740 Headphone POS 5 I be very glad I buy these . they be exactly what I want . they do not tangle . they be very sturdy . and come to find out they have great sound . I normally keep my mp3 player on volume `` 7 '' , but with these I have to turn it down to `` 6 '' . the sound be also more rich . I pay about the same ammount for these as I have my previous 3 set -lrb- other brand and type -rrb- that I buy from a local store and these blow those away , not to mention those all end up tear up . oh yeah , they be very comfortable . just put on the appropriate ear piece that suit you and you 'll end up forget they be in . 859 Headphone POS 4 Alright so here be the skinny on the ever popular and relatively stylish Hesh : comfort : these headphone be , over-all comfortable . my head be on the larger side and they have the perfect snugness for I . I think headphone should be tight enough to stay on but loose enough not to smoosh you brain . these fit the bill as far as I be concerned . i have rather short hair specifically for the reason that I wear headphone everywhere because I do not like it mess up my hair -lrb- girl thing -rrb- . these headphone do make my ear a little sweaty after awhile -lrb- but hey I do live in calus -rrb- . if you have a lot of hair , you may take issue with these headphone just because the cup be a little toasty . sound : I think the biggest issue with judge sound be people have to be comparative . so I will say outright that I be compare these to my favorite headphone of all time , my lp v-moda headphone . compare to my V-Moda headphone , these actually have a pretty comparable bass . these headphone provide some good sound at HIGH VOLUME LEVELS . at low volume level there be no depth at all . the Hesh be pretty awesome all around . they produce great rock !!! however I find they to be on the shallow side as far as the sound go . certainly not v-moda caliber depth , but the sound be nice and smooth anyway so they be worth compare to high caliber headphone . these headphone will leak sound . just as almost all over-ear headphone do . if you want non-leak headphone , get ear bud . no good headphone will just not leak sound unless you like you music quiet and bass . but chance be if you be look at these , you be a rocker like I . \* I judge headphone sound by how well they do on the Radio Sunnydale album . I be not a rap fanatic so I will not try to judge bass beat . durability : Pretty acceptable in term of durability . they have a slightly cheap feel to they when you first start use they , but they really be pretty solid . if you do not go out of you way to smash at they , they should last like forever -lrb- bar you have to send they back for technical difficulty -rrb- . the band look plasticy , but it be really mostly make of canvas . I have not have mine long enough to really get dirty , but as long as you do not spill anything on the canvas , they should be great . that be say , I be not real sure if these be worth 50 dollar base on build alone . the ear cup be not very high quality material , which be why i think they can get sweaty . I get mine for 25 buck , I think if you get they for under 40 , its a sweet deal . I would pay 50 for these on a low budget . otherwise , you 'll be happier go for V-moda lp -lrb- the memory foam and surround sound in the lp be drool worthy -rrb- . style : they be pretty stylish . just say . the color really pop the way I think it would . -lrb- note : the headphones\/earphones I own be V-Moda lp , Skullcandy Ink 'd , Zumreed , WESC Maracas . -rrb- I try to balance style and sound . the Zumreeds and Maracas be lower sound quality than hesh . about the same as the Ink 'd . lower than v-moda . 933 Headphone POS 5 I buy these for my son a he just love they , I put they on myself a they fit very well seem very sturdy a the sound be great . a as usual with Amazon you can expect fast ship a excellent packaging . 607 Headphone POS 4 my wife love these headphone . I have work in loud environment my whole life , so my hearing be not as good as hers . she use to constantly complain that I have the tv , or music too loud . while sometimes I would use a cord headphone , it be too constrict . the sound quality of this set of cordless headphone be on par with the high end cord headphone I own -lrb- bose -rrb- . while I do not get the range that other seem to get , I enjoy be able to get up and move around without be tethered to a cord . I be not a audiophile , but I do enjoy my music and will not tolerate hiss etc. . my wife have use these several time and want to know when I be get she a set . well I finally order she a set . I hope that be able to use the one docking station will be easy to pair the second set with . will update when second set arrive on ease of use to set with one docking station . 443 Headphone NEG 2 purchase because of posotive review . hook it up and have be constantly dissapoint . constant interference . I quute literally can not get it to operate with hissing or pop or whine . try everything from change the frequency its operating on to move the transmitter . Dissapointed 711 Headphone POS 5 simple design , great sound , awesome sound isolation , perfect for Dj ` ing or chill . best on-ear headphone you can get . before I buy the hd 25-1 ii -lrb- adida version -rrb- I use to have the hd 25-1 ii -lrb- original version -rrb- . I be very happy with they , so I show they off to a group of friend -lrb- some of they be Dj 's , and be Pioneer Hdj lover -rrb- . they be so impressed that they even change from hdj-1000 to hd 25-1 ii . one of they buy I the headphone , and with the money I be able to upgrade to the adida version . 446 Headphone NEU 3 I be sorry to say that the general comment about these headphone appear to be true . I be after some circum-aural , close back , reasonably price and reasonably balanced headphone and these tick all the box . the sound be great , the cable be long enough for my need , it come with a pouch to store they in when you be not wear they and they look pretty great too . the major flaw with this product be that these headphone be so tight that they soon become unbearable to wear . the band be very small and tightly spring and by the time half hour have pass and I have have these press against the side of my head I have a headache and feel slightly nauseous . not ideal condition to say the least . I wear glass and have the arm of they press against my skull be unbearable , but even when I try these with my glass off it be still too uncomfortable . I even try a few day with these stretch over a box whenever I be not wear they and whilst this help very slightly , it be never comfortable enough to wear these to enjoy my music . the packaging , as other have note be atrocious as well , it be a mission to get into these and you need a sharp knife and much care so as not to damage the headphone as you open they . I be disappoint with these , as apart from the one major flaw these be exactly what I be after and after considerable time research different type of headphone for my requirement these fall short of the mark in the comfort stake . I send mine back for a refund , but I would still suggest they be worth a try as the other feature be so good , just be aware they may be too tight for you . Feel free to check out my blog which can be find on my profile page . 840 Headphone POS 5 I be hesistate for a while because of the price but after get a ipod the bud apple supply hurt and dont fit . I read a few review and be still not sure about it but I go for it . they be great , they fit great , great sound overall great . 511 Headphone POS 5 the headphone be very good , and they come exactly how describe on the website . very rugged , and comfortable , however the only drawback be that i can not work out with these headphone due to the leather cushion . but other then that , i would defintely recommend these 105 Headphone NEG 1 upon first impression , I be so happy with these headphone . they look great , feel great , and , for the first few day , work great . even block out all of the obnoxious noise on a airplane and throught the busy street of Chicago ! however , within the week of have they , the right ear go out , which REALLY disappoint I . and then , I go to try and call monster , as the instruction that come in the pack say to do for warranty reason , and they line be down - but only do they tell I this after keep I on hold for thirty minute . finally I be able to exchange they out for a new pair . I be weary , but they be work alright upon first test they out . that be , until a day later , when I be just sit at work , listen to pandora , nothing too loud , not move like I be at the gym or anything , and the left earbud go out . really ?! so I be return they for my money back for good now . if they would last , then I would have give these a 5 star review . but alas , that be not the case ... one two pair . odds be against ya , beat . 662 Headphone POS 5 I love these thing I think I purchase every color , give some to family and friend . sometimes I like to switch up , the sound quality be great as well ... 654 Headphone POS 5 09\/06\/2009 Update ! I have have they for a few month now and my musical taste range from Hilary Hahn to Victor Wooten which be a broad spectrum and I still think that they be terrific . original comment : these thing work just great ! the hardest part be wait the sixteen hour for the battery to charge . 86 Headphone POS 5 this set of headphone be just outstanding , I have be involve with the audio world for 19 year include have work with pro audio and this be by far the best audio equipment purchase that I have make , these be the best bang for the buck ever . the phone sound very linear and clean from distortion , it be not the last word in resolution but it be still fairly accurate . even if it cost 4x more it would still be worth it imho . leo-300z 399 Headphone POS 5 these thing be great ! they have great bass if you use the right ear piece which be just what I be look for . thank you Jesus ! -lrb- and Amazon -rrb- : -rrb- 231 Headphone POS 4 I buy these headphone primarily for music and pc gaming , and although I find they a little overpriced they do not disappoint . the sound quality be good ; I listen to a wide variety of music , from rap to techno to classical , and I be happy with the overall sound of these phone . if I be to nitpick , though , I would say that the bass on these phone may sound muddy to some ; it really vary for each person and I would recommend that you try a pair at you local store -lrb- best buy , target , etc. usually have display stand if there be no bose store around -rrb- before you buy . on to comfort , then . I can honestly say that these headphone be by far the most comfortable I have ever worn -lrb- note : I have a fairly large head , too -rrb- . if you like on-ear headphone , then you 'll love the way these feel . the cushioning be soft and do not cause you ear to sweat like I have experience with some other on-ear headphone . I would recommend the bose on-ear headphone to anyone look for a very comfortable pair of headphone with good sound ; if you be look for the best bang for you buck as far as sound quality go , though , I would probably look elsewhere . 462 Headphone POS 5 I buy these headphone after read the review and the good rating . all I can say be these headphone be probably the best headphone I have ever own . the sound be phenomenal . I sometime use they for watch movie on my laptop the sound be so good it sound as if I be at the theater . music the high , mid , low come through very well . for the price you cant beat it . these headphone can go for much more than what they cost . 106 Headphone POS 5 First of all these be very very high quality build headphone , thick plush leather , strong dense aluminum . they be over the ear head phone , and be very snug and comfortable . I have hear of people say they hurt , that be a total lie unless you have huge ear but my ear fit perfectly inside the cup . I would buy these again and again . they be the best dre headphone out there . they be $ -lrb- ... -rrb- with shipping , but I guess I have they now , lol . they be very expensive to what I really think they should be sell for but they be worth it if the Studios be $ -lrb- ... -rrb- . these be total show stopper and have a very clean sound . I have use but not purchase one over $ 1000 but they be for more of a recording purpose type of headphone . these be truly a great product but think they will require alot of juice to run off of a ipod . again these fit well on normal size ear . 948 Headphone NEU 3 these be decent , but not great sound headphone . I be review they in the context of a set of headphone use without a headphone amp , plug into a decent sound source -lrb- which I have test with other headphone and know it have enough power to easily drive a pair of 64 ohm headphone -rrb- . so while I suspect a dedicated headphone amp might change the review a little , I would be surprise if it make a night and day difference . however , please understand that since I have not try they with a dedicated headphone amp , if that be how you plan to listen to they you mileage may very well vary and you would likely be better serve by a review from someone who have . with that out of the way : First , what they do well : - good balance on the mid and high , slight bright coloration , but not too much - good external noise isolation , even without sound -lrb- I use they at work -rrb- - decent sound stage , not super expansive but definitely above average . - average immediacy of attack . not really fast like Grados , or on the slow side , like Sonys - somewhere in between what they do not do well : - there be a noticeable sub-bass boost , which might be great for people who like hip hop , but I like my music the way it be record I be also very careful of my hearing - which mean I have to turn the volume way down so that the thump bass be not too loud . - oddly , the bass itself be muddy and undefined . to gauge sound quality , I use these to listen to a song I have master -lrb- I do this because I know the song very well and know exactly what to listen for -rrb- . I have master it use several headphone and speaker for reference - first , beyerdynamic 880 and focal cms50 studio monitor -lrb- my recording setup -rrb- , then a pair of Sony DJ headphone -lrb- I forget the exact model -rrb- , then in a living room with Monitor Audio RS6 , then in my car , with a set of Grado SR80is and finally with some ipod earbud . get the mix to where it be fairly well balance in all these environment , especially the bass since it be a very important part of the song . through these , I notice good clarity , warm and engaging vocal . however , I could barely hear the bass -lrb- and in fact , I suspect that if I do not know the bassline by heart , I would not have hear it at all -rrb- . overall , these be decent headphone but there be better one at this price point . I find the sound scoop with a slight mid focus - which mean great for vocal , decent for crunchy guitar -lrb- which a lot of headphone do not do justice to -rrb- , but too much focus on the kick drum , and not enough clarity and definition in the bass and low midrange . if you be look for good headphone in this price range , for most style of music you would probably be better serve by Audio Technica m50 or the Grado headphone in this price range -lrb- sr60 or sr80 -rrb- \* for sound quality \* . the latter have they own drawback - they be color too , and tend to be on the bright end , but they be overall more balanced and engaging , and the brightness make they more detailed . 530 Headphone POS 5 this be my only set of headphone , so I have no comparison , but I find beautiful undistorted sound at all volume and a comfortable fit . I be very pleased with they . 201 Headphone POS 5 so far , I luv lem . ca not rate durability yet cause only have lem a couple of week . very comfortable , luv how they fold up for travel . great sound , great price , would def purchase another pair if need b. 469 Headphone NEG 2 I spend a lot of time look at review so I could get the most bang for the buck for some sport headphone so I could have something that do not fall out of my ear when work out . these seem well-approved for the price point in comparison to similar one , so I order they . from the first time I use they I could tell that not only be they less than I would hope for , they be far worse than the free earbud that come with my zen and my HP laptop . both speaker , especially the leave , buzz significantly , even on medium volume level . Bass be completely blow out and music -lrb- even on high bit-rate -rrb- sound pathetic . after only a few day with these , they be go back . I have test they on my computer -lrb- music and game -rrb- and a Walkman and can get better audio out of even $ 10 or less phone . in addition , the clip that come on the cord be a nuisance . it be in the way , can not be remove , and be worthless . it be hard to actually get clip to anything and require both hand to `` coordinate '' the clipping process , rather than be truly sporty and be a clip-on-the-run style . I would recommend other Sony headphone -lrb- and other brand in general -rrb- over these . 643 Headphone POS 4 I love anything by bose , but the price for these headphone be not mark down from the list price -lrb- the bose site have they list at the same price that Amazon consider `` discount '' -rrb- 274 Headphone POS 5 this headset have excellent quality of sound and the ability to adjust frequency to better clarify voice . it be very comfortable to wear , with little pressure on you ear . a wonderfull headset . 890 Headphone POS 5 I love music and have buy really expensive head phone that be not as good as the px 100 . they be the best head phone for the price . so much so I buy a second pair to work out in . yes I be a audiophile geek and I be very critical about my sound . no 128 bit rate for I I need 320. : - -rrb- 941 Headphone POS 5 these headphone deliver on the promise of CD quality sound . the replaceable battery be a fantastic feature , with a charger build into the transmitter there be no reason for any loss of listen time due to recharge . this pair have be in service for almost 3 year multiple hour per day and have be trouble free . my only two complaint be that I wish there be a way to remove the ear cup padding and clean it . the second one be interference with other 5.8 ghz device - maybe in the next version it will have a encode feature to prevent interference . 682 Headphone POS 4 at this price I do not think there be any reason not to make the purchase . the headphone be well build and provide a effective noise reduction for my 5-hour flight between US and Canada although it be not completely silent . I would say it be more like a 75 % reduction . like some other say the control unit be a bit bulky but ok for I . in term of battery life I be still on the first set of battery after 10 hour of usage . btw , this can be use as a normal headphone with the power turn off if you be in a not so noisy environment . 509 Headphone NEG 2 Klipsch make decent audio equipment , there be no deny that . however I be not sure what the design engineer be think when the idea for `` rugged '' headphone come up . there really be nothing rugged about these headphone . when you think rugged you think durable and build to last . the only thing that be rugged about these headphone be the big ass control panel . sure it be large enough so you can precisely control the volume or song selection with glove on if you work on a construction site for example . the problem with the big button be that if you plan on run with these , the control panel be so large that it flop all over the place . yes there be a cord clip include with these so you can clip the cord to you clothes if run but the cord be design in such a way that the control panel be above the clip so it just flop all over loose . this design flaw cause two thing to happen . first when the control panel be flop all over the place the constant tension cause the earbud to come out of you ear . nothing interrupt a good run like earbud constantly fall out . secondly because the control panel be so big and floppy , the result noise from this constant tug tension transfer up the cord to you ear , thus severely drown out you music . so even though you buy good quality earbud , you can not hear they because of this . if the engineer ever try these on before release to the public they must have do so in a non active environment . clearly none of they ever run in they otherwise there be no way they would have be design this way . I would not recommend these for run earbud , I would recommend the bose . they stay in the ear just fine and sound great . 347 Headphone POS 4 I use these headphone both in airplane and in my health club . they do a good job of cancel most noise in either place . the sound quality be quite good , with no obvious deficiency . the headphone come with a nice set of accessory : a carry case , two 1\/8 '' -lrb- 3.5 mm -rrb- audio cable , one short , one long , a two-pin airline adaptor , and a 1\/4 '' -lrb- 6.3 mm -rrb- audio plug adaptor . they also come with a top quality AAA battery . I have buy four set of these phone , one for my wife , and three for I . -lrb- I lose one set ; another develop a problem . -rrb- the only problem I have have be with the foam rubber ear cup . they come apart after a few year use , probably because they get damp from my sweat while exercise . -lrb- this be why I give they only four star . -rrb- I also consider get the latest bose headphone , but could not justify they higher price . other review on Amazon suggest that the Audio Technica phone sound better anyway . 669 Headphone POS 4 I need a cheap pair of headphone for run with my iPhone with the runkeeper app while play music . the Apple earbud would shift in my ear while run cause uneven sound . plus , they do not sound that great . these Koss headphone fit the bill perfectly . they stay on nicely , securely , and comfortably , even with glass on . the sound quality be unmatched at this price -lrb- I be sort of a headphone fanatic , own headphone of all sort include the Audio Technica ath-m50 , Shure SE530 , etymotic er-4p , Grado MS1 , etc -rrb- and these headphone , at a fraction of the price , have really satisfying sound . fit be important because if they be not clamp on securely enough , you will not get adequate bass response . it be tricky to put on at first , but once you get the hang of it , it only take a few seconds . 504 Headphone POS 5 I have a pair of these after my Sennheiser 's from college die finally -lrb- and I graduate in 1988 -rrb- . now I need another pair because my new dog eat MY FIRST PAIR !! the best thing about these , besides the fact that they be comfortable and the sound be great be the 6 meter cord with its own volume control that you can clip to you -lrb- that about 18 foot , so I can be across the room from a tv instead of 4 foot away like most headphone -rrb- . yes , thank you , I have try wireless . much more expensive and I be cheap and do not mind the cord . these rock . buy a pair , now . no , really , I mean it . make it 2 if you have a dog that like to eat cord ... 906 Headphone NEU 3 the noise canceling do not do good . you still hear the sound from outside . I feel the same as regular headphone plus when you turn on the noise cancel button , you will hear some kind of noise from you headphone . if you be look for the noise cancel headphone , it will not work . but it be fine as use a regular headphone . 305 Headphone NEG 2 the Bonging Sound Noise when you use the + volume control - be very annoying and it drive ME NUTS . now I do not use the headset volume + when I want to increase the volume - I have resort to have to use the ipod volume control - this be annoying also since I be suppose to be able to use the headset control . maybe I be just too picky . 262 Headphone POS 5 very good sound quality , feel good in the head . no cut . Easy pairing . long lasting battery . it make a good comfortable companion . 812 Headphone POS 4 amazing for the price ! not really sure yet about plug into just any impedance ; some equipment may not see the headset . still great for the price ! 652 Headphone NEU 3 I have own this pair of headphone for a year now and I would say that these be worth the purchase . I be write a review now because after a year of use , the right headphone finally snap off . even consider that , these headphone remain worth the price . pro - great sound quality ; Clear and handle bass really well that can otherwise be inaudible . - tight ; if you be in a loud environment , these will definitely make sure that no outside noise leak in while listen . - cord ; very long , conveniently wrap around , and very unobtrusive when wear the headphone . con - headband strap be incredibly flimsy ; the plastic inside of it appear to crinkle and crack to adjust to you head 's shape in a unflattering manner . the strap 's connector to the headband be make of fiber and very prone to twist . this cause I to fumble around with they every time before wear to twist they back into place . - screw be not tight ; somehow , one of the screw on the left headphone fall out a while ago . the headphone manage to remain attached , however . - uncomfortable after heavy use ; I use my headphone daily for many hour at a time and I experience soreness after remove they . - ear pad ; very prone to collect strand of hair and debris and be not easy to clean . they do remain removable , however , as I have remove and place they back on a few time before . - durability ; if you plan on use you headphone frequently for extended period of time , I do not recommend these headphone because of they cheap build and discomfort . 741 Headphone POS 5 well , I have no frame of reference as far as high-end headphone go , but these be by far the best headphone I have ever own . I be go to get the bose tri-port , but the review be bad , and I be look for a open design that still cover the ear . these be really comfortable when I do not have my glass on . they get a little uncomfortable after a while because of my glass , but what can you do ? they sound AMAZING . I could never tell the difference between mp3 and aac , now I definitely can , and I be convert everything in my iTunes library to AAC . I think the 9 foot long cord be way too much -lrb- it be cool to be able to plug directly into the back of my computer rather than plug into the staticy speaker , though -rrb- so I use a garbage bag twist-tie to bunch some of it up -lrb- which be not a inconvenience if you bunch it up in the middle , neither too close to the headphone nor too close to the plug -rrb- . the cool thing about the cord be that it be detachable ... I just do not know how to find a shorter version of this exact cord with which I can replace it . I burn they in -lrb- play a variety of musical style through the headphone for hour and hour when I first get they -rrb- or whatever -lrb- ... I be not sure if I do it correctly . oh well , they still sound great . -rrb- and the treble , mid , and bass all seem to be fine . I be hear thing I have never hear in some of my favorite song -lrb- ironically , I hear whisper vocal that speak of `` subtle detail '' in `` the Lemon of Pink Pt . 1 '' by the book -rrb- . my only complaint be I do not like silver . I be never go to understand why any headphone on earth have to be silver . I guess black plastic get hot in the sun . . but they generally look better , in my opinion . anyway , these be the best pair of headphone I have ever own and they only set I back thirty-five dollar . 122 Headphone POS 5 these headphone have a excellent sound quality for the price . it have a deep bass that , in my opinion , be well balance with the high and low . I play bass guitar , so I tent to enjoy a bass that be a little more pronounced rather then be subdue . the headphone themselves , while large in size , be comfortable and durable . my wife stretch they to they limit to place this on she belly so we soon-to-be-born son can listen , and there be no damage or stretch on the part of the headphone . after have use earbud for so long , I be amaze at the nuance in my music and movie that I can hear with these headphone . great job Sony ! 751 Headphone POS 5 I would like to be very unbiased I have listen to the sennheiser px100 they great phone and I really like they a lot but I do not want to pay 100 dollar for they and so I decide to get the Koss port pro and I will say the difference between they the px100 have less low end bass but very crispy high pitch koss have a excellent bass end but lack a little clarity of the higher pitch the sennheiser be less firm on you head almost do not notice they on you head the Koss have a adjustment to change tension but still should have more range of tension I think but it be still great . I be not go to say one be better than the other because they about equal I have get 4 people convert to the Koss that still enjoy they because of the low cost but the high quality 275 Headphone POS 5 much information have be write about these headphone which have long be on the market . in brief , these headphone sound great and be arguably the very best value in under $ 100 portable headphone . this be my second pair and would unhesitatingly give my highest recommendation . and not to forget , the purchase come with a no question ask lifetime guarantee from the manufacturer , Koss . 846 Headphone POS 4 unlike what some people be complain about , I get the item that be picture . it also work as advertise for my LG Cosmos . there be only one problem I have with this adapter : the connection be finicky . sometimes if I twist the plug on my phone jack , I can hear the sound go rather quiet . so , either the jack on my phone be bad or the wiring in the adapter be not the greatest . regardless , it be only a little over a dollar and still work pretty well so I be not really complain . 477 Headphone POS 5 I usually prefer the older over the head headphone but those be increasingly rare these day . these be my first behind the neck headphone and they be great . they be small and snug but in a good way . the best sound I have hear from sport headphone . the cord be small for have you mp3\/smartphone on you arm and a extension cord come with the product to keep it at you side or in you pocket . the extension cord have a volume knob as well . the headphone be water resistant . you will definitely enjoy these headphone . 321 Headphone POS 5 I reccommend they to all who want a nice pair of headphone at a great price , I own three pair of they for different member of my family . my twelve year old daughter love they . great quality and sound . 841 Headphone POS 5 great head phone period i just dont like that when you wear they alot my ear get hot but that it 880 Headphone POS 5 thanks about the special service i hope to bye more like those send to I and i hope to recive the same good service and bonus good look thanks mohana mexico 158 Headphone NEG 2 I buy my sennheiser in July 2011 and I be write in April 2012 . I have use these headphone on a almost aily basis in the gym and on plane and train . the sound quality be reasonable but be better with the noise cancel turn on . they sound distinctly flat when use without the noise canceling . the noise cancellation introduce a low volume hiss if it be use without a sound source . overall the best sound quality be achieve use the noise cancel turn up to the max and adjust volume on my mp3 player . the battery life of the nc be reasonable too . I never like the way they fold and most of the time do not fold they . I have give these a score of two star because they have break . the right hand speaker now only emit the occasional thump leave the left hand side in perfect work order . this be not relate to the cable as waggle they do not change a thing . so half my headphone have die within one year of use . these be not baby but nor be they abuse . I would like to recommend they but at full price I feel that they fragility let they down . I be glad I buy a extended warranty ... 218 Headphone POS 5 closed-back + circumaural + accurate sound = heck yes ! or quit good , sir . hd 215 be solid both at home and in noisy environment such as train , coffee house , massage-parlor police raid and civil war amputation tent . they be closed-back so they cut a good amount of ambiant-noise but they do so without sound closed-in or can . Circumaural ? they go around the ear , man , not on they . so they be comfortable for the entire ride , man . and they be light-weight to boot . so there be no need to work out the neck prior to purchase . Rock on or keep groovin ' or relax into the full spectrum of audio pleasure ... whichever you like . 811 Headphone POS 5 with a price like this , one can not really expect to have excellent quality headphone or comfortable ear pad , but Sennheiser prove this wrong . First of all , the head strap be on top of you head and not behind . this allow you to lean back in a chair or lie down while listen to music which be something I enjoy . the ear pad enclose you ear in a way that no sound escape and it produce bass sound that no normal speaker can make . these be indeed bulkier than earbud , but be well worth the weight . actually , the weight of these be pretty light compare to most other ear enclose headphone which make they great for almost anything . these probably be not the best for run with -lrb- however I find it pointless to run while listen to music because a car might hit you -rrb- , but if you do happen to run with they , they will stay on you head . these be not you normal flimsy 8 $ pair , but for the cost of what they be , the stability and quality sound be more than well worth the bargain . I use these mainly for my desktop computer in which I use Winamp , fl Studio , Audacity , Skype , Windows Live Messenger , web browsing , and various game . I have never worn anything better . there be only one small flaw that do not really matter , but after a lot of wear , the headphone will take shape and will not compress onto you head as much as they have when you first buy they . lastly , a comfortable length of cord come with this great pair of headphone along with a connector for a amp . all I can say be that there be never be a day where I do not want they . 964 Headphone NEG 2 I buy these headphone less then 4 week ago and have use they moderately since then . a few day ago I notice that a piece of the lock clip on the top of the headphone have break and today I go to unfold they and the whole lock clip break ! the noise cancel ability of these headphone be great for the price and with a decent battery you can get more than 24 hour of use from they . I have never drop they or do anything that would compromise the integrity of the plastic . so that lead I to believe that the plastic that they use to make they must be of a very low quality . the best noise cancel in the world be useless if you can not wear the headphone that have it . 499 Headphone POS 5 this be a excellent quality item . the sound be crisp and balanced as well as provide clearer bass response than any headset I have try . I listen to a vast selection of music type from baroque to hard rock . the only real let down be the ear hook . I find they to be useless but that could be just I . still , that be not a deal breaker . despite what they say , the cord will still tangle . however , they be a lot easier to untangle . I find that I need to use much smaller ear bud -lrb- the rubber bit -rrb- than I have with other headset . compare to other headset , the the ear piece be much longer . the ear piece tend to fall out unless I do that . not a problem , just a difference . 51 Headphone POS 5 these be the best headphone I have ever have . prior to get these , I have the Sony noise reduce headphone . the mdr-v600 be far superior and do a much better job . these HP 's be so comfortable I can sleep with they on . well worth the price you pay , do not waste you money on anything less . 464 Headphone POS 5 I buy these head phone for my portable dvd player and the sound be crystal clear , the great design let for comfortable listen 494 Headphone NEG 2 pro and con -- the con end up outweigh the pro , so I end up return these : -lrb- positive : - gorgeous : the rise red headphone look even better than they do in the picture . not jewel-like , but a nice multifaceted shiny pretty red that stand out . - sound quality : the sound quality be amazing -lrb- I try my old cheap headphone after listen to music for a while , and I could definitely hear a huge difference -- and I be not the type of person to be ` picky ' about my headphone ! -rrb- . negative : - fit : although these come with 5 different ear bud option , none of they fit comfortably in my ear . I try my bf 's beat by Dr. Dre -lrb- same brand -rrb- , so I know it be not just because I usually do not use in-ear style headphone . side note : the Dr Dre one fit much better because of the way they be design -- the ` sound ' part -lrb- the part that go in you ear -rrb- protrude much more than the Gaga one do , allow the earphone to sit further in you ear ! - fit2 : relate to the above issue , because I could not get the earbud to stay in my ear due to a combination of 1 . uncomfortable fit -lrb- partly due to the shape -- and I try troubleshoot base on a bunch of review on here -rrb- and 2 . the design 's weight . the design be so heavy that unless the ` fit ' in the ear be perfect , the earbud will tend to fall out . they would stay in just fine and provide great noise-reduction when I be sit still , but even tilt my head to the side would start to loosen the fit . walk be out of the question -lrb- I would have to push they back every 3-4 step -rrb- . - noise reduction be good -- but almost too good . I say this for two reason : 1 . outside with these earphone be a terrible idea -- even with music really low , you could barely hear car . not a issue for other depend on where they live\/what they want to use these for . 2 . the chord dangle around , even when you clip they in place , would be audible . I be not sure how else to describe it , but basically since the sound reduction be so good , you could hear the vibration cause by the chord move around . overall , if you want a great set of earphone to listen to music from in a setting like study in noisy cafe , etc , these would be perfect ! for I , they just be not versatile enough -- or comfortable : -lrb- 877 Headphone POS 5 I can not imagine a better sound from my mp3 player , at any price . and these be practically free ! I 'll report back if there be durability issue ... 650 Headphone POS 5 if you be look for a reasonable set of ear bud to go with you new mp3 investment , the v-moda bass freq 's be a good choice . I own sennheiser headphone of various model and have always like the way they sound and still do . my favorite be the cx-300 , which be what I want to compare the vmoda 's to , as they be closest in price and performance . let I say first and foremost that the cx-300 's sound brighter , the treble sound crisper , and overall sound a tad more precise than the v-moda do . however , in the bass and midrange the vmoda , be incredible ! nice warm high and mind numbing bass . if you listen to metal , rock , hip hop , or pop , the bass freq 's be fun as hell to listen to . if you like classical , piano , and the other mention genre , the senn may suit you need a little better . neither of these be audiophile earbud , and could not be at there price range , so if you be a stickler for perfection , look elsewhere . for the other 97 % of we that want good sound quality , and want something that give those goosebump , when we hear that certain beat . either of these make a great choice . neither lack in the bass department , but the vmoda never distort at the lowest frequency . the senn 's do on occassion . you can actually make the vmoda sound crisper with a slight adjustment of the e.q. in you player and both of these phone sound similar . it be all just a matter of preference , but you can not go wrong with either set . as far as reliablity go , I can see the senn outlast the vmoda as the senn look a little sturdier than the v 's do . only time will tell and I will update if something happen . I like the fact the v 's come with a silicone wrap to neaten thing up , but a case would have be even better . they both fit nicely in my ear and come with different size silicone , for different size ear . to sum it all up ... if you be look for a decent earbud look no further than either of these 2 set . if you be a bass junkie , go for the vmoda . if you want overall good sound go for either one . at $ 25 , they be both a steal and you will not be disappoint at all . Trust I , I have try everything and I just think pay hundred for headphone 's be insane . unless of course you be a audio purist , than by all means . do what you gotta do . 336 Headphone POS 5 the really great thing about these headphone be that they be true to the sound . because heavy bass be not only popular , but difficult for headphone and speaker to handle , it seem a lot of manufacturer be put more effort into make they product able to handle heavy bass . unfortunately , this often result in the result sound be heavily skewed toward the low end . these phone hold they own against airy violin and crunching bass . I have they hooked to a pair of Harman\/Kardon speaker through my pc and the sound be far better than my home stereo . 112 Headphone POS 5 love the stylish look , but most importantly the sound quality be the best I have ever herd from a headphone , the bass sound great and the high range be perfect . thanks V-Moda A happy DJ 496 Headphone NEU 3 im not satisfied , this be low on bass , but ok for the price 186 Headphone POS 4 I have recently buy these headphone because of the great bass people have be talk about . yes , the bass be incredible , so I have turn up the music to feel the bass . the only problem be that everyone within 3 foot of I could hear the music I be listen to . maybe it be because I be not use to these clip-on style of headphone because I have the plug in kind earlier . also , the style of these headphone be not the best . my friend have ridicule I of how ridiculous I have look . other then the loud stereo like music and the style of these headphone , these headphone be great for the price . you might want to consider the ear-plug style of this company . 804 Headphone POS 5 the good : absolutely amazing sound quality that outweigh all problem , extremely comfortable the Bad : typical drawback of open headphone , not very portable , mess up you hair I get these headphone while look to upgrade from some much cheaper folding one . my neighbor have a pair of they , and after try they out I order my own a day later . so far , I have be nothing but amaze by they . before these I be use to listen on my $ 10 headphone ; they absolutely blow I away and show I what I be miss in my music . obviously the main selling point of the hd-555 be sound quality . these phone be at or near audiophile quality and reproduce any kind of music excellently . they do not have ton of bass like some headphone , but be use to much cheaper headphone it be plenty for I . the first time I try they I be blow away by how amazing my music suddenly sound ; the quality be definitely worth the price . they also apparently use special technology to provide excellent directional sound , which let they basically act like wearable surround sound , good for gaming . it sound like whatever you be listen to be come from all around you ear , not just on top of they . the other big plus be comfort . I wish I could wear these all the time and never take they off ; it be easy to forget they be even on you head . the ear pad fit on you head perfectly -lrb- assume you do not have huge ear -rrb- and there be a extra pad on the headband , so it be basically like wear a pillow . they do not clamp on you head uncomfortably or get hot , either ; it be no problem at all wear they for hour at a time . the open design mean that when not play music , you can hear everything around you while wear they . one purely superficial note : at least for I , they leave indentation in you hair where the pad be . the open design of these headphone , responsible for the amazing sound quality , could also be a drawback for some . for those unfamiliar with headphone terminology , open headphone mean that sound get in and sound get out . they block approximately zero sound , so if there be a lot of background noise it will interfere with you listening . additionally people around you will be able to -lrb- faintly -rrb- hear what you be listen to even at normal listen volume , so depend on you music taste you may want to stick with listen alone . I can usually listen on they around other without a problem , but be aware of the limitation of open headphone . the cord be quite long -lrb- 3 meter or so -rrb- , so you can sit pretty far from the audio source , perfect for movie or video game . it terminate in a 1\/4 '' -lrb- big -rrb- plug and come with a adapter to the standard 1\/8 '' size . this mean that the plug be rather big and cumbersome , though , which can be inconvenient for listen on a ipod . before these headphone I do not concern myself much with music quality , since on my $ 10 phone I could not hear the difference anyway . I do not own many cd at all , but after get the hd-555 I go and buy some of my favorite album on CD so I could re-rip they at 256 kbp . most of my music be 128 kbp , and these headphone be not quite nice enough to make they sound awful by comparison . how you 'll use these phone be very important if you be think of buy they . they be ideal for home listening , movie-watching , or gaming , especially by yourself . if you 'll be use headphone with background noise , other people around -lrb- who do not share you music taste -rrb- , or a portable device , you might want to consider some closed headphone instead -lrb- such as Sennheiser 's 200 line -rrb- . for they intended purpose , though , these headphone be absolutely worth the cost and a great buy for anyone that enjoy music . 575 Headphone POS 5 I hear stuff on these that I never even know exist on my cd . when I play guitar through they , I actually hear the pick touch the string before the note be pluck -lrb- that be a good thing -rrb- . the padding match the sound quality , too . they have heavenly soft padding that be so comfortable , I can -lrb- and do -rrb- wear they for hour without even notice they be on . unlike some other brand , these have padding on the crown as well as ear . all the padding be extraordinarily thick and plush ... and easily removable\/replaceable -lrb- the fact it be market as replacable tell you something about the build quality\/expected lifespan of the phone -rrb- one reviewer complain he can not make these fit , but , the fact be , these have comparitively high adjustability -lrb- that guy probably have some huge alien cranium ... with a teeny , tiny little brain -rrb- . each side have 4 adjustment parameter - one of which allow the earcup to lay completely flat so dust do not fall in they ! this exceptional design also allow the phone to collapse within the crown for a minimal storage size . ... also , contrary to a earlier reviewer , play music through my laptop have never give I any buzz -lrb- what do he want ... a big fat 75 ohm coaxial cable ? unnecessary . -rrb- they supposedly have a high isolation rating , but it be not like no sound get through ... as a matter of fact some external frequency be enhance . finally , it sport a 1\/8 '' stereo plug with a 1\/4 '' screw-on attachment stereo plug ... all gold plate !!! I have have mine for over 3 year -lrb- use they everyday -rrb- and be more than satisfied . Worth every penny ... and then some . 64 Headphone POS 4 sound quality very good , noise isolation slighty better than original . they stay in place much better . 17 Headphone POS 5 well I admit it , I be a base-head who like a healthy volume too . I try several Sennheiser and Koss product and they be ... well ok . I even try the super expensive ety 's -lrb- 4p 's -rrb- and while the sound be good with the Ety 's they be very uncomfortable in the ear after 20 minute and the `` microphonic '' effect be a bit much . however , the Sony 71 's insert very smoothly , feel comfortable for hour and stay put ! . they sound incredible with a luscious deep bottom end that you feel . high be crisp and mid-range be smooth as well . they be also 16 ohm in impedance so they be remarkably efficeint and do not require a lot of power to drive to good volume . so many portable headphone be 32 Ohm and even higher and thus require a lot more power to drive to decent level , which result in faster battery drain . one earbud cord be intentionally longer than the other to allow you to run the cord behind the head -lrb- if you want -rrb- and drape straight down to the side you be wear you portable unit . `` same-length '' earbud cord result in the main cord have to run awkwardkly `` across '' you body . a very nice innovative touch from Sony ! give these a try folk . the Amazon price `` be '' one of the lowest out there ! I be order a second back-up pair ! 630 Headphone POS 4 I get this headphone about 1month ago . just 99 $ , it be a good deal , but it doesnt work good with mp3 player or ipod , you need a headamp for this headphone . when i use with home theater system , it easy to drive this headphone . this headphone make treble so good , mid be ok , and bass be very strong . THIS be a good deal for 99 $ , but you need a headamp to drive it 40 Headphone POS 5 the combination of earhook and in ear piece be a perfect fit for my husband . he love the great sound and secure placement . 311 Headphone POS 5 okay , I be a earbud geek . I own higher-end product from Ety , Shure , Ultimate Ears and even Senn in the bud category . always on the lookout for a good efficient earbud that do not absolutely require a separate headphone amp for decent sound . the ie7 from Senn sound pretty good plug directly into my iPhone 4 . at home I do not have those limitation . I use the hd650 with they original cable -- I know there be some mighty fine upgrade out there but have not try they . this cable run nicely from the side table where the phone and amp live to my inherit Eames chair . Heaven . 3 year ago , I build my own SET tube amp , impedance match and bias adjust specifically for the hd650 . I have have these phone for go on 9 year now and they have never sound better . for a long time I be run they with a Creek amp and that setup by the way sound very , very good . if you have these and a Creek obh-11 you have better sound than 99.9 % of human . be happy . I be , but my trusty Creek get lose in a move . never be satisfy , I begin my search for something that cost less yet sound way better than the Creek . at this point you be in DIY territory . if you be good with electronics , can read a schematic and can do a professional solder joint , then you too can learn enough to build a great sound headphone amplifier . Mine cost I about 65 buck in part and a bit more than that in good audiophile quality tube . it run very hot , and it make the bass just jump off the hd650 . there be very good solid state headphone amp for the 650 , and musical Fidelity make a great tubed output stage that will take the edge off a lot of solid state preamp . so you can get wonderful enjoyment out of this set of can even with a solid state amp section . but the hd650 be flat out make to be drive by tube . you have never hear something so balanced , smooth , non-fatiguing and yet with authority up and down the spectrum come through something attach to you head -lrb- unless you have pay substantially more -rrb- . I lose my Creek amp , spend a few week source plan and part , get a buddy to help I cut , smooth , weld , powdercoat and drill my chassis , then spend a couple of night put everything together , switch resistor and pot to balance the sound , adjust bias and set up for the high end of the hd650 's rate input voltage , clean the silver contact , and set up . since then I have burn out a tube and replace the pair with a different-sounding pair . not much , but definitely more treble without sacrifice that sweet smoothness that be tube gear 's utter lack of odd-order harmonic distortion . when you clip this thing it still sound nice . it be hard to clip at anything like tolerable listening level , but there be some Floyd track that make any amp\/speaker combo nut , and also some hi-fi organ recording that will put you gear into shutdown if you try to play they at actual volume level . in situation like that , the 650 have be pretty well-behaved since switch to tube . with solid state amplification you feel like you might break they if you do not immediately cut the volume under some circumstance , but this setup give I more volume with less stress on the can . I have reach my own peak of happiness with these headphone . I know there be even higher mountain out there to climb , but I have no desire to even try . the hd650 be a stone cold bargain in headphone consider the sound it can deliver . I listen to a lot of choir and small combo jazz on these , as well as my sister and brother-in-law 's piano recording -lrb- they be both work concert pianist as well as music educator -rrb- . so once in a while I get a new piano piece on a sd card in the mail -- the past couple year it have be mostly Ravel so I guess I be learn to like Ravel . brother-in-law always convert live to Apple Lossless use the good mic and generally good acoustic and electronics in the university 's recital hall . musician can be picky about they record sound . iTunes spit it out to the iPod Nano which have surprisingly good sound use a Russ Andrews interconnect -lrb- inexpensive and highly recommend for good sound breakout from Apple product -rrb- . the iPhone sound fine as well , but I think the Nano sound better . the look of this setup be just fantastic as well . iphone\/ipod with its up-to-the-minute tech and styling , hook up to my homebuilt tube amp , design to evoke in miniature the great Marantz tube amp of the past . with a gorgeous pair of hd650 next to it . the one thing I would like be a nice charge dock like the one Arcam make with a remote . the Russ Andrews cable be plenty long enough to not need a remote -- I can just hold the device in my hand and operate it without get up , and the Arcam dock will not sound any better . but the cable still will not charge the device . the bottom line of all this gear-bragging , the reason why I go into such detail about the setup I use , be this : all of it be design around my sennheiser hd650 phone . they be the basis for all the effort I put into the rest of it -lrb- okay , that and save significant money over just about any decent retail headphone amp -rrb- . I should get one of those little `` Works with iPhone '' sticker and put it on my tube amp . if the hd650 ever break , I will probably buy another one just like it , unless somebody can show I a less expensive option that sound better -- which I doubt . one of the great bargain in high fidelity . if you want great sound and can not afford thousand of dollar in amp and speaker , you can get great sound -- privately -- with these can and a minor investment in a good tubed headphone amp or even a good solid state one . when I buy these , you could get they all day long for $ 350 and I get they on sale at $ 290 . you do not see those price today . I figure I be into my current setup -- ipod interconnect , amp and headphone -- for under $ 500 . you will pay more today , but there be simply no cheaper way to get this kind of great sound . period . 378 Headphone NEU 3 the headphone pinch my ear and tend to fall of easily I have have to go back to my old headphone after only a hour or two of use . on the bright side , any set of headphone can plug into the wireless transmitter . otherwise work good . 780 Headphone POS 5 if I have to describe these headphone in one word it would be `` impeccable '' . you would be hard press to find a more comfortable pair of headphone with this kind of extraordinary sound quality for anything short of $ 500 . if that be not a testament to the value of these headphone , then I do not know what be . I could go on about how you should use a dedicated amplifier , how the sound be lively and exciting without be overpowering and that you low bit-rate mp3 and aac file will not do these headphone justice , but I 'll leave that to the expert who have already post incredibly detail and thoughtful review . point being , the sound will only be as good as you source file and choice of amplifier to drive they . unless denon release new model or the price of the ah-d5000 or the ah-d7000 model drop significantly , I would recommend these headphone to anyone shopping for a closed-back design with a modest budget . 266 Headphone POS 5 I have a hard time with headphone . these be great - there be a plethora of option for the ear bud portion and the over the ear part be mold-able ensure that they stay on you ear regardless of the shape and activity . if only they be waterproof . 269 Headphone POS 4 I have find this item hard to find in store and when I do it be more expensive . I use my headphone at work so I be always pull on the cord . I find this item to be a good quality item for it be price range . the sound be good and clear . it keep out allot of outside noise . I have be use these headphone for year now and recommend they especially if you tend to be rough with they and do not want to spend allot of money . 447 Headphone POS 5 these be the best mobile headphone I have ever use . not because of sound quality -lrb- which be excellent -rrb- , but because of fit , price , comfort , lightweight , durability and how it stick to my head even when run . not jogging - sprint - as in to catch airplane and bus . Mine break the other day after 3 long year of faithful service . if I do not turn around fast and crush it against my desk while it be fold up in my pocket , it would probably last another 3 year . it sound great with no buzz -lrb- even at high volume -rrb- right up until I break it . the cord 's length be perfect , I keep my mp3-loaded pocketpc in my left front pants pocket . it be long enough but not too long , and never catch on anything . as for the phone themselves , they go far enough into the ear to properly point the speaker forward , not merely inward like those annoyingly uncomfortable little bud thing do -lrb- how they justify the price for those thing , I 'll never know -rrb- . as for allow outside noise through , they do if you have they turn down low , but I can not tell what people be say when listen to stuff at `` normal '' volume . in other word , they be just as good as ear bud without the annoying lack of comfort or ability to keep from fall out . they do let loud sound in , however , which can disrupt what you be hear . for example , loud vehicle like bus drive past you at a bus stop will completely drown out what you be listen to . small price to pay for the thing stick to you head like glue in great comfort for hour on end . sound quality be great . the larger speaker provide for a very well-rounded sound , not just treble and bass like most ear bud . Perfect for anything from music to talk radio . the foldable design be a feature of importance to I because I be a long distance commuter by bus and ferry boat -lrb- 4 hour a day -rrb- . Compact , portable and lightweight be very important to I , even more important than sound quality . fortunately , I do not have to sacrifice a bit of sound quality by use these over bud . these headphone give great sound , be comfortable , be lightweight , stick to you head even when run , and they be very compact and portable . and for 10 measly buck ! you can have those over-rated , expensive bud and all the discomfort and `` fallout '' that go with they . do I mention I be here on this web site right now to buy two more pair of these ? 343 Headphone POS 4 these headphone and other -lrb- in some different color , and design -rrb- can be find at you local dollar store . that a savings of 88 cent . so get and up go there ! 525 Headphone POS 5 I use they to play with the xbox 360 and they work very well . the surround effect work great give you the front rear separation in the game . and for 13 buck they be a bargain . I be no expert and I suppose that there be headphone that give you the best quality surround sound but for play at night and do not wake everybody in the house they work great . I do not see the point of give you the rechargeable battery option since one will probably have they plug in next to the xbox , tv , dvd , etc. . 818 Headphone POS 5 this be a great little set of headphone . they be light weight and easy to wear . I listen to book with they day after day and have never have a problem . 827 Headphone POS 4 great value , my only complaint be that I just do not get the lopsided cable configuration but not a big deal . 817 Headphone POS 5 the blue band be a nice silicone material . these be super lightweight , too ! if you have a tendency to nap with headphone , turn you head such that you ear rest on a pillow be not painful like most `` can '' , but almost unnoticeable . the 15 -25 khz response , and inline volume slider re great attribute . 375 Headphone POS 5 come from a pair of Sennheiser HD280s and hear the beautiful detail and soundstage of a family member 's Audio Technica ath-ad700 I be amaze and want that kind of soundstage and detail with more oomph -lrb- basshead -rrb- . I go on the hunt for something that could deliver that kind of sound with the oomph that the ad700 lack . listen to a variety of music the ahd2000 deliver on every bit of my expectation . I drive they through a Fiio e7 usb dac and love everything about the sound that come through they . there seem to be no low note that these can not hit . Bass heavy electronic music like Bassnectar , excision , Koan Sound , Evol Intent , and Trentemoller be ultimately satisfy . every nuance of Joe Satriani come through wide and well separate . every touch of the pick , slide of the finger , and slap of the hand be audible in Trace Bundy . Melody Gardot 's voice be something to behold . endless clear bass , big soundstage , excellent mid and high -- I feel like these be a combination of the Audio Technica ath-ad700 and Audio Technica ath-m50 ... plus some . on top of the -lrb- what I feel be lovely -rrb- sound there be lot of other good point : they look great in my opinion and pick they up you can feel the quality material in they construction . the cable be ultra high quality and long . they be immensely comfortable . close to even the ath-ad700 . most other headphone feel uncomfortable after wear these . I really can not recommend these enough . for a do it all headphone -lrb- really , I can not find music they sound bad with -rrb- especially for basshead I think this be the way to go . 853 Headphone POS 5 Wheeeeee . have be enjoy the v80 since two week . love they , love they !!! so happy they finally arrive and be able to try they out . the senn hd 598 be my first decent over ear headphone and I think they be the best until I get the v - moda . I do not know what exactly cause the great sound -lrb- the dual driver maybe ? -rrb- because otherwise it kind of go against logic -lrb- cause the senn have bigger driver -rrb- but the v-moda 's sound clearer to I : s. I also have the akg k 701 for at home and yeah , those be more analytic\/detailed and be also very dreamworthy still , but the bass on the v-moda kick they ass any day . and when I compare all three , the senn somehow lose badly , it sound the loudest\/muddiest and bassiest -lrb- but in the bad way -rrb- of all . before I have the means to compare , it be not that obvious !! I think the 598 be the cat 's ass . anyway , the v moda be the ultimate portable solution , even though they be on ear they do get comfy after a while after adjust to you ears\/head a bit , I be surprised -lrb- have a not fully heal industrial pierce on the right I be fear the clamp -rrb- , but I be very happy with that , I do feel it , but it be not really a pain in the ass . in conclusion : the headphone sound great , even better than I expect after read all the review . no tinny cavern sound as I read somewhere but a big ! clear moderately bassy sound , and the treble be not very pronounced but I like that , since modest treble be less fatiguing\/head-ache induce . as for the look : I must say the fact that they do not look huge and be very very pretty + true blood edition -lrb- oh yes yes -rrb- also be reason to buy . when they arrive somehow the look dissappoint I though , but only a bit , because the picture build up impossible expectation haha and I think it have something to do with the chord be a bit flimsy -lrb- in comparison to big headphone - not to other portable -rrb- and the gray black not fitting the red of the v 80 completely . still , I have get over it . they somehow look very steampunk\/similar to advanced technological artefact from the past . they be very beautiful in they own punk way though and fit small head . anyway : aesthetics : subjective and de gustibus ... I do like they a lot , the earcup be ideal , the headband maybe could still improve as far as look be consider , comfort be ok . as for the customize : I would love to , but very impractical since buying\/sending from USA to EU mostly give grief . Customs tend to keep stuff + extra shipping cost . any belgian ppl here order custom shield ? I would love to hear if it go well or not ? oh , also why do not the eternal life warranty include the EU ? : -lrb- . so sad . anyway . if the m-100 will sound even greater , consider another body turn . I also hope that the v-moda will hit the european market in retail shop too ... will they be available in Europe ?? so we can look and try it out maybe instead of have to rely on internet buying ? I would do it either way , but my preference go to be able to try it out ! Afterthought : no burning in effect imo . second afterthought : venus vidi vici be total win . Latin -lrb- 3 . 327 Headphone POS 5 this be my very first pair of over-20-bucks-headphone . I be very impressed with the sound quality , it be really great . the price be totally worth it . the case be big enough even to carry my zune , the headphone sound great , loud and clear in every single note . I listen to a lot of soundtrack and trailer music that be mostly orchestral or simply instrumental with very rich sound and i have make sure to challenge this earphone to the max . they have not fail . very happy so far . 535 Headphone POS 4 these headphone have good noise cancelation and sound , but the thin padding on the actual earphone make my ear hurt after a hour or so . I do not have any problem with the folding design and weight of the headphone , like many other reviewer appear to have . if you want good noise cancelation for a affordable price , get these ! to make they more comfortable , simply cut out two earphone-shaped piece of foam or other soft material , take off the muff , put the foam in they , and put the muff back on . after this modification , the headphone do not hurt my ear . 603 Headphone NEG 1 these headphone sound so great for the price and that be why I be so bummed to have to send they back for the 3rd time . I have have 3 pair break on I now and I be tempt to ask for a replacement instead of a refund again because I love the way they sound so much . they customer service be great too by the way . suck that the headphone quality be so lack . 988 Headphone POS 4 I have have this item for almost 5 month and have have no major cause of wear and tear . it be work perfectly . pro : it be a very useful device for iPhone\/MacBook 's most recent generation . it do exactly what a normal iPhone headphone do , but with the add benefit of use it on any headphone . con : I replace my iPhone with a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and it do not work on the phone . it be really disappointing , but that be the difference between how Samsung and Apple make they headphone jack . 287 Headphone NEG 1 these bud do not flex at all & be way too big for my average size ear . the sound be okay for the price , but they hurt to use !! 649 Headphone POS 5 I really like these headphone , they fit in my ear perfectly . I just buy my second pair of they because the first one do break after a year but for the price it be well worth it . the sound quality be great and you can get like 10 for the price of some of the expensive headphone . 599 Headphone POS 5 I enjoy listen to hi-fi audio through headphone . my setup be laptop use JetAudio -- -rrb- Predator DAC\/AMP -- -rrb- d5000 . the can be great ! superb detail and honest to music reproduction w that wow factor . Bass seem heavy but I like it . I be burn they in now . I own d2000 and audio-technica 990-ti 's and each have they home but I listen mostly to the d5000 's now . 265 Headphone NEU 3 I buy these to replace my original ipod earbud which we new puppy chew up . I be not a sound fidelity fanatic but I do think the jbud provide better sound quality than the ipod earbud but ... I , personally , have real problem with the jbud because the simply will not stay in my ear . it be probably some strange genetic issue relate to the shape of my ear but the Apple earbud seem to `` hook '' into my ear and just stay there . the jbud 's seem to be attempt some sort of friction fit with the soft rubber but , for I , it do not work . they just keep fall out . obviously , you ear may not be as weird and strange look as mine and these beast will stay in for you no problem . : -rrb- 252 Headphone NEG 1 purchase two of these for wife and myself . Mine for use with iphone4 and wife 's for iPad . Niether will stay extend , they snap back to store position . way too short unless you be to carry iPhone \/ iPad in you shirt pocket . LOL impossible to use when they snap back to stow position , they sound fine if you want to manually keep they extend and chance lose a eye on snap back . 570 Headphone POS 5 I receive these as a gift . I believe that they retail for 50 $ -lrb- less on line here -rrb- . I do not understand why most people hate these so much . sound quality be great for something this inexpensive . the reception do fade sometimes but , so what ?!? they be on you head ! how hard can it be to retune they ? since they be a 900mgz product I would imagine that they will not work well if you cordless phone also work on 900mhz -lrb- unless of course you want to easedrop on someone -rrb- . they be fairly comfortable I like that they be `` right on top of you ear '' . would be nice if they where adjustable headband . the only `` issue '' that one might have be the fact that they do not have a lot of bass Spec be 40hz and the high end only go to 16 khz . high do get somewhat `` hissy '' . but I doubt that you could beat they for the money . 139 Headphone NEG 2 I have high expectation for these earbud , but to be honest , I get better sound with my stock ipod earbud equip with Griffin Earjams . the sound on the Sennheiser bud be tinny with almost no bass , unless you jam the bud so far into you ear canal that it be about touch you brain . also they have asymmetric cord length , so the right cord be much longer than the left one . it be weird if you be use to the standard setup with both side the same length . 554 Headphone POS 4 the quality on these headphone be really good , they really bring out the bass which be a huge plus for I -lrb- especially come from use apple earbud -rrb- . they be also very durable , the ear cup ar not make of plastic , but a metal that make they feel like they be not brake any time soon . my only complaint be that they get uncomfortable after wear they for a extended period of time . other than that , I would recommend these , they be great headphone for the money and I have be please with they since I get they . 395 Headphone POS 5 Ideal headphone for everyday use . good base , good high , comfortable around-the-ear cup I can wear for hour , work well with my lousy laptop sound card -- wonderful sound with my iPhone and sound system , wind-and-lock cord fob let I adjust to exactly the length I want . at $ 23 you will not find better sound , and I try several $ 50 + model before discover this one . 695 Headphone POS 5 they fit well and be easy to use . my son be just over two year old and can put they on himself . he resist wear they at first but the one time we take a long trip and he have gladly wear they to watch a dvd in the car . I also like that there be volume control on the cord . 580 Headphone POS 5 down below be my original review for this product but like many of the review post here my headphone crack just a month after very carefull use and I mean very carefull luckly I have one day leave to return they , that be a real shame I really like this product hopefully they will fix it if they would guarantee I that they fix it I would definatelly buy they again . `` this headphone be way better than I have expect . the sound be just great kind of bulky but still very good , I have have they for a week now and I be just very satisfied , I hope that they do not brake like some other people have complaint about , I connect my smt 56oo and they sound great . if you be look for headphone for casual listen to music look no more . if you happen to own that particular phone I recomend buy `` my lyric magic '' player for smartphone , be a fantastic software that will make you music sound like heaven . definately a great buy , one thing though , they might be a little too big for the average woman . people must take into account the sound quality greatly depend on what kind of fit they get from the heaphone , if they be too big for they head there will not be a lot of tension , therefore the quality of music greatly diminihs . so dont ' complain of the sound quality if they do not really get a good fit . another thing this heaphone will turn head , I do not know whether its because they kind of look like some headphone that Darth vader would use but people do notice they , if you be not bother by that then you should be ok . they be definately worth a try . '' 301 Headphone POS 4 I need to replace my Sony noise-cancelling 's , but finances be go other direction . get a ad from Amazon and decide to spring for the j3 's from jlab . price be great -lrb- on sale -rrb- and the sound be good . not as much bass , but I have not break they in good yet either . anyway I be very pleased with my purchase and time will tell if they hold up . there be also a great case include that will likely continue to carry my bud even after I wear these out -lrb- or maybe if they hold up I 'll be pass this along since I 'll get a new one -rrb- . you could do worse and spend a lot more money than I have invest in jbud , j3 Micro atomic in-ear earphone . 474 Headphone POS 4 cant beat this . overall good headphone for the money . sound quality be ok and isolation from the outside world be ok as well . everyone can hear only if turn up on the loud side but over all this be a good product . 21 Headphone POS 4 im very satisfied i woul buy 30 more if i need it sound awesome , I watc mivy on my computer and im like in the movie its really good i recomend it buuy it with confident 602 Headphone NEG 2 R.I.P. March 29th 2012 . I love Sennheiser and they sound quality but I be utterly disappoint after six month . the build quality of these headphone be cheap especially the wiring . I take great care of my earphone and it even have a case . I still have my iPod Video Class 60 gb in perfectly work condition . I be a audiophile where I will sacrifice eat out for a good set of headphone because I do not like to compromise when it come to quality to my ear . I be very meticulous when I finish use they and wrap they in a certain manner to avoid they be tangle . warranty 2 year but do not get you hope , it will not get you anywhere . my brother have recommend I to switch to Klipsch IMAGE S4 In-Ear enhance Bass Noise-Isolating Headphones -lrb- Black -rrb- Let 's see how do they fair in a couple of week . 563 Headphone NEU 3 this earphone be so big , it be not funny , we have decide just to use it on the pc because it really have good clear audio guality , but i would not buy it if i be need something to walk around in . 729 Headphone NEG 2 I buy these think they would be a upgrade earbud set for work out and activity that be not comfortable with my real headphone -lrb- sennheiser can -rrb- . I be not expect audiophile quality , but I be expect a upgrade from the zune earbud , or at least the 3 dollar coby set that I get from fry to thrash around . I be convince that the driver in these meelectronic phone be no better than those in my garbage coby earbud . this would be fine if the cost be similar . but its not , and I feel I have pay a steeper price for the little case and accessory that I do not care about and be gipp on sound quality . the meelectronic phone be way too heavy on the treble , and light on the bass and lower mid response . they seriously sound like tweeter and the response be disturbingly unbalanced and very metallic in the upper range . they sound worse than the bud that come with my zune . with earbud like these , the sound be very dependent on the seal and position in you ear . know this , it be possible that the shape of my ear may be prevent a good seal and thus kill some of the low frequency response . I notice when I push in on the bud it seal better and the low end response improve , but the response still sound mile from flat . you result may vary from mine but I be write this to warn those who know the difference between a reasonably flat response with some character , and one that be lopsided enough to ruin the listen experience . the bud come nicely package with a bunch of extra seal . I must admit that I do not spend much time try the seal out as I be just so disappointed with the overall sound that I be get from these . needless to say , I have use these 2 time and would undo this purchase if I could . I would say these be worth about 6 or 7 bux , and I would still avoid they . I will have to find something else . I would never recommend these to anybody as I be sure there must be bettter alternative in the price range . 258 Headphone POS 5 i buy these because i own a pair many moon ago and lose they . with my purchase of a new ipod , i know exactly what earplug i need to buy ! they be amazingly comfortable -lrb- unlike the original ipod one ! -rrb- and cheap ! you can not find a better price for these , i check . highly recommend ! 172 Headphone NEG 2 I have to turn these thing forward at a 45 degree angle from how they be picture to make they hold on to my ear . otherwise the bud do not even rest in place . the audio quality seem fine . before I use they regularly , I just have to decide whether I feel ridiculous go out in public with these thing \* look \* like they be fall out , as it be the only way to actually keep they from do so . 503 Headphone POS 5 I get these ksc-50 's to replace my aiwa hp-a091 's which break , as well as my panasonic headphone . I must say , these can ROCK !! -- comfort -- these thing be really nice . they have a spring in the connector to easily slip they on . once they be on , you 'll soon forget they . I have hear that these will not work for people with big ear . I have normal medium ear and they be a bit loose . the pad be thick -lrb- without go beyond reason -rrb- and be very soft and comfortable . the clip be also flexible . I personally would not use these for exercise . they be a bit loose , and I think they would fall off . it be better to get something more secure like the Labtec curve-495 's . -- sound -- well , these thing be unbelieveable when it come to sound . literally , I can not believe they be under 20 buck . even though the speaker itself be farther away from you head than most headphone , they be still loud and proud . they literally require less volume from the device or computer and put out a lot of sound . in addition to the high and mid be very clear , these can have booming bass . the bass in these headphone be almost excessive , so I can not imagine what the closer fitting ksc-35 's be like . even thouugh the bass be loud , the range be still very low , and be still as clear as the rest of the range . if you be look for inexpensive headphone that do not just get the job do , these be the one for you . you will not be return they . if they be right for exercise and you size ear be up to you . this be a edit to my review : unfortunately , I take these to school today in my pocket in my pants . I do not know how , but they get dent very easily . I will be return they . you might want to try somethign more durable for school environment , other than that they be still good for exercise . 516 Headphone NEG 2 pro : - around the head design prevent `` headphone hair '' . - okay for casual listen where volume level be low . con : - sound be below par , equivalent to cheapie headphone . distortion at moderate bass and volume level . - noise canceling be mostly non-existent . it drown out about 50 % of the hum of a loud computer fan . do not noise-cancel anything else . - the noise cancel `` stick '' be huge . it measure 5 `` x0 .75 '' -lrb- lxw -rrb- . - the ear hook start to irritate after prolonged use . comment : if you be look for quality sound and noise canceling , move along , these headphone be not for you . they be okay for casual , at the office-type , low-volume , without the worry of headphone hair listen . 758 Headphone POS 4 I have be look for small ear bud that would be comfy in my small ear hole & these ` fit ' the bill . 574 Headphone NEG 2 the headphone work really well out of the box , with better sound quality than the earbud that come with the iphone . however , I experience malfunction of the volume control after a indoor run on the treadmill -lrb- 10k -rrb- ; perhaps some moisture get into the wiring ? after dry , it again become functional . a rather unexpected problem , since one of the tout quality be water resistance . outdoor running do not seem to cause the same problem . it happen again after a shorter run -lrb- 5k -rrb- , again on the treadmill indoors . I guess the sweat get into the control stick and temporarily render it nonfunctional . overall , I get less than what I expect from a rather pricy headset . 230 Headphone POS 5 love these !! great sound for the price , and so far , THEY REALLY STAY PUT in your ear when running . . REALLY BLOCK the SOUND OUT SO USE CAUTION when running\/walking in HIGH traffic area 913 Headphone POS 4 this be a good product for the price offer . although many people do not use these type of headphone anymore , I believe this be a good choice for use at home . I tend to have problem with the earbud be too big or constantly fall out , but these headphone be good to go when you hood they on you head ! 843 Headphone POS 5 I have a pair of portapro 's a few year ago but they sadly die and I try to replace they with sony 's , jvc 's , etc - all in the same price range . none could compare , I have to buy another pair . these phone sound amazing , be comfortable , and stay on while jogging . highly recommend ! 519 Headphone NEG 1 the headphone have great sound but the internal bracket that slide to adjust to size crack with just regular use and break within a month of buy the product new ... we have another skullcandy headphone that have be fine for month ... not sure if this be a problem of this model or we just get a faulty pair ... but it stink ... 13 Headphone POS 5 it be so nice to listen to the song I like when I be on the computer and the T.V. be on next to I and I can not hear it . 750 Headphone POS 4 these headphone sound amazing for the price , way better than I expect they to . for 13 buck they be a steal . my only complaint be that they do not fit my ear well . I have average size ear , maybe even a little on the small side but for some reason they just do not fit right . my left ear feel pinch ... however it do not bother I enough for I to stop wear they . I use they w \/ my creative mp3 player and they sound a lot better than the earbud it come with . I like the volume control on the wire . overall these be great headphone , especially for the price . 319 Headphone POS 5 denon ahd2000 head phone feel comfortable and sound excellent , but be not the most durably construct . i bring mine to work with I to listen to mp3 's . during transportation of the headset inside of my small gallon size bag the swivel screw bent and break leave one ear piece dangle . use a zip tie loop around the swivel screw joint and tilt bracket i tie it back together . month later now i be still enjoy the superb sound . 88 Headphone POS 5 I can not begin to express how satisfied I be with these headphone . since I do not like to write , I 'll keep the review brief : 1 . the headphone sound fantastic ! 2 . I can run in they and they do not fall out ! amazing ! 3 . I accidentally put they in the wash machine and dryer . believe it or not ... they still work -lrb- and they smell nice too -rrb- !!! 4 . buy these . 950 Headphone NEG 1 I order these to check they out and see if they be any good . my old skull candy bud be start to short out in one ear and I know they would be go in a short time . I get these in the mail and my other one die the same day . I plug these in and they be all ready short out like my previous one be when I order these for a replacement . they also do not come with extra sizes\/sets of the silicone bud so they be one size fit all and they be kind of uncomfortable . I be not expect stellar headphone but I be expect they would not be break when I get they . I guess I will have to pay a few extra dollar to get headphone that last I for several month not week . too bad . 236 Headphone POS 4 they have good sound -- a bit too much bass for some genre -- but overall very good . I have have they about a year and listen w \/ they mostly at the gym . last week they crapped-out : a apparent short in the line cause they to only work on one channel now . very disappointed ! 902 Headphone POS 5 nice fit , retractable cord , good noise cancel but not great but for the price how can you complain . 919 Headphone POS 4 the headphone be great but for the amount of money I pay the quality be poor . I would think that the quality of the diddy beat should be top of the line . I purchase the headphone for my girlfriend as a gift for we vacation trip . the sound and bass be excellent , just a perfect headphone . during we trip two day later the talkcontrol stop work , it be a pain because my girlfriend would not stop complain about the talkcontrol troblem . I finally call after we trip and amazon customer service be great , they make it fast and easy to replace the headphone . still today she love the headphone . great headphone and amazon make the process easy and enjoyable to order . aa - 58 Headphone NEG 2 the sound quality of this product be wonderful but if I just put my head down to see what I be sew in my lap , it fall off . if I be cooking and I glance down , it fall off . this be ridiculous . do they not test these ? I would not buy this product again . what good be good sound quality if they be sit on the floor ? 748 Headphone POS 4 I first try a pair of Shure E1C earbud and hate they ; I think they make everything sound tinny . then I try the Sony and think exactly the same thing , and could not figure out why I get better sound out of the $ 10 pair of earbud I buy at the Sony Outlet . after a couple of subway and airplane ride , I finally figure out the whole thing : - fit be everything with deep-insertion ear instrument . earbud , hear protection , whatever . fit be everything . once I finally get they seat correctly , they isolate outside noise very well and sound clear , keep in mind that I be not expect the same visceral reaction to earbud that I have to my over-the-ear akg phone . - use CD quality source material for you first listen . I think it be the bud -lrb- both Shure and Sony -rrb- that be make my source sound tinny , and then I rip a cd of 128k mp3 and decide that I hate what the compression do to the music . I simply fail to pay attention before I start use a portable device . not to plug , but WMA format cure a lot of the compression problem to I . -lrb- Apple format also sound good on my friend 's ipod . -rrb- - would have like a inline volume control . I know that eat into fidelity , but whatever ; make a control with gold plate contact already . - the whole cord extension thing be a disaster . too short with , too long without . do not even get I start on the `` case . '' mostly , I like these earbud ; Sony certainly have other `` high resolution '' earbud but if you can get these around $ 30 , it be a decent choice . 341 Headphone NEG 2 I can not say enough bad thing about these if you be go to use they for run . they be make to go on you arm , so one cord be longer than the other . they have a connector half way down that come with a extender enable they to be longer and attach to to you waist , but this make the cord heavy thus pull they out of you ear . because the cord be rubber they also bounce a lot when run . I give they two star since they do come with multiple size piece that fit nicely into you ear . if you be go to sit still when use they they be great . if you be plan on use they actively keep look . 440 Headphone POS 4 reason you should buy this product - the use : 1 - the ear pad be in general pretty comfortable , however long duration of use may cause some discomfort . 2 - the folding aspect of the headphone work well , it may take some time to get use to , but it be somewhat intuitive . 3 - I be afraid the hinge design for the ear pad may not stand the test of time . the connection element be rather weak and I can see that through time , it will be the first thing to break . 4 - the overall finish for the ear pad and its adjacent plastic be acceptable , however , the # 4 finish on the stainless steel head band be a bit rough . the sound : 1 - the low frequency be very satisfactory consider how small the driver be , the bass be tight and balanced . 2 - the mid frequency be not rpxc 250 's strongest suit , so if you be very picky about voice and string music , this be not the one . 3 - the high frequency be in general pretty good . although slightly harsh when compare to my Grado 60 and akg 701 , it be generally acceptable as a travel headset . 4 - as a travel headset it combine smallness and lightness with a decent quality of sound . the Noise cancelling capacity : have compare the pxc250 to the Bose Quietcomfort 3 at a Apple store , I can attest the noise cancel aspect of the pxc work comparable to the bose product . 683 Headphone POS 5 these earbud be great . I have be look for a decent pair of earbud to use with my ipod while cut the grass . these do a excellent job of block out the mower noise without have to crank the volume up . 12 Headphone POS 5 a Panasonic headphone for $ 5 ? this be a very good headphone for the money . if you have Amazon Prime , the shipping be free and it be deliver to you in two day . it be usable even if you ipod touch -lrb- 2g and 3g -rrb- have a protective case on it . I like the 90-degree headphone plug that make it less likely to break . the headband be adjustable , and its bass performance be quite good , consider its price . 980 Headphone POS 5 I get these to use with my 80 gig i-pod while work out at the gym and while work around the house . the sound be fantastic , though a bit on the bass heavy side -lrb- not that I really mind - it be kind of a rare attribute for smaller headphone , in my experience -rrb- . so far , much of what I have be listen to be alternative and hardcore punk -lrb- which can have a lot of issue with sound quality , depend on the band and release -rrb- so I do not have any feedback on how they sound with the baroque\/classical side of my music collection as of yet . I have also notice that the battery on my i-pod last a long time drive these phone at moderate to higher volume . my sennheiser hd202 's - though they sound great on the i-pod , suck the life out of the battery fast . the single cord be great -lrb- though it be so skinny I worry a bit about break it in a rough environment if it snag on something as I walk past -rrb- , and since I keep my i-pod in my pocket while working\/working out , I actually prefer the straight plug to a angled plug - I do put a bit of heat shrink tube on the strain relief to extend and strengthen it since newer phone suck when it come to soldering on a new plug . heat carefully if you decide to do this so you do not melt the cord ! the phone look and feel great quality-wise , and although I love the folding design for storage , I feel a need to keep they in a drawer when not in use because accidentally sit on they or set something down on they look like it would break they . one other thing - I have a big head -lrb- resist the urge to exaggerate ! -rrb- and extended listening can hurt the ol' bean a bit at time . overall a fantastic set of headphone that I highly recommend purchase if you want a great-sounding alternative to those awful oe i-pod earphone . 732 Headphone POS 5 I be impressed with this little Nuforce HDP both as a dac and as a headphone amplifier ; which be high praise from someone who own a $ 15,000 headphone rig with stax sr-007 , sennheiser he60 and hd800 headphone , a Woo WES amp , Eddie Current ZDT amp , and PS Audio Perfectwave DAC . the hdp seem to offer a lot of performance in a small package , and easily outperform my original Nuforce Icon amp that I buy May 2008 for my computer desktop . and the beauty be that it be small enough that I can use the HDP 's superior dac to feed the original icon when I want to listen to speaker -lrb- both amp be the same size -rrb- . the feature list be quite full , include 24\/96 bit rate usb and 3.5 mm 24\/96 optical input , 24\/192 coax input , rca or 3.5 mm analog input , 1\/4 '' headphone output , and variable output level rca preamp out . not many dac in this price range offer 24 bit\/96 khz sampling rate , and even my 2x more costly Apogee mini-dac only do 24\/48 via usb . the hdp use 24\/96 usb input from my Macbook beat all my other $ 100 - $ 500 usb dac\/amps in the house , and even beat the headphone output of my Apogee mini-dac with usb . the HDP 's RCA line-out seem almost equivalent to the Apogee 's 1\/8 '' line-out as well , where the Apogee seem to be a little more refined sound at time -lrb- if use my upgrade Sigma 11 power supply -rrb- . the hdp be very detailed and transparent , with good sense of air and space , and offer a deeper soundstage than the Apogee headphone out . the HDP bass have great extension and impact , with rich mid and sparkly crisp treble . and it be just a little to the warm side of neutral , so I can still enjoy it with brighter headphone like my hd800 or head-direct he-5 . likewise it be also a good match for my hd600 headphone and my re-cabled Denon d7000 which can sound darker on the wrong amp . some amplifier that be good with full-size headphone may not be a good match with very sensitive in ear monitor -lrb- aka earphones or IEM -rrb- , and they might have noise , or hiss that be not otherwise detectable with full-size phone . well , that be not a problem here . I find the hdp to be a excellent match with all my very sensitive universal and custom mold in ear monitor , include monster turbine pro gold , westone 2 , Westone 3 , Westone ES3X , Ultimate Ears 11Pro and JH Audio 13Pro . it do a very good job with all of they , despite they widely vary sound signature . the ue11pro can sometimes be bass heavy or have some recessed midrange with the wrong amp ; but neither of these be a problem with the HDP , even though it be not a bass-lite or forward sound amplifier . how they manage to squeeze such good sound into a price this low be unclear to I , because you basically have to spend $ 700 - $ 900 for a better dac -lrb- Apogee or Stello -rrb- and $ 700 - $ 1,000 for a better amp -lrb- upgrade Woo WA6 or ALO Amphora -rrb- , and you would have to buy both a dac and amp to get most of the feature of the HDP . -lrb- except for analog input for ipod or other player , where many DAC 's do not include those -rrb- . I will conclude by mention a couple of issue that I have . the hdp sound very good with a wide variety of headphone , but it might not be optimal with all of they . with my head-direct HiFiMan he-5 and Grado HF-2 , if I try to play those headphone at very high volume level -lrb- closer to max -rrb- then the sound can get a little strident and fatiguing in the high . I have hear this same thing with the he-5 and a $ 700 Grahm Slee Solo SRG II , and that be probably because the he-5 be very difficult to drive low impedance headphone and require a lot of current . with the he-5 headphone this happen at volume level that be much higher than my Woo WA6 tube amp can hope to achieve , so if I never try to play the hdp louder than my wa6 I would not have hear this . the Grado hf-2 can be a little boost in the upper mid and lower treble , and they just seem to respond better to my tube amp to tone they down a notch when try to play they at very loud level -lrb- level that would be damaging or harmful for more than a few minute -rrb- . at normal to moderately loud level this be never a issue . another issue be that the volume pot can have some channel imbalance at the very low end of the volume control when use very sensitive in ear monitor which do not require turn up the volume knob very much . this be common with most lower price gear when use IEM , but can be alleviate by turn down the computer system volume if you be use the usb input . however , none of these issue would prevent I from highly recommend this product . it make I eager to think about try they high-end product at some point . 864 Headphone NEG 2 foreword : I use these for my home computer . I be 23 and a very experienced computer user . there be a few thing about these headphone that make they seem as if they be design by someone who have never be tell what they would be use for . let 's start off with the fact that they be wireless headphone , but the charge base have two frustratingly short wire you need to accommodate . there be the obvious input jack that pull the sound from the computer . it be so short -lrb- 4 or 5 foot maybe ? -rrb- that it become a real pain to position in a convenient\/attractive way in the room . it create one of those taut , easy to accidentally snag hang wire situation that have end in my charge base startlingly slam to the floor on a few occasion . the charge base need to be plug into a wall jack with a equally short cord , however , this one end in a inexplicably large ac adapter that will require you to shuffle -lrb- if not completely unplug -rrb- some of you other gadget ac input . yes , you have hear I right . amount of wire to deal with on a regular , 2 dollar set of headphone from a 7-11 : 1 wire . amount of wire to deal with on a pair of 70 dollar sennheiser : 2 wire , both of which be too short and clunky . be I miss something here ? perhaps even worse be the auto-off feature of the headphone . if the headphone receive no audio information for about five minute -lrb- i.e. the CD you be listen to end , the movie you be watch be over and you have fall asleep in bed -rrb- , the headphone will shut off to preserve battery life . but rather than just go quiet , you get a earful of unending , louder than holy hell static . so every time you pc go quiet for more than five minute and you have those headphone on , get ready to crap yourself when they kick in with horror-movie-level , ear-splitting static . I know these have get great review , but most of those come from people who have own the product for about a week . over prolonged use , you learn to hate these thing . do yourself a favor and buy a cheapo , 1-wire , no static pair from anywhere else . 569 Headphone POS 5 if you be look for amazing bass sound , look no further . I be listen to these as i write , and they be beyond belief . the bass could not be better , and they be very comfortable . I really do not know what else to say . they be very worth the money 873 Headphone POS 5 great sound earphone , you will definitely ` feel ' the base , crisp treble . I have some trouble keep the earphone from fall out sometimes when walk and find the control button to be too close my face , but the overall experience be great . 769 Headphone POS 4 frankly I be astonish at the fanaticism the bose brand seem to attract . here 's my advice : do not listen to the Bose Haters or the Bose Lovers . listen to the headphone and make up you own mind . I have get other , more expensive can but I be intrigue by how light-weight these be -lrb- after try they on in a store -rrb- . Got ` em home and plug ` em in . my first impression be that these be surprisingly reveal . almost too bright . after I get use to the sound signature -lrb- occasionally throw some eq in the mix -rrb- , I be flabbergast by the fact that these sound quite good . after all the `` NEVER buy bose '' post I would read , I half expect these can to produce no sound at all ! the more I listen , the more I like they . overall , the beyerdynamic dt990 be probably my favorite phone , but these be not bad . the shape of the ear cup take a little nudging for I . my earlobe be `` attach '' , slope into my jaw line , so the ear cup tend to rest on that area a bit . I imagine that these would be more comfortable for a person with `` detach '' ear lobe . as far as the sound , I can not help but speculate that a blind test would fool some of those bose hater out there . on a final note , I prefer `` velour '' type ear pad , rather than the faux leather of these ... 498 Headphone POS 4 I have only be use this gadget for a little more than a week . overall I would rather have it than not . here be my comment . pro : o Wireless o easily recharge -lrb- I would have regret get one where I have to remove the battery to recharge -- a pain -rrb- o when tune to frequency -lrb- see con below -rrb- , the sound quality be good enough for I but I be not fussy . o my purpose be to watch tv late at night without disturbing my wife -- it work for that . con : o when I walk around with it on I get pop , snap & static . -lrb- when lie still this rarely happen . -rrb- o it do not lock on the frequency of the send unit . you have to manually tune it to the frequency , and the tuning be sensitive\/fussy . once tune to frequency it stay on frequency until the tuning wheel be move . but , the tuning wheel be easily move . when I lay the headset on the bed the tuning wheel often get bumped\/moved require it be readjust . the tuning wheel be near the volume wheel . when intend to adjust volume you may mess up the tuning instead . o the ear pad be continuous cloth -lrb- no open area over the ear canal -rrb- , so the pad can become a little warm . Followup : I have now use it almost nightly for over two year and I be glad I buy it . everything i say in my review above be accurate , but if the review sound negative that would be a wrong impression as I be happy with the unit . 453 Headphone POS 4 I have have a pair of these sennheiser 201 for 6 month and I use they several time a week to listen to music on my hi-fi . for -lrb- $ 20 I can not complain but I agree with other that a eq help . pro : Inexpensive build to last comfortable Lightweight Long cord , can be a con if you use a mobile device Crisp mid and high con : not very loud Poor bass response 768 Headphone POS 5 headphone be great , they be comfortable and come with three different ear bud size . sound quality be also great . Bang for the buck . 938 Headphone POS 5 at the current list price of 21.99 , these phone be a steal . very comfortable and great sound quality for the price . also try the ksc75 headphone . I agree that the bass -lrb- which have good resolution -rrb- will sound exaggerated on many song , which probably sound good to some user . however , other should turn they bass down on the eq . 753 Headphone POS 4 I have own 2-3 pari of these over the yeaer . one pair I find use at a garage sale for 50cent and the other I get new . they have neve fail I . I do not like ear bud nor the one that go around the pass of you neck . regular hp 's be too cumbersom . the rule ! 310 Headphone POS 5 great headphone for a great price . I have a pair of Sony headphone before these and they be too awkward and uncomfortable ... these be great . fit my head perfectly , deliver strong bass with great high , just a all around great pair of headphone . highly recommend . 508 Headphone POS 5 I have to admit , when I first open the box for these headphone I think they look awfully small . however when I open they and put they on , I find that to very good ! the headphone do look small and be , if you compare they to the other type that cover the whole ear . but what these make up for in size , they make up for in other way . these headphone have a nice snug fit -lrb- not tight but snug like a nice glove -rrb- . they be not noise canceling , but what they lack there they make up for in crystal clear sound . and they be extremely light in weight . the come with a nice pouch to store the headphone . so you be not have to buy a pouch or look in the house for something . the cord could be longer so if you like to move around the room with you headphone plug into the stereo or such , you 'll probably need to purchase a longer cord . but that be not a problem . they fold nice and fit into the bag with no problem . there be a nice squishy foam on top of the headphone so that they sit snug and fit good on you head . I use these to listen to music , mp3 old time radio via the computer , and even connect they to the television . in all the time , they give superior sound quality . great headphone . 323 Headphone POS 4 these headphone be good if you intention be correct . Sennheiser call they the 570 Symphony . they be specificially engineer for symphony music and it be clear in the audio . if you want to listen to you mp3 , buy these headphone may be a bit overboard . if you listen to vocal-oriented music like opera or live recording the SSSS 's will make you cringe . the midrange feel very wierd . they do make classical sound good . they also have absolutely amazing clarity . while the frequency responce be a bit ackward , if detail of the sound be what you be look for then these be what you be look for . the Duofol technology , of which I be skeptical at first , be amazing . the sound be crisp and clear . there be no moaning and droaning from these headphone . the sound be very very detail . these would be great for people listen through sound for small , quiet detail or for sample editing when wavematching be need . the detail provide be beautiful for that . so know what the headphone be design for before you punch $ 130.00 into they . they help I , so I like they , but I can see that there may be some problem for some people . 29 Headphone NEU 3 I purchase these headphone when I be write my senior thesis in college to block out all distraction . the sound quality be great , and the noise cancelation be quite impressive . this be the only pair of noise-canceling headphone I have ever use , so I do not have anything to compare they to , but they seem to do a great job cut down on ambient noise . no complaint there . however , after about 4 month of steady use , the speaker in the left ear stop work . if I fiddle with the wire a little bit the sound would come in and out , suggest that a wire have come loose from the speaker . from read other review , this appear to be a common problem , and until Sony address the issue , I would stay away from these headphone . I suppose you sacrifice some durability for the small size , which be too bad . it be important for I to note that I be a incredibly loyal Sony customer , but can not endorse a product that can not stand up to under a year of normal use . 992 Headphone POS 4 I buy these headphone as a gift for my mother so she could listen to the tv with out turn up the volume at night . they fit a little snug on my head but I think they be wear in a little so it be not too bad . if you have a smaller head they fit just fine like my mother . they do not have ear cup like regular headphone but they do sit on top of you ear and conform somewhat . it just take a little while to get use to the feeling . they feel like they will fall off at time but they be snug . the sound be pretty good for FM reception . you can walk like 50 to 100 foot away and still pick up the signal indoors . the box say 300 foot outdoors but I do not try it . I be sure they go close to it . the headphone have a tuning button on they to tune into the channel you want . all so the transmitter have 3 channel setting so you can find one that work best for you . it be not hard to tune in just keep turn the knob till you get a good signal on the headphone . sometimes you can pickup up CB radio and phone call if they be close by but only if you un tune the headphone from the transmitter till you hear static . it be kind of funny to hear people talk on the phone and the cb but it be only when you un tune the headphone otherwise it be not a problem at all . the sound be clear . put the headphone on the charger be easy too they just slide right into place and line up with the metal bar in the headphone . you may have to shorten the headphone when you put they back on the charger because the instruction say not to hold open the headphone or put they on a glass dummy head because they can lose there snug fit over time . it be not a problem if you remember to do this . you can also hang the charger on the wall . it have a hole in back for a nail or some other hook to hang it up with . the cord for the power and sound connector be long too about 5 to six foot more or less so you should have no problem place the transmitter anywhere to get better reception . it can hook up to a radio with the include adapter or hook up to a mp3 player or what ever take that kind of plug . the charger cradle be sturdy and have rubber foot on it so it do not tip over or move when you place the headphone back on to charge . the box they come in be easy to open and be well pack with 2 set of air bag . over all I like they and recommend they to any one . 73 Headphone POS 5 they ship promptly , they do what you expect , and they be not cheap junk . ca not say it better than that . 720 Headphone POS 5 I love these headphone ! I have be use these for a year and a half and I just can not get enough of they . I buy a pair brand new about a year and a half ago , and about a month ago one of the side stop work . so I simply contact the customer service and the woman I talk to be very kind and curtious and help I through the short process of return the broken item . luckily I keep the box and see that they come with a 2 year warranty so they gladly ship I a new pair . all I need be my digital recipt . I love these headphone and they have great sound quality and last I a long time , because I use they every day . so I very much recommend these to my friend . 217 Headphone POS 4 I love these earbud . they sound great and they be very comfortable . I could wear these for hour on end without my ear get sore . I even think the little case be a good idea to keep the earbud clean and intact . I only wish they come with a case big enough to put the cord in too . they last I several year until I lose they . then I go look for another pair just like they . 263 Headphone POS 4 when I purchase the cv123 combo pack -lrb- which buy the way be not even close to worth buying -rrb- , these headphone be part of the pack . as for as sound go , it be average . it be pretty flat , no really big bass or good treble , but it be not terrible . they be also very comfortable , and be not too big . the durability be pretty poor , however . they do not last very long so buy two or three . but for barely above a dollar , these be a definite buy . if they be more expensive then say five dollar , then I would go for some sony . 598 Headphone NEG 1 a terrible disappointment . jvc product have perform well for I in the past . my familiarity with the brand , and the reasonable price , prompt my purchase of these headphone . they awful performance be a surprise and a shock to I . when I stand or sit within 2 to 3 foot of the transmitter , the headphone sound great . from 4 to 6 foot , there be a annoying hiss . from 6 to 12 foot I could still hear the music but the noise be awful -- totally unacceptable . any greater distance than that and the noise be so loud it completely drown out the music . maybe the headphone I receive be defective , but they be absolutely useless to I . I return they to Amazon immediately . Amazon handle the return and refund to my credit card promptly . great company to do business with . but in this case , the product be substandard . 324 Headphone NEU 3 these sound really good but the band cut into the back of my ear and be very uncomfortable . also a couple of thing to keep in mind with this style of headphone : 1 -rrb- you can not can not wear they and sit in a high back chair or sofa , the neck band be in the way . 2 -rrb- you can not wear they if you have glass as the over the ear portion of the band sit right where you glass frame go . 131 Headphone POS 5 I just preview a pair of JVC that I keep in we coach . my Husband also buy these so I will have they for we bedroom . -lrb- I be one of the rare people that tv put right to sleep -rrb- . these be soft on the ear , the sound be amazing and they allow I to put I head on the pillow . one other brand keep I from put my head comfortable on the pillow . they be so comfortable . my husband sleep and I can enjoy my program at any amount of sound I want . 540 Headphone POS 4 they fit perfect , they sound clear , these bud have a great blend of bass , mid and high ... the build quality be excellent . for the price ... these earbud be a great value in my opinion . noise cancellation be almost perfect ... just make sure you fit they properly to you ear ... I 'll be keep these pair . . 0 Headphone NEU 3 I buy these for use on a motorcycle . the older style of marshmallow from JVC be basically ear plug with a small audio speaker in the middle . for some reason these do not fit as well in my ear . they still allow for some noise to come through . I have put these to the side for now and be stick with the old one . 692 Headphone POS 4 just get these in the mail and test they by listen to a wide range of music . death metal , dubstep , punk . one of the reveiwer complain that they be not loud enough . although I think the reveiwer 's standard be too high for these $ 20 headphone , I definately agree with he in regard to the lack of loudness , though this issue be not major enough to give this item anything less than 4 star . I do not know the technical term to describe what I be hearing , but I can here a slight `` drown out '' of high treble when I listen to certain music such as melodic death metal . these be worth the $ 20 imo . 942 Headphone POS 5 I love these headphone . they feel so comfortable and the sound be incredible . I be so happy with these . another satisfied customer ! 412 Headphone POS 5 these headphone bring together the best of two world : high-end , audiophile sound and portable music player . I be very particular about the quality of sound , and before I audition a friend 's 595 , I have assume that I would need a headphone amplifier to be able to drive the anemic amplifier in my portable music player . as most of you know , pmp be build for portability and simply can not accommodate large amplifier , such as the one that exist in home music system . unfortunately , most audiophile headphone be design with a high impedance -lrb- or resistance -rrb- , such as 300 ohm . while these type of headphone be perfect for home receiver or amplifier , they make pmp unlistenable because even at maximum volume , the pmp do not have enough wattage to drive these headphone . imagine , then , my surprise , when my friend tell I that the 595 have a impedance of only 50 ohm , surprisingly efficient for headphone of this quality . I be able to plug they directly into my pmp -lrb- without the need for headphone amplification -rrb- and listen to glorious sound at volume level that would suit any hard-core rocker . the 595 come with two jack -lrb- a 1\/4 '' jack for home receiver and a 1\/8 '' jack for pmp . -rrb- they be comfortable to wear for extended period of time and they produce stellar sound in all genre . they reveal excellent detail in music , they reproduce bass , midrange and high without coloration , and they have a excellent soundstange . as evidence of they soundstage , one can identify the venue of a recording and easily place the perfomer in that venue . -lrb- while listen to a Radiohead album , I be immediately place in a recording studio , with the musician in various part of the studio . moreover , while listen to a fine chamber music recording , I be immediately place in a small concert hall and be able to pinpoint the musician there as well . the 595 also faithfully and accurately reproduce surround sound from well-recorded movie . -rrb- it be rare for I to review a product and not find any fault , but this be the case with the Sennheiser hd-595 . and since they be introduce several year ago , they price have be substantially reduce and be now under $ 200 . they be a audiophile bargain . 315 Headphone POS 5 I have the Nike + iPod setup include the armband , and have a inline disconnect about 12 inch from the left earbud be perfect . the weight of a full length cord spool by my ipod be annoying , this one eliminate that . it be perfect , light weight , great sound , plus with the extension I can plug into my other ipod on my belt clip . 360 Headphone POS 4 I have have these for about a week . I love the soft rubber cap -- three size include ; very soft and much more comfortable than foam cap . they do not slide\/pop out of you ear , either . Bass response be respectable for this price . asymmetrical cord design be comfortable . cord separate in the middle -- you can use shorter length for arm or pocket player location ; add extension for belt or backpack use . a small ear buds-only case be include , which keep the bud protect from dust or other unwanted dirt when not in use . also include be a feel drawstr pouch to hold piece you be not use , or all of the part if desire . I be very pleased so far . I have use they for jazz , rock and classical listening . they be not active noise-cancelling type , but in-ear design block out most noise , anyway . 146 Headphone NEG 2 no matter how the sound quality be , I think this headphone be very uncomfortable . I originally want to get the Boss oe2 , but go for this because it be much cheaper . but I do not like how it feel when I wear it . 624 Headphone POS 5 I be a 58 year old male who usually do not write review . however , I feel the desire to write one about the aforementioned can . simply put , they be outstand ! I have be involve with music as a guitar player & `` Blues '' and `` NON-commercial Rock & Roll '' lover since the age of 13 , and very much like `` Metal '' . quality reproduction be a must for I . not just volume , but spatial headroom & tonal quality . these can do this very well ! I have use cheaper can just because I hate ear bud . while they work , they be not quality can . at christmas-time 2010 , my wife ask I what I want for a gift from she & I say a new set of good headphone . as she be not into electronics , she tell I to pick a pair . I go on-line & research they , as well as go to the store to listen to they . at the time , I be certain I want bose . of course ! they commercial say they be the best ... that must be what I need ! I go to best buy & listen to a higher end set & think `` something be miss ! while the price say they be the best , what I be hearing say otherwise . '' so I email they , ask for frequency response & be tell they do not publish they as they be not that important ! Hmmm ... while I agree that what you hear be more important than number , I still want the number ! then I listen to a set of senheiser . Night & day difference ! go on line to Amazon.com -lrb- because I trust they -rrb- & order a set of hd 280 pro 's . what you hook they up to & the quality of the recording you be listen to DOES MATTER ! after all , they `` reproduce sound '' , they do not `` generate sound '' ! they will sound better wire to a quality home audio system play vinyl -lrb- or yes ... even a cd ! -rrb- than when connect to a ipod play a mp3 ! -lrb- for many reason , which be not the topic of this review ! -rrb- the headroom from this set of can be OUTSTANDING ! the low-end frequency be quality ... not muddy and not distort . mid for voice and most instrument be clean & clear and the high be very crisp and clean ... not painful as with some can . you can pick out vocal on Pink Floyd mix that you have neaver hear before ! and Gilmore 's lead ... WOW ! thd be , for all intent and purpose , non-existant ! Seperation be as good as the recording will allow . noise be as quiet as be you system ... and if there be any on you system , you will hear it ! this set of can be not make for noise-reduction -lrb- noise-cancelling -rrb- , but as they be `` close can '' , they do a good job . I could only rate they as 3 star for longevity , simply because I have only have they a short time . however I will say , they seem `` quality '' in material . be they the best headphone for my use ? hell no , because I can not afford $ 1,000.00 to $ 1,500.00 for `` the best '' ! but if I could , they would be mark `` Sennheiser '' , and I would buy they through Amazon.com ! for what I can afford to pay , I love them ! 273 Headphone POS 5 these headphone sound great . after break in for 72 hr the bass be nice and everything be sound like you in concert ! use high quality file be a must . it be easy to tell the difference between a 128kbs mp3 and CD quality music . listen to a Saxaphone solo you can actually hear the pad click on the instrument . Trans-Siberian Orchestra be truly awesome . good for rap , Rock , classical , jazz , etc. . . if more bass be desire -lrb- as some previous review -rrb- you can always dial some in the eq on iTunes . I pay $ 68 on sale and there be no other headset out there that compete for that much . 596 Headphone NEG 1 I have own three pair of these earbud for my iPhone . the first last for almost a year until the left earbud -lrb- microphone side -rrb- no longer produce sound . think that a year be a decent amount of time for such inexpensive earbud with a mic , I order another pair as replacement . that pair last 4 week before the mic stop work and produce bad static when use the phone -lrb- they still work with the ipod function for some reason -rrb- . Amazon be kind enough to send I a new pair ... unforunately those last only 2 day before the same thing happen . I 'll go with a different brand this time . 505 Headphone POS 4 they collapsability be great for portability and store on trip , and the mechanical design appear to be durable over time - ask I again after five year of hither-and-yon . sound quality be fine . not exceptionally comfortable after a extended sit , compare with a studio-quality headset , but that comparison be unfair since they be not intend for that use . only complaint be the lack of a adapter to 1\/4 '' phone plug socket . 71 Headphone POS 5 I purchase these after my cat eat my Ipod Touch earbud and I be leery because of the review that state they distort music with excessive bass . the only time that happen be when you turn the bass setting up on you mp3 . these thing do not need the bass turn up because it be build in . they deliver rich distortion free sound that I think would be hard to outdo with earbud cost hundred more . moreover they fit perfectly with the softest silicone tip I have ever see . never hurt you ear even after hour of wear they . I highly recommend this product . 805 Headphone POS 5 I be not sure about trust the other review that I read about this product , but I do . the review be absolutely correct ! I give the Sennheiser eh-150 five star base on its excellent sound quality . the ear comfort be not horrible , but it could be better . 857 Headphone NEG 2 these headphone sound pretty good , but it be difficult to analyze they very extensively before you head start throb from the impressive , but painful amount of pressure . I think maybe I just have a massive , sensitive head until I notice this be mention in many other review . the advice to stretch they out on a couch arm or basketball be good if you be already stick with they and have to make it work , but I would think the average consumer would want to avoid this if there be lower maintenance headphone option . 39 Headphone NEG 1 I have be look for a adapter for my 3.5 headphone to fit my 2.5 jack on my phone for a while now so , when I find this for 61 cent and no shipping needless to say I jump at the chance ... well it arrive on time and be as describe appearance wise ... it fit my headphone and it fit my phone BUT it do NOT work ... oh well , you get what you pay for I guess ... 808 Headphone POS 4 Orderd headphone 20 $ arrived in 4 day free shipping over 25 $ . read alot of review and figure what the hey and be right , I have a large head 7 3\/4 I think and a full bushy head of hair and when I see headphone I think no way r these thing go to fit . if you pull down hard on each ear pad they extend to a very large size and fit very nice , iam 1 notch from the largest setting and think they would fit a 8 size head . the sound be ok because the bass be a little to strong on classic rock but if u use a equalizer u can work around this problem . the 10 foot cord be great and the noise canceling be not really good . work on a computer u can here tv and phone ringing and other people can here what u r listen to but it be a low volume . they be so comfortable and do not squish my ear because my ear fit perfctly inside the pad . im wonder if all the other comment of major pressure on head and not fitting at all , if they realize u can extend the earpad to a very large head ? all in all worth the 20 $ 4\/5 77 Headphone POS 5 it go without say these headphone be a tremendous upgrade from the earbud that come with my ipod , but I be extremely surprise at just how good they be , especially because they be price so reasonably . right out of the box I be surprise by they quality ; I could hear , for example , previously-unheard breath and bowscrape in a few quintent piece I enjoy . moreover , I could really notice that music of all type `` spread '' from ear to ear whenever I use these headphone ... with other phone I have try , include some studio model , even well-produced music tend to stay more-or-less in the middle . I enjoy these phone so much I be tempt to try higher-quality phone from Sennheiser : if they sub - $ 30 phone be this good , they higher-end phone must be unbelievable . further , they be extremely comfortable and come with a generous cord . I can wear they perfectly well underneath my motorcycle half-helmet , and I can hear they perfectly fine over the roar of my motorcycle . 5 Headphone POS 4 I be a relatively tough critic with electronics , and I have now own several pair of `` noise canceling '' in-ear-design headphone . to name a few Shure se210 and e2c , etymotic , and now these . I find the full sound , rich base , secure fit and lighter weight of these to be superior to the other . I do believe the Shure se210 offer better sound isolation -lrb- which be not the most important for I -rrb- and purer sound at high level -lrb- also not for I -rrb- . regardless , I find these headphone to be far superior to the other . it would be nice if these come with some foam ear bud , but that be not a big deal . 475 Headphone POS 4 these headphone be awesome . i like the open ear design where i can hear what be go on around I . very durable and good sound quality . have be use for a year with no issue 45 Headphone NEU 3 I have use these headphone for several year the sound be good not great . I would order 3-4 at a time because they be $ 8 . xx and I have one for the computer , one for the tv , and one for my Sony Walkman radio . and a spare because the wire eventually break inside , usually near the plug . but at nearly $ 50 I will step back to the Sony mdr-w08l which do not have the volume control but be -lrb- $ 8 , and I use they before the mdr-w24v . 629 Headphone POS 5 ok , you can get all of the technical jargon from other review , but I want to weigh in on these great headphone - they be hand down my favorite headphone I have ever own -lrb- a I have spend MUCH more on other over the year -rrb- . the sound be SUPERB , and they be by far the most comfortable headphone I have ever try . I would recommend these over any of the $ 50 + headphone I have try . my only concern be the plug do not look very sturdy , but after 3 month of pretty heavy use , so far no problem ! I give these my highest rating ! 128 Headphone POS 5 by far the best headphone I have listen to under $ 750 . I run live sound in refence tune venue , and as a result I can actually use these for live mix as they be almost dead on . the only issue I have with they be that if you do not have a round head they can put pressure on the top of you head , but that take about 3 hour to become uncomfortable . as far as reference headphone go , these be hard to beat , just make sure to get a good amp , or the fat-pipe upgrade if you be go to be do intense studio mix . I listen to music on these headphone exclusively now as they have a much wider response than any other headphone I own ; but you need to have a good understanding of eqing sound system to get they to really shine as they be a blank slate . 134 Headphone POS 5 these have be my first high quality headphone that I have purchase . I be not what one would call a audiophile , but I be look for some great , high quality sound headphone , and these deliver . I be look through alot of other headphone before I buy these , look through what be in my budget , and these be definately worth the price . if you be look for great sound , comfortabilty , and bang for you buck , the mdr-v6 be the way to go . 538 Headphone POS 5 the Koss Pro\/4AA represent vintage design and super high quality sound reproduction . mind they need a few hour of ` break in ' before the full , rich sound unfold . and mind ... they be design in a different age , when maximal sound quality be everything . they be heavy , and you can not do anything but listen to music , while wear they . this be my second pair - buy the first in '78 and litteraly play they to shread . Trien modern one , expensive one ... but the rich sound just be not there . so i be back to Koss Pro\/4aa . 821 Headphone POS 5 after several flight , I have determine that these headphone do what I buy they for : protect my ear ! if I listen to my ipod before , i have to have the volume crank to 100 % ! can you imagine how loud that be ! now with the noise reduce function on , i only have to have the volume at 1\/4 to 1\/3 the level before the headphone . but mostly i do not listen to music , i just have they on while i be on the plane , no music . i be very happy with these , give that i do not have to pay $ 300 for bose . no , they be not bose , but my goal be to save my ear & hearing for the next half of my life ! 339 Headphone POS 5 I recently purchase these headphone to replace a 139.00 set of bose headphone . these headphone blow the bose one away . year ago I own a set of the Sony mdr-5000 yet lose they somewhere . anyway , I be attract to the bose because of the name , etc. . they be however make very cheap and the wire break where it enter one of the earcup . the Sonys be the exact oppositte . they be build solid and exactly what I need . I play the drum and use they all of the time when play my electronic kit . the sound quality be far superior to the bose headphone and I be so happy I purchase they ! you will not be sorry if you do the same . 757 Headphone POS 5 we buy this set of earphone for we daughter when we go on vacation . we daughter be 2 . she love they . they be cute little lion . glad we get this set . 364 Headphone POS 4 my wife and I use this splitter with two earphone set with a kindle fire to watch a movie on a cross country plane ride . it work . it do require a little twist of the plug for one of the earphone set immediately after it be insert in the splitter to get stereo sound . but , both earphone set work after that . 539 Headphone POS 5 these be absolutely wonderful headphone . they main selling point to I be they lightweight design obviously along with incredible sound . I can take they out and about if I want to , and basically use they wherever I might desire brilliant sound out of whatever I may be listen to . these might not be what you be look for with bass-heavy music -- they still sound absolutely wonderful , but not they forte as the Dr. Dre beat or the like would be . the audio be incredibly even and balanced , allow you to pick out and zone in on every instrument in the ensemble . I would especially recommend these for acoustic music listener . I mainly listen to jazz , intricate bluegrass and folky type music , world music , rock and roll , and some classical stuff . I have recently be hook on the Goat Rodeo Sessions , and play a track from that album for people I be let try out the headphone . absolutely incredible . put listen to music on a whole ` nother level . they be also great for watch movie on you computer . 833 Headphone POS 4 I buy a similarly price set of wireless headphone when my first child be bear , to allow we to watch tv at a realistic volume and not wake up we little light sleeper . they be problematic , hurt you ear so much that we need to take a break while watch anything longer than a sitcom , static abound , and eventually neither of we could stand they anymore . after lot of research , I settle on this offering from Sennheiser , have decent review and be not terribly expensive . now 3 year later , I still love they just as much , and have have no issue at all . here be my observation , and also address some `` con '' list by other reviewer : 1 -rrb- status\/hissing noise . this seem to be a problem when the headphone volume be turn up high . we be irritated with inconsistent static at first , until we discover that if we turn we stereo\/amp up to the max , the headphone volume do not need to be up very high at all , and have experience no static or hissing noise under these circumstance . some static will also be present when the battery be run low , but as long as you keep they in the charge station when not in use , that really should not be a problem . 2 -rrb- Range seem pretty good . I have even go into the next room to my kitchen to wash dish or make a snack during a commercial , and be able to listen the whole time without cut out . a trip to we garage for laundry , however , cut in and out with some static . 3 -rrb- sound quality . I be not a expert , but I would rate these as be `` very good '' . not the same as we home stereo system , but I would say on par with sound from you tv . 4 -rrb- design . these phone be very comfortable . I have a small head , and these adjust fine without fall off . my husband have have friend over for gaming who have large noggin , and all say these be very comfortable , even after hour of wear . they sit on you ear , and be not what I would call `` sound-isolating '' headphone . you can hear ambient noise , but I prefer that . you could still hear a baby cry , and can detect when someone be try to talk to you , though may not be able to hear the conversation until you remove the headphone . if you truly want to be in you own world and not hear anything else , these be not the headphone for you . 5 -rrb- durability . as I have say , we be past 3 year and still never have a problem . we be not abusive or rough with they , but they have be sit on , drop , etc , with no issue . 6 -rrb- charge station . the charge unit be pretty big , and fit two headphone if you be careful . I can not believe the negative comment I have read about these be so difficult to charge . there be groove on the headphone so you know exactly where they be suppose to rest - it be not rocket science . we have a second pair , and get the 2nd headphone on correctly so that both charge take slightly more work , basically just make sure they be both touching , which often just involve push back slightly when you put the 2nd one on . if you expect to just toss they on the charger as if you be play horseshoe , then , yes , you will have problem . but if you walk up to the charger and place they on , you 'll be fine . ultimately , very please with these headphone . highly recommend ! 482 Headphone NEU 3 I have read every single review about hd 202 here before I buy it . some people complain about its tight fit and ear sore , but buy it anyway because I know Sennheiser 's reputation . after I test it for about two day , I decide to return it . for the sound quality and its look , it be awesome ! there be a lot of good review about the sound quality , so I will not talk about it any more here . however , if you need it for long listening , you may want to re-consider to buy it . I email Amazon.com about this tight fit problem . accord to they reply , it seem that some other people complain of the same problem and Amazon.com agree that it be a real problem . the below be the email they write to I . I hope it will be helpful to you . `` as it seem that the problem with this item be more widespread than we originally think , we would also refund you for the return shipping charge upon return of the `` Sennheiser HD 202 Headphones '' 935 Headphone POS 5 I be no audiophile , but I would file these under f for `` f 'n excellent value ! '' seriously . I be very skeptical , of course , but sure enough , everyone review these be right . also , they stay in my ear much better than crapple ear bud . 726 Headphone NEG 2 these would get 4 star if not for the large blinking light on the right headphone . read other review I think this be a bluetooth-only light , and that it could be disable by some button gymnastics . not the case for the red light on the normal headphone . this be not just a simple led , the entire circle-cross pattern you see in the photo light up , flash every couple seconds not in a subtle way . if I be sit next to someone wear these on a plane I would ask they to turn off the blinky light . it be that annoy . I do not think I should have to annoy people when listen to music . electrical tape do a good job cover it up , if you do not mind put electrical tape on you new expensive headphone . for I I be afraid they be go back . otherwise , decent headphone , good nc , and comfortable . 983 Headphone NEU 3 the sonic experience be indeed very please almost sublime . however , the textile trim padding on set have already separate from headset . not one to swet the small stuff especially cosmetic , but as well the conection jack in set cut in and out . not very rugged ! 94 Headphone NEG 1 I have go through two pair of these , each pair lose sound in the right ear bud after two month of use . I have use they with the ipod and zune and they just wear out . they be not worth the money . 170 Headphone POS 5 I be a audiophile , and what i can say be that these headphone sound like speaker that cost thousand of dollar -lrb- after 1 month of burn-in time they do , and remember match they with a amp -rrb- . highly recommend . burn THEM in 3 month and listen again people . 232 Headphone POS 4 I be now on my third pair of these headphone . I use they when training -lrb- running , gym , etc -rrb- and the first two pair last about 6-7 month before the cable fail . both time the cable fail at the point where it split \/ be join to the headphone . why do I still keep buy they and give a four star review ? sound be good , they be very light , extremely comfortable , not too expensive , and I do give they a lot of abuse so do not expect they to last forever . 234 Headphone POS 4 I look long and hard at earphone before I buy this one , but that in no way say that I know all there be to know about they -lrb- not even a fraction actually -rrb- . simply because there be just so many earphone you can get to try before you buy . I be skeptical about what kind of difference there might be between a $ 5 set and a $ 30 set . I be pleased to report that the difference be worth pay for : -rrb- it be not like I have use a whole magnificent range of earphone to be able to notice a difference . I have be a stock earphone user , and move to this one ... there be a huge difference in sound ! the range and clarity be great ! and more so be the sound-isolating property . I figure it be the great fit of the earbud inside you ear-canal . so it be imperative that they be insert correctly -lrb- they plug you ear to the outside sound -rrb- . as a experiment - plug you finger into you ear and hum to yourself - that be the way it actually work ! the hum be just to give you a idea of how the sound quality will change for you ; -rrb- -lrb- yeah I know that you own sound travels through the bone and not through air ... but the effect here sound just like it -rrb- . I do notice what the other mention as `` heavy bass '' of the sony phone , but I can definitely live with that . it be not like the sound be all bass ... it be just a tad more than what I would think the music will actually sound like . but it be all good -lrb- yes folk . . it really be -rrb- . after this ... I be pretty sure that even more expensive earphone must be something special -lrb- when I hear through these ... i can imagine those tiny difference that might improve even this quality -rrb- . but at present I would not like to spend $ 70 on another pair of earphone ... so I be stick to these - and love they : -rrb- cheer ! 520 Headphone POS 4 I be look for a relatively inexpensive pair of headphone that be comfortable to wear for long period of time . let I first say that the sound quality be all be crack up to be . they sound awesome with great bass reproduction and a nice long cord for the price . my gripe be that I be look for the comfort factor as well and it be not there . they be not uncomfortable -lrb- if that make sense -rrb- but although they look like a supraaural pair of headphone , in fact , they simply slip right around the ear themselves instead of have a nice big circle to press against the head . they barely fit over my ear and I do not think I have extraordinarily large ear . so , if you be look for a great sound pair cheap , the hd202 's be the way to go . 191 Headphone POS 5 I just get these headphone and they sound amazing . I be actually quite surprised consider only pay a measly $ 35 for these bad boy . this be the very first day i use they and there be no sign or crack yet . they do fit a bit too snug though , so it be quite possible they will crack with some use . I be definitely reinforce they before that happen ! I highly recommend these headphone . by the way , it take no time to pair the transmitter and headphone . and I be currently run the transmitter while it be plug in . hopefully the transmitter be power directly from the plug as oppose to the battery . 358 Headphone POS 5 a few year ago a friend of mine give I a pair of headphone that I think sound great , but do not really realize how great they be until they break . I purchase 4 or 5 other pair of headphone , after this happen , try to find a pair of similar quality . I be , however , simply unable to find pair that meet my expectation . maybe I be picky , but I just could not bring myself to listen to music through poor headphone . I know how my music be suppose to sound , and until this pair , I could not find a pair that be able to conduct the sound as it be mean to be . if I know how these headphone be go to perform , I would have be willing to pay $ 60 + for they in a heart beat . 26 Headphone POS 5 I have be use these ear bud for a long time now . the first thing I notice be the wide range of sound these bud respect . I listen to a lot of classical music on my Sansa c240 . the depth of sound come out for the first time . I could even hear the triangle . they be so dainty in my hand that I do not think they would last very long ; but they be still work like a champ . I work in a industrial setting and sometimes use they as safety ear plug . occasionally I get the cord catch on something and they get yank out of my ear . this be the kind of treatment that typically wear out a set of ear bud ; but these be still good . you mileage may vary . but if and when these thing wear out I 'll be buy another set . 85 Headphone NEU 3 these headphone have a great sound , but the cord be so noisy ! I use they while work out , because the Apple headphone be too big for my ear and either fall out or start to hurt after awhile . these fit great , but anytime the cord hit my shirt , it be so loud and it sound like I be use a stethoscope . I try to put up with it because I be not very picky , but I could not ... so now I be back to my Apple one until I can find something better ! 281 Headphone NEG 1 like many , I like to listen to music while I run . well , it be a little difficult with these . they do not stay in my ear , they be painful when I try to position they correctly -lrb- and I be constantly reposition they as I run -rrb- and the over ear plastic section be uncomfortable as well . I be think about go back to my Nike HJ030 Vapor Sport Bud headphone -lrb- although the plastic break after a year on the Nike 's , they be actually comfortable and stay put ! I 'll invest the money and actually send in the warranty this time ! -rrb- 23 Headphone POS 4 I buy the head phone so I could watch movie w\/out wake the family up . they sound great . there be a little bit of hiss , but after ajust the different volume control , you can tweak the sound perfectly . they also come w\/an adaptor for different size output . I would recomend they . I also get they fairly fast . 932 Headphone NEU 3 for my shape of ear these seem to sound and fit best into my ear when i insert they upside down so the wire be come out the top and back down . look kinda funny but they sound good this way , so I have be deal with it . they isolate the sound just alright , but they block out outside noise very effectively . 214 Headphone POS 5 I have have these headphone for 2 year now . so you people who Broke Yours in a Month or less do not take good CARE of THIS PRODUCT . I be a DJ and Use these and the over the ear Solo beat Headphones both Great Sound and Quality . 318 Headphone POS 5 I mainly use my ipod for work out on aerobic equipment at the gym -lrb- treadmill , stepper , bike , etc -rrb- . I have be look for some earphone to replace the one Apple give you with the ipod . although those offer decent sound , they be damned uncomfortable and make my ear hurt after 30 minute -lrb- I do not understand why can not Apple include comfortable earbud with they product ! -rrb- I do a lot of research before buy these V-Moda Bass Freq earbud . at first I be go to get some Sony earbud , but after read about the problem with the cord spontaneously disintegrate , I decide against it and go for the V-Moda instead . all I can say be : WOW ! I think the sound from the Apple earbud be pretty good , but it be nothing compare to the V-Moda 's . as you would expect , the sound be rather `` bassy , '' but the high be also quite crisp . I would not say it be perfect , but really it be extremely good . I be very very pleased with this purchase ! I mainly use my ipod at the gym . as you can imagine it get pretty noisy there and I wind up have to crank up the sound on my ipod to hear the music well . these V-Moda 's fit in my ear extremely comfortably and actually provide a great deal of noise blocking . all that extra noise create by the other treadmill and bike around I be 70 to 80 percent block out ! I be quite amaze . and this allow I to hear the music clearly , therefore I do not need to crank the volume of my ipod so high . the music sound so much better than usual that it motivate I to exercise longer -- because I be really enjoy the sound of the music so much ! since they be earbud , you do have to place they rather deeply into you ear canal to achieve the correct bass and noise-blocking effect . you may need to fiddle with it a little bit to get all the bass effect . but the earbud be a not uncomfortable . in fact , I wear they for a hour and forget that they be on . extremely comfortable ! I have only own they for a couple of week so I can not comment on they durability , but I be very careful with my stuff so I expect they to last a long time . I plan to order one or two more pair . oh , and by the way , I also order a pair of iLuv 301 because they be inexpensive -- the sound do not even begin to compare . the iluv 301 's produce a tinny little sound , whereas these V-Moda Bass Freq 's be terrific . it be like compare a transister radio to a 100-watt speaker . overall I give the V-Moda Bass Freq 's five star for quality , sound , noise blocking , and a good value for the money ! 92 Headphone POS 5 I love these headpohne and i never stop get compliment on the noise cancel capability ! i would highly highly highly reccommend these headphone to any dedicated music listener out there ! 497 Headphone POS 4 I use these for run with my ipod - the cord be a little short but the sound be quite good and I find they more comfortable than bud when I be sweating . 377 Headphone POS 4 I buy this in a combo with the Razer Orcas . I be plan to clip it onto the wire of my Orcas but the clip be too big . Wish you could change that . other than that , this mic pick up everything . good or bad ? depend . as I say earlier , great for what you pay for and I do not think you would use this for record music or anything . I use it for communicate over Skype for gaming or just talk to friend . 221 Headphone NEG 2 the sound be fine , but the head band be too tight . it press so hard against my ear that after 30 minute they hurt . so you think I be a Fat Head ! but no - I have a normal size adult male head . I have tie to bend the spring steel part of the band , but the plastic section be make with a small radius and can not be bent . I be sure unit be fine for kid and pea brain ! I also wish this only have one wire out the left side , rather than two wire -lrb- one to each earphone -rrb- . but most of these phone -lrb- except for the cheaper Sony -rrb- be make this way . 337 Headphone NEG 2 I would have send this back but I need to do some more copying . it be a piece of junk as far as I be concern . a piece of plastic junk hope it last until I be do need it . also the door do not stay closed and once you send the record to I tune that be it it be do . just like everything else these day poorly make and way overprice . 733 Headphone NEU 3 I will confess , I be please with these headphone when I get they . Pretty decent sound , good noise blocking -lrb- always a plus in New York City -rrb- . the odd cord length -lrb- very short plus a very long extension -rrb- be a bother , but I manage . I figure , for a set of headphone under $ $ , it be worth it . what I do not take into account be the durability . buy these -lrb- . . -rrb- , and sure enough , the rubber on the cord have almost completely disintegrate . I suspect that the latex content in the rubber be pretty high , and my body heat have cause it to break down since they be design to be wear with the cord drape behind the neck . frustrating as heck . Sony have be in this business long enough to at least get that part right . so instead of buy another pair -lrb- and hope they have fix it -rrb- , I be step up to the Shure e2c 's . I figure they might be twice as much money , but they ought to last longer than 7 month . again , the sound on the Sony headphone be good ... just be prepare to buy another set in a few month . 33 Headphone POS 4 this be the consumer version of Sony 's professional mdr-7506 phone , widely use in the film and broadcast industry , which be standard issue at the radio station where I work . due to the shallow ear cup , I find they uncomfortable after about two hour . but they be rugged , compact when fold , and the coil cord be top . however , I have never be content with they sound . the high end be exaggerate . this can be useful for location recording , as it accentuate hiss and other unwanted noise . however , I can not recommend mix with these because it be hard not to overcompensate for they inherent brightness , and the strong high frequency quickly induce listen fatigue . these phone have be in production for two decade , but I prefer they little brother , the discontinue 7504 model , which have a more balanced sound . that say , I have not yet find a good , affordable alternative to the mdr-7506 -lrb- a.k.a mdr-v6 -rrb- . as other have note , the only difference between the v6 and 7506 be a gold-plated plug adapter , the length of the warranty , and whether the sticker on the ear cup be marked `` Professional '' or not . 196 Headphone NEU 3 pro : these ear phone fit ok in the ear thanks to the extra removable bud . cheap price . con : too much tint sound . I have a Sansa mp3 player with equalizer setting . I put all bass on and still too much tint and no bass at all . 353 Headphone NEG 2 these headphone be definitely a bottom tier set . the frequency response be poor at both end of the spectrum and everywhere in between . the sound reproduction quality be muddy . they distort badly at a relatively low volume . they still beat ear pod which for I , be a abomination . keep a set handy for those time when you other be break or `` lose '' somewhere in you home or auto . 62 Headphone POS 5 these be the best sport earbud on the market . they be light and with the wrap around on the ear stay in place . no ear bud be perfect , but these be inexpensive enough that they can be replace without too much out of pocket cost . Let 's face it . cheap or expensive nothing can last year and year when sweat be part of the natural routine of a ear bud . I have have expensive one and these be just as good . they get a 5 star mark for they practicability and cost . 723 Headphone POS 4 I be very surprised at how boom the bass be on these . I be always tell that earbud be not the correct way to listen to music cuz they do not deliver enough bass . these definitely do . another great factor be that when these be in you ear , they pretty much block out all external noise . they be pretty amazing . I could not believe it . I can not complain about the sound quality at all . my only issue be the control talk remote which be on the left bud . it weigh down on it make it uncomfortable to walk around . also it be extremely close to you chin which be another annoying factor . I be annoy with this so much which be why I be glad I find out about the `` ibeats htc\/ur beat '' which do not have that control talk thing so close to you face . 828 Headphone NEG 1 I just buy these today and I can not wait to return they . perhaps I have be spoil by bose , perhaps they just do not work . I can barely perceive any difference in the sound - just not worth the cost . they actually make I appreciate the earbud that come with my ipod . 391 Headphone NEU 3 these headphone be decent , but do not expect miraculous noise reduction or amazing sound quality . I own these as well as Sony MDR-V6 , Koss KTXPros , and previously own bose tri-port . as for noise , the bose phone with they sealed design ear cups\/pads actually cancel more airplane noise passively than these do with active cancellation electronics . the ear pad on these be not supple enough to provide a really good seal against the side of the head and that may be the source of the problem . the seal should be suction-cup like to really make the active noise reduction effective . even though they cost a small mint and you be of course pay for the prestige of the brand , I would prefer the bose for air travel have they not break . sound quality be lack as well . from some of the review on this site , you would think these sound incredible . after own they for a year and compare to other headphone I own -lrb- Koss KTXPros for 15 year , Sony MDR-V6 , the standard for studio mastering , for 3 year -rrb- these be dull and lifeless . the high be roll off , the low be muddy . while maybe better than stock headphone , they be only slightly better in this department . amplification with a headphone amp do not make thing any better . comfort be pretty good . once again , ear pad could stand to be a little softer to give a better seal , but the wire headband can be bent to provide more or less pressure on the head . the ear cup surround my medium-large ear and the inside of the cup barely touch they . they can not compete at all with the bose tri-port or the Sonys in this department . they be just ok . I be hope these would live up to the review , but I can not say they do . they be decent for the money , but not great . 393 Headphone NEG 2 with no mode setting -lrb- repeat , shuffle , etc -rrb- or shock protection , this cd player be pretty undesirable , but if you be just look for something to hold you over then this 'll do . it have all the basic feature of a cd player of course and it work alright . it could be with just mine , but every pair of headphone , new and old , that I use with it , the left begin to malfunction although when use those same headphone in another cd player or speaker , they work fine . like I say , if you just want a temporary thing then I guess this be good for you . 640 Headphone POS 4 these fit perfectly over my ear and provide excellent sound . from classical to Heavy Metal , each album I have go through sound brand new since I have move away from the in-ear bud . the headphone come with a nice case to protect they while you travel which do have enough room to fit a ipod . I highly recommend these . they do a adequate job of cancel out noise . but just as overall headphone they be great ! 709 Headphone POS 5 the signal strength be superior , very comfortable on ear . battery long for the hour and charge station keep the headset charge every time . this be my second set . right now I can use both headset connect to one of the station . I would buy this product again in the future . 428 Headphone NEU 3 I buy this for watch the tv . the sound quality be amazing . I like the head set overall . the only problem be , you have to tune every time you power on the headset . it will not save the frequency once you set it . good for those who want to watch tv or play game with best sound . 27 Headphone POS 4 bought myself when I see it on the sale here in Amazon . I find these a great bargain . my pro : great value , the sound be ok , and look cool . my con : the cord to way too long , have some poor sound when plug in other device like PSP , other mp3 player etc. `` i be ok with its performance on my ipod touch and on my laptop '' , the bass be average like those other in it be price range . well for 5 month of use it , the sound quality do not degrade and i be plan to mod this coz it be start to have scratch and the logo be fading 125 Headphone POS 5 I be very happy with the headphone . I want to listen to my ipod without use of the earbud type phone because they hurt my ear after listen for awhile . these be very comfortable . while they do not block outside noise , this be exactly what I want - to be able to hear if someone need I . although if you turn they up , they do block out a lot of outside noise . I like the fact that they fold up - there be a hinge on each side . I be very happy with my purchase and I would purchase they again for a gift ! 865 Headphone POS 5 nice huge headphone with very decent bass and a pretty solid build . cord be short , but I like that because I only use it for my computer while I do HW . cheap and decent headphone . 127 Headphone POS 5 I have this type of head phone and use it for a number of year till recently it blow out . . I look everywhere in the past 3 month to replace these . I jog 3 to 5 mile a day and sweat profusely . . ear bud would not stay in due to sweat . . my ear be small so try at least 5 different style and nothing work . . these be great because the tension make sure they stay in . they might not be as cool but as far as function a + + + . . 633 Headphone POS 5 I have try many earbud and the mx400 be hands-down the best value for the money . the sound be crisp and well-balanced . they be also highly efficient so that they produce enough volume for noisy environment like airplane . what I especially love about these earbud be the way they reproduce bass . I be a bass player and I love the detail that these earbud show in the bass . with the mx400 I can listen to a song and immediately recognize `` he be play a Fender jazz use a heavy pick on flatwound string . '' they be that good . but that might not be for you . there be a lot of people who do not care about such thing and instead prefer exaggerated , underdamped bass . if that be you then skip the mx400 . to each he -lrb- she -rrb- own . as with any bud of this type the frequency response will vary depend on how tightly the driver couple with you ear canal . this depend on how far you press the bud into you ear , and what you ear be shape like . yes , there be better earbud out there , but for less than the cost of a medium pizza these be great . 427 Headphone POS 4 First of all , I do ALOT of research on canal\/earbud phone -lrb- include read all of these review and many other on other website -rrb- before settle on a pair for purchase . I be pretty much a audiophile however that do not mean I expect pefection with every purchase , I realize there be ALWAYS go to something that I wish sound , work or be design better . I be also a bargain shopper not willing to shell out $ 500 and up for headphone , mainly because I can not not afford it and I -lrb- like the rest of we -rrb- do not like be overcharge . that be say , let I start with that fact that I actually purchase the Sony mdr-ex51lp 's not the mdr-ex71sl 's . the reason ? after my research I discover there be not much difference between the 2 , save the short cord\/extension problem you will read about later and the fact that they carry they at best buy which make it easier to return they if necessary -lrb- I come across comment that state Amazon charge you if you decide to return the mdr-ex71sl 's -rrb- . let I start by say I be very satified with my purchase . I buy they about 3 week ago at best buy for $ 39.99 plus tax , roughly the same price Amazon be charge for the mdr-ex71sl 's . I be look for earphone that would block a significant amount of exterior sound , fit snugly in the ear and not fall out as well as produce a quality of sound I would appreciate . I can say all of those need be meet with my mdr-ex51lp 's . there be a few thing you should know about these earphone though . # 1 if you do not like have to fiddle with little thing to get great sound , do not buy these . the multus size silicon earbud covering take a little time to figure out . you must have a complete seal to hear clear bass so play with the size to see which one fit you . I actually luck out and the medium size -lrb- which be already place on the phone -rrb- fit my left ear perfectly give I a understanding of how they should fit . my right ear be not so lucky and after play around I find that the large size be the solution . # 2 you must understand that these phone work like ear plug . you have to fit these baby snugly in you ear or the bass be not distinct and the noise around you will be more audible and not as cleanly `` block out '' . a proper seal be a must !! now this be not nearly as hard or annoying as it sound and once it be do you 'll be happy you buy these . as a side note , the silicon earbud can get quite dirty if you do not use q-tip often so clean you ear ! also this `` ear plug '' sensation will take some get use to -lrb- for I a couple of day -rrb- so have patience . # 3 part of the complaint I note from other reviewer be the cord of the mdr-ex71sl , apparently it be quite short and design for ipod user and player with arm band capability . Sony 's solution be to include a excessively long extension cord that again apparently cause problem -lrb- read the rest of the review -rrb- with its connector . the mdr-ex51lp have the same cord design as the mdr-ex71sl 's -lrb- right side longer than the leave so that the cord can sit behind you head -rrb- save one distinct difference . the cord for the mdr-ex51lp have one long cord like every other pair of headphone you have ever own so it be much easier to deal with . however , due to the similiar behind the head design -lrb- right side longer than leave -rrb- , I do think purchase a clip be necessary to hold the cord in place . I find the extra length of the right side have too much slack and either get in the way or catch on clothing . this sometimes tug on the phone themselves , particularly on the left side . this become a nuissance . also the cord be pretty thin , no problem yet but due to experience in the past with other earphone I fear it could be in the future . # 4 most importantly , be the sound itself . now this be where thing get complicate . everyone have different taste as how they music should sound so you be go to get vary opinion . I find , with a good seal -lrb- I can not stress this enough -rrb- , the sound be much improve over standard earphone and earbud . I find the eq a little tinny at first but the balance can be even out with a bass booster , this allow capabilty for heavier bass sound . my player have 2 setting of bass boost and I find the first setting to be more than adequate , the 2nd be a bit too much bass for my liking . the external sound around you disappear when music be play and this allow for quiet listening as not to damage you now clean ear . this be key as I travel alot ! so overall , I would say that Sony have do a great job . if you want really great sound with the small size and convenience of earbud and you be tire of tinny treble drive phone then these be for you . but if you expect pristine quality sound and bass that bump you out of you chair I suggest you stick with over the head headphone or if you be willing to shell out $ 500 + for the top of the line then go for it . Shure 's ec5 's rock . but I , I would rather shell out $ 40 for earphone that give I just what I be look for . if you check out comparable earbud phone you 'll find you 'll end pay more for very simliar result in sound and other trade off of various problem , etc. . I check out Shure 's -lrb- ec2 & ec3 -rrb- as well as etymotic -lrb- er-6 -rrb- and there be minute difference in performance and design but huge difference in price !! final word , I rate these only 4 star because of the cord problem and the weak excuse for a cord case -lrb- do not bother it be too time consuming and will break eventually -rrb- but I be extemely please with my purchase and would highly recomend it to anyone look for a reasonably price pair of high end earbud phone . however , I would seriously recomend the following : Research all , physically check out all and then buy what you prefer . 788 Headphone POS 5 excellent performance for the price . good sound and excellent reception on AM and FM . two aa battery seem to last forever . excellent travel radio ; easy to use and easy to pack . this be we second one ; first one bit the dust after numerous drop ; amazing that it be able to take so many fall ; this must be call durability . 708 Headphone NEG 2 when these in-ear headphone be properly install -lrb- and get they in right be like a installation -rrb- the sound be amazing . I have hear part of song that I would never hear before . but the headphone suffer from two massive flaw . the first be that if the headphone move the tiniest bit out of you ear canal , the sound quality plummet . this be a huge problem because the cord be so long that it be guarantee to catch on something and jiggle the earbud . even when wrap up and out of the way , the cord will respond to the slightest movement and pop the earbud out of you ear . this be extraordinarily frustrating , all the more so because the sound be so good . I do not recommend these headphone to active people or to people that plan on move much at all . if , however , you do not plan on move much with these headphone , you be golden . also note : that little case that come with they should be use all the time ; the earbud piece will come off in you bag or pocket and the case help prevent that . it also help prevent just whipping out you ipod and listening , since you have to undo the case and store it , but that be the least of you problem with these headphone . 775 Headphone POS 5 have be listen to my ipod with the include headphone for so long , I figure that all in-ear headphone sound pretty crappy and could not pick up bass . when those break I buy these and WOW , there a huge difference ! everything sound much cleaner and it pick up a much higher range of sound that could not even be hear before . also , the shape of they be a much better design than the standard ipod headphone , they be more comfortable and be very secure , they will not fall out when you go run . I wish I would have upgrade a long time ago , . these be a lot better than I expect for the price . Might not be for the hardcore audiophile , but for around $ 20 it be definitely worth it to upgrade you ipod headphone to something that do not sound like garbage . 655 Headphone NEU 3 I currently use a Sony in-ear headphone that be about $ 45 and have good audio quality until walk about ten step and they begin to slip out . needless to say , this make work out with they really annoying as I be constantly push they back in . so I think these headphone would be good since they hook around you ear . let start with the good : the headphone come with a lot of ear tip to help give you a good secure fit . I find -lrb- as well as many of the other reviewer -rrb- the foam tip to be the best fit and most comfortable . when securely fit the headphone do provide good sound with rich high and mid and at least descent bass . now the bad : although the headphone never outright come out thanks to the fact that it hook around you ear , the suction be slowly lose which result be a weaker bass and overall sound . now I do not find it to be terribly bad and I do not have to retouch it too many time -lrb- maybe every 15min -rrb- which be far better than any other in-ear headphone I have ever use , and to be fair occasionally I do not have to touch it for much longer . what really bother I be after just two day I notice the cord be already fail . the sound quality would vary just from move the cord in a certain way . in addition , the control stop respond on my iPhone for about a hour until it work again . that may be okay if I have it for two year but not two day . I think for $ 75 I could purchase a quality headphone with no problem . I be afraid I be go to have to return it and I will likely be get the monster isport immersion in-ear headphone . 559 Headphone POS 4 i have to return these after one day because they be huge on the ear . there be no way to adjust the headband , so it keep fall off my head . i get irritated so i just return it . sound quality be pretty good , but i didnt have they long enough to say anything else about this . 129 Headphone NEU 3 low quality earbud , tiny bass sound , cheap treble . never could get crisp sound out of they even after mess with the ipod 's eq . not for audiophile . okay for listen to podcast . you get what you pay for . 209 Headphone POS 4 I go thru several brand , and a lot of cash , try to find that combination of function and form . these earbud come with 3 size of ` ear plug ' , and the small one actually fit . what a relief ! I take a while , but I finally find a pair of earbud that fit and sound great ! I have be listen to my mp3 player everywhere from work to the beach of Cancun , and have be extremely happy with the sound quality and comfort . you will not be disapppoint if you buy these . 18 Headphone POS 5 these be cool look headphone and really grap you ear well !! comfortable too ! sound quality be very good , deep bass , clear sound and no noise with high volume !! recommend !! 639 Headphone POS 5 great product ! high quality ! totally comfortable and master sound . also its appearence like `` rasta '' increase the value of this item 486 Headphone POS 5 just get these pair of headphone for my office , base on my husband 's recommendation . these be light , comfortable and very good quality , suitable for long duration use . one of the problem I have face with some other headphone : 1 . too big to fit on my head and keep dangle . 2 . Start hurt my head or ear after some time . 3 . audio quality suck . these have a snug fit for head of any size and do not hurt or irritate at all . love they . 774 Headphone POS 5 my package arrive early than expect . originally it be suppose to arrival one or two month from July 15 . then I rec would confirmation that it will arrive on July 28 , 2010 . I just rec would my package today on July 24 , 2010 and I be luvin my new headphone . 366 Headphone POS 5 seriously I have own many head phones\/earbuds from bose to skull candy and these be the best head phone i have use in a long long time !!! I tell my friend hey check these head phone out i get they for 50 $ ... he try they out and tell I they sound similar to he bose 105 $ earbuds . . then i say you know what the best part about they be ? there not 50 $ there 5 $ ... he think i be mess with he . . lol seriously the bass and noise caceling of these head phone be sooo surprising !! i couldnt believe the quality of they for the price !! I tell all my friend about these guy I be still in shock with the performance ... 648 Headphone POS 5 Have have this product about a month . have work flawlessly . self-adjusting headband have work fine . you have option of use rechargeable battery that come with unit , or if it run down -lrb- which have not be a issue yet -rrb- , use alkaline aa . sound have be excellent with tv , though if the tv signal be very marginal , there can be noise . have not try with music . appreciate the power switch on the phone , so I do not have to put it back in charge unit every night . also have volume control on phone , though you 'll get cleaner sound use volume control on tv . ear pad comfortable and I appreciate they not be type that wrap around ear , so I can here my cat get into trouble , etc. . good product , especially for price . 883 Headphone NEG 1 these be go back to Amazon . I have never see such poor sound quality , with no low frequency at all . my wife and I listen to rock music , and occasionally some pop in she case . nothing crazy or extraordinary . there be another review say the wire make a very high noise when rub on clothes or anything , and it be true . I like the idea of braid material on the wire , but it need to be develop , perhaps with teflon coating . 345 Headphone POS 5 the quality of these headphone be superb . Audio be crisp and clear . I love the freedom of walk around the house listen to music w\/o disturbing my wife as she watch tv etc. . 439 Headphone POS 4 despite the wide variation in review and the negative review from very knowledgable people , I decide to try these headphone . the selling point for I be the design of the headphone , and the brand also carry a lot of weight with I . my initial impression of these headphone be horrible . like so many of the other who post , I find the bass to be very , very weak , leave a tinny , high\/mid-heavy sound , which be very annoying . I decide to up the bass boost on the eq setting in my ipod , think that perhaps this would loosen up the driver in the headphone . I play they at full volume for a few minute , while not wear they . I come back for a listen after do this and they sound much better . I then experiment with the fit on my head . I find that if the ear pad be not well seat on my ear the perceive bass be heavily attenuate . now that I have work all this out , I have to say I be very , very impressed with the sound . I have compare they with other , around the neck headphone that I have , and I like the sound of the Sennheisers much better . I like the over the head comfort of this style , but it be somewhat annoying that I have to fiddle with the fit on my ear so much to get the sound right . I think the user must try to get the same kind of seal you get with full size headphone , with these smaller-pad style headphone . there be thing to like and dislike about this style of headphone - but I do not think you need to be scare off by concern of lack in bass . keep in mind that you be purchase a audiophile brand name , but the product be , like so many other thing , make in China . I think this be probably to be expect at this price point . 16 Headphone POS 5 I be worry about the price , but these headphone honestly have a better overall feel and sound than my skullcandy . they have unique bud that fit very well in my ear and do a excellent job of cut out sound . I have now have these for a few month and they still work fine . 917 Headphone POS 5 these work exactly as advertise . great reception throughout the house and in the back yard although they be use primarily at night to provide peace in the house . the head phone be very comfortable , they tend to fall off when I be bend over while work but I probably should not expect that much from they . they be great for they intend use . Easy to recharge and very long battery life . they be ok for music , they be great for tv . 408 Headphone POS 5 excellent buy and no regret per se , but those with spectacles -lrb- like myself -rrb- may find it a bit uncomfortable after some time and would need to take a break . but this must be the case with every ` cup ' like headphone out there . assume the more comfortable ` flat ' type be not suit for the higher end phone . five star for the performance in general and for this price in particular . = = 75 Headphone POS 4 these sound great , but like other have say , not much bass . I still think they sound great . if you be use these for home theater beware that the cord be not that long . I plug it into my receiver and be unable to sit down on the sofa because of the short cord . I will have to move my receiver one of these day , but overall for the price I still say you can not go wrong with these can . 25 Headphone NEG 1 this be my first post on amazon and I often read all of the review before purchase . OMG , these headphone be very overatted and I be not understand the other reviewer comment about how superior they be . the speaker be cheap , sound be no better than a $ 25.00 set . I guess if you want to be associate with gaga then buy they , otherwise seriously consider another brand . I waste my time , please dont do the same . these be a valentine present to my wife and I be embarrassed that I give they to she as we listen to the cheap headphone compare to the $ 100 one and think the cheap one beat the GAGA 's out . 192 Headphone POS 5 great headphone i use they all the time , the sound quality be great . battery last a very long time and the easiest way to do it be to buy recharchable aaa battery and you end up save money on battery . 725 Headphone POS 5 Works Great ! have older model for year - it be ok , but the reception be often fuzzy . this one be spot on from the get-go - of course , it cost more ... 969 Headphone NEU 3 I have difficulty connect the headphone to my cellphone . after some wiggle , the headphone work if I hold my cellphone still . if I move my cellphone , it would lose connection . 293 Headphone NEU 3 these be my first Sennheiser Headphones . I purchase they base upon the glowing review for they sound . I just also buy a pair of Sony 7506 headphone at about the same price range . the Sony 's blow these out of the water . the 7506 's have deeper bass , better imaging , extend treble , and be more sensitive . they also seem to mate better with my Yamaha receiver for impedance purpose . the Sennheiser hd-280 's will give you better sound than less expensive headphone , but both the Sony 7506 and v700dj model be overall better in sound , sensitivity , power handling , and distortion . 222 Headphone POS 5 I buy these headphone because Sennheiser be know to be one of the best maker of quality headphone with excellent sound . they have very comfortable ear pad , and a extra-super long cord . the sound reproduction be phenomenal ! Bass sound awesome and literally shake you ear . all this for the same price one would pay for a cheap set of earbud . excellent buy !!! 407 Headphone POS 5 I buy these earbud from my university bookstore and do not expect much for 9 buck and change , but I be prove wrong ! the song from these earbud be excellent . they beat in in-ear headphone by a mile , simulate surround sound . I have have these earbud for over 3 1\/2 month and the earbud be still do the job ... 626 Headphone NEG 1 I can not believe these get the kind of review they get . they sound horrible on every level . the earphone that come with my ipod so outdo these it be pitiful !! do not waste you money ! 484 Headphone POS 5 good value for the money . very nice sound quality and comfortable to wear for long period . 521 Headphone POS 4 I spend a lot of time read review look for a good set of ear phone or ear bud to use while work out . I like to run on the treadmill and have a problem where a lot of my sweat will run down into my ear and temporarily short out my ipod ear bud . after much comparison , these ear bud sound like they would fit the bill . I be not disappointed ! the great thing about these ear bud be that they swell up in the ear and block out the sweat while work out , they hold in the ear very well , they be considerably low price , they block out external sound very well ! I be recently read a article where a study be do by a university and find that you can only listen to you ipod -lrb- or other -rrb- for about 60 minute every day without damage you ear . if you turn down you volume you could extend that amount of time . that remind I many time where my ear start hurt after extend use of my ipod where I be listen to audiobook . the reason I mention this be that with these ear bud I be able to turn down the volume and still hear my audiobook . the main problem with listen to audiobook be that you have to turn up the volume enough to where you can make out the word over external sound . with these plug you be able to reduce the external sound , thus you can turn down you volume as well ! I find this extremely useful on long road trip where my 3 year old daughter listen to the dvd player in the back seat while I be in the front seat . these plug allow I to drown out the dvd player and focus on my audiobook without give I a headache from loud volume ! the deliver package only come with the ear bud , one set of ear foam plug already attach , and a extra set of ear foam plug for later use . the only draw back be that after 3 week of use one of the ear cut out and stop work . I be very hard on the product and have have the ear plug pull out of my ear and the connector yank out of my ipod many time . I go back and read some more review ... I find that other people have this same problem . I go online and find that I might be able to solder a new connector on . I decide that I love the ear plug but I do not want to purchase 12 set per year . that would add up to enough money to buy a quality pair that would last I much longer and give better sound . I have a soldering iron . I have do a little bit of soldering , I be by no means good at it ... I buy a 1\/8 '' stereo audio connector from Radio Shack and give it a shot . I cut out the extra non-copper fiber that would prevent good conductivity and solder it together . it work great now ! we 'll see how long it last this time : -rrb- I would give it 5 star if the connector be better ! 686 Headphone POS 5 these bud will not stay in you ear if you go for a run , but I use they at work every day , in one ear only , and the sound quality be very good . I plug they into a cheap set of computer speaker that sound awful alone . the sound be so much better through the earbud . unlike my co-worker ' headphone , these be silent to everyone else . when I take they off I can not hear a peep from they . my only complaint be that the 4 ' cord be not long enough to plug directly into the computer under my desk . 233 Headphone NEG 1 I have hope with this product as many of the review be positive . I should have listen to the critique more . out of the box on my first run you 'll notice that if you so much as brush the wire that connect to the plug you will get static . I will say that the fit and comfort be there and as long as that wire be not touch -lrb- tough to do while run -rrb- the sound be good . after about 6 run though you realize that the speaker themselves be hold in by the fragile piece of rubber surround the speaker . once the rubber move , the speaker literally fall out . you be leave to attempt to put the speaker back in and snap the rubber around they like a rubber band . apparently I must have do this incorrectly as my right earpiece no longer work . for a $ 30 product I be not go to mess around with return and warranty , instead I be still now in the market for good headphone to use while run . my clear advice , run away from this product . 394 Headphone POS 5 I get what I order -lrb- rk-138 Audio Connecting Cable -rrb- exactly when it be estimate to arrive and it work perfectly - can not ask for more than that . 638 Headphone NEU 3 good sound and bass . it pick up a little interference noise from my elliptical machine and expensive . I may go for wire headphone than wireless 11 Headphone POS 5 it be absolutely right to refer the review . this headphone with 20 year history by SONY be brilliant and reliable one . I and my friend be so happy with this , it be the best headphone that we have ever have !!!!! 296 Headphone POS 5 I have be look for a good headset to use while talk on the phone to customer when I work from home . the clarity of this set be very good . it also come with several adapter so I can use it with my mp3 player and my computer . I be very pleased so far . 544 Headphone POS 4 I work the night shift on the floor of a manufacturing facility where I be surround by modern machinery , electric panel , computer , a wi-fi network , row of fluorescent lighting and concrete block wall , so I be hesitant to try a wireless headset . my main listen interest be sport talk , ballgame , news program , and talk show . the headphone be hook into my satellite radio boom-box via the headphone jack -lrb- with the volume on the boom-box turn up all the way -rrb- . well let I tell you , I receive great reception and quality at 90 yard -lrb- and that be with about 50 machine between myself and the transmitter -rrb- . only the slightest crackling and minor hiss can be hear at that distance . be about 60 yard away from the transmitter with a concrete block wall and 30 machine between , the audio be sufficient enough with some crackling , hissing and breakup . while in my main work area -lrb- about 2000 sq. ft -rrb- and in direct line of the transmitter , the audio be spot on with absolutely no crackling , no hiss and no interference . I can not `` accurately '' comment on the music quality b\/c I do not have `` a ear '' for it , but it be as good as any ` wire ' headset or ear bud that I have own . the placement of the dial do not present a problem for I . I have no difficulty adjust the volume , tuner or on-off switch , even with work glove on . these headphone be worn daily for a minimum of 8 hr . a day , and do not lose a charge . you can tell when the battery be die when the audio quality start to diminish . they be plenty comfortable -lrb- even w \/ safety glass on -rrb- with ample padding . my only complaint -lrb- and it may be genuine to I -rrb- be the fit . I have a good size melon -lrb- 7 5\/8 -rrb- and these seem to wiggle a bit while I be work . I do some lifting and reach at work and while do so , I sometimes have to try to keep my head level so the headphone do not slide down or back . again , this may be unique to I as I may have stretch these beyond they capacity . = -rrb- I highly recommend these headphone and would have give they a 5-star review have I just use they in a `` idle '' position . 249 Headphone POS 4 I use my portapro with a cmoy amp I build with my sony walkman mp3 player . they sound great for the money -lrb- a little bassy but you can que it down -rrb- . I like that Koss get it right and have not change a thing in many year !! very comfortable for long listening . not a real pretty headphone set but they do the job well . quality seem to be good . I think with a little care they will last for year . I like they & I use they everyday . 485 Headphone POS 4 good headphone for watch tv . Easy to use , I just plug it into my headphone jack on my tuner , which be connect to my tv . the only problem I have be that the headphone be lose and can fall off if and when I bend over to pick something up ... 746 Headphone POS 5 the Sennheiser RS140 Wireless Headphones be phenomenal . we have 2 headset on one charger . I set the television volume low -lrb- or even mute the tv -rrb- and my husband and I adjust we headphone to we individual comfort level . they work in every room of we home so I can prepare dinner and not miss my favorite show . in addition , the sound be crisp , clear and enhance . it be a wonderful product and I highly recommend it . this be not just for hear impaired . 581 Headphone POS 4 as expect with bose , these headphone provide excellent sound . the balance between the lower and higher register be excellent . listen to Bach , I could hear the violin and the cello with equal clarity . the headphone do a good job of block out sound so I definately discourage use of this product while drive a automobile -lrb- however use at home when the wife be around it be another matter - smack ! -rrb- . the weight and bulk of the headphone limit it be use somewhat and I would not recommend use these headphone during a heavy workout . admittedly , I have not price this product -lrb- it be a gift -rrb- with other product and my four star be conditional upon this product be within a relevant range of the competition . this be my first pair of quality headphone , I have to say that for use in the office work on a spreadsheet , there be nothing I have try that be better . 823 Headphone POS 4 so i buy this headphone because i just want something to use when i work out . these be a pretty good pair of headphone i have have they for about 3month now and have not have any type of problem . and for they price they sound pretty good . I like to use the in ear one more only because they be more portable . but overall they both be pretty good pair of headphone and especially for they price 910 Headphone NEU 3 the sound be excellent . very true in all frequency . however , the metal headpiece be not that comfortable and the it constantly become unhinge from the the plastic secure piece . next time I will stick with the Sennheiser p100 . 773 Headphone POS 5 love these headphone . great clear sound . as a sound technician , sound quality be important to I . I would use these on the board if I have to . love they 594 Headphone NEU 3 listen quality be not the greatest and earphone be not comfortable . needless to say that i do not win best gift award that year 431 Headphone POS 5 pro : these be great headphone . they be extremely loud and give out great sound . on my laptop i would normally have my volume at 100 % and have problem hear it -lrb- use on the ear headphone -rrb- , but with these i need my laptop around 25 % and i can not hear anything outside of the music playing . con : these headphone be over the ear and if they would be just a little bit farther from the ear they would not start to press against my ear . after about 6 hour it start to hurt the edge of my ear -lrb- but it may be just I , because i have some big ear -rrb- . but this usually go away after 5 min of have they off and they i be ready for another hour . hope i help . 108 Headphone POS 4 I purchase these to run with , as the ear bud fall out . for run and exercise these thing work excellently . good sound , comfortable , and -lrb- most importantly -rrb- they do not fall out . now when I wear they to the gym I notice they look a bit odd as they follow you ear contour and thus stick out a bit - but consider all the other weird outfit that be at the gym I feel fully comfortable with these on . 239 Headphone NEG 2 I buy these to wear while work out and like they until I start sweating and immediately the shock start . every 10-20 seconds a small yet very annoying electric shock will zap the top of you ear , render they useless for workout . they be fine for other use , just do not sweat in they . 120 Headphone NEU 3 drop audio level greatly when extra device be plug in . but that be the nature of the beast . use tv , airport express , and Logitech power speaker . come with one cable no 2nd cable one end of the unit be male as oppose to all female port . just very short length on that part . 628 Headphone NEG 1 my son use these at we local library , where we assume that they have experience a lot of wear and tear . within a couple of time of my son wear they , one of the earphone pad have come off , and would not stay on . give the size of the pad , and how hard the earphone be without the pad , they would have be too uncomfortable to wear without both pad . I guess that we could have glue it back on , but , we be not impress by the fit , either . we end up buy the `` Kidz Gear Wired Headphones '' , and have be much happier with they . 95 Headphone POS 4 I think these headphone sound great , but they be a little tight on the head . I read some other review that mention it , but think , `` maybe they just have a big head ? '' . I think my head be pretty normal size , but these headphone be pretty uncomfortable . after about 1 to 2 hour you have to adjust they to a different spot because you start get ear fatigue , which eventually radiate to the whole area around you ear . once you take the headphone off the pain go away , so no permanent damage ; -rrb- I use these for work , so I be wear they for around 6 hour a day , so I have get use to how uncomfortable they be and consider I be use earbud I be excite to have the hd 202 . if you can not deal with the aforementioned pain , I would suggest a different pair of headphone , because even though they be affordable you will not enjoy they for long . 656 Headphone POS 4 when I get these first , they be excellent ! Philips have not let I down before . the sound be rich with great bass , but I will say that they hurt my ear for about a week . after that I get use to the feel of they . as for durability , they last about a year , now there be only one phone working . of course , if I fiddle with the wire I can get both work , but I can not bring they anywhere anymore . I really do like these though , so its a pity . 612 Headphone POS 4 I think that the volume could be better it be not very loud . I could be jammin a little more . but , they be comfortable and they do not rest directly on my ear -lrb- maybe I have small ear -rrb- . the headphone have a very long cord I can actually sit on my sofa and hook they up to my ps3 . good product ! 658 Headphone POS 5 the head set be better than expect . love everything about they , I can even go outside at quite a distance and still the clarity be very good . glad I make this purchase . the sound be great for watch american Idol !! 834 Headphone NEG 2 Ugghhh I buy these to replace my broken Sony mdr-888 and they be horrible . it can not handle bass whatsoever . it have very shallow bass and plenty of high frequency . I be return these immediately . I hate to admit it but I switch back to my old ipod headphone because it sound better - believe it or not . they fit nice and snug but the sound be nothing compare to my old headphone . 647 Headphone POS 5 I have several high quality product to choose from , but primarily this one along with set from Amphony . we home be heavily electronicize , with several 5.4 ghz product , wireless networking and a phone system , and we live in a high density metropolitan area , so I opt for infrare -lrb- ir -rrb- transmission since it can not be interfere with like radio-frequency -lrb- rf -rrb- system . overall , the experience have be exceptional : - the quality of the audio be wonderful , and there be user-selectable setting for ambience and material . - I be use the analog input for the input from my receiver , and the optical input for the output from my 24 '' iMac ; the optical input require specialty cable , as do the coaxial input . - reception be excellent , although it worsen if I sit 90 degree off center ; we unit be on a swivel tv , minimize this kind of problem . - I be tall , with a fairly large head , but the fit of the headphone have be very good , as well as feeling fairly light , and I have have no issue with comfort . - we use rechargeable battery around the home , and the unit use aa battery , as well as come with high-quality Sony rechargeable battery and a built-in recharger . - review from several online source be very positive , the only middling review from a self-professed audiophile who prefer the Amphony headset . con -lrb- minor -rrb- : - replace the battery be a little cumbersome , as I require a small prop , like a letter opener , to pop out the battery . - unlike rf headphone , you can walk outside the range of these , either via walk far away , or by walk into another room , but that be the primary issue with this type of headphone , and I buy it with the awareness . 176 Headphone POS 5 I have never leave a review before but could not resist let every one know what a great product these little bud be . I buy these bud after the original bud to my ipod finally break . what a great investment !! I just get back from a trip to Costa Rica and these thing be simply amazing on the airplane . I never use my ipod on the plane before because I could never hear without turn the volume up all the way and I still could not hear all that well . I admit I have to turn up the volume a tad with these bud , but not that much . -lrb- you do have to push the tip into you ear to drown out the surround sound . -rrb- every time my husband want to talk to I he have to tap I on the shoulder . these be also great if you have small ear canal . the extra small tip be wonderful and they do not keep fall out of my ear like the Ipod bud do . I also find they very comfortable when I wear they at night in bed when my insomnia kick in . at first I think the sound quality be not all that great , even after `` break in , '' but the more I have use these puppy the more the sound quality have improve . finally , I love the cord ! it do not tangle and seem to be very well make even though it be thin . over all , great product and worth every penny . I buy the blue one and may even buy the pink one to `` color coordinate ! '' 37 Headphone POS 4 for the price this be a fantastic earbud . very stylish , and good isolation as long as you be not on the train too much . the noise from the train could leak in , but you will still be able to hear you music well without pump the volume . 796 Headphone NEU 3 well ... I get the item and it be NEW . on here I think it be state that the charger and what not be not include . BUT IT WAS !!! it be NEW in the box with everything and factory seal . well ... I have only listen to they a couple of time so far . they sound good and work good ! I will admit that and do not get I wrong . and I have even use they with my Iphone dock to my Sony stereo , which by the way be another half useless item , that I have beef with other than docking my phone and listen to Slacker stereo on it from my subscription . the headphone work through the wall and onto outside with the door close . I have even go to my car with they on and it be not right outside my front door . after a certain point , it be intermittent sound , but that be expect - look how far I go ! I be not expect ANY SOUND where I go . but I get some , and as I come back and get closer again to my apartment , it come in clear as a whistle ! but hey ! I be in a apartment complex . but these be the reason I be give this 3 star instead of 4 or 5 though . they be really bulky to wear . and when I see they on the website , I look at the ear cushion . I think they be some type of leather , or a rubber type of material like other company 's headwear . the description do not talk about the cushion . well ... when I see what the ear cushion be when I open the box , I be kind of mad for that kind of money , that they would put this soft material like ear cushion . and it also specifically state in the instruction that you should change these cushion OFTEN . that mean you gotta come out of you pocket over and over to keep on BUYING ear cushion for this thing , like you be rich or something . and I be sure it aint CHEAP either , cos these AINT CHEAP HEADSETS ! that be if you can find they somewhere . I have not look yet though . but I clearly be not happy about that at all and I sincerely think about send they back at first . but I keep they , because it be a good buy , compare to other place that sell they . I look before I buy them ... and after I buy them . that be the ONLY REASON why I keep THESE HEADSETS , because I see what the actual price be go for and it be WAY more than what I pay on Amazon at the time . and I do mean WAY more !!!! but for now , they be just sit there collect dust . so ... whenever when ! 478 Headphone POS 5 EMPTYSTRING 414 Headphone POS 4 I get these earphone for $ 5 , and it be definitely worth it . they be pretty good and have nice sound quality -lrb- at least as good as the ipod earphone but probably a bit better -rrb- . they have a weird bump on they to try and make they fit in you ear better which get annoy at time but overall they be not bad . so if you be look for some decent earphone and want to spend a small amount of money , I would recommend these . 671 Headphone POS 5 I have have these well over a month now . these be superior headphone with superior sound quality . my primary reason for purchase these be gaming . I play America 's Army , Guild Wars , and world of Warcraft . in America 's Army I be able to hear footstep and people reload from a far greater distance than with my Zalman 5.1 's -lrb- which be $ 90 -rrb- or with my Logitech open ear headphone . the accuracy of the shot be even better than my 5.1 's . which be amazing consider there be only 2 speaker in the 555 set . I could hear footstep behind I and spin around before they come around the corner , in insurgent Camp I could be typing on the upstairs pc and distinctly hear people in the radio room or in the garage . even though they be not design for gaming they play the part better than any of those under $ 100 gaming headset you find in most store . 766 Headphone POS 4 the in you ear headphone get a little get use to cancel out noise pretty well good bass though some frequency might be miss altogether ? 990 Headphone NEG 1 delivery date be Dec 20 . no sign of it and no option to contact the seller on my account . help ? 609 Headphone POS 5 pro : sound Quality , Comfort , Easy Recharge , Long battery hour con : Hiss Noise during silent scene , not great bass 635 Headphone NEG 2 I receive this item rather fast , honestly forget I even order it . I do not know if I should trust it or not consider other review I have see about it . I open the package , connect it and hope for the best and to my surprise it work as expect . I could pause , play , shuffle , go to next , previous , etc. , all with the exception of the volume control because I be use it on a android device . I be happy with it initially but I know something be go to go wrong the moment I touch it . the build on the adapter be not all that great . the line feel weak and flimsy but the button all seem solid enough . I know from the start that I have to take good care of it to avoid it break but even my extreme caution could not help it from break . two day after I receive it the line come to the point where I have to turn it to the perfect angle to get good audio out of it and avoid move it at all cost . that be the problem though , you have to move the adapter in order to use the function -lrb- volume , play , pause , etc. -rrb- after a while no matter what angle I would turn it too all I could hear be faint screech . I figure I get what I pay for and toss it in the pile of worthless thing . my advice would be to look for a better product out there and avoid this one if possible . I give it two -lrb- 2 -rrb- star simply because it do what it be suppose to do but the lifespan be incredibly bare . with that be say I hope you do the smart thing and look past this item . I be pretty sure there be greater product out there that be well worth the price . 78 Headphone NEU 3 I just receive px-100 from Amazon to replace my old white px100 , which be break lately . after 20 hour continuous `` burn-in '' with professional burn-in cd , I be disappointed with this black version . compare to my old white px100 , the black version seem to be lack transparency , the music sound muffle , many detail lose . it do have better -lrb- stronger -rrb- bass , but that do not justify the loss of clarity and transparency . if you be go to buy px100 , I would highly recommend the white version , it be only $ 1.00 more in Amazon . 783 Headphone NEG 2 I must say that the sound quality of this phone be really good . however , when it come down to comfort this headphone be anything but comfortable . if you be a runner that like to run for 1-2 hour and listen to music then I do not recommend this headphone . not sure if the people who give this a 5-star rating have ever use this headphone , because once you use it for more than 30 minute you ear will start burn . the headphone be strong , but that make it rough on the ear . I be actually search for a better heaphone -lrb- perhaps a sennheiser that will satisfy all need -rrb- as I be write this review . 404 Headphone POS 5 this be a damned good set of earbud for the price . good sound with decent amount of bass ... moldable to you ear . you really can not beat this thing . under $ 20 ?? come on . . buy it already ! 42 Headphone NEG 1 I would not recommend this product for several reason . first , it be very inconvenient to install or remove the battery . second , it be very cumbersome to line up the connector on the headset with its mate on the charge stand . and lastly , the maximum volume obtainable on the headset be too low even with the battery fully charge . 953 Headphone NEG 2 the audio quality of the ne 700 's be superior to every other set I have listen to ; dynamic range , image quality , sound isolation ... it be just a shame they keep break . the people at NuForce get a `` a '' for effort and ungrudging send 3 set of replacement before `` promising '' a full refund -lrb- still wait for the refund , its only be a couple of week so I be not worried yet -rrb- . each set have the same failure , death of a channel -lrb- usually the right -rrb- . unfortunately the failure can not be attribute to abuse , I have a cheap set of Jabra 's that I wear while do any type of physical activity that I have own for year . the ne 700 's be reserve for list around the house , air travel -lrb- which be where I appreciate they the most due to the great noise isolation -rrb- or while I be sit work on the computer . I would have give NuForce one star have it not be for the exceptional customer support effort and the audio quality but I would not recommend purchase this product until the durability issue be address . read through other review , my problem be not a anomaly . I hope anyone else that buy this product have better luck than I . 673 Headphone POS 5 I want to let everyone know that this be a great item . Perfect for work out or run because now you do not have to deal with the wire . I have never see a wireless set of headphone ! highly RECOMEND !!!! 976 Headphone NEG 2 the shape of the ear bud take a lot of get use to . there be more comfortable over-the-ear model available than this . 644 Headphone POS 5 these head phone be very nice and comfortable . the sound quality be great . when you first take they out of the package though they look like guitar head phone at the end , like they would plug into a amp . or something but you just take that off and it plug into anything else like a ipod . 101 Headphone POS 4 the most amazing property of these headphone be that it be almost like you be wear nothing . they be light and comfortable and the pressure of the ear pad be adjustable on both side . these be probably the most comfortable headphone I have ever worn and I have own many set of headphone from Sony , Panasonic , Seinheiser , Ultrasone ... the extra set of head pad above the ear reduce the pinch on the ear you get with most headphone . that say , the sound quality -lrb- here I be use the word ` quality ' literally , as in flavor , not how good the sound be -rrb- be punchy and bass-y , at the sacrifice of high end and midrange . I test these headphone with a Sony hi-md lossless minidisc player with a flac audio source . these headphone be what I would call `` teenager headphone . '' they have sound property that kid would look for . if you listen to a lot of music that have valuable high frequency sound property you may wish to look elsewhere . the high and midrange on these headphone be a little muddy . 872 Headphone POS 4 I have be use these ear bud and I like they both at home and at work . they work well to reduce the constant hum of nearby computer , distant conversation etc. . they help I keep my train of thought . I also like the fact that I can save my ear because I do not have to turn up music as high . chatter beyond 10ft away mostly disappear . I be surprise by the static buzz they produce , but the noise cancel outweigh that . type seem to stand out as the most audible noise . it seem to work best on constant rumble or hum noise . it seem as if everything noisy around you get push back 20 foot . UPDATE : the left earbud stop work . Sony will gladly replace the set for a processing fee of $ 46 . I be downgrade this product from 4 star to 1 star . 49 Headphone POS 5 I recently purchase a pair of the Klipsch IMAGE s4 and have be use they for about two week now . and I must say I be very impress by this product . my previous set of earbud be make by v-moda and , although I enjoy they , I feel there be a bit to much bass for my liking . when the V-modas 's bit the dust I base my purchase of the Klipsch on the fact that the stereo system in the office where I work have Klipsch speaker and I like the clean open sound of they . I figure I would take a chance that the earbud have that same quality . the image s4 seem to I to have a wider soundstage than the v-moda . what I be hear more clearly now be the rhythm guitar in some song and the background instrumentation in other that I would never hear before . the best part be that the Klipsch bud do not skimp on the bass response . it be there . it be noticeable . and it be clean . I enjoy anything from classical to country to jazz to classic rock and these bud do justice to they all . my only problem be with the silicone tip . I can not really blame Klipsch because I have never come across a tip that be `` really '' comfortable . for I the large tip be too big , the small one too small and the medium one not real comfortable . I have order a set of the Comply tx-100 tip in the hope it may be the solution . great sound separation with excellent bass response . great bud for the price ! 227 Headphone POS 5 I pay $ 200 for these headphone and since then my father have buy a pair and 3 of my friend , too . I wont argue with any reviewer as the specification of the headphone speak for themselves , and I guaruntee that these headphone can out-sample any stereo system that you have . here be the spec : 18hz to 28,000 Hz @ 90db . what do you think the average human ear be capable of hear ? Approx . 40hz to 22,000 hz . I use they for gaming , music , I even use they as ear-muff when outside in the winter listen on my Sony MD. . I have never need a amplifier with these headphone . I run they straight from my sound card and any other device and they perform very nicely . the hd-570 's comfort and quality be uncomparable to any headset on the market . sennheiser represent professional quality at a price that be worth the cost . 317 Headphone NEG 1 I order these on Dec 22 , and on Feb 15th the right side quit work . I have only ever use these lightly sit at my desk in my office . I try to get assistance from Jlabs but they wont provide support without a serial number , which be on the manual instead of the product . -lrb- why would I keep the manual for a set of earbud ? -rrb- I even do the proper recommend burn in . they sound a bit better than the stock ipod earbud -lrb- but not dramatically so -rrb- , but I do like that they noise cancel do work really well . it be nice to have in my busy office . the fact that I cant get assistance for the way these just give out because of not have keep all of the paperwork seem like a way for the manufacturer to use a loophole and avoid stand behind they product . bottom line : while I like they when they be work properly , they be extremely fragile -lrb- or poorly make -rrb- and the company 's product support be lack . 826 Headphone POS 4 I be hopeful about this product after try so many other option to keep my iPhone cord from tangle . when I see this I be not sure how I would take to have something attach to my cord when use they . I order this anyway cause I would try everything else . it be the best thing I have try so far but its not perfect . the cord do not stay inside the channel . they keep struggle to get out which be annoying but I do not think there be a way to avoid it cause the cord do need to be able to be pull out if you want to use the item as a phone stand . when I want to wrap the cord up it be relatively easy , when the cord stay in the channel . just pull the bud down and then wrap the cord around the middle and tuck in the plug ! now I gotta find a way to keep the iPhone earbud to stay in my ear ! 52 Headphone POS 5 I see many people complain about the tuning signal . maybe it be the individual usage and different type of wall and area , but I put these through the real test . my finding be once I find the signal it lock in no matter if I go around my house or down the street . I get at least 100 foot outside my stereo and no drop of signal or loss of sound . I keep the charges\/antenna up on top of the cabinet and some fm channel may need tweek at certain point , but CD 's and digital music once lock in work great . the stereo seperation be fantastic \/ these phone be worth every penny pay for it . 646 Headphone POS 5 okay , because I have go through load of headphone , from cord , to wireless , on ear , over ear , and in ear . in ear suck , so I will not even argue about that , these headphone be over ear . . or on ear ... do not really matter . they be AWESOME ! only thing I suggest be get a ft. headphone extender , cause any headphone you get will have a short cord , include these headphone . secondly , do not be a idiot and be careful , just order a second pair , because the sound be great ! just have to replace mine , I step on the cord and bent the metal ... so now i have to have it just right to get it to play ... but they be just plain great ... forget Dr. Dre beat , yeah , they would be awesome to be able to replace the cord instead of the whole pair of headphone ... but these be 7.99 ... the beat be over 200 buck ... forget that . 384 Headphone POS 5 I have have this dac\/amp for ~ 6 month now and I have to say that it be worth every penny . to anyone that be on the fence due to the extremely sharp , ear pierce high , do not worry ! the amp have a break-in period . after this time the sound even out perfectly . this time vary I be sure but my time be no more than a couple of day listen . I go about shorten this by leave music play through my headphone all day , even though I be not present . on to sound . I be not a audiophile by any means -lrb- though I do possess a obsession with the idea -rrb- . the sound quality through my headphone , beyerdynamic dt 990 headphone , be spectacular . I believe it be the best I have ever hear my music sound . the sound be extremely punchy , and the high be absolutely sublime after the break-in . the low be there but not overstate , as can be the case with some amp . overall I think this amp\/dac have a great balance that I do not get with my other setup . obviously you choice of headphone will greatly impact you experience with any dac . Mine be great for I , but other may find they too bright , or not strong enough in certain area . what I can say , be that after make the jump to a good set of headphone and a dac I will never go back . it be like have the band cram inside you head . you can hear every instrument at any give time . you do not realize how much be lose in normal sound card , or cheap speakers\/headphones until you listen to a good set on a decent dac for a day or two . it leave you with a feeling you can not shake . if you purchase this unit and use it with a decent set of headphone I can guarantee you will not be disappoint with it . 613 Headphone POS 5 I just receive it today and I see no problem , and hear no problem . I use this so I can play my piano keyboard without anyone else hearing and for that purpose I have no issue . 719 Headphone POS 5 first , let I say this . these headphone use a active , power noise cancel system . you must turn it on . if you do not , well ... then yes , they sound a bit weak . turn THEM ON ... it have the feature , use it . I would consider myself a audiophile and these be , far and away , the best set of headphone I have ever own . any pair of headphone have to pass a few test for I : dark side of the Moon , Into the Mystic , Cinnamon Girl , u2 's Joshua Tree . these headphone blow any other set I have ever own totally out of the water . great high , thunder low , and the noise cancellation work great . will it eliminate everything ? no , of course not . sit at my desk in my office today , however I can tell you that it pretty much eliminate 90 % of the background noise . catch they on sale , but I would have gladly pay full price for they . I have be set on a pair of bose , but after a final comparison , there be no comparison . if you need some good headphone , these be for you . 997 Headphone POS 5 I have be professionally record for 15 year , and have own these since day 1 . I use these headphone both in the concert hall and in the studio . I recently buy a second pair , just so I have a spare for the day that my first pair die . I highly recommend these headphone for all you recoding and listen need . after 15 year of continual use , the only thing start to happen be that the cover over the foam be just now start to separate . but , I fully expect they to last another 15 year at least . 661 Headphone POS 5 I have spend all day revisit my music collection . this be a excellent pair of headphone for the price . one note to potential buyer : sennheiser px 100 's be open headphone , which mean you will hear sound in you environment and , depend on the volume , other will hear what you be listen to . 193 Headphone POS 5 great sound , especially the bass . the sound insulation be very impressive , when the speaker be put together , you can not hear any noise come out unless you be really blast the music . the cord be very well design . it be thick enough that you be not go to damage anything if you accidentally roll over it in you chair , and the coiled design make it great for move around . they be also extremely comfortable , and dont make my ear hurt or hot . I have a large head , and you can jack these out to fit even the largest head , yet they still fit snugly on my small-headed room mate . fantastic headphone , I recommend they to everyone . 190 Headphone POS 5 the j3 Micro earbud be fantastic . to anyone look for some great earbud look no further the quality of theses earbud for the money be unsurpassed . I will be buy another pair of these just to have a spare . great job jlab . oh and to anyone talk about the tiny sound . learn how to put they in you ear , it make all the difference this be the case with all the micro earbud I have try , they must be seat in you ear properly . 41 Headphone POS 5 I get these bad boy on special for $ 20 and that include shipping too . I normally go with earbud because they do not hurt the bone in my ear , however these stay comfy for a dew hour and sound AMAZING . seriously these headphone be a steal at the price i get they for , they be so clean and loud , with plenty of bass and treble . they be versatile and can play all type of music and speak word clearly . they be soo good that now the search be on to find the clearest most intense music i can , watch OUT SOUNDCLOUD and GROOVESHARK ... . . here I come !!!!!!!!!!!!! 155 Headphone POS 5 I be so glad I purchase a set of headphone from Sennheiser . other noise be block out while the information -lrb- music or reading -rrb- come through clearly ! I would recommend they for anyone who want clear , distinct sound . 892 Headphone POS 5 I buy this to convert my sennheiser headphone to a gaming capable device . this item allow any nice headphone to become a headset . pro : quality sound con : not able to grip thick headset cable . however it can clip to clothing . 98 Headphone POS 5 it be great especially for the price . I enjoy this earbud . 754 Headphone NEG 2 over the past 5 year , I have own 6-7 different pair of earbud headphone range in price , and decide to buy the jlab j3m base on positive review , price and a desire to have a good pair of earbud with a build in microphone . after a few month of ownership , at this price point , I would say that the j3m be decent in term of sound quality -lrb- some fit issue aside -rrb- , but have other issue which would make I not a repeat purchaser . - the first pair I receive break on the second day -lrb- the earbud\/speaker separate from the plastic cone\/casing , disconnect the wire -rrb- . however , I be thrill with jlab 's customer service , as they replace the earphone free of charge and very quickly . that kind of service score bonus point with I and assist my impression of jlab . - for the most , these headphone be as advertise . the sound quality be decent , but the design of the earbud make it difficult to get the right in-ear seal necessary to get the best sound . have own lot of earbud over the year , I have be familiar with the different type of attachment , but the issue be more with the length of the earpiece itself . the piece that the earbud attach to be too short , and even with the right attachment will not allow itself to be positioned properly\/deep enough for the best-sounding seal . while everyone 's ear be different -lrb- and I prefer a earbud that can be place deep in the ear -rrb- , I have not have success with this pair . when the bud be hold into the ear , you can get close to the right seal , and the sound , in my opinion , be slightly better than the Sony $ 40ish earbud , but not as good as the Shure e2c or the etymotic er6us . on the positive side , the cable feel sturdy and do not get tangled easily . no issue there so far . - the microphone do not work on my set . I be not sure whether it be because I have a iPhone 4 and there be some compatibility issue , but when plug into the iPhone , call be distorted and people I be speak to can not hear I . when I disconnect the headphone and speak into the phone itself , the same call be perfect -lrb- so it be not a iPhone 4 reception issue or anything like that -rrb- . since I have already have to replace one set , I be not bother to replace this pair in the hope that the mic will work . overall , I think this set be decent in term of sound quality , but I would not buy another pair if my current set break . I feel like other product at a similar price might be a better option . I have find the etymotic er6us to have the highest sound-quality and best fit of the recent pair I have own , though the cable be thin and break after less than a year of use . the Shure e2c be also a good pair both in term of sound and construction , but one earbud break randomly with no apparent damaging . that be say , I would most likely try another Shure product or another manufacturer before go back to JLab . 986 Headphone POS 5 I have try several headphone for work out , but they all pretty bad . I hate the set that go into you ear because I sweat a lot and they seem to fall out plus they do not have a good bass sound . I also do not like the big head phone with the hook around you ear because they be uncomfortable and the sound quality be sub par . but the Philips SHS5200 be awesome great comfort -lrb- very light weight , barely feel like you have it on -rrb- and the sound be loud and clear and great bass almost as good as bose but way more affordable . I highly recommend this to anyone that be look for great sound quality and comfort for headphone for you workout . 798 Headphone NEG 1 overprice , overpackage and very uncomfortable . I be almostinsult at how bad they be . with all the other hassle , i do not even care if they sound good . asseble the earpiece be like do brain surgery . lame . you can do way better for much less money . try jbud for 20 $ . 524 Headphone NEG 2 too uncomfortable and hard to hear if there be any outside noise . it would be better if they be smaller and would fit nice and snug inside my ear . 895 Headphone NEU 3 these sound pretty good for $ 15 dollar headphone but beware of one thing ... the power output of you device and here 's why . to make decent sound headphone at a lower cost , they must sacrifice the magnet quality . when you have a less efficient magnet , it require more power from the device to move the magnet , and thus the speaker driver . these sound ok with my creative zen and I could not seem to get the sound loud enough to drown out outside noise . then I try my studio , higher quality headphone with be 3x the size with a 50mm driver and it be significantly louder with the same device , which it could only do because of the magnet quality . I try they with a ipod , and because they have a high power output , I could get the volume I need from these , but it may be different for any non ipod device . so if you be use these with a ipod , do not fret and go for it , they sound great , especially at this price . however , beware that they may not potentially meet you need if it be not a ipod or smaller device . 802 Headphone POS 5 sound quality be amazing . noise reduction be pretty good too , can not hear anything once I have these bad boy on . 724 Headphone POS 4 really good investment . they work extremely well , do not hurt my ear , and I do not have to pay too much . if the price seem to good to be true , trust I , it be a good deal . I get it within a week , and I have have it 3 week now . no problem . 361 Headphone NEG 1 I order these headphone despite read poor review of they here . I should have heed the warning ! I think these reveiwer be be picky and they could not be that bad . they be ! the volume control need to be turn way up - past the safety level set for my player - and most annoying , the wire rub and you can hear the crackling sound in you ear . the wire as review , be very thin and I can see they might wear and break in a fairly short time . all in all these headphone stink and Sony should be ashamed of themselves for even sell they . I use to buy only Sony product , but this allegiance be obviously misplace . do yourself a favor and buy a pair of cheap headphone - you 'll be happier than you will with these . 178 Headphone POS 5 First off I would like to say that these headphone have amazing sound and construction quality , also the comfort be suprisingly good . lastly I have a question about the break in period . do I have to play the headphone at a low volume to break they in ? 617 Headphone POS 5 Alright , I just receive 3 of these in the mail . I like the package , it be tiny yet protective . the package that the headphone themselves they be in impressed I as well . I open they as careful as possible , -lrb- I didnt want to break anything , the other review sad they break -rrb- . I plug they into my laptop and i be very satisfied . the sound be clear and loud . I give a 5 star with durability as well . hopefully i wont be comment back with a bad review . but so far if u need a cheep good pair of headphone , by em from this guy . I will buy from u in future ! 705 Headphone NEG 1 I just send these back and order the 170 . there be way too much hissing . it be extremely annoying . I try switch channel a million time , move the base , etc. . occasionally it would work and I would have great sound for a minute , but then come the hissing . I really hope the 2.4 ghz of the 170s do not have this problem . 461 Headphone POS 5 I have be use these most day for a couple of week now and I think they be well worth the ten buck . I have a larger head -lrb- I wear a 7.75 hat -rrb- and these fit comfortably . I agree with other poster that if you have they on for more than about a hour you start to really notice they where they go over the top of the ear , but for a hour workout they be perfect . my gym play hard rock music way to loud and these work great to tune it out . they fold flat similar to a pair of glass when not in use and I can carry they around in my pocket with a ipod and they be not too obnoxious . bottom line , great price for a good product . 481 Headphone POS 4 when it come to personal listening , my trusty shure se535-v although the sound quality be generally good , wireless headphone still have a way to go before they could be stamp as `` audiophile '' quality . that say , the audio quality be definitely good enough to easily discern whether or not a select track be encode in a lossless format versus a high-bitrate mp3 , use a iPhone as a source . I have to say , that impressed I . similarly , I be surprise to discover just how much bass these produce . be it tight and accurate ? well ... let 's just say `` it be there , and I doubt all but the snobbiest customer would be bother by it '' . touch back on discernible audio quality , the audio source really matter a lot when it come to get the best sound from these . move from the iPhone to a Yamaha receiver , the difference between DirecTV HD and sd broadcast , a Blu-Ray disc , a CD , and streaming video from Amazon Prime -lrb- via the Blu-Ray player -rrb- be all quite stark . where most source range from `` great '' to `` acceptable '' , the streaming video be touch `` awful '' . definitely consider what you be go to be listen to the most , before buy these . in term of design , I can not say I be really overwhelm here . the build quality seem okay , though I be concern about snap one of the speaker off just remove it from the packaging . the headphone be reasonably comfortable , though TDK choose to have the require two AAA battery in the same speaker , which result in minor -lrb- but noticeable -rrb- heaviness on one side . the transmitter , however , do not seem build all too well . it 'll hold up if you baby it , but I be not sure how it will stand up to live in a road warrior 's suitcase or laptop bag . as with the headphone , it require two aa 's as well . the wireless performance for I be `` acceptable '' if not slightly annoy at time . these headphone perform well in a open space , but add a wall , and I notice that the headphone be cut out at 12 foot or less . all thing be equal , if I have purchase these headphone at this price without the wireless feature , I can not say I would feel rip off . if TDK make they a bit more balanced physically , and clean up the midrange a bit , they would be close to perfect . 454 Headphone POS 5 love these headphone , have use these a long time and always go back to they . use daily ! 148 Headphone POS 5 the pro : these be my preferred headphone of choice . I live in north Dakota and we get a lot of different condition here and I wear these headphone daily . I be very active and sometimes have a tendency to fall down while these be on . the most that usually happen be they get scuff up a bit . after a while the reflectiveness of the headphone do wear off but all in all a decent headphone . another issue I tend to have with headphone be that they be not comfortable because I have gauge up ear . these be the first headphone that I do not have any problem with my earring push into the side of my head and hurt after wear for 20 min . now the con : I believe this will be the best sound quality you can get from `` active '' style head phone . not eargasmic sound quality but very good none the less . while the protection for the cord on the headphone end make the cord last at that connection , the cord on the plug side have a tendency to end up break inside the cord itself . this be my 3rd pair and the last 2 have have this problem . all in all : I highly recommend these head phone for anyone look for a set of durable , comfortable , fairly good quality sound headphone . 60 Headphone POS 4 I purchase these a few week ago and use they almost daily since . over the past holiday weekend , they be wear on a cross continental airplane trip and otherwise , daily during a one-hour one-way vanpool commute as a passenger . I also own a pair of bose qc2 headphone . during the trans-continental trip , the headphone be hook up to a portable laptop computer while I watch download YouTube video . -lrb- my laptop have a 5-hour battery life , so I watch video the whole trip . -rrb- on my daily vanpool commute , I attach they to either a ipod or a itouch , primarily listen to language training rip -lrb- at 128 kp encode -rrb- . 1 . the noise canceling of the mdr-nc40 be not as good as on the bose , as a qualitative side-by-side comparison . that be to be expect , consider the respective cost between the two unit . 2 . after about four hour on the plane , the mdr-nc40 headphone start give I a pressure ` headache ' . they be not expandable to the point that they be comfortable wear for that much of a extended time . -lrb- I be fairly large , 6 ' 3 '' tall , weigh right at 200 lb . and wear a fairly large hat size , 7 1\/2 , I think . -rrb- for ` normal ' size people , this may not be a issue . 3 . do not care much for the battery arrangement on the mdr-nc40 . it be somewhere in the middle of the single cord and contain the on\/off slide switch as well as a momentary cancel button . what be that for anyway ? you can hear people talk anyway . the battery box do have a clip that allow easy attachment to a shirt , so the weight of it do not pull down on you head . 4 . I like how they fold up and store in a smaller pouch than the bose . +1 for the Sony on that account . 5 . be wary , however , that the two-pin airplane adapter be easy to lose . not much hold it into it dedicate pouch inside the storage case . Mine fall out tonight on the vanpool ride home , but luckily , I notice that it be miss and find it on the floor of the van after everybody else have leave . I give it four star for the price\/performance , but have to detract one for be too tight on my head and cause discomfort . I 'll keep they for the wife to use and I 'll use the qc2 headphone . 721 Headphone POS 5 these be the best headphone I have own . they stay in place and have clear sound as I run , my other type of headphone would fall out of my ear and I would have to constantly stop and put they back in , not with these I love they . 995 Headphone NEG 1 anyone say these earphone have a good sound must have very low standard ! they have absolutely `` no BOTTOM END '' at all . I DJ for a living and play all type of music and can appreciate good sound quality . these have neither good sound quality , nor any bass at all . I do not expect they to have the same sound quality as a $ 200 pair , but these do not even compare with `` stock '' earphone , let alone aftermarket . I actually think someone have be mess with my mp3 player and turn the bass off . to my surprise , the bass be turn all the way up . I 'll admitt , I do love a good rich bass sound , nothing muddy or `` boomy '' , just bass and drum the way they suppose to sound . these earphone do not even have the slighest hint of bass as far as I could tell . they do not impress I in the upper end either . mostly all I hear be mid 's . Kinda like the sound that come from a cheep alarm clock . well I guess I 'll keep try until I hit the `` SWEET '' spot that I be look for . maybe a good pair of shure or ultimate ear eb or pro . but you can rest assure , it will not be another pair of sony 's . 659 Headphone POS 5 I have have my ur29 for so many year im not sure how old they be . just recently they start to loose the plastic cover on the ear pad and the headset . I be really bummed because they have become a good friend and I didnt know how to replace they . well low and behold Koss have a lifetime warranty and they be cover ! so all you folk who love these HP like I do , do not dispare ! I be send they out to get refurbish and im go to by another pair from Koss ! 715 Headphone POS 5 I be sit here listen to my music as I type this review , with the noise-canceling feature turn on so that I can not hear my scream kid upstairs fight bedtime . : -rrb- that be not , however , why I buy they . we go on vacation 2-3 time a year and I be tire of crappy headphone that do not block out any of the outside plane noise , be not comfortable , didnt ' stay in my ear , etc. . while we have not travel since get these headphone , I think these be what I be look for . the sound be very good and they be pretty comfortable . I do not think I would be able to handle have they on for hour on end , but they be good for plane ride . we 'll be take they with we to Italy in two month , so that will definitely make up my mind completely on these . 89 Headphone POS 5 solid . you get exactly what you think you be get . not the most comfortable in the world but not a big deal . 786 Headphone NEG 1 I buy these 2 month ago , 3 week after the left ear stop work , I claim a warranty from JLab , they send I a new pair in less than 4 day , they work great for 3 week , and then the right ear stop work ... now I have my 3rd pair , and the left ear quit work today ... 522 Headphone NEG 1 this be probably the worst frackalakin piece of blacoopa i have eva wakalaking snakin ever get . I mean this headphone so bad its be very bad . I hate its headphone gut . you understand I heaphone I hate you soo much you can go die in a frazinglining hole . 940 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be awesome . I be just go to buy this as a temporary set til I get another pair but after the music experience I be have with these I do not think I need another pair . THESE be SIC !!!! 30 Headphone NEU 3 I think this be a update model of Sony mdr-ex76 . as Sony mdr-ex76 , this mdr-ex86 's sound be pretty good . it be quite natural and clear . however , one problem with mdr-ex86 be that it discomfort my ear because of its bulky phone part . after 3-4 hour of its use , it really bother the inside of my both ear . probably , my ear have a problem . because its sound be not greatly different from mdr-ex76 's sound , I still like mdr-ex76 . Sony mdr-ex76 \/ blk ex Style Headphones with carry case -lrb- black -rrb- 878 Headphone NEG 2 I buy this headset primarily for use with a laptop run Windows 7 . I be tire of bulky cord tie I down to a otherwise very mobile computer . the quick version be this : I do not recommend this product . design \/ quality + + + the headset seem sturdy , and come with a nice , and fairly compact semi-rigid carry case . Materials be good . + + + device be inexpensive , definitely a plus . -- the set be very uncomfortable . it pinch the top of the ear tight . I have have other headphone with this design that be much more comfortable . -- the length of the behind-the-head portion of the set can not be adjust . if you be sit down -lrb- for example , use this with a phone in a car -rrb- you 'll find yourself jut you head forward because the back of this headset hit the seat . very uncomfortable . reception \/ technical + + + the bluetooth signal be good , and pick up immediately by my computer . I experience no interruption or interference . -- this headset do not work with window 7 out of the box . the manual have setup instruction for window , but I be confuse that there be step I be not see when I follow along . it turn out that right in the middle of the instruction , in small print , you be direct to the manufacturer 's website to purchase additional accessory -lrb- dongle -rrb- which be require to pair this device with a laptop , even if you computer have build in bluetooth . -- 3rd party bluetooth software will recognize this device as a generic headset and will pair with it , but most cost money -lrb- most be more than the headset itself -rrb- . + + + when listen to music -lrb- phone , computer , etc -rrb- the sound quality be stereo and excellent . quite impressed for such a small , inexpensive device . + + + people comment that the mic sound loud and clear . -- when use this as a full headset -lrb- talk to other people with it -rrb- the sound become mono and the quality drop very noticeably . I be not a audiophile , but this sound be jarringly bad , . it be enough to distract I from what I be hear . I try numerous workaround but could not get high quality sound while use the mic . in conclusion , I be return this headset because it will not work for my laptop , the main reason I purchase it . that the instruction walk you halfway through setup before tell you to buy additional accessory and\/or software be very annoying , almost deceptive . even for a phone or other bluetooth device I would not recommend this product . the headphone be very uncomfortable , much tighter on the ear than similar design that I have own . the headband stick out from the back of you head significantly , and the whole setup can get knock off you ear easily , despite how tight it clamp . 352 Headphone POS 4 i buy these headphone for 4.99 + Free Shipping , Sound Quality be Pretty Good , volume be quite high for watch any programm on my laptop . as mention it come with extra Bass . overall much better product compare to any product you buy at doller store . 674 Headphone NEU 3 I recently purchase this model after compare to the Koss unit . what clinch the purchase for I be actually go to Panasonic 's site and check out the specification . this be the headphone they sell with they portable dvd unit . I buy this set of headphone to go with my new laptop , which also have a dvd player , and I think they would be useful for that task . the effect of the noise cancellation be very nice and something that isnt very easy to describe . the best term I can come up for it be `` active silence . '' you can `` hear '' something in that the `` something '' you hear be different than the ambient noise , but its just dead quiet . very useful when youre work around computer . the sound quality and the construction of the unit be my two beef . First , the headphone do hiss a bit . there be a audible background hiss just have they plug in . this do go away pretty well when the noise canceling be turn on however . I have have to create a equalizer setting for they because they range seem a little odd . the low range on they be about right , but the mid be weak and the high be too strong . so its necessary to turn the high down , turn the mid up , and the medium-low range down . this be easy enough if youre use a computer with a equalizer that support preset . it might not be so easy with , say , a discman or something similar . second , somebody review this unit and say that they `` pinch '' a little and that the ear muffle be shape incorrectly for human ear . this be mostly correct . because the unit fold in half , there be a constant tension against you ear , which the pad on the phone do not really protect you from . I notice that take my glass off ease this pain in my ear . however , not have my glass on make use the computer futile . they get real uncomfortable after about two hour of use . would I buy they again ? well , maybe , if the price be drop $ 20 , and I have a chance to try out the Koss unit . otherwise , I think the only real reason to purchase they be so you can wow you friend and tell they they have noise canceling . hardly worth $ 110 for that . 119 Headphone POS 5 -lrb- repost my review from the silver version I purchase this for use at my computer because I could connect power speaker to it as well as my headphone . the headphone be sennheiser hd650 's my music library be in FLAC format , a combination of CD rip , high-re release from audiophile label , and dvd-a rip . I be use the usb dac of the HDP . the DAC be quite good . I do not claim to be a golden-ear who can hear minute difference between mega-priced audio component and cable , but I do care about sound quality . I be of the belief a dac should be transparent , not add its own coloration to the sound -lrb- you choose you amp and speakers\/headphones for that if desire -rrb- . the hdp deliver in this regard , with excellent dynamics , deep clean bass , and reveal high . the headphone amp be sufficient to drive my 650 's louder than I would want to . I usually have volume between 1\/2 to 3\/4 -lrb- depend on source material -rrb- when use headphone . that be a bit higher than I would have expect , but mean I still have some headroom so I think it be sufficient . the sound be never fatigue with this combo , even at high volume level . in addition to its reputed audio quality , I choose the hdp because of several key feature : - both headphone and pre-amp out , with auto switching -lrb- speaker disabled when headphone be plug in -rrb- . - high quality analog volume control for both headphone - and preamp-out . this give I easy access to a volume control on my desktop -lrb- leave the computer 's software volume at 100 % where it should be for maximum audio quality -rrb- , and allow I to leave the volume control on my power speaker at a high enough level to avoid channel imbalance issue at lower listening level . - usb dac that can handle 24-bit\/96khz sound . all the other device I research only support up to 24-bit\/48khz over usb . - the usb dac can auto-switch between output format when use WASAPI exclusive mode , without the need to go into the Windows Sound setting to change the default output format . so I can seamlessly switch between a CD rip and a high-res flac with no extra configuration step . my one minor complaint , and the reason I give 4.5 star instead of 5 , be that the usb dac do not support 24-bit , 88.2 khz sampling level . for the few recording I have in this format , I have to use a re-sampling plugin . I do not see any reason for this format not to be directly support except simple oversight , give that 24\/48 , 24\/96 , and 16\/88 .2 be all support . if all you need be a DAC , the musical Fidelity v-dac but if you also need a headphone amp , multiple output , or 24\/96 over usb the icon hdp be worth the price premium imho . 160 Headphone NEU 3 monster generally produce staggeringly overpriced product and this be no exception . the build quality and sound performance be very good , and the packaging itself be fantastic , but it be hard to recommend this when price over $ 100 . the box include a number of different tip size but none of they be as comfortable as I would have like and after a hour of listen or so I appreciate a break . that be say the sound be very reasonable and there be a good balance of distribution throughout the spectrum . the controller for the ipod also work as expect and the carry case be very nicely make . I be unable to appreciate the `` magnetic flux Tube '' feature or the `` MicroStrand Conductors '' that be advertise . one should also consider that monster be a aggressively litigious company with a poor track record of business practice . 174 Headphone POS 4 this headphone be a great buy consider the cost . good quality sound . not too much bass though but excellent none the less . excellent as a studio headphone for crisp , clean monitoring & realistic sound for mix . the cord be very long & it come with a mini headphone to quarter inch converter . 903 Headphone NEG 1 there be a very annoying hum sound that it make it difficult to hear . also , one side of the headphone would not work . I have to return the headphone to Amazon . it appear other be also experience the hum problem . I would not recommend these headphone . 926 Headphone NEG 2 after have these headphone for about a year , yesterday they break when I simply take they off my head ! I only use they for gaming at home . they do sound good , but for the price of these headphone , they should be make of better material . do a google search and you 'll find other who be headphone have also break . I 'll never buy another pair of bose headphone again . 678 Headphone POS 5 I test these and other headphone before buy they . I have be use they for several month now and I love they . I use they for music , watch tv , and a little bit of gaming . 1 -rrb- I think they have very comfortable . one thing that separate the cheaper headphone from the nicer one be the comfort of the ear pad . if you have try bose 's ~ $ 200 headphone you know how soft and comfortable the around-ear padding be . the padding on these be not as nice as the ultra-nice headphone , but it be the closest imitation of it on headphone under $ 100 . I have wear they for 3 hour in a row and still feel comfortable . I really like that . 2 -rrb- between the cup padding , the stretch band on top , and they light weight , they sit very snuggly on my head . not tight , but softly snug . 3 -rrb- the sound quality be decent and the range be pretty good . the bass be on the good side for headphone in the general price range , especially consider the price . they will not blow you away , but bass-heavy song will have the bass well represent . the only place I find the bass actually lack be explosion in game or movie ; if you be use to explosion generate deep bass then you 'll probably notice that these will not be nearly as deep . but I will not complain , I do not find much better for the price in my test . I be not a audiophile so I 'll leave the sound detail at that . they do not sound or feel like $ 100 + headphone , but they feel close to it . the standard $ 80 be worth it in comfort and probably about right for sound quality . if you can pick they up for $ 40 or so , they be a good deal . for the record , you can do better for the money if you be interested in pure sound quality . the biggest selling point for I be the snug and comfortable fit . Bass be reasonably decent too . 939 Headphone POS 5 I love these headphone , especially with the Fiio e7 . check out www.head-fi.org it be a forum for people who do not know much about headphone -lrb- like myself -rrb- but want expert opinion before they buy a pair . 577 Headphone POS 5 I be very happy with this wireless stereo headset . I have a similar product year ago that cost over $ 300 . this be a great deal , and I use they all the time . I buy these because I be not a big television watcher , and I can hook these up to the computer , put on my YouTube playlist , and go outside and work in the garden -- much easier than have to download -lrb- and pay -rrb- thing to a ipod and have a wire hang around you neck - lol . I can walk all over the house and hear everything . I be petite , so they be a bit big for I , but I also understand that most item be make for the average person . the sound be good , easy to recharge , comfortable on the ear , and I enjoy they . if I do watch tv , I can still go outside and hear what be on the television , and not miss a thing . these headset be inexpensive , convenient , comfortable , and work in all area of the house . for this price , this be a excellent deal ! recommend ! 937 Headphone POS 4 these headphone be purchase for I as a gift so I could study better while other watch the tv in a nearby room . I listen to classical music at a moderate level . for hour on end , I wear the headphone very comfortably . the ear piece be soft and it do not push too hard around my head . I have a rather small head , but my fiance can wear they too for long period without discomfort . the sound quality be phenomenal for the price . if you have be listen to ear bud , you will think that you music have find a new dimension - you can really hear the mastering of any song with they . my only complaint be that if I be listen to music near anyone else , I have to turn it down to almost inaudible level so THEY do not hear it . so if you be look for headphone to use while someone else be in the room , I do not recommend these . if you be however just look to enjoy you music much more than you do before , I do recommend they . really , the price be not bad consider it be comparable to bose , so try to remember that when you have a bit of sticker shock . I would definitely purchase these again if I need another pair . 816 Headphone POS 5 until they give in , that be . I be a serious gamer and spend hour after hour in front of the computer . I be look for a headset that would not hurt my ear , be light , produce surround sound and sport a rumble bass . I have try a variety of other but if yu be look only for a headphone -lrb- not a headset -rrb- there be nothing I have find that beat this thing . so much , actually , that after a considerable time and my previous one sometimes succumb to the bass and indicate a loom failure , I order a second one in advance . this headset be extremely light and sound better than anything I have try as a gamer before . give the low price , this be nothing short of astonishing . 591 Headphone POS 4 so I buy a pair and receive they today . I be happy with the packaging and all but all I be really concern about be that the `` l '' and `` r '' symbol be both write towards the inside of the little square metal piece -lrb- towards where the bud face you ear for each earpiece instead of towards the back of they -rrb- . I do not know if this be a indication that its fake or something , but the Beats symbol be also a little scratch . the zipper on my case have already have paint chip , also , be the warranty really 3 year ? do anyone else have the same problem ? do these problem indicate that these headphone be fake ? 47 Headphone NEU 3 look for a pair of over the ear `` will not fall out '' headphone , I think I would give this brand a try . they fit well and the sound be ok , but the over the ear piece be not permanently attach to the ear bud . any slight pull and the ear bud will come out leave the ear piece over you ear . not a great design . for the money and overall value , I put my money on the Phillips . I have go through a couple pair each lasting about a year and they work great , sound great and have no issue with too many loose part . I wear mine for both the gym and under my motorcycle helmet so they be in my ear for a hour or more at a time , the Phillips never give I any issue other than they just wear out from use . have yet to try the sound square earbud with the helmet . 333 Headphone NEU 3 this item be as describe but do not work in the situation I want to use it in and be return with no problem . 850 Headphone POS 4 pro : relatively inexpensive comparatively sound great comfortable even with my big head keep outside noise out pretty well Cons : velour earpad can make you head HOT outside of headphone have no noise dampen - anyone nearby can hear what you be listen to I be happy with the headphone in spite of the con - because at pretty much any volume the headphone put out sound through the back of the earpad and anyone nearby can hear . I wish the velour earpad do not turn my head into a furnace , but all over the ear headphone be bad to some extent , and the velour be more comfortable . people complain about the long cord but I have come to expect that with high quality headphone and it be actually beneficial in one scenario so I 'll live with it . if you want great sound at a reasonable price and do not care if anyone else would get bother by the noise , then these be a great buy . 900 Headphone NEU 3 overall , I have have a somewhat different experience with sennheiser 's product than most . although it seem many be enamor with this particular manufacturer 's high quality earbud , I have to say I have yet to be impressed . mind you , this do not extend to Senn 's high-end model , which be understandably phenominal . but as a purveyor and reviewer of lower end earbud , I have to admit sennheiser seem to like to snub they customer a bit . I hate the much beloved cx300 -- overly boomy , otherwise not too great , and asymmetrical cable length -- and these one be not too much better . in the bud ' defense , the sound be crisp and clear -- treble just sing out to you , and mid range be deliver both capably and with full presence without overwhelming the listener . the `` powerful bass '' quality be a joke , however . my $ 13 pair of Panasonics outbump these $ 20 baby hand down , and generally be just more satisfying to listen to . the treble have a slightly less sharp edge that just seem to work with my ear better . build quality on these be unimpressive , too : the cord be thin and cover in a somewhat sticky rubber coating . this make not only untangle the cable a mess , but it also make use the build in cable separator a complete and utter pain , not even worth the trouble of fight against the friction . the driver casing feel cheap , also . it probably will not crack in you hand or anything , but it be clear the plastic they use be a bit lighter and fluffier than what one would have hope . but then again , for $ 20 , they be not go to surround it in tank armor . still , I think you could do a bit better for the cash . overall , I can not really give these a thumb up . 894 Headphone POS 5 when I first get these I think the bass be horribly bloated . there be no mid , and the treble be very muffle . after read a suggestion on a certain Headphone forum , I pull the foam insert out of the earpad . they come out very easily , just pinch the middle of the flat cushion part , and the little round foam insert should come out . anyway , this make a huge difference . the difference be night and day . they be arguably my favorite can now . the bass thin out , the mid come alive , and the treble become brighter , but not harsh . I have 6 different pair of headphone , most of they mid\/high end , and I keep come back to these for they fun factor . everything just sound good on they . my only complaint be a obvious one , the headband ! sometimes it be too loose , other time i feel like my ear be go to bleed . also , the bass output change depend how they be orient . if the headband slip down the back of my head , the bass get thinner , if they be center on my head it be just about right , slightly augmented , which be how I like it . overall they be a very good buy . the only other can that have similar bass be my sennheiser hd212pro 's , but they do not have the saucy mid and crisp clean high that the AKG 's do . the senn sound somewhat veil in comparison . also fwiw , I even use these with a headphone amp when walk every night , sweating all over they . I wipe they with a damp cloth before put they away , and I have not have a single problem . the leather ear cushion still look like new . I can not wait to try some of the higher end akg model . 587 Headphone POS 5 I have be use the oe2 for about 5 day and , so far , I be very happy . I 'll start off by say I be not a expert on audio product . in make the purchase , I be look for headphone that would deliver clear , big , rich sound with some solid bass . that be definitely what I get with these . other review note some disappointment with the bass production . if you be look for boom , bass-heavy headphone then this might not be you choice . however , by play around the eq setting in iTunes or you music player , you can still get some very big , solid bass . on music track I listen to with a solid amount of bass , with my eq bass setting turn up a bit , I get a really nice , rich , full bass with great range . sound great . I personally choose the one-ear versus the over-ear design because over-ear headphone hurt the sensitive area behind my ear after only a few minute . the on-ears be incredibly comfortable , very soft , and very light . after a couple hour of wear I do feel some slight pressure on my upper earlobe , but it go away quickly when I take these off for a minute or two -lrb- probably should do that anyway -rrb- . they do leak sound a bit , but that be no surprise . I be not sure if the over-ear design would diminish it . they be not cheap , but I do really enjoy the oe2 . very big , rich sound , and you can get some really great bass production by play around with eq setting to you liking . I would definitely recommend these . 346 Headphone POS 5 I buy these after read a article about someone loose a in ear head phone in they ear . so my goal be to move away from my ibeat ear bud and still have decent quality . these head phone deliver . the sound be very nice , with good deep bass . I can turn up my music to the max and not get any distortion . I have slight hearing issue from when I be younger . I get a buzz sound if I listen to anything remotly loud . I have not have any issue with these , even at full volume , and I believe it be due to the high quality of the sound . I love the look of these head phone . I be not a fan of the flashy big head phone with the name plaster for all to see . these be clean look and I do not feel like a DJ wear they . they fit really well , and this be from someone with e big head . if I have one complaint , and it be a minor one , it would be that the mic and control button be a little high . it sit right at my neck , so if I want to change track , or pause I have to reach a little high . also , I know it say it control iphone , but it work just fine with my HTC Rezound . 205 Headphone POS 4 this be a good set of headphone . I listen to music all day - while work out and to relax I before bedtime . the headphone be flexible , yet fit snuggly and the behind-the-head style do not interfere with my hair . just make sure you treat the cord with care , otherwise you may break a connection and prevent music from play the right earphone . that be how I break my last pair , but I like the set so much I decide to buy another pair . 400 Headphone POS 5 I have those for almost 2 year now and I just love they . they will not insulate the surround noise like the in-ear type phone , but they sound perfectly - very balanced -lrb- enough bass , clear high and enough middle -rrb- and be really durable . I be find myself prefer they among the 5-6 set of different headphone I own for anything on my laptop and on my portable when I be listen to music evening at home . highly recommend for any purpose at relatively silent surroundings . 684 Headphone NEG 2 I just return from a repeat air trip to England , and be hope for a more restful -lrb- read that more sleep with fewer distraction from cry child and the cough lady in the next seat -rrb- trip through the use of these philip headphone . I find that the noise cancel feature do decrease the drone ambient sound to a somewhat helpful extent . other cabin sound be still intrusive . the sound quality do not seem much better than the airline-supplied headset and the product seem to be quite cheaply make . my biggest concern be : 1 -rrb- that the headphone pad have to be position carefully to derive any benefit from the noise cancel feature , which mean that I have to keep my head straight to not push on the neckband . also , my neck pillow tend to push on the neckband and degrade performance . bother . 2 -rrb- my -lrb- admittedly generous -rrb- auricle just plain hurt after a few hour of use , and I have to take the headset off . I do buy a pair of noise-cancelling earbud to address these two issue , and this approach have work well . for instance , consider one of the sure earbud . 606 Headphone NEU 3 the ds3000 work well but be limited ! the sound be great when dolby be present but do not move you head too much or you will loose sound and under some situation will become scratchy . all in all I like they because it do the job for I . when my wife be work in the kitchen in we small house in Arizona I miss some of the word . do not be afraid to buy this product ! 819 Headphone NEG 1 yay ! I get it ! I plug it in , turn it on and crystal clear I can hear my neighebor on the left hand side talk about he will with he attorney on one channel , and my neighbor on the right hand side orderede capri in khaki on the other channel . Perfect ... except I want to hear my music . I think it be in the next channel but can not tell for sure under all that static . 1 star for get my neighbor chordless phone , that may come in useful to someone sometime . the headphone be comfortable and light . battery be contain within the headphone , so you have to replace battery every so often . static be huge issue , I can barely hear what I be suppose to hear and I be stand right over the base . the base also very light , do not even feel substantial enough to transmit anything . 999 Headphone POS 4 the good : this thing do what it say it will do and sound pretty awesome . you will not use the full volume without do ear damage , unless you already have ear damage . it successfully take the underpowered Razor Maxx output and deliver excellent sound , while improve the range -lrb- bass . -rrb- the Bad : I do not know how they define `` normal use '' , but 10 hour be a pipe dream . I be lucky to get a hour out of it at perhaps half its volume potential . if they make a bigger one that hold a bigger battery , that would actually last 10 hour ; I would pay 5 time the price in a heartbeat ... and probably 10 . that be say ; this thing be still worth every penny they be ask for it , as the price be very fair for what you actually get . 665 Headphone POS 4 I buy these as a replacement for my broken px 200s 1st edition . my experience with the 1st gen be that they be great overall , although they have the follow con : 1 . the cable be make up of two individual wire . this mean that the cable would get tangle upon itself and just about every time id put they on , I would have to spin the cable around to get it straighten 2 . the cable split to both ear piece . this result in the cable always be directly under you chin which could at time be awkward 3 . extend use -lrb- 1 hour or more -rrb- make my ear get sweaty , regardless of volume the 2nd gen have correct each of the above mention issue . the cable be one solid wire , mean no tangle . the cable only connect to the LEFT ear piece , mean that the wire go down more gracefully by the side of you face . Ive wear they to the gym 3 or 4 time , and have not experienced much ear-sweat , if any . quality\/comfort I be not a audiophile , but in my opinion the sound quality be great for gym usage with hip hop\/rock\/techno playlist . the headphone block out the music playing at my gym quite nicely , which be critical because Lifetime Fitness have invest in a quality sound system which they use to blast Britney Spears and Rihanna all day . they be as comfortable as any other headphone I have ever worn , although I have not use that many well know headphone besides the 1st gen and some lower price Sennheiser model . spec : the cable be roughly 4 foot long , with the volume controller be about 1 foot away from the end of the cord . one other aspect of the volume controller that be worth note be that it have a `` clip '' mechanism on the back of it that allow you to attach it to you shirt\/pants\/etc . they be closed style , which mean that nearby people will not be able to hear they ... make they a nice option for work environment . one more nice feature be that you can turn the ear piece 90 degree -lrb- so that if you be wear the headphone around you neck , the ear piece will be point outwards -rrb- to make they more collapsible for storage . you can also point the ear cup outwards and play music for friend or yourself . con : the only con I be aware of so far be that they do not collapse quite as nicely as the 1st gen because the volume controller get in the way . they still collapse though -lrb- just not as well -rrb- , which allow for more convenient storage than 95 % of decent sound portable headphone . Summary : if I be in the market for a portable headphone , I would buy these again ... as long as they be within $ 20 of the first generation version . 759 Headphone NEG 1 hello all - just think I would let you know that all coby product be JUNK , if you see the name COBY on something Run do not walk away ! never have a good experience w \/ they - avoid like the plague -lrb- sorry Amazon -rrb- but Coby be junk , Amazon be awesome and should not sell Coby product . just let you know . . 967 Headphone POS 5 order these while they be on sale , and i be very impressed ! not only do these look great , but they sound awesome . you will have to burn they in for around 20-24 hour , but it make a huge difference . the treble be solid , the mid be pretty good , and the bass could have more boom but it be there . buy now !! 801 Headphone NEG 1 I have mix feeling about these earphone . the positive be : they be inexpensive , the sound quality be good and when I first put they in , they be completely secure in my ear . however , once I start sweating , they would easily slip out of my ear and then not go back in . the worst part be , I only have they two week and the left earphone stop work . I send they back . 582 Headphone POS 4 even with song that have a lot of bass , you can barely hear any with these headphone ... but afterall they be only chump-change worth compare to the beat ... they fit perfectly during workout and do not slip out at all . . 224 Headphone POS 4 I be very please with the quality and well balanced sound . the padding on the head band and ear piece be soft , supple , and comfortable . my only negative be the huge size of the earpiece and the large pyle letter in the outside of each . I choose these after return a set of Kensingtons , for the purpose of music during mow my lawn . the over ear headpiece and noise canceling do a excellent job . I can still hear a very low level of exterior sound , but that would be the case with any set . again , on the sound , clean clear high and very nicely balanced mid and just the right amount of bass for I . a great value overall ! 53 Headphone POS 4 just Super Sound come form this small device . I use it when I travel on the airplane and discover I do not need the bulky expensive noise cancel headphone . with the ear plug nicely place , all you hear be great sound , and its easy to carry around . definitely recommend it . 568 Headphone POS 4 this be a very good headset , small , good sound & very good price , I can not believe who pay hundred of $ $ $ for headset , because all speaker lose sound quality overtime . 96 Headphone POS 5 awesome product , I have use bose , Sony and Pioneer and the sein be way better , and for the money be awesome and conformable . my wife put aside she bose and now I have to buy she a set . I listen to rock and they handle the bass very very well , even with hip hop and techno and the bass bounce back fast , I do not know the term for it , but it handle fast bass throw at it like from Meatallica and such ... so if you like rock or metal , these be good to go ... even for classical and club , I try all music so far . well not polka or swing , but I be sure it 'll work ... Hope this help , , shoot shoooot . 749 Headphone NEG 1 both be already break i. didnt do . anything to it . but . put it . on and press play the sound . be awsome so . yu think . yu have a good deal but a. 2 week later yu want you money back 691 Headphone POS 4 I fall in love with the design of these headphone . I really like the retro look , and I absolutely adore over the ear headphone ! I be not a big fan of stick ear bud into my ear . I think the red part be go to be metal , but its actually plastic , but that be not a big deal . the mesh ear cup actually provide pretty decent noise isolation which mean do not have to crank up the volume to drown out background noise ! I use these on my computer and the sound be very clear and very nice . I listen to music on my computer , since I dont have a mp3 : -lrb- , and so the sound be pretty balanced , but I be no music expert , so that my 2 cent worth about the sound . when I do plug these into a mp3 player , the sound be pretty quiet low . I be surprise . I have to crank up the volume to listen at a good listening volume ! this be mostly surprising because I absolutely do not listen to music at a loud volume because my hearing be important to I ! so I be pretty disappoint by that fact since I be plan on get a mp3 and would have like to use these . another thing be that if there be wind outside or a breeze , you actually hear the `` whoosh '' sound ! this obviously interfere with the music , especially because if you outside with these headphone it mean you be use a mp3 player , and if you use a mp3 player the sound isnt that loud anyway ! and for I , even if the noise isnt that loud I dare not crank it up too much because I do not want to damage my hearing , so that be disappointing . I love the look , the sound quality and volume be amazing when use on a computer , which be where I spend most of my time listen to music and what not . one other thing I notice about these headphone , after about a couple hour of use they , with break in between , my head start hurt a bit . I dont know if its just because of the pressure that the cup place on my ear -lrb- which really isnt much it doesnt squeeze you head ! -rrb- , but I have a small headache , and I dont ever get headache . overall I think these be pretty decent headphone for wear in door while work , play , or listen to stuff on the computer , but for outdoor usage I would not recommend it . Hope y' all find this review helpful ! 245 Headphone NEG 2 I get my first pair a while back , and they be incredible . the sound be amazing , they fit well , and they look awesome . they last about 3 month before the left earbud go silent . at first I would just have to tap the earbud for the sound to come back on , then it just burn out completely . I try to file for a warranty but they would not send I another pair because my earbud have hole in the wire from when my puppy chew they , however , that never effect the sound and do not do any damage because they break 2 month after that . I buy another pair because the cheap headphone I be buy do not measure up to the sound of these , and that pair only last about a month and a half before the headphone jack -lrb- the metal part -rrb- come out . I do not even know how that happen because I never bent the jack . I really wish these last longer , but I still love the sound quality . 189 Headphone POS 4 I buy these headphone for work to try and shut out the noise from some of the adjacent cubicle . they work nicely for the purpose and do not pinch you head like some of the other headphone I have try . they do fully enclose you ear - they do not sit on top of you ear like some headphone . sit over the ear like that be nice especially if you wear glass because it mean you do not get the arm of you glass smash into you head . generally speak , these be pretty comfortable . I do not like the band on top of my head , but that be not a issue with these headphone specifically - it be just one of those thing that come with the headphone territory . the sound be decent , but not super rich . there be point in the music where it sound a little hollow , like the low-end of the midrange be miss . it become particularly noticeable when listen to electronic music . the bass be decent but not ear-thumping . high be reasonable . if you be look for some decent-priced headphone that will get you through the work day , these be fine . if you be look for reference-quality sound or be uber-picky about sound quality , these be not for you . one note - with the over-the-ear fit and the corresponding headband , these headphone be huge . I mean , no one be go to walk past you and miss these bad boy . you can see they on you head from space . if you be try to impress someone of the opposite sex or look cool in you headphone groove to the music , you will have better luck carry a 80 's boombox on you shoulder - they be roughly the same size , but at least one have `` retro style '' go for it . give what I be look for , and that I have some headphone that be uncomfortable that I want to replace , these fit the bill . I will probably look at a more expensive in-ear set next time so I can have better quality sound and lose the headphone-hair effect that the band on these give I . 619 Headphone POS 5 my wife object to the stereo system so with this extension cord I can listen in my headphone and keep peace in the family . 714 Headphone POS 5 this radio be super light weight so that it stay on you arm . the control be easy to learn and use . -lrb- even for 50 + -rrb- . the tuner be excellent . this would make a great gift for any male 7-70 . 381 Headphone NEG 1 just after 3 month the on\/off button break down , shortly after the button lock feature stop work . before this , when I put the unit in my coat pocket , at the slightest movment it would turn itself on , if the button lock be not on . so , if you be not consiencious enought to put the button lock on each time , expect to burn through a slew of battery . 730 Headphone POS 5 I have the WORST time find ear phone in the history of the world . I have small ear so the type that come with standard stuff never fit . the type you put in the ear always fall right back out again , plus they look gross after awhile . add to that a hearing impairment in one ear and I be a hopeless case . until now . the monster immersion isport in-ear headphone be the BEST . they come with several different ear bud size so you can get the perfect fit no matter what size of ear -lrb- s -rrb- you have . the neatest feature -lrb- as far as fit go -rrb- be the little rubber thing call a `` sport clip '' at the top that mold right into you outer ear to hold they in . it be patent so you 'll not find this feature on ANY other ear phone . there be no pull these out accidentally -lrb- or have they fall out while run -rrb- . they be very snug without be tight or painful in any way -lrb- my ear be also really sensitive to that too -rrb- . now onto the other cool feature . firstly , they be waterproof . mean you can wash they in the WASHER -lrb- or in the sink , whatever float you boat -rrb- . but wash they be a huge bonus in my eye because I seriously be disgust when someone put MY ear phone in THEIR ear , it do not matter how much I love they , I do not share ear phone . this also mean if you be a runner or some other type of athletic person that sweat a lot , you be not go to have a issue with they get wet - bonus ! a friend tell I she have ear phone that be waterproof and can be use for swimming , I have never hear of such a thing and I be not sure if I be understand she correctly because I can not find ANY other ear phone that claim you can throw they in the washer ! they say they have `` proprietary sealed housing '' mean they be the only ear phone out there that continue to have awesome sound , even after get wet . some of the cool techie-type feature be the ControlTalk . it say it be for `` music phone and ipod '' . I be not sure what that mean because I be able to use a splitter and plug it into my Sony Xperia Play and it work just fine . but know if you be a iPhone sheeple , it be get ya cover : the ControlTalk have a call answer button & microphone so you can easily switch back and forth between listen to music and talk on you phone . it can also be use for music and video playback on you ipod -lrb- nano 4g and later , touch 2g and later , iPhone 3G and later , ipad -lrb- s -rrb- and the remote will work on ipod shuffle -rrb- . the audio work on all ipod model . it say there be some support for Blackberry but that be something you would have to check on , it be base on the model you have . I find the ControlTalk to be the best techie thing ever , I love that I can easily skip ahead in a song -lrb- or to the next song -rrb- or book chapter , video , etc. with just press a button on my ear phone cord , it be very convenient . you can also use it to pause and control the volume . now for the sound . this be the a-maz-ing part . I have honestly never hear such good sound on ear phone before and that be say a lot consider I have very little hearing in one of my ear . it be always be a bummer because listen to music have be greatly diminish since my hearing loss . when I put these in today , I be able to hear the music like I remember , rich , full and very crisp , it be wonderful ! now I 'll be the one to admit that I usually buy cheap ear phone because my kid steal they , I lose they , they break , never fit right anyway , etc. . but these be very high quality and they fit perfectly so when you have they in , you hear no background noise , just the music\/book\/whatever you want to hear . the sound quality be truly extraordinary . also have : - tangle free cord - right angle jack - pro sound Isolating ear tip in multiple size - a spring-clip pouch that feel like neoprene ... maybe it be , maybe not , but it be durable and look good . -24 K Gold plate contact - MicroStrand Conductors which help produce sound with clarity & detail - rugged construction - Advanced in-ear speaker design for amazing sound so , if you be a athlete or just someone who want a good , solid pair of ear bud that will last , you 'll probably really enjoy these , I know I do ! 405 Headphone POS 5 they sound great , ear clip actually work , one of the best pair of headphone that I have ever buy for less than $ 20 74 Headphone NEG 2 I receive these headphone after the cheap-o one I grab for $ 7 finally break . I think from all the positive review and detailed description these would be a great buy for the price . wrong . Day two after get they in the mail the left earbud die for no reason . the only way I can get it to work be to wiggle the base . these touch no water . they be not even drop . what a disappointment ... other than this issue , the ear bud be not even well design . despite the nice case they give you and different size headphone , these do not transmit sound in a efficient manner . the squishy bud piece get in the way , and do not form a clear tunnel for sound to travel without you have to twist it around in you ear for several minute . in conclusion , these be altogether much more aggravation than they be worth . do not buy these , you be better off with the crappy Apple one believe it or not . 328 Headphone POS 5 my daughter want these and never leave the house without they . they work really well and be purchase another pair for she brother . 727 Headphone NEG 2 see all of the great review and get these recommend by a friend , I decide to buy they . I be very disappointed when i plug they in and listen to they . there be almost no bass on these headphone . these headphone have very good treble tone and you can hear every detail of what you be listen to . they be also comfortable . but there be very very weak bass . this be the case when plug they into my computer , my turntable , and my guitar amp -lrb- even while i be play a bass with the bass knob all the way up and everything else down -rrb- , so I think I have to blame it on the headphone . i will be return these headphone and look for a new pair . 868 Headphone NEU 3 mediocre signal ... period . we have much better luck with the sennhesier ... even the lower-end one 755 Headphone POS 5 let I just begin this review by say I do not comment on many product I buy from Amazon although I order something at least once a week . I have have pretty bad luck with earbud . I have use Sony until they begin to short out on I every six month -lrb- I guess I sweat too much during workout -rrb- . I move on to Sennheiser and I be pleased but at $ 55 for a pair , they be okay . I be one of those `` weird '' one that like both treble and bass equally . I buy a pair of Sennheiser here on Amazon on sale . they be a dud to say the least and I find my old pair I have lose for awhile and continue to use they . I end up give the sale sennheiser to my sister . to make a long story short , I purchase the j3 -lrb- shortly after have purchase Skull candy full metal jacket earbud -rrb- . I be satisfy with the Skull candy fmj but still look forward to get my j3 . can I just say it be worth the wait ? they blow I away and all I can say be wow ! I do not know about the whole `` burn 'em out '' - or be it `` in '' ? - who care ? they be wonderful out of the package ! I only plan to use they at home as I have my trusty , efficient , german sennheiser for my workout -lrb- they still work after 3 year so I can not complain too much ; they be great , just not enough bass with the treble -rrb- . the j3 be perfect as the treble and the bass be equal and compliment one another . I listen to metal , hip-hop , industrial , rap , dance , pop , r&b; , electronic -lrb- so I can not comment on opera , classical , country , etc. -rrb- and I love they ! they make every genre sound wonderful . I plan to order another pair just in case - for travel if you will as I would hate for anything to happen when I go away on vacation . if you want to appreciate you mp3 device - whether it be Apple or Zune or anything in between - do not be without these earbud ! 15 Headphone POS 4 do not purchase these expect true noise cancellation as find in full size headphone . they be however , extremely comfortable and reduce a fair share of ambient sound . a bit on the expensive side for what you get , but they fit and work well . 312 Headphone NEU 3 Easy setup . sound quality decent . no additional battery require . unfortunately , you must be in line-of-sight to receive a signal . there be a constant underlie hiss . I would look at other option before settle on these . 761 Headphone POS 5 buy these to enjoy MY music without disturb the rest of the household with B.B. or Luciano or Waylon & Willie . bass = d.e.e.p all else = clear . I be so impressed -lrb- 1st day -rrb- that I ask my 2 son to let I know what they think vs. they earbud and\/or phone . that be about 1-1\/2 week ago . and I have not see they since . -lrb- the phone , that be ; I always see son at mealtime -rrb- I should have buy -lrb- 3 -rrb- three set ` in self-defense ' . Whichever son I find that currently have they , tell I that they will be on my desk when they be finish . seem I just barely miss ` my turn ' . -lrb- always -rrb- my old bud be still ok ! ... BUT ... will buy more ... soon ! 66 Headphone POS 5 after a few week of run with the awful ipod headphone I buy these . they stay in my ear and keep I from look like a bumble idiot try to cram those iPod turd back in every 10 foot . they sound good as far as I can tell . 576 Headphone POS 5 I just receive my order to day and they be everything and more that I want form a pair of professional headphone ! only problem be that they apparently pull more power from my ipod and drain the battery faster . but the sound quality be worth it ! 822 Headphone NEU 3 awesome for gaming , watch movie , to get that extra bass boost in you music . if you like you bass loud in you car this might be the dealiow . now if you be into music production , video editing , want to listen music as they where intend to be listen keep on search , these be not for you . 970 Headphone NEU 3 very cool look and ultra comfortable . a little pricey , and I think you may be able to get a better deal somewhere . however , these thing really be ultra comfortable and durable . happy customer ! 171 Headphone POS 5 this be the first wireless headphone i even have . it work great and the sound quality be good . the price be reasonable too . recommend this wireless headphone for anyone who be look for budget wireless with good quality . 706 Headphone NEU 3 do not let the name sennheiser fool you . this product be make in China . I be excite about get these earbud , see the name Sennheiser and think it be a bargain at the price . well , there be a reason . so I be try to prevent the next person from make the same mistake . these be NOT German make earbud . other critique : not as comfortable in the ear as other have suggest . I can wear it for 2 hour before my ear start hurt . sound quality not any more special then standard apple earbud . most importantly : durability . how long will these earbud last I until one or both side go deaf ? I do not know , I just get these . I will come back to this review to let you know . sennheiser do offer 2 year warranty , so that be good . 374 Headphone POS 4 this be a great product . just a comment : the cable from battery pack to ear be a bit short . that be the only thing not really good . apart from that , this be a product really recommend . 551 Headphone POS 5 the px 100 headphone have great sound almost unreal for the money . this be the 4th set I have purchase and recommend they 100 % . one thing to take into consideration be that these headphone be not extremely durable . I would not recommend these for kid or any `` rough '' use . frankly they be not mean for that hence the reason I do not deduct for durability . also if rough up the foam speaker cover can come off fairly easily . you & I will simply put they back on ; kid may not and loose they . by the time you find replacement foam cover it could be less aggravate to purchase new headphone . sennheiser do provide a well design case to protect the headphone while not in use . also , note that other user report a faulty wire connection . I have run into something similar on one only one of my headphine set and that be the set my daughter be use . I chalk that up to abuse since none of the set I have use have this issue . still , consider the amount of people that have report this issue , I would keep it in mind . bottom line : people who will take care of the headphone and want a budget set with excellent quality = yes rough use -lrb- ie : kid on school bus -rrb- = no 84 Headphone POS 5 when I first open the box on this headset I think how cheap it feel . but after use it I be glad it be light . do not be fool , the Sennheiser quality be there . I be totally hooked on this headeset now ! I just wish the battery be cheaper and time will tell how long they really last . also still not sure why Amazon be sell additional headset for this setup at a higher price . 871 Headphone POS 5 I travel once to twice every month and I want to buy a pair of good noise-cancelling headphone so that I can listen to my ipod or get some rest . first , I try a Sony nc50 at a Sony Style store . the nc50 put out so much accoustic pressure to my ear and it really hurt . then , I try Sennheiser PXC-250 , pxc-300 , and Bose QuietComfort 2 extensively . first time , I bring both pxc-250 and pxc-300 to a trip from San Diego to Newark . there be no significant performance difference in term of noise canceling . the pxc-300 have a better case . then , on my next trip , I borrow a bose quietcomfort 2 from a colleague of mine and compare it with pxc-300 . after extensively testing -lrb- with and without music , with and without background people talk , and etc. -rrb- , I find it be about 20-30 % less of noise with bose . also , my ear feel warm and uncomfortable after 30 min with pxc-300 because of the over-the-ear style . I understand everyone else 's comment on bose be over-priced , but if you be look for the best noise-cancelling performance on a airplane , unfortunately there be no other way around it . bose be certainly the best . 600 Headphone POS 5 find the piece so wonderful thank you and I advise to deal with this person to the credibility and sincerity to deal with other 764 Headphone NEG 2 I buy Labtec 835 go by the revieww , but now i have stop believee review and specificationg ... , these headfone be bad , no real volume with clarity , sick bass , i mean only u can listen to something like a lecture ... ! good thing , these headfone be real comfortable ! but then pay 16 $ for that ??? pay a little more and get something better ! I didnt like these headfone at all ! if u r a music lover , u wont like they , dont buy they ! else u regret ... 803 Headphone POS 5 these headphone work great for my four year old . he have ruin a pair of the cheap Wal-Mart headphone after a couple month , so want something better I find these on Amazon . now he be have they for the same amount of time as the cheap one , and they be still like new . the sound be good from they too . they be too small for I to put on , but they fit my son perfect . for the price I can not imagine a better child size set . 844 Headphone POS 5 I write computer hardware review for devhardware.com and I have the pleasure of write up a full review on these headphone which can be find at http:\/\/www.devhardware.com\/c\/a\/speakers\/sennheiser-px100\/ needless to say they be definitely worth the money . for less than $ 40 you will not find a better sound set of phone . 282 Headphone POS 4 I order this pair of headphone for my Motorola Triumph smartphone . so far I do not have real complaint . under normal noise level the ambient noise be greatly isolate and I can hear music or person in the phone w\/o any problem . people tell I I sound a little muffle but they can understand I w\/o and problem . in noisy situation -lrb- I have worn these while mow the lawn as well as while ride my motorcycle -rrb- I still get ambient noise come through - but I can still hear the music very well . I do not play my music very loud ... usually only at around 50 % and I wear a 1\/2 helmet so I know that there be a lot of noise when I be ride . I have not have to take any call while on the bike so I be not too sure how well they will perform in that situation . the in-the-ear bud be comfortable and they stay in my ear even when I be very active . the headset come with several different tip for I to select the right size for I . 991 Headphone POS 5 in reality i give these a 4.5 since sweat destroy they . but thankfully I do not buy they for exercise . they have stay in my ear without any discomfort or agitation for several hour . sound be balanced , bass be full , and it come with a array of ear piece to ensure you get a good fit . if you can do physical activity without sweating these make be suitable bud for you , but otherwise you be look at a very short lifespan with wetness on these . though the cord and ear piece be design well the material feel a tiny bit cheap , so you definitely want to take great care of you set . you can easily do so by store it in the small case it come with . overall great sound , excellent design . if they make it in a sturdier material without change touching sound quality , I would happily buy that pair as well . 348 Headphone POS 5 I get two of these , the first with a great discount . but my brother like it so much , that I order a second set right after receive and test the headphone for some day . they be comfortable , quite light , and sound really great -lrb- I can not listen to videos\/music in youtube with these because it just do not make the headphone justice -rrb- . this be my first time buy `` brand '' headphone , and you can really hear the difference ! 653 Headphone POS 5 the sound quality from these be good , esp the headphone - phenomenal bass . they be both so comfortable , and I love the little case for the bud . 897 Headphone POS 5 I suppose I can consider myself a audiophile . I have try quite a few different headphone and probably own 5-6 different pair . these headphone be perfect , they be really comfy and the quality of the sound be fantastic . 855 Headphone POS 5 I have always be a bose fan ever since we purchase the original 3-2-1 -lrb- 2.1 -rrb- dvd system . I purchase this pair because I accidentally `` destroy '' a pair of considerably cheaper SkullCandy earbud . pro : decently price when compare to they next closest competitor supurb sound quality seem like they be build to last the earbud tip fit my small ear perfectly and will not fall out no matter what I do the plug be angle to fit almost any device con : they be not free ! be it a con not to find any con ??? all in all , I be way beyond impressed with the sound that come from such a small package . they sound so great that I be actually rediscover my music collection ; hear the song in a way I have never contemplate I could hear they . I almoset feel like I be hear 3d sound or sound come from a 5.1 system . as someone who hate excessive bass or loud music , these handle the lower power better than any pair out in the price point . usually , headphone be calibrate to a specific styie of music , but I have yet to find a song\/style of music that these thing can not handle -lrb- classical , rock , pop , rap , r&b; , hip-hop , disco\/techno\/dance , it play they all well -rrb- anyone who need a new pair of earbud would be a fool not to get these . spend the extra buck now because you 'll end up spend the extra buck on a replacement for a cheaper pair that might not even last or sound as good . I recommend these to everyone , specifically audiophile or people who lust over the perfect audio to complement they obsession with hd video . 268 Headphone NEU 3 sound be great , fit nicely into my ear . only draw back be the location of the wire that tend to get in my way quite often while run , but its not a deal breaker . for less than $ 10 , I would say I get a good deal ! 518 Headphone NEG 1 these be just aweful . after about 4 mo , they will not hold onto you head . if you look down while wear they , they will hit the floor . also , if you audio signal go quiet for more than about 30 seconds , you hear a little `` click '' then deafening static hiss . be very dissapointed . 989 Headphone POS 4 I buy this amp to power a set of akg k240 mkius 's and some Grado SR60i 's from my Zune HD mp3 player . it be great . the grado 's take less power than the AKG 's , so they be a little louder , perfect actually , because I 'll find myself have about 3 notch leave to adjust a little higher on song record quieter . I have yet to try the AKG 's with the amp , but do not expect anything amazing because they be pull a 55ohm load for they volume , and that be alot . as far as feature go , it be full of they . it have a bass boost switch which I always keep on because I truly think they then sound fuller , and the rechargable battery be a great thing because I can come home and charge the amp right alongside my Zune and Cell Phone and everything will be ready in the morning . thanks Fiio for a grrreat product ! well worth the money . 517 Headphone POS 4 these be a good replacement for the ipod ear bud , which I hate ! they do not cost much , they do not fall out of you ear and it do not bother I when I end up give they away to my nephew and neice , when they lose they headphone . 300 Headphone POS 4 do you want comfortable earphone , with noise control and high quality sound ? look here . I do not have a ipod , but only a low cost mp3 player . I fool my friend with these neat white earphone . what better , the multi-size ear adapter fit tiny earhole -lrb- mine -rrb- , or ear channel that could hold a cigar . all without undue pressure . Perfect for a plane , car -lrb- passenger use only -rrb- , or when the spouse want to watch tv , and you want some background music . they be also easy to clean after gunk from you ear get on they . good deal . PS : bass and treble and midrange sound great ... which be the main reason for buying , right ? 747 Headphone POS 5 I just get a couple of these for my two daughter . they have the same sound as the mx-500 . consider that the cord be only 3 ft. long , and just about anything you hook it up to be likely to have a volume control , a volume control on the cord be pretty redundant . in fact , the other day , I have the mx-500 plug in for a long time , and then forget that there be a volume switch in the cord . as the day wear on , I could not quite figure why the sound volume be drop . it be only later that I realize that the volume switch have accidentally get bump down . so save a buck or two and get the mx-400 instead of the mx-500 . I have already review the mx-500 earbud - I 'll just repeat a few point about the mx-400 , since these be the same earbud : if you be a Sennheiser fan , these earbud have that classic sennheiser sound - a rich , ring clarity in the mid and high , and no excessive bass boost . like all non-sealing earbud , the bass be variable and get louder the more tightly the earbud be couple against the earhole . how tightly you get they to fit depend on you ear anatomy really . as for get they to stay in place , I discover that the best way be to wear they upside down and loop the wire around the back of my ear and under my chin . a alternative way to wear these earplug , much more discrete , but also a bit less secure , be to loop the wire over the ear and around the back of you neck , like sunglass strap . a small paper clip to the back of you collar will hold the wire in place and you can run the cord around inside you shirt . 476 Headphone POS 5 I acquire a pair of these that be discard at work , so I think I would try they to see if they work . not good -- tinny and wimpy sound . I almost throw they away , but think that I have some large ear tip -lrb- these come with what I assume be the medium tip , at least they be not right for my ear canal -- and yes I wash they throughly -rrb- and why not try they to see if that be the problem ? well , the large rubber tip I have for another set of phone fit , and totally solve the problem . these be great little phone if you can get a good fit . they be better than my $ 200 shure , and rival the Denons I mostly use when I be not downstairs with my sennheiser . I also appreciate the beefy wire and substantial connection , which they share with my shure professional in-ear . for $ 12 ? these be a absolute steal . 288 Headphone POS 4 it be pretty good . i do not have that much experience with more expensive one and all i have be small ear bud but with this price and sound quality i would say it be a good buy 781 Headphone POS 4 I wasnt look for anything fancy - just something that he could wear at night so i could sleep and not wake up due to the tv noise . I find it in this ! so much so that I will be order another set ! he say these be comfortable and i can tell you I havent be awaken with tv noise since we receive they . highly recommend . 197 Headphone POS 5 the overall performance -lrb- sound quality , bass , etc. -rrb- exceed my expectation . no disrespect to Sony , but I always assume bose provide a better product -lrb- especially at the $ 100 price point -rrb- . these headset prove I wrong . one big note for air traveler - very nice surprise be the noise cancel capability . grant not complete like the over the ear noise cancel headset , but very sufficient for a in the ear bud . 731 Headphone POS 4 sound quality be good , but the way it sit on top of you head will cause you to feel pressure\/headaches after 1 or 2 hour . then again , the whole thing 's pretty cheap , so for the quality it be a `` 3-star '' product , and amend for the price it be `` 4-star . '' 955 Headphone POS 4 sound : Great range and pretty flat signature , but not the most precision nor the biggest soundstage . look : lay non you desk or hang around you neck , these look phenomenally retro . on you head , they can be pretty bulbous -lrb- I would have prefer the flatter design of the old sr-60 -rrb- . comfort : not as comfortable as around-ear phone nor smaller on-ears , and the hard vinyl band will irritate a thinly-haired head , but nothing major to complain about . they be somewhat adjustable by bend the headband . durability : I cant imagine these will ever break or wear out . Grado be also well-known for they repair service , so you be cover not exactly design to be portable , it have a huge cable -lrb- in all dimension -rrb- and similarly large jack that do not want to work with ipod case -lrb- it can be drive by portable player , though -rrb- . it work great for sedentary use , though , and be comfortable enough to be worn for hour on end . 367 Headphone POS 5 already purchase this headphone an be one of my best purchase . the sound quality in normal music or movie be excellent and on hd movie or music be outstanding for $ 20.00 be a excellent product . very comfortable and luxury design . I really recommend this product . 259 Headphone POS 4 I have be use this headphone for last 3-4 week . nice headphone with clear sound at very low price . recommend it to anyone look for a cheap but good quality headphone . 355 Headphone POS 5 well ... at first I be surprise at how small these headphone be . the actual speaker be not too big so it be not wierd wear they and they fold up well and easily . the noise isolation be not great but it be much better than those retched ipod -lrb- bleh -rrb- headphone I have ! overall , this product be pretty darn good . 55 Headphone POS 5 I have the Sony MDR v700 which be value at 154.95 at BestBuy ! I see it and try it out because they have one out on display , and of course , it sound great when you do not have anything to compare it to . so I be set on buy it for it be look , sound , and the overpriced brand name of Sony . I manage to buy it use from someone . the condition look very good , and sound great . so I think I be all set . the guy I buy the Sony v700 even suggest I look into Sennheiser if great sound be what I be after . I want to because of all they great review , but there be not any place around that offer display of Sennheiser so that you can test the product out . anyway , my brother find a sennheiser hd201 so finally I could test out what all this talk be about . mind you the hd201 be at least 3 time less than the Sony v700 . I be pretty shock . the Sony could not filter out the buzz that I normally get when connect to my crappy speaker . the sennheiser do . it filter it out , have better sound quality and better lightweight feel . you can actually hear each musical note , rather than have it drown out by the bass which be what the Sony do . do not believe the brand name hype of Sony because it be not that great -- if you compare it to Sennheiser ! Sony 's higher-end DJ headphone can not even compare with the lower end of sennheiser ! it be clear to I . good luck ! 772 Headphone NEU 3 extremely comfortable headphone , great for jogging or work out . I find the sound on they a bit lack at time . mostly on the high , some song actually sound bad with they . I like em but I be not in love with they , will probably only keep these for athletic activity . 744 Headphone NEU 3 First and foremost let I start by say that I be a huge lady gaga fan , so I get intrigue into purchase these headphone . for $ 100 I definitely expect at least a little more . for one , they be not all that comfortable in the ear . I also be hope for they to be sturdier and well make . the metallic red paint be already come off in certain area , as be the white paint at the bottom of the headphone . I think that if you be a big lady gaga fan and you have a lot of money to blow then these headphone be for you . whereas if you can not stand Miss GaGa and you be go to be spend a lot of you money on this save it for something sturdier and less gaga-ish . 70 Headphone POS 5 most earbud that I have try tend to sound `` tinny '' and very shallow . these have a more realistic depth to the sound quality . the earbud fit in you ear very comfortably , you will hardly notice they . they be well construct and I love the auto wind feature . the case even have a flip door to place the earbud in after you be finish use they . I do not think you 'll find a better quality set of earbud for any price . 203 Headphone NEU 3 we purchase 25 of these headphone for a computer lab at we school . for the most part , the sound be decent , and they be relatively comfortable for the price . we select this model because of the affordability and the reduce likelihood of anyone want to walk off with a pair due to the rather clunky and unattractive design . -lrb- and to that credit , none have walk off yet . -rrb- however , we have now have to dig the end of the headphone jack out of five computer , as five of we pair have break off inside the computer audio port , simply from regular plug and unplug of the headphone . so , they may save you money in the beginning , but I would highly recommend throw they out after a year and buying replacement so you do not risk damaging you audio device when the 1\/8 '' jack break off inside of they . 666 Headphone POS 4 so I recently buy these at SEATAC airport for pretty much 3time the price offer on Amazon -lrb- supply and demand be a b@#%& -rrb- but i must say they be surprisingly a decent pair of earbud . the squishy tip can get lose easily ... ive already lose one ... but i love that they mold into you ear . I have the worst luck with anything i have to stick in my ear and im happy to say i have not have any inner ear pain from wear they for hour at a time ... in conclusion ... nothing 's perfect ... 4 star ... 390 Headphone NEG 1 when i receive these earbud , one of they do not work . the one earbud that do work sound no better than the apple earbud that come with all ipod . I would not waste you time with these , i have return mine . Amazon do make return easy . 417 Headphone POS 5 I have several brand of headphone include the excellent denon ah-1001 , $ 130 . but for every day use on all you radio , computer and other device for about $ 5.00 . the panasonic rp-ht21 headphone be a excellent choice with excellent sound . you cant go wrong when order these from amizon , I have several of these and will probably order more in the future . 623 Headphone NEG 1 not sure why , give Sennheiser 's reputation for \* high quality \* product , but the \* buzz \* from \* two different set of headphone \* for my Sennheiser HDR 180 , along with the r 170 backup headset I get really annoy I !! come to find out after wonder why , I twist off the removable earcup -lrb- use to access the battery -rrb- and both the r 180 \* and \* the r 170 have distort diaphragm ! they do not even play that loud , so what be with the low quality ?? pro : + the wireless function actually work con : - pay too much - listen too little - disappointed too much ! verdict : I be return the whole thing plus extra r 170 headphone , not worth the hassle ! 433 Headphone POS 5 I read a lot of review about these headphone not be comfortable and not worth it . I just get mine yesterday and I kinda wish I buy it long time ago . the sound be great and the headphone be the most comfortable headphone I have ever own 213 Headphone NEU 3 I experience a great deal of static depend on the position of my head while I be wear these headphone , so move around for the best static free reception be a real bother , and then I have to `` freeze '' my position . even with the comfortable ear cup , my ear will feel a little pinched long before a movie be over . the surround sound be not like a true 5.1 speaker system , but then , they do not claim it would be . I might have be better off with a cord headphone , but then there be the bother of put away the 15 ' cord . I do like the ability to move around the room , go to the kitchen , etc. without miss the sound , even though there will be some static come and go as I move around . 6 Headphone POS 5 I 'll state up front that I be no audiophile , but I love music and I be pretty picky about how my music sound . I order these so I can listen to some of my `` parental advisory label '' song at work : -rrb- and let I tell you , for the price you would be hard-pressed to do better . the sound be just awesome , I can not even find the right adjective to describe it . Rich , full , textured , deep , etc. etc. . you get the idea . I could pick up tiny detail and even flaw in the music . I also find they to be very comfortable once I get they properly adjust , but I will also say that I be a girl , and my ear and head be probably smaller than a lot of guy ' ear . I get headache from anything that clamp my head too much or be too heavy , which be a problem with a lot of headphone . the eh-150 be light and rest on the head without be too tight , which be a huge plus for I . overall I would say they be totally worth what you be go to pay for they . to get much better than this , you would have to go up considerably in price , and hey , some of we have other thing to spend money on besides a $ 500 pair of headphone - like actual music to listen to . : -rrb- get these can ! 735 Headphone POS 5 this be a great idea to swim listen to music i be so glad i buy this 641 Headphone NEU 3 these headphone perform wonderfully , especially consider they low price . I have listen to rock , pop , country , and classical music , and these phone have sound great in all genre . however , after extend wear , they begin to cause I outer ear pain where my ear touch the interior part of the headphone . I have since switch my primary headphone to the Sennheiser px100 . 117 Headphone POS 5 get this new headphone for my new sony nw-hd5 . these headphone be pretty cool . require some get use to because they go kinda deep into you ear but they efficiently reduce external noise . sound get louder because they go deeper into you ear so you have to listen at a lower sound volume and that eventually save power and quality of sound be unbelievable awesome . happy with the purchase and will highly recommend . 372 Headphone POS 5 I purchase these after a fair amount of review all of the wireless headphone out there . for personal comparison , I have a double pair of infrared headphone in the bedroom , and consider they be basically generic in brand , they do pretty well . these sennheiser be definitely a step-up in quality , be fairly simple to use and sound great for what I use they for , which be mostly record television program & internet-based talk radio . specifically , once they be tune , there be no static or pop noise . I like the fact that they can operate over 3 different channel , all of which can be fine-tuned . my only complaint with the tuning be that the tuning dial be right next to the volume dial and can be easily bump . they comfort be good and I hardly notice they after several hour of wear they , but they fall off fairly easy if I bend over . and , the ear pad do not close around the ear like some headphone do . battery life be pretty good & I get about 15 hour out of the no-name brand one that come with the headphone -- I expect to get about that amount of time out of my 900mah nimh rechargable aaa . the last thing I 'll mention be that the range on these be about 35-40 foot on the same floor and that be through several wall & with the transmitter sit up high . all in all , a good value right within my spending budget . 770 Headphone POS 4 lightweight and easy to use , good behind you neck on the airplane , compact and simple to store in carryon , good sound quality even though it do not fit like a ear bud . well worth the cost . 271 Headphone POS 5 I originally post the review that be below this paragraph . my only complaint have be that one of the hook have fall out easily . the company that sell these saw my review and immediately send I a new pair . I be very impressed with the customer service I receive and be enjoy my intact pair of earbud . -------------------------------------------------- I run a lot , and these earbud do a good job of stay in my ear while provide good quality sound . because the hook that go around you ear come off so easily , I end up lose one during a outdoor run . there be a extra set of ear hook , but because the base fall out along with the hook , I can not put one of the extra hook in . however , the one earbud without a hook be stay in my ear well , so I do not think it need a ear hook . this be because the earbud come in three different size , so the one I use fit my ear canal well . 212 Headphone NEU 3 overall the headphone sound great , but they really do not fit my head . they barely go over my ear and the plastic band pull my ear back and out . i would not recommend this product for anyone with a large size head . i wear a size 8 hat . so buyer beware !! 567 Headphone NEU 3 I buy my Triport headphone nearly a year ago , and mine have hold up well , but I have have to be \* very \* careful when I handle they . the sound quality really be teriffic -- excellent frequency response across the entire spectrum , with a `` warmth '' in the bass that be miss in every other set of headphon I have -lrb- admittedly , none of my other headphone cost as much as the Triport -rrb- . in general , these headphone be comfortable to wear , and the foam rim around the phone mold to you head , do a great job of block outside sound . at time , the thin headband become uncomfortable ; I find I can wear these thing for about a hour before the top of my head become sore from the pressure of the hard , narrow headband . as other here have point out , the construction of these thing be extremely shoddy . they look and feel like a $ 10 pair you might pick up at Family Dollar . the cord be dangerously thin , as be the headband . these be definitely not heavy-duty headphone . the connection where the headphone cup connect to the headband be begin to crack on mine -- it be only a matter of time before they 'll need tape reinforcement . because they be so flimsy , I never take mine out of the house . when I want to listen to something walking , jogging , or otherwise `` on the move , '' I take my sturdier Sony headphone , even though the sound be poorer . I use the Triports mainly for listen to music or movie at home when I do not want to disturb other in the house -- for that they do a decent job . it be a shame that for what these cost , they could not be better make . if you be prepare to spend this much for a good set of headphone , think twice before buy this set . for the same price , there must be better-built , decent sound headphone out there . 679 Headphone POS 5 let I start off by say I have a horrible first experience with this set of headphone . when I first get they , there be a very obvious , constant static sound out of the right earphone . I email customer service and they tell I to send it in . Annoying . two day later , I get a email back from they say a replacement pair be on the way . they replace my headphone almost immediately . one of the best customer service experience I have ever have . even before the burn in , the headphone boast extremely clear sound , beat out my dad 's $ 300 bose pair he get a year back . Bass - Unmatched . would not change a thing . it be like play the bass on a really expensive Steinway and compare it to a simple upright . Treble - extremely good . melody of any genre of music I listen to sing out , and be very clear . high - alright . not the best I have hear , as the sound can get quite harsh at time . comfort - it take some get use to . the odd design require that you put the headphone in and pull they around behind the ear . this be make easier by a bendable wire come off of the headphone themselves , allow you to shape the wire around you ear . it take a while to really get it down , but once you do they sit very comfortably -lrb- although they do go a bit far into the ear -rrb- . these headphone sound like those over-the-ear monster that cost you a arm and you spleen , but be very small and only will cost you a finger -lrb- be finger ~ $ 20 these day ? -rrb- . overall the best pair of headphone I have ever own . highly recommend 856 Headphone NEG 1 I like these headphone when I receive they it be bad quality , I can only hear on one side and if i hold the plug the right direction !!! NOT HAPPY : - -lrb- they be not the cheapest either ... 797 Headphone NEG 1 I get a pair of these purpleicious jbud earlier this month . I love the case and the review be pretty good ... I be happy with they the first time I use they , but the second time one of the earphone have very limited sound come out , if any . I be go to try to get a replacement pair send to I and will update this review base on how that experience go . 738 Headphone NEG 2 I purchase these , because of the large number of good review . I be quite surprised to find the sound quality poor and the volume low -lrb- compare with my previous pair of $ 12 Sony earbud -rrb- . Earbud fit be a personal thing and I only write this short note , because my experience be so different than the majority of user . 884 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be wonderful . they be the best pair of headphone I have ever own . I consider myself a audiophile . I have no electronic background but have purchase many high-end piece of audio equipment over the past 30 year . I currently own several headphone include the ah-d2000 -lrb- I purchase these for my daughter -rrb- and the Ultimate Ears triple . fi10 earbud to use when I travel . I be sure I would love the ah-d7000 but I feel the $ 600 difference be probably not justifiable . I be able to purchase these for $ 399 . there be a small , but noticeable , sound quality difference between the 2000 and 5000 headphone that I feel the less than $ 200 difference between they be worth it . Bass be deeper without distortion . Treble note be crisper . midrange be fuller . although I can listen to classical music , my preference be classic rock . Pink Floyd dark side of the Moon and The Wall sound fantastic . Led Zeppelin be amazing . for those that have comment that these headphone need a external amp to drive they , I disagree . although the majority of the time I listen to they use my Pioneer Elite receiver and they sound great , I plug they into my ipod and they sound very good . the quality of the music be not as full , rich , and `` powerful '' sound but more than I expect , especially give the review I read . I do not know if I would opt for the 5000 over the 2000 if the price differential be over $ 300 -lrb- I have see they from $ 399 to $ 699 -rrb- ; but , I feel it be a bargain at the $ 140 difference when I buy they . 710 Headphone POS 4 I be past 60 and for my age , my listening be worsen day by day that too after a surgery on my right ear . earlier I use to enjoy tv program -lrb- like Discovery , National Geography , HBO , Star Movies etc -rrb- almost till midnight . nowadays the tv program be become more and more garbled -lrb- to I ! -rrb- and could not enjoy the music and understand dialogue . I think I have to settle down for the rest of my life with this deficiency . I hear about wireless headphone which can be use for listen to tv program . I read all review about Sennheiser wireless headphone and the almost unanimous recommendation by user . earlier day it be difficult to get these world class electronic device in India . however thing be improve and to my surprise I could get this headphone slightly above the international price -lrb- r . 3,500 equivalent to about $ 75 -rrb- . I have use this for the past 2 week and I think I have make the right decision to go ahead with sennheiser . once I wear this and listen to tv , I be in new world altogether . the sound be so crisp and clear and I do not miss even one small whisper in movie and I be surprised how wonderful the normal mundane song be with lot of additional instrument , which be not hear earlier ! the range be quite astonishing . I live in a two storeyed concrete building and when I wear this and go to open terrace , I could still hear tv program -lrb- of course slight deterioration because of concrete structure -rrb- . within the house I can roam around all room and still do not have to miss anything . the battery last reasonably well -lrb- I have to change only once during the past 2 week -rrb- . I feel instead of rechargeable battery of rs120 or rs130 -lrb- which have almost identical specification -rrb- , this replaceable battery be better because we can always use nimh battery and separate charger , thereby ensure better reliability . overall I feel this investment be really go to serve I well . 473 Headphone POS 5 I still have not decide if these be supra-aural -lrb- on the ear -rrb- or circumaural -lrb- around the ear -rrb- headphone . rather than flip a coin , let call they hybrid headphone . unlike most `` big '' headphone , these do not give you sweaty ear or over-isolate you from you environment . I rate that a advantage -- you be more likely to be able to hear a phone ring or the doorbell , but they do mute ambient noise sufficiently to allow focus on music . fit : if you have big ear you may find they a bit snug , as they low-profile design suggest . I have a big head -lrb- 7 5\/8 hat size -rrb- but the earpiece easily drop down far enough . these ` phone be a good choice for extended wear -- they have enough grip so they do not slip and slide ear pad , but they do not feel like a clamp you 'll want to throw off halfway through a 2-hour dvd . sound : the sound , like the fit , be non-fatiguing . the treble be extend without be sibilant , while the bass be shaded toward tight-and-crisp rather than lush . look : these be great-looking headphone and they do not stick way off you head like many around-the-ear phone . build quality : these be make of lightweight but strong plastic . the ear pad be higher quality than typically find in this price range . the cord be a bit longer than average , and thicker than on most lightweight headphone , but it be not heavy . bottom line : if you be trade up from the cheapo headphone that come with a portable -lrb- usually a good idea , even with a ipod -rrb- , you will be surprise at how much the bass be improve . the non-fatiguing sound and fit of the hd-497 ` phone , combine with tight bass , win that fifth star . recommend . 314 Headphone POS 5 as a professional forensic audio analyst , I use these headphone constantly and they comfortabe , light , easy to use and the quality be pretty good for the price . I highly recommend this product . 699 Headphone POS 5 Perfect for run . they stay put , sound great , and you 'll forget you be even wear headphone . outstanding ! 898 Headphone POS 4 the sound quality on these headphone be pretty much what you would expect from Sony for this price , i.e. , not spectacular but good treble , slightly less good bass . to be honest , if you be jogging , you would hardly notice unless you be use to awesome sound all the time . my only problem with these be the problem with all stiff-headband headphone ; if you have a small electronic device -lrb- md or mp3 player -rrb- the headphone can not be cram wherever you put the device -lrb- unless you be willing to break you new headphone , which I negligently have do -rrb- . so , good for the sound , not as portable as the playing device of the 21st century . 211 Headphone NEG 1 the product be awesome !! unfortunately , my head be smaller in size , and the earclip just fall over the side of my ear . the sound be fab , I have no complaint in the product itself , just that they do not fit : -rrb- 435 Headphone POS 5 I have have both Vibe Vmoda headphone -lrb- the metal one , not the plastic one -rrb- and a pair of dennon black in ear headphone . although I have the Dennon 's for a couple of year , which could have cause some sound quality to drop , there be not a noticeable difference between these headphone and the dennon 's -lrb- I paid about $ 60 for the dennon 's on amazon . -rrb- I would definitely say these be very comparable to many $ 40 to $ 80 in-ear on the market . they come with all the accessory you would expect from a quality pair of headphone , with a case and insert . I be a stickler for sound , but could not shell out another $ 60 for some nice one and think I would have to settle for these , but have actually be suprize instead . I have consider buy another pair so I would have they on reserve ... one note , if you plan to use they while move quickly -lrb- like on a motorcycle or scooter -rrb- , they do have bad wind noise . I suppose I should not wear they in this situation anyway ... definitely worth the $ 20 ! 943 Headphone POS 4 I buy these a month ago to replace Aquapac 100 % waterproof headphone which would not stay in my ear no matter what I try -lrb- different earpiece , push in further , wear a swim cap , not wear a swim cap , etc. -rrb- . the earpiece on these penetrate further into my ear and remain in place until tug out , solve my problem . I only use they for swim because they be slightly uncomfortable and the sound quality be only fair , but swimming be a noisy business and sound quality be secondary to be able to hear anything at all . I remove the part that go over the ear as they be a nuisance to I . I have be very pleased with these , and have read here that they sometimes prematurely self-destruct I order a backup pair today . 604 Headphone NEU 3 short version be that this be a nice mp3 player . expansion slot for sd , solid construction -lrb- battery cover be a bit flimsy though -rrb- battery life be long . etc. etc. . biggest drawback that negate all of the above be that they drm cripple the little thing . it be so nice up until you find out you have to use TDK 's proprietory UniFi software . which unify nothing . it `` allow '' you to copy mp3 from you system to it . and then they be dead . you can not copy they back , you can not transfer they to anything else . and here be the best part , Windows do not recognize the device unless you install the software . it be all the software as well , if you merely remove the sd card you can move and copy mp3 to it via a reader and the mojo play they fine . but obviously this do not work for the main flash memory . and you need the software to make it work ... so unless someone reverse engineer the program , do not buy this . 858 Headphone POS 5 I order 4 headphone . all under $ 20.00 dollar . the first three , be junk . this one be great . great price , great sound , -lrb- with great base also -rrb- and it feel comfortable on . I also have a pair for $ 50.00 , this one be still better . thanks AMAZON !!! 185 Headphone POS 4 if you have someone who be hard of hearing , and you must spend a good amount of time with they , this be the product for you . no more scream over the television just to carry on a conversation . Easy setup . 815 Headphone NEG 1 I buy this product for my Ipod nano on April 16th . I only use it to go run at the gym . today be June 26th and the adapter have completely fall apart . the wire have rip out and the actual shell of the adapter have split open . again all I use this product for be run . very cheaply make I would not advise buy this product . 195 Headphone POS 5 the sound be great as be the volume . I have work with headphone for year as I use to own a recording studio and I can tell you from experience , when you be not actually listen to anything , you should take they off or put they around you neck as any headphone will start to get uncomfortable after long use . UPDATE : I just order two more ... 914 Headphone POS 5 at first I think the bass be too high , but then I realize my old headphone just could not play at such low level . the cord be make to be use with mp3 player , so it be too short to use on my pc , so I have to get a extender . they be very portable for not be ear bud ; even though , they will not fit in you pocket . I just wear it around my bicep or clip it to my belt , when not in use ; not around my neck though I sweat too much when work . 608 Headphone POS 4 I want something to control my iPhone in the car without have to continuously unlock the screen and press on-screen button while drive . this thing do exactly that for I . I can skip song and pause the music whenever I want without have to take my eye off the road . I agree with other reviewer that it would be nice to have the headphone plug directly into the remote , but it be a very minor complaint . this be a purchase I would gladly recommend to a friend . 975 Headphone POS 4 I think for the price this headphone set work quite well on occasion the sound be block from one of the mike and some scratch noise be hear . . but this be not often and for the purpose of listen to 30 second music file which be why I buy it I can live with it . . 143 Headphone NEU 3 since I can never find my earphone I think I get a back-up . pleasantly surprise with the sound quality , comfort and price . it use the whole ear vs the limited noise reduction of in-ear bud . this be a personel preference who find bud a ` pain in the ear ' . you can hear the sound around you and produce a good sound for the iPhone and be good to talk if you receive a call . in my opinion sound for the iPhone need a graphic equalizer . I use use these a for a lot of book and talk radio and find most device that I can wear without less ear fatigue . they have good mid range vs base . there seem to be a bias -lrb- pun intend -rrb- for the youth vs the old when it come to sound and I believe that most manufacture target the young . 487 Headphone POS 5 I love these headphone . when I be in the room with the transmitter , they sound be as good as good wire headphone . that say , they be on the big side -lrb- compare to wire headphone , and I do get interference when I walk around we apartment -lrb- the old building have a lot of brick and steel -rrb- . they also hold a charge as long as I have need they , and seem to charge quickly . construction seem solid - I expect they 'll hold up over time . -lrb- I have now own these for two month , btw -rrb- 685 Headphone POS 5 I have trouble wear ear bud and need headphone . the sound on these be very clear and with the noise cancel feature I can keep the volumn low and still enjoy the music . they be expensive but be worth the extra expense for the quality you get . 165 Headphone POS 4 I buy these as a replacement for some Motorolla Rokrs that I have buy and stop function . these be comfortable , but less compact because of the rigid plastic framing . it work well if you be able to store they with the case they come in . I usually have they in my bag . the case be rigid to keep from be crush . I be a little weary of the wiring at the pivot point for the frame . if they get pinch and fray the wiring , then it will be pointless to have purchase these . but for now , they be comfortable and work with a Sony dongle that clip into a ipod 9-pin dock . it pair easily . 291 Headphone POS 4 I be almost 71 year old and I be hear impaired from 40 year work in a power plant . I have use a pair of wireless headphone for the past several year that finally give up the ghost . I have spend the past year look for a replacement . none satisfy I because I want to be able to control the volume in each ear . even with in canal hearing aid , my left ear be worse than my right . I be not able to find anything until I run across the rs-140 . it have a balance control which allow I to `` balance '' the gain to each ear . I have read many of the report on this site which include some very negative comment . however , my experience have be nothing but good . no hiss , coverage throughout the house , no dropout spot . excellent sound , easy to understand what I hear from the tv . I subtract one star because they do have one fault . the volume control be on the backside of the earphone and when I attempt to lay my head on a pillow , it move the volume control . I have to be careful of this . I can also see where those who use outside the ear hearing aid will have a problem with the headphone push the ear against the hearing aid . other than that ... a very fine piece of gear ! I recommend they . 107 Headphone POS 5 these be great - money well spend ! they sound great , fit well and be very light and comfortable . it be exactly what I be look for in a set of headphone that I could use at the gym . and all at a great price from Amazon . thanks ! 562 Headphone POS 5 I have own the iGrado 's for about 6 month now , and after extensive heavy usage they be still work perfectly . the sound be phenomenal for a product that be intend to deal mostly mp3 file . with these you can easily tell the difference in music file that be 128kbps vs 320kbps ; thus , you be obviously go to want file with larger rate . as far as the comfort level go , the headband be not adjustable , but it form to my head rather quickly and have be comfortable for I since . my biggest problem with these headphone be actually the spot where the wire connect to the headphone , as they be constantly be bent when they be set down , put on , etc. . however , they have yet to show any sign of give out , so it might not be a big deal . Definatley a good buy . 610 Headphone POS 5 I buy the in-ear headphone look at the review post here and be I glad that I do . . the in-ear headphone be really good . I doubt if I can buy anything like it compare to the price I pay for it . one reason for I to buy it be because it have a support that make the in-ear headphone cling on to the ear and not fall of while run . try use traditional headphone earlier and it will just not stick on my ear . just after run couple of step the traditional headphone would fall off but these wont . . so happy with the buy . . BTW the sound output be really good for a good hour of music . . the more you burn -lrb- use -rrb- the headphone the better sound it give . I will not be hold responsible if someone will literally burn the headphone . ; -rrb- 46 Headphone POS 5 I buy these for watch movie with my hubby on the airplane and they be great , simple to use , cheap and best of all , we could both hear and see the movie at the same time-i have also use these in stadium while tuning in to the local sport channel ... very good little gadget 90 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be amazing ! great feeling when I take they out of the box . they do not cause too much pain after you have have they on for a long time and they have pretty good noise cancelation . ca not forget the clear , crisp sound they have . simply audio ! one thing I do not like about they be that I feel like they will break so easy . good news be that they be build Sony tough . Great buy ! 295 Headphone POS 5 Theese headphone be so sick !! they have great sound , look amazing , and be well worth the money ... the sound leakage be not as bad as people say unless you have it on full volume . the battery last a really really long time ! the only thing I would like improve be the noise cancellation ... I own a pair of Solo HD 's too and they block out almost as much as the studio even though they do not have noise cancellation . I would defiantly recommend this to someone who like quality sound !!! 734 Headphone POS 5 these be not really noise canceling , but noise cover headphone . the `` noise cancellation '' feature really just generate some white noise and boost the volume a little . they trick you ear into block out certain frequency . I doubt they work as well as bose 's $ 300 headphone , but for as cheap as they be , they be a steal . I work in a office where people be addict to speakerphone and turn they conversation up so that I can hear every word clearly . I be a computer programmer and it be a bit difficult to work with 4 different conversation blare in my ear . I use to have regular headphone and would turn they up to drown out the noise -lrb- bad for eardrum -rrb- . with these , I can turn music on a low volume and can not hear a thing ! the sound quality be not so good and they smell like new plastic for the first month , but they be cheap and cancel noise well . also , they be collapsable and come with a battery and a nice little carry case so they will not get scratch when you be travel . 251 Headphone POS 4 i be not a serious stereophile ... but i know a thing or two about bad headphone . especially the kind you get for free with every portable audio product you buy . bottom line , the quality for these headphone be amazing . you can turn up whatever you be listen to , and not worry about distortion . do i mention the price ? dirt cheap my friend , dirt cheap . the only downside be they do not fit comfortably for people with glass , and there be a little plastic piece in the center of the earphone that can be bothersome if not positioned perfectly . or maybe it be just my ear ? 867 Headphone NEG 2 I order 2 pair , black\/orange for myself and silver\/green for my wife , as replacement for we ipod earbud -lrb- yes , we be yuppie -rrb- . I have to say , the mdq-q23lp look really cool , as you can probably tell by look at they online . however , that be where the positive aspect end . they be physically uncomfortable . I make sure I put they on right . I can see how I could eventually get use to the jab behind the ear , but why should i. what I could never get use to be the flat sound . I be not expect studio quality out of this design in this price-range but I be neither expect the 2-can , 99-cent store , flatness . play with the eq on the ipod help somewhat , but not very much . finally , I can not stand it when I can hear people 's music through they earphone over the subway noise , 12 foot away . I do not mean the tsk-tsk-tsk or a occasional sax . I mean when you can actually hear the lyric . I think mdq-q23lp be one of those headphone . I do all sort of sound test and even at half the volume -lrb- much too quiet for my taste -rrb- they be extremely noisy on the outside . again , I be not expect the type of sound isolation you get out of earbud or the noise-cancelling headphone , but give I a break ... these baby give the term `` share music '' a new meaning . I 'll let my wife deside about she pair , but I be send mine back . too bad , they look great -lrb- hence 2 star -rrb- . 302 Headphone POS 5 my bose ie2 's be use almost exclusively at gym workout . after experience some discomfort with the original bud on the ipod nano5 , I move to ` Sennheiser PMX80 Sport Series II behind the Head Phones ' and the ` Sony mdr-as20j ' . after 13 month , the pmx80 leave bud quit work -lrb- no visible sign of failure -rrb- . the Sony 's be ok , probably exceptional for the cost , but do not deliver . I then step up to the bose ie2 . base on the ease of comfort , build quality , and sound I recommend the bose ie2 's . it should be note that ambient sound be perceptible during use -lrb- except at full volume - that be I rock to a new song -rrb- , which I find advantageous in the gym . the stayheartm design effectively position the bud very comfortably on the outer ear while channel music to the middle ear . the cord thickness , connection design , and individual inspection by bose address the quality of build . I be not a audiophile , but they sound excellent to I . overall , pretty awesome stuff while biking , run , and lift weight ... do I mention the occasional ping pong game ? with the wide spectrum of choice in this marketplace , you can purchase the bose ie2 's with confidence . 118 Headphone POS 5 just arrive this afternoon and I be blow away by the excellent sound , especially at this price . so far have listen to folk -lrb- Phil Brown by David Mallett and the lover 's Waltz by Molly Mason and Jay Ungar -rrb- , bagpipe -lrb- Highland Cathedral by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards -rrb- , celtic -lrb- star of the County down by after class and ramblin ' Rovin ' Robin by Battlefield Band -rrb- , classical -lrb- con te Partiro by Andrea Bocelli and let the Bright Seraphim by Handel perform by Kathleen Battle and Wynton Marsalis -rrb- , 60 's -lrb- the summer song by Chad and Jeremy and hello , Goodbye by the beatle -rrb- country -lrb- then by Brad Paisley , Start a band with Brad and Keith Urban , and everybody want to go to Heaven by Kenny Chesney , Bobbi with a I by Phil Vassar -rrb- , rock -lrb- black and White and Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson , Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett , Layla by Eric Clapton , Sloop John B and help I Rhonda by the Beach Boys and if I be a boy by Beyonce ' -rrb- and all sound accurate to I . I hear some vocal , instrumental and drum part that have not be clear on much more expensive headphone . these be on ear style and be comfortable to I so far - behind the neck piece and over ear support hold they just right for I and be fine with glass . these do not appear to adjust , though they fold compactly for storage case . they pair easily on the first try with my MacBook pro . good volume and sound be distinct and true to they voice and instrument , good response to my equalizer , which overcome a slightly weak bass to my ear . Bass will not rattle you tooth and may be a bit too light for some tastes\/some musical style - though the bass line in the above song come through strong and clear though not dominant , mid and high sound excellent , crisp and clear to I . much nicer than I expect for the price and especially since it appear headphone be a new line for this company . if you need bluetooth headphone , I would suggest you try these soon before the manufacturer find they can substantially increase the price , give the overall quality . case be excellent quality . I do not notice a off smell as note by another reviewer . charge fairly quickly for right out of the box , via usb2 and minus usb . build quality look fine so far , but I would not toss they in the bottom of my gym bag without the case . with case , they would be fine . they be lightweight . volume increase\/decrease and fast forward , reverse control be all on the right earpiece along with the pause\/take a call switch . no loss of signal until several rooms\/walls away and then it be minimal and short live . 24 Headphone POS 5 this product be incredible . I be really glad I have it , but the sad part be : the amazon site have notice I about some tax of export , but when the product arrive to Brazil I pay a expensive tax that I be ' t expect for . the product become very expensive with this unpected tax . but anyway , I be very satisfied with the headphone , I be use it to edit short film in my IMac . 489 Headphone POS 5 I buy these after read several review on Amazon . some be not so flattering but I find these headphone amazing ! some of the performance come from the fact that the phone have little rubber tip that seal the headphone in you ear canal . it sound uncomfortable but the rubber be very thin and it really be not . the phone come with a few spare tip of different size . I be listen to Tocata and Fugue in D minor at the moment and it be incredibly realistic . I would say that the base be strong but I think the response across the frequency spectrum be very good . I would be very happy even if I have pay twice as much . 642 Headphone NEG 1 I receive in plenty of time , I buy two . one make a humming noise , the other pick up cell phone and radio signal . I contact the seller and be tell I would receive instruction on send the 2 item back . I never receive these instruction . . I want to return both of the headphone . 588 Headphone NEG 2 the headphone be fine . the microphone be awful . it twist away easily and really do not have enough heft to work unless you hold the piece up to you face while talk . it be a real disappointment . note the audio control do not work on my android phone or MacBook , which I think be suppose to have the same control as a iPhone . you may want to double-check its compatibility with you phone . 601 Headphone POS 5 I be into quality , and that be what you will get from these Technics headphone . I be not a DJ , but I know these headphone work great for home listening . the volume can be turn up without any distortion at all . you may even want to record you mp3 at higher bitrate because you will be able to hear the difference between 128 and 256 . the headphone be very well design and comfortable . I find it hard to stop listen to they because I like they so much . the coil cord stay out of the way . these headphone may be a little too bulky to wear walk down the street , but they be well worth they price . they also block out many ouside noise and other people in the room can not hear the music you play at normal level . this product will truly provide a new listen experience . 657 Headphone POS 5 i get these for 15 buck and i wont go back its awesome although sort of cheap and break easily its alright though because you have a warranty 199 Headphone POS 5 this headset be a very well think out design . it use 1 cord not 2 like a lot of headphone out there . the cord be short maybe 18 inch long . this be nice because you do not have to worry about a cable flop around when you run . it fit very well and be very comfortable . I do not feel it when I run . 702 Headphone NEG 1 I get these as a sad gift - the overall sound quality be quite bad -lrb- when nc - noise cancellaton-is turn off -rrb- . not much low frequency and minimal high frequency content . so purely as headphone - they fall at the bottom of the heap . with nc turn on , there be some amplification of the sound - so it sound louder . the nc effect itself - well - its kind of work , but not much . probably about 20 percent of the noise be take care of . do not even try compare the performance of the bose to these -lrb- I do so - use a co-passenger bose qc3 - and it be a revelation - one work beautifully and this one barely do so -rrb- . I plan to get a pair of Panasonic RPHC300 now -lrb- since I do not have $ 300 to burn -rrb- . I be curious how the nc effect be implement for the left and right earpiece . there be no wire that connect the right side -lrb- with the battery and nc electronics -rrb- with the left earpiece . go figure this one out : -rrb- . I have some idea - but that would mean this be not a stereo headset . too lazy to experiment further with this piece of junk . the good thing be they fold quite well . 998 Headphone POS 4 the first thing I notice about these headphone be the comfort -- the material be very soft and fit just around my ear -lrb- though it may not work for other , as I have very small ear -rrb- . the headband , stuff with a little cotton , fit especially well over my head , and do not beat down on the top as some other plastic one have . after I put they on , I notice that I could hear EVERYTHING ... which might be good or bad , depend on its use . it be good for closed performance -lrb- without a audience -rrb- because every tiny nuance provide by the performer be present crystal-clear . in fact , at certain very , very quiet pause , I even could hear the orchestra turn the page -lrb- literally -rrb- ! however , it be not so good for live performance , where every obnoxious \* cough , cough \* or \* HACKGH , HACKGH \* from the audience can be hear , equally crystal-clear . another trait of these headphone be that , when I let other try they , the headphone do not leak . that be , I can not hear what they be listen to unless I jam my ear against theirs , and they certainly can not hear I . this `` containment '' of the sound be probably the reason why the music sound much louder through these than through the other I have try . overall , I think these headphone be worth the price . however , they do not leak as much sound as the Panasonic noise-canceling headphone , and they be especially comfortable and extremely , I repeat extremely clear . 632 Headphone POS 5 this product be another great buy for I and for a cheap price that I have save a x amount of dollar . 329 Headphone POS 5 I find these headphone quite comfortable , even after a few hour of use . I be surprised to see many review say that they be extremely uncomfortable . sure they be not the most comfortable headphone I have worn , but they be pretty good . pro : dazzling detail . exhilarating `` surround '' experience . in-your-face presence ... like be in the front seat at a concert . and good balance : it be exciting to hear the crisp treble , warm mid , and full-but-unexaggerated bass - all at once . con : the treble can sound a bit harsh at time , depend on the recording , especially for classical music . I just turn down the treble a bit for those recording , and the result be easier on my ear . they do not block out external noise at all , and other in the room will easily hear you music as they ` leak ' sound . but I have read that ` open ' headphone like these have potentially better sound quality than isolate one . 242 Headphone POS 4 excellent headphone for clarity and range , and reasonably comfortable . only down side be that be on-ear , they tend to slip when use while engage in active task . 756 Headphone NEU 3 I love the sound of Sennheiser headphone and will not buy headphone from anyone else . I have two different sennheiser noise cancel headset for travel , a hd555 for home , earbud for the gym , and I buy the hd218 to wear while walk my dog . like Mindme , I also find problem with the headphone be too loose on my head -lrb- and without comment on what be in it , I have a pretty large cranium -rrb- , and the cord on mine also break quickly . a comment I would make for the manufacturer be that if you be optimize a headphone for ipod , then the cord length ought to be right for have the thing in you pocket . I be a pretty tall guy , but when I have the ipod in my pocket there be still way too much slack in the cord with the result that it snag on everything around the house from door catch to drawer pull to my dog paw . combine this with a connector backshell that do not provide much strain relief to the cord , and you be go to see a lot of cable failure . on the upside , this headset make a ipod sound like a piece of serious audio equipment and they be comfortable enough to wear for hour . 156 Headphone POS 5 I like these enough to buy they again . mean I think I have lose they on a recent camping trip , so I order another pair . this time in blue so they be easier to keep track of . I find they two day after receive my new one . Perfect , now I can just leave one in the house and one in my car . they sound great on the Ipod and on the phone . people also tell I the clarity of my voice be very good , which seem to be a problem with other headset . also the thicker cord be tangle free compare to most headphone . overall , im happy with the product . also very comfortable , im able to wear they without they bother I after awhile . ive have better luck with these than some I have own for much more money . really cant go wrong for the price . 534 Headphone POS 5 I buy this know that the blackberry torch be not list on the compatibility list and that the control be design for the iphone . my mistake , but it do not mean that this headset be not awesome . it be . sound quality be very focus on basis , even with some vibration if you allow yourself to hear music at loud volume . for hear podcast while walk be great ! , the voice be crisp and the noise isolation do not allow distraction on the silence . some have say that the cable create noise artifact while on the move , but I use they while walk I hear no artifact or noise whatsoever . on the blackberry torch , this headset work just like a normal earbud . Play button answer a call but the mic doe not turn on and can not hear the caller through the earbud . Media control be also useless on the torch . you be warn , this seem to only work on the phone list . 965 Headphone POS 5 I spend at least 10 hour a week in these mix music professionally . I have own mine since the late 80 and have two pair : one for home and one for work . I have replace the earpad about every 8 year . these be quite simply one of the best ten product I have ever own . the sound quality be unparalleled . they be efficient enough to be drive loud from a computer or a ipod . I have a super large head and these be very comfortable . those of you complain they be too tight do not understand how to adjust they - pull the earpiece down if they be too tight . I have never find a better pair at any price . the fact that these be under $ 100 , last essentially forever , and sound superb , be a modern miracle . flat frequency response as high as any human ear can hear and lower than most any equipment can produce , and yet the sound be please from just about any source . buy a pair of they without hesitation . you 'll never regret it . 664 Headphone POS 5 I purchase these headphone to use in the gym . for under $ 10 I figure it be worth a chance . my klipsch s4 's be not stay put so despite they excellent sound quality I want to try something that would even if it mean less quality . besides the Klipsch phone I have use shure , Ultimate Ears , Senheisers , Sonys , Koss ... . . you name it and I have probably try they . these phone match up pretty well as gym phone . nice fit -lrb- better than most -rrb- , good sound and durable . for $ 10 it be a no brainier ! just buy they , period ! 335 Headphone NEU 3 for I ... they hurt my ear . the clip be wonderful and adjustable , never fall out . but the little bud where the music come out be make of hard plastic , and start hurt my ear after about 20 minute . sound be great for the price , and if you find that they do not hurt you ear , would probably be the perfect cheap headphone for work out . 432 Headphone NEU 3 maybe I have a peculiar shaped ear , but it seem these earbud can fall out quite easily . I have try all the different silicone size and it still do not fix the issue . especially when I be eat , the chew movement displace the earbud very quickly . another note , and this maybe be true of all in-ear earbud , be any movement to the wire will be translate to noise in you ear . I can hear all the rustle as I move around . other than these issue , sound quality be good compare to my stock ipod one . 807 Headphone POS 4 ... I agree with another commentator who question whether the product be sturdy enough to last . I guess I 'll see , as I do not intend to get on another airplane without it . 713 Headphone NEG 1 I be think that a 900mhz wireless headphone would at least equal the sound quality of a cheap , generic 900mhz phone . nope , not even close . while the headphone be comfortable , and look pretty snazzy , this thing contain a lot of static . it will also intermittently pause and zone out , no matter how close you be to the antenna . the range be a joke . after 20 foot , it 'll basically turn on and off . it be just a terrible product , and the only benefit I get be the knowledge that RCA actually have the gall to release such a shoddy product , so I can avoid that company from now on . 264 Headphone POS 4 well worth the price . I purchase these for my husband for on-line gaming . he love they and say they sound great . only downfall be the hard plastic piece that go directly on you head . if you be bald -lrb- like my hubby -rrb- you might need to pad it up . 742 Headphone POS 4 what I like about these headphone be the comfort . they come with ear piece in various size ; it be easy to find one that fit my ear well and do not pop out easily . the cord be a good length to connect with my ipod in my pocket or on my desk . my son , a 17-year-old audiophile , be far more impressed by the sound quality than he have be by the more-expensive set he buy at the Apple store . 350 Headphone NEG 1 I run . I sweat . I be not be pay by Philips corporate headquarters to write this review . I too have spend somewhere in the hundred try to find that perfect , do not slide out of my ear after a mile , with good sound quality headphone . well sadly enough , these be not it . the sound be embarrassing -lrb- which be not why I buy they -rrb- , the headphone start to slide as soon as you be ready to run some distance , and you might be think : how do a pair of headphone slide when they be ear clip on ? low and behold , this set have manage to do so . and once they have start to slip , it be over ... it be all over . in my experience , there be no way to get they comfortably back on , even if you have dry they . the sound be even worse than before if I even bother to dry they mid-run , they wont fit snug again in my ear if they have to be take off mid-run , and they have this ridiculously long cord , long enough to hang myself out of frustration . I always know Philips make crap electronics , but I be willing to try anything , I have about ten or fifteen pair and they be all lame . the best pair I have have , have be a Sony pair , that be not even sport edition , or waterproof , or anything -lrb- they be however expensive -rrb- . if you be consider buy this product , I would keep look , there be better choice out there , although more expensive ... consider what you will spend on this pair and then another pair , and spend about that amount to begin with . or just by a pair of cheapo Skull candy headphone , they be about as sport friendly as these . good luck . sorry philip , I have to tell the truth . 456 Headphone NEG 1 the sound quality of these headphone be relatively poor but that be not why I return they . the range be about 25 foot on the same floor and then loud static would come and go at different location in the house . this be very consistent . in the basement they be useless . I replace they with a set by rca model wph150 for $ 30 less and the sound be much better and no problem anywhere in the house . 924 Headphone NEG 1 I be sorely disappoint with these earphone . at first I be pretty excite about they ; they seem to be work great -- I buy they to replace a pair of iFrogz earphone that suddenly stop work . after about two month I start have the same problem with these as I do with my previous earphone . I have music on , and midsong , the earphone stop work . I could hear the music fine , but the singer be so fade out that I could not even hear the word . it sound almost like I be listen to someone sing underwater . this be the same thing that happen with my last earphone . I be very upset that I spend the money on these only to have they break on I . I would not recommend buy these . 792 Headphone POS 5 these pone be a excellent value and have a great sound for listen to audiobook . 931 Headphone POS 5 this be a headphone i have always keep buy for year . it be durable and perfect for studio , because the artist i work with like to hear the bass make it seem like its live . I enjoy listen to music through this head phone and be comfortable . 468 Headphone POS 5 these ear-bud -lrb- ? -rrb- plug be perfect for those of we that can not stand the typical ear-bud that come with most audio product . you know , the one that constantly fall out or shift around . these sound great and the end on these be just like the ear plug you will find in a factory or hunting\/sports store gun dept. . you squeeze\/roll the foam , quickly insert into ear canal , hold in place for a few and they expand , do . they be very comfortable and stay in place . my wife wear hers to bed since I have a snore problem , lol . she listen to one of those `` ocean sound '' cd 's or something similar . look around on here and for the price buy a few pair , just in case , or one for home , work , travel ... the phono end be gold , also . the only thing I be concern with be the wire . it be very , shall we say , flexible . well , they be not parachute strap so it should not be a problem . 971 Headphone POS 4 these admittedly dinky-looking headphone give surprisingly good sound . Bass be full and the rest of the frequency spectrum be nothing to sneeze at . since statistically speak you be like most people , you 'll be plug these into either a mp3 player full of badly-ripped , low-bitrate compress audio track or else a crummy portable cd player with a extremely noisy potentiometer for a volume control . buy better than these perfectly respectable headphone would be a waste of money . the Sportapros fold up too , which make they great for a coat pocket . also , the headband can fold in such a way that the headphone look like `` street-style '' headphone that be oh-so-popular these day . this make they clamp on you head a bit more , but it can not possibly be any less comfortable than any other headphone in such a configuration . I think it look stupid that way , but hey , if that be you cup of tea so be it . as for noise isolation , these do not offer much . if you really do not want to hear the subway along with you gangsta rap , you should be look at a pair of noise-cancelling phone or better yet in-ear headphone such as those make by etymotic . -lrb- the latter be a few time the price of the Sportapros on the bottom end , mind you . -rrb- it even come with a fake leather bag that I keep laundry money in . -lrb- keep a set of headphone this inexpensive in such a bag be just scream `` I have ocd ! '' -rrb- bottom line , this be the best pair of portable headphone you can buy for the price . they do not sound worse than the low-end sennheiser in this price range , for example , and they be quite a bit smaller . 495 Headphone NEU 3 these work well , but I have some issue with they sturdiness . I have to return they -lrb- can not recall the issue now , it be be a while -rrb- & and they send I a refurbish replacement . they now have a crack in the right side & the foam be disintegrate . not bad for the price . 463 Headphone NEG 2 maybe it be just I , but these have not live up to my expectation . the sound do not seem that much better than the ear bud that come with my mp3 player . on top of that , I can not get they to stay in my ear . I have really small ear canal , so again maybe it be my fault . even when use the smallest set of ear plug I can not get they in fair enough to block out ambient noise and they fall out every time I move my head . I would not recommend these headphone for people with small ear opening . 621 Headphone POS 5 it do just the job it should . the build quality be okay at best . but you can not beat the price ! 110 Headphone POS 4 first , the good part . these be the second set of Jensen headphone I have purchase . they be a very good value compare to some of the other I have try . the downside be that the signal will very slowly drift over the life of the battery , but usually a slight tap of the tuning knob will bring it back . the newer model like this one appear to have better signal aquisition , so this may solve some of the drift problem I see in older model . battery life be pretty good , I usually go through a set every 6-7 day on the old one . -lrb- the old model require 3 aaa 's instead of 2 however -rrb- now the bad , the production value be rather poor on the electronics in these headphone . my first pair start go rather glitchy on I , sometimes I would have to lightly hit the side to get they to find the signal again , and the battery life start go down drastically . it also would rapidly lose signal when it have this problem . I take they apart and notice that the soldering job be quite substandard , and there be several uninsulated speaker wire that be short out . after put some insulation in on the board , the headphone start work perfectly . I take these apart after I recieve they and notice the same problem . the headphone be also pop loose from its plastic fitting due to substandard glue . both easily fixable if you be good with electronics . 154 Headphone POS 5 I be not a headphone snob , I be just look for a great headphone at a good price . the cord be very nice and flexible and they come with a bunch of different ear adapter ... take the time to get the fit right . the fact that there be a case be great ... the fact that there be no winder or some way to constrain the cord in the case be a minus . but I do not expect to get a case ... so I can not downvote on a extra . the best bass I have ever experience in a in-ear headphone . tl ; dr buy they , they be good . 93 Headphone POS 4 these headphone arrive within a good time frame . the packaging be very nice consider it be use . I could not really verify if they be fake or real ... but the sound quality be deep and whole and I could not complain about they . these headphone have a tendency to cancel out noise around you . so good that someone will be talk to you rather loudly and you 'll struggle to be able to hear they . these headphone can be problematic if none of the bud fit you consider you get a wide range of size . for what I pay for they these headphone be amazing . not only do they sound good but they be out of the ordinary `` futuristic '' look . people always be look at my headphone and comment on how cool they look . if you be a big fan of in-ears please by all means go for they . -lrb- p. s -rrb- to save yourself from play the be it real or fake game I suggest get it for the full market price . the money be worth the peace of mind . 357 Headphone NEU 3 the sound be great on these and they block much of the surround noise . have the long cord be nice too . as other have report , they be too tight and be slightly too small for the ear . I kind of have to tuck my ear in but be not uncomfortable . I do not think my head or ear be larger than average . what stink for I be that I pay just under $ 40 in Feb 2012 and now they be less than half that ! I 'll be look at the newer version to see if they have a better fit since they be currently $ 20 . 50 Headphone NEU 3 I love the headphone when I first get it . but the annoyance do not take long to appear . and they all have nothing to do with the audio quality of this product . the headphone will pull you hair , no matter how short it be . I trim my hair down to half a centimeter and the band still manage to somehow yank on it . very annoying ! so as long as you be bald or intend to use these over a cap , you should be fine . otherwise , stay away . secondly , I have a issue with the durability of the cable\/cord on the connector . I use this on my ipod touch for not even a whole month and the rubber have tear off . I have to use some electrical tape over that part to keep the cord from further damage . although they have a unconditional lifetime warranty , I have not get around to send these back for a replacement yet . 929 Headphone POS 5 the death of the ear bud headphone end when Sony take over Aiwa and cancel the `` Aiwa HP-V600 Headphones with Acoustic Plus Technology and 2-Way Code Holder '' the bass be unreal ; while be complement by the high end sound . I have try all the Sony 's and they can not even compare to this sound ! the price be unbelievably moderate , consider the sound you be get . these should be re-marketed , as I be still look to buy a 3rd pair !! to quote spinaltap -lrb- the movie -rrb- `` these go to eleven !! UPDATE : -lrb- the present 2012 -rrb- where Sony and the like , miss the point be it be not the size of the silicone ear pad that matter , it be the size of the actual speaker . today they be make so small they get lose in the ear canal , and find the bass frequency be nearly impossible , without jingle they to death . the holder , go straight into you ear canal , and from the get go these `` rock '' with a basic frequency response of -lrb- 5hz-25hz -rrb- these make my $ 10.00 walkman sound like a portable Home Entertainment System . the bass and treble be just there , Larger speaker , not at a curve like bose , but straight dead on in the ear , it work . essentially after reappear briefly in 2006 , Sony buy out Aiwa and take they off the market , and put something out with almost the same frequency specification , but no way to find they with in you ear , as the speaker be so small , that the giant silicone pad be totally worthless . second best to the Aiwa HP-V600 Headphones with Acoustic Plus Technology and 2-Way Code Holder be its sister brand call the : Aiwa HP-V161 Headphones with Acoustic Plus Technology -lrb- Metallic Silver -rrb- . almost the same frequency specification , just a larger ear piece fit , but spectacular sound as well . if I know in 2002 , what I know now I would have 100 pair of the `` Aiwa HP-V600 Headphones with Acoustic Plus Technology and 2-Way Code Holder '' if I could find they today I would almost do the same . what have I replace these with ? after careful research , and pricing ... ... ... ... ... nothing . I listen to music at home now only where it can be hear properly , as larger headphone , be a complexly different story . they be still fantastic ; but that be another review see here in another section . 547 Headphone POS 5 this be by far the best pair of earphone I have ever have . my first pair break and I didnt hesitate to spend the ask price for a new pair . they be great for work out . they wont fall out and they dont hurt you ear like the other earphone do -lrb- after extensive wear -rrb- . also this be the best quality sound I have hear for the price and the size . its just perfect for I and it even match my pink nano ipod . 448 Headphone POS 4 the noise cancellation be not as good as bose . but it cost so much less and get you most of the way there . the audio quality be passable , as people have note it be much quieter with nc turn off but nothing that the volume control on you media device will not solve . I also do not have problem with noise leakage , in a office setting with workstation whir on desk , you can not make out sound at 1 foot from the headphone . you mileage may vary with ambient sound and volume of music . 1 Headphone NEG 1 the earbud be useless ! they didnt even work . the poorly make product be obviously a reason for it be so cheap . waste my money and time 35 Headphone POS 4 so , my SkullCandy earbud die on I a few week ago . I need something cheap and good to replace they , and I run into these . they produce about the same sound I would expect from my brand new Logitech speaker I use for my computer , and they produce the best sound I have ever hear in a speaker without spend hundred of dollar . the review convince I , and thus far they be the best pair I have own . the only reason I give it 4 star instead of 5 be the difficulty in swap the part that go in you ear . you basically have to turn the outer part inside out and pinch and wiggle the inner part that attach to the speaker until it catch . I suppose that mean they be more durable and will last longer , but it be a pain . 424 Headphone NEG 1 unless you be man with very large ear , these ear hook will do nothing for you . everyone in my office try these on and only a guy with abnormally large ear could keep they on for more than a few seconds . 100 Headphone POS 5 as a Headphone nut , I find these great for a reasonable price . a little bit of static occasionally as with all cordless headphone . these be comfortable and not too hot for longer use . 450 Headphone POS 5 surprisingly alot more base than expect , but not overwhelming . good sound for the priceof $ 20 . would recommend buy on sale , definitely worth the purchase . no crack as base go up , great and good fit for in ear headphone . 571 Headphone POS 5 I be very pleased with these phone when plug into my ipod classic . compare to my to previously own hd595 the soundstage be larger and the music be more detailed . I then add a fiio e11 amp connect by a fiio l9 line out . the improvement be huge . the bass come alive . the low bass be deep and control ; you could actually feel it . the upper bass be mellow . the midrange be sweet and the high be pure . the soundstage expand and the imaging seem exact . on recording with a large dynamic range the sound go from I could hardly hear it to I can hardly stand it . I believe that to really get the best out of the hd 598 you need to add a adequate amp . 168 Headphone NEG 2 I buy these headphone at a airport electronics store about a year ago . since then they have mainly be use for listen to music when I be at my computer . nothing stressful , no drop or kick , just sit and listen . today I put they on and notice that they be not sit right on my head . I look they over and do not notice anything wrong immediately . I put up with it for a bit until it get worse . I inspect they again and the left side have a big crack just above the left folding joint which mean these be pretty much do for . honestly , I be kind of okay with it because the active noise cancel for these headphone get kind of annoy after a while . it be a much louder hiss than other active noise cancel system I have hear -lrb- my wife have a 2005 era bose active noise cancel headset and I have put on other brand in store to compare since I purchase the able planet can -rrb- . if my problem with these break do not deter you , then the annoying noise cancel probably should . it be really not that great . the sound be good , though . so that be something . 717 Headphone POS 5 I be concern that perhaps splitting the line level output from the audio jack on the computer and feed it to the speaker on the desktop and the receiver in the living room would end up mean that I would get insufficient output to drive both , and especially drive the signal through the 50 foot of cable require to get to the receiver . however , this , combine with a heavy duty 50 foot audio cable I buy here on Amazon -lrb- Premium 2 rca male to 3.5 mm stereo male , 50 ft -rrb- do exactly what I want , and everything work as it should . I notice no reduction in the audio from the desktop speaker , and the receiver be get plenty of input as well . very pleased . 875 Headphone POS 4 I buy these for my husband to use at the gym and he love they . they stay in place while he do he cardio and be small enough to fit into he pocket when he want to keep they off . he say the sound be very clear . I want a pair now ! 396 Headphone POS 5 this be the second pair of these I have purchase in the last year . my oldest son love he so much my younger son have to have a pair as well . they be great for college guy live in the dorm who need to both block ambient noise and receive high quality audio . 550 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be a very good value . they block noise very well , and the three earbud size should fit pretty much anyone . the sound be noticeably better than my fifteen-dollar set I have be use and I have find that I be able to pick out lyric or melody in some song that I have not notice before . the behind the head cord might annoy some but I be use to it and I find that it help the headphone from be tear from you ear or catch on thing . the headphone themselves be very small and sleek look . the packaging and shipping be my only complaint , as there be virtually no way to open the dang thing without a heavy duty scissors and a lot of effort . the shipping take a little longer than I would have like but that be not the fault of the headphone ! Sennheiser say that they come with a 2 year guarantee warranty , although I have no idea how this would work since I order they from a third-party . hopefully I will not need to figure this out . overall , a great value and I use they everyday . they be stylish , comfortable and sound great . 893 Headphone POS 4 the most important thing by far for wireless headphone be comfort , and these really excel in the comfort department . I can wear they for hour and not feel like I want to take they off . the comfort seem to be from three factor : 1 . they be relatively light weight , 2 . they have a wide foam pad that rest on you head around the ear , not on the ear , and 3 . they do not clamp down on you head too tight , just tight enough to stay on . the only comfort issue be that they be big and bulky enough that you can not lay the side of you head on a pillow with they on like you can with in-ear headphone . seriously , do not buy uncomfortable wireless headphone no matter how great they seem otherwise . I have very high standard for sound quality as a person who build my own high end speaker , and I can definitely say there be headphone that sound better , include my wire mdr-v6 headphone . the main problem be that the bass be weak . from midrange up to treble the sound be very good , and most people would be very satisfied with it , include myself . but the reception be great ... as long as any part of the headphone have line of sight to the receiver there be no cutout or static anywhere in the living room . of course as soon as you leave the room the ir signal cut out . the surround processing be not very good . just like most DSP mode on receiver , it make for tinny distorted sound . maybe it do steer the sound somewhat but the overall degradation be not worth it . I leave the headphone in music -lrb- non-surround -rrb- mode even for surround source because it give a cleaner sound . I live in a condo , and even though I have higher quality speaker , I find myself usually use these headphone for movie and tv because it be just so cool to be able to listen loud enough that you can hear all the dialog all the time with no concern about annoy the neighbor . listen through the speaker I be always turn the volume down during explosion or crash and turn the volume up during quiet dialog . with these headphone you do not have to do that so you be more immerse . most people seem to think the surround processing on these be pretty much state of the art and yet I think it be useless . so my suggestion would be to not buy headphone for surround processing . just find a pair of comfortable headphone that have decent sound quality and you 'll be set . since these headphone cost so much due to the surround processing , they be probably not a great value . the other minor complaint I have be that there be no way to turn the base station on or off remotely ... it be the only device I have to actually get up and walk over to turn on . after a few year of use , mine be develop a problem where the sound cut off if I leave my dvr on pause for a long time . this use to happen just a few percent of the time but now it be start to happen almost half the time that I do a long pause . the problem seem to be in the base unit ; unplug the toslink and switch the base on and off restore the sound . I be in the market for a new set of wireless headphone . I be consider get another set of these use to replace the base unit , and that way I 'll have two set of headphone so my girlfriend and I can listen together late at night without wake other up . 927 Headphone POS 5 for something that be about half the price of every other set of Bluetooth stereo headphone out there , I be expect something with a terrible build and limited functionality . these be pretty amazing , consider ! they be comfortable enough , they sound be great , the build be actually quite good , they seem pretty durable , and the case be surprisingly nice and well build as well . I use these primarily for listen to music on my phone while run or do yard work , and they have prove to make the whole experience much nicer . answer a call while in use be a breeze , and the microphone be adequate for a clear phone call . the only strange little flaw be they tend to loose connectivity if I have my phone in my left pocket -lrb- on the opposite side of my body from the earphone with the receiver -rrb- , though all be well if it be in my right pocket . highly recommend ! 553 Headphone POS 4 the sound these put out be nearly unimpeachable . I be use they with a Ray Samuels Audio Predator usb dac\/headphone amp , source by a modify HP Tablet PC -lrb- usb -rrb- and a ASUS Transformer Prime -lrb- analog out -rrb- and get good result . the sound be relax , detail natural , although I think the high be a bit roll off . I would not use these straight out of a low power source . I do have a couple of con - first , as some other reviewer have point out the attachment of the can to the headband seem flimsy - it do result in unsurpassed comfort for a headphone this large . the finish on the mahogany earcup be less than superb . the cord be long and heavy and make the phone unsuitable for portable use and less than optimum even in home with a ipod or tablet - they be design for use with a headphone amp , a control amp\/processor or receiver . as the headline for the review note , these be make in China , which be a disappointment when buy a luxury grade product from a japanese manufacturer . give my experience with the limited lifespan of most chinese make electronics , I wonder what they longevity will be . if I have pay full price for these they would be go back . I do have to say kudos to Amazon for a great price and fast prime delivery . 973 Headphone NEG 2 one of the end pop out within the first two week , cause my head be too big . i buy these about 5 year ago and never have a problem with they , so i do not know what be change . : -lrb- maybe my head get bigger . 138 Headphone POS 5 great value for a set of headphone of this quality . clear , crisp , and enough bass for my listen need -lrb- about 1-2 hrs\/day include music and audiobook -rrb- . I would not wear these all day because they fit a bit snug , but perfect for a hour or two at a time . 409 Headphone NEG 2 I think I have get the best deal in ear bud for the first week . it be comfortable , lightweight , love the volume control on the cord , stay in place during exercise . the soft plastic cover on the ear bud fall off the 2nd week . I be able to put it back on . but it proceed to fall off again with every use . too bad they can not fix that problem , it would be great , but until then , would not recommend ! 471 Headphone POS 4 I have buy three pair of these . one I lose ... one I manage to knock off the the screen , and the third be do well . I have be very happy with the fit . . however , on the hardiness factor I have knock off a screen and manage to lose one of the rubber ring around the headphone . I wish they would replace they or have replacement part for they . I really love these headphone because they fit no matter if I have my hair up or down . . and hold snugly if I drop my walkman . . I think they be very good sound especially for around $ 9.00 . I mean what do you expect for that kind of money ? 689 Headphone NEG 1 Techinically sprake the sound quality of this headphone be good , but my headphone do not work after few day normal usage 982 Headphone NEG 2 love ` um ... BUT The BAD : 1 . if you use they with the speaker on at the same time , there be a slight delay in the headset , cause it to seem like a echo . 2 . long term use be not as comfortable as the older style ear-cup on the 120 , 130 model ... ouchie ... achey ear . 3 . must turn transmitter on every time you want to use they . 4 . if you decide to turn they off for a while , you will have to get up out of you comfy chair , and go over to the transmitter unit to turn it back on again ... bummer . 5 . Controls , even after memorize they location and position , be very inconvenient , and awkward to use ... difficult to tell which button be which by feel . 6 . balance ? really ? I have no idea why you would want balance on headphone . it do not bother I that they have it ; I figure it would be something I just would not use ... no biggie . but when you accidentally touch it , feel you way around the control , balance get mess up , and you have to re-balance ... Annoying feature . the good : 1 . sound be crisp and clear ... very clean sound . and the clear speech thingy actually work ; that be cool too . 2 . except for the ear cup be too small and pinch the ear between the cup and you head , the rest of the shape and mold be quite comfortable ; still do not make up for ear pain though . 896 Headphone NEG 2 I buy they for be compact , adjustable , and comfortable . Mine shatter on one side in the joint area that hold the right ear piece . they become unusable . fortunately there be enough leave to where I be able to use a upholstery staple as a dowel , epoxy , and super glue to put it back to a functional state . it take two day . and it do not look the same . unfortunately , I buy these at Fry 's and pay too much for they . I be save for a pair of beyerdynamic dt 770 and these will become my portable\/spare pair . 63 Headphone NEG 2 I really want to love these headphone . I have 2 pair of the j3 , and so I already know the fit and sound be both well above average . I pick up these for the sole reason that it have a microphone so that I would not have to unplug my headphone while I be walk to or from my car to the hospital . however , when I be use the mic to talk with people , they be constantly tell I they can not hear I . even hold the microphone right in front of my mouth the person on the other line still have difficulty understand I . give the quality of JLab 's other product , I really expect more from this . if I could return it , I probably would but as of now it be just a paperweight and a waste of money . I 'll definitely be stick to the j3 , but I would recommend that people look elsewhere for a mic\/headphone combination . I know I will be . 510 Headphone NEG 1 poor quality , do not fit a tall person -lrb- 6 ' 6 '' -rrb- lose sound just move away from transmitter . headset hard to replace on charger . wish I could get my money back on these . these be not a better idea from sony for sure !! I would not give it 1 star except amazon require you to rate it , how about allow half a star ? 615 Headphone POS 5 I be a keyboard player who have play in many record studio over the year and these headphone be the one I usually see . they be reasonably price and re-produce accurate sound rendering that represent the sound you actually hear with no add fluff . I would highly recommend these headphone to anyone who appreciate a good , solid piece of equipment that will last a long time . 996 Headphone POS 5 this product be initially release on 01\/01\/1984 and koss continue to produce the same pair of headphone more than 25 year later . if this be not a testimony in itself to the quality of the product , I do not know what be . I show off these thing to my friend who work in music -lrb- recording\/producing\/mastering -rrb- and be surround by thousand and thousand of dollar in sound equipment , and even they be thoroughly impressed . simply put , this product be a incredible product in itself , let alone for the price it be sell at . 531 Headphone POS 4 I have be buy ear bud for my run for a few year now , and after a few year of have to shove the dang thing back in after every 20-30 step and have to buy new headphone every couple of month , I want to give regular headphone another try . what I like : - I love the volume adjuster on the cord . I listen to song on my ipod at different volume so I be constantly have to adjust the volume ... and hence drain the battery of my very old ipod . I should mention that the cord from the headphone plug in to the volume adjuster , so I be hope that be not one more thing that could break on these headphone . - these headphone seem really sturdy , have not take they on a run yet , but they look pretty well make . - sound quality be fantastic ! to be fair , since I replace headphone practically as often as I change my shirt , I have not be buy the best quality headphone so I might not be the BEST judge , but the music sound pretty crystal clear to I . what I dislike : - ear piece be pretty big and rigid so they kind of hurt in my ear . you do not have to smoosh they in as much as ear bud though , so I think they 'll be alright . I do not know whether they 'll stand up to the bouncing\/tugging\/sweat from run , but I be optimistic . 277 Headphone POS 5 I purchase these headphone to use while work out because I be tire of the ear bud that come with my ipod and other cheap ear bud fall out of my ear . these be amazingly comfortable and be very secure in the ear . as soon as I put they in I be very impressed . it be easy to figure out how they go in the ear and easy to change the provide tip to find the right size . there be also a small clip on the cable so I can clip the cable to my clothes so it do not bounce around during the workout . the sound quality be a amazing upgrade compare to the headphone I have be use but I be compare they to very cheap headphone . this be my first pair of nice headphone ever so I be not able to provide a comparison to other brand . I be concern about they durability , base on some other review , so I will update my review in a few month . 536 Headphone NEG 2 my trusty wire Sony headphone of 15 year finally die after someone roll over the cord with a chair with wheel ... I only use the headphone for practice digital piano at night . during the day i use my jbl lsr4328p Powered Studio Monitors -lrb- 8 Inch , 220 Watts -rrb- after look around for a budget friendly but highly recommend wireless -lrb- know that wire sound better , but for the ease of just be able to walk around tempt I -rrb- , I choose the Sennheiser r 120 wireless headphone . it do have mix review , but most be positive , so I go ahead and order it . it be a simple and solid design with on\/off switch , volume control , and tuning control . when do use it , just put it back on the cradle and you do not have to plug in anything . it fit pretty well , but sudden movement be not recommend , as it will surely fall of the head . after charge it overnight on its cradle , I be excite to use it . well , it be pretty obvious when it be not in the right frequency , so it be easy to find that one small area where it be the `` sweet spot . '' except , even the sweet spot be not so sweet . there be whole lot of static noise and it be very distracting when I be try to think while play . when I be play forte , it be as if the headphone 's try to protect my ear , it muffle the sound and no matter how hard I pound on the key , it feed no more than mezzo piano . it come back to normal volume after a loooong while of play really softly or nothing . it be very strange . I be only keep it around for when I absolutely need wireless headphone and be about to search for a new wire headphone . 752 Headphone POS 5 I have be a Sennheiser fan for year and buy my dad the rs130 but be not really impressed with they sound since they sound like other wireless headphone I have try which be also not good . I buy the rs180 for $ 230 and I be glad I do . they sound great !! I use they in my apartment when I want to listen to my stock show after work but also want to be get stuff do like dish , clothes , that require I to go from room to room . they really free you up to multitask . I also like they because my girlfriend can be talk on the phone beside I and I can just pop on these bad boy and watch my show and sport . oddly enough I be watch a basketball game the other day with they and I could hear more background noise -lrb- like player cursing -rrb- than you can listen to it over speaker . I have a expensive set of Polk Audio speaker and be kinda surprised at some of the extra stuff I be miss . they be very comfortable and the charger stand be also pretty tight . I would definitely buy these again . 246 Headphone POS 5 the headphone have perfect overall sound quality . I really like the deep bass I be get . the headphone block most of the noise outside and actually stay on my ear . in all these aspect , it be better than any pair of in-the-ear headphone I have use in the past . this be much better than I hope . at this price I would say this be a perfect deal . 688 Headphone POS 5 I already own a pair of wire sennheiser and decide the only brand that could possibly do wireless justice be this one . I can happily say that I be not disappointed , and these have go beyond my expectation . I have be talk about buy a set of wireless headphone for year . when we routine at night solidify into I watch x-file on dvd and my partner want to settle down with a book , it become essential . the quality of the sound be outstanding and I really can not tell much difference between a wireless set . one note though : I initially have the base set atop my tv get a lot of interference . I mount it on the wall a couple foot up and now they be crystal clear . I be also amaze at how long the battery charge last . I consistently watch about a hour of tv each night , and I probably have to charge they only once every 2 week . they fit very comfortably also . one thing I be concern about since they be not close be sound escape . this be not a problem . my partner can sleep beside I and not hear a thing . if you be look for a staple pair of wireless headphone , for the quality and price , these be what you be look for . 506 Headphone POS 4 I be first introduce to what we now call the 71EX series by a good friend from Beijing who let I borrow hers : I fall in love and have to get a pair when I make my first trip to Japan . those be Fontopia N.U.D.E. ex70 series - soon to be replace by the 71ex with less clingy cord and more trim head -lrb- same driver\/innards -rrb- . in short - these bud be pretty awesome . since that first pair , I have own two other set -lrb- 3 total -rrb- , due to rain , a washer , and a washer\/dryer run respectively . here be a breakdown : - comfort : the top . Easy to sleep\/nap in - its entirely possible to forget you be wear they . still , inner-ear bud be not for everyone . if you be new to this style , give these a fair chance to get use to em ' before declare they uncomfy ; -rrb- . - isolation : Great . effective enough to avoid use these while driving\/cycling\/attending a lecture . very nice feature when try to take a nap or otherwise tuning out noisy surroundings . - Inexpensive ... certainly a plus as you will not break the bank if you break em ' or decide inner-ear bud be not right for you - sound quality : Fair mid , crisp high , and strong but somewhat muddly low -lrb- i.e. rapid bass drum hit will sound more like `` thummm-thummm '' than `` thmp ! thmp ! '' -rrb- . if I have to rate these on sound quality alone , I would probably give these 3\/5 star , but the above benefit bump it up higher , and be the reason I keep buy the same bud even after accidentally ruin they multiple time . in summary : a highly recommend introduction to the world of inner-ear bud . great way to try the style out without diving head-first with you wallet . for a step up in quality\/price , search amazon\/google for cx300 -lrb- ~ $ 30 -rrb- , ex85\/ex90 -lrb- ~ $ 60 -rrb- , V-Moda Vibe -lrb- ~ $ 75 -rrb- . also recommend study up at the ilounge headphone forum - invaluable resource for nonfanboy observation regard these and many other model . 398 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be simply great . the sound be amazing , while they do not have as much bass as the Beats by Dre , they be still great . sound be clear and the comfort be great . from the very first moment I try they on , I say : WOW this feel great . also , even though they be not noise cancel headphone , they do keep out the noise very well . I use they at work , and now people have to im I or come touch my shoulder to talk to I hahaha . 100 % recommend if what you like be great music quality . if you rather feel you ear tremble with high bass than listen to a clear music , then you should probably go for a Beats , otherwise , these be great . PS : the fact that they have less bass than the beat , do NOT mean the Bass on these be bad , not at all , be just not as strong as it be on the beat by dre . 161 Headphone POS 4 ive have the hd 280 pro for what seem to be 4 year , they still sound great , no loose rattle typical in old use speaker component . however the plastic and leather material be start to peel and deteriorate similar to a old car center console , other then that they work well . I write this because I be scared they will melt into goop and ruin my hair cut tho . I would buy again just keep in mind you wont be able to write they in you will or anything like that . 947 Headphone POS 4 overall a amazing deal . for the cost the sound quality be absolutely amazing , crisp , clear , but lack the bass you would get with more expensive and larger con headphone . the only downfall to these be the design and comfort , which at they worse be not really that bad . the headband catch on you hair all the time and be not convenient to take on and off because the adjustability be not very convenient . the other adjustability problem be the `` comfort zone '' adjuster to make the earphone tighter or looser on you head , very inconvenient . but overall you can not beat the quality for the price . if you want the best headphone for under $ 50 , you find they with these , although they have a few imperfection , the value to quality ratio be unbeatable . great value ! 413 Headphone POS 4 I just wish they be a little less bulky but other than that I be very satisfied with the headphone . 457 Headphone POS 5 I be not a audiofile , but for the price , these headphone be great ! I do not have the problem about ring in my ear that I do with the one that go in my ear . I be mostly use they for spanish instruction . I wish the cord be beefier , though . sound be good . 963 Headphone POS 4 Great for run and cycling - the earphone do not budge no matter how much move you do . basic exercise like run and cycling do nothing to shake they . there be a part that go over the ear like a web that be make of soft rubber material which be a key feature for its comfort and prolonged wearability . these be not exactly audiophile earphone , but you get use to they . if you mp3 player have a user adjustable eq then all the better . I have hear better earphone , but these be pretty good . clearly some compromise have be make , but they seem to have come out on the good side of acceptable . they do not rest flatly in the cavum concha , brace by the tragus and antitragus , as with standard fontopoid style phone , but be instead hold in place by the plastic band at a inwardly direct angle . this be a step in the right direction in term of comfort and stayputiveness . it seem that because they sit halfway outside the cavum concha , the phone be make larger for greater efficiency and output to make up for the slightly increase distance from the ear canal . I think they be a little bit too big , but again it take get use to the position as well as the audio range . the yellow wire be a nice aesthetic touch , but the black jacket on both the 1\/8 '' plug feel like they might pull right up the wire when remove they from the player or the volume control . have to be careful with they ... overall they be a very clever design which have in my opinion completely solve the problem of earphone migration . never again will I reach up during a blissful run to shove that fontopoid back into my ear , and I be look forward this summer to take it fully for grant . if the next generation of these headphone have slightly smaller earbud with more exotic sound quality , I 'll promptly wear they . 80 Headphone POS 5 this headphone be very very good for this price , ofcourse i you pay something 150 $ would be much better but u need to know for what u gonna use it , im use this SONY xd100 for my laptop and listen music , watch dvd ... its awesome ... clear stereo sound . . u can see that in movie , like u have surround system around u ! but ofcourse they be not profesional , for I they ae awesome . . and they be huge i love they ; -rrb- buy it ! 247 Headphone POS 5 buy these about 3 week now , and this will be my first review due to the outstanding product I receive , I never expect so much . I have the Senheissers eh150 before , they be great but uncomfortable and I could not get enough of they , I breath music for leave and I just want more , you know what I mean . so I start to read about headphone and search everywhere review so I could figure out which Headphones I want . after a lot of reading I find that these be really cheap here a amazon , I mean really cheap . this be the best choice after all , do not let the price of these distract you , they be absolutely awesome . now I be have a lot of trouble organize my time because I just want to hear every single song on my iTunes with these , you just hear a whole different thing , every song sound like you be listen to it for the very first time , you discover thing you do not notice before , its just surreal . . for real . buy this , you 'll never regret !! oh and i forget to mention they be very comfortable im impressed , i usually have problem with headphone , i cant use they for a long time cause they 'll bother I , this be not the case , i can wear they for day ! p . for real . . buy THESE ! 2nd p . if you happen to like Radiohead , please buy these and listen to in rainbow with they , you 'll listen it as a whole new thing . 326 Headphone POS 4 these headphone have work great . my husband love they because he can hear the show better and I love they because the tv be not roar and hurt my ear anymore . they charge easily and have great range . Terrific product . 338 Headphone POS 5 I first buy a pair of the Koss Titanium Portable Headphones back around 6-7 year ago . that same pair have last I all this time until a week or two ago when they finally give up , I quickly order another pair and be hope for the same result 's . I also have other 's in my family that use they aswell , they really come in handy when I be work at a computer and need to be able to hear outside of the headphone . other than that , I like the volume control , how they feel , they lightweight design , the clarity of the sound , they have a nice bass sound to they , and more . but the best part of they be the price ! with shipping , they $ 20 , it be insane ! if there be anything bad about they , it would be that after 7 year they croak , but consider the price , and all that you get out of they , it be worth it . EDIT : I recieve my new Koss Port . headphone in and they fit and sound perfect , the only complaint I have about the new one be that they do not have a l-plug , but for the price , I 'll get over it . pro : Long Life Price Sound quality volume control how they feel how they look con : no l-plug if you need cheap headphone for listen to a mp3 Player or use on a computer , I would highly recommend the Koss Titanium Portable Headphones . 43 Headphone POS 4 I recently pick up the Aiwa cn5 headset from radio shack -lrb- ~ $ $ $ -rrb- and be pleasantly surprise at how a low-cost nc headset could perform . I also use higher-end one when fly my plane , but they be WAY too bulky for portable electronics -lrb- cd\/dvd -rrb- on commercial flight . anyway , Aiwa headset sound fine , but have no padding on the plastic band which scrape my hairless head top ! bring along a feel pad or something or it will get annoying very quickly ! all-in-all , I would recommend pick up a set . 728 Headphone POS 4 great product , easy to set up and get go . have not take the headphone for a full `` spin '' yet , but use they so far to watch tv without keep the family awake have be just great . the sound be amazing . I would recommend these to other 100 % . aa 556 Headphone POS 5 i just get these in not too long ago and out of over 100 item i have order off ebay these be the first i have be compel to review . . i be you average 20yo guy . . these be great bud for most every kind of music i throw at em . personally i use em for metal most time and they stand up fine . . beat my stock zune headphone and the other 4-5 cheaper phone i have buy . . anyway . . buy these and you 'll want to spread you newfound happiness around amazon , too 4 Headphone NEG 2 these earbud be very comfortable and the choice of 3 different size be great . unfortunately when hook to the ipod the sound be dreadful -- very `` tinny '' . the earbud that come from Apple , although uncomfortable , be much better sound . it be like compare a regular radio to a Bose Wave Radio -- there be no comparison . 921 Headphone NEG 2 I be really divide with these headphone . it be vex . on the one hand , the sound quality be phenomenal and probably sound the best out of any headphone that I own . Problem be , I can not stand have they on for more than about 15 minute , because they be so uncomfortable . now to be fair , it be rare that any headphone really fit I well . I can not stand earbud , and my face be shape in a way that I have have trouble get most headphone to fit comfortably , especially for long period of use . I have have moderate success with some of the ear clip type though , and the occasional pair of headband or neckband type will fit I well , but usually there will be some minor awkwardness that I have to work around . however , these do not fit well at all . there be far too much pressure on my ear no matter what I try , and to be honest these be likely the most uncomfortable pair of headphone I own . you would think with this level of quality in the sound department , they would have take a bit better into consideration the comfort factor . they be essentially worthless for I since I can not wear they for even short duration without pain from the pressure of they squash against my ears\/temples\/etc . it be too bad really , because they do sound great . I guess it be back to ear clip style headphone for I . if you be like I and tend to have a hard time find headphone that will fit you well , you may want to reconsider before waste you money pick these one up . 444 Headphone NEU 3 I have be happy enough with these headphone ; particularly when use on flight . they do reduce the hum of the aircraft engine , but replace it with a little hiss . the hiss be only noticable in silence . with a music\/other signal into the headphone I rarely notice the hiss . I use these on the subway , and they also reduce the train noise -lrb- but not the smell of the homeless guy next to I -rrb- . BIG ISSUE : the rubber ear-piece that form the seal around the headphone and you ear-hole ! these come off relatively easily . in the package you get 3 pair -lrb- a small , a medium , and a large pair -rrb- . I be not down to one individual small and one individual large - not comfortable -lrb- the small one keep fall out and the big one feel like a big wet finger be push in my ear -rrb- . so , if you want replacement rubber ear-piece , you ring Sony Parts . Sony part then explain the each rubber ear piece cost $ 4.95 plus tax -lrb- plus postage -rrb- . that be not even for a pair , that be for one . these thing be under 1cm large , and be a tiny , flimsy piece of rubber . bad boy Sony - rip off exist customer . oh , and if you want to shop around to source they elsewhere , ask Sony for the part number , and they 'll only tell you the part number if you pay they $ 5 for a research fee . -lrb- no joke ! -rrb- shame on you Sony ! nice product , a bit flimsy , poor rubber ear-piece design , profiteer on part cost . make you own decision . maybe stretch to a pair of Shure in-ear thing instead . Sony quality tend to be good , but they go non-standard with everything and you pay a premium at every point of ownership of they product . 981 Headphone POS 5 my husband have be use these at work , five day per week , for just under two year now . he love they . they work well and do not hurt you head or ear after wear they for a while . 354 Headphone NEG 1 do not buy these headphone unless you want to keep return they every 2 month . the first pair I buy work great for two month . then they would not turn on after be charge . press the reset button as recommend by support do not work to revive they . I look in Logitech 's support forum and find other people with the same problem . Logitech take the headphone back and send I another `` new '' pair . it be two month later and guess what ? the new one have stop turn on after a charge . I really love the convenience of these headphone . the sound quality be great and not have the cord get in the way during workout or yardwork be so nice . but you really do not buy they , you just rent they for $ 100 plus the every-2-month cost of mail they back and the cost of replacement while you wait for Logitech to ship you a work pair . I want my money back . 899 Headphone NEG 2 I think that these earphone would just sit outside you ear so that you can hear what be happen around you as well as you music . that be not true with this particular earphone , the speaker be perpendicular to the hook which go around you ear , so the small part must be put in you ear canal to be comfortable . these earphone be great sound , but beyond that I can not wear they for more than a half a hour at a time . the piece that must sit within you ear canal to get good sound be very large , and if you have small ear like I do it will stretch and pull you ear . I do like that you do not have to turn the volume up much to hear what you be listen to well . you can also turn the volume up very high and use they as speaker on you desk , but that do sort of defeat the purpose of earphone . good for some people , but terrible for I . 490 Headphone POS 5 I usually go through headphone like kleenex , so the Sennheiser eh-150 evolution be a very pleasant surprise for I . these headphone be a miracle : lighter than any pair I have have , and the sound quality be amazing . I have read other reviewer ' complaint about the close fit of these headphone around the ear , but it do not hurt I or interfere with my listen enjoyment . very effective for shut out distract noise . 179 Headphone NEG 2 I read and hear the hype of noise-cancelling headphone and how they will make my life much better . so , i go out and bought\/researched most of the top selling headphone . the Aiwa model -lrb- hp-cn5 -rrb- be the most value price . but , it have a buzz when you turn on the noise-cancellation , and i certainly think that most of the noise-cancellation be be achieve by increase the volume than anything else . also , the battery slot be awkwardly place above the left earpiece , and it thus constantly budge against my head . the Sony mdr-nc11 's be quite uncomfortable , and cost nearly 3 time as much as the Aiwa model . the manual say that the noise-cancellation will work only if the earbud be fitting `` snugly , '' and from my experience it seem that the snugly fit of the earbud be what cancel more noise than the noise cancellation technology . I must say , however , that these be the most stylish , sleek and portable headphone of the lot . sadly , they noise cancellation be nominal , and not worth it for the pain of `` snugly '' fitting earbud for extended period of time . the third model i try be the Sony mdr-nc20 , which be the most expensive of the lot . it be definitely more comfortable than the previous model , and also have passive noise cancellation due to the closed loop cushion design around the ear . however , it will get uncomfortable when wear for long duration due to the small earcup design . in Summary , all three of these headphone cancel noise by add a `` buzz '' sound when noise-cancellation be turn on , and by increase the volume of the music if plug to a CD player . I would suggest use you money on a better cd player , and get comfortable headphone without the noise cancellation feature . let I suggest Koss UR-20 or Koss UR-30 for beautiful sound quality and comfort , and the Koss the-plug or Sony Fontopia for ear bud type model . all cost less than 50 buck ! enjoy , and i 'll head to the store to make all the return ! : -lrb- 795 Headphone POS 5 sound be incredible . fit be great . I use they for jogging with my EVO android phone mp3 player . no problem with they fall out . best quality music I have hear in decade . extremely happy with these bud . pure quality , awesome sound quality . 961 Headphone POS 4 nice headphone , comfortable and good sound ... the cable doesnt get tangled and I love that ; another good thing be that it be flexible and will not get break easily , that be one of the reason i pick this up , because I use to damage everything , but this have work perfectly ... it be just that if you be look for sound isolate headphone these wont help you , they be not intend for that ... 839 Headphone POS 5 the headset be buy for my slightly deaf father . he live in a nursing home and have a roommate . I choose the rs-140 because it have the `` closed can '' to shut out the -lrb- also hear impaired -rrb- roommate 's tv etc while allow my father to hear he tv . the setup work great . the separate volume for each earphone allow perfect balance to compensate for differential hearing ability in each ear . if you want to be able to hear the room as well as the music go with the rs-130 to get the `` open can '' . I use the headset during the setup and find no fault with the sound quality or reproduction and there do not appear to be any interferance from other electronic device . he sometimes wear the headset `` down the hall '' and the quality do not begin to degrade -lrb- through concrete block wall in a steel frame building full of medical equipment -rrb- for about 80 foot -- in open air I be sure it would be double that . the headset be comfortable and the charge arrangement be transparent to the user . my father find the charge stand `` a little tippy '' because he have to reach the headset with a grabber from a wheelchair across a bed . mount the charge base fix that . a person use they hand would not have this problem at all . 663 Headphone POS 4 yes ... they probably would snap if you be not careful . but these headphone be not cheap or flimsy . they simply require care . i can only imagine the last fellow to review the headphone try put they on over he head whereas the are of the new variety that rest behind you neck ... that be the most likely scenario to I that lead to they break . sound be good . comfort be passable for 2-3 hour . the software add-on be a excellent way to just get music instead of all window default sound . all in all the headphone be a very nice , modern solution in a world of lcd 's and wireless keyboard and mouse which all contribute to the clutter free desktop nicely . if you be wonder whether or not to but these headphone , trust a guy for once and go ahead and buy these if you be on the fence about it . 675 Headphone POS 4 like all Sennheiser headphone , the px100 be very comfortable . the pad press snugly against the ear and 2 small cushion rest on top of one 's head -lrb- in contrast to the loose-fitting Grado headphone , `` sr '' series -rrb- . the px100 's construction be a work of art , sennheiser obviously want they product to look beautiful . and they look better `` in person '' than they do online . for the price , they sound quite well . although the midrange frequency be a bit recessed , the bass be strong & well define and high frequency be very detail without sound aggressive or harsh . for example , on `` something I learn today , '' by Husker Du -lrb- Zen Arcade -rrb- , I can easily hear the last guitar note in the song quietly reverb -lrb- echo -rrb- 5 time as the song end . but when play thru the Sony mdr-7506 headphone -lrb- $ 100 -rrb- , I only hear a single guitar note , no reverb . and with a tiny , new battery-operated headphone amplifier I get on eBay for $ 65 , the pace & rhythm of music thru the px100 greatly improve and the midrange fill out a bit . -lrb- although the sensitivity of the px100 be quite high at 114db , the impedance be a low 32 ohm which may strain the power supplies of portable music source , affect sound quality . this be where a headphone amp that boost CURRENT can greatly help . but if you own headphone with high impedance , like the 300-ohm sennheiser hd-600 , you may need a headphone amp that boost VOLTAGE or the phone may play too quiet - even at full volume . for best result , the input impedance of headphone should be 10 time the output impedance of the music source . for example , if the owner 's manual of you portable music source list the output impedance as 15 ohm , you 'll get best result use headphone with a input impedance of 150 ohm . most people will never buy a head amp . but if you be a nerd like I and want perfection to you sound , you 'll need one if you phone ' impedance be not approximately 10x the output impedance of the music source . -rrb- on the downside , the px100 be very delicate and can easily break if handle roughly . the cover over the 2 cushion that rest on the head seem quite thin and may wear out sooner rather than later . and the cord be very thin , especially where it enter each phone . a firm tug on the wire could dislodge it from the phone . also , the hard plastic carry case have a spool to wrap the cord around when place inside . but over time , this flexing\/tugging of the cord by wrap on & off from spool will fatigue the thin wire , probably cause it to eventually break ; the cord may appear fine but you 'll have one of the phone go dead since the wire inside the plastic covering have break . -lrb- btw , most Sennheiser `` hd '' series headphone with the detachable cord will , within 1-2 year , have one or both of the phone cut out . replace the cord will not help as the problem be internal where the 2 plug make a electrical connection into each phone . I have a great-sounding $ 200 pair of hd-565 ovation headphone with this problem that could not be repair . throw they in the trash . what a waste ! avoid sennheiser with the detachable cord . -rrb- so ... 4 star for overall sound : 5 star for high frequency , 3 star for recessed midrange , and 4 star for bass which have a slight emphasis due to the recessed midrange . use the head amp easily bring the sound up to 5 star . however , the construction of the px100 be frail and the very thin cord will break unless you be super careful . but I be happy with the px100 . so far . -lrb- if you buy portable Sennheiser headphone be sure to buy from a authorized dealer since many be counterfeit fake , especially the sennheiser cx-300 earbud . Google for more info on this . -rrb- 167 Headphone POS 5 I have trouble keep ear bud to stay in . this be the first pair that actually stay put without hurt my ear canal . the sound quality be almost equal to any of the higher end head phone while the cost of these be so much less . include with this set be multiple size and style of silicon inset to let you choose what work best for yourself . I do not find they hard to put on and off and they lay quite flat against you ear while in . they be a good pair for wear while lie down . very happy with this set and will be buy a second pair to give to my spouse . 308 Headphone POS 4 I be attract by these earphone for a couple reason . First of all I break my Sony earbud , I lose my apple earphone , and I do not like carry around my bose on-ear headphone . pro - fit comfortably sound decent -lrb- equal to any apple earphone , or my previous Sony in-ear -rrb- do its job con - have slight hissing noise , but I have always have a good sense of hearing , so might just be I have a bump on the outer ear part 3.5 mm jack from earbud be slightly large , well approx . 1.5 inch all in all . it be a decent product . I would not recommend this to anyone because I prefer actual headphone oppose to earphone , but if you be on the go , it be a decent product . experience : 1.5 week 465 Headphone POS 5 I have be go through several pair of open , on-ear full-size headphone but I need to get earbud that block noise and do not leak like crazy -lrb- like my open one do -rrb- anyways , I be a bit skeptical when I order these -lrb- after read comparison on head-fi forum -rrb- but I have be nothing short of impressed . here be one tip - if you get in-ear earbud make sure they come with different size earpiece . these headphone do . this be extremely important !!! if they do not , plan to buy some separately . everyone 's ear be different in size so make sure the earpiece fit right . sound = 4\/5 Bass = 4\/5 Noise cancelling = superb for this price point -lrb- mine be sixteen -rrb- you can not find something that be this sturdy and with this sound quality . they be awesome ! earbud MAY induce massive WAX ATTACKS : also , if you not use to wear in-ear earbud - be aware - because the earbud be a `` foreign object , '' you ear canal might -lrb- like mine do -rrb- produce ear wax to combat it . yuk ! I clean my ear before and after i use these guy . bottom line : get these headphone - they be affordable sturdy sound great ample bass isolate well come with different size earpiece well design - leave be shorter than the right , which wrap around behind you head also - you can lie down with they in you ear because they do not stick out like other do 272 Headphone POS 5 I buy these to replace a older model from sennheiser which finally fail at the plug connection . I be a runner and triathlete so my headphone go through hell . the two cable length be great . I use the short length when I just have my ipod on a arm band . the longer cable be great for colder weather and the ipod be in a pocket . the headphone stay in place no matter what which be the main reason I buy this style . they sound good too and sound better if you ipod or mp3 have tone control . the older one fail because I hardly ever unplug they from my ipod and sweat have migrate from the arm band to the jack and the salt cake the plug tight . twist it to get it out break the molded plug cover loose and the connection fail after a time . I now unplug and clean after use . lesson learn the hard way . 121 Headphone NEG 2 I purchase the Koss pro-100 on a whim because the Sennheiser that I want be out of stock . I usually do my homework but I trust the review . I be thoroughly disappoint with the lack there of bass response . I be glad I buy these in store because pay return shipping would have anger I immensely . the mid ring and high be average at best . at 79 dollar they be extremely over price for the sound quality that it produce . 181 Headphone POS 5 I search out these earphone for purchase , after my dog chew on my last pair of sony becuase they give I a good sound quality and a great fit . I have a hard time find in-the-ear earphone that fit I comfortably . with some other pair they would get a cramped feeling after some time . with the different size cushion that be provide with the sony earphone , I could get a great fit . they block out background noise well and have a a nice range of sound . they also come with a nice little travel case which be good for have they with you and not get the cord all tangle on itself . I would recommend these for people that would like a good earphone for a really reasonable price . 533 Headphone POS 5 my brother in law get I a set of these and I think they be one of the best accessory I have ever use . sound quality be outstanding , I hear no static even 2 floor down when I be do laundry , and the extra battery charge in the base so you can quickly swap out if you run out of juice . comfortable as heck . I do not know why the other person say they be not tight enough , unless he have a really small head . I think the tension be perfect , but I be a 6 ' 2 '' american guy so you mileage may vary . 631 Headphone POS 5 these be really awesome headphone . my ear be too little for the ear bud headphone so I need something inexpensive , lightweight , and with booming bass - these headphone fit the bill to a `` t '' . I love they . 145 Headphone POS 4 I stop listen to the music while I be work out , because all the headset I try just would not be comfortable enough be constantly would fall out . this however be a great find , I would not mind to pay more to get better sound quality more depth for the music , but I have to say my other 2 pair of headset cost almost 10 time more so I guess I can not really complain . 280 Headphone POS 5 I have have these for about a year , use they 6 + hour a day while I work and they just now break . the cord on the plug end finally come loose , but it be after many good yank from drop my ipod . if you look for a durable pair of headphone , these be the one . I have go through other headphone in a matter of month before the cord start to crackle and give out . these headphone have a bungie cord wrap around the actual cord so it do not get tug as easy . order my second pair to last another year ! 696 Headphone NEG 2 I be not a audiophile . I enjoy listen to music and appreciate good sound . I can tell what I like better , but can not communicate what make one sound better than another . I compare these headphone to Logitech G930 Wireless gaming , Sony MDR-V6 , Pioneer SE-A1000 , and Sony mdr-ex33lp -lrb- earbud -rrb- . I own all of these headphone and thoroughly test they against one another . my test be with music on the pc , music on a mp3 player -lrb- ipod touch -rrb- , and portable gaming device -lrb- d & psp -rrb- . the good the packaging be outstanding . the design be sleek . these be the most comfortable over-the-ear headphone I have . they be extremely light and could be use for long gaming or movie session without notice they be on . they cover my ear perfectly and block outside noise very well . the `` stretch '' technology be effective and I have little doubt about the durability of these headphone . the bad the sound be well below average . for music on the pc and mp3 player , the bass be out of whack . it be not strong overpowering bass . it be not clear bass . it give a muffle bass effect and it definitely affect the music in a negative way . my 9 year old Sony mdr-v6 's . be far superior . in fact , of all the headphone -lrb- include the earbud -rrb- , I would choose these last to listen to music . the muffle sound do not bother I as much with portable gaming device . the color choice bother I a bit . the accent color be a pink-ish maroon color . I do not have a problem with that , but it do look a bit on the feminine side . the designer make a strange choice for the cord length . the cord be about 2 inch long from left earphone . so , I have to have a extension cord to make it usable . it do come with a 4 foot extension cord , but I would prefer the 2 inch cord to simply be the 4 foot cord . the cord be nice otherwise and be tangle-free . I would not recommend these . in this price range you can find a far superior pair of headphone . of the headphone I own , I would rank they in the follow order . Sony MDR-V6 Logitech G930 Wireless gaming -lrb- can only be use on the pc , so it do not help for mp3 , my receiver , or portable gaming ... otherwise this would be at the top -rrb- Sony MDR-EX33LP Pioneer SE-A1000 THESE Philips O'Neill sho9560\/28 250 Headphone POS 5 sennheiser rs120 mhz rf headphone w\/charging cradle . buy this for my husband for Christmas . it be a first Class headphone set . he love it and we have not have any problem with this product . thank you . 455 Headphone NEG 2 the lack of detail be annoy with these headphone . . a example would be while listen to a acoustic jazz album it be almost impossible to differentiate the cymbal from the rest of the instrument . . 423 Headphone POS 5 I have own the Bose Quietcomfort 15 and currently own the monster beat Studio , and these sound very similar to the Beats ONLY if you fiddle around with the eq . since I own a Sony walkman , it have a customize eq which be very great . I adjust to sound almost as the Beats , but the only thing that the Beats overcome with these kicker headphone be its stronger bass . not say the kicker have no bass , it have alot for $ 45 compare to $ 300 . overall , I recommend these , light on you head , comfortable , and sound be clear . 442 Headphone POS 5 what more could you want from a online transaction ? the earbud themselves be much better than the price reflect , and arrive well ahead of the deadline , in plenty of time for Christmas . 356 Headphone NEU 3 these bud be very comfortable to wear . the soft rubbery plastic have a nice spring to it and hug the ear quite comfortably . I be disappoint with the sound response though . the audio reproduction be extremely tinny . I have to set my ipod 's eq to `` Trebble Reducer '' just to not get a headache . even then its still extremely tinny . overall , great for the price , you can not expect a pair of bose headphone . 194 Headphone POS 4 these earbud have be in my save shopping cart for a while , and previous to have finally purchase they I purchase the highly acclaimed Klipsch s-4 's which have not disappoint with they excellent fit and sound . they be truly exceptional . well , when the price of the Boqari 's drop below $ 25.00 I have to bite , so-to-speak . I think , even if the negative review be support -lrb- and some of they be scathing -rrb- then the Boqari 's would be relegate to occasional use , like listen to a dialogue-filled movie or youtube video . all they would need to do be have decent mid-range capability and feel comfortable . well , when they arrive in a very nice box , zippered leather case and replaceable bud to fit a child up to a elephant I think , wow , now that be a nice presentation at least . but it be the sound that be most surprising , even without the recommend burn-in period . it be solidly coherent from top to bottom , and the midrange be clear . if I could envision a frequency response curve it would be even and not ragged , with no discernable peak over-emphasise one or another part of the sound spectrum , and as I say , this be my immediate impression after have use the klipsch s-4 's few month . though I still prefer the Klipsch 's -- which have only get better with use -- I be also mightily impressed with these Boqari 's , especially at the price I pay . I must admit , however , there be not enough feature which would warrant the msrp of $ 299.00 ; that be , unless it be sell at a exclusive Beverly Hills or NYC Boutique , but even those who can afford to pay that much for earbud would enjoy the sound they produce . at 1\/3 the msrp or lower , these be a great deal , and at 1\/6th they be almost a no-brainer . 825 Headphone POS 5 just get these today , but I shop around for some time , I have the Studio beat for a couple of week , and decide they be not worth the price . . these go well , for the average audiophile . . if you be look for some durable , good look , and good perform headphone , that be comfortable . . there be no better choice ... I really hope v-moda continue make product of this caliber , as I be very impressed with the pair I have ... and they be not overprice . . if you have a need for headphone and have a extra 100-200 buck to spend . . get THESE , you wont be DISAPPOINTED . 169 Headphone NEU 3 why do this product have a analog tuning wheel ? Digital PLL tuning have be around for decade now , and the base unit only have three frequency . it would have be so much better to just have a three position switch on the headphone as well . and whose idea be it to have that tuning wheel right next to the volume control ? I guess I 'll eventually remember which be which , unless I return the unit and try again . 451 Headphone POS 4 ok , let get a few thing out of the way : 1 . yes these be bose - no they be not noise cancel 2 . not only be they not noise canceling , they be not high end bose headphone . 3 . even though they be not high end bose headphone ... they carry a premium price . if you be still with I , then those three thing must not matter to you . I should say that I prefer in ear headphone . I have a expensive set of earphone that I use when I fly -lrb- or when daddy need some quiet time and the kid be anything but quiet -rrb- . what I love about they be first the foam in-ear style provide a fair amount of isolation , and not only do they block outside sound , but create a sound presence for all these element of the music that I never know be there come to life . so I have high expectation for these headphone ... I mean , be not that why people buy Bose ? I 'll admit that the sound be pretty good . the sound be fairly balanced and accent the vocal really well , although I do not think that all the nuance of the sound be there . I do not get a deep bass that I be use to . but more then anything else , the over the ear style give I listen fatigue . I feel like it be get heavier the longer I be use it . I know many many people prefer the over the head style , but they just be not for I . so after all that why the 4 star ? I seriously debate a 3 -lrb- take off a star for the over the head and a star for lower sound quality -rrb- . but then I start think that first I should not take off a star for my personal preference -lrb- or idiosyncrasy -rrb- . second , it be not fair to take off a star for the what I perceive as lower sound quality . the truth be , I pay more for my in-ear headphone so it be not right to judge these to that same quality since they be at different price point . so in the end , I split the difference . I will say though , if you plan to use these with a iPhone , iPod or iPad - you should get the oe2us instead . it be the exact same headphone but have the build int volume , ipod control and mic to use with you phone . in the end - what the heck do I know , maybe these will sound great to you and you will love they . my final recommendation be if you can try somewhere before you buy that may be the best idea . see if you like before flash you fund . and remember for the most part , bose sell at a price fix so do not expect to find a deal on these . 97 Headphone NEU 3 the unit sound fine , and that be why I rate it `` ok '' , but the ear cup be not particularly comfortable , and the foam pad be barely attach and come loose quite easily . I have higher hope for a unit in this price range con : if you want a fit and finish that be quality , leather , well padded , comfortable unit , this be not it . pro : if you want a sound that be clear , easy to use , and decent on the batter life , this be a unit to consider . 790 Headphone POS 5 sound quality be quite good consider the item 's low price , bass come through great and the headphone only fault be show when music be at a very high frequency for a long period of time . the cord actually do prevent tangle , be a decent length , do not hinder music when rub against clothing , and look good . the purchase also include a great compact carry case which hold several size of ear bud -lrb- 5 pair in total -rrb- . once the proper seal around you ear have be make these headphone will sound great and provide a amazing value for all sort of buyer highly recommend . 793 Headphone POS 4 Sony SRFH4 Analog Tuning AM \/ FM Headphone Radio I have be try to use it at my gym where they have direct tv monitor connect with FM radio signal for the individual television channel . I be listen and watch tv while use the treadmill . my radio signal be only moderately successful . after I lose my Walkman , I be research what to get for a substitute . I be look for wireless because my headphone cord be always get in the way . I do not find a wireless solution acceptable -lrb- cost , etc. -rrb- when I look for a handsfree fm radio . I look at the review for this Sony and another Sony srf-h11 s2 Sports AM \/ FM Radio Walkman with Rear Reflector Headphones I decide on this model rather than behind the head design because of the other review relate to comfort . I also think the geeky-looking antenna might provide better radio reception . I find this radio reception much better than my old Walkman , but of course I do not know whether it be the geeky-looking antenna or not . the radio be quite comfortable and I be glad that I do not try the behind the ear style because I wear glass and sunglass with the radio . thanks for the earlier review ! 114 Headphone POS 5 I get these as a father 's day gift and be blow away by they . not only do they block outside sound even at low level better than some noice cancel headphone I have try -lrb- at 3 time the price -rrb- the sound quality be really amazing . use lossless audio -lrb- flac -rrb- I can hear every nuance of music I have never hear before . it be like listen to music I have be listen to for year for the first time . highly recommend . 907 Headphone POS 5 I can crank these and my sound card up all the way and still not hear any noise , which be amazing . the bass response be pretty good , but it seem to overdo it sometimes . towards the end of long session wear they , they get uncomfortable , but the first few hour be fine . there be basically no noise isolation , which be good for some people , bad for other . I have have more comfortable headphone , that be more adjustable , sound better , and have noise isolation . they cost several time as much , though . the movie\/music switch on mine do not seem to do anything . 614 Headphone POS 5 for the price that you can get these headphone here on Amazon , they simply can not be beat by any competitor . they have excellent sound quality right out of the box that you would expect to get from a more expensive pair of headphone . the high be extremely clear on these phone and there be ample bass that punch through in almost any song . they do leak quite a bit of noise so they be not for those in which privacy be a concern . they get loud as well and barely distort at all . they rest on the ear nicely and be very lightweight . pro : excellent price , great sound quality , comfort , style . con : noise leakage -lrb- not a problem for those not concerned though -rrb- overall : if you be look for a quality pair of behind-the-neck headphone , the Sennheiser pmx60 's be a awesome pair that you can get for a a great price . 382 Headphone NEG 2 I travel a lot and find the Noise cancelling quality acceptable consider that you be not cover you entire ear . I would agree with those reviewer that the ear plug can get uncomfortable . my biggest complaint be with the product quality . one set last 11 month and the replacement set last 93 day -lrb- 3 day past the warranty -rrb- . in both case one of the earplug quit work . Sony quote I $ 85 dollar to fix !!! look for a replacement ... 579 Headphone POS 4 these earbud be probably one of the best I have ever use . they sound great , and isolate sound well . the only problem I have be they break . I keep my mp3 in my pocket all day and the ear end of the bud come off . this can be pop on easily , but eventually the wire break off and be render useless . so , these be great if you plan on treat they carefully . 392 Headphone POS 5 simple , inexpensive , great sound quality , strongly recommend . I use it with a usb to analog converter on my PS3 , way better than bluetooth . 152 Headphone POS 5 i wash they twice by accident they still work . you wont be disappoint . love they so much the only downfall to they be that they sound just too loud sometimes but they be the best headphone i ever own 81 Headphone POS 5 these be simply a great pair of headphone ! all around the sound quality be nothing like I have ever hear on a pair of earphone . I have never buy more then a $ 20 pair of earphone but have some extra cash , love the design of these and decide to buy they . the cord do not tangle , it be amazing ! my cord always get tangle din my bag but no longer ! the design be great , i have see a few people do a double take to see what be in my ear . when you open they you might need to put in the correct size for you ear -lrb- it come with three size -rrb- so do not fret if they do not fit you ear right away . and the sound ... amazing ! it dround out all othe rnoise and you truly hear the base . I have a friend put they on and then scream at he , he do not hear a thing ! 874 Headphone POS 5 when I first get these headphone and compare they to the one include with my Walkman back in 1997 , I be amaze at the sound improvement , especially the strong bass these produce . I do not know much about headphone at the time , but I take a chance on this brand I would never hear of . year later it be nice to know they be still consider among the best budget headphone you can buy . and to be fair , I 'll mention other option . why the PortaPros be great : - they sound much better than the cheap default throw-in , especially if you like bass . I actually buy a larger pair of Koss headphone after this , but find out the PortaPros sound better . - they be the most comfortable headphone I have ever worn . they be very lightweight and the pivot earpad design accommodate ear that stick out . if not for the music you might forget they be on you head . - they be conveniently portable . they fold into a little ball that be easily store in a bag or backpack . I find this very convenient for walk between college class . - the price be a steal . headphone get ridiculously expensive for those with remarkable hearing and wallet , but this be one of those model that will satisfy most people for well under $ 100 . - the no-questions-asked Lifetime Warranty . after year of use , my foam pad be deteriorate and part of my headband have come loose . I just send my PortaPros back to koss with a note and my address , and in about 2 week I get what look and sound like a new pair in the mail ! I be so impressed , I decide to write this review . other headphone to consider : - the sennheiser px100 seem to be the main competition , so they be worth check out too . they be similarly affordable , lightweight and portable . I have not have a chance to try on or listen to a pair . - at the next level up be the Grado sr60 and sr80 , which cost a bit more but be consider by many to be the best sound value out there . I have a chance to listen to some sr80 once ; they sound great but I find they to be somewhat uncomfortable due to the earpad pressure . after a while my ear be sore . - if you prefer closed headphone -lrb- better isolation from outside noise - the previously mention phone will be audible to people near you -rrb- , I would take a look at the Sony mdr-7506 \/ mdr-v6 and the Sennheiser HD280 pro . these be also a step up in price , but consider a great value . - see for yourself at review site such as headphone.com , goodcans.com , etc. . who write this review : - I have do a lot of research , but I do not claim to be a expert or hard-core audiophile . - I buy the PortaPro in late high school , and use they all throughout college to great satisfaction . - since then I have come to prefer clarity over exaggerated bass . my current favorite headphone be the Etymotic Research er-4p . it be a odd comparison since the er-4p be in-ear-canal headphone that cost several time as much . however , for the curious : the PortaPro can not compare in treble clarity , but they do have stronger bass , be slightly more comfortable , less fatiguing , and much cheaper . there be many step up from the PortaPro , but it be a great , affordable place to start listen to good headphone . note : I actually have a pair of PortaPro Jr. s. from what I have read they be just PortaPros without the Comfort Zone switch on the temple pad . in any case , I would assume the PortaPros be the same or a step up , and I be very satisfied . 545 Headphone POS 4 I buy these about a month ago along with a pair of audio-technica ath m35 which I review a while ago and I have to say that these be very good . I be impress by the quality of the sound . I have use a lot of earbud with my iPhone and they always disappoint I either in sound quality , durability , compatibility . these however work perfectly with the iPhone . the remote control allow I to do everything with the phone without have to take it out of my pocket . Voice command be as responsive as use the phone itself , skip to the next or previous track be easy -lrb- 2 click on middle button for next , 3 for previous -rrb- , 1 click to answer a call etc. . the sound , as I say before , be very good . noise isolation work well , although I be not sure if it be such a good thing give that you should have a minimum awareness of you surroundings . I would have give it 5 star but they look really fragile . cable be very thin so I can no longer just toss they somewhere when i get home as i do with my previous one . I have get cautious and buy a case for they this way they be protect . other than that a very good product and the price be not bad either . 72 Headphone NEG 2 I really want to give these headphone a better rating but they be fall apart after one year 's use and be in imminent need of be replace . here be the pro 's and con 's as I see it . pro : 1 . great sound output for a earbud headphone . you will not these decibel level from ipod earbud . 2 . ear insert be comfortable , exchangeable and replaceable . 3 . actually have some amount of bass lead to a fairly rich sound . -lrb- see con for more -rrb- 4 . come with all size of earbud so you can try they on to see which you like best . con : 1 . severe durability issue . I use these earbud while run , cycling , rock climbing , and more and after a year of use -lrb- 1 calendar year as of one week ago -rrb- , the left earbud be hang by a thread . I have use ipod earbud as well as one design for run and they be still in great shape year later at do not cost $ 90 . 2 . the high end in these get really tinny at time . most earbud be great at high frequency and bad at low . these be the exact opposite . I like to listen to jazz when the mood strike I . Bass line be rich . the horn and sax can be unbearable at time . BOTTOM LINE : for casual music listener who do not expose they earbud to a active lifestyle , these headphone be a solid choice . if you be very active and demand durability from you earbud , you may want to look elsewhere . 672 Headphone POS 4 I have a pair of the old l-jack one that last I several year . they break , tragically , with I put they in a bag that get crush . I replace they with a pair of the straight jack style and they do not last 8 month before the right channel all but stop work . but I be go to get another pair because : they isolate sound - really - well : it could be dangerous if you be walk or etc. . the sound be good : most earbud be too treble-y but these be well-balanced they be comfortable : I do not care for cold metal bit in my ear . and the foam be more comfortable than silicone . they be cheap they be not hideous or flashy only downside be that they 'll break pretty easily if crushed and they be cheaply make -lrb- but they be cheap , so that be to be expect -rrb- . 620 Headphone NEG 2 I see the Skullcandy Dub earbud at target the other day on sale for $ 5 . I be originally plan on get the Ink would -lrb- which I have use before and like -rrb- as a temporary replacement pair for a much higher end pair that have lose sound in one ear , but they be $ 16 and , accord to the sale clerk , the Dubs be better . so it be a no-brainer . I buy two pair of the Dubs . I wish I have not . now I would much rather pay the extra $ 5 for just one pair of Ink ` ds . here why : the dub be muddy . they have lot of bass . too much of it , actually . it make my ear hurt . and it really drown out the mid , which sort of halfheartedly linger in the background . the high be also quite muddy , except for the occasional `` s '' , which produce a harsh sibilance that rattle you spine . there be almost no sound separation , and drum sound like they be come out of the next room . however , for $ 5 I really can not complain . but if you be pay any more than that I would not recommend buy this pair . instead , go for the Ink 'd , which have a much more balanced sound . 836 Headphone NEU 3 this headphone have very good audio quality but after 5-10 minute it be very uncomfortable to wear . I be start to have headache on the side of my head above the ear after that time . I have have it for the past 12 month and now I dread wear it . I be 5 ' 9 '' with average size head . try this before you get this . it do not stretch with time . 307 Headphone POS 4 I buy a pair of these at best buy a couple year ago . they break within a year of use . the cable cover come off next to the earphone . . they sound really good but be not nearly as good as they should be for the price . I buy some Sony mdr-7506 's a few week ago for only $ 84 and they sound WAY better and build far better in term of durability . save you money . 507 Headphone POS 4 Works perfectly with the Iphone 4 . however , the item should be handle with care - otherwise it may malfunction or not work at all . this mean do not pull the cord from the unit its attach to , instead properly remove the by grab it from the base of the thick plastic plug . the unit itself do not appear to be rugged so factor that into you purchase decision . 31 Headphone POS 5 all the positive review across the internet be absolutely right . from the time I put they on , these headphone be completely different from any I have previously own . the range of sound be superb , and the bass response be surprising for a package of this size . sound clarity be not a issue , you can crank the volume up quite high without any distortion . here be some more feature : - extremely portable : the px100 fold up into a little carry case - easy on the ear : the only time I have have any slight discomfort whatsoever be when I wear they for 6 hour straigh . - easy to drive : even on my AAA battery-driven zen micro mp3 player I do not need to max the volume to hear everything well . here be some other thing to consider : - since these be portable , the cord be only 5 ft long ; you will most likely need a extension if you plan on use they with a desktop pc . - these be OPEN headphone , so some sound leak out : most music and sound be barely audible a few foot away from the px100 , but game sound -lrb- gunfire , explosion , etc. -rrb- and rock music seem to propagate easily because of the sharp , intense sound . if you need a pair of headphone to use in a quiet area , I would suggest buy a closed pair -lrb- earcup -rrb- or some canal earphone -lrb- one that go inside the ear canal -rrb- . all in all , a great buy , consider that most headphone do not begin to sound this good until you hit $ 60 . 36 Headphone POS 5 I just buy a r 140 . after a brief familiarization with all the item in the shipping box I cnnect it to my tv . it pay to look up the tv manual for the proper audio out connection . I do not at first on my Bravio tv and just pick a red & white connection at random & consequently face silence on my ear phone . Consulting the tv manual , this be soon correct . the unit work well . I be 80 year old & have minor hearing loss . it beautifully compensate for this shortcome with very good sound quality . walk inside the house & outside for quite a distance , still good reception . I fully recommend this unit . I be very satisfied with it . 243 Headphone POS 5 if you be like I , and do not like those in-the-ear phone , then these be for you ! these thing sound great . the bass go rather deep , and I have not hear any crackling noise or anything . these headphone can handle a very wide range of sound . they be pretty comfortable . they take a couple day to get use to , but they be well worth it . I would highly reccommend these to anyone . I love they ! 421 Headphone NEG 1 be a Christmas gift for we grandson . he open the box , put in the battery , and go to put they on at which time they physically break . do not know if it be from a poor design or flaw , but this be the second review cite such a problem . I have no idea how they actually perform . 228 Headphone NEG 1 my order do not arrive during the shipment period . I contact with the seller , so they send I a new one . when it arrive at my place , almost 18 day have already pass from the first time that I have order they . whatever , after use one week , the right one stop to work . now , I be look to other seller to order new pair ! 861 Headphone POS 4 sound be good , but the headphone be a little small . they do not really cover my ear and they also feel a little tight . I also have the sennheiser 201 's , and I prefer they to these . the 201 's fit much better on the ear and do not squeeze you head . I would recommend they over the 202 's . what be surprising be that the 201 's be actually cheaper ! 159 Headphone POS 4 these be just excellent for the price . Bass : not too much bass or not to little bass , Bass be deep and rich . seem to be very balanced , never Muddy at all very strong @ 100 + hz . lose some bass strength under 40hz . if you a bass head just plug in you Headphone Amp and use a eq and trust I , the bass will vibrate you ear with these headphone and they still sound fairly clean but can be muddy . stock without any equalization the bass be balanced and fine . high : high sometimes get distorted or sound too harsh -lrb- Pretty Rare but be noticeable on some song -rrb- . you can hear little crackling sound and it just make I wa not to take they off or change the song , otherwise high be just fine Mids : balanced and lot of definition , just like the bass , not to little or too much . Comfort\/Built Quality : after wear they for a while you will get use to they and they will seem lighter and you can wear they for a longer amount of time without they hurt you ear . I can listen to these for about 2 hour straight before i have to take they off because my ear hurt . pad be comfortable and the stuffing be nice and soft . build Quality be ok , some part of the headphone feel really cheap like the plastic thingie that allow the headphone to turn . all the other material on the headphone feel pretty high end . 512 Headphone NEU 3 I check the price on the official site of BOQARI after i get those . the price on the site be only $ 49.95 . I like those headphone but if you want to get they i recommend you the official site of BOQARI . -lrb- ... -rrb- 863 Headphone POS 5 I always have trouble keep earphone in while run , which be why I like the behind the neack type . I have a pair of Sony mdr-as50g which be fine , but I never really like the puck-shaped storage case and the right side stop work and only the left ear have sound . these Philips be awesome , though . they be tight , light , and take no time to put on and get set to run . they stay in\/on very well . almost too well , they really block out other sound . the sound be good , but not great . but they be waterproof and can be easily rinse off . pro : Stay in with zero problem light weight quick to put on with no fuss waterproof durable -lrb- so far -rrb- good sound better than Sony mdr-as50g -lrb- my opinion -rrb- prefer simple mesh storage pouch to Sony 's plastic case con : not great sound block -lrb- maybe -rrb- too much sound 331 Headphone POS 4 these be phenomenally accurate can for the price . a tiny bit cold in the mid-range but spatial accuracy be just astounding for this kind of scratch - with reasonable-quality source material , you 'll hear terrific detail . they be also incredibly comfortable for long-term use - no hot ear or sore lobe . my only gripe be the bass , which be slightly overemphasize and sometimes come off as `` boomy '' depend on the recording , almost enough to start color the lower mid . I think I 'll keep these , but if you be really look for accuracy , you might want to roll off the bass a bit with equalization to get these perfectly flat . otherwise , these sound as good as can and iem cost 2-3 time as much . if you love bass and like to feel it in you head , you 'll really take to these . 597 Headphone POS 5 I remember buy these earphone , like 6 year ago then one of my friend break they . so when I see these on amazon I have to buy they . specially for this price and the vibration be pretty strong and great overall . 667 Headphone NEU 3 I have a ipod 3rd generation and I have some ear bud that be just as servicable . after read the review I think these would sound like some bose joint but they be just good . heavy with the bass and no real crystal clear clarity . however they cost what 18 buck ? they 'll do and I like the protective cover around the wire and the `` l '' shape plug . bit louder than my other ear bud and I need that in the gym . good buy for 18 buck ! 65 Headphone NEG 1 Review update after 6 + month of product ownership : have use these on 6 domestic trip about 2 international trip of 8 + hr to Europe and Asia . I try the bose qc-15 for about 2 week and then I have now use these for 2 trip ... and here be my conclusion : 1 -rrb- Noise Cancelling : these be no bose ... there be a significant different between the Noise cancelling of this one vs. the bose . so you get what you pay for . these do not seem to get rid of all the `` white noise '' like on a airplane etc. . noise be my primary need ... and these do a ok job but not outstanding . 2 -rrb- comfort : Bose win ... these SUCK . wear these on a extended flight and after about 2 hour , with Audio Technica , I have to keep take they off to give my ear some rest . this part be really annoying and that be why I have change my review from 3 star to 1 star . after 2 hour , you ear will be burn ... the stretch band across the top be not long enough and will start to dig into you brain ... just miserable on comfort what good be any other feature of noise cancel if these can not be worn . 3 -rrb- music : not my specialty . both play music , with Audio-Technica , the good thing be that it play even when it be turn off ... so if you battery die on a long trip , you can still use these for listen to you music , but with bose , you would be SOL . 4 -rrb- cost : these be about half of the bose ... so you get what you pay for . on further consideration , because of the comfort issue , you do not want to use these after a while , so you do not really even get what you pay for at half the price . I do not want these to get cheaper ... but why can not these guy make they more comfortable . who decide to make the head-strap to NOT be very long ? who decide not to use the softer padding over the ear ? and why be not the ear-cup a little bigger to surround my ear better . I be ready to try on-ear model and see how that do . Consumer Reports rate even the Audio-Technica on-ear model better than these . what a disappointment , do not waste you money . I 'll be put mine up for sale on e-bay if anyone want they . 480 Headphone NEG 1 this product do just fine as headphone but not noise canceling . I recommend a over the ear product . unfortunately these headphone make I have to buy the bose noise cancel headphone . if this vendor offer another product that be fully over the ear , I would recommend it before I would this pair that just sit on the ear , maybe they would be better then . 445 Headphone POS 5 the Grado sr-60 be , without question , the best headphone I have ever own . I would not go so far as to call myself a audiophile , but I appreciate great sound , and these headphone deliver that in spade . they have a very rich , balanced sound , with glitter high , silky , powerful mid , and accurate , tight low . many people seem to consider Grados `` rock '' headphone , but , to be honest , everything I have listen to on these have sound great . Electronica , metal , post-rock , indie rock , classical music ... these headphone really `` do '' every single genre , and well . the only problem be so minimal that they be hardly worth mention . the cable be very thick , and the design do not exactly ooze style . I would not recommend they for purely portable listening . many reviewer seem to think they be uncomfortable , but I find the slightly cup , padded earphone to be very cozy . it be mostly a matter of personal preference , I suppose . I have also hear headphone with `` fatter '' sound bass , so anyone with that as a priority might want to upgrade to the Grado SR80s , or hunt around some more . another reviewer call these `` studio '' headphone , which be not really true . I be use these with my ipod , and it be never sound better . in all honesty , these headphone be practically a steal at they current price point -- I have hear headphone cost twice as much that do not sound nearly as good as these do . Sennheiser , Sony , and bose do not have anything on these brooklyn-crafted wonder . compare to something like ipod earbud , it be simply night and day . do yourself a favor and pick these up -- you will not regret it ! 460 Headphone NEG 2 these may have be defective , I be not sure , but they do not do the job . I try to contact the seller twice for a refund and never receive a response . Amazon do refund my money however . 561 Headphone NEG 2 I do not like this product much . this product do not have good bass and not conformtable as well . hence decide to return this product and go for different one . 681 Headphone POS 5 my old ipod headphone break so i go on a search for some decent headphone . I want some good headphone for watch movie on my ipad with minimal outside noise interference but I know I do not want to pay $ 200-300 . during my research i eliminate beat by dre because I try they out watch zombieland and they be so tight it give I a headache . I come upon these and I like the price so I read the review here and go to YouTube check out more review and I make the purchase . I be glad I do . first movie i try they with be the dark Knight and i can say they give excellent sound cancel all the noise around I I be in the movie I forget I be lay in bed around I be my kid laugh and talk and my wife talk on the phone and I be happy that I can only hear the movie only when the scene in the movie be real quiet can I hear a little outside noise but nothing that distract I from the movie oh and yes they be comfortable on the ear . for the $ 20 I pay for I can not ask for more but I do take some reviewer advice and register the headphone they have a two year warranty if anything go wrong . overall I be very happy with my purchase 320 Headphone POS 5 before I look a long airplane trip to Asia , my husband recommend that I purchase these Sennheiser headphone . I insist that I do not need they , and he argue right back that I would not be regret buy they . Ahem . yes , sometimes husband can be right . the over-the-ear design ensure that most sound -- even the annoying whine of jet engine -- be minimize . I have no idea how loud airplane be until I put these on instead of the airline supply ear bud and my better , but still inadequate , ipod bud . I listen to my ipod and the in-flight movie for hour before my ear tire . the sound quality be much better in a quiet environment than in a noisy one since , yes , some noise get through . for those who listen to music in a office or in a college dorm , the fact that they do not leak much sound be a huge plus . my only complaint be that they do not fold or collapse to take up less space in my briefcase . these make a great gift for the traveler or just for someone who want lightweight , comfortable headphone . 952 Headphone POS 4 a good pair of head phone with amazing clarity . it be one of the basic pair and it be worth the price . 918 Headphone POS 4 instead of these headphone , I recommend the the $ 12.99 Sony fontopium . they be much better , cheaper , and you can find they in store easily -lrb- so that if you do not like they , you can easily return they -rrb- . you can even get they with the inline volume control for $ 15 ; those sound much better than the mdr-ed21lp . 789 Headphone POS 5 we purchase 2 of these for we 22 month old and 3 year old just before we trip to Hawaii . we 3 year old loved these . they fit perfectly on she . love how easily you can adjust the size . amazing that it fit we own adult big head too ! love the sound limiter too - we do not have a limiter for we Odyssey van , and we have find that we daughter tend to play with the volume and make it way too loud . this limiter give we peace of mind that she would not lose she hearing ! the length of the cord be great too - very long . we 22 month old do not like have the headphone on she head , but I be guess she 'll wear they as she get older . overall , very happy with this purchase . definitely make the airplane ride easier for we ! 373 Headphone POS 5 I purchase these headphone refurbish for $ 10 . I be not a audiophile and therefore can not give a detailed review , but I can say as a seasoned consumer that for $ 10 -lrb- shipping include ! -rrb- , it be hard to go wrong here . 548 Headphone POS 5 the Sony nc60 headphone be amazing . they offer great comfort with great sound . I be simply blow away by the sound quality -lrb- great bass -rrb- and the noise cancelation do its job . there be a slight static noise when you turn the noise cancel on and it seem to get worse when the battery get low , but when there be music on you do not notice and overall it be not that bad . my roommate just get the bose qc3 noice cancelie on-ear headphone which offer superior comfort , but not superior sound or noise canceling . the on ear design just do not match up to the over-ear . the best bang for you buck be definitely the Sony NC60s . 959 Headphone POS 5 I purchase this splitter to route audio from my computer to a 2.1 speaker set and to a 5.1 receiver . so far , so good , I have have no problem with it . it be a real simple component but simple problem do not necessarily guarantee simple , reliable solution . it look like we have a winner here . 930 Headphone NEG 2 the only good thing of this product be the reasonable price , and the case go with it . the sound quality , as many people mention in the review , it very poor . you have to turn on the noise cancel function to hear a bearable sound , which be ridiculous . do not even mention the noise canceling , since it be not effective at all . I use it on two flight , and it only reduce about 20 % of the engine noise . it be way worse than the bose one , but consider the price , it make sense ... I do not recommend this product . 198 Headphone NEU 3 pro : flashy\/sporty design . lifetime warranty . sweaty resistant . con : earfin be a bad take on Sennheiser 's original `` twist-to-fit '' system . Soundquality be quite terrible . ------------------ First of , these headphone look good . the bright yellow and black color scheme be sexy . the build quality be quite good . very nice attention to little detail like the logo of `` Sennheiser '' on one side of the cable splitter and `` Adiddas '' on the other . the MX 680 come with many accessory , different size of the earfin and the rubber around the earbud . foam sock . and the thick and rugged carry case . I own the mx75 -lrb- 1st generation of Senn 's sport line -rrb- . I like the original `` twist to fit '' system much better , because instead of a sharp `` fin '' , they use round little wheel that roll much nicer against you ear and do not poke . the earfin be very soft and at time do not offer enough stiffness to keep the bud in my ear . when they do , they hurt my ear after just a few minute -lrb- and be distracting -rrb- the cable system be quite bad . you may ditch the volume control and just connect to a armband . the problem be , the cable be not long enough when I move my arm run . but if I use the extender with volume control , it be very heavy and add unwelcome tension to my ear . sennheiser do give you a clip that you can attach to the cable to keep it from dangle around . that be totally useless to I because I work out in t-shirt -lrb- and I do not know anyone who do not -rrb- , there be absolutely no place for it to clip on . SOUNDQUALITY - okay , these headphone sound tiny and thin . if you push they a bit into you ear they sound fantastic , but that be not feasible while lift weight , on a bike , or run . so , if you leave they on like normal , they sound no better than stock earbud that you get from buy any mp3 player . there be literally no base thump . you can hear the beat , but there be no impact . one way to look at this be that music sound extremely light , and will not become too involve or distract from you workout . but without any low and mid-low end to balance out the frequency , the high just be shrieky . it will sound like you brain be be scrape . other company offer headphone at much better value both above and below the price for the mx680 , with better comfort and better soundquality . there be no reason to pay so much money for these to replace you stock bud . except maybe for the look , but then you should look to other product of the sport range . 136 Headphone POS 5 great sound . I find it a little difficult to setup without instruction\/manual -lrb- my set do not come with any -rrb- . once I find the right connection , it be perfect at any frequency I select . I once have they on for over 4 hour and battery do not die . it fit my head just fine and you can adjust the length . after look for day and price checking for the best , I be extremely satisfy with these headphone . 240 Headphone POS 5 we have two little boy that be very into computer and my ipad . the problem be I be so sick of listen to they kid show I have to find a way to tone it down . these be the perfect headphone for little kid . they be very sturdy and fit all size of kid . 3 Headphone POS 5 ive have these for a couple day and there sick , im very big on my music . there great for all type of music just adjust the eq level , worth every cent , i love v moda im never onna change brand . 595 Headphone NEG 1 this radio be total poop ! it work great for 2 month , and then all of a sudden , the slightest breeze would cause the thing to shut off . at first it would turn back on and if I be able to hit the lock switch before it shut off it would stay on ... until I want to change the station and have to unlock the darn thing and `` poof '' go . after a couple of day of these shenanigan , it would shut off as soon as I turn on it on , lock trick or no lock trick . end of the tune , done ! and to think , I be anti-sony !!! Panasonic be a good name but I will not buy anything they make anymore . I buy a phone from they that come with a faulty battery , return it twice and finally buy a good battery and it be work great ever since but come on !!! the thing be brand new !!! 977 Headphone POS 5 I can not do earbud because my ear be too small and they always fall out . these be not as loud as my other behind the ear headphone , but they be so much more comfortable and the bass be awesome ! 383 Headphone POS 5 very fast shipment . excellent sound quality , great bass . slick cord . fit great . look durable , let 's hope it be . really great sound for the price . 627 Headphone POS 5 I buy these headphone over 3 year ago , and they be still go strong . I use they in the office only , so they get little abuse -lrb- e.g. I do not blast the bass at work , or anything -rrb- . I have drop they a number of time , though , and they do not break . the sound quality be good for listen to cd , but like I say , I do not blast the bass or anything . finally , they be extremely comfortable . I wear they for 7 + hour some day and they do not bother I one bit . 449 Headphone POS 5 it only be a month but so far so good . sound great and look very durable -lrb- a must as my headphone usually do not last long -rrb- . fantastic price especially as i have they ship to the UK . well worth it ! 244 Headphone NEG 1 not a good product . difficult to keep tune to the television , and the battery would not stay in place . I would not purchase this product again . 972 Headphone POS 5 these headphone be my workhorse headphone . they be open , which mean I do not miss the dinner bell or the phone ringing . they sound great , be very light , and , to shock some people , be rather comfortable . yes , I say it , these headphone be comfortable ! this be my first Grado purchase , and I enjoy they so much I have to try the rs2us 's and I end up get they too ! sound : 4.5 \/ 5 Grado headphone be know to favor the midrange and be fast respond headphone . definitely true . Bass be there , but compare to the mid and high , its the most lack . I do not find this a major distraction , as I do not crave massive bass , and I have a portable amp that can boost bass if absolutely necessary when a basshead want to try it out and complain about lack of bass . if you enjoy rock and do not need eardrum-rattling bass , give these a try ! comfort : 5\/5 call I crazy , but these be the most comfortable headphone I have . most people complain about the ear pad and the headband , but I find the headband to be just fine , and the ear pad give more cushion than my rs2us 's , at a slight tradeoff of muffle sound a tiny bit -lrb- not too drastic , after use the headphone for 80 + hour you do not really notice it anymore -rrb- . I do not mod my headphone , but if you be willing to , these will become even more comfortable to you , and at the price-point of these headphone , it be still quite affordable for those in the know about higher quality headphone . value : 5\/5 they might not be the greatest overall sound headphone at they price-point , and some may complain about they comfort , but I find this a great deal . it be in the middle of it be class , one that span from $ 80 to $ 300 , this be around $ 150 . some people start to listen to Grado and wonder how the higher end headphone sound , so start off with something like the sr80us to sr225us and if you get curious you can still afford to step up to a wooden Grado set , which Grado aficionado state you need for a true Grado headphone sound . 785 Headphone NEG 1 unfortunately the headphone have already stop work . one of the earbud go out completely about 1wk after receive they . the only other problem be that I be assume because of low cost price I do not feel that it be worth with to return it . 962 Headphone NEG 2 these be not very good . I do not like how they fall of my ear so easily . I have to keep push they back in and the sound quality be comprimise . 135 Headphone NEG 2 I review many source before I purchase the Koss SportaPro Stereo Headphones but the headphone be over rate . they be uncomfortable and sound quality be nothing spectacular . the metal band that surround you neck , to provide the sport set-up , never perform in a satisfactory manner . find another product to purchase if you be look for a comfortable headphone with better sound . 370 Headphone NEG 2 I do not know if this be a bad design or I just have my bad luck get a defect one . when I walk around with this stuff on , I can hear a very disturbing noise . later I find out the earphone actually deliver and amplify the friction noise between its cord and the zipper on my jacket to my ear ! you can avoid this problem by be static -lrb- people alive will not always be static -rrb- , or by wear soft material clothing with no zipper . other pro and con . pro : decent sound quality build in volumn contol con : ugly look except the sennheiser brand on it uncomfortable earbud -lrb- too large -rrb- 676 Headphone POS 5 for my purpose -lrb- watch tv in my room silently so as not to bother my husband -rrb- , these be perfect . Easy to install , comfortable , and the sound quality be perfect . Money well spend ! 309 Headphone POS 5 I have have these headphone for a few day now and have to say that I be really impress by they beautiful sound and superb comfort . the sound from these headphone really bring alive you jazz , rock and hip-hop favorite ... if you do not already have nice headphone you 'll be hear thing in you music you have never hear before . a great example for I be listen to Ornette Coleman 's `` the shape of jazz to come '' follow by the root `` do you want more ?!!!??! '' play through iTunes at 128 kbp \/ 44.100 khz - not exactly a range advocate by audiophile , but the music sound full , rich , complex and beautiful ... very nice response from deep bass to high end . if you be go to be listen to CD 's or audio through a ipod or computer at home , these headphone be perfect . any better headphone be go to be a waste of money unless you be go to be listen to vinyl through a nice amp . note : the impedance of these headphone be 50 ohm , not 120 ohm as list on Amazon . this make these headphone perfect for listen to portable electronics \/ computer , rather than more expensive headphone like the hd-595 's which will really require a separate headphone amp to bring out they best . a additional note for first-time headphone buyer - these be `` dynamic , open '' style headphone , which mean that these be best for home use . the open style mean that some audio be go to pass from the outside of the headphone -lrb- would drive officemate in a quiet office crazy -rrb- , and external sound be not go to be well attenuate - mean that they be perfect for a quiet home or office , but will be poor for subway \/ airplane \/ noisy street use . overall a great set of headphone for they purpose - home audio \/ portable electronics . 701 Headphone NEG 1 work in a big block building , it be hard to get reception on a radio here . but I have hope this radio headphone set would be different , it be not . I can not tune one station in on this . and at my apartment , it be not that much better . I be only able to tune one of my favorite station in , and that have static also . I live and work near a big city , so get a strong signal be not the problem . maybe it work best outside , when you work out ? but then again the design of this be not very well think out . it have around the ear design , but it do not feel secure , and I would think it would easily fall off if you jogging with they on . I 'll go back to use the , around the ear mp3 player that I have , until a better product come along . the seller of this product ship the item fast , and I would buy from he again . so there be no fault on they part , as to the quality of this product . 177 Headphone NEU 3 part i : November 2011 I have be run all summer 2011 in some old sennheiser pmx80 - 3-5 mile , 3x per weak , plus headphon all day while work and commute . when they break , I try to replace they but the new pmx80 I get be total garbage . they break after about 2 week , cause I to switch brand . I hunt around on the internet , read all the run forum and product review , and discover these philip headphone . they arrive , and I immediately put they to work at a renew intensity , training and commute in they daily -lrb- I live in NYC , so I be on the subway on a near daily basis -rrb- . the headphone be lightweight , and do not have any stupid volume control or modular cord or any of that nonsense which tend to just get in the way or create another point of failure as you see on the some of the more expensive headphone which seem to sound identical . for run , they offer a very comfortable fit , but sweat buildup can cause the volume to decrease temporarily or fully short out , despite the claim of be `` waterproof . '' the sound be okay , although the bass could be richer . I listen to a lot of Southern hip hop when I run -lrb- rip DJ Screw and my dawg pimp c -rrb- , and the low could be fuller . still , the clarity be good , and they let in enough background noise to not be unsafe . the jack be the straight kind -lrb- not l-shaped -rrb- which I think actually decrease wear on that most fragile point of nearly any headphone . I typically connect to a Android EVO , with a top audio port . a l-jack would therefore constantly be bent , cause the wire to fail that much sooner -lrb- as happen with my old sennhaiser set -rrb- part ii : May 2012 after about 6 month of heavy use , the right channel totally fail , cause by a weakening of the wire immediately near the headphone port . not too surprising , as the weight of the Android and a few fumble where the headphone cord eat the full weight of be yank out weaken the cord over time . still , this be hardly a new problem for headphone engineer to solve , and lower my review one full star . I do more research , and determine that nearly every pair of `` sport '' `` performance '' `` endurance '' `` training '' or `` gym '' headphone all have a sizable amount of 1-star review by people claim to have break they in a matter of month . especially the $ 80 - $ 100 one . with that in mind , I opt to simply replace my philip with a identical pair . for the price and amount of abuse and high functionality , I have neither try nor read about a better pair of headphone for this application . if a $ 30 pair of headphone last 6 month , no big deal . I would be piss pay 3x as much , but at $ 5 a month , I can not be that upset . when a pair of indestructible , high-quality headphone cost $ 100 + appear , I will be eager to buy at the first opportunity . until then , these seem to be the best low-mid range athletic headphone there be . tl ; dr : do the trick , but like all headphone , will probably break after 6 month of serious use . Worth the money , but do not expect miracle . 466 Headphone POS 5 this be headphone be excellent . the sound be smooth , light and airy thanks to the open back design . the bass be warm and rich . this headphone be a non-noise canceling design meaning that you can hear that go on around you , bad in noise environment . however , in a quiet room these headphone sweet . 267 Headphone POS 4 I have read all kind of review of this one on amazon before I place the order . after I get the product , I be so pleased that it depress most of the ambient noise . I be so happy that I do not even hear the buzz make by my desktop computer fan . it be just great for such price . and the sound be just ok for I -- I be not a audiophile , I just use it to listen to mp3 . the only reason I do not give it a full score be it be not so comfortable to wear it for a long time . 690 Headphone NEG 1 I be mis-led into believe I coul extend my headset and boon to this adapter and all would be fine . nope . only audio be convert . fortunately the cost be little to nothing . but its worth nothing to I so I still lose something . 845 Headphone POS 4 I buy this product for my husband to use at night so I could sleep while he watch tv . it work great ! he say the quality of the sound be very good and easy to use . 289 Headphone NEG 2 1 . noisy -lrb- background white noise + intermittent diconnection and reconnection with a short loud sound that feel like slapping ear -rrb- 2 . height be fix and I can not make it fit my head 430 Headphone POS 5 this be my third pair . I love these . the price be great , the sound be also really good . when it come to ear bud , often time the bass be really lack . the bass in these be outstanding . 389 Headphone POS 5 I get these with the Pepsi stuff promotion . I be look for something a bit different than the earbud I would be use with my ipod . see , I listen to a lot of podcast , and some of they be so soft I can barely hear they . the earbud just do not cut it . with these , I do not even have to turn the volume up , I can hear everything perfectly . when listen to music , I can hear in clarity I never hear before . the bass be perfect , there be no `` tinny '' sound , it be like listen to my favorite music for the first time . the Annie Lennox song from the last lord of the ring movie have never sound better , and that include listen to it in the theater . I keep they at my desk at work , and it could not be better . first , the sound of course . second , the cord be like 10 foot long . I be not chained to my computer when listen to audio from there , and I can get up and do thing without move the ipod or computer . that be awesome . plus , they fit comfortably over my ear . the best part ? they drown out the noise of the cluck gossiper in the office . peace and quite , plus my favorite tune and podcast . it be like heaven on my ear . 362 Headphone POS 4 want a new pair of earbud style earphone after get by with stock headset for android and iphone\/ipod device . I have read that the control may not be compatible on other device but if the sound work and be durable be fine for I . Got vary result of the vol\/play control pad on a old iPhone only the play btn work , nothing from the volume control . no problem on ipod touch 2nd Gen. Nokia n900 - do not work at all . LG Optimus V play control work also the skip fwd and back - vol control do not work . Motorola Xoom be a strange one , the vol start the mp3 player and pause only - the play button itself do nothing , no click fwd or back . overall nice in ear design , bass and no noticeable sound leak while play loudly around other people . 616 Headphone POS 5 these earbud be the next best thing to noise canceling phone . because they fit in you ear canal , they block most of the surround noise . as for sound quality , nothing can replace a great set of studio headphone . but you buy these for run , cycling or any active sport , they be the perfect earbud . 141 Headphone POS 5 for about $ 10 , these be a bargain !! I buy the blue version of these on Amazon for the purpose of act as a backup pair of headphone for my $ 40 Skullcandy TiTAN 's -lrb- black -rrb- I get they because they be recommend from Consumer Reports , and I be impressed . the sound quality rival that of my top-notch TiTAN 's , and they fit much better in my ear than the TiTAN 's . my friend say they be much more durable than the other $ 10 headphone she be have in the past ; very sturdy for the price . the only thing I and she be concern about be how the silicone bud be slightly flimsy , but , then again , these be only $ 10 . but for $ 10 , you could not find a better pair of headphone . UPDATE : I have go through 2 pair of these thing since I first buy they . I wash my 1st pair , & go awhile without another pair like this . when I order my second pair , I realize again what I have be miss . the bass be not as full as my sennheiser cx300 ii the treble be richer , however . and these thing can stand a lot of abuse . as long as the beating be not abnormal , the only real reason you would buy another pair be because you lose they . 879 Headphone NEG 2 they do not work . I buy they to use with my tv . the only reception I get be with the radio , and that be not the best reception . 429 Headphone POS 4 First off , I do ton of research before buy these headphone . I read review one countless website to be sure these be the headphone for I . conclusively , I find that most people complain about : lack of bass , cheap design , and price . I find these for around 100 on eBay , brand new , so I decide , `` why not ? '' I get these about a month ago and have fall in love with they . I agree , the bass will not blow you away . there be time when you wish it would just hit harder , but I guess I have get use to my $ 40 Sony In-Ear Headphones that deliver more pound bass than these BOSE headphone . BUT , the clarity in these headphone be amazing ! I find myself not recognize certain song as they begin play because I be hear subtle sound , noise , instrument , etc. that my other headphone just be not able to produce . to test it out I turn the music up to roughly 75 to 80 % and play various genre of music . I start with 3oh ! 3 which sound great . all the electronic sound , strong bass , and loud vocal sound great . very clear and it leave I satisfied . so I switch it to some Kanye West -lrb- 808 's and hearbreak album -rrb- play the second song `` welcome to Heartbreak '' . this song have pretty strong , deep bass , and I want to see how well these headphone perform . well , to be honest , it leave I a little disappointed . everything else sound great , but those really low bass note just be not as strong as I have hope . I then listen to various other style of music for a hour and really feel satisfied with my purchase . of course there be headphone out there for less that may have better bass , but I think that the portability of the headphone and the clarity of the music make up for it . I highly recommend these headphone , although I be not sure I would pay 130-140 for they . I get these for around $ 100 so I be satisfy with the purchase . I be in no way a audiophile but I love my music and can tell the difference between wash out sound and high definition clarity . if you really need that thump bass that shake you brain , get some nice in-ear headphone around the same price range . but with comfort and lightness its side , these bose around-ear headphone will compete with any headphone around the same price range in sound quality and clarity . some have complain that they feel cheap and break easily . I have find that they be lightweight which make they appear cheap , but in my month of testing -lrb- definitely not be SUPER careful with they -rrb- , I have not have such problem . 44 Headphone POS 5 to preface this , I have have these headphone for around a month so far , so they be break in and have be test in a variety of situation . as a music producer , I demand high quality , transparent sound reproduction in headphone and speaker , but as a average american , I require these product to be affordable . I have hear a lot about these portapro , so I give it a shot and order some . look : these headphone have a 80s retro look to they -- so retro , I be afraid to go out with these , wary that woman pass by might point and laugh at I . I do not get these to strut around with , but if that be you plan , I would not recommend it . I personally love the old school look , though . construction : at first when I open up the packaging , it surprise I how small these thing be . it dawn on I that I may have to replace they soon . . the metal band look too thin , the foam pad appear to be flimsy and the cord I feel would snap with minor tug . I be wrong ... I have put these through a lot so far this month : I have throw they , wear they in 30 degree weather , sit on they , stretch they out too far , yet nothing seem to phase these ! no wonder they have be in production for more than 25 year . sound : huge . anything play well on these : Rock , americana , Two-Step , IDM ... really , anything . I be astounded by how loud and clear these little headphone can be . in audacity , I make a sweeping tone and find that the PortaPros cover the entire frequency spectrum with ease . I do not have much else to say , these headphone deliver . get they . they be comfortable , portable -lrb- duh -rrb- , crisp , clear and cheap . 368 Headphone POS 5 after read and look at review online , I think I find the perfect headphone for the gym , I love the soul by Ludacris sl150 for they full sound but there be a little too bulky for gym . these M-80 's be pretty compact , they look amazing , the material be top notch and feel very durable . now on to the disappointing part : the sound . review hail these headphone as `` amazing sound '' , so since I listen to a variety of music genre , I be excite to try they . I know there be a break-in period of probably 24hrs so for a entire week , I plug they to my pc and have iTunes play all night at 1\/4 volume . the sound be still flat and dull , I have to change the setting to `` bass booster '' to get a decent sound bass , even on dance and hip hop track . all in all , I will keep these because they be so compact but when I be home , I grab my sl150 's . UPDATE : well , I guess I do not give it enough time to break-in or something be loose inside the headphone but all of sudden , they come alive ! the high and mid be clearer and the low can now be feel . sorry about my initial poor review Mr. Kolton , you build a great headphone . 762 Headphone POS 5 I have try different headphone through the year . these be by far my favorite for run . I run at least three time a week and these headphone be always reliable . they be not the most rugged , but as good as you can get for the price . sound be not bose quality , but good enough for run . this be my second pair in two year . 978 Headphone NEG 1 I have have these headphone for about two year . I want everyone to know that the sound be extraordinary . I still to this day have to check when listen that the volume be not turn up with my wife try to sleep . the sound be as close to sit in a movie theater as you be probably go to get . without the vibration of course . they be everything you could want in realistic sound , comfort , and battery life . this be where my accolade end however . I have notice another review say that he break at the swivel point where they adjust to the shape of you head . the same thing happen to I after about a year . when that happen they just kind of dangle from the head unit -lrb- oh , and yes , I be very careful with they -rrb- of course this seem to happen after the warranty have expire . well , I have refuse to reward the manufacturer for poor engineering at this point by another purchase . I use epoxy glue and bit of plastic to effect a repair . this be not bad but I also find that duct tape around that have help as well . I have be use they for about a year now . still great sound ! but if you be plan on buy these I think the manufacture could at least include some epoxy glue and duct tape with the purchase . they look stupid perhaps on my head but the sound be great ! 974 Headphone POS 4 for some reason its difficult to find sport earhook headphone that also have the volume and track control attachment . I can not live without the track pause control , the area where I jog be very social and I get tire of have to pull my bud off every time someone say hi , especially since I have to dig the iphone back out of its armband to start thing go again . for I a earloop be a necessity , everything else fall out as soon as I get above walk . these fit in the ear pretty well , I kind of have to push the bud in on the left side , but everyone 's ear be a little weird . one nice feature be the optional cord extender , its great to take off for jogging to keep the cable nice and short if you use a armband for you player , but you can pop it back on if you want to put the player in you pocket . sound quality be good enough , mostly I listen to radio and podcast , so it do not matter much to I . usually when I be exercise there be enough ambient noise I can not really notice , anyway . overall , I be happy with these so far . 254 Headphone NEG 1 well as the title say , `` I can not stand these '' . I have use they three time and during all 3 attempt of use , they never stay on my ear . they just keep fall off . I `` m not sure if they be make for giant ear or what but while try to eat lunch and listen to podcast one afternoon , I spend more time put they back on my ear rather eat my burger . with each chew they wiggle a little further off till I have to readjust they every minute -lrb- no lie -rrb- . so unless you have giant ear I would stay away . I cant attest to sound quality because they would not stay on my ear long enough for I to judge . I would however suggest for a few dollar more the philip adjustable earhook headsphone shs4840\/28 . much better and adjustable 76 Headphone POS 5 love these headphone . the sound quality be great and they really be comfortable , just unable to adjust they down to fit my head , I guess I have a smaller head . headphone fit my teens fine . however , that be minor and I have make do . I would buy they again and of course recommend they for any one who want great quality headphone for a reasonable price . Great for holosync usage ... they make a difference in what you hear . 334 Headphone NEU 3 pro : - sound quality much better than the amazon price - loudness - fit comfortably on ear , adjustable a bit con : - build quality be poor - pad feel thin\/cheap so that be about it for I . 500 Headphone NEG 2 I have be look for a Bluetooth headphone for a while now and when I find the Logitech headphone it be the design that I be look for . a small headset that be wireless and it do not look like a studio headset . I get the headset in December and it work well for about 3 week and then develop the crack that other reviewer have describe . I get a replacement headphone and it also develop a crack in less than a week even when I try to be careful when handle it . if it be not for the crack , I would have easily rate the headphone 4 star . Amazon be very helpful when I report the problem and I get a full refund after I return the headphone . 532 Headphone NEG 1 pro : great sound , good comfort , great packaging con : very fragile , mine break apart after a few month of infrequent and gentle use 34 Headphone POS 5 awesome headphone for the price . buy these to replace a pair that have wear out -lrb- and I never send in the warranty -rrb- . these I believe have a lifetime warranty , but at this price if they break I would buy another pair if they be not fix under warranty anyway . nice balance of sound with decent bass for the size and type of headphone . not pro quality , but much better than any phone that come with a mp3 player . Perfect for use at work since I keep it a little low -lrb- unless a reaallly good jam come on -rrb- and I can still hear what be go on around I . 163 Headphone POS 5 I believe for the price this product be really worth the purchase . it make share music much easier . also I personally prefer belkin in audio accessory . 829 Headphone POS 4 I really like sennheiser because they sell quality product at reasonable price . these headphone be no exception . I get it at $ 21 , which be a steal . the sound quality be almost as good as a $ 70 pair of headphone I be use before . when compare these to bose QuietComfort 15 acoustic , the bose be noticeably better . but , I pay $ 21 vs. $ 300 it cost for the bose . my only complaint be that these headphone have the bass frequency slightly increase . I be from the old-school and do not believe in use a equalizer or change the frequency . regardless , these headphone be great . and to truly enjoy they , use they to listen to you favorite cd -lrb- mp3 will do these headphone no justice -rrb- . 668 Headphone NEU 3 I have two problem with this item . 1 . I can not use it with my ipod without take the case off first - the connector be too wide to fit through the opening -lrb- I have a iFrogz case -rrb- . 2 . the item be not a Belkin product . I throw away the packaging and I can not remember who make it now , but I do not see anything on it that say it be make by Belkin . other than that , it seem fine - just not exactly what I need . for a little more money , I end up buy the Griffin splitter -lrb- see link -rrb- . it have individual volume control which be nice and it come with a adapter that I can use with any headset without remove the case from my ipod video . Griffin SmartShare with Headphone Adapter for iPhone -lrb- Black -rrb- 283 Headphone POS 5 love these headphone . they last a very long time as compare with other headphone I have use . they be very comfortable and stay put even during very jarring activity such as run . they be also water\/sweat resistant . I have fry out many other headphone because of this and these be the only one that stay in my smallish ear without constant fiddling . Worth pay a little more for , but they be on the higher side for headphone . price have come down a bit due to a newer version out . 842 Headphone POS 4 great headphone for my need . I do my research on this item and the Sennheiser 's be the best for the price for hear my Sony tv . sound quality be great even though , for example , if you lay they down or pause you tv , after a short while , the headphone return to a ` static ' state which would disturb some people , but not I . they be good headphone and I recommend they . 502 Headphone POS 5 great phone for the price . I be hesitant to spend the money but I be sure glad I do . one word of caution , if you do not want to hear everything on you recording do not buy these , get the cheap one . these phone let you hear everything . some reviewer have ding the cord for be small but I find nothing wrong with it . these phone be for adult not kid . would definitely buy again . 831 Headphone POS 4 the sound of the equipment be excellent . Controls be not easy , too small . if I bow the headphone will not hold in place . refer to the Sennheiser Wireless headphone r 120 pURCHASED THRU AMAZON 472 Headphone POS 4 we get these for several multi-user workstation . they be adequate for the price . we want something with plastic\/leather ear pad that can be wipe down between user , and these provide that for we . these be best for industrial , public , multi-user situation where the listener will not be need they for very long . as other have mention , they be not very comfortable , so you do not want to wear they for more than 30 minute at time -lrb- or less , for those who have large head -rrb- . the sound be also adequate for the above state purpose . these be by no means mean to be use to pick out the 3rd chair violin during a very quiet movement of Bach . 210 Headphone NEG 2 what incredible sound ! Crisp , clear , beautiful range between high and low . if only I could tolerate the way they feel on my head . the ear cup feel and fit just fine . the problem be the headband . as I hold it , it seem to be pad very well , but when I place the headphone on my head , it feel like a heavy piece of plastic rest on my bare skull . -lrb- \* note to reader : between the plastic of the headband and my actual skull be the headband padding , my scalp , and a full head of hair . -rrb- I try adjust the headband , and shift around the way they sit on my head , but I could never get comfortable . it be really too bad , because they be probably the greatest sound set of headphone I have ever worn . I just can not stand to wear they . 14 Headphone POS 5 simply put , these headphone be very reveal . do not purchase these if you plan on listen to low bit rate mp3 's . these phone be for high quality listening ... if you be a producer like I , you will want to remaster all of you work to match the quality capable of these phone ... mdr-sa5000 's tell the truth ! sometimes the truth hurt . : -rrb- 590 Headphone POS 4 in May , I be look around for a better earbud than the standard Apple crap and find these . I love they at first , as they block sound , have great quality , and fit snugly into my ear . use of the remote be also great , and a huge upgrade over continually take out my ipod to change the song . recently , these earbud have drop in sound quality , with one barely produce any sound . I have be take good care of they , without any misuse . I recommend these if someone can afford to keep buy they over and over . 493 Headphone POS 4 the folding thing be easy and it be very handy have the plastic case . the sound be very good , not excellent though ... especially on the low , I have never try the porta pro , so I can not compare , I buy a $ 20.00 pair of Sony 's that be so bad they be unusable before purchase these . I use they for mostly for run , they sound good , they stay in place , what more can you ask ... , well , ok , a little better reproduction and accuracy on the low end . 438 Headphone NEG 1 the headphone break in two on the third use . probably just bad luck , but I return it as well as the second headphone I order for my husband . return the item be painless , thanks so much . 32 Headphone POS 5 be wear some ear bud for week now , and they never feel good in my ear ; never have like they . since I arrive here at this new company , people all have nice headphone . I find these , and they be price right , buy they , and can truly say - Sennheiser HD 202 ii rock . I listen to a eclectic variety of music , from Slayer to Carrie Underwood to Shinedown to Texas Hippie Coalition and I can say that all sound fantastic on these . much better than annoying ear bud . if you be look for decent headphone for a low price , look no further . 584 Headphone POS 5 I buy these for my son , after he very extensive research into find the best quality headphone on the market . without a doubt , these be not only a great value for the price but in any price range . the sound be amazing ! as a hat off to Amazon : these be actually a little hard to find ... not only do you have they , but they be at a discounted price . they also arrive on the exact date on the shipping confirmation .