hellish cloaca that cannot in any way be redeemed. It is finally a manifesto against justice, and not only Turkish justice. The representative of the US consulate, or the lawyers, local or not, are not better. 8997 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 As described. I'm not sure which of the three (at least) versions of this film I saw. I didn't get to see the interior of the ship at the end, but I did see the scene in which Dreyfuss tears up his yard to construct a replica of the mountain in his visions; that may provide a clue to those who are more knowledge about this movie than I. There may be a superior version of this film out there, but I enjoyed this one quite a bit. No one can convey that sense of wonder better than Stephen Spielberg at his best. The story structure is very effective, alternating between the intellectually stimulating narrative of two scientists (Francois Truffaut and Bob Balaban) who are investigating the unusual phenomena and the intense, personal stories of two people who don't understand what is happening to them. The wonderful finale provides a nice contrast to most science fiction films, which are really teched up action flicks with violent endings. Unfortunately for Besson, this is the first movie to involve knights, castles, and battles since Braveheart(Gibson, 1995) which seems to have become the obvious comparison. Even the "revenge" story is not dissimilar enough from the Braveheart "righteous revenge" theme to encourage excitement about The Messenger. 4421 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 One of my fave childhood films...that I had to add to my collection... 3062 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This is a no-brainer: 1918 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 love it. 97 Movies_and_TV_5 NEG 2.0 Such phoney acting! I love Rene Auberjonois in this film. At this time, during the mid-late 1970's you could find Rene in just about every TV show, made for TV movie and film. This guy must never have been home!!! I have not watched this tape that much but on Sesame Street Grover wants to be someone else. So all Grovers friends on Sesame Street cheer him up and show him how good he is. This is a great video for you and friends to watch. 5185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Travis Bickle is a cab driver. A cab driver because that is all he can do. In New York he feels the heat. He does not like what he sees in the back of his cab. He listens to it, and sees it, but he does not like it. He does not like it because everything is false. He believes that the world is not a good place. He believes that the America he lives in is one big fake. Maybe this is because Travis does not do anything more than drive a cab, but soon he will change all that. He will change it all for the better. The issue is taken out of his hands when he is accosted by two youths who are sick of "his kind", as they apparently mistake him for part of the great unwashed horde of humanity of which they are heartedly sick. They beat him with a baseball bat and douse him from head to toe with gasoline, but just before they ignite him, a knight errant named Parry, touchingly played by Robin Williams, comes to his rescue and saves him from an untimely and excruciating death. Instead of having ANY sympathetic Muslim/Turkish characters, they ALL are beasts. It turns out the real Billy Hayes actually made friends with several Turkish inmates but accepting Stone's reality means accepting this truth as a lie. Constantly the Western inmates have more depth,..they play instruments, they sing, they constantly visibly show compassion that the Muslims lack, they even articulate in a courtroom why Western justice culture is superior to Islamic sense of justice. The Muslims in the film are stoic, opportunistic, hypocritical, and, well,..evil. They are portrayed as victims of their own culture, as the judge hangs his head down when Billy is castigating Islamic justice for its lack of mercy, and the judge seems sad when he replies that his hands are tied. There is no reaction or inquisitiveness in the faces of the Turkish prosecutor or the others - the viewer sees them as programmed by their culture. Just so the viewer isn't confused as to the root of what creates such a fiasco of justice, Stone purposefully puts Islamic prayer beads in the hands of reprehensible characters like the Turkish public defender, and makes sure that a mosque is the prominent structure occupying the frame as Billy is driven around the city by policemen. Likewise, he hangs Christian symbols on the victims in the film. The warden never attempted to rape Hayes, as the film depicts, nor did Hayes murder anyone. The raping warden, with his piggish obese kids, is a metaphor for the appetite and stern lack of fidelity/tolerance that Stone seems to want to broadcast about Islam to the viewer. Stone's manufactured murder of the raping warden may have been an effort to implant the idea that the resolution the [mostly Christian] viewers should expect between their culture and the grotesque monster of Islam will take the form of a violent showdown. The viewer can't help but feel relief at the death of the warden, and then carries away from the movie farmer Stone's seed of predjudice against Islam. 3679 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This turned out to be a childhood favorite of mine. Back in the late 90's, I was obssessed with Spielberg's sci-fi classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I admired the "brilliant" UFO designs, and the stunning performance of Richard Dreyfuss. Now, I can see that this film hasn't experienced any wear and tear, except maybe the commercial products that were used in the film. The special effects are still mesmerizing, the characters are still engaging, and even though I'm a fan of John Williams, the otherworldly music is still spectacular. Francois Truffaut steals the show as Claude Lacombe, but Dreyfuss is also worthy of mention. He plays Roy Neary, a man who has just had a "close encounter" with a trio of unidentified flying objects, and is becoming increasingly obssessive with a mountain-like shape that he seems to see in everyday objects. He should have won the oscar for this film, instead of "The Goodbye Girl." A biological "accident" causes the supercomputer that runs an underground complex to shut down the entire facility and gas the 500 workers to death. This installation is called The Hive. The mansion is a secret emergency entrance and a commando force is sent by the Umbrella Corporation to go down and find out what caused the supercomputer -- the Red Queen -- to shut down the facility and kill the people. It turns out that a virus has turned the 500 Umbrella employees into hideous flesh-eating zombies, which may sound totally absurd but the way it's explained in the film is somehow believable, for a sci-fi movie anyway. Milla and the commandos slowly discover the truth. Can they get out alive? 1889 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Hey wonderful classic that I just replaced my DVD with a Blu-ray... Should have it in your collection... "Influence and Appreciation: Martin Scorsese Tribute" features fellow filmmakers Roger Corman and Oliver Stone along with actor Robert De Niro and others paying tribute to the man. 8887 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 I cannot review this particular edition and all the extras. I would like to be able to, but as it is not yet released, it would require not only a time machine, but more money than I am willing to spend for a movie on Blu-Ray that I've got two copies of alreadym plus another on DVD. 4423 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Good movie 2587 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Quick delivery! One of my fav movies that makes me cry every time.. Tissues (check) lol thank you! Way up there with the cinematic classics regardless of genre. If you haven't seen this check it out. The quality of the picture and sound were filthy, precisely replicating the quality of the script and the upbringing of the cast and crew. 4185 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 "The Deep End of the Ocean" is one of the best movies of 1999, complex and moving, with truly emotional characters played by actors who carry the weight of the story on their shoulders with incredible ease and make it heartwarming and believable. The movie is actually two different stories, one being a family's emotional coming-to-terms with a missing child, and then the pain and stress they must endure when he shows up nine years later. Paul W.S. Anderson wrote the screenplay. Anderson has a long career as both a director-Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil (the first in the series), the exceptional Event Horizon and the major studio film Pompeii in 2014. He has been tagged to direct and write Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. He has 11 credits as a full feature film writer including 5 RE films and one more to come. He and Milla Jovovich tied the marriage knot in 2009. He has 15 producer credits including many of the films that he either wrote, directed or both. Through stop action, repeating a scene and close ups of Travis' diary you get a glimpse into Travis' twisted mind. Travis prefers to stare at dissolving Alka Seltzer than to pay attention to reality. Travis cannot accept life as it is. He sees people as either scum or angels. Yet he can only relate to the things he hates the most. 7959 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Classic 2056 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 It's a good movie. I have seen it several times. 5727 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 ok 850 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Kids love it It is the one scene in the mental hospital that, in a few scant moments, defines Anthony and Dignan's relationship. Anthony is ready to check out, voluntarily, but a confused Dignan wants to help him break out. Always the good sport, Anthony ties several bed sheets together, explains politely to his doctor what he's doing, and casually rappels down the wall, while his friend, hiding in the bushes, couldn't be more excited that his plan was a success. Dignan, the adventurous man-child with big ideas and loads of initiative, and Anthony, the ever-loyal friend who always wants to do his buddy right, compliment each other so well in this scene, as they do throughout the movie. It is a fascinating and complex, but very dear, relationship. Original Theatrical Trailer i think cause so many extras new & old sony had to add 2 discs this time packaged in standard blu-ray case rains down from the sky like a hurricane. It was clearly written by a 12 There are several releases on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. All in all a terrific show, I highly reccommend. I've heard a lot of complaints about the seemingly never-ending conclusion, but for me, it just made the film that much more an unpredictable roller coaster ride, with one edge-of-the-seat situation after another. The action sequences are the "requisite" shootouts and fistfights, but are truly exciting, and the fact that this is all set on board the world's most famous aircraft adds frantic urgency to the proceedings. There are also a lot of fantastic stunts, the most thrilling one featuring Ford dangling in mid-air, being reeled inside an aircraft with a cable and strap. 8803 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Although one would have to have totally invulnerable knuckles and hand bones to do these fights in real life (as a doorman in the 70s I broke them three times hitting skullbone), this is Bronsons best, lean dialogue, "just the money". Basically, if you like to watch a good family-centered drama every once in a while, then I definitely recommend this movie. It is definitely better than most others of its type. 6417 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 This review is for the video version I taped from cable some years ago. I won't go into all that much detail about the movie save to say that it hit the spot for me. I cared for the characters and I felt for their terrible situations. Susan Lowenstein (Played By The Great Barbra Streisand) saves Tom Wingo and by the end of the movie the two are able to return to their troubled, yet bearable lives. 6232 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 This movie was shot on a low budjet (i think amazons is wrong) and it came out unbelievable! People criticize the movie because it is different from the games but they have to calm down! The movie was made with aspects of the game in it but was intended to be different.....think of it as a side story. but really the movie was great. 377 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 whats not to love, Ben Kingsley!!!!!! 7524 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 4.0 Didn't see the Broadway play, but I like Albert Finney in this movie. Classic. the extras on the dvd are amazing 5931 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 An excellent "upgrade" of this sensational film! In addition to Astaire, the voice talents include Keenan Wynn as Winter, the magician who rules the mountains and tries to stop Claus but is quickly befriended by him; professional voice actor Paul Frees as the Burgermeister and others; and Mickey Rooney as Kringle/Santa Claus, a role he would repeat in THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS. All are very solid, especially Wynn, an underrated actor and a great vocal talent. Overall this was definitely more fun than I remembered it from my last viewing, probably a decade ago - though RUDOLPH I suspect will always rule my inner child's heart. 7360 Movies_and_TV_5 POS 5.0 Extraordinary movie for Fly fishermen & anyone who likes a good drama, as it's also a story about a particular type of family structure--and how it affects the two boys. Brad Pitt gave an excellent performance in this first of his two drama movies (Legends of The Fall being 2nd); shame he didn't stick with drama--rather than "blow 'em up" actions--as he is at least another James Dean ('50s).