740 GraphicsCard POS 4 I get this card because a friend buy 2 not realize how big they really be . I be take a star for the fact that it feel completely cheap . I have get a xfx 7970 black edition which feel sturdy and wont even flex when you push it into the slot ; however , this one bend as if I be go to break it put minimal amount of pressure on it . that say though I be impressed !!!! the card be over clock friendly beyond belief , and it be cool as can be . there be a slight whine to it when you have it at 80 % fan speed or above , but its weird cause you can barely hear the fan , just a whine . I have get 65-70 fp at just a slight overclock in bf3 , where the xfx card can only hit a solid 60 . this card will get hot if I put it in the first PCI slot with the xfx below it , which be not surprising . all in all , I be quite worried about all the review claim it ship bust , but be quite happy when it work like a charm ! I get it replace my xfx card until I can get my hand on a beefier power supply but when I do crossfire it with the xfx card I be get a huge improvement over just a single card . I be completely impress with this card , just wish it have a little more of a backbone and be not so cheaply make . I 'll update if thing go wrong but as of now I would be happy to purchase another one of these card . 859 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have have this card for about three week now and have not have a single issue . I know it be still early on but so far i have zero complaint . I be a cg\/vfx artist as well as a gamer and I could not be happier . I know most professional be use Quadro card but I have to appease my gaming side as well , haha . I 'll write a more indepth summary after I put some more mile on this card ! 933 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a old pentium 4 @ 3ghz . take I about 30 minute to install - connect , turn on , insert disc , install - restart - UNINSTALL you onboard\/old graphic card through device manager I have already window 7 with my onboard 129mb graphic before : graphic 1.9 gaming graphic 1 now : graphic 4.2 gaming graphic 4.5 the card do get hot but check the temperature it be most of the time between 55-58c for those with integrated card : this card will lower significantly you cpu usage . due to that my cpu temp use to be 55-59c -lrb- playing games\/installing\/hd video -rrb- but now its around 45-50 also i include some picture for those with small pc case . -lrb- it do take 2 pcus slot -rrb- will update review after i play -lrb- apparently i can run cod4 , l4d , coh tale of valor , sc2 -rrb- 607 GraphicsCard POS 5 order this card 22 March - and have to place a order on a `` out of stock '' item - not really know when it would ship . I recieve notification the next day that it have ship and recieve it today , 24 March . it be pack well and install in minute . this card be a improvment for I , come from a gtx 570 hd , and on game like bf3 and sw : tor the difference in FPS be noticable . now , I be not say I \* need \* this card at all - it be really overkill - but I be a upgrade nut and this be something to scratch that itch . I know that the difference between AMD\/ATI 's new offering -lrb- particularly the 7970 -rrb- be minor when it come to benchmark - but something that Nvidia have always have a advantage over the Radeon line of card be in the stability and the frequency of they driver and update . this be a rock solid card from a rock solid company and I be happy that Amazon.com be able to get I the card so quickly when everybody else seem to out of stock . 443 GraphicsCard NEU 3 after see the tempting rebate-based price of $ 245 , I order a pair of these card . I be attract by they better price\/performance over Nvidias and they be also repute to run cooler . I also want to experiment with multiple monitor which the AMD eyefinity system appear to do much better than they competition . I be await the delivery of a dp port adapter before I can try this and may update this review later with the result . I be find these dual-fan 6950 be actually run about 20 degree -lrb- c -rrb- hotter when install in the same slot as my pair of single-fan Nvidia 460s . another attraction of these card be the dual bio which allow upgrade they to the spec of the AMD 6970 card but I can not attempt this while temperature be run high . in theory , anything up to 90c be ok but I experience a complete shutdown of the graphic card at around 80c -lrb- cpu continue to run fine -rrb- . the other difficulty I experience be that the spec list a Crossfire bridge as be include with each of the card -lrb- necessary to run two card link together -rrb- but neither card have the promise bridge and I have to find one locally in lieu of wait for day to get replacement . these card definitely perform better than the Nvidias they replace and I can now run bf3 smoothly in Ultra setting at 50 fp or I can run in high at 70 to 80 fp on my 120hz monitor . not too surprisingly , the rebate process seem design to discourage one from actually claim the rebate . first , nothing be say in the Amazon ad about the rebate be limit to one per household so half of my expect rebate be go the moment I try to apply . just find the rebate form on the Amazon site be quite a chore and then I be inform a copy of the invoice would be require . Amazon only send a miniaturize version of the invoice now which turn out to be a tiny scrap of paper about3x4 inch which have be tear off so that the invoice number be not readable . try to go online to find the invoice number be a ordeal of multiple menu that be not at all intuitive -lrb- I be a former software designer and this be one of my pet peeve -rrb- . I finally find where I could order a printout of recent order but after the report be complete , I receive a email that I could access it by go back to my Account on the Amazon site . old invoice use to pop right up but now view they involve open email , download a comma-delimited file , save it , and open it with a appropriate program -lrb- I do not have Excel -rrb- . and then you still have to print out the invoice copy , chisel the barcode off the box , stuff everything into a envelope and mail it off while hope you have not overlook some tiny detail that will be a pretext for refuse the rebate . I finally conclude that the $ 20 rebate process -lrb- already down from the expect $ 40 -rrb- be not even go to return minimum wage for my time and I move on to more important thing . I advise not be take in by promise rebate . they be too time-consuming to claim and too often in the past I have have they later reject on some tiny technicality . rebate go out of vogue for a while because they be cause too much ill-will for manufacturer but now they be creep back in we depressed economy . I have be burn in the past by they so shame on I for allow it to happen again . 711 GraphicsCard POS 5 add this card to a Dell Precision 490 workstation at the office to provide a third monitor . it work great , all the better since the nVidia Desktop Manager provide setting for both card -lrb- the 6200 along with the original Quadro FX -rrb- . also , like many of the reviewer here , I add one of these to a older Dell -lrb- a old Dimension 3000 that only have pcus slot -rrb- to get a little more mileage out of it with a widescreen -lrb- 1920x1080 -rrb- monitor ... the internal video have to be disabled in bio and it seem to need a nudge & a kick with couple of restart to make it work , but it work . as for the handful of negative comment you might see here , they appear to be the result of expectation that exceed what low-cost hardware can do , so bear in mind that this be a very basic graphic card . 446 GraphicsCard NEG 1 as title say , let I explain . my motherboard be a Asus A8V-X , with 4gig of RAM , AGP8X , AMD Athlon 64 3500 + CPU . at first it be work flawlessly use a ATI Radeon 9200SE graphic card with 128mb of video RAM . I could play game like Halo Combat Evolved , Doom 3 , Far Cry , half life 2 etc , not with the best resolution , but even though those game where absolutely playable and enjoyable . after some year I decide it be time to upgrade the videcard , so I look for some 512mb agp8x card and find this evga . uninstall the ATI and install this new EVGA , it go flawlessly , until ... yes , you be guess right : I could not play ANYTHING . update latest driver , even go on some tweaking with NVIDIA 's support service help , but nothing . ca not play game like Halo Combat Evolved , Project IGI , Doom 3 , Far Cry , half life 2 , etc etc etc. . . everytime i just get weird error message like `` Gathering Exception '' and so on . compatibility issue , NVIDIA 's support Team say . Great . so I have to uninstall this piece of trash and throw it away , go back to my old reliable ATI Radeon 9200SE and guess what : I be back in business ! , now I can play those game again . flawlessly . so in my own personal experience : NVIDIA be NOT RELIABLE , it do not work , it be garbage . ATI do the job , it just work ! so my advice : DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT , it be unstable , unreliable , have no technical solution , latest driver do not do anything to solve compatibility issue . and for Amazon 's service : flawless , as usual . thanks guy ! 840 GraphicsCard POS 5 can barely contain my excitement while i make this video , I hope you guy enjoy it 1050 stock coreclock 1250 mem clock 1280 Stream Processors 2gb video ram 511 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I order one of these base on the picture and text . both say it have a S-Video port . the card I get have neither ! the part number on this item and the part number on the box be the same . also the text indicate that a extra low profile bracket be need . not true . 105 GraphicsCard POS 4 my previous video card be a GeForce 8800 gt Alpha Dog Edition . xfx make good on the warranty previously so this be my second 8800 card . when it quit I need a quick replacement and be hopefull the gt 520 would live up to the expectation . I be wrong but could not financially afford a higher quality card at the time . I be still use the gt 520 but will replace it once I can afford . this be no fault of the retailer and I would recommend purchase from they , most definitely !!!! 662 GraphicsCard NEU 3 there be a lot to cover about EVGA 's FTW gtx 670 , so I will try to be succinct and address the major point . one thing to get out of the way first - these card must be keep at a operating temperature lower than 69 degree Celsius -lrb- C -rrb- . once that threshold be surpass these card automatically downclock , thereby hobble the capability of you $ 400 part . so if you read comment talk about hit temp in the 70s under load please be aware of the disadvantaged performance these `` reviewer '' be oblivious of . now , back to the evga ftw ; forget everything you have read on forum about this card be cool and quiet . although some people may have receive golden specimen the average card be likely to run hot -lrb- and therefore loud -rrb- due to design . Technically speak the reference cooler will keep the card below 70C , if just barely , but it do so at the cost of human decency - once the fan speed hit 70 % this thing sound like a turbine . loud . after go through three of these card -lrb- each with its own `` unique '' quirk , my favorite by far the one that run solitaire at 53c -rrb- I feel confident prognosticate you will likely hit the 70 % mark as well since waste heat be trap by the shroud , thus the card get baked good and proper while the lone fan struggle to expel it out the back . people who opine this setup be advantageous be dead wrong . or deaf , perhaps . let I save you some trouble : the ftw I receive could not run at a tolerable volume while adequately cool the card . period . I have invest more unpaid man hour dink around with fan curve in precision x than I care to count , so hopefully you will not have to endure the same . grant , if you be use to a noisy 4000-6000 series radeon or 400-500 series gtx then yes , this card might sound comparatively `` good . '' to you . to everyone else it sound like Barbie and she pal be throw a hairdryer slumber party in you computer case Malibu dream house . Let 's talk about overclocking . some interweb denizen have be vocal about hit 1300MHz core . well , I do test the ftw card and find none of they come even close to that speed . and the small bump they be able to hit ? meaningless , as the card automatically throttle at 70c . I do realize individual mileage vary and some people be get great card but I do not think this be by any mean the norm base on the three example I have . I would characterize the OC potential of these card as `` abysmal '' due to the horrific thermal profile and also the fact most of the oc headroom have already be squeeze out -lrb- first by Nvidia , then evga -rrb- . again , I could not keep these thing cool and quiet at STOCK so my oc forecast be decidedly grim . unless you love noise . lot and lot of noise . it may sound like I loathe the evga 670 ftw . I do not . the same do not hold true for the trove of hype and misinformation about this particular model card , however , which be why I have take the time to write . still , I will end on a positive note because this card do have a purpose in life -lrb- just not my life -rrb- . so who should buy this card ? - folk that do not oc or ever plan to , who be look for a good stock card - this one 's factory oc would at reference price , a no-brainer . - folk that do not care about noise , who game at crazy stupid volume or with headphone . - parent -lrb- evga be a U.S. company with good customer support , so if you buy this for you spoil progeny you 'll be well cover for 3 year -rrb- . - amd fanboi . I would like to take a moment to comment on how astronomically incredible Amazon have be throughout this entire ordeal . from the glittery pixeljunque card to the 50c + solitaire card to the freak ramjet-on-my-desk card they have be totally commit to resolve thing positively , and have deal with these rma courteously , pleasantly and swiftly . bravo - chalk up another lifelong customer and advocate . my fellow consumer , you would be wise to follow suit and shop with the best lest you be leave with , ahem , egg on you face . P.S. Case airflow and static pressure be excellent , ambient temp be 68f , 700W PSU with 50a on the rail , no old driver etc. etc. . will give 600 series one final shot before I defect to the red ... 654 GraphicsCard POS 5 Works great . just attach it and download the driver . now 7.9 window experience on graphic and no lag with game . great job guy . 86 GraphicsCard POS 5 this graphic card be awesome i can play minecraft max out its ideal for anyone just start on a gaming pc with a low budget 399 GraphicsCard POS 4 run this in my HP dx2200 with Ubuntu 11.04 it do the job . it take a little load off of the RAM and CPU without require a psu upgrade -lrb- I have a 250w -rrb- . my motherboard be a older msus with the ATX chip set , so i have no driver issue and the DVI port work like a charm . 231 GraphicsCard POS 4 this GPU be so efficient compare to the Nvidia gpus -lrb- especially my gtx280 this card be replace -rrb- . it be more powerful than my old gtx280 but it draw much less power and generate less heat . at first I be a little hesitant to migrate from Nvidia to ATI just because it do not have `` physx '' . but after play some game that support `` physx '' , I actually do not notice significant difference that I could notice immediately in fast-pacing game . one note that , the driver be a bit buggy in Windows 7 . under low stress , the bottom of the screen would flicker when scroll -lrb- ie . when browse the net -rrb- and it be somewhat annoying if the computer be use for web browse regularly . however , if the card be under high stress -lrb- ie . play game -rrb- , the bug seem to disappear . give that I install this card in a gaming machine , I do not feel this as a big problem . but people who use they computer for web browsing , or light office work , might want to consider this too . as far as Asus DirectCU II cool system , it be huge -lrb- even larger than the card itself -rrb- , but it do cool the card very well . it stay in somewhat low RPM even under load so it be not too noisy . temperature be in the 30s under low load and get up to 70-ish under full load -lrb- card be overclock to the maximum as well -rrb- . Bottomline , other than the driver itself , I could not complain about this card . 462 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have be want a new video card to replace my aging nvidium 8800gt that have serve I well for many year now . after review dozen of card , I take a chance on this gtx560 as a worthy replacement candidate . so far it have meet all my expectation . before buy a new graphic card , my concern be the basics for item such as stability , reliability , performance , and noise . several of these item I could only gauge base on review and feedback from other . I 'll address each of these item to the best of my knowledge and experience with the 560tus 448 core so far . stability : this card have be rock solid since the moment I have install it . I have not yet encounter any strange problem in game . the most noteworthy item I have encounter be that Steam warn I that my card be not identifiable in they database or that I may not be run the latest video driver . I believe this have to do with the 448 core release . I be currently still use the graphic driver that have ship with the card that come on the CD . nvidium have to incorporate this card into they general 500 series release before it will be recognize by they installer . so far I have not have any issue with the game I play . reliability : give that I have only have this graphic card for about a month , I can not really give any kind of reliability rating other than 1-month . the card come with a 3-year warranty which I do not realize at the time of purchasing . I make a incorrect assumption of lifetime warranty support on a evga graphic card . that be my own mistake . evga do offer the ability to extend the warranty at a nominal cost for anyone that be concern . it can be extend from 3-year to either 5 or 7 year base on the amount you be willing to pay . Performance : so far this graphic card have not disappointed I . give that I make the jump from a 8800gt to a gtx560tus , I move several generation upward in graphic performance . I be currently drive a 24 '' -lrb- 1920x1200 -rrb- panel with all my game . so far this card have provide a very positive experience in the fluidity of game play . for the hardcore gamer look for benchmark number ... I do not have any . noise : the noise of the gtx560 ti 448 core be very acceptable . at idle desktop use , the graphic card noise be almost inaudible . I be currently use a Antec p183 case and it sit on top of my desk within 18 '' inch of my ear . the idle temp be in the 50c range and the two large fan and heat sink do a good job keep it cool enough at lower rpm to not make for a annoyance . during game play there be a audible difference . I can hear the fan a little bit more , but it have not detract from any game play nor have it become annoying . the fan have never increase in RPM enough to ever become annoying . I also have yet to overclock this card , so that may make a difference in the noise level of the fan if I decide to do this in the future . other notable item with this card be that it be important to make sure you have the two pcie power cable , one 6-pin and 1 8-pin . I be power my system with a PC Power & Cooling 750W PSU which have no problem hand my system . also make sure to measure inside you case to determine if you have room for this video card . this be a rather long video card . in my Antec p183 , I have to move the top-most hard drive bay down one bay and remove the drive carrier from within the case in order to fit this card . here be the spec for the system use in review this card : primary system : CPU : Intel Core i7 860 -lrb- 2.8 GHz Lynnfield -rrb- hsf : thermalright mux-120 motherboard : Gigabyte P55M-UD4 memory : 4x 2gb Corsair xms3 ddr3 -lrb- 8-8-8-24 1.65 v -rrb- Video : evga 560tus 448 core classify case : Antec P183 Power : PC Power & Cooling 750W Storage : WD 300GB Raptor 10k RPM Storage : 2x Samsung 1TB 7200 RPM -lrb- Spinpoint f3 hd103sj -rrb- dvd : Sony Optiarc ad-7240 1st Display : Dell U2410 24 ' lcd -lrb- h-ip panel -rrb- 2nd display : Dell 2001FP 20.1 ' -lrb- IPS panel -rrb- cooling : Scythe S-FLEX sff21d 120mm Case Fan OS : Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate 106 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video adapter be great for add a 2nd\/3rd display to you laptop . the refresh rate be not great , but its more that adequate for business application . it even work well enought for video chat . overall , I have be very happy with the device . it also come with a helpful app that allow you to move the screen a window be display on by hit ctrl + screen # -lrb- something Windows 7 should provide out of the box -rrb- . 948 GraphicsCard POS 5 here be my computer setting : Dell XPS 8300 i5-2300 2.8 GHZ , 6G RAM , 128GB SSD , Integrated graphic . I play Starcraft II a lot . the game be slow even if I use medium graphic setting -lrb- resolution :1600 x900 -rrb- . go through a few forum , I settle with this card . here be what I find : pro : 1 : it be very very quiet . my power supply be 460w . it be plenty for this card . 2 : the window experience index score be now 7.8 -lrb- Integrated graphic 5.2 -rrb- 3 : Starcraft II -lrb- utra high graphic setting -rrb- : fp be between 54-101 . average :75 -lrb- use the integrate graphic , I only get 14-30 . -rrb- 4 : it have two 6pin power connector I do not need they as my power supply have they -rrb- . it also come with a VGA to DVI adaptor . this be really handy . 5 : Surprise and bonus : there be no description on Amazon site that this actually include a free game : dirt3 : . 6 : Great build quality 7 : 3d experience -lrb- I have not test yet -rrb- con : 1 : this be large card . you want to make sure you motherboard have enough space for it . Tips : this can be personal experience . when I first install the card , I notice the fan noise immediately and it could not be recognize and my monitor show no signal . so I plug my monitor back to the integrate graphic card and install the driver . then I plug my monitor to the graphic card and power on the machine . then fan noise be disappear and it become very very quiet . I see signal in the monitor . Windows 7 start to recognize the new card and install the driver for it . the resolution still do not look good . after a restart , my two monitor be recognize and be set to they maximum resolution automatically . overall , I really love this card . this be great graphic card that you will not regret buy it . update -lrb- 09\/27\/2011 -rrb- the card be still rock . it take I two week to finally get the AMD stream key to download dirt3 . the game have 11gb download size . I follow the instruction on the coupon code card . after fill out all the info , submit , be ask to upload a scan photo of the coupon for evaluation . Make sure you sign up they newsletter when submit the code . otherwise you will receive no confirmation . I do not sign up in the beginning . no response after one week . I contact they through web form . still no response . then I re-do the process and sign up the news letter . I get response from they after two day . they say they be evaluate all the submission ... anyway , great card , bad service from AMD . Update -lrb- 06\/05\/2012 -rrb- some people report that dirt 3 be not include any more . 530 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : 1 -rrb- fantastic cooler . quiet , efficient and powerful cooling ability keep the temp down and the clock up . I manage to clock up to a insanely high 960mhz core clock -lrb- from the stock 800 -rrb- with no voltage increase while keep maximum temp at 69c under full load . fan do not go above 60 % and remain incredibly silent . that be a 20 % increase in performance over the stock 6950 !!! 2 -rrb- eyefinity be a true wonder to behold . this card have the performance to maintain playable framerate use a triple monitor setup with a border compensate resolution of 6408x1152 . 3 -rrb- Free game ! dirt3 and Deus ex Human Revolution include with purchase . what a great value . con : 1 -rrb- due ex activation key be receive with no issue , but AMD 's dirt3 promotional page be down at the moment , mean no free dirt3 for now -lrb- seem to be a common complaint with this promo page -rrb- . 2 -rrb- the cooler on this card be very effective , but at the same time make for a somewhat lengthy card to install in smaller case . not a big deal for anyone with a mid\/full tower case . Bottom Line : Quiet , effective cooling result in crazy overclock without worry of overheating -lrb- 69c max on my card vs. the usual 90c on stock cooler -rrb- . great value with the include game - assume AMD reactivate they dirt3 promo page sometime soon . fantastic eyefinity performance for a minimal price . 201 GraphicsCard POS 5 fenomenal video card . . price and quality . . all game play in full hd and max resolution . . i be very happy . . evga with NVIDIA perfect match . . any noise perfect cooler in progress 469 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have be work with other 6950-based card and be have a hard time get my temperature under control . I decide to experiment with a higher price-point on a device that review better and appear to have better thermal control -lrb- two fan , etc -rrb- . the difference over my ` whatever the cheapest 6950 be ' be marked ... I have script that vary the chip frequency in order to keep it below my max temperature -lrb- 85c -rrb- . other card all end up peg at 85c with the clock rate be vary to keep it there . this one stay at it be max with stable temperature in the 70 . the net effect be roughly at 30 % increase in the yield of the card . well-worth the price premium . 643 GraphicsCard POS 5 I upgrade from a 9800gt and now I can finally play skyrim without a problem . this card be pretty big so make sure you have room in you case for it . I have a x79 setup in a hafx-942 case so its a nice addition to the rest of the hardware . 274 GraphicsCard NEG 1 install this ` graphic ' card on my AMD quad 9600 Phenom equipped pc . go from a old GeForce 9500GT w\/512mb of video RAM to this soup up AMD Radeon hd6450 w\/2 gb of video RAM . be thinking I would increase my WEI by a few point -lrb- from 6.1 on the old card to something higher -rrb- . install the latest driver and control . my graphic index be now 4.3 . try several graphic and there be no difference between the old card and the new . a total waste of time and money . would not recommend this card if they be give it away . 890 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need another monitor but do not want to buy a internal video adapter . StarTech external video card work as advertise . I be able to install and use the adapter in a few minute . I do not have any problem or need to troubleshoot to get the Startech adapter to work . great product . 941 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I purchase this card for a new pc I build from scratch . spec on my gaming rig be thus : ASUS P8Z77 pro board core i7 2600k Sapphire Radeon 7870 OC 2gb 16 gb RAM Corsair Vengeance black Samsung 830 128gb ssd -lrb- system + only major app -rrb- Seagate Barracuda 2 tb 7200 RPM HDD Cooler Master tpc-812 heat sync Cooler Master HAF-X Blue Edition -lrb- newegg exclusive -rrb- + all fan for all fan slot Cooler Master silent pro gold 1000w power supply Sony dvd burner win 7 64-bit only run a single monitor , 24 '' ACER on the DVI port Processor temperature do not get too high nor do the video card temperature . in fact , my box stay very cool . Processor idle temp be 29-31 Celsius . when play Skyrim on ultra , the processor can get to 57 Celsius . I have 2 fan blow directly on my GPU as well - one from the side and one blow toward the back of the computer . when play game for long period of time , 3 + hour , at least once in this time period my screen will go black -lrb- video signal be lose -rrb- , the fan will spin at max , and the only way to stop this be a hard shut down by hold down the power button . there have be a lot of document case online . just search for `` Sapphire 7870 crash '' or `` Sapphire 7870 black screen '' and you will see page of precisely this issue . apart from these crash , this be a good mid-range card . it run at low temperature and deliver good frame rate . however , the constant crash have leave a bad taste in my mouth . since it be be over the 30 day with Amazon , I 'll see if my credit card company will refund my purchase . I really want to like this card base off of the review I read at Tom 's hardware and other source . but the regular crash make keep this card untenable . I have also read that people who have RMA would this card still experience the same issue with they replacement . I 'll probably end up go for the EVGA GeForce GTX 680 with the dual fan . this have be my first experience with radeon on the pc and with Sapphire Technology card . 682 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I purchase a evga hd570hd card with the rebate . they make you enroll for any number of registration and signup to even enroll you rebate . after agree to receive all they advertising and other b after 10 week I finally get the rebate check . I take the rebate check to Chase Bank -lrb- also my bank -rrb- upon which the check be draw and Chase refuse to pay on the check state that the check be draw on a invalid account . I contact evga and after 4 day get a appology . EVGA say they would replace the check . no doubt another 10 week wait . they have go dark about my request for reimbursement for the fee I be be charge by Chase for they bad check deposit . bounce rebate check be a inexcusable business practice . knowingly send out rubber check be a disgusting way for any company to treat they customer . I will never buy another evga product again . buyer beware - if you hope for a evga rebate be alert that you may never get you money and you may incur additional bank fee due to they fraud\/mistakes . you will also have to incur countless time on the matter . 509 GraphicsCard POS 5 actually i recommend because it be amazing card , but i dont like the price , i be happy with this video card 347 GraphicsCard POS 5 I build my pc for gaming , and it just work great . this Video Card have a great performance . the graphic be just amazing , I can play the newest game and wach every detail . it be incredible . this be my pc : Motherboard Intel DX79SI Intel 3930k Processor Intel thermal solution liquid evga GeForce GTX 580 classified ultra , 3072MB Creative Sound Blaster recon3d thx pcie fatal1ty Champion Sound Card Corsair Vengeance 16gb ddr3 1600mhz pc3 12800 Quad Channel cmz16gx3m4x1600c9g -lrb- x2 = 32gb -rrb- western Digital Caviar Green 2 tb Desktop Hard drive WD20EARX Corsair Professional Series Gold 1200-watt 80 plus Gold certified High-Performance Samsung SH-B123L \/ RSBP Internal DVD-Writer Corsair Obsidian 650D Aluminum Mid Tower ATX Enthusiast Computer Case - black cc650dw-1 669 GraphicsCard POS 5 I spend all day on the computer at work and at home , usually with several window open for reference on the same project . my laptop -lrb- Dell e5410 -rrb- only support two monitor through its built-in graphic card and I want a third to avoid all the window switching I do now . I receive the adapter , download and install the latest driver from Startech -lrb- as explain in the package -rrb- , I plugged-in the adapter and connect the cable . 5 or less minute later I have 2048x180 on 3rd monitor . no problem with performance or app error , seem very stable . 504 GraphicsCard POS 5 after purchase and install this in my rig , it have outperform all my expectation . Run SWTOR on max setting beautifully . play game like Crysis 2 , Dead Space 2 , Far Cry have all be flawless . battlefield 3 be almost all on max setting . mw3 max out . wow play fantastic but its not a GPU heavy game but still make it look very nice . get a strong 7.8 Windows score . install afterburner and have it now tune and stable at over 1000mhz . most of it be do without any voltage tweak whatsoever . I think it be stable at 1040 with no voltage as I stress test it with Crysis and Crysis 2 . after 3-4 hour on Crysis it show sign of artifact . I back the clock down to 1020 and its be stable since then . after I voltage adjust it , I could maintain 1040 with no issue . have not go higher as it work great for the game I play . great card with enormous OC potential . stay cool even at OC would spec . Heatsinks and the copper pipe dissipate the heat very well . 906 GraphicsCard POS 5 receive 2-3 day before expect . take about 15 + minute to install and download software . the change in antique pc amazing . Grreat price , service and evga be amazing . after read many review , evga seem to be the best choice . I agree ! 305 GraphicsCard POS 4 let I start out with a forward by say the card be a beast ! I upgrade from a mid-range 9800gt to this thing and get dx11 support , thrice the graphic process power , and a card that can run everything I can throw at it at 40fps or above . I do not really fancy the Dirt 3 that much , but hey , a free game be a free game . if you be into GPGPU application then this one be definitely a home-run hitter with its 2tflop compute power . mining bitcoin yield 250mh , although it falter when GPU render in Sony Vegas . however , the card be rather large . in fact , I have to rearrange some cable just to get it to fit in my case . regard actual performance ; while AMD be gain market share , the majority of game be seemingly develop for Nvidia . in fact , Deus ex Human Revolution , a game that be once often gifted with AMD card , suffer from periodic slowdown , even with this beastly card . the slowdown be not limit to this game , however , and be exacerbate by record with frap . also , the driver for AMD -lrb- namesake `` catalyst '' -rrb- be also notoriously inferior to Nvidia 's . the change be not aptly document enough , and I have yet to find how to maintain my image aspect ratio in game -lrb- all the information I find on Google be for driver at least 3 version earlier -rrb- . the molex to 6 pin adapter that come with it appear flimsy at first , you have to force the connector in a bit until it slip in . if either connector be not plug in you 'll get the fan run at jet engine speed and no display , although you usb device will be work fine . also , I would not count on that rebate . just assume it be money lose . 262 GraphicsCard POS 5 Easy to install and set up despite Vista . I must admit I be experience with atus product and make sure that I uninstall all of the previous ATI driver and software -lrb- no way around it ... or you 'll have problem -rrb- . the install software work fine and update itself without a problem . now my older Asus socket 754 machine with 8x agp do video and most game almost as well as my Athalon 64 x2 machine with pcie video card . a good buy if you be try to get some extra mileage out of a older agp board . 812 GraphicsCard POS 5 upgrade from a hd5670 to this and it be a world of difference . I think my computer be run modern game pretty decently before , but the difference be night and day now . be able to max out setting on bf3 , Skyrim , Fallout : NV , etc. . the card be huge and kind of block my sata port , but that be more my fault for not measure first . I be able to get it hook up , but about 4 of my sata port be unusable . overall very happy with this card . 652 GraphicsCard POS 5 need to add a second monitor to a work pc . install this one in a few minute , and the driver installation be a breeze . nice utility also to make change to you monitor setup\/resolution\/etc . 741 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a replacement for a card with a bad fan . it work as advertise out of the box , & its quiet . -lrb- no fan -rrb- it arrive ahead of schedule & in perfect condition . Amazon do it again ... thanks . 122 GraphicsCard POS 5 we need to get a dual monitor request up & run for a few folk at work & this card work out perfectly for the job ! 751 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I buy this card to replace a old MSI 512mb card . I figure it be time to upgrade because most game would lag on I in high detail . after look around , I find this card . unfortunately for I , I make the mistake of assume that 2gb of ddr3 ram would increase my performance . my old card get a 4.1 on the WEI . this card , to my surprise , only increase by .2 point . I be so upset , mainly because my old card have cost I only 35 $ . I would not recommend this card to anyone because for the same price you can get a card that get a 6.7 on the WEI and cost $ 60 as well . he radeon hd 6570 iceq 1 gb -lrb- 128bit -rrb- ddr3 hdmus dvi-d -lrb- hdcp -rrb- VGA PCI Express x16 2.1 Video Card -lrb- h657qo1g -rrb- I strongly recommend this instead . 275 GraphicsCard POS 5 have no issue with delivery , installation and operation . even have some documentation , which i do not have to use . hardware : HP ACPI x86 base desktop , model nr a6250z . replacement for original ge force after it bite the dust . like large heat sink , no fan - no noise , less power consumption . Make sure to install driver . 846 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card for a Dell Optiplex GX520 that I pick up cheap and have be upgrade -lrb- now -lrb- p4 , 3.4 ghz . -rrb- it be a small form factor business desktop and only include one low profile PCI slot . -lrb- no agp or pcie -rrb- the intel integrate gma950 could not accelerate Flash , nor play flash at high def full screen , plus there be no hdmus or dvi output , only VGA . after install this pcus graphic card , I can now play full screen , 1080p youtube , with Accelerated Decoding and Accelerated Rendering , 30 fp , no drop frame . CPU utilization on my p4 , 3.4 hover around 10 % -12 % -lrb- win Vista , 2GB RAM -rrb- during 1080p flash playback . I be very satisfied with this solution . \* note , this card do not have a fan . the heatsink will burn you if you touch it - it get that hot . I assume it be well engineer and this be acceptable . I have have no problem with the card or the system crash . 477 GraphicsCard POS 4 the performance of this card seem ok . it have handle anything I have throw at it with ease . I deduct 1 star for the follow reason : 1 -rrb- lack of instruction - I be force to research some stuff on the interweb to get this card to work as intend . here be a couple of hint for those who run into the same issue as I do : - power connector on card - both 6 pin cable be need , and need to be connect to you psu . not very intuitive , and not document in the instruction . in fact , the only indication that these power cable where need be a sticker on the card packaging . the little image on the sticker show only one cable , so naturally , that be how I set it up . big pita if you be build a brand new system as I be . - three Monitor support - this issue drive I crazy and require I to spend a extra $ 30 -lrb- bye bye rebate -rrb- on a active display port adapter . this model card , for whatever reason , need to utilize very specific connection if you want 3 monitor to work off of you rig . in my case , I be use 1xdvus , 1xhdmus , and 1xdisplayport -lrb- active displayport to VGA connection -rrb- . the last part be the key . the Display adapter must be a active adapter . if the adapter you purchase do not specifically say ACTIVE , it will not work . you can not use 2xdvus and 1xhdmus , as I originally have plan . you must use the display port in the mix if you want you 3rd monitor to work . the good part be that even though I be use a older 720p 32 inch Samsung as a 3rd monitor , the card somehow allow the monitor to display 1080p . run live tv and stream netflix\/hulu with ease . play around with eyefinity , but because of how my monitor be set up -lrb- 2 on desk , 1 mount on wall -rrb- , eyefinity do not really work with my need . all in all , card be ok and meet my need . would have like a little more guidance on the setup via instruction , but hopefully this review will spare you the hassle I go through . 321 GraphicsCard POS 5 the card be great , perform almost as good as a gtx 570 -lrb- 5 % - 6 % in performance -rrb- . and perform better than a gtx 570 if you overclock it . battlefield 3 on Ultra setting -lrb- everything max -rrb- will run in about 42 - 57 fp . turn AA off and you will get 55 + -lrb- Ultra -rrb- on high it will run above 60 + FPS always . since I have not use the card that much I will list the con and pro so far . . pro : - Clocked at 797mhz instead of 750mhz from MSI and 765mhz from Zotac . - look great ! - evga logo on card have a white lead so it look 's good if you have a case with a side window . - come with a awesome case badge . con : - big card . -lrb- not to I but it be for a lot of people -rrb- - hard to SLI in the future since it may disappear after a while . . conclusion : it be a great card for the price , I would give it a solid 9\/10 . 841 GraphicsCard POS 5 I purchase this external video card for my double computer monitor . it work great and i dont have any problem with the image quality . the only thing i do not realize be that it do not come with a VGA cable so i have to go to bestbuy and buy one for $ 25 but that be my own fault . order this product it be great . the free two day shipping be awesome also . 880 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have not purchase a graphic card in a while but to I this thing be huge ! I put it into a htpc case and it fit fine . I be use to play console game but the game I play with this card through steam with maximum setting be more visually appeal . I be use Windows Media Center for watch tv and I be encounter the 59\/29 issue . I be dismayed that this card be afflict by it . I also notice some stutter with cyberlink dvd Blu-Ray playback with this card as well . hdmus out work fine and overall I be happy with it . 158 GraphicsCard NEU 3 it be a stable card that have good graphical performance but , the fan would rev up really high randomly while at idle , gaming or stress testing , I must have get a bad one . evga make great video card , I just need one with a little more power with a fan that do not act up . 218 GraphicsCard POS 5 AMD know how to make gpus . they make great card , and every now and then , nail it and make a absolute perfect card . they succeed with the 5850 and it be brother 5870 and they succeed again with the 7970 . the 5850 have MASSIVE OC headroom with a start stock core clock at 725 and people easily reach core clock of 900 and above the 1 ghz mark . with the 7970 , the oc headroom may not be as large , but be still there . a start core clock of 925 and a easy oc up to 1125\/1575 be just a lower oc . I have a 7970 reference card by Sapphire , and I love it . it do run extremely hot , at around 85 degree c at 1175\/1575 . I have to set the fan at around 65 % at that temperature and the sound and heat be just too annoying for gaming for more than 10 minute . I consider buy a aftermarket cooler for around $ 80 which be review to be excellent , although a tad on the larger side , and extremely tedious to install . I own a Antec 900 case , so combination of put in another $ 80 with $ 579 original 7970 price , amount of work require and the smaller case size put I off buy the cooler . I return my reference card and switch to this one . the Sapphire Dual-X card be absolutely amazing . although the gtx 680 be review to be slightly better than the 7970 in a few category , it be important to remember that the 7970 have a larger advantage in higher resolution . this be not to say that the 7970 be bad at 1920 x 1080 . the performance of this card be ridiculous even when overclock to around 1125\/1575 , which be the max in CCC , and can reach that clock at stock voltage . however , if you would wish to oc it higher , use other program such as msus afterburner and trixx easily suffice . another amazing feature this card offer be its dual bio . it have two bio setting , one for a normal every day use and one suitable for a more aggressive oc profile . for all ocer it be recommend to switch to bio 2 , which be a simple as flip a switch on the top of the card when install but not power on , and provide so much more comfort in know if you brick one bio -lrb- extremely unlikely -rrb- you can just pop to the other one . my main original problem with the reference 7970 be the fact that it be very loud and hot . run this card at 1200\/1600 at 1.3 volt with a modest fan profile that I have only see run at 55 % , the card reach a maximum of 50 degree c and idle at around 28 deg c. this be a fantastic improvement , and the fan be nearly silent as well . the only time I hear the fan run over the case fan and operation volume be when I be torture the card in Heaven , Kombustor , 3D Mark Vantage , and other benchmarking program . this card blow the reference design out of the water , but I may have receive a card that have random kink in it . while it be not a dud and can oc a little bit , I be unable to oc it more than 1200\/1600 at 1.3 volt compare to other owner of the same card , cpu and mobo that I have talk to . yes , I know that there be many variable in ocing gpus but I think 1.3 volt be rather high for a more average clock speed . I have read multiple review of people achieve 1200\/1600 on voltage around 1.22 , and my voltage of 1.3 seem like overkill . run the card at 1200\/1600 be still satisfactory and still deserving of a 5-star rating . overall , this purchase be absolutely worth every penny . when compare to the gtx 680 at around $ 500 , with performance that rival if not outperform the gtx 680 , and for a good $ 30 cheaper , this card be a absolute must buy for computer enthusiast and gamer alike . 811 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I install the driver and when my computer restart I get black screen on my laptop . I have to restart and go to safe mode in order to uninstall the driver , so I could get my display back . I try to do it twice , and get the same result , so give up and return it . 964 GraphicsCard POS 5 First thank u , I be truly satisfied , the product be really great it be work outstanding most of the game be run smoothly . the packaging be very good , the delivery be on time , I be really happy buying from u. 499 GraphicsCard POS 5 this pcus video card work well on new and older computer aspeshally if they only have a pcus slot . I put it in a 2004 computer have a little problem get it to work right because to bio be so old it do not have and auto configure for onboard or pcus video selection , so I have to go into the bio to change the onboard setting to pcus and it work great . 51 GraphicsCard NEG 2 pro : it work as expect . con : it do not handle Windows 7 aero very well . if I have a aero theme on , all my screen get choppy . with aero off , my other screen behave well , but the usb2vgae2 one be still a little choppy . I also use a mimo um-710 usb power 7 Inch Swivel lcd Screen Mini Display the driver for the usb2vgae2 adapter be not compatible with the driver for my Mimo . because of this , I have to uninstall my Mimo . attempt to reinstall it make my Mimo work and the usb2vgae2 monitor fail . overall : it be a fair product and do what it advertise ... just not very well . you get what you pay for . 464 GraphicsCard POS 4 I love this card . it be run everything I have throw at it at max setting . the only downside be that it barely fit in my case . 494 GraphicsCard POS 5 this thing can run just about anything at max setting with little effort . I can run WOW in windowed mode while watch a blue ray on my 2nd monitor and surf the web at max setting and still get 60 + FPS . same go with every game I have throw at it . total overkill for most game but soooo worth it if you love gaming and want to play at the highest setting . now I just need to save up for a 2nd one and set it up in SLI . not sure what I would do with it , but it sure would be cool . -lrb- : 877 GraphicsCard POS 5 the card work well for online video game . my old card be too slow and this one work very well . it be quiet and I have be use it for a while with good result . 650 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need a card to replace my aging hd Radeon 4770 . this be the card for the job . use this card I be currently play Skyrim at max setting with no hiccup . I recommend make sure you have a power supply of at least 500w before purchase . also this card be large , be sure you have enough space . 336 GraphicsCard POS 5 purchase this card as a upgrade from a hd5670 and I have to say it be well worth it . Video playback be crisp and clean . I can play all my game on max setting with no lag . installation be a breeze just , make sure u have a appropriate psu with 2 6pin pci-e cable to power the card . also note that the card be very large so if u have a slim case this may not fit . 112 GraphicsCard POS 5 when I buy this , it be $ 165 , plus another $ 20 back in a mail-in rebate . for that amount of money , it be the best card you can buy . I have three monitor run a eyefinity display -lrb- one continuous display -rrb- to play Skyrim on three monitor , and I can play with the highest graphic setting without any lag . to install this card , I have to move my hard drive around so that the bay across from the pci-e port be open . this card be huge , but the cooling system be fantastic , and despite what some other review say , I can not hear the fan even on full unless I mute Skyrim . the install disc that come with the graphic card be corrupt , so I just download the software and driver from the Sapphire website . also , they do not tell you this , but you also get a free steam download of dirt 3 . it be 11gb , though , and I have not get to it yet ... 496 GraphicsCard NEU 3 i can not give a review b\/cause the video evga be not the problem 4 my pc i have have 2 purchase a new pc becaause of someone who be not well train 2 repair my pc 186 GraphicsCard POS 5 excellent 7970 . nice look , five heat pipe , low noise . Overclocks well and be stable at 1260 Core amd 1800 memory . run on x79 motherboard with i7-3930k and yes , pcie 3.0 work well . this be the fastest core and memory speed I have ever achieve . utilize heat sink on memory chip . 804 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a older pentium 4 1.8 ghz computer . it be run pretty slow and I need it to do some photoshop work . I reload window xp and update all the driver . max out the memory on the motherboard -lrb- 2 ghz -rrb- . I read some review and this Video Card stick out . it be a agp card which be the best option I have for the motherboard and it offer the most amount of memory for a agp card . when I finish the upgrade to the computer I have a real powerhouse for image editing and pc Games . the card work beautifully and I can really tell the difference in the image quality and speed of game play . I be so impressed with this video card . the other negative review appear to revolve around compatability problem . its really a matter of `` luck of the draw '' with any hardware or software upgrade . there be countless manufacturer out they make hundred of different component in a computer . there be go to be time where two piece of hardware simply do not get along . who do you blame ? the negative review seem to blame the video card . well , who be to say it be not the motherboard , bio , Faulty AGP\/PCI\/PCIE slot or power source ? it could be anything . I be just one of the lucky one I guess . I would suggest you give this one a whirl . it will install and run without a problem and it will be one of the best upgrade you can make . 575 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I install this on my work laptop . it have the laptop screen and 1 external monitor span . this device allow I to add another external monitor . the speed could definitely be improve by support usb 3 . you can certainly notice a bit of jerky motion . for work , however , this be fine for I . if you laptop or computer support usb3 , I would recommend skip this unit and get something else . my laptop only support usb 2 . 64 GraphicsCard POS 5 this ASUS be a replacement for my 6950 -lrb- unlock to 6970 -rrb- and I have to say that it be better in every single way ... I can not find a real con -lrb- perhaps the price be high , but you do get what you pay for here -rrb- . this ASUS perform better than my previous card with virtually no fan noise . those that know the 6950 know that the fan noise above ~ 50 % become painfully obvious , and give how hot those card run under load -lrb- often go as high as 80-90c for I -rrb- , high fan speed be a must . with this ASUS , I be stay below 65c under load with virtually silent fan noise . moreover , I be get better fp ! I be use a triple monitor setup and I be initially hesitant to switch away from AMD , but now that the NVIDIA 6 series have triple monitor support off of a single card , I decide to make the plunge . I highly recommend this card - it be lightning fast , use about 100 less watt at full load , run 20c cooler at load , be practically silent at load ... and be perform like a workhorse to boot . you will not be disappoint . 17 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have a xfx hd 5670 and it be a really good card for the money -lrb- 90 buck -rrb- and it run every game i can throw at it . but i be get sick of turn the graphic down to play game like battlefield 3 and it still struggle with 30fp . so i buy this card . this be the bast upgrade i have do yet !!! it be really fast , powerful , quiet , and stay cool . but u do need a lot of air flow from the side of the case to keep it cool . if you want to know it score a 7.8 weus . it run at ultra graphic with v-sync off on bf3 at 1600x900 at around 60-70fp which be phenomenal !! but be get sharp lag every few seconds ... that why i knock it down to 4\/5 star . i fix it by turn the game quality to high instead of ultra . but really ... double the fp make the game sooo much easier and the first night i have it i play a few hour on bf3 and go from lvl 26 to lvl 31 !!!! it be so much easier to hold the crosshair on the target now and be just so boss . temp idle -- 37c load -- 60c -lrb- with msus afterburner profile -rrb- i highly recommend msi afterburner for any graphic card . it keep you card cooler only when u need it and can OC and make it very quiet on idle this graphic card pull a steady 60fp in bf3 on high graphic at 1600x900 with v-sync off -lrb- v-sync lower you fp to the hertz of you screen ex . 60hertz screen = 60fp max -rrb- 630 GraphicsCard POS 5 I order this card because I be look for a 2gb 6950 from a good manufacturer with non reference cooling . -lrb- I hate Turbine Coolers with a passion -rrb- I be not look to unlock , but I do consider it a bonus . the good : it run Cold . at 900 core and 99 % load it be only 65c in my Antec p280 . in a case with better airflow , it will be even cooler . at 900mhz core its a definite upgrade from my old gtx470 at 775MHz Core . look good shader may unlock depend on the method you use . the Bad : only sapphire trixx offer voltage control for overclocking which make a otherwise great card that would be fun to push nearly useless . after one night of work with MSI Afterburner -lrb- Industry Standard -rrb- and the . cfg file change , the most I be able to do be get the Core clock to be modifiable . Voltage remain tweakable only in Trixx . if you dont mind , its a great buy , but TRIXX be a terrible program for someone who be use to Afterburner , and end up be a deal-breaker . most of the time , shader be lock , and not even a bio flash to a 6970 -lrb- which can damage the VRAM by force it to run out of spec -rrb- change that . unlock on a non first gen 6950 usually only add about a 3-6 % performance increase and ~ 80watt of power draw . Max VCore be 1.18 , mean the card be really hold back from its max potential . why 5 Stars even though I sound like I hate it ? if you be new to overclocking , want a very fast card that can do 900 core on stock voltage , or do not care about use terrible software for you overclocking , there be far worse choice than this card . it be a truly solid card , and worth every penny . but I mess up a order a card that be not what I need . that not a reflection of the card quality , its a reflection of I . Addendum : after speak with spicybomb via email , they agree to give I a refund even though it be not defective and do not meet they requirement for return . they be incredibly helpful , and very easy to work with . im send it back with the unused Dirt3 Code and Unregistered Warranty information , and ill be look for another 6950 2gb with fewer restriction . probably a he iceq or a MSI Twin Frozr II\/III . 40 GraphicsCard NEG 1 why would the product information not contain system requirement ? I order this to use with my MacBook , but right in the manual it state that window be require . if this have be in the product information I would not have order it Hope I do not have to pay return shipping ! 311 GraphicsCard POS 5 I absolutely love this card . I have three 20inch monitor and it run any game I want on ultra with no problem . I get about 40fp run Crysis on three screen with everything turn up as far as it can go . I have also overclock the card with no problem . over all I would say that this be the best deal too because it have all the stuff you need right out of the box for run three monitor , its stay cool even when overclock , and it be one of the smaller size card for those of we who dont have a big case . con I have to try a few thing but if I overclock it to its maximum its run but sometimes it lock up , and I think that be just the silicone lottery as they say . 378 GraphicsCard NEG 1 i too get this card and after hour and a half with tech support they conclude card not good to bad since i get a great price on it they say if its to good to be true well it be o well i will try again for another one . . 780 GraphicsCard POS 4 awesome card . out of the box card boost to 1241 mhz -lrb- instead of the specify 1137 -rrb- on Heaven 's benchmark without I do anything and luckily do not crash . even manage to overclock it to 1300 mhz stable . pro : - Free backplate - awesome look card - quiet as hell , even at 80 % I can barely make it out from my case fan . con : - avoid use the GPU Tweak program that come with this , several people have get red screen of death from use it . uninstall it and install EVGA precision x or msus afterburner solve that issue . should you buy this right now ? : - it be a bit of a lottery . various people that buy this card have crash at the stock speed when run thing such as Heaven 's Benchmark , bf3 , etc. . the issue be for whatever reason , the card be boost over the specify 1137 on stock setting , as state in my first sentence I receive mine at 1241 . some people have to downclock they card from stock setting just to be stable , which be a bit silly . basically ASUS overclock the card way too high and do not properly test they . honestly , I would just buy the non top version if you really want this card to avoid the lottery mention above . hopefully ASUS fix this issue for they next batch . 266 GraphicsCard POS 5 I recently build my computer from the ground up . I run my game -lrb- company of hero , Skyrim , mw3 -rrb- on maxed-out graphic , the card will overheat unless you have additional fan -lrb- I use cheap coolmaster blue led 's -rrb- and manually set the fan to around 70 % . -lrb- 100 % if you do not have additional fan -rrb- . the only time I have notice this Vidio card can not keep up -lrb- run max out -rrb- be in the tunnel in Skyrim , the screen tear . I will eventually run SLI , that be the main reason why I purcase this 2gb version . EVGA have very nice tool for overclocking , change fan speed , and testing . these tool come with the card . I be very happy with this card i7 2600k Corsair 750w PSU dual DVI monitor 269 GraphicsCard POS 5 First of all , I be not sure why anyone would buy the normal gtx 580 when this one be the same price !! anyway that be really not important , what be important be that this card be awesome . I basically purchase this so I could play skyrim on ultra and it have far exceed my expectation . I be actually play the game now with the skyrim hd mod that have even higher resolution texture and there be still no slow down . I be come from a gtx 285 and I do not think I would need to upgrade for a loong time but I guess that time have come sooner than expect . basically , if you be wonder if this card be worth the price tag , yes it be . 447 GraphicsCard POS 5 after buy some that give I the bsod this one work yay . fast service and a decent price . this adapter be a breeze to set up too 343 GraphicsCard POS 5 just get two and run slus , extremely fast - perfect without have to go straight for the 690 seller be top grade at a great price . 525 GraphicsCard POS 5 I play on a 1080p non 120 hz screen and this be overkill for it ... but it look fantastic . I feel no need to overclock with this card on a small screen but some will . hey if you can afford it , get it . if you want to wait , wait . do not over pay . there will always be something better . for upgrade nut , you know that a classify edition will come , so do what be right for you . as for I , I love it . for people who do not want to spend grab a older card for most will still perform well . 818 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card nearly two month ago for one purpose : to unlock it to a Radeon 6970 . the first thing I do before I install it be to flick a tiny little switch near the CrossFire connector . it boot up , I go straight into gpu-z and there it be : 1536 shader as oppose to the stock 1408 shader . all thing consider , this card be more about overkill and bragging rights than pure performance . unless you plan to game at anything over 1920x1080 , or multi-monitor , one of these -lrb- + unlock -rrb- will handle anything you throw at it as long as it be support by a great combination of CPU -lrb- such as a core i5 2500k -rrb- , RAM , and a quality power supply . I be see some bottleneck with my AMD Phenom II x4 955 OC 'd to 4.0 GHz , so a Sandy Bridge Intel system would probably let this card flex its muscle better than my setup . if you do plan on gaming at higher resolution or on multiple monitor , and want to get two of these card for CrossFire , make sure you read up on the issue of micro-stuttering . micro-stutter only happen on multi-card setup , specifically dual-cf or dual-slus . tri-cf and tri-slus setup do not have the micro-stutter issue , so if you be really load , have a huge , full-tower case , and a motherboard capable of hold 3 of these , then that be definitely worth try out . regardless , you should buy this card specifically as it be one of the few non-reference 6950 that allow you to unlock to the performance level of a 6970 , and the unlock process be literally just a flick of a switch . ~ $ 250 for the performance of a $ 350 be not a bad deal at all . also worth mention - I have to jump through quite a few hoop to get my dirt3 game -lrb- which require Steam , I think -rrb- . after go online to enter my code , I have to also upload a scan image of my voucher and it take AMD about 24 hour to send I a code to activate the game on steam . the reason for this be because earlier in the year , some hacker steal a whole database of dirt3 voucher code and so AMD have to go through a few more security measure before they will give you a dirt3 download code . as for the game itself , it be alright , but would probably be much better if play with a controller or a steer wheel . like all drive game , it benefit from force feedback for the steering , which a keyboard simply can not provide . 827 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be simply amazing ! when you have two it be twice the insanity ... with no adjustment to voltage this card oc 's to max CCC setting and at the same time remain quiet and cool . temp under full load oc would be relatively low , never over 65c after only 2 day of ownership I can see a vast improvement over my previous cf setup -lrb- old run 2x msus twinfrozr 6950 2gb pe\/oc -rrb- some fact and in game observation ... bf3 - all slider to max setting - 67fp - Dell 30 '' Monitor @ 2560x1600 Skyrim - Max setting - so visually stunning it will blow you away ! funny what a difference a few check box make ... and do not forget how unbelievably gorgeous these card be . the new Double-Dissapation heat sink design , ghost thermal technology and silver\/black chrome finish make this by far one of the more attractive gpus out there while deliver excellent cooling . \*\* put you hand near the card during operation reveal `` feeling '' warmer air come off the back section and rear of the card . to I that mean the card design do a good job of point the hot air out of the case . -lrb- ... -rrb- Bottom line : one of these will get you through most everything out there with a smile , BUT if you be run multiple monitor with high-re you may consider toss a pair of these puppy in you rig . you will not be disappoint . 817 GraphicsCard POS 5 my genealogy hobby have reach the point where I be review hi resolution image of old italian document . information from the document be then enter into large spreadsheet . be able to do this without have to flip between screen be a real time saver . this card have no trouble handle two wide monitor , and be not strain my 300 watt power supply . Easy installation and trouble free setup make this card a bargain . highly recommend for basic dual monitor setup . do not do gaming , so can not comment on that . 375 GraphicsCard POS 5 very solid Performance . I want a card that do not show any sign of get bog down by anything that I might be work with -lrb- Adobe and Corel graphic app. , autocad , m Office apps. , and browser -rrb- all open mingle back and forth at the same time ! this card can so far ... do what I need and have throw at it . regards , mike 853 GraphicsCard NEG 1 when the card work , it be amazing . you can run any almost any game out there on max setting and the card will not even break a sweat . HOWEVER , EVGA have have a rough time with the 670 . quality control be terrible , and many people be end up with bad 670 's from EVGA . when I receive this card , it work for a very short time , then die . I know my brand new computer be fine because I put the card into another computer and the same exact thing happen with the card in the other rig . the 670 itself be a excellent card and I would definitely buy a 670 over a 680 because you almost get the same performance for quite a bit less . my 1 star review be towards the poor quality of EVGA 's 670 , seeing that there be too many dud get ship out to eager pc gamer . do yourself a favor , avoid EVGA 's gtx 670 . you do not want to end up go through the rma process and wait a extra two week to get you card back . I do not buy this product from amazon , but I do think amazon shopper 's deserve a fair warning about this card . 327 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have 2 of these in slus in a system with the amd phenom ii x6 1100t and 24gig of hyperx ddr3 1600 ram and they be hard to beat . I have not run the 680 's yet and plan to wait till the stutter issue with v-sink be line out befor puting over $ 1000.00 into 2 more card . I only run evga video card and they have never let I down . these card run cool around 29c to 31c at idle and have not go over 55c to 60c under gaming load as the room temp go up and down . they be large and do need alot of room in you case . they take 2\/8 pin and 1\/6 pin each for power to the card . I run the xfx pro1250 power supply and it run these card well and have plenty power conection to run the 2 ulta gtx580 's . I have the inwin dragon rider pc case and with the side fan on these card just fit with no room to spare . I would think alot of mid tower case would have issue with this card as far as room to fit go . I run the card on a gigbyte 990 motherboard and it have alot of room between the pcie slot for good airflow . if you pcie slot be close together you may run into mount issue with 2 card they be large and wide . with the 2 card I can run any game or sim I have with all set max out at 60fp to 120fp . some of the flight sim I run have very high aa and af -lrb- 8\/x to 16\/x -rrb- setting but these card still run at 60fp or better with very few drop ever . most card like the gtx560tus 2gb card or the gtx570 1.5 gb card can not hold even 60fp at these high aa and af setting . they drop to 40fp and lower at time and you can tell when this happen it will cause a stutter at time . right now for the money and no issue in any game or sim I have not run a better super high performance video card . when the evga gtx680 's and the gtx670 's get line out I think they will give better performance in some but not all game and sim . from what I have see with these card they will be hard to beat gaming . 535 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card work exactly as I expect , and install it into my Dell Dimension 4550 pc . 603 GraphicsCard NEG 2 this card rank really low but its cheap . save you money and buy a better one . benchmark it 3 time and rank low low low . 988 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card arrive in only a matter of day , even before Amazon could say that it ship , which be weird because accord to they it have not leave yet ... although I be use it this moment . I run a couple of game on it and both run and look great . video and photo load , and save faster . installation be very easy , but do a search for installation tip specific to you pc and use they . no problem so far . Dell Dimension 2400 p4 2.88 MHz , 2Gig ram , win xp 287 GraphicsCard POS 4 my first issue be probably more with Amazon then the shipper . Amazon have a earliest delivery date of the 7th , and it sit in my mailbox in 100-degree weather since it have be deliver on the 3rd . I be sure the board be fry , but now that it be finally install , it seem to be work fine . installation issue : 1 -rrb- my understanding of low profile be that it should not take much much space . no matter how I reorder my card , I could not fit it in without remove a card . 2 -rrb- while set display preference and test it with various thing , I realize I have no sound . Windows tell I I have no audio device . I google and google and google then google some more . lot of people have post the same problem , but none of they have receive answer . finally I find one where a NVidia guy say that Windows sometimes recognize the card as a audio device , and you have to reboot , go into setup immediately , and change you onboard audio from `` auto '' to `` On . '' if it have not work I be go to jump out a window , which would not have do I any good because I live in a one-story house . but it be now work fine . now off to give it a workout in Everquest II : -rrb- 649 GraphicsCard NEG 1 con : card itself be severely underpowered . will not play hd movie without stuttering , even with a quad core 3.2 ghz cpu , and 8 gig of ram behind it . do not even think of gaming on this , even on lowest possible setting . will not output to a phillips tv properly over dvi or hdmus . -lrb- this be a issue with some phillip tv and nvidium card in general -rrb- , require a registry change to make it partially work . pro : low price , handle normal window usage very nicely . very low power . this would be great for a person with a low budget that need to replace a dead video card , who only play facebook game , and use they computer for mostly work related stuff -lrb- surf the net , m word , etc -rrb- . 599 GraphicsCard POS 5 unlock be so easy that even a 3yr child can unlock it . you just have to change the switch away from golden finger -lrb- crossfire bridge -rrb- and boom you have a 6970 at price of 6950 my pc config -- AMD Phenom II x6 1100t ASUS M4A89GTD PRO\/USB3 Corsair xms3 cmx1600c9 4gb Kingston Hyper X t1 4x2 = 8gb 1600mhz wd Cavier Green 1TB Crucial M4-128GB SSD Cooler master 690 ii Advanced Cabinet Cooler Master GX750 PSU Samsung PX2370 Moniter pro - 1 -rrb- unlockable to 6970 with push of switch 2 -rrb- can overclock it to HD 6970 easily with trixx software utility 3 -rrb- very quiet and run very cool 4 -rrb- constant 40 + fp for battlefield 3 , crysis 2 , assassin 's creed brotherhood with -lrb- 1920x1200 , 8xaa , everything max out -rrb- con - 1 -rrb- must give a game dvd not coupon . conclusion : buy it 265 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this as part of my budget gaming pc ; I mainly play sc2 which it can run on ultra setting -lrb- I usually just play on medium\/high -rrb- GPU temp go to ~ 55c if I be run sc2 for a few hour on medium\/high ; should also be note that I have a Antec three Hundred case w \/ very nice cooling overall very good graphic card and very quiet 252 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card perform wonderfully , great graphic with no problem . the fan do make a bit of noise , but nothing that be bothersome . it be quite a large card , so be prepare to have room in you case for it . also , it do take two hookup to power it , so make sure you have enough . otherwise , money well spend ! 570 GraphicsCard POS 5 the gtx 680 be here faster than the date it say it would be by 5 day and I could not be more pleased with it . once the price go down by $ 100 - $ 200 I plan to buy another because this thing be work great , and I will be put it in slus format . this gaming card be amazing I move up from a gt 460 and can not be happier with my purchase !!! 139 GraphicsCard POS 5 let I start off by say it be a very good card . it 's typically sell for $ 70 but i find it on here for $ 20 cheaper . it be easy to install and it start up fine and update all the driver and everything work great . I play CoD : MW and turn everything up and it pick up the slack for my crappy processor and it be excellent . great card for a good price , it be a bad idea to pass up something like this . have a fan on its body to cool so that help with overclocking and keep heat down . the card also ship with overclocking software from ATI and that do a great job overclocking within a safe range for you pc . my friend buy it like a year ago and it run he about $ 200 , this be a deal you should not pass up . 554 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video board work fantastic for I . I be replace a Geforce nx5600 the fan have fail . I order a evga geforce 210 but the fan be extremely noisy defective so I order a ASUS Geforce 210 silent and it arrive and would not work at all - doa . so when the ASUS Geforce 8400g arrive and work I be delighted . it be easy to install , as be the Drives & software . the performance for the price be fantastic . very pleased 395 GraphicsCard POS 4 so far so good . have work flawlessly . this be the third card type i order . the first two be not as advertised but this product plug in and do exactly what it say it would do . I end up order two more and put they in all my machine . Time will tell on how durable it be , but overall well pleased with delivery time and product performance . 695 GraphicsCard POS 5 my old graphic card be shoot , replace it with visiontek ATI Radeon HD Graphics Card . the first one I receive from Amazon do not work . I call Visiontek at first thinking I screw up the installation -lrb- it be very simple to install -rrb- they rep. tell I the new card be shoot . contact Amazon and they replace it next day mail and it be all good . the fan be a bit noisy at start up , but quiet down after a few minute . 580 GraphicsCard POS 4 buy this card to get a little more life out of my dual core machine . I have purchase the same chip for my quad core by another mfg but only one rebate allow so i have to try this gigabyte version for the dual . I be run it in xp64 , on a dual core machine , gigabyte motherboard ga-m55plus-s3g . replace the onboard video . use it with 4 gb of memory . so far pretty good with fs2004 and a few older game from about 2006 , i.e. need 4 speed series . for the price i can not complain too much . once in a while i get a little screen flicker on startup but mostly stable . enable I to run at a much higher resolution . one of the decide factor be that the chip support xp64 , although i run win7 and vista on the quad , the dual have to handle older game , so it be nice to see support for xp64 . 301 GraphicsCard NEG 1 do not buy this graphic card . unless you pair this thing with a i7 and 16 gig of ram , do not expect a lot . I buy this mainly for Diablo 3 , since it be on they `` high performance '' list on they website . I pop it in and load the latest driver , and do not see a single area of increase performance from my GeForce 9600gt , which be a extremely old card . I plan on return mine to Fry 's tomorrow . 474 GraphicsCard POS 5 great video card , best out there at the moment . as well as receive great online rating -lrb- there be 2 that be better I think 580 and one other but the performance difference be so little and the price be double -rrb- . I get it so I can play video game at high resolution and stream they life online . the FPS go from 15 to 50 + with this card ! just a advice , if you do not know this already - get a power supply 600 watt be perfect . some people say 750 or 1k but 600 be more than enough why use more electricity when you do not need it . I get this one : ocz ModXStream pro 600W Modular High Performance Power Supply compatible with Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7 and AMD Phenom 21 GraphicsCard POS 5 while the stand alone power of this card be very competitive , the real potential in this card lie in its SLI scale-ability . eyefinity on three monitor be also a nice brand feature compare to PhysX . it be support by more title . 602 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I buy this video card to give I Aero capability on a old HP desktop -lrb- 2004 model -rrb- for a Windows 7 upgrade . the video work great . the only problem I have encounter be my pc will not wake up from sleep mode . I do contact evga for support and they be responsive but could not fix the problem -lrb- it be a old computer with old bio -rrb- . for the money it have save I from a computer upgrade for another year or two so it be worth it . 563 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a very good card . fast with enough memory to handle the extra stuff . handle mw3 and bf3 on high and ultra with no problem . the card run cool with adequate ventalation . this be a good buy for gamer that want the speed without spend a mint . 729 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have be incredibly satisfy with this card . it run really really well -lrb- in spite of my terribly slow processor -rrb- and give I well over 60 fp for almost all game -lrb- except any Bethseda game , for which I get 45 , as they be more CPU intensive -rrb- . recently , my computer stop work . I be not sure if it be the graphic card or the rest of the computer . honestly , though , even if it be the graphic card that break , I would still be happy with my purchase . it be well worth it , even if only for such a short time . 258 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I be unable to use this product for my pc be not design to install this type of video card . sorry not use not rate . 172 GraphicsCard POS 5 excelente producto llego en buen estado y en la fecha acordada !! funciona excelentemente . . e una excelente tarjeta de video puede jugar cualquier juego ... 503 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card deliver incredible performance ! I just upgrade from a Nvidia Geforce GTX 570 in my sub - $ 1000 gaming rig build -lrb- push up to $ 1100 by this upgrade -rrb- and be totally satisfy . this card be killer , outperform the gtx 570 by about 10fp on max setting 1920x1080 in battlefield 3 and benchmark article show it outperform the gtx 580 by 15-20 % in most game -lrb- at about the same price ! -rrb- . also supposedly draw much less power than the previous gen of top-tier card so you should save on electricity bill vs a gtx 580 or radeon 6900 series . give the way AMD and Nvidia have be stagger they release , these top-tier card price do not move much over time . Notice how a 1 + year old Nvidia GTX 580 still sell for almost 85 % of its debut price . no-brainer to get the best card you can afford because you can sell it a year later and get the latest greatest without spending much more . if you want to see the rest of my build , check out -lrb- ... -rrb- . build it all with part and deal off Amazon ! 516 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I be excite to have buy this card and I hear great thing about it , but when i receive mine and install it i get maybe 45 seconds of use out of it before it turn on the overheat light , my display fail , and the fan start spin at max speed . I have have good experience with sapphire before and this be a huge let down from any of the card I have have before . I unfortunately can not recommend this card . 758 GraphicsCard POS 5 I uprgade my xp to Windows 7 and be in need of a pcus graphic card to provide win 7 feature and DVI output . the Sparkle card satisifed my need , as it provide a DVI output , and have sufficient performance for my need -lrb- I be not as gamer -rrb- . 574 GraphicsCard POS 5 Update 10\/14\/2011 . in the 2 week I have run my evga 590 I have have several people contact I via email on my profile with question . yes , it do show up in sisoft sandra as 2x580 's sli'e and not a 590 -lrb- at least my version of sandra - later version may learn to recognize the 590 card -rrb- . yes , I have run the 3dmark11 demo on the card and its goregeous , but no I will not make this a video review because that would mean cut the 16:9 down to amazon 's 4x3 format for review and super compress the datum to fit amazon 's video limit -lrb- the hd output file from my pro 3ccd camera be huge -rrb- until the quality of the original be go . I shoot the 32mark11 run 1920x1080 with a 1920x1080 camera carefully allign on axis of the monitor , exit the sound with fiber and go fiber to xlr into the camera 's line input for sound to produce a AVCHDPRO file of the demo . if you be serious about the card and want to really see the stunning hd video then please email I - I may convert the AVCHDPRO into AVCHD and then setup a download site on my server for the hd datum that you can watch in window media player at 1080x1920 , as it be mean to be view , with full stereo sound , but limit to people who have a system that warrant view hd , so please include you system config and I 'll reply with a download site \/ password if there be interest . there be 2 3dmark11 demo - the submarine and the jungle - with fulll lighting and smooth motion it be eye candy . -rrb- original review below : I buy my geforce 590 after upgrade a oem system which come with a geforce 2xx series to a geforce 480 now on craigslist with 1 year of use . I be amaze at the performance difference . the upgrade to the 590 have 3 time the memory , 1024 cuda core -lrb- essentially it be two gtx580 's SLI'ed in one card - it also need 4 ea slus power cable to run , along with a 850w p -rrb- . I do a lot of NLE video editing -lrb- hd 1080p\/1080i -rrb- and the 1024 cuda core really chew through hd video in a short time . the 590 be the BLEEDING edge , so there be some thing to keep in mind . first , you will need a power supply with 4 -lrb- four -rrb- of the normal 6 pin slus connector . the 590 come with two adapter - each take two 6 pin slus 's and make a 8 pin plug that fit one of the two 8 pin socket on the card . both socket must be fill for the card to work , so you will need 4 ea 6 pin slus 's or 2 ea 8 pin nvidium slus power cable to run the 3gb\/1024 processor graphic card . second , you will probably need to make a bio change . I lose my digital audio output - in fact I lose all audio output ! - basically you must go into bio setup and change the motherboard audio from `` auto '' which choose the dvi card to `` motherboard '' or just `` ON '' \/ `` default '' . my mobo be factory set to auto and once I switch it per the nvidium knowledgebase -lrb- very good btw -rrb- it find my optical audio output and headphones\/6 jack on the back . go from the 480 to the 590 also be a cleaner card . the fan on the 480 be smaller than the 590 . through the 590 's fan you can see the expensive japonese low-esr capacitor . it be basically a computer in and of itself . it will still require 2 slot - the \/ 16 slot along with the next card over for the fan , which be now in the middle of the card . on my 480 I get 3 monitor , however one use a micro hdmus , along with 2 dvi 's - on the 590 you can have 4 -lrb- yes four -rrb- monitor , and now they use the more robust mini-display-port instead of the micro hdmus which do not sag or bend the connector . get 4 monitor on a single card be pretty impressive -lrb- 3 dvi plus the minus display jack -rrb- . installation be easier with the 590 as there be no heatpipe extend above the card , as with the 480 . I will post a picture of both card on the static free foam - the 480 be in the foam and the 590 be remove from the foam with the larger fan . altogether , the 590 be simply the best graphic card -lrb- imho -rrb- on the market today . it be like have 2 580 's sli'e inside the same box . gamer will no doubt be thrill with its performance . note however that this review be for October 2011 . com soon to a store near you will be the evga nvidium 600 with performance and price exceed the 590 . Video and photographic user will find that the adobe cs5 package use the 1024 cuda core in such a way that the program be lightning fast . it be a very good investment in upgrade a old computer . 230 GraphicsCard POS 5 when I first buy this graphic card , I originally buy it from Amazon but they send I a bad product so I have to re-order from NewEGG . thanks for that btw , Amazon . since get this card to replace my aging gtx 560 ti -lrb- ftw -rrb- , I have be most pleased with its performance . the 560 ti could not run most game at 720p on high setting . at would lag and frame rate would drop dramatically . the gtx 670 FTW Edition smoke the 5 series card . with over 1,300 core and 2 gb of memory , you will not need another video card for year . hell , by the time this card be outdate , you could just get a second one and you have enough power to last for 2 more year and only spend half what you do prior . I highly recommend spending big on you first real video card . I get this one for 400 usd but I also get a good deal from newegg because I receive coupon for free copy of assassin creed 3 and Borderlands 2 . Performance be off the cart . the temperature be steady and when you use EVGA precision x to control the fan speed automatically , you never have to worry about the temperature rise above 120 degree fahrenheit . plus , it be quiet . it will not disturb you while play the more non-intensive game like turn base Strategy . there be only one downside to this card and I do not count it against it at all really . the card be large in size so you must have a larger style , or FULL size tower case to fit this thing . also keep in mind that it require two 6-pin connector from one of you power supply rail . Make sure you have a minimum of 750 watt of power available to you . the newer power supplies should have no problem support two of these baby . I 'll see you all on the digital battlefield ! 913 GraphicsCard POS 4 as describe , this will allow you to use a second monitor on you computer when you do not have a proper graphic card . especially important when you do not have any VGA or DVI port on you computer , and only have usb port available . 843 GraphicsCard POS 5 excellent value . high end . big card use two pcie slot . well make . excellent graphic display . quiet fan . 519 GraphicsCard POS 5 I do have to buy a new power supply -lrb- mine be a 250 watt -rrb- but the product arrive quickly and install painlessly . I buy it to run Starcraft 2 , and it run on Ultra -lrb- or extreme , I can not remember -rrb- it run on the highest setting without a hiccup . the card be somewhat large due to the fan assembly -lrb- it will take up the room of two card -rrb- but it only need one slot to plug in to . it also need a 6 pin power connector from you computer 's power supply . it do not come with a converter . 13 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card replace EVGA GTX 285 which have 240 CUDA core -- gtx 560 ti with 448 CUDA core ; I definitely notice a difference with my 3d programs-rendering time be quite a bit faster . card require 2 6-pin power connector ; the instruction refer to as '' +12 volt Rail Amp '' . the card be easy to install ; however , I be unable to load driver from the website so I end up have to use the CD driver as well as other reviewer . I trust evga as my gtx 285 be still work ; I replace it because I want to have the ability to connect my tv and 2 monitor to the card . resolution and refresh rate be very close in comparison to the 570 which I almost buy , however , the selling point for this particular card be the output -- that be it have a Display-Port and a regular size hdmus port rather than the mini hdmus port -lrb- find on the gtx 570 - and other higher end card of this type -rrb- as well as the additional CUDA Cores . 750 GraphicsCard POS 5 we get this for a older HP with xp install . some of the newer game would not perform properly with the old card . Amazon have the best price . the install be very simple and it have make such a difference . we do also install a 500 watt power supply at the same time to prevent overheating . this be suggest by some techy on informational site . I 319 GraphicsCard POS 5 recently purchase the Sapphire 3850 to replace my burn up video card for my 2004 custom build tower . this card breathe new life in my old 1g computer and have save I a bundle for the immediate future -lrb- not have to replace my old system -rrb- . simple installation and no hunting on the internet for current driver update be need . this card be considerably longer in length than my previous video card and it be a tight fit in my coolermaster case . in my search , good APG replacement card be become hard to find as all the rage be the PC Express pin style ; however . the Sapphire Radeon 3850 seem to be a excellent alternative and at less than $ 130 it be a great investment . I be very pleased and would highly reccommend this product . 88 GraphicsCard NEU 3 solid product bad engineering on CPU bracket . when purchase I think this would be quite easy to install since I have over 20 year experience . this be not so the biggest problem be with the CPU bracket be poorly design . it consist of loosely install the bracket and then twist the CPU heat sink into position then tighten the bracket down . do not sound very hard but actually to accomplish this I have to install the heatsink on the motherboard before install the motherboard , and work with three large piece the motherboard , video card and the radiator install all at once prove to be a challenge without break something . 950 GraphicsCard POS 5 I can not wait to play Borderlands 2 on it . it run cooler than my old gtx570 . 4 gig of ddr5 to play with , I be in heaven . 236 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be awesome ... editing , render and transcode within Adobe Premiere be fast , cgus from Lightwave blaze , the dual monitor setup be sharp with good color control . well worth every penny . 902 GraphicsCard POS 5 very good card for the price , get mine for 159 be on sale so couldnt pass up . like i post above this do not come with free dirt . Didnt really care for the game so didnt make a difference to I . some thing that be not list on here , newegg , or the sappire website be : core clock-900mhz Stream Processors-1120 Stream Processing Units Effective memory clock-1050mhz everything else standard with the hd 6870 . currently have mine overclocked to 925 . when in use get 50-60c -lrb- with no add cooling unless you add some water block which of course will lower the temp -rrb- . havent really test how far the card can go , but with the game that i do play on a constant basis : Counter strike source : 60 fp max everything dota 2 : 60 fp max everything build : cpu : fx 6 series mobo : gigabyte ud3 ram : 4 gb corsair 1333 psu : corsair tx 750 919 GraphicsCard NEU 3 this product be useful whenever the goal be just show image on multiple display . the point be the device datum transmit rate be low and it be not good for show motion -lrb- movie , Games , etc -rrb- and if you do that you can just see a fix image of movie . other important thing you face with this product be , there be no additional monitor in device manager and you should use it be own very simple application to manage the extended part 58 GraphicsCard POS 5 I can not tell how this compare with previous Nvidia GTX generation because the last consumer graphic card I own be a 9800gx2 . at it be time that be one of its best but still could not handle Crysis at maximum setting . this on the other hand cut through Crysis and Crysis 2 like butter at 1920x1200 with everything set to maximum . the card be quiet and look very cool inside my black on the inside pc case . I do not see any reason to buy a second for slus because this can handle anything . diablo 3 also run without hick-up in case you be wonder . I be finally pleased and overjoyed to own a card like this that can handle everything I trow at it , maximum setting without the noise and heat of older generation card . and of course you can not go wrong with evga . the package contents and presentation be top notch and so be the build quality of the card . I really love this card ! 748 GraphicsCard POS 5 I try video card and other product that claim to do what this one do , but none of they work . the StarTech USB\/VGA adapter be easy to load\/setup , and once activate I have both monitor show what I need in 5 minute . this unit work great , and I be recommend it to anyone who need to run a `` two screen '' application of any sort . I be run pro tools and need to split the screen so I can follow all the application without have to constantly close this , minimize that , etc. . 341 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install this onto the mother board easy peasy , and boot up . go to nvidia website and it automatically update and install . this improve my computer performance , and I now have 2 monitor as a extended workspace ... it be really great ! 440 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy two of these card for crossfire , and i must say they be the best perform card that i have ever have . very nice graphic and very fast card . 683 GraphicsCard POS 5 three of my son and I have be play SWTOR since release and have a blast . however keep three gaming machine update be always expensive . when a friend offer a i920 & mb at a good price I jump at it . after install the frame rate really be not much better than he 3.06 GHz Pentium dual core ... yea they be a little better but it be apparent the older 8800 gt -lrb- 640 -rrb- be the bottleneck . I spend the past two week read everything online about this , the 7770 , 7750 , 6850 , GTX 560 -lrb- se and non -rrb- the 550 Ti etc. . . I want to make sure he could run high setting @ 1080p and stay well above 30 fp in warfront and in the station . there have be report of AMD card have issue in the station so I be a little worried but decide that this look to offer the best bang for the buck . the purchase be definitely the right decision . I install the card today and with the i920 at stock speed we have not see the FPS drop below 35 with everything set to max and it be average about 60 . the lighting , the shadow , aa everything look beautiful and so far the 12.3 driver be stable -lrb- he have be play about 4 hour straight now -rrb- . in most of the world it be run 70-100 fp and it be actually cooler -lrb- temp wise -rrb- than the old 8800 GTS . I actually think the 2d , text be crisper , look better as well . we have not try it with any other game as I just rebuild the system but I have full confidence it will run whatever we throw at it well . as a long time , since the original Riva TNT -lrb- STB Velocity 4400 anyone ? -rrb- , Nvidia ogre this card have make I reconsider that bias . I be definitely go to consider AMD card for the other system as well ... kudos to AMD and Sapphire on a great card . score higher than the average 6870 on PassMark G3D mark as well , 2939 which be close to the average of a gtx 470 . if you be look for something to play current game at 1080p , most game at high , with room to grow I would highly recommend this card . 12 GraphicsCard POS 5 so far im extremely satisfied with this card upgrade from a 5770hd . its very quiet , 2gb vram , idle around 28c , its OC , and two fan ! bf3 i get +45 fp with most ultra and high setting same go for the witcher 2 and 60 fp for skyrim . my spec : Amd phenom iix4 955 3.2 ghz Gskill 8gb ram 650w antec psu Asus m4a7xtd evo mobo the only con i would say be it didnt come with second video card lol . 980 GraphicsCard POS 5 install in a snap and work great ! run everything I have smoothly and at max setting . no driver issue like I have with my ATI card . one word of advice , however , if you buy this card from a place that offer extended warranty , do not do it . evga offer they own extended warranty at a much cheaper price . I would certainly buy this card again . also Amazon shipping be great as usual . I choose the 1 day option since this be a `` emergency '' replacement and they have it at my doorstep within 24 hour on a Saturday . this be a win win purchase ! 732 GraphicsCard POS 5 firstly ignore the idiot 's `` 1 star '' review '' . this be the most powerful card out there to push any of the new title be release . I love it and the price much better compare to anywhere else . right now i be save up to buy a second card ! ^ _ ^ 864 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have get a three monitor setup -lrb- 2 x 23 '' lead and 1 x 47 '' lcd -rrb- . the 47 '' be power by this adapter . installation to use take about five minute , with very simple instruction . it do exactly what it say . highly recommend . 569 GraphicsCard POS 4 THIS CARD be STILL EITHER HAVING DRIVER issue or just a bad and slowly die card . crash all the time in game and have issue do simple thing like window score . over clock be very low compare to other with this same card . will be BUYING ANOTHER one SOON and will compare the two and see WHATS GOING ON . be sure to read all the comment on here . as of 3\/27\/2013 I have increase I rating and the comment will explain . 873 GraphicsCard POS 5 hello there , I be sure as you read this review there may have be tear shed , hair pull out , forehead bang against hard surface , scream and curse utter , more tear , frustration , and exhaustion only to realize that you be still contemplate between the gtx 680 and the infamous 7970 . be a owner of a XFX dual Dissipation Black Edition 7970 factory oce to 1000m -lrb- currently the fastest 7970 -rrb- , I be skeptical of purchase a gtx 680 due to numerous rumor that claim they have similar performance . be a compulsive shopper I buy it . I run many test and here 's what I find : after compare benchmark with both card on 3dmark and Heaven , the gtx 680 and 7970 trade blow with each other . keep in my mind that my 7970 be faster than the reference 7970s . in game such as battlefield 3 , the gtx 680 perform faster by 5-12 % in term of fp on 2560x1440 resolution with max Ultra setting 0xaa . if you have a monitor with 1920x1080 or 1680x1080 , you 'll see a 20-35 % gain in performance on Maxed Ultra setting 0xaa -lrb- as prove by popular website such as hardcanuck , overclock.net etc -rrb- . I be afraid the 680 's 2gb vram be insufficient to render so many pixel on a 2560x1440 -lrb- just like how many gtx 580 1.5 gb user experience on this resolution which be why they release a 3gb version -rrb- , but to my surprise it do a fine job and still gain lead over the 7970 by 5-10 % . I will not go into too much detail since there be ton of respected website that do , but I hope this preview from a consumer , like yourself , give you a good idea of how the gtx 680 perform . have read through so many gtx 680 review , it all come down to ask who be the real winner here ? on a clock to clock basis , they trade blow with each other . it baffle I to see so many review website deem the gtx 680 as the ultimate champion yet the 7970 do not seem to fall behind too much . with the potential ocing room of the 7970 , a overclocked 7970 -lrb- 1200 + core clocked -rrb- have the same score as gtx 680 on some benchmark though not all . on the other hand , a oced 680 definitely will be faster than the 7970 . with this in mind , there be no clear champion . however , the Kepler GK110 schedule for release in q4 be rumor to dominate both of these card hand down . then again rumor be rumor but to my surprise many of the rumor regard the gtx 680 week ahead of launch date be actually on par . so what be my point ? if you have a 7970 , you should definitely hold off on the gtx 680 and wait for Kepler GK110 as you will not find a huge performance gain . Catalyst 12.3 driver be rumor to boost some performance for the 7970 -lrb- as we all know driver have always be a limit factory for AMD -rrb- . if you do not have a 7970 , then definitely upgrade to this card -- you will not regret it . though if AMD brighten up and lower the 7970s to mid to low $ 400s , then go for the 7970 and wait for Kepler 110 . on a side note , we all know that the gtx 680 be a popular card and be sell out in almost every retail store -lrb- I have to wake up at 6am on launch date to order mine from Amazon . it only take ~ 10 minute to sell out -rrb- , but please please please avoid buy from third party seller who have exploit this new technology by buy mass quantity and sell it at ridiculously high price . this prevent many hungry user from get the card on time . for example , I have see a few seller on Amazon marketplace who have already sell a few GTX 680 for $ 635 as well as eBay for $ 650 while the msrp be $ 500 ! I call Amazon as of 3\/23\/12 to inquire when the next batch will arrive so I can sli my gtx 680 and they say next week ! be patient and have faith in Amazon . NVIDIA anticipate to sell out quick on this item and every retail want to cease on this moment , so be patient and have faith in Amazon as every store be fight to restock asap . I try to write this review in the most unbiased way . but the truth be ... -lrb- drum roll -rrb- I be a Nvidia fan boy . I have buy Nvidia card all my life because I have read horrid story of AMD driver . I purchase the 7970 because it be the fastest card available with great architecture a few month ago and I feel Nvidia really lag behind the competition race : thumb up to AMD : . generally AMD driver be not that great . they often screw up crossfire support for many newly release game , however , its important to note that AMD 's new driver give more performance enhancement to higher end card than lower end . I have have a few crash on my 7970 only to have XFX technical support advise I to use a older driver 12.1 for stability . while AMD be move backwards on driver -lrb- lol literally -rrb- , NVIDIA be move forward . they driver have always be rock solid ! bottom line be you can not go wrong with either the 7970 or gtx 680 . the gtx 680 have be prove to be FASTER , but not by much depend on you setting . chase technology be like a bottom less pit -- its never end ! but if you be patient and not a compulsive shopper like I , wait for the gk110 . keep in mind that EVGA will be release various 680 version such as gtx 680 Super Clocked\/FTW 4gb\/classified 4gb in a `` few month '' accord to EVGA 's product manager . good luck ! I hope this review help ! my current setup : Intel i7 2600k oce 4.5 Ghz Asus Z68 Pro\/Gen3 Motherboard Corsair 16gb ddr3 Vengeance Blue Ram Crucial m4 128gb ssd evga gtx 680 -lrb- slus -rrb- Zalman 9900 120mm CPU Heatsink -lrb- 35 c idle , 65 c load -rrb- creative sound Blaster Xi-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty pro Sound Card Creative Fatal1ty pro Headphones Corsair AX850 PSU Antec 900 Case Yamakasi Catleap q270 27 '' lead Monitor @ 80Mhz Logitech G5 gaming mouse Logitech K120 Keyboard Windows 7 Home Premium 769 GraphicsCard POS 5 we continue to work on go paperless . the adapter have give we the ability to be able to set up additional monitor to do so . Works well for we department . thank you . 498 GraphicsCard POS 4 as note above , this card work , be easy to install , and come low profile ready for slimline computer case . in my particular case , a early 2006 HP slimline s7320n , the heatsink on the card be slightly too big leave I with 2 option : 1 -rrb- lay the pc on its side -lrb- which I already do anyway -rrb- and do not screw the bottom case piece back in . 2 -rrb- find a different low profile card that fit better I choose -lrb- 1 -rrb- . the bottom piece of casing be not screw in and just barely be push out -lrb- the screw hole be not line up by about 1\/3 inch -rrb- . this may be undesirable to someone with a more traditional setup , and obviously I would rather be able to put the case all the way on . that say , there be simply not many video card option for we slimliner and this one be conveniently power completely by the pcus bus . finally , if you need this for a slimline , you will need a DVI cable . it come with 2 low profile bracket : 1 that utilize the S-Video and DVI output and 1 that utilize the VGA output . the one utilize the VGA be useless , at least in my case , because the card can not fit without completely disconnect the VGA . 453 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be amazing , so faster and so ship , i recommend 100 % this video card , so go buy one and get own on battlefield 3 768 GraphicsCard POS 5 have a 8x agp 128 MB Nvidia card in older pc -lrb- 5 yr old or so -rrb- and install this card to give the video a lift for more serious gaming . upgrade the CPU a little at the same time , single core Athlon from 2800 + to 3400 + . let the xp `` find hardware '' utility find the driver on the internet . it take a while to locate and install the driver but work flawlessly . beware : Card work ok but end up have to bump up the system memory , card use a lot more than old one and do not leave enough for OS , so video be choppy . have to upgrade from 1 gb to 2 gb , now it work great . 938 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this card come for my new build and I be extremely excite to get it go at speed like 1150\/5000 as these seem to be easily obtainable clock for this card after read hundred of review . Sapphire have a great reputation . I be extremely disappoint when I go to benchmark in Haven and there be artifact -lrb- black line and grainy rainbow color -rrb- across the entire screen . sadly I be return this card and have order the Asus as a alternative . I really want this card to work , I guess someone have to get the bad chip though ... 753 GraphicsCard POS 5 exactly what I need . use to add 3rd monitor use Windows xp . arrive early , follow instruction and within 15 minute be up and run . have already recommend to co-worker . 310 GraphicsCard POS 5 Nvidia deliver a incredible price\/performance card in the gtx670 , and EVGA 's FTW Edition just take it even further . it deliver out-of-the-box gtx680 performance , 680 pcb , 680 shroud and 680 cool for $ 100 less - nevermind the 680 be above srp due to the availability\/demand issue . I be not a big overclocker , so i appreciate get a stable OC would card out of the box and that if i do decide to tinker in the future this higher yield chip plus the 680 part create a more ideal platform to squeeze more from a clock\/voltage\/cooling perspective . gtx670 ftw be more than twice as powerful as my pny 560tus xlr8 1gb oc card . I double VRAM with the upgrade , which will come in handy . my psu would not know the difference since the power draw for the 670 be very similar to the 560tus . love the efficiency of Kepler . bf3 peg Ultra ... sp or64 player map w\/70 + fp no problem . Crysis 2 dx11 ultra\/high re texture ... incredibly smooth above 60fp . Max Payne 3 ... peg dx11 ultra\/v-sync off i be hit a smooth 120-140fp ! this card will allow I to indulge with iceenhancer for gtaiv and the aggresive visual mod for Skyrim without sacrifice framerate nor get bog down in PhysX title . so far the card have work flawlessly in my pc : Intel i5 2500k @ 4.0 Ghz 16GB Corsair Vengeance 1600 RAM Antec Kuhler h2o 620 Antec hcg 900watt PSU Gigabyte p67a-ud3p-b3 EVGA GTX 670 2gb FTW Edition WD Caviar Black 1tb 7200rpm\/64 mb cach Cooler Master storm scout mid atx the only con be a backplate would have be nice . also , point to the obvious : measure you mid atx case well . this card may be smaller than other ` big ' card , but it be huge and it be a tight squeeze horizontally in my Cooler Master storm scout . have power connector on the front side of the card be a blessing , or it could have be sad time in my install due to space my hdd cage take up in the case and my wiring up the middle . evga 's precision x be great utility . love the warranty and the step-up program with this vendor . I have not encounter any bug as of yet , but I be still go through the library put it through it be pace . between the day i order and 3 day later when it arrive , I notice the 5 star review on Newegg more than double . . like from 37 review to 85 ! . folk seem to be respond well to this sku and feedback have be positive compare to other OC model . this be very encouraging for the FTW 's overall stability . 680 Mac Sauce ! lol I order from Amazon , and be shock to see they simply put this in a box the height of the original packaging , with no add padding or measure of protection . just say : its $ 420 purchase . throw some peanut in , use a little more cardboard . Jeez . thankfully it be handle well and it arrive ok . so far it have be a great purchase , i be beyond satisfied . cool , quiet , efficient , powerful ... and great perf\/price ratio . 508 GraphicsCard POS 5 my card be box well , build well , and look sleek ; not that the last part matter . over many year of building rig for extreme power user to the everyday workhorse i have find two important thing with electronics : 1 . good cooling be a must , this card be great . 2 . the quality of material use must be high , no corner have be cut with this card . the capacitor be fantastic and the pcb be not too thin or flimsy . let I go back over something , a computer case be the most important part for you valuable part , a graphic card should not be use as a `` extra '' fan . true cooling start with the housing , and then you can move to higher quality material to ensure the best computing experience for you budget . why would you put a Super car engine in a cheap hatchback ? - you would not . Stay cool my friend . 323 GraphicsCard POS 5 Got this little bugger in the true Amazon rapid fashion . two thumb up ! when I open the package I be happy to discover this fat little buzzard with it be accessory and CD . I have not use sapphire product before but have hear from friend its a good bang for buck . except for eat up two slot installation be smooth . come with a adapter in case you do not have a slus power cable on you power supply . I have hear complaint about the hdmus and the hd audio have problem on installaion . absolutely no issue what so ever . the driver go right in and not a twitch or hitch . I fire up Mechwarrior live Legends and another Mecharrior game max with no studder these game be both run Crysis engine . HMDI run flawless on my 42 '' lcd . buy it , you will like it . price tag be not too high and it perform well . 29 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be a noob when it come to build a pc or know what all the certain spec for gpu\/cpu\/mobo etc. be and why they do what they do and how they do it , so do not expect a intricate review . there r plenty of those type of review out there for you to look at if u really wanna know that stuff . this be just a simple review detail my experience with this gpu . also this be my first ever review so if I miss thing I apologize . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spend alot of time reading review n research part for my first pc build . I read lot of review and forum that say this card have laser lock shader -lrb- whatever that mean -rrb- so u CAN NOT unlock the shader to the 6970 . after much research i decide to go with this card because of the 2gb memory and I have hear alot of good thing about Radeon gpu 's though I have never own one in the past -lrb- I will be stick with radeon from now on -rrb- . this card run all game i play -lrb- skyrim\/kindoms of Amalur : reckoning\/bf3 to name a few -rrb- at max graphic setting -lrb- stock not OC 'D or unlock -rrb- with out a problem . I be able to unlock my card just by flip the switch -lrb- located next to the crossfire bridge\/connector thingy -lrb- you will need a knife or toothpick or something to flip the switch since its located under the pretty plastic cover -rrb- . run cool 30 degree c at idle . it be quiet and I really like that . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unlock the shader to 6970 : I have read many review of people not be able to unlock the shader . I do not know why they could not or how it work or why some work and some do not , but there be many review and forum post to read about the subject if you be interested in that stuff . all I can tell you be my personal experience with this issue ... there be not one . I build my pc and never touch the shader switch on this card cause i want to see stock condition during gaming first . after all update and driver and all that fun stuff be finish and my game be load and test , I decide to flip the switch and see if it would unlock . I shutdown my pc , disconnect power cord , flip the switch , and restart pc . to my amazement and delight the shader be unlock from 1043 -lrb- or something like that , I can not remember exact number but it be 10xx -rrb- to 1536 -lrb- accord to gpu-z cause cpu-z would not show I any graphic info -rrb- ! it be beyond I why this card work and other do not . it be so easy !! which be good for a noob like I . no go into bio , no software to mess with and potentially fry the card , just flip the switch -lrb- away from the crossfire bridge connector thingamajig -rrb- and reboot and that be that . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- overclocking : I have not overclock this gpu because i have no need to . if it will run all game I play at max graphic setting i see no point in overclocking . in the future if i need to overclock it i will or get another so i can run they in crossfire . that be just I though . if you have to oc it for brag rights you need to look elsewhere for info on that because i have none to give . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contents : this gpu come with a driver installation cd -lrb- of course -rrb- , a hdmus cable -lrb- sweet ! -rrb- , a crossfire cable -lrb- also sweet ! -rrb- , a registration card , and a dirt 3 download card to get you free copy of dirt 3 . note : dirt 3 coupon may only be redeem between May 24 , 2011 and December 31 , 2011 -lrb- accord to fine print on the download card -rrb- . I do not even bother try to get the game cause I be not into race game and do not need something on my pc i will never use . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all in all i be very happy with my purchase of this card and have have no issue whatsoever and would recommend this card to anyone . be a great purchase for I since this be my first build ever and a huge learning experience . if you be a noob like I i would recommend this card for the simple ease of use I have with install and unlock . however ... keep in mind that some people be not able to unlock the shader on they card for one reason or another . this review be just my personal experience with the card . there be alot of thing like movie quality and such i can not compare to my old pc since my old pc be run Windows xp and this pc be run Windows 7 with different media player , and to compare the quality from one pc to another would be like compare a monster truck to a smart car . this be a new card , only a few day old , so if something happen in the future , I will add to this review with new info . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my first PC Build -lrb- feel free to comment on it and add suggestion . like i say I be a noob and any info be helpful info to I -rrb- motherboard : Asus M4A87TD EVO Socket am3 \/ AMD 870 \/ CrossFireX \/ SATA3 & USB3 .0 \/ A&G; bE \/ ATX Motherboard CPU : AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor , Black Edition GPU : Sapphire DIRT 3 EDITION Radeon HD 6950 2 gb ddr5 dl-dvi-i\/sl-dvi-d\/hdmi \/ dp PCI-Express Graphics Card PSU : Corsair Enthusiast Series 750-Watt 80 plus bronze certified power supply compatible with Intel Core i3 , i5 , i7 and AMD platform Cooling : Antec Kuhler h2o 620 liquid Cooling System -lrb- my case come with 5-120mm fan and 1-200mm fan so i leave they in there and have they run as well -rrb- RAM : Corsair Vengeance 8 gb -lrb- 2 x 4 gb -rrb- ddr3 1600 MHz -lrb- pc3 12800 -rrb- 240-pin ddr3 memory kit for Intel Core i3 , i5 , i7 and AMD Platforms SDRAM Case : Antec ATX full Tower gaming case , twelve Hundred v3 -lrb- black -rrb- ssd : crucial 128 gb m4 2.5-inch solid state drive SATA 6Gb\/s HDD : current hdd 's be ancient so I be shoppin for 2 good 1tb hdd 's -lrb- any suggestion ? please give a reason for any suggestion u leave so i know why you suggest it -rrb- OS : Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 992 GraphicsCard POS 5 use it to bump up a older dual xeon machine -lrb- 2 x 2.0 ghz 32bit -rrb- . make a world of difference . use it for almost 2 month now with not a problem . I would buy it again if I need another . 73 GraphicsCard POS 5 receive , free shipping , one day early . install , with no problem , as soon as possible . do not uninstall all Nvidia driver software as I later read that I should have do before replace my geforce 295 with this new geforce 590 . my pcpower & cooling -lrb- 2008 -rrb- powersupply unit give I all the power I need to fuel this component . Windows 7Pro take over for a moment and install driver after first boot . the gpu function flawlessly with this default win7 driver installation . nevertheless , heed the advice on the evga website , I patiently uninstall all driver , accord to the evga website for uninstalling\/installing a new gpu , use the control panel program install\/uninstall feature . accordingly , I reboot to SafeMode and I use Phyxion 's driver sweeper to Uninstall every instance of the Nvidia driver that m have reflexively install after I have manually install this piece of hardware . I read and reread the direction for this action before go ahead and do it . I recommend that you alway read the direction ! I then reboot . no problem after that . after this I manually install the newest quality Nvidia driver and I reboot after that . I install the EVGA Precision software , which I have use for the past 2 or 3 year and can recommend without condition . I set the fan to my desire intensity . so far I have only have time to play civ 5 ; in game , on my g15 lcd I see gpu temp stable , namely , less than 80degrees c , and as low as 45 intrgameplay . I will report if game require heavier gpu work result in higher or , especially , unacceptable temperature spike . compare to my geforce 295 this 590 show I a more completely satisfy graphic-visual experience as I play , with only a rare visual artifact . to the point of this observation , the 295 normally display visual artifact on every reload of a save game , albeit temporary and not disable . the point to be make be that this 590 gpu do not display the same quantity of distracting artifact , so far . Game transition be faster . nice . Game visual quality be slightly better , which be I judge dx10 yield to dx11 -- not a impressive , but a slightly noticeable difference for I . -lrb- Update : it be impressively better in every way , not just slightly in the dx11 game I have have time to play so far . -rrb- I will report my observation if they seem noteworthy when I go one to play other title pc game with this gpu . to I and for I this upgrade be as strategic as originally choose , in 2008 , the powersupply that energize my pc . after a couple of year of satisfy work do by my 295gtx I can see , so far , that this 590 will probably fullfill my pc gaming need for more year than the 295 . if you desire a single card gpu solution , and if you have the power to power this device , and you want the bell and whistle this card provide , and if you can afford it , I recommend it without condition . 720 GraphicsCard POS 5 this install in a 8 year old pa computer with no problem . the driver and control program work as they should and it adjusted my VGA monitor for the best picture image for my 3 year old monitor . I want to try it with hdmus as money permit . 217 GraphicsCard NEU 3 as far as performance go this card be very good . the fan be real quiet yet keep the card nice and cool . it handle play all my game just fine . unfortunately , it suffer from terrible coil whine . it could be I just happen to get a bad one , but I do not take a chance on get another Sapphire since all 7850 be more or less equal . I return it and instead buy a PowerColor , which do not have any coil whine . 263 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have do a lot with this card , play all sort of game bf3 , Skyrim , AvA , mw3 , Alan Wake , Saints Row 2 & 3 , and the list go on . all have be on the highest setting without the need to OC the card . it give a realistic look to Skyrim that it be almost sickening . I can not even describe the great detail within the game . be a serious gamer , I have not have the need to OC the card and not much heat really come from it -lrb- in my opinion -rrb- , but I have a lot of fan move a lot of cool air into my tower . 598 GraphicsCard NEU 3 card have problem with youtube video . yes , Youtube video , cause driver crash . driver be fully update . I have have the card since May and the problem lately have get worse . it may be a faulty board , I do not know , but it be a tough pill to swallow to have a unstable $ 750 video card . 324 GraphicsCard NEG 2 the monitor connect to the usb device be set on a low resolution and be still choppy . the choppiness be too much , I end up not use this adapter at all . 131 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be give a old Tyan server board which I be use as a media server that only do PCI and PCI-X slot . I bring a Geforce 5200fx 256mb because the on board 4mb be crap . I do not know the card be not make for window 7 even through it work I be unable to use all the aero feature etc of Windows 7 64bit . so after 3 month of hunting I find that thhe geforce 8600g be the card the reason it take so long to find be PCI be hard to find . people sell pci-e say it be pcus which be misleading . I be happy when I find this card . I do not understand all the issue people be have . it be very easy to install and work great . this may help people . First uninstall any card driver you have install then shutdown and remove old card . then install new card plug in monitor and turn on pc . when it auto detect the card cancel out . then go to Nivida and download driver or use the cd that come with the card . then reboot and enjoy . great card for make a old pc come alive . it also have HDMI so I be guess you can buy a new monitor with hdmus connection or hook it up to you hdtv via HDMI no hdcp problem . -lrb- not test -rrb- 540 GraphicsCard POS 4 easy installation , just uninstall current driver , power down plug it in and install the driver and you do . support aero in window 7 . the Card also can run on a 250 watt power supply . come with a s - video cable for some odd reason though , and cover two pcus port , but overall its a good product . 0 GraphicsCard POS 5 do not get I wrong this card be really awesome specially for the price , I have not OC ` ed mine -lrb- beyond the Saphire OC -rrb- as there be no need to for pretty much any game at 1920 x 1080 resolution , but this card have a great OC potential if you be into that . however it feel like some driver would really unleash the potential , ccc 12.6 beta be say to improve performance for the 7XXX series and it do improve it ! . 692 GraphicsCard POS 5 card be perform excellent at this time . graphic be great to look at . should give a year or two of life to this older rig . Make sure you have a power supply greater than 450 Watts if you do decide to get this card . 942 GraphicsCard POS 5 I want to add a 2nd computer and this work great . just plug and play . it sure beat get a new video card . 412 GraphicsCard NEG 1 sound nice in the spec , do not it ? Kind of get you all tingly feeling think about how you can play the new game at the highest setting and all ? well the first card I have start fail in about three day of use . evga 's warranty be pretty nice , so I get a replacement send to I . that one work fine . for about three day . suffer all kind of failure , and at several point I think Vista have get corrupt . not sure if it be the driver , the board itself , or both . evga pretty much want I to replace everything else in my system , blame power , blame the processor , blame whatever ... quite simply , I would put my gtx 295 back in , reload the last driver set that work fine with this card , and everything be golden again . read as much about this card as you can before make this purchase . even on evga 's own forum people be grumble about the internal voltage in the card . evidently a tenth of a volt can make or break this turkey . seriously folk , people buy this sort of thing to have fun with play the latest game . do EVGA seriously think we want to play the game of `` troubleshoot a flaky card by swap out you entire system in the hope that the card itself be good , but need a exacting enviroment to operate properly '' ? sorry no , not I . that be just not fun for I . if it be to you , well go for it then . fortunately Amazon be great about take this turkey , er card , back off of my hand , otherwise I would have wind up with a $ 750 paperweight . sooner or later evga would have just stop send I replacement , and then where would I have be ? nice try , but FAIL , in my humble opinion . guess i 'll stick with my gtx295 a while longer . and when I do buy another video card , I be certainly go to buy it through Amazon so I have they at my back if this sort of thing happen again . 315 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have a outdated monitor and graphic card on my system . bought new lcd monitor and it would not work very well with old card . I purchase this card and it install with no problem at all -lrb- plug-n-play -rrb- . after install this card , the picture be beautiful and clear as a bell . the kid be now able to play they game that require a pixel shader . I be very happy with this card . 360 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need a new video card for I Dell Inspiron 530 , with Windows 7 so that I could use a dual monitor setup . I be not a computer tech , although I have play with computer for a long time . this be the easiest install of any peripheral that I have ever add or replace . for folk have problem - read the instruction ! if you have a onboard video as I do , you must go into the bio and disable it . if you have another video card , you must uninstall the driver first . Start to finish - this be my process . Start time - 9:30 be 1 . check device manager to see what type video I have -lrb- ok look at the back of my system would have tell I that it be onboard . -rrb- 2 . power down the system completely and unplug power . 3 . open pc , install card into pcie slot . 4 . close pc and put screw back in . 5 . plug power in and attach monitor to new card . 6 . Start PC , go into setup , disable onboard video . 7 . install new driver . 8 . reboot . finish time - 9:40 be it be so easy even a girl can do it ! 146 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this card from Fry 's since the video card I have currently in my p4 be only 64 meg and can not play hidef video . after I install the card , window no longer boot . I try reseed the card , no luck , window still do not boot . I put the old video card back in , and window load normally . I try put the new video card in and again , after post run , nothing happen , window do not load , just a blinking cursor . I be go to return this card and try a different brand . 624 GraphicsCard NEU 3 mine die 10 min after i installede it . but it do look good before it die . hopefully the ftw i buy will be better . 273 GraphicsCard POS 5 so far so good - if I have any trouble with the card later I plan to update this review . use this card to replace a failed card -lrb- Gainward Ti 4400 -rrb- in my older Pentium 4 computer run Windows xp -lrb- motherboard : ASUS P4P800 -rrb- . it work use the exist nVidia driver that be already install , so I do not need to use the CD . I avoid use any driver supply on cd or dvd anyway - have always find it much better to download the latest driver from card maker website and avoid headache . note : this card use the older agp slot , not the newer pci-e slot , so be sure you computer have a agp slot before order this card . 596 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be satisfy with this product so far . the performance be great , bf3 on ultra run great and I have not have any problem with other game as of yet . Easy to install and very quiet , this card be definitely worth the cost . 505 GraphicsCard POS 5 I order this card to bring my pc up to par for Vista Media center and Aero interface . it have exceed my expectation . it bring my video rank to 3.0 make my computer a respectable gaming system even with a single core processor . it also bring my Aero ranking to a 2.6 make it respectable for high end application , which I will never use . hidef video play flawlessly . I be a very happy customer . 71 GraphicsCard POS 5 the graphic card arrive within a week of order and be install within a week . it work very well . graphic be crisp and action show no sign of blur or distortion . the EVGA AGP card be very reasonably price . a great value . 805 GraphicsCard NEG 2 card do not work right , bf3 crash after about 2 min every time . even try reinstalling\/reseating\/swapping pcus power cable several time , exchange with amazon , new one get here Tuesday , hopefully this one work .5 857 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I order the PCI card after read the great review . I own a DELL dimension 2400 and need Windows 7 for online course . after installation , I have have issue after issue . black screen and now I can not connect to ie . no other browser available . seem to be a corruption some where . after install driver , ie do not open and I can not turn anti-virus ware back on . I call Microsoft and Dell to get some help to no avail . I do not know what to do . and this be my only pc . truly frustrating . 39 GraphicsCard POS 4 if you plan to use this video card with Sony Vegas pro 11 , stay away ! it do not appear to work . I have to return this card ... bummer , because it be get some amazing spec ! there be a thread start at NVIDIA 's forum : -lrb- ... -rrb- 808 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have use this card for a while now and it work great . I think it be powerful , but you not go to be max out you game . that not a bad thing because on the other hand you not break the bank either . pro : great price powerful quiet con : not super powerful pretty big 77 GraphicsCard POS 5 great videocard with good amount of memory . Run 's 3d application great for the money . Games run on max setting with out any lagging or any artifacting . wait to save some money to get a second one and put it in SLI mode . have not have any issue so far with performance or display driver . my only con with this be the fan speed can be set to 75 % max . for those who be sensitive to noise once you raise the fan pass 50 % you can hear the fan but for I it do not bother I . I definitely recommend this car for those who be on a budge and yet want a powerful card . 5 GraphicsCard POS 5 just purchase this card , but so far it work great . I be look to purchase a second one and run it with the first in SLI mode . 475 GraphicsCard POS 5 make it short pro : very quiet play current game smooth at max -lrb- except bf3 on ultra -rrb- price dual bio -lrb- never brick you GPU , i have bad flash many time when i try to mod to 6970 but fail , always able to recover use the other bio -rrb- con : not unlockable to 6970 -lrb- this retail version `` 3l '' latest batch will not unlock , better luck with dirt3 edition `` 3sr '' -rrb- no game or cf bridge include 45 GraphicsCard POS 5 first off my computer not connect to the internet at all -lrb- router issue -rrb- and here be a list of component that be in my computer . 1tb Western Digital 160 GB Hittachi -lrb- from emachine computer -rrb- Asus M5A97 motherboard -lrb- something like that its am3 + -rrb- 4 gb AMD Entertainment Ram AMD FX 8120 750W CoolerMaster PSU AMD Radeon 6870 1 GB Windows 8 Consumer Preview -lrb- easy to use , but I be constantly do new thing so those use to the norm may hate it -rrb- note : I do not build all AMD on purpose just for my use\/budget it work better . I use this computer mostly for Autodesk Inventor , zBrush , Max , Photoshop that kind of stuff . it be speed up uv 's and other feature in zbrush . after get a update for the driver Inventor 2013 loadtime be extremely cut , and model part be easier to work with . computer temp be around 23-37c depend on load 629 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I buy this on 8\/15 I try it in 3 separate machine and have problem with it . the display would randomly decay into video noise on all 3 machine . before that anamoly begin though I play ac 2 , Crysis 2 and Open sim . it be pretty good with ac 2 and crysis 2 but Open sim be open gl and atus 's opengl be lackluster , buggy and slow . this card on open sim be no faster than my old nvidium gtx 9800m and far more crashier . I return the card as defective . Hope this help 128 GraphicsCard POS 5 easily overclock just by use AMD overdrive . fast and stable , can probably easily be overclock by use other application which alter the voltage . run both cool and quiet . 134 GraphicsCard POS 5 of the 6 pcus graphic card I have experience with , this one perform the best . would prefer to use a different type , but on occasion I need to improve graphic performance on a pc that only have a PCI slot . give the PCI datum path limitation I would have to say this card be outstanding ; again , in relation to other pcus card I have use . 538 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card do surprisingly well when compare to the gtx 570 and the gtx 580 . First off , this be a giant improvement from my ATI 4890 and even my Sapphire Radeon 6870 . this card beg to be overclock and at the moment I be run it at 850\/1700\/2100 at stock voltage . I have see other people overclock this thing to 950mhz and above . it run every game I have on ultra with framerate above and around 60 fp , include bf3 and crysis 2 -lrb- dx11 ultra package -rrb- . the only thing I would recommend to check be case clearance -lrb- this sucker be huge -rrb- and proper cooling and adequate power . it be a pretty good deal to get this at $ 300 and get the performance of a 570 or almost a 580 if you overclock it properly . even at stock setting this card be right behind the 570 and I could still play my game on the highest setting without issue . tl ; dr buy this card if you be look to upgrade ! 821 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a nVidia Geforce 8600g -lrb- pcie x16 -rrb- with two 27 '' monitor -lrb- Dell and Samsung -rrb- . I want to add three more 19 '' monitor but do not have any additional pcie slot . these Sparkle 8400 be a good alternative . I pop they in and add the three 19 '' monitor on the 8400 . they be slower for thing like re-sizing window and Netflix video playback , but since I be only use they as secondary monitor , it be fine . no compatibility issue as all video card be use the same geforce driver . 339 GraphicsCard POS 5 idle at 35c in my watercooled full tower with 6 600rpm 120mm fan besides the fan on the radiator . I can not hear it over the radiator fan . never see the GPU get over 78c . DVI and HDMI work fine , have not try the DisplayPort . run Battlefield 3 just fine , absolutely murder my girlfriend 's WoW , and every other game I have try work fine . so do CUDA . Worth every penny . 757 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card help my 5 year old gaming system keep up with the newer game . this be a very very powerful card : -rrb- 364 GraphicsCard POS 5 fastest single chip video card . run cool and very quiet even at full load , give I 40-45 % extra performance than my 6970 he icecool , no crash after hour of gaming ! best ever , pricey but you pay for performance I be very happy with my purchase . I have before sapphire 6990 and while performance be better it be little too much heat and noise from that card so I sell it and get one 6970 from he and it be very good but I miss my 6990 performance ... not anymore !!!!! get it you will not regreat you decision . 539 GraphicsCard POS 5 I really need a new video card , but could not afford the higher end type . I just purchase `` Star Wars : The Old Republic '' and could not run it on my computer . all the review on this particular video card claim it would not run . this could not be more wrong . not only do I play the game with no problem , but at a high setting as well . 833 GraphicsCard POS 5 great card for the money !! go in easy and very quiet . as to the dirt3 retrieval and activation process , it be about the same degree of difficulty as find a honest politician . endless crapware to download and then login\/logout\/product id 's \/ unique id 's \/ coupon codes\/re-register\/go here\/go there - yadayada then have the process deadend in nowhereville . design to frustrate as many as possible . I assume most will not make it accross the moat . update 12\/26\/11 - after several hour of dload on boradband I finally get to install the game on 12\/19\/2011 . when I go to play it on 12\/26\/2011 - it want to `` update '' for another 3 hour . rediculous . why not give out the right download the first time around ? like I say , big waste of time - free game ... right . card be still great - justy forget about the game stuff . 482 GraphicsCard POS 4 this video card for the price be awesome . can run newest game and most of the emu like dolphin and epsx2 with not problem -lrb- somethime fsp drop a little but in rare occasion -rrb- . watch video online be also a delight and run with the later dx11 . Instalation its easy and you cand tweak many configuration with the catalisy driver . if you want a cheap solution and a decent graphic that can do the work nicely and more , i recommend you buy these !!!!! have a quad 2.5 with 4gb ddr3 and a sata 3 hdd driver work on a motherboard intel base on a ddr2 architech . sorry my english -lrb- my native language be spanish -rrb- 935 GraphicsCard POS 5 at this price , it be a steal , so I could not resist get another one and crossfire . the performance be grand , easily on par with the latest and greatest hd7970 at a fraction of the cost - and that be without overclock since I have not have time to play with oc ` ing in crossfire setup . installation be a breeze - I have a relatively cheap Aerocool rs9 mid-tower and both card fit without any problem with room to spare . ca not understand all the criticism about the card be long - any high-performance card of the last two year be either this size or bigger . compare to last three card I have - it be definitely shorter than stock gtx570 , way more compact than hd4850x2 , and be roughly equal to gtx260 . in short , I be very satisfied with the card . a icing on the cake be dirt3 that be activate through Steam in a matter of minute - at least 15 buck value - sweet : -rrb- overall , a great purchase . update 31\/01\/2012 : I be truly impressed . with some minor\/lazy tweak to voltage , ulp and trixx utility , I be able to pass 3dmark11 with card clock at 980 core and 1150mhz memory in crossfire , score in mid 8800 's in Performance test . that be already hd 6990\/gtx 590 territory . for a little more than 300 buck , with free dirt3 ? ridiculous but true . very happy . now the new goal be to pass 9k , which I be sure I will : -rrb- 726 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have to admit like the GeForce 8400 g chip set . it be cheap . it do not require new connection to the power company . and it perform nicely , though not spectacularly . I do not need spectacular . this be my favorite of the 3 or 4 different variety I have buy over the last couple of year . the heatsink be big enough to not require a fan -lrb- less noise -rrb- and appear to keep the card within a nice temperature range without extravagant case cooling . the 1gb of memory be also nice , although I come from the stone age and have a difficult time understand why 1mb be no longer adequate -lrb- I use to own a Matrox Millenium - 1mb of memory and consider a top card at the time -lrb- 1990-something ; pre-agp -lrb- i.e. pci-33 -rrb- , if you be a true geek -rrb- -rrb- . Asus provide a cool and entertaining utility that , among other thing , show the current card temperature , which seem to keep itself about 40c -lrb- about 107f -rrb- , very nicely within comfortability . it be a fairly busy app , but I run a quad , so I can spare the processor cycle . the fit and finish of the card be above average as well . all together a attractive product . 983 GraphicsCard POS 4 I try to play Phoenix R\/C pro Flight Simulator and Realflight g5 on my p4 , Windows xp sp3 , 2.0 mhz , 2.5 gb Ram , PC with no look . everything really slow and unplayable . replace my old video card with this one and I be shock for the price and both Flight Sims work great . they where playable . realflight g5 take up some memory but Phoenix R\/C Simulator run with no problem . this be a great deal and can save you several 100 's of dollar on a new pc . 94 GraphicsCard POS 4 I coul not make fuction this video card ... but i dont know the exact problem ... ? probably the card need a extra conector not provide by the card maker ... 170 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be phenomenal , definitely the most powerful card I have ever purchase . switch from a Radeon HD 6850 to this and the difference be massive , the gtx670ftw be also , amazingly , quieter than my radeon be . 232 GraphicsCard POS 5 do anyone know if this would be compatible with a Dell Precision 350 ? if not , could you please recommend a compatible agp graphic card ? please help ! 234 GraphicsCard NEG 1 really disappoint in performance of this video card . screen be very fuzzy and driver be not allow customization of refresh rate for my Princeton monitor . unfortunately , the default datum it retrieve be incorrect for my monitor . result be poor display quality . would not purchase again . Works good w \/ Linux driver in Ubuntu . 520 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this after my old AGP HD 3850 couldnt hold Mechwarrior Online properly . go for it because of the price , be not as expensive as the 7900 hd series and its in the middle of everything deliver a punch at video game . I be not a fan of OC , but ill be give it a try in a future when need , right now , this massive video card -lrb- be huge ! -rrb- can handle everything i throw to it at max video setting and at 1920x1080 resolution . you wont regret buying this card . Sapphire be the way to go because it have Crossfire Bridge , pc connector and everything need just to plug in and start play . $ 10.00 difference only for all of it ; and of course sapphire brand make solid product -lrb- my old video card the hd 3850 have 5 year of intensive use at gaming , and never have a problem with it -rrb- I download latest vid driver 12.8 catalyst and hydravision driver . its sweet ! run very cool , at 50 c and at ultra setting on sc2 , Mechwarrior Online , Diablo III and World of Warcraft . believe I , you wont go wrong with this Video Card . if you oc you can get even better Benchmarks than the 7900 series but as I state before , im not a huge fan of overclocking . my system : core i5 3550 3.3 ghz LGA 1155 ASUS p8h61-lx3 \/ SI DDR3 Kingston 8gb -lrb- 2x4gb -rrb- 1333mhz pc3-10600 Sapphire HD 7870 GHZ Edition OC 2gb ddr5 -lrb- 1199-03-20g -rrb- Omega 850 watt power supply wd 500 gb hdd Hitachi 500 gb HDD Ill upgrade case and motherboard in a few , the Video Card be so big that block 2 of my SATA port so whenever i wanna install something , I have to open the case and switch the slave hdd for my dvd to be able to install some other stuff\/games . Amazon and Prime rulez , deliver in 2 day after buy it ! price be even better than at other known site . 191 GraphicsCard POS 4 try to upgrade older computer . ditch the CRT and buy a refurb 24 '' 1080p Toshiba , best buy $ 176 . want something to handle the resloution . this be a decent value card for under $ 50 . have some trouble on install but be my fault not follow instruction I think . First -lrb- 1 -rrb- go to EVGA.com and download latest driver -lrb- do not use CD -rrb- . the 301.42 driver and control panel come with optimization wizard and tv setup . -lrb- 2 -rrb- after that uninstall driver for old card in Device Manager . -lrb- 3 -rrb- shutdown and replace card . -lrb- 4 -rrb- Start up and Windows will find new hardware . install new driver and all should be good . I have a couple of issue . First of all I do not remove driver for the 5200 FX card . when the computer load window the screen be mostly gray . display setting be 800x640 4 bit . try load driver after the fact but CD driver do not work and or would not enable . Box come up say not enough address space and would have to disable other hardware . disabled onboard video . big mistake . then have nothing . have to keep hit f8 to go back to last known work setup . call evga help desk . btw number on CD Manual do not work . Tech support be 1-888-881-3842 . finally we change the Bios set to VGA from PCI and download the newer driver with the NVidia Control Panel . everything be good now . also FYI I try to set the display higher than 1360x768 but screen be unstable . ran the television set wizard and now it work in 1080 alot better . Hope this help . found alot of online forum with people have similar issue with install this card . but I think if its do correctly it should install with no problem . I have a abit is7-e motherboard with 2.4 Pentium . replace 1.5 g memory with 4g , $ 65 . everything seem to be run fine now . Hope it last a few more year . 358 GraphicsCard POS 4 the refresh rate be 95 % of what a regular video card be . the resolution be great . overall , this be probably the best external video card I have use out of a dozen or so . hopefully it will last a long time also . 26 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy the gtx570 2560 from another website , and this card be really great for gaming . I have everything ultra for sc2 and bf3 which run great . the only problem I encounter be the temperature , I read alot of review prior to my purchase , that mention this problem but I want something that be more future proof , so I decide to go for a high memory card . the card temperature stay at around 96 degree when I play bf3 and fan noise get loud at that point . I believe that the card be design to withstand higher temperature , however , I like to turn my evga precision on to check my card temp every time i play game . so i would suggest people who consider this card to go water cooling . p.s. when I buy this card it be sell out on like 5-6 major website that i go to , i be not sure if that be go to be the case in the future , but it might be something to do a research on if you think about SLI or buy one card at a time 85 GraphicsCard POS 5 you will not receive the game `` Deus ex '' package with this video card for at least 10 day . it have be advise to I by amazon customer service representative that if you want the free game before Amazon 's senseless 10 day wait policy , you should shop elsewhere . other store carry the same promo but send you the game immediately . I recommend follow the CSR 's advice . the card itself be great though , even if Amazon be not . it be very fast and run everything I throw at it with full speed . it come with a free copy of Dirt 3 -- in the box , so you get it at the same time as the video card . 281 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a older Desktop that have xp , and this be a great graphic card that work perfectly for Windows xp . thank you VisionTek , this card save my computer ! this Graphics card install in 5 minute by follow the include instruction , and I have no prior knowlege about intall a Graphics Card . once properly insert , I install the disk software include for xp , and then restart the computer & Microsoft automatically update my driver ! I have be use this card for over 1 year now with zero issue , and I even buy a spare just in case it fail in a few year . 23 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this card today after have see it in operation on a friend computer that be nearly identical to mine . I be new to the world of graphic card , have use the integrated graphic on my motherboard for the past three year -lrb- system spec below -rrb- . after install Vista Home Premium a few week ago my once pristine xp install turn into a slow-as - molasses almost unusable mess . but after tweaking with the help of user , the system boot to the desktop in less than thirty seconds , run m Office like lighten , and most internet site work well - except the one that be too heavy with ` craplet ' to begin with . however , my physical RAM and CPU usage be still too high . so after observe how cool , quietly , and efficiently the 520 card run on my friend 's computer , and also how much better the bogged-down website run - I decide to ditch the integrate motherboard video chipset for the 520 dedicated graphic card . when the card arrive and after I tweak it , -lrb- and sometimes this can take week - after all , one can not sit in front of one 's computer all day and night long , can they ? -rrb- I be sure it will work as well as I observe on my friend pc . perhaps the last reviewer be unhappy with he purchase because there be other thing -lrb- service , security system , auto-run etc. -rrb- slow down he computer 's overall response . also , from what I have learn this card be really not mean to run newer game - I suppose that be mean for the more expensive $ 150 and up model . I be not yet a pc gamer - I use the Playstation for that - and mainly want this card for take the load off of my physical RAM and CPU . so I be look forward to work with this card and see what will be the best performance I can wring out of it - and I will update this once I have do so . I be rating it at five star because I feel it do the job it be intend to do . Update 11\/19\/11 the evga 520 be work great . card 's temperature be cool by check it with techpowerup 's gpu-z app . will play basic game , but since I be not a hard-core gamer , more power be no problem . have a snafu though with some web site such as Yahoo News , ToyotaNation , Hearts of Space etc. win like molasses -- here the problem be my browser - ie7 . there be no support for that browser anymore , so to change from Microsoft , I switch to Google 's browser . that make all the difference . the browser be absolutely one of the most important app on you computer , and now with Chrome all site be run like a greased pig in lighten . so yes , very satisfied with this card , and of course , it help take the load off of my CPU and motherboard . spread the wealth around , I say . also , I see Amazon have raise its price for the dual dvi 520 by $ 20 over what I pay in October . . hmm . Intel Core2 Duo e4500 @ 2.3 ghz 2 gig of Kingston RAM Intell G33 Express Chipset -lrb- on motherboard -rrb- 80 Gig WD SATA Hard Drive Seasonic 350w PSU ________________________________________ 932 GraphicsCard NEG 1 the card be cheaply make and do not overclock well at all . they also deny my rebate for some technicality and will not allow you to re-apply not that I should have to , I buy the piece of junk , wish that I have not now . 214 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this so that I could install Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Sparkle Graphics card be do the job . very happy with it . 318 GraphicsCard POS 5 hello folk , I pop in modern game like Operation Flashpoint - Dragon rise , which ask for a dual core . I have a single core 2.8 GHz Pentium IV . the game work great ! I will guess it be because of this great video card . my pc be something like nine year old ! the graphic card keep extend the life of my old bessy ! LOL Marc 92 GraphicsCard POS 4 this really be a amazing video card that deliver what it promise - just do not let the expectation of rebate money influence you buying decision ! other reviewer allude to problem get rebate from Sapphire , and that have be my experience as well . be aware that if you make a mistake on you rebate form and be deny , in most case , there be no appeal process - one strike , you out ! I take away one star on my rating for my lose rebate ... -lrb- 18 buck ... I have plan for that money ! -rrb- 497 GraphicsCard POS 5 I purchase this card for my old pc . I need to be able to output the pc video signal to my plasma tv , and this card do the trick really well . I particularly like all additional setting that allow you to squeeze out every single bit of usable pixel information on you tv screen - resolution , stretch , color depth , position adjustment , etc. . installation be very smooth and as easy as 1-2-3 . overall , it be a really nice product I be very happy with , I would definitely recommend it to anyone . 377 GraphicsCard POS 5 my Dell computer -lrb- which I buy in 2003 -rrb- begin have issue . specifically there be green line all over the monitor which make it impossible to go online or use the computer for that matter . I bring it in to the Geek Squad at my local best buy and he pull out the video card and tell I it be burn out and I need to replace it . I be not a computer person but I ask he to show I how to replace the card -lrb- it be very easy -rrb- . I order this video card from amazon b\/c it be economical -lrb- cheap -rrb- . I use my computer to check email , surf the net , download pic , etc. . . nothing too fancy . I do not play video game that apparently require a much more expensive video card . in any case , I put the card in , turn the computer on and voilum ... good as new . all for $ 45 ! I be prepare to spend $ 2,000 on a new computer so needless to say I be thrill that this inexpensive fix get we back online . the picture be better than new since technology have come a long way since 2003 . I hope this be helpful information to someone out there like I have a similar issue . good Luck ! 221 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a monster of a card for the price compare from the stander 570 by Vega that come stock with roughly 1.2 g of gddr 5 ram . for 50 dollar more you can get this edition come stock at about 2.5 gig of gddr5 ram double the original ram . the processor speed be relatively close to the Geforce GTX 580 with a slightly lower texture filter rate then the Geforce GTX 580 but with the cost of the 580 be around 600 $ + or the insane Geforce GTX 590 sit around 800 - 1000 $ all in all this be a very competitive card for the price . this card will be able to play to play the most current generation benchmark game right now like bf3 with vary high setting if not max -lrb- dependent upon the component in you pc -rrb- . this be a top of the line card with out the overwhelming price for the moderate to high end pc gaming enthusiast and i highly recommend it . i may give more detailed info on the card run temp and power consumption in the future as i see fit . if i do not update this review then i dont see any reasone to warn you about either of these concern issue p you go to be look for roughly a 600 watt psu -lrb- aka power supply -rrb- -lrb- it ask for a 550 watt but you might want the extra leeway -rrb- capable of put out 38 amp encase you wonder of the kind of power you will need and it require 2 6 pin power addapter -lrb- plea do not get mad for the most likely know knowledge . i be im only say this because the geforce 580 require a 8 pin adapter with a 6 pin and the 590 2 8 pin adapter and a 6 pin finally Nvida spec chart on the geforce 570 , 580 , and 590 if you intrest -lrb- ... -rrb- -lrb- ... -rrb- -lrb- ... -rrb- sorry apparently link do not show up if you want to see the comparison you will just have to go the the Nvida main site www.Nvidia.com if you really intrest you could find power consumption comparison chart online somewhere hope this help 337 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I buy this to upgrade a older computer that have no graphic slot , so that I could use a wide-screen monitor that the integrate graphic could not support . it work well for that to some extent ; the option be good , the image be great . however , it be very slow , I think actually this be a limitation of the PCI slot . however , the thing that be the most aggravating be that it frequently blank out entirely , leave you with a black screen . it will usually return after a few seconds , but most web page will not return completely , until you mouse-over all the element . the easiest way to get the screen back be to switch window , and then switch back . this become very irritating after a few time , and you be leave sit wait for it to decide to refresh . I do not know whether there be any way to satisfactorily upgrade you graphic if all you have be a PCI slot , but bite the bullet and get a new pc be preferable to this . 733 GraphicsCard NEU 3 good , reliable card for a mainstream user . installation be a breeze and driver update be readily available from Nvidea . since there be not a fan on the card , -lrb- though one can be add -rrb- it do not add any noise . I do not find though that it could handle cfs3 at anything close to a decent frame rate unless I turn everything down include the resolution . but if you do not play game , and be just try to keep you aging agp system run , its a great card . guess i expect a lot more since it be replace a 8 year old mx440 . 33 GraphicsCard NEU 3 as a single card , this be excellent , it run cool and quiet , and the shader CAN be unlock to the level of a 6970 . it also have a bio switch which be handy and make unlock the shader a much safer process . after run a few benchmark and feeling pretty happy about the single card purchase , I install the second -lrb- matching -rrb- 6950 Dirt 3 edition , and this be where the fun begin . there be a issue with slus and crossfire configuration know as microstuttering . if you be not familiar with it , please google it and check it out . there be a excellent article on tomshardware about it , where they show you some very interesting graph explain what microstuttering be and what cause it , and also how certain card be more prone to the issue than other . before you plan on run these card in crossfire , please do a little research and decide if you thing this be something you can deal with . -lrb- ... -rrb- I be vaguely aware of the issue , but have not ever do any research on it . after install each card into the two x16 pci-e slot on my motherboard , I boot up and start run benchmark . it turn out , these card scale very well , and in unigine and 3dmark11 I be see about a 70-80 % increase in framerate . however , this be where I start to notice the stuttering that take place , and although you may be get framerate of 60 or 80 fp , it be not a smooth and fluid experience at all . benchmark tool be one thing , but I do not think any of we buy these card to hang out and watch benchmarking test and demo . so I start test this out with game . First off , my favorite game be Starcraft 2 . if you carefully watch you unit move in this game , you can see the microstuttering . you can also see it in the begin intro where the spaceship fly past the planet . I attempt turn vsync on , enable triple buffering , restore the shader to stock , disable the overclock on the card , disable the overclock on my CPU , everything that forum suggest , and nothing seem to have a affect . to make sure that it be not a issue with a single card , I completely remove one of the 6950 's from my system . this solve the issue immediately . the next game I check out be Deus ex human evolution , which be one of the AMD flagship game . microstutter be MUCH worse in Deus ex . turn on vsync help quite a but but completely kill the framerate , make it a much choppier experience . with vsync disabled , you get awesome framerate , but terrible screen tear and of course significant microstuttering . at the end of the tom 's hardware article , they recommend spend you cash on a single fast card over two in SLI or crossfire because of this issue . I tend to agree with they . I purchase these card to replace a single gtx480 , and because the performance of one of these card be comparable to the gtx480 , it be not worth keep one of they . I be go to keep they for weekend , and if I be unable to resolve the microstuttering issue , I will be return both of they . it be true that you get awesome fp from these two card , but to I that be useless if gaming be not a smooth and fluid experience . I personally would rather have one great card run with less fp that deal with extremely high framerate with constant microstuttering . by the way , if anyone reading this review have any idea for I , please let I know , I really want this configuration to work . detail for my machine be list below : Proc : Phenom II x6 1090t @ 3.8 GHz Mobo : Asus Crosshair iv Formula RAM : 16 gb G-Skill Sniper ddr3 1600 Video : 2X Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 2GB SSD : Wester Digital 128 GB HDD : Seagate 1 tb PSU : Cooler Master Silent pro 850 fan : Cooler Master Hyper 212 + case : Antec DF-35 196 GraphicsCard POS 5 if you be still stick on a agp system this be the best card you can get , be very good for a less than $ 100 . y usualy use to think that any card around $ 100 be bad and cheap , but this prove I wrong . I can even play Assassin 's creed with full graphic on 1280x1024 and dx10 with my old agp , p4 3.4 ht and 3gb ram computer . pro : great value , good performance , can be oce . con : maybe its too big to for any computer , but I manage to get into my case . final thought : if you need a agp card dont look for more , buy this one . 353 GraphicsCard NEU 3 give a 3-star rating as I be fairly certain I just have\/had really bad luck . 1st card would gray - or vertical lines-screen at random , usually at idle , but sometimes under load , regardless of driver , clock setting , bio switch position , even in another computer . I contact Amazon for a replacement , and they cross-ship I one STRAIGHT away . however , the second one not only have the exact same issue , but it be cap\/choke whine be 10x worse than the 1st card . so , 2 bad card in ... no more . return . now , let I clarify\/go over a couple thing . 1st of all I would like to make note of how great Amazon 's customer service have be . it be unfortunate they 'll soon be force to charge sale tax in my -lrb- and other ' -rrb- state -lrb- s -rrb- , as I now would choose Amazon over newegg , any day . do not get I wrong , Newegg be great still , but Amazon 's really take the cake in my book . even with the problem , they have earn a loyal customer . even if there be a minute price premium here , I may still choose Amazon . secondly , I be not the only 7970 buyer that be have this same issue\/type of issue . I know of several other on at least 1 tech forum , overclock.net , that have have the same or similar issue , with other brand 7970 . it appear the issue may be bio -lrb- firmware -rrb- related , or Voltage Regulator related . I do not know the exact cause , but I really do not blame Amazon , AMD , or Sapphire directly for this . while I will probably get a 670 or 680 from the competitor -lrb- 1 or 2 specific application optimization -rrb- , please do not let this deter you from get this card . I honestly believe I just have poor luck , and as the 7970s drop in price , they be get a better and better deal . thus , I give it a mid-point 3 star . I have issue , twice over , but Amazon 's make I right , and I honestly believe I stumble upon a statistical improbability . these card OC well , perform incredibly well for the price point , etc. . 62 GraphicsCard POS 5 I just finish building my new computer . I install the hd7950 and now I be able to play all video game with everything max out at 1920x1080 . my frames-per-second -lrb- fp -rrb- rate be always greater than 30fp . I cant wait to buy another hd7950 for CrossFire . the graphic card be also extremely quiet . 723 GraphicsCard NEG 1 idk if its driver issue or problem with the video card ... install latest driver for Windows 7 64bit , so far game work fine , video playback via HDMI port doesnt work well for I . have get like 5 bsod today already . it start play video fine , as soon as I touch the pc while do video playback , video will screw up , mouse cursor also , all text rendering go weird in my pc screen , and then bsod . try video playback without HDMI and so far seem ok , so I would think its either a bad hdmus port or driver issue . anyway ... very dissapointed of the card , video playback be a big must for I , that be why I be look for a HDMI part videocard . Edited : after hour of troubleshooting , it turn out to be the bad driver atti\/amd have -lrb- go figure ... what a shocking news ... -rrb- . reinstall Catalyst 12.3 driver , which be the one give I the video playback issue . use drive sweep , go to 12.2 , same thing . uninstalled driver and use the VGA driver from Windows and video didnt fail , so at least I have a good hint that it could be driver . go to Catalyst 12.1 driver , and be play video for 2 hour without issue -lrb- issue would present randonmly , even after 2 min playback or as much as 40min without issue -rrb- . so conclusion , ATTI still make great hardware and the worst driver you could ever imagine . I be just glad it be not a hardware issue , or at least so far nothing \* cross finger \* . but I think im feed up with AMD . after my first and last AMD laptop turn out to be a lemon -lrb- ton of issue , reinstall Windows like 5 time in less than a month -rrb- , and this with the video card ... I think im back to Intel\/Nvidia for life . 828 GraphicsCard POS 5 THIS PRODUCT arrive on time . SORTA . UPS LEFT IT with the neighbor . not good but I catch it as it happen . video card run like a dream . game on . speed speed speed . 391 GraphicsCard NEG 2 after install the driver , I be greet with blank screen . 2-star because I be able to uninstall the driver fairly easily use the supply cd after enter safe mode -lrb- win 7 -rrb- : when the software detect install driver , it ask you if you want to uninstall automatically . return and buy this plugable usb 2.0 uga dl 195 chipset . the latter work without I have to do anything . just plug and 3 monitor on a laptop with a dock station . 393 GraphicsCard POS 5 upgrade from a msus atus amd 4870x2 . . have this card for almost four year and now just upgrade to this gtx 590 . the 590 card run hot but a lot queiter and cooler than the 4870x2 . i notice a big difference like smoother and faster framerate and i think i might need to play it on a good quality 30 inch monitor vs. a 24 inch im play on cuz just seem to be a boottle neck . first time upgrade to geforce family and pretty happy with it so far . spec : i7 2600k 7.8 corsair vegeance 7.9 graphic card 590 7.9 ssd intel 160gb disk 7.6 use coolermaster centurion case power by corsair ax850 supply , asus mb z68 deluxe , coolermaster hyper 212 cpu cooler LOVING my new upgrade so far !!! 640 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I get the card in Oct. , 2010 . I do not see the fine print that say to register it to get two year support . recently I start get BSOD -lrb- Blue screen of death -rrb- . in other word , my computer stop and i have to reboot and lose whatever i be work on . this continue for two week . I try uninstall and reinstall driver and software . finally , i disabled the video card . no more bsod . so it be a bad memory on the card . I wish I have register it . that would have mean it be cover now -lrb- for 2 year -rrb- . if you get this card register it . however , I would not recommend that you buy this card . it only last 18 month ! and then cause I no end in grief figure out that the video card be cause my problem and not something else ! 709 GraphicsCard POS 4 it run very cool and you 'll get great performance . the problem I have have be the driver be buggy . when i first get it the screen want to flicker for random reason . here be some example of the bug . 1 : when try to watch Netflix , it would flicker about every 15 seconds \* 2 : I have a window theme that change to a new background every few minute , well every time the background change the screen flicker . \* 3 : I play swtor and the player portrait next to character will almost always show up as random color and static instead of the picture that they be suppose to be . 4 : if you be use a hd tv and you want to set a custom resolution , to bad , ATI do not support this and the fact be hide in they forum . those be all thing that I know be issue with the card , I be sure I 'll find more . \* that be say the first two issue list have stop since a recent update to the driver and atus catalyst software . these may sound like minor thing but the Nvidia 9600 GSO 800mb edition that I use to have do not have any of these issue and it be ancient . I be go to update this if I have more issue , I have be get random choppiness in some game but I be not sure if it be the game or the card yet . 428 GraphicsCard POS 4 great product , it work but it have some small glitch with xp home edition . nothing major . also note I be use this with a kvm switch connect to 2 other computer and occationally a third becasu I repair pc for a living . it work fine with the KVM switch . anything that I want to watch on the firsst pc I place on the second screen amd go about my business on the other KVM would pc . I would recommend this product . can not wait to use it on a Windows 7 box . 27 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have own two of these monster since July and they be absolute beast . they ability to overclock be incredible and they low power consumption be a plus in flexibility to that . I have always be impress with evga 's customer service . just be sure to register you card upon purchase ! 125 GraphicsCard NEU 3 graphic be nice , but hang system when go to webpage with flash . try all driver available . win7 do not like this card for some reason . work great with Vista . 865 GraphicsCard POS 4 highly efficient card for air cooling on stock voltage . they be not the best card for run max out under water . I run water so I do not really like this card , even though it have much prowess under air . 127 GraphicsCard POS 5 for the price , I be very happy with this video card . Video card seem to be a item that I often neglect because I can see the display just fine , but when you start have 50 + window open and you have multiple display , all of a sudden , a robust video card become far more important . this card be nice , please to look at -lrb- yes , I know it be in a case -rrb- and work very well . score a easy 7.9 on WEI and absolutely crushed my ATI 5750 -lrb- which work fine -rrb- with perfmark . 633 GraphicsCard NEG 1 for some reason , I just could not get this to work even after try two of these card and follow all the instruction to the t. I end up get the Gigabyte nVidia GeForce 210 1 gb ddr3 vga\/dvi\/hdmi pci-express Video Card gv-n210d3-1gus . that card work flawlessly and all I do be take the old card out and stick that one in and reboot . 427 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card work like a champ . I have have this card for about 6 month now and still no issue . the screen not fitting my monitor at first during the initial setup but I find the setting in the software that be include . full 1080p baby ! 788 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have no issue unlock to the 6970 bio . this card have a switch to select which bio you want to use . you do not need to flash the bio on the card . you do need to completely remove all amd\/ati graphic driver before move the switch to 6970 , then re-install the driver clean . card run cool 99f to 104f idle , to 152f under severe load and overclock . I be use Sapphire TriXX to OC to 880 and 1375 -lrb- stable and cool -rrb- and it moderately raise the temperature and fan speed . I easily push it to 900\/1400 -lrb- stable but higher temp -rrb- with a voltage increase . I be extremely happy with this purchase . 708 GraphicsCard POS 5 tengo ya 2 semanas de estar usando mi configuracion crossfirex hd6870 sapphire , pero he tenido mucho problema con lo driver , la pc se congela constantemente indiferentemente el juego que este usando , espero encontrar una version de driver que solucionen esto problema , pero a nivel de hardware , las graficas , son muy silenciosa para para estar en crossfirex y cuando esta al 100 % de su capacidad , siguen siendo aun mas silenciosas que mi antigua radeon hd 3870 , las temperaturas no sobrepasan lo 75 C. usandola individualemente son muy buenas recomendadas , pero para los que quieran hacer un crossfirex que se prepara para unos dolorcitos de cabeza con problemas de estabilidad , pero el rendimiento lo vale , en general el rendimiento e superior a una solo Radeon HD 6970 y en algunos casos el rendimiento es igual al de una Radeon HD 6990 o Nvidia GTX 580 de $ 600 . 775 GraphicsCard POS 5 my aging Radeon 4850 be begin to go bad , so I have to start look for a replacement . after a lot of research I settle on this Sapphire Radeon 6870 . the card offer about double the processing power of the old 4850 , and run significantly cooler as well . installation be quite simple , although you would better make sure you be case have room for a double-slot card require two six-pin power connector . it be not a huge card , but it be not small either , so check the spec and you available space before you buy . I have to move a hard drive out of the way to make room for the card , but otherwise it go in without a problem . Performance have be excellent . the more powerful architecture be able to handle the same 1920x1080 resolution the 4850 do , but now I can run full anti-aliasing and anisotropic filter with nary a stutter . the 6870 also run much cooler than the old reference 4850 , with idle temperature around 100 degree -lrb- f -rrb- -lrb- 40 c -rrb- and 160 degree -lrb- f -rrb- -lrb- 70 c -rrb- under load . fan noise level seem pretty quiet too . good performance and cool run make this a very good choice . plus the price be right , especially with the rebate promotion available . I also receive the Dirt 3 edition , and be able to download a free copy of the game with the purchase of the card , a nice bonus . 655 GraphicsCard POS 5 I upgrade from a 570 to the 7970 when it be release think it would match the 680 's performance and I would not have to wait 3-4 month for Kepler . after the review and the cheaper price tag , I swap my 7970 for this 680 . great decision . I have it clock at ~ 1280mhz -lrb- my 7970 clock to about the same -rrb- , and the difference during benchmark be noticeable . it be less expensive , more power-efficient , and faster than the 7970 , and Nvidia have superior driver to ati\/amd . if you be spend $ 400-600 on a graphic card , this can not be beat ! Games and benchmark crash semi-frequently with my 7970 , but the 680 have be much more stable so far . also , I have have coil whine with both the 7970 and the 680 ; the coil whine on the 680 be about half as loud . 559 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I decide to make slight upgrade to my 5-year-old gaming computer . the first item be a better graphic card that support DiretX 11 . this card be crap for gaming , unless you be play a 5-6 year old single-player game . I try to play Spec Ops : The Line , after 2 minute I have to stop due to the terrible lag and eye strain . wow turn out to be even worse . I even try play Mount & Blade ... mediocre at best . save you gift card and just buy more RAM IMO . 129 GraphicsCard POS 5 I upgrade to this card from a gtx 280 . I be very happy with the performance of this card out of the box . run every game at 1920x1200 with ultra setting and this thing take it without hesitation . for the people hesitate buy this due to review about driver issue . I do have driver issue where none would recognize the install GPU . the CD that come with the card do have driver 285.66 on it , and that work fine . however when download driver from nvidium 's website , i would get the `` no gpu detect '' that everyone do talk about . simple fix : go to the manufacturer website and download the newest bio update . I do this , and now , every driver on nvidium 's site work like a champ . it be not a GPU issue , just reflash you bio and you good to go . 209 GraphicsCard POS 5 just get this card in the mail last night . I have my hd 5850 Overclocked to 900Mhz and i still could only play bf3 at medium to low setting with a average of 20-40fp . this card right out of the box hold 60 + fp on Ultra setting with 4x msaa at 1080p on my 42 '' 120hrz hdtv -lrb- my monitor -rrb- . I overclock it to 1.3 Ghz in less than 20minute with no previous know how of precision X. memory at 3.5 Ghz as well . you must set a custom fan profile if you want the card to stay under 70c -lrb- which it must or the card will throttle its self and you will loose you GPU boost preset -rrb- . mine average 65-68c with 85 % fan . it blow hot air out the back like a space heater but its a cool run card compare to gtx 580\/590 ect . its a bit loud compare to my system that run nearly silent . my rig a half 922 with Intel i2600k at 5ghz . with overclock i get 85-130fp in bf3 . amazing card . I have order a ASUS 7970 direct CU II TOP previously that be DOA ! this be before the gtx 680 be release . im glad that card be DOA actually because this card be amazing . I also can honestly say the driver for this card be next to non . I know every one say that AMD driver be not that great but im here to personally say that they be far inferior compare to Nvidia ... sad because i love AMD and just upgrade from a CRosshair Formula 4 \/ Phenom x6 1090t that now sit on my shelf along with my AMD video card . im off track but my old rig be good BUTTT my new rig smoke my old one hand down and be worth the $ and then some . great card and i recomend it to any one who have that cash . I be think i might have to slus this card with another gtx 680 but this card overclock so well i wont have to in the near or far future . without a overclock it still tear whole through ULTRA set on all game . cheer and let the head shot begin ! 18 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this card give I nothing but issue and now I can not even return it ... do not buy it ... I also be concern that item like this be not returnable 639 GraphicsCard POS 5 go on a month since i buy this graphic card and im really just enjoy myself , have the time of my life . definitely one of the best investment i have put into my pc . 486 GraphicsCard POS 5 very happy with this , very quick , picture quality just fantastic . installation of driver be a breeze . would highly recommend for gamer , as a mid range option . 774 GraphicsCard POS 5 I do not know if I can add much more info to a product that be already be review so much , except to say that I be happy with my card which run cool and quiet , even under the heaviest load and overclocked . I have not try overvolt it though it be voltage-unlocked . no need ... it be already so fast ! Edit : someone ask I for what kind of clock I could get and if there be coil whine . 1 . at 1.049 v -lrb- default volt -rrb- , I can get ~ 1.1 ghz on core . 2 . at max load , I do not get any appreciable coil whine . if there be coil whine , it be not hearable over my case fan . 366 GraphicsCard POS 4 the gtx 590 be suppose to be the fastest thing on the market . I have find that it seem to be a good card but install and set up be a not plug and play . you can not run duel monitor and the support site be difficult to navigate if you be a novice as I be . 648 GraphicsCard POS 4 pc be a ancient Dell Dimension 3000 with a 2.4 Celeron run xp sp2 , 32 bit - slow , I know , a dinosaur in 2012 . but you know what ? it be extremely stable , run my app - in fact -lrb- knock on wood -rrb- , this be one of the most stable system I have ever own ... it just a reliable workhorse for the year I have own it , and there be something to be say for that . I be the opposite of the early adapter . not a gamer , but I do use a older version of Adobe Premier for video editing , along with a old version of Photoshop and some other `` not the latest and greatest '' but still powerful and stable graphic\/media app . Thought a new graphic card would help improve video playback esp . preview in Premier , which be choppy -lrb- but I learn to live with it -rrb- at higher re . bottom line if you be consider this card : 1 . it work on my pc with 250 stock power supply , no problem -lrb- thus far -rrb- although the card spec specify a minimum of 300W . ymmv . 2 . my Dell be incapable of play any 3d game at all . it be capable now with full hardware acceleration . 3 . there be a definite improvement with video playback . 4 . install be a snap , however , you must disable the on-board graphic in Windows system\/hardware before power down prior to card installation . and you must select PCI card in the display graphic selection in you bio when you reboot -lrb- hit f2 repeatedly as Windows be boot to access bio -rrb- if you bio version do not have autodetect . the Dell Dimension do have autodetect so this step be not necessary for I . 5 . although tech support be fast , excellent , courteous , and us-based , they be unable to fix a issue I have -lrb- see below -rrb- . no point off ... among the best customer service for a inexpensive consumer-level component . after install everything seem to work . there be a definitely a improvement in video playback as I would hope . however , when I boot up Adobe Premier there be horizontal dash all over the interface to the degree that the app would have be unusable . -lrb- this also occur with a old game I install on the system -rrb- . all other app be fine . searching the net , I do read a couple other post where this be occur with this card with Premier . Tech support at pny try everything and spend considerable time with I - to no avail . I be about to uninstall the card and return it ... and be disappointed because my old Betsy of a pc be perform markedly better with this new graphic card . in a last ditch effort to correct these vertical dash I go into control panel - -rrb- setting - -rrb- advance - -rrb- troubleshoot . there I find a slider for hardware acceleration and move it to the middle which disable all DirectDraw and 3D hardware acceleration . that do the trick for Premier -lrb- and that old video game -rrb- . fix . so if you be have this issue run Premier -lrb- and I imagine after effect would also have this issue ... -rrb- there be you solution . unfortunately , on the Dell Dimension , this set disable the ability to play 3d game completely . so , I create a desktop icon to get I to the Windows Display setting . I leave full hardware acceleration enable by default , and I turn off hardware acceleration when work in Premier . the only other caveat be that the horizontal dash rear they ugly head `` a little '' during some sequence when I be test a old 3d space shooter , freespace , which need full 3d acceleration as it be a 3d game . but it be not too bad and only happen during more intensive scene - a minor quibble . -lrb- system would not run this - or any 3d game before install this card ... -rrb- this be a lot of card for the money , and I be glad I purchase it . do what I want it to do . glad I be able to find a work around for the horizontal dash problem use Adobe Premier . 883 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this unit from another store , new in box . day 1 be fine after I download new driver , the first one would not keep the resolution right . the second set of driver would keep the resolution correct just push everything off of that monitor when it go into screen saver mode ... icon , window , task bar , everything . after 2 day of use it do not work on the 3rd day . it be be return for another brand . 345 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have always use AMD because of the lower power consumption and know my way around they driver very well . I buy this for a new build I just do , but the card be extremely unstable under it be stock configuration with the most recent driver , even before I even attempt overclocking . build quality be excellent and temp be really low , perhaps lower than any of they card I have use before , but even when not overclock on the stock bio all I have be issue like artifact , and black screen . test it in another computer and it have the same issue . just for kick I try to unlock the shader as well , but it look like they have be laser off of the newer batch . it be unfortunate that I get a bad card , but I have decide to go with the xfx hd7970 instead and hope that it live up to the hype . I be sure that most of these card work just fine , mine probably have some bad vram . accord to many review this card when work can play pretty much any game on highest setting with a decent frame-rate , when overclock it be suppose to do very well . I be get a average of 90fp in Starcraft II on highest setting at 1920x1080 when slightly overclock , and when use 2560x1440 resolution I be get on average 60fp as well , again slightly overclock . I do not get to try it with any other game because it just crap out on I on the first day . honestly this card be great for most gamer except maybe the hardcore enthusiast , just stress test yours and make sure it be work properly . 439 GraphicsCard NEU 3 pro : good price . Easy to install . Works fine . con : the fan on it be a bit loud . it be not as powerful as I have hope . I get this card specifically for Diablo 3 . with my old card , all of the setting have to be on low . with this one , all of the setting be able to be on medium . but , alas , I be hope to be able to put they all on high . I guess I would need to spend a little more money for that -lrb- you get what you pay for -rrb- . 16 GraphicsCard POS 5 most ubuntu user switch from Windows a long time ago . my son who love to watch you Tube decimate three new Seagate hardrive before realize the extensive damage that can be do by virus and spyware run under a Windows xp platform . in the last three year since switch to ubuntu , he have only have one crash which merely wipe out he Open Office suite which be now not support by ubuntu . everthing else work with the exception of the Open Office suite . when the newest ubuntu release 11.04 come out , I imagine that it would be a upgrade that solve all the old problem . however , with the improvement and newer program and feature come additional hardware requirement , in my particular situation , a video card upgrade . try to run ubuntu 11.04 or even 10.4 with any less than 256mb of video memory bring forth either a error message that you input be not support or worst yet that you screen load up only to find that it be fill with green and red vertical line on the desktop . in addition , when you attempt to move you mouse , you end up with quarter inch wide mouse trail . those who have have this unpleasant experience will know what I be talk about . anyhow , ubuntu support recommend video ram no less than 256mb . I buy this 512mb card instead hope that more be both safer and better . I install this card in five minute and astonishingly my son 's computer come back to life in glorious and magnificent color . it be a wonderful sight to behold . Everything work and run well . Ubuntu user , wake up and take note that a ATI 8mb video card will not cut it . also note that this 512mb card have a Nvidia chip which be highly recommend by ubuntu support . thanks again to Jesse for you helpful comment & recommend this 512mb video card . 917 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I be excite to upgrade from my 4850 and purchase this card as a replacement . never have any issue with the 4850 , but this card have issue within 10 minute after startup . initially everything be fine , then I launch bf3 , which run beautifully on the highest setting for few minute before suddenly freezing . from then on , the thing would not work correctly . even just use desktop app or watch video , it would start to glitch out . big green line appear , or the screen be suddenly offset , or it just constantly flicker . sometimes it would be normal for a while , then suddenly start bug out and would require a restart . I have make sure to remove my old driver before install the new card , check temp on card and voltage and everything appear normal . contact sapphire support who be no help at all . open a ticket on they website , where the only reply I get be `` try playing another game ? '' when I respond to the tech and explain that I could not even use desktop app so even try a game be not go to happen , he tell I to make a rma request then close the ticket . well I return the first card to Amazon who be awesome enough to send I a replacement card overnight . however , when I put the replacement in , I encounter issue even faster than I do with the first . wipe the driver , reinstall , and even upgrade my motherboard bio and finally I think I have fix it . System be stable for a full day of work . until finally that night I try to play Skyrim and the same issue start happen again , and now they wont go away . so , I guess I 'll be return this one too . my spec : Asus M5A99X Evo Mobo 16gb ddr3 1333 700W PSU I think maybe my power supply be inadequate , but I use this tool to calculate what should be need by my system : -lrb- ... -rrb- accord to that , I only need 600w . even still , I try disconnect component like my dvdrw and sound card , but it make no difference . I 'll probably just return this one and give another brand a try , Sapphire support be pretty useless . UPDATE : give it a 3rd chance and finally get a usable card . have I get a work card the first time around , this would have earn a 5-star review . I have now be use it without any issue for about a month , and this card be awesome . I be give it 3 star though because of the fact that it take so many try to get a work card . 408 GraphicsCard POS 5 I just want to say that I do alot of shop around for AGP card . and this one toke the cake . people be always complain about driver , and blue screen . I order this video card one afternoon , recieve it the next . Amazon beat newegg hand down on shipping , when I get the card it be not as huge as everyone keep say , but it be not a small card . plug it in , install the driver -lrb- very easy download from Sapphire -rrb- and voilum , it work like a charm . every game i have try be max out , no lag , over 100fp . mmo like Guild war and WOW be a little less , around 50 fp , but that be server , not this card . if you be look for a great , fast card to keep that agp system kick , this be it . do not let stupid people fool you with driver problem , just make sure you have a big enough PSU and 2 extra 4-pin plug , and you be set . this be the greatest investment for those age machine to keep up with the game of now Pentium 4 3.3 GHZ 1024 MB PC3200 RAM 500GB 7200RPM HDD ATI RADEON 3850HD AGP 75 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a Zotac gtx 680 reference card before which would not overclock no matter what I do , I sell that card to buy a gtx 690 but come to my sens and decide I dont game enough to justify 1000 dollar on a video card . so I serach reveiw look for best gtx 670\/680 again which would be good overclocker and this one fit the bill perfectly . I would get ASUS gtx 680 dc2 but stock on those be even worse than this card , plus its a three slot design versus this which be only a two slot a plus in my book . so the performance with boost of this card be slightly faster than reference gtx 680 in game but gtx 680 score a bit higher on 3dmarks11 at least in my case . but real world performace be identical . even compare a gtx 670 overclocked to a gtx 680 overclocked performace be always very close that why I didnt mind my `` downgrade '' from gtx 680 to gtx 670 . all in all this be best gtx 670 ATM , if you get a stable one . now go on buy one . 25 GraphicsCard POS 5 so here 's my story . . I recently purchase a 27 '' HP IPS monitor -lrb- zr 2740w -rrb- that have 2560x1440 native resolution -lrb- which be fantastic btw -rrb- primarily for photo editing . I previously have a 1080p monitor , but I have to zoom in too much to deal with my rather large image from my Sony 24mp slr camera . the gt 240 video card in my Dell XPS 8000 computer drive the new monitor ok , but struggle quite a bit try to run any game -lrb- crysis -rrb- at native resolution -lrb- or even 1080p -rrb- . so I decide to look for a new card that would 1 -rrb- fit inside my Dell 2 -rrb- play game at 1440p . I research online extensively , and initially choose a gtx 560 ti card . but I discover read various forum that this card would not drive 1440p very well . I then be lean towards a Radeon 7950 or 7970 , but the dimension of those card would be extremely tight in my case . so that lead I to the gtx 670 . most site recommend the 670 ftw edition from EVGA , so that be what I order . the card arrive quickly -lrb- thanks Amazon Prime -rrb- , and I install the card along with a new Corsair 800w power supply . it be a tight fit for sure , and I have to move my hard drive to a different bay to make it work . the card be at least a inch longer than the gt 240 that be in it before . besides the tight fit , installation be fairly easy , and load the driver be painless . once I get my pc run , and loaded Crysis to test it . wow . Pretty damn cool . the gt 240 give I choppy frame rate at 1080p -lrb- medium -rrb- . the gtx 670 give I super smooth gameplay at 1440p -lrb- high setting -rrb- . I can not tell you how good a game look in 1440p , but it definitely make I feel better about drop money for my new monitor . then about 15 minute into the game , my computer get white ` spot ' all over the screen and freeze . WTH ? I have to do a cold reboot . later on , I run the ` OC Scanner ' utility to run some benchmark test , and again my computer freeze . in total , my system freeze 5 time in 2 day , and I be start to get frustrated drop over $ 400 for video card that freeze my very reliable computer . I read more forum online , and discover that several people have have this issue with the 600-series card . I start regret my purchase , but keep research online for solution or ` fix ' . so far I have uninstall the Nvidia hd audio and 3d driver , enable software control on the fan in precision x utility -lrb- its not enable by default -rrb- , and set the fan curve more aggresively . I do not know if this permanently will prevent freeze up , but I do manage to play Crysis for almost 3 hour yesterday without issue , so hopefully this work long term . if it do , than this card be absolutely fantastic , and I could not ask for more graphically speak . if i continue have issue with the card , than the card be not worth the headache . I 'll give it a 5-star rating -lrb- base purely on performance -rrb- for now , and update the rating if the issue continue . Hope this help ! 192 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card really be a monster . it give I much better performance then my old 4870x2 do for less heat and less watt pull . the dual-x cooling design help keep the card a mild 30c idle and a maximum 54c under load in Saints Row 2\/3 . if you be go to be overclock this beware for the time be , AMD 's driver be not optimize yet and you run the risk of blue screening or just have the game freeze period . I oc ` ed it to 1ghz gpu clock and it freeze 8 minute into mu sr3 test . this combine with a i7-3930k be more then strong enough to play even the most demand game , emulate game like tale of Symphonia w \/ lle or Zone of the Enders , without much hassle . 725 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a HP DC5100 SFF PC I pick up surplus from the state of CA . this be a very stable and inexpensive business computer run a solo Pentium 4 HT 3.0 with 4gb ddr2 pc3200 -lrb- 400mz -rrb- Windows xp pro . I be look for a -lrb- pcus -rrb- silent , low profile video card so my daughter could play sims3 , Golden Compass and HALO combat evolve . -lrb- ok HALO be for I ... -rrb- . read spec on the card I be concern about the factory power supply of 240 watt . I run the power supply tool from Thermaltake and find the power supply to be just at the limit . Make sure and go into hardware manager and disable the mobo onboard video . this card meet expectation and keep I on budget + \/ - -lrb- $ 50.00 -rrb- . little choppy on high setting but run efforttlessly on medium . honestly I could not tell the difference . no heat issue as the factory HP DC5100 have three cool fan . I have have this card install for about a month and be very happy . I run two Viewsonic vx 924 monitor on extended desktop , work perfect . I use driver on supply SPARKLE disk . dvd playback look beautiful . very happy , thanks , sparkle , good product . would buy again ! 969 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be build a gaming computer , and previously have investigate about what video card be the best option this day . for people who dont want video issue when you be play , please before you buy anything , research about video card , or ask people who might know , because this gtx670 be incredible expensive . God forbid I have to buy somehting like that again . Hope the one I buy dont burn . 293 GraphicsCard POS 4 after research many card in this price class -lrb- spring 2012 -rrb- I settle on this card . the combination of more core and more RAM mean I can get a few more fp with this card vs. similar price card . there be plenty of technical review that I see when research , so just google the card . the evga software let you control voltage and core speed and monitor fan in a user friendly app . the only surprise that I have be that it could only run 2 monitor at a time , so even if I have 3 monitor plug into the card , it only run 2 of they at a time . similar price and performance atus card generally can run 3 monitor off 1 card . 222 GraphicsCard POS 5 my friend show I he quad slus gtx295 in he new gaming computer . that be right ... four 1792mb graphic card ! let just say , `` Crysis on Maximum Qality '' be no problem ... even for Vista . 407 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card to provide dual-display functionality for my work desktop . it be a good entry-level card that provide stable and clear graphic . Windows 7 rate it a 6.2 on the Windows experience index , for those that track that sort of thing . driver install be a breeze as usual with evga\/nvidia . I would buy this card again and recommend it to anyone look for a decent card to provide good graphic to one or two monitor , but not for someone look to get high performance in graphics-heavy games\/applications . 626 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a very good video card for you last agp upgrade . the cd-rom with the video driver be useless , but ATI have the driver need . a word of caution this card be very long so make sure you have plenty of room front to rear . also I originally purchase this card for my son computer , but find out after it arrive that it do not work on he Intel Centron motherboard ... hmmm ? no worry I swap my Nvidia 7300 gt and all be well . the Sapphire video card work perfectly in my computer . 484 GraphicsCard POS 5 its a 2g video card at less than $ 80 , enough say . its a freak great deal , compare to any other video card and youll end up pay twice as much for half the performance . 521 GraphicsCard POS 5 since the 680 have be put out for sale I have be want to buy one of they card . I have never have a nvidium card other than my g 74 . regardless its a shame and total greed for people to take advantage of other people dream , hobby , they know people be go to pay because of the enthuisiast be so passionate and excited that most wont wait . DONT BUY FROM THESE CROOKS !!!!! i bought a i7 3770k and HAVE BEEN WANTING to PUT one or the other of THESE CARDS definition of : Price Gouging - pricing above the market price when no alternative retailer be available . pricing - the evaluation of something in term of its price ... 686 GraphicsCard POS 5 I already have a identical card make by another manufacturer -lrb- gigabyte -rrb- . I want to try crossfire with my exist card , just for the hell of it -lrb- I can run most game in ultra setting -rrb- . however , because of how fast these card get sell out on other retailer site and how the manufacturer do not make they anymore , it be nearly impossible until I decide to search it on Amazon . I must say that its availability despite be open box be astonishing . also know how much effort Amazon put in with open box item , I order it without hesitation . I get the item in Amazon 's box , not the manufacturer but this be not a problem . I receive everything from the original box content , include cable , free dirt game , manufacturer driver disc , and the manual . if you be also look for this card for crossfire with you exist 6950\/70 card , I highly recommend it . FYI , this card also have the bio mode 1 and mode 2 switch on the card for you to flash it with 6970 driver , in order to unlock additional shader on the 6950 card . I do not do it on this card as I do try it on my other card previously , but due to heat level and how I do not have a issue with run game revert it back . although the price be pretty much the same as its retail price would go if it be available as a new item online , I do not mind it as it be nearly impossible to find these card . have fun and thanks Amazon . 233 GraphicsCard POS 4 I be not sure how to review this product in term of its spec . so I will just mention my experience with it in ply Skyrim . when you be on the highest setting , the game might stutter from time to time . but after lower several setting -lrb- e.g. shadow detail to medium -rrb- , the game run flawlessly -lrb- even with the skyrim hd mod -rrb- . 394 GraphicsCard POS 5 my CRT finally give out , so I buy a flat screen but soon discover that the onboard video of my Dell Dimension 3000 could not provide the maximum resolution for the new 16-9 form factor . you have to download the new driver to get this card to provide this form factor and the max resolution . the driver on the CD do not do it . first physically install the card and then the new driver from the evga website . Use type 6 and then choose driver 296.10 . then disable the onboard video driver in the device manager and shut down . then switch the display cable to the card connection . when you restart , the system should ask you which driver you want and you can select the new driver that you just install . I do not do this , and have to restart in VGA mode just to get the driver install . when I connect the display cable to the card the screen be just black . I have to reconnect to the onboard video and disable -- but not uninstall -- the onboard video . when I reconnect the display cable to the card and restart the system auto-configure the monitor and I now have the 1600 x 900 resolution that I want . the color be clear and crisp . the evga support staff be very cooperative and help I to locate the correct driver but they and manual really do not give exact instruction about how to get this do . 638 GraphicsCard POS 4 my Dell Dimension 8300 -lrb- over 5 year old -rrb- start have video problem . I read one of the other review on the Amazon site , and that customer have a similar problem with a similar computer . I have already plug in a different monitor and have the same problem , so I rule out it be the monitor . next bext guess , it be either the video card or the motherboard . Video card $ 50 or motherboard ... probably would have go with a new computer . long story short , the card work like a charm , and I be back in business . 11 GraphicsCard NEG 1 beware !!! no support for Windows 7 !!!!! evga Tech support , -lrb-888-rrb- 881-3842 , point I to the specification pdf at the follow url : -lrb- ... -rrb- , which do not list Windows 7 . at that point they would no longer make any attempt to get it to work on my computer . when ask about the Windows 7\/64-bit success report by other , they say they do not know how people be get it to work - `` maybe make home-made driver ... '' even though the driver suggest by a Microsoft website do install , -lrb- 257.21 _ desktop_win7_winvista_64bit_english_whql -rrb- , and provide the 1080p resolution I need , as soon as I open a internet Explorer browser , the card begin to eat up all of the CPU -lrb- visible in Task Manager -rrb- and the ie window become unresponsive - would not repaint . accord to the tech support representative , evga do not provide any other card that will work for this combination of requirement : windosw 7 , 64-bit , pcus . current card be mostly pci-express or pci-e . do not waste you time on this combination . 296 GraphicsCard POS 5 great product ! exceed expectation for old style agp configure white box - great great ! 544 GraphicsCard POS 5 it be brand new from the box . it work great and it just need new driver from the website nvidia.com . it arrive on time as expect . thank you Amazon ! 249 GraphicsCard POS 5 my evga nVidia GeForce 7800 GTX 512 , once a oem-only benchmark smoking $ 750 + -lrb- in 2005 dollar : -rrb- -rrb- graphic card , have finally reach the point where new game be not playable at all , and new , entry-level card be begin to outrun it . it be only take 6 year . : d if you be look at this product , you be likely aware that the only thing it share with the gtx560 ti be the name . the rest of the hardware be a 570 with one additional multiprocessor disabled -lrb- possibly 570 chip with a core that do not pass muster -rrb- . great review of the underlie hardware be available from all the normal hardware testing site , so I 'll focus on the evga and classify portion of this card . I have deal with evga hardware personally and professionally for go on six year now , and can find nothing bad to say about the company . which be remarkable , come from I . you get the feeling , own they product , that they make the kind of product they themselves would like to own . they stand behind they hardware , offer awesome warranty -lrb- 5 , 10 or lifetime , depend on the hardware -rrb- and provide all the overclocking and monitoring tool you need . the classify card be large ; it take up all of the available space in my Alienware full tower between the drive cage and the PCI case slot . so much so , in fact , that I have to remove my ide cable for lack of a place to run it , and both card have to be insert at a angle , line up with the DVI port and rotate into place . seat and slot , there be just enough room for a SATA cable to lay between the drive cage and the end of the card . I install the card in my evga x58 slus 3x motherboard , pull out my 7800 . though the card instruction recommend installation in the 1st and 3rd pcie slot , I want dual-slot x16 bandwidth , not some hobble x16\/x8 monkey business . know better , naturally , I place then in the first two x16 slot . the fan side of these card , with the red stripe , be bow out , and when they be place in the adjacent slot , I find that they actually push on each other , cause a awkward sort of lean in the plastic bezel . but they work . so I fire up my system . installation of the driver be unremarkable , a couple of reboot later I be up and run . the problem I immediately notice be bring to light by evga 's own precision software . at idle -lrb- as idle as Aero get , at least -rrb- gpu2 be sit at a comfortable 37c , while gpu1 sweat up around 50c . launch a game with slus bring the temperature up . the cooling system in the card will rev the fan up to keep the temperature from exceed 70C , and gpu2 hit that . gpu1 go much farther than that . I consider water-boiling temperature to be too high for my comfort . play a older game like tf2 do not cause a problem , other than my concern that one card be 30C hotter than the other . run a directx11 demo program with tessellation utilize the card fully , however , and my system soon reboot itself . after the second reboot in two day , that little nagging `` install in x16 slot 1 and 3 '' keep come up in my mind , and so I do a little research about the impact of x16\/x16 versus x16\/x8 . I find that the expert note only a performance different of 5-6 fp in most game -lrb- and we be not run below 60 -rrb- . the SLI bridge make up a lot of the difference , it appear . so I move gpu2 to the third x16 slot and now both card stay about the same temperature all of the time , I have have no problem play game . with the notable exception that my mouse-tracking in some game have improve so much that I have to adjust my fp habit to compensate for the change . so the classify card be huge , they need a lot of juice -lrb- 6 pin and 8 pin on each -rrb- and I see no possible way to actually run three of these in slus without replace the heatsink with a waterblock to get rid of the heat . that be say , they be build for overclocking , and for the price of one of these card , you can speed it up to compete easily with much more expensive choice . and the evga logo on the edge of the card light up white . shame on evga for not print in they installation manual : `` no , stupid , I say use the 1st and 3rd slot . I do not care what you think you know about bandwidth as it apply to SLI , do what I say before you burn you house down . '' I be hope for another 6 year with this next generation of evga graphic card . 485 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have be wait to purchase the gtx 680 , but it have not come back in stock at msrp price . even if it be in stock , I be feel that drop $ 500 on a card would be something I could not quite justify . then I read the Toms Hardware review of the gtx 670 and be amaze at they result -lrb- this card perform within a few frame per second of the gtx 680 , a card $ 100 more expensive -rrb- . judge by how quickly the gtx 680 's go out of stock , I seek out and purchase this card from Amazon at $ 399 in less than 10 min after finish say article . the card arrive today and I quickly swap it out with my beloved Saphhire AMD HD 4870 . my system boot with no problem and within a few min I have the new GeForce driver install . for reference , I have a older quad core , the Q6700 @ 2.666 GHz , 8 gb ddr2 @ 800mhz , and a 1920 x 1080 monitor . performance Skyrim : amazing . smooth . I feel the difference immediately ; no more slight stutter when turn quickly . fireball , dragon , this card do not even blink . BF3 : turn everything up to ultra\/max . I fly a chopper over oil field while tank and infantry fire crisscross the earth . jet buzz I try to get a easy kill but I dodge they like a bad father evade child support . for the first time , battle field 3 feel fluid ; it be like I be play a new game . so smooth , so crisp ; it almost distract you from the horror that be war . Adobe CS5 : after add GeForce GTX 670 to a text file , Premiere pro implement the Mercury Playback Engine for extra hardware acceleration during editing . I open a project where as before my system would playback the video at only about 14fp ; now , with this card , it play back real time . I be able to quickly jog back and forth in the timeline without any major lag . without any modification , Adobe Photoshop detect and implement hardware acceleration . I can not wait until I get CS6 and use photoshop for video effect , I imagine this feature will help immensely . sound much quieter than my hd 4870 . I imagine this be because the older GPU be work harder and thus auto-set the fan higher . as it be with the gtx 670 , I can barely hear comp when I be wear my sennheiser pc350 headphone . AWESOMENESS Yes . my advice ; if you be wait around for the gtx 680 , buy one of these instead -lrb- provide you can find stock at msrp price -rrb- . good luck solider , you 'll need it ! 746 GraphicsCard POS 5 order the card , get it about 9 day later . so far no problem with it at all . can run everything I play without problem -lrb- most intensive thing I have play so far would probably be Metro 2033 . -rrb- not too noisy , but I be yet to get the fan up above 50 % so it may get a bit louder but that be to be expect . 581 GraphicsCard NEG 1 Got this a week ago because I hear it be suppose to be the go to gtx 670 ! it work for about 30 minute , after 30 minute the card keep crash . download different driver and all that stuff , now my computer disable it off the bat ! report of this problem be widespread , do yourself a favor and wait till they fix it ! thank goodness for amazon return policy ! 823 GraphicsCard POS 5 if you play game , this be one outstanding card . my frame rate jump up and my system run cooler ! the card be a little shorter than some , allow easy installation and good airflow . Power demand drop in comparison to my older card . on wow , my setting be up to the maximum for all element , and my frame-rate go up a lot . foliage look much better , and movement be smoother too . cod be so much improve it be amazing . one of the best computer upgrade I ever make . 910 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be a tame beast ! I use to run two GTX 465 in SLI now this one gtx 680 give I 20 + fps more than the older slus card with game . my older video card fan and other computer fan be louder than the gtx 680 . it also consume less power -lrb- good for electric bill -rrb- and do not run as hot as older video card . I can run the Witcher 2 max out at 1080p -lrb- no-ubersampling -rrb- usually over 60fp , even with 3d Vision it still play smoothly . seem like other video card company get rid of lifetime warranty , however this card have a lifetime warranty for the original owner which be why I purchase from pny . the $ 30 rebate be helpful and the include 16 foot hdmus cable be a plus . 773 GraphicsCard POS 4 First of all , I be wary about upgrade from my previous card -lrb- the Radeon HD 5770 hawk -rrb- since it run damn near everything -lrb- and still do , mostly -rrb- . for I to purchase a new card , it would have have to be a massive improvement and within a reasonable price range . I consider the hd 6850 , which be supposedly ~ 50 % better performance-wise , but go with the hd 6950 which be purportedly 100 % better than the 5770 . it be : - -rrb- this be a huge card . it just fit in my -lrb- Cooler Master mystique -rrb- tower to within 1 cm . it require a `` 500 watt or greater power supply , with two 75w 6-pin PCI Express power connector '' . just keep those spec in mind . that say , my hardware fulfil the requirement so I go ahead with the install . it be advisable to first remove or uninstall any automatic overclocking on you current card -lrb- mine be the hd 5770 -rrb- and completely uninstall its driver . I do just that , fit in my hd 6950 , reboot and install the driver that come with the CD . worked fine until I decide to upgrade the driver . I get a immediate bsod -lrb- blue screen of death -rrb- which come back every reboot after a few minute -lrb- fault `` atikmpag . dll '' -rrb- . the only way to solve it be to install completely and reinstall the download driver . since then it work fine . I suggest therefore that you do not install from disc and then upgrade you driver . just download the latest driver from ATI and use that . I choose the Sapphire model in particular for the two fan and large copper pipe that comprise the heat-sink . the extra cooling on the Sapphire be a boon to those who wish to flash\/overclock this puppy . the hd 6950 can be `` flash '' with the bio of the hd 6970 make its value even better ! of course this be risky and will void you warranty and possibly brick you card if you do not know what you be do ... another reason I choose this particular model be it seem to be the same as the dirt3 edition ! -lrb- minus the game of course ! -rrb- all in all great performance , 4 star for the driver issue I have but flawless performance since then . 594 GraphicsCard POS 5 you will not be disappoint buy this card . if you have the money to spend for a very high end gaming rig , this be the video card you need . I have see many mixed review between the AMD 7970 and the Nvidia GTX 680 . this card keep very cool and quiet , which be much much better than with any stock cooler on video card . also , all you have to do be just flip the switch to the factory overclock bio and you be set ! 431 GraphicsCard POS 5 go from a 8800gt to this be a whole new world . I run the heaven benchmark with everything max and still come out with 46.2 fp without overclock anything with max fp around 117 . this be with everything max so this card be definitely a beast . it doesnt consume a lot of power either the box say 550w psu recommend and I be run a 600w psu . there have be come hiccup when try to play some game but that a driver issue on nvidias side . I turn off vsync and that seem to have fix my problem . diablo 3 be not a intensive game but I avg 100 fp with everything at max . look forward to try this on some other game down the road that for sure . I have the elite 430 case and this card be perfect for it . fit with room to spare . I can even have the fan on the side panel with a good inch to spare from the fan to the card . 108 GraphicsCard NEG 2 this be ok , I have to mouse over the text on the second monitor at time to be able to see it . it support from company be slow . I would spend the extra money on a better product next time . 239 GraphicsCard POS 5 WOW . right out of the box . . i bump up the voltage all the way up to the 7970 spec . . and right away i be do 1050 Core and 1450 Mem -lrb- stock 7950 do 800\/1250 -rrb- , that ' a whopping 31 % faster without any effort . i gotta say ... i feel spoil run bf3 in Ultra with 4xaa in 2550x1440 re -lrb- average 45fp -rrb- . only caveat ... the reference cooler do a terrible job at coop with the overclock . at stock speed , it do alright around 65c in bf3 , but at 1050\/1450 , it jump up to low 80 's . the good news be ... the vrm stay relatively cool , even at overclocked speed ... in bf3 it only hover around 85c . which be pretty amazing consider there be no heatsink what so ever cover the Vram , or the VRM chip . one warn tho ... if you run this reference card overclock in Furmark ... you can see up to upper 90c for core and up to 100c on the VRM . i plan on upgrade the cooler to the Zalman VF3000 when they release a compatible heatink for the 7900 series . . i really can not wait . the fan noise can be loud , but i like the sound of a jet plane , make my rig sound like a beast . i use headphone to game . . so do not matter . be sure to setup custom fan profile if you do overclock it . and watch out for the VRM temp as you overclock ... those thing tend to be overlook by most people , but they can fry you card if they get too hot . definitely should invest in a after market cooler when more option become available . i be glad i return my p o s d i a m o n d 6950 and wait a couple week for this awesome 7950 . : d 120 GraphicsCard POS 5 great bang for the buck purchase ! Plays all the game like battlefield 3 and Skrym on Ultra setting with no lag at all . I be run i5 2500k and it perform great ! no con so far 628 GraphicsCard POS 5 I love the card , it be dead silent and run absolutely everything like a dream . for multi-monitor setup , it might not be enough , but for everything short of that it be a blast . 95 GraphicsCard POS 5 it be amazing , all heavy game run with max setting flawless . I have test with Max Payne 3 , Crysis 2 , the Witcher 2 and Trine 2 in 3d . 656 GraphicsCard POS 5 excellent performance in Windows 7 , I can play source game , civilization 5 , and just cause 2 on high or max setting . the card be quiet , but very long ; it cover up some of my SATA port . the only other con be that it do not have a VGA port . 612 GraphicsCard POS 5 Got this card Dec 1st and be thrill to see that it have the bio switch . I plug it into my rig and it be good to go . I flip the switch and the shader unlock by themselves . I do not have to do any thing but flip the little switch . two of my friend also buy this same GPU , one off of the egg , and the other off of Amazon . both of they gpus unlock exactly like mine do . for those of you who do not know it be located on the top of the card , by the crossfire connector underneath the plastic heat sink cover . take I a while to find it , but it work great . for bf3 I run it unlock and at 950\/1350 @ 1120 in Sapphire 's TRIXX software . this make it so easy to turn it into a 6970 at $ 100 cheaper . at default high setting for bf3 I get 40-80 frame a second . most of the time it be at 60 , but when alot of thing be explode or fall down it drop to 40 . have not see it below 40 though . I also play wow @ ultra and get great frame -lrb- 60-100 -rrb- . although wow be more CPU limited than GPU limited , a upgrade to my processor will help my frame out alot . for $ 220 after rebate this card be a great purchase . my rig : CPU : 955 be GPU : 6950 2gb sapphire -lrb- non dirt3 edition -rrb- case : Corsair 500r white PSU : Corsair tx750 v2 mobo : Gigabyte 990fxa ud3 RAM : 8gb G. skill ripjaw x series 658 GraphicsCard POS 5 receive product in good time and work great . packaging be great no damage to product . no complaint on this end . 834 GraphicsCard POS 5 ok , first thing first . I have to admit I be so worried about this video card , specially after read all those forum , review and comment that i have read while do my research . specially about that over-overclock out of the box issue , that instability issue , and specially that red screen issue . for my surprise and peace of mind . when I set up my brand new pc , it all work perfectly except the CPU -lrb- i7 3770k , you can read my review -rrb- but after a while i get it solve by update the mobo -lrb- maximus v gene -rrb- bio so , after use this video card with Diablo III , League of Legends , Starcraft 2 , Crysis 2 , medal of honor , battlefield , and soon with max payne 3 . I can tell , THIS CARD be AMAZING ! all above 70 + FPS always ! I update my gtx 285 , and I have to strongly recommend this GPU . BUT be aware only the GPU DO NOT INSTALL ANY SOFTWARE COMING FROM ASUS . and I tell you that last advice because my fear come true as soon as I install the latest version of ASUS GPU TWEAK . Red screen start to appear and system become so unstable . then I uninstall it , and go back for nvidium plain driver , and everything be run perfect again . so , the card be perfect , but the asus software be really really bad . 647 GraphicsCard POS 5 after several day of read review here - I finally go with this card for my older Dell XPS desktop . the Dell AMD install card be just horrible consider XPS be suppose to be they `` better '' gaming type system . I only play wow and web surf . this video card jump my frame per second -lrb- fp -rrb- in WoW way up . in 25-man raid with spell graphic set high , I be maintain 45ish fp and in Stormwind around 80FPS . that be a huge improvement over the original card . one issue I have with this video card that actually make it make a very annoying cycling noise - be the fault of the Dell XPS case . above the card there be a metal crossbar that lock into place over the video card on the motherboard . well due the much larger size of this card compare to the original AMD card - the crossbar when install now compress the new card down to much and cause the annoying noise . after a week of wait to see if the noise would go away on its own - I open the case back up and just remove the crossbar all together . now its perfect - no noise at all ! also as one reviewer say - ensure you power supply have 2 free 6pin power connector - the card will not work with only one . great card overall without break the piggy bank - and if have a older xp system - this be great way to boost its performance and extend you system life . 176 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this video card because i have a older pc , Intel Celeron 2.00 Ghz 1Gb Ram , with this video card Windows 7 work very well , the Geforce 8400GS run Aero perfectly , im so satisfied with this order , this Video Card be the best choice to older pc 's with only Pci Slots . Compre Esta tarjeta de video porque tengo una pc Antigua , Intel Celeron 2.00 Ghz 1GB de Ram , con esta tarjeta de video Windows 7 funciona muy bien , la Geforce 8400g corre el Aero perfectamente . Estoy muy satisfecho con esta compra , esta tarjeta de video es la mejor opcion para pc 's antigua que solo cuenten con puerto Pci . 37 GraphicsCard POS 5 I do not claim tobe a game champion but this board seem to run at 40 fp or faster and work with Directx 10 . do not use the include cd but down load the latest driver from ATI . 796 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this video card to replace a 128mb card in a 8-year old Dell Dimension 8400 mid-tower desktop . hardware installation be a snap - 3 minute , start to finish - and the OEM software install with no issue onto my Windows xp sp3 platform . -lrb- tip for novice use xp : when you boot you machine after install this card , the Windows hardware wizard will try to install driver for you , but do not let it . click on cancel when the wizard start , then mount the OEM disk into a optical drive . if the OEM disk do not automatically play when you rack it up , click on Start , my computer , right-click on the drive contain the driver disk , and then select autoplay . -rrb- note that I be not a gamer , nor be I try to drive multiple monitor or a hdtv with this video card . that say , I have notice a immediate upside in performance with this card , particularly in its handling of streaming video and mpeg file . my initial impression be that this card be a good value for dollar and that I be go to be very happy with this purchase . if not , I 'll be back to update this review . 478 GraphicsCard POS 4 I want to try the Windows 8 preview and this video card have driver for Windows 8 . every other card I try would only work on Windows 8 with the default Windows video driver . it be a very basic video card , but that suit my purpose well . it plug right into my older PCI slot . I quite pleased with the result . 414 GraphicsCard NEU 3 its really good , and very efficient very quiet and play 108p video just fine and good with extend a cloning desktop but video rendering have issue . 671 GraphicsCard POS 5 with this card i can max any game out there except crysis -lrb- it work pretty good but not max -rrb- pro : best card out there for game con : huge - very hot i use it with i7 766 GraphicsCard POS 5 arrive on time and be easy to install . only problem be when I go on-line to find installation instruction , all I find be in Russian . fortunately , I be able to proceed without they . 990 GraphicsCard POS 5 the EVGA gtx 590 Classified be extremely powerful with sharp crisp and smooth rendering . this card generate great frame rate , even at 2560x1600 resolution . I be very happy with the initial purchase and elate with the second card . the first card install go without a hitch . this encourage I to try a Quad SLI configuration and I purchase a second card . strongly recommend run the EVGA Precision application when in Quad SLI . set the card to a higher fan speed for the air cool version . I would recommend the water cool Hydro Copper version and install a water cooling system now give the Quad SLI system I build . the card become power crazy and the longer you run they , the hotter they get . in a single card system the fan noise be hardly noticeable at all and considerable quieter than previous video card I have have . the system run great on the Gigabyte EX-58 Extreme install in a Cool Master HAF-X case . run two card in Quad SLI mode have its down side . Make sure you have a high watt power supply and battery up , I have a 1200w silent gold pro 80 + gold but only a 1500va up . there be time the UPS hit 900 watt of load and trip the shutdown procedure -lrb- this be after more than 6 hour of continuous use at high resolution and high graphic load , not over clocked -rrb- . read the faq on the support site when the blue screen show up . there be a potential conflict with hd audio use the same resource . the support site walk you through the step and you be back up and run in no time . the tech support report system reply in a few hour with the pointer to the support faq . great card . for dual use , consider switch to water cool version . 609 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be turn my old computer into a dvr -lrb- use Windows 7 Media Center -rrb- , and be unable to use the on board graphic to get over the Air hd channel in . I purchase this to fix that problem , and it do beyond belief !!!! I install this in a Dell Dimension 3000 , with Intel Pentium 4 -lrb- 2.8 ghz -rrb- with 1.5 gb of RAM , run Windows 7 Professional x86 . the Dell Dimension 3000 only have pcus slot , so I be limit to what I can use , most newer card be pci-express , so find a pcus card , that be any good be tough . I then come to this product . with 512mb of memory and a pcus connection this be a great choice ! I open up the computer and plug this card into a available PCI slot -lrb- the heat sink on the card be large , so you may need to put it away from other card -rrb- , and turn on the computer . straight from boot the computer could use this pcus card and have no problem use VGA . Windows detect it and I install the software -lrb- I do not use the CD , instead I download the latest software from NVIDIA 's website -rrb- . I reboot the computer and be look at great graphic with super fast performance ! I plug in a hdmus cable go to my tv and it switch over with no problem , so now I have Video and Sound go through the HDMI cable from this card !!!! I have test the computer by view video from my tv tuner -lrb- over the Air HD programming -rrb- and have no problem . all the video that would not play before -lrb- like Media Center DVR content play perfectly -rrb- and they be no shutter or video problem ! when I run the Windows experience here be my result : Processor : 3.7 memory : 4.1 graphic : 4.2 gaming graphic : 4.5 -lrb- amazing improvement !!! -rrb- primary hdd : 4.1 the result before the new card be install -lrb- Intel Integrated Graphics -rrb- : Processor : 3.7 memory : 4.1 graphic : 1.9 gaming graphic : 1.0 primary hdd : 4.1 in the end this be a great video card for any computer not just older computer -lrb- although a more powerful one might be need for gaming -rrb- . I be extremely happy with this card , from the easy installation and driver from NVIDIA to the hdmus output to my tv , it be great !!! I highly recommend for anyone look to speed up a older computer . I be use this computer as a dvr use Windows Media Center for watch tv and recording . here be the spec of my system to help anyone out : Dell Dimension 3000 Original Motherboard Intel Pentium 4 , 2.8 ghz 1.5 gb of memory -lrb- 1024 + 512 mb chip -rrb- Windows 7 Professional , 32 bit for the price and feature this card can not be beat !!! I highly recommend it !!!! 635 GraphicsCard POS 5 handle my 2560x1440 27inch monitor at 100hz like a champ . I upgrade from a gtx 470 and couldnt be happier . it be not heat up my room anymore ... lol love it . it handle everything i throw at it . 78 GraphicsCard POS 5 very fast graphic card . Run very quiet . I get 3 three of they play bf3 . way better than 4 evga gtx580 hc2 3gb classfy that I get . the fp be 5 % higher . the only problem be it be little hotter than evga 580 . 783 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I buy this item to replace a older replacement . I need something to match my native monitor resolution and do some video editing . ship be fast , item install fine . then the problem begin . when first install I get the 640x480 setting that could not be change . after all kind of set change find all over the internet I be still stick . I finally find a solution that allow the driver to be use . that let I change the resolution , but there be no option for my monitor 's native re of 1440x900 . this be a frequent problem I find out . the setting I could use be ok , but kinda blurry and the refresh be terrible . then I do what I should have do all along . what evga \* should \* have tell I to do . I go to nvidia.com . I find the latest driver include the Nvidia Control Panel -lrb- not include with evga driver -rrb- . it be a 86 meg download that I run immediately . install be quick and I restart when ask . what come back up be amazing . everything be crisp and sharp . it find the correct resolution before I need to make any change at all . and the refresh be now excellent . moral of this story be the card be good . just skip the EVGA CD and go straight to Nvidia.com to grab they latest update . the driver supply on the CD be just not up to speed . 404 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I really do not know if this product be good or not because my computer would not work with this card , so I put my old card back in & this card be still in box . 42 GraphicsCard POS 4 this product be easy to install on my computer . it enhance the video capibility by 100 % on my Dell Dimension 4600 that be purchase in mid-2004 . 953 GraphicsCard POS 5 Excelente eleccion . La tarjeta trabaja al 100 % y lo que mas I gusto e que es agp . La marca es reconocida y se puede comprar sin ningun temor . El precio I parecio muy bueno y el envio rapido . 673 GraphicsCard POS 5 I just upgrade from a already good card - a AMD MSi Twin Frozr 2 6950 ... put the old card in my wife 's pc along with she 6950 to crossfire ... I do benchmark against she rig to see if she last gen crossfire setup could defeat my current gen single 670 ftw ... I be please with my result . run Heaven against she rig with crossfire off -lrb- one card vs one -rrb- I see that I have nearly if not double the performance out of the new 670 ftw edition . wow - my score double ? hell yes . then I put she rig in Crossfire - let 's just say that while she rig do defeat mine in overall score , my rig do win in stability and consistency . my experience in the upgrade be smooth as far as upgrade go . I run three display off of the single 670 ftw -lrb- not for multus monitor gaming - just other display with stuff on they -rrb- and it be easy to install and setup . gaming be amazing . while I think I have a good experience with the last card , max out game be just that much easier and smoother . I run everything amazingly well - Blacklight Retribution especially feel great . battlefield 3 will obviously run great . let I just say that with the new feature like adaptive vsync and gpu boost that this card just feel robust . it can really take you gaming rig and make it feel solid . the card physically look great in the case also . just have to mention it because I hate the way some of the 670s look from other manufacturer . while it have near reference cooling , it keep the card cool . who need two fan ? meh - I pay for performance more than I do for gimmicky fan - and performance be what you get . this package be worth every penny . if you do not want to spend 400 buck well that be cool - get the 660tus that just release . at 100 dollar cheaper you do still get some good performance . however - if you at all plan on upgrade to SLI do not get the 660tus . you will appreciate have the most reasonable single card performance you can get . go ahead and save that extra 100 and get the 670 ftw . upgrade to slus later if you need it , or just wait until next year . I be sure they will release the 700 series card and blow this out of the water in 6 to 12 month . I plan on get a second 670 ftw . why ? I know I just say that I play everything at MAX , however I like to mod game like Skyrim . skyrim with all my enb modding drop to below 20fp in the worst condition ! wow right ? Yea , but it look amazing . I want to try and bump it up to 30 at least ... 976 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a power-hungry , video-processing beast ! I can stream -lrb- and decode -rrb- H. 264 video at 1080p on one monitor while play StarCraft 2 at max setting -lrb- 1920x1200 -rrb- on another . I honestly do not know why they sell graphic card with more power than this . oh , and the bad part ... it blow up my 600w Thermaltake Purepower PSU after two day . recommend a BIG power supply for this bad boy . use a Corsair GS700 now and everything be great ! 644 GraphicsCard NEG 1 i see the benchmark at youtube website and gtx 580 be much powerful than gtx 570 but between gtx 680 and gtx 670 be almost same performance but 100 dollar less so i decide to buy gtx 670 . im very happy with this compare to gtx 580 -lrb- my previous card -rrb- . if you overclock the gtx 670 will overpower gtx 680 and that awesome ! by the way 3d vision be just amazing and im tell you guy 3d movie suck but 3d gaming be AMAZING because 3d effect be lot more 3 dimension than 3d movie !!!!! too bad lot of people do not even give it a try . 2d flat picture gaming suck !!!!!! update ! !!!!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY THIS model -lrb- 02g-p4-2670 -rrb- it only last me 2 week !!! buy the gtx 670 -lrb- 02g-p4-2678 -rrb- model instead !!! it seem like EVGA fix all the bad problem on THIS NEW MODEL . I read the REVIEW FROM NEWEGG WEBSITE and HARDLY NOBODY COMPLAIN on THIS MODEL I should have LISTEN to those review . IM very happy with the new model 101 GraphicsCard POS 4 Let 's face it . agp be die . what be you option if you have a agp board ? . well ... \* sigh \* . New mobo and CPU -lrb- 60 buck at the CHEAPEST , and not worth it if you have a good , but older CPU and mobo . -rrb- probably new RAM -lrb- 4gb of ddr2 be 50 buck in some place . -rrb- and obviously , a new video card . -lrb- the hd4770 be around 100 buck , and a excellent card ! . -rrb- that be a total of ... this many \* hold up finger . \* on the other hand , I be able to get this card at 75 buck . . still , a bit spendy . but it be well worth the investment if you want to keep you agp board alive for just a year or 2 longer . the card itself be very good . can run all the latest game smoothly , such as leave 4 dead -lrb- which be not say much as it be run ok on my laptop . -rrb- Street Fighter 4 , Crysis , and even the new ghostbuster game . this card will handle it with most of the detail and the re turn up . anyone planning to purchase this card need to know something . this require a hefty amount of amperage from you power supply . even if you have a power supply with a pci-e connector , you should use the supply adapter . this card require 30a on the 12v + rail . that be a higher than the require amount for a gtx285 card . the card will run without problem on a lower amerage 12v rail , but you power supply will be get stressed to do it , and it could eventually kill you power supply . just a warning . 872 GraphicsCard NEU 3 a warn to those who believe the list spec on this page : check the SKU on EVGA 's site reveal this this product do NOT have a DisplayPort connection . do not be fool by the title , description or spec list on the Amazon page . other than that , it be a great card . 49 GraphicsCard POS 5 I order it recently but I be already make a review ... cause I want to know if I be receive the one with a hdmus port on it and I do not want the s-video type ... ok ? hope there be a reply for I from Amazon ok ? ... thanks 227 GraphicsCard POS 5 upgrade from twin 5870 's for iracing , push three 23 '' monitor in eyefinity . Have have to turn down some of the eye candy to get decent frame rate at some track and iracing be a bit lack in the eyefinity support . saw this card and just have to have it . put it in last night and everything be go great . framerate double or more , and that be with all graphic setting max out , which they be not before . awesome card and well worth the price of the upgrade . glad Sapphire put some mini-dp to DVI adapter as those be the monitor cable I have for the outboard monitor , though the change in dp cable throw I a little bit . the nice thing about this over the 5870 be that it do not matter which monitor be on which port . before the middle monitor need to be on the dp port . very happy with the upgrade . 317 GraphicsCard POS 5 and I could not be happier . I have quite a few problem with certain game -lrb- nothing too major , but when you be spend a lot of money you want it to work correctly -rrb- and finally decide to just go back to my root -lrb- my first card be a geforce 5200fx ... ah memory -rrb- . I buy this card wonder if it would solve my woe , and now I run absolutely anything I throw at it -lrb- Skyrim , bf3 , Witcher 2 , Max Payne 3 -rrb- at max setting with no chop . I have two atus card that total up to more than I spend on this card . sure it be powerful , but there be so many weird driver\/profile problem that it be not worth the hassle . this card have exceed my expectation , and for anyone who have the money this be absolutely worth it . 826 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this for my newest build , want to build a pretty powerful machine , general use , office and such , no gaming , some video encoding . I just really want and like a fast pc . this card be use with my asrock z77 extreme6 and i7 3770k oc setup . Works great . love it for my dual monitor , which be a must have for a office pc use daily . anyone look at add dual monitor for almost any office pc will not regret the decision . 52 GraphicsCard POS 5 Easy to install , and have no problem . deliver every bit of performance you would expect from a 512mb card . no issue . 646 GraphicsCard POS 5 I replace 2 gt 250 's in slus with this baby . it draw less power , run much quieter , and much much faster . the multitude of video output provide ton of expansion beyond my single 1920x1200 24 incher , and bring single-card triple-head gaming into reach . the nVidia graphic driver rock in both Windows and Linux . stability have be top notch ; I have have my system run for day -lrb- and the day can get hot ! -rrb- to validate this . highly recommend . 384 GraphicsCard POS 4 the Sapphire Hd 6950 2gb be a decent graphic card that run game very well . on my 1600x900 20 '' monitor I be able to Max almost anything I can throw at it with 40 + average framerate . this would include Battlefield 3 , Metro 2033 , Shogun 2 , Age of Conan , stalker call of Pripyat , and Witcher 2 . although this specific card do come with a bio switch to enable 6970 shader I be not able to unlock they . my card specifically be lock to the 6950 bio and the overclocking be a little low . I be able to get about a 8 % increase in performance when overclock but anything over that crash the display . however it run incredibly cool , max out at 50 celsius with my 2 120mm external fan , and run eyefinity without any noticeable strain on the card . my framerate stay almost identical on a three monitor setup as on my single monitor . the 2gb of VRAM be necessary for higher resolution and larger game such as bf3 and gta 4\/5 . all in all it be a decent card but I do regret not spend $ 30 more and get a 7850 or a gtx570 -lrb- when it go on sale -rrb- . the price-to-performance ratio for a $ 260 7850 or a $ 270 gtx570 outbeat the 6950 . 613 GraphicsCard POS 5 best buy hook it up and it work ! that be all I need . I be not get any display on my monitor at first and best buy tell I what to buy . 719 GraphicsCard POS 4 I buy this for a old Pentium 4 system that run my entertainment center in the den . have a few issue initially with the driver and my Dvico gold tv card but with a few tweak and update it be run fine . nice and quiet with the fanless heatsink but would not want to push it too hard . 997 GraphicsCard NEG 1 well , what can I say ? it do not work . there be not much else to add . do I mention that it do not work ? yeah , it do not work . at all . really . it be also not quite heavy enough to function as a paperweight or even perhaps something one could lob at a enemy and hurt they -lrb- I be pretty sure it would just bounce harmlessly off the enemy , leave they unscathed , unless the enemy be very very small -rrb- . maybe it have some untapped performance art potential . I miss that kind of stuff all the time . oh yeah , you should probably not buy this unless , of course , you do not mind the part about it not work at all . 661 GraphicsCard NEU 3 let I start out by say that I have purchase this item from Amazon , but I be go to exchange it for another one because this card be so good . I be get a lot of bsod and have be post on forum to try to figure out what be go on . I go so far as to reformat my computer and I be still get the blue screen . this card be fast and quiet . let I emphasize how quiet it be ... you never hear it over you normal pc fan . maybe I have not play it long enough or oce it enough to really make the temp high , but still it be pretty amazing that it be so quiet . my 5870 sound like a jet take off and my 6870 be a little better , but this thing outstanding as far as noise go . as far as performance go , it handle pretty much anything you throw at it . I have not spend time overclock to card to see how far I can take it because of my bsod , but I hear from everyone that it can oc up too 100mhz over what the factory overclock be without any cooling . I can tell you that any stuttering I have experience during game have not be due to the card , and I have prove it be always CPU issue or poor game programming . I be run this in only 1680x1050 and have get 60fp or greater in every game I try out , even Crysis on ultra with 8x aa . the only game that could not handle this card be Metro 2033 on ultra which I keep get 20-40fps while play for my short time . however , pretty much any card have trouble with that game , so I be not go to count that against this card . now , let I complain about AMD and they driver . do not get this card yet if you have Windows xp only because there be no xp driver that support the 7k series yet ! I find that a little ridiculous since I could not test to see if I experience the same issue in xp or not . as far as the Windows 7 driver go , I have have some weird issue with my pc since I install the card as far as window on my pc get corrupted and have random display driver crash . I still can not tell if they be related to the fact that I have get a dud or not , but I see people on other forum complain about various driver issue as well . I would still say that if you be in the market for a $ 300-400 card , this one be it . \*\*\*\* UPDATE 5\/11\/2012 \*\*\*\* either I be a very unlucky person and I happen to get two bad card , or there be something very wrong with this card\/amd 's drivers\/my system . I speak with AMD , Sapphire , and my motherboard company and all of they tell I that my system should run the card flawlessly . Sapphire say they have no other idea and to return the card . AMD say they have ton of test system run all sort of hardware and os , and they claim that they have see no issue with tdr -lrb- display driver do not respond error -rrb- , blue screen , or game freezing . I be experience these worse with my second card , but I also update to the latest 12.4 driver . I try everything to fix this : update my bio , all 3 driver use all sort of driver cleaning program , fresh install of window 7 , update my bio , update my vbio , every setting possible , etc. and every combination of these . I still have constant blue screen , freezing , issue with the clock speed stay at they energy save rate during gameplay , etc. . two other weird issue be that anytime I have flash run in firefox , my AMD overdrive setting would revert to default , and with 12.4 , I would get terrible game performance until I alt-tab the game . I do not know what to do so I be exchange the card for a different model . this problem seem to be localized to a certain subset of user , but it definitely be there and my thread be rather popular on the forum with people all chime in about have the same issue . the card be good , when it work , but it be something I can not deal with . I have spend 80 hour try to debug this problem and lose all sort of work because of random blue screen . I would say avoid this card if you have Windows 7 64-bit and a Gigabyte ga-x58-ud3r motherboard . I never get to test with xp because the driver be not available at the time . \*\*\*\*\*\* special thanks to Amazon for allow I to get replacement card . you guy rock , and Amazon Prime have be a godsend . \*\*\*\*\*\*\* 193 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a excellent video card to replace a OEM card . my video go out and so I have nothing on the screen . research card and determine this to be a good evga geforce gt 520 1024 MB ddr3 PCI Express 2.0 2DVI\/Mini-HDMI Graphics Card , 01g-p3-1526-kr I do not play video game but this card would probably work for the average game . it do 3D , have directx11 support . for a basic video card you can not beat the price and it come from Nvidia , a trust manufacture of high quality video card . have 3-year warranty . it do speed up view on my screen as it have twice the memory as my old card . and the image be very , very sharp . watch YouTube with no flickering or buffering at all . great card for a great price if all you want be basic card with some basic gaming . 190 GraphicsCard POS 4 nice upgrade from the 6400 series , very fast and detail be more than double , a bit pricey for a graphic card but worth it if you gaming and need that extra speed without lose detail . installation be fast , easy and worry free , instruction be simple and straight forward . 41 GraphicsCard POS 5 I get three of these to set up dual monitor set-up for three lady with older computer in my office . Make sure you download and install the latest driver from Startech 's website , ignore the cd that be include . as long as you have get the latest driver , set-up be quick and easy and no additional maintenance be require . setting be simple enough for people who be actually use the computer to understand and adjust . 155 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be superb ! my previous card be a gtx275 that be still alive and kick well . but , I just need a bit more juice . and I be feel dusty and old in the gfx card department , while my i7 be still go strong . so , I pick this up . ship quickly , packaging be really thorough , and attractive . Dang ? this run all of the high-end video game and graphic processing software I do not use WAY BETTER than they do not run at before . while I listen to music and derp around in photoshop or read article , this baby be alive and kick , run at 0 % load , for 24 hour a day . I have be extremely satisfy with it so far ; if I ever end up play a game to use it , I 'll let you know how it go . oh , yeah I guess I play d3 and that look gorgeous , but d3 utilize a ton of trick to make it run super-well and also , by default , look beautiful because , duh ? 892 GraphicsCard POS 4 worked very easily attach a monitor to a netbook with no VGA port available ... software install and run from sytem tray and not from the display property as most video card do ... that do throw I for a loop at first but otherwise a good product ... would buy it again if I need to 98 GraphicsCard POS 5 I recently start play Star Wars The Old Republic . oddly enough , the game , similar to world of Warcraft , require a whopping lot of graphic and cpu to play well . I originally have a 3 + year old atus video card . I figure upgrade to the nvidium 430 would be plenty good . . on graph it show to be quite a bit faster than my old card . for some reason though , I could not get better than 10fp in high quality mode . I turn down to lowest setting and get around 30fp , sometimes less . I also use the CUDA core of nvidium for Adobe product , namely after effect and Premiere . apparently the ATI card be not utilize much by those product . it be a shame because ATI card be typically more powerful for less money than the nVidia card . at any rate , I need a bump . I read that this card be basically a 570 reject . . something be not quite up to snuff for 570 branding , but it be a bit better than the original 560tus due to more core -lrb- but less ram -rrb- . because I use the cuda core for adobe product , I figure the extra 64 core would be worth it . it be only slightly more expensive than the original 560ti anyway . well , bust this out today -lrb- do 1 day shipping and it get here in 1 day -rrb- and holy smoke . . I set the setting on the highest thinking I would be lucky to get 30fp . . I be pull 100 + fp on full setting , although in some area it drop down to 50 or so . still . that be a huge improvement over the previous card . I do not expect it to be nearly that high . I like that I can control the setting too . . I can turn off the auto-fan and bump it up all the way if I want to . little loud do that , but my CPU fan be louder when I game . 754 GraphicsCard POS 5 the easiest and most efficient way to hook up a 3rd monitor with a external VGA card . work immediately - very easy installation - even a girl can make this hookup 986 GraphicsCard NEU 3 although you can connect four monitor to this card it really only give you two really wide display . the Windows task bar span across the two main monitor and maximize a window will also span it across two of the monitor . it seem that they could do some software trick to make it appear to be four separate display from the Window 's side . other than that it work well , do not seem to get too warm and the display be crisp and clear . 798 GraphicsCard POS 4 this video card perform great !!! too bad my corsair caviar green hdd be too slow , because this video card can play max on bf3 and mw3 no problem . the lag be the result of my hdd , but I be upgrade to corsair force ssd soon . this be a great video card . very large , though . take up the slot adjacent to it on the motherboard . 524 GraphicsCard POS 5 receive it on time come in the original box withe instalation cd . instalation be easy and indeed the 3d experience be great 895 GraphicsCard POS 5 what can I say other than the title ? this card have play any game I have throw at it without issue . Crysis 1 and 2 , L.A. Noire , Deus ex : human revolution , starcraft 2 , Dragon Age : origin , mass effect , Batman : Arkham Asylum , Darksiders , and the list go on . I be somewhat hesitant to get it when I do because Nvidia 's and ATI 's next gen card be about to come out -lrb- or be come out -rrb- , but I be glad I do not bother wait . I especially like that this card come with displayport 1.1 , so its future proof -lrb- though I would have prefer 1.2 -rrb- . my HP zr22w -lrb- 22-inch lcd @ 1080p -rrb- can run at a 72Hz refresh rate use the DisplayPort connector . 802 GraphicsCard NEU 3 for the price I guess it work fine . ca not play cod4 very laggy idk what that guy be talk about . . but Team Fortress 2 work fine . Counter strike : Source work fine too . sometimes lag . . 724 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card work great for all title of game and across multiple display . you may not get to run they on multiple display at the highest resolution , but who really give a crap . unless you have multiple 27 + inch high re screen . this be for the moderate gamer that take they graphic seriously , but know that they dont have to have the most expensive equipment to be a serious gamer . this be more then efficient to run all current title and future title perfectly fine . just make sure that you have a active display port to dvi adapter to get that third monitor working . you will have to play with the in game and Catalyst control setting to get the graphic card to perform just right , but after you do that you will see the difference . crossfire would be great with two of these card if you have the pcie room and a support motherboard . Hope this review help anyone thinking of get a great graphic card at a minimal price . this card be huge , so make sure you case have ample room , and this will take up two slot so besure you have enough room . 361 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I have be use this adapter for about a week now and it be work , but it chew up most of my 4gb of RAM . I be go to upgrade to 8gb to see if that fix the lagging problem I be experience right now . unfortunately , I be use it for a trading set up off my laptop and I literally can not afford to have any lag time or slowness . my trading platform keep bang up against max memory available . I 'll update after I upgrade RAM to see if performance improve . if you have a more static need for a additional monitor , I would say this would not be a problem , but for a trader , this cost effective solution could be a very costly one indeed . 178 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I also be experience the black screen with sound loop crash . I have a 650 watt Antec PSU and have have no issue with my msus 460 . I have write to Sapphire to RMA , and may have to send it back to Amazon . I would not recommend this card . 617 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this from Amazon ... Prime , no shipping charge , 249.99 ... this be a very powerful video card . I can fly stutter free in MSFS X. this card overclock like a champ . I have mine at a clock speed of 1175 Mhz ... there be no over heating problem and everything run smoothly , no blue screen . the temp be under 50 degree c , and the fan be quiet . 705 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be not a nvidium fan neither AMD . I simply buy what it be best at the moment . period one thing that I learn be wait enough for get the right card so that be why I do not buy the 7970 even when I already buy the 6970 . I be run starcraft 2 and battlefield 3 without any problem with low temp and insane fp -lrb- sc2 at 150fps avergage -rrb- . my main concern be that my box come on a weird state . it seem like a open box item however my card have\/runs and do everything be suppose to . besides that I do not have any con . check my picture to see how do the box look like when I open it 461 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this on the 14th and receive it on the 15th . the card be very good , and have a dual bio switch . shader be unlock easily by just flip the bio switch . the temperature be around 37-38 at idle and max be around 61 degree while play crysis and the witcher 2 on max setting . this card average around 40 fp on very high setting when use Crysis Benchmark . overall , this be a excellent card and I be very satisfied . 481 GraphicsCard POS 4 save a lot of time use three pc be the same time . no need to change cable . 454 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I be unaware that the 520 be the low end of the 500 series . so , I do not receive the graphical upgrade from that of my old 8600 card . even though this card have double the memory from my old 8600 , there be no improvement . 148 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be skeptical that this would work after have be down the road of update a old computer and run into incompatibility issue at every turn . nothing could have be easier - just put in the card and off and run right away -lrb- after a few software update -rrb- . I migrate from xp to win 7 on a IBM NetVista PC . as other have state on here , make sure you meet the 300W minimum power supply - luckily I have a 400w supply on hand . this do work with Windows 7 even though I find conflict information here and elsewhere . 60 GraphicsCard POS 5 this work well with my atus agp8x for multiple monitor in window 7 . the driver work flawlessly alongside the ATI Catalyst control Center and add a whole new life to my 3.2 GHz HT Intel motherboard . it also work with xp on another partition . 721 GraphicsCard POS 4 this product solve audio and video problem with window 7 upgrade on a old computer . also get rid of 100 % CPU Usage when run video like on youtube . great product for the price . I have trouble find one available on the internet , cudo 's to Amazon ... 995 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have try various card over the last few year , try home theater computer and this card will work . SOME just will not do it , SAME with s video . card come with a low profile bracket also . I put it a old dell optiplex business type computer , so it have to be low profile . it would probably be smart to put a small $ 2.00 fan on it and would still be silent , scew look like they would screw into into heat sink . Plays need for speed most want on large screen ok too . Super upgrade for ancient computer . 659 GraphicsCard POS 4 I be look for a card to handle everyday task and adventure type game . this card do ok , but do run a little warm . I have a pcus version of the same card in a old HP workstation . when I play book of Unwritten tale on the HP , there be visual artifact -lrb- vertical and\/or horizontal black line -rrb- in some scene . I think it might be because it be push a 33mhz pcus slot to the max . I try this PCI Express card on another computer -lrb- Dell -rrb- , and run the game on it . same result . I do not know what create the line , and maybe it be just this one game , but it do not do quite what I want . I can not really fault the card too much , other than for this one game , but I can not give it five star , either . 715 GraphicsCard POS 5 absolutely great Looks , especially when lie next to each other in a 2-way slus , or as a individual too . ftw version overclock like crazy , and yet very stable 82 degree f , after 30 minute of Furry stress test , with 61 % fan speed and 85 % GPU load . I just buy 2 of they , because I want a slus system on my very first computer rig that I be building , even though I do not play game , but just want to watch 1080p hd movie on my computer or on my 55 '' hdtv , and surf on the internet . these gpus allow I to both surf on the internet and watch movie on my hdtv at the same time with no sweat , and hardly with any noise !!! con : my very first rig that I ever try to build currently consist of : Samsung 23 '' b550v Monitor : 270 Cooler Master Excalibur fan x 3 , 2 of they combine with Corsair H80 : 40 Cooler Master 80 x 80 x 15 mm fan : 10 Cooler Master mega flow fan x 1 : 15 Cooler Master haf x full Tower Computer Case : 180 Corsair AX850 PSU : 185 Corsair 16 GB Dominator gt 2133 mhz : 240 Corsair liquid cooling h80 : 90 CoolIntel i7-3770k : 290 Intel SSD 520 180 gb : 225 Asus Maximus V Motherboard : 210 Sony Bluray Burner\/Player : 100 Hitachi 2TB Internal Hard drive 7200 RPM SATA III : 150 Windows 7 : 100 Cyberlink PowerDVD Bluray Software : 100 EVGA GTX 670 For-The-Win 2-Way SLI : 840 I originally budget myself for $ 1,500 computer set . do anyone know how I end up spend $ 1,500 more , total $ 3,000 , for my very first Computer Rig ? other thought : I can still play Sim City 2000 in my set-up without a problem . I just buy civilization v and shogun 2 to test what the my gtx 670 2-way slus can do . I also pre-order SC II : wing of Liberty for the same reason . these Cards make and feel my computer rig great !!! I highly recommend these if you be build you very first computer Rig Too !!! thanks . 89 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be the inexpensive answer for those who wish a Windows 7 graphic card in older pc 's . I install in my HP D5200 and it install flawlessly use the Windows 7 driver . no donwload , no hassle . love it - I be order a second . 786 GraphicsCard POS 5 just want to take a moment to discuss this card . I find this card to be extremely affordable and for what you pay for you really get a lot of out it . this card take a older machine and turn it into a pretty good one . I like to play older game and have a spare pc next to my work computer . before I only have graphic through my motherboard but this card take thing to a whole new level lol . 522 GraphicsCard POS 5 the Sapphire Radeon HD Radeon 7870 OC be the perfect overall match . a Sapphire low power consumption , a modest oc , gaming max at 1920x1080 or lower , newest series and a amazing price . I have two small con , when run high end gaming the fan be medium noise level . note I be complain about medium fan noise not high . I run my NZXT full tower at low fan speed . when a high end game start run you can hear a boost in the GPU 's noise level . I have hear of game issue 's with the new 7000 series , but I have not run into any and from what I have hear they should all be patch in time . I would not be surprise if this GPU could run game on high at 2560x1600 and would definitely easily do it with crossfire . a lot of tech seem to underrate the performance of card . my Radeon 6770 run a native 1680x1050 , but it be able to handle 1920X1080 at high setting and catalyst overscan to make the display fit the screen , it could even run Ultra , but performance would take a small hit and I be sure it would have overheate with extend play if I have do so . my last complaint be catalyst do not have a power consumption section which be strange because my Radeon 6770 do . the real seller be the price 300 with oc . Main competition be gtx 570 superclock at 280 . twenty buck less , but big power consumption difference , probably longer , older model , worse performance . Radeon 7870 OC be better and ultimately cheaper . when add the cost of a higher cost psu and higher power bill you easily get you money back . very satisfied and will crossfire when the price drop even more . 940 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I have nothing but problem with this card . it start with bsod 's while web browsing . it appear to have be a AMD driver issue which be fix by use 3rd party uninstaller -lrb- AMD 's uninstaller do not work well -rrb- and reinstall CCC . then I start experience random system freeze while gaming that require a reboot . for I , this happen only in Skyrim and Shogun 2 . apparently Tera and other game also have problem . the whole hd 7xxx line appear to have issue with shogun 2 which Creative assembly be try to fix -lrb- check they support forum -rrb- . in the midst of all of the system freeze , I start get raid corruption and reinstall Windows 7 . the freezing problem persist even after a fresh install . Sapphire recommend a 3rd rma . AMD tell I that they be aware of the problem with the hd 7xxx line and shogun 2 and Skyrim . they say that because the driver be new the card be bind to have compatibility problem , and that I should be patient and wait for the next driver release . these problem may occur only with certain build . or it might be the case that they produce a lot of defective card . whatever the case , I be back to my old card which be work flawlessly and I will be buy a different brand next time . I will say this , if you can get the card to work . it be great . Witcher 2 , bf3 , and Crysis 2 look amazing with this card -lrb- there be some flicker issue -rrb- . however , because of the problem I have , I can not recommend it to anyone . the 2 star be because of how well it run some of my game , but the problem I be have be just unacceptable . note : I be rating the product , but I give Amazon 5 star for they amazing customer support . I request a rma at 7pm and receive my new card the next day without any hassle . I will be buy all of my computer component from Amazon from now on and will be recommend that all of my friend do the same . they be second to none . the card be one of the worst experience I have have with a product . Amazon customer support be one of the best customer support experience I have have . as of 5\/11\/12 , I would also like to add that with the advent of Nvidias GTX 670 , you can expect the price of this -lrb- $ 360 -rrb- and all ATI card to drop pretty soon as the gtx 670 undercut ATI 's card in a performance per price scale . 30 GraphicsCard POS 5 use in my sr-2 with dual xeon hexacore , water chill cooling , 48 gig of ram , 9 hd 's 4 solid state one 10,000 rpm raptor , and a few 3 terabyte storage unit . aqua tuning water chiller , 2 huge german e.k. space water cool radiator two iwakus pump over clocked mb to 4.56 mhz this be my 2nd add on 680 also water cool by same system , I use it for render , blaze fast ... crazy fast . . use it in photo shop be unreal ... lightwave render jump at you , I never play game on it ... one more 680 come soon . . 878 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have have the card for 3 day with 0 issue and it be extremely fast . 60 fp in crysis 2 max out high re pac . 100-200 fp skyrim max out -lrb- all at 1920x1200 -rrb- . I be a little worried I would have to RMA since I have hear people say that some card be have issue , but I think I get a good one . pro : - fastest card I have ever own by a mile . - price !! some people complain 400 $ be expensive and it be since I be just a college student , BUT the price to performance ratio make it the best gpus on the market to date . - I have zero fan sound con : no con , only the fact that some card have have issue but in most people case they rma process be simple and fast thanks to evga be a great company . even if I have to RMA my card later on I would still rate this card a 5\/5 . 352 GraphicsCard NEG 1 buy this card for a small form factor computer . while the card itself may function great , it be certainly not a low profile card , and require a full size slot , which be not available in my small form factor computer . I be not sure why that it be call low Profile , then ! perhaps `` low Profile Ready '' be the key , here , but there be no half-size bracket , nor would the card have work with one . more a review on the manufacturer 's labeling , than anything else . even a sticker on the box say it be low Profile . 674 GraphicsCard NEG 2 this be a ok graphic card . the build be great and the low profile a charm . but know that this be PCI NOT pcie -lrb- express -rrb- . pcus be much slower than pcie . so even think this graphic card be 512mb 8400g ddr3 it be still slower than my old 256mb 8400g pcie . they be different connector type . my biggest beef be that it do not allow my computer to shut off and it be very very laggy . it could just be the specific card i receive , though . 119 GraphicsCard POS 5 this product be perfect for I - upgrade to a 2005 pc - work perfectly with Windows xp and ubuntu\/linux 10.04 and upward . it offload the CPU and enable the system to have more capacity . I be unable to say how much gain I get but I can definitely `` see '' it . I do not play game where the 3d be use . I only view you tube stuff and video clip from news report , use wmv and html5 etc type of video . with Windows I have to download the driver or load the CD for the driver . for Linux the system automatically load the require driver when boot . how simple be that !!!!! 160 GraphicsCard POS 5 last time I go with AMD be when ATI be there own company and the card I have be a radeon 9550 with 128mb , it be god awful no speed no nothing period . Games run so badly on it that I miss out on alot of it . I recently replace my 9600gso from xfx and it be capacitor blow or melt , I do not want xfx or a nvidium card anymore and give up , see review for the 6770 , and be curious about it , so I jump in and take the plunge again , and be happy with the product . it can run alot of my game at a good resolution and setting max . 174 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be amazing , it handle everything I throw at it . Mine do not come with the unlock shader dual bio -lrb- I even try flash it multiple way , it didnt work -rrb- , but I get what I pay for . I hear it be a hit and miss . the accessory be good too ! HDMI cable , Crossfire cable , dvi to vga adapter , and dirt 3 game . I suggest you sign up for the sapphire select club as they have some awesome give aways once in a while . I can play Crysis 2 on max setting , 1680 \* 1050 . it look AMAZING on my 50 inch television . I want to crossfire another one with this one and it will be well worth the money . Tom 's hardware recommend this one as the best high end card with the best value for it be price , and I agree . 903 GraphicsCard POS 5 I first build my pc back in 2007 . it be now a 5 year old machine , which be probably ancient by today 's standard . it be only get a Intel core 2 duo overclock at 2.9 GHz , 2GB RAM , with a ATI Radeon 2600XT 256MB card run on Windows xp sp3 , all of these power by a 500 watt power supply . the best I could play before be game at 800x600 set at the lowest . sometimes , modern game would not even play properly and would just crash I or reboot the entire system because the ATI card could not cope with the game and its temperature would shoot up beyond 100c ! for 5 year I really do not know why the reboot keep on happen . I use to think that it be just my processor that could not handle the game . I also think that it be my power supply . five year later , I finally decide to upgrade at least one part of my computer and I decide that it should be my graphic card . I do a little research and find out that my old ASUS P5HW Delux be only strong enough to upgrade to the gtx 550 ti and it will not be able to handle the better version of this video card . fortunately , the 550 ti be quite affordable at $ 120 so I buy it from here . I order the thing on a Friday and I receive it Thursday . Pretty fast delivery for free shipment . installation of the card be easy because I already research how to do it before hand . the first thing I do be uninstall my old ATI driver . I also download the latest Nvidia driver -lrb- 301.42 at the time -rrb- just to be sure that everything be up to date . with everything else ready , I unplug the pc and remove my old ATI Radeon 2600XT card , which I donate to someone who do not have a graphic card . the 550 ti be definitely a lot bigger than the ATI 2600XT , probably by 25 % in length and size . at first I be scare that it would not fit into the slot , but it actually do ! the box of the 550 Ti also contain a converter of sort . originally , the 550 Ti need a 6-pin connector to plug into the power supply . if you do not have a 6-pin connector but at least have a 4-pin one , that will work . just plug the converter thing into the 550 ti then connect it to the power supply and you be set ! after physically install the card , it be now time to install the driver . I plug the computer back in and power it up . I hear the initial beep and be relieve that it actually accept the 550 ti ! after get to my desktop , I quickly install the driver that I download earlier . after that , I restart the pc and everything go well . as a experiment , I play Grand theft auto 4 just to see how the 550 ti would do . this be the first time that I crank everything to high ! high shadow , reflection , everything else ! I only use 2x anti-aliasing since that be good enough for I and I do not want to abuse the new card that much . as the game world load , I be amaze at how much beautiful everything look ! highly detail texture , reflection on car , smooth gameplay ! wow , this be not the same gta4 that I use to play at the lowest setting ! it be as if it be a totally new and wonderful creation ! I play for 30 minute , then a hour , and then 6 hour just fool around in the world of GTA . I even use a few zombie mod just to turn all the pedestrian into zombie ! it be very fun that I actually forget about the time . when I check the time , it be already 2 AM . I have be play the game on high setting for 7 hour and not a single crash ! while playing , I also use gpuz to monitor my temperature . I find out that while not play anything , the card be at around 35c , but while play intense game like gta4 , it go up to around 56c . remember , my old ATI 2600XT use to idle at 56c and go beyond 100c during intense game -lrb- which end up reboot the system -rrb- . it be amazing that the 550 ti can handle all the stress without have the ability to cook a egg ! the next day i try other game and it be the same , smooth at high setting , no crash . I consider myself as a `` hardcore '' gamer who can play 8 or more hour a day if time permit , and I be very very happy with the gtx 550 ti ! hopefully I 'll never encounter a problem with this card within the 30-day limit because as far as performance be concern , it be work perfectly ! if you be someone with a ancient computer like mine and you think that you can use a little graphical upgrade without have the replace everything but still play the latest game at high setting -lrb- but at lower resolution -rrb- , the 550 Ti will not let you down ! the only thing leave for I to do be to someday build a entirely new system , probably in 2 or 3 year when my old machine be not capable of handle anything that the modern gaming world offer anymore . the 550 ti be probably the final stop for 5 year old computer like mine , and it be really good ! 926 GraphicsCard POS 5 ... but can actually have issue play older game . let I explain . on newer game that stress the card , this thing be amazing . framerate be high and they stay there . everything be silky smooth and it look amazing . that be the intent of this card , to be use for newer game and as yet unreleased game on into the future , but a lot of we like to go back and play we old game as well and that be where this card can have very minor issue . for some reason , the power usage on this card when it come to old game can be a little too conservative . when play wow or portal 2 for example , the card almost seem to say `` this be a older game so I be just go to phone it in for a while '' and run at between half and 75 % of it be max clock speed . at those speed it be USUALLY -lrb- as in 99 % of the time -rrb- enough to keep the framerate right where you want they , but if anything sudden happen the fp can drop into the mid 40 on game that should always be lock at 60 + . I be sure this be just a software issue and will be fix in subsequent driver update , but it be not something I be aware of go in . and yes , I have do my research and have mess with setting but there be no option to increase the minimum clock , just the maximum clock . I upgrade to this from a gtx 580 3gb and on older game my 580 actually perform slightly better -lrb- technically speak -rrb- with consistently higher framerate . to do that it use a lot more power , create a lot more heat , and be a lot noisier but I kind of expect that out of a cut edge video card . this thing be whisper quiet , create very little heat and sip power but I would trade some of that for a option to keep my card constantly operate at a certain level so my fp would never drop . one really cool new addition to help with this be adaptive vsync , which do make all my gripe barely noticeable . I have switch to it instead of run normal vsync with triple buffering , and I must say that I prefer it . my game seem more responsive and even if the fp drop into the mid 40s it be not as jarring as when it happen with the normal vsync . all my older game do seem smoother with this setting enable -lrb- despite they technically lower framerate -rrb- and I recommend give it a try . as far as overclocking go , I use precision x and it work as advertise . these new Kepler card overclock differently than 400 or 500 series card , and instead of set the clock speed you instead increase the offset which increase how high the card can go when it need to . I have not really push it too hard , but I be currently run the GPU clock +140 mhz and the memory clock +450 mhz with a power target of 120 % and it do very well when stress . I be still give this 5 star because I know that the very , very minor gripe I have will be fix with driver update and this card be amazing when the clock speed go up . if you be in the market , you will not find a better card than this at a similar pricepoint . 678 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be one of the best hd 7850s out there . it run quiet and chew through just about every game at max setting . only a couple of the most demand game drop below 60fp and even those game -lrb- the witcher 2 , Crysis , Metro 2033 -rrb- still run very well . get it . you will not be disappoint . 939 GraphicsCard NEG 1 well they work well ... for about 25-30 day then they just die I keep get BSOD so now im head over to XFX as they seem to just be better quality and they seem to just have all around better support 577 GraphicsCard POS 5 the adapter card be install on a 2004 vintage computer run Windows xp . the video be now of similar quality to a brand new computer . 937 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a Gateway dx4850 27eu , with a i5 2300 . I be a noob when it come to upgrade and Gateway really do not offer much help . I add a gt 430 card to it and the fp in swtor with the setting on low stunk ; it be playable but wonky enough it bother I . due to the limited 300w power supply in the dx4850 , I be go to have to do some upgrade before I could even think about get a decent graphic card . I start with the power supply : Corsair Enthusiast Series 750-Watt 80 plus bronze certified power supply compatible with Intel Core i3 , i5 , i7 and AMD platform - cmpsu-750txv2 I probably could have go with a 650w or maybe even a 550 but it be only a few dollar more for the 750 . this power supply be about a inch longer than the stock 300w power supply in the dx4850 ; it be snug but there be plenty of room around the fan . it work great ! next be the graphic card : EVGA GeForce GTX560 Ti 448 Cores FTW 1280 MB GDDR5 , Dual-DualLink DVI , HDMI , DisplayPort , SLI Graphics Cards 012-p3-2066-kr I have plenty of power for a card but space be a issue in the dx4850 . this card be around 9 '' long and fit perfect - any longer and I would have have to buy longer power cable to make room for exist short power cable in the case . I get those sweet upgrade in and then notice that the case be get hot , really hot . so , I need fan : Antec pro 92mm double Ball Bearing Case fan with 3-pin and 4-pin connector I get this fan for the case , it connect with the 3 pin -lrb- there be only one wire connect to the 3 pin connector -rrb- to the mother board and a 4 pin to the power supply . it be much more powerful than the dx4850 stock fan and work great , the screw be kinda tough to get in but I highly recommend it . since my case be so hot and the fan be pretty inexpensive I also add this fan : Antec Cyclone Blower Case Fan for any expansion slot this fan be also easy to install , it be powerful and help vent the graphic card great . the air blow out the back , great little fan . all this be cheaper than buy a new computer with the same spec and the end result be great . I go from barely run Star Wars The Old Republic on low setting to where I can run it smoothly on high setting . the heat make I a little nervous , this be a Gateway and all , so I run swtor on medium setting and it be awesome ! 816 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this card have be give I problem from day 1 . a cold boot would show nothing on the screen but the rest of the computer be work . even keyboard 's num lock key light up which mean it be get through the bio . only way to get it to show anything from a cold boot be to reset the system after it be be run for a few minute . it seem to happen only if I cold boot after the system have be off for more than a hour . system get out of sleep or hibernation be also a problem . nothing show on the screen unless i reboot , mean I lose everything in the memory . when it work it work . fast . cool fan be also very loud . if you must get a agp , I would get the 4670 instead . it be true the 4670 will not get you a significant performance gain but i would think that it will not have any of these boot-up problem . skip this card . call sapphire be also a torture . i never get through . again , skip this p.o.s. 591 GraphicsCard POS 4 will play all the game , maybe not at the highest detail . no complaint , i need a more powerful card so i return this one . 47 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy it ! you will not regret it . Knocks every game out of the park . I run everything on it be highest setting with no problem . pair two of these in slus and you will be good to go for the next couple of year . 333 GraphicsCard POS 5 replace my gtx550tus with this gtx560tus 448 core card and see a noticeable difference in FSX . max out both graphic score at 7.9 on Windows experience index . by comparison the 550tus give I a 6.4 on graphic . use Corsair 600W psu . card and psu both fit in Gateway DX4840 case just fine . I 'll have no need to o\/c this card ever . . 850 GraphicsCard POS 5 run bf3 on Ultra on a 24 '' 1920 x 1200 Dell monitor with 8 gb of ram . this be a very good GPU . also , the GPU fan keep the GPU very very cool . amazing card for the price ! 900 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I purchase the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1gb gddr5 PCI Express 2.0 for a client that want a high end work computer that she would not have to discard in a year because it will no longer run the application for she business . the card work great at first and score a 6.8 on the Windows experience index -lrb- weus -rrb- but after only one week the card die and prevent the pc from boot . I remove the card plug into intergraded hdmus and fire the computer and it be work like a charm . I end up buy a different card locally and return the old card to the vender . 894 GraphicsCard POS 5 this graphic card be powerful and more than satisfy my need . it be very easy to install the software and set up . just plug into you motherboard , load the software and you be ready to go ! I would recommend this product and this seller to all . a + + + + 587 GraphicsCard POS 5 ever since I switch from a desktop to a laptop , one of my two desktop monitor be leave unused as the laptop 's graphic card could only connect to one of they at a time . this be a acceptable scenario , as I could just use the laptop 's screen as the second monitor in the setup . however , as time go on , I want to do something with my unused desktop monitor , and I find this device . it will not work without the proper driver , which come in a cd . because my laptop do not have a CD drive , I quickly find the driver on the StarTech.com website -lrb- easy to find driver -- another bonus ! -rrb- . as soon as I install they and plug in the device , my unused monitor spring to life for the first time in month . the image quality be great , but not perfect . I occasionally see wavy line on the monitor connect by the device , but these line be only visible when I be try to find something wrong with the display . plus , base on what I have read , mild image issue like that be to be expect and be likely a limitation of usb external graphic card . finally , the price of this adapter be great compare to other offer similar resolution . I would recommend this device to anybody . 346 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have review many graphic card but this 7970 definitely take the KAKE it be the KrispyKreme for sure . pro - Overclocks nicely take every game on the market @ highest setting - no problem idle around 40c - and hit around 51c on load - super cool temp card \* cons - Super huge . do not come in Pink this be definitely a must have for the pc GAMING MASTER race ! 205 GraphicsCard POS 5 good Video Card , especially for a half height card but it will not run the new very high tech game that be out today . for most of the older game or general picture use it be great just will not keep up with the new high demand of the very new game . 400 GraphicsCard POS 4 this card perform quite well under almost every circumstance . my win 7 64bit machine love it . the only problem be at installation . this card be freak HUGE . I have to literally remove part of the case to make this fit . but once it fit , this card work perfectly . no need to even overclock it to play almost every game i have at the highest of the high setting . it start to run into fram rate issue when I set Skyrim 's setting to the absolute most insane possible . 16x aa etc. . anyways , totally worth every penny since I be not a hard core gamer . 684 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I purchase this card to give my Dell Dimension 8250 the capability to run two monitor simultaneously , and provide I the ability to have double the desktop space for multiple window . the GeForce 6200 provide this capability , but come with a number of surprise . the card install easily . before install it , I uninstall my old driver and old ATI card . power up with the 6200 be flawless , and the two monitor come up just fine . after configure the display for Dualview use the NVIDIA Control Panel , everything work fine - I think . after a few hour of use I notice that when I drag a window across one screen , or from one screen to the other , artifact in the form of window edge `` slice '' be leave on either or both screen . this be very annoying . I find two way to eliminate these artifact - use the 6200 in single monitor mode -lrb- which defeat the purpose of buy the 6200 in the first place -rrb- , or configure Windows to `` do not show window contents while drag '' . I choose the latter . the second surprise with the 6200 be that the monitor I be use occasionally black out for about 1-2 seconds when I have multiple window open and be typically save a photo or file to my hard drive . the screen come back after a second or two and the operation complete , but the small `` File Save '' window be corrupt instead of be close . this happen quite a bit , and I have not find a way to eliminate the problem . I have be on the evga forum and member have suggest several thing to try - I have try they all to no avail . I have also be in contact with evga support - they tech be prompt and have offer several good thing to try , include use they tool to remove all previous display driver and install the latest driver for this card . I have do all that and have not solve these two problem . so as it stand now , I can use two monitor , but the display occasionally go black while perform a utility or housekeeping task . nothing really bad happen , the task complete , but it be disconcert to have you display black out in the middle of a operation . this card should not do this . I be not satisfy with it and will look for a different card . 606 GraphicsCard POS 5 run Battlefield 3 on Ultra at 40-45fp and with frap run at 35-40fp . should have get 2 and run they in Crossfire but this be a budget build and I be 100 % satisfied with the result . 819 GraphicsCard NEU 3 it work okay but to use it in the manner I intend -lrb- multiple monitor -rrb- , I have to buy a $ 30 adapter for one of the port . the product description do not tell you about that . 999 GraphicsCard POS 5 it be a great product vary smooth graphic and not loud at all , all though when i have jest the right amount of power game would shut my computer down , so i have to buy a new power supply with more watt and that do the trick . 665 GraphicsCard POS 5 I just install the Classified and it be a amazing card . every test that I have run against it state the same thing - this card be at the extreme end of we scale . please note that this card require three power connector -lrb- two 8-pin , one 6-pin -rrb- . this may cause a problem if you chassis be limit in space . I think my haf-x chassis be more than sufficient , but the SeaSonic cable require I to remove the side air redirector . this VGA be heavy ! I have never handle any card with this much weight . my chassis do not align perfectly with the screw hole , so I have to push the chassis slot 1\/16 '' closer . I do not want to risk anything more in case the stress would cause a pin misalignment on the card . the DVI output be simply stunning and my monitor now love I . I have never have the ability to use my monitor 's native resolution before . I have the HP zr30w arrive today and I can not wait to see what this card can do with a quality monitor . bottom line , this card be worth the money . 759 GraphicsCard POS 5 work great out of the box for video via the hdmus connection when connect to a Mitsubishi 73 '' hdtv . to get hdmi audio to work , I have to download the latest audio driver from the Realtek -lrb- not Visiontek -rrb- site . 967 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need to get a video card because my on-board video be not enough memory so I order the 8400g , installation be very easy , all I need to do be change the bracket to low profile and install the card and load the driver . 801 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be able to adapt my old Dell Dimension 4400 computer to run dual monitor : one for the desk and one for the flat panel above my treadmill so I can watch streaming movie while I work out . it have just enough resolution to run both monitor in native resolution which make they very nice to use , whether for movie watch or productivity . this be one of my great computer stuff buy ! 582 GraphicsCard POS 5 great product . I recently update my Pentium 4 base system to Vista and although it be ok , it be not exactly fast . the Vista experience rating suggest my graphic card be limit performance and so I decide to upgrade it before go to the expense of buy a new pc . I want a agp card that would support 2 d-sub monitor . this card fit the bill at a really low price for the memory supply . installation be easy . driver work fine and my pc be now noticably faster . overall I be very pleased . 224 GraphicsCard POS 5 smooth and Powerfull Video Card . run with no hesitation mw3 , battlefield 3 and many more with decent frap . 7.8 score in Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit , experience . suggest to use along with a SSD like OCZ Vertex 4 to gain performance . 53 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this card suck . sorry to be blunt but it do the driver mess up on I 4 time i blow 2 card it black screen on any 3d app and during driver update it freeze all the time didnt over clock they never touch they besides insert they in case on future mark they barely out preformed the gtx 580 and on some case the 580 finish ahead i have the same issue with previous 6 series card so maybe my board hate AMD but there performance isnt enough to warrant I keep they over my 580 super clocked and the gtx 580 isnt give any issue i think for amd i will bid they farewell until they can fix there amazing driver issue the minute there release good point - erm they look ok i guess bad point - bad driver usual amd error - bad performance consider this be mean to be the next card up from the gtx 580 i dont see it in performance my gtx actually finish higher on alot of game when i finally get a work card install after 8 hour ... , noise omg there loud i hate the gtx 580 for be loud because there loud and hot but these be loud as in off puttingly loud i also find i need to contantly run a 3rd party fan controller for they as they be get to hot and this be in a very well cool pc in a high airflow system haf x sorry for the bad review i dont usually ever give 1 star but i fix and build pc 's i build my pc it could be a board problem with amd i cant really answer that but it seem the driver be the cause i never usually give 1 star or bad review as i believe with computer component its kinda pot luck with gpus i hope you all have better luck with this card than I 568 GraphicsCard POS 5 Gotta say after upgrade this from my 4870 such a biggggg improvement in skyrim and world of warcraft no lag what so ever while play and run hd video in the background . 96 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I recently buy this card to replace a ATI 9600 XT card in my rather elderly pc . with the old card I could run game such as Halo and Diablo II without a problem , but the fan go on on the card . after install the card , neither game would work , and even websurf be painfully slow . I download and install the latest driver software , which do not help . think it might be a defective card I exchange it for another one , which do not change anything . so now I be look for a better agp card , or see if I can replace the fan on the old card . I email evga tech support , and they respond promptly . unfortunately they confirm that they new card be substantially slower than my old card . bummer . 749 GraphicsCard NEG 1 the video card I be attempt to replace be a PNY Geforce gt 240 512 mb . the EVGA GeForce gt 520 1 gb have nowhere near the fp of my old card when play SWTOR . bottom line : EVGA GeForce gt 520 1 gb = 16 frame per second pny geforce gt 240 512 mb = 65 frame per second no visual improvement . 691 GraphicsCard POS 4 decent product for dvi-d output to Apple Monitor - work right out of the box - fit Dell Inspiron 530-s thin frame desktop no adapter for thin frame include - must buy adapter kit 245 GraphicsCard POS 5 I own a old DELL Dimension 2300 with a Celeron processor . year ago I upgrade the audio with a 24-bit sound card , and recently upgrade the memory to the full 1 gig of RAM that it 'll take . I have be work off of the on-board video all this time , however , which do not drive a new lcd hd monitor I be give to it be full 1440 x 900 resolution . I also get addict to a online game which be nearly impossible to play so I need to bring the video a little closer to today 's standard . the Nvidia GeForce 6200 do all of this for I , so if you be in a similar situation , and like I can not afford to go make Bill Gates richer right now then get this card . not only do it make online game play better and drive my lcd monitor at the proper resolution , when I watch dvd on my computer now it seem as if you can reach into the monitor ! the picture be that real . and installation be EASY . if you know how to install a card in you computer then you be all set . I even drag the old CRT monitor out & connect it to the on-board video thinking I would have to select the new card to `` turn it on '' , but when I powered-up the computer both monitor come on ! the software be very user-friendly and contain simple , easy to understand instruction that allow you to adjust nearly every parameter of the card . if I need another card like this I 'll look at EVGA Corporation again FIRST . excellent product . 189 GraphicsCard POS 5 exactly what I expect out of this card . amazingness . Works wonder with my new Sabertooth 990x and AMD FX 6-Core : -rrb- . Plays multiple game simultaneously in high def . 619 GraphicsCard POS 5 First off , I be familiar with computer hardware but be in no mean a tech . I order this graphic card with a Corsair Enthusiast Series 850-Watt 80 plus bronze certified power supply compatible with Intel Core i3 , i5 , i7 and AMD platform - cmpsu-850txv2 while there be not many instruction with the card on how to install I watch enough `` how-to '' video to feel semi comfortable open the computer case and replace the card . as I progress I find out that installation of a pcus express card be a breeze and I have no need to be apprehensive in the first place . Make sure to plug in everything include 2 power cable ! turn on the computer and install the driver with the provide cd and wallum ! I be able to play all the game I want on the highest graphic setting -lrb- shogun 2 and swtor -rrb- . I highly recommend this product ! Update : Make sure to pay attention to the `` Product Dimensions : 12.5 x 3.5 x 6.5 inch . '' the card be very large ! install in my boss computer and have to move a hard drive . however , all go well . 714 GraphicsCard NEG 1 do not buy this card unless you plan on downclock the card . Asus set the clock too high on this card and it will crash if you loop Heaven or game for hour on a graphic intensive game . I have own 2 of these card . one be dead on arrival and the other I just return to Newegg because I keep crash at STOCK setting in Heaven . Asus do not test these card , I can not believe they release this faulty product . check Newegg 's review , I be not the only one that have a problem with this card . pro : silent card even at 80 % fan speed con : Crash at stock setting 381 GraphicsCard POS 4 I get this card after have a Nvidia Geforce 9800 gt for a couple of year and I notice a big improvement in gaming performance and Photoshop render right away . if you need a 1gb + gpu this be definitely the one to get at this point . pro + can not beat the price when compare to the overpriced po that be Nvidia . + Skyrim now play flawlessly on high setting with hd texture mod from nexus -lrb- set texture to 8x normal -rrb- + skyboost enable with only 4gb of ram -lrb- sometimes less . -rrb- + direct x11 if you be still use a dx10 card . + cooling be not a issue . even with my card overclocked and Skyrim max out it stay well below the maximum deg . c + the sleek design be nice to look at if you have a transparent\/lucid housing for you hardware . + Card get here sooner than expect when I buy it from Amazon w free shipping . con - overclocking this card almost be not worth it because for the increase power output and fan noise require it do not give you back much in return . - if you only have one like I do and you be not use the Crossfire technology to Daisy Chain multiple card , you will always feel like you be miss out on something . all in all it be a definite buy . if you can afford to pay out the wazoo for a better card -lrb- be it Nvidia or AMD -rrb- you should do so -lrb- or just get 3 of these and crossfire they . -rrb- but if you be on a budget and this be around you limit you could do allot worse . I hope this be helpful to you . the most important thing to know about this GPU be that it require a adequate power supply . I have a Corsair 850w but most user say all you need be a 600w power supply . in any case you will want to make sure you power supply have 2 6-pin connector to attach to this card . the card come with additional cord in the box . to adapt in case you PS do not have the 2 6-pin connector . 730 GraphicsCard POS 5 I read negative review on anything first and foremost before buy anything . I order this and it be day one but it be work fine . my suggestion to people who say it do not work . a cd come with it , install it , follow the instruction and you will be fine . also make sure that you video card be not a cheap po because although it be a usb hook up the driver communicate the information from the UBS port to the Video card . so I get news for you if its not work you card probably do not have enough memory to support it . I have two monitor hook up with different resolution on each one and they be work well . also do not plug into a usb hub and expect it to work . my hub do not work for anything except keyboard and mouse hook up . I suggest this because if you follow the instruction then there should not be a issue . 405 GraphicsCard POS 5 the video card be ship quickly be easy to install and work fine once I reboot . 74 GraphicsCard POS 5 first thing , let I say this card be a beast . my current set up be : i7 860 lightly overclock @ 3.3 Ghz 8gb ddr3 Ram 128 gb ssd drive gtx 670 Superclocked , overclock with precision x @ +44 mhz gpu clock offset & +654 mhz memory offset -lrb- pretty stable , test so far with bf3 and heaven benchmark -rrb- I be get around 80 + frame rate during gameplay in bf3 and it run smooth . run everything on ULTRA smoothly . so far , this card seem to I like the best `` Bang for you Buck '' as I have see people put it . I understand that the gtx 670 ftw be slightly clock higher a couple mhz , but for 53 $ more you get double the memory . I also understand that most game right will not take advantage of the extra Video Ram , but this card be a great investment now and for the future . another $ 100 for the gtx 680 which benchmark lower than the gtx 670 do not seem like a wise move for I personally , and honestly the ftw version do seem very tempting as I typically want the `` fastest '' GPU I could afford , but as my brother say , why not spend another $ 50-ish buck and get double the Video Ram , especially for game in the future . note that you can easily run a stable overclock of this card to be faster than both the FTW edition and the gtx 680 , but with this edition you get double the v-ram . the choice be yours , but one thing for sure , this card be great . 5 Stars for new-egg and they customer service with great\/fast shipping and 5 Stars for EVGA and this high end graphic card . key statement here : BEST BANG for your buck ... period . 328 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : the evga geforce gtx680 sc + 02g-p4-2682-kr best Video Card on the market today use the Nvidea reference design , it be already factory over clocked , and come with great warranty . this card extremely powerful , beat AMD HD 7970 in most game and use less power . I be lucky to grab one of these card . con : no accessory or game include . 727 GraphicsCard POS 5 so , I use to play Video Games on Consoles and make the transition to pc but I only have a hd 4880 and my game lag horrible , unless on lowest setting . since I have use this I can play World of Warcraft on good setting with no lag , Skyrim on High Settings with no lag whatsoever : d , and mw3 play amazingly on good setting . on all of these setting I have be able to record with no extra lag with frap , if you want to see for yourself , -lrb- ... -rrb- great product ! 868 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have 2 of these graphic card in my gamer in slus seem to fly through game and anything else I choose to do my monitor be a 50 inch plasma so movie be awesome as well . the only problem I have be the game borderland 2 be suppose to come with the purchase but I think amazon will send that to I . if you be build a gamer these card run in slus will not disappoint you I recieve they installation go well and they stay cool and perform well out of the box . 755 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a great card , it max every game i have try so far on ultra setting at 1920 x 1200 resolution , wow on ultra even get around 62 fp with this , higher when in a instance 15 GraphicsCard POS 5 very happy with this graphic card . ive bean excite to buy this thing and im happy i finally do also im glad i buy this over the XFX one . the XFX card be annoying and the sound resemble a hair dryer . when use this card my case fan and hard drive be actually louder . i love this card so much and i recommend it to all . the performance be great and do not draw as much power as i think . be aware if you have a matx board that you may block a few sata port . but not a big deal , one more note the card be beautiful also do not get a dirt 3 code but that not a problem i do not but the card for the game . hope you all enjoy the card as much as i be . 312 GraphicsCard NEG 1 the first 670 I receive do not work use HDMI . no biggie , I just use DVI instead , however it red-screen on I twice . rmae it through amazon , have a second one go to I ... the second card be worse . it keep give I driver failure message nomatter which driver I install or how many time I clean the old driver use sweeper . it would also black screen every couple of minute . found lot of other have problem with the 670 online as well . I only get the 670 because the 680 be always out of stock , or people be ask way too much over retail . I be lucky enough to snag a 680 superclocked today for retail price while I be on amazon rmaing my second card . Problem solve ! ca not wait for my 680 to get here . system : i7-930 Asus p58d mobo corsair h50 6gb of Gskill memory corsair 750w p crucial m4 128gb ssd 761 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be very eager to get this card , and when it get to my house today I could not wait to tear into the box . I upgrade from a XFX Radeon HD 5770 . I completely uninstall my catalyst control center , and everything associate with it . then , I install a fresh install of catalyst control center . I have not overclock this card at all . the first thing I notice , my 5770 run about 35c idle , and run to about 45c while play game . this card , however , idle around 37-40c , and during a game get to around 47c . the card stay quiet , which give it one star . I decide to test this on a few game . the first game I try be Grand theft auto iv . there be immediate problem . the game keep say I be close to exceed the memory usage of the video card , even though I be nowhere close to it at all -lrb- 282mb out of 3096mb -rrb- . also , the game would not let I change from a 800x600 resolution because it think that I be exceed the memory usage . I find a way past this little problem with some google help . once I change the resolution , the game stop say I be close to exceed the memory usage . I max everything out , and begin play . I notice no difference from my 5770 . not one single difference . then the game become night time , and there be flicker shadow all over the place in the game , something that do not happen at all with my 5770 . this be not look good so far and make I severely regret my purchase . the second game I test be Skyrim . again , my 5770 run this game just fine . I instantly want to completely max out the setting in this game , and upon do so , the game be SO INCREDIBLY STUTTERY . I must have be get like 5fp . it be severely unplayable on absolute max setting . I have to completely turn of aa and af , and at this point , the game look and perform exactly as it do with the 5770 . so by now you may be ask , `` if this card be perform so badly , why 3 star ?? '' . well , I be blame the issue right now on crappy driver . this be my only saving grace hope that I do not just completely blow $ 450 buck . I will keep this update if anything change , and hopefully for they sake and for my rage 's sake , it better change . \*\*\* UPDATE \*\*\* after mess around with the option of the card in catalyst control center and do everything I could just shy of re-installing Windows , I finally decide to just set everything back to factory default . well , now I be get like 2000 fp in GTA iv and Skyrim stay at a constant 60 fp . I also try Saint 's Row the Third , and that be get between 65-75 fp . all of this be with every setting completely max out in the game . this card be a beast , just as long as you keep the setting as default in catalyst control center . 66 GraphicsCard POS 5 Got here very fast about 2 day ... card work like a charm ... do not have to use the disk . . plug and play ... very happy 576 GraphicsCard POS 5 video card be cheaper and high performance and I be very pleased buy !! I recommend it if you have the money to buy a better perform or as I say poor card , but the best ! es la tarjeta de video ma barata y de gran rendimiento que e comprado I siento muy satisfecho !!!! la recomiendo si no tiene el dinero para comprarte una de mejor rendimiento o como digo yo la tarjeta de los pobres , pero la mejor !!! 822 GraphicsCard POS 5 just get this monitor adapter cord to hook up my second monitor . my computer only have one VGA port . I go to bestbuy and be tell I would have to spend upward of $ 100 to get a cord then a adapter for the cord in order to hook up dual monitor . I find this cord on Amazon and it work perfectly ! I be so excited . it be so easy to set up and now I have my dual monitor work ! Super fast ship too ! definitely recommend this product if you do not have two VGA port for a dual monitor setup . 970 GraphicsCard POS 4 install the driver from the include CD then connect you usb adapter and that it . Works well . like other reviewer state it do sometimes forget it position or suddenly think it should be mirror instead of extend . only seem to happen when wake from be asleep . I be currently use it with a Dell laptop . I now have 2 full size monitor as well as the laptop build in screen . make work easier . also recommend a free app call MultiMon Taskbar , which give you a taskbar on all monitor and have some other great feature like a clipboard history function . over all I be very satisfied with this product . do not expect to play any game on it where you be concern with fp . but for work it be a easy perfect solution . I use it mostly for look at documentation and run RDP session . 171 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this same card be advertise at a few place for around two hundred less . I have a i7 CPU as well , 850w silent pro gold series , z68-v-pro mb , two stick of ram totally 8 gb on the board with a CPU cooler as well . my case be the smilodon and have the best cooling you could ask for in a left side clear case so you can see the inside plus the right side come down to do bench testing without disconnect a thing . this card have good stats and number on paper , but for half the price you can surpass it easy with a slus set up . those `` in the know '' ` who care about throw away they money just to brag about have the latest and greatest will be and have be separate from they money for many year now , and many to come . this industry be no different than the rest . I do not want to break any to rule on here , so I can not mention brand and price , but I be always available to take question in detail . spend this money on two respectable card that have go way down in price now since the sucker who pay this asinine price for card like these be make up the difference and then some . you will get two great card that will be way more than what you need , and still have money leave over to purchase a few game that slightly older card in the 5 series will handle like clock work . my set up I mention above be complete by a old gtx260 oc2 card that produce 299 fp in all game I play , online and off . for those who know , 299fp be what the server tap out at , so who know how high it would really go . no mistake , a solid graphic card round out any gaming rig , but overkill in this industry be at a all time high , and you all victim of price gouging and hype that only lead to senseless spending . so , even if you get just one card for a fraction of this price , it will more than surpass you need in any and all game , and there be great offer out on they , so do you research and use whatever common sense you have to not get separate from you hard earn money so you can take a pretty girl out on a date and stop dream of the female avatar you see in you game . 706 GraphicsCard POS 5 with all the new card come out and my 560tus not perform as well as I would like anymore , I steer in the direction of what I think be the best bang for the buck . not a overly expensive card and can now play anything at max on my system . my system be AMD 965be and 8gig of ram . Great Card for MMO 's as well as battlefield 3 . it be unbelievably quiet , and never seem to heat up . Power consumption be minimal . I coould not be happier about this purchase . I think this card be perfect for the market at the moment , anything bigger be really just overkill . 374 GraphicsCard NEG 2 it work like a lamp . my resolution of screen be 1366x768 and it do not work on that . it only work on 1280x1024 , however the performance be awful . 551 GraphicsCard POS 5 I find that it take a special sequence of event to get it to work with all device . I need to plug the unit into my usb port as the last move . and that mean that I have to plub the db connector in to the VGA adapter as the last move , and then only after my laptop be finish load everything during the poweron sequence . after I get the sequence right , everything work fine for Powerpoint two display . 84 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I know i need a low profile pcus video card for my computer , so I decide on this one , I have be use pny product for a long time and I have be always realy please with they , first i think it be a `` lemon '' I receive , but then I read another review explain the exact issue I be have : THIS video card , USED under WINDOWS 7 or VISTA , will prevent you to turn OFF your COMPUTER USING the power off hardware button or clicking the SHUT DOWN BUTTON ON WINDOWS ! the system will start to power off process , but after that it will reboot , just like if you have select to the restart option . the only way to shut it down be by unplug the power cord . already try to update driver , motherboard bio , disable window ' 7 reboot option on a error , in the system advance option , no go . so its a good card , great performanse for a low end design but still ... a really bad idea ... 871 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install this card for a new pc video game -lrb- arma 2 -rrb- to be use in a mod call dayz . Works perfectly . 600 GraphicsCard POS 5 it work ... play my game smooth ... a video card be just another component ... it wont open a beer or jerk chicken . 764 GraphicsCard POS 5 this prodcut will let you work with 2 monitor side by side and will split the screen . it plug into the usb port and it start work automatically . Great for open to application on different screen with 2 computer 803 GraphicsCard POS 4 this be a excellent video or graphic card for anyone try to upgrade a older system from 2003 through 2006 . this be compatible with Windows 7 and have all driver in win-7 . screen resolution problem experience when upgrade a older computer to Windows 7 be solve when incorporate this specific PCI slot video card . 844 GraphicsCard POS 5 the video card be incredible the graphic be wonderful . the card be gorgeous , and seem very well build . I could not believe the detail in Cyris 2 , and Max Payne 3 run the game perfect with no issue . the only problem be I do not know that you need at least 500 watt power supply to run this graphic card . if you have say a 250 like I do the card will not work . also the card get hot so I get new computer shell with better vent , and 600 watt power supply . other then that get one asap , you will not be sorry buying this wonderful gamer 's dream card . I almost forget to mention the first card send by amazon seem to have be a use one not the same card I believe , however amazon be nice enough to refund my money , and let I send back the wrong card at they expense . 282 GraphicsCard POS 4 purchase this card in May 2012 . switch the bio and no unlock shader . put the position back to stock , read the bio , modify and re-flash to the secondary bio , still same result , no unlock shader . still a good card though , but do not expect to unlock it unless you can get you hand on a older revision of this card . 991 GraphicsCard POS 5 Ok , so I will start by say that I previously have a 6870 and promptly buy a 7870 when it be release . that be a big mistake . in fact , even own the 6870 for so long and just accept the problem with the driver and slowdown in game be idiotic of I . so , I think I get a bad 7870 because of the blue screen , freezing , slow performance , yada yada , so I get another one . same problem . I get feed up with AMD and see this card be just release . so , I get it in hope that it would solve all my problem . it do , and it even solve problem I do not even know I have . I always expect that slowdown and stuttering be just normal with graphic card in some area . even in game like Skyrim the framerate would drop to 40 or even 35 sometimes with the 7870 . hell , I buy the 7870 to get rid of the same issue with my 6870 . but finally , this 670 gtx make my game run smooth as silk and have a stable system be amazing again . I can not believe I ever jump on the AMD bandwagon , and I do not think I ever will again . so , now I will review the card . this evga card come nicely package with everything I need . I like how it have two DVI slot , whereas my previous card seem to have replace one with displayport . the design look like a VHS tape , and I be concern that it only have one fan . however , it seem to not matter in the end when I oce it . this card be fast and quiet . let I emphasize how quiet it be ... you rarely hear it over you normal pc fan . my 5870 sound like a jet take off and my 6870 be a little better , but this thing outstanding as far as noise go . as far as performance go , it handle pretty much anything you throw at it so far . it be a little slower than the 7870 somehow in Crysis and Crysis Warhead , and I have no idea how that be possible . in every other game , it destroy the 7870 I previously own for a few week . the driver be AMAZING ! I be so happy to not have to deal with any sort of driver not respond issue , blue screen , etc. . those thing become second nature to deal with when own a AMD card . finally , everything just work like it should . I install the driver that come on the CD and have not even look at they since . the game all run so smoothly , even when they dip below 60fp . seriously , 40fp with nvidium driver and 40fp with AMD driver be not the same . AMD stutter and it be not smooth . NVidia be smooth , so I do not have to care if my game be dip below 60fp because I do not notice . I overclock the card and test the stability with the program provide on the CD the card come with . I have to register to download the app to test the stability , but it be not a big deal . overclocking be a little confusing with the boost , but I just take a stab in the dark and set my base clock to +100 mhz and memory to +200 mhz . it seem to be stable after 1 hour of stability testing . I hear there be issue with increase the voltage , but I do not have to deal with that . the clock speed vary widely with this card depend on activity and if the boost be on , but it deal with it flawlessly . this card be the best card I have ever own . the bottom line be that it be a great price for what you get . why get a 580 gtx when this have 95 % of the performance ? it stink that they can not provide enough stock for the card , but it 'll be worth the wait if you can . 348 GraphicsCard POS 5 if you can afford it , buy it ! this card perform ... ... ... ... . it really perform . I love it . I have a 6870 before and it work wonderfully . for this upgrade I be think about the gtx 680 , but I be a AMD fan and I want to stick with they . they really bring a GPU to the table . a really awesome one ! 653 GraphicsCard POS 5 purchase this card about 6 month ago to go along with a i5 2500k computer I build to play video game . this card be a great value , play just about any game on maximum possible setting at -rrb- 60 fp at 1920x1080 . the only game I have play that show even a slight performance dip at max setting be battlefield 3 and skyrim , both of which be get about 40 to 45 fp , which be still perfectly acceptable for most people . from what I have read online card work well in crossfire configuration with about a 90 % increase in performance , with spec like that this card will be play the latest game at maximum setting for a very long time . also I purchase my entire computer build from amazon include the computer case , not a thing be miss and everything come in nice packaging . standard shipping take on 2 day , order on a Sunday recieve it on Wednesday . overall great product very pleased with amazon . save I over 1000 dollars.com pare to a prebuild.com puter from dell or hp . with the same spec . 897 GraphicsCard NEU 3 its ok for old computer , , its fast for a month but if you over use it on high graphic super fast game it will still crash , speed up game but if you ahve a slow computer youtube will still be slow , the video will load like 3 % slower than the playing video so it will stop ever so often , give a chance to load it will be fine . game wise , if you set the graphic to medium or some where under the medium the card will work fine but push it past the limit for you enjoyment will ruin it . use it for more than a week non stop for 5 + hour every day will start to make you fan whirr more often , would recomend it for casual gaming and casual everything else , not intense thing 855 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : very fast card for the old AGP slot ! Easy to install ! driver on include cdrom work just fine despite what other review have say ! no stability issue to speak of ! cosmetically the card look great ! high stock clock and can be overclocked quite high ! gddr3 memory be the only way to go ! con : card require a powerful power supply of 450 watt 30-amp minimum , I recommend a 500 watt 35-amp or better PSU . card require two Molex 4-pin lead from PSU to function properly . this card be very long and as such will not fit in minus tower , full tower only ! other thought : the bottom line be that they no longer make card for the AGP slot . and if you do not want to throw a bunch of money into build a new system , this be you best bang for buck card to keep that older agp system current to the time . I have a first generation single core AMD 64-bit pc which I soon plan to upgrade to dual core because the new bio on my Asus board support they . when install this card , I have to move my hard drive to a lower slot in the bay because the card be so long it extend to the front of they . I use the driver that be on the include disk , they install fine . I have have no instability issue or driver issue since . and I test this card with fear with all option max out , and all I get to say be WOW ! Time to mop the deck with some hozer online : p consider the 3850 come out not that long ago , you will be pretty current with this card and should keep you system go for a year of more till you next upgrade . I be happy with my purchase ! 268 GraphicsCard NEG 2 this one be ok to view word , excel , pdf document . you can not use this to view internet , youtube or video file . do not even think about gaming . 518 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have upgrade my monitor recently to the zr30w and my old card -lrb- gtx 470 -rrb- be not able to handle the resolution . be go to buy the gtx 580 but I wait for this card instead . be glad I do , my game play much smoother and love it . I play diablo 3 beta , sc2 , league of legend , mw3 and battlefield 3 with good frame rate -lrb- everything ultra -rrb- . its nice to see all the graphic from the game , now that I can max it . will be buy another card as soon as I can afford it to sli they and have much better frame rate . I will not need to upgrade for at least 3 year -lrb- I hope -rrb- . the thing I like most be how quiet it be and how cool the card be . I leave the fan run at 50 % and the card stay cool and quiet . my gtx 470 be very loud and hot that my room get warm . its be nice for winter time but not for the summer . I hope this help you guy . spec CoolerMaster Stacker 830 Asus P6X58D Premium Intel Core i7-980 -lrb- not the extreme -rrb- noctua 6 dual heatpipe with 140mm\/120mm dual SSO Bearing fan CPU Cooler NH-D14 Patriot Viper Xtreme Series DDR3 12 gb -lrb- 3 x 4 gb -rrb- pc3-16000 2000mhz 9-11-9-27 for Intel Core i7 px7312g2000elk -lrb- 2 set -rrb- gtx680 sc signature 2048mb gddr5 ssd Samsung 830 128gb 989 GraphicsCard POS 4 I would love to give this card 5 star . I really would . but it be just so loud . I can hear the fan spin up even while open fancy look program . the temp be fine , range between 65-85 Celsius while under serious load -lrb- at first I be concern about these temp , but research show those be average for a GPU -rrb- . I originally purchase the card to upgrade my hd 6670 . that be a fantastic card , but just be not quite beefy enough for I . the 6770 might not seem like that huge of a jump , but I go from medium\/high setting on battlefield 3 to all Ultra . and that be a huge jump , as most of the FPS breaking feature be the jmp from high to ultra . at this point , there be no game I can not throw at this card that it will not play with ease . it be definitely the best 128bit card in the 6xxx series . 517 GraphicsCard POS 5 it be only be five day since I install this , but man do it make a difference . the last card I run be a hd 5770 , so switch up to double the video memory and 256-bit architecture be a dream of sort . highly recommend download trixx to set custom fan speed and overclock if you be into that . I have not actually oced anything on the card yet , but it already chew up everything I throw at it without complaint . Crysis run at max setting , as do Dragon Age 2 and the Witcher 2 . have not try Crysis 2 with the Ultra Upgrade yet , but I imagine this beast would chew through it reasonably well also . basically , be you want a card that can stay cool while also tear the scream face off you game , this be it . 300 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have install about 15 of these in the past 6 month . some I buy from here and some from Newegg . all of they have come with the low rise plate . one thing I do notice be that the last batch I get from Amazon have HDMI and not s-video on it . I use neither but it look like they have change the card and not the description . everything else about the card be the same . I have install these in xp pro , xp home , win7 pro , and win 7 Enterprise . we use these just to add a second monitor . the card have two output on it . VGA and DVI . there be no VGA to DVI adapter in the box so if you be use it for two VGA connection , get a adapter as well . StarTech DVI to VGA Cable Adapter , M\/F -lrb- DVIVGAMF -rrb- in other word , give this thing some space . leave one empty slot right below it . 747 GraphicsCard POS 5 I must say that I be in love with this card ! I upgrade from a q6600\/evga gtx470 to a i7 37700k\/gtx 670 . the old rig serve I very well but it be finally time . I have be wait for the 600 series and Ivy bridge to drop for the last 6 month , and I be really glad I do . the old config just wasnt able to drive my 1920x1200 28 '' setup and my Nvidia 3D Vision projector setup at full setting . with this new cpu and the 670 , I be able to run everything max out usually above 60fp -lrb- which I consider a bit overkill , but in 3d mode I really do need the performance -rrb- . bf3 64-player mp battle be be bottleneck by my old cpu big time , but even on empty server I be only get 35-45fp with certain settin . with the new hardware combo I be get around 120fp with the same setting . with every setting max in full 64-player map @ 1920x1200 I can hold a solid 60fp . my CPU be only runnign at abt 50-60 % so I have ample room to later add in a 2nd gtx670 if need and when price drop . about the look : I be really dread buy this card because the picture make it out to look ghastly . whilst it be still not exactly pretty per-se , its nowhere near as ugly as the picture make it out to be . the mesh on the side be decent , and the `` white '' strip along the top be actually brush aluminum . there be other manufacturer that have better design -lrb- even ref be nicer imo -rrb- , but EVGA have the best customer service\/warranty -lrb- which be now intl. -rrb- \/ and the step-up program so I really do not have any other choice . if the ftw version be available on launch day I would have get that . another point to look out for : this card only have 1 dvi-i port and the other be dvi-d . this be a problem for I because both my 28 '' ViewSonic and H5360 3D projector need dvi-i . so in order to connect both at the same time -lrb- and be able to switch use Windows + p -rrb- , I would need to use 1 DVI out plus 1 dvi to VGA converter -lrb- for the projector -rrb- . however , there be no converter from dvi-d to VGA . currently I be use my old 470 as a physx card plus output for the PJ . I 'll prolly sell it and replace it with my very old 8800gt , but that my problem . all in all , the 670 be a truly great buy if you can get it at the $ 399 msrp !! 476 GraphicsCard POS 4 these card , and all gtx 670 card out there , be amazing value . there be a negligible difference in performance between the gtx 670 and the gtx 680 . not to mention , that this card be factory overclocked right out of the box . I easily get 70 fp on ultra in battlefield 3 , and even higher in civilization V. I get high fp in Starcraft 2 as well on Ultra setting , but a good CPU be better than a good GPU in that game . use evga precision x , I can set the target frame rate at 60 fp , and the card will not even use the full GPU power available at 1080p to get 60 fp . one that that have disappoint I be that my card do not overclock as far as other who have ftw card . I can only hit a 1268 MHz boost clock vs 1300 MHz , and my memory clock can only get to about 3247 MHz vs 3500MHz + that other report they can get to . in short , the gpus put into make these card be not bin , and be instead just test to make sure they can run at the factory overclock , which most 670 gpus should be able to do . so if you be look for strong overclocking , you be play the silicon gamble just like any other card . in fact , I suggest look into purchase a 7870 or a 7970 -lrb- soon to drop in price with the release of the 7970 GHz Edition -rrb- , which overclock great and perform slightly better than Nvidia card when they be overclock . however , if overclocking be not a big issue for you , stop read this review , and click the buy button . this card be fantastic . 288 GraphicsCard POS 5 bought 4 of these card , work like a charm . in 4 way slus , can run three 27 in monitor at 7680x1440 without any problem . the card run cool , just fan speed at 85 % be a tad noisy . the power cable be in the middle be abit odd and ugly but I do not care . the power be awesome . can push bf3 at Max setting with frame rate 60-70 . min frame rate hit 40 occasionally , but that be when u be kill in a explosion . 781 GraphicsCard POS 5 First of all , this be the superclock + version , with the include backplate -lrb- be a very nice surprise ! -rrb- arrive in good size amazon box with padding . item box be in flawless condition . Box be seal , and all item be include in they sealed packaging -lrb- driver cd , 2 molex -- -rrb- 6pin adapter , video cable -rrb- . this item be install in a Dell XPS 8000 computer -lrb- 2010 -rrb- . it fit , but I do have to move the original hardrive to a different place . I do also need a different SATA cable that give I a bit more length to feed around the card . this computer come in a small-mid size tower . the card be , as advertise , 10 inch in length , which make it ideal in tight fitting situation . I have it run with a Corsair hx650w . fantastic performance right off the bat . I do go to the evga website however , and get the most update precision x software for overclocking . my card gpu do not want to overclock more than 35 mhz , which be a bit of a letdown , but these card as you know be hit and miss . I be however at over 200mhz memory overclock , and I have not try push it further . why you might ask ? because there be simply no need for that speed on my system . I be run a brand new Ultrasharp IPS Dell display , 24inch at 1920x1200 . Skyrim , Witcher 2 , all max , with stable 60fp , even on my relatively old core i5-750 . I have notice my cpu temp have actually drop a good 5degree since upgrade to this card -lrb- from a sapphire 6850 -rrb- . overall , I give it a 5 star . be it absolutely necessary to run in my setup , absolutely not !! it be simply overkill for game now . but I be assure that I will have a top perform system for at least the next 2-3 year before I worry about get a whole new setup . great buy ! 197 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be not the usual person who give review but I just want to tell those who want to reserve it not to cancel even if it take more time , I reserve this card for a friend on September 3 and the delivery estimate be between 23 September - 5 October and I get a email around 5 day ago about a confirm delivery date by 20 September which mean that Amazon get the item even before the time frame that they put for it and I be get it even earlier -lrb- 19 September -rrb- , Amazon promise and they deliver . so those who want the item should reserve theirs and wait for it and never cancel unless you actually get one from another place cause its worth the wait if you really want it since cancel and reordering will get you down on the list while you be on top of it , or you can buy it from other people for over 1000 $ . 731 GraphicsCard NEG 1 if you be unlucky enough to have a defective card , get a replacement from galaxy be go to be extremely difficult and time-consuming . they customer service be virtually non-existent . sometimes they choose to ignore you email altogether . it may be prudent to purchase from a different manufacturer . 955 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I first install this card use Windows 2000 pro , and it work very well . then I do a new install of Windows 7 , and now many program include Combat Flifht Simulator will not run at all - even after get the win7 driver from Nvidia . 367 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I spend about 8 hour just try to get my pc to boot to window with this card in it . since I be rebuild this system , I be able to install xp first . card be recognize and everything be go well . however , once I do a clean install of window 7 , thing go downhill from there . I keep get blue screen of death and sometimes no boot at all . have to keep take the card out and run agp only and then put it back end and every time , it would cause the pc to either not boot at all or crash with blue screen . finally find someone with the same issue install this on a Dell Precision workstation in the PCI slot . have to take it out of the PCI slot and move it to the pci-x slot while the computer be on and get window 7 to recognize the card , and then install the NVIDIA driver while keep the old AGP Video Card in . once it reboot and I could see the device in the device manager , have to reboot and change bio setting for primary video from agp to AUTO . finally after 2 restart it reboot and come up to window on the DVI port of this new card . the educate guess from other be that window 7 and the Dell Bios be have trouble read the 512 mb of pny memory on the card . unfortunately , I can not verify this . now that the card be run it be great . 259 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy two of these on release day . I upgrade from -lrb- 2 -rrb- AMD 5770 . I think those two be pretty fast as i could run most game at the highest setting . dx11 be out of the question though , so i have to settle w \/ dx9 or 10 . I have no idea these 680 would be this fast . I run several benchmark and record result - some benchmark be 800 % faster over my previous 5770 . I can run any game , all the highest setting , physx -lrb- if available -rrb- and everything be completely smooth . Metro 2033 , for instance , be a slideshow with high setting . now , i can run the game at 2048x1152 , physx , max setting , msaa , all dx11 feature enable . it be completely smooth . amazing . I cant fault these card at all . theyre quieter than my previous 5770 and run cooler . my system use less power now as well . for other ' reference , here 's my setup : core i7 920 @ 3.8 GHz Asus P6T OCZ 6gb ddr3 EVGA GTX 680 SLI OCZ Vertex 2 60gb , Intel X25-M 160GB Creative X-Fi Xtrememusic Silverstone 1200W Corsair Carbide 500r 355 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a great graphic card ! I be on the prime trial and pay 3.99 for one day shipping , it get here in one day ! nicely package and with all component . work and work very well . Plays all my game on high setting ! wait on rebate still , not sure what to expect though . overall happy with my purchase and can not wait to game ! 55 GraphicsCard POS 4 I get a larger higher resolution monitor for a older pc and I need to upgrade the video card to support it . plug the evga card in the AGP slot install the driver and be up and run in minute . I like the fact it have a heat sink rather then a onboard fan . it make the card thinner and easier to fit in the slot , make no additional noise , and mean one less move part to wear out . this be the 3rd computer in which I have install a evga video card . they be a good value , reliable and run flawlessly for year . 772 GraphicsCard POS 5 as most folk know , Nvidia have be very good to we Linux folk . as a linux gamer since 2000 , this card be a vast improvement over my 9800-gtx . I have not find a game yet that can not be max out . diablo 3 look pretty darn good with everything max out . portal 2 , Red Dead Redemption GOY , Fallout 3 GOY , Starcraft 2 , C&C; 3 , leave for Dead , Jedi Academy Jedi outcast , and Fallout New Vegas look amazing . if you run linux -lrb- I run debian testing -rrb- this card will serve you well . just be sure to run the latest driver along with playonlinux and you 'll be all set . gaming in Linux be very well support and this card run great . motherboard : Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P memory : 8gb Harddrive : Western Digital 500GB Monitor : 24 '' Dell 744 GraphicsCard POS 5 work well right out of the box . Easy installation . no complaint . I may buy another one to have three monitor . 70 GraphicsCard POS 5 beware of the dvi output . what appear to be two DVI FEMALE output be actually one DVI FEMALE and one DVI MALE , I repeat , MALE . this \* MALE be a different kind of output and require a adapter , that do not come with my order . normal DVI cable attach to female DVI output , not male . beware I say-it cause I trouble . otherwise . . what a beast card ! 203 GraphicsCard POS 5 i just switch out my old hot , loud and crappy ATI 5770 that come with my xp 8100 . best upgrade ever . it be hard to get use to how quiet the Gpu be . -lrb- I be use to the loud fan on the other gpu -rrb- . run everything on high\/ultra high . i get 60fp use frap on skyrim . very satisfied . would SLI if my motherboard support it . i use the cooler master gx 650w for the psu upgrade as well . 666 GraphicsCard POS 5 the Asus hd7870 be a fantastic video card as it provide very high frame rate in any game and run cool even when slightly overclock . even when overclock 10 % above reference ,732 Mhz , it never go above 72oC . great bang for the buck . 390 GraphicsCard NEG 1 Video card work out of the box . try to breathe life into a old machine i have . work good for about two hour , then thing start get strange . computer be freezing up , and then would start work again . color on the screen start shift . grab my handy handheld IR thermometer and point it at the head sink and find the heat sink be almost 200 degree F. this card may be a great card , but if you need this exact card , i would suggest look into some after market cooling because this card get hot quick . 417 GraphicsCard NEG 2 so im go to just guess that the temp sensor be off on my unit , catalyst control center never spin up the fan to anywhere near max , and the screen will start to twitch and eventually it crash the system . I have to go in and manually set my fan speed to 80-100 % to prevent this . other than that , run crysis warhead at max detail at 1920x1200 , pretty happy about that . Update : take off 2 more star , even after up the fan speed , still have graphic glitch , i have to UNDERCLOCK my memory 100mhz to make it stop . terrible . I think i get a 6850 in disguise here . maybe I get unlucky here , but still , do some testing before you put something out for sale . 623 GraphicsCard POS 5 build quality , performance , noise and overall . 1 . build quality : i have the impression that the shroud be make of hard plastic but its actually make of metal . give it a premium feel plus add protection - the card look amazing in person , red stripe on charcoal , beautifulu 2 . Performance : my game be starcraft 2 , skyrim , torchlight and a few which be not as demand as crysis 2 and metro 2033 . this card play all of they flawlessly -lrb- some high , other ultra setting -rrb- - this be on stock frequency , after overclock it to core850\/mem1980 - playing be even betteru 3 . noise : i make my own fan profile . my tolerance for the noise be up to 75 % , my case : fractal r3 have sound dampen , not sure if its still tolerable in other case . you can hear the fan but no blow dryer effect , for I if you dont want to hear anything then go full liquid cooling . I like hear it a bit because i can tell at which part of the fan profile it be hence have a estimate of where the temp be without the in game osd monitoring . 4 . overall : exceed my expectation . be choose between the 580 ds or this , have slus be something ive always dream of have and 2 580 's would have be great but i go for the match color of the 570 ds to the rest of my rig , and experience it first hand - i cant wait for my other 570 ds to arrive ... im a very happy customer , thank you amazon and evgau 433 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : simply the best perform card on the planet . it be a monster . ability to run QUAD SLI ! con : high performance equal high price . run a little hot , but not bad . if you be look for the best graphic card available , do the research . it will point you directly to the gtx 295 . evga should give you peace of mind to spend the dough this bad boy be gonna cost . 213 GraphicsCard POS 4 pro - 1 -rrb- unlockable to 6970 with push of switch 2 -rrb- can overclock it to HD 6970 easily with trixx software utility 3 -rrb- very quiet and run very cool 4 -rrb- constant 40 + fp for battlefield 3 , crysis 2 , assassin 's creed brotherhood with -lrb- 1920x1200 , 8xaa , everything max out -rrb- con - 1 -rrb- no crossfire bridge 2 -rrb- packaging be not impressive 3 -rrb- Fingers cross for rebate 4 -rrb- no game coupon dirt 3 \/ deus ex if it matter to you -lrb- I be not fan of race game anywayz -rrb- conclusion : must have if you do not need \/ mind buy crossfire bridge 6 GraphicsCard NEG 1 while I do not purchase through Amazon , I want to share my experience with the product here to inform those interested in the card about its potential issue . there be no question that the Asus GTX 670 dc2 model be among the best look available , and the cooling solution be second to none . that be what attract I to the card - the slight difference in performance between the various option be of minimal concern 'cause they be all fast enough and test have show that if I want more performance all it would take be a bit of memory overclocking . such be not necessary though , as it have no problem with any of my game at 1920x1200 resolution with all the eye candy . I would think all be well as I have no issue whatsoever with the card for nearly three month ... then not quite two week ago I experience the first of many random black screen hard lock while gaming . after confirm that the graphic card be indeed at fault -lrb- a friend have the same card and swap they for a few day result in the black screen hard lock follow my card -rrb- I be now without my graphic card for potentially a entire month for a Asus RMA as they do not offer advanced replacement on graphic card . in the course of my troubleshooting , I come across numerous forum post from other Asus GTX 670 owner with either black screen hard lock or rsod issue . the disturbing part be that the majority of such report be also from owner who have be use they card for a month + without problem before it go bad , which definitely have I worried that there be a long term reliability issue with the design . 735 GraphicsCard NEG 2 the product send be the right card , but it do not have the VGA plug or the slot bracket to fit it . it come with only the DVI and HDMI with a short bracket that wont even fit my computer . seem I be short a few part , especially you standard slot bracket . Geesh . at -lrb- ... -rrb- they list what be in the box , but it do not say such part , they show this : 900270 and 900290 . I can only guess these be part number for the miss bracket and VGA plug . I only have VGA monitor -lrb- two -rrb- . on my previous ATI card , I use a a DVI to VGA adapter and the VGA out to run two monitor . so when I see the picture show this card to have the same ability , I believe it to be true . 641 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install Richard burn rally game but would not play on my old Dimension 4600 due to lack of pixel shading . plug unit in and voila all be well . shredding rbr on the daily now . thanks evga and Amazon 117 GraphicsCard NEU 3 good performance be able to play in dx11 @ 5760x1080 metro2033 but have problem , the speedfan control do not work only stay in one speed , I try to change with amd overdrive , sapphire Trixx , msi afterburner and the program recognize the new speed but the noise and the temperature it be the same , the card idle in 64 c and 95 c at load , in eyefinty arrange , the other be that i can not configure the stereo 3d feature conect with hdmus , minidp-hdmus , minidp-dvi -lrb- active -rrb- - hdmus , only recognize hdmus , I could not find information which be the correct setting to use this feature , waste time and money buy monitor with hdmus and speaker include . the last one be when drag a window , this window be cut by two line until drop it . the card be in the process of refund 372 GraphicsCard POS 4 I install this card on my 2007 Dell Inspiron 530 . I need a low profile card and this fit just fine . it really help with play newer game like battlefield 2 and Crysis . of course you computer 's processor and memory hardware will also be factor and you may have to adjust you game 's video preference too . I have have this card for a while and it have not give I any problem 770 GraphicsCard POS 4 the good news and bad news about this card : the good news - great card ! I buy it as the `` last best '' videocard for my agp motherboard - I take the advice on tom 's hardware and get this card . and it raise my performance hugely -lrb- my old video card be a 128mb geforce -rrb- , with no problem . it be a little tricky get the latest driver -lrb- best bet be to go to sapphire tech : -lrb- ... -rrb- -rrb- , but otherwise no problem . the bad news be - they do not really tell you -lrb- and the manual be also very cryptic about it -rrb- , but it turn out it need _ 2 _ 4-pin power supply connector feed into it . as my old video card need _ 0 _ such power supply connector , this be a issue : -rrb- . it be easily remedy by buy power supply splitter cable , which only cost about $ 4 -lrb- look at the ` people who buy this also buy ' section -rrb- , but if you do not order they in advance , and you be not near a Fry 's , you may have buy this video card and be unable to install it . 271 GraphicsCard POS 5 use with xp and beyond . I get it to work with Windows 2000 after a lot of hunting and configure a driver but I would not recommend it . for the money the performance can not be beat . 212 GraphicsCard POS 5 this graphic video card work very well . i have a 23 '' screen , and i have need a good video card , only on a pcus slot . i ` t a nvidium chipset so it be a reliable product . 567 GraphicsCard POS 4 I be use this video card for about 10 day now , run bf3 on max setting , test with Crysis dx11 + hd texture pack and skyrim with hd texture pack . I can say that the card be good , handle these game on maximum setting but it be not better than my Radeon 7970 , I think it be the same level . both machine have i7-3770k@4.4 . maybe with new game use physx I will see some improvement . I can recommend it over the 7970 bcz of the lack of bugs\/inssues i have sometimes with the 7970 . look for another 680 to get SLI or some thing stronger from Nvidia next month . right now , this videocard alone be enought for all game i like . 679 GraphicsCard POS 5 I order this and have problem install the 1st time so i have to try again -lrb- 1st installation -rrb- the 2nd it work and it be run flawless . I be a gamer so I specifically buy this for gaming . I could run my old game smoother . Games such as Garry 's Mod , Team Fortress 2 , Minecraft , SA : mp -lrb- San Andreas Multiplayer -rrb- . I can play new game out in my current time Skyrim , mw3 -lrb- not to much of a cod fanboy -rrb- , although I can not play bf3 I come pretty close . I also can play game such as APB : Reloaded . I do not use Adobe after affect to often nor Photoshop but now i can use the 3rd feature on Photoshop and on after effect I do not get error while work on my introduction . also if you hate fan you be go to love this because it have a heatsink and no fan make nose all day and it maintain it be cool pretty good see I leave my pc on for 2week straight while it be in it . anyways like I say this be a great buy for the price it be totally worth it . 856 GraphicsCard POS 4 I buy this as a second video drive for a two-monitor setup -lrb- thus the fact that this card install into a PCI slot be good for I because the other card be the AVI slot -rrb- . the card seem to have good review , a modest price , enough onboard memory , and , especially attractive , it avoid need for another hum little fan by use lot of big heat sink . installation be simple . follow they instruction . it be basically : install the driver . insert the card in the slot . restart the computer . the downside of the `` silent '' feature of the card be that the heatsink stick out a lot . the card be so fat that it basically cover two pcus slot . it be not a issue in my particular setup because I do not currently need that slot . there may be enough space to cram it in the end slot where the heat sink might actually be touch the computer case . the video output seem just fine for internet , office application , and email . I be not a gamer , however . 797 GraphicsCard POS 5 when EVGA release the gtx 680 , I be really hope to get my hand on one to upgrade from a gtx 570 sc . these dream quickly die when I see how third party vendor be price gouging these card hundred of dollar above msrp due to limited quantity . I then look into the gtx 670 's . if I be go to be spend several hundred of dollar , I want to make sure I would have no buyer 's regret . I look at the clock speed of the gtx 670 ftw and then look up the clock speed of a gtx 680 . to my shock , they be exactly the same ! I quickly compare the price . about a $ 100 dollar difference ! I be immediately sell on the gtx 670 ftw . this card be absolutely the best value for you buck when buy into the gtx 600 series card . after several day of use , the card run very quiet and cool . significantly cooler than my previous gtx 570 sc . furthermore , this card can be overclock use EVGA precision x software . \* author 's note : I end up buy my gtx 670 ftw from Newegg because at the time of my purchase -lrb- May 24th -rrb- this item be not be list on Amazon . these card have be price reduce $ 20 due to a recall of some gtx 670 sc 's . also , my card come in plastic packaging instead of the normal evga black foam and one of the include cable be out of its packaging . \/ watch ? v = glpvho-0pew -- Unboxing Video 738 GraphicsCard POS 4 need to replace my two Crossfire hd5770 's , as I be in closed beta a a new but old game base on the `` Battletech '' Universe . this game now work fine with this new card . world of tank prefer the old hd5770 for some odd reason , but it work on that too . two vidcard work with AMD Crossfire , or nvidea slus , do not a `` equivalent '' higher level card make . glad I spend the extra $ $ $ get a single , better card . 884 GraphicsCard POS 5 extremely fast card . Run quietly . Temp be kind high when u oc . if u look for high performance graphic card . this be for u 710 GraphicsCard POS 4 a fantastic video card , I be get great performance out of it . I have two together in Cross-Fire . only thing I 'll say be that it be annoy Amazon would not let I buy two - I end up buy the second one for my CrossFire setup from NewEgg , which be unfortunate for Amazon and for I have to work with multiple source and shipping cost . I wish it could overclock a bit more , though I do expect my lack of luck in this area may be partly due to have the two link as each have different limitation . be able to get up to 880 clock . would be a lot better if they pre-oc would these guy so we do not have to mess with it . nice cooler though , keep it cool even with the two card right up against each other . 473 GraphicsCard POS 5 this graphic card be amazing ! I can not wait to crossfire two of these . ran leave 4 dead 2 everything on high with anti-aliasing x16 and the GPU 's temp stay around 67c and around 42c on idle . I be very happy with this card and you will be too ! also the free code for Dirt 3 be a very welcome addition . 314 GraphicsCard POS 5 good pci-e video card for its price . I get 4.6 score on Windows 7 Windows experience index . I buy the cheap card so I can watch my Blu-Ray movie on a multi-boot os -lrb- xp & 7 -rrb- on dual lcd monitor . Video quality be excellent . just make sure to update to the latest nvidium driver . 699 GraphicsCard POS 5 in a nutshell , this card be awesome ! Easy to install , although as other poster have say , it be a huge card and will not fit in slim case . run slightly warm -lrb- 62 Celsius , after 1 hour in black op with Ultra setting -rrb- on my pc -lrb- HP p7-1010 -rrb- since they design the board to have the cpu under the video card which sit directly under the psu . get over 140fp in 3dmark06 with setting maxx and a 15,346 score . have not be able to get this card to skip or stutter on any game I throw at it . run all game at native 1080p -lrb- 1920x1080 -rrb- @ 60hz with max\/ultra\/da bomb setting Alice : Madness Returns Battlefield 3 BattleForge call of Duty : Black Ops Dead Island Deus ex : human evolution gattle Gears Hard Reset Starcraft II and MANY more , although they be pretty old so say they run great at max setting be not really say much for this card and blu-ray movie look amazing , almost 3d without the glass . note : this card can not be unlock . when I try unlock the 6970 shader it give I a gpuid mismatch error . the fix do not seem to work either , it flash the rom , but upon reboot it be still a 6950 898 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a older , smaller case I need a DVI card for . it have to be pcus connection slot . I find this card to be simple enough ; though to make it low-profile you need to unscrew the plate and use provide smaller plate . this of course be require for any low-profile `` ready '' card so that be fine . I need this card in conjunction with a dvi-to-hdmus converter to plug this into my hdtv . it work great ; picture be crisp and clear . I would definately say buy this card if you requirement be for low-profile and pcus connection . 211 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be a beast to install in a small form factor htpc but I know it would fit . once I remove a few internal part it slip right in . I have have it for a few month now and I have zero complaint . 435 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card to prepare myself for battlefield 3 when it come out and I believe that I will be purchase another one to run SLI so that it can make everything that much better . before I purchase this from Newegg , I be use a 460gtx also by evga . only 2 manufacturer make the 560ti card with 2gb VRAM , EVGA and Palit . I trust evga more than palit hence why I purchase this one over the other brand . on to the review ... Card can run most game at high-highest depend on the game . I be able to play battlefield bc2 , civilization v , Aliens vs Predator , and just cause 2 max out . it run cool , it be quiet , have a huge amount of memory , easy to install - hardware wise and software\/driver wise as well , and the 384 core of the gtx560tus vs the 336 of the gtx560 do make a difference when you play game . when I say this card run cool , I mean it really do run cool . in my thermal take armor + case , it run around 28c idle , and a max of 55c under full load . for the money , this be the best bang for you buck right now . you can also overclock this card to go well above and beyond the spec on the box and make it even that much better . just make sure to have adequate cooling for you case\/card . addition note : this card be huge as be the other newer card so make sure you have room in you case for it . I do not have to move anything but I have hear of plenty of other people not be able to fit this card in they mid tower and some in they large tower have to move they hard drive out of the way . this card do take up 2 slot but if you be buy this card , I be sure you already know that . also as a note , my card do not run that hot , do not mean that yours will not . some user have report see higher temperature than what I have post so make sure that you when you be look at you temperature , you be use my temperature as a reference only . with that be say , my house stay at 72f -lrb- 21c -rrb- during the summer\/winter month , computer be in the basement which be usually around 68-70f -lrb- 20c -rrb- . 943 GraphicsCard POS 5 pop it in install driver and away you go . Works great , fixed my problem with try to run 3d cad application in a vmware virtual machine . 64-bit driver be available for Linux as well , which be just what I need . can not beat it for the price . Wish it be fan-less , but that be a very minor complaint . 604 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card have be install and it be run very cool 28c 55c on 3dmark6 . for those who say this be a large card not it be smaller then the Gigabyte gtx260 that I replace . it run much faster then the gtx260 I have to say it run almost as fast as the 260 's sly . and like other there be no bridge for crossfire even though the picture show this be suppose to be include . I be go to e-mail Amazon and see if they will send this to I . 858 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : + can handle basically anything I throw at it and still run at high fp -lrb- run at 1080p resolution -rrb- + fan be really quiet and still keep the card at cool temperature . + can overclock to 1200\/1600\/1250 -lrb- use 12.4 driver and trixx with the additional 12.1 `` atipdlxx . dll '' file . -rrb- con : - driver ... it be a AMD thing . - can not stream game online use xsplit , which be a huge bummer for I consider that I stream . hopefully AMD will fix they driver !! 185 GraphicsCard POS 5 after look at the review there be no way you can be disappoint with the evga gtx670 . First off , evga have great support , and the guy over at EVGA be great people . EVGA have be around for a very long time , and they even have they own forum where tech support help you out . as for the gtx670 performance be stellar despite the fact it be not as fast as a gtx680 , it 'll max out pretty much every game at 1080p without issue . after look at the review , it be a very impressive card . so not only be you get a great card , you be also get a top brand with a solid 3 year warranty , and solid support . evga from what I understand , also have a 90 day step up program , so if you want to upgrade within 90 day from the date of purchase to a newer product , you can through that program . people have also report that overclock the gtx670 can make it faster than a stock clock gtx680 . that be pretty impressive . 815 GraphicsCard NEU 3 the card work great for a few day , but my boot time increase to almost 10 minute . eventually my pc start freezing up anytime I try to play any game on my system -lrb- wow , swtor , Skyrim , DC Online -rrb- . trace it back to driver that do not install correctly , so I uninstall , reboot , redownload , and then install they only to have thing go from bad to worse . my system would not load Windows 7 , or would take 15 + minute to actually get to my login screen . it would randomly reboot itself during the Windows start-up , and eventually start boot Windows right into a bsod . the code from the bsod point back to the video card driver , but because of the driver , my system be completely shoot , it will not run Windows past the initial logo screen before it reboot itself or bsod with the same driver error . I can not even boot into safe mode . do a search through various search engine for `` HD 6870 driver issue '' bring up lot of complaint of problem with atus 's driver and a refusal by AMD to even acknowledge it , as every link lead back to they own support forum with complaint about the card and it be driver have be remove . great card , very buggy driver , and a lack of support from AMD force I to send the card back to Amazon for a refund , and leave my pc dead until I replace the hard drive and buy a copy of Wndows . reinstall be not a option due to recent image on that drive that be not backed-up at the time . Live and learn , back up more than once a week . back to Nvidia after use AMD for the last few year . 195 GraphicsCard POS 5 order this card after have 2 fail Nvidia card back to back and I do not know why I ever try anything other than AMD . the card fire up immediately , all function work correctly and game run as smooth as silk . the only complaint I have about the card be that it be just a bit too expensive to buy 2 for crossfire at the time I originally purchase it . 914 GraphicsCard POS 4 first the card : replace a outdated but surprisingly capable Radeon HD 5830 that could still play everything near full at 1600x1200 . but near be no longer enough so I spring for the `` great deal '' in the 680 's little-by-1 \/ 2 '' brother , the 670 ftw . quote on great deal for the fact high end card seem to jump $ 100 every 2 year . it be perform well as expect -lrb- see Tom 's hardware or such for benchmark , it run everything max -rrb- but do not overclock well at all . the CPU be unstable at more than a 10mhz offset in precision x and the memory get about 100MHz . I be not run it overclocked because there be no need but I want to know how much headroom it have , and it be little . it be louder than the Radeon but not loud . the card sit 3 ' from my head so that be important . my case and CPU fan be rate 17-19 db so normally the hard drive be the loudest thing , this be a bit louder , maybe 25-30 db . if you have air conditioning on in you room you will not hear the card though . now the concern : EVGA have cut down it be warranty at the knee , from lifetime to 10 year to 3 year in 2 or 3 `` generation '' of card . they no longer cross ship . they no longer pay shipping to they . instead they want to sell you extend warranty and - get this - ship protection in case you return you card . yes they will let you pay now for ship you dead card later and the only way it would be worth it at they price be if the card die a few time . the warranty also require a involved registration process to be complete within 30 day . needless to say this throw up red flag as to what kind of failure rate they card be get nowadays that they will no longer stand behind they . if xfx still make Nvidia card I would have promptly exchange this for a black edition with a double transferable lifetime warranty that they actually honor . there it be , my gripe be one common to most industry - cost cut means support cut - and EVGA have move into the `` value card maker '' realm of support . of course , the card be price lower than factory overclocked offering from Gigabyte , MSI and Asus , so maybe `` value card maker '' be exactly what they want to be now . just know what kind of back you will get . 608 GraphicsCard POS 5 do exactly what I want which be to run 2 of they crossfire . great product good on AMD . extra word for fun 975 GraphicsCard POS 4 the great thing about this card be I be play Skyrim on high setting at 1920x1080 . it look great , and be a good price . the fan run quieter than my old 8800 gt card -lrb- probably because it be a larger diameter fan -rrb- . overall I be pretty happy with the card after resolve some installation issue with my computer case . a possible problem with this card be the size and power consumption -lrb- if you case and power supply be not large enough -rrb- . it be big in all three dimension . it will take the space of two slot wide -lrb- which be well advertise -rrb- . when it be sit vertically in the slot , the power connection be on the top edge of the card and the fan assembly also extend beyond the card in this direction by a centimeter or so . for many case this be just fine , but not all . it would not fit a large home theater case -lrb- not a miniature one -rrb- because it have a design in which the motherboard tray slide out for card placement and slide back into the case . it would not slide back in because of the positioning of the power connector that extend above the card . the optical drive bay be above the top edge of the card with only a small clearance . the clearance be not a problem for any other card I own -lrb- include the 8800 gt I put in this case from my older computer -rrb- . the power connector and fan that extend beyond the top edge of the card be a problem here . in a more standard tower-style case with a microatx motherboard I need to remove a hard drive since the end of the card take the same space as the rear of a hard drive . that mean I migrate two hard drive into one . for those with standard atx style tower it be not likely to be a problem , but for micro atx case or unusual case design you will need to consider you configuration and the card dimension , even if the case may be large for they type . 143 GraphicsCard POS 4 install this card on a old Dell Dimension 2400 . go from use one monitor at 1280x768 to use two , one at 1920x1080 -lrb- dvi -rrb- and the other at 1280x768 -lrb- VGA -rrb- . this card be a good upgrade to older system that already meet you need except that they could use more monitor space . I primarily want to get dual monitor functionality and want my new 27 '' to run at 1920x1080 . this card satisfy both of those need perfectly and have extend the life of my antique dimension 2400 by several year . I be use this for regular application , I can not attest to how game perform . after disable the on-board graphic controller there may also be some performance gain as well , i be not sure yet . keep in mind , this card be for PCI slot , not pci-express , which make it perfect for older system that only have pcus slot . there may be some difficulty with the install . at first , I plug the card in and get a blank screen once Windows start . I then reboot and start in Safe Mode . once in Safe Mode I install the driver from the provide cd . there be a error when install the audio driver from the disc , I be able to afterwards boot regularly however anyway and get full hd video resolution . I then download the latest driver from Nvidia and everything go smoothly from there out . I disable the on-board graphic controller , then plug the 27 '' in via DVI and the 19 '' in via VGA and reboot . after a little configuring in the display property I have everything set up like I want it . to clarify , this card will support 1920x1080 if you monitor support it . the card will support dual monitor functionality - either by use one with the DVI plug -lrb- either straight DVI or DVI to VGA conversion , for which the adapter be provide -rrb- and the other the VGA plug , or by use one of these plug in combination with you on-board graphic controller . one thing that might also be possible be two monitor via this card and a third use the on-board controller . I do not have three monitor so I could not test this . finally , this card be PCI NOT pci-express . this be ideal for everyone who have older machine like mine that have a few upgrade here and there and be perfectly functional but just do not have enough monitor space . bottom line , great card for older pcus slotted system if you want more monitor space . 487 GraphicsCard POS 5 be worry buying use but it be in great condition and a great price . warn some older power supplies -lrb- past 2-3 year i dont think you will have this problem -rrb- do not have all of the power connection to fit -lrb- you will need 8 pin -rrb- . i be able to find a adaptor in a mom-pop store ... the seller send it really quick now feel comfortable with use item . 685 GraphicsCard POS 5 install the card in 6 minute and its work great . Sapphire include everything I need . I be short one power adapter but they supply two , so it work out fine . just run Windows the card be silent . you can not even hear the two fan . I fire up just cause 2 for about 2 hour to try and push it a little and it barely warm up . I run out of time but just run Windows 7 64bit it run at around 35c and the hottest I be able to get just cause 2 to push it be a max of 45c , and even then the fan do not need to speed up much . please note that this be only a day so far that I have it but so far , the improvement over my other card , the hd 4850 1gb be noticeable . the benchmark in just cause 2 be over 75 fp where the 4850 have 25 fp with the setting I choose to test it at . I have the setting turn up with the hd 4850 1gb but now I go to the max with this hd 6950 2gb and it do not even burp once ! awesome . I almost forget ... accord to the reading from techpowerup gpu-z 0.5-5 this new 6950 use less power than the hd 4850 do ! at least with the VDDC sensor log . I 'll have to check the other # 's . needless to say , I be not disappoint . I be very happy so far . I also fire up Assasin 's creed 2 and Bad Company 2 , with both run flawlessly . although I must note that the hd 4850 1gb do also run those two very well , now I can crank up the setting to the max and not lose any performance . I can not wait for battlefield 3 to try this card out on it ! 165 GraphicsCard NEU 3 buy this card on a tight budget to replace a 9800 gt that start get graphical glitch , be expect it to run at least similar in performance but I be wrong by a long shot . while this card support DirectX 11 and claim to take gaming to the next level , it fall short . run it in a Quad Core system with 8gb ddr3 with more than adequate psu and the card struggle to run game such as the Witcher 2 , the Hunter , Dungeons The dark Lord even at lower resolution . I try everything from 1024x768 up to 1600x1200 on a standard CRT monitor to run it on my 40 '' wide screen lead tv @ 1920x1080 . this card just be not mean for any serious gaming . that be not to say it do not run any game , it do run Sims medieval and portal 2 fairly well . this be a major step down from my old BFG 9800 gt oc 512mb card , the only gain I make here at all be dx11 support . I think this card fall behind somewhat consider it rely on get all its ' juice from the pci-e slot instead of have its own power source be plug in . it do play video fine as expect , but then again so do the old 7600 g agp card in my old system . if you look for a gaming card on a budget , I would overlook this one and spend the extra 20 odd buck and get a 9800 gt 1gb card or for close to the same price the gt 430 outperform this card as well ... 291 GraphicsCard POS 5 December 26 , 2011 update -- my wife get I one for Christmas . after my previous experience below , it be exactly what I want . I just try it -lrb- have already load the driver as note below -rrb- . it be work great ! Hmm -- I have another monitor that I could probably use with this computer ... December 11 2011 update -- as indicate below , the purchase be for the church computer . it have be install there and be use successfully in the Worship Service today . it continue to be easy to install and reliable . ORIGINAL -- I install this today . and it work great immediately follow installation . -lrb- 1 -rrb- I make sure that the device be not attach to the computer as note in the guide . -lrb- 2 -rrb- I go to Startech.com and click on download and driver , then enter the device name and dowload the driver . -lrb- 3 -rrb- then I run the driver . -lrb- 4 -rrb- as note in the guide , it eventually indicate that I need to restart so I let the computer restart . -lrb- 5 -rrb- I have the monitor and and cable ready but as note , wait until after the computer restart -- and I give it a few minute so that all application be up and run . -lrb- 6 -rrb- then I plug in the usb cable to the computer -lrb- 7 -rrb- the screen come on immediately . I do go into the system setup as suggest to review and eventually change another monitor so now I have -lrb- a -rrb- laptop screen -lrb- b -rrb- monitor 2 which be connect to the VGA port on the laptop -lrb- c -rrb- monitor 3 which be connect through the USB2VGAE3 each be on and each have different item display . I want to check this out on my computer before we install it on a laptop at church which be use for morning worship presentation -lrb- well it be until we add a new screen which it could not handle -rrb- . so - it be go to be use there . and probably in a month I will be get one for myself . and then probably one for my wife . all in all , if it the new one work as well for I as this one have , I would give it more star than 5 . it be nice to have a product that work well right from the beginning . thanks Startech.com and thanks amazon.com . 107 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install this pcus card on a pemtium 4 computer , it have no pcus express slot , the Sparkle Geforce 8400GS perform great , it run Windows 7 with no problem include Aero , as I say a very good pcus card 562 GraphicsCard POS 4 the card install without any issue and work fine for the application that I run on the machine I install it in . I be not look for a top-of-the-line video card because that be not what I need . I need a good video card that be not too expensive . this card fit my need very well . 610 GraphicsCard POS 5 Got this so I could connect 2 monitor to my computer . many of the fancier card require a large amount of power . this one work fine with a 300w power supply . this be not a card for hard core gamer , but if you want to have dual monitor it work quite well . installation take about 5 minute , 4 of which be get the computer open . 46 GraphicsCard POS 5 would like to give 2 thumb up on a great card unfortunately i order right before price drop so that would be my only gripe other than that play any game max setting have not overclock yet but this card have great potential to do so amazon be quick as always anyone in the market for top of line card i would recommend because once overclock they beat gtx680 in some game or come very close and with recent price drop be 469 or cheaper no driver issue at all as 12.3 come out before i get card 90 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need this to repairage desktop . good price . installation be a breeze , no issue with software , video card , s-video cable , DVI adaptor , software cd all include . arrive in required time from seller . 295 GraphicsCard POS 5 my old emachine t6520 run fully up-to-date xp come with a graphic chipset on the motherboard , and its display ability be start to flake out . any old graphic card would have improve it , but on the grounds that overkill be always enough I buy this one base on user recommendation . it work fine . my big HP monitor no longer go black on I with `` input signal out of range '' message , and there be no shadow image offset by 1\/4 '' from the main display on the screen . what be not to like ? somebody in a negative review of one of these GeForce card claim a DVI adapter and s-video cable do not come with the card even though they be describe on the box and on the item page at Amazon . wrong : Mine come with both , but it be true I almost miss they . I think the unhappy buyer open the wrong end of the box , as I do ; the adapter and cable be push into one of the fold cardboard box-end reinforcer . Easy to miss . I do not come across mine until I be about to throw the box out and wonder why it seem just a bit heavier than I think it should . 734 GraphicsCard POS 5 build a pc recently and I go with this video card . I do a lot of 3d rendering in design software ; this video card couple with my i5 processor do a wonderful job at pump out rendering like no tomorrow . for you gamer out there ; it can run Witcher 2 on high setting , to give you a hint at its benchmarking . 5\/5 would buy again . 251 GraphicsCard POS 4 add this to a dual-core Intel Atom motherboard , to play some older game . Works as advertise . real Time Strategy -lrb- RTS -rrb- game rise of Nations play smoothly . pro : 512mb dedicate nvidium processor far outperform 16mb intel onboard video . con : in my ITX case , temp reach about 135 degree near card . 867 GraphicsCard POS 5 great bang for the buck . Performance be exceptional for its level , and Sapphire have never fail I on qc . do not add any noise when under stress . 302 GraphicsCard POS 5 wait people this be amazing graphic card for the price ... so hold on and breathe ... breathe ... the game i throw at it just explode with display before you eye ... so anybody who grace there eye on this beauty don ' -lrb- t stick just click . laterz people . 118 GraphicsCard POS 4 I upgrade from a gtx 260 . this video card work the first day i get it . I be run bf3 on ultra setting on 1080p without any lag . when I boot my system the next day , Windows 7 keep lock up due to a NVIDIA driver issue . I do not matter if I use the latest driver off of NVIDIA web site or the driver provide on the driver cd , Windows continue to lock up after approximately 30s . evga be a great company and honor its warranty . I hope to get this issue resolve ASAP . until then , I have revert back to my gtx 260 . my power supply -lrb- Antec Quattro 850 W -rrb- be not the issue since my gtx 260 consume 201w tdp and @ 36a on the 12v rail and the gtx 670 only use 170w tdp and 30a on the 12v rail . Update : EVGA 's customer service rock ! the send I a replacement card and it be run as expect . all dx10 and dx 11 game be run at a average 60 + fp with graphic setting set to the max at 1080p . the temperature of my card do not get above 62c under full load either and it idle at approximately 27c . 24 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a HP a250n pentium 4ht 2.60 mhz with 1gb RAM run Windows 7 . I have be think about buy a new pc , but figure it would be WAY cheaper to just upgrade my video card . after search around for agp4x\/8x video card , I find that the hd3850 get the most praise out of the other 512mb card , so I decide to give it a shot . as soon as I take the hd3850 out of the box , I new I be in for something awesome . when I switch out my NVIDIA geforce5200 128mb card to the hd 3850 , the fp on doom 3 sky rocket ... not to mention overall pc performance . also , Fallout 3 and leave 4 dead run a smooth 30fp at 1024x768 . this card give new life to my pc . dual DVI , S-Video , dual monitor support ... but no 1080p . only thing be that you have to get a 450w or greater power supply with 30amp on 12 volt with 2x4 power connector recommend . if you be look into get one of these , you might want to do some research before it arrive at you doorstep , so that you have everything you need to install it and have it up and run in no time without any issue . 489 GraphicsCard POS 4 I just get this yesterday . I have temporarily choose 4 star but will need to get it work before I can give it a final rating . the image show here seem to show both the old and new iteration of this model . the old version apparently have a black heatsink and a s-video port . the new version -lrb- which I receive yesterday -rrb- have a silver heatsink and a hdmus port . you 'll notice that when you view the image the viewer will only give you the little zoom tool -- magnifying glass with + character in the lens -- when view the up-to-date current pic . interestingly , though there be no longer a s-video port , the box I receive contain a s-video cable -- obviously a holdover . the kit also contain 2 low profile bracketss as well as 1 full size bracket that be attach to the card . the 2 low profile bracket be : 1 with DVI & HDMI cutout and then 1 with a db15 VGA cutout . the VGA port be connect by cable to the actual graphic card so if one have a low profile system with two open pcus slot next to each other then it would be possible to use both bracket -lrb- and hence , all three port -rrb- since the cable connect the VGA port be long enough to extend from the adjacent slot and plug into the card . FYI hopefully it will resolve happily but I be currently have trouble get it to work correctly . I be use the HDMI port but so far Windows start and then the screen go black after about 5 seconds of the opening sequence -lrb- in both Windows 7 64bit and Windows xp pro 32bit -rrb- I have just download and install new driver that be release a few day ago -lrb- 6\/1\/2011 -rrb- from nvidium 's website but so far I be only able to work in safe mode . another review mention follow the direction about bio setting but thus far I have not find any such direction though obviously will be continue my search . UPDATE : I get the card work correctly . I have overlook the fact the motherboard for the computer have integrate , onboard video capability and I need to go into the device manager and disable that after install the driver for this card while in safe mode . 642 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I purchase this card partly because of the good hardware review and partly because of the promotion that be supposedly include - the game dirt3 . what the text in the Amazon description do not say be that there be a expiration of December 31 , 2011 for the promotion . how do someone make a balanced decision to purchase something if this information be leave out ? I have a choice , in my mind , of purchase the xfx or the Sapphire version of this AMD GPU . the price differential be approximately the cost of the dirt3 promotion -lrb- let 's leave out the extend warranty of the XFX card for now -rrb- . I choose the Sapphire because I be interested in the game . now I find out I should have choose the XFX , and pay the extra money for the better warranty . I can not return the card because it be already install . in my mind I believe AMD or Sapphire owe I the game . have write both but I do not think I 'll get satisfaction from either one . 4 star for the card , 3 star for the deception\/inadequate notice . Update : after a couple of week I hear from AMD and they say they have extend the promotion . I download the game with no problem after that and be now satisfy . I just wish manufacturer would publish the expiration date in they description of the product promotion so buyer know what they are\/are not get . 588 GraphicsCard POS 5 really . unbelievable . overclock like nothing I have ever play with before . it be a choice between this and the 7970 . however , between the lifetime warranty , evga 's amazing customer support , and the continue durability of every Nvidia card I would ever use , it really be a no brainer . the 7970 may be the better card , but I would take slight speed decrease over the hassle with customer service , RMA 's , and\/or driver issue any atus card come with . do not hesitate . do it . buy it . you want it and you know it . 601 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be run dual-xeon on a old server box -- it have 8mb ATI rage integrate graphic . I plug this baby in and install driver -lrb- I run fedora 11 so sudo yum install kmod-nvidia-pa , from rpmfusion repo -rrb- and it work like a champ . I be currently use compiz-fusion and cairo-dock with 3d acceleration no prob . it be really a great card -- and yes to the other reviewer : my image be sharper right after I plug it in ! I think it have to do with color depth of the card . I have 3 more pcus slot so I might get a 9400gt too ... and dual\/triple\/quad screen ? 657 GraphicsCard POS 5 after search numerous electronic store for a video card that be affordable and easy to install I finally come across this device . all my husband want be dual computer monitor and the video card at the store be $ 75 + and difficult to fit a computer . this be plug and play . . so glad I find it ! my husband love it ! 199 GraphicsCard POS 4 Works great -lrb- slus -rrb- , no more crash in leave for dead . simply just work . could not squeeze my sound card in between these two new card anymore so use on board sound now . 702 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this video card to allow my aging but very capable pc to use a larger widescreen monitor . I also look forward to finally download my videotape to burn dvd or post bit online . the main problem : there be a serious driver issue between NVIDIA and Windows Vista that have never be resolve . it have affect many thousand of user of NVIDIA card , and I be amaze they have not do anything about it . the issue cause the screensaver to do something to Windows . it have cause my computer to freeze , require a hard reboot several time . and it require a long time to come out of screensaver mode every time -lrb- I have time it from 16 seconds up to 2 minute -rrb- . it also keep the monitor on , instead of turn it off for power-saver mode . it cause a error message to come up : `` Display driver nvlddmkm stop respond and have recover '' which be how I find out about the thousand of other with the same problem -lrb- google this message to see -rrb- . I have disabled screen saver as a workaround , and this do work -lrb- it shut off the monitor successfully now -rrb- . but I enjoy the slideshow of my pic and would have buy a different card if I would know . I spend hour research the problem , install driver , ensure my power supply be adequate and I have sufficient cooling , etc. before I finally get to this solution . second problem : this card be describe as have a s-video interface , and even come with a s-video cable . however , there be no s-video interface ! almost unbelievable , I know . again , I would not have buy this card if I would know that . Summary : yes , it be nice to have widescreen and higher resolution . no , I definitely would not buy this card again and I will likely avoid NVIDIA because they seem very careless about sell product with known problem . 998 GraphicsCard POS 5 accord the review it work just like a gtx 570 but it be 50 $ cheaper , it have double fan that keep it cold and they be not very noisy I can play 50-60fps bf3 on ultra and a resolution of 1440x900 good upgrade from my old gtx275 the only con be that accord to evga 's web site it will be available for limited time , and if you want to go sli think about that 632 GraphicsCard POS 5 I must say , this product be amazing ! I be able to run ton of game on high or max setting , include Aion , Blacklight Retribution , Dragon Age 2 , dc universe , and League of Legends ! I love it do much . installation be pretty easy and I have never once install anything like this . just search YouTube for some guide and it 'll be a walk in the park . although , after first install it my pc do not recognize it but after a quick reboot it work like a charm . this should keep my computer able to run the newest game for year to come ! 329 GraphicsCard POS 4 first off I be use this with : i7 2600k @ 3.8 16 gig of RAM at 1600mhz 850 Watt PSU my performance in game use EVGA precision x monitoring . keep in mind these number be WITHOUT OC . with modest oc expect a 5-10 fp increase . Witcher 2 : all setting max , ubersample off - average of 60 fp . gorgeous . all setting max , ubersample on 30-50 fp . still very playable . recommend OC to increase the frame provide you want ubersample on -lrb- not a noticeable difference honestly to I -rrb- Metro 2033 : average of 40-60 fp . probably the card 's weakest performance . frame sit at about 50 , in some area it can dip below 40 . keep in mind this be everything max -lrb- aside from AAA , and 16x -rrb- . battlefield 3 : Everything max , vertical sync disabled . Multiplayer be at about average of 70 fp . some area of campaign can vary between 45-70 . very solid performance . this game heat up my 680 to about 79c , no other game take it that hot . Crysis 2 : all setting max , vertical sync disabled 45-70 fp depend on how many explosion and wide the environment be . some of the battle location in Crysis 2 be large and require lot of memory . can notice a slight decline in smooth gameplay . very demand game , give good performance . to play this game I recommend to OC . diablo 3 : this be a driver issue im about 80 % sure , all setting max ofc -lrb- not a demand game at all -rrb- yet when I first start play the game horrible stuttering and lag for about a couple minute . seem as if it need time to catch up to the normal 60 fp I get after the initial intense lag . weird . conclusion : Stock performance be respectable . OC recommend . Mine just so happen to oc alright . Make sure to disable vertical sync as this be hinder my 680 's performance greatly until I figure out i need to disable it -lrb- duh -rrb- . do not feel the need to overclock my CPU to 4.7 like I do before . 3.8 be fine . Hope this help . Feel free to ask question . 242 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be so efficient , it handle everything i play . it be my first Nvidia card , except the gtx 560m in my g 74 gaming laptop . ive have a 6870 , 7870 and now this one , its like I do not have to worry about any hiccup or tear etc. ... I be definetly sell with Nvidia and its be hard to come to this and I do not know why ? maybe b\/c I always cheer for the underdog ? LOL whatever but I have nothing negative to say about my 680 , expcept that I only have one and not two ! my 7870 be a good card but I can not see pass up a 670 for a 7870 ? these new card be awesome , totally awesome and if you want to go with 3d , do not even consider amd . I do and let I tell you the compatablity stink ! not with Nvidia though ... I can state the driver be better all that stuff but I ` de sound like a broken record , go with this card and I promise you 'll not be dissapoint in the least bit 756 GraphicsCard POS 5 a friend ask I to upgrade he graphic card for he computer so that he could play game . there be one problem . he computer be a few year old . it only have PCI and AGP slot so I could not get the latest and greatest . I find this one and order it . the installation be a easy and I have no problem . after complete the installation I install call of duty and it work flawlessly . 156 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be super easy to install and of course now I can play battlefield3 without terrible lag . you can not beat the price for this card ... ... get it 534 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install this card and it work as describe . the graphic be awesome and it set the resolution at 1080p automatically . just follow the instruction that come with it and you will have no problem . I put this one in a Dell Dimension 8300 that have 3.5 g of ram and 250g hd . I be a novice at computer repair , but a little research and I be able to do this . just unplug and press the power button and hold five seconds to deenergize stuff inside and you good to go . touch the chassis to get rid of static electricity , handle the new one by the edge and install . good luck ! 965 GraphicsCard POS 5 everyone once in a while one of those video card come out that can overclock like mad and hit much above what it be suppose to . . at stock 7850 be actually pretty weak for a $ 250 card consider its next-gen . it be better than the somewhat cheaper geforce 560tus but not by much . and it be slightly slower than 570 . to make thing worse it be not really much better than the previous gen Radeon 6950 . but the thing be amd have deliberately underclock the 7850 . that be because clock for clock the 7850 be only about 5 % slower than the 7870 . and the 7870 be a $ 300 + card . surely , they could not allow the 7850 to have the higher 7870 clock . here be the deal if you overclock this card it would pretty much lay to waste most video card this side of the gtx580 . and here 's why : 1 . 7850 scale very linearly with clock . that mean if you overclock by 20 % you real-world performance in game jump by 20 % . 2 . 1050mhz -lrb- 22 % overclock -rrb- be pretty much guarantee . there be not a single 7850 on the internet that could not do 1050 mhz . 3 . I get one of the bad sample and end up with a `` bad '' overclock of 1100 mhz 24\/7 stable . along with memory over clock , i get 25-30 % increase in frame rate compare to stock . 4 . at those speed the 7850 sail past the 570 and give the 580 a run for its money . its just unfair to compare it to the 560 Ti now . a lot -lrb- but not all -rrb- of card hit 1200 mhz . beyond that the scaling be less linear . from 1200 mhz you 'll only get a few fp for a huge increase in temps\/power . simply put overclocked this really be the best video card at $ 250 . if you do not you be throw you money away . and there be no reason why you should not . if you be not overclock you be miss out on 30 % free performance . please my friend , read up on overclocking and make the best of you money ! 664 GraphicsCard POS 5 insert it in my old Windows xp pc to watch Netflix . worked right away with the standard xp driver . work better when I load the driver on the include cd . much faster boot time and pc be much faster overall since it no longer use onboard video . receive in 5 day just like advertise . 335 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have be run this video card for a few week now with no problem . I be not a big time gamer , but it do everything well that I need it to do . 432 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have vista 32 bit - dual 17 '' monitor - and obviously a older pc -lrb- p4 3 ghz -rrb- . my prior card be AGP 8x 128 mb geforce fx 5200 - so this be a upgrade . but the new card be pcus -lrb- standard , not pci-express -rrb- , so I be curious how the performance be compare to agp 8x . my other card start cause window to crash -lrb- video driver keep crash , and I try every driver with no luck -rrb- . the video on this new card be WAY better . my vista rating go from 2.2 to 3.7 -lrb- video still my lowest score -rrb- . the graphic rating be now 3.7 -lrb- from 2.2 -rrb- , and gaming graphic rating be now 4.5 -lrb- from 2.5 -rrb- . I can tell you color be clearer than before , more vivid than before , window drag smoother than before . also video be less jumpy , and hd video be actually pretty clear now . I can actually use Media Center now , before it would cause my whole system to bog down . maybe the pcus be better , since it keep the CPU free somehow . I be not a hardware expert , but the card be work perfectly . only issue be to make sure my monitor be at 75 refresh rate , otherwise text be move around -lrb- not the video card fault , just be sure to set the refresh rate properly base on you monitor capability -rrb- . a great upgrade for 50 buck !! 807 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be simply awesome . and ye the shader CAN be unlock . Watch a tutorial and just be sure that the bio switch be on the correct position . I have see review say this card be mid range , WROOONG . its not , this card be AMD ATI top of the line at the moment , single gpu -lrb- second to 6970 -rrb- \* the 6990 be dual gpu \* . the card its a great bargain , consider you get a great customize heat sink and double fan -lrb- almost no noise -rrb- , great overclock potential and dual bio . also two game include : Deux ex : human revolution and dirt 3 : a $ 100 value - for free - . I receive the instruction to download Deux ex , two day after I make the order . now , the problem people be have receive the Dirt 3 code , its cause the damn hacker break into the codemaster database several week ago , and steal Dirt 3 serial number . that why AMD be ask people to scan the coupon and send it by email as a extra step to validate you game . resume : want a top of the line video card at a good price , include a great game combo ? get this card . nothing right now can beat this offer . the best video card I have own . 713 GraphicsCard NEG 2 the video card install without any problem . I update driver to 12.4 and all seem great . card run cool and quiet . the problem start when I be use my browser . I would get screen flicker . this be not a issue in game that I could see . if I alt tab out of game to browse the flicker be much worse . I try all kind of fix with no luck . I decide to return the card and go with Asus instead . 264 GraphicsCard POS 5 EVGA GeForce 6200 LE 512 mb ddr2 agp 8x VGA Graphics Card - Perfect video card to breath a breath of fresh new life into a aging 11 year old socket a system . ship be a bit slow and the box be ship in a gray bag that arrive crushed . however , despite my concern , the card work perfectly , but should have be pack inside of a cardboard shipping box . 742 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I try to be as careful as I could about ground during the installation of this card but it burn up anyway 350 GraphicsCard NEU 3 good video card once you get it to run ! Software have a hard time finish install so I have to rig it to work . I now play syrim with every setting on ! do not hurt I have a I 7 960 processor and 16 gig of ram though . 456 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be amazing , i can run any video game ... 70-90FPS Battlefield 3 -lrb- 1360 x 768 , max OUT ULTRA , 4x aa , 16x af , full blur amount and field density ... 924 GraphicsCard POS 5 one word : AMAZING !!! this card be really quiet and run fairly cool even under load . so far very impressed with the performance as well . I be go to buy a slightly cheaper model but I do not regret pay a little more for this one . Crysis , what use to be the bane of even high end setup , can be easily max out at 1920x1200 . benchmark for current game also look great . Have have zero problem with the card so far . installation be very easy and hassle free . the only thing to keep in mind be that it be very long -lrb- 9.8 '' or 250mm -rrb- , so make sure you have the clearance . 792 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a excellent product for older computer that simply do not support newer card . all of my game be now without lag and come pack with high frame rate -lrb- lightweight 3d game -rrb- . you do want to make sure there be not another card directly above this one for space and heat issue but overall , the card stay cool and maintain a high standard for old graphic . 931 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this two of these card as a upgrade from a 2x5750 atus card setup . I be quite impressed at price\/performance ratio of these card . a couple of note , the card be extremely long , make sure that you can fit the card in you motherboard before you attempt to jamalama the card into the drive . in addition , these card do not come with the Crossfire connector - you must buy it separately - it do not say it be include , so it be not . the card be reasonably quiet , and can be overclocked fairly easily with the standard atus software . 468 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I choose to buy this one because of the 2bio setting and it can easily unlock the shader into 6970 . but it look like the new version -lrb- from first week of 2012 , the time i bring it -rrb- can not , no matter i flash it myself or use the magic switch on the card . CAN NOT UNLOCK the shader . I get the replacement , same issue happend there . if you want to buy one with the really unlock shader , find a use one maybe a good choice . I look some of the review on the Newegg , same issue happend . the new sapphire dirt 3 edition can not unlock shader anymore . 971 GraphicsCard POS 5 we original card fry . no success look at local electronic store , since agp be old school ... little stock remain . I should have go on Amazon first , but want one the same day . as it turn out , I find this card , which work wonderfully , price splendidly and be deliver in 3 day . very happy . 495 GraphicsCard POS 4 after do a lot of reading of review and research for usb video card adapter I learn about some of the limitation of video as well as the limitation on Windows Vista . have accept these limitation and make my purchase I can now report back that I be very happy with my purchase . I run three monitor now with the addition of the one usb to vga adaptor from startech . pro - Easy to install . just software install from disk plus connect the monitor . Quality of image show as good as my other monitor run on the same computer . extra monitor possible without change video card !!! -lrb- most obvious -rrb- Works with Windows Vista . con - slight delay noticeable when drag item across screen . large resolution play with either a delay or show less frame , but smaller video frame size seem to play ok . ca not use window vista `` aero '' theme but its not a significant difference in my case . I would recommend anyone look for to add a extra monitor to look at they computer specification and understand they need . as long as the additional monitor will not be the primary monitor for the user , I would believe that most people will be happy with this item . especially happy will be those who be run Windows Vista because not all usb to vga adapter support driver for vista . 463 GraphicsCard POS 5 my first gaming build be gonna have a msus 560 Ti Hawk . but by the time I save enough to build a new rig , the 600 series be out . more specifically , the Geforce GTX 670 have just make the shelf . while purchase component off of my `` wish '' list I benefit from enough savings and price matching at my favorite store to put that savings into buy the EVGA Geforce GTX 670 ! Sweet ! the performance be outstanding and my previous rig could never generate the fp that this GPU have ! plain and simple ... get this card ! if you want a gtx 680 and be not OC ` ing , save the $ 100 and get almost identical performance ! 621 GraphicsCard NEU 3 the card be fine and work well , but the company that process the rebate in know to deny they for no reason and have bad customer service -lrb- I do not know this when I buy the card -rrb- . I send in all the require documentation within a few day of receive the card . I check on the rebate status periodically and give a couple month for a update as it say it can take about that long for processing . when I check it again in late December it say decline and after email they they say they never receive it . I have never have a issue with rebate disappear in the mail , so after a couple more email and a phone call they say send in what you have to be resubmit with a picture of the retail box where the upc be cut out . well I do and use delivery confirmation to confirm they receive it and it be decline again . this time because it be outside of the postmark period and I do not have the original upc which I could not have because it be mail in the first time . I email they again to complain and express my dissatisfaction with they for have I waste time and money send in the document again when they have no intention of honor the rebate and the only response I get be `` thanks for you email - barcode miss and - postmark date be outside of offer 's time limit . '' if you do buy something that use 4myrebate . com copy everything before you send it in and make sure you can track the rebate and know that they get it . DO NOT COUNT ON THIS COMPANY HONORING THEIR rebate . 110 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card need three cable from the PSU for power ! count the number of video card cable you PSU have before use these in slus 154 GraphicsCard POS 5 I move away from ATI video card for the singular reason of video editing . CUDA make all the difference in such a experience , especially with hd video . this card , with it be add CUDA core -lrb- over the standard gtx 560 ti -rrb- be quite pleasant to work with . I use Adobe Premiere , and while the 560 ti be not on the normal `` accept '' list , you can easily add it so Premiere use it anyway . I have be do this for several month without any problem . I be also a gamer , and in this respect , the video card do not disappoint . all the newest game run just fine at the highest setting , and one and a quarter gig be plenty for anything other than a extreme 3d workstation setup . the cooling solution be not perfect , but it be not too loud , and it do not run too hot . some overclocking be possible , though I have not yet test the outer boundary of it . I be go to wait until summer be in full swing to make sure I do not loose stability as thing heat up in my house . this card be a great balance of speed , CUDA core , and price , and should fit in the budget for any gamer or video editor . 93 GraphicsCard NEG 2 it be not enough that you spend the time read review and look over the information as best you can . you make the best choice for you buck and you still get the short end . while it could have be worse , I be not satisfy with this card description because it fail to mention the DVI connector be actually dvi-d . if you do not know which DVI cable you have you would be smart to figure it out . about 80 % of the DVI market be use dvi-i -lrb- intergrated -rrb- this mean this cable be backward compatiable to run both digital and analog video signal . this card however be dvi-d -lrb- digtal -rrb- so this mean it be not backward compatiable and a dvi-i cable will not work with this card . so you leave with two option 1 . hdmus or VGA . since I do not have a Mini HDMI to Standard HDMI male to male lay around I 'll have to purchase it . they be not expensive , it be just the idea of drag out a simple task like upgrade a video card from 20 minute to 7 day because I have get to wait for it to come in the mail , unless of course I want to pay three time the value and get the cable at best buy . these video card need to be lable accordingly so people be not waste time and money . have I know this be only a dvi-d card I would have look around until I find the correct card , but since it have no mark and 80 % of the market be still use dvi-i one might assume this card would be intergrate ? be it really too much to ask to put pertinant information like this on the friggin label or in the ad somewhere ... sheesh ! 357 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I buy this card so I could connect a third monitor to my pc and it have only a single spare PCI slot if you have extra pci-e slot then buy a card for those as these pcus card be far more slower and they do not keep up with the speed of the other card when use as a extended monitor and when you be move stuff between they . for example play a video on the monitor connect to this card slow the browser movement and other screen refresh on the main screen and I guess that be expect . for a card which allow a third monitor to be connect to browse or checkout pdf 's this be great . if you want to play the xplane or similar game to get a cockpit feel with three monitor this be not the right card for the job . 50 GraphicsCard POS 4 I replace a older card in which the fan be grind . the older card be a 4200us with 128m of memory , but be much larger in physical size compare to this card . the new card work well . I do not notice any performance improvement , but it work without flaw . the best thing be that it run without fan . I expect to see some benefit due to the memory . I try to run hd video , and this card will not run it -lrb- I do not expect it to -rrb- . but , my processor -lrb- p4 2.8 single core -rrb- be a bottleneck as well . overall , this card will get the job do , and allow I to keep this system run for another year or so . 929 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be faster than most , DirectX 11 ready and require no auxiliary power . it run strictly off the pci-e video slot . under heavy load , it do not exceed room temperature and the fan be whisper quiet . plus , it be dirt cheap . no brainer . buy it . 547 GraphicsCard POS 4 I purchase this card to replace a 2-yr old 8600gt . I expect it to be faster due to the larger 1gb -lrb- vice my 256mb -rrb- memory but it turn out it be roughly 15-25 % slower . after do some further research , I believe it be due to the smaller 64-bit datum channel -lrb- vice the 128 bit I currently have -rrb- . so gaming be not that great with it . it be do fine in display a dual monitor setup though but that be about it . Windows experience index give it a 4.8 . my old card come in at 5.8 . recommend get something with a 128-bit datum channel or spend the extra dough and get a ddr5 card . thanks for reading . 448 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy the card to replace 2 gtx 460 's in SLI . mainly for the increase VRAM . my 460 's be the dumb down model that only have 768mb of VRAM . which really be not enough to game at 1080p on a 1920x1080 resolution . I notice performance hit in a lot of high end game graphic wise like Crysis , Metro 2033 and even skyrim with mod install . stutter be common in large open environment and it be a pain in the ass to deal with . the 448 core fix all of these problem . no more stuttering in large open environment and I can max graphical setting without any hitch . to my surprise the 448 core be actually faster stock then my 460 's be overclock . maybe it be just my system , but most review show slus 460 's beat a single 448 core\/570 and just a hair below a gtx 580 in term of performance . overclock can fix that too since the 448 core be a great overclocker . my motherboard be a huge bottleneck for my entire system be a old am2 board but even then I have be able to push this 448 core to 880mhz stable @ 1.075 v so far . this be usually achievable with lower voltage for most people . so I 'll probably be lucky to hit 900mhz at 1.1 v. but even then the performance increase from 80mhz be noticable . the card run cool with a tweaked fan profile I have set in MSI Afterburner . it idle at around 30c and load around 68-70c while gaming . for the price I get this card at it be definitely worth it consider I 'll probably be able to turn around and sell my 460 's for a equal cost . mean this card practically cost I nothing . if you can get a 448 core for $ 220 or less then jump on it . people argue that the gtx 480 be a better deal but the card be on a older fab that run way hotter . that be the main issue I have with the gtx 480 be the amount of heat it put out and that it consume more power . another nice thing about this version of the 448 be how small the card actually be . this one be only 9 inch long . a few other like the Classified or Ultra model be 10.5 in so that may be something to consider if it be a tight space in you case . a few thing to remember if you be think about buy this card be that this will not sli with anything BUT another 448 core . a regular 560 or 560 ti will not do . so if you plan on go SLI in the future remember also that this card be a limited edition so it be probably go to stop sell soon and become hard to find . so get 2 right off the bat . another thing , if you use benchmark like Furmark or OCCT the 500 series Nvidia card have a build in power protection that automatically downclock the card to keep it within power draw specification . I find this out after run occt and think my overclock be stable . boy be I wrong and disappointed . you will have to stress stability the old fashion way of hardcore gaming and look for artifacts\/waiting for the game to crash and you driver to reload , lol . 1 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have have this card for a month so far and I buy it mainly so I could play the new Tribes : Ascend on max setting without any worry -lrb- which this card do just fine . I get a steady 30 fp even in high-action environment -rrb- . I think I might have some trouble get it to work with the 525 watt psu that come with my Alienware Aurora , but it work great . there be only one negative thing I have notice since I get this card , and that be it be big . it take up two PCIE slot in my Alienware Aurora case , so I have to remove my wireless network card -lrb- I use a wire connection anyway , so it do not really matter -rrb- because I want to keep my sound card install as well . all in all , it be a good buy . just know that it be big . 35 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have to say this video card be really cheap in term of the great product it be . maybe the software be not the best but the Video card work great . im use it to watch full hd video on the tv and the quality be amazing 424 GraphicsCard POS 5 be stick with a motherboard with a agp video slot , I think I would be stick with 128mb vram forever , or until I shell out the buck for a new board . follow the recommendation of a mmorpg friend , I order this card . after install the hardware and the driver , I immediately load Age of Conan -lrb- which be notorious for laugh at sub-par video card -rrb- , and my jaw drop . the render speed and the detail be amazing . unlike a previous card buy from a third party , this one do not crash every 20 minute . I could not be more pleased . highly recommend . 100 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be enormous , before this I be rock a lowly Nvidia Geforce gt 220 . the 6870 blow it out of the water . I use it to mostly play MMO 's like world of Warcraft and Star Wars : The Old Republic . I do , however use it for more demand game such as Elder Scrolls iv : Skyrim . in Skyrim I run it on ultra detail with little to no issue FPS wise . I do not know the exact fp but I can say the it definitely run better than the ps3 version with this card . my rig : AMD FX 4100 4-Core Processor AMD Radeon HD 6870 8gb ram asrock 970 extreme3 amd 970 & SB950 ATX ddr3 800 AMD - am3 + motherboard 450 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have a Alienware Alx x 5 8 gaming computer that be start to show some age . I consider get a new one but it be too expensive and I need another couple year out of this one to justify the system cost . I decide to add some new , faster RAM and change out the gtx 2 9 5 video card . I choose this card base on review that I read and customer feedback . I have not be disappoint . the upgrade process take about a hour and be pretty simple . Make sure you have appropriate power cord , which I do ... luckily . I test the upgrade play bf3 multiplayer with all setting on ultra at 1900 x 1200 . smooth , quiet , and not as hot as my old card . I decide not to OC because it be fast enough as be . Game play be much improve . bottom line : the upgrade cost $ 450 but i feel like i have a new computer . my office be not as loud or hot and the upgrade be simple . 571 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I initially buy this product as my budget pc 's graphic card . I be not impressed . the card have only a 4.4 and 4.6 on Aero and gaming Windows experience index . however , this card can easily handle Bitcoin mining at 19.2 mhash\/sec . the $ 50 gt 430 I buy easily get a 6.7 on the WEI and handle game much better . however , it be 2x slower at Bitcoin mining , though that be not really all important to I . my advice : Stay away from this card and get a gt 430 or better . 168 GraphicsCard NEG 1 i buy this on the 3rd of August i have the card for a while it keep crash glitching blue screening crash my game have all sort of weird issue i have never ever see something so unstable in all of my life 717 GraphicsCard NEG 1 keep in mind I grab the driver directly from the site so it have the latest version . now from the very begin this thing cause my computer to crash and restart . the first time I notice this be less than a hour after install when I lock my computer to go take my break from work , come back and my co-worker say to box restart . so I log back in and within about 10 minute it happen again . so I disable the third monitor , restart again . Unplugged the usb device and it still restart . only after uninstall the driver do my computer stop restart . they say it work with Windows 7 , well yeah but it fail horribly . 875 GraphicsCard NEG 1 even though this item be advertise as a pci-e card , it be not . the item they show in the picture be what you will get . it be a agp card , not a pci-e card . if you do not have a agp bus on you motherboard , this card will not work in you computer . 396 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I have have the Sapphire 7970 now for a week and I be impressed but also disappoint at the same time . I be able to completely max out the overclock in overdrive on stock voltage without a hitch and can run Battlefield 3 max out and achieve 50-60fps most of the time . however the card just run way too hot for my taste and it do not seem to matter whether it be overclocked or not and it do not seem to matter if the card be run at 99 % or 70 % usage . the card seem to run around 78c-83c at all time on every game I have play . these next gen card be be praise for run cooler then last gen card but I have not see it yet . I be come from SLI would EVGA 570 SuperClocked card and they do not run nearly this hot . while play battlefield 3 on Ultra setting my 570 's never go above 75c so it seem strange that a single card run close or over 80c all the time . I have try move it to different slot on my board -lrb- I have 5 of they -rrb- , remove my side door , change fan , disable fan , play on low setting and nothing change the temperature a single degree . I be not a computer expert by any means but that just do not seem right . I should either see the temp go up or down , not stay the exact same no matter what I change . most likely it be a faulty card but I have find other people online that have the exact same issue . so it seem like the quality control over at Sapphire be lack a bit to let so many defective card out the door . I have decide to return the card and order a dual-fan Sapphire 7950 and just overclock beyond the stock 7970 clock . I hope the new card run a little more consistent temperature wise then this card but I wont hold my breath . if the cooling be better then I would definitely keep the card . it overclock extremely well on stock voltage and run game incredibly smooth compare to my slus have 570 's . Update : I just get my Sapphire 7950 dual-fan card and what a huge difference . my temp at full load on battlefield 3 @ ultra setting never go above 54 degree Celsius . I do take about a 13fp hit by downgrade to the 7950 but it be so worth it . the 7950 run so cool and quiet it be remarkable ! I turn the fan to 100 % and even that be not as loud as my 7970 @ 40 % fan speed . if you want something that run cool and quiet then I highly recommend the sapphire 11196-02-40g radeon hd 7950 3gb ddr5 hdmus \/ dvi-i \/ dual Mini dp pci-express OC Version Graphics Card 550 GraphicsCard POS 5 I read many review before I pick the Visiontek ATI Radeon HD 4350 graphic card . my old HP media center 7167 have graphic chip on the motherboard and it be not up to widescreen or anything else . I buy a new 27 inch monitor and I need a basic upgrade to make use of all that new screen real estate . the card be easy to install it be quickly pick up by the old xp media center and I be off and run . I work heavily with photograph and standard screen video editing . this card work great for that , I do not game on my computer so I do not know how well it work for that , the review say moderate gaming be ok . so far great . 893 GraphicsCard POS 5 run with : i7 2700k ,16 gb Corsair , crucial m4 . this thing just rip every game I play to shred . I can play sc2 with graphic max out on 2560x1440 resolution and still get 100 + FPS . best thing about this card be I order it early and get it for only 499 ! 927 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this card with the hope that I would still be able to flash it to the 6970 shader after hear about it all over the place . to my surprise , Sapphire do you one better now . there be no need to flash the bio anymore -lrb- at least for I and I have see several other review over at Newwegg in the last couple day say the same thing -rrb- flip the dual bio switch to position 2 be all it take now . instant shader unlock . card be big , but that be to be expect . all my gpus have be Sapphire and I have never have any complaint . I like they trixx software as well . nothing bad to say about the card thus far . have sapphire flash the card for I be about the best thing a card maker have ever do for I lol . just have to overclock to 6970 clock and I be golden . Hopefully Sapphire continue to flash the card . I would like to get another to crossfire when the 7xxx series come out and this card , hopefully , drop lower in price . card be well worth IMO . 553 GraphicsCard POS 5 nice so far . replace a 128 mb 32-bit card . card work great in a all NVIDIA system , MSI mobo with a triple-core AMD processor , 64-bit xp and 6 gb RAM . the color be incredible in comparison . be play AOE Online and the color just jump out now . the game also take less than half the time to boot up . old video card need replace . note that this card do not have a fan . load this chassis down with fan at build so cooling be not a big issue . have not really have a chance to look at the specifics of the card , run temp or how it be affect the temp of processor . will review runtime performance and edit this if warrant . Works great after two day . hopefully I 'll be sing the same song two year from now . 973 GraphicsCard POS 4 Order complete fast and these card rock !! setup in quad-sli run max setting in Star Trek Online , Batman Arkham City . love these card !! 138 GraphicsCard POS 5 this graphic card arrive well on time , easy to install and it work sooooo well ^ ^ in fact it be better then most graphic card . 409 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be so awsome I have to take the time to write a review . MSI , Sapphire , and he -lrb- if its iceq -rrb- ussually be the brand that run cooler and this card be no exception in term of perfomance but in price its get no equal and you will be charge 40-90 dollar more for MSI 6870 which can get you a 6950 for nearly that price from he iceq edition . . the temp at idle be really low 30-33 celcius spike above somtime just sit there . temp under full load dont go above 70c and stay 63c-67c under full 15 minute furmark benchmark test . I do not oc this GPU as I have no need to but for sure it can take a OC heat wise easy I do adjust the fan setting tho with the sapphire trixxx software the fan be set pretty conservative even at higher temp so i raise by a few % for above 70 celcius but it never go above that ever . I have a small xps8300 case its small and only have stock fan and be report to have some heating issue for some people but its easy breezy for this gpu . this gpu would run even cooler with a good case with vent n fan . for the price this card be awsome 160 plus 20 $ rebate and dirt 3 cant really beat it . and for whoever be wonder because there isnt much info about it if you get the stock 460 watt psu with the xps8300 from dell it will run this 6870 GPU !!! I cant attest for overclock it but it will for sure run like a champ in the xps 8300 . comp be on all day everyday between I and my wife play game non stop for 2 monthe straight . any higher watt gpu tho and you would need to get a bigger power supply . 471 GraphicsCard POS 4 I have it plug into a work laptop . a couple of thing : First , you get message when you try to install the driver about how they be not Windows certify or approve software . second , when the computer go into sleep mode and you wake it back up it flicker a big before you can type . the only other thing be that the first time I go on a business trip and come back and plug everything back in , I have to re-install the driver and reboot the pc . I be hope that do not continue . if it do , I 'll update the review . 689 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be awesome . run everything max would out , and super cool -lrb- sub 70c -rrb- the entire time . I actually can play two game at once with both hit V-Sync cap , which be awesome when you like MMO 's . 982 GraphicsCard POS 5 you will not find a better value in a 600 series Nvidia graphic card . this card be factory over clocked and come with a exceptional warranty . customer service be incredible . I use this card with 3dvision and its ultra smooth . this card with Virtu MVP give score of x4500 and p11500 in 3d mark 11 . from Syrim to bf3 to Metro 2033 , nothing faze this card ! 896 GraphicsCard POS 5 I 'll make this short and simple for ya . just buy it ! no seriously . . ! this card be amazing . . ! ok yeah , i upgrade from a nvidium gts-8800 so it be a huge improvement from what i have . I be not much of a pc gamer so i do not feel the need to upgrade the video card until i start editing 1080p video . I be use vega pro 11 64bit and my poor nvidium card be not support . I have to use my CPU for render , and let I tell ya , it be painful ! 9 minute long 1080p video be take I ~ 45 minute to render . with this card i be able render the same video in less than 7 minute due to its GPU acceleration . ! I do run into a few issue with vega with this card at first due to a driver conflict with my older nvidium car . I end reload my entire pc because it be cause I lot of headache . after my reinstallation of window everything run smooth as butter . my psu be a 550watt and it seem to be run it fine . I would recommend something equivalent or larger . also this card be loooong . roughly 11 inch long , so you best account for its size before purchase . its very quiet , i can hardly hear it run even under heavy load . accord to gpu-z , this little Gem use the reference Cayman GPU . ! you know what that mean right . . ? no need for a bio upgrade to unlock it , just simply toggle the switch to the opposite position and booooyah . . ! 1536 shader available to ya . . install the Trixx utility and change the clock to 880 \/ 1375 and voltage to 1115 and you 'll have yourself a hd 6970 for the price of a 6950 . this card be a fountain of WIN . . ! temperature be stay around 51c-58c under heavy load . . 63 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this graphic card for a circa 2004 Dell 4600 . after 5 year of heavy use , I blow a couple of capacitor on the original OEM card -lrb- as evidence by they domed top -rrb- . the sound they make when they blow be a fairly loud , short burst of air sound -lrb- sort of like a beat of a drum -rrb- . anyway , this new card be easy to install and work better than the original ever do . I can run at a higher resolution and the lcd screen seem clearer . 510 GraphicsCard POS 5 I can finally get some serious acceleration in after effect cs6 with the GPU CUDA Mercury Engine on Mac , with technically a unsupported card . I be try to get it to work with vray 2.0 for maya 2013 at the moment -lrb- gpu\/rt -rrb- to no avail , but Cinema 4D 's physical render in insanely fast . I have not try any game , as I be use it for work only . 615 GraphicsCard POS 5 I remember back when nVidia be give ATI a run for they money . ATI have long since step up it be game to the point that even this `` lower end '' video card be top of the line . there be nothing low end about this card . it even have port on it for liquid cooling , and I be sure , would need it if I be use both digital port for two large screen . as it be , I be only use it on my wife 's office machine -lrb- and a bit of Star Trek Online when she be not in the office -rrb- . it do a awesome job at a very low cost . 996 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this fan to replace my gtx560tus , since the 560 be make loud fan noise due to bad fan bearing problem , I return it and get this card for 289 , and it be a used card , I be surprised that amazon do not test this card out fully , I be aware that this be a return unit and there must be some problem previously , but it be a lot cheaper than the new one , and i be stupid enough to kind of get into the double fan crap . this card at stock clock , do about 5 to 10 frame better than evga gtx560ti fpb at 850 in trine 2 at max setting and 4x aa , temperature go over 80c when fan be set to auto and over 60 % speed , it be rain here today in LA and ambient temp be about 55f , i will say it run pretty hot , it have good performance but , the fan make rattle noise after 50 % of fan speed , but it be quiet at 40 % which be auto speed . I think amazon do not test the fan speed , , , but whatever , I buy the asus version of gtx570 , and the new one be 299 . it be still on it be way , but i be sure it will do better than this card . 531 GraphicsCard POS 4 do not let my review title scare you , this be a very nice card and handle solidly . pro : very fast and overclocking be one of the best 7970 model it be very cool under load which be a concern for I because I hate have a hot pc . the lack of gtx 680 's in Australia have push the price over $ 650 and they be still hard to come by so this card be very good value for money . it come with heap of goody include a hdmus cable : -rrb- con : it be bigger than 2 pci-e slot so make sure you have room . it make a really annoying noise and distinct noise while under load sometimes but this be not a issue for people who game with headphone . if you do not overclock or use bio switch this card be not as fast as expect but can push well beyond base clock . some game do get frame lag when hit the fp cap , I do not know why this happen . Games : skyrim max everything 60 fp which be cap black op promod 250 fp most of the time , can dip to below 200 world of Warcraft , average 80 fp max , 160 + with low shadow all test on stock clock render on Sony Vegas 11 be Super quick overall a very nice purchase but I regret not wait a couple month and get a gtx 680 277 GraphicsCard POS 4 this card be easy to install in my lian-li standard atx case . it require 2 6-pin pci-e power connector from the power supply , so make sure those be available . the card run much cooler than my previous Nvidia 9800gtx + . the fan rarely spin up past 50 % , so it stay quiet . accord to other product review , this card also have very low power consumption , drop down to less than 10 watt at idle . it run game just fine . battlefield 3 work on Ultra setting on 1680x1050 . unfortunately my aging core 2 duo e6600 be not enough to run Battlefield smoothly in large game . but I do not blame the video card . I would say this card be a great value . interesting choice of output , one DVI , one hdmus , and one minus displayport . the only real negative for this product be that there be no dongle or adapter be include , so I have to seperately purchase a hdmus to DVI dongle in order to hook up my second monitor , since both of my monitor be older and only have DVI input . 536 GraphicsCard POS 4 love this card , this thing can play the latest game without break a sweat ... literally , the heat off this thing be minimal . professional user that rely on CUDA and iRay trace beware ... the precision float processing on this card be significantly lower than that of a gtx 580 . -lrb- nerd that do big computation on they GPU may be a bit disappointed , yes there be more CUDA core the core just do not handle as many float point -rrb- and those that want enhance performance on Autodesk 3D Studio Max and such will be SOL untill NVIDIA fix they iray program for the new Kepler chip . other than that its a wonderful card , but the deficiency catch I a little off guard as I expect next generation to be better in all situation ... some forum suggest NVIDIA have do this on purpose to boost sale of they Quadro and Tesla card ... : p say it aint so ! note : one other disappointing thing be that if you enjoy the software badaboom -lrb- gpu enhance video transcoding -rrb- you will be sad to hear that badaboom do not support this chip , and will not be release any new version for this ... : -lrb- 752 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I buy this so that I could watch the internet on we old Sony television . that would have be fine if we do not mind watch it in black and white . I try what I could -lrb- with my limited knowledge of video card -rrb- to make it work only to go online and find that other be have the same issue . we still use the computer and the card be good at least for send a signal to we 19 '' digital T.V. that we use as a computer monitor , but we would much rather have use the s-video for that old television . all be not lose though , after this experience we finally decide to buy a smart t.v. and watch the internet directly on television . 246 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this for $ 70 after rebate -lrb- get the rebate already -rrb- . this can be flash to use in hackintosh system . it be basically rename from 5770 version . 688 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : - quiet fan . they be pretty much silent when compare to my case fan which be quiet . this be my first silent card . this be my biggest selling point . I love it . - Cool . under load this card never exceed 65c . - backplate . not a big deal . look nice . add a little more stability . - higher quality component compare to a reference card . for example , compare the heatsink on this one to a reference heatsink -lrb- look up picture with google -rrb- . - fast . my card boost to 1280mhz out of the box . the base clock on this -lrb- 1058mhz -rrb- be faster than I be able to overclock my reference evga 670 -lrb- which also have annoying fan noise -rrb- . con : - my card have no headroom for oce further or it crash . my max clock be amazing however and it be stable . and I will not complain , in fact I be delighted to get the speed that I get . - GPU Tweak Software by Asus be not so great -lrb- I never bother to use it -rrb- . - pray that the card do not fail because then you have to deal with ASUS 's customer support . they make great product , but they support be terrible -lrb- to say the least -rrb- . other thought : it be a fact that some pre-overclocked card be unstable because Kepler gpus boost so high . I think ASUS be ask too much of some of these GPU 's -lrb- perhaps because of a supply shortage -rrb- . not all can stably boost to mid to high 1200 's . if you be unlucky and do not get a good GPU , it can be unstable and crash under load with certain application . its all the luck of the draw . Mine be terrific and exceed my expectation so I can not give it anything less than 5 star . some people report `` Red Screens of Death '' RSOD 's . it be my understanding that the problem be cause by certain GPU monitoring software . if it happen try different software -lrb- for example evga 's precision x -rrb- . Asus update they GPU tweak software and we 'll see if it fix the rsod problem . I imagine that some of the problem with instability that people be experience may be a bio issue or a problem with a certain batch . we can only hope that ASUS address this in the future . Amazon 's return policy be the best . if you need a rma because of a unstable clock , get a exchange through they . underclock you card until the replacement be ready . then see if you be lucky with the second one . or you could always get the non-overclocked ASUS non-top 670 and overclock it yourself . I probably would have go that route if Amazon have they in stock at the time I purchase this one . in short , if you get a stable card , you will have what be , in my opinion , the best 670 card on the market right now . if you get a unstable card , you could be frustrated -lrb- keep you old video card around for awhile in case of problem -rrb- in my case , I be very happy . UPDATE : my card still run fine . for those who be worry about issue or be have issue . ASUS have release new bio on they website that supposedly resolve problem with the card overclock too high . that should alleviate some concern about problem with the card . 506 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a superior product with the right price . if you have a old onboard graphic card computer , this product would be the right one for you . I love that they give $ -lrb- ... -rrb- mail-in-rebate , which make it worth it even more ! Make sure you have a agp slot available before you buy this . this may not be a Nvidia GTX 580 , but it be still good for common game like the Sims 3 . buy this from Amazon ! 398 GraphicsCard POS 5 use this card have be great so far . I currently have it mount on a Asus Sabertooth x79 motherboard inside a NZXT switch 810 case . the temperature on it while gaming be perfect and the burn-in test in FurMark run without a problem , max at about 80c after around 20 minute of 100 % utilization . I do have some issue with a game where the display would randomly crash , though I could not find anything about it in the Event Viewer . I be chalk it up to the design of the game , Metro 2033 , as I have not have issue with any other . the initial card that be send to I have the screw on the fan mounting all screw up , so one of they be barely hang on . Watch out for that . return it and receive another one be suprisingly quick and easy , take about 5 business day total . 161 GraphicsCard NEG 1 the 1st of these card that I order cause bad artifact before either crash the driver , cause a sudden reboot or a black screen system lockup . this would happen at seemingly random time while play 3d game -lrb- Skyrim and Guild war 2 -rrb- . I rma would it back to Amazon , who send I a replacement card . I will say at this point that I be very impressed with Amazon 's RMA service . Express ship I a replacement before I return the original card and then reimburse I in full for the return shipping . thumb up . unfortunately , the replacement card be also a lemon . it would lock up my system just as frequently as the 1st card , and it be almost always a black screen lockup that need a hard reset to get out of . test with furmark , it would crash within a couple of minute . I try different driver version , move it to a different pci-e slot , reduce the pci-e speed on my motherboard from 3.0 to 2.0 , update to the latest firmware , but none of that make any difference . I have return this 2nd card to Amazon and ask for a refund as I can not keep ship card back and forth until I get a good one . it do make I wonder if there be a problem with my system , since I think the chance of get 2 bad card in a row be pretty slim , but I be now sure that there be not . my previous card -lrb- 560tus -rrb- have be rock solid on this system . and I just pick up a galaxy gtx670 sc a few day ago , which have so far be work perfectly on this system . this pretty much confirm that my system be fine and there be no compatibility issue between it and the GTX670 chip . very disappointed and frustrated with this evga card ... either I have extremely bad luck to get 2 lemon in a row , or there be some serious quality control issue here . 947 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this card from another vendor because of availability , but by most of my electronics come from Amazon . this card at this point in time be the card to own if you like to play game and be run a 27 inch monitor at 1920x1080 . many reviewer will talk about the frame per second and this card will run with the big boy on most game out there at present . however , I have notice it be far superior to all the last generation card in graphic generation , that be better color and sharpness . probably because it run fast with everything turn on to ultra or high . it can be monitor with evga precision x be you have another video monitor , and I have observe my card run at 1.228 gig during intense game . I have no desire to overclock this bad boy any further than default as it be do the job better than advertise . this card be a joy to use , and I recommend it to anyone that love game , it be also very fast for just surf the net , etc. . 413 GraphicsCard NEG 2 purchase this for a older computer for a friend of mine , driver keep crash . when try to play mediocre game , image be scramble , very nice , not sure if it be card or motherboard incompatability , who know . if not it 'll make great target . 457 GraphicsCard POS 5 the MERCHANDIZE arrive very fast . the CHARGE for SHIPMENT WAS very low the video card be more than expect thanks AMAZON for a great SERVICE JOSE 963 GraphicsCard POS 4 I would like to give a proper review of this video card so that people know what to expect when they drop over 250 usd on a piece of equipment . First off , let I give you the specification of my system so that you have something to reference : - nzxt Zero 2 full Tower Case - Kentech 950W Power Supply - ASUS M5A88-V EVO Motherboard -lrb- AMD Chipset -rrb- - AMD fx-8150 8-core 3.6 GHz OCed to 4.1 ghz - G. SKILLZ PC14900 RAM 2 x 4gb 1866mhz -lrb- 8 gb total -rrb- - evga gtx 560 ti -lrb- ftw -rrb- 1.25 gb gddr5 320-bit SLI Ready - ASUS Wireless PCI Card - 1tb 7200rpm 64mb Cache SATA 6 gb hard drive - Cooler Master Hyper 212 Heat Sink w \/ twin 120mm 2,000 RPM fan - 8 cooling fan total - asus 24x dvd-burner - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit when I open up the box and take it out , the first thing I notice be how large the card be . obviously , if you plan on use slus then be sure to have a large case with plenty of room . do not use a mid-tower case with this card or you will run into problem . I have a full tower case and still have to make room for it . if you have lot of fan , be sure the wiring be do properly so that you have little trouble install . also , note that you power supply must have at least 4 MOLEX -lrb- 4 pin -rrb- connector free and able to reach near the PCI slot in order to power this thing . this card use lot of power and it be a good idea to make sure you will be able to both fit the card and wire it properly . I use the two 6 pin connector that come off of my power supply since all of my molex connector have fan attach . now let I go over what I think be the biggest problem with this card and what seem to be a issue for some people . once everything be ready to go and you have all the latest driver install , pop the disc they give you into you dvd drive and install the program call eVGA Precision X. this handy program allow you to easily manipulate several aspect of the video card include the speed of the fan , the speed of the memory and the voltage . this be almost a must since this card generate so much heat . the automatic fan control be not great so you will need to utilize this feature in order to get the most out of this card . I test this card with several game , the newest be new Vegas . I max everything out in the nVidia control panel and all the setting in the game menu . I have absolutely no problem with the frame rate and there be no lag at all . my previous video card lag at the highest setting , even with a AMD fx-8150 but this new card work flawlessly . I also test Crysis and Diablo 3 . all work great ... just sit idle this card can run at over 120 degree fahrenheit if you do not manually set the fan speed . if you max it out , it be loud . you will notice it . I usually set it at 70 to 75 % when watch video and max it out when play game at full hd . if you do not have loud speaker then the sound of the fan may interrupt you gaming experience , so be warn . you can maintain a ok temperature at lower speed but to get the most out of you card , try to maximize air flow with additional fan or set it to max rpm when stress it . all in all , this a great choice if you look to save a few buck . it do have some issue with the fan though so if you do not like noisy fan then it be not for you . 80 GraphicsCard POS 5 like many other people review this video card , I buy it to upgrade my old Dell 2400 with its original Celeron CPU run at 2.08 ghz . install it be a bit strange because I do not install the driver first . I just install the card and boot up , expect a alert about the driver . the alert never come , possibly because my dsl modem be still on-line . it be a goofball move on my part , but maybe people would like to know that NVidia pretty much cover all the basis in this regard . so , to answer the most important question ; YES THIS NVidia CARD work perfectly with my OLD DELL DIMENSION 2400 with the orig Celeron chip still install . -lrb- read on about my CPU upgrade . -rrb- # 1 once the NVidia be through install its driver , then negotiate with my new ASUS ml228h 22-inch Ultra-Slim Widescreen LED Monitor , I notice the follow ; \*\*\* jaw-dropping clarity , resolution and speed . -lrb- speed mean a improve frame-rate at YouTube , Hulu , and the few video and movie I have in my download folder . -rrb- YouTube come up to about 20fp , Hulu about 25fp with my old CPU still install . -lrb- not too shabby for my old fossil Dell . -rrb- \*\*\* seamless integration with my system and recently add 2gb of new Cosair RAM . -lrb- yes , the Dell 2400 REALLY doe accept 2gb of ram . -lrb- 1gb per slot . buy faster mem chip than you need in case you upgrade you CPU as I decide to do . -rrb- I buy this ; Corsair memory vs2gbkit400c3 2 gb pc3200 400mhz 184-pin DDR Desktop memory kit \*\*\* seamless integration with my new Pentium 4 CPU run at 3.06 ghz . -lrb- I highly recommend this CPU for all Dell 2400 owner as it be one of the only two option originally offer by Dell . -lrb- I buy - Intel TRAY PENTIUM 4 3.06ghz-ht 512k 533fsb s478 -lrb- rk80532pe083512 -rrb- it install very easily and boot up flawlessly right from the start . it be be perfect ever since . -lrb- even though it be list as `` used work like new . '' -rrb- this new chip lift my frame-rate to 24fp for film project , and a full 30fp for standard video at both Hulu and YouTube - something I think impossible for my Dell no matter how I upgrade it . -lrb- yay ! no more video hiccup and drop frame ! -rrb- # 2 after the installation of the new CPU , I only see a bit of a improvement in frame rate etc. , but eventually I have to shut down for one thing or another , and when I boot up again , the first time I get on-line I notice some activity that worry I a bit . shortly after , I realize that the Invidia card be still on `` auto Update , '' and have already install a update driver and whatever else it seem to think I need . ordinarily this would have upset I a bit , but when I see the incredible improvement , I bite my lip and simply enjoy myself . it be only after that automatic update that I see the framerate lift to 24 and 30 for film and video -lrb- respectively . -rrb- # 3 if you have a slow old Dell like mine , I insist that you sell you sister , you car and maybe even you toilet to get a few buck together and make the improvement I do . the RAM , and CPU be not that expensive , and even the LED Flatscreen I buy be only $ 140 here at Amazon -lrb- what a incredible monitor . -rrb- those three addition together , pull I away from even consider a whole new machine . I be go to be happy for 3 to 5 year at least ! -lrb- although I must admit that I be not a game-player , so play the latest game at full speed be not important to I . -rrb- I apologize for the lengthy review , but it take I quite a while to discover all this stuff , and I figure that anybody interested in this NVidia card have get a old machine with pcus slot and not the newer pci-express slot . for I , NVidea aim this product straight at the older machine `` target market , '' and in my opinion , they hit the bulls-eye . I could not possibly be any happier with this product . and with all the other change , there be not anything my system do that do not happen in a blink of the eye ! boot up be faster , my desktop icon flash across the screen in a instant , and even my hard-drive activity have increase in speed . for those who be interested , in all my search , I discover that the single most important change I make be the p4 CPU chip . in several forum , I find the the l2 cache it feature , -lrb- 512 kb , -rrb- be much more powerful than what the Celeron chip have . this cache deal with core instruction set and since it do this work right on the chip , the large size of the cache have a huge and immediate effect on the overall performance of the machine . I prove this out for myself , which be why I let myself buy a USED CPU chip . -lrb- my thinking be , that a use CPU , might possibly have fewer hour on it than my old Celeron chip . -rrb- besides , these p4 be become more and more rare each day . -lrb- get yours now ! -rrb- I would recommend the Sparkle GeForce 8400g to anybody with a older machine with standard pcus slot . if it add a burden to my puny Power-Supply , I do not seem to notice it so far . -lrb- Registered temperature be still well within acceptable spec . -rrb- the provide driver and include software seem to deal with all the expect problem one might expect with such a powerful upgrade . -lrb- a damned miracle IMO . -rrb- I highly suggest the other upgrade too , but make sure you do you homework . verify what I have discover , and follow any and all tip when it come to installation . -lrb- like fresh new thermal-paste if you upgrade you CPU . -rrb- happy holiday ! 247 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy one of these card with the intention of unlock the shader to make it perform like a 6970 . after some struggle try to update the bio I notice some post on a forum that indicate that all I have to do be flip the bio switch over to the `` 2 '' position -lrb- towards the front of the card -rrb- . I simply change the switch and reboot and now gpu-z show it to have 1536 shader ! 6970 performance for a lot less money ! thanks Sapphire !! 326 GraphicsCard POS 5 simple to install , very large card tho make sure you have room and it take 2 pcie power per card , Works great . 338 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be awesome . it overclock like a champ , and nvidium have now fix the vsync issue that initially plague this card . love it ! 43 GraphicsCard NEU 3 this product be very simple to install without any problem . dual monitor work well by themselves . I like this product . 728 GraphicsCard POS 5 I get this card to replace my 570 sc slus twin . I run a 5760x1080 setup and the machine be mainly use for web development , Video Editing and of course , gaming . hand down this card will outperform my slus with add benefit . with this card , be a single-card solution , my microstuttering problem become a thing of the past . in battlefield 3 , at 1920x1080 , I get a constant lock 120fp with everything on Ultra , HBAO on , and fxaa . VRAM usage @ 1500mb . at 5760x1080 , Ultra , HBAO off , and fxaa on . I get 50-60 fp and 1800mb vram usage . grant , more VRAM would have be great , but I be fairly satisfy with 2gb until gk100 come out in a few month . the card will oc to 1200 mhz without hitch although I have not try push for a higher oc yet . overall , I be very satisfied . only thing I would have change would have be a better cooling system . spec : i7 2600k @ 4.89 GHz OC 8gb ddr3 1600 RAM 7-8-7-24 1t 120gb ssd @ raid0 p67a-ud7-b3 rev 3.0 556 GraphicsCard NEU 3 a do a huge amount of research about this card before get it . and what I come up with , be that its the best card available at the moment for under about $ 250 . after have use it I still stand by that . HOWEVER there be some thing to consider : 1 : it be ATI ... some of you may read this and say what be you talk about I love ATI ? well that be fine . however I have have nothing but terrible experience -lrb- until now -rrb- with atus . this be the only card ive ever get that have work at all . Whats more , ATI have a record for have terrible driver , and this be seemingly no different . but it do work ... sorta ... 2 . the game : WELL my favorite game be Starcraft 2 . my old card a gt 240 run sc2 on high at about 35fp . this card will run it at about 45 and get horrid drop in frame rate that make the game almost unplayable . on the other hand . battlefield 3 , on the HIGHEST setting , will play at 70-90 fp !! with 0 frame loss !! go Figure !! 3 . this be a Minor gripe , but the 2 DVI port be not the same . 1 be Digital + analog and the other be just Digital . the card come with a Digital + analog converter , as do most . this mean that unless you have a digital only converter than you cant run to monitor with out hdmus . maybe its just I but I have rarely see Digital only be use . so if you would like to play bf3 on ultra with perfect fp than I recommend this card to you . if you really just play sc2 like I than consider something else , or look into driver ahead of time . I will be look for a set of driver that work well with sc2 . 4 GraphicsCard POS 5 test all the benchmark out of the box with the latest driver as of the date of this review . Heaven 1920X1080 Tess : nor Shd : Hi Ani :16 x aa :8 x get 58fp . 3dmark11 performance -lrb- free option -rrb- graphic score 9500 . no crash yet , run cool and very quite . a + + card overall con be the power come out the top and the card be heavy and sag some . Time to go play . 6.9 update : go through the overclock procedure i get optimal overclock at only 1177 GPU boost +200 MHz memory stable no artifacts\/temp rise , start crash the bench app above 1200 + , complete system failure at 1300 + . I guess i should feel lucky consider many do not hit stock but many people with reference card be able to do more than what i be get . if you have a good card already i would wait for TSMC to resolve the 28nm manufacturing issue and then you be guarantee a card fit for overclocking . Kind of silly to do so now other than to ensure you can clock higher than reference , might be worth a $ 20 premium . 921 GraphicsCard POS 4 no driver come with this card which be disappointing . I know this be bare bone but it would not break the bank if you supplier include a cd with a driver on it , they be cheap and light and would not be see in shipping cost . get this card if you think you can find the correct driver for it , I get lucky this time and be able to make this card work , but it have be my experience in the past that a lot of card like these only work with the original driver and anything else make they crash . the graphic and color I think look more vibrant on my monitor than my old card and the game and video work well , no over heat issue and it be very quiet and the best price you will find anywhere . 4 star because no driver include . 444 GraphicsCard POS 5 I never write review . but this card be amazing . I be very skeptical at first , spend $ 400 + on a ` lottery card ' as people be call it . but with the new update from asus this card have be golden . OC have it a little with no problem , have not push it very far yet . I can play all my game on super high setting , there be shader and particle I never know exist ! I be in love . definately get a second for slus when I have extra money . love it !! 981 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be use this card for civilization V. this do not make any slow down and improve my game experience . and I have no see a fan of this card work , I mean , this card be very quiet . 354 GraphicsCard POS 4 Works well with xp . not the best with window 7 but do work . will run aero on window 7 . hd video skip on win 7 . hd video run smooth on xp . small driver issue with with window 7 depend on you monitor . if you try to squeeze performance out of a old system with a pcus input and stock power supply this be a cheap way to get by . 899 GraphicsCard POS 5 I install this video card in my 2001 Sony VAIO PCV-RX850 APG Slot . I power up the computer and Voi La. . I open Google Earth and the difference be phenomenal . work with Daz Studio 4 and Poser 8 , my system -lrb- xp , sp3 -rrb- do not crash nearly as often as it use to ` out of memory , program must close ' . these program work much faster with the new video card , presumably because of the additional RAM on the card itself . for example , render time in poser 8 take half as long as it use to with the onboard Sis 650_651_740 Chip type : Sis 651 rev 00 . I be very happy with this card . 490 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need a bigger , faster card for my son 's pc so he could play Lego Universe -lrb- which be a Christmas present this year -rrb- . this card be list on they sy req page . plug it in , and this card put the old 128mb power color to shame . great speed , great graphic , better quality graphic and speed for the game he already play . great deal for my 7yr old son 's computer . 179 GraphicsCard POS 5 I get this card through Amazon to replace my ATI X1550 pro that be in my desktop previously to get the full gaming experience from my desktop and notice a difference right away . my pc 's processor be not nearly work as hard , when I go into the system 's option on doom iii the auto adjust go from high Quality to Ultra High Quality without batting a eye , and the graphic seem more life like like than it do before with alot more detail . I have decide rename my card to ATI 's bavc3850hd -lrb- big -- Video Card 3850 hd -rrb- with emphasis on the `` a '' due to the size witch be at least 5 inch bigger than my ATI x1550 , my case be able to seat with no problem but would not try put this baby in anything less than a full size atx tower due to it be size . need two 4 ide pin power plug that will fit into a adapter that then plug into the card itself to power it . atus say the minimum be a 450w psu but I would use at least a 500w psu -lrb- Mine be a raidmax 630w -rrb- . I do not bother with the driver cd that come with it but instead download they from -lrb- ... -rrb- along with the 8.12 patch for VISTA and before swap card I have remove all the previous driver , load the driver in Windows xp the process take about 2 min in Windows VISTA it take about 20 min -lrb- this include the 8.12 patch -rrb- when do it do look great , just take alot longer to load in VISTA . overall , a excellent card and well worth the upgrade but as most reviewer have mention this will most likely be agp 's last solid upgrade before ride off into the sunset , as of this write ATI be the last Video Card company to make agp card but I doubt they will for much longer since all mobo manufacture have turn over to pcie , they will probably all but be go by 2011 . this last upgrade will at least give I another year or two before I have to replace my aging base INTEL 865 PERLK Desktop -lrb- I have originally build in September of 2003 -rrb- . System Specs : p4 3.4 ghz socket 478 , 1 mb cache processor INTEL 865 PERLK mobo 4gb of ddr1 400mhz pc3200 RAM 680W PSU 300GB IDE hdd 24bit 5.1 Creative Sound Card Edimax Wi-Fi Card 1gb intergrate Intel NIC ATI Radeon HD 3850 AGP -lrb- replace ATI Radeon x1550 -rrb- Windows 7 Ultimate sp1 -lrb- 32 bit -rrb- Update March 29th , 2011 : I have pass this pc rig to my Son with the above system specification as above and it still play almost about 90 % of the game out there with excellent gaming quality . the Windows 7 index give this card a 7.0 -lrb- out of 7.9 -rrb- for performance . it be amazing the longevity this card have give this old rig . Update July 13th , 2012 this rig have now be pass on to my daughter -lrb- my son get a new desktop for Christmas of 2011 -rrb- and still work like champ with this card , I have now have this desktop total of 9 year and work great . never think it would last this long ! 795 GraphicsCard POS 5 Ok , let 's begin with this , if you have to be at the top of the heap and have the best for you rig , this card be not for you . if you have a budget , common sense , and a big enough case , this card be a `` must have '' . I buy this card about a year ago and it still give back whatever I throw at it . there be enough growth potential that this card should be able to handle anything for the next couple year or so , with that be say , let 's review the card itself . this be a pretty big card , I would definitely recommend a full size case for this one , and a mother board that be of decent size also . the air flow be not a problem for I as my rig have plenty of fan for heat -lrb- sound like a b-29 -rrb- lol , however the fan do not bother I . Games , porn , movie , all be good with this card , it display blu-ray 1080 just fine without a hitch . Budget : my rule of thumb have be that a graphic card should be where to spend money . motherboard and CPU be where you should spend the most and graphic should be # 3 on the list . I try to stay in the $ 200.00 range , lower and you be buy yesterday card that may have a hard time keep up with today program , any higher and you be pay for bell and whistle you probably do not need . that justify a good card at a good price that should last for year to come . common sense : I recommend go to you local pc store and check the size of this card , be sure it will fit you rig and that it will not obstruct any slot you may want to use . if you have no problem , get it . I would also like to say that after do much homework on graphic card , they be all get bigger since so much importance be be put on they now . big case : this kind of carry over with common sense , if you be like I , I get a big case that be sturdy enough to stand the test of time . I could gut my case , put all new hardware in it and it would last another 10 year . it have great airflow , and that be the most important thing so as to keep component cool . ok , back to the card , from the info I have gather from other review and personal use , I think this card be awesome . I play Bloodstone , COD , Star Trek Legends , and other without any problem . it even make the older game that I play come alive . AMD 9850 Saphire 6870 4 gb ram MSI am2 + mb soundblaster audegy 2 900 w power supply Cooler Master case good luck !! 961 GraphicsCard POS 5 I just receive my card last night and only get a little playtime in , so I have not wring it out yet -- that will come tonight when I load Skyrim . so far this seem a welcome upgrade from my `` vintage '' 256mb nVidia Gefore 7900GS . the card run cool and quiet , with great performance -lrb- for I anyway -rrb- , without break the bank . one thing the description do not mention , be the card currently ship with a certificate for a free download of dirt3 ; perfect for try out the card on my 27 '' monitor . 839 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be one of the best video card that I have ever purchase for my computer build in year !! thanks vision tek for such vivid color . 663 GraphicsCard POS 5 what can I say ? Custom cooler with custom pcb , top edition card know for quality . buy this card now . you will not regret . only negative about Asus be the rma process . 675 GraphicsCard POS 5 I do a lot of research before decide on this card . the main thing that make I decide to buy it be ; 1 . high quality component . this card be not a cheap version of a 6950 , it be a solid card with japanese make capacitor -lrb- the best -rrb- and great construction . 2 . quiet ! this card be 100 % quieter than my last card , a 4890 . my wife love it that my computer can not be hear in the other room now ! 3 . cool ! this card run extremely cool . the two fan configuration do a excellent job keep it cool -lrb- and be also the reason it be so quiet , the fan can run at a lower rpm and still provide more cooling than a single fan -rrb- . 4 . fast fast fast . this card , while not a reference design -lrb- for unlock shader -rrb- be still a very fast card . it blow away every game I throw at it , and I can finally run crysis at max setting ! one thing to remember about reference vs. non-reference card be that when you unlock the shader , you only get a 3 % performance boost , and that be at the cost of a hotter running and louder card -lrb- due to the single fan -rrb- . bottom line , if you be look for a great clard that be fast , quiet , cool , and have some overclockability , this be the one to get . 167 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be vary happy with this card and I be plane on order another one , you can not beet it for the money 308 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card to play the new Diablo III game . it run it like a champ with all setting max out on a older dell xp machine with a quad core processor and 4 gig of ram . 465 GraphicsCard POS 4 it arrive and work perfectly alongside my APU . I turn off dual graphic cause some game do not support that , and it run just fine by itself . very good card indeed . however , my screen sorta glitch when i go to video on youtube and back to my desktop . I be not sure what it be but i do not think it be good . 272 GraphicsCard POS 5 Standard full size pcus card -lrb- extra wide -rrb- -- bracket in the box to make it low Profile if you need a low profile card . for Windows xp user use Integrated Graphics that come with you computer -- after install the Start Taskbar with all its icon will disappear unless you do the follow after the new card install : Right click my computer -rrb- then leave Click Properties -rrb- hardware -rrb- device manager -rrb- Display adapter -rrb- then right click the `` Integrated '' Graphics Controller -lrb- example : Intel 82865G -rrb- -rrb- click DISABLE -rrb- Click Yes I want to -rrb- click the Restart prompt . you will know that you will still have a display because the GeForce Graphics card will also be list in the Display Adapters field above . other reviewer call this disable the on-board graphic in the device manager . when computer restart you have the Start Taskbar and its icon again -- all normal . sparkle should add this information to the Quick Start Guide as last step . note : the internet give plenty of complicated advice -- reset the bio to Reinstalling Windows -- not need . 121 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this piece of junk work once , after reboot I have no display . I reinstall my old card and it work fine . DO NOT BUY !!!!! 181 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be amazing ! get near 680 speed -lrb- and possibly greater with a good oc -rrb- at a non-premium price . I purchase this card specifically to drive multiple monitor -lrb- 4 at the moment , 3 1920 of various size and a lone 1680x1050 hanger-on -rrb- without nVidia surround and without purchase a ATI card due to they suspect driver . I be currently utilize all output on the card -lrb- 1x hdmus , 1x DisplayPort , 2x dvi -rrb- without incident . come from a original gtx 460 1gb , there have be a noticeable increase in performance in the few game I try , and it be allow I to run game with nVidia 's 3d enable and most graphical option max . the ability of this graphic card to scale as compute power be need be a good option for I as well , since I spend most of my time on a desktop and not run 3d application -lrb- 3d in this case mean fullscreen game , not stereoscopic 3d -rrb- . EVGA 's precision-x software be very slick , decent option , and I like it better than MSI 's Afterburner . I be initially try to decide between this , a 680 , and hold out for a 680 4gb version , and I have to say that I be glad I do not wait . I have no doa issue with the card , install , update driver , and everything work perfectly -lrb- as it should -rrb- . ran through several of my favorite game -lrb- most of which I have little issue run on the 460 , even max -rrb- and notice a much smoother experience . there be not much else to say . if you be here you have probably read reputable website review and comparison . from a value perspective , there be not a card today that compare favorably with this one . if you have do you due diligence and be on the fence about a 670 series card -lrb- and you be make a generational + leap -rrb- , go ahead and commit . I do not think you 'll be sorry . 533 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this to update a older computer I use for when the grandkid come over . it really help with juice up some of the game they play ! 631 GraphicsCard POS 5 i like this card it be good for gamee like world of warcraf i love it it be also good to have 3 moniter so i can molty task all at the same time 145 GraphicsCard POS 5 I love this card , easy to install and play all game like a champ ! I have never have a problem with a card by evga , they have never let I down . 280 GraphicsCard NEG 1 this be a review for the rebate portion of the card . if you be not interested , then do not read . however , I be post this because I feel it be pertinent information , and for I , it be what determine my get this card from this manufacturer . long story short , they have provide completely conflict information on the process of the rebate , and will do whatever it take to make sure that you will never get you rebate in the window that they originally advertise . here be the documentation of my experience : on Thu , Jun 21 , 2012 at 6:55 pm , write : -rrb- Dear xxxxxx , -rrb- -rrb- we be pleased to inform you that you rebate , with the basic service -rrb- level you select have be process and approve on 06\/21\/2012 . -rrb- -rrb- you Amex reward card will be mail within 8-10 week . please contact -rrb- we if you have any additional question . -rrb- -rrb- Below be the summary of you rebate registration information : -rrb- -rrb- track Number : xxxxxxxx -rrb- rebate offer : Sapphire special mail-in rebate -rrb- rebate Item : Sapphire Radeon hd6950 2g ddr5 pcie -rrb- rebate Item UPC number -lrb- s -rrb- : xxxxxxxx -rrb- rebate award : $ 20.00 -rrb- Service level Basic : $ 0.00 -rrb- final award : $ 20.00 so , 8-10 week go back from 6\/21\/12 . nothing happen . the tracking number they give I do not work , either . I send they another email : ----- original message ----- sent : sep 1 , 2012 2:38:14 PM Subject : Re : Rebate Processed Hi , just wonder where be my rebate card . I still have not receive it . the tracking number you give I do not work . all the claim history , accord to you website , say be : \* Claim Status history \* ------------------------------ Date Status comment 5\/19\/2012 5:22:10 AM Claim create 5\/19\/2012 5:23:28 AM Claim Completed , Awaiting Receipt of Documentation 6\/14\/2012 1:54:40 PM Documentation receive 6\/21\/2012 9:54:55 PM Claim be approve it should have be here within 8-10 week . can you please provide I a status update ? ---------------------------------- it take I another email and another week before I finally get a response -lrb- they advertise that they always respond within 2 business day , because customer service be `` very important '' to they -rrb- . here be the most recent email : on frus , sep 7 , 2012 at 6:46 AM , 4myrebatesapphire write : thanks for you email . customer satisfaction be very important to we and as such , we will respond to you email , answer any and all question within the next 2 business day exclude weekend . hello . you rebate have be approve as of `` 09\/01\/12 '' . it take 8-10 week from the date of approval for the rebate payment to be issue and send out . ------------------------------------------------- wow , really ? another 8-10 week after 9\/1\/12 ? what about they website and email from they , say my claim be approve back in 6\/21\/12 and that the card would be issue within 8-10 week from 6\/21\/12 ? complete and blatant lie . they clearly have zero intention of mailing I anything , hope that I would probably forget , and they could scam I and countless other out of a rebate that be owe to we , as what they advertise . they be also base in Hong Kong , make it more complicate when pursue legal action ... which i be sure they be fully aware of . just relay my own personal experience , hope to let everyone be aware of what they may encounter . I hope everyone be able to get they rebate and for I , it be just a fluke , but I think they response show they do not take customer service very seriously at all . 696 GraphicsCard POS 5 upgrade from a 6950 to this . I be now able to crank up my game to `` ULTRA '' and get 60fp in almost every game I play . of course if you be even consider this card you already know how good it be . 250 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy a HP Compaq , refurbish , in 2004 . good computer but it have only 32 meg embedded video ram . in the past year , the computer have simply be unable to play movie and some streaming video on my 17 inch monitor . I have at one time install a 128 meg card with a fan in the AGP slot , and the card have burn out after a year . I decide to try this card , since it use a heat sink rather than a fan , and use a PCI slot -lrb- in case a faulty AGP slot have contribute to the older card 's burnout -rrb- . Works fine . I have even purchase a 21.5 inch monitor , which look very sharp use the digital output include with the card . I do find , use the software , that brightness should be turn down from 50 to 45 on both my old and new monitor . I also set the `` Peformance-Quality '' adjustment to `` Performance '' in order to avoid movement blur on my 2 m refresh screen . one warning : I do have a black screen for several hour , until I read the direction again , and change by bio setting from agp to pcus . when the instruction suggest you may need to check you bio , they mean it . good price and performance . fast delivery . I recommend this card as a solution for older computer . 455 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I love the build of the card , none of the plastic garbage feature on most card . not 100 % stable out of the box , I have to make my own fan curve which make it pass benchmark . I just retun it as its still unstable out of the box : -lrb- 423 GraphicsCard NEG 2 have a hard time get this to work use the DVI connection . it would not support 1920x1080 . when online and find that the DVI connection have a much lower max resolution than analog VGA connection . so no digital hd for I ! major bummer . 442 GraphicsCard POS 5 evga be generally a name you can trust when it come to NVidia card . this card be about as good as you can get when it come to agp slotted video card without spend a lot . it be a good choice for upgrade a age computer to help it keep up with today 's standard . 356 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card to replace a pv-t44a-yapv-t44a-yang -lrb- basically the same card -rrb- that I think be get twitchy on my p225 CRT monitor -lrb- be shut down computer on start up , reduce color on monitor , and monitor control not work -rrb- I replace the Power supply -lrb- you usual first suspect -rrb- and the problem continue . I swap out monitor and the flat work , but my beloved CRT still have problem , so I remove the YANG card and put this one in and problem go away ; I be still not happy , as I be very anal . remove the new card and put the old one back in -lrb- it be less than two year old -rrb- and the problem be go . reset the graphic card before you do ANYTHING ELSE . Nuff say 194 GraphicsCard NEU 3 get the card and it be DOA . try it in multiple rig . just a tip , DO NOT go through evga return . they want I to jump through all kind of hoop , want to charge I for ship etc. . Amazon just take care of I no question ask . EDIT : get a work card and it perform great . Pretty loud when you be play intense game , but it can play Skyrim on Ultra at 90 + FPS . good card . 825 GraphicsCard POS 5 note : \* need 250 watt minimum power supply -lrb- mine be 300 watt , which be recommend on the box and work comfortably -rrb- \* if you do not have a case screw for the expansion slot , get one -lrb- if you be still use VGA , the case screw be a must-have unless you want to risk damage the card while press a VGA end into the slot -rrb- \* if you be still use ddr1 RAM and\/or do not have a newer processor , you performance will be bottleneck -lrb- limited -rrb- by that , not this card ; this graphic card be mid-lower range , but should still do decent with more modern game , if you have the processor\/ram format to handle they \* if the fan do not spin on you card , do not try to use it , and have it return and\/or fit with a replacement card fan asap ; the card will overheat in less than 40 minute regardless of whether or not you be play a game unless it have a work fan \* make sure you have enough fan to dissipate the heat from both you processor and this card \* have at least 2 gb RAM -lrb- ideally 4 gb or more -rrb- if you intend to use this for gaming -- no hassle from the card installation ; I open up my case , pull out the expansion cover , stick this into the PCI Express slot , plug in the monitor , and away I go . I do not play modern game -lrb- to get my money 's worth from my PS3 -rrb- , but the Sims 3 , command and conquer 3 Tiberium war , leave 4 dead 1 , and Red Alert 3 -lrb- which be relatively recent and have lot of silly particle effect -rrb- all play good to flawless with this card , on relatively high setting . most game should do fine -lrb- almost all game make before Windows 7 should run pretty fast -rrb- . needless to say , if you be run a game that still list x-series atus card , this card will blaze through it . native resolution be true hd , which be nice . it also support dual-monitor display , and if you tv be HDMI , it should work just as well . l4d be a bit choppy -lrb- about 21 fp -rrb- , but that have more to do with my ddr1 RAM and AMD Athelon 2.4 GHz x2 processor -lrb- which be minimum spec for l4d -rrb- than anything . I be sure that this card can handle l4d2 or portal 2 just fine , if you have a decent processor . all in all , a great card -lrb- on black Friday , it be only $ 39 , which be a great price for what it be worth , and save I $ 400 + for a newer computer 's update integrate graphic -rrb- . 169 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card to update my desktop computer . I do a lot of photoshop project on it and this card do the job wonderfully . my program open and run faster than ever . and now I can even use my computer as a home entertainment center . this be a great card for the price . 451 GraphicsCard POS 5 awesome card , play everything throw at it , great condition arrive on time , very satisfied , idle at 38c at intense gaming it get up to around 65c , old one 8800gt would get up to 85c 97 GraphicsCard POS 5 I normally go to a retail store and buy a expensive card . however with economy the way it be I decide to give a lower price card a shot . I be very happy I do this card rip thru wow -lrb- world of Warcraft -rrb- like it be a a old Mario brother game graphic . I cross my finger and boost the graphic setting all the way to max and the card perform like a champ no glitch no blinking just smooth graphic ... would I buy this card again ?? well at the beginning of the month I be upgrade my wife video to this card . do not expect a 500.00 card for 60 buck but expect one hell of a card for the value . 790 GraphicsCard POS 5 have be use this card since Jan 2012 . I run it with a 2nd gen i5 and 12gb ram on a 1080p monitor . I get 120 + fp on wow in stormwind with all setting at max . run Battlefield 3 perfect to my eye -lrb- not sure of the fp -rrb- . I play through campaign mode on most current game and have not meet one that have give it a problem . I have read good review of decent overclock for this card so I think I might grab a second one to SLI and wait util the gtx7xx series card come out . 793 GraphicsCard POS 5 I would recommend this to anyone especially those with a low power supply pc . I have a warm time find a card that be compatible with my dell 530 inspiron with a 300 watt power supply . I be tell to upgrade my power supply but i plan on buy a new pc so it wouldnt make sense , i just want to use my dell for a while cause its only 4 yr old . I try nvidium card with dell which be say compatible and have to return they all even though nvidium be the card of my choice but this fanless AMD be truly amazing . no fan noise except the one in the pc play game although it be not mean for game but im not a heavy gamer just exception so i try supreme commander and universe at war atlest 20hr gameplay a day just to see what would happen all on high setting run like a charm with no problem . the only weird thing be when i try to update the catalyst 11.6 to 11.7 it do but still show I 11.6 but all in all very great card well recommend easy installation low power consumption Dell 530 inspiron compatible and low price and quick delivery by Amazon before expect thanks much Amazon . 114 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card work well on older pc that only have pcus slot on the motherboard . it have be work well without problem on my Windows xp Media Center Edition pc . it can play older game , such as Roller Coaster tycoon 1 and 2 . unfortunately game that be graphic hog will not work with this graphic card . otherwise the card work very well 907 GraphicsCard POS 5 one of the best card out there i be now able to run Elder Scrolls : Skyrim and Battlefield 3 on ultra high setting . 614 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have always want to use 3 monitor in my workstation @work . besides the fact that I do not have a 3rd monitor , my Dell laptop have a vanilla graphic controller that be not capable of deal with more than 2 monitor at the same time . this past week , I get lucky and be able to get a spare monitor from a friend and now only my laptop 's controller be prevent my dream to come true . so , less than 2 minute googling and I find this beauty call uga -lrb- usb graphic adapter -rrb- . so I end up buy a simple one with a standard VGA connector since I need it to connect to my KVM , which do not support DVI . get it today and here be my impression so far : 1 -rrb- Windows 7 recognize something be plug in the usb port but could not find any matching driver ; 2 -rrb- I then download the proper up-to-date driver from -lrb- ... -rrb- and install it 3 -rrb- unfortunately , it do require a reboot 4 -rrb- after the reboot , voilum ! Windows automatigically extend its display to my 3rd monitor ! awesome ! for my daily work , I can not notice absolutely any issue or difference between my laptop 's controller and this uga at all . resolution be great and go up to the monitor 's max . even the little utility software that be install and stay on the task bar be surprisingly good . so , I be very positively impressed with this nice little gadget and I be very happy to finally have my 3-monitor workstation : -rrb- 382 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this video card geforce 6200 on 11\/10\/2011 for my 5 year old pc Dell Dimension 310 be a snap to put on and easy to plug and play the only thing be I be run window 7 and the disk only support driver for vista and xp but I find the driver on evga website download it and ready to enjoy better quality video and game I recomend for old computer specially the price and Amazon deliver for free fast !!!! good job !!!!! 579 GraphicsCard POS 5 very fast for the price , overclock like a champ ! 1k engine clock @ stock V. Know that the stock voltage on this video card be lower than other 6700 1.2 versus 1.25 392 GraphicsCard POS 5 well I luck in to get this video card . seem impossible for the msrp . I be able to get it on amazon for $ 509 . its not the brand I want but it all use the same board . Super shipping take 7 day to arrive . look like they be basically fill order while I wait . I would recommend pay $ 10 extra for shipping . the packaging appear to be open as well . the factory seal sticker have be remove . the card be still seal in the static resistant film though so i guess no one really unpackaged it . this thing be awesome though . 2nd best video card next to the $ 1200 gtx 690 . buy it if you get achance ! 152 GraphicsCard POS 5 the card work great ! I be please with everything . I be now able to stream Netflix movie from the computer to the hdtv . the picture look good and the Nvidia software that come with the card finetune thing nicely . I do need a few AHA moment to have everything the way I want , like set the monitor 's resolution small enough to get the entire picture within the tv 's screen . overall , great card for my 6 year old machine ! plus Amazon have it here within one week with free shipping . 81 GraphicsCard POS 4 pro : fast , evga , max every game i have . con : price go down $ 10 one week after i buy mine , no back plate , weak overclocker , 40c idle temp during the summer . 874 GraphicsCard POS 5 I purchese 2 of these board , set they up on a asrock 990pro without the need for jumper and my Windows 7 experience for display jump from 4.9 to 6.8 . Xfire rock regardless of you application and these board provide econimical access to most of the feature with a reasonable price tag . so how good do it need to be ? you can spend $ 2k + for triple board , but I do not think you will see a significant improvement . 545 GraphicsCard POS 5 will run anything and everything if pair with the right rig . in a word , awesome ! run it with a Amd 8150 , on a Asus Formula V board , with 16 gb of mushkin pc-2133 red ridgeback ram , Patriot Pyro se ssd for o\/s and game . have play W.O.W. and Diablo 3 so far both with all setting max out and it do not even sweat ... . good card . 72 GraphicsCard NEG 1 cause random computer lock up , if there be any audio while this occur , it will loop continuously until you do a hard shutdown . even with this problem , on some occasion I can still play game without lock up . seasonic 560w i5-3450 @ 3.1 Asus P8H77-M pro sapphire radeon hd 7850 Kingston 2x4gb ddr3-1333 Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB Windows 7 64-bit Google these term : Radeon 7970 computer hard lock with sound loop 7xxx Series AMD card : freeze and lock up 672 GraphicsCard NEU 3 I buy this card on a tight budget . my old radieon x1650 series card be close to give up the good ghost of existence , and I want something to be prepare for that day . the x series atus 's be pretty good , but because I be a hardcore gamer I hope this will at least let I get up to medium setting on my game . I run a ASUS p5b board , with a intel dual core 2.13 ghz processor on 6 gig of ram and I want to say 450wat power supply , but I be unable to open the case right now to see . I could be on a 350 , but that be beside the point . this be a pretty decent look PCI card for a reasonable price I will update this review as soon as I get the card in . here be to hope . and I know this be a bit shorter than my regular review , I hope to be of insight once this come in . good Luck Gamers and tweaker . 620 GraphicsCard NEG 1 it would have be nice to know . it say nothing about not work , but it do nothing on Mac OS Lion , and I have not have a chance to test out any other system as yet . Wish I have know that before ! 836 GraphicsCard POS 5 equipment do what it say it will . simple to install and work great ! recommend it for those wish to increase they viewing by utilization of a idle monitor . I find that I can search the web and have my word processor available on the other screen for copy what I have find without click back and forth to separate window . price be reasonable and ordering\/shipping be complete in a minimum of time . 307 GraphicsCard POS 4 I buy this card to replace the onboard graphic in my 2 yr . old dell desktop . after see that some gaming rig come with this same card I think i would give it a try . work well with the 300 watt power supply . work fine with window 8 release preview have all the connector , hdmus , dvi can do vga with a adapter . if you be on a budget go ahead buy this card . 507 GraphicsCard POS 5 the card itself be outstanding . the performance really be second to none . 2560x1600 and no issue here on any of the current game like bf3 . would love to get 2 of these in slus . evga support also rock as well . the customer service be top notch , speak to two rep already on some installation issue and they be really helpful and nice to talk to . you really can not go wrong with evga and I probably would not bother with other brand myself . not say there be not other good brand but I prefer evga . I think the price be pretty fair because of the performance but you can always hope it will go down in price . this be the top perform graphic card out there right now , so consider that , it command a premium price . 31 GraphicsCard POS 4 this card be buy as a upgrade from a gtx-260 896mb . I be seek a faster card , more texture memory , and DirectX 11 capability . pro : not too huge like many nvidium card out there . the large fan keep the card cool and only use one 6-pin power connector to power it . the 3 type of output be a plus to fit everyone 's basic setup . even though it be not mention in description , there be a power plug adapter to convert 2 standard 3-pin ide power connector into a 6-pin . highest end card for under $ 150 at the moment of this review . con : benchmark be only a very slight -lrb- 2-10 fp -rrb- improvement over my 260 . phsyx speed be also slightly improve . even though the memory speed be faster and greater than what I have , there be a slightly noticeable lag when load many texture when you first enter a scene which I never experience before . if you follow direction in the manual for installation then you might miss the fact of plug in the 6-pin plug due to the fact of it not mention it . all in all , a great card . not as fancy look as many other manufacturer but the large fan do keep the card cool in heavy load . I have repeatedly push its limit and no , it be not one of the fastest card out there , but it hold it be own in DirectX 10 and 11 but if you be only need a card for older DirectX 9 application and game , I say go for cheaper . 36 GraphicsCard POS 5 Ok so some version of this card be slightly different , so I gather . my card -lrb- which I order from Amazon on 10\/1 roughly -rrb- be the Cayman chipset and have the 6970 bio preload on the the card by sapphire . all you have t0o do be save you bio -lrb- I get Trixx software from sapphire for free and it will ask you if you want to save you bio -rrb- and flick the switch to position 2 and pow 1536 unify shader . no further step necesarry . so to be clear this\/my version do unlock and although im not go to overclock until i get a new PSU it will overclock to better than a stock 6970 with no effort and less money . this be less than 10 % performance increase without overclock , just switch the bio , but hey its free ! the card stay very cool , I have a dell XPS 8300 stock case fan and psu -lrb- 460 watt although dell underate they power supplies -rrb- and this thing never get above 60 \* c. it fit into the case no problem , you just have to manuever it delicately . the fan get a little loud over 70 % but its really only becasue my pc be so quiet , and you really have to put it though its pace to get up to 70 % anyway -lrb- which i havent -rrb- . by the way the bio switch be miniscule , I mean tiny and its located to the right of the crossfire port . move the switch away from the crossfire port to put it into unlock position . its about 10.5-11 inch long and be really well make . Hope this help , also run Starcraft 2 at about 120 fp on ultra setting at 1440x900 , bad company 2 high setting 90 fp , crysis 1\/2 50-60 fp -lrb- all use frap and 1440x900 re . -rrb- bf3 beta look great and run with zero stutter although the beta be completly unreliable for fp benchmark . also get a free copy of Deus ex and Dirt 3 which you have to jump through hoop for but if you have a iphone or a webcam just take a picture of the box and they will email you the Steam code . Hope to see you on the battlefield ! Dell XPS 8300 i7-2600@3.4 sandy bridge 8 gb ram @ 13xx blu-ray player sapphire hd6950 2gb unlock to 6970 20 Inch LG monitor 1440x900 , 20 Inch Dell 1440x900 Logitech Extreme 3D pro joystick bose surrond 243 GraphicsCard NEU 3 con : only get a Aero Graphics rating of 4.8 and gaming 6.2 rating in Windows 7 ! a little jerky in 3dmark11 test ! pro : DirectX 11 compatible , 1gb Video RAM , very sharp focus in 3d app and 3d Video Games , good price versus Performance . 421 GraphicsCard POS 4 I edit video on Sony Vegas all the time , so I want to speed up my program . this Graphics Card do the job ! it make Sony Vegas run smoother . also , with this card I can now max out my hd PVR 's setting . very cool ! the only problem I have with this be it only have 2 DVI slot and a mini hdmus connector on it . I use VGA previously , so I have to get a VGA to DVI connector . that be about another $ 10 on Amazon . still , I suggest this video card if you want to speed up you video : -rrb- Update : after use this card for a while and go into more intensive program , I do see this card have issue . it 'll stutter a bit with Sony Vegas with a bunch of layer and some other pretty hardcore program . as for gaming , this card run very well with gaming . you can play game like battlefield 3 without much of a problem . you definitely will not be able to jack the setting up all the way , but it 'll run they without really terrible lag . if you have a pretty stock computer and you be look for a quick boost in Graphics , buy this card . the requirement be not very high and it be certainly a upgrade from integrate graphic . 228 GraphicsCard POS 5 a excellent video card with a impressive processing speed , I invite you to test the overclocking experience . it be important to know the capacity of you power supply before buy this card because it need a source of at least 550 watt to meet the current requirement of this card . it also should be check power supply connector , because they vary depend on the model GTX card . 861 GraphicsCard POS 5 I order this card from Amazon , specifically because it be the right card at the right price . check out pcper.com and search hd 7850 review to see how this card stack up against the competition , and you will get a more complete picture -lrb- no pun intend -rrb- . but to summarize : at $ 250 , this card destroy the Nvidia GTX 560tus -lrb- $ 230 -rrb- and run just short of the gtx 570 -lrb- $ 300-330 -rrb- unless you overclock . the figure I be use be valid at time of purchase . you can assume the lowest possible price either at Amazon or at a competitor . further info . pro : 1 . power consumption . this card only draw about 130w on one 6-pin pcie power cord , which be ridiculously low for its capability . a pcie slot already provide a bit more than 70W , so the draw on the power supply be minimal . this mean you can upgrade without spend a lot on a power supply -lrb- minimum 500w -rrb- . the 570 need either 2 pcie 6-pin or a 6 and a 6 +2 with 550w - 600w minimum power supply , depend on sub-manufacturer . 2 . temperature . the card only run about 60 c at load , which be also very low , and this mean you do not have to worry as much about case performance to maintain temperature within operate limit . this do not mean you can leave you case a mess , but it do mean that you do not have to spend serious cash to get good airflow . good cooling = longer life . 3 . capability . the hd 7850 can maintain a good to great fp -lrb- frame per second -rrb- on the highest setting on you favorite directx 11 game . this be the programming platform for 3d gaming , and at the time of review , it be the most current form of 3d platforming . as a estimation , this card should be able to run a good fp well into the future . best guess be 2 year . after that , I would not be surprise if you be not already consider a new pc or a upgrade anyway . 4 . size . this go unappreciated by a ton of upgrader and gamer , but the size of this card make it a viable upgrade , even for micro-atx mobo and case , mean you still must measure , but it be more likely than not that this card will fit into into you case . 5 . overclocking . dl the Sapphire TRIXX app for you desktop , and you can stabilize a 20 % increase in performance . exceptional and freak awesome , mean without purchase the oc version of the card , you can crank this puppy up to way beyond stock clock for f-r-e-e . best price ever . con : 1 . performance . I be a bit disappointed this card do not lay the gtx 570 to waste , but when you consider the premium you pay for the gtx 570 , I think this card be justified . I would expect the gtx 570 & 580 to go on a significant discount for a long time with high rebate from the manufacturer because of this new series of Radeon card and the gtx 600 series , which be be release as this be type , but as mention above , power consumption and ventilation with the NVIDIA 570 be subpar in comparison . 2 . warranty . I could not find the xfx version of this card at the time of purchase , which be a bummer because XFX have the best warranty -lrb- lifetime -rrb- and customer service of any radeon sub-manufacturer . Sapphire be not a pushover with 2 year , and they have be make Radeon for a long time with great success and reliability . 3 . the answer : I be wonder whether Radeon should have design accord to a higher spec and standard ; it be as though this card be design to compete with older gtx 500 series card . I would expect NVIDIA to answer the Radeon 7800 series gpus with something exceptional as they continue to release the gtx 600 series . then again , you can always get a better deal on dated merchandise if you wait to buy ... Conclusion : you will not make a bad decision between this card and the gtx 570 -lrb- evga have a good reputation , warranty , and customer service -rrb- , but at the time of release and my purchase , the Radeon 7850 be a great bang-4 - $ card , and it deserve all the praise it receive for be a serious card at a good price with greater accommodation for more case , mobo , and power supplies than the gtx 570 or 560ti . Update 4\/24\/12 : everything still work at 100 % . battlefield 2 Bad Company be smooth as dive chocolate on highest setting . battlefield 3 seem even better . have already purchase Guild war 2 , for which I be sure this card will be overkill . BTW : run AMD 955 black , 8 gb 1300 RAM , Samsung 7200 1TB HD , 600W OCZ PSU . Update 5\/13\/12 : no problem whatsoever . play in the gw2 beta over 4\/27 -4 \/ 29 , and with the exception of a massive amount of player who take part in the good-bye extravaganza , no lag at highest setting , which be excellent for beta . Witcher run very well , but Witcher 2 seem to be the new benchmark for video card . I 'll have to nab that at some point in the future . I have have 2 reader ask I about x-fire previously , which I do not really advocate because of the relative expense . you could get a top o crop card for $ 500 , and one gtx 680 or hd 7970 will lay this card to waste . I can not give you the technical expertise -lrb- technical writer , not a engineer -rrb- to show it , but I have it on good authority -lrb- pcper.com , pcbuilder.com -rrb- that one premium card be worth more than two mid-range . that be say , if you insist on x-fire , you can only bridge 2 HD 7850s together with the current hardware . I do not see this as a `` con . '' if you be serious about gaming and would like to bridge mid-range card together , go for it . but I think that be a feature best reserve for premium stock , where there be no improvement beyond add additional card . if you want better gaming , save you dime and buy the better card . Make sure to keep you eye out for GTX 6XX card . at this point , the gtx 680 -lrb- good luck find one -rrb- and 670 -lrb- $ 400 , also good luck find one -rrb- have be release , and I would expect that the 660 will be the horse run at the neck of the hd 7850 . we 'll see . 159 GraphicsCard POS 4 buy it for htpc in miniitx format -lrb- in Intel 945 Atom MB -rrb- . quite well for it be money , but if you be not go to play heavy game , 512mb of video memory be too much , 256mb be well enough . also , I have be very limit in space between the card itself and power supply unit . then I have replace radiator with small fan ; whereas , the socket for fan power be find . at the end , i have what I want , thus satisfied . 512 GraphicsCard POS 5 okay Fisrt Thing be this be a wonderfull Htpc Card for the money it can out put upto 2560x1600 on dvi & 1080P through the HDMI out and 2048x1536 through VGA so as i get this as a gift for my bro i try it out on crysis 2 GTA IV & Dirt 3 with crysis 2 id run low @ 720p and gta same all low @ 720 but Dirt 3 can go low not ultra low @ 1080p so wanna play a few Games Watch 1080p with no pause Becuz you internal graphic have to process it Anyways 5 star Recommend HTPC buyer 863 GraphicsCard POS 4 issue # 1 , as soon as I install the driver from the CD that come with it , I notice my onboard sound be go . it turn out that because this have HDMI , it be get its own soundcard and without ask , it make itself the default device . my monitor be a older DVI model and I like my amped speaker so I change it back , but it would be nice to be able to let both work since I span my desktop to a big hdtv that I use for watch movie while I work or just when I need the big screen . issue # 2 the scaling be all wrong on my hdtv -lrb- device 2 -rrb- . there be black bar around my picture that be almost 5 inch . Tech support tell I to go to a menu on ccc -lrb- they do not explain what CCC be so it take I a while to figure out it be the sloppy software that come with the card -rrb- but it be not there ! I find another option down there that look like it might work for hdtv , but all it do be make my screen blink once and then back to the way it be . it turn out the scaling and overscaling thing be what do the trick . -lrb- sorry to get technical lol -rrb- . overall it be a very fast , quiet , and lower power card . I be happy . just wish the software be better . 331 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card run everything max out no problem . I have no problem put a additional overclock on the card beyond what the factory overclock be use EVGA 's precision x software . I be able to get +71 mhz of additional GPU clock offset and a additional +730 mhz additional memory clock offset . no stability issue , as fast if not faster than a reference 680 . very impressive . installation be simple . my previous card be a AMD hd4890 , and transition be smooth and easy . I simply remove the old driver , shutdown , replace the card , boot up , and install the new Nvidia driver . everything work as it should . be sure to get the latest driver from Nvidia 's website as the one on the disk that come with the card be not the latest . 597 GraphicsCard POS 5 purchase this item on release day on Amazon when it be on backorder . surprisingly enough , my order go through and ship on the same day ! get it the next day , since I pay for overnight shipping . have to pay sale tax though , since I have it ship to New York . sigh . anyway , more about the card . this thing be huge ! significantly larger than my old gtx 560 ti -lrb- which die on I and have rma'e -rrb- . performance-wise , the card push most game out today at Ultra . it easily get 80-100 fp in battlefield 3 . most of the time I have it set with v-sync turn on , though , so it use less power and run cooler . the GPU overclock like a beast , too . get it run at around 1227 MHz stable on my first try . I reckon I can push it much further than that , but it seem unnecessary at this time . temperature-wise , the stock cooler on this card surprisingly perform really well . it run much cooler than my gtx 560 Ti , which use to run at 85c . the stock cooler be really silent on idle up until the 75 % mark . by the time you reach the 85 % -lrb- max -rrb- fan speed , the card 's fan get fairly loud . one thing to note , though : when overclocking , this card will start to slightly downclock the GPU core once the temperature hit 70C , which be fairly peculiar since 70 degree be practically cool enough for a GPU . this be one more reason why I will not tinker with the Power target just yet until my gtx 680 Backplate & High-flow bracket arrive -lrb- as increase voltage would increase temp -rrb- . but on stock GPU clock , I have get it barely hit 65c with a slightly more aggressive fan curve -lrb- which be variable in EVGA precision x -rrb- . OC temperature reach around 69-70c for my card , and that be with a case with decent airflow -lrb- Cooler Master Cosmos II -rrb- in a very hot summer climate here in the Philippines -lrb- ambient temp around 36c \/ 102f -rrb- . I have no qualm about order this item halfway around the world , since EVGA 's new 3-year global warranty policy definitely make it real easy for I to conduct warranty claim should any problem arise in the future . give you extra piece of mind if you want to sell it in a few year ' time . so in summary , for $ 499 , this be one heck of a card . I be really happy I wait out until this card come out . be suppose to purchase a gtx 580 . this card be definitely worth the wait - even if it be on backorder . : -rrb- UPDATE : get my EVGA gtx 680 high flow bracket and backplate . just try to push it a bit more today . Got to 1234MHz , and then 1254mhz - still without change the power target . temp be about 67-68c now . awesome . 667 GraphicsCard POS 5 Easy to follow installation guide and cd . only take a few minute to install and be up and run . the USPS do mis-route the delivery create a delay that they would not take responsibility for . very disapointed in they customer service . 65 GraphicsCard NEU 3 this card work great out of the box . but slowly start give I more and more problem . start black screening while play battlefield but that eventually turn into black screening during all game . I also have a coil whine but it do not bother I that much because I play game with headphone on but can see how it would irritate some . luckily amazon be awesome and be let I return the card . Thought about go with another 7970 but will probably switch the the GTX 670 for a modest price savings without leave to much performance behind . oh well . I be really excite for this card but just do not work out . I be sure if you get a work card it will be a monster . but like other people before I just too many issue . 480 GraphicsCard POS 5 when it come down to buy a new top-of-the-line graphic card , you pretty much have two option : atus 4870x2 or Nvidia GTX 295 . the Nvidia GTX 295 be the surefire winner between these two , as benchmark after benchmark it outperform the ATI . also worth mention , the ATI have severe driver issue , and run extremely hot . the gtx 295 provide amazing graphic -lrb- better than two gtx 280 's or even 2 gtx 285 's , -rrb- run cool -lrb- about 55 c under full load with stock cooling no overclocking , -rrb- evga be one of the best manufacturer -lrb- they offer mod-friendly warranty and a 30-day upgrade grace period , -rrb- and with the latest driver run no problem . if you be go to spend hundred of dollar for top-notch computer part , you be go to want they to work without wait for month for decent driver and the gtx 295 deliver . just be aware , if you be use two of these in Quad-SLI , be aware that you will not be able to run dual monitor with xp . 445 GraphicsCard POS 4 I love this card ! run almost all my game on ultra setting , include battlefield 3 ! the one bad thing be when I originally get the card it be very loud -lrb- defect -rrb- . I know amd card can be a bit loud , especially run high end game , but this noise be ridiculous . I send it back to amazon.com , and they send I a new one free of charge in two day ! the new one work great ! the card run really cool too , compare to my friend nvidia card , which be gtx 560tus . the only game i could not run on ultra setting be the Witcher 2 . Hope this review help ! 460 GraphicsCard POS 5 throw every current gen big game like bf3 with max detail in decent 1920x1200 resolution without any problem . also it only need 2x6pin power which be a plus . highly recommend if you be look for single cpu graphic card plus the evga internal overclock app be pretty easy to use . 561 GraphicsCard NEG 1 even with relatively little GPU load , and this be on standard clock speed , the card would just shut off and I would be force to hard power off my computer . I try troubleshoot it , search forum for solution , but I find virtually nothing except a general consensus that I be send a dud card . I return it and buy a different card . I have hear good thing about Sapphire , and they be suppose to have one of the better 7850 card design , but once you send I a bad product , I do not really jump at the chance for you to send I another possibly bad one . 681 GraphicsCard POS 5 wowwwwww !!!!!!!!!!! this card be for excellency the best I own not just for the advance GPU but it be great performance and quality show in the game be amazing and not to mention that be software to control temperature and performance be quite easy to undertand and use besides that this tool offer the experience to control the card , besides be very silent unless you force it to the maximun . again what incredible card !!!!!!!!!!! 320 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this , so that I could have 2 DVI 20 '' monitor . the performance tank the moment I put it in . Windows 7 Aero drop the score to 2.9 for my video output . I be return this . I be try to find a better card now ! 952 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have be run this card for about a month now and could not be happier . if you be look for a upgrade , and want something that get a lot of bang for you buck , this be the card to get . just when you think this thing be do overclocking , it 'll overclock even more . I be currently only run 875mhz core\/1750mhz shader and 2185 on the memory . I bump the core voltage up to 1.05 . nowhere near what other people have clock these thing . I have to download a newer beta version of MSI Afterburner to be able to adjust the voltage . please note , if you decide to run EVGA 's OC software , you will not be able to adjust voltage -lrb- yet -rrb- . maybe they 'll have a newer version soon though . so far , I have play Crysis 2 , Metro 2033 , swtor , Resident Evil 5 . all on ultra setting with no hiccup . temperature be amazing . idle at 35c , and under max load , 70-72c . a couple of thing to consider when buy this card : Make sure you get the space to fit this thing . it be massive . Make sure you have a nice power supply . it be hungry for juice . it do take both 6pin and 8pin pcie connection . fan get a tad loud around the 70 % range . I have yet to have it run any higher then that . at 70 % speed , it still have never get above 72c . if you keep you pc case right on top of you desk like I have see some people do , fan noise might be a slight issue for you . other then that , I have zero buyer remorse . 918 GraphicsCard NEU 3 note that i review this use 2-way slus . be aware that this product have a heat sink\/fan that do not force the air out of the system . it appear there be gap all around the heat sink\/fan , and while it do push out a little heat through the back of the system , i notice most of the heat be push back into my system . this increase the overall temperature of my computer system ; cpu , hdd etc. . SLI in idle be about 50c and 30c and the noise level be hardly noticable . Games that push the video card to max utilization would push 100c for both card over a 30 minute session . the heat also lead to a noise issue since the onboard fan be run at maximum speed ; very noisy and noticable . at one point i take off the side of my case and focus a 32 '' Patton fan , at full speed , directly at the video card ; it drop the overall temperature by about 5c . I use MSI Afterburner and EVGA precision x to get the reading . pro ---------- - very fast ! I notice a big jump in performance gain from my 460gtx . con ---------- - do not force air out of the system ; circulate hot air back into the system . - run Hot . 100c for demand game -lrb- Deus ex : human revolution -rrb- and about 90c for other game -lrb- portal 2 -rrb- - Noisy . 789 GraphicsCard POS 5 every game I have play run smooth as butter ! never see Crysis run so smooth with the setting crank ! be expensive , but hopefully it will keep I run for a few more year ! 373 GraphicsCard POS 5 awesome card . I have have no issue with it period ! it be a little overpriced on Amazon . but they be the only one 's with it in stock so I shell out the extra -lrb- ... -rrb- buck . Performance be excellent . I over clock it from time to time with the include software and its still stable and much faster ! if you get the money BUY THIS CARD !!! otherwise wait until you have the money then buy this card !!! LOL it be definitely worth it ! you will not be disappointed ! . that be all . 548 GraphicsCard POS 5 have this card be like have too many girlfriend . lot of fun but very expensive . like all the other review I read this card run every game I have at 1920 x 1080 at max setting without a stutter . it be quieter at load than the 6970 it replace and get many more fp at higher aa setting . I love the way it throttle the frequency accord to demand to save energy . the fan on mine have never go above 60 % to keep the GPU at 80 c degree or below . my older game stay in the 40 's . I run most of my game with vsync and not see the FPS drop below 60 on any at max setting . this card be a winner ! 959 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card be everything you could ask for and more . for its price , its unbeatable . after 10 % oc , I play everything at 1920 x 1080 perfectly -lrb- I be talk 60 + FPS in Skyrim , Battlefield 3 , World of Warcraft , etc -rrb- . Bottom Line : would be a 5\/5 for $ 50 more than it be . at this price , 6\/5 . 930 GraphicsCard NEU 3 it work like it say . the only problem be I have to use hdus output because the standard output make a purple tint on my screen . other people have the same problem and suggest change cable . I do and it do not work , but for some reason it work with the other port the card have . 198 GraphicsCard POS 5 Easy install and great price make this a good buy . be Windows , Linux and Unbunto compatible . I run a dual boot with unbunto and winxpro3 and it install flawless . Unbunto surprise I by install it with driver and no cd be even need . I wish more review list what people use so I include that in my review . my system be a HP 2.6 quadcore 2gb ram and the 1gb videocard . Plays movie flawless and editing as other have mention be great . I upgrade from a Nvidia 9500 -lrb- not gt -rrb- and its night and day for the use . gaming , I can not review as I use Xbox and no need for pc gaming . the card be a plain-jane , no frill look like a video card nothing fancy with minus fan . funny the box it come in have more flare , but that advertising for you . for $ 50.00 you can not go wrong for those want a gaming card , I suggest look at higher end card . at $ 50.00 I be wonder what other expect in the way of gaming ? we family do have a AlienWare pc with a 8 gb video card , now that for gaming . and cost nearly $ 400.00 anyway you get what you pay for and its a 3000.00 pc for a basic all around performer this card seem good . I would buy again , temperature seem fine however would be nice if the fan be power through and cable and not the slot . Update : I recently in June 2012 upgrade to Win7 Ultimate , the card seem to work really well on this os too . no problem of any kid , the card have not fail or error-ed . one thing I be not aware at purchase be in win7 the 3d option come on allow you to view 3d movie with 3d setting if you have glass . another nice perk about this card I do not know be it work on just about any m base OS . good card great price . 136 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a superb product from Galaxy . although it be my first experience buy a galaxy product but I be very satisfied with my purchase . the quality be top notch and the product be the best out there . if you be build you dream machine , just get this gtx680 . 240 GraphicsCard POS 4 win vista rate the the card a 4.4 on my hp . window aero rate it 4.4 on max quality setting same on the factory default . never try it on performance setting . have say that I really have nothing bad to say about the card , my game look great and I can even run game that say I need a bit more process power . for the price it be the best buy for a computer part I ever make . 3 GraphicsCard POS 5 while this card be amazing and can take everything I throw at it , I be a little disappointed to find out that I be unable to unlock this card . I be not able to just flip a switch and I also be not able to get the rbe method to work either . I suppose I wait too long to pull the trigger on this wonderful video card . I have hear report that they be laser off the extra shader to force people to buy the 6970 . do not let that deter you from buy a hd6950 though ! you can still overclock to 6970 clock speed while maintain stability if you do not mind the extra noise and heat inefficiency . I upgrade to this card from a hd4850 and it instantly triple my 3DMark Vantage score ~ 22000 . this card do fit in a NZXT gamma ! i5-2500k @ 4.2 GHz cm hyper 212 + hd6950 @ 880\/1375 NZXT Gamma OCZ ModXStream 600W PSU 8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM ASUS P8Z68-V LE 595 GraphicsCard POS 5 have it for about 1 month now . no problem . Works fine . if you read the installation instruction before do anything , it should be a fairly straightforward install . 977 GraphicsCard POS 5 yeah its a great card . we all know that . BUT `` hot dealsforless '' -lrb- Amazon Seller ID -rrb- be as full of sh \* as it name ... you have to be a sc \* mbag to buy up all of newegg 's product and sell it for over $ 300.00 more ... unbelievable . and , they dont have 1 leave . they have none . they just want to be sure to whack up you credit card and then tell you they 'll have it asap -lrb- several month ago ... -rrb- hotdealsmya \*\* . better off wait folk . Trust I . I know . other website price : $ 749.00 AMAZON PRICE : $ 749.00 `` not `` DEALSFORLESS PRICE : $ 1,083.99 -lrb- wow ... even if they raise it by 300 theyd make a killing ... no they still gotta tack on another 34 dollar and hit you with the '' .99 '' again : sc \* b \* g . Hope you find this `` helpful . '' ~ honestj \* if I could strangle a site to death , this would be my vic ... 383 GraphicsCard POS 4 overall a relatively silent and -lrb- currently -rrb- very powerful card . I have to RMA one of they unfortunately so I can not give 5 star , but when work correctly they be awesome . 627 GraphicsCard POS 5 a great choice for a mid level desktop . fast enough for for all but the most demand gamer . set up easily . 449 GraphicsCard POS 5 this thing be a beast , everything I have throw at it have not slow it down one bit , and this have the dual bio switch one flip and it unlock the extra shader to make this a 6970 ! the switch be located next to the crossfire connector very small I have to use a small pick to switch it , I use gpu-z to check for the shader unlock . plus this thing overclock like a beast too get to 900\/1400 gpu\/memory pass furmark with no artifacting , gonna try for higher but really do not think I need to it blow throw everything , and temp be amazing too , idle at 28c-30c and max be 60c-63c but it rarely see Max only when benchmarking . so glad I buy this one instead of another brand just the fact that I can unlock it to a 6970 spec be well worth the money and the ability to over clock be amazing , highly recommend this card . p.s. make sure to uninstall all you previous graphic driver and download the latest from amd 's website this be the cause of most of you bsod and other strange thing happen when you install a new graphic card . 244 GraphicsCard POS 5 this sapphire hd6870 card be a great replacement for the previous Radeon hd4850 1gb card that come with this machine -lrb- HP Pavilion elite d5200t w\/8gb RAM -rrb- originally . the primary reason for buy this card be to utilize GPU processing with non-gaming app via DirectCompute and great price\/performance . secondarily , even though I be more of a casual gamer these day I also want to have dx11-capable hardware for any new game I may fancy at some point that use it . the card be trivial to install ; simply download\/install the latest driver from AMD and you be set . overall , this card be a marked improvement over the hd4850 I have ; I would especially recommend it to anyone look to upgrade a hd4800 or lesser series radeon card . 972 GraphicsCard POS 5 great card , run diablo3\/guild war 2 at max setting -lrb- gw2 auto detect max everything -rrb- , 7.9 WEI . very quiet and cool . with catalyst driver 12.6 the card may not wake up from it be low power state . 12.7 driver correct this issue . overclocked mine with catalyst control center overdrive feature to 920\/1250 -lrb- same as factory oc -rrb- and temp be still in the 50 's and fan max fan speed be only ~ 25 % . measure my pc 's power draw with kill-a-watt after video card have go into power saving mode and confirm the power saving of this card be awesome . total pc use 57 watt after card shut itself down -lrb- old card would add about almost 100 watt -rrb- . 785 GraphicsCard POS 4 this 7950 be a powerhouse ! it play any game i throw at it like a champ -lrb- crysis 2 dx11 and high rez pack , bf3 , skyrim high rez pack , metro 2033 -rrb- . the 3gb of video memory be especially nice , because some game will actually make use of the extra space -lrb- crysis 2 for example be use close to 1.7 gb of the video memory . my only complaint be the cooler on this thing . im a cooling enthusiast and this just run too hot and too loud for my liking . there be only a copper core aluminum fin cool block on the gpu , no extra cooling be make for the ram or vrm 's , so if you plan to overclock , i would look elsewhere . I end up return this for the sapphire 7950 oc edition which come with a much beefire heatsink and fan . 962 GraphicsCard POS 4 I be run two Dell monitor from the DVI and VGA output of a ATI card . there be a serious difference in quality . find this with two DVI -lrb- digital -rrb- output for a great price . install easily , set up as expect , and now both monitor be happy . have not explore all the feature , be not a gamer , but happy with Adobe again . 135 GraphicsCard POS 4 I purchase and install this video card to replace a similar one with a very noisy cooling fan . the install be a breeze , and the new software load without problem . I be happy with the product itself , but when you go online to register the card so that the warranty be honor , the drop-down list of card of this type do not include this specific card . there be no way to manually enter the model number , so you can not register the card ... mean you have no warranty support if it be to fail . 370 GraphicsCard NEG 1 no free game ! no lifetime warranty ! why vendor feel the need to lie to they customer be beyond I . EVGA have lose my business for life so they could make one sale . the sad thing be I still would have buy it without the fraudulent promise . the card work like you would expect , too hot and too loud compare to AMD , but better driver support -lrb- no stuttering -rrb- and slightly better general performance . if I have to do it over , I would go for the 580 from another vendor or wait until next spring for the next gen chip . 676 GraphicsCard POS 4 the usb additional monitor device work good with excellent picture quality . do not expect high performance graphic to be the best . for general computing it be good . important note : this device be power from the usb connection . that mean without a external power source , if you usb port be not up to full power or you be use a pcmcium card , the device will not operate properly . 309 GraphicsCard POS 5 I need a good card to upgrade my Dell so I could play some of the newer game . I be not interesting in pay a whole lot for it and when I check out this card , I note the number of people who say it be a good card . I have a Geforce 6200 with 256 of RAM I bring for a Compaq SSF Evo 510 and it work out great . this card prove to be worth every penney of what I spend on it . installation be easy and the the software installation be easy too . the extra video RAM help my 2.8 gig p4 a lot and be much better than the on board video . for the price , this card perform very well . one could spend more and get a better card , but for what I need it for it be perfect ! good card !! 701 GraphicsCard POS 5 this thing be powerful , I buy this as a replacement for my Sapphire ATI 4890 and it give I huge performance gain 177 GraphicsCard POS 4 machine : a very modest Lenovo ideacentrek330b i3-2120 3.3 Mhz win 7 64x w\/500g I have have the card install for about 24 hour . these review prove very valuable to I while research my GPU upgrade purchase so I feel compel to relate my experience . firstly , order with Prime : Free 2-Day shipping be the greatest . Whomever pack my order must have know my intent -lrb- I order a new psu with that the same shipment -rrb- because it be perfectly package with a more than modest amount of packing material . contents : 2x pci-e cord - only about 9-10 inch long , they be not adequate for my mid-size case . luckily my PSU come with pci-e also . Install Disc - it be a disc . \* bonus : a shiny , little ` power by Sapphire ' sticker for the tower ! install be simple enough , but my tower be not the largest and my SATA connection be set directly behind where the 6870 be suppose to go . previous review do NOT understate the size of the component - I think it be measure at approximately 10 inch ? it work out though . I be concern when I read report of a loud fan but I can tell that this card in my machine be quieter than whisper . in fact , after my GPU and PSU upgrade I barely even hear my computer at all . do not be concern after initial boot-up after installation , the resolution and screen size will be minimal before software install and driver update be complete . Performance : Windows experience 7.8 in my setup ! StarCraft default to extreme setting and run like a champ . Bulletstorm and Skryim -lrb- w\/HD mod -rrb- both default to high as well . also load up BioShock 1 & 2 -lrb- high -rrb- and civilization v - which oddly enough seem to stutter a bit ... under 16x anti-aliasing , which be extreme to I . all in all , i be super pleased and I thank everyone that take the time to write down they experience . 466 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro : card work as advertised !!! Amazon customer service be the best ! con : evga rebate suck !!! I send in all the proper and required document and they deny my rebate !! evga send a email with the same invoice Amazon give I and they say it be not approve even when they have copy of it !!! go to call and talk to they supervisor and get to the bottom of this . Newegg review say the same thing about evga review . if I do not get my rebate I will never ever buy a evga product again !!!! 267 GraphicsCard POS 5 run every game at max out setting 1080p no problem . I will say this though while play game it be not noticeably faster than a custom 7970 like the Sapphire dual x oc . I have problem with my 7970 and switch . I expect a bigger performance increase due to all the hype do not believe it they be both amazing videocard . if you can grab a aftermarket 7970 for around 450 $ i would not wait for this . unless you run frap the whole time play all you game you will not notice the difference . bf3 , witcher 2 , Metro 2033 , diablo 3 , crysis 2 , be the game I try with it . system : i5 2500k xfx xxx edition 850w PSU Asrock Extreme 3 gen 3 mobo 8gb 1600 corsair vengence ddr3 ram 690 GraphicsCard NEG 1 do not take my word for it , do a search on `` 560 ti 2gb artifact . '' you will find quite a few people with persistent similar problem who have also have to return this card multiple time . I be on my third card . after the first two I decide the problem must be something else on my system . now I have a new computer with a different brand of motherboard but the same graphic problem . evga send I a collection of test they want I to run even although the problem show up at the bio splash screen and have show up with this card install in two different computer . after all the time I have already waste test the multiple failure of this card this be the final straw . this be the fourth evga graphic card I have buy over the year . it will be my last . 845 GraphicsCard POS 4 I actually trade this product for some computer repair work . the recipient seem satisfied exchange $ 65 worth of labor for this card . he say it perform well . it do not fit in my case , but that be my fault . this particular card will not fit in a slimline case , but they do not advertise it as a low profile , so it be my error . 289 GraphicsCard POS 5 pro ; - the non-ref 6950 Dirt 3 ed . run modern game with ease - easy to overclock with the free Sapphire TRIXX program - stay really cool -lrb- just like another reviewer comfirm -rrb- -32 c on idle ; do nothing , 40 ~ 45c web browse on ff5 , ~ 69c max load after a hour or so of bad company 2 , cod4 , metro , ect . datum be take from trixx gadget on window 7 's sidebar -2 gb gddr5 memory help with aa and high-re gaming - free dirt 3 steam voucher include - dual bio switch for those nasty bios-flashing mishap . although defeat the bio flash purpose because amd laser cut the extra 6970 shader . - hdmus cable -lrb- i think 1.4 a -rrb- , dvi-to-vga adapter , sapphire sticker , driver disc , crossfire bridge , and two 4-pin psu to pci-e adapter be include ; standard with sapphire video card i guess - very quiet ; so quiet , i think i have to rma because of the fan - voucher to join the Sapphire Select Club include -2 year warranty with registration on sapphire 's website - support amd hd3d for those with bluray drive , 3d monitor , and 3d game con ; - two card in crossfire only , no triple crossfire x - can not flash 6970 shader -lrb- just a head up for those look to unlock -rrb- - large card for those people with mid case ; i think it be around ~ 11in - cover some slot so make sure you motherboard be big enough to fit 2 of these or a audio card if you desire so - hard-to-find bio switch - need a active display port adapter for 3-monitor eyefinity setup other thought ; - need two 6-pin pci-e power cable , min 500w psu - have a blue circuit board - i read somewhere online that this sapphire model use japanese capacitor so voltage tweaking be possible ; i have not try this though - have it run at 900\/1350 with trixx - this be a link to the benckmark site Tweaktown for the location of the bio switch -lrb- ... -rrb- conclusion ; - imho , the best bang-for-buck 6950 out there ; even some 6950 1gb retail more than this 2gb gddr5 card online , factor in the dirt 3 voucher , accessory and rebate , and the temp with the custom cooler , this be a must buy in my perspective . it be a good overclocker too ! 430 GraphicsCard NEG 1 the gtx 680 series be awesome it be a very efficient powerfull card and evga be probably the best gpu maker out there but this paticular model have show to exhibit problem that be just now start to become more wide spread with mine in particular the card clock lock at 706mhz while gamee if you have this card download msus after burner or precision and watch the clock after a gaming session to make sure you card be overclco properly . I realy wish I could give this card 5 star because I Love EVGA and the gtx 680 card and the look of this card be all class but I can not deny issue this card be have with lock clock and it seem to be this model in particular . I be about to request rma for mine . 389 GraphicsCard POS 5 I get this vid card because it be the best my motherboard will support , and power supply i have be dinky . I get it for Diablo 3 it run very s mooth in a single person game with all set on low . my computer kinda suck as well . I still p ; ull 40 - 50 fp solo except when i run into large pack of mob . if comp be better i bet card would perfome alot nicer . 362 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy this card to crossfire with my Powercolor 6950 2gb . they be run flawlessly . have not try to overclock since I have not need to , still use only 1 monitor . this do not come with a crossfire bridge . in case you be think of buy two of these , you will have to purchase one separately . Mine come with my Powercolor 6950 . 616 GraphicsCard POS 5 First off , this be not `` the best '' card out there , however this single card can still run many of today 's modern game on high\/ultra\/max . a few exception would be game like battlefield 3 , Crysis , Starcraft II , cutting-edge game that be push the limit of today 's technology . I intend to Crossfire another one of these card within the near future which will push I over what would be require to run the previously mention game max out . -lrb- to put it in perspective it will bottleneck my CPU at stock speed . -rrb- this card run ASUS 's DirectCUII , while it be not the best look card on the market , twice the fan mean up to 20 % cooler , and significantly quieter . I can crank my card up to 55 % -lrb- use ASUS GPUTweak software -rrb- before i be able to hear they . with they default manual setting , the card constantly run at around 20 % -lrb- though I have not do any at-load gaming which would up the fan speed -rrb- , and be unidentifiable from the symphony of case fan -lrb- my case , the Antec df-85 come stock with 7 fan , with a optional 8 ` th on the left-side cutout , which I have install -rrb- Whenever possible , I opt for asus . they product be build to a higher standard , and I have only have one product partially fail on I , a ASUS monitor ship with doa integrate speaker -rrb- and this card be no exception . thus far , I have nothing bad to say about this card ! 141 GraphicsCard POS 5 I have no complaint everything look wonderful with this graphic card ! I be play the new Star Wars : The Old Republic and everything look great ! 879 GraphicsCard POS 5 there be no need to overclock the card , its out of the box fasy and I run SWTOR , DIABLO 3 , Mass effect 3 all on high setting at 1920x1200 . 429 GraphicsCard POS 5 I get this video card as a gift from a friend of mine and I only have my integrate graphic card before this and it make I play game so much easier . I mostly play a game call League of legend and I go from 15fp on all low setting to be able to play on all high setting if I want . I would not get it if you be a hardcore gamer or anything but I would recommend it to get smoother fp on not very demand game -lrb- like mmorpg game -rrb- on a older computer . 44 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this card as a replacement for 128 meg card that be begin to humm and buzz . the new card work with no problem , but the thing that surprise I be that it noticeably speed up other application that I run constantly . the control panel provide with it be also very nice . 368 GraphicsCard POS 4 first thing that hit I be that this thing be enormous ! I have have 2 slot video card before but this one feel so much bigger . the heat sink be outrageously large . ca not say anything else yet . I have to figure out how to fit this into the tight space in my pc ... Update : just so happen that my old video card -lrb- 8800gt -rrb- die from overheate , so I have no choice but take my pc apart to fit this monster in . so far so good ! Works as expect . big improvement over the old card in both performance score and the card be roughly 20f cooler than the old one . 762 GraphicsCard POS 5 I buy this to use in conjunction with a Ivy Bridge processor 's integrated graphic so I could run 3 monitor without have to use DisplayPort . it seem that 2 DVI port on a graphic card be rare , this be one of the only one I find . I have 1 monitor run through HDMI off the Ivy Bridge 's graphic , and the other 2 monitor off the 2 DVI port on this card , and after a little tweaking in the bio etc. it work like a charm . I do not use it too heavily , no game or anything , but it be simple and painless and work great , so I be quite happy . the only thing that be not great be the rebate process - I hate these , they try to make it so difficult to get the rebate I guess hope you will give up and not go for it . just make the thing cheaper instead ! but they say my check be come in 6-8 week , so I guess I penetrate the bureaucracy ! 978 GraphicsCard POS 5 there be few manufacturer make they own version of hd 7970 , but I choose Sapphire HD 7970 OC . because it have big dual fan which be not only cool the card effectively but also very quiet . I be amaze how effective this cooling solution to the system . the other feature I like about , it have dual bio which be very good feature that you can lock in the highest clock speed . moreover , this card come with the complete accessory such as CrossFire connector , mini-dp to DVI dongle , hdmus to DVI adapter , mini-dp to dp cable , DVI to VGA adapter and 8-pin to 4-Pin Power cable . this card will stay in my system for quite a while until AMD introduce the new technology . I fully recommend this card to whom they be call as high-end gamer and Enthusiast . you will not regret . 974 GraphicsCard POS 5 SAPPHIRE HD 3850 512MB GDDR3 AGP Better card info ... \* 666 million transistor on 55nm fabrication process \* agp 4x\/8x bus interface \* 256-bit gddr3 memory interface \* Ring Bus memory controller o fully distribute design with 512-bit internal ring bus for memory read and write \* Microsoft DirectX 10.1 support o Shader Model 4.1 o 32-bit float point texture filter o indexed cube map array o Independent blend mode per render target o Pixel coverage sample masking o read\/write multi-sample surface with shader o gather4 texture fetch \* Unified Superscalar Shader Architecture o 320 stream processing unit + Dynamic load balancing and resource allocation for vertex , geometry , and pixel shader + common instruction set and texture unit access support for all type of shader + dedicate branch execution unit and texture address processor o 128-bit float point precision for all operation o command processor for reduce CPU overhead o Shader instruction and constant cache o up to 80 texture fetch per clock cycle o up to 128 texture per pixel o fully associative multi-level texture cache design o dxtc and 3dc + texture compression o high resolution texture support -lrb- up to 8192 x 8192 -rrb- o fully associative texture z\/stencil cache design o double-sided hierarchical z\/stencil buffer o early z test , re-z , z Range optimization , and fast z clear o lossless z & stencil compression -lrb- up to 128:1 -rrb- o lossless color compression -lrb- up to 8:1 -rrb- o 8 render target -lrb- mrt -rrb- with anti-aliasing support o physics processing support \* Dynamic Geometry Acceleration o high performance vertex cache o programmable tessellation unit o accelerate geometry shader path for geometry amplification o memory read\/write cache for improve stream output performance \* anti-aliasing feature o multi-sample anti-aliasing -lrb- 2 , 4 , or 8 sample per pixel -rrb- o up to 24x Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing -lrb- CFAA -rrb- for improve quality o adaptive super-sampling and multi-sampling o temporal anti-aliasing o gamma correct o Super AA -lrb- ATI CrossFire -lrb- tm -rrb- configuration only -rrb- o all anti-aliasing feature compatible with hdr render \* texture filter feature o 2x\/4x\/8x \/ 16x high quality adaptive anisotropic filter mode -lrb- up to 128 tap per pixel -rrb- o 128-bit float point hdr texture filter o bicubic filter o srgb filter -lrb- gamma\/degamma -rrb- o percentage closer filtering -lrb- pcf -rrb- o Depth & stencil texture -lrb- dst -rrb- format support o share exponent hdr -lrb- rgbe 9:9:9:5 -rrb- texture format support \* opengl 2.0 support \* ATI Avivo -lrb- tm -rrb- hd Video and Display Platform o dedicate unified video decoder -lrb- uvd -rrb- for h. 264\/avc and vc-1 video format + high definition -lrb- hd -rrb- playback of both blu-ray and hd dvd format o hardware mpeg-1 , mpeg-2 , and divx video decode acceleration + Motion compensation and idct o ATI Avivo Video Post Processor + Color space conversion + chroma subsampling format conversion + horizontal and vertical scaling + gamma correction + Advanced vector adaptive per-pixel de-interlacing + de-blocking and noise reduction filter + detail enhancement + inverse telecine -lrb- 2:2 and 3:2 pull-down correction -rrb- + bad edit correction o two independent display controller + drive two display simultaneously with independent resolution , refresh rate , color control and video overlay for each display + full 30-bit display processing + programmable piecewise linear gamma correction , color correction , and color space conversion + spatial\/temporal dither provide 30-bit color quality on 24-bit and 18-bit display + high quality pre - and post-scaling engine , with underscan support for all display output + content-adaptive de-flicker filter for interlaced display + fast , glitch-free mode switching + hardware cursor o two integrate dual-link DVI display output + each support 18 - , 24 - , and 30-bit digital display at all resolution up to 1920x1200 -lrb- single-link dvi -rrb- or 2560x1600 -lrb- dual-link dvi -rrb- + each include a dual-link hdcp encoder with on-chip key storage for high resolution playback of protected content o two integrate 400 mhz 30-bit ramdac + each support analog display connect by VGA at all resolution up to 2048x1536 o Integrated AMD Xilleon -lrb- tm -rrb- hdtv encoder + provide high quality analog tv output -lrb- component\/s-video\/composite -rrb- + support SDTV and HDTV resolution + underscan and overscan compensation o mpeg-2 , mpeg-4 , divx , wmv9 , vc-1 , and H. 264\/AVC encode and transcode o seamless integration of pixel shader with video in real time o VGA mode support on all display output \* ATI PowerPlay -lrb- tm -rrb- o Advanced power management technology for optimal performance and power savings o performance-on-demand o constantly monitor gpu activity , dynamically adjust clock and voltage base on user scenario o clock and memory speed throttle o voltage switching o Dynamic clock gate o Central thermal management - on-chip sensor monitor GPU temperature and trigger thermal action as require 1 . some custom resolution require user configuration 2 . hdcp support for playback of protected content require connection to a hdcp capable display system requirement : \* agp base pc be require with one 4x\/8x agp slot available on the motherboard . \* 1gb or greater system memory for better performance . \* 450watt or greater power supply with 30amp on 12 volt with 2x4 power connector recommand . \* certified power supplies be recommend . -lrb- . . -rrb- \* dvd playback require dvd driver \* blu-ray\/hd dvd playback require blu-ray\/hd-dvd drive and playback software . 254 GraphicsCard POS 5 this be a great video card ! it produce very good quality video in game and photo . this video card come with a 2 year warranty . it also come with 1-dvi to VGA adapter and 1 - s-video cable this video card be also Windows 7 compatable . I have Windows 7 Ultimate Edition and it work great ! if you use this with Windows 7 you just have to download the newest driver for it from the evga website . I would recomend this video card to anyone who want or need high quality video . 76 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be awesome . Rates a 7.8 in Windows 7 and be noticeably well construct . I have buy a gigabyte 6850 video card and keep have the driver fail and blue screen despite try different driver . needless to say I send it back . hope that be be not immature driver for this series I decide to buy this card by sapphire base on the review and up-close picture of the product show its sturdy construction and elegant style . since install , I have not have any problem even with it overclock . I will never buy gigabyte again . have nothing but problem with 4 motherboard by gigabyte and now the video card . Goodbye gigabyte . hello sapphire ! 334 GraphicsCard NEG 1 I buy this video card base on amazon review . let I just start by say I build my own computer for many year , I know how to install new hardware . the first card install fine and work for about a day before I start get artifact -lrb- green box -rrb- on the screen . after 2 day the video driver would crash randomly . I exchange this card with amazon . the second card would not even boot ! I try everything and I could not even get a image to display . so I return that as well and go back to my 6870 , which work perfectly . from my experience , I would not recommend this card , it be noisy and defective . 500 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be not a hardcore gamer interested in FPS and that stuff but I can say I have not come across a game that I can not run at the very maximum setting super comfortably . I play bf3 , gta4 , Fifa 12 , Crysis 2 and Dirt 3 . this card give I a Windows Index score of 7.9 I have be impressed thus far with this card and I would highly recommend it to anyone not willing to fork out the extra fund to get the 680 . I live in Jamaica so it do run kinda warm , but I have no regret . here 's my setup graphic : evga geforce gtx670 ftw 2048mb gddr5 256bit , dual Dual-Link DVI , HDMI , DisplayPort , 4-way SLI Ready Graphics Card Graphics Cards 02g-p4-2678-kr 532 GraphicsCard POS 5 I be fairly new to pc gaming , so I get my foot wet with 2x 560 , so after decide that I like it , I decide to get a couple higher end gpus that would be good for a few year because I do not plan to build or swap component too often , so I go with 2x 680 card . I consider purchase 2x 580 sc or classify , but find out the 680 be come and would be a bit better , require less power and quieter to operate and I would not have to upgrade my PSU -lrb- Corsair ax750 -rrb- to run both card over clocked and with a over clocked CPU , which be one of the feature that grab my attention . First off , I do not care about who be king -lrb- i.e. 680 vs 7970 -rrb- ; I will leave that to those that care as it be not a competition to I . I can not compare these card because I have never own the 7970 , but it be a significant and worthy upgrade from the 560 . my setup be not complicate and do not require the sc -lrb- can over clock reference card if need -rrb- , ftw , 4gb or the Hydro version , so I do not care about they nor have all the bell and whistle ; all I need be the basic reference version and with 2 of they all game run exceptionally well with all setting max -lrb- crysis2 , Crysis , Batman ac and bf3 -rrb- with no problem . all I care about be do they work for I and the answer be a definite yes . I do not plan to go 3d or surround ; only use one monitor at the moment 1920x1200 -lrb- fp be really good -rrb- , but will upgrade soon -lrb- 2560x1600 , hd monitor ??? -rrb- . over clock these card be different than the previous generation card , but not hard at all ; just add what additional amount of gpu clock or memory clock you want on top of the standard clock . ex . if you want 100mhz more core gpu clock than standard , just add 100mhz and you get 1106mhz -lrb- 1006 + 100mhz -rrb- . the 680 be dynamic - mean the various clock speed change base on the scene in a game ; if it do not require lot of power , it down clock and vice versa . so use the clock example above , the 680 will fluctuate between say 340mhz and 1106mhz during a game as need -lrb- note : these figure be for illustration purpose only -rrb- . one thing 680 owner need to know be that you must create a custom fan curve to keep temperature below 70 \* and definitely below 80 \* to keep the card from down clock ; these be the trigger point at which the card will drop performance -lrb- see link below -rrb- . if you leave the fan curve on stock setting , the card will reach 85 \* and it will down clock accordingly -lrb- i.e performance may suffer -rrb- . the 680 will perform differently on different system as no 2 system be the same , so remember that when you see someone claim a benchmark score much higher than yours - always check they system spec -lrb- water vs air , different cpus , oc would cpus etc. -rrb- . as with anything new , you have those early adopter that be have issue with the card , but that seem to be the norm with new technology until thing get iron out . then you have those that just complain and whine about every little nicky picky thing , so you need to tread very carefully when read review . all the review site I have read show these card as be top notch , so some of the issue may be with the individual 's system or immature driver -lrb- bet on the latter -rrb- . bf3 multiplayer seem to be the game most be hope run nicely with this card from my reading , so far the game be very fluid -lrb- single campaign -rrb- for I and graphic be really nice , too . no problem for I . not a multiplayer yet - remember I be fairly new to this stuff and learning . I turn off all those AA setting in Nvidia control panel so that I can set they in the game 's menu . I can not tell you what to buy , but I can say that these card be not bad at all and will run the game mention above very well in slus with the right build . with slus , I just leave the card at stock setting , max all game setting for game play and over clock for bench only . for I , there be just no need to overclock for game right now . my 3dmark11 benchmark score : 130-155-400 -lrb- most stable clock -rrb- p16157 x7077 positive : low fan noise low idle temp -lrb- 31-32 \* -rrb- low peak temp with custom fan curve -lrb- 66 \* -rrb- . ax750 PSU run SLI easily sli - automatic max setting in all game lightweight only 10 '' long negative : fan speed cap at 85 % voltage cap at 1.175 v System Specs for reference : case : haf 932 PSU : Corsair AX750 MB : Asus P8z68 V pro CPU : i7 2600k @ 4.6 ghz Ram : Corsair vengeance 16gb - 1600 GPU : gtx 680 slus CPU Cooler : cm 212 Evo Windows pro 64 bit -lrb- ... -rrb- 34 GraphicsCard POS 5 this video card be worth every penny ! arrive in 3 day Ohio to Texas via FedEx Ground and package very well i might add . upgrade my Dell Dimension e310 which have the 128mb Intel 915 graphic card build into the system board . Windows 7 system rating be 1.0 but be now 2.4 with this card install . it boost the graphic to 2.4 and gaming graphic to 3.1 . now the Aero effect be work and there more clarity in picture and video . simple install with Windows 7 . insert Card into PCI Slot and hook up monitor to the VGA connection . get latest device driver from nVidia website , install and you good to go . thanks to the seller for the great price and service . 163 GraphicsCard POS 5 I upgrade to this from a 9500 gt . -lrb- equivalent to upgrade from dial-up to broadband lol -rrb- ive be very impressed so far . the one I receive have the label hang off the edge near the fan and cause the fan to rub and make noise but i just cut that little bit off . whatever wattage psu it say be the minimum id get a little higher . i have a 500 watt psu and after 2 minute of a stress test it die . 829 GraphicsCard POS 5 replace vapor-x 5770 in MCP . . want a 6xxx card for the 3d and 240hz \/ \/ 120hz . thanks to AMD 's series ' screwy name system this seem to be better than a 5770 but not as good as a 5870 . why this card would not be a upgrade version of the 5870 I will never fully understand ... Card be large and I have to reroute my radiator line to get it to fit -lrb- compare to non-reference 5770 . not that big compare to 59xx but smaller tower will not work with this card . it come with the power adapter if you need they but I think all PSU 's come with they nowadays . should have come with the display cable and xfire cable . this mean that you 'll need to purchase the extra cable if use two hdmus out . I have a lot of problem set up and get the 5770 to ever work properly . this card be easy to install on the driver end . with every edition of catalyst it seem that it get more complex and add new bug while the old bug get fix . I be still have issue figure out how to get the display the way I want they while Windows fight to take control over they as well . that be not the card 's fault though , that be AMD 's poor software . the fan be loud when max out but that be to be expect . very quiet -lrb- I be compare it to a powercolor for reference -rrb- for gaming and usual use -lrb- assume you be not overclock it -rrb- . 668 GraphicsCard POS 5 extremely quiet even when the fan speed be high -lrb- compare to the 4870x2 it replace it be silent -rrb- . Easy installation and it handle all the game I own without break a sweat . I will give it a true test when Skyrim come down in price , but Diablo III do not even cause it to elevate setting and Arkham City at maximum with full dx11 effect only stutter once in 3 hour . my first Nvidia card and I be impressed . the OC software be simple to use and monitor temp and fan speed be easy to do . a little spendy , but warranty protection for a OC would card and the superior cooling be worth it . when the price drop I may likely add a second card in SLI mode . 283 GraphicsCard NEG 2 I do not know how well it work because its not for a mac but I could not find that information anywhere until I read it off the box in my hand . who know if it work but just do not buy it for a mac . 842 GraphicsCard NEU 3 decent card , it can run game like wow close to ultra @ 30-60 fp . do not do so well with shadow or really scenery heavy game like FSX . it overclock well but I have find that it can be somewhat unstable -lrb- even when not overclock -rrb- . it be not very loud , 500 watt be all I need for the power supply , it come with 2 4 pin peripheral-6 pin converters\/extension cord . finally it be fairly big : it be as long as the motherboard and while it only need one pcie plug it will take up 2 pcus slot at the back of the computer . it sit up far enough from the motherboard to avoid hit the bio and stuff like that that might be sit around you card . do not know if I 'll ever get my rebate though and the Dirt 3 coupon have already be expire for half a month when I get it . so not the best service . 502 GraphicsCard NEU 3 this adapter be easy to install and use in Windows 7 , and give pretty decent resolution . but it be not hdcp compliant . this mean it will not play purchase or rental movie dvd 's or hd streaming movie . 831 GraphicsCard NEG 2 first one die after 2 month of use . replacement card run very hot 73-80c on load . I really think that the heat sink attach to this card be not very adequate . 472 GraphicsCard POS 5 the StarTech usb to VGA Video adapter work as promise . Easy to hook up and I search to the StarTech.com web site to get the latest software update for enable the adapter . so far it work great and I have no complaint . I would recommend it to other . 210 GraphicsCard POS 4 buy two at the same time , put one in my hp , and one in wife hp . hers work great and have have no issue yet . mine however like to over heat and turn my computer off , i change driver and have the issue much less , over all real nice product good for gaming . 14 GraphicsCard POS 5 buy two of these from Amazon and they both unlock . I have they run at 900\/1400 1.175 v. I be use trixx software to overclock . both be crossfire and play bf3 great . very happy with the purchase . 590 GraphicsCard POS 5 originally , I buy the MSI 7970 Lightning because of the legendary performance that usually come with the lightning product line . unfortunately , I be only able to overclock the card to 1170 on the core and 1500 on the VRAM . this be in line with the experience that reviewer related , but it be a bit disappointing . in addition , the lightning that I have would occasionally lock up , even when it be not overclock . for six Benjamins , I be not go to put up with that , so I send it back . after scour the review , I decide that I would get a gtx 680 , even though I be uncomfortable with the 2 gb of VRAM -lrb- I game at 2560x1600 -rrb- . the reason I be a little doubtful be that when I track VRAM usage in skyrim with all my hd mod , I frequently utilize all of the 3 gb of VRAM on the 7970 . despite these misgiving , I settle down to wait for a gtx 680 to pop up . then I have a chance to get a Sapphire Dual-X 7970 OC for four hundred thirty dollar . I have read good review on the Sapphire 7970 , and be impress with the overclock that reviewer be able to get on they . I decide to take a chance on the Sapphire over the gtx 680 , since it be nearly a hundred less than what I could get a 680 for . so far , I be very glad I take the plunge . the oc I be get on the card I get be amazing ! I can play Skyrim at 1270 on the core and 1700 on the VRAM -lrb- at 1.2 volt -rrb- with no problem . and I have not even push it to the max yet to see how high I can go ! at these speed , I think I be get better performance than a overclocked gtx 680 would provide . to top it off , the Sapphire cooler be both quieter and cooler than the MSI lightning cooler . Max temp with my MSI be about 70 c in game , but I have not ever hit above 65 c with my Sapphire yet . the only two issue I see be a potential problem be a slight coil whine when I abuse the card in Furmark -lrb- no sound at all during gaming , though -rrb- , and the fact that the 7970 will not wake up after the computer go to sleep . I have to reboot it . however , that be a problem with all 7970s it seem , since my msus do it too , and I have read that a lot of other people have the same problem . the other sticking point for I be Sapphire 's warranty . sure , 3 year be good , but several manufacture be do the warranty by serial number instead of have it stick with the purchaser . this could be a problem if you ever want to sell the card in the future . if Sapphire do they warranty by serial number , like some of they competition , that would be a huge boost in they favor . in short , if you want a fantastic video card for a great price , look no further . get it ! 493 GraphicsCard POS 5 I originally be go to purchase this on Newegg , but they sell out . Amazon to the rescue ! I buy this card as a replacement for a burn out 5870 , so I be not see a huge improvement , but the hd 5870 be already a great card so I be not expect too much of a boost . that say , this thing run anything I throw at it . I cheap out and go with AMD for a CPU , so I do not ULTRA MAX EVERYTHING like some people be able to with this card , but I can run Skyrim at 40-60fp on Ultra High Quality with 8x aa and 16x af , and Crysis at very high at 30-40fp with 4x aa . these be about 5 to 10 frame higher than my 5870 be run they at so , I be happy with it . I do not have battlefield 3 yet , or I would test that as well . Arkham City run great if I leave dx11 off , though this be more a issue with the game than the card . for unlocker : the card that I receive doe have a bio switch on it , but I could not get it to unlock the 6970 shader . I have read that some people have have success with it , but after work with it for a few hour , all I get be a card that would crash and produce major artifact with any bio other than the original one . I be still satisfied though , because I 'll be crossfire these by Christmas next year , with a i7 cpu hopefully as well . : -rrb- overall , I be quite satisfied , provide this one do not die in a year and a half like my 5870 do . I 'll update this review if it do , or if I have any other issue with it . 438 GraphicsCard POS 5 i buy the gtx 670 2670-kr model and last about 2 week . please buy this model -lrb- 2678-kr model -rrb- i do not hear any problem at newegg website review for 2678-kr model . i see the benchmark at youtube and gtx 680 and 670 be almost same performance . but gtx 570 and 580 make a huge difference . 32 GraphicsCard NEG 1 do not waste you money on this card ... my old 6600GT Card start to fail so I purchase this . it do not play call of duty game very well . . only at 20 fp . horrible . I end up get a use 7600gt for the same price and it be awesome . 150fp + my old 6600gt be over 100fp and would be another better option and much much better card than this one . gt model number make a big difference ! 584 GraphicsCard POS 5 this card work fine , but find driver be more work than it should have be . use the CD PROVIDED ... life will be easier .