740 Flashlight POS 5 I have be a fan of maglite product for year . it be the quality of the machine aluminium case . I have be think about upgrade some of my maglite to lead when this aa lead MAGLITE become available . it be slightly longer than the non LED AA MAGLITE . the led be much brighter than the incandescent version and have much whiter light . in fact it be so bright in comparison that I think a 25 % power mode or even variable power would be a good idea . it do not focus as well as the incandescent maglite but it be still much brighter so this be not really a issue . I think this product be extremely good value for the level of light output . I believe a led conversion kit of similar quality would cost about as much . you can drop it and it still work . I have drop mine twice by accident with no ill effect . I think MAGLITE have do a good job with lead technology . the LED AA MAGLITE be a big advance over the incandescent version and easily worth the extra money . there be also a 3xaa version which I be tell be much brighter . I want one to keep in my pocket so I prefer the shorter version . the 3xaa may suite other people better . 859 Flashlight NEG 1 I buy two of these , they both last less than a week , then the switch start change all on they own while use they . the be both unreliable and worthless to use at this point . too bad really ... because they be be great when they work . rip maglite aa lead flashlight without a redesign . 933 Flashlight POS 5 I have own the same 2 d cell maglite for about eight year , and it still work like new . it cost a little more than most of the 2 d cell flashlight out there , but it be worth it . the variable beam width be great , as be the solid aircraft grade aluminum housing . I believe this flashlight will last until I loose it or die , because it be so well build . I own some other water proof emergency 2 d cell flashlight that float , and have a decent beam but they do not have a variable beam that will go from wide to a very tight beam of light , and they do not compare to the solid construction , and reliability of the 2 d cell maglite . this be a flashlight that you can carry in you car suv , Truck or what ever you drive , and it be a great choice because of its size and weight it should fit any just about any glove compartment . 607 Flashlight NEG 2 I have carry a 2aa mini-mag for over 12 year . for the price , its a good light . BUT , with lead technology become common , this light be become outdate . on the positive side , the mag 2aa be a well build and reliable device . however , the beam quality be very poor . its not that bright to start out with , but worst yet it lose brightness very quickly and turn brown as the battery decrease . the beam be full of hole , ring , and blemish no matter how much it be focus -lrb- adjust -rrb- . have say that , one can buy a lead conversion unit from Opalec and install it on a new mini-mag . the Opalec conversion unit provide steady brigtness for 10 hour and turn a mini-mag into a state-of-the-art compact flashlight . I have a Opalec unit on my Mini-Mag , and I no longer use the standard mag bulb -- the standard mag bulb be junk in my opinion even with that say , there be much better compact flashlight available . the Pelican m6 led be shorter in length than a mini-mag , and yet be so much brighter with a superior beam -lrb- pure white beam that stay white as the battery be depleate -rrb- . if price be you sole concern , the Minimag will get the job do , but at a mediocre performance level -lrb- compare to more modern design -rrb- . the Minimag be a reliable and well build light , despite its inferior optics . for the price , its good enough to give a moderate recommendation . if Maglite upgrade they design and offer led , I think that will really improve they beam quality . 443 Flashlight NEU 3 I would have buy a light with lead instead of this bulb light , but I buy this one mainly for the price and dimension . I can use it as a striking tool to accompany my pistol should I check thing out at night in my house , and if it be break , I only lose twenty buck . 711 Flashlight NEU 3 I have have several of these for many year . good for find a keyhole . have now discover the 3 aa lead mag . major improvement , a REAL light up the night instrument ! for twice the cost , it be 5 time the light . pass on the 2 aa , move up to the 3 aa lead ! 446 Flashlight POS 5 I have a full size maglite that be just plain awesome ! I buy this small one for a friend who like purple stuff and she love it . 840 Flashlight NEU 3 yes , you can buy smaller and lighter flashligh that put out more light and have longer battery life . but ... if you be look for something that be build like a tank and produce a decent amount of light , then I recommend get one . I keep one in my car and one around the house . it be what I carry when take a walk at night . the Surefire on my belt put out a lot of light , but you would be hard press to fend off a dog attack with one . 511 Flashlight NEG 1 purchase several maglight over the past few year , every flashlight stop work or corrode , order part and replace part in the non-working light , and then they corrode . I spend too much money on a product that do not last 105 Flashlight POS 5 have read the other review , I decide to add one myself : many police department standard issue mag Lite product . the 2,3 . . etc d size flashlight make reliable flashlight and they weight can also make they useful as a baton in a pinch . I have several different mag light -lrb- the minus 's , the 2 , and a 5 d monster -rrb- . they always work , the beam be generally good , and for the money , they be a good value . they be not the best flashlight ever make ... but for 20-30-40 buck , they be a great flashlight for about 99 % of what people need flashlight for ... if you really need alot of quick light - i.e. , you be plan to rely on this light for a tactical or self-defense situation , then I would not buy a mag Lite ... ASP , Surefire -lrb- my favorite -rrb- , Inova , etc. , make much better flashlight for that situation . a surefire c2 or z2 model be about the size of a Mini-Mag but deliver about 5 time the light of the largest mag lite product ... all without a focusable beam . the technology of SureFire be unparallelled , in my opine , but I think it be akin to compare a Ferarri to a Ford ... yeah , they be both car , but that be about as far as the comparison should go ... also , most high-performance flashlight run for about a hour or so ... mag 's will run longer . also , you can go to any hd or hardware store and buy mag , battery , lamp , etc. ... try do that with a SureFire ... NOT . so there be comparative advantage and disadvantage to both ... mag 's product be good ... but you get what you pay for and not every flashlight be suitable for every application . if you be a LE officer , military , etc. , it be unlikely you will want mag Lite as the product you be go to trust you life to ... they just be not bright enough to stun someone in a life and death situation ... if you want a decent reliable flashlight for home emergency use , then mag lite be the best product you can possibly buy . ... I own both for different reason ... I just wish I own a Ford and a Ferarri too ! 662 Flashlight POS 4 this be my favorite flashlight because it be light , compact , very durable , and fit my application . it do have its drawback though -lrb- which I see as a positive -rrb- : 1 . it have a traditional incandescent bulb , NOT lead -lrb- which I prefer since the light be yellowish-white instead of the harsh white of a lead -rrb- 2 . because it do not use a led bulb , the battery drain very quickly -lrb- I notice the light come out of it get considerably dim after about a hour of use , but it be still work . I have rechargeable battery so this be not a big deal . -rrb- 3 . it do NOT produce a lot of light -lrb- it be great for application where you do not need or want too much light -rrb- overall , it be a good flashlight -lrb- and you can put it on you key-chain -rrb- , but it do have its drawback and be not for application which require a lot of light or long battery life . 654 Flashlight POS 4 this be exactly what I be look for to hold my 2 d cell mag lite hook on a standard belt or a duty belt !! 86 Flashlight POS 5 this be a good product . I own a few other of this exact product and I really like they . my fiance want one of she own so I get she this one . it be much better than the little cheap china-made one . 399 Flashlight POS 5 I can not reiterate enough what the other reviewer have say about the mini-mag light . I own about 4 or 5 of these thing and they be great . I have previously own maybe 15 to 20 other plastic flashlight in the past and all have bit the dust . Broken case be the number 1 reason due to a drop or be step on . for some other reason , these other have crummy switch which fail easily . not the mag light . the switch be simple and tough -lrb- I know since I have take it apart -rrb- the battery life be great , the case be highly durable . I love the candle mode -lrb- i.e. take the head off completely -rrb- I have also mixed and matched part from different color to make mine unique . my 3 year old son love he and it be easy for he to turn on or off . he be really rough with he toy , but have never stop the minus mag . -lrb- warning - kid do like to take the head of the light off which expose the lamp . if the lamp break , then it could be dangerous to they . -rrb- finally , the spare bulb in the tail piece be awesome , very handy . when I replace the bulb -lrb- which be need sometimes -rrb- I always make sure there be a good spare in the tail piece . I could go on and on . if you be look for a cool gift , or need some extra light , buy a few of they . they be the best . 231 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be extremely strong enough to fight with it can be consider as a weapon . in fact i like it soo much as i buy this item and the red one also . recommend 462 Flashlight POS 5 to start , I be a tradesman who have to carry he lifeline on he belt . not only on the job , but I be also the unnofficial handyman of this apartment complex . every time I even move to take my workbelt off , it seem to be a signal for a neighbor to bang on the wall say something be on fire or will not open all the way . and the Mini mag be the universal flashlight . it be sell everywhere , include this fine site and even family store , and despite its legendary quality and design , be at the most ten dollar with include holster . I prefer the classic aa design , where CA not you find aa ? I have use one of these on my belt for about four year . it be a excellent tool , and I have never have one wear out on I . the bulb , however , be the Achilles heel . the rest of the flashlight be military , police and trade quality , for civilian price . but these dang bulb go orange after a couple week and last a couple month of casual use . I be consider shell out forty buck for a small led , just to save the money on bulb . then , walk through a sport outlet , I pass the flashlight section . and next to the usual Mini mag with holster , which I own close to six of , be a Nite ize accessory design for this same flashlight . a lead bulb . now , I have see these online for about twenty to thirty buck , and this be a ten dollar flashlight ! but this one just sit around on a shelf be eight buck , about a buck less than the flashlight 's shelf price . what the heck , I get one . to quote another review , my trusty old mag be now a state-of-the-art torch , with nearly triple battery life of the old bulb . and led , as all mag-hater know , do not burn out or even go out when bump . so , for a total of twenty buck , you get a american-quality led beam that compete and plain out whip fifty-dollar import with plastic casing . I would not recomend this flashlight if there be not there be a way to fix its biggest flaw . just get you hand on this led adapter , and put it in like you would the standard bulb . replace the mirror reflector , and stomp the old bulb into powder . you will not be need they , ever again . there be also a combo pack availiable , for the same price , that include a push-button adapter if you have ever wish you could tap a red button on the end instead of twist it on and off . I have not try it , but it come with the LED , and for eight buck ? and hey , the flashlight itself come in six different color . these thing be easily replace if one get bang up or you room-mate\/girlfriend draw all over it with sharpie while she be on the phone . I have have these work perfectly even whenhe asing h be through Hades and back , but some prefer a more formal-looking flashlight . just take the lead out and put it in the new one , those bulb last forever . and now , so will this flashlight . 106 Flashlight POS 5 great product with a quick and easy installation . as long as the clip be correctly place and align there should be no worry of break they or damage they . the plastic do feel a bit weak but they be surprisingly very strong little clip . 948 Flashlight POS 5 the dw908 be a indispensable battery-powered portable and adjustable light that be vital to any garage - especially where use a plug-in drop light just will not work , and where you need both hand to complete the task at hand . the battery use in this light be the 18v lithium ion from DeWalt , and the lamp be very efficient = lasting hour between necessary recharge . I buy this as a gift for a friend , and the use it have already get be phenomenal . 530 Flashlight POS 5 great product . i look in all my local store and could only find a 14.4 volt bulb so i look here and sure enuf they have just what i be lookin for ! 201 Flashlight POS 5 at less than $ 10 deliver , these Dewalt bulb be a fantastic value . they be the direct replacement bulb for my Porter Cable 12V Xenon flashlight . the Ace Hardware store that I order from have super fast shipping . the reviewer that give one-star because of the shipping cost must not value they time or think anything of bure up gas try to located these at a mega home improvement center . 469 Flashlight POS 5 when my husband receive this as a gift ... I promptly steal it from he . it be nice and light and you can keep it in you purse or in the glove box in the car . if you headlight go out you could use it to drive by ... just kidding . the light output be very impressive . I like this size since the larger 4 and 5 battery size be very heavy . I wish they would dream up something besides the diamond-knurled grip . it give I the same feeling as chalk scrap on a chalkboard do ! ~ the Rebecca Review 643 Flashlight POS 5 I truly would not get the mag lite with out this accessory . it come in handy when you want to mount you maglite to a wall . this help you to keep it with in reach 274 Flashlight NEU 3 my mag instrument s4d016 black heavy duty 4 D-Cell Flashlight get a lot of use . this be the one -lrb- and the 6d-cell -rrb- light that lot of law enforcement carry . it be effective as a flashlight and as a tool if the use of force need to be escalate in subdue a bg -lrb- bad Guy -rrb- - order give with confidence and with commanding voice , physical force include night stick or mag light , side arm , shot gun -rrb- . there be a lot go on within the technology of flashlight recently . LED , Lithium battery , focus bezel , etc. . the mag have fall from grace a bit technologically , but be still a great flashlight for police \/ emt INCLUDING look for criminal , terrorist or signalling for a chopper pick up . the Mag Instrument S4D016 Black Heavy Duty 4 D-Cell Flashlightt be very durable and they be prove reliable . but even the police and emt and military be switch over to more tecnologically advanced product and technique to go along with the new equipment . . they have to . they life and the life of other depend on the best equipment available . and for a long time that be Mag Light . do not get I wrong . I have depend on mag lite of all size for year . but head to head , thesurefire brand have quickly surpass mag lite in every importantant aspect of flashlight - usable light power , size and weight . the Mag Instrument S4D016 Black Heavy Duty 4 D-Cell Flashlight be a good value and I have several in the house and the vehicle . but they be be replace by surefire as they wear out . John Row 890 Flashlight POS 5 the bulb work perfectly with my black and decker 14.4 volt torch light . 941 Flashlight POS 4 when I receive it , I quickly open it up and pop the battery in . the intensity of this flashlight amaze I when compare to maglite of comparable size . it be able to compete with the 3d mag , too ! I be plan to upgrade the 3d to a led bulb because of this flashlight . it certainly be a improvement over the standard 2aa krypton maglite . it have `` dark spot '' but not the kind that the regular mag do . the beam be pretty round -lrb- a perfect circle , unlike the regular one -rrb- and have a bright spot in the center . the focus can be adjust to make the center wider or more focus . other than that , it be not really focusable much . \ Overall , a great buy for the money . handy , and bright ! 682 Flashlight NEU 3 I 'll admit , I love lead flashlight - the pure , white light , the extended battery life , the look on the face of my friend when they point the flashlight into they eye upon examination ... so when I read that mag have release a lead flashlight , I immediately go in pursuit of one , and I be find it to be a mixed bag . from a build quality standpoint , mag still make a solid product . the barrel and head be make from aluminum , rubber washer be use for a water resistant seal , and they can take be drop off a workbench . one thing I be wonder why they leave out , however , be a hook for a lanyard - the bottom cap of this flashlight be flat . one of the main thing the mag have go for it over other lead flashlight design however be that the beam can be focus - and this be due to the deeper reflector design and the shape of the led . focus the beam do increase its intensity - a bit , but nothing like the old incandescent mag lite - I find myself use it about halfway between just on and fully focus , as it prove the most practical . now though , for the disappointing part : I own a 1-watt luxeon-based led flashlight -lrb- that cost approximately the same as the mag -rrb- , and a 5-watt led flashlight from SureFire -lrb- which cost ... considerably more -rrb- . the Luxeon LED put out approximately 20 lumen , and the SureFire put out a blind 100 lumen , so at 3-watt , it would be safe to assume that this mag Lite would be about halfway between the two , right ? wrong . the beam be about the same intensity as the 1-watt luxeon -lrb- which be pretty bright by itself -rrb- ; ever so slightly brighter when completely focus , but then the luxeon spread its light more smoothly than the mag . the mag have slightly longer full-output battery life due to the fact that it use aa battery instead of AAA 's , but if you already have a good luxeon or other high-output led flashlight , I would certainly say try to get a demo of one of these before you buy one . do not get I wrong , it be definately a cut above the $ 10 one you see in the wait line at shopping center , but I be wonder if mag get into the lead market now be too little , too late ? 509 Flashlight POS 5 I install these in the ` saddlebag ' of my Chevy Avalanche and they work very well . I actually use some special fastener from Lowes to use as I be install these in plastic . they have a very firm grip on the flashlight and it look like these will last a long time . 347 Flashlight POS 5 the item be ship and arrive within a few day . the replacement battery work great for my mag light . 669 Flashlight POS 4 install bracket on a flat piece of board and mount it on the wall behind a hall door . flashlight snap into place very secure . I would not want to get too aggressive when snap flashlight on because bracket be heavy plastic but still could break . with proper care this mount system should last perhaps a lifetime . 504 Flashlight POS 5 the shipping be somewhat timely for this product . it be a typical MAGLIGHT , which be a good thing . it have a extra bulb in the tail . it have be very reliable so far , although I have not have it for too long . during the night , when outside , it stay with I , and cut a swath through the night with a bright and precise beam . I have know people that own MAGLIGHTS , and I have want one for a while . they be so well construct . they be also american make , which be great on my nationalistic conscience . if you have never own a MAGLIGHT , I suggest one for everyone . 906 Flashlight POS 5 this behemoth weigh in at 3 lb . and be 20 inch long . I add the optional xenon upgrade bulb 6 cell Mag-Num Star Xenon C or D Replacement Lamps 1\/Pk . . it be so darn bright , I could not fairly compare it to anything else I have . I finally take out the rechargeable , 55 watt , halogen spotlight Coleman PML8000Y Rechargeable Handheld Spotlight the Coleman use a automobile headlight bulb , and this maglite produce light that be almost as bright ; boy , be I surprise . yes , it be big and inconvenient , but so be the portable car headlight . the spotlight give you 15 minute of strong light for 20 hour of charge , but the Maglite give a few hour on one set of battery . it be also focusable , so you can get either strong area light or tight beam to throw light hundred of foot away . also , note the rather reasonable $ $ $ compare to other , similar , but more expensive light . if you want a super-powerful flashlight and can deal with the size and weight , this flashlight be the ultimate , most powerful flashlight I have ever use . the only thing more powerful would be rechargeable halogen spot and hid 's . 305 Flashlight POS 5 great WELL MADE \/ BOUGHT the 2 MOUNTING CLIPS & RUBBER ANTIROLL COVER \/ BIG heavy BRIGHT . CLIPPED RIGHT @ MY back door ! HAVE the NEXT SIZE SMALLER in MY CARS . 262 Flashlight POS 5 this be simply the best flashlight I have ever use . really like the light focus feature and solid feel . 812 Flashlight POS 4 this flashlight be just what I be look for to go in my backpack . I think everyone could use a small but bright flashlight . if you have ever walk up to a dark door and need light to find the key hole . with this flashlight never again . 652 Flashlight POS 5 I order the maglight with holster for aa friend and like it so much I just order one for myself . Robert Amos 741 Flashlight POS 5 it have be year since I have have a maglite and be so proud that it be make in the U.S.A. ! 122 Flashlight POS 5 this be a excellent product . I have carry one unit in my motor home for many year . the battery be rechargeable and last a long time and can be replace . most recently I purchase a complete new unit . the charger on the old unit quit , so I purchase a new charger and a new battery and now I have a second unit in my garage . I be always ready to be use and it be a excellent product . 751 Flashlight POS 5 mag lite arrive promptly and in perfect condition . the incandescent mag light be a proven product . and while not as bright as some lead light at short range I have find that it provide a longer range beam of useful brightness . 275 Flashlight POS 5 mag lite flashlight to I be the best that be on the market today for the money . this 3 `` c '' cell flashlight be alot more lightweight than its heavier counterpart and be very bright , do not let its size fool you this be a very powerful flashlight and it be also construct from high quality aircraft aluminum and be waterproof . I give it my full endorsement to anyone who be interested . 846 Flashlight POS 5 I use my Dewalt 18v Flashlight all of the time . after three year it finally burn out . buy one of these . 477 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight will produce 120lumen with its standard bulb . but you can buy a bulb , model number wa01160 from walamp dot com , and turn it into 500 + lumen . the bulb be only 3 dollar each . I do this and basically that be a 45watt typical bulb 's output , and here I be carry it around in my hand . the finish of this flashlight be hard anodization milspec type iii , can not even scratch it with my key . so , that will last for a while . the battery will be good for 1000 charge . cool thing be the charger can be use in you car . you can always have this flashlight with you . 321 Flashlight POS 4 order the 6 cell for my work , and it be the only thing around that can be still use as a flashlight & defensive baton in one nice package , I still see Maglites as still reliable , put in a Terralux LED and its ready for the next century . 841 Flashlight POS 5 this be a very useful and be price reasonably . this will be my primary flashlight when preform my volunteer duty . 880 Flashlight POS 5 item be receive superfast and the shipper send email let I know each step of what be go on during my purchase . 158 Flashlight POS 5 very nice flashlight . as always with DeWalt , very well make . I have drop this flashlight in my pool and numerous time on the floor and it still work perfeclty . I have have to replace the bulb after 3 year ! long lasting bulb as well . I recommend this flashlight very much 218 Flashlight POS 4 early this summer I add 2-aa and 2-c maglite lead flashlight to my hurricane kit . they perform exceptionally well for I over a very stressful four day without power during and after Hurricane Ike . the 2-aa model amaze I with be everything I need to get thing do 90 % of the time . I sleep with it on my belt for four night and it be on my belt during daylight hour too . the tendency for it to fall out of its holster can be solve with a heavy rubber band loop a couple of time around the sheath to add tension . for a week after my power be restore I continue to carry that little light on my belt , because my friend or neighbor power might not have be restore and it be easy to carry and handy to have . I have bond with the little flashlight and will always recommend it . although I have since add a 3-aa maglite lead to my stable and would probably recommend that light for folk that be only go to have one good flashlight around . 12-8-2009 Update : mag-lite have new and improve they 2 aa lead light , and I just happen to have one . subjectively , it appear to be 20 % brighter than the old style 2 aa lead light . it also have a 25 % power mode which will allow it to burn continuously for over a day . the blink and SOS mode be nice , but I doubt the average person will ever have a call for those function . although the old style 3 aa led be brighter than the new style 2 aa lead , the 2 aa be handier to carry and the low power function have I convinced this be the most useful flashlight to have around . this be the most versatile flashlight I own . I have up my rating on it to five star if I know how . 811 Flashlight POS 5 this be the first time I have buy this battery stick from a source other than Galls . my original battery that come with the flashlight last approx 3 year . since then I have be re-order from Galls and have have to replace the battery every year . I have hear the supplier they get theirs from be sub-standard so I decide to switch and get this year battery from Amazon . so far so good , only time will tell ... 964 Flashlight POS 5 have own several Mini Maglites because I always take it on trip and sometimes forget it be in the nightstand . they be build to last forever and I have always like the include spare bulb . this one advertise a `` New Multi-Mode Electronic switch '' for four function . I do not figure out that the ` switch ' be the normal collar because there be no instruction for this . go to maglite.com and watch the 38 second video to learn how to access the four funtion . maglite be still worth a premium price . 499 Flashlight POS 5 these be great little bracket . as long as you have they align properly , -lrb- thank you s. pandya -rrb- they work great and be strong enough to hold my 6d cell mag . also make sure you have a good surface to screw they into . molly on sheetrock . 51 Flashlight POS 5 I be use this light now for 6 month now and it never let I down . it be be drop more than once and submerge in hot water and still work like new . 464 Flashlight NEG 1 I buy a 2 aa Mini LED . the first one last about a week . it start flicker just like the two guy mention in there review . it be useless now . I wait to long to return to lowe . so a few month past before I get around to deal with the problem . I purchase the same exact light from Home depot in a town a hour and half away . I be sure you can guess what I have plan . to my amazement the replacement never work out the box . just do the flickering thing . I be not a review writer type of of guy , but this have get I boil over . I like mag lite just not the lead 's . do you self a favor and stay clear of this piece of garbage ! 494 Flashlight POS 5 this little flashlight have be a great help in many situation . I keep one in my purse and one in the kitchen drawer with the dog 's leash and drop it into my pocket before take my dog for walk at night . it not only light my way , but help I find the dropping as well as the key hole when I get back to my condo . the candle mode have come in handy during several blackout . 877 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be amazing ! you can use it for anything , and it will not break . my Dad have a old empty de-icer can in he truck , and it be make really obnoccious noise , and annoy I . so , I cave it in with my maglite . I have drop it countless time , and it be still fine . it can light up the house in the backlot behind we house , about 250 yard away . there be a squirrel that come into we house through the chimney , and wasrunn around we house in the day , when we be not there , and hide on the fridge when we be home . so , my mom see the cat sniff around the fruidge , and ask I to take a look . so , with my maglite , I look around , and there he be , the peice of vermin , sit on we fridge . my brother get a stick , and I be the light man . my brother finally get he out , and after 5 or 10 minute of chase the stupid thing , shine the light in he eye , he run out the back door . the flashlight play a big part in get the stupid peice of vermon out . after that , and after my sister handle it with filthy hand , it smell , so I wash it under run water in the bathroom sink , twice so it would stop smell bad , and it be still fine . it be definately handy if you be move , and you have a big messy garage , or to light up anything dark . if there be a power outage , the lamp mode be a big help . during previous power outage , my Dad 's tryed settind up flashlight all over the place , and it do not work . if you need a good flashlight , buy a 4 cell maglite . it be big enough to be very bright , but , unlike a 6 cell , it be small enough so that you do not a crane to move it anywhere . 650 Flashlight POS 5 this maglite heavy-duty 6-d cell flashlight be seriously massive and can serve double duty as a impose defensive weapon . I give this to my father a few year back because he be live alone in the county and in a area prone to power-outage . he be also a very big man and make a quite a impression when hold this in a threatening manner , so we figure it would dissuade any casual intruder . the quality of this light be outstanding , with a heavy metal body that be make even heavier when you add the 6-d cell battery . the beam be powerful and adjust from tight beam range to floodlight by twist the top , which make this very versatile . highly recommend ! CFH 336 Flashlight POS 5 do not look for any fancy camping and hike feature here . this be Maglite - the most robust , simply design , durable flashlight ever . all except the tiniest maglite share a number of common feature : super-bright bulb , waterproof seal , a twistable head which adjust the spread of the beam from spot to flood , and a spare bulb in a padded compartment in the base . this be the big daddy of the bunch , take a full 6 d-cell , and satisfy long and heavy . you 'll feel like a nightwatchman ! also available in 4d and 5d size for those with smaller biceps . 112 Flashlight POS 4 I be take part in a filmmaking seminar in Maine , and everyone have two tool : a Mini Maglite and a Leatherman they all wear they on they belt , and they come in handy on numerous occasion . of course I pick one up and I love the little holster that come with it . if it do not look dorky I would probably wear this and a multi-tool all the time . it be not just good for night use . change a fuse , adjust equipment , find something under the desk . for those kind of everyday , all-the-time use , the Mini mag be much more handy and useful than the larger maglite highly recommend for its simplicity , utility , and durability . 496 Flashlight POS 5 excellent product . extremely bright , compare to all other light on the market . tough , durable . only drawback be the bulb be fragile , blow easily if drop . simple fix , do not drop you $ 100 flash light . highly recommend for someone who want a lot of light . 186 Flashlight POS 4 I be a fan of these 18v light in general . this particular light , the head do not move directly up and down . the head rotate left and right at a 45 degree angle . useable but just a tad awkward . but if you only have Dewalt battery on the job , this light be a must . it seem fairly durable . I have already accidently drop it from chest height on concrete with no injury to light or bulb . lucky ? overall I be please with this light . 804 Flashlight POS 5 if you have ever buy a short-life battery for you mag you 'll love this one . my distributor `` save '' I money by switch to a cheaper battery that do not last . these be time test and last I nearly 5 yr . on the job and then I give they to my brother-in-law who get another two out of they . I be very pleased with this product . 575 Flashlight POS 5 this be a top quality , rugged and bright flashlight with bulk . this bulk can be a asset or drawback , depend on you need . pro : a -rrb- very ruggedly make , with aluminum construction . this light can be drop in mud , rock and water without destroy it . the only drawback be that the regular bulb can break , render you light useless . however , I have never have a bulb break . if break be a concern , Maglite make a lead version , which can not break . b -rrb- this light be very bright . c -rrb- the on\/off switch be on the side , near the front . it be rubber shield to eliminate water and dirt get into the light . it be not easy to accidentally turn it on , but be easy to find in the dark by feel . d -rrb- the light take 3 d cell , easy to find and last a long time . e -rrb- police have routinely use these maglite as a combination baton and light . while , thank goodness , I have never have to use as a baton , it might add to a more secure feeling in certain situation . f -rrb- the light be a good `` thrower '' . that be , it project a tight beam a long distance without disperse much . there might be a better throwing light available , but it will undoubtedly cost much more . g -rrb- the light can be focus . it can throw a tight beam or spread the light out more to the side ; very adaptable . con : a -rrb- the light can be heavy if carry for long period on you belt or in you coat pocket , etc. . b -rrb- the light be large and bulky to carry . this could also be a advantage , so it depend on you need . conclusion : all in all this be a high quality light . it have few substitute if you be look for a bright and rugged light with some bulk . if you want a bright light in a smaller package , the Maglite xl50 might be a good option : maglite xl50-s3016 lead flashlight , black 64 Flashlight POS 5 I love mag flashlight , and especially this one . it be strong , the four d battery dont run out quickly , have a on\/off switch -lrb- unlike smaller mag model -rrb- , and doesnt generate much heat . when electricity blacks-out , the torch mode of this flash light -lrb- the lense can be take off -rrb- be very useful - I can continue study \/ read \/ write for some while , as the light be strong enough . i buy it about a year ago , as a small insurance in case the y2k bug would have take the electricity down , and it prove itself useful since . 17 Flashlight POS 5 this be a high-quality product that I use very often . I keep this flashlight near my bed so that I do not have to switch on the light and wake up the house in case I need to find something at night . it have be work great so far like all maglite product . I like the different light-switching mode that it offer and find that this make it useful when I be in the wood and need to signal someone . 630 Flashlight POS 5 like several of the reviewer here , I have difficulty find replacement bulb for my Makita BL185 flashlight . these work perfectly . they be just as bright , or perhaps a bit brighter , than the original . -lrb- it be hard to tell because I have be in the dark for a bit ! -rrb- they be also MUCH cheaper than they counterpart at Home Depot or Lowe 's . I have a prime account ; so I pay no shipping , and they arrive in a day and a half . some reviewer mention heat related problem . my flashlight come with xenon bulb originally and get pretty hot . these be no different . my original bulb last many year , and I expect these will , as well . just be sure to use common handling practice and do not touch the bulb with you finger . if you experience be like mine , you 'll be happy about this choice . 40 Flashlight POS 5 I never know how much my old battery be lack until I receive this new battery and give my flashlight a new lease on life . Amazon also have a excellent price . 311 Flashlight NEU 3 I would give it 3.5 star - no half star allow - 3 star be more accurate than 4 . the construction quality of the flashlight be just ok - not very good . it might be easily break - compare with my 3 d-battery maglite buy in 2005 , this one be not on the same bar . the beam be very bright , and by a single twist of the switch , it reduce to 1\/3 . the operation be simple and nice - twist to turn it on , quick twist again for reduce beam , again for flash , and again for so . Main problem that I give it 3 star - after turn it on , I hundred ton of micro air bubble in the front glass . for a $ 20 maglite flash light , I will not stand with it . I mainly use the small flash light to examine dust and fungus inside lens and other equipment - the air bubble give I a illusion of dust . this be undesired . I be now look for another high quality , compact flashlight . 378 Flashlight POS 5 easy to use , very convenient , very bright light , battery be LONG LASTING , fairly LIGHTWEIGHT , PIVOTING HEAD make a two person job easier when there be ONLY one person to DO the job ! 780 Flashlight POS 5 this be my 3rd or 4th purchase of this type of flashlight . when you loan it to someone or let they use it , somehow it never come back . Amazon pricing allow for repurchase without pain . I like to try the lead version , although pricey , maybe next time . 266 Flashlight POS 5 no matter what size flashlight you prefer to carry or keep in you home\/car , buy a maglite . they come in all size , and for a few dollar more , you be get a flashlight that will survive anything and work when you need it . Trust I , you will make you money back in the long run . I only feel cheated because all of my maglite will outlast my lifetime . I be go to have to leave they to someone in my will . 269 Flashlight POS 5 I love my minus maglite - it be perfect for keep in my purse for those time when I be stuck and in need of light . it come in handy all the time ! I recently give this light as a gift to a 12 year old boy , and he love it too . it be just so reliable , sturdy , and the bulb last for age and age . the price be great for something that will last forever . 447 Flashlight POS 5 great product , only problem be there be no spot to attach any type of string to the bottom like I have see on other model . keep this in mind when purchase the accesory kit . 343 Flashlight POS 5 I carry a mag-light with I for a good many year while drive truck . a truck cab be probably one of the hardest place there be on flashlight , they never seem to last yet I never have a problem with the mag-light once in a truck stop I see a driver set he mag light on a tire and forget it be there , when he start to move the truck the light fall off and be run over by the tire . when he realize what he have do he stop and pick up the light and it be still work . any other flashlight would have be flatten . if nothing else this make a believer out of I . 525 Flashlight POS 5 three of these be wrap under the Christmas tree for my husband when the power go out for a few hour . my husband begin look for flashlight , but be disappoint that we never have any decent one around the house . I hand he a early present , and as he unwrap it he announce , `` finally ! a good flashlight . '' it be super bright and the beam can be adjust to suit you need . c battery make the flashlight nice and slim ... easy to hold . 818 Flashlight NEG 1 work great for a week or so . good light except after a week or so it will not stay on . you have to shake it and turn it on and off to get it to come back on . I be go to send it back to Mag Light ... 827 Flashlight POS 4 I give it 4 star - 5 star for its usefulness and 3 for its build quality . I have several cordless tool from different make , so I be not use up the battery all the time like I be suppose to from what I have read , but have this flashlight around help I at least cycle through my DeWalt 12v battery . the flashlight have a lightweight feel to it without the battery install , so it clerly do not feel as `` heavy duty '' or solid as , let 's say , a drill might feel , but I figure what should I expect ? maybe the yellow and black color scheme along with the DeWalt label make I expect more ? but , heck , it be only a flashlight ! you can not vary the beam width as you can with a maglite but you can pivot the head which have prove useful at least once . lastly , I be not quite sure how I ever get by without a flashlight in the shop ! my final recommendation be that if you have a cordless kit from any make , get the matching accessory flashlight ! 817 Flashlight NEG 1 I work as a electrician i buy this flashlite a few week ago it do the job right but its not a solid flashlight every time i open it i have to shake it to get a strong light 375 Flashlight NEG 1 I have purchase maglight for over 30 year , but the 2 I bouhgt here recently be pure garbage . both , within a matter of day , lose the button cover , both swell up with new , expensive battery and would not work . I be qualify to state this because I have a radio Amatuer , EXTRA class , ke5ldo , for many year , and this have never happen before even in the hot sun ! because they be inside a air condition room I would not expect either problem to happen . I save the bulb , end cap , and the hood in case I be ever givien one . I will not be buy they again ! 853 Flashlight POS 5 do you want to have a good compact flashlight ? hate those lead base flashlight and like the incandescent bulb light ? I know I do - that blueish light be not a good to my eye and this rugge little flashlight do the trick with typical mag toughness . also the little carry case be a nice thing to have . 327 Flashlight POS 5 great product , have be use mag lite for year and finally wear out my AAA light . but happy to pay the price to have more year of good service . 535 Flashlight POS 5 anyone who live as far out in the rural countryside as I do get accustom to power interruption , whether they be due to down power line from ice storm , someone hit a key telephone pole and knock out a transformer , or be the result of one of the occassional electrical storm we have during the warmer month of the year . in any and all of these circumstance I can always depend on my collection of mag-light to see I through the darkness of the house in order to light my well-used candle and oil lamp until the power be finally restore . I also have one in each of my two truck , and when I recently narrowly miss hit a startled deer late at night and go off the road into a muddy field , the trusty mag light be invaluable in help I find a winching point to pull myself out of the muddy gully . so , whether it be a venture down into the blacken hole my basement become late at night , or find my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night , I can always depend on my mag light to candle-power my way wherever I be go . I have four or five of the middle-sized one like the one display here , but actually also have three or four of the largest one as well . I love mine , and although I seem to misplace at least one or two a year , I always have a ample supply of both mag-light and replacement battery because I find they be absolutely essential out here in the wood . get one today . 603 Flashlight POS 4 I have own one of these light for year . the original light bulb last at least five year but replacement -lrb- genuine brand -rrb- only last a few month . ... otherwise a great product - would be five star if the bulb last longer . 988 Flashlight POS 5 Got this at Wally World for a little more than Amazon -lrb- last minute buy -rrb- for a camping trip . boy be I glad I buy this ! half we group be separate from we during the trip to the camp site and it be late . luckily I be the only person in we party that have any light for the first night and I use this to collect wood for a fire and get a fire go . ton of use for two battery and extremely bright and powerful for it be size . 287 Flashlight POS 5 we have use these Dewalt 12 volt flashlight for many year now , what I love be they be so handy , easy to use . you can recharge the battery and the battery can be use with other tool . they be very durable , drop they many time . I 'll stress the 12 volt , it be sufficient and be lightweight , go to a 18 volt and it get kinda cumbersome to lug around . 649 Flashlight POS 5 okay , the `` battery '' be cheeper but there be that $ 8 shipping you need to consider . Amazon have the free shipping option . oh yeah , great battery . Super great flaslight system ! 599 Flashlight POS 5 this maglite flashlight be amazing ! it only take 2 c battery , and its bright beam reach as far into the darkness as I can see . it have a adjustable beam focus , but it be not the kind that you turn on by twist the end ; it have a on\/off button-type switch . the bulb be the incandescent kind , not a blue-looking led -lrb- the lead maglite consume less power and be great for search for thing on the ground in the dark , but this kind seem to project its beam farther , so it be good for use on the campground or the shooting range , and in miss person search -rrb- . it be not terribly heavy for a metal flashlight , but yet it be extremely sturdy . I would recommend for anyone that want a full-sized flashlight , buy this one . but remember that it be just that : a full-sized flashlight . if you want a compact one that you can carry in you pocket , you will want a smaller one , such as the 2 aa model , but remember that the smaller one be generally not as powerful . as long as it be a MAGLITE , you will not be disappoint . 265 Flashlight POS 5 you could use this thing as a baseball bat and it would still shine bright and strong everytime . hand down the best flashlite , period . 252 Flashlight POS 5 I receive what I want for Christmas , the 6-d cell maglite in Black , along with a terrelux 140 luman bulb . the two be a win combination . you will not lose this flashlight . it will not break . it do shine 3 football field away . you will be view with authority while wield it . I keep it under the bed so that when the power go out or there be a bump in the night , I know where to find it . it be a club and a light , exactly what you need when you hear noise in the night . love it ! every man should want one . it weigh well over 5 lb and it 'll pack a punch if necessary . two hand be require for a good swing . it be about the weight of a professional baseball bat with battery install . 570 Flashlight POS 5 we sail from Charleston South Carolina to Whangarei , New Zealand last year with 2 of these onboard . in the middle of the night , when something go `` bang '' this be what I grab for when head up on deck . the underwater flashlight , led , and waterproof unit be great for they specific task , but when you do not know what you be go to be get into , this be the one that I want with I ! 139 Flashlight POS 5 very convenient for my maglight , well worth the money , easy to use on any pants , hold my flashlight solid as a rock , worth the investment 554 Flashlight POS 5 the first one I have be black , just like Model-T . be dark and inside my dark overalls pocket , I forget about it until it fall . it fall couple more time since . it be still work . it be a good size to go inside the tool box permanently . the size be also small enough to go inside where only you hand can reach . sometimes in my line of work in seismic oil exploration I need to do come cabling , the Mini help to get the connection right . buy a few more mag light since the first one , see as it be tough and rain proof . but when I travel it be the Mini that come along instead of the Mag Solitaire because the aa size battery be the most universally available battery you can find in most country . Torch -lrb- flashlight to you guy in US -rrb- be like penknife , tend to need it in a emergency . so one live with the Leatherman , one in the car glove box , the old one still in the tool box . yeah , I have hold the torch in my lip too in the past but now recommend a headband by Nite Ize to turn it into a headlamp . another item worth consider if you go hike a lot be the Nite Ize `` pock-its '' . this be a holster for Mini Mag Light and Leatherman , spare battery . 395 Flashlight POS 5 if you only have one hand-held flashlight , this be the one you want ! the lead mini-maglite will light up my entire back yard . plus , if you turn it on and off quickly , if go to half power to save battery life . if you turn it on\/off a second time it flash , like a emergency beacon , then on\/off a third time and it flash SOS . unbelievable ! I love mine ! 695 Flashlight NEG 1 I have 4 of they . they constantly have problem . bulb be easily shatter . the proprietary bulb be expensive . the rubber protector fall of of one . if a battery leak you can just trow the flashlight away , the inside be so tight the battery get stick forever . they guarantee be basically useless as they 'll blame the battery manufacturer . the aluminum machining make get the bottom on and off difficult , easily cross thread . my one star review be because they do not deserve they reputation . it be a good flashlight but they have not do anything for year to improve all the problem . do not expect they to last longer than other quality flashlight . 580 Flashlight POS 5 you can buy flashlite with 18 volt bulb all day long in the area I live in , but not the replacement bulb . I guess they want to sell another complete flashlite . these bulb arrive in there blister pack , well packed , no damage . and they work perfectly . thanks Amazon . 301 Flashlight NEG 1 overall it be a nice light . it be bright . it be durable . I have own a couple and they never break on I . but it be absolutely inexcusable that there be not a way to lock it on and off . I have never carry one that do not end up get accidentally turn on while in the factory provide sheath . simply put , it be not there when I need it and a simple little button would have fix it and make it perfect . 474 Flashlight POS 5 this thing be something else . I read other review and frankly I don ` t know what some 3 starer be talk about . this light be BRIGHT . I mean it ` s rediculuosly bright . I could care less about these so call LED light . this be the cadillac of flashlight . you would have to be a moron to want anything else for a light . this thing be so strong you could use it as a hammer if you want to . it ` s waterproof rubber seal work great . I woulkdn ` t trade this for a led light if you pay I . besides , you can order a lead set-up for these light if led be what you want . why not get the BEST , get a maglight ! I highly recommend this company . thanks for a great light . 21 Flashlight POS 5 I need a small flashlight for a trip to Australia -- something that would easily fit in the one piece of luggage I be allow -lrb- in this case , a backpack -rrb- . the Mini mag Lite be perfect . it be very small -lrb- about six inch long and maybe about as thick as a cigar -rrb- but have some weight to it . it be not flimsy at all , and I be not worry about it last through the trip . the flashlight come with battery -lrb- very nice . -rrb- and a extra bulb in the little screw-on cap on the end -lrb- also , very nice . -rrb- the bright beam can be adjust , and although it do not focus to a very exact point , it focus well enough for my purpose . the candle option be clever as well . all in all , a very worthwhile purchase , and recommend . 602 Flashlight POS 5 I get the lead version of this mag-lite recently . I be very satisfied . it be deliver two day ahead of schedule , and the flashlight be awesome , durable , and bright . what more do you want ? my dad be always get these cheap flashlight ... he be go to be jealous when he see this . it be very nice , bright , and it make that satisfy `` click '' when you turn it on . 563 Flashlight POS 4 I like this light but it have one major flaw with the large opening : -lrb- I buy this for light painting photography this dose not do its job for light painting photography because its full beam have this weird jelly fish look where as I need a clear full strong beam of light : \/ but for see in the dark or anything else I be sure its amazing . just do not get this for light painting -lrb- maybe pay a extra 10 $ for a better one -rrb- . 729 Flashlight NEG 1 I can not believe that maglite be still consider quality light these day . sure , they be pretty good 10 year or so ago . but what be change ? the Mini Maglites I have own have always have the same problem - bulb which go pop and fail if the light experience any kind of shock - or sometimes for no reason at all . and that dim , yellow , uneven excuse for a beam of light . it would be nice if mag produce a light which you could actually \* rely \* on to work when you need it , rather than this outdated rubbish . I have since find far more reliable , brighter , and generally better light from other maker such as Streamlight . there be lot of light out there which be mile ahead of Maglites in every category . 258 Flashlight NEG 2 these be decent light for navigate the wood in the dark , but if you do ... get two of they . they like to cut out often , require a sharp rap to get work again ... then they work just fine for a bit ... and repeat the entire scenario all over again . it be as though the contact be inferior and unable to provide a constant load to the led bulb . why do they send more of those stupid nylon sheath ? I have to have at least twenty of they now over the year , and have yet to actually find any use for any of they . on a positive note , they be plenty bright , and the battery last quite a while , if they would just always work as they should , they would be great ... but they just plain do not ... not at all dependable . 172 Flashlight POS 4 I have own a mini mag flashlight for over 5 year and have be very pleased with the durability and reliability of the product . so , when look for a flashlight to include in we disaster kit , I naturally look to mag . this model provide the right balance between size , weight , and power requirement . I do not need a light as powerful as the 3-d or 4-d model , and want a light that would stow compactly . so far , this flashlight have meet all of my expectation ! 503 Flashlight POS 5 as always with maglite , I be please with this flashlight . it be cheaper on Amazon than in local store , and come quickly . 516 Flashlight NEG 2 this light that I get be not as near as brite as the one sell at Sears yet it have the same number ??? 758 Flashlight NEU 3 Works as advertise , the only downside be that I hate to let my kid use it as the cost of the battery make for a very expensive flashlight . 574 Flashlight NEU 3 worked right out of package . but I do not find the light as bright as I expect . will work in small dark room . not bright enough for outdoors . 230 Flashlight POS 4 yes , there be a spare lamp in the tail cap . actually , one have to remove -lrb- gently -rrb- the battery spring then turn the cap down and let the spare lamp fall into you palm or on something soft . 913 Flashlight POS 5 I love this light . it be bright and the charge last a long time . this be the best price I find for this light . I would suggest this light to anyone that be look for a high quality light . this light do not cost much more than the stinger light , but it be more stream line and easier to use , plus the light come with a hanger\/charger , which make the light very easy to charge and to store . 843 Flashlight POS 5 this be a Christmas gift for a 3-year-old that want a flashlight like Daddy 's ! he love it and the case be a nice touch . 519 Flashlight POS 4 this nice item be a must for you mag . plus , it double for a key chain holder if you rock those mountain climber rope clippy thing for you key , like million of people and I do . get one . what be five buck ? nothing . the damn Sunday paper cost more nowadays . 13 Flashlight POS 5 maybe you be a cop or security guard , maybe you be a guy who live in a place where you can not carry a firearm , maybe you be just someone look to fill the ` use of force ' void that exist between shooting someone the bird and shoot they between the eye . any way you look at it , let not beat around the bush here ... anyone buying this light be do so for one reason only , the ` light ' aspect be totally secondary to that one reason . it be a club that double as a flashlight . so , how do we judge it on the objective criterion ? as a whuppin ' stick , it definitely work - so well that some ` kinder , gentler ' Police Departments do not even allow it anymore . Kind of a bummer that they discontinue the thinner 6c ; bar find one second hand and pay a real scalper price for it , the 5d\/6d be the pretty much the only ` in production ' option in the mag line for a `` big defensive flashlight '' but that be ok . unless you have very small hand , the 6d be perfectly controllable . it be big . really , really big . the light itself be about 19.5 '' long - a foot and a half - in total . when weight down with cel , it be heavy , too . you will want to tread lightly with this , as it definitely would generate enough striking force to fracture a skull , break bone . be damn sure you be legally justified to use it , if you ever do use it . you can hurt someone with it . it be do cut a pretty intimidating profile . walk around with one , it be almost as if you be carry a bat . in some situation , this be ok . in other situation , where draw attention to yourself be not the desire outcome , you would definitely want to leave this one home -lrb- in this regard , probably worth note that give its weight , this be essentially a two handed club . I be a large guy who have decent enough work strength - swing a six d-cel flashlight with one hand be pretty slow go . slow enough that you might risk you adversary grab on to it -rrb- as far as brightness , it be bright by ` bright enough ' standard . not bright enough to impress flashlight geek who obsess over marginally relevant technical detail on internet forum , plenty bright for average Joe to use for real world stuff . unless something have change , these be still ship with incandescent bulb , which be not anywhere near as bright as a good led -lrb- for example , the Maglite 3d lead torch be significantly brighter -rrb- ... of course , let we not forget the reason we buy this in the first place . the ` flashlight ' part be a secondary consideration , or , a primary consideration inasmuch as it allow we to carry it around in place where the same thing absent the flashlight function would be consider a unlawful bludgeon or club . if you want to juice the light aspect up to balls-out bright , terralux make a upgrade that turn the thing into a portable sun ... it be pricey - three time the cost of the light itself - but it do add a monumental upgrade in brightness -lrb- 700 lumen -rrb- , which can be quite practical . if you shine that into someone face , they be either turn away , or , if they be really determine to keep advance , they 'll be do so blinded and\/or with they eye close , at which point we option the ` club ' functionality . I do not throw around the five star rating too often , but this be a five star piece . right now , as of October 2010 , with Amazon free shipping on purchase over 25 , you can get one ship to you door for right at 25 buck . be this worth 25 buck ? hell yeah . 750 Flashlight POS 5 come on !!! many people have say that this brand be just ot heavy , and that you should not by it because other brand be lighter . well , unless ur a cop , these light be great ! Perfect for camping and blackout , especailly the mini maglite . I would recommend the 3 cell , its not to heavy , unlike the 4 , 5 and even 6 cell one . also , remember to register yours at Maglite.com 319 Flashlight POS 5 I have several of these Mini MagLites . they be solid , well-made , great little flashlight , with extra feature : beam focus -lrb- just twist the head -rrb- , spare bulb holder -lrb- inside the rear cap -rrb- , and a candle mode -lrb- take the head off and it become a base for the barrel -rrb- . I have only have one fail , and that be my fault -lrb- I do not check the battery in one that be keep in a drawer and a expire battery leak -rrb- . why do I own several of these ? well , you have get to have one in each color , right ? seriously ... I keep one in the center console of my car . it be great for old eye look at a map or direction at night , when the dome light just be not quite enough . it be also a help for a quick look under the hood , in the trunk , or under the seat . of course , I keep a regular Mag-Lite in the trunk , too . I keep one in my office desk in case of a power outage , or when the time light go off in the evening , or for digging around in the computer or copier . I keep one by my home computer for those time when you have to go poke around inside . I keep one in the headboard of my bed , again in case of a power outage . I learn my lesson in the 1994 Northridge earthquake ; it be still dark and the power be out , and various and sundry thing have fall on the floor -- it be no fun walk around in the dark with bare foot when there be lot of stuff scatter about . there be a couple of other -lrb- kitchen and garage -rrb- , just to have around . just remember to check the battery every few month , and when the bulb burn out and you use the spare in the rear cap , replace it before you forget -lrb- mag instrument lm2a001 replacement lamp for AA Mini MagLite , 2-pack 88 Flashlight NEG 1 I have 2 of they product . both fail miserably . never get a whole lot of use out the minus because the bulb life and battery life be just terrible . I recently try to upgrade it with a lead kit . forget it . the internal plastic part just fall apart in my hand . I have buy one of they c cell light about 10 year ago . it make it through one set of battery . when I try to replace the battery , the tail end would not come off . it have somehow become weld to the body of the flashlight . I think the part corrode together and get stick . try a vice , channel lock pliers , you name it . anything that would impart enough force to get it unglued would have damage the body . go in the trash . 950 Flashlight NEG 1 when it be first introduce the maglight be top of the line . now the maglight be year behind current lead flashlight technology . the light be well make , but the adjustable beam be very poor in quality . look for a flashlight with a textured reflector or a lead for a much better beam . Princeton tec and streamlight make much better function light for the money . 236 Flashlight NEU 3 this be the original workhorse flashlight that have be loop to my waistbelt since 1986 . it be slim , bright , and spot-focus accurately . the issue I have with this product be : a -rrb- bulb have a short average 2-3 month life span , b -rrb- the bulb 's metal tail contact require slight spreading prior to insert into the main body for flicker-free operation , and c -rrb- o-ring require frequent silicone spray for smooth one hand on\/off operation of the head . 902 Flashlight POS 5 typical MAGLITE quality . I buy this flashlight for use in work with we fire Dept. . EMS system . it be small enough to fit into the holster with the scissors and knife emt 's carry with they . good for nighttime work and for check the pupil of a patient . it be amazing how much light this emit at night . I plan on use this light for many year to come . just can not go wrong with maglite . 919 Flashlight NEG 2 to start with , this little flashlight be a first generation fashlight , whereas the modern lithium-powered `` tactical light '' be of third generation . therefore , it be clear that this light can not match those modern super-bright flashlight in performance . by today ' standard , the Mini Maglite be a adequate general-purpose flashlight . it be comfortably small , although if it be a bit fatter , it would fit better to a hand . the body of the flashlight be of high-impact aluminium , make the Mini-Mag a very sturdy little light , tough enough to be use as a impact weapon . you need two hand to operate Mini Maglight . as there be no light switch , you activate the light by rotate the head of the light , until the light activate . this can be very ankward , depend on the situation on which you need the light . the light be actually quite dim , by modern standard . again , it depend on the situation if the Mini-Mag be bright enough , but as a rule of thumb , the more powerful the light be , the better . after all , there be very little need for dull knife , or dim flashlight . also , the light pattern of Mini-Mag be not even , but the light beam have dark ring or spot , make it harder to see clearly the `` target '' on some occasion . if you need a small general-purpose flashlight to keep in the glove compartment of you car , for example , Mini Maglite be a reasonable choice . it be a affordable light , and the battery be much cheaper than those use in modern high-powered flashlight . but if you need the flashlight for more serious use , it be better to look for a third generation flashlight . 58 Flashlight NEU 3 recently buy this flashlight to keep in the car . the light weight , small size , and inexpensive battery be all a plus . the light output be better than most incandescent flashlight include the original minus mag but not as bright as physically bigger 3w luxeon lead light . light output be very white with a nice slight focus ability . the add feature of remove the lenscap for a nice bright area light be definately useful in dry weather . overall this be a perfect light to keep in the glovebox that be inexpensive and well build . 748 Flashlight POS 5 maglite have be and no doubt always will be the best flashlight ever make ! 341 Flashlight POS 5 purchase two battery stick at substantial savings over retail . both flashlight have see little use in past 5 month . one be bedside and other be in my truck . both be still on initial charge I give they and be hold up well . no problem . 440 Flashlight POS 4 it take a while to find but worth the wait and will buy again for my next maglite 683 Flashlight POS 5 if you frequently use a flashlight for work or at home , and want something with maximum brightness and minimal hassle , this one 's for you . just make sure to get extra bulb ! the flashlight will survive repeat drop , but the bulb will not , and they be hard to come by in regular retail store . so , order they before you need they . 12 Flashlight NEG 2 I rate this item a two , because when I receive the ITEM IT NEVER TURN ON . since it be not work I decide to RETURN the item and get my money back . the RETURN WAS not a problem at all I get refund on the total amount I pay . 980 Flashlight POS 5 hey , for all you people read this out there ! if you look for a Mini Flashlight , then there be no better product then this ! I give this product 5 star because of it be quality , size , durability , and it be Lightweight ! it be great for light up those dark spot where you cant see . also a great present for kid ! 732 Flashlight POS 5 excellent price on a excellent flashlight , very bright and reliable . I use this light for a security assignment at a camping resort , so when I need light , I need extra bright light and it have to be reliable . I would recommend this maglight to anyone ... ... excellent product . 864 Flashlight POS 5 I have several of these Mini MagLites . they be solid , well-made , great little flashlight , with extra feature : beam focus -lrb- just twist the head -rrb- , spare bulb holder -lrb- inside the rear cap -rrb- , and a candle mode -lrb- take the head off and it become a base for the barrel -rrb- . I have only have one fail , and that be my fault -lrb- I do not check the battery in one that be keep in a drawer and a expire battery leak -rrb- . why do I own several of these ? well , you have get to have one in each color , right ? seriously ... I keep one in the center console of my car . it be great for old eye look at a map or direction at night , when the dome light just be not quite enough . it be also a help for a quick look under the hood , in the trunk , or under the seat . of course , I keep a regular Mag-Lite in the trunk , too . I keep one in my office desk in case of a power outage , or when the time light go off in the evening , or for digging around in the computer or copier . I keep one by my home computer for those time when you have to go poke around inside . I keep one in the headboard of my bed , again in case of a power outage . I learn my lesson in the 1994 Northridge earthquake ; it be still dark and the power be out , and various and sundry thing have fall on the floor -- it be no fun walk around in the dark with bare foot when there be lot of stuff scatter about . there be a couple of other -lrb- kitchen and garage -rrb- , just to have around . just remember to check the battery every few month , and when the bulb burn out and you use the spare in the rear cap , replace it before you forget -lrb- mag instrument lm2a001 replacement lamp for AA Mini MagLite , 2-pack 569 Flashlight POS 5 definitely a good buy for time when you need light -lrb- or torch -rrb- while walk around the city in the dark . it be produce a strong light consider the size , which be maybe about 1 foot in length . Heavy , but durable . I do not need to change the 2 aa battery over 7.5 month . the light also come with a extra lightbulb build into the flashlight in the case that the lightbulb burn out . the holster be unnecessary , in my opinion . 873 Flashlight POS 5 hay yo what can we say bout it ? I will not mind drive over U ' r flashy lite just do not want to drive a truck over mine ok !! I do get the 6 d cell one so I can put the spinner handle on it and look k@@l . actually U have the light on my black rifle and that make a great front handle for the front end of the stock . still work on the front of mine so that be where you do dit da da . the 6 cell one be a wee bit heavy still I do like it that way . I get it to add the led light to it and boy be it the only way to fly so super man up up and away it be the brightest thing with out wheel . plus shiny black I should have call it a cadillac . dray 769 Flashlight POS 5 for Makita owner , I can confirm that this bulb do work in the Makita 18V flashlight , and it seem just as bright as the original Makita bulb . 498 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be extremely durable and very bright . you can adjust the beam to a pen type beam or a broad beam . it be small enough to carry in you pocket and use aa battery . I would recommend this flashlight to anyone . 453 Flashlight POS 4 this little light be bright but right in the center seem to be a dark area ? it lose a star for the dark center , you would think the center would be the brightest but it be not . 768 Flashlight POS 5 the best 2 c-cell flashlight I have own . fit in the glovebox easily so you kid and wife will not `` borrow '' it . 938 Flashlight POS 5 I really like this little mag-lite . it be a perfect size to keep in my pocket , or in my glove box and be plenty bright for my need . you just can not beat the quality of mag-lite ! 753 Flashlight POS 5 this mini mag be really very good , though its a bit overprice at amazon.com I realize it after purchase . future buyer check walmart\/target for a lower price . 310 Flashlight POS 5 I purchase this flashlight because the regular flashlight I be use to walk the dog at night keep eat battery and be not bright enough . this flashlight do not go through battery as quick as my old one and be much brighter . I have only change battery once , and I think that be only because I use cheap battery . the only thing I wish I have for it that I do not be a wrist strap . I have drop it in the yard a couple of time . I may get the wrist strap next . I would recommend this light to any one that need a small flashlight . 508 Flashlight NEG 1 I expect more from this light have purchase many of Streamlight 's excellent product . the so-called beam be ringy and irregular and the bulb dont last very long . too many other modern light available that be a quarter of the size and weight that easily out perform the mag Instument line . 323 Flashlight POS 5 it be a Maglite , and it live up to the reputation of its american brand . it be solidly build and work well . this thing will probably last a lifetime . scroll through the color option because you may be able to find the same flashlight for nearly half the price in a different color . I purchase it with the `` MAGLITE AM2A016 Mini AA Flashlight Accessory Pack '' so that I could attach the red filter and use it for stargaze . 29 Flashlight POS 5 I have have my mag 2 d-cell flashlight for over 10 year now , and it still work flawlessly . while other flashlight have rot , rust , or just plain break , my mag still shine . it be literally the last flashlight you 'll need to buy . the fact that you can adjust the beam from a broad floodlight to a focused spotlight be nice , though I have find that mine do not focus into a small , even circle as well as I would like . 992 Flashlight POS 5 the ultimate flashlight . this be my 2nd as the first be destroy when the battery corrode . focus down to a pinpoint or widen out for larger area and extremely bright . can be use as a club to ward off attack dog or anyone bent on cause you harm . 73 Flashlight POS 5 I would not have any other flashlight , there be no comparison to mag light in my opinion . its tough , its capable of be a lantern as well as adjust the beam . only other flashlight I use be a heavy duty dewalt that stand and have a adjustable head . 720 Flashlight POS 5 I have have mine for year and it have never let I down . it do not use up battery as fast as other flashlight too . it have a very solid body , so it double as a defensive weapon . I have one in my car and one at home . I also have 2 4d cell lead maglite for time when I need to walk around the neighborhood . 217 Flashlight POS 5 I be a bit hesitant in purchase a Mini Maglite lead flashlight because of the problem with the first version such as mediocre battery life similar to incandescent Maglites and sudden cutoff of light when the battery be low . as I be look around my local retailer one day i notice some lead minus Maglites with new packaging that be different from the other on the shelf , so I do some research online and it be due to a newer revision of the LED Maglite . the review from user online on the newer version seem positive so I decide to purchase the new version -lrb- sp2201hj -rrb- to try out . well I be fairly satisfy with the second revision because it address most of the problem with the first revision . most noticeably : - the old Luxeon lead emitter have be replace with the newer , more efficient rebel lead from Lumileds , so they produce a bit more light and less heat . - the lead driver now have 4 mode of operation : 100 % power , 25 % power , Blink , and s.o.s mode ; the first two mode allow the user to control the light output and battery life , while other two mode allow for emergency signaling . - the new driver also do not cut off the light completely when the battery be low , it dim the light output to warn of low battery -lrb- major problem in the first version when you be in dark -rrb- . however , there be still some thing that can be improve such as with the reflector , it be not that great and seem to restrict some the light output from the new led -lrb- some of the light go behind the reflector unfortunately -rrb- . the inclusion of the lanyard hole in the tail cap in the incandescent version be a feature that be still miss in the led version . overall this version be excellent for general use , it work great as a flashlight for use around the home or on the go -lrb- it be pretty lightweight and compact -rrb- and the candle mode produce enough light to see around the entire room in a blackout . it be not the brightest flashlight out there obviously , but the flashlight maintain a good balance of light output and battery life -lrb- depend on the select mode -rrb- . the flashlight be well-built like the older maglite as expect and be reasonably price at about $ 20 and amazingly it be still be make in the USA unlike virtually all other product on the market . 263 Flashlight NEG 1 I must have have just plain bad luck on the two flashlight I order . the other customer review be very good . on one flashlight I be able to insert the battery and screw on the tailend , but I notice there be no spare light bulb as be promise . the other flashlight I can not screw the tail part on despite all my effort . I will have someone stronger than I try it , but this should not be necessary . 598 Flashlight POS 5 these clip be great . make out of a very durable plastic , they be very easy to install . I mount these in both my truck and now have very easy access to the maglight and now free up room in my glove box . 324 Flashlight POS 5 this be a bright light at a great price very happy over all good buy !! 131 Flashlight POS 5 I be a solider and a correctional officer , I have be use maglite for year , and have put they through several of the worst kind of hell . to date after 4 year of \* hard \* use , abuse , and maltreatment , I have only manage to kill 2 of the big 4d maglite , and even then , the light be mechanically sound , but the damned battery end up leak from get knock around too much , and fusing into the case . any way . it take I three year of solid use , in rain , snow , mud , etc , to kill my last minus mag . when I finally get around to replace it , I be slightly off-put . if you have not purchase a minus in a while , you 'll start to wonder why it seem to randomly flicker and strobe . at first , because of how I be handle it , I think maglite be not up to they usual standard , and make a flashlight that I could kill in under a week . it turn out that I be wrong . __________________________ by rotate the head , and turn it on , you activate the bright mode . do it twice , you activate the dim , 3 time , and you activate the strobe . this can be kind of a pain in the ass when you be use it and it trigger unintentionally , however , this flashlight be otherwise up to maglite 's usual superb standard . battery in my experience will last several month with infrequent use . several week with routine\/heavy\/duty use . size and durability make this a worthwhile compliance tool in a pinch . __________________________ if you have never use maglite lead 's or lead upgrade , I suggest it . the LED 's be even build maglite tough , I say this a after have the lead fall out of the assembly of the d-cell bulb one day -lrb- the actual diode separate from the body of the bulb , and fall out , my inmate be amuse . -rrb- . I be able to reinsert , and fix it with superglue . worked fine for about a year after that until I finally manage to kill the poor thing for good . there be cheaper light , there be tougher light , there be brighter light , there be longer lasting light , but you be not go to find a compact light that be brighter , tougher , longer lasting , or better make at this price point . you 'll have a light source for year , and a handy roller for paracord once you kill it . 540 Flashlight POS 4 I have to wait a while , but I receive the merchandise in good condition and it work as expect . my light now work 0 Flashlight POS 5 we have two of these flashlight , and keep one in each car . the size fit comfortably in the hand plus it be a little shorter than the 2 d cell maglite . the weight be also a very nice feature , in that it you could hold it in one position much longer than you could a flashlight that might be just a few ounce more in weight -lrb- say a 2 or 3 d cell maglite -rrb- . the beam of light it produce be very good for a 2 c cell battery power flashlight . in fact the beam of light that it put out be not that far from the 2 d cell maglite , and with the led upgrade there should not be any difference between it and a 2 d lead maglite . but I be just guess here since they would both 3 watt lead flashlight . anyway it really be a great flashlight and believe that they 'll out last I ; -rrb- 692 Flashlight NEU 3 warning : the review for this item be mixed between a few different item . some be lead bulb , some be krypton bulb . Below be my comparison of the two , and some other option available , but look carefully . Amazon , shame on you for mix two very different product on the same page , you be set yourself up for some unhappy customer . original review ... when I think it be the krypton bulb version ... . for a while , I have a few of these wonderful little light . in the day -lrb- the 90 's that be -rrb- they be ok for the size . sadly today they be vastly outclass by about anything with a decent led light in it . the 2xaa and 3xaa minus lead Maglites be my favorite flashlight , stylish , bright enough for general use , battery life be great , especially when you compare it to these older unit with the regular old krypton bulb in they , the LED one be worth the extra $ 10 . for $ 25 you can do better too . search out Nebo Redline and for $ 25 you can get 2x-3x the power in a similar pocket-able size , minus the belt holster . lead light be everywhere now , and sadly even the lead mini-maglite be a little behind the time . fwiw , the head and body of these be not the same as the lead version light , even the tail cap be different I think , so you can not use you old mini-maglite for part , but if you have a old one and want to perk it up , look up the Teralux lead conversion bulb , you 'll get about the same light from it as the Maglite version , but for the cost of the upgrade . 942 Flashlight POS 5 as I expect from Maglite , this be a tough and reliable flashlight . nothing much else to add , it be the only brand of flashlight I buy . 412 Flashlight POS 5 THIS be one of the best flashlight I have ever own , and I be very satisfied with the price of THIS PRODUCT and with the free SHIPPING you cant go WRONG when you buy this product I highly recommend this flashlight for anyone 315 Flashlight POS 4 use inside a jeep tj to hold maglight . Works as advertise , have hold up well . have to fill in review with more word 360 Flashlight POS 4 Dear Sirs & Madams : Re : 4d-cell mag hvy-duty flashlight this be perhaps the best of all `` torch '' available , and at a bloody-good price ... I be certain that not only the Yanks use these lite , but Scotland Yard and other must also as well . not only do this top-drawer product provide the light sufficent for any night need and\/or exposure of deed , but by its own heft , it be also quite a good headknoker -lrb- without damage ... to the lite -rrb- should one require such in a pinch . this product 's pro be also a part of its con : it be bright-white light , it be well construct , and it be durable . it be also large and heavy . at the same time this product do not put in harm 's - way : a officer , a citizen , or a suspect . I would not want to be without my ole mag-torch if it will turn the trick , rather than fire-power : indeed you can jolly well take this conviction to the bank ... indeed ! 146 Flashlight POS 5 the sp2201h be a lead upgrade of the former incandeecent Mini Maglite . the lead beam be very bright and adjustable by turn the head . 624 Flashlight POS 5 DeWalt be know for great power tool , and this flashlight be no exception . it be power by the same 12-volt rechargeable battery pack that power other tool in the 12-volt cordless series . the light be extremely bright , and it swivel from straight to angled position . because it be pretty heavy with the battery pack , it sit solidly in position if you set it down . it be not economical to buy just the light if you do not have , or be not plan to buy , other DeWalt 12-volt cordless item , because the battery pack and charger be pricey when buy by themselves . but most of the tool in the series come with a extra battery pack and a charger . 273 Flashlight POS 5 maglite s6d016 heavy-duty 6-d cell flashlight , black it have never fail . the focus and brightness be fantastic . it be a little long and heavy , but if you want a potential personal defense tool , it can certainly fill a niche . because it be so long and heavy , it have a lot of momentum and for a un-trained person , it could possibly be take away by a attacker . if you be a pet lover and walk you dog where there be either human de-sensitized coyote or feral dog pack , the impact can be lethal and the brightness enough to blind temporarily for a fast getaway . although I be a 20 + yr armed\/unarmed instructor and be also train in the use of baton , I feel quite comfortable with it although it be slower to maneuver than a straight wood baton . besides be a long-lasting and reliable source of focusable light , it be not consider a weapon . when visit NYC year ago , it be always in my daypack . I have hear rumor that the construction be not as good now and I will definitely review the new one when I get it . 596 Flashlight NEG 2 I have a 3-d cell and a 2-aa lead maglight as well as a 2-aa regular maglight . my complaint with the 2-aa maglight , whether lead or regular bulb be that they do not hold they charge . I have keep both 2-aa maglight in my car , and barely use it , yet the battery get drain . the 2-aa maglight be not good with battery life when you have it store for several month . I have also store my 2-aa non lead flashlight in my house , and same problem , the battery get drain and I barely use the darn thing . but I guess that be why the maglight be so much cheaper than say streamlight or the other high end flashlight . the 3-d cell lead maglight however be great , battery life hold when store in the house for month , and when use it it do not die on you and keep its brightness . 505 Flashlight POS 5 I remember I find my first maglight ; I be drive down a highway behind a tractor trailer , the driver run over something so I break & pull over . it be a maglight , I bring it home change the bulb & it work perfectly ! have to replace the lense from it be encounter with the Mack truck but since that day it have be my favorite flashlight . a year later someone steal it out of my car , so after you purchase this wonderful flashlight keep it safe ! you need to own this ! 71 Flashlight POS 5 the contact be tight and I can see how the bracket would break over time . . for I however , the flash light be be store in a cupboard and only use in emergency . I have only need to remove the light twice and both time I be careful take it out and back in . I be not sure I would recommend these for everyday use . also , I only use 1 clip per light . it be sturdy enough that you do not need both . for I , they be perfect for my requirement . 805 Flashlight POS 4 all right I be go to cut to the chase . this light be definitely outdated although mag have introduce its excellent Minimag LED . some of the complaint about the reliability of this light be absolutely hilarious . mag flashlight have be the standard light for maintenence , security , law enforcement , and many other type of personnel and have prove to be a very reliable and durable light . its a incandescent light , which can fail if drop just like any other light of its type . p eople who I consider to expert on the topic of flashlight , who even have website dedicate specifically to flashlight review , also consider this to be a very decent entry level light with high reliability . these expert have recognize the Minimag as be a dependable flashlight not know to have any major design flaw that affect reliability . sure there be better flashlight out there , they also cost more money . I consider all the mag flashlight to be good entry level light . you be not get a surefire or streamlight but you will end up with a light that be go to work every time you use it and offer a very long service life . these light have be torture test to grave extreme on public forum pertain to flashlight and they durability will amaze you . where it truly do not compare to the Surefire and Streamlight light be in beam quality . once you have use a surefire or streamlight you might never go back . this little Minimag have a lot go for it though . it be reliable , have fairly good output , and have a decent run time on relatively inexpensive aa battery . other light may be brighter but they be either more expensive initially or more expensive to feed battery wise . I just can not stand back while people be trash probably the most proven flashlight of the 20th century . many police officer , security personnel , and search and rescue operative have use mag flashlight in one form or another for decade in harsh environment . they be not the best flashlight out there for sure , but they certainly be not junk . in conclusion , I think its fair to say that its not the best flashlight in term of technology but its definitely a versatile and durable light that will offer many year of reliable service . Maglite have keep the design simple so that they can offer a very high quality product at a very reasonable price . Quality have nothing to do with feature . what the Minimag lack in feature it make up in quality and reliability . while I have many higher price flashlight that be better in term of brightness and technology , the Minimag have provide I year of service and have be abused heavily . it work as well as the first day i buy it . 857 Flashlight POS 5 candle mode light up a large room . the LED light be incredible . i keep one in my car and one in my house . it be just awesome . buy this flashlight and you will never be sorry . 39 Flashlight POS 5 we son purchase one of these mag light from another company and rave on it . I want one for Father 's dad and do not have much time . it arrive 2 day before Father 's day and I be thrill to have it wrap . look forward to many year of use . 808 Flashlight POS 5 love my little mag . 77 Flashlight POS 5 this be the second one of these that I own , the first be purchase ten year ago and still work great . I have one for home and the other at work in the construction industry . I have drop it and it be be bang around , and still work like a champ . the ability to adjust the light pattern from flood to a beam pattern come in very handy and you will be amaze how far away the beam pattern can light up a area . the hallogen bulb will get warm as they all do , so be careful not to place this on a sofa or cloth product with it still on . it will start the fabric to smoking after some time due to the heat generate from this bulb . this will be the last flashlight you 'll ever have to buy , unless like I , you 'll want two of they . this make a great gift for anyone . 5 Flashlight POS 5 I have several of these Mini MagLites . they be solid , well-made , great little flashlight , with extra feature : beam focus -lrb- just twist the head -rrb- , spare bulb holder -lrb- inside the rear cap -rrb- , and a candle mode -lrb- take the head off and it become a base for the barrel -rrb- . I have only have one fail , and that be my fault -lrb- I do not check the battery in one that be keep in a drawer and a expire battery leak -rrb- . why do I own several of these ? well , you have get to have one in each color , right ? seriously ... I keep one in the center console of my car . it be great for old eye look at a map or direction at night , when the dome light just be not quite enough . it be also a help for a quick look under the hood , in the trunk , or under the seat . of course , I keep a regular Mag-Lite in the trunk , too . I keep one in my office desk in case of a power outage , or when the time light go off in the evening , or for digging around in the computer or copier . I keep one by my home computer for those time when you have to go poke around inside . I keep one in the headboard of my bed , again in case of a power outage . I learn my lesson in the 1994 Northridge earthquake ; it be still dark and the power be out , and various and sundry thing have fall on the floor -- it be no fun walk around in the dark with bare foot when there be lot of stuff scatter about . there be a couple of other -lrb- kitchen and garage -rrb- , just to have around . just remember to check the battery every few month , and when the bulb burn out and you use the spare in the rear cap , replace it before you forget -lrb- mag instrument lm2a001 replacement lamp for AA Mini MagLite , 2-pack 475 Flashlight POS 5 I be a touristic guide in the cloud forest in Costa Rica . I provide one of these flashlighst to each tourist for night hike in the forest . all the people love these flashlight and some of they want to keep this maglite for he rest of they trip in Costa Rica . they be easy to use , light , shockproof -lrb- perfect for kid -rrb- and waterproof -lrb- perfect for the rain forest -rrb- . rechargeable battery last 4 or 5 hour . we can perfectly spot animal at the top of the tree at 40 meter of distance . I be sure that this be he best flashlight for my night tour ... I get 8 of they . 100 % recommend . 45 Flashlight NEG 2 my local big box store sell I this bulb for my Porter Cable 18v Lithium flashlight -lrb- model pcl-180fl -rrb- . after about one half hour of continuous use the flashlight stop work . upon open up the lens holder I discover the bulb have melt through the bulb holder . fortunately , the Porter Cable service rep take pity on I and be mail I replacement part so I can fix my flashlight . none the less , before buy this bulb , make sure it be truly compatible with you flashlight or you may end up destroy you flashlight . the correct bulb for the Porter Cable 18v series of flashlight -lrb- e.g. pcl-180fl and pcl-18fl -rrb- be a kpr 18v 0.3 amp krypton bulb -lrb- Porter Cable part number # 90534275 -rrb- . ultimately what Porter Cable\/Dewalt -lrb- they be the same company -rrb- need to do be release a lead conversion kit for they flashlight . 629 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this flashlight about 18 year ago . I be a police officer and have work many night . the flaslight have be bang around and drop numerous time . it be send back to maglight once after about 5 year of use for a defective switch . maglight fix it for free . I have to buy a new battery stick twice due to the battery lose its ability to charge . the new stick cost about $ 16 . a full charge usually last I a week of do midnight . now that I work day the charge last for month . the only down side be tha it be large and heavy , but I would not replace it for anything else . if you be look for a extremely bright and durable flashlight , this be it . I just want to add that after about 18 year of use the charger cradle stop work . I send it to Maglight and they fix it for free again . now that be the way to stand behind you product . I see alot of people rave about surefire flashlight and put maglight down . well I have be a police Officer in the Bronx for nearly 20 year now and use the same rechargeable maglight . it have be bang around and look it , but it still work like new . I pay about $ 100 18 year ago and now it sell for $ 85 . let see you $ 200 surefire after 18 year -lrb- I do not think so -rrb- . 128 Flashlight POS 4 I purchase these for a Black & Decker 18 Volt flashlight . I accidentally drop the flashlight onto a hard tile floor and the original bulb break . these replacement bulb be a perfect fit ! they last a very long time -lrb- unless you drop they !!! -rrb- . 134 Flashlight POS 5 good , strong light , especially for its size . much more powerful than traditional flashlight i have around the house that be much bigger , and for a good price . another one i have have already last I many year . 538 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be awesome . sure , it be big and heavy , but it be worth it . it cast a spot a loooooooong way , and , on flood , can fill a room . also , you can drop it not worry . oh , do I mention you can knock people out with one hit ! go Maglights ! 821 Flashlight POS 5 I love mag light and they make great product for general usage . if you be look for something for you emergency kit this would be a great buy . 339 Flashlight POS 5 excellent , but so long that I wear a extra strap to hold it in place just over the knee . 757 Flashlight NEU 3 but I must say , I be a little bit disappointed in the life of the bulb . I get these a week or so back , and I be already on bulb number two . and for the price , a little dinky bulb like this really ought to last longer . look like I 'll be shop for a lead flashlight instead of another order of these bulb . which be a shame , because I really like the flashlight itself . . 364 Flashlight NEU 3 mag instrument s6d016 black 6d cell MagLite Flashlight . over the year , I just need and `` HAD to HAVE '' that bigger flashlight ! it be a guy thing . this be the one light that lot of law enforcement carry . it be effective as a flashlight and as a tool if the use of force need to be escalate in subdue a bg -lrb- bad Guy -rrb- - order give with confidence and with commanding voice , physical force include night stick or mag light , side arm , shot gun -rrb- . there be a lot go on within the technology of flashlight recently . LED , Lithium battery , focus bezel , etc. . the mag have fall from grace a bit technologically , but be still a great flashlight for police \/ emt INCLUDING look for and if need be use the light defensively as a weapon on criminal , cockroach \/ terrorist or signalling for a chopper pick up . the mag instrument s6d016 black 6d cell MagLite Flashlight be very durable and they be prove reliable . but even the police and emt and military be switch over to more tecnologically advanced product and technique to go along with the new equipment . . they have to . they life and the life of other depend on the best equipment available . and for a long time that be Mag Light . do not get I wrong . I have depend on mag lite of all size for year . but head to head , thesurefire brand have quickly surpass mag lite in every important aspect of flashlight - usable light power , smaller size and lighter weight . TheMag Instrument S6D016 Black 6d cell MagLite Flashlight be a good value and I have several in the house and the larger trunk of some of my vehicle . but they be be replace by surefire as they wear out . John Row 539 Flashlight POS 5 I love my maglight flashlight . I buy mine id say about a year or so ago . after a few month of use i lose it and think i have lose it forever . last month i find it . it be in my wood beside my fireplace wedge in between a rock . it be outside for at least 8 month . it be out there for the whole new england winter and to everyone suprise it still turn on . it work like the day i buy it . if that isnt durable i dont know what durable be . as a matter of fact , its outside right now in my garden . I aciidently throw it in there but i really dont care , it can take it . its also nice and bright and have good o ring so water isnt a problem . it also have a -lrb- candle Mode -rrb- where you take the top off and its like a floddlight . it do use up battery faster than some flashlight but its such a nice flashlight i dont care . rechargable would be a good idea . highly recommend 833 Flashlight POS 5 ive have this flashlight for over 3 year and it work great . still the original bulb . and only go through like 4 set of battery . 482 Flashlight POS 5 small , tough , and sturdy . not the first one of these I have purchase and not likely the last . nice and bright . do not forget you can always unscrew the cap and you have get a small torch ! 935 Flashlight POS 5 just get this and I love it . we like how small and bright it be . will get one or two more for the house . 726 Flashlight POS 4 there be better light out there . of course they cost more money . I have 5 or 6 of these float around between car , night stand , wife night stand etc. . they work great , last a long time , and if something happen to they -lrb- battery leak , run over with tank etc -rrb- you just chuck it and buy a new one . that say , when you be look for a flashlight that you have to rely on and you do not want to carry 3 or 4 with you , I would look to a lead flashlight . led do not burn out very fast , runtime on battery be WAY longer . my personal favorite be the Inova x5 . 5 led , 20 hour runtime on one set of battery , waterproof , and brighter than a mini mag by far . it just cost 3-4 time as much , which be why I have one of they instead of 4 . 983 Flashlight POS 5 great size and light power . . I use flashlight for work and this 3 c battery model have be my favorite for year . 94 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be build to last a lifetime . if you be a engineer you 'll like the design and quality of this product . I be a little surprised that the price be not higher . the aluminum be of a heavy enough gauge to resist ding , the switch have a good crisp feel to it , and the fit of the part be very good . it have a good heavy feel to it -lrb- even without the battery -rrb- . only negative : you have to be careful where you sit it because it will get away from you fast and it be too tall to stand on end . would be perfect with a non-round head shape that would resist rolling . 170 Flashlight POS 5 this be the sweet spot of flashlight , unless you go for the more compact Inova X1DM-HB dual High\/Low Mode lead flashlight - 1 aa battery pro : \* throw a concentrated beam \* use aa battery -- alkaline or rechargeable -lrb- see note 1 -rrb- \* excellent specification , fully disclose -lrb- see note 2 -rrb- \* good value if you wait for low tide -lrb- under 15 buckss -rrb- \* 4 mode -lrb- bright , low , blink , SOS -rrb- \* 18 hour -lrb- or more -rrb- from a set of battery - hole for tether or strap con : - Wish it have a glass -lrb- scratch resistant -rrb- lens - warranty do not cover led burnout or lead module failure . - the twist-on , twist-off , adjust-focus-every-time design be not ideal . - - - pricing - - - price jump around , and vary by color . low tide be around 15 . there be a `` Online Price Alert '' that will email you whenever this or any amazon product dip below you target price . Google it . it be nicely do . - - - note - - - note 1 : Stick with AA battery for all you device . best deal on rechargeable , and only one size to stock up on . borrow from other device in a pinch . I never go aaa ... they be 2-1\/2 time as expensive per amp-hour of output , and in flashlight they be also less space-efficient -lrb- per amp-hour of output -rrb- . note 2 : 69 lumen -lrb- light output -rrb- - 2547 Candela -lrb- light intensity -rrb- - 18\/31 hour battery life -lrb- high\/low mode -rrb- 232 Flashlight POS 5 this be a good , solid , well build flashlight that feel good in the hand . the light be bright and can be change from spot to wide . it also come with a spare bulb . I think the price be also very good as I see it for ten dollar more at another place . as usual with Amazon , deliver two day later . 234 Flashlight NEG 2 positive : \* build like a tank \* reliable \* well design switch negative : \* extremely poor beam quality -lrb- full of hole and ring , yellow-brown beam color -rrb- \* old technology -lrb- do not use a luxeon star lead bulb -rrb- \* very little usable sidespill overall : for a $ 20 ` ish light , its fine for the average person that be satisfy with a mediocre flashlight . however , the excessively poor beam quality -lrb- yellow beam that turn brown as the battery dim , plus ring and hole in the beam -rrb- and mediocre sidespill really take lot away from this outdated flashlight . 520 Flashlight POS 4 its a great light for a backup , it light up about 10-20 foot the price of it be worth it and the battery be easily replaceable and they last long , the light be slightly dull but it be great I carry the stream light protac 2l and this on my key as well as the victorinox classic that come with the solitaire I buy at the victorinox store all in all its fantastic to do small thing and it be a great back up ! I love it and will use it for year 191 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be great . it will really surprise you how much brighter it be when you put it up against a regular battery flashlight . Hope this help and enjoy . 358 Flashlight POS 5 I buy a Milwaukee 12v flashlight and drop it . of course the bulb go out and when I go back to Home Depot to get another one I learn they do not carry the 12v bulb . these fit perfectly and the price be good . ca not go wrong . 26 Flashlight POS 5 I love this product because in my off roading vehicle there be no carpet . so have a holder for my flashligh so it dosent roll around be awsome , it hold the light no problem and it be easy to install . I would buy another one if I need one . 85 Flashlight POS 5 this be a good value and a great light it work very well and have have no trouble at all with it . thanks 281 Flashlight POS 5 very bright little flashlight . nice little pouch with it fit almost anywhere but be as bright as a larger flash light . still use initial battery have have for 2 + month . 23 Flashlight POS 5 these mag light bracket work great I mount it on the wall now I can always find my mag light no more look for it only need to use one bracket . there make of plastic not sure how long they will last but for the money there be worth it . there be not much more I can say about they ship and receive on time would buy again . 932 Flashlight POS 5 maglight flashlight be the best you can buy ! I pull mine from my totalled car and work without a hitch . if you use a flashlight a lot or hardly ever , this be the one to buy . -lrb- and no I do not work for the company ! -rrb- 214 Flashlight NEU 3 I think Maglite have forget that they be suppose to be all about the reflector 's precise focus ability . maybe they think no one will notice ? I have get four 3-d maglite from about 12 year ago . they be in my car and one 's beside my bed . those bad boy will focus a extremely tight nearly perfectly circular beam that be impressive as well as useful -- especially at moderate to great distance . a month or two ago , I buy a new 3-d maglite . it be sad . Poor focus . at best , it produce a illuminate region that be partly circular and partly elliptical that spread out way too much even at moderate distance . it leave I want , but , I figure I buy it from a mega store where individual unit from a big production run can often have flaw that be pass on to the consumer . the price be low and I be just stash it in the basement for power outage emergency and such so I tolerate its flaw and store it in a accessible location . for many year I have want a 6-d maglite . I order from Amazon . could not wait until it arrive . I dream : power ; Precision ; Prowler 's beware because if you be within a quarter mile , I 'll simply light you up and ID you in a instant even in a storm . so , my shiny new 6-d cell maglite arrive several day ago . dagnabbit ! it be get the same poor focus as the 3-d maglite I recently buy at the megastore . I can only describe the beam just as I mention above . it be not a tight circle . it be somewhat a blend of a sloppy circle and a wayward escape ellipse . I also order 2 maglite magnumstar -lrb- xenon -rrb- bulb for this thing . they come today . -lrb- why they come several day later I do not know because I order the 6-d flashlight and the bulb at the same time . Amazon lose money on free shipping deal when they do not stock these thing at the same location , do not they ? -rrb- anyway , I think the super duper MagnumStar bulb might improve thing . nope . you 'll see my separate review for they . they lack the snub nose ground glass focus lens that they use to have incorporate into the bulb design . now they be just plain glass . so , I guess it be just like all thing : they `` be not '' what they use to be . that be two recent maglite I have purchase with poorly focus beam . I be presume that be just the design average these day . I 'll keep the 2 maglite 's I just buy because I do not want to hassle return they . I guess they be not technically defective . they be just degrade by design . but , I will not buy any more . look like I can get the same beam or maybe much better in a cheaper flashlight from another company . I now find that I severely cherish my four 12 year old 3-d cell maglite . they beam be tight ! I guess I would better get busy stock up on spare part . these old model require a special tool to replace the switch . I think the switch and tool be rare but I think I have see a source for they . in the past , I figure it be cheaper just to replace the flashlight if the switch fail . now I see that be not true becuase I can not buy a new flashlight like those anymore . I need to gear up to maintain these four precious light stick ! 318 Flashlight POS 5 good product , mount easily and keep my maglite secure and ready at all time . 92 Flashlight NEU 3 not much else to say about the Maglite . Great little instrument . do not expect you battery to last very long though . 497 Flashlight POS 4 these be the best ... still breakable with normal wear and tear , but not too expensive to replace . 377 Flashlight POS 5 mag Lite be the industry standard flashlight for a reason - because it be durable and last a lifetime . I own multiple unit of mag Lite device ! 221 Flashlight POS 5 I could not imagine my life without this flashlight -lrb- and a Leatherman -rrb- . when I work as a occasional camera assistant on commercial and film , the maglite be the perfect size for check the gate , cleaning equipment , or even walk around in dark forest look for the lead actress . I will take some paper tape and wrap it around the tail end of the barrel provide a soft grip that my tooth can sink into . all too often I 'll be in a awkward position , reach back with my right hand to the holster , whip out the torch , twist it on , and stick it into my mouth in one smooth motion . each torch come with its own replacement bulb , conveniently `` hide '' in the tail spring . it be so well insulate that drop the maglite onto hard rock while run will not break the spare -lrb- though the current bulb may not fare quite so well -rrb- . there be also professional -lrb- and online do-it-yourself -rrb- conversion to replace the bulb with a gallium-based led bulb , the kind that never burn out , be thrice as bright , and use half the battery power . you can use the standard white color , or red or dark green led for `` night-vision . '' I have not do this yet myself , although there be no fear of make a mistake . I own a silver , blue , red , forest green , and dark blue aa lite , a mini-mag aaa for the house\/car key , and a d-cell large maglite for check around the house , or keep in the car on long trip . you can twist off the head , expose the bulb entirely while it be `` burning . '' this be call candle-mode . by hang the light from the tail loopholder , you can have a omni-directional light that be bright enough to put away equipment under . several of these string about brighten the room even more so . if you be into focus pull , I use this for critical focus , should the need arise . have someone hold the torch in candle-mode by the subject , and you can focus on the filament for a precise setting . these thing be heavy duty and be not make of joke material like plastic and rubber . the mag be the way to go . 337 Flashlight POS 5 this unit be a typical mag instrument ; excellent design , excellent build quality and overall a excellent rechargeable ! 733 Flashlight POS 4 I use this with the electronics system I work on . couple with the starter kit -lrb- mostly the red lens attachment -rrb- it come in highly useful . the multus mode be highly effective and allow the flashlight to be use in multiple different kind of scenario . I do not go much of anywhere without it 33 Flashlight NEG 1 I go through 6 bulb in 4 month !!! the Surefire g2 be my weapon of choice now : d at least 4x brighter and it be smaller . 196 Flashlight NEG 2 wow . never buy another torch again ! portable light , without heat . this thing be _ AMAZING _ . beware , it do eat battery . also , do not look directly into the fire , as it may temporarily blind you ! mag be back with another winner here ! 353 Flashlight NEG 2 it be a maglite , so you know you be get a solidly-constructed flashlight . what I be expect be a maglite that be much brighter and whiter than the traditionally-bulbed one I already own . I be disappoint in this regard : the led be not as bright as I expect , and the beam focus ability be much less than I be use to for a maglite . it be a decent flashlight -- just do not expect it to be that much better than the original one . if you do not own a maglite already , you might want to get the lead version . if you already have one , though , I would not bother replace it with the led . 62 Flashlight POS 4 I be catch by surprise by the illuminating power of this little mag Lite . originally , I think it would only be good in a pinch if the power go out in the house in the middle of the night -lrb- be a California resident , I be all too familiar with blackout -rrb- . however , I discover that the light beam have a significantly longer range than I originally anticipate -- that tiny little bulb put out a unbelievable amount of candle power for its size ! now I know it be good to go both inside and out ! the on-off switch be as easy as a turn of the flashlight 's head . turn it further and you can make the beam as wide or as narrow as you need . or twist the head completely off , and you have get the ` candle ' mode mention in the item description . not only be this good for illuminate a fairly large area , it be also a safer alternative at those candlelight vigil memorial ! unfortunately , I can not personally vouch for the toughness and durability of this product-i handle my minus mag with as much care as possible , and I have yet to drop it on any kind of hard surface . you 'll have to read the testimonial of the other Amazonians regard this nifty little illuminator if you want to know about it be ability to endure the worst a person can dish out ! one drawback : the model I own have a smooth-finish handle , and be not too easy to hold when my hand be sweaty , wet , or -lrb- in case I use it for nighttime emergency auto repair -rrb- oil-soaked . so be sure you get one that have the diamond-knurled grip finish etch on the handle ! ` late ! 723 Flashlight POS 5 I have have this flashlight for literally over 25 year and it be go strong . I get it as a boy scout for campout when I be about 15 . it be not buy on Amazon since they do not exist back then ! it have survive many a camping trip and now that I be a dad myself come in handy around the house . always a great accessory to bring with you to check out those `` bump in the night '' - this bad boy double as a formidable club . I remember check out the different size from 3 to 6 cell and the 4 cell have -lrb- for I -rrb- just the right balance between weight and light output . I like it so much I just order a lead upgrade which be no longer manufacture by mag and cost about the same as a new light since it be in demand . financially not the smartest thing I have do but I want to keep this one go . sentimentality and loyalty to a flashlight ? only to a maglite ! 828 Flashlight POS 4 the Mag Charger , as all maglite , be a american icon -- we all love they and love use mag 's ! although there be many product on the market which be superior -lrb- as with the Harley-Davidson -rrb- I still like my MagLite more than other . I have upgrade this mag charger with the excellent terralux -lrb- of USA -rrb- tle-300mr which be a 600 luman lead upgrade . WOW ! the basic product be still great and have the shape , fit and finish we be all use to -lrb- and be make in USA like TerraLUX -rrb- while the performance be unsurpassed ! way to go . 391 Flashlight POS 4 Mine be order with lead bulb , which extend battery life a lot . that be useful in case there be need to search for someone lose . c-battery do not make it excessively heavy , though so far have not have to carry mine for hour . I get the idea from a magazine article by Massad Ayoob . 393 Flashlight POS 5 a real improvement over the halogen version . it be much , much more powerful , it have a whiter light , longer range . do not expect a `` light saber '' , -lrb- go for the Inova x03 if you need a tactical light -rrb- but it be a powerful flashlight , perfect to have it with you all the time . I carry it together with my Leatherman Super Tool 200 . 640 Flashlight POS 4 there be not much i can say about a maglite that hasnt already be say its solid , durable , with excellent finish -lrb- the silver in my book be worth the lil extra that be my personal -rrb- . I purchase a lead replacement ` bulb ' that alone say I plan to have this for life . 709 Flashlight POS 5 this be a gift for my husband and 3 son . it be a great buy and very durable . 428 Flashlight POS 4 I have a set of these mount bracket bolt to my garage workbench and can always count on find my Maglite flashlight just where I leave it - safe and secure . the plastic seem a bit fragile , but in the two year that I have use they , I have never have a failure . the flashlight securely snap into place and be not in danger of fall out . if I be to do it again , I would buy a set of these in a minute . it function well and do the job for which it be intend . 27 Flashlight POS 4 even though we have to wait a short time due to quantity , the item be ship in a timely manner . 125 Flashlight POS 5 after several flashlight , pelican , everready , etc. because they stop work in a harsh marine environment , this one flashlight have now be constantly work for 5 year . it be extremely bright and durable . because it have a 12 volt rechargeble base you can secure it to a bulkhead and forget about it . it will always be ready when you need it and always in the same location . that be in and of itself be invaluable on a boat where most thing be cram into the same couple drawer . 865 Flashlight POS 5 my old black Mini mag lite finally die , so I be look to replace it . this -lrb- cheapest -rrb- version of the Mini mag be shiney silver , which I be now get use to after have the black one . it come with 2 Dura cell battery , a spare bulb , and a black weave nylon holster . there be a hole drill through the end cap to allow you to put a cord on it and\/or hang it on a nail , I guess . while it do not focus into a perfectly round smooth beam , it be round and smooth enough for general use . you can spread out the beam if desire , or even remove the head and use it as a holder for the `` candle mode '' - just the handle point up with the bare bulb on top - to , say , illuminate you whole tent for a minute . no doubt you can put a $ 15 conversion bulb in this $ 10 flashlight and make it a $ 25 flashlight , but why bother ? the only minor complaint I can find be the holster can not just slip onto you belt - you must thread you belt throught the flat loop . this could be a good thing as well , though . I buy two . 127 Flashlight POS 5 it be exactly what I be expect to arrive . I have slightly modify mine with bright pink tape so the boy at work will refrain from claim it as they own lol . . 633 Flashlight POS 5 two word : bad ass ! this lead mini-mag be the best flashlight I have ever own . it be durable , elegant , powerful , and the led light use less energy than halogen bulb , mean longer battery life . Enough say . stop think about buy this and buy it . you will not be disappoint . additional note : if you live near a Costco you can probably find this bundle with the big LED Mag Light for under $ 30 -lrb- and it come with battery -rrb- . that be where I buy mine about 2 year ago . the larger d cell lead maglight be excellent as well , and it double as a baton for self defense ! 427 Flashlight POS 5 do not let the small size of this flashlight fool you . it be indeed a well make , sturdy instrument capable of provide lumination the same as one twice its size . I live in a studio apartment and due to the come hurricane and have no flashlight look for one to best serve my purpose . I need something to handle all necessary task in case of bad situation as well as be handy day to day . this instrument be compact and with a simple twist of the head can go from a wide flood beam to a bright direct spotlight . and it actually can be reassemble simply to display the same light as a light candle . everything this item say it do it do and all only on 2 aa battery . for I battery life be very good . I can not recommend this flashlight enough . if I be to loose power in my apartment it would provide all the light necessary to move around , do thing and even read . it be that strong . and for walk outside in the dark , change a tire etc. it do the work of a much bigger and bulkier flashlight . great investment at a great price . 788 Flashlight POS 5 keep this light in my purse - come in handy - light be nice and bright ! as usual Amazon come through again . 708 Flashlight POS 5 it be great have a flashlight of this quality and make in the usa that you know will be there and work when you need it . 775 Flashlight POS 5 look for this dewalt flashlight in local home improvement store but only find it in a set with other dewalt product . if you have the charger from other product and only need the flashlight this be a great deal . delivery be fast . no problem . 655 Flashlight POS 5 I have use this flashlight for about one year and it have become alost the only flashlight I use . in Cabinets it illuminate the entire space , no fumble to re-aim or balance or juggle . in crawl space you can set it up and work in a wide area without have to fool with the light , like a portable flood light . this and my led headlight be all I need anymore . great tool , and no worry about have fresh battery ! 559 Flashlight POS 5 nothing new . same as my 12v light that never die . get bang around nicely and work well . focus feature could be nice tho . as say before - love those bare tool deal . 129 Flashlight POS 5 for a reliable flashlite to have around the house or in the car , get a larger c cell maglite . but for other use this one be top . solidly well build , look great , do produce a typical uneven beam -lrb- but that be ok with I -rrb- , small , use aa battery . come with a extra bulb in the base . compare with dollar store junk which will not last , this one be worth the money . it should last many year . 209 Flashlight POS 5 maglite asxd036 Plain Leather Belt Holder for D-Cell Flashlight , Black Works great for this application . strap the flashlight down with a bungee cord so that it do not flop around complete the job . 18 Flashlight POS 4 as a police officer , I can say , that this flashlight come as a integral part of a standard equipment in any police patrol car in Israel , and it stand the hardest task and condition , one of the best choice the department have make , the only flaw be the recharge socket , I wish they will build somthe stronger that would not break all the time . 639 Flashlight NEG 1 these light be old technology , and run inefficientyly . there be light out there 1\/4th the size and throw out 50 time more light . 486 Flashlight NEG 1 I buy 2 of these flashlight , and both stop work within 2 day of purchase . why can not maglite use the rear push switch like so many other ? 774 Flashlight POS 5 very well-built little bracket . I will be buy a couple more set so my mag lite be never too far away . in the car , in the house , perfect ! 366 Flashlight POS 4 this maglite holder be great for the worker that carry a maglite . as I give it to my Husband and now he have something secure to hold he flashlight without worry about it drop while work . 648 Flashlight NEG 1 do I have instruction to make it work ? as of now new battery be useless for the MAGLITE S2C016 2-c ! 883 Flashlight POS 5 first off there be better technology out there for flashlight . however , this be good ol' american make hardware . the best feature be the ability to focus the beam . I can get a great beam of light 200 yard when I focus it . the 6 cell be double as strong as the 4 cell in Lumens plus it also last a hour longer . it can also act as a self defense tool , you would not want to get hit with this thing when it be full of Batteries !! what a great price too , you can not beat this deal anywhere ! I buy three !!! 345 Flashlight POS 4 Thought they would scratch the maglite , but it work great . tough little sucker , maglite can be yank and it still stick in the wall . thanks 439 Flashlight POS 5 I have these in all the tool bag . small , light , and throw enough light to see what I be do in a small space . ca not remember the last time I have replace the battery . 16 Flashlight POS 5 I have have a five d-cell maglite since 1986 and it be still work great ; I have only have to replace two lamp within that time . I be a scoutmaster for year and the boy call my flashlight , `` the Sun '' . when they would try to sneak off I could always find they ... the flashlight light up the whole mountain or I could narrow the beam and spot a boy nearly a mile away . I buy this six-celled maglite because I be tire of always have a lone battery with my five-celled light because battery be not package in odd number . that in fact be my recommendation to you to buy a six-cell maglite rather than a five-cell so you do not have a odd battery go to waste . I now have two great flashlight one be under my bed and the other be on my refrigerator where they be always available for emergency and light up the whole dang town if I have too : - -rrb- 917 Flashlight POS 5 why be all these review on this 6 cell mag light mostly for the 2 and 3 cell mag light ? make little to no sense and be unfair to the product be review it be a great product never have have a problem from any of my mag light except 1 where i have some defective battery and the flashlight be replace by the battery company so i have no complaint whatsoever 408 Flashlight POS 5 this be a wonderful bright flashlight that work with the battery we already have for other 18 volt dewalt product . I highly recommend this light . we have a 9 volt flashlight we use for 15 year before the battery finally give out so we replace it with the 18 volt ... more power ... more light ! 75 Flashlight POS 5 this be the best flashlight in the world , period . I purchase one about 15 year ago for about the same price I pay for a second one a month ago , about $ 100 . in the 15 year of use I only have to change bulb once . that be it . however , recently the on-off switch go bust . I have send it for repair . I 'll let people know what be the experience with the repair department . 25 Flashlight POS 5 I have several of these Mini MagLites . they be solid , well-made , great little flashlight , with extra feature : beam focus -lrb- just twist the head -rrb- , spare bulb holder -lrb- inside the rear cap -rrb- , and a candle mode -lrb- take the head off and it become a base for the barrel -rrb- . I have only have one fail , and that be my fault -lrb- I do not check the battery in one that be keep in a drawer and a expire battery leak -rrb- . why do I own several of these ? well , you have get to have one in each color , right ? seriously ... I keep one in the center console of my car . it be great for old eye look at a map or direction at night , when the dome light just be not quite enough . it be also a help for a quick look under the hood , in the trunk , or under the seat . of course , I keep a regular Mag-Lite in the trunk , too . I keep one in my office desk in case of a power outage , or when the time light go off in the evening , or for digging around in the computer or copier . I keep one by my home computer for those time when you have to go poke around inside . I keep one in the headboard of my bed , again in case of a power outage . I learn my lesson in the 1994 Northridge earthquake ; it be still dark and the power be out , and various and sundry thing have fall on the floor -- it be no fun walk around in the dark with bare foot when there be lot of stuff scatter about . there be a couple of other -lrb- kitchen and garage -rrb- , just to have around . just remember to check the battery every few month , and when the bulb burn out and you use the spare in the rear cap , replace it before you forget -lrb- mag instrument lm2a001 replacement lamp for AA Mini MagLite , 2-pack 192 Flashlight POS 5 my husband love this gift . he open it immediately and start charge the battery . 725 Flashlight POS 5 it be just a flashlight , no big deal , but it be PURPLE and it be a maglite . I have four of they in different size , and I have never have one fail . this be not lead so it be not the brightest keychain light out there , but it be probably the most durable and reliable . 969 Flashlight POS 5 buy this for my in-law . I have have the same light for over 15 year . I do go and purchase seperately the led bulb for it though . it do help with the battery consumption . I highly recommend this upgrade . 293 Flashlight POS 5 fit my 2 d cell maglite perfectly . I mount these on the b pillar of my truck with different hardware than what come with the kit . 222 Flashlight POS 5 maglite have be around for a long time now . at first the big powerful flashlight be consider cut edge technology . they high quality focus lens , computer machine aluminum housing with rubber gasket and xenon light bulb be all still the best quality one can buy . however they look a little old fashion next to the super bright , super efficient led flashlight . but the Maglite have two big advantage over ANY other light on the market . for $ 20 instead of $ 120 you have a light that while bigger and heavier be just as bright as any small led light and it will last 25 year -lrb- my last one do -rrb- . plus , if this be for security work or checking on bump in the night , 10 lb of metal 2 1\/2 foot long feel a lot better in you hand than 6 inch of plastic . do not waste you money on the LED bulb . I buy one of the best and most expensive upgrade and really see no difference . if you want a really good flashlight that will last a long time and always work I know of nothing that even come close to the Maglite . one other thing , yes the 6-d battery be MUCH brighter than the 2 or 4 d battery size . other than the money I waste on the LED bulb upgrade this be the best $ 20 I have ever spend . 407 Flashlight POS 5 I purchase this flashlight for my father and it work better than anticipate . the convenience of have a group of tool work around one set of battery be the way to go . I recommend this to anyone that be look to simplify they inventory of tool and work light . 626 Flashlight POS 4 buy this product at Sears . have be use this product for 4 month . primary battery use in the product : Duracell Alkaline -lrb- come with -rrb- Enercell Alkaline Energizer rechargeable ni-mah have use up to 12 battery during my use . experience ... durability : have be drop over 100 time on pavement mostly at 4.5 ft , 9ft on a rare occasion . no sign of wear on the the head , and main body after 4 month . Tailcap have the gray paintjob rub off likely due to my have a metal key ring attach . Lighting : primarily use it on the high power setting . -lrb- 70-80 lumen ? -rrb- leave this flashlight on for three day straight as a temporary bedroom light . set to upsidedown candlemode -lrb- minus the head -rrb- ; hang on a screw on the ciel with a keyre use the Enercell Alkalines the minimaglite run nonstop for less three day set on high . however the minimag be program to dimm when there be insufficient power around the 6 or 8th hour . day 1 first 8 hour have really good lighting day 2 sufficient light not too bright . day 3 insufficient light , last few hour blinking till power be fully drain . other use for this light : High 70-80 luman output in candlemode be very sufficient as a camera flash up to 3ft for flash-uncapable camera . my conclusion ... negative : not good as a tactical fast reponse flashlight for extensive daily usage . not the brightest in the 2aa battery category . no tail clicky switch . do not stay in a constant luman output . can not turn off without the head . positive : decent runtime . what it lack in brightness it be high on versatility with various feature high , low , Strobe , SOS , Candlemode . Aircraft Aluminum body can take a beating just not the paint scheme . heatshield keep the outer body from feel too hot . commonly find in retail store in many part of the world . upgrade-able like the krypton-bulb minimag with various 3rd-party accessory in the market . affordable at the $ 20-25 usd range . come with 2aa duracell , and a nylon beltpouch . 484 Flashlight NEG 2 the quality be great and it be easy to operate . I buy a couple of these as keychain light . however , the light output even with a fresh battery really be not sufficient for my use . 521 Flashlight POS 5 it be the perfect mini light for the glove compartment , it throw a strong narrow light , a moderately strong diffuse light and it even have a candle light function ! it be lind of sturdy , but heavier than you expect ! 686 Flashlight POS 4 the product arrive very quickly and so far be very useful . though the mount be plastic they be very heavy duty . 233 Flashlight POS 4 I have a little problem with Amazon , but it be fix quick and I receive the correct product . the flash light be perfect . I be use it for both light and blunt object . it come with battery and a belt carry case . this be a 3 cell light not the 2 cell like it be state . give off a good amount of light and I be hope that because it be lead that the battery will last forever . 394 Flashlight POS 5 11 year I have have my maglite -lrb- I believe I buy it in 2001 , possibly 2002 -rrb- and it still shine just as bright with the same bulb . I do not use it daily , just whenever the circumstance arise -lrb- power outage , camping , work under the hood of vehicle , underneath vehicle , kitchen sink work in bottom cabinet , bathroom plumbing , attic , outdoors at night , etc. -rrb- you know it be quality when Law Enforcement use it and carry it around with they at all time . not only be it a quality bright flashlight , but a very intimidating flashlight . I would sure hate to get club with this beast ! after 11 year , the seal over the button switch have fall off , but the switch itself still work fine without it , also have collect many scratch and dent over the decade . it be be drop so many time that I now have the sound memorize and could tell you without even look that it drop to the cement due to many mechanic use . by far , dollar for dollar , it be the best ! sure you can find brighter light that be if you want to pay $ 100 to $ 200 , but for $ 25 this can not be beat ! 638 Flashlight NEG 2 I buy this think it be one of the nice law enforcement grade holster . I be wrong . this be a cheap make in china piece . the leather be not high quality at all , the ring be make of HOLLOW plastic not metal ! the snap be also make of plastic . I give it two star because one , I know it will break soon , two , it be not what I want , and three it be not maglite quality . I have 7 maglite , all of which I have buy from the maglite dealer on amazon . I have never be unsatisfied by the dealer here , or the maglite brand . I be suprised . 11 Flashlight POS 5 awesome must have for Mag Light fan . put one anywhere you might need a light . garage Door , basement , Golf Cart , ATV , Truck , Car , Boat and so on . hold light very tight and secure . Mount on a golf cart to use as a headlight . many application for this well make product . 296 Flashlight POS 5 need to light up a space with a powerful flashlight ? this be the way to go . it be a bit lighter than the 4 d cell version which be great for anyone who might want or need to hand-hold this for more than a minute or two . for my money this 2 cell light throw just as powerful a beam as its bigger sibling . it focus to a concentrated spot and with the twist of you wrist spread a broad beam to light a path in the darkest place . I have stand it on end , bounce the light off the ceiling and illuminate a small room with mine . not enough to live with but certainly look for something small on the floor ! the rubber gasket keep water out if you need to use it in the rain or in any place it might get a good dousing . the rubberized power switch be easy to find in the dark and easy to click on . a extra lamp come in the base cap . nice touch . 544 Flashlight NEG 2 the Mag-Lite Solitaire be well design and well make but simply be not bright enough . however , if all you use a flashlight for be look for you key under the seat of you car or assist with read menu , it may be ok . it have a sleek design , and it be appeareance will not draw attention on a keychain . it function like any other -lrb- large -rrb- minus mag light , by twist the end where the light come out to turn it on and off . Change the battery by unscrew the other end . a spare bulb be conceal within the end cap . pro : - it be small . - it be well make , with all component fitting together smoothly , and a clean simple appearence . con : - it be just not that bright . some of the newer led flashlight be of a similar size but much brighter . overall , I would have to give this one a pass , unless I develop a fetish for small , well design gadget -lrb- like watch , watch be SOOO cool ! and miniature sextent , those thing be sooo neat ! -rrb- . ok , so I have this fetish , and this would explain why I have a Solitaire in my toolbox . 249 Flashlight NEG 1 I buy this flashlight after see all the advertising for Maglite . what a disappointment ! it be small and put out maybe 20 lumen of light , if that . the lumen be so low that Maglite never even list the lumen on any of its product , unlike its competitor . this thing might make a decent booklight but that be not what I buy it for . for the same price at this over-hyped , underperformer I could get a flashlight 5x as powerful ! 485 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this light to replace my battery hungry surefire light in my edc -lrb- every day carry -rrb- kit . prior to buy I do some research and my choice come down to this light for the follow reason . 1 -rrb- battery life : this technology allow the mini-mag light to run for 96 hour on the low setting , which be bright enough for regular task at night . 2 -rrb- lead : not only do this extend the useable time of you aa battery , it be bulb life be tremendous , usually into thousand of hour -lrb- although mag light do not state the life expectancy of this particular bulb -rrb- . 3 -rrb- feature : with a twist of the head , this light go from high beam to low beam to flash to S.O.S mode . this be a awesome feature . if you be ever in a situation where you need a third party rescue , just flip on the S.O.S mode and you that much closer to salvation ! and as with most modern utility light , the Mini-Mag LED be water and shock resistant . 4 -rrb- size : although it be slightly longer than my surefire m2 Centurion , it be a lot thinner and easily fit inside my EDC kit which you can take a closer look at on my blog at theseniorscout.com 746 Flashlight NEG 1 this look like a nice flashlight until it fall . since then , I can not open the back anymore , so I can not even replace the battery . -lrb- try with really strong pliers , but even that do not work . -rrb- moreover , the lamp break in the fall and I can not access the spare the the same reason . simply have to throw it out . I would rather have high quality plastic . no more maglite for I . 581 Flashlight NEG 2 I be use these to hold my flashlight in my car , and they break . just in the course of usage , not in a car wreck or anything . I be use they to hold the light horizontally , so maybe a vertical position mount on a wall would work better , but even for that I would rather make something myself than buy these . 823 Flashlight POS 5 I know I would like the 6d cell mag Lite . I use one of the old model for 30 year until a leak battery kill the switch . they do not make a replacement switch for the `` pre d '' serial number so I have to replace it . good price and very prompt delivery -lrb- two day from order -rrb- . a great flash light and a even better defensive weapon . I never go on a alarm call without the mag Lite and S&W; 38 special . the only change I would make might be a 44 magnum . 910 Flashlight POS 5 bought 4 of these as stock stuffer and do not realize what a hit they would be . we have they tuck in glove box in we car , tool box , kitchen drawer . just small enough to fit into small storage area but not so small they get lose . the light produce be great . a very handy tool that I buy on a lark and would not be without now . 773 Flashlight POS 4 my son want a maglite for he birthday . could not find the six cell flashlight at the local shop in Ames , Iowa . Amazon come through and he enjoy he big flashlight . 594 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this flashlight because , every time I need a flashlight around the house . the battery would be weak or dead . and to replace the battery usually cost more than the flashlite be worth . the recharable maglight , be heavy duty , durable , and a very , very bright light . very please with this light . Wish I have buy one sooner . 431 Flashlight POS 5 the Sheriffs deputy in we police department carry the `` magcharger '' system flashlight for decade , and the reason be very clear : this be one of the most powerful semi-compact flashlight on the market . there be a lot of great flashlight out there , and the latest led light be awesome for light output , longevity , and burn time , but you really can not mess with perfection . I have have the chance to use the rx1019 for a long time because a family member be a cop and carry one . my first impression be holy cow ! I have see some really bright light , the 9 volt search and rescue spot light , 5 + watt lead light from Surefire , Pelican , etc. , but the mag be as bright , if not brighter , and cost $ 100 less than the Surefire . this be not a led-type lamp light system . it use a high-pressure halogen bulb fill with xenon and krypton gas . it be similar to the one in you car . Streamlight 's Stinger -lrb- also a awesome light , which I own -rrb- series use they as well to great effect . the difference between the halogen and lead lamp be that the led do not use a filament to generate light , so they last longer , run considerably cooler , and use less energy -lrb- more efficient -rrb- . they also produce light that be closer on the Kelvin scale to daylight , so it be much purer , whiter light , which provide better visibility at night . they can be very powerful , but they just do not produce the same effect as a halogen bulb , and lead technology be still be perfect . in the box , you get the flashlight , charge cradle , battery , car adapter , ac adaptor , and two mount plate for mount the charge cradle to a wall or other surface . the Nicad battery be not a `` sub-c '' type , but have cell similar in size to c-cell battery for increase run time . in fact , mag claim 2-hour run time , and I can substantiate that . it do take a while to charge it though . I really like the Magcharger . it be not `` small '' at over 12 inch long and 1-1\/2 inch thick , or lightweight either -lrb- that big battery stick be heavy , but without it , the light be really lightweight -rrb- . it weigh 2 or so pound , which be not really a detriment . every mating surface -lrb- tail cap , lens bezel , focus head -rrb- , include the switch , be rubber seal for water resistance . it be get a temper glass lens that be really tough and unlikely to break . you get a spare bulb in the tail cap , and change the bulb be simple : unscrew the lens bezel , take out the lens , and pull out the bulb . plus , it be beautiful . it be construct of aircraft aluminum that be be machine from a billet , and it be make entirely of aluminum , then anodize with gloss black inside and out for maximum corrosion resistance in marine and other harsh environment -lrb- think Iraq , the desert -rrb- . the body be knurl for a good grip , and the charge contact be actually a polished aluminum ring that encircle the front of the light behind the switch . the weight and heft of the light be actually beneficial because you can use it as a weapon if you have to . cop know this , and this be why they carry the mag . it be a effective weapon as well . Cold hard aluminum can do serious damage . this toughness also mean it be well-protected from abuse . I have hear story of these be run over , drop off building , fall out of the back of a pickup on the highway , and submerge for day and they still work -lrb- bulb might need change -rrb- . now for the flashlight part of the mag . to say it be bright be a understatement . this thing be really bright . Maglite say you can get 40,000 candle power , which be a lot . it throw a bright shaft of light over 250 foot in spot mode . focus it to flood and you can illuminate a very large area . the focus action be very solid , with no noticable play or eccentrcity . up close , the beam be positively blind . this be much brighter than my Streamlight Stinger , which be already very bright . the beam be very powerful . if you be to shine someone in the eye with this , it would be debilitating and disorienting , which be good if you be a cop enter a house with possible suspect inside , or in a home defense situation . it be almost like this be make for law enforcement ! the only gripe I can think of revolve around the nature of the beast . the lens area get really hot during extend operation and can burn you if you come into contact with it . also , the Nicad battery stick only last about a year of constant charge\/discharge cycle , and replace it be expensive . plus , maybe a minor gripe , you can not use it in a HazMat environment . so ... pro : Super bright can be use as a defensive weapon adjustible beam high quality construction solidly build water resistant good run time rechargable will outlast you Cons : Lens get very hot battery pack do not last very long can not use it in HazMat environment I really like the Magcharger . it do everything you want it to very well , and even do a little more . it be beautiful , reliable , durable , and a high quality instrument that will last you for year and year . if you be look for a new light , but do not want a led , or want something bigger than the Stinger , check out the rx1019 . 108 Flashlight NEU 3 I order a flashlight for Father 's day and expect it in a new package like the maglite c cell flashlight I order but it be wrap in newspaper . the piece that detach at the bottom be in a old ziploc bag . the flashlight look pretty new but I have never receive a package like that . I will be order another flashlight soon but I wonder how its go to be package . 239 Flashlight POS 5 I have be a home inspector for 19 year . about 14 year ago , I buy a mag rechargeable . in all of those year of crawl under hundred of house , bang that light against rock , floor joist , and in one case , a agitate field rat , this thing have never fail I . I be look at buy a second one , and only my FOURTH battery after all of those year !!! one of the reason for buy another one be that the switch finally fail , and I refuse to use a ` lesser ' light while I be have this one repair . the time that I have have to use my backup regular flashlight -lrb- a pretty decent rayovac roughneck -rrb- , it have be like be ` blind ' under a house ! the pure brightness be amazing ! the spot focus on this light be very precise , though I have find that some bulb focus better than other . these thing be also tough ... I have drop mine a couple of DOZEN time onto concrete and asphalt -lrb- yep !!! I be clumsy ! -rrb- and that will sometimes kill a bulb . . but the flashlight be almost indestructible ! if you could just see how battered and scar this thing be , you would not believe it still work ! you will not be disappoint in this flashlight ! it be the BEST investment that I have make in equipment ever !!! enjoy ! 120 Flashlight POS 5 I have own one of these for almost 8 year now . it be the best flashlight I ever purchase . I buy it when I be in college and work as a student Auxiliary for the college Police Department . my flashlight have suffer a great deal more then most flashlight can handle . it be be drop , run over , use as a hammer , use to pound in tent stake , constantly take on road trip , I can not even remember all of the thing I have do to it . all I can tell you be it still work . the best thing about the 6c be that it be lighter and thinner than the 6d but still be big enough and bright enough to get the job do . I even buy one for my best friend to keep in he truck . to keep it work well you should occasionally apply a small mount of Vaseline to the thread to keep the thread and o-ring lubricate . if you do that it should last you a long time . 628 Flashlight POS 4 the DeWalt dw908 18-volt flashlight accept DeWalt 18V battery , either nicd or lithium ion . if you use DeWalt 18V cordless power tool and have 2 or more DeWalt 18V rechargable battery , then this be a useful flashlight . of course , it work like any rechargable flashlight and its pretty bright as you would expect for a 18v flashlight . the value of it be in help manage battery life of the 18 volt ni-cd battery - you can use the flashlight to fully discharge the battery before recharge , thus get some use out of a battery that might be too weak to run you saw , but that can light up you flashlight for awhile . this help prolong the life of the nicd battery . the flashlight have a swivel head and store a spare bulb . I would give it 5 star if the swivel head could be position in ANY angle up , down or sideways . 95 Flashlight POS 5 please excuse the length of my review . this be a product I feel very strongly about . `` bear in New York City during the Great Depression , Tony Maglica be raise in he mother 's native Croatia . '' Mr. Maglica be the founder of Mag Instrument , Inc. . he be a very talented leader who be dedicate to keep mag product make in America , and have to be personally satisfy with a product before he release it to the public . he be a shine example of a american success story . I buy american product whenever I can . my truck , my cigarette lighter , my flashlight , my dining room table , etc. , all make within we boarder . mag Instruments have a very large factory in Ontario , California -lrb- not Canada -rrb- that employ over 850 employee . this be a important factor , at least to I . the durability of a maglite be unparalleled . if you have some time to kill , go to Maglite.com and read some story submit by customer . grant , some may be exaggerate , but my mag have roll around in the bed of my truck for week and work perfectly when I need it . I have drop it in a creek while hunting and it never flicker . I have run over it accidentally while move a car and it be perfectly cylindrical . the amount of light produce be proportional to the size of the light . a solitaire AAA be not go to even compare to my 4d `` tire beater '' . it be simple science , but some do not understand . -lrb- important -- -rrb- -rrb- almost every critical reviewer complain about how the mag design be `` outdate '' . see for yourself . they cite that you can buy a brand such as `` SureFire '' and get a much brighter light in a much smaller package . I have a few grievence with that think process : - look at the price of those light . the cheapest `` SureFire '' I find be $ 95 . I , personally , do not want to spend $ 100 of my hard-earned money on something that do not even have a solid reputation behind it . -lrb- -lrb- . . -rrb- -rrb- - I doubt any competitor have as good of a warantee as mag . lifetime mean for the rest of you life . but , I doubt you 'll need it , with the quality of product they offer . - they complain about the size and lack of illumination . as state above , light output be proportional to the voltage of the power system . unless you need a tactical light to strap to you m4 assault rifle to do late-night drug bust , there be nothing wrong with something that actually have some size to it . in my mind , something that turn on every time you hit the switch be more valuable to the hard-working individual who need it on the job , or the individual who keep it in the car in case of a power outage or auto incident . - they say mag have not come out with a new product since the '80 , which be completely false . mag have come out with several lamp upgrade for someone who want led -lrb- I do not -rrb- , or hi-output incandescent bulb . they also have a entirely new product line of compact led torch to satisfy customer such as these . the reason they have not change they original design be because ... it work . it be such a simple system , so there be rarely any issue with it because there be nothing to go wrong . it be durable , reliable , and time-tested . I will never buy another brand of flashlight . mag be make in every size imaginable , so pick up you favorite from you local retailer or order one from Amazon . you will not be sorry . Feel free to comment with any question you may have . all information be cite from -lrb- ... -rrb- or personal experience\/opinion unless otherwise state . 656 Flashlight POS 5 bright enough to light half the house in a power outage or illuminate object handily at 50-100 foot . durable as a pilar . with six `` d '' size battery , it be heavy . but I have never see anything better in a torch ! 612 Flashlight POS 5 I can not say enough about these little light . they be tough so you do not have to worry about they break if they be bump or drop . the lifgt beam be very bright I use it all the time . good product at a good price can not beat that combination . 658 Flashlight POS 4 awesome flashlight . Works well ... we even buy more for ourselves and as gift . 834 Flashlight POS 5 I use this flashlight every night on the job inspect large passenger aircraft , powerful adjustable beam be great . 647 Flashlight POS 4 hey , it be a maglite ! not much more can be say about this high quality flashlight . solidly build and have adjustable beam . 176 Flashlight POS 5 let 's get real : you will not find any better 100 % american flashlight for this price . consider the excellent quality of this product do it make sense to buy any other flashlight ? absolutely no ! some critic say batteri will not last . ok , that be true but you can buy 4 nimh battery and good charger for less than 25 buck and get hour and hour of light with this tiny marvel . lead flashlight have be around for some time but they cost 3-4 time a mag and -lrb- read it -rrb- the be not as bright with a pair of aa cell . besides most led be cheaply make in China . mag Lite still rock . any replacement for this american beauty will only come from MAG Lite Company . 37 Flashlight POS 4 I have a maglite on my keychain . I forget how old it be , but almost all the black paint be rub off leave bare metal . it still work on the original led . sometimes the twist-switch get gunk up , and need cleaning , but it mostly still work like new . I can not think of any design improvement . 796 Flashlight POS 5 this product be great ! much more usable than my previous 3 d-cell maglight . package arrive quickly and in good shape . 478 Flashlight POS 5 I have have one of these roll around under the back seat storage area of my Dodge off Road Edition 4x4 for the past 5 year , and it work great . I think I might have change the battery in it once or twice , and it get use pretty often . I also use a large spot light for spot thing in the dark while drive off road . but this 3 d cell flashlight work great when we get out of the truck at night , or or when set up a camp or walk down a trail . some of the `` road '' I have drive would have take out a average flashlight , and though the paint have be scrape off here and there , it still work great . at home we have one near the front door and if we hear something outside this thing have enough power to spot anything you point it at . I know everyone be into LED now , but as I have say I this thing be well build and put out enough light to do the job . 414 Flashlight POS 5 3 pound , extremely durable , bright ... what else could you need ? caution : this item be strong enough to be consider a weapon , either as a lightsaber or beater stick , it will fracture skull with little force . rapist beware ... 671 Flashlight POS 5 I have several of these Mini MagLites . they be solid , well-made , great little flashlight , with extra feature : beam focus -lrb- just twist the head -rrb- , spare bulb holder -lrb- inside the rear cap -rrb- , and a candle mode -lrb- take the head off and it become a base for the barrel -rrb- . I have only have one fail , and that be my fault -lrb- I do not check the battery in one that be keep in a drawer and a expire battery leak -rrb- . why do I own several of these ? well , you have get to have one in each color , right ? seriously ... I keep one in the center console of my car . it be great for old eye look at a map or direction at night , when the dome light just be not quite enough . it be also a help for a quick look under the hood , in the trunk , or under the seat . of course , I keep a regular Mag-Lite in the trunk , too . I keep one in my office desk in case of a power outage , or when the time light go off in the evening , or for digging around in the computer or copier . I keep one by my home computer for those time when you have to go poke around inside . I keep one in the headboard of my bed , again in case of a power outage . I learn my lesson in the 1994 Northridge earthquake ; it be still dark and the power be out , and various and sundry thing have fall on the floor -- it be no fun walk around in the dark with bare foot when there be lot of stuff scatter about . there be a couple of other -lrb- kitchen and garage -rrb- , just to have around . just remember to check the battery every few month , and when the bulb burn out and you use the spare in the rear cap , replace it before you forget -lrb- mag instrument lm2a001 replacement lamp for AA Mini MagLite , 2-pack 766 Flashlight POS 5 I be a maglite repeat customer , so I guess I have already know I would like this aaa version . I buy one to try , but i will be buy more to keep at various place around the house so that whenever I need to look behind or under something I have a light handy . they be tough , durable , bright and , because of they size , incredible convenient . mag have another win flashlight model here . I especially like the candle function . 990 Flashlight POS 5 work better than I expect . Super bright , easy to hold . brightness do not diminish with use as with my incandescent . last about 5hr of continuous use on a fresh pair of aa 2500mah rechargeable . 609 Flashlight POS 5 I have be work night shift highway patrol work for go on 19 year . I be still use the same rechargeable mag Lite that I be issue in 1990 -lrb- the same model as list here -rrb- . I have wear out half a dozen squad car , and receive a new mounting\/charger bracket with each new car , but always keep the same flashlight . I have have to replace the little rubber button over the switch a couple of time as my thumb wear through it finally . but the light be the same one I be originally issue . it be very , very bright and completely reliable . it have be drop -lrb- if you drop it switch on , it will probably knock the bulb dead -rrb- , submerge , chill to 17 below and 150 above , and switch on\/off literally ten of thousand of time . it be have a few high speed ride outside lay on the air intake below my windshield wiper . I have knock out car window with it , have use it as a impact weapon , and have even use the butt end for a hammer . I have work numerous squad car crash , and have never see a instance of a maglite that have jump out of its mount bracket due to a crash . there be room in the endcap to keep a spare bulb tuck in a piece of foam or napkin . the bulb last a long time and be easily replace . the battery stick last a long time -lrb- about 2 hour on a charge -rrb- and it be as easy to replace as change any flashlight battery . if you use the light for public safety work -lrb- police , fire , EMS , security -rrb- , and keep it in you in-car mount\/charger bracket , you will likely never see it go dim ... until it reach end of life , which be every couple of year with heavy use . it be big enough to use for self-defense , and can easily be carry on a duty belt by slip it though the handcuffs carry there , or you can use a ring make for that purpose , or just slip it inside you beltline behind you back . and -lrb- this be important -rrb- it be big enough to be carry by tuck it under you armpit , thus leave both hand free . you can not do that with small flashlight . it be also big enough not to be easily lose in the grass in the dark , like some of the hi-tech minus flashlight . I like this light so much that about 10 year ago I purchase another one out of pocket and mount the charger on the workbench in my garage . that have turn out as equally successful as my shop flashlight . when you buy this kit , you 'll get one charger\/mounting sleeve that you can mount in either home or car , and they include the proper electrical hardware to power it up by plug into either home or car power source . that be my experience . this thing be a workhorse and I consider it a `` partner '' at work . I highly recommend it . 635 Flashlight POS 5 I have use Maglites various flashlight for many different job . from use it on the job in law enforcement to make sure there be always one handy at home or in the car . they be rugged and durable and take a beating . 78 Flashlight POS 4 I be use mag flashlight for 3 year . it have never make I upset . if you afraid from the dark try mag flaslight , it kill the dark in every condition . rain , mist or dust can not stop it . on the other hand the bulb technolgy be antic . so if you be consider to buy a new one , try model with led bulb 783 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite flashlight be renown for they top-notch quality , they waterproof \/ water resistant design , and they extremely durable and corrosion-resistant aircraft grade aluminum casing . the Maglite AA Mini Flashlight -lrb- model : m2a01h -rrb- be no exception . pro -- - come with a Holster the holster have a loop for thread a belt through . it be well-stitched and make of durable nylon . - waterproof \/ water resistant the maglite be immersible in a few foot of water . - durable the aircraft grade aluminum make the casing of the Maglite extremely durable and completely corrosion resistant . - small and portable the maglite be handy for emergency , hike , camping and other use - and its small size make it very portable for take it along anywhere you go so you would not be catch without a flashlight when you need one ! - well-crafted and beautiful con -- - Painted Exterior The black paint of the exterior be extremely durable but it can get inadvertantly scratch off . if that be a concern , I would recommend the silver maglite , which have a bare , unpainted aluminum surface . - incandescent flashlight bulb the incandescent flashlight bulb that come with the Maglite can blow out , especially when subject to extreme temperature . LED Flashlight Bulb Replacement ------------------------------- the terralux lead flashlight bulb lead light bulb be brighter , use less energy , and have a 30,000 hour lifespan . conclusion ---------- the Maglite Mini Flashlight be waterproof \/ water resistant , portable , and have a extremely durable exterior . if use with a lead flashlight bulb , the Maglite Mini Flashlight be a extremely bright and reliable light source that consume very little battery power . it just do not get any better than this ! 404 Flashlight POS 5 best flashlight I have see . First receive as a gift , and have purchase 7 more for business and private use , never a problem and battery last for year in they . 42 Flashlight POS 4 I have slog through my life use one crappy flashlight after another . finally , after I lose power at my house for 3 day , I say enough be enough and purchase this flashlight . it be simply amazing . solidly construct . incredibly bright . Worth every penny . Update : well , my feeling about this product be not so rosy anymore . after about 1.5 year of own this flashlight , it stop work . I open the battery case and discover that the battery be leak . I check the warranty and although the flashlight have a lifetime warranty , the battery do not -lrb- it be cover for only 1 year -rrb- . understandable , but it be unfortunate it last less than 2 year and it be $ 20 for a new one . 953 Flashlight POS 5 in Japan this be the best item to examine pupil reflex for light and to see palate or tonsil . 673 Flashlight POS 5 if you already own a Dewalt drill or any Dewalt tool and already have the battery this light be for you . buy it for my husband and he love it . 976 Flashlight POS 5 if you find yourself walk small dog after dark in coyote infested area , this be for you . just wrap it with ice hockey tape and you will be good to go ! 644 Flashlight NEG 1 I have go through two of these flashlight . they be horrible . they work great when they work , and the light be bright but after the first time I use it it get dim and now when I turn it on it flicker and go off . a much better flashlight that I own be the Illuminator Flashlight . it be a hand crank flashlight . it be also less than this flashlight on Amazon . 101 Flashlight NEU 3 this flashlight be construct to the same high standard as the other maglite that I have use . however , the beam quality be not as good as my d and aa maglite . it provide a good spot focus but the wide-angle beam be very non-uniform , which can make see where you be walk at night difficult . I have find the beam quality of the 2AA Maglite to be much superior for walk outside after dark . 872 Flashlight POS 4 so everyone love Mini Maglights , or even Maglites in General , even though everyone know they be not that bright and you can buy brighter light out there , but everyone also know that they maglite be go to last a long time and for a cheap price , you can purchase a led drop in that will surely Surprise Alot of people !! these flashlight be great ! by themselves maybe not all that bright , but Purchase a Drop in Led and be surprise at how good these can actually be !! so 4 Stars because of the light brightness by itself , but spend another $ 10 - $ 15 and you will have a awesome Led light that will last basically forever and will probably extend you battery time while be a Million time Brighter !! you can not beat $ 8 for a Mini Maglite 49 Flashlight POS 5 the price at Amazon make it a no-brainer purchase to go along with you maglite . I have install three of these around the house . after six month of active use , I have not observe any sign of crack or yield in the plastic . a few reviewer have mention that they have manage to break a few of these , and this might be cause by improper installation . it be imperative that , when use two clip for a flashlight , that they be perfectly align . if they be out of line by even a few millimeter they will require much more force to place and remove the flashlight . alternatively , use just one clip for at least the 3 cell light seem to work just fine as well . overall , I be satisfy with this product and consider it to be a good value at the advertised price . 227 Flashlight POS 5 we own four of these flashlight and we love they . they be small and portable and the Xenon bulb be extremely bright . we have two in the bedroom for power failure or to grab in bad weather and I use the other in my tool kit for when I be work on something in a dark area or at night . I like the rugged design and I put a hand loop through the key ring on they so that when I be walk or work I do not drop it . there be a spare bulb in the base of the flashlight which I like and I always keep one there in the special fitting . Make sure that if you buy spare bulb that you get the xenon replacement as they be the brightest and the best . 317 Flashlight POS 4 First of all , for those wonder , this be not the latest revision of the Maglite Mini lead . as of this write the latest Maglite Mini LED be 77 lumen while the one I get from Amazon be 69 lumen . I know 8 lumen be not a huge difference but I be a sucker for have the latest version . the flashlight it be self be nice . I keep it in a black organizer so the silver stand out nicely . this be the first flashlight I have use and own that have different mode . honestly , about a month ago I do not even know flashlight have become so technologically advance so the mode be very cool . especially low power mode . you do not always need all 69 lumen so save some battery life be a plus . overall , it be a very nice flashlight especially for the $ 14 I pay for it . at it be normal advertised price there might be better option out there that be brighter and smaller . do I mention this flashlight be almost 7 '' long ? it be pretty big . on another note , do anyone know if the aftermarket crenelate bezel and window breaker for the incandescent Mini Maglite will fit on the lead version ? 826 Flashlight POS 4 after receive one of these and a larger mag as a gift I be not sure where I would use this flashlight . as it turn out , I be use it more than the larger light . it be small size make it incredibly useful for small maintenance task such as work on a computer , poke around a car or even find thing you drop behind furniture . it be brightness be surprising . I have find it to be almost as bright as the mag 2d light . I have some contact problem when I put the first set of battery in , but after play with the spring in the back and make sure the end cap be tight it work fine and have fail since . 52 Flashlight POS 5 this be a great flashlight , but more than that due to the mass of the three d cell and construction of the unit . change a tire , I use mine to bang the jack and torque off the stuck lug nut . Bareley a mark on the flashlight . highly recommend . the minimag be a good flashlight for the glovebox , and I keep the 3d model under the seat . 646 Flashlight POS 5 it be slightly heavy but team with the Maglight belt loop , make a excellent security accessory . I recently use it in we farm paddock to identify a Dingo and disposed of it , as it be threaten livestock . 384 Flashlight POS 5 these clip work geat for mount a D-Cell Maglite in the trunk of the car . or even on most surface . 613 Flashlight NEU 3 maglite be very high quality light that be very reliable . however something like a 4d maglite be extremely bulky for the light output that be achieve . the capacity of the d cell just give really long run-time rather than more output . after a hour of use the output have already drop by 50 % . the majority of the run-time be below 50 % . I would much rather have Maglite use a brighter bulb and have less run-time . it do not do much good to have 10hr of run-time if the light have really weak output for 90 % of the runtime . a surefire g2 for $ 36 be about the size of a Minimag yet actually have more output than this 4d maglite . I just can not stomache use a light larger than a 2d maglite . I stuff the mag lead module in one and now I can justify have such a large light . it run at 50 % of its start output for about 20 hr now . with the mag lead module , the 2d be put out the same output as the stock 4d maglite and have more useful battery life . the 4d maglite be obsolete by my standard . way too big for what you get . I really like the c-cell model however because they have the same brightness but be smaller and use the battery more usefully . haul around 4 d-cell for 10hr of useless light be not very useful in my opinion . I only use Maglites to modify and create some awesome light . in stock form they be pretty sad . I have a small Princeton tec that use 4aa battery which be as bright as a 4d maglite and completely blow away a 2d maglite . it only weigh 5oz . as well . maglite would have a much better light if they simply through in a textured reflector for a smoother beam . after use Surefire and Streamlight flashlight I can not get over how terrible the beam be on maglite . one thing I can say be that although maglite be extremely outdated they be very durable and reliable light . I have never have problem with any mag product I have ever own . they be tough and will put up with abuse . they have be pretty well beat out by Streamlight for Law Enforcement use . a small Streamlight Stinger weigh 1\/3 of what a 2d maglite do yet have twice the light output of a 4d maglite . 719 Flashlight NEG 1 I can not believe they still make this . I have have my aa maglight since 8th grade . I have replace the bulb about 10 time back in the day . as soon as led light come out - I upgrade , and NEVER look back . Modern lead light be way bright , much more durable , and many of they much smaller . Cheapo Fenix single AAA be build better than this , be much smaller , and MUCH BRIGHTER . I just can imagine a single instance when I would recommend this . 997 Flashlight POS 5 I order one of these about a year ago for my husband who be work for a auto shop at the time . this flashlight have take a serious beating and still work just as well as the day i buy it . Maglite make the most durable flashlight in the industry at a price that will not break the bank . we be very pleased with this purchase ! 661 Flashlight POS 4 I keep my maglite clip to the door of my truck . with two clip , the light would sometimes bounce out , if I close the door hard . I buy a second set of the clip , and add a third clip to hold my 5 cell in place . it have not come out unintentionally since add the third clip . when I grab it in a hurry , it still come out with a solid tug . it be nice to have the maglight where it can be reach in a hurry . 193 Flashlight POS 5 it be lighter than the 6 cell and easier to handle . it also take a beating and keep on work . at most , you may need to replace the bulb if it take a really hard blow . if you need a flashlight spend a few more dollar and get one of these . they be worth it . if you want a `` torch '' buy a Surefire . they be smaller , brighter , and a lot weigh about as much as a mini-maglite . if you want durability however buy a maglite . 190 Flashlight POS 4 they fit the mag light like a glove . but the hardware that come with they be worthless . unless you be mount the holder on a wooden surface , you can not use the screw provide , you would think at the price I pay they would include some insert with the scre to mount the holder on a dry wall . 41 Flashlight POS 5 this be the best , most usable flashlight I have ever use . get a bright color or silver so you can find it in the DARK . significant advantage over cheap throw-away light : - aluminum construction make it durable and beautiful . - great size for the hand - relatively light weight -lrb- but heavier than cheap plastic light ! -rrb- - Extra bulb hold within the flashlight ! - take two common aa battery - candle function . neat ! - focusable beam change from wide to narrow and bright . - come with a durable cloth holster . this be my flashlight of choice for around the house , toolbox , camping , and emergency kit . it be tough , reliable , and look pretty nice too . I do not recommend the camo design - it can be easy to lose if you drop it outside ! 155 Flashlight POS 5 unless you want to spend hundred on a flashlight -lrb- see streamlight-primarily use by fireman -rrb- you can not find a better unit than a maglite . I have AAA , AA , C and D cell maglte flashlight . both my wife and I feel that the c cell size be easier to hold than the d cell model . I really prefer the 3 c cell model-i find the length just right , though the 2 cell model fit in car better . make in the USA . and can be easily upgrade to a lead ` bulb ' . a little bonus : if you live in hurricane territory , when the store run out of d cell battery , there be always c cell battery on the shelf , mean you can get battery when other can not . 892 Flashlight POS 5 hus all ... this maglite be worth for the money u spend on it ... the halogen lamp give u a powerful beam of light . . only thing be battery consumption ... so if u guy get a rechargeable battery then its fine ... I will definitely recommend this product . . its very handy to carry , light weight and go in to pocket just like pen ... very useful to carry along you travel . . it really help in case of breakdown in the middle of the road ... 98 Flashlight POS 5 a very good pen flashlight for the money . reliability be outstanding . light output be above average for its size . risk of it turnig on in you pocket be not not zero but can be manage by use a belt holster or the shirt pocket clip . this be my new favorite flashlight and as of right now -lrb- to the best of my knowledge -rrb- it beat any of the bulky led light in term of light output v size 754 Flashlight POS 5 this be my third Mini Maglite ... I have one in my hunting gear one in my auto and carry one on my person when work . just purchase for my carry Maglite the leather sheath fantastic product and a great flashlight and sheath . many have try but none compare to the quality and price . 986 Flashlight POS 5 while I have run into a flashlight that be slightly more waterproof than this one it be almost three time more expensive . in my humble opinion value be a major component of any design . for this reason , this flashlight rate a 5 . grasp this in you hand and you be immediately strike by its design in strength and careful manufacturing . the adjustable beam , which spread or focus the light expand the usefulness . narrow for read a map late at night or wide angle for walk down the lane . a spare bulb -lrb- a old concept that seem to have get lose until now -rrb- increase the likelihood that you will have light when you want it . mag take a simple product , add important feature and then use quality material and method to produce it at a very attractive price . 798 Flashlight POS 5 this a great light , especially if you already have some other Dewalt tool that use the same battery . the head pivot to give different lighting angle and with the battery it stand up on it be own with no problem . no more buy disposable battery for flashlight . 524 Flashlight POS 5 great flashlight . dependable sturdy construction . definitely a light that will last a lifetime . love the spot to flood head . theres a reason why cop use to and sometimes still do use they , they work ! 895 Flashlight NEG 1 3 week ago , I contact Maglite for a replacement switch for my 4-d flashlight , in which the switch fail . the customer service rep ask I for my serial number , which I give she and she assure I that I could get a replacement switch . I give she my name and address and she say that a shipment have just go out , and it would be in the next shipment . that be fine with I . day turn into week . still no part . more day go by . still no part in the mail . hmmmm . be this how long time customer be treat ? I previous own a variety of they flashlight , from a AAA Solitaire to a 5-d flashlight , at least 5 in total . my dad have purchase in the neighborhood of 15 or more himself , start in about '86 when someone else turn he onto Maglites . customer support be as important to I as the product itself . have customer support become a casualty of a tough economy ? this long-time customer will have to look at alternative the next time he be buy a flashlight . 802 Flashlight POS 5 I do a lot of research before purchase the magcharger flashlight . it be by far the best value all around and Amazon have it for the best price . I highly recommend this product if you want a flashlight to last a lifetime . 724 Flashlight POS 5 you can not beat the value and quality of all MagLite flashlight . they just can not be beat ! 361 Flashlight NEU 3 I use to have a incandescent minus maglite , and I really like it . when I lose it , I think I would upgrade to a lead version . I be disappoint . as far as brightness go , there do not seem to be a great difference between my old maglite use nimh battery and the led maglite with alkaline . the beam be more uniform in the lead version , but I find the bluish tint to be harder to see in than the reddish incandescent light . my main complaint , though , be that the lead version do not work properly with my nimh battery . it produce a very dim , barely visible light with one set of older , fully charge nimh battery I have . when I try a higher capacity , fully charge set , it do not produce any light at all . I be return this version and get a incandescent version instead . 178 Flashlight POS 5 as other have point out , these be not some kind of high quality coated spring steel , but if you have notice the price , you have figure that out already . they work as advertise . nice and cheap , too . 617 Flashlight POS 5 I have couple of 2-aa , 3-d cell and a 5-d cell maglite for 20 year . they never fail . the only time it fail be when the battery melt and glue everything shut inside . it be impossible to clean it out . I also have a bunch of led flashlight from the old 1 watt to the newer 3 watt lead . the led be much brighter but blue\/white\/cold in color . so , the LED be not dense enough . it will not reach far . the led go about 20-25 foot max and everything be fuzzy . the maglite on the other hand , be warm\/orange in color . it be like a fog light that can go up to 50 foot . it be not as bright as the led but it be much much clear and sharper to see what be at the far end . I use the led mostly for go behind the desk\/under the table kinda work . but for real work like go under the crawl space or go up in the attic , I have get to use the Maglite . the lead just will not cut it . I replace the bulb with the newer xenon light bulb . this light bulb make the Maglite much better . it be brighter and whiter but at the same time be still warm\/orange in color . so , it be still dense enough to see far and sharp . beside use the Maglite as a flashlight , you can also use it to crack and smash anything you want and it will not compliant . 5 star ! 705 Flashlight POS 5 these mount keep a Maglite secure even when mount on a bulldozer . they be well worth the money if you need to mount a maglite . I would purchase these again in the future . very easy to use and mount . very pleased . 461 Flashlight POS 5 for a small flashlight , this one be great . it be significantly better than the non-led version of the same light . the light output from this light be clean , focusable , artifact free , have good color and be about 5 time brighter than the non-led version . the light still support `` candle mode '' too . the flashlight be about 1 '' larger than the non-led version . light output be fairly consistent and strong for a over 3 hour . it be definitely worth buying . 481 Flashlight POS 5 a well know , try and true product with enormous light output and long battery life . we own many . 454 Flashlight POS 5 when I get the maglite lead I sorta expect it to be good , how about great , wonderful , amazing ! only 3 White LED 's and you can light up the backyard like daytime . I be go to have to give away my old maglite as they just do not cut it anymore . 148 Flashlight POS 5 these be great light . I have have at least 5 maglight in my life and each one have be there reliabily even after be drop and on in the rain and in the mud ... I be pretty rough on they . I even have one in the bedroom I find they so very useful . I be sure you will find they usefull too , no matter what size you get ! other than that , take care and good luck shopping , unless you be shop for a good light in which case you really do not need good luck ... you have it , yes , buy the light now ... what else be there to say right now ... ? oh , I know try to buy a L.E.D. one now-a-day , as those last longer ... this one be not that type , BUT it be almost the same , so keep think good thought , not just about life , but about this light -lrb- notice how light and life be often the same in metaphor ? -rrb- . you can comment on this review and metaphor and light if you want . 60 Flashlight POS 5 I own too many Maglites to count , and have never have any trouble with any of they . some I buy myself , and some I have receive as gift over the year . I keep they everywhere -lrb- home , car , office , briefcase etc. . . -rrb- , include place where they be subject to abuse and neglect , and they just keep on work . I think they light output be tremendous . 721 Flashlight NEG 1 this maglite have its glory for the past many year ; that be before the LED era . let it go and get the lead version . the incandescent lightbulb for this maglite burn out fast , and it be not bright at all compare to the lead version . maglite should have stop manufacture this a long time ago . they be still in production because many folk do not know anything about the newer lead technology that be available today . let this sucker r.i.p. 995 Flashlight POS 5 my company buy one of these Mag Lights and I didnt expect much from a rechargeable light . wow be I wrong , this light be better than any dry cell flashlight ever make . this be more like a spotlight on a police car with 50,000 candle power . we use this light all the time in a industrial enviroment where it get greasy a lot , and this have lead it to be drop a time or two , none the less it have never fail to operate like new . . the rechargeable feature on this light be so handy . we just hang up the light at the end of the day in its cradle and it be ready for hard action the next day ... 659 Flashlight POS 5 I have own a dozen of these small lite over time and they be great as hunting light to get to the tree stand as well as go from the garage to the house late at night . awesome power from such a small light . 715 Flashlight POS 5 it be just a flashlight , no big deal , but it be PURPLE and it be a maglite . I have four of they in different size , and I have never have one fail . 89 Flashlight POS 4 so far this be a great tool to expand the use of we 18v tool battery . I wish that DeWalt would update the tool with either a lead lamp or a Xenon lamp opion becuase the lamp it use be neither super bright nor super efficient . 786 Flashlight POS 4 product seem to work just fine . it ship in a decent time . 522 Flashlight POS 5 I purchase a mini-maglite in 1994 while in the Marine Crops in a raid-company . I practice raid on zodiac -lrb- the rubber raft that you see special force use in the movie -rrb- and everywhere I go I have my flashlight with I . this flashlight be dunk in the ocean countless time ... drop ... kick ... use as a hammer ... leave in the rain . you get my drift . to this day i still have it ... it look rough , but still work the same as the day buy it . it be amazing . the only maintenance I have do be to wash the sand and salt off of it . 940 Flashlight NEG 2 while it be a solid , durable , and bright light , it have several big disadvantage . for one , the light output drop off way too fast . it have a impressive beam with fresh battery , but after relatively short use , it be too dim to justify the enormous size and weight of the thing . many light , such as the modestly price Surefire g2 pack just as much light output -lrb- or more -rrb- but be easily pocketable and much much lighter . also , the smoooth plastic reflector give it a dirty , spotty beam with noticible dark spot . really , the only thing this light have go for be that it be a pretty indimidating body and have a definite macho appeal . but if you look for serious illumunition look somewhere else . 30 Flashlight POS 5 I have have this mount hold my 3d maglight at the ready behind my bedroom door and in the kitchen . I live in L.A. , earthquake country . I mount the holder into a stud and they have be hold my mag at the ready for over five year . I remove they periodically to test and or use they . they lock in place very firmly . Mount the light lens down so dust will not collect on the lens . they do not slip out . 878 Flashlight POS 5 I purchase this flashlight for my car . it be very small and easy to store and be very bright . it will come in handy when I be on the road . 352 Flashlight POS 5 while this be not something you would want to carry on you person every day as I do with a compact cr123 lead light that cost a lot more money but also work a lot better , it fill a great role in a vehicle as a illumination tool and impact weapon if that be what you be into . I have go though a few of the 4d version over the year , battery leakage have always eventually kill they live in the truck , but they be cheap enough to replace it be not a big deal . this bad boy on Amazon be a great buy and a aftermarket lead conversion really wake it up . what else be there to say ? it be a maglike , it be big and heavy , it be be around forever , it be extremely inexpensive for what you be get , and it 'll take a lot of abuse before give up the ghost . heck , for this price you could swap the led conversion from light to light as they die\/wear out and probably have a truck light for a few decade until we be all ride bicycle anyway . overall , a solid piece of kit and the low , low price from Amazon make the cost of the aftermarket lead conversion easier on the wallet . 674 Flashlight POS 5 brighter than I expect . hold a charge well . sturdy construction . I buy this one after use one that a mechanic friend have be use for he work . the original rechargeable battery in he maglite last for over ten year , despite heavy use . previously , it seem whenever I need the flashlight the battery be either weak or dead . it be nice to know this one be always charge and ready to shine . 119 Flashlight POS 5 I read some other review about this product battery ... that they do not last that long ... but guess what ! I prove it wrong ... I buy this item like 4 week ago and still have enough power to light a whole 20x20 foot room . now I see why police officer love this tool , they can be use as self defense , and virtually undestructible ! there be no way than this flashlight can be destroy ... all my friend have make a comment about it . the bottom line be that this flashlight be really usefull . I be back editing my review !!! I have not still change the flshlight battery in 5 month !!!! it have cover all my expectation ... above everything ! no more comment ... it ; s undestructible ... I have take it everywhere and use it alot ... do not mess with a mag light ! 160 Flashlight POS 5 fast delivery . I buy this fashlight for work . it have a adjustable beam and give off a bright light . I will buy from this web sight again . 174 Flashlight NEU 3 this be a great flashlight , but the color selection be confuse . if you select black it will take you to the lead version of the same flashlight . 903 Flashlight POS 5 I already have 2 of these for 4 yr . buy these for additional location and great price . good design , rugged , flexible beam , easy to see , interchangeable rechargeable battery . 926 Flashlight POS 5 another great maglite product . construct well , will take a lot of abuse . great light output . you 'll be happy with this flashlight .788 MAGCHARGER FLASHLIGHT SYSTEM 678 Flashlight POS 4 the Mini Maglite be a true american classic . however , with advancement in technology such as led and also the end cap switch , it be hard to justify . 1 . the Mini Maglite require use of two hand or one hand and you chin\/mouth to operate . in a emergency , this may not be possible . other flashlight now have end cap switch -lrb- push button at the end of the flashlight -rrb- . unless you need Mini Mag 's candle feature , the end cap switch be much easier to operate . 2 . Incandescent\/Xenon\/Krypton be out . lead be in . lead be much brighter , the `` bulb '' almost never burn out , and the battery last longer . whatever you choose , go with a lead flashlight . if you do not need the candle feature , get this streamlight jr lead instead because it be brighter that the Mini mag and have a end cap switch : streamlight 71500 jr c4 lead flashlight , black 939 Flashlight POS 5 I love this thing . I be not a hardcore tool guy but this little light be incredibly handy . it be beam be brighter and have a sharper focus than you would expect form a flashlight this size . it weigh next to nothing which mean it be easy to hold in you tooth when you do not have a free hand . if it be any testament to how great these light be , I have have three of they `` borrow '' from I and never return . this light and my Leatherman be just about the only tool I ever need . 577 Flashlight POS 5 I get one of these issue at work today because I could not find my normal use flashlight . I throw out the box immediately so I have to look up the multus mode feature online to clarify why the light be do what it be do . I really like these feature though . the 25 % brightness feature will help if you want to use the light in candle mode as the bare led be super bright and not suitable for light a table if the power go out . less bright equal more comfort in those situation . I can see myself use the flash feature as well . you could leave the light outside flash as a signal if someone be go to you house and could not find it , for instance . the SOS feature be a neat thing , I suppose , but I hope I never have to use it ! I have a mini mag aa at home with a lead conversion , but this one be much brighter . same mag quality you expect from they other stuff . if I have to buy this light , I certainly would . I be glad work give I one for free -lrb- go toolroom guy ! -rrb- but I want to recommend this product in case anyone be on the fence about it . 937 Flashlight NEG 1 this torch be huge and heavy , but even with new battery it be not particularly bright , and the light be yellow and full of shadow . there be far better light out there , like the SureFire m6 which be far , far brighter , much more robust and small . the maglite be only recommend for use as a club . 816 Flashlight POS 5 a big improvement over MagLite 's first lead minus : longer battery life when battery get low , light get dimmer instead of cycling on and off as with first lead version Works great on rechargeable battery Beam focus but not as well as original bulb-type mini-maglite I have drop it several time on a hard floor and it still work -lrb- not recommend -rrb- lead light reflect from animal 's eye 591 Flashlight POS 5 not too big , not too heavy , not too bright . . just right for any application -lrb- no filter include though -rrb- . good focus and light dispersement with a easy twist of the front -lrb- larger -rrb- part of the flashlight . 47 Flashlight POS 5 the quality of the leather belt holder for d cell flashlight be very good , I would recommend it to my friend . the shipping be very fast . good product , relaiable seller . thanks 333 Flashlight POS 5 machine from solid rigid aluminum , this be a small well design and well make metal flashlight that deliver a strong white light for only $ 11.75 . it take two aa battery by unscrew the end cap which have a rubber o ring to keep out water . it fit easily in you hand and turn on by twist the end with the light so it can no accidentally go on like some other light with switch or button . it be not a fancy ultra lead light like some more expensive one on the market and those have they place in you house , but with this one you get rugged , reliable bright light for just a few buck so you can afford to buy several and keep they in different place in you house or car for handy use . 850 Flashlight NEU 3 pro : it be fairly bright in the 100 % . the candle mode be sort of useful when work on something in the pitch black and you need both hand . con : the lead housing seem rather poorly place inside the tube , when work on a car and if you tap the flashlight on anything it will switch mode on you into S.O.S. mode -lrb- it blink in morse code -rrb- and it seem to happen quite often . overall for just a normal flashlight to use when walk around in the dark or look through storage it be decent , but if you be do anything that involve a lot of movement or tight quarter I would recommend a different flashlight . I end up give this one away and buy the fenix e21 flashlight 900 Flashlight POS 4 unless you be a nurse or a doctor I do not really recommend this light . it look nice , and the pocket clip make it perfect to clip to you coat , but the beam be extremely weak . I would only recommend this beam for pupil reactivity in the medical field . pro : - shockproof - battery include -lrb- 2aaa -rrb- - spare bulb in tailcap - Lanyard hole - clip include - adjustable Beam - operate in candle mode con : - go through battery fast - dim light , led be better - Poor reflector , cause dark spot characteristic of all maglite - expensive at Amazon . look for it elsewhere . - candle mode be not great during power outage , it be very dim if you be look for a everyday light to carry in you pocket or purse , I recommend a new microlight , it be brighter , more efficient , and do not eat through battery as fast . 894 Flashlight POS 5 I would like to say that I be very happy with the response purchase the MagLite Flashlight , the Item arrive very fast to Australia and the packaging be 1st class . I would recommend anytime and will be deal again very soon . Thankyou again 587 Flashlight POS 5 we have get several maglite . we keep they in we emergency kit in the car , in a few room in the house in case of power failure , and we like to pack the minus when we travel . maglite be durable and dependable , they be pretty much the only flashlight I will buy . the Mini Lights put out a good amount of light and be good to have around when hook up stereo or the time when there be a power outage . 346 Flashlight POS 4 flashlight be super bright , heavy duty case . nice that it only require 2 aa battery . Wish it come w \/ a spare bulb , even though it claim to last a gazillion hour , spare bulb be always nice . 205 Flashlight POS 5 ... it be big , it be a mag light and it really work when you need it . I purchase the sturdy clip and install it inside we key cabinet , so when we need it we just grab it , the key and go 400 Flashlight NEU 3 cheap , agile little flashlight that be great for take on long bike ride in the dark to use for fix bike , etc. . I drop it twice on the cement and now it do not work sometimes , do not know if it be damage but still a decent product . 684 Flashlight POS 5 the mini maglite be the perfect size for a purse , briefcase or tote bag . the adjustable beam allow for illuminate large or very small space . this versatile item be standard issue for all of we employee . 606 Flashlight POS 5 once in a while you 'll encounter a product that be so far out front that the other should pick up they marble and go home . mag-lite be the standard bearer in the flashlight category . -lrb- be it not for the picture , you would hardly know from the product description up there that we be talk about a 4-cell flashlight . -rrb- the primary job of a flashlight be , not surprisingly , to create light . mag get more light out of they flashlight than anybody . maybe it be the bulb , or the reflector . but no flashlight will come close to put out as much light as a mag . another quality we hope to find in any product be functionality -- do it work every time , or mainly when you do not need it ? I can not recall more than a time or two that a mag fail to come on . I have drop they from height that would have destroy anything less and they still work . I have a old black aa-size Mini-Mag here that spend about a decade in the cockpit of airplane -- the poorest light place this side of the Black Forest -- so it get a world of use . the place on the end cap for attach a lanyard or hang ring be worn completely through . but the little guy still work like a charm . the switch on this d-cell model be under live rubber ; it have a solid click on and off . the beam be adjustible to a sharp spot . you 'll probably want to set it there and leave it alone . i be certain that battery last longer in a mag-lite . the only explanation for this would seem to be that a tiny bit of battery drain occur on some other . before I become 100 % convert to mag I would too often pick up a flashlight that be full of dead battery . I can go for year without change the battery in a mag-lite . all mag be rugged . the barrel be sturdy aluminum extrusion -- not plastic or stamped metal . both end cap have o ring to keep the case waterproof . and who else would be so thoughtful as to put a extra bulb in the bottom endcap ? a reviewer below have a legitimate gripe about tubular thing not stay put on anything but a level surface . of course , that have be a complaint for year about pen and all kind of tubular device . this can be cure for the mag-lite with a very small bungee cord . tie several knot in it until it be shorten enough to fit tight around the barrel . the knot will keep the light from roll around . i like the new hot red Mag-Lites . anybody with any sense at all would know a pretty red flashlight would throw more light than a black one . it just stand to reason . 819 Flashlight POS 5 I buy a couple of these to keep in the glove compartment of my car . here be why I like it : 1 . this take up little space -lrb- even in the include holster -rrb- and weigh very little since it run on two aa battery -lrb- which be include -rrb- . 2 . the beam of light be fully adjustable from a wide area to a spot with a simple twist . it be very powerful consider the size . 3 . this work great when you be look for something under the car seat , need to read a map at night , or need to check under you hood . Shop for price . I buy the exact same thing at my local Home Depot for under nine dollar , which be less than half the current price on Amazon . 999 Flashlight POS 5 Got these a couple month ago , they be install in the trunk area of my jeep that see a lot of rough offroad terrain , even though they be make of plastic they be very durable and have yet to fail I . I have yet to even have the light fall out of the clip regardless of how rough the ride go . good price and good quality . 665 Flashlight POS 5 gift for my Marine son that just deploy to Afghanistan . he love it and it work great . this be to clip to he gear bag so he always have a light nearby to look for he stuff . 759 Flashlight POS 5 as be always the case , this maglite be sturdy , heavy and produce excellent light . if anyone have every own a maglight they know that they be hard to beat . 967 Flashlight POS 5 mount these in the rear of my Jeep Cherokee to hold my maglight . have do a amazing job for month now . just be gentle when insert and remove the flash light and it will not break like other reviewer 801 Flashlight POS 4 all man like flashlight , perhaps its a carryover from we day as caveman when we always make sure we have fire available . the mag be the equivalent of a muscle car . sure there be smaller , faster and even cheaper flashlight but the mag just work . its totally no-nonsense and have the product recognition value equivalent to Apple Computer . the drawback be many . its big , heavy , the krypton light be not the best and the adjustable beam be rather ragged look but it put out a good amount of light and be tough enough to be drop , use as a self defense weapon , improvise hammer , dog repellent , or crowbar . you can get a xenon bulb for greater light output at the expense of battery life , or a lead upgrade which drop right in . many police force stop use the mag not because it be a bad flashlight but because they be beat suspect to death with they so they be force to use cr123 base minus tactical light . that one tough flashlight . they be not overly expensive , as there be other out there cost 4-5 time as much and frankly I be unsure why they charge such a premium . they be make in the USA so they can be consider a reasonably patriotic purchase . 582 Flashlight POS 5 mag Lite product be the industry standard for a reason . they be american make . they be Union Made . they be the quality that you need to last you a lifetime . I recommend ! 224 Flashlight POS 5 I have be hike and camp for 24 year now , and I have use many , many flashlight . since find the AA Mini mag Lite , however , it be the only one you 'll find in my pack . they be very tough and durable . on a recent trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness , I even use it submerge to look for a fellow camper 's eyeglass that have fall into the lake . while it be not design for underwater use -lrb- be only water resistant -rrb- , the lamp perform flawlessly . while nearly perfect , I will recommend pick up the accessory pack available for the AA Mini mag Lite . the accessory pack include a rubber cover for the lens end that help prevent the lamp from roll and also absorb some impact if drop . it also include a wrist strap with a split ring so you can keep it close at hand -lrb- I usually put the strap around my wrist when I slide into my sleep bag -- if I need to get up quickly during the night , the lamp be always at hand -rrb- . the accessory pack also include three plastic lens -- blue , red , and clear -lrb- the product description list a amber lens in palce of the clear one -rrb- . I have find the red one useful when I want to rummage through a pack when my tentmate have already turn in for the night . it give you illumination that be not as harsh as the non-filtered white light . 53 Flashlight POS 4 use this for a week along with the DEWALT Fluorescent Area Light -lrb- I can charge battery at a neighbor 's . -rrb- it perform well : bright and easily carry with the battery attach . seem stable on the battery , do not knock over easily . I do not have much cause to use the pivot head but I can imagine use where that would be handy . battery life be decent , but for the price it would be nice if it be lead so you do not have to worry about bulb and the battery life would be longer . 568 Flashlight POS 5 as always , mag supersede all flashlight . better this year . have no response to a rma 4 year ago but it be old anyway . it could use some type of cradle , -lrb- position holder , Third Hand -rrb- which I have be recommend to they for year , but who know , maybe they will think about the user again and try it . peace and Merry Christmas . . Don 96 Flashlight NEG 2 essentially this add up to have a $ 60-ish workhorse powerhouse of a battery on the base , with a rather cheap flashlight attachment that be worth maybe $ 5 . I have have this light hang around for a couple of year from a combo set . it actually work well enough , though I do not often need a worklight . we recently have a 4 day power outage and this be great while it last both as a very bright flashlight , and to point at the ceiling to give some nice general non-glare room illumination . it only last about two hour on a charge be the problem . if anything scream out for a lead bulb , this be it , but at this point DeWalt do not even offer that as a separate bulb . they do sell a 12v lead worklight which sound just awesome , but I do not have the 12v system , I have the 18v . with a lead this would never burn out the bulb . this one will last maybe 10-15 hour which be not what you want in a emergency light with no spare . also if you drop this light the bulb filament will probably break , LED 's be much more robust . moreover , with the same brightness it would go probably 8-12 hour on a charge or more . that would be pretty much my essential emergency light . I would buy two or three . though the gooseneck probably look like the better design . what really kill this be that the head ought to swivel so it could point downward while stand upright on the battery base . you could work at a table or workbench with the light pointed at you work . but this only swivel from straight up to horizontal , which be really not all that useful . in short , wait for they to offer the gooseneck with a led , and get two , it will be super . 749 Flashlight POS 4 I have use these light for many year now . as a musician , I find they invaluable backstage to help get cable all hook up in the dark . in fact , I have a blue and red one and I swap the part around . I have since lose one of they and now I have this hybrid red\/blue light : -rrb- Anyhow , after a while , the thread start to get full of aluminum dust and debris and the o-ring need some lubrication -lrb- I have most recently try some chapstick and it seem to work . I have notice newer light have some kind of oily material on they -rrb- . I would like to see they offer a lght use 3v lithium cell technology and a brighter bulb with fewer dark spot . 691 Flashlight POS 4 the switch stop work in my Mini Maglite AA . I buy a replacement switch over the internet and fix it , and then I find out that Mag Instruments would have send I a new one free under the lifetime warranty . too bad . the problem be that the light turn on erratically if at all , and do not focus properly . if you open the top , you 'll see that the bulb be stick into a washer-like receptacle which they call the Upper Insulator Receptacle . it be print `` do not remove . '' if you remove it , by prying it up with you thumbnail or a pocket knife , you 'll see the switch assembly underneath , with a triangular-shaped sheet metal slide contact . remember how the slide contact go , because it be likely to fall out . if you remove the battery , you can take out the lower insulator too . that slide contact be what fail on I . instead of be flat , the radial arm be bent . I think that if I have flatten it out with needle-nosed pliers , that would have fix it , at least for a while . anyway , the `` switch Repair kit '' come with the most idiot-proof detailed illustrated step-by-step instruction that I have ever see for any piece of equipment . they even give you a plastic `` tool '' to insert and remove the switch , if you be the kind of person who have trouble tap a flashlight onto a table without lose part , or you do not have a pencil lie around the house . 245 Flashlight POS 5 perfect for my husband work . he use it when he get a crawl space as a service technician thanks for my mag lite 189 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this for my 2 d cell lead mag Lite and mount it on the side of my driver 's side seat in my '90 Bronco II and it keep it in there real sturdy and be very easy to install . debate on get another one for my passenger 's side . very happy how inexpensive it be as well . thanks again Amazon . 619 Flashlight NEU 3 I recently buy a couple of these to put in we card . but I also have a few of the old AA Maglite flashlight around and decide to upgrade they with the TERRALUX LUXEON EXTREME p-4 tle-5ex upgrade kit simply because I like the way they have be customize with the rear on off button and rubber lens hood . well I be a little surprised that when the new aa lead mag 's arrive I notice that they be considerably larger than the old version , and the light produce be ok , but not great when compare to the TERRALUX LUXEON upgrade . the 3 aaa be a much brighter flashlight but be almost the size of a 3 c cell flashlight that I also convert but in this case I use the maglite 3 d\/c cell lead upgrade . this be a huge improvement over the 3 aa flashlight as you might imagine , and much brighter than any standard maglite . but back to this flashlight . I will keep the two lead aa flashlight I have , since they be nice , and the candle option be pretty impressive . but the Terralux Extreme p4 aa tle-5ex be amazingly bright and I love to use the rear button upgrade -lrb- that really make this a great flashlight -rrb- plus the other upgrade I have buy for my old AA Mini Mags . I can not tell you how much more light the tle-5ex upgrade be over a new AA LED Maglite , but it have to be at least 100 time better , no kidding . SO rather than buy a new AA Maglite LED , I would suggest that you just upgrade you current flashlight with the tle-5ex , and I honestly believe you will be much happier go this route . this upgrade retain the focus ability of the minus mag , and cost less than buy one of the new Mini-Mag AA flashlight . on the other hand the new minus mag be a very nice flashlight , and the over all construction be better than the old incandescent mini-mag . 714 Flashlight POS 5 handy clip to mount a d size mag-light . I use they in the side saddle of my truck and it keep the flashlight handy ! 381 Flashlight NEU 3 I agree with everything that the other reviewer said-this be a very well build flashlight , a great value , and able to shrug off outrageous abuse . so why have I only give it three star ? in my opinion , such a hefty light should be considerably brighter . the 2-d cell version be of moderate brightness at best and the larger version be not much better . 730 Flashlight POS 5 I keep one of these flashlight in both of my vehicle . they provide a lot of light from a fairly small package . buy the `` c '' battery version allow you all of the benefit of a maglight - brightness , durability , etc. but its light weight make it less cumbersome to carry . you will not find a better flashlight that this . 405 Flashlight POS 5 I enjoy play hide-and-seek with my 6-month old son out in the wood . sometimes though , he hide so well I can not find he , even when it get dark . ever since I get this flashlight , it take I hour , not day to find he . this flashlight have help I create a bonding father-son relationship . 74 Flashlight POS 5 Use these ! just when you need it the light be go . clip it and you will always know where it be . 328 Flashlight NEU 3 the lighting be not as bright as I think . Inova flashlight be smaller and brighter . the case however be pretty strong and long lasting . so yeah I guess its a pretty good deal consider its price . 727 Flashlight POS 4 this flashlight be like all other mag 's . it have a nice bright bulb that can be adjust to wide angle or focus on a object . come with the battery and a extra bulb . so far I like use it . 868 Flashlight POS 5 Great little flashlight . good weight to it . fit in glove compartment , tool box , kitchen drawer . purchase one for everyone in my family . they be , `` that be nice '' , until they need some light . all be very happy they have it . 755 Flashlight NEG 1 a mag be to a flashlight what a hudson be to a car -- a great product in its time , but not something you would go out and buy today if you want to take advantage of what new technology have to offer . instead , take a look at some of the new led base flashlight , or the xenon\/led combo light make by streamlight -lrb- call `` TwinTask '' -rrb- . for most purpose you will get vastly increase battery life and a much better white flood light -lrb- while use the LED 's -rrb- and and with the TwinTasks still have the option of a high grade incandescent light for the time when you need more `` throw '' . 15 Flashlight POS 5 buy as Christmas gift for my brother so I can not attest to the performance , but I do not expect any problem . arrive in a timely manner and in good shape . good look item . 312 Flashlight POS 5 we buy this flashlight for we boss , and he love it . it have amazing range , and a very impressive beam . I truly wish I have get one for Christmas myself . excellent quality , and well think out . Bravo ! 761 Flashlight POS 5 I have have several maglite in the past and this one be by far the best . its size make it heavy for some . its the brightest one i have own . i be thinking of get a second one just becasue i like it so much . i advise to anyoen that camp and hike to get thsus one or a smaller one . 66 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite have make some welcome update in they minus flashlight . this be a great led flashlight for $ 18 include the battery . very bright for the price and maglite 's great build . 576 Flashlight POS 5 I use these clip to make a license plate mount that attach to my winch 's roller fair lead . these clip fit perfectly and make it easy to pop the license plate on and off . only downside I would say be that they be plastic ! otherwise they be a great product over all ! 822 Flashlight POS 5 this be one product -lrb- apart from a swiss Army knife -rrb- that will never fail you . go ahead and buy it . 970 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite flashlight battery replacement be the correct battery and I be very satisfied with the price and shipment . 171 Flashlight POS 5 maglite of course always great , but now with this newer version it apparently have different mode . after look a few place and not see how you change the mode I notice a few post of people say how it change mode after be hit or nudge . it 'll do that only if the battery spring be not put enough tension on the battery . switching mode be very easy actually , all you have get to do be turn it on and off and on in a somewhat quick succession . BAM , it be on full bright then you twist it off then twist it right back on , viola you just go to dim . do that again and again you will get blinking and then the SOS blink . after that it 'll go back to bright , just in a sequence of be on\/off . 706 Flashlight POS 5 I have one of these flashlight for myself until someone that be live in my house steal it from I so I guess you can say they be very well like if someone steal it . Merry Christmas & happy new year to all !!! 374 Flashlight POS 5 now I see why police carry light like these . I think one could use it for a club as well . it be very sturdy . the light be MUCH brighter than I think it would be . it be brighter than ANY standard 2 d cell flashlight , I be sure ! 551 Flashlight POS 5 Great solid feel to it , even when screw on the end cap for the battery . the beam adjustment be easy and precise . it be a maglite ... enough say . 84 Flashlight POS 5 the previous reviewer say that these be the same as Sears - they be not ! the Sears one be make by Dorcy and do not have the same shock tolerance as the dewalt bulb . I know - I be sucker into the Sears bulb and kill all of they -lrb- 4 -rrb- where I normally can go a long time with the Dewalt . they regularly tolerate shock from the flashlight tipping . the sear one blow everytime ! maybe I get a bad batch , but Ill never buy the Sears one again ! 871 Flashlight POS 5 dont waste you money on those new lead light ... nothing beat a maglite ... you cant kill em . plus it can be tool in a pinch 600 Flashlight POS 5 this be a great flashlight ! the price from Amazon be half of what snap on tool charge . if you be older or have trouble see in dark place , this be the flashlight for you . one word of caution -- do not drop when hot !! you will be replace the bulb . 764 Flashlight POS 5 great flashlight , extreamly durable , the lumination be wonderful . overall great flashlight . 803 Flashlight POS 5 use these to mount my 3-d cell maglite in my vehicle . I have the light mount vertically and these do a great job of hold it securely . you can pull the light out from the top or straight out , no problem . 844 Flashlight POS 4 when you be buy a replacement bulb for you Ryobi lignt , buy high quality ... dewalt or eq . I have the factory bulb in my heavily used light for 5 year , then it break . the first replacement I buy -lrb- the cheap one -rrb- last a month before it break . I suspect these will go longer . 282 Flashlight NEU 3 maglite use to be the standard for good flashlite . not anymore . this one have poor illuminationtion and use battery like there be no tommorrow 991 Flashlight NEG 1 light wont stay on . after filing and sand all contact area it improve a little . I still have to bang it to stay on . very disapointed . flashlight from a dollar store be better . 348 Flashlight POS 4 this be a must have item if you need to carry you maglite with you while you be work . the only down side to its design be the weight of the 6d cell maglite will eventually cause the snap hold the together to fail . it will take a lot of abuse before it do fail and it sure beat hold the flashlite all night long . 653 Flashlight POS 5 I own two , and buy one for a relative . I use for build electronics and computer , and when DJ ` ing in club that be pitch dark , so I can sift through vinyl , etc. . very cool light . 897 Flashlight POS 4 this flashlight be great it last forever ! sturdy and bright , it also doesnt suck the life out of battery like many do . it take 2 double a battery . i have a red , light blue , purple and a black one and they have be amazing to have when camping , around the house and in the car . small and lightweight yet extremely durable . make out of metal that doesnt rust and the color be beautiful , i hope you enjoy 855 Flashlight NEG 1 once upon a time these be consider top of the line , mostly by law enforment that actually prize these light because they be sturdy and they could bash people over the head with they . they be prize more for they club like appearance than the actual crappy beam that come out of they . over the year I have discover numerous company that actually try to make a better light , Surefire , Streamlight , Pelican , and Arc , to name a few . these newer light use newer technology , new xneon bulb and no bulb in the case of the new lead base light . it be too bad that maglite have be leave in the stoneage of lighting product and now from a competitive standpoint must use other means of compete . from recent observation mag have choose to try to simply place lawsuit against they competitor to try to destroy these new line company out of existence . sorry for the rant folk but no discussion of mag can be do without mention they extremely distasteful business practice . so I say to mag , spend you money on research and development , improve you now pitiful light and let you product be you ultimate statement of company direction . fire you vast team of legal expert who continue to be a blight on the civilized world and welcome competition which you apparently find so repugnant . so for anyone who bother to read this , frequent the company I mention above for superior lighting product and boldly step into the 21st century of lighting and see how delightful it can be . the bonus be you can still use you old maglite as club and weapon which they be design to be . 268 Flashlight POS 5 purchase this light as a extra to work where there be dim lighting . use this item several time since purchase , 518 Flashlight POS 4 I say in the past I say it have no flaws-i be wrong . the scrath poof plastic sheild be verrrrrry vurnerable . it do not seem to affect it , but shine it at something 4-5 inch away and you 'll see what I mean . 989 Flashlight NEG 2 I would have give this product 4 or 5 star until I read a certain review on this site . I be very happy with the performance of my dw904 12-volt until it go dead on I a week ago . just as this reviewer I speak of say , `` oh I 'll just replace the bulb '' , but that do not do it . think that maybe the switch go bad I take the light apart and bypass the switch but still no light . I promptly throw it in the trash in disgust because I really have not use it that much and I never abuse it . even so I plan on buy another dw904 think that mine must have have a defect , but now after read that another person have have the same problem with he , forget it . I 'll probably order a Milwaukee flashlight for I have recently purchase they cordless 14.4 to replace the noisy 12 volt Dewalt I have . -lrb- the one that the flashlight come with -rrb- 517 Flashlight NEU 3 do not get I wrong , I use a MiniMag for year , but then I be give a Pelican Versabrite . while the original Versabrite be not as bright as the MiniMag -lrb- and no focus -rrb- , it have a tiltable head and build in clip to mount to a hat brim or shirt pocket - useful feature when you have to inspect thing and take note at night , or otherwise need light and need both hand free . the Versabrite II end the controversy . it be brighter , no matter how the the MiniMag be focus . by the way , for a keyring light , try one of the coin-sized led light like the Photon Microlight . they be amazing . 300 Flashlight POS 4 for my use this work great . so far I have not have any issue get the light it in or out , it do hit the on button sometimes and make the light flash when you pull it out . I have not break it in yet , and the button to close it be very tight , it take a really firm tug to open it , I assume it will eventually get easier , if not too easy to open . if you pack a flashlight every day you might want one deign for that , but if you like I and just pack it on you person occasionally -lrb- camp trip , hunting , fishing ... -rrb- this work fine . 747 Flashlight POS 5 I have a couple mag and I think this be one of the best flashlight ever ! it be bright , it be light , and nicly size . a must have for someone who needs\/wants a flashlight . 476 Flashlight POS 5 this be the recommend bulb for the 36V Dewalt flashlight as well , I have have mine in there for about 6month with no issue . 288 Flashlight POS 5 small , compact , yet bright and sturdy . ca not really say anymore since the quality speak for itself . I buy this for my girlfriend who put it in she car for emergency . can not trust anything else ! 781 Flashlight POS 5 this be a very bright light , much brighter than the older incandescent Mini Maglite and very much brighter than a single-led flashlight I have from Brinkmann and a 9-led light from Harbor Freight Tools . the illumination pattern be also much smoother , and I like that you can adjust it by rotate the head of the flashlight -lrb- although the range of adjustment be fairly limited compare to the incandescent version -rrb- . I also like the cool white color of the illumination . it be advertise as be a 3 watt lead , so be a engineer , I have to measure it . it draw 370ma of current at 3 volt , so that be more like 1 watt of actual power dissipation . I guess they rate it compare to the amount of light that would be put out by a 3 watt incandescent bulb . by the way , my old incandescent bulb version of the same Mini Maglite draw 300mA of current , so do not expect more battery life from the lead version . my Brinkmann and Harbor Freight Tools flashlight draw around 50-60ma , so they battery last a lot longer at the expense of much less illumination . if you be concern about go through battery , you can use nimh rechargeable battery . overall I be very impressed with this little light . it be a bit longer than the incandescent version but I have not find that to be a problem . update 1\/11\/09 : as expect , my first set of battery last about 8 hour . there be no warning when they go . the light just suddenly go out . it might go off and on several time as the battery voltage hover around the minimum necessary to keep it light . at first I think there be a loose connection . I be out hike on a cold night when this happen , and I be able to get another 20 minute of life by warm the flashlight inside my pocket for a few minute . I still stick by my 5-star rating as you get a much brighter light with battery that still last as long as in the older incandescent version of this flashlight . 197 Flashlight POS 4 I purchase this holder for my maglite 4d lead , it be a very cool holder . the only problem that I have be that my maglite will pop-out of the holder when I be run . other than that it be very easy to use , it be easy to put you flashlight into the holder and it be also easy to take it out . the button snap button make the holder a lot more reliable . I recommend this holder . 731 Flashlight POS 5 this be a really great little flashlight . I buy it to keep in a computer repair kit and it be be a great help . not much more I can really say about it - I have always love Mag Lites ; in my experience they work for age without any problem . 955 Flashlight POS 5 this the second replacement battery pack I have purchase . what set this one apart be the price . most place want $ 40 , or more , for this battery pack . I still feel that a $ 10 to $ 15 price range would be fair . but , pay half price do make I feel better . beware beware beware I do not use the flashlight everyday , so when I try it for the second time , just past the thirty day return period , I find that it be defective . guess what nobody would warranty it ! 367 Flashlight NEU 3 I accidently purchase this item think it be the lead version . once I receive and realize my mistake I still have some use for it so I use it . the function and light output be impressive . the beam adjustment be impressive for the price I pay . still I could not stand be stick in prehistoric time without LED , no offense Thomas Edison , so I start look for a lead replacement when I stumble upon the `` terralux tle-5ex ministar2 Extreme lead upgrade ' . sure it be practically and actually a little pricier than just buy the LED Mini mag but to I it be a matter of pride and I enjoy reuse old stuff specially if it can be retrofit . a few day later I have a new state of the art Mini Mag . the difference be night and day , no pun intend . I notice the lead minus mag do have a slight different look to it , some would say more futuristic but the upgrade really enhance the light and energy efficiency of the classic Mini mag . to top it all off I find my old minus mag under the couch so guess what I do , yeah I order another upgrade kit so yeah I have two awesome minus mag now . the short of it be that this be a great little flash light for the price but I highly recommend you buy the led function which will make up for the premium in battery savings alone . great durable build and I with my upgrade kit I be happy as can be . 259 Flashlight POS 5 I have be use my rechargable mag light with the ni-cad battery pack for over five year . it charge when I be not use the light and when I pick it up to use the light these battery really hold a charge . I take it on trip without even bring the charger . it be one of my favorite tool . the battery do not leak and it be ZERO trouble . I recommend this light and battery pack for everyone . portable , rugged , dependable and very useful . 355 Flashlight POS 5 great power , you can adjust the setting , spotlight focus like a laser beam . beautiful , simple yet elegant design . a true classic at a very reasonable price -lrb- smaller surefire brand flashlight make in China cost double the price -rrb- . you can still find a quality product make in the USA ! very durable , engineer well , big enough where you could use in emergency self defense situation . 55 Flashlight POS 5 I have have this for about five month now and so far its hold up good . I test it with the 2d maglite and the 4d maglite and there be never any problem the snap button have never get loose . but when i do receive my package the packaging for it be really greasy . 772 Flashlight NEU 3 what can I say ? I buy this item and install it into the light and it work . satisfy as of today . 744 Flashlight NEU 3 Maglite be a good flashlight for the price . but what I want more be , 1 . smaller & lighter 2 . much more brighter & focus beam 3 . lead instead of halogen\/xenon for longer life . only after see `` wolf-eye pilot whale 1000 luman '' , I realize that led can be so brighter . there be a lead upgrade option available for magcharger by terralux tle-300mr ministar30mr 600 Lumens LED upgrade for Mag Charger Rechargeble Flashlight see it in action video -lrb- ... -rrb- also all Magcharger model be have same luman , only difference be the ac\/dc\/europe charger , spend some time search that . also check Stream light 76811 polystinger d lead flashlight with 120-volt ac , black top bright led flashlight be also available from these brand -lrb- some of they available in Amazon -rrb- wolf-eye ultrafire eagletec fenix . Hope these help someone try to find a brighter flashlight 70 Flashlight POS 4 I see Maglite Mini Mags for around $ 10 all of the time . they be handy little flashlight . this model be the older incandecent bulb type flashlight . they be ok , but if you have ever experience a lead flashlight , it hard to be happy with the old style bulb . I be able to pick up my blue Mini mag for $ 7.50 , shipping include . I add a terralux tle-20 lead upgrade for $ 13 . so I now have $ 20 into it . now it have a nice bright white light , about 28 lumen , and the battery life be extend by six time . I figure over time the Terralux lead upgrade will pay for itself in save on battery . if I be look for a new Mini mag , I would probably just buy the newer lead version of the flashlight . I see they on sale for around $ 20 . in my opinion the older incandecent Mini Mags benefit greatly from the led upgrade , thus I only give it 4 star . but I be very happy with my upgrade version , and would recommend the upgrade if you already own a older Mini mag . it be useful when I get up in the middle of the night , and wander around the house . I still have my bigger 4 d cell maglite with a lead upgrade for outside duty , it be much brighter and have a much longer throw . but the Mini mag be just fine for inside the house , and any close range task . I just love the blue anodized color of my Maglite Mini mag flashlight . 203 Flashlight POS 5 light be what I expect . ship quickly at a very good price . be a lot better price than I find at any of the local store . very satisfy . 666 Flashlight NEG 1 say it be a lead in spec . it be a xenon bulb . not happy about this . I specifically order it because it be lead . I already open it which you can not do without wreck the packaging so I be out of luck . 390 Flashlight POS 5 I be a deputy sheriff and this be the flashlight that be issue to I . I like it so much , I buy two more for the house and car . it be the definitive flashlight that balance cost\/function . I highly recommend it . 417 Flashlight POS 5 this be a great flashlight vary bright plus it be rechargeable . this be the last flashlight you ever need . 623 Flashlight POS 5 I have both my 12v and 18v flashlight bulb go out quickly on my m series Milw . flashlight . the review all state that the replacement bulb go out quickly as well . I just recieve these bulb and try they out ; the first 10 minute on a freshly charge battery I smell plastic , and after 1 hour and five minute I find lens too hot to touch -lrb- probably before that time as well -rrb- . I only check it twice as I be also watch a film . I find the reflector to be too hot to touch , and the little paper ring between bulb body and reflector come unglued . bulb spring be hot but not too much . no scorch or melt plastic . incidentally , the beam blind I when I look directly into it . I even bang the flashlight around a bit and do not lose the bulb . this puppy be go back into the van and back to work . I may replace the paper ring with a couple of neophrene washer to isolate the bulb\/reflector , and I will also definately drill a couple of hole in the botton body to facilitate convection out of the side vent hole , cool the back of the reflector . as I be a plumber , I 'll not drill hole in the top for water to get in , of course . this test be with flashlight sit vertically on bottom of battery with lens set to shine horizantally\/90 degree ; usual work position for I . April ... I be back with great news . these bulb work just great , with much use , no heat problem , etc. . I drop my flashlight 5ft from a ladder and it land on its side ; it land hard on concrete and I be concern I have crack the battery casing . no crack , bulb work fine and still do . 433 Flashlight POS 5 this be my first maglite and I be very happy with it . even after know the length of this flashlight , I be still surprise by how long it be when I receive it . build quality be top notch , just as I be expect from a brand like Maglite . if you be after a more practical-size flashlight this be definitely not the one for you . however , highly recommend if you want the biggest and baddest flashlight around . 213 Flashlight NEG 2 I still do not understand how Maglite can make such great flashlight , and yet make a horrible single cell key chain flashlight . I have use maglite product for year . they be incredible sturdy , and yet beautiful to behold ! I have try to tell they , but they do not seem to listen , or care . I keep buy they , think they 'll get better , but they do not . like other have say , they be not very bright and they use power rapidly . and they flicker . I really do want a small flashlight for door lock and the like , but this definitely not it . DO BETTER , MAGLITE ! 6 Flashlight NEG 2 I expect a lot from a maglite . this one be very underwhelming . I think my two biggest problem be 1 -rrb- the HUGE hole in the light beam in the center , and 2 -rrb- the method of turn the light on and off . first the hole in the center of the beam be very large . as in , you have to hold the flashlight off center to see anything . it be literally a ring of light , not a disc . I end up focus the side of the ring on what I be look at , and in turn , use about 10 % of the light create . other small led flashlight just perform much better . on to the method of engage the light : to turn it on , it have the very old method of turn the head , in order to screw down to the battery . this be innovative in the 70 and be extremely out-dated . none of the other , full-sized maglite use this , they have a very handy button to turn it on and off . the flashlight that I replace this one with use a button on the base , and it work great ! this one turn on while in you pocket and drain the battery . speak of the battery , how can a lead burn through battery so fast ? in a single word , this flashlight be simply `` underwhelming '' . 735 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be well make , very sturdy , and very durable . it be a much better product than the cheap plastic flashlight you can get for $ 1 a piece that break two week after you buy they . I purchase this mag when it be on sale , and now wish I have buy a few more . 641 Flashlight POS 5 my parent give I one of these -lrb- stamp with the Boeing logo-must have be a freebie -rrb- when I move out . not so much for the giant amount of light it emit make it good for roll black-out . rather , they give I one so that I might be able to quickly subdue any intruder . zombie , rapist , thug , and thief , beware ! the heavy over a foot long weapon would stop anything in it be track . thankfully I have not have to use it as a deadly weapon . it be serve I well through many a blackout , and I imagine would make I a freeze-tag champion if my neighbor be more fun . 117 Flashlight POS 4 maglite have never be fabulous flashlight . this have not change . what you get here be good value at $ 16 . mag give you a modest size package that take a very common cell size -lrb- aax2 -rrb- . be metal thus reasonably durable and water resistant . have a fairly good led in the current generation maglite , a Luxeon rebel -lrb- last generation maglite have a terrible led -rrb- . the Luxeon rebel be old technology , and not up to the standard of a modern cree in efficiency or output . the LED 's output be good for what it be , and a nice neutral white with a usable beam . the mode be a nice touch : full\/half\/strobe \/ so . all of these production decision be fine in a light at this price . the reason this product lose a star be the lame plastic lens . I have be through many round of MagLites over the year , they tend to stand up to abuse well , but the lens get scratch , pit , and dirty beyond cleaning or repair . it then must be replace , which be a hassle . a better -lrb- read more durable and scratch resistant -rrb- lens would make this a five star product . I end up purchase a nice glass ar coated lens for my mini-mag , and its service life have extend considerably . I love the mini-mag as a backup light for its cost effective illumination , and will continue to use it with custom lens . 372 Flashlight POS 5 my last Maglite battery finally croak after about seven + year of usage . so after see the price of these item at a local retailer , I look online and find this item at substantial savings . so far so good , my ancient streamlight sl-20 have no idea there be yet another Maglite battery within it . after work in the Police Equipment business for decade , I determine from we repair department -lrb- I -rrb- , that Maglite battery outlast all other and be actually quite competitively price with the cheaper brand of knock-off battery on the market . it have be my experience that the Maglite battery can take slightly more abuse from fumble finger operator . 770 Flashlight POS 4 this be my third or fourth 6 cell maglite . they be a incredible product . the first thing that I do when I purchase a new vehicle -lrb- usually a pickup or suv -rrb- be buy a MAGLITE , a good sturdy pocket knife , and a hydraulic jack for the vehicle . basic equipment not include at the factory ! I usually keep a couple maglite around the house for emergency too . this one be for the house ... until I pick up my new vehicle ! 271 Flashlight POS 5 I originally buy the lead model of this flashlight thinking I can mod that use a terralux lead mod , but that model have the wrong type of bulb socket . the regular non-led be the one of buy for the TerraLux mod . and it be very bright as soon as I pull out the regular bulb and install the terralux ministar2 tle-5ex mod . the only portable flashlight I need to carry around with I now . 212 Flashlight POS 5 great light and deterent . late night walk to the bathroom while camping will be less nerve rack . 567 Flashlight POS 5 what else can I add to the grow great review for this product ? all I can say be that this be one of the best flash light I have ever use . I like it so much that I buy two of these : one for work and one for my car . i work the night shift . I use the work one often . it be bright and very solid . the size be just about right . it be not too big like its larger brother , but just big enough to feel secure while hold it . a great value ! if you be look to buy a flashlight , look no further . this be the perfect one for the home consumer . 679 Flashlight POS 5 not much too say , but I can even see who be fly up in the sky at night . very good flashlight . 856 Flashlight NEG 1 3 week ago , I contact Maglite for a replacement switch for my 4-d flashlight , in which the switch fail . the customer service rep ask I for my serial number , which I give she and she assure I that I could get a replacement switch . I give she my name and address and she say that a shipment have just go out , and it would be in the next shipment . that be fine with I . day turn into week . still no part . more day go by . still no part in the mail . hmmmm . be this how long time customer be treat ? I previous own a variety of they flashlight , from a AAA Solitaire to a 5-d flashlight , at least 5 in total . my dad have purchase in the neighborhood of 15 or more himself , start in about '86 when someone else turn he onto Maglites . customer support be as important to I as the product itself . have customer support become a casualty of a tough economy ? this long-time customer will have to look at alternative the next time he be buy a flashlight . 797 Flashlight POS 5 finally ! a American make lead flashlight ! this be a great model with several feature available only for the lead model . very bright ! build solid and have the consistent reliabilty of MagLite . tremendous product ! 738 Flashlight POS 5 if you want a super heavy duty flashlight that can also be use for self defense then this flashlight be for you ! 884 Flashlight POS 5 I have use MagLite flashlight of various size for 15 year and always find they to be very well-made , durable and dependable . I also have a 5 watt surefire flashlight and a 1 watt lead flashlight that be similar in design to the Mini-Maglite . I have also use a MiniMaglite lead upgrade module -lrb- not make by maglite -rrb- - which do not perform to my expectation . I recently purchase the 3 watt lead mini-maglite and be very impressed with it . it be very bright - at least 3x as bright as the 1 watt minimag clone that I have . it be not as bright as my 5 watt surefire tactical flashlight , but I would not want it to be . 3 watt be great for a general purpose flashlight . in short , the Mini-Maglite LED have exceed my expectation . the only negative that I have be that it take so long for MagLite to make they led flashlight available . other led flashlight have be available for several year and it be begin to look like MagLite be not go to develop any led product - I be glad they do because this be a great little flashlight . 710 Flashlight POS 5 there be two kind of flashlight : the run-o-the-mill commodity number and the mag light . mag be the `` snap on '' tool of the flashlight world ; build without compromise to become a sort of work art . they resemble a good quality camera or telescope in they construction . the four d-cell mag be the Caddy of they all . these be incredibly bright -lrb- you 'll regret look into the business end of one -rrb- . four d-cell capacity translate into very long service on a change of battery . and if you ever find yourself in a dark alley -lrb- which will not be that dark if you lug this sucker in with you -rrb- , the sheer size of this flashlight will be a comfort - it be like a nightstick in length and heft . like all the larger mag , they can store a extra bulb in the cap -lrb- include -rrb- so you be never catch unprepared . if you be the sort that be always lose flashlight , spring for a mag - you 'll like it so much that you 'll surely keep track of it . 473 Flashlight POS 5 these hold extremely tight . I hang flashlight vertically and only use one clip per flashlight . it be plenty secure . 314 Flashlight NEG 1 I can not rate this item because I do not get my package ! I order it 18 day ago and it do have tracking info for the first few day . now it be track info be unavailable and I have no clue where it be ! now thanks to Amazon not know where my product be , I be now very upset ! I would be CAREFUL ORDERING THIS ITEM you MAY NOT get it !! 699 Flashlight POS 5 my husband , be at wit end in try to track down bulb for he craftsman work light . Sears do not have they in stock , so I suggest go on line to Amazon . I find the bulb he need and they be much better than the one sell by Sears . he be very pleased with the DEWALT bulb and the quick service from Amazon . 898 Flashlight POS 5 seem more powerful than the original flashlight that come as a pkg with the drill . nothing like have the pivot head ! 211 Flashlight POS 5 I love this flashlight , I have two . it work great , be very bright and convenient to use . 435 Flashlight POS 4 maglite be the flashlight of choice for I for about a decade . they be well-made and generally brighter than what I have be use to . I buy this particular flash three year ago -lrb- this be through Amazon although the header do not verify this -rrb- , and I use it quite a bit for two year . it see substantial duty assist I in walk dark sidewalk for a couple of mile to church and back . I often use it to warn off approach vehicle when the unshoveled snow on sidewalk force I to walk in the street at night . it acquit itself well enough with these task , but I notice that it be increasingly burdensome to use this flash . it be very heavy , to the point that this alone will be a major consideration for many senior citizen as well as many woman . it do not exactly slip into a jacket pocket , so I find myself leave it behind in church pew and after church dinner . and the battery become costly after awhile . a year ago , I purchase Nebo Redlines , and these have become my new flashlight of choice . they be also well-made and bright , but they be also much lighter , have greater functionality with they various setting , and be much easier and convenient for use by those of we who be age . maglite be once the standard , and they be a very good standard at the time . technology and the market have move on , however . three year ago , I would have give this five star . now I can only grant it three to four star . this seem pretty sacrilegious . still , if you do not need a weaponize flashlight , you be better off turn to the new generation of flashlight . 943 Flashlight NEU 3 due to its rigid aluminum construction any form of shock absorb by the light , generally from a fall at hip level or even a roll out of the truck door , will kill the bulb . I have be tell the lead version of this light be a better option as the LED 's be more durable . personally after own a few of these I find they to be over rate . they be to heavy , the beam be very weak when its widen and very small and bright when focus . I find there be no good in between . in my opinion you can get just as good performance with a smaller 2d mag light of even the aa version . 604 Flashlight POS 5 this be not the first mag light that I have purchase . they continue to make a sturdy and convenient to use product . it be just the thing to keep at my bedside . 858 Flashlight POS 5 I work in a place that use 4 of these light 24\/7 . the light be switch on and off hundred of time per week , drop , and generally abused . in the five year I work there , we never have to buy a replacement . occassionally a switch would die , but Mag Instrument repair that free . ca not be beat ! 185 Flashlight POS 5 I have use this flashlight in Haiti , in the high humidity and extreme dust . it hold up beautifully and I always leave mine behind for friend to use . I now use maglite 4 and 6 d cell flashlight at home and in the car . they be easy to grip , easy to focus and solid . plus they be MADE in the USA . something I have recently come to pay attention to once again . when I be a kid , we always look for the union label and make in the USA marking and somehow slip away from pay attention to that distinction . this be a well make and hardwork solid tool well deserving of the accolade it receive . 815 Flashlight POS 5 the mag rechargable flashlight be a very good product , very bright and light weight . I be very pleased with the mag rechargable light . 195 Flashlight POS 5 my husband and I buy we first maglite almost two year ago , and its still work like its new . he use it nightly at work . he can get about a week to two week usuage out of it before he have to charge it . we buy the second for home use because we get tire of buy battery for the small maglite you get from wal-mart . we love we new rechargable as much as the old one . I buy it about a month ago and use it about once a week . I havent have to charge it once . the only complaint I have have about maglite be that the button on the first one have fall off but it be still work fine other then that . 914 Flashlight POS 5 even though these be DeWalt light bulb , I have successfully use they to replace Ryobi and Sears 18v light bulb that come in the handheld light you get in the rechargeable toolkit . if you drop a lamp , the bulb will tend to go -lrb- although they take a decent amount of punishment beforehand -rrb- . I highly recommend keep a few on hand . they be very bright and can fill a room with light . 608 Flashlight POS 5 have lose my old standby 3-cell maglite after about twenty year of reliable service , I replace it with a new one without shop around for a newer product . while it be possible that someone may improve on this model , or perhaps have do so , I be confident that this new one will not fail either , and can not ask any more for the price . 975 Flashlight POS 5 the AA Maglite be very bright for its size . with fresh battery , it have the potential to lighten up a moderate size room under very dark condition . Mine have be 100 percent reliable , even when drop several time . accident happen , and my Mini AA be all scratch up and beat up -lrb- the black finish have partially come off from be drop so often -rrb- , yet it continue to work -lrb- even when drop on cement from 5 foot up on multiple occasion -rrb- . the only part I have have to replace be the bulb . while not as bright as higher tech surefire and similar flashlight , the Maglite AA be the most reliable and toughest flashlight I have owneed . 143 Flashlight NEG 1 suppose to include two AA battery but I see I be charge a additional $ 7.51 for a pair of battery I neither need nor order . what kind of a dirty trick be that ? be careful ... Amazon have apparently slip over to the dark side and be now obviously a stink dirty rat . 487 Flashlight POS 5 I have one at work and I have one at home . I can always count on it work and use it all the time . 685 Flashlight POS 5 I love this mini maglite . I be think of the lead version but decide to get this one instead . you probably can not go wrong with either of the two but I like the standard bulb . plus I have a great set of rechargeable aa battery so I be not too worried about its battery use . its just large enough to have a good feel to it but not so big that it can not be easily carry in a pocket or on a belt . my father a auto mechanic and this be he favorite small flashlight for he job . 165 Flashlight NEU 3 this replace the original bulb perfectly . I 'll get another when the time come . I wish the package lend itself to better protection . 291 Flashlight POS 4 this flashlight be a spare flashlight that we keep around for blackout and anytime we need a larger portable light source . it be we heaviest flashlight . despite this it look hitech due to its black sleek metal case . my son love to play with this one . 107 Flashlight POS 5 nice little torch , not as small as the `` tactical '' style light but will fit in a coat pocket nicely . fit in the hand well with a little overhang . I like it ! 562 Flashlight NEG 1 the shipping be as much or more than the product . I order it with other dewalt product but it be ship from a seperaye company 610 Flashlight POS 5 then instruction for this product tell you to mount both clamp for one flashlight . unless you use the flashlight all the time you only need to mount one . I have mount 4 flashlight in stragitic area in the house . we have have two power outage since and my wife love the fact that she know exactly where the flaslight be ! very easy to mount . 46 Flashlight POS 5 excellent flashlight light to carry and very durable . I would highly recommend this for a home user or camper very dependable flashlight . 90 Flashlight POS 5 this very portable flashlight be heavy and sturdy . it have be drop several time , with no damage to the glass . the illumination be also quite strong for the size of the flashlight , and will last for several week of use without a battery change . this be easily the most durable flashlight of its kind ; you be likely to lose it before you damage it . 295 Flashlight POS 5 its small , its well build -lrb- i buy it to fit a burner lazer in it , but after i hold it in my hand i just coudnt let my self tear that masterpeice apart -rrb- , its so bright that it can make you go blind , it have adjustable beam width , ITS AWESOME ! money well spend . 734 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite 's be always great flashlight , and this one be no different . good price , Quality product , nice holster . 251 Flashlight POS 5 I order this and think there be one in each package , but there be two in each . no big deal , can always use they . just be aware . 867 Flashlight POS 5 its a excelent product and I be happy to have one for I . Easy to use and very funtional . I recommend . 302 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this light to attach to my mossberg 500 , now i know its not mean to be a gun light but it stand up to the abuse i put it through and its plenty bright for indoor use and limited outdoor use . Great little light , you cant go wrong with it . 118 Flashlight POS 5 I be hesitant to buy this , and with a 3 d-cell flashlight be as heavy as it be . I mount this to the wall , make sure it be attach to the stud in the wall . there be make of palstic -lrb- very strong -rrb- . it have excellent retention property . it actually hold the flashlight so tight that you feel as though the plastic mount would break -lrb- it do not -rrb- . I buy 4 set of these , and do not regret it . 24 Flashlight NEG 2 I do not know what annoy I more the fact that I pay 10.00 for the bulb , or the 10.00 shipping charge . if that be the type of vendor that sell from you sight I will think twice before use Amazon again . I do not mind a person make a profit but that be not only excessive , but sneaky . not fair , I feel that I be have ! Live and learn . Ray 489 Flashlight NEG 1 buy this 2 week ago , base on my excellent experience with Maglites , BUT this one do not live up to Maglite quality . unlike the Mini mag it be fashion after , Maglite must have change something as the rotary on\/off switch die after 2 week . guess i 'll try the competition ... . . 642 Flashlight POS 5 hold d-cell size maglite very securely . two be in the package but I olny use one clip on a wall and mount it vertically . you might need both in a vehicle though . 588 Flashlight NEG 1 3 week ago , I contact Maglite for a replacement switch for my 4-d flashlight , in which the switch fail . the customer service rep ask I for my serial number , which I give she and she assure I that I could get a replacement switch . I give she my name and address and she say that a shipment have just go out , and it would be in the next shipment . that be fine with I . day turn into week . still no part . more day go by . still no part in the mail . hmmmm . be this how long time customer be treat ? I previous own a variety of they flashlight , from a AAA Solitaire to a 5-d flashlight , at least 5 in total . my dad have purchase in the neighborhood of 15 or more himself , start in about '86 when someone else turn he onto Maglites . customer support be as important to I as the product itself . have customer support become a casualty of a tough economy ? this long-time customer will have to look at alternative the next time he be buy a flashlight . 601 Flashlight NEU 3 what can you say bulb burn out . these can be hard to find so if you be buy a light you might as well pick up a couple because there be nothing worse than grab you light and find out the bulb be burn out and you do not have a spare when you really need it ! 657 Flashlight POS 5 we have own a few cheap-o led minus flashlight , but think it would be smart to have a higher quality item with we camping tool , so I purchase this one . this mini maglite led be perfect ! it out-shine we other 3 lead light , have a focus option for the beam -lrb- very helpful ! -rrb- , a all-metal housing , and the quality feel you get with all maglite product . I be so please with this light , I be order a couple more to replace the one we keep in we glovebox . 199 Flashlight POS 5 ZBATTERY.COM be SELLING THIS ITEM for $ 19.95 702 Flashlight POS 5 this light be awesome ! with 40,000 candlewatt power it will light up you entire room in you house when the power go out-which we here in Raleigh have experience a lot in the past few year . with 1000 recharge possible it pay for itself over and over . ca not go wrong with this one ! 998 Flashlight POS 5 I once put my 3d cell black maglite flashlight on the closet shelf and i be leave the room and i hear a thud i go to turn on the flashlight and to my surprise it still work 632 Flashlight POS 5 I have own one of these for almost 10 year now . it be the best flashlight I ever purchase . I buy it when I be in college and work as a student Auxiliary for the college Police Department . my flashlight have suffer a great deal more then most flashlight can handle . it be be drop , run over , use as a hammer , use to pound in tent stake , constantly take on road trip , I can not even remember all of the thing I have do to it . all I can tell you be it still work . to keep it work well you should occasionally apply a small amount of Vaseline to the thread to keep the thread and o-ring lubricate . if you do this it should last you a long time . 329 Flashlight NEG 2 Trust I it feel good in you hand but the lead streamlight for 20 be a better deal . well i say it be 8 dollar 242 Flashlight NEU 3 I use several flashlight of this type as ship surveyor and can say that the newer version be lower quality -lrb- make in china -rrb- than before . con : 1 . this flashlight be big and very heavy 2 . the battery last about 2 hour 3 . the switch be not so strong 4 . can not charge a spare battery on original charger 5 . if you hit the flashlight you burn the bulb the power adapter fail after one month . pro : 1 . focus ability 2 . good light 756 Flashlight POS 5 this small led flashlight put out a lot of light for it be size - especially when you consider how little power the LED bulb use . nice flashlight . I would prefer a push button on\/off , but the twist on\/off work ok too . 156 Flashlight POS 4 good and sturdy clip . take a bit to get use to it and i guess to break they in a little but a good buy . 534 Flashlight POS 5 these flashlight mount bracket be make of some type of plastic , it must be kryptonite because my first set be very old and be still in service , they never wear out . need a second set for a different area and I be glad the product have not change . 965 Flashlight NEG 1 Poor beam , not even and weak . twist to open\/off . seem difficult to turn it on\/off with one hand . I do not think in a emergency everybody can have both hand to turn this flash on . when you get a focused beam then the head can pop off to become a candle light . I do not like this idea . high price , low run time . different color get different price . ridiculous ! I want to use it to to light up the laser marked chip . it do the job poorly even my $ 1 cheap flash from Fry 's can light up the laser mark for I to read . I be really disappointed and do not know how to deal with it . Ben 664 Flashlight POS 4 I buy this for my 18V B&D; flashlight . it fit a little looser than the orginal and I be a little worried that it would not work , but it work just fine . I have not use it long enough to comment on bulb life . 335 Flashlight POS 5 I have be carry and use MAGLITE flashlight for longer than I can remember . from the `` aa '' size to the `` 6d '' size , they have all be reliable dependable and without failure every time I need they , until they be either lose or steal . they put serial number on they just for this reason . be careful who you loan they to , as they be highly coveted and they have be know to grow leg and walk away . while I be at sea in the Navy , I accidentally drop one over the side at night . I have no idea how deep the water be as I watch the light sink into the inky black depths for almost 20 seconds . but , that be as `` water resistant '' as I will ever need . the `` 2d '' size be the ideal size for store in you glove box , or in the gadget drawer of you kitchen or on you workbench . they be great for all size of hand , and tough enough to withstand accidental drop , bang and kick . and the switch in particular be sturdy enough to resist continuous , repetitive on\/off testing by curious youngster . they be perfect in any emergency situation ; such as the California rolling blackout , or a flat tire on the side of the freeway . I keep one in every car I own and I give they to my child to keep in they car also . plus there be several in strategic place around my house and garage . nothing else I have ever own , except maybe my dog , have be so reliable or dependable -lrb- I do not own my very reliable and very dependable wife -rrb- . and when it come to present , and those hard to buy for people on you list . no one , on any occasion , will ever be disappoint when they open a MAGLITE flashlight . and as a giver ; neither will you . 432 Flashlight POS 5 I have three of these flashlight and they be fantastic . I keep one in the garage -lrb- see accessory section for mount bracket -rrb- , one on the fireplace mantle , and one in my car . they all work perfectly , project a bright , adjustable beam , and feel great in you hand . not only do it work in normal condition , but the gasket and button do a great job keep water out - I live in the Pacific Northwest and use it in the rain frequently with no problem . this be the same model that many of we local law enforcement type use day-in \/ day-out . I would image that may a miscreant have receive a `` bop '' on the head with one of these baby and will think twice before resume they layabout way . get one of these with three fresh Duracell 's and you be set . this flashlight will last you a lifetime ! 807 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this to help walk the dog late at night . it give the perfect amount of light to see where you be go , but not enough for the neighbor to call the cop . it be lightweight , which be good when struggle with a playful puppy . overall , this flashlight make my life easier as I be no longer walk into thorn bush . 713 Flashlight POS 5 buy this light along with they fluorescent lamp -lrb- which die after 2 month -rrb- . this light work as expect . very happy with it . 264 Flashlight POS 4 this be a quality product , I have be in possesion of a maglite for only a couple of week but within that time it have display great durability be run over twice by a tractor and be regularly drop . it also come in handy for light thing up apparently . 742 Flashlight POS 5 I retire my maglite 3d a long time ago for my Streamlight . when my life be on the line , I can not afford to have a dim , yellow beam with dark spot . but for those situation where a tactical light be just overkill , this little baby still find it be way into my tool box . I actually still keep several of these around . they have all be modify with terralux tail Cap switch . one with a red lamp in the glove box so that I do not ruin my night vision or have that bright glare in the windshield . another convert with a 140 luman lead that I keep around for peek under the hood . no homeowner should be without a ultraviolet lamp for check he sheet for semen when he return from work . wife lie . forensic do not . with a little imagination , a roll of duct tape , some bail wire , a pack of zip tie , and some double side mount adhesive ; there be no tell what you could do . I can not count the number of time I have use my Mini-Maglite , a swiss Army Knife , a paperclip , and a piece of gum to get I out of a jam . terralux tle-5uv ministar2 Ultraviolet Replacement Bulb for 2 aa Mini Maglite Flashlight 350 Flashlight POS 5 I agree with other review that these clip be tight . that be nice for hold the light , but I also agree that if you alignment be off too much it lead to premature failure . once again it would cost they nothing to include a small template strip of paper . little fold mark for 2d , 3d , 4d , 6d , whatever , would make it universal for any d maglite . this be a theme with I and my review - stupid thing like this cause product failure and bad review . maybe that be what they want to sell more bracket ? either way I order more set . I be not go to let they stop me from send they my money : p 456 Flashlight POS 5 must have have a bad production run of these . the first two have a defective snap . very please with the third one . the snap work properly . it keep my maglite ready and wait for when I need light . 924 Flashlight POS 4 I purchase this flashlight to use on detail when I be patrolling as part of a Citizens Watch program . it be not bright enough to help with tripping and focus in on detail . however , it be fine for a purse and backup flashlight . the belt thing be cool-just girl do not usually wear belt . 792 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this 6-cell maglite for my boyfriend as a gift . he now keep it next to he all day . this be the brightest and ` badest ' light out there . we also own two 4-cell maglite , but this be by far the best value . I recommend it to anyone for the indoors or outdoor activity . 931 Flashlight NEG 2 Thats how this work . you rotate the top portion around and the brightness and focal length increase . but then it come off at the end . I read this about this product before , but its kind of annoy when you want to use this in a hurry and it become loose . would have prefer a switch . its quite compact and slip easily into you pocket . would buy again from Maglite , but not the same design . Advice : look for something else , but make sure it doesnt operate the same way as this device . 468 Flashlight POS 4 this be a nice little pocket flashlight with the Maglite quality you would expect . also come with a nylon holster that you can loop onto you belt . but ... - lack a one-button on\/off switch . you need to twist the head to turn on\/off and re-adjust the beam spread each time you use . - do not come with a lanyard -lrb- but do have a mount hole on the butt end -rrb- . - not as bright as the new led flashlight . bottom line : if you be a traditionalist , you 'll like this item . otherwise , get a compact led aluminum case flashlight make in China . you can get a way better perform 21-led unit of equal quality for half the price . 971 Flashlight POS 5 I be buy this as a replacement for the one I have . the new light be a better light than the one I have . my battery fit in this light better . the quality be great . if you need a long lasting and great quality light buy this one . I be very happy with this light . I have the drill and 2 battery plus the charger . the light help when work outdoor and in dark place . this light be very bright and the battery last a long time with out have to be recharge . need light this be it . 495 Flashlight POS 5 to start , I be a tradesman who have to carry he lifeline on he belt . not only on the job , but I be also the unnofficial handyman of this apartment complex . every time I even move to take my workbelt off , it seem to be a signal for a neighbor to bang on the wall say something be on fire or will not open all the way . and the Mini mag be the universal flashlight . it be sell everywhere , include this fine site and even family store , and despite its legendary quality and design , be at the most ten dollar with include holster . I prefer the classic aa design , where CA not you find aa ? I have use one of these on my belt for about four year . it be a excellent tool , and I have never have one wear out on I . the bulb , however , be the Achilles heel . the rest of the flashlight be military , police and trade quality , for civilian price . but these dang bulb go orange after a couple week and last a couple month of casual use . I be consider shell out forty buck for a small led , just to save the money on bulb . then , walk through a sport outlet , I pass the flashlight section . and next to the usual Mini mag with holster , which I own close to six of , be a Nite ize accessory design for this same flashlight . a lead bulb . now , I have see these online for about twenty to thirty buck , and this be a ten dollar flashlight ! but this one just sit around on a shelf be eight buck , about a buck less than the flashlight 's shelf price . what the heck , I get one . to quote another review , my trusty old mag be now a state-of-the-art torch , with nearly triple battery life of the old bulb . and led , as all mag-hater know , do not burn out or even go out when bump . so , for a total of twenty buck , you get a american-quality led beam that compete and plain out whip fifty-dollar import with plastic casing . I would not recomend this flashlight if there be not there be a way to fix its biggest flaw . just get you hand on this led adapter , and put it in like you would the standard bulb . replace the mirror reflector , and stomp the old bulb into powder . you will not be need they , ever again . there be also a combo pack availiable , for the same price , that include a push-button adapter if you have ever wish you could tap a red button on the end instead of twist it on and off . I have not try it , but it come with the LED , and for eight buck ? and hey , the flashlight itself come in six different color . these thing be easily replace if one get bang up or you room-mate\/girlfriend draw all over it with sharpie while she be on the phone . I have have these work perfectly even they have be through Hades and back , but some prefer a more formal-looking flashlight . just take the lead out and put it in the new one , those bulb last forever . and now , so will this flashlight . 463 Flashlight NEU 3 I like the light - it put out a great beam , it do not weigh much , it seem to be sturdy enough ... the problem I have with it be it tend to turn on when carry in a pocket . to turn it on , the head be twist . when walk around with the light in a pocket , which I need to do for my work , movement tend to turn the light on . I have run through numerous battery this way , and of course , battery always need to be replace at the most inconvenient time . 621 Flashlight POS 5 can not beat it . I have have one that have be in use for over 20 year . the light be bright . the maglight be make to be use . I purchase this one for another location . 110 Flashlight POS 5 the flashlight to get . that simple . bright , durable , sturdy . it be everything you 'll need in a flashlight . I love mine . it make you wonder why anyone would even consider pay the same price for some dinky plastic flashlight . 154 Flashlight POS 4 exact product at a affordable price w a smooth transaction 93 Flashlight NEG 1 after hear all of the tale of mag-aa durability , etc. I be extremely disappointed , the aa model be very dim compare to the more modern personal light I own . it isnt a dependable light at all , after one 2 foot drop to a carpeted floor the bulb blow out . I replace the bulb with the spare , and it blow out when I put fresh battery in . my recommendation be buy one of the new l.e.d personal lights-no bulb to burn out , longer battery life , much better beam quality , lighter and more dependable . 357 Flashlight NEU 3 \* this flashlight be only useful to I after fitting a third party lead driver & heatsink \* I live on a rural property with horse and need a flashlight that would be 100 % reliable if it be need in a emergency , include be water and shock resistant . I be also after a flashlight that be able to be use for spot object from a distance . the amount of light this maglite put out in standard form be very disappointing and be not useful for anything I need it to do . I fit a third party malkoff lead drop-in that replace the standard bulb assembly and it transform this light from lame to spectacular . everything else about the Maglite though be brilliant : I value the high build quality , size , weather seal and the simple on\/off switch . this be why the 2d maglite be the flashlight I choose to modify . 50 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be one of the best , and widely use by law enforcement , pretty much as standard . I highly reccomend this flashlight ! 929 Flashlight POS 5 if you own a flashlight 10v - 12v this be the bulb you want to buy for you flashlight . these be the best replacement bulb . 547 Flashlight POS 5 this mag Lite be just the right size to carry along if you have to travel through a poorly light area to get to you car at night ! this company make excellent , reliable product ! 448 Flashlight NEU 3 I have buy some Mini-Mag 's before , but even though Streamlight and Pelican be come out with these new terrific light , I realize that dealer be hard to find , and although maglite be the older kid on the block , they be easy to find , and it be still a great light . I buy my second 3-d size at my local `` Wally Mart '' and go to work the next night -lrb- I do mobile security -rrb- . I have own a 3-d size before and always find it better than anything I have ever use , aside from a super Coleman 9-v lantern . sometimes I end up in alley , corridor , and even my favorite , field that be grow new but under construction house . still , nothing make I feel safer -lrb- super boof on the head if under aggresion by a hoodlum -rrb- and well prepare with it be great power , both in spot and flood mode . here come the bad news . I almost forget that my other light die from the same reason this one do . I have drop both of they a few time -lrb- clumsy I -rrb- , yet be remind that these be shock resistant . well , on a fateful day in a office building , with new battery too , I accidently drop my mag and as it hit the ` carpet ' floor , it go off . I try to turn it back on , but after a few try and even change the bulb just in case it be burn out , I realize that my mag have expire . Terrific . the other downfall be that if you drop it and it switch off while you be in the dark , good luck find it if you be in the wood . that happen to I once , but I always carry a backup Mini-Mag , so I find it later -lrb- it be black , and try to find it in the wood with dark branch around be not easy , so it be hard to find -rrb- . take this as good advice : buy it if you be in the wood or on softer ground-two of mine die fall onto carpet . the other thing be to at least get the `` silver '' or `` light blue '' color version . at least they be easier to find in moonlight . I just get the black since the black look best . ah , still . hat off to mag . 1 Flashlight POS 5 we be stand around a campfire several year ago and someone ask to look at my husband 's Mini mag Lite . when we friend be return it , we joke , `` do not throw it in the fire ! '' well , guess what ? he toss be a little short , and into the fire the mag Lite go . as we stand there try to figure out how what to do next , the mag Lite simmer in the hot coal . when we finally extract it from the fire , my husband turn on the switch , and to we utter amazement , it still work ! sure , the plastic disc at the end be completely melt away , but the metal casing be totally intact and the flashlight still work perfectly ! how many flashlight can do that ?? 35 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite 6-d flashlight be perfict . I like it . there be one thing I would say , if you decide to use rechargeble set of battery , they be very expensive . would recommend it . 424 Flashlight POS 5 very easy install and hold the MagLite very securely , have two mount inside my Xterra . 100 Flashlight POS 5 I have be use some form of the DEWALT 12 volt flashlight for the past decade . as I find the DEWALT 12 volt drill a excellent choice for residential & commercial electrical work , the dw904 pivot Head Flashlight make for a perfect companion for you lighting need . it also provide a handy load to fully discharge the drill 's ni-cad battery allow they to recharge to maximum efficiency ! a great supplementary device for all ! Update : my DEWALT flashlight take a accidental tumble from 8 foot high and a hard crash to a hardwood floor . Thought sure it be a goner but the unit come up shine bright ! tough little mama ! 450 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this flashlight , it come quicker than I expect and work perfectly . it do not come with battery , but it require standard d size battery . 571 Flashlight POS 5 I love my Mini Maglite ! I have have two of they in the last 8 year -lrb- one grow leg and walk off , so I replace it for $ 10 -rrb- and never have a single problem with either . these be make by maglite and be a step up from they Solitaire AAA keylight -lrb- another great light -rrb- . the Mini run on two aa battery and have a tiny 3 volt `` bi-pin '' type bulb . the battery be store in the flashlight 's body and be access by unscrew the tail cap . the lens be make of polycarbonate , and every mating surface of the light be seal with rubber o-ring , which make it resistant to dust , moisture , and waterm and I can validate this . I have use it in the rain , mud , snow , and fog with no problem whatsoever ! I think it be interesting that the Mini do not have a traditional on\/off switch . you turn it on by twist the head assembly to the right or leave , and you focus the beam the same way from spot to flood . one of the thing about the Mini mag that I really like be that you can use it as a candle . if you turn it on and keep unscrew the the head , it will eventually come apart . the bulb will stay on so you can use the light as a candle by stand it up on the tail cap . I have find this to be invaluable when I need a desk light or reading light but do not want to get out of bed to turn mine on . the Mini mag be quality instrument . the body , end cap , and head be make out of high quality aluminum that be be computer machine from a solid billet of aluminum , which make it very strong with tight tolerance for precise fit between part . the bezel that secure the lens assembly and reflector be also make out of aluminum that have be laser etch with the Maglite logo , and the head have raise grove cut in it for a better grip when twist the head to turn the light on , off , and for focus the beam . it be also fully anodize inside and out for maximum corrosion resistance in saltwater environment . the body be also cut with a pattern in it for a better grip when you hand be wet or slippery . despite the grip , I do have it slip out of my hand several time . it feel solidly build , hefty in the hand , and I reckon will be unlikely ever to break , even if you abuse it . I be weary of the head fitting snugly to the body because there be a little play in it , but it seem to be seal off good and be not let water or dust in . Mine have be drop more time than I can remember , leave on all night and day , step on , sit on , kick , toss , dunk in water , coat in mud , bury in sand , with no problem . you could run this over and it would be fine ! the lens do get scratch up and the anodization be wear very thin , but it be still good to go . the light output be impressive for such a tiny bulb . I be surprise at how bright it be . it would throw a decent amount of light at least 50 foot and illuminate a small room with the candle function . I can not say how many time I have reach for it and turn it on and it always work . in over 7 year I only have to replace the bulb once -lrb- it come with a spare bulb in the tail cap that be secure in a plastic holder -rrb- . the battery life be pretty good . mag advertise 30 hour of run-time and I can validate that . with fresh battery I use it for over two month of occasional use before it start dim . the best part about these be that you can get a lead conversion for they . Maglite make a lead version of this , but the aftermarket conversion work much better . I install the TerraLux lead kit , and it be worth every penny . it cost more than the Maglite itself , and be more expensive than the mag lead , but it be well worth it . you get triple , maybe quadruple the light output and longer battery life to boot . it be a fantastic investment , and for those who want a physical on\/off switch -lrb- I do -rrb- , terralux make one of those as well . pro : high quality make from aluminum not plastic nearly indestructable water resistant Compact Good light output adjustible beam good battery life easily upgradable con : none ! a great light that will always be there when you need it , plus it be a Maglite so it be a company you can trust will stand behind its product . if you want a inexpensive flashlight that will last you a very long time , look at the Mini Maglite first . 168 Flashlight POS 5 if you primarily want a flashlight you can look elsewhere . this be first and foremost to beat the living daylight out of someone or something that be try to harm you . it be a self-defense club that can do some serious damage . the metal construction combine with the weight of the 6 d-cell battery will bring the pain to bad guy or violent animal . just know that this be capable of do more than just leave bruise or knot and can easily break bone if you go all out with it . the heavy duty construction should be able to provide repeated blow as need to do what be necessary to stop a threat . that be say , this be certainly not concealable if you be look for something non-conspicuous . the 4 or even 3-cell maglite can still pack a decent wallop in a much more compact package . as for the light aspect it do a good job jut like most maglite , but if have a bright light be you main concern you should buy a lead model or get one of the led conversion kit for these as this still come with a incandescent bulb . I would recommend the terralux ministar31 mr-ex 1000 Lumen LED Upgrade kit for MagCharger Lights you burn time will also be much better with a lead model . even so , it be still a pretty decent flashlight even with the stock bulb . 717 Flashlight POS 5 I keep this in my globe box for emergency , additional to my 3 d 's maglite . they be really useful and tough 875 Flashlight POS 5 the Maglite ASXD026 D-Cell Flashlight Mounting Brackets purchase from Amazon be top notch . previous set survive over five -lrb- 5 -rrb- year with almost daily use to hold a 5-cell flashlight without failure . very highly recommend ! 396 Flashlight POS 5 this be the sweet spot of flashlight , unless you go for the more compact Inova X1DM-HB dual High\/Low Mode lead flashlight - 1 aa battery pro : \* throw a bright , concentrated beam \* use aa battery -- alkaline or rechargeable -lrb- see note 1 -rrb- \* excellent specification , fully disclose -lrb- see note 2 -rrb- \* good value if you wait for low tide -lrb- under 16 buckss -rrb- \* 4 mode -lrb- bright , low , blink , SOS -rrb- \* 18 hour -lrb- or more -rrb- from a set of battery - hole for tether or strap con : - Wish it have a glass -lrb- scratch resistant -rrb- lens - warranty do not cover led burnout or lead module failure . - the twist-on , twist-off , adjust-focus-every-time design be not ideal . - - - pricing - - - price jump around , and vary by color . low tide be around 15 . there be a `` Online Price Alert '' that will email you whenever this or any amazon product dip below you target price . Google it . it be nicely do . - - - note - - - note 1 : Stick with AA battery for all you device . best deal on rechargeable , and only one size to stock up on . borrow from other device in a pinch . I never go aaa ... they be 2-1\/2 time as expensive per amp-hour of output , and in flashlight they be also less space-efficient -lrb- per amp-hour of output -rrb- . note 2 : 69 lumen -lrb- light output -rrb- - 2547 Candela -lrb- light intensity -rrb- - 18\/31 hour battery life -lrb- high\/low mode -rrb- 550 Flashlight NEG 1 these be fine in they day , but have be eclipse by much better , brighter aa or aaa flashlight . I decide to try upgrade two old one I own to the newer led and xenon bulb . both bulb be available at the box store and very reasonable . sadly , neither bulb do much to improve the amount of light these Mini MagLites produce . I do not test lumen or anything like that . I just add fresh battery , turn they on in a room with daylight come into it , and you could just see a small circle of light on the wall at 6 ' . at 8 ' they be almost invisible . better technology have pass these by . 893 Flashlight POS 5 this be one tough little flashlight ! I once drop a Mini mag forty foot onto a rock-while lit-and it survive with only a tiny dent . there be cheaper flashlight out there but this be the one to buy . solid , well think out design and great value make this a winner ! 927 Flashlight POS 4 I be seek a AA Maglite flashlight and notice the `` lead upgrade '' offerer by a number of vendor . I find this flashlight and decide to buy it because it be the genuine maglite brand and feature the lead bulb . the lamp be much brighter and the light be much whiter without the dark spot typical of the standard maglite bulb . what be disappointing be that its larger than the standard size aa maglite , and the larger size feel strange in the hand . I wind up buy the standard aa maglite and the nite-ize led upgrade . 553 Flashlight POS 5 I get one of these little like 1980-something . I still have the same one , it still work great with only change bulb and battery throughout the year . it have be practically everywhere with I and always work . these flashlight be campact , bright , durable and focusable . I have drop mine , toss mine , even use it as a hammer once or twice . get it wet , cold and generally yucky . still work great . the only way this will not be the last flashlight you 'll ever buy be if you do what I do , finally get a bigger mag-lite a few year ago for those time when I want more light . these have to be the best-supported flashlight on the planet . how many other flashlight have so many accessory available for they and have be copy so frequently ? you will not be sorry . 973 Flashlight POS 5 I get this as a replacement bulb for my Ryobi 18V cordless flashlight . -lrb- I be surprised Ryobi do not have one -rrb- . it work well 138 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be a monster ! it have wonderful craftsmanship for the price unbeatable . this thing put out a amazing amount of light ! I be at a drive in movie with my friend and before the movie start some people be shine they flashlight on the white screen mess around . I decide to take out this bad boy and it fill the whole entire screen drown out the light of both other flashlight ! the battery also last pretty long , I keep this light in my car and use it maybe once a month , i have not change the battery in over a year ! all in all great product 409 Flashlight POS 5 excellent purchase . now I always know where my flash light be and you can put it anywhere in a convenient place and have it at you access ub case if blackout . 471 Flashlight NEU 3 this light be okay . con : it be not a bright light . it be not a led . you have to twist it to create the desire focus -lrb- a plus if you actually want a wide scatter beam , a minus if you want a quick focused beam -rrb- pro : it be small . it be light . water resistant . not sure about the battery complaint . I use it for quick -lrb- -lrb- 1 minute -rrb- use , from time to time . be use the same battery for a good full year . I think MagLite issue lead ` upgrade ' bulb for the aa battery model be quite a admission that MagLite be not the top in this category anymore . I be hope they engineer can come up with a lead ` upgrade ' bulb for this single , AAA battery model as well . I would imagine it would be a better light . 689 Flashlight POS 5 this little mag blow I away !!! the light its so intense you can not look at it directly ! do not hesitate . . this be the Led flashlight to buy ! . 982 Flashlight POS 5 c'mon , you know you have see police officer and security guard carry this thing . it be not just because it have a great beam you can adjust the intensity of ... it make a great defensive weapon , too ! learn the proper way to hold it and you 'll never feel uneasy try to track down the source of that strange sound in you backyard at 3am again . Trust the law enforcer 's choice ! the mag 3 d-cell rule the night ! 896 Flashlight NEG 1 I buy three set of these . Broke one side of one clip pull out the flashlight two day after install they in my jeep . I have two more set so I change out the broken one . same deal when I pull out the flashlight and break the other of the first set two week later , and replace it . consider the price I just chalk it up to poor manufacture . yesterday i pull the flashlight out and break the side off of another one . I will remove these clip from my jeep and look for something more dependable . I want to mount a light in my jeep , rv , and my truck , but these clip be way too brittle to be dependable . I have one brand new set still in the packaging but I will not be mount they anywhere . I expect a lot out of my tool and maglite make a very high quality , dependable flashlight . I be disappoint to see this quality do not extend to this product . the plastic be too brittle for this use . 63 Flashlight POS 5 Maglite flashlight be renown for they top-notch quality , they waterproof \/ water resistant design , and they extremely durable and corrosion-resistant aircraft grade aluminum casing . the Maglite AA Mini Flashlight be no exception . pro -- - come with a Holster the holster have a loop for thread a belt through . it be well-stitched and make of durable nylon . - waterproof \/ water resistant the maglite be immersible in a few foot of water . - durable the aircraft grade aluminum make the casing of the Maglite extremely durable and completely corrosion resistant . - small and portable the maglite be handy for emergency , hike , camping and other use - and its small size make it very portable for take it along anywhere you go so you would not be catch without a flashlight when you need one ! - well-crafted and beautiful con -- - incandescent flashlight bulb the incandescent flashlight bulb that come with the Maglite can blow out , especially when subject to extreme temperature . LED Bulb Replacement -------------------- as a aside , the incandescent light bulb can be replace with the terralux lead flashlight bulb lead light bulb be brighter , use less energy , and have a 30,000 hour lifespan . conclusion ---------- the Maglite Mini Flashlight be waterproof \/ water resistant , portable , and have a extremely durable exterior . recommend . 510 Flashlight POS 4 I have a lot of flashlight . people read about this product probably already own several size and shape , that be located in tool box , glove compartment and kitchen drawer across America . you can not have too many . I buy this one because of Maglite 's reputation for quality and because the size be perfect for just about any drawer in my house or compartment in my car . add to that the extra juice of the d cell battery and the larger reflector and I know I have to have it . yes , the technology be old school but it be a flashlight , not a computer -lrb- you still use no. 2 pencil right ? -rrb- the darn thing flat out work . you turn it on , light come out of one end - mission accomplish . oh yeah , you can not break it unless you be a barbarian -lrb- a really big barbarian -rrb- . a couple of year ago , I give all my co-worker this model and they still tell I that they use it , love it , best flashlight ever ... and it be american make - I really like that too . 615 Flashlight POS 4 for the price , its a good buy . Works well in the garage with the revolving head . 996 Flashlight NEU 3 the light be great when its working at full brightness . it will frequently go to a dimmer version of itself and I have to turn it off and on again to attempt to get it to settle back to full bright . it occasionally turn off right when I need it to be on . tighten the battery enclosure help a bit but not completely . I expect a lot better from MAGLITE . about 3 week after buy this light I find about $ 8 cheaper at one of the home center . 531 Flashlight POS 4 buy the mag minus and the accessory lens . Wish the light be a bit brighter , but overall the whole package of flashlight , holster , battery , lens , leash and anti-roll device be a nice compact package you can take anywhere . 277 Flashlight POS 4 till now , I have be make do with minimag with various lead drop-in , and the 3 d cell mag , whch be excellent light . the 3d always be too large , heavy , and awkward , though . despite a almost pathological negativity by so-called `` expert '' against MagLite product , for the past 35 year , I have find mine rugged , reliable , and rather good-looking . I really do not need a new flashlight , but just recently , I decide to see what all the yell be about , and purchase the lead version of the MiniMag light . scary bright ! a excellent light-weight light , nearly as bright as the 3d as it come from the package . I feel the additional mode , strobe and SOS , -lrb- probably do with a eye to the competition -rrb- be of very little practical usefulness , except in extreme and rare circumstance , but the lighting level be nice . I put a terralux tailcap switch on my MiniMag LED , something I feel the factory should have provide , and it cycle through the mode without a hiccup . I have never find MagLite 's focus ability to be necessary , so I just set the focus where I wish , and use the tailcap switch . I do not know yet if the durability will match my regular minimag , but judge from my past experience , it will be excellent . recommend : four star , because of the extra , `` fluff '' mode , inconvenient operation without a tailcap , and the need to focus constantly . 536 Flashlight POS 4 mag light be awesome . I have a 3 d-cell light for year , and replace it with this 4 d-cell . however , it be a bit to heavy to easily swing around as a weapon . buy the 3 d-cell light . 752 Flashlight POS 5 I use this light on 2 separate deployment with no issue . it be 100 % reliable , the battery life be great , and it be bright enough for non-tactical light need -lrb- look through shipping container , light dark path , tent , etc -rrb- . I like the new dim feature , although it take a few minute to figure out how to use it . it be a little bigger than the original maglite , but still small enough to fit into the lower leg pocket which mean I could easily carry it 24\/7 . I do own bigger , brighter , more expensive led light ... but the maglite be a great value and you can carry it without need to worry about mess up something expensive . I have already get my money 's worth out of this and it will probably be around for a long time still . 246 Flashlight POS 5 my husband keep this by the bed ready to shine it into the eye of any intruder . this be not only a flash light , it could be consider a weapon . this be one heavy flashlight which could almost be use as a mini weight bar . the light turn on with the press of a button and you can adjust the light beam to focus in or show a wide beam to see you way while walk in the dark , say while camping . Doug 's review will tell you the detail , I just want to tell you how much my husband love this flashlight . do all guy love this mag-lite brand ? must be a Tim the Toolman power light thing ! for woman , I recommend the mini mag-lite , it be cute and be much lighter to carry around . you can keep it in the car or in you purse . ~ the Rebecca Review 688 Flashlight POS 5 my lead flashlight need be simple , to I anyway : common aa battery power , substantially brighter than a ordinary small flashlight , fairly inexpensive and make in USA . the AA Mini Maglite be my all time favorite and I do not want to give it up for a overprice `` CSI '' bright competitor . the Maglite AA lead finally make it to South Dakota and I be quite happy with it . I like the focused beam and the same head twist switch as the regular Mini mag . I would put this flashlight 's brightness halfway between the old Mini mag and the overpriced led flashlight , but I do not need to burn ant or blind myself in the dark . this flashlight be more than capable of get the job do . 506 Flashlight POS 4 I have have 4 of these over the last ten year . two of they be still go strong , of the other two , one be lose & the other break -lrb- I keep it for spare part -rrb- . of course the current led technology blow away the traditional bulb but they durability , ease of use and availability & affordability of part & upgrade make for a quality , highly adaptable flashlight . I have never use the ` candle ' mode but it be good to know it be there if I ever need it . to this day , I carry one on both tool belt , my ` regular ' , all-purpose belt and my heavier , framing-rig belt . this flashlight be a staple in the trade , law enforcement , engineering and everything in-between . the lead upgrade for this be ok but it be almost cheaper to just buy a mag lead flashlight except that it would be a shame to throw away this light because we buy the lead one , imho . the sheath be durable but lack a way of secure the tool so that it do not slip out and my biggest complaint be that I have to really tighten the head off to keep it from spin on when I sit down and\/or brush it up against a wall every so often . I buy the accessory kit for this early on but it be nothing special . I be wait for these to burn out or break before I buy the lead version , judge by my experience w \/ these , I be go to wait for long time . 398 Flashlight POS 4 Maglite 's be the best build flashlight around . always have be but it be not the brightest kid on the block . if you want a strong well build flashlight that will last a lifetime you can not beat maglite . they be waterproof in normal use and will stand up to just about any kind of abuse they might get even in the toughest of environment . about the only way to kill a maglite be to use cheap chinese battery that leak . about the only flashlight that be better be the Maglite LED . 161 Flashlight POS 4 this be by no mean the brightest flashlight you 'll ever use . led and those 15 million candlepower gun be what you 'll want to hail down a plane . as a general-purpose flashlight , though , it work very well . it may have be the brightest in its day , but technology have move past , and Standard Maglites be nothing special in term of turn night into day . however , if you buy a led or xenon lamp upgrade , you brightness level will improve greatly . for a cheap increase in this instrument usefulness as a flashlight , spend 4 buck here on a xenon bulb . for the very brightest , though , drop 30 on a conversion for a led . you battery life will not be hurt ; actually , the led upgrade improve the life from what I be tell -lrb- I say it have better , for cost 1.5 time than the damn flashlight -rrb- . maglite be commonly use by police and civilian alike , for they waterproof and shockproof property , and world-class durability . this be the 70 's Chevy pickup of flashlight - not flashy , but mechanically unkillable . I would want nothing else by my side if I have to defend myself suddenly in the dark . of course , grab a extra set of battery and keep they near it -- those old 70 's pickup be hardly know for they miserly fuel consumption , and neither be these . every household should have a 3 d-cell plus -lrb- they go up to 6 -rrb- Maglite in they house . I have a standard 3 and a xenon-lamp 4 , and I be take one camp with I this summer . 947 Flashlight POS 5 all the mag lite share solid aluminum construction and rubber o-ring seal . what set the minus mag off from the other mag lite be its size -lrb- easy to hold with tooth while work under car , sink , etc -rrb- and one little known feature - `` candle '' mode . you adjust the beam focus by rotate the minus mag 's head , but if you continue turn the head pop off ; you be leave with the handle and the expose bulb , which be now throw light in all direction - it be a `` candle '' . flip the head over , place it on the ground\/table - it be now a `` candle holder '' . Stick the candle into the candle holder . instant candle for camping . -lrb- these direction be actually on the minus mag 's packaging , but it be not until I have buy my third minus mag -lrb- one for car , kitchen , daypack -rrb- that I notice . this be actually a great trick to show other minus mag owner ... they also throw they packaging away without look it . the larger mag light do not have this feature . -rrb- two minus mag in the candle mode do a good job on a picnic table at night ... so get two of they ... they be cheap . 413 Flashlight POS 4 about 1.5 x brighter than the 2d halogen maglite . the 3d lead maglite be way brighter than either though . would like to get a bulb replacement for this one . battery life be only 11 hour ? since it be not a whole lot brighter than the 2d cell I be surprise by the short battery life . if you be not a security guard you 'll look like one carry this flashlight \/ baton . it be huge , which be probably the reason why you be buy it . 457 Flashlight POS 5 I pay full price for this little flashlight and I could not do without it ! it be always handy on my keyring and have just the right amount of power for it be intended purpose ... it be not mean to light up the block ; it be a personal light for see you car or door lock in the dark ; or , -lrb- for we chicken -rrb- , it be a relief to have when go through DARK funhouse with the kid . claustrophobic -lrb- like I ! -rrb- will love it , too ! 963 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be well build , big and heavy . just like my junk . if I hit someone on the head with this flashlight they would be a do Tom turkey . just like my junk . 80 Flashlight POS 4 be use this light for nearly 5 year for all kind of work in attic or under house . I have always be able to rely on this thing for difficult to spot wire or for work in a dark closet when mount panel for security system . the rotate head be also very handy for that perfect angle when work in odd location . I do wish it have a clip or hook that would attach to 2x4 's in the attic . that be the only reason why i only give it 4 star . 247 Flashlight POS 5 order this for my Dewalt dw919 rechargeable light ... we recieve this item fast and bulb be very bright . . two in the package ... thanks ! 326 Flashlight POS 5 have only have the new battery for a few week , but , so far , it work as advertise . actually , it be not what I order ; the ni-cad replacement battery . I receive the newer nimh battery instead . no problem , tho , as they say it work with the old charger , and it seem to do just that . I use my original ni-cad battery for close to 7 year , and it still work pretty good , but I have have to charge it every day for the past couple of year . I use my light for at least 30 minute almost every night , and the new battery hold it be charge for several night before I recharge . when these battery discharge , they go dead all at once . there be no gradual discharge as with old battery so do not get catch need light with no way to charge-up . this be a great flashlight ; the best I have ever own , and these new battery be do they job . only Time will tell if they be go to last anywhere near as long as the original do . 338 Flashlight POS 4 good product . this one be a replacement for one use for year . battery fail and destroy old one . word to wise check battery . 43 Flashlight POS 5 when I order this flashlight I be unsure whether it would be bright enough to be the go-to flashlight during power outage . upon receive it , I see it be plenty bright enough to be the household flashlight . highly recommend . 728 Flashlight POS 5 I have these install on the dash of my old suv - stupid I ! Forgot to take they off when I sell the car ! when you drive at night , especially in snowy , blizzard condition , you do not want to be fumble for you 4d maglite when something happen ! my mag flashlight have come in handy so many time I recommend everyone to have one within hand reach `` just in case '' . for this price , you can not go wrong !! see it some store for almost 4x this price !! 556 Flashlight POS 5 this be the only flashlight to have . it be tough , bright , and durable . it will not break , and if you replace the battery , it will never let you down . if someone attack you , you can beat they with it , and it will still work . compare to the Maglight , any other flashlight be worse than useless . Face it , you flashlight be a serious personal survival tool , and it be stupid to be stick with one that be just a cheap toy . put one in you vehicle and one by the side of you bed , and I guarantee you will never regret it . the company be also pretty amazing . I buy a maglight at a large store once , and someone have remove the gasket and some other part . I call the company toll-free , and they not only send I the part I need at no charge , the send I extra , and they come in the mail within a few day ! 4 Flashlight POS 4 I initially have trouble insert the battery because the spring keep fall out . after the battery be successfully insert , the flashlight work as expect . I buy the flashlight for my camping trip . it fit snuggly in my shorts pocket , yet provide very bright light for the walk from the tent to the wash room . I highly recommend the flashlight because of its small size and bright light . 921 Flashlight POS 5 for year my MagLite roll around in the back seat of my car or in the trunk , until I find these mount bracket . mount my flashlight right underneath my steer wheel for easy access . could not be happier with the product . 444 Flashlight NEG 1 I have not receive it yet , they say it should be here around 6th of November . that be 6 week , come on . nothing and I say nothing have ever take this long to get here and I will never buy anything from this store again . if it do not arrive by then I want my money return at once . the light bulb I oerder come with in a week . oh yeah they come from another store . John Ekstrom 981 Flashlight POS 4 choose a different maglite flashlight , one with a lead blub . the other have a regular light blub , perfer the LED Blub 354 Flashlight POS 4 the flashlight be manufacture with the usual excellent maglite quality . the light be bright , and the extra function can be handy . the first generation lead minus maglite be plague with design and durability issue , let hope this one do better . 899 Flashlight POS 4 I be give this light by my brother and it work great . the casing be very strong and duriable , and the flashlight be very bright for it be small size . you can still even see the beam in a well light room . the only reason I be bother to put in a review be to give a word of warning . while deffinately better than any other flashlight of this size I have have , the on\/off switching method be not perfect . the regular maglight be say to have superior switch that do not fail as be so common with a regular flashlight . however the double a battery mag have a different type of on\/off switch . with this type of switch you screw the head in or out to turn the light on . this switching method be not perfect because you also adjust the focus of the beam with by twist the head as well . the problem my little mag have be that at the tightest focus , the head be rather loose on the casing and can rock back and forth . this rock can cause the flashlight to shut on and off when the head push against the off switch\/lighting assembly . most of the time when I be use a flashlight , I want the strongest beam\/tightest focus , and it can be a bit bothersome to jiggle the head so the light remain on . this thing be still better than any other minus flashlight I have ever see , but I just want to let those of you look know that it be still not perfect . I would recomend you get one anyway . 490 Flashlight NEG 2 maglite name use to stand for quality flashlight . i purchase 2 cell C & D flashlight and they only last for a year . i suppose for 15 dollar that be not bad . still i would rather not have to replace they with anything from mag intrument 179 Flashlight NEU 3 i purchase my first maglite in the '80 while in the military be awesome drive tent stake with it float it in the Rhine river could not kill it . it be finally steal in the mid '90 ! this maglite i buy due to have to replace battery in cheaper flashlight ALOT . price be reasonable , quality seem to have slack with maglite over the year it wont work unless i unscrew the head and retighten it after light . would i still recommend YEA buy another no ! 795 Flashlight NEG 2 I have four mini-led maglite -lrb- three 2aa , 1 3aa -rrb- , two 3d lead maglite , one 2d lead maglite and a few non-led 3d\/4d maglite in various color . I use to buy nothing but MAGLITE flashlight . however , unlike the non-led maglite , the more expensive -lrb- minus -rrb- lead version have all-but-one fail over time . I have not have much trouble with the bigger light , especially the non-led version . all but one of the mini-maglite led flashlight that I have have develop weak connection or corrosion after a year or more . I start see the light go off randomly while use it . shake it help for a while , but eventually I be smack it on thing to get it to come back on . after a while , I give up . the battery do not seem to drain evenly , one battery can drain to the point that it leak all over the inside of the light , while the other be still over 90 % capacity . happen more than I like . the only mini-maglite that still work for I - I have to pry out a battery from it today . mag research probably have great customer service , and they 'll remove leak battery for you , fix stuff if you send they the light . but for something $ 20 or less , it be not worth it for I . I just throw it in a part drawer in case the one mini-maglite I have leave need a spring or something . 961 Flashlight POS 4 this be a wonderful flashlight , but I think that it be perhaps too expensive . I buy it on year ago , and I be think that I could have save some money if instead of buy this flashlight I would have buy a regular one -lrb- $ 20 -rrb- and rechargeable battery -lrb- $ 20-30 -rrb- . the bulb do not last too much -lrb- 5 month I think -rrb- . a positive thing be that cradle be a great idea . I be give to it four star because think that it be a wonderful piece , but I think that the price should be around $ 50 or $ 60 not $ 110 or so ... 839 Flashlight POS 4 I have have two of these thing now . which be fun because you can mix part for different color combo . I love this little light . it be always be bright enough for I . I have have some issue with the tail cap partially unscrew itself in my pocket . but after two year in my pocket I can understand it . battery life have be sufficient for my need . it be extremely durable . I send one through the wash once . worked fine afterwards . all in all I would recommend this to anyone look for a quality every day carry light . 663 Flashlight NEU 3 the Mag Instrument S3D016 Black Heavy Duty 3 D-Cell Flashlight be another of my past favorite that get a lot of use . now a day , there be a lot go on with the technology of flashlight . LED , Lithium battery , focus bezel , etc. . the maglight brand have fall behind a bit technologically , but be still a great flashlight for minor emergency not involve look for criminal , terrorist or signalling for a chopper pick up . the Mag Instrument S3D016 Black Heavy Duty 3 D-Cell Flashlight be perfect for a tool box but a bit too big for a deep pocket . the product be very durable and they be prove reliable . do not get I wrong . I have depend on mag lite of all size for year . but head to head , the surefire brand have quickly surpass mag lite in every important aspect of flashlight - usable light power , size , durability and weight . the mag light brand just be not keep up with the new technology . and that be too bad for we who value product loyalty . the Mag Instrument S3D016 Black Heavy Duty 3 D-Cell Flashlight be still a good value and I have several in the house and the vehicle . but they be be replace by surefire as they wear out . John Row 675 Flashlight POS 5 buy as a Christmas gift for my nephew so I can not attest to the performance , but I do not expect any problem . good look product . I think he 'll really like the holster . 167 Flashlight POS 5 that be right . I buy one of these light , previously own one of they mini-mag . I see the quality of product , and base upon that and its reputation for be the most rugged light out there I buy the 4d . I be not disappointed , this light be like a light cannon . upgrade to the xenon bulb make a whiter light than stock , and be slightly brighter . mag also make different lens for the larger -lrb- 3,4,5,6 d cell -rrb- light , as well as anti-roll cap cover . so kid , tell you parent `` buy I a Maglite -- or go to hell ! '' 308 Flashlight POS 5 they be flashlight and then they be maglite . the beam on this be very bright and white\/natural . the method to switch between mode take a little time to get use to but i like it now . focus the beam of the led be a little different than a classic maglite . nice quality and look . 465 Flashlight NEU 3 this flashlight work well for what I need . it be very bright . the pivot head be handy . if you look at plastic flashlight most be way less expensive than this one . the switch be poor quality and only last about 10 month of daily use . 272 Flashlight POS 5 I have own a few 4-cell maglite over a period of 27 year . they be extremely durable and produce a incredible amount of illumination . by simply twist the head , you can go from floodlight to spot very quickly . they be very water resistant as well . during my past line of work , my maglite also serve as a effective alternative baton . you will find many detractor that write about how the -lrb- maglite -rrb- technology be outdate , and that product from SureFire and Streamlight be superior in utilize new super-bright led technology , and in energy efficiency . this be all true . but there be counterpoint to these statement . one be that the more modern led product tend to be very expensive -lrb- some of they top $ 250.00 -rrb- , where a 4 cell maglite will run you about $ 25.00 s&h; include . Second be that I do not see one of the lead product offer that be durable or heavy enough to second as a weapon . the only drawback be if you be a boater , maglite definitely do not float if drop overboard . if you be a back packer , I would not recommend this due to weight issue . I would recommend the mini-maglite instead which also offer great illumination , the same flood to spot feature , and be very durable and water-resistant , but be much lighter -lrb- it only need two aa cell -rrb- . aside from that , I could not be happier . they be the best flashlight you can get for the price . 121 Flashlight POS 4 if you already have a dewalt 12v cordless tool - this flashlight be great . I always keep my backup battery charge and I have good light whenever I need it . it be fairly well build and will provide great usable light for more than 30 minute . the head of the flashlight rotate so that you can position the beam where you need it . should it be cheaper ? it use to sell for $ 34.00 and now cost $ 20.00 . sound like a good deal to I caslo 181 Flashlight POS 5 Love Maglite flashlight , only have one minor issue with this one . I do not normally write review , but want to share this for anyone else who have this problem . the flickering\/won ' t turn on problem very well could be the tailcap assembly -lrb- screw off back part -rrb- . there be 2 metal clip that need to make contact with the barrel . if you aa lead maglite be not turn on , try bend these 2 clip out and make sure they can make contact with the barrel . Mine have this problem , and once I bent these clip out it have work just great . I hope this help someone out there . 533 Flashlight POS 4 when I buy the light many year ago it work great and be plenty bright . I take to strap it onto the handlebars of my bicycle -lrb- with a pad to prevent damage -rrb- for commute home at night from work . I really like the quick forty five minute recharge cycle and I have two battery so be easy to change out . no other bike light I have find at any price come close to that quick charge and simplicity . anyway ... the bulb eventually go after lot of use and I go look for new one . at my local tool supply I find they and head for the counter . nine DOLLARS ! ! ! ! -lrb- for two bulb ; now ten plus -rrb- . that be stupid I exclaim ! for twelve volt flash light bulb . I can get the same thing at the local mom and pop hardware store for less than a dollar each ; dollar sixty nine top . five dollar each from Dewalt what a mark up ! Thievery ! etc. , etc. , etc. , etc. , ok I be sing a different tune now . I just `` invest '' in two genuine dewalt after several year of use the hardware store one . partly because the cheep one be get hard to find and because I remember the light be plenty bright back when new and have not seem that way for a while now . even allow for the darken that happen to the glass on the bulb over time I put in the new bulb and run it for a charge worth . quite a difference . the light out put be whiter than the basic cheep bulb , the spot on the road be larger for the same pitch , it actually seem to get brighter on the second use even though the battery be lower annnnnnd it run longer than with the cheep bulb for the same charge . I can say that because the run time be within a minute or less for each commute period . I guess I be back with Dewalt bulb for the difference they make . 631 Flashlight NEG 2 my mag charger flashlight be work well a month ago , but today I try it and it be dead . put it on the ac charger , as usual , but after 8 hour it be hot -lrb- the flashlight body -rrb- so I try the light -lrb- still charge -rrb- , and nothing happen . upon open the tailcap , white powder dump out , and the inside be totally corroded . thankfully it do not start a fire or explode . the flashlight be useless now . this be my second battery I have have but it leak badly . ps - I always charge it for at least 12 hour , and this battery be obtain directly from mag instrument . 145 Flashlight NEU 3 you money 'll be better use buy a lead technology flashlight ... however this be a nice normal one ... 280 Flashlight POS 5 I have every size of maglite d cell flashlight and this holder be a must for the big one . good product send quickly . 696 Flashlight POS 5 it be small but give the light of a full size light . can put in purse and pocket . it have a little hole to allow it to be attach to a key ring , etc. . small enough for child to hold . 250 Flashlight POS 5 this review be for the 3 aa battery lead version -lrb- currently amazon have the title and description of the aa lead model mix up -rrb- . I have no less than 10 maglite in several size and color ... this one blow they all away ! to give you a example of how bright it be : in candle mode this flashlight be brighter than my fluorscent camping lantern that use 8 size d battery . this thing totally outshine comparable maglite more than 10 time its size . every automobile should have one of these in the glovebox , and no camp-box be complete without one . 455 Flashlight POS 5 I work for the government as a communication technician and sometimes you need a nice bright light with stay power , when work in dark room and do cable splice , etc. . so , I know what I be get before I actually buy one of these light for myself . I be so impressed with the light at work , that I know I would eventually have one at home , and now I do . this be a great light ! it will stay light for hour without need a charge . no battery to replace and super bright . my light come with 2 mount bracket , a ac charger and a dc plug for the car or truck . I 'll definately pack this light during future trip . also , I receive this light just 3 day after order it . . super fast delivery ! 423 Flashlight NEG 2 I give this 2 star because it be a nicely build flashlight . however , it be a flashlight , and the purpose of a flashlight be to shine light onto thing so you can see ... at this , the Solitaire perform poorly . even with a fresh battery , it have a weak beam . it be simply not worth it , even for half the price . it just do not work well as a flashlight . I have have this light for 5 year now , and I have never use it because it be so bad . it be the only flashlight I own that I do not use . thankfully , it be only a Christmas gift . 442 Flashlight POS 5 maglite have the best quality there be ! get it quickly and it be package well . price be unbeatable -lrb- i check -rrb- very happy with this product ! 356 Flashlight POS 5 anyone whose life or safety , depend upon they ability to light up the night , will want a professional grade product . my `` work-horse '' be a streamlight sl-20x , w \/ a sl-35x lamp , throw out 40,000 candle power . exactly what I need to be able to see someone try to run from I or hide in the shadow . for close quarter , I prefer the Streamlight Stinger w \/ a Terralux lead upgrade package . to back they up , I keep a surefire 9p modify to chamber 4 cr123 battery and fire a 12v xenon bulb . in my toolbox , for use when I be crawl in sub-basement , attic , & under car , I keep a streamlight sl-20xp LED & Streamlight PolyStinger lead . start to get the idea that I will not leave anything stock or oem ? ca not wait to hear about how I add `` more power '' mod to my car , my gun , my computer , my gold tooth ... . . even my jeans sag more than the next guy ! now let talk about the Maglite . sort of like step down from a muscle car to a Honda , right ? I have also get a set of snap-on tool , but none-the-less still buy junk from Harbor Freight . a couple of week ago , I find a old maglite in my garage . have it from when I be a kid . the battery have explode and leak acid ruin the entire sleeve & switch assembly . since I have a sense of humor , and a extra $ 4 in `` forever '' stamp , I wrap this thing up in a streamlight box and send it back to the Maglite warranty center . within a couple of week , a brand new Maglite come in the mail . maglite stand behind they product . they be serious about that lifetime warranty . you can not beat that , period . a flashlight that you can own forever -lrb- if you do not lose it -rrb- for all of $ 10 ! I have see mine drop from ladder , down hike trail , off the top of a 6 foot fence ... you name it , all sort of height . sure , the bulb might break . you may even crack the lens . but you will not break the metal casing or the switch . even if you drop they in water , you can dry they out , change the battery , and still use they again . as Hanukkah approach , I have already decide to give all the kid Maglites this year . just like I have when I be a kid . back then , you be on top of the world if you have a swiss Army Knife & a Mini-Maglite . even as a adult , I can not go anywhere without a Leatherman Tool & Surefire g2 nitrolon . not very bright . cost of battery will add up real fast . start off brighter , then dim & fade . Poor beam pattern with dark spot from filament out of balance . but still the best value for a all purpose light . great to keep around in the kitchen drawer . excellent for kid . ca not be beat for camping & fishing . and in a pinch , will work with 6v battery from Streamlight SL-20X & Mag-Charger . 194 Flashlight POS 4 this be a nice little metal flashlight -- work great and the battery last for a long time . the reason I only give it 4 star -- I wish it have a on\/off switch instead of twist on\/off . 825 Flashlight NEU 3 its a graat torch very powerful bulb good focus but the only issue s that due to 4 battery of a make it very difficult to carry due to the weigt of 4 cell for residence purpose the 2 cell would be more confortable reg yusuf 169 Flashlight POS 5 Led be so much better & brighter than standard flashlight there be no comparison . mag-lite quality only add value . 451 Flashlight POS 5 I have be look for a good but cheap led flashlight for some time now . this be it . most like it cost around $ 30 . it come with a belt holster which make it even better . no more have to carry a small flashlight in my shirt pocket . only pro here ... no Cons must buy for all . 97 Flashlight POS 4 I buy this at a brick and mortar retailer so I would have something in case the power go out in my apartment ; the flashlight I have be one I borrow from my parent , a 2-d cell cheap plastic Duracell Durabeam which would only stay dimly light if I keep constantly hold the button just right . I buy this on December 24 , 2011 for $ 7.89 + tax . it come with a weave nylon holder with a loop to hang it off a belt . I already throw away the packaging but I remember that it say 7 lumen and xenon ; judge by the fact that there be no minus maglight on Amazon that say `` xenon , '' I suspect that , be naive and not do any prior research , I may have somehow get screw and purchase a older non-led minus maglight . it do do the job ok - this flashlight cast a gray circle of light surround by a lighter reddish-pink-orange color wider glow of light , and the size of the darker circle compare to the surround lighter circle of light change as the head be turn past the point necessary to turn the light on . the body and feature of the flashlight be the same as describe in the other review . its a shame the model number and type of bulb be not write on the flashlight . otherwise I light that the body be metal rather than cheap flimsy look plastic and 3-3\/8 inch of the body be texture so it be easier to grip . 790 Flashlight POS 4 I sure do like this light . light be bright , and last a pretty good long time . the only thing that I do not like about it be that if you set it down on the battery , and raise the lamp up and point it down , it become unbalanced . but ... that do not hinder my use it ... love the light . 793 Flashlight POS 4 over the year , doodle on the Google homepage have make search on Google more fun and enjoyable for its user worldwide . when doodle be first create , nobody have anticipate how popular and integral they would become to the Google search experience . nowadays , many user excitedly anticipate the release of each 114 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be the perfect blend of power , performence , and toughness . my maglite take a couple hard falls-the diffrence-nothing . the holster be very handy and tough and wont rip easily . the spare bulb in the end of the flashlight just add to its brilliance . the light of this flashlight be more powerful than some flashlight twice its size . I have try other Brand-Named flashlight but none equal this maglite . you would buy it if you smart . 907 Flashlight POS 5 this small but powerful little flash light be awesome . it be easy to work and I love the candle light feature . 614 Flashlight POS 5 these be very reliable , definitely recommend . and i like the use of aa battery , instead of c 's or other . 382 Flashlight POS 5 I have own and use mag light for year they be very reliable and put out great light . I love the way the beam on the flashlight be adjustable , you can zoom in or zoom out with ease . it let you see whatever you want with bright light . Heavy enough to be a very good weapon in a pinch . this one we keep here at the house for emergency power outage , or to look around outside at night . they be great to have around for this purpose . I also purchase the hanger to attach it to the wall in the garage . very easy to install and let you place it in a handy spot so you can get to it when you need it . we have several around the house . they always work replace the battery once a year , more often if you use it a lot . it will work for year . 579 Flashlight POS 4 as a goverment Motor Vehicle Inspector and use many flash light over 16 year this be the best ever . the DOT would not be the same without it . 392 Flashlight POS 5 talk about bright ! it be like a portable sun ! and the best part be , nobody in they right mind would ever mess with you while you be carry it ! the thing be MASSIVE ! 152 Flashlight POS 5 a good value on a replacement bulb for my Dewalt flashlight . quick ship from Amazon at a fair price . not hard to find in Amazon . 81 Flashlight NEG 1 Yea if you want to buy something at walmart , its ok . if you be order online , you can do WAY better . ok I be sorry . seriously these thing be bad . they be solidly build on the outside , but they suck . I have break 2 or 3 . I can not really find they all , but trust I , they be break . I just try fix one , and guess what ? I do fix it . then I spray it with some silicone and the reflective coating on the REFLECTOR MELTED OFF . WTF ??? really ? I know these be a couple year old , but honestly . thats just crap . also the black plastic piece around the bulb melt too . the one that say `` DO NOT remove . '' I have to remove it to fix the switch and now its melt . I spend $ 20 on a Cree q5 flashlight . -lrb- akoray k-106 -rrb- order it from Dealextreme . it 'll take 2 week to get to you , but its worth it . 3 programable mode -lrb- brightness , stobe , blink , `` s-o-s-o '' mode -rrb- put in a 14500 -lrb- li-ion aa shape battery -rrb- and enjoy between ~ 5-200 lumen . http:\/\/www.dealextreme.com\/details.dx\/sku.16607 -lrb- they claim its a 6 mode , its really a 3 -rrb- tight on budget ? look up the Ultrafire c3 . 70-80 lumen and $ 10 . http:\/\/www.dealextreme.com\/details.dx\/sku.1993 874 Flashlight POS 5 hold my maglite very securely in my jeep , take a bit of strength to get it out but I would rather have it tight than loose . so far have not experience any problem and I have have it hold for a couple of month now . 545 Flashlight POS 4 its a maglite . its a tough little bugger , and it will outlast all you other plastic flashlight . one problem be the bulb be not very bright . they be good candidate for led replacement . one problem I have find be that the battery tube be just large enough for 1600mah nimh aa cell , but the larger capacity cell of 2000-2650mah be too `` fat '' and will not slide in . alkaline will work well of course , they be skinnier . like other maglite you can take off the focuser and use it as a `` candle '' . the tiny skinny bulb be fragile so it will not take much abuse . its pretty heavy despite its size so you may have problem hold it in you tooth of you want to use it `` handsfree '' . the rear cap have a hole for a lanyard strap and I suggest you use one , cylindrical flashlight have a bad habit of roll away at inopportune time . 72 Flashlight POS 5 for those of you that own the DEWALT dw919 18V Cordless Flexible floodlight with a dead bulb and look for replacement try this first ... just unscrew the flashlight lens and look right inside the rim ... BINGO ! ... they should be a extra backup bulb right inside the flashlight ... I find this out the hard way after buy the replacement pack ... but if you have already kill both bulb then buy the 2-pack here while you can ... these be kinda hard to find ... and they probably will not last ... these work great so go nutz ! 672 Flashlight POS 5 this review come after own this product for well over two year , of which I use this product on a nightly basis that I put a lead upgrade in . I would use this product outdoors in all type of weather rain , snow , etc when I be walking\/letting a cat we adopt out to roam on we approximate 3 acre yard that be subject to have coyote , fox and deer stop by and hang out and have a snack -lrb- in the summer it be the garden -rrb- . I would be outside from approximately 8:00 pm until sometimes 1-2 in the be , I would turn on the light atleast 20-50 time a night -lrb- yes , I guess you can say I be afraid of the dark , not so much the 4 legged animal mostly the 2 legged one -rrb- and with the lead the light be good especially with 2 c cell . I would use Lithium rechargeable battery which be decent and this light be more than adequate for my need BUT upgrade to the 3 c cell -lrb- I also have small hand -rrb- incase kitty get into a scrape with another animal . when I be in law enforcement , I use the bigger light , but the smaller one be no exception , it have be drop so many time and work -lrb- only problem if they be one would be the bulb -rrb- . what I really like about this light be the switch , ITS EASY but after all the abuse the light have be through the switch be get a little shakey but work . I would recommend this light to anyone its a winner base on my testing . I have atleast 4 of the maglite , a 4 c cell -lrb- my work light -rrb- , a 3 cell light my all purpose light and 2 two c cell light -lrb- my lazy light when outside , fit better in the pocket make it easier when hold a beverage -rrb- . if you decide to get this light get the led upgrade which cost approximately 15-20 dollar you wont regret it . 620 Flashlight POS 5 I truly belive that this be the best flashlight available . the small size of it make it perfect for task such as install something like you tv or sound equipment , find something you drop behind some furniture , inside you car , at the office . also be very bright and the ` candle ' mode , enable you to be hand free . but its small enough to keep it in you mouth . my brother be a DJ and keep it all night in he mouth so he can see what he be do . great product . 836 Flashlight NEG 1 have this flashlight for a while , use it only a couple of time and when I need to use it today it would turn on and flicker off when I tilted it . replace the battery and now it will not event turn on . be able to get it to turn on for a couple of second by adjust the battery cap , but will not stay it on , and I never even drop it or abuse it like I do with the old incandescent aa maglite . then after read the warranty I find out that the led be not cover so if the bulb burn out , you be leave with a useless aluminum battery holder . not on par with the Maglite tradition . 307 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be versatile and give bright light and be lightweight to use . as you would expect from DEWALT , this flashlight be worth the purchase price of $ 29 that I pay for it on Amazon . excelent work light or to have around the house . 507 Flashlight POS 5 I have own my Mag Charger for about 15 year . I be a mechanic so it see constant use for the first 10 of those year . it be endure abuse beyond belief . countless drop onto concrete . I once drop it from the top of a cab-over tractor . it burn out the bulb and that be all . after year and year of use it be begin to get dim . yeah that be right the original battery pack last till just a month ago . one of the cell finally die . the rubber seal on the switch have go crunchy after the year of exposure to brake cleaner and who know what . I order a new nihm battery from Amazon but could not find the correct rubber button . -lrb- Mine be the old style -rrb- I call Maglite . remember these baby be guarantee forever . that include the rubber part . mag send I a new button no charge . yeah that be it , not only be it the best flashlight in the world it be back by a real no b lifetime warranty by a no b company . you may find light that have more lumen or cost less . they be not worth it . this dude be ready for the long haul . if you be ready for a no b light then you be ready for a Mag Recharger . it will last and if it ever break Maglite will make it right . 31 Flashlight POS 5 the 2 c-cell maglight be durable and reliable . be a pilot I use a flashlight for all night flight . for safety 's sake I can not afford to have a flashlight with a flimsy switch , cheap construction etc. . Mag Instruments make a great light period . the 2 c-cell model be a bit large for the average kitchen drawer or auto glove compartment . but it work great for aviation and should be equally suit for boat , camp etc. . 36 Flashlight POS 5 my husband be a retired police officer and have be issue a mag light . since retirement , he have never be satisfy with any flashlight we have purchase . he would always complain that they be nothing compare to the mag light . I happen to see this on Amazon and it seem to be a good price -lrb- comparatively -rrb- so I purchase it for he and he be now happily reunite with a mag light . I have to admit that I have never see such a intense light and it certainly seem to be well construct . we be happy with the purchase . 243 Flashlight POS 5 Unreal , fantastic , unbelievably great just be sure to order a Replacement Lamp in case unintentionally contend and battery pack -lrb- additional -rrb- note this be a Halogen flashlight 421 Flashlight POS 5 I currently own three of these . they be great flashlight to have around . they be bright enough to get most job do , small enough to carry just about anywhere , and durable enough to take a beating . sure surefire flashlight be brighter but they be not as durable . I have even hear of people use these as self defense weapon . really heavy abuse may result in a very short bulb life but it carry a spare so you 'll have light again in no time . as far as the thread and o-ring go , a small amount of Vaseline apply to the thread will keep both the thread and the o-ring lubricate . 228 Flashlight POS 5 purchase a year go and love this little flashlight . I have it hang on my front door ona little hook , so I always know where it be . use it too many time to count , so nice to have one around . and aa battery last forever , still have not change mine . candle feature be so useful as well . if people ask I what flashlight to get , I immediately point to this maglite . 861 Flashlight POS 5 i have have this system before , , nothing , i mean nothing , be as bright or last longer than this rechargable mag . no more battery , , ever . 159 Flashlight POS 4 I have hear of MagLite for many year , but never actually own one -lrb- mainly because I be too cheap to pay $ 20 + for a flashlight -rrb- . when I find this new version of maglite sp2201h 2-aa Mini lead flashlight fortunately for I , this turn out to be a great purchase . about the LED : the light source be a Philips Luxeon rebel lead . it be call a ' 3w lead ' , but that be refer to its peak power . for steady-state operation the LED current be limit to 350ma , which mean it can only operate at about 1 watt -lrb- 350ma \* 3v -rrb- . if you ever try to run this led at 1000ma current -lrb- 1000ma \* 3v = 3w -rrb- , it could burn out within seconds . about the focus system : the beam be very bright -lrb- \* blindingly \* bright at short distance -rrb- but not quite focus . adjust the reflector can change the shape of the center bright spot slightly , but do not help much to focus it . about the power consumption : this flashlight use a internal regulator to run the lead on just two aa cell -lrb- unlike most cheap led flashlight which typically run on three aaa cell -rrb- . the light output be not constant when use alkaline -lrb- 1.5 v -rrb- or nimh -lrb- 1.25 v -rrb- cell . with two fresh alkaline cell , the battery current be about 500ma at 100 % power , 125ma at 25 % power . when the battery voltage drop below 2.5 v approximately , the input power be reduce to conserve energy -lrb- see the customer image section for my chart of `` Input Power vs. Battery Voltage '' -rrb- . this be much better than simply drop dead without warn , as some people have complain in older review -lrb- \* -rrb- . about the instruction -lrb- or the lack of it -rrb- : the maglite I receive say `` NEW Multi-Mode Electronic switch '' on the package -lrb- \* -rrb- . it further claim the flashlight can operate in four different mode -lrb- 100 % power \/ 25 % power \/ Blink \/ S.O.S. -rrb- however , there be absolutely no instruction on how to activate this `` electronic switch '' . after many attemot , I suspect that my unit must be defective , and be about to return it . but in the process of measure the battery current -lrb- which make and break contact with battery -rrb- , the led start blinking ! it finally dawn upon I that the on-off switch be also use to activate different mode : - when the flashlight be first turn on , it start in 100 % power mode - if you turn off the flashlight and turn it back on within 1-2 seconds , it advance to 25 % power mode . - follow short off\/on sequence advance it to ` blink ' mode and then be . O. S ' -lrb- ... -- ... -rrb- mode . - if you turn off the flashlight and wait at least 3 seconds before turn it back on , it start in 100 % power mode again . overall , I be very impress by this minus lead flashlight . but I can not help wonder : how many of they get return because people can not figure out how to activate its other mode ? -lrb- \* -rrb- footnote : the energy-management and multi-mode led function be new feature of this maglite . that be why they be not mention by older review write more than 6 month ago . 512 Flashlight POS 5 as a firefighter for over 40 year , I can say the mag-charger be one of the most dependalbe light I have ever use . my original , which I use for 15 year , be lose at a incident scene . I immediately order a new one . I have replace the battery stick only one time . it be mount in my vehicle and be always charge and ready to go . the service time from one charge be more that adequate for most incident . I highly recommend this product . 863 Flashlight POS 5 I need one of these to have my flashlight with I when work ... really cumbersome carry it in my backpocket ... especially when one have to do any climbing or co into crouch position . the clasp be very sturdy leather and the actual holder seem to be a hard plastic type material which can fold up against the clasp , conveniently , when not in use . 331 Flashlight POS 5 the photo be not current . this tool do come with the new square nano foot shape to fit the LI battery without overhang . still accept the nicd battery too and be slightly more stable on they due to extra size and weight of nicd battery . have storage for extra bulb , but do not come with extra bulb . 597 Flashlight POS 5 MAGLITE flashlight win I over about four year ago . Maglites work in rain and snow , be very bright and last a exceptionally long time . I originally get my maglite 6-d flashlight as a back up to my surefire 6p lead , however , the Maglite soon win I over . now I use th surefire as a backup to my maglite ! great flashlight , would recommend . 667 Flashlight POS 5 for a small flashlight that use aa 's , this thing be bright . I also like that additional and useful accessory that you can purchase separately . 65 Flashlight POS 4 maglite be the best flashlight one could ever buy !!! this flashlight be super durable and great for all type of activity and use . this be definately the flashlight to buy if you be look for one that will with stand all type of condition . 480 Flashlight POS 5 we get this handy light for camping & love its sleek style & good source of light . keep a strong light for long & not super heavy for convenience . 445 Flashlight POS 5 Got this flashlight -lrb- mag instrument heavy duty -rrb- for my husband . we look at so many different store only to find cheap plastic one that really do not have the lighting function he want . find this one on Amazon and he love it . it be heavy weight , have two beam , small one and a larger one for when you want more light . battery use be great . he keep it in the kitchen for quick finding . sure glad I come to Amazon . they normally have what I be look for . 460 Flashlight NEG 1 both my wife and my electrician manage to break a pair of these . unless you be really careful when set the light in place , they give away . it be the cheapest of plastic and do not take a beating . 561 Flashlight POS 5 I grow up know about my grandfather and he large Maglite flashlight that he always trust , so I have always believe in the quality of they product . this maglite , while much smaller , do not disappoint . it be rugged , and have not eat battery . I be very happy with this flashlight and I especially recommend it for carry on you person . 681 Flashlight NEU 3 my wife and I have use minus Maglites for year , and in general we like they . but today she want to replace a battery , and the battery be stick , it just refuse to budge , and there be no easy way to get it out . you can not push it out from the lamp end . the Maglite company will fix or replace it if you pay the postage to ship it to they . try to bang the battery loose do not work -- it only give I a sore shoulder . 320 Flashlight NEG 2 I have own a variety of high-end flashlight over the year and at one time work as a Sheriff 's Sergeant in a major metropolitan area . in that line of work a bright flashlight be a tool of the trade , and be carry at all time , even during the day . a belt holder for a flashlight should keep the flashlight securely attach to the belt and allow the user to rapidly deploy and replace the flashlight with a minimum of fuss . it should allow the flashlight the freedom to swing and swivel to accommodate sit in a vehicle and\/or ride a snomobile , atv or similar conveyance . this belt holder only accomplish the first objective . while it do hold the flashlight securely , it tend to bind if one attempt to remove the flashlight without use a second hand to hold the ring perpendicular to the flashlight body and a second hand be require to hold the ring perpendicular to the flashlight body to return the flashlight to it be holstered position . the ring also have only limited freedom to allow the flashlight to swing forwards and backwards to clear obstacle and vehicle steat and saddle . for casual use this product be ok . but for professional use , the product 's single-axis swinging ring design detract from it be usefullness . if you be serious about a flashlight holster , buy one of the all-leather product that have a ring that be soft and compliant and hold itself at 90 degree to the belt ring . these can be obtain at a police equipment supply . 952 Flashlight POS 5 I get the 4d lead mag-lite recently . I be very satisfied . it be deliver two day ahead of schedule , and the flashlight be awesome , durable , and bright . what more do you want ? my dad be always get these cheap flashlight ... he be go to be jealous when he see this . it be very nice , bright , and it make that satisfy `` click '' when you turn it on . 918 Flashlight POS 5 to start , I be a tradesman who have to carry he lifeline on he belt . not only on the job , but I be also the unnofficial handyman of this apartment complex . every time I even move to take my workbelt off , it seem to be a signal for a neighbor to bang on the wall say something be on fire or will not open all the way . and the Mini mag be the universal flashlight . it be sell everywhere , include this fine site and even family store , and despite its legendary quality and design , be at the most ten dollar with include holster . I prefer the classic aa design , where CA not you find aa ? I have use one of these on my belt for about four year . it be a excellent tool , and I have never have one wear out on I . the bulb , however , be the Achilles heel . the rest of the flashlight be military , police and trade quality , for civilian price . but these dang bulb go orange after a couple week and last a couple month of casual use . I be consider shell out forty buck for a small led , just to save the money on bulb . then , walk through a sport outlet , I pass the flashlight section . and next to the usual Mini mag with holster , which I own close to six of , be a Nite ize accessory design for this same flashlight . a lead bulb . now , I have see these online for about twenty to thirty buck , and this be a ten dollar flashlight ! but this one just sit around on a shelf be eight buck , about a buck less than the flashlight 's shelf price . what the heck , I get one . to quote another review , my trusty old mag be now a state-of-the-art torch , with nearly triple battery life of the old bulb . and led , as all mag-hater know , do not burn out or even go out when bump . so , for a total of twenty buck , you get a american-quality led beam that compete and plain out whip fifty-dollar import with plastic casing . I would not recomend this flashlight if there be not there be a way to fix its biggest flaw . just get you hand on this led adapter , and put it in like you would the standard bulb . replace the mirror reflector , and stomp the old bulb into powder . you will not be need they , ever again . there be also a combo pack availiable , for the same price , that include a push-button adapter if you have ever wish you could tap a red button on the end instead of twist it on and off . I have not try it , but it come with the LED , and for eight buck ? and hey , the flashlight itself come in six different color . these thing be easily replace if one get bang up or you room-mate\/girlfriend draw all over it with sharpie while she be on the phone . I have have these work perfectly even they have be through Hades and back , but some prefer a more formal-looking flashlight . just take the lead out and put it in the new one , those bulb last forever . and now , so will this flashlight . 789 Flashlight POS 5 this be my favorite mag-lite purchase . those of we who have use the Mini-mags over the year have learn to live with dim light and unexceptional battery life , but gladly trade that for its durability and quality construction . this light change all that . unlike led upgrade -lrb- and even the maglite c and d cell lead light -rrb- , this flashlight be design to be use with a lead bulb , which be evidence by its elongate head . the result be a very bright light , with almost no `` black hole '' when on wide flood . its output be very similar to the regular -lrb- krypton -rrb- 3 c\/d cell light , but in a much smaller package . what be interesting be the proportion be similar to the 6d cell , which give it some use as a defensive weapon , for those so inclined . I do have a gripe about the pricing - $ 10 less would be nice . however , it be make in America and it be tough as nail . my only caveat be this be at least 30 % longer than the 2aa mini-mag , and therefore do not fit quite as easily into purse , pocket , & c. but lighting and battery life be significantly longer . 373 Flashlight POS 5 I strap my mag on the rollbar of my Wrangler , hide behind the strap for the shoulder seat belt . no one notice so it be safe and it do not use up precious storage for a wrangler . I have use mag for year and know I can count on they when I need they . Great , dependable , tough product provide the security a flashlight should give . 548 Flashlight POS 4 it sure be nice have a flash light that I always know there be a fresh battery in . this be the case because I have multiple of the 12-volt DeWalt battery and always keep one on the unplugged charger fully charge and ready to swap out for a dead battery . this flashlight be well balanced and feel nice in the hand and turn on and off easily with the thumb of the hand hold the light . my only complaint be that it eat the battery up pretty fast . I be unable to make a run to the outhouse and back without the flashlight go dead -lrb- or at least very dim -rrb- . and I do not stay seat long . I end up turn it off while seat . 959 Flashlight POS 5 Great for a belt tool and daily use . need a rubber bottom for when you need to put it in you mouth when work so you do not chip a tooth . the 3 watt lead bulb be very bright . 930 Flashlight POS 5 this be a great flashlight , very bright for its size , very solid a great item indeed . 198 Flashlight POS 4 I have always use maglite -lrb- still do -rrb- but even they be not perfect . I have have small one die rather quickly & even this one die due to poor contact with the charger . I would jiggle it until the red charge light come on but how long it last be random so when I need it , it rarely work . I think they quality control can use a swift kick . 136 Flashlight POS 4 the light be bright enough for the average application it be small enough to keep in a draw you should have a few in different area of you home in case of a power failure reasonably price 240 Flashlight POS 4 the first time I use one of these be on a hike trip in the Grand Canyon . I be amaze how bright it be . my only two complaint about these be : 1 -rrb- while they be very tough when the battery be install , do not drop one while it be empty . the battery must help strengthen the tube . I drop mine and the tube dent easily . I could not get it round enough again to reload the battery . I have to buy a new one . 2 -rrb- do not let you battery get old . they fit so snuggly in the tube and if they swell or leak , you 'll never get they out . 3 Flashlight POS 5 excellent flashlight that will withstand the hard knock at a construction site . we use it to inspect down deep into the form wall -lrb- shutter -rrb- at U.S. Embassy Construction Sites . 595 Flashlight POS 5 I have have my 6d maglite for about 10 year now and still shine as bright and work as well as when I buy it . I go through a set of battery about every 2 year on average . dollar for dollar , this be the best flashlight . for $ 20 , it be very bright , battery last long enough , and it be also a intimidating clubber if worst come to worst . it be no wonder why law enforcement use Maglites . I would recommend this flashlight to anyone and everyone . affordable , durable , bright , and a self defense weapon if need to be . 977 Flashlight POS 5 over the year I have own many maglite product always find they to be the best of the best as flashlight go . 383 Flashlight POS 4 very easy and simple to install . hold the maglite very secure and in the open and conceal . 627 Flashlight POS 5 I be very pleased with my order . ship be fast and the quality of my item be just as nice as advertise . I will be buy again . . be a army family we ONLY WANT the best and this past our test . . 449 Flashlight POS 5 even tho I do not use on a maglite this bracket work just fine on the flashliight I do use it for . go up easy and hold well ; on a boat no less . Dan 244 Flashlight POS 5 pro : comfortable to hold and point focusable , not that I ever use anything but pinpoint focus . but a #ell of a lot better than the ` average focus ' beam most flashlight be permanently fix in . this focus ability allow a very tight bright beam that cut through shadow and allow you to see clearly what you be look at , within reason . for example , I have use this flashlight on Boy Scout camping trip , include the summer weeklong ` exhaust the adult ' trip . the beam be tight enough that across the camp site -lrb- 50-75yds -rrb- I can not only see who\/what be cause a ruckus , I can target specific lad -lrb- s -rrb- so they know I have a good idea of the ruckus cause and cease they disruptive action . several kid have comment that the flashlight be the brightest they have have point at they -lrb- good to know , since it indicate they have not be target by the 4-6 cell maglight favor by police -rrb- . store very well . I keep a saddlebag arrangement across my center console and my flashlight sit right within reach without lean . I do warn folk , that battery do not like to cook or freeze and do not last as long when leave in the vehicle . I have replace the battery more often because they be old than because I use the light too much . this include a couple of month long trip where the flashlight be use daily . I confess to replace the battery halfway through the month because I think I should rather than I need to . I have not use the flashlight continually for eight-twelve hour stretch as a traffic coordinator would , but I have use it a lot for 2-3 hour stretch during these trip . in any case , the battery last a long time in these light . con : the flashlight bulb be rate for 36 hour . there be a peak brightness period and a slow dim down . if the flashlight be dim on fresh quality battery , you need to replace the bulb . -lrb- or you leave the battery in a sun cook car too often\/long -rrb- . by quality battery , I mean the high end brand name one . not the bargain store , gray market , or expire one . if you use these latter battery , you deserve a dim flashlight ; blame yourself , not the flashlight . if you buy brand name battery at a bargain store ` CHECK the BEST use by date ! ' there may be a reason they be cheap . I convert a couple to use led bulb . I be not not thrill . I be happy in the converted one be my emergency light and I leave they -lrb- like fire extinguisher -rrb- leave alone for long period of time . when I check they -lrb- prior to a big storm -rrb- I be more interested in make sure the battery have not go bad . the focus ability be very restricted with led and the light seem less bright -lrb- possibly becasue I can not focus a tight spot beam -rrb- . I do not like the belt fastener -lrb- a loop of cord work as well -rrb- and put this flashlight in you pocket be unwieldy -lrb- and make you pants slip -rrb- . so either the flashlight be hold , lay down or put away -lrb- like in a overhead pack pocket , saddlebag or drawer -rrb- . it would be nice if there be some flatter side to keep the flashlight stable when lay down so one can aim the light to see and then use both hand . 972 Flashlight POS 5 outstanding value . the beam be very bright and outshine the vast majority of flashlight . a great tool for farm or ranch chore . 785 Flashlight POS 5 I first encounter this flashlight during a `` ride along '' with a police officer friend of mine . for a few week , while I be consider become a reserve police officer , the local police department be nice enough to allow I to ride along with my friend Dave , who be a police officer for we local department . all they police car have the mag rx1019 's wire into the patrol car . now , I have have mag flash light -lrb- the battery power kind -rrb- over the year . however , when I first see my friend light up the night with the rx1019 , I could not believe how bright it be ! I ask he what sort of flash light it be and he show I it be a rechargeable mag . I be sort of shock ; after all , my mag light look the same -lrb- san the recharge stuff -rrb- , but be not even half as bright . Dave explain it be because the mag light in the car be always fully charge . wow , what a difference . after a few month of ride along , I decide against become a police officer . however , I do end up buy several of the mag rx1019 flash light . I even buy one for my Dad for Xmas . let I tell you , this be about the best flash light you can buy . it be always charge and ready to go - you never have to look for battery . it be super bright and really do a amazing job light up the night . in fact , it be practically like have a car headlight in you hand ! : - -rrb- that be how bright this thing be . the flash light really take a beating and be very well make . you can also buy aftermarket nimh battery if\/when need and these not only have no `` memory effect '' , but double the charge capacity . overall , short of spend hundred of dollar , this be the best flash light money can buy in my opinion . I use mine constantly . I live out in the forest and this flash light work great for light up the night and\/or when you want to shine it up into a distant tree to find a owl , etc. . if you be look for a top quality flash light , this be the one to get . I would give it 10 star if I could . . that be how fantastic a light it be . 962 Flashlight POS 4 it carry a d cell flashlight well . what more can be say . 135 Flashlight POS 5 this flashlight be awesome . it be just about 2 foot long . it could easily be use defensively since it look like a baseball bat flashlight . it put out 160 luke which be great for this more natural look light . great buy and very happy . 370 Flashlight NEU 3 do not produce the narrow-focused beam as describe . it do light up the night . as a weapon - excellent ! 676 Flashlight POS 5 this be simply the best flash light I have ever use . really like the light focus feature and solid feel . 309 Flashlight POS 5 great flashlight , it remember I when I be young . I do the purchase for a experiment , hope lead maglite exist . 701 Flashlight POS 4 it be a maglite . that name still mean something for I . I except a solid flashlite that be brite . that be exactly what I get . I do feel my older 2 cell maglite be as bright all while take up less battery and space but this be still a great high quality flashlight . please be aware of how big a 4 d cell flashlight be . I feel safer hold it walk along while camping because it can almost be use a `` police baton '' type device or bat . hopefully that be never need . 177 Flashlight POS 5 I have use these before , but the price here be great . mag have figure just the right tension on the clip to hold the flashlight secure , yet make it easy to grab often . I have use these for several year . I have try other , but these be the best . 466 Flashlight POS 5 I must say i be really impressed with this product . I be a police man and i find this light to be really handy and useful , and the light be just great and bright . this minimag can really throw a bright beam a good distance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 267 Flashlight POS 5 the maglite -lrb- any size -rrb- make a great gift for folk of all age . I recently buy two Maglite Minis for my child . -lrb- my husband have a maglite that have be around for a very long time . -rrb- we have go around and around with other flashlight that just do not hold up to the rigourous outdoor play that my boy be use they for . these have last already through bump and smash and they have really hold up . they come with a extra bulb and with the first set of battery . they be also make in the USA . a flashlight make to last . 690 Flashlight POS 5 I recently buy one of the 3 c cell mag-lite and I love it . it feel great in you hand , and have a light beam that be much better than my 2 d incandescent cell maglite , and almost as bright as my 3 d incandescent mag . I recently buy a 3 c\/d lead maglite upgrade , and really love it . it now produce about the same beam of light as my 3 d cell lead maglite , and be brighter than my 2 d cell lead mag . I love the way this flashlight feel in my hand . it be much lighter and be easier to carry than any of my d cell flashlight , and as I have say with the lead upgrade the beam of light be outstanding . I guess Maglite decide not to make a 3 c cell lead flashlight because it would take away from the two d and 3 d cell lead maglite , but I sure wish they have . because this and the 2 c cell flashlight with the led upgrade be simply outstanding , and much easier to carry and stow . but even without the led upgrade this be a great flashlight that really surprise I on it be weight , size , and with the very bright light that it produce . in fact it be almost as bright as a 3 d cell incandescent maglite flashlight , and brighter than the 2 d with or without the led upgrade , and as I mention this flashlight have a outstanding weight and circumference make it easy to carry while hike or any other circumstance where you might need to carry a flashlight at night for awhile , or to keep it in you car or truck . again my wife love hers , and I just buy one for myself and now we have the led upgrade for both , and believe they 'll last forever , besides produce a blinding amount of light with or without the led upgrade . but I would highly recommend upgrade this flashlight with the mag lead upgrade kit . the battery will last at least twice as long , and the beam be 100 % brighter than the incandescent version . 845 Flashlight POS 5 I just purchase this light today . wow be it bright . I also have a Brinkman Q Beam Max Million rechargable 1,000,000 candlepower spot light that be cumbersome and weigh a ton , which I compare to the DeWalt dw908 this evening . I think the Brinkman be really bright , but the dw908 be quite a bit brighter , and light up a larger area . it be more like a floodlight than it be a flashlight . also come with storage for a extra bulb . great product ! 289 Flashlight POS 5 third-party supplier be lousy performer by send rx2019 which have no 110 volt charge unit , then lie about it as be a superior quality and more costly unit . 430 Flashlight POS 5 why buy a 4d mag , when you can get a six ! feel the power , the weight , the superiority of six d battery ! upgrade to a lead bulb have the ultimate MagLite Torch ! 389 Flashlight POS 5 I have be look for relatively affordable replacement bulb for a Ryobi 18V rechargeable flashlight . it be literally impossible to find a real Ryobi product , but I read , in another review , that these work in the Ryobi . they do , indeed . I have not use any of these for any time at all , but i do verify that they work in the Ryobi , and I be thrill to have some replacement now . the original bulb burn out almost immediately , and they replace it ` under warranty ' , but I be concern about he fragility of the OEM bulb . glad to have find a replacement such that the flashlight will have a use if another bulb fail . 362 Flashlight POS 5 I buy this for my dad for Christmas . he be already put it to use while hunting . a lot of people mention that they do not recieve all the piece with thier flashlight . I open the box to charge the flashlight before I wrap it . everything be in my box . it be a very bright light , and the flashlight be super heavy duty . I be not sure how long the charge truly last since I have not use it that long . good product ! I be sure my dad will put it to use for many year . 616 Flashlight NEG 2 I buy this really want to like it , because I have a big set of 18v tool and a collection of battery , and several of the other light that I be happy with . but , it do not really `` carry '' comfortably , to carry it while walk around outside -lrb- I to live in a rural area will no street light -rrb- you have either get to hold it out in front of you -lrb- which be kinda tire on the arm -rrb- or twist the light around to shine straight `` up '' so that it can be hold as a normal flashlight , but then the battery hang off the back keep it way off balance . so , the ergonomics be not great , I would be willing to work around they if the bulb do not blow out at the smallest tumble . and , then they want over $ 9 for a pair -lrb- amazon.com pricing , good luck find they in the store -rrb- . I really wish they make a decent led light to use the 18v battery . I be not go to start buy dewalt tool that use a different battery any time soon , if ever . 141 Flashlight NEU 3 this be the great flashlight for the cost . it be very bright , and the focus beam be very useful . they claim it be waterproof . I drop mine in water and it still work , kind-of . it be very dim and practically useless . grant , it sit in the water for about 5 minute , and it have a ph of 11 , so I think it go beyond the intended exposure . it 'll last forever in you garage , but if you be buy it for industrial use , do not expect it to last forever . 879 Flashlight POS 5 this thing be a boss ... nice to keep in the truck for hour of light or as a club be necessary . Mine recently disapear from my truck , I suspect my friend ... not of a ton of light output , but it can be focus , and the thing last forever with 4d battery , do not buy a 3d ... man up and get the 4d , if nothing else just so you can say you do not back down , and who want to use a odd number of battery ... 429 Flashlight NEG 2 I think I buy a very powerfull flashlight but I be very disappointed . I have a 3-d cell flashlight that be better . 44 Flashlight NEU 3 this product be exactly what the description state . the clip be not extremely strong , but will get the job do under normal use . probably the best option for mount a maglite to a surface . 368 Flashlight NEU 3 the MAGLITE Solitaire Flashlight be a older design that for many flashlight enthusiast be no longer relevant in a world of multifunctional led , high output lumen of light . while the Solitaire be not the latest or greatest flashlight I believe that it be still useful under the right circumstance . for I , I use this light as part of a first aid kit within my Maxpedition janus Extension Strap Pocket KHAKI FOLIAGE the light be connect to a paracord lanyard that I make and fit perfectly in the bottom of the janus in a little pocket . the reason I like this flashlight be specifically because it be not too bright yet provide enough light to see all the contents of my first aid kit when in a low light situation . also , I can use this light safely to check pupillary reaction time . some of the new lead high power flashlight provide too much light . the Solitaire be small , lightweight , and durable . I have never experience a situation where the light twist on or off by itself . it take one aaa battery and I always carry a minimum of one spare battery . bulb life and battery life have never be a issue . you can twist the top of the light to adjust the light from a focused beam to flood but the flood setting be very weak and provide a ring effect . there be a time when mag light be the best you can buy but that day be long go . now there be many company make very high quality , very durable flashlight with multiple setting and function . you can also spend literally hundred of dollar on just one high quality flashlight . if you be in a situation where you do not need the brightest light then do not discount the Solitaire as it may very well suit you need at a very low price . 762 Flashlight NEU 3 have a 2 cell aa mag for 25 year , and decide to get another one and stage it at the other end of the house since power go out frequently in this area . I buy the lead think it would be ` much ' brighter and more powerful . it be not . compare both , with new battery and bulb in the old mag , the LED be only 10 % brighter with its whiter color light . it do project a perfect beam without distortion and illuminate a bit better outside . Quality be up to mag standard . supposedly , the battery last longer , but it will have to save a lot of battery and bulb to justify the cost . if you use it ` very ' frequently , it may be worth it . if not , the old style be just fine . I do prefer the slightly smaller size of the standard non-led mag . 978 Flashlight NEG 1 I be very dissappointed with this item . do not last a day . the Streamlight Adjust-a-Clamp be vastly superior . stainless steel construction and it be CHEAPER too . my current streamlight set have be in heavy constant use in my truck for over 15 year . the rubber have wear off a few time but it still hold my flashlight ! customer who be unhappy with the mag instrument product should check out the streamlight clamp . 974 Flashlight POS 5 a very bright and clear light . the car charger make it perfect for travel\/camping . 254 Flashlight POS 4 the official DeWalt seal packaging say that the bulb be make in Japan . Amazon 's packaging be sturdy . I include a couple of picture . the filament look nearly perfect as you can see . I do some serious soldering . the filament connection look strange to I , but other can judge for themselves . overall , the bulbs\/packaging look fine , buy this product be a bright idea . plan to use it in my Bosch 10.8 \/ 12 volt flashlight . good luck and have fun . 76 Flashlight POS 5 product arrive fast and protect well . I will for sure do business again . flashlight be actually brighter than my maglite 2 d cell . I will be order the lead upgrade to increase the brightness even more . 334 Flashlight POS 5 I buy a 3-d cell maglite for a hike trip in the nc mountain in 2003 - to this day , it be still my go-to flashlight . Great build quality , good battery life , good focus ability , and the ability to hunt small mammal if need be ; what else can you ask for ? in the future , I probably will pick up a lead light of some kind , but I be not get rid of the original mag anytime soon . 500 Flashlight POS 5 if you want only 1 flashlight this be the one to get . for its size the brightest light on the market . the best part be that it be rechargable . this light be build like a tank ! you do not have to wonder why 95 % of all law enforcement and rescue folk grab this light for the work they do . dual recharger for home and car . heavy duty ... you bet ! 532 Flashlight POS 5 Got this on time and I buy 2 . one for my dad and 1 for my brother in law . I be sure theyll love it . it be pretty strong and the power of the light be also v. good . good brand to trust on . 34 Flashlight POS 5 these flashlight be great . I have be do facility maintenance for a educational program for over 10 year . a major part of this job be unclogg and repair drain , perform minor electrical repair , etc. . I rely on my Eveready Industrial flashlight all the time . they be very rugged , produce a bright long lasting light and be comfortable to hold . the on and off switch be firm and reside in a shallow plastic trough which greatly reduce the chance of it be inadvertently turn on in you tool box . how many time have you go to use a flashlight whose battery be dead because the unit be accidentally turn on ? for the price , these flashlight can not be beat ! 163 Flashlight POS 4 I like this alot , particularly for check out thing that go bump in the night ; however , I do recommend that you get the terralux lead replacement `` bulb '' for it , as it be much brighter and with 6 d cell run forever -lrb- ... well -rrb- . 829 Flashlight POS 5 if you be sick of constantly buy battery , and never have a flashlight handy , buy this gem . it be awesome , especially if you already have sink a few hundred into other dewalt product and wish you could use those battery for something else ! it be bright and take a beating ! 668 Flashlight NEG 1 these be cool once , but by today 's standard the light output be very poor . my surefire and Arc flashlight be much brighter , more robust and a fraction of the size . 283 Flashlight POS 5 be use one of these for so long I do not know when I get the previous one . lose the last one by accident , be cursing myself ever since . I keep one of these on I wherever I go , always handy . I like the traditional non-led version because the beam be focusable . I buy the Nite-Ize on\/off switch to go with this one so that it do not accidentally turn on and waste battery . 842 Flashlight POS 4 I buy this flashlight because I want to find crack in my basement with a high power light . yes , this work . now that that be fix , I be go to use it for the upcome Hurricane . at Wal \* Mart , they be sell those flashlight with battery , soooo cheap ! but this one be awesome ! stronger , last longer , and it have a rechargeable battery ! highly recommend . 4-star only because I do not use it everyday , just when necessary . 502 Flashlight NEG 2 I have have two of these and they have be nothing but a huge disappointment . within several month with both light , the internal contact begin to get corroded and I have to take the light apart to clean then in order for it to work . I have to repeatedly do this every few week . I also have brand new battery on several occasion leak within a very short period of time in both light . the light be always keep in the house and be never expose to adverse weather condition . I be guess it be some type of reaction with the type of metal use in the light since battery from the same package work fine and never leak in other device . these light appear sturdy and well construct , but they lack of reliability be very frustrating and both of mine eventually go in the trash and I would never buy another one . when you need a flashlight in a emergency and it tend usually not to work , it be very frustrating . 831 Flashlight NEG 1 I use the flashlight 3 time . the bulb burn out and the replacement also fail . I smell burn material . should I contact dewalk for replacement 472 Flashlight POS 5 a great product for the price . I have have these in the past and have find they highly useful . this will be helpful when I be do my volunteer work . 210 Flashlight POS 5 I have have a 2aa cell Mini Maglite for several year now . through this time , I have drop it a lot , but each time , the only damage be scratch . it be so durable that you can just throw it on the ground purposely and it will not be obliterate ! the holster be a nice addition so that you can have easy acce when you be in a tight situation . the candle feature be very useful , especially for camping -lrb- or night reading -rrb- . also , it be water proof ! I never have to worry while use it in the rain . overall , this product be very useful . with its size and capability , it proove worthy to be own by anyone , no matter what there job be . note : another good mag product be the 4d cell light . 14 Flashlight POS 4 the name `` Maglite '' have always be , to I synonymous with quality -- I have be wear this one on my belt for several year now . it be small , light-weight and have a powerful light for something this small . the beam be quite bright for a flashlight this size , and the `` candle '' mode be a nifty feature -lrb- especially when the end of the flashlight fit into the upended top -rrb- . it help I more than once , especially when in a crowded elevator during a minor power outage . my parting comment to all who be in this elevator with I - `` why do not you have a flashlight with you ? '' my only gripe -- the nylon belt-sheath , which be durable -- not only allow the flashlight to fall out in some situation , but it do not keep the rotate head of the flashlight protect . more than once someone have come up to I to say `` Umm ... you belt be all light up !! '' I solve that problem by sew a -lrb- rip-stopped -rrb- strip of nylon onto the top of the sheath -lrb- back to front -rrb- , and attach velcro to the end of the strip and to the front of the sheath , so now my maglite stay securely in the sheath . would I buy aother Maglite ? sure ! I would like to eventually buy the whole family of Maglites -- from tiny to huge . they do the job and do it well . 590 Flashlight NEG 1 I want a mag rechargeable flashlight for some time , but just could not justify the expense . well , I finally buy it , and what a dissappointment . I will say , it be a excellent flashlight when it work . I get all of 5 minute out of it when I first use it . I diagnose the problem as a fail bulb , as I could clearly see the filament be break . I order a replacement which be NOT CHEAP . it too last 5 minute , and yes , I know enought not to touch the bulb with my bare finger while install . buy two more bulb next time around , and you guess it , about 5 minute use for each . so , all total about $ 125 for 20 minute of light . Run from this deal . 493 Flashlight POS 5 okay , so a aa power torch be not go to illuminate a room , but these minus mag list torch be incredibly handy to have around all the same . I have a black version for my office and a silver version in my car . what make they so useful be that they be very reliable and very simple to use . my black torch get a frequent workout when I be hunting around under the desk unplug wire , or when I have open a computer case and need to see inside it . I have only use the silver one a few time , but it be reassure to keep in the glove box of the car in case I get a flat tyre . I be amaze by the `` candle mode '' that someone mention . I be play around with my torch while write this review and I would never see that feature before ! it be extremely handy to know and just reinforce my good impression of this device . 438 Flashlight POS 5 it be the perfect flashlight . it be small and handy . I buy it for my husband to take to work and it fit on he belt . it be a very bright light . 32 Flashlight POS 4 I buy this flashlight along with few other stuff to qualify for free shipping . it be worth for the money I pay for . 584 Flashlight POS 5 when I be a NYC police officer , many cop be get these to carry on patrol . they be excellent flashlight , virtually indestructable , fairly small in size but very bright . I definitely recommend this flashlight for safety and convenience .