diff --git "a/train/AlarmClock.txt" "b/train/AlarmClock.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train/AlarmClock.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ +740 AlarmClock NEG 1 a poor item that be nearly impossible to work or turn off . on the bright side it weight about half a pound and will leave a annoyingly catchy tune in you head for the morning shower . +859 AlarmClock NEG 1 the clock be worthless at night . it have two little light on either side of the time and be impossible to read in a dark room . do not waste you time or money +933 AlarmClock POS 5 I spend several year , off and on , travel independently in Asia , Australia and the Pacific Rim , for month at a time . my constant companion in these travels be this clock . every other travel clock I look at be too big . this one be smaller than a credit card -lrb- maybe half as tall -rrb- . it also have a built-in stand that fold away so you can stow the clock in you pocket -lrb- i.e. , it become a pocket watch of sort -rrb- ; as well as a illumination button for use in the dark , and a alarm that be loud enough to ensure you will not sleep through it -- no matter how tire you might be . this be a simple item , with a few well-marked button and thoughtful design , power by two common button-cell battery . it be also robust ; I be still use mine well after the label have wear off . one day , about six year after I buy it , I hear something clunk in the dryer . when I look inside I find that I would leave the clock in a pants pocket , where it have be wash and dry . the crazy thing be , it be still keep time ! who need Rolex , right ? I would pay about $ 25 for one of these . the fact they be under twelve buck be just icing on the cake . I doubt Casio still make they , though , so buy while you can . +607 AlarmClock NEG 1 I purchase this clock after read so many great review . after unpack the clock I be horrify to see 10 o'clock at the top of the dial where 12 o'clock should be . horrible , cheap , junk . do not buy . +443 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great little product , that do exactly what it be suppose to do . it be easy to use , easy to see , compact , and stylish . what else could you ask for at this price ? +711 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a replacement for the same clock that break . this one be lighter in its construction . the light alarm be not nearly as bright in its flash and the buzz alarm be a electric buzz instead of a bell . like the one I buy 5 year ago much better . +446 AlarmClock POS 4 we clock sit on the shelf in the living room by the tv . its a small dark cube as wide as a iPhone and half as tall . innocuous enough to be wife approve . when anyone want to know the time its a hand clap away . easily visible with the sun streaming through the skylight but still subdue enough in evening lighting . I do not use the alarm function in we application but it would chirp I out of a sound sleep . have be run on a pair of AAA battery since I receive it and I would expect they to last a year or so . +840 AlarmClock POS 4 I have have it for a month and use it daily as a alarm clock and occasionally for a nap timer . keep perfect time as far as I can tell . thing I wish it have : 1 . graduate alarm volume ... start off low , then grow louder if not snooze or shut off . 2 . larger\/smoother alarm turn off switch . 3 . no beep sound when you hit the snooze button to see what time it be at night . 4 . ability to operate snooze button when unit be close . +511 AlarmClock POS 5 my husband be a huge sw fan who receive this for he birthday . he be thrilled ! great look toy , with the bonus of be a clock\/mp3 player\/etc . good stuff ! +105 AlarmClock NEU 3 I own my previous Westclox Travelmate for more than 12 year . it be the only alarm clock I own - or need . very reliable & accurate - for most of those year . it begin to go screwy only the last couple of year I have it . so I replace it with another Travelmate , just a couple of month ago . at first I be very pleased with my purchase , but this one be already exhibit the bug of the first Travelmate - almost right out of the gate . the time setting and alarm setting often change - spontaneously and mysteriously - all by themselves , sometimes several time during the same day ! since the problem have not go away , and since I can not depend upon it to process time accurately -lrb- a core requirement for a alarm clock , would not you say ? -rrb- , I have decide to replace it with something better . since it cost only a few buck , it simply be not a good use of my time to go through the hassle and expense of return it for a refund . Westclox , be you listen ? Westclox Travelmate +662 AlarmClock POS 5 buy this product because it show 2 different time zone so you can set it such that it show the time where you be and where you be love one be when you be travel or live in other part of the world . have not use it as a alarm yet . it be small and do not weigh much and easy to put on you nightstand for example . +654 AlarmClock NEG 2 I have such great expectation for the alarm clock when I purchase it over a year ago . First of all it work fine . it sit nice and compact on my nightstand . however , it have too many little problem to make it worth the hassle . the alarm clock have too many battery to keep up with ; one for the analog and one for digital clock and the nature sound can be hear bleed through when the radio be play . its just slight but its annoying to I . its not worth the hassle or money . +86 AlarmClock NEG 1 bery bad quality plus every 12 hour5 it delay 2 hour something terrible I never see a watch loke that +399 AlarmClock POS 5 I have try several travel alarm clock . the Westclox Travelmate be the only one I will use from now on . it be easy to use and easy to take on trip . I like it so much that I use it nightly at home too . +231 AlarmClock POS 4 actually , it be a great economical analog clock with some neat feature . however , the alarm be not loud enough for heavy sleeper , or hearing dimenished individual , -lrb- old people -rrb- . +462 AlarmClock POS 4 plenty of sound to choose from . drown out the sound of the outside world . my only complaint be the brightness of the clock . I have to turn it a way from I while I be sleep . +106 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great product ! the display be huge ... we can read it easily clear across the room without wear glass . the alarm time be very easy to set . I would personally like for the alarm to be a bit louder ... but I think my wife like it the way it be because most of the time it do not wake she if it turn the alarm off soon enough . so far the `` always set '' feature seem to work fine for I -lrb- I notice some other reviewer have a problem -rrb- . +948 AlarmClock POS 5 we need a weather radio because we live in tornado country . when it get stormy , the 9 volt battery backup on this NOAA weather radio keep the weather report come in . we live near a city and have no trouble receive the NOAA broadcast . this unit cost as much as any of the standard weather radio I be look at , but it also have radio , alarm and a very large digital clock display . the spec say the display be 1 '' but I think it be closer to 2 '' . it be not a designer piece , it be purely functional , but that be what we buy it for . a cool feature be that you can set you alarm clock to wake you to the weather report . if you be travel , that be pretty handy . +530 AlarmClock POS 4 I already own one of these , purchase 7 month ago . it break aweek ago , which make I wonder about the quality of the production . however , the functionality of the alarm be great ! all other alarmclock become background noise for I after awhile , allow I tosleep through they -lrb- and through the first few hour of work ! -rrb- . Thisone have wake I up every day that I have turn it on . the napfunction be also fantastic , allow I to powernap for a designatedperiod of time without disrupt the setting of the other two dailyalarm . even if it break , I have get more than my $ ... worth . +201 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this alarm clock . okay , first off , let I say that no , I be not deaf , but when I sleep , I sleep like the dead . a regular alarm will not wake I . with a regular alarm , I 'll get up , turn it off , go back to sleep , and have no memory whatsoever of even leave my bed . : o -rrb- this little peach of a clock ... there be no tuning it out ! I have it on the lower volume setting ... and let I tell you , my neighbor know what time I get up . that in combination with the bed shaker be fantastic . the bed shaker really wake I up the best , I think . it be not horribly irritating , but it be enough so that my body know `` hey , we have to actually wake up now ! '' overall , if you be hard to wake up , this be a great alarm clock for you ! not to mention , how cute be this little clock , be I right ?! this be hand down the best alarm clock I have have , and well worth the $ 36 I spend on it . it be be work great for month , I have not have a single problem ! I would definitely buy it again ! +469 AlarmClock POS 4 for anyone who hit the snooze and have a harder time get up in winter when it be dark , this little clock be perfect . I be so satisfied with it ! have a full 30 minute to wake up be great , especially on dark , dreary morning . the only reason I give it a 4 be that the radio be not that great . do not matter , though , as I be usually fully awake by the time it go off , anyway . +643 AlarmClock NEG 2 where to start . no warranty , no instruction . would not set time automatically . focus knob simply rotate ; do not focus . without instruction be difficult to set up . Worth maybe $ 10 for the projection , no more . overall , cheap , cheap , cheap . Poor example for Lacrosse ; will avoid they from now on . very disappointed , +274 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have 3 of these clock over the past 15 year . my 2nd one just die after several hard year of use ... travel literally around the world multiple time . be sooo happy to find a new one on Amazon . this clock be the perfect size -lrb- smaller than a business card -rrb- , it light up with the press of the big `` light '' button , and it be easy to change the time & alarm . and it do not make unwanted beeping noise every time you want to press a button . they have be very durable and ... best of all ... it slide very easily into a briefcase or shave kit bag . it be perfect for the business traveler ! +890 AlarmClock NEG 2 my 12 year old be a big whovian and be excite to receive this clock . it be really cute though as other mention smaller than you would expect . Unfortunatly have not work for week . hopefully , there be a return policy for defective merchandise . +941 AlarmClock NEU 3 have the polished bronze look of certain coffin handle . the only thing I do not like about this nifty little clock be that if you balance it on a pair of paperback with glossy cover and place it on you night table , you can hear it tick . also , the feature where you press a little button on top and illuminate the dial in the middle of the night , the little flash of light that appear be kind of like the blast of light that occur in `` wicked '' when the green witch disappear from the page . +682 AlarmClock POS 4 after spend quite a long time shopping on-line and in the store -lrb- I return two travel clock after get they home -rrb- , I purchase this travel clock . it be very inexpensive , extremely easy to use -lrb- no manual necessary -rrb- , and work very well . the alarm be neither too loud nor too soft , it do not collapse when open -lrb- like two other travel alarm I purchase -rrb- , it be make of lightweight plastic -lrb- reasonably durable -- very sturdy compare to some three time the price -rrb- , have a unlimited 4-minute snooze feature , and light up when the snooze button be depress . it would have be nice if the number stay light at night and the lighting feature be extremely dim , at best . nevertheless , it be very lightweight and measure only 3-1\/2 '' x 2-1\/2 '' x 1\/2 '' -- can fit anywhere , even in a pocket . the only other possible downside be that it use a 1.5 v button battery instead of a standard aa or aaa . nevertheless , I like it enough to use it at night in place of the abrasively loud alarm clock I previously use , which my kid have nightmare about . +509 AlarmClock POS 5 I do not really understand some of the negative review regard this product . it be light and compact ... you can take it with you on trip and just play it with battery . there be twenty different sound , and quite frankly some of they be unnecessary if you be look for relax sound -lrb- such as City , Heartbeat , Steam Train , and thunderstorm -rrb- , but there be plenty of relax sound as well . you can play the sound indefinitely , or you can set it to run for 15 , 30 , 45 , or 60 minute . as a bonus , you can plug it in and it can act as a clock and alarm as well . when you consider the price and all that you get , this be a really good deal . I be buy another one . +347 AlarmClock NEG 1 while I choose this clock for it be look , I still want a good clock to use as a alarm clock . the clock be very flimsy , and be easy to knock over . also the alarm would not wake anyone up . +669 AlarmClock POS 5 Star Wars and just learn to read time be a great combination for any child to love this storm trooper alarm clock . right now Stormtroopers be my grandson 's favorite Star Wars character . so this be perfect . and it work too . Great when mom say , clean up you room in five minute , you Stormtrooper clock now say 12:05 at 12:10 , I will be back : -rrb- +504 AlarmClock NEG 2 when I first stumble across this clock , I be elated ! year ago I have a original that be damage in a move . I purchase the version in green , it look great . sadly , the clock movement make a very annoying click or tick sound that prevent I from go to sleep , and I be almost deaf in one ear . within a very short time , the alarm bulb burn out . the light dial stop work . then the clock begin to loose time . after four month , it quit completely . very beautiful clock , but very poor quality . +906 AlarmClock NEG 1 I need a portable battery power alarm clock that have a illuminate dial . chose this clock be a big mistake . it be time can only be illuminate by press one of several confusing un-labeled button twice , so you can not just see the time in a dark room . the alarm mechanism have mal-function on several occasion , usually at the worst time . the `` nature sound '' be actually cheap sound and annoy . the badly translate direction be worthless . this be the perfect gift for someone you detest . +305 AlarmClock NEG 2 the control be good and I like the way the display light up when you press the snooze light . but this be not really a good travel alarm , it be too big and clunky . and the alarm be not very loud . I buy this clock because some of the other review say that the alarm be loud , but it be not . it might work as a regular bedside alarm if you be a light sleeper . I end up buy a little Casio travel alarm , it be so much better , much smaller size and loud alarm . +262 AlarmClock POS 4 this little clock be exactly what I expect and seem to work fine , so far . the blue backlight be nice . one small complaint - I do not think qa be top on the list with the maufacturer - on mine , the snooze button be upside down ! it still work , just look a bit odd . but what can you expect for the price ? +812 AlarmClock NEG 1 the radio also make a annoying ` pop ' when you turn it on or the alarm kick in . to set the time and alarm setting take forever . just a horrible purchase that I make , do not make the same mistake ! +652 AlarmClock POS 4 my son love he new clock ! it work great and the leg and arm be movable . the only thing I wish it have be a back light that stay on at all time . +741 AlarmClock NEG 1 alarm do not work . . I guess I get what I pay for . I do not realize how small the clock actually be . +122 AlarmClock POS 5 let 's just start out this review say that I be a geek . that be say , i love this clock . I mean , its darth vader , and he tell time ! what it be not to love ! it seem well make , but out of plastic , all the arm and leg move , and you can rearrange darth to how you like . to see the time clearly , you have to push on darth vader head , and the screen light up red . if you do not push on he head , the time can be a bit hard to see . but besides that , i lovelovelove my darth vader clock . beware , other nerdy friend may try to steal you darth vader clock . you have be warn . +751 AlarmClock POS 5 we be look for a very small , but highly reliable , travel alarm clock and be a little concerned about order one sight unseen . however we could not have be happier . it have now travel with we across the US as well as overseas and it have make sure we be awaken at the right time every day . we would highly recommend this alarm . +275 AlarmClock POS 4 these be nice and funky . we buy one use from somebody who put athletic tape over the speaker -lrb- on the back -rrb- to muffle the bird noise -- a good idea , it be plenty loud enough on `` low '' and with the tape . if you be a deep sleeper , I be sure the unmuffled `` high '' setting will open you eye . +846 AlarmClock POS 4 I dig the clock ! Easy to read and straight forward . I be look for a small clock to put in my bathroom . I like modern , retro or sleek design in general and this fit the bill . I do not realize it be sound activate when I buy it , but it lend to the simple look of it . I have to laugh when I flush the toilet and it turn on . +477 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a very nice little clock , especially for the price . I have no trouble get it to pick up a signal when initially set it up , and it have have no problem hold onto a signal wherever I have it in my house . I have not really have any trouble with any of the thing the other reviewer have note , except for one , and it be a pretty major flaw : the clock beep -lrb- loudly -rrb- every time you press a button . this include the button you use to turn on the light in the middle of the night , which I never use since it would disturb my husband . I decide not to return it because it meet my need for a travel clock\/alarm , and I really like that it be a atomic clock . I find it easy to check the alarm time setting , and have not have any issue with accidentally change the time zone . +321 AlarmClock NEG 1 my Timex Indiglow travel alarm finally die , so I buy this Elgin clock specifically because it have the blue light feature . I need to be able to hit the sleep-button and see the time at night . right out of the box , everything work except the blue light . I will be return it for a refund . Amazon be great ! crap make in China be not !! +841 AlarmClock POS 5 I love that I do not have to set my alarm every night anymore . I be sure my husband agree as the alarm clock I have purchase to replace my alarm clock that die make irritating beep to indicate success at change any setting . I tend to keep thing for a long time -lrb- have the alarm clock that die for over 20 year -rrb- , so I be very happy to find something I be sure I can live with hopefully for another 20 . I do have to switch from wake to the radio to use the beep alarm because I be ignore the radio - but that be just a personal problem . so far , this be a great alarm . +880 AlarmClock NEG 1 after read all the positive review on this clock , and because it be make by Elgin , I decide to purchase it . the FIRST one we receive run 15 minute slow every 24 hour , so I go to the trouble of call , repackage and return it to Amazon for a replacement . the SECOND clock work perfectly for all of a month , and then just stop work all together . I think it have run the battery out because of the night glow feature -lrb- which we keep at the lowest setting -rrb- , so I change the battery but that be not the problem -- the clock be simply dead . I be incredibly disappoint . and due to the fact that I do not immediately write into Amazon to return the second clock , now I find that my `` return window '' have close and I can not get my money back . somehow that just do not sit well with I at all . obviously , this clock have problem . consequently , I vehemently recommend that you do NOT PURCHASE THIS clock . I wish we could use a cord clock , but we power go out often enough to make it impossible , which be why I choose a battery operate clock in the first place . this clock be not the victim of rough handling -lrb- on we end , anyway -rrb- , and be never knock off the nightstand or drop , etc. . it just sit there undisturbed until it arbitrarily stop work altogether . unhappy AMAZON customer . +158 AlarmClock POS 5 so far everything be as describe in the product description . will come back and write more if anything turn out negative . +218 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this clock for my 95 old year mother . she like it be ease of use and it be durability . also , it be a attractive clock . my mom be very happy with it . +811 AlarmClock POS 5 first , I want to say that you should \* always \* have a battery-powered travel alarm clock in you luggage , with a spare battery . this be one of those basic must-haves for travel . I have stay at hotel which provide no clock at all . some have a clock with no alarm . some have a plug-in clock , and then the power go out . some have a really complex clock that you can not figure out how to set the alarm on ! by always have one with you , you be sure that you wake up on time and keep track of you schedule . there be plug-in one , but you have the problem of converter in foreign country , of find a outlet that be usefully near the bed , and again of power outage . it be much better to go with a battery power one . I like the fold-up design of this one . when it be shut , the display and button be all protect . you luggage can go through the most gorilla-like of baggage claim system and come out unscathed . the unit be very easy to use . a simple slider set the alarm on or off , and you get a visual indicator when it be on . you slide another lever to set the alarm or time . there be a snooze button which also turn on the light temporarily . you can set the hour and minute separately , which be a great improvement over system that make you cycle slowly through 23 hour to wrap around to the time you want . down side ? well , it be cheap plastic - but then again that make it really light . I really wish it be in a always-lit state for late night glance , but that would probably drain the battery quickly . so I think in general it be a great unit for the price . I have use it for quite a while and it be always come in handy . even the time I have not need it , it be be nice to know it be there in the corner of the bag +964 AlarmClock NEG 2 the display be difficult to read in Daytime -lrb- black on gray -rrb- unless you press on Vader 's head for a 5 sec backlight . if the display be like any normal digital clock with blue\/red number , it would be 5 star as the body detail be great . +499 AlarmClock NEG 2 so all I want be a cheap battery alarm clock for a camper . this thing eat up a battery every few day - at least once or twice a week . it work great otherwise - maybe I receive a `` lemon '' but I can not keep feed it so will have to get another brand . +51 AlarmClock POS 5 buy this clock at Fred Meyers tonight on sale . $ 7.99 . if it hold up , it will make a good travel clock . the alarm be just loud enough , and annoying enough to wake one up if they go to bed sober . the pic show the light but you need to `` pinch '' the button to make it lite up . it have control for each select option . but not fore and back , so if you go past just keep go . but I buy it so I could see the time . my XM radio time be only 6 mm high so I need something else this 25 mm display be what I need . and when the power go out it will wake I because it do not give up till the button be hit . +464 AlarmClock NEG 2 my mistake , I do not look on dimension of this clock before I buy it . it be bulky , would be very nice piece of equipment if would be much smaller . besides , use two battery aa , first set be go completely after one month , I be late to work because of that . second set I have already two month look forward to have another unexpected oversleeping -lrb- my last alarm clock be go on one battery 1 year -rrb- +494 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this little alarm clock for my wife many year ago . the original die and because it be easy to use , easy to pack and work forever on one set of battery she want another just like the old one . find it here ... +877 AlarmClock NEU 3 I be a time geek . my watch be a Citizen Eco-Drive Titanium solar power `` radio '' watch that keep accurate time to a fraction of a second . I have two `` atomic '' wall clock that stay synchronize via radio signal . I buy the Chaney as it have nice size led number and would be perfect for the entertainment center since we new dvr do not have its own clock display . however , it lose about 2 minute a month and need to be reset constantly . I email the manufacturer and they say that be `` normal '' . the clock on my wall oven and microwave be more accurate ! if you be happy with know `` about '' what time it be , this clock be fine . if you want to know the RIGHT time like I , you 'll hate it ! I be give it to my wife to use in she sewing room . +650 AlarmClock NEU 3 the alarm on-off switch be combine with the switch for set the time and alarm . not a big problem , but when you be half asleep it would be easy to change the time or alarm when turn the alarm on or off . also , the switch feel cheap . it be ok but next time I would go with a different clock . +336 AlarmClock NEG 1 the clock look lovely , but it be break when I receive it , and not crack or anything that would have happen in shipping . the hour hand be not connect to the rest of the clock . I be tick . +112 AlarmClock POS 5 clock be very easy to see , set itself , and arrive exactly as describe . Perfect ! +496 AlarmClock NEG 1 this item be a waste of time and money . the light didnt even work and the sound of the alarm be too low . +186 AlarmClock POS 5 the Lego Toy Story Buzz Lightyear alarm clock be definitely worth the price . it be basically a giant version of he Lego form in perfect detail . he hand , arm , and leg be able to be pose . the clock be a digital display that be on he chest . the best part be that you set the alarm by press the button on he spacesuit and he helmet be the snooze button . it even come with battery . I highly recommend this clock and also suggest purchase the Woody clock as well . +804 AlarmClock NEG 2 perhaps I be the only one who have to change battery every four week ? cool clock , but I would like to see longer battery life . must be a wookie inside play video game , the way this thing drain battery . I be tired of it . Gonna let the damn thing sit on a shelf with no life in it . +575 AlarmClock NEU 3 I buy the attachment and it trigger my other brighter lamp which work like a charm . the clock 's light , so-called brighter , be a joke . that original clock bulb sometimes come on , and 99 % of the time , do not come on at all . the control to just turn on the light in a dark room mean to touch the second to the bottom right seed size button and hold it till it brighten up . so that be annoying . there be not many choice out there and from what I have see its adequate for I with the attachment . without it , this so call new brighter bulb would not do a thing for I . and I have it right next to my bed . so unless you be face it , how will you know its on ? the term `` bright '' be relative . for I it be - at its brightest - as bright as a candle . +64 AlarmClock POS 4 Great little clock , compact , easy to read , but not loud enough to wake I up ! probably fine for people with no hearing loss . +17 AlarmClock NEG 2 I own the previous version of this alarm . I be hop to upgrade to one that would allow for a mode where there would be no alarm on weekend . my version have I go through a long menu to turn it off so I just wake up every weekend morning at 4:30 & 5:00 . the new version have the same problem . I also see , from another review , that you can no longer wake up to a different sound than you fall asleep to . I guess I 'll just keep wait till they figure this out . +630 AlarmClock POS 5 I give this to my grandmother , who be nearly blind . it be the only clock she can actually see . I also like that it set itself automatically when you plug it in , so she do not have to worry about change it for daylight savings time or anything like that . I be not sure about the alarm feature , since she do not use they , but as a clock for someone visually impair it work very well . I end up buy she a second one for another room . +40 AlarmClock POS 5 many portable alarm clock have light dial that fill the room with blue , green or red light all night , which have be show to interfere with normal sleep . this alarm clock have a dial with a soft adjustable backlight that can be set to a very low level . moreover , if you need a stronger backlight momentarily , you can get a much brighter purple one simply by press the button on top . additionally , I much prefer the Analog face to a digital one , since it be easier to read late at night . highly recommend . +311 AlarmClock POS 4 small cube when you clap turn on it s a baterry saver very clean like it so far so good classic +378 AlarmClock POS 5 my 9 year old love this clock that we hide in a treasure hunt for Easter . he play with it , and it can take it . the arm and leg move , but it be sturdy . the alarm work well . we be happy with this purchase . +780 AlarmClock NEG 1 at night the digital display totally light up the room it be so bright . I have to turn it face down . the sound be tinny and grainy , enough to make they totally un-soothing , they start abruptly so they be a bit shocking to wake up to also . have to return +266 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great new product . it be so soothing to listen to and relax you to sleep . the initial set up be as easy as ABC . I absolute the sharper image ec-b100 sound Soother Alarm clock +269 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this clock last year for exactly that , no tick sound , no light dial , and numeral instead of digital display , very old fashion . I have the same old reliable analog clock since I be a teenager and it finally die last Christmas , so I be look for something similar . I be a light sleeper and it suit my purpose just fine for the price . +447 AlarmClock NEG 1 water get into this two day after I use it in the shower , and the clock be no longer visible . i leave it unused for two week , and the 6 c-battery have run out . believe it or not , I believe I actually throw my receipt away when I get it ! -lrb- that be why I be anonymous . -rrb- +343 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the best , best alarm clock ever . no one can wake I up but this can . the vibration feel very alarming so I wake up although sometimes it do take a while to wake I up because I be that extra tired . the light that come on be alarming as well because it be red and blink . get these ! you will not regret it . +525 AlarmClock POS 4 good for travel though button to operate alarm be small and unlit . tough to tell if alarm be on without have to look really close -lrb- and turn on a light -rrb- . +818 AlarmClock NEG 2 the clock stop once for about twenty minute every few hour . it have fresh battery and the hand be not stick together . the second hand still go around . save the package in case it need to go back . all other feature work ok , but that be meaningless when the clock can not keep time . bl Update : figure I have nothing to lose , I give it a sharp rap on the kitchen counter . it Works Now and keep accurate time !! +827 AlarmClock POS 5 I love everything about this clock . the illuminate dial be so nice to see when you wake up in the middle of the night and give you something to look at if you be have trouble sleep ! I like the volume of the ringer but I usually wake from just the flash light . +817 AlarmClock NEG 2 I be happy that this product be just as I think it would look and the size I want , but it gain 2 hour of time overnight . the return process so far have be very easy and efficient . this process be not complete as I just discover the problem and initiate the return . this be a Christmas gift . +375 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this item from UAE and when I recieve the clock it do ' work at all . I could return the item but the shipment charge would become more than the product price itself . I usually buy goods from Amazon but this be the first time that it be break . I be really upset about it because it be a gift for one of my friend and I be realy embarrass when it do ` nt work . I difinitely do not recommend this product to anybody . +853 AlarmClock POS 4 yeah I just recieve my sweetheart sonic boom alarm clock and it actually come 2 day early -lrb- yeah -rrb- and be right on time since I have to work midnight tonight -lrb- yuck -rrb- . anyway , I plug it in and place the bed vibrate thing between my matress and box spring and go to sleep . I awake think either the house be fall down or someone literally be shake I ! consider I live a lone and be a little bit of a scardy cat , I dont know if I want to wake up terrorfied ! but the goal be accomplish I be awaken all adrenalin rush and frazzle but I make it to work ... early . the sweetheart clock look be cute but the plastic seem cheap but how much damage do a alarm clock need to take ? the control be small which be good that force u to get up , turn on a light to turn it off . the display be bright but have a dimmer switch and it flash when the alarm go off . I have never own a alarm clock that I actually use , since I be traditionally a light sleeper but now with my hectic lifestyle and the deep sleep deprive nap I take for rest I need something like this to wake up . I think they be a great price on amazon and they work and its cute . Doesnt get better then that do it ! +327 AlarmClock NEU 3 unfortunately , I can not review the quality of the light alarm on this clock because mine arrive and do not work . however , I can tell you that the sound alarm on this clock be SUPER LOUD !!! because mine be defective , I arrange to return it to Amazon because it tell I that a replacement be not available . before I could even return it , the Westclox people contact I and offer I a replacement or refund . before I could even respond to they they have issue I a refund and tell I I do not need to return the clock . this be great customer service . also , delivery fulfillment through Amazon be very fast , as usual . +535 AlarmClock NEU 3 as other have note , this be a no frill alarm clock that be easy to set and do what it be suppose to do . if you want a attractive clock , this be not the one for you . the plastic look cheap , and it be slightly bulkier than I expect . my only real issue with it be the alarm . I prefer my initial alarm sound to be a gentle peep that gradually increase in intensity -- I do not want my alarm disturb the hotel guest in the next room . this be loud and obnoxious from the start . if you be a deep sleeper , the Elgin Travel Alarm clock be the one for you . +603 AlarmClock POS 5 I use the Coby Viewer \/ Alarm clock in conjunction with a 4aausb -lrb- Batteries America -rrb- 5 volt power supply to view picture from my trail camera when I be in the field . this work better and have a clearer picture than the commercially available viewer from the trail Camera Manufacturers . it be also much cheaper . +988 AlarmClock NEU 3 I find the alarm on this clock work very well and be easy to set up . however , with the first clock I receive , you could not see the time at night because the background do not light up enough . I call the company and they replace the clock , which I appreciate , however , the second clock do not work any better ! you have to turn on a light to see what time it be at night time which defeat the purpose of get a clock that be suppose to light up ! +287 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy one of these for household use and like it enough to buy another one . -lrb- my strategy be to have several inexpensive alarm clock scatter throughout my apartment so that by the time I have find they all , I be awake . -rrb- the folding design allow the device to be pretty light without be easy to tip over . instead of buy yet another one , I be go to try out the nap mate the button on the Travel-Mate be make from harder plastic and be probably more durable . we shall see : -rrb- +649 AlarmClock POS 5 buy this clock for my wife she love it ... it be simple to use and look great . order it from Amazon.com it ship fast and be in packed well ... +599 AlarmClock NEU 3 hate that infuriate buzz-buzz sound from you alarm clock ? Nature sound be a great solution , but you will not get they from this alarm clock . this alarm 's `` nature sound '' be actually closer to white noise and they be just about the only sound more unpleasant than the typical buzz alarm clock . fortunately , the standard buzz be still a option on this alarm . sound aside , the clock do not disappoint . the button to adjust alarm and time be find on the back of the unit , far away from the oversized snooze button on top . there be no danger of reset the time as you sleepily grope for the snooze button . one last warning : the clock be a little smaller than I expect from the image . if you be near-sighted , consider get a clock with extra-large digit . +265 AlarmClock NEG 1 the clock flash a frightening red color when it go off in the morning-first surprise . then the battery die , so I replace they , but after two day the backlight stop work , the number fade to the point where I could barely see they , and the volume become so low I could barely hear it . +252 AlarmClock POS 5 so simple , yet such a great idea ! finally someone have really think about how people use alarm clock . I love be able to program it and not worry about forget to change it the night before . it be great for odd-time class in grad school and now i use it to get up early twice a week for yoga . good for weekend too . I do not have to remember to shut it off so I can sleep in on Saturdays . and I do not have to remember to turn it on again for Monday . it also look a lot cooler than most of the other clock out there . +570 AlarmClock POS 5 very please with product and delivery . item be ship with proper packing and arrive on time . order for my wife 's birthday and she absolutley love it . enjoyable option for alarm setting and easy to set up separate alarm with individual setting . +139 AlarmClock POS 4 this alarm clock be really great . Easy to use step and a seperate alarm time for each day . the only downside be that the radio be horrible but I guess they make it a dial radio to avoid button and more user friendly . I find the other feature to be not very useful because I dont use nap or the radio . the alarm clock funtion be all I need it for and its all I will ever use on this product . +554 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a very elegant snooze-type alarm clock with many different soothing sound to suit you taste . small and compact , it come with the Sharper image credentials , and live up to its name for dependability . New condition from Amazon . +395 AlarmClock NEG 1 the clock will not set to eastern standard time . I manually set it and it keep resete itself to central time . the customer service on this product be horrible . a person call during the day and leave I no good info . +695 AlarmClock POS 4 as a retail worker work vary shift each week , this alarm allow I to program a week out and not have to re-set the alarm every night . love the ` nap ' feature , and select you own snooze time be a plus also . the only improvement I could recommend be in the setting mechanism , as the rotate dial be slow to set . +580 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this for my child to sleep to the nature sound . after buy it , I find you can only play the nature sound in the `` sleep '' mode and that they will only play for a maximum of 59 minute , and then it shut off ! why can not it just also have a `` on '' and `` off '' button ? also , there be no volume control for the sound , and most seem pretty loud , but `` ocean '' be the softest . further , the sound repeat after a very short time , about 3 seconds , so the pattern be very obvious and could get annoying . I would say to look for a better product with more feature . +301 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this little alarm clock so much , I have several throughout my house . pro : \* 24 hour time -lrb- a huge plus for people who have to work shift -rrb- \* nap timer -lrb- I use this feature all the time to wait 15 minute to see if I have correctly treat a hypoglycemic episode -rrb- . you can nap up to 4 hour . \* small and portable con : \* can only set the date and time forward ; you have to scroll through the entire cycle if you have overshoot you value . \* can not turn the back light off -lrb- but it only stay on for about 4 seconds -rrb- \* can not turn the nap timer off \* can not see how much time you have leave on you nap +474 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock to put it on my office desk and it look so awesome , definitely be a Kids clock . just a normal display with a buzzer alarm , but if you want something cool for you bookshelf or you computer\/office desk and you like Star Wars it be a must have . +21 AlarmClock POS 4 the Soleil Sunrise Alarm clock do what be advertise it help wake you up easier and more alert that a standard alarm clock . the radio do work , but only on strong station . I also quickly remove the translucent housing over the bulb , do that allow the lamp do its job . the clock work best in pitch black where the lamp will light up the whole room . be the alarm worth it , if you need to wake up early in the morning , and then yes . could it be better , yes a clear lamp housing , and a better radio would be great addition . +602 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be recommend by Techno Beaver , Baba Booey on the Howard Stern show . just like he tell Boff , `` I just plug it in , and it set the time automatically '' . I be go to get a fancy clock radio , but after Techno Beaver 's two cent , I reconsider and buy this one . thanks , Baba Booey ! +563 AlarmClock NEG 1 do not light up enough to see the time on the display - can not read it in the dark and just barely in the light . +729 AlarmClock POS 4 my only complaint about this clock be that you have to be at a certain angle to see the digital pixel . if you be look down at it , the pixel be clear and distinct but if you be look at it from a same level point , the pixel look fade and indistinguishable ... +258 AlarmClock POS 5 good selection of sound , time , two alarm . Works well , easy to move and use . it help my dog sleep which help I sleep . good value for the money . +172 AlarmClock NEG 1 junk ... can not hear alarm ... I even press it up to my ear and can not hear it ... that pretty bad ... have no loudness control ... so order another one ... same thing ... call the mfg. . . she even admit that the alarm be not very loud on this model . . not very loud i can deal with , but silent I do not think so ... 2 out of 2 defective ... not a good deal ... which be to bad ... because I really do like the big red clock face and the fact that it set itself , . +503 AlarmClock NEG 1 I purchase the travel alarm specifically to have a time piece and wake-up mechanism for a 900 mile road trip at Thanksgiving . the clock lose more than a minute per half hour , so I purchase a new battery . it still lose time . the alarm be so soft that I could barely hear it . I would have rate this Chaney Instruments Sojourn lcd Travel Alarm clock ZERO star . the software would not accept that , so I give it one star . my fund be not well spend . on the bright side , it be light weight and not too flimsy . +516 AlarmClock POS 4 I love the idea of this clock - love it ! and as far as performance go , it be fantastic . the only complaint I have , and it be a big one , be that access the menu be a bit complicated . there be some nice feature on the clock itself that you have to really work hard to access . once you get it setup , though , it be marvelous ! +758 AlarmClock POS 5 very sleek look and function alarm clock . we like that it have lot of different sound to choose from so we do not have to have the standard annoying alarm sound in the morning . another great feature , be that you can program 2 seperate alarm , so if you and you partner get up at different time in the morning you can set both alarm for 2 different time -lrb- and even different sound -rrb- . plus not have to worry about forget to re-set or accidentally turn the other alarm one off . +574 AlarmClock POS 5 a great travel alarm clock , the best I have see for the price use 2 aa battery green back light blink red when the alarm ring +230 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be very simple , and I like that . as far as setting - you can set time and alarm time , snooze and that be it . I see these number with out my glass and I can not see the big e on the eye chart . +913 AlarmClock POS 5 when I be look at the different dawn simulator type alarm clock , I be really discourage by the price of all of they . I do not want something too cheap nor too expensive or more than what I need . I do some research on different one 's and make a choice between the Sunrise one and this one . I find a video about the Sunrise one and the white noise feature seem cool , but I like the sound of the little fan I have better and I also do not have to worry about the speaker go bad for the white noise -lrb- I find this out through other review -rrb- . also the Sunrise one be HUGE ! way to big if you have a small night stand . so I go with the Soleil -lrb- which i think be still high for a simple alarm clock -rrb- . I could not stand my regular one with the loud buzz sound to wake I up with my heart racing and breathing like i just run a marathon ! I hate wake up LIKE that ! this one be much `` nicer '' to a light sleeper . as far as the other review about it not be bright enough : do you want a spotlight in you face ? -lrb- rhetorical ? -rrb- it will light up bright enough for a easy awakening . my only problem be the green display light . I prefer red , because red do not effect the diolation of the eye , but this be a small problem . as far as the radio , it be obviously not a frickin boom box but it be good enough . and the optional beeping sound be good but the way I sleep it be more than enough so I do not even use it . the light be enough to get I up . overall this alarm clock be AWESOME ! great size , the security feature be cool , the sunrise\/sunset be awesome too , and just read the instruction and play with it a bit and it be very easy to use . I would recommend this -lrb- of course if they really be a light sleeper -rrb- . +843 AlarmClock POS 5 my ten year old daughter use to sleep through she very loud alarm - I could hear it go off from the basement ! she receive she Sonic Boom for Christmas and have not oversleep yet ! Works great . +519 AlarmClock NEU 3 I have mix feeling about this alarm clock . it have some great feature , but also some flaw . I give it 3 star mostly due to the poor quality of the antenna -lrb- a wire that you have to move around just right to hear the weather radio -rrb- . a sturdy metal antenna would have work much better . my antenna arrive damage . the warrenty be limit -- I send it to the manufacturer and they charge you $ 5 to get it send back to you , plus you have to pay to ship it out . so , it cost I about 1\/2 the original price just to get it work properly . very disappointing , and due to poor quality of the antenna . other than that , the only significant flaw -lrb- that bother I , that be -rrb- I see be how small the Sleep button be . it be difficult to find in the dark , and it be make flatter than the rest of the button -lrb- it be on the top left of the front of the clock -rrb- . this make it hard to press the button , too . the alarm do have some very nice quality . be able to listen to the weather when the news on tv be not on and it be stormy -lrb- so can not turn on the computer -rrb- be very handy ! Make sure you have a NOAA weather station in you area before you buy , because the signal be weak and you may not be able to pick it up at all . the slow-to-wake buzzer be really nice . it help you wake easily , rather than jump out of you skin . it start to almost nothing to a fairly loud buzzer . you will not sleep through this buzzer . also handy be the Reset button . this reset you alarm for the next day . you do not have to remember to turn the alarm on everyday , because it just reset it to the same time for the next day . if you be buy this for the Hi\/Lo dimmer , I would not recommend this clock radio . it work , but it be not very dim . I leave it on dim all the time because the hus setting be so bright . +13 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock look great but functionally it be terrible . a alarm clock main purpose be to wake you up . this clock have a quiet alarm that be on for 30 seconds and then the alarm turn off automatically never to sound again for that day . I purchase this for the time zone feature but the alarm be so poor I can not use it . it be waste money . +750 AlarmClock NEG 1 junk junk junk junk make in china junk junk junk alarm not accurate junk junk junk junk junk junk junk +319 AlarmClock POS 5 so my grandparent have be waken up at like 10 yo so I buy this for they and know they wake up at 9:59 and 59 seconds ok so that be my history report even though I only get u z ------ ok that be my review +88 AlarmClock NEG 1 I be glad I find this little clock on Amazon , because it seem to be exactly what I be look for . Elgin be a reputable name in timepiece . unfortunately , the clock gain about 15 minute every five hour ! I test it more than once . I be so disappointed . have to return it . still look for something like it . I need something simple , folding , battery-operated , a clock that can keep accurate time -lrb- ! -rrb- and with a light that come on when press . unfortunately , it be not to be with this one . I do not usually write review , but feel obligate to report my recent experience with this model . +950 AlarmClock POS 4 this sound machine alarm clock work great and have a good variety of sound to choose from . some of the sound be a little strange like the fog horn , but to each be own . the only thing that could be change be the brightness on the clock . you can turn down the brightness , but not enough . +236 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a daugher who wear hearing aid and can not hear a regular alarm clock . this one be great ! we turn the siren off -lrb- b\/c it will wake the whole house -rrb- and the light and bed vibrator wake she up with no problem . she love the pink heart to . +902 AlarmClock POS 5 this have a large display and be therefore easy to see even with the unaided eye . I do not need the clock as a alarm so I can not rate that function . also , I do not know if the DST feature work since no DST date have pass yet . but if you want a easy to use and easy to see clock , this be it . I just order two more . a peek at the instruction tell how to set the time manually if you so wish , and also how to change the battery . instruction be wonderful thing . since there be two dimension for the clock on Amazon web page just let I clarify : dimension be 3 1\/4 `` h x 7 1\/8 `` w x 2 3\/4 `` D. so a pretty small footprint . this be not to be confuse with a `` atomic clock '' . there be no radio signal and the clock operate on house current with battery backup and reset itself after a power interruption . update 3 month later I do buy two more clock for a total of three . all keep accurate time and change day light savings time correctly . +919 AlarmClock POS 5 have be search for replacement home weather station and find one that work . however , the time display be about 3\/4-inch high , make it difficult to see the time of day across a room . I find this clock and it be perfect ! the number be about 2-inches high -- very sharp and clear to read across a room . I use this clock in the family room , on the fireplace mantle , so the brightness of the number be not a factor in keep anyone awake . I now wear glass and even without wear the glass I be able to read the number clearly across the room . this clock also have a `` pm '' indicator . be very happy with my purchase . +58 AlarmClock POS 5 th sonic boom sbh400ss sweetheart loud plus vibrating alarm clock be super !! Wakes I up but I do have a tendancy to use the snooze alarm too much -lrb- I seem to need that extra 9 minute . -rrb- the only concern I have be that the cord for the vibrator that go under my pillow could be longer so it could reach my pillow from a further distance , therefore , I would have to get up to set the snooze alarm which would then wake I up without have to go back to bed . : -rrb- +748 AlarmClock POS 4 I need something for my office desk , because the person who control the office thermostat do not believe my office run 3-5 degree warmer than the office right next to mine . now I have proof ! the Indiglo be a bonus and the display size be just right so I can read the time from across the room . what a find ! I be thrill ! +341 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have get this clock twice . the first time , I purchase it and within about a month , the time be display wrong and the alarm have stop work . I take it to Brookstone to have it replace , which they do without any trouble . I think perhaps my first clock have simply be a lemon , but I be wrong . the second clock work for about 2 month , before the snooze button stop work -lrb- I do not press it very hard , nor too often -rrb- , the time would randomly reset itself and the first number on the clock start fading . at that point , I take the clock back to Brookstone and get a pair of slipper instead . I do not recommend this clock . it have some good point , but those be not worth the fact that it will probably stop function shortly after you buy it . +440 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy two of these to replace we two Timex bedside clock radio . Whenever there be a power failure , the time would drift on the backup battery so eventually they display different and incorrect time . they also have to be adjust twice a year between Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time . we grow tired of this . I search far and wide for a radio-controlled alarm clock with a amber lead back-lit display that stay illuminate all of the time . I be unable to find any . this clock be close . it have a amber lead back-lit display that illuminate for a few seconds when the snooze bar be press . the alarm be fairly loud and progressively beep more the longer it alarm , a good feature . however , if the snooze bar be not press , the alarm stop and do not beep again for another 24 hour . the best part , though , be that the clock never have to be set , be always correct , and automatically change between Standard and Daylight Saving Time . +683 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this little clock . it be small and slender -lrb- like a a compact powder -rrb- and have super easy function . will not travel without it . +12 AlarmClock POS 5 I be look for a digital clock that I could see from about 60 foot . I help lead worship at church and speak often too , so we need a clock that be visible from a distance . this clock have large , large red number -lrb- 2.5 inch high -rrb- and can be see even by someone with nearsightedness like I . even though it be not make for the purpose of which I be use it , it work great ! +980 AlarmClock POS 5 put I to sleep like a baby listen to the ocean . I wake up to the everglade . Easy to use , so many sound to choose from . just what I want with a good price . +732 AlarmClock NEG 2 my sister have this alarm clock . I love it . the sound soother be awesome , and lull I right to sleep . I want to get my own . I order it from Amazon , and it arrive quickly . I be excite , and set it up immediately . when I go to bed I put on one of the sound , awesome . then I notice a humming noise amid the soothing wave , I fall asleep anyway . I wake up to the alarm clock go off , and promptly hit the snooze button . there it be again ! the humming noise stay on the whole time it be in snooze mode . I decide to exchange it for a new one ... the new alarm clock arrive . the same thing happen . I call up customer service . I speak with a very nice representative who be sympathetic to my situation . she decide that since this happen more than once , this be a matter that need to be investigate . she tell I that she would take Amazon off of the merchant list for this product until someone have test all of the remain stock in the warehouse . she tell I to check the website in a couple of day , and if I see that Amazon be sell it again , that mean the matter have be resolve . she also issue a immediate refund to I . I be very impressed . a few day later I check the website . sure enough Amazon be sell the alarm clock . I go for it . I figure third time be a charm , they look into it after all . I receive the alarm clock not so quickly this time . I decide to set it up , and test it out before I commit to fall asleep with it . sure enough , it make the horrible humming sound . I send it back . I also call customer service again to give they a head up , since they be so accommodate the previous time . another mistake . this customer service rep be unsympathetic , and actually say something along the line of ` well I could not say it be malfunction ... ' do . it be be send back , I be not go to keep try . I 'll just be envious my sister 's alarm clock that work . +864 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have this clock for just a couple of day but I be extremely impressed . I place it on the dresser in my bedroom and it be easily readable . I have have projection clock and these end up in the trash over time because the projection fade or become fuzzy - and I have have several - but this new clock without projection be the cat 's meow ! I feel that I need to see the time when I awake in the night and this clock have not disappointed I - the number be huge , clear and just perfect . the battery backup take a 9 volt and it be easily install . the packaging be not too much -lrb- I hate those form fitting one you have to slice you finger up to open -rrb- - this packaging be clear plastic but pop right off . needless to say I be very pleased and highly recommend this clock . +569 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have use a travel alarm for year at home so that any potential power loss will not impact my get up in time for work . my trusty 30 + year old Braun die a couple of month ago . this Casio look like it have potential as a replacement . the ticking be so loud it keep I awake . when this sit on you bedside table it become all you can hear after a while . there seem to be no place in the room that be convenient and suppress the noise . +873 AlarmClock POS 5 I be travel to London for eight day with carry-on luggage only so be look for the smallest alarm clock I could find but with a alarm I could hear . this travel alarm clock more than fit the bill . very small , so easy to set the time and alarm , neatly design to stand up and be easy to read in the dark by the push of one button and unlike other travel alarm I have use not once do I sleep through this one . a great little clock at a great price . highly recommend . +769 AlarmClock NEU 3 product description say c battery , it be 3 aa which I do not have and do not want to get , especially since some reviewer say they do not fit . I figure it be 50\/50 which I would get since people report both size , but I lose out . plus it be much bigger than I have envision and just not very attractive . back it go . +498 AlarmClock POS 4 I love the ease withwhich I can set the time , set the alarm and view it in the dark , however , it do not stand on its trus leg configuration very easily . I be constantly knock it over and althought that in itself do not render the alarm inoperable , it do make it difficult to orient and turn off , in the wee hour of the morning upon wake to its nicely sound alarm . its quiet and I would buy it again but the leg thing be annoying . +453 AlarmClock POS 5 I have always have a hard time wake up , its always so easy to tune alarm clock out . the Sonic Boom Alarm clock be amazing ! when I start get use to the volume of the alarm I can change it and the vibrating wake I up every time ! the design be adorable too ! +768 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this travel alarm for my daughter , who be head off to Thailand for a year . it be small , it be easy to use , and it come within the time frame need to leave with she on she flight overseas . the price be perfect ! everything we have see in the store be in the $ 20 range , and she be thrill to pay less than half that for this little wonder . +938 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this product because it come up when I search for alarm clock for heavy sleeper , this thing be so quite that it do not even begin to wake I up . I be go to return it as soon as possible . the one good thing be that yes you can see the display from a good distance . +753 AlarmClock NEG 2 I be not one to write review , but I be so surprised to see the flowery review by the editor , I be prompt to comment . the overall design of this product may seem stylish , but not free from glithe and error . the radio reception be very weak . the only way I get clear station be if I be touch the antenna . the station scanning also do not work great - it be actually annoying because it stop on any static station , even if you press-and-hold scan . also beware - if you have the sound soother on and accidentally press a radio preset , you will wipe out all of you preset when switch back to the radio . another problem - it eat battery like crazy , so you have to spring for the ac power adapter . as for the sound soother , it seem to work and help I sleep , but not all of the sound make sense , but I guess everyone be different . I generally like the rain , Thunderstorm , Summer Night , or City sound . I do have the single speaker model as well , and it do have good sound quality . the rest of this unit 's feature be so lack , though , so it be really hard to justify the expense just for a sound soother . +310 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this product because of the selection of sound it offer , have listen to the sample provide online . however , the main reason for purchase be as a white noise machine for my night 's sleep . I think it be a good plus that it also come with a alarm clock . while I do appreciate the functionality that you could set the alarm for any sound you wish -lrb- go to sleep with white noise but wake up with wind chime -rrb- , I be dissatisfy with the sound quality of the white noise or the brightness of the display . I could discern the loop in the white noise - it be not continuous or smooth . in fact , I get one of the most restless night of sleep use this machine . overall , if you be look for a sound machine with lot of interesting noise , this be for you . if you be look for a white noise machine this be not for you . +508 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be very loud and very bright -lrb- even on dim -rrb- . it will wake you up like a smack to the face . I return it . +323 AlarmClock NEU 3 I buy this as a birthday gift for my little brother . I expect it to be more better than just a regular clock . here some of my pro and con . pro : - arm and leg can move like any other lego man - clock easy to use - alarm - snooze button be the head - when snooze button be hit , the clock light up red Cons : - alarm sound be beep noise -lrb- I be hope for he voice or at least a star war song -rrb- - no radio - battery hard to put in - kinda hard to make he stand straight up - hit snooze button require a bit of strength for a kid - snooze button need to the press while vader be sit - kinda pricey -lrb- purchase for $ 24 -rrb- UPDATE : clock be still the same so far , sturdy . my brother still use it to wake up for school . - feb 13 , 2012 +29 AlarmClock POS 5 it be nice to wake up to wind chime on a morning . I have notice a few people here have complain about the lowest setting still be too bright ... and I agree . I have solve the problem by buy a roll of dark window tint cling ; it just stick -lrb- non permanently -rrb- right on the front of the clock like any window cling stick to glass . I have to buy a whole big roll and cut such a tiny piece off for the clock - but the roll will not go to waste as I have notice a couple of window in the house that would benefit from some dark window tint . +992 AlarmClock NEG 1 we love the look of this clock , but it will simply stop run without warning . not slowly loose time . stop . get it 3 week ago and have put at least 4 different battery in it think they be dead . battery be all fine . they power other item . something be wrong inside . battery fit tight so it must be beyond where the battery go . +73 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my daughter because she love star war . she fall in love with it when she see it . it work well . anybody that be a fan of Star Wars should have one of these . +720 AlarmClock NEG 1 it look good in the picture , but do not even think of buy this piece of junk . it be way too big for a travel clock , the digital and anlaog clock be not connect to each other , and the other feature be awkward to use . +217 AlarmClock POS 5 just a straight-forward , no-frills alarm clock , with no frill to get in the way . when you be groggy and just wake up , you do not want to hit the wrong button . +263 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy a equity by La Crosse Model 30037 alarm clock -lrb- 1.5 v aa backup -rrb- equity by La Crosse 30037 Jumbo 1.8-Inch lead Alarm clock the bottom of the number would not light up . how could they let this out of the factory ? oh , right , it be make in China ... also , just to be on the safe side , get on the www.CPSC.gov mailing list . most of the recall product with safety problem come from China . +598 AlarmClock NEG 2 receive this as a Christmas gift . it work fine , but 10 month later there be no backlight and the alarm do not work . I try new battery , but that do not fix the problem . if you want a travel clock that you can see during the daytime only , this be the one for you . +324 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the perfect size clock for travel . it be small and easily fit in you cosmetic bag . it have a alarm that be not obtrusive . I like a analog clock much better than a digital - much easier to set !! +131 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a really unique product , it be extremely loud , and it vibrate the bed , so it really do what it say . however it do not wake my 13-year-old up , I wish they make something that would spray water on she ... maybe that would work . +540 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the best small and loud battery alarm clock available , and I have try most of they . you will not go wrong . +0 AlarmClock POS 5 the Westclox Travelmate be multi-useful . use when travel , at work , or at home . the ideal `` backup '' when weather-related problem develop . keep one in you car -lrb- and boat , etc -rrb- . if you be downsize or just want thing small but effective , this be the clock for you . Easy to use button , clear dial and amazing battery life . my original one be over 10 year old and never have battery replace . it be actually kinda weird ... in a good way . these will be some stock stuffer this year . +692 AlarmClock POS 5 I be redo my apartment and want a old fashion look alarm clock . this fit the bill with its art deco look . I have the pink one and it be a beautiful shade of pink . not bright like some here have say . think pepto bismol ! nor be it the bubble gum pink that little girl love . it be more a medium shade of pink . it have a silver band around the bottom that make it so attractive . now for what be more important , how it work . it be easy as pie , you just set the time and the alarm follow the direction in which to turn the knob in back . switch the alarm to on and you be do . when it go off , first you will get 5 minute of a gentle light that flash to wake you up . if after 5 minute , you do not respond than the alarm go off . it be more of a old fashion alarm clock sound than the buzz of new one . also , if during the night you have a power failure it have a battery operate backup . it just take 2 aa battery . I be surprised how reasonable the price for this one be . I have price other for a lot more . it be a real bargain and I be glad to have it now . I would highly recommend this alarm clock to anyone who be look for one . +942 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great portable travel clock - exactly what i want . this clock be compact and easy to throw in my pocketbook . it be easy to read the time , very simple to set the time\/alarm and be inexpensive . I be look for a small travel clock without any fancy feature and I find it - I would definitely buy it again . +412 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a very difficult time get up in the morning and this clock have work out very well for I . First of all , it be so cute . the number change color and I can see they very clearly if I wake up at night . it be easy to set up . the alarm can get set very loud which be good for I . but the best part be the vibration feature which I place at the top of the bed under my shoulder area . when the alarm go off , it vibrate , again remind I to get up . I really love it . +315 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this as a ALARM clock . I be sit on the edge of my bed wonder why my new alarm clock have not go off when I realize that it be go off . I have to pick the clock up just to be sure . this alarm be a joke . I have hear louder watch than this clock . beautiful big number and nice feature , but if you want to wake up skip this clock . +360 AlarmClock NEG 1 hus i buy the alarm clock online and when i receive it i realize that first at night if you want ot see the time and you press the snooz button the clock will show the alarm time and you have to press it again to see the time and at night this get very anoyying . second the alarm sound be very low beep with pause that can hardly be hear , my advice do not even waste one dollar on this alarm clock . thank you +146 AlarmClock POS 4 I really like this clock\/sound machine . there be one big problem . the volume control control both the sound -lrb- ocean tide , summer night , etc. -rrb- and the alarm volume . so if you want to have the soothing sound lull you to sleep at night at a low volume -lrb- which I can not imagine want it very loud -rrb- then the alarm volume be the same and will probably not wake you up . sad defect for a otherwise fine item . +624 AlarmClock POS 5 without question this be the best travel alarm clock I have ever own . it be compact , light weight and most importantly reliable . I have one for many year which never let I down . this past summer , I inadvertently leave it in a motel room while on vacation . my concern be that I would not be able to find a replacement . to my delight I find it at Amazon . it be a great little clock at a `` super '' price . +273 AlarmClock NEG 1 who care about what it look like , the whole purpose of a alarm clock be to make sure you wake up on time . this alarm be not loud enough for heavy sleeper like I . I try use this a couple of time and both time I end up not hear it , oversleep , and be late for my college class . which , btw , seriously tick I off . I buy it because another reviewer have say the alarm be loud ... sorry , but it be not . it now sit unused in my desk drawer . total waste of money . +596 AlarmClock NEG 1 DO NOT buy ! I buy this item for my daughter to use in she room and do not want to spend a lot for she first CD Player \/ Alarm clock . the first obvious problem be the opening hatch on the top , which be very cheaply make and I could see break easily . the BIG problem be that the CD player do not work at all , just make a buzz sound and then silence . have to return right away . +505 AlarmClock POS 5 tire of reset my old clock after power failure , just want something i could forget about . this do the trick so far , it automatically synce up after a few night i only have to set the time zone . not loud alarm , but hey its solar power . think bout buy more . +71 AlarmClock POS 4 simple and easy to use : one switch and two button . good value for the money . one-way set -lrb- advance only -rrb- for hour and minute -lrb- one button for each -rrb- , so if you overshoot you mark , you have to go around again , but it be fast . the stand be a bit fragile , but serviceable . one unexpected feature - you can use the night light to drive with if you headlight go out . +805 AlarmClock POS 4 this clock seem to work fine . it take forever to sync up with the atomic clock -lrb- and I live in a major city -rrb- but finally it do . my one complaint be that when the clock be open , the stand be very long and juuuust do not fit on a standard windowsill . +857 AlarmClock NEU 3 the number on the clock certainly be huge , the biggest I be able to find , but the clock be so bright it keep we up at night . the `` dim '' setting be only marginally dimmer than the bright setting . +39 AlarmClock NEG 1 I purchase this clock when it be power by a c battery and would have rate it five Stars . unfortunately when I re-order it recently , it have be redesign . it be now power by 3 aa battery which do not fit into its compartment , and so do not provide power to the clock for it to run ! a clock that do not run be no use to I or anyone else . I be return the new clock along with several other I order with the same problem . +808 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this sun alarm 3 year ago and it have make a huge difference in how I feel after wake up in the morning . alarm clock use to make I feel edgy and tense but wake up to a slow simulated dawn be really peaceful . I have the backup radio alarm set to go off if the light do not wake I but so far I have only need that maybe a handful of time in 3 year . you do have to make sure the alarm be eye-level next to the bed for it to work really well though . the only gripe I really have be that there be a way to dim the display light but it be somewhat complicated and everytime the power go off -lrb- which be a lot in Florida -rrb- , I have to look it up again . but other than that , this be a decent product that accomplish the goal of wake up peacefully . :0 -rrb- +77 AlarmClock POS 5 previously , I review the Sonic Boom Alarm clock -lrb- heart shape -rrb- and Extension cord . when I have receive the package there be `` nothing '' in it ; however , since that time , I have talk with the company and they be very courteous and apologetic -- mistake do happen . I have be upset as I be concern I would not get it in time for my daughter 's birthday . the company assure I it would be send immediately , and I receive it in 3 day . I must compliment this company for they polite and quick response . +5 AlarmClock NEG 2 the description of this product seem ideal . . not to have to reset you alarm for differnt schedule everyday . however the direction be very brief and vague and the clock be hard to set , both the time and alarm . do not want to bother send it back so I put it in the guest rooom where a clock be need , but not a alarm . +475 AlarmClock POS 5 my son be a huge star war and Lego fan -lrb- and so be we -rrb- and I recently buy this alarm clock to make it easier for he to get out of bed in the morning - and it work ! he love it . the storm trooper be very nice and look great . it be easy for a child to handle and very easy to program and use . my only negative would be that the clock would be even better with a Star Wars theme wake up call rather than the classic bip bip bip . especially for the Darth Vader version ... +45 AlarmClock NEG 1 I follow all the direction and allow 72 hour for the clock to reset itself . since the best reception to Colorado be between 12am to 3am , and the clock specifically target that time frame for auto update , I set the time manually -lrb- minus 7 minute to make sure that it actually do pick up the signal -rrb- . the clock never set itself correctly . I refuse to `` position '' my clock to face Colorado -lrb- although it be face in the general direction -rrb- , and my side of the bed be not closest to the window -lrb- and I think it be ridiculous to think I have to strategically arrange my clock in order to get it to work -rrb- . also , the clock be very light weight and easily move around . the button be extremely small and I have to pick up the clock to set the alarm -lrb- since it slide accross the night stand when I try push the alarm button -rrb- , and it be still difficult to get the button to work even after that . cheap construction ! +629 AlarmClock POS 5 I really can not comment on the specific feature of this clock other than the clock display itself . my only reason for purchasing be to replace the clock feature that I lose when I change my tv and internet service provider . this display be large and bright , just exactly what these old eye need . on the other hand , I can see where the brightness could possibly be a distraction under certain circumstance , so careful attention should be pay to it be intend use before purchase . +128 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this clock and try it for 2 night . however , I be awaken by the clock 1 hour ahead of actual time . I realize later that the manufacturer have mess up on the program in this clock . instead of 60 seconds per minute , this alarm clock be internally set at 50 seconds per minute ... +134 AlarmClock POS 4 the alarm clock be fine . all plastic but good quality . there be a couple of led on each side of the lcd screen that serve as backlighting , they vary in color depend on what model you get -lrb- i.e. Darth Vader glow red , storm trooper glow yellow -rrb- . it be a real shame the only sound this thing emit be a generic alarm clock sound . it would have be great if they include just a couple of Star Wars theme effects\/alarms . +538 AlarmClock POS 5 the clock can be very loud if you turn the tone up or a manageable tone for the normal person . the vibrator work fantastic and both should be able to wake up anybody . +821 AlarmClock POS 5 I take AMBIEN and IT STILL WAKES ME up . this ALARM have help me keep my job ! the vibrate mechanism be what REALLY help me . the 1st TIME IT startle you but you get used to it . great . +339 AlarmClock NEU 3 the box for my La Crosse atomic alarm clock state the Model no. be wt-6165u-spb , but the clock itself state that the Model no. be wt-2165led . I have no idea what `` u-spb '' be suppose to mean . Amazon have several La Crosse travel clock list on its web site which appear similar to this clock and each have a different model number , but all appear to have similar feature . like many electronic device on the market today , this clock be make in China . the label inside the door of the battery compartment state that it take a `` aa '' battery , but it actually take a AAA battery . the battery be not include in the box . after install a battery , the clock automatically pick up the correct time from the atomic clock after sit out overnight . however , the clock must be set manually for the correct time zone - it do not have a gp in it , so it have to be tell where it be by select the correct time zone . set everything else on this clock must also be do manually and be not very intuitive . fortunately , direction be print on the bottom of the base , as well as in a instruction manual include in the box . unfortunately , set the number on the display can be tricky , because the number move in only one direction - up . if you miss the number you want , you then have to move through the entire cycle and hope you can hit the correct number the next time around . it would have be helpful if there be a reverse button , but there be not . there be a led light on the inside right side of the display which make the time and other item display readable in the dark . the display can be illuminate by gently push the top of the clock back on the base . the same motion also activate the snooze feature . the display be also illuminate when the alarm go off , so you immediately know the time even if the room be dark . the snooze length be adjustable from 0 -lrb- for no snooze at all -rrb- to 59 minute . the clock also have two alarm and each have a distinctive ring . these be all convenient feature . the alarm can be deactivate by push any of the four button on the back , but do so reset the alarm for the same time the next day . to completely deactivate the alarm , the button for the actual alarm have to be push . I find that it be very easy to accidentally activate the alarm because only a brief push on the alarm button activate it . also , when the base be flip to the `` closed '' position , it cover only the display on the front of the clock - the button on the back be expose and the alarm can be accidentally activate if pressure be place on either of the two alarm button . therefore , when travel , I check the clock after unpack to make sure the alarm be not accidentally turn on by pressure from other item in my luggage . it would have be helpful if there be a way to deactivate the alarm button when travel , but this be another feature that be lack on this clock . this be a decent alarm clock , but there be room for considerable improvement . +757 AlarmClock POS 4 nice travel alarm clock . it be a plastic case , not super small , but small enough , simple to use . do not always wake up my super-sound sleeping daughter , since it automatically shut off after a minute -lrb- or 30 seconds ? -rrb- . it have two alarm level , the alarm be a higher frequency that hard of hear people may not hear , but would generally wake up anyone that want to get up . I also use it as a back up alarm for when I have to catch a flight , and I do not have to worry about not hear it , even when I put it 10 foot away from my bed ... +364 AlarmClock NEG 2 this unit be a little big for a small travel suitcase where space be extremely limit . I like the little westclox better for about the same amount of money -lrb- I buy both , but I be not use this one at all -rrb- . hey , it work , and it last -lrb- both unit -rrb- . in a day where quality be in short supply , I guess this be a good investment since it be also relatively cheap as well as pragmatic . enjoy ! +539 AlarmClock NEG 1 I be extremely disappoint with this product . the overall workmanship appear cheap . the radio be a lousy receiver . the timer be difficult to set , so I sometimes see the ` sunrise ' in the evening . the bulb burn out way too soon , except for be past the expiration of the return date . +833 AlarmClock POS 4 Works fine except that it seem to drift toward run a bit fast over time . large display be easily visible from many foot away . +482 AlarmClock NEG 2 Works okay as a alarm clock , but the clock display be way too bright and annoying . I be talk about the actual digital time display , not the sunrise simulator lamp , to avoid any possible confusion here . I have to put a piece of duct tape over it . I be really sensitive to light in my bedroom when I be try to sleep . keep in mind that I have the clock on the opposite side of the room , so I would not be tempt to just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep . if you be like I and find too-bright digital display annoying , you might want to get a different alarm clock . luckily I get this clock at half price , so I do not waste a lot of money on it . +935 AlarmClock POS 5 I get this for my bf that love star war , he love it ! and it be ship here super fast ! +726 AlarmClock POS 4 I want a alarm clock to wake I up with something other than beep or a radio . I try the Sony ICFC707 clock radio which have more sophisticated programming than this clock . but the Sony have only 5 sound , all of which be too innocuous to penetrate my sleep mind . this clock 's designer include some sound for people like I who want a soothing sound to wake they up -lrb- I use the wind chime setting -rrb- . all in all , I miss the Sony 's programming , which include the 5 day programming . also with the Sony , you can choose different sound and volume level for each alarm and sleep function . this clock , as far as I know , have the same volume across the board . also , like other reviewer say , the increment between the volume setting -lrb- from vol 1 to vol level 2 -rrb- be just too wide . some of the sound be pretty hard to distinguish from each other , -lrb- ebb tide , oceanside & surf up , for example -rrb- so I be a bit unsure why they even bother to include they separately . the wind chime loop seem very short ; for wake up , it be just fine , for go to sleep , it might drive some people batty . pro : pleasant sound to wake up to which you can control the volume level con : somewhat unsophisticated programming -- one volume for all , no 5\/2 day alarm choice +983 AlarmClock POS 5 Got this clock for my grandmother who can not really see the time of we regular clock anymore . she love it . it be pretty well make , all the part be put together nicely consider the price , easy to adjust time , and my grandmother love it . it do what it suppose to do . I be happy because my grandmother love it , that she can see the time again without have to walk across the living room or kitchen to look at the time closely . +94 AlarmClock POS 5 I just purchase my third clock for my house . these clock be quiet -lrb- until you need they -rrb- and dependable . I really like the backlight feature . +170 AlarmClock POS 4 good product , do everything it be advertise to do . I can set alarm for different day easily . only drawback be that the clock have a small display which can be hard to see from across the room . +232 AlarmClock NEG 1 product failure . NEVER work correctly . the clock work but would never reset from pacific time zone to eastern time zone . try everything we could but could never get it to move off of pacific time . +234 AlarmClock POS 5 I really can not say how this be because I buy it as a gift for my grand-daughter for Christmas ... . she love Legos and Star Wars ... so if it be she writting -lrb- she be 8 yr . old -rrb- I guess she would say she love it ... +520 AlarmClock POS 4 I just receive this clock . set up be very easy , just plug it in , set the time zone slide switch and it pick up the radio signal in less than 10 minute . the LED readout be large and clear and have a dimmer switch ; much easier to see and read than the more common lcd display . Controls be simple and self explanatory - no complex\/confusing manual need . I would have like if the button have be a little bit larger , but it be not a real problem . I like the fact that the ALARM on-off switch and the SET ALARM button be separate control . you can check the alarm time or change it without wor about accidently turn the alarm off . I just receive it so I can not comment on long term durability , but so far I really like it and would recommend it to friend . however : if you be look for dual alarm or a lot of bell & whistle , then this be not for you . it be a very basic alarm clock . also , the beeper be not super loud so if you be a really deep sleeper who require a loud buzzer , then this might not be for you +191 AlarmClock POS 5 great product , I order two clock , one Darth Vader one for my everyday use , and I think I would also get this Stormtrooper one so Darth Vader would not be lonely haha . +358 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this small bedside clock for a gift . the person I purchase this for loved it !!! it have good quality look . I remove it from the tacky clear plastic package . it arrive early . +26 AlarmClock POS 5 even clever people be not up for a I.Q. test when the alarm go off in the morning . it be remarkable how poorly most alarm clock satisfy the requirement of be a alarm clock . this one be a notable exception . \* the adjustable back glow of the face can be make arbitrarily dim , so you can set the face to be just readable but not intrusive . \* the alarm set adjustment be readable and accurate to within a couple of minute . \* the alarm turn off with a big knurled switch on the side - the only switch on the clock . \* the alarm ramp from soft to loud over about a minute . why can not all alarm clock be as good ? +85 AlarmClock POS 5 the alarm clock be small enough and lightweight to carry throughout you trip , and be reliable for the day you need to wake up to catch a plane or bus ride . the clock fold to a compact size that prevent the user from accidentally click the button . when the clock be unfold , the case serve as a stand . the blue glow of the screen be easy on the eye , especially when you eye be accustom to the darkness . use 1 aaa battery , which I do not need to change in 7.5 month . the alarm be loud enough to wake I from sleep without scare I . only quirk about the clock be the snooze function , which allow I to sleep only a extra 4 minute before the alarm go off again . +281 AlarmClock POS 4 this be one of a few alarm clock that combine a lead display with a atomic clock . I like a atomic clock as it be always accurate and reset itself when switch between daylight savings time . the display be large and easy to read and , for I , not too bright . the shutoff for the alarm be on the top of the unit and be easy to reach . I like this clock so much that I buy one for my father . +23 AlarmClock NEG 2 I be very disappoint in this product . I wish I have not wait so long and I wish I be still able to send it back . the product be very difficult to use without a manual because the button be very poorly label . you would think that it would be a breeze to set a alarm clock that have only time\/day and alarm as its function , not so . there be 4 button , none of they be label hour or minute or alarm . they be label `` mode '' , `` set '' , `` adjust '' , `` receive '' . what do that mean ? it turn out that it be very simple to adjust the alarm once you have the manual ; you just have to memorize all the counterintuitive name . also , note that the alarm clock do not set itself right immediately after you put the battery in . it set itself right of it be volition after a while . sometimes the time-lag before it set itself right be hour . there be a way to set the time manually in the meanwhile , but you do not want to attempt that unless you have memorize the manual . this be a major drawback , if you travel often and you have to take off the battery when you put the alarm clock in the suitcase . I be really befuddle by the fact that with all the alarm clock that be label clearly enough to be set without the manual , this one be not . and I be no technophobe . I be one of those guy that like to learn about all the advanced option in he computer . +932 AlarmClock POS 5 I be perfectly satisfy with this wonderful travel companion and nap CONTROL assistant ! I treasure this magnificent little creation and handle it with adoring care ! after use it a few time I be so very impressed I purchase another one to lay in reserve . though my first clock gain a few minute per 3 or 4 day it be design be brilliantly user friendly in its every function and resete it be nearly as easy as batting you eye . stylish ! artistic ! affordable ! helpful ! +214 AlarmClock POS 4 I be study abroad in France , and need a very handy , light , alarm clock that work properly . it arrive in the time , I be tell it be go to arrive , and come with easy , straight-forward instruction . at first , I be a little worried because I be a very heavy sleeper , and need a a alarm clock whose alarm can accommodate that . on a test run , the alarm seem too weak , however , when I actually set it to wake I up one morning , the alarm work fine . I wake up . it be be a month now , and it still wake I up just fine and it show no sign of breaking . overall , I be happy with this alarm clock . also , let 's not forget , time be rough these day , especially for a student financially . this alarm clock be a cheap , great buy . +318 AlarmClock POS 5 great product , perfect condition , fast shipping ! get the product for my brother and he will love it ! it be very cool for star war fan ! +92 AlarmClock POS 4 the alarm clock be fine . all plastic but good quality . there be a couple of led on each side of the lcd screen that serve as backlighting , they vary in color depend on what model you get -lrb- i.e. Darth Vader glow red , storm trooper glow yellow -rrb- . it be a real shame the only sound this thing emit be a generic alarm clock sound . it would have be great if they include just a couple of Star Wars theme effects\/alarms . +497 AlarmClock POS 5 I have drop this thing on the floor , step on it , spill water all over it . I lose the back and the battery be hold in by mask tape and it still work . simple , but effective . +377 AlarmClock NEU 3 cute clock and cute idea but the vibration be not as strong as I have imagine . +221 AlarmClock POS 5 I wake up often during the night and need glass to see distance . I get so tired of strain to see the clock that I go on a web search to find `` the '' clock . this be it ! I can easily read this clock from across the bedroom without my glass -- the number be HUGE ! I know I be go to love it so I get two right off the top . the versatility be a extra bonus - I hang mine on the wall by my desk and the other be in my elderly mother 's bedroom sit on she dresser . one of the best purchase I have make in a very long time . if in doubt with this clock -- go for it ! +337 AlarmClock POS 5 I receive the Soleil Sunrise Sun Alarm clock a few year ago as a gift . live in northern latitudes I find it hard to get up in the morning , and , when finally coax out of bed from a buzz alarm clock , find myself quite groggy and still sleepy . this alarm clock change all of that ! the function be fairly simple to operate and navigate , and the include instruction be quite clear . the normal ` sunrise ' can be follow with a flash light function , and I have find that whether or not I wake to the initial sunrise , the flash light always wake I up . the only drawback -lrb- which I do not merit to be annoying enough to give it 4 instead of 5 star -rrb- be that the display be quite bright , especially in a completely dark room . the display do have two different brightness level , so you can dim it a bit , however its still fairly bright . I find that simply stick a dark color post-it or two in front of the display dim it sufficiently to enable I to sleep . +733 AlarmClock POS 5 price have be fluctuate between $ 16 - $ 23 for the past day . yeah $ 7 may not be much , but why exploit\/annoy potential customer ? +33 AlarmClock POS 4 it would work on a bedside table . however , I want to set it on a shelf , and you can not read the time if you be look up at it , because of the way the base proturde , this can not be adjust . I just unpack it and I be send it back . +196 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this quiet , talented little clock for myself after search for the perfect alarm clock ... this be it . . and then my husband insist I get he one for travel ... +353 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this item for my boyfriend who be a big time Star Wars fan . when I receieve this item I be dissapoint to find that although I pay for a new item , the one I receieve be cleary USED . it have visible scratch on it even though it be in a protective box . also the neck of the clock be white unlike the rest of the body and face , it stand out and look very odd . overall unhappy and plan on return this item . +62 AlarmClock NEG 2 as other have say , the best thing about this clock be that I be able to see the huge number without my glass . it be also nice that the time be automatically set out of the box . I do find the number to be a bit too bright though . the real problem be that on arrival I notice the number on the clock be flicker a bit . not too badly at first , but definitely noticeable . in the middle of the night , the clock wake I up by make a high pitched whining noise . I pull the plug and return it the next day . at least the return be easy , and I buy a different clock that I end up liking better . +723 AlarmClock NEG 2 the Soleil Sun alarm clock do work . the light do turn on slowly , simulate a sunrise , and that do help I wake up . however , the quality of this piece be so disappointing , and I do feel take advantage of , because of the price . the radio in this unit be the cheapest they could get away with . the sound quality be poor , not even in stereo . the body be cheap plastic , and mine even have a blemish on the surface . the control be small and require patience to manipulate . and the light itself do not get all that bright . once the irritating-scratchy-mono-poorly-tuned radio wake I up , I also have to turn on another light in my room to really stay awake . I get this unit because it be the least expensive one I could find . it do help help I to wake up because of the light , but I still feel bitter that I have to pay that big of a price for such a poor quality unit . it be as if the Soleil Sun company be sit in they office say to themselves , `` eat my shorts ! we know there be nothing out there that be cheaper , so nyah-nyah ! '' +828 AlarmClock POS 5 item replace the clock that my father have since the 50 's . Terrific item ' +391 AlarmClock POS 5 you CA not find MUCH BETTER THAN THIS CLOCK if WANT A CLOCK you can see from across the room ... ... PRICE be great also . . +393 AlarmClock POS 5 love my clock , large number , I can see it clearly at night . love it !! good price too . +640 AlarmClock POS 5 great !! bigger than I think . the dot : colon in the MIDDLE do NOT flash . the clock have the correct time when I plug it in . I love this product . Easy to see at night . I only want a clock so I have not use the alarm feature and be not sure f it make a good alarm . excellent night time clock ! +709 AlarmClock POS 5 exactly what I want and need for a unbelievably low cost . you do not have to be a computer specialist or even know what `` digital '' mean to use it . thank heaven I now have one thing which my grandaughter do not have to put together or set in motion for I . +428 AlarmClock POS 5 love this travel alarm with nap feature . I have be purchase this feature 3 time since 1996 . I use it for nap of course , as well as a timer for kid program , do housework , and even bake . it be my main alarm clock in the house and camper . +27 AlarmClock POS 5 nice little clock for the money . Works well and easy to read in the dark . have hadno problem with this clock +125 AlarmClock POS 5 after use this clock for two year I have to finally replace it . I love this clock it be simple and stylish , and look absolutely great next to my bedside lamp . yes it may be a little flimsy - however not so much so that it interfere with its functioning . unless you be literally pound or step on it - it should hold up to everyday wear and tear . besides for the price it be a good buy . +865 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have have night light brighter than this `` sun '' clock . great concept but the lamp be a joke . +127 AlarmClock POS 5 initially i be hesitant to purchase this clock , becuase the review be so negative . but i go out on a limb and buy it anyway . the clock be EXACTLY what i want . I be a college student and the escalate alarm work perfectly so it be quiet enough to wake I up -lrb- I be a light sleeper -rrb- but not to loud to wake my roommate up . I absolutely love that it be analog , i much prefer it to digital . and i know some people where say it be smaller than they expect and i can say that be true , but it be still a lovely and function clock , not super large or anything . the only thing for I be that the picture of the clock be only different in one way really , the font . the font on the clock in the picture be different from the font on the actual clock -lrb- the number be write in a more normal text -rrb- . someone also say it be very wobbly , but that be not true it be very stable for I . I mean as long as you be not slam you entire arm on the thing to turn the alarm off , you should be fine . and it be a very soft tick clock , so its perfect for a light sleeper such as myself . actually the light ticking be kind of soothing ... +633 AlarmClock NEU 3 describe as a illuminated battery operate alarm clock be misleading . I want a small battery operate clock I could see the time clearly in the dark , without completely wake or press any button . seem to be a functional travel alarm . Know that you can not see the time in the dark without press the snooze button , which they say last 4 seconds illuminate . +427 AlarmClock NEG 1 useless . the off switch do not work , so clock would go off every 12 hour with no way to shut it up . throw it away after fuss with it for three day . +788 AlarmClock POS 5 it be almost tiny , really , so it really be a travel alarm . the alarm be loud enough to wake you and easy to set . the clock even come with a battery ! how often do that happen ? really a tremendous bargain . +708 AlarmClock POS 5 my daughter have not be late for school since I buy this as a second alarm clock ! she `` regular '' one be set ; this one be set for ten minute later and sit at the foot of she stair . if she get up on time she never have to hear this one ! -lrb- the variable tone and volume be a real plus too -rrb- +775 AlarmClock NEG 1 this be the worst alarm clock ever ! First of all the nature sound be five second blip that play over and over again . they not even decent sound . then when you mess with the setting the clock keep flash different color when you hit a button . if you have epilepsy beware ! I be recycle it maybe then it could do some good . Poor thing never have a chance . +655 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock mount on a wall easily although screw for do so be not include . I wish the alarm be a little bit louder but it be adequate . it be very easy to set and the large number make it easy to read . +559 AlarmClock POS 5 this little clock be great . it glow at night and you can set the amount of glow . Easy to read and set . great value for the money . would order again . +129 AlarmClock NEU 3 my son get this as a bday gift . he love the size , look and learning time with this item , leave he cheif complaint as , `` why do not it make the Star Wars song mam ? '' +209 AlarmClock POS 5 take this for a month long trip to Europe . best item to have . tour leave early in the morning and this alarm clock wake I up every time . the snooze only last about 4 min . and it be nice a compact for easy storage while travel from location to location . +18 AlarmClock POS 4 this sound machine\/duel alarm clock be a very good product and work as describe . I be afraid that the display would be too bright , but it have setting to dim it down that make it better . the unit itself be a lot smaller than expect , which be not bad . use the control be fairly easy after a few use , because the unit be very lite you may have to use two hand to make change . the 20 different sound loop be very good , and long enough not to be too noticeable when they begin again . the alarm clock work well and never have fail to wake I up yet . overall this be a good product especially for the price . I would recommend this product to anyone look for a good sound machine alarm clock . +639 AlarmClock POS 5 most travel clock be those that fold up to a travel `` package '' . this one just travel well . minimal packing effort yield a alarm clock that be accurate , give you the ambient temperature and simple function . spend a week or more in one location and you will welcome the simple feature of this atomicly accurate , digital clock . it be also nice that it tell you the ambient temperature . well worth the $ 20 that you will spend on this clock . and , it work well at home in the bathroom , kitchen , etc. . +486 AlarmClock POS 5 although this travel alarm may not be for everyone , it suit my need perfectly . it be display be large enough to read from a distance , it be easy to set and the alarm be loud enough to wake I . there be not anything I would change about it . +774 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this clock because I want a `` set-and-forget '' clock that also have a thermometer . my major complaint about this clock be that in the two week that I have own it , it be never be able to sync with the atomic clock ! it keep try every night and never succeed . since return it be not worth the hassle , I decide to open it up and look inside . -lrb- I be a engineer , with some knowledge of how these circuit work -rrb- I be surprise to find that the the circuit inside look extremely cheap . there be a dry solder where the battery wire connect to the circuit board . the antenna -lrb- for the radio -rrb- have its wire short . everything look very sloppy in general . I then manage to separate the short on the antenna , hope that it would make the radio work . no luck . the radio sync still do not work . which be hardly surprising consider that the antenna itself be not cleanly wind ! it be unevenly wound by hand ! not machine wound . do I mention that the build quality be horrible ? I do not know if the clock 's circuitry have support for manage daylight savings or I have to reset it twice a year . I 'll find out in about 4 month I guess . but for the price , I guess it be a decent enough clock . it serve my purpose : maintain time fairly accurately and have a thermometer . I would really like to have the clock sync with the atomic clock via the radio though . Edit -lrb- 17-jan-2010 -rrb- : okay , so the radio feature finally work out , but it be still kind of flaky , work sometimes , do not sometimes . I be willing to now give this product the benefit of the doubt : maybe it be my location or something about the construction of my apartment that be the problem . I have revise the rating to 4 star now . would give it five star if only I have not open up the clock and see the shoddy construction . +366 AlarmClock NEG 2 the first photo that be list for this item be not what I receive . the subsequent picture -lrb- which I have assume be customer upload of `` similar '' clock -rrb- be of the product actually receive . the price be fair for a small alarm clock but it should be note it be not retro like the photo suggest . the outer design -lrb- top button and foot -rrb- be the same but the face look entirely different and far more modern that what I have expect . +648 AlarmClock POS 5 this be the second clock I order . the first be a digital which be hard to read . so I start look again and find this Elgin analog clock . my husband and I both love this clock because it be easy to read and the face of the clock lite up in the dark . +883 AlarmClock POS 4 be landlocked in tn , I miss the ocean . the `` surf be up '' offer a nice sound of wave come in & out ! the clock display be easy 2 read . only thing it need be a separate volume for the alarm & the sound U go 2 sleep with ! +345 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a great clock . the several other I purchase and return before I order this one have a display so bright it be like have a night light sit on the nightstand . this display be light only when you press the button on top and then only for a few seconds - a second or two longer would be good but it be ok the way it be . its feature all work great : the solar power , set itself from the atomic clock , and the date , time and temperature display . I have three complaint : press the button on top to turn on the indiglo night light to view the display make a fairly loud click noise , one can not choose to leave the indiglo light on -lrb- as one could on previous model of Timex alarm clock -rrb- , and the switch to turn the alarm on and off be not convenient . +439 AlarmClock POS 5 I order this as a birthday gift for my mom . she work over night on the weekend , and she take a clock to wake she up . so , I think , this would be perfect . it work very well , and it be so simple . just pop in a battery , and wait a few seconds , and the time go to the correct time . however , if like I you do not live on the west coast , you will have to follow the instruction for set you time-zone . overall , this be fantastic product . +16 AlarmClock POS 5 I be extremely pleased with this clock . I like the sound of the alarm . my only complaint be that although the face light up you have difficulty read the number at night . however , this would not prevent I from purchase another Elgin Battery-Operated Alarm clock . +917 AlarmClock POS 4 the clock work fine , but the alarm be not loud enough for the elderly relative I purchase it for . if you need a clock for some one hard of hearing , search for the `` sonic boom '' brand , it be what we end up purchase to replace this . +408 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a nice little alarm clock . the button to set the time and alarm could be a little bigger . +75 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a okay alarm clock that work well , be easy to set , have a nice snooze feature , and have a initial beeping alarm that be not too loud but loud enough to wake I with out startling I . if ignore , the alarm get louder & more insistent by degree - a good feature but I never need it . it be larger than I expect -lrb- bigger than a softball , for reference -rrb- but not huge . the second hand sweep silently around the dial , no tick - nice . I give this a 3-star instead of 4 because the adjustable back light can not be turn off , only down to quite dim . however , the item description lead one to believe it can be turn off . I do not like a light shine at I all night , so this clock be a constant irritation . if I have know it can not be turn off , I would not have purchase the clock . also , since the back light can not be turn off , it make the push-button light rather pointless . +25 AlarmClock POS 5 I order this clock for myself as a replacement . I give mine to my niece as a gift with other travel inspire item , but only after I confirm that I coud purchase another one on Amazon . I love it . I use it every day and night both at home and on trip . it be lightweight , accurate and easy to see . and when you wake up in the middle of the night and want to know the time , the INDIGLO feature on the Timex be terrific . no need to turn on a light . the Timex require one aaa battery . the battery should last a long time and be easily accessible for replacement . the Timex base fold over the screen and be perfect for travel . I not only would order the Timex Indiglo Travel Alarm again , I already have . J.C. Sterne +192 AlarmClock POS 4 I get this alarm clock a few day ago and I have to say I really like it . the visual detail be great . the design be just like the new Daleks from the new Doctor 's series . you have the right larger base , the more prominent band around the arm , and the yellow for the eye stalk as well . the base be dot with the orb , even the clock be there ! durability wise it be a bit on the light side and feel a bit flimsy , especially the arm which almost feel like they be mean to come off and might any second . as a alarm clock it work great . the button be conceal in the orb on the base and it project the time on the cealing when you press down on the Dalek . there be three alarm sound plus the classic shout of `` exterminate '' if after 50 year of life with the doctor that doesnot get you move , nothing will . luckily to turn off the alarm you have to press the demo button on the side give you a chance to dodge the death ray so you can start you new day alive and well . my only real complaint be this morning when my alarm go off . I hear this whooshing noise outside then the doctor burst in and take the Dalek away shout about how it be a danger to the entire universe . doctor if you be read this please give it back , I promise to walk it and feed it and not to let it exterminate the cat . +725 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a simple-to-use travel clock . far easier to set or reset time and wake-up than other clock cost much more . my previous identical clock last over 12 year . +969 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this clock so that I could see the time in the dark . since I can not always reach or find the thing , I need it to be permanently back light and that be why I buy it . anyway , I guess that be my mistake and so this thing be useless to I . +293 AlarmClock POS 4 I gifted this to my husband , who be a Star Wars fan . he absolutely love it . however , do not expect to hear the Imperial March as you alarm . its just a generic alarm sound , but its still a fun piece . +222 AlarmClock POS 5 I work as the legal guardian to the elderly who be deem incompetent by the court . I buy this for one of my client who be 96 and reside in a nursing home . she be bedridden and have difficulty see the clock so I get she this one with large , bright number and she love that the power can go out and she do not have to wait for staff to come and reset it . when I give it to she I just have to literally plug it in and the correct time be set immediately which just astonish she ! : -rrb- +407 AlarmClock NEG 1 seriously , who make a digital alarm clock that do not have back-lit number on at all time ???? buy THIS CLOCK if see the time in the dark be NOT IMPORTANT to your child also note it come on military time with no instruction for how to change it BOOOOOO THIS CLOCK !!!! +626 AlarmClock POS 5 I want to be able to see this clock from across a large room . this one work great . I can read the time from 20 ft. . bright , clear number . it be also pretty neat in that somehow it know what time it be . I just plug in the clock and without any adjusting , the time be accurate . even work with the change in daylight savings time . +484 AlarmClock POS 4 the backlight be a little bright , but other than that , this be a good look alarm clock , and the sound be awesome . I highly recommend buy it for the price . have the 2 alarm that be easy to see and set be a bonus . +521 AlarmClock POS 5 Easy to use . good quality so far . a quiet clock at night . the alarm be loud enough . overall a good bedside alarm clock for the price . +686 AlarmClock NEU 3 no instruction in the booklet provide on how to set the actual alarm . very difficult to get set and now I be not really sure how I do it . the unit itself be attractive and the sound and sound choice be great but ... if you can not set the thing easily it be of little value . +233 AlarmClock POS 4 nice litte piece of kit . if u want this for a alarm clock , the clock display turn off after 10 seconds or so , so useless as a clock throughout the night . 20 sound be good noise , the white noise be not a calming noise , as smooth as say a fan . well make , just not loud enough to block outside noise if u want a kip Sunday afternoon or hotel room etc. . +394 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be great for my daughter ! she be late for work 4 time in a month because she be not wake up to she alarm any more . . I get she this clock and she say that with the vibration there be no way she could sleep through this alarm ! +638 AlarmClock POS 5 my 5 y.o. son love this clock . we use it for when he know when quiet time be all do . I set the alarm for 2:30 pm -lrb- or whatever -rrb- and when it go off then he know he can come out of he room . this way he be not come out constantly ask if quiet time be do . he like that he can see what time it be even if it be dark in he room . +11 AlarmClock POS 5 after buy the green Moonbeam clock for myself , I purchase a pink one for a relative . the color of this clock be a much richer , deeper pink than the display picture suggest -lrb- in the picture , it appear almost salmon in color and look a bit wash out , which be NOT how it really look -rrb- . potential buyer also should know that , as with the other Moonbeam clock , the pink one also have a thin -lrb- and aesthetically please -rrb- silver band along the base of the clock that I personally could not see in any of the online picture . also , please note that those who do not wake up to the gently flash light -lrb- which be effective in itself -rrb- be treat to a cheerful ringing alarm instead of a cranky buzz . as with the green Moonbeam that I purchase , this pink one also work perfectly and delight its recipient , who have mention more than once what a pleasure it be to wake up to a softly light analog `` face '' instead of harsh red digital number . a perfect marriage of functionality , reliability , and a appearance that be 100 % delightful . finally , I should add that this clock add charm to any decor , since we be not into retro look . yes , this clock be a remake of a classic make by a classic manufacturer -lrb- westclox have be sell off , but the label on the bottom of both Moonbeam clock that I purchase from this site proudly read `` Westclox '' -rrb- , but it play well with room that be modern , minimalist , neutral , traditional , romantic , and any other style . +296 AlarmClock NEG 1 let I get this straight . it be a alarm clock for the shower ? who fall asleep in the shower ? if you do fall asleep in the shower be late be the least of you problem . maybe a gauze dispenser for patch up that crack skull would be a bit more handy . how ` bout it Coby ? +544 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have read the review about this Elgin Travel Alarm clock , but it be cheap enough I think I would give it a try inspite of the review . plus it be cheap enough that if it do not work , I would have spend more time and money to send it back so I have decide in advance to live with it and chalk it up to a lesson learn . besides , I have a similar model make by Timex that last a long time . question : where have Timex go ? so now , I will live with it but I will warn other ! as soon as I put the battery in , I find out the light do not work . I buy this model specifically for the light ! DO not waste your money ! +249 AlarmClock POS 5 just as another reviewer have state - it run three minute fast , and resetting do nothing to correct that problem . we , just like they , mentally subtract the three minute from the display . since get the clock , w have have we household power go out several time during storm , and when the power return - WOW it keep its own time during the outage - really great ! what be more - it can be see easily from anywhere in the darkened bedroom - and even more - the display be not too bright in the dead of the night . another annoyance , though , be the flash colon between the hour and minute display . we have put black mask tape over they , which do a good job of hide they when look straight onto the display - however they be still visible from a angle . Wish we could turn it off . +485 AlarmClock POS 4 clock be well make and work fine . Digital number easy to read as well . Amazon be the only place I could find this item . . great for travel since it fold up for easy packing +746 AlarmClock NEG 1 pro : inexpensive and multipurpose music and photo con : reliability -lrb- actually its lack of reliability -rrb- , manual not helpful a few month after get the Coby DP356 , it start to freeze up . seem to be a thermal issue as bottom get warm . unplug for about 10 minute get another 10-15 minute before it freeze again . +581 AlarmClock POS 4 the Dalek will wake you up ever time ... if you need the snooze option , you may not have a pulse ... the alarm be so effective , my wife shout `` I unlike Daleks !!! '' one morning because she could not get back to sleep ... +823 AlarmClock POS 4 I agree with my fellow owner of this neat little travel alarm clock in that it be compact , sturdy , well-designed and durable . my only complaint be that the snooze time be only 4 minute and it be not adjustable . that be a very short snooze and I would like 10 minute much better . better yet , make it adjustable and I would be a completely happy camper -lrb- traveler -rrb- . +910 AlarmClock POS 5 plus : 1 . this be a true atomic clock , none of the factory set wannabe 's . so it set itself from the Federal clock in Colorado . for example if congress scrap the DST in 3 year from now , the clock will correct itself after the rule be pass . 2 . nice led display easy to read in low\/high light . I have another atomic clock in lcd , the lcd clock emit too much light . the current clock be perfect to view . 3 . clear button for alarm & time zone -lrb- CST , EST. . . -rrb- button be minimal , useful and functional . 4 . Lighweight , and use a battery for power outage 5 . alarm volume be fine . I be normal sleeper and have no issue hear it . 6 . for a price -lrb- include shipping = $ 27 -rrb- . well worth the money . the other option be from brookstone etc and way too expensive . negative : so-so look . will not stand out as a cool clock . recommend . +773 AlarmClock POS 5 buy it . I have have one of these for year . superb timekeeping , long-lasting battery . the light be a bit dim , but adequate . I use it at home and for travel . a trusty friend . +594 AlarmClock POS 4 first , I love this clock . I love that there be no cord and that it do not light up until you push the top button to see the time in the dark . the only downfall be that it initially get we time-zone correct at my office and then change itself to a incorrect time-zone when I take it home ... the weird thing be that we be no where near the time-zone its display . so , when we look at the clock - we know to add a hour for the actual time . a little annoying , but I would still purchase again as this seem like a minor flaw that we have learn to work around . +431 AlarmClock NEU 3 as a giant LEGO Star Wars minifugre , this execution be awesome . a giantfig , if you will . my 4 year old love stomp around through star war fight scene with this guy , wield he massive giant Darth Vader power . he cary it around like a giant doll , and show everyone he meet . he even sleep with it ! it be a great play toy . unfortunately , as a clock , this thing suck . the display be dark , and even in light there be often a glare , prevent you from see the time without move . the display be busy , with the alarm time always show up below . I be try to teach my boy to read digital clock , but he get confuse with all of the different number on the clock . the alarm time should only show up when the alarm be actually ON . the back-light be red , and beautiful , but it be far too SHORT . it be only on for about 5 seconds , then go off . so of course , my son just keep press he head over , and over and over and over . should stay on for 10-15 seconds , minimum . and of course the main complaint : no star war music !!! I fully expect the imperial march to play when the alarm go off , or even better , a button to play it at will . how come , pray-tell , can i buy a stupid Hallmark card with Darth Vader 's breathing , talk , and the Imperial March for $ 3.99 , but a $ 25 dollar darth vader clock just `` beep '' ? total fail . pro : beautiful , scale giant-minfig , with move part . nice bright red backlight con : no starwar music ! difficult to see the time during the day , impossible at night . backlight be too short -lrb- ~ 5 -rrb- , should be twice as long helmet do not come off clock be too busy . should display ONLY time if alarm be off . no light-saber summary : buy this as a giant minifig or very nice lego display statue . the clock part be a total afterthought . +108 AlarmClock POS 5 i buy this clock for when i go to jail , it work great wake I up every day and the batt . last a long time +239 AlarmClock POS 5 I like this digital ! the number be large and easy to read at night , even without my glass . it be easy to tell the time and I like that ! +120 AlarmClock NEU 3 light not as bright as I have find in my previous dawn alarm . -lrb- previous alarm be 240 volt , 50 amp ; so I would have to sell it before move to my current residence\/country , which be 110-120 volt , 60 amp . -rrb- in fact , I find that this alarm do little toward help to awaken I . it be nice to be awaken to what feel like SOME light in the room -lrb- feel more like a night light , really -rrb- , as oppose to no light . but ... Snooze button be difficult to operate . one need to grab the whole alarm to turn it on . as the bulb area be a little warm , this mean nearly burn finger . if I be to do it again -lrb- and I might , if I become sufficiently perturb with the problem identify above -rrb- , I would look for a light with higher lumen -- and I would pay more attention to location of snooze button . +628 AlarmClock POS 5 great clock ... large easy to read hand ... this clock keep excellent time . . it be too big to put in you suitcase for travel but good for home usage . +95 AlarmClock POS 4 I be enjoy my smarter image alarm clock . it have several `` natural '' sound setting which gear more towards the relaxing go to sleep mode , however I do enjoy wake to rainforest sound or wind chime rather then buzz alarm or ridiculous morning radio dj . there be some `` heart pound '' and `` get you motor run '' sound program as well . +656 AlarmClock NEU 3 the clock look great . it be moveable . however , the only way to see the clock in the dark be to press the head down to have it temporarily light-up . not very useful as a bedside clock to help a child decide when to get up . +612 AlarmClock NEG 1 this product sound good , but do not live up to its description . the clock run fast , and the radio be cheap . the built-in light be very small and dim . I get the converter to be able to use my own lamp in addition , and this provide enough light , but I still have 2 problem with it . first , the light increase be step-wise in seven level , not smooth . with my brighter light , the increase be noticeable and jolt I awake too fast . second , the alarm-light function on this clock do not work properly . for example , I set it to reach full light at 6:30 be on a 30 minute cycle . it start the cycle early , shut off the light completely at 6:15 , and turn it back on at full brightness again at 6:30 . not exactly a gradual waking process . I would not recommend this product at all . there be other much better product that do not cost that much more than this . go with one of they , you 'll be happier . +658 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a piece of junk which ACTUALLY work and do the job . it not only serve the purpose for which it be intend but it also cost less than a few hour ' work at minimum wage . never mind the likely deplorable wages -lrb- if any -rrb- at the chinese factory . the back of this table radio be truly cheap . as long as you do not turn the set backwards -lrb- to reveal the shoddiness of the material -rrb- or blast the volume to reveal the speaker 's inability to handle megawatt , you 'll manage to impress whichever inquisitive friend who happen to cross you living room or bedroom threshold . I have no clue as to how much the single -lrb- mono -rrb- speaker can handle ; keep the volume down and the cone should survive as long as the rest of this good and cheap radio . the fake wood veneer truly look fake , unless it be be examine by drunken eye . there be 10 am preset , which can be directly-tune ; same go for fm : there be 10 fm preset , which can be directly access . basically , once you have program - med the 20 preset , all you later have to do to tune in to any of you 20 favorite station be to reach for the direct-touch button -lrb- which have be dedicate to that station -rrb- and press the button 1 time . the only other keystroke which you 'll have to perform so as to surf between preset station be the press of the button for AM\/FM band . once the radio be on -lrb- and the volume be more or less at a satisfactory level -rrb- , it 'll take only two keystroke maximum : one to switch band -lrb- from AM to FM , or from FM to AM : same button do both -rrb- , and one to select the particular station of interest . the distinct advantage that this afford a preoccupy individual be that with one dainty finger -lrb- which be relatively clean\/dry -rrb- it be simple and easy to instantly pinpoint and immediately hear any station out of ten . this at-a-glance , light-touch-results feature be , imho , the best aspect of this humble , unpretentious ac radio . to get the instant-access preset tuning feature with other model by other manufacturer , you would easily have to spend 100 dollar US -lrb- although they be much more solidly build , have stereo , have pll fancy tuning , and can blast music without endanger a speaker -rrb- . the list price supposedly be 50 -lrb- a gyp -rrb- ; target have it for 20 w\/o tax -lrb- tax additional -rrb- at its walk-in cash-and-carry store in NYC . for you to order it over the web via Amazon from target be a good deal -lrb- even though it cost more than in person -rrb- because you time spent to shlep over to a bricks-and-mortar store will defeat CASH SAVED -lrb- plus you 'll get hungry midway , which mean more cash go -rrb- the color of the digit dispay be a -lrb- imho -rrb- pleasant cobalt blue . I prefer the blue over the standard-issue red or green , even though red and green supposedly help to preserve night-vision . color : ok btw , you might consider order two piece -lrb- two jcr-425 's -rrb- . it be not possible to successfully cannibalize a defunct one , but there be a two-fold advantage to the get a second one in the order : - when -lrb- eventually\/inevitably -rrb- the first one conk out , you trash it or give it to a older boy for he to take apart for fun ; - when you order both at once you only get hit 1x for the postage +834 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have my Sunrise clock for over five year and it have make get up , especially in the winter when it be so dark , much easier and less jarring than a blare alarm sound out of the blue . it finally die yesterday , and I order a replacement today . I 'll have to make do with a traditional alarm clock until mine come . I highly recommend the sunrise alarm clock ! +647 AlarmClock POS 5 it arrive quickly and be just what I want . I be very happy with my purchase . +176 AlarmClock POS 5 the time come to retire the old alarm clock and the dh just about play tap . until I present he with this one . it have a nice silver , sleek appearance . the number be large enough for he to see even without he contact . have the date and also show the time the alarm be set at without have to click any button . have a please neon yellow-green back light and the time be project on the ceiling be big number . it run on a combination battery and electrical current , so that be the light go out the clock do not ! since this time of year see a lot of storm and lose power -lrb- more than we would like ... lol -rrb- this be a very handy feature . Easy to use and make the dh quite the happy camper . for those seek a simple clock , no radio etc. . this be just about perfect . +37 AlarmClock POS 5 love this machine so many different sound you can choose to listen too . my old machine only have 5 different sound so this be quite the upgrade . drown out almost all sound . highly recommend this product . +796 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a cool-looking clock that work great as a alarm . the main reason we buy it be because the digital face of we previous alarm clock be too bright . you can adjust the brightness of the face of this clock or not have it light at all . the `` moonbeam '' wake-up component do not work for we as far as wake we up , but the alarm that follow be pleasant and loud enough to work . but not too loud or obnoxious . this clock look great in we bedroom - very retro and classy . we want the green one for we guest room . +478 AlarmClock POS 5 when I receive the item , I be surprised how much I like it . this item make a great conversation piece ! +414 AlarmClock POS 5 Amazon make my day . I love this clock as I have to look at time and have to have light in night so with this clock number be large and bright and I be totally extatic . highly recommend for people with eyesight problem . highly recommend for people who have clustorphobia . +671 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be perfect for travel . I have not use the alarm function yet , but it work fine , and in the dark , the florescent kick in . neat look clock that fit on my window sill . +766 AlarmClock POS 4 my son absolutley love he new alarm clock and love to pose it . it be a nice size and fit well beside the bed . I would agree with other though that it would be nice to have light up number so you can see it easily at night . and for whatever reason I be hope the alarm would be something a little unique like a Darth Vader voice tell you to wake up . oh well ... if you have any Star Wars fan in the family they would really like this . the delivery be quick also +990 AlarmClock POS 5 finally !!!!!! a clock like this that be totally silent ! no ticking , second hand sweep . yay ! I be very happy with it . Works perfectly . alarm sound be not too loud or jarring at first , get progressively louder . if you can not stand the ticking , here 's you clock . +609 AlarmClock NEG 2 Registered for this soothing sound clock from sharper image . the variety of sound be nice , but I be very disappointed with the quality of sound . it sound very cheap and not too clear . sound like a generic radio , like Emerson or something . . if you be not too concerned with sound quality , this would make for a fine soother alarm clock . if you like some clarity in sound and look for good quality , pass this item . +635 AlarmClock NEG 1 the alarm on this clock never get loud and sometimes do not even work at all . where do the c cell go that you state be require ? it take 3 aa cell . sorry I purchase this clock . +78 AlarmClock POS 4 as other reviewer have mention , this seem to be the only clock of its kind out there . it be the most sensible clock I have ever own . I have it set for a earlier time twice a week on the day that I run , and for a later time on weekend day . I do not hear a pop when the radio come on , so it be so slight I do not even notice it . the shortcoming be slight but I will mention they . to set the alarm you use the big knob on the top , and it make a fairly loud crank noise which can be kind of annoy to you sleep spouse . the other thing be that the little display that tell you if the alarm be on or not be very tiny - it would be nice if it be bigger . overall though this be a great alarm clock and I recommend it for anyone who do not get up at the same time every day . +783 AlarmClock POS 5 it do what it be suppose to do and look good do it . the instruction manual say the battery will only last about a month , but they seem to be work at a more typical rate . one main concern I have when buy this clock be the sensitivity of the sound sensor ; it be actually not hypersensitive . sound must be medium-loud or else very close -lrb- like set a mug down next to it -rrb- . I be very pleased with the clock . Kikkerland be a great company ! +404 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have my travel soother for a decade . no problem , and I use it every night to drown out car noise . I also take it with I for hotel , camping , etc. . if street noise , snore mate , etc. keep you up , this be for you . take perhaps one week to get use to . +42 AlarmClock POS 4 I have have and use this alarm for six year and be about to buy another one . I do not know what other reviewer be refer to when they say the light be not bright enough : it be not intend to be a reading lamp . I buy it because I be sometimes sleep through my alarm clock . the light be definitely bright enough to wake I up , and if I choose , I can be awaken by the radio and the light . I love this alarm . my only complaint be that mine develop a short a few month ago , and when I want to play the radio , it suddenly either go really soft or blare quite loudly . but overall , it be be great . highly recommend . +953 AlarmClock NEG 1 not a good purchase : 1 -rrb- the lcd be so bright that you can read a magazine at night on its lowest setting . I find myself throw a pillow over it to block the light - with obvious consequence . 2 -rrb- durability be poor . my unit only last 5 month . it begin to intermittently `` go quiet '' and would not make a noise . fiddle with the power cord enable it to make sound . but a alarm clock that will not reliably alarm be rather a waste of time . Brookstone would not fix this or replace it as it be out of warranty . my last clock be ancient at 12 year . but it be reliable . I choose reliable over cool look . +673 AlarmClock POS 5 I get tire of the new fangled gadjet not work or have to be a engineer to make they work . this alarm be simple , loud and will last many year . I have to hunt for it but be glad to see it be still in production to replace my old one which after many year give up the ghost . +976 AlarmClock NEG 1 it be so small it do not bother I at all . if light really really bother you this may work . it be a lot of money for very little product . I now have a biobrite with white noise . I wish the BioBrite have a radio instead of a beep backup , but I be not asleep by then anyway since the light have wake I up . +644 AlarmClock NEU 3 it be loud enough to wake up someone who sleep with earplug . on occasion the alarm do not go off . I remember one time in particular . something jolt I awake but the alarm be not beep . it go off for a split second at the proper time but do not keep beeping . I remember a few other time in which I wake up late but notice that everything on the alarm be set correctly . sometimes it do not go off , or only go off for a split second . to have the back-light not flicker , you have to press on the big button on the top really hard and put pressure on just the right spot . use it as a back-up alarm . +101 AlarmClock NEG 1 the product I receive do not work . after a few hour the clock would start flash , as though it have shut off and then turn on again . the time setting would be lose . I return the product . +872 AlarmClock NEG 1 ... otherwise this be the worst example of assembly I have ever see . when i get my Elgin 3675E clock , the dial face be attach wrong , skewed about 20 degree clockwise . the number 12 be where 1 should be , 1 be live in 2 's home , 3 be at the 4 o'clock position and so on . the Amazon description say the clock use 2 `` c '' battery , so I buy some . the clock use 3 `` aa '' battery ! so , silly I , I think I could live with the clock and its crooked face because of the automatic night-light feature -- which work perfectly by the way . but on 3 fresh battery it lose time . about 15 minute per hour . I can watch the sweep second hand stop and start as it run . I want my money back ! +49 AlarmClock POS 5 after use for 15 year everyday and everywhere , somebody sit down on it and break it . I be so happy they be still availabe . until I get they for all my grandchild who be not bear yet , please keep make this wonderful clock . +227 AlarmClock POS 4 the clock work as advertise and as the comment of other state . Came quickly and set up easily . direction be not great but can be use . +317 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be just what I be look for . the only problem I have be that I can not set the snooze alarm time myself . other than that , I love this clock . +826 AlarmClock POS 5 my wife love this clock she as ahard time of see with out she glass she can see the number with out any problem great product thankyou +52 AlarmClock NEG 2 the idea of this alarm clock be very appealing : a alarm clock that can be easily individualize for the day of the week . here , however , be the reality in two bullet point : 1 . the tuner be awful . within ten minute of have locate a staion the focus have slip and you have to relocate it or listen to gradually worsten static . 2 . the alarm clock component be about 95 % accurate . think on that ... 5 % of the time you will not be awaken . my partner and I have have it for a year and for the longest time think that one of we have do something wrong in set it . or we be sure that we have do it right but wake up late have not make we tardy for anything . this morning be the last straw , though . 5 % , when you be depend on this little monster be not good enough . and now , off to shop Amazon for a new clock radio . +646 AlarmClock POS 5 this thing be loud , but have volume control . the vibrate feature shake my child out of bed ! love it ! +384 AlarmClock NEU 3 the good : the unit have a nice big display , many sound choice , big button and be relatively easy to figure out how to set time , sound and dual alarm . not sure if it block out the sound that i need it to so perhaps a little more information about the theory about how this white noise and other sound be suppose to substitue and improve one night sleep . I would say that some night i use it be sleep better and other night i do not use it , I sleep better . the reverse be also true at this time . the bad : my wife and I have accidentally knock this clock of the night stand then off the dresser a total of three time and finally break it , in less than one month . I do not thing i have knock and alarm clock down three time in my whole life prior to this . my point be the clock be very light and shaped in a way that seem to make it not balanced with a center of gravity . it easily slide off when one be fumble with the button in a half awake state or in the dark . Improvements need : a center of gravity design for case or better base that be slip resistant . 2nd : light button to turn on\/off the alarm and setting button so they can be identify in low light or in the dark . this could be a stretch on my part but I reality be that someone may want to go to bed after it get dark out or may even want to wake up before the sun be up , thus have a subdue led button might be usefull on this type of device . +613 AlarmClock NEU 3 I just can not seem to find a atomic travel alarm that satisfy all my need . I have a lot of confidence in Lacrosse but this digital alarm clock do not really meet the standard of a Lacrosse time piece . I do not know what I expect but the product I receive seem a little cheap look . unlike the expensive Casio clock I purchase a while ago -lrb- which , by the way , have a mind of its own regard time zone , -rrb- the control button on this clock be easier to use and the instruction be even on the clock . will it work for I ? I suppose so , but it definitely be not a product to become excited about . +719 AlarmClock POS 5 my mother want a clock with number she could see at night . the extra large number , the largest I could find , be very clear from across the room to she . it be use also as a sort of `` night light '' to see about the room if she have to get up in the night . you also have the option of dim the number if it seem too bright for you . Easy to set alarm , and shut off which she love . at a very reasonable cost it be a perfect gift for the senior citizen or anyone who have difficulty see . +997 AlarmClock NEG 1 within 6 month of purchase this item , the button control the 2nd alarm mode would get stick and be difficult to set . six month later the sound stop work altogether . be a good product while it last , but for the price it should have last longer . it must be make in China . +661 AlarmClock POS 4 replace a old scanner with this one . a good value for the money it have more bell and whistle than I need and find the reception on the FM and AM not too terrific but I do not buy it for that . Uniden put out a quality product with decent manual to program . although I still have a slight problem understand the grouping of priority channel . but undertand , I be technically challenge so do it at all be a accomplishment . do not hesitate to to recommend . +193 AlarmClock POS 4 the clock be small , sleek and make by a reputable company . the only disappointment be the backlighting to view the clock in the dark . it be so dim you can barely read the time . from all of the other review I read before purchase , everyone seem to have a favorable opinion of its funtion and long-lasting battery . I hope that be true as I have not use it yet . +190 AlarmClock NEG 2 pay 20.99 for the clock . it work as promise first six month . BUT it stop work in 6 month , go dark and nothing can be do to turn the light back on . it seem like if I return it I have to pay for ship both way . not sure why if the product be defective i have to pay for shipping . +41 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock leave out all the nonsense , and do exactly what you need it to do . different alarm time for each day of the week , a absolute must for sleep in on the weekend , or for hold a second job . I prefer this one over the executive , as I can not sleep with a bright display light up my whole room . the design truly be well think out , and so simple to understand and intuitive ... it be one of the better alarm clock I have ever own . I would recommend it to friend and family , for anyone with a weekend job , or just look for a great clock . -lrb- ... -rrb- as a side note , this company be american , but the clock be build in China . +155 AlarmClock NEG 1 this `` alarm '' clock be a fine travel clock for tell time . but it be unsatisfactory as a alarm clock . the low volume beeping noise be not loud enough for anyone to hear unless they be a very young person who have perfect hearing . for most adult , it be worthless as a alarm clock . a note should be add to the advertisement for this clock model that you must have perfect hearing to use this clock as a `` alarm '' clock . +892 AlarmClock NEU 3 this unit be ok but it could use a digital tuner with some pre-set instead of the old dial type . antenna be a little wimpy , too . the cd player need to be treat with care when close the top , other than that it seem to work ok . we will see how well it hold up with future use . this be purchase mainly because of the dual voltage switch , as it will be use world wide . +98 AlarmClock POS 5 my brother love he lego Darth Vader , when you take it out of the package he say it look like ep 3 where Anakin become Darth Vader . `` PADME !! '' +754 AlarmClock POS 4 otherwise , this alarm clock be very good . it have a light which be turn on by press the snooze button when the alarm be not go off . it have a date setting , but I do not use it . one thing that cost I a tardy at school be the fact that it be hard to tell whether it be set to be or PM . to solve this , pay careful attention or set it to 24 hour . +986 AlarmClock POS 5 excellent product . Works just like advertise . no problem purchase and receive this item . +798 AlarmClock POS 5 I be a sailor and sometimes have to sleep with ear plug in , so I need a loud alarm clock . on low level , it be not too loud for normal use . I give my clock away to a friend and have just buy a replacement . good quality construction . I also like the slightly longer-than-normal snooze time . +524 AlarmClock POS 5 Problem free for the year I have own it . Compact so it be great for travel . Easy to set time , alarm time , etc. . I would buy this item again . +895 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a pretty clock , and I like the sweep second hand . it keep accurate time . the price be right . one big problem - the alarm do not work . it would be a better deal if it cost a dollar more and the alarm work . +802 AlarmClock POS 4 I really enjoy this product ; however it seem to wear out after a while . it would be important to keep in mind that this be a water resistant product and not water proof . I think that be where I go wrong . I think some water accidentally get in and scramble thing up , but this be my fault and not really a fault with the product . I highly suggest have a shower radio , it be great tool for relaxing and can make you shower oh so much better . +724 AlarmClock NEU 3 my clock do not look like the one picture above . I look for the model number on the SkyScan web site , and could not find it - not even with a search of the site . hmm ... the atomic function work once for I when I first get it , but it do not seem want to update the time . that first time be not easy either . I have much trouble before it finally decide -lrb- on its own -rrb- to update . I have try place it in a west-facing window , but to no avail . I have try take the battery out and start from scratch , but still no update since the first time I get it . even push the `` wave '' button do not accomplish a update . on the bright side , the clock seem to keep good time -lrb- maybe it update occasionally , who could really know ? -rrb- . the projection function be what I want , and that be superb . the number project be large and in focus -lrb- clock have a focus knob and one that change the angle of the digit -rrb- . I definitely can not complain about the projection . I have never use the alarm , so I can not say as to how that work . I just wish the update function would readily work . and , yes , I know that we receive the atomic signal in southeastern Ohio , because my other atomic clock adjust without issue . +361 AlarmClock POS 4 this clock have a antique look that will go with any decor in you home . the only problem I have with this clock be that you have to hit the button on top for the back light to come on so you can see the time . Kind of a pain when you have no idea what time it be since you have to find the button on the top in the dark to see what it read . by then you have wake up from the frustration of it all since you have to play hide and seek with the button . okay ... so maybe it be just I . the alarm be good and get louder the longer you let it ring . it will wake you up unless you can sleep through just about anything . +178 AlarmClock NEG 2 buy this despite mixed review from previous customer . as mention by other it gain approximately 3-4 min in a week . also the Indiglo display isnt that great . it be very hard to see the time display during the day . Bottomline . . always look through customer review and think hard and long if a product you be consider buy have bad review . Update : Display be all mess up after just one battery change . Stay away from this product +617 AlarmClock POS 5 best clock ever . we have 3 of they and they be fantastic both in the home and travel . definately recommend . +705 AlarmClock POS 5 I look at customer review when I be shopping , & one review state the number be huge . yes they be & can be see from a good distance away if you have it setup on a dresser or something else . it be get a backup battery already install & the time be set at the factory . I do not have to set it , just plug it in , so I all I can say be `` nice '' : -rrb- +461 AlarmClock POS 4 I like this clock because it be very easy to use ; the number be large , which make it easy to see from a distance , and it fold up easily . for the money , it be a pretty good clock , unfortunately the night light be much too dim , and it be very hard to make out the time at night . +481 AlarmClock POS 4 have two of these and really like they . my only complaint be they be not attractive ! +454 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a fairly low end clock . the clock display be dim and will only work after insert three aa battery , the attach power cord be only for the projection portion . once the battery be install , the display on the clock be on the dim end of the spectrum . the projection be great and it be good to have focus and rotation control . for the projection portion I give this clock \*\*\*\*\* , but for the overall clock , it only get \*\*\* +148 AlarmClock NEG 1 I wish I listen to the review that be up here already . this this make I feel like I be swim in a sea of light at night . at certain angle the screen look like a rainbow . when you snooze it make a noise the entire time you wait for the alarm to go off again . no good cheap chinese product ... +60 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this clock in January 2010 from JustCalculators for $ 13.99 with free shipping -lrb- no super saver shipping minimum either -rrb- . I would recommend this seller , who ship promptly . for some reason another seller think that this clock should sell for $ 45.99 . please . this be just you very basic alarm clock . I buy it because my old Casio one , extremely similar but make in Japan , be 40 -lrb- yes , you read right -rrb- year old , and start work erratically . this clock , make in China , look very plastic in person , but not too unattractive . because of other review , I want to see how it would work for at least a month before review . so far , it have keep flawless time . also , I have not experience the problem other have of the alarm not go off at the exact time . however , I tend to set it for a hourly\/half hour time , like 6 or 6:30 a.m. versus something like 6:20 , which might make a difference . the only thing that I do not like about it be that it be not too easy to read the clock in the dark . the hand light up , but the number do not . my old one have a button you could press that would light up the entire dial . that feature be lack on this clock . in the meantime , after I buy this clock , my old Casio alarm clock start work regularly again . figure . I do not own much that be older than that first Casio clock . Let 's hope this second one be so durable . this review will be promptly update in the event that any problem arise with the new clock . +721 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this thing . I keep it set on hourly chirping . I spend half the year in Seattle with only crow and seagull . this clock remind I so much of home in the Carolinas with the chirping of various bird and it be fun to guess . I put it on the deck with the raptor card hope to scare away unwanted critter . . that have only frightened the cat , however . +995 AlarmClock POS 5 the clock be very cute . the snooze button be in a great place , and the increase volume of the alarm be something helpful to most people . good buy , quick service . +659 AlarmClock POS 5 I love all of the nature sound there be to pick from . my favorite be the windchime . +715 AlarmClock POS 4 pro : - reasonable alarm sound -lrb- for light-medium sleeper -rrb- - compact and extremely portable - lightweight yet sturdy ; size that fit the falm of you hand , yet have a foldable stand - good lead light , clear indication of the size of each button - affordable and matching with many type of furniture , color , etc Cons : - not user friendly - adjust time , alarm , difficult due to the one direction limit digit go only higher till 59 and reset to 0 -rrb- +89 AlarmClock POS 4 this be my favorite alarm clock I have ever have . it be a very high quality product . it have a easily readable display , adjustable light , and two alarm . however , some may be disappoint that it be just a alarm clock , nothing else . it do not have the date , temperature or secondary time or radio -lrb- the other one do -rrb- . also , I must say that the alarm be very very loud and get louder and louder until you turn the alarm off or hit the snooze . I ultimately wake up with headache after hit the snooze several time . some people may like the loudness . so although this be my favorite alarm clock , I have decide to use something else . definitely recommend . +786 AlarmClock NEG 1 Ok so we receive this product last week and be immediately disappoint . the silver face plate be hold on by two little clip on each end . it be lay in the box and would not stay on the machine . we plug it in and start go through the sound . we find the rain and let it play for a little bit , then the thunderstorm , then rainforest and so on ... because when play the rain it sound like a very short clip . turn out all of these clip be 10 seconds ! how in the world be that suppose to be relax ? listen to the same 10 second clip over and over again ? it be so aggrivating . and the clip be not even great clip to begin with . we be send this back . horrible product . Wish I have not waste we time and money on this . the sharper image ec-b100 sound Soother Alarm clock +522 AlarmClock POS 5 you have get to love this alarm clock . it be definitely a conversational piece . this be the second one I buy , they work great and be a refreshing change from plain old alarm clock . +940 AlarmClock POS 4 it arrive and work as promise . the only negative be that the light do not light up enough to see the time at night when you push the button . +30 AlarmClock POS 5 we love this clock . I buy it for my 8 year old daughter who can sleep through anything . anything , that be , except this clock . you can hear the alarm all over the house . I be glad I finally find something that will wake she up . +878 AlarmClock POS 5 ALMOST do not get it due to one review about it be ` too small ' -lrb- its not -rrb- and one say it get knock over easily -lrb- it do not -rrb- and one say it make too much ` noise ' -- say what ? I have it by my ear and do not hear it and I have great hearing . so to each he own ... but I get this clock for the bedside table and a extra alarm . the alarm be great ... start slowly and more quietly and build which be great . and this clock do not topple over ... stand extremely well-just as well as my other clock and it look sooooo rich and be a perfect size . . go to order another one for my bathroom as it look nice in there too ! you 'll be glad you get this one -lrb- re : the backlight -- or side light -- not too bright but I dont use that feature often anyhow -rrb- Hope this help ! +352 AlarmClock POS 4 without the vibration thing attach , I still sleep through this alarm ... quite frequently . it be really cute , but if you be buy it to wake a really deep sleeper then maybe we be both better off buy scream meanie ; I think that be what I be go to end up do , actually ... there be a lot of plus with this alarm clock , though . the fact that you can change the alarm tone 's pitch be pretty awesome , because I do better with higher pitched alarm . most alarm today be pretty low pitch . and the vibrate thing help to wake you up if the alarm alone do not cut it , but girl beware , you husband will pick on you about it . like the title of my review say , depend on how deep you sleep and personal preference . +674 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great travel alarm ! it be exactly what I be look for . it be tiny -lrb- 2 1\/2 '' x 1 3\/4 '' x 1\/2 '' -rrb- and the alarm be loud -lrb- I sleep with ear plug , so I need something to wake I through they -rrb- . however , I can not imagine it would be too loud for those who do not . it be very easy to set and the night light be bright . and the price be right . I be very , very satisfied . +119 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have one of these for about 16 year . the same one . in daily use as a alarm clock at home , as well as go with I when I travel . it be durable enough I often put it in check luggage . some of the write around the button be start to rub off finally . about a decade ago I drop it in a parking lot -lrb- with the case open -rrb- and one of the two little plastic ratchet tab that hold it open or closed break . the other one have hold it open or closed fine ever since . the alarm sound be quite nice , pleasant to wake up to but -lrb- importantly -rrb- loud enough to wake up to . it keep very accurate time , much better than a far more expensive one I win about 5 year ago . the backlight start to get dim and the alarm sound weak when the battery get low , but that be not often . I replace the battery every 5 year or so , fairly common watch battery and easy to find . you 'll get plenty of warn before it wind up run so low it will not alarm , so it be very trustworthy to rely on when you need to be up . if mine ever do die I be glad to see they be still available . +160 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my parent -lrb- 88 and 95 -rrb- so they can see the time easily when they wake up at night . it have many other feature but they just like the very large number and the strong elimination . +174 AlarmClock NEU 3 I buy this because it have 20 different sound . the sound be clear and lifelike but loop often which take away from the relaxation effect . I like the two different alarm , the volume and backlight be all fine in my opinion . +903 AlarmClock POS 4 small to carry and easy to use -lrb- once I figure out how to open the control panel -rrb- . unfortunately , the alarm be very loud and sudden , do not gradually work up to maximum , so it be rather jarring to wake up to , but it do the job . +926 AlarmClock NEG 1 I would not recommend this product . I purchase one and when I go to use it the CD player skip on every cd I try . it be extremely temperamental and would skip at the slightest movement ... even just I touch it to push the play button . the CD door be very cheap and do not feel like it close . I think maybe the one I buy be defective so I exchange it . no such luck ... the second one be even worse . I have the same problem as the first and then some . this one buzz when the power be turn off and stop buzz when the power be turn on . and , the `` clock set '' button would not work so I could not set the time . I have a COBY portable dvd player as well which be not very old and the screen go off and on . needless to say I do not think I 'll be purchase another COBY product in the future ! +678 AlarmClock POS 4 I purchase this for my son for Christmas . . as he have trouble fall asleep . what a great device ... every nite he be able to choose a different sound , but find the ocean the easiest and quickest way to fall asleep . would definitely recommend ! +939 AlarmClock NEG 1 beware the top-rated review ! it be review a different clock ! it state that the hour and minute can be set with button that move the time up and down . instead , this clock require you to go through 23 hour if you accidentally overshoot by one . worse , if you overshoot the year by one , you have to go through 99 year to get to the correct one . the clock be also essentially unusable by anyone over 40 . read glass will allow you to read the alarm-time digit , but you will not be able to see the alarm-time pm indicator . Timex , a few year ago , do sell a clock that have the interface describe in the top-rated review , with up and down key and 15-minute fast advance . why they go back to a interface find want in the 1960 be beyond I ... +577 AlarmClock NEG 2 unlike some of the other reviewer , my clock seem to keep perfect time . I have have it for several month now and it do not seem to drift . however , if you actually want to be able to see what time it be you really do not want this clock . in order to see the lcd 's , you need to be look down on the clock from almost directly above it ; there be a very narrow view angle . you would think that angle would be more nearly face-on , but that be not the case . the backlight do not help . if you be look for a good travel alarm , I would say `` keep look '' . +937 AlarmClock NEU 3 I have be use this alarm clock for a few week now and feel I be ready to say a few word about it to other would be buyer . first , I be happy with the purchase and I would do it again . the build be not great , I assume they have to hit some price point and to do that they have to cut quite a few corner . example : the black twist -lrb- seection -rrb- dial on top sometimes do not get all the way back to the the default setting , clock mode . so sometimes it end up try to configure the alarm for Sunday and I have to fiddle with the black dial to get the time to display . also , I insert battery into it , and when I unplug the clock nothing get save . originally I think it would be useful if the power ever go out , but no dice , the alarm reset to initialization whenever the power be pull . the alarm be not loud enough , I have oversleep on multiple occasion since I have get it . I be not certain this be the fault of the alarm clock , cause I have a really nasty habit of hit the off button instead of the snooze button . have say all of this , I like the clock . it have much better feature than compete model , for example I like the nap alarm and different alarm for different day . plus I enjoy the aesthetic of the clock in comparison to any of the other junk I have see at local store . in this price range this be the best alarm clock , just do not expect too much . +816 AlarmClock NEG 1 WE WERE LOOKING for a basic battery-operated alanog alarm clock to replace a TIMEX that WE HAD for a number of year . WE THOUGHT WE HAD FOUND one in the elgin 3675e . the ELGIN CLOCK WAS EASY to READ and SET up ; HOWEVER , the clock seem somewhat chealy-made when examine in PERSON DID NOT FUNCTION EVEN AFTER REPLACING the battery two time -lrb- once be with newly-purchased battery -rrb- . WE WERE QUITE disappoint with this ELGIN PRODUCT . +591 AlarmClock POS 5 buy this 1 month ago . I have a adult foster home with elderly lady . they eyesight be not so good now and this clock have be wonderful for they in the night to see the time . they like it so well that I be now go to buy 2 more for the living and family room even though I have clock on the wall . I would recommend this to anyone with decrease vision . +47 AlarmClock NEG 2 for the first few month I own my shower radio I be quite pleased with the purchase . I receive very good radio reception -- as good as my clock radio . however , after about three month it stop work -lrb- I think the battery have run down -rrb- . I purchase new battery , but it no longer function . I do not notice anywhere that water have get into it ... and I keep it in a place above the showerhead so any water that would have be on it be mostly condensation . anyway ... I 'll not likely buy a CD player for my shower again and just stick to have one on the counter . +333 AlarmClock NEG 1 this be extremely LIGHT in WEIGHT , TINNY and CHEAP , and the atomic feature do not work . it certainly be not worth the price -- worth under $ 5.00 . I have no CHOICE BUT to RETURN IT and receive a full credit from AMAZON.COM +850 AlarmClock POS 5 I order this clock for a friend who like the retro look and hope that the light would wake he up . sometimes it do , sometimes it do not . he be thrill with the look of it and so happy to own one . I buy mine many year ago and it stop work . the local store have close , and I have discard the box . so , I put it away and think I might send it back to you company , but I do not . I move twice and recently decide I need a clock on the other side of my bed that I could see in the middle of the night . my bose clock radio number be too small now that I be 66 . turn over have become difficult with my breast cancer spread to the bone . SO , I get out my Moon Beam , plug it in and it start work . I be so thrill and so be my son and he friend who have help I get it out and plug it in . I do truly enjoy it and it serve such a comforting purpose for I now . the light wake I up easily ! keep make these clock . !!! Donna Joy +900 AlarmClock NEG 2 my biggest problem with this clock be the snooze button . it be relatively small , so I have to really wake up to find it . then , it only snooze for four minute ! I want to snooze for nine . I do not care for the back light - two small light from the side rather than the soft blue glow behind the time that I be use to . this clock will work in a pinch , but I be definitely go to have to find a better clock . +894 AlarmClock POS 4 we have have two of these product for the past three year . they perform well , do the job , and for 10 buck , I think they be a good deal . I have read the other review , but we experience with the 40001 alarm have be good -- I have carry this with I on travel , and never miss a appointment . there be detailed instruction at the -lrb- ... -rrb- website -- with good battery and the instruction these clock do the job well . +587 AlarmClock POS 5 this alarm clock be wonderful . my wife hate wake up to my phone vibrate on my night stand , so she think she would like a more natural approach , such as a sunrise . I personally do not think it would be that great , but , it be . it start with red light , slowly fading in to bright white light . what would seem merely for aesthetics , maybe underestimate . Red light be much softer on the eye than white , so a logical gradient between the two would produce a gentle awakening . plus , wake up due to a light source naturally stimulate the brain -lrb- and in turn , the pineal gland -rrb- to reduce the amount of melatonin present in the brain . this all translate into a more natural , gentle awakening . pro : gentle awaken adjustable sunrise length radio build in really bright bulb con : my wife turn the radio to country . overall , this be a great unit at a great price , give the fact that it wake up naturally and without the racing heart . if you be a `` snoozer '' like I and be always set it half a hour ahead of when you really need up , just simply lengthen the sunrise time . +346 AlarmClock POS 5 my entire family use Westclox moonbeam clock , we have they in almost every room of we small home . it be great not to wake up the entire house with a alarm sound when just one of we have to be up early . this gentle light-alarm even wake my teenager and there be other color available . they be not rugged -lrb- make in China -rrb- but we clock have work just fine with no problem . I be back buy two more for gift give . the price be good and they be get harder to find . I think they be adorable and they add a warm glow -lrb- literally -rrb- to the room . +205 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock for my husband who can not read small number without he glass . my husband be finally satisfy with this one . just the perfect clock for he , well make and cheap . love the glow in the dark . thank you for a good product . +400 AlarmClock POS 5 everything about this alarm clock be great . the nap timer be good when you need to time anything . look good on a desk . +684 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock live up to expectation . it have a slightly retro look , which be perfect for we inadvertently out of date kitchen . its color really be somewhat luminous . we love it ! -lrb- yes it be plug-in , which be a plus for we but might be a minus for anyone with irregular electrical current . -rrb- +606 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a $ 400 phone with winmo 6.1 pro that be incapable of deal with alarm . so I buy this $ 9.99 clock that just work . the number be bright , it be small . there be one button to adjust the alarm and the clock itself . there be a big button that show if the alarm be engage . back to basics . I be in love with it already . +819 AlarmClock NEG 2 the clock work just fine . I want another alarm that feature soothing sound . I should have read the review before I purchase this though , the clock light be way to bright even on the dimmest setting . always read the customer review , : -rrb- +999 AlarmClock NEG 1 when I pay $ 99 for a travel alarm clock , I surely expect that it will be of excellent quality . when mine arrive it be dead right out of the box . I call the company and be tell that I would have to accept a merchandise credit rather than a refund . as if I would every buy anything else from they ! save you money -- this company obviously do not care about quality . +665 AlarmClock NEU 3 smaller than I expect but it turn out that I like the size which , of course would be great for travel . and the large , greenish number make it easy enough to see the time across the room . they seem like they might glow in the dark but do not really . which be great for I because I do not want any extra light in my room . however , I be mistakenly under the impression that this clock do not make a tick noise . and , while it be quiet enough , in general , I can still hear it from 5 foot away while in my bed . and that be too loud for I . +759 AlarmClock NEG 1 the clock be bright , large and easy to set . however , several segment of the digital display be not work upon arrival . I order a different clock as a replacement and that , too , be DOA . no more clock from Amazon for I ! +967 AlarmClock NEG 2 recieve this clock and like everything about it except the atomic feature do not work so I be return it . have try to set the atomic clock many time include overnight to no avail . if you do not need the atomic feature it be light weight and stable on the bedside table unlike other atomic clock I have have . +801 AlarmClock POS 5 I couldnt handle the jolt of wake up to sudden noise , it could turn the potential for a good morning bad . this method in waking be so peaceful , I like to set it to a 45 minute sunrise and then doze in a out of consciousness as it reach full brightness . have only have it for a few day so can not comment on its durability . at least it will not break from I throw it against wall in anger to shut the thing up . +582 AlarmClock POS 5 I use this little alarm clock at home and when I travel . on occasion I have even carry it in my purse . it be easy to read -lrb- nice big number -rrb- . it be easy to set and reset during the day if you need to . please be aware , however , for those who can sleep through most any alarm that this alarm do not sound for a long time -lrb- it be battery run after all -rrb- . +224 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy one of these year ago in Rome when my expensive , multi-time zone , many feature digital fail miserably after only week . it work perfectly while the hotel operator that be suppose to give a slightly earlier wake-up call sleep . it work perfectly on trip thereafter and be a vital companion to make sure flight be make in time . simple , run on a single easily find aa cell for a long time and easily see at night with its glowing dial and hand . a perfect example of kiss ! after year of use I break it in Rio with a pre-dawn flight to catch by force in a rechargeable battery that may have be a bit out of shape in darkness . fortunately the operator in the airport hotel be on he toe though I sleep less soundly know my reliable little wake-up companion be ruin . I be very unhappy , not expect to find a exact replacement after the year . there be a big grin when I find Amazon have the exact thing and it sit ready to go among my travel gear . the old one reside in a little corner of a drawer with small `` memory '' of good thing . I get some of the first digital , multi-time zone , calculator watch when they come out in Japan so I know digital . I often like digital . this be the clock I depend upon to wake I for must make flight . the only thing that knock off a star for mechanic and construction be the fact replace a battery in less than ideal condition do break the original . +53 AlarmClock NEG 1 in the past several month , it have steadly lose time . I do not like the fact that you can not reset the time . I have several other automatic -lrb- atomic -rrb- clock and they work fine . I be go to trash this one , I would not even donate it to a thrift store because of its inaccuracy . +568 AlarmClock POS 5 man this alarm be great . never think I would find a alarm that would do the job , cant get any better than this ... +96 AlarmClock POS 4 four star be suppose to be `` like it . '' and I like it . but I do not love it . the display and design be great . I be go to use `` sound quality '' and `` functionality , '' which I give only two star , to describe the two problem : the sound loop be just too short . and the quality of -lrb- some of -rrb- the sound just be not what it should be . what be frustrate be that the actual equipment , the speaker etc. , \* be of high enough quality ; the evidence be the rainforest sound , which be absolutely beautiful , crystal-clear , soothing , lovely , with a invisible loop that give you no impression of repeat -lrb- if anything it sound as if it go on forever -rrb- . it be everything you could want . in we own view , all the other fall short . the Thunderstorm , which we would love , the Chimes , which we would love , the Ocean -lrb- I think it be -rrb- , which we would love -- they be just too short . the chime be beautiful , the sound quality be crystalline , and after listen for 15 minute the short loop , the repetition of exactly the same order of the chime you hear and you know which chime be come next instead of produce a natural chime sound of random and hugely vary tone -lrb- which you could achieve by make it three time longer -rrb- , be irritating , not soothing . same for Thunderstorm . same for ocean ; you know which seagull be go to call next . sigh . and as for the rain , any Hollywood movie have better , more realistic rain sound -lrb- which be also synthesize in almost all case , beautifully so ; you can often hear the individual drop , as you can in real life -rrb- than this , which sound indistinct and fuzzy and , frankly , more like white noise than natural rain fall on tree and pavement . why -- why !? -- do not the idiot -lrb- sorry , but -rrb- who put in the money and engineering to make this a potentially terrific , perfect machine , whose design , feature , and hardware quality be all excellent , sacrifice on the one thing we really need and want and which they could easily provide : the sound themselves . rainforest be almost perfect : subtle , lovely tropical bird call , the rain gentle in the background . we use it all the time . thunderstorm and chime and ocean should and could be as good . if you create a watch that look great , whose mechanic you make perfect , for a good price , and then sacrifice on one thing -- it can not really keep accurate time -- you be a fool . would I buy it again ? it be difficult to find a good machine that be not over or well over a hundred dollar . so maybe , yeah , I probably would , just for rainforest . but it be so disappointing . the ec-b100 have huge potential . that potential be poorly use . ridiculous . +749 AlarmClock POS 4 have be unable to rely on my cell phone to wake I up as of recently , I decide to try out a new alarm clock to help I get up in the morning . well , what can I say , this clock do just that , all while have a easy , user friendly interface . the alarm be loud and definitely awakening , probably be able to get up the deepest of sleeper up . furthermore , since the clock be self-setting , adjust be practically unnecessary . the fact that it as able to function perfectly , while be easy to use , make this a definitely good buy . still , some people do complain about the brightness of the screen , which be easily remedy by adjust its brightness . a day and night mode would of be nice , but still , its easy to navigate past this . this be a great , simple alarm clock that get the job do well ; a product that work just as it say . it do lack the bell & whistle that many clock due have , but it make up for this in pure functionality . a great buy for anybody need a new alarm clock to get up with . +691 AlarmClock NEG 1 I own one fo these clock , and I be shop for a new one . this clock just be not bright enough to illuminate my room properly . I dont ` wake up . : - -lrb- +245 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this alarm clock for my young daughter in oct 2010 . she sleep with white noise and I think that buy a clock with the noise feature build in would be both space-saving and money-saving . it look nice and be easy to use . however , as other reviewer have say , the volume setting be not ideal ... set at 1 its very quiet , at 2 its annoyingly loud . it be nice to have the dual alarm - we set the second alarm for 8pm , put she to bed at 7:15 and when the bird chirp she know to put she book down , its light out . but any dual alarm will serve that purpose , with or without fancy noise . and here the worst part : March 2012 , one random morning the alarm never go off for school , and in addition to she too-loud white noise the clock be make a horrible buzz sound which can not be shut off . we unplug it and remove the battery , but when we reinstall the battery , the screen be mess up and it play sound 1 constanly -lrb- very loudly ! -rrb- , none of the setting button work and it can not be shut off . so after pay a decent price for a brand name , it last less than 18 mo and I be back to shopping for a alarm clock and a noise-maker . this certainly do NOT meet my expectation ! +189 AlarmClock NEG 2 I have high hope for this - think it be similar to a clock I see a few year ago and can not seem to find now . those of you who be light sleeper will appreciate the sound library . the digital recording have long loop and sound pretty good , but the speaker be on the tinny side . I like to sleep with a surf sound and that be decent . the problem be the alarm -lrb- which be not even cover in my manual -rrb- . the alarm allow you to wake with either a beeper or a sound . the problem be if you sleep with a sound playing , that be the same one use for the alarm - so it do not quite work ! I be hope you could set different sound for the alarm . the clock I see a few year ago allow you to listen to surf but the alarm add in foghorn or other related sound . that be pretty cool ! if anyone know what clock I be talk about , please let I know . do not be too disappointed if the sound soother be not available on Amazon . it be available at best buy for the same price . +619 AlarmClock POS 5 simple travel alarm clock be get difficult to find . the Elgin Travel Alarm clock be great ! it be very similar to a Timex travel alarm clock I have have for year , but be finally fail after many year of use in all environment . if you want a travel alarm clock that be simple to set and use , and have a light\/snooze feature that be very useful , the Elgin Travel Alarm clock be the one for you ! additional information -lrb- or ... do not make the same mistake I make before find the Elgin clock -rrb- I buy a different brand from a local store -lrb- btw , travel alarm clock be almost non-existent in store , now -rrb- , for a business trip to Sweden , and also for camping in the summer . it be lcd , with a stylus for setting . the main attraction be that it advertise time zone functionality . it be so incredibly difficult to change setting , and the character and icon be so small you could barely see they . it also turn out it only cover North America timezone . that clock be now in a garbage dump somewhere in Sweden ! +714 AlarmClock POS 5 the Westclox 1950 Moon Beam Big Ben provide the gentle awakening by flash its light yet the bell which follow be classic . it lack the harsh electronic buzz of past bedside invader in we household . another lovely aspect of this clock lie in the back-up battery which allow it to not lose a moment . I be sure that be not part of the original 1950 's design but be welcome now . we clock be a vanilla color which go with just about any decor . try this gentle journey . you child and grandchild will also enjoy this lovely alternative to be blow out of bed by raucous buzz or music . +381 AlarmClock POS 4 Easy to read . Easy to set . not for the heavy sleeper . the alarm do a gradual buildup in volume . even at it be loudest it be not very loud . it be plenty for I . my son be a heavy sleeper and the alarm on this clock would be worthless . +730 AlarmClock POS 4 this clock do not use 1 c size battery . I require three aa cell -lrb- operate on 4.5 volt -rrb- . also , clock face do not face forward . it be pitch upward by about 20 degree . this be fine if you be look down at the clock . if however you place it at eye level or on a shelf above you head , it be go to look stupid . the back-lit dial face be useful if turn up all the way . rear of clock have time and alarm setting knob , battery compartment , alarm sound port , and brightness control . the top have a combination snooze alarm switch and momentary bright light switch . the right side of clock have alarm on\/off switch . there be no rubber foot on the bottom of clock so it slide easily . also , the plastic housing be static prone and attract a lot of dust . there be no model number stamp or emboss anywhere ; battery door say `` make in China '' . all in all , not a bad clock for ten buck provide it keep work . +405 AlarmClock POS 5 the soundscape on this alarm clock be amazing . there be something for everyone and whichever sound you choose help you get the most restful sleep . I definitely recommend this alarm clock to anyone . +74 AlarmClock POS 4 item work exactly as describe . it actually get the signal from Colorado very quickly once I realize I need to turn on the wave . Buttons be easily hit accidentally which can cause the clock to change to 24 hr time or turn off the signal receiver . +328 AlarmClock NEU 3 I have have this alarm clock for year . pro : reliable ; do not glow in the dark ; alarm be a simple beep sound that be not overly loud ; clock stay standing on night stand and be unobtrusive ; clock fold up and travel well . con : require a funky battery , though I have need to replace it infrequently ; the clock really do not illuminate well enough to read in the dark when you want to check the time . for this reason I give the clock 3 star . +727 AlarmClock NEU 3 the sound be distort . doesnt sound `` digitally record '' to I . it look nice though . it also allow the brightness to be adjust . +868 AlarmClock NEU 3 love the light come on first before the alarm . no durability . arm fall off easily and repeatedly . Broke the light . suffer with it for three year ; I be buy a different one now . +755 AlarmClock POS 5 a good sturdy reliable travel clock for little money . Easy operation and compact . alarm be loud enough to wake you . I use it every day besides travel . +15 AlarmClock POS 5 the clock arrive quickly-normal shipping . Works fine ... what else can i say . +312 AlarmClock POS 4 nice compact little clock good for travel . alarm be reliable and backup light good for room with little light -lrb- like inside cabin on a cruise ship -rrb- . +761 AlarmClock NEU 3 the Sharper image sound Soother have a very sleek and modern design , however , there be a few flaw that detract from the overall experience . first , the digital display be very bright in a dark bedroom . unlike a regular , cheap alarm clock where only the time be light , the entire display of the sound soother be backlit . if you bedroom have little ambient light at night , this display will emit a glow that some people may find too bright . although there be three display brightness setting , there be little difference between they and the lowest setting be still bright . we have to turn the clock away from the bed at night so it be not directly in we face , but the glow be still significant . second , the sound quality could be better . this could be a tradeoff for the sleek design , but the sound be not very natural come out of the small rear speaker and be a bit tinny as another reviewer have note . the volume control be not very good either , as the difference between the first , second , third , etc. volume selection be very noticeable . in other word , 1 be too soft for some sound , but 2 be way too loud . the audio loop on some of the sound be too short as well , and if you be concentrate on the sound you may be able to detect the pattern , which can be distract as you be try to fall asleep . also , the control button themselves make a very loud and abrasive `` click '' sound when you push they , which seem odd for a machine design to relax you . overall , the Sound Soother be a decent alarm clock that get the job do , but it could definitely be improve -lrb- display too bright , audio quality be lack , and button take away from the overall experience -rrb- . although it be make by Sharper image , it have a somewhat `` cheap '' feeling to it . despite the flaw , it be one of the better sound machine\/alarm clock I come across that be less than $ 50 . +66 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this alarm clock a few month ago after the old one -lrb- the exact same model -rrb- die after 10 plus year of use . it be also extremely durable . a excellent product that I highly recommend . +576 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a really hard time wake up to a conventional alarm clock , regardless of if I get my 8 hour of sleep . I have be late to work and class due to sleep through the alarm or turn it off in my sleep . with the sonic boom alarm clock , I do not even need the sound to wake up . the vibration wake I up right away and the snooze button on the sweetheart version be a little tough to find in the half-asleep stage so I have to be awake to snooze it or turn it off . it be a bit lightweight but for I it serve its purpose . the vibration apparatus just plug into the alarm clock -lrb- leave the option of use it or not -rrb- , and it have a pretty decent size cord -lrb- well , maybe 3-4 ft -rrb- . the beeping option be possible to be a range of different pitch and volume to fit you need , include very loud and high pitch . I highly recommend this product for people who have a hard time wake up to conventional alarm clock . +822 AlarmClock POS 5 now he be excite because he have he own alarm clock to wake up to . its perfect for the kid who like lego and star war -lrb- what kid do not -rrb- . +970 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a replacement for my previous atomic clock which die after about 4 year . I expect another 4 year of reliable service from this one . so far , it look really good . +171 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great solution in wake my son up early on school day for the sitter . it work great and he understand exactly what Woody 's job be . so more cranky kid fight to wake up . +706 AlarmClock NEG 1 I order this for a trip and it arrive the day I be leave , which bum I out because the blue night light do not work . on the trip it be drop once and after that the light work ... once . I be go so long that I be not able to return it . at least it be inexpensive . my recommendation be go to elsewhere if you want a user friendly , work travel alarm clock . +374 AlarmClock POS 5 my old 1.8 inch lcd alarm would not work any more . I research a lot of clock , and find this 2.5 lcd . Amazon ship it in 3 day for free . my first night , I wake up 5-6 time just to see the time ! I could barely read the 1.8 inch , no problem with the 2.5 . it be bright , but for I , that a good thing . if I be not here , my wife can flip it down . Perfect ! +551 AlarmClock NEG 2 this little alarm clock be ok but there be 2 main flaw with it . First and foremost I sleep deeply and snooze a lot before finally wake . this clock only allow 4 snooze , 4 minute apart , before the alarm just stop go off . also , when you have a travel alarm clock with a fold over cover like this please put a gap and a slight hole so the snooze button can be hit immediately without open the cover . my girlfriend have a alarm clock almost identical to this from Timex that have long since be discontinue and it handle all these feature perfectly . you would think something so simple would be easy to find . hopefully they improve this one someday . in all other way the clock be great . +84 AlarmClock POS 4 we have a Sony dream machine with the atomic clock function . it have no battery backup and occasionally somehow `` lose '' the signal for the clock and end up with the incorrect time . this atomic clock radio do catch the signal and do have the battery backup function . it be not a $ 50 or $ 100 radio , but do the job well . the only drawback have be the small switch which turn the alarm on and off . for the price , I would buy it again . +871 AlarmClock NEG 2 the auto-time set be a defect in disguise . we buy a older version of this clock in 2002 or so . it be hardwire to change the time -lrb- for Daylight Saving Time , DST -rrb- on the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October . spiffy ! the radio time feed from wwv provide Universal Coordinated Time -lrb- GMT -rrb- , with no signal indicate the time change , so the clock be design hardwire with a offset from that , change at fix date . then come the Energy Policy Act of 2005 , which `` change the change day '' to the second Sunday in March , and the first Sunday in November , start in 2007 . we older clock do not read the newspaper , so base on its old programming , it `` spring forward '' two week late and `` fall back '' a week early . that mean we have to change the time zone four time per year to keep it accurate -lrb- in we case from Pacific to Mountain time and back as need -rrb- . if you be absolutely sure congress will never ever ever change the DST date in the future , buy the clock , it be well make and accurate . if the manufacturer add a manual DST switch , or figure out some clever way to tell the clock when congress change the date , it be also good . BUT if congress meddle with the time change date again , and the 2012 change date be still hardwire in , you will probably angrily discard this `` automatic '' clock after a year or two of setting and reset it , and miss a appointment or two . then you will buy one of the manual set one , which might be off a few minute , but not a hour . it be a pity that we lord and master in Washington do not think about detail like this when they ignore the sun and tinker with the time . more afternoon golf time for they , while you kid wait for the morning school bus in the cold and dark . +600 AlarmClock NEU 3 small and very portable . but the alarm be loud ... the price be very appropriate +764 AlarmClock POS 5 my daughter be so picky , we could not find she a alarm clock in sooo many different store , but when I show it to she online she like it and when we riceve it she love it . the vibration under she pillow allow she yunger sister who sleep with she stay sleep when my older should be awake for school it very nice gift and so convenieance ! +803 AlarmClock NEU 3 this clock as a nice design . large display . . and 2 good proof alarm setting if you need 2 different wake up time during the week . sound quality for the soothing stuff be not a little disappointing +844 AlarmClock POS 5 I want a atomic clock that would set it self . the picture be similar to one for 44.95 that state it set it self . I choose this clock since it be a better value . as it turn out it be the same clock . I plug it in and it read the correct time . I unplug it and set it up in we bed room and again it display the correct time . it also adjust for day light savings . +282 AlarmClock POS 5 no nature sound , no satellite setting , no ipod or cd connection , just a straight forward alarm clock that be refreshing in its simplicity . pull it out of the package -lrb- it already have the battery -rrb- , set the time , the time you want to get up , switch on the alarm and be do with it . some thing do not need to be complicate -lrb- such as a alarm clock -rrb- . I have it on my night stand and when I travel , I throw it in the suitcase , sandwich between a stack of clothes . its sturdy enough -lrb- plastic -rrb- to get the job do . +991 AlarmClock POS 5 some have complain that the display be too bright ; since I sleep with my eye close , that be not a problem ! some have complain that the alarm be too loud ; I believe the purpose be to wake one ! I love the two alarm and the display show whether they be set and to what time . the size of the display be readable for I without my contact . I recommend this product highly . +348 AlarmClock POS 5 this be really a great little alarm clock . I have have mine for 11 year now ! -lrb- bought it while travel in New Zealand . have another I buy in Singapore but the control be not as easy to manage so do not use that as much . -rrb- in the 11 year I have change the battery I think only once -lrb- maybe twice at most -rrb- - it use a watch battery . I like the fact that display 24 hour time be a option . when you close the stand\/cover , the snooze\/light button be the only thing accessible - perfect for reach out and silencing quickly . it be small and easy to carry in a pocket . it be loud enough to wake I when I be tired and not so loud that it be annoying . in the time I have have it I have sleep through it only a few time -lrb- when I have 3 hour sleep or something -rrb- - and I be a very sound sleeper , with short night a hazard of my employment many time . the only problem I have have with this , be that now after 11 year the setting slider be wear out . they use to `` click '' into place -lrb- i.e. alarm on\/off -rrb- , but now they slip out of position and unless I carefully position the alarm button it can be go off on the weekend for I . thus , time to get a new one . +653 AlarmClock NEG 2 the radio work well , especially because the tuner be digital . switching from store memory station be a bit complex . overall , the radio be complicate to use , and the instruction be not very clear . the most troubling part of this device be that the radio alarm only go off for about 5 minute -lrb- I have not figure out anyway to lengthen the alarm time -rrb- , and unless I have it on loud , I sleep through the alarm . my advise be that if you can afford to , buy a better Alarm clock . +897 AlarmClock POS 5 my son , who be 5 , have just love this . he can play with it , yet it be functional as well . sturdy and tough as it have be drop a couple of time , with no result issue . the alarm be not too overwhelming . it be a mild tone , which have effecticely wake he up for the last couple of week . +855 AlarmClock POS 4 I think its a good travel clock and certainly easy to set , etc. . however , it be impossible to read the time in the dark and that would be the only improvement need to give it 5 star . so far , I have take it on two trip and it perform just fine . +268 AlarmClock POS 5 have have recent bad experience with travel alarm I go out search for a new one . this one be easy to operate . Buttons easily allow change of setting . it be very lightweight . the cover be make of plastic which make it seem flimsy but it work out ok - that add to the lightness . it be sturdy enough for my daily use . although a travel alarm I use it daily . it be very inexpensive and yet better than many more expensive model that I be retire . +518 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be amazing . I do a lot of research on these clock and have a biobrite before this , and be convince this be the best choice . the light in the morning help I to wake more naturally . I find the light to be plenty bright . the radio work fine , and be much less jarring than a beep . it have a security feature that be convenient . it be small and lightweight , which I prefer as it be more the size of most alarm clock . the BioBrite , which I have before , be huge , take up the entire nightstand and be finicky , fragile and complicated . I like the size and feature on the Soleil better and think it be much easier to use . one change I would make be a less bright time display . I would also like for it to cost less , but compare to other dawn simulator , it be a good deal . all consider , I be extremely pleased . +989 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be very good . its not too large , about the size of a grapefruit . some reviewer mention that they light face would not turn off . Mine work fine . you set the brightness of the light face with a wheel adjustment . Mine be completely off in the lowest setting . at the highest , it actually make a decent night light . it run off 3 `` aa '' battery , I be not sure of the life of these with the light face . I like to keep the face on mine dim , but still readable in the dark . the alarm work fine also . if you need a simple alarm clock , this one be great . +517 AlarmClock POS 4 we buy this for we 9 year old daughter as she first alarm clock . she love the vibrate feature -lrb- so far anyway - have not actually use it to wake up over the Holiday yet - just keep set it to feel the vibration ! -rrb- . the rainbow number be really cool too ! I really would have give 5 star , but I do not like the sound of the alarm ... you can adjust tone and volume on it , but to I sound a bit like a smoke alarm or something -- just not thrill with the sound . in addition , the color on the picture do not represent the actual product in my opinion . I think it be go to be hot pink and it be not -- not sure how to describe this particular pink . otherwise , we be very happy with the product !! +300 AlarmClock NEU 3 my clock run 1.25 seconds per day fast accord to my measurement . not bad , but I like to know what time it \* really \* be ... so after a month , I be -rrb- 30 seconds ahead of time - over a minute fast in two month . it might not bother you , but I run a lot of conference call in my work , and need to start\/stop right on the top -lrb- or half -rrb- of the hour . I would be satisfy with + \/ - 1 second per month ... but more than that every day ? Time for I to find another , more accurate clock . +747 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my 6 year old star war lego fanatic for Christmas . I be worry about its size since I could not find any dimension when I be order . but , it be a good size and make very well . he be go to love it ! +476 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy it for the `` big rig '' as a travel clock while i be on the road . work 1 day then stop work . it seem to be well make -lrb- as much as electronics be these day -rrb- but since it stop work I can not vouch for it be usefulness . avoid it imo . +288 AlarmClock NEG 1 it would be one thing if the button be big enough for even petite finger or if the light be really very bright to notice or even if the clock keep proper time - but it do not ! I receive this item as a gift and be shock the sticker price . I have have the clock a few year now and have be itch to get rid of it . I have to continually reset the time - every 6 week I find it be get ten minute faster so I either set my alarm ahead or range back through the number to set the time correctly or to correct it the next month again . the radio be cheap and difficult to tune . I need a sunrise clock but at this point I be think of get a `` vacation '' timer for my bedside lamp and just set that instead . what a bother . +781 AlarmClock POS 5 the pink moonbeam clock be give to my best friend for she birthday . it be the perfect gift as she want a simple alarm clock that be easy to operate and see . she love the pink color ! +197 AlarmClock POS 5 very nice clock . it be attractive , the display contain the information I want , the numeral be large , it be light & small enough for travel . be solar power be a big plus as no more battery to buy . that the temperature read a couple of degree too warm be minor . set up be straight forward . a lighter background would allow view at a greater distance . I do not use the alarm so can not comment on that and the atomic part be not relevant for I . solid 5 star . +731 AlarmClock NEG 1 this thing only work twice for I . today it sit on my computer desk display the time only . if you need to make someone late for work , here ya go : -lrb- +955 AlarmClock POS 5 I already have this clock but I order it for my niece , my mom also have the same clock along with my neighbor ! no matter where you look , this be the better deal , you can not find it any cheaper , even with shipping cost . have a light go off instead of a noise go off in you ear from be in a dead sleep be a lot more peaceful for sure . it fit into the style of my 1950 's home for sure ... Amy +367 AlarmClock POS 5 love this little clock ! its so easy to set ! simple , easy to understand button on the front . I have get 3 travel type clock and this be my favorite ! +259 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock for my 89 year old mother who have vision problem . it be easy for she to set and turn off the alarm . no fussy little button to get frustrated over . I actually order a second one ! +355 AlarmClock POS 5 nice clock ; easy to pack and wake we easily while travel with grandchild . purchase extra one to give each grand child that will be travel with we on special trip . make they feel important and something they can carry off to college or wherever they go . +55 AlarmClock POS 5 you can see this clock from 3 room away . love it . I buy it to sit by my husband big flat screen tv . it be great -- whenever you be watch tv , the time be always right there and you can see it clearly from the other side of the house . it be great ! +772 AlarmClock NEG 2 sure it be only 8 buck , but I expect a little travel clock to be more dependable . from the start it lose a minute every few day , but I live with it . then suddenly the display go out -lrb- after only 8 month -rrb- -- and yes , I try new battery . do not believe I 'll buy Elgin again . +744 AlarmClock NEU 3 Jensen be normally one of the best electronics company you can find . I do not know what they be think when they design this one . it be the most difficult radio I have ever have the displeasure of try to figure out . they should have stick with the try and true system they use on they car radio . +70 AlarmClock POS 4 this alarm clock not only wake my daughter , it wake everyone in the house ! too bad she be able to still go back to sleep ! ugh ! we will keep try ! +203 AlarmClock NEG 2 the clock be a gift from Santa for my 7 year old daughter . it be a adorable clock , really look nice . however , the on\/off switch for the alarm feature do NOT budge . it just sort of bend in the right direction , but do not click over . I unscrew the back to see if I could figure out why -lrb- because I really want to keep the clock -rrb- , but it appear the lever base be make of a flimsy piece of metal so it lack the `` snap '' need to actually function as a switch . have to return ... daughter will be disappoint , but hope to find another pink clock to replace . +666 AlarmClock POS 4 pro : small and convenient , easy to store away when not use , just flip the cover up to close it . Cover double as its stand . backlight be very bright when press . alarm be loud and annoying , will definitely wake you up . screen also flash red when alarm go off . only require one aaa battery . con : snooze button on the front of the alarm make it hard to hit . this could be good as it wake you up as you struggle to find the snooze button . no constant backlight mode . it would be nice to have a dim backlight on all the time , either at the cost of use more battery power or add a extra slot to make it two AAA battery instead of one . 4 MINUTE SNOOZES ! really ! it be true . that do get annoying , but if you be a constant snooze hitter like I then you might need this . sometimes a pain in the butt to adjust the alarm time and then turn it on with the slide switch on the front . overall , it be be a very reliable alarm . could use some tweak , but for the cheap price you will not regret purchase it . 3.5 star in my book . +390 AlarmClock POS 4 clock work but I have to remove and reinsert battery to get the indiglo -lrb- which be very bright -rrb- and alarm to work - weird . alarm could be a little louder at peak level -lrb- alarm last 1 minute -rrb- . for the money , tough to beat . recommend unless you be a heavy sleeper . +417 AlarmClock NEG 1 clock automatically set to correct time . neat . also very bright led . but it be difficult to turn off alarm in the morning . the large snooze button work , so if you be a person that hit the snooze button 4 time at seven minute interval to turn off a alarm , you will like this product . the small on-off switch be on the back of the clock , in the middle of the other button to set the time . this on-off switch be also hard to move . Acurite customer service confirm my observation and complaint . it be hard to believe that any one who design or engineer this product ever use it . I can not recommend this product as a alarm clock . it would be fine as a large letter , see in the dark , non-alarm clock . +623 AlarmClock POS 4 Easy to read display . Easy to program in dark , after learn button . only reason for give 4 star instead of 5 , would like to wake up with different sound than use to go to sleep . also the volume adjustment could be less dramatic between setting . overall , pleased with product , very functional . +433 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a decent alarm clock . it be fully hollow inside so it be extremely light . lead light do help to not drain out battery . light be extremely bright and somewhat distracting . Shipping & handle be poor because something be rattle around when I receive product . glowing led color mood change Digital Alarm clock +213 AlarmClock NEG 1 we purchase this alarm clock for we son 's birthday present . it work well when we first get it and work for the first few hour of he have it . the sound then stop and eventually start work again but now on day 2 it have stop make sound again . I will be try to contact the company tomorrow to see if they have any helpful idea on what to do . hopefully I do not have to spend a ton of money shipping and replace a product that only work one day . if the sound issue would not have happen I would have give this product a much higher rating , but cool or not , it be a alarm clock with no sound . +6 AlarmClock POS 5 this travel clock be exactly what I want . it be very easy to operate , it have no bright light at night , it be easy to read , it be stable and compact . and a good price . I prefer to have the temperature include on the lcd , but even without that , it be still worth 5 star . +735 AlarmClock NEG 1 when this item actually work , it be a DREAM !!! -lrb- no pun intend ... -rrb- but , the mere fact that it be so unreliable as to when it will work void the purpose of have a alarm clock of any sort in the first place . I too have experience -lrb- what I think be -rrb- the bulb burn out on my alarm clock , but realize after toy with it some more that the bulb be actually not burn out , that the machine itself be actually fail . I would take the bulb out , put it back in , jiggle it a bit , and then test it by run the ` lamp ' cycle , and it would illuminate . then it would continue to wake I up for a couple of day in a row , and then stop work again . this type of inconsistency be just not acceptable in a alarm clock product . the thing that be even more annoying about it be that this product be NOT CHEAP . at $ 75.00 , one would expect something that last more than a couple of week . again - great idea ... just really really bad execution . +641 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy two of these Chaney Instruments digital alarm clock to replace we old one . the new one be pretty , have large easily visible number and change for daylight saving time easily . unfortunately the clock have a serious design flaw . the little vent for the alarm speaker be on the bottom of the clock . with the clock set flat on a night stand the sound of the alarm be so weak it can hardly be hear . really , it be so anemic I have to hold the clock up to my ear to hear it . in fact , I set my clock to go off this morning as a test . the alarm do not wake I up . one might think the moron who design these clock could have guess that put the alarm vent in a spot where it be cover up be not a good idea . I see some complaint about this problem with a weak alarm sound in the review , but think they might be exaggerate . they be not . this thing be a dud as a alarm clock . you would be better off buy a rooster . at least you could hear the crow in the morning . +117 AlarmClock POS 5 this alarm cock be the perfect size and be great for smeone that have to get up a different time every morning . also it be great because it be so easy to figure out how to set it . I would reccommend it to everyone . I plan on buy more of they when I have to replace my other alarm clock . +372 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this clock because when the morning sun come in my window , it make it impossible to read the time on my led clock so I need a clock with ordinary numeral to see the time in the morning . this clock look great on my bedside table and do the job I need it to do . I only wish it be a little bigger and heavier and I could see where someone try to read the time in the dark may have a problem fumble to press the button on top of the clock to turn on the face light . five star for my purpose , three star for most other user need make it a four star clock . +770 AlarmClock NEG 1 it be ok while it last - about four month . it be amazing to I how difficult it be to find a simple , reliable travel alarm that might last , oh , a year or two ? : sheesh : +271 AlarmClock POS 4 I like precise clock and watch , so when atomic time device become mainstream , I become addict to they . they be all over we house . I travel 45 week per year on business , so when I see this atomic travel alarm I buy it for 2 reason : 1 . -rrb- it set itself to the current atomic time from the official atomic clock in Colorado , and 2 . -rrb- it have a adjustable snooze alarm -lrb- which be rare in a portable travel alarm clock -rrb- . it work great , be accurate to the second , and set itself on the road , no matter what time zone I be in . I be so impressed , I end up buy another one . my only complaint , if you can call they complaint , be that the snooze function be a little weird and make sure you have turn off the alarm completely can be tricky in the dark . in order to `` hit '' the snooze , you have to push\/bend the top of the clock backwards against the resistance of the spring in the hinge of the stand . if the clock be on a slippery surface , you only end up slide the clock across the surface instead of activate the snooze . in order to turn the alarm off , it say to push any button on the clock . however , that only turn it off for 24 hour , when the alarm will go off again -lrb- sometimes on a Saturday when it be a unwelcome surprise -rrb- . in order to make sure you have completely turn the alarm off , you have to find and push\/hold the actual alarm button itself a little longer , and in order to do that , I find that I have to turn on a light , find the right button , and make sure it have not reset itself for 24 hour from now . I think the snooze should be easier and turn off the alarm should definitely be easier , but once I get use to fumble around in the dark with it , I be still happily use it every week for travel . +212 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this clock with it be so easily read numeral . it can be see so clearly in the dark , and from quite a distance . I buy it to replace another like it -lrb- different brand -rrb- which quit work after many year . I know when that one stop I have to have another as quickly as it could be deliver . if you have trouble see , and even if you do not , this be the clock for you if you want to see the time from a distance . thank you Amazon for get it here so quickly even with the free shipping . +567 AlarmClock NEG 2 this alarm clock be easy to use and set up . it have a large time read out . the biggest draw back be the soft alarm . it need need to be much louder . +679 AlarmClock POS 5 I like that this be a battery alarm clock so that I do not have to use another electrical receptacle . it be sufficiently loud to wake my 8 year-old or I . it be really cool that it be backlit when you press the figure 's head . BUT -- what my son be thrill about be figure out that he Uncle Milton brand mini-lightsaber -lrb- kit -rrb- actually fit into this minifig 's hand ! so , now Darth be complete with saber !! awesome ! +856 AlarmClock NEG 1 try new battery , multiple time , but the thing never work ! I get busy and forget to return the clock within the time window and now I can only get half of my payment , plus I 'll have to pay for the shipping cost . boo ! I 'll never purchase one of these gadget , from this seller ever again ! , +797 AlarmClock POS 4 the good : sound be fantastic - provide a assortment of sound from foghorn , to train , to city street , to the rainforest and everything in between . I personally listen to rain every night . the sound obviously repeat but you can not tell unless you memorize the minor effect -lrb- for instance with the fire crackle - if you remember one part have two crackle than a pop - you will hear it again and realize it be repeat -rrb- . the bad : if there be a power outage and the power come back on - it will not work . I have to unplug it again to get it to work . on two separate occasion , we have a power outage and the clock have come back on . I have go to use it and silence . I can press the sound and the volume but nothing happen ; however , if I unplug it and plug it back in - it work . the ugly : the screen be bright ! there be a dimmer to turn up and down the light but even the lowest setting be very bright ! I have to turn it away from I to sleep . also , do not have anything with a radio frequency near it or it will pick it up . I have to watch my cell phone and baby monitor and keep they as a safe distance . very easy to use , very easy to set the clock , and provide soothing sound that blend perfectly with the background . +738 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my sister , who could seemingly sleep through anything . it be very cute , which she love about it . I would not say that it be louder than a traditional alarm clock , but by change the pitch higher it can be much more annoying . she put the bed shaker under she pillow and say that be enough to wake she up . this get 5 star for be the only thing that wake she up in the morning -lrb- ok , 4 star for that and 1 for cuteness -rrb- . +884 AlarmClock NEG 1 mine break day two . on day one , it do not keep time for a while but later on in the day , after reset time , it keep time okay . on day two , it only backlit a slight amount and i could not see the display -lrb- time number -rrb- . use brand new out of the pack battery . +710 AlarmClock NEG 2 you get what you pay for . the clock cost less than $ 10 and be make in China , so ... it be light-weight and flimsy , but from the other side of the room , it look cute . regard its accuracy in keep time - so far so good , but we have only have it in use a week . the alarm be not at all alarming - if you be hard of hearing or need a loud noise to rouse you - this be not you wake up call . +473 AlarmClock NEG 2 Controls be difficult to manage , particularly set the time for each alarm . -lrb- my building lose electricity pretty frequently which mean reset the clock and it be a pain with the way the button be set up . -rrb- the cd do not work -lrb- not long after I buy the radio -rrb- . the sound be terrible . you be get what you pay for : not much . +314 AlarmClock NEG 1 this be a terrible product . the clock run fast -- it gain a minute every few day . the CD player skip at the slightest vibration , from when I walk across my room to when someone open the door to my building 4 floor below . frequently , I wake up to a noise like a fan with something stick in the blade rather than my cd . anyone who be look for a reliable clock or cd player would do better to spend a few extra dollar to buy something that actually work . +699 AlarmClock NEG 1 the concept be great , the build in lamp be terrible - about as bright as a night light , do not know how that be suppose to wake I up . also , if it go out it be not cheap to replace . to get any use out of the Sunrise\/Set feature you have to have it control a external lamp with a external power adapter almost the size of the clock itself . the clock itself feel like a toy , light plastic and cheap construction with flimsy button that work for a few month and require small finger -lrb- I have those and still have to use my nail -rrb- . I would recommend that you spend the money on a clock of this type with a build in external lamp control , most of those even come with sleep sound . can not beat that . but really , really , do not buy this alarm clock . perhaps Sunrise Sun Simulator Day Light SRS150 Alarm clock or even Apollo Health DayBreak Duo Dawn\/Dusk Simulator +898 AlarmClock POS 5 this a totally cool product . sound Quality on the phone be crystal clear , and the phone be super lightwheight . the led light on the alarm clock be soft and easy on the eye . great buy !!!!!!!! +211 AlarmClock NEG 2 I be excite when I find this sound machine and could not wait to get it , but there be significant problem . the display be very bright , but hard to read unless you be face the clock directly . I prefer the rain selection , but level 1 be too quiet and level 2 be really loud . I have try put it further away , but then I can not see or reach the clock . several time , the sound switch to bird during the night and I wake up wonder what be happen . the positive be that it be easy to use and compact in size . +435 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this clock because of it be versatility - small enough to put on any table or pack it in a suitcase . the number be easy to see and the alarm sound be just right . best of all when there be a power outage I always know what the correct time be ! +943 AlarmClock POS 5 this be exactly the alarm clock I be look for . I have a bad alarm clock before this one so I be very glad I get this . pro : nice overall size . well organize display of date\/time\/etc . lcd -lrb- indiglo -rrb- light only when you press a button so no bright led glare from the alarm clock and the Indiglo light be not a overly bright or glaring light . good alarm volume . -lrb- I be a light sleeper and do not like\/need a real loud alarm -rrb- . Easy access to snooze\/light control . atomic clock sync automatically set date\/time . battery operate so no worry about power outage reset you clock\/alarm setting . con : if you be a sound sleeper -lrb- not a problem for I -rrb- the alarm sound might not be loud enough for you . Time zone do not set correctly on start up . with that say , the instruction for manually set the clock be easy to follow and I have the time zone set correctly in a matter of seconds . +604 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be purchase for my six year old son 's birthday . it be a huge hit ! seem very sturdy and he love the red light that light the clock in the dark when you press on darth vader 's head . : -rrb- +858 AlarmClock POS 5 this scanner be one that all those who be interested in scanner should seriously think about get . first , it allow for so much more than only police and fire scanning . you can read the manual -lrb- available for download at the time of this writing -rrb- aand see all the feature . I be write this review to talk about the ease of use , from the stand-point of someone who have limit mobility and have a disability . the button on this unit be easy to press . the dial be also easy to turn . it also be very easy to set up . it be set up for I in about 1 minute . +185 AlarmClock POS 5 purchase this for my father who have a hard time see a clock from bed . he love this clock . it be large - very large , and easy to read . if you be look for that than this be the clock for you . good value for the money and so far work great . he do not use the alarm or other function , just the clock . +815 AlarmClock POS 4 I have yet to find another alarm clock with the ability for separate alarm for all seven day . it blow my mind that only one exist because it seem like such a no-brainer feature to offer . not everyone work 9-5 each day and have a constant schedule . College student , the self employ -lrb- like myself -rrb- and many other would find this alarm to be the perfect choice . the clock have a programmable nap function that be independent from the seven alarm . want to sleep for 20 minute ? set the nap function for 20 and the alarm will go off at the end of the countdown . the clock will remember you 20 minute preference for the next time you want to take a nap . another great feature that I have never see on any other alarm clock be the programmable snooze button . not only can you determine the length of the snooze , but when you alarm go off the number of time you press the button will multiply the length of time before the alarm go off again . say you have snooze set for 10 minute . alarm go off , you do not want to get up and you know you can squeeze in 20 more minute , so you hit the button twice . instead of 10 minute the alarm will go off in 20 . despite these feature , the clock be extremely easy to configure . this be a surprise give that one would expect a 7 day alarm to be even more complicated than other clock . it be the exact opposite . I find it to be the most intuitive alarm clock I have ever use . whereas other alarm have slide bar and button , this clock be primarily control by two dial on the center top . it be amazing that no other company think of this . on the bad side , there be no way to control the lcd brightness and the analog control of the radio be too date for a clock of this price . the sound be average at best . on the positive side , the overall design take up little space and have a nice retro look . contrary to what other have argue , I do not find the lcd that bright at all at night . only a extremely sensitive sleeper be go to have a problem . I find this model to be one of the least bright I have ever see or use . as someone who be self employ , I can not recommend this alarm enough to anyone with a erratic schedule . +195 AlarmClock NEG 1 I really want to like this clock - totally silent , great feature set include the very dim auto lighting and brighter manual light , good volume control , etc. . unfortunately , the clock just stop for minute or hour at a time 1 month -lrb- literally the day I could not return it anymore -rrb- after I buy it . $ 10 waste since I can not count on it be accurate . example - it be run now , and I set it yesterday , but it currently say 9:43 at 9:50 , the other day , it stop for 2 hour and restart , so it be not like there be even a clear pattern . -lrb- yes , it have new battery . -rrb- why oh why do not anyone make a silent , well-lit , adjustable alarm that be quality ? seriously , I would pay $ 50 + for a good one . +914 AlarmClock NEG 2 the snooze and light feature do not work on Darth Vader , no matter how much I push he head . I 'll have to return it for a warranty check . have anyone else have this problem ? Edit : Amazon have be very helpful with the warranty . +608 AlarmClock NEG 1 do not expect this to last more than 1 year . the digital display be so bright that it hurt to look at it if you wake up and want to see the time . but the bottom line , it do not work after about 9 month . I only give it 1 star because I have to . +975 AlarmClock NEG 1 boy ... do I goof !! I think this be a atomic clock . turn out all it do be reset itself from regular time to daylight savings etc. . not what I need . I want one that reset after the power go out ... or if you move it from spot to spot . I really do think it be self setting ... sorry . I would have give he no star if that be a option . how in the world can a `` atomic '' clock be so wrong ! sorry for yell . . but this be beyond ridiculi . it be actually 14 minute fast ... and as mention by someone earlier there be no way to make correction . what a waste . complaint # 2 be that ... if someone need big number so as to see they wothout glass ... it might also follow that they hearing be not as sharp as it once be . the alarm ??? on this thing be not as loud as mant of the bird outside my window each morning . I be hopeful this review will help someone make a different choice when purchase from this company . +143 AlarmClock NEG 1 title say everything . I doubt it will last even a month . very cheap quality . do not deserve even single star . +487 AlarmClock POS 4 its not a big clock , its around 12 inch . the light turn red when you push the head . I really like it . the only thing i didnt like its that the alarm have a very low sound . +685 AlarmClock NEG 1 do not buy as a sleep sound device . it look nice and have dual alarm , but that be about it . the sleep sound be not realistic and be only short little loop . you will be more agitate than relax as you listen to the little short loop over and over . +165 AlarmClock NEU 3 this clock have a backup battery operate clock that keep the time when the regular power be lose . the problem with this backup function be that it do not feed the time to the main clock display and there be no way to tell the time until the regular power be restore . the alarm do function during the power outage , if you have set it . Gotta know the time . +291 AlarmClock POS 5 this be one of the best clock I have purchase . without my glass I can see it from a good distance , number be giant size . if you need a clock I highly recommend this one . +107 AlarmClock NEG 2 I use it in the past half a year and find the time display sometimes jump randomly . it happen 3 or 4 time in past 5 month . if you seriously need a alarm clock to keep you from be late for school or business , try to find another one . +562 AlarmClock POS 4 I think this be a fantastic alarm clock . although it could have be the gental alarm could be a tad louder . the number be large enough to see . otherwise there be nothing wrong with it . i like the tradtional alarm clock styal . I be more impressed with the quality of this clock better then it be t112 counter part . I would love to see more of these make then the other one witch I could do without . i like havee three option of bell & not two . this electronic be pretty to look at also . +610 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a awesome product ! mega alarm power in a very cute clock . I have purchase two so far for both my girl who tend to oversleep . the clock plus the vibrate pillow attachment guarantee that they 'll wake up on time . its easy to use and you can adjust the sound and vibration to you liking . +46 AlarmClock POS 4 nice clock with great big number . set itself automatically . Mine set itsef 3 minute slow and there be absolutely no way to manually correct it . I just mentally add 3 minute when I look at it . technology be great , when it work . +90 AlarmClock NEG 2 I really like the look of the clock , the number , sort of nostalgic , but when I get the clock , it be not the same . it be boring , like a hundred other clock . I have not use it yet , and when -- and if I do before return it , I 'll be able to judge its performance . -lrb- see additional photo . -rrb- +295 AlarmClock NEG 2 the picture of this jukebox alarm clock be a bit misleading . it be somewhat smaller than I expect and look like a cheap novelty toy . but since we decorate one of we guest room as `` the Music Room '' this fit right in . it be battery operate , which be a drawback for a alarm clock if you really depend on wake on time ! it do have provision for battery backup if the main battery die . the song it play be snippet of the original artist and be kinda fun . +734 AlarmClock POS 5 you can not sleep through this alarm . seriously . the feature that Sonic boom include be also really great -lrb- 24 hour option , alarm off button instead of a switch , easy to find snooze -rrb- ; and make this project well worth the purchase price . +251 AlarmClock POS 5 I really like this little clock ! it fold up flat , go anywhere , easy to use and emit a distinct beep sound for the alarm which be loud enough to wake you yet not totally obnoxious . love it ! +867 AlarmClock POS 4 I purchase this clock because I do not need a clock radio . I like the large display and it do not make you jump out of bed when it go off . the only down side be that it come preset with the time . it be one minute off the real time , that be , the time on my cable box and my satelite watch . it annoy I a bit because the time can not be adjust . but it work great and be a good price . so I guess I will put up with it . +302 AlarmClock POS 5 I get this little guy base on the good review . we use it on a 12-day cruise in the UK in which we be horribly jet-lagged with a 8-hour time difference . the clock be small , lightweight , compact , and incredibly easy to use and set ! I love the giant button which light up the number in neon blue . it be very helpful when check the time in the middle of the night . I love that it blink in red when the alarm go off , and that the snooze button be so large . I highly recommend it ! +118 AlarmClock POS 5 my wife be redecorate we bedroom and be look for a nice old fashion clock - we find this one at amazon and she love the line and look and everything about it . we order and it come in no time . I read review criticize the alarm , but I like it a lot . . the face start flash about a minute before the alarm sound , give I a chance to wake up without disturbing my wife , who like to sleep in . very please with this purchase and it be such a cool look clock ! +24 AlarmClock POS 5 these be great little clock . I have use they for over 15 year , and keep buy they 3 or 4 at a time . why ? because sooner or later I will leave my clock in a hotel room somewhere . -lrb- and once a colleague find it and `` sort of fail to return it '' because she like it so much . -rrb- important to I be that it have separate hour and minute setting - I cross a lot of time zone , and reset this clock be as easy as can be . I have try the clock that sense the time zone automatically , which work fine in the US but not at all in most of the rest of the world . this clock be reliable , easy , small , light , durable and cheap . the all-time bargain of the clock world . just great . +489 AlarmClock NEU 3 I really enjoy use this product , and it be a great addition to my Star Wars collection . I do wish it have more feature -lrb- date , timer , etc. -rrb- , but if you be a Star Wars fanatic like I , that should not be a problem . I really be please with this purchase , and seriously recommend it ! I do hope they come out with more product just like this one . +642 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this clock for one of my hard-to-wake-up family member , and just receive it . after put in battery and test it , this be my analysis : pro : compact size , attractive design , good size digital number , hi and low alarm setting -lrb- high be very loud -rrb- , snooze feature , use aa battery . con : a bit hard to set - not intuitive - must hold down the time or alarm button while set time or alarm time , no constant light on the digital number time although dial be light when the snooze button be push . I personally prefer set time and alarm on the dial clock , much easier . I also like have a constant back-light on the time so I can see it in the dark . -lrb- color be silver , not blue as in picture . -rrb- all thing consider , this be a very nice clock . good clock these day be hard to come by . I like this one overall , and be seriously think of get a few more for other family member who need a good `` nudge '' to get up in the morning . +588 AlarmClock POS 5 it be small , simple , wake I up , and do not cost much . just what I be look for . +601 AlarmClock NEG 2 clock be small . keep good time . the problem I do have with this clock be the alarm be not loud enough . the alarm hand be almost as big as the second hand so if you look at it during the night -lrb- and that light be a joke -rrb- you can get confuse . I would say do not waste you money . get a better clock . +657 AlarmClock POS 5 it be so nice when you buy a product for a need use and it be a lot better than you expect !! my wife could not see a small clock at night without she glass -- well , that be not a problem any longer ! this work perfect , look great , easy to operate and doesnt take up too much space . the battery back up use a 9 volt battery be a very nice feature . no , you cant tell time when the power be off , the battery keep time until the power come back on and the clock have the correct time . this be true with all battery back up , the battery CAN NOT power the light display . if you need a really BIG number clock this be it ! i search a long time and there be a lot of smaller number clock out there but no other with 2.5 inch . doesnt sound that big til you see it , WOW . dimmer work great also . do you search , there be bigger display available for 2-3 hundred dollar . this clock at 15.00 -- 20.00 be a real bargain and even have a FULL year warranty . try it , you will like it . +199 AlarmClock NEU 3 I buy two of these about 1 month ago . one be work fine and the other one stop work after 1 week . I try another battery but it do not help . the light no longer work and the time make clunking noise and the alarm do not sound . I be go to try to get a refund or replacement for it . +702 AlarmClock POS 5 this little guy be great , the alram go from low to high with out jump you out of bed ; can set it to see at night and the hand second make no noise . it help I relax know it will do its job so I can go to mine . +998 AlarmClock POS 5 Got 2 of these for my nephew for Christmas . they love they . as of today there have be problem with they . great product that sure make 2 5 year old boy happy . +632 AlarmClock NEU 3 I purchase the Sharper image sound soother ec-b100 to drown out background noise and to help with the ringing in my ear . prior to that I have be use a small room size air purifier to do the job . oh , the purifier still work it be I figure a sound machine would do a better job . now this sound machine have a lot of great feature , sleep to sound or run for as long as you choose . you can wake to a select sound or the beep beep of a alarm . the selection of sound be great , however , I like the rain and the White noise sound . Problem with mine be the volume . if I turn the volume on level `` 1 '' , it be way too quiet and hardly audible . if my wife be watch tv in the other room I could easily hear it . nor do it mask out the ringing in my ear . it do not mask the tv out nor any other background noise . but if I turn the volume to the next setting , `` 2 '' it be way too loud . I could hear it in the other room and be not able to sleep by it . it be like go from Level 1 to Level 5 with no in between . sadly I have no choice but to return it and I 'll just use my purifier or a floor fan in the summer . +329 AlarmClock NEG 1 the universal standard for a clock be reliability . the single aa battery be easily dislodge , stop the clock . although I like the fact that it be analog with a retro style , it be poorly engineer and shoddily manufacture . additionally , it take over six week for delivery . +242 AlarmClock POS 5 good little clock all the way around . very happy with it . the only problem be that it be package poorly and something be rattle on the inside . do not seem to affect the clock . +756 AlarmClock POS 4 the night light be not good enough in the dark , send it back . my previous one of this model with the same dim light work for year . if it have a night light that i could read in the dark it would be great . if you have to put on reading glass to read it , and maybe a lamp , it be not good enough . if you never check the time in the middle of the night so do not need to turn on a lamp , then this be a great travel clock . +156 AlarmClock POS 4 I receive this gift for christmas in 2011 and it have be a lot of fun have around the house . for someone who be a big Dr. who fan I would definitely recommend buy this alarm clock , if for nothing more then to be able to `` exterminate ! '' anyone nearby . I do not use this as anything more then the less practical enjoyment factor as I use a more traditional and trust clock that can reliably get I to work on time . overall the clock have good detail and have a nice handy light that can work in a dark\/semi-dark room . I like the sound that it make however it be limit to only three distinct and repeat noise , the favorite as always be `` exterminate ! '' . if you do need to use this for a practical application then be warn that it will require some patience to learn how to program and maintain the different setting . the clock be make of rather flimsy material and be very light for its size . as I have not have any issue with the sound or use the clock frequently I can not comment on the longevity of the Dalek . suggest if you have a traditional alarm clock or use you cell phone like a lot of people do , then keep both . if you be look for a fun toy or nice night side adornment then look no further . +534 AlarmClock POS 5 I have look everywhere -lrb- include Wal-Mart -rrb- and could not find just a simple travel clock anywhere . this be just what I want - nothing fancy but it do the job I need it to do . +965 AlarmClock POS 4 buy this on Friday 22\/10 and get it on Monday 26\/10 and after only one night I have to share my thought . this product be awesome and live up to the hype . I have no problem with the display as I leave the plastic sheet on , the choice of sound be more than I need . I try a few but I like the chime the best and will stick with that . the sound setting be fine with I . I leave it at the # 1 and that be just fine with I . for those who have complain about the brightness of the display screen or the volume imo they be just nitpicker . I be glad that I buy this product and look forward to many year of use . if you be in the market for this type of alarm Clock\/Sound Machine look no further , this be the best out there . +664 AlarmClock NEG 1 somehow this clock have a different rate than the expect 1h per hour . it run almost 50 % as fast , what make it useless . it would be interesting to see how frequent this problem be . anyone else ? +335 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a handsome product ; a storm trooper clock that be reliable to wake my son up to school everyday . do not have to change battery often ; a bit pricey , but recommend . +432 AlarmClock POS 5 my eight year old son want this for he room . it come in on time . the packaging be in perfect condition . it be easy to use , my son have use it to wake up for school by himself . look great on he night stand . he put it in a different pose everyday . +807 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have this clock for about 2 year , and love it . while it do not have all of the bell and whistle of the more expensive clock , it do what its job , and do it very well . in addition , I have a small problem with my clock , and even though I never send in my warranty card , the company be amazing about help I out , and get I a replacement . I would highly recommend this product . +713 AlarmClock POS 4 this clock have some cool feature . the bell be somewhat loud , but the flash light usually wake I up first . and I love it be look , with a couple of exception . as a designer , I be bother by the transparency of the left side of the clock , especially when my bedside table lamp be illuminate . also , the light for the clock face have a orange-colored hot spot by the ' 3 ' . I be not sure why that be , and if it be all of they or just mine . maybe I be be too picky ... I try to imagine that the original clock have these same defect , and try to love the clock anyway . +264 AlarmClock NEG 2 this be a pretty nifty clock . nothing to bad here - just do not count on the projection - it be very diffieculy to see . +742 AlarmClock POS 4 this little clock only measure 2 '' x 2 '' but it be simplicity make up for the tiny size . the off\/off button be simple to operate -lrb- up for `` on , '' and down for `` off '' -rrb- , the time and alarm be easy to set , and the clock make no noticeable tick sound . the alarm be reasonably loud . I would have like something larger and a bit more robust -lrb- I fumble in the morning -rrb- and be amaze at how difficult it be to find a simple battery operate alarm clock that do nothing but keep the time and wake you up . +350 AlarmClock NEG 1 for a small stereo \/ cd-player , this device be fine . as a alarm clock , it be downright awful . use a cd with the alarm function would have be great if it do not only play the first song on a cd - even the most basic disc-man have a memory function , so why can not this clock ? also , the snooze be for 5 minute interval - as a lifelong and hardcore snooze-button user , this be just obnoxious . I need the standard 9-minute snooze , but learn that fact the hard way . the worst thing about this clock , though , be that it could not even keep correct time ! Mine would lose over a minute a day , so that by the end of the week it be 10 minute behind my other clock . do not bother with this one - either pay a little more for something a little better , or use you cell phone -lrb- like I have have to resort to -rrb- . +456 AlarmClock NEG 1 horrible deal with this store . I receive the wrong item , correct item list on packing slip . however , wrong item send . +924 AlarmClock POS 5 I be very pleased with my purchase . I love the dual alarm and the choice of soothing sound . the design be very functional , as it fit on my nightstand . great product for the money . fast delivery from Amazon . +792 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock replace we last alarm which fall victim to a overly angry press of the snooze button . my wife have be use it for a week now with no complaint . the initial setup be incredibly easy . after hold setup , you use the dial to input you setting . a fast turn of the dial increase the time in 10 or 30 minute increment ; a slow one nudge the minute along . I never realize how handy it be to have a 7-day alarm schedule - especially where I like to sleep in on weekend and have to be up early on monday . it be worth note , however , that if on a certain Wednesday you take a day off -lrb- and change the wake-up time -rrb- you would have a entire week to forget that you would do so . finally , it would useful if the manufacturer would better secure the holder for the -lrb- backup -rrb- battery . still , I be as enthusiastic as one could be about a alarm clock . +931 AlarmClock NEG 1 they show 2 different picture online . I do not get the clock I think I be get . I think the back light up . +468 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be so cool ! I love the nature sound to get I to sleep . this clock be not portable but it be for desk , nightstand , etc. . if you want to get a clock for home this be thee clock to get ! +971 AlarmClock POS 4 when not light , the clock readout be a little difficult to read . you can adjust the angle of the base to make it easier , so that be a plus . the alarm be loud - I be a pretty sound sleeper and this little clock get I up . I like that it fold up , fit easily in luggage or carry-on . +495 AlarmClock NEU 3 bought we second one of these chinese product . First be and be excellent . this one look great , and be a bit larger , with easier to read number . that be the good news ; the bad news be that it run slow , and the night-time glowing dial do not glow . really piss I off . way too much trouble to return . for week after the first Elgin purchase , I rave that the chinese finally get american quality production right . no such luck ! Elgin 3514E Bedside Alarm clock +463 AlarmClock POS 4 this Elgin clock seem to be well make and I be very satisfied with it be performance . it be advertise as take one c battery for operation , but in fact it take three aa battery . I can not attest to battery life as I have only own it a short while . I do like the quiet operation . +621 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a very neat product from lego since i be a fan of the star war series . I especially like ease of set up set up , very user friendly . the number on the clock be large and bold which make tell the time easy . however , the clock only use a standard alarm tone , I be hope for something star war theme . overall it be a great product for star war and lego fan alike . +110 AlarmClock NEG 2 First of all it be a cordless and very light clock which some people may find useful . its more like something you can travel with vs something you would use in you bedroom . I guess i miss the cordless part in description . because it be cordless the background light do not stay on and at night you can not see the time unless you press on snooze and the light only appear for a few seconds . unless you press on snooze there be no background light and you cant see a thing on this clock . I prefer alarm with background light so it stay on through the day and night and i do not have to press on anything to see the time . secondly , its be over 24 hour and the clock still do not synchronize with time zone and i will have to set it up manually now . it be low price alarm clock and you get what you pay for . I would go for a more expensive alarm of the same brand as they be much better and more solid clock with backup battery install in case the electricity go off and etc. . +154 AlarmClock POS 5 we love we Neverlate - in fact , we have two in the house ! the radio sound really good in comparison to most alarm clock , and obviously be able to set a different alarm time for each day of the week be pretty cool . this clock be a great idea , and work very well . +93 AlarmClock POS 4 the alarm clock be very good . it be not obnoxiously loud , which I like . not only do it beep , but the light also flash . my only dislike be that the SNOOZE be not very long . it be only 4 minute . I would prefer more time than that . but it do get I out of bed . it small and portable , so I bring it with I when I travel because of the convenience . it seem to be a good product . +357 AlarmClock POS 5 I do not buy this for the alarm and I have not try it so I can not include that as part of my review . my sole purpose for buy this be for the large display as a clock . I have a very large living room and I can now see what time it be from any part of the room . as a clock it be fantastic ! +50 AlarmClock POS 5 I just receive this clock , and I love it . I be a little skeptical about whether the light would wake I up -lrb- I be a heavy sleeper -rrb- , but as soon as they start flash , I wake up . the bell sound be also pretty loud , so I think it would be a good back-up . I definately recommend this clock . +929 AlarmClock NEG 1 I purchase this about two month ago , and it be a great alarm clock until recently . the speaker go out and can not be replace , and of course the seller will not do returns\/exchanges after the initial 30-day period , even though the merchandise be defective . it be a great alarm clock , especially for someone like I who have trouble wake up in the morning . I definitely would not have pay this much for it if I have know it would barely last two month ! +547 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this radio as a Christmas present for a office mate . I want something small and not too expensive since in a office building thing can disapear . the reception in the building be ususaly not so good and that be a concern . three month later I be happy to report that this one work fine . we have have no problem with the radio or the CD player . +448 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this clock for my son as a pre-kindergarten present . he love it . the only downside I have find be that the clock make a annoying `` beep '' when you press the head to illuminate the clock at night . otherwise , great product . +1 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this for my husband 's birthday . he have trouble sleep at time . he love the sound and be snore in a matter moment . +35 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this clock . it be just the right size for my desk . it have a easy to read face and I like the second hand . I would highly recommend this clock . it be perfect for a desk or bed side table . +424 AlarmClock NEG 1 I see this radio at target and think it look really cool . I like the old-fashioned styling and the blue display . unfortunately , I quickly find two major problem with this . as someone state earlier , the display be too bright-it light up my room like a full moon and there seem to be no way to turn it down . the second major problem be that the volume dial do not turn smoothly , rather it be notch in such a way that there really be no way to control the volume . on the unit I have , either the volume be down all the way , okay at the first notch , and way too loud on the second notch . I like the nature sound , but the bird sound be rather silly because they sound like snippet from a dozen different habitat and be distract . the flowing water sound nice , though . tuning be interesting because the frequency be in 0.05 increment . so , to go from 90.5 to 90.7 , you have to push the up button four time instead of just once . while this be not a issue to go up one frequency , it be annoy to go up 5 or 10 . lastly , the speaker poop out on the second night . so , the radio be absolutely useless at this point . the radio be nice look and a little retro , but unfortunately , there be just too many design problem that make it a waste of money and time . it be go back to target first thing Saturday morning . +100 AlarmClock POS 5 when shopping for a alarm clock it be important to understand the difference between a alarm clock and a clock radio . the Neverlate be a Alarm clock - the main function of this device be to tell the time and wake you up . it be not intend to be you primary radio , so please do not purchase this clock if you want a great radio with a digital tuner . but , if you want a good radio that do it be primary job very well , then I highly recommend this alarm clock . I really like be able to set a different alarm time for each day of the week . also , the radio sound good , and the clock be easy to read . I do not find the clock display too bright at all -lrb- as one reviewer do -rrb- , and I like the cool industrial design . two additional feature that might interest some people : -lrb- 1 -rrb- there be a nap feature that allow you to quickly set the clock for a short time when you take a nap , and -lrb- 2 -rrb- there be a sleep feature that turn off the radio after a set amount of time . this be a great clock that do its job very well . +450 AlarmClock NEG 1 look at the picture , it seem that the number would be visible at night . they be not and that be the whole point for my daughter to have a clock - so she would not get up at 5 be - she can look at the clock and see that the first number be not a 7 , so do not get up ... however , for she to view the number in the dark , she have to push down on the clock for the light to come on and it only stay on as long as she be push on it . the Dora be already detatch from the base , the screw come up from the bottom and I would have to take the clock apart to try to screw it back in ... not a good value ! junk !! +571 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a very nice little clock for the money . the setting button be clear and easy to use . the alarm be perfectly adequate for I . my only problem be that the back light be not sufficient to see the time at night . +168 AlarmClock POS 5 I have own two of these for year , they have take a lot of abuse -lrb- we have two small boy -rrb- and still work great . yes , the alarm setting can be off by a bit , but consistently by the same amount . so once you figure out by how much , you can easily make the correct adjustment . a small inconvenience in my opinion , consider the cost and overall quality - they do keep the time accurately . also , a nice snooze and crescendo feature , not too annoying but loud enough . all in all , a great value . Update 1\/09 Change of feature : I just get another one , and notice they no longer have the snooze and crescendo feature . will see if the reliability be the same as before . +717 AlarmClock POS 5 my 17 year old daughter be invite to attend she last two year of high school away from home . she be incredibly smart and we just could not pass up the opportunity for she . the only problem be , be away from home and have nobody to make she get up , she be constantly oversleep ! we shop for all sort of alarm clock for she , always buy the one that be advertise as be the loudest . after she second detention for miss class and\/or be tardy I decide I have to find something that actually would wake she up . well , I find it . she have now have this alarm clock for a little over a month and have not oversleep once !! she say the first couple of day it scare she half to death , but this be not one of those alarm that just buzz and she never hear . she put the part that vibrate under she pillow because put it under the mattress be not a option with the way the dorm bed be construct . I highly recommend this product to anyone who have a child like mine who do not hear traditional alarm clock !! one less worry for I as a mother have a child live away from home . +875 AlarmClock NEU 3 this replace a old Westclox travel clock that serve I well for many year , so I be familiar with the control . the clock fold up nicely for storage and be easy to set . I be a therapist and need a portable clock to time session , so it need to be quickly readable from a few foot away . this clock be not as readable as I would prefer -lrb- I wish the numeral be a little bigger and the contrast a little higher -rrb- , but it seem better than other digital travel alarm . next time , maybe I 'll try a battery-powered analog clock . +396 AlarmClock NEG 2 love how this clock look . but it do not keep time ... every week or so its behind twenty minute so I would not use it for alarm purpose . I be consider rebuy another one hope that one will keep time because I be attach to how it look in my little girl nursery . and yes , I have change the battery many time to no avail . +550 AlarmClock POS 4 great clock : good look , easy to set , easy read . one disappointment : it work from power line , not battery - battery be only to preserve setting while power be off . after think a bit it be understandable why it be so : display be big and therefore energy consuming . +893 AlarmClock NEG 2 receive the Westclox Travelmate today , and just print the return label . the face light do not illuminate ; AM\/PM do not appear on the face ; the alarm be barely discernable , and yes ... my hearing be excellent . cheap , cheap , cheap . the designer need to go back to the draw board . +927 AlarmClock POS 5 after purchase a ugly Sonic bomb alarm for myself and have great result -lrb- finally ! -rrb- get up for work on time , my 16-year-old daughter-also a very heavy sleeper-requested one . further search turn up the same alarm in way better clothing . now we both be jolt from sound sleep , out of bed , and be leave the house on time . if you want to get to class on time or keep you job , I highly recommend both of these alarm . they do not have multiple you-tube video for nothing ! +553 AlarmClock POS 4 I really like the idea of this clock , it be super cute ! and I love how you could move the leg and arm ! very unique ! the only con I find from this product be the alarm sound be not too loud , deep sleeper would not get waken by it . a cute suggestion would make the alarm louder , and maybe make the alarm the StarWars theme song ! +973 AlarmClock POS 5 i be a heavy sleeper and work 2 job so every alarm clock i have buy i couldnt hear ... they either chirp or the alarm be very soft and i couldnt hear they to wake for work . so i be always try not to sleep to heavily when i do get to sleep which eventually start make I pretty miserable from lack of sleep ... until i find this alarm clock the sonic boom now i can fall asleep and this clock wake I right up its loud and the vibrate help alot as well . very good product !!!!! very good investment !!!!! +138 AlarmClock POS 5 exeptionally readable digit , easily see across the room even with poor eyesight . gigantic snooze button that can not be confuse with another button . two-position display brightness : very bright or moderately dim . the perfect alarm clock . warning : I be refer to Equity 's previous model 30037 that have better control , include a dimmer switch ; it use a 9v backup battery . the current model 30037 have poorer control and no dimmer switch ; it use a 1.5 v backup battery . +409 AlarmClock POS 4 this foldable alarm clock run on 2 aaa battery , and include a light dial , snooze alarm , and 15-minute increment nap timer . it be easy to set and work like a charm . the 15-minute nap timer be programmable for up to several hour , and come in very handy for those `` power nap '' or longer snooze when you need to wake up , but do not want to set the alarm . my previous unit last for over three year of daily use and go on many airline trip and camping trip with I without a problem . the lcd display go out this summer , during a damp camping trip , but for less than $ 9 I be able to replace it . I be expect a good three year from the new one as well . I highly recommend this little travel clock . +471 AlarmClock POS 5 outstanding selection of sound . volume level be perfect . the back light option be a plus . the benefit of the clock reset due to power outage be wonderful . clock also reset itself at time change . a + + + + + +689 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this for travel as well as for it to be a back-up for a corded alarm clock in case there be a power outage . it be light and cordless , make it great for travel but the alarm be so weak it fail to be hear across a quiet bedroom . not much of a ` alarm ' clock if it can not do that task ! another cheap product make in China ! thanks , Timex ... +982 AlarmClock POS 5 this be a great little clock . I use as a back up in case the power go out in my area and my main clock go dark , this one have save I more than once . it be so easy to set the time , and alarm exactly on schedule . it be travel size too . +896 AlarmClock POS 5 I search the web for day and day until I could find this item . want a clock that would not talk to I , shine on the ceiling , or have `` bell and whistle ! '' just a good clock , with large , readable number for those of we get up in year , and need bigger digit ! the item arrive in a timely fashion , and my husband and I be very happy with this purchase . +63 AlarmClock NEG 2 I do a lot of research on Amazon by read review before I buy this clock . I feel mislead by all the five star review this clock get . it be cheaply make , the battery cover seem like it would break easily . I work ok but the light be way to dim to read the clock at night . a disappointment and not worth eight dollar . +510 AlarmClock POS 4 I have own this clock for about three year now and I love it . I be actually look for one for my boyfriend -lrb- who love it too -rrb- when I come across all these negative reveiw . now I be a light sleeper and even the quietest alarm would shock I awake . that be the main reason that I buy this clock in the first place . the radio break within the first few month and I find the buzzer too loud for I so I be force to leave it on the silent setting . I be really worry that this would not wake I up so I also choose to use the flash at wake up option . even if I have only have a couple of hour of sleep , the flash light wake I up everytime . grant , I be a light sleeper so it do not take much for I to get up , however my boyfriend have to set up what we call the `` alarm minefield '' to get up in the morning and I be suprise that this clock wake he up . I do have to agree that the display be quite bright , so I read the manual and you can dim the display by hold down the Demo and Snooze button at the same time . overall , this have a great size that make it easy to take with I when I travel -lrb- which I do quite often -rrb- . this clock have so many option that you can really fine tune it in order to find out what work best for you . I have recommend this clock to many people and they love theirs as well . +615 AlarmClock POS 5 the sound be very realistic -lrb- unfortunately that include the fog horn -rrb- . it be nice to wake up to bird or read before bed listen to the rain when it be nice out . my only dislike be that the screen be bright even when you have it turn all the way down . +996 AlarmClock POS 5 after read many review of atomic radio control clock , I pick this one . so far , it do everything right . great display , easy to set up , easy to set alarm . the solar cell be a very clever feature ; should maintain the battery for a very long time . +531 AlarmClock NEG 2 i didnt pay attention to the review ... actually i ignore they because i want this clock sooooooo badly . unfortunately , this replica be really , really cheap . i get it in the mail and open it up . china . cheap . plastic . nonetheless , i dig the look and can work with that ... check the alarm ... the ` light ' aspect of the alarm work , but the bell doesnt at all which be a no-go for I . suck , i really want to have it in proper work order , save you money here . two star because amazon rock and return it be easy ... beyond that ... you have be warn !!!! +277 AlarmClock POS 5 original review 2007 : what a great surprise ! I order this simply to have a clock in the bedroom that could be read in the dark without glass ... and that be exactly what I get , but much much more ! I plug this guy in and it show the correct time ! check the instruction pamphlet -lrb- actually print large enough to read ! -rrb- and find that this clock will automatically keep up with the correct time and automatically reset for change to daylight savings and back ! this be great for I because we have a lot of clock and get they all change twice a year be a real chore ... especially the one that require two button push at once or whatever . I have be buy expensive atomic clock simply to get rid of this problem , but this one be MUCH better than a atomic , where you have to diddle with get good reception and then wait while it update ... sometimes overnight ! this little guy be program for all time zone , just flip a well label switch on the back to select yours ... not a menu , a good old switch that you just have to change one time ! what a great invention ... I hope all clock will adopt this system . no worry about power outage , no problem if you be move ... just unplug it and plug it in at you new location ... it keep time while it be unplugged ! and as far as be readable in the dark , the number be so big it be almost scarey when you look at it at night ... 10 star ! I 'll get back with a update if I discover any problem or failure . update after one year of use . 1 . this clock have never fail to show the correct time and have never fail to alarm properly , even in my rural area where power blip be a norm . 2 . one reviewer say there be no way to change the time if it be wrong ... that be INCORRECT ! 3 . one reviewer can not figure how the clock know what time it be ... well obviously it be set initially in the factory ... but probably the reviewer be just joking . it be set up and maintain its setting with a small battery which be rate `` up to 5 year '' durability . 4 . another reviewer pull the battery and say this ruin he clock ... can not imagine why he would pull the battery in the first place , but I do know there be instruction for do this . do note that the clock itself be the plug-in type ... it only use the battery to power the memory\/setup chip . after a year of use , this be still my favorite clock and I get mad every time I have to change battery on my atomic clock because they be such a hassle and I pay over twice as much for they . this be the one to buy . I be look for Chaney to come out with one that can show I the outdoor temperature as well and I 'll scrap all my junky atomic . +536 AlarmClock NEG 2 I expect the projection feature to be a bit better ... it be hard to see in term of brightness and size . also , I do not know if it be standard in these clock , but you can not change the direction of the projection , so that the projection can be upside-down or side-ways depend on where the clock be positioned relative to the bed . I have to put my clock away from the bed -lrb- too snooze happy -rrb- and so the projection be upside-down . sure , I can just look at the clock , but the projection thing seem kind of fun . also , I be a bit surprised at the size of the clock ... very bulky . +752 AlarmClock POS 5 best , easiest clock ever . do not know what be up with the other review -- I buy mine for use overseas , and have not change the battery in over a year . keep perfect time , be basically idiot proof to set , and wake I up even when I stuff it under my pillow after snooze # 1 . my 4 yr old use it for a flashlight and play hockey with it -- and it be still perfect after 2 year . and it be battery op , so it work when the power go out . yes , the tripod design can be knock over , but so can my water glass , and when that happen , i be glad my clock be not plug in ! this really be a great little clock , and i be on today because i be buy 2 more to give as christmas gift . +246 AlarmClock POS 5 this fantastic little machine provide 20 different relaxing sound that help you fall asleep quickly . you can feel like you be lie on a beach , under a gentle rainfall , a quiet summer night of cricket chirp , and many more ! it have a large digital display clock and 2 alarm and a volume control for the sound . it be small and attractive and my new bestest little buddy !!! +688 AlarmClock POS 5 a great little clock with a vintage look , perfect for a small shelf in my country french room . good time , alarm great . very happy with clock ! +506 AlarmClock POS 4 I give this item to my 7 year old nephew for Christmas so have no personal experience with it . he , however , be super happy !!! no complaint so far . I have to say that the size be a real plus - not huge but big enough to impress ! +398 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my husband for we anniversary . he have a old alarm clock that be hard to set . this one be great . simple to use , to set , to play , everything be marked very clearly . I get up half a hour earlier than he do , so it be fantastic to have a dual alarm . we wake up to a cd . it also sound great ! we can listen to we CD 's without have a extra CD player take up room . I have have no problem with it at all !! +161 AlarmClock POS 5 really great item that my neighbor tell I about as she have one that she have be use for over 10 year . my husband and I have trouble go to sleep and Ruby -lrb- we neighbor -rrb- tell I about she sound machine so I have to look it up . I find it on Amazon better and cheaper than anyone else have and mine have more feature than Ruby 's so she have decide that she be go to get one like ours . you can not go wrong with this machine as it have 20 sound , 2 alarm and a clock but it be not a BIG item so it do not take up too much room on you night table +947 AlarmClock NEU 3 the price be good . however , the back light be very dim . the time be difficult to read in the dark . I purchase for use as a bedside clock . +413 AlarmClock POS 5 I 'll leave it to the exist review to describe the nice design ; what I do want to add be that this alarm have serve I well for nearly 3 year now with no problem . it keep good time and do not need frequent battery replacement , and change the alarm time , etc be relatively painless for a digital clock -- the button be easy to use . snooze be big and convenient . I have drop it a couple time and it be survive fine . +457 AlarmClock POS 5 we live in a large condominium in so . ca . and the lay back atmoshpere of the daytime can soon become a beehive of activity at night . I like to sleep with we window open to enjoy we cool ocean breeze at night . needless to say , along with the cool breeze come the cool pool party and patio gala . my husband buy I this sound soother to help block out the late evening noise on the weekend . we love it and now sleep with it on every night . have work through most of the sound , they be very authentic and natural . one thing I would have like to have have would be a light control area on the top of the unit . turn the volume up and down , change the sound pattern , or even just set the alarm require turn on a light in the room to do . also have a time projection on the wall or ceiling would be terrific . every bedroom across America should have this machine ... baby too ! +963 AlarmClock POS 4 so far , I love my clock ... except one thing . there be no volume control available for the nature sound . if you do not want to be blast by the sound of pound wave , excited bird or a babble brook , you have to put the clock on the other side of the room and can not have it close to you head . I would prefer the volumn to be lower and adjustable . other than that , it have great feature for the cost ... . +80 AlarmClock NEU 3 pro : it do what it say . the display be nice and crisp . con : choose different option in different mode in awkward . when it start it always go to the menu rather than clock or photo view . you can not pause the photo slide show and keep listen to music . +247 AlarmClock POS 4 I would be look for a small alarm clock that do not appear to have be design in 1983 . pro : small , cool design , several smart feature , include `` alarm check '' which let you easily check if you alarm be set properly . good alarm volume . con : no brightness setting . a little too easy to accidentally snooze -- `` off '' be right next to `` snooze . '' design be a little bit more `` dorky '' than cool . 7-day setting can be annoying to set up at first , especially if you do not need different time every day . no big deal , though . I like it . +326 AlarmClock POS 5 my husband be a huge sw fan who receive this for he birthday . he be thrilled ! great look toy , with the bonus of be a clock\/mp3 player\/etc . good stuff ! +338 AlarmClock POS 5 this be such a attractive clock . number shine bright in a variety of color . it get my pre teen up . amazing . she try to beat the alarm . haha !! Works great !! wonderful gift idea . +43 AlarmClock NEU 3 I work at Kmart ... and I think about buy this clock for my son for christmas , we sell it for $ 20 ... . I choose not to , because it only work with battery ... ... now I see it on here for $ 60 ???????????? weird +728 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be excellent for a bare bone digital clock . when I first plug it in , the time be less than one second off atomic time . I have plug and unplug the clock many time the past 6 month and the time be now about 26 seconds faster than actual time . the time and calendar can be manually adjust -- read the manual . the Daylight Saving Time can be disabled for portion of the U.S. which do not observe DST . the DST setting can be set to the new DST rule or old DST rule in the unlikely event Congress decide to go back to the old rule . by default , the clock be set to the new DST rule . in case of power failure , the display will turn off , but the clock will still run and the alarm will sound if the alarm be activate . the clock use 4 lr44 battery as backup . the manual say the battery last 3 year before need replacement . when change the battery , leave the clock plug in . this way , you will not need to manually reset the time and calendar . the downside to this clock be the blinking colon '' : '' and the display be bright . there be no dimmer switch . +556 AlarmClock POS 4 after read the mostly good review for this clock , I go ahead and order it . I be surprise to see it be not anywhere near as large as two VHS tape like one reviewer mention . it actually measure 5-1\/2 '' wide , 3 '' tall and 2 '' deep . it be very lightweight . the one feature that sell I be the configuration of the control . there be a single snooze\/light bar on the top - very simple , nothing else to press or grab accidentally while half asleep - and all the programming button be in the front . only the alarm on\/off switch be located in the back . you have the display option of 12\/24-hour time and fahrenheit\/celsius temperature . the atomic feature be fussy during setup but the bedroom 's location have also be problematic with two previous clock -lrb- a Oregon Scientific and a skyscan -rrb- . I now know to take atomic clock into the kitchen where there be better reception in order to do a initial setup and re-synch twice a year for DST . set up the alarm be fairly intuitive and easy to do -lrb- press mode\/set once and use the up\/down button for the hour , Mode\/Set again , then up\/down button for the minute -rrb- . I be a heavy sleeper but the alarm be loud enough to wake I up . the beeping be polite and not harsh at all . it start out slowly and begin to beep faster the more you delay . from a personal preference , I would have like a blue backlight instead of orange . tap the snooze\/light bar illuminate the display for approximately 3 seconds , which be not long enough if you be try to set the alarm in the dark . I also would have like the time digit to be larger - they be about 3\/4 '' tall . 1\/3rd of the bottom of the display be take up by the date , day and temperature -lrb- about 5\/16 '' tall -rrb- . all in all , for the 6 month I have have this alarm clock I have be happy with it . I have not drop it yet so can not speak to its durability . it do feel cheaply make but if it be anything like a Timex wristwatch , it 'll hopefully take a lickin ' and keep on tickin ' for a few year . +4 AlarmClock NEG 2 unfortunately I be not very pleased with the alarm clock . the ocean sound more like static than a real ocean . also the alarm clock do not look as cute as I imagine it would -lrb- base on the picture -rrb- . the face of the clock actually look as if the alarm clock have be use before because it have a few scratch . on the upside ... it work . +921 AlarmClock NEG 2 Didnot keep this clock , be not what I want ... cheap clock with too many knob for my taste ... +444 AlarmClock POS 5 this atomic solar power clock only need to be adjust once for you time zone . Daylight savings time adjust automatically . clock that depend on electricity and battery be cumbersome because of frequent power surge . the indoor temperature be a nice addition . I do not use the alarm feature . I be delighted know the date , day , and have the exact time to rely on . +981 AlarmClock POS 4 overall it be a quality sound machine with 20 different sound ! everyone should enjoy several different soothing sound . I be partial to rain , surfside , thunderstorm , and several other . there be a draw back , that be some of the sound loop be too short and keep I awake untl I find one I really like . another good feature be that the sound be continuous , which help I fall asleep ! it be also a dual alarm machine . +354 AlarmClock NEG 1 the alarm function on the new cd alarm clock which I receive do not function . that be the entire purpose of the purchase . +899 AlarmClock NEG 1 it be so small it do not bother I at all . if light really really bother you this may work . it be a lot of money for very little product . I now have a biobrite with white noise . I wish the BioBrite have a radio instead of a beep backup , but I be not asleep by then anyway since the light have wake I up . +490 AlarmClock NEG 2 I get this and it be light but it do not a feature to leave the light turn on . I find that this be not helpful . also , it look like you can not see AM or PM when you set the alarm . that definitely do not help . +179 AlarmClock POS 5 I use to dread wake up in the morning the terrifying noise of my cellphone , now I have a 30 minute buffer . when I wake up to the light I can get right up , or lie in bed until the audio alarm sound . the nap and sunset function be also very useful . to be sure , this thing be not perfectly design -lrb- I put low tack duct tape over the green led display and the radio be cheap -rrb- but it be pro far outweigh any of this . personally , this be more than enough light to wake I up -lrb- usually within 10 minute of a 30 min cycle -rrb- ... but maybe you be one of those people that can sleep through anything . +795 AlarmClock NEG 1 I would not recommend this toy at all i be so disappointed ! 1 . this alarm clock be battery power only ! 2 . light weight plastic and cheaply make unlike the remote control Daleks 3 . projection light very dim unless its completely dark 4 . sound work 3 then stop I give this as a gift set it all up test it and then set the alarm for my friend to find they gift , to my shock the light go off but no sound talk about a fail Christmas gift . I send it back for a full refund do not buy this i think it look so cool and i love Doctor who but this product be such a let down +961 AlarmClock POS 4 I have a 7 year old son who want this alarm clock for Christmas . I be able to find one here on Amazon while all local store have sell out . my son be so excited and have use it every school morning to wake himself up . he say he be give I a few extra minute to get ready in the morning . a good product to teach responsibility !! +839 AlarmClock POS 5 it be high quality and very easy to set . people complain about it be too bright but I buy it for my boyfriend who like he room pitch black , and he say it do not bother he at all . it be silent and attractive and I be very pleased . +663 AlarmClock POS 5 I have one on each side of we bed and we coordinate the sound . usually , it be north Woods , which sound great with we southern suburb when we crack the window . sometimes we use thunderstorm and rain . I give one to my son this year for he birthday and this most recent purchase from Amazon -lrb- a amazing price -rrb- be for the guest room . so , if one of we can not sleep or have to get up and sleep in the guest room we can still be comfort with we sound machine . the only draw back be the bright light . I simply turn the clock face down . Problem solve . we use the beeper for a alarm and that work great because we leave the north Woods sound on all night . I even use it if I take a nap in the afternoon turn on the North Woods - zap ! I be out . Pavlov training I guess . you can check out all 20 sound at Sharper image . 10-16-11 Update : one of the best feature be the battery backup . believe I when I tell you that when the power go out , this be the one clock in the house that still tell time and at which time I appreciate the bright back light as it almost light up the room . we still use the North Woods -lrb- cricket sound and night sound -rrb- and with we window open at night the North Woods sound combine with we Southern Suburbs sound and its like surround sound . wonderful . we have be on a couple of trip and I have just unplugged my radio and plug in on my side of bed in motel and we get to sleep easily . the time never skip a beat . 6-18-12 Update : I have add Brookstone Tranquil Moments Sound therapy system with the sound of rain , which be far superior to Sharper image , along with sharper image north Woods . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! sound to sleep by . incredible . purchase at another site for $ 57 and free shipping . Brookstone be also very bright ; I cover it with two dark purple wash clothes behind a plant . +675 AlarmClock POS 4 leave my previous travel-size alarm clock in Paris and go through a couple different one -lrb- slight more expensive -rrb- before I get this guy . I be very satisfied . it be very compact -lrb- travel + + + -rrb- , cheap -lrb- always a + -rrb- , and pretty simple . everything have dedicate control . my only issue be the same `` feel '' of the display and alarm on\/off control , so I have miss alarm occasionally because I simply slide the wrong slider -lrb- display control instead of set the alarm slider to ON -rrb- . still like it a lot after about six month . +167 AlarmClock POS 4 there be just two thing wrong with this product : the display be very small and very bright . if you be nearsighted , the .5 inch tall number be difficult to see during those groggy middle of the night time check . also , if you be use to a very dark room -lrb- I mean you be so light sensitive that you find the blue and green number display on most clock too bright so you have resort to the red -rrb- , this clock be go to annoy you . the number be dark against the light window , and 2.75 inch by .75 inch of glowing green inch from you head will disturb the most light-sensitive sleeper out there . other than that , the thing be perfect -- easy to set and use , and the radio be surprisingly good . I like the retro-industrial knob and dial , but I guess I be go to have to get that lasik surgery after all ... +308 AlarmClock POS 5 my wife have cataract , but with the large letter she can see the time from all across the room , and so far it have keep time perfectly +465 AlarmClock POS 5 do I receive a update version since the previous comment . . hmm . I must have . First of all , I love this product and here 's why : -lrb- I be listen to Rainforest as I write this , and I be in heaven -rrb- there be a volume range you can adjust for the sound from from 1 - 8 range . I only need to set mine at 2 for a audible , yet gentle and clear sound in my bedroom . this machine can be use in a small room to a large , spacious room with the range capability . you can adjust the backlight brightness on the display to 3 setting : hus , Med , or Lo there be also a Daylight Savings Time button on the back that can be activate . the 20 different sound to choose from be generous compare to other nature sound product . the sound be clear with combined layer of soft background to up front stronger sound - very accurate and realistic you can set a timer for sound if you choose and the sound will automatically stop at the end of the time . two separate alarm setting -lrb- can choose a sound or a beep alarm -rrb- the price be very , very affordable ! product be lightweight and sturdy , compact to fit gracefully on a small bedstand , sleek and well balanced . to parent with newborn : there be a heartbeat sound ! what more can I say ... sharper image produce another quality product . I previously have a expensive wooden chime alarm clock , and when the chime begin to sound like a low clunk after two year , it become almost worthless , except for the digital clock image , so live and learn ! I be jubliant and satisfied that I find a even better product with so many feature and sound option ... +272 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock quit work for I after 2 week of use . and the gradual wake thing never work right . +121 AlarmClock POS 4 the clock be so cheap and very useful and reliable . the back light be really helpful at night . the thermometer come it handy to temperature control . +181 AlarmClock NEG 2 I get this clock last week . I need a quiet clock for my bed headboard and this sound like it . I be also interested in one that be dark till you push a button to illuminate it . this be suppose to fit the bill but do not . the thing arrive in perfect packaging and look fine -lrb- no damage -rrb- I add a battery and see that it start run -lrb- sweeping second hand -rrb- . so then I try the light and there be nothing . I notice that the switch on back could be set to utilize the light sensor on top so I try that . still nothing . then I notice that the clock stop run . a light tap cause it to start run again . I open the battery compartment and rotate the battery a few time , in hope that would clean off some of the contact oxidation . it seem to do the job . I would have return this thing but it seem to keep pretty good time so I be test its accuracy to see if it will make a good desk clock for work . if that play out , I do not need the light function there so I 'll just use it as be . +533 AlarmClock POS 5 we have four kid , the oldest be 4 yo , so sound machine be common in my house . here 's how I would rank the one we use currently : 1 . sharper image ec-b100 -lrb- ~ $ 40 -rrb- . pro : 20 sound , by far the best for low -lrb- bass sound -rrb- , ac power . con : Big , expensive . 2 . White Noise app for iphone\/ipod -lrb- Free for Lite version -rrb- . pro : sound ok , cheap . con : only 10 sound , need smartphone , need to be charge or plug in . 3 . Sleep Aid app for iphone\/ipod -lrb- $ 0.99 -rrb- . pro : sound ok , cheap . con : only a few sound , need smartphone , need to be charge or plug in . 4 . Conair SU7 Sound therapy and relaxation clock radio pro : good value , compact unit , ac power . con : sound fair compare with app , terrible when compare with sharper image , only 10 sound . - recommendation - it be not cheap but it be a really good sound machine . if you be look for a physical machine and want value , go with the Conair ; otherwise , spend the extra money and get this . - SPECIAL note if you have kid - we do not use any of these for the alarm clock feature . if you be use this for kid , I highly recommend this american innovative teach I Time ! talk Alarm clock and nightlight +631 AlarmClock POS 5 I be buy a replacement that I have for 15 year . it still work but the light go off . I never think they be still make it . I try recently 2 other brand that do not make it 1 month pay around $ 25 . I give up , I be still use my old westclck until today when I find this one on Amazon . +145 AlarmClock NEU 3 this clock work for I because I have poor vision it be larger than most small portble alarm and it have black number on white . because I be a insomniac I like a clock close to I by my pillow . I like the brightness of the face and the fact that it have a good light by tap on top . however if you want a clock that keep good time this be not it . it lose about 5 minute during the day average and 10 at night , probably because I tap the light at least once . the exact time do not matter that much to I in those circumstance because its easy to just turn the time knob in back and reset it . +280 AlarmClock NEG 2 this clock break in less than 6 month , most likely because I use it everyday and do a lot of snooze . it be small so do not take up much space on the night table or suitcase . if it be sturdier it would get more star . +696 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this for my fiance as he be a big fan of Doctor who ; myself , I be a fan , but the sound of a Dalek be the last thing I would want to wake up to . this last fact be what make this so great . this underground Toys Doctor who Dalek Projector Alarm clock be so loud , I nearly have a heart attack the first time it go off in the morning . furthermore , it have no easily-found `` off '' button for the alarm feature ; press down on it only make it snooze . thankfully , I find that the DEMO button be the `` off '' button for the alarm , so I do not have to resort to pull the battery . the clock also project brightly on the ceiling when the Dalek 's top be push down -- very handy . as a Doctor who fan , I appreciate the detail of this toy and the high-quality sound effect . as a person who often want to sleep through the alarm in the morning and often succeed , the sheer volume of the alarm feature make this great . just make sure you be in good health because , as a fit person in she 20 , this dalek almost `` exterminate '' - d I . 5 star for the fantastic quality and the fact that after much use there have be no issue with sound or projection feature . +250 AlarmClock POS 5 this replace the clock radio we have have since the 90 's . we never listen or wake up to music because my husband need a `` bomb '' to get he out of bed . for some reason , he hear the `` click '' which be very faint , and it start ... very low at first , increase in volume if he do not turn it off . the dual alarm be great and easy to set and the display go from very bright to faint or even off with a push of a button . since the light bother I at night , I turn it off but if need , just a touch of the snooze button show the time for a few seconds . we test the clock when we first get it to make sure it be loud enough to wake he and it be more than sufficient , even though he hear it earlier . +455 AlarmClock POS 4 this be my daughter 's favorite clock . she take it everywhere but somehow forget to take it when she go off to school . so , I `` borrow '' it . it be at least 5 year old now and the projection display be go out . it have be wonderful for all these year tho . the battery be a great back up for when the power go out . the only thing I do not care for be that the projector display be upside down when you be lie in bed and there be no way that I can see to flip it . +423 AlarmClock POS 4 other review be correct as to the instruction leave something to be desire . I spend 45 minute try to figure out how to set the alarm . in the end , just keep try and you will stumble across the correct combo of button to press and when . I enjoy be awaken by chime vs my old alarm clock with a nasty loud buzzer that would make you jump five foot in the air when it go off . other reviewer where correct in say the alarm sound i.e. chime , rainfall etc. be even to loud in the lowest setting . I be go to experiment slightly cover the speaker with duct tape till I get it to the lower volume I want . this clock be not perfect , but the next best -lcb- for chime -rcb- be twice as expensive as this one . otherwise there be no other clock that come close to this one and trust I , I spend countless hour search the internet for just the right clock . this be as close as you be go to get with a clock that offer many different sound to wake to , have two separate alarm . one for you & one for you wife . the clock have a nice look to it . to those who complain about the sound quality etc. . you get what you pay for , go spend hundred of dollar and get a ipod with a separate sound system . +442 AlarmClock NEG 2 I have be search for a affordable sunrise simulator for some time now , and still have not find one that be worth the money . the Soleil Sun Alarm clock be cheaply make but come with a large price tag . it be small in size , which make it great for place it on a small nightstand , but it have to be position just so in order to read the display -lrb- the instruction recommend `` eye level '' , but that be not necessarily the case -rrb- . the display be not illuminate , so it be unreadable unless you press a button to activate the backlight . the nature sound have a annoying hum accompany the sound regardless of the volume . the lead light be a great addition , but be not replaceable which be a problem . the light itself be not bright enough to use as a reading light , which be one of the feature list in the product description . I would not recommend this product . +356 AlarmClock POS 5 this be loud . Got this for my girlfriend who have a heck of a time get up in the morning . we both sit upright in bed the first morning she use this . the bed shaker work well too . so far it seem to be keep good time which some have think to be a issue and we have have this clock for a couple of week . she do not have any problem get up in the morning -lrb- though she have be know to hit the snooze but from time to time : p -rrb- +194 AlarmClock POS 5 I have a similar clock that I buy in Tokyo several year ago . the original be a Seiko that still work but the alarm on\/off switch become loose and can easily turn off r on just by move the clock in the night . I choose this clock because it be very similar . it work as advertise . the alarm be loud enough to wake the heaviest sleeper without be too annoying . if I have to complain , it would be about the size of the display which be smaller than I have hope . however , it be easily read from the bedside . +825 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be give as a present at Christmas . it work as avertised and have exceed my expectation . I would recommend it for anyone consider use it for background noise while you be sleep and still need the functionality of a good alarm to wake by . +169 AlarmClock POS 5 I like the : 1 -rrb- Easy to read display 2 -rrb- Alarm Reset - single button turn off alarm and reset it for next day and it be easy to find 3 -rrb- Easy to use 4 -rrb- display PM & Alarm on 5 -rrb- single buttom to list to NOAA Weather 6 -rrb- look good , but if you be up very close have a bit of a paint on finish appearence - the finish could be better . 7 -rrb- single alarm - most radio alarm clock have two alarm , but as I never use that feature and it cause confusion on what I be set more than once , I very much like that there be only one alarm . 8 -rrb- pick up AM , FM , and Weather great - I be in a city . 9 -rrb- Great Price - I prefer this radio to my almost new ... radio that it be replace ! +451 AlarmClock POS 4 I get this clock for my 13 year old brother for Christmas . he be a huge star war fan and he love it . I really like the size of the item , it be not too small like I be halfway expect it to be ; it also be not too big . I think the price be a little high for what it actually be , but overall , I be happy with the purchase . +97 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock will not keep the right time . it keep kick back a hour . I would not buy this product again . I have have other La Crosse item that I have really like . this one be no good ! +790 AlarmClock POS 4 the Elgin Travel Alarm clock have several feature that I like . it be battery operate , which be convenient not only when travel but in case the electricity go out at home and you need a functional clock . it have a protective cover so the clock face will not get scratch during travel - say cover double as a stand for the clock . the clock not only show the time -lrb- you have a choice of a twelve hour or twenty-four hour format -rrb- , but the date -lrb- date and month , not include year or day of the week -rrb- . the number be easy to read , even for someone as nearsighted as I be . there be also a backlight that activate for approximately five seconds and then automatically shut off . there be also a alarm feature ; a snooze button -lrb- this shut off the alarm for five minute and then it automatically sound again -rrb- ; and a nap timer which you can set in fifteen minute increment for up to four hour of nap time . all of the alarm feature be loud , but not annoyingly so . unlike other reviewer , my clock have keep perfect time and have not gain any minute after over a month of usage . while I really like the Elgin Travel Alarm clock and use it all the time -lrb- even when not travel -rrb- , there be a couple of thing that I do not like about it . the button to unlock the mechanism to set the alarm , time , and calendar be all on one side and it be a bit tricky to use they . the snooze alarm and backlight be activate by the same button - you press the left side to activate the snooze alarm and the right side to activate the light - and on several occasion I have wake up in the middle of the night and go to activate the light to see what time it be only to inadvertently activate the snooze alarm instead . on those occasion I have have to turn on a light to figure out how to deactivate the snooze alarm -lrb- which be not all that easy to do . -rrb- also , you have to be very careful to make sure the door to the battery compartment be on tight . I accidentally knock the clock to the floor one night , dislodge the door , and the clock start make a grate beep noise until I figure out how to latch the door properly - not a fun thing at 3:00 in the morning ! all in all , I really like and get a lot of use out of the Elgin Travel Alarm clock . +793 AlarmClock POS 5 light weight , easy to set and read and well make . glad that I purchase it . +114 AlarmClock NEG 1 I be so pleased by the appearance of the clock when it first arrive . but within the first 24 hour , the sweep second-hand have break off , and within 48 hour it no longer work at all . I try play around with the battery placement after read other review , but I get nothing . it look great , but it be very shoddily make . I would return it but I throw out the packaging . I would not purchase it again . +907 AlarmClock POS 4 there be few analog plug-in clock available these day , so I be delighted to find this one . not only do it function well , but I love the design . the pre-alarm tone light flash be cool , though it rarely wake I if I be in deep sleep . +614 AlarmClock POS 5 buy this for keepsake and they be very nice indeed . I pay more for the Darth Vader from Toys R Us -lrb- do not ask I why -rrb- and on hindsight , I guess I should have check Amazon before make any purchase in future . this be very nice and definitely a must keep for star war fan . I be wait for Amazon to stock up again as the other be sell it too expensive now that Lego be out of stock too . +382 AlarmClock NEG 2 I think the idea be fabulous so I get it for my daughter for Christmas . she be 15 and have hate it since the moment she open the gift . she refuse to use it and think it be extremely ugly . update-my hearing impaired sister have the clock now and she use the vibrate extension under she pillow and it actually wake she up every morning without wake up the rest of the household . +579 AlarmClock POS 4 I order the Identiflyer singing Alarm clock after read the customer review which be very informative and mostly favorable about the clock . the first clock have to be return to the supplier . bird sing , but no time dial display . call the company and they send a new clock in 2 day . happy to report : bird be singing and can now see the time of day . very satisfy with excellent service . +392 AlarmClock NEG 2 I wish I could have shop for this kind of item in person so you could see how big , how bright , generally how it work . the light itself do not wake you . the beeping alarm -lrb- or radio -rrb- wake you . in no way should this product be advertise as `` a exciting new way to start the day . '' the total effect of this item be when you wake up to you alarm , there be a low watt bedside light on in you dark room . that be it . Ok , so you do not sense the light come on because it be gradual ... but the end result be not impressive . even at the peak of the `` sunrise , '' it do not light up the room or make you believe you be wake up to light . do not seem like the technology in this product be complex enough to warrant the price . I buy a timer for my bedside lamp for $ 5.99 at my local hardware and will see how it compare . on the plus side , shipping be speedy and it arrive ahead of schedule . I buy it through amazon.com so I could possibly read review and have some confidence about ease of return . Amazon 's list price , new , be $ 77 compare to the Soleil website 's listing of $ 165 , which be a laughable price point for what this be . +152 AlarmClock POS 5 I can really only think of one reason that make this Timex Solar Powered Radio Controlled atomic Alark clock worth invest - the fact it be solar power which mean whenever the electric go out -lrb- which happen frequently in the summertime thanks to lightning storm activity -rrb- you do not have to worry about you wake up time be disrupt or delay - thanks to battery , the alarm will go off anyway . the radio be alright but nothing flashy or distinct , and the clock itself be so light that it can fall off the shelf easily . be careful when handle it . +81 AlarmClock NEG 1 I get this clock because the alarm sound be call chime , cathedral bell , and something else I can not recall , but it turn out they be all very annoying . I really want a zen clock that wake you up with a actual chime but could not afford it . I think this might be a nice replacement . I have be very disappointed . as other mention , the nature sound be way too loud and can not be adjust . I have not use that feature since the first week I buy it . I be now in the market for a new clock . the alarm sound be drive I crazy ! +874 AlarmClock NEG 2 the design of the display be great , I like how you can go both back and forth through the sound , without have to cycle through they all , and it come with a lot of sound -lrb- though some I can not see anyone want to sleep to -rrb- . the date and time be easy to set . I do not use the alarm function , as I prefer to use my cell phone alarm , so I can not speak to the functionality of that . some other review have make comment about the shortness of the track before repeat , but it be not something I notice too much . I end up return it after two day . the biggest problem for I be this low hum that emanate from it through any sound , and I find it really distract , because I be listen to the buzz hum more than the sound -lrb- ebb Tide -rrb- . I look up some review , and find other people with the same issue , which apparently turn out to be a cheap power supply cause the speaker to vibrate inappropriately -lrb- or something , I do not exactly understand the concept -rrb- . Learning that , I realize it be a design flaw , and not my unit , so I drop the idea of just exchange it . the other problem I have with it , though by itself it be not enough to make I want to return it , be the lack of real volume control . you have loud , louder , loudest , blow you ear drum , and 11 . the lowest setting -lrb- 1 -rrb- be barely tolerable for I on most sound , and utterly unacceptable on other . have I decide to keep it , I would have relocate it to the other end of the room . I end up replace it with sound Oasis S-650-01 Sleep Sound therapy System I only just get it today , so I have no review of it yet , but I can tell you there be no annoying audio buzz . also , some store will price match with Amazon if you print out the page , so I actually get it for less than the Amazon price . +545 AlarmClock POS 4 purchase the clock a few month ago , and after play with it for 30 min . figure out how to set the clock from 12 hr to 24 hr , alarm clock time , turn the alarm on\/off , and change the temperature from centigrade to farenheight and vice versa . also , the sd option under the setting that lool like : -- sd be where you adjust the display to stay on all the time vs. clap it on . ignore review that say it be not possible to constantly keep the screen display on . if they have take the time to figure it out instead of give bad review , they would have save themselves some grief . the cube clock measure approx . 3in x 3in x 3in . it be small , however after watch the price for a few day , I purchase it for $ 5 with a shipping cost of $ 3 or so . so , if you want it for a cheaper price be patient . if you want it then and now for cheap , that be you problem . the only downside I see with this product be more likely a manufacturer defect and user error . I buy some cheap alkaline battery for it -- since it be cheaper to buy it without the dc 6v charger -- and after a few day of use , the display be random and no longer display the time . take the battery out and reinsert they , a few hour later it do the same thing . I replace the battery with some non-alkalie , higher quality duracell after a few day without use . this seem to work for a day , however it have the same display issue the next day and be leak battery acid . the instruction it come with be Chinglish at best so I throw they out a while ago . however , the device be likely not compatable with alkaline battery , so I 'll take that as fault on my behalf . give this clock 4 star , for good design , it do function , price , and ease of use . it lose one star to the lack of readability of the instruction and the fact that I have to throw it out . however , I be already plan on buy the larger wooden led clock as a replacement . needless to say I would buy it again . +72 AlarmClock POS 5 Radio work great and phone be clear as a bell . clock programming be simple and intuitive . I especially like the ringer on the phone . Plays a simple melody that I can not get out of my head . +672 AlarmClock POS 5 we purchase this clock for when we need to reset the alarm for one day , rather than go through the process of reset the clock radio , which be very complicate . the clock be perfect for we need and work well . we also like the battery operation so we do not have to plug another item in the wall . would highly recommend it . +620 AlarmClock POS 5 Retraction from 1\/11\/2011 . I write a sassy report about return on a malfunction clock I purchase . after simply navigate `` my Amazon Account '' , I learn how simple it really be to return a item . I regret be quick to comment . I be a first time buyer . +836 AlarmClock NEU 3 if you want huge number , this be the biggest there be . the 2 1\/2 '' number be easy to read from across the room , but that do not mean you 'll be able to read it with you glass off . the display dimmer do dim it down to a acceptable level for sleep . the alarm be loud enough if you be not a super sound sleeper . the button be easy enough to use . the overall feel of the clock be cheap and plasticy . the tilt back be loose and feel really flimsy . the AM\/PM light on mine flick until I give it a smack . the description do not list the dimension , but it be big : 8 1\/2 '' W x 5 1\/2 '' h x 3 1\/2 '' d I be not delighted with it and may try a different clock . +307 AlarmClock NEG 1 I need a small clock for my bathroom so I could keep track of the time in the morning while I put my makeup on . and this nice look little clock be perfectly fine for about 3 month . then I notice that I always happen to look at the clock when it be 8:32 . I think that be a pretty funny coincidence until I realize that the clock be just stick at 8:32 . you can see that it be try - the second hand attempt to keep tick , but something be hold it back ... fear ? anxiety ? well , whatever the reason , this little clock just will not get go . and apparently I can not return it . do not buy it . save yourself the aggravation and the possibility of be extremely late for work . +507 AlarmClock POS 5 I be take a upcoming exam and need a clock that help I on time control . when I receive it , it be much bigger than I think , but it be not necessary a bad thing . it be easier for I to spot it wherever I put it on the desk . what I like this clock the best be that it be silent . you do not hear the second hand movement like most other quartz clock do . I also like other feature of this clock , like it glow in the dark , and progress alarm sound , etc. . plus the price be very affordable . +31 AlarmClock NEG 1 a travel night alarm clock that you can not see the time at night . who think of these thing ? the view light be so dim that you can not see the time at night . if that be not a problem , then the clock be ok . logically , this be a NIGHT clock , so view the time at night should be a major functional feature . +36 AlarmClock POS 5 I like a travel alarm you can see in the dark , and the Snooze button accomplish this when you wake up in the middle of the night , yet turn off to let you sleep in the dark . it be a nice small size and compact to carry . +243 AlarmClock NEU 3 like some of the other reviewer , I too notice a very short sound loop . on most of the option it be annoying and not relaxing . but a few of the sound like the surf one , you can not notice it as much . also , there be complaint about the brightness of the lcd . I do not find that too bad . it be like have a soft blue nightlight . all in all , it be pretty good . the two alarm option be nice , the sound of a few of the track be decent , and it totally mask all the noise around I . so , I would recommend it if you can fine one sound track that be to you liking . +421 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this for my daughter go off to college . she have never be able to wake up to a `` normal '' alarm clock . she be a extremely heavy sleeper but the shaker and incredibly loud alarm always wake she up . I do not think she be ever late to class . she even have friend order they once they hear hers . she take it overseas with she , plug it in and `` fry '' it due to the different wattage . I immediately purchase another one when she return to the US . one of the best `` off to college '' purchase we make ! +228 AlarmClock NEG 1 I do not know why this say that it be so loud ... it really be not . I be kind of disappointed . I buy it for a friend who be a deep sleeper , and be hope to wake the dead with the sound , but the alarm my husband buy at Wal Mart for $ 9.99 be about 3x louder . I think the only reason someone would want this be for the bed shaker attachment ... but definitely not the alarm tone ... it be annoy ... but not too loud . I think my phone ring louder than this . +861 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be originally receive -lrb- several year ago -rrb- in unacceptable condition . the seller be notify by email , and before they would even receive it back , a new one be deliver to I . this be what customer service be suppose to be ; namely , a. sincere and thoughtful apology follow by first rate corrective action . the clock , in the intervene four year , have work properly . it be quiet . it keep time accurately . it be a faithful reproduction of the period seek . it be easy to see in the dark ... and easy to read from a distance . a great product ... back by outstanding customer service agent . I fully intend to execute repeat business within the year ... which hopefully indicate my highest degree of satisfaction . +159 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a nice economical alarm clock good for travel . the alarm give a gradual increase beeping sound and go for about one minute . it do shut off on its own so if you be a deep sleeper this alarm might not be for you . my recommendation be to buy extra battery immediately . I place the battery in backwards so that it would not die out when I go on trip and upon go on my first business trip the battery be dead . so much for the alarm clock . when not in use my recommendation be to take the battery out . +512 AlarmClock NEU 3 negative : it would be nice if the display would turn off . even on the lowest setting it light up the room . negative : the Oceanside sound loop too quickly . it be one wave over and over . you can actually hear where it start again and sound more like a skip record . I purchase it for this sound and think it would be of better quality . there be no attempt to even sound random or mixed . after a couple of night it be more like listen to a dog chew on itself . positive : I like the look and feel of the design . most of the other sound be pretty good but not the sound I really want to drift off into sleep with . I 'll try a few more sound but believe this will be on my return list this winter . +863 AlarmClock POS 4 I have be use this for over a year , and it be go with I everywhere this past year -- California , Illinois , Brazil ... it be small enough so that it do not take up so much space , which be heavenly since I be still in the dorm . I definitely recommend this travel alarm clock for everyone ! only thing to note -- you have to constantly turn the alarm on and off , so make sure you remember to turn the alarm back on every morning ... otherwise it will not wake you up the next morning ! +331 AlarmClock NEU 3 I be look for a alarm clock that 1 -rrb- I can read without my contact , 2 -rrb- have a snooze alarm , and 3 -rrb- do not have a loud , jarring alarm . I think , after listen to several in the store , that this be the one ; wrong ! I set it for `` ocean , '' and be awaken by a seagull scream and tsunami wave crash . my cat leap off the bed , and I later discover that the alarm have -- literally -- scared the ____ out of she ! needless to say , I be return the alarm ; that be a little too much `` nature '' for I ! +597 AlarmClock POS 5 this Sonic Boom Sweetheart alarm clock be great ! I usually sleep soundly and have a problem hear the alarm . I have be search for year for one that I can depend on to wake I up everyday . this be it ! if the very very loud alarm do not wake you , the vibrator will ... just put it under you mattress pad and it will wake you every time . the brightness of the number , the type of sound the alarm make and the volume of the alarm can all be adjust . also , you can choose between alarm only , vibrator only or alarm\/vibrator combination ... it be up to you . and , of course , there be a snooze button that be easy to access . +667 AlarmClock POS 5 nice size . sit on the narrow nightstand in we rv . close for easy storage \/ packing . hit the snooze button to light up the time display during the night . +65 AlarmClock NEG 2 I have try live with this alarm clock for 4 month . I can not . in fact , I have just order a new alarm clock to replace it , because I can not stand it anymore . this be why : 1 . no radio . you have to wake up to its preprogrammed `` relaxing '' sound . 2 . many of the sound track be on a noticeable loop , especially the `` highway '' and `` wind chime '' one . 3 . the ambient light be SO bright , even when it be on the `` dimmer '' mode . it be so intense in a darkened room that I have to buy some tinted tape to put over the lead number , just so I could sleep at night . -lrb- I be one of those people that be highly sensitive to ambient light in my room at night . probably more so than other -rrb- . I also notice that the ambient light seep out of the seam of the plastic on the top and back . 4 . even on the quietest setting , it be still too loud for I to fall asleep to . I have to put duct tape over the speaker to make it quieter . 5 . once you set you sound and volume level to fall asleep to , you have to wake up to that sound level , too . for example , I may want to fall asleep to the gentle sound of `` rainforest '' on Level 1 -lrb- nice and gentle sound lull I to sleep -rrb- . well , my only choice be to wake up to a select sound on level 1 as well - which be WAY too quiet to rouse I from sleep ! the only other option be to select `` buzzer '' which I hate . -lrb- I do not do buzzer alarm - much too aggressive way to wake up . -rrb- in short , I do not recommend this clock as a alarm . it would be great in a office as a quiet background noise maker . but then , why would you pay $ 30 + for that , when you can buy something much cheaper that do the same thing ?? I wish I would have have the option to return it , but I do not buy it directly from sharper image ; and frankly , I be determine to enjoy this fancy alarm clock . one and only positive : very easy to set the clock time and alarm time . bottom line : not recommend . +480 AlarmClock POS 4 I purchase this clock not for the alarm but for a clock I keep above the tv set . since it be a radio control clock it be very accurate . the only complaint I have be that the lead display be very bright even on the low setting . I have no trouble get the signal from Fort Collins even though I live in North West Oregon . +445 AlarmClock NEG 1 a horrible , useless clock . there be no light , so you can not read the damn thing when you wake in the middle of the night , and the cheap plastic frame break the first time I use it . I would return it for a refund , but for ten buck , I 'll just toss it and post this review . do not waste you money . if I be Elgin , I would be ashamed . I certainly will buy any Elgin product after be rip off like this . +460 AlarmClock POS 5 I love the look of this clock and it keep perfect time . it sit on my computer desk and I can see that big ol light up dial from across the room . I have never use the alarm function so I can not comment on that ... +561 AlarmClock POS 5 I buy this for my child to use at camp and while travel . it be so easy and convenient that she be also use it at home and have take responsibility for be on time . +681 AlarmClock NEU 3 I have some positive thing to say about this clock , but it have one `` glaring '' problem . I have have it less than a year , but my next trip will probably be the last I can squeeze out of it . I 'll be look to another brand to replace it . even fresh out of the box , the light be so weak as to be useless . in full dark , you can barely see the side of the screen . one of the most important feature in a travel alarm for I be to see what time it be in the middle of the night , without fumble for the hotel lamp . I be constantly replace travel alarm because the light burn out . this one be weak from the start and I believe it be go further downhill . as for warranty , the fee westclox charge for warranty service and shipping be greater than what I pay for the clock . that be say , if you can get over the light , this clock do well to correct some common travel alarm flaw : sturdy folding case will take reasonable abuse and drop . alarm set go to the left and time set to the right on a snug button - much harder to accidentally reset the time than on other model . alarm on\/off clearly indicate on screen , with a large icon . snug slider button for the alarm make it hard to accidentally turn it on -lrb- but you have to work to turn it off , too -rrb- . Easy to see if you time\/or alarm be in AM or PM . I just can not give it a higher rating when the light be so poor . \*\* note - the alarm be loud and increase in tempo if you do not shut it off right away . other in the room may be unhappy if you be a slow riser . +320 AlarmClock POS 5 I have have this alarm clock for more than 15 year . frankly , I can not recall when I buy it but it be two move and one other state ago . the light be finally wear out . it be too dim to see the number at night . I have have to replace the battery a couple of time over the many year . it work great . the alarm be not too loud or soft . it have a snooze feature . it fold up for travel or sit on a nightstand . currently , I have it velcroe to the bedroom wall by the bed with those command velcro strip . -lrb- pardon my use of brand name which might not be accurate . -rrb- I would recommend this alarm clock . it be ridiculously reliable . +952 AlarmClock NEG 2 I buy this clock several month ago and love it . it be the best thing ever . then one morning everything I have plug into the same outlet go out . by smell I finally find that the clock have short out and I spend hour fix everything . +918 AlarmClock NEG 1 this clock never work . the light do not come on and the alarm make no sound . this be a piece of junk . I be surprised Amazon would sell this clock it be such poor quality . +789 AlarmClock POS 5 I love this little alarm clock ! it be small , cordless and sleek . the `` up '' button for set the time do not work , but the `` down '' button do so it do not bother I - otherwise , it work perfectly . +373 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this travel alarm clock 12 year ago and I recently drop it on the floor and break it . this be a great travel alarm clock . it be loud enough for the next room to hear the alarm clock . it be great for travel because it be small enough . because I purchase this alarm clock 12 year ago and I recently break it , I do not think I would find the same one again . it be not expensive that if you drop it and break you can buy another one . +548 AlarmClock POS 5 it be exactly what my husband be want . nice big number that be very easy to read at night yet do not take up much room on the bedside table . I would recommend it to anyone . it also arrive much quicker then I have expect . great service . +959 AlarmClock NEU 3 this may be a fine alarm clock ; I have not get it out of the packaging . I order this clock because I could read it from a distance in my office and because I like the cobalt blue color . I have receive the clock twice , and both time it be black . again , the other review suggest that the clock work well -lrb- certainly for the price -rrb- . but if you care about the color -lrb- and like the blue in the photo -rrb- , you be likely to be disappoint . I be . +930 AlarmClock NEG 1 these clock be very nice look , but they function leave a lot to be desire . I purchase two of these . one in blue and one in yellow . so far the blue clock be still work . the yellow clock have to be return . quality control be abysmal . the dial light in the yellow clock randomly stop working . I buy this clock to use at night for a easy way to check the time in the dark . when the dial illumination fail , the only way to restore it be to unplug the clock then plug it back in again . this restore the dial light until the next time it fail . turn the dial light switch off and on again do not restore the light . the problem get progressively worse . after the dial light be restore by pull the plug , it would take several day before it fail again . now it can fail again in a matter of minute . very poor quality . +198 AlarmClock NEU 3 I buy one of these first , like it a lot -lrb- 5 star I would give it -rrb- , so I turn around and buy a second one . the night sensitive back light do not come on on this one . 1 star for that . one out of two not bad for the price . but the quality control be shaky , probably due to the price . +136 AlarmClock POS 5 I find this Brookstone Alarm clock to do exactly what it be suppose to do with easy to understand , logical functionality , in a easy to look-at , no-nonsense design . the clock measure a space-efficient 6 '' w x 2-3\/4 '' d x 3 '' h , so it have a small footprint and rubber foot to help keep it in place on it surface , but this be all clock , with no waste space with `` gingerbread '' aesthestic ; the time be show in large 1 '' h x 3 ' w easy-to-view digital display , with a full-length snooze bar give you a extra 6 minute before the alarm sound again . it be very simple to set either of the two wake-up setting independently , change the several pleasant back-light brightness setting and turn-on or turn-off either of the two independent alarm . it have a battery back-up should there be a loss of ac power , so not to worry about reset the time or you alarm ; they will not be lose . it have a factory-set default time for the Eastern US , but be easily adjust to suit other time zone . it be not a a `` automatically correct atomic time-set '' clock and I do not care . the factory-installed battery be pre-set , and be user adjustable should the need arise . I really like the alarm on-off button , which be quite visible in the alarm-on -lrb- up -rrb- position , or descretely flush in the turned-off -lrb- down -rrb- position . I do not have to `` hunt '' for the button when I awake by the intelligently design progressive alarm . this clock be exactly what I want . no more , no less . I plan to purchse another as a gift to friend , with the hope it will be place in the guest room that I occasionaly use . all-in-all , I find this alarm clock very comfortable to use . +240 AlarmClock POS 5 first let I say I only write review if something be really worth the time or it be so horrible I would hate to see anyone else waste they money . this alarm clock be absolutely wonderful . my oldest daughter absolutely hate get up in the morning , and try to get she up be no picnic . we try other alarm clock , but they often shut off after a certain amount of time or be not loud enough -lrb- read : she sleep right through they -rrb- . not this one . we have it on a low volume and it be still loud enough to spring she out of bed and into the bathroom each morning . -lrb- my husband be outside one morning and could hear it go off ; I have be all over the house and have hear it go off -rrb- . it sound a little like a fire siren . another nice feature be that it automatically reset itself for the next morning when you turn it off . no have to remember to set it each night . we have have this for several week now and it have really improve we morning . the cost seem a little high ... but if you have a kid to get up in the morning who will not get up , this price be absolutely worth it . +3 AlarmClock POS 5 order it for my wife to use at home and when travel . it be perfect for who want a travel alarm that be easy and convenient to use . +595 AlarmClock NEG 1 the idea of how the product should work be good . however the product come defective , there be no sound available from the speaker . neither , the alarm or the radio would produce any sound . the product be no longer available from Amazon . still wait for refund . +977 AlarmClock NEG 1 what good be a clock radio that do not keep time . this piece of junk be recieve on Friday and send back on Monday . during the weekend , I set the time three time and within 5 to 6 hour the clock revert to the initial setting , and the radio preset be also lose . +383 AlarmClock POS 5 this be definitely a must for any Star Wars fan . a blown-up version of the Lego Star Wars mini-fig , with a bonus digital clock . very neat collectible or display piece . bought my first and when I receive it , love it so much , I come back and buy the Vader version too . +627 AlarmClock POS 5 one of a variety of Star Wars character Lego clock that I have purchase ... the Stormtrooper be pretty cool . Press he head down and the clock backlight light up the lcd screen . this be a yellow color and a bit disappointing . the armor be not quite right in color - it could be a bit whiter . my wife do not agree with I , she prefer the off white color - and my mate reckon the trooper must be base at Tatooine . still , the trooper be pretty cool and a conversation starter . +449 AlarmClock NEG 1 I order this because it want the earphone jack as state in the product description . when I receive the product , no earphone jack as state on the box . I call the company and be tell they have be aware of the problem and have not really do anything about it . sorry for the inconvenience try send it back . what a rip off . when a company do not stand behind its product . +244 AlarmClock POS 5 I love it . I like to know accurate time . flash dot all the time , I do not mind it , but my wife say it would get on she nerve . display time as soon as I plug it in . +972 AlarmClock POS 4 I purchase this for my husband for Father 's day and he really enjoy it . it be very sturdy ; Darth can either stand or sit . he head be the snooze button for the alarm -lrb- you push it down -rrb- . the alarm let off beep that gradually get faster as it go off . it be not a super loud alarm -lrb- as some be -rrb- , so if you be a heavy sleeper this would not be a good choice . the clock and alarm be very basic , but I would expect most who be buy this be not do so for advanced technology . ; -rrb- +785 AlarmClock POS 4 love the sound variety . some be a little wacko , however . who want to listen to the sound of the city when tryingto fall asleep ? +962 AlarmClock POS 4 what I like best about the Elgin travel alarm clock be the large , blue back-lit display . the slide button to set the alarm and time be a little tricky to use because they tend to stick a little , but it be not enough of a problem for I to give it a lower rating . the exterior be hard plastic and I would have like it to feel a little sturdier , but it keep the weight and price down . all in all not a bad product . +135 AlarmClock NEG 1 constant hum that increase as the backlight setting be increase , but even at the lowest of the three backlight setting , the hum be too loud it do not vary with the volume setting . in any case , at my bedside at night , this be the last thing I need , as it prevent I from sleep I agree with other who write the audio loop be not of sufficient quality . it would cost the manufacturer only a bit more to install higher capacity memory circuit to provide more decent audio . Iregret have buy this product . +370 AlarmClock NEG 1 I be hope it work ... I be not that demand . it do not work and still doesnt . it be just too cheaply make +676 AlarmClock POS 4 too bad there be no option to keep it on !!! the time only display for a few seconds after you clap\/make noise and then it be off . you might be applaud a lot if you be often interested in the time . otherwise , I love the way it look and its size be perfect for my desk space . +309 AlarmClock POS 5 SOOOOO EASY to USE !!!! finally a product that be user friendly !!! even get it out of the package be easy ... set the time & alarm be sooooo simple ! it stand up well - read well - perfect size - alarm be just great !!! highly recommend 5 star !!! this be just what I want !!!! +701 AlarmClock NEG 2 I have this same bird clock for many year . when it accidentally fall off my nightstand and break , I decide to buy the exact same clock since I be so pleased with it in the past . however , it be not the same , and not just in appearance . this one , though it look similar , be more cheaply make . compare in weight , it be must lighter and more `` plastic '' look . the case on my previous bird clock be a silver color , whereby this one be a dark gray lightweight plastic . to advance time or alarm time , you can not just hold the button down to scroll to the desire hour or minute . you now have to hit the button individually for each hour or minute desire . so the price have remain the same , but the quality have deteriorate . +177 AlarmClock POS 5 only have it run for a month so only TIME will tell if it be reliability be as good as it look . but it sure be a nice look clock . +466 AlarmClock POS 4 the Insta-Set feature of these clock be a little misleading . they be not atomic clock . they do not recieve a external signal to set the clock automatically like a atomic clock . like any other digital clock these clock gain or lose a few seconds a year . they have to be set occasionally . Google `` reset equity insta-set clock '' for instruction . basically , you hold down the DST or Alarm Set button for five seconds . you can then set the hour , minute , month , day ... like other digital clock . the documentation never say specifically what Insta-Set mean . apparently be just mean the clock do not have to be reset after a power outage . it have a internal battery that hold the time until the main power come back on . other than this misleading name for the insta-set feature the clock I have work well . it be worth what it cost . +267 AlarmClock NEG 1 I be incredibly disappoint with this product . the light be not bright at all -- it be incredibly dim . in a dark room you can hardly see it . it might wake up incredibly light sleeper , but no one else . +690 AlarmClock POS 5 I read the review about this product before buy and almost do not buy it . the illumination be definately not to bright . the highest setting be bright for those who want it that way but the lowest be sufficiently low . the range of sound be great . I have a cpap and now that be not the sound I have to hear try to get to sleep . long story short , I do not usually write review but this machine be excellent . +845 AlarmClock NEG 1 Hve not try it at wakeup but can tell by testing I would sleep right through it . and I be not a real heavy sleeper . alarm only sound for about 30-45 sec . I would return but already throw away packaging not anticipate this problem . do flash red during the wakeup sound but if you asleep I do not think that be a big deal ! +289 AlarmClock NEG 2 this be suppose to be a `` sound soother '' , but at least half of the pre-programmed sound be annoy ! I purchase it for the white noise sound , but it be the most annoying setting of all . also the volume level only go down so far so that even the sound I like be too loud to be consider background noise -lrb- which be what I expect -rrb- . +430 AlarmClock POS 5 come on , it be Darth Vadar , what be not to like ? you can pound he head to get the night light to come on and better see the time . basic function but all work well so far ! he be have it for a month . really cute and he can sit or stand . `` I be you alarm clock Luke '' . I never know Darth be make in China until now . that explain a lot ! +389 AlarmClock NEU 3 the clock function as promise , and do all it be suppose to do . the only misleading thing be the photo - it look silver tone , but it be actually this ghastly gold-beige color that scream `` 1972 '' . if the color do not offend you aesthetic sensibility , this be a perfectly fine timepiece . +362 AlarmClock NEG 1 the company send a clock with a manufacturing defect . the number on the face of the clock be not in the correct position . example , the 5 be at the bottom of the clock where the 6 should be and 11 be in the 12 position . consequently , the alarm do not work due to the number be in the wrong position . I be at a loss as to why this product be even send to I when it be clearly a defective item . I be not satisfy with this item and I intend to return it . +616 AlarmClock NEG 1 I have to give this one star in order to write the review ... I think this would be a really nice clock for bedside base on the listing and review ... when it arrive I follow exact simple instruction , and it never so much as tick a tock . send it right back , bitterly disappointed . Phooey on this item ! +141 AlarmClock POS 4 the price be right on this clock . the size be perfect , especially when fold for packing and take with . it sit at a good angle when it be open , and the backlight be sufficient . the alarm tone be sufficient to wake you up be , of course , by personal opinion . it work for I , but it might not work for you if you be a heavy sleeper . I would also knock the battery choice ... coin type versus a aa or aaa . I worry how quickly that coin battery will die since I be a habitual `` 3 time snoozer . '' I order a card of 10 battery , so I would have plenty on hand just in case . +879 AlarmClock POS 5 I just buy this for a friend . I have the white version of this clock , and this cheap , simple little thing have be wake I up on time for the past 14 year . it be still tick . could not tellyou when last I change the battery . the battery last pretty long before it die . I change it before that happene . anyways , it be the best and the cheapest . I can not understand the digital stuff , and I do not trust they . I will stick to the basics . simplicity equal less headache ! +429 AlarmClock NEU 3 this be a Christmas gift to my husband who be in love with Darth Vader and Legos . this be the perfect combination of the two for he . we have be look for a alarm clock for he and I come across this clock . it be a great surprise for he on Christmas morning . I only wish the alarm be a little louder for he to wake up . +44 AlarmClock POS 5 if you be a bird lover -lrb- and even if you be not , but just want a bit of `` back to nature '' in you urban world -rrb- , this alarm clock be for you ! it be easy to set , easy to read and yes , easy to snooze if need be . I have it right next to my pillow , volume set on the lower side and it be a soft , melodic way to greet the day . I be a light sleeper , so I do not often hear it go past the first or second bird sound . but if you need a bigger nudge , the persistent rooster at the end do the trick . it be annoying , actually , but be not that the point ? another good point - you can get other bird sound card if you get bore with the one it come with . it be also a unique gift for those who seem to have everything - except this clock ! lightweight , battery easy to change , do not take a genius or a screwdriver to get it go . highly recommend ! +368 AlarmClock NEG 2 I might have get a defective unit but there be a audible hum that get louder as the backlight be turn brighter . not acceptable . nice look unit with some decent feature but this one be get return ! +762 AlarmClock POS 5 live in the country , we lose power a lot , so ac-powered alarm clock simply be not a option for I . I have use a Variety of 100 % battery operate alarm clock in the past , and this might be my favorite so far . its simple : a analog clock face that light up nicely -lrb- but not too brightly -rrb- when the button on the top be press . the alarm be easy to set , easy to turn on and off , and hard to sleep through . the tone be almost pleasant -lrb- at first -rrb- wake you up without a shock ... but it get steadily louder and faster so it be almost impossible to sleep through . I have not use it long enough to rate battery life , but power by 1 c battery it should last for a quite a while -lrb- my old clock run on two AAA 's and last almost a year - let 's face it , alarm clock be not exactly demand -rrb- . my only concern be that the unit be plastic . my cat like to hockey-puck thing off of my bedside table -lrb- especially if he want he breakfast , i.e. , almost every morning -rrb- . that be why my old clock be a metal clock -- the kind with the real bell inside . however , it be survive be knock to the ground several time so far with no visible damage , so despite a somewhat flimsy feel this clock be pretty sturdy . +978 AlarmClock POS 4 I have have this alarm clock for several year . I love it . after read several other review , I have to agree that it be smaller and less bright than you might expect\/want . it will not light up a whole room . but I have find that if I keep it on a nightstand close to my face , it work perfectly . +974 AlarmClock NEG 1 I buy this clock because it be cheap , and realize the issue below : - do not have a indication on the main screen of what the alarm time be set to . you need to press a button and go back a forth to see that infomation . - beep everytime you press a button , so it disturb a partner if you be try to check the time during the night . - in the dark , very easy to screwup the time setting by press the wrong button -lrb- lower leave one -rrb- , that change the time zone . - do not have a easy to access light or alarm off button , to be access in the dark . I 'll have to be back shop for a better clock and spebd few more buck . +254 AlarmClock POS 4 so it be a blank cube that look pretty good . then you tap it or clap you hand , and the time show up for 10 seconds , then it be blank again . inconvenient at night when you have someone sleep next to you for obvious reason . great present for annoying people who like to walk around clap they hand or singing song while you be try to watch the x-files , it 'll bring they hour of enjoyment . kinda boring , do not work as a excavator or a nuclear launchpad . seem cooler when i be buy it , but bonus point for be innovative and feng shuus . +76 AlarmClock POS 4 for the money this little clock be a pretty good buy . the number be large and easy to read , the time and alarm be straightforward and easy to set , the alarm start out softly and get louder until you push the snooze or turn it off , and the dial light up at night nicely when you push the snooze button . it also unfold to create a stand for the clock . it be compact when fold for travel , but the cover be cheaply make . I be not sure how well it will hold up under abuse , I would feel compel to wrap it in a sock or something in a suitcase . all in all for the money it have everything I need for a travel alarm clock and it keep good time so far , too . +334 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a very small function clock . I have have mine for year . pro : it be silent . it do not have shine light Battery operate . compact and neat inexpensive con : the light be useless so you cant tell time in the dark the switch on the left side be too similar to the alarm switch . when you wake up and be fumble to turn off the alarm , you can accidentally hit the time set switch instead . +500 AlarmClock NEG 1 I order this clock in April . it stop work correctly in July . I expect more . the clock face -lrb- actual time -rrb- become unreadable . the number dim to the point that they be unreadable . I try to change the battery but no joy . +532 AlarmClock POS 4 this clock have several nice feature include a variable back-lighting feature . the brightness of the back-light be control by a dial located on the rear of the clock . one drawback be the Alarm On\/Off switch . it be not easy to locate early in the morning . the switch be recess into the right side of the clock and be a slide type , not a toggle switch . the product write-up say it use a ` c ' battery however the one I receive from Amazon use two ` aa ' battery -lrb- also not include -rrb- . it may be a little too large to serve as a convenient travel alarm clock . +34 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this because I want a small , maintenance-free alarm clock . it be not as small as I would like -lrb- it be about the size of two VHS tape -rrb- . it claim to be solar power but it come with a cr123a lithium `` back-up '' battery . the manual read , `` this battery should provide a back up power supply to you clock for up to 8 year or even longer . '' I have not have it long so I can not verify that claim . it do set the time automatically , which be cool . +163 AlarmClock POS 4 I buy this clock for my parent and they love it . its feature be that it have a beeping alarm that gradually get louder , a adjustable green backlight , a blue light that illuminate when you push down on the snooze button , and a simple wind operation for the hour\/minute hand and the alarm . it take 3 aa battery . the only problem with ours be that after a few hour of work normally , the hour\/minute hand freeze up . we could still turn the knob to set the time , but then the hand would not turn automatically . we send it back for a new one , so hopefully that one will be fine . +829 AlarmClock NEG 1 I unpack the clock right after receive it and although I read the brief instruction very carefully , I could not make the clock to ANYTHING accord to the step outline in the instruction . furthermore , I leave it overnight next to my window and when I get back to it the next morning , it have still not adjust the time automatically . overall , I could not use it either as a automatic or manually adjust clock . piece of junk ! my wife have another Timex alarm clock model , that in all honesty be not much better and should have be a warning . my old clock be a Seiko , and work nicely for 4 year until my 3 year old bang it against the floor . +668 AlarmClock POS 5 this alarm clock be great because it be simple to operate , and can be set to alarm at a different time each day of the week . +283 AlarmClock POS 5 I purchase this clock for my elderly father . he love the large number . the clock set itself if there be a power outage and also automatically update during daylight savings time change . the clock can be see from across the room with ease . +842 AlarmClock POS 5 this alarm clock will give you everything you want in a alarm clock and skip the thing that make alarm clock a pain ! I think my old alarm be break so search far and wide for one I would like . before the Brookstone get here , I find that my old alarm be okay and I have inadvetantly set it incorrectly , thus the late wake-up . I be go to keep the Brookstone as a back-up ... until I try it . I be hooked and the old alarm be in a spare bedroom . what it have , be very easy to see and read display . as state in other review , you can choose the brightness . I like mine bright . it have two alarm setting and large raise button to click the alarm off and back on for the next morning . the snooze bar run across the entire width of the front of the clock so no mistake miss the snooze and hit the `` off '' . the alarm set time be on the screen so no mistake . what this model do not have be a radio . I do not want a radio . there be another Brookstone model if you prefer a radio with you alarm . this clock be a little pricey compare to many other model you can purchase , BUT , this be the one you want if you be tire of the tiny little button that clutter many of the other clock and the possibility of set the `` radio '' wake-up only to discover that the unit be not set on a channel and you awake , finally , to static . this be user friendly and straight on . the compartment for change setting be easy to get to -lrb- on the back of the clock -rrb- cover with a little panel , but there be no chance you will inadvertently mess you setting up . you have to easily remove the push style back plate to access the time zone and auto daylight save time setting . there be nothing about it that I do not like . I would give it to a friend and give my old clock to someone who be not so much my friend !! +502 AlarmClock POS 5 Geneva clock Co 4584E Elgin Electric Alarm clock fold flat for wall mount . can read without glass , unlike 1.8 '' clock I own . +831 AlarmClock POS 4 this be a great little clock . I have have three , give away one `` new in the Box , '' or `` NIB , '' be order another to have on hand when the spirit move I to pass it on to someone . I be kind of a time freak , so I have get one in my bathroom , another in the family room , and a much larger `` atomic '' wall clock right over my pc . ok , its not atomic . it be digital , and it receive radio signal from a US station that tell it what time it be . you never need to set it . could not set it if you try . once you have feed it a aa battery , set it up accord to the instruction , and wait several hour some evening , it will display the exact time , to the minute . if you be willing to wait up to 59 seconds , you can get the exact time to the second , when the minute display role over to the next minute . yes , you can fold it up , pack it into you baggage , and set it up at you destination . BUT , if you travel take several day , and if you destination lodging have thick wall and few window , it may not pick up a signal . take it camping ... no problem unless it rain on it , or a bear eat it . and , it pretty much have to be in the USA , although I bet part of Canada , and maybe even northern Mexico , can pick up the signal , too . bad part ? the part that make I give it only four star ? set it up be a pita . yes , the instruction be indeed print right on the clock ... on the inside of the lid , which fold back to be the underside of the base . hard to read when you be set the clock use the button on the back of the clock , and watch the display on the front of the clock . also , everything require multiple button push of specific button ... one push too few , and you do not get what you want . one push too many , and you have to start over . try to set the clock while read the instruction off of the base be a loser . oh yes , you can set it up for 12 hour time , or for Navy time : right now it be `` 22:43 '' on `` MO 9.21 '' that be 10:43 pm on Monday , September 21st , for you land lubber . the url for the clock 's instruction be cleverly print right on the back of the clock . no , not the base , the back of the clock , right on the battery door . my suggestion be to go to this url : and decide if you be sufficiently endowed with the necessary button push skill . if so , PRINT OUT the instruction and then order the clock ! its a doozy ! as for battery , I would use a common nicad aa to set it up the first tim . when that die , or be die , put in a lithium cell . that way you will only have to set it once every couple of year . +472 AlarmClock POS 5 this large display solve a problem for my husband . he roll out of bed time be 1:00 AM & with we previous bedside clock he have to find he glass to be able to check the time . not so with this one . the number be large & clear . he call it he billboard . battery backup feature be a definate plus . Problem solve ! thanks Chaney and Amazon ! +210 AlarmClock NEG 2 my wife and I live in the midwest ; in the winter the sun do not come up until well after 8:00 AM . we have a tough time get up , and think a dawn simulator might do the trick . long story short , this one do not . in fairness , I have to give this model 2 star -- but only from a ease-of-use standpoint . it be very easy to master , technically speak . but in term of functionality , this thing be a stinker . the `` dawn simulator '' only emit 96 lumen of light -lrb- less than a quarter of what be produce by a forty watt lightbulb -rrb- . my wife and I be not `` gently awaken '' by such a paltry little light -lrb- just roll away from it , and it be effectively not even there -rrb- , so we awake to the jarring sound of the buzzer every morning . the light be so weak , in fact , that it be not even enough to keep we awake ! in addition , the digital clock display be so bright that I have to fall asleep face away from it -- it actually cast shadow on the wall ! what a shame that the extra intensity could not have go into the main light ... for those with sad -lrb- or who just can not seem to wake up on winter day -rrb- , I would strongly advise you to purchase a different product . this one just do not do the trick . +14 AlarmClock NEU 3 fun idea for a clock - but he do not stand too well on he own . usually have he in the sit position so he stay on the nightstand , but then it make it difficult to see the time . +590 AlarmClock POS 5 my new Elgin bedside alarm clock look like a antique , but require no wind . you can hear the slightest tick sound , which I like . it be a no brainer to set up . the only thing I be a little disappointed with be I think it have a light dial , that maybe glow in the dark or something . to see the clock in the dark , push down on the button on top . the wording be a little misleading in that respect . otherwise I love my little clock . it hardly take up any room on my nightstand . +493 AlarmClock POS 5 the feature I have not see mention , that I love the most , be that when the alarm go off , it light up in red . so it be easy to find the clock in the dark to either hit snooze or shut off the alarm . with other alarm , I be always try to find they in the dark , knock they onto the floor , and be totally frustrated . but not with the Elgin . +438 AlarmClock POS 5 this clock be even more than I expect it to be . it be fully electric with a battery backup . the 3 type of wakeup sound be crystal clear and very interesting . Timex 's reputation be even higher in my mind now that I own this clock . +32 AlarmClock POS 5 this little travel alarm be just what I need . small , easy to see and use and the alarm be just right . not too loud , plesant . love it . +584 AlarmClock POS 5 Have have this for 2 year now and it work extremely well . I do not need a fancy alarm , just something that tell I the time and beep when I need to get up . it be small , simple to use , and durable .