852 AlarmClock NEG 1 the alarm clock stop work almost immediately outside the box , try to set alarm , alarm would not shut off , change out battery , still no joy . 760 AlarmClock NEG 1 it be fine as a travel clock , but I buy it because the description say it have Indiglo . it do not . you have to press the light button to light up the display . if you want a backlit travel alarm , it be fine . very disappointing . if the listing be correct it would be 4 star . Update : October 29 , 2010 now the backlight do not work at all . I think it be not light up because the battery might be low . nope , new battery in and no light . fail . one star , look elsewhere . now it be too late to order one for my upcoming trip . 946 AlarmClock POS 5 I have always have problem wake up to alarm clock ... I be a extremely deep sleeper . I use my IPhone , iPad , I pod , cell phone , and two other alarm clock . this be a outstanding product ! it wake I up just like I be hope it would . it be extremely loud and even have a vibrate attachment . Fair warning : I would not recommend put it under you pillow like some people do because it get very hot . I put the vibration attaachman on the nightstand and it work remarkably . it make a even louder noise . FINALLY SOMETHING that work ! 8 AlarmClock NEG 2 when I find this while search for a alarm clock I be really impressed . a attractive look lcd picture frame with mp3 & alarm clock for less then many regular clock , what a deal ! when I open it I be much less impressed . First off , even though I use a ruler to try to visualize the size of a 3.5 '' screen , once I open the package and place it on my nightstand it just look tiny . then I try to use and within 10 minute I decide to return it . as a picture frame that you would put on you desk at work , maybe it be not too bad . even though the screen be small , in just picture mode it be not terrible . the screen be clear & bright , and the resolution be pretty good for what it be . but as a alarm clock it be terrible . you have 3 mode to display the time : a rendering of a analog clock -lrb- that only use 1\/2 of the screen so it be microscopic -rrb- , a full month calendar mode , and a clock\/date readout with a thumbnail photo . to look at the picture show in the Amazon description they all look pretty good -lrb- magnify on my 22 '' computer monitor -rrb- . but in reality , on such a small screen you need magnify glass to read the time in any mode . then I try to set the alarm . you have to go through 2 sub-menu and scroll down through 10 different option to set it . and push the completely non-intuitive button require quite a bit of force and they make a rather loud -lrb- low quality -rrb- click sound that will wake the kid in the next room . for instance , if you want to change the time from 6:30 to 7:15 literally take a few a minute because you have to hit the button like 30 time to get into the menu and scroll down to where you set it , then once for the hour and 45 time to change the minute -lrb- hold the button down do not let you scroll through the number -rrb- . in addition , it also display the indoor temperature and even though I let it sit on the nightstand for several hour it always read 10 degree higher then the actual temperature . to sum it up : as a cheap digital frame ; good as a alarm clock ; Bad 61 AlarmClock POS 5 Works fine for I . no problem so far . now I can sleep at ease know I wont be late for work since I have a different clock in time each day of the week . 718 AlarmClock NEG 1 my wife purchase this alarm clock for I for Christmas 2007 . it be the second piece of Coby electronic equipment that I have own . my experience be that Coby build extremely cheap -lrb- meaning , poor quality -rrb- product . my complaint with this product be : 1 -rrb- the product do not keep accurate time -lrb- gain about 7-8 minute per month - most likely a electronics design flaw that recur in each of these alarm clock -rrb- . 2 -rrb- the product `` hum '' through the speaker -lrb- a short in the internal electronics due to poor circuit board design - also a design flaw that probably recur in each of these alarm clock -rrb- . interestingly , when the product be power ON , like when the user want to listen to a cd but have not yet hit the play button , the hum quit . BUT , if the unit be leave ON accidentally , the alarm do NOT work . I know . I power the unit on to get the annoying hum to stop and be late to work the next day because the alarm never sound . 3 -rrb- CD door be overly difficult to open and close -lrb- a coefficient of friction design flaw that be also recur , probably -rrb- . 4 -rrb- the lead display be overly bright and no dimmer switch be feature -lrb- yet another design flaw -rrb- . 5 -rrb- all plastic part be extremely cheap . White plastic cabinet part be not the same color of white -lrb- do not match -rrb- . silver paint on button will obviously soon wear off , etc. . while this alarm clock have all of the feature that I be look for in a alarm clock -lrb- except for the dimmer switch -rrb- , the aforementioned list of design flaw force I to return the product as defective . bottom line : very cheaply build ! 9 AlarmClock POS 5 very nice replica of Vader but would have be better if it include he cape . when compare to the Stormtrooper , the lack of contrast on the Vader face be a minus factor . unable to capture vader face if you be to take a picture of it , unlike the Stormtrooper . 79 AlarmClock POS 5 simple and to the point ALARM CLOCK . after return a too complicated alarm clock `` gadget '' from Oregon Scientific , this clock be what I be look for . it work like a charm this morning -lrb- 3\/11\/07 -rrb- change to DST . get it , plug it in and forget it ! and for a unbeatable price to boot ! Wish it have the weekday\/weekend alarm option , but still a great ALARM clock . 441 AlarmClock POS 5 what a great little alarm clock . it be ashamed that it be not make any longer -- what a disappointment to many . we feel lucky we snag this little guy here at a decent price . so tiny but loud alarm . Great for ultralight . 881 AlarmClock NEG 1 well the radio work fine , and the clock seem to work . the cd player would not work at all . yea i set the alarm to wake up to a cd and the alarm turn the radio on but the cd never play . and no it be not a burn cd . it be a original . 515 AlarmClock POS 5 we need a small clock by we employee sign-in book . this travel clock fit the bill . it keep perfect time . 592 AlarmClock NEU 3 I get this Coby 3.5-Inch Digital Photo Frame with Alarm clock dp356blk on the surface it look like a great buy because , for such a inexpensive item , it pack a lot of attractive function . namely , it can be use as : - Digital photo frame with a 3.5 '' panel at 320x240 resolution - alarm clock with digital and analog display - mp3 player upon testing this unit , however , I start to see some of its problem : - the setup process be rather clunky and at time counter-intuitive . for example , you often need to press LEFT\/RIGHT button for the menu to move up\/down - to perform any simple task often require push button dozen of time . for example , just to change the music volume you need to first go up to to-level menu , then go down to ` setting '' , and then `` System setup '' , follow by another dozen of key press to finally arrive at `` volume '' - the unit have no internal battery . that mean it must remain plug in and can not be pass around like other photo frame . fortunately , the clock and internal setting be not lose when I unplug the unit -lrb- otherwise I would go crazy if I need to reset the clock every time -rrb- - it have no internal memory for photo . that mean you have to insert a sd\/sdhc card -lrb- which stick out like a sore thumb from the back -rrb- - if you have both photo file and music file on the sd card , it automatically play the music file while in slideshow mode . the only way around it be to set the music volume to ' 0 ' . - the 3.5 '' display be really too small for use as a photo frame , as it be just 1\/4 the area of a print 4x6 photo . even when use as a alarm clock , the number can hardly be see from across the room . the most serious problem with this photo frame be that : in slideshow mode , it do NOT sort photo file accord to either file name or file date . so the photo show be all jumble up , with no apparent order . after much experimentation , I finally figure out that the unit simply show file in the order they be write to the directory . so the solution be to make sure that file be write to the sd card either in alphabetical order , or accord to file date . this be obviously a very tedious process if I have to do that manually for hundred of file . fortunately , I be able to find a free utility call `` fatsorter 1.04 '' , which can automatically sort all file entry in directory into alphabetical order . after do that , the unit finally can show photo in the correct sequence . I decide to keep this unit despite of all its problem , mostly because I have invest so much time in get it to work . also the low cost make it hardly worth the trouble of return it . but right after this lesson , I order the pandigital panimage pi8004w01b 434 AlarmClock POS 4 for a small clock , the digital readout be large and easy to read . it work just as promise . I put in the battery , turn the switch to on , and set it aside . it find the correct time in under five minute . it automatically set to Pacific time , so I do have to change it to my time zone , which be easy to figure out . I use it as my bedside clock , and my one concern be that it be so lightweight , it would be very easy to knock it over when fumble around for the light in the middle of the night . 216 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock should be own by every college-bound student . just think of how many class I would not have sleep through if I have this clock back then ! as other have say , the ability to set a alarm for different times\/days throughout the week be what make this alarm clock stand-out . we have use we clock for over a year with no problem . address some concern from other review , I be a very light-sensitive sleeper and have never notice the brightness of the lcd to be a issue . the radio tuner sound on par with other clock radio that I have own so this have not be a issue with I either . the clock be design differently then most standard alarm clock , so it do take read the direction once through to learn about all of the feature and how to set the time , etc. . but , once you learn how to use the control dial , it be really a simple , straight-forward design that be easy to use . I have buy and give several of these as gift to friend who be head to graduate school . 660 AlarmClock NEG 2 observation : this timex-licensed product consist of a independent analog clock and a AM\/FM clock radio with a digital display that show either the time or the tuner 's frequency . note that this be only a digital tuner display -- not a digital tuner . when the clock be plug in -lrb- via the include power adapter -rrb- , the analog clock face and digital display be light all the time . there be two brightness setting . when run on battery power , all light be off , though you can get a brief pulse of light by hit the snooze bar . there be tiny luminescent bar on the analog clock 's hand . pro : it have decent sound for a cheap clock radio -lrb- do not expect any bass -rrb- and decent fm reception . it be not exactly lightweight , but it do work on battery . it be probably well-suited for car camping . the amber clock lighting -lrb- on all the time when the unit be plug in -rrb- be okay . the digital frequency readout be a improvement over you typical cheap analog tuner . con : there be a number of user interface problem . for example , oft-used switch such as radio off\/on be hide on the side , while seldom-used button like `` time set '' be prominent . it be annoy to have to synchronize the separate analog and digital clock . there be no clock lighting in battery mode , except briefly when you hit the `` snooze '' bar , BUT : if the sleep timer be on , hit the bar will also cancel sleep mode and turn off the radio or nature sound . when run on battery , there be no way to light the clock without cause this undesirable side-effect . the radio frequency display be helpful , but there be no digital time readout when the radio be on . I find that the frequency display jitter a lot on most radio station -lrb- e.g. when tune to 102.5 , it jump around from 102.3 up to 102.8 and everything inbetween -rrb- . the audio sound fine , so this be only a visual annoyance . the tuning dial be very sensitive , require a fair amount of concentration and fine motor control to tune in a specific frequency . overall , the tuner be better than cheap analog but worse than cheap digital . one last thing : the clock face fold down for travel . in this position , it muffle the radio speaker . in the open position , the angle of the clock face be not adjustible -lrb- see the photo - that be as vertical as it get -rrb- . bottom line : I be return it . it more or less do the job , but the design lack intelligence . there must be something better out there . 707 AlarmClock POS 5 I love that I can listen to different sound to fall asleep and that I can adjust the alarm volume . it look good as well . 951 AlarmClock NEU 3 I be excite when I see this item as it be what I be look for in a raido . it look good and I like the fact that it have present radio station . I want a small radio for my kitchen to listen to music , npr and sport . for I , the sound be not as important as the reception . I be disppointed in the reception . it do not pickp-up several small local FM station even though I have the correct number dial in . otherwise it do sound fine for the station that it do receive and my wife like the look of it . I be take it back and plan to spend more money to purchase a radio with better reception . it be good for $ 25 , but I be disappiont . 605 AlarmClock POS 5 Elgin Travel Alarm clock be so good that I have buy three -lrb- 3 -rrb- of they . what I like about the Elgin : 1 . -rrb- First and foremost : Easy to use . 1 . a -rrb- Easy to set alarm ; 1 . b -rrb- East to see display ; 1 . c -rrb- Easy to turn off alarm -- or snooze . 1 . d -rrb- big , bright display ; 1 . e -rrb- use ordinary aa battery -lrb- I use the 8x battery , probably overkill . -rrb- 1 . f -rrb- cheap . 1 . g -rrb- cheap enough that I have one in master b\/r , one in Guest B\/R and one permanently pack in my travel kit . other clock : 1 . -rrb- other clock show I time , temperature , time zone , etc. . 2 . -rrb- other clock make I work too hard to set alarm , time . 3 . -rrb- I have no need for multiple alarm and \/ or other ` enhance ' feature . 4 . -rrb- I have other -lrb- alarm -rrb- clock that be radio control , have many more feature , etc. . too hard to use . I revert to the clock in this review . 542 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this to replace my 10-year old Casio travel alarm . the `` nap timer '' feature look useful . Unfortunatley the alarm in this thing be very soft , no louder than the alarm on my wristwatch . I can not use it , I sleep through it every time . not recommend . 7 AlarmClock POS 4 the clock be quite functional , the only issue be that the light be too bright in the dark , make the number blur . 285 AlarmClock POS 5 I be really glad I order this clock . the light flash several minute before the alarm go off . I usually wake up to that . there be many different option on the alarm . it be face be always light up so you can see the time if you awake during the night , but not too bright to light up the room . I be very picky with clock and I absolutley love this clock . 225 AlarmClock POS 4 the ratchet knob on the top set the time a minute per click , so it really take a lot of work to set a time 12 hour , but it do the job . the radio be not really that great but I can get local station ok . I take the clock apart and wire it to activate a fire buzzer when the alarm go off . the only part I need be a reed relay , some wire and a switch . now I can really wake up with a serious alarm . -lrb- any day of the week -rrb- 470 AlarmClock POS 4 this product definitely have a few shortcoming , yet it be the best I find in its class -lrb- small , non-expensive , battery-operated -rrb- . the many complain I read about the self-setting appear base-less -- yes , the clock take its time set itself , around a hour , but it do it correctly . the alarm be just right , in my opinion , and the fact that you can adjust the duration of a snooze be a very useful -lrb- and evidently rare -rrb- feature . there be two major drawback -- the fact that the control button be in the back and the fact that you can only change hour and minute forward -lrb- a older model by Lacrosse have up and down button for hour and minute , which be wicked convenient -rrb- . overall , the best little alarm I find after a long search . 763 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this clock . . it be very lightweight and , even more important , very easy to use . no fancy stuff to deal with . 137 AlarmClock POS 5 my 8-year-old son be a huge lego fan and a recent fan of Star Wars . he love this alarm clock . it be important to note that he have always be scare of alarm clock before . this one beep loud enough to wake we up -lrb- I , at least - the son be a very heavy sleeper , -rrb- without be obnoxiously , ear-splittingly loud . the leg and arm be movable - he love to have Darth hold thing for he and change whether he be sit or stand . he favorite part , though , be that the clock light up with a red glow when you push down on Darth 's head , whether to make the alarm snooze for 5 minute or just to check the time . 670 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock have everything I want and need for a desk clock . do not care about the alarm feature but it be include . have a eight year battery so check with I in 7 1\/2 year about durability . love the clock , recommend it . 299 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a beautiful little clock , particularly if you like retro or vintage decor . the light dial be the best feature ! the light be a soft light that be not too bright . the alarm system work well . I buy the pink one , and we child want one in the other color . glad to be able to purchase this on Amazon for such a great price ! 925 AlarmClock POS 5 I want to set a timer for certain event . this do exactly what I want very well , at a very fair price . after read the review , I have expect it to gain or lose minute each day , which would be ok with I , but have have it for a month or so and it keep the correct time . Pleasant design , work fine , I be pleased . 467 AlarmClock NEG 1 take way too long to eve start delivery . it be 4 day & I a still recieve the same lame message `` shipping soon '' . stop talk and do it !!! if you want you item do not shop at amazon ! 922 AlarmClock NEG 1 I receive this clock a few day late because Amazon choose to ship this the cheapest possible way which be USPS instead of UPS or Fedex . I be suppose to receive this 2 day with my Prime membership and receive it 4 day later instead . so much for my membership benefit ! this clock display could not be view from a straight on view . the only way I could read the display be look at it almost from directly above or from a side view angle . also , when I push the blue backlight display button , I could not see anything , but Blue . this be defective and I be return it for another try . 153 AlarmClock POS 5 I have use a background noise machine for all 3 of my child to help they nap through other noise in the house . this be the best one so far and I highly recommend it . I use it at a fairly low volume with either the white noise or babble brook sound setting and it work like a charm . you can set 2 seperate alarm and the illuminate clockface have adjustable brightness level . 479 AlarmClock NEG 2 when I google `` slow wake alarm '' this product come up a number of time , so naturally I read the reveiw , like what I see and order it . however , when I recieve my item I be far from impressed . what I be look for be a alarm clock that would start out slowly and quietly then progressively get louder . this one do not . grant it be not a advertised feature , but I feel that it be something that come along with the product from the other review I have read . in reality this be a regular alarm clock that wake you up with you choice of beep or nature sound . not what I want . this one get a big thumb down . 56 AlarmClock POS 5 large display clock . unobtrusive , no noise , simple , reliable . what be not to like ? I think I might not like the flash colon sign ... but it be no problem at all . very happy with this purchase . 59 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my husband who be a big ` Star Wars ' fan . he love it !! he put this in he office at work as functional decoration . 284 AlarmClock POS 5 this small CD player have wonderful sound quality , and everything on it work as describe . 889 AlarmClock POS 5 find a good travel alarm with a digital display should not be difficult , but I have go through a number of other clock that be unsatisfactory . one have a design very much like this one , but the switch be flaky ; if you try to set the alarm , it would irregularly oscillate between display the alarm and the time . another have a folding cover but leave button expose in back ; when I arrive at my destination , I often find that the button have be depress in transit and the time have be reset . the Westclox # 47508 travel alarm do not have these problem , and have work perfectly so far . as other have note , the light be dim and remain on only so long as you press the button . the alarm ring for one minute , and you can snooze indefinitely for four-minute interval -lrb- although I wish the snooze be a bit longer -rrb- . the button and switch be simple and intuitive . it run on a single l1154 button battery . this battery type go by various name -lrb- alkaline a76 , lr44 ; silver oxide e357 , 10l14 , ms76 , sr44 -rrb- , and be one of the easier button battery to find in store . the clock be compact and appear sturdily make . 736 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have three main criterion in mind when select this clock -lrb- two of they , actually -rrb- for we bedside table . this product end up defy all three criterion . you could say that the buyer be to blame , but the rub of buy on the internet be that you have to take a leap of faith that the product will function as it be suppose to . in this case , that leap be right off of a cliff . what I want : 1 -rrb- a attractive , retro look that would blend in with we bedroom : yeah , sure , this product have that chrome look and a retro-ish design , but its tiny size make it seem more like a travel alarm clock , and the cheap material show in the appearance . 2 -rrb- a easy-to-read face that would allow I to see the time quickly when I have to get up at night to feed we baby : the light on this clock be so lame that you can still barely see the number . also , one of the clock we receive break several time within the first few day , so my husband just start use he iPhone as a alarm . 3 -rrb- a effective alarm that do not blow you eardrum out : this alarm do not blow you eardrum out ... because it do not work . not once have the alarm on the one remain functional clock actually go off at the time we set it -lrb- or at all -rrb- . piece of crap . Waste of money . now I will be spend another 40 dollar to buy digital alarm clock again . Boo . 697 AlarmClock POS 5 have a red backlight to the clock face . no radio -lrb- a bit disappointing at this price-point -rrb- . articulate arm , hand , leg -lrb- I do not remember if the head swivel , but I think not -rrb- . tap the head to light up the backlight or turn off the alarm\/snooze . not brick-compatible with other product from the same brand . about 8 inch tall . 904 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my uncle who be recover from colon cancer . he need a clock in he room and there be time when he do not have the energy to get up or feel like watch tv . like I , he love the sound of the ocean and there be time I walk by he room and hear he use the sound . he be happy , I be happy . 549 AlarmClock NEG 1 this be very cheaply make portable alarm clock . feel like a fake toy in you hand . I order mine , and right out of the box , the light function would not work . return it back to amazon for a refund . can you guess where be it make in ? no brainer . 814 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have the 30731 for about a week and be , thus far , very pleased . when I begin shop for a new alarm clock , my primary selection criterion be that it have a lead display . many new clock have multifunction lcd display which be nice except that you can not see they in the dark without press a button to illuminate they like a lcd wristwatch . alternatively , some of these lcd clock have projector attachment that shine a time display on the wall or ceiling , but you can not see they in a well-lit room ! a lead display be visible under all ambient lighting condition and seem to I the most logical and straightforward solution . once the universe of clock be narrow to lead model , the next consideration be the size of the LED digit . they run anywhere from approximately 1\/2 inch to 1 inch . I be very nearsighted , so to be able to see the time in the middle of the night without my glass , be purely a case of `` the bigger the better '' . the 30731 have digit that be .9 inch high - bigger than most other led clock and easily readable san glass at 4am . obviously , the larger the display , the larger the clock , but I have lot of room on my nightstand and be not concern with the 30731 's somewhat larger than usual size -lrb- about 8.5 `` w , 3 `` d , 4 `` h -rrb- . at this point , additional useful feature be the only other necessary evaluation . the 30731 have the ability to set itself by receive a radio signal from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology -lrb- NIST -rrb- located in Colorado -lrb- do a Google search for wwvb and you 'll find they - lot of useful info -rrb- . you set you timezone and whether you use Daylight Savings Time and the clock do the rest . I can report that from my location in NY , this work perfectly but you should know 2 thing . first , I have find that the clock must be face East-West -lrb- i.e. face Colorado from NY -rrb- for the auto-setting to work . if you bedroom be lay out such that you clock will not be face in the general direction of Colorado , you might have a problem . -lrb- actually , I think if it face directly \* away \* from Colorado , that be ok too . as long as its not `` end-on '' to Colorado . -rrb- furthermore , as the instruction point out , time signal reception be best in the wee hour of the morning , and that be the only time that , for my location anyway , the clock be able to sucessfully set itself -lrb- but it have sucessfully reset itself every night -rrb- . my only complaint , and it be a minor one , be that the snooze alarm bar , though large and easy to find , do not really depress like a button but sort of pivot front-to-back on a stiff spring and can cause a little fumble when you be in a semi-conscious state . the alarm be a electronic `` chirp '' . loud enough to wake I but not so loud as to cause coronary arrest . the clock have battery backup for power failure if you put a 9v battery in it -lrb- not include -rrb- . it do not have dual alarm or weekend setting . it do not display date , day of the week or seconds . you can see a better picture of the clock and get more info on it at the equitytime.com website . I have not experience the dim or irregularly illuminate display report by the reviewer from Redmond . I find it amply bright with all lead segment uniformly light . i be quite happy with this alarm clock and can recommend it without reservation . 835 AlarmClock POS 4 there be two great feature that I like the best . the graduwake alarm . this come in useful if you do not will not to wake up you partner , or if you current alarm `` scare '' you awake . the nap alarm . this be good for those short `` power nap '' . I will probably pick up another one as a gift . 513 AlarmClock NEG 2 the tip of the nose be break off . it be a fun birthday present -lrb- for a adult -rrb- so when it be notice we agree to fix the damage brown spot with a dab of nail polish . it be very obvious and should have either be package better , or notice before be mail . otherwise it be fine . 401 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this clock for my vanity sink . it be just the right size and it go perfectly with the faucet . it look pretty stirdy consider the price . 436 AlarmClock POS 4 I get this alarm clock because I just recently get some roommate that share a wall with I , and I also have a fan that run all night that be very loud . I read review for many different sound machine and this one seem like the most bang for they buck , on account i do not get all of they I can not be certain . I sleep with the Northwoods set which be just great , feel like I be camp , I be disappoint by the fireside which seem to quiet , the rain sound too ... I do not even know how to describe it , but I have fun go through a listen to they , and there be plenty of good one in there . the back light be by no means too bright , the whole display do light up and that seem unnecessary but it be certainly not too bright , I be very picky about that . I have not try to use sound for the alarm because I have do so in the past and they work they way into my dream and do not wake I up , so I use the beep which also stop the sound and work well , certainly not a horrible alarm to wake up to and start I off stressed . all in all I would say if you be look for a alarm clock or a soothing sound maker this be a good buy for the money , the price be not all that much , if you just have to have the most picture perfect , crystal clear , realistic , non-repetitive sound while you sleep ... order one of these , find out which one you like and then move to where those sound be real ... or you can spend the $ 40 and enjoy this device . 330 AlarmClock NEG 2 I purchase this clock as a replacement for a older Timex travel alarm clock that I lose . while this model function on a basic level , it be disappointing overall . as another reviewer mention , this clock gain time quickly . after just a couple of day it will be minute ahead of the actual time . if you only use the clock for weekend trip this probably will not be much of a inconvenience , but for longer trip or regular use at home , this be a bit of a nuisance . I can honestly say that in my entire life I have never have any clock , watch , or other appliance so poor at keep the correct time . I have also be disappoint with the quality of the Indiglo backlight on this clock . on my last travel alarm , as well as my Indiglo watch , the Indiglo backlight be bright and make the character easy to read in the dark . however , on this clock the Indiglo backlight be feeble by comparison . it be just bright enough to qualify as usable , but if you eyesight be not great the combination of the weak backlight and the fact that you probably be not wear contact or glass in the middle of the night may make this clock difficult for you to read . as far as the user interface be concern , the time display be very large , but other on-screen item , such as the `` alarm on '' indicator , be not necessarily obvious by a quick glance at the display . the Indiglo button , as you can see in the picture , be in the middle of the face of the unit . my last travel alarm place this button on the top of the unit . if you can imagine try to illuminate you clock in a pitch dark room , you can probably guess which location be more convenient . fortunately , all the button you need to set the clock be easily located on the lower half of the face of the unit . for set the time\/alarm the clock have a pair of up\/down button that move the time in one -lrb- if you press and release -rrb- or 15 -lrb- if you hold -rrb- minute increment . this be particularly useful for make small time adjustment backwards . overall I have be very disappoint with this clock . it lack some of the ease-of-use feature I be use to , and it suffer from poor craftsmanship . it be relatively inexpensive and it have not technically break , but if I could go back in time I would most certainly purchase a different travel alarm . 113 AlarmClock NEG 2 clock be as advertise and easy to use , unless you use the alarm . the volume of the alarm make it useless to I and the on\/off switch be very tight and hard to manipulate . addition : after notice the word -lrb- kitchen -rrb- after the description of the clock I review earlier , I look at the clock describe on the Amazon web page that I originally order from and realize that the clock I receive be a different model than the one I order . the picture on Amazon 's web page have the control on the top of the clock and the alarm indicator light on the top left of the face . the clock I receive have the control on the back of the clock and the alarm indicator light on the bottom-right of the clock face . this might account for the too-soft alarm volume on the clock I receive , as a kitchen clock would not need the alarm volume that a bedroom alarm would . I do not know if this be just a design change or a different model but something be different . 313 AlarmClock NEG 1 we have this for a little over a week . nothing but problem . Time would not set properly . only play cd when it want to . be a real piece of junk . 140 AlarmClock POS 5 I get one of these Westclox Travelmate Folding Alarm Clocks for college . it come with I around Europe and back again and 10 year later -lrb- I think I replace the battery twice during that time -rrb- the snooze\/light button finally break -lrb- it still work as a clock ! -rrb- . I do some research , think that there must be a slightly more technologically advanced alarm clock that I would prefer ; however , in the end weigh increase cost and mediocre review I decide to go with the alarm clock I know and could trust . I love that I can fold it up and put it in my suitcase without worry it 'll break and that it be so easy to set -lrb- though perhaps it might be nice if you could go up and down instead of just up when change the setting -rrb- and to use . I hope this one last another 10 year ! \* Update : a year later , this alarm clock start shift time , oddly the time itself would be correct , but if I set the alarm for 8am , the alarm part would reset itself , generally in the PM , and not at regular interval -lrb- e.g. , sometimes 5pm , sometimes 1pm -rrb- . I contact Acehardwareoutlet , who be very understand and send I a replacement . it just arrive , so here 's hope ! 419 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the perfect travel clock . I simply drop in the dop kit & forget it , and it be there when I need it for my next trip . it have every feature I need - indiglo ; big number ; easy to set ; fold upon itself ; and a loud-enough alarm . I be replace a Timex version that I have for oh-so-many year , but leave behind in a hotel room . one bonus this clock have that my Timex do not be that you can read the time with it fold up - great idea , Mr. Elgin . 248 AlarmClock POS 4 have a `` always accurate '' clock be a great feature in my house . it be easy to read and have all the necessary information show in the display . I especially like the battery\/solar charge feature , no wire to place or power supply to use electricity 24 hour a day . the curve shape be tricky to pick up as it tend to slip more than square edge would . I wonder if the clock will stand up to be in direct sunlight -lrb- use to recharge the battery -rrb- for several year . usually this kind of item say on the instruction not to place the item in direct sunlight , which be not in the instruction for this clock . 920 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy two of these clock . love they ... when they work . the retro look be fabulous but the alarm stop work on both within a few short month . for $ 40 + per clock ... not to mention the household name of Westclox ... these clock be a huge disapointment . do not waste you money !! 102 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be great if you want a simple alarm clock . intuiative to operate . simple and legible control . love the soft beep to wake I . get a little more obnoxious if you do not turn it off or hit snooze in a few seconds . I do not use snooze and be able to turn it off before it get angry . stand fold over to completely cover control and display when transport . one problem , minor to I but I can not read the time in the dark . the 2 little led do not shine enough light for I to read the time in the dark . still give a 5 star because I be very satisfied . hopefully the battery last a while . will order I a extra from e-bay . 778 AlarmClock POS 5 over the last year I have purchase three of these for we home . it be a nice size clock and display screen . the only flaw be that the time on all three clock be not the same . one clock be 6 minute behind the rest . this be easily fix by hold down the DST button for 5 seconds and manually change it . I believe Chaney have discontinue this clock as it be no longer list on they website . 886 AlarmClock POS 4 this little clock be great , if you have the right mattress . I get it about a month ago , and since then be lucky enough to get a new mattress . my old one be thinner and you basic ` come with the bed set ' stuff , and the little sonic boom get I up in a jiffy . my new mattress be very thick , and the boom only cause a gentle buzz that be pretty easy to ignore . so , it do it be job if you have the right bed for it . also , the light of the clock face be bright ; if you be a light sleeper you will not enjoy it . I end up drape a thin scarf over it to dull it a bit . with all that say it be still a reliable clock that be very cute and unique . 979 AlarmClock POS 5 excellent clock , keep time , get I up on time and I can read it in the middle of the night without any problem . 945 AlarmClock NEU 3 simple and serviceable . very bright display . should dim at night or have a setting . Fine for kitchen but too bright for other place at night . 115 AlarmClock NEU 3 I think this would be like the one i have a few year ago , but they change the sound to a terrible 7 second loop over and over again . plus they make the sound almost like they be fake rain , fake ocean etc. . the train be the only one that sound real , and it be the same every 7 seconds as it loop and repeat itself . I would not recommend this one . 968 AlarmClock POS 4 visually , this dalek alarm clock look very much like a real Dalek . the sound effect be excellant , and make I giggle every time ! my only real complaint be that the time display be so small it be virtually useless , unless you happen to be within 6 '' of the thing - which be well within lethal range of a dalek -lrb- even one that be 7 '' tall -rrb- ! the projection clock work well , but would be more useful if it stay on continuously . this product would be better if it have the option of plug-in power , which would allow for a continuous wall\/ceiling display by the projector . the battery only nature of it give it a toy-like feel , rather than that of a real , usefully functional alarm clock . of course , the point of the thing be really just to look cool and get some grin - which it most defintely do . I can not seem to walk by it without push the button to hear it say `` exterminate !!! '' Chuckle every time . 229 AlarmClock NEG 2 buy this alarm clock for my daughter who be big Dr. who fan . it look like a real dalek , but the quality be really cheap . the sound only work for a short time . it break after a few hour . now we only have the light effect . what be a alarm clock without a sound ? I will send it back tomorrow . Poor quality for a lot of money . 777 AlarmClock NEG 2 clock work great for about 6 month then pretty much die . the lcd would flicker and switch between day rapidly -- as if it be not `` set '' on the right day . $ 40 down the drain . three year be about what I expect from this type of product , I get six month . out of warranty : -lrb- edit -lrb- 2-07 -rrb- : I decide to take the whole thing apart because I be curious about how thing work and I think , what the heck , maybe I 'll find something out of alignment . I see how the knob thing-a-ma-jig work and I remove a plastic piece that cover a internal metal dial which change the day of the week setting . while the thing be in 10 piece on my desk I plug it in and the problem seem go . reassemble it -lrb- very easy -rrb- without put the plastic protector piece back on . seem to work good as new now . I do not have enough of a ego to claim I `` fix '' it . but whatever I do it work now . as it stand I would give it 4 out of 5 star . one thing I do not mention in my initial review be that I do not care for the secondary dial that you use to change you alarm time . you have to rotate it to change the seconds or hour depend on how fast you rotate it . sort of minor inconvenience . but assume the clock stay fix , I would recommend it . Hope this update help . 151 AlarmClock NEG 2 the concept of this alarm clock be a great idea . the exterior of the product be attractively style too . however , I receive a defective clock . the minute hand would not change the time on the clock . so I could not even set the time or alarm on this clock . the button on the clock be too small also . 286 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock be a joke . they say it update with atomic clock . what they do not tell you be that it only do it every 2-3 day . so there go the whole big deal about it set itself or be accurate . if you need to replace the battery it will be day before you have the right time again . also no manual and no toll free telephone number mean I spend more on long distance call to find out why the clock be not work than what I originally pay for the clock . and the people at Equity Time USA give the word rude a whole new definition . the first customer person service person actually hang up on I because she be confuse . all and all stick with the clock you already have on you wall , I wish I would have . 712 AlarmClock POS 5 this alarm clock be the perfect backup travel alarm clock . it be the smallest , lightest alarm clock possible that even have a few extra feature to boot . \* it be small 2.6 '' W x 1.8 '' h x 0.6 '' d and weigh a scant 2oz with battery . \* it take 2 lr44 watch battery -lrb- easy to find -rrb- that have a lifespan of over 1.5 year and be lighter than the newer version -lrb- Casio PQ-13 and Casio PQ-15 -rrb- that take aaa and aa battery . \* Extra feature on this tiny clock be : 1 -rrb- 12 & 24 hr setting 2 -rrb- snooze feature -lrb- only 5-mins though -rrb- 3 -rrb- lead backlight -lrb- old green type -rrb- 4 -rrb- 3 separate function button that adjust with a audible click : time -lrb- alarm\/clock\/display -rrb- , display -lrb- 12 or 24 hour -rrb- , and alarm -lrb- on\/off\/snooze -rrb- so that there be not any mistake . as a result of its compact size , the function button be tiny . however , after a few use one can easily remember which button be which . in addition , as this be digital , there be no annoying tick . my main complaint be that the snooze\/light button -lrb- the blue one be the picture -rrb- be not protect when the stand\/cover be close . as such , the button could get accidentally press during transport . however , this issue have not be address in subsequent version . highly recommend as a backup travel alarm for those of we with smart phone . if the small label and tiny button be not a issue , this would also work well as a primary alarm clock . 371 AlarmClock POS 5 this be exactly what I want . the large illuminated number be bright and easy to read in the night . 226 AlarmClock POS 4 I be hard of hearing and see this recommend as a travel alarm . it be easy to use and compact . alarm be loud enough . I have not use it enough yet to give it 5 star . 10 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this clock for the large display and the backlight feature , but the clock arrive with the backlight nonfunctioning . as it turn out , the display be not that large or legible in low light . I would advise another choice . 200 AlarmClock POS 4 my husband and I luck out on a sale of these and each get one . the ability to program for a different time for each day be invaluable . once you understand how the timeset function work , it be a breeze to adjust . another reviewer comment that it do not have much of a radio , but I do not buy this gadget for its sound . I have a stereo if I want to hear good music ! all I want be for the radio to wake I up rather than a discordant `` beeeeeeep . '' and that it do ! I also do not mind manual tuning ; I like the ability to be able to tune in station with a knob . Digital tuning mean you be stick listen to whatever tuning the radio deem correct . 869 AlarmClock NEG 1 neither of the alarm work ! we do not find out within the 30 day to return this back to Amazon because I buy this 30 day before Christmas and this be a Christmas gift . I call Colby because it do come with a limited warrant 1 year on part and 30 day on labor . therefore the labor will not be cover and ship to and from be not cover . the lady tell I that by the time I pay for labor and shipping - I might as well not even bother - just go purchase another . as you can imagine I be not happy about the situation . I would set the alarm -lrb- on any setting -rrb- and within 10 minute of set the alarm , I would hear a light static noise and the clock would lose its time - it would go to midnight and keep blinking . 891 AlarmClock POS 5 this be buy for my dad and he just love this clock . if he ever need another one this be the only one he would ever buy . he have one in the past but they be unable to fix it so he have I search for another one . he like the idea that you can set it to wake to the light or sound . this be he 3rd clock over the last 20 plus year . so they do last . 767 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a gift that I give to my father who have limit vision . the LARGE RED number work out great for he . I be pleased that this be useful to he . 380 AlarmClock POS 5 the other review make I think some of these might be lemon ... because mine be the best clock I have ever have . set automatically , within 10 seconds , if you unplug it and take it elsewhere . the alarm start out soft and over time become incredibly loud . big display , bright -lrb- but definitely not enough to read by , that be silly -rrb- . love it . 491 AlarmClock NEG 1 very disappointing - the light do not light up the number well enough to read they in the dark . this will get return . I guess I need to keep shopping for something you can see at night time , this certainly be not it . 585 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be the exact same look but not the same feature as the Westclox I find on L.L. Bean website . I have a choice between this Westclox Model # 43007 and the L.L. Bean Westclox Model # 43012x . I want to try this one because it come in pink and L.L. Bean do not offer pink . but I be return because the ` muted ' light on the face be too bright and it can not be turn off . the L.L. Bean Model # 43012x in a soft sage green -lrb- 3 other color be also available -rrb- have a switch to turn off the face light and when on be a softer glow . there be also a larger snooze button on the top . there be another switch on the back that give you option of how the clock 's alarm will wake you up ; flash light or no flash light , sound alarm or no sound alarm . none of these feature be on this westclox # 43007 . also , the face number and color of face be more 1950 's stylized . on this one the number be more of a 1990 's font and the background be stark white , kinda lose the 1950 's look . -lrb- correct myself after comment leave : the L.L. Bean clock be $ 44.95 . I originally buy this one for $ 59 . now the Amazon list price range between $ 22 - $ 32 . for I the L.L. Bean Westclox feature be worth the extra cost . -rrb- upgrade from a two to a three star for the quick response from the seller to my request for a refund of $ 59 . 849 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy one , love it , play it all the time , use the alarm function to wake up . today , it be not work . nothing I can do to make the light come back on , make the alarm work again . if I touch a button , it come back on for a few seconds . battery be use for back up only so not sure why it be not work ! need another clock now ... 132 AlarmClock NEG 2 well , I really hope it would work out with this clock , because I have covet it for some time . despite the mixed review , I finally decide to give it a chance when I get a gift card to Amazon for Christmas . unfortunately , I be have to send it back . as other people have say , the color be much brighter than the picture -lrb- the pink be the same hue as in the photo , but it be a much more saturated version - a bit more bubblegum than salmon -rrb- , and there be silver around the bottom instead of the white in the pic . neither of those thing bother I - the clock be still quite cute in person . unfortunately , I do not realize that the face be always light and you can not adjust the brightness . similarly , the audio part of the alarm be super loud and non-adjustable . but the main reason I return it be that it just never seem to work properly - sometimes the audio alarm would go off without the light part flash first , sometimes both would happen at the same time , and sometimes the light would flash but the audio would not ever come on . if I be just look for a cute clock to have in the living room and do not want to use it as a alarm clock , I definitely would have keep it despite its flaw . but for my purpose , it be just not a match . 949 AlarmClock POS 5 it have `` 20 soothing sound '' many of which be enough to wake I up in the morning when that feature be use - especially the chime and the steam train engine . I usually use the 60 min . sleep timer and fall asleep to one of the myriad of water sound : ebb tide , surf 's up , rain , brook , and a few more . a few of they have realistic sound seagull , so I do not use those . -lrb- a good friend be dive-bomb by a seagull right into he mouth while on a fishing trip - I take on he antipathy towards seagull . -rrb- my husband and I have have a sound machine by another company for over 10 year - it finally give out . I also appreciate the light clock , that we old one do not have . this be a great buy -- enjoy ! 2 AlarmClock NEU 3 I be look for a inexpensive portable alarm clock . I have have this one about a month and like it so far . pro : - alarm be loud enough - back light be bright enough - have protective cover for digit when travel - non-bulky with folding stand - can check alarm set time by push button con : - hard to see the number except if you be look down at a angle at the face of the clock - to set minute you have to cycle all the way through ... not a big deal - a little tricky to slide the switch between set the alarm and arm it and turn it off -lrb- I be worried I 'll slide it to the wrong setting -rrb- 416 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock be innacurate and problematic throughout its brief life , and then it have a stroke , and then it die . 739 AlarmClock POS 4 this be probably the best atomic projection clock if all you want be a time display function . I have several of of this model . it have a bright-enough projection display , can do 24-hour format -lrb- unlike Oregon Scientific model -rrb- , relatively easy to setup -lrb- for a atomic clock -rrb- , and the most affordable . as be with most digital clock , set up the alarm be a hassle and I do not use it . negative # 1 : the power-supply be only for the projection and all setting be lose when battery be change . the trick be to replace one battery at a time and quickly to retain the setting . negative # 2 : when place behind you , say on a bed headboard , the display can not be rotate enough for proper orientation while sleep . there be a plastic tab inside the projector that can be force break to override it . 537 AlarmClock POS 5 I live in a studio and do not have a table for my bed , so I be look for a small simple alarm clock that run on battery . so far this one have be great . it have a small profile and simple control , a large light\/snooze button that be easy to hit when you be still half asleep , and a three tone alarm beep that be not too loud but still wake you up . I have only have it for a week but it be still perfectly on time . there be only two thing I would change one it . First be that there be only one alarm you could set . it would be great if there be a second alarm so I could set one time for weekend and another for weekday , but change the time be easy so its not a dealbreaker . the other be the 4 minute snooze button . again , not a big deal but come from alarm with 7 minute snooze its go to take a while to get use to . 645 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a sleep disorder and this be the first alarm I have ever have that I always wake to ! it vibrate -lrb- you put the white disc under you mattress and it shake enough to rattle you tooth just a little -rrb- and have a very loud alarm . you can choose one or both . the alarm have a volume control and a pitch control , so if you tend to adjust to you alarm over time and stop hear it you can make it a lower or higher note to fix that . of course some people can reset a alarm in they sleep - but this one have the snooze button tuck inside the `` v '' on top of the heart shape and it be harder to just slap it in a daze to put it off . and the silly pink plastic heart with rainbow color LED make my bedside table a lot more amusing . Amazon 's price be the best by far when I purchase . 908 AlarmClock POS 5 my only concern with this clock be that be not too stable when standing . better to have it sit when you be not play with it . 235 AlarmClock NEU 3 hello , I have this machine since October 2011 and it have this horrible hum to it since I buy it so I never really use it that much . I `` finally '' run into a post that say to try a better power supply . I swap out the power supply with a better , regulate power supply -lrb- input 100-240v , output 12v -rrb- and `` finally '' no more buzz ! the clock work like a charm now . you can find a replacement power supply at you local Radio Shack or computer store . they be not expensive . thanks so much to Matthew for the power supply tip and another gentleman who suggest to open up the clock and bend a few of the led to the back so the display would not be so bright . be sure to tighten the display plate when put the clock back together since it be pressure sensitive . two very easy fix and the sound soother now work nicely without any issue ! 452 AlarmClock NEG 2 I really want to like this product but right out of the box it appear to be of cheap quality or at least assemble in a cheap\/fast manner . some assembly glue be ooze out of the rear seam and while play the sound , the speaker have some static in they as well . the overal concept of the clock be good but poorly execute . the sound be not realistic , for example , rain sound like white noise and the Thunder be so to constant for any storm I have ever witness . the main problem with all of the sound be that they be on a short loop . it seam like 15 to 30 seconds at the most , to consist to fall asleep . the volume be a problem as well . 1 sometimes be to quiet -lrb- depend on which sound to choose -rrb- but 2 be to loud . in order to get the sound just right , I turn the alarm clock around so that the back speaker where face I . unfortunately then , I could not see the clock ! the clock itself as a issue as well , even on the lowest setting , the light from the clock be so bright . so bright in fact that even with the alarm clock turn around , it be still a distraction in the room . even when lie down the alarm clock on its face , the light be shine through the button and screw hole . all in all , the sound and clock itself do not work for I nor my wife to fall asleep to so we send it back . 771 AlarmClock POS 5 excellent travel clock - compact , easy to use and set up , no overwhelming bell and whistle to deal with . loud alarm to get you up without give you a morning heart attack . Indiglo be useful and turn off quickly so as not to disturb sleep . I love it so much , I buy another one and use it as a daily alarm clock . highly recommend . 344 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a fantastic product !! before the Sonic Boom alarm clock , my daughter would sleep right through she alarm go off . the vibration of the Sonic Boom alarm clock be very strong and now she be not late for school anymore . 422 AlarmClock NEG 1 this unit have a constant buzzing\/humming when use the on\/off button or the snooze feature . it be impossible to snooze with that level of noise . it may be the transformer , but I be not willing to try another unit , so Amazon be issue a refund . 415 AlarmClock POS 4 in the photo , this clock look blue . it be in fact , black , not blue as picture . not enough reason -lrb- quite -rrb- to return it , but disappointing . the dial do glow nicely when it be dark if put into auto mode , or when the snooze button be hold down . it be slightly bigger than I expect , but not a great deal . I like the fact that the alarm start quite subtly , and get louder and faster in stage . it be on the softer side , for a alarm , which I prefer , but if you be a heavy sleeper , it may not work for you . the dial glow be quite green , but not horribly bright . not nearly as bright as my cellphone , for example . 363 AlarmClock NEG 2 I loathe be abruptly awaken and really do not care for the look of most alarm clock . so I be excite to find this cute little clock that claim you `` waken to gentle light flash ' . well , it be not gentle . it be like a emergency vehicle be in you room . I guess the up side be that you do in fact awaken . but only one day of this and it be go back . guess i 'll have to settle for a ugly clock that do in fact , wake you with gently increase light . bummer . 810 AlarmClock NEG 2 this clock gain about 5 minute every 4 day or so . I have a old digital plug-in clock that keep perfect time , but the alarm do not work . I buy this one for the alarm , but usually have to reset the time to match the old plug-in about twice a week . also , if it get drop or knock off the table , you have to reset the time . I have have 2 or 3 other clock of this type that keep perfect time , maybe gain a minute or two every 6 month . I would not buy another Timex . 144 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the best alarm clock I have ever own ! the display -lrb- not show in the Amazon picture -rrb- be dark with illuminated number , and there be a brightness control for it . I leave it on the lowest setting and it be easily visible at night , without be bright enough to disturb I . the sound be pleasant to wake up to and have a volume control . I like the fact that there be no radio in this unit . -lrb- who ever listen to the radio in a clock radio anyway ? the sound be usually terrible . and set the alarm to `` radio '' just result in wake to ad or a overly chipper morning show . -rrb- the unit be small and attractive . it be perfect ! 207 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a well make product that be go strong after month of use . my son love check the time before he get out of bed . the only `` downside '' be that the clock make a beep sound if the light to check the display be activate . I find that it be helpful that it be not consistently back light , which make the room darker and more sleep-friendly , but the `` beep '' can be annoying to those who be light sleeper like I be . 365 AlarmClock POS 4 I get this for my 10 year old and he be please with it . so that say something . the first thing you should know it that this clock be small . about the size of a softball . I be expect bigger , and be a little disappointed in that . second , the ` nature sound ' be very fake . one be a coo-coo clock and one that be suppose to be water sound like a toilet flushing . for a 10 year old it be fine , for a adult look for nature sound , this be not what you be look for . the clock itself be a little more complicate to set than some , but not impossible . it do light up and change color when you push the button . I would say for a kid 's first alarm clock this one be good , novel , fun . for anyone else , this be not what you be look for . 255 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock to replace the one I have have for the past 10 or so year because the alarm stop work . after read the review for this latest model , I be expect the worst . but all part be in good work order and when the flash light go off this morning , I be pleasantly surprise to see it be light blue in color -- kinda like the sky at dawn . hopefully this one will have a long life like my previous one -lrb- which I relegate to the guest bathroom where it can be use solely as a clock . -rrb- 149 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be not my first , nor last , sound soother . my favorite be the Sharper image travel version . with many of the same sound as the travel soother\/alarm , I find the ec-b100 produce lower quality and flatter sound . the volume be totally out of control with 0 be no sound and 1 be too loud . I have not try anything above 3 at this point . I hate read manual and do not like it when I have to resort to the manual to figure out what I believe be a very simple device . on the other hand , for a purchase under $ 50 , this be a good buy and value . some of the sound like Surf 's up , thunderstorm and rain be good on this device . its not easy to identify the pattern so those sound be nice for go to sleep . the sound do not fade - what you set be what you get , all night . you can set it to turn off but that wake I up so I only do that once . the device be very light and the design not optimal for size and weight . it tip easily when you reach to shut it off . it have a relatively narrow profile but I do not like the way it feel . all in all , I be content with the purchase and would recommend the Sharper image ec-b100 sound Soother Alarm clock . 578 AlarmClock NEU 3 this unit be a good basic alarm clock for those who do not want the standard annoying alarm that most digital alarm clock come with . I find the bird wake sound to be the best , wake I gently . I like that the cycle get a bit louder the second time around so that if you be in a deep sleep it can still wake you . one problem I have with it , the volume dial when set to the loudest point cause the sound to completely cut out . I assume it be a flaw just in my unit , not enough to go through the trouble of send back . also the unit be a bit bulky , the display be large , but I think they could have make the unit smaller without loose any function . 820 AlarmClock NEU 3 I get this think a larger clock would be easier to see from part way across the room . I need to watch the second hand to time my stretch exercise . unfortunately , I didnt look closely at the picture . the silver second hand be almost invisible unless I move the clock to right next to my face so I can see it . oh well . the clock work well so far , and I like the nice green color of the face at night . it be very cheerful and good company . just look closely . a red second hand be easier to see . that be the alarm hand . 173 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock for my mother who be now 84 and cope with macular degeneration . she love it and say it be easy to see . autumn 2010 : mom have to go into a nursing home last year , alas , but the clock still continue to function as it should . still a good buy here . 2012 : still work and still remarkably accurate . 529 AlarmClock NEG 2 the first user review I read be right on the money . I use this device to muffle street noise at night . there be only a couple of setting that make wave or white noise sound for sleep and those be very short loop . there be repetitive , distracting sound that can keep you wide awake . the rest of the choice have sound effect that be not condusive to sleep . such as chirp bird , fog horn , cricket , etc. . the lowest volume be bearly audible and the second to lowest be quite loud . this be the second soother I purchase from sharper image , the first nearly 20 year ago . I have to admit the older model be much better . the volume control be a slide so you can set it appropriately for tthe environment and the ocean wave sound lull I to sleep instantly . over the year price have more than double and the product quality have slip . if it aus not break , DO not fix it !!!