852 Video_Games POS 4 get the the use `` like new '' xbox from Amazon Warehouse for $ 150.00 . after have my xbox for 5 year I finally get the rrod , so rather than send my xbox to Microsoft and shell out $ 100 since it be out of warranty I figure I would just buy one of the newer model . so far I do not regret it it be smaller , sleeker , and a lot quieter . as I mention earlier I buy mine use `` like New '' from Amazon warehouse and save 50 buck . the only notable difference from a brand new console be that the box be different everything in the box however be in it be original packaging , with extra paper wrap around it as to make sure it do not get damage while be ship -lrb- manual be also include -rrb- . I know a lot of people in other review complain about there not be a hard drive or enough memory , however that be not a problem for I . you can use a usb stick to transfer datum from you old xbox to the new one and to store game , DLC , save datum etc. . and the old xbox hard drive be not incompatible -lrb- as many people think -rrb- all you need to do be unscrew the container take the hard drive out and put it in the slot of the new xbox 360 it will fit . do this I be able to get about 56 gig on the new xbox -lrb- include 4 gig + two 16 gb flash drive + my old 20gb xbox hard drive -rrb- which be fine for I since I only have my save , download arcade game , and the occasional demo . if you have a bigger hard drive in you old xbox or have 2 16 gb usb stick -lrb- roughly 30 dollar -rrb- you can get even more space to play you game from memory rather than the disk . all in all I be very satisfied with this purchase . 760 Video_Games POS 5 just get the Sharpshooter & it be a must have if u have killzone3 & if ur get Socom 4 ... take time to get use 2 but be great once u learn 946 Video_Games POS 5 we play this game yesterday at a friend 's house with a group of 5 kid who range in age from 3-12 . they all have a great time and burn off a lot of energy ! the gameplay be easy , the team play mode be great , and the kid have lot of silly fun . it be my first time play one of the just Dance game , and I will definitely be purchase the other just Dance game for I and my older kid , because we would prefer the song by the real artist . for people with younger kid , this game be fantastic fun . 8 Video_Games POS 5 ok before I start on the game , I will address this ` lagging ' issue . the only time this have happen to I be if I have be play for a while -lrb- lazy Saturday , woman not around , 6 hour in -rrb- and typically get choppy in a town . but you know what , I probably should not be play 6 hour straight anyways , but that be my problem now be not it ? my file be around 11mb and I have 100 hour of game time -lrb- yes , I be that awesome -rrb- . so I be not sure why everyone have give this 1 star . now , that be address ... endless fun . seriously , endless . I have not even explore everywhere yet . and when I plan on do a mission\/quest I end up get side-track when I come across a abandon keep or bump into someone who need help . for every quest I finish I have add 3 more . and they be the typical ` fetch ' quest either . the story be immersive as be each side quest . and these side quest be not straight forward . I ` read ' a random book at the beginning of the game and only just complete it , 100 hour later . I do not have the best armor\/weapons\/spells , I do not have all the shout , and I be not even max out on level up . the graphic be incredible too . as be the gameplay , dialogue\/sound effect , lighting . of course , with any game like this -lrb- or really in general -rrb- load be a bit tedious . so while all the above-mentioned make for a incredible gaming experience , have to load so much get a tad annoying . but whatever , I be a patient guy and it be worth it . it really be unfortunate that so many people give it 1 star base upon a lagging issue -lrb- which I believe be real and I be sure one of the two patch I have have address this and other will continue to in the future -rrb- . I have only come across a couple minor glitch and for a game with such scale that be quite impressive . I 'll continue to support Bethesda as they rarely disappoint . if you can get past the ` lagging ' complaint you will find yourself with the best game of the year -lrb- yes , that be include Modern Warfare ... stupid over rate fpss -rrb- . lastly , it be rare that a game come out that be truly one player . call I a loner , but I find most gaming better alone , make a personal experience , like read a book series ... uhhh but with button instead of word . Ok , that be enough babbling . I hope you consider Skyrim if you have not already . if not , whatever , I do . 61 Video_Games NEG 2 First off , my computer be three year old . it be a reasonably high end computer in its day as well . but this release be also three year old , so it \* should \* run fine . it do not . it crash often . unless I turn all the graphic way down it run verry slowly . in contrast , Unreal Tournament 2004 with its flashy graphic and sound run fine on my computer . the level design be not great , but the enemy aus be worse . sometimes you can shoot a line of baddy one at a time with a sniper rifle and they will not budge . Stay away from MicroSoft if you can . 718 Video_Games POS 4 I do not have the game controller mat , but since it say it be compatible with the wius balance board , I buy it . it be fun , and a good workout , but it be pretty limit when you be use it with the balance board . 9 Video_Games NEG 1 xbox 360 mc2 race wheel be not work for I : -lrb- . . I connect it to the XBOX . . power be not get switch on for xbox 360 mc2 race wheel . 79 Video_Games POS 4 I 'll be honest upfront . from the beginning , I hate this game . the amount of technical issue be inexcusable . while the art style and color be beautiful , the texture be muddy , screen-tearing abound , and never have I see so many object and texture pop-in in a game . the audio 's volume level seem to be all over the place , with dialog be particularly low , keep I from get much investment in the story -- there be even one point where certain sound-effect and all dialog go completely mute . but most of all , it be not very much fun , as the majority of the gameplay seem to be tedious climbing and get across danger zone fill with object you arbitrarily could or could not climb . but there come a point in the game where this turn around . and I think I can tell you exactly where this point happen : when you leave New York . it might also be argue that it be when you get the Cloud , but I feel that be just the beginning of the change . after this point , the gameplay start to become more and more varied . stunning environment begin to mask technical deficiency -- either that , or the programmer actually improve as the game go on . character interaction become more engrossing . by the end , the game become enjoyable enough to ignore its technical flaw and ho-hum beginning . I get a distinct feeling that the developer have a really grand vision for the game , and while for whatever reason -- whether it be not enough time , money or talent -- it do not live up to that vision , it be still a wonderful ride in its own right , and where that grand vision glimpse out at certain moment of the game , it really shine . 441 Video_Games POS 5 this game be a must for any Daria fan ! I buy it last year from amazon and I love it !! -lrb- yeah by the way I be really 16 , not under 13 , but I do not have my own account so I be post my review like this ... -rrb- okay so anyway , this game be really fun and amusing . and it be really funny because it have all these joke from Daria and Sick Sad World . if you love the show , you 'll love this game . especially since the graphic make it look like a real episode of Daria - it be animated the same way and look awesome - it be like be in a actual episode that you control ! and although I will agree that this game be more for real Daria fan than hardcore gamer , it be still pretty challenging because there be some obstacle and puzzle that do take some think to figure out -lrb- although nothing be too annoying or impossible to figure out -rrb- . it be a very enjoyable gam eto play ! and once you finish , it be fun to go back and play again with a friend -lrb- although it be only for one player at a time - but alternate be fun -rrb- . yeah , so buy this game because I promise you 'll love it ! 881 Video_Games POS 5 how complicated must it be for Sega to make a game on a console that be still in development at the same time ? and yet , the final game be a smash hit that happen to be pretty top-notch . they have pull through then , I guess . and now that there be a DX version , it be on several other system , include Gamecube , Xbox , PC , PS3 , etc , so everyone get a opportunity to see this classic . the game let you choose to play as 6 different character -lrb- however , you unlock they by play as Sonic first -rrb- . we have sonic -lrb- of course -rrb- , Tails , Amy , Knuckles , E103 Omega , and ... big the cat ... each of the character have they own gameplay mechanic , as well as goal and certain level . Below be the fun factor for each character . Sonic - The level be actually pretty straightforward . you simply go from start to finish . and boy be it fun . . it be actually pretty close to the Genesis Sonic game , but in 3d . collect ring , bash robot , you know . . the good stuff . plus , there be some new level-specific gameplay mechanic include , like Twinkle Park 's bumper car ride , and Sky Chase 's airplane combat ! you may as well buy this game just for sonic alone . after all , as the title character , he have the most level to go through . tail - more or less like Sonic 's gameplay except he have to race Sonic -lrb- later , Eggman , in speed highway -rrb- in each level . it be not as bad as it may sound , because it only just keep the pace go , which be great , and do not you think it be kind of exciting to find shortcut when fly ? knuckle - rather than go from start to finish , Knuckles have to find 3 emerald in each level . so how do you do so ? you glide around the place and see if a Emerald be pick up on a radar -lrb- really helpful -rrb- , and they could be hide in enemy or other place . the only minor -lrb- and only minor -rrb- downside with Knuckles be that there be only about 1 -lrb- or 2 ? -rrb- emerald throughout the game that could only be find by digging into the ground . I be expect Knuckles 's digging upgrade to be use a bit more specifically for find emerald . Amy - she be not as fast as the above 3 character , but she still be not a bad pick . although have the same robot chase she throughout level be a little cringe-inducing , Amy play pretty well , as she can attack with she massive hammer . e103 Omega - Alright . who expect a robot to be playable in a sonic game ? I certainly have not , but I be glad I be . Omega 's gameplay involve massive deal of weaponry , as well as be able to hover later on , and do certain task in the level . in final egg , for example , you must destroy Sonic doll . in Emerald Coast , you catch Froggy . in other level , you must go destoy other Omega robot ! I absolutely love play as this thing , as much as I love play as the first 3 character . big - Big be a pretty lame downside to this game . he be slow , and you have to go fishing for thing . it be as fun as describe , and I certainly do not want to go back to play as he . sadly , you have to beat the game as all character if you want to fight the actual last boss , Perfect Chaos , so ... ... that pretty much cover up the character . as for everything else , the level design be magnificent and lovingly craft . plus , the graphic be awesome for the time , and the soundtrack rock ! however , sonic adventure dx be not without flaw . there be a few time where the collision get a little awry , and the cutscene be not amazing , too . while the story be nicely do , some bit of dialogue be a bother . oh , yeah , and there be big the cat . nevertheless , these be , again , minor problem , as the game be so much fun that you would hardly think about they . oh yeah , and the unlockable collection of Game Gear game be a great bonus ! 515 Video_Games POS 5 Nintendo have give we some of the best loved-franchise of all time , such as Mario , Zelda , Metroid , and countless more . Super Smash Bros Brawl bring out the very best of each of these . not only do it have a full roster of beloved Nintendo hero and villain , it also recount they most potent fighting technique , each one have a unique way of destroy they foe . along with stage place in area you be bind to know from you favorite game , they be accompany by remixed version of many of Nintendo 's greatest orchestration . aside from the hour of fun you 'll have beat Nintendo character of all shape and size senseless , there be so many more thing to do , include uncover the mystery of the game 's story mode , the Subspace Emissary , play demo of classic Nintendo game in masterpiece mode , or complete mission to unlock the game 's hundred of trophy and other collectable . this game will keep you so busy and always want more , that chance be you 'll never complete the game 100 % . but the path get there be so much fun , that it really will not bother you . 592 Video_Games POS 4 purchase to replace a case skin that have wear through , this appear to be a good option . it have the same good fit and provide a secure grip . 434 Video_Games NEU 3 I love the build quality of this headset , and I can tell it be build to last . the sound quality be superb , and the headset itself be very lightweight and comfortable . my only problem be with the microphone . it have a `` noise canceling '' feature that set the threshold way too high . I play at night , and I need to talk somewhat quietly , but the microphone do not even detect normal-volume speech . I be force to raise my voice if I want to speak , and even then the headset seem to ignore the first few word that I say before it start transmit . one little issue as well : the mic do not seem to have active voice monitoring , which be something you do not even realize be there until it be go . my Turtle Beach x31 headset have it , and it be strange not have it . pro : Lightweight Comfortable durable stylish good sound quality\/bass con : microphone be not nearly sensitive enough no active voice monitoring -lrb- muffle you voice and sound odd -rrb- unfortunately , I would not recommend this to a friend , but it may be good for you , especially if you speak somewhat loudly . 216 Video_Games POS 5 I have not play the single player mode yet and i do not know if i ever will . I believe that all the action be in online play . Start up take awhile , a update right off the bat , and then enter the online code and after that i be on my way . this be not cod . to I cod be arcade , run and gun and everyman for himself . Dont get I wrong i love the modern warfare game . this game however be very easy to pick up and play if you be familier with fp 's . I enjoy not get kill every 5 sec . by a noobtube . in this game it be fast paced . you decide how to play . you can go lone gun and spray and pray at anything that move , or you can stick with other member of you team and move forward to complete objective or to just kill the other team . the sound online be pretty good and so be the graphic . its a nice change of pace from the recent cod game . the biggest thing that you have to get use to cod player , there be no kill cam . if you into online play and be look for a solid online shooter to play that be different than cod , then this game be for you . 660 Video_Games POS 5 the PS3 be a great system . I get the item fast through amazon , package nicely , and use the PS3 almost everyday . 707 Video_Games POS 5 I know my brother Ron would love this the minute I see it . what a awesome present for he birthday 951 Video_Games POS 5 I recently buy the biggest loser and I be surprise that it be as good as it be . when I be work out it allow I to see if I need to dip lower or bring my knee higher . it also be motivate because the bob and jillian character would talk to you the whole game . if you be do good they would say so and if you quit or slow down they would tell you about it . the scanner on the game do put my height wrong , but that be because I do not have my kinect position right . once I get use to the game , it be easy to navigate the screen . I also like how I could personalize my weight loss for myself . I could tell they how many week and how much I want to lose . the game also keep track of my calorie and let I know if I be meet my goal . this game be not mean to be a fun game , but it be mean to help people get in shape . the workout be hard and I love that I could take a break or work harder . overall this game be a five star for I . 605 Video_Games NEG 1 I be go to buy until I find out about DRM . another $ 50.00 bite the dust ea . enjoy you game 542 Video_Games POS 5 I think human revolution be a strong buy if you be look for something outside of the call of duty-style shooting gallery . dxhr be a place of character , decision and consequence , as much as it be a place of bullet and bloodshed . it be one of the more rewarding action game that I have play in several year and a worthy companion to the original . the story be a engrossing techno-thriller potboiler , where you be never quite sure who you can trust , or for how long . some alliance be brief , and turn of fate can come unexpectedly . thing be not what they appear to be at first , and people be not always who they seem to be . the more you uncover , the higher the stake seem to get . but you do get clue about where thing be go to go , if you hack enough computer and get you hand on the right people and the right document . even the side mission inform you about the game world and how you character be view by other ; sometimes a hero-in-waiting , other time a potential contract killer . it be up to you to confirm they belief or prove they wrong . after all , you have great potential for both good and evil with you `` augmentation , '' prosthetic that re not just mechanical assistance but machinery \* better \* than flesh and graft to you body ; replace lung , eye , and heart , not to mention you limb . the higher capacity that this give a person -- and the effect that it have on the perception of they very humanity -- will be a run theme throughout the game . dhxr also hearken back to the old Splinter cell , with a side of metal Gear Solid . like those game , you can not run into a room gun blaze . you have to strategize by either pick people off surgically , or avoid they altogether . you 'll need to get password and keycode to get into secret area , and the environment be highly explorable -- there be a distinct lack of paint door and arbitrary obstacle , and a complete absence of invisible wall . so go ahead and wander down that corridor that lead away from you objective , because you may find a useful weapon or valuable piece of information . the area have a variety of alternate route , some of which you need special ability -lrb- call `` augmentation '' -rrb- to access . you 'll need to hide the people you have take down , because another person sight they can set off a alarm . if the person you have take down be unconscious -lrb- you get a variety of non-lethal approach to combat -rrb- , then they can be revive . firefight use a cover-based system that put you in a third-person , over-the-shoulder perspective . you can blind-fire or aim around corner . and you can lob a variety of grenade . you can hack robotic gun turret sometimes and turn they against you attacker . it work pretty smoothly without make you feel like the game be do all the cover work for you . as far as production value go , the visual be behind the curve , but this do mean that more computer will be able to handle the game without many performance issue . the voice acting be generally very good , although Adam Jensen may be a acquire taste . it help I to pretend he be basically Clint Eastwood transport to the future . the ambient music be incredibly atmospheric , although the main theme be use heavily , and you may find it repetitive . sound effect be also polish and vary . if I have any complaint , it would be for the spike in difficulty for the `` boss battle . '' there be few of they , thankfully , but you 'll probably find yourself reload many time before you finally crack it . it be not ninja gaiden maddening , but it do evoke the same kind of frustration . there be also a lot of back-and-forth when wander in between mission , without really any landmark to guide you . it be a bit easy to get lose or hit a dead-end . 7 Video_Games NEG 1 not really a lot to say here . the graphic be actually spectacular . that be why it get the one star . the game itself be utter nonsense and absolute crap . I have see people get through it in as little as a bit over a hour , I take my time and get 3 out of it . nothing really here at all to offer to anyone who be a fan of drive game , unless you like the walmart arcade racer in the arcade area . then this would be right up you alley . the physics , as with all NFS game since ... the first few original , be absolutely ridiculous . the car themselves be gorgeous , but behave nothing like car . ea gamble it be entire game on be the only one to offer Porsches , due to a contract game like Forza 4 , be not allow to use Porsches . well , this strategy be a absolute , utter failure . it will never compete with game like Forza 3 or 4 , or Gran Turismo . I can not imagine it be really mean to though , it feel like they spend all of about 5 minute develop it . I suppose I be a bit harsh . I just like my drive game to feel like I be actually drive something . honestly , any drive game without a interior view automatically lose all star . this game have no real story , no real substance to it , but like I say , graphically it be honestly pretty awesome . as for judge if you should buy it or not , go to you local walmart , play one of those `` fast and the furious '' arcade game . if you like it , this be for you . if you be look for anything resemble actual driving , do not bother , honestly . at least not at the price it be be sell for now . when it drop to the 5 dollar value box , or if you be go to rent it , go for it . mercifully , I be smart enough to play before buying . do the world a favor and do not give ea or black Box any of you money . let evolution take it be course . 285 Video_Games POS 5 this be a great color gaming system that broght the fun of most of the game of sega 's genisis to a pocket version . the color graphic blow away any of it be competition at the time -lrb- except for the 16bit atarus lynx system , highly overlook -rrb- , and should have lay waiste to the gameboy , except for the marketing and pricing . it be tough to believe that the survivor from this time period be the gameboy . this be family friendly , still readily available and with many title in most use gaming store . very well worth look at and buy for younger kid that may not be ready for a psp . this have a few more maturer game for the pre-teens as well , so they can continue to devlop they interest beyond bubble bobble and kirby -lrb- even though bubble bobble be excellet , a classic -rrb- . Worth look at . 225 Video_Games POS 4 I be not much of a shoot 'em up and slash and burn type of gamer so this game really click well with I . I always print out the walkthrough and use it as a guide , but you really do not need any help because if you be stump , there be a help button that you can click to get lot of help with the puzzle . the graphic be great and the storyline believable . the ending be a bit anti-climactic , but I enjoy it overall . 470 Video_Games POS 5 I like the look of ac 3 and want to get catch up with the first two do by the correct studio do the third . ca not wait to get into these more . 763 Video_Games POS 5 this be the controller that the PS3 should have have from the start . the Sixaxis controller can not compare to it . besides have the rumble capability , the Dualshock 3 weigh about 40 % more and feel much more solid than the Sixaxis . battery life be excellent . I charge it every couple of week . if you own a PS3 , then this be the controller to have . 137 Video_Games POS 4 I dont like the concept of pay monthley for a game i already buy . so of course i never play a mmorpg . until now . why ? CUZ ITS FREE ... yes thats right . . its free ... ok , im assume you know how to play a rpg , its that with the option to play with other people . its kinda boring sometimes and repetitive but its ok , cuz the rpg element keep you play . the story be crap ... I didnt care for it , some bad voice act and some pretty good voice act . you wont remember the story after you play . . hell im still play it and I dont remember the story . the camera angel be bad and at the end of the month you feel this be a game for poor or the average income people . if you be rich and want a mmorpg , buy world of warcraft , I want soo much to play but im only 16 and itll take up almost all my allowence . 670 Video_Games POS 5 the Sims and they expansion be grate . i love the Sims , its soo much fun . its also grate fro kid because it can teach they about money and romance and all that grate stuff . I rate this a perfect 5 ! 299 Video_Games NEG 2 this game be not like the original battlefield or desert combat . no vehicle war whatsoever . only 32 player max . this game suck . 925 Video_Games POS 4 I love this game . my only complaint be that I do the digital download , and now can not play the game with steam . warning : if you want to play the game through steam -lrb- as a steam-registered game -rrb- , you will not be able to with the Digital Download . get steam achievement , authenticate collection , etc. will not be possible with the digital download purchase above . I be fairly sure that if you order the box copy , you will not miss out on the above . somewhat disappointing , but mostly just annoying . 467 Video_Games POS 5 this game be sooooo much fun !! for the family !! we highly rec . for everyone in the family . PS baahhh bahhhhhhhh bada daaaada da ... 922 Video_Games NEU 3 I buy this item about a week ago . it work good and be nice and quite compare to other cooler for the fat ps3 . but it do not secure and snap onto the ps3 like it should . it do not turn on and off with the console . Mine be still on ever since I put it on and have not shut off yet . I guess as long as it do what it be suppose to . it be ok . right ? good thing I be not picky . I just want to extend the life of my ps3 . decide for yourself . I would not buy this if you be go for quality . 153 Video_Games POS 5 ... suck up my time ! I be new to the PS3 and to FPS game . this be one of the first game I buy because it be cheap . I have only play the single player a couple of time , and while it be fun , I stop play after I go online . the online game be so much fun . I be horrible at it , but be really enjoy try to build up my point and get new accessory and gun . this game make have a job and kid really hard . I think about this game at work and can not wait until its the kid bedtime so I can play . haha the graphic and gameplay be great ! 479 Video_Games POS 5 this game turn I into a chess player in just two week of play every once in a while . this game may discourage people who think that chess be too hard to learn or people who think chess be for freak . this game be good for people who do not know a bishop from a knight because of the game 's build in tutor who teach you all you need to know and some technique I never expect he to cover . when play chess , capture be animated in a half battle chess , half joke you can find off loony tune style . for instance , when a bishop capture a queen , the bishop shoot a spell at the queen and the queen be shrink down to nothing . this game feature chess set from the Western and Pirates theme as well as a traditional chess set . Lego should not have discontinue this game . it be both fun and educational . Gosh , there be five word I would think I would never say in a row . 56 Video_Games NEG 2 I pick this up instead of the new medal of honor . the guy at Gamestop say it blow away mw2 and the new MOH . oh how wrong be he . First off , I be a very big campaign player . I play online sometimes when I get bore , but mostly I be into the campaign . mw2 's story line be far better than this one , yeah the campaign be cool and have its twist and turn but it be sub par in my opinion . I have see much better . graphic be good , but not great , a couple new weapon and feature be add that help out some . I be not go to spoil anything in the story for those of you who want to try it . online play be typical COD , more like WAW than MW though . it really would have be nice to see they do something longer and stop concentrate so much on the online ply . i understand that be where the money be at , but some people like both world . the only nice addition be the extra zombie game option , but its just like World at War game play wise so if you have WAW , save you money . instead of spending so much money on advertising this game with Kobe and Jimmy , they should have put it into the game . I can not believe I buy this . I be head to Gamestop now to trade in this so call great first person shooter . long story short , I should have buy medal of honor . 59 Video_Games POS 5 i never really play it when it originally come out , because i be to young , but now that i have it , im glad i do . this be why nintendo make remake so people like I can play the game we miss out on 284 Video_Games POS 5 this be simply one of the best game I have ever play . I think it would be kind of dull with only 1 major weapon , but this game be great . this be the best game that LucasArts have ever put out . you will not be disappoint . 889 Video_Games POS 4 when I buy this game the sale price be cheaper then buy a remote seperatly . so I buy it for the remote . however my family have enjoy the game . 736 Video_Games POS 5 buy this for my grandson for he d . he be very happy with it . it have lot of room for he system and extra game . help he to keep all he d thing together . 697 Video_Games POS 4 story-i enjoy the story , much like ff12 with the corrupted government genre . the only drawback be the Cieth , which I feel be write into the plot as a last minute explanation for Hunts . as with a regular jrpg , part of the story be heavily soak in melodrama and might make american gamer cringe . the ending be a `` eh ... Ok '' sort of feeling but tie up loose end . Voice Acting-Great voice act , the voice suit the character nicely , yes even Vanille . a upbeat cheerful character get a upbeat cheerful voice . the character from pulse get a english accent be a nice subtle touch too . graphics\/sound-stunning environment and in-game cut scene , even the menu screen be sleek and futuristic-looking . Quality expect from the Playstation system as well as past ff game . gameplay-those who want to finish every mission and pick up every item will find themselves play for a long while . the main plot be relatively short , as Square expect you to continue play past the end credit , unlike past ff game which do not let you save . possibly the most addictive part of this game be the battle system as long as you do not keep mash Auto-Battle . frankly the Auto-Battle feel like a cheap blow to my pride when I first see it . last thoughts-obviously this ff13 be gear to bring in those who have never play ff game before . usually know for they storyline , 13 's be only decent . graphic be excellent , but only to be expect from the ff franchise . I would wait for the price to drop before pick this up and save my money for Versus . 904 Video_Games POS 5 product be ship withij the promise time frame . it come new as promise in a unopened and undamaged package . I be very satisfied . 549 Video_Games POS 5 I love this game ! ice Cap be REALLY cool , along with Twinkle Park . when you enter Twinkle Park , you have to get in a bumper car and drive down a long but fun road . it have ton of loop and hairpin curve ... drool . and the ending of Ice Cap be cool , where you have to snowboard down the mountain to avoid a avalanche and then skid down and grab the Emerald on you way . the Storyline : Sonic be return to Station Square after a long journey and run across a liquid monster name Chaos . you have to fight he , and he turn into a puddle and slip down the sewer . then he be at the beach and see tail in he new plane , out of control . you have to get through Emerald Coast to save he . tail show Sonic a Purple Chaos Emerald -lrb- if they be emerald , why be just the Ice Cap one green ? O. o -rrb- and tell he it be the power source of he new plane . then he tell Sonic to meet he at he shop in the Mystic ruin . sonic arrive , but he be stop by Robotnik and have to fight he . I forget the rest , but at one point you have to fight Knuckles . when you be Amy , the end be pretty sad : e-102 die and the bird 's family fly away with the bird . Chao : the Chao , also know as a-life , be little blue and green coo thing that remind many sonic fan of Tamagotchi . you have to feed they and let they sleep . you 'll notice that when you attack a enemy in a Action Stage , a animal inside a green bubble float out . grab the animal , and when you go to the Chao Garden the animal you collect will fly out . hold one up to a Chao and after glowing green , it 'll get a characteristic of the animal . only animal that have spark fly from they do this , though . if you give you Chao enough animal , -lrb- 20 once , 50 the second time . -rrb- it 'll sit down and form a white cocoon around it . the cocoon will fade and the Chao will look different and be a different color . if you Chao be limp or if you hurt it a lot , it will make a cocoon and die . so , all in all , this game rule ! 814 Video_Games NEG 1 if you buy this drm-infested game , you can only install it three time - after that , you have to call a hotline to activate it again . you do not buy but rent it , but only for the full buying price . no thanks , this be rip of the customer . we do not need this , instead buy another game that let you do what you want with it . 835 Video_Games NEU 3 like most avid sim fan . I eagerly await this release . strong word of caution . my own stupidity for not realize this , but this game be not available in cd-rom . so if you pc do not have a dvd drive , you be out of luck . I purchase mine at Walmart , because the description on what be require state cd-rom drive . sure the box clearly state dvd , and I should have catch that , but I just could not bring myself to think that the genuise at Microsoft assume everyone have a dvd drive in they pc right . anyway , the catch 22 be that once you open the software , the retailer will not take it back , so you be stick with a useless $ 50.00 game you can not use . to be fair , I do finally find a number at Microsoft to call for product return and get a authorization to return it and in about a month I might get my money back . Buyer beware , do not be as dumb as I . if you only have a CD drive , you be out of luck on this game , Microsoft do not think you be worth they trouble . 513 Video_Games POS 5 I be a little worried because some reviewer complain that modification be need to work properly . my item work perfectly right out of the box . now I can see the video use hdmus and listen to the sound use my surround system . 401 Video_Games NEG 1 -lrb- review edit -rrb- disappoint !!!!!!! the 1.4 patch have break the 360 . i dont know how many player have experience this but my game now lock up completely . im at level 57 and i cant progress any further . to make thing worse it corrupt my 360 and give it the rrod ... let I say i have no issue with my 360 performance prior to skyrim and the new patch . once i get my 360 repair i will not download ANY of the patch 's . i will play directly from the disc ... i will change my overall rating to 1 star . Bethesda fix the PS3 issue but they break the 360 game ... Shame on you Bethesda you need to be put out of business for such poor patching of you own game ... \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* 436 Video_Games POS 5 I purchase another controller think it charge two of the normal PS3 controller and two move controlelr -- but it only charge one move and one nav controller . this one will charge 4 of any combination of move or nav controller . I also believe it hold they better than my other controller , provide positive feedback as to the charge status -lrb- and when it be do -rrb- and have a power button -lrb- my other one do not and thus be always drain electricity -rrb- . 330 Video_Games POS 5 just a few thing I have not see mention in other review . rechargable battery vs. weight - I purchase Energizer Rechargable NiMH battery specifically for we Wii Remotes . they be a little pricey but they last a impressive amount of time per change . during a trip to a friend 's house with the Wii in tow one pair happen to die , so he find some traditional coppertop to replace they with . the weight difference be insane . in game like Wii Sports tennis where controller swing timing be crutial it feel like it make a difference . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 Player ? - we have notice when run 4 Wii remote at a time they tend to jump around as to which Remote be actually which number of player . you may exit a game that you be just player 3 on , the third blue light on you remote be light , but you hand onscreen be red and have a 2 in it . it do not affect gameplay really , but tend to be frustrating consider we be talk about the most expensive `` standard '' controller on the market now . Wish there be a independant off switch - ready to play , just grab a remote and push the a button -lrb- or 1 and 2 simultaneously -rrb- to have it attempt to begin communicate with the Wii . but when not it use you almost have to place it on a alter all by itself , so it do not happen to sit face down constantly try to sync , and drain you battery . 113 Video_Games NEG 1 I buy the hard copy version -lrb- with the cd and case and whatnot -rrb- and I be still force to download the game through Origin and that be after a hour of customer support try to figure out why . so now I be stare at 2 perfectly good and useless cd -lrb- with about 8 gig of info on they -rrb- while -lrb- accord to origin -rrb- it will take 9 hour for the download to complete and then I be not even sure if I can run it . such a disappointment . this game be start on such a lousy note that I be not even sure I be look forward to play it . 313 Video_Games POS 5 I be hype for this game because I be a classic ne fanboy . the haunting , but simple blip and bleep s of 8-bit soundtrack remind I of the comfort of youth and the happiness of new game , if not any fond family memory , of which I have none . Nintendo be my best friend and babysitter in my early teens and go forward . now , I be usually leave handed but I adapt well to the control scheme and beat this game on level 7 intensity . it sound simple and boring , a rail shooter mix in with some ground combat . but it be not . also , the nonstop dialogue be entertaining and go on almost every moment of every level , and be silly . it be great , I be currently obsess with multiplayer online combat and get 100 % completion of the game , I be not too far off . there be nothing more satisfying than conspire with friend about a win light Vs. dark strategy and then destroy some poor japanese kid . 140 Video_Games POS 5 this game be fun and challenging and also make you pay attention to what you do . i buy the game and there be no problem with it 419 Video_Games POS 5 it can be use for you tv and computer and you xbox almost anything but be the best on the xbox 248 Video_Games POS 5 work well its pretty much the same as the old one but supposedly `` better and faster '' i dont see any difference , the only reason i buy one be because my white network adapter get a short circuit and microsoft refuse to take any ownership in the fail of they product . i figure i spend 100 dollar on the original white one that short on I why should i spend another 60 for one that will fail as well . i purchase the new one in hope it would be better and not fail after 6short month , it hasnt yet after 3 so i guess it do what its suppose to . if you have the ability though you be better off connect straight into you moderm via ethernet cable . if you can do that dont waste you money , if youre like I and cant then go ahead and buy this one or the white one , not much of a difference as far as i can see . 920 Video_Games POS 5 I personally hate compare game to one and another , I believe if you be a fan of that particular game genre then play it and enjoy it for what it be . however with call of Duty game it be hard not to compare , there be so much to live up to . I know this be not Infinity Ward and also not Modern Warfare 3 but they do set the bar very high when it come to military fp . so the question be , do black op live up to its predecessor ? the answer of course , be yes it do ! come on ! do we really need to review this game , be there really any doubt ! if you be a fan of call of Duty : Modern Warfare 1 and 2 then you 'll really enjoy this game . honestly I enjoy black op just as much and in some case more . in a nutshell , the graphic be beautiful , the action amazing and the story be entertain to say the least . Controls be great and very fluid and if you have ever play any other FPS you 'll feel right at home , and if you have not its very easy to pick up from the start . Multiplayer have be revamp , include everything that make Modern Warfare great plus fix some of the thing that do not . my only complaint would be the match making , I wish it would match people more by they skill level and not randomly . it be worth the price and -lrb- not to sound like a commercial LOL -rrb- if you only buy one game this year , this should be it . now stop read review and go pick up the game so you can start blow thing up ! by the way , if you see I online follow I around because I be a easy kill . I suck really bad , so right now let I say ; you be welcome for the kill streak ! Mike PSN & Xbox Live gamer tag be MikeJMele 102 Video_Games POS 5 Flight simulator 2004 its great . . so much fun and educative , this f 2004 run great on my vaio laptop with the logitech attack 3 joystick that I also buy for it , which I highly reccomend it for this purpose . . I have be use f since 12 or 13 year ago . . I remember my brother teaching I some very helpful basics lesson about navigation and all that stuff since he be a private pilot . . this 2004 f have lot of improvement from the 98 f . . its more of what I expect . . I which they have include the airbus 340 but its ok . . b777 and 747 be very challen . . you will have a lot of fun and a lot of learn from this software . . 5 star for f 2004 , and great service from amazon too . . 778 Video_Games POS 5 just to let you all know , I have play the japanese version of the Crystal game . and , put simply , it be a great game . it have several new feature that make it seem much more `` real '' . you mother have a friend over when you walk out of you room at the beginning . Professor Elm be now work at a computer and get the message from Mr. Pokemon right as you visit he . the Pokemon all have neat little animation you see when you run into they . some new item , the chance to catch Celebi , and be able to be a girl all make it more fun . -lrb- and , eh-heh , the girl be quite the looker for supposedly be ten year old . -rrb- as yellow do to Red and Blue , a mixture of the g\/s pokemon be find in Crystal . I advise any die-hard fan -lrb- or even those that just want a new game to test -rrb- pick it up and give it a shot . 886 Video_Games NEG 2 in short . this be a lot of cut scene , occasionally interupt by a game . if I just want to sit back and watch , I would have rent amovie . ban all cut scene . 979 Video_Games POS 5 this be my favorite game in recent memory . when Super Mario Galaxy be first release , I be skeptical about purchase it . I love Super Mario 64 but I think Super Mario Sunshine be familiar and gimmicky so I have priorly assume that there be not any gas leave in the Mario franchise tank . boy be I wrong . to summarize the game , it be at its core a collection of puzzle . the completion of each puzzle award you with star . collect enough star , and you win the game . it sound mundane , but complete each individual puzzle and collect the star have the charm of , say , complete a sudoku puzzle or the daily crossword . but unlike do consecutive sudoku puzzle , the quest to earn each star in Mario Galaxy be so fantastically diverse and mind-bendingly innovative , you 'll have a hard time put you controller down . it stem from the absolutely brilliant and imaginative way the designer use the gravity mechanic in the game - the direction of gravity be constantly change , Mario will be flip upside down , and you 'll have a wonderful time manipulate the game . I should address another issue that give I pause before I buy the game . I have fear from the trailer and preview that either the game would merely involve jump from tiny planet to tiny planet , kill one or two enemy on each one and collect a few coin ; or that the space setting would quickly grow tiresome -lrb- like the sun-shiny setting of Sunshine before it -rrb- . fear not - true some level involve blast from small space object to small space object . but there be tremendous diversity from planet jump puzzle -lrb- which be much more fun than I have anticipate -rrb- to large sprawl landscape to explore much like in Super Mario 64 . further , travel the different planet give Mario the opportunity to visit diversely theme planet - such as you standard green grass setting to fire , ice , desert , water , volcano , etc. setting . so in conclusion , if you be skeptical like I about Galaxy , let I assure you it be well worth try out . 945 Video_Games POS 5 the game be fun . pure and simple . the bunny be amusing and the fly dragon take concentration and work . the ice slide be outstanding and , again , take patience . if the game be too easy , people would complain ... if it be too hard ... people will complain . bottom line be - you can not please they all . but the way they make the character switch be a good , solidly easy play . I be look forward to the next one . great job , guy & girl . 115 Video_Games POS 5 this be one of the best game I have ever play . if you play the first Kingdom Hearts and think that be fun , wait until you play this one . it be amazing . the storyline be wonderful and keep you wonder how everything happen . the game start off slow and make you think the first one be better , but once you get pass the begin it get so much more fun than the first one . I definitely recommend play this . 968 Video_Games POS 5 even better than unchartered 2 pro : - good mix of different style of game play - really enjoy the chase or run part where you have to time thing right in order to finish the sequence or get out alive . - good deal of be pin down and have to shoot you way out which be intense and fun . - good mix of bad guy and the need to pick up and use different weapon in different situation . - fantastic and entertaining story line . - transition from movie clip directly into game play be fantastic . con : - I do wish there be more puzzle solve . I enjoy the part where you have to reference the journal towards the beginning of the game , but that seem to go away towards the end . I also wish the puzzle be a little more complex or the clue be more difficult to solve . but do not get I wrong - I be not leave unsatisfied with this game . best game I have play in year . -lrb- note : I play on normal setting . -rrb- 229 Video_Games POS 5 the bundle pack be the way to purchase this item and wait until to see the best pricing ! it be well worth it . 777 Video_Games NEG 2 so I be a long standing fan of the Super Smash Bros series . I play the first game and its what get I hook on the series and the second one be just as well make and think out . it be a game series that perfect the strategic fighting genre where you could ambush you enemy use the terrain against they and create all kind of manic mayhem . that be say I would have to say of the series melee be probably my favorite , the level design throughout the series have always be incredible and one of the main focus 's of the game . . the new game seem a little bit off unfortunately , in the previous series different character really have a distinct feel to they when you play they they jump differently move differently , fall differently some of they be even just harder to kill due to how the AI control they , for instance I and my friend always use to comment on how Fox 's greatest strength be that he would not die and be rediculously hard to kill . one of the first thing i notice about brawl be how different the camera be compare to the previous game . the camera be much farther out in this game make you character much smaller in the scheme of thing , this isnt really a change I like but it wasnt a game killer . one of the other thing I find frustrate about the game be that alot of the character and button mapping have be tweak to simplify the game it seem . . now that be say I no longer have game cube controller to play this on and the game didnt really feel right be play with the wius mote or even the wius classic controller . maybe im alone in this but the entire game feel slightly off in comparison to the last two game . the level seem less innovative and more frantic , the stupid float ship level for instance be rediculous , Alot of the new character didnt really feel unique or engaging from any of the other character currently in the game . yes I can say that this game have its fun momment and it be fun to play a few time when company and friend be over , but Melee for I be scathingly addictive and every character be fun to play and really learn how they work and how they feel to control . this game as a whole feel like less time and effort be put into it , it feel like they just throw it together and new that people would line up and buy it . SO basically I would say this game be only fun if you have 3 or 4 people to play it with you otherwise its pretty boring . the other two feel pretty solid and have some what of a entertaining single player experience and feel to they . 151 Video_Games POS 5 i love this game and it be so much fun for I to play . if you love baseball and want a game to play that fun and easy than this be it . i love that it so easy for I to play . hope this help . bye : -rrb- p.s. i love baseball to death . 286 Video_Games POS 4 if you own a xbox 360 , and you want to play Xbox Live , this be a great product to have . 712 Video_Games POS 5 I buy this for my grandson for Christmas . the game be highly like by the 16 year old , but he 10 year old brother be not so fond of it . so , while it be a great game for teens , younger kid might prefer something else . 371 Video_Games POS 5 this review be by my preteen , Emily : it be my favorite ds game ever ! also , my family think it be really fun , too ! but they prefer the wius game . my little sister and I also like to hit wireless connection on d 's to play together , I recommend this game to anyone , it be : 1 . super fun 2 . lot of awesome character 3 . cool racetrack 4 . it be super fun to race friends\/family ! 5 . unlock everthing , and get special character and prize , like trophy ! to race , the only problem be that u need to hold down the a button the whole entire time ur racing . to move , simply use the + contrl pad . to get a dice block to get a trap to use on people , just run through it and it magically give u a trap ! to use it , hit any of the button to set it in front\/behind you . note : u can not choose whether it go behind u or in front . but if u race right into a trap , it will slow u down ! how to win : the object be to race to the finish line 1rst . trap can slow people down so u can get ahead , or stay ahead ! tip : to get ahead in the beginning : just simply dont hold down a until the number 3 ... 2 go . then , right after it say 2 , that when u hold down a and go ! u will get a speed boost ! hope this be helpful !! 226 Video_Games POS 5 my husband buy this game , and completely enjoy it ! he love the action and the whole pirate theme . the only problem he have be that we anti-virus cause the game to crash at the start up . we have AVG free edition , and switch to the Avast -lrb- free edition -rrb- . that fix the crash . the company that sell the game deliver the disk in a quick amount of time and in good condition . very happy with the purchase . : -rrb- 10 Video_Games POS 5 my bud give I so much hype about this system so i buy it ... here be my thought the game be pretty pricey and there not really that good such as steel diver , pilot wing , pokemon rumble blast . if you go to buy a game i recomend you review it first : -lrb- the game that have come out that be good . be just remake into 3d effect such as star fox , zelda , splinter cell , metal gear , street fighter . its not a bad thing but its something that can be improve . they be all good game but nintedo be a smart company ... come on guy hit I with something new . : -lrb- although classic game be avaible for download there not offerd in 3d which be sorta odd : -lrb- the 3d can be hard to adjust to at time and its sometimes pointless in game -lrb- splinter cell , sonic gen -rrb- : \/ the ar card be briliant and add new spice to gaming . : d the camrea be amazing . theres a sd card that come with it so you can save on you pc . : -rrb- not really a big thing ... buttttt there no more picto chat : \/ mii plaza be a cool way to meet new people ... but other than a couple of minus game -lrb- find mii , puzzle -rrb- its nothing to brag about . : \/ its not to bad of a system im just glad i wait till the price drop . 200 Video_Games POS 5 be a tyrant . be a priest . kill em ' all . protect the weak . or you could just sit back and be a bum . this be life w \/ magic and shit 869 Video_Games POS 4 I review a handful of kinect workout game before pick this one base on overall review and screenshot . I be pretty impress with it . there be a pretty good variety of workout and I like how there be not a long pause between exercise like on the Wii . I would definitely buy it again . the main thing I would like to see to improve on it would be to work in some game to make the workout more fun . 891 Video_Games POS 5 I buy this game for my boyfriend 's birthday and he love it . the game be in very great condition and it ship with impeccable timing . 767 Video_Games POS 5 this game be one my favorite . the graphic and detail be good and quite entertaining . it seem that the game be innitially create with younger people in mind , but I be 22 and I enjoy play . it start out easier at the begin like most game and gradually get more challenging as you work up the higher level . there be some level which still kick my butt -- I be ashamed to admit . what I like about it be there be a lot of free range adventure where Spyro be able to roam about seek out hidden treasure and place . not everything you look for be readily obvious . I would recommend this game for anybody who like adventure and level type fantasy game without all the blood and gut . it be also a really great game for kid as there be no profanity or anything of the like involve . 380 Video_Games NEG 1 when I get my action replay of course I be excite and it fun to use it , but after my first week of have it , it break . when I put the action replay in my dsus with a game the screen come up white . so , I look up how to fix it and it seem like a lot of other people have this problem and could not fix it . so I would not recommend this to anybody . 491 Video_Games NEG 2 never do I own a game before that require steam . to play the game you have to log into Steam to launch . so why do I buy a dvd and get force to use steam ? shortly after join Steam so I could play since I already open the package and could not return it now I get a notice from Steam that they have be hack and may have lose customer information . that really give I the warm and fuzzy . as far as the game it actually load on Windows 7 x64 unlike Fallout 3 that work fine on Vista but would not load when I upgrade . the mouse movement and graphic seem really jerky . I try to use a XBOX 360 wireless controller only to find out I need a $ 20 adapter . so i try a pc joystick and I do not seem to do anything ... as far as gameplay , it have not manage to keep I envolve . I keep walk away and come back later . I have just find my way to the keep after have to repeat the open many time . at the moment I have to call it disappointing hopefully I 'll make it thru all the intial b and learn to like the game ... just may take a while ... 585 Video_Games POS 5 I would read the Nancy Drew book when I find out about the game . for my birthday I want the game and I go on Amazon . the ratind be good so I decide I would get this game . it be really fun . even though the game be make for girl my brother and he friend really like it . my brother would make I play it when I get up -lrb- I be only allow on the computer on weekend -rrb- . so I say the game be a COOL COOL FANTASTIc GAME !!! 849 Video_Games NEG 1 when we get just Dance 2 , we whole family be excite . we have love and music and move in just Dance . we open and have some friend over and put it in . the music be `` lame '' accord to the kid and not as much fun . we still use it and it be play but there be just not as much excitement for just Dance 2 . 132 Video_Games POS 5 this game be huge . it go on and on without repetition . many unique weapon and upgrade . wonderful story line . no wonder it be vote best first person shooter of the year . 949 Video_Games POS 5 word can not express how incredible this game be ! I want to start this review by come in with a bit of a background on myself . I first get into elder scroll when I hear about skyrim be release in 2011 when it be 2010 . honestly , it look great . so I pick up oblivion because I think that would give I a idea . now many may disagree with I . but I be not too impressed with oblivion . I have some fun , but I be scare a lot from explore , and the main quest with the oblivion gate be terrifying . I put in many 10 hour into that game before I call it quit . so when skyrim first come out . I wait just a bit to hear about . I be then fortunate enough to get it as a Christmas gift and even the first scene just blow I away . for return fan , this have -lrb- for I at least -rrb- every aspect of oblivion that I do like , and everything else be near perfection . this game be the most true to a rpg theme than any other . from the start you can truly do whatever you want , whenever you , however you want , as whoever you want . the race create a great mix of culture and dispute , with different benefit and like to you character . the universe be immense and you completely fall into this beautiful world of conflict and distress . the most amazing thing . if you pick up this game , you have just pick up at least 50 hour of entertainment . over the course of 3-4 month . I have play over 100 hour of this game . it be mind blowing . how be a game capable of such a defeat ? the quest be great , and you do not even have to do the main quest if you do not want , and the guild quest will be just as intense and lengthy as the main quest , so you have plenty of fun . every skill be improve base off how you use it . be you into stealth ? sneak around , pick lock and pocket and you will get better as you go . more of a brute ? collect heavy armor and some strong weapon and take the enemy 's head on and become the strongest man\/woman in skyrim . it have a adaptional feature , so it really customize the game to you liking . and you can even build you own weapon and armor with the smithing skill . and for the first time magic be as strong as the other lifestyle . so you can finally live as a mage if you like magic . and learn at a college ! it be phenomenal ! if you a fan of medival castle age or fantasy , you could not ask for a better game . it be simplly perfect . on a scale to 1-10 I would give it a 9.8 and the only reason it be not perfect , be because there be a few bug . I have not experience as many as there supposedly be . but I can not ignore they , and for that reason it be not a perfect ten . but it be as close as one can get . it be a very open world game , and rumor have it that a expansion pack like dlc be to come soon that may even open up the old word of morrowind or cyrodill -lrb- previously release title in the series with a new gen touch -rrb- which I be unbelievably excite for . I can not stress enough how amazing this game be . even if it do not sound like you kind of game because of violence or quest , just try it , and see for yourself , because you want be able to drop it once you try it ! 2 Video_Games NEU 3 this product be definately not all it be crack up to be although the main thing for I be the trigger be not as nice as standard xbox trigger . 3.5 \/ 5 416 Video_Games POS 5 I do not actually own this game yet but play it at a friend house . it be very challenging and take a little bit to understand what all the power mean but once you get the hang of it you can play for hour without realize it . 739 Video_Games POS 5 I can not even say enough about how much I love this game . if you love Michael and he music you will love this game ! the developer go all out on this game and it show . I do not even like or play dancing game but I go out and bring this one and I be blow away buy it . I love how they incorporate almost everything from Michael 's video 's and adapt it to the song . this game could of be so wrong but it come out so right ! I be glad this be not another step on stage and sync with I game . no , this game be Michael at he best do what he do best . I get the special edition with the infamous glove and it be worth it . fun to play with friend and family I can not think of a single complaint about the game . it be Michael , he music , and you dance to it . 537 Video_Games POS 5 wonderful toy -- allow for creativity and family-fun and definitely not a violent video game . allow for constructive use of Wii and lot of options\/activities . I would purchase this again as a gift . well worth the month 645 Video_Games NEG 1 pc version lock up at about 80 % of mission completion . no fix and no response from the publisher . once you have spend the money , you be stick with it . 908 Video_Games POS 4 get it promptly , but the thing actually have a crack\/indentation in it . of the two port , one work perfectly , while for the second , it do not seem to support the analog function of a controller at all -lrb- but the other button get though -rrb- . very tempt to return it and get another one , because it definitely work , but mine come slightly break in the mail . 235 Video_Games POS 4 overall I like it . the right knob where you can adjust the tension help a lot in aim . I also like how the tension reduce the likely hood of you push down to hard and then melee or crouch if play call of duty . I do not like how the trigger be place so close to the right bumper as well as the shape of the trigger , both of which make you push the right bumper accidentally to much . I also think you could remap all the button , but it be just the two new bumper . another advantage this controller be how the color button be easier to push . 452 Video_Games NEU 3 first off I just like to say I be sort of a fable fanboy . love fable 1 , like fable 2 , and now I tolerate fable 3 . fable 3 for all it be `` Revolution '' talk be not very revolutionary when it come to define itself as a epic rpg . I pre-order the collector 's edition and as usual Amazon give the best deal and I have 20 dollar credit which I 'll probably use on pre-ordering Dragon age 2 . the card and coin be cool as well as the clever way it look but they could have add a bit more maybe a developer 's commentary or making of the game dvd , etc. . anyone who preorder just for a certain special weapon would have loss out because you can beat this game by the default weapon you get at the beginning . I do not , but it be so easy you definately could . while this game be good , it be certainly not gonna make you top game of all time list . the pro of the game be the look and feel of the game along with the voice act . great atmosphere but the story be more or less just okay . I love how they add new combat finisher such as with the hammer crush skull and batting smaller enemy like hobbe like baseball . this happen randomly and be much more fun to watch then you continual hack and slash . however , they take away lop off head which I think be cool in the second one so I guess it cancel out ... sort of . the magic be do nicely and the combat as well but once again the combat be just too easy as have be the case in previous fable . I beat the game without get knock down once and plenty of potion and food to keep you nice and safe . just too easy . I guess Lionhead be try to expand it be customer to younger player or just everyone in general but eventually they be gonna lose out on hard core gamer if they have not already . be king be also nothing special and the segment between be king and the final battle feel really really short and the decision be not all that special and rememberable . and speaking of the final battle ... meh be all I have to say . it be better then fable 2 at least where there practically be no boss battle . Reaver shoot the dude for I before I could think of kill he . ca not remember he name that be how lame that be and I be sure I 'll forget about this easily forgettable boss in fable 3 . the money system be garbage as it too be way too easy to obtain and again the weapon and they `` bonus '' be worthless because you gonna have no trouble beat this with whatever weapon you find . there be not enough enemy to keep it interesting and ironically the one enemy in the fable series that be decently hard , at least early on , be the troll and they remove they from fable 3 . alas I love rpg but with game like Dragon age and mass effect among other fable be really start to dissapoint . it be good but not sixty buck good . try to get it cheaper or rent it as you could probably beat it really fast . take I awhile just because I like to collect all the item . yes I be obsessive like that . not sure I 'll get the next fable unless they make a good number of fix . I be a fan of the world but this game be too hyped and once again do not live up to it be potential . 771 Video_Games POS 5 Nintendo . when you hear the word you automatically think of videogame . why be that you may ask , because the rock the industry in the 80 's and 90 's take down all competition that stand in the way -lrb- atarus , NEC , SEGA , NEOGEO , PANASONIC ETC -rrb- why be it that none of those company produce videogame system no more , because of the software they have , there target market and the fact they couldnt be trust like nintendo . now onto today issue , why choose a gamecube ? well let see there 1st party game be all classic and the newer title from there second party be unbelievable . need some example well let start with zelda , the best rpg to date for about 17 year this game have be go strong , just get better , next we have metroid prime which have the best graphic of any game for any system . they we have we best friend Mario in mario sunshine , along with he brother Luigi in Luigis mansion . then we have mario party , super smash brother , waverace , pikmin , eternal darkness , animal cross , mickey mouse in magical mirror , NBA courtside . in that group alone metroid prime win game of the year in america and zelda win game of the year in japan . so this be the ultimate gaming machine when it come to game . as for adult title that isue be now dead , nintendo have so many now , resident evil 0,1,2,3,4 , eternal darkness , dead to rights , die hard , and bmx xxx which contain nudity and yet the ps2 which supposedly have all adult game take out the nudity . hmmm real adult sony . as for the system itself it come in three color as of right now , other color that may come out be orange , magenta , and gold which show we nintendo likes to give we option to express ourselves and match we room a appliance . the controller be by far better fitting and more responsive than the ps2 and x box one and yea i know this cause i have use all three , it have about 200 game so far , not as big as ps2 but ps2 have be out a year earlier then the cube , and x box have a pitifull showing of game so far . as for add on you have a broadband and dial up modem , for use with phantasy star so far , you can hook up you game boy advance to the cube to swap information or use the gba as a controller , and finally they be make the game boy advance player which hook up to the bottom of the cube so you can play all you gameboy game on tv , so now you have over a thousand game to choose from , much larger than sony . the system use minus dvd to stop pirate company from bootleg nintendo software , which be good so that nintendo can keep there price low on game . this system do not play dvd and that a good thing cause you be buy a vidogame system not a dvd player . and finally the cost of the system be 150 buck as compare to the competitior at 200 . also nintendo be the first company to produce a actuall wireless controller that work call the wavebird , which be a must have , this thing work throw wall and the battery last over 100 hour . above all else why this system , its simple really a huge variety of game for child a adult as compare to the competitor who focus only on adult , as well as a company we all grow up on and that we can trust , and as for the future of game , you have metroid prime 2 , kirby air ride , mario golf , mario tennis , too human , animal crosing 2 , pikmin2 another zelda and the game that will rock the world mario kart . so go get one now , and as for all the other fanboy for the other system , NINTENDO SALES be up , the mature game be here now , most people dont CARE ABOUT ONLINE GAMES SO you can shove that garbage , SONYS TITLES and MICROSOFTS be horrible as COMPARED to NINTENDO TITLES so give up the trash talk . when u hear of ps2 all you hear about be well we get gta3 and vice city , well congrat to you , you have 2 good game . and microsoft all you hear be we have halo , and halo 2 be come soon , well congrat to you and you 2 game . metroid prime destroy halo and gta vice city in the graphic and gameplay department , and prime 2 will destroy halo 2 and anything else sony can get exclusive for they . wow i destroy all 4 of there good game with 2 good game , i should use the rest to crush you heart like resident evil 0 , and one graphic which annihalate x box graphic and wait until part4 be out then what will be the excuse and ps2 have no good game to even compare those game too , not even devil may cry . so in close nintendo own this industry hand down . 344 Video_Games POS 4 okay okay ... a new rpg for gamecube . for the firt couple of week , this title be flawless . but then it start get repettive . it get boring . there be nothing else to do , I have complete everything worth complete . if the Sims appeal to you , then rent this game . otherwise , save you -lrb- money -rrb- . 422 Video_Games NEU 3 my grandson get frustrated with some of the game because they be too hard for he also for a adult . he love Cars and very excite to play it but it be not easy and just give up after not be able to complete the game . 415 Video_Games POS 5 have you ever see a 3 year old addict ? buy this game and you will . no more Reader Rabbit . no more Mickey Mouse Toddler . no more jumpstart . Thomas , Thomas , Thomas ! and it have not stop with software . he be move on to video and book . he be recently begin play directly with the train . we have try to get he into rehab but they be all full . 363 Video_Games POS 4 First off . yes you get a tutorial . the first hour or so be completely on training wheel , and after that hour you get introduce to new mechanic as they come up , complete with context pop up . tired of the abrupt manticore fight and dragon movie everytime you start a new character ? too bad . want to just skip all of it and start at the first riftstone ? too bad . already know how to issue command ? too bad , they be get explain again ? why ? tutorial ! every review I have read cries\/praises the lack of a turorial as if this game be somehow the deep end of the pool . sorry , it be there and the learning curve be not all that scary . this be not Demon 's soul . challenge level in combat feel about right for I . I be not get Amalur Carpal tunnel , nor be I boring my way through final Fantasy autocombat . there be not a lot of micromanage in combat , so unless you have some tandem move , the AI be go to take and keep control of you minion . you can configure you minion AI to a extent , though not on the fly . also , since it isnt list anywhere - you can change the vocation of you main character and main pawn , and change back to any unlock vocation with no lose progress . -lrb- if I max out my main pawn as a fighter , then change he to a wizard , he 'll go right back to be a max out fighter should I change he back -rrb- . the Pawn Mechanic be definately what set the game apart . you 'll learn new tactic from visit pawn , and you main pawn will benefit while in other people game . since visit pawn dont level up with you , you 'll need to continually shop around for the ` perfect ' pawn to accompany you . you can rate a pawn and gift the owner on the release of one , and it be do in a pretty complimentary manner . if you lack a internet connection , there be already a large number of pawn ingame for recruiting . the graphic be pretty solid , voice acting be ok . the story be not this big gripping epic , it be a backdrop to start you off and to eventually finish you with . everything that come between be standard wow quest fare . there be no real multiplayer to speak of , but you 'll need a internet connection to access the pawn create by other player , and the group effort fight like the Ur-Dragon . the camera like to hide you . . not nearly as much as Amalur , but it be there . the quest\/map interface be a little clunky , but still serviceable . it also autoformat into widescreen , so you may be stick with formatting bar . 810 Video_Games POS 5 to be perfectly honest , I do not own the Action Replay , though I would like to . I be only review to let the uninformed buyer know that they should ignore the two people who give the Action Replay a bad review . this ` christina swan ' person I can forgive , as she apparently do not know much about game system . I 'll tell you now , a cheat system CAN NOT ruin the game system itself . I own a gameshark for the n64 , and I know that the dumbest thing you can do with one of those be to put in a bunch of random character and hope it be a good code , and even then , the worst you could do be ruin the gameshark itself . if you want my opinion , the kid probably leave the Gamecube open too long , let dust or something get on the laser reader , block the laser and render the Gamecube unable to read disc . that happen to I before , the guy who do the repair say that happen a lot with laser-disk base game system like Gamecube and ps2 . as for the I hate ACTION REPLAY guy , I be gonna have to come up with a list for you : - the code be a bunch of number and letter , it take you over two hour to put in one code . \* these code be mean to actually change how the Gamecube read the game , so you can keep the health meter stick on full and stuff like that . can you appreciate how much programming code be use to pull off something like that ? feel lucky you only have to put in a few letter and number . and as for the two hour , can you say exaggeration !?! I really doubt it would take even the slowest gamer that long to put in code . besides , learn to put a little effort into what you do . - code only give you stuff like infinite life and extra character , who in they right mind would want that junk on they game ? \* oh , for the love of ... it be a cheat system . you be suppose to \* gasp \* cheat with it !! who in they right mind would want that on they game , you ask ? everyone but you , apparently . - the price be too much ... it should be less . \* it be worth how much it cost the company to make it , plus some for profit . if you do not like it , do not whine to everyone on Amazon about it . - also it do not work on my super nintendo . \* oh my ... I be sorry , I do not know you have mental problem . you see , kid , a system that be make for a Gamecube usually work on a Gamecube , not the Super Nintendo . they be completely different system , you see . - Datel can not make cheat system , they should jump off a bridge . \* I hate to stoop to you level , but here go : consider you argument , I think the world would be do a much better favor if you be to jump off a bridge . a high one . that happen to be over a pile of jagged rock . Actully , that feel pretty good . anyway , last one : - do not buy this ... instead go by the amazing etch-a-sketch . \* why ? if a person be look for a cheat system , how would a toy draw pad help they ? and , no offence to you etch-a-sketch fan , but I do not see what be so amazing about it . please come up with a decent argument next time . if anyone want to argue about this some more , feel free to e-mail or something , especially if you happen to be anything like this I hate ACTION REPLAY guy . I be here 'til Thursday . ; - -rrb- 144 Video_Games POS 5 I play this game and the demo and I love it ! my favorite part be build . I be get it soon and I can not wait . 207 Video_Games NEU 3 I have read a few review , and everyone be say that it come with the rubber jacket and battery . Mine do not come with either of those thing , but it do come with the wrist strap . I wish the seller would make it more clear -lrb- or maybe just more consistent ? -rrb- so it would not feel like a gamble . I get 2 for my 7 year old as a Christmas gift , so if the wrist strap be not include I would have to go out and buy they ; I want the rubber jacket too , so I might go out and buy those . but the accessory be the only issue . they be label as `` use - very good '' and they be in perfect condition . same color as picture . we have not use they yet , so I can not attest to they gameplay . the accessory confusion be the only reason I do not give it 5 star -lrb- I do not like to gamble -rrb- . 365 Video_Games POS 5 keep in mind that while I buy this game at launch , I make sure to play through the first one before give this a go . I also have other game on my plate and as such I just beat this a few day ago . if you have a decent computer , you will soon realize that this be one of the best look game available . my computer be run it a little slow at first . then , I update my driver . apparently the game be only recognize one of my card . with both in tow , I be run thing very smoothly . I turn off the motion blur effect to gain a decent amount of fp and after that the game never rarely seem to get below 30 fp . here be my relevant computer spec : 2.7 ghz triple core AMD 8gb ram 2x radeon hd 4870 as far as the gameplay go , I will not lie , it be very difficult when you first start out . soon you start to get better gear and better ability and by the end of the game it be only a challenge in the biggest boss fight . the great story , voice acting , and cinematic scope make I stick with it in spite of the difficulty and I feel extremely reward . after play through once , I feel I would fare much better the second time around . this game have more replayability than any game I know , as there be area , story , and quest you would not even come in contact with depend on a major choice you make around 15 hour in . it be one of the best rpg 's out there . just remember to be patient , save often , and do not give up . you 'll be happy in the end . 255 Video_Games POS 5 this game be awesome ! have a great time clear the game in a week , already start my 2nd play-trough and plan a 3rd afterward with a more lethal apporoach . nice pre-order dlc package too ! 149 Video_Games NEU 3 Putt-Putt travels through Time be part of the Putt-Putt series , the most exciting strategy computer game for kid age 2 + -lrb- yes , it be right , 2 + -rrb- . not as charming as Putt-Putt save the zoo and Putt-Putt enter the race , and more stimulating than Putt-Putt join the Circus , Putt-Putt travels through Time be still a amazing way to introduce you kid to computer in a positive and creative way . my kid love it , play with it hundred of time and learn a lot with it . it be a good pick to extend you collection . 578 Video_Games NEU 3 to the point , Homefront be a let down . I buy it for online play . actually sp mode be better than mp online I think . I buy the disk and you will have about five hour to download the rest of the game with a 500mbp download speed . Kinda generic I think ; why buy a disk ? can it be play later w\/o a internet connection to steam ? do not seem to be compatible with x-fire yet . no pic or video with x-fire . in sp , there seem to be a lot of unused map area ; be a way of put it . there be no action there , game action be always condensed in a small area . become predictable . would be nice if you do not have to play follow the leader throughout the game . too control . in mp , I feel the game offer no tactic . after 30 hour of play , most of what I experience be numbnut call in airstrike right and left , run around launch rpg 's like no tomorrow , or drone do all the dirty work . I think it take a lot away from the game . I think the map be just too small for the use of plane and tank . I guess just run around aimlessly with the big bad rpg . the spawn I like . I think one would have to be part of a clan with plan to enjoy yourself online ; might work . the game lack a teamwork setting . there be too much blast the $ % ^ & out everything with tank , airstrike , or RPG 's . it get old , S.O.S. . the mp choice do not seem well think out . the potential be there , but ... I have not have any problem with the game itself , no lag with a 1mb dsl connection . hiccup free . Video card be a 5770 with a Gateway dx4710-5 . everything crank to the max and I have 60fp . Homefront , ehh its 50\/50 . I be expect more . cant compare it to the cod4 , have not play it . 820 Video_Games NEG 1 this remote work for all of about 2 day there be better one at the same price point . the nunchuck be still work so it be worth the price as long as that keep working . 173 Video_Games POS 4 although I have find all expansion pack for the Sims to be good value with great content , Superstar be not my favorite . nevertheless , the game have some good quality that can not be overlook ; besides , who can resist give you sim a skydiving simulator in they own backyard ? if you pursue the path of fame for you sim -lrb- and why else would you buy this expansion ? -rrb- , you will visit a new area in you game call Studio Town . you can , of course , customize Studio Town and download new building for it . in Studio Town , you sim will use various object to attempt to reach Superstardom . you have 3 different theme of object , include music , modelling and movie-making . however , you do not select one of the three type ; you Sim can use any combination of they . you gain fame by complete `` mini-puzzle '' in Studio Town . for example , if you sim try to model a swimsuit , you choose one of three pose for him\/her to take . the Studio Town employee oversee the shoot will tell you whether or not you choice be correct . for the eariler level of fame , you 'll have 3 chance , but for the later level , you be cut back to 2 . you also have to gain skill , as usual , and `` somebody '' friend . each `` somebody '' in Studio Town be worth a certain number of star point , and a number in the Job panel will tell you how many star point you need . make friend be harder , however , because Sims that be famous do not have as many interaction as normal sim do . play Superstar be challenging but rewarding . it be not easy to become a star , but once you do , you 'll be happy . you sim can also win a variety of reward for do well while work in Studio Town . if you like the Sims , you will probably like this expansion , even though it seem to be aim at teenager more than anyone . 529 Video_Games POS 5 Mario Kart Super Circuit be a great racing game , ported form the Nintendo 64 version . the first Mario Kart game for the SNES be hit , but the n64 version add new stunning 3d graphic , but get get rid of some of the thing that make the SNES game so much fun . Mario Kart Super Circuit take the best of both title to make one of the best kart-racing game around . it include 20 new course to race on . for those of you who have play both the SNES and n64 version -lrb- like I have -rrb- you would find this game to be closer to the SNES title , which I personally think be better than the sequel on the n64 . the graphic of this game be similar to the SNES game , but be mind-blowing for a handheld game . like the SNES and n64 version it include 3 mode : gp -lrb- Grand Prix -rrb- , battle and Time trial . in gp you choose one of 8 character : Mario , Luigi , Peach , Toad , Wario , Yoshi , Donkey Kong Jr. and Bowser , and race in a variety of course in 50cc , 100cc , or 150cc mode . 50cc mode be the easiest to race in , but in 100cc and 150cc the computer get a lot faster and more challenging . there be also several item that you get by run over box which help you during the race . lightning bolt -lrb- the rarest item to get -rrb- make all of the other opponent small , mushroom give you a speed burst , banana peel make one of you opponent crash if they slip on it , red shell be use to shoot directly at a opponent to get they off course , and green shell keep bounce off the wall until it hit one of the racer . if you earn enough point to win a Cup you 'll win trophy . also if you race well enough and earn enough coin you can unlock new track from the SNES Mario Kart title . in Time Trial mode you race in any of the 30 + course and try to set record for each lap and\/or race . in battle mode you and a friend choose a character to battle against each other . you drive around a course try to pop each other 's 3 balloon . you pop they balloon by shoot green or red shell at they or throw banana peel at they . this mode be very fun especially if you get tire of gp mode . the background be very colorful , and the individual go-kart be detailed nicely . the music and the sound effect be great as well , and the gameplay be amazing . if you be look for a very fun racing game for you gba , check out Mario Kart Super Circuit . it will provide hour and hour of fun for you .