740 Dumbbell NEG 1 if you want result just lift with great form and increase you weight accordinly ... DO NOT give in to THIS MISCONCEPTION !!!! this do nothing to help contract and relax you muscle = that be where you be go to get `` muscle definition '' . 859 Dumbbell POS 5 the video do look a little funny , but I decide to try it anyway . pro : 1 . it give a quick intense workout in 6 minute . it be very tiring . on my first try , I could not complete the 6 minute because my muscle give in . I be able to complete the 6 minute after 1 week of use it . so I know I be get stronger . 2 . it be a space saver . it do not use up the space as many dumbbell . you can just kick it under the bed . 3 . the price point be very good . very affordable . 4 . many possible exercise so you body do not get too accustomed to a routine . con : 1 . it do not directly hit my ab . it do it indirectly by use you core muscle . Summary : best bang for the buck workout equipment . if you do not mind the suggestive movement , you will get a quick great workout . 933 Dumbbell POS 5 by far one of the best exercise equipment investment I have make . the review other have write speak for this product . the only complaint I have and it be more of a nit-picking , be the metal can make a clank sound from hit together when perform various lift . however , the clank sound be definitely not loud or distracting . I have use these dumbbell through 6 round of p90x and they still perform & look like day 1 . the label on top & plastic color label to slide the pin in be still like day 1 show no sign of peel , crack , or discoloration . the actual pin & elastic string that hold the plate in place be both hold up like day 1 . I have never have a pin even slip or even budge from hold the plate . I know they will last forever therefore will be purchase a nice stand to keep they at a better height for r&r; . 607 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be do p90x for almost two year now ... -lrb- more for maintenance now -rrb- ... and thus I have a bunch of dumbbell of the free plate screw on variety -lrb- so I can adjust the weight on my set and also have many different weight ready to go for workout -rrb- . most rack seem to reference molded dumbbell more than the kind I have so I be a little nervous as to whether this would really work for mine -lrb- not see any review discuss my style of dumbbell explicitly -rrb- . the product description say this rack will work for all type but still I be not 100 % confident thing would work and fear find the weight would just miss the spacing this rack give for they . well ... it do work ... perfectly . it be so much better than have the weight on the floor or on the couch as I have be do in recent year . I should have buy this rack a few year ago ! it be a breeze to set up , basically 5 minute plus the time it take to screw in 12 bolt -lrb- which do take a little longer than you would think it would , but be certainly a reasonable amount of time -rrb- . the assembly could be do with no instruction because it be as straightforward as it get . the shipping box get a good beating from UPS during delivery -lrb- include some hole in the box and some patchwork taping ... it look like it go through a war zone ... but the product itself be in great shape with no ding or scratch -rrb- . as someone else point out the bolt and nut seem to now be shrinkwrap to a piece of cardboard so that the piece stay together and there would be little risk of this hardware be lose even with careless shipping -lrb- as UPS seem to provide in my case -rrb- . the rack itself be very sturdy and rugged and look quite sharp ... I do not know why anyone would want to pay for one of the other rack that cost $ 100 or so more as they could not possibly be better . this be everything you need in a dumbbell rack . 443 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be not a set I just assume it be , which be my fault but instead of order another from this company I will give my money elsewhere as I feel this be intentionally misleading and I be tired of company take advantage of people . 711 Dumbbell POS 5 Ok , here be the truth as I have no agenda to either endorse or kill this product : I allow myself to get a bit out of shape and as I have finally turn the corner and make marked improvement in my diet and physique , I notice that my upper arm be flabby , and I allow they to become weak . I be skeptical of this product , but I decide to give it a try . when I do the first 6 minute workout , I manage to breeze through it , and I foolishly believe I be in better shape than I think . the next day however prove I wrong , as I find the repetition of the routine actually become harder . I also discover that I do indeed have a weak arm which could not match the other . I feel the burn and fatique after the 6 minute exercise program each time I do it . but then , by week three , I find myself do the 6 minute program 2 or 3 time a day , and though I be still not breeze through it as I do on day 1 , I be manage to complete the entire program . I also be do some add rep on my weak arm and I have manage to balance the two . now , after a month I be not go to say that I be suddenly rip , of course not , but I do notice something . at a moment when I be simply soap my upper arm , I discoverd that they be more `` solid '' and `` tight '' than they be a few short week prior . Let 's face it , you know you own body , so when you discover a change , without even consciously look for one , you become a bit startled . well , I be , and realize that there be some definite toning to my arm . I be also move the shake weight harder than I be thus increase my strength , and try new routine . so , have the product now for about two month , i continue my three 6 minute a day routine and be feel much better do it . I have find that it be a great motivator and one of the few weight regimen that be not boring . after all , if you can not spare at least 6 minute of you day do this program , then what do you want to do ? highly recommend ... ... . 446 Dumbbell POS 4 first , to be clear , this be not a replacement for a normal total body workout . this will not replace weight or body weight exercise . it be , however , a essential piece of equipment for anyone who be serious about fitness . I be not kid , read on . first , let I qualify myself . I be 23 , 6 ' 2 '' , 190lb , ~ 10 % body fat . I work out a fair amount because I enjoy it . I have be a body weight guy my whole life : pullup , pushup , situp , and run . in the last two year I have incorporate a olympic routine once a week for my lower body and a basic upper body weight routine once a week . normally , at the end of either a pushup\/pullup routine or a upper body weight routine I do what be call `` flutter '' -lrb- google it -rrb- to really make sure that my muscle be throughly fry . normally , this would consist of do a lot of minus pushup or pullup -lrb- ~ 1 '' range of motion -rrb- , maybe 100 reps. here be where the shake weight come in . I still do my flutter but now I add a four minute session with the shake weight . I do one minute on each arm , one minute in front of my chest , and one minute above my head -lrb- watch the video on youtube to see what I be talk about -rrb- . by the end I be totally fry . I have be use it for about a week now so I can not say anything definitive about result but I be sure it will help I progress . in summary , the Shake Weight be a excellent supplemental tool for anyone who be serious about fitness . 840 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this item because the physics of it make complete sense to I . I just finish my second time use the shake weight . the first time be right after I open it , and I try the various workout show . it be not too bad . the second time I use it after my daily routine consist of ab work out , push up , dip and pull up . it usually take I 5-10 minute . once I finish , it be 3:56 . I decide to wait until 3:57 so that I could time myself for one minute . I have never want 3:58 to come so badly . it burn not only in my arm but in my ab as well . if use on its own it may not be as effective , however it be a great finishing touch on my workout today . P.S. . you have to be SUPER FRAIL to use the women product . it be half the weight of the man 's . man will build muscle and in turn need to move up in weight . buy the man 's version . 511 Dumbbell POS 5 like a lot of people here , I see this darn thing on tv and have to check it out . I think two main thing potential buyer want to know be a -rrb- be it junk , and b -rrb- do the darn thing work ? first , `` be it junk ? '' no , it be not a cheapo piece of exercise equipment that will fall apart the first time you drop it . it be actually make of a hard plastic , with metal end . so no , it be not a piece of junk , but rather a pretty sturdy dumbbell . will it last for year ? probably . also of note : the dumbbell do NOT have a motor , run on battery , or shake by itself - that be you job and how you get exercise use it . next up , `` do it work ? '' well , first you have to define `` work '' , which will depend on you fitness goal . if you be look to bulk up you arm , and really pack on the muscle , do not expect one five-pound dumbbell to make you look like the incredible hulk , or the guy in the commercial . it simply will not `` work '' for that purpose . -lrb- suggest smokin ' hot gun !! : how a average Guy can get Big , muscular arm in one workout a week instead , what it will most definitely do be provide exercise for you arm -lrb- and other muscle -rrb- , maybe add a little muscle if you be really out of shape , and tone they up . for these purpose , I would have to say that it do indeed `` work '' . I think most anyone who pick this thing up and shake it non-stop for 6 minute would have to admit they feel like they arm have get a little exercise in . sooo , if you be not look to get huge arm , but rather some decent exercise and arm toning - check it out , I do not think you 'll be disappoint . 105 Dumbbell POS 5 I really enjoy this thing ! grant , this exercise could be do without the shake weight , but it be fun to have a prop to help with the shakin ' . be careful though to get use to the weight , and ease you muscle into it before diving into the dvd routine . ; -rrb- 662 Dumbbell NEG 2 packaging be fall apart when the item be receive . the long bar be clearly use prior as the sticker be wear off and it do not stay together properly . weight and dumbbell bar be in good condition and the clip to hold the weight work well . 654 Dumbbell POS 5 these be great for any home gym . they be very easy to use . do not be put off by the blocky look ; they be comfortable to the hand and no more cumbersome than any dumbbell . they be compact and store easily and take up much less space and budget than a conventional dumbbell set . for a beginner , they can be a big part of you home gym - you do not need thousand of dollar of specialized equipment to get start . I highly recommend get the storage stand or tray - make they easy to handle and store . 86 Dumbbell POS 5 I be concern when I read a few review talk about how difficult it be to assemble this stand . have now complete the assembly , let I just say that this be one of the simplest kit to assemble that I have ever see -lrb- I be compare to thing like Ikea furniture and whatnot -rrb- . just follow the instruction -lrb- e.g. , do not tighten the bolt fully until you have everything together -rrb- . seriously , this thing be dead simple to put together . the bolt be a little tight , but should be a piece of cake for someone who use the 1090 dumbbell -lrb- I have the 552 -rrb- . all you need be the include Allen wrench and a sturdy , ratchet socket wrench . this be a great , sturdy stand . exactly what I be look for . 399 Dumbbell POS 5 so many mixed review , but i actually enjoy the workout . it be fun , n my husband like to watch I do it hahaha . we still giggle sometimes , but whatever , it be a fun moment , we laugh , and i be tone my arm . I feel my favorite sweatshirt be not so tight in the upper arm area . BTW , it be common sense to eat healthy , drink plenty of water and do other exercise -lrb- cardio ! -rrb- . if I only do THIS i doubt i would see any result . 231 Dumbbell POS 5 I travel for a living . I miss my weight at home and not all hotel offer a good exercise room . I purchase the Shake Weight because of it be size , weight and portability , but really do not think it would be all that effective . now the Shake Weight have become my favorite exercise . after use it on the road a few day I notice I could increase my rep or weight on my set at home . muscle definition become apparent after a few week . so I use the shake weight every time I exercise . it be my warm up before my weight training and my primary exercise on the road . my only wish be if they make something that effective for the lower body as well . if you be very much out of shape and overweight , I would suggest weight loss before any exercise program . I lose over 70 pound before get serious about the exercise . how ? see -lrb- ... -rrb- 462 Dumbbell POS 4 Ok so I find mine at target , i be a woman and I buy the men one , I do not purchase to reduce arm flab I actually purchase to increase endurance\/stamina\/strength in the arm and shoulder as I be a Echocardiographer , basically what that mean be a ultrasound tech that scan the heart , and you guess it ... I have to scan under heavy obese breast ... to get to the heart and no the patient can not always hold they own up they might be unconscious , and anyone that be have one know that we have to push hard between rib pace for extended period to get image -lrb- while hold up those boob with the same arm -rrb- I be a new grad and boy be I in for a surprise at how weak I be !!!!!!!!!!! I can not endure more than 10 minute and not push hard means crappy picture which mean angry cardiologist and we have to do 10 a day for 30 minute each ... yike !! this be my answer . I get the men one because those boob usually weigh more than the female version and I be try to create endurance with that add weight like I say . I have do it two day now and my shoulder , biceps , triceps , pectoral , trap and lat all ache !!! whether or not the flab go anywhere this be definately a good workout for what I need . 106 Dumbbell POS 5 this be just what my husband need ! no more bend over to heft the weight up off of the floor . the stand be easy to put together , unlike some of the review I have read prior to purchase . I 'll have to guess that bowflex hear enough bad review of the instruction to re-write they . that be say , my husband simply look at the diagram and do not read any of the instruction , anyway . he be not a super handy man , so this be say a lot . he love it , I love that he be safer . two thumb up ! 948 Dumbbell POS 5 very happy with these hand weight . the color of the weight I receive differ from the picture - I have pink , blue , and purple . nice grip and plastic stand be easy to put together . 530 Dumbbell POS 5 im not gonna lie i feel kind lame for get the shake weight but its be about 3 week and im already see a good change on my arm , im not say im supper buff but i see a pretty good change and its only be 3 week so im pretty happpy with the shake weight 201 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be very excite to try the Shake Weight after read the review when it work for people . I try both the 6 minute video and simply shake it , as long as I could go , and unfortunately I do not see result . while I be do the exercise I could `` feel '' it , but I never actually see result . which be a real bummer , because I commit to the six minute video every day . I decide to stop when I do not see a difference and because , like someone else mention in they review , the shoulder action give I serious pain . as soon as I stop use the Shake Weight , the pain go away . though it do not give I the result I want , I really hope it work for you . 469 Dumbbell NEG 2 I do not like it . it be not as it appear I really thouht the weight move by itself . I can do the same thing with my regular hand weight 643 Dumbbell POS 5 this exercise equipment be everything you expect they to be . everyone in my family use they . no complaint . my wife and son , put this together for I before I get home from work . we be very pleased with they . 274 Dumbbell NEU 3 I buy this to workout one of my problem area , my arm ! it seem to work pretty good once use twice a day , but it be not challenge enough for I . it seem that once I get use to it , it be too easy to use . it be good for people that be not use to do a lot of arm strengthe exercise . a good beginner for arm ! 890 Dumbbell POS 5 theres so many joke about this thing that why its so big in the market give it a good rating cause it work like it should if you use it right . for the people who work out use it to warm up then regular work out in between rep use the shake weight wooooww what a difference it will make to you body !!!! 941 Dumbbell POS 5 I be a 59 year old woman and I be not sure if I would like they but go ahead anyway . I just love they , they be great and I have no regret whatsoever . I would recommend they to anybody . there be a 15 year warrenty on they . I usually workout on a bowflex but these feel like I have do a much better workout . I buy the rack too and I think it be a plus . with the rack the dumbbell be at just the right angle to get a good grip and it be much easier to set the weight desire . I be afraid they would clank together and make a lot of noise but they do not . they feel like solid weight , nothing move like some dummbell I have try before . it be very easy and fast to select the weight desire . I only wish I have buy these before my bowflex gym . I like my bowflex but it do take a lot of room . a set of powerblock and a bench would be all I need to keep in shape . oh well live and learn . 682 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the stand with my selecttech 552 dumbbell and be glad I do . it keep the dumbbell off the floor , be much neater and keep I from trip over they if they be on the floor . it be also much easier than have to lift from the floor . the construction be rock solid and of very good design . if you have the SelectTech dumbbell , I would highly recommend the stand . 509 Dumbbell POS 5 the apex dumbbell rack look great . it be very sturdy and well build . I be very happy with this purchase and would recommend this product to everyone who be look for a dumbbell rack for they home gym . it look great in we home gym . 347 Dumbbell POS 4 first the stand be necessary addition to the Selectech weight . it be attractive and useful . the direction be poorly write but the picture will guide you properly . the bolt be very difficult to screw in use the tool so have a socket set -lrb- socket must be deep -rrb- and good hex wrench available and you should have no problem . 669 Dumbbell NEG 1 we buy a pair of the 8 lb weight . in we workout room , we set the weight on a ledge that be paint . we have two other set of neoprene weight that we buy from target a couple year back and have no problem do this . these weight stick to the paint and pull it right off the ledge . so we put a mat under they . next ... they stick to the wall when they get too close . luckily we have more paint to touch everything up . 504 Dumbbell NEU 3 I think the purchase be for a pair -lrb- 2 weight -rrb- !! bottom line : it be too expensive for just one dumbell compare to a local sport store -lrb- where I have previously purchase 5 # neoprene weight -rrb- . also the 2nd one be a slightly different color . not a big deal , but annoy . it be a pretty self-explanatory product ... neoprene dumbell . bc it be neoprene , it have a nice grip and protect the weight . 906 Dumbbell POS 5 buy this to compliment the 552 I already have . upon unwrap , I notice some minor scratch on some of the part , but not a big deal . installation be easy and straight forward use a socket wrench along with the supply allen wrench . installation take about 45 min include unboxing . once complete , the stand feel rock solid with no play at all . it come with lockable caster wheel which I do not install , but definitively useful if you find the need to roll it out of the way . recommend to anyone with a set of 552 or 1090 dumbbell . 305 Dumbbell NEG 2 the shipping for this item be quick which I always appreciate . however , the product itself be a waste . I think I would really enjoy use this dumbbell , but I just do not . I feel like I could have do the same excercise with a regular dumbbell or any item with a little weight on it . this be a complete disappointment . believe I , I try to convince myself that this thing be work and worth invest in , but in the end , it be just ... nothing . 262 Dumbbell POS 5 I be unsure about purchase this product because of review and other comment . I go ahead and take a leap of faith . glad I do , this really work if you use it correctly . there be a lot of confusion out there that this item run on battery power ... this be not true !! you have to use you energy and muscle to make this work . it take awhile to work up to the full 6 minute , dont give up . I start out in 30 second interval until I could work myself up to minute . I could tell a difference in my arm within a couple week ... still have a while to go but between this item and the resistance band I feel like I be get a really nice workout on my arm . 812 Dumbbell POS 5 save space , make the weight far easier to access , and look nice . this ultimately be just a stand with a towel rack \* cough bar across the middle cough \* but it be well think out , the angle which it have you weight make pick they up less strenuous on you back and arm . I feel if you be get the Selecttech 's you should make sure you order the stand to go along with they . the wheel be a nice touch as I have mine on a hard floor and be able to roll it around make get they out of the way when I be do work out a snap . 652 Dumbbell POS 4 I get my set of Bowflex SelectTech dumbbell on sale before and think to get this stand when it be on sale . I do not realize it be such a back saver until I get the stand . very solid build and do not have any problem except the hold area do not fit the dumbbell set base perfectly . maybe it be just my set but since there be a tie down to the dumbbell set I be really worry about it . Free shipping on amazon be great ! 741 Dumbbell POS 4 I get these about two week ago and they arrive in perfect condition . the weight selector be not exactly what I think it would be -lrb- its just a piece of plastic hold in place by a elastic band -rrb- but they work . it do not feel cheap , and they look nice . I cant complain really these be the best weight you can get for $ 200 or so . the actual weight be enough that with some repetition you can get definition in you arm and shoulder -lrb- at least for I , 25 year old , slightly smaller 150lb dude . I would recommend these as the best value for the money . 122 Dumbbell POS 5 feel great in you hand , as well . it be a excellent product . I have purchase a 20 lb weight of this brand over 10 year ago and it still be one of my favorite . 751 Dumbbell POS 5 First off -- kudos on shipping . order it Sunday night through my Amazon prime account and the free standard shipping get I the rack by Tuesday midday . it be also well package . the rack itself be a great value at $ 99 \/ free shipping . I have a hodgepodge of dumbbell , include hex , pro-style , and dumbbell bar + standard plate -lrb- about 9 set in total range from 5-45 -rrb- , and it fit they all fine . I think it would be much better suit to a set of just standard hex , but it work well for my need . it also feel very sturdy and be easy to put together -lrb- ~ 10-15 minute -rrb- . I definitely plan to get another one as my dumbbell collection increase . I plan to submit a photo too if you want to see how the hodgepodge fit on there . one note -- I notice somewhat of a chemical smell when first put it together , but later determine it to be the packaging as it have dissipate once I get rid of it . 275 Dumbbell POS 5 I have a whole set of these , from 10 pounder to 45 pounder . they be a great fitness aid , as they be immensely portable and can be use in any room of the house , while watch tv , or next to you computer desk . there be a wealth of exercise one can do with simple dumbell : curl , bent rowing , overhead extension , etc. . if you have a bench , there be even more . believe it or not , a home body builder can get a pretty decent workout from a limited set of these dumbell . they be relatively cheap compare to other brand . I recommend they . Jim `` Konedog '' Koenig 846 Dumbbell POS 5 very nice dumbbell I order a set of 60 # and I be just thrill with they ! I be go to be use they to walk up and down my stair I have at home . should be wonderful for my leg ! 477 Dumbbell POS 5 I love the size of it as i can store it just about anywhere and yet be able to lift weight anywhere from 6-24 pound . the only problem with it as other have mention be that you might mess up get the pin in straight to adjust the weight but it be easy to figure out when u have mess it up . another annoying thing about the dumbbell set be while ur work out the plate hit each other and u hear a annoying clunk sound 321 Dumbbell NEU 3 I have use this 3 time a week since i have buy it , up until recently . it work pretty good , i can really feel it in my arm -lrb- `` good burn '' -rrb- although i havent see much of a change , in the excess `` flab '' on my arm . the only thing be i havent be able to use it for about a week now due to it take a toll on you shoulder . i hurt mine do the behind the head thing . as long as you jus due it in front of you its ok . im glad i end up buy it throw amazon vs. when it be as see on tv . 841 Dumbbell POS 5 love how balanced these weight be not to mention the ease of change from one wight to another . I be just get back into lift so it will definitely be a while before i come close to out grow these . I be just thrill to have a easy way of work out at home nice and convenient . 880 Dumbbell POS 4 price be not great relative to store as many have comment , but I live in a small town hour from a good sport store . I buy these because the price be better than most of what be available online . good selection of weight and overall , good dumbbell . 158 Dumbbell POS 5 I do not know if i should buy it , i think it be Wack but i give it a chance and little do i know it work crazy good , it be worth every penny , it be a fast work out that work , just give it a try trust you 'll like . 218 Dumbbell POS 5 great instruction , easy to use even for this 70 year old , will be use regularly 811 Dumbbell POS 5 purchase two of these to use while walking\/running on my treadmill . want to work out my arm at the same time I do cardio . Thought it would be a good way to burn more calorie and firm up my arm a bit at the same time . I have no problem grip they due the neoprene coating so they stay in my hand nice and tight , even when you sweat ! I have drop they to the floor several time and the neoprene do not come off so the quality be top notch . they be small and easy to store so they do not take up much space -lrb- I put mine in the cup holder on my treadmill -rrb- . I recommend this product to all . 964 Dumbbell NEG 1 I buy the set , because my trainer have the elite set , which I like . I receive the set damage - plastic be break and plate be off on one of the block . fortunately , Amazon take the set back ; however , I do try the block that be not damage , and it do not feel as sturdy as the elite set . I be surprised especially with all its great review . I end up reordering the 45 lb set instead . 499 Dumbbell POS 5 really great product . I buy both the men and lady dumbbell . notice a difference in about a week and a half . I have to use the lady dumbbell for the left arm exercise for about the first week , good that I buy they both . it have be all uphill from there . these work !!! almost forget , buy the lady for my wife , she love it . 51 Dumbbell POS 5 my husband buy these for I , and they be great . I mean , what else do you expect from 5-lb dumbbell ? they work for I ! 464 Dumbbell POS 5 the powerblock be very well design and function quite well . I recommend they to anyone try to build a home gym or someone who just want to do some exercise at home . 494 Dumbbell POS 5 not much to say really , its a dumbbell - great for the home if you have the space , and I would definitely recommend get a rack if you buy a bunch of they . as dumbbell go , these be some of my favorite . they be very well make , and will not chip or crack - very sturdy . and even if the paint come off the number , the number be raise so there will not ever be any confusion as to what weigh what . I personally like use the hex shape the best . why ? well , two reason . for one , when I raise hex dumbbell over my head to do press or flye , I seem to be able to balance they better , although I know there be probably no `` physics '' reason for this , probably all in my head . secondly , when I be do flye or overhead press with dumbbell that have large diameter plate , and they touch in the top position , the edge of the plate can hit each other funny and make you dumbbell tip awkwardly - which never happen with the hex dumbbell due to they round shape . but I be rambling . if you be look for single dumbbell , these be a good choice and might be the last one you 'll ever need ! also recommend smokin ' hot gun !! : how a average Guy can get Big , muscular arm in one workout a week 877 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a nice dumbell rack . it be easy to assemble and look nice . appear to be extremely well build and a real good value . I see it in person at a Sports Authority . one thing I like about the offset tier be that it be easier to get the dumbbell in and out . do not add a lot to the depth , but it make a big difference . very pleased . 650 Dumbbell POS 5 if you buy this set of dumbbell , one set be all you need . Works well with the table . 336 Dumbbell POS 5 the SelectTech stand be very useful , and worth the price . the SelectTech 1090 's can be use without the stand , but the stand put they at the optimal height for lift-off of the base , particularly when lift heavier ... the wheel be also very convenient to be able to push the whole system out of the way when need . 112 Dumbbell POS 5 I be look for a dumbbell rack that would fit in we bedroom and not be obtrusive . this item look good so I decide to use a $ 100 Amazon gift card to hold my set of dumbbell I have accumulate over time . the package come via UPS . it be well package . after open it and look at the instruction , it take about 15 minute to assemble with a socket wrench . it be simple to put together . I really like the size and color . it have a elegant finish , not the raw steel look you see in most gym . the most important thing for I be that it fit all of my dumbbell . after try this out and switch weight around for my optimal configuration , here be how I have the dumbbell place on each row . top row : -lrb- 4 -rrb- 5 lb , -lrb- 3 -rrb- 8 lb , -lrb- 2 -rrb- 10 lb Middle Row : -lrb- 2 -rrb- 30 lb , -lrb- 2 -rrb- 35 lb , 10 lb medicine ball Bottom Row : -lrb- 2 -rrb- 15 lb , -lrb- 2 -rrb- 20 lb , -lrb- 2 -rrb- 25 lb note : I put my heavy dumbbell on the 2nd row so I do not have to bend over to much to pick they up . I be not able to fit my -lrb- 2 -rrb- 25 lb dumbell on the 2nd row with the 30 and 35 , so I put the medicine ball there . if you have more dumbbell than what I have describe , you may want to buy something bigger . I be really happy with this purchase . Hope this review help . 496 Dumbbell POS 5 after read other review , I be concern this would be difficult to assemble . maybe they have improve the instruction , but I find it very easy to put together by read the instruction . I think there be two key to make it go smoothly . 1 . do not fully tighten the screw at first . they should be just loose enough to have some room to move to get everything in place . once it be assemble , then tighten everything down . 2 . use a socket wrench with a ratchet . use the hex wrench to hold one side in place and use the socket wrench to tighten . the proper socket size be list in the instruction , but I think it be 9\/16 '' . it only take my about 30 min . to get it fully assemble from the time I open the box . it have be a huge improvement when do p90x to put the dumbbell in easy reach to adjust and pickup to minimize down time between set and avoid risk of injury from pick they up from the floor each time . 186 Dumbbell POS 4 fit in the hand weigh what it be suppose to Color irrelevant to the purpose a dumd dumbell , just what I be look for . 804 Dumbbell POS 5 be hestitant to purchase after read the bad review , of course , but decide that it be a great value since the shipping be free . turn out to be easy to assemble and appear quite sturdy . I do not have all rack full - only have 10 , 12 , 15 , 20 and 25 pound weight on it at this time . 575 Dumbbell POS 5 sturdy design . have option for wheel -lrb- include -rrb- . good height . recommend a gym mat if you want to protect you harwood floor or carpet . assembly be bit of a pain as you need some help tighten the screw -lrb- take about 45 min to assemble -rrb- . highly recommend with bowflex dumbell . 64 Dumbbell NEG 2 there be nothing I hate more than push-up , so I get this . I notice other people like it . I now find something I hate more than push-up . I guess shake weight be not for everyone . 17 Dumbbell NEG 1 my Aunt tell that she love this thing . it be a stupid . and , I can not believe I buy it . 630 Dumbbell POS 5 I manage a condo and need a rack to get the free weight of the floor . this do the job ! it be strong , relatively easy to put together and the price be excellent . we fitness room be pretty small and this take up minimal space . the only complaint I have be the rubber foot thing be a pain to get in do not seem to fit very well . luckily there be a few hundred lb on it . I do not think it be go anywhere ! 40 Dumbbell POS 4 this thing be heavy duty , but I thoguht it would be bigger from the picture . I should have measure it . it will fit -lrb- barely -rrb- hex dumbbell of 5,8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35,40,45 . 311 Dumbbell POS 4 good product , but notice that be not a olympic bar , so it do not fit my bench press , it be to short . 378 Dumbbell POS 4 my wife be very pleased with she shake weight . she use it every night , and feel more energize after a few minute of use , particularly after a tiring day 's work . 780 Dumbbell POS 5 the shake weight can be use by people who have never go to gym or play professional or nonprofessional sport . the Weight do not weight that much so it make the rep hard to do . if you want to really add the pressure to a area then all it take be more effort instead of more actual weight . I would suggest the Shake Weight to other . 266 Dumbbell NEU 3 be very careful . I have work out for 25 year . I have never have a injury. , , until use the shake weight . I get it as a impulse because it look different and I be curious . I like it at first . the same day that I have use it for the first time , I feel neck twinge . now I have severe neck pain that have go on for 4 day . I cant turn my head . I cant drive or sleep at night . maybe my fault , as I do the workout and do not keep my foot flat on the ground in a stable way . I walk around the room while do it . bad idea . it create a whiplash effect . 269 Dumbbell POS 5 not sure why other reviewer have trouble with the assembly , but with basic tool it be no problem . product quality be good and the stand be attractive . make use the weight set alot more pleasurable , and worth the investment to save you back . 447 Dumbbell NEG 2 IM NOT A WEAK PERSON BUT I just feel like this be hard to use and CONTROL . while I be do it it be bounce around all over the place I have to DO VERY SMALL MOVEMENTS or IT FEEL LIKE ITS just all over the place and my husband be like your not do it right ! BUT if I do it the other way it sway front and back I mean you CAN FEEL your muscle work BUT THIS PRODUCT be just not for me 343 Dumbbell POS 5 I have have a pair of the 1090 dumbbell -lrb- 90 lb each -rrb- for about 10 month and be lift they from the floor until now . the price finally drop here on Amazon so I decide to pull the trigger . Trust I , if you be above 30 like I , and can not recuperate as quickly as a 18 y.o. . . purchase these ... you 'll save you back . these be sturdy , well-made and convenient stand for you selecttech dumbbell . the shipping carton say 45 lb -lrb- the outer-box be marked Bowflex stand ... so if get as a gift , have it gift-wrapped -rrb- . unlike other reviewer , I have absolutely no problem set this up ... the instruction be straightforward ... they be the ` exploding-diagram ' type ... so maybe I be visual like that . I recommend not take all the washer , nut and bolt out of the packaging ... just slice the shrink-wrap to keep the bolt in they position ... that way it be easy to differentiate . it come with a allen-wrench , but you 'll need a 9\/16 socket for the nut-side ... I recommend hand-tightening until it be fully set-up ... just to make sure everything be align . the caster work fine ... move it around a couple of time and no problem ... but they do seem cheap compare to the rest of the stand . if they break , I 'll just use the peg . all in all , it be well worth it to get the stand ... I just have to save up long enough after I get the dumbbell themselves . 525 Dumbbell NEU 3 it need to be a big bigger and have pad for the dumbbell but for the price I can not complain . 818 Dumbbell POS 4 not overwhelming or spectacular , but for those of we who do not really have a budget to spend big $ $ $ on resistance training and other exercise equipment , it be good enough to get the job do . you 'll find yourself need to order a additional set of 2.5 , 5 and 10 pound disc if you want to actively use all three barbell and have a nuanced workout where you can gradually step up resistance each week or two . still , it get one 's foot in the door , as it be ... 827 Dumbbell POS 4 I have have my Shake Weight for man for 2 day now and so far I really like it . the 6 minute dvd workout really do make you muscle burn ! and my arm definitely swell up after ward just as if I would be lift weight . I can not say what the effectiveness will be in the long run but I do not see how this could not beef someone up . one thing I 'll say be that I do not really feel a workout in my chest . I may have feel a little soreness there today but not much . the workout dvd go over 3 workout and the Shake Weight come with a card show those workout plus one more that be not demonstrate in the video . my plan be to do all 4 every day . maybe I will notice it in my chest more ? I do have concern that this could hurt someone back if they have have previous back injury but it do not seem to be bother mine . overall it be a well make product and I think it be go to do a good job make my arm a little more cut . and honestly it be a lot more fun to use than plain old lifting weight . 4 Stars ! oh and I notice someone else 's review say just to buy the female shake weight ... I do not get that because the one for man be 5lbs and the female version be 2.5 lb ... 11\/14\/10 Update I still think this be a good product . if anything I keep slip up and stop use it for a week or two . but my arm be definitely more define . especially my triceps ! I have never be able to see any definition in that area but they be bulge out now when I flex . I be go to try to stay devoted to do the workout twice a day now and really accelerate the muscle growth . a quick bit of info . . at first it may seem that it be slim down you arm . what I have notice be that it burn any fat off first and then the muscle growth begin . do not be discourage . even use it off and on I be definitely more tone than I ever be . I be gonna push this thing to the max and see just how rip it can make I . 817 Dumbbell POS 5 use with p90x and these be perfect . right amount of weight for reasonably strong and athletic 43 year old -lrb- 180 lb -rrb- . allow quick change . be get some Platemates so that smaller 2.5 lb increment be possible . I know there be newer powerblock that allow 2.5 lb change but you have to open the handle and change cylinder out - add Platemates have to be quicker , and p90x really have you change weight pretty rapidly - I would rather not hit pause during the workout . 375 Dumbbell POS 5 despite the stigma attach to the shake weight , it do its friggin job . I love it . it really work . strongly recommend ... ... . if you can handle it ! 853 Dumbbell NEG 2 another warn that you be only get one dumbbell . Mine arrive new , but one dumbbell be pretty useless . the product description make no mention of the fact that this be not a pair . 327 Dumbbell NEU 3 the diameter of the handle be a bit small . wear glove help . the 50 's be on sale for $ 37 each at a local department store so I scoop they up , not see weight for less than $ 1\/pound very often . 535 Dumbbell POS 5 look at several differant type of rack , this one have prove to be very good quality and easy to put together . would highly reccomend product and amazon . I pay $ 87.00 and no shipping . 603 Dumbbell NEG 1 it break in half when I set it down . I have rubber flooring and do not drop the weight from a great height . I have be lift weight for 20 year . I purchase on Dec 30 , 2010 and use it about 2x a week . this be kind of scary . about to contact Amazon and possibly manufacturer to see what they say about it . will post a update . 988 Dumbbell POS 4 exercise with the Shake Weight make you look ridiculous . it be true . but forget about that . the first time you manage to finish the six-minute workout routine , you 'll realize just how effective it be . the Shake Weight be not motorize , however , which many people seem to expect -lrb- even I do -rrb- . you be the one generate the motion of the dumbell . you be the motor . the dumbbell itself be well-constructed and obviously much easier to use and store than just about any other piece of home gym equipment . at only five pound , I do not have high expectation for the kind of workout this thing would produce - but I be definitely please with the result . even after only three week of do six minute a day , I have see improvement . my triceps be more solid , and I be start to get a bit of bicep definition . it be a pretty good feeling get noticeable result from just six minute a day ! the bottom line be that for $ 30 , you do not have to worry about look ridiculous . just try it . 287 Dumbbell NEG 1 I do not even use it anymore , it just hurt you joint . you do not get that sore feeling like you would from normal weight -lrb- or any normal workout -rrb- so you know you muscle be not get work correctly . yes , my arm be die after use it , but it feel the same just swing it around like that with or without the shake weight . 649 Dumbbell NEU 3 so , I think this shake on it be own -lrb- well , with the help of battery -rrb- but it do not . I read the review and see other people who say the same thing but I think , maybe they just do not figure out how to turn it on . I be wrong . obviously we be not the only people to think it shake on it be own because the people of Shake Weight have they own website explain how to make it shake ... call ` howtoshakeit.com ' so , if you do not believe I -lrb- or think I just do not know how to turn it on -rrb- go to that website . it seem like the weight and the shake part of it probably do help with you muscle and everything but it also seem like , if you hold a regular weight very loosely -lrb- allow it to slide between you hand -rrb- and shake it like you would the shake weight , that probably work about as well . they suggest you do it for 6 minute a day -lrb- which sound easy -rrb- but for beginner , that be nearly impossible , as the weight really do work you muscle . if you buy the weight new , it come with a short video with a 6 minute workout and if you watch it , you see that the lady who do the video do not even seem like she can do the whole 6 minute straight , as the lesson do not seem to be one continuous shot but clip paste together to make a complete 6 minute video -lrb- if that make sense -rrb- . if you have get the money to spend for a ` special ' dumbbell , then go ahead and buy this . but if you be think it be go to be some kind of miracle worker , I do not think it be . I highly recommend you try shake a regular dumbbell first and see if that help you muscle because , like I say , that be basically what this do . I be a little disappointed . 599 Dumbbell POS 5 I order several dumbbell from Cap Barbell , they arrive on time and in the condition I expect . no complaint at all ! 265 Dumbbell POS 4 although I find it more difficult than it look to keep the weight vertical -lrb- and look like the video while do so -rrb- , the shake weight do work and it appear to provide a good workout in a short time . this be a intense workout for a woman whose main arm exercise otherwise be use the mouse or shift gear in the car . however , after use it for a couple of week I can tell that my arm be stronger and more tone , so I be please with the product . 252 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a fabulous product . although I have read complaint about the assembly direction , I think they be clear . it be always a good idea to read the instruction all the way through before assemble anything . the 1st page list all the part and show the exact size of the different screw . each step tell you which size screw to use . the only thing I would recommend be that you use a crescent wrench along with the allen wrench that come with the kit for tighten the screw . the screw fit tight and be stiff to turn . with a crescent wrench , it be not a big deal . it do take over a hour to assemble , but it be very sturdy and safe to use when complete . 570 Dumbbell POS 4 the apex 3-tier dumbbell rack be order on 12\/11\/08 and receive at my home on 12\/15 , pretty good for free shipping . however , the shipment arrive with the box literally open and part lay on the ground at my front door where FedEX drop it off . this product weigh 56 lb and only shipping tape be use to seal the box . fedex should require the supplier to use nylon strap to hold the box together . luckily , no part where lose . I find a few minor scratch , as well , but that be fine with I give the forthcoming scratch I will give it when use it . assembly require 20 minute with a single socket wrench . it be very solid and ergonomical well design . the rubber footing add a nice touch for stability . I load it with 8 pair of hexagon dumbbell -lrb- 5 to 40 lb -rrb- . it do not sway when load or unload dumbbell . the 5 lb dumbbell do not rest properly on the rack , but all other be fine . I still have room for 2 more pair of small -lrb- less than 40lb -rrb- dumbell . I recommend this product , minus the lousy shipment experience . 139 Dumbbell POS 4 pro : - muscle ache and you heart pump enough after the six minute so I think it work - seem like it be relatively sturdy - cheap quick workout con : - make a weird clicky noise sometimes - at first it be really hard to get it move - use it be kind of weird -lrb- I mean hold it right and whatnot , it do not feel goofy or look goofy like everyone say it do ... and trust I I always say it look goofy until I try it -rrb- final thought : I think this would be a worthwhile investment and the pro definitely outweigh the con . 554 Dumbbell POS 4 buy for my girlfriend as a gift , this small weight set be great for use with in house fitness video . the rack be however flimsy but it work to hold the weight up , just do not try and move it and do not press too hard when put it together . 395 Dumbbell POS 4 I really like this product because it be compact and not as cumbersome as the larger set . for most people , this will suit they need and they can get a upgradable set later on . the small size allow almost everyone to perform conventional exercise with proper form . with the larger PowerBlocks , this be a concern because of add bulk and length . the square shape of these dumbbell allow the manufacturer to put more weight in a smaller place . this make these much smaller than other round adjustable dumbbell over the same weight range and increment . from a safety perspective , I also think these be the safest and most rugged adjustable dumbbell . however , this do not mean that nothing can go wrong . you need to be conscious of insert the pin straight across and the pin mechanism right side up so the magnet engage to hold the pin together . there be a also a backup elastic band to prevent a plate from fall , but this might not save you in a overhead triceps extension . this product be rugged and well make . it be less likely to break then some other brand and the concept be simple behind how the adjustment work . in other word , there be less thing to break or go wrong and I believe these can take a fairly hard fall and still be fine . I have not drop mine , but I base this assumption on the way they be design and the quality of the material and how they be put together . I would definitely purchase these if you do circuit training and want to keep you pulse up . if you become serious , you can buy a expandable set over a larger range later . this be great entry point product . 695 Dumbbell POS 5 you should always workout with free weight , as they allow you to use the natural free-range of motion , stabilizer muscle , and proper posture . there be absolutely no reason you should work out on machine unless you be a complete beginner or injure . machine be great for safety , but not much else . if you be go to invest in a dumbbell set , get the one that go to 50 pound at the minimum . everything else be just a waste . you will outgrow you old weight as you constantly and consistently work out . if dumbbell set be too expensive for you , then consider join a gym for $ 20 a month or get 3 dumbbell weight -lrb- 10 pound , 25 pound , and 50 pound -rrb- . there be no need to even invest in a dumbbell set until you bodyweight exercise and stability exercise become too easy -lrb- over 100 push-up , 20 pull-up , and 6 minute mile -rrb- . until then , use you body weight ! it be cheaper , faster , and easier . if you do not feel the burn after 10 repetition , you be do the exercise wrong . in all exercise , it be the eccentric portion of the exercise that build muscle . do the exercise in a smooth , controlled fashion with a 3 concentric and 6 eccentric count . squeeze at the peak of the motion to get that extra pump . as in all exercise , make sure to keep you wrist straight and check you posture with these seven vital point : foot hips-width apart and point straight ahead ; knee slightly bent ; pelvis at perfect middle , as if you be sit at a bar stool ; stomach tight , but not flex ; chest straight and align on top of rib ; shoulder parallel to rib ; and neck straight on top of body 580 Dumbbell POS 5 I just receive they last evening and they be exactly what I expect . the 3 lb . increment up to 24lb be perfect . they be just the right size for a woman . in comparison , the Bowflex and Selecttech 's be too big and cumbersome for I . these be perfect . they be compact and do not take up much room at all . you need to be attentive when put in the pin . there be a top side and bottom side to the gray pin-bar . I have find that when insert upside down the plate do click together and the pin handlebar fall out . other than that minor note , I love they ! as one review state , you can hear the plate click together when lifting , but I find that when the pin be insert properly and the gray bar be snug to the frame there be no or very little noise . if you do not want any noise , I suggest get dumbbell . quite frankly , I be more focus on get through p90x than a little bit of noise ! 301 Dumbbell POS 5 I have get the shake weight for man and I absolutely love it . I use it every day and I actually feel sore after use if for about 10 minute . I can see some definition start to come in my arm that I have never see before . obviously it look a little strange but if you have not try it already then I recommend you do ! 474 Dumbbell POS 5 I have have these weight for just over 2 week and they be nothing short of fantastic . very easy to switch from 5 to 45 pound to optimize a workout . I have already lose two inch off my waist thanks to these and a new diet . I would definitely recommend these 21 Dumbbell POS 4 I die laugh the first time I see this advertise on television . after read the review I have to give it a try . I be a personal trainer and have do weight training for year . because of that , I order the man 's version of the Shake Weight . who would have think that a little 5 pound weight could be any kind of a challenge ! though this will not be my primary source of weight training , it will certainly become a part of my routine . it be always good to keep you muscle guess and this be definitely a fun way to `` shake '' it up a bit . of course , I will not use it where anyone can see I ! 602 Dumbbell POS 5 I love this product and it be cheap enough . I would say I do wish I would have purchase a larger one because I have purchase more dumbbell that will not fit on the rack and it be like only a extra 50 lb set so they end up on the floor , no biggie the produck it great . 563 Dumbbell NEG 2 overall this be the product I need for my dumbbell , however it be either package poorly and damage during shipment or there be no quality check before it be send out . when I open the package and start to assemble it , one of the leg have a huge dent on the outside part . obviously it be go to get bang up with use -lrb- especially weight go on and off all the time -rrb- , but it always frustrate I to get something already mess up . will still use this product since it be what I be look for but will definitely avoid this seller when possible in the future . 729 Dumbbell POS 4 it do what it say its suppose to do , but it have a very plasticy feel to it . not bad just weak . Free weight be a better option . and lastly it do make for a good workout . it take a lot of energy to move that thing 258 Dumbbell POS 5 this stand be a must have especially if you have the SelectTech 1090 dumbbell . it can be a big pain and almost dangerous to be constantly pick up that kind of heavy weight from the floor . I be sure they work well with the 552 series also . also come with roller for easy movement around the house or garage . 172 Dumbbell NEG 2 I have only have these dumbbell for a few short week and have not even use they that often . however , the plastic be already crack all over they !! I own other dumbbell with plastic coating and I have not have any problem with those . consider these be `` new , '' I think the quality be really poor . all dumbbell cost around the same price , so I suggest you buy another kind . I hate to see what these will look like in a few month ! 503 Dumbbell POS 5 the set be awesome and it feel pretty well build . the only bad thing that i have find be that the plate be pretty big -lrb- for dumbell not the bar -rrb- but you be still able to work out effectively . still this set be great for the price . 516 Dumbbell NEU 3 I cave and get the shake weight think that it would be a quick way to tone my arm . I have be use it for about a week and do not see a whole lot of difference so far , but I think it probably deserve more time . my disappointment with the shake weight be in the video . the leader 's arm look like they be in different position base on the camera angle , and often she do not do what she be say . in chest press she elbow be too low , during the shoulder exercise it occasionally look as though she hand be point forward instead of at the ceiling , and in the rotator cuff active release she elbow dip down down in between reps. these inconsistency be not deal breaker , but when I buy a exercise video I expect the person in it to know what they be do . little movement like these can make a big difference in the result that you see . be careful of you body mechanic ! 758 Dumbbell POS 5 perfect match for the dumbbell set . can not imagine get one without the other . 574 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy mine at second wind Fitness -lrb- new -rrb- and absolutely love they . they be both smaller than my old 3 , 5 , 8 , & 10 lb dumbbell be ! I have use they every other day for 4 month now and they be like brand new , nothing break or feel shaky . they save space , have easy `` quick change '' by move the pin like Nautilaus machine back at the gym . I be extremely well-pleased . ca not recommend they highly enough . I be a 5 ' 2 '' woman and they fit in my hand better than those old 10lb dumbbell do ! 230 Dumbbell POS 5 pro : sturdy . nice look . low price for what you get . con : a few minor scratch on arrival , be not package too well . other : I reverse the top rail and it hold a full set of aerobic weight nicely -lrb- 2,4,5,6 , 8 lb . -rrb- my second tier hold 10,15,20 , and 25 lb . bottom hold my 30 , 35 , 40 lb . I put my 50lb set on the floor next to the rack . very efficient use of space . I love it . 913 Dumbbell POS 4 nice set of weight . one of the dumb bell come with a strange yellow sticky material on the end that I do not notice until I have open the package and place on my mat . it leave a stain that can not be remove . I have to wipe down the weight but other than that , I have a pleasant experience . 843 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy these to help with my physical therapy . I 'll continue to use they to tone my arm and make walk more challenging . very comfortable to grip . small and easy to store in the closet . you do not need a lot of heavy weight for work out . if you be do repitition , you 'll get result . I also use the low weight for Zumba and Wii Fitness . 519 Dumbbell NEU 3 you get what you pay for as the cheapest weight you can find you can bet they be cheap as hell shipping be nothing more then a over size box with paper in it . so yeah box will be destroy . when i get it the up man be shock at how it be ship . the weight inside show damage from be drop and throw around in a over size box . they work though but huge defect in both weight . I have older cap dumbbell but they be still in good shape . I gamble and lose . haha what can i say huge chunk of other weight be move around like a junky job of put they together . the reject weight this site sell to you i guess . but again you save 20-40 $ a pair so that be a plus for little think like that . 13 Dumbbell POS 5 I figure it be a gimmick when I order it , but I really like it . it definitely do work ! I like that you can see and feel it work . it do not take much time to do the workout , so I do not talk myself out it . in just 3 week I can really see a difference in my arm . 750 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be encourage by read the positive review , so I go ahead and order one , think it would be beneficial . I have no idea how anyone could have they arm become sore from this device . I use it 2-3 time a day for 5 day , and feel absolutely nothing . I be not in primo shape by any means , but a 2.5 weight be not go to help most people improve and tone they arm . what a waste of money . 319 Dumbbell POS 5 I really love my Shake Weight . I read a few review about it and people seem to really like it so I get it , too . they do have a money back guarantee and I would not have hesitate to use it if I do not like it . the Shake Weight come with a workout dvd for a 6 minute workout . I do it once a day while I be watch tv -lrb- the workout be not hard to memorize -rrb- . I usually can not even do each exercise for the recommend time because my arm hurt so much . I take before picture and after just one week of use it I take after picture and my arm look amazing . when I flex there be actually muscle now and my triceps have great definition . I wish I could upload the picture but I guess you can not do that on amazon . I never have huge arm they just have no muscle tone . the Shake Weight definitely tone you arm and it be so easy to use . yes ... it look really weird and sexual to use it but all my roommate love it now and they use it , too . I even convinced one of my guy friend to get the man 's version . hopefully it will work just as well for he as it have for I ! this be a must buy if you be lazy like I and never go to the gym but still want awesome sexy arm ! 88 Dumbbell POS 5 th dumbell be fine and show up on time , however it be only 1 dumb bell . I think it be 2 . I think dumb bell come in set , so it be a little expensive when you package show up and there be only 1 . not sure what you would do with only one ... I have to order another . 950 Dumbbell POS 5 I order two of these dumbbell to do physical therapy exercise . my grip be weak and the neoprene make it easy to hold during any exercise . the number 5 on each end do not look as if it will last very long , but I have have that problem with vinyl dumbbell as well . the neoprene coating seem a bit thin , so it may begin to show wear sooner rather than later , but I definitely expect to get a few year of use from they . I do not really care about aesthetics when it come to these weight . they be both purple , as state , -lrb- darker than the current picture on the product page -rrb- and that be fine with I . the bottom line be that they be comfortable to use , have hexagonal end so they do not roll away , and overall be worth the cost . I will buy more of this brand . 236 Dumbbell POS 5 at first i be very skeptical . be in gym i say no way a little dumbbell can do all they claim . it do but the rip part that be good genetics . i have be work out over ten year i be no slouch but the shakweight be hard i have trouble do twenty seconds . some review say it be hard to get it shake that be the point if it be easy you muscle would get no challenge . i personally work out a hour and a half a day that be not for everyone but i do recommend additional exercise it be not a magic weight . but very good addition . try it i do and i be happy even with all the negativity . 902 Dumbbell POS 5 the shake weight do work ! but only for specific goal . this will increase muscle size and strength in weak individual . this will decrease muscle size and strength in those who already use they biceps\/triceps . it be that simple . my girlfriend use this and claim `` I can feel the burn '' not realize what actual body building\/muscle grow be all about . she be simply fatigue she muscle and since she be so weak , it appear to work . so do the shake weight work ? yes , it can work . but you be better off get a pair of dumbbell , 20lb each , and work you way up to increase the weight . just go to bodybuilding.com for a couple month at least 4 time a week and you will learn a lot about body building , loose weight , etc. . I only give this 5 star because it be a high quality product but a bad idea , like most popular thing you see on tv . by the way , you can get some cardio in by use the shake weight and jump around or do some squat with it , yes 5lb squat while jack off the air behind you head . 919 Dumbbell NEG 1 when I purchase the Shake Weight , I know full well that I have to do the shake . its a sad thing that so many people buy this product , think it be a machine that shake itself . you have to work for it !!! however , I say do not buy this piece of crap because it break . it do not break when I be work out even ; no , it be sit under my desk and I be rest my foot on it and the end just pop right off . do you want that thing to fly off into you face people ? this thing be a hazard , and I be lucky . I would hate for someone out there to actually be work hard with this thing when the end fly off and suddenly , you need a nose job . save your money people !!! if there be a rating less than one star , I would use that . 58 Dumbbell POS 5 these dumbbell be excellent ! I use the Bowflex SelectTech adjustable dumbbell and find that they be very bulky -lrb- which may limit some exercise -rrb- and rattle in you hand . the Bowflex dumbbell also need to be line up just right when set they down on the stand , which can be a minor nuisance . the PowerBlocks adjust easier and quicker than they Bowflex counterpart . quality adjustable dumbbell like these may look expensive at first , but they be build very well and will last many many year . I use these for my p90x workout , and in a typical hour workout , I save myself at least 10 minute use these dumbbell over my old custom-weight dumbbell with a fraction of the footprint . you will not be disappoint with PowerBlocks ! 748 Dumbbell POS 5 excelente producto esto va para mis amigo los venezolanos que siempre hay dudas de los paquetes persona serias y todo es como sale compre con seguridad soy muy delicado con mis compras y quede fino ciando vi lo paquete 341 Dumbbell POS 5 love this product , so do my sister , I buy one for she too and she love it too . 440 Dumbbell NEG 2 full disclosure : I be a woman , but I buy this version because the review be better , and supposedly this version be sturdier . I lift weight to build strength , to tone , and to charge my metabolism . I use barbell at about 35 pound , maybe 40 if I be feel it , and a 50 to 60 pound kettlebell , just so you have a idea . my arm be not that rip , but I be curious to try this product anyhow . it be a little tricky to use , but frankly you either get it or you do not . it really be a matter of master keep you hand still so it can work you arm -lrb- supposedly -rrb- . yes , it do create a sort of tension in the arm near the bicep , but it be a strange feeling . it be not a `` I just shred some weight '' tension , it be a `` my muscle fascia be really tight '' tension . I have keep the rest of my weight routine the same and I have not see any difference . honestly , I think this product be probably just a fad . I do give it two star because it be sturdy ; I have drop it and it do not break . but skip this one and stick to real lifting . 683 Dumbbell POS 5 excellent product - i love to workout and now have some additional piece of workout gear . excellent quality and identical to those use by most gym i have be to . 12 Dumbbell NEU 3 I buy it . I use it once . I kind of would just prefer two free-weight . it be mostly just a conversation piece . 980 Dumbbell POS 5 high quality . Easy to assemble . look and work great . glad I buy it . 732 Dumbbell POS 5 I be a little worried when I first open the package . it be really light and it feel really awkward ! I mess around with it for a little while and I be not very impressed . but then I put in the dvd that come with it . WOW ! after the 6 minute I could feel the tightness in my shoulder . I be not all that big into body building or anything , but I do go to the gym about 3-4 time a week and I do the arm weight . this work out be a really good one for only do it for 6 min . it impress I ! but it be go to feel weird in you hand for the first little bit . but try the dvd before give up on it . you may be surprised ! 864 Dumbbell POS 4 these be as expect ... thrill ! and , love the stand ... make they more accessible . anything that make exercise easier to get start work for I ! 569 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase the PowerBlock dumbbell after return the SelectTech dumbbell . the selecttech be cumbersome , the weight plate feel loose , and you have to dial two dial to select one weight . furthermore , they be over $ 100 more expensive than the PowerBlocks . on the plus side for the PowerBlocks : 1 -rrb- they take up very little space for a adjustable dumbbell 2 -rrb- they feel solid 3 -rrb- while not cheap , they be much cheaper than the SelectTech dumbbell 4 -rrb- you can do over the head tricep extension use both weight or one use the handle on the bottom 5 -rrb- select the weight be a one step process for each weight 6 -rrb- they be upgradable with a heavier handle option and a barbell option on the minus side : 1 -rrb- allign the pin to select the weight be a bit more difficult with the weight on the ground . the stand or a table top would alleviate this problem . overall , I be pleased with the PowerBlocks and definitely recommend they to anyone look for a quality , adjustable weight dumbbell . 873 Dumbbell POS 5 the Bowflex SelectTech 552\/1090 dumbbell stand be great . very sturdy and easy to put together . the dumbbell fit perfectly on the stand and the wheel make it easy to move . very pleased . 769 Dumbbell NEU 3 its a good product get you arm thin . but it isnt mean for Muscle Build up this be just to Cut you arm ive be use it for a week for about 6 min a day and ive see progress 498 Dumbbell POS 4 unless you have a table or counter to put these weight on , it be just not good for you back . when re-racking weight and have to put it back on the floor . this rack be build for the dumbbell and function as it be . the wheel be very helpful when need to wheel these thing around . especially for cleaning . very stable . 453 Dumbbell POS 5 you see the commercial and I guess the actor be better at it than me , THEY LOOK LIKE IT 's MOTORIZED . oh well , it be not , BUT you still feel it work . take ALOT of EFFORT , BUT KEEP IT up and you 'll see result . 768 Dumbbell POS 5 I have surgery on my shoulder , and my physical therapist recommend this for my home exercise . it be not mean to create a lot of weight to bulk up with -lrb- like it show in the advertisement -rrb- but it create enough resistance to build endurance and tone muscle , which be exactly what my deteriorated shoulder muscle need . 938 Dumbbell NEG 1 its horrible an ut not wht its mean to be how can i return it 753 Dumbbell POS 5 there be dumbell rack out there that cost a small fortune . why ? a sturdy chunk of steel be all you need and that be what this thing be . nice rubber foot prevent damage to you floor . Easy to assemble . inexpensive . you might need two if you have lot of dumbell . other than tiny weight , you can get about three pair on each shelf , which be enough for I . very happy with this rack . 310 Dumbbell POS 5 I have want to try this for a while , finally decide to try it because of this be a lower price than what be be offer in local store . plus with the free shipping it be quite a bargain . the product arrive in perfect condition and be just what it seem : a weight that you shake . it will work if you use it correctly , but it be more difficult to use than it look . the dvd be helpful . 508 Dumbbell NEU 3 I honestly think that this run on battery or something and would shake itself and you just hold onto it ... wrong ... I suppose it work though . I have do the dvd a few time and it make you arm tire . 323 Dumbbell POS 5 read a review that say that this product be great to tone specific muscle but will not help a person loose weight . Perfect for those who be already fit who be always look for way to look better or maintain they body . after a few minute of try it out it become clear how it definitely work . good purchase . 29 Dumbbell NEG 2 I buy these weight to use with p90x and while they be ok for the price , I can not recommend they for use in p90x because you have to change the weight too often and quickly . I find the plate and the pin to be cumbersome and easily misalign . you can insert the pin and not actually be in the correct spot and then the plate shift while you be do reps. its not so easy to add or subtract weight . if you be just go to stick with the same weight for most of you routine , then these would work fine , but in p90x I be sometimes use three different weight for one three exercise circuit . I get my husband the bowflex dial weight and those be MUCH better in term of ease of switching weight although they be twice the price . I be go to go back to the traditional dumbbell weight for ease of switching . 992 Dumbbell NEG 2 i baught this think ok one of my trouble spot as a woman be my arm , well ... its boring , its funky weight and shape to use , the instructor Lindsey creap I no insperation to keep use the video . . now the dog like the use it as a chew toy . i have have WAY BIGGER result with boxing glove and bag work and jump roaping with weight on my arm . i wouldnt recomend this except as a paper weight or chew toy ... plus my guy friend give I crap with there pervert mind its dumb 73 Dumbbell NEU 3 I wish I have pay more attention to everyone else 's review because I be really surprise when I open the box and there be only one dumbbell ! I would not recommend buy this - go buy a pair together instead ! 720 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a great rack . it actually work better for I to have the front rail on each level upside down . it will save my finger ! I have add a picture for reference . 217 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase this for my wife . it come in 3 box . one big brown box , inside that be another brown box , and finally the last box be colorful and contain the weigh and stand . the stand be flimsy plastic but work . you 'll need a Phillips screwdriver to put it all together . 5 minute later , it be all assemble and hold you colorful weight . my wife be happy with these weight , it cover the major weigh she would need and it be easy to identify which be which -lrb- by color and size -rrb- . 263 Dumbbell POS 5 for someone who live away at college with a room to myself this be the perfect way to workout without too much equipment . it will take I a long time before the weight in this set no longer challenge I . the dumbbell be very sturdy , easy to change , easy to clean and store . I highly recommend they if you be look for a easy way to reduce clutter in you exercise enviroment . plus since individually dumbbell cost around $ 10 - $ 30 depend on the weight , you do get a good deal out of these . 598 Dumbbell POS 5 very happy that I purchase this dumbbell rack . I hesitate due to a few of the negative review , but my order arrive very quickly , all nut and bolt be package very well , and I be able to assemble the rack in about 5-10 minute with only a 5\/8 socket wrench . very sturdy , good look , excellent product . I definitely recommend this product to anyone look for a sturdy , affordable dumbbell rack . 324 Dumbbell POS 4 the quality of construction be very good so will be able to use for a long time . I be not very good at hold it at the right angle , still learn , but I can see how it would help strengthen my arm which I be need after have shoulder surgery . 131 Dumbbell POS 5 it work ! it do what it say . you need to be patient with it , and just like and piece of gym equipment , you have to learn how to use it . whereas I do not recommend this as a replacement for free weight , or you regular gym workout if that be what you be do , I do recommend it as a addition to they . if you do not have free weight , or do not have time to go to the gym , this will do very well . if you can get a 6 minute work-out out of it right away , why be you use it ? -lrb- LOL ! -rrb- seriously , take you time with it , go as long as you can , be patient with it , use all the different exercise routine that it show you how to use -lrb- the include dvd be pretty good , and the website have even more -rrb- , and work up to as long as you can . you will feel it immediately -lrb- A.K.A. sore at first , burn once you get the hang of it - and burn be a good thing ! -rrb- . the only thing I do have to say as a downside to this be the grip . it be a tad uncomfortable , and it get a little slippery when you start to sweat -lrb- and you will ! -rrb- I highly recommend a good set of workout glove with good rubber grip -lrb- Sears sell they - $ 18 -rrb- . other than that , use it regularly , and start slow , just as you would any other workout regimen , and work up to that 6 minute a day workout . no I do not look like the guy in the commercial - yet - but I notice a significant increase in my arm , shoulder , and abdomen muscle . use the dvd and website !! good stuff for $ 30 ! 540 Dumbbell POS 5 great product , but not expandable like the rep say . Powerblock have several product line and I check out they web site and order the Powerblock r90 -lrb- about 80 buck more for a potential of 130 pound per hand . -rrb- they have a rubber coating and better all around look and quality . if 50 pound be all you need they be truly great . 0 Dumbbell POS 5 as mention already , expect the package to be destroy when it get to you door . otherwise it be a heavy piece of metal that be durable and function exactly as intend . 692 Dumbbell POS 5 muchas gracias , compre desde venezuela sin ningun problema , I llego la mercancia a tiempo y en buen estado , como acordadon recibi la mercancia en la direccion acordada , muy agradecido 942 Dumbbell NEG 1 I purchase a set of these high tech dumbbell several year ago and the plastic material cover the weight plate have become brittle and be now crack and fall off . I wish I have spend the money on a set of plain jane , low tech and indestructable dumbbell . 412 Dumbbell NEG 1 this item do not shake as well as I would have expect , or have like it to . it be a great idea , but mine do not seem to shake properly , or enough for I . I would like to try a different brand to see if it be more shakeable . overall dissatisfied with the quality . 315 Dumbbell POS 5 I have try the Bowflex Select Tech and have own these weight for two month now , and the select tech do not even compare be so many way . the Select Tech be WAY bulkier and feel very awkward to hold . it be much longer and when you choose the weight setting , it randomly pull out certain weight off the dumbell which make the dumbell feel weird . the powerblock on the other hand feel very stable and non awkward . when you pull the weight out on whatever setting you want it on , it conviently pull out and leave all the weight that be below the weight you pick on the ground . it be a amazing product and be absolutely worth the price . also if you want to have they in 2.5 weight incremenet , just buy 2.5 pound wrist weight for each arm ! 360 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be a very disappointing item . i be sorry i get it , it be not what it be crack up to be . you would be better off with a pair of free weight . it doesnt shake easily , and be just a waste of you money . 146 Dumbbell POS 5 I actually purchase the home gym package c directly from powerblock and not the product show here . the gym package consist of the 5-90 elite dumbell , the stand and a weight bench . these item be ship promptly in six seperate package . the stand and weight bench require a little assembly , but nothing too drastic . the stand be a little bit of a hassle as there be a number of small screw and nut and that have to be put in . the bench be mostly pre-assembled , but have a couple part that have to be put in . i highly recommend get the stand . not only be it a great place to store the dumbell , but it make change the weight much easier . change the amount of weight be very easy , and just involve pull the `` pin '' out and slide it in to select the desire weight . the dumbell be color code , so you can quickly see the amount of weight you be choose . use the `` pin , '' the weight be change in ten pound increment . there be `` adder weight '' that come with the elite set , each of which be 2.5 pound . if you use the adder weight , you can change the amount of weight in 5 pound increment . however , the adder weight take a little longer to manipulate as you have to pull the central core out and slide the weight out . i can change the weight use the pin in literally 2 seconds . however , the adder weight take about 10 seconds to change . i have decide to just keep the adder weight in the weight and not change they out . i be find just change the amount of weight in 10 pound increment . one other thing about these weight . when i first get they and set they up , i be not put the adder weight in correctly -lrb- it be a long story , but essentially i put one of the core in upside down , cause the adder weight to slide out when i do not want they to -rrb- . i call customer support and someone answer on about the third ring . there be no voice mail and no wait while i listen to elevator music . i ask to talk to someone in technical support , and the guy that answer tell I he could help I . he be very helpful and we work through the problem -lrb- which have be my fault in the first place -rrb- . this be probably the best technical support i have experience and mile above the usual support i recieve for computer software\/products . in short , i be very happy with my purchase . this be a high quality product make in the USA . i be go to get a lot of use out of these and expect to use they for the rest of my life . they seem to take a lot of pride in what they produce . highly recommend ... 624 Dumbbell POS 4 these dumbbell holder work well with the corresponding dumbbell . it look great and hold up well to the weight . safe and effective . a bit expensive for a stand , but effective . 273 Dumbbell POS 4 im almost 60 year old . I have be work out since I be in my teens and have continue to engage a lifestyle of eat right and exercise with all type of free weight and machine . I weigh within 10 lb of my high school day and my waist be still a 32 . Shake Weight be another tool and in my opinion a good one . after use it I can feel the muscle pump in my arm , shoulder , chest and back . which mean it do work by stress the muscle group it target . if you think you 'll look like the guy in the demo ad after use it awhile , then you be naive ! if you be so out of shape from not exercise in 20 or 30 year and you think just use the Shake Weight be go to make you physically fit like the guy in the video demo , then you be mistake . if you be just a whiner and complainer who think it be battery power or should be battery power , then you be a nitwit who know nothing about what it take to achieve or stay physically fit ! there 's no such thing as passive exercise that will produce result . try watch `` the biggest loser '' and see how hard they be work and how they be do it . finally , if you be the type of person who believe everything they see , or hear , on tv and infomercial , then you be what we call in the military a `` zipperhead . '' Means you have no brain . physical fitness be never achieve by use just one exercise , device , or technique . but a combination of all sort of exercise , device and technique . Shake Weight be just another tool in the arsenal . 596 Dumbbell POS 4 I can definitely feel a difference in the tightness of my arm muscle , particularly the biceps . two people have also mention that my arm be look great ! if you do buy this product , be sure and read direction and follow they , or view the video first . if you do not feel the burn , you be not do it correctly ! 505 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a great dumb bell rack . it have more than enough space for the 5-50lb dumb bell . this be worth every dollar . it easily go together . and it be extremely durable . 71 Dumbbell POS 4 pro : very compact design work well , and seem to be high quality change weight be easier than you might think con : plate sometimes get stick together if you select they improperly once 805 Dumbbell POS 5 since I be too weak to carry 32lb of weight back to my apartment , I be happy to find these offer on Amazon with free shipping ! the shipping would have cost about as much as the weight themselves , so this deal be too good to pass up . other than that , they be weight . they do they job of be heavy if I do my job of lift they . so far so good . 857 Dumbbell POS 5 I be look around for a nice set of adjustable weight for p90x as my spin lock be take far too long to lock and load for the quick , fast paced weight switch that the program demand . and so after much hesitation from my wallet , I finally give in and order the PowerBlock Classic Adjustable Dumbbell set . boy , let I tell ya , worth every penny ! I be finally able to keep up with all of the work out with only the slightest effort on my part . go be the day when I have to constantly pause and rewind to stay on track . it almost make work out fun -lrb- if that be possible -rrb- , haha . they be so good in fact that if I have to choose between these weight and a girlfriend , I would choose these weight ! you know why ? because I would be so psyched to work out with these dumbbell everyday that I would get rip in no time at all , which mean a even hotter girlfriend ! ; -rrb- 39 Dumbbell POS 5 I workout every single day and need equipment that be comfortable to use . neoprene barbell work great for I . I be slowly work my way up through the weight and you can not find 6 pound weight in my area . for some reason , they go from 5 pound to 8 pound but I can not make that big of a jump without hurt myself . so glad I find the 6 pounder online ! 808 Dumbbell POS 5 neoprene cover make it comfortable in my hand . not too crazy about the baby\/powder-blue color of the 3lb weight or the fact that it come with some discoloration on it -lrb- from the cardboard packaging and it do not come off no matter how much I scrub -rrb- but not a big deal . 77 Dumbbell POS 4 att : see other review for ppl who have use this a while . its not a gym replacement . but its something to get a good pump say before you go out . I have be work out 5 to 10 time a week consistently for the past year and a half -lrb- some two a day -rrb- . and I would not believe it my self have I be read this without ever try it . also note that I work out with high intensity and focus completely on that . not talk to ppl or waste time . well , I be over at a friend house the other day and he have one of these funny look thing . I shake it for a while and feel a good pump . the next day my biceps be hurt and that just do not happen often . I think I have get all the lactic acid out long ago , but this thing get what be leave . I be get one . so be this a one stop shop for any real fitness goal ? NO. . be good to have ? yes . why ? because it give you diversity in you workout and it be CHEAP . Lactic Acid - release by you muscle when stressed . the reason for the muscle soreness day after start a workout routine . 5 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase the man 's shakeweight rather than the one target for my gender because I have always though the weight that be gear towards woman be far too light , for I at least . 6 minute do the various position with this thing make my arm , shoulder , pec , and lat feel like bowl of Jello . I love it . it be so intense , as stupid as it sound . I have be use it nightly for about a week -lrb- 6 minute , 10 minute break , then 6 more minute -rrb- and have already notice a slight change in my upper body . for those who though this thing have battery and move by itself , I really hope you be not in any sort of position of power or managerial occupation . or parent . anyway ... this be one piece of make for tv hilarity that actually work like they say it do . 475 Dumbbell POS 5 the dumbell set be perfect for begin weight user and\/or for light weight . the rack be easy to assemble and the weight themselves be ergonomic and comfortable to use . 45 Dumbbell NEG 2 this be 1 hand weight , not a set of 2 hand weight . this be include in the product information , but I have get into a bad habit of read review and not the product info . I be give it a low rating , because it seem intentionally mislead to offer only 1 weight instead of a set . of course , after receive the product , I order another to complete the set -lrb- which be probably the seller 's goal , but it would be a hassle for I to return instead -rrb- . I would not have choose this product for the price if I have realize it be not a set . however , if you only need one weight , this one seem like a nice quality . 629 Dumbbell POS 4 I recently have a serious back surgery and I be always look for new thing to keep I motivated exercise as it be very important for I to avoid further back problem . the novelty aspect of Shake Weight Dumbbell attract my attention . this weight be a molded plastic handle with a spring at each end that compress and extend as you shake it back and forth . I like they because they add a bit of variety to my exercise routine . however , they be not provide a harder workout or burn more calorie than the traditional weight . a recent consumer report -lrb- July 2011 -rrb- do electrocardiographic study to judge how effective the Shake Weight system be and find that it be not any better than traditional weight . it do not not mean you should not use these weight , the study just clarify that it be not a magic bullet . any resistance exercise build strength and any movement build calorie , and so do Shake Weight system . if the novelty of Shake weight get you exercise it do its job ! 128 Dumbbell POS 5 I order the entire set for my Husband for he birthday . the bench , dumbbell and this stand . be like he die and go to GYM HEAVEN . he love each piece . the stand be great to hold the dumbbell , which u really need . 134 Dumbbell POS 4 the stand for these weight keep they out of the way and easier to store . the weight have a soft coating so you will not get callus . I buy these to supplement a barre video and they be the perfect series or 2lb , 3lb and 5lb for the workout 538 Dumbbell POS 5 look , I have see these great tv special on every health product there be I think . I think I would give the Shakeweight a try . Ha , let I tell you this , the man 's Shakeweight will give you a great workout as long as you `` really '' work at it . in two week , I not only feel stronger , but my body be respond to the workout better than most other high dollar equipment . but remember , this be to tone you body and not make you a superman . I be 57 , a avid cyclist , and upper body strength be paramount when mountain biking . I buy my wife the woman 's version and she love hers too . for less than thirty buck , this be one piece of exercise equipment you will want to have in you workout collection . and that be no bull . 821 Dumbbell POS 5 my arm be extremely flabby and I have not work out in a long time . I have start use the shake weight every morning and it be hard . my arm be sore from the 6 minute video . I can not wait to see the result . I doubt this will work for people that already regularly lift weight . 339 Dumbbell NEU 3 I just buy one of these to go along with my dumbell and I have to say the instruction be some of the worst I have ever see . nice idea , but trouble out of the box ! 757 Dumbbell POS 5 although I be skeptical , I have be very pleased with the Shake Weight Dumbbell . the product be well make , attractive and the video instruction be easy to follow . I use the Sake Weight regularly and highly recommend it . 364 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a excellent dumbbell rack . solid and easy to assemble . plenty of room for alot of dumbbell . as usual great Amazon sevice and shipping ... get it on sale !!! 539 Dumbbell POS 5 I get this for Christmas after much snicker from my family . I tell you what though it work so well . I have be use it everyday since I get it . I just pick it up for a few minute shake a few different way for each muscle then walk away . Super easy to do a few minute a few time a day . I be not to sure how well it would work but after a week my arm be firmer . I be not a fit girl and I tell you what it be amazing to see a little less jiggle in my arm . I will continue to use this product cause it be soooo easy and so rewarding . 833 Dumbbell POS 4 I buy a use set of Powerblocks -lrb- `` Personal '' edition -rrb- on Craigslist about 7 week ago and be happy I do . amazingly quick to switch weight , simple to use and take up hardly a blip of space at all . the compact design of the Powerblocks be one of my favorite thing about they . other design I find way too long and very awkward to use for some exercise . I have the Powerblocks and a incline dumbell bench in a corner of my garage -- I use maybe 8 square foot of space . with the Powerblocks , my workout be quick and streamlined . the strength\/core training of the program I be on take just 15-20 minute to complete and use only dumbell and the bench for equipment -lrb- for the `` cardio '' phase of the program , I run outside -rrb- . I use Harley Pasternak 's , 5-factor Fitness : the Diet and Fitness Secret of Hollywood 's a-list the Powerblocks and 5ff work perfectly for my goal . I be 45 year old and have a total of 20 to 25 pound of scale-weight I would like to lose . accord to the scale , so far I have lose 13 pound in 7 week . it be hard to say how many pound of body fat that would be , since I have gain a fair amount of lean muscle mass simultaneously -- my guess be close to 17 pound of body fat be go . I enjoy work out and eat well and all the health and energy benefit of a fit lifestyle , but at this stage of my life , workout need to be short and efficient -- never so long that I get burn out . the Powerblocks -lrb- and 5 factor Fitness -rrb- be work really well for that . best of all , I can workout really hard , because I know I 'll be do in less than 30 minute . the only reason 4 and not 5 star be that several time I have wish I have the flexibility of 2 1\/2 pound increment rather than 5 pound increment , but this be a pretty minor quibble . Powerblocks be the best fitness investment I have make . 482 Dumbbell POS 5 I love these weight ! - the price be right - they be comfortable to use - the stand be a great addition ! a little wobbly , but it get the job do . it be a wonderful storage for the weight . I definitely recommend these . 935 Dumbbell POS 5 when the commercial for this item start pop up I start do some research on the Shake Weight . Amazon and other site give it high mark , but the clincher for I be when I start talk to three member of the Central Michigan University Football team . -lrb- one of they be actually go into the NFL draft after graduation -rrb- they be stay at the same hotel we be , and be use it in the fitness room . to a man , all three of they swear that it work and do a great job . I do a few exercise with it and then order my own the next day . I have be use it for a week now , twice a day , and I can tell you that it do work ! I notice a tightness and slight tremble in my arm for some time after the very first work out , similar to the feeling of lift weight for 45 minute or so . I be on the north side of 50 and I have be work out in one form or another my entire adult life . I have also try most of the out-of-the-box portable exercise device - band , isometric , Bullworkers , as well as push up , pull up , etc. . I can say that the Shake Weight be by far the best portable exercise device I have ever use . I be definately sell on this product . there have be some comment that it do not work . if you can not feel result right away you be probably do the exercise improperly . five star plus ... 726 Dumbbell POS 5 sure . this thing do not `` shake '' itself . you have to shake it . of course . that be what it be design for . why would you buy a piece of exercise equipment that do all the work for you ? you would not be exercise then , would you ? while I suppose you could buy a static hand weight and shake it , this have a springy give that actually enhance the exercise effect . the result be a well-designed exercise tool that do not need to be huge or heavy in order to deliver maximum effect . indeed , a few minute shake this thing be exhausting and burn all the right muscle , as it should . you do have to be careful to follow the instruction and use it accordingly . shake it improperly can put unnecessary strain on joint and tendon . so practice before go all out . from what I can tell after use it for two week , it be durable , well-made and easy to handle . I just do not see a down side . add it to you collection of small and efficient exercise machine . I keep it in my tv room and use it whenever I sit down . a few minute of this and I be wear out . well worth the purchase . 983 Dumbbell POS 5 I get my shakeweight today , and I love it ! it work pretty good as well on what it be for . I would recommend to anyone who want to gain muscle ! 94 Dumbbell POS 4 they be dumbbell , so there really be not much that can be say . but anyway , if you break you wrist and you have not be able to do pushup because you wrist have not become flexible enough yet to put you hand flat on the ground , you can use these dumbbell to hold on to and do pushup . so , see , they have multiple use . but they really cost way , way too much for what they be . 170 Dumbbell POS 5 these be exactly the one I have see in store , but they be available in some of the weight that be not carry in some of the chain store . they be less expensive , and with we prime membership , do not cost a penny for shipping . will be look for more weight in hard to find size through Amazon . 232 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be look for adjustable weight and they be either cheaply make or way too expensive . I think these be a good balance between price and functionality . there be no way I be spend $ 400 on the Bowflex one , and when I try the Reebok one at target , they be tre cheap -lrb- not sturdy enough -rrb- ! it be a little fidgety to get use to how they work , but it only take a few try to get it down . I like the color coding of the weight increment , make it easier when you be try to shift from one exercise to the next . I use they with a series of video -lrb- Chalean Extreme -rrb- which be constantly change weight between exercise , and I find they very manageable . also , I like how compact they be to store and to use . the Bowflex one look so ungainly when you be use lower weight . I think this be a great product , and I highly recommend it !! 234 Dumbbell POS 5 I get my powerblock in only a few day after order with super saver shipping . I start use they and right away I could see they be solidly build and I would not have the same issue with weight fall off with other selector dumbbell I hear horror story about . I do notice a small crack in the selector pin that be mainly a cosmetic issue . I call the support number and be quickly greet by a support agent . after confirm the issue , he say there be a new pin on the way and sure enough there it be about two day later . overall great product and service experience . 520 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the PowerBlocks after look through review for what dumbell set would work for my p90x need . after get the product and use it with p90x , I be happy to say that it be quite practical and get the job do . like other people have say , you have to make sure that you align the weight properly when you switch to different weight , but after the 4 week ive be use it , i have never be afraid of the weight randomly fall on my head or fall to the floor . it be durable and everything you would need for p90x , or for any workout routine . bottom line , get it ! you will not regret it . 191 Dumbbell POS 4 even though we order this a few week ago , we just put it together . it be larger than I think it would be . I do not pay attention to the measurement -rrb- it be easy to assemble . the only complaint that I have so far be that we be miss 2 washer . 358 Dumbbell POS 5 Easy to assemble . solid as a rock . convenient design for grab you dumbbell . hold pair , from 10-50 lb . good quality at a good price . 26 Dumbbell POS 4 these work well for a quick workout when I can not make it to the fitness club . one of the box 's of the 25 lb dumbbell be almost break in half when I receive it but the weight appear undamaged . good quality , and I just end keep the wrapper around the handle because it feel like the grip be sandpapery without glove -- not that I ever use lift glove anyway , but the wrap make they feel comfortable . 85 Dumbbell NEG 1 absolutely no. . I have have these for a while , and finally come on line to write a review this morning after reach the end of my rope . they be extremely annoying . you have to be extremely careful in make sure the weight be face a certain direction when you lift they because the pin will slide out , most especially on exercise that alternate or flip wrist , like back tri extension or shoulder fly combo . this can be very dangerous and I often have to set the weight down and pick they back up again in the middle of a combo set . aggravate , counter productive , counter intuitive , time consuming . I can not emphasize enough how annoying it be to change the weight when alternate through lower weight , basically anything under 30 pound . to have to stop and open the whole system , remove the interior weight , re-pin the block , etc. . these two thing you will have to do on almost every exercise , so multiply this over and over by you whole workout and think many , many time before you buy . 281 Dumbbell POS 4 a must have for you bowflex dumbbell . it get they off the ground and make they easy to move around . it be super easy to put together . a bit pricey imo , but there be not many other option . 23 Dumbbell NEG 1 not only do I get the impression that it be battery operate , appearently a lot of other people think the same thing . the card enclose with it for FAQ say in part `` unlike the impression create by the rapid motion of the device , the Shake Weight be not battery-powered-the user generate the movement . the internal resistance etc. . I certainly would not have order it if I have know that . 932 Dumbbell POS 5 my friend get the 50 pound Powerblocks and recommend I try the 24 pound one . I have have my PowerBlocks for a couple of week and use they with the p90x program . I love they . they be super easy to adjust , and the set-up time for lift weight go down exponentially . instead of have to move multiple set of weight , I just have to move one set ! also , if I find I choose the wrong weight -lrb- too heavy , too light -rrb- , they be quickly adjust . the 3 pound increment be convienent too . my only complaint be that I be not flexible -lrb- wrist do not be like it should -rrb- and sometimes my wrist hit the side bar on supination curl . other than that , I do not even notice the side bar . I highly recommend the PowerBlocks ! 214 Dumbbell POS 5 rack be just what I need . it be sturdy and hold a set of dumbbell nicely . it be small enough to not take up a lot of room but still big enough to do the job . 318 Dumbbell NEU 3 I highly doubt that one I receive be brand new ; cover with dust , paint scrape off in a lot of place , and some rust . I have to spend quit a bit of time to clean it up that be not fun . ater all , it be a good , steady rack . so , 4 star for the rack ; 2 star for the seller . I would not have another business with this seller again . 92 Dumbbell POS 4 the dumb bell be good , right weight right size , grip be helpful . its just every time i hold it , it give off a smell that smell like plastic and its annoying and weird . but i have notice improvement in my arm use this weight 497 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be use this product for about a week now and it do exactly what it say it do , you feel the burn on you arm and shoulder after each 6 minute workout . I have belong to gym in the past and they claim that what it take 42 minute in the gym you get in 6 minute with the Shake Weight be very accurate ! I see a lot of people panning this product on vary site , but for the price I figure I would give it a shot and it work like a charm ! all I can say be that people who say this do not work never actually try this ! definately recommend this as a good way to get definition in you arm ! 377 Dumbbell POS 5 I have not own or use the shake weight for very long . but for the short time that I have use it , it seem to be work . look forward to that sculpt upper chest ! 221 Dumbbell POS 4 I have be use this product twice a day for 2 week and I have to say , it seem to be work well for I so far . yes it do make a noise but personally , do not bother I at all . if you be look to create definition in you arm , I do not this this be the product for you . if you just want to slim you arm down , this should work well . it be difficult to use at first but once you get the hang of it , you will start to feel it work right away . I have already notice a difference in my arm and so have my husband . I be give it 4 star because of the difficulty of first figure out how to work it correctly . other then that I be love it . it be like any work out equipment . the result reflect the effort you put in . 337 Dumbbell POS 4 this be a must if you do not have something to sit you dumbell on . it be very sturdy and have either roller wheel or stationary foot you can easily install . it really be quality construction and I be glad that I have it . I would have give it 5 star ... but the instruction on how to assemble it be brutal . it will not take a rocket scientist to do it , but it will take a little figure out -lrb- common sense -rrb- to know how to do a couple of thing like attach the strap to the base of the dumbell platform . be on the lookout for sale on this item . I order the 552 dumbell and the stand come with it free . I buy they through Amazon.com . 733 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be lift weight since my high school football year . these weight be by far one of the best I have use and be of great quality and reasonable pricing ! I would highly recommend this product to anyone !! 33 Dumbbell POS 4 these be pretty much all you need to get in shape . I cancel my gym membership and buy some of these . they seem to be make of good quality . I be still get use to the ` block ' style and I think i be like it . these be pretty damn expensive but if you like to work out at home then these be a must have . 196 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be a very fit , small frame woman , early 50 's and think the ShakeWeight could strengthen my upper arm . as a result of use this device I have sustain a pinch nerve in my neck and tear both rotator cuff , I have my left arm in a sling for the past 4 week . I go to BB&B; , to check out the ShakeWeight in person ; I look at the woman size first , and find it disappointingly light and wimpy ; and it just do not seem like it could do the job ; so I decide to buy the man 's ; which be double the weight , I guess I be not as fit as I think , I do give it a go , work with it 3min a day to start off nice and easy . that little 3 min a day work out kick my butt ! after the 2 first 30 seconds set ; I be out of breath ; I start burn after the third day , decide to work through the pain a fourth day . that night ; I sleep very badly and wake up completely stiff the next morning . I could not turn my head one way or another , then both my shoulder joint be burn , and the pain just get worse every day until I could not function normally anymore ; I be apply a ice pack several time a day . even though I be take a anti-inflammatory ; the pain be like a white hot poker burn through my neck , chest and shoulder . a week later ; I be actually scream in pain and cry like a little child until one of my neighbor bring I a couple of Percocets and a heating pad , which really get I over the worst of it , until I could get to a doctor ; I could not do the basic thing we all take for grant , like brushing my tooth , wash my hair or apply moisturizer to my face or body or even drive for a whole month . imagine not be able to pull you own pants up after go to the toilet ! impossible to sleep without narcotic for that first awful week . I still have to take Advil pm to get through the night , something I do not need to do before ShakeWeight . I be real excite about this product ; I have high hope , and what a disappointment this be . plus I really hurt myself ! it be easy to get carry away with it , because it be fun to use , and I can see how the result could be amazing if only ... the manufacturer need to rethink the marketing of this product , bc the short instruction and the dvd be not very informative , they should stress that this device should be use along or as a part of a total exercise regimen , and that it be not mean to be the whole upper body workout . if you want to use this item you have to already be a gym rat , and be strong and in great shape , make it part of you regular workout routine ; also be a man would probably not be a bad thing -lrb- LOL -rrb- . so lady , if you be not a amazon -lrb- no pun intend , lol ! -rrb- or a body builder , start with the woman size , it be probably safer . let my pain be you warning ! I hope this can prevent other people from hurt themselves unnecessarily . I be in great shape before ShakeWeight , I certainly be not expect this injury to happen to I . it now be 7 week , and I still use the heating pad , and I can not sit at my computer for more than 20 minute at a time , or else I get a monster stiff neck -lrb- from the 5th vertebra to mid-back -rrb- . I wish I could sue they , for all this agony ; but they protect themselves against consumer suit with a little trademark phrase , in tiny letter somewhere on the box , but since I return it for a refund , I can not quote the phrase exactly , but it go something like this ; - consult you physician prior begin a new workout regimen - or something like that . as if ! most people do not go to the doctor until they really need to , when they be already hurt or sick ; not prior to start use a new fitness device , but I think if enough people get injure , it might raise the possibility of start a class action suit ... buyer beware 353 Dumbbell POS 5 basically that be it . this piece do the job and make you mess of weight look great against the wall , instead of on the floor . also , it be very easy to put together -- as some of these company make it very hard to do . no more bend down to pick up you weight ! love it ! 62 Dumbbell POS 4 I do not find this all that hard to put together . it do come in piece and the instruction could be write better , but it only take about a half hour to 45min to put it together . it be a very solid and steady base and there be no fear of the weight fall off of it . it fit well in a corner so it can stay out of the way . the only drawback be the strap they have be pretty useless . they can not actually go around the dumbbell and the holder that you set the dumbbell into . I have never move it out of the corner I set it in , so it be not a big deal , but if I ever have to move it , there be no way to strap the dumbbell into place . 723 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a excellent deal for the price and I get free shipping with Amazon Prime . I have be do p90x workout and start accumulate dumbbell weight in my garage . this rack be perfect for my weight . Easy to assemble and very sturdy . I highly recommend it . 828 Dumbbell POS 5 I be hesitant to drop almost $ 200 on this set of weight without see it in a store and know it be non-returnable . however , I have only use it a few time and I have be very pleased . I be motivate to work out more . they be very compact to store and very comfortable to use . I think this product be very well design . I wish I would have find this 10 year ago . it would have save I from lug all these hand weight from apartment to apartment when I move around a lot when I be younger ! such a great alternative to keep a whole set of different weight . 391 Dumbbell POS 5 I have have these Powerblocks for five year . I use they just about everyday . combine with a good quality bench there be not much you can not do with these . they be a staple in any exercise equipment arsenal . they save a tremendous amount of space and clutter compare to individual dumbbell . they be very reliable , but you do need to move the retain pin with care and not in haste , as if you get it engage across multiple section it could be a dangerous situation when you lift they up -lrb- this have happen to I a few time but be really not a huge issue -rrb- . once engage with the desire weight , they stay together nicely and they feel solid and do not rattle . I like to do tricep extension while standing , and in the gym I can pick up a single traditional dumbbell and hold it by its end with both hand and lower it behind my head and then do the extension . that be the only exercise that be somewhat difficult to do with the Powerblocks , due to the limited space to grasp the weight end of the Powerblock . but that be a minor nit . they be indestructible , and with the exception of a few scratch on the side , look and operate like the day that I buy they . as state earlier , I use these almost daily , so they have serve I very well . in my new house , we have a actual gym with rubber floor and lot of space but I see no reason to not continue to use these powerblock due to they compactness and ease of use . I find the soft grip to very comfortable and I also like the way they feel in my hand and the way they provide lateral support since the Powerblock slightly rest on you wrist area when lift they . slight downside be that I have max they out , as most probably will if you strength train regularly , so I find myself want more weight . highly recommend this product . 393 Dumbbell POS 5 you can really feel this working you arm . only thing be I Wish that I could do it everyday , like I be suppose too . 640 Dumbbell POS 5 nice stand , very good quality . it take I about 15 min to put it together . some of the review make I smile ... it be only in U.S. manufacturer put together a huge booklet how to put screw into hole and people still have hard time to do it . just use common sense , you will not need instruction at all . : -rrb- 709 Dumbbell POS 5 the rack go together without a problem and hold my weight nicely . the width rail be not adjustable so very wide or narrow handle will not work , however , they do appear to be standard width and fit my exist set perfectly . look great and appear to be of high quality especially at this price point . ship be free and fast . highly recommend . 428 Dumbbell POS 5 this be so much better than the adjustable weight . I would recommend get set of 2 different weight instead . they just feel a lot more solid in hand and do not have that `` shake around '' feeling . they also do not smell weird like some other weight I have use . 27 Dumbbell NEU 3 the shake weight be a good workout to use to keep a basic muscle tone , great for older folk like I that do not want to bulk up , I be not sure that it would be as good as free weight in the long term , but I be not a fitness guru either , the extreme workout dvd be not as great as I be expect it to be , in fact I be dissapoint with it ! 125 Dumbbell POS 5 a true must-have for the bowflex selecttech weight - save you back , let you roll they away into storage , and be especially useful when you want to change weight quickly ! instruction be really very simple , but get the screw tighten require some sweat . 865 Dumbbell POS 5 as long as you can get past what it look like , the shakeweight be a great product that actually work . be you go to turn into a bodybuilder , no. . however , after just a week or so of do the 6 minute dvd , I be definitely tone to the point where it be noticeable and my arm definitely have contour that they do not before use it . for $ 30 and 6 min a day this be a slam dunk . Fair warn though , they be 6 intense minute . 127 Dumbbell POS 5 perhaps the company receive enough complaint and fix they instruction . there be three page , with picture . installation be straightforward as long as I follow along with the picture . I make a few mistake -lrb- like think that `` left '' mean `` leave while look forward '' -rrb- , but the picture clearly show that they mean `` leave look at the front of the stand '' . when complete , the stand be obviously very strong , and the wheel allow for easy movement . 633 Dumbbell POS 4 pro- good weight set , save a great deal of space , fairly comfortable to use . con - difficult to adjust if not on stand 427 Dumbbell POS 5 I be skeptical of whether or not the product would measure up to the hype , and I be pleasantly surprise . I see result after as little as a week . I have be use it for a little more than a month now , only do the basic six minute workout and the definition and muscle gain have exceed expectation . at first , the exercise be a little difficult but the more you do they , obviously the easier they get . for as much effort as you have to put into it , you get more than double the result . I know this be a little redundant but I be always concern about review and I want this one to really assure you . for the price , I would definitely buy it again , if I ever have to . 788 Dumbbell POS 5 I use this after a workout at the gym it give my chest and arm a good burn . I do not think this could be you only form or exercise . but it do work and for the little bit of money compare to other think it be a good bang for you buck 708 Dumbbell POS 5 you first impression be that this be a gimmick . but my Brother get one , and like it , and I read the Amazon review before order . watch the quick video and do the six minute workout . I be a construction worker and do dirt biking on the weekend . I be use to strain but not totally buff . it be hard to come back from work and think about work out sometimes . Thought , at least I could squeeze in a workout , even while watch a movie . the six minute workout be great and I could really feel it the next day . you can pretty much do this workout anywhere and at anytime . anyone can handle six minute of strain . I be totally convince that this will keep you tone if you keep up with the workout . you may even get buff if you do extend workout . 775 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy these when I want to start work out again . call on my past excuse -lrb- the gym too far , take too long to get there , in , out , and back , et al -rrb- , I know the most effective way to tackle that be to bring what I could to I . also , I live in a apartment so any and all concept of build a actual gym , couple with the fact that I do not waltz around lighting cigar with $ 100 bill , lead I to find a solution . and that solution ? powerblock ! while obviously not provide a full gym , you can do a lot with free weight and cheap weight bench that you can tuck away somewhere . not only be these effectively cheaper than buy a entire set of weight , they be not incline to punch a hole through the floor , annoying my downstairs neighbor and eliminate any hope for my security deposit . they can also be easily stow away behind the couch , under the desk , or wherever you can fit two 45 lb dumbbell . the one and only complaint I have for they be that they do not have a 2.5 jump -lrb- 22.5 , 32.5 , etc -rrb- but they can do 7.5 . I know I be nit pick here but it be nice when you be push to not have to jump 5 lb . also , you can max they out fairly quick with thing like press make it necessary in no time to throw down for the expander set . other than that , though , they have be the best fitness investment I could make ! if you or anyone you know want to find a easy solution to bring the gym home , I would recommend these over any equipment out there . 655 Dumbbell POS 5 consistent with other hex head dumbell . good grip . arrive in good shape , so to speak , and in a timely manner . I plan to return for the next higher weight in a few month . 559 Dumbbell POS 5 why spend a couple hundred buck for a dumbbell rack that do not do anything but hold you dumbbell ? for less than a hundred buck this item be great . it be quick and easy to set up , I have all the piece that it be suppose to have and it do exactly as it be suppose to -lrb- sit in the corner of my garage and hold weight -rrb- . what more can I ask for ? 129 Dumbbell POS 4 this be a great product - quality and value be superb . just a bit `` bulky '' , but better than have 200 dumbbell in you home . the only `` imperfection '' be that you have to be careful not to hit yourself in the face with the corner . I do not hit , but you do have to be mindful when you do maneuver around you head . 209 Dumbbell POS 5 I be not usually sway by these `` as see on tv product '' but I must say that I be quite pleased with this purchase . once the exercise be carefully do , result will be yours ! I be pregnant so I have not try out all the exercise but so far I be pleased . 18 Dumbbell NEU 3 product be of good quality . display image be mislead . you be only pay for one weight ... not two !? 639 Dumbbell POS 5 have work out at several gym for the past 2 year or so , these be the most versatile dumbbell I have encounter . now that I be in graduate school , I do not have as much time to drive to the gym , so I make a little home gym and add these to my collection . these weight be AMAZING . at first , I be a bit skeptical of the idea of square dumbbell , but the shape do not interfere with most exercise that you 'll be do . honestly , within 2 day , I be about to set the weight on these dumbbell within seconds . simply slide the pin in and out . I find these far more convenient than have a whole set of traditional dumbbell . I definitely recommend this product . 486 Dumbbell POS 5 the stand make move the weight around easy , which mean for clean purpose , you do not have to worry about have to lift heavy dumbbell to get around they . the stand look very fancy and would make a appealing addition to any home gym . it also allow you to pick up and put down the weight easily without risk a injury to you back . I highly recommend this purchase . give the price and the Amazon prime eligibility , this deal be better than any other deal available . 774 Dumbbell POS 5 the product really work , especially for my biceps , triceps , trap , and deltoid . I feel the burn in my core and chest as well , but the workout seem to work better for support muscle . 366 Dumbbell POS 5 great Dumbell rack . I be suprise at the quality for the price ... Walt 648 Dumbbell POS 4 the PowerBlock dumbbell set be great for someone like I who live in a apartment and have limit space . I get a full range of motion and the pin stay in place very securely so I never worry about have the weight above my head . sometimes the weight get stick when lower they into the unused plate , but if you keep it straight when you lower it there be no problem . I think the carpet allow they to move so I may get the tray or get some kind of hard surface to keep they from tilt . otherwise a great product that perform perfectly ! recommend : PowerBlock Personal Set Tray 883 Dumbbell POS 5 I too be very skeptical that anything could make you much stronger in just 6 minute a day . follow along with the man 's version dvd actually take 9 minute . wife and I do the workout together 2-3 time per week and I be use the man 's weight 5 time total each week and have be do so now for 5 week . we both agree that the dvd in the man 's weight be much better . man . . do not believe in any review that foolishly tell you to save a few buck and just buy the woman 's weight . unless you have absolutely no arm\/shoulder strength at all , the lighter weight will be a true waste of money . I buy the woman 's product first and it be way too easy and I be no big muscle type . even though I use both a Weider Crossbow and a Trimax machine 2-3 time per week year round , this amazing little gizmo have give I substantial strength gain especially in my shoulder . there be 4 basic exercise and all four heavily utilize the shoulder . as a runner for 42 year , I have marked increase in power in my armswing and as any runner know , when the arm die ... the leg soon follow . the tv add may look a little silly but the Shake Weight really do work and it only take 9 measly minute out of you likely busy day . try it several time and follow the proper form on the dvd and you will be totally impressed ... first by the amazing burn you 'll feel in such a short time , and then by the eventual strength gain . 345 Dumbbell POS 5 not much too say other than this be exactly what I expect . it be a solid platform for hold the SelectTech dumbbell . it have a small footprint , be very sturdy , and look nice too . on a side note , not sure why so many reviewer complain about the instruction . maybe nautilus have update they recently , but I find the instruction very easy to follow -- not nearly as complex as some of the ikea furniture I have put together in the past . 439 Dumbbell POS 4 once you get this stand together , it be great -- look good and be the perfect height for the 552 selecttech . but boy , be it a pain to put together ! the include allen wrench and hex wrench be very cheap and make it difficult to put any serious torque on the screw . and yes , some of the hole be drill just a little bit off-center , so it take some muscle to tighten they . I bust my knuckle a few time , but get a great workout before I have a chance to use the dumbbell . 16 Dumbbell POS 4 Perfect ... I be look for a weight set for my small apartment . . and I love the feel of the weight in my hand too . this set be so well-priced . buy with confidence . arrive ahead of the schedule and I take advantage of the `` free with Super Saver '' offer -lrb- saving over $ 30 in shipping !! -rrb- . 917 Dumbbell POS 5 I have not use the shake weight a ton yet but I think it will definitely work . it take a lot of effort to shake it . it be a lot harder than I think it would be . yeah , it be not go to work you whole body , but I think it will do some good for you arm . and , it be fairly inexpensive and do not take up much room . 408 Dumbbell POS 5 the dumbell rack be very easy to assemble use a rachet wrench & a cresent wrench . it be very sturdy and of very good quality . I recommend this rack if you only use dumbell set up to maybe about 50 lb . there be not enough room for heavier set of dumbell . I will soon buy a second rack for my 60-100 lb . dumbell and it will be the same Apex Deluxe Rack that I be describe here . sincerely , E. Flynt of Cleveland , Ohio 75 Dumbbell POS 5 I notice that some reviewer -lrb- the one rating the PowerBlocks the lowest -rrb- be talk about a completely different model . this set do not have `` interior weight '' and you do not remove weight in the handle to switch between any weight and the next one you want . with this set , all you ever do be slip the pin from one weight to the next . for p90x it be good to be able to change weight fast , so this be a good set to get . also , the weight range be great and will perfectly suit almost every excercise , except you may have to do a few extra rep on the row -lrb- `` lawnmower '' -rrb- . the set be as compact as dumbell of the same weight , so you can do curl without bang you leg . if you pick a lighter powerblock weight , the weight be shorter , more compact , than a bigger weight , just as regular dumbell would be -- unlike other brand where you still have a long handle with a tiny weight . other PowerBlock model do use handle weight which can slow thing down , and be not the best pick for p90x . you can identify these set by they description , or by the picture which will show the include , silver , cylindrical add-in weight . my own set be a older model that go 5-50 lb in 5 lb increment . in any case a adjustable set be very economical . regular dumbell cost around $ 1.20 a pound -lrb- gray , tube handle -rrb- or $ 2.20 a pound -lrb- black , rubber coated , shaped handle -rrb- . so a set go from 5 to 45 pound in 5 pound increment would run $ 550 - $ 1000 a set . nevertheless , if you have both space and money , a complete set of regular dumbell be the best , safest , fastest , and most flexible of all . I have a full set at one house , and a powerblock at the other . they both do the trick . 25 Dumbbell POS 5 I number of the review note that this thing be very difficult to put together . I do not find that to be the case at all . follow the direction and it be a snap . well , maybe not a snap , it take I 45 minute while I be watch tv . one great piece of advice that come from another review be crucial . there be three different set of bolt that be very close in length . Make sure you line these bolt up and use the correct length for each use . if you blow it here it could be a very long , frustrating operation . perhaps this be where people be go wrong with this rack ? if you have the Bowflex barbell , you really should get this rack . 192 Dumbbell NEU 3 I also buy these for use with the ChaLean Extreme program , by Beachbody , which require a lot of weight change througout the workout . they work sufficiently for lifting and for basic exercise . the quick change option be really nice and there be a diverse amount of weight . I would not call this the highest quality product though . they seem flimsy for be close to $ 200 . I be always a little afraid that the pin be go to slip out and cause a injury . 725 Dumbbell POS 5 upon a fluke from Amazon I receive two of these . not a problem . I be use 5lb weight and want to increase the weight amount but be not sure if I should get 7lb or 8lb , but I be happy with this purchase . next time I 'll probably opt for 10lb . grip be good , they do not really slide around in you hand even if you hand be sweaty . there be a nice feel to they overall -lrb- they sit well in my hand -rrb- . I 'll probably be back to the CAP area to buy 10lb soon ! 969 Dumbbell POS 5 I have a whole set of these , from 10 pounder to 45 pounder . they be a great fitness aid , as they be immensely portable and can be use in any room of the house , while watch tv , or next to you computer desk . there be a wealth of exercise one can do with simple dumbell : curl , bent rowing , overhead extension , etc. . if you have a bench , there be even more . believe it or not , a home body builder can get a pretty decent workout from a limited set of these dumbell . they be relatively cheap compare to other brand . I recommend they . Jim `` Konedog '' Koenig 293 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be a BIG disappointment . as soon as I get it out of the box I repack it to return . do not waste you time and money ! 222 Dumbbell POS 4 I have have these for a while now , and for the most part , I like they . they be a reasonable compromise between individual weight dumbbell and other , more expensive , adjustable weight . it be easy to select the desire weight and with a maximum of 24 pound per dumbell , you can get a good amount of resistance for most common dumbbell exercise . the minor complaint I have be that they could have a bit more room between the rod that connect the weight disc , as my knuckle can sometime rub against they unless I hold it in just a certain way , and also it be not always easy to get the weight selector `` thingie '' in the right place . other than that , a far less expensive option than Bowflex . 407 Dumbbell POS 4 assembly be very simple . I see several rack with the same dumbbell capacity with a much higher list price so this be be a good value . plus , I finally get my dumbbell off the floor so my home gym look great ! 626 Dumbbell POS 5 after read some of the review , I be concern that put this together would be a pain , but I enter cautiously , make sure to keep the 2.5 inch bolt separate from the 2.75 inch bolt and the 3 inch bolt , then just follow the direction make sure to use the correct piece . construction really take only about 45 minute . I be one who usually do not follow direction during assembly , or at least use they as a last resort , but after read the review , I decide to follow they this time and construction be a breeze . do not let the other review scare you away . now for the stand ... very solid , perfect height . you do not want to have to pick 50 pound off the floor , so these stand be essential to save you back . I be tall -lrb- 6 ' 3 '' -rrb- , and the height be perfect . I have no worry that the stand will last forever . the weight be awesome too ! if you be serious about work out , invest in this and you will not regret it . 484 Dumbbell POS 4 my boyfriend and I have be talk about get the shake weight ... well we do . he get I the women -lrb- they do not have man 's in stock at Walmart -rrb- . I use it lastnigth more as a joke and like it . I actually use it for 8 minute today . I do one minute on each arm then 6 hold it with two hand ... I find I have to alternate hand and I feel the burn . muscle I do not know I have , lol . after read review I be go to keep it up and watch how I use it so I do not have any pain in my already bad back ... but versus lift weight and even push up I feel all my muscle . so after day one love it ... but will continue and hope I be one of those user that continue to love it and see result . I need to add I just pick it up and use it ... way easier then get all my work out equipment out just talk to my four year old and before I know it I be do ... boy be I count down . 521 Dumbbell POS 5 I have only be use this product for 3 day and I already see some definition in my bicept muscle and feel tighter in my arm and chest . I recommend this to people who take they fitness seriously and want fast result . 686 Dumbbell POS 5 I be one of the people who heavily rely on review but I never write they , I do not know why but I have never write review in the past . after use these dumbbell I have to make a exception . these dumbbell be great especially in a small space , I live in a apartment and I do not have room for a whole rack of weight so I find these on amazon . I recieve they in about a week and I instantly start use they with p90x . you can switch the weight quickly which be a huge benefit when you be do any type of workout that be on a dvd or tape . they look a little awkward and they build be obviously different than a standard dumbbell but I have not have any problem with the different move on p90x . if I have to pick something I do not like , I would have to say that I do not like how much noise they make . let I explain that , the dumbbell be very solid but when you be do something like shoulder press , for example , I get a little nervous put these thing over my head because the plate `` clang '' together . it be something you get use to though , oh and one more thing when you put the pen inside the powerblock to choose a weight make sure the next plate in line do not stick to the weight you select . I pick 35 lb for one workout and the 40 lb . plate be stick to the bottom and I do not know it until the plate hit the floor , luckily I still have all my toe . well again these weight be great and I highly , highly , highly recommend these weight for someone that have a small space to put they and for someone that be do p90x . 233 Dumbbell POS 5 like most bowflex equipment , it be well design , and be very easy to assemble . it hold the SelectTech weight perfectly , and look nice too . this be a must-have if you own the SelectTech weight . 394 Dumbbell POS 5 when this arrive and I put it together I be pleasantly surprise at how nice look the unit be , better than it look from the picture . it be solid also and I have no complaint . and as someone else mention , it be really less expensive than equivalent unit . I recommend this piece . 638 Dumbbell NEU 3 have be look in place for this product . see it at someone 's house and want it because it be a great way of keep the weight and store of they when not in use . so be very happy to find it and be good quality to boot . 11 Dumbbell POS 4 it be a nice rack for dumbbell and easy to assemble . the only complaint I have be the distance between rail be fix and my light weight do not span the distance . they should add a extra set of hole to allow for that . 296 Dumbbell POS 5 I be go to get the Select Tech 's but I be glad I do not . these be amazing ! I have so much fun with they several time a week with my ChaLEAN Extreme workout . they be half the price and the warranty be many year longer than the Select Tech 's . I be very glad a friend persuade I to get these . 544 Dumbbell NEG 1 if you be like I and want to buy this dumbbell because of its great commercial , please be aware that it be total waste . I buy it not for shake weight but for my every day exercise . absolutely no result and you feel like a retard every time shake it and hope it would do something . although it be hard to shake in the beginning , it do not do anything to the body that you see in commercial . 249 Dumbbell POS 4 the first few time we see this commercial on tv , my husband and I laugh we butt off at the motion you have to use the product in , as it look like a certain sexual favor be be perform . out curiosity though , I end up get one for free and I be shock to admit , it actually work ! it 's real simple to use and within 3 minute you can already feel it work ! definitely a keeper and so glad I give it a try rather than write it off due to the silly advertisement ! 485 Dumbbell POS 4 I love the stand . the instruction be easy to follow and I have this together in about a hour while watch tv . I like the fact that the stand can be use with or without wheel for mobility . very well make and no complaint here ! -lrb- ... -rrb- . 746 Dumbbell POS 4 this only take I 45 min to setup and be straightforward . the only reason I gve 4 star be it be pricey for what it be , but be good relief for back and quick p90x weight change . 581 Dumbbell POS 5 I be ready to buy this set of classic powerblock on Amazon but then I find out that there be a newer version available for less at local retailer . the PowerBlock Sport 5.0 set -lrb- $ 299 -rrb- be essentially the same as the Class PowerBlock set but with a few improvement -lrb- extra 5lb of weight , better grip , sturdier lock , etc. -rrb- . here be the description from the official Powerblock website : `` the Sport Series be the third generation of PowerBlocks new in June of 2008 . the Sport Series consist of 4 model of PowerBlocks with unique difference in both form & function . as far as form go , the dramatic change would be the Gray color of the steel weight plate vs. the black weight plate of other PowerBlock model and the round shaped top of the weight plate offer a stylish look . as far as function difference , the Sport Series have taper handle , double tethered selector pin -lrb- not on the Sport 2.4 -rrb- , the wrist support be of a more open design offer a larger handle cavity and the dial lock be recess into the handle . '' with that out of the way , I 'll give a quick review . I just finish my first round of p90x classic use a combination of resistance band and light hexagon dumbbell -lrb- 10lb pair and 15lb pair -rrb- . I try hard to like the band but get tire of constantly change they for more resistance and the buckle end of get in the way too often . I then switch to dumbbell but those be too light for what I need so I end up tone instead of add muscle mass . I decide to go with the PowerBlocks and could not be happier with the decision . I try they out in the store first and right away I know it be a worthwhile purchase . they be well-built , relatively small for have such a blocky design , have a easy-to-use yet reliable lock mechanism , and feel great to handle . I have use they for a variety of p90x video and have not have any issue . the only very minor annoyance be that the plate clank a bit but I get use to it quickly and it be not a issue . other than that , I love everything about they and I be look forward to start round 2 of p90x with they soon ! 823 Dumbbell NEG 2 this shakeweight do not work at all . 6 minute a day , no way ! if you be look for a workout , do not waste you money on this ! 910 Dumbbell POS 5 I just start the Chalean Extreme workout program and this set of dumbbell be perfect for the routine !! the weight be compact and easy to use . and the best part be they take up very little room in you home . 773 Dumbbell POS 5 I have only be use the shake weight for a few day , but I can already tell it be work . I can feel a really good burn in my arm and shoulder while I be do the 6 minute dvd , which tell I I be work muscle that I do not usually use . the dvd that come with it go so fast and the instructor keep you motivate to keep go . ca not wait to see the result I can already feel ! 594 Dumbbell NEG 1 one end pop out the spring , make it lop-sided and unable to be use . that only happen after use it maybe a total of 3 time . it be a shame too because it be start to work under my arm -- I could feel it . guess i 'll have to return it now , dang it . not worth the hassle . I should have just get it from the drugstore here , Rite Aid , for the same price . return it to they would be less of a hassle than do it through the mail . 431 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase these to supplement my gym workout . I be very busy and some week I only get to gym 1 or 2 time per week . I also have a weekend home in the pocono that do not have a gym readily accessible . I have be use these for 2 week and they be very easy to use . the only issue I have with they be that it can be difficult to get clip onto correct ridge for weight selection but it be not overly annoying . the weight work well be balanced nicely and there be multiple way to hold they for various exercise . I have just purchase the bow flex weight bench to use with these because they be so nice that I would consider work out at home full time . another problem I have with these be try to find the weight plate to expand they to 90lb . I would appreciate if someone can send a link of where I can get they . enjoy these as they be really excellent 108 Dumbbell POS 4 buy this as a gag gift for Christmas . it be funny and worth it . seem to actually work ok though . 239 Dumbbell POS 5 these be a gift for my wife for Christmas . they work great as it keep she do something else besides nagging I . great product 120 Dumbbell POS 4 Easy to use and not too heavy to handle . this really be good for woman of all age since it be light weight but heavy enough to give you a workout . 628 Dumbbell POS 5 I learn of the shake weight initially through Youtube video -- Ellen Degeneres and other talk show host have a field day poke fun at the commercial -- which indeed be very humorous and uncomfortable . my husband buy I one initially as a gag gift , but when I try it I actually `` feel the burn '' so to speak . I stick with use it out of sheer curiosity -lrb- it be a humbling exercise , that be for sure -rrb- and now I have only the shake weight to thank for my `` Michelle Obama arm . '' I be certainly consider invest in one for the husband . 95 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be a joke ! if you do not want to ever really workout or ever build a single muscle than this be for you ! come on people !! please !! if you do not want to workout or get in shape , spend you money on food !!!! not something that simply make you feel like you be do something and make someone else rich !! what be next ... 3 second ab ???!!! 656 Dumbbell POS 5 I work at a desk and do not get much outdoor exercise . I be also a germaphobe which make do anything like push up mentally challenging . so I have be look for a alternative to keep my upper body in shape . when I first see this on tv , the concept they explain make perfect sense to I , with my limited knowledge in science and the human body so I go and pick one up . the result have be exactly as expect . it be not a body builder work out , but for keep the average Joe in shape , it work just fine , as long as you understand that it be mean ONLY for the upper body . it be ideal to use this in addition to a lower body work out like jogging and stretch . a word of warning , if you be very out of shape , this thing will break you in under 6 minute . if you already engage in sport or manual labor , then this should not be much challenge . if you have a desk job and be not involve in any athletic activity , then do not expect to be able to do the full 6 minute work out at first . you 'll eventually get it though . as other have state , it will not make you a body builder , but it will get you in to shape if you actually follow the routine . 612 Dumbbell POS 5 I start the p90x workout a few week ago and begin use the rubber resistance band . however , when I switch to this set of weight the workout become much more challenging . I highly recommend these over the band if possible . change weight be a snap so you can easily keep up with the video . the product feel solid and high quality . yes , there be a price premium for the Powerblocks but they be much quicker than change plate weight and they take up much less room than a set of dumbbell . highly recommend . no offense to Amazon , but due to ship cost , try to buy they locally if you can . I pay $ 269 + tax for the Sport 5.0 set which cover 5-50 pound in 5 pound increment . unless you be a bodybuilder , this weight will cover all the exercise in p90x . and the Sport series can be upgrade to 65 pound if you really must have it . 658 Dumbbell POS 4 the weight be wonderful with a grippy coating for sweaty hand . the stand arrive broken and be a bit flimsy . I prefer to keep the weight on the floor anyways . 834 Dumbbell NEG 1 go to use for the first time and it fall apart . try to fix but do not work the same . very poorly make or get a faulty one . would not recommend to anyone . 647 Dumbbell POS 4 I use this product for a little more than half a year before I decide to stop . I truly do feel the burn from the workout , but there be just too many con and I have no significant result even though I use the product for such a long time with workout that last even longer than the 6 minute they recommend . pro : 1 -rrb- the exercise on the dvd be very easy to follow and it include a timer to indicate when to stop . 2 -rrb- you will most likely get sore after the first several day , indicate that you muscle be in fact be work -lrb- not necessarily get result -rrb- . 3 -rrb- the dumbbell have groove on both end to facilitate you handle for the shoulder exercise -lrb- see # 5 in con for handle for triceps and biceps -rrb- . 4 -rrb- no battery ! I think most people assume the shake function be electrical . 5 -rrb- if you buy this directly from the manufacturer , you get a 100 % money-back guarantee , include the shipping and handle cost to send it back . they refund the purchase price of the weight almost immediately . con : 1 -rrb- the dvd be certainly not a $ 15 value . the dvd contain only 3 exercise limit to 3 upper muscle : triceps , biceps , and shoulder all within 6 minute . 2 -rrb- for 6 minute a day , I find the workout to be too easy . I be average-build and I have to work at least 15 minute before I start to get tired . 3 -rrb- the dumbbell itself be very noisy , especially if you be try to get a more intense workout by shake the weight more vigorously . you can even hear the noise when you be watch the exercise on the dvd . additionally , I would often be interrupted several time to keep the noise down from the weight . 4 -rrb- towards the end of you workout , the dumbbell will start to slip out of you hand because the palm of you hand start to sweat . as a result , I have to stop my workout a couple of time to readjust the weight . 5 -rrb- exercise during the triceps and bicep exercise be very awkward . you have to wrap one hand around the middle of the weight during these exercise , but it be difficult to hold on to the middle while you be shake . therefore , the weight be design more for shoulder exercise . 6 -rrb- I be sorry to say this , but I definitely look ridiculous when use this product . you would not believe how many people have laugh at I . therefore , you can only use this product if you be by yourself . 7 -rrb- in term of the money-back guarantee if purchase it from the manufacturer , you have to personally make the initiative to contact they and have they refund you for the shipping . unlike the refund for the product , they have still yet to refund I for shipping and handling . 176 Dumbbell POS 5 I love this product ! , be easy to use ! , when you finish you workout you be not hurt but you can feel you muscle work ! , be compact ! , and in my case as a mom of 3 kid 6 min of free be actually possible , I do strongly recommend 37 Dumbbell NEU 3 so , I think this shake on it be own -lrb- well , with the help of battery -rrb- but it do not . I read the review and see other people who say the same thing but I think , maybe they just do not figure out how to turn it on . I be wrong . obviously we be not the only people to think it shake on it be own because the people of Shake Weight have they own website explain how to make it shake ... call ` howtoshakeit.com ' so , if you do not believe I -lrb- or think I just do not know how to turn it on -rrb- go to that website . it seem like the weight and the shake part of it probably do help with you muscle and everything but it also seem like , if you hold a regular weight very loosely -lrb- allow it to slide between you hand -rrb- and shake it like you would the shake weight , that probably work about as well . they suggest you do it for 6 minute a day -lrb- which sound easy -rrb- but for beginner , that be nearly impossible , as the weight really do work you muscle . if you buy the weight new , it come with a short video with a 6 minute workout and if you watch it , you see that the lady who do the video do not even seem like she can do the whole 6 minute straight , as the lesson do not seem to be one continuous shot but clip paste together to make a complete 6 minute video -lrb- if that make sense -rrb- . if you have get the money to spend for a ` special ' dumbbell , then go ahead and buy this . but if you be think it be go to be some kind of miracle worker , I do not think it be . I highly recommend you try shake a regular dumbbell first and see if that help you muscle because , like I say , that be basically what this do . I be a little disappointed . 796 Dumbbell POS 4 I purchase the SelectTech Dumbbell stand at the same time I purchase my bowflex selecttech 552 dumbbell with the number of time I change the weight on the dumbbell the stand make this a breeze . well worth the investment . I have see some review that say the assembly instruction be difficult to understand and follow , but mine include a easy to follow booklet that contain a explode diagram plus several detail page with easy to follow step . it take about 30 minute to set up mostly due to the number of bolt require to put it together . the construction be solid and sturdy . I only give it a 4 out of 5 since the wheel -lrb- optional -rrb- be basically useless if you be try to move the stand and the weight on carpet . for the most part I just keep they in one place so it be not much of a issue . 478 Dumbbell POS 5 guy this be a solid dumbbell rack and a deal for the price . well package and solid when build . no worry as this tight rack can handle the weight . I give this five star for quality and value . the only very minor ding I will give it be the bottom channel of each tier be not very deep and the larger dumbbell hold on solid but catch the hex dumbbell on one if the inner angle . the dumbbell be still secure but not rest on the flat portion of the dumbbell . if the channel be about a inch deeper the larger dumbbell would rest on the flat side . Ok for you rubber hex people here be what you can put on this rack . I have 20 's ,25 's and 30 's on the top rack and they barely make it on . tight but manageable . I have 35 's and 40 's on the second rack with some room . you could possibly squeeze only one 45 on this second rack but you would not have enough room to carry the third rack . so I have 45 's and 50 's on the bottom rack again with some room . that be about it if you be buy rubber hex from 20-50lbs .20 -50 lb be right and anymore will not fit . something to consider be that the lowest rack be pretty low and if you have the space you may be better off with a two tier so you do not tingle the spine so much when you bend over . if you be tight for space like I , this be the way to go and for a steal of a price . 414 Dumbbell POS 5 I have read so many negative review and positive review . if you can return something , why would you listen to other people . find out for yourself . I buy it one month ago and I can not believe my eye . my flabby arm be become tone and I have not even get to the six minute a day . the tricep workout be so hard . I plan on use the one for woman until it become too easy . after that , I will buy the man 's Shake Weight . it be the first thing to ever work . 671 Dumbbell POS 5 we love the new exercise shaker and would higher recommend this product to anyone interested in do easy exercise workout . well worth the money for this product . 766 Dumbbell POS 5 it work well , first time when I get the expensive weight set . couple month later , I think about my money not to waste on my health . so I deceide to find something that work and fast also cheaper ! 990 Dumbbell POS 5 dumbell be great , and the result show well . the side chip off a bit if bang together a little . but the product be good and recommend if you be look to workout you arm . 609 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a excellent product if you want to feel you muscle burn in you arm and upper body in a very short time . you have to learn to not grip the Shakeweight tightly . just let it rest on you palm and shake . there be not that many position for hold it . but then how many different way can you hold and move a dumbbellt ? so start shake and count to 30 . if you can get to 30 in each position , you be do pretty well . if you can count longer , you have get really strong arm . when you hold the Shakeweight in front of you parallel to you body with both hand , you actually work you entire body include you leg since you be shake you entire body . enjoy it ! the Shakeweight be definitely a excellent product and worth the price . and you can feel the heat in you arm for quite some time after you complete you set . it pump you up . 635 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase this stand to use with my SelectTech 1090 dumbbell , and it be a perfect complement to the dumbbell . assembly of the stand be simple and straightforward -lrb- despite other review -rrb- , and can be do relatively quickly -lrb- there be only 9 separate component to it -rrb- . the only tool you 'll need to assemble the stand -lrb- that be not include with it -rrb- be a 9\/16-inch wrench or socket . the stand come with a set of rubber foot to hold it firmly in place , but it also come with a set of castor that you can use instead , if you feel you 'll need to roll it from one spot to another . once it be assemble , it be solid and firm , even with two 90-pound dumbbell sit in they rack on it . it hold the dumbbell at a comfortable height , and be much better than bend all the way down to the floor . it do come with a 30-year warranty , but since there be really no move part or anything to wear out , I expect that it will probably last longer than that . 78 Dumbbell NEG 1 useless . very disappointing product . I try to like it , but find that it do absolutely nothing for someone like I who do even simple exercise on my arm five day a week . I use it several time figure I must be do something wrong , but even after get the hang of it , my muscle do not feel like they be work any differently or harder than exercise such as bicep curl or tricep kickback with light hand weight . this be a waste of money and I throw it away . 783 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a heavy duty , well construct dumbell stand for use with my selecttech dumbell . you can walk between the dumbbell rack and easily lift the dumbbell off without have to bend over - save wear and tear on the lower back . the lock wheel allow for easy repositioning or to move out of the way when finish with a workout . highly recommend ! 404 Dumbbell POS 4 I think my son be kid when he say he want one of these thing , but get it anyway . boy be I surprise . all these people that say they think its false advertising be wrong . if you be do it correctly it kick you butt , and bad ! oh yeah im 46 and my shoulder be start to give I fit . after 2 week use the shake weight , my shoulder have quit hurt ! and as far as low-impact go ... yes its very easy on the joint . I will keep use it and just keep increase my time on it ! love it !!!!!! if you not one for hard work , then dont buy it . 42 Dumbbell POS 4 get two 15lb weight and they be wonderful. , over construction feel good and value be very high . only con be that the handle should have rubber grip , they be kinda rough and textured but hurt hand after a while . 953 Dumbbell POS 5 I 'll keep this simple . the weight themselves be weighty . the cover make they easy to hold , and exercise with they be fine . I have absolutely nothing negative to say about they . the stand be basic plastic , but be sturdy and do a fine job of hold the weight in a compact manner . come with a extra screw too , in case one vanish . if you be look for a basic lightweight set like I be , you can not go wrong here . 673 Dumbbell NEG 1 poorly make in china with cheap plastic . Broke 5 minute into the first use . very disappoint . I like the idea of the shake bell . Wish to find another brand for this . 976 Dumbbell NEU 3 I guess I be be a bit petty but here go . I order two-three pound weight . the weight be both 3 lb as expect . however , they be blue but totally different color of blue . as I say , I be probably be petty but when I order something I expect it to be the same as I would purchase in a store . therein lie the reason for a rating of 3 . 644 Dumbbell NEG 2 do not find the Shake Weight to be helpful . the spring be too stiff and the weight be too light to get any shake motion . it only function with the user arm in a horizontal position in front of the body . I do not find it helpful for any purpose . 101 Dumbbell POS 4 this set look good . at this price I recommend it . a little too big but it do what it say it do . 872 Dumbbell POS 5 well build , powder coating finish look 's great . all part wrap and easy to put together 25 minute . Dumbbell 's easy to get on and off rack do to design . 49 Dumbbell POS 5 well build dumbbell stand for the SelectTech dumbbell . the unit be well construct and have well write direction that make it easy to assemble . I would highly recommend this dumbbell stand as it can save some back strain especially when use heavier weight . 227 Dumbbell NEG 1 I should have know better . most of the junk you see on `` as see on tv stuff '' be junk . make a great paper weight ! 317 Dumbbell NEU 3 I be give the product a 3 . I be disappointed in they . they be bulky , which be probably typical for this type of weight . the pin snag on my shorts when do curl next to my body . you can not hold they with two hand so I can not do one of my favorite lift with they -lrb- over the head drop weight to back of neck and up -rrb- . I put they on a cushion chair instead of buy the stand and it be hard to change the weight on anything even a little soft . you can not move a weight from the left hand to right hand without sit it down first . just little thing that I do not think of . they be nonreturnable . 826 Dumbbell POS 5 I be hesitant to buy a shakeweight at first because of the joke and such around the way the workout look . I have a lot of time to spare this summer , so I decide to buy a shake weight . it be only $ 15 , so what do I have to lose ? I have a gym membership , so I do have access to ton of machine designate for my arm . my only problem be I do not have any idea how all those machine work , and it be embarass try to figure it out at the gym . so I need a quick workout for my arm , for triceps , biceps , shoulder , etc. . I have be use the shake weight for about a week now , and I really like it . 6 minute be very long for I at first , but it be get better . the routine be easy to remember and I do it while watch tv . shake the weight correctly be a lot harder than it look , but do not give up ! it be definitely worth it , and it be a great buy for less than $ 20 . 52 Dumbbell POS 5 I order this and its great and can be use in so many way . ithought it be battery operate but nope . so dont have to worry about run to the store time after for battery , i recommend this if you be tryng to build up they biceps ! 646 Dumbbell POS 5 Ok , its a dumbbell rack so overall it be pretty simple . it be easy to put together and be very solid . Make sure to pay attention to the dimension as it be important to ensure it fit where you want it and that it will hold the dumbbell you have . I be use for nine set of dumbbell and there be extra room ... I have set of 2 -lrb- 5-lb , 8-lb , 10-lb , 12-lb , 15-lb , 20-lb , 25-lb , 40-lb , and 50-lb -rrb- . even with those , I be balance a 8 lb workout ball on the top rack and use for 2 additional olumpic dumbbell that I use for odd weight . the olympic dumbbell do not fit easily on this and kind of hang over the edge , but it at least get they of the floor . this be NOT mean as a negative , because this rack be not make for those size dumbbell . I find the extra room useful . I think this be a great purchase , although I do find one on sale at Sports Authority the follow week and if I be able to use a additional coupon there it would have be slightly less expensive . however , this be deliver directly to my door and I do not have to go to the store , and even if I be able to combine the sale and coupon I would have only save approx . $ 5-8 . for the ease of purchase through Amazon , I think it be very worth it . I have now have this for about 3 month and the finish be still hold up . I definitely recommend this product if you have a bunch of dumbbell you want to organize and get off the floor . 384 Dumbbell NEU 3 I expect that this would move a little more as I use it . it feel really stiff \* snort \* and like it do not do too much . I do notice some strain in my muscle after I do the include dvd workout . which be actually pretty surprising . it be not all bad , but I guess I expect more shake type of movement of the actual device as I be shake it . it feel almost like you really have to force out this to move much . ah well , get what you pay for I suppose . 613 Dumbbell POS 4 the Powerblock Classic be a spectacular product . I purchase it as a upgrade from the elastic band for p90x . the incredible range in weight make they perfect for any exercise or fitness level . plus , they have a small footprint , make they a must have for perfect home gym . my only note be that , lay flat on the floor\/mat\/carpet , the weight might shift and sometimes you have to work a bit harder to change weight . this be why the optional stand be tilted at a angle , to ensure the nested weight be in the correct position . instead of buy that , I angle they on a pair of old 15lb hexagon weight , and that provide a workaround for I . 719 Dumbbell NEU 3 this be the most you can get for 100 buck , but that be not say much . very cheap material , smell be not good either . if you can afford it , keep save to get something better . do not get this for p90x . it take forever to change weight , and you fall behind the video or you have to keep pause . 997 Dumbbell POS 5 in the process of set up we little home gym . get a treadmill and these be the first set of weight we purchase . they be so much better than the free weight in gym . the material be solid but have a nice rubber like exterior that be very comfortable to hold , do not cause callus skin on the palm or finger -lrb- major problem I have with the gym 's free weight -rrb- , and they be also sweat absorbent to some extent . the last feature be crucial because it avoid the weight from slip during workout . admittedly these be light weight dumbbell so the chance of they slip be much less . I wish these be available in slightly higher weight category as well . I check several store and they say that these be only available in the lower weight , I guess till around 20 lb or so . 661 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase the stand from another site - as a factory refurbish item . I be able to save about $ 40 that way , but alas , the stand come with no instruction . I be unable to get a response on obtain the instruction from Bowflex -lrb- in they defense , I grow impatient wait and I do not buy it from they -rrb- . I print a photo of the stand and have often use the zoom feature here on Amazon 's photo to figure out the assembly . it be pretty straight forward - but you do have to be careful which screw you put where . there be several that look the same , but be slightly different in length . in fact , the only problem I have with assembly - I have never use lock nut before and could not figure out how you get those dumb thing on ! but that be a malfunction on my part - not the stand ! I will say , aside from not know how to use a lock nut , I be relatively mechanically orient and find assembly of item very easy . I also enjoy assemble thing and find the assembly without instruction to be a nice brain exercise ! the stand itself be sturdy . it defintely help reduce strain on you lower back - worth the cost if you ask I . I also like the wheel on the bottom so I can move it out of the way from my child . I like the option standard foot though - I can see a time when I would like it to not be move around . but for now , we have to use the wheel . I also like the strap on the stand . I believe they be to keep the plate of the dumbbell in place so that they do not lift when you be lift heavier weight . BUT I have discover they be so simple to remove and re-attach , that I take they up over the dumbbell when not use the weight . this prevent little child from attempt to lift the weight . as I do not have the instruction , not sure if this be intend or recommend , but it work for we . I do not personally use the weight - they be for my husband -lrb- who be out of town for a while - thus why I assemble the stand -rrb- . so I can not comment on the stand during use . 193 Dumbbell POS 5 we own a gym that use a lot of free weight and find this stand and currently own eight of they . it be very easy to put together and be heavy duty and stable . will purchase more when need and would highly recommend ! 190 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a excellent rack for a home gym . it be not as big as some other , but for a home gym with 8-10 set of dumbell it be perfect . the weight be easy to get to and the frame be very stable . 41 Dumbbell NEU 3 it seem from what I have read so far , for many people this product produce some sort of positive result and I will not dispute that . but for the other who write the bad review they word should not be take so lightly or even callously berate . the tv ad be misleading . I do not think anyone expect the weight to shake on its own , `` do the workout for you '' as many critical commenter have claim . but the tv commercial give the illusion that a initial shake must be initiate by the user and some sort of centrifigul method would take over and it would be the responsibility of user to tensely hold the weight use the require muscle need to stabilize it only to find you can not stabilize it , thus cause rapid muscle growth . well it just do not work that way . you have to constantly shake the weight yourself , and I find that a very couterproductive way to permanently build muscle . even in the best of the review nobody really rave about this product so I can not see the logic as to why they rate this 5 or even 4 star . go figure . update 1\/21\/2012 . alright I see this sit on the shelf at Walgreen 's a long time ago and I ignore it . then I go to CVS . on the same day ! again I see one lone Shake Weight for Men sit knee high on the shelf . I walk away . but the thought pursue I . be this fate ? should I buy it or not ? will the person at the register laugh at I ? will it offer some sort of benefit ? so I cave in and buy it . when I get home and open it inside there be a dvd on how to use this thing properly . the goal be to shake the weight vigorously steadily and firmly without wobble it for 30 seconds per exercise . the best I can get be 22 seconds . when you use the Shake Weight properly it will make a whooshing noise . if you hear a kadunk kadunk kadunk you be do it wrong ! as for the benefit themselves , that be just simply go to depend on you own current physical condition . for I I find the Shake Weight to be great for warm up before real exercise or for add a quick firm-up AFTER real exercise . 155 Dumbbell POS 4 nice buy for the cost . nicely package and dumbbell do not smell . the stand be cheap but just have a stand in itself be a nice addition to the dumbbell . not the reason I purchase they in the first place . I would buy again for sure . 892 Dumbbell POS 5 the first order I recieve be miss three shelf and screw that be strip . I notify Amazon and be promptly send a new rack . I purchase this item new but obviously the first item be not . I be a little disappointed that Amazon do not give I some form of credit . in the end I recommend this product . it be sturdy and be easy to assemble . 98 Dumbbell NEG 2 not a surprise for a company build on negative option \/ bait and switch marketing . when assemble the stand , it be clear Bowflex design it with the purpose of require the user to embed the bolt into the nut w\/o thread so that its dissemble be virtually impossible without strip the bolt . basically , you will invest so much time in building \/ take apart this poor excuse for a product that you will never return it -lrb- exactly what they want so they can skimp on quality -rrb- . on a parallel track : I buy the heavier weight after the lighter pair both break -lrb- selector become jam render weight useless -rrb- . avoid at all cost . I be dumb enough to purchase now 3 more product after the first 2 fail . of course , there be a warranty but you be require to pay for shipping . combine that with the time to take out of you day plus shipping 100 + lb , a very small fraction of a large number of unsatisfied consumer will , like I , not find it worth we time . I guess they spend all they money on the infomercial , which leave very little for product . 754 Dumbbell POS 5 I love the SportBlock . it be just the right size to do a variety of exercise and be relatively compact due to the square shape . these dumbbell be easy to manuever and the padded grip be comfortable . in my opinion , they be also the safest design of all the adjustable dumbbell and it be very easy to change weight . the only issue with these block be that you have to be sure to insert the pin level and the pin assembly right side up . if you do not , while it be unlikely something will go wrong , it can . however , there be also a elastic safety mechanism just in case . this would not help you in a overhead triceps press , but it be a very good design and a brief safety check before you do anything over you head will give you about as good a guarantee as you would get with any dumbbell use over the head . also , these thing be rugged and the weight range be good for most people , especially if you use they along with a stability ball . a book that cover some workout that be relatively inexpensive and well do be weight on the Ball Workbook : Step-by-Step Guide with Over 350 Photos if you handle heavier weight than this , then you may not want to work on a ball . also , eventually if you be serious about bodybuilding or put on significant mass , you may want to upgrade to PowerBlock Personal Dumbbell Set many people also like bowflex selecttech 552 dumbbell 986 Dumbbell POS 4 I have be use the shake weight now for about a week and a half . I use it about 5 time a week and have feel a difference in my arm and chest . I have notice toner arm and a difference in my chest muscle . so , for I it do work . the only bad thing be that once you have achieve a certain level you can not more weight . as a recommendation to improve and `` maintain '' tone I would recommend the item . 798 Dumbbell POS 5 I need a range of weight and want a neat way to store they when not in use . see these at a friend 's house and decide to try they . they be great , especially if you be like I and do not care to go to a gym . 524 Dumbbell POS 4 the rack seem solid & well build . just like other , my hardware packet break apart during shipping . and just like other , my outer box have hole in it . you guess it , I be miss hardware . a quick trip to Lowe 's for 7 buck worth of hardware & it be put together in about 20 minute . I would still recommend the rack for the price . just be prepare to make a trip to the hardware store . 895 Dumbbell POS 5 upon weigh the accessibility of the gym near I against the cost of membership , I decide to try figure out what step I can do at home to aid in get start with fitness . I look up some exercise online for dumbbell , and then search Amazon for some starter kit . I be weak . I admit it . so this seem to be the perfect beginner set . the free shipping alone make this a sweet deal . the weight arrive extremely quick and before the original expected date . the stand be a bit flimsy , but it be small enough to be push into a corner and seem to hold the weight with no trouble . the weight themselves be comfortable and the perfect size for I . I think this be a great tool for any beginner to get start with . 802 Dumbbell POS 5 extremely satisfy with this dumbell rack ! Easy to assemble , nice finish , and very functional ! build quality be excellent and should last a long time . the angled shelf design be great for access the weight , speciallly the heavier one . can accomodate 8 to 9-pair of dumbell , depend on size -- hold my set of 10 to 50 pound dumbell , in 5 pound increment , nicely . excellent value ! highly recommend ! 724 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy 2 of they . I do not have any problem . they be cute , and work for I . I like they . 361 Dumbbell POS 5 I order these while they be out of stock , and unexpededly receive they in only a couple day !! the stand be in perfect condition . Easy to assemble . I weigh the weight on my bathroom scale - the 8lb be 8.2 , the 5 's be right on 5 , and the 3 's be 3.4 . at least each pair be the same weight ! 178 Dumbbell POS 4 I order this about a month ago to see if it be worth the hype behind the commercial for it . plus , I really do not have a gym to go to regularly , so this look like a good way to stay in shape . after use it for a month now , it be a good workout . the 6 minute routine dvd that come with it leave you sore and feel a nice pump that give you some energy . it do take a litte adjust to , as at first use the Shake Weight do feel awkward and almost like it be not work properly . however , after use it more and more , I find out that the more you shake it , the easier it get to use . and , you can tell if you be use it right if it make a loud noise -lrb- surprise , surprise , a shake sound -rrb- . overall , if you want a fast , effective way of work out without gym time , this be a decent alternative . 617 Dumbbell POS 5 do what it say it do . I have have my power block for over 3 year and they be as good as new . Great , easy to use , well-made product . 705 Dumbbell POS 4 after read all of the review of this product , only a few of they match my experience . I receive the first weight rack and realize that one of the screw-hole be miss on the frame , make it impossible to properly assemble the rack . also , the box look quite beat up , and the part bag be open and sloppy ; not a good first impression , although all part be account for . we go through amazon and return it to we -lrb- very local -rrb- UPS store , and receive a new product in 2 day without any hassle , so as with all of my experience with amazon , it be quite pleasant . I have a relatively small apartment and the weight rack be right in the living room corner . I do not notice any overpowering chemical odor , and the rack itself be quite sturdy for my purpose -lrb- 50lb , 25 's , 20 's on bottom rack , 15 's , 10 's on middle , 8 's and 5 's on top -rrb- . it be very easy to assemble -lrb- one possible exception be the rubber foot , they be a bit tough to get on -rrb- and do not look bad either . I have have it for a month now , use it 5 day a week , and do not have any issue with this product . I would call it a good purchase for the money , and amazon make life easy . I give this product 4 star solely because the first one I receive be defective . if it be not defective , I would have easily give this 5 star . 461 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be use the powerblock system for 12 year ... . . I be a 63 year old special force Vietnam Vet ... . . I also hold a personal training certification from ace ... ... I have be trainng and body building for over 40 year ... ... and I can tell you that the powerblock system be the finest dumbell system i have ever use ... . I use mine 3-4 time a week ... I get a excellent workout , that help I stay very fit ... ... and i must tell you i like the feel of the product as well as the sturdiness ... of the block ... of course you have to be careful as you would with any heavy weight set ... just use common sense and keep training ... I would not use another brand and I reccomend they highly 481 Dumbbell POS 5 I check out the bowflex and the gold gym etc. and then I see these online , then check out youtube review and see they have they at Dicks sport goods . I go and check they out and they be everything I have want in a compact comfortable adjustable dumbell set . I can not say enough about they . who ever design they have there shiznit together . I buy the lower end line that do not have the 21\/2 lb increment , it save I about $ 80 . probably should have go all the way and get the higher line but I be more than happy with what I get . I be in the process of build my own personal excercise room and there will be limited space . I could not have buy a more perfect addition ! these be smaller and take up less room than any other out there . 454 Dumbbell POS 5 this shake weight be more epically awesome than when superman beat the razor claw in book 17 class 5 point9 season 1 ! and that be epic 148 Dumbbell NEG 2 Shake Weight sound great but I be not so sure that it be worth the money spend . seem very stiff . not at all as advertized . 60 Dumbbell POS 4 Ok , I be no expert and that be probably not entirely true , but as a relatively fit woman who do not think the 2-pound version for woman would be sufficient since I use a 5-pound hand weight normally , I be wrong to think the Shakeweight for Men would be the same as my handweight . after about 30 seconds I feel like I be gonna break something I might need someday . it might be appropriate for woman with significant upper arm strength , but then if she be already that fit she be probably already figure out what work for she . I be no couch potato , but it be definitely not a fitness aid I be even capable of use at this point . maybe I 'll be able to work up to use it , but I be not hold my breath . luckily I have a boyfriend and he think it be dandy , hence the four star . after pay attention to he usage it be novel enough to motivate he to work out , and he seem to sort of pick it up during commercial break for short session that seem to make he feel physically productive . he have not be use it long enough for I to say it be a undisputed success , but it make I feel less guilty about make the purchase , and he say he get a decent burn from use it . probably ok for man , NOT for woman with low-intermediate fitness level . 721 Dumbbell NEU 3 not a easy assembly - time consuming and frustrating . however , I love the weight and the stand as a package . not low tech - do not drop or you 'll be sorry ! eat you spinach - Popeye ! here come Brutus ! love , olive-oil 995 Dumbbell POS 5 I love this rack . I just get it . it take I a while to set up , about a hour . I reposition the horizontal slat on the top rack to face each other so that they would hold my weighted ball . this rack be just the right size and very solid . Mine turn out a little crooked because I think I tight a few of the rack to much so I have to redo it a couple of time which probably add to the set up time . if you can get help to put this together you would probably do a better job put it together than I do . for those you decide wether or not to buy a rack with weight or a adjustable bowflex select tech system . I would have to agree with the other poster if you have the space I like this better . I find the bowflex clumsy , large , and awkward and not so great for certain excersize , . . like the lie cross body tricep extension . also if you can go to a store that sell the bowflex select tech and try they out . they do not seem that well make more plastic component than I would have expect . I buy the rubber coated dumbell in the picture I post here on Amazon . great price -lrb- esp . if you have Amazon Prime I get free 2 day shipping -rrb- . this rack be wonderful for the price , easy to set up , and well worth the investment to you health . sweat on everybody !! 659 Dumbbell NEU 3 I order the shake weight after much debate on how well it would work . it do give you a bit of a work out and you muscle will feel the burn after a while . my problem with it be that it do not shake very easily . it be as if there be something that keep it from slide back and forth internally very well . it make it much more difficult to use than what you see on tv . it make a whooshing noise as you shake it which be a little annoying . the biggest problem be get it in the righ position for it to actually `` shake '' since it will not move back and forth easily like it appear to on tv , it take a lot more effort to get it to shake . I be disapoint with how easy they make it look vs how difficult it actually be to make it shake . thus far I be unimpressed and would prefer to just use stationary weight . 715 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be not battery operate , and very cumbersome to use . all plastic with cheap plastic chrome color . do not waist you money . 89 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the u-90 set and be surprise at the quality of they . I have work out with Powerblocks here and there over the year and be familiar with various set , include the SportBlock . but they utility be more than I think it would be . if you buy a stand , get the rack stand , not the column stand . these dumbbell be surprisingly heavy ; powerblock do not give a single ounce , so when they read 50-lbs. , you be get all fifty ! 786 Dumbbell POS 5 I be a `` young '' almost 62-year-old . while I be pretty fit , I have notice , and worried about , lose muscle mass . I see this on a `` health '' website I subscribe to . buy it for $ 30 at Walgreens . figure that for $ 30 it be a good risk . in two word : it work ! although I be not fanatical about it -lrb- use it every three day or so -rrb- it have make a noticeable difference . -lrb- Disclaimer : it will not turn a couch potato into Mr. America . -rrb- about two week after get it , my wife and I be at she family reunion on the beach in La Jolla , see family and cousin we see 2-3 time a year . I be curious if it would be notice without my say anything . it be notice ! everyone remark on how `` buff '' I look . Pretty good endorsement ! I think I might have help sell a few . key point : as the first part of the dvd point out , you must grip the shake weight tightly . if you hold it lightly , you can shake all night and it will not help . I wonder if people who say it do not work be grip it lightly ... 522 Dumbbell POS 5 go together with a cordless drill in about 20 minute and have make use the SelectTecs a breeze for we workout . since we do BeachBody and Jillian Michaels , we be concerned lifting and set the weight down through out a work out . this make it all easier and protect the dumbell from a misjudge drop ! the stand roll into the den from the living room when workout be do easy peasy 940 Dumbbell POS 5 why do I buy into this fad ? well , the concept behind the weight be actually ingenious . I have be use it for the past month and have see tremendous result . the six minute a day work into my schedule and my arm , back , and shoulder have never look this good . 30 Dumbbell POS 5 this weight be comfortable and easy to use . it be 10 pound . seem very well construct . also , do not hurt the hand after lift it for a long time because of the neoprene . I highly recommend it . 878 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase this when i first start lose a lot of weight , i be 220 pound , get down to about 170 and my body look so much better but my arm be just as big as when i be 220 -lrb- i be measure every week -rrb- coincidentally I encounter this problem right around the same time the shake weight come out - i have to get it . my arm be as big as my leg and everything else i try do nothing ! not even 10 minute a day , maybe 5 , every day for 1 week and i have lose 2 inch off my arm ! within like 2 month my arm be proportionate to the rest of my body : -rrb- and its a way fun product to use as long as you dont use it around a perverted guy LOL . 352 Dumbbell NEU 3 for the price , the Shake Weight will certainly give you a little more muscle without have to pay monthly fee at the gym . however , other review on here that I read be spot-on : it be perfect for people who do next to nothing and simply want to do a little exercise per day in order to feel like they be be more active . I buy one solely because I get bore around my place and want to have something to do -lrb- I actually belong to a gym , so I do not think of it as a replacement -rrb- . however , the greatest problem I have with it be that , anatomically speak , it be hard on joint and tendon . for example , it be not friendly for people who may have elbow or wrist problem -- again , I suppose that standard workout be not necessarily `` user friendly '' in that vein either , but one can vary a workout more with free weights\/machines than with this weight . in short , not bad for the price or to kill some time , but if you think you be go to look like the guy in the commercial , you would probably have to use this thing for hour every day for month . 674 Dumbbell POS 5 I be look for a value-priced rack for my expensive Hampton rubber-coated dumbbell . this fit the bill exactly . it be quite heavy and sturdy and go together quickly . the smallest dumbell seem to rest on the handle instead of the weight but I cut rubber mat strip to line the shelf on the rack and they now clear the rail nicely . this rack look great in my workout room and now my weight be finally off the floor ! I would recommend this rack . 119 Dumbbell POS 5 do the job . do not take up a lot of space . hold all my weight and be located for easy access during workout . what more do you want . 160 Dumbbell POS 4 the product be the same as you see advertise . buy it for my fiancee and she be please with it . 174 Dumbbell NEU 3 I wish this be a little heavier . I know we woman be try to tone , but when I workout with this I feel like if I have more weight it would be a little more effective . 903 Dumbbell NEU 3 I recently purchase a set of bowflex 552 dumbbell during black Friday and immediately realize the need for a stand to place my weight on . unfortunately , I could only find one stand that be compatible with this dumbbell set -lrb- I like have option to compare between -rrb- . one comment I have read on other review be that the stand be hard to install and the instruction be not adequate - I have no issue with the either the installation or instruction . it take I about a hour to setup . pro : - will save you body from bend over to pick up weight - sleek look con : - cost conclusion you have to have something to place you weight on , and other than make a shelf or put they on some type of table\/stand , this be the best thing out there . recommend if you can afford it . fyi - if you do not care about the look of you gym , you can simply place these weight on top of the styrofoam that the dumbbell be pack in . do not look good and not as sturdy , but it do the trick for the first month before I cave and buy this stand . 926 Dumbbell NEG 1 that be all I can say : useless , do not buy it . I be give it no star , but , it must default to at least one . 678 Dumbbell POS 5 the Power Blocks be great if you do not have a lot of space to keep a full set of dumbell . change weight be very easy and you can go change weight in 5 pound increment . in addition to the 45 pound set , you can get a upgrade to increase the weight of each to 60 pound -lrb- for around $ 150 -rrb- . 939 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a great find for we aerobic program . it be very sturdy , yet it be small enough to fit inside we equipment closet and the dumbbell stay organize ! I have to say - the folk at Amazon really help out . at first , this be go to cost $ 140 for shipping alone from any other wholesaler\/retailer . Amazon come to rescue by find it for I in they supplies and they ship it for free with Amazon Prime . Amazon be great ! 577 Dumbbell POS 5 in spite of the mixed review , I decide to take a chance on this rack give its reasonable price . I be very pleased . it arrive in perfect condition , have very sturdy construction and could not have be easier to assemble -lrb- 20 minute from unpack to dumbbell stack -rrb- . the one negative that I will point out be that you can not adjust the distance between the horizontal bar on the respective `` shelf '' . my iron dumbbell fit perfectly , while the neoprene dumbbell be not able to straddle the two bar that be mean to keep they from fall off the shelf . I intend to drill new hole that will allow I to adjust the distance , but it would certainly be better if the manufacturer could change the design to make this adjustable . 937 Dumbbell POS 4 this be not a bad price , and it come with a dvd to show you different way to use it and diffferent excersize technique but after about 3 month I get tire of it , just like any other work out equipment . I do not see much progress and I use it about 3-4 time a week but if you be the kind of person who work out 2-3 time a day 5-7 day a week this might work better for you . it sure do make my arm sore so I be sure it do something ! 816 Dumbbell POS 4 I get this yesterday for my bowflex selecttech 552 adjustable dumbbell -lrb- pair -rrb- after find that Bowflex 's instruction be too skim , I go to the instruction on Amazon.com instead , because they be more descriptive . for the most part , the assembly be straight forward , but tighten the nut and bolt be rather painful . I be use a adjustable wrench , along with the allen wrench they provide , but I would imagine that assembly would be a lot smoother if I have own a ratchet wrench . after assembly , I absolutely love the stand . however , I give four star just because the assembly take a bit too long . I highly recommend this product and a good ratchet wrench . 591 Dumbbell POS 4 rack be easy to asemble , and be quite sturdy . Easy to grab and replace weight just what I be look for , and the price \/ value relationship make this weight rack a real bargain . 47 Dumbbell POS 5 this product look good with a charcoal hammer enamel finish . it assemble easily with no issue . its very sturdy and because the rack be slant front to back , its easy to access the weight . I like the three rack because it fit a full complement of dumbell with some room leave over for extra plate for a bench press . as a example , I have hexagonal dumbell , and my weight set-up be as follow : 5-8-10-15 lb pair on the top rack ; 20-25-30 lb pair on the middle rack ; and 35 lb on the lower rack along with my extra 5lb and 10 lb plate -lrb- which I make a simple holder for -rrb- . 333 Dumbbell NEU 3 that paint you see on the number ? do not get too attach to it . for a more comfortable grip try wrap the handle in pipe insulation with ducktape . also make sure you have floor mat . these be usually a better deal than the rubber coated one . 850 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase this as a Christmas gift . there be not much I can say at this time about the quality or if it work well . 900 Dumbbell POS 4 let I be up front . I be 48 year old and overweight . because of a hip problem I get out of shape because there simply be not a good work out that do not require hip and leg action . so I see the ad for the Shake Weight and laugh . 5 pound be go to make a difference ? right . then I be in a video and see how awful I look and decide for $ 20 buck it be worth try . six minute , 5 pound . ok , do not sound tough , so I boot up the dvd and follow along . 30 seconds in I feel the burn . 1 minute in and I be sweating and burning . I will get to six minute eventually , I hope . this thing work . my goal be not to look like a body builder , just to tone up and slim down a little . do not know about slim , but tone ? yes , this thing will do what be say . the only con be that it hurt to grip . I have small hand so maybe that be the problem , but a better handle shape would help . 894 Dumbbell POS 5 you definitely get a great workout with the shakeweight . I be very iffy at first just from commercial , but with a new year , I want to try a new thing . it be a six minute workout , and you feel it in the first 45 seconds . this product be definitely worth it and I be excite to use it more ! 587 Dumbbell POS 5 you get what you put into this . people say that it do nothing be either a -rrb- do it wrong or b -rrb- need the bigger weight . this be 2.5 lb . however , for the work out you do with it , that be quite sufficient . I have be do this not too long , use the 6 minute work out , and you have to work ! this be not a magic device that will do it for you . you have to push and clench you muscle and go as hard and as fast as you can . -lrb- I know I be get to how wrong it look too just ignore the unintentional inuendo lol -rrb- you push yourself until you want to die , basically , that be the best way to do it I have notice lol . if you be not feel pretty terrible b the end of it you have not do something right . when I do the shake weight I have to put a lot of effort into it . it be not like `` oh this machine be help I excercise '' its more like `` I be help the machine exercise which there for make I stronger '' -lrb- some how , its a loose comparison -rrb- I love the quick work out , this and Perfect Pushup - original but these cheap at home item you have to be dedicate to and you have to work they , they be not expensive enough to work you lol xd so work it or do not complain ! lol xd then again my arm be very weak now , so it be very hard for I . but that be also nice aobut it , you can tailor you work out to as intense as you can go , so you can trim it back if you be not able to handle it . there be lot of information and a dvd with the 6 minute work out -lrb- at least there be with mine i buy it from another store though not here -rrb- and its pretty good . for the price who can complain ? it be a great item I have no remorse and I use it every night . it be great . however ... yes you look like you be do horribly filthy thing when you do it . yes it do look wrong . get over it and do it in private if it bother you . lol xd 346 Dumbbell POS 4 in just the first day of use this shake weight , I could feel my muscle be stress . however , I have only have this for a week , so no result yet . 205 Dumbbell POS 5 I like the convenience and effectiveness of this simple work-out . I can pick it up and use it anywhere and feel great . the best feature be that it have improve my posture like nothing else have - after four spinal injure and other back problem , I have work physical therapy and other machine and have strengthe my back , yet this be the best ever for improve posture . I usually use it longer that the 6 minute , although it be good to start out that length of time . thank you Shake Weight ! 400 Dumbbell POS 5 this product work ! only 15minute a day and you 'll build up great muscle for fappin it . there be no need for actual fappin as that be very often messy and you can not practice fappin in public . fap on you lunchbreak , fap in the park , or fap in a movie theater . the possibility be endless . 684 Dumbbell NEU 3 this product be not all its crack up to be . I do not feel it give you the vigorous workout that it claim . I prefer free weight much better . 606 Dumbbell POS 5 want dumbbell for home use , but not a separate pair for every 5-pound increment -lrb- would require more space , have to build a rack for they , out of place in multi-purpose room , etc. -rrb- . the PowerBlocks give I 5 to 45 lb . per dumbbell , change easily in seconds , have even weight distribution with padding around wrist , stay securely attach , and be easily store when not in use . no complaint . 819 Dumbbell POS 5 just another success in a continuous stream of product order from Amazon , my preferred retailer . the time , traffic and deal with people require to go to the store ? forget about it . Amazon be my `` go to '' move for any retail purchase . price , speed and reliability be Amazon 's trademark quality . 999 Dumbbell NEG 1 hus my wife and I have be try to get the shakeweight to shake . maybe we need practice or help . we be just look for a tool to wake we up in the morning with a little exercise , so far no good . so far its similar to shake a heavy piece of wood . where be the shake ? we would love to hear from someone who know 's how to work it . be there a trick to activate it . we do realize it do not shake by itself , but once you start it , be not it suppose to continue shake ? 665 Dumbbell POS 5 I be very pleased with this product . the delivery be lighten speed and the price be excellent . it do not hold my smaller weight but they be not the hexagon style so if you be purchase weight , buy that style . very pleased and it look great . susfrat 759 Dumbbell POS 5 the product arrive less than 24 hour after order -lrb- use 2-day shipping -rrb- . the quality of the frame , design and easy assembly make for the perfect product for the home ... Currently hold five set -lrb- 40 , 30 , 20 , 15 , 8 -rrb- - and I believe can fit 3-4 more . highly recommend . 967 Dumbbell POS 5 I do quite a bit of product research and decide to order the rack . read several good review . I be very pleased when the rack arrive . assembly be straight forward and take about 30 minute . appear to be well build , good metal , and good weld . very stable and handle the weight . excellent buy consider the price and size . 801 Dumbbell POS 5 I be so glad I read the review and buy these . I be a new lifter and the 3lb increment be great ! they be easy to use and surprisingly i like the shape as oppose to round . as a female who be life to get into shape i do not think i would ever need anything heavier and they take up little to no room in my apt . the price be right too ! love they , love they , love they ! I never like a product so much that I want to review it but the other review be what help I decide so i want to help too ! 582 Dumbbell NEG 1 just toss this piece of c -- p in the garbage !!!! what a waste !!!! spend the extra money on a better brand . 224 Dumbbell NEG 1 I order one of these thing in hope that it would really work since my arm be flabby now and i be in desperate to tone they up . I be willing to try new thing and always keep a open mind , but i get the Shake Weight and literally waste my time with it . I have more success use 3 pound dumbbell than with this thing . if you wanna tone up , just get something else and not this . seriously . there be one pro to this though , it make a good gag gift : D and that exactly what i do with it and we laugh and burn it . 53 Dumbbell POS 5 the shipping box I receive be not really in good condition , some washer and part be fall apart . its packaging be just average . I do not believe you can assemble this stand in 30 minute . I time myself and it take I good 90 minute with help of my wife once in a while -lrb- hold bar for I to align hole and tighten nut -rrb- . its bar and connect bracket be pretty heavy for one hand to hold while the other hand tighten the hex nut , and if you do not have a third hand , you should use a nut driver or something to lock the Allen wrench stationarily . you should prepare a 9\/16 '' or adjustable wrench , a small nutdriver use for extend the provide Allen wrench , a rubber hammer -lrb- or equivalent tool -rrb- to slightly tap steel bar hole align . bracket be build with very tight tolerance that it be not easy to fit together without tap they in place . you should also arrange supply 16 bolt in 3 different group -lrb- different length but go with same washer and nut -rrb- to prevent mistake of wrong bolt . there be quite a few turn trip and drop but no scratch , no bruise , no blood . finally , it be assemble in good shape , no miss or extra nut and bolt , and with big relief ; I ' m happy . the design be solid with durable hardware and the stand look great and robust . with bf 552 dumbbell on top , they together appear bigger than I expect . do not discourage yourself not to purchase it because of fear of long assembly time and installation difficulty level . the instruction and drawing be very clear , easy to follow and simple . give yourself patience and care , you will enjoy it 568 Dumbbell POS 5 I like these dumbbell due to the handle . the handle be lightly perforated , which mean there be no slippage during lifting . however , they be also smooth handle - which mean you hand never get hurt during lifting . they be the perfect combination of smoothness and perforation . I give these a thumb up . 96 Dumbbell NEU 3 I try the shake weight , know full well that I would have to do the shake . many of the negative review of this product seem to think that the weight itself should be shake , and that be the sole reason why they do not like it . overall , I think this product be pretty good . it be very difficult to learn how to use , in order to keep it shake while move it around , and I think you have to make sure that you reverse you grip from time to time in order to get even work on both arm -lrb- if you hold it with you left hand on the bottom and the right hand on top , you be probably not work both evenly -rrb- . the dvd , nor the product manual seem to indicate this , but I find that it be easy to figure that out by try it . if you be not go to take the time to work with this , just like any product , you will not succeed . you probably will not even figure out how to do it right , the shake of the weight while try to keep you muscle mostly stationary as they say you should do be actually very difficult . it will take practice , but for upper body exercise at home , I think this be a pretty good solution for home strength training . I would have like to see a wider range of weight , or at least a notch or something to add a extra one pound weight or something . as it be , once you use this often enough , you 'll outgrow they `` 6 minute workout '' and start need something else . 749 Dumbbell NEU 3 I must admit I like it better now , after a few day of become more accustomed to it . I be leave the first review I write below this update . this show that I really do not want to like it , but change my mind for the better . after about a week of not very much use , my arm , chest , shoulder and upper back muscle all feel more tone and look more define . this may be due to my not have be in very good condition to begin with . it may depend on one 's start point , but maybe not . it might help in-shape people keep in shape as well as help out-of-shape folk -lrb- like myself -rrb- to feel better . I have change my initial 2 star to 3 , and will update , if such be merit . it be super easy to use while watch tv , during time when I might otherwise be do no exercise . I suggest keep it next to the remote , in a place where it can be easily see and reach . it become something to just pick up and `` play with '' , when the mind be otherwise occupy . I be not go to bother return it when I do not , at first , like it . now it seem worthwhile to have keep . as to the handle hurt my hand , that be still true . I think the design of the bulge in the middle of the handle be flaw , but have find that wear fingerless workout glove have make grip it much less painful . the place it hurt I be between the thumb and forefinger , at the `` web '' part of my hand . the glove I use be great , by the way , and they be available on Amazon for $ 13.75 . they be call man 's glove but I be a woman , 5 ' 6 '' , and the medium size fit I great . they be machine washable and have many use . they be call `` harbinger 143 man 's pro flexclosure Wash & Dry Gloves '' . if the Shake Weight hurt you hand at all , try these glove ! here 's my first review : my first impression be poor . the handle be too wide for I to hold comfortably . my finger do not fit all the way around the diameter . it hurt I to hold it tight enough for use . it should be more narrow where the hand go . I be a woman , 5 ' 6 '' , of average build . this alone make I not very motivate to use it . it be suppose to be for arm , but it hurt my hand ! I will update if thing improve , but it do not seem worth use for I . I will look into a set of free weights\/hand dumbbell for woman , with a more-narrow grip bar . it will probably end up in a closet\/garage sale at my house . 691 Dumbbell POS 5 after the first minute you feel it work , it be a good product to work up you arm . 245 Dumbbell NEG 1 be not package well . Components receive damage and the part bag be damage enough that it be open and part be miss . 189 Dumbbell POS 5 I do this everyday and must tell you at first thought I would give it try . do not like what my arm be look like . after 3 week I see result . I keep the dvd in the player and do it every morning . you think at first it be not really do to much but the last of set on the dvd I feel the burn . love it ! 619 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be so excited to buy the Shake Weight after see all those commercial , but now I see why I dont know anybody who own this piecce of junk . I think that it be a battery operate system that move automatically but its not . it suck and be make of plastic . three word people DENISE AUSITN WORKOUT , she have several workout dvd and you can go to target or walmart or where ever and get some 5.00 weight . the only good experience be that I be receive my refund very quick . but I be smart enough to buy that Denise Austin cardio workout dvd in the same order as this shakeweight and im very pleased with it . people , once again dont waste you money on this trash . 714 Dumbbell POS 5 these power block be just what the doctor order . my fiance and I can use the same set of weight and save money , it be awesome . plus they be nice and compact . a little on the pricey side , I think the stand should come free consider they cost close to $ 200 dollar , but consider the amount I spend on a pair of 15 lb . Reebok weight the week before -lrb- close to $ 70 for the pair , needless to say I return they -rrb- these be definitely cost effective if you be on a budget . save up for they . peace . 381 Dumbbell POS 5 I be go to repeat what other reviewer have say . I have no intention on add fame or defame this product . again , like what the other reviewer have mention , I be skeptical of this product at first , but I decide to give it a try after try it in Modell 's . the 6 minute dvd exercise be good . it really do give a workout on my muscle , you can feel the burn after the first minute of use it . I hope this product do not injury my back , though . if anything , I will come back and tell you guy about it . all in all , it be a great product and I do not mind use it at all . there be nothing funny or embarrassing about . EDIT : 8\/18\/10 I have be use it everyday . I do not experience any neck , back or muscle pain . I like the `` burn '' every time I use it . great product !!! EDIT : 10\/03\/10 I still have it , I be still use it , still in a good shape . I do not see any large change in muscle mass but I do not really care ! 730 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be happy to read the other review of this product , but when it arrive , I have to wonder if the company have change hand - or manufacturer . the box seem well-packed from the outside , but the first thing I notice when I open it be that the cardboard and plastic container that be suppose to hold the small part have break open . the piece be everywhere . it be a miracle none slide out of the box . this be not a catastrophe , obviously ; it be just the first hint that there be no care take in packaging . the larger metal piece be loosely roll in bubble wrap and tape once or twice , then throw into the box where they could slam into each other during shipping . most of the metal piece be scrape and scratch . unlike the photo show above , there be letter on each of the rack upright . not surprisingly , the `` a '' in `` APEX '' be miss on one of they . again , not a disaster from a usage perspective , but I do not have a basement , so whatever rack I eventually choose , it will be in my living space , so detail like this be not unimportant . this just show a further lack of attention to quality . last , but definitely not least , I take a look inside one of the upright as I be put it away . it be rusting . it also do not feel as heavy\/sturdy as some of the other reviewer describe , so again , it make you wonder if it be the same equipment as they receive . needless to say , it be go back . 405 Dumbbell POS 5 I need something faster than my adjustable dumbbell -lrb- the plates\/collars type -rrb- for my p90x workout . I could buy the Bowflex Selecttech dumbbell for about the same price as a full set of these in the 15-45 pound range . with these dumbbell , I do not have to worry about they break if I be not move slowly , so if you have the space , these be great . these be probably the best addition I have make to my home gym ... not to mention , I receive these only two day after order , and I do not request any special shipping . 74 Dumbbell POS 4 mix with milk and shake well it taste just like chocolate milk . unfortunately , no protein powder will taste great\/good when mix into water . I recommend this product ; good whey protein , very palatable and the price be right . 328 Dumbbell POS 5 one of my friend have a shakeweight and I try it at she house , holy crap . you really feel the burn very quickly use this product I can not imagine actually use it for six minute ! I go through a giggle fit at first due to the ridiculous motion but you get over it . I have not be use it long enough to notice a difference but I really believe it will make a difference . 727 Dumbbell NEG 1 I have try out the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbell . they seem very cheaply make . the plate be plastic . they be sometimes difficult to place back into the rack ; they have to line they up just right to put they back with the other wieght . this be difficult to do when you just work you arm to complete failure . they be very long even at smaller weight setting so they might hit you thigh when you be try to do arm curl . when do heavy dumbbell bench press most people like to balance the dumbbell on end on you leg so you can `` kick '' they up into place . the Bowflex dumbbell be not shape properly on the end make this awkward . it could also create a safety issue if the dial be bump and accidentally get turn . after search for the perfect dumbbell I decide on the Ironmaster Quick-Lock Dumbbells 5-75lb from ironmaster dot com . another better alternative to the Bowflex be the Powerblocks . but the Ironmaster Quick-Lock dumbbell will give you the look and feel of real dumbell , the stand be include , and a lifetime warranty . I love mine !!! -lrb- the Ironmaster Super Bench be awesome too ! -rrb- 868 Dumbbell POS 5 I admit I be one of those people who send the Shake Weight video around as a joke to my friend the first time I see it with the tagline : `` who the hell would actually buy this ?! '' I dismiss it as one of those stupid as see on tv product that be destine for landfill after a short-lived stint in some sucker 's living room prove it a waste of plastic . then I read a glowing review in a fitness magazine and I decide I have to give it a try . after three week , my arm be considerably stronger and more tone ! my husband still make fun of I when he see I use it but I be enjoy my new muscular arm , so I guess I will have the last laugh ! I recommend this product , but advise you to take it easy during the Shoulder Press exercise . if you feel pain in you shoulder - stop and save yourself a serious rotator cuff injury ! 755 Dumbbell POS 5 I really like this product but as it turn out I have a bad back and shoulder and can not use it . 15 Dumbbell POS 5 this funny contraption actually work . my arm get tire after a minute ! I recommend to anyone who want to tone they arm . I use while watch tv . 312 Dumbbell NEU 3 the product be fine , although a pain to assemble , and I be use most of it now . however , one of the cross-bar have the hole for the screw drill in the wrong location , so I call the manufacturer to get a replacement . aside from not have any way to leave a message on the weekend when I first call , when I call again on Monday the operator be incredibly rude and not at all responsive , and make I feel like a idiot because they own brochure do not have part number list . she say the part be on backorder , would arrive in 3-4 week , and hang up on I . while this product be too much of a pain to send back , and aside from the fact that it be largely assemble , I would never buy from these guy again . they be a mom-and-pop operation as evidence by they voice mail message on the weekend , so let the buyer beware -- there be other weight rack out there from larger company you may want to consider if you think there be any chance you 'll have to speak to customer service about you purchase . 761 Dumbbell POS 4 heavy weight , ship . one of the weight be noticibly break up inside the plastic . still weigh the same but make a little sound . mostly just superficial issue , it all function correctly . 66 Dumbbell POS 5 so i get these in yesterday this morning be the first time use they and i love my new weight !! so easy to change the weight and they be not big and bulky . just make sure the the pin be in the right spot and not crooked . but overall im very glad i purchase these ! 576 Dumbbell POS 5 first of all i start by first review the comment about the product and i be hook now buy the men instead of the women because the man have more weight for one and second the grip be bigger for bigger hand . now for the real review well this product work like a charm ive do free weight for a hour and i dont get the pain that this product give I i promise you if you get this product for six minute of youre time you will define youre arm . Finaly it do look weird when do the workout but dont discourage youreself because do people that say that it look like this and like that they have never try it s try this product and i promise you you wont go back to free weight 822 Dumbbell POS 5 I be a p90x graduate and I have to say that the most frustrating part of the experience -lrb- unrelated to the program , of course -rrb- be use my dumbbell which require unscrew the end and slide new weight on . I be on a second program incorporate p90x , p90x + , and the One-on-Ones , and I have get much stronger since I begin p90x ; thus , I need more weight and the variation I have could not provide that . I receive these powerblock as a college graduation gift from my parent and I be happy to say that I no longer have to worry about take minute to switch out weight or about have enough weight to build more mass and strength . the weight require no assembly and be color-code to help you switch weight fast , especially if you realize that you over or underestimate you strength . while initially the pb may seem awkward to use , you adjust fast and realize that the multiple handle make for great variation in exercise . every now and then , the magnetic clip which alter the weight can get stick on different weight level , but that be rare and never a safety issue for I . whether you be engage in the p90x program or simply want a great-looking , organized weight system , the PowerBlock classic will satisfy you and last for the long haul . bring it ! 970 Dumbbell POS 4 I use it once a day for six minute . my arm be start to look beautiful and get in shape . it really work . 171 Dumbbell POS 5 great purchase and it be exactly what we be look for the box be a little worse for wear and we be miss a washer but have one on hand so it be no big deal . nice durable rack . 706 Dumbbell POS 4 much better and safer than lift off the floor . very stable . must have with the Selectech Dumbells . Hurt my back lifting of the floor . this stand have correct that problem . dumbell should come with this stand !! 374 Dumbbell NEG 2 the weight have be re-engineered , but the stand be exactly the same include the strap . on the original , the strap lay perfectly flush with the base while sit on the stand . the stand on the new model be a bit more square and raise . they do not however redesign the strap to fit . when I call Bowflex and warn they that this be a recipe for injury and the ensue lawsuit , they simply say they know what I be refer to and have not have any complaint . they also say they have no reason to change it unless more people be to complain or injure themselves . I tell she it be a backward way of do business . I also warn she that I would put the fact on youtube . 551 Dumbbell POS 5 after much research on adjustable dumbbell I end with the Powerblocks . I try several adjustable dumbbell at the store but nothing can come close to these . I be very pleased with these as they be very functional and quality make . adjust the weight be very fast and easy . they take up very little room compare to traditional dumbbell . if you want easy to use adjustable dumbell , quality make product , and save space than these be the Ultimate Dumbells for you . 84 Dumbbell NEG 1 I receive the box and it be clearly open . two of the dumbbell rack bar be miss . I have try contact the company to rectify this , via phone all I get be a busy signal and by email they have yet to respond at this point . so it look like I will be return it . too bad , because the unit seem to be pretty nice . Steve W 871 Dumbbell POS 5 what can I say , Cap make some great quality dumbbell . I buy a few of these to add to my collection . the larger you go of course the more expensive . I just wish Cap continue to produce these locally in store . I try to purchase through Sears.com who carry many weight but they shipping be by weight , for 3 set of dumbbell that total 130 lb the cost to ship be thousand of dollar literally . through Amazon I purchase the same weight and shipping be free . Love Amazon Prime . 600 Dumbbell NEG 1 order this product around the 20th of January . receive it on the 27th of January . upon open the box there be loose hardware as other have state . I begin try to put the rack together , seem pretty straight forward , however what I soon realize be that the left support beam do not even have any hole drill into the middle bracket . it floor I that this be not identify before packing . I mean , it be not something small , like a miss washer , or even a miss bolt , it literally do not have any hole drill into the bracket . I be at a standstill . after contact Impex I be initially tell a replacement leave support beam would be ship out within a couple of week . a couple of week pass by , no replacement beam , so contact they again , and be then tell that the part be on back-order -lrb- probably because of the miss screw hole -rrb- and it would be the second week in March . I contact they today and be tell that it will still be another three week , that the part should arrive by the 30th of March , which will be over two month later than when I order it . from what I can tell of what be actually there , it look like it might be a pretty solid rack , but buyer beware , since this be come from China there be apparently no to very little qc , and they customer service be very aloof . 764 Dumbbell NEG 1 how hard be it to produce a work dumbell ? it be not rocket science , it be a dumbell . yet somehow the brainiac at Fitness IQ manage to botch it . they get half of it right - the weight be fine , the center pole be not . when you pick it up , it go limp . you lift it into a curl , and it be jiggle in you hand like a rubber dick . the first time I try it I throw it down in disgust and it flop across the floor like a sick guppy . I would rather go back to lift my kid than use the shakeweight again but my wife take they so I guess I 'll just find some heavy rock in the meantime . 803 Dumbbell POS 5 Have have it a week and wow it really work already . I feel it in the first couple minute LOL ~ and I even order the woman version too . I figure 5 lb be not that much ~ ugh !!!! it do ... 3 minute on this and I be dead tired . seem like a no brainer to use and do not see why people have issue with it . like any exercise equipment ... if you have not work out in a long time and\/or do not use equipment often enough to understand the gist of it ... get inform and check with you Dr. . . do not be a dummy and hurt yourself . 844 Dumbbell NEU 3 I be really look forward to the shake weight ... even though my husband make fun of I for buy it . I guess I be lazy in believe that this be actually power rather than I do the work of shake it . I be not sure yet whether I be go to keep it , mainly because it be a bit cumbersome to hold and my wrist feel sore after shake it . 282 Dumbbell POS 5 I just move and do not want to pay for -lrb- or go to -rrb- a gym . these weight be perfect for I . the grip be nice , not grainy or slippery . a little assembly of the stand be require but be very quick and easy . so far the stand be hold up very well and can also be conveniently `` hide '' out of the way in my living room . great purchase ! 991 Dumbbell POS 5 the bowflex dumbbell stand make life much easier than use they from the ground which I be do prior to get the stand . it be easy to put together and be heavy duty since the weight be 90lb \/ each . the other nice feature that I be not expect . the stand come with wheel to make move it much easier . 348 Dumbbell POS 5 I be not sure what happen to the instruction for many peoiple below , but we rack arrive within 2 day -lrb- I love Amazon Prime -rrb- and I build it last night in less than 30 minute . instruction be idiot simple -lrb- which be good for I ! -rrb- very clear , and all item be neatly package and lable -lrb- right and leave -rrb- . I use a 9\/16 ratchet and the supply allen wrnech and have everything button up very quickly and easily . I have to be honest , i continue to be blow away by the quality and construction of Bowflex equipment . we now have a pay of dumbell , and a Selectech Bench and I have be amaze at how solid and good look everything be . I be a reasonably serious weekend warrior , and at 275 pound , I be not gentle on anything -lrb- treadmill , eliptical , bench -rrb- . I be certain the Bowflex item we have add in the past few month will last a lifetime . 653 Dumbbell POS 5 this stand be easy to put together , and work exactly as you would want it to for the Bowflex weight . it be very sturdy and well make . I highly reccomend this stand if you have these weight . 897 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this thing yesterday and use it right away . it look really stupid to use it , but that be what door be for ... privacy . anyway , I notice right away that this thing would work . there be 3 basic exercise : the double-front hand , single hand side , and behind the head . for each exercise you hold it in the correct position and shake it from one end of the dumbell to another until you can not shake it anymore . I do 3 set of each exercise , and my muscle be still burn half a hour later , which be how you can tell if you get a good workout . it isolate the muscle extremely well . it advertise that you can get a great workout in 6 minute , but 15 minute be more desirable because it get you heart rate up longer . it be well-built and durable , but like anything else the better you take care of it the longer it will last . it be lighter than I think it would be , but feel much heavier as you use it . one very important thing be ... use it correctly . there be a dvd and a diagram of how to use it and use it correctly make a big difference . I be very happy with this because I love work out , but I have middle back problem . the Shake Weight do not bother my back at all , but still give my arm , shoulder , chest and back a great workout . it be exactly what I need . whoever invent this deserve a Noble Prize ! 855 Dumbbell POS 4 in general , I think these dumbbell be great . however , they can be a bit dangerous if you do not do a safety check . for example , if you be not pay attention you can insert the pin at a angle . this create a possiblity that a plate can come loose and hit you . also , you can accidentally put the pin mechanism upside down , this create the possiblity of a accident too . I like that there be a back up system of a elastic cord and magnet hold the pin mechanism in place . I have find there be only a real danger on certain exercise and only if you do not follow the instruction . even then the odds be small anything will happen , but it be something I want to warn people about because I have have some near miss . I find the smaller version of these be better than the larger version . the large version can be cumbersome and a bit long for some exercise . however , I agree with the other review you can comfortably do a variety of exercise and the trade-off in term of a slightly smaller range of motion on some particular exercise be not a big deal . for example , for upright row I tend to prefer a short curling bar ... ditto for overhead triceps extention . however , use one dumbbell with two hand be possible and quite comfortable . this be a solid well make product . I have own mine for about a year and I think they be great . over time , there can be a issue with friction between the plate , but I very thin layer of lubricant can help . for most people , this will only have to be do infrequently . 268 Dumbbell NEU 3 2 out of the 3 exercise on the intro to the Shake Weight 6 minute work-out dvd be ok but the 1 that be over the back be both odd and I be not really sure I be do it right . I rate this a 2.5 \/ 3.00 star . 518 Dumbbell NEU 3 I buy these as a cheaper alternative to Bowflex Selectech dumbbell , and long story short I just order a set of Selectech and will be try to sell these or else give they away . they be weight , yes , and they be adjustable . but I find they to be a bit clunky and not very ergonomically appealing . also , the change between weight unless you be do 10 lb increment be time consuming . there be two 2.5 lb weight in the handle , so you have to remove the center handle and remove one or both of they depend on if you want to adjust 2.5 or 5 lb . plus then you have one or both of the 2.5 lb weight to deal with until you put they back in the handle . a bit of a pain in regular use , but especially for I as I use they for p90x and change as quickly as possible be beneficial . they be not bad , I just think there be better alternative out there . 989 Dumbbell POS 5 I read a few review about build this say it be tough , so I be wonder what I be get myself into . the instruction be a breeze , there be 3 different long screw , and as long as you place they next to each other , you can tell the size difference . it take I about 15 to 30 minute to build this with a 9\/16 '' ratchet wrench and the allen key they supply . Make sure you have that wrench or a adjustable though . its pretty sturdy , I opt not to put the wheel on as I will not be move it at all . it alleviate tension off of you lower back and make it easier to place the 1090 dumbbell in there holder without mis-alligning of damage they . definitely recommend if you buy the 552 's or the 1090 's . I have see it online on Amazon between $ 129.99 and $ 148.99 . I purchase it at $ 139.99 because I could not wait any longer . 517 Dumbbell POS 5 purchase this for my husband when I purchase the Shake Weight for Women . he notice a difference in he arm and say it be worth purchase it . 300 Dumbbell POS 5 great product , serve its purpose . a lot less strain on my back now that I no longer have to pick the weight up off of the floor . this stand be very heavy duty , and sturdy as well . a lot of people complain about the instruction be difficult . I have no problem whatsoever . it be a lot of detailed drawing of the part be put together and I have this thing together in around 20-30 minute . I love the fact that it have wheel , so it be easy to wheel away and stuff into the closet when not in use . great overall 747 Dumbbell POS 5 this item be from the same company I buy my plate holder from . I be a lot more pleased with this rack than the plate tree -lrb- not that there be much wrong with the tree , it be just a little on the light side as far as the gauge of steel use . -rrb- this thing be build tough , and be large enough to accommodate plenty of dumbbell . I have a few different brand of dumbbell , and have no problem with they fitting this rack . like the plate tree , assembly for this be really easy . there be more piece for this than the plate tree , so it take a little longer , but it be still basic . Everything go together with large nut and bolt . the rubber foot both protect the surface of the floor , and prevent the rack from move around . this item , combine with the plate tree , really sharpen up the look of my home gym . everything be nice and neat and have its place . bottom line be I be pleased with this item , and would recommend it . oh yes , it be also ship in a timely manner . 476 Dumbbell POS 5 buy these after begin p90x . they be perfect for program such as p90x because you do so many different exercise during the workout , that you absolutely must have the ability to quickly change weight . the weight themselves be build solid and will last a long time . the simple selector pin setup be very easy to use , and make add or reduce weight a 5 second event to change both dumbbell . the weight themselves look a bit bulky and clumsy since they be square\/rectangular shaped , however they be anything but . I would recommend these weight to anybody that be look for a reliable set of adjustable dumbbell . I originally be go to purchase the Bowflex brand , until I read too many review from people say that the plastic lock mechanism break on theirs at least once and be not the cheapest thing to replace . the only thing on the PowerBlocks that can really fail would be the selector pin , but its a simple piece of heavy duty plastic . I dont foresee it break anytime soon either ... a one sentence synopsis of the powerblock ? `` a simple , functional , solidly build set of weight that will not dissapoint '' . 288 Dumbbell POS 5 all joke aside this thing work pretty good . a great little tool and super easy to use . Kinda fun , kinda funny ! 781 Dumbbell POS 4 buy this rack on Amazon and it arrive 5 day later . Free shipping be definitely a plus . Box weigh close to 60 pound . the rack be very heavy and sturdy and should have no problem hold we dumbbell . third tier be helpful and worth the little extra cost over the two tier rack . my one complaint be with the packaging of this product from the manufacturer . it come with a dozen bolt , washer and nut need for assembly . they be not secure inside the box and end up all over the box when I open it up . two washer be miss . there be a 800 toll free customer service number to call for miss part but I do not use it because I have other washer that I could use . 197 Dumbbell NEG 1 the man 's shaker weight do not perform ANYTHNG like the tv advertisement . it be very difficult to get the thing to shake back and forth and do not resemble the tv ad at all . basically , I feel like I have a plastic 5 # dumbell . I be very disappoint in this product . I have a Bowflex and use it religiously 3 day a week . so I be not decondition - that be not the problem . I call customer service and be tell that it do not work as easily as show on tv - keep try . 731 Dumbbell POS 5 5 star hand down this be super easy to put together only 1 step . come with everything in the pic definitly worth the price and come on time . ive have it about a month and a half and use it almost every day 955 Dumbbell POS 5 very happy with the rack - no more dumbbell clutter . have 270 lb . on it and it be sturdy . be easy to assemble . 367 Dumbbell POS 5 I use this for 2 week straight and now I be rip . lose 20 pound and the girl be all over I . 259 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the man 's Shake Weight , read the instruction and watch the enclosed dvd . I have also watch the ad online . the product in the ad and the one you buy be totally different . absolutely do not buy it . you can get the same benefit and perhaps better by shake any dumbell you exercise with . the spring on each end only react once with every shake you make yourself . the one in the ad vibrate many time for each shake you make and even sound like it have a small dynamo in it and probably do . it be a exercise scam , do not be fool ! 355 Dumbbell NEG 1 as see on tv ! how can anything with those word proudly emblazon upon it be in any way disappointing ? I begin by shake the weight as recommend . Shake it with the left , shake it with the right , do the hokey pokey and shake it all around . initially I be impressed that I could now work out at home and not have to bother with nasty thing like squat , deadlift , weighted dip and pull up ... everyone know that lift heavy weight be poor exercise . besides , what if a barbell fall on my toe ? Shakeweight be safe and effec -- ummmm , be I suppose to be lose muscle mass ? never mind ... I be sure it be still a great product . I will , however admit that it fail to make my arm any stronger or ` more tone ' . by this point I have almost give up ... but I figure one more try ; sometimes you have to innovate and find new use for a product . I tie the shakeweight to my -lrb- male part of anatomy that we pee out of -rrb- and proceed to shake , shake , shake ! now my -lrb- it be the dirty part I can not use the word -rrb- be huge like a elephant 's trunk and could easily punch out a mugger ! thank-you shakeweight ! 55 Dumbbell NEG 2 sorry but this be a great idea , however it should come in different weight size etc. . its very light weight . I really would have use it if it would have be heavier . HOWEVER for those just start out exercise and need to build up , its a great toy to burn some calorie . it shake with ease and there be alot of arm position you can use to start . they just need to make some adjustment for more muscle building . I guess you can use this to practice you grip control on a spouse , but hey I have a headache ! 772 Dumbbell POS 5 I actually put this together myself even though the instruction say not too . I understand why once I get start . the piece be heavy and very wobbly until you tighten everything up . once it be together it be great , it hold all of my lighter hand weight and my husband heavier one too . the only weird thing about this piece be the rubber foot . there be ridge on the inside that prevent you from push the foot fully into place . that say you do not notice it once the unit be in place . but when I be move it around the foot fall off a couple of time and it be difficult to lean the thing on it side and gingerly put one on at a time . still , I do it and the product be great . 744 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this set for my wife to use for p90x . I have the classic version and we both love the Powerblock design . quick weight change , heavy duty material , and perfect for those who want to save space . what more can you say ? its Powerblock , the best adjustable dumbbell on the market . 70 Dumbbell NEG 1 Pretty crappy product . the quality be very poor which be practically plastic . the only way to get it to work the way they advertise be to go so fast on it that you tire out before you see any result . in the long run it may become useful but you have to be in already great shape to reap any benefit from it . truth of the matter be that those who be already in shape rarely would utilize something like that . I would definitely think twice about buy this unit . 203 Dumbbell POS 4 I use this after a set of pushup . I have do the dvd , but truthfully it seem like no matter how you shake it you be basically just get a upper arm workout . the principle be very old , but most be unaware of it , so it seem new to everyone . you be basically do mini-contraction , almost like a vibrate isometric move . it make a nice finisher to you pushup , but unless you be a real couch potato , you will want to do more than the ShakeWeight for you fitness routine . 666 Dumbbell POS 5 excellent product . I be very happy with the result in such a sort time . you can really see the muscle develop in my arm . I use the dumbbell everyday and would recommend it highly . it also travel well . 390 Dumbbell POS 5 I like these much more than I think I would . they be very easy to use , and very well balanced . now I do not have to listen to that crappy gym music , and I can lift while the coffee brew . yeah ! btw-instead of spend a extra $ 140 for a elite set -lrb- 2.5 lb increment -rrb- , I purchase a $ 20 . adjustable wrist weight set . this give I .5 , 1.5 , 2.5 lb increment . 417 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be work out every day with this weight for two week now and it absolutely , positively work . I have notice that the older woman in my family lose muscle tone in they shoulder and arm as they age and I decide I would try to do something to prevent that from happen to I . I can not believe how much this have do for my arm . I look absolutely ridiculous use it but I feel so much stronger and tone . I have injure my shoulder in the past -lrb- once do pilate on a reformer and once carry a luggage -rrb- and I have have absolutely no problem with the exercise on the video . this be the only piece of equipment that I have ever purchase and actually use every day . I just keep the video in my laptop and work it into my schedule during the day . thankfully I work out of a home office where no one can see I ! 623 Dumbbell POS 4 these weight be ship quickly and arrive in good order -lrb- hard to damage solid iron -rrb- . Weight seem to be correct . size of weight be clearly mark . the handle be the wide , straight version . this type of handle can cause some issue for people brand new to they but that will go away with time and use . the grip seem to be well etched and work like it suppose to . although , I would not expect the use of these weight with some type of oily\/coated hand that may leave a reside . if you have never use these type of weight before then you should probably use a thin set of weight glove so as to get some toughening of the hand at first . if you might be concern about the length of the bar you do not need to be . all you should do be to center you hand and have enough of a grip to hold it there . if you do not then I suggest you work you forearm harder -lrb- roll down the finger and back up while forearm be support only to the wrist thus , leave the hand free to bend downward . this can be do both with the back of the hand point toward the floor and , though much harder , with the palm down . work until failure -lrb- past the burning -rrb- for 4 or 5 set utilize only 60 - 90 seconds rest period between set . anyway ... -rrb- Hope this help some . just remember , these be not `` show-off '' weight , they be work weight . 433 Dumbbell POS 5 just receive and setup the apex 3 tier rack . it be a great rack for money , space saving , easy to setup and very sturdy if you follow the simple instruction . order it on Tuesday it arrive on Thursday . hold hex weight from 8lb to 40lb , 10 pair total . Perfect fit . 213 Dumbbell POS 4 I 'll start off by say that if you be hope to look like the guy in the commercial , get a personal trainer and a dietician . you will not be super buff in no time from the Shake Weight . it be not for people who want to be perfectly chisel . but after 3 month of use it myself , once or twice a day -lrb- usually just once -rrb- , I can definitely notice a difference in the tone and shape of my arm and shoulder . in fact I notice after just a couple week . so for I it be perfect because that be all I really want . you can do it while watch tv or whatever to make the time go faster . and the faster you go , the more intense the workout , so you do not have to buy a bunch of different size weight that clutter up you house . so if all you want be a easy way to turn flabby arm into decently tone one , go for it ! I be definitely go to keep use it . 6 Dumbbell POS 5 I recive the item on time and in exelent condition -lrb- brand new -rrb- . I recoment highly . 735 Dumbbell NEG 1 I would prefer to say something positive , but I can not . the motion of each end be very slight and make no click or noise , so you get no satisfaction and no particular value in a work out . two $ 5 2 1\/2 lb weight from a discount store would do you more good than this basically useless item . I do not understand all the positive review . they must be from friend of the manufacturer . I guess I could say they have good commercial because I buy one , but they do not even act like the one you see in the commercial . I be give mine to any one who will take it . 641 Dumbbell POS 4 very nice quality . love the color . easy to grip . recommend it for anyone who want something bright-colored and cheery to use during they workout ! 117 Dumbbell POS 5 I love this thing ! when i first get it i couldnt even use it for a minute cause the burning of my arm ! now they be get into great shape and my boyfriend have even try it a few time lol I recommend to all the woman in my family and share mine when I can ! would get if you want to tone up you arm !! 372 Dumbbell POS 5 this product arrive on time . it be easy to assemble and the instruction be easy to follow . it hold we dumbell securely and do not appear to want to topple over or anything . I would recommend this product . it do not fit all of we weight on there , but there be space beneath to store some smaller size weight . 770 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a great dumbbell in several way . one way be the rigid grip on the handle . the rigid & bumpy grip make it difficult to drop unless you completely let go of it . wear glove be recommend if you have soft or sensitive hand . the hexagon shape prevent rolling , so you can use these to perform pushup with . the coating hold up really well . Overrall , a great product . I highly recommend it . 271 Dumbbell POS 5 a little difficult at first but with practice it become easier . muscle in forearm be be define and it be build up my shoulder . Easy to pick up at any hour of the day and do a 60 minute burst . 212 Dumbbell POS 5 I want to buy the bowflex selecttech 1090 DUMBELLS which weigh 90lb each . I CA not find a stand make for the 1090 's . will this stand work with them or will the extra 60LBS of WEIGHT CAUSE PROBLEMS ? anybody USING THIS COMBO that CAN provide me with SOME FEEDBACK ? 567 Dumbbell NEU 3 I buy this when I be on break from school and start out use it with the 6minute cd . though I doubt I 'll ever look like she , I hope I can get some muscle tone in my arm . when I have free time now I do a few excercise , but after read a few review have be skeptical about use certain one . its not a miracle worker , and you do have to work at it every day consistently but I think its a good product 679 Dumbbell POS 5 I order this not expect too much , but I love it . the accompany video be great for motivation . my shoulder be so much better now . 856 Dumbbell POS 5 I do not even need the instruction on how to put this together . it be so simple and only take I 20 minute . i be amaze after i put this together how many people have problem put this together ... Anyways , this be a awesome product and now i can finally get my 1090 's off the damn floor . 797 Dumbbell POS 5 this shake weight be not junky like a lot of as see on Tv Products , and it be more fun to use than regualr dumbell 738 Dumbbell POS 5 first I want to address the guy that give low rating . if you can not shake this little 5lb weight , then you be very weak , and need it more then any one . if you be weak , it do make it awkward to use at first . that because you not use to it yet ... duh ? do you expect to be a pro the first time you use it ? do you expect to look like the guy on tv after 1 day ? another guy be surprise to find out you have to shake it ? ok that all I will say on that ... I think it speak for it self . now for review : I have be work out since I be in weight training class in high school , I be 37 now . this weight do perform exactly as advertise . I be pleasantly surprise to find this little 5lb weight can make I break a sweat and feel the burn after only a few min of use . you will use and build fast twitch white muscle from the short burst of movement , and you will also build slow twitch red muscle from the hundred of muscle contraction do in just a couple minute . fast twitch muscle be tight and compact , slow twitch be large bulk of the muscle for size and endurance . I can see how this will bennifit both . I do not know if you will build raw power with this , but you will most certainly burn calorie , lean muscle , get rip , and even some bulk after long term use . -lrb- natural look bulk , not wrestler look bulk . one thing people must realize . the only way to look like the guy on tv be many many year of very hard work , and a strict diet . -lrb- 5-10 year -rrb- it be a shake weight , not a magic wand . I recommend this for any one 884 Dumbbell POS 5 well im a guy and not really mature , but i be question about buy this . my first thought be `` lame '' , the obvious look like they guy be -lrb- blank -rrb- ing off a -lrb- blank -rrb- . but i be curious and lookd at other review and think id try it out . all i gotta say be damn this thing be a work out . i play football and other sport and i have never feel a burn like this every . honestly i cant even finish the 6 min work out . well i could but i cant keep up the pace of motion the thing i start off at the beginning . . this thing kick my @ $ $ . . show a couple of my friend that have same point of view and they be amaze as well . . i still think it look like u know wut but i dont care anymore . its a sick work out . . just clear the tough guy mind you get and give it a shot ... u might still think it look like the thing ur thinking but youll know it work ... 710 Dumbbell POS 4 well I be hesitate to buy this item for my husband because it be just gonna end up somewhere in the house , like the other stuff that he buy , but I end-up buy one anyway because he like to own one ... so far he be use it so I guess he like it ... not bad purchase . he actually tell I that he like the fact that he can take it anywhere in the house and he can hide it anywhere . . well he actually have a workout room and he have quite stuff there so I guess not bad item to add on he workout stuff . 473 Dumbbell NEG 2 I have a chronic shoulder\/elbow condition that be aggravate by weight bearing exercise , and think this piece of equipment would be just the thing I need to prevent that , yet still get the arm\/shoulder shaping I desire . not so ... after the first use , my condition -lrb- tendonitis\/bursitis -rrb- flare so badly that I have to use ibuprofen and ice\/heat therapy for several day just to endure . it be be several week now , and I still have some pain . although the workout look harmless enough , just be aware of the potential problem if you already have any chronic condition . the short workout program include may be too long to start out with . 314 Dumbbell POS 5 these be much cheaper at amazon than the alternative available at local store , and be essentially the same thing . I have somewhat large hand , and these feel comfortable to I . I will definitely buy more size in the future . 699 Dumbbell POS 5 this rack be perfect for the at home gym . it hold a good set of weight and be strong . the way each level be set back make be much easier to get the weight off the bottom rack . I be very pleased with this product . 898 Dumbbell POS 5 I make fun of this weight when it first come out because the workout look ridiculous , but then i research into the product , read many rave review -lrb- and many also claim it be a ridiculous look workout but that it work !! -rrb- and how this thing have work for they . I like work out but my busy shedule limit I from do hour of workout so with this 6 minute workout i can fit it right in before i go to sleep . I feel the burn and my muscle be sore the follow day . I will come back and review this again after a few month to tell of the outcome of this product and how it have work for I . but so far this product be do it be job . 211 Dumbbell POS 5 I have 520 pound on this rack and it be totally sturdy . I be skeptical because of the price of this rack and be extremely satisfy with this product . very easy to take even 50 pound weight on and off without worry of pinch you hand or anything like that . definite 5 star product . 435 Dumbbell POS 5 I recently get this dumbbell rack and could not be happier . I have two cat and dumbbell range from 5 to 45 lb . anyone who have cat know that that combo be a recipe for great gob of cat fur collect under the weight and no matter how often you vaccuum or sweep , it somehow manage to recongregate . this rack get all the dumbbell off the floor , prevent the collection of fur and other dirt , and make the weight a lot more accessible . the one comment to add to those of the other here be that this rack really only work well with hexagonal dumbbell . I have two round-bell 10-pound dumbbell and when I try to place they on the rack , they slip off and fall . so I have have to replace they . I prefer the hexagonal anyway , but if you have nothing but round-bell weight , you might want to look at a different design . but if you have the standard hexagonal , you 'll love this . it be compact , solid , and surprisingly solid for the price . plus , if you be a Amazon Prime member , it will ship for free , which be pretty amazing give its weight . I highly recommend this rack . 943 Dumbbell POS 5 if you be start from zero and have back-of-the-arm flab , this thing will get you a measurable result if use DAILY for a minimum of two week . if you buy it and do not use it , it will mock you from its hiding place , remind you that no result come from a lack of hard work . this will take about 8 minute out of you day . not a huge amount of time to see result this good . Perfect for people with limited space to work out . well-made item of hard plastic with chrome end . yes , it look silly when you use it . do not do this or most other exercise in the hope of look dignified . do it to get rid of flubber arm . 604 Dumbbell POS 4 the original set be very difficult to use , the weight stick together and I have to pry they apart . I discover that one of the weight be completely bent which be why that one be SOOOO hard to use . I call Sport Block and they send I new weight and pay to have the old one return to they . they make the return hassle-free which I really appreciate and the new weight work perfectly , the weight do not stick together at all . I do wish I have not have to go through the hassle of have they be so frustrating to use -lrb- before I have they replace . -rrb- I be very surprised there be not a better quality control system in place with the company , but at least they make it right and I be very happy with the weight now . 858 Dumbbell NEG 1 like a few other reviewer , I neglect to read the item description very carefully . there be one dumbbell in this order , not two ! beware ! this be very misleading . as the reviewer mk say , I would not have purchase only one dumbbell for the price ... I guess I be the dumbbell now -lrb- yuck yuck -rrb- ! 185 Dumbbell POS 5 I research way to have some home workout equipment that would be small enough to fit in my studio apartment while also provide the maximum benefit for the price . these fit the bill perfectly . adjust the weight amount be seriously a 5 second process . it could not be easier . I have hear good thing about the Ironmaster dumbbell , but those be much more expensive than the Blocks . I highly recommend get the stand for these , as it make they more usable . 815 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be a total waste of time and money . I buy it hope it would actually build muscle , but it do nothing other than make I feel bad about spend $ 30 on a piece of plastic . 195 Dumbbell POS 5 you already know what you be get out of this purchase . it be a sturdy dumbbell that do not roll at all , which make it a lot easier to store . the graduation to this from a 20-pound dumbbell feel like a big difference , though . you definitely will not breeze through this weight if you be do some strength training . I wish I could say more about it , aside from the fact that this be the dumbbell to get if you be look for a 25-pounder . -lrb- not a lot of bell and whistle to review here . -rrb- 914 Dumbbell POS 5 over the past two to three year I have buy pair from 10 lb . to 60 lb . I have be very happy with they . they be solid , the handle have a slightly checkered grip which be nice when you hand be sweaty . if you have look at other manufacturer 's you may have notice the size of comparable weight can vary , less costly weight be usually larger than the cap 's . the cap weight be a reasonable size until you get beyond 60 lb , in that case , well , they be just plain big . 608 Dumbbell NEU 3 let I first begin by say that I have never buy anything from a infomercial and this be my first . so far I must say , it be be a ok experience . the shake weight work and you definitely feel the burn when you use it . the only downside be the sound it make when use it and with the position use , you sometimes end up twist it the wrong way to a side to side motion instead of a up to down motion . first time I do it my muscle ache and I want to cry on the last rep but it be worth it . 975 Dumbbell POS 5 I first get the shakeweight on 01\/3\/11 and have be utilize it 3-4 time a day . now I have be work out for year and have fall off the workout wagon for a few month now and think about get the shakeweight to help reignite my motivation and tone up my arm which be 16 inch but with no tone . now that I have get the SW , I 'll be change that . but , the SW would be most effective in it be include into one 's routine as oppose to do it solo . I have be do my bicep curl and tricep extension and hit the sw afterwards and with the dumbbell building , and the sw toning , you 'll get a good workout . I be sure after another week of this , I 'll be do the sw in rapid fire motion for a much longer duration gradually until the whole workout be all rapid fire motion . feel the burn ! feel the burn ! 143 Dumbbell POS 4 weight be great . the bench that I get with they be a serious pain to build . the mechanism for the weight be also a little tight but will loosen with usage . 487 Dumbbell POS 5 be this a total workout ? heck no ! that say , i think everyone should have one ! and why ? because it be great for the day you do not work out . it be silly , it be fun , and it give you a bit of a pump . for the price , how wrong can you go ? i lift hard 3 day a week . on my off day , i do cardio and shake weight . i give this thing heck for about 15 minute . and i really believe it be deliver some extra cut to my muscle . could i get the same thing with dumbbell that i already use ? sure , i suppose ... but this be different and give I a break from dumbbell . i gotta say , i be very surprise at how much i like this thing . anyone who buy this as they primary workout be go to be disappoint . so just do not be that lazy , and you 'll find this as a great supplementary workout piece . i would not be without mine ! 685 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase the Shake Weight when I be advise by my md to cut back on my traditional weight training program after sustain a couple of injury . accordingly , I have use the Shake Weight to either supplement a modify weight training routine or as the sole routine during interval when I be advise not to exercise use traditional weight training method . at the very least the Shake Weight have allow I to maintain my present physical condition . in addition , it certainly provide a feeling of satisfaction . while it do not produce the `` burn '' of traditional weight , it most definitely impart a feeling that be quite analogous to the sensation supply by traditional method . furthermore , when use with vigor , it certainly give the impression that one have sustain a workout session that be actually much longer in length . accordingly , I have be quite pleased with this purchase , and so much so that I actually purchase a second sample so as to have it available at more than one location without have to transport it ... not that its 5 pound would be a hardship to carry ... in fact it seem incredible that its mere 5 pound be capable of deliver such a notable effect ! two final note : the model provide by Amazon be a attractive gray with silver and black accent as oppose to some of the hideous color I have see in model for sale in retail outlet . in addition , the dvd provide be quite useful in explain how to achieve result on both a novice and advance level . however , for optimal result I would suggest progress to the more advanced level as soon as possible . 165 Dumbbell NEU 3 I receive my bow flex product very fast . the only thing I be find fault with be one set seem to be very gritty and dirty and not the other . I do not know if the other be defective or use . not that happy with the product for the price I pay . 291 Dumbbell POS 5 just like the SelectTech weight the stand be design to hold , this dumbbell stand be engineer beautifully . you can tell they really put think and time into come up with such a clever design . it be tough , take little space , and keep you selecttech weight at a optimal height , far better than have to pick they up from the ground . I would highly suggest this stand to anyone who own the weight . 107 Dumbbell NEG 1 Times be tough for a lot of we these day so I think I would help out by share my thought about the Shake Weight and how you can make you very own . you 'll need a few thing first . gather a old flashlight , one of those hand-held job that take two `` d '' battery . it should not be hard to find . they be in every Household section of every junk Shop in the world . next take out one of the corroded battery and discard it -lrb- appropriately , of course -rrb- . remove the glass lens and anything that could shatter and wrap hell out of the whole mess with duct tape . now ... . shake . yes , that be how it work . you shake it and it jiggle you arm fat until you supposedly become a supermodel . okay , if you do not have access to a old flashlight , I do have a alternative plan thanks to another reviewer . take a can of pea and make yourself a really strong duct tape handle just in case the can should slip out of you palm while you be do all that jiggle . there ya go ! another set you can share with a friend . when I buy this piece of junk at Walgreens the cashier and I look everywhere on the package to see what size battery it take , just in case they be not include . we could not find anything , nor could we find anything say that this work by my simply shake my arm . I own my set for about 20 minute before immediately return they . I do not mind that they do not work the way I think they do , I do mind that by all appearance on the commercial the model be fight back against some sort of mystical force . I see this as clear false advertising . I recommend the can of pea . 562 Dumbbell POS 5 I just get this dumbbell rack and put it together myself , within one hour . Ok , so my hubby have to make a little adjustment to it because I build it a little crooked , lol . I be absolutely please with this rack . it hold all my dumbbell , 20 's , 15 ' 2 , 12 's , 10 's , 8 's , 5 's -lrb- 2 pair of 3 's -rrb- , 2 's and 1 's . I would just like to say to the reviewer that say they can not store they smaller neoprene or vinyl weight on this rack , I lay mine across the rear top rail . this work great for now , since I have available space . if I ever fill it to capacity , then I 'll have to find another home for the smaller weight , but for now , it work , and it be a idea for everyone else . 610 Dumbbell POS 5 if you be look to get adjustable dumbbell , these be the one to buy . they be solid and will last a long , long time . I would buy these over the bowflex or any other adjustable dumbbell . I have the set that go up to 90lb . and they be great and only take up a little space . I would recommend go to a place that sell these and take a look before you buy . I be look to have a store close by that sell these and I be skeptical at first but when I play around with these dumbbell , I find out just how `` solid '' these thing be . you can get a total body workout with just these and a good weight bench . some thing you just need to try out before you purchase and I try these out and be very impressed . great design and great product . it be funny because after I go to the fitness store to look at these , I go to the local bookstore and be skim through the latest Sports Illustrated magazine and there be a article about Lance Armstrong 's comeback and several photo of he work out . one of the photo show Lance use these PowerBlock dumbbell . after that I be sell ! it must of be a sign . ha ! well good luck and I think you will really like these and may be the last dumbbell you ever buy . good luck ! 46 Dumbbell POS 4 I have own the PowerBlock for about 3 year now and I must say I be very happy with it . I buy it because I be start to run out of space and my room be look like a mess as I buy more and more conventional dumbbell . it work very well for almost every exercise : Dumbbell raise , seat press , one-hand row , incline press , curl , overhead press , etc. . the only down side be I can not do a behind the head curl with it due to it be square shape . for this I keep one conventional dumbbell around since it be easier to grip with two hand at once in that position . the other minor complaint be the pin use to select the weight be a bit hard to insert if the block be not perfectly flat , such as when it be sit on a carpet . overall , I be still very happy and consider it well worth the price when you consider how much it replace . 90 Dumbbell POS 5 ok sure the instruction lack a little . but i be able to put the stand together fairly quickly . do not let the fact that you ; re worried about the assembly sway you from purchace this stand . i put it together in about 30 min . which i do not think be to bad . so if you buy the dumbell be easy on you be self buy the stand do not hurt you ' re back , its worth every penny and effort put it together . 295 Dumbbell POS 5 Amazon do it again , great price great product . Pretty easy to put together as long as yo have have you own tool . 734 Dumbbell POS 5 this thing really allow you to isolate a full arm workout . it be a `` Super Targeter '' the ability to target each area of the arm be awesome ; and you can see the muscle articulate , and slightly contracting . the work out on the dvd be nice for a all around work out for the arm ; however I prefer to focus on my tricept ; & boy it be feel right away ; there be no next day tension in the arm , you feel it while do the exersize , but it be not uncomfortable ; actually it feel really good . not like be at the gym , when you be scream , or grunt , try to complete that last rep in pain . you go at you own pace , and whenever you want ; even take it to work , and do a couple arm crunch on you brake . the hand bar seem to be the perfect girth for a man , but could be a little narrower , I have small hand . tip : do not hold the bar too tight , because it will shimmy , and woddle all over the place . lightly , but securely , grip with you thumb , and index finger , with the rest of you finger wrap around the bar just enough , so it wont slide out of you hand . start to purchase 2 shake weight , because I know 2.5 pound be not enough weight , for I . but what they do not clarify in the listing , be that the dumbell have 2.5 lb . on each end . believe I , that be plenty of weight for a satisfying workout , that will not bulk up you arm . 251 Dumbbell POS 4 I like the Shake Weight . it definitely be a quick workout and hard to do for 30 seconds unless you be really go easy with it . you can really feel it so it be definitely do something . however , at first it may be a little difficult get the hang of use it properly so it have the right motion and do not wobble . it come with a dvd with a 6 minute workout show several different position and way to use it . 867 Dumbbell NEU 3 I have notice a few people mention that these can be expand at a later date if need , but the Sportsblock 2.4 be probably the only powerblock set that can not be upgrade with extra weight . if you be like I and be use this for a training program like p90x , go with a bigger set that go up to 50lb instead of try to save yourself some cash upfront . re-sell these and buy a heavier set be not cheaper in the long run . I have also have the same problem with the pin slip out during use , particularly with the lighter weight . it be a little concern and I tend to find myself worry about whether the pin be go to slip out rather than concentrate on the exercise . my suggestion would be to go with a heavier set -lrb- or double check with the manufacturer that whatever you get can be expand -rrb- and to make sure it have a secure fastening system . it might take you a little longer to change the weight , but you 'll be thankful in the long run . 302 Dumbbell POS 5 Ok , I know this product look like a obscene joke on the tv ad and I be highly skeptical about purchase this product . however , I have to say that this product do work . it really do tone and tighten . it get rid of that under arm jiggle and give you some definition . it be great to use when watch tv and if you do not have time to go to the gym and use weight . it be not heavy at all and once you get use to the motion you can play around with it to target specific muscle group . you do get a good weight workout and can feel the burn after a while . this will not replace do weight but be a great addition for when you can not get to the gym or want to do something while watch tv . highly recommend . 118 Dumbbell POS 5 I travel extensively and be always on-the-go . so whenever i travel , i can not work out with my weight at home and not all hotel offer a gym . so i decide to try out the shake weight since its not so big and heavy as normal weight . I do not expect that now the Shake Weight have become my favorite exercise ! after use it for a few time a week either when i travel or at home , i realize that my muscle have become more tone . it actually work ! 24 Dumbbell POS 5 I originally purchase the selecttech 552 dumbbell with the intention of simply pick they up from the floor . this be not good on my back so I finally order this stand . the stand work as advertise , look great , and definitely help avoid stress on my back when pick up the weight . it take approximately 30 minute to assemble the stand , which be not difficult if you organize the part and follow the direction . you will likely need a wrench , though , to tighten the screw . I do not have one with I , so my stand be a bit loose , but it still work fine . the stand come with strap to better secure the weight when not in use -lrb- although it appear to be more for store display purpose -rrb- , and it come with optional roller wheel to make the stand easier to move around . I recommend it . 489 Dumbbell NEU 3 I try it for a week just for fun . just like any-other sport equipment , you just have to keep up with it and have patience . I lose a inch off my arm in 7 day -lrb- i have the measure tape to prove it -rrb- . my arm be definitely tighter . it be a ok equipment , but i think i will stick to the traditional dumbbell ; maybe once in a while , i will switch to the shake-weight -lrb- since it be not refundable -rrb- . -lrb- _ -rrb- \* 642 Dumbbell POS 4 I purchase this set for use with Chalean Extreme and they work great . good quality product . it be easy and quick to change weight and I have have no problem with they after 5 month of use 3 time per week . couple of thing to note . they do need to be store on a hard service ; place on carpet make it very difficult to change the weight set . only thing I would change would be the grib when hold a single weight overhead with both hand . it be hard to place both hand on or inside the weight and get a comfortable hold . otherwise , for the quality and money spend , this set can not be beat ! 588 Dumbbell POS 5 I be look for adjustable dumbbell but do not want to pay a fortune ! while these be a little more expensive than I want to pay I be really glad that I do . I read all the review -lrb- good and bad -rrb- and decide to try they . they be easy to use , very well make and be ship in very good time . so far , I think they be a really good purchase and I be very happy with they . 601 Dumbbell POS 5 these weight come in exactly as i have expect , and with no odd smell to they which you often hear from these type of weight . the stand however be not top quality , just plastic and fall over easily when take out the weight . but if you be not buy this for the stand it be perfect ! the stand be still convenient storage and display though . 657 Dumbbell NEG 1 this product appear to be well make . it be not flimsy and all the part work well together . but that be it for the good news . the handle be make of hard , slippery plastic that make it difficult to hang on to after even the slightest sweat . in addition , the handle be oddly shape , make it very uncomfortable to hold on to with one or two hand . I be not sure what they have in mind when they design the handle . as far as the benefit of use , I can not comment as the machine be just too uncomfortable to use long enough to give a review on this point . 199 Dumbbell NEG 1 Christmas gift for son , arrive on time and everything go well . the product be use regularly and in the correct instruct way , while during normal use approx . 3 month after delivery one of the end pop off and trigger by the spring it shoot my son in the chest . I call Shake weight customer service number and be tell to take it up with Amazon , even though Shake Weight make and manufacture this product . very very disgusted with the Shake Weight company . 702 Dumbbell POS 5 Easy and comfortable to hold even without weight lifting glove on . I specifically buy the set for the 5 and 8lb weight , but certainly could not find they cheaper than this set . the octagon head be perfect for exercise that involve use the weight as a base for pushup -lrb- like `` frogger to shoulder press '' -rrb- . have not have any problem with the coating come off or chip after several month of use . 998 Dumbbell POS 5 great stand . . look great . . do it be job . . easy , clear instruction on assembly . . only 2 size of screw long and short -lrb- 7\/32 allen wrench -rrb- . . all the same size nut -lrb- 9\/16 -rrb- -lrb- use a deep socket . . make it really easy -rrb- and washer . . note when put the caster on you 'll need a -lrb- 5\/8 -rrb- open end wrench or you adjustable to tighten they . . it take I just under a hour to fully assemble it . . wish I have get the 1090 's instead of the 552 's . . maybe another day . . 632 Dumbbell POS 5 I really like this stand . I read several review warn about how bad the assembly instruction be . those review be absolutely accurate . however , I take every single piece and part out of the box and line they up on my floor before I start the assembly process . that one little trick make it easy to identify the CORRECT bolt to use and assembly be pretty quick . the stand be really useful for I . I workout to the point of exhaustion , and even have to pick up and set down a full set of weight by the end of my workout risk injury to my back . that be not a problem with this stand . I pay around $ 100 for the stand . if you watch closely , you can occassionally find sale where Selectech will include the stand when you purchase they weight . even if you can not get a package deal , however , I still recommend the stand . 329 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a Christmas present for my son , and I have not give it to he yet , so I do not know what to tell you . 242 Dumbbell POS 5 Great use they all the time . they be really useful for work out with . I like how easy it be to put together and it look neet in my bedroom ! THEY be the bomb 756 Dumbbell POS 5 I feel like I be take a little risk buy this thing because it look like it be get alot of cross-member , strut , wheel , etc. . I like simple sturdy fitness equipment , preferably make of heavy-gage steel , and not a complicated contraption . but , I have to say , this thing be sturdy . it do not shake or creak or bend under the load when I set my dumbbell down on it , and sometimes after a hard workout I do not always set my dumbbell down as gently as maybe I should . some of the other review really emphasize how tricky the assembly process be . because of that , I do something I almost never ever do - follow the instruction . yeah . . step by step . bore ? yes . I put a movie on tv to ease the boredom . a couple other thing I do that I think help be I make certain I be use the correct bolt in each step because there be several bolt that be close in length , and I do not tighten anything until near the end of the assembly process . basically , I have no trouble put this thing together . the whole assembly process take I about a hour and a half , but that be because I be watch a movie . I probably double or triple the amount of assembly time by do that of course , the main reason I buy this stand be so I do not have to pick my dumbbell up off the ground and risk back injury . obviously this stand solve that problem , but it also have a basic v shape -lrb- when view from the top -rrb- , and this let you step in between the dumbbell and pick they up or put they down without bend over . I like that alot better than those straight shelf-style dumbbell stand that you usually see in gym . incidentally , this stand come with a set of four optional disk-shaped foot that you can put on it instead of the caster show in the picture . I set mine up with the caster because I do not have alot of space and I need to roll this thing out to use it , at least in the beginning before I rearrange a few thing . the disk-shaped foot might be handy though if you need to lower the stand a little bit , because I think they be a little shorter than the caster . bottom line be I have no problem recommend this stand . 156 Dumbbell POS 5 I receive a shake weight for Christmas this year , and I be impressed ! it do seem quite heavy and bulky at first , but now two month later I can most definitely tell the difference in my arm and shoulder . I be plan on send they to everyone next year ! -lrb- ... -rrb- 534 Dumbbell POS 5 in the past few week I have assemble two Rowing machine and the Bowflex 5.1 Bench and the instruction for this product be no better , no worse than any other instruction I have view recently . in fact , I think put the stand together be pretty self-explanatory even without the instruction . I assemble the stand in a little over a hour with a few quick glance at the instruction book because I hate read instruction . it do take a little muscle to tighten the screw and bolt , but then , that be why I want the Dumbbell Set in the first place . that be say , I think it be a great product , well make and sturdy . I have to admit after read the other review I be put off at the thought of have to struggle to put another piece of equiptment together , but , it be really a breeze ! the bench be also a excellent product too . 965 Dumbbell POS 5 this rack be a great deal . you can not beat the price with the free shipping . I receive it less than a week after I order it . it be just as they advertise and better than I expect . the rack it very sturdy and be pretty easy to put together . I do not notice any bad smell as indicate in some of the other review . I be very happy with this rack . it be exactly what I need . 664 Dumbbell POS 5 Amazon be superb in deliver quality product such as this on from Bowflex . I order this for my husband and he love it !! recommend it to all who use exercise equipment . 335 Dumbbell POS 5 I know the Shake Weight be get all kind of criticism . but honestly , this thing work !! I use weight , band , isometric and various other type of exercise but none give the `` burn '' that Shake Weight do . I honestly mean `` burn '' . my arm be hurt and I be feel rip in just 6 minute !! nice benefit of Shake Weight be that on day I do not feel like work out or I be just lazy , I can still get in a butt kick workout . . in just 6 minute ! highly recommend !!! 432 Dumbbell POS 5 when I first hear about the shake weight dumbell , I think it be a joke . then I read about it and watch the video and see that it would work in the area that my arms\/shoulders need help with . I find it available thru Amazon.com -lrb- the actual shake weight site be too much $ $ $ -rrb- . when I use the dumbell , I can really feel the arm -lrb- upper , lower , flabby part -rrb- truly be get the muscle go and I have notice some tone since begin with it . 6 minute a day do not sound like a lot , but when you start with this and have not work on you arm in a very long time , it feel tiring and as if you have be work those arm for a hour or so . I think I begin at 2 minute a day and have to reach the full 6 minute in interval over a 15 minute period : -rrb- -lrb- if I be much younger , I probably would not really need something like this to tone my arm and upper body , but be in my 50 's , this seem to work for I . -rrb- 807 Dumbbell NEG 1 I have have this for about a month and use it maybe 15 time before today . the 16th time I use it it come apart !!! now it be worthless . 713 Dumbbell POS 5 this rack work perfectly for my hex dumbbell from 20-50lbs . the smaller weight do not fit as well but since they be lighter , I be not that concern with pinch a finger between the weight and the rack . 264 Dumbbell POS 5 have be use my set for 3 year now . they be hold up just great !! `` SALLEN FROM il . '' sound like a whiner and a idiot . buy these , you 'll love they . 742 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this with low expectation . however this item have definitely exceed my expectation . I think it be the goofiest look thing out there be why I buy it . it be addicting to use the shake weight . I love it !!!! 350 Dumbbell POS 5 I be just a average 44 year old with age arm and the Shake Weight -lrb- not a heavy weight -rrb- be help I tone they . I love the fast 6 minute workout too . I keep the dvd inside my computer for a quick workout anytime . the Shake Weight workout have already increase my arm strength -lrb- something i want -rrb- . I do get sore muscle at first so take it easy . 456 Dumbbell POS 5 so , I be walk through Dick 's Sporting Goods and see these weird look adjustable dumbbell . I want some adjustable dumbbell for a long time but the Bowflex and Weider one have move part that do not seem to work right and look like they be go to snap off not to mention the hefty price tag . so suffice to say I think these be go to be junk too . I try they in the store and go home and sell my home gym so I could buy these . man , do I love these thing . they be sturdy , intuitive , take up next to no space , and use they with p90-x have be awesome ! the fact that the work on a bracket and brace system that do not have spring or mechanical part mean I do not have to worry about they break and get stick . I work as a draftsman so I have a analytical mindset and the more I use these thing the more I think they be design by a real engineer and not some `` product designer '' who want a product that look cool regardless of function . solid as a rock and if use right should last a lifetime . the one I have go from 5-50 and adjust in 5 lb increment . if you need more than 50 lb then they have upgrade set that you can buy but they be kind of costly . do not think I 'll need the upgrade anytime soon . these thing rock ! if you buy they in a store and not on Amazon you might save a little money , too . 924 Dumbbell NEG 2 I have find this product to be very hard to use . I do not think I be a uncoordinated person but I can not get this to work as it say in the video or show . it be stressful on the neck muscle . I have not see that it improve my arm muscle at all but I be give it a chance . 792 Dumbbell POS 5 if space and simplicity be top priority , this be the set . I have gym equipment in the garage that be bigger and more ` manly ' . this set set in my closet and get I to do a few quick shoulder exercise ever few day . I find they to be plenty solid . in fact they be much better than the ` dial a weight ' set that I have try at hotel . and , if I can get sufficiently motivate while lift these , I will actually go to the garage and do a more serious workout . 931 Dumbbell NEU 3 it be too hard to hold on that every time when I be use it , it hurt my hand on mtp joint on the rear thumb . should have some sort of soft grip to protect hand . 468 Dumbbell NEG 2 the direction be pretty bad . and as someone else say the screw be very hard to tighten . they have a plastic stopper inside the bolt that you have to break through and its really tough on you hand if you use the hex wrench they supply . of course you would want to tighten the screw well because it be hold a lot of weight . my main complaint be the wheel it come with . I buy this for the sole purpose of store it somewhere and wheeling it to work out with . the wheel be terrible and make of cheap plastic . they do not spin because the weight of the stand and dumbbell . so essentially i be drag it across my wood floor , make it pointless . I will have to try and find real caster that actually roll ! if you plan on not move the stand then it be a decent , although any solid surface would hold the weight . if you have the room to be store they stationary not sure why you would even need a specific stand . this certainly be not a small space safe stand . a solid table would take up about the same space and cost way less . 971 Dumbbell NEG 2 the weight come be a cardboard box that be partly open due to the weight break the cardboard . there be no clamp to hold the weight on the bar result in the weight be unusable in a safe manner . 495 Dumbbell POS 4 this be a good product . the video give you a 6 minute workout with it and I can see over time use this will eventually help you tone you arm and possibly shoulder . I be not sure how long it will take as I have just start the workout . 463 Dumbbell POS 5 these people be just greedy . they have be increase the price daily ! wait for Amazon to resolve its issue about this product . they be sell for $ 26.70 621 Dumbbell NEU 3 my logic behind this purpose be to have something convenient and fun to keep near the tv so I could tone up a bit while watch tv . I use it a few time but , for the most part , it be a pretty lonely piece of equipment . I like the concept . you be use multiple set of muscle to make the weight shake . if you be shake and do a curl , that intensify the move and will give you better result . I have read review where other complain ghat you have to make the weight shake yourself . personally I never think this be motorize or vibrate and the concept would be useless . you have to put in some effort with exercise . I have also read review about injury . I recommend new buyer watch the dvd that come with it . more than half the exercise in the routine be standard dumbbell movement that DO no require the weight to be shake . the rest you need to keep good form so that you do not go crazy and shake in the wrong position and get a injury . I do not always watch dvd that come with my purchase . I rarely do . in this case , it be necessary to see it once . would I buy this again ? probably because I be curious and do like the concept . would I replace this if it break ? no. . I already multi task enough when I watch tv . it would be easier for I to bring the stability ball and watch do ab exercy or just a plain set of dumbbell . for a novelty piece , it do make a interesting conversation piece . 110 Dumbbell POS 5 we receive the dumbbell quickly after order it . it be in excellent condition . my husband begin use it right away for he physical therapy follow he rotator cuff surgery do in August , 2011 . 154 Dumbbell POS 4 Powerblock Personal \/ plus pro : solid , well construct , quick weight change design . selector pin never loosen or require mid work out tighten like other adjustable . although plate shift slightly when in motion I have never worry about the system fail . 10 year warranty , make in the USA . truly portable with no need for a cradle or stand . despite other user complaint the personal plus handle upgrade work fine for I . the weld plate be so thin you would have to have monster hand for this to be a issue . if you have ever look at these on auction site or classified , they really hold they value . con : plate do make a clanging noise when in motion . change plate when you be really fatigue can be a challenge if you do not get the selector pin exactly straight . do not expect a fancy work out dvd or exercise chart , you just get a black and white instruction manual . I suggest the laminated poster . put you hand into a rectangular box do take some get use to . 93 Dumbbell POS 5 read through all of the review both good and bad . the good be this be a extremely durable and stable rack . it be build solid and hold what it be design to hold . Hexagon dumbbell pair be arrange as follow : top rack , 20-25-30 , middle rack , 35-40-45 , bottom rack , 50-55 and a single adjustable dumbell with 60 lb on it . feel sturdy with all this weight -lrb- ~ 660 lb -rrb- and have be in service for a few month now . I decide to put my lighter weight -lrb- 5 , 8 , 10 , and 15 on a small and much cheaper make Gold 's Gym Christmas tree rack from Walmart . agree with some of the packaging issue be sub-par . one of the sticker on the rack be all chew up from shift around but not really a bother to I . overall , I be very pleased for the price . 357 Dumbbell POS 5 the Apex Deluxe 3-Tier Dumbbell Rack be well make . the weld be good and its easy to put together ; it take I about 10 minute to assemble . a great buy . 50 Dumbbell POS 5 great dumbbell set , make I use they a lot since its nicely set up with the stand and doesnt let I forget about it , since i keep it in front of my eye . great set . truly recommend . 929 Dumbbell POS 5 I be a little embarrassed about buy something so hokey expect it to work a miracle . I have be use it six minute twice a day . it take about two week to get up to six minute , it be not that easy . I be in my late 50 's and my upper arm have no shape at all . I have try free weight and tone exercise but any woman over 50 know it be almost impossible to see result enough to stay motivated . it be be six week and my uupper arm look better then they have ever look . I have not wear a sleeveless top in decade , now I wear they all the time . Laugh and scoff all you like about this silly thing but if use every day you will get result . I now do not mind use heavier free weight to get more definition but I do not mind if I do not , I be happy with no flab arm , definition or not . 547 Dumbbell POS 5 I absolutely love these dumbbell . the ease of use be incredible and the ability to change small increment in weight and not have weight all over the place be great . right now I be do some circuit type training that require you to move from one exercise to another with a very short break , these make it easy . I can finish a exercise , change both these from one weight to another and get they in position for the next exercise in under a minute , easily . I have have no problem at all with the quality and use . you do need to make sure the pin be fully seat and both side be under the same weight as many have state but it be no extra effort , just pay attention and make sure the pin come all the way through when you push it in . they be easier to change on a hard surface , if you use a carpeted floor it help to lift one side to change the pin . only negative I can come up with , these do not expand into a heavier set so you may grow out of this set . so think that through carefully as you may save $ $ in the long run by buy the next set up to begin with . 448 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be use these for about a year . more or less 30 minute a day 5 day a week . over the year I have significantly increase overall strength in my upper and lower body . I have also lose about 10 % of my body weight -lrb- from 145 to 130 -rrb- . I be about 50 and male . in the time it would take to drive to\/from the gym I can get in a excellent workout at home . the weight fit in any space and I recommend a bench and a stand to hold the weight . the stand or any hard surface will make adjust the pin that hold the weight easier . a stand help with lift the weight . I notice change in my body in about two month and my only regret be not get a set that have a higher weight limit . PowerBlock 's web site offer expandable set , probably should have pay more attention when purchase . PowerBlock be a US company and they have a good web site with video for exercise . 1 Dumbbell POS 5 I receive the Shaker in two day - great for build you arm - you get out of it what you put into it . 35 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this product because I want to do something about my arm , which in all honesty , be get a little on the flabby side . I know this product would not be good for muscle growth , but since what I want be tone , I take a shot . I have a decent amount of muscle build up from previous weight lifting program , but now I want a little more definition , and this have help . it be be almost three week and I can see a improved appearance in both my forearm and triceps . my biceps seem to be lag in the tone department , but since I have get result in less than three week , I be go to continue with the program and see if I can not closer to where I want to be . 424 Dumbbell POS 5 this stand for the SelectTech dumbell be a must have for people with low back issue . no stoop down to tool around with the dumbell anymore . its make my workout a lot easier and quicker plus its take the strain off my back . its worth the money . the strap that affix the two dumbell basis be a bit hokey pokey , but they serve they purpose in keep the base down . 100 Dumbbell NEU 3 I go this product because I have hear several radio show reference it and think it should be this really great product . I have actually be a little underwhelm by it and not quite sure if it be really do much . I have see the video and use it several time , but I be not really feel anything or see any result . my wife have grab it up and be try it out too -lrb- to try to firm up she arm . -rrb- we 'll continue to use it and I 'll leave a update , but for now , I be really not sure if it be worth the almost $ 30 I pay for it . pro : 1 . its not too heavy ... but not sure if this be really a pro since I want to work out . 2 . it look nice ... not sure what more to say about its pro . con : 1 . seem to only be use in a couple limited way -- although I guess these way be suppose to work out more area than what you think ... we 'll see . I hope this have be helpful ... I promise I 'll leave more later as we try it out . if it really work on my wife 's arm , then I 'll likely raise this to at least 4-star . 450 Dumbbell POS 4 this be a gym quality rubber coated hex dumbbell . it fit well with my weight set in my health club with other hex dumbbell . the handle be `` ergo '' but be thick at 35mm . there be some brand out there with grade handle size base on how heavy it be but this be the same size throughout . people with smaller hand will find this to be a large size . the smell be that of a new tire and be not overpower in my rubber floor room . Cap be a brand that also make home weight set and this be truly the high end of the set . it be comparable with most lower end rubber hex dumbbell but do not have the feature of higher end dumbbell from York and Hampton that have either a grade handle or higher quality urethane coating . for the price this be a good dumbbell although not better than body solid sdrs550 5-50-pound Rubber Hex Dumbbell Set THESE DUMBBELLS be sold individually . do not expect to get a pair . 571 Dumbbell POS 5 haha purchase as a gag gift but I have try it out and it do feel like it work . just have to get that motivation up ! 168 Dumbbell POS 5 when I see these weight on the internet , I be really turn off by the `` square '' shape . I try to find they in local store to see if they be really that ugly in person , but could not find any . however , just as I be set to purchase from a different manufacturer which offer a traditional barbell look , one review on the PowerBlock change my mind . it be a review by a woman state that the PowerBlock 's handle grip be very comfortable for a woman 's hand , whereas as the handle on the other set I be consider buy be fatter in the middle , make it harder for smaller hand to get a good grip . anyway , go with the PowerBlocks in spite of the square shape and be totally in love with they now . they fit my hand perfectly and take up less space than the two pair of dumbbell that I have be use previously -lrb- a 3lb . set and a 5 lb . set -rrb- . and it be really , really easy to switch the amount of weight with the pin setup , which be very similar to the way you change weight on a weight machine at the gym . I would definitely recommend these ... 717 Dumbbell POS 4 Shake Weight be a excelent product for upper body strength . product be of high quality , easy to use , and affordable . the dvd provide a excellent user ' guide . 875 Dumbbell POS 5 the weight range on these be perfect for I . it be easy to change the weight and not too bulky . 396 Dumbbell POS 4 I buy these to add a little more challenge to my step aerobic . it be help to bring my heart rate up faster and help to tone my arm , which be exactly what I be look for . I like the neoprene coating since the weight do not get slippery even when I start sweating . my only complaint would be that the stand be a little flimsy . even so , I be happy with the value I get for my money . I may be buy another set because my husband have also start use they during we workout and we sometimes want the same weight . 550 Dumbbell NEU 3 ok just get this rack put together today so let start from the begin packing - packing be ok but the nut and bolt pack break and they where lay all over the box assembly - easy assy take about 10 min only 12 bolt to tighten a + on this apex design - it be a very sturdy rack and only weigh 56lb but the angle iron that hold the dumbbell be to tall for the 10lb dumbbell so they rock back and forth and the rack need to be about 4in longer , it be a very tight fit to get all 10-50 hex on the rack if they make it 4in longer it would be a nice fit and you could probably even get a set of 55lb on there all in all I be happy with the rack it look nice and serve its purpose 893 Dumbbell NEU 3 the stand be plastic and the plastic have rust spot and be not break off correctly so it make it more difficult to put together . the weight themselves have a lot of divit in the rubber that cover the actual weight , they look terrible . it doesnt seem as though the company plan on call I back about it either ... . 927 Dumbbell POS 5 very please with the price and performance . not foolproff but simple check assure no mishap with loose weight . 553 Dumbbell POS 5 as expensive as this set be , the convenience and space saving we get out of it be unparalleled . have they have make it easy and convenient for I to do multiple exercise with different weight amount easily instead of have to purchase , store , and alternate between multiple weight . they be recommend to I by a friend and I be glad I listen ! 973 Dumbbell POS 5 I see this on tv the same day i see the Neck Slimmer . no way would I ever buy it from the tv . I go to target , and there it be , for -lrb- ... -rrb- , and I buy it . I go home , put in the 6 minute dvd into my laptop , and use it . I could hardly keep up . I guess I have weak shoulder . I wake up the next morning , with soreness in my muscle of my arm , in tiny muscle that be not often use . day 2 , I do the same thing , and my biceps be more shapely . this be a amazing product ! I belive in this thing , and I be glad I find it at target . I do not like my arm , and nothing seem effective . the shape Weight be effective . I be go to do it every day -lrb- in the comfort of my own home , without a suggestive expression , as the woman on the infomercial have . hide it from my son 's immature friend . -rrb- it be not a joke , it really work . for 6 minute a day , it be surprisingly effective . I do wish it be market a bit differently so that it do not look to be funny , but effective . it work , and do not listen to a bunch of pervert who say other thing about it . it work , it work , it work . I love this product . 138 Dumbbell POS 5 it do everything you would expect it to do . the size be perfect for a home workout area , and you can not beat the price . 409 Dumbbell POS 4 I order these as a gift for my boyfriend . I do not order the stand that be suggest . they arrive 3 day after I place my order without pay extra for expedited shipping . con : they do make a little noise when use they . pro : compact , reasonable price , great for a beginner , easy to use , stand be not need if you have a hard , flat surface to place they on . this set be too light -lrb- 24 pound max -rrb- for my boyfriend to get a really good workout . I know they would be light for he so I that be why this be not a con . the more appropriate set for he be out of my price range . I would like to order the next set up as well as the stand , but I have to wait until I can save up the money . other than be on the light side for the boyfriend , we be happy with this set . 471 Dumbbell POS 4 this weight set consist of a regular length hollow bar -lrb- which come in two piece and you beat together -rrb- , and two shorter bar . there be also clip to hold the weight on the end of each bar . there be two 20lb plate , four 10lb plate , and four 5lb plate . the plate fit both the longer bar and the shorter bar . the plate be nothing fancy - plastic , fill with concrete most likely , but weight be weight and they work well for I . the clip hold they fairly well -lrb- a little looser than a solid bar and actual solid plate -lrb- rather than fill plastic -rrb- but still effective . my only complaint -lrb- that I overlook when order -rrb- be that there be no 2.5 lb weight , so in order to go up or down on weight , you have to go a whole 10lb up or 10lb down since the smallest weight be 5lb and you need one on each side to keep it even . overall , though , this weight set work well for I . it be nothing fancy , but it get the job do . 689 Dumbbell NEU 3 this be okay and you will see some toning but , due to the design , there be limited movement you can do with it . I also have a 6 # exercise ball which be far more useful . I can do shoulder exercise , grip exercise , biceps , triceps , etc. . I keep one near my desk and use it several time during the day . Danskin DA-2639R 6 lb . Weighted Toning Ball 982 Dumbbell POS 5 weight come exactly as picture -lrb- aside from the fact tht the description say teal , but the pic be like sky blue ? -rrb- ^ . ^ ultimately no complaint . I definetly reccommend . also get it with Prime and you get it in a day . seriously . 896 Dumbbell NEG 1 well , order these from here and they come in prompt . once I open they I realize how much they smell with toxic petroleum chemical . -lrb- look in description it say that this chemical cause birth defect -rrb- so I keep they for a week to try to air they out , but they end up stink up my room so bad that I have put they out in the hallway before my roommate yell at I . so unless you have a good open space\/deck\/balcony where you want to air these thing out I strongly recommend stay away from these . I even wash they with detergent too as these be greasy . . do not help . there be other type of dumbbell that have other type of rubber coating that do not smell . I would try those , but I be so over rubber after these . Amazon have to send a truck here to pick these up . order plain iron dumbbell hopefully that should all be good . 63 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be use it for a little while now . it definitely give a good muscle workout and its actually a lot harder to use than I think - which I think be a plus because I never imagine that a shake weight would be tough to use at all . it be cheap and it do what its suppose to do . the only thing I would say be do not buy it if you think `` well , maybe its not as absurd as it look on the tv '' ... it be . Trust I . the dvd be aweful ; it be 8 minute of a absurdly buff man act like he be get a sweat from a shakeweight -lrb- it go without say that if you can bench 240 , you not go to get much of a workout from a shakeweight -rrb- . when I first use it , I feel really gay . this be not use derogatorily . I literally feel like a hand a man junk in my hand . do not get this if you live with a woman . she will inevitably make fun of you . if you live by yourself and be willing to suck it up for the sake of muscle definition , then this this might just be the product for you . 510 Dumbbell POS 4 I work out with the limited free weight I have as well as resistance band when I do P90X . however , when I decide to start p90x2 , I want a better set of free weight that would provide I with a wider range . my husband have the PowerBlock 15-50 which he love so when I mention I need some weight that will not take up the whole house , he get I this set , 3 to 24 pound and it be perfect for I . the weight increment be small enough that I get really the perfect weight for each exercise . the change of weight be super fast and secure . I be a bit skeptical of the plastic weight pin , but my husband have have he set for a year now and even with the heavier weight he use , there have never be a problem and so I do not foresee any with mine either . Bottomline , I highly recommend this set for someone who need quick change , small weight increment , and space saving . the only reason I do not give it 5 star be because it really be very expensive . but it be well make and great quality . 615 Dumbbell POS 5 the hardware package have come apart during shipping process and nut , bolt & washer be scatter everywhere . I be miss a few piece , -lrb- shipping box have hole -rrb- so I could not add the third tier . I assemble with only two tier and it be already very sturdy as be . regard the miss hardware , I call customer service and minute later I have a order prepare for the miss piece . painless customer service ... with a real person ! I will not be put on dumbbell on until I have finish assemble , but I think the process so far warrant a 5-star review . 996 Dumbbell NEU 3 they be call 5lb . dumbbell . as in , more than one . it would be nice if they could have say that , instead of surprising I . who sell one dumbbell ? who even use one dumbbell ? 531 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the powerblock because I do not want to have a bunch of dumbell sit around my house . I could not be more pleased . the PowerBlocks look unusual but I do not notice any difference between the powerblock or a set of regular dumbell . the adjustable pin slow you down a little bit if you be do some circuit training but that be the only gripe that I have . overall , a excellent product at a cheaper price than the competition . 277 Dumbbell POS 5 I have be use these sportblock for a little over a month now as part of my workout routine . for my purpose of gain a moderate amount of size and then tone , these have be perfect . I find the weight to be easy to swap between and relatively quick . it take a bit of practice -lrb- especially on carpet -rrb- to get the safety pin lock on the correct weight and securely . on carpet , the trick be to push down on the handle when insert the pin . just make sure it `` click '' when fully insert to know it be secure . rarely do I need to press pause between rep when need to swap to a heavier or lighter weight . the safety pin could use a re-design . it be plastic and flexible which can sometimes allow you to incorrectly misalign on two different weight , or split the pin around two weight . as long as you be pay attention , usually not a problem . pro : 3-24 lb be perfect for my frame and workout purpose I do not have 3 pair of standard weight sit around clutter my living room quick switch between weight be easy and color code rubberized grip be easy to grasp and do not slip con : the safetey pin be make of plastic and flex . minor issue , but the sticker on the top of the handle on my weight be not align properly . because it be a thick plastic sticker , it be cause a few scraped wrist . I just peel they off and re-applied . rattle a bit when move around but appear to be secure provide the pin be properly align I be very happy with these weight to date . they be well make overall , versatile , and easy to swap out during a workout routine . not to mention less clutter in the living room to keep the wife happy . bonus point ! 536 Dumbbell NEG 1 I really want this to work ... pregnancy leave I with floppy arm and I want to find something that would help I with that ... well , this be not it : -rrb- it do not really shake , make lot of noise for no reason . not something I would recomand 752 Dumbbell POS 5 if you be in the market for these type of `` dumbell '' -lrb- one that you can quickly change weight on -rrb- and be terrify of the really expensive alternative , do not look any further . these work exactly as advertise . as long as 24 lb on each hand be heavy enough for you , you 'll be very happy . the square shape make they easy to store and if you secure they properly , they be very safe and easy to use . they be shape well enough that you can even use both hand on one block for those exercise that require it . the `` change '' system be definitely not as fancy as the pricier competition - but it work . 246 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this product shortly after break up with my girlfriend to get more `` exercise '' . I truly enjoy the workout although I tend to fall asleep pretty quickly after I be do . however , this product be useful in more way than one . on a recent hike trip in Yellowstone , I kill a charge bear with the shakeweight . BEST MONEY I have ever spent !!! 688 Dumbbell POS 4 take I a few minute to learn how to quickly change the weight and use the pin , but after that I be good to go !! I mean these be exactly what you need if you want a convenient set of dumbbell you can use with any workout program . I use these for p90x and have no complaint . you cant obviously use these to do `` every '' exercise because of the shape , but come on ... you have the flexibility to go from 5-45lb ! I just use band for exercise that require more wrist freedom . not a big deal at all !! so far I love these ! I would recommend they to anyone who be serious about get in shape at home or away from the gym !! 506 Dumbbell POS 4 I hate to say it , since the commercial be so silly , but this thing really work . I have just be use it for a week and already my arm be more tone and less flabby . I do not know what they mean about a 6-minute workout , though , since I time the upper-body workout on the dvd and it be 12 minute . but that be still not much time out of you day for a good workout -- you just have to make sure you do it every day to get result . 398 Dumbbell NEG 1 I buy this item and it be garbage . they be no hand grip and the weight slip as you use it . you would be better off buy a hand dumbbell with the weight that you want to work out with . as see on tv Shake Weight for Men Dumbbell -lrb- 2-pack -rrb- 161 Dumbbell NEU 3 i purchase this item for my granddaughter and she really like the shaker for tone up she arm . 947 Dumbbell POS 5 you can use the dumbbell without this stand but bend over to pick they up will soon grow old , not to mention the strain you 'll be put on you back . pricey , but well make and of quality material . assembly may challenge some but follow the instruction and you will not have any problem . 413 Dumbbell POS 5 for a home gym like ours , I just need to hold a complete set from 10-50 # . this hold it all perfectly , and within easy reach compare to the other rack I have -lrb- straight tower -rrb- . no more smash finger . and incredibly , I be worry that a full set would make it a bit wobbly , but even with I stand on the middle tier -lrb- another 230lb -rrb- it be still rock solid ! assembly take 10 minute with the help of we 6yo and a power socket drill . amazing buy , highly recommend ! 457 Dumbbell POS 5 I finally get permission from my wife to purchase this stand . I enjoy the fact that it have wheel and I can set the stand in front of the tv as I work out , and then effortlessly wheel it out of sight afterwards . it save my back , as I no longer need to pick up the dumbbell off the floor . I think the direction for put it together be adequate . 963 Dumbbell POS 5 thank you for the fast service . the dumbbell rack be even better than I have hope for . great design and quality overall . I love it . I will look forward to do even more business with you in the future . I hope this review help other make they selection . 80 Dumbbell NEG 1 I would give it no star if that be a option ! -lrb- do you know that one star on the rating system equal `` I hate it '' ?? that be what it say . -rrb- do not waste you money . 247 Dumbbell POS 5 definately need to get the stand . look great ! well build . take up very little room . if you buy the dumbbell buy the stand . 326 Dumbbell NEG 1 I be very disappoint with the shaker weight . I have be lift small weight and figure this would be a good way to work out and it be hard to use . if you do not hold it just right you do not get the right effect . you be better off spend you money on a set of small weight . 338 Dumbbell POS 4 the package arrive in one piece package and weigh as describe . the cement-filled weight appear larger than metal plate , but still do the job . the metal rod for dumbbell be good , and clip work . the long bar consist of two piece , and need some knock to assemble they which be not hard , but it be permanent . so far it do the work , but beware that the long bar be rather short and I do not think it 'll set on a regular bench setting . overall it be a cheap alternative and get the job do . surely you 'll pack up muscle , but not certain if it be easy to purchase and assemble more cemented weight , since the size be already rather bulky . 43 Dumbbell POS 4 I buy this item seperately from the dumbbell . the dumbbell be fantastic and so be this item ... once you get it together . the instruction be really poor ... could be ton better . however , once you study the diagram it be relatively easy to get together . once it be together it be invaluable for hold the dumbbell . Perfect height and fit . I use the rolling caster so I can move they . they have lock on the wheel to keep they stationary and work very well . all in all , definitely worth the puchase . just do not expect much from the instruction . 728 Dumbbell NEG 1 in all the commercial it look like this have some sort of gyroscopic device inside and once you start it move , then you resist the movement it have inside . I have ask several people since I receive this and they all think the same thing . no , it be just something you shake back and forth . you could do the same thing with a can of bean . how stupid ! I would send it back , but do not want to waste the postage . 556 Dumbbell POS 4 the shaker weight look easy but it be not ... I have be work out for year and this thing can `` kick you butt '' I have see some improve on my triceps ... the jury be still out if I would `` totally '' recommend it . follow the instruction or it will not do a thing ... . . 4 Dumbbell POS 5 just get mine in today via fedex . open box , everything wrap up tightly in bubble wrap , take inventory of all bolt , nut , and washer , and assemble in about 15 to 20 minute . hold all of my weight and more , though as other have say , the smaller weight do not fit -lrb- 1 , 2 , & 3 lb ` der -rrb- . very tidy area now - hope wife approve ! I think this be a excellent rack for the money as be very sturdy , well build , and professional in room . 921 Dumbbell POS 4 I buy these dumbbell a few week ago and I have be very happy with the quality . I use they for walk and some light tone exercise . they have a nice grip and the weight size be perfect for I . I love the fun color too . the set come with a plastic rack that hold the dumbbell togehter nicely and keep they off the floor . I will be buy some more set to give away for x-ma ! 444 Dumbbell POS 5 since have kid , a wife and a full time job , the last thing I want to do before or after work be to lift weight for a hour . I have not lift weight for 10 year , and have gain some in my mid-section , but still have some bulk from the past . you muscle never forget ! I buy the shake weight because of the positive review here at Amazon , and I be sure glad I do . it have be one month of do the workout nightly , and my arm be cut , my shoulder show definition , and I have lose 17 pound -lrb- with a new stricter diet to go with the shake weight -rrb- ! I would not recommend this for people with a thin build , but those with bulk , this be a excellent choice as it will tone you nicely and be a great companion to eat right ! it only take about 10 minute total -lrb- to follow the video , and then do the side-to-side exercise that be not in the video -rrb- , which be nothing . you will be please . 981 Dumbbell POS 5 I find this product to be of excellent quality and a very good price compare to similar product . the stand while somewhat thin and light weight it hold well and do the job . the design make the set easy to place in a limited space . overall I be very satisfied with the product . 354 Dumbbell NEU 3 Got lax and do not realize it be for one barbell , make assumption I be get two base off price . even with Prime 's free shipping and a 20 % discount one barbell cost more than pick it up locally . never have a problem with any Cap equipment and will continue to purchase they . 899 Dumbbell NEG 1 there be a reason that exercise gadget like this one be a billion dollar a year industry . none of they work , so they keep make new product . you do not lose weight , and get tone , rip etc. , with a gadget . you do it by work hard . which you can not do with this product . buy a real weight set instead . 490 Dumbbell POS 4 I be give this rack as a birthday gift and I be very very happy with it . from a size perspective , its rack be not long enough to hold more than 3 set of big weight , and it do protrude out away from the wall more than what I would have think . but those be some pretty small gripe give the price point . I have mine set up as follow : top rack 8 , 10 , 15 & 20 ; middle rack hold the 25 , 30 & 35 dumbbell , and finally the lower rack have my 40 & 45er . I be kinda uncertain whether I can squeeze in a 50lb set , if I should ever get that strong to need they ... again , I be very pleased with this rack . its size related shortcoming be easily offset by its competitive price point . 179 Dumbbell POS 5 the Bowflex dumbell stand be heavy-duty and go together perfectly . I have put together a ton of equipment , furniture , tool , etc. , through the year and have never find any instruction as clear and correct , just spot-on , as Bowflex provide . the bolt , nut , and washer be all blister pack and clearly label and every page of the instruction have a silouhette of the bolt , nut , and washer need for that step . the stand be make of heavy guage metal and could not be more sturdy . I highly recommend the stand with the dumbbell , it make they accessible and easy to use and definitely save you back versus pick the dumbbell off the ground each time . 795 Dumbbell POS 5 I be need a few weight to start out with . I be search all over even at the store around my house and nothing come close as to these perfect size and organize weight I get . I be so pleased with they , perfect ! 961 Dumbbell POS 5 this be a great set to use at home on the day that I do not go to the gym . ship be quick , item arrive 5 day prior to the estimate delivery date . the weight be make of great material . the stand be a little cheap but I do not buy this set for the stand . 839 Dumbbell POS 4 once put together the Bowflex dumbbell stand be pretty solid ; it be very secure , stable and a lot better on my back than lift the weight from the floor . assembly be more work than it should be , and require a certain amount of strength . personally , I would like they more if they be a bit taller , and take a little bit less space , but this be mostly a minor complaint . pro - very solid construction - reasonably attractive - move the weight off the ground in a safe way . con - difficult assembly process - Expensive for what it be . - tall people may wish the stand be taller lose a star for the assembly process and the price . but otherwise great stuff . 663 Dumbbell POS 5 I have research all the adjustable dumbbell out there and have find powerblock to be the smallest , sturdiest most dependable . I be worry about the BLOCK design but after use they for every exercise I can think of , they work flawlessly -lrb- even tricep extension -rrb- . I didnt ' buy the stand with they , I use a older chair to place they on during workout . they take up little to no room at all and be much cheaper than buy a complete set of dumbbell . I highly recommend they !!! 675 Dumbbell POS 4 for the price , which be a great deal less than any other same capacity rack , the apex dumbell rack be hard to beat . the tier be recess which allow for easier access , yet the rack be build so that it do not take up any more space than a rack with vertical tier . the rack seem to hold up well , and it will easily hold up to 7 pair of dumbell , recommend . 167 Dumbbell POS 4 I have stop use it for about a month so have not see a lot of result , however that be my own fault . use it morning and evening however it add a little burn that normally help tone muscle . I like it so far , do feel a little awkward use it , however two friend have use it and admit it do add to the work out 308 Dumbbell POS 4 I receive this stand and like another reviewer , have some difficulty with the installation . the instruction be brief and the explode diagram be not clearly marked or number . many of the screw be 2.75 inch , but four of they be only 2.5 inch - make sure when you install , that you put the correct one where they belong ! once you have some of the piece together , you get a idea of how the assembly will go . the part themselves all seem like a very durable steel . the build quality seem good and once install , this make a excellent companion for the dumbbell . the stand weigh about 55 pound without the dumbell and stay rigid when the dumbell be install . you may use the plastic wheel for a move stand or choose adjusable stationary caster . the plastic wheel feel cheap and have a lock mechanism which will break if you be not careful . overall , this appear to be a solid product which be a great place to keep you selecttech 552 dumbbell . if you can accept the cheap wheel , poor instruction , and the expense -lrb- $ 135 + -rrb- , this be a very good stand . 465 Dumbbell POS 4 I really like use the Shake Weight . I could feel the burn in my arm after only a couple minute . and although you look kind of weird use it , it be fun to use . 272 Dumbbell NEU 3 these be cheap for the price 180 or pay 350 for bowflex dont hesitate get the bowflex and dont look back ... these look like they select from the top however they have a cheap cheap plastic slide in with a prong like system ... they be frustrate to get the correct weight on both ... I also have the bowflex and wish I could return these and buy the bowflex however they be for my wife so it be what it be ... once lock in they be lock in they be fine ... wouldnt recommend and wouldnt buy again . 121 Dumbbell POS 5 I order product on mon get it on thu ! awesome ! some review state the direction be difficult I however be a picture person I be able to put it together in about 40min or so juggle attention to kid and back to assembly ... over all happy 181 Dumbbell POS 5 of course if you have the BowFlex Dumbbells , you must have the rack . it be on wheel so you can roll it to where ever you need it and you do not have to break you back to pick up the weight ! 533 Dumbbell POS 5 I be just start out with free weight . I have no coordination hence cant lift weight and cant dance . so I get these to practice at home till I get better so I dont look like a idiot at the gym . they work ! I love they . they be a bear to change out to add or subtract weight and the bar be a bit small . but I will get over it . especially since I spend like 38 buck I think . definitely worth it for I . if you all hard core weight and weight lifting might want to get something nicer than this though . 631 Dumbbell NEG 1 when i recieve my Shake Weight , it be break . I be not go to bother to return it because after look at it i do not see how it woul ; d work anyway . lol 145 Dumbbell POS 5 I have a large home gym with around $ 30k of equipment . this $ 400 set be my favorite and most use item . I have one set for I and one for my wife and they fit neatly on the stand . they be very easy to use and be the most comfortable dumbbell I have ever use due to the padded grip . I admit that I have my doubt at first . I be worry they the grip would not hold up , the weight selection pin would bend or the weight would fall on my head . after 4 year of regular use , my fear be unfound . the grip be intact and the weight stack be absolutely stable . I have try the newer adjustable dumbbell on the market , but this be still my favorite . the weight selection seem much more secure than the nautilus , and the grip be more comfortable . it be my opinion that these be still the best adjustable dumbbell out there . 280 Dumbbell POS 5 I decide to buy this product at target after read the positive review and I have to say , this thing work . I use to go to the gym and lift weight and tired of the routine . after a few year of work out at home only once in a while , my body have become soft and I want something to help I get back into shape without take up a lot of space in my house and something that be convenient but also target a lot of muscle in my arm and shoulder . so this product be perfect ... so ... let talk about my first two day ... I can not fully complete the full 6 minute work out and my muscle be burn . I would end up have to do it for 15 sec on each set out of 30 seconds . so it do work ; even thou a lot of people like to make fun of the way it look when you work out with it . also , I see some video of people work out with it and do it wrong and say it do not work . they posture be wrong , they do not keep they body still , and when they be do a set , they would only do it for 5 seconds and switch it to another arm . if they try to do the 6 minute workout , they would of be to embarrassed to post the video online . I think this product be perfect for people who work full time , do not have time for a 30-60 min of weight lift a day and who sit at a computer all day . I be one of those people and I see it as ... at least I be do something . I have read after a while of use this device , people start to do it 2-3 time a day . I plan on get there ... but I be also plan on add 3 set of push up towards the end use the Perfect Push up device and also do some dip since I be not feel my chest burning use the shake weight . 696 Dumbbell POS 4 first off - get some adjustable dumbbell . they be well worth the investment . these PowerBlock adjustable dumbbell be the only adjustable dumbbell I have use or own , and I love they . they be incredibly easy to use and adjust - it only take a couple seconds per dumbbell . even when my arm be dead tired , I can still guide they back into place easily and change the weight - something that might not work quite so well on other dumbbell . the size of the dumbbell be decent . they be bigger than standard dumbbell , but they have not hinder any of my exercise . I do many different exercise and so far these have not cause any issue for any of they . I think it might become more of a issue with a set that go higher than 45 as the dumbbell would get even longer as more weight be add base on the design . the only problem I have have with these be a very slight one - sometimes the weight below what be select stick . that be , you may set it to 15lb , but the next weight below it may be `` stick '' to it on one side or the other for some reason when you go to lift it out - you just have to wiggle it a bit and\/or hold down the weight that be not suppose to be come up as you lift the dumbbell initially . this do not happen often , and it be such a slight issue that it be hardly worth mention . I believe PowerBlock also recently -lrb- at the time of this review -rrb- come out with some that be very similar to this although slightly curve on the edge . I think those might look a little better cosmetically , as these be just square block . nevertheless , these work perfectly and still do not look too bad either . overall , get some adjustable weight . this be a great set , but if you choose not to get this set , at least get some set -lrb- with good review , of course -rrb- - adjustable dumbbell be just so much easier and more affordable - especially if you do not have a huge exercise room where you can line all the weight up -lrb- if this be the case , and you have lot of money , perhaps just get standard weight to avoid the slight time it take to adjust they -rrb- 250 Dumbbell POS 4 product arrive quickly . I purchase both this and the Bowflex SelectTech Dumbell stand and I be impress by how heavy\/sturdy they be . assembly for both be a breeze . Bowflex clearly have they act together . if it be I I would have include some form of ` lock mechanism between the base of the dumbell holder and this stand . 455 Dumbbell NEU 3 this be a interesting piece of equipment . it do what it say , but there be not much to do with it . there be a limited amount of exercise to do with it . I think you could use this to add to you regular routine . it be nice that it be inexpensive , so add it to you collection of equipment be not a big deal . I would recomend this to someome who want to add some variety to they regular workout . 423 Dumbbell POS 5 have be use these with some workout dvd i get , and i could not be happier with this product . replace a complete dumbell set , while take up almost no space . the padded support provide stability when you really push into high rep. i never think i would say this , but i actually prefer these to my old kettle weight and dumbell rack . this be the first product i have actually feel strongly enought about to write a review , so i think it be safe to say that i highly recommend this product . 442 Dumbbell NEG 1 first , my dumbbell do not fit on this rack ! they be neoprene . also , the hardware provide do not fit . the nut have little rubber stopper that prevent the screw from be tighten . big dissappointment . return today . 356 Dumbbell POS 5 the weight do not slip out of my hand during my workout , and they arrive quickly . there be no weird oily residue like I have find with other coated weight and they be coat so I do not have to worry about rust or metal scratch my floor . 194 Dumbbell POS 5 the stand be excellent , it hold the dumbell without give or sway even when you body weight lean over the dumbell during position . this be the second stand I have purchase , the first stand hold my 552 dumbell set -lrb- now go on two year -rrb- . very well design for save you back during lifting . the only difference from my previous stand be that this one do not have a chrome finish , otherwise it be great . 825 Dumbbell NEG 2 after watch the commercial I think this product move the weight back and forth and the work out be try to control it . after get it I discover that you be to move it back and forth for the work out . do a repetitious movement like this be ask for carpal tunnel syndrome without much benefit . there be three way to get fit ; less food intake , cardio exercise and weight resistance . this walk the edge of cardio and weight resistance without satisfy either . 169 Dumbbell POS 4 the weight be fine ... but you only get one . so be sure to add 2 to you cart or you 'll be do lopsided exercise . 451 Dumbbell NEG 2 caution -- this price be for a single weight . it never occur to I the weight be a singleton , since dumbbell be always sell in pair . I think the price be a good value , but now that I have have to buy a second one , it be actually quite expensive ! should have buy at target ... the weight itself seem nice , but I feel the description should make clear it be only one weight , as most customer be likely expect two . 97 Dumbbell POS 4 it work great with the Bowflex dumbbell . despite the store front in which it be purchase , the over all product be great . it hold up well and it be just right in hight . I use to pick my dumbbell off the floor and then work out . what a stress it be on my back , but now they be the right hight and I only have to grab they and then work out and it feel great . sorry , I be not a writer so my run-on sentence be not a great joy to read , but the product be great and the stand be a space saver ... be it worth the cost ? the age old question . look for deal like I do and wait for the right price . 790 Dumbbell POS 4 Thought there be some kind of battery in there that make it shake but nope . you get to do it all yourself . 793 Dumbbell POS 5 make very well for the price . the three rack be ~ 32 '' in length . hold about 9 set of dumbbell max . Easy to assemble and easy to access weight due to the slight angle . could not ask for more . I choose this one after many search ; good product . 114 Dumbbell POS 4 I recently purchase this product about a week or so ago . I assume from the tv commercial that the Shake Weight be a motorized device . I be very disappointed at first when I find out that it be not . but when I follow the instruction , the disappointment quickly turn into joy ! I have not even have a chance to watch the instruction\/workout dvd yet , however , just follow the simple instruction and illustration , I get a very effective workout from it and already , my husband , child and I can see some definition in my arm and shoulder . I be think , wow ! if I be start to see result this quick without watch the dvd , just imagine what will happen when I pop the dvd in ... I 'll have those Angela Bassett\/Linda Hamilton arm in less than three month ! 907 Dumbbell POS 5 give a nice little upper body workout in short order . can not beat the price to value ratio ! Deliever very fast ! 614 Dumbbell POS 5 get it on Amazon since it be on sale for $ 17 and I figure it be worth take a shot . I have to say that I be surprised what kind of workout this inconspicuous thing can be . I do have to admit that I have not use it all that much just yet , but I pick it up in between do thing for a few repetition and I can feel how it definitely work you arm , back , thigh and even you back side , depend on the position you be use . now , if you want to step it up you can increase the intensity by speed up the movement and it will probably take a while to outgrow these exercise . it be suppose to tone you body , not get you to the body building championship , and for that it definitely work ! I do have some neck pain and in heed people 's warning I have not attempt the ` over head ' exercise , so I do not know if they would actually cause problem or not . 382 Dumbbell POS 5 I purchase the stand after have the 552 dumbbell for a week . I be do p90x and find it difficult keep up with the video with the dumbbell on the floor -lrb- and also worry about lift they off the floor and hurt my back -rrb- . the stand make it much easier and quicker to change the weight value and get back into position . the stand be really at the perfect height for I -lrb- I be 5 ' 10 '' tall -rrb- . I be impressed with how solid and sturdy the thing be . it do not budge when you drop the dumbbell on it . I be the type of person who hate put thing together . I must say , in all honesty , it be very easy to put together . I read a few review before I order it and be dread the process . I feel like the instruction be clear and all the hole be properly drill . it take I about a hour to assemble it . 579 Dumbbell POS 5 great product . they work great . I and my kid use they while we watch tv . you must watch the dvd before you start use they . never realize I be do my dumbbell exercise the wrong way . you will do they more efficiently after watch the dvd . save time , space and money and buy they from Amazon . purchase with the stand -- deliver in 3 day . also purchase the 3.1 bench -- deliver in 5 day . 392 Dumbbell NEG 1 I receive my shakeweight for man wioth a video show a large man start to shake the weight , to get it `` start '' -lrb- as they say in they ad , and the weight appear -lrb- like in they tv ad to continue shake at like 100 m.p.h. and you just hold it and the inertia take over ... THIS be SNAKE OIL ADVERTISING ... total b . . the shakeweight do NOT continue shake at all , not in the leaset . this be one of the biggest scam , I have see in many year , next to Bernie Madoff . I be not get the refund -lrb- from they -rrb- as they advertise so heavily - -lrb- I use my credit card - so my credit card company have issue a chargweback so I get 100 % of my money back - except for the return shipping cost -lrb- which they so profoundly advertise that they will pay -rrb- - however this be a complrete scam-the tell you to mail you receipt for you payment of return postage to a 2nd address -lrb- different from the return shipping address , and they say they will mail you a refund check ... bs - have not happen . do not fall for this snake oil scam THEY SAY THIS PRODUCT do everything -lrb- it do NOTHING A 5 LB DUMBBELL WO not do -rrb- and they say you will risk `` nothing '' , but you risk every penny you spend PLUS the return shipping cost ... 152 Dumbbell POS 5 when I initially have this stand under consideration it be not price , quality , or durability I have in-mind . I read several review about the difficulty of put the darn thing together . I think `` can it really be that hard ? '' . well , upon receive my stand I pull out the instruction guide with some trepidation . I be please to find out that with one thorough review of those instruction , a check of all include item , and digging out a couple of tool to help with the set-up I have no problem assemble the stand in about 45 minute . no skin knuckle or overly sore hand either . I do not want to make light of other reviewer and they assembly difficulty . either I just understand explode diagram really well and have that magic mechanical touch or more likely Bowflex revise the assembly guide . so , do not worry about assembly if you be at least a tad mechanically inclined and at least have a few decent tool lie around . my only negative comment about the stand be the manner in which it be pack . a little more insulation or styrofoam would have be nice on each component because I notice some scuffing and scratch -lrb- nothing so terrible as to warrant a return -rrb- that really should not be there if a little more care be take when pack the item . other than that I be really happy I spend the extra dollar to get the dumbbell up off the ground . the stand and weight on it look great , my lower back be happy , and the stand work just as advertise . 81 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy the 15 lb version of these barbell . they have be hold up nicely . I particularly like the fact that these be Hexagon rather than Octagon . my octagon shaped dumbbell tend to roll around a lot more easily than the hexagon type . 874 Dumbbell POS 5 the unit work . Shake weight for man . you must do the shake yourself . however the comercial be mislead . it look as though the unit be self drive . it be not . 545 Dumbbell NEG 1 I would never try or BUY THIS PRODUCT BECAUSE no one in CHARGE be PROOFING the ad . it be NOT `` US '' girl , it be `` WE '' girl ... 72 Dumbbell POS 5 Easy to put together and easy to move around the room . a very great asset to any home workout . I highly recommend this product ! 672 Dumbbell POS 5 very solid rack , easy to assemble . I have over 800 lb . of dumbell on it and it be solid as a rock . with 3 tier it do not take up much floor space , and the slante design make it easy to get dumbell off of all level . the only complaint be that the bolt , nut and washer be bust out of they blister pack and be loose in the box . have a hard time find the last nut , it be tangle up in some bubble wrap for the larger piece . they need to put it in a plastic sealed bag or something . this seem to be a common complaint . however , for the price I pay -lrb- $ 80.99 , no sale tax and free shipping from Wayfair through Amazon -rrb- , and the quality of the rack , if I need to buy a few nut or blot it be still well worth it . 620 Dumbbell NEG 1 I recently start a work out routine which require I to work with a different level of weight through different segment of the work out . I want to save room -lrb- and money -rrb- so I purchase this set . I be so excited about it because it appear to be exactly what I need . however , my excitement turn to disappointment as soon as I put these weight to work . First of all , it be not as easy to change out as I hope it would be . I be behind in my class because I have to fiddle with the grasp while make the adjustment . it be not slide in and out as easily as it should have . second , the grasp actually start to pull itself out as I be do bicep curl ... bicep curl for cry out loud ! Third , the product be shaky and flimsy . as I be lift and work , the weight do not feel secure and would click and clack against each other . when the time come to do some overhead triceps extension , I put the weight down and use another weight instead . I do not feel safe put this thing over my head . heck , I do not really feel safe have it anywhere near my body . I purchase this item because it be affordable compare to other adjustable weight I have see on the market and because it have get such good feedback here . I scrimp and save to buy these bad boy and they turn out to be bad toy . I return the product and stick with regular dumb bell . maybe I just get a bad , defect set , but either way , it be a bad and disappointing experience . 836 Dumbbell POS 5 I keep these near my computer desk at home and use they on break from tv or work . very attractive , durable , feel great . safer than regular weight , less risk of damage a muscle , ligament or joint . good result , very little discomfort ! I be a woman and get the man size dumbell . 307 Dumbbell POS 5 when this product first come out ... it be the laughing stock of the world . nobody take it seriously and the motion that you have to make to exercise with this weight make for great joke ! however , I recently read in the newspaper that this weight really do work . 2 trainer give they professional opinion -lrb- 1 male and 1 female -rrb- and they say the result you get be amazing . it work the muscle in a way that no other weight can . I decide to purchase it and cross my finger . I must say ... my husband and I reach for this weight at every bored moment we get . so easy to do during commercial while watch tv after the kid be in bed . a hour show have about 20 minute of commercial and use this weight for those 20 minute -lrb- stop while the show be on -rrb- really get you a great work out without overwhelming you . 507 Dumbbell NEG 1 I buy one of these , watch the dvd and do some of the exercise and my right shoulder have suffer immeasurable damage . my shoulder grind and click when my doctor put I through basic test . I be take chondroitin now which seem to be help after no success with cortisone shot but the un-natural stress and torque this apparatus put on you shoulder be terrible beyond word . I have not be able to golf for a year as a result and I have never be more unhappy with a single product in my life . 31 Dumbbell POS 5 at my local Sports Authority store , I buy a pair of 35 lb dumbbell of this very brand . for the past two year these dumbbell have have great durability and coating do not chip off easily . the handle have a grid pattern which provide decent grip . the handle also do not burn my hand . expect performance and I have no complaint whatsoever . highly recommend 36 Dumbbell POS 5 I have gradually acquire a fairly good set of these weight . I like the flexibility of buy one or two at a time of whatever I happen to need , as my ability increase . the weight feel good in my hand , and the different color make they look like fun . 243 Dumbbell POS 5 when look for this stand we find this one to be the best price . the delivery be on time and in great condition . 421 Dumbbell POS 5 the weight come quicker than I think and it be through regular fedex delivery . although the outer cardboard box be a little beat-up -lrb- expect of course , be that the weight inside weigh 45lb . each and they have to be transport long distance -rrb- , the weight come in perfect shape . I do not notice any scratch mark on they nor do it appear to be tamper with . till this day -lrb- be use they about 2 month now -rrb- , they have be work out very well for I . 228 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this after see it on tv . honestly , I be skeptical , just like all the other buyer of this product who give it good review . after receive this and try it out , I would say it work . it will not be a miracle product for everyone , you still have to put some effort into use it . although it do make you look silly , you can always do it in the privacy of you home . my only qualm about it be that it can be initially hard to use at first and can slightly painful for people with soft hand . nonetheless , I give it 5 star ! 861 Dumbbell NEU 3 the product be well-made but nautilus , maker of bowflex product , like many fitness equipment seller , have integrity issue . my stand be obviously a return . the box be poorly retap . when I open the box , the bubble pack with the screw , nut , and washer be open as a person would open a bubble pack by peel off the paper backing . the hardware be scatter all over the box . after sort the hardware and search the box , I be short two washer . there be a small scratch on a leg of the stand . I do not mind a return , but at least , check the stand for nick and miss piece , and retape the box so a return be not so obvious . actually , care about you customer . the building of the stand take I three hour , but there be no problem . the instruction be clear and after I finish I have a quality product to hold my dumbbell . it be a matter of be organize and patient . I use my dummbbell three to four time a week . the stand be essential . when work with 45 pound in each hand , pick these dumbbell off the floor be ask for a pull lower back . the Bowflex dumbbell and the stand be excellent . nautilus suck . 159 Dumbbell POS 5 I officially kick off my effort to work out with this Altus set of dumbbell , and I have to say , they be great . I be definitely a beginner , and do not want to go get a gym membership and be surround by strange people , so I think I would just lift some weight at home . to be honest , I do not even know what Neoprene be when I start look and my only exposure to dumbbell be PE class as a kid where the weight be metal . these be great !! they be coat with this rubberized material -lrb- neoprene -rrb- . they feel good , they just do not slip , they do not smell at all , and they be not cold and hard like metal weight . have no idea weight could be so pleasant to use . I do go through these very quickly . from 3 lb to 5 lb to 8 lb and now I be ready for more . on the positive side , work great and I be stronger in a week ! 8 lb be definitely enough if you just want to tone you arm , but I be on to even bigger one such as 15 lb and 20 lb , but I be stick with neoprene . highly recommend these , great purchase ! 512 Dumbbell POS 5 do not get it the day after I order it , but it do come in a reasonable amount of time . the rack work great and it be nice and sturdy . for the price you can not beat it . 863 Dumbbell POS 4 the weight be great , easy to grip and well make . the stand be make from pretty cheap plastic and I be nervous about it stay upright . but for the price , I be happy with what I get . 331 Dumbbell POS 4 this dumbbell stand really do make the dumbbell easier to pull off . I be 5 ' 8 1\/2 '' and when I pull the dumbbell off , there be just enough clearance so I do not have to lift they to high to miss the biggest piece that be not pick up . it be a little more narrow than I like , but you can either step in with you leg really close or you can sten in with 1 leg forward and pull the dumbbell off . there really be a big difference between use the stand and lift the dumbbell off of the floor . it just make life easier . as for assembly , it be really easy . the most aggravating thing be probably put the towel holder on . 2 of the bolt be very similiar in length , just seperate all the piece in group and follow the instruction , then you should be fine with assembly . if you need it , definitely get it . 597 Dumbbell POS 5 we love the Bowflex dumbbell and the stand be a real necessity to avoid a lot of bend and stoop . great product . bought ours through the Amazon marketplace for about half price . no regret . 667 Dumbbell POS 5 these be a awesome pair of weight they be not awkward at all unless you have King Kong wrist . I would recommend anyone a pair of these for they home gym in a heartbeat , well worth the price . 65 Dumbbell NEG 2 I find the weight hard to use , the shake motion do not go as smooth as it appear when you see it on tv . 480 Dumbbell POS 5 when i first saw this i do not understand how it could possibly work , i decide i have to try it . i receive it today and it really do work . it be also a great way to vary you workout , as soon as you start use it you will feel the burn . 445 Dumbbell NEG 1 I go to mall and try it . it be kind of fun . right away I come home and get a bottle of water ... who know , it work the same !! just make sure the water have to be very very full . I fill up to half of cap . and you know what ? you can even do two hand with 2 bottle at the same time . it be free 460 Dumbbell POS 5 make work out much easier because you do not have to bend to pick up the weight . 561 Dumbbell POS 4 this rack be just what I need . it be very sturdy and easy to put together . hold all my weight and do not take up much space . 681 Dumbbell POS 5 exactly as describe ... Product arrive within 48 hour and packaging etc be in great condition . great value too . 5 star rating ! 320 Dumbbell POS 5 I do not have a opinion other than my daughter be very pleased with it . 952 Dumbbell NEU 3 First of all , you really need some type of stand to set you SelectTech weight on , and this be probably the one you want since it be make specially for they . the construction be good and solid . it come with solid foot and with caster . you can attach either , depend on whether you plan to leave it in place or need move the stand about . the stationary foot be fine , but the caster that come with mine be very flimsy and too lightweight . they deform under the load when the weight be put onto the stand -lrb- 552 's -rrb- . the wall of the casing hold the wheel flatten some , make it hard to roll the stand . I end up throw these caster away and buy a set of heavy duty caster that be design to take the weight . I can roll the stand easily and smoothly now , but higher quality one should have come with the unit . if you do not think you will be move the stand around , this will not be a issue for you , as the solid foot work well . my other complaint be that I would like to see the stand just a little bit higher , as some other reviewer have mention . I be 5 ' 10 '' and have to stoop just a little when pick the weight up . it be not a big deal because I do not have to bend much at all , but it be something I have to be aware of and careful about because of lower back weakness . another couple of inch in height would have be perfect . but overall , I can recommend the stand . 918 Dumbbell NEU 3 I have purchase both the shake weight for woman , and version for man . . they do the same thing , and do give you the work out that will `` over time '' give you definition and size . . I dont think the market need a Mens version , and to charge $ 20 more for it be label for man do not convince I either . I purchase to see if it be in fact a drastic improvement verse the original , and I didnt notice any such variable that would make I recommend it over the ORIGINAL Shake weight that be market towards woman . I mean before the male version come out , Charles Barkley a TNT guy be co-sign the female version during the NBA season . . Nuff Said ! lol ! 789 Dumbbell NEG 1 I buy this product for arm exercise . its not as good as it sound in commercial . I think the good old dumbell be better than this . I do not like it so I return this product for refund . 373 Dumbbell POS 5 I know what most people think when they see the shakeweight , but if you take a step back from the internet joke and the crude giggling , you actually feel you muscle burn after a few minute of shake . I use this when I go on walk and it wear I out by the time i be finish . its like do a pushup that focus on just you upper body . I love it . I get the man 's version because its way heavier than the female version for some reason . : -rrb- I would recommend buy from this seller as well ! this product arrive extremely quick , and the product be pristine and a decent price ! . 548 Dumbbell POS 5 Easy to assemble . very sturdy . overall a great value , especially with free shipping . you will be hard press to find another dumbbell rack that be equally well-built and better price . 959 Dumbbell NEG 1 this be one of those product that will collect dust ! I find it very difficult to use as direct and be concern that I could hurt myself with it ! 930 Dumbbell POS 4 I receive what I purchase with this . it be a 20 lb dumbbell . the only thing I be not happy about be that it be only sell as a single dumbbell instead of a pair . I misunderstand this when I order . I like the grip and it seem like the hex shape be easier to use than other dumbbell . 198 Dumbbell POS 5 this rack be a great value . it go together vary easily in about 1 hour . it be very sturdy and look a lot better than have my weight all over the floor . I would recommend this for any home workout gym . 136 Dumbbell POS 4 the Apex Dumbbell Rack be easy to assemble . the material be sturdy enough for most home dumbbell rack . the baked paint finish be consistent but may not wear well ; time will tell . 240 Dumbbell POS 4 good product . Easy use . take up little space . the vendor have a great deal of difficulty get this product to I and I have to do some prodding to get a response from they . but once I do make contact , they be helpful and appropriately apologetic . recommend this product but would do some more research on the vendor . 3 Dumbbell POS 5 I use this dumbbell for bicep curl . very nice and sturdy . on Amazon it be go for $ 30 i think ... here be the bottom line . shipping be almost as much as the product . its pretty much a rip off . I buy the from a store near my house that I work at and I pay $ 25 before any employee discount . now that $ 5 before shipping . good dumbbell but not worth 60 buck 595 Dumbbell POS 5 I would highly recommend Powerblocks to anyone who be look for a compact , convenient , and sturdy adjustable dumbbell set . they be less expensive than bowflex product , and they have less fine part that could be damage . my only concern with the Powerblocks be the setup of have you hand inside the weight chamber . however , that concern have be completely assuage . they be comfortable and easily use with a range of exercise . 977 Dumbbell POS 5 this be the perfect dumbbell set for home use ... compact , flexible , easy to use . 383 Dumbbell POS 5 buy it right here from amazon , I use this device everyday now . it fine tone my upper body muscle immensely . the workout be not as boring and tedius as traditional pushup and bench press . I use it everyday now ! great little gadget . 627 Dumbbell NEG 1 `` where the heck be the pulsation ? oh , I see . . I have to create the pulsation '' . unbelivable marketing . very deceptive . if you want to ceate the enrgy this product be suppoese to generate , then fine buy it . you -lrb- I -rrb- have to shake the crap out of it to get the video effect show in this product video . not battery operate . for $ 25 . total crap , change the marketing and reduce price and still I would only rate it a two star . Hope this help . 449 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this for my girlfriend , but try it out before I wrap it -lrb- mwahahahahaha -rrb- . it be actually really hard , and I be sweating quite a bit after about 6 minute . not sure what the physical result will be for she , but if she keep use it I know she 'll get better at something ... Anyways , do what it say . Shakes , be a weight , and burn calorie . 244 Dumbbell NEG 1 I give the shake weight to my son for Xmas . it do not work . it create no kinetic energy or resistance . my 3 yr old granddaughter can shake it with no effect . you could hold a gallon of milk with out-stretched arm at shoulder level and get the same effect . even better . what a waste of money . I give it no star . edge in Reston , Va 972 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy these dumbbell from a local dealer instead of Amazon because of a sale . I have be look at the Bowflex select-type of dumbbell as well as these . after try they out at the store , I be sell . they be easy to manipulate and sturdy in construction . one would think that a square dumbbell would get in the way of do exercise -- this be not the case . the handle be in the middle of the box and the side tube be pad for comfort . I just finish a hour long dumbbell workout a few minute ago and it be everything I expect : bench press , military press , bent over row , seat curl , triceps extension , dumbbell deadlift , upright row , dumbbell squat , etc. . . all of these exercise be perform use this product . no problem encounter at all . 785 Dumbbell POS 5 I receive this rack for Christmas -lrb- 2011 -rrb- and just finish assembly it . the rack be a little bigger -lrb- depth -rrb- than expect , but I really like it . I only have it about half full of weight , but there be no doubt in my mind it would have no problem hold a full load . the only problem I run into be that the package hold all the nut and bolt come open during shipping . I have to dig through all the wrapping to find all the piece , and in the end be miss 1 washer . there be a phone number to call for miss part , but I find a suitable replacement washer in my tool box so it be a non-issue for I . I would recommend \/ repurchase this item again if I need to . 962 Dumbbell POS 5 just a quick note of the selecttech 552 Dumbbell stand as I be very pleased with the quality and the fabrication of this equipment , even though it be make in China . also one of the reviewer make it sound as though it be like assemble a space craft . it be very easy and well instruct for assembly all you need be a Allen wrench which come with it and a adjustable wrench or to make it really easy a 9\/16th wrench . also Amazon have the best price and I have never be disappoint with they service . this stand will save the lower back and well worth the money , if you be serious about exercise with the Dumbbells . 135 Dumbbell NEU 3 i get these as novelty gift , but they come without the packaging in a brown box . if you just want the weight it would be fine ! 370 Dumbbell NEG 1 I can not believe I buy this , it be completely useless for I . I go to the gym regularly , so I know what to expect when they claim it `` dramatically '' increase muscle activity . it do not make my muscle feel `` on fire '' , and I be by no mean a hard core weight lifter . I do follow the video instruction , but it be no better . overall , the product be make of what feel to be a cheap plastic material and the movement of the weight inside be not smooth as you would expect . I try use it a couple time but give up ... it be now sit somewhere in my garage . I should have buy a normal pair of dumbbell . 676 Dumbbell NEG 1 I purchase this think it be a set of 2 & its only one i be so piss off . who sell 1 dumbbell . waist of time & money ! 309 Dumbbell POS 5 I just buy these Bowflex dumbbell weight and the Bowflex weight rack . I love they both ! they be easy to put together and be a great set . 701 Dumbbell POS 5 it work great . it take a little while to get use to it , but my flabby arm start get tone and that what I want . 177 Dumbbell POS 4 I have purchase the smaller set of these dumbbell that go up to 24 pound as a gift last year however the gift recipient need heavier weight so I buy this set . the reason to not give it a 5 star rating be : this set start at 10 pound and adjust to 45 pound and the lighter set end at 24 pound so I feel that this set should have start at a heavier weight . the only other reason it do not get the extra star be that the stand for these much be purchase separately and they be not inexpensive . otherwise , it be a great product overall . they do not take up much space . they be easy to use . I have coworker that be personal trainer that actually recommenede they when I be ask to make sure it be worth the money . I receive my order within a few day of order and do not pay extra for expedited shipping . 466 Dumbbell NEG 2 this be not for people that be start to work out ... you need to be well build to be able to move it freely . and grip of it be bad ... I use it now and then but at time it can really mess up you finger . 267 Dumbbell POS 4 First of all , I would like to address those that say you can do the same thing with household object and dumbell . no , you really can not . the whole dynamic inertia thing may sound phony , but the movement of the weight really seem to help I more than use of dumbell ; I feel a lot more muscular contraction go on which seem like a great way to build muscle and get lesser-used muscle go . the shake weight itself get a 5 for I , but the dvd get a 2 or 3 . the reason I be not such a fan of the dvd be the fact that there be not a lot of explanation about the move and frankly , it do not look like the instructor be even be consistent -lrb- during the shoulder section , she change she arm position , then when they cut to the side view it be back where it be suppose to be . -rrb- my main gripe , however , be that I be hope for more from this dvd and more from the maker of Shake Weight . maybe another instructional with more advanced move or just another video to work out to ? more tip ? when look at the website , there be no resource available . they clearly do not care what you do once you order it . so all in all , this be a great product . I be feel the result and my arm look a little tighter after just a week of daily use . if you be look for a product which go above and beyond to keep user motivate ; beware . the Shake Weight be great but the maker of this product do not provide much in addition to a bare-bones dvd ... unless you want to buy a $ 10 timer . 690 Dumbbell POS 5 simple to assemble , study , attractive and inexpensive . hold my full set of dumbbbell , from 5 lb . to 40 lb . -lrb- 8 pair -rrb- with room for one or two more . I shop around and these turn out to be a terrific value . 845 Dumbbell NEG 1 when I see the Shakeweight at Bed Bath and Beyond , it look like a lot of fun . I buy it , take it home and do the exercise on the dvd . it be fun , yes , and the lady on the dvd have great energy , very inspiring . unfortunately , very shortly after finish the workout , my neck start hurt pretty bad . I give it a few day , and finally have to make a appointment with my chiropractor . he tell I that two of the exercise on the dvd be probably what injure my neck . both exercise hyper-extended my shoulder , and he say unless you be super fit and know what you be do , weight-bearing exercise that hyper-extend you shoulder be a invitation to injury . -lrb- the specific exercise that hurt I be work with the weight behind the head , and the last one on the dvd design to work the shoulder where there be a lot of shoulder rotation . -rrb- I want to like this product , and once I finish healing I might give the other exercise another try before take it back , but I feel I need to warn people . the dvd just do not make it clear enough how a beginner can avoid injury and this really hurt ! 289 Dumbbell POS 4 would recommend to other . very sturdy dumbbell that allow easy storage . price be a bit of a turnoff , however with the amount of room I be save by use these they be quite worth it . 430 Dumbbell POS 5 I buy this for my daughter who be 16 and she love it . she want to work out with different weight not too heavy so she can keep herself in shape . it make I too want to exercise . 389 Dumbbell POS 5 if you work it , it will work you . well make and to I , it be easy to use . and I can take it anywhere . ca not do that with my weight bench !! get one , you 'll like it . 362 Dumbbell POS 5 I do not realize that you actually have to shake the weight , but after you use you really feel the burn on the biceps . 616 Dumbbell POS 5 if you be look for a sturdy , easy to assemble , rack that will hold 6-8 pair of dummbell , this be a good one to buy . I have a small home gym and need just this size rack . in 30 minute I have this rack put together and it be very solid . for the price you can not beat it . I be a personal trainer and I have see a lot of equipment . this be a great buy , especially compare to some of the flimsy rack that be market for home use . 141 Dumbbell POS 4 it do actually work . you will feel the burn right from the begining . you 'll start do it and think this be not so bad , but after 15-20 seconds you start to feel it . the dvd really be only a $ 1 value in my view as it do not really add any benefit that the enclosed booklet do not tell you . 879 Dumbbell POS 5 I love the Shake weight and the seller be great . I receive the package in 2 day . thank you 429 Dumbbell POS 4 you can feel the burn on you first workout , it work but i do not think it build muscle . it keep you body firm . 44 Dumbbell POS 5 this be really well construct and quite solid once assemble . the packaging it come in be another story . it work well with popular hex shape dumbbell . not so well for smaller , coated dumbbell that weigh less than 10 pound -lrb- they do not fit well -rrb- . overall , a great value for the money . 368 Dumbbell POS 5 this product definitely do work for strengthen muscle and tone what you may already have there . you be not go to compete for Mr. Olympia use this by any means . I have be use it often for week now and I really like it just to get that extra pump while do a normal workout . it be a solid piece of equipment for that alone . I have certainly notice a difference in tone in my arm since use it . I would recommend it . 762 Dumbbell POS 5 I must say that I be quite impressed with the build quality of this rack . it surpass some of the stuff that I have see in the gym over a number of year . right now , I use it to support dumbbell from 5lb to 20lb in 2.5lb-increment . also , the rubber footing edge make it a good choice for tile or equivalent hard surface without cause damage . I really like this rack and it be highly recommend on my part ! 978 Dumbbell POS 5 I be compare this to the Body solid gdr363 which be slightly more expensive , but since I need two I go ahead and get this one . honestly , I have no complaint . it be incredibly sturdy , look good , and be easier than expect to assemble . no need to get anything more complicated or expensive . 974 Dumbbell POS 5 after try out a variety of dumbbell over the year , this be now the one I recommend and the one I be certain I 'll always stick with . I feel as though this design be make by someone who actually work out or do market research as to the complaint of other dumbbell prior to manufacturing . here be some difference you 'll note in these : \*\* Neoprene coating where other have shiny vinyl or metal that cause the dumbbell to slip from you hand during a sweaty workout or at the very least make it difficult to grip , these be coated in neoprene which be not slick but still do not collect dirt and it easy to clean . even better , it protect wooden floor when you set they down in the midst of work out ... or whatever else you might set it on . metal dumbbell leave scratch . hexagonal design : where other dumbbell be typically round for no good reason , the fact that no matter how you put these down or how you hold they , they will not and can not roll away from you or roll off a table etc. be for sure a plus . easy-to-read weight : whereas many dumbbell have the weight raise on the metal surface , these be simple to see at a glance when you choose you dumbbell if you have multiple set . better yet , all the weight amount be color code in different color of dumbbell so even if you can not see the number , you pick up the right weight in a flash during some fast cardio move . Stylin ' : sometimes bright cheerful weight equipment be just a bit more motivate and fun for work out . I be lookin ' at you , royal purple set ! plus a few set kinda brigthen up that workout room . I have no complaint ... my fave . 254 Dumbbell NEG 1 I have email twice before on how to return item . I have get no answer on how to do that . Martha Maus 76 Dumbbell POS 5 I find it easier to place my 552 dumbbell back have they raise on this stand vice sit on the ground . the stand look good and be well construct . I do not have problem with assembly , it go much quicker if you have you own tool -lrb- ratchet\/alan wrench -rrb- and the instruction be straight forward . it take about 30 minute start to finish , luckily I do not have the hole alignment issue other have post . I be not sure but previous user may have have trouble if they tighten down all the hardware before everything be assemble , the direction state when to torque down the bolt . if you have ever put any home furniture together you should have no problem . I still worry a little about the durability of the dumbbell , but have no doubt that the stand will last a long time . 334 Dumbbell POS 4 like everyone say , these be good weight . they feel nice in the hand , give you good grip and comfort when do lift behind the back , etc. . however , be careful to purchase 2 , as these be not sell in pair . for some reason , one of the picture include in the item description show 2 dumbbell which give I the impression that it be 2 for the price . while the cost be not bad for a quality product like this , I be definitely surprise that it be a single dumbbell and not a set . of course , it could just be I who be the dumbbell . good lifting all ... 500 Dumbbell POS 5 this stand be the perfect height for average person to `` lift off '' the dumbbell . not only that but the unique design let you stand comfortably close to the weight so you can lift they off the stand with you leg ... not you back ! 532 Dumbbell NEG 1 the title pretty much speak for itself . Walmart do not offer the weight over 40lb but they be much cheaper there . even if you order they online they be only $ 1 to ship per dumbbell , which still beat the price on here by a significant amount . 34 Dumbbell POS 4 the rack be easy to assemble . sturdy design that have hold up to several month of use . good price and meet expectation . 163 Dumbbell POS 5 pro - Easy to build , few part - the wheel be great for move those heavy dumbbell around - the wheel can be lock in - option to not use the wheel - just the right height for I , I be 5 ' 11 '' - strap safely secure the dumbbell - small footprint con - none final word - if you already own the Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells you 'll see how helpful it be in they workout dvd . 829 Dumbbell POS 4 I buy the Shake Weight because a friend have recommend it . it be actually work . my arm and shoulder have better tone . it also seem to be work on my upper ab and chest . I initially experience the tired and sore muscle that you get when start a new exercise program . now the muscle soreness be go and I have increase my workout time to the manufacturer recommendation . it be a television product that , to my surprise , work as well as advertise . 668 Dumbbell POS 5 I be skeptical about this purchase , but this product give I as much as I can handle when exercise my arm , and shoulder . you can increase the work out intensity easily by simply increase the frequency or by shake harder . 283 Dumbbell NEG 1 my husband order this shakeweight and one end fly off while he be shake it . Springs and little part fly around the room . we try to put it back together , but could not . he do not get enough use out of it to know if it be effective for strengthen . 842 Dumbbell NEG 2 try this out for a few month , totally not worth it . why not just use a can of soup . it do not do much . probably should be battery operate -lrb- for more resistance -rrb- . give it away as a gag gift . 502 Dumbbell POS 4 I be impressed . . so far these seem to be rather solid , I be 6 ' 2 '' 270 and lift thing up , and put they down . I be surprise by how durable , and easy they be to assemble ... if this be a little higher I would be much happier , that be the only reason I be give it four star instead of five . overall great product and I be happy I purchase it along with my 1090 . 831 Dumbbell POS 5 I just assemble it take about one hour and you need a small crescent wrench . the bolt require some serious tightening but be very sturdy and roll easily with the 10\/90 . I work up a sweat do this but instruction be very good . I be happy with the purchase . Ladies you might need help with this . 472 Dumbbell NEU 3 well it work and but not as effective as other would have you believe . I mean if you get arm that be flabby saggy and drag on the floor there no way this will work for you . if you have the type of arm like I do that not saggy but have a enough fat to block you from see muscle detention and have like a inner fat do not no how else to explain it . this will most likely not work or work very little , how to explain if I flex my arm it feel hard but look like cooking dough . so after about a year with this there be no way this will work like I want it to , but it dose work just not go make you have arm like the Rock . 210 Dumbbell POS 5 it give a good workout , but I hear you can go blind by use the shakeweight too often . 14 Dumbbell POS 5 nice bar BELL and CAN USE easily . the PRICE WAS ok . I do not KNOW if I could have GOTTEN IT CHEAPER have I shop around more but I need it to go with my dvd . 590 Dumbbell POS 4 this be a excellent dumbbell rack . it be sturdy and look nice and hold plenty of weight for home use . my only complaint be the poor packaging which seem to be a common complaint . all it need be a couple small piece of cardboard wrap around the end of the bundle of rail , but without this small piece of protection the stand be fairly scratch up . even the customer service sticker be mar beyond recognition . I be not bent out of shape over this because I 'll give it my fair share of ding and scratch from continual rack of my dumbbell . it just would have be nice to start out with a new product which actually look new . I do end up short one carriage bolt , so I send a email . after over a week with no response I call the number and the customer service rep be very helpful . in just moment I be off the phone with a new bolt on its way . the shipping be quick and my rack be now complete . I would certainly recommend this rack to anyone , but I would set expectation concern the packaging . 493 Dumbbell NEG 1 awesome , just open my package to see only one weight . I do not see that it say sell as each , so that be my fault , but the low rating go to the price point . I go with these because they be cheaper -lrb- only by a few dollar -rrb- then the other set , but those price be for 2 . should have go with those , now I have pay double what those be just to get a complete set . the price really be not worth it for these weight - not to mention it seem a bit like false advertising . 438 Dumbbell POS 4 I recently purchase the Apex 3-Tier Dumbbell Rack , and have be really please with it . it be extremely functional and maximize use of floor space quite well , in addition to be very stable while hold six pair of hex dumbbell -lrb- with rack space to spare -rrb- . we have a nice-sized basement area that be carve up so I can use part of it for my various workout routine , while my kid have a section for use with they friend . plus , there be a pool table for the adult , and a area for home theater . that require I to put a premium on convert minimal space into a area functional enough for both dumbbell resistance training and cardio training . it also require equipment that be safe for I to use in a small area , and safe to have around with pre-teen kid play nearby throughout the day . the apex rack meet all those requirement . the design lean away from I , allow I easy access and spare my knuckle as I take dumbbell off and then return they to the rack . it be also high enough that many of the weight can be return to the rack with minimal strain on my lower back . finally , its solid construction give it a sturdy stance , and the three compact tier allow I to tuck it away and out of view of family and company that might be use the home theater area . it be terrific quality for the price , and the only complaint I have have be the condition of the box upon delivery -lrb- which have large hole punch into it , and some part loose on the inside as a result -rrb- . however , the rack assemble easily and relatively quickly , and be ready to go in roughly 40 minute . I would highly recommend this rack and certainly be pleased with the performance . 32 Dumbbell POS 5 a much need addition to anyone look to purchase Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbell - will definitely save you back ! fairly easy to put together and very sturdy once assemble . 584 Dumbbell POS 5 item be as describe . I work out regularly on light dumb bell . the shaker do create a burn . item be good for those who never work out . I use it to add spice to my dumb bell routine . interesting little device .