id,dialogue,summary 14,"Speaker A: Yes. Okay, when we talk about uh components design, um it's really about the material and the and uh uh really the stuff we build uh the remote controls of. Um, a remote control consist of uh components and the components of a remote control consist of uh properties and material. We have to choose th uh these uh wisely and it could affect uh uh a kind of grow of in uh in buying uh the remote controls. Um, the components of a remote control are of course uh the case. Uh the properties of the case, um it has to be solid uh in hard material like uh hard plastic uh with soft rubber for uh falling and and uh uh yeah, it feels uh good in your hand. Mm the buttons has to be uh solid too, and the material is soft rubber. Uh I've got a uh email from the possibilities of Real Reaction. Um uh they're telling me that um when we build uh a remote control of um of plastic or rubber, the uh buttons have to be uh rubber too. Mm It's okay. Yeah. I when we use a rubbled a doubled curved case, we must use a rubber push-buttons to uh the the rubber double-curved case is a is a t uh three-dimensional uh curve in the in the design, which is uh necessary when we want to be trendy. Uh Um the energy source, uh I've got a lot of possibilities for that too. Um, uh the basic battery, which I thi prefer because of its uh its non uh non-depending of of of uh um Uh here you have to have a hand uh yeah, kinetic uh energy. Also in uh this one, like in the watches, but a remote control can lie on a table for a day, and then you push uh a button and so you don't have to uh walk with it all the all the time. Mm, solar cells are also uh a bit weird for uh remote controls. Um uh also the case material, uh I think that plastic is the is the best with rubber, because uh wood or titanium would also be a bit weird. Uh, they don't tell anything about the cost of uh titanium. Um the chip uh the chip set uh and the board is uh all off the shelf. Also, the speaker in the remote control, when we want to retrieve it. Um, the base station is also off the shelf, all the materials and the components are uh just available in uh in our uh factory. Mm, I've told about uh the three first points. Mm, the simple electronical chip uh is is available uh with the LED transmitter uh transmitter. Uh, it's all uh off the shelf and even the speaker and the wireless retriever are all uh available in our company. Um, another possibility. I uh yeah, I looked up on was uh the L_C_D_ displays. Could be uh something special to our uh remote control, and it's possible, but it only cost a bit more, but maybe it can be uh within the limits of twenty five Euros. Ah yeah. I th I got an email with uh some examples and it these were were the most trendiest one. You see uh a covers, which can be Um, I don't know. Um Yes. Yes, maybe we can uh bri uh bring a couple of uh couple of types of uh maybe a kind of uh whole uh um a whole set of uh different uh remote controls. Maybe we can bring a whole line uh with uh with a huge variety of uh uh house uh stuff. Like uh maybe radios and uh television also uh in this in this in the same style, but Yes, because we have to uh we have to we have to bring the logo and all the stuff uh back into it. Thank you. Uh-huh. Maybe we can bring t uh uh teletext to the t to the remote control. But you're the expert. You did the research. It's from your research. Grapes. For a big team of artists. But uh but I think we don't have to make we can't make all uh ten designs. We have to make one design I th I I think. But pictures of fruit, vegetables vegetables Yes, you can put a logo on top of it. Yes, it's really fruity. With a strawberry on top. Only if we Maybe maybe we can make a T_V_ guide on it, for the channel you're on. No, no, only the T_V_ channel with the with uh with uh four programmes. You can uh zap through them with the page up page down button. Yes, it can On your No, on your mobile phone you can y you can read text also. So why not on your remote? Uh, programme uh information or or or or g or a guide on t on teletext, yes. Also on the internet. But Yes, but you also want to know what's next. Yes, that's uh really possible. No. No uh um Y yes, you can use uh buttons uh uh w that are already uh on the remote control for double functions. Uh, then you push a button. The title and the information about the programme. But but uh yeah, what he said was right, about the televisions, they have to be uh customised to the But maybe in future it will be a giant hit, and when you are the first you have the biggest uh Yes, you can put uh a little L_C_D_ display on it with uh with lots of information. But uh I haven't thought about it. But whe but when you put a a a transparent uh plastic uh uh screen on top of it, it i it isn't vulnerable. You can throw with it and When when you put uh maybe a colour L_C_D_ t uh screen on it, it's very special and very trendy to have uh a remote control from But uh I've got a the email with uh with the possibilities. And L_C_D_ was a possibility for the remote control. So why don't we use it. No, but it doesn't sa say anything about a colour or But, mm, I alf I also got a possibility to put uh a scroll button on it. But I didn't think that Yes, but o on the No, when y But it look Yes, but that remote controls are already on the market. The simple Yes, but but when you want to have something special Yes, but you had a picture of it from another company. Yes, it was already made. Tha the remote control on the docking station. Yes, he have a picture of it. Okay. Mayb I will rule the world with it. Yes, maybe a bit of a cushion is Yes. Like a b yes. Maybe it but then we have to look that it uh w uh will not um be too childish to see. Yes, real real good colours. Hmm. But that's not really fruity. Uh fronts of the We can have uh different uh uh fronts of the telephone. Are these designs? Yes. It this a real uh young young and dynamic uh uh styles. Yes. Yes, But also w Yes, b bu but when we use s soft mm Mm. But it it then it uh you can't throw it it. It will uh make a huge noise or break other stuff when you throw with uh titanium with your remote control. No uh, titanium is a bit uh it's a bit harder. But also on the colours, the young Yes, but a titanium remote control, when you're uh watching T_V_ uh or your hands are a little bit sweaty, and the Yes. Sports and gaming. Define. Yes, it's w but it is uh plastic. Yes, w we can do that on the on the We can make this as a style too. Uh, this is uh just a No, we c we can make it from the same kind of plastic. Uh I don't have the information. Uh, I I didn't got it Yes. Like the M_P_ three player. Uh, in a lot of other uh in a lot of other product uh categories like uh even in b in bags industry. Uh, they began with uh t typical uh leather bags, but then they became stylish, with all all si all sort of colours, and w kind of fon of uh of fronts, like we can use on the telephone and it Like Eastpack uh began a revolution with it with all this uh kind of bags and and colours and and Yes, and and styles. They have uh also uh a kind of uh um uh roses on it, a and uh Then we can always uh use the same design for a greater resemblance, but with new uh with new colours, new yes. There there are three uh components three components type. You have the buttons, the the case uh itself, and the rubber and th Yes. Yeah, or or when you use the buttons as black, it you can use two colours as well uh But then you have to put uh up and down and uh left and right Okay. Uh What are we going to do now? I will make one in the next uh twenty minutes. Back to the pen. Speaker B: Okay. Keyboard work. Yeah. Alright. That's true, I guess. Yeah. Huh. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, that'll be for the future, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Alright. Yeah. That's okay. Mm yeah. Then you and then you've got a flag s Very big R_C_. Yeah. No. Next channel, previous channel. I think it depends on the function. Well, if you save uh Perhaps uh s tiny buttons aren't user-friendly, then we wouldn't im implement that of course. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yep. Those are probably the the th Yes. Those are probably the b four most most used buttons on the th in the remote control. Sorry? Yeah, sure. You don't care. No, sorry. Yeah. Oh. Go away. Come on.. Oh, great. Well, I've done some research again about trends on the internet. Um I've done some investigation, and uh well I uh got some information from fashion watchers from Paris and uh Milan. Some uh some findings the most important thing is fancy look and feel of the remote control. Uh, well, we were going to imply that, so that's nice. The second important thing is uh innovative technology in the R_C_. Uh, our market really likes really likes that. And uh the third point there in this uh order if of importance, the third point, is a high ease of use. And uh, well, for the idea, I've put some trends uh for the market of elderly people. Dark colours, simple recognisable shapes. So we probably won't do that. The younger market likes uh Well, the themes of of this year are uh surprisingly fruits and vegetables and spongy material. I found this image, which is uh Well, it symbolises the idea of fruits and vegetables. I don't see the spongy part in it. But with a little bit of fancy Exactly. I got some ideas Uh well, yeah, pictures isn't really good word, but um some symbols of fruits or vegetables maybe. Uh, catchy colours. Fruit is uh yellow, green, red, whatever. So, remote controls in in catchy colours. Uh, no, we don't want dark colours. No, I just put them there to uh, yeah, uh for general idea. And uh, the docking st uh I think the spongy material is is very irritating for the uh remote control itself. But to Yeah, the To implement some spongy thing, maybe we can do it in the in the docking station. At the bottom of the docking station or whatever. And uh, we could bring one line with a dark colour uh to um uh p uh yeah uh uh v how do you say? Yeah, also a bit for elderly people who are a little bit crazy and want maybe want a little younger design but still the dark colour. I mean it it it reaches a different market uh, but it it it doesn't cost really much effort to b to uh bring uh like a black R_C_ on the market or whatever. Yes. Yeah, there's there's always a Well there there's always empty space of course on a remote control. I mean I think this part of the R_C_ uh well the upper the upper part or whatever is uh is not not used with buttons, I guess. So you you can put some fruity things No, of course not. Especially i Yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. If we make it little bit greenish. A and we could use one of these for the uh w what is it? Uh Isn't Wha whatever. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Well, w we can uh w we can we can produce multiple uh multiple things. This is then the uh pear. I don't know the English word, so forget it. And um, maybe, yeah, a b a banana is uh is n not easy for a remote control, but m yeah. Mayb maybe two or three. Yeah. No sure, but but B but that's great, and and and what I was what what I was saying, the catchy colours Yeah. Yeah, uh not really. Pictures was a was a bad word, but Well we c yeah. Yeah, sure. Maybe we can if if we got our docking station over here. I can't draw with this thing, but I'll try. If this is our docking station, we can make our logo over here. It doesn't work. And then Well, the button button over here or whatever, I don't know. On the front, of course, because else you can't find it. Well, that were my ideas a little bit. I'll close 'em down. Um, go away. Conceptual design, yes. The agenda. Well, it's nice, of course. But I don't I don't know what to display on it. I mean Yeah, but it should be li like this big, and I don't think Yes sure, but it it has to to show an entire title of a programme or at least a q a quite quite large part of it and then you get a very large L_C_D_ screen, because Yeah, I don't know. Programme information. But Well a lot a lot of T_V_s indeed show uh when you uh zap to a But then we also uh w need to bring out a line of T_V_s which we were planning to, but whatever. Because the T_V_ has to send information back to the R_C_, and I don't know if that's possible. Yes, yes, o of course it's possible, but you gotta uh implement it in the T_V_s, and I don't think everyone's gonna buy a Real Reaction T_V_ within a month after the release of our uh remote control. Yeah. That's true, that's true, it breaks f yeah, it it it's not very solid, it's uh frag fragile. No. No. I don't think so ei either.. Ah. Bastard. Yeah, I guess. No. Yeah, that's true, if you uh Yeah. No. Well, I think it's uh I think it's pretty trendy, to be honest, uh but um I don't know if if if well, I'm coming back to the costs again, but I think uh we gotta build a b pretty cheap design to to stay within our limits. And I think uh especially colour L_C_D_, which is indeed pretty trendy. But I don't think Uh, I think it will be too expensive. Uh, did it say a price also uh for for uh monogramme uh L_C_D_ or uh coloured L_C_D_? Yeah really, if y if you c i I in in two thousand and four you can't uh put something on the market which is a monogramme. Really. Yeah. W we've we've gotta find a balance, of course. And I think We have a pear. Is that so? Was it it wasn't just a prototype? Exactly, I've never seen it in a store. I think it's a little too much, yeah. Okay. No.. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, for the spongy uh feel. Yeah. Yeah, airbag. If you drop it if you drop it the airbag comes out, yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah, b yeah, that's what w I I was pointing at. What? Oh, a bee. Oh. Yeah. Hmm. Well, we can as as I draw really nicely over there. We can put the logo on our uh on our base station. Uh, yeah. And maybe very very tiny on the remote control itself. But, i Yeah. I guess that's that's enough. That's way too Nokia. Yeah, definitely. Just bring more designs on the market. Why not, yeah. Sure. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I think it I think it does. Yeah, o On the other hand, if you want to make fruit fruity stuff with uh Yeah, that's true, that's true. Yes. Yeah. What? Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I see. Yeah, but but but Yeah, I th I think that's difficult, because uh that's different material, and then you gotta have like uh uh uh two material lines of of of Yeah, if it's just a colour uh which you uh which you change then, I guess it's it's nice to have one of these. Uh Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Uh yeah, yeah. Yes. New prints on it. Yep. How do you mean? Th th the uh base in a in another Yes. How the buttons yeah. Yeah. No, definitely not. Yes, definitely. No, I think that's too vulnerable. Yeah, but that's that's I was thinking that's gotta be on the television. Mm. Yeah, if it's c if Yeah, I think it's okay to to add a menu button for uh and if the T_V_ doesn't have a menu, then Yeah. Yeah, you can put that on the two eight four and six or whatever. Mm, yeah. A mute and a teletext and a menu. That's all. Hmm. Great. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Are we gonna do something with the uh spongy thing there? Yeah, that's true, that's true. Yeah, it's kinda fruity, and with th with catchy colours uh uh w Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Okay. I guess so. Yes. Yea yeah. Yep. Something like that. I guess not. Do you, guys? No? In the shared folder. You'll see in you email, I guess. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Construct one, yeah. Alright, shall we get back to work? Great. Yeah. Bastard. You lazy Speaker C: Uh, okay. Again. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh, may be better, yeah. Yeah. Oh. Oh titanium is probably trendy, I think.. Well, maybe a little bit expensive. I don't know. Yeah, production cost. I Different colours also. Yeah. Okay. uh Ah. Well, I shall go to the next slide. Um um, I still don't have any information about user requirements. I was thinking about just uh the basic functions and I got uh Yeah, but but then wh I don't know when there are new user requirements. I ha I ha I have the I have nothing. Well, I have here a couple of basic functions I could think of. I dunno if they're maybe a little bit more, but Yeah. Yeah, I I uh well, I pointed them out here, just to make it a little bit easier. Um Another function uh is of course we already discuss it on the side. Um, I don't know what costs of it. Uh, I've no idea about it. Uh, I was also looking for what you said, for I got an email uh uh about uh L_C_D_ in in in front of the remote control. I don't know if that's a good idea, or maybe it's a little bit too much for twelve and a half. Production. If we got already uh something like a base. Yeah, I don't know. I d I uh ju I was just thinking about it. Then I got a pop-ups to go to the meeting. But The remote control. a little uh too A little bit A little bit too big, I think. Exactly. Um, yeah. Well, the functions are are not more to discuss, I think. It's it's just the base things we already discussed that the no V_C_R_ or that kind of uh, so that's very easy. Um Mm-hmm. Well, that's next channel. I mean next channel. Uh Um oh, I I got an email with with an uh a remote control with a base. So, it's uh just an idea. And I um uh thinked of the button sizes and I'm not sure uh if they have to be big or uh just small Well, I'm not a e I'm the expert for user-friendly, but not for trendiness. Maybe it Well uh okay, that's your point. Um, yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I've nothing to s Uh, with a little bit larger, yeah. I thought so, but maybe with the Yeah, that groups. Large? Yeah. Most the most used uh buttons. True. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh, that was all y uh personal preference I didn't have. I didn't had any time left. So Yeah,. It's there. Yeah, click on it. Couple time. Well, how uh But how do we use uh fruits and vegetables in Christ's sake with remote control? Uh, make it a banana? Yeah, but th yeah, but that Yeah, but that's Yeah uh uh But d don't we need a creative artist or something like that to m make it to feel like a a a a vegetable or fruit? Yeah. But, we we have to um There have to be the the the the firm colours, our own uh colours has to be in it. Yellow, a Real Reaction. Uh, yeah. We uh f A yellow do Uh, yeah. Yeah, and the button then. Okay, yeah. Okay. Lazy. Yeah. Well well what would you display on it then? But is it isn't that a already on T_V_, a lot of new T_V_s? Yeah. Yeah, and we also have to yeah. And I also Yeah, I dunno.. Oh, okay. We can you away. Yeah, I don't know. Uh, uh I i if it's it's a simple p No, that that's right, and uh I also have to think about new functions, maybe buttons or something like that to control it. Kind of L_C_D_ or something or But how does it display then? W when I go to the second channel, what what does it show me? About that programme? Yeah. Is it fashion? I don't know. That's not up to you. That's up to market if i if it's trendy. Because our our motto is we put fashion Yeah, if you want to be trendy you have to be coloured. Coloured If you have black and white or something, or grey, that's It's too much uh maybe uh with with the L_C_D_ and the docking station and With one thing special. Not a whole package of specialty. And uh the Yeah. It's just an it's just an idea. It's a it's True. Well uh I uh Yeah, I dunno. No, it's too much. It's overdone. Democratically. With a spongy Bob feel. Yeah. Yeah, you just can drop it. Yeah. Yeah. But not black I think. Well if if it's fruit and vegetables, it have to be colourful. But can we ge uh uh Can we combine it or something? Uh with uh yellow and black? Make it a bee? A bee. Yeah, it's our yeah. We we have to use yellow. Different fronts. Yeah. Uh, you can you can l uh let choose the customer which colour he wants, yeah. Yeah, Three three or four uh four uh colours, or something like that. Well, yeah, the Three to one. That's And tita uh titanium, is uh is is it a no? Is It's just like that, th this titanium. No, not all, not all of them. Uh, I think titanium nowadays is way more often used than plastic. In trendy things. Yeah. It's cold in the winter. Yeah. You have that uh M_P_ three player of Nike, I saw. Isn't that titanium with a little bit of rubber? Isn't it Is plastic? Well, it's titanium looking. Yeah, he is. Here he is. Uh, the I don't know if you know the M_P_ three player of Nike. 'Kay, uh that that's very uh with rubber, so it's very rough. True. Yeah yeah, true. Yeah, maybe that's good idea, yeah. But if you want to la uh yeah, last longer than two weeks or something like that, you can maybe I don't know. What time does The rubber. Yeah. Uh no, not too much I think. Or you just make uh one colour, uh maybe with a a z a kind of like a big wave or something like uh In in another colour. Not more than two colours I think. It's a g a little bit too flashy. The funct yeah, I was I was thinking about th the st do we still want a joystick idea. Yeah. The volume, teletext and Yeah yeah yeah yeah, b Yeah, but wha what kind of menu? Is uh isn't that different from every television? Mute. Yeah. Okay, that's not mu not much functions. So Okay. Yeah. Too much colour, i it uh when you got it in a living room, it's too much maybe. It has to be Yeah. No. Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah. I hope so. And the other thing is that you don't have kind of prototype or something like that. You see a kinda prototype you can a little bit more uh Yeah. With you laptop? Yeah. Oh my God. Well you are. We're not. Speaker D: Okay, all set? Welcome to the conceptual design meeting. The agenda. The opening. I'll again be the secretary and make minutes, take minutes, uh and it will be three presentations, just like the last meeting. So um, who wants to start off? Technical uh designer again? Okay. Uh, yeah. Uh, before we begin it, I want to say I've I've put the minutes of the uh second meeting in the shared folder, but they're still not uh quite okay. It uh it uh still some technical difficulties so the the first part of the minutes are very hard to read, because there are two documents that uh were layered over each other. So But uh, from now on I won't use my pen anymore, so will be p just ordinary keyboard. I think it will will be more uh easy for you to read the minutes. Twelve and a half. Actually What are those, t tooth uh brushes, or so But it's actually kind of uh well, it resembles the design I had in mind for this proj You know the the cartoonish Alessi kind of design. And we can we can steal their ideas. Huh. Well, it's a possibility, too. Uh-uh. Okay. Next time we're here. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, we decided upon that in the last meeting. Didn't we? Oh, okay. Well, tha I didn't receive any new requirements or somethi Just no, but we decided to use only b basic functions only. Okay. Well we maybe we can think of that later. W just these are the ones you already summed up in the Okay. Yeah. That might get redundant also maybe. I don't know what kind of information it would Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. Okay. That's not It was not a good idea. Okay. No. No. But you do mention the next and previous uh button. Oh, okay, o okay okay. Huh. Mm-hmm. Well, w when we only use basic functions, we have the possibility to make the buttons larger. Well, I think we already agreed upon the fact that the the the skip buttons and the cha and the volume buttons, th th those two have yeah, they have to be large. Uh, I mean th th the the two two basic buttons, you know, the to skip channels and to uh I think yeah, I don't know why, but I think that is that's t trendy too, because that's the mo it it you know, it's uh acc acc um accentu uh, how do you say it? It puts an extra accent on the the on the simplicity of our remotes to j to make these two most basic functions extra big, like t Yeah. And you want to acc accentuate that, you know. So Okay. No uh, that's coo it's cool. Well maybe c then we have to do something with Sponge Bob then. It doesn't stroke with the with the dark colours. Not the dark colours? Okay. Okay. For diversity or something. Uh No, but I I I think that uh our design already resembles so a piece of fruit. It's like a pear or something. No, I don't think you have to do it like Yeah, but it that doesn't have to remind you, you know, like explicitly of s our f of a of a specific piece of fruit, but just, you know, like the the the the round curves. And so y I I think this y it already sem resembles uh something like a pear to me or something. Yeah. You do get the idea, eh? The fruity kind of round 'Kay. Yeah, uh yeah, I don't know. Uh, this is a b yeah. Yeah, yeah. Of course we have uh we have a very big uh the s Of d design team, yeah. Yeah, but It's pear, I guess. No. No, but I think it's it's already what we were were up to. Uh, it's it doesn't have to resemble uh what I already said, a specific piece of fruit, but just, you know, like a fruity thing going on. And it's it looks fruity to me. And uh, but I do like the yeah, I do like uh the f uh to the idea of making a a y uh, a catchy colour design and a d because I do I think a dark colour would be nice too. Maybe it's too much, you know. Okay, but what are the This is yellow. But I don't think our our company colours are this fashionable. Yeah, on uh n uh on the bottom of the remote you can do Okay. Okay, you can you open the conceptual design presentation? See what was on the agenda. This is his own remote. Because um, maybe we can start with the technical uh functions, but I don't think it's there uh, yeah um, do we want to um use an L_C_D_ display, for example? Me neither. Yeah, but it's so I don't think we should do it. Yeah, but no. I do I think it's a bit redundant, actually. And it's also not I don't th even think it it looks s like sexy or something, it's But you're already watching the T_V_, you're not gonna watch your remote control. I really understand you want to make your job more exciting by putting an L_C_D_ in it, but I I really don't think it's a good n goo because it also doesn't stroke with we wanted uh c When we talk about the materials, uh it's a good idea to use these plastic materials with soft rubber stuff on it. It was our idea, you know, to give it a more sturdy look and that you ca like you can throw with it. But I don't think a L_C_D_ display fits in that image. You know, it's like more vulnerable, and it adds nothing really, you know. Yeah, yeah. You could make it, but it's just it it doesn't I don't think it it's coherent with the design we're after. But that's my opinion. Well, you you y Okay, we can vote for it. You want the L_C_D_ display. I don't want to and he doesn't, so it's up to him. If we wanna And I've read somewhere that I've got some kind of veto veto uh rights. So I can also say But did we skip the Yeah, you could do m but what what i so what i but do you think we should We're not even sure what what information we want to display on it. So Nah, that's not gonna work. Yeah. Oh, well uh I've seen it done before. Do you know th like the the bigger rem uh universal remotes, they have d L_C_D_ displays, but then it's very functional to indicate which what uh uh device you are controlling. So it's that that's what I've seen. But it just it j it doesn't doesn't match with the our whole basic concept. Well yeah, yeah, okay. That's maybe not the most important, but it's just I don't think so. Yeah, well do you ha do you have to You haven't looked after the trendiness of L_C_D_ displays, have you? Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, but we're gonna if it Then uh then you better don't yeah, d Uh uh I really don't feel the whole idea of an L_C_D_ display. I'm sorry. It can't co you cannot convince me. I don't know how well how to with you guys, but I don't really feel it. We already we're uh Yeah, we already have the the th th th base station gadgets, and want and it uh uh, do it has to be a simple design, which sturdy, which soft I don't think I j uh, and really, I don't see how the the L_C_D_ display is gonna add anything, you know, on a design level. Uh, I think it's slicker to have no L_ CEDs. Y we want to it's simplicity, w you have two big buttons and you can do whatever you want with these two buttons, so you don't need an L_C_D_. It doesn't fit in our philosophy uh behind the whole remote. Yeah, but we already have the docking station, which is It has to be developed, but no, but it that's that's our that's our killer feature. That's our what makes it special. Yeah, we're gonna develop our own r n docking station. Uh, but re we really have to cut this off, I re I know you I I I I I get the idea you really like it, you know, the the L_C_D_ thing, but I I think it's it's not a good idea, and we have already mentioned all the arguments. I don't uh, do you guys agre How do you guys think? I d Okay, we s skip the L_C_D_ display. I'm sorry, maybe you can do something if we are at your own place, or make it make it make it happen in your basement or something. But Probably so. Okay. But for the technical part. The m material, I think uh it was a good idea to use the plastic and uh the rubber. Uh Yeah yeah yeah, p Exactly. This is what it w Yeah, but it it was already what we're uh we're after, you know, to give it uh, you know, the soft touch in your hands and also to, know, like Yeah, that is y the b airbag kind of thing. You can st throw it at your little brother's head. Yeah. No no no, not that comfy. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Okay, that's a that's a good point. And that's why I like the dark t col dark colour bit, you know, because it may be the design uh, it's uh maybe it is a bit of the it's a bit nineties maybe, what we're what we're up to rat fun to this point. Yeah, that's that's true, but but it has to be a little big solid. It mustn't be too, n you know, th too overwhelming, then when you put it on your just Yeah. Yeah, maybe so. No, uh I don't like the yellow and black combination. But it is our company colours. Apparently. I don't like yellow, and uh maybe I don't know. But Okay, but what uh, what are other tef technical things we have to discuss? Should we do that? I don't think you we should do that. Maybe just bring it out in different colours, but not af that you can switch fronts afterwards, that's also too much. People don't wanna spend more money on their remote control, I guess. Yeah, yeah. But uh, without gon uh okay. So, are we through the technical part then? Okay. So we uh agreed upon uh n uh well, not u unanimously or how you call it, but Yeah. The materials you uh mentioned in your your personal preferences were all were quite okay. O o only only the last point your no titanium's not not out of question, I guess. But is it possible to use both the the plastic and so uh soft things and t p titanium, as well? Makes it in a homogeneous uh design. It will it will break other stuff w when it's plastic, as well. Yeah. No, but uh uh, you should ma Yeah. Okay, think of the possibilities and make it in completely titanium. Well would it be more trendy? More chic? Yeah, but I I really like the idea of the the the plastic and the big kind of thing. But the question is i then it's, you know, is is it fits in our s philosophy to make it uh sturdy and simple and uh, know, like uh When you make it titanium, it becomes more like some kind of gadget you actually don't need. And when it's big and plastic, it's like some fun stuff you can always have around. It's always fun to have something big and plastic around. Yeah, that's beautiful. Oh, maybe th maybe this is an No, I do like the idea of maybe a t titanium kind type of body w and then with s plastic colouration around it. You know, like the the soft stuff, but I don't know if it's possible. But you can't make the plastic give uh the ti titanium look. But make it just like shiny. Maybe we should uh shou And uh and maybe we sh should we t I don't know if we should talk about uh, how how much time have we got left? Forty minutes. Okay. You putting in different colours. Okay. Okay. Yeah, but w yeah. Well, it is. It's a possibility. But, let's think about the bas Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. But wha th our basic idea y I mean, you gonna we're probably gonna have like two type of materials, like the d d b the plastic uh enclosure and then the the pads that surround it. And and pro and lights. We have to incorporate the lights too. But, uh do w gonna gonna are we going to give it a two-tone colour look, like the the plastic mould is in in one colour and the s the cushion pads around it are in another colour? Is that the idea? Is that a good idea? How many colours are we how many colours are we gonna we're uh uh f uh f Only five minutes left, by the way. How many colours are we gonna give it? Like two-tone colour? T I think maybe the case itself should be in one colour and then the rubber of the buttons, and the cushions as well should be in another colour. Okay, but not more than Well, yeah, it's No. Maybe we should talk about it on a l in a later meeting. Okay. But we have to uh think of some other uh important things. Uh oh yeah, the the functionalities of the the buttons. No. I think this is okay, the so we have the basic. Then we have the numbers. We have the power button. We have we have a teletext button. And maybe want to access a a menu or something. Most T_V_s have a menu. Yeah, but I think you ha I really need a menu button. That's just i the only button only You know, I No, I think most T_V_s have an uh a menu nowadays to access the uh uh screen settings. And so But that that covers all the all the other settings. It covers everything then. No, you can use the And you al can also use the normal skip buttons for that. Th in that way we have like only the numbers, the power button, skip and volume, and then uh uh ten uh rem uh yeah, mute. A teletext and a menu, and then then i that's it. It's all we need. Okay, uh another stuf some stuff about the the the design of the docking station. Something important about a s uh, no, uh which sh uh should remind us of the remote itself, I guess. Uh, in one colour. Just use I think the spongy thing already um comes forward in the in the in the cushions, pads and things on the s uh side. And we will make it spongy and and uh and uh well, the fruity thing is just the shape should be fru i did I think this is kind of fruity, you know. Just round shapes with uh Yeah, but we're gonna have to we really have to think I think colours is very important, because it has to be flashy, but and but it d it doesn't have to be annoying, that when you uh, know, some things is just over the top, and when you have it on your table for more than two weeks, you it just gets annoying, because it's so big and flashy. Uh, it has to be some level of subtlety, but we have to still have to think of how we manage to uh to get to that. Okay. Guess we're through then. But we I think also we just so we have to do something with colour but also, I I think we have to keep the dark colour thing in mind. I think that's uh adds to the too much colour maybe m um But our des design experts will uh work that out. Okay, well I think the meeting will be over within a minute. So we will wrap up. Or is there anything we'd like to discuss? That's right. Okay. Okay. Well, you will read the minutes uh in the you can find them in the pro probably. Yeah uh no, for su for sure because I'm will now type them out. Uh, y yeah. I think uh But toilet paper roll and uh Okay. Yep. I was waiting for the l last message, but Mm yeah.","The industrial designer talked about the options available for materials and components. He suggested that the case should be double-curved, and be made from plastic and rubber rather than wood or titanium. He also recommended using basic batteries rather than solar or kinetic power. He also mentioned the possibility of using an LCD screen to add something special. The user interface designer went over the functions to be included in the remote. The group discussed using large buttons for the most frequently used functions. The marketing expert gave a presentation on trend watching. A fancy look and feel is most important to users, followed by technological innovation and ease of use. The younger market also likes the theme of fruit and vegetables and spongy material, which could be implemented through fruity colours and using a spongy material for the base. The group discussed how to incorporate a fruit and vegetable theme, as well as the company colours and logo. The group discussed whether to include an LCD screen, and eventually decided against it. The project manager closed the meeting and told the group they would receive emails about their tasks for the next meeting." 66,"Speaker A: Uh yeah, if I can pick up with all these bits and pieces, hang on. Uh right, so you want an animal and the characteristics of that animal. Do you have to be able to recognise what animal it is? Um Only animal I could thin I could draw. Its a sort of bunny rabbit cat. You can tell it's not a bunny rabbit by the ears. Um I suppose it should have a mouth as well, sort of Right, yeah. Um the favourite characteristics of the cat um the whiskers I think, um because they're the easiest to draw. In fact, I'll give it some more Oh, and the tail Yes. Um sure it's not to test our artistic It's a mouse. No it's not a mouse. It's a wombat. A what? A webbed foot. Webbed f Oh right. Gosh, why didn't I think of fish? That's even easier to draw than cat. That that that's the sorta product we're talking about, one that will work for a in a home environment, for a T_V_s and I think one that works would be good. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. Speaker B: Are we all gonna draw a cat? That's not a mouse-y, no. It's a ratty. A ratty. It's clothes. That's it's clothes. It's a ratty with a with a with a very long tail. I love whiskers. Uh they're intelligent and they're cheeky and uh fantastic pets and very friendly. And they sit on your shoulder and whisper the answers to your homework in your ear when you're doing your homework. A shark? It is true that you always sit around you know, you're sitting on your sofa and you wanna change something, there's five different remotes, and one for the D_V_D_ and one for the video and one for cable and one for whatever else. But I presume this is t I presume this is just for television. I think one in b bright colours would be good. I think one that doesn't have lots of superfluous functions. Like I've got one at home that has well, apart from the obvious, channels, channel up, channel down, volume, you know, subtitles, mute, there's a lotta buttons that I've got no idea what they do, like. Mm. Ooh, closing the meeting. That was quick. Mm-hmm. Speaker C: Uh yeah. Fine now. Oh, it's not liking us, it went that-a-way. Computer adjusting. Oh. Uh. Okay. So. Right. You ready back there? Uh okay. Welcome everyone. Um this is the kick-off meeting for the day. Um we're the new group uh to create a new remote control for Real Reaction. As you can see our agenda is to open up the meeting, um become acquainted with each other, um have a little training on tools, uh create a plan, discuss things and and we only have twenty minut twenty five minutes total. Okay. The new remote control is to be original, trendy and user-friendly. That, Steph, is your part, is the user-friendliness. The originality um is gonna take all of us. Um the trendiness we'll probably go look at for some marketing research information from you, Sarah. Um and we'll get on with it. Okay, so we'll have a functional design individual work um with meeting and then conceptual design t and then detailed design. Okay? Right. Everybody's supposed to try out the whiteboard. Kate, why don't you try it first, if you can either bring your things with you, I guess And while you're doing that we'll try and figure out how to hook these things on as well, 'cause we're all gonna have to be able to walk around. Uh I do not think so, I think it's just to try out the whiteboard. Ah. Uh-huh. Okay. Great. And the characteristics? Uh-huh. Okay. Fantastic. Since you're handy as well, why don't you do yours next, Steph. I think it's to get us used to using the pen. Uh no. A mouse-y? Oh. Argh. Rat. Not a mouse, a rat. And your favourite characteristics of that animal. Oh. Okay. Kate? Oh, a fish. Oh, okay. Fine. Favourite characteristics? 'Kay. So they have team elements. I'm afraid I'm with Steph. And I think your pen's running out of whatever. But I'm afraid I take the coward's way out, and the cat's looking the other way. He's hiding. Um cats are sometimes very independent. My parents had cats. Uh and they can mm decide for themselves what is best. Okay. Now um we have to get down to the nitty-gritty of how to make this and this remote control has to be sold um we're to sell it for twenty five Euros, with a profit aim ultimately of fifty million Euros. That tells you something about how many um we have to sell on an international scale. Um would be an awful lot of these, would be like what, a hundred million of them um to make twenty five Euros on each one and to make a total profit of fifty million. Um the production is to only cost twelve and a half Euros per item. Now if they cost twelve and a half, you're selling it for twenty five, you're making twelve and a half Euros each. Um and we're to make a profit of fifty million, that's t uh can you do the maths and how many are we selling? Mark-up? Okay. Yes, 'cause our market um is international and your problem is has to do with marketing of you know, you gotta know how many we're going to be selling to know how big a market you have to target and who is that. To give you a pretty good idea of where you're looking. Something like that? Okay. That's fifty million Euros. In order to make fifty million Euros, and you're only getting twelve and a half each That's a lot of selling. Two four To be fifty, be four million. You'd have to sell four million. Okay? Right. Experience with a remote control. Any of you use of remote control for a television or D_V_D_ or something? You're both nodding, all three. Well I've seen some remote controls that are for more than one device at a time, but I also have heard about them not working well or not well co-ordinated and you wind up working with this one for thi this three and then this one over here for another. And they don't always talk to each other. Don't know. Okay. Are there any um ideas for the remote? What would it be for and what group would be be for? We have to think about that one. Okay. Mm. Okay. Yeah. Um I know this sounds like it was very quick, but the I think that's the industrial design is the first one, that's Kate, for the working design. And user, that's you S Steph, for the technical functions design, and for marketing the user requirements specification. I think there's going to be a lot of we have to help each other and work through this as a group, and I think we all, you know, we like our kitty-cat and our rat and our fish, but I think we all have to like each other um to get this done. Uh as it says, we're gonna get individual instructions, but uh I don't think they allowed a lot of extra time, so I think a little bit of less of this and more at do will set us in good stead. Do you all agree? Alright. Um then I don't see any reason to prolong it and f we should finish this meeting at ni right now and go into other things. Alright, so this is the end of the first meeting. Thank you all. Speaker D: Is this okay? I know. Thanks. Mm this is very representational fish. Um I like them because they're sleek and they have a lot of freedom but they also do n uh swim in groups, so. Do you have a favourite one? Uh yeah. I was just wondering if that's the um If fifty percent is normal B yeah. Um I would think would be more like sixty percent. But um let me I have two thoughts. One hundred, fifty percent. And and your question is how many do we have to sell? At twenty five. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's um So that's four million of them? Yeah. And if we make Mm-hmm. Yeah. Four million. Hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Y yeah. We could make a Hello Kitty themed remote. Yeah. We could totally go for the Japan-a-mation. Well I mean there's also the cachet that um uh the Japanese make great products. Electrical their industrial design is very good. Yeah. Well, that's a really good point, because I think one of the things that being somewhat computer literate, we tend to um go to menus and then make choices, you know, so if it's like an uh volume button, you know, you can go in and say mute or or volume. We don't need to have like the l the numbers if we also have uh uh channel up channel down. Mm. We can make it smart like an iPod, you know, make everything menus. Okay.","Um this is the kick-off meeting for the day . Um we're the new group uh to create a new remote control for Real Reaction . As you can see our agenda is to open up the meeting , um become acquainted with each other , um have a little training on tools , uh create a plan , discuss things and and we only have twenty minut twenty five minutes total . The new remote control is to be original , trendy and user-friendly . That , Steph , is your part , is the user-friendliness . The originality um is gonna take all of us . Um the trendiness we'll probably go look at for some marketing research information from you , Sarah . we'll have a functional design individual work um with meeting and then conceptual design t and then detailed design . Everybody's supposed to try out the whiteboard . Kate , why don't you try it first , if you can either bring your things with you , I guess we'll try and figure out how to hook these things on as well , 'cause we're all gonna have to be able to walk around . you want an animal and the characteristics of that animal . Its a sort of bunny rabbit cat . I think it's to get us used to using the pen . Not a mouse , a rat . a fish . And I think your pen's running out of whatever . we have to get down to the nitty-gritty of how to make this and this remote control has to be sold um we're to sell it for twenty five Euros , with a profit aim ultimately of fifty million Euros . That tells you something about how many um we have to sell on an international scale . would be like what , a hundred million of them um to make twenty five Euros on each one and to make a total profit of fifty million . Um the production is to only cost twelve and a half Euros per item . if they cost twelve and a half , you're selling it for twenty five , you're making twelve and a half Euros each . Um and we're to make a profit of fifty million , I was just wondering if that's the um If fifty percent is normal Um I would think would be more like sixty percent . you gotta know how many we're going to be selling to know how big a market you have to target and who is that . In order to make fifty million Euros , and you're only getting twelve and a half each four million . You'd have to sell four million . Experience with a remote control . Any of you use of remote control for a television or D_V_D_ or something ? That that that's the sorta product we're talking about , one that will work for a in a home environment , for a T_V_s and I've seen some remote controls that are for more than one device at a time , but I also have heard about them not working well or not well co-ordinated and you wind up working with this one for thi this three and then this one over here for another . that you always sit around you know , you're sitting on your sofa and you wanna change something , there's five different remotes , and one for the D_V_D_ and one for the video and one for cable and one for whatever else . And they don't always talk to each other . But I presume this is t I presume this is just for television . We could make a Hello Kitty themed remote . I think one in b bright colours would be good . I think one that works would be good . We could totally go for the Japan-a-mation . I mean there's also the cachet that um uh the Japanese make great products . I think one that doesn't have lots of superfluous functions . Like I've got one at home that has well , apart from the obvious , channels , channel up , channel down , volume , you know , subtitles , mute , there's a lotta buttons that I've got no idea what they do , like . that's a really good point , because I think one of the things that being somewhat computer literate , we tend to um go to menus and then make choices , so if it's like an uh volume button , you know , you can go in and say mute or or volume . We don't need to have like the l the numbers if we also have uh uh channel up channel down . Mm . We can make it smart like an iPod , make everything menus . closing the meeting . Um I know this sounds like it was very quick , I think that's the industrial design is the first one , that's Kate , for the working design . And user , that's you S Steph , for the technical functions design , and for marketing the user requirements specification . we have to help each other and work through this as a group , Uh as it says , we're gonna get individual instructions , and f we should finish this meeting at ni right now" 45,"Speaker A: All set? Okay. Cool. Right. So um basically I'm just gonna go over real quickly um some news I've just got from the board on how we're supposed to do with this um remote control. And then I'm gonna turn over to you guys to make brief presentations um on what you've found and then we'll have a bit of discussion. So basically uh what I've just found out from the board I dunno if you guys got this email as well but it needs to be television only. So no we're not doing D_V_D_, we're not doing anything else, it's just gonna be a television remote. Um it also needs to have the company colours included in it. Um so that's red and black. And it has to have the slogan, case you guys forget the slogan it's, we put fashion in electronics. Um and no teletext. I'm not sure what teletext is but I'm assuming you guys do, so we don't wanna include that um in this particular design. For reasons that I don't really know. There's but it's the board so there you go. So basically um given those guidelines which will have some effect on how we design we'll discuss it later I mean 'cause it's television only we'll be able to change our uh um well we can s sacrifice more function for a better television remote. Anyway. So I'm gonna turn over to the Industrial Designer uh to go ahead and make a presentation on Oh, right yeah. Yep. Might have to hit function F_ eight but it looks like it's gonna come up. Yep. Cool. Brilliant. 'Kay. Mm. 'Kay. Fair enough. 'Kay. Is is there a way that we can use um modern types of polymers, or mo modern types of plastics that maybe do have some kind of aesthetic value um like if a white like if we talk about like well like on the lapt on these laptops and other ones they use a a pretty nice, you can do i is there some kind of nice colo der quality plastic that we can work with? Okay, okay. Great. Thank you very much Nathan. Um if next we can have the um User Interface Developer go ahead and make a brief presentation that'd be great as well. S plug yourself in here. Mm. Um hit function F_ eight real quickly, hold down Mm. There you go. Sweet. Yeah sorry I couldn't get that g to use before. Oh yeah look at that. Mm-hmm. Nice. Okay. Great. Thanks for that Ron. 'Kay yep that's you. Give it a little bit. That's great. Thank you Sarah. Right. So um yep I'll just uh switch that back here. I'll finish up with just a bit of discussion plan on for the next phase. Right so I think we've covered most of these important questions through this um through you guys's presentations um we've got uh y the Industrial Designer suggests uh or pretty much emphatically suggested that we need to go with plastic. Um Sarah, she's recommended that we go for simpler functions, so fewer functions um but we need to decide who are we selling this to, you s your stats suggested that seventy five percent of people under thirty five wanted, thought about voice control, um so do we wanna go for that, or do we want to go for an older demographic, and my thought is um we've got w if we're gonna go for a sleek look I mean we are putting the fashion in electronics um. Yes. So maybe this we should look into this younger demographic. Um. So uh we need to wonder ah h about how we make it better and smaller and faster um think we're constrained to plastics very well, we've got this idea, Ron was saying we need to think about uh revolutionising the way it's looking um, which might be easier given that we're going for simpler function and that we're only going for a telly. Um so um. How th this voice operation thing is I think is a good idea um assuming that it's doable, um at least for the basic controls, maybe we can balance it that way, you know we can see. Okay you can't say record alias tonight at seven P_M_ but we might be able to say um volume up. Mm. Right. The difficulty wh would be in um I think like i you couldn't speak into the remote that you're trying to find. 'Kay you have something that picks up a voice from far away If it's hidden under the couch but then again you have this wee this wee thing you know that's just a little chip or whatever that has the page button, maybe that could be voice activated too. Yeah. Or an isolated magnet or something like, or you know something that wouldn't interfere I don't know that'd be the technical thing but yeah I like that, I like that, the voice recognition for the paging system. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Absolutely. Mm 'kay um well yeah I guess we'll cross that bridge um in a la slightly later stages of development um but yeah I know, that's perfectly viable question. Mm 'kay um so I'm seeing that we're gonna just basically focus on this young demographic group, aim it at them, but then in a sense that its bells and whistles are available for anybody who wants them but basically we'll make a sleek simple functioned um uh remote control. Um I think this voice recognition thing is a we've got a market for it uh I don't think there's too many, we'd more or less be cornering the market on it as well, we don't have many um. I appear to have lost my microphone. Mm. Right um we don't have many people or there's not very many competitors out there that do that so cool. Um right. I guess we've c we've touched on most of this. The idea of a paging function, a touch screen, and face plates. Um. The thing with I see would there not be a we'd have to maybe sacrifice the face plates for a touch screen? Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right. Yeah 'cause then ha you would have to who all it's not like with cell phones like where you have a you know Nokia model X_ and then ten people make face plates for it, we'd be just our model of pho of t remote control. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Alright well we can we can discuss that one further when we think about um whether th when we do costs and so forth, um. True, if plastic is dead cheap and if we're making the whole thing out of plastic anyway um yeah we'll cross that bridge later um but yeah we will have to evaluate what's most important. Um I think we've had a bit of discussion already on this thing, n s there any other questions comments that came up in these presentations? Yeah yeah okay. Um Yeah I think that would be best. Let's based on what sh on what you guys have all said to me let's go for a plastic built or uh b plastic cased 'cause tha tha that's easy on the cost, try to look for some kind of high quality recycled plastic as you recommended and I think that's a great idea. With a touch screen for the basic functions. Um And we'll yeah tha let's provisionally let's go for a touch screen one with several submenus um for possible extra stuff that one basically put the channel and the on and off switch on the touch screen. Um do we have Mm wait a minute it occurs to me that if we have a touch screen people are going to have to recharge their remote controls. Yet at the same time that might help for this whole complaint of it being lost. Mm-hmm. But then again that costs as well. Hmm. Do they? Okay. Well I I don't think yeah I can't see anybody buying a lap a remote control that they have to plug in so we'd have to see some kind of new battery technology. Okay so let's go with a um touch screen with um some kind of you know with with some kind of cutting edge battery technology Yeah well hey you know well it's it's worth looking into, if not we can always default to just doing a a well presented plastic simple you know so you know. Well yeah I mean you can put the we could I I dunno I mean I suppose we could put the the basics on the centre easiest you know, you know people know the channel and volume function make them large and easy to get at and then the the other the other bits and bobs you know go through menu um w we'll do the aesthetics. Okay so we'll touch screen and the battery, focus on um uh presentation. Um it's th uh with this voice recognition option as well um just as for the simple functions the um the on off, channels, volume, um and um a small paging function. Even if you can't do voice recognition for the paging you know just some kind of simple button that's just a I guess another infrared signal to the remote control and while to emit some kind of paging. Just a beep. Um right so any comments? Thoughts before we break into go into the next round of individual work on this. W it's my understanding that if you were going to do a skin you'd need to have some way for people to download or import skins into the remote control. Yeah I think perhaps good idea but yeah I think that that one m might just be um and they just yeah I think that one might just be out of the range for this particular a P_D_A_ would they would makes a lot of sense for a P_D_A_ 'cause you're gonna be using it to connect up to things anyway but I dunno, what do you guys think? Hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I know I d it seems like it would suffice to have just the R_R_ on there. Jus But apparently not. So. Yeah. Well fair enough. Um and yeah that would help the battery life too and if it the remote they do have to press a button for the remote to turn on. But then again who wants to turn on a remote control. Kind of if i Oh to wake up okay or go into like a dormant mode. Okay. Oh yeah I like that I like the idea of um putting the logo in the boot up screen, nice. Um. Um cool so any last things before we break? Alright. Fair enough. Sounds good. I'm gonna save th a copy of this in case you guys need any reminders. I'm gonna save a copy of this and the minutes that I'll do it in a second and put them in the shared folder for later reference. Brilliant. That's fab guys. Cool. Speaker B: Okay. Gotta plug you in. Very nice. For your first PowerPoint it's lovely. Fine. It needs, yeah. Cool. Looks like you're in okay. There you go. Right. Does that mean I'm up? I think so. Okay. Oh that would be perfect. Thank you. Slide show up and running. Or not. Uh. Oh there we go. Perfect. Okay. So this is me. Um basically I was looking through some marketing reports that we've got and we had a usability test where we were actually sort like watching a hundred people use T_V_ remotes and see what it is that they're using and then they filled out a questionnaire about what they like and what they don't about their general T_V_ remote control practices. Um pretty much through testing we were finding out that most of the time, everybody's used to using changing the channel, turning it on, using the volume, m the majority of the time that's all that's going on, the other functions happen, for some people they're important, but the primary uses are really really basic. Um and so big complicated remotes like one we saw in the last presentation are really not the general public's use, they're not using a lot of it, they don't need it, they even find it frustrating when there are all those buttons that they don't know what to do with. And um we also found out that uh fifty percent of our people, their the worst thing about a remote is how often they lose it. And then they can't find it in the room. So I think what we were talking about with a pager or something, will really come into play with a lot of these people. Um there's also a survey about what they liked about remotes, and pretty much they all think they're hideous and not very useful, and the younger demographics are all really interested in voice recognition options. I don't know if that's something we're ready to look into technically, that's up to the design people, but it is s something worth thinking about, especially since the younger demographic's obviously the one that's gonna keep growing, so if that's the direction we're headed in it's something to think about. Um but basically it really is the primary functions and getting it to look nice, which are the standards. So it's a good start for us. Need to unplug this? Need it back. There you go. Oh right. We're not catering to the pensioners of the world I don't think so. Right. Right. Uh. Right. Yeah. Oh. That could work. I like that. Yeah. Something very basic. Right. Is that only gonna be within our two hundred foot range then? Okay. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. K Yeah. True. Making it just an option? Yeah. Right. Are we still thinking about this screen sorry. Go ahead. The uh if we're gonna do this touch pad screen thing, it would be still, do we know if that's an option technically right now to that? Okay. Okay. We're doing okay. 'Cause it seems like an interesting option especially because then you could have like your primary screen just be these you know four or five basic functions, you can have menu options or something to have all these other complicated voice recognition, settings, things that you're not gonna use every day and that a lot of people aren't gonna use but it is an option there for this hi-tech market that sort of re is the sleek thing we're going for. True. Worth looking into. Yeah. True. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Just the casing. Mm. Yeah. Right. Mm. Right. Well in the publicity of a face plate on a phone is you have it out and around, it is sort of emblematic whereas you're just sit at home, so unless somebody comes over to watch T_V_ True. True. True. Yeah. Oh yeah. True. 'Cause it would have a docking base? Yeah. Can we afford that? And will somebody buy it if we don't? Right. For twelve Euros? It is. Fair enough. The basics. Mm. 'Kay. Mm. And oh. Yeah the the fashion do. Yeah. Right, and then you're dealing with ports and cords and Yeah. For now. Yeah. Nice. Um. Well but if we're gonna use a touch screen where it's gonna come on like on your cell phone it'll have your your carrier provider name come up first like while it's loading and then it goes away, perhaps it could be like a temporary Comes on every time you turn it on and then that's it 'cause it is a bit much to have it like engraved on the back or something I think. Yeah. Y Yeah you would think. But. If it comes from above. Yeah. Mm. We're good? Yeah. Speaker C: Th Well so. Here we have a uh my technical functions design presentation. Um so a few of the requirements we need here. Uh we n basically need to operate an electronic device, it needs to be universal um and possibly uh operate several different types of devices although we now uh find that uh that that's no problem. Um so some of my findings. Um basically wanna send messages uh to a television set. Um that would be any number of different things uh such as switch on the television, uh switch to the next channel, that sort of thing, I think we're all quite uh quite uh intelligent and know know what a normal remote control does. Um now some of the other things I found is a a complicated remote control sorry that we can't quite see my red there very well but uh this remote control has many functions um so it can do a lot of things but it uh it is quite complicated and most users will find it uh find that they won't use most of the functions because they don't know how to use them and don't wanna take the time to learn how to do it. As you also notice it's quite a boring design. Um. Another remote control, slightly different, it's a simpler remote control uh many less buttons but uh has many fewer functions, um m much easier for the user to manipulate and use. Um it also has a bit of a cheap look and it's also quite boring. So my personal preferences. Revolutionise the idea of uh a remote control. Um so attain the functionality of a complicated device but use a simple formatted display uh for the user to to work with. And I was gonna add another uh slide here but I didn't quite have time there. Um. Just incorporating some of the ideas that we had previously like uh having multiple face but it's uh. I can plug you in. Sounds good. A little sticky pad to stick on top of your uh television. And you just say something to into that and it finds your The other thing is we might be able to handle the simplicity of a remote control and kind of put the more complicated things into a voice control. So it could be sold to both the younger market and the older market. And the younger market could use kind of the voi voice control method and the older market might might k exactly and might consider the older market could use the simpler design with the traditional buttons and what not. 'S definitely an option technically. I've looked into uh costs of uh touch screen methods and what not, they seem to be uh you know almost as cheap as a button method at this point. Um I'm not sure that's sincerely correct, I think if you kind of take the example of a mobile phone that uh trying to pass a portion of the device is not interchangeable whereas the surrounding portions are interchangeable. We could have the casing, the the face plates. Well hopefully some people have people coming t over to w to hang out at your house and most people have their televisions in the living room. Uh. Sure. Well have we confirmed that we're gonna go ahead with a uh touch screen um Interface? So these new lithium batteries they last twenty years even with the touch screen? Those new ones. Be interesting. We put fashion into electronics. Yeah. Uh I I'm I'm in agreement with that, I'm wondering how we're gonna get uh we put fashion into electronics onto this device. I'm hoping for a subliminal maybe half a millisecond as it turns on. Mm-hmm. Well all you have to do is touch the screen and it automatically goes on. Yep. Goes into a sleep mode. I've put my files in the shared folder as well. Speaker D: Okay. So do I unplug this bit here? Okay. Right. That's page one of my presentation. So the uh method. We're gonna have to understand how remote controls work and res uh successfully complete this project. Um remote control works as follows. This is all pretty basic stuff you guys. Um sends message to another system, so there's an energy source involved in that like a battery or solar power, something along those lines, there's an integrated circuit, which is the microchip, um and that actually compose the messages and usually the way a a remote control works is it sends infrared bits to another system. A user interface controls the chip, basically that's the casing and the buttons and um accordingly the messages as well. So my findings, um I just did a preliminary study here and uh I found that too much metal in remote design could potentially cause interference with the ability of the remote to send commands. And too much metal can cause remotes to behave unexpectedly by receiving false signals. Um too much metal is used sometimes and people pick up radio signals and the like, and there's also the possibility of the remote catching on fire and injuring the customer, just think of those lawsuits, that'd be really bad. Therefore I suggest primarily plastic construction. Um, components. Just some ideas that I had, um, energy source, it's kinda hip to be eco friendly so I thought maybe we could do something with solar power with an alkaline battery backup. Um the user interface, I was since we can't use metal I was thinking maybe a high grade recycled plastic. The chip, um, silicon based chip I don't really see any way around that, we can't really be different in that respect. Um, the sender well I'm thinking infrared 'cause it is the industry standard, multi channel, that's a word I made up, I don't really know what it means. Uh PAL and N_T_S_C_ compatible and uh probably a two hundred foot range. Uh and the receiver of course is any number of electronic devices. Um but in this case it'll only be T_V_s. Um personal preferences, I really think that we should use plastic as opposed to metal, um, the company simply can't afford this kinds of lawsuits which adm admittedly is gonna come at the cost of a certain aesthetic value, 'cause we were thinking Right. Yeah that shouldn't be a problem. Um for example the plastic they have on your laptop there is something that's perfectly possible for us to do. That's the end of my presentation. Is it plugged in well? There it goes. Computer adjusting. Mm. Mm. Right. I think it would be possible to uh combine the locator device and the voice recognition technology. With a simple command like locate. And then it could start to beep and therefore be found. Oh yeah I think that's very doable. Mm. It's a good point. Yeah. Mm. I was thinking uh Oh go ahead. Yeah. Gotta wonder though, if we're adding so much technology to this one remote, are we still gonna be able to meet out twelve pou our twelve fifty Euro you know goal for selling these things. It seems like, we're not gonna be able to handle all these functions with just one microchip. The microchip is probably the most expensive part of the the whole mechanism. So it's just something to consider. Back to the uh the cost the material. We have to ask whether we're going to include a certain number of face plates with the package? That's something I w for say we're including three or four face plates, it's gonna drive the cost up. And the other question is, if we do include them are we really in a position to evaluate that market? We haven't done any tests on face plates and whether See if there if there's even interest out there. Off the top of my head it sounds kind of like a gimmick that wouldn't really go anywhere. Yeah. Can we afford to include one of those? Right. Okay. Since we're doing uh touch screen, do we wanna look into the possibility of people being able to input different types of skins for the you know the actual interface part of it and things like that? Or is it just gonna be one touch screen for everybody. What what would be on that touch screen? 'Cause you said earlier that we have to think about company colours and um logo or something or motto, I can't remember exactly what you said. 'S too much. Think we just need to come up with a nice black and red interface on the touch screen. That'd be okay. Mm. True. People aren't gonna want their remote to boot up and to see flashing things come on. They just want it to be on and ready to go.","I'm just gonna go over real quickly um some news I've just got from the board on how we're supposed to do with this um remote control . And then I'm gonna turn over to you guys to make brief presentations um on what you've found and then we'll have a bit of discussion . what I've just found out from the board but it needs to be television only . we're not doing D_V_D_ , Um it also needs to have the company colours included in it . that's red and black . so we don't wanna include that um in this particular design . For reasons that I don't really know . but it's the board so there you go . given those guidelines which will have some effect on how we design we'll discuss it later I'm gonna turn over to the Industrial Designer uh to go ahead and make a presentation We're gonna have to understand how remote controls work and res uh successfully complete this project . Um remote control works as follows . Um sends message to another system , there's an energy source involved in that like a battery or solar power , something along those lines , there's an integrated circuit , which is the microchip , and usually the way a a remote control works is it sends infrared bits to another system . A user interface controls the chip , basically that's the casing and the buttons and um accordingly the messages as well . and uh I found that too much metal in remote design could potentially cause interference with the ability of the remote to send commands . And too much metal can cause remotes to behave unexpectedly by receiving false signals . Um too much metal is used sometimes and there's also the possibility of the remote catching on fire just think of those lawsuits , that'd be really bad . Therefore I suggest primarily plastic construction . Um , components . Just some ideas that I had , um , energy source , it's kinda hip to be eco friendly so I thought maybe we could do something with solar power with an alkaline battery backup . Um the user interface , since we can't use metal I was thinking maybe a high grade recycled plastic . The chip , um , silicon based chip I don't really see any way around that , Um , the sender well I'm thinking infrared 'cause it is the industry standard , Uh PAL and N_T_S_C_ compatible and uh probably a two hundred foot range . Um personal preferences , I really think that we should use plastic as opposed to metal , which adm admittedly is gonna come at the cost of a certain aesthetic value , Is is there a way that we can use um modern types of polymers , or mo modern types of plastics that maybe do have some kind of aesthetic value on the lapt on these laptops and other ones they use a a pretty nice , Yeah that shouldn't be a problem . Um if next we can have the um User Interface Developer go ahead and make a brief presentation that'd be great as well . Here we have a uh my technical functions design presentation . Uh we n basically need to operate an electronic device , Um basically wanna send messages uh to a television set . Um that would be any number of different things uh such as switch on the television , uh switch to the next channel , that sort of thing , some of the other things I found is a a complicated remote control but it uh it is quite complicated and most users will find it uh find that they won't use most of the functions because they don't know how to use them and don't wanna take the time to learn how to do it . Um . Another remote control , slightly different , it's a simpler remote control uh many less buttons but uh has many fewer functions , um m much easier for the user to manipulate and use . Um it also has a bit of a cheap look and it's also quite boring . my personal preferences . Revolutionise the idea of uh a remote control . Um so attain the functionality of a complicated device but use a simple formatted display uh for the user to to work with . Um . Just incorporating some of the ideas that we had previously like uh having multiple face I was looking through some marketing reports that we've got and we had a usability test where we were actually sort like watching a hundred people use T_V_ remotes and see what it is that they're using and then they filled out a questionnaire about what they like and what they don't about their general T_V_ remote control practices . Um pretty much through testing we were finding out that most of the time , everybody's used to using changing the channel , turning it on , using the volume , the majority of the time that's all that's going on , for some people they're important , the other functions happen , but the primary uses are really really basic . Um and so big complicated remotes like one we saw in the last presentation are really not the general public's use , they even find it frustrating when there are all those buttons that they don't know what to do with . And um we also found out that uh fifty percent of our people , their the worst thing about a remote is how often they lose it . And then they can't find it in the room . So I think what we were talking about with a pager or something , will really come into play with a lot of these people . Um there's also a survey about what they liked about remotes , and pretty much they all think they're hideous and not very useful , and the younger demographics are all really interested in voice recognition options . I don't know if that's something we're ready to look into technically , but it is s something worth thinking about , especially since the younger demographic's obviously the one that's gonna keep growing , Um but basically it really is the primary functions and getting it to look nice , which are I think we've covered most of these important questions through this um through you guys's presentations um we've got uh y the Industrial Designer suggests uh or pretty much emphatically suggested that we need to go with plastic . Um Sarah , she's recommended that we go for simpler functions , so fewer functions um but we need to decide who are we selling this to , you s your stats suggested that seventy five percent of people under thirty five wanted , thought about voice control , um so do we wanna go for that , or do we want to go for an older demographic , if we're gonna go for a sleek look I mean we are putting the fashion in electronics um . We're not catering to the pensioners of the world I don't think so . So maybe this we should look into this younger demographic . uh we need to wonder ah h about how we make it better and smaller and faster um think we're constrained to plastics we've got this idea , Ron was saying we need to think about uh revolutionising the way it's looking um , this voice operation thing is I think is a good idea um assuming that it's doable , um at least for the basic controls , you can't say record alias tonight at seven P_M_ but we might be able to say um volume up . I think it would be possible to uh combine the locator device and the voice recognition technology . With a simple command like locate . And then it could start to beep The difficulty wh would be in um I think like i you couldn't speak into the remote that you're trying to find . but then again you have this wee this wee thing you know that's just a little chip or whatever that has the page button , maybe that could be voice activated too . A little sticky pad to stick on top of your uh television . but yeah I like that , I like that , the voice recognition for the paging system . The other thing is we might be able to handle the simplicity of a remote control and kind of put the more complicated things into a voice control . So it could be sold to both the younger market and the older market . and might consider the older market could use the simpler design with the traditional buttons and what not . Are we still thinking about this screen if we're gonna do this touch pad screen thing , it would be still , do we know if that's an option technically right now to that ? I've looked into uh costs of uh touch screen methods and what not , they seem to be uh you know almost as cheap as a button method at this point . especially because then you could have like your primary screen just be these you know four or five basic functions , 'S definitely an option technically . menu options or something to have all these other complicated voice recognition , settings , things Gotta wonder though , if we're adding so much technology to this one remote , are we still gonna be able to meet out twelve pou our twelve fifty Euro you know goal for selling these things . It seems like , we're not gonna be able to handle all these functions with just one microchip . I guess we'll cross that bridge um in a la slightly later stages of development I'm seeing that we're gonna just basically focus on this young demographic group , aim it at them , but basically we'll make a sleek simple functioned um uh remote control . Um I think this voice recognition thing is a we've got a market for it I guess we've c we've touched on most of this . The idea of a paging function , a touch screen , and face plates . Um . we'd have to maybe sacrifice the face plates for a touch screen ? I think if you kind of take the example of a mobile phone that uh trying to pass a portion of the device is not interchangeable whereas the surrounding portions are interchangeable . We could have the casing , the the face plates . We have to ask whether we're going to include a certain number of face plates with the package ? Off the top of my head it sounds kind of like a gimmick that wouldn't really go anywhere . in the publicity of a face plate on a phone is you have it out and around , whereas you're just sit at home , we can we can discuss that one further when we think about um whether th when we do costs and so forth , um . but yeah we will have to evaluate what's most important . have we confirmed that we're gonna go ahead with a uh touch screen um Yeah I think that would be best . based on what sh on what you guys have all said to me let's go for a plastic built or uh b plastic cased try to look for some kind of high quality recycled plastic With a touch screen for the basic functions . Um let's provisionally let's go for a touch screen one with several submenus um for possible extra stuff basically put the channel and the on and off switch on the touch screen . it occurs to me that if we have a touch screen people are going to have to recharge their remote controls . Yet at the same time that might help for this whole complaint of it being lost . 'Cause it would have a docking base ? But then again that costs as well . these new lithium batteries they last twenty years even with the touch screen ? I can't see anybody buying a lap a remote control that they have to plug in if not we can always default to just doing a a well presented plastic simple Um it's th uh with this voice recognition option as well um just as for the simple functions the um the on off , channels , volume , um Even if you can't do voice recognition for the paging you know just some kind of simple button that's just a I guess another infrared signal to the remote control to emit some kind of paging . Just a beep . Since we're doing uh touch screen , do we wanna look into the possibility of people being able to input different types of skins for the you know the actual interface part of it and things like that ? Or is it just gonna be one touch screen for everybody . What what would be on that touch screen ? 'Cause you said earlier that we have to think about company colours and um logo or something or motto , it's my understanding that if you were going to do a skin you'd need to have some way for people to download or import skins into the remote control . Think we just need to come up with a nice black and red interface on the touch screen . it'll have your your carrier provider name come up first like while it's loading I'm wondering how we're gonna get uh we put fashion into electronics onto this device . Comes on every time you turn it on and then that's it 'cause it is a bit much to have it like engraved on the back or something I think . it seems like it would suffice to have just the R_R_ on there . People aren't gonna want their remote to boot up and to see flashing things come on . They just want it to be on and ready to go . But then again who wants to turn on a remote control . all you have to do is touch the screen and it automatically goes on . or go into like a dormant mode . I'm gonna save th a copy of this in case you guys need any reminders . and the minutes that I'll do it in a second and put them in the shared folder for later reference . I've put my files in the shared folder as well ." 78,"Speaker A: No. Ninja Homer, made in Japan. And there isn't uh d it doesn't open up to the advanced functions? So the advanced functions are still hidden from you, but they're hidden in the sense that um they're not in use. Um they're in the L_C_D_ panel and the jog-dial? Okay 'cause The L_C_D_ panel just displays um functionally what you're doing. If you're using an advanced function right, like um c brightness, contrast, whatever, it will just say You know it's like it only has four columns, it's a very simple L_C_D_ like, whereas many the minimum amount we need that the user will automatically know like this is brightness or this is contrast. It might even be one, a bit more complex L_C_D_ panel with pictures like maybe the sun or the, you know, the the symbols of the various functions. That's a number pad. Um they're al along this Yeah. You have this space here, and then you have this thing on the side as well, or at the bottom. 'Cause slogans are usually quite small, right, they're not like huge so they're s Say a button's about say a button's about this size, right, so you would still have plenty of space for a slogan, say even for that. Yep so that would be about a centimetre for a button, so one two three four centimetres. Plus maybe half o five six seven eight, about yeah nine total. Nine, ten. Yep. Excuse me. Sure. Oh we've discussed how h high it is, but how wide is it? No as in the height, but what about the width? Do we need five? I don't think five is be about th three and a half. Yeah, yeah. Okay things like um brightness, contrast, um maybe tuning the channels. Um. What else? Um the various inputs. Are you having a V_C_R_, are you having you know which input do you have? Um. Yep, colour, sharpness. Um a lot of these things will have to be um free and open for users to define them. Audio, we have like your basic y your base, your mid-range, your high range. Um. Yep, left-right balance, um maybe even pre-programmed sound modes, like um the user could determine like a series of sound modes, and then what could happen would be um when you click on that then it would go to that setting. Yeah. The battery. No. Um. We need an Yep. Yeah advanced chip. We need an advanced chip I think, yep. Let me just confirm that. Yes I think so. Yep. Yeah. Yep. Plastic. I think we're gonna have to skip the rubber. Um. Yep. For the case itself, one colour. It's one special colour. 'Cause the case unit itself, the rest of our components go on top of it. Yes. One and the L_C_ display. How many We've got push buttons as well. Okay let's just be safe and put like say four buttons for that one. Okay um and maybe a special colour for the buttons, so maybe four again. 'Cause that's one button by its the complexity of twelve buttons. So we're just estimating that yeah it would be less. No. Yep. Yep. How much would that save us? That will only save you one. The other thing could be that um you could take away the L_C_D_ panel and the advanced chip together, um because when you do something on the T_V_, the T_V_ responds and reacts as well, so the user could be looking at the T_V_ and pushing his thing so we may not need to so when we scroll we need just some way to get the T_V_ to respond, which I think is a technically doable thing so Yep. And the advanced chip goes away as well. Regular chip. Yep. So what that means is that um The twelve buttons that you see there. Functionally you're gonna have to intercept So four is a good estimate for Yeah, so you can't actually cut It's like three times the number of buttons, four, eight, twelve. It It needs to be more than one big button because if you open up your phone, underneath there's actually one button underneath, it's just that the panel itself is a single panel. We just report that it has to be over budget, or the colours, you could take away s colours for th for the buttons. Normal coloured buttons. No that's not the button we're talking about. That's the buttons only refer to the pad so Should we take that off uh? Hey it's back to the original. Um so then these just become normal coloured buttons, so that might be some some way of cutting the cost. Yeah. What do you mean by profile? No. We didn't have enough Play-Doh to make it three D_. So there's one more dimension to the thing which we need to to add, and you might want to add in the report, length, width, and height. Yeah. Yeah. Two. This is about this is about two. Slightly more than two, so Okay. I think that's something that's very hard to catch, so you you restrict the number of people who wanna try something. The the look and the colour is something which is cool, but I think that there's also that factor of if it's too unfamiliar then um because when you put it on the shelf Yeah button shape might be a good idea to change, rather than rather than positioning, 'cause I think positioning is we're kinda engrained into the the telephone kind of pad. Maybe we should do the design evaluation first. I don't think you need the power, so No, that's okay that's okay. No, the power cord itself. Yeah, so then you have a bit more freedom to You you still have your blue fingers. You killed a monster. I rate that pretty highly. Yep I'm fine with that. It's one to seven, right? Wait, what's the scale, one to seven, right? Okay, it's upside-down. Say it's more medium, but going towards a little bit higher than medium kind of thing. Yep. Lemon. Okay, the blue the blue colours and don't re don't actually represent the colour, except for the b the the red button, they because for want of a Yeah, the the yellow is more representative of the colour, but the button itself, the blue can be anything else. Yep, that's fine. Yeah, company logo. I think it'll be cost prohibitive, yeah. Yep. The cameras did. Yep. It keeps getting too big. 'Kay I'm I'm listening I'm just trying to incorporate the logo into the the thing, so I'm playing with the Play-Doh as well. Just in case you're wondering, why is he still playing with the Play-Doh? Just about right L_E_G_O_ Lego. You feel like you're caged within whatever y It's like a balloon in a cage, it can only go so big and not hit the side. The constraints do come in very fast. Yeah. I think another point is that the meetings um are more brainstorming sessions than meetings, so time is also a very s um strong factor, and structure. Because for a brainstorming meeting you want a structure that allows you to allows ideas to get tossed, um to be evaluated, and to be reviewed, and to get feedback and come back. And I guess that point about the room not being r very friendly to that, I think that's a very big thing, and I think the fact that we're wearing these things restricts I feel it 'cause I wear m my glasses, right, and that but that irritates me right it it it does actually you know affect how, w whether you feel comfortable to communicate. I feel like I'm hiding behind the equipment, rather than the equipment is helping me, and you know. Not not so much an atmosphere, the atmosphere is very relaxed, but the the gear yeah you know that creates boundaries to that um and and the time the time given also restricts Excuse me. I think controlling is not the right word, I think the interactions are very structured. I think structure is probably what you're saying that, each individual is structured to one particular task, and one parti rather than controlling. I don't think there's a sense of control 'cause all the decisions have been made in terms of a, like a consensus right, we go around and we think about it, but that you know process actually says you have to do it in a certain way. It doesn't tell you, you know, some ways that you might wanna be a bit more creative in terms of the process you know, not the I think you tried to use the common share folder to to to to communicate, but um it just comes back to us so slow in the email um it it doesn't have a, you know, a messenger will go. Yeah. Okay. I think the tools that they were given, the tool set that were given to us are fancy but they don't support collaboration, I think that's the word. They don't support the team working together, you know, they're still very individual tools. We had Play-Doh fun. No, not really. I think um the the focus of it a lot was the PowerPoint as opposed to the to the whiteboard, and I think that m um is also does you know hinder us and things I think. It will be cooler to have the whiteboard rather than the the PowerPoint, or maybe the whiteboard and the PowerPoint in the same place, you know in the centre of the I think that there were too many PowerPoints in the meetings. 'Cause the plug-in and the plugging spent we spent a lot of time doing that. And a lot of the information on the PowerPoints, I don't think, you know, we needed to actually it could have, we could have gone through it verbally, especially my slides, I felt that they just you know as opposed to having to present them. Yep clunky. Agreed. Having to tick it before you go off was a bit hindering as well, 'cause you're half way through a thought, and then you run out of paper and then you have to jump. But I think the pen is v is very intuitive, everybody knows how to use it, we don't have to worry. So I think the pen's good. It's about the best thing. Yeah we only needed one computer and And the computer may not um be conducive to a meeting because um you tend to look at your computer and wanna have the urge to check something, you know, it's useful but I think too many computers are just distracting. Um Yep. And we have Ninja Homer. Ninja Homer. See it looks like Homer Simpson but it's electronic so it's made in Japan. Yeah it's just a logo. Ninja Homer. The the red is supposed to represent the whatever else you wanna print on the side of it. You can wear Homer, you can throw Homer when you're frustrated, doh. It's clunky. Oh, I did learn something new, Play-Doh is useful. No it is it is. It is useful and in in in in in in in um conceptualizing, in being creative. 'Cause like you say, it's something you can put your hands on and feel and touch and get a sense for. Like we were playing with the Play-Doh and the ideas came with the Play-Doh rather than with everything else. You might wanna write that down. It's just, I'm just fiddling with the Play-Doh, and I'm going yeah yeah it's kinda cool. No, all Play-Doh is edible. It's just wheat, it's the stuff that your mom could make with preservatives and uh It's helpful to the creative process. Um it engages all your senses not just your sight, but your sense of feel your sense of touch. And it helps you to understand dimension as well. I think that that's very helpful because it it starts to pop up, whereas on a piece of paper, on a computer, on a board, um even with a three D_ graphic thing it still, it requires a lot of yeah tangible, that's a nice word. It becomes tangible. Nope. I think we could probably do it here as long as we don't collaborate. Can we turn off the microphones? Speaker B: Okay we all all set? Right. Well this is the uh final detailed design meeting. Um we're gonna discuss the look and feel design, the user interface design, and we're gonna evaluate the product. And the end result of this meeting has to be a decision on the details of this remote control, like absolute final decision, um and then I'm gonna have to specify the final design in the final report. So um just from from last time to recap, we said we were gonna have a snowman shaped remote control with no L_C_D_ display, no need for talk-back, it was hopefully gonna be kinetic power and battery uh with rubber buttons, maybe backlighting the buttons with some internal L_E_D_s to shine through the casing, um hopefully a jog-dial, and incorporating the slogan somewhere as well. Anything I've missed? Okay um so uh if you want to present your prototype go ahead. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. So w what kind of thing uh is gonna be Mm-hmm. Okay cool. Oh right okay. Cool. Where are we gonna have the slogan? Okay cool. Okay. Okay. So if this isn't to scale, what kind of dimensions are you thinking about here? Mm-hmm. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. So we're talking about ten centimetres. That would be good. So ten centimetres in height. Okay um. Yeah. That's great and it's very bright as well. So um okay. Okay so just could you just list all the things that it does s so I can write them in the report. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay so that's like an okay button, right. Okay. Oh oh like depth of the actual thing. Oh is this k to get an idea of scale from your from your thing there okay. So you can power on and off, what else can you do? Okay. Okay jog-dial for volume. And what else do you do with the jog-dial? Contrast, brightness, yeah, and anything else? Well of the designers what are they? Uh-huh. Okay channel tuning. That's a good one. Okay auxiliary inputs. Sharpness. Okay what about uh sound settings? Uh d can you change any of those at all? Okay. Okay, is there anything else at all it can do? That 'cause that's that's fine. Just need to know so I can write it down. Okay um right I g I guess that's it, so we can now um We can now have a little look at the the Excel sheet and price listing, and see if we need to um if we need to rethink anything at all. So um for this first part here power-wise, have we got battery? Do we have kinetic as well? No. Okay, just battery. And that's because of cost restraints is it? Okay um what about the electronics here? Advanced chip. Okay um the case, what does it mean by single and double, do you know? So we want double-curved? Okay. Um. Is there any rubber at all in the buttons or any Okay, um and we wanted special colours didn't we? So I'll have to put that Oh no wait we ho how many colours have we got there? Just one colour, okay. Okay so interface-wise, is it this third option we have, the two of them there? Okay and then buttons, we have what, two colours? Like uh oh wait so push button and integrated scroll wheel push okay. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. Four. So w why are we arriving at the number four? Where does the number four come from? Okay right, so we're writing down four. Okay. How about these? Are we wanting them in no they're just is everything gonna be plastic? Okay. So we're w w quite far over. Now we're gonna something's gonna have to go. Um we're at sixteen point eight and Well we h something has to go to the tune of two point t three Euro, so let me see, what are we I mean oh yes sorry, four point three. My maths is all out. Yeah. How much would that save us? One. Okay so So w what's our reviewed suggestion? Um take away the L_C_ display? To be replaced with a regular chip. Okay. And so we've got point three to get rid of. Um and we ha where are the four the four push buttons are where exactly now? Twelve buttons. Yeah. Do you think? Like is is that one big button or is it twelve buttons, how can it be something in between? Mm. Okay well we have point three to get rid of somewhere. Mm. No can do. Well do you want colour differentiation here? Oh yeah sorry yeah then. Right so Ah. That's it. Okay, ach that's a shame. Um right, so take away that completely? Ah. And now we're under budget. So we do have point five Euro to play with if we wanted. Um Doesn't say so. Yeah that's a good idea. Just one? Does that mean that one button has a special form or Yeah okay. Well well there we go. So I'm just gonna have to redraw this now. So we're not gonna have the L_C_D_ anymore, and we'll just gonna have an on t on the T_V_ it'll show you what you're doing, which I think is fair enough, and so this is gonna be one big thing here. Um. Right okay. So just to well to be thorough then, width-wise we're looking at about what three centimetres or something? Okay and then so height-wise How how tall do you envisage it being? About that big? About two centimetres, okay. Okay. Ach, that is Yeah. Okay we'll s we'll say two point five. Okay um so we have it within cost anyway. Um so yeah project evaluation is this point. Um. Right uh. Okay so can we close that? This is what it's the final spec that it's gonna be. Someone is gonna have to yeah that's fine that's fine. Okay. Right um. So at this point we uh, let me see, discuss uh how satisfied we all are with um with these four points, with the room for creativity in the project, and leadership and teamwork, and the stuff we had around us I guess. Um, let me see uh Yeah I wasn't really sure what that was Yeah, yeah go for that first. I wasn't entirely sure what uh who was supposed to be doing that, but y you go for it. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Oh there it is. Mm 'kay. Okay. Well yeah, I mean compared to most remote controls you see that's pretty good. I dunno like a six or something. What does anybody else think? Mm. Mm. Okay. I would say five or six. David? Okay. Oh yes sorry then, then I would say two or three. Yeah. Well it has the wee jog-dial but Mm. I'd go with three or four, maybe three. Yeah about three, okay. Well that's kind of But the yellow, I mean it could be a lemon yellow colour, couldn't it? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well yeah, I mean it's really basic looking isn't it? I mean I'd give that nearly a one. Five? That's really low. Well Yeah I suppose mm 'kay. Yep. Gonna have that on the side, aren't we, like there or something? Out of forty nine, I guess. 'S pretty good. Uh yeah. Twice that, about thirty one. So yeah ab well yeah about sixty nine, seventy percent yeah. It's pretty good. Okay. Nobody saw it, honestly. Is that you all have all finished, or Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Okay. Right. Okay, great um are you submitting the the um evaluation criteria or am I? I don't know what your instructions have been. Okay, uh just wondering if I need to include it in the minutes, because if you're submitting it anyway then Okay great. Cool. Um right, uh well next up then, because we've done finance, is the project evaluation. Oh right, okay. Right, okay. Um well do you wanna um just individually say what you think about about these four points and or not those four points, my four points, sorry, forgotten that. You got a different uh Oh yeah, they're good aren't they, yeah. Right okay, um yeah here we are. Uh as a note we'll do this alphabetically. Um do you wanna start Andrew? I don't know, just um your opinion on those four those four points really and how we used them. Yeah. Uh-huh. Well d do you feel though that that you were able to have quite a lot of creative input into the thing? But I don't I don't think it means the room as in this room. I think it means like you know Yeah. Room. Oh yeah. Well I dunno do you th I think it means um I think it means did you feel you were able to give creative input so Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. Okay. Okay uh do you know what, actually let's take each point and everybody discuss it, I think. Yeah. So still on the topic of room for creativity uh next up is Craig. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. So you think a more relaxed atmosphere would be more kind of conducive to creative thought or Yeah, but actual environment? Okay. Okay. Very good. Um what about leadership? I don't know if that means like, if I did a good job or something. I don't really know. From like your personal coach person and stuff like that, do you think maybe? Okay. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh, okay. So you think maybe a little too controlling or Okay. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay, uh what about teamwork? Yeah. Okay. Mm. Did uh did you guys get the email I sent you? Oh that's alright. I was wondering if that got there okay. Okay, um so um to s to to summarize the teamwork issue, saying that if we could communicate outside the meeting, you know just like quick questions, quick thoughts, whatever, it probably would be bit easier. Oh right, okay. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Right, uh anything else to say on teamwork at all? Okay, um what about the you know how we used the whiteboard, the digital pens, the projector, stuff like that? Um did anybody think anything was like really useful, anything was pretty un f unsupportive? Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And point at? Yeah. Yeah. Ah. So do you think producing a prototype earlier in the process woulda been a good idea? Yeah. Okay. Alright. Okay uh Yeah. Yeah. Okay. What about the digital pens, did you find them easy enough to use? Yeah. Clunky, okay. Um Yeah. I know, I think at the very start of today I like wrote a whole load of stuff, didn't click note on one, then went back and wrote one tiny wee thing on the another page, but then did click note, and so I'm quite worried that I've just written over the top of it or something, but they'll have my paper anyway um and haven't done that since. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Do you think the computers just provide distraction in a meeting? Okay. I know I I like to have things written down in front of me actually, like a lot of the stuff that was emailed to me I ended up you know like writing down there or something so I could look at it really quickly and not have the distraction of all of that, um I don't know about anybody else. Um what else uh any wh I do I'm not really sure what they're looking for when they say new ideas found. Um I don't know is could you think of like anything else that would have been helpful today at all? Mm. Yeah if we just had uh Mm-hmm. Yeah I I dunno I think it was quite good that we had time limits on the meetings because they really could have run on and like my experience with meetings is that they really do, and you can spend a lot of time talking about The only thing is though like when we had our meeting about the conceptual design, I thought there maybe another fifteen minutes would have been useful there but um yeah. I really thi i I think maybe if we'd like all been working in the one room, and they just said you know like every hour or something everybody make sure yo you know just have a have a short meeting and then just c just to have like something written down, just like you know a a milestone if you like um rather than having meetings, but There you go. Um so in closing, I haven't got my five minutes to go. Thin Oh there it i Five minutes to go. Wonderful. Okay um are the costs within the budget, yes they are. And is the project evaluated, yes it is. So now celebrate. Well apparently now I write the final report. What are you guys doing now? You dunno? That is lovely. So is that j is that just is that just a logo or does it do anything? Just a logo and then like Ninja Homer, right okay. I think it's quite nice. Oh no, that's cool, it's got I'm kind of I'm slightly gutted that we couldn't get plastic and rubber, I think that would have been nice. Ah well, maybe from now on real reaction should give us more money. Play-Doh s Really? Yeah. Did they? Okay. Play-Doh. Yeah, it smells funny doesn't it. Um Yeah like the stuff for I think it has to be, yeah. Yeah um so to wha what are your summarising words about Play-Doh? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Tangible. Okay uh Mm. I don't know if there's anything else we needed to discuss. That that's about it really. Just sit still I guess for a little while. Um Well I dunno. Um I'm sure the little uh the little thing'll pop up any minute now. Yeah, yeah if the meeting's over then yeah I guess so. Speaker C: Uh-oh. This is it? Um, there are a few changes we've made. Um, well look at the expense sheet, and uh it turned to be quite a lot expensive to have open up and have lots of buttons and stuff inside, so instead we've um this is gonna be an L_C_D_ screen, um just a a very very basic one, very small um with access to the menu through the the scroll wheel and uh confirm um button. Uh, apart from that, it's just pretty much the same as we discussed last time. You know, just like right inside there. Well we want the other buttons to be big enough to push easily with a finger so we reckon maybe that'll be about the same size as the palm of your hand. Well I'm We're gonna have again the the sort of the foggy um yellow from last time that lit up when you pushed the button. Um But um this button um, because it's red it's sort of very prominent, we're gonna use it as uh it can be the power button if you hold it for maybe two seconds it'll send a stand-by signal. Um apart from that it's gonna be used as a confirm button for the L_C_D_ screen and you use this as a jog-dial. I don't know. Didn't put five centimetres. Um. Something by there. Um you can skip straight to a channel using these buttons. Um, were gonna have the volume control here, but um because we've got the the L_C_D_ and the jog-dial we just thought we'd um use that as the volume. Um you can use it for um more advanced functions like contrast, colour and Um yeah. Um just whatever else we wanted to include as the advanced functions, um we didn't actually go through and specify the Uh what can a T_V_ do? Um. the the balance hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Um I think single would just be sort of one sort of oval whereas double is this sort of thing. Um we have um got some push buttons as well. 'Kay. So I reckon we've got one button for this thing 'cause it's just one big sheet of rubber. I'm not sure if that counts but You can see we're we're all very far beyond the Well we could take out ones by making it single curved, just fill in those bits. That is one. That's fair enough, yeah. That's um one piece of rubber but it's gonna have twelve button things underneath so Yeah w Um So I reckon Reckon that probably counts as a special form for the buttons. I think there's just one button so handy. Yeah. You see I envision it as being um quite deep sort of deep enough to be comfy to hold in your hands rather than being wide and flat. Yeah it works, yeah. See, about that thick. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. I'm seeing five then. One's high-ish isn't it? Ah, okay so yeah, two or three. Eight three. Yeah. Yeah one. Yeah I think it's about five. Yeah well we have to use uh plastic so it's probably gonna be I think I'd probably increase the cost. We've only got like what, ten cents left so Yeah. My leg. Um I agree with his point it's um it is quite a lot of fun t to go and then you have sort of hit the end then go right, gotta cut everything out 'cause we don't have enough money. Uh, reckon that was a bit hard because we could only discuss things in the meeting. If we could just go up to somebody outside the meeting and have a quick talk with them, that would've been a lot easier. Not just yet. Yeah. Oh they're a bit clunky. Good point. Yeah. Is this for the project or Oh yeah. Do we know what the other ones are? Oh wow. Hey yeah, I said Ninja Homer. Guess I'd forgot how good s Play-Doh smells. I think they're all non-toxic 'cause it's aimed for like two-year-olds. Yeah it's not very tangible. Speaker D: Mm 'kay. Where are they? Ah, right. Great. Right. Okay. Right. Right, 'kay. Okay. Mm-hmm, and what is this here? Okay so the number pad is 'Kay, great. Mm. Yep. Looks good. Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. About nine in total. That sounds good. Yeah. Yep. That'd be good, in fact a pen is about ten centimetres usually, so that would be that sounds like a really good size, if you see it there. Mm. Is it possible uh I'm just gonna bring up the idea of colours. Is these are these the colours that of production, or is this just what we had available? Right. Mm-hmm. How high is it? Yeah. Okay. Sure. Three and a half. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, probably colour or sharpness. Mm-hmm. Audio. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Mm. Or even clear. Uh how mm-hmm how are we going to achieve this high-end product if We only have very sparse Two point three? Four point three no? And then where is the Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah we could just go with um Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. How about with embossing the logo, isn't that going to cost us some money? Yeah. That's a freebie. Was the goal in your in your prototype design that it be as low profile as possible? Sort of flat as possible. Yeah. Yeah that's what I was thinking, to Sure, okay. Yeah alright yeah fair enough. Okay, just thought I'd ask. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Two's not very high at all though. Maybe a bit higher? Yeah. Maybe closer to three even or two and a half. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um it's probably just I dunno if it's worth getting into, but um just in in that we want this to be stylish, should we think a little bit more out of the box in terms of a button grid, because I've seen there's lots of devices out there that that instead of taking your standard nine nine square grid, and they have it sort of stylized or in different concept that that Yeah. Sure, okay. Yeah, alright. Okay, sure. What about button shape? Square buttons? Okay. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Mm 'kay. Do you want me to d um Do you want me to do my um design evaluation last? Or Evaluation. Okay. Sure. Um, alright so the way this works, I'm gonna need to plug into PowerPoint, I'll try and do it as quick as possible. Um, this is um I'll just go over your head if that's okay. What's that? I don't need the PowerPoint? Oh course, yeah that's true. Let me get that. A bit more. Okay, so what this is is a set-up for us to um uh use a kind of a like a The idea is that I've set up I've reviewed all of the um the points of discussion from the beginning, and used that as a criteria of evaluation for the um uh for the current design uh th or the plan, and uh so we can review that. Uh I think it's gonna end up being sort of elementary because we're sort we're in n we're not gonna probably use it to change anything but Doesn't seem like it's going, does it? Yeah, okay great. Uh and I'm gonna write up our results on the board, so this'll be a way for us to go through and decide if we're um sort of review where we stand with it. Okay, so um So to sort of b bring together two things, sort of design goals and also the market research that we had, uh when we rate this, one is v high in in succeeding or fitting to our original aim and seven is low, okay. So these i these i th are the and um we've been asked to uh to collectively rate this, so what we can do is try and just y work on a consensus system so we just come to an agreement. Okay? So the first one uh, stylish look and feel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah um me uh my only reservation with it was that we basically went with yellow because it's the company's colour, and I don't know if yellow's gonna really be a hit. But What do you guys think? Okay. Okay let's go with five then. Fi oh uh just actually the opposite. The So it meant three, okay. Yeah, one is high. 'Kay Let's go with two point five then. Okay, um control high tech innovation. We had to remove Yeah, so we've had to remove a few of our features we wanted, but jog-dial 's good. Okay, three? Okay, um Style reflects a fruit inspired colour, design. I shouldn't have said colour, but just Sorta. Yeah. Okay. Right. Yeah, could be. Yeah. Okay. Okay so we'll go two. Yeah? Okay, and um design is simple to use, simple in features. F f yeah f fairly basic, you guys think? Yeah, one? Okay. Um, soft and spongy, have we achieved that? We've used mostly plastic in the end so it's going to be quite a bit of a compromise for price. Five? That's Um could we have used an entirely rubber frame to it? Was that an option? It would cost more than plastic. Okay, logo, we've got it in there, haven't we? Huh. And um it's within budget, yep. It is, isn't it? Okay, so we can say then that uh out of a possible or what would be our goal here? Yeah, out of forty nine with with zero being the highest. We are at uh two, seven, eight, ten, fifteen point five. So it's pretty good. Translates to something like about approximately seventy two percent efficacy of our original goal. Right? I think 'cause if you turn that into a hundred it would be about about thirty one, and then invert that, it's Oh right, about seventy, yeah seventy percent. Okay, good. That was just a little formality for us to go through. Yep, oh hundred pound pen. Sorry alright. No. Hmm. Yeah that's that's me. I did have one other um one other frame I thought, I mean I I d not knowing how we would deal with this information, I thought okay in theory this kind of a process would be about refining our design, revisiting our original goals. It's not something I need to p push through, but I thought should we thinking more about the dimensions, um sort of like more of a three dimensional shapes as well as opposed to just that flat um Could our design involve a series of colours so that it's more of like a line where we have like sort of the, I don't know like the harvest line or the vibrant, I dunno the Whatever just some theme and then we have different tones, lime green, lemon. It's just discussion. I mean obviously we can just abandon this, it's fine. I'm just thinking about what we originally set out to do. Um, yep so there. That's all. Um, I think to record it and uh I haven't been asked to submit it yet. Yeah. I will, yeah. Huh. Yep. I like those printer cables that just have the two little butterfly clips like that. It's really quick. To use. Sure, um so what is it you're asking of me now? Or sort of our work on setting this up. Yeah. Well, is it uh okay I'll just go through your system then. The the room uh is fairly institutional, but um the main thing is, I think um our use of this space is more just to report on things as opposed to be creative and constructive and it would probably help to um have l sort of a cumulative effect of we have ideas and we come back and then the ideas are still in discussion, you know, as in other words this this room is sort of a centre point of creativity, whereas in reality as we've gone through this, it's not really the centre point of creativity, it's more just a d debating Yeah, yeah but that's just the thing is the quest in terms of the the first point there, the room, it feels as though the creativity goes on when we leave, and then we come here and then we kind of put out our ideas and then, you know. Oh, oh right right, oh right okay room for creativ Oh right I just looked up and saw okay whiteboard, digital pens, the room. No, of course, yeah. Sorry. Huh. Yeah. Yeah I th okay on th um yeah dif answering the question uh in those terms I'd say that actually there's sort of a tease of creativity because we're asked to work through this, but actually the guidelines are fairly contrived in terms of um okay fashion trends, say fruit and vegetable colour scheme, but then i then we're told okay use the co company company colours. So what do we do. We're told okay um think in terms of style and look and feel and technology, but build something for twelve and a half pounds, so actually the creativity was more more of like a um a f sort of a f formality then an actual Yeah within the constraints the Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah. New creativity. Yep. Right. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well well I mean my sense on that is sort of what kind of guidance and direction, encouragement Yeah from and you as well I think, just sort of acting as team leader. Um yeah I think I think it's I think it's good. I mean my personal views on on leadership is that effective effective leadership sort of um gives people a certain room for freedom and delegation, but then to come back with something that they take great ownership and you know, innovative thought with. In in reality I think here the the different elements of leadership such as the the original b briefing and then the personal coach and the and then you know having having you with your the meeting agenda is actually quite a quite a quite a con confining framework to work within. And so it is leadership almost to the point of sort of disempowering the the the team member, so But it's not bad leadership, it's just sort of s fairly strong, you know. It turns it turns the individual into more of like a um sort of a predetermined mechanism, as opposed to a sort of a free Yeah, oh yeah, without without a doubt. Yeah maybe not co confining. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah. Um did, you wanna comment Craig? Yeah. Yeah. Fully agree. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, got the email. Yeah. Yeah, in it Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, exactly. Yeah, I mean if you Yeah, I mean sort of taking upon that idea, w the way I see this i is that it's uh the the s the structure in which we've we've approached this whole task is quite contrary to the p principle of teamwork because the the tasks were d d sort of um divided, and then the work went on in isolation I I don't know what you guys did while you were together, maybe that was a bit different, but um yeah, but um but actually if you if you imagine not entire the completely same task given to us but us said okay, first thing we have to do is come up with um let's say um a design concept, and we sit here together and do it, well that's what teamwork is. To s to say okay go off and don't talk to each other, it's actually p sort of predisposes you to quite the contrary of teamwork. Um not that we haven't done I think the best we could have done. I'm not dissatisfied with it. Mm-hmm. I think the whiteboard, for me, is the kind of thing I would use all the time, but it's um not quite as useful as to us as it could have been, maybe just in the way that we we use it, in the sense that once we have an idea out there or while work was going on in between meetings, that could have been up on a board uh you know as opposed to in like in text. Um, and then we could then keep our ideas sort of building on that. I know that people who design cars and you know in aviation they quite often just have a simple like fibreglass prototype and it's completely you know um abs abstract from the final product, but they use it as a kind of a context to sort of walk around and puzzle and and point and discuss and and and in a way everybody's as we discuss things in the in theoretically and out of our notebooks, we're just we're actually just each of us discussing something that's in each of our own minds. It wasn't until we had this here, you know, like at one point I peeked across and looked at Craig's paper and I'm like, now I know what he's thinking 'cause I saw his book. But the b the b whiteboard could've actually been this kind of continuing um Think could be, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because the PowerPoint was provided to us while we had time to prepare, whereas I can imagine if I'd been encouraged to use Paintbrush, for example, or whatever, I would've actually used it, um 'ca you know, just 'cause that's sorta how we what we were set up to to use while we had our time. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, not quite. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sure, yeah. Yeah. Yep. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And o on the topic of the technology, it just occurred to me that we actually didn't need to move our computers because each computer has all of the files. It just occurred to me that they all We only actually needed one computer. If there had been a fifth, that coulda just been sitting there ready to go the whole time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, the w main one for me is that uh the process na in a natural f context would not have been interrupted by this necessity to discommunicate ourselves from each other. So, that's kind of a new idea for me is like just sort of that idea, well you know it's kind of s hard to keep f working forward on a team a team based project when when you're told you must now work away from your team. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Great. So it So now we I I don't know. Hmm. What did you call it? Huh, huh. Logo. Huh. Mm. Mm-hmm. Fashion technology or something. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Hmm. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Huh. Huh. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's true, yeah. Hmm. And some Play-Dohs are actually I think edible aren't they? Wow, hmm. Huh. Yep. Taste. Yeah. Mm-hmm, yep. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Do we retreat to our, to continue our r reporting or what i","Well this is the uh final detailed design meeting . Um we're gonna discuss the look and feel design , the user interface design , and we're gonna evaluate the product . And the end result of this meeting has to be a decision on the details of this remote control , um and then I'm gonna have to specify the final design in the final report . we said we were gonna have a snowman shaped remote control with no L_C_D_ display , no need for talk-back , it was hopefully gonna be kinetic power and battery uh with rubber buttons , maybe backlighting the buttons with some internal L_E_D_s to shine through the casing , um hopefully a jog-dial , and incorporating the slogan somewhere as well . Um , there are a few changes we've made . Um , well look at the expense sheet , and uh it turned to be quite a lot expensive to have open up and have lots of buttons and stuff inside , this is gonna be an L_C_D_ screen , um just a a very very basic one , very small um with access to the menu through the the scroll wheel and uh confirm Uh , apart from that , it's just pretty much the same as we discussed last time . the advanced functions are still hidden from you , but they're hidden in the sense that um they're not in use . Um they're in the L_C_D_ panel and the jog-dial ? The L_C_D_ panel just displays um functionally what you're doing . If you're using an advanced function right , like um c brightness , contrast , whatever , it will just say It might even be one , a bit more complex L_C_D_ panel with pictures like maybe the sun or the , you know , the the symbols of the various functions . That's a number pad . Where are we gonna have the slogan ? just like right inside there . Well we want the other buttons to be big enough to push easily with a finger so we reckon maybe that'll be about the same size as the palm of your hand . So we're talking about ten centimetres . We're gonna have again the the sort of the foggy um yellow from last time that lit up when you pushed the button . uh I'm just gonna bring up the idea of colours . this button um , because it's red it's sort of very prominent , we're gonna use it as uh it can be the power button if you hold it for maybe two seconds it'll send a stand-by signal . Um apart from that it's gonna be used as a confirm button for the L_C_D_ screen Oh we've discussed how h high it is , but how wide is it ? be about th three and a half . what else can you do ? Um you can skip straight to a channel using these buttons . but um because we've got the the L_C_D_ and the jog-dial we just thought we'd um use that as the volume . And what else do you do with the jog-dial ? Um you can use it for um more advanced functions like contrast , colour and Um a lot of these things will have to be um free and open for users to define them . Audio , we have like your basic y your base , your mid-range , your high range . left-right balance , um maybe even pre-programmed sound modes , We can now have a little look at the the Excel sheet and price listing , and see if we need to um if we need to rethink anything at all . for this first part here power-wise , have we got battery ? Do we have kinetic as well ? No . And that's because of cost restraints is it ? Yep . We need an advanced chip I think , yep . So we want double-curved ? I think we're gonna have to skip the rubber . um and we wanted special colours didn't we ? For the case itself , one colour . It's one special colour . We've got push buttons as well . So we're w w quite far over . Okay let's just be safe and put like say four buttons for that one . something's gonna have to go . Um we're at sixteen point eight and The other thing could be that um you could take away the L_C_D_ panel and the advanced chip together , so when we scroll we need just some way to get the T_V_ to respond , It It needs to be more than one big button because if you open up your phone , underneath there's actually one button underneath , it's just that the panel itself is a single panel . or the colours , you could take away s colours for th for the buttons . No can do . Um so then these just become normal coloured buttons , And now we're under budget . sort of deep enough to be comfy to hold in your hands rather than being wide and flat . width-wise we're looking at about what three centimetres or something ? How how tall do you envisage it being ? About two centimetres , okay . Maybe closer to three even or two and a half . Okay we'll s we'll say two point five . but um just in in that we want this to be stylish , should we think a little bit more out of the box in terms of a button grid , I think that's something that's very hard to catch , so you you restrict the number of people who wanna try something . What about button shape ? Square buttons ? Yeah Maybe we should do the design evaluation first . discuss uh how satisfied we all are with um with these four points , I've reviewed all of the um the points of discussion from the beginning , and used that as a criteria of evaluation for the um uh for the current design uh th or the plan , So to sort of b bring together two things , sort of design goals and also the market research that we had , uh when we rate this , one is v high in in succeeding or fitting to our original aim and seven is low , and um we've been asked to uh to collectively rate this , So the first one uh , stylish look and feel . I rate that pretty highly . Okay let's go with five then . Fi oh uh just actually the opposite . Let's go with two point five then . high tech innovation . so we've had to remove a few of our features we wanted , but jog-dial Yeah about three , okay . Style reflects a fruit inspired colour , design . the the yellow is more representative of the colour , Okay , the blue the blue colours and don't re don't actually represent the colour , so we'll go two . and um design is simple to use , simple in features . I mean I'd give that nearly a one . Um , soft and spongy , have we achieved that ? We've used mostly plastic in the end so it's going to be quite a bit of a compromise for price . Yeah I think it's about five . logo , we've got it in there , haven't we ? And um it's within budget , yep . out of forty nine with with zero being the highest . We are at uh two , seven , eight , ten , fifteen point five . So it's pretty good . I thought okay in theory this kind of a process would be about refining our design , revisiting our original goals . It's not something I need to p push through , but I thought should we thinking more about the dimensions , um sort of like more of a three dimensional shapes as well as opposed to just that flat um uh well next up then , because we've done finance , is the project evaluation . Um well do you wanna um just individually say what you think about about these four points and Well d do you feel though that that you were able to have quite a lot of creative input into the thing ? Yeah , yeah it feels as though the creativity goes on when we leave , and then we come here and then we kind of put out our ideas and then , you know . But I don't I don't think it means the room as in this room . answering the question uh in those terms I'd say that actually there's sort of a tease of creativity We're told okay um think in terms of style and look and feel and technology , but build something for twelve and a half pounds , so actually the creativity was more more of like a um a f sort of a f formality then an actual The constraints do come in very fast . it's um it is quite a lot of fun t to go and then you have sort of hit the end then go right , gotta cut everything out 'cause we don't have enough money . I think another point is that the meetings um are more brainstorming sessions than meetings , and I think the fact that we're wearing these things restricts it it it does actually you know affect how , w whether you feel comfortable to communicate . and and the time the time given also restricts In in reality I think here the the different elements of leadership such as the the original b briefing and then the personal coach and the and then you know having having you with your the meeting agenda is actually quite a quite a quite a con confining framework to work within . And so it is leadership almost to the point of sort of disempowering the the the team member , so But it's not bad leadership , it's just sort of s fairly strong , you know . I think the interactions are very structured . So you think maybe a little too controlling or Yeah , oh yeah , without without a doubt . I don't think there's a sense of control 'cause all the decisions have been made in terms of a , like a consensus right , we go around and we think about it , Uh , reckon that was a bit hard because we could only discuss things in the meeting . uh what about teamwork ? If we could just go up to somebody outside the meeting and have a quick talk with them , that would've been a lot easier . I think the tools that they were given , the tool set that were given to us are fancy but they don't support collaboration , I think that's the word . I mean sort of taking upon that idea , w the way I see this i is that it's uh the the s the structure in which we've we've approached this whole task is quite contrary to the p principle of teamwork because the the tasks were d d sort of um divided , and then the work went on in isolation I think the whiteboard , for me , is the kind of thing I would use all the time , maybe just in the way that we we use it , in the sense that once we have an idea out there or while work was going on in between meetings , that could have been up on a board uh you know as opposed to in like in text . I know that people who design cars and you know in aviation they quite often just have a simple like fibreglass prototype and it's completely you know um abs abstract from the final product , but they use it as a kind of a context to sort of walk around and puzzle and and point and discuss and in a way everybody's as we discuss things in the in theoretically and out of our notebooks , we're actually just each of us discussing something that's in each of our own minds . I think um the the focus of it a lot was the PowerPoint as opposed to the to the whiteboard , and I think that m um is also does you know hinder us and things I think . And a lot of the information on the PowerPoints , I don't think , you know , we needed to actually it could have , we could have gone through it verbally , What about the digital pens , did you find them easy enough to use ? Oh they're a bit clunky . Having to tick it before you go off was a bit hindering as well , But I think the pen is v is very intuitive , So I think the pen's good . And o on the topic of the technology , it just occurred to me that we actually didn't need to move our computers because each computer has all of the files . We only actually needed one computer . And the computer may not um be conducive to a meeting because um you tend to look at your computer and wanna have the urge to check something , you know , , the w main one for me is that uh the process na in a natural f context would not have been interrupted by this necessity to discommunicate ourselves from each other . well you know it's kind of s hard to keep f working forward on a team a team based project when when you're told you must now work away from your team . I think it was quite good that we had time limits on the meetings because they really could have run on I really thi i I think maybe if we'd like all been working in the one room , and they just said you know like every hour or something everybody make sure yo you know just have a have a short meeting and then just c And we have Ninja Homer . Well apparently now I write the final report . I'm slightly gutted that we couldn't get plastic and rubber , Oh , I did learn something new , Play-Doh is useful . It is useful and in in in in in in in um conceptualizing , in being creative . Like we were playing with the Play-Doh and the ideas came with the Play-Doh rather than with everything else . It becomes tangible ." 114,"Speaker A: One question. Send. Submit. Mm. Yeah. I'll go first. Okay. I'll go first yeah. So. Huh? Okay, um Okay, um I wanted to explain the working design of the remote control. It's possibly very handy if you want to uh design one of those. Um well so it basically works uh as I uh uh r wrote down uh in this uh little uh summary. Uh when you press a button, uh that's when you do pr for example when you uh want to turn up the volume, um a little connection is made uh the the rubber uh button just presses on a on a little print plate uh which uh makes uh uh a connection that uh gives the chips, uh which is uh mounted beneath those uh that plastic of a rubber button. Uh senses that a connection has been made, and know and knows what button you pressed, becau uh for example the the volume up or volume down button. Um uh the the chip uh makes a Morse code uh like uh signal which uh then is si uh signalled to uh several transistors which makes uh which sends the signal to a little let. You know what a let is? Okay. And that makes uh the the infra-red lights signal which is sent to the television set. Uh which has a sensor in it to uh sense uh the signal of the infra-red. That's basically uh how it works. Um the findings uh uh that I found uh searching up some uh detailed information about the remote controls, are that uh they are very easy to produce, uh it is pis uh it's possible to uh make them in mass production because it is as eas it is as easy as uh printing a page, uh just uh fibreglass plate um is b uh is uh covered with uh some uh coatings and uh uh and chips. Uh and the technology's already available, we don't have to find out how remote controls uh have to work or uh how that how uh to make some chips that are possible to uh to to transmit those uh signals. Uh I made a little uh uh animation of about how a tran our uh remote controller works. we tel There. Okay. Uh well the sub-component, I suppose that you understand what a sub-component is, is f in this example it's the button. Uh when it is pressed down, um, the switch is ter is uh is switched on, so with uh the wire is sent to the to the chip in uh co-operation with the battery of course, because to make uh a a signal possible you have to have some sort of uh li uh a d ad uh electronic uh Yes, uh, okay. Um w after it's being composed by the chip uh the signal uh is transported uh to the infra-red bulb, and from there it signals a Morse code-like signal to the to the b to the bulb in uh in the television set. Okay. S Uh I wrote down some personal preferences about uh the remote control. Of course it is very handy if the remote control is hand held, so you don't have to uh uh wind it up or something, or just is it's it's very light to uh to make uh to use it. Uh I personally uh pref prefer that uh it would be p uh come available in the various colours, and uh easy to use buttons. But I suppose that the one of the other team members uh uh thought of that uh too. And it is possible for several designs and um easy to use b uh sorry, easy to use buttons. Perhaps soft touch, uh touch screen uh buttons because uh the rubber buttons are always uh uh they uh slightly uh they can be slightly damaged, uh so the numbers on the buttons are not possible uh to read anymore. And uh well as I said uh before th uh we can uh make several designs. Okay, well, that's my contribution to this meeting, and uh two of these this meeting. So. Okay. Hmm. Mm. Mm. Uh L_C_D_ screen as in uh touch screen? Okay. 'Kay. Okay. No. Yeah. Mm. Yeah for Standby options, yeah? Uh yeah. Two s two two digits, oh okay. Yeah I understand what you mean. Yeah. It makes it twelve, yeah. Indeed. Okay. Well, not really And and there are some models that don't uh accommodate that function. So d uh wh the Philip's television makes it possible in that indeed to uh press one and then two to make uh the uh tj to reach channel twelve. But uh all the television makes uh use of those button where you first press that button and then press two digits to uh to get Uh yeah, think so. Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, we we could yeah. But I think that uh that collides with our mission to make it very cheap. Because L_C_D_ screens are very expensive. A touch screen uh probably uh even more. So, true, true. But uh Well um is it possible to make an L_C_D_ screen uh, how was the information? So perhaps we should we should focus on that L_C_D_ screen. Yeah but uh will we not uh exceed our uh our uh production uh Is it possible to find out, anyway? You know? No, an L_C_D_ screen's just like uh like a drawn here. Um just uh displays several buttons, for example um if you wanted the minimal uh use b uh buttons, such as channel and volume, you just h uh displays four buttons on the screen and it's possible to p uh press them down, just like a touch screen. Yeah, we can make it possible to do that, yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's my uh Yeah. Twelve fifty. Um. Well I suppose wi if the mar if our um if the i if the young people are interested in L_C_D_ screens, we should make 'em. And if that is our d uh market share to uh and our goal to uh deliver those uh remote controls Yeah. Yeah. Mm. It's treasure. I hope we uh h and let's hope to reach those uh those sales. Yeah, can you um uh s I think that that they will send you some information about uh the cost of L_C_D_ uh screens. Uh so if you uh Yeah, so if you uh you receive an email about that, uh can you post it in the or shouldn't we post that in uh our projects mail uh folder. Because you are the the Marketing uh Expert. I uh Yeah sure, sure. Mm. It's looks fancy one yeah, of L_C_D_ screen. Mm yeah. And then not yeah. Um. Yeah. Mm. Okay? Yeah. Yeah. And there's also a A sh but in a sub sub-menu or something like that. Uh I think it's also important to uh make it possible to um how do you call it in English, uh, to not use batteries, and use ac uh bat uh batteries to uh to be yeah yeah sure. Indeed. So uh you can mount uh the the the uh uh the remote control to um to refill the Yeah. Okay, because i uh when you get an L_C_D_ screen, you run it on batteries, the batteries will be uh empty very soon, very fast. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Uh And go to standby mode when you don't use it, so that Yeah, automatically. After two minutes or three minutes, something like that. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. No, when you when you're done with s uh w uh watching your television, you have to put it Yeah sure, of course. Yeah, but But you also forget to buy batteries, and then you can you can't use it, so I Yeah. High power user cell, i uh it should be uh a standard move to to put your remote control in the charger when you're done watching television, that's also a a a great advantage because you can't lose it anymore. Because you are obliged to uh put it in the charger and not to uh leave it in a couch uh between some cushions. Okay. Yeah it hasn't It doesn't have to be big. Yeah just just a cable, or a even a a a a a charger where you can mount it on. Something like that, just u Okay. Functional designs uh for the elderly uh you could make it possible to enlarge the screen, so make it possible to not uh display uh a button at ten points uh, or Yeah but it is uh one of the functions you have to uh specify. Because we can look at uh uh perhaps uh forty buttons at a screen, but the elderly only look at two buttons. Okay. Speech recognition? Hello. Twelve Euro twelve Euro fifty. Well, spread it by a big market. Well let's leave out all the remote controls and just put a microphone on top of the television to Yeah Yeah. Turn volume up. Hey, that that's an idea. Okay, well that should it has to be remote control, not Yeah. Sure why not why not Yeah, mm. Yeah. Perhaps the options should be uh Why not? Why not? Let's hope uh to have some uh d We should do it. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Certain systems already exist, I think. True, yeah. Yeah. This should be uh accommodated with some software, uh, uh. Yeah. Right. Swahili. Swahili. Yeah. Indeed. Yeah. So we want to uh yeah it's international uh okay. Okay. Y it should be done. If it could be done, should be done. That's not so difficult at all, because I already use on several voice operated systems, and they are all possible to uh not all, but Yeah, sure, indeed. For speech recognition. Uh yeah. S Shortcuts. Uh. Mm. Sh Yeah, just just sub-menu. Yeah. Not directly uh available. Okay. Mm. Directly available. So does it confuse uh the user? Uh. I'll search um. If you want to use teletext, you can push the teletext button and then the options uh become available. No. Menu. Mm. There are a lot of options depending uh on what kind of television you got. 'Cause if you don't got a wide screen television you don't need the uh the screen settings uh for uh Yeah and if the television does not support such uh operations Yeah. Yeah. Colours I think the main colour of the remote control is uh the colour of the L_C_D_ screen. I Because we don't want a lot a devi yeah a device self s g Okay, so use uh very uh lot of peo Adjust with phones, yes Okay. Twelve Euro fifty. Well, make it available in different colours, you mean? Sure. Red, white, blue, black. Grey. Yeah sea view, yes, Simpson's versions and Leave. Yeah. Mm. No. Uh not button Yeah sure, of course you need uh a settings button, uh or a settings option for the remote control. Just tap it. Yeah, it should be in standby mode, but A A A normal button on the remote control, or norm? Yeah, because uh when you touch the L_C_D_ screen when it is in standby mode, it should pop on. Wh uh why would it be a a need to have a normal button? Mm. I think it looks a lot more fancy if you use uh if you don't have any buttons on the s on on remote control. Oh, okay Oh. Mm. Okay. Food. Yeah, think so. Speaker B: Yep yep yep yep. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, shall I go first with the users? I think well okay no problem. Ja precies, ja precies, ja precies E_I_E_. Animation. Infrared light. To this meeting. Smoking. 'Kay. Check. Kijke 'Kay, so. We're going to j discuss the functional requirements of the remote, that m that means that functions user n want to have on the remote control, or just Yeah, and the users, actually. The methods I I prefer is we're going to look which section of the users we are going to focus a l on more. Are the younger people going to buy the remote control or the elderly people? And then tho that section we're going to focus and adjust the remote more to that section than the whole user section. Okay. Some data. Younger people, from sixteen to thir forty five um years are more interested in fj features like L_C_D_ screens, speech recognition e etcetera. And we possess about two third of the market from in that range of age. The elderly people, from forty five years to sixty five years are not that much interested in features, and we possess less than two third, that's two fifth, of the market share in that area. Goed so. 'Kay. Findings. Fifty percent of the users lose their remote often. So we don't have to make it very small, like uh like a mobile phone or something, but some somewhat bi bigger than small, so you don't lose it that much anymore. Seventy five percent of the users also find it ugly, and fif seventy five of the users zap a lot, so the buttons sh should be that small, or shouldn't be that complex because we have to search for the buttons, which one are you going to use. Next. Important issues about the remote. I think it would be better with a personal reference, but okay. Remote control has to have to have a low power usage, because s w seventy five percent of the users only zap one time an hour, so the power usage is also one one time an hour, or so, with a high power usage we would use a lot of but batteries. The volume button and the channel buttons are the two most important buttons on the remote control, so those they those have to h be find very easily. And have to be somewhat like bigger etcetera. It has also be have to find easily when the label is gone. My colleague also announced it that labels should be scratched off or would be s uh senden okay. So uh if that's k uh if that's the problem, you also have to find it easily on the remote. Buttons. Like what all colleagues said, have to have to be minimalized. or should be covered, or in L_C_D_ screen. L_C_D_ screen is easy because we have the L_C_D_ screen, we have the various options. Put one option and then you have the all the buttons of that options, so the other options would be gone. And you don't see the buttons. So L_C_D_ screens should be easy, but an L_C_D_ screen, the problem with the L_ sc L_C_D_ screen is that elderly people fr from forty five to for sixty five years don't use the L_C_D_ screen a lot. So we have to that keep that in mind that if you're going to implement L_C_D_ screen, you don't have to make it that hard to learn or to use. Yeah, touch screen, yeah. The last but not least, younger people are more critical about the features. Because they use the remote control often more often, and are more technical than the ol older people. And the older people spend more money, and easily on a remote control. So we have to keep in mind to to focus not a lot not that much on the younger pep younger people, but also somewhat on the elderly people. And on my personal preferences, I don't have any mo more time to come with that, but like I said, L_C_D_ screen is easily to use because you have you can implement a lot of buttons in one remote with not that much buttons. And it should be easy to use. Especially the volume buttons, the channel buttes buttons and the number buttons to zap through the channels. And that is it. Ja, Be television. Only the television. So yeah, then you can yeah. Requirements, no? Functions. Yeah, the basics then by a volume, channel, one till two zero numbers on it, oh teletext doesn't have to be? Um other functions. Yeah I had Yeah, yeah. I think it's I think it's easy to implement a button with a s s what which especially do that, because some T_V_s, if you press the t one and then the two, it be between five secs it make twelve, and that's that's not relaxed to user. Yeah. So that it easy and fast. Yeah. Our main targets' age are? were? Forty five plus, or? Forties, okay because because younger people as Uh younger people have now, sixteen till to twenty five age, are f eighty one percent interested in L_C_D_ screen. From twenty six to thirty five have sixty six percent, and thirty six to forty five, fifty five percent, so I think to um Because on most recog remote controls um the print plate will be broken how much, two years. You have to press h very hard to go to the next channel. With the L_C_D_ screen it's easier because you only have to wipe the screen to uh for fingerprint, and then you can use it again. Yeah, okay. Yeah but a you don't know True. Yeah, it only says that this perce percentage like L_C_D_ screen. Because, yeah and it says that younger age between sixteen and forty five highly interesting features more critical. And if the only f Yeah, because our target is sixteen to forty five. Yeah you don't know how much it costs. Yeah, you don't know how much it costs, the L_C_D_ screen. No, I don't have any costs here, I only have percentages. Yeah. Yeah, if you want to adjust, like for example, adjust the audio settings, you press audio on the touchscreen and you get the buttons for audio settings, so the other buttons are gone. I think it's the most easier thing, yeah. No. Yeah. Highly. Yeah, but Um, s forty six to forty five, thirty three percent, and sixty fifty six to sixty five twelve percent. But our our our what's it, project requirements are the new products should be reached for new markets, to customers that are younger than forty. No, that not now, but, so Yeah, but market share fro for for forty years and younger is higher than that of sixty five and younger. Yeah, i i if it Yeah, if it costs gets too much, too expensive, then yeah, we should be sticking to rubber buttons. N nothing, no costs at all. Yeah, in I think that should yeah I think we all get the costs of everything. Yeah, okay, I'll I'll post it. Yeah. Okay, L_C_D_, yeah. Then you have the seventy five percent of users find it r ugly. Yeah, and eighty percent of the users would spend more money with a when a remote would look fancy. Tha i l i it'll look fancy with L_C_D_ screen. Yeah. Yeah, just a the plain remotes, not not specific L_C_D_ remotes. So Mm-hmm. Yeah, of course. And then you have the other thing, that seventy five percent zap a lot, but that's not a f question with the L_C_D_ screen. Only thing you have to do is wipe the screen off once each time, to get all the fingerprints off it. Um Mm-hmm. The most important things on a f on an on an uh remote control are channel selection, volume con selection, and power s power usage. And a teletext, but that is not of the question. Other things are Sorry? Yeah, it could be. Yeah. Yeah, teletext. And other other less important things are screen settings, audio settings, and channel settings, but Less important. Yeah, should be there, but not press Yeah, sub-menu, yeah. Yeah, in a breath it's Charted. Yeah, but we don't we don't have any costs now, so Yeah. Yeah e e power supply is one of the most important things. Yeah, I think it's it's not that easy because I don't think people will like it who who uh that you have to turn it on first and then use it, so I think it's better when th the T_V_ shuts down, the remote shuts down. Yeah. Yeah. After two minutes, yeah two three minutes, yeah. Yeah. And then b that uh before an hour when its get again gets empty. Then you have plenty of time to recharge it, of put it in a recharger. Charger. Yeah, if it's. Uh. Yeah, because when you're watching T_V_, you're zapping and you have to put it in a recharger, and I don't think it Yeah, okay, but then we have to be sure that the the the the batteries go hours, six hours, five, six hours, then. Yeah, then you have a problem. Or we have to be sure that the batteries last couple of days when they're recharged. So. Yeah because you have b but you have L_C_D_ screen. High power usage. Yes. True. Yeah. Yeah. True. Yeah, you made a point there. Yeah, otherwise all your yeah. Just a small device. Plug it in, that's it. Yeah, like a like telephone charger or something. Yeah. Yeah. It has to be easy to use also, or things. Uh market share, speaker re speech recognition. I think. Also. Well I think that this should be standard. Large button large buttons. Yeah? Okay.. Yeah, it says also Yeah. Twelve. That's an also ninety one percent sixteen to twenty five, twenty six to thirty five years, seventy six percent, and thirty six to forty five, thirty five percent. But then I I I Yeah. Yeah. Ninety. Twenty five. channel. Yeah. Yeah, twelve. Yeah. Is this only would you would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control. It's the only thing it says. I think an L_C_D_ screen should be suf sufficient. Yeah, it says a lot, but No I think I think it's better to have L_ L_C_D_ screen, because in the area of tw thirty six to forty five, we have about thirty percent of the market share in in our hands, and fifty five of those people want L_C_D_ screen and thirty five want speech recognition. So I think it's better to keep it with L_C_D_ screen. Yeah, if the costs al allow it. Nee. If it should be done, if it could be done, I won't matter. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. True. Yeah. True. But that should also be with f should be also with L_C_D_ screen. Because then I think in Chinese is different written, volume is different written than um Swahili or something. Ja, well possible. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. 'Kay, what else? Yeah, we have to keep Yeah. I think it's difficult. Every language of dialects I think it's very differen difficult. Yeah. I think it can't be implemented, but maybe Yeah, 's an option, yes. Fifty Euro cents. Yeah. Mm, yes. No, but Curved? Um. I think we should we could that we could also implement a audio settings, screen settings and channel settings, but as sub-menus. D Mainly if you turn the uh remote control on, you have to u you have to see from one till zero, channel and volume. And if you want to use teletext screen or audio, then you can press it. It should be available but not not Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but s Yeah. They'd have to be easy to use. The sign of it. Uh, no. What else can you do with a television? Uh play, pause, doesn't n need to be there. Yes, so this is your presentation. We could check the other remote controls with technical functions. Which ones were yours? Techni Ja ja ja ja ja. Technical functions. Yeah okay. Uh I think I go to have volume, mute but I Yeah. Very slow. Yeah, the zoom buttons. Yeah, b wide screen, high screen, different things you have, yeah different uh Yeah. Yeah it should be available, but then in separate screen settings or something. Yeah, screen settings, audio settings, teletext settings you have. Channel settings. So those four, and of course the main. Yeah. Yeah. Like tap screens or something or, I dunno. Something Yeah, if uh No, you don't yu a no you then you don't no ni don't then you don't use it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So you leave it alone. Yeah. Or it could be possible to have a a standard version of the remote, an expanded version. Yeah. Colours. Yeah. Yeah, then defines itself. Because uh how many percent? Eighty percent? Would spend more money if it looks fancy. Yeah. Rasta colours. Yeah, see through version. Yeah. If you press a button, it turns green. Channel settings? Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Could be possible. Or like uh you have a menu button, you press Yeah, or otherwise you have a menu button, press menu then you have uh main uh menu search uh all the all the settings. Yeah, no problem. Yep. Um, I think b because we don't have a lot of buttons on the one screen, I think the buttons Yeah, but but or like you have you only have channel button or volume button. Those buttons you can you can Yeah. Yeah, th No, no normal buttons, yeah. Maybe only the on and o on and off button. But I don't think Mm, no. No no no, because we we discussed that you could charge it, otherwise is it it jumps to stand-by mode automatically. Yeah, but a T_V_ of course, th that's the I think that's a best thing is that to implement that one in the menu with the volume and channel. No. Yeah, you tap. Touch screen, yeah then it's turn turn off, turn on. No, just the remote. A television don't have to be on, that one you can press on, yeah stand-by, then press on remote, press on and then T_V_ should be available. Or not. Separate. Yeah, but I think the re the remote control, if you press tap the screen, it always should jump to the screen which has the volume button, channel button, and of course of also the on and off button. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, if we can afford it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Speaker C: Good morning, again. All set? Good. Okay. Let's see what we can find here. Okay. A very warm welcome again to everyone. Um here we are already at our uh functional design meeting. Um and this is what we are going to do. The opening, which we are doing now, um and the special note, I'm project manager but on the meetings I'm also the secretary, which means I will make uh minutes as I did of the previous meeting. And uh I also put these as fast as possible in the uh project folder, so you can see them and review what we have discussed. Um if I'm right, there are three presentations, I guess each one of you has prepared one? Good. And um we will also take a look at new project requirements, um if you haven't heard about them yet. And then of course we have to take a decision on the remote control functions and we have some more time, forty minutes. But I think we will need it. Um well I don't know who wants to go first with his presentation. You can go first, okay. Is there an order? I haven't And one question, uh your name Denni, is it with a I_E_ E_I_E_, okay. Thank you. Sorry. Yeah, it's a little bug it's in the in the smart board. Okay, thank you. Yep. Please. Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you. Um, well thank you all, huh. I dunno uh did everyone receive an email with uh the new project requirements? No? Well, then I think it's a good thing that I made a separate slide of them so you can all read them. Oh, well not in this presentation. Hmm. Should be in there. Well, I can tell you them uh from my laptop. Um teletext does has become outdated since the popularity of the internet. So that's uh the first thing we I think we should pay less attention to uh teletext. Uh the remote control should only be used for the television, otherwise the project becomes more complex, which endangers the time to market, and of course would make it more costly, I think. Um our current customers are within the age group of forty plus, and new product should reach a new market with customers that are younger than forty, and you talked about that before. And uh a last point, but also very important, our corporate image should stay recognisable in our products, which means that our uh corporate colour and slogan must be implemented in the new design. So we have to keep that in mind. Um well uh according to our agenda it's then time to take a decision on the remote control functions. So, who has any idea about what should be on it, and what shouldn't? Yeah. Only be used for television. Well it says only for television here, huh. Makes it a lot easier, huh? Mm-hmm. Uh well new product should reach a market with customers that are younger than forty, and now we have current customers uh of forty plus. Mm-hmm. So we're going for an L_C_D_ screen? And hoping that when we produce a lot it won't be too expensive. Mm-hmm. Okay, so L_C_D_ it is? Okay. And what else? Yeah, okay. But for now it's L_C_D_. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and maybe you can make something fancy out of an L_C_D_ remote, because it's new, as far as I know. Okay, what else does our remote need? Mute button. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and we could make an a a separate menu on the L_C_D_ uh screen for teletext. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And maybe a low battery indicator? On the screen. So we are going for the for the recharger. Okay. Yeah, also. Okay, well I've Yeah, you have some more points. And you said something about speech recognition? Even bigger than for L_C_D_. But when you look at the percentages Speech recognition scores even higher, huh? Yeah, well, maybe because of the cost, but uh nobody knows uh how much uh it will cost uh. But would it be useful to imple implement both? On one remote? Or Yeah, I dunno. So, no speech recognition? Or Yeah, and then we have different languages. Okay, just make a separate remote for each uh Okay, so we only do this when we have enough money left. Okay. Well I've written down an an on or off button, volume selection, channel selection, uh the digits from one to zero, huh. Um or from zero to nine. Uh a digits button to switch uh between one and two digits, mute button, a separate menu for teletext, a battery indicator. Um we're going to use a docking station and uh probably L_C_D_ and if there's enough money, speech recognition. And uh the possibility to uh enlarge buttons or to have large buttons in general. Okay, so not too much teletext support, but in a separate menu, and Okay, but no more buttons or functions, or? Aren't we forgetting something very important? Ping. Yeah. And a see-through uh Okay, well that's the signal for las final five minutes. Um so I have uh the things I just read. Um then we have uh separate menus for teletext, screen settings, audio settings, and what else? Channel settings. Okay. No, we said teletext also a separate menu. Okay, but we can work that out later, I guess. So we're having a a general menu with the most used functions, uh teletext, screen settings, audio settings, channel settings, and maybe there are options for the remote itself? Like uh large icons or small icons and I don't know what else, but Yeah, but on the L_C_D_, huh? Right, yeah, okay. But we don't need a special we don't need a special options menu for the remote itself. Okay. Well maybe there should be a separate button apart from the L_C_D_, because you can't turn it on when the L_C_D_ is off. So how do you turn the thing on? There has to be a on button on the remote, huh? Tap the thing. Okay. And then the television is on also, or just the remote? Sure. Okay, well Yeah. So actually we're going to create a a button-less uh remote. No buttons at all. Okay, well that's might be a unique selling point, huh for a remote. Okay, well I guess we have to postpone further discussion to uh our next meeting, because we're running out of time. Um for now, we're having a lunch break, and then there will be uh half an hour for the uh next share of individual work. I will uh write uh minutes, if I can create them out of this. And uh put them in the the project documents uh folder. And here are the individual actions for the for the other roles. And of course specific instructions will be sent to you again by your uh personal coach. Luckily as we are. Okay, well thank you very much, for now, and uh have a nice lunch, huh? Speaker D: Yeah. Choose a number? Yes. Well. Well everybody already has his presentation, so you can adjust it. Yeah. Oh right. There is something turning. Yeah, I've got it there too. Yeah. Shall I go uh next? 'Kay. So. Well uh, my name's, and I looked at uh technical functions design of the remote. Uh I did this by uh looking at examples of other remote controls, of how they uh they look, and information from the web that I found. Um well what I found was that uh th the actual use of the remote control is to send messages to television set, how you uh d what you described uh just early. And this can be all sorts of medsa messages, turn it on, turn it off, uh change the channel, adjust volume, that kind of thing. Uh play video, teletext, but also t uh play C_D_ if you use it your C_D_ player the remote control will that one. There are some uh examples of remote controls. You can see they are very different. The one has got all the functions that you could possibly need and an lot of uh buttons etcetera. And the other is uh more user friendly, little with big buttons. And uh not n all the the the the stuff you can do with it, but uh the the essential stuff is there. Um I guess you could better y you should look at a a user centred uh approach, because the customers have to use them and and if they don't think it's usable they won't uh buy it. A lot of buttons they may think from I don't need s as much as that. Uh, well perf personal preferences is is uh a simple remote, with uh the basic functions that you can need that you could use. But uh keep in mind the new functions of T_V_ what we discussed earlier, split screen and uh is that a function that you should have? Because all the T_V_s will have them. Or because of only a few and isn't really necessary. And then uh make it I would make so that you can could uh use it on more than one appliance. If you have one that uh uh does with the vi the the video, it could also work with uh with the stereo, because play is play and stop stop and that sort of thing. The shu c you could reuse the buttons so that you don't have to have a lot of buttons for uh anything. And it should be a user friendly, clear buttons, and not too much. And that is my presentation. You must still have it open. Yeah. Hmm. Mm. Oh right. No. Res I did not. Perhaps the rest? Oh. Mm. Well you said it should only uh work with one appliance? Or with one uh d che only the T_V_? And the video also, or not uh? Oh. Alright. Okay. Yeah. Then it should have uh on, off, and uh Yeah. And per perhaps uh No. Well uh uh yes yes s sh A button where you can uh change from one number to two numbers. Can you Don't know if that's got a name, but Yeah. S Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so you should have that one on. Mute misschien also. An But, do you But if you would do an L_C_D_ screen do we have don don't you have any buttons? Or because if it only directs at the T_V_, then you only have uh I don't know what you want to do with the L_C_D_ screen. Yeah? Oh right, so you can Oh, yeah alright. So you can adjust which buttons you want on that s screen. Yeah alright, oh right. Yeah. Yeah. Would be yeah. Well we had twelve fifty, I guess, for uh production? Yeah. I dunno how expensive an L_C_D_ screen is. Any guesses? Yeah. But But he also said that we should not only focus on the younger people, but also on the older, and will they use it if it only has an L_C_D_ screen? Oh, so still a little bit people Yeah that's right. But you don't want to alienate the other uh But if they also buy it then it's alright. I guess. Yeah. Alright. An Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But perhaps later, so uh Yeah. I don't Well perhaps we should have a backup plan that we would use buttons if it's uh too expensive. Yeah. The L_C_D_? Oh that's a bit of a problem. Oh, that's a bit of a problem. Yeah, but they don't they don't like it. They think it's ugly. When it has an L_C_D_ screen. Oh, alright, I thought that you said that. Yeah. Yeah. A mute button. I think. And Yeah. But But shouldn't you put a button of for teletext on the for the people who want to use it? Remembering we have got a big remote that you have to fill. Yeah. Yeah, they are less important, but I think they should be there, or not? Like with a with a mouse, you have not, yeah. We should think of the twelve fifty we have but I don't know how much that's going to uh Yeah. You should Perhaps you should be able to to switch the control off. If you have an L_C_D_ screen that's burns all the time I dunno. You shouldn't on and off because that's ver extra, that you have t first you have to turn the remote on, and then you can uh I don't know. Nee that's that's uh yeah. But then you can't Yeah. Yeah yeah au automac matically, that it yeah. Yeah. If it's sensible. Yeah. Yeah, b when the batteries are low But you'll also forget to put it in, because you throw it on the couch and you don't remember. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Well I think the batteries should should w should work a lot longer than a couple of days, or not? 'Cause Yeah, that's right, but Yeah. Right. But then you also have to s have somewhere where you can put a remo recharger near your couch because otherwise you have to walk a long way when you twoft want to turn on the T_V_. Yeah. I think everything has it for and I guess. Yeah. Alright. Yeah, twelve fifty, twelve fifty. So it's pretty big. Yeah. W I know let's do a speech. Yeah. Yeah. You can clap or something. Yeah. Now you shouldn't say the wrong thing, I dunno. But they want to talk into the remo remote control, or something, or? Oh, but do we want to implement that, or? Yeah. I know Mm. Well I don't know if that can be done with the cost of twelve fifty. With that uh Yeah, but how would you like to implement that, that you say volume up, and then it goes up, or? Uh. Then you also have to have different languages if we go international. Then uh it's y it's yours to do a French and Dutch and English and Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah you can use icons for the a speaker and uh But if that's better than language for the for the remote. Then it's Yeah. Well, if it could be done, we Yeah. Yeah, that should be uh anything matters. Well, you sh you should to adjust the thing. Yeah. And you have to speak the so that it can understand. You could use that n as an option, if you have money left, or something. Yeah. Let's do speech. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. I With uh teletext if it wasn't ver very important, it was but You also now have colours. I don't know if we should implement that. Yeah, when you press the red button, you go to page one hundred two, and when you press the I don't know if we should implement that, because it says that teletext not really important, but yeah, the shortcut, and you can't go to sport. Yeah. 'Cause it should be there. So actually it is there but it's just not r ready there. You'll have to search for it. Yeah. Yeah, that's a I guess not. We've got anon Have got got two examples here, but I don't think there's anything we're missing. Well, we don't have the video orders Yeah, you could look here all the the Uh th th th th I don't know, technical functions. They're a bit small, you can we should stretch them, because I guess we've got them all. And for a T_V_? Can you zoom in a T_V_? Or that you can put 'em on uh on on wide and yeah. But that should also be a sub then, a sub uh menu thing. Yeah, so we should also implement se screen settings. Oh right. Yeah. Yeah, so you can program the Yeah, so the first you see the main, and the other ones you can uh go to uh Yeah. I hope we can do this. We don't have to use that top. Yeah. Yeah. And do we want them in different colours, or And and the buttons, should they have colours? Oh but we don't have any buttons. Yeah. They think it's ugly, right? Perhaps you can uh make adjustable fronts, like with the telephones. You can uh But I don't think that uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A disco version. Five minutes? Oh yeah, right. So you can program the T_V_. Perhaps you should you'd throw them on on in one pile. So, options, and then you sub them. Otherwise you have all those teletext, perhaps teletext not, but Yeah, but I Yeah. Yeah. But I don't know. Or do we have any buttons? On the remote. Which one? But that's also in the L_C_D_, right? So we don't have any normal buttons that uh No, alright. Yet on and off is p is perhaps you kno No, no. Oh well, you should be able to set which T_V_ you have. If you have if you have uh Yeah. But isn't idea to use uh uh what you said, uh normal on and off button for the T_V_, that you don't have to use a Yeah but but not for the remote but for the T_V_, that you use But a not as normal button, in the L_C_D_, yeah. No you just tap I think. But Yeah a yeah. I don't know whether it's handy to have a n a normal on button, a r just uh rubber uh for for T_V_, so you can turn it on and then you can choose the channel. Otherwise you I don't know whether or not that's Yeah, yeah. To turn it on. Of or you should put it in the L_C_D_ screen. Yeah, I have, yeah. Well I I guess if you use the L_C_D_ screen, you first have to search where is the on button, then you uh you you then turn it, and then the T_V_ goes on. But if you have a normal on button on the on the remote, then you do the on, and then you search the channel which you want. Oh right. Yeah, I think so too. Otherwise y wet e k Yeah. Yeah. If we can afford it. Alright. Lunch. Should we put this back in our rooms, or uh? Yeah.","Um here we are already at our uh functional design meeting . I'm project manager but on the meetings I'm also the secretary , which means I will make uh minutes Um if I'm right , there are three presentations , And um we will also take a look at new project requirements , um if you haven't heard about them yet . Um well I don't know who wants to go first with his presentation . I'll go first . Okay . I'll go first yeah . I wanted to explain the working design of the remote control . Uh when you press a button , uh that's when you do pr for example when you uh want to turn up the volume , um a little connection is made on a little print plate Um uh the the chip uh makes a Morse code uh like uh signal which uh then is si uh signalled to uh several transistors And that makes uh the the infra-red lights signal which is sent to the television set . Um the findings uh uh that I found uh searching up some uh detailed information about the remote controls , are that uh they are very easy to produce , uh it's possible to uh make them in mass production Uh and the technology's already available , Uh I made a little uh uh animation of about how a tran our uh remote controller works . the sub-component , I suppose that you understand what a sub-component is , is f in this example it's the button . Uh when it is pressed down , um , the switch is ter is uh is switched on , so with uh the wire is sent to the to the chip in uh co-operation with the battery of course , Uh I wrote down some personal preferences about uh the remote control . Of course it is very handy if the remote control is hand held , Uh I personally uh pref prefer that uh it would be p uh come available in the various colours , and uh easy to use buttons . Perhaps soft touch , uh touch screen uh buttons because uh the rubber buttons are always uh uh they uh slightly uh they can be slightly damaged , uh so the numbers on the buttons are not possible uh to read anymore . And uh well as I said uh before th uh we can uh make several designs . and I looked at uh technical functions design of the remote . Uh I did this by uh looking at examples of other remote controls , of how they uh they look , and information from the web that I found . Um well what I found was that uh th the actual use of the remote control is to send messages to television set , adjust volume , that kind of thing . There are some uh examples of remote controls . You can see they are very different . The one has got all the functions that you could possibly need and an lot of uh buttons etcetera . And the other is uh more user friendly , little with big buttons . Um I guess you could better y you should look at a a user centred uh approach , A lot of buttons they may think from I don't need s as much as that . personal preferences is is uh a simple remote , with uh the basic functions that you can need that you could use . And then uh make it I would make so that you can could uh use it on more than one appliance . If you have one that uh uh does with the vi the the video , it could also work with uh with the stereo , you could reuse the buttons And it should be a user friendly , clear buttons , and not too much . We're going to j discuss the functional requirements of the remote , that means that functions user n want to have on the remote control , The methods I I prefer is we're going to look which section of the users we are going to focus a l on more . Younger people , from sixteen to thir forty five um years are more interested in fj features like L_C_D_ screens , speech recognition e etcetera . And we possess about two third of the market from in that range of age . The elderly people , from forty five years to sixty five years are not that much interested in features , and we possess less than two third , that's two fifth , of the market share in that area . Fifty percent of the users lose their remote often . So we don't have to make it very small , like uh like a mobile phone or something , Seventy five percent of the users also find it ugly , and fif seventy five of the users zap a lot , so the buttons sh should be that small , or shouldn't be that complex Remote control has to have to have a low power usage , because s w seventy five percent of the users only zap one time an hour , The volume button and the channel buttons are the two most important buttons on the remote control , so those they those have to h be find very easily . Buttons . Like what all colleagues said , have to have to be minimalized . or in L_C_D_ screen . because we have the L_C_D_ screen , we have the various options . but an L_C_D_ screen , the problem with the L_ sc L_C_D_ screen is that elderly people fr from forty five to for sixty five years don't use the L_C_D_ screen a lot . So we have to that keep that in mind that if you're going to implement L_C_D_ screen , you don't have to make it that hard to learn or to use . The last but not least , younger people are more critical about the features . And the older people spend more money , and easily on a remote control . Because they use the remote control often more often , and are more technical than the ol older people . So we have to keep in mind to to focus not a lot not that much on the younger pep younger people , but also somewhat on the elderly people . but like I said , L_C_D_ screen is easily to use And it should be easy to use . Especially the volume buttons , the channel buttes buttons and the number buttons to zap through the channels . I dunno uh did everyone receive an email with uh the new project requirements ? then I think it's a good thing that I made a separate slide of them Um teletext does has become outdated since the popularity of the internet . So that's uh the first thing we I think we should pay less attention to uh teletext . Uh the remote control should only be used for the television , otherwise the project becomes more complex , Um our current customers are within the age group of forty plus , and new product should reach a new market with customers that are younger than forty , And uh a last point , but also very important , our corporate image should stay recognisable in our products , which means that our uh corporate colour and slogan must be implemented in the new design . according to our agenda it's then time to take a decision on the remote control functions . you said it should only uh work with one appliance ? Yeah . Only be used for television . Then it should have uh on , off , Standby options , the basics then by a volume , channel , one till two zero numbers on it , A button where you can uh change from one number to two numbers . because some T_V_s , if you press the t one and then the two , it be between five secs it make twelve , I think it's easy to implement a button with a s s what which especially do that , and that's that's not relaxed But uh all the television makes uh use of those button where you first press that button and then press two digits to uh to get new product should reach a market with customers that are younger than forty , Uh younger people have now , sixteen till to twenty five age , are f eighty one percent interested in L_C_D_ screen . But I think that uh that collides with our mission to make it very cheap . A touch screen uh probably uh even more . perhaps we should we should focus on that L_C_D_ screen . you don't know how much it costs , the L_C_D_ screen . I don't have any costs here , But if you would do an L_C_D_ screen do we have don don't you have any buttons ? for example um if you wanted the minimal uh use b uh buttons , such as channel and volume , you just h uh displays four buttons on the screen and it's possible to p uh press them down , just like a touch screen . we're going for an L_C_D_ screen ? I think it's the most easier thing , but also on the older , But he also said that we should not only focus on the younger people , and will they use it if it only has an L_C_D_ screen ? But our our our what's it , project requirements are the new products should be reached for new markets , to customers that are younger than forty . but market share fro for for forty years and younger is higher than that of sixty five and younger . if it costs gets too much , too expensive , then yeah , we should be sticking to rubber buttons . I think that that they will send you some information about uh the cost of L_C_D_ uh screens . if you uh you receive an email about that , uh can you post it in the But for now it's L_C_D_ . Okay . it'll look fancy with L_C_D_ screen . Yeah . They think it's ugly . When it has an L_C_D_ screen . Only thing you have to do is wipe the screen off once each time , to get all the fingerprints off it . what else does our remote need ? A mute button . The most important things on a f on an on an uh remote control are channel selection , volume con selection , and power s power usage . And a teletext , but that is not of the question . But shouldn't you put a button of for teletext on the for the people who want to use it ? and we could make an a a separate menu on the L_C_D_ uh screen for teletext . And other other less important things are screen settings , audio settings , and channel settings , they are less important , but I think they should be there , but in a sub sub-menu or something like that . Uh I think it's also important to uh make it possible to um how do you call it in English , uh , to not use batteries , Perhaps you should be able to to switch the control off . power supply is one of the most important things . If you have an L_C_D_ screen that's burns all the time I dunno . because I don't think people will like it who who uh that you have to turn it on first and then use it , so I think it's better when th the T_V_ shuts down , the remote shuts down . And go to standby mode when you don't use it , And maybe a low battery indicator ? On the screen . of put it in a recharger . Charger . So we are going for the for the recharger . I think the batteries should should w should work a lot longer than a couple of days , uh it should be uh a standard move to to put your remote control in the charger when you're done watching television , that's also a a a great advantage because you can't lose it anymore . But then you also have to s have somewhere where you can put a remo recharger near your couch because otherwise you have to walk a long way when you twoft want to turn on the T_V_ . just a cable , or a even a a a a a charger where you can mount it on . Something like that , Functional designs uh for the elderly uh you could make it possible to enlarge the screen , so make it possible to not uh display uh a button at ten points I think that this should be standard . Large button large buttons . And you said something about speech recognition ? also ninety one percent sixteen to twenty five , twenty six to thirty five years , seventy six percent , and thirty six to forty five , thirty five percent . twelve fifty , twelve fifty . I know let's do a speech . But they want to talk into the remo remote control , or something , I think an L_C_D_ screen should be suf sufficient . But when you look at the percentages but uh nobody knows uh how much uh it will cost uh . I think I think it's better to have L_ L_C_D_ screen , But would it be useful to imple implement both ? Yeah , if the costs al allow it . but how would you like to implement that , that you say volume up , and then it goes up , Certain systems already exist , I think . Then you also have to have different languages if we go international . But that should also be with f should be also with L_C_D_ screen . you can use icons it should be done . If it could be done , should be done . so we only do this when we have enough money left . I've written down an an on or off button , volume selection , channel selection , uh the digits from one to zero , huh . Um or from zero to nine . Uh a digits button to switch uh between one and two digits , mute button , a separate menu for teletext , a battery indicator . And uh the possibility to uh enlarge buttons or to have large buttons You also now have colours . Curved ? we could also implement a audio settings , screen settings and channel settings , but as sub-menus . so not too much teletext support , but in a separate menu , We could check the other remote controls with technical functions . Aren't we forgetting something very important ? wide screen , high screen , different things you have , it should be available , but then in separate screen settings or something . Channel settings . Or it could be possible to have a a standard version of the remote , an expanded version . and the buttons , should they have colours ? Colours I think the main colour of the remote control is uh the colour of the L_C_D_ screen . Perhaps you can uh make adjustable fronts , like with the telephones . make it available in different colours , you mean ? signal for las final five minutes . we're having a a general menu with the most used functions , uh teletext , screen settings , audio settings , channel settings , Or do we have any buttons ? On the remote . you only have channel button or volume button . So we don't have any normal buttons But that's also in the L_C_D_ , Maybe only the on and o on and off button . But isn't idea to use uh uh what you said , uh normal on and off button for the T_V_ , But a not as normal button , in the L_C_D_ , maybe there should be a separate button apart from the L_C_D_ , There has to be a on button on the remote , No you just tap I think . because uh when you touch the L_C_D_ screen when it is in standby mode , it should pop on . I guess if you use the L_C_D_ screen , you first have to search where is the on button , But if you have a normal on button on the on the remote , then you do the on , I think it looks a lot more fancy if you use uh if you don't have any buttons on the s on on remote control . So actually we're going to create a a button-less uh remote . No buttons at all . that's might be a unique selling point , huh for a remote . postpone further discussion to uh our next meeting , for now , we're having a lunch break , and then there will be uh half an hour for the uh next share of individual work . I will uh write uh minutes , if I can create them out of this . And uh put them in the the project documents uh folder . And here are the individual actions for the for the other roles . And of course specific instructions will be sent to you again by your uh personal coach ." 27,"Speaker A: Okay. Good morning. Okay. Um green. An animal. Okay. Um Uh a wee rabbit. Yeah. Yeah, I think I think they're right, yeah. Uh I think most most things have already been said, like uh control multiple devices. And uh, yeah, infrared might be an issue. Uh well, he said about n abo what he said about pointing. But uh lots of devices already use infrared. So we'll probably have to implement that. Yeah. Speaker B: Good morning, Mister P_M_. How are you today? How was your business trip to Boston? Is there a schedule for this meeting? I shall close the door. That's correct. Okay. Um is there any room for a little presentation? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section? Okay. Alright. I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal. Well, I'll give it a try. Mm. Very good. I was very good in drawing. Well, I guess you uh get the idea. Beautiful. Yes, um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion, because uh there might be some uh influations influences. Okay? Okay. Um first about my role, role of the Industrial Designer. I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things, and the technical possibilities and impossibilities. So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas, uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions, but uh there might be some impossibilities. So that's one. Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that, but well, these are quite the same. Sorry about that. Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product. I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion. One thing about uh interopera operability. Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device diverse subset of equipment. Uh for instance, uh D_V_D_ players, cell phones, video and audio equipment. So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment. Well, there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them. I think it could come in handy. We should discuss that. Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other. We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore, so infrared is not uh is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore. But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth. Mm-hmm. But it's cost-effective. Yes. Mm-hmm. Well, not all, not all. So that's the point. So Maybe, but that's uh something we should discuss and uh about every everybody should think about it. So that's just my role, I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input, and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look, but take these things into account when you start the discussion. Yes, so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment, and the way of communicating with these equipments. Okay. That's it. Yes, I think it should be something like that. We're not developing this product for a specific vendor, are we? No, we're just developing this product, and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public, so it should fit to every device. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this? Or are there any o other controls? Are there only any other cont Well, I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward, sidewords. You know these things. And um it's very easy for a user to to switch w yes, to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_, on on a chapters, you know, on a D_V_D_ player. So maybe that's an idea, I don't know. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Uh is that uh are there restriction for the range, the operating range too? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Okay. Do do you Um well yes, I had, uh about three minutes ago, but I've seem to forget them forgot them. Um oh yes, I remember. Um you said something about visibility in the dark. Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control, on which you can see functions? Which makes it easier to operate it. I I don't know. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Yes, but there's a cost limitation too. Well, that's more So that's a big problem, I think. I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product. The cost price is very low. Um Okay. Very good point. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Hmm. It's use uh a lot of uh well Well, cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and, well, it's it seems to work uh quite okay. So uh technically it will be possible. No, you cannot. Okay. Okay. Speaker C: G good morning. Oh yeah. Are you ready? You should put the laptop uh right into the square. For i for the cameras, yes. Good morning, Sebastian. I'm fine. Um well, actually I didn't go, didn't feel like it. So Do you want to open it as read-only. Um I guess I should close it here. Okay, the waiting is for our Marketing Expert, Ruud. Um project kick-off. Yes, there is actually. Um I will li list the agenda for today. For this meeting. Good morning, Ruud. Uh it's important um yeah, great. It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square, um for the cameras. Okay. Okay. Um we're here to develop uh a new product. Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it. Um and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it. Um you are here in a specific role. Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert, Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer. Is that correct? Okay. Um we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here. Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan, uh and we will have a discussion. Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes, so we should keep that in mind. There is? Yeah, there is. No problem. Um okay, this new product we are are g are going to develop, um it's a remote control, a television remote control. Um and first of all it should be original, it should be trendy and user-friendly. Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals, um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop. Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things. The market, we should have a look at the market. Um we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development, um which consists of three different design stages. Uh the functional design, the conceptual design and the detailed design, um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work, prepare, and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the the the progressions, yes. Um the first stage, the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements, and we will um make a specific uh specification of that. Um the second is the technical functional design, um what effect should the remote have? Well in this case control t the the television I think. Um and the last one is the working design. How exactly does it work in the technical sense. Um the other design stages, uh we will discuss that later. So we'll kop it keep it with the functional design. Okay, um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here. Um as you see now I can give a presentation. Um it's also possible to use this one as well. You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to. Um to um presentate, to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder, which is on your desktop, at least it should be. Um then we have this electronic white-board system. Um yeah, I will show that now. Um you can draw on the board using this pen. There are little um uh sensors, so do not grab it here, but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end. Um well, it it's on the um eraser now, so we click the pen button. Okay, so not too fast writing. Um you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button. It's quite the same. Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file. So do not m make a new file. Just use this one uh during the day. Um you can use the eraser to make something go away. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, in the meetings, only in the meetings. It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard. Um you can choose the format, um sorry. Uh Let me see. Um Well I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected. Yep. Current colour, you can choose another colour. And um for example black, and you c I can choose the line width. Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour. Okay. Quite easy, if you uh do have any questions, just c ask me. Um to um oh well, I'm I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us. Um as a little training um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected. A rabbit. Okay, well great. Um Roo, could you do the same please? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width. Sebastian is thinking about the animal. Okay. It it should be a cat. Okay? I'm guessing a horse. Yes, okay. Beautiful. Okay, so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to. Um any questions well, just just let me know. Um okay, back to our project. Um the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros. Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros, which is quite a number. Um we uh we will focus this internationally, so the product will be sold um, if there is market uh interest, uh in in more than one country. And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty, so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development, um because uh, well, those are important numbers. Um then the discussion, maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation. Limitations. Okay. Okay, great. Yeah. Okay, so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability, and Okay, and and uh Okay. Okay, good. Um that was your presentation? Okay, okay. Um okay. Great. Um I'll go back to my own presentation. Um Mm. Okay. Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things. Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications. Um there are other things like um how to make it trendy, which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role. Um the way how it should be controlled by the user, which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part. Um so let's start with you. H how do you think the remote should um function for the user? Yep. Okay, so we're we're going business to consumer, not we're we're it's not a No. No. Yeah. Uh Ruud, y do you agree? Okay. Okay. Yeah. So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um Okay. Uh-huh. Maybe not even pointed. Yeah. Okay Uh Okay, gentlemen, um uh just a reminder, we d we have five minutes left for this meeting um okay. Okay, s yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh I'll write down glow in the dark. Is tha Okay. Okay, um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting. Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the such a product? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product? Mm-hmm. Because? Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Okay, Sebastian, did you have any other ideas? Okay. Yeah, yeah, okay, because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product. So Yeah, twelve Euro fifty, yeah. Okay. Okay, okay. Okay, um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now. Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily um or it should not consume too much um power. Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week. So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or yeah. I dunno, it's uh that's more Sebastian's uh um Well does it? I'm not sure. Uh Yeah. Okay. Gentlemen, I'm afraid we do not have any more time. Um so we will go back to our own uh work. Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um, well, you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it. Um so this was it. See you in thirty minutes. Speaker D: Good morning, Flores. Marketing Expert. Right. For the cameras Alright. Geez. You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um sen oh stand-by. Close the the window. So That's right. Ruud. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Alright. Okay. Progressions. It's for the vision. Yeah. Sensors. But we all use the same white-board file So we can work together on it while we're or should we only use it in the in the meetings? Yeah, okay. Yeah, alright. Yep. It's a bunny. But of course, Flores. Blank. Yeah, I'm think about it too. Format. Well, it looked more than a bunny than a cat, but it works, right? With a very small legs. You should feed that uh that animal. Okay. Okay. And for a cell phone? Yeah, okay. Yeah. But Yeah, but the infrared, it's uh, well, a little bit old-fashioned, if you would call it like that. But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared, so y you you can Most of them. Or you shou sh use a you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well, I had a few uh things in mind. Um well, the interoperability, just like uh Sebastian said, um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um Yeah uh, what is it, devices? Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store. It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product, right? Yeah, I do I don't know that. It's no I have uh don't have the information for it. No, okay. Yeah. Um Well, the techni fu technical function uh what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_. That's just the basic f technical function. So that was my really my part for uh this session. Um Well, that's just the fu the technical function is pure what should the remote control do, wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device. It just should change the T_V_'s state. So that's it. Um but furthermore Yeah. Yeah, with buttons. Yeah, or maybe you want a touch-screen or But Yeah. They're very vu vulnerable. Yeah. Yeah. And for other user interface I had um, well, it's more industrial thing. Uh point at a T_V_, I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_, so you must point everywhere, so maybe infrared is Yeah, just don't even point it, so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that. Yeah, if you g if you go to radio or or yeah. For T_V_, you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_, so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that, but if you want to uh get it working with a radio, and you're in outside your garden with just one uh speaker, then maybe the range should be uh But Yeah. Two more things. Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons, so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand. You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever, I think. And of course you don't always know where all buttons are, so it should be visible al um in dark too. So when it's dark Those are two really uh user interface Yeah. That's perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe I um but it it can be quite simple, you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it. The uh the the digits in black. Uh then it's already visible in dark. So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy well, it can be for design, of course. Just remind something. The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade. You have a m uh Always have s the soft buttons, always uh clear the the the paint on it. The marks. Yeah. But um Necessary, yeah. Yeah. But then Bluetooth uh might be problem. 'Cause I think Bluetooth uh Yeah, I know it from the cell phone. But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time, twenty four hours a day. Does it It's over? Okay. Great.","Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud . Is there a schedule for this meeting ? Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Um we're here to develop uh a new product . this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ? No problem . this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things . Um we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , Um the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , Um then we have this electronic white-board system . you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh sensors , it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . But we all use the same white-board file Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Current colour , you can choose another colour . I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder Um as a little training um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . Uh a wee rabbit . Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width . It it should be a cat . Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , we uh we will focus this internationally , And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation . Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available I have some uh initial ideas about some things One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth . Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that . But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote . but that's uh something we should discuss but take these things into account when you start the discussion . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things . Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ? Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different devices ? I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store . Yes , I think it should be something like that . It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product , right ? Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer , Yeah , I do I don't know that . We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ? don't have the information for it . we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ? Or are there any o other controls ? Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that . so you must point everywhere , Maybe not even pointed . So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that , but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand . And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um in dark too . Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting . Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ? Uh I think most most things have already been said , But uh lots of devices already use infrared . And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue . like uh control multiple devices . we'll probably have to implement that . Um you said something about visibility in the dark . uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? but it it can be quite simple , you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it . The uh the the digits in black . Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy well , it can be for design , of course . because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . Yes , but there's a cost limitation too . So that's a big problem , I think . twelve Euro fifty , yeah . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product . The cost price is very low . The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade . Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week . maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or But then Bluetooth uh might be problem . It's use uh a lot of uh Well does it ? I know it from the cell phone . Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's it seems to work uh quite okay . But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day . Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time . so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . See you in thirty minutes ." 59,"Speaker A: Yes. 'Kay, we've made a prototype. Um, we've got uh uh our aspects from the last meeting. Uh, especially we looked at the form, material and the colour. Um, we've uh drawn here the p prototype. The logo is uh is uh is pretty uh obvious to see on the on the remote control, but it is necessary when you want to build your uh company f to a level higher. Um, our interface elements, there are shown in the in the drawing. Maybe you can uh point them uh The functions. But uh that It's uh here then, in the middle. Yes, um we've disc Most of the users Yes, y there there will be a p a little a little P_ on that and a little uh yeah. Yes. It's a television. Yes. Yes, yes, you have you have a lot of standard buttons that has to be uh on it, uh th with the one and a double uh uh yes. Yes, you have televisions, then you have to, you know, you have to uh press Yes, but but a lot uh Yes, but some televisions don't accept uh that that No, no, but s Yes, but some some old televisions uh you have to uh click on uh a special button, uh then you go to a a next level, you can push two buttons. You want Yes, but some television don't support it. No, a remote can Yes, so they need no, they need No, but uh Yeah, it And the button for the SCART uh audio video uh external input. No, no. Uh, remote control sends one signal at one button uh press. Uh, some N some televisions when when you want to go further than uh ten No, you have to you have to uh give the television uh two or more signals. When you uh press one button, you give one signal. And the older televisions need more signals to go a level higher. But When you make the technology that that it will uh give more signals, it could work, but Just a basic idea of of of the most uh most y most common uh and simple uh operations on the remote. Yes. It's here on the We came uh Yes. But maybe we can maybe we can make the docking station uh uh a bit standard for for uh the other products we sell, because Real Real Reaction sells more products than only remote controls. So maybe we can uh use the docking station, for example, uh M_P_ three players or or uh uh hearing devices. Yes, but when you put that same volt voltages on it, you can put uh when the when the when uh o the the the lowest part of it, when it's o the same as the other products, you can put it all on the same uh Yes, but we can make No, we can make uh make the most lowest part all the same. When when the the recharger has a has a bit what points out, we can place all on top of it. Just have to be big enough for the biggest No, when you make it large enough no it it will not. But then it's a little bit But it's just an idea. But it's flat it's flat as as this, so we can p make all the products as flat as this. Yes, but when you make uh uh a bit of big Yes, little holer littler Uh, little products go deeper in it. Yes. And uh uh the f the look and feel would be great on this uh remote control, because uh you always uh will uh pick up the remote control in the in the smallest uh area. Then your uh left thumb of uh your right thumb is uh near the programme uh button, which is the most common used uh function, and all the other buttons are available for your uh thumb. So it's it's it's really good design. Yes, uh on the side uh there will be a strip of rubber, and in the middle uh there is uh a hard uh a hard material, a bit hard plastic with a light uh behind it. Yes, we can make also n neon lights on it, or or the buttons that can make uh light on it. Yes. But, it will also uh uh use batteries, and do we want to The all the aspects of the interface buttons were uh Yes. Yes. Yes, maybe we can use on the on the lights on the side we can use uh uh multiple uh lights, so it will uh Yes. No. Yeah. I think I think the the fronts will give it a more uh uh uh less uglier uh side, because you can uh make it in your own yes, you can make it in your own uh more to your own personality or or house style. Yes. Or forty. I think two or three. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. It's all about the buttons. Also, the the the buttons of the one, the two, the the digits, o they're used uh uh Can yes, three, two. But you can't make a remote control without them, because Yes. Yes. A one. We we've tried to make it uh the the best trendy look uh ever. Yes. Yes. No. No, not L_C_D_, so. But that that's not innovative. Lights lights are Six. Because we've tried to make it a little bit innovative, but it but it With the lights it it's it's kind of future But still you can retrieve it when it's when it's gone, with the with Yes. The docking station is a is a little bit innovative. It's a part of the remote. And with the speaker on the there's also a speaker. Okay. But the retrieval or the Yes, how would you innovate a remote control more? To put it on your head. Yes. Yes. You like the buttons. Yes. In in and comparing with uh people of th of the age above? We don't know. But Yes, two, but only in c when you compare it with with elderly. This is just guessing. Make it a two. When it succeeds, uh it can get a two, mu A logo. Yes, uh encrypted uh with Yes. Yes. Is there something after this uh meeting? Or Okay. Yes. Uh it's it's one one chip, but but you have to choose one from it. The simple chip is e enough I I think, but with the lights with the lights and the retrieval, it can be uh No, uh I Yes, my my my uh The the email I got said uh simple chip, but when we put in the speaker and the retriever uh device, it will uh cost a a bit more, like I think the advanced chip maybe. Bec No, the they didn't know about a retriever or a speaker uh in it. Then it's a simple chip. Yes, I I I s I That will be enough for future uh recommendations. I don't know it uh either. Yes. Otherwise, you get uh a standard uh plastic colour. Standard rubber. St Yes. No, it's only uh when you use push-buttons, it will cost that much. If you use a scroll-wheel Maybe it's the kind of push-buttons. You can have f four kind of push-buttons. Rubber. You can have uh Different, yes. Why is that so uh expensive. So, whe when you so then it It's eighty percent of the price of the of the amount of When you have the same amount of button, you have to put in wi in your carton. Board. And then throw it But whe I've seen one uh one remote control with only the pu yeah, only with uh page up, page down and volume, but but Uh, it's it's still for little children. They can handle that remote control, but but it isn't fo Yes, it's for it's li uh it's just for a little Otherwise, it Otherwise it would be the Special form also, it says. What is the normal material? Sh yeah. Classic? Oh, plastic. But we can uh sell the remote control and uh sell the docking station yes. And and but we don't have to tell it, but what we can say of can um almost make it impossible to buy a remote control without the docking station. No, but you otherwise you can't retrieve it. But for two Euros and thirty cents, we uh we don't get a docking station. For For two Euros. It isn't in my information, so I don't know it uh either. It isn't in my information, I uh I I've got a schematic view of the remote control, but nothing about uh advanced chips or Uh I've got here in uh I will put a I will put a page on it. When my mouse works again. My mouse is uh Yes. Oh. Ah, I've got it. I will put uh my email on the the network. It's on it. Yes. Um Yes, that was mine. But that was my second Mm But this is the same uh This is o only the possibilities. Yeah. We can use a simple, a regular, or advanced chip. Ah, okay. With the light. L_C_D_. Maybe you can say against the remote uh page uh f uh page up, page down. All in twelve Euros. Twelve Euros and fifty cents. And the lights. Where uh are the lights? But but sometimes you put a Kinetics aren't uh nowadays only used in watches and that's because you're always walking. Uh solar cells are useless. Fo for a docking station. With a cable, with uh buttons on it, with retrieval uh device in it. Wi with a button to wi with a button to retrieve it, so it will beep. Uh, so it's uh wireless technology. Look at the case, the case the case of of uh of uh No, then we have to sell it for thirty Euros. It's the Maybe we can uh can do it both. Maybe we can do it both uh in the in the in the remote. Battery and kinetic. Yes, but when it's then when it then you have to shake it uh and all when it's when it's empty. You asked for three d No, that's n that's not true. Uh, a watch is uh kinetic because you walk all the time. Yes, solar cells are also stated. Why don't we use solar cells then? That's true. Oui. You can do it for fifty cents. The c The case the case alone is is is uh the case alone for uh remote control is at least one Euro. Then we have one Euro thirty for the whole docking station. But now Great. It's great. Our remote control. Yes. Seventy Euros. Why not a hand dynamo then? We're done. Is this it? Okay. Yes. Where's the champagne? I don't uh hear a bell. Bye. Uh-huh. Just fill that one in. Speaker B: Okay, welcome to the detailed design meeting. Again, I'm gonna take minutes. Oh, we're gonna have a prototype presentation first. Uh, who's gonna give the prototype presentation? You two guys? Okay. Go ahead. Oh no, the the the mute button misses now. Do y do you did we want to have a m mute button? Huh. Wait, there's was one thing I wanted to ask. Uh, there are different ways for remote controls to uh do uh like uh d I call it teens and twenties. Uh, y th th th the two numbers. Yeah, but do we have do we need extra buttons, for example some uh some have to Yeah, but you don't you don't actually need them, becau b l a lot of remote controls work that y when y that you when you fir you push the one first, then you have a couple of seconds No, I don't think so. Nah, I don't think so really, because you have a I know some remote controls that don't have these buttons, but you still can, know, obviously you can still select the twenty uh a number in the twenty or in the ten. No, I think uh I really think it's n because you can when when you put a button on it with like one and uh then a dash, it's the same thing as when you just push the one, because it i it first gives you the functionality of that that uh separate button you also had to uh apply. Yeah, because that's i it's for television. It's exact the same thing. No, listen listen. When you push the button, the remote control gives a signal. I in th in the first place it gives a signal which it would also send when you put a separate button on it. The one with dash, that signal gi and when y whe when you don't push another button on the remote control within five seconds, then the remote control gives a signal for channel one. I think it works that way, really. Yeah, but it's exact the same that w would appear when you put a separate button push a separate button. Yeah, but you don't underst uh you don't understand my point. I think it's exact the same thing when y No, but then they would a would also support that button, because it's the same thing. Listen, with that that's that special but button you're talking about, eh? That's just a signal to recei ju they send a t signal to the v tv T_V_ that they have to put a one in on your screen and a dash, which you can pu so you can uh still put another number on it. When you don't have that separate button, and you push y one, it's exactly the same thing. Do y you the remote control gives that same signal as it would give when you only had Yeah. But you give the input. You push the one. That's the same thing as the button with the one and it yes it it is. Think about it. And it's the same thing what happens and a g remote control gives another signal after five seconds that is just one. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, but I m uh but it's I I know for sure that some televisions that w th th the remote control supplied, only ha has the c these buttons with a one and a dash and a two and a dash, but when you use a bu a n remote control that doesn't sport these buttons, it still works. But okay, we we'll impl No, we'll apply them then for now. Yeah, app just apply them next to the zero, the one and the two. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, for now, if we don't know for sure whether Yeah but okay. What I said about uh the remote control sending another signal, that that might not be true, but I still think i it it all T_V_s in some ways support it, I don't know. I think it's more c is m maybe we don't uh we both don't really understand how it i how it really works, but I think there's more to in than wha than what you just said. I do think that uh m T_V_s support mur multiple kind of remote controls. M Th won't work wi with uh to have that special button. Okay, well we'll see. But Well let's ha let's talk about the docking station later, because uh maybe we have we have to uh consider the docking station anyway, because we have some uh cost issues still to come. But we have to look n I don't know. Yeah. Okay. Yes. That's it? I think added lights are gonna be a problem too. Okay. For now, uh this is uh is good enough. Yeah, what was uh on the Okay, but in the oh yeah, the colour, because we're gonna use uh one colour for the the plastic enclosure and one colour for the rubber, isn't it? Then we're gonna do the buttons in the i are we're gonna have rubber buttons. And they're be a they'll be in the same colour as the rubber on the side. Okay. And I think we should use a a darker colour for the um plastic, and maybe some more m brighter and flashy stuff Yeah, we'll talk about the lights later. 'Cause I also don yeah, it's depends on the costs and such. But uh, and we have to agree uh upon the exact colours, but may I dunno if that's important, but we'll talk about that later. Okay, for now this is this is okay. Um, the next p y you gonna give a presentation too? Uh, I have to see the agenda. Detail design. Evaluation criteria. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I think four maybe would be appropriate, because it's Yeah, maybe it really depends on taste. Uh, I mean it's kind of, our design. It's so if maybe a lot of people find it really ugly, you know, o other people find it really cool. I don't know or uh I don't know how you Casting. Yeah. Yeah, but we d we didn't we're we're not planning to use fronts, I believe. With a colour a co a colours. Oh, okay. Okay, but Oh, maybe we should do three or something that w you know, our Yeah. Uh, I was thinking about four, so I think three is uh Yeah well, let that let's make that a one. That's one thing for sure. Yeah, two or a one, I guess. It's something we really put work into. Yeah. But Well maybe a two, because of the menu button or something. And telete Yeah, we don't know if the uh they're necessary. I think a two. Came a long way, but not we didn't not uh No, w w it can also always be more simplistic, but two is yeah. Yeah, uh a t I think a two. Yeah yeah, y i it's hard to say from this picture. But I do think it's more But I do think that it's more trendy than beautiful. So so I think maybe it has to score higher uh on this than on the A th a three. I i uh when you compare to the Uh uh what's the difference with Okay. No. Yeah, but we uh you mean the rubber stuff? Yeah, but we have t we have to talk about the lights uh. And I don't u also it's also really not innovative, it's more No, six. Or seven maybe, yeah. Or six. Yeah, mine is seven. Uh it's uh depends on the on the maybe No, I think I think actually it's a seven maybe, but there's nothing innovative about it. N no no, t. Yeah, I mean the dock station, but but uh, I think the the docking station, it's gonna be a kind of a problem. But Well, let's leave it open for uh for us later to see what, because we have to reevaluate anyway. Well I i yeah. No? Okay, for now it's a six or a seven uh, sev six maybe, because Yeah, but I don't I don't know if it's very inno yeah. Yeah, v Yeah, more through uh like function T_V_ functionalities and no no, you know what I mean. You have must be innovative technology for remote controls, but more in how you control stuff, not in how you find your yeah. Yeah, it's that's that's think about it la later on and uh Yeah, as a a one or a two ma uh at least. Yeah, it's good. No, I would have seen that one before. Oh, you skipped one uh Uh, here. Remote control will be bought by Yeah. Definitely. Well Uh, just in general. Yeah, a two. Yeah, but I think I think two. Uh, that is not the question. It's just w it will be bought by people under forty. Yeah, you can yeah, you can be very picky about it. Ah yeah, just make it we'll make it a two. Oh no. Yeah. Yeah, you have make an slogan is quite obvious. Oh the oh sorry, no, not not the slogan. Yeah, you can put that on the side if if we would like to. Yeah, and I will I th still think it's gonna be a two or a three. Maybe a three this time. And uh Uh, it's a one or a two. Yeah, make it a two. It's not that bad. Yeah, and that's mostly the inno when we uh score higher on innovative technology, we would score two, which is uh quite a great score. Okay. Uh, this is was uh the evaluation? Because I I still think that the most important part of this meeting still has Yeah. Still opened or uh Yeah. Okay, finance. Because um I received uh a spreadsheet. Yeah, but I uh actually don't need this presentation, I guess. Oh. I'm gonna open the spreadsheet and we're gonna work this out together, because I didn't really fin uh I have a. Didn't really finish it. Well, we uh We'll see. We'll stumble upon some problems. I probably have already opened it here. try it again. First of all, the mm all the docking station and costs and such are not included in this list. But let's let's st start with beginning. We include one battery. I i uh I'll explain its Uh, the the components are listed over here. Uh, price is given. We um yeah, we we uh indicate the amount of components of the specif specific component, how much we need of them. And then uh, we'll uh calcula Don't watch the number yet. I don't know if it's filled in properly. Okay, we need one battery. One battery. I think one battery is enough. We don't need kinetic, solar cells, hand dynamo. A s okay, this this is a p first problem. Uh, I think we should know how many simple chips, regular chips Okay. But Where did we find this information? Was it I think it was uh your job in the first uh meet Uh, f your first presentation to make this clear, but then you had some t time problems. But do you th you do you know what chip we need? Maybe you can uh look it up right now. Okay, but okay. When we don't when we leave the uh retriever and such aside, what then it would be a simple chip. And with the retriever, it would be an advanced chip. Okay. Yeah, but it will it will it will be cause a lot of problems. The sample sensor sample speaker. What is it m is that the speaker we were t I don't know what it is. Okay, we went for the double-curved case made out of plastic and rubber. And with a special colour. I guess that's what we were Yeah, I don't know about the special colour, but I think w uh Yeah, I think we uh we have special colours. Okay, then the push-button, I was just counting them. Uh, I think you have to indicate the amount of push-buttons we want to use, isn't it? Well that's bit of a problem, because I re but I really don't understand that, because I can imagine a remote control with far more push-buttons, and it wouldn't be possible according to this uh sheet. Yeah. Ah. Yeah, it wouldn't Fill in the number of components you plan to use in the and the total cost I don't know. I And I count them like this. One two three uh four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and thirteen. Because Oh, this is oh, this is one, okay. Twelve, okay, then it would be eighteen, because uh, I uh rated them as uh um as uh uh uh separate buttons. Yes. And plus these two, f uh plus the mute button, and it's will be uh eighteen. Yeah, I don't understand. Y I do I don't get the point, because it's would be s relatively so expensive, just these m small buttons. Well, okay, well well let's make it just one. Here, now it's now it's already s shall we just give our own interpretation to, because else we would really have a problem. It would be impossible to make it And and less buttons than this isn't possible. This is the most simple yeah, it is possible, but I've never seen one before. Yeah, without the numbers. That's possible. Yeah, we could skip the numbers. Then uh, teletext would also be im impossible. Okay, we'll we'll just okay. But then still, when we there's no room for a docking station or something. Tha w Le let's see th we have uh oh yeah, button supplements. We'll give the buttons special colour. We'll give them a special form. Uh, I think we should mark the special form thing, because it this will be some special forms incorporated in these big buttons, I guess. Because the buttons will be uh d will be matching colour between the buttons and the rubber surroundings. I think that's the what they mean by a special colour. I think all the special colour things have to be marked over here, because that's what we were planning to do, making it Yeah, special material r also, because i has rubber. And the buttons have to be rubber. 'Kay, but the problem now is that the There's no such thing as a docking station in this list, but we can all imagine that it would be impossible to make a docking station for thirty cents. Separately. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but I do like the idea, but we yeah. It uh but it then the docking station isn't relevant for this project anymore, but we can but then you still have to use we have to find out what chip we u need. I think we can agree on this. I I think the special colour thing has to be uh marked. 'Cause I think we uh Yeah, I think that's what what what they uh mean But can we find out uh about uh this chips? Because when we don't need a d a docking station, then probably we also have only we also need a simple chip. And maybe then we can do something extra. Oh, n uh oh, still oh, it's gonna get more expensive with. Two. Then we have some money left. We can put then We can put a scroll-wheel on it or something. Yeah, well who knows. Or a little bit of tin titanium. Yeah, or we can ki do the kinetic cells. That's also maybe an idea. Yeah that's what then what he has to find out. Maybe you can uh find it in your email right now, then we know then we exactly know what it will cost us. Maybe is that that's nice to know. Yeah, bu bu but when we yeah, but when we skip when we um when we don't use the do we're not gonna make the docking station, then we still yeah, we need something else maybe to make it kind of special, because that was our our special feature. Yeah, okay, you can also do that, but maybe It still is a special remote control cons uh you know, wi its form is special and material. Yeah, but for two Euros, then we have still maybe we have to use the advanced chip, then two Euros isn't even possible. Yeah, then because then we'd thirty cents left. Yeah, but yeah, I don't know, because maybe d uh yeah, we have to find out with the simple chip. Yeah, and w and and we uh need f and what is this? Sample sensor sample speaker. You can look at it for s presentation. S technical functions? Oh. Oh, oh oh. Hey. Oh. Mm. I don't think here it's in here already. It's nothing about s yeah. No. But i in the presentation of yours, there was also something about different components. Which one was it? Functional requirements? Ah. Ah yes, it was the second one. Yeah, it was your second your first presentation. Sorry? Uh, this is n this is not this n that's not the right one. I don't oh. No, this is the other one. Or maybe something is uh maybe there's something abo in in these Here. You know that a push-button requires a simple chip, but a scroll-wheel, it it me requires Okay, so we only need a simple chip. No no, that's just a simple chip. A scroll-wheel it s uh only states that a scroll-wheel requires a regular chip, and that a display requires an advanced chip. So, we don't need any of them. And what's the sample sensor slash sample speaker? Okay. Back to the costs. So we're gonna use the simple chip. Nah, there is some money left to be spent. Okay, but what we have to think about now is that is is it still a special remote control? But I mean it isn't it hasn't got any innovative technology, we aren't gonna apply any uh innovated innovative te technology anyway, I think. I don't I don't see any possibility to do so, because it would wouldn't fit our defi design philosophy. But what w is there some extra maybe I think maybe the kinetic thing is something. Instead of the rechargeable the rechargeable thing was something to um know, so y so people wouldn't have to worry about their batteries anymore. Maybe we if we put the kinetic thing in it Yeah, you leave the p yeah, I know, but still I they will think about that. I mean if you u The uh it's made for s people well, the they don't if it was uh uh r useless technology, they wouldn't put it uh as a possibility. And i it it th th the the target the target uh group are people who zap regularly and throw with their remote control as a matter of speaking. Because I think it when when there w was a remote control where it was useful to have a kinetic uh uh power source, then it would be this one. Because it's one it gets thrown around thrown around a lot and it gets used a lot Hey that maybe that's cool that's a cool thing about it, you know. You don't use batteries. I've never seen it before in a remote control. No, we we we can't make a docking station anyway. Yeah, we can als or uh also m we we can make one we can still make Yeah, but be serious, then uh the docking station will be a fifth of the price of the remote control. Yeah, but we uh we don't inc we haven't looked at the these costs of the speaker and other stuff. I don't think it's realistic for you to do so. Oh, because we We well look at all the special stuff we have. Colour a the colours are special, the form is special. It th this is whole concept. Uh maybe it with the kinetic thing, I think we could do uh do a compromise uh with the kim kinetic thing. Uh, no. Yeah, I don my suggestion is to just forget about the whole docking station thing and make it uh like a Uh uh I I I I still fee I also feel this concept of making it kinetic, because of the you know, it g it gives something dynamic to the remote control. No, that wouldn't n no. Yeah, and it is also not a good it's not you have to really do it only kinetic, you don't want it to think about batteries anymore. No no. Yeah, it's great. No no no. No no, this is very sophisticated technology technology. When you use it your remote like once a day, or maybe even less i i it It We can make it yeah no. Becau be but a remote control gets why do they state that this technology can be used if it Yeah, m but a w uh uh n uh a calculator also works on r on solar cells. Because I think the d whole dynamic part, do you know, appeals to me qui uh thinking of our design philosophy, you know, with the rubber parts and uh sturdiness of the thing, and y when you move it around a lot, then people find the idea funny that when I move my remote control around and Yeah, but you don't have to. Trust me. The idea of this technology is that you don't think about it, it just happens. Okay, then we d Okay, well y we don't have to do it, but what that would just have a lack of key features, you know. You m have to put something on your box. You have to make people buy it and uh We can really can do the docking thing, uh it's not yeah, uh we can do it, but it's would be a easy way out. Okay, but we have to grou to agree upon something, because uh we only have a minute left or so. No no, it's not possible. Okay, w b we can s we can leave it on be well then then th it's this is then then our concept is ready. Yeah, we make some extra profit of it. Huh, any ideas? No no uh there's still there's still someth concept and something special left. I mean we're gonna it's gonna excel in in on in the the range in the field of design and and uh looks and feel. That's what it's makes it special. Yeah, and I would li I would have liked a kinetic part as well, to give it some just to give it some extra special feature, and uh I know it will work, but uh it's it's an They're they're not putting technologies on this, but if it if it was impossible to to make it happen. Okay, well we leave it like this. Then it's c then we're yeah. Okay, project e uh well, we were gonna what look take a look at the last sheet. Yeah, we have to Yeah, it's Uh, I don't know. Speaker C: . coffee. Uh, well the uh all the functions are discussed uh I think the most of the functions are uh uh obvious. Uh, it's a little bit. Uh, power button. Uh then the the the nine uh channels. Uh the volume uh uh at the side, and the other side is the programmes. And then we had uh just uh two buttons, we place them in the middle, uh the menu, and for the teletext I thought that was th Oh, the mute button. Yeah. Well, yeah mo uh mo Yeah, well most of them are right-handed. Yeah well, I don't have time in uh anymore on the Oh yeah, just progr programme above, I think. Yeah, true, yeah. Uh Uh I think so. Zero? May maybe here? Yeah. And then a second. Is it depending on television? Yeah. True. But the ex Yeah. You uh you can wai when you push the one you can show on the telly a one and just a dash, and then wait uh two uh seconds or something We'll discuss them in the usability lab. Uh eva evaluation. I don't know uh I don't know if if it's it's necessary. Yeah? Okay. Ach. Yeah. Yeah. Well it yeah, uh there's nothing I think it's pretty basic, the the there's no fu there's one there's one button, that's wha there's there's there's one function and that's n the one button when you want to find it. You can. But i i i it's backwards. But it's it's backwards. It's leaning. It's leaning backwards, I think, in the in the docking station. That's text. lights? Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No, not fronts. Different designs. Different colours maybe, yeah. We can make it a one. Mm yeah. I agree. Um, I uh I go for the positive. So I go for two. Okay, three. Yeah. Two. One. One. Okay yeah, I'll I'll agree. I'm the I'm the usability, so Yeah. The Well Yeah, well menu Yeah, maybe. Yeah, true. Yeah, I agree. Mm two. Because we got Well. Yeah. Uh, I will I will make it a three, because uh yeah. I I th Yeah. True, yeah. Yeah. No. We're not well, maybe the the the on the side. And the light maybe. But Well, six. No, six. Six. Yeah. Innovative in generally or just f original for A docking station is innova Okay. Six. Yeah, a two. More two. Yes. Yeah, I think two, yeah. I agree. Two. We don't have the slogan though. The logo. Underneath it or something. A three. Three. Yeah, a three. Yeah, two. Two. No. Okay, yeah. Shoot. No. Well, special colour.. I don't Mm okay. Whoa, it's a little That's huge. No. We have the simplest buttons. Uh, one til nine. Is that one or is that nine buttons? Yeah. Is it cents, the the the fifty cents a button? No way. It's way No, no no. Yeah, uh That's still four. Yeah, that's no option, that's no option. A special colour, why a special colour? But wha what s what special? Okay, yeah. Uh, yeah. Plastic. Plastic, I think. Plastic. Yeah. Se no no no. And then we can get a docking station. But what what can we do But uh what can we do with the simple chip and what's difference with a regular chip and a advanced chip? If if i Regular chip and because we don't have uh special functions to use uh in advanced chip, for example. Yeah. We'll go back uh tomorrow. That's the question. If we do i do we need an advanced chip, or is it okay f No. No no, they were uh mine, yeah. Died. Yeah, it's open. It's circuit board. It's only just basics for for At the end circuit there is an infrared LED. Components design. Components design maybe. N on top. Working design. Yeah, but it's the the other one. Was it working design or components design? Chip set. The display requires an advanced chip. Requires. Little lights. Yeah, but that that's just the same as the the LED. Yeah. No. I think uh the uh normal uh simple chip will be okay. Yeah. Yeah, true. Well, that's not too what we want. So, simple chip is okay. Yeah, lights, yeah, there's no category. Can we do it wi within two two Euro? Mm-hmm. But it's original. But then we could make a docking station. Wow, w why no li Look at now, we got two two thirty left. Ca can't we make a docking station of that? I don't know. Well, we we uh Yeah, then we don't have any innovation things. No, we only make less profit of it. No. Cheap remote control. It w it won't tell, but No, uh, n no Yeah, we just have to go all what we did today again. You have to do it over. Yeah. the No, but no. Yeah, yeah. No. Yeah? We can do it here then. Can we can't we do it here? Yeah, we're doing now. But it's. Oh, okay. Nice. Speaker D: . Alright, I Yeah. Alright, and uh you gotta point out which is the volume um uh button and which is the programme button. Yeah, but you you gotta make it clear on the on Yeah, and a and a triangle on that. Yes. Next to that I kinda miss a zero actually. All n no, that's um kinda dependent on the television. I think Yeah, I think you should add A cross, or whatever. Yeah, line. No, that's dependent on the television. I do know so. Yeah. Yes, but uh uh no uh remote control nowadays are um they come with the television. Or actually, the other way around. But Yeah. Yeah, well but su If No no no. So some television respond differently. Look, if uh i i Yes. Yes, that's true. No No, it it it works uh if you haven't got uh a special button for it, uh if you push a one, then on your television there will appear a one and a a line, which is an empty space. Yep. True. No, s some some televisions need the input first uh and and you c No, that's not true. It's simply not true. It's simply not true. Uh No, remote control doesn't give signal after five seconds. Remote control is a stupid thing. If you push a button, it sends it immediately to to the television. No, definitely not. Definitely not. Yes. Uh, you can access that uh via zero, and then minus, I guess. Yeah. Yep. Okay. I kinda miss the docking station. No nothing really trendy about it. The button. Yep. I think that's very difficult, because of different shapes of uh uh devices. Yeah, of course. Mm-hmm. Well it it got it it has got to fit into the shape, of course. The technology and the voltage can be the same. That's uh that's true. But uh i if you all make the m having a bottom like this, then they all fit. Yeah, that's true, but uh Yes, but uh I I g Shouldn't it fall then? It isn't going to fall down? That's a bit uh yeah, I think No, but if if like this, I'll I'll point it out, if you got uh a a a base a base like this, I won't draw it really. If you got a base which is uh as big as this Yeah sure, but if you got if you got a tiny player, it can Yeah. Uh, wha what you could do if you uh from the bottom oh, right, help. Uh, you could make like a hole in it, you know, of uh in in the Yeah. That i that is possible, yep. Yeah, sure, you're right. Oh. I don't like the colours. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Alright. The light. Okay. And other lights? No, o on the on the front. Yeah, okay. Maybe the uh the logo. Yeah, why not? Of course. Okay. Uh, in the same colour as the side. Yeah, I think I think that'll be good. Yes. Yep. Yeah. We will. Well, uh yeah, I I'm gonna do something right there, yeah. We gotta do that on the right the most right-most screen, because the leftmost Yep, that's me. Alright. I will be needing that image, so leave it please. Um Go away. Right, we're gonna evaluate that design according to a few points. Um, we g the four of us are going to do that um together. I wanna have a colour over here, come on. Right, the remote is not ugly, a bit weird sentence, but the positive things has to be on the left, so I said not ugly instead of ugly. Uh, what would you say, we we gotta give points to uh to all of these to evaluate uh that design, and please forget the drawing skills of these guys. The remote control is not ugly. How do you feel? Yes. Background colour. How do you guys feel? The different designs. Yes. Okay. No, not not fronts, but different designs. And that's still uh uh, yeah, is is uh is a little personal touch, I guess. What? Yeah, wha wha what would you uh guys uh think? Personally. Personally. Yes, but what is it? Guido? Two or three. I was I was thinking about three, so I guess three is uh a bit uh oh, what am I doing? I'll mark it. The remote control's uh uh that n makes uh zapping easy. Yeah? Antek, you agree? Yeah. You're not Antek. I totally agree. The remote control the remote control's relevant buttons are prominently visible. Yeah, I yeah. I would say a one because uh every button is uh uh relevant. And our oh yeah, it's a b yeah. Yeah? Alright. That's a one? You agree? The remote control hasn't got too much redundant or unneeded buttons. I think we totally succeeded there. Oh Yeah, that's true. That's true. the the yeah, m well, you d you've got a point. Two or three? Two? Antek. Nay that that that's true, that's true. They're definitely needed. So we put it on a two? The remote control has got a really trendy look. Maarten. Yeah. Ever, yeah. Guido. Yeah, uh I agree. I agree. I was planning to give it a two, uh where I give the not ugly uh oh, yeah, that's true. You agree on the two? Great. Remote control hasn't got too much redundant or unneeded buttons. Uh, I copied that one. Well, uh forget that. Um Go away. Remote control has got innovative technology implanted. Yeah, and the light. Well, I g It's not seven? Why uh why not a seven? How? Yeah, you think the lights are innovative? Well, it's n true. Uh, I agree, m but I'll Yeah, you you didn't draw the docking station. Yeah, it it's I think I think with its I think more m Uh that that's n No uh, well, the agenda says evaluate now, so I think we It's it's a six. That m f Yeah, for the retrieval function. Yeah. I think that's very innovative for a remote control. Yeah sure, but But I d I definitely don't think it's a five, but Remote control is easy to use. I think a two. Yeah? Come on. The remote control hasn't got uh. I've just filled uh Go away. I found twelve questions so much, but it still is ten. It will be bought by people under the age of forty. No no no. No, just if they if they buy it. Yeah, what do you think? Antek? No, that's no comparison. And I don't mean two people. W w Right, the rem The remote control has recognisable corporate image, colour, logo or slogan. Oh, the slogan. Can we see the slogan? Are we gonna do that? Three? I agree. Because of the slogan Remote control's got a basic design intended uh for novice users. Two? Two. Alright. We gotta add up the scores now to see our total average. Four, five, seven, nine. Forget that. Fifteen, seventeen, twenty one, twenty four, twenty six. Twenty six. It's a two point six. Alright, we yeah. Yeah. True. This was my evaluation. So We did a pretty nice job until now. Um, is this your Whatever. Well, I think we gotta fill out another questionnaire. Yeah. A five. A five. Doesn't matter. We probably will. The amount, yeah. I don't know I haven't got an idea on on which we need to use, really. Yeah. Yeah. And how do you know? I mean, you got that email. Did it point out what to use them for? Alright, well, point out the advanced chip for now, I guess. I don't know. I don't know if it's very special. Alright, that's okay. No. I don't think so, because it says amount. The the the yellow row is the amount of To n that's total of four buttons. I think that Eighteen. One two three four five, si Fifty cents for one single stupid button. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I can't I I I couldn't understand it if it was fifty cents per uh uh per button. Really. Yeah, yeah, No, really. Yeah, but I d I wouldn't want to own that. Really. Yeah. I don't think the special form is really true. Is it? Yeah, I dunno. Plastic. No. Yeah, I really don't get it. I mean if it's a simple chip, then we suddenly got two Euros and thirty cents. Yeah, yep. I think so, too. Oh, I don't know. Uh why? I mean i i if you if it would cost two Euros, that had a total a total thing, it would be nice too, I mean uh we're not gonna add uh a trip to Hawaii to it. I like the hand dynamo part. We can make a plain docking station for two Euros. I mean Wi wi without recharge Yeah, but but we can make a docking station for two Euros uh if you don't put the recharge function in it. I mean, it has a shape. Of course it has a shape, but i i Why should that not be possible? No, for for the uh for the docking station if you do if you choose the simple chip. Yes. Dead. Reanimate it. What the hell are these? Oh, whatever. This isn't helpful. No, that was my presentation. It's already open. It's at the bottom. It's uh at your task bar. Oh. Sorry. Okay, sorry. Yeah, nice. I it doesn't say anything. That's not needed. A display uh is, of course, uh for showing letters. For showing text. I don't think that uh just a l a little light Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I guess so too. Next channel. No. Well, we might want it, but Yeah. Great. Delete. Yeah. Well, there're three, I guess. I think we can make a docking station. Yeah. No, that's true. M bu Or the hand dynamo dynamo Yeah. Yeah, but but if we ca I don't know if Five minutes. That's not true. We can make a docking station for two thirty. Two thirty. We can make a docking station. Sure. Sure. The power device is is i i is very cheap. That's just a regular uh power cable and whatever. So. Yeah. Well then it's a useless project. Can't we uh Can't we say fifteen Euros? No, sta yeah I mean No. You can sell for twenty seven and a half. Then you make as much profit as you would with twelve and a half production costs. I don't think No. Thirteen twenty. And I think only Yeah, but only kinetic, then you gotta You you gotta throw uh throw it through the room like twenty times an hour, really. No. Yeah, it's funny for a week. I guess something like that, where you have to move it around very frequently, is demotivating. No, I I don't move my uh my remote control very much, seriously. Well, we've got more than fifty Cents. Yeah. No, we won't, but that's um something else. No, this not gonna sell. No. Of course not. We come back tomorrow, okay? We can't do anything else. Warning, finish meeting now. Yeah, sure. No, we can't. Yes, yes. Celebration. I don't see why, but I think we gotta fill out another questionnaire, to be honest. No, not yet. Alright, I'll see you guys in a minute. I don't think so. I don't know. I don't I don't think so.","The project manager opened the meeting. The user interface designer and industrial designer presented the prototype design. The remote has buttons for power, mute, teletext, volume and channel up/down, and nine numbered channel buttons. The group discussed what buttons would be needed to enter channels 10 and above. They discussed adapting the docking station so it could be used with other products but did not make a decision. The remote is plastic with different coloured rubber strips on the sides and rubber buttons. The marketing expert led the product evaluation. The group were generally satisfied with the design but did not think the remote was technologically innovative. The overall score was 2.6. The group worked out the manufacturing costs. The group had problems figuring out the cost of the docking station and buttons, and did not know which kind of chip to use. They discussed using kinetic energy to make the remote more technologically innovative but decided against it. They eventually decided that they could not afford a docking station. They did not have time to evaluate the project process before the end of the meeting." 48,"Speaker A: It's sitting down. Yeah I'll have a go. Thanks. Alright, okay. Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do, I'll have to have to go for something a bit random. And also, my drawing skill isn't that great so, yeah. Okay, now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be because that looks like a beak now, so. Yeah, it can be a crocodile, it can be a crocodile. Well it was it was an at first firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican but it can be a crocodile now actually. Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is. Um uh scary, uh strong, yeah that's about it I think. Uh uh Wo Hmm. Okay. Uh S Uh Okay, some sort of bird. Ah eagle, right okay. They're good at golf. Yeah, no yeah, an eagle. It's about mm, mm yeah. Yeah, yeah, something like that, so that yeah about seventeen, seventeen Pounds, something like that. But Havi having said that though, if you wanna get one of those the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway. So, it'd still be yeah, we had to buy one. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah uh. Use all the ones at the same time. Yeah, 'cause you Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext, so. Yeah. Yeah, what it just needs to be as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing, 'cause I mean, menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do. But I don't know how Oh yeah. Yeah, I don't I don't know how for twenty fi, or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get, you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway, I'd assume. Y Yeah. No uh uh Yeah. Just just a quick thing about the um about what you're saying about the uh does does it need to be fashionable? The sort of I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh we put the fashion into electronics, so I think think the whole design thing might be qui I mean you don't you you can still have plastic and it'd look quite good but Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Speaker B: Hmm hmm hmm. Yeah. Okay. Yep, yep. Okay. Tu tu tu tu Hi, good morning. 'Kay. Oops. Mm. Oh sorry. Mm-hmm. Yeah, me. Cat. Where did this come from? Uh, yep. Thank you. Uh, maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make? Yep. It's actually sitting, so it's sitting, it's not standing. Okay, I see it as one thing it's very supportive. It's your best friend and your you can talk to a dog, it can be your best friend, it doesn't discriminate between you, based on what you are. Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition. dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog. Thank you. Okay. Sorry. Does it look like a dog actually? Mm. Eagle, okay. One point four or something like that. One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that. Yeah. Okay, pretty huge margin. So then Mm-hmm. Yeah, that c Okay, you wanna integrate everything into one like Okay. So simplification of symbols you could think of. Mm-hmm. Menu, alright. Uh uh Right, I was thinking on the same lines you, instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user, may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that, like a mobile, yeah and with menus. And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone, people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe. You mean to save it lesser number. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm, okay. S It might it might save a b bit of space, it's i instead of looking bulky, it might look small. But it might have its cost implications. Right. Okay. Mm, yeah. Speaker C: Are we we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better? Okay, that's fine. Am I supposed to be standing up there? Okay. Yeah, I've got Yes. Okay. Hello everybody. Um I'm Sarah, the Project Manager and this is our first meeting, surprisingly enough. Okay, this is our agenda, um we will do some stuff, get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other. Um then we'll go do tool training, talk about the project plan, discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that, as far as I can understand. Now, we're developing a remote control which you probably already know. Um, we want it to be original, something that's uh people haven't thought of, that's not out in the shops, um, trendy, appealing to a wide market, but you know, not a hunk of metal, and user-friendly, grannies to kids, maybe even pooches should be able to use it. Okay, um, first is the functional design, um this is where we all go off and do our individual work, um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product, um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that. Um, conceptual design, what we're thinking, how it's gonna go and then the detailed design, how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work. Okay, right. We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board, I'll go first, and um sum up the characteristics of that animal. So Okay, I'll leave space for everyone else. Um What's missing? We're running out of blue. Okay. I'm not gonna ask you to guess, I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger. And I see them as majestic, and independent, and proud. Now, who would like to go next? 'Kay. Is that your lapel then? There you go. Okay, thank you. Okay. Well, as you can see, the quality of the work today is um Gonna be a bird. Is it gonna be it's gonna be a bird. That's lovely. Okay it's fine. Technical help. Hmm. Okay, yeah. A seagu right, not a seagull. Eagle. Mm-hmm. That's lovely. Okay. That was fun, right. Um finance-wise, we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros, which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds, at all. Any ideas? D fifteen? Seventeen. Okay, that's expensive. I think so, I think so, I'll be able to um pull it up, or I could put it in the shared folder or something. Really? Mm. I think Yeah, um production cost's at twelve fifty, so half of the selling price is taken up by building it. Um, and profit aim is fifty million Euros, which is uh Yi yes, um yeah, I presume so. Um Mm-hmm. No, yeah. So yes, yes, I don't think we have to I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that, um making that a key point, just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia, America, things like that. Okay. What are your experiences with remote controls? I mean I've got we got um we had three videos, a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up so we got one of the universal remote controls, um that you programme each of your things into, but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again. I think it was quite a cheapie as well, so that might have had something to do with it, but that was quite good, the fact that you could You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you. Mm. Yeah, the main that's the main stuff anyway, I mean and you don't want to I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that. Yeah. Um. When they're when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording, things like that inside it. 'Cause it doesn't make when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at, it's obvious what you're doing, um. What about the older generation? What about granny and grandads? Um, my grandad can answer his mobile phone, but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that. I don't think they tape things, I don't think they use Mm, yeah, the age gap. Mm. I don't know, I d I don't like the, you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system. I find it really confusing, I kept getting lost in the phone, I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost, but that's just me. Yeah. Teletext has got that option as well. Yeah. Or what about kind of a dual function? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play, volume, programme things and also and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures, obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that. Mm-hmm. I think that's a cost thing, I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about Yes, no that's important. Okay. Mm. Yeah. Um, right, okay we've got half an hour before the next meeting, so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things. Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation. Sure. Okay. Mm. I would it would probably. I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything. They're kind of moulded and look a bit different, and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic, which looks a bit smarter, so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about. Okay, so let's break it up there. Okay? So, see you in half an hour. I think so, yeah. Speaker D: So we've got both of these clipped on? She gonna answer me or not? Right, both of them, okay. God. Jesus, it's gonna fall off. A kind of dog? Sorry? Uh. Mm-hmm. Please, please leave me a space at the bottom, I'm little, you can get to the top, with standing on a chair. I think it's outstandingly good. Crocodile? O Beauti that's Okay. Um, I'm very impressed with your artistic skills, mine's are dreadful. Oops this is now coming apart, let me just put the top in. I hope that clicks in, I'll just I'll hold it on, okay. Oops, oh dear, what happened there? Hopefully that'll stay on, two-handed version. Okay, uh Again this is off the top of my head, I was gonna do a big cat too, um. Oh dear, it doesn't look what like what I want it to be. Uh. It's not a vampire bat honestly. Uh and somewhere there's a body behind. That's my dreadful that's the worst yet, that's it's meant to be an eagle you can tell it's a flying animal could have been a seagull, I never thought of a seagull. An eagle, um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness. I suppose they're all so independent, I'd put that one down again. Da dum um. Indepen independent, right, did you say they're good at golf? Are they? Oh. Oh right, okay, I'm not good at golf. I'd say they're quite free-spirited, flying around everywhere, doing their own thing. And uh, birds of prey aren't they, oh dear, intrepid. I'll put that, intrepid. There we go, hope that pen's gonna be okay. Whoops. Seventeen. Seventeen Pounds. Should we be making notes of this? We can just refer to this later can't we? Yeah, okay. Okay. Right. So so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price, we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option? Mm. Mm-hmm. In our first year? Mm-hmm. You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups just t we're not focusing on business market, any particular thing, it's everyone user-friendly to everyone. Okay. Big target group. No. Mm. Alright. Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy, not doing any tampering with it and programming, using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things. But basically on, off, volume up and down, channel one, two, th that basic functions, I don't think I could go any further with it than that, so, I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. And symbols that you don't necessarily understand, symbols you're meant to understand that you don't. Oh yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Actually that just raises a point, I wonder what our design people think, but you know on a mobile phone, you can press a key and it gives you a menu, it's got a menu display, I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful, so you've got a little L_C_D_ display. With menus, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too? Right. Right. So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with, that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps, and that's another issue how we tackle that. Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books? Obviously it displays less on the screen, it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. The other thing is, just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again, it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top, your screen is you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over. Yeah? Mm-hmm. Yeah, like smaller. And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone, it can still be lightweight plastic, you know? Something that's easily moulded and produced. Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys. Ah right. Okay. Sure b y yeah. But yeah, I mean it doesn't have to be that, you know th that was my main point, we don't have to use metal, I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper, I presume it would. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Okay. 'Kay. Do we go back to our room? Yep?","The Project Manager gave an introduction to the goal of the project, to create a trendy yet user-friendly remote. She presented a long-range agenda for the whole project. The group introduced themselves to each other and practiced with the meeting room tools by drawing on the board. The Project Manager presented the project budget, the projected price point, and the projected profit aim for the project. Then the group began a discussion about their own experiences with remote controls to generate initial design ideas for making the product user-friendly. They discussed grouping features into a menu and adding an LCD display. They also discussed the look of various materials that may be used in the design, in keeping with the company's goal to create fashionable electronics." 94,"Speaker A: Okay. Good morning everybody. Oh, everybody is not ready. Alright. Okay, let's go. So, we're here today to to have our first kick-off meeting about uh this new project we're going to tak to talk about in a few minutes. Um so I will be uh Sebastian the Project Manager. Um you are the Okay. Okay, very good. Thanks for being here. Um so let's have a look to the the agenda. So, we are going to go through this agenda uh and mainly first to uh to make to to be used to the tools uh available in this nice and smart meeting room we have here. Um then we'll go to uh the plans for project and have general discussions about it. So, the goal of this project is to uh developed a new remote control. Um it should be original, trendy, and also user friendly. As usual we will follow the the project method um that we are using in the in our company. It is in three step as you know. First the functional design. The second's a conceptual design, and then the detailed design. During each step uh of each design we wi you will work uh s separately, individually on uh your specific tasks and will m we will meet to um to discuss and take decisions about uh what you've you've you did and what uh we will do next. So first, we have to to train ourself with all the um the tools availables in the in this nice meeting room and uh particularly the the white board so uh we are going to go through the white board and take some um s some notes or do some drawings. So who want to start? Mister. You have one in mind? Okay. Th thank you. Very interesting. Guillermo you want to? It would be very funny for us. Oh. Okay. Thank you. Hemant. Poor elephant. Yes. We have to I have to catch you, sorry. We have to to go through the meeting. Thank you. Yeah we'll discuss a f a fly or do we'll do another meeting abo on elephants. So so another important part of the project is about money, uh and about so about finances. So we should target selling price of twenty-five Euro for this remote control and uh we have um which which would generate a profit of of um fifty million Euros, okay. And we should target the inter an international market. O this is the next topic we have to discuss exactly, so let's go to it. So um we should decide which kind of remote control we want to uh we want to uh we want to go. Should be should should it be um specific remote control to some specific device? Should it be a universal one? And uh etcetera. So um so I'm waiting for your for your inputs very quickly because we have only three three minutes to go. Okay. Okay I think this is more a job to our market person yeah. So it should be the topic of maybe of the next meeting just to to have an overview of this and uh in which direction we should go. So we need to close the meeting. Uh we'll have a new meeting soon and uh so the work every every of you ha have t d to do. So um you have to work on the on the working design, you have to uh work on the technical functions, and uh you have to work on us user requirements specs, alright? Um you will receive some information by emails, i as usual. Thanks for coming today. Thanks. Speaker B: Uh almost. Ready. I'm uh Michael. I'm the user interface designer. Ah well if no one else wants to, yeah. Okay so, want me to draw my favourite animal. Let's see. Well, I don't really have a favourite animal, but um uh I think I have one in mind, so uh I'm gonna about the uh spider because you can actually draw it pretty well in the corner of a white board. The spider has a spider lives in a web and uh it has eight legs, and uh it can move all about the web in two dimensions. Unless it's a three dimensional web which y they have sometimes. There are some spiders that live in like that have like uh kind of a a big ball of a of a web. And uh the other thing is some spiders can actually uh fly like uh they have uh they let out like uh a stream of like the web building material but it's it acts like a parachute so they can actually kind of go and find new uh build a new web somewhere else. So I think they did this in uh in Charlotte's Web that movie that little uh well it's actually a book first but uh um at the end all the the spiders kinda flew away. So, that's my animal. Maybe it's happy 'cause it just ate someone. So you don't like pink panthers? So is this uh an Indian or an African elephant, 'cause you haven't drawn the ears? Okay. We can discuss that off-line. So could I just ask one question, um is this a stand-alone unit that we're gonna be selling? So it's gonna be you already have a T_V_ but you're buying an extra remote control for it or something? Okay, alright. Okay well, so, it seems the the first thing that they've kinda specified is the price like based on how much profit we wanna make, which seems to a kind of a little strange if we don't know what the the product is yet, but I guess if that's if that's the requirement that we need to to design the the product to actually fit that that price bracket so, I guess we're gonna need to find out what's actually you know, what people ar are willing to pay for um what kind of product they're expecting for twenty-five Euro because it seems quite a lot for a remote control, so it's Yeah. Okay. Alright. Speaker C: Hi I'm Guillermo. I'm the Marketing Expert. 'kay I dunno why, but when I was a child I I wanted to be a a panther not a pink panther, or maybe yes. Uh yeah yeah. Okay it's a friendly panther. Yeah maybe. Um. Actually, honestly I I I dunno what's what's his it's be behaviour, I dunno if if it's the male who who hunts or it's the female uh, I I I have watched that lions di didn't hunt it's the the female lions who who hunt, so but I like it because it's fast, and it's black as well, so it can he it can hide itself very easily and it's it's it looks like um powerful, strong, uh I dunno. I I watch a a film about a black panther when I was a child and I was in that age when everything was shocking me a lot. Okay. I like it. Yeah. Speaker D: Good morning. And I am Hemant, the industrial designer. But don't you think it's very difficult to draw a panther? So bad I don't like it. Um sure. Oh yeah. Thanks. This lapel is coming out once in a while. It's not very strong. Okay. So, not the favourite animal, but I think I'll draw elephant. I'll try to draw elephant. It's a problem. Okay, thanks. Okay so, elephant goes like this, and then it has four feet. I don't know whether there's any dist there should be any distance or not, but I think this is the easiest. And then we have it's trunk. And yep something like this. An eye, cute. Yeah, so and sometimes they have a hump. It seems that uh elephants are pretty friendly and they they have one very important way a different way of walking. So when they walk, wherever they are going to put their first feet, the second feet will always be. When they'll come to that position the second, the third feet will be there. That's the way they walk. And that's very peculiar about them. None of the other animals walk like this. And they are very useful to human beings. At least few few hundred years ago when there was no means of transportations or something, or when they had to carry huge um loads from one place to another, elephants were very useful. And they are found in um usually the warm countries. And um they are the biggest terrestrial animal. That's what I know about them. So, that's what I wanted to tell about elephants. There are two kind of uh yeah, they are very different, Indian and African elephants. So Indian elephant is having one bump, I think, and the African have two. And then there's a difference in the trunk of the animals, these elephants who are Indian and So at some for some elephants it's the trunk is having one Do we have some message there? Wind up? Okay, some other time. Thank you. Thanks. Marketing person. Mm-hmm. Thanks.","So , we're here today to to have our first kick-off meeting about uh this new project we're going to tak to talk about in a few minutes . Um so I will be uh Sebastian the Project Manager . I'm uh Michael . I'm the user interface designer . Hi I'm Guillermo . I'm the Marketing Expert . And I am Hemant , the industrial designer . Um so let's have a look to the the agenda . uh and mainly first to uh to make to to be used to the tools uh available in this nice and smart meeting room we have here . Um then we'll go to uh the plans for project and have general discussions about it . So , the goal of this project is to uh developed a new remote control . Um it should be original , trendy , and also user friendly . As usual we will follow the the project method um that we are using in the in our company . It is in three step as you know . First the functional design . The second's a conceptual design , and then the detailed design . During each step uh of each design we wi you will work uh s separately , individually on uh your specific tasks and will m we will meet to um to discuss and take decisions about uh what you've you've you did and what uh we will do next . so uh we are going to go through the white board and take some um s some notes or do some drawings . Okay so , want me to draw my favourite animal . Well , I don't really have a favourite animal , but um I'm gonna about the uh spider I dunno why , but when I was a child I I wanted to be a a panther So , not the favourite animal , but I think I'll draw elephant . Do we have some message there ? I have to catch you , We have to to go through the meeting . We can discuss that off-line . so another important part of the project is about money , So we should target selling price of twenty-five Euro for this remote control which which would generate a profit of of um fifty million Euros , okay . And we should target the inter an international market . is this a stand-alone unit that we're gonna be selling ? So um we should decide which kind of remote control we want to uh we want to uh we want to go . should it be um specific remote control to some specific device ? Should it be a universal one ? so , it seems the the first thing that they've kinda specified is the price like based on how much profit we wanna make , but I guess if that's if that's the requirement that we need to to design the the product to actually fit that that price bracket So it should be the topic of maybe of the next meeting just to to have an overview of this and uh in which direction we should go . So we need to close the meeting . So um you have to work on the on the working design , you have to uh work on the technical functions , and uh you have to work on us user requirements specs , Um you will receive some information by emails , i as usual ." 111,"Speaker A: That's the same as uh on the top of it uh with the the round uh button. But uh we don't uh we don't uh we do think it's um well what if with ease of use, w which prefers the which the the customer of the user prefers. Plastic or rubber. Well, yeah. And a button for disabling the voice recognition. Yeah. That's the basic idea, yeah. Of our prototype. So just walk through it step by step. I mean, is it fancy, everything I believe uh I believe it's fancy. Oh, sorry. Twenty two. Yikes. Why does the price and and the s oh, one uh exa yeah. The number of uh yeah. And and does it But that's that's only for the buttons. So the button we can use plastic. And the pla uh And a plastic b just plastic buttons, a plas uh instead of rubber. Yeah, too bad. Mm-hmm. Um the yellow rubber, I think so. I'm into it. It's trendy trendy, fun yeah. Well, just give it a two. It's not the ultimate uh fancy two, but Yeah, but that's sti that's uh Looking at the user uh needs, we only uh don't we don't have the double-curved case. We w we do have uh the rubber, we do have the colours. That's two out of three. So I believe uh we are close uh to two. But that's not in it. Ov or can we Okay. And the scroll uh wheel. The solar not many remotes have the solar, I think. Yeah. Well yeah, the voice recognition of course is hard to learn, I think. Well, hard it's not for the for the e for the elderly. They won't use it. I think I think a three. Wouldn't give it more. Yep. If you make it a four it will be three in general. If he makes it a four. Not a three. Darn. Nee. A seven, a three No. A four and a three together. Yeah, you have a two, he has a two. Three? And a three? Nee. I know. Yes. So if you want to have the conclusion as a three three. Then you would make a four. If you fill out a four Yeah, we haven't re uh re uh really worked it out, but you c you can you can just say find and he repeats find. Yeah, but that's the that's the the basic idea of the the speaker uh But even without it Yeah. Me too. Was it one of our options? So, in the in Yeah. But I think in this case in this case we've done the best we could. I wan I'll take one. It will be a one. Yeah, but it ha doesn't has the digits. I believe it's If you uh ask yourself it offers enough features, I don't I don't think it is it has all the features um a normal remote has. Yeah. I'll give a two. But we could couldn't uh what what's the selling price? Fifty? Uh twenty five. And costs were twelve fifty. But even now, if only our production costs w uh were exceeded the double, Think. Production cost was were t uh was twenty two? So uh selling price uh would be uh yeah. That's price, but w w No. An original remote control of any T_V_ kind, uh a Phillips remote control, y you pay uh Yeah, I kn I know uh from a few years ago, it it it costed hundred Gilders. Four six seven eight. Nine divided by six. Hmm. Yeah, I think uh The process was good. But w um we weren't aware of the prices of the costs. And and that was the the big deal. I if we knew that before, we c we could have made the the choice between what yeah. No, no. Fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Response and Uh it it has yeah. Yeah, it's not accurate. The p the pointing of the pen is not um the place where it it writes its um uh where it uh Yeah, where it draws. It's uh the drawing on on the b on the board is r right from the pen. So uh You to take in account that your you m yeah uh It's too slow Hmm. Yep. If it has O_C_R_, uh I think uh I would use, but uh I I just uh took notes for myself and and and that's it. It w it w yeah. It was necessary for me to uh Yeah, because if I want something on the computer, I just type it. I type faster than I write. So Economic. Yeah. But y you can if you save this image, you can open it in your shared work folder. So it's almost yeah. Yep. Mm-hmm.. A and the function of of filling an an uh an oval or an an object. I it's not possible yeah. Oh it looks like paint actually. Great. It was a privilege working with you. To private rooms? But you see the problem, y you can't continue your uh your line. Well, it's fluffy alright. Spongy. A giraffe? Right.. Leave it here. That's alright. Speaker B: Like this one. It's important. Uh I think th this is device which which has a learning curve. Um novice users u use this device as uh normal users use uh a c a remote control. And after a while they start to develop uh some skills in the the voice recognition functions, and then they will not use this dial as often. But other users who are new to this device need something like that. They n they need to understand what uh how to change channels and uh change the volume, so it's easier for them Yeah, maybe so. Yes, it's Well, it's it's it's another approach, it's more that our um. There are there are many ways of doing uh things uh on such a device. It's it's quite easy. Yes, rubber? There are plastic or rubber. Uh yellow with uh grey or black or something like that. Whatever cost uh cost uh the least. No. Uh maybe we should uh think about these buttons. But Yes, but it but these are tasks that are only executed once, I think. Or not? Well okay. Okay, yeah, that's right. Or something li like that. Yes. Is it spongy? I believe it's fancy too. Okay. Well it's very expensive. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Okay. But I'm afraid it's not complete. Because we use spec uh specic uh special materials, the last item. And you have not added one item there. So it's c way too expensive. But it Yes. Well, b basically it when when this is our only option, we should even consider changing the casing, because I think there's very little added value in uh an enhanced case with these dull functions. So Type of m maybe another market segment. Yeah. Yes. That's maybe that's better. Maybe we could uh we should go for straight and simple, but that's not what uh has been asked. So we should kick the board's uh Well Hmm. Yes. Well, maybe it's good to do it anyway, because if we evaluate it, we we can also determine if our objectives are good. So Is it fancy? I think so. But it's not that fancy. I mean I think uh I think it would have been more fancy if we used the titanium housing the casing. It would be even more oh, you really like titanium. I'm I'm into it. It has flavour. Yes, that's right. You should taste it. It has to do with fashion, I guess. So do Okay. Yes. I think I th I think it would have been I would have think uh it could have been more fancy by using the double-curved case. It would have been even more fancy, but we decided not to, because if we use a double-curved case, we could not use solar. So Yes. Yes, I agree too. It's okay. We did yes, we did good. Well, let's let's this product. So I I I think it is. I think it's innovative. No. It could have been a little bit more innovative u by using the kinetic uh energy source, but it's it's way too yes, but I think uh it's a two. Well, but there are two parts in this remote control. What you see here is is the basic part. Everybody can use it, so that's easy to use. That's for a novice user. When you have a more advanced, elaborate user, well, such a user really would like to explore all these additional functions. So in that in that way it is advanced, and I think it's easy to use for for both uh types of users. So uh It's maybe it's not very uh easy for Okay. Yeah, that's right. You're right in that, but I I guess uh an advanced user will will find the voice recognition function easy to use, because he is already he or she is already an advanced user. So After all, I think personally I would give a two. But So, it's two, two and three. Two threes. So that's ten. So that's w No, two and a half. Six and four. Six and four is ten. Divided by four is two and a half. So Yes. Four? Two? Divided by four. That's not even But that's not possible to fill in, so we have to round it. Yes. It it most definitely is it's very easy. Yes. Maybe Uh I I think I think something like that. Maybe you have to uh programme it once, so to that l respond to uh a certain word or a certain sentence, something like where are you, and then it will sing I'm here. So something like that. So, I th Yeah, me too. Well, it can be. There are cases um in which the outside casing is um can be uh how d how do you prono is is moldable. No, it's not one of our option, but when you look in the market, when you look Uh yes, but that's not that's not uh what they are talking about, I think. Because we compare all these uh characteristics characteristics with uh market uh with with the real market. So there are uh remote controls out there which are a lot more spongy. They're out there. Yes, but it's not good enough, so it's a two. You take one? What do you give it? No no no. Uh I'll I'll change it, I'll make it m my my mark will be a four. Basically it's it's completely programmable. You can add very m much functionality by uh using the voice recognition mode. So it's quite advanced. Yes. Has uh the signals sent to it. Absolutely. Yes. But that that's its power, I guess, because uh a regular programmable uh remote control contains, well, uh really a lot of buttons. At at least uh forty buttons. So it's it's quite s complicated to get uh to get used to. And this is quite s simple. You can use your voice to to programme it. It's Yeah, I'll give it a one. Yes. I I've I think we've uh succe succeed in in developing a product that's actually quite good, but not for this kind of market, and not for this kind of price. So Hmm. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes, I agree. I Yeah, okay. But Yes. M about fifty Euros. That's quite ex well, it's not it's not very expensive for a remote control that that has this functionality. Yes, it's more than fifty Euros. It's quite expensive, yes. Yes. Yes, but you can you c Yes, but you can learn this thing, all these functions. And it's easier to use because those uh remote controls don't offer voice recognition and this one does. So I think it's worth its price. Well, it's it's about one point five. Something like that. Well Well, I think Mm. Actually, we had Yes. We had we had too little information actually. So And uh um the the the well, looking at room for creativity, there was w way too the the choice of components was way too narrow. So there was not really a process of uh Well Yes. Well, in the first meeting we we already were very creative. We we thought of possibilities who are not possible uh with the the current uh offer of uh manufacturing components. So We're tempered by that, yes. Yeah, okay. I think we're a good team. Yes. Well, I tried once, but that was not allowed. I think so too. Uh. The digital pen was okay, but SMARTboard was really bad. It it's The response is very slow and the possibilities are very limited. It's not accurate. Maybe it's it needs to be calibrateds. It is? Okay. Okay. I I think so too. Yes. Yes. Mm-hmm. But I think it's a great solution for uh for uh a known problem, uh writing down some notes, some some inf uh information, and then um forgetting your notebook somewhere and losing all that information. Because you have everything in one place and it's quite easy quite easy it's it's possible to make this information digital and share it with others in a quite easy way. I think it's a good product. I only think it's th the the shape of the pen is too big. It's not quite uh ergonomic. Eco ergonomic. Yes. Yes, yes. That's quite what PowerPoint does. An object, yes. Yes. The drawing cap capabilities are very limited. And and uh w you were when you're using uh Windows, you're used to a certain interface and certain buttons, uh which you can use for drawing. And a lot of these buttons don't appear here. So it's Not not uh n not way. It's quite uh limited. Okay. Oh, very good, celebration. Pop uh pop up the champagne. Okay. I see some action over there. Okay. uh we're done, we're finished, I believe. So, are there any more cycles in this process? I think not. But um how much time did we get for this meeting? And how much time is left? Ten minutes. Okay. Okay. Well, I think we we we all know what the redesign should be. A simple, dull, uh one-coloured box. No, it's it's just the same product that is already on the market. What is that? It's a giraffe eating a eating leaves from a tree. So you're actually promoting Bluetooth. Or blue tongue. Blue tongue. Okay. Let's wrap it up. Thank you Mister manager. Now, let's have uh a bottle of champagne.. Speaker C: Okay. Could could I see the scroll bar as uh as as a sort of shortcut? A a and the voice recognition as well, th maybe you could uh could uh Yeah. Okay. Okay, good. And and the case is is rubber? And the buttons? Okay, and uh the colouring? with with grey or black. Okay, we'll we'll come to that later. Um okay. Anything else to add or Yeah. M uh yeah. M m but maybe you do want a programme button to uh for example activate the voice recognition, or train the voice voice recognition. Yeah al although by pressing the button for I n don't know two, three seconds, you could also say it you'd disable it with a little beep and and but o okay, that that's not really really important. The basic okay. Okay. Um you thought of some evaluation crit criteria? Okay. You are nameless. No. Okay, so this these are the cr uh the criteria. Okay, well the then we'll switch to my presentation. Um The production costs. The costs are not under Can I Um this is the Yeah, it's it's w way above um uh above the the the twelve Euro fifty. And what makes it very expensive is uh for example the solar cell. So I guess we should skip that, because it's not that important. Yeah, the the price, the the number of items and the the sum. Um well, this is what I would call our luxury model. Um if you would if you look at the uh w w w what we could do to make it more um to make it just between the twelve Euro fifty, um then I did the following changes. Twelve Euro forty cents I came up with by leaving out the solar cells, um by not using the voice recognition feature, because it's uh it's a four Euro uh addition to the price. Um Yeah, I believe Uh, push-button, well It makes it the thirteen yeah. Push-buttons are buttons are are not the most expensive, but do add extra cost. So um yeah, th this design is not um within our price model. Um Yeah. It's still too expensive, yeah. Um I I guess if we leave the if we leave this one out, um oh. And uh maybe not use the special form. It becomes a very dull remote control, I know. But it's the board decision. Um And um yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Maybe we should look at an uh focus on another uh Yeah, m uh maybe not not all that fancy, but just way way more easy uh uh um basic and uh m maximise the profits and um Yeah. Yeah. I know, I know. Yeah. Although I think we yeah, but we could still make uh a remote control that ap uh um applies um more to young people uh by giving it another colour already. Um so it is possible to make uh uh a device that attracts a little bit more to young people. Um but uh I agree it's it's not a fancy high-tech uh device. Definitely not, no. It's not that innovative. Or however you s pronounce that. Um so, okay. Um Oh, this is the wrong one. So uh that means redesign. We do not have the time o uh now to to redesign the product. Um but we can evaluate the process and um uh uh the satisfaction on how things went. Um I'm not sure if we need to evaluate uh the device first. I guess Yeah. Yeah, that's true. We l we can learn. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Well I d it is it is Yeah, I think so. You like the rubber, uh Roo. Yeah. No, I'll I'll I'll give it a two. You like tita That's a flavour as well. Right. Um Yeah, I know, but but it but that's fancy in the way um I mean fancy has has a lot of Yeah. Yeah. It applies. It yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I I agree. Well, with the voice recognition feature and uh No, we are evaluating this this uh design now. This prototype. Yeah. That would have been a thrill. Yep. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Yeah. Yeah. Uh I'm doubting doubting as well. Um Yeah. Okay. Uh two or three? Three? Wha wh what would be your guess? I mean ease of use um does not only apply to the most basic functions. It's the uh it's it's overall. Is the device easy to use? Yeah. Yeah. Um Okay. Uh Roo, a three? Ruud? Okay. So I could make it e easy? Roo. No, I haven't said anything yet. Okay, but if I would say a three, then it's six, and four is ten. Divided by four is two point five. But I'm filling in a three. Does it will so it will be a two point five. Yes, it is. I have a veto. Exactly. It's not about the content, it's about okay, um is it easy to f Yeah, definitely. Yeah, or beeps or yeah. I'm here, I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I uh we should not uh stay too long on this subject uh because of the time, but I personally give it a one. Um Sebastian? Right, well. The feel of the remote control is spongy. Well, uh it can't be more spongy. So No okay, but but for the options given, it's the most spongy one. Yeah. Yeah. They're out there. Yeah. I'll give it a one. Yeah, I know, but you have to name a fig uh a number. Because we need to go on in for the time. You are okay. The remote control offers enough features. Well, Ruud, what what do you think about it? Yeah. Yeah, I know. What what we didn't talk about is um uh I think it has. Yeah. Bec because you can um we didn't talk about it, but you do have uh remote controls that are able to adapt another signal. So, you place a a regular uh remote control in front of the other one, hit the one or the two or the three, whatever, and it r records the uh the um the the signals. So you could uh uh uh enter any comment you like, as long it's able to as long as our device is able to reproduce the infrared signal. So I think th this uh this is uh a a remote control with a very high level of features. Although there are i a few buttons, but the inside is is quite uh advanced. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Okay, um let's give it a number. I'll give it uh a one. For for the for this t uh type of market, I think it's a one. Yeah. So high quality, low acceptance. The product is is is uh b high qua uh has a high quality and and is uh advanced. But whether or not our clients are are um willing to pay twenty five Euros for this kind of device is doub is well, is not sure. D do you agree? Yeah. Maybe we should have a radar uh function. Twenty five Euros. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Bu but well yeah, I know, but you're paying for th for the brand, because there are uh remote controls which control your stereo, television, D_V_D_, C_D_ player, for under twenty five Euros. Yeah.. Yeah. Okay. Um you had an overall rating. Um That's counting. Okay. Okay. Um we'll go further on with the the rest of the evaluation. About the project itself, not about the product. Um What did you think about uh the process, the project process? Ruud? Try to translate that. Any any other Uh, Roo? Roo. Yeah. Better decision. Yeah. Less. Yeah. So we could we we could be we could've been creative. But um it was tempered by the choice of components and the the price. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, Roo? Any other thoughts on that? Ruud? You agree, okay. Uh leadership. Okay, Roo's on for his promotion. Okay. I think so too, it's it's it's uh of course a laboratory environment. I missed it um to be able to contact you in between and uh say uh, hey Roo uh. Um Yeah. So um Yeah, but but si uh w w w when taken in account the the situation, uh I think we performed pretty well. Yeah. Um the means, the SMARTboard, the digital pen. Did you like 'em? Because of the response or Okay. Uh Okay, so it it had to be um better aligned, or what's the word? Uh yeah. It it was calibrated just before this meeting. Uh the one before, the third meeting. So uh it's not the calibration, it's the thing itself, I think. Uh Ruud, w uh did you use the pen a lot? Or not at all? Not at all. Okay. I thought it was quite a handy uh thing, although I would like to see um O_C_R_. Yeah. To digitise them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Yeah. Okay. Um What w Uh Ruud, what did you think about the SMARTboards? Yeah. Okay, you can't really decide. No. I missed a feature to easily select uh a slide and uh distribute it to the laptops. I think that would be very easy if you could say okay, I want to use this for my own work or my own presentation further on or Or the other way around, that you could show but m I know. I know, but I know, but we couldn't use that feature, so I missed it. We weren't able to do that. At least the um I wasn't explained how to do such a th Okay. Yeah. Okay, so y it it's not even as advanced as paint. Yeah. Okay. Uh no. Yeah, the project is evaluated. Um but, well, we need to redesign uh the product. Celebrate. Okay. Um you're dismissed. No, I think we are uh ready. Private room, Roo. That sounds quite scary. No, let's find uh the way to.. I don't believe so. Well, maybe we'd get an email. Thank you for your Forty minutes. A minute or or ten maybe. M Yeah, ten or five. So, we can uh redesign our uh Uh I would like to Oh. Yeah. Yeah. It's blue tongue. Yeah. This is a new model. But Blue tongue. It's spongy.. That is uh it's a new feature next to Bluetooth to um disable all Bluetooth devices. Um Yeah, we're done here. Gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation. Yes. Speaker D: Well, you could use two of them to programme the um channels on the two channel button, 'cause you have to assign two channel new channels. You Yes. Uh my name is not name but Uh well, I used the the uh documents. And these uh were the most important criteria. It should be. yeah, that's uh how the fashion guys uh state it. Fancy look and feel. So Uh well appar Yeah, but apparently uh we shouldn't evaluate yet. So Yeah, I think these are the most important criteria. So uh that's about it. Um well, since we're not gonna manufacture it anyway Uh Yay. Is it? Is it fancy? So uh one? Is it uh And w yeah, w what they want wanted was uh colours and soft materials. So in that way It it's fancy. Okay, and uh was it innovative? Yep. Yeah, and uh So uh also a uh two? Is it easy to use? Well the p the most important function is easy to use. The the zapping, channel switching, volume. But the more advanced functions are probably a bit harder. Good question. Uh I'll go uh for the two. Hmm? Huh? Yeah. I yeah. Yeah, two, two, three No. Is it easy to find? Yeah, I agree. No. Uh this this was a most spongy option. Well yeah, it depends, 'cause it's the most spongy we could but yeah. Well, if I give it a one there'll be one hell of a calculation. So I'll just give it a two and make this a one point five. Well, the basic layout doesn't offem offer much, but the voice recognition could add a lot. So Yeah, depends. Uh depends on what you uh implement in the speech feat Signal. Um I think think a one, 'cause v with a voice recognition you could add anything you want, so that's like um Maybe even because it doesn't look advanced. Yeah, but uh with these ratings uh should be about one point s seven, yeah. Ye The prices. I agree. Draws. No. Not really. Oh, I only use it to draw a rabbit, so can't say much about it. No, or the other way around. Yeah. And no added value. At all. So In interesting design. Oh uh it it does uh have a natural uh feeling. So Yeah..","Um novice users u use this device as uh normal users use uh a c a remote control . And after a while they start to develop uh some skills in the the voice recognition functions , and then they will not use this dial as often . Could could I see the scroll bar as uh as as a sort of shortcut ? And and the case is is rubber ? And the buttons ? Plastic or rubber . Uh yellow with uh grey or black or something like that . Whatever cost uh cost uh the least . M m but maybe you do want a programme button to uh for example activate the voice recognition , or train the voice voice recognition . okay . Okay , yeah , that's right . Or something li like that . al although by pressing the button for I n don't know two , three seconds , you could also say it you'd disable it with a little beep and and Yes . The production costs . Twenty two . And what makes it very expensive is uh for example the solar cell . um then I did the following changes . Twelve Euro forty cents I came up with by leaving out the solar cells , um by not using the voice recognition feature , th this design is not um within our price model . So the button we can use plastic . But I'm afraid it's not complete . And uh maybe not use the special form . And a plastic b just plastic buttons , a plas uh instead of rubber . It becomes a very dull remote control , I know . But it's the board decision . Maybe we should look at an uh focus on another uh uh maybe not not all that fancy , but just way way more easy uh uh um basic but that's not what uh has been asked . Um but uh I agree it's it's not a fancy high-tech uh device . Definitely not , no . because if we evaluate it , we we can also determine if our objectives are good . just give it a two . was it innovative ? we are evaluating this this uh design now . This prototype . I think uh it's a two . Is it easy to use ? so it will be a two point five . Is it easy to find ? we haven't re uh re uh really worked it out , but you c you can you can just say find and he repeats find . but I personally give it a one . The feel of the remote control is spongy . and make this a one point five . The remote control offers enough features . I'll give it uh a one . For for the for this t uh type of market , I think it's a one . I I've I think we've uh succe succeed in in developing a product that's actually quite good , but not for this kind of market , and not for this kind of price . But whether or not our clients are are um willing to pay twenty five Euros for this kind of device is doub is well , is not sure . Maybe even because it doesn't look advanced . it's not it's not very expensive for a remote control that that has this functionality . Um you had an overall rating . Um it's it's about one point five . Something like that . we'll go further on with the the rest of the evaluation . About the project itself , not about the product . The process was good . But w um we weren't aware of the prices of the costs . And and that was the the big deal . We had we had too little information actually . looking at room for creativity , there was w way too the the choice of components was way too narrow . in the first meeting we we already were very creative . Uh leadership . Fantastic . I think we're a good team . the means , the SMARTboard , the digital pen . Did you like 'em ? but SMARTboard was really bad . Uh . The digital pen was okay , although I would like to see um O_C_R_ . But I think it's a great solution for uh for uh a known problem , uh writing down some notes , some some inf uh information , and then um forgetting your notebook somewhere and losing all that information . I only think it's th the the shape of the pen is too big . I missed a feature to easily select uh a slide and uh distribute it to the laptops . The drawing cap capabilities are very limited . And and uh w you were when you're using uh Windows , you're used to a certain interface and certain buttons , uh which you can use for drawing . we need to redesign uh the product . I think we we we all know what the redesign should be . A simple , dull , uh one-coloured box . it's it's it's another approach , Although I think we yeah , but we could still make uh a remote control that ap uh um applies um more to young people uh by giving it another colour already . Is it ? Is it fancy ? I missed it um to be able to contact you in between and uh say uh , hey Roo uh . Um" 21,"Speaker A: 'S to do now is to decide how to fulfil what your stuff is, so in that sense so it does kind of make sense, yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Mm-hmm. No. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yep. It's probably not sending. Yeah. Yep, there it is. And the Play-Doh 's yellow. Cool. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay um. Oops. Yeah okay. Let me just get this going first. Ah there it is. 'Kay, that should be it. Okay um I guess the same thing again, I started with something very basic. So just so you guys have some idea of what's involved in my process, um and then you can just work through it and we 'll either modify it or start from scratch um depending on what your needs are. Um the components are exactly the same. Um I think, like what you guys said, um the most input that's needed is basically in the user interface. The rest of the components um they do have an impact in terms of cost and complexity. Um like you said time to market was a problem, um and how many components are physically in there in cost. And the power is basically a factor of that. Um and the lower components, the power, the logic, the transmitter, and the infrared, um they affect you in terms of the size of your device, um and that would have some inte impact on how y I think more how you hold rather than um the actual use using the the remote control because um like we've said we've defined, like we only want the basic things that to be visible, and the rest of them we try to hide. So um you know it's just a matter of working out space. So I guess three things, um cost, um complexity, and the size. These are the three things that um will have an impact on you. So just go through it in the components. Um these are the options that are available to you, um I'm not very sure about the voice thing 'cause I got another email and it was in fact quite sketchy on what n the voice options are. Um it said it could talk to you, but it never said anything about being able to listen. I it said something about a sensor but never clarified that. So maybe if you well I could see the other email that they sent you, um 'cause they got back to me with like different requirements, or different offerings of what components availa Okay so your basic components are buttons, okay and you have a wheel available, like a mouse scroll wheel, okay there's an L_C_D_ display, um I think these are quite standard things. No um they're well in the sense that these are all the options available for you. I'll explain to you the complexity and the cost thing again a bit later. Okay um then there's um how the case actually looks. It can actually be flat or it can be curved, um and then the different types of materials that you can use, um I don't think you can use them in a combination, um but um I could check back for you, but I don't think you can actually use them in a combination. Um I think plastic and rubber would be fine, but plastic, rubber, and wood, I wasn't I'm not very sure about the titanium. They had some restrictions on using the rubber and the titanium. Um the rubber was a restriction on the kind of power source you could use, but the titanium had a different kind of things on the shape of the thing, so I think that there is some restriction on um I think you could probably group plastic and rubber together, wood and titanium, but you know it might be easier from a cost perspective and a complexity just to use one. You know as opposed to two. Um and the other components are logic chips, um again I'll I'll go back to the component chips. The com how complex or how easy the logic is, it depends on how many functions you have on the on the unit um and that impacts cost. Um I don't think the logic chip has a issue about size 'cause they should be about the same size. Power consumption should be about the same. Um I think the main impact is complexity, um and the other thing is um the power options. Um the first one is a standard battery. Okay the second one I think is more of a gimmick then actually a useable thing, it's a wind-up you know, a crank. Yeah but that that might be something I think that's more of a look and feel decision because I don't think you can have one power source if you're using the alternative power sources. I think whatever it is you still need a battery 'cause I don't think anybody wants to keep doing one thing. Okay the other ones are a solar powered cell, which may not be a great idea in Europe or any country that has seasons 'cause half the year you'd be dead. So like what I said, you probably need like a battery and something else. Um and the kinetic one I guess for me is the most interesting one because it's movement and people like to fiddle with their and it's a nice sales gimmick I think. From a marketing gimmick it it's a technology thing, it's a shake it it doesn't work, shake it, knock it or something. You know you know you have you had those balls, you know those stress balls where you bounce the ball and it and it lights up and it goes, you know that might be a gimmick combined with rubber. You know just to if you get frustrated wi remote control you can throw it, kind of you know just uh you know um so. Um okay my from my role, I don't think that personal preferences but role preferences, I think um something comfortable to hold, um small and slim I guess that's more in the sense of small and slim in terms of comfortable not so small you can't, you know like a phone or something, too small phone. Um and the other thing is from a production point of view um the less components we use and the simpler the components means you reduce your cost and you increase your profit. Um and also the time to market and the complexity of developing designing and debugging it um so. Um okay let me just go back and talk about some of the restrictions. Um The user interface restrictions basically means that if you use more complicated features, like the buttons are standard okay, the L_C_D_ panel and the scroll wheel you need more complicated logic. Um the case okay with a rubber case you can't have the solar panels. Okay with the titanium case, let me just check that um, titanium case can't be curved, it has to be square. Okay um there's no restriction on the plastic, and it can't be curved on the wood. So that's again, I don't think you can use them in a combination, um especially the titanium I I suspect they're very fixed to a particular need. So um mixing them may not be a good idea um yep. That's it. Um I think we could because the L_C_D_ panel requires power, and the L_C_D_ is a form of a light so that Are you thinking are you thinking of of a light in the sense of um a light light, or a light in the sense of it glows kind of you know Frankenstein, it's alive. Okay. Okay. Okay. Um that's why I think the option of the the kinetic thing which basically means as long as you shake it like a watch, like an automatic watch um it's probably sensitive enough when you fiddle it. So you could trigger that to a light, like I said the bouncing ball thing, or you could trigger that to use that to power the light as opposed to so when they pick it up, right, and then that that sorta triggers the glowingness. I think he made that. Is there a particular shape that you're interested in? Like does marketing have any research on does it need to be long? Does it need with a square thing wha Yeah 'cause that will n help narrow down the choice of Like fruit. I'm thinking fruits in my head, but that's tacky. Do we need an L_C_D_ display? What what's the functionality of that? Yeah but the question is what are we using it what would we what would we achieve from it? Putting in lights is cheap but putting in an L_C_D_ panel just to make it glow is a bit of a Mm-hmm. I think that will be a problem because we don't have an input device to get the listings into it, so um it's a bit nuts to get the Monday Tuesday Wednesday you know. Um I I'm not saying there's no need for an L_C_D_ display, but um it's what's what what would it tell the user, 'cause the L_C_D_ tends to be an output as uh as opposed to an input so um does the remote control need to talk back to the user? We have the option of the speaker as well the sa the same thing goes for the speaker, is there a need for the remote control to to talk back? Um You could put a game on it. When the T_V_ dies you can play with the remote control. Where would you physically position the buttons? Um I think that that has some impact on on on many things. Um maybe you wanna draw onto the Yep. No, like I said we have a h hybrid kind of thing, so it's not gonna charge the battery, it's just Yeah. Yep. Yes yes. Or even a clear case. Um you know a a glowing a a glowing yellow type case where the yellow is showable, but in the dark it sort of, it's alive. Um in in a slight subtle way. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Or or there might be a light running through it like a mouse. You know you have cordless mice and they don't eat that much power right. So the power the battery in that sense, maybe you have one or two stratig strategically placed lights that sort of Yeah but because the case is transparent so it gives it a little bit of a glow, doesn't make it freaky. The question is when you're rolling it, how do you wanna roll it? Do you want 'em to roll it like that? Do you want 'em to roll it like that? 'Cause in a mouse your hand's in a position to roll it, whereas the other thing about having it jog dial this way, it tends to get moved accidentally. That's a very unnatural motion to yeah. Can you imagine you have to scroll a lot. Um it might work for volume, and maybe some of the brightness controls and stuff like that, but not for channels right. If you have a Telewest box you've got like, you don't have to buy all the channels, you've about fifty channels, can you imagine trying to. Um and I don't think having that you know too quick too slow kin it's confusing to the I dunno. But users tend to tend to want to use that and once they lose out on the user experience they're like Because that's becomes the most accessible thing in front of Yeah. So you wanna expand the shape of the That that might have one problem in terms of um in terms of whether you're left handed or you're right handed you might be locking yourself in. Could I just could I just jump in and suggest something quickly? Um I think one thing would be the jog dial 'cause that's gonna have quite a big impact on the thing um Yeah that's what I was thinking the a slide, because then you you don't have to put the hand. I think incorporating a logo is quite straight forward. There's lots of space for it um Yeah but it's also a a marketing and a function Yeah. Feel like fruit. Fruits kids. No like Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah kinda like that yeah. Play-doh time. You got to choose first. No, we're kidding. Okay, can I just swipe your power cable, I don't think it matters. Okay lemme okay, I'm gonna pull everybody out first and then put in whoever needs to be left. It's you. Argh. This is a real hassle and a oops. I'm gonna take the microphones, 'cause it's too lazy t take them off again. Cool. Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, sure. It kinda does make sense, doesn't it, because when we get into the end of meeting we're kind of talking about action and design as opposed to background. Everything I have is kinda background. Mm-hmm. Uh that sounds. Sure. Okay. Sure. Yeah, cool. Why don't I get that? Hmm. Okay. Okay. Um alright so c is it function F_ eight? Hmm. Come on. I think it's working. Okay great s so let me just start this. Okay great. So um uh s move on. Uh-huh oh where'd it all go? It's not good. Okay lemme just see where I can find it. This looks more like it. I think I just opened up the template. Sorry about that. Okay alright so let's have a look here. Okay so this was the method that um I've taken. Uh basically what I wanna do here, before we get into it uh too far, is I want to show you all the background information I have that I think we need to acknowledge if we want this to be successful. And uh and then sorta g go through some of the way that I've dealt with that information, and then sort of bring us all together into it to see sorta see how this fits in with the overall vision. Um so I've tried to take a whole lot of market research and summarise it for us, and then ide identify uh trends that are are sort of in sync and are important to our our uh p project plan that we have so far, and then uh initiate a kind of discussion on design options so that it sorta helps us to to narrow in on on aspects that will inform other uh other elements of the of the project. Does that make sense, tha that sort of strategy? I thought that that will impact on the rest of what we do, so that's why I suggested we get in this. Okay so out of um different uh figures and ratings ob uh of people in general, um consumers in general, the number one thing that was found was that uh the br t television remote control, a fancy look and feel, okay, and not, it specified, not a functional look or or feel, uh b f f fancy. Um however, this is where we kinda have to be very, I think, creative about it. Number two was that it be innovative. Okay so that tells me that we have to find a way to be innovative without a adding just unnecessary um sort of functional bits to it. Uh and third priority uh for ease of use, so again that kind of gives us a general picture of how it has to be, um quite user friendly while still having technology. So it I'll just say right away as a bit of a foreshadowing into how we proceed with this in terms of m marketing, is that I think um what we should think about is how the um about how the innovation uh contributes to the look and feel, and not so much to the functionality of it. For example like when you pick it up and push it like it all lights up or something, you know what I mean, like, or it's got something else to it that just seems innovative because obviously the thing that the message here is ease of use. So how do you make innovation make something more more easy to use? Well that's I guess where we're gonna go with this. Okay then there's the other aspect of the back the the market um research I have here is on fashion style, okay, which as we've agreed is a priority. Uh top European fashion trend um that I read about says there's this emerging theme of fruit and vegetables, okay, especially in clothes and furniture. And when I first saw that I thought hmm, well do we want to actually try and think about this trend and how we add something to it, or we get right into it, or we completely steer away from it, do you know what I mean? So my my feeling is that we w do want to observe this trend, but we want to think also about the fact that it sort of has to fit in with something which is not specifically electronics. Um 'cause I think what we're in what we're in is partly sort of home decor, partly something like a computer, um so I think we might wanna be careful about how you know how quickly we create like a remote control in the shape of an apple or something, I think that would be pushing it. And then in terms of m material trends are for things to be soft and spongy and sort of, you might say ergonomic or or friendly to handle, which is which also in indicated that last year this was this was not the case. So um probably a lot of the competition on the market will be still in last year's mode, so if we try and really capitalise on that, I think that'll be in our favour. Um So these this is the summary of everything. Um style is number one uh thing in the in the market of who we're selling to. Uh innovative design technology's also a must in that it's seen it'd be seen to be uh cutting edge, uh but ease of use t has to be insured throughout. That was like the number three thing. And then at the end there are vibrant natural colours um that's the way I interpreted it anyway, softness in materials, shape, and function, and so I've written at written at the bottom to give us sort of a context of discussion, Mac iPods, something which is, I'd have to say very high-tech, ten gigabytes, whatever, but when you hold it in your hand there's like no buttons. You know what a Mac iPod is? I'm thinking however Mac iPod is sort of last year's because it's very hard and sort of glassy and glossy, so I'm thinking if we imagine that we're taking some of the features of a Mac iPod and we're then making it s more of like a more of like a comfortable type of or more of like a maybe more vibrant to friendly thing to have. Um and then so this is w with all that information what I'm what I'm suggesting in this slide here is that we we take these ideas, and as we get into more the more um techni like sort of production side of things, that we think about shape, materials, and themes or series that go throughout. Sort of like a I dunno like um we think of some kind of a thin theme that unifies it all, that we agree on, uh sorta like a marketing identity. Um Does that make sense? Yeah. So so like I threw out a few ideas there just to kinda get us thinking along those lines like lemon, lime, I dunno, green colours, pe whatever, it's just an idea, 'cause I'm thinking that some of these ideas will seem quite coherent if we use them in terms of their what people associate this them with in terms of texture, shape, colours, things like that. Like um the ones the ones which I'm most fond of in terms of giving like a theme to it would be like um like lemon or something like that, you know something which is, like you see a lot in in other areas. Like I see lots of websites and things that seem to associate with like lemon and lime and So anyway it's just just an idea. I'm thinking maybe we could incorporate some of these features into a fairly um into something which is which seems to have something to it which is almost gimmicky because like um like something to do with like lighting within it. Like you know just within the simple sense, when you pick up a phone and touch a button it uh lights up, q usually the buttons light up. How can we build on that? Maybe like it could light up in different colours or something or or people could buy the buy the control and then it comes with different like covers or something so. Anyway those are that's all I have, but uh hopefully we can we can revisit those ideas when we get into Yep. Did you press F_ eight? Yeah. Okay, do we have a corporate colour scheme? I didn't know. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Great. Lots of good information there. It's a shame the cable wasn't just in the middle of the table, huh? Just um It takes a second, doesn't it? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. They're standard, aren't they? Yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Hmm. No. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It can't be curved. Okay. Uh question on can I ask a question? Okay. Can we uh power a light in this? Can we get a strong enough battery to power a light? Okay. So maybe one of the things we can just try and include is a really good battery. Well I mean I'm thinking it might be That for uh this to be a high-tech thing it's gonna have to have something high-tech about it and that's gonna take battery power, and to make that to make that a realistic goal I think one of the issues that will come up later is, can the battery power it? Illuminate the buttons. Yeah it glows. Well m I'm thinking along the lines of you're you're in the dark watching a D_V_D_ and you um you find the thing in the dark and you go like this, and that's what everybody does. Oh where's the volume button in the dark, and uh y you just touch it, or you just pick it up, and it lights up or something. Like a phone, yeah yeah. Whereas with phones, people charge them once a week. We're gonna need to put in a really good battery so people don't have to charge their r remote control every few days. But are people gonna wanna shake their movie controller? Right. Sure. Okay. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay, great. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. What's that? Yeah. Okay. Well I mean I'm thinking that what we need to do is have something that kind of unifies a lot of the different concepts, and if we think that what we are w our number one marketing motive is um the look and feel. So for the look and feel to seem coherent and not just sorta bits and bits and pieces of of concept and technology or or whatever or fashion, then we should have it kind of come back to one thing that we kind of all sorta can visualize. Um maybe what we could do is t th think about a concept which touches b back to the on the um the colour, you said company colour yellow. I mean if we think of something, like I was saying also lime and lemon you know, what can we come up with something where we we try and associate it with with like the series. We just come up with something like that we kind of use it as a theme to inspire the shapes and things. Yeah. Yeah. No no no not at all. It's more more just that we we think about like what it is we're trying to achieve, so and then we have one one sorta theme that we stick with. Do you know what I mean? Right, sure. Yeah. Um can we yeah like to and wha like do you have a Can you like yeah just t we can visualize it. Okay. Okay. Yep. Mm. What would it achieve? Well L_C_ well I'd when you used to mention the L_C_D_ I'd think I wonder what that would be about. And the th the thing I could see it helping with would be if it was somehow connected with um listings. So as you scroll through, 'cause we said we might have a jog dial, so as you scroll through your stations you can y it actually tells you what it is. Right, okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm not real Mm-hmm. No. Mm mm. Well i I was just Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Um I've had kinetic things before, and the the the one issue we need to keep in mind with them is that you're committing the user to moving it, and watches yeah Sure, okay, right, okay. Support for it. I mean just it's just worth pointing out because like I've I've known I've known people to have kinetic watches that they wear all the time, and it's just like magic because it's always powered and there's no battery. I've also known people to have things like like a jewellery watch they wear from time to time, and they eventually just say it's just too much of a nuisance because I don't wear it all the time. Like remote control is similar, you're away on vacation, I dunno whatever, you something, and it just starts to get worn down. So we should think about Yeah. Yep. And this size here, I'd suggest this be small, like quite small. Um just a a lot of the um I mean one of the things running through my mind right now, I realise we're being efficient to wrap up the meeting and have lots of decisions made, um but we are leaning quite a bit to the side of being low-tech, rubber buttons plastic frame, it's almost like we're reproducing the same old remote control that's out there. Should we think about how we are actually getting this high-tech user friendly uh um theme like what is it that we're u we're using to to achieve those goals? Like Okay so so backlighting, that would be good. Yeah clear, that'd be Okay. Yeah sure. Yeah that'd be really good. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah they they emanate a light through it. 'Kay. Yeah, mm-hmm. Um and then the other thing that we we're s we've committed ourselves to achieving is simplicity, and so I'm thinking maybe should we try and think about having something like um some kind of an innovative concept about how the um the volume and the channels are controlled, 'cause that's the main thing people will f wanna do. Could we use like a jog dial, like a nice just sort of round, somewhere on it where you just roll it? Or Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well why don't we do it like a mouse then? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Mm. Yeah. But that's not a bad thing is it? Because when you think about it, the alternative is to go push the button. Jog dials are much easier than that. You just roll. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah like I mean if we if if we keep coming back to this board here, I wouldn't be surprised if we could take this idea, imagine that, I dunno, that it's within the shape of the hand, it's quite small I dunno. Yeah. It's small, and that we've got like the the l slogan somewhere like on the casing at the side, and that yeah well I mean isn't that what we just h said said we s just have to decide now? Yeah. And then like a jo And then like a jog dial somewhere that fits in with the shape of it like I dunno like here, in with the It would get bumped, it's doesn't really fit with your hand. Yeah. Or maybe just fit it in like down the middle here. A jog di Yeah. It's kind of yeah Yeah. Huh. Um Yeah I think the jog dial, you know it just after you drew that, what if it was flat and you just spun it, that'd be great. Yeah. Yep. Sure, yeah, yeah and materials we sorta said we'd do plastic and rubber, didn't we, and I think maybe we should try and stay away from just the big protruding rubber buttons, 'cause that'd just be so standard. Something a bit more flush, yeah, or maybe have rubber incorporated into the case as well, so that it has and also t plastic I've seen can get really textured, so you can get plastics that actually feel soft in your hand. They feel kind of like um, you get pens now and then that you'd think that they were rubber but they're not, they're actually just plastic that's textured, kind of a little bit like Okay. Okay. Speaker C: Okay. Okay, well Okay. Okay we all ready to go? Well how um on the in this meeting then if we um I'll just just recap on the minutes from the last meeting. And we uh decided on decided on our our target group being fifteen to thirty five, and we decided that it was gonna be non-rechargeable battery-powered, that we're gonna group our audio-visual and other functions into into those categories, um. And I told you guys about the three new requirements about ignoring teletext, ignoring everything except the T_V_, and trying to incorporate the the uh corporate colour and slogan. Um so that was the last meeting. Is there anything have I forgotten anything? Is that everything? Okay. Um so if we have the three presentations, and then if you have anything to kind of that you know you're gonna want to discuss, maybe just make a note of it, and we'll have all the discussion at the end. That might be a better idea this time. And so if we start off uh with Andrew and then Craig and then David, if that's alright. Um and then after that we'll have to make some decisions about stuff, right. So if you wanna take this. Screwed in quite tightly. Uh what did uh how did we leave it with speech recognition now? We did we say we were gonna try maybe incorporate it but we hadn't made a definite decision on that? Right. Oh I should also point out that um the you know the kind of final objective of this meeting is to reach a decision on the concepts of the product. So um that's kind of the end result hopefully. Uh-huh. Hopefully appear in a wee second. Up there we go. Oh no. Oh right. Here we go. Okay. Mm-hmm. Aye a fair point definitely. Okay. Aye right. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay okay. Mm-hmm. Mm that's true, yeah. Mm 'kay. Great. Okay. Yeah. Ah. Okay. That's great. Uh-huh. Okay great. Um thank you for that. Uh Craig do you wanna uh plug yours in then? Mm. Not quite. Oh something coming now, yeah. There we go. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. I think it's yellow because like the website is yellow and there's a band at the bottom is yellow, so yellow, lemon, you know definitely food for thought there, but keep going and we'll discuss it after. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Mm. Aye that's a good idea, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah that that was very good, and uh now with David. I know it'd be handy, wouldn't it. Do y do you wanna sit in the the line of sight of this um Yeah. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. We you couldn't have like plastic and rubber? Yeah. Mm 'kay. Okay. Mm-hmm. I'll clear one of these things for you. Just by moving it yeah. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. W yeah. Uh yeah yeah, I see. Yeah. I know what you mean yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right. Okay. Right can I Yeah well yeah it's just I'm quite keen to get the discussion going with the time we've left so but yeah you c ask away. Mm. Why what kind of light do you want are you thinking of? Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Like a phone yeah, like the backlight in a phone. Okay cool. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right okay um well let's just go right back to the marketing ideas for a start, and just giving an id idea on the time, we've got about fifteen minutes to play with at most. So um yeah so just t to bear in mind that the ultimate goal of this meeting is to reach an decision on the the the concepts of the product. So back to your idea about um incorporating the idea of like fruit and veg, and the corporate colour, and things like that. Um I mean what does everybody think about Does anybody have any ideas of about how we can fit all that in together? I mean that's kind of the user interface type of thing, what are your thoughts on that? So maybe do y are we thinking something that like s could sit in your hand comfortably, or do you th you'd hold onto comfortably or So something quite curvy? Okay um right okay. Colour-wise I mean you made a re uh was it you or uh I can't remember who made the point about how if you've a nice bright colour you'll not lose it, was that Whose about how if you have a bright colour you'll not lose it so much. Um and when the corporate colour is yellow, I mean maybe we could think about about the colour of the whole product being yellow I don't know. Um And then obviously the uh the materials when it has anybody got like an overall picture in their mind about what what might work? That's all. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Right. Oh you know like in circular in shape or Choice of material yeah. 'Cause I I I was kinda thinking about as well you know how you get these shock resistant mobile phones, and they're plastic but then also have like rubber on the outside, and it kinda feels it feels kind of warmer to the touch. It feels a bit more comfortable, and maybe we could incorporate plastic and rubber into it. And then then we could have curved shapes, 'cause wood or titanium, yeah, it's gonna have to be boxy and rectangular and I think we might be moving away from that you know so um Well I'm do we really want it in like the shape of a lemon or no I don't think we do either. Okay right well um so thoughts about the actual shape of the thing. A snowman shape? Uh-huh. That's quite a distinctive shape, that would be good wouldn't it. Yeah so yeah should we go with that? Do you wanna draw it on the board? Ooh that'd be good. Mm-hmm. So call it the snowman-shape trademark. Yeah that's cool. Um and I mean colour-wise what does everybody think? I think it is quite important to get yellow in there somewhere. I mean do you want the whole thing yellow, maybe like yellow and white do you want something Uh-huh. Okay cool. Um and also I mean how are we going to incorporate the slogan in? The fact that it talks to you, I mean it might be quite cool if when you first start using it it says, what is it, putting fashion into electronics or something, I dunno. Or when you like or if you turn it off or something if it can speak if it could actually say the slogan it might be a bit more powerful than just having it written on it somewhere. I d I d any thoughts on that at all? I know. Um unless an a I mean if you also would that work if we wanted to incorporate um an L_C_D_ display, where would we put that? Would we put that on the inside or It's bound to increase the cost of it a lot, I would've thought. Yeah. Mm oh yeah that's true. Yeah. So so no need for an L_C_D_ display? I think that would make it very complex. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if there is really, no um I would say no need for a talk-back. Uh does anybody disagree with that? No? Easy. Okay um right so you're gonna have the three different sets of of functionalities, um I mean do you wanna group them into s head of the snowman, body of the snowman, inside of the snowman, is that what you're thinking? Okay. Okay right um what else do you need to talk about? So I'm just gonna um pop this in here 'cause I have a slide about decision making which I'd forgotten about. Oh sh God we've got five minutes um okay uh back we go. Um energy what do you think that's suggesting we're how we're powering the thing? I really like the idea of this kinetic thing where you'd have the back-up of the battery, but have have kinetic power, I mean what does anybody think about that? Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Well I suppose that if you're if you're away and you're not using it, then you're not using any power either. So you'd have the battery as the kind of to keep it ticking over idea I'm really sorry we're gonna have to wrap up quite quickly, we don't have as much time as I thought. Um so I think that's what energy is referring to here. Chip on print, is that that's an industrial design thing, is it David? Okay um as for the case, kind of discussed that Yeah I know we're gonna have like rubber buttons that feel kind of Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Could have things like backlighting the buttons and stuff like that. Aye that would be a good idea. S so like cur slightly transparent case, so it's yellow, like tinted yellow, but you can maybe see through it. Is that what you mean? Okay. Lights. Okay. Mm. Yeah. Yeah if you are holding it in your hand you could you could do that, couldn't you? If you're holding it in your hand you could Do you think? Okay. Mm. Yeah okay okay um Yeah. Okay. Okay. Just Okay um right well wouldn't it we do need to make a decision on whether we want to incorporate a jog dial in nice and quickly. Um I'm all for them actually, I think they're quite you know th very quick to m to use. So does anybody oppose the idea of of incorporating one into the design at all? No. And the other thing was um can we think of any way of getting the slogan into this thing? Uh-huh. Uh-huh ooh okay, we really gotta wrap up so yeah. Okay well if we can do that, great. Yeah okay. Yeah let's let's try and get the slogan on there um, and Mm. Okay. Right I'm gonna have to I'm really gonna have to hurry you on here 'cause we're we're actually over time. Um is there anything anybody's unsure about? Just for in closing just the next meeting's gonna be in thirty minutes, and so you can see in the screen here what each of you are gonna hopefully be doing, uh I know that the designers are gonna be working with Play-doh on that. So um that'll be that'll be good. Um and I'll get the the minutes up as soon as possible. Anything at all you think we haven't discussed that we need to? Is everybody kind of happy about what they're gonna be doing? Okay. That's kind of a design thing that you guys can can discuss, yeah. Okay. Yeah. To make something flush with the case? Okay right. Okay. Sp kinda grippy? Okay. Okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to call this to a close 'cause we're way over time. So um that's really good, like we've s had much to talk about that um pretty much run out of time to do so. So off you go and design stuff wooh. Yeah quite jealous actually. Speaker D: Is it working? And so think of this concept. Um to research it I've um had a look on the the homepage again. It's provided me with more examples of um previously existing c remote controls. Um there's a wee bit of discussion about the other existing ones there, um so I've taken the um suggestions from them and tried to incorporate them into this um So then this we're looking for um suggestions on size th um size of control and the buttons, um the shape of the control, and whereabout the buttons should be located on the control. Um what I found from the research is that most the current controls are just basically big bricks with loads of buttons all over them. Um they're not very attractive to look at, and they're not very comfortable to hold, they're I just hold 'em like big bricks, and they're very easily lost. Um they tend to be very dark colours, so if there are shadowy places down the side of couches you can't really see them. Um the the controls themselves tend to use a very inconsistent colour scheme. Um for instance, the stand-by button isn't always red, uh it really should be. It's uh something the user then uh identify with. This is a red switch off, that's how it should be. Um I'm not sure if there's any other examples of that, but something to look out for. Um there's a problem that I've I've got couple of preferences for the the end control um I get 'em with the the red colour button for stand-by and s the other examples of that um The buttons should be large. They shouldn't be tiny little things like you get on some mobile phones. They should be easy to press, very comfortable. Um one of the examples given on the homepage was um there's an up and down volume button but both of them have a V_ on them, so the up volume button looks like it should be a down volume button, that's kinda confusing. Um should avoid s things like that. Um if the the corporate colour scheme allows it we should have a very bright colour so that it can be easily identified anywhere. Um obviously trying trying to avoid being tacky there, but it could um tie-in very easily with your your lime and lemon idea. Fantastic. Um any extra features we add beyond the basic ones should be m hidden, they shouldn't be on the um shouldn't be visible without something be opened or some sort of special extra effort. Um if we did decide to go for voice activation there sh should always be a button as alternative, possibly hidden in the the opened up section um making that something is wrong with it or with somebody's voice, maybe they got a cold or Um we should definitely avoid the big square block look. That's just wrong. And um we got an email uh from I think it's the the research department, and they've said th the voice control um can now talk back if you ask it a question. So it sh it could be good to have them um confirm any action you take and possibility. Right and these are problems I've had with it. Um I don't know where the slogan should go, or really what the slogan is. I think it's um, fashion into electronics. And we don't know how flexible the colour scheme is. I mean you say you wanted the the corporate colours, but they don't say you know if we can use any other colours at all or That's it. I think I'm cool. Right. Right. Um I think we could go for like um maybe not a p a fruit shape but a very sort of curvy type shape. Um you could have the same sort of texture and colour as a fruit. Um probably something that s sits in your hand comfortably, sort of feels right in your hand. See I'm I'd quite like a sort of uh snowman type shape. Um so a p sort of larger bit sits in your hand, and then you got maybe another bubble at the top for just any other function you need. Um something like that um you got two groups there um maybe it could fold up and you get a third group inside or uh you have volume controls about there. So I reckon it'd look quite nice if we just had um this here, had a sorta background yellow, and then have sort of a nice bold colour for the buttons. I think that might scare me. I think that'd probably scare me. You turn it on your control possessed s. Um Nah. Um well I think the advanced ones the the ones you don't usually use could be hid inside. B um I think the we had were fairly basic ones, they'd have to go on the the front somewhere. Um Yeah I think so yeah. Mm. Well, but then for um for skipping a large amount of channels you do have to uh to skip the channel button, the number part. Uh but Yeah. Mm.","The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting. The marketing expert discussed his findings from trend watching reports, stressing the need for a product that has a fancy look and feel, is technologically innovative, is easy to use, and incorporates some aspect of fruit and vegetables in its design. The interface specialist presented research on the appearance of current remotes, concluding that current remotes are generally unappealing in terms of look and usability. The interface specialist presented ideas on how to remedy the unappealing aspects of current remotes in the team's design and also how to incorporate the corporate color scheme into the design. The industrial designer presented options for materials, components, and batteries and discussed the restrictions involved in using certain materials. The team then discussed options for the shape and color scheme of the remote, as well as what components, batteries, and materials to use." 18,"Speaker A: This is it. Yes. Yeah. That's on the rub rubber part. Yeah? Alright. Do we Do we change the Do we change the the order? Or are we going to uh ev evaluate it first? Okay. That's uh um That can be none. Um, we gonna do the evaluation now, together. But I have uh a introduction how it works. So, it will come up. Uh-oh. Okay. Um, yeah. Well, we uh uh, I have um thinked a few evaluation uh criterias, uh based on um our marketing strategy, on uh the latest trends, on user preferences. Uh, we have a seven point scale from uh true, as well. To false, seven? And on base of each c uh criteria, we need to um give a rating. We can uh Well, it look like this. But we gonna uh do it here, they said. So, you hope found out how to do it with a Word document. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Um, well uh we have the Word document You So we open up that blank here. Um Think I can Uh, what this just an example. So, this not very important. But um, if I can get a number in here. Hmm. Well, uh we can't do that. Um, so uh you have to think of it as uh the remote control is techno technologically innovative. Uh, and then we have to uh agree on the rating together. And in the end, we will c uh count an average of all rating. The first uh on each item. Yeah, I think it's uh Uh, well technologically using, it's not uh it doesn't contain many new features. Only the L_C_D_. So, it Um, I think I will give it a yeah, yeah, yeah, a four. Hmm. So now i I think you uh see it um its statement. And you true or false. And true is one. So, yeah. Yeah. 'Kay. Um, well It's a one. The first item. So, okay the second item. Um, this product is for all sorts of customers. Well, it's a statement which uh I disagree with, because we uh really aim uh at at young market and I think the way it looked uh c uh totally in yellow, it's not uh really aimed for all customers. It doesn't look like that. That's uh a six. Four. Uh, okay. Mm. That's uh the motto of our company. Yeah, well do we do this with uh this product? I um Yeah. I think if we do this, as it's uh uh c uh it's really orientates on the design. Um, so I would give it a two. Two. Uh Okay. Okay. Yes, I'll think of that too. Yeah, agree? A three. Yeah okay. The next element um is the product looks good. Well personally, I do not prefer a um remote control that's fully in yellow. So, I would give this a five. We have to do our uh Two or three? Two. Okay. So, well we gonna do the next part. Uh, yep. Uh uh, the next statement. It has not too much buttons. Um, yeah, I I have uh said is not because uh a low number is better. And in the end we calculate an average. So, um that's why it's a negative in it. Um, well this one of our aims not have too much buttons. So, um uh did we uh do that? Well, uh if we go to uh this fashion, I We still have caused uh a lot of uh buttons for the numbers. But you can you can go for that. And um that way, you don't have a lot of buttons over. So, I would give this a two. One. Um, but where where is the? So Yeah, did we implement uh the sound? Yeah. It won't. One. Okay, um well we aimed for the younger market. Uh yeah, did we achieve that. I think with the way it looks and um it is designed, I will give it a two. Yeah. Uh, yes. That that was uh, yeah, one of the most important things that uh Trendwatch said. I didn't uh say it in my presentation. But um, well does it have that? I would say yes. So um Well, let's also give this a two. T Yeah. Okay. Two. And um, then the last one I could think of, uh it goes with the latest trends. If we looked at the latest trends for the uh younger people, and they ate uh fruit and vegetables, well it has a um a nice colour, uh well compared to food but we didn't uh We did not paint any uh fruit and vegetable on it for something like that. So, I would did not give this uh a one or two. I We'll go for a three. Yes. A three. Okay. So um, come back to the presentation now. So, we find yourself there, and now we have to calculate an average rating. So, we will do that. Yes. By nine. Yeah. Um, uh okay. Two. Come on. So uh, that's a pretty low rating, I think. So, according to our uh own evaluation uh we did a good job. Oh. Nah. How am I doing? Yes. And I closed your slide-show. Which one was the last for you? Uh, dreaming. Next. Finance. Yeah. One... We would have uh n For a remote control. I've For a remote control, I think it is. If we would have uh uh normal buttons instead of uh the joystick. For up down left right. The advanced chip was for the L_C_D_ wasn't it? If uh If we have the n no buttons If we have we have uh not a joystick but buttons, we would have uh, we have thirteen Euros? And then uh we move the the colour. What will that be? Yeah. still, he waited at the No. Project. Yeah, I think you have to compare it to if you would have a normal um normal project without laptops uh and without these devices. I think um Well, the laptops if you have them out front of you, you sometimes looking at that instead of the presentation. Um, well uh the draw-board, well you can draw things. But it not really going very convenient. Uh, maybe it will be easier if you have a smaller monitor and uh you would also see there. And with a normal mouse. Um, and uh the project. Yeah, I agree on what was said uh mainly. Uh, yeah but you always have that some people are talking more than others. And maybe is then um the task of the the project manager to also uh ask more to the people uh less talking. To tell their opinion. Yeah. Okay. Speaker B: I don't care. Huh? Big.. Yes. Up is channel up. Down is channel down. To the right is volume up. To the left is volume down. The R_R_? I'll get it. I think the scroll-button is something also uh new. What uh not anoth uh, not a lot of uh a lot of uh remote controls have. I think technologically I'll give it an seven. Si six six. Sorry, six. Oh, true or false. Oh, uh I'll I'll give it uh a t a two. Sorry. Five. Mm-hmm. Maybe version uh three point O_ uh has other colours. Four. Me too a two, because only the battery is not uh techin uh technologically high standard. But the rest of it is. So, I think a two. It it will be fashion. 'Kay. Three is okay. Oh, we'll wait outside. I give it a one. Say two. Two. One. Uh Just a small thing. Ah. Yellow. Looks like a pistol. Uh It won't get between uh the pillows uh on the couch. Uh Yeah, o one. Yeah. Me too. Two. Yeah? Yeah. I gave this a one because of the rubber. It feels soft. Uh, it looks like a l uh uh b uh, a bit like a joystick. It's Yeah. Yeah, f very fancy trendy. Two is okay.. Oh. I go for two because uh the the shapes are still round. Uh, the latest trends are soft things, you know, like uh I said in my presentation. Uh But the the colours are um basic, like yellow, red, um blue. Something what also younger people want. It's also a trend, so I'll give it a two. Two. Yeah, I think. Cheapest there is. Expensive. Well, it's the most advanced. Advanced. Uh, yellow. One. Joystick uh thing. We're not gonna make it. Yeah. Wh What what are the costs? Fifteen. A special colour. Uh, I don't think it's a very special colour. Yellow? Uh, is it a special colour? What? Yeah. And what if we use only one sort of um Um just only plastic or only rubber? One Euro discount. If we change the joyst uh the joystick thing into a button up, button down, button right, button left. And then we'll lose fifty cent in what? Uh uh-uh. No. And if you say it's just a r uh normal colour it's a normal colour, wh No one will see it. Normal colour, and the the joystick away, and put the button up, button down, right, left. And it's twelve Euros, I think. No. Uh, no, no, no. Uh Oh, wait wait wait. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. If we lose the L_C_D_, then we have an uh regular chip and no L_C_D_. Uh, yeah. Then you'll have to m uh see the menu on the television. And you don't have the L_C_D_. So, the T_V_s has to uh have to be up-to-date. Yeah. Yeah. Huh. No knew that. Yeah, then it's twelve Euro fifty, then it's okay. So, all the buttons has to have to be the same colour. But then the print on it will g um change it. Make it uh for everybody to see what button it is. Uh l How you call it? Recognisable, yeah. Yeah? Okay. Oh, well that's clear. And the joystick away. And its buttons. Yeah. About the process. Went good. Uh I think uh the creativity uh was good enough. We have a gun instead of a remote control. Um Uh leadership. Yeah, you were the project project manager, and uh had the final vote. So yeah that was clear. Team-work okay. Everybody uh has something uh to say about it. And uh no, uh o only the the drawing uh was very difficult. But, nah. New ideas found. Nope. No. Yep. Beer. Yeah? Okay then. Speaker C: Okay. So, now um, last time. Can you uh push the button? One time please. So I'm still the secretary. Now uh, I ask you to presentate the prototype. One of your you two. Yes. The prototype. Well, thank you. Uh, now Yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. And the buttons? And the joystick is for the volume and the channels. Okay, so if joystick and L_C_D_. What's the R_R_ d Okay. Very good. So, we have So, what they say on the side is put fashion there. Yes. It's good. So, that's it. That's prototype. Now, the finance. We don't know if it's th it if it's okay. So, I'm gonna look. We have Sorry? Finance is um Yeah it's No, first uh Yes. We have to evaluate the product yet. Sorry. Criteria. No, it's okay. Oh, it's okay. What do you think? Yeah. Two. You? Me too. So it's a three. So it's a Yes, it's for the younger g group. So it's uh half half of the people. So I think it's four. No. Yes. So, I think it's four. Okay. Give it a four. Yep. We put the fashion in electronics. Uh, I say uh a five. It's not fashion, it's new. It must be a fashion. But it isn't. Yes. It w If it's not a fashion we can put it in it. So, it must be a fashion. I think it's a five. No. Oh. I use my feet though. Okay. Well, I say three. So, counting then is two and a half. Okay, two. You? Me too. One. Next, six. It does not get lost easily. No, we did not. So, but can it get lost if it's such a thing? I don't think so. Yes. Not a not a normal shapes. So No. It won't get lost. So A one? Okay, a one. Next. Yeah me That was our target. Two. Yep. Right. There's a fancy look-and-feel. Okay. I say a two. It's a a bit personal. If it's fancy. So I think s two is better. No, it's new. Innovation.. Okay. Me too. Three. Yeah. Effort is three, ten and twelve. Thirty, forty, fifty,. Twenty one. So, it's uh two and three nine two and one third. Yep. Uh, nah. Okay. So, it's good. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Back to my uh Yep. Next please. So, now uh we have a product. Very happy. But uh, is it cheap enough? Um, so if uh I'll have a look. We have a battery. One battery. Okay, one battery. Electronics. Advanced chip. Yeah it's the most advanced. Chip-on-print. We have that one. We have the simple, regular and advanced. We have the adva advanced. 'Kay, so uncurved or flat. Nope. Single curved or double curved? We have double curved. So Then we have plastic, wood, rubber. we have half rubber, half plastic. No titanium. Special colour. Yes, yellow. Interface, push-button. Scroll-wheel, integrated scroll-wheel push push-button, or L_C_D_ display. So, we have the L_C_D_ We have two scroll-wheels? Or one? And it's not really a s Yeah, it's this one. Now, uh button supplement. Special colour. We already Uh, that's the from the for the buttons. The buttons are regular colour. So, then uh then then then then then then Then Uh, no. It's too expensive. So, we have to change something. Fifteen Euros. Yeah, well uh when we lose one scroll-wheel, it's okay. 'Cause we can't lose the battery. We can't lose the advanced chip. We can't lose the double curve. We have rubber, special colour. Oh, no, we No, it's uh Sorry? Um, then we uh lose two Euros. Then we have thirteen Euros. Half a Euro too much. Exactly the special colours. So That's one Euro. So, I don't think that's good. Mm I think we have to keep the L_C_D_. If Yes. Then it's only thirteen Euros. So uh yeah. Yeah. Then you have Or you have to cut this off. Then it's not good anymore. So, wait. Okay. I'll have a look. We Yellow rubber. Yeah, normal. Uh One minute, please. Uh Is it maximum. Um Yeah, it's normal colour. But if you lose the joystick, it's still uh an advanced chip? Or it's then a regular? So, the advanced is for the L_C_D_ and the regular for the joystick. And what if we lose the L_C_D_? Yeah, regular chip. But Is it a good design? Mm, yes. Then it's okay. Okay, so no joystick. Oh no, but we then we get push-buttons from half a Euro. Uh, yes, yes, yes, yes. No joystick. Push-buttons. No special colour. Twelve and a half Euros. Then it's okay. So, we have to change that a little bit. And you cannot use the red and green button. Because if you give them a s uh colour, you have to pay point two Euros. Yes. Yes. So So Well Now we have to change that, but that's okay. Rubber. What's the normal colour? So And Where's? Yeah. So, now it's Yeah. It is. But then it will be just that ones. Now it's Very good. Now, uh project eva evaluation. Well What do you think of it? Uh About the project. Okay. And you. Okay. Okay. Well, what do I have to say. I think it was good. Not too many discussions. So, it's good for the speed. So, I think we're ready. Good price. Evaluation ready. Ready. That's it. Speaker D: Oh this, you mean? Yes, well uh this is it. It's uh it's uh it's yellow. And uh, this is rubber. And and and this too. The the sides. And the rest is hard plastic. And uh We uh we had some uh We had a new idea that that this can uh can be uh uh turned inside. And then it covers the these buttons until here or something. And then you can still use the the power button and the mute and the the joystick. So, you can still operate uh all the things. Because you don't always use the menu. And then it can break. Uh, well uh Big buttons. And everything is blue, except the power button. And the mute. Of uh yeah, and the mute and the the other button. Yeah. Channel higher channel button. Uh, yes. Yes, that's uh Very obvious. Yeah. R_R_'s the l the the the the company uh logo. Uh, yes. Yes. That's about here. Oh. Three. Mm Mm, four. Yeah, but it's it's Yeah. I mean it still has l large buttons and not m many buttons. So I mean, the colours are for young people, but older Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. Yes. Two. Then make it th three.. Yes, a one. I like it. One. Yes. Yeah, but uh Yeah. Yeah. Yes, a one. Yeah, okay. Mm, three. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm, yes. Mm, yeah. Mm, yeah. Yeah. Okay. All the same uh Mm, yeah. Recognisable. Like what Yeah. Mm, yeah. Okay. Yeah, well the same. I I espe I especially uh liked the the means, the the SMARTboard and uh Yeah, it uh It brings up new ideas when you work with uh with it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. No..","Now uh , I ask you to presentate the prototype . This is it . It's uh it's uh it's yellow . And uh , this is rubber . And and and this too . And the rest is hard plastic . the sides . We had a new idea that that this can uh can be uh uh turned inside . And then it covers the these buttons And then you can still use the the power button and the mute and the the joystick . So , you can still operate uh all the things . Because you don't always use the menu . And the buttons ? Big buttons . And everything is blue , except the power button . yeah , and the mute and the the other button . And the joystick is for the volume and the channels . Very obvious . Up is channel up . Down is channel down . To the right is volume up . To the left is volume down . Okay , so if joystick and L_C_D_ . What's the R_R_ R_R_'s the l the the the the company uh logo . That's on the rub rubber part . So , what they say on the side is put fashion there . So , that's it . That's prototype . Now , the finance . Do we change the the order ? Finance is um first uh Yes . We have to evaluate the product yet . Sorry . Um , we gonna do the evaluation now , together . I have um thinked a few evaluation uh criterias , uh based on um our marketing strategy , on uh the latest trends , on user preferences . Uh , we have a seven point scale from uh true , as well . To false , seven ? And on base of each c uh criteria , we need to um give a rating . Um , well uh we have the Word document Uh , what this just an example . So , this not very important . But um , if I can get a number in here . Um , so uh you have to think of it as uh the remote control is techno technologically innovative . Uh , and then we have to uh agree on the rating together . And in the end , we will c uh count an average of all rating . Yeah , I think it's uh Uh , well technologically using , it's not uh it doesn't contain many new features . Um , I think I will give it a yeah , yeah , yeah , a four . I think the scroll-button is something also uh new . I think technologically I'll give it an seven . So now i I think you uh see it um its statement . And you true or false . Oh , true or false . Oh , uh I'll I'll give it uh a t a two . Two . It's a one . The first item . Um , this product is for all sorts of customers . Well , it's a statement which uh I disagree with , because we uh really aim uh at at young market and I think the way it looked uh c uh totally in yellow , it's not uh really aimed for all customers . That's uh a six . Mm , four . So I think it's four . I mean it still has l large buttons and not m many buttons . Maybe version uh three point O_ uh has other colours . We put the fashion in electronics . Yeah , well do we do this with uh this product ? I think if we do this , as it's uh uh c uh it's really orientates on the design . Um , so I would give it a two . Me too a two , because only the battery is not uh techin uh technologically high standard . Uh , I say uh a five . It's not fashion , it's new . Then make it th three . The next element um is the product looks good . Well personally , I do not prefer a um remote control that's fully in yellow . So , I would give this a five . I give it a one . Well , I say three . Uh uh , the next statement . It has not too much buttons . I I have uh said is not because uh a low number is better . Well , uh if we go to uh this fashion , I We still have caused uh a lot of uh buttons for the numbers . So , I would give this a two . One . Me too . One . It does not get lost easily . Yeah , did we implement uh the sound ? Yes . No , we did not . So , but can it get lost if it's such a thing ? Ah . Yellow . I don't think so . It won't get between uh the pillows uh on the couch . A one ? Yeah , o one . Okay , um well we aimed for the younger market . Uh yeah , did we achieve that . I think with the way it looks and um it is designed , I will give it a two . There's a fancy look-and-feel . That that was uh , yeah , one of the most important things that uh Trendwatch said . Well , let's also give this a two . I gave this a one because of the rubber . Yeah , f very fancy trendy . It's a a bit personal . If it's fancy . So I think s two is better . uh it goes with the latest trends . No , it's new . Innovation . If we looked at the latest trends for the uh younger people , and they ate uh fruit and vegetables , well it has a um a nice colour , uh well compared to food We did not paint any uh fruit and vegetable on it for something like that . We'll go for a three . I go for two because uh the the shapes are still round . But the the colours are um basic , like yellow , red , um blue . Something what also younger people want . Two . So um , come back to the presentation now . So , we find yourself there , and now we have to calculate an average rating . Effort is three , ten and twelve . Thirty , forty , fifty , . Twenty one . So , it's uh two and three nine two and one third . So uh , that's a pretty low rating , I think . So , it's good . So , according to our uh own evaluation uh we did a good job . Next . Finance . So , now uh we have a product . But uh , is it cheap enough ? We have a battery . Cheapest there is . Electronics . Advanced chip . it's the most advanced . We have the simple , regular and advanced . We have the adva advanced . We have double curved . we have half rubber , half plastic . Special colour . Yes , yellow . So , we have the L_C_D_ We have two scroll-wheels ? Or one ? One . And it's not really a s Joystick uh thing . Now , uh button supplement . Special colour . The buttons are regular colour . It's too expensive . Fifteen Euros . So , we have to change something . well uh when we lose one scroll-wheel , it's okay . 'Cause we can't lose the battery . We can't lose the advanced chip . We can't lose the double curve . We have rubber , special colour . Uh , I don't think it's a very special colour . Yellow ? Uh , is it a special colour ? For a remote control , I think it is . If we would have uh uh normal buttons instead of uh the joystick . For up down left right . Um , then we uh lose two Euros . Then we have thirteen Euros . Exactly the special colours . Half a Euro too much . Um just only plastic or only rubber ? One Euro discount . I think we have to keep the L_C_D_ . And if you say it's just a r uh normal colour Normal colour , and the the joystick away , But if you lose the joystick , it's still uh an advanced chip ? Or it's then a regular ? The advanced chip was for the L_C_D_ If we lose the L_C_D_ , then we have an uh regular chip and no L_C_D_ . Then you'll have to m uh see the menu on the television . And then uh we move the the colour . No joystick . Push-buttons . No special colour . And you cannot use the red and green button . So , all the buttons has to have to be the same colour . What's the normal colour ? Very good . Now , uh project eva evaluation . process . Went good . I think uh the creativity uh was good enough . Uh leadership . Yeah , you were the project project manager , and uh had the final vote . Team-work okay . New ideas found . Nope . I I espe I especially uh liked the the means , the the SMARTboard Yeah , I think you have to compare it to if you would have a normal um normal project without laptops uh and without these devices . Well , the laptops if you have them out front of you , you sometimes looking at that instead of the presentation . Um , well uh the draw-board , well you can draw things . But it not really going very convenient . Uh , maybe it will be easier if you have a smaller monitor Um , and uh the project . Yeah , I agree on what was said uh mainly . Uh , yeah but you always have that some people are talking more than others . And maybe is then um the task of the the project manager to also uh ask more to the people uh less talking . I think it was good . Not too many discussions . So , it's good for the speed . So , I think we're ready . Good price . Evaluation ready ." 50,"Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Next.. What do you mean there? Okay. You can disconnect it there no? Then you can connect this one or this one yeah. All to your computer. Oh yeah. Okay. Hmm. Yeah. Well it would be f No you can't. Oh. Well, it depends you know like there is uh it's a very small vocabulary that you want to do the operations like you want to say on, off, one, two, twenty three, yeah. It's it's going to be li it's not going to be s so easy but u usually it's going to be more of an isolated case but it's but I don't know with twenty fi Okay it's uh decline. Okay. Okay. Now you can move I think yeah. It's a channel selection, a module, this and this function, go to the. Yeah. But is it uh can you just buy it on the market and f plug it in or you want to ma Well it to du it's just you had to change the frequencies. Yeah. But you should be careful, people are sometime becoming problem, like a guy has recently designed a remote uh uh uh which could switch off any other T_V_s, so basically through all the things. So maybe we should think of yeah. Yeah so you can just go on the street and then switch off everyone's T_V_ and you can just walk away You don't have to be near the T_V_ at all. Yeah so. Okay. So I can take I think mine now there. Okay so voila. Hmm I can take mine it's okay, voila, mm so mm. Okay. It's on the desktop. Technical function. Okay. Like so. Well. So um I'm going to talk a little bit about the technical function so wha what actually it's about what is the user going to do, I think my last presented what is going inside, so what's the user is going to see from the outside and how he is going to use it. So well the approach is that uh basically the idea is to send a message to the T_V_ set, as Mael has pointed, and it will be decoded by the T_V_ and usually we it is easier to have uh keys or buttons with which people can uh press and then um changing a button will basically uh change the message which is being sent to the T_V_ and uh um a and basically it sends an internal signal and decoded by the receiver. So p as um Anna has said that this ki people are interested in things which are you don't need to k press the keys, people are can have a speech recognition but this is uh s a question which will we have to see later. But in the present scenario is that you have certain keys and you press it like your mobile phone, and it sends a message to the T_V_. And um so generally mm I don't have some figures sorry but um so there are two kinds of uh remote if you popularly in the household, actually so you have a standard T_V_ remote where you have just a on, off button and play, uh volume change and uh keys for the number and more than one digit option. And if you see for example righ right now uh uh even the one uh on more than one digit option is for two digit channel which is like ninety nine, but tomorrow you might have one fifty channels you know to browse or two hundred channels to browse who knows, but uh uh. Then there is uh this is the standard one with without any fancy thing you know like i it doesn't have teletext option, it can without any, it's a very simple thing, um which which you can vouch. And then you have uh what's the v video remote file which is like usually it has almost all the keys over there and, but it then it has other options like stop uh and then you play the movie or uh or fo fast forward the movie or something like that so i it has those so these are the standard uh commonly found remote controls in the uh market. And then whi which is generally used by the people. And then well personal preferences I would uh basically think of having a kind of aim for the next generation thing where the we could have both the uh the f a T_V_ and the remote video remote control because uh some of the keys in the video's remote control and the T_V_ they could be integrated together so that uh we could um aim for the like in the f coming future um that type of uh applications with Yeah. Yeah. Um actually um you could you could think of um having s a y you can have a key which could tell y it could go to the video thing but um uh yo you you you still can't um in that case when it you use that the function should be able to take up the V_C_R_ option and you could play it or You can also think about having like um I in a few days you will be ha in in few ye coming years you might even have a system where you have a separate uh sitting setup box and uh you have uh um something like uh uh you do you do you suppose you are not able to watch some programme and actually it downloading all the time for you and uh you can just you know uh when you come back you could just switch on that thing and uh watch a program. In that case you want to browse faster, browse slow, you want to have those kind of functionalities. It's the next generation thing, but it is going to come in couple of years. It's goi Yeah it's Yeah. Yeah. So it's going to record your things and you and you you need basically the functionalities what you need in both uh uh video as well as in the standard T_V_ thing. No no we are not making a universal remote, we are just looking at uh giving a scenario, I have a T_V_ and tomorrow I am going to have set up box which is going to sit there and uh it's going to do that job for me. Yeah. So Okay so that p ends my presentation. Well. So we can always discuss about it for example uh the presently the video market actually uh this demand, video over-demand or what we call it as, it's presently booming up actually so it i like people are providing like uh things like uh uh movies, you can select actually so you want to watch a movie and uh your p your provider gives a list of movies, and then you select those list. And it basically you go off, it downloads the movie, it gives for you and then when you come you want to loo watch it on your T_V_. And thi this is going to come. Yeah it can be streamed online for you and you can say what time I want to watch the movie and Yeah so. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Yeah it's uh well you you can follow the ideas how you want to keep the keys, you know right now if you take it you have like zero, one, two, three like a keys separately, but suppose if you take the the present trend of mobile phones there are like big thick keys you press on the top, it takes one number, you press on the bottom it takes another number, and uh basically uh uh so the space covered so that you don't see two separate keys there actually so it it is like uh um i i it is like uh Yeah so. So for example uh Well uh Okay, it works. Fine. So, for example you have uh presently uh keys like one, two, three like this, actually, and uh uh four five six like that and uh you can have keys like this in form like uh keys like that Forty minutes? Yeah so you you you can have uh keys like uh which are which are like so. too sorry, so we basically don't change the uh original order of them but then the keys are more spacious, they don't look uh so there there is a very sligh thing, so if you press on the top it takes the one, it takes the three, uh four, sorry four here uh five and six, so the keys can be it looks you know not very much cluttered but it looks nice for you don't have too many keys but you can have a lot of options t if you press on the to Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well Well I it's fine with me like the price as long as it is uh not too expensive. Uh and it d uh Our provin Mm. Uh yeah, that's that's what we needed basically. Uh that's needed right now. And uh basically you can look to the standards of other Actu Yeah. Yeah you can also browse through all the standards you know, where are the limit of standards for all of them and you can just browse through them. Okay. Okay. Voila. Hmm. So. Well. Oh I don't have anything right now. We can we'll we'll go and we'll I'm sure we'll up something good for the Yeah so we meet in well what are our Okay. Cool. So see you later. Speaker B: Mm-hmm. What's the agenda for this meeting? Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. That's the big question yeah. No, I don't. I wasn't. No. I c I can talk about it but I have no slides or anything. Mm-hmm. Well I've just been um presented with some research we've done in a small focus group so, a hundred people, just asked them about their remote control usage habits and what they want in a remote control. Um. It's probably can't email this to you, I've just got a web page with some data on it. Um basically it's saying that users generally dislike the look and feel of their remote controls. Um seventy five u seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly. Um. Eighty percent of users would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy. Um. Current remote controls do not match well the operating behaviour of the user. Uh seventy five percent of users said they zap a lot, so they use their remote control quite frequently while they're watching television. Uh. Fifty percent of users say that they only use ten percent of the buttons, so they've got a remote control with a lot of functionality but really most of the time they only use a small part of that. Um. I have an a web page yes. Yep. Yep, sure. Mm-hmm. So basically um there's a breakdown of how much they use the different functions on a rem remote control. Um, power and volume selection are only used a few times within this uh per hour. Um, channel selection is used a hundred and sixty eight times um and then there's things like channel settings, audio settings, which are only used very infrequently. Um. Teletext is used um fourteen times in the hour, so it is used but not nearly as much as the channel selection is used. Um. An interesting thing that this report has brought up is that um fifty fifty percent of users report that the remote control gets lost a lot of the time in the room, so some way of some way of locating the remote control would be very useful to a lot of users. Um. Thirty four percent said it takes too long to learn to use a remote control, they want something that's easier to use straight away, more intuitive perhaps. Um. Thirty four percent said it took too much time to learn to use a new one. Yep. Um. And thirty twenty six percent said remote controls are bad for R_S_I_. I don't know how we'd go about combating that. For R_S_I_? Respet Repetitive strain injury. So. But Mm. Yeah. That's what the report says yeah. Um and then it's got a demographic breakdown on Uh I should be able to actually, if I email it to you now. Oh no, yeah. Yeah. Um, s hang on. Well. Oh I need to muck around with this. It's probably easier if you put it on yours and then I'll just email it to you. It's just a web link. One thing it goes on to talk about, which is interesting, is the hang on a minute. Mm-hmm. Yep. Um, one thing is interesting is talking about um speech recognition in a remote control. And who would pay more for that and whether people would find it useful. Yes, I'll just get this up. Well potentially yeah, um I think even for interesti yeah I think that would not work so well. You wanna have both options. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Um Well This is now talking about um who would pay for speech recognition in a remote control, who would pay more for it, um. Ninety percent of the fifteen to twenty five year old market said that they would pay more, it goes down from there, seventy six percent for twenty five to thirty five, thirty five percent for thirty five to forty five, um twenty two percent for forty five to fifty five and then eight percent for fifty five to sixty five. Yeah. But we sh Yeah, it really depends where we're gonna be targeting this product, um, which we'll be talking about later I think. Did you get the email? Yep, that one. Just follow that link. It'll be in a different window, yep. That's left that one. Yep. Mm. So that's the figure that I was just talking about there, with the different demographics. Another thing it's talking about there is the L_C_D_ screen but there's no figures apparently on that. Sorry? Oh. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Well. You drew it a long time ago? Ninety one. Ah. That's handy. So if the b T_V_ in the next apartment's really loud, you can just turn it off. Yeah. I like that idea. Mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay. How would that work? So you've got say maybe a V_C_R_ and a T_V_ which are separate, so you on my one at home I've got a V_C_R_ remote which then changes the channel on the V_C_R_ and doesn't do anything on the T_V_, so is it gonna be like a switch on the remote that says t use the T_V_ or use the V_C_R_? or does it know which one you want to use? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. That's fair enough. Mm. But I don't think we're trying to make a universal remote here. That's, yeah. Mm. Mm. Because y Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Yep. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm. Mm. So D_V_D_s and V_C_R_s? Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. But I think taking the idea of getting inspiration from mobile phones is interesting, especially if we're going after a younger market, that's the the the mm the new and the funky things, that's, yeah, there's lot there's lots of pretty mobile phones, not too many pretty remote controls. That's Mm. Mm-hmm. Okay. How much longer have we got for the meeting by the way? 'Cause we haven't talked about demographic at all and it's a very important issue. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Which I think is quite tricky. Um, basically we're trying to get people to buy a remote control wouldn't they already have a remote control with their television when they buy one? But it's not going to have more functionality, 'cause it's only a low market, it's a cheap-end remote control, we can't beat modern functionality, we might we'll be able to beat them on th the look of it, th the design of it but that's not a big seller, if they're not just going to buy a new remote control just 'cause it looks pretty, they have to actually need it as well. So I'm not sure how we can get people to buy this thing. Mm. Yeah. But why are they buying one in the first place? Mm. But if people are buying a new remote control for functionality they'll buy a universal remote. I've got friends who've got so many things they need a universal remote, otherwise they're using five different remotes for their all their things. In that case they wouldn't buy our product, because it doesn't give them what they need in terms of functionality. Well, we can't, with the price range. We We're not building a universal remote, we're not building a high end product. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. But yeah. If we're getting into universal remote territory, we're getting to L_C_D_ screens and things like that which would drive the cost up a lot. For universal remotes If you mm. And quite complicated to use, yes. Mm-hmm. Not as flexible maybe, yeah, but s yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But if we're going for the say fifteen to twenty five age group then not many of them would actually own T_V_s to use a remote control on. Okay. So they're yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yep. I don't know really what the the price range for remote controls is. Are we gonna be at the very bottom of the price range, or are we kind of middle to bottom? I don't know. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess what I'd like from a universal remote is maybe choosing between three devices, being able to switch between them, there may be stereo, V_C_R_ and T_V_. And just be able to s use them all from the same remote, but not at the same time. Mm. Mm-hmm yep. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Speaker C: So I see all everybody's here, 'kay. And we can start meeting. The I will uh present here agenda with with with with slides to you. Um as you can see here. So first uh just to mention I will take notes uh of this meeting and uh I will try to work them out and give them to you. I've also made notes of the previous meeting and um I was about to send them you but then uh I had to go to this uh meeting so you will get them too uh Um. Yes. Indeed. Um. Then I hope you all have uh worked out some some uh some some presentations about uh about well you the the task given to you in the previous meeting. Um. W We will uh in a minute we will uh start with them. Um, we will see in which order we will handle them of. Um then I will uh bring in some some some new requirements I I got uh from the uh account manager, I try to work them out, they were quite abstract, and we can have maybe have com some discussion about it. Uh Um about the functions and Well in this meeting we should really try to reach a decision about the target group and the functionality of the Yes I mean well yes w who are we going to uh to well to sell this, the customers, indeed yes. Think that's that's important matter. Uh. So And then uh we will close this meeting uh and after this meeting we'll uh we'll have a lunch. Good. Um. Maybe um why uh Anna can you c do you have a presentations? You don't have presentation? Uh you want a table to to uh Yes yes maybe maybe you can uh can just talk about it or maybe you can use the whiteboard if necessary um. Mm-hmm. Mm. Do you Do you have this uh information on the web page you said? Yes, mayb maybe you can can send an email to me later uh. Uh about this. Mm. Mm. Yes yes, I have that too. Mm. Mm. They think that or do their doctor the doctor says? But it's it's the opinion of the uh of the users huh? So mm. You can maybe just just Hmm. Mm-hmm. D do you have numbers o o on that? Well it would it would be a solution for uh when your remote control is lost, I mean when it has speech recognition then uh i then it doesn't matter where it is, my well it's we should be in range, or maybe it can respond and produce sound, so say where it is. But the these are all quite fancy features I'm not sure whether we will we can make this for for twelve Euro fi and fifty cents. Mm. Yes, that that that that's mm. Do you have some more important facts or can we go to the next presentation? Mm. Mm-hmm. Decline with age, mm. Mm. Yes. We will talk about it later. Okay. Mm. Okay. um Uh maybe uh Mael c c can you give uh uh your presentation uh? Oh, this is Mm-hmm, y y you can move, uh. Yes. You can you can sa take my chair. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Is huh overwhelming. No. And and why do you want these kind of component? I mean, are they cheap, or are they uh reliable? What were your Mm. Yes. It it it's more clear now I think. So Mm-hmm. What I w what I was thinking about uh the the the schema uh about uh the sender and the receiver, I mean can you can you get back to it? Yeah uh, the receiver is of course already in the television and we are not uh able to change it. So we we must adapt to the to the receiver. I I suppose there is a standard uh way of communicating to televisions uh. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Mm. Yeah yes I I I I I feel I I I think M Mael will will consider this uh th these things. Maybe Maybe we can go to to your presentation uh Matthew. I I I assume you were finished here. Uh okay. Oh. I Uh, sorry? I know where it is. It's uh Yes. It's uh Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm mm mm mm mm. Mm yes, but I think it's i i it's already there, I mean the hard disk uh recorders uh I I've seen them in the shop. W w w w we need to decide on on on on in how far we go to in this. Mean, you can go pretty far I f I think with with with functions and possible uh future p uh prospects yes. But it's good to keep in mind. Mm. Very well. Good. Um, so u um I have uh received some some some some well points of of thinking over of my account manager and uh I would like to share them with you. Um first thing is uh teletext is a well known feature of televisions but it's it's getting used less and less. That's that's especially because of the internet of course. So we should think about it um. Do we include it, and do we give it a prominent uh prominent uh place on on on the on well huh on the remote mot control itself. Uh as uh a in any case it's it's not used, well very much, but it's it is still used. Um further yes we must think, uh do we stay uh to to television only, the television as we as we all know it with with broadcasting signals and you can't go back uh huh, or do we uh uh go further as Matthew indicated by supporting uh uh recording uh devices? Uh indeed indeed. And and and the hard disk recorders. Um, furthermore, uh, w we need really need to interest uh y younger customers and then with younger customers I mean people uh below the age of forty, and our our current customers are mainly forty plus uh which well Forty. So that's to that's I mean there's a market but uh they will grow older older and you'll al always need to have the the future with younger people. Um therefore, younger people like trendy trendy designs, so that's w we should make our our our R_C_ as trendy as possible but it should also be uh have a reliable image, so when it looks too too spacey or too fancy people will think well does it work at all. Hmm. Ma Maybe Maybe you can draw it on the on the board uh Hmm. Yes yes mo Yes it's recognisable Mm mm. And and they are skilled uh by using it. Mael can you hand me over this uh? Uh thank you. Mm well I think fi five min Mm-hmm. Okay. 'Kay I I think now that the idea's clear. Uh we should now uh try to decide um on our target group. Of course they have already one. So our our our remote control has to be better. Mm-hmm. Mm. I well I think many people said uh in your in in your research uh uh uh the appearance of the uh R_C_ is is important when they are buying one but Indeed. So that will be about functionality Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. So your you think we should go for a more u universal high-performance What do What do you think about What componen I don't know. I don't know whether that's necessary. Is the L_C_D_ screen I think thi this could be this could be a market because uh universal remote controls uh tend to be uh quite expensive. S so we can try to go in between, and offer a product which is not as expensive and not as complicated but but still but still people have the idea this is more functional than a normal uh uh R_C_ because it has more uh it it is in some kind universal. Mm yes but w we're targeting I think on more on the on the twenty to forty group. People yes. Who just have or already have a job and have the money but may not want to spend that much money on a on a universal universal control. Uh well I think uh when we think it over I thi I think we are trying to offer the a kind of universal control for for less money. So d Do you agree? Mm-hmm. You think it's possible for the twelve Euro fifty? Okay. Um so then we we decide on on on going to this more universal kind of control. Mm. Mm. Okay. Yes. Mm mm mm mm. So given we are going for this uh uh universal type uh m maybe it is good when you try to find out which components you therefore need and y you will try to get more specific uh user interface content and uh maybe you can look on on what trends are in this uh in this type of market. So anyone uh has a point to bring in or shall we no. Okay. W yes, we uh we can have lunch now. So um Then th th the next meeting will uh after lunch you have uh we have uh thirty minutes of work and then we have the next meeting. But you will be informed via the computer. Okay. Speaker D: Yep. Perfect. So y you are the secretary also. Right? Okay. Perfectly yeah yeah of course uh-huh. You mean the social target group who we wants to target? Oh the customers, okay. It's it's easy to learn or how do you say it's Okay too much time to learn. Okay. Not enough Maybe y y you cannot put this webpage online on the Ah it's it okay it's a webpage on the C_ it's a file okay. O otherwise you yeah. You can connect this one. Yeah. So these are important numbers that Matthew and I need to take into account for our functional um Yeah Yeah these numbers have have to be have to be taken into account for the uh both yeah user interface and functional design. Because if there are many numbers and we need to select to to constraint uh our design based on what is more important. Speech recognition in Ah okay. So that we don't Do we not need any button on the remote control it would be all based on speech. Okay. Interesting idea. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And we don't know where the state of the art of speech recognition is, maybe you know? But it's quite noisy if there is the T_V_ uh shouting. Okay. So you had to to to summarise maybe the Mm. Mm-hmm. I thi You us yeah yeah. Okay perfect. ... Mm 'kay. Yeah. Mm I okay I stay I can move as far as Maybe I take your chair? I okay. So I think as everybody knows uh I'm the uh Industrial Designer. And uh in this presentation uh this group presentation um is gonna focus on the working design of the the remote control. Um I'd like first to give a quick a very simple introduction, how does it work, so that everybody knows even if you don't have a very uh technical background uh what is it because I think in the product it is important. So basically um the basic function of a remote control is to send uh messages to another system that is fixed. And so an energy source feeds an integrated circuit, the chip, that can compose messages, usually uh through a um infrared bit and uh the user interface controls the chip and accordingly the the messages, alright. So my method for um designing the yeah the work design uh yeah first the the main point is that I would wish to to make a really functional product. I would prefer to have very functional um capabilities rather than fancy stuff that in fact is not used and doesn't work. So for that yeah as it's important to take into account the user requirements from the Marketing uh Expert uh Anna and um w to to we should agree on what are the technical functions uh for this remote control and I show you the the working design. So um basically uh here is a really large view of what we want. Uh we want an on off button, it can be uh it's simple but it's it's important, and also uh the to both channels as well as other buttons that come after, right. So the components I quickly draw here, is that in this part you have the remote control the the sender and on the other part the receiver so that's my method is um will be to well my aim would be to uh design the and choose the chips and the infrared um components to build the remote control right. So of course we need energy sources and uh uh the receiver a a receiver. This is very quick uh design, uh you stop me or interrupt me if uh you don't agree on it on that. And um so what I have found and after a lot of work actually I I draw this I draw for you this uh schema that can be maybe too technical for you but is very important for me you know. And uh that's it so I won't go into details about that but uh these are my preferences to use uh that kind of components. So. So the the main components you see here are the cheapest I have found and yeah th you have always a compromise with uh reliability and uh i if it's expensive, but uh this one was not this one also really uh reliable um so yeah that's it for the working design, uh I hope you get clearer view on uh what what a remote control is uh in terms of uh technical components but maybe yeah No no no no we we will uh This is a preference but we can always change uh Yeah. Of course yeah. Yeah. We will use uh infrared protocol uh using yeah infrared and uh and of course we need to adapt to that protocol that already exists and but we what we can do is uh uh adapting the the chips inside uh to the best uh chips and uh infrared bubbles. Um. Okay. The frequencies? Yeah yeah. Of course yeah in the chip you have it yeah. That can control o other things. Yeah. Of course yeah we should take that into account in the uh Yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yep. These are kind of next generation functionalities. Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Or even you don't need to download it, it's streamed uh online uh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Fourteen or for O okay. So Mm-hmm. Yeah. Because they are already used to that, you know, product. Yeah. Mm-hmm. ... Yes. Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah we have yeah twelve point five Euros uh per uh per R_ s R_C_ and I think uh with this now you know that chips are very uh cheaps and uh we can include it in our control some new new features. Yeah. And um But yeah that's Ye I don't think L_C_D_ is not necessary well, th for long term. Yeah. Universal. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah because we have to take into account that we are gonna b we are gonna sell uh four aro around four million so when we speak about these numbers uh the price of a chip is uh price of a chip is very cheap. So I'm okay for designing um a ne uh less yeah a a kind of universal uh R_C_ yeah. Yeah. Yeah that's needed, yeah. And if we want to get the market, we really need that. Yes. Exactly. Is that okay for you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Oh that's that's fine then. Yeah. Okay perfect.","I will uh present here agenda with with with with slides to you . first uh just to mention I will take notes uh of this meeting I've also made notes of the previous meeting and um I was about to send them you but then uh I had to go to this uh meeting So y you are the secretary also . Yes . Indeed . Then I hope you all have uh worked out some some uh some some presentations about uh about well you the the task given to you in the previous meeting . Um . W We will uh in a minute we will uh start with them . Um then I will uh bring in some some some new requirements I try to work them out , they were quite abstract , and we can have maybe have com some discussion about it . Uh Um about the functions in this meeting we should really try to reach a decision about the target group and the functionality of the You mean the social target group who we wants to target ? Yes I mean well yes w who are we going to uh to well to sell this , And then uh we will close this meeting uh and after this meeting we'll uh we'll have a lunch . uh Anna can you c do you have a presentations ? I c I can talk about it but I have no slides or anything . Yes yes maybe maybe you can uh can just talk about it or maybe you can use the whiteboard if necessary um . I've just been um presented with some research we've done in a small focus group a hundred people , just asked them about their remote control usage habits and what they want in a remote control . Um . I've just got a web page with some data on it . Um basically it's saying that users generally dislike the look and feel of their remote controls . Um seventy five u seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Um . Eighty percent of users would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy . Um . Current remote controls do not match well the operating behaviour of the user . Uh seventy five percent of users said they zap a lot , Uh . Fifty percent of users say that they only use ten percent of the buttons , so they've got a remote control with a lot of functionality but really most of the time they only use a small part of that . Do you Do you have this uh information on the web page you said ? I have an a web page yes . mayb maybe you can can send an email to me later uh . Uh about this . there's a breakdown of how much they use the different functions on a rem remote control . Um , power and volume selection are only used a few times within this uh per hour . Um , channel selection is used a hundred and sixty eight times um and then there's things like channel settings , audio settings , which are only used very infrequently . Um . Teletext is used um fourteen times in the hour , so it is used but not nearly as much as the channel selection is used . Um . An interesting thing that this report has brought up is that um fifty fifty percent of users report that the remote control gets lost a lot of the time in the room , so some way of some way of locating the remote control would be very useful to a lot of users . Um . Thirty four percent said it takes too long to learn to use a remote control , they want something that's easier to use straight away , more intuitive perhaps . Um . And thirty twenty six percent said remote controls are bad for R_S_I_ . I don't know how we'd go about combating that . Um and then it's got a demographic breakdown Maybe y y you cannot put this webpage online on the Uh I should be able to actually , if I email it to you now . these numbers have have to be have to be taken into account for the uh both yeah user interface and functional design . and we need to select to to constraint uh our design based on what is more important . Um , one thing is interesting is talking about um speech recognition in a remote control . And who would pay more for that and whether people would find it useful . it would be all based on speech . Interesting idea . I think that would not work so well . You wanna have both options . it would it would be a solution for uh when your remote control is lost , I mean when it has speech recognition then uh i then it doesn't matter where it is , my well it's we should be in range , or maybe it can respond and produce sound , so say where it is . I'm not sure whether we will we can make this for for twelve Euro fi and fifty cents . And we don't know where the state of the art of speech recognition is , there is uh it's a very small vocabulary that you want to do the operations like you want to say on , off , one , two , twenty three , But it's quite noisy if there is the T_V_ uh shouting . This is now talking about um who would pay for speech recognition in a remote control , who would pay more for it , um . Ninety percent of the fifteen to twenty five year old market said that they would pay more , seventy six percent for twenty five to thirty five , thirty five percent for thirty five to forty five , um twenty two percent for forty five to fifty five and then eight percent for fifty five to sixty five . it really depends where we're gonna be targeting this product , um , which we'll be talking about later I think . Another thing it's talking about there is the L_C_D_ screen but there's no figures apparently on that . I think as everybody knows uh I'm the uh Industrial Designer . And uh in this presentation uh this group presentation um is gonna focus on the working design of the the remote control . Um I'd like first to give a quick a very simple introduction , how does it work , the basic function of a remote control is to send uh messages to another system that is fixed . an energy source feeds an integrated circuit , the chip , that can compose messages , usually uh through a um infrared bit and uh the user interface controls the chip and accordingly the the messages , the main point is that I would wish to to make a really functional product . I would prefer to have very functional um capabilities rather than fancy stuff that in fact is not used and doesn't work . as it's important to take into account the user requirements from the Marketing uh Expert uh Anna we should agree on what are the technical functions uh for this remote control and I show you the the working design . Uh we want an on off button , it's simple but it's it's important , and also uh the to both channels as well as other buttons that come after , the components I quickly draw here , in this part you have the remote control the the sender and on the other part the receiver my aim would be to uh design the and choose the chips and the infrared um components to build the remote control of course we need energy sources and uh uh the receiver a a receiver . what I have found and after a lot of work actually I I draw this I draw for you this uh schema And uh that's it so I won't go into details about that but uh these are my preferences to use uh that kind of components . And and why do you want these kind of component ? and yeah th you have always a compromise with uh reliability and uh i if it's expensive , this one also really uh reliable that's it for the working design , What I w what I was thinking about uh the the the schema uh about uh the sender and the receiver , can you can you get back to it ? the receiver is of course already in the television So we we must adapt to the to the receiver . I I suppose there is a standard uh way of communicating to televisions uh . We will use uh infrared protocol uh using yeah infrared and of course we need to adapt to that protocol that already exists but we what we can do is uh uh adapting the the chips inside uh to the best uh chips and uh infrared bubbles . it's just you had to change the frequencies . But you should be careful , like a guy has recently designed a remote uh uh uh which could switch off any other T_V_s , so basically through all the things . we should take that into account I think M Mael will will consider this uh th these things . I'm going to talk a little bit about the technical function so wha what actually it's about what is the user going to do , basically the idea is to send a message to the T_V_ set , and usually we it is easier to have uh keys or buttons and then um changing a button will basically uh change the message which is being sent to the T_V_ as um Anna has said that this ki people are interested in things which are you don't need to k press the keys , people are can have a speech recognition but this is uh s a question which will we have to see later . there are two kinds of uh remote if you popularly in the household , you have a standard T_V_ remote where you have just a on , off button and play , uh volume change and uh keys for the number and more than one digit option . And if you see for example righ right now uh uh even the one uh on more than one digit option is for two digit channel which is like ninety nine , but tomorrow you might have one fifty channels you know to browse or two hundred channels to browse who knows , this is the standard one with without any fancy thing like i it doesn't have teletext option , And then you have uh what's the v video remote file usually it has almost all the keys over there but it then it has other options like stop uh and then you play the movie or uh or fo fast forward the movie or something like that so i it has those personal preferences I would uh basically think of having a kind of aim for the next generation thing where the we could have both the uh the f a T_V_ and the remote video remote control because uh some of the keys in the video's remote control and the T_V_ they could be integrated together How would that work ? so is it gonna be like a switch on the remote that says t use the T_V_ or use the V_C_R_ ? you can have a key which could tell y it could go to the video thing in that case when it you use that the function should be able to take up the V_C_R_ option in in few ye coming years you might even have a system where you have a separate uh sitting setup box suppose you are not able to watch some programme and actually it downloading all the time for you when you come back you could just switch on that thing and uh watch a program . In that case you want to browse faster , browse slow , you want to have those kind of functionalities . These are kind of next generation functionalities . I mean the hard disk uh recorders uh I I've seen them in the shop . and you and you you need basically the functionalities what you need in both uh uh video as well as in the standard T_V_ thing . But I don't think we're trying to make a universal remote here . W w w w we need to decide on on on on in how far we go to in this . for example uh the presently the video market actually uh this demand , video over-demand or what we call it as , it's presently booming up actually you want to watch a movie and uh your p your provider gives a list of movies , and then you select those list . I have uh received some some some some well points of of thinking over of my account manager first thing is uh teletext is a well known feature of televisions but it's it's getting used less and less . That's that's especially because of the internet of course . Do we include it , and do we give it a prominent uh prominent uh place on on on the on well huh on the remote mot control itself . further yes we must think , uh do we stay uh to to television only , the television as we as we all know it with with broadcasting signals and you can't go back or do we uh uh go further as Matthew indicated by supporting uh uh recording uh devices ? Um , furthermore , uh , w we need really need to interest uh y younger customers and then with younger customers I mean people uh below the age of forty , and our our current customers are mainly forty plus younger people like trendy trendy designs , so that's w we should make our our our R_C_ as trendy as possible but it should also be uh have a reliable image , right now if you take it you have like zero , one , two , three like a keys separately , but suppose if you take the the present trend of mobile phones there are like big thick keys you press on the top , it takes one number , you press on the bottom it takes another number , so that you don't see two separate keys there actually Ma Maybe Maybe you can draw it on the on the board uh Mm . But I think taking the idea of getting inspiration from mobile phones is interesting , especially if we're going after a younger market , that's the the the mm the new and the funky things , for example you have uh presently uh keys like one , two , three like this , actually , and uh uh four five six like that and uh you can have keys like this in form like uh keys like that there's lot there's lots of pretty mobile phones , 'Cause we haven't talked about demographic at all How much longer have we got for the meeting by the way ? you you you can have uh keys like uh which are which are like so . so we basically don't change the uh original order of them so the keys can be it looks you know not very much cluttered Uh we should now uh try to decide um on our target group . Um , basically we're trying to get people to buy a remote control wouldn't they already have a remote control with their television when they buy one ? So our our our remote control has to be better . 'cause it's only a low market , it's a cheap-end remote control , we might we'll be able to beat them on th the look of it , th the design of it they're not just going to buy a new remote control just 'cause it looks pretty , they have to actually need it as well . I think many people said uh in your in in your research uh uh uh the appearance of the uh R_C_ is is important when they are buying one Mm . But if people are buying a new remote control for functionality they'll buy a universal remote . I've got friends who've got so many things they need a universal remote , So your you think we should go for a more u universal high-performance We We're not building a universal remote , we're not building a high end product . we have yeah twelve point five Euros uh per uh per R_ s R_C_ now you know that chips are very uh cheaps and uh we can include it in our control some new new features . If we're getting into universal remote territory , we're getting to L_C_D_ screens and things like that we can't , with the price range . I don't know . I don't know whether that's necessary . because uh universal remote controls uh tend to be uh quite expensive . S so we can try to go in between , and offer a product which is not as expensive and not as complicated because it has more uh it it is in some kind universal . But if we're going for the say fifteen to twenty five age group then not many of them would actually own T_V_s to use a remote control on . but w we're targeting I think on more on the on the twenty to forty group . People yes . Who just have or already have a job and have the money but may not want to spend that much money on a on a universal universal control . I don't know really what the the price range for remote controls is . Are we gonna be at the very bottom of the price range , uh when we think it over I thi I think we are trying to offer the a kind of universal control for for less money . Well Well I it's fine with me like the price as long as it is uh not too expensive . because we have to take into account that we are gonna b we are gonna sell uh four aro around four million then we we decide on on on going to this more universal kind of control . And uh basically you can look to the standards of other And if we want to get the market , we really need that . I guess what I'd like from a universal remote is maybe choosing between three devices , being able to switch between them , there may be stereo , V_C_R_ and T_V_ . And just be able to s use them all from the same remote , but not at the same time . you can also browse through all the standards you know , where are the limit of standards for all of them and you can just browse through them . so when it looks too too spacey or too fancy people will think well does it work at all . uh m maybe it is good when you try to find out which components you therefore need and y you will try to get more specific uh user interface content and uh maybe you can look on on what trends are in this uh in this type of market . and we'll I'm sure we'll up something good we uh we can have lunch now . after lunch you have uh we have uh thirty minutes of work and then we have the next meeting . But you will be informed via the computer ." 116,"Speaker A: Okay. Everybody ready? Uh I think the first thing we do is introduce ourselves and everybody's name and what your function is? So maybe we start with you? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. And your name is? Okay. Very good. And as you already know I am Betty. I am the project manager for today. So why don't we look at the presentation to see what we really are supposed to do. Um. Yes y opening, acquaintance, tool training well, the tools are, I think, we already I guess the tool is really our the computer, as far as I can see. Uh we get ins each of us will get instructions and we'll take it from there. Project plan, that falls under the same heading pretty much. Um, I don't think we have any great discussion at this point. Um. Here is what this thing should be. This thing we are gonna um uh design is a new remote control. Uh should be original, trendy, and, of course, user friendly. So maybe you wanna make some notes of that. Okay? All right. Here is what the functional design is supposed to achieve. Um. That is it's gonna be individual work and then at the meeting we'll discuss what uh we have come up with. The same goes for the conceptual design, there will be individual work whic and then discussion afterwards. Detailed design, same thing basically. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I can't write with this thing. Yes. Yeah, okay. All right? Then, tool training try out the white board, participant can draw their favourite animal. Does anybody want to go and see how the white board works? So that in case we have to, in the next meeting, present something on the white board. You wanna go Eileen and Whether you without hanging yourself. And remember you have to press so it works. Mm-hmm. Fat, a fat cat. Okay. And you're Francine, right? Would you like s like just to see um how it feels, so that you have a little idea? In No, no. No, that's okay. I don't know, we'll get to that later. Okay. Okay. Here's the project finance uh which, of course, we all have to think about when we design this thing. Um selling price is supposed to be twenty five Euro. Uh profit aim for the company is fifty million Euro, the market range unlimited meaning international and the production cost should not exceed hopefully should be less than twelve fifty Euro. Mm-hmm. So these are all things, of course, to remember with the budget and when you design to materials, cost, etcetera. Now, uh the discussion I guess is um does anyone of you have experience with remote control? I exp I s 'cause we we use 'em we use 'em, right, everyday. And um now having used a remote control for years does anybody already have like an idea like things you didn't like with it, things you would like to change, things you would like to improve with this thing ye any first ideas? Would you like it to be smaller, bigger, have more have more buttons on it or maybe clearly better marked buttons, you know, things like that? Small, right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So it should be a multi-functional uh gadget that would um control all your household uh uh machines basically. Well. It should be something new it should be s it it should do something different than than just what we have. Now, of course, the other thing to think there is maybe the design. Like trendy no like f for earlier we saw maybe it should be something trendy you know. Maybe it should different colours or materials or you know. Um so yeah shapes right, you know, like kidney shape feels better in your hand or something, you know. Yeah. Yes. That is true, because they put a newspaper or they put it behind a plant or, we you know, whatever. And and they suddenly the phone rings and they want to turn the T_V_ off and they say, where the hell is my my remote control yeah? Well or yeah or if it's really, if it's really in a dark spot that it gives out a a sound or a signal. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So if lost If lost uh signal with b throw signal, you know. Exactly, I mean just that's what I'm saying. I'm just saying throw signal meaning just whether it's a beep or whether a light or Okay, my my idea is maybe that the minute it's really hidden, in in other words if it's like in a dark spot, uh meaning you know like a newspaper is on top, a sweater is on top or it it's behind a plant, at that moment it's it's like, it's like um, what you call it a light s sensors, you know? In in that moment it has a sensor, i it it gets a certain darkness, it ge has a sensor and it gives out a signal whether that be a light signal or a beep, I mean, that we can discuss that later, you know. That's right. You know there would be right you have to have some kind of sensor and I I think uh voice or clapping it's not specific enough. Uh I know there are the lamps and stuff, you know, you can clap on and off, but I think they only work to certain degree and What with Oh yeah well, but then those people we can't help everybody. Okay we have uh yeah, we have to move along, but I think we have some good good points to start with here. Okay, the next meeting will be in thirty minutes. I think you all did you get uh notices on your computer for this? Okay so well, you got the notice um uh. The working design, I guess that's the function I_D_ uh who is this? The industrial designer That's you. Okay. So, we looking for a working design when we come back. Then And then the technical funct you are the technical function, so so you are the working design. So you have a working design and then a functional design. And the marketing manager is coming up with some user requirement specification, like friendliness, and what we just discussed in general. That would be your idea. And, of course, price. That it, that it, that the price is a good price. I mean, the price is given, but, that was That's right. That's right. And, you know, specifi you you will get specific um instructions for that. I think that's the end of the show. Yeah. So um we have well, we have a twen two two two three minutes. Um any questions at this point? Or uh suggestions? I think basically basically you will get instructions to work with and if you have any questions uh, uh I guess, you can uh Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Then uh we see you in about thirty minutes. And see what we can come up with. Okay? Speaker B: Okay. I think so. Yeah, that's a good plan. And I'm a marketing person. I wanna figure out how to sell them. My name is Eileen. Okay. Mm-hmm. No. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay so Three different types of design that we're gonna be concerned with okay. Functional, conception and detailed. Maybe we should redesign it. After we've finished the remote control we'll get to that. Okay, I'll see what I can do. See if I r See if I remember how to draw a kitty cat or a rabbit or something. So that it will record okay. Um uh um traditional kitty cat. I've a very fat cat. And it likes to sit like that. Okay. Am I supposed to wipe off that or okay. Okay. Uh, okay. I hope the kitty cat is hungry 'cause I don't like snakes. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm 'kay that should keep everybody on their toes and challenged. Profit. Um is fifty mm. Oops. At um twelve fifty Euros per Well who knows if we get a really good designer maybe we can do that. We certainly can try to I agree with her that to market something successfully it should do some more things. That's right. Yeah okay, friendly shape, that would help. I think another thing that would help is um if it beeps when you clap, because I think one of the big things that happens is people lose them. They can't find it. Mm-hmm. So some Uh so, so it's really the beep or, or a light should blink. Mm 'kay. And do you think a good c c um clue for that is that it would respond to a clap or it would respond to your voice or it would respond what what should you have to do to make it beep or blink? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay so Okay. So the light sensor would activate the signal. Mm-hmm. But it could be someplace really obvious and you still wouldn't be able to find it. Well, because you're s because you're silly. Because people are silly. I mean it could be on well, i if it were like on top of your bookcase and you usually kept it on the coffee table um, you know, well maybe we have to move along, okay. Mm-hmm. We have to justify that price by having sufficient features to make it sell at that price. Mm. Okay, I think I have enough to think about 'til our next meeting. How about you people? Really? Okay. 'Kay. Alright, well uh Okay, very good. Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, my name is Francina. And I'm uh an user interface my role is uh the main responsibility is user interface. And my role is to design uh a television remote control. Yes, I'm Francina. Yes, sure. No, Okay. What should I draw? I'm going to draw a snake. How does it look like? Yes. Yeah, I Yes, I I feel that all the remote should be very compact. Yeah, those which we get here nowadays it's very long. And um and it should have multi-purpose. Like uh the remote control which we use for T_V_, it shou uh it should be used f uh for some other purpose also, like controlling the uh temperature inside the house or for air-conditioners, or for heating system. Yes, exactly Yes. Yes. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, design should be, yeah it should be different. All the almost all the remotes Yes, exactly. Are different shapes. Yes. Yes. Or a b Should ha A fluorescent signal, yeah. Yes. Yeah. And uh Yes. Then, in that case Yes. Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yes. Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. Uh I'm Jeanne-Oui. Um uh my role is industrial designer and my responsibilities are uh uh um deal with the technical-functional designs and specifications of user interface and dealing with user interface design. Snake. Yeah, of course, using remote control. Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Yeah. Audio player. Oh. Okay. Hmm. Divides us Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Yeah, maybe ten I do yeah, colours and al shapes also. Yeah. Yeah of course yeah. Yeah. Yeah, some beep or something like that, so that we can go Yeah. Yeah, maybe it should have a light so that we can, we can just recognise where it is. Yeah, yeah. May not be beep. Beep or uh it's a light, maybe it's a light. Yeah, probably yeah, probably it's a yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, of course, that didn't I i we can't do it. Yeah, good point. Me yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's functional de yeah, exactly, technical. Yeah. Uh working design, yeah, it's it's uh mainly technical-functional design. Yeah, functional design, and you Yeah. Yeah, even I have. Yeah, even I have, I think, yeah. Yeah, so let's see. Hmm. Yeah.","Uh I think the first thing we do is introduce ourselves and everybody's name and what your function is ? Yeah , my name is Francina . And I'm uh an user interface And I'm a marketing person . My name is Eileen . Yeah . Uh I'm Jeanne-Oui . Um uh my role is industrial designer And as you already know I am Betty . I am the project manager for today . This thing we are gonna um uh design is a new remote control . Uh should be original , trendy , and , of course , user friendly . That is it's gonna be individual work and then at the meeting we'll discuss what uh we have come up with . Here is what the functional design is supposed to achieve . The same goes for the conceptual design , Detailed design , same thing basically . Then , tool training try out the white board , participant can draw their favourite animal . You wanna go Eileen and And remember you have to press so it works . Here's the project finance Um selling price is supposed to be twenty five Euro . Uh profit aim for the company is fifty million Euro , the market range unlimited meaning international and the production cost should not exceed hopefully should be less than twelve fifty Euro . now having used a remote control for years does anybody already have like an idea like things you didn't like with it , things you would like to change , things you would like to improve with this thing Yes , I I feel that all the remote should be very compact . And um and it should have multi-purpose . Like uh the remote control which we use for T_V_ , it shou uh it should be used f uh for some other purpose also , like controlling the uh temperature inside the house or for air-conditioners , or for heating system . At um twelve fifty Euros per Well who knows if we get a really good designer maybe we can do that . It should be something new it should be s it it should do something different than than just what we have . Yeah , design should be , yeah it should be different . Maybe it should different colours or materials or you know . I think another thing that would help is um if it beeps when you clap , Well or yeah or if it's really , if it's really in a dark spot that it gives out a a sound or a signal . maybe it should have a light so that we can , we can just recognise where it is . and I I think uh voice or clapping it's not specific enough . The industrial designer That's you . Uh working design , yeah , it's it's uh mainly technical-functional design . so so you are the working design . So you have a working design and then a functional design . And the marketing manager is coming up with some user requirement specification , like friendliness , and what we just discussed in general . Then uh we see you in about thirty minutes . I think basically basically you will get instructions to work with" 7,"Speaker A: Hello. Dang it. Alright. What? I've got a touch-pad. Do you know how how I can wake it up? No, my laptop. You with your brilliant ideas. I don't know if I can touch the power button. Do you know how how I can wake it up? Oh. Come on, move it. Now, wake up, bitch. Yeah, so did I. I closed it. That wasn that wasn't very smart, I guess. Come on. Get back to me. Yes. I closed it. No, I didn't restart it, I just closed it. Yes. Alright. Great. Thanks. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes. Nobody, I guess. Format. You know, I thought of that actually. Yeah. Its simplicity. Yeah, whatever. I'll go next. Thanks. I haven't got a favourite animal too, so Oh. What should I draw? Thank you, I'll draw a penguin. Yeah. I'll draw a penguin. Whatever. I can't draw, so you can start to laugh already. Whatever. Something like that. Come on. Mm hmm hmm, orange. Whatever. Oh, it's better than your bird. Everything's better than your bird. Whatever. Hey, it's blue. No. Whatever. Um, I like its ugliness and uh Yeah, whatever. The way it walks or whatever. Your turn. Drawing. Or a line. I mean a bird. Hmm. It's a handicapped cat. He's crying because it's ugl because of his ugliness. I wouldn't call it training, but Alright. I don't th I don't think the four of us got problems with remote controls, but if you see elderly people, all these buttons, and then they buy new T_V_ because their previous one was stolen or whatever. And then a totally different remote control with with different functions on different places, and half of the functions a are removed, or whatever. Uh, so I think what we need is is a clear uh remote control with uh grouped buttons, you know. All th all the buttons which apply to the text functions in in one uh Well, one area or whatever, not like the button to enter text on top of the remote control and the button to um, yeah, to minimise it to this this or whatever o o other functions totally somewhere else. I think we should group them. And same for the for the volume buttons and the the t Well I was I was thinking uh since a T_V_ is uh mostly used together with a V_C_R_ or D_V_D_ player or recorder, and not with a stereo, I think it should be good to include functions for V_C_R_s and D_V_D_ players, recorders. Yeah. I don't know. Hi-fi set is uh not often used uh as I know of in combination with television. Yes. Yes, it is only for television, but uh Well well we we're gonna brainstorm about that. If we think it's useful, we do it. That's right. It's a television remote control. But I was thinking since it is useful with D_V_D_ Yep. Yeah, also no one's gonna buy it. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, way too high. Yep. Well that's an idea of course, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, what the market wishes. Yeah. You just got a message. And it said uh five minutes, so we got four and a half. No. He's the whatever. Team Leader. He is the whatever. Yes. Project joc project documents is for showing uh on the white-board. Yeah. Yes. Alright. Okay. Yeah. No. I don't think so. Yes? Great. Yeah. Good luck. I will need it. Speaker B: I've lost my screen. Uh Yes. I closed the No. Yes. Antek. 'Kay. I'm going to draw a cat. I don't know why, but a cat is a very uh smart animal. And you can have them at home. Which is not as the case with uh with bingwings and Ye yes, yeah. It's not very uh very good drawn, but you can see a cat from it. It's Ah, it's not scared. He's crying but Uh it's i most cats are small. You can handle them. Yes. Yes, Yes, that's uh something extras. Yeah. Only the experts. Uh, to go with to go with fashion and Team Leader. No. Oh. Speaker C: And then you have to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot. It's important to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot over here. No. Yeah. Try the power button. Huh. Yeah, my name is name. Yeah? Everybody's ready? Great. Well, welcome to the kick-off meeting. I uh forgot to put my name over here, it's uh it's Martin. Uh, so you all know. Well, this is the agenda for today. Well, the opening is what I'm doing right now. Uh, we gonna do some acquaintance acquaintance things. Uh give some um examples of the tool training, project plan discussion and the closing. We have twenty five minutes. Okay, the project aim is to design a new remote control. Uh, some of the oje objectives are that is has to be original, trendy, and user-friendly. So now we all know what our goal is. Um, I oh forget I forget the whole acquaintance part, but we we all know each other. We all know each other's names. Joost, Guido, Antek. Okay. I think we uh al already uh been through that part. Okay, it consists of uh three levels of design. Uh we begin with the functional design, then we go to the conceptual design and the detailed design. Every uh level of design consists of some individual work, and we uh close it with a meeting. You all received an email with a example of our explanation of what uh the particular level of design uh means to the different uh functions, and uh you p you probably read that already, so I don't have to tell you about that. Okay, first we're gonna um uh gonna try some different things with the tools we have over here, so you get acquainted with these uh um uh meeting tools. We have the smart-boards, uh the thes those two boards. This is the presentation boards, wh which one I'm using right now. You can uh um there's a document folder called um the sh shared document folder. You can upload your uh documents to that folder and then you can open them over here, so you can do your PowerPoint presentations on this screen. We also have the white-board. Uh, we're gonna skip through th No, no. Just on the on the screen over there. Oh, no. Probably is, but I don't know if the software is on the laptop. Is is if it's mainly a thing for in the meeting, so I don't think it's I don't know if it's important. This an explanation of the smart-boards. There is a tool-bar over here. It's quite simple. You have the the pen function, eraser function. It's like a very simple uh paint application. Uh, we well, we use the same file during uh the whole day, and uh you can make new sheets by uh by pu puttin pressing on the blank button. It works like this. Oh. If pen is selected, yes. Oh, no no. It's not But it is pen. It's not working like a pen yet. Huh. Huh. It's doing some stuff now. So you can use a pen. You can use an eraser. And you can make new uh fi uh new blanks, and you can change uh the line width and the colour of the pen by pressing on forward, which y you have to select pen format. And then select current colour or line width. So, it's quite easy. Uh well, now you're all uh acquainted with the different tools. Right, we're gonna try out the electronic white-boards. Uh, every participant should draw his favourite animal and some of its favourite characteristics, on blank sheets with different colours, with different pen widths. Uh, I'll start off then. I'll use this uh same sheet. Alright. Oh, let me think. Different colours. Oh. Well, I'm gonna draw um a p piranha. Uh, a fish. Uh. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna use some different colour now. Some a little white. Looks like a fish. Think it is. Oh. Oh. Uh, colour. This is black? I think so. Oh. Oh, this is just uh useless uh drawings but Oh teeth. I need teeth. Well, they're not supposed to be green, or whatever colour this is. Okay. What was uh I have su to sum up its favourite characteris Well, I like its uh sharp razor sharp teeth. Plus, uh the the big uh forehead and uh a small uh, well a small actual face. And I like its overall uh aggressive look and Well, that's what I like about uh piranha. I think that's kind of what uh the intention should be. Well, who wants to be next? You go, Guido? Okay. Uh, make a new sheet. Uh, it's by pressing on blank. Yep. Yep. And uh so in the format menu you can choose the different uh colours and uh pen widths. Well, tell us something about uh your favourite characteristics of these uh particular birds. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. No, uh it's clear. N no no. We get your point. Okay. Who wants to be next? Oh. I'll do so. Okay. Well, you can have a piranha at home. Huh. I don't think uh I don't think uh Darwin would agree with that.. Okay. What do you like about it then? Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, and then we are uh through the tool training, I guess. Okay, this is uh something about the project finance. The selling price of our remote control is gonna be twenty five Euros. And our profit aim is fifteen million Euros. We're very ambitious on this one. The market range is international, so it's gonna be sold world-wide, and the production cost should be a maximum of twelve Euro fifty per remote control. So that's clear. Yeah? Okay, we're now gonna discuss some stuff when well, we're gonna brainstorm about uh what kind of kemoro romo remote control it's gonna be. Uh, well tell me about your experiences with the remote controls. Do you have uh know what good experiences with remote controls? Or do they annoy you sometimes? Are they difficult to understand, or maybe they don't interact with different kind of uh equipment very well? Yeah, okay. Okay. Different functions of of uh Okay. Yeah. Okay. And uh, is it gonna be a remote control that's um what it can be used for different kind of equipment, like your T_V_ and your home stereo? Uh Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But uh, the D_V_D_ players and home cinema sets often double as stereo hi-fi sets probably. It's what, from my experience. Okay. But we gonna Oh, it is only for televis So wha what What wha what uh what document But, where where did it uh Where did you find that? Oh, okay. Yeah, but most television remote controls support other functions as well. So we can No, we have to think about that. Okay, uh but uh we've gonna put some a uh is is it so user-friendliness, is a is a pri priority in this case, or Okay. Well, this the maybe is uh some aspect of the uh, or or some point at at which we can excel by making it very useful. That w Well, then you're you're the usability uh man, so this uh gonna be a very important task for you then. Okay. Well, other ideas? How can we make it trendy or something? Do uh by just sh shape and the look of it? Maybe a can opener underneath it? I don't know. Or someth something special, like uh M_P_ three player inside of it, or uh Oh, well then the production costs are gonna be too high probably. Okay. Maybe with different type of fronts or uh Well, m has to be something spectacular or uh one which makes it We gonna skip back to the goals probably. Uh, original, trendly, and user-friendly Well, we al also already talked about user-friendliness. No, well something trendy and original, well that that goes hand in hand I guess. When something is original, it tends to be trendy, probably, or we should make it combination of that. 'Kay, so you the um technical part of the process is something you're gonna look after for, so you have to think about what kind of uh equipment you want to uh, you know, you want to manage with it. Well, and that's an important part for you then, with gogors regards to the user-friendly part of it. Well, and you uh should look out for what makes it trendy. Well, you know, y like some special feature. Or some Does it does it gets some gadgetness or something. Okay. Well, the closing. Next meeting starts in thirty minutes. Individual, I think so. The the Industrial Designer will w or the working design, of course, we will uh Already s said that. The User Interface Designer is it a User Inter User Interface the technical functions design. And the Management Expert of uh the Marketing Expert. User requirements specifi Well, this one was already clear to us. Specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. I don't know how much time we have left. Oh, not many I guess. We started at twelve. Oh, and what does it said? W Okay, well um No, we're uh ahead of schedule then. Yeah, close it. I'm gonna make some minutes or take some minutes. And uh it's it's clear you can put the stuff in the project documents presentations. You can all Or we're all uh Yeah. Yeah, but we're all familiar with uh uh Microsoft PowerPoint, are we? Yeah, okay. I'm gonna wri uh write some stuff down and then we're ready. Or we can leave already I guess. or uh or sh or should we uh or is important that we leave at exact uh Okay. Yes. We'll see each other in uh thirty minutes. Yeah, good luck. Speaker D: Okay. No, that's okay. Joost, your mouse. No mouse needed? Mm. A touch-pad? Slap it. Is Um F_ five. F_ five. I don't. You've got your name. Hope it working. Never close your laptop. Yeah. Okay. What is your name? Antek Ahmet. And Joost. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Can we see the white-board on our laptops? No, I saw I saw the file, the smart-board that X_B_K_ but Okay. With that pen? Mm. Mm. Little bit slower. piranha. Okay. Oh. Yellow Hmm. Different. Okay. I will try. Yeah. I will try. Uh Blank? Okay. Then pen again? Okay. Okay, um control. Uh Ah, purple. Um, I don't know what my uh favourite uh animal is, but the easiest animal I can think is is a bird. Uh I will That's my bird. Yeah? Isn't it quite it's a little bit light. Uh, another colour maybe. A red one. A small one. Uh, line width. Two? Three. Oh that's okay. That's another one. Ano Uh uh it's a Yeah, it's uh the most simple uh animal I know, I think. Um, I don't know. Maybe because uh there's there's some s uh free uh maybe in the sky or something like that. Maybe a little bit. Yeah. I don't know. So more uh birds? Okay, okay, okay. M Pictionary. A cow. Okay. Yeah, it's little bit hard. Orange, of course. Uh yeah. Yeah. True. A little bit. Yeah. Don't mess with my birds, yeah. cat. Okay. Okay. Hmm. Different. Yeah. But isn't it It's only for television, I thought. Not I thought it was only for television. So so we probably don't have to have to uh have the functions for D_V_D_ player or V_C_R_. Uh, in the email. I thought it said uh Yeah, television remote control. True. Yeah. True. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. True. Oh my God. Okay. For the bear. Uh I I uh, no I think it Uh, I th I think yo we have to keep it simple, to get a whole market. It's international, so we have to use a standard. Hmm. Use friendly. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Interface d Oh, I don't I didn't get a message. Oh, the Project Manager. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I don't think Oh I will need it.","Do you know how how I can wake it up ? I've lost my screen . Uh Never close your laptop . Well , welcome to the kick-off meeting . Well , this is the agenda for today . examples of the tool training , project plan discussion and the closing . Okay , the project aim is to design a new remote control . Uh , some of the oje objectives are that is has to be original , trendy , and user-friendly . Um , I oh forget I forget the whole acquaintance part , but we we all know each other . Uh we begin with the functional design , then we go to the conceptual design and the detailed design . Every uh level of design consists of some individual work , and we uh close it with a meeting . Okay , first we're gonna um uh gonna try some different things with the tools we have over here , so you get acquainted with these uh um uh meeting tools . This is the presentation boards , wh which one I'm using right now . there's a document folder called um the sh shared document folder . so you can do your PowerPoint presentations on this screen . There is a tool-bar over here . It's like a very simple uh paint application . and uh you can make new sheets by uh by pu puttin pressing on the blank button . and you can change uh the line width and the colour of the pen by pressing on forward , Right , we're gonna try out the electronic white-boards . Uh , every participant should draw his favourite animal and some of its favourite characteristics , Well , I'm gonna draw um a p piranha . Uh , a fish . And uh so in the format menu you can choose the different uh colours and uh pen widths . but the easiest animal I can think is is a bird . and then we are uh through the tool training , I guess . Okay , this is uh something about the project finance . The selling price of our remote control is gonna be twenty five Euros . And our profit aim is fifteen million Euros . The market range is international , so it's gonna be sold world-wide , and the production cost should be a maximum of twelve Euro fifty per remote control . well , we're gonna brainstorm about uh what kind of kemoro romo remote control it's gonna be . I don't th I don't think the four of us got problems with remote controls , but if you see elderly people , all these buttons , and then they buy new T_V_ because their previous one was stolen or whatever . Uh , so I think what we need is is a clear uh remote control with uh grouped buttons , you know . And uh , is it gonna be a remote control that's um what it can be used for different kind of equipment , like your T_V_ and your home stereo ? Well I was I was thinking uh since a T_V_ is uh mostly used together with a V_C_R_ or D_V_D_ player or recorder , and not with a stereo , I think it should be good to include functions for V_C_R_s and D_V_D_ players , recorders . I thought it was only for television . So so we probably don't have to have to uh have the functions for D_V_D_ player or V_C_R_ . Yeah , but most television remote controls support other functions as well . Or someth something special , like uh M_P_ three player inside of it , or uh Okay . Maybe with different type of fronts or uh I'm gonna wri uh write some stuff down I'm gonna make some minutes or take some minutes . The the Industrial Designer will w or the working design , of course , The User Interface Designer the technical functions design . And the Management Expert of uh the Marketing Expert . User requirements specifi We'll see each other in uh thirty minutes ." 131,"Speaker A: 'Kay. It's perfect. Where? It's here. Okay. Yeah. 'Kay. I have slides. Ah, that is three. Product prod Yep. Okay. Okay. So, this is our product or prototype. This is made by clay. Yeah. Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red. Yellow is uh our company colour, uh red it's uh is more attractive. So we used two basic colour, yellow and red. And the shape, there's two basic shape. The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece. It's we call it a mushroom design. It's looks like some mushroom, so we call it mushroom design. So this is a introduction of our product. Next a mo Okay, yeah, so next slide. So there are several key features of our pr prototype. The first is that it is fuzzy. I'm sure this would be the unique design the market. Yeah, so it's a fuzzy design, and a unique design. Um, and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection. In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle, so we can turn this ball to t to select channel. So it's quite convenient for user to use it. Yeah, s okay. Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base. Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable, so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it. So it's v Um, you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button. You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom, so Yeah, everything's mushroom. Mush Mushroom design, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, th that's why if you put it in the table, be careful, somebody will eat it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, no this our only two slides. Yeah. So we cut it to see. Okay. So where's the battery battery? Base. Here? Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, the shape is unique, and the colour So it depend on how d do you define fancy. Uh so, my mush. Mm. Yeah. Hmm. Uh, for turn turn the ball. If you want to turn the ball, it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel. Uh. Ah, it's embedded, your microphone. Th this th th there's two two functions. This is microphone array Okay. 'Kay. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, this is microphone array, in fact. There four microphone. So they they they they there's a microphone array. Yeah, yeah. So you can capture voice yeah, you c Yeah, so you can capture s voice from different directions. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, it's very easy. You can use this in this way. Yeah. Th this is the base. So you can turn to change the channel. You just tu turn d d Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. I if y uh if it depend on the the angle you turn the I if if this is a channel one. So it c it could be channel two, channel three, channel four, channel five. So change. Yeah. Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the by three hundred thirteen degree. So you got how many degree you you it No no, you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop, the the turn, then the angle you stop is the angle you is the channel you It's it's very easy, because you kn you know how many channel are there in the Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can do it. I think so I think so you can do it. I think so, you can just change. There's uh also a number, you know. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And also you can, if you i You ca you can turn this. Or you ca you can you can also turn this. For this you can tune it's for tune. You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two, you you skip this. If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this. It's like fine, from coarse to fine. This is coarse, this is fine. So it's coarse to fine design. Yeah. Yeah is is this is, from one channel to maybe to ten channel. This is from one channel to Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah, agree, agree. Uh w w what do y what uh you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller? I think it's easier than traditional controller. If you use traditional controller you have to put a button, but now you don't have to put button, you have you just turn the turn the ball. There's two kind of balls, the smaller the the the so you can c you can c you can control the scale. But in the traditional controller, how do how can you control the scale? Yeah, yeah, yeah, y you you can do it, but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here. Yeah, this function is just for your browsing, from one channel to th the next one, the next s sn s, the th the third one. Yeah, yeah. Y one to ten, ten to twelve, uh ten to t uh twenty. Ten to twenty and this one, t one two three four five six, like this. Uh there's different scale, so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc Mm-hmm. I i this is just a base. You can just Yeah. You use your y So th this is a d next generation controller. Yeah. Okay okay, okay. Four. Okay. Okay. Three? Trois. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. The solar cell is too expensive. Mm. Yeah, we have four. Five. No. No no. No no no, it Okay. No. We have change the electronics to from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip. Oh. We have to delete the the sample sensor, I think. Yeah it's the one it's m maybe we ha we have two versions, the first version, the basic version. Advanced version we have speak. Plastic is free. Wait. We we can we can we c yellow. How about we change the sale? Ah we have one Okay. Okay. Agree. Cou could we have look Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost? Okay. So let's say Wha what yeah. Which part is the most expensive part? Yeah, I think it's not t t Cheaper. Okay. Yes. Of course. This is my job. Yeah, it's uh it's good, to to create a control instead of a computer. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um Yeah yeah it's flat, yeah the shape is very boring. Could we come up with new T_V_ with such as this kind of T_V_? So you can you have base, triangle base so you the T_V_ you can Yeah. Yeah. Because the T_V_ you also Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. And you can celebrate your leadership. Yeah. Yeah, it's your job. Sell it. Yeah. Okay and the twelve fifty twelve uh twelve Twenty five Euros, yeah. Twenty five Euros. No, it's not so expensive. Okay. Okay. Mm. So we have to give a So we have give him give it a cute name. Mush mushroom controller. Pa Pine apple. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Twenty five Euro. Okay. Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_ so so you need to buy one. Okay. Traditional one? Yeah. So this one and this one. What do you choose? What do you choose? Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So buy one. Yeah. Prototype, yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Speaker B: Your judgement it's is biased. So, we are So let's go for our detailed design meeting. So I will still play the role of the secretary, and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer, David Jordan, and our Industrial Designer, Baba. So we'll have to evaluate the uh your proposed remote control, and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost. And in case if we're we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control, we'll evaluate the um production. So maybe I will let the our two designers talk about so their You have s oh, sorry. Oops. Looks strange. Okay. Genetically modified mushroom I will say, but keep on speaking. Oh. Maybe, I hope so. Chan Yeah, okay, but don't touch don't destroy your prototype. Everything's mushroom. So we can call our remote control the mushroom. Okay. Oh. Fruits and vegetables. Vegetables. Mushroom is a vegetable. It's vegetable. So th it's something eatable. Next slide. Mm-hmm. In the base. In the basement. In the basement. And where is the solar solar cell? Where is the solar cell? Oh. Do you think it won't be It won't cris increase the price? Okay, we'll see after. We will have first to so, mister money, what's your opinion according to this remote control? Mm-hmm. Maybe if you change if you take the buttons out, and maybe do things like that It would be bet more like a lemon? Yeah. Looks like more fruit. Maybe a pineapple? And you know, you have the finger here, with the buttons? It looks more like a pineapple. Sorry. What's the use for that? And where is the voice recognition? Okay. Okay. Is it better like that? Looks okay, let's say it's a pineapple now. It looks like a now you took it. It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top. Mm uh Seven is the ma the maximum? Three, I will say three. Isn't it bitter like that? Feasible? You said previously that you there's um microphone inside an Oh. Okay, and you have the there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments? And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative? We have tactile buttons. Oh, yeah. Maybe two? Two? I would say two. You agree? It's better like that, isn't it? Okay. Oh, ok I understand. You take take the remote, so and you can turn like that to change the channel? I think it's quite easy to so s zapping, but maybe it will be too fast. Yeah, you have a, like that, and so on. Oh yeah. Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go Mm-hmm. Yeah, but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other, so you're passing through all the channels. So, when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's you've decided to go to channel twenty, so you can say channel twenty, or channel four, because you really want to go on this channel. But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do, you can turn it. Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting? Seems to be good. Good choice, mister David Jordan. yeah, what's what's this cherry? Okay. Yeah, th you have the vocal commands. On off. Most of the time you have the yeah it's a sleeping remote control. That's true. W that why we have the solar ti yeah. So three. Do you agree? Three? And what's your opinion? It's not what you said previously. Previously you said that turning this was the fine Fine to coarse. And from ten to ten channels here. Okay. Oh Yeah, no no, no. You can't put it out. It's just your turning from the base. You need to have everything in hand. If you want to turn, you can't use it and turn. It's impossible. You need to put it on and turn. Yeah, but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control. Nobody would take it. So nobody w will lost lose it. S maybe we can change from th Four? Easy to use, four. Gonna say four. Trois. Three. So, th the project is accepted? But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple. If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control. So uh mm mm. Mm. Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation. So as we all agree to accept, under certain conditions, the prototype, we'll have look to the final sh financial view. So we need to calculate the production cost. As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros. And if not if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it. So, just have a look at the okay here is the Excel sheet, so so it has the energy source. We have hand dynamo. No, we don't use that. We have battery, right? Kinetic, we don't have it, I suppose, but we have solar cells. Um, how many do y do you need, solar cells? Do you think one would be enough, or such as as number of branches? Three? So, electronic. Single simple chip on print? Just one would be necessary? One? Zero for the others. And sample sensor, sample speaker. One? As we have voice recognition, I think. So the case. Okay, just keep on going, just to have an idea. Well uh yeah, but what what about case? Uncurved, flat, single curved, double curved. I think it's more like double curved. One? Uh wood? Uh do we need special colour? Y maybe, two? We have two special colours. Push button. Okay. Scroll wheel. We don no. It it's more like integrated scor. Yeah, maybe two scroll wheel, as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel. So, no button supplements? Okay. Okay we I think we have problem. I think we s if we keep on adding things so we have to Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one? Has it changed. Okay. Yeah, but we have you the the voice recognition, no? Okay. Or it would be better. So, do we need special colour? Because we have red. Red and yellow. I think so we need if we try to have a kind of pineapple bee. Yeah. An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button. And I think this is one. Integrated scroll wheel push button. So we'll we have only one? And push button. So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button, it's uh Something flat. S uncurved. Yeah, maybe not. Yeah. Mm. Nearly. Maybe don't bat no battery, only solar cells. I think there's a problem with the push push button. We only need maybe just one. Just one. Yeah. So yeah, you will have So one button, and s scroll wheel with push button on it. So So, yeah. It think we we've done good job, as the cost is twelve fifty e Yeah, but it's under or equal. It's not written. Sometimes it's under or equal. Twelve fifty. Yeah, I think. I think, yeah. But it would i be interesting for our marketing team, to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative, so. So it's easy to use and powerful, as the remote control a has only one button. Easy, powerful. So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product. Yeah. So Now So So did you enjoy your clay modelling? Yeah? Was it a nice way to create your remote control? And for the marketing guy? And new ideas about new products, maybe, wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow. Yes, just lemon. Squared? Ah, the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control. Oh, that's interesting. You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things. Electronic device. Maybe Yeah, maybe la next year it will be insects. Customable T_V_. Ah such yeah. You've already said mobile phones. Yeah, and following Mm. It's interesting, maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr So I think the costs are within the budget. We're just at twelve fifty Euros. So do you think you can celebrate your creation? Oh, thanks a lot. Thank you, mister David Jordan. The thing now is to to sell it. It's maybe a little bit expensive. Maybe what you can do a test. Put it outside, and if bees come, it's really fruit. But don't put sugar in it, it's not working. Yeah, but the colour, I think the colour is more is most important, because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control. Yeah, but we decided to have something yellow and red, for the costs. So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side, the double R_. So we have the logo, we have the colour, and we have the fashion in electronics, so we have the slogan too. Yeah th no, it's the it's the pineapple control remote control. It's a pineapple now, it has changed. It's a pineapple. Pineapple. With cherry on top. Will you buy one? Try to. Okay uh One thing I like is the shape, because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket, on uh in your jacket. I prefer the laser remote control. No. Oh. Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd can put light inside. Yeah. I think it it would be interesting to just to see if we can if people will buy this one, and maybe add some features to it after yeah. So Champagne, mister Baba. So Okay, I will close this. Mm. So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control and we have a nearly final product. Final prototype, right. So, thank you very much. Very productive. Speaker C: Mm-hmm. So, ready? Sorry, I I um I'm afraid Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything. Okay. Yeah. Uh Yeah, yeah I'm sure. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh like lemon shape, you know, centre is yellow and t d To integrate, you know yeah. I don't think I hope nobody will eat it. You know, to integrate the fruit aspect, you know the the in Really? But Fruit and vegetable, so mushroom was a kind of you know uh Mushroom? Oh, uh I'm not sure. We can it's a veg a kind of vegetable, but you know we we integrated them with different colour. I I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable you know. This, you know, very enlighted colours, you know. And inspired colour and and very sophisticated material, so. And so So what we w what I can add is that, you know he talk about what is outside, so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about, you know, the chip, it is a low level chip, and You know, we don't need to k. You know wi the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i The battery it is under. It is in th in in the base, yeah. In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and I don't think so, but it it's might be okay, so. I it might be okay. So Yeah. So, four point three point five, it means it's acceptable. Oops. I think you have nice colours. I don't The sha the bowl shape people like. Is it really fancy? But it's you have the lemon aspect of this th this this thing. Do Don't do that, please. I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like, so Yeah. Because i Less button. Yeah, but you don't have any button now. That's uh yeah, is that that's a good idea. So that's great. That's great. I have no idea, so. I have no idea what If it is fancy or not. So we can we can say t The colour, is the colour acceptable? So the shape now. It's too much red? In the basement? I will give I will I'll gi I'll give two or three. Three, it's okay. Three, three. Three is fine for me. What other Is it easy to use? Ye uh Embedded. It's a micro array, okay. Oh yeah, yeah. And I think you you've never seen a rou a round remote control, so it is I W Yeah, but I see, you have microphone array embedded. You have That's good. And you have, you know this ki this solar receptor that, you know Yes. Yeah. I think technically it's acceptable, so Yeah. Two, yeah, two. It's it's fine, so. Most Eh, for th the vocal command yes, it's might be easy. But it's just speaking. You just need the command. As a principle. I think maybe if you he If you hear some click Yeah, it would Oh yeah, that's difficult. That's dif that's difficult. Yeah but y how you need to know I I think something that Yeah. And you you can I think you can if you have a scale, so Yeah, it's a bit difficult. I think b but the the vocal command is easy too. You can say fifty and fifty it's okay, so Uh, yeah, and y that's yeah. Yeah. To see uh yeah uh Yeah. And but I'd It is a turn off t turn off button, maybe. Yeah, yeah yeah. That's that's very technologic, so. Yeah. S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates maybe one of the Uh it's k on off, yeah. Yeah, sleeping. To compensate. Yeah. Easy to use, it's very relative but three it's fine, I think, it's reasonable three. Three f three for me, it's o it's okay. Four or three. Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and no and just take the mean. Will you give four? Five? Yeah, so maybe if Yeah but y you know You just push two button, zero and and one. And that's Are there some buttons? Okay. In fact on a flat place You can Oh ye yes, that's right. Oh my God. yeah maybe, maybe may it's the next prototype, maybe we cou Four. Maybe four, it's okay. I'll put four. Yeah, four it's more reasonable. You can you can erase with this er yeah. Yeah, four it's more reasonable, so. So it's nine, nine over three. Oh yeah, it's. It need maybe some wo further work, but it's Yeah, uh s yeah. Might it might be fine. Yeah, b I think Yeah, yeah. That's the finance. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, we have battery. No, um solar cells, yeah. Uh I think in each ball you have three three uh yeah, three, yeah. Three three solar cells. S s simple, simple, yeah. Yeah. Mm. One maybe, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Is it Is sh it Wooden. Is Yes a wooden pl I and that's There's no wood, so plastic just only, I think. Double curve, yeah, double curve. One, you have. But it's yeah, a a rubber uh Yeah, yeah. Y y yeah, yeah. Five? I think that this will be like a scroll wheel, actually. Y you tu you turn you turn it, so Yeah, true. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah. Scr L_C_ display, maybe. Interface. It's okay. fine. Yeah, it was stage one, so. So I think you can transform the wood into plastic, maybe. Because uh it seems that this can be yeah, wood into plastic and it it should be fine. Yeah, red and yellow. Fancy. One. I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons, so we can just, I dunno, try to modify some of them to have yeah. Double curve. We can transform the double curve into single c yeah. F some Single curve. Single curve should be fine, so. Oh, what It's it's a bad idea, so. Two? One. That's fine. That's fine. One s one scroll wheel, so And the vocal chord, it's fine. It I th it's fine. It's fine. It's under or equal. It's fine, so It's fine, twelve fifty uh The solar cells, r is i is it? Yeah, to be able to si to sell it. Yeah, with mi It's it is really really uh really very very expensive, though. Maybe if uh okay. Yeah, yeah. It's easy to use. It's very easy to use. No. We've done it with it is under the if it was low, high or so. So So what are we going to do with this project evaluation? Okay, okay, it's fine. Yeah, I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to from the beginning to the end. And designing, looking at the chips, the solar cells and uh and it was very informative for. Yep. Okay, okay. Yellow. I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after a fruit T_V_ or I dunno. It can be an interesting I don't know Yeah, just a lemon T_V_ it'd be yellow lemon. It's flat, uh Yeah, that's right. It's really boring, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's that would be really interesting, actually. Device devi The fruit? Yeah. Yeah, it's But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after, you know, if the people change their mind you change also the product. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's a yeah, yeah. We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones, you know. Yeah, you customise it every ti so every ti if people change, you just change the appearance, and y y you can keep Yeah, you can keep the global appearan The mood of persons, the fashions uh We int Yeah, T_V_, yeah. A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter, you know, so it's So what i and do w is it Okay. Yeah, the pr at Yeah but I think f it's really a celebrating object. So it's yellow and very a very ha it's very happy, so. Uh it's it's a pr it's like yeah. Yeah, right, go and sell it. Goo and good luck, so It should be fine. Wh really? It should be it should be fine, you know, actually. S I I think I like the the colour a the colour are very good, so actually so It's perfect, and I p is th y the the yellow ball thing that Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ Okay yeah, yeah. That's actually good idea, so It's not a mushroom. It's a pineapple remote controls. Yeah, pineapple remote remote control. Oh, that Oh unid uh unidentified remote control, so That's that's pineapple remote control. I think it's fine. Yeah. Yeah I will try I'll try. I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage Yeah I always lose my Yeah, so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_, so it would be I think I would choose this one because of the colour. It's it's will enlight your house, your home and your T_V_, so. Yeah. Yeah, yeah that would be uh an idea.. Yeah that's that fine. So we can celebrate now. That's our new product. Yes. It's it's fine. It's I like it. Next time. Well, I'll buy one here. Yeah. No? Okay. Okay. Final prototype, yeah, ye yeah. Okay. Okay. S so who is going to take the remote control? Speaker D: No not really. Just Crap. Okay. 'Kay, so whe where is the remote control? Yep. What slides? Yeah. Yeah, because mushroom was not in the trends. I mean there was fruits yeah. Yeah. I don't think it is. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway, so it's fine. No, I mean, yeah yeah. Inspira inspiration is True. But we say uh we sa we said solar. Yeah. I mean, we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about uh we had three keys key points to uh for this remote control design, and first one was uh fancy look and feel. So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale, one being uh no, I think. Uh just let me check. One one being true, and seven being false. Okay. Ouch. So Do we have a fancy look and feel, according to you? But is it Uh I'll agree it's unique, but is it really Yeah I mean, fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look. Yeah. I dunno where the lemon is, but I mean it's not obvious. If I dunno, maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or Yeah. I dunno. Yeah, it's getting Okay. Yeah, that's Wait th that's the second point. First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel. I mean No, the colour is okay, that's fine. I mean it's but I would say there is more too much red. Um if Right. So, from one to seven? No, seven is false and one is true. Three? Okay. Three. Then uh let me The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative. Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno, in the core, or single. Mm-hmm. No, that's good. Yeah. Yeah, th that's another really good point. Maybe okay. So using the same scale, two? Okay. Now maybe the most critical one. L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use? Yeah but this this turning can you can you just re explain me the Please. Yeah. Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels? Like if you want to go from Yeah but imagine you y Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to if you wanna jump from, I dunno, one to twenty? How can you go directly to twenty, for example? Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree. But I mean if you're fro from two? Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh We're not talking Yeah. Yeah. How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one? So you you count one degree, two degrees, no. I don't think so. Yeah voc vocal command is okay. But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main And this would be more for browsing, ah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean you're famous. You. Mm. Okay the uh th this looks better. Yeah. Yeah, but it has to be on to recognise fas Ah, that's not the ecological part, yeah. Solar. So, which number? So reasonably, is four, is one? So, three. Uh we wouldn't say, I mean, those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me. I'd like I mean this is the just a prototype. I'm not really convinced it's so easy to use, but I don't know. Yeah. So you have yeah. Uh by pushing zero after after the first one. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, if you're changing your mind. Fine to coarse. Okay. But this this has to stay on the table, right? This has to stay on the table. Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it Just It's Yeah. You know tha that's the weak point, because with a traditional one you just have one hand. Sure. Yeah, you would never you would never lose this one, yeah. Yeah. Four. Uh it's even easier to maybe. Ok Mm. So, average? Three? Okay, so Yeah, especially on the easy to use target. Okay. Mm-hmm. No. So we are all already nineteen. Yeah. That's gonna be double curved, yeah. Rather four buttons. Oh no, interface. Yeah, yeah that's special colours, sure. Yeah tha that's wheel. Yeah. I think the price is okay. Um, no. Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells. Yeah. No y i it did change, but just imagine we have Yeah. Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really Yeah. Yeah, if Yeah. Yeah, that's one of the requirement. We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black. Black then is a regular colour, so. Yeah, one. Yeah. So push button then it's it's the next expensive one. Yeah, thi this might be. Close to. Okay, so what's the bottleneck? Double curved. Yeah, but flat Case, what's the ca And then one Euro left. Um. Um So we have one button, one wheel. It's good they're not charging anything for that. Yeah y actually it's wrong. We're not under twelve Euros and a half. Okay. Okay. Solar cells. Yeah. That's nice argument, but if it's it's still four our of twelve. Yeah. Yeah but we just have one button. Easy. I don't know about powerful. Yeah. Mm. Uh that's what we've just done. Yeah. Um okay. Well I think we have just have to discuss if I dunno. Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings, maybe. 'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards, so it um. Yeah, but just don't trust too much the trends. 'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh. Maybe two years it's dead. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but this is good because it's not a long long life product. T_V_ is more like fifteen years, maybe, so. If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for fifteen years Yeah, yeah. Tha that would that would make it. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. It's party party remote control. Yeah. Uh-huh. Twenty five Euros. Yeah, I think it's It's cheap, yeah. No, I I'm not so happy about the fruit shape, you know. Yeah. No, the colours are uh it's perfect, yeah. True. Uh yeah, another thing is the logo is missing still. Uh Still that was one of the requirements we had. It's yeah but it I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend. It's not the trend. Yeah, but just flying saucer, or I would say flying saucer. It's more appropriate, somehow. Mm. Mm. Yeah but that's going to be expensive, you know. We had some problems going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno. Yeah, afterwards, if if it's a new trend. Okay. We should celebrate. Mm. Yeah. Our final prototype which yeah.","The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer presented their prototype for the remote. The prototype was yellow and red and was shaped like a mushroom. The team then conducted a product evaluation of the prototype. Overall, the team found the prototype to be technologically innovative but had some issues with the prototype's appearance and its usability. The team decided that the prototype required further work. The team then discussed the production costs of the remote and what features they should retain or lose in order to maintain their target cost. In discussing the production costs, the team settled on what features they wanted in the remote, while staying within the boundaries of their budget, and decided it was not necessary to completely redesign their product. The team then engaged in a project evaluation in which the team discussed the process of creating their product." 9,"Speaker A: Right. I'm Manuel and I'm the Industrial Designer in in this project um. In the functional design phase I'm I'll be dealing mostly with the requirements, um we'll discuss what the prog what functions the the product has to fulfil and so and so on. Um I suppose we'll work pretty much together on that one. Um um in the conceptual design um I'll be pro mostly dealing with properties and materials um of our product. And uh the detailed design in the detailed design I'll be concerned with the look and feel of the product itself, um so we're pretty much working together obviously on the design front here. Okay. Mm. Mm, mm. Right. So Mm. Well there are of course certain restrictions, you can't have it be any form and fulfil all functions at the same time, so there are always the some restrictions we have to apply here. Um however um one question is how stable is that thing supposed to be, that refers to the material, pretty much um. What are we gonna build that thing out of? How sturdy is it gonna be? Do we want it to last longer or rather have people whatever, have to buy one every half a year? Right. Right. One problem you'd get with this design is um the ball is a nice idea because of it's stability really, but of course, since it's a ball, it'll roll, so we'd have to have it flat on one side at least, down here somewhere, take away that part. That's one of the big issues. Also also you risk the hinges here. That's that's um a problem. That's that's interesting of course, but that's of course a weak point, yeah. E No no, uh uh. N n Uh, I'm your Industrial Designer, so i b well, the point is that well maybe I dunno. The shape is perhaps not the most ideal. As as stable as it is, there must be a compromise between um stability and design here, so. Mm. Mm. Well with the one-handed design you also have the the problem of the size w 'cause you know from cell phones, they can be too small. So if the remote is too small it if it's small it probably looks better, but may not be th as functional. So for that there's So The question is also, I dunno, d do you really always want to open that thing when you have to use it? It's probably going to lie around opened all the time anyway, so I don't know if a lid is a good idea. From stabil stability point of view uh it certainly is, but also you have to face it and take into account the more of these things break by accident, uh the more we sell. So it's don't make it too stable uh. To the other design. It looks cool. Uh functional. Right. Right. Question is what makes those game pads functional? W I think that's pretty much the form for full hand. So it's a round shape underneath that makes it comfy, right, makes it nice, so that's the essential part. Except for that I think we'll not probably not get a get away from some longer design. 'Cause you also have to know which way around to point this thing. You know, all that dif batteries right, and Batteries go weak as well, so um after a while you have to point it towards the uh towards the equipment you wanna control with it, right? So, have to m show which is the front, which is the back. I suppose you could do that. O of course the more technology you stick in that, the more it'll cost, so. Course you can do that. I mean of course it'll be evident after a while or if you look at it, it'll it'll be evident which way around to point it, since you have the the numbers and the and the the buttons and stuff, but um it's rather about an instinctual thing, like you just grab it, you don't have to s look at it, you know, which way around to point it. Otherwise the design of or the the point of putting two sensors on both sides um would probably work. Mm. Let's. Obviously Alright. Speaker B: Okay. Oh, that's not gonna work. Oh, alright. Okay. Okay. Um alright. I'll just put that there. Uh as you all know we're here to create a brand new fantastic remote. Uh I'm Nick Debusk, I'm the Project Manager. Uh we'll just get started with everyone kind of letting each other know who they are and what you're doing, what your what your role is um. Go ahead. 'Kay. Okay. Um so we've got our opening, our our agenda is the opening, uh acquaintance which we've kinda done. Uh tool training, project plan discussion and then closing. Uh grand total of twenty five minutes we have here. Um so we are putting together a new remote control. Um we want it to be something original. Um of course we're a not only a electronics company but a fashion um conscious electronics company, so we want it to be trendy um and we want it to be easy to use. Um we've got the functional design, conceptual design and detailed design um which basically is is the three of you um. And w uh well um functional design um. Um do we have um any ideas of of maybe d let's just throw out some ideas of what kind of remote control we want to have, and then we can go into how we're gonna design it and and how we're gonna do the detailing on it. So we want it to be um a T_V_ remote or I I mean do we want it to to do other things besides just be a a television remote? 'Kay. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. I I think yeah, yeah, r universal remote. Um this is my first uh go-round with creating a remote control, so I think we're all in the same boat here. Um Okay. So we should we should set our remote control up to where it has a uh like a tracking device or or like a a It makes a noise, there's a button on the T_V_ that you press and 'Kay. Yeah. Do we want so they're kinda like long and rectangular. Do we want something crazy? You know, we want something new that's gonna stand out. A m a modern so our remote should be 'Kay. Um. Okay so yeah, so we want it to be sturdy, we want it to to hold up to somebody's child, you know, throwing it across the room or, as you said, people kinda throw it, so ball-shaped, uh you know, if it were ball-shaped maybe, then it 'Kay. Um so we want it to be modern, fun, sturdy, um So our form and our function. Um we want it to be um easy to find. Um What else it what else do we want it to to do? So we want it to be universal. It's something that we're supposed to sell for about twenty five Euros um and you know, goals for profits are I think somewhere around uh fifty million Euros, what they wanna make on it, so. 'Kay. So marketing, you know, how maybe uh marketing, you could s find out what is the most universally um appealing remote control out there. 'Kay. Um Do you guys have any ideas for what it should look like? Maybe we could draw it up on the on the board over there. Some ideas? We want it to be a b a ball, you know, we'll draw up we'll draw up the ball and maybe th um where the buttons are located. Uh-huh. How would we go about um making you know getting rid of our weak points? What I mean would we just have a flat spot on the bottom of the ball? Not to put you on the spot, but What did you say your title was again? You're the the Industrial Designer. Okay. Yeah. It's not new, it's not innovative, it's you know, everybody does long remote because it's easy, it's it's stable um. So if no, go ahead. Something with a grip. Yeah. Because even I suppose even with the ball it's it might not be the easiest to hold onto um. So perhaps the the joystick the the keyboard idea might work better. But then again, people like to use one hand to flip and one hand to hold their soda, so maybe maybe we I feel like I'm just shooting everything down here. Uh um Yeah. Okay, so unfortunately we've got about five minutes here to come up with our um remote control idea and start rolling with it. Um we've talked about our experiences with remote control and um we've got a couple ideas um. Let's see here. What if we had what if we had not only um say we went with the ball the ball function um, but maybe we give it sort of grips along the side s um to make it easier to hold on to. So you know um s so it's easier to hold onto that way. Course that'll then remove some of our our ball. Unless this unless this part were raised, so say the cover flips over and covers that part. So the grip is No, that wouldn't work either um. But if we're gonna make it flat on the bottom, then that eliminates our ball anyways. So if it were flat on the bottom and then had the sorta grips on the side here I guess, um and then flat uh And then we have the problem with the hinge. So if we're flat on the bottom, it's not gonna roll away, it'll stay where we want. Mm, that's true. So we don't have it flip open. We just have a ball Okay, so then we forget the ball. It looks cool, but it's really not it's not functional um. So we've got our sort of keyboard kind. What if we flipped it around here, so that it were um Sorry, that doesn't look anything like what you had there. Um so it's up and down, you hold it this way. Course then it's it's like the rectangular again, only with a couple of jutting out points. But it's one-handed um. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because it doesn't have a cord, like joysticks do. Is it possible to have it to where it would work with a like a sensor on either side? So that either way you're pointing it it would work. More expensive and yeah. 'Kay. Um True. 'Kay. Are we out of time? Okay, well, just to finish up, should we s go with this plan, start making some Are good ideas, what are not. Uh. Must finish now, so. And then marketing will look and see what uh what people want. Okay. And Project Manager will design a better meeting for next time around, be a little bit more prepared. And uh alright, good meeting. Speaker C: Uh, uh, um. Okay. I am Corinne Whiting and I will be the Marketing Expert and in each of the three phases I will have a different role. In the function design phase I will be talking about user requirement specification, and this means what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, and I'll be doing research to figure this out. In the conceptual design phase I will be dealing with trend watching and I'll be doing marketing research on the web. And then finally in the um detailed design phase I will be doing product evaluation and so I will be collecting the requirements and ranking all the requirements to see how we did. Mm. Huh. Ours too. Mm. Ch Like a tracking device? Mm. Be good. Lot more modern. Maybe like user-friendly, like a little you know, where you can use both hands, like a little keyboard type thing. Mm. Mm. Mm. Also since we're partners of the International Remote Control Association, maybe we wanna make it something that would globally appeal. That's more on the research end, but the marketing. Yeah. And maybe as far as design goes, maybe we could have different ones for different target audiences, 'cause maybe one won't apply to all of the countries we're targeting. Futuristic. Mm-hmm. 'Kay, I'll draw something. What? My idea was just to have it be kind of like a keyboard type shape, you know, like video games l so. But maybe I mean that would be kinda big and bulky. We could also try to do the hinge thing, so it could like flip out that way. I don't know. That's my idea. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. True. Mm. That's fine. You're the boss, you're allowed to. Yeah. Looks cool though. Yeah. Mm. Right. Yeah. Sorry to interrupt, but we have a warning to finish. Yeah. Mm. Great. Speaker D: Hiya, I'm Ryan. Um I'm the User Interface Designer. Um likewise I've three different roles for each stage of design. Um the functional design is looking at the tex technical functions of a remote control. Um in the concept design, the user interface, how the user reacts with the the product. And the detailed design um sort of like the user interface design, what they might be looking for, uh things like fashions, what makes wha how we're gonna make it special. That's about it. Yeah. Yeah. Well uh s function of remote control is just just you know, change channels is its main function. Oh right. I suppose you c try make it a universal remote for could work on all sort of electrical products in in one person's house. But, you know, they all sorta have the same role changing channels, volumes and then programming. I think they all work on the same prin principle as well sorta like I don't actually know. But is it just infra-red? Is that standard? Ye yeah. Um one thing I thought of with the remote control is you always lose 'em. So if there's a g a way of finding it quite easily, I thought that'd be quite good quite a good feature. Oh you can get those key well you could whistle or make a noise and it'd beep. Yeah. Generally, all remotes are sort of quite similar in their appearance. Just long. Yeah. Black usually. Yeah. I think so. Maybe sorta spherical or something. A ball. Yeah. People I thought maybe, because people always tend to throw a remote control about the place to one another if it was in a ball, and maybe the actual controls are inside or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It could be cased on the outside and t everything could be inside. Ye Small. I'd I could draw sorta the ball idea. My original idea was just simply sort of a sphere, where maybe you this is where it's connected together, and then when you open it out, it could fol it could be maybe flip, like a flip phone, and then when you fold it out the middle Maybe a hinge that'll have to be the strongest part of it. If that if we did use a hinge, or if it was just two parts, and then you'd have just sorta you you you know, your buttons. Thing is inside I think, sometimes remotes have too many buttons, so maybe as simple as possible, um as few buttons inside as possible. Um, I dunno, what's the idea for. Just something maybe if you ha if it had like if some kind of like light or something or lights around it. It's looking a bit like something out of Star Wars at the moment though, to be fair. But yeah. That was that was a sorta simple idea I had and then you know you could about Right, it would almost be like a ball. So that was just just an idea I had. I don't know whether anybody else has other ideas? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe f yeah. Yeah, that's g that's a good idea. Yeah. The idea it didn't have to necessarily be f a hinge, that was just one idea though. Yeah. Well I I suppose that things become design. But I mean i I was trying to think of like the design of others. I can't think of anything other than a long rectangle for remote, maybe small, sort of fatter ones, but there's nothing being done sort of out of left field, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think definitely doing something different is a good idea. I mean maybe design something, that's sort of like uh I suppose not everybody's everybody's hand's the same, but something that would maybe fit in the hand easier. Yeah, with a grip. It still might be hard to it still not the ho easiest thing to hold, yeah. Like yeah. Yeah. It's d yeah. I think it's definitely got to be a a one-handed a one-handed job. Yeah. But then maybe to go back to the to th s something along those things then. Yeah. Put it Even if you designed it in some in a way that you know, isn't a rectangle, but still pointed in a direction that had definite points. So if that's your thing and you got something like that instead, and there's your s you kn you know which way you're gonna pointing it. Um Does it say what does it say for n it says on there what we need to do for the next meeting, I think. T","Uh as you all know we're here to create a brand new fantastic remote . Uh I'm Nick Debusk , I'm the Project Manager . Uh we'll just get started with everyone kind of letting each other know who they are and what you're doing , what your what your role is um . I am Corinne Whiting and I will be the Marketing Expert In the function design phase I will be talking about user requirement specification , In the conceptual design phase I will be dealing with trend watching And then finally in the um detailed design phase I will be doing product evaluation , I'm Ryan . Um I'm the User Interface Designer . And the detailed design um sort of like the user interface design , I'm Manuel and In the functional design phase I'm I'll be dealing mostly with the requirements , um we'll discuss what the prog what functions the the product has to fulfil and so and so on . Um um in the conceptual design um I'll be pro mostly dealing with properties and materials um of our product . And uh the detailed design in the detailed design I'll be concerned with the look and feel of the product itself , our our agenda is the opening , uh acquaintance which we've kinda done . Uh tool training , project plan discussion and then closing . we are putting together a new remote control . Um we want it to be something original . Um of course we're a not only a electronics company but a fashion um conscious electronics company , so we want it to be trendy um and we want it to be easy to use . let's just throw out some ideas of what kind of remote control we want to have , and then we can go into how we're gonna design it function of remote control is just just change channels is its main function . we want it to be um a T_V_ remote or I I mean do we want it to to do other things besides just be a a television remote ? I suppose you c try make it a universal remote But , you know , they all sorta have the same role changing channels , volumes and then programming . I think they all work on the same prin principle as well Um one thing I thought of with the remote control is you always lose 'em . So if there's a g a way of finding it quite easily , I thought that'd be quite good quite a good feature . So we should we should set our remote control up to where it has a uh like a tracking device you could whistle or make a noise there's a button on the T_V_ that you press and it'd beep . Generally , all remotes are sort of quite similar in their appearance . so they're kinda like long and rectangular . Do we want something crazy ? we want something new that's gonna stand out . Maybe sorta spherical or something . A ball . Maybe like user-friendly , where you can use both hands , like a little keyboard type thing . I thought maybe , because people always tend to throw a remote control about the place to one another and maybe the actual controls are inside or something . you can't have it be any form and fulfil all functions at the same time , Um however um one question is how stable is that thing supposed to be , How sturdy is it gonna be ? we want it to to hold up to somebody's child , you know , throwing it across the room so ball-shaped , uh you know , if it were ball-shaped maybe , It could be cased on the outside and t everything could be inside . we want it to be modern , fun , sturdy , It's something that we're supposed to sell for about twenty five Euros goals for profits are I think somewhere around uh fifty million Euros , what they wanna make on it , so . Also since we're partners of the International Remote Control Association , maybe we wanna make it something that would globally appeal . marketing , you could s find out what is the most universally um appealing remote control out there . And maybe as far as design goes , maybe we could have different ones for different target audiences , Do you guys have any ideas for what it should look like ? We want it to be a b a ball , I could draw sorta the ball idea . this is where it's connected together , and then when you open it out , it could fol it could be maybe flip , like a flip phone , Maybe a hinge that'll have to be the strongest part of it . I think , sometimes remotes have too many buttons , so maybe as simple as possible , um as few buttons inside as possible . if it had like if some kind of like light or something or lights around it . um the ball is a nice idea because of it's stability really , Also also you risk the hinges here . That's that's um a problem . so we'd have to have it flat on one side at least , down here somewhere , but that's of course a weak point , yeah . I mean would we just have a flat spot on the bottom of the ball ? The shape is perhaps not the most ideal . there must be a compromise between um stability and design here , so . I can't think of anything other than a long rectangle for remote , it's not innovative , everybody does long remote My idea was just to have it be kind of like a keyboard type shape , you know , like video games We could also try to do the hinge thing , so it could like flip out that way . but something that would maybe fit in the hand easier . I mean maybe design something , that's sort of like So perhaps the the joystick the the keyboard idea might work better . Because even I suppose even with the ball it still not the ho easiest thing to hold , yeah . I think it's definitely got to be a a one-handed a one-handed job . if it's small it probably looks better , may not be th as functional . say we went with the ball the ball function um , but maybe we give it sort of grips along the side s um to make it easier to hold on to . But if we're gonna make it flat on the bottom , then that eliminates our ball anyways . And then we have the problem with the hinge . The question is also , I dunno , d do you really always want to open that thing when you have to use it ? so then we forget the ball . So we've got our sort of keyboard kind . Question is what makes those game pads functional ? I think that's pretty much the form for full hand . So it's a round shape underneath that makes it comfy , Except for that I think we'll not probably not get a get away from some longer design . and Batteries go weak as well , Is it possible to have it to where it would work with a like a sensor on either side ? So that either way you're pointing it it would work . O of course the more technology you stick in that , the more it'll cost , so . but um it's rather about an instinctual thing , Otherwise the design of or the the point of putting two sensors on both sides um would probably work . just to finish up , should we s go with this plan , And then marketing will look and see what uh what people want . it says on there what we need to do for the next meeting , I think . And Project Manager will design a better meeting for next time around ," 100,"Speaker A: Afternoon. Yeah, we had falafel. Mm-hmm. Spongy means it it's like sp But what's your suggestion how we can have some shape like that on the remote? Mm-hmm. Means buttons are in the shape of fruits, buttons are in the frape shape of fruits or something, apple, banana, something like that. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That we can discuss afterwards. Banana. Mm-hmm. I don't th it will be rolling a lot. But it's just a speaker right? It's not a microphone. Mm-hmm. Actually I'm not reading microphone there, so that's why you can all have conversation, it just to speak to you. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. In-house. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah okay, let's go ahead. Stable thing, that's right. To have, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Communicate. It's one way. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's right, yeah. So it's a speech synthesis kind of thing, something has been uh stored and it's just uh spoken out. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's right. That's right. So this is going to be about the component design. So first thing is we need power source for the remote control. So I was of the idea that we can have two kind of power supplies, one is the usual batteries which are there, they could be chargeable batteries if there's a basis station kind of thing and on top of that we can have solar cells, when the lighting conditions are good they can be used so it'll be pretty uh innovative kind. Then uh we need plastic with some elasticity so that if your if the remote control falls it's not broken directly into pieces, there should be some flexibility in t Yeah. So there should we should think of something like that and then it should be double curve. The s science for the ease of handling and there are some other issues why we need double curve. Then controls for the traditionals u traditional users we can have the push buttons so that they don't feel that it's an alien thing for them. Double curve is, you have curves on both the sides if I'm right. So it's symmetrical kind of thing, whatever it is. So, it could be curve, so it could be convex, conve concave, depending on what what we want. So there are flats, there are single curve and there are double curves. These are the three things, and there are different materials, with plastic you can have double curve but with uh certain other materials we cannot have double curve. So there there was uh there were many other materials like wood, titanium and all those things, but plastic is I think is the most appropriate one, it'll bring the cost down and anyway it's Wooden cases Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Is it an e apple which has Banana is more handier as compared to this I think, and to capsicum. Okay, so push buttons for the traditional users so that they don't feel they are alienated, just and a scroll button with push technology for channel selection, volume control and teletext browsing. These are the three scroll buttons which are already available with us in the company and we we can go ahead with that. Yeah, we can go to the next slide. Then uh there are different kind of chips, one one is the basic chip and the regular chip and one an adva advanced chip. So we can have regular chip for control. Pricing is a factor for us, that's why we'll go for the regular chip. And uh regular chip supports speaker support, so this functionality could be used for tracing the mobile phone which has been misplaced. It could be a beep kind of thing. Yes, yes, that's right, it's it's onto the chip, most most probably, not not hundred per cent sure about that. That will be the volume control I think which which a user shou it it should be already pre-defined. It should be whatever will be the case, the chip is always going to be sitting inside. Mm-hmm. Uh, so we can have it at one of the boundaries so that things are slightly better. As or as hearing is concerned, we can have some gap at some place, so that That's right. Okay. Yeah. So these these were the component selection and these things. We can go to the next slide. And uh these were the findings which I I saw with the web web, that user wants to have control more than one device wants to control more than one device from the same remote control, so our T_V_ remote can have little extra things to support additional devices like V_C_R_ D_V_D_ players which are usually attached with the T_V_, because users are like this and they don't want to have one remote control for everything, so with this additional little, we might be having slightly better market for us. Mm. Of fruits. Mm-hmm. Remotes objects, okay. And uh as well as I could see on the web the scroll button is becoming really uh hot thing s and we should have it on the remote. So you're having a basis station. Okay. Your usually your remote sits on that. So you and it's that's why it can have chargeable batteries. Now let's say Basis station is with the thing. It's like a telephone handset is there and the basis station for the telephone hand set is there. So now what user gets additionally he doesn't have to buy batteries, they're rechargeable batteries, so over the period of cor time he'll recover the cost. So you're having the basis station and there is a button, if you press that button wherever the remote it'll start beeping so you know where the remote is. Uh Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Uh this is basis station is nothing more, just it's a wire which is coming from the main cable and uh you're having one socket on which the thing sits. That's right. But all these things are usually in-house so we don't have much problems. So component cost is going to be the least. Anyway, we are not using really advanced technology, L_C_D_ has already been ruled out, A_S_R_ has been ruled out. So it's the basic thing but very trendy and very user-friendly. And Mm-hmm. A yeah, otherwise it'll be mis means you don't get b any feeling then. It's neither a banana nor a And uh going to the last slide. Okay. Okay. Okay, so. Anyway, users'll be so the findings is users'll be very interested in our locator device to find their misplaced remotes. So that was very I thought it's a very good suggestion by everybody. That's it. Yep. Mm-hmm. That's right. The basis station. That's right. There's less space on this to put with the buttons. Uh what about a The base station. Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's right, yeah, we need that, yeah. Basis station. Yeah, yeah. Turbo button. Okay. Uh for the remote? Remotes don't have power on off switch. Okay. S no, that'll be controlled by the those buttons'll be there already, yeah. Means on the remote. Because remote is going to have both the interfaces, scroll as well as buttons. They are not going to cost you much, everything is in-house and now you don't want the traditional users to be apprehensive of this. Oh, yeah. That's that's another issue which I didn't think of. But you know our targets are very high, means fifty million Euros is the profit which we want make. Twenty five. Twelve point five is the profit on one. Uh forty th four. Point point four million? Point four million. In the market. Mm-hmm. For the future prototypes. So meeting's over? Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you. The problem is after all this meeting there is Speaker B: Okay? Good afternoon. Hope you have good lunch. Oh. Nice. And you? Okay. So today is um our third meeting. It will be about the conceptual design uh. If I come back to uh the minutes of the last meetings um. We decided not to go for speech recognition technologies because of some reasons and we are not decided about u the use of L_C_D_ screen on on the remote control because of costs. So maybe we cou wi will be able to clarify this this question to today. Uh at the end of the meeting we should take decision on that point. So I hope uh that your respective pr presentations uh will help us. So each of you have some presentatio presentation to perform um who starts? So marketing. So you are you saved your y your presentation somewhere? So you're four? Which is trend watch. Okay. Mr Marketing Experts. So Mm-hmm. Next slide? Yeah. Okay. Mm. Drawings of bananas. Uh-huh. Well so this is in the next slide certainly. It's not? So maybe you maybe you can display a banana on the L_C_D_. Apple for channel one. Okay. That's a question. Maybe too long. A banana. Okay. Yeah and you you you will not have pla enough a lot of place to put a L_C_D_ on a banana also. Well, you're the Marketing Expert you should tell us if it is too much or not. So So you you you suggest to go f Okay. S so you're simply you're simply looking s to a remote control that looks like a banana with few buttons with only a few buttons. Okay good. So maybe you can go ahead? Okay. Thanks. Um. Okay, I'll give the floor. So you are User Interface guy. So you're three? And it's this one. Go for it. I there's something that I unclear really understanding. Is this a technology that recognize keywords speech keywords? And it's just to, it's just to playback something? Yeah yeah. So this is not s really to do to to do control. Yeah. This is just more like a poi pois yeah. Yeah yeah. So it it's c uh it it it is a uh uh easy uh a fancy thing that you you can bring to we can bring to the remote control that will not have any uh yeah comp completely pointless for the inter for from the interaction point of v point of view. Okay. Yeah yeah. So this is so this is this is much more than tak taking this technology, bringing it to the remote control and using it. So this is out of discussion. So if if if it is something that you can we can bring easily and to put it into the banana remote control No this is mm banana-bando, yeah. Uh then it could be cool yeah. Okay. Okay. It doesn't look like a banana at all. Yeah. But you you can fit i you're saying now you can fit it to Yeah. Mm. It's enough. Switch on. Yeah. Okay. So i it looks like we're going completely to forget about the L_C_D_ thing. I think that No we can we can't use that. We can't use that to to comman co communicate, it's just a thing No. Yeah. Yeah. A good good good thing. You want to g to move to your slides? You're finished? Yeah I think so. Mm-hmm. Mm. Exactly yeah. Oh, good idea. Very good. Okay, let's move on. So you're two? Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm but i but there is no elasticity which could be Yeah but the components inside. Yeah. Very too expensive to do. And also uh Yeah but it's more easier to do a banana in plastic than uh in wood. Well it look like it looks like you are all targeting that yeah? Yes it is. Yeah? Pumpkin. Green. Um um um, yes I see. Pep pepperoni. Poivron. Uh pepper. But um they do d Yeah. Yeah. It's not re it you you think it's really fancy and fun? You think that young people that are Yeah. More than a banana? Yeah. It's kind it's kind of it's more uh it's really ergonomic, it's fit in the hand and you've a lot of surface to to put the controls. Okay let's move on. So time is running, let's move on. Okay. S objects. Crazy objects. Okay. Okay, good. Bu it's it's. You s you you thing. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You think that yellow it's kitsch. If you make something that looks like a banana it should have the colour of a banana. O otherwise Roughly. Yeah. Okay. Let's move on. Uh uh yeah. Before before st before ending the meeting I'd like to to draw some sketch about the pro future prot prototype. Go for it. Well no, not not you, you can finish your slides before Mm okay. Okay. That's all? Okay, so mm so well done for the presentations. So we need to take some de decisions about um about what we're going to do. So I I propose that you go to the whiteboard and we're going to report all the ideas we had we had during this these presentations just to draw some sketch about what will be the prod final product and uh where Superman go banana and uh uh extra func functionalities such as wheels, um the speaker unit um well not in order not to lost the um the device, I do I don't remember you call it? Basis station, yeah. Uh so um so we're going for a stylish banana shape. Yeah, right. We I if it i if it has really the model shape of a bana you could the the starting is good but it could it should have more the shape of a banana if you want to point really a at the thing. If you don't want to to to do that movement which is which is difficult if you don't have to do it in fact, it's better. So ti time is running, we have to we have to we have to to move forward. So let's skip to uh this uh this this this idea. Yeah. So we have this. We have a a basis um, how do you call it? A base station. We'll have a base station extra uh on the side. Yeah. Uh, we have a R_F_ for um for beeping for beeping. We need b R_F_ to beep. So we that means we need a button on th on the on the basis. Basis station, thank you. Can you go quickly please? Okay. So we are going to add uh also um you as you suggested the whee some wheels to control the volumes and channels and your tur turbo turbo uh button. Yeah, on the th yeah, maybe here. And the and the wheel a a at the level of the thumb for instance. And and you have two wheels. Okay right. Good. So no L_C_D_. Okay great. Um. Very good. Yeah. Oh, just the switch, no f not for the T_V_ for the T_V_. Uh so you On the side. Twenty five. Yeah. So. Well. No. Time is running, we have to close the meeting in a few minutes. So, okay, the next step, you can come back to your seat. The next step is to go for to f is to go to uh to building a prototype, based on this, okay? So next meeting you guys have to prepare the followi things. You have to uh work on the look and feel uh design and you have to work on the user interface, in fact you two you have to work together to model the first uh f first prototype. Uh Marketing Expert uh have to go to product evaluation. Okay? It's too difficult. It's not a possi it will not be possible to implement it for the next prototype, so t it's in the next prototype so let's skip it. Yeah, maybe, for the n if if if it it works well, we'll go for uh an orange one. Yeah yeah, honour the fruit. Okay. Thanks very much. We'll see n next meeting. Bye. Thank you. Speaker C: Okay,. Yep. Four, yeah. Yeah that's me. Uh. Well I investigate the preference more d I investigate deeper the preference of the users. Uh so the the current investigation th uh th uh sorry the current the n current trends? Yeah? Okay. Okay. Well wha what I found um can you Yeah. Thank you. What I found in order of importance from less to more important is that people want an easy to use device. After they they want something new technologic technologically speaking, but the most what they what they find more more interesting, more or more important it's uh a fancy look and feel instead of uh instead of the current the current trend which was f the functional look and feel. So now more more cool aspect, ma more a cooler aspect uh rather than a device with many functions and many buttons with instead of i instead of ha of a device which can do many things, a device which is pleasant to to watch, to see. Uh also Well in in Euro in in Paris and and Milan the in Paris and in Paris and Milan the the current trend of uh of clothes, furniture and all this all this fashion it's it's fruit and the the the theme is fruit and vegetables. And also in the in the U_S_A_ the the current the mor the most popular feeling it's it's a spongy. Spongy means eponge? So maybe we should we should think in in this direction, so Fruit vegetables is the the new have you seen the last exposition of clothes in Milan? Yeah, I I didn't miss an I didn't miss and I saw that the fruit, there are many fr pictures of fruits and vegetables in the clothes. No no, not not yet, not yet. Yeah, yeah. So te textu textures, yeah. Yeah. Vegetable textures and all this kind. Uh yeah, yeah. Uh no no, it's not. It's And Um. I ha I haven't thought of any particular fruit, but the general aspect of the of the remote control may may could remind some kind of vegetable, some kind of instead of vegetable, some natur mm uh natural object or something. But yeah it it depends on the Yeah maybe the shape the shape No, not n not not too much focus, not too much focu not n not too s not too similar to a fruit because next year the ten the trend the trend will be different. So we shouldn't be at re really attached to to the trend but For instance, yeah. African or as an elephant? Well ma maybe we we should further specify what target are we focusing. I think in my opinion we should focus on on young people because they are more open to new devi new devices and also yeah according to the marketing report ninety p ninety five percent of young people was was was able to to buy a a n a cooler remote control. What? What? Yeah? Uh Is the new trend of the No I think we we should think about a a shape with it a device with a shape of some Yeah. Don don't you think we can find uh the shape of a fruit which is handy to use? Or m Maybe. Um Yeah. Yeah but I li I like your idea that we shouldn't have a lot of buttons b buttons so Uh do you want a an L_C_D_ with twenty five Euros? I think Well, according to the to the report people are more interested in in a fa fancy look and feel and in a technological inno in innovation, so, I will give more importance to the look and feel than rather than the new inputs and also it's I'm not convinced about this L_C_D_ because you need uh internet connection, you need more things, it's not just buying a new control re remote, you need buying control remote, buying uh more things. It's not so simple. For instance, yeah. Yeah for for for given an an example yeah. Yeah no, it's what I already said. Yeah but you can u Yeah but the can we use it for saying okay, channel fifty, channel twenty? M Mando. Banana-mando yeah. Looks like a tr look likes a a tro a tropical fruit. Yeah. What's a turbo button? It con it controls the speed? Yeah. So sounds crazy. I like crazy ideas. Yeah, of course. I I think we could use somehow the s coffee machine dialogue interface or so. You we can? We can't. Yeah, but we can say channel twenty five. No? It's not a lot one hundred templates, it's not Ah, it's designed for a cof okay. Is it design for a coffee machine? Okay. Yeah. Maybe you could ask your the you could ask the engineering department if we can Yeah. Yeah. Actually I was thinking that the the shape of a banana is not it's not really handy. Uh I don't know the name o o in English uh This it's not a fruit it's a vegetable. Green. And you put in the salad. Um Oui c'est ca Pepper. And it's al it also suits with the double curve for easy of No, I mean in a I'm sure it's fun. But banana is not so handy, I think that's handier. Yeah you're right. I think that would be funny at the beginning but after one month you will be tired of be surrounded of fruits. No but I think just one fruit to control everything. A power fr a power M a Mando, a Supermando fruit. Actually I I didn't understand very well this trace speaker lost control. So you you have to buy two things, the banana and the basis station. Yeah. Yeah but I'm a bit worried about the budget. Yeah. No, I I Maybe li like that. What about what about this shape? More or less. Yeah, but how many buttons do we need? What a What about Four millions? What about a I wo what about adding the this word spotting, keyword spotting recognition saying volume up volume down? It's too difficult but people like innovation and that's really uh innovative and I don't know if it would cost a lot, just a few five words. Okay. Plus plus, okay. Maybe objective banana? Thank you. Speaker D: Hi. Uh, yes, I had something similar but non-vegetarian. Yeah. What what do you mean by fruit and vegetables and spongy? What you mean clothe No, I missed that one. Oh, they're okay so they're not like dressed as a carrot they just have like pictures of fruit on, okay. So we're not gonna have a remote control in the shape of of a banana, just maybe Okay and So which fruit are you thinking of? Oh, so you want the remote control to be the shape of a fruit, or you want just some kind of like fruit logo on the So something that looks half like a fruit and half like an elephant. But okay, I'm not, I'm not really sure if uh that would really appeal to everyone though, maybe just to fashion gurus, like maybe just like a little bit n a little fruit picture somewhere in the corner, but I don't know about uh I dunno how ergonomic a, an orange is. To fruit? But is it uh is fruit cool? Is fruit cool? Well I guess, you know, Apple has the iPod so, imagi just 'cause they have an apple on their on their product, doesn't mean fruit is cool. Okay, but it has to be easy to uh to use though and to hold you know, you don't wanna pear or a watermelon. Well, probably the only thing is a banana that I can think of, a cucumber. I dunno. Maybe. Too green. So, but I mean you also have to you have to also have, fit r all the buttons and you know. It's, it The thing is you have t normally with um with buttons, they have to be at some point attached to a circuit board so if you're gonna have things like on a cylindrical kind of device it may be difficult to kind of to build. Yeah. Well, this is Okay. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Okay. So. S next uh slide. Okay. So I received an email um around lunchtime letting me know that the brilliant minds at our technology division had developed an integrated programmable sample sensor sample speaker unit, um which is a way for you to have a conversation with your coffee machine and or remote control. It's no, what it is, it's it's very It has a has a microphone, has a speaker, it's got a little chip and it allows you t Well, it's a sample sensor sample speaker. Sample sensor sample speaker. It means that it can recognize, it can do like a match on a on a certain phrase that you speak and then can play back a phrase in response to that. But uh there's no kind of um understanding of the phrase. So, I mean, you know, I guess you could build that in, you could you could link the the recognition of a certain phrase to some function on on the remote control. But basically the thing is, we have this technology available in-house. So, um but the thing is obviously there's still gonna be a cost if you decided to integrate that because you still have to pay for the c production of the components, so um it it but it basically means we c we can kind of consider this from uh you know uh a theoretical or usability kind of viewpoint without worrying too much about you know how to develop it because we have this already done. Whilst you know, some people might get annoyed if we uh if we just dump it, It's it it's no, well, it's it'll recognize uh I guess keywords, but you know keywords in a certain order like a phrase. You train it for a certain uh, for a certain phrase, you say the the example they said that they have uh up and running with their prototype is um well they've actually integrated into the into the the coffee machine that uh that we're producing is, you can say good morning to the coffee machine and it can recognize that phrase and it'll playback good morning, how would you like your coffee? Yeah. So actually that was a bad example, 'cause it doesn't actually ask how do you want your coffee because it can't really understand the response, so. Only, like, only in the sense that it it can recognize a set a set target kind of word an It's designed it's designed as a fun kind of thing, but I guess you could use it as uh as a way to implement uh Completely pointless yeah. Yeah. Yeah, unless you know, you like having conversation with your remote control. Well yeah, that's the thing, if you can but you have to pro though I think it's a fairly simple design so you would have to record into the device every possible combination, you have to s tr train it to l to learn channel fifteen, that whole thing, not just the word channel and the word fifteen, it doesn't have that kind of logic in it. So Yeah, that would be some development work. Yeah. Banana-mando. Banana-man I uh I I I don't think it's worth it though, I think it doesn't really add much to the functional design and it's it's it's not mature enough to use as a speech recognition engine, so Um, yeah. So if we can just move on to the next slide, I've just done a quick mock-up of uh uh some of the features of our potential funky-looking uh remote control Well, you see, I was I was unaware at this point of th of the fruit focus, um, so at the moment it's more of a box focus. Yeah, well, this is actu this could be a genetically engineered fruit that's designed to be you know square so that it packs tighter in the boxes. But um, I've just indicated here, we could have actually two scroll wheels, 'cause I think the scroll wheel is a fairly um key part of, you know, I think everyone has has agreed that it's that it could be quite a useful um thing, so. But I think it's important, you know, to have two scroll wheels because, you know, you want one for for the channel, but you also want one for for the volume, because it's it's the volume i it's, you know it's very handy for it to have uh instant kind of uh feedback uh and response, so. But um, I've also included this turbo button because I think, you know, every design should have a turbo button, and well so this is you know, a unique problem with with televisions is that if you have this scro this scroll wheel for the television, the uh the tuner on the T_V_ is not gonna be able to to switch between stations as fast as you can scroll, so you know, the th the person might want to have a uh Might want to be able to scroll past television stations without seeing what's on them, in which case it just waits until you stop scrolling and then, you know, displays that station. Or they might want to scroll and and have a quick glimpse of it, even if it lags behind what they're doing. Yeah, so with this turbo button you can, say, skip over t channels if uh, you know, if I'm if I'm going if I'm scrolling past them and you know, it's um, you could have a little red light that comes up when they press it so they feel you know it's really going fast or whatever. So yeah, that's um, those are the two important uh features I think we need on the remote, but I mean we can discuss about what other kind of buttons we need, um. You know, i it could be, you know, if we if we wanna have like a very cheap kind of device, I mean, we could either consider that maybe we want to sell this as a very, if it's gonna be a banana, you know that's a pretty gimmicky kind of thing that doesn't have that much functionality, it's just you know a couple of scroll wheels and a button cause it's hard to get so many buttons on a banana and it's still very it may even be for most for some people more functional than their current remote, but if they have these scroll wheels, so, um you know, what other buttons do we want? I mean we could have well, I guess you need an on and off switch, but you could you could o you could turn it turn it on by taking the top off the banana maybe, you know, it's kind of like a spy kind of flick thing. That's why you're a marketing guru. Well, that's the thing, as have we decided that we can only spend, uh, twenty five Euro? Well not spend, but you know, charge twenty five Euro. But then you have to have a template for every channel, for a hundred channels, you have to be able to to recognize Mm. Well, I f I think it's probably more than, than our can handle because it's designed for a coffee machine, you know, to say hello in the morning. Well that's its current application, I would presume that it's kind of, they wouldn't design it to handle a hundred things th so. But uh Well I just I just made the point, I don't I don't know if that speech recognition is, you know, even if we can do it, I think it's not really appropriate for uh television environment. But um I did have one thing from a previous meeting, you were talking about um being able to find the remote control and I was talking about extendin being able to extend the remote control by having you know, a base station that can control other things as well. It might be useful to have some kind of base station, even if it's just you press on a button on it and uh and the remote control starts beeping, you know, this is a way of finding the remote. Y in that case maybe the maybe the speech recognition the speech thing could be useful just to say I'm here but uh it's probably a bit of overkill if you could just have a a beeping It's speech It's it's speech synthesis and s it's speech kind of, not really speech recognition, but kind of pattern matching, yeah yeah. I guess that fits in with the spongy kind of design philosophy. So, just one second, when you say double curve, what do you actually mean? You reckon you could like draw us a thing on the, on the whiteboard 'cause I'm not sure Okay, but like, kind of convex or concave? Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Although, you know, wood could be uh quite a stylish uh option, if you take like, nice quality kind of wood that's got a nice grain and you kind of put some, some varnish on. Well it depends, I mean, you have the outs the wood itself is not gonna break so you don't have to worry too much about the case being broken, it's the inside. Yeah but inside you know you could have you can still have some kind of cushioning that's not visible to the to the user. And I mean you could also, you can have just a very thin veneer of wood as well. That's true, but are we set on the banana idea? It's like a pumpkin or Green. What does it taste like? Ah yeah, is it what's it in French? Yeah, okay, so capsicum or pepper. Yeah. I don't know, it seems a little bit kind of bulky to me, like like with a banana you can have Well But like a banana you can you can be holding like this and have the scroll wheel kind of on top and just roll it back and forth like that, but with uh I don't know how you would hold a capsicum and So is that, when you say speaker support, you mean it just has some output pinned which which which kind of Okay, but the speaker is actually attached to the to the chip in some way, or is just the the signal? Okay. Okay. So are there any issues where we place this this chip to make sure you can actually hear the the speaker from the outside of the banana? Okay. Yeah, but the speaker, if the speaker is actually on the chip, then if it's too far away from the the casing, or if the casing is too thick, then you may not hear the the speaker. Yeah. Yeah. So that's something we have to keep in mind with the actual physical design is to keep the the speaker close enough to the outside. Although, if It depends, if we like, if we are concentrating on like a fruit design, then maybe maybe we wanna sell a collection of fruit, you know, like a different fruit for each device. Cause that, you know, that sometimes people like to collect um you know things that of a similar type. Well, you're the one who wanted to do fruit in the first place. Like a power fruit. Yeah. Well I think that's a pretty handy feature. I think it's kind of people would find that worth it even if it wasn't uh a recharging station, even if they didn't have to buy extra batteries, you know. So Although you do need to include R_F_ kind of circuitry in the remote. Okay. I'm just wondering actually, 'cause, you know, I this whole fruit thing with the banana, it's um it seemed like it first seems a bit kind of uh niche, like only a few people would really want a banana, but what if it was kind of uh a stylised banana? You know, rather than having it kind of you know yellow and really looking exactly like a banana, you could make it kind of silver. And um, you know to give you kind of the idea of a banana but without it looking you know completely kitsch. For better want of a better word you know? Well, you know, I don I don't know how many peop Well they Yeah, like this colour this colour Maybe, you know, maybe like still in the shape of a banana. No, exactly. Exactly. Um, but you know, just maybe maybe not exactly the same texture as a banana and just kind of, you know because the thing is it's gonna be a little bit difficult to make um to give like the texture of a banana anyway and to k to have the exact shape. I think if you're gonna not be able to do it properly you may as well do it in a stylised way that just looks a bit more kind of, you know, twenty first century rather than sixties or seventies. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so, I guess you wanna hold like the way the end of the banana you wanna kind of hold as ma you maybe wanna kinda hold like a gun rather than 'cause you don't want it to point kind of towards the floor. So you know, so if you have like Okay, so So okay, so I guess we need, you know, something that can fit a banana shaped object. Okay, so it's uh Yeah. Alright, so we need uh okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, which I think it's it's probably best actually on the on the underneath of the the device, so you have Yes. Yeah, so you have the thumb kind of here. So yeah, you need one one here and one on on the other side, so you got volume an and channel. And, uh No L_C_D_. Oh we need a we need a power um on off switch as well. Yeah. Yeah. Where? Okay. Well, I dunno if the traditional user is gonna buy a a banana remote in the first place, you know. Y I mean you need to kind of keep it um Yeah, how many of these did we wanna sell? I can't remember, what was Yeah, but how many units did we need to to sell? Four point four million. That's a lot of fruit. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh. That can be the t That can be like the turbo banana plus plus commando. Okay. Yep. We have to go design the prototype.","The project manager opens the meeting, stating that it is about conceptual design. He restates the last meeting's descision that they will not do speech recognition technology but says they still have to decide whether to use an LCD screen. Then they move on to the three presentations. The marketing expert is first to present, and he talks about making a pleasant-looking device, particularly one that favors current trends. They then begin talking about using a fruit, vegetable, or natural object as the shape of the remote, the logo, or for the buttons. Eventually they decide to make the device the shape of a banana. Next, the user interface specialist presents. He annouces that the technology division of their company has developed an integrated programmeable sample speaker unit, which would allow a person to have a conversation with the remote control. They have the option of using that technology. He shows them his plan what the remote control could look like and the features it might have. He suggests putting two scroll wheels- one for changing the channel and another for the volume. He also included a turbo button for speed, which he thinks every design should have. Since they can only charge twenty-five euro they decide to eliminate the LCD screen idea. After that the interface specialist talks about having a base station for the purpose of finding the remote control when lost. The user could simply press a button on the base station and the remote control would start beeping. Lastly, the industrial designer presents, discussing the power source of the remote control. He suggests that they could have one of two kinds of power supplies- the usual batteries or rechargable ones if there is to be a base station and they could place solar cells on top for times when the lighting is good. He talks about using plastic with elasticity so that the remote would not break into pieces if it fell, which relates to their earlier discussion about giving it a spongy design. Plastic is also less costly than other options of wood or titanum. In addition, he talks about giving the control a double curve, curves on both the sides so that it is easy to hold and handle. They do not yet seem set about the idea of making it a banana shape, and one group member feels that the shape is not handy. The industrial desiger tells them they will use a regular chip rather than the advanced one since pricing is a factor. They agree on having base station with the remote. They go on to have discussion, with one member suggesting that they make the banana more stylized so that it looks less like a banana- for example, it could be silver. After that the project manager has them discuss/reiterate the decisions made during the meeting: no LCD screen, the remote will have a base station, a RF for beeping, a button on the base station to press, possibly a stylish banana-shape for the control, 2 scroll wheels to control the volume and channels at the thumb level, a turbo button perhaps underneath the device, on/off button for the TV." 88,"Speaker A: Um obviously it's gonna be bulkier than how it looks, because it's gonna be flat on one side, so the L_C_D_ will be s sticking down like this, won't it? 'Cause it you can't get it curved. Uh because of costs. And it's plastic as well, so it won't be as comfortable on the hand. Yeah,. One. Yeah. What about what if the the volume on the T_V_'s turned up massively and uh you just wanna turn down the volume can't find remote. Suppose you have to go to the T_V_ and do it manually. Mm. Like y you wouldn't hear the speaker. Mm. That's too expensive isn't it? Yeah. Fashion. So basically the only new thing is the L_C_D_ on the remote now. Oh, and joystick, yeah. So The L_C_D_ basically is the big selling point of the remote. But that's what makes it uh original though, isn't it? It can be s yeah, it can still be single curved, but You just. That's what we need for the joystick I think though. Costs four. Yeah. Are we going for a special colour at all? Well I was for a case. Or had you already incorporated that? Think it's ten minutes left. Special colour. Three. Are we going one on? I'd say we go two, 'cause like f the fanciest would be the double curved. Wouldn't it? With the articulators. With bells on it. No need for teletext. five? Six? Six,. Put a leopard print on it. Yeah we gotta. I'd say the colour of the border there world you'd find that, that's that'd stand out. Logo, brand. Mm 'kay. Yellow courgette. Well this this what we're gonna t this is their motto, like. And we're we're not doing well on it. Yeah, I'll go with five. 'S bad design, that thing. Mm, yeah. Well, it depends who your who's what the target people are, like you'd say maybe the fashion conscious women would be going, oh look at that, 's cool, it looks like a it's yellow, looks like a banana, it's cool it's gotta look good in the sitting room. Rather than the L_C_D_ whereas uh more technical like like more uh people in with the latest technology it's good, it's got an L_C_D_ screen 's only got two buttons and a joystick. So, which which kind of people would be more likely to buy it?. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Very good. We're burs bursting with creativity. And the price was like it was twice the w assembly cost. And would it have to be twice that? It could be like coulda had the assembly like maybe fifteen Euro. We'll still settle for twenty five. Maybe. In the beginning, yeah. Speaker B: That should hopefully do the trick, um. 'Kay. Sorry about the small delay. Falling a little bit behind schedule. And that's uh fifteen twenty five. Okay. So just to try and roughly go over what we agreed in the last one, um we're gonna go for something uh uh how was it? Uh The new black, I believe. Um something that looks good 'cause that seems to be in preference to actual functionality in the end, though we should never avoid functionality, of course. Uh many of our components are gonna be standard, off the shelf, but it seemed like we were gonna require at least an advanced chip and we were still very much for the idea of using an L_C_D_ display. Um other things were we were hoping to use rubber, most likely gonna be double curved, etcetera. Okay. So um due to your hard work, we might as well let the uh two designers go first, and uh show us the prototype. Quite how the best way to do this is, I'm not sure, but Okay. I'm afraid yeah. We'll go into that a bit more, but please go on. Mm. Okay, yeah. Great. Um. Yeah, okay. Excellent work. Um. Yeah, I believe so. So I mean I don't think anybody could actually stop a remote being lost, 'cause that would mean doing something about the human element, but I'd like to think that we've done something about finding the damn thing once we have. Mm. Um just before we go through all of the steps here, um well what we'll do is um if we can look at the criteria you're gonna evaluate, and then we'll come back to the product evaluation if that's alright. Yeah, is that Um so is there anything here that you that you wanted to cover as in the criteria that you've covered? And then we'll come back pretty much promptly to this. I is there any of these criteria that need any explaining? Or is there anything that yous thought tha really would stand out compared to the others? Okay. Okay. No and which we will do very very shortly. Um. Okay. Slight problem we had was that we have an amazing four Euros over budget for what we were hoping to do. Um most of it stems from the use of the L_C_D_ which I think in the end accounted for about half of our expenditure because of course we required a chip as well. Um the only way to get this down was either to ditch the a L_C_D_, at which point we've removed a large part of how we were gonna interface, require more buttons, etcetera. Or what we did was that we um we as in I as I was quickly going over it was altering the actual structure. Um changing it to plastic and a solid unit with a single curve design would allow us to come back into the um proposed costs and we're just scraping it in, we've got point two of a Euro left over there. So we're just managing it really. Even then as well, um there was no criteria technically defined for a joystick so I've used what I think's appropriate. With any luck that won't mean that we've incurred more cost than we can actually afford to. It blows a lot of our really good ideas kind of slightly to one side, for example the possibility of having a U_S_B_ connection is definitely not viable now. Um. That should still be viable. We've got an advanced chip, we've got the use of the L_C_D_. So being able to communicate in multiple languages is still very much a possibility. Um but what's something we need to decide on is how we're gonna go from here. We do need to try and come up with an idea which could be continued with other people if need be. Um. We can I can bring the excel up sheet up and uh show you if you wish um. I really think as m much as it pains me is that we might have to go with plastic and some kind of solid design, possibly meaning that the L_C_D_ wouldn't be in this perfect place. It might be s stuck like slightly between what would be good for left handed and what would be good for a right handed person. Okay. It very much is about making concessions, unfortunately. Um. Um b b b da is you mean on the plastic, or? Let's have a look. You now have as much information as I do. Um. So as you can see here, for example, the battery really not very little choice in that one. We've gone for one of the cheaper options as well. Unfortunately we require the advanced chip if we're gonna do what we're needing to. I've said single curved. We really do need it to be that way for the ergonomics of it. Um plastic for some reason incurs no cost, which I've had to very much make advantage of, despite the fact that rubber's only got a value of two Euros per unit. Problem comes here as you can see in the interface. Um if I've read this thing correctly, then we can save point five of a Euro here in that it's not per push button. That might make sense, because then a numeric keypad would come in at um what, four point five Euros, which is an awful lot, so that could well be wrong. Even if we save point five there, it would just mean that we're most likely placing it in actually just gaining a colour for the unit, which has had to be put to one side. As you can see, the use of an L_C_ display um advanced chip and what would determine the scroll wheel here as well because it's an integrated scroll scroll wheel push button that wasn't quite what I think they had in mind with a joystick. I that's something you'll have to take up with the bean counters. Um as you can see I mean that's taken up well over half of the price. So um I'm very much open to suggestions of where we go, but because we need to shed what was four Euros off of the um the price of for what we really desired, this one comes in under price as you can see, but this was the one that sacrificed the material for the case and for the actual case design. Uh no, we haven't, not That'll it literally would just be a button. We might have to It looks like almost nothing Mm. Oh good call, I missed that. that's a very valid point. So if we're gonna go with the L_C_ display, then that's I believe so, yeah. That would probably not be in keeping with the um the fashion statement and such, yeah. Being manipulated by the joystick, yeah. Which I'm defining as scroll wheel. Um. Yeah it's just because there was no actual definition for what a joystick might be, that that's what I've labelled it for the purposes of this evaluation. If we remove the L_C_ display, we could save ourselves a fair amount. Which you could It's a shame. We should possibly have If we could've increased the price we could've manufactured that and we could've got something far closer to what we were hoping to. Again, you'll have to argue with the accountants on that one. Um but for the purposes of this meeting, I'm we're gonna have to stick with these figures. So, I would say that it would seem like the general opinion is we're gonna keep the L_C_ display 'cause it's about what really separates us, despite the cost it's gonna incur. Um are people maybe not happy with, but are willing to go ahead with this in going for a plastic solid case, to keep the L_C_D_? It's hard to tell. Um I would say that you're at least gonna take double curved, and even then I'm not quite sure if that's incorporating the idea of articulation. Single curved with articulation? But the curves all o over hand, is it? We wouldn't actually save a lot by reducing it anyway, so I mean for the purposes of this meeting maybe we can state that single curve still allows articulation. Um unless we hear otherwise we could go ahead with that proposal. Which is what we can get onto now. As long as so are we gonna say w we have to keep an eye on the time as well, but we're gonna say um single curved design It could well be, but at a cost of Okay, yeah we'll definitely won't go with that one. Yeah, that's voice recognition, so. Um. So, okay yeah, battery definitely, It looks like it unless we can manage to put it in under point two Euros, um. Maybe even slight well oh yeah, pretty much point two Euros, I'd say. So we'll leave that one for now. we'll just have It's uh a case of um I'm uh slightly unsure. One point five of a Euro for one push button doesn't sound quite right. So maybe it's a case of a push button is maybe one or more. Um. At which point if Well you got point five there. It's literally a case of whether or not this is correct. I'm not quite sure if they're I don't think they mean point five Euros per button. So There we go. Black's probably the normal colour you'd say, yeah. I quite like that colour that you're fetching there, it's uh definitely for make it glow in the dark even better. So will we go with that then? It's not and we can see we'll come back to uh your evaluation which you're probably now going to pan us but there we go. Just to give you an idea, um you want to go maybe a bit quickly as well, I'm not sure how much time. We've not hit the five minute mark warning yet, but. Ten. Mm mm four? Three? Mm. Okay. Two buttons. Yeah. I'd say we're doing well there. Mm-hmm. As he models the I'd Yeah. Which is a shame. Mm. I'd be tempted with three, yeah. We'll get panned on the next one, anyway. Yeah, w It is, yeah. Don't blame them. Um because of the way that we've minimalised the number of buttons and such. Plastic, it sucks. But it's no worse than any of the other pl remote controls we have. Like yellow, yeah. It would also help keep the the product placement s yeah. Is it inspired by clothing fashion? Yes. It's kind o it probably Well I mean it's probably more fruit and veg than most other things out there bar fruit and veg, so, what, four? Is that being too generous? Oh dear,. What would you think yourself? Well, it's kind of curved and we can make it yellow, and that's pretty much banana like. Si it's got a curve to it. Am I do you think I'm stretching the uh the use of the banana? It's not bad and considering the don't pick the pen. Um. Y oh and you've knocked batteries out. Um right okay it's considering the price we had to get this in, to have a positive you know, even based on the four of us being heavily biased, um it was gonna be quite hard to get anything standing out I'd say possibly, based on um the the cost features. Maybe it's been targeted Hide it in the fruit basket. Probably the people technologically. They're usually the ones that buy pointless stuff. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um don't know how lo much longer we've got. At least five minutes I think. Um quickly we'll pop onto project evaluation. Um. So, we've got these uh four criteria here for uh satisfaction. Does anybody want to um um do you have any opinions on any of them? For example um we'll work backwards I suppose. The ability to work on this project using the technology we've been presented with. Um people made good use of the uh pen and paper? I would say I'm not quite sure what the advantage for us using a digital pen might be. Mm. It must It does seem like the paper's still a heavy consideration for taking notes. So maybe this is literally just a way around it. Um I dunno. How are people satisfied with the teamwork we've managed to display today? Leadership. As much as can be leadered in this uh thing. Um last one we've got is room for creativity. Now, I think we got Yeah I think of in the end, ideas that can be used sadly. Not so much that we weren't full of ideas, but of ones that are gonna allow us to actually build the thing. It's a bit of a pity. Um I would have to agree on that. I think we needed a larger budget. If you're going to aim your a um product maybe at the technological kind of sector, then you can afford to maybe jack the price up slightly from what it is. Because they will pay outrageous cash to first on the market. Mm. It could even That's true, yeah. Um I suppose these are all that will have to be taken up with a at a different group at I guess. As to a the costs involved. But I mean we've got a a prototype. So I dunno, I I think it's gone okay today, considering the information that we've had at our disposal, and um such. Probably would have mean we could have come up with a lot more solid design in the end, I would have to agree. It is very much a pity to um get so far into the stage and then find out that maybe some of your ideas are just a bit too expensive. Always hard to tell until you know the costs. Um. Okay. Are the costs within budget? Well, they are now that we have our slightly less than capable product. We've evaluated it, and we can say that we came out with a value of three. It's yeah? And then the final one where you get to call it Hal. But we'll go into that later. Right um is there anything else that anybody would like to to add, um anything they think that's not been covered, before I quickly write up a final report. Um I dunno, I mean we've got a product. We maybe aren't as happy with it as we'd like to be, but we've got something we think we can maybe stick onto the the market and sell. And of course something we have been avoiding talking about 'cause of we've no information is selling them directly to the manufacturers. There is a huge market. I mean we've briefly touched on it but we've no more knowledge then there's little we can say on that. Yeah. So um unless anybody's got anything they'd like to add, we can maybe round this up slightly earlier than we'd need to and then we can finish up the writing and such. Yeah? Uh thank you for your participation. That a question we can ask. Speaker C: . Right. Yeah I've got a if you load up my evaluation document. Mm. Uh evaluation. Basic point uh have a list of criteria that we need to rate the prototype by. Um then we will it's a seven s um seven seven step kinda evaluation process. So um not seven steps, seven scale. So after we've finished doing all the ratings for each criteria, we average that and that will give us some type of uh confidence in our prototype. And uh the criteria based on Real Reactions' kinda goals and policies, marketing strategies, and also those I put together from the user requirements phase. 'Kay. Um if you flip the So, those are the criteria. And uh perhaps I could have put 'em a bit better, but you notice a few things that we've totally abandoned, which means that uh the product will score very badly on some of those points. Put it mildly. So we have um true? One, t Seven, eight, oh. Fourth. Okay, so we have to go through each point. If we imagine it's actually straight, and just give it a a score. So um how well would you say the prototype is uh how well have we realised the dream of being able to stop remotes from from being lost, or to be able to find them once they are lost. I mean, uh is the homing thing still the locator, is that still Sure. And Adam, we can keep that in? Okay. Sure. T Sure. Mm. Bright colour. So we still have that noise thing, yeah? Os on a scale of one to seven, how would you guys rate it for finding finding it once it's lost? Number one? Okay. Number number one for the first criteria. Yeah you can tell what room the mobile is Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You wanna say something? That's fine. Oh that's that's fine. What do you mean cr is there anything I wanna Um, a few. Something I neglected from my initial research is that Real Reactions has a a goal strategy that all of the products be inspired by material fashion, and clothing fashion. That is why fruit and veg being popular in the home and in clothing was important and they want all their products to be somehow inspired by current trends in fashion. So they say we put the fashion in electronics, well they really mean it they they're very big on fashion, so. That's this bit right here. And uh this bit is this one easy to use for visitors or for anybody? I guess it's just the same as saying easy to use interface, so it's kinda condensed into one. And we can come back to it, you said. So. Different languages? Yeah. Mm. Do you have any data on how much um different prints cost? I mean can you get the entire thing printed with a design um?. Yeah, yeah. Why would why would that be more expensive than an individual push button and scroll wheel together? That's quite significantly expensive.. Yeah. We don't even have uh speakers here. The like uh we uh what about speakers and transmitters and stuff like that? Have we factored that in? Transmitter, receiver, speakers. Plus the extra device itself that's gonna be on a T_V_. Is that gonna be a button, or Yeah. I I mean it's not on here, but um. Did they s do we have to use an advanced chip for the L_C_D_? Okay. Well that's yeah. What's a hand dyna dynamo? You have to wind it up? Technology. Yeah. Okay. And we couldn't replace the joystick, right? Because we would need four extra buttons to replace it, up down left and right, and that would be more expensive than a but is a scroll wheel not just back and forward? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Uh k Does this does this bear in mind that I mean it's a bit ridiculous that they're gonna charge us what is it, like this much money for three million if we're gonna buy three million components, you know. Mm. 'Kay. I think so. Yeah. Could we could we not get rid of the curvy the curvous the curvaceousness and focus on the menu being the best interface? 'Cause like we do we have re restrictions on software? Oh but there has to be joystick. Okay. Sure. Okay, my bad. So I think the product is not gonna perform so well for my criteria. Oh, wait a minute. Sample speaker? What is a sample speaker? Is that somewhat similar to what we want? Yeah. You got a email about voice response? I did not, so. We won't go with that one, did you say? I mean I we Okay, okay. So it looks like we're gonna get rid of the whole loca locator thing. Okay. Okay. Oh, special colour for the case. Mm-hmm. W what's the default colour? White or black? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Okay. So uh Right okay. Okay. 'Kay. Ability to stop remotes from being lost or to find them once they are lost. Um. Okay. Special colour. Uh uh four. Three if we're being generous, I feel. Think we're being generous here with three. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Reduce the number of unused buttons. We're down to t two buttons, is it? Okay, so that's a one. You know, where that's Okay, that was good. Easy to use interface, buttons menu, menus that's yeah that's good. 'Kay that's we're not doing so badly. Um easy to use oh okay, let's forget that one. Fancy looking. Sure. And we could do whatever we like with the L_ L_C_D_. Yeah let's just assume it's a good L_C_D_ display. Maybe I was panicking for no reason. Yeah, w maybe you'd be a bit too yeah. There we go. Yeah, that's m that's that's better too. More accurate numbers. Technologically innovative. Well, we're getting rid of the locator thing which which yeah. 'Kay. Yeah, mobile phones. And y what you're doing is moving the menu from the television to the remote control, so it's You say three? I might go as far as two on that. Three. Three. Okay. Okay. Materials that people find pleasing. Sponginess is what they really would have wanted, apparently. Yeah. That's true. It's not a step backwards. Yeah, okay let's give it a six. Okay, that's totally thrown everything off balance. Inspired by the latest interior and clothing fashion. W we could. What colour were we gonna make it? I know, but But um by this I think it's more a case of fruit and veg, Yeah. Mm. But Th th they're referring to the fruit and veg thing. Is this like a banana type colour? Could we stretch no still, it's not shaped like a banana is Oh is that 'cause it's flat? What is what fruit or veg is flat? Yeah. Or we might have to suffer badly for this one as well. Four? Oh that's it's very ambitious, yeah, um. Sure. Inspired by. Yeah. This is their strategy. I m imagine we actually had some money invested in this and the amount that we invest is gonna be proportional to the marks. Might we might wanna be a bit more skepible sceptical about this one. I would say I mean it's it's not at all, right? In any way or shape or form. We didn't m Okay, the the yellow banana like thing is I think is okay. Right five. Is that sound reasonable? Five. Yeah. 'Kay, so we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. So five, seven, ten, sixteen, twenty one. Which gives us an average of three. It's well this would be in the middle. So we it's it's not bad. It's in the good section. Oops. Sorry. I'm I'm sorry. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Even if we were to increase this entire thing by by seven, we were to go down a grade to to four, we would have to do I mean we didn't we weren't that kinda optimistic too optim overly optimistic. You know like we didn't we didn't add we didn't subtract a whole seven points from these things, so I think we're definitely on the good bit. Even if we gave this one seven and this one seven, that's still only three extra points over seven. You know, it's yeah, we did it w it was okay. It was good. Mm-hmm. I think so. I mean my mum still has not learnt how to use text messaging on her phone, and she's had it for a long time, you know. She uses it to make phone calls and that's it. Yeah. So I think if sh if my mum saw a remote control like this with only two buttons and a joystick, I mean that'll probably be the first one she decides not to buy, you know. She'd be like is this a remote control, I don't how do you use it, and stuff like that. So even if it is really user friendly to us, but we're used to using menus all the time. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's totally uh radical to have a remote control with no no numbered buttons, yeah. But like radical good, maybe. Wrote nearly a page, but not. I think tracking. Yeah, that woulda been pretty good. I'd yeah I liked it, yeah. I li yeah, top marks. Well yeah. We we're not lacking in ideas, you know it's that was not the problem. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Maybe the counts wou woulda been better if we had a list or more Yeah, to begin with. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And like response from consumers. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, let's Thank you. I was actually kind of upset you know at the budget, and that we had to cut a lot of stuff. It's like man, we we can't have the locator thing. And s yeah that's just bad. Do you think maybe the prices were were made? Speaker D: Okay, it's a I think if we both step up and uh outline our ideas. Okay. Now do uh doing the prototype gave us a bit more insight into the ergonomics of the design. Um for one thing, it turned out that the only point at which it needs to be articulated for handedness is um is h i is down here for the uh L_E_D_. As it turned out, the whole thing transfers from the right to left hand fairly well from the point of view of operating the uh function buttons and joystick, though it might be an idea to be able to a adjust the positions for the base of the joystick just a little bit for uh ju just a thought. You could simply have a slightly ovoid shaped joystick that could then just be turn uh twisted round, so that the uh sticky uh so that the bit that sticks out a bit more is on one side or the other. But as you as you see with the uh with holding it in the left hand, the L_ uh the L_C_D_ is nowhere useful, so that would need to be articulated uh if we're going to retain ergonomic design. Um now I I got your note about uh keeping the cost down. Yeah. this design could be done with um with uh plastic casing. Though I would recommend around the grip part here in the middle, having maybe just a rubber grip over that which would allow for a slightly more sort of bio-morphic form, and a bit more ergonomic as well. As for the um as for the single curve, um well this edge and this edge, like I say it would be nice to have some curvature to it, but it's not absolutely necessary. Really the curve that's most needed is the underside so that the jo so that the joystick rests over the the edge of the hand like this. Um and you have the uh transmitter here and a wee speaker for the uh for the uh for the uh fi uh for the remote control finder. So. Any further comments? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I mean the uh Yeah. Yeah. I mean with the with the rubber design it could i you know it could pretty much mould very much to the to the user's hand. One nice wee feature if we could if we could still do the rubber, I though of was to have the uh rubber extend beyond the end of the uh of the rigid substructure. So it has a wee sort of tail that you just drape over your wrist so it stays in position nicely. Mm. Lovely. Um. Okay. Yeah, that's still part of the design. Mm. Mm. And making it a bright colour helps with the personally I would have gone for purple. Mm-hmm. I'd say number one. I think w if it was just the sounder then th I mean something I've found with uh w w with say tr trying to find uh a cordless phone or a m mobile, you can hear it, but you can't quite pin it dow pin down where it is. Bu Yeah. Mm-hmm I suppose o one thing that could be done is h is have it um circular and have it s so that the uh the pink actually goes a bit over the pinkie finger. Mm. So that uh th Mm. Mm. yeah. Mm. Mm. I think if we remove the the L_C_ display then there was absolutely no point to any of these meetings and we just we could just put our branding on any other remote control. Mm-hmm. Um yeah I mean one thing, I mean ho uh how much extra would it be to to keep I mean keep the um the articulation? This is what I'm wondering. Oh no, I think I I it d that it needn't require it to be double curved. It's uh it's just it's just it's just that the case would come in t would be made in two parts and then joined together with an articulation. Mm. Yeah, I mean and I mean the uh I mean if you look uh if you look closer at the uh at the prototype here, the lines here along the grip are actually quite straight. Um I mean yeah, on the on the L_C_D_ I mean although we've done it with a curve it could just as easily be done um without curves. The curve that's really needed is up here, to put uh to keep the joystick in a good ergonomic position for it to have it rest on the top of the hand. Mm. Mm no that's that voice response thing that we got the email about. But I thought it was just completely pointless. Yeah. Alright. B i basically it was saying that our labs had come up with a chip that you could, you know, say hello to, and it would say hello back in a friendly female voice. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay, well l let's say that and then we can have our special coloured case and then we at least have make it a little harder to lose. Because most m most remotes are a fairly dingy colour that gets camouflaged under any pile of crap in a living room. Or grey. Yellow. Okay. Three. I think we can do three. Th the special colour doesn't would I think make a difference. It makes it stand out from you know it's lost in a big pile of crap, it stands out from the rest of the crap. Two buttons and a joystick. Totally. It doesn't get much fancier. Mm. Mm. I'd give it a three for this for that. Yeah. I mean the menus thing is something you don't normally see on um on a remote, but you see it in a lot of other places. Mm-hmm. I'd give it a three. Mm-hmm. I'd s I I'd give it a six, to be honest. Well I I I would sa I would say give a s give a selection of colours. Um we went with yellow we went with yellow for the prototype 'cause we had yellow. If I were buying one, I'd go for purple. Leopard print would be cool. That's kinda i it won't be when it's been budgeted. I I think s I I think this isn't not particularly fruit and veggie. Um. Mm. I'd I'd I don't think fruit and veg is the sole criterion. Is the sole criterion for being um fashion fashionable or inspired by current fashions. Um I'd g I'd rate I'd rate this fairly highly from that point of view actually. Mm. Mm. Personally, I think given that the product um only replaces a single remote control that you've already got, are people really gonna shell out twenty five Euros for something that's only marginally good? Mm-hmm. I s I suppose one thing is that b because it's technically innovative, um for someone who's sort of technophobic, the fact that it simply looks unfamiliar would be daunting. Um. Yeah, got notes and doodles. Well I think this is a I think the digital pen's mostly for the benefit of the uh of the researchers studying this. It's all p goes into their corpus. Though it would have been nice to be able to transfer the um transfer our n our paper notes onto the uh computer ourselves.. Unti uh uh until uh until accounts came along, squish. Yeah. Mm. I mean I th I mean I think to r retaining the s the more sort of bio-morphic form in the articulation would gain more in s uh would gain more profit in sales than it would lose in uh in added expense. Such as it is. Actually I want th one thing I would say I mean something that could perhaps be part of the product mm the um m product testing market research process would be to uh produce mock-ups of both versions and see just how much of a difference the over going over-budget um m would make to sales. And we could even you know, market two versions. Wee cheapie version with the nice bio-morphic rubber. Yes. Mm. And I can get my bus. Okay. Thank you.","The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting and two team members presented a prototype for the remote the team is designing and discussed its ergonomic appearance and its features. The marketing expert began to lead the team in conducting an evaluation of the prototype but was interrupted when the project manager shifted the discussion to examining the production costs of the team's product. The original specifications of the team's product proved to be too expensive and so the team had to discuss which features to lose and which to maintain in order to meet the target cost. After discussing costs, the team returned to conducting their product evaluation. The prototype was evaluated on the basis of its ability to be located when misplaced, ease of use, appearance, technological innovativeness, and sponginess. Overall, the prototype received average marks. The team then evaluated the project process, finding that they were happy overall but quite displeased with the small budget." 73,"Speaker A: Okay. Hi Team. Hope you had a good lunch. Okay we're back for the conceptual design meeting. Um let's get started. 'Kay, here is the agenda for today's meeting. Um we're gonna open it and I'm gonna keep the minutes as Project Manager. We're gonna have three presentations, one from each of you again. And then we are going to come to decision on the remote control concepts and then we're gonna close it up. And we have forty minutes again. 'Kay, and just to reiterate um after this meeting the team will reach a decision on the concepts of the remote control. Okay. Let's go ahead and start off with your presentations. Who would like to go first? Okay. Um Courtney would you mind starting us off? Okay. Trend watching? 'Kay. Mm 'kay. Mm. Mm. Right. Yes. Right. Right. People don't buy a new remote every so often. Okay. Hmm. Very good. I like it. Okay, ready for the next slide? Op mm 'kay. Great. Great presentation. Ready? 'Kay. Which one is it? Interface concepts new. Y 'Kay. Sorry? Oh okay. Oh there we go. Sure. Mm 'kay. Mm. Mm. Okay. Okay. 'Kay. No. Mm. Or I like, you know, the black finish or the silver finish or whatever. Good lord. Okay. Ready? Oh, yeah. Okay. Great job. Okay. What's the title? Got it. Hmm. Interesting. Mm. 'Kay. No, okay. Mm. Hmm. Okay. Alright, well thank you for those informative presentations. Let's go back to um Now we have to make some decisions. Where were we? Sure. Mm. Right. Right. Mm. Hmm. Programme. If it's within our price to get that kind of chip that would, you know, technology Hmm. Mm. Hmm. Okay, that kind of brings us to this, let's let's see if we can decide what kind of energy source we want to have first and foremost. Um. Do we wanna go for batteries or a stand like the one that we saw illustrated earlier? The base, the charging base with rechargeable batteries? Hmm. Yeah, and we don't have multiple things that it has to control, it just has to control the T_V_. It's not gonna be a huge universal remote. What size battery and Right. I agree, it's either gonna be bigger with a base or smaller with just A battery like this guy. Alright, so what direction do you want to go in? You wanna vote? I'm kind of I'm kind of leaning in the direction of this kind of bigger and the base. That just seems so clunky and Okay. Hmm. Okay, so what kind of material do we want to be made out of? No. Oh what did you Oh sorry, go ahead. Right. What would you recommend? Mm. I I think we should just focus on one design and one concept right now.I'm not sure that we'll have the time and money to produce a whole array of remotes. If this was a successful remote, we might then produce a higher end version of it, I think. Okay, so we wanna go for plastic, or what would you recommend for materials? Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. They could buy cases, maybe, if they wanted. I think it's good to sell a basic thing and then sell options. Okay. Okay. Right. Right. Okay, and what kind of chip would we need for this guy? I don't think we should do voice, I think we should just do um the recognition for when it's lost, you know. could we Yeah. Hmm. Right. Oh dear. Okay. Okay. Alright. But it's not gonna be voice activated in the fact that you would say, channel up, and it would work, right? Just a Okay, alright. No. Mm 'kay. Uh and what size batteries, double A_, triple A_? Two? Could it run off of two They're more expensive though, too. Mm. Thoughts anybody? Okay. Yeah. Alright. Okay. So we've covered that first category, User Interface Concept, meaning design. Okay. I ki I kind of like your idea about the retro phone dial, and that the central button could have, maybe our logo on it? It might be the four way scroll, too. I mean if Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Oh, I see what you mean. I think so. Yeah, I like that. 'Kay. Mm. Can we? So that you're just not holding it and it changes the chan Mm. Yeah. Hmm. 'Kay any other ideas? Oh, yeah. Latex covers. W I think maybe we should do it on a b button itself though, because if people are able to change the covers, I don't know, maybe the on-off button, something, some the menu button, I don't know, but you know if we're gonna put our company logo on there and somebody could just get another one. Are they all gonna have our company logo on them? Every cover? Yeah. If we want it to be visible and Um are all those those one that you showed where they were um s met silver-metallic looking? But those are plastic, right? They're not titanium. I kind of like that look. Uh but, or if it was really Yeah, for the base or if we're going for the retro look, I think, like a really shiny black would be cool. What are your thoughts? Gun-metal gray. There you go, gun-metal gray. Why? Mm. Right. On the back? It d visible Visibility though 'Cause if it was only on the back really the only time you're gonna see it is when you drop it or when you're changing the battery. I can find it again. Okay. And yours was called Interface Concept? This one? Well, for some reason I can't get it to just go to that slide directly. Mm. Okay, yes yes. Okay. Like a little cut-out kind of Okay. Anybody see anything that they liked in these ones? Mm. Mm. Yellow, I like that idea. Mm. Mm. I like the yellow illumination idea, very good. Okay. Any other ideas or thoughts? We all seem to be fairly in agreement about what we wanna do with this project so 'Kay. I think there will be time for that later. I'm guessing. 'Kay, well we're gonna wrap this up. Um next meeting is gonna start in thirty minutes, and here's what we're each of us going to do. The I_D_ is going to do the look and feel design, the U_I_D_ the user interface design. I think you're going to get a lot of, I mean, the final say on what buttons get put We'll all talk about it, but I think, that's pretty much what you're gonna do, right? I guess. 'Kay. And you're gonna do some product evaluation. Okay, and right now, the I_D_ and U_I_D_, you two are going to work together on a prototype using modelling clay. Yeah. Okay, and you should all be getting an email pretty soon. Alright. Well, thank you for a very productive meeting. Speaker B: Just trying to move mine right now. They want everything, but simply. Okay. Yeah th I I can I can address some of that issue, I think, with uh my presentation. Okay. Mine will always read copy of something or other. I I copied mine before I sent it over. Hmm. Okay, my turn. Whoo. It'll be copy of component design. Yeah. Th that looks like it. 'Kay. So basic remote operation runs as follows, press button makes connection with the power source and the rest of the circuit, chip senses the connection, chip produces a morse code infra-red signal, specific to that button. So you press the button, it produces uh a signal that's encoded specifically for that button. Transistors amplify that signal and it goes to the T_V_'s centre, which interprets the signal response accordingly, changes channel etcetera. So that being said Next slide, please. Findings oh which were the required materials for the basic internal construction, so all the really simplistic functions that we just discussed, we need rubber for buttons, aluminium for battery y contacts, integrated circuit which consists of a diode, transistor, resonator, resistors, and a capacitator, all those basic things that make a circuit function. Um fibreglass and thin copper wire to create the actual circuit board itself. An L_E_D_, which is a light emitting diode, um contact discs for the buttons, plastic for the casing, and a power-source, whatever power-source we've actually determined we want. Next slide, please. Thank you. Uh personal preferences, uh to save money for the components, the remote should be mass-produced and basic materials should be bought en masse. Um if we find another company who can produce the required chips, casing, L_E_D_, any additional materials we decide we require at a less expensive rate than we ourselves are producing, we should go for it. Next slide, please. Um just talking to the um manufacturing division. They suggested power options, solar cells, hand dynamo, and kinetic power, so you shake it and it increases the power. Um I'm not sure how the hand dynamo works, they have yet to get back to me on that. So next slide, please. Suggested casing options. Okay. We can offer options for casing such as straight, curved, double-curved, you know, very specific to the customer. Options for materials, plastic, rubber, titanium, wood. I don't think anyone's gonna go for a wood one, because splinters Yeah. Um certain restrictions do apply here though. Uh latex, you can't do solar power with a latex one. So, if they want some a soft squishy rubber, they can't have the solar powered option. Double-curved, you can't do titanium. Um that would be two curvatures, so it would actually, if you the shape of your hand, you curve here and you curve here, so you could have two curves that match the shape of your hand to make it more comfortable to hold. Now if you wanted that, you can't do titanium. And uh so you functions what for the buttons, scrolling function could be very beneficial to us instead of actual buttons themselves. I think I have one more slide. No, I didn't. Um the manufacturing division also has said that um they have several types of chips and they've just developed a sample sensor or sample speaker chip, which we could utilise. Um push button requires a simple chip and scroll requires more complicated chip. So depends on what we decide we wanna do. In addition to that if we're offering all those different options to the customer for producing their remote, we're going to have to have multiples of each type, like a double-curved in rubber, um you know, each option should have a certain select number produced with all those options. So we'll have to mix it up, make sure we produce enough of everyone. But that could also drive up the price of the actual remote itself if they know that we only produced five thousand, you know, double-curved wooden remotes. And that's all I got. Well, we are making the chip. So, I mean But, I guess, we have to look at w what our production cost is for the chip itself anyway. Yeah. Yeah. I I thought offering some of those options for different materials that it could be made of different, you know I think we'd have to decide on the power options, maybe. So that we could reduce cost. Yeah. Okay. I think the p That's true. If we do a voice-activated locator, though, we're gonna be looking at a more substantial chip. So Honestly, I think the customer would be kind of irritated by the fact that it has a base if we did do a nice small, compact Mm yeah. Yeah. 'Kay so The only problem with that is if you forget to take it out of your pocket and it goes in wash. You know it happens. I've had three watches go that way too. Pieces everywhere. Well, we have lots of options. I don't think wood is a viable option. However, well, we only wanna sell it for twenty five Euro right? 'Cause I was thinking if we wanted to get the high in market then you could produce a few in titanium, make them a rarity so to speak. Yeah. Well the original Okay. Yeah. Good plan. Honestly I'd recommend like um uh since we're going with batteries instead of solar power, I'd recommend maybe a uh soft like latex, because we could produce, you know how cellphones have those overlays that you can change the colour. We could do uh one that fits in with the trends of the year so, because this year is all fruit, God only knows why, um we could do f a cherry cover for this year and then i if next year is stripes or solids, you know They could come back. And buy the extra case. So we could do like a b a hard base plastic, and then we could give two latex covers to start. How complicated Are we gonna go with the voice activated Well, we could give it a specific code, you know, remote missing. Yeah, see that would just irritate me. So I think having a key-phrase is much better. No. That would be like a mid-class um Yeah. So we don't actually have to go for Well, if they've just developed the sample sensor, sample speaker, it's a brand new chip. Why not introduce it in this way? I think, well, we could d r do two or we could do one small lithium, 'cause you know the lithium batteries are doing quite well in most other electronic products, right? So they're more widely available now. And they also have a longer battery life than most batteries. But if you only have to replace it every five years. Well, how about a initial, you get one battery when you buy it, 'cause I'm pretty sure we can get them pretty cheap on bulk. Yeah. In the sample ones that you showed us there was one that had the scroll buttons on the side, which I think if we make it curved like a hand like a hand-shape like if we put the the scroll-button on the side, that could be particularly useful. Well, if it's just up and down Volume or channel. I don't know. Mm yeah. We should probably make it that you have to depress it to activate it then, 'cause oth otherwise you're not just holding it and going like this, you know. Okay. We have to make sure that logo always sticks out when we put the latex covers on, so we'll have to like have a little square or something, so that the our logo's available. Yeah, I don't think we should do that, because that would just be icky. So I think maybe putting it on a button is probably a good idea. For our base one? It'll wear off. There's nothing saying that we have to put the logo on the front of the actual The only problem is we're using a latex overlay so it actually would go over top of everything and have holes for the buttons, so I was thinking maybe instead of doing that what we could do is leave a space for where the logo should be. Yeah. Great. Play Doh. Wonderful Ooh. Speaker C: Okay hang on. See if it's there. I don't know. Hang on. Interface concepts, no? Either refresh it, or it sh Oh wait, maybe I didn't put it there. Hang on. Sorry, hang on. Don't know. Okay. Okay, um looking at the interface concept, it's gonna be mostly examples of possibilities of where we can go with this. Uh if you wanna start the next slide. Um uh can't really see, but there's two possible ways, on the r left, if you see on th on the sides of of the remote, you have the sort of scroll down, so you have that option right there. And then also there's the idea of the base. That's sort of like an idea there. And then on the right, we have what's really big trend right now, it's the iPod. It's becoming really and so you have this sort of very very simplistic menu section uh with the round buttons, and it's sort of like you have the both kind of trendy and hip, but also very sleek and um and very simple, but technologically advanced. So if you wanted to do that th if we could find a way of sort of like using that idea in a remote control then sort of look into it, but Anyway, next. Um there's the idea of like being able to do it by feel as well as by um by sight. You'd you know you're in the dark, you don't wanna be looking at the remote control. And the picture particularly is pointing out if you look at the top volume button it's a V_, and so yo you're kind of feeling a V_ like volume up. What it really is is a V_ and what it you think it is is down, because the down arrow. And so it's like a sort of a criticism you'd probably turn that o the other way up. Um but then you have you could either do it by raised type, which could be you know, iffy, um sort of old-fashioned in a way. Either that or just have it by shape, for example you have a specific triangular shape that you know you're looking at the up and down arrow. And then the round ones you sort of feel by, you know, that's the second one down, that sort of thing. So it's sort of looking into how we wanted t to do it by feel. Okay. Um this is sort of an example of going for a s certain demographic. Um this is particularly geared towards children. Um it's very cute, and we could probably change it to yellow, bright yellow for like a the for the company logo. Um and you have the shapes and it's very simplistic and friendly looking. Um and then the other thing that it would be able to do is just to pro be ab you program certain channels that only these children would watch, so it's like they ch watch, you know, the C_ Beebies or something like that, uh keep them away from other channels. So that's like another ar Um, I mean, these are three examples sort of looking at it. You have the wider section for the main controls there. Uh you could see how many buttons there are. And then on the left you have an example of the round buttons, and a simpler design. On the bottom we probably wouldn't need that, because it's more for like a D_V_D_ function which we are not gonna be using. Um. So again it's sort of like just give you ideas and then down at the bottom you have the logos and that's where you could put the R_R_, Real Reaction. And then finally these are like the sort of same examples, but also some more, just possibilities that we could go with. None of them I'm particularly keen on by the way. But it's sort of like just taking aspects out of that and saying, well out of this one we like, you know the round section of um, b or we'd like the the button size on this. Right. That's it. Right. Let me just add one more thing that I couldn't say before, and that's just that there's the new technology that they've developed on the voice recognition. Um. Right except that it's sort of odd, and I'm no not exactly sure why they are explaining it in the way they are, um there's a sample sensor and there's a sample speaker unit for So, you would say like, good morning, coffeemaker, and it would respond, good morning, Jill, but I'm not sure exactly how it's gonna work, 'cause do you programme do we program the responses and the questions. So does that mean that the user then has to ask the specific question, and can't change it in order for it to be recognised, or can it be altered in a certain way, or does the actually user program it, to say a channel means this. Right, so it's got like a limited memory and programme it. So it's sort of iffy, but that's kind of what you'd say. I always feel like first I wanna know what it looks like, before 'Cause if it's something really really small, then it's sort of harder to imagine a base for it, that was p quite a s substantial size sort of standing up Right. Well, the other thing is like even if it's got a few buttons, so we want it to be bigger than this, 'cause it still fits in your hand, so you still wanted something that's comfortable and substantial, but not necessarily full of buttons. Are you gonna lose it easier? Yeah. So i That's the other thing, it's like You know Are we gonna have certain chips that are gonna require bigger size period? But like, you know, if we get more complicated then it's gonna v be have to be bigger to just accommodate the chip size. So we sh Yeah. I'm a away from the base. Yeah. Smaller and smaller, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're kidding. Oh watches I've but I've never washed a cell phone. Well, titanium s I was saying that titanium, if we're being restricted then I would probably lean away from that. Yeah. That'll Yeah, exactly. The selling point, yeah. Are we restricted by this? Twenty five Euros So you're talking about like when it leaves our salesroom then it's all gonna be cherry-coloured or is it gonna be the kinda thing where people come back and swap it? Okay. The what the top face, right? Yeah. A tracker, yeah. Well, my little sister got for Christmas she got one of those key finders that's like a key-ring, and you have to whistle in a certain frequency for it to work. And then she would laugh and it would start going off in her purse, and you couldn't turn it off. So it became highly irritating. But then it Hmm. Okay. Well, that depends on what the energy is needed. As long as we sell it with it. Right, that's what I meant. What's it gonna Yeah, what's it gonna look like. Um. Well, my issue with that is if it got too big though, 'cause if you have the circle and the button in the middle, then is it gonna get wider than your your hands are, because w And then would the buttons be too small if it was enough to fit on it? Yeah. But is that for Which? Do we have both sides? Well, the other option is in instead of a scroll you just have the buttons up on the side which are on the side. Um what colour? Well I sort of like having the a yellow strip at the bottom with the R_R_ like that. And that's at the bottom of it. Which button? Yeah. Yeah. I'm just really wary of the putting anything on a button. What's the button Well, w w then what's the button do, and how do you know that that is what the button does? I guess. Just looking at examples, y you just don't ever see the logo on a button, it's always on the actual casing. But you don't But uh, yeah, you don't see it. Well, hang on. The other option is, I don't know if you can see it but it's like if Yeah, it's like the second to last slide. Interface, yeah. Yeah. Um. Okay, it's the very right one. You see at the bottom, it's kind of difficult to see, but you have like a d sort of s division between the bottom like, where the logo is, and if we have the replaceable section, it's like the top. It doesn't necessarily replace the entire top. And so you have that one piece that stays and the rest just sort of clips in. If c you envisioning it? And so that stays the same when you have the logo, and then you have this s slip that kinda clips in and that's the bit that changes. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Right. That's like, you know, a a cellphone it's like the the screen is always just left opened. And so, what we are gonna do it like bright yellow with the R_R_? Yellow. Yeah. Oh, that one. Um. Ha hang on Let me catch up. Did we finalise what buttons we're including or we just everything that we said before? Yeah. Fun. Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so trend watching. Uh since we do put the fashion in electronics, it is kind of important how our product looks. So I guess we can go ahead and go to the next. So what they want. Right now customers want fancy versus functional. Um basically about fifty eight percent of what they like of the product that they want, describing like the in order of how much they want, fifty eight per cent of the decision of what it should look like, fancy versus functional, and then it has to also be technologically innovative, and yet easy to use. So the customer basically is confused. They don't know exactly what they want. They want us to tell them. Yes. Exactly. So we can go to next. Okay. So in Milan and Paris recently the trends have been showing that clothing, shoes and furniture are basically just covered with fruits and vegetable patterns. So I don't know if we want to go with that um and also the spongy feel is in in contrast to last year. I don't know really, I mean I guess the spongy could relate to the buttons if we want to rather than like a hard clicky button that you find on like some mobiles and stuff, you'd want like a softer touch. I mean do you guys know what I mean. Yeah. Um. But as for the fruits and vegetable patterns, I don't know if we really want to go with that, because it is just a trend, and our product we want to stay around for much longer than just a few months, because Yeah. I mean that could just be a Spring thing right now. Okay. Awesome. Um so design preferences, um we need easy to read like large buttons, clearly labelled so that, I mean 'cause we talked about that being a problem. Um and then also buttons illuminating upon touch, you said that in your design, with the bulb. Um and that could also tie in with the colour scheme. Uh we need the Real Reaction logo and colour scheme obviously. That's one of our key goals, we wanna promote our product. And I was thinking about different types of designs and I came up with something. Actually right here. So what we could do is something like an old-fashioned telephone like this, where we put the buttons around, like we'd put a big on-off button or something else in the middle, I mean it could be the arrows or whatever for channel up and down, and then put the numbers around in like an old-fashioned dial shape. 'Cause then it'll appeal to older generation and like said retro's cool. So it's classically retro. So I mean that's just an idea if you guys like it. And, yep. And that's it. That's cute. Yeah. I have four of those remotes. Okay. That would be amazing, though, yeah. No, splinters would What is that? Mm. Right. Okay. Oh this the thing we were talking about earlier. Yeah, like using the menu to be like, enter your name into the screen like on the menu options. So that way the remote reads it. I feel like voice recognition would be, I don't know, w it would be too hard to really I mean we could do it, but Technology. And it is a growing trend, the higher technological, like the, I mean just like the more advanced it is, the better it'll sell. Yeah, 'cause we need to know how big it's gonna be and how heavy. Oh the base, yeah. W We need to decide, well so we can figure how big it's gonna be, like exactly what buttons we want and exactly It could be like this. Yes. I'd, well uh This one is really comfortable, like I like the sides whatever, because But if we have the um, the locator, then we don't have to worry about that. So we can make it small if we have a l locating device. Hmm. Two double A_s, for this size. Right. Yeah. Smaller, without Yeah. I think if we had a a locating device with the small one, I think that seems way more advanced. Yeah. Yeah, because I mean if even looking at cellphones right now, those trends the smaller the hotter it is, yeah Oh. Yeah. Ouch. A phone, whoa, that would wow, that would hurt. Yeah wood. Yeah, 'cause if it's gonna cost us more to produce a chip, titanium will be more expensive. Yeah. We could do that, because all our research shows that people are definitely willing to spend more if Good plan. Oh. Yeah, who knows. O or we could like take off this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because the soft latex definitely is squishy. That's in. Well I mean squishier than like, yeah, just a hard plastic. 'Cause that uh what it type of, yeah, for voice activation would it be like a certain term what we would say like, because people could just be talking and we don't want it going off all the time. So uh Ooh. Uh see I'm uh I'm strangely attracted to it, because I know that's it's definitely gonna be big, because it's, I don't know, it's just so high-tech. Oh, then maybe voice maybe voice activation won't be good. Yeah, n n no, we just want it to be a finder. But do can your can the department make Oh, brilliant then. Yeah, good point. I think triple A_, it'll be lighter. I mean more more come in a package. Yeah. That's a good point. We could think about it and come back to it next meeting. We still have one more meeting. Yeah, it could be whatever, as long as there's something big in the middle, because like the old phones, there's like that just like piece of metal or like a picture or something in the middle. Oh, that's true. Good point. So scroll buttons on the side and then buttons on top? But we definitely If we have scroll things on the side, we definitely have to have 'em labelled. Yeah, like on the side of it. Oh if it's just up and down. Well, you could do some on both sides. Yeah. That's squishy. That's squishy. have buttons. Yeah, that. Yeah. Yeah, or like a gun-metal grey, 'cause then it combines the silver and the black. Yeah, buttons wear off. Hmm. But we want it to be seen. We need it to be seen. Right. Yeah. Some of tho Well, some of those buttons though are blue-based. Um well, a lot of those buttons are blue-based. Well, kind of. Um and then if v we do have them illuminate upon contact, they could illuminate yellow. Like if we like the one all the way on the left, uh you ca you can see it on your computer better. Um where the button is actually blue, but the number itself is clear or white or whatever so if you pressed it would illuminate yellow. So we'd have blue and yellow for the touch buttons. Yeah. Mm yeah.","Okay we're back for the conceptual design meeting . Um we're gonna open it and I'm gonna keep the minutes as Project Manager . We're gonna have three presentations , And then we are going to come to decision on the remote control concepts Okay , so trend watching . fifty eight per cent of the decision of what it should look like , fancy versus functional , and then it has to also be technologically innovative , and yet easy to use . So the customer basically is confused . So in Milan and Paris recently the trends have been showing that clothing , shoes and furniture are basically just covered with fruits and vegetable patterns . um and also the spongy feel is in in contrast to last year . Um . But as for the fruits and vegetable patterns , I don't know if we really want to go with that , um we need easy to read like large buttons , clearly labelled And I was thinking about different types of designs and I came up with something . So what we could do is something like an old-fashioned telephone where we put the buttons around , like we'd put a big on-off button or something else in the middle , So it's classically retro . looking at the interface concept , it's gonna be mostly examples of possibilities of where we can go with this . Um uh can't really see , but there's two possible ways , on the r left , if you see on th on the sides of of the remote , you have the sort of scroll down , And then on the right , we have what's really big trend right now , it's the iPod . and it's sort of like you have the both kind of trendy and hip , but also very sleek and um and very simple , but technologically advanced . Um there's the idea of like being able to do it by feel as well as by um by sight . for example you have a specific triangular shape that you know you're looking at the up and down arrow . Um this is particularly geared towards children . Um and you have the shapes and it's very simplistic and friendly looking . and then down at the bottom you have the logos and that's where you could put the R_R_ , Real Reaction . But it's sort of like just taking aspects out of that and saying , well out of this one we like , you know the round section of um , b or we'd like the the button size on this . So basic remote operation runs as follows , we need rubber for buttons , aluminium for battery y contacts , integrated circuit which consists of a diode , transistor , resonator , resistors , and a capacitator , um contact discs for the buttons , plastic for the casing , and a power-source , whatever power-source we've actually determined we want . They suggested power options , solar cells , hand dynamo , and kinetic power , Um I'm not sure how the hand dynamo works , We can offer options for casing such as straight , curved , double-curved , you know , very specific to the customer . Um certain restrictions do apply here though . And uh so you functions what for the buttons , scrolling function could be very beneficial to us instead of actual buttons themselves . Um the manufacturing division also has said that um they have several types of chips and they've just developed a sample sensor or sample speaker chip , which we could utilise . Um push button requires a simple chip and scroll requires more complicated chip . Let me just add one more thing that I couldn't say before , and that's just that there's the new technology that they've developed on the voice recognition . um there's a sample sensor and there's a sample speaker unit for So , you would say like , good morning , coffeemaker , and it would respond , good morning , Jill , I'm not sure exactly how it's gonna work , 'cause do you programme do we program the responses and the questions . I feel like voice recognition would be , I don't know , w it would be too hard to really If it's within our price to get that kind of chip that would , you know , technology But , I guess , we have to look at w what our production cost is for the chip itself anyway . let's let's see if we can decide what kind of energy source we want to have first and foremost . Um . It's not gonna be a huge universal remote . 'cause it still fits in your hand , so you still wanted something that's comfortable and substantial , but not necessarily full of buttons . If we do a voice-activated locator , though , we're gonna be looking at a more substantial chip . Honestly , I think the customer would be kind of irritated by the fact that it has a base I think if we had a a locating device with the small one , I think that seems way more advanced . Okay , so what kind of material do we want to be made out of ? I don't think wood is a viable option . 'Cause I was thinking if we wanted to get the high in market then you could produce a few in titanium , I I think we should just focus on one design and one concept right now.I'm not sure that we'll have the time and money to produce a whole array of uh since we're going with batteries instead of solar power , I'd recommend maybe a uh soft like latex , because we could produce , you know how cellphones have those overlays that you can change the colour . um we could do f a cherry cover for this year So we could do like a b a hard base plastic , and then we could give two latex covers to start . Are we gonna go with the voice activated I think we should just do um the recognition for when it's lost , you know . because people could just be talking and we don't want it going off all the time . Uh and what size batteries , double A_ , triple A_ ? or we could do one small lithium , I ki I kind of like your idea about the retro phone dial , because w And then would the buttons be too small if it was enough to fit on it ? 'cause if you have the circle and the button in the middle , then is it gonna get wider than your your hands are , which I think if we make it curved like a hand like a hand-shape like if we put the the scroll-button on the side , Well , the other option is in instead of a scroll you just have the buttons up on the side which are on the side . Well I sort of like having the a yellow strip at the bottom with the R_R_ like that . I think maybe we should do it on a b button itself though , or if we're going for the retro look , I think , like a really shiny black would be cool . or like a gun-metal grey , I'm just really wary of the putting anything on a button . It'll wear off . so I was thinking maybe instead of doing that what we could do is leave a space for where the logo should be . Like a little cut-out kind of Um and then if v we do have them illuminate upon contact , they could illuminate yellow . The I_D_ is going to do the look and feel design , the U_I_D_ the user interface design . Okay , and right now , the I_D_ and U_I_D_ , you two are going to work together on a prototype using modelling clay . I think you're going to get a lot of , I mean , the final say on what buttons get put 'Kay . And you're gonna do some product evaluation ." 122,"Speaker A: I respond to either. No worries. Okay, first thing I want to address is um one of the points that Florence brought up, which was uh current cost of the competition devices, similar to the ones that Stephanie uh showed us and and they're uh twenty to sixty Euros, depending on uh branding. Some of them that have a higher brand recognition are on the more expensive end. But I think that with the current um price that we're searching for, we're well within, even on the lower end, of the uh of the market. But I'm going to move on to more interesting um more vibrant things. So, I investigated the remote control market in greater detail, and my uh the theme of what I was to work on was uh trend watch. And I know that you all are a distance from cutting edge marketing research, so you know, I'm just gonna try to cloak it in really professional terms here. What's hot, fruit and veg. Spongy. And this is all over the catwalks, Paris, Milan, and I'm talking about clothing, furniture, shoes. This is really interesting change from past years, because it is much more organic, um some would say approachable. And I think if we're to refashion our view of what we want in a remote control, we should perhaps think about incorporating technologically interesting fabrics and some of the bold colours into a simple handset. So. I also did a little research on um what again are the most important priorities in uh decision making about uh purchasing. Fancy. Functional is out. And f the fancy, and that's exactly the term, I'm I'm thinking polished, elegant, you know, kind of innovative, but a cut above. This is twice as important as the next finding, which is technologically innovative. This is interesting, 'cause I think in the last meeting we were talking about technology as being so important, but maybe what's innovative is having it simple with um with uh technologically superior fabrics or uh, you know, designed in interesting substances. Ease of use. Again, pretty low, I mean it's the top three, but each of the uh fancy and technologically innovative are far more important. So I think we should cloak the streamlined remote control device in a series of fruit fruit themed sleeves. Y yeah, you know Exactly. Exactly. I was thinking though that instead of having something uh like patterned, you know, so, you know, something similar to a summer dress. you know, it would have like fruit and veg, is that we actually make these spongy. They could be ini initially I thought we could start with kind of um fruit that would suit kind of uh a long uh hand-held, so banana, pineapple and pear. Um it could actually the sleeve could take up a lot of the development and the remote control, we'd just need to get reductionist on it. They could be interchangeable, they're spongy, that goes back to ergonomic, and the youngsters love 'em, fun for the whole family, everyone can have their own. So what we're talking about is changing. this concept. Everyone has a T_V_ remote, but then we add in the fact that they could each have their own individual fruit. That's what's hot on the catwalks. So, this is my This is what I'm thinking. Y yeah, but I think I think what this would allow is perhaps a person in the family who had the most opinion about it we all need a remote, but the person who is really perhaps active in personalising, I'm thinking the teenager, the someone fifteen to thirty five would go out and get this additional thing the same way as you mentioned that people would get the cell phone covers. Yeah. W and plus I think Uh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this is an idea and I I you know, this is exactly what the research has uh has shown. So I really open this up to uh any other feedback. This spongy fruit and veg. Thanks. Alright. I I just have my ear to the market, guys. Is spongiest, yeah. That would add Mm-hmm. They are and they they would fulfil the uh first um priority, which is fancy. I think many of us would associate those with fancy. Something else we could do is uh call it something that's fruit and veg oriented. We could call it uh The name. Well it would be uh a a very simple product that would have a spongy sleeve that would be interchangeable. So That, you know, that might be And then we could keep it titanium. Yeah. Or s or smelly. Scratchy Uh well I was really thinking a lot about the I_ uh the iMac kind of gel gem tone. It's hot on the streets, guys. Mm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Mm. That sounds good. Any idea you you mentioned that there would be a cost difference. Um do you have any idea if if this could if the fancy model could be done in twelve Euros fifty? Hmm. Because, you know what, I'm being quite serious when I say that that um the things I mentioned are hot. But I think the important thing might be to choose one. You know, if if what you're telling me is is um some of these things aren't just f aren't feasible, maybe we could something about naming, we could call it, you know, Blackberry. That's uh Alright, well let's see then. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I'm trying to streamline mine a little bit. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Mm. Thank you, Kate. Mm. Oh I think um Florence resolved it by F_ eight again. Maybe. Mm. Hmm. It's a duplication. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. To uh m make it. Oh nice. Um Hmm. Mm. Wow. Do you think with um It seems that that uh you guys are quite keen on the plastic, perhaps the something reminiscent of the child's remote. Do you think we could put it in a in a fruit colour? And have it abstract. You know, we could call like a fruit name, but it would be a little more abstract. Mm-hmm. I'm just just throwing out ideas. Yeah. I'm thinking maybe we need to be a little bit more abstract if the design constraints are so Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Nice. Good point. I've used kinetic in terms of watches and it's very very uh handy, you don't even notice um that it's there. It's Mm-hmm. It could tie in with the fanciful design as uh, you know, throw the banana, you know, just gotta keep it moving. Be Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But I could market that as a um as a a I was thinking actually a a cost saver down the road, in terms of battery, you know. Mm-hmm. You know, kind of the That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm sold. Mm. Kind of like an internal egg. Yeah. And with sports on television. You know. I su Then I'll just say I support either from a marketing point of view I support either decision that the designers make on that. No we can't, actually. That's why I was looking over your shoulder Mm. Sounds good. That's really all I got, guys. Speaker B: Just just carry on. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Sorry. I'm glad to see the marketing budget is being so well spent on. I think that's a good idea. Don't you? Yeah, I I think we're gonna have some trouble when we get down to the component design on this. Spongy is gonna be difficult, I'm afraid. Yeah, I mean basically we can make these things out of wood, titanium, plastic or rubber. I suppose rubber is the closest to spongy, yeah. I was thinking titanium myself. Yeah. W w would it be helpful if um I described the components a bit, because I think it would give you um maybe bring this discussion back to Earth of what we can actually physically do. Right, well I I I think some of this um you're gonna be a little disappointed with some of the things I have to tell you, but I'm afraid this is the real world. So um I've been looking at the the basics of how these devices actually have to work in order to operate, and I've had some discussions with the ma manufacturing division, who have told me what's actually available, you know, what the current state of the art in components is, and some of the exciting new things they've got, but I'm not sure that it's quite what you want um. Now this isn't a very good overhead, but this is just to show you, this is the innards of a remote control um. I really need a pen or something but uh does my mouse work? No. Um oh yeah, can you see my little mouse pointer? Right. This is this is the a a a remote that's been opened up and that's the the back of the interface. And this is a push-button one, so you see these little little buttons here, they're little rubber rubber buttons that go through onto the the board at the back and they push these buttons here. Um and we that's the basic construction that we've got to got to accommodate. We got to have something that pushes the little buttons that um talk to the chip that encodes the message that sends the the message to the receiver. So um I wan I wanna go through not not just addressing the um uh the the points that you made, Sarah, but um doing my presentation in the order I wrote it. So first of all um I wanna talk about what possibilities we've got for the energy source. Um we can have your bog standard double double A_ batteries in a replaceable um little compartment. We can have a hand sorry a wind-up, yeah, which I think is quite an interesting concept for a sorry for a remote control, but i it maybe is doesn't quite go with the um the fruit and veg. Um one that one that I think is quite interesting is the kinetic energy source, where um you you actually get the energy by moving the device, which is quite a ni a nice and neat one. You have to it means that if it's sitting there for a long time it probably won't work, but you have to sort of throw it between your hands every now and then, it'll work. Or we we had talked about solar power, but I thing that we agreed that that's not so good in the dark. Now I'm afraid this is the options we've got on on the case. It can be made of plastic, rubber, wood o if you like, or titanium. Um and the nearest we've got to st to spongy there I guess is rubber, but um I'm gonna come back to the advantages of titanium, and basically it can have a flat surface, a curved surface or a double curved surface, but I think if we wanna use standard components, we're gonna have difficulty with anything much beyond that. Okay, what does the interface look like? Um well push button, that's that's the one we're all familiar with. Um we can have scroll buttons and the the scroll button can incorporate a push, so you can have it like on a mouse where you can use it to go up and down, change volume or channel or something like that and push to select something. Um you can have multiple scroll buttons, um this is maybe getting a little bit complicated, but um it's it the technology is there. And we can also incorporate an L_C_D_ display in the remote, but this will increase the cost. Um the electronics that actually makes the device work, we've basically got three, simple, regular, advanced, and the price goes up as we choose each of this. If we want the nice cheap one, the simple, then we can only have push buttons. All the other fancy interface designs go out the window, I'm afraid. Um pay a little bit more for a regular chip and you can have scroll buttons. If you want the advanced chip it obviously costs more, but it that's what you need if you want the L_C_D_ display. And the manufacturing devision tell me that they have recently developed um sample sensor sample speaker devices. Now I don't know what that is, but I think they think it's quite important and we might want to incorporate it somewhere. Um ou our real expertise is in push buttons, I have to say, but maybe you think that's old technology. And well I I think we've got two options. We can either go for a really cheap model, keep all of the costs down, um which means a flat plastic case with an ordinary battery and simple push buttons. Or we can have something that looks a bit nicer, I think it, um won't necessarily l uh look like a pineapple, but um that may or may not be a good thing. Sorry. Um but it could have an L_C_D_ screen and it could have multiple scroll buttons, and it could have the the company's new development of the um sample sensor and speaker. So, thank you. Yeah, I'm afraid I don't have that information available. Um manufacturing didn't actually give attach any prices to any of this, I'm afraid. Yeah mm-hmm. Banana? We we could we could do um a double curved rubber one, which would allow um say a banana, but um unfortunately I see from my notes that if we do that, we have to have a push button as the interface, we can't do anything fancier. Yep. I If you do F_ uh F_N_ F_ eight again, it's it'll I think it yeah, you you will do an Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I'd I'd certainly support that idea. It's difficult to make fancy shapes in it as well, we can't for example have a double curved case in titanium unfortunately. And the the having the the the screen on the television screen I think is a good idea, 'cause um otherwise we're we're putting up the price not only for putting building the L_C_D_ in, but for the electronics as well. There is that. Do you want scroll buttons in that as well? Mm-hmm. Right. Yeah. I think I think that's a g nice clean design, it's playing to our strengths which are in push button technology. Yeah. But we can implement it with simple push buttons, which is much cheaper. In fact Oh that's really nice. Hmm. Mm. We we could actually do it in rubber instead of plastic if you'd rather if you feel if you like the spongy Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Oh unfortunately I don't have costing information. I i in terms of workability, I I think the the two front-runners are the standard battery or the kinetic, but I'm sorry I don't figures on the difference in cost. And and how much you do have to keep it moving, 'cause I'm conscious that watching T_V_ can be quite a sed sedentary activity. Yeah. True, yeah, m more more environmentally friendly. Oh right, okay, I'd that that's something I maybe should have covered. Um chip on print is just a manufacturing technique um and I would certainly recommend it, I think, because I'm not sure I have an alternative. I i it it's just the way that the the the uh th the way it's ac it's actually built and you you print onto the circuit board like you might print onto paper. Well if if Sarah's keen on a spongy feel, the the rubber that we're talking about is the same as you have in those little stress balls, so it's yeah. Yeah. I'd I'd need to talk to manufacturing again about whether that's actually possible, but I agree, it's uh sounds like a nice idea if it is. I should I should r Which I think technically is just push button and uh I'd certainly support that that that brings the cost down quite a lot and it's something that we're an ex the company's an expert on. You know, I think the the company's s next project should to design a better overhead device that switches immediately. Speaker C: Yeah. Yes. Yep. Yeah, Right. Yes. So when your dad's sitting there, overriding your decision, going no we're gonna watch this, you can bring out your own remote and be like zap, no we're gonna watch this. Yep. And as for as for um well budgeting as well, if we're gonna have lots of different interchangeable components. Is this to the market? I was thinking titanium, I was thinking it's just I have been influenced by pictures of iPods, and they're also minimalist and shiny. Yeah, but it's kind of pointless, isn't it? Yeah. Let's delegate. Yeah, maybe. Or I think possibly it might be more useful if Kate went next. Um You can even have them in different flavours as well. So that if you just wanna sit there and chew on the remote, it could be like pear flavour, yeah. Scratch and sniff. A wind-up. Bear bear in mind it has to be the colours and styles of the company, so what I had been thinking was something chunky and yellow and plastic with black buttons with a logo on it. But um I I don't know how important that is to keep it exactly the colours of the Real Reaction company. It's just what I'd understood we'd be doing. That's before I heard about all this hot tips about the future, fruit-wise. Shall we wait 'til I've 'til I've showed you what well, my extensive presentation on what sort of interfaces are available. You did seem to include just in more detail what I've got though. So so mine's a bit pointless. Right. F_N_ and F_ eight, did you say? I don't have it on mine though. Should I do it again? Right then. I don't actually have a huge amount of different information then what Kate says, just that my method was to look at the, well, my my inspirations, which was a big collection of lots of different models of remote controls and other things that use a similar sort of thing, including M_P_ three players, uh like you know, hi-fi remotes, not just television and these things. Uh having a think about the feature of ea the features of each ones, um what functions we actually need, and then how to group and arrange these on the actual the actual plastic or rubber hand-held piece. Uh I've been especially interested in the iPod style scroll wheel, which Well, I couldn't find a the picture of the iPod w only linked to a web browser, so I couldn't copy and paste it, but it had a similar thing to this thing on the right. It has uh scroll wheels without without a display, but they they scroll like a computer mouse. So I was thinking that uh um a really simple a really simple interface with just a couple of scroll things on it um and then instead of a display the display could appear on the television screen. Like I guess an existing Sky or cable one does. Like, you know, you press enter and it comes up with what's showing on that channel at the moment, and you can do you can scroll along and it'll show you what's on in the next half hour, and you scroll up and you can see what's on the other channels while you're watching the same channel on the screen. Uh but I'm also equally taken with this chunky plastic kiddie remote, um which is really nice and fun and good to hold and nice, big, easy buttons to press, but still quite simple and quite cost effective. So what seems kind of ideal for me would be to just have a fairly simple, uh not fancy but not totally minimalist, I mean just pretty simple plastic, probably, I was thinking, yellow and black, just because that's the company's colours, with very very few buttons, but that would correspond to a screen that would appear on the television screen, like, you know, just small along the bottom instead of instead of having the iPod style display screen on the actual remotes, which is far too expensive. And when you've got a screen sitting there in front of you, you might as well have it appearing uh on the screen in front of you, it doesn't obscure much of the actual picture you're watching. And so on that you can, just much in the same way as an existing Sky remote, scroll along, scroll up and down. And uh and I definitely support uh the use of plastic and or rubber. I mean titanium would be great, but I think it might be a bit too expensive and too kinda spacey. If we're k trying to keep it colourful and slightly organic, then I think titanium's too futuristic. Yeah. Whereas a plastic's so cheap and easy and mouldable and everything else. Uh then And it's a little bit pointless as well I think. Like when when when you've got when you've got the screen there, it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a little menu showing yeah, a menu, you go into one menu and then it can have your different options, whether you wanna change the settings or the you know, your information about programme that's on at the moment. I don't think that's to taxing to uh s engineer. Um. But as for actually arranging them let me go back to the to the picture of the kiddie one. And I quite like it, 'cause it's just smooth and hand-held and it's got these easily reachable buttons that quite nicely uh spaced out, so something a bit like that with buttons arranged in a kind of circle. Up, down, left, right. I I was thinking not actually scroll, like a like mouse scroll, but you know, a I can't quite d uh describe it. you see on the one on the right, down at the bottom, is the mouse. Yeah, see where the mouse is, like this s style thing where you c have up, down, left and right. And enter in the middle, so you pick your menu and then your different options and when when you click on each one, it you can go into a new menu for that. I'm getting a bit uh specific here. Really we'd have to use something to show you, but If I don't think I can get it up on the screen. Ah here we go. Right. Well, the iPod spinning wheel is uh really complicated. It does scroll, but it is hugely complicated. What else have we got? Them, they're terrible. But they all have this this feature of this uh It's not quite a scroll wheel, but it's a kind of selection in this circle, which I think is a really good idea. Yeah, like up, down, left and right. Which is good. And then and then Yeah, so I mean either a channel up and down, volume up and down, next appearing programmes up and down, uh and then also when you get into the different menus on the screen, it's got your things like settings and contrast up and down. So all you really need is these four buttons with the enter in the middle. And that's it. Look at look at this one. Almost impossible to misplace or l or lose. Might take up your whole living room. Possibly. Yeah. That also is possible. Just Uh just something else I need to bring to your attention is have you have you seen these on a remote? This is actually the volume up and down, but they both say V_ on them, which, when you first look at it, you expect that to be the down, because it looks like a downward pointing arrow, but it's actually the V_ to indicate that it's the volume, so uh we do need to avoid little ambiguities like these. But we wouldn't have a specific volume up and down. If we're having the scroll wheel, then it's gonna double up as all the other up and down functions. But then, that's complicated. It sounds great. I've never come across it before, but it sounds fantastic. Sounds like it could be g a really good economical it would make the whole thing a lot lighter, more convenient. Yeah. 'Cause it's really a quite attractive thought, isn't it? It's like yeah, a good selling point. But it does depend how much I mean how much it costs and how much more development and research it needs. Do your exercises while you're watching the T_V_. Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. Do you not think it might need like a kind of a hard plastic inner shell with the actual delicate workings inside, and then a kind of spongy Yeah, s thick spongy cover, so it feels like the whole thing's spongy, but actually you're not damaging anything by squeezing it. Because I mean you could just get carried away with the with the tac Yeah. Well you do get a bit carried away with things that are tactile, you just wanna stroke them and squeeze them, and Just copy the one on the left. No um a scroll Well, like four buttons, up, down, left and right with enter in the middle, that will correspond to a menu on the screen. Yeah, I'd like push buttons with So push buttons No, it's still it's still plugged in on mine actually. Now it's gone again. Oh yes. Great. I don't think so. Play-Doh. Speaker D: Hi Kate. Okay, carry on. Alright um this is the beginning of the third meeting, the conceptual design meeting. Um our agenda should be um that we're opening the meeting, I have the minutes from the previous meeting are on the shared f drive at this point. Um and we should each have a presentation to make. Um we have certain decisions to make and we have forty minutes total. It's twenty five after two at the moment, so forty minutes is five after three, um which I'll be keeping an eye on the clock for us. Okay. Um there are the decisions we have to turn to, but we'll come back to them in a minute after I take us to the minutes of the previous meeting. Right um as we remember, I opened the meeting, the four of us were present, the meeting the first meeting's minutes were reviewed and approved. Um Sarah, you presented a marketing research report um which pretty much rep represented that fifteen to thirty five year olds uh it has to be hand-held, power, channel, volume, number keys, possibly a speech recognition. And then Steph did a second presentation um that those functions plus streamlining them with big user-friendly keys that were easy to use. I think all of us agreed with those things. Kate presented a working design of going after going over the basics on the whiteboard um that it should be a simple mass-produced device, because of the twelve and a half Pence cost. Um but we did talk about possibly using rechargeable batteries and having a docking place as a selling point. Um and the new requirements that it for be for T_V_ only um and that it include the l so slogan and colour of the uh corporate design be included. Um the corporate image. So we agreed that the target market would be fifteen to thirty five with more money than sense, that were decision makers. Alternatively it would be a manufacturer to enclose it with the T_V_, but it still should meet those parameters. Um and that the function we agreed was volume, power, numbers, enter, channels, a way to move between channels, easy to use and hand-held. Um at that point we agreed that Sarah would look at the current cost of competition, what what do the current ones sell for. Um and Steph was gonna look at ec ergonomics. Kate was gonna look at cost and feasibility of the various possibilities that we discussed. And I was to type up these minutes and work on the final report. Is this a fair presentation of what our last meeting was? Okay. Right. So we're ready to close that and go back to our That one. Right. We're up to the point of the Go back. Um the three presentations. So we're going to pull the plug on me and turn to Sarah. Is that okay? Is that alright with everybody else? Especially since Kate asked to be last. Sarah, I'm sorry if I misspelled your name, I didn't know whether it was S_A_R_A_ or S_A_R_H_. You respond to whatever you get, huh? Okay. Um, did you do your Hit Ah, there it is. Ta-da. Mm 'kay. 'Kay. Mm. It sounds like the the uh covers that they use for the remote, you know, your t your cell phone. Mm. Hmm. Uh-huh mm. In most families, don't isn't the remote is a remote. Mm. Mm. Well actually some households do have three and four T_V_s and they would have a remote for each one, so. Hmm. Hmm. Are we talking about the device itself or the c or a cover for the device that would be an interchangeable cov cover as a separate product? Perhaps perhaps that desi that particular suggestion needs to go back to management and perhaps go to another group to actually design as a separate product. Wo would that be agreeable? Do you wanna be next or you want Kate to go next? Okay, we'll move the Mm. Mm. Alright. Remember, we only have forty minutes Hmm. Mm. Hmm. Hmm. Thank you, Kate. Yes. There we go. Do it again. Keep doing it until you get it in both you get it there, you get it yours without that one, and then you get it with both. Yeah. This time it should come up both. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm. Hmm. Mm. Huh. It's a selection wheel. Okay. Okay. Or call it a or call it a banana and have it in yellow. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Mm 'kay. I wanna thank you all for all your presentations. We have about ten minutes left, in which time we have to make some decisions on the remote control concepts. Um and I think you all have been self-stimulating of working together. Um we need to come up with some specifics of the components, um the materials, things like making the decision on the energy um and the case and the interface type things. So let's Mm. Right. They want us to decide what form of energy are we going to use, which the choices that we've discussed were pretty much battery, kinetic or solar. Um this is where Kate's expertise comes in, and our decision making will be a little bit guided by Kate at this point. The You were saying that the kinetic would be useful, that is you just have to move it some and you'd be able to use it um as opposed to a battery that you have to either put it in a recharger or um keep replacing the batteries. Um or solar that you'd have difficulty with it if it's a dark day, that it'll die on you, and no way to do it. That's the day you wanna use the T_V_. Um so what's our pleasure here, what would be the cost consequences of each of the three? Okay. Mm 'kay. What's the uh feelings of the group on the kinetic? Hmm. Hmm. So the consensus seems to be use the kinetic if it's at all possible. It costs. Mm. Mm. Mm. Hmm. Yeah. Thanks for the reminder for five minutes to finish, thanks. Um the next thing that they wanted us to do was look at chip on print as a decision. Oh. Okay. What about the ca yeah. Oh, the way we uh-huh. Oh, okay. Um what about the case? I think they're talking there about do we want wood, plastic, titanium or rubber, and I think we've discussed not having titanium. One, it's too expensive, um and second, it won't do this double um curves. Um we've sort of eliminated wood. We said plastic or rubber. What's the pleasure? What about you? Cover. Uh-huh. Plastic inside. Hmm. Okay. Um the next part they want is the user interface concept. I'm sorry to push you, but we only have a couple minutes to finish with. Okay, and it says interface. What type and what supplements? Okay, um that's that. Um this is gonna sound weird, but the next meeting starts in thirty minutes. Whew. And they actually want a look and feel design, user interface design, you can look and see this as well as I can. Marketing they want product evaluation. Oh. Oh my, I'm sorry. Oh, okay. Sorry about that. missed that one. This ought to be fun trying to get this thing to work. Ah, ta-da. Ah. Yes, because I can't even see mine. Next meeting starts in thirty minutes, these are the individual actions. Yeah, right. Um the look and feel design is for Kate, uh Steph gets the user interface design, you get product evaluation. Um the two of you get to play with a Pla modelling clay um to do a prototype. Uh and everybody gets individual instructions in the usual way. Anything else we need to do? Go to it. And that's the end of this meeting. That's for her benefit.","The project manager opened the meeting and went over the minutes of the previous meeting. The marketing expert presented findings from trend watching reports and discussed her personal preferences in how to incorporate the results of the trend watching reports into the appearance of the remote. The trend watching reports indicated that products need to reflect a fruit and vegetable theme, sponginess, fanciness, and technological innovation. The team then discussed their target group and whether to use titanium or a spongy material in their design. The industrial designer discussed options for energy sources, materials, case shapes, and interface components such as buttons and LCD screens. The user interface designer examined the interfaces of existing products and discussed using menus within an interface using push buttons which operate like a scroll wheel. The team then discussed and made decisions on what energy sources, chips, case materials, and buttons to use." 137,"Speaker A: Just go to explorer. Or open. Participant two. Open uh. Slide show, view slide show,. One is a communication. Gateway arrays. It's a field programmable gateway arrays. Yeah. Or it's something like isn't hardware the first one? And the second one is for the software. Yeah to run th to make it run. That's it. No. Okay, and how about the battery power? Uh you mean that battery would be somewhere there and the remote contro the power to the battery comes through infrared? Into the more compact and uh okay,. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's right. Having a charger rather than putting the battery cells always. People don't like it to have to buy the batteries when they run out. We just make a small charger and put it Bu Our remote, we do not want to make it P_D_A_. G Yeah, not the T_V_s. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right. Oh, but you have a catch there, um assume that um if you want to go to if you are watching channel two and if you want to go to channel ninety nine, then. Uh-huh huh huh huh. Mm-hmm hmm hmm. But Yeah then yeah that's right. Mm hmm hmm. Okay. Okay. too small that it goes under the sofa and we can't find it. Yeah, that's. just give it a name and we call him. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right. Okay, after having the inputs from industrial design and user interface, I think most of the points which I want to are already covered here. And to find the most interesting features what the users would be interested, then what we have done is we have put a feedback forms in all the magazines, and the users send the feedbacks, and based on that These are the findings which we got and yeah adding of a speech interface is always good for a T_V_ remote but the technology We already know that as discussed earlier An it does how feasible it is. Oh we can put an limited vocabulary as in the mobile phones. We just have the it's not going to take much space also. It's going to be very slim. And next one was the size of the remote control. It has to be of course a very slim and small one. And of course most of the people are interested in if it's less expensive, so this is an important criteria here is I mean we have to look for a trade-off. The features and the cost. Little bit more if it's with extra features. Okay. Yeah, yeah. That's right. I mean, for a lazy guys they could say nine and the nine channel comes. Or they say movie name or I don't go for movie names but only for the numbers on the channel, or volume up, volume down, brightness, contrast. So, I think this should be a good idea, to put this features. And the fourth one was the teletext in various languages. Mm, I think Yeah as discussed in the earlier meeting, but I think uh not much people are really interested in this point if it's not really required. I mean I mean yeah, it's for the um industrial design and users interface designers to decide if it's going to be working or not. I think I think as I discussed th that four points would be good for um marketing. The speech interface and uh less uh reasonable uh cost. And the lighting adaptation and the teletext. And regarding the teletext uh these are the subtitl these are the text information which you got on the televisions. If you are watching an foreign movie, you get subtitles sometimes. And uh if you are a French guy watching an English movie you would like to have it in French. And if I am a German then I would like to have the my options in German. So, the remote it should have some it should give me some flexibility of choosing the ch languages. That should be a good uh point. We already have some. Yeah, that's right. Yeah,. Okay, thank you. Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Yeah, alright. So uh Well I have a PowerPoint pr presentation stored in my in my personal folder so I I I think you can reach it from here. Participant two. Yeah. Uh open. Right, so um I will talk about the the w working design and And um well I I will present my my first idea on how to build the our new remote control for television. So uh can you go one page down, please. So I think the first things to do is to define the hardware components neededs to achieve uh what we want to do. So uh mm I'm thin uh I think uh I I'll do a survey about what is uh what is available on the market and what what is the the cheapest possible things we hav we can use. Then uh I will try with the technical team to to build a prototype and to see uh with uh h how this little box would uh look look like. And how an and we can uh start troubleshooting first uh com communication problems or things like that. And when we are ready with this first prototype I I think we can add some software functionalities on a programmable chip like browsing by content or um things like that. Okay so can you go down uh So, wha what I think for now is we don't want to have a remote control w which is wired so uh I think we u we can use a battery for the. Then two programmable chips for both software functionalities and communication. And the communication with the T_V_ set is uh made through uh infrared communication So uh this is the the schema of the o of the future uh remote controls so uh you can you can see the components, uh battery and uh the two chips goes to the infrared uh connection to the T_V_ set. The one on top is for the um well the functionali the functionalities and the the th red um sorry the green one is is to well, putting things together, um f transform the data into uh qu into the format to to uh to communicate with the T_V_ set. And, that's it. I think we should use a F_P_G_A_ for for the functionalities which is easy to to t It's field programmable uh something array. Yeah. Well, uh a F_P_G_A_ is just a chip you can uh you can pr programme it uh wi with wh whatever you want. And uh well the Bluetooth chip is just responsible to uh make the communication uh between uh the two devices. No. Well, th the F_P_G_A_ will produce the the data to send. Yeah. Yeah. Alright and that's it for the working design. So if you have any questions? Uh no no no no, I think uh we have uh to to uh have uh embedded uh b batteries in in the yeah into the t. Yeah, yeah. And uh I I don't think it will need um very uh much power to make it run, so Yeah. It's a good idea. Yeah. That's a good idea. Also, but but I I I think uh the the goal is to sell our remote control. S okay, so charger for is the. Yeah. Of course. So we have to t We have to sell a T_V_ with the remote control too. I think there there is there is al there there is a a technology like show view who is already available on most of the T_V_ set on recorders or thing like that and we can try t to get this information on to the remote control to to do the processing on the remote control because Yes, that's a good idea, I think. We d we don't we we don't need really much buttons to i if we have a screen to navigate on on the T_V_ so uh Well, f four five buttons, it's sufficient. It's easy to build, it does not consume much power. Well, then y you you go to the main menu and uh you have uh go to channel and then uh you can Yeah. Maybe you. but uh I I think i i if you if you want to to make uh well a a big jump but uh well you you have to to have a a a device when you could you could Well, not a mouse but uh something that that says more clearly that uh right, left, up, down, well, the to have the ability to to to write something to the navigator, maybe directly, or So, we can think of buttons like in the telephone to send messages or things like that. But we'll see. Okay, so uh next presentation Mm. Well I I think it will be a, yes, a bit complicated to um make a speech recognisers runs on the small uh ts Yeah. And this can allow to choose the the program, for instance without uh adding uh buttons so it's a good idea. Yeah. Yeah, s s speech is a important extra feature I think Well, uh Well, we are we we just have to find a mean how to to add a m a a a microphone or uh well yes a microphone into the the remote control, so I well it will be alright. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I think it's a bit complex too For our next product, our new T_V_ set with uh automatical uh sound adjustment light. Function. Yeah, but well what about the the new project's requirement? I I I think we should give up with teletext, no? Yes. Well, so maybe we we can j we can already think uh about a way to to access the internet via the television. Because if Yeah, but uh we can think that in a few years there will be T_V_ set that can access the internet. So it's a good idea if i i if we i if if we uh think about how to to to build up our remote uh control w with this functionality in a w which will c which will come in a few years. So if we already have it in our remote control Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, to desi well, not not to implement it, but to well, to find a way to to add to add this functionality in a yeah, in an in an easy manner, if is possible. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So Okay, thank you. Speaker C: Mm-hmm. Okay. Because it's open you mean. F_ five. Did you draw it? This. What is the other chip for? The one on top. For men. To the in Okay. Mm. What is F_P_G_A_? So why's it how is it different from the Bluetooth? Yeah. Programme it. Okay. Yeah. Uh So this are the they have to work together? Or? Do they have to work together or two separate choice Okay. Is the is the software par alri okay. Okay, okay. So you can control if you want, right? Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. You can put it on the charger when uh you when you don't need to use it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm. Uh mm. Y yeah, yeah. Because you are using because you are using Bluetooth, if some people have P_D_A_ they can use their P_D_A_ to control the T_V_ if they want to, right? I dunno. So is mine. Oh. Yeah, this your Yeah. So you can open uh three. Yeah. So So I'm working on the technical functions design. can you show the next slide. So the the purpose is to to find uh the important questions to ask is what effect should the apparatus have. So so I found on a webs on the internet yeah. I spent a lot of time searching and uh and I found that uh the function of remote control is to send messages to television set. For example switch on, switch off, switch the next channel and so on and so on. So I found two very good prototypes for for this interface from our competitors so can you Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ours is a bit uh different. So these are two example. One is from the other one is from, yeah, uh engineering centr yeah. This is the most competing prototypes I've found. But then uh loo but then I found if you look at you see on the left one there are too many buttons Yeah. O on the right I tried to play with the problem is that uh if I have hundred channels I have uh I have to choo press the other button to choose the hundred channels and I have to compose the number so it's very lousy. So you so you move to the next the next one. Yeah, so I talk about the problem. And then I I look at the user manual they are a hundred pages thick, so we don't want that. So I propose the easy to use uh prototype. You can navigate on T_V_ screen and we can the user's preference and we need to have the T_V_ connected to internet so we end in order to access the T_V_ programmes by X_M_L_ and we need some to do some preprocessing. From the technical aspect, the processing should be done on the T_V_ set than on the on the remote controller, right? And then we the speech recognition as uh Harry says we may just put in we may K_I_V_. Yeah, all the processing is done the T_V_ is a compu has some processing power the Yeah. Yeah because are you just wondering what controller okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So i the processing on on the remote controller so it can u be used in any T_V_, any conventional T_V_ sets? Mm. Okay. N yeah, that's all. The next one? So I come up with a simple design, just keep the v navigation buttons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Okay, that's all. Mm. Mm. No, because you choose by channel, so you choose by T_V_ program so you don't have hundred channels to choose from. If you go by channel, you don't have to do that. Ah. Ah, a big jump. A mouse or Yeah. Mm. Mm-hmm. Uh it's gonna be small. Yeah. So it'll beep if you wanna find it you just uh shout y h just it just has to re respond to you when you look for the device. I dunno how bu And responds to you, and I- mm. But I think if you to recognise numbers it's a well-studied problem. I if you just recognise uh numbers is a limited you have limited vocabulary Mm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. But Mm. Yeah. I no I I think that uh i if we go for quality people may tolerate for high quality and of course comes with uh reasonable cost. Maybe not less, but they may be willing to pay little bit more for comfort, yeah, extra features. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. What is the teletext? Mm. It is interesting but we are only concerned with the remote controller. So you need s special T_V_ sets to do that? Or it's it's done via this remote controller? It's very complex. Mm. Yeah, then we can conclude that. Yeah. Yeah, but it's quite possible but maybe not in this project. Mm. Mm. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Mm. Mm. Using the T_V_ to access the internet? Or what? I didn't quite understand Yeah, okay. Yeah. The future demand, market demand. The functionality in the future. Alright. Yeah. Because all the T_V_ sets will be digital, right. All the programmes, everything will be in digital than analog. Th the system will change and we have to anticipate for those change. Okay. Thank you. Speaker D: So we come again for the the second meeting. Uh for the aim of this meeting now is to to make presentation about uh the work for each one. And take the the decision about the the design and the functionality of the the remote control. And we have think I got a new project requirement. So I think uh teletext becomes outdated. So the popularity of the since the popularity of the internet, and I think we don't need lighting adaptive, so the remote control should be only used for the the television. And of course we should have our image in the in the design. So, let's start with the the industrial designer.. Or y you can use the whiteboard if you want. Here. Oh okay. This one. Do you want to open Ah. Wow. This. You can i yeah. Ma Yeah we can change the b. Yeah. Um. It's mine. Participant one, no? Mm. Oh we have so let's move to to user interface design. Participant During the weekend. That's good. Mm-hmm. This are usual functionality. Tasks. And they are small. Mm-hmm. Yeah. What do you mean by the pa pa processing will be done on the T_V_ than the So we should have specific T_V_? Or? We can use this. Yeah, we don't Yeah, I think so. J j just the remote control. Mm. Yeah, we. Yeah. Speech recognition. Keep the navigation but. So you are Mm. How the this remote? Yeah, of course small. Participant four. So Harry. Mm-hmm. But do you think what they sug suggested s possibility. Yeah. It Yeah. But is it useful or not u I don't know. There is in the Mm. I think i If it's necessary can you can do that. We can integrate small microphone in the remote so it's not really a problem. What about lighting adaptive options? According to the re to the new requirements I think we don't need that. Yeah. Mm. So we have I think we have s still we have couple of minutes. Mm-mm. So any things to to discuss? Or any suggestions? Expensive. Price. I think we we can we is the. Yeah. So you have to anticipate the the future?. In future. Okay. So let's go for the the lunch break, and we will meet after.","Uh for the aim of this meeting now is to to make presentation about uh the work for each one . And take the the decision about the the design and the functionality of the the remote control . And we have think I got a new project requirement . So I think uh teletext becomes outdated . and I think we don't need lighting adaptive , So the popularity of the since the popularity of the internet , so the remote control should be only used for the the television . And of course we should have our image in the in the design . So , let's start with the the industrial designer . Right , so um I will talk about the the w working design and And um well I I will present my my first idea on how to build the our new remote control for television . So I think the first things to do is to define the hardware components neededs to achieve uh what we want to do . I think uh I I'll do a survey about what is uh what is available on the market and what what is the the cheapest possible things we hav we can use . Then uh I will try with the technical team to to build a prototype And how an and we can uh start troubleshooting first uh com communication problems or things like that . And when we are ready with this first prototype I I think we can add some software functionalities on a programmable chip like browsing by content or um things like that . So , wha what I think for now is we don't want to have a remote control w which is wired so uh I think we u we can use a battery for the . Then two programmable chips for both software functionalities and communication . And the communication with the T_V_ set is uh made through uh infrared communication So uh this is the the schema of the o of the future uh remote controls so uh you can you can see the components , uh battery and uh the two chips goes to the infrared uh connection to the T_V_ set . The one on top is for the um well the functionali the functionalities One is a communication . and the the th red um sorry the green one is is to well , putting things together , um f transform the data into uh qu into the format to to uh to communicate with the T_V_ set . I think we should use a F_P_G_A_ for for the functionalities which is easy to to t What is F_P_G_A_ ? It's a field programmable gateway arrays . So why's it how is it different from the Bluetooth ? Well , uh a F_P_G_A_ is just a chip you can uh you can pr programme it uh wi with wh whatever you want . And uh well the Bluetooth chip is just responsible to uh make the communication uh between uh the two devices . So this are the they have to work together ? Or ? Do they have to work together or two separate choice Well , th the F_P_G_A_ will produce the the data to send . Or it's something like isn't hardware the first one ? And the second one is for the software . Okay , and how about the battery power ? Uh you mean that battery would be somewhere there and the remote contro the power to the battery comes through infrared ? I think uh we have uh to to uh have uh embedded uh b batteries in in the And uh I I don't think it will need um very uh much power to make it run , so Mm . You can put it on the charger when uh you when you don't need to use it . It's a good idea . Having a charger rather than putting the battery cells always . People don't like it to have to buy the batteries when they run out . We just make a small charger Because you are using because you are using Bluetooth , if some people have P_D_A_ they can use their P_D_A_ to control the T_V_ if they want to , right ? we do not want to make it P_D_A_ . Also , but but I I I think uh the the goal is to sell our remote control . So I'm working on the technical functions design . So the the purpose is to to find uh the important questions to ask is what effect should the apparatus have . So so I found on a webs on the internet and uh and I found that uh the function of remote control is to send messages to television set . For example switch on , switch off , switch the next channel and so on and so on . So I found two very good prototypes for for this interface from our competitors This are usual functionality . Ours is a bit uh different . So these are two example . One is from the other one is from , yeah , uh engineering centr yeah . This is the most competing prototypes I've found . But then uh loo but then I found if you look at you see on the left one there are too many buttons And they are small . O on the right I tried to play with the problem is that uh if I have hundred channels I have uh I have to choo press the other button to choose the hundred channels and I have to compose the number so it's very lousy . So you so you move to the next the next one . And then I I look at the user manual they are a hundred pages thick , so we don't want that . So I propose the easy to use uh prototype . You can navigate on T_V_ screen and we need to have the T_V_ connected to internet so we end in order to access the T_V_ programmes by X_M_L_ and we need some to do some preprocessing . From the technical aspect , the processing should be done on the T_V_ set than on the on the remote controller , right ? And then we the speech recognition as uh Harry says we may just put in we may K_I_V_ . What do you mean by the pa pa processing will be done on the T_V_ Yeah , all the processing is done the T_V_ is a compu has some processing power the So we should have specific T_V_ ? We have to sell a T_V_ with the remote control too . Yeah because are you just wondering what controller okay . I think there there is there is al there there is a a technology like show view who is already available on most of the T_V_ set on recorders or thing like that and we can try t to get this information on to the remote control to to do the processing on the remote control because So I come up with a simple design , just keep the v navigation buttons . Yes , that's a good idea , I think . We d we don't we we don't need really much buttons to i if we have a screen to navigate on on the T_V_ so uh Well , f four five buttons , it's sufficient . It's easy to build , it does not consume much power . Oh , but you have a catch there , um assume that um if you want to go to if you are watching channel two and if you want to go to channel ninety nine , then . Well , then y you you go to the main menu and uh you have uh go to channel No , because you choose by channel , so you don't have hundred channels to choose from . but uh I I think i i if you if you want to to make uh well a a big jump but uh well you you have to to have a a a device when you could you could but uh something that that says more clearly that uh right , left , up , down , well , the to have the ability to to to write something to the navigator , maybe directly , or we can think of buttons like in the telephone to send messages or things like that . Uh it's gonna be small . So it'll beep if you wanna find it too small that it goes under the sofa and we can't find it . you just uh shout y h just it just has to re respond to you when you look for the device . just give it a name and we call him . And responds to you , and Okay , after having the inputs from industrial design and user interface , I think most of the points which I want to are already covered here . Well I I think it will be a , yes , a bit complicated to um make a speech recognisers runs on the small uh ts But I think if you to recognise numbers it's a well-studied problem . I if you just recognise uh numbers is a limited you have limited vocabulary Oh we can put an limited vocabulary as in the mobile phones . And this can allow to choose the the program , for instance without uh adding uh buttons It's going to be very slim . it's not going to take much space also . It has to be of course a very slim and small one . And next one was the size of the remote control . And of course most of the people are interested in if it's less expensive , I mean we have to look for a trade-off . The features and the cost . I no I I think that uh i if we go for quality people may tolerate for high quality and of course comes with uh reasonable cost . Maybe not less , but they may be willing to pay little bit more for comfort , Little bit more if it's with extra features . Yeah , s s speech is a important extra feature I think I mean , for a lazy guys they could say nine and the nine channel comes . but only for the numbers on the channel , or volume up , volume down , brightness , contrast . And the fourth one was the teletext in various languages . we we just have to find a mean how to to add a m a a a microphone or uh well yes a microphone into the the remote control , so What about lighting adaptive options ? Yeah as discussed in the earlier meeting , but I think uh not much people are really interested in this point if it's not really required . According to the re to the new requirements I think we don't need that . but it's quite possible but maybe not in this project . So any things to to discuss ? I think as I discussed th that four points would be good for um marketing . The speech interface and uh less uh reasonable uh cost . And the lighting adaptation and the teletext . And regarding the teletext uh these are the subtitl these are the text information which you got on the televisions . If you are watching an foreign movie , you get subtitles sometimes . And uh if you are a French guy watching an English movie you would like to have it in French . And if I am a German then I would like to have the my options in German . So , the remote it should have some it should give me some flexibility of choosing the ch languages . Yeah , but well what about the the new project's requirement ? I I I think we should give up with teletext , no ? Well , so maybe we we can j we can already think uh about a way to to access the internet via the television . Yeah , but uh we can think that in a few years there will be T_V_ set that can access the internet . So it's a good idea if i i if we i if if we uh think about how to to to build up our remote uh control w with this functionality in a w which will c which will come in a few years . So you have to anticipate the the future ? well , not not to implement it , but to well , to find a way to to add to add this functionality in a yeah , in an in an easy manner , if is possible . Yeah . Because all the T_V_ sets will be digital , right . Okay . So let's go for the the lunch break , and we will meet after ." 20,"Speaker A: This is it. Yes. Yeah. That's on the rub rubber part. Yeah? Alright. Do we Do we change the Do we change the the order? Or are we going to uh ev evaluate it first? Okay. That's uh um That can be none. Um, we gonna do the evaluation now, together. But I have uh a introduction how it works. So, it will come up. Uh-oh. Okay. Um, yeah. Well, we uh uh, I have um thinked a few evaluation uh criterias, uh based on um our marketing strategy, on uh the latest trends, on user preferences. Uh, we have a seven point scale from uh true, as well. To false, seven? And on base of each c uh criteria, we need to um give a rating. We can uh Well, it look like this. But we gonna uh do it here, they said. So, you hope found out how to do it with a Word document. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Um, well uh we have the Word document You So we open up that blank here. Um Think I can Uh, what this just an example. So, this not very important. But um, if I can get a number in here. Hmm. Well, uh we can't do that. Um, so uh you have to think of it as uh the remote control is techno technologically innovative. Uh, and then we have to uh agree on the rating together. And in the end, we will c uh count an average of all rating. The first uh on each item. Yeah, I think it's uh Uh, well technologically using, it's not uh it doesn't contain many new features. Only the L_C_D_. So, it Um, I think I will give it a yeah, yeah, yeah, a four. Hmm. So now i I think you uh see it um its statement. And you true or false. And true is one. So, yeah. Yeah. 'Kay. Um, well It's a one. The first item. So, okay the second item. Um, this product is for all sorts of customers. Well, it's a statement which uh I disagree with, because we uh really aim uh at at young market and I think the way it looked uh c uh totally in yellow, it's not uh really aimed for all customers. It doesn't look like that. That's uh a six. Four. Uh, okay. Mm. That's uh the motto of our company. Yeah, well do we do this with uh this product? I um Yeah. I think if we do this, as it's uh uh c uh it's really orientates on the design. Um, so I would give it a two. Two. Uh Okay. Okay. Yes, I'll think of that too. Yeah, agree? A three. Yeah okay. The next element um is the product looks good. Well personally, I do not prefer a um remote control that's fully in yellow. So, I would give this a five. We have to do our uh Two or three? Two. Okay. So, well we gonna do the next part. Uh, yep. Uh uh, the next statement. It has not too much buttons. Um, yeah, I I have uh said is not because uh a low number is better. And in the end we calculate an average. So, um that's why it's a negative in it. Um, well this one of our aims not have too much buttons. So, um uh did we uh do that? Well, uh if we go to uh this fashion, I We still have caused uh a lot of uh buttons for the numbers. But you can you can go for that. And um that way, you don't have a lot of buttons over. So, I would give this a two. One. Um, but where where is the? So Yeah, did we implement uh the sound? Yeah. It won't. One. Okay, um well we aimed for the younger market. Uh yeah, did we achieve that. I think with the way it looks and um it is designed, I will give it a two. Yeah. Uh, yes. That that was uh, yeah, one of the most important things that uh Trendwatch said. I didn't uh say it in my presentation. But um, well does it have that? I would say yes. So um Well, let's also give this a two. T Yeah. Okay. Two. And um, then the last one I could think of, uh it goes with the latest trends. If we looked at the latest trends for the uh younger people, and they ate uh fruit and vegetables, well it has a um a nice colour, uh well compared to food but we didn't uh We did not paint any uh fruit and vegetable on it for something like that. So, I would did not give this uh a one or two. I We'll go for a three. Yes. A three. Okay. So um, come back to the presentation now. So, we find yourself there, and now we have to calculate an average rating. So, we will do that. Yes. By nine. Yeah. Um, uh okay. Two. Come on. So uh, that's a pretty low rating, I think. So, according to our uh own evaluation uh we did a good job. Oh. Nah. How am I doing? Yes. And I closed your slide-show. Which one was the last for you? Uh, dreaming. Next. Finance. Yeah. One... We would have uh n For a remote control. I've For a remote control, I think it is. If we would have uh uh normal buttons instead of uh the joystick. For up down left right. The advanced chip was for the L_C_D_ wasn't it? If uh If we have the n no buttons If we have we have uh not a joystick but buttons, we would have uh, we have thirteen Euros? And then uh we move the the colour. What will that be? Yeah. still, he waited at the No. Project. Yeah, I think you have to compare it to if you would have a normal um normal project without laptops uh and without these devices. I think um Well, the laptops if you have them out front of you, you sometimes looking at that instead of the presentation. Um, well uh the draw-board, well you can draw things. But it not really going very convenient. Uh, maybe it will be easier if you have a smaller monitor and uh you would also see there. And with a normal mouse. Um, and uh the project. Yeah, I agree on what was said uh mainly. Uh, yeah but you always have that some people are talking more than others. And maybe is then um the task of the the project manager to also uh ask more to the people uh less talking. To tell their opinion. Yeah. Okay. Speaker B: I don't care. Huh? Big.. Yes. Up is channel up. Down is channel down. To the right is volume up. To the left is volume down. The R_R_? I'll get it. I think the scroll-button is something also uh new. What uh not anoth uh, not a lot of uh a lot of uh remote controls have. I think technologically I'll give it an seven. Si six six. Sorry, six. Oh, true or false. Oh, uh I'll I'll give it uh a t a two. Sorry. Five. Mm-hmm. Maybe version uh three point O_ uh has other colours. Four. Me too a two, because only the battery is not uh techin uh technologically high standard. But the rest of it is. So, I think a two. It it will be fashion. 'Kay. Three is okay. Oh, we'll wait outside. I give it a one. Say two. Two. One. Uh Just a small thing. Ah. Yellow. Looks like a pistol. Uh It won't get between uh the pillows uh on the couch. Uh Yeah, o one. Yeah. Me too. Two. Yeah? Yeah. I gave this a one because of the rubber. It feels soft. Uh, it looks like a l uh uh b uh, a bit like a joystick. It's Yeah. Yeah, f very fancy trendy. Two is okay.. Oh. I go for two because uh the the shapes are still round. Uh, the latest trends are soft things, you know, like uh I said in my presentation. Uh But the the colours are um basic, like yellow, red, um blue. Something what also younger people want. It's also a trend, so I'll give it a two. Two. Yeah, I think. Cheapest there is. Expensive. Well, it's the most advanced. Advanced. Uh, yellow. One. Joystick uh thing. We're not gonna make it. Yeah. Wh What what are the costs? Fifteen. A special colour. Uh, I don't think it's a very special colour. Yellow? Uh, is it a special colour? What? Yeah. And what if we use only one sort of um Um just only plastic or only rubber? One Euro discount. If we change the joyst uh the joystick thing into a button up, button down, button right, button left. And then we'll lose fifty cent in what? Uh uh-uh. No. And if you say it's just a r uh normal colour it's a normal colour, wh No one will see it. Normal colour, and the the joystick away, and put the button up, button down, right, left. And it's twelve Euros, I think. No. Uh, no, no, no. Uh Oh, wait wait wait. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. If we lose the L_C_D_, then we have an uh regular chip and no L_C_D_. Uh, yeah. Then you'll have to m uh see the menu on the television. And you don't have the L_C_D_. So, the T_V_s has to uh have to be up-to-date. Yeah. Yeah. Huh. No knew that. Yeah, then it's twelve Euro fifty, then it's okay. So, all the buttons has to have to be the same colour. But then the print on it will g um change it. Make it uh for everybody to see what button it is. Uh l How you call it? Recognisable, yeah. Yeah? Okay. Oh, well that's clear. And the joystick away. And its buttons. Yeah. About the process. Went good. Uh I think uh the creativity uh was good enough. We have a gun instead of a remote control. Um Uh leadership. Yeah, you were the project project manager, and uh had the final vote. So yeah that was clear. Team-work okay. Everybody uh has something uh to say about it. And uh no, uh o only the the drawing uh was very difficult. But, nah. New ideas found. Nope. No. Yep. Beer. Yeah? Okay then. Speaker C: Okay. So, now um, last time. Can you uh push the button? One time please. So I'm still the secretary. Now uh, I ask you to presentate the prototype. One of your you two. Yes. The prototype. Well, thank you. Uh, now Yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. And the buttons? And the joystick is for the volume and the channels. Okay, so if joystick and L_C_D_. What's the R_R_ d Okay. Very good. So, we have So, what they say on the side is put fashion there. Yes. It's good. So, that's it. That's prototype. Now, the finance. We don't know if it's th it if it's okay. So, I'm gonna look. We have Sorry? Finance is um Yeah it's No, first uh Yes. We have to evaluate the product yet. Sorry. Criteria. No, it's okay. Oh, it's okay. What do you think? Yeah. Two. You? Me too. So it's a three. So it's a Yes, it's for the younger g group. So it's uh half half of the people. So I think it's four. No. Yes. So, I think it's four. Okay. Give it a four. Yep. We put the fashion in electronics. Uh, I say uh a five. It's not fashion, it's new. It must be a fashion. But it isn't. Yes. It w If it's not a fashion we can put it in it. So, it must be a fashion. I think it's a five. No. Oh. I use my feet though. Okay. Well, I say three. So, counting then is two and a half. Okay, two. You? Me too. One. Next, six. It does not get lost easily. No, we did not. So, but can it get lost if it's such a thing? I don't think so. Yes. Not a not a normal shapes. So No. It won't get lost. So A one? Okay, a one. Next. Yeah me That was our target. Two. Yep. Right. There's a fancy look-and-feel. Okay. I say a two. It's a a bit personal. If it's fancy. So I think s two is better. No, it's new. Innovation.. Okay. Me too. Three. Yeah. Effort is three, ten and twelve. Thirty, forty, fifty,. Twenty one. So, it's uh two and three nine two and one third. Yep. Uh, nah. Okay. So, it's good. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Back to my uh Yep. Next please. So, now uh we have a product. Very happy. But uh, is it cheap enough? Um, so if uh I'll have a look. We have a battery. One battery. Okay, one battery. Electronics. Advanced chip. Yeah it's the most advanced. Chip-on-print. We have that one. We have the simple, regular and advanced. We have the adva advanced. 'Kay, so uncurved or flat. Nope. Single curved or double curved? We have double curved. So Then we have plastic, wood, rubber. we have half rubber, half plastic. No titanium. Special colour. Yes, yellow. Interface, push-button. Scroll-wheel, integrated scroll-wheel push push-button, or L_C_D_ display. So, we have the L_C_D_ We have two scroll-wheels? Or one? And it's not really a s Yeah, it's this one. Now, uh button supplement. Special colour. We already Uh, that's the from the for the buttons. The buttons are regular colour. So, then uh then then then then then then Then Uh, no. It's too expensive. So, we have to change something. Fifteen Euros. Yeah, well uh when we lose one scroll-wheel, it's okay. 'Cause we can't lose the battery. We can't lose the advanced chip. We can't lose the double curve. We have rubber, special colour. Oh, no, we No, it's uh Sorry? Um, then we uh lose two Euros. Then we have thirteen Euros. Half a Euro too much. Exactly the special colours. So That's one Euro. So, I don't think that's good. Mm I think we have to keep the L_C_D_. If Yes. Then it's only thirteen Euros. So uh yeah. Yeah. Then you have Or you have to cut this off. Then it's not good anymore. So, wait. Okay. I'll have a look. We Yellow rubber. Yeah, normal. Uh One minute, please. Uh Is it maximum. Um Yeah, it's normal colour. But if you lose the joystick, it's still uh an advanced chip? Or it's then a regular? So, the advanced is for the L_C_D_ and the regular for the joystick. And what if we lose the L_C_D_? Yeah, regular chip. But Is it a good design? Mm, yes. Then it's okay. Okay, so no joystick. Oh no, but we then we get push-buttons from half a Euro. Uh, yes, yes, yes, yes. No joystick. Push-buttons. No special colour. Twelve and a half Euros. Then it's okay. So, we have to change that a little bit. And you cannot use the red and green button. Because if you give them a s uh colour, you have to pay point two Euros. Yes. Yes. So So Well Now we have to change that, but that's okay. Rubber. What's the normal colour? So And Where's? Yeah. So, now it's Yeah. It is. But then it will be just that ones. Now it's Very good. Now, uh project eva evaluation. Well What do you think of it? Uh About the project. Okay. And you. Okay. Okay. Well, what do I have to say. I think it was good. Not too many discussions. So, it's good for the speed. So, I think we're ready. Good price. Evaluation ready. Ready. That's it. Speaker D: Oh this, you mean? Yes, well uh this is it. It's uh it's uh it's yellow. And uh, this is rubber. And and and this too. The the sides. And the rest is hard plastic. And uh We uh we had some uh We had a new idea that that this can uh can be uh uh turned inside. And then it covers the these buttons until here or something. And then you can still use the the power button and the mute and the the joystick. So, you can still operate uh all the things. Because you don't always use the menu. And then it can break. Uh, well uh Big buttons. And everything is blue, except the power button. And the mute. Of uh yeah, and the mute and the the other button. Yeah. Channel higher channel button. Uh, yes. Yes, that's uh Very obvious. Yeah. R_R_'s the l the the the the company uh logo. Uh, yes. Yes. That's about here. Oh. Three. Mm Mm, four. Yeah, but it's it's Yeah. I mean it still has l large buttons and not m many buttons. So I mean, the colours are for young people, but older Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. Yes. Two. Then make it th three.. Yes, a one. I like it. One. Yes. Yeah, but uh Yeah. Yeah. Yes, a one. Yeah, okay. Mm, three. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm, yes. Mm, yeah. Mm, yeah. Yeah. Okay. All the same uh Mm, yeah. Recognisable. Like what Yeah. Mm, yeah. Okay. Yeah, well the same. I I espe I especially uh liked the the means, the the SMARTboard and uh Yeah, it uh It brings up new ideas when you work with uh with it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. No..","The industrial designer and user interface designer presented their prototype design, made of yellow rubber and hard plastic, with large, mostly blue buttons, a joystick and LCD screen. Led by the marketing expert, the group evaluated the prototype on a scale of one to seven, based on a set of evaluation criteria. The overall rating was two. The project manager calculated the production costs, which were too high at fifteen Euros. The group discussed how to make the design cheaper, and decided to keep the LCD screen, but to remove the special colour and replace the joystick with regular push-buttons. Finally the project manager led an evaluation of the project process before closing the meeting. Overall, the group were satisfied with the creativity, teamwork and available equipment, although the marketing expert thought the SMARTboard and laptops were sometimes distracting and not that helpful." 46,"Speaker A: Okay, good morning. This is our first team meeting. I'll be your Project Manager for today, for this project. My name is Mark will be giving this presentation for you to kick the project off. That's my uh that's the agenda for today. Well, of course we're new to each other, so I'd like to get acquainted first. So let's do that first, I mean Let's start with you, can you introduce yourself? You're our Marketing Expert. Okay, excellent. And you are User Interface Yeah. Excellent. Okay. What should it look like? Okay. Oh, let's kick it off. Oh, there we go. So, our new project is about we need design a remote control for television set, so, which has to be original, trendy and user-friendly. I took this off our corporate website. It's I think well it sums up what we need to do. We're inspired by latest fashion, not only electronics, but also the latest trends in clothes and interior design. That's why our product will always fit in your home. So apparently we need to um be very at um very open to what's currently hot in the market. So that's what you need to do to bring us the latest info and what people want. So So we put the fashion in electronics. So that's what we need to go for. Anyway, we'll take this project in three steps, three pha uh three phase of design. First step will be the functional design. And that's basically what we're gonna do. Everybody has uh a piece of individual work and a meeting afterwards, so we can share information about So I'm gonna keep this short, since we had a technical problem. So skip through this. Uh. Okay. Every meeting we everybody can present their uh their views and everything, so to help with these, you have we have the SMARTboards here. We can use a regular PowerPoint presentation. I'm supposed to give you an introduction on this doodling board, so it's actually it's very easy. Like it says, very simple, you just take out the pen. Like you see here, I'll just take the take here. That's it, you just put it on the board. You see a pen here. You go here, just like using a pen. You can just draw whatever you want. It's like the eraser, can erase whatever you want. And so it will be easy just to illustrate your views, if you wanna change the format, you just either take out jus just like the pen, and whatever you want, your current colour, your line width, just to make the line bigger. So it should be really easy. This is to take the just take a new slide and back again. We're just gonna keep using this board all the time, so I think it will be it's very clear for everyone, I suppose. So I'll take this out. Okay. We'll use that later. Anyway. Yeah, just just just stuff that you wanna share, just put it in the in the project folder, like I put my presentation now. I'll put the the minutes of every meeting, I'll put them there too, so everybody can read up if they have to leave early or whatever. So next, been here. Well, gonna give the electronic white-board uh a shot. So basic idea is we have a blank sheet. Just try whatever you want, and like it says, draw your favourite animal. I think the creative genius should go first. So, draw us your favourite animal. Draw us a technical animal. Yeah, it's still erasing. So that's what we don't want. We want a high-responsive product. So It looks more like nuclear bomb. Let's go easy on it. Anyway, it should It It's supposed to be a dolphin, you like the freedom that it that it represents. What do you like? Okay. Well, our Marketing Expert. Show us an animal. Pick a pick a pick a clean sheet. Oh. Take a clean sheet first. Just press next. That's it. It's a cute elephant. It's a nice beard. Okay, so it's just a bee. So I suggest you make us the elephant in the market. The big and strong player in the market. This would be good. Okay, excellent. On to the next one. Press next. Yeah, it's up there. That's it. Sure looks smooth. What does it want? Okay. I agree. Yay, I'm supposed to draw the animal next. I introduce to the world the amazing ant. Great team-workers. Do everything to Uh really small, but together they're really strong. So I'm gonna give it a smiley face. Not sure where the p. Just put 'em here. Whatever. Think it need shoes. So I'm just too lazy to draw it all black, so That's the coolest ant ever. I love to draw ants. It's my hobby. Anyway Nah. Just I think it's very representative what we drew, I guess. Like you take just take your freedom and use a a trendy interface that you design for us. Just Yeah. You're supposed to make i make it different from uh from what other people have, and just make it a little distinct. Anyway. another beep to stop the meeting. See. Warning. Finish meeting now. Uh put this down. Examples. Well I guess we have a little little time extra, but Just a little quick discussion to to open open our work. So what do you guys think about The first idea is just very short. I'll start with you. What are y What are your first ideas for the new product? What The project I got was just for a T_V_ remote control. Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so very intuitive design, I guess. Yeah, we want I suppose we want almost everyone to be using it. So I think I mean, really disabled people, yeah, might be a problem, but I think it's a little take it into consideration. Um yeah. I think we really need to cut the meeting short. You have anything you wanna share quickly? It should be light, okay. Um, let's see, where did I Let's skip that. Oh, this is it. Sorry, I skipped this sheet. What do we This Quick What we're going to Selling price, twenty five Euros. That's for you. The production price, twelve and a half Euros, approximately. Just go go for that. We'll reach the uh reach that profit. No, it's not much to work on. I'm sorry, I skipped it. Anyways, that's Yeah, this is it. Do you have anything you you came up with yet? About uh marketing transfer, whatever? Marketing I'm not sure what you what you came up with yet. You have anything to share? Or else we'll cut the meeting just cut the meeting short since we're supposed to stop. Okay. Anyways, the the personal coach will give you the your p your personal assignments and everything. So we'll just meet back in here thirty minutes. I'm sure we have that. Yeah, thanks for attending. I'll see you back here in thirty minutes. Speaker B: Morning. My name is Xavier Juergens, I'm the Industrial Designer, and there are three main questions that I have to find an answer to today. First one is uh what happens inside the apparatus, second is what is uh the apparatus made of, and the third is what should it look like. Uh-huh. Mm. Okay. Okay, you should press next. Okay. Okay, well the animal I'd like to draw is a tiger. My drawing skills are really bad, so. They are really bad, my drawing skills. I'm not sure how the legs should go, but Uh these are stripes. I've picked this animal because it's very fast. It is uh it knows exactly what it wants. Uh it hardly ever wastes any resources. Uh well, basically uh it hunts for prey, but it does it always in a very well-thought way. Uh it knows exactly what it wants. It never kills an animal uh just for the killing, so it's very efficient. And it tries to do everything as fast as possible. And it always goes for uh security, in seeking uh uh a hide spot and uh and doing everything, security, speed and efficiency is important. And I think uh those things we can use. Yeah. Oh. Hmm. Only one thing uh that has to be added according to me is uh the the material it is made of, it should be something light. That's it speaks for itself, but some uh Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Good luck everyone. Speaker C: Good day. Nick Broer, User Interface Designer. I'm going to uh look at the technical design from the uh user point of view. The creative genius? Thank you very much. Well, I'm more into the technical aspects of drawing, so I'm not really good at drawing animals, but uh the animal which I Oh. Pen. Uh format. Else my animal will be like king-size. I pretty much like a dolphin, because of its uh its freedom basically. Let's see. A head. actually worked with this. It's like uh it's a very Uh high-tech. Bit low-responsive though. Prefer pen and paper. It doesn't look like a nuclear bomb. This thing isn't doing what I'm What I want. So Yeah, well it does look like a nuclear bomb. I'll just finish up real soon, because I'm So it doesn't really look like a dolphin, but then again, this is all new for me. Like the ocean, like swimming. Do that in my spare time, so that's basically an Now we can forget this ever happened. It's not really that responsive, no. And you was making comments on my dolphin. You picked a hard one, didn't you? Got it. You've done this before, haven't you? Well, I basically had a question. Do uh Are we going to introduce a multi remote control? Is it just the T_V_ or do we want to in Just for T_V_ remote control. Okay. Well, I was thinking about design remote control, with our uh motto and all. Uh thing to keep in mind is that we need to stick to what people are familiar with. No rational changes or whatever, 'cause it revolutionary changes, yes. Uh we might have to consider other design aspects of our product. So that was something I wanted to add, and perhaps some usability aspect. T_V_ is becoming central in most homes. Do we want people who are disabled in any way to uh, yeah, to be able to use it as well? Yeah. Okay, well that's not that much to work with. Mm, good luck. Speaker D: Morning. Yes. Um my name is Dirk, Dirk Meinfeld. Um I will be uh Pr Project the Marketing Expert. And I will see what the user wants and uh what we can do uh with the new produ project product. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Very nice dolphin. Um an animal. I like the elephant. What? Yeah. Um Oh yeah. Oh, a blank. Okay, next. Free, I like the elephant. It's big, it's strong, so uh uh Oh, it's a little bit You have to hold it, right? Hmm. It's a beautiful animal. Oh, you have to p press it pretty hard. With a smile on it, it's very important. Yeah. And uh not to forget its tail. Oh. Yeah, it's okay. Yes. I will beat the dolphin. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh yeah. Yeah. Experience with the tiger. What? They are Okay uh-huh. Oh. Mm. Okay. Uh hard worker. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Uh Yeah. But Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Selling price. international. Um about what? Marketing? Um no, not really yet, but I've some ideas and I will uh say it uh Okay. Okay. Yes.","I'll be your Project Manager for today , for this project . My name is Mark Um my name is Dirk , Dirk Meinfeld . Um I will be uh Pr Project the Marketing Expert . Nick Broer , My name is Xavier Juergens , we need design a remote control for television set , which has to be original , trendy and user-friendly . So apparently we need to um be very at um very open to what's currently hot in the market . First step will be the functional design . so to help with these , you have we have the SMARTboards here . I'm supposed to give you an introduction on this doodling board , just stuff that you wanna share , just put it in the in the project folder , I'll put the the minutes of every meeting , I'll put them there too , gonna give the electronic white-board uh a shot . So , draw us your favourite animal . It's supposed to be a dolphin , I like the elephant . the animal I'd like to draw is a tiger . I introduce to the world the amazing ant . What are y What are your first ideas for the new product ? The project I got was just for a T_V_ remote control . I was thinking about design remote control , with our uh motto and all . No rational changes or whatever , 'cause it revolutionary changes , so very intuitive design , I guess . Do we want people who are disabled in any way to uh , yeah , to be able to use it as well ? but I think it's a little take it into consideration . is uh the the material it is made of , it should be something light . Selling price , twenty five Euros . The production price , twelve and a half Euros , approximately . We'll reach the uh reach that profit . international . Anyway , we'll take this project in three steps , three pha uh three phase of design ." 72,"Speaker A: Mm. Yeah. S okay so I'll show you the the two prototypes. Here we have the first one with the beautiful uh L_C_D_ um display. You you can s here. And you can uh just um browse into the the navigation menu by uh joystick joystick-like uh button. You can uh choose the direction and if you just push on it it's considered like a enter function. You have on the mm on the side here the microphone for the for the speech recognition system here. And here the the switch that control if you want Well I I I think uh it's the Yeah but Yeah. Well so it's a microphone array. No it's just a single microphone, and you I I think uh we we put it here because I think when you when you are browsing your L_C_D_ you will be close to well it's better to to to place it here th than here, for instance. And here is a little switch that control if you want the the speaker uh recognition system to um to be on or off. And uh so this remote control comes up with its charger. Well this this prototype is um made for about uh well fi fi fifteen fifteen dollars fifteen dollars, but uh well it's not it's not uh yeah, but uh it's just a prototype and if we uh if we optimises the um the uh voila. Yeah the and the the production costs we we can achieve uh about ten dollars. How many, excuse me? Well uh f battery, we use uh about uh Yeah. Rechargeable of course, because we have the charger. Yeah and you just On uh yeah one battery. The excuse me? Oh yeah it's just a r uh simple battery a rechargeable uh if you uh like it's exist. Yeah. So and if you want to charge the battery you just put the remote control like that to plug in the the charger and uh leave it uh alone, it's alright. Then the next time you pick it, oh it works. Yeah just explain the button uh Norman. Yep. Yeah it's So we have the the second version also with the different uh button configuration. The second version is also simpler, we d uh we had just uh I have to put the microphone also. So basically th it's the same uh yeah. Basically it's the same uh things uh uh as uh I presented before. But here we have uh we have uh four buttons for navigation. Press one button uh acting as a a enter button. So um yeah according to what you said it's more robust to the user. And uh it's also cheaper to produce. We can produce uh such remote control for about uh four dollars. Yeah it's it's it's embed in the uh speech recognition system. So so Norman will explain to you. Yeah yeah of course mm. Thank thank you. And so mm-hmm. Alright please uh go on Norman with the special features. You also have the the the two other modules for the parental control that that you ca you can add up to the to your remote control i i if you uh if you want to to have more more power on what you do, and uh which channel you want to choose and so on. H here is just the the the module for the kids and th if the parents want to watch T_V_, up they come up with their modules, they just plug in it and they can have all the control they want here. We also have this module for uh old people with big buttons, clearly labelled, and it acts like the previous one, you just plug in and it works. The titanium and so it's very uh Well so the price to produce For uh the simplest one, say we start from four dollars to produce such a device. Uh it's about it The without without the charger it's about uh well two dollars to produce uh the microphone and speech recognition systems. Two dollars for the uh for the add-on modules, and finally three dollars for the charger. So if you uh sum up uh everything wi with the L_C_D_, which costs two dollar, you have two plus four plus four plus two plus two. It's about so the total cost if you if you want all the fuct functionalities will be about uh fifteen dollars. But it's just if you want all functionalities. Excuse me? Yeah. Well I think that the technical in innovation is is in the product itself since we haven't yet a remote who are allowing to to choose interactively with the T_V_ screen uh uh with just four buttons. Okay. A sponge. Hmm. Yeah. Well it doesn't look much fancy I'll I'll say three or four. Yeah. It's it it Technical aspects. Yeah a three. Uh four. I think it's it's uh more easy to make f fancy things when it's not complicated so removing the L_C_D_ um gives us a li more liberty to to have a fancy look. Well it's it's the same for both so I will give a five, six. Well five also uh Norman please. With lot of functionalities. Mm for both it's the the same innovations. six, let's go for six. Yeah. Talk about Yeah but you have the same programme on the T_V_ screen. If you have the L_C_D_, but if n Yeah. Yeah. Well I think both are really easy to use because there are few button buttons, and uh well t p the menu are clear, well-organised, so Well with little knowing of the technology you can you can easily use the product so I will give a six for the easy to use. Yeah, it's cheaper to produce. And uh if the the well if we have less technology we have more liberty to uh for the shape and uh things like that so Yep. Yeah. Six. Um six. Yes as you say, with better uh yeah. And to improve the the look. Yes and to give us more liberty to have a fancy look so so let's go back to our laboratory and Yeah. It's optional yeah, since well according to this study uh people more likes more to have a spongy uh remote control than Yeah. Well it's about the same because if Well you can if you had uh something li Oh no, because if you if you add uh something well yeah maybe because it's three different pieces uh to to to build but Yeah yeah yeah it's I think it's cheaper if you if you already built the all the functionalities um on the same module, but uh Yeah. Yeah. Well so Yeah yeah I think we are yeah but we are also the um well the components will have to change because uh we have to deal with the shape and um but I don't think it will uh increase the cost too much so Uh well but it's a bit complicated to if if if you need machines to different machines to um ah well Yeah yeah we can have the same global shape and then uh add on skins and with with this uh tex spongy texture uh things like that. Sponge. Okay. So we finished the prototype uh presentation if you have uh something else to say. That was good. Yeah. Fine yes uh. Very democratic. Thank you. Alright. Come up with new product. Yeah and also more well uh more seriously I think it's it's a good idea to have uh clear clear points whenever we do a meeting uh prior to the meeting to have uh well a list with the points who will be discussed or things like that, but I think it's alright. We achieved uh project goal I think. It's w yes, more or less. Yeah but Alright. So. So uh coffee machine. Okay. Speaker B: Is it an only a single mic or a microphone array? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. The cost would be le reduced. Is that two or one? Now what is the whole day rating for that? Whole day's rating. What type of battery? Something like a two A_, A_ three size batteries? Mm-hmm. And the L_C_D_ is this one, on the remote? Yeah. Uh-huh and also the switch. Okay. Mm-hmm. And I think you forgot a point here to have an button to find the charger, because that's a major that's a Okay and if you disable speech recognition system then? Mm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. Okay. Yeah people are willing to pay more, but the company is not willing to invest more at the moment. Or uh Something like customised. Yeah. Mm hmm hmm hmm. Hmm okay. And this is other one? Mm hmm hmm hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah that's fine. Okay. Mm hmm hmm hmm. With the charger? I think we can use Excel. Yeah it's a nice input but we have an other inputs from the l public demands. I think we will just have a rough look and then we can make our statements, and we can finalise the product based on this discu I think we can just go to my presentation then. We can wind up. Or we could uh come to some f uh final conclusions. So the marketing made an evaluation criteria and these were some of the findings, and uh in the market the people are not really interested with L_C_D_, without L_C_D_, with speech recognition interface, or without speech recognition interface, but most of the people what they are interested is first thing is, they want to have an fancy look and feel, it should be very fancy with colourful and uh very handy to hold. And the second thing is it should be much more technologically innovative. Of course in that we could put L_C_D_ or recognition to be more technologically innovative. And the third one is easy to use. Okay and if we go to the next slide, here you can find these are the latest fashion updates, and so this in Paris and Milan they have detected this trends that the this year it's going to be an year of fruit and vegetable, so people are really interested to see if they have an remote in the shape of the fruit or a vegetable, or whatever they like. So I think it should be much more customised to make a different uh shapes. And the second thing is, and if the material, they really do not want it to be very hard, as in the case of very pl plastic or titanium, it should be somewhat spongy. Um. Yeah so uh so finally we have these three criterias. One is fancy look, second is innovative, and third is easy to use. So these are the f uh three criteria on which we are going to build our remote. So and we have an evaluation criteria for each one of these, say that we have a seven point scale, from one to seven, and for each of the product you could just give me the scale according to this. So now you have with L_C_D_ and without L_C_D_, so on this scale, if it is true, if it is if it has a fancy look you could just tell me one, or if it is false, it doesn't it looks uh it doesn't look much fancy, then you could just tell me seven. So We can make our study on this and No no we have you have designed two products now, one is with L_C_D_ and without L_C_D_. According to you, no according to you designers, how will feel does it uh with L_C_D_ and without L_C_D_? Okay let us make this L_ and without L_C_D_. On on this scale the L_C_D_ remote control. How do you look how does it look? D is it very fancy or doesn't look much fancy? And you both agree for that? So I take three on with L_C_D_? So without L_C_D_ how would you rate it? Four. And in the sense of innovativeness, with L_C_D_. Five with L_C_D_ and So without L_C_D_? No no according to design aspect we want to know how would you feel the innovativeness? With L_C_D_. And without L_C_D_? Okay. No actually uh to make it with L_C_D_ you make more efforts. So I there is high innovativeness included if you make it with L_C_D_ y then when it is without L_C_D_ there is not much innovativeness. So we can't go I mean that what you are sayin that's what the design No it's like this, I mean on the L_C_D_, according to what I understand from your model is, you have a joystick here, and you have L_C_D_, you just press your joystick, you get here a programme. Uh then No on the T_V_ you don't it doesn't display on the T_V_ now. L_C_D_? Then uh there is no meaning in having it on the T_V_. Or then again you have a channels, volume and all the stuff and what a I mean that depends upon your design, so I mean So without L_C_D_ you want to put it fi the same level of innovativeness? And which do you recommend e easy to use, with L_C_D_ or without L_C_D_? Yeah. Or we can just go back to the previous slide uh where we ha we have a few updates. So I mean in the product design you could just amend it to make some few changes according to fruit and vegetable or a spongy touch without L_C_D_ and without speech recognition. Even then our product is going to be very good. Yeah. Yeah that's right. Yeah yeah that's right. So without L_C_D_ I just take it five? Or you want it to be six? S s oh I think it's better to have this without L_C_D_. As our Programme Manager s Pro Project Manager says that without L_C_D_ it is going to reduce the cost also, and it's going to be much simpler to use. So. That's going to be an optional. If somebody wants to buy it they can have it, otherwise no. It's an optional. Yeah. Yeah, but I mean if you have an add-ons, the kids may just uh hide the parental module and so that their parents can't use it. In the same set, yeah, and and individual buttons to make them work. I mean how to how to how to make a marketing survey that uh how many married couple or how many couples have a T_V_ or to the number or singles who have a television. So based on that I think But you can make it on a single P_C_ with three different options. On the same P_C_B_ yeah yeah. Yeah that's right. I mean you could just provide with an optional. So it's something like a Microsoft product update. Updates and we sell it. We make updates and sell it. And uh what's the idea about uh the shape of the remote controls? Uh can they be made into a fruit and vegetable types? Do you require different types of P_C_B_s and Or uh it could be like this the P_C_B_ would be the same for all, but only the exterior uh shape is different o for all. Yeah, yeah that's right. Yeah that's right. I think you need to look into the material. Yeah yeah. I think the Project Manager would be interested to look about the financial issues in making these models. I feel it's fine, we know we don't need uh I think it's okay. This is fine for making a presentat for project presentations. And the leadership was excellent. Yeah that's right. Yeah that's right. And new ideas found. Any new ideas to make these presentations more interactive and more interesting? I mean uh what type of product would you think could we make this more interesting? Yeah that is within the budget. And the evaluation was Yeah that's right. And the next is celebration. So Yeah thank you, thank you very much. Speaker C: So in last meeting we have discussed the conceptual design and we asked you to prepare a prototype for the for the remote control. So. So let's see the what did you prepare. Sh share folder for th your presentation? Because I have here Okay just one. Why you why you you put it in the the side? It's not a good place maybe. Oh it's very costly, microphone array. How much does it cost this one? Fifteen dollars? Ah it's above it's above the budget. How many b battery is there? Battery. So one one battery? It's kinetic reserve. Mm. I think it's not a good idea because after maybe one or two months of function is getting destroyed. If you Mm-hmm. No four dollars, it's good. And we will we will serve the charger with this? With the remote control. Okay so the price of the charger included in the Mm-hmm. The price should be below twelve and a half Euro. Well that's so We have we have just The price of selling is twenty five Euros. And the price of production That's for this basis function and if you want more you pay more. Yeah. Okay. But Mm-hmm. Titanium. What what's Maybe yeah. What's the price to p to produce? With with with the charge? Okay. We don't have charger. We don't have all the options. Charger we don't have charger here either. No it's it's below the the the budget. It's below the bu the budget. We Yeah. You. And you? Mm-hmm. Uh For L_C_D_. Without L_C_D_. Uh no innovative yeah. So let's remove it. But This is the problem. No it's just if I I see the the f the rate I think it's better to do it without L_C_D_. Because that's with L_C_D_ just will increase the price, and I thi i they have the same rate so without L_C_D_ it will be Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Without L_C_D_. Yeah. What a what what about the sys speech recognition? what about the integration of speech recognition? Ah so it's optional with the okay. I think it will be I think i I think it will be better if we have all these modules in the same remote control, because maybe parents will lose these uh Yeah. Or ma yeah. Or maybe parents they can for forget where they put it or, so mayb better if you have all this in the same Yeah. So you mean that even if these modules will be will be functional uh will be optional. Uh I think it inc increase. I think it i increases. Hmm. And and we we we we we we don't want that. So Project evaluation project satisfaction, for example. I don't know, we have to ask these question. We have to give answers so Project evaluation. Mm-hmm. Yeah I think so. He gave you the liberty to talk as you wants. Uh the teamwork was very very good. I was really I am very satisfying to work with with you. Oh. Less fancy. De Without without L_C_D_, without speech recognition, it will be simple. Yeah free free coffee. Yeah thank you for your work and Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, so can you go out to the shared folder? Mm the shared folder. Yes. We have a presentation. Uh So I got the participant uh three. W uh. Three. It's the final design, yeah. S so so I discussed with Guillaume. Right. And uh so we have and we we are both agreed on some two versions of the prototypes, because we were no not decided whether we wanted to have an L_C_D_ or not because it's too expensive. So we come up with two versions. One with and one without L_C_D_s. Um but both comes with a charger and then detachable and uh or control module. And detachable big buttons for all people um. So. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. No i i it's the all around camer uh microphone isn't it. The the microphone picks up the speeches from anywhere. Yeah Mm. Yeah yeah. For the Yeah. Mm. Hmm. Is it n the two A_A_s batteries in it. A_A_ rechargeable batteries. Yeah rechargeable batteries. We have the charger so it's no problem. Actually uh it's a flexible thing. You just n uh Yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. At uh yeah. I forgot to tell you there is only a single button there, b this button yeah alright. This button is like the mouse is like a joystick, you can move in three hundred and sixty degrees of direction so you can make a turn and it the additi functions associated to all the actions you ma you have a click you have a double click all in a single button. You can move up, down, left, right, or you can do a swing. So a swing to the left, a swing to the right defines other functions. So even though it's a single button, but it is pretty s flexible because of the three hundred and sixty degree movement. Yeah. This is the version y that comes with L_C_D_. Here I present another version without the L_C_D_. Mm. Uh okay this is new prototype uh. Yeah yeah. Mm. Oh no th actually th we'll come to that point in our Yeah. W w I'll I'll come to that point later on. Yeah. Th they either these with the uh the the charger any in either versions you they they ha they use the same charger yeah. Uh it's a standard module so you should get it for a cheap price uh. It's that same charger that you can use for the hand-phone but uh again depends on the types. I think we have to investigate more on that, but Yeah. Yeah but as the Marketing Manager says, people is willing to people are willing to pay more for good design. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah we'll we'll come up to that, the the the thing that makes this the controller cheap is that it is modular so you want more function you pay more. If you want less function i i if you want a reasonable price you pay for the functions that you add on to the system, so is uh modular. Yeah yeah, for example the L_C_D_, you can take it you can put it put it back in, or you can use the other one, or the speech recogniser with the microphone yeah yeah. You want a microphone to put in the speech recogniser you don't wan you pay less for the system you see. So It's pretty flexible in the yeah price. Uh yeah yeah you should present that. Yeah. Yeah Mm. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah the i the idea the the conceptual idea is that simplicity and powerful. Simplicity meaning that we have few buttons, powerful is that all the controls with the one you saw we saw earlier in the meetings with lots of buttons n but here you only have few buttons but you retain the mm the same powerful functionalities. But in addition with simplicity. So that's the best idea, the cond that that's our uh an innovation um uh i in this uh design here. Okay now we come to other important features that I did not tell you. The first one is the speech recogniser, again it's detachable or add-on. And then we also have security feature for example this here oop it's very robust, it doesn't break and the material, what's the material again? Titanium material. Again uh and the battery life is uh is an is an endurable one, again because this is A_A_ batteries you can choose the types of battery you want. Lithium-ion may be a good one, but you can replace it with cheaper one, again you pay for what you get, and then um y the other p points are robust and misplacement reminder. So when you finish watching your T_V_ and you the you t you turn off the T_V_, uh and then there's this message coming out that uh please put that back to the charger, so so that's the or is it that's the reminder part. Yeah and um And it also use a programmable channel and vocabulary, so we didn't define the vocabulary so it's up to the user to define so sorry? And then uh because of the chil because children are using the device so we have also a a of T_V_ programmes by genre, and this can be used by the adult or by the children. So instead of choosing the channel you are choosing the T_V_ contents of the night. So it's pretty powerful, and that's that's why the num buttons are reduced, because of this feature. Yeah. And and for the materials that is cheap to produce I think uh it's quite clear from yeah. And also like the and the fancy designs yeah. Maybe we can improve more on the design but uh this is the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Spongy spongy. Mm mm. Mm mm. But the the problem is that uh is it robust to mishandling? We have you should find a material that is robust at the same time spongy. Spongy. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. So so is the e evaluation depending on us or other users? Yeah. But who will give the scoring uh we ourself or or a third party? Mm. Mm. Mm. I think we can improve on the design. Som someone um commented this is like a the stone age uh design. Um we have been focused all all this time on the on the technical aspect, functional aspect, but also the simplicity. As for the design maybe we c should hire a designer to help. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah from the innovation aspect I feel that uh what is most innovative of our prototype compared to the existing prototypes that we saw l in the last meeting is that um the retrieval of T_V_ programmes by content, because uh that is really innovative, and for now and another innovation we have is simplicity and simplicity, few buttons, we've uh A lot of functionalities. So that is uh that is uh for both th Our gi I think that the our our product is uh has the best in all well this is a biased judgement because we designed them. Yeah. Uh the innovation is v is very high I think. Both. For both. It's the same innovation. So maybe I can put six to seven. Both. Mm. Uh uh uh there w there was a there was a issue here is that what are what is the display on the L_C_D_? We haven't really uh determined what are actually actually it's good to have a L_C_D_ but what are we gonna display on a L_C_D_? Yeah? Yeah. Yeah but Yes exactly. But you cannot display all on a L_C_D_. Anyway for for the users who who who opt for L_C_D_ we'll give them the give them the L_C_D_, we give what the customer uh wants, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. S Yeah. I have another thing to say about the easy to use aspect. I think the easy to use uh aspect is different for different people. For the young generation easy to use may be very complicated because uh they w they wants lot of controls with lots of buttons. For kids they want simply the s similarit for the old people they want simplicity, so that's why we have the parental module. Uh we can ha have build a more complex design if if they want it, but but uh what I'm trying to say here is that the um we have different sets of buttons for different kinds of people. So in terms of easy to use I think it's very user customisable. User customisation is very important yeah. Yeah so W uh I think it's the same. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. To improve on the design. Huh? The speech recogniser is a add-on module. Right? Yeah. Oh. The problem is if i we are bla if a customer wants a certain component, and doesn't want the parental control because it's a couple who do not have children when you sell the product in the market you could meet any kind of people, and not all people will need all the functionalities we propose to them. So we might lose the customer because of this. I don't know, what do you think uh? Yes exa what do you think, I don't know. You are Marketing Manag. Yeah. Yeah. But the the question is n does those modularity increase the production cost or decrease the production cost? Mm. Mm. Yeah. Well well the other aspect is that if in the when they have the ar existing product you you gonna maintain the the you're gonna keep the same customer, because the same customer will come back to buy other add-ons. So so Yeah i i so if don't don't buy now they can buy i in the future. So in in that way you're actually keeping the cus the same customer, attracting them to come back in again and again. We're not trying to follow the Microsoft and we don't want to the m Yeah well if the buyers can be up the th would be can be upgraded, it would be a good thing right? Yeah, it depends on the v production. Mm. Mm. Yeah. What we can change is to propose the customers with skins. For example the i the mobile phones nowaday, they sell different kinds of skin and then people just feel that oh I have a new skin and looks better. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah you can pl in what material would that be in uh? Yeah or furry like a pet dog kind of thing. I suppose that you this criteria, is it? Room for creativity. This room is a bit small, but but I think it's okay for us to work with. Yeah mm. Mm. Yeah anyway we have the laboratory nearby to build our modules so it's okay. Good job good job. Thank you. Alright. Mm. Mm we I I know something, we need more cakes, more biscuits on the table while we have meetings. Mm. Mm. Alright then, we finished? Thank you very much.","The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer presented two prototypes, one with an LCD screen and one without. They demonstrated how to navigate through the menus and presented the voice recognition and energy source components and the charging stand. They discussed their modular design. They discussed the parental control module and the titanium casing. The production costs were below budget for the basic models. The Marketing Expert presented three important user requirements, and also the fruit and vegetable and spongy material trends in fashion. He then led an evaluation of the prototypes according to these requirements. The group did not feel that the remotes sufficiently met the criteria. They decided to continue working on the design and to take out the LCD screen and voice recognition. They discussed the modular design and its advantages in attracting customers. The group discussed how to incorporate the fashion trends; it was suggested that one shape was used, which could be customized with skins. The Project Manager led an evaluation of the group's experience on the project. The group was pleased with the teamwork and leadership, but one participant complained that not enough information was given about each meeting's agenda." 107,"Speaker A: Mm-hmm. Uh, they have another group and then uh uh uh Andre and Agnes will discuss about it with. You are the rep representative of this group actually. Hmm. Yeah uh, okay uh, me personally I would like to to to share the other peopl n uh the room with assistants as when you have problems of normal life, like uh the printer doesn't work, uh I don't want to ask this to my supervisor, so it's better to to be with a with an assistant to share the room. Mm-hmm. What uh I don't think it's a good idea to share uh t to ha to share the same desk. Uh I still would like to have my drawers and these things. It's It's funny that uh we move to another building because we run out of uh space and we will have the same problem. Ah okay. But uh usually, whe when new assistants come, they would like to share the room with someone that knows uh l uh it's related with the project, so he can Mm. No, okay. Mm-hmm. Is it allowed to smoke inside an office, if it's a one person No, not any more. Mm-hmm. Wow, there there's no place in inside the building? Wow, E_T_P_F_L_ is a c it's a non-smoking campus, but there are some places tha Yeah yeah yeah. W what abou what about the the the cafeteria? I mean, we are going to purchase a cafeteria with a projector and all this altogether or Reading room, yeah. It's altogether. So in the living room Bu I ju just before finishing uh, I mean, we have a cafeteria or we don't eat at all? A place n what mm uh we can take a coffee also. No? But they close at five or? Ah okay. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, this. Ah that's the main problem. Okay. Yes, I ha I have no constraints, so it's fine. Speaker B: Okay. Oh yeah. Andre, just, yeah, just a a clarification question, are they number of people per room indicated strict, or can we play around with? I mean if there are two people, is it really that you can't put three or uh two and a half or uh how how was it calculated? 'Kay. Mm-hmm. I have everything. Okay, so Are you sure of that? Mm-hmm. Yeah, but counting the rea the the reading room. Mm-hmm. And Susan, don't forget the time we spend to for discussions about that room, so you should be able to valorize this if possible. But I still agree with you that the b the we are not so we are not so large, as far as space is concerned. Uh because fifteen people to put in there eighteen positions, so uh to the best uh if you take uh two people room for the reading room, then you have uh sixteen places. Mm. Yeah, that that also means that the growth will be zero. Visiting visiti visiting researchers, students coming for exchange students et cetera. We j we stay where we are. No the the the chances might be that there are more people to put in that space. Andre, sorry for interrupting, but uh one again clarification question, what is the real margin of manoeuvre that we have for these discussions, because uh at least we are half per cent uh fifty per cent of from E_P_F_L_ and uh sometimes you have meetings where w y the the decision is already taken, so uh um you can spend quite a lot of time discussing things, so what what will be the impact of what we will come out come up with? So, another way of a Another way of asking the question, is there any other group already working on uh on the how this should be uh should be allocated? Or are we the the one that is supposed to do the p the the p position for it? But wha why why don't they have any representative here. I mean Yeah, why do we do it separately? Okay. No, but you know that that's a standard thing. It's Suppose that somebody for some strange reasons want to be in the corner and we don't know about that, we'll put them put her or him somewhere else, then we will do plenty of work for nothing, because we'll not have this constraint. We'll not be aware of this constraint. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with that. That's Whe whe where part-time is important is that it's n an overlo load on a room, so um for sure if you have a part-time person, it reduces the the ranges of time where too many people in the room. As far as I am concerned I probably might be able to have a kind of a regular presence here. Um, the uh the thing that f in my case has to be taken into account is that I will have a lot of phone calls. So I'll be talking o o o over the phone all the time. So that's not necessary Well, it depends on I I have nothing against sharing a a an office with somebody. I d already did it before, so and it was perfectly fine. It just has to be somebody who can work while somebody else is having phone calls in the in the room, which is very d much dependent on people. Some people are not disturb at all by this. Some people just can't work. I'm not. But uh and uh what might happen, but it uh it will not be so heavy here uh at ISSCO is visitors. So that I will have more at E_P_F_L_, uh typically students coming in um or asking for things. As I'm not teaching here, I'm teaching at E_P_F_L_, this should shouldn't be a such a big load. So for me it it will be essentially I will not be I will not be able to be silent in the room, because I will be communicating also through vocal means, so Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Do you go for boxes for instance? In the in the bigger rooms where, yeah You know like uh cubicles? Yeah. Hmm. You mean, you really want to have walls. Four walls. Yeah. Yeah, sure sure. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I fully agree with that. That's uh it's much easier to me to uh to foresee having two people of the same position sharing a room, than uh Oh sharing with their students. Oh sorry, because but that that's uh it's it's tricky because of confidentiality reasons, as you said. Yeah, you you you are discussing a budget on the on the project, you over the phone typically you don't necessary want to have somebody who will be dependent on that budget being part of the discussion, so No. No, because pro project doesn't last in time. They will change. That's what The only thing that will not or that will change only progressively in time is the status of the people. Mm. Yeah, they will promote that. But still, th some things Well, yeah. Yeah. If if it if i if projects are what you have in mind, I think that uh meeting room is the the tool for that. If you need to have people in a projects talking together, they just have a meeting room if it's not too far away then then it's a very good good practice. Yes. That's why I was quite receptive to uh Susan's remark at the beginning is I wouldn't formulate it in a such a an extreme way as, do we really need the lounge? But uh I would p probably formulate it in the way that uh, do we want to have only a lounge or s something that can be used only as a reading room? Because because meeting rooms to me are very important tools to do uh collaborative work. But on the other hand we also have to relax, so that's Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. 'Cause that's really my one of my worries with the plan that we have here is that it's it pr provides no possible possibilities of expansion. And this will happen. I mean you can't you can't prevent having visitors. And you shouldn't. Which for for fifteen people it's not enough. I mean uh Yeah it's We have we have four professors here and and and two researchers. Mm. It's bad it's bad. Because this is really related with security uh regulation as well. I mean you can't just put walls in in rooms without any specific authoris Yeah. Uh it's not necessary heavy in terms of work. It's heavy in terms of administrative authorisation. At least at E_P_F_L_. I think so. If you organise the desks in a in a intelligent way. Yep. Yeah, right, that's the point. No. Coffee machines are that made for that. No, that's that's proximity doesn't play a big role there. We can discuss with people that the the space is very small, I mean, altogether it's And uh you don't y you don't need to discuss about the projects, you f more need about th to discuss about where is the printer, how do I get furniture, I'm I don't have a a pencil, where is the the box with the pencils, and so on. This is not project related. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. No. It's non-smoking campus. Not even in the cafeteria? Downstairs? Okay. Wow. On the roof maybe. The balcony, okay. But Andre, uh just a Still some places where smokers can survive. But Andre, just a comment abou about your your previous uh request. I I don't think that anyone will provide you information such as who doesn't want to be with whom. That's a typical uh output of ex uh research in expert systems. These are the rules that you never get. But uh you can get them through a proposal. So you propose a set-up, where people are with other peoples and they will find politically correct ways to tell you that uh they don't want to have a view on the mountains, but they prefer to have view on the old town, so they would be in the toilets. They would um p prefer to be in another room. Yeah. Yeah. But that's a sec s that's the admin that's the admin uh so it's part of the work. Yeah. And that that's a problem, you're right, because because we don't have a one person we d we don't have enough one person rooms for uh accommodating the uh the admin place. And uh if you put two person persons or three persons for the admin space, who who who else would you put in there? Because we don't have any assistant manager or we don't have We have only one half part half-time uh admin and no other non-researcher positions, if I'm not mistaken. And this is really a piece of a problem. Maybe you could put some visitors, but um I know. It's not very uh realistic in a in a in an admin room, but uh Yeah, because You can't put a researcher there. That's just Either you lose one position or you find another admin or assistant manager. Yeah. Yep. No that's not sure that's not sure. Uh the there are To me there are two options possible is either you we can take one of the one person rooms for the admin, because some of, typically, the professors have good reasons for sharing. Sharing either with a colleague or sharing uh with some of their uh one of their P_H_D_ students. In that case it's it's realistic. Then we could very very simply uh allocate the one pers one of the one person rooms for the admin. And that would solve the problem. The other thing is to take a two person room for the admin. That could be the one uh close to the uh close to the here in the centre so uh the Yeah. But tha No no no, the other one, the the one op Yeah, here, this one. But then uh that the the question of what do we do with the second position there remains fully open. So I would be I would be more of the opinion to to see whether it's it's so evident that, let's say the at least the two full full-time professors that are here on the list, we have one here, but uh Maggie is is not present. If they really Yeah, and Pierrette. If if if because of personal preferences they would be happy with a two person room, which might or might not be the case. I mean it's it's certainly not uh something that we should impose, but we can ask. Yeah, but that's not realistic either. I mean, you have you have a fore foreign researcher coming visiting you and you will put put him in the admin office? Uh you'll not do that. I mean uh, maybe you can do that with an exchange student, that's But you can't take a senior visitor and uh him in the in the secretary. Uh you're here. As Susan said, p Yeah? Is that so? Oh. Yeah. Okay. No no, that's it. As we said, it's it's really a matter of personal preference, it cannot be something else. It cannot be imposed for sure. It's uh job. Again uh uh um, Andre, I think that the only realistic way we can do is to speak for our for ourselves. I can tell you according to what I know now where I would like or would be ready to be, but I really don't see how I could decide for uh Maggie or Pierrette or whoever else on the list, that they should be there. Yeah, b why why couldn't we do like couldn't we do it like for for the the set-up of meetings. You you everyone received that and uh should provide Yeah, I would like to be here. And then you will have this multi-constraint problem and uh you work during two hours and you come up with the optimal solution. Yeah, I would I would ask for their place. I mean that's that's that's the important thing you want to know. Uh it's a reading room. Reading room, it's not a cafeteria. But that that's an open question whether it's a it's a it's a it At the origin it was supposed to be a f pure reading room for relaxing, uh reading the newspapers, et cetera, et cetera. Uh there has been a very long discussion about that. I stinct uh this discussion is still vivid, that some of the people, I bel belong to these people, would like to have a mixed room where you can have a reading room for sure, but also meeting room if necessary. Or, as uh Susan said, a room an emergency room where you can put uh some visitors in a decent environment for for for for work, because you don't have any other place to do it. But that's that's really an open discussion and that d I think no decision, no final decision has been taken about that. Yes. Yes. The one that I don't want to have in the next room? Okay. Okay. That would be great. That would be great. C that that of course is one of the main well not main but one of the important features that we need to know about. Yes. Yes. We don't have cafeteria. No, there is no coffee in the reading room. That was the wrong We we did not have any money for buying the coffee machines, so Five. And you can bring your coffee in the reading room. T to try the coffee? Wait, wai wai wai wait. Next Tuesday. Uh, well well well well, not so easy, eh? Next Tuesday we have a meeting, yeah. That might be Where is the meeting? It's Unimail? Okay, so, yeah yeah, then it could be that That yeah. That that would be great, because that would allow us not to move, or not to travel twice. Yeah, after lunch. Right. Yep. Okay. Thank you. Speaker C: And don't forget the I have a copy. Yeah. Two Six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen. Do we really need that? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And if we don't get this space then what happens? These, yeah. Okay. Yeah, why didn't we have a meeting together? Well, certainly we have to ask uh Pierrette and uh and Maggie, since they're not here, because they also have a lot of students that they have to see as we do, and so that's another consideration, too. Oh great. Ye mm before um talking more about individual preferences, is there any possibility, what they have done in the uh faculty of law, for example, that they actually split rooms? And so we would take uh uh one of the two people rooms and split it. And you would see that you would have the same size office, but that would give the privacy. Um insofar as in just about every other faculty in the building, every professor has their own office. And it's it's really it goes a bit far that uh we have to have this uh all this sharing uh. So one option and that but that we would need to ask about if we could uh split one of the rooms uh That doesn't really solve it uh I mean there's there's really a difference to having to have your own Yeah, and sometimes you have uh you need to have private uh discussions with somebody or whatever, so Well, I I think it's uh really a matter of personal preference. As you know um, I prefer to have uh my own office. Um, I also have uh a lot of phone calls and y you know, have to see people, and with the other work that I'm doing with the rectorate uh, that is really confidential information that I'm treating. So I That I have to be really careful about too. But it's a personal preference uh. Insofar as what we've had up until now, both Maggie and Pierrette have been happy to share with others. So I mean I think that we should still check with them Well, not sharing with each other. They each share with an assistant. Yeah. Paid on that Mm-hmm. Yeah, and also some of our the people mentioned here are working on more than one project too. So For example, uh Marianne de uh, she's also working with me on the virtual campus project, so she that one wasn't mentioned, but I'm not saying that I necessarily want to be with her in the office, but uh it's just to say people are working on uh sometimes more than one project uh Yeah. Yep. Well, yeah, we'll skip that for now. No I d um the lounge okay, but I think we need to also see it as a overflow place when we have um uh visitors for any length of time, so they actually have a place to work. No, you want to have visitors. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, but we have more space here than what we currently have, so it's at least some Mm-hmm. No. No, because they can share their ideas across the project, yeah, I would say. No, and if you look now at their uh the the current division of the offices, for example, uh Bruno and Agnes are sharing an office and they're working on totally different projects and and they're they're just fine with that. Well, there there were, but they sort of disappeared as of October when the no smoking rule came in, because before we were grouping the smokers and now that there's no smoking, uh I guess that's not very important option, though Well, except for that maybe you don't even want anybody smoking on your balcony, so No. No, n it's in in principle it's a it's a no smoking building. You can smoke outside. So you can go outside onto the balcony to smoke. Not even in the cafeteria. No. Full no smoking building for all of the six thousand students. Yeah. Yep. There is the there's that terrace. No. The other way. No, we we do have one constraint that's difficult, which is uh Gisella, because when she's there she's very noisy. She's on the phone a lot It's just it's by Yeah. It's by nat uh by the nature of her work that uh a lot of it is communication. Yeah. Yep. I think that's a excellent idea. Why don't we ask about that? I mean there is certainly enough space uh down the hall, wi if all of those uh uh offices that are, where half of them are also half time, and they're very under-used. So um And Pierrette too. Yeah, with with younger people, yeah. No. So we we invite invite and then we say, okay you can sit with Gisella. Um Except for in every other faculty. Yes, it is so. Every other faculty as far as I have seen their offices and the people that I know and that's in um in law, uh socio-economics, uh okay? It's a They all have their own office. I mean in in the in the law faculty they're at best there half time. We're gonna have to. Okay, I'll ask um uh Maggie and Pierrette uh if they have uh any preferences. Yeah. No. Yeah, since they're not at the meeting I think it's in out of courtesy we should first ask them. He means reading room. No. Coffee machines. No, there's the cafeteria is downstairs, but they close at five. Yeah, but there's the two machines, and they're uh the vending machines where you just put the money and and you can get Yeah. Yeah. Wait. Wait, wait. Tuesday um Ch Um we have the don't forget we have the other meeting the M_D_M_ meeting in the morning, so it would have to be in the afternoon. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. At nine thirty, but we could do we could have this meeting then in the afternoon. Nah? Yep. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Speaker D: Um, so hi everyone. Thanks for coming to this meeting. Um well as you all know the topic of this morning's meeting is uh the fact that we're moving and we are going to get more space. So that's a very good piece of news. Uh but we also have to find out how we use this space. So um if you want, I'll just give a brief overview of what's happening and then we can uh talk about, well, arranging these new uh the new office space. So um in case you haven't seen the the documents uh let me just uh show you very briefly the the configuration of the the space. So um well, there is nothing much to say. Well you know how many of us are are present and you know that we are um a bit tight actually in our present location. Uh that's why actually the university finally um allocated us this uh this part of uh the Unimail building. So it's at the sixth floor. And it's uh sort of contiguous rooms as you you can all see from uh from here. Um so the the the one P_, two P_, three P_ means the the number of persons. As you can see we have several corridor um with a number of uh of uh of rooms, of one person rooms, two person room and and three person rooms. Um actually I think Agnes did this nice drawing so she even put the the view, so we have the old town on one side, and the mountains on the other two sides. Uh we have some bathrooms for us. Uh and a courtyard which actually means a sort of uh shaft, because uh the court is uh down at uh the first floor. Well, it's a bit difficult to say, because um in fact we have some constraints in terms of furniture. Uh they are here. So um well, your your person Your your question actually is answered maybe by the third item. So each person should get um, well, it's a sort of desk, it's made of two pieces and it looks like a corner. With, of course, a chair. Uh a filing cabinet that goes under the desk uh and, well, we can put hanging shelves over the the desks. So I'm not really sure it's possible to get three um three desks in a two person office. But um we could try. What's What should be said here, I don't know if, well, you I I will maybe distribute now documents if you don't have them. Maybe it's easier. Do you need something, Martin? Um, I can keep this for you. Uh so it's it's Yeah, you have a copy, Susan. You too David, I think. So in fact there are more places than people, so we won't be that constrained. Uh as you know some of us and some of you here actually, Martin and David are part-time. So it it's for the moment quite comfortable. Normally we should even get an extra uh an extra place for, you know, temporary people coming to work on uh on projects. Uh yeah, I uh yeah, I counted so we have um fifteen pers physical persons and about uh sixteen, I think, uh persons oh, actually, eighteen persons in the offices. Exactly, it so one of the issues uh here, it's probably not on the slides, is that we would like to have uh, unlike what had until now, a lounge or reading room uh in one of the the offices. So in one of the rooms. Um, I think quite a lot of people e expressed the need for that. So if we could do it, then I think it would be much nicer. Um let me also uh st say something Yep. Yeah, I I think so. Mm-hmm. Well, sixteen slots for fifteen people. So it's still should be feasible. That's Yeah, I think that's quite important to manage some space. Maybe we can think of, yeah, some two or three, yeah, for visiting people. Correct. Mm-hmm. Okay, so let me finish with the the constraints which are almost done. So we also need to to find the a spot for the photocopier, the fax machine, and the printer. The fax, you know, is very small, but um the photocopier is quite huge, and the printer is uh well ab this size. Um okay, the offices comes with white boards. Not very uh very important. Uh the furniture that w each each person has and uh you have a list of people. So the thing uh you you ought to know is that we're not the only ones that w we're thin that that are thinking about uh for well, about putting people i in these rooms. Um there is another group that is also having discussions. So the idea is that today we'll just try to f start seeing the main constraints and then you have time to to go and think about it uh ask the people you know, your assistants, for instance, and at the next meeting we'll try to to come with one solution. Uh, the other group will also propose a solution and then there will be another negotiation. So w Uh if i if we don't get these? Um, well basically they are promised to us so uh Do do you think there are chances that they take from us one of the rooms or uh Yeah, I I I think it's uh Uh, yeah. Yeah i yeah, that's one of the the problems. I think maybe we should take this into account and maybe think of some of the bigger rooms with four people, one being temporary or or part-time. Um okay, so maybe we could try to to see now what would be the main options. Say the general uh, well, arrangement options. Do you think that we should put people, say, according to projects for instance? In in the table that um that we have, uh we also have the uh uh the p the main projects on which the people are working. So how Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh, actually what is fixed is the n the number of rooms. This we cannot really change. I mean at least not us, it would be much more difficult to get another another room for instance. But what is absolutely n not fixed is the arrangement of the people in the rooms. So basically we are all the permutations are possible at the moment. Um Well, what we are looking for is a solution that suits everyone and that makes the maximum of people happy. So uh the other group is, uh I don't think we have to see them as competitors, but they are just trying to to find another local optimum. Or l uh Uh Yeah. Yeah uh uh we Yeah. I I think that's Yeah, there is no real competition between the two, but we'll just try to find at least two solutions and see how how close they are, actually. It's it's I think well the m the people who who decided this thought it was the best solution to, mm well, you know, find two two kinds of opinions. Yeah. Well, we could have been eight h sitting around here and and talking, but I think it's it's more difficult. Mm-hmm. Well Exactly, I think So so today the goal is not to to find the solution today, but to set some constraints and then go and see the people and find out if they have any preferences. Obviously we won't be able to accommodate all the the preferences, but at least we'll find the most uh the most important ones. P s I think Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think so that's one of the things I think we know that they have students, we don't know exactly if they prefer for instance to be alone, or to well, to be with their assistant, or even with another person working on the project. So that would have been maybe, yeah, another solution is to ask everyone to provide uh an arrangement, but uh I think that's a bit uh a bit hard then to to work out. Um so since all of you have a copy of the uh, well, of the drawing, I think for the next time, m maybe you could come with a concrete proposal with uh names on it. But let us try to see today whether we prefer to organise people, say, by projects or just professor and assistant. So what would be f, say, first your preferences, since Let's let's start with us, maybe today. Um what do you think about it? Would you prefer to be alone, would you prefer to be with your assistant. You who are part-time, do you think you can come here on a very w well regular schedule or is it part-time, but variable during the week? Uh-huh. And since you're coming on the uh half-time, do you think you will be able to group your presence here, say Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, or is it going to be m much more random? Okay. Yeah, I think so too. Um so Martin, you are also uh half-time and, well, the third person is Gisella. I think it's quite clear that mm each person should have their own desk and Yeah. It's no no way we we could put two persons at the same desk. Yeah, I think grouping Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Are you disturbed by the phone calls of other people? Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like cubicles. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I I I will try to find out whether we can separate. I think for the moment the answer at least is no, because um it's not only, well, making a wall, but also b mm making a new door. So it's quite a lot of uh of work, but uh I will try to find this out for the next time. Um, so at least for the moment, as you can see there are uh I can show them here on the screen. So there are these two rooms on the left that uh accommodate one person. So at least some of the professors, since you are four, uh could could go uh well, could take these uh these rooms. And quite a lot of rooms with two persons. Uh how do you feel Susan about the professor sharing the room with her assistants or the one which is the most involved in in the teaching? Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's um that's true. Um, okay. Um, maybe we could s look a bit at the projects. Do you think it's a good idea to put together in the same room as much as possible people from the same project, since they talk quite a lot of to each other? Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, yeah, and some of the P_H_D_ students will hopefully finish their P_H_D_ at some point. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Okay, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Well, actually, so the lounge could serve as some kind of meeting room, but there are also more formal meeting rooms available in in the building, as we now know. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So I think we need a Yeah, and and I think also we need a separate discussion on the furnishing of the lounge, which is a whole other topic. Uh-huh. Um Yeah, yeah, for the moment actually I think only one slot would be fully free. Uh that is Yeah. Yeah, that means one visitor at a time. Or one intern. Yeah, that's Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's already in progress. And you're you're working Uh I think, yeah, w Okay, so one of the things I have to do for the next time is fin find out about the separations between rooms and Yeah, I think it's quite a heavy transformation of the building. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And okay, I'll try to find out. And the other question is, can we squeeze maybe four people in the uh or at least four places in the three three P_ room? Yeah, hopefully visitors don't need as much say filing space, or um Yeah, they don't have that many papers. Uh okay. So that's uh I have to to ask, so you don't really feel um very strongly attached to this uh grouping by projects idea? Mm-hmm. Um Yeah, exactly. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, they they can change. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think that's that's going to be one of the the main things we'll have to ask is whether people have strong preferences either in staying with someone or in uh not staying. Um, are you aware f of any strong constraints right now? Oh. Okay, yeah, that's true. So smoking is now um no longer a constraint. Yeah. Yeah. That's the new regulation. Uh on the balcony, actually. Yeah. Normally. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. O on the toilets or Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yes, Martin said also for him and, yeah, especially for her. Yeah the in she's the interface. So Mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, I think Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think putting Gisella with the other admin of the school is not an option, because we weren't offered Yeah, it would be nice, but uh Okay, I'll try to find out, but uh I th Yeah. Okay, we'll try, but all these, yeah, are say sort of difficult questions because they involve changing also the offices of the school and, you know, people just don't wanna change in general. Um, let's see, maybe we can find some temporary well, at least a proposal for Gisella. So, since the one-person rooms are quite, well, sort of um desired by a lot of people, she should probably No, y Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh, the the middle one here? Okay. This one. Okay. Mm-hmm. Well Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, well Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because in this case, yeah, Gisella could take one of the the two person rooms and the other place would be for some kind of visitor, that I or Ah. Okay. Uh. Yeah, or an intern. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Okay so this sets a bit the stage for uh for Gisella then. Uh yeah we'll try to to find out. Um, actually, yeah, maybe we should remind that quite a lot of professors at the at the school actually share their office with their assistant. So b it looks like sort of an implicit tradition. Maybe not to be followed. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Um, okay so I think Well, this sets a bit uh the stage. Uh could we try So could you try please to uh Do you want an extra uh piece of paper? Maybe try to, well, think on your own and then talk a little bit just to the people around you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No the point was to try to, well, just talk to them, to David, or Mm-hmm. Yeah. So w w w will you ask people just for their place or also for the other people's place? Because Uh-huh. Well, but that's Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay, th then Okay then for the next time, um try to come up either with your own preferences, that's quite easy probably to state now that you know the constraints, or if you can poll a little bit the people around you, that would be I mean, even Well, just discuss i Yeah, for instance, I mean No, no, I was thinking just ask people around you what they think about this. And I think, yeah, it will be nice to to come with maybe a sketch of of these. If you can do slides, it's even better, but uh don't be that formal. And uh we'll try to at least build up one coherent proposal, and we'll merge it with the other one when the other one uh is available. Um. Oh, great. Mm-hmm. Perfect. Yeah. And I'll try to Fine. What do you mean by cafeteria exactly? What Yeah, w we can bring your coffee in the reading room, but So so since maybe, you're a part-time here, and part-ti part-time at E_P_F_L_, there are at least two um coffee machines in the building, one at the third floor, one at the first floor. And we can bring our coffee. No uh automatic uh coffee machines. So uh yeah. But, in Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Yeah, vending machines. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, maybe this is not a very bad timing. Could we try to meet uh next Tuesday? Um, next Tuesday maybe at t maybe a bit later? Maybe at eleven o'clock? Come on, try try to be nice. Gi give me a reasonable date. Yeah, for me it's a good timing. Uh-huh, okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Very well. So about two o'clock? Would that be okay? After lunch. It's not a very demanding meeting, so um Perfect. Um, then let me close this. And uh good luck for your arrangement games.","The project manager opened the meeting and described the layout of the new location the group might be moving to. The project manager answered questions regarding the number of people per office and whether a lounge was necessary. The project manager discussed constraints regarding furniture and equipment and addressed the issue that the group may not get the space they are after. The group then discussed how to arrange people within the proposed space. The group discussed grouping professors and their students together, grouping members of the same project together, the potential disturbance of phone calls to people sharing an office, physically splitting up offices for the sake of privacy by erecting walls, creating a meeting room for people of the same project to converge, how to accommodate visitors, where people can go to smoke, where to place Gisella, and how to allocate space to admin. The group also discussed the possibility of having a cafeteria and the locations of coffee machines." 129,"Speaker A: Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. P Well the only problem I can think of with that is if you've got a lot of people that don't wanna be bothered learning how to use new rem remote controls. If you just kind of take away everything that they're used to knowing, that's gonna be quite a change. It might Mm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. But look at the importance of them. The volume settings. Yeah. They're not used often but they are quite important when they're used. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Hmm. Oh, you have to hit like function and F_ something. F_ eight. Dunno. Oh yeah, it's going. Oh yeah, they might be movable. Oh yeah, they're all they're not connected to anything on the table, you just leave 'em on and walk around with 'em. Mm. Mm. Yes, mm. Which one does this plug into? That one. I can't did you could you see it on you screen when it That's not cool. Oh well. Anyways. Um alright, yeah, so um I'll just do my presentation on the working design uh. Oh there we go. Okay um just at the m yeah the whole sort of method of how the remote control works. Uh the basic function of the remote control is to send messages to another sh system, the the T_V_ or the D_V_D_ player or whatever. Um and it does this uh by well, you need to start off you need an energy source and this energy source will feed into an integrated circuit chip and the circuit chip is the part that actually composes the different messages uh within the remote um which will then be sent to the uh the television, the D_V_D_ to tell that what to do. Um and you need a user interface, which controls the chip and thus the messages and uh the user interface is that's basically just you kn the s sorta design of the actual remote which you hold in your hands and what buttons will be on it. Um Oh shoot. Okay. Uh just general findings. Uh what we need uh technically speaking for the remote control is some sort of energy source, uh some sort of user interface, which I think we've mostly been talking about the user interface and the design of that. Um a circuit chip within that to uh control and send the messages and um a sender and receiver. And um oops. Uh-huh. This is just sort of a little schematic diagram of what we're looking for. Uh this just kinda represents the energy source which feeds into the circuit chip uh which maybe then we could have that feed into a switch which would send signals f to um a subcomponent and on to a light bulb between so it'll light up once we start once you start pressing buttons. Um also send signals to the um infrared bulb, which will be the part that actually what? Sends signals to the the television. And then you've got your happy little T_V_ watcher there. And so my personal preferences I I just think we need sorta big uh energy source that won't die out, uh perhaps some sort of rechargeable battery or a battery dock you could place it in, so it'd constantly be charged, so you wouldn't have to uh be worrying about it running out of batteries and not changing channels for you. Uh a wide range uh sender-receiver, so that you can hit the buttons from basically anywhere in the room, and the channel'll still be changed. Uh also definitely a user-friendly interface um and I think we've all sort of mentioned adding a a locating device on it, so when it does get stuck under the couch cushions, as they inevitably do, you can find them easily. And that's pretty much it. Mm. Mm. Mm. Just having one that's guaranteed to last five to ten years? Oh, cool. Yeah, fair enough. Mm, mm. Mm yeah. Mm-mm. Mm. 'Cause I only remember to charge my cell phone uh when battery dies. And that's pretty much yeah. Yeah, when it turns itself off, that's when I plug it in, yeah. Yeah, think that's a good idea. Mm. They usually have the little light uh source, I dunno what the heck they're called, the but yeah, the little cells that Yeah. Mm. Most of them, don't they have sort of a combination of the two, like when there is light, they'll work off the light, and if there isn't, they'll kick into this battery, so we can maybe do something like that whereas there is a battery, but if there's enough light, then it's using the light, so that it's not actually draining the battery all the time, but you will have the battery there for when you need it. Mm. Mm. Oh, it depend if it's uh depends who who's using it, who's just sitting there clicking clicking clicking clicking, yeah. Yeah, then they're clicking a lot, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Yep. Hmm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Speaker B: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as in addition to their existing remote controls. Um and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll as a result of that we will then talk through the the functions that we see the the device um actually b carrying out, and we have uh forty minutes to do this in and I uh Anyway. Okay. Now, the n the new requirements are um the the management team see that um teletext is no longer of any importance given the uh the rise of the internet. Um and and they want it only to cover televisions. Um now, what is not q quite clear from their directive is whether they mean th they don't want it to cover teletext or whether they don't want it to cover, you know, videos, D_V_D_s, um satellite boxes, which uh I mean we saw as being fundamental to the uh to the exercise. The um the actual wording of the directive is that it should cover television only. Um and on that basis um I I think we we need to bear that in mind, um but possibly uh keep at the backs of our minds that the reality that people even when they uh no longer they don't look at teletext anymore, they certainly do look at other things. Um the device has to incorporate the company logo and colours. Um the the logo uh being at b the bottom of the screen there, the the the two R_s in grey against uh a yellow background. Um now this doesn't necessarily mean that we have to give up some of our ideas about making it attractive to the t to the market. But uh do do introduce some some constraints as to how we might do that. Um it also has to be simple, which to some extent goes along w with the first one, and that we've already said that it must be simple 'cause that's what people want anyway. Um but they also want it to be simple to get it to the market quickly, which um mm uh is is is their choice, but uh um we we need to talk that through. Um okay, so uh after the meeting it'll be summarised and uh um notes sent out and uh etcetera. Okay, so we'll first of all mm have individual reports from everybody. Um again I there is no order of precedence here um so I I I'll leave it up to you to who who who thinks they would like to go go first? P fine. Oh sorry, you can indeed. Oh, if you click on the um uh the one that that looks like a projection screen, no the one to the right of that. That one. Mm. Mm. Gosh, must be some telly addicts out there if they get R_S_I_ from their television remote, is all I can say. Mm. Right. Mm. Yeah, I must say that um the uh I c can't remember what um f you know phone service I was using the other day, but that had sorta speech recognition which worked uh remarkably well, so that is indeed a uh um a thought and it it cuts out uh I was was gonna say, you can't get a lot of R_S_I_, j just get jaw ache. Okay, sorry. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I mean Yeah. Mm. Hmm, hmm. Uh. Should we actually bite the bullet here? If people really don't use those buttons to any extent at all um remove them altogether. We we could actually have we could actually have a remote control with um I wonder whether we could get the remote control with no buttons at all if we went for voice recognition, given that um the Um now the the age structure we were looking at um I mean w we had usage by age structure, what we didn't have was what proportion of people using remotes were in those particular age groups. Now do we know whether they Forty no sorry for forty five to fifty five age group, uh to put myself right in the middle of it, um u use remote controls to a great extent. Yes we That would 've speech recogn right. So, we're looking at um well again, we don't know the relative proportion the relative numbers in the age groups. If we wanted something different, truly different, then the buttonless remote control w would be it. But if you just lift it up and say, channel one or B_B_C_ It c well it I can I can see technical problems with that in terms of the, you know, the sound from the television, because if somebody actually on the television says uh uh, you know, I_T_V_ and you're watching B_B_C_ then then it might um change itself, so it probably needs to be um possibly actually need a button on it just to activate it. Or or something just to identify that you've lifted it up and it's use. And and then just say, oh I don't know, a thought and and then uh I mean that that would certainly be uh truly different. Um 'cause uh you know audio settings, nought point eight percent. I mean if they weren't there, would people miss them? Vol volume, yes um th w we need to s identify things that people actually need and and it's a function of frequency and relevance. And um I would say ignoring ig ignoring power for the moment, um the channel and volume and th w w given given that we've been told to ignore teletext. Uh channel and volume are the only ones that uh would appear to be essential. Um. So we if we can design something that that looks interesting, know, or looks different, um incorporates the the logo and and the colours and um we can still have our interchangeable fascias even if it's the yellow and grey, um and uh I dunno, buttons or or buttons as an option. Do, please. Mm-hmm. You cer certainly could. Depe uh i depends whether um if we want to make this so simple that anybody can walk into the room and lift it up and say B_B_C_ one. Um okay, I mean you could print actually print it on the uh device itself. Um. S th this I th that's always gonna be a problem I think. Um and I I I s so I suppose one um could make it so desirable that if people lose it they immediately go out and buy another one. Anyway, sorry, carry on. Do you want to just carry on with or no no, no uh b I was in the middle of in the middle of your report there. Mm okay. Mm-hmm. S s we could we could make it dual function voice recognition and still have buttons on it um 'cause we're Certainly could. Yeah, yeah. The I mean the the advantage of doing away the buttons altogether is it makes the thing cheaper. No, it cou certainly opens up the possibility for making it uh, you know, visually very distinctive. Um 'cause you know, it does not have to be a oblong box. Mm, yeah. Okay, who sorry, have you have you finished there Andy? Yep, yep. Um given that we've already had a extensive discussion uh. Ah, there we go. Alright. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah. Okay, can I um I'm actually gonna use the um it's gonna cause great technical problems over here. I'm actually gonna use the Yes, rather than the uh the the traditional in fact, um I won't even go that far. Um something like this shape, you know, sort of something that you can that's sort of a more vertical shape, um that you you sort of hold in your hand, um, well I'm trying to think uh uh uh l uh l such as I mean um something you hold up like that, possibly with a couple of buttons like that, but with the the entire top with the, you know, the uh the infrared or whatever source. Uh so that you know, it's flying off in all directions, so that uh um uh again the n need to look at the the the technicalities of um actually achieving that in terms of whether the, you know, the power requirements of the uh such a source, um you know, compromise the our our need for uh you know, it it being um mm permanently uh you know, available. Uh whether whether different technology um I mean th all all these remotes are presumably infrared, and like they have been for a long time. Uh we we possibly need to be looking at at at something different, um you know, short range, not like the old uh radio remote controls where you'd change next door's telly when you change yours. Um but uh uh I think basically i if we're going for i if minimum number of buttons is our priority, then we should, as I say, r know, really bite the bullets and and reduce the buttons to absolute minimum, you know, possibly with backup channel and volume buttons and on off. Um and nothing else. Um so that it can al it could uh almost end up like that, but again, except that um you know the risk of losing it. Um anyway okay um so Kate, wh what are your uh your thoughts on this? Okay. Uh it seems seems to me there are a number of fundamental decisions to make before we um I think your point about the the big energy source is uh a very valid one. Um I don't suppose we've got any statistics on the the life expectancy of uh remote controls, particularly sort of independent ones. Um given you know, the number of things you buy these days, which you know, have a a a lithium whatever battery in, that's uh, you know never needs replacing. Um perhaps we should have the the disposable remote control, uh um you know, one some sort of typical usage. You know, the the the battery will last know, five, ten years. By which time I mean when all's said and done, the digital television will be taking over in that time scale. Um uh uh p perhaps we should, know, reduce the uh, you know, the sort of moving parts even more by not even having a battery compartment and uh Yeah, and if if anybody manages to run it down, we'll we'll give 'em a new one. Um it's, you know, it's what it saves in cost and you know there there's a well, it's actually a marketing gimmick. I mean it's hardly a gimmick, it's uh it's totally practical. Uh so I th think you know the idea of a rechargeable one is um uh unless you're really high tech and it sort of just recharges itself if it's n by, you know, magnetic waves or whatever, if if it Yeah. Are are people really gonna use it though? Um. I I th I think Yeah, it's um I mean I know that somei times my my wife goes out in the morning and says oh I should have put the phone on to charge and then then she's had those for so long that if she hasn't worked that out by now. Um. When it yeah, wh when it's died is a problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so uh um what so wh what what do we think about the um the the permanent mm battery? Is the uh you know, we we we are really going for the ultimate in ex uh external simplicity here. Um you know, cut cost within the manufacturing and uh you know, if we have a high tech interior, then then that that sh may well be cost effective. I mean th th certainly. Um I can't think of anything off the s top of my head, but there are certainly things that you buy. I mean calculators for example. Som well some do, I mean th th but there are battery ones that um are you know, sort of permanently sealed. In in fact I'd Yeah, uh uh Yeah, I I mean th th this needs going t into the technology a bit. I mean the the actual time that a remote control is actually operating I would think is i is is probably, you know, no more than minutes in its entire life. Um. If, but I say if if people are getting R_S_I_ from it then uh then uh then then perhaps we're looking at the wrong market n Right. Oh, I must admit I hadn't um I'd I'd missed that. That does sound excessive. Yeah. Well that's right, and and I I don't I don't even know whether the I don't even know whether the s the signal lasts as long as you actually keep the button pressed, or whether it's just a sorta tenth of a second, no matter how long you press it for, I don't know I don't actually know. Um. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Right, so I've got a message to say five minutes, I dunno how long ago that appeared. Um 'cause we're we're getting um right, so I'd I need to sum up very quickly here um. We're looking at extreme simplicity. We're looking at a radically different shape. Possibly no buttons at all um, but if you can incorporate um channel change and volume buttons um in into the design, then then that's fine. Um in the I mean the the role of the of the um the user interface des designer becomes b you know more important here, because, you know, shape is no longer an a uh um a serious constraint. But we clearly only need th the main buttons, although, uh if clearly only need the main functions. Um I don't see why we shouldn't go for voice recognition um and the the only buttons that I think we need are channel control, volume control and on off. Um it needs to incorporate the corporate logo, uh the the grey and yellow colour scheme and there's no reason why we can't introduce um interchangeable uh covers. Um uh d so does that accurately summarise what we've discussed? Right. So uh Yeah. We are doing just the television. No. I think that's quite clear from the the information that we've been given, no? Right. Oh yeah well th that's one I s that's one I sent you, which which was my interpretation of uh of the uh what came down from from head office. Um That's that that that that's their uh their view. Okay, so uh we can all give some thought to that uh for for the next meeting, thank you very much indeed. Speaker C: Uh I don't mind. Uh can I steal the cable? Cheers. I got a how do I start there? That one. Cool. Well these are functionality requirements from the our our guys down in the the research lab. Took hundred people and covered all the aspects of what um is needed by people and what they want to see. Um everything kinda from functionality and how individual functions are how mu how how often they're used and how much their necessary and stuff. And general opinions about current current remotes. See that, as we kinda noticed, seventy five percent of people find their remote controls ugly. So some kind of a new style should be incorporated that's less ugly. Uh along with um looking less ugly, if it looks better, eighty percent of people said they'd spend more money on it. Which is a a plus for us, if we can make it look better, it'd be uh more cost effective and we can put the price up. Current remote controls do not match the operating behaviour of the user. I can empl I kinda take that to mean as um they they don't uh they, yeah, they only use they only work for the television or yeah like as in in my flat I've got six remote controls for a stereo system, a digital box, a D_V_D_ player, a video player and T_V_. If it was uh I mean th my behaviour is to use multiple things at the same time and multiple remotes aren't really matched well to my behaviour. Uh again, seventy five percent is seventy five percent of users say they zap a lot. I took to mean that they just they use it a lot, they use it regularly rather than standing up and manually change channels or volume. And uh yeah, uh I think the big issue is fifty percent users only use ten percent of the buttons, 'cause uh wh if we got a remote that like well we'll have some buttons taken off by the lack of teletext, but uh oh and we're going to see uh on the uh that some of the functions like audio settings aren't h hardly ever used and used very aren't considered relevant by the user. So I think maybe fewer buttons, which also make the design look sleeker, I dunno. Uh um yeah and uh frustrations of like people losing remote control. I dunno maybe some kind of system of you press a button on the T_V_ or maybe that's b it would have to incorporate, but like some kind of system where you can f use something else to find the remote control. Maybe like it'll beep or something. And um, yep, the uh time taken to learn new remote controls is Uh don't want to make it too complicated, easy to use for uh new like first time users and stuff. And uh repetitive strain injury, I suppose we should make it more comfortable and make ma possibly even use have to make it, yeah, fewer buttons, like I was saying about the whole mice the mouse idea of it feels more comfortable. Maybe don't even have to hold it as such. But uh yeah. It also asked um if we would if people would pay more for speech recognition and younger people say they would. And uh there was another section on our on the report for uh L_C_D_ displays, but the data wasn't there, so. I don't actually know what the results for that were, so. May be incrementally emitting, but yeah. And uh it would cut out the R_S_I_ as well if you Yeah, um oh yeah, so possibly the speech recognition is possibly something could add into the design. Oh, I've got some other things I couldn't fit onto this presentation. Um. You see this okay? Almost no? It's sorry it's a bit. I'll read out to you. Uh functionality, uh like people's opinions on functionality, the relevance to the remote and how often they're used. So um like the power. Using the using the d swi the power switch to switch on T_V_ is a high relevance of nine, but it's not frequently used. You see what I mean? Whereas channel selection, which is very high relevance is used the most. So m we can maybe even start to cut down on or I was possibly even thinking of a design that maybe some of the buttons are hidden from everyday use. Maybe like uh a folding ledge or something. So that we can maybe go into the channel settings and the audio settings, which are low relevance and rarely used. And keep the v volume selection and channel selection very easily Oh yeah. Yeah, like the one that like slides back and the buttons are concealed underneath. Just remove them completely? Uh yeah. Um no this is for pay more for speech recognition. Yeah, that's true. Or even I mean you could even just have it left on. You could just put it down once on top your T_V_ and never have to Yeah. B_B_C_ one. Oh yeah. Mm-mm. Relevance of two out of ten, yeah. Yeah. Stand out. Uh I just had a thought actually, sorry to interrupt. Uh you were saying about um it could technical problems of like uh someone on the television saying a channel number and it changed we could maybe have like an activation word. 'Cause I've seen I've seen this used on computers before, where you just you address the remote, you address the computer, and then give it a command. Oh I see. Oh yeah, I see. Mm-hmm, yeah. I mean I'm just thinking of the point of view of peop you could still like lose this remote. Mm. Oh no I I interrupted you, sorry. Oh okay. Um well, I was just kinda wrapping up there. Yeah, I was thinking um, yeah, maybe such things are relevant. We could make things much more f I think the the eighty percent of people would spend more on uh a remote uh that looks better, combined with uh decrease the or take out the limited functio functions that we don't really use much. alright take out teletext, but as for channel settings and stuff it might it might um turn people somewhe peop some people that want the whole functionality away. But, since if we're marketing a more kind of fashionable approach then it'd it would be fashion and fashion over practicality. Oh, we could, yeah. We c yeah, we could even have it as like a yeah the buttons control this and the voice functions control the f things that you would do all the time, so. So uh yeah, if we could uh power on and channel selection and and volume selection, wouldn't have to really Yeah and probably it would look better as well. Yeah. yeah. Lined with numbered buttons and Uh yeah, yeah, that's everything. Do you want the cable? F_ eight. Uh, give it about twenty seconds, or so. Yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm. It could have like uh know like a cordless phone in your house it s got like a base that sits there all the time. I suppose, yeah. Yeah. Uh. That sounds pretty good, yeah. Mm-hmm. W like like this um this uh market research thing says number of times per hour that it's used, channel selection a hundred and sixty eight times per hour. Yeah. But then again, if you think it of the amount of, you know amount of use it's like That's it's less than a second, um. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, like in the email of television only. In fact they're in the constraints email that I got. Didn't you mention the teletext, just television only? Oh okay. Oh yeah. Speaker D: Sorry. It could be oh uh I was just gonna say uh maybe like the flip phones that they use? Have you seen the new mo mobile phones that flip out and they have the like texting, and then the numbers on one side, so you could have the most used buttons on top and flip it out or something. Yeah. That might be the Maybe i Yeah, have a big kind of like the satellite box or the cable box and have it just go on the T_V_ and then it doesn't matter where in the room you are, you won't lose it. No. Oh. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Okay well, I can do mine. Yeah, let's see if I can make this work. Um. Oh. Is it doing Okay. Oh okay. Okay, so this is just about the technical functions. So the method, I looked online for examples of other similar products and then just kind of was trying to brainstorm some possible design ideas and um identify what the necessary things are, what people are what you really wanna have a remote control do. Um and then there are two different kinds that I found. There's a user centred one and an engineering centred one which I will have pictures of and then we kinda have to decide which one this should be. So these are the two different ones. This one um this is the user centred, it has uh quite a few mm uh um fewer buttons and then this is the engineering centred, which has a lot more buttons, and probably this is one that people complain about, about having too many buttons that you don't use. So basically, what a remote control is is you it's to send messages to the television set, you know, turn on, off, switch the channels and the volume and things such as that. And so for this product it's gonna be television only, and then it has to have the uh logos for the company and the colours. And so, for my personal preferences, I think this one is easier to use and has quite a you know, fewer buttons. Um we want something that sends messages easily to the television and I was kind of wondering about this example that they have. It looks kind of narrow at the top, and I was thinking maybe if it were wider at the top, then that would be easier. Um and so we have to decide what's gonna make our product different. E the unique style, maybe have it light up so it's visible in the dark, um the changeable face-plates, and the lighting up and visible I was when we were talking about havi losing it, maybe to have a button on the television that you press and it maybe if it makes a noise or lights up or something like that, so it's easier to find if someone has hidden under the couch or something like that. So that's my presentation. Yeah. F they probably clip to you. Oh. Hmm I think it's all there. H Oh yeah. That's kind of strange. Yeah, people are pro I would think that people might forget I mean people forget to put their cordless phones back on there, so. Yeah. No. Um. Do they make batteries that last that long? Yeah, they have that little solar Yeah. Mm. Yeah, some people are Yeah. Yeah. Per hour? Wow. That's a lot. Yeah. Though I think with digital T_V_, like I know on my cable box, you're not supposed to do that because the channel can't keep up with it if you just press it like that, so you're supposed to use the menu and go through the different channels that way instead of Uh-oh. Yeah. Um Oh I just have one question. So are we doing just the television or are we doing so not D_V_D_ players, we okay, okay. Okay. Yeah. Oh okay. Okay.","welcome Um I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour . Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items , that switching was easy , that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular , um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting , that the keys might be concave , Um should have interchangeable fascias um illuminated Um and that people might want it as as in addition to their existing remote controls . And that it shouldn't be too small , mm that it it gets lost . Um . I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations . Uh before I do that , however , I will go through some new project requirements that um the the management have placed on us Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought . the n the new requirements are um the the management team see that um teletext is no longer of any importance given the uh the rise of the internet . Um and and they want it only to cover televisions . what is not q quite clear from their directive is whether they mean th they don't want it to cover teletext or whether they don't want it to cover , you know , videos , D_V_D_s , um satellite boxes , which uh I mean we saw as being fundamental to the uh to the exercise . The um the actual wording of the directive is that it should cover television only . Um the device has to incorporate the company logo and colours . Um the the logo uh being at b the bottom of the screen there , the the the two R_s in grey against uh a yellow background . this doesn't necessarily mean that we have to give up some of our ideas about making it attractive to the t to the market . Um but they also want it to be simple to get it to the market quickly , but uh um we we need to talk that through . these are functionality requirements from the our our guys down in the the research lab . Took hundred people and covered all the aspects of what um is needed by people and what they want to see . Um everything kinda from functionality and how individual functions are how mu how how often they're used and how much their necessary and stuff . And general opinions about current current remotes . See that , as we kinda noticed , seventy five percent of people find their remote controls ugly . Uh along with um looking less ugly , if it looks better , eighty percent of people said they'd spend more money on it . Current remote controls do not match the operating behaviour of the user . I kinda take that to mean as um they they don't uh they , yeah , they only use they only work for the television as in in my flat I've got six remote controls for a stereo system , a digital box , a D_V_D_ player , a video player and T_V_ . Uh again , seventy five percent is seventy five percent of users say they zap a lot . fifty percent users only use ten percent of the buttons , we'll have some buttons taken off by the lack of teletext , but uh oh and we're going to see uh on the uh that some of the functions like audio settings aren't h hardly ever used So I think maybe fewer buttons , which also make the design look sleeker , frustrations of like people losing remote control . maybe some kind of system of you press a button on the T_V_ it would have to incorporate , but like some kind of system where you can f use something else to find the remote control . Maybe like it'll beep or something . the uh time taken to learn new remote controls is And uh repetitive strain injury , I suppose we should make it more comfortable like I was saying about the whole mice the mouse idea of it feels more comfortable . Maybe don't even have to hold it as such . It also asked um if we would if people would pay more for speech recognition and younger people say they would . And uh there was another section on our on the report for uh L_C_D_ displays , but the data wasn't there , I must say that um the uh I c can't remember what um f you know phone service I was using the other day , but that had sorta speech recognition which worked uh remarkably well , And uh it would cut out the R_S_I_ as well if you possibly the speech recognition is possibly something could add into the design . I've got some other things I couldn't fit onto this presentation . Uh functionality , uh like people's opinions on functionality , the relevance to the remote and how often they're used . like the power . Using the using the d swi the power switch to switch on T_V_ is a high relevance of nine , but it's not frequently used . Whereas channel selection , which is very high relevance is used the most . I was possibly even thinking of a design that maybe some of the buttons are hidden from everyday use . Maybe like uh a folding ledge or something . So that we can maybe go into the channel settings and the audio settings , And keep the v volume selection and channel selection very easily uh I was just gonna say uh maybe like the flip phones that they use ? you could have the most used buttons on top like the one that like slides back and the buttons are concealed underneath . If people really don't use those buttons to any extent at all um remove them altogether . I wonder whether we could get the remote control with no buttons at all if we went for voice recognition , what we didn't have was what proportion of people using remotes were in those particular age groups . Forty no sorry for forty five to fifty five age group , uh to put myself right in the middle of it , um u use remote controls to a great extent . again , we don't know the relative proportion the relative numbers in the age groups . If we wanted something different , truly different , then the buttonless remote control w would be it . the only problem I can think of with that is if you've got a lot of people that don't wanna be bothered learning how to use new rem remote controls . But if you just lift it up and say , channel one or B_B_C_ You could just put it down once on top your T_V_ and then it doesn't matter where in the room you are , I can I can see technical problems with that in terms of the , you know , the sound from the television , because if somebody actually on the television says uh uh , you know , I_T_V_ and you're watching B_B_C_ then then it might um change itself , so it probably needs to be um possibly actually need a button on it Or or something just to identify that you've lifted it up and it's use . w we need to s identify things that people actually need and and it's a function of frequency and relevance . if we can design something that that looks interesting , um incorporates the the logo and and the colours and um we can still have our interchangeable fascias even if it's the yellow and grey , um buttons or or buttons as an option . Uh you were saying about um it could technical problems of like uh someone on the television saying a channel number and it changed we could maybe have like an activation if we want to make this so simple that anybody can walk into the room and lift it up and say I mean I'm just thinking of the point of view of peop you could still like lose this remote . Do you want to just carry on with I was just kinda wrapping up there . eighty percent of people would spend more on uh a remote uh that looks better , take out the limited functio functions but as for channel settings and stuff it might it might um turn people somewhe peop some people that want the whole functionality away . S s we could we could make it dual function voice recognition and still have buttons on it um this is just about the technical functions . the method , I looked online for examples of other similar products and then just kind of was trying to brainstorm some possible design ideas Um and then there are two different kinds that I found . There's a user centred one and an engineering centred one these are the two different ones . This one um this is the user centred , it has uh quite a few mm uh um fewer buttons and then this is the engineering centred , which has a lot more buttons , what a remote control is is you it's to send messages to the television set , turn on , off , switch the channels and the volume and things such as that . And so for this product it's gonna be television only , and then it has to have the uh logos for my personal preferences , I think this one is easier to use and has quite a you know , fewer buttons . Um we want something that sends messages easily to the television and I was thinking maybe if it were wider at the top , then that would be easier . the unique style , maybe have it light up um the changeable face-plates , maybe to have a button on the television that you press and it maybe if it makes a noise or lights up or something like that , when we were talking about havi losing it , rather than the uh the the traditional Um something like this shape , sort of something that you can that's sort of a more vertical shape , uh uh uh l uh l such as I mean um something you hold up like that , possibly with a couple of buttons like that , again the n need to look at the the the technicalities of um if minimum number of buttons is our priority , then we should , as I say , r know , really bite the bullets and and reduce the buttons to absolute minimum , possibly with backup channel and volume buttons and on off . Um and nothing else . I'll just do my presentation on the working design uh . Uh the basic function of the remote control is to send messages to another sh system , the the T_V_ or the D_V_D_ player or whatever . Um and it does this uh by well , you need to start off you need an energy source and this energy source will feed into an integrated circuit chip and the circuit chip is the part that actually composes the different messages uh within the remote um which will then be sent to the uh the television , the D_V_D_ to tell that what to do . Um and you need a user interface , which controls the chip and thus the messages and uh the user interface is that's basically just you kn the s sorta design of the actual remote which you hold in your hands and what buttons will be on it . Um Uh what we need uh technically speaking for the remote control is some sort of energy source , uh some sort of user interface , which I think we've mostly been talking about the user interface and the design of that . Um a circuit chip within that to uh control and send the messages and um a sender and receiver . This is just sort of a little schematic diagram of what we're looking for . my personal preferences I I just think we need sorta big uh energy source that won't die out , uh perhaps some sort of rechargeable battery or a battery dock you could place it in , so you wouldn't have to uh be worrying about it running out of batteries and not changing channels for you . Uh also definitely a user-friendly interface um and I think we've all sort of mentioned adding a a locating device on it , I think your point about the the big energy source is uh a very valid one . Um I don't suppose we've got any statistics on the the life expectancy of uh remote controls , particularly sort of independent ones . you know , the number of things you buy these days , which you know , have a a a lithium whatever battery in , the the the battery will last Um perhaps we should have the the disposable remote control , know , five , ten years . uh uh p perhaps we should , know , reduce the uh , you know , the sort of moving parts even more by not even having a battery compartment Just having one that's guaranteed to last five to ten years ? it's actually a marketing gimmick . it's uh it's totally practical . Uh so I th think you know the idea of a rechargeable one is um uh unless you're really high tech and it sort of just recharges itself if it's n by , you know , magnetic waves or whatever , It could have like uh know like a cordless phone in your house it s got like a base that sits there all the time . I mean people forget to put their cordless phones back on there , 'Cause I only remember to charge my cell phone uh when battery dies . what so wh what what do we think about the um the the permanent mm battery ? Uh . That sounds pretty good , yeah . Do they make batteries that last that long ? but there are certainly things that you buy . I mean calculators for example . Yeah , they have that little solar Most of them , don't they have sort of a combination of the two , when there is light , they'll work off the light , and if there isn't , they'll kick into this battery , so we can maybe do something like that I mean the the actual time that a remote control is actually operating I would think is i is is probably , you know , no more than minutes in its entire life . like like this um this uh market research thing says number of times per hour that it's used , channel selection a hundred and sixty eight That does sound excessive . We're looking at extreme simplicity . We're looking at a radically different shape . Possibly no buttons at all um , but if you can incorporate um channel change and volume buttons um in into the design , then then that's fine . Um I don't see why we shouldn't go for voice recognition um and the the only buttons that I think we need are channel control , volume control and on off . and there's no reason why we can't introduce um interchangeable uh covers . Um it needs to incorporate the corporate logo , uh the the grey and yellow colour scheme Yeah . We are doing just the television . are we doing just the television so not D_V_D_ players , I think that's quite clear from the the information that we've been given , we can all give some thought to that uh for for the next meeting ," 103,"Speaker A: Hi. Yeah, good. Hmm. Yeah. Going to the nex next. Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe. Participant two. Uh the next one, sorry. It's it was the old one. Components. Um this time I'm I'm going to um concentrate more on the components and the technical side of the remote controller design. Uh, can you go on to the next slide, please. I have just brief uh down few uh components which we require for the remote control uh construction. Uh the first one is case to keep all the components like integrated circuit, battery, etcetera, etcetera, it's like Uh it can be a plastic one, hard plastic, so that it can be strong, even if you just uh uh, you know, if you if it falls down, then it doesn't break. So it should be strong. And uh uh there are no harmful materials used in that. And it should be recyclable. Uh and uh, yeah, and also uh using of colouring compon components like uh if we want to have different colours, blue, red, green, so uh uh we have to use uh some colouring compone compone components. And uh the second important thing is uh uh uh integrated circuit. Uh which uh we can use a highly sophisticated one because it's like the it's like the heart of the remote controller. If it is not efficient then everything wi is going to be uh like um the lef ess less efficient so it you should we should have a highly sophisticated one. And it should be resistant to high as well as uh low temperatures. Suppose if it is thirty-eight degrees outside forty degrees outside, it should it should uh be able to re uh resist the uh temperature uh uh highs and uh high temperatures and low temperatures. And uh it should be with uh um equipped with timer and alarm facility. And the uh other component we should uh we have in the remote controller is a resistor uh which is like uh uh i it is very very much important for the electricity uh flow through through through the uh remote controller and uh also a capacitor which is a b which is a m I think it's it's like a battery, capacitor. Can you go on to the next slide, please? Uh a diode, a transistor, a resonator, these are all this uh technical uh electri electronic compons uh components which are which we have to use in a remote controller. A battery uh, I would like to suggest one thing uh if we uh if we will be able to make a res rechargeable battery then we sh we need not go for a high performance battery, even if it is a low performance battery it ca it can't l it can't charge much. It it it's not a high voltage battery. Then also we can If it is a rechargeable one, then uh people can use it for a long time, so in that way we can cut cut the cost, but w uh uh that we have to make the battery as rechargeable one. And we we have a circuit board uh in a remote controller. Can you go to the next slide, please. And how it works, how the remote controller works. When you press a button Thank you. Uh when you press a button, when you do that, you complete a specific connection that means when you when you press a button there will be a s a small circuit underneath the button, and it will send some signals through the wires, and then uh the chip will send start connection and knows that which button is pressed. Suppose you have pressed channel one button, number one you have pressed, then the uh chip will know that the number one button was pressed. It pros produces a mors morse code line signal specific to that button. Every button, every individual button, has its own morse code. Suppose uh the uh user has pressed butto button one, then it will have a spe the circuit will generate a specific morse code to b that that button, and the transistor will amplify the signal and send then to the L_E_D_ which translates the signal into infrared light. Like you have got a signal by pressing a button. That's a d a morse code has been generated by the integrated circuit. Now, that signal, that morse code, has to be amplified by the transistor. That is the use of transist transistor we which we use in the remote controller. It will amplify the signal and it will send it to the L_E_D_ and which translates the signal into an infra infrared bits. The sensor on the T_V_ can see the infrared light, and seeing the signal seeing the signal re it reacts appropriately, that when it sees the amplified mo morse code signal, then it will uh it will uh know which uh what what action it has to uh do. Then it will do the appropriate action. So uh this is how the remote controller works. Can you go to the next slide, please. Yeah, I have few pictures. When you look at the uh um remote controller uh it's it's it this is a normal remote controller. And to the next slide, please. And where we had a a few buttons and all. And uh if you open the remote controller you have this circui circuit board and few electronic components, like you can see a chip there which is having eighteen pins, and also a capac uh a capacitor, three resistors and also a resonator uh um mm yeah, and di and a diode transistor. The electronic components uh all of the electronic components have all those uh things like a chip and d diode transistors an Yeah, di um can y uh you can see the T_A_ double one eight three five labelled uh chip um. Uh you can also see the uh uh the green two green things are uh these are they are they are resistors, and uh just beside that you can see a transistor, and a uh uh cylinder shape, uh that one is a capacitor. Uh and also there are uh um resistors uh sorry, ther there is a diode. Can you go go on to the next slide. So uh this is the circuit board. The green one is a circuit board. Actually, uh building a circuit bo board is pretty pretty uh easy and also it's a it's a l l inexpensive. Uh it's it costs less than what you print on a paper, because uh uh when you when you are building uh some circuits some um uh circuits and also wires, it's it's better to go for printing, because uh you can build these kind of k circuit boards on a on a bulk and it's just printing, nothing like uh, you know, you don't need to use wires and all. It's not exactly wires we are using. It's just printing something on a board. Tha tho those prints will acti act as wires and ci uh circuits. So th that green uh thing is a circuit board, and also you can see uh there are b s like uh um access for buttons, like when you press a button, the circuit under the button will be activated uh th it will it will he get some signals from it and it will uh it will ch its ch se send a signal signals to the, yeah, um integrated circuit. Can you go to the next slide, please. Uh so this is these are the circuits un underneath the buttons. Uh can you see the black uh, round marks? They they are the circuits. Next, please. And um like uh we have uh designed uh before we have seen some uh few things like instead off buttons we have some scrolls. Uh b but a b a push-button requires a simple chip underneath it, but whereas a scroll wheel requires normally a regular chip which is a higher price range. Like for s scrolls we have to go for a sophisticated and and k uh uh uh full a complete chip. Uh and a as energy source we offer a basic battery, a more ingenious uh hard dynamo, um a kinetic provision of energy, more than what is that you shake casually to provide energy. So that also we can have in a battery, uh or we can use solar sells. Uh. Yeah. Uh yeah uh the product can be de delivered into different cases. Uh usually, the cases and card flat that w we see usually uh d uh a normal remote controller. Um. Yeah. Yeah, maybe d uh I have just one more slide, I think. Um. Like we can have a ma material such as plastic, rubber, wood, titanium, but titanium we can't use. Um and also for electronics we can use a simple and regular um re or an advanced chip on the print, um also infra it includes the infrared se sender. Um yeah the uh for the movie just to j develop uh samples and so spe sample speaker. An Yeah, that's it. It's all for me now, thank you. No, no, no, th the the the scrolling wheels are different, like you can go for a sw switches like buttons or scrolls, uh which which we used to do before ten ten years before, I think. Now, nobody uses that because you need you need a a k sophisticated chip and all. So I think it's better we go for uh um ordinary buttons. Yeah uh yeah, push-buttons. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but w Yeah. Yeah, but but I what I'm uh very very much doubtful how how uh far it will work, because a speech recogniser like i it it has its own uh uh problems, issues. Yeah, it's not distance problem it it's recognising a person's voice, like maybe different people will be having different voices, so it like it's uh everything so i So to get a good recogni recognising system, it's a costly thing, I think. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And also strong. Trendy, yeah. Uh. Um like the switches, like we use buttons for user interface. Push-buttons. Yeah. Mm yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Thank you. Speaker B: Hi. Mm-hmm. Interface designer. Yes. Yes. Okay, I can start first. Okay. Now my slide, please. Three. Participant three. Yes. Okay. Now as an interface designer, I would give more emphasis on the interface, how the remote looks like so that it is sellable, it is attractive to customers. Next, please. Okay. Now the function of a remote is to send messages to the television. This messages could be uh switch on-off message or switch to next channel message or swapping the channels or switching onto a particular channel, like you can have the numbers one, two, three, four, up to nine. Pardon me? Yes, nine numbers. And then you have swapping of uh button by which using which you can swap the channels if you don't want to see the third channel you can swap it to the fourth channel or vice versa. Then it should have a next button, and next button channel by which you can keep on uh v uh mm eh scrolling the channels one by one. Next slide, please. Then you should have a button which should which ca which can be used for increasing or decreasing the volume. Then, there should be a button which can give subtitles for a particular program which is going on a television. For example, if you are watching a French program and you would like to have a subtitles in English, then there should be a channel which can trigger this mechanism in the television so that the user can see uh the the subtitles on the screen. Then there should d uh there should be some buttons which can control features like the colour, colour of the picture, the contrast, sharpness, brightness of the picture. Now there should be a memory switch. There should be a mute button. Suddenly if if if uh uh viewer he gets a telephone call, and if he want he doesn't want to switch off the uh T_V_, but he he can reduce the sound, he can bring the volume down and he can watch he can uh while talking he can watch the T_V_. Now the most important feature I would like to have in my remote would be the speech recognition feature. It's an integrated progra programmable sample sensor speaker unit. So a remote can be th can be uh designed which can have the voice recognisers, you can record your own voice which can be recognised by as voice recogniser in the television, for example, if you want to see we if you want to see the ninth channel if you say just say ninth channel, uh th now the the uh yeah, the remote will automatically it will switch to the ninth channel. So the T_V_ will have some recogniser which will recognise the user's voice and accordingly it will change its functionalities. So this is one of the very important feature a remote control can have. So this is one one of the interface which can be created. A very simple interface which has all the t uh uh important features. Then, please, next slide. Then, these are some of the remotes which are different in shape and colour, but they have many buttons. So uh sometimes the user finds it very difficult to recognise which button is for what function and all that. So you can you can design an interface which is very simple, and which is user-friendly. Even a kid can use that. So can you go on t t uh to the next slide. Yeah, so this is one of the interface or one of the remote which has this vi voice recogniser. And this has multi-purpose use, it can be used for T_V_, it can be used for cable-satellite, it can be used for V_C_R_, D_V_D_s and audio. And this has in-built voice recogniser. Can you go on to the next slide? Yeah, now this is an interface for a chil uh for a remote uh uh which a child can use. Uh this is user-friendly, it's very attractive and uh children can use it as well as they can play with it. And this comes with different colours, different shapes. And this this uh child uh interface has minimum buttons and all the important uh buttons are there in this small, compact, attractive child interface. Next slide, please. Now this is a big over-sized remote which cannot be misplaced or it's impossible to misplace. this. So this is No this is a very big, you cannot misplace it anywhere. So this is a jumbo universal remote control and it's impossible to im misplace or lose. This i this is one such interface which can be created. And the personal preference uh would be a spe uh uh to incorporate speech recognisers uh which will respond to user's voice for a particular uh function. Thank you, that's Mm yes. Okay. Okay. We can. It works. Mm yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Transmit. Okay. Okay. Push-buttons. 'Kay. Mm-hmm. Uh yes, I would like to include this feature which is called as voice recogniser. This could be uh one feature which could be sellable. Mm-hmm. No, it's it's, uh yeah, it it's like your recording of uh all uh um a question already, and then you're expecting an answer from th For example, you have a T_V_ system, I'm the user and my family members are the user, I will already record uh a question like, uh good morning, like around eight o'clock I want to see the news in the television. So I'll say just good morning and the T_V_ will switch on. It will recognise my voice and will switch on. Battery. Yes. Yes. And compact. Trendy design and compact. Yes. Push-buttons. And Supplements like different types of features buttons, like can have a f mute button or a swapping button. Recogniser. Yes. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Speaker C: Hi. Yeah, I think that pretty much is it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You don't know me. I could lose that in a minute. Well, um looks like we still have quite a choice of things out there. Um what uh I'm No suggestion's bad. But uh we're gonna have to narrow it down a little more. I don't think that we can get uh The T-shape is good, the child one is good, the too big to misplace, I think it's just funny. Um I don't think that's gonna be our impulse purchase at the checkout counter. It's it's gonna be a little bit too unwieldy. Yeah mm. Mm-hmm. Have to come back to that later. Okay. No, I think her presentation was good, and she really explored all the options. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Good point. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes. Okay. Hmm, that's interesting. Uh yeah, on the scroll and the push-button, um ca you can achieve scrolling by repeatedly pushing a button? Mm-hmm. Um. We'll just go for push buttons for in the interest of cost. Okay. Okay. Go right to my first my next slide. Um alright, my method is uh I'm interested in what the competition is doing, and wanna see how we can make ourselves different from the competition, so I've really been looking at the press and the ads that are out there for other remote controllers. I s I spend a lot of time on the internet um surfing around doing the same thing. And then when I'm out um in people's houses or at meetings or anything like that, I try to notice what kind of remote controls people have, and if it's convenient in the conversation I ask about it. And I would encourage you all to do the same. Um and my findings from this is that, you know, small is beautiful. Um people like something that really fits in their hand. Simple is beautiful. They don't want to have to squint at small print um, they want buttons whose functions are obvious, and they want um as few buttons as possible, and they don't care for the mode thing. They want each button to do something. And eye-catching is important. It's gotta look cute, it's gotta look appealing. Go ahead, I'm trying to finish fast for you. Um and our preference is, as far as I'm concerned, are we got to get to the market before the competition. Ours has to be look really great and it has to come out before the others, so that we have a leg up on time to sell it and push it before other people get out their Christmas item. And we should develop one or two features we can really dwell on in our ad campaign. If we try to tell people it has too many great features, um the consumer just gets confused and we don't get anywhere. So we've gotta narrow our selection down to li two things, I think, that we gonna say are really great about our our our new product. And I've been looking around um at what designs every year different things are popular. And in my research this year I found out that fruit and vegetable shapes are really popular. And people are tired of hard plastic and hard metal. They are more back into soft feel, spongy feeling things, things with maybe a little cloth on them. So those are things maybe we wanna look at as far as saleability of the item. Mm-hmm. You wanna try to come back to yours, and limit yours a bit? Okay. So speech recognition is most important as far as you're concerned? Yeah h that could that could that could be our star feature. That that be really good, yeah, I agree with that. Distance problem? Uh. I think I think battery, and I think we all agreed on that. That that's that's gonna be most cost-effective and the best thing. Yep. Bright, colourful, trendy trendy design, and strong. Mm-hmm. Well, I think that Yeah, or or like her speech recognition would also be a supplement. Her speech recognition feature would be a supplement. Okay, so why don't we put down speech recognition if possible pending some more research from our industrial engineer on how expensive that is. Okay. Wherever they're hiding? Speaker D: Okay. Hello everyone. Um how uh how we doing? Uh first we going uh over the minutes of the last meeting, more or less. Um in the last meeting uh the marketing manager had presented uh her method of working, meaning gathering i suggestions from everyone to see how she best could market uh this this product at the within the budget uh that was given. Uh in general the idea is that it should be something that is not difficult to use. Um it's also an item that people lose a lot. So we should address that. And, of course, it should be something s s that is very simple to use. In addition to that to make it sell, of course, uh the marketing manager w wishes that it be very attractive, or like she says put some sizzle into it in one way or another so that the people are buying it now because, in particular with smaller items, that's a very important fact, 'cause um if they say, well, I go home and think about it, that won't work. Um also mentioned was it should be uh it should have a very short learning curve. And maybe it could be sold by using a slogan. Our technical manager has then said that she feels it should have a chip that has infra-red bits and it has an interface controls w interface that controls the chip. Therefore, messages uh will be controlled in the same manner. There should be extra features like lid buttons, maybe a beep. If too many buttons are pressed, mm uh uh child lock um and uh maybe a display clock so that people could um you could see the time, you know, what show they want to watch. Also mentioned was uh maybe different shapes. So the components of the thing should be button, bulbs, infra infra-red bulbs, battery, chips, wires, and maybe some kind of a holder uh for the for the uh item. Francino who is our um interface designer um uh has mentioned that the that it, of course, should have an on-off button, and also has mentioned an interesting feature that it should have maybe a channel lock. Particularly with maybe small children that they couldn't uh watch a channel that is undesirable. It should be compact. Her personal favourite was it should be T-shaped. And maybe have an anar alarm-clock. And the material should possibly be not of non-allergic nature. Uh the different systems uh that exist are infra-red or radio-waves. Uh maybe it should have uh electri electrici electricity saving feature. And even possibly a timer to so that people can program their favourite uh uh program on th right from the remote. Uh are we all in agreement that that's about what we discussed last time? Okay. Okay, then we I'm looking for three presentations. And uh I don't know whether the order matters much uh, I don't I don't think so, so whoever w wants Yeah, okay. Okay, your slides. Okay. Oh, come on, close already. And that's number two, right? Three. Okay. Nine what? Nine channel uh switches? Nine channel switches? Is Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay, thank you very much. Uh any comments on uh her presentation? Yeah, I I th I think No, I think the these are her presentations, but uh as far as the decision making we getting to that after after but if I just wanted to know whether anybody had any any anything to add to her presentation. Mm right. Mm-hmm. Ho who wants to go next um? Mm-hmm. Okay, and you Uh okay. Oops. The components design. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Go away. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. And you have more pictures. Uh we have five minutes to the end of the meeting. Okay, well thank you. Any particular comments by anybody? We don't have a lot of time left and we will still have to make a decision, and the marketing expert has to present her her thing. Uh okay. Okay. Uh that concludes the presentation of everyone. And what we really have to decide in this meeting is um the concept of the remote. And uh so what do we think on the concept of the remote? Y Okay. Mm-hmm. I think that's Mm-hmm. Well, you you teach You have to teach uh Okay, before we get too far off here um, the components of the concept is the energy. What kind of energy do we foresee? Battery. Battery. Okay then chip on print. Okay. And the case. And I think we all agree on the case, we wanna have something uh maybe bright, colourful. Mm-hmm. Trendy design, compact and strong. User interface concept, uh interface type, supplements. That will be your area I think, right, Jana. Put uh k I guess uh for yeah. And Not sure what they mean by supplements. Oh, like Oh. A what? Right, right, right, mm-hmm. Right. Okay. Uh our next meeting will be in thirty minutes, and the uh I_D_ is to this is the individual actions to be taken until then, to have the look and feel design, and uh the U_I_D_ is supposed to uh come up with the user interface design, and the marketing expert with the product evaluation. In this phase, the two of you, Jana and Francine, have to work together on a prototype using modelling clay, it says here. You will receive specific instructions will be sent to you by your coaches. Um if you have any questions, you know, you you can always uh contact me um or uh or your coach, I suppose. Um so um I think we conclude the meeting here and we come back in uh uh thirty minutes, according to our timetable here. Thank you very much.","The project manager opens the meeting by going over the minutes of the last meeting. The interface specialist begins her presentation by highlighting important remote functions and showing examples of remote interfaces. The group comments on her presentation, and then the industrial designer begins presenting. She talks about the technical electronic components of the remote, explains how a remote works, and shows a few pictures revealing the insides of a normal remote control. She suggests giving the remote a strong shell so it is durable, using a rechargable battery, and not adding a scroll wheel because it requires a sophisticated chip. The marketing expert presents, talking about user preferences for a small, simple, eye-catching, cute, appealing, and functional remote. Fruit and vegetable shapes are popular this year, so a soft, spongy remote perhaps covered with cloth could make the item marketable. The group discusses the issues surrounding speech recognition, noting that if it is good quality it could be costly. They about the power source and review the objectives of the product. The project manager closes the meeting by telling each member what task she is to complete." 13862856,"Hannah: Hey, do you have Betty's number? Amanda: Lemme check Hannah: Amanda: Sorry, can't find it. Amanda: Ask Larry Amanda: He called her last time we were at the park together Hannah: I don't know him well Hannah: Amanda: Don't be shy, he's very nice Hannah: If you say so.. Hannah: I'd rather you texted him Amanda: Just text him 🙂 Hannah: Urgh.. Alright Hannah: Bye Amanda: Bye bye",Hannah needs Betty's number but Amanda doesn't have it. She needs to contact Larry. 13729565,"Eric: MACHINE! Rob: That's so gr8! Eric: I know! And shows how Americans see Russian ;) Rob: And it's really funny! Eric: I know! I especially like the train part! Rob: Hahaha! No one talks to the machine like that! Eric: Is this his only stand-up? Rob: Idk. I'll check. Eric: Sure. Rob: Turns out no! There are some of his stand-ups on youtube. Eric: Gr8! I'll watch them now! Rob: Me too! Eric: MACHINE! Rob: MACHINE! Eric: TTYL? Rob: Sure :)",Eric and Rob are going to watch a stand-up on youtube. 13680171,"Lenny: Babe, can you help me with something? Bob: Sure, what's up? Lenny: Which one should I pick? Bob: Send me photos Lenny: Lenny: Lenny: Bob: I like the first ones best Lenny: But I already have purple trousers. Does it make sense to have two pairs? Bob: I have four black pairs :D :D Lenny: yeah, but shouldn't I pick a different color? Bob: what matters is what you'll give you the most outfit options Lenny: So I guess I'll buy the first or the third pair then Bob: Pick the best quality then Lenny: ur right, thx Bob: no prob :)",Lenny can't decide which trousers to buy. Bob advised Lenny on that topic. Lenny goes with Bob's advice to pick the trousers that are of best quality. 13729438,"Will: hey babe, what do you want for dinner tonight? Emma: gah, don't even worry about it tonight Will: what do you mean? everything ok? Emma: not really, but it's ok, don't worry about cooking though, I'm not hungry Will: Well what time will you be home? Emma: soon, hopefully Will: you sure? Maybe you want me to pick you up? Emma: no no it's alright. I'll be home soon, i'll tell you when I get home. Will: Alright, love you. Emma: love you too. ",Emma will be home soon and she will let Will know. 13828600,"Ollie: Hi , are you in Warsaw Jane: yes, just back! Btw are you free for diner the 19th? Ollie: nope! Jane: and the 18th? Ollie: nope, we have this party and you must be there, remember? Jane: oh right! i lost my calendar.. thanks for reminding me Ollie: we have lunch this week? Jane: with pleasure! Ollie: friday? Jane: ok Jane: what do you mean "" we don't have any more whisky!"" lol.. Ollie: what!!! Jane: you just call me and the all thing i heard was that sentence about whisky... what's wrong with you? Ollie: oh oh... very strange! i have to be carefull may be there is some spy in my mobile! lol Jane: dont' worry, we'll check on friday. Ollie: don't forget to bring some sun with you Jane: I can't wait to be in Morocco.. Ollie: enjoy and see you friday Jane: sorry Ollie, i'm very busy, i won't have time for lunch tomorrow, but may be at 6pm after my courses?this trip to Morocco was so nice, but time consuming! Ollie: ok for tea! Jane: I'm on my way.. Ollie: tea is ready, did you bring the pastries? Jane: I already ate them all... see you in a minute Ollie: ok",Jane is in Warsaw. Ollie and Jane has a party. Jane lost her calendar. They will get a lunch this week on Friday. Ollie accidentally called Jane and talked about whisky. Jane cancels lunch. They'll meet for a tea at 6 pm. 13716964,"Benjamin: Hey guys, what are we doing with the keys today? Hilary: I've got them. Whoever wants them can meet me at lunchtime or after Elliot: I'm ok. We're meeting for the drinks in the evening anyway and I guess we'll be going back to the apartment together? Hilary: Yeah, I guess so Daniel: I'm with Hilary atm and won't let go of her for the rest of the day, so any option you guys choose is good for me Benjamin: Hmm I might actually pass by at lunchtime, take the keys and go take a nap. I'm sooo tired after yesterday Hilary: Sounds good. We'll be having lunch with some French people (the ones who work on the history of food in colonial Mexico - I already see you yawning your head off) Benjamin: YAAAAWN 🙊 Where and where are you meeting? Hilary: So I'm meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm and then we'll head to this place called La Cantina. Italian cuisine, which is quite funny, but that's what they've chosen Benjamin: Interesting 😱 To be honest, Hilary, I almost feel like changing my mind. Wanting to take this nap might end up costing me to dear Hilary: Oh come on 😂 Benjamin: All these terrible obstacles on mu way to bed might just prove to much to take Hilary: We'll try to avoid talking about their subject of research. Oh wait, no, I'm actually meeting them because I wanted to chat about their research lol Elliot: 🙉 Hilary: Do join us, we're going to have fun. And then you'll take the keys and take this most deserved of naps Elliot: Sounds like a plan 😂 Hilary: 😎 Elliot: See you at 2 then xx",Hilary has the keys to the apartment. Benjamin wants to get them and go take a nap. Hilary is having lunch with some French people at La Cantina. Hilary is meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm. Benjamin and Elliot might join them. They're meeting for the drinks in the evening. 13731487,"Max: Know any good sites to buy clothes from? Payton: Sure :) Max: That's a lot of them! Payton: Yeah, but they have different things so I usually buy things from 2 or 3 of them. Max: I'll check them out. Thanks. Payton: No problem :) Max: How about u? Payton: What about me? Max: Do u like shopping? Payton: Yes and no. Max: How come? Payton: I like browsing, trying on, looking in the mirror and seeing how I look, but not always buying. Max: Y not? Payton: Isn't it obvious? ;) Max: Sry ;) Payton: If I bought everything I liked, I'd have nothing left to live on ;) Max: Same here, but probably different category ;) Payton: Lol Max: So what do u usually buy? Payton: Well, I have 2 things I must struggle to resist! Max: Which are? Payton: Clothes, ofc ;) Max: Right. And the second one? Payton: Books. I absolutely love reading! Max: Gr8! What books do u read? Payton: Everything I can get my hands on :) Max: Srsly? Payton: Yup :)",Payton provides Max with websites selling clothes. Payton likes browsing and trying on the clothes but not necessarily buying them. Payton usually buys clothes and books as he loves reading. 13814882,"Rita: I'm so bloody tired. Falling asleep at work. :-( Tina: I know what you mean. Tina: I keep on nodding off at my keyboard hoping that the boss doesn't notice.. Rita: The time just keeps on dragging on and on and on.... Rita: I keep on looking at the clock and there's still 4 hours of this drudgery to go. Tina: Times like these I really hate my work. Rita: I'm really not cut out for this level of boredom. Tina: Neither am I.",Rita and Tina are bored at work and have still 4 hours left. 13680876,"Beatrice: I am in town, shopping. They have nice scarfs in the shop next to the church. Do you want one? Leo: No, thanks Beatrice: But you don't have a scarf. Leo: Because I don't need it. Beatrice: Last winter you had a cold all the time. A scarf could help. Leo: I don't like them. Beatrice: Actually, I don't care. You will get a scarf. Leo: How understanding of you! Beatrice: You were complaining the whole winter that you're going to die. I've had enough. Leo: Eh.","Beatrice wants to buy Leo a scarf, but he doesn't like scarves. She cares about his health and will buy him a scarf no matter his opinion." 13809974,"Ivan: hey eric Eric: yeah man Ivan: so youre coming to the wedding Eric: your brother's Ivan: yea Eric: i dont know mannn Ivan: YOU DONT KNOW?? Eric: i just have a lot to do at home, plus i dont know if my parents would let me Ivan: ill take care of your parents Eric: youre telling me you have the guts to talk to them XD Ivan: thats my problem Eric: okay man, if you say so Ivan: yea just be there Eric: alright",Eric doesn't know if his parents let him go to Ivan's brother's wedding. Ivan will talk to them. 13680771,"Wanda: Let's make a party! Gina: Why? Wanda: beacuse. I want some fun! Gina: ok, what do u need? Wanda: 1st I need too make a list Gina: noted and then? Wanda: well, could u take yours father car and go do groceries with me? Gina: don't know if he'll agree Wanda: I know, but u can ask :) Gina: I'll try but theres no promisess Wanda: I know, u r the best! Gina: When u wanna go Wanda: Friday? Gina: ok, I'll ask",Wanda wants to throw a party. She asks Gina to borrow her father's car and go do groceries together. They set the date for Friday. 13729249,"Martin: I won two cinema tickets! Aggie: oh cool, how come? Martin: online. on fb, the movie mag organized it Aggie: so what did you do Martin: just write a short review and that's it Aggie: well done :) so what and when. and where? Martin: the new film with Redford Aggie: i guess i heard sth Martin: it's pretty cool i heard. till the end of the week Aggie: sounds good. we'll find time XD",Martin wrote a short review and won 2 cinema tickets on FB. Martin wants Aggie to go with him this week for the new film with Redford. 13680137,"Charlee: I'm in class. Theatre in Portuguese lol Curtis: Realllly? Charlee: Yes. One of my subjects at the university that I attend is portuguese theatre. We are preparing a performance Curtis: What performance is this? Are you devising it? Charlee: A polish one translated into portuguese Curtis: Thats quite cool. Who is the writer? Charlee: Mrożek",Charlee is attending Portuguese theater as a subject at university. He and other students are preparing a play by Mrożek translated into Portuguese. 13864627,"Mary: Are you going by car or train? Tom: Ella rented a car Ella: this makes all of this much faster Mary: good decision","Ella rented a car, this makes things much faster for her and Tom. " 13681139,"Luke: are you still looking for someone to join netflix family? Paul: yes, 1 person :) Luke: i am the one! Paul: sure, i will send you the login and password on sunday Luke: ok we can talk tomorrow Paul: i don't really remember it now Luke: send me also the bank account details so I can wire you the money every month. Are you paying for this or someone else? Paul: I do, and I keep track of everyone accessing so you should not expect any bans :D Luke: easy mate :D you still on holidays with your girl? Paul: last dinner :( tomorrow we are out Luke: how long have you been there? Paul: less than 8 days :/",Paul is going to share his Netflix account with Luke. In exchange Luke is going to contribute to the subscription. Paul will send Luke his bank details. Paul is on vacation with his girlfriend till tomorrow. 13680757,"Greg: Hi, honey. I need to stay after hours :-( Betsy: Again? Greg: I'm sorry! Betsy: What about Johnny? Greg: Well, could you pick him up? Betsy: What if I can't? Greg: Betsy? Betsy: What if I can't? Greg: Can't you, really? Betsy: I can't. Today I need to work long hours as well. Tuesdays are your days in the kindergarten. Greg: Talk to you later. I'll see what I can do. Betsy: You'd better think of something. Greg: Oh. Just stop it now.","Greg and Betsy have a lot of work today, so they cannot pick up Johnny from the kindergarten. However, it's Greg's turn to do it. Greg will try to find a solution." 13716777,"Ethan: somethin for Scott Toby: haha, totally Marshall: pretty much sums it up Scott: you know you're exactly fuckin the same Toby: oh we know honey bunny Marshall: we just enjoy making fun of YOU Ethan: xD Scott: oh fuck y'all Toby: ","Ethan, Toby and Marshall are making fun of Scott." 13828901,"Igor: Shit, I've got so much to do at work and I'm so demotivated. John: It's pretty irresponsible to give that much work to someone on their notice period. Igor: Yeah, exactly! Should I even care? John: It's up to you, but you know what they say... Igor: What do you mean? John: Well, they say how you end things shows how you really are... Igor: And now how you start, right? John: Gotcha! Igor: So what shall I do then? John: It's only two weeks left, so grit your teeth and do what you have to do. Igor: Easy to say, hard to perform. John: Come on, stop thinking, start doing! Igor: That's so typical of you! ;) ",Igor has a lot of work on his notice period and he feels demotivated. John thinks he should do what he has to do nevertheless. 13728509,"Clara: Hi, what you up to? Neela: Not much, chilling out. Clara: Just rewatching Dear White People on Netflix, love it!😍 Neela: Oh yeah, heard of it, but not seen it yet? Any good? Clara: Well, yes! I just said it was, LOL. It's about a fictional Ivy League University and the students in one House of Residence. Neela: Why is it called Dear White People? Clara: That's the name of the radio show the main character, Sam, presents on college radio. Neela: Yeah, but why is it so good? Clara: Well, it's mainly stories from the perspective of black students there, which I find very interesting. The characters are strong and likeable too. Neela: I suppose it's rather different from the UK, then? Clara: It seems so, as there is a lot more racial awareness and discrimination there than here. It all kicks off when there is a Blackface party held by an elite group of white students, which gets out of hand. Neela: How's that? Clara: Well, obviously, the black students try to break it up and there's also an incident where one guy, Reggie, gets a loaded gun pointed at him by a campus policeman after he gets into an argument with a white student. It may be at another party, though, I'm not sure of that. Neela: Oh, that sounds pretty strong stuff. What else happens? Clara: Well, there is a young black guy called Lionel who is coming to terms with being gay and is finding his voice as a journalist. He unearths corruption at the uni and he and Sam also uncover some conspiracy theory stuff about secret societies. Neela: Well, I must say, it does sound good, I'll check it out soon! Clara: Definitely, there is supposed to be a Series 3 coming up next year, really looking forward to it! Neela: Well, thanks Clara, I'm just watching the rest of a movie and I'll try Dear White People. Clara: Don't blame me if you get hooked and stay up till 4! Neela: See ya, love! Clara: Bye!",Clara is rewatching Dear White People and strongly recommends it to Neela. 13728442,"Ernest: hey Mike, did you park your car on our street? Mike: no, took it into garage today Ernest: ok good Mike: why? Ernest: someone just crashed into a red honda looking just like yours Mike: lol lucky me",Mike took his car into garage today. Ernest is relieved as someone had just crashed into a red Honda which looks like Mike's. 13728958,"Deirdre: Hi Beth, how are you love? Beth: Hi Auntie Deirdre, I'm been meaning to message you, had a favour to ask. Deirdre: Wondered if you had any thought about your Mum's 40th, we've got to do something special! Beth: How about a girls weekend, just mum, me, you and the girls, Kira will have to come back from Uni, of course. Deirdre: Sounds fab! Get your thinking cap on, it's only in 6 weeks! Bet she's dreading it, I remember doing that! Beth: Oh yeah, we had a surprise party for you, you nearly had a heart attack! Deirdre: Well, it was a lovely surprise! Gosh, thats nearly 4 years ago now, time flies! What was the favour, darling? Beth: Oh, it was just that I fancied trying a bit of work experience in the salon, auntie. Deirdre: Well, I am looking for Saturday girls, are you sure about it? you could do well in the exams and go on to college or 6th form. Beth: I know, but it's not for me, auntie, I am doing all foundation papers and I'm struggling with those. Deirdre: What about a tutor? Kira could help you in the hols. Beth: Maybe, but I'd like to try working. I'm 16 soon, I'm old enough. Deirdre: I know. Look, pop in tomorrow after school and we'll have a cuppa and a chat. Beth: Yes, thanks auntie. I'd really like to try the beauty therapy side. Deirdre: Its not for the squeamish, mind. Massage, pedicures, not to mention waxing! Beth: Oh yes, I was chatting to a friend about it yesterday! Deirdre: Maxine manages the beauty side, you can meet her tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. Beth: Yes, I'd really like that. Deirdre: We can try a few hours on a Saturday for a couple of weeks as work experience. I'll give you a tenner or so per session to start off for your lunch, coffee and bus fare etc. If you like, we'll take it from there. Beth: OK, I like the sound of it! See you tomorrow Auntie! Love you! Deirdre: Bye, lovely girl! Xx",Beth wants to organize a girls weekend to celebrate her mother's 40th birthday. She also wants to work at Deidre's beauty salon. Deidre offers her a few hours on Saturdays as work experience. They set up for a meeting tomorrow. 13862397,"Gloria: This exam is a bit of a lottery in fact Gloria: You can't really get prepared, it's all about experience Emma: But there are some rules and some typical texts right? Gloria: You can see some texts from previous years Gloria: Emma: Wow that's very useful Emma: I have never seen this site Gloria: Yes it's very good Gloria: Actually it's good to read all the texts because you will see that some phrases repeat very often Emma: How much time do you have for all 4 parts? Gloria: 4 hours Emma: Is it enough? Gloria: Well it has to be Gloria: Would be perfect to have 2 more hours... But on the other hand it would be really exhausting Emma: 4 hours and no breaks? Gloria: No breaks :/ So it's really important to be really focused and try to write as fast as you can Gloria: And read it carefully and correct during the last hour Emma: I'm going to read everything from that website, it's great",Gloria has an exam soon. It lasts 4 hours. Emma sent her a link to a website with some texts from previous years so that she can prepare for the exam better. 13829966,"Adam: Have you talked to May? Karen: Yes, yesterday, why? Adam: I just talked to her and I must admit I worry about her Karen: Me too, I suggested she should see a specialist, but she wasn't very happy about it Adam: No wonder... Karen: I know, but I think this is serious. She's saying she's depressed, like everyone around, but in her case it may be true Adam: She was telling me she doesn't feel like doing anything, she's bored all the time, she never feels happy. It sounds like a real, typical depression Adam: She also told me that she has trouble sleeping. I asked her to go out for a beer or anything basically, but she doesn't want to leave the flat Karen: Oh my, it sounds really serious. I don't what to tell you Adam: I was wondering how I can help her Karen: Honestly I don't know if we can help her, Adam. I suggested a specialist because these are very sensitive issues and I'm afraid we may unintentionally make it worse Adam: Yes, but she doesn't want to see a specialist. Basically, she doesn't want to see anyone Karen: Hm... I don't know... How about I call someone for advice? So we could know what to do Adam: Sounds rational, do you know anyone you could call? Don't mention her name Karen: Of course I won't! I have a friend who's a psychologist, we can trust her. I'll let you know Adam: Thank you Karen!",Adam and Karen are worried that May suffers from depression. Karen will call her friend who is a psychologist and ask for advice. 13864400,"Anne: You were right, he was lying to me :/ Irene: Oh no, what happened? Jane: who? that Mark guy? Anne: yeah, he told me he's 30, today I saw his passport - he's 40 Irene: You sure it's so important? Anne: he lied to me Irene",Mark lied to Anne about his age. Mark is 40. 13716103,"Augustine: Guys, remember it's Wharton's bday next week? Darlene: yay, a party! Heather: yay! crap we need to buy him a present Walker: he mentioned paper shredder once Augustine: wtf?!? Walker: he did really. for no reason at all. Heather: whatever that make him happy Darlene: cool with me. we can shred some papers at the party Augustine: so much fun Heather: srsly guys, you mean we should really get office equipment??? Darlene: Walk, ask him if he really wnts it and if he yes then we get it Walker: i heard him say that. wasn;t drunk. me neither. Darlene: but better ask him twice Walker: will do Augustine: 2moro ok? Darlene: and sure ask ab the party!","Next week is Wharton's birthday. Augustine, Darlene, Heather and Walker want to buy him a paper shredder. Walker will make sure if Wharton really wants it. " 13716128,"Ollie: Okay, Kelly! Ur up nxt! Kelly: Me? I don't wanna. Mickey: C'mon! Jessica: Yeah! What's yours? Kelly: Fine. It's a sculpture garden in Finnland. Ollie: What's scary about sculptures? Wait! Do they resemble vampires and stuff? Mickey: Nah, I'm sure they look rly nice. Kelly: It's not the sculptures, it's the amount of them and their faces! Jessica: Faces? What faces? Kelly: Well, they resemble ppl in different activities like hugging, training, doing sport and so on. But the faces are just morbid and there's like a hundred of them. All staring at you! Ollie: Another one? Mickey: Certainly! Jessica: Well, Ollie, ur turn! Ollie: Nagoro village in Japan! Mickey: Y? Ollie: Well, maybe it's not scary, but it similar to Kelly's place. It's just creepy as hell. Jessica: Bt y? Ollie: Imagine a village with ppl living in it. And in the same village u have these human-sized figures. And there's more of them than the ppl that actually live there! Kelly: Creepy AH! Mickey: WTF?! Y would ppl even do that? Jessica: Idk. Idc. Never. Going. There. Ollie: See! Mine was the worst! Jessica: Bt not the scariest! Ollie: Point taken. Mickey: Listen, guys, fun talking to u, bt gotta go. Kelly: Yeah, me too. Bye! Jessica: Bye! Ollie: Cu!","Kelly is scared of sculpture garden figures in Finnland, she finds figure's faces morbid. For Ollie it's Nagoro village in Japan, it's creepy. " 13682496,"Myah: Selah: I can't see the phone number very well. Rewrite it plz Myah: Selah: The phone of that person is off",Selah called a person that did not pick up. 13730015,"Eric: Hey Bella, What happened today in boss's room?? Was he angry?? Bella: NO NO!!! He wasn't angry at all.. He actually appreciated on our brave deccision to dismiss the request of client.. Eric: REALLY!! He appreciated this decision.. Bella: Yeah he really did.. I too was astounded by his reaction... Eric: What could possibly lead to this?? I mean , they were potential clients... Bella: What he told me was that he was looking forward to bring in new clients which were our current client's competitor.. Eric: Oh that could possibly be the reason.Well anyways you got appreciation xD congo Bella: hahaha Blessing in disguise xD",Bella and Eric dismissed a request of a client. Their boss appreciated the decision. He brings in new clients. 13731152,"Ben: Where are you? Emma: at the rare of the bus Ben: why? Emma: there are some free seats here Emma: so I can have a nap even Ben: good idea Emma: when are we going to arrive to NY? Ben: around 4.30 PM Emma: if traffic is not crazy Ben: right, we will see Emma: could you come here and wake me up around 4.15? Ben: sure Emma: thanks! Ben: sleep well Emma: I'll try",Emma is about to take a nap in the back of the bus to New York. Ben and Emma will be there around 4.30 pm. Ben will wake Emma up 15 minutes prior to their arrival. 13716107,"Jesse: I have an idea that'll cheer u up! Melvin: What is it? Jesse: I was thinking about doing something 4 the less fortunate this year. Lee: Gr8 idea! Anything in mind? Maxine: So no presents 4 me? :( Jesse: U'll get ur presents, no worries ;) Maxine: Phew! Was getting a bit worried for a moment ;) Melvin: Bt what do u have in store? Jesse: Well, have u heard about the Refuge? Lee: No. What's that? Melvin: That's the Christmas foundation to help women and children? Maxine: I think I've heard of them. So what about them? Jesse: That's right! They help women and children who escape from abuse. And every year they post wish lists of such ppl online and I thought that we could choose one and chip in. Melvin: That's a great idea! Lee: Count me in! Maxine: Me too. Jesse: Have a look at these 3 lists: Lee: I think the second one would be the easiest to arrange. Maxine: Agree. Melvin: What about number 3? A bit ambitious, but if we pull together, we'll manage. Jesse: Actually, I'm in for the 3rd one. Maxine: I think the 2nd list would be better. The items cos more or less the same and we can easily divide it. Melvin: But if we agree to chip in the same amount of money, we can deal with the 3rd one easily. Lee: Come to think of it, the 3rd one is not that bad. A bit of planning and logistics and were good to go. Jesse: So it's settled? Melvin: Yup. Lee: Sure. Maxine: Fine.","Jesse, Melvin, Lee and Maxine are going to take part in the Christmas charity action of the foundation called Refuge, which helps women and children who escape from abuse." 13728966,"Mary: hey, im kinda broke, lend me a few box Carter: okay, give me an hour, im at the train station Mary: cool, thanks",Mary ran out of money. Carter is going to lend her some in an hour. 13828761,"Charlotte: Hello Paula, a funny question: how do you pronounce 'Natal lily', the name of the plant? It refers to the region of ZA and not to the word 'natal' as in 'his natal day', right? Paula: Hi Charlotte, 'nu tell', 'nu' as in 'number'. Charlotte: And the stress on the second syllable? Or the first? Paula: 2nd Charlotte: Thank you dear. Paula: Charlotte: Lovely to hear your voice!! Paula: :$ Paula: Charlotte: :X","Paula helped Charlotte with correct pronunciation of ""Natal lily""." 13728735,"Jack: Cocktails later? May: YES!!! May: You read my mind... Jack: Possibly a little tightly strung today? May: Sigh... without question. Jack: Thought so. May: A little drink will help! Jack: Maybe two!",Jack and May will drink cocktails later. 13828647,"Margaret: Honey, buy me some painkiller. Jack: What is going on? Margaret: Terrible headache! Jack: Maybe you should rest!",Margaret is suffering from a terrible headache and wants Jack to buy her some painkillers. 13680875,"Andrei: hey, did you pick up the film equipment for tonite's shooting? Serge: no, im on my way there now. Andrei: cool. do you happen to have your credit card with you? we have an outstanding bill to pay with the company. Serge: yeah, i do. not a lot of available credit on it, but we'll see when we get there. Andrei: OK, thanks. theyll be glad when we pay it. its long overdue. Serge: ill let you know if it works out. getting of the metro now Andrei: ok",Serge is on his way to pick up the film equipment for the shooting tonight. Andrei and Serge are late with a large payment to the company. Serge and Andrei will try to use the credit card to pay the company. 13829728,"Janice: my son has been asking me to get him a hamster for his birthday Janice: should i? Martina: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Martina: i got one for my son and it stank up the whole house Martina: so don't do it!!!",Martina advises against getting a hamster. 13864532,"Daniel: have you guys played DA? Mary: which one? Daniel: Inquisition Mary: damn yes Mary: love it to bits - team Dorian <3 Lucas: is it any good? I played just DA II Mary: is it any good?! it's fucking brilliant!!! Mary: Dan, are you playing? Daniel: just started and I'm not sure, trying to get used to the mechanics Mary: you have to give it a go, I was sceptical at first, but... omg, wait for Dorian Lucas: Is it better than 2? Mary: oh yes",Mary has played DA Inquisition. Lucas has played DA II. Daniel started playing DA Inquisition. 13818537,"Judy: Why am I always attracted to jerks?? Janice: It didn’t work out with Andrew? Judy: He just wanted to fuck me Judy: When he got what he wanted he stopped calling and texting. Janice: And Bruce? He’s not a jerk. Judy: He’s sweet. Maybe too sweet for me… Judy: He’s a lovely and caring guy but I don’t feel the butterflies… ",Judy thinks she's always attracted to bad guys. 13810120,"Riley: Chloe is on tv!! James: on which channel? James: never mind i've found it James: what is she doing? i don't get it Riley: this is a programme in which women undergo a complete metamorphosis. Riley: OMG she looks drop dead gorgeous!",Riley and James watch Chloe on tv undergoing a metamorphosis. 13731040,"Tina: I'll tell you something, this Emirate staff looks amazing, as movie stars Ala: Oh yes, I know, that's for purpose Ala: It's how it's suppose to be Ala: They pay a lot of attention to the image Tina: Looks nice, pleasure to observe Tina: And I sucked at the airport, they've kept us one hour in the plane and finally I'll catch the evening flight back home Tina: Could You imagine? Tina: And you know, this way we had such a talkative pilot :-) Ala: Oh, poor you Ala: Pfff Ala: And I'm on my way to a meeting Tina: THE meeting? Ala: Yes, keep your finger crossed Tina: Sure, let me know how did it go Ala: Ok darling, in touch",Tina will catch the evening flight back home. Ala is on her way to the meeting. She will let Tina know how it went. 13728229,"Sebastian: It's been already a year since we moved here. Sebastian: This is totally the best time of my life. Kevin: Really? Sebastian: Yeah! Totally maaan. Sebastian: During this 1 year I learned more than ever. Sebastian: I learned how to be resourceful, I'm learning responsibility, and I literally have the power to make my dreams come true. Kevin: It's great to hear that. Kevin: It's great that you are satisfied with your decisions. Kevin: And above all it's great to see that you have someone you love by your side :) Sebastian: Exactly! Sebastian: That's another part of my life that is going great. Kevin: I wish I had such a person by my side. Sebastian: Don't worry about it. Sebastian: I have a feeling this day will come shortly. Kevin: Haha. I don' think so, but thanks. Sebastian: This one year proved to me that when you want something really badly, you can achieve it. Kevin: I want to win lottery and I never did :D Sebastian: If you devoted your life to analyze all of the winning numbers, and with your math skills you could win. Kevin: Devote myself and million dollars for lottery tickets. Sebastian: Something like that xD Kevin: I'm happy for you man. Kevin: I really am Sebastian: Thanks. It means a lot my friend :)","Sebastian is very happy with his life, and shares this happiness with Kevin." 13680571,"Frank: Son, will you come home this weekend? Son: not sure yet. Something happened? Frank: Of course not. Your mother miss you. Son: I miss her too. Frank: So will you com? Son: I will try. Frank: Good, I will tell your mother that you will come Son: oh, dad.. ok I will come.",Son is coming to see his parents' this weekend. 13829773,"Ola: Hello Kate, sorry for not keeping in touch properly. As expected, we have hardly any connectivity here in Cuba. But we're doing fine and enjoying our trip. How are the things at home? Kate: At long last! Started to worry. Nothing new happening, if you disregard all that Xmas craze. Momo has recovered from her injury and frolicking again. Kate: Kate: Good old Momo! Yes, it is your scarf! Ola: NO!!! It's one of my favorites! The one from Laos! Kate: Too late. Momo thinks it belongs to her now. Get yourself a new one. They surely have nice ones there. Ola: Not at all. Only cheapish cotton blouses with horrible multi-coloured embroidery or some equally horrible crochetted tops. No shawls or scarfs. Ola: Kate: Wait a sec! Kate: Kate: Isn't it similar?! Mum would probably like it. Why don't you? Ola: Not a bad idea. But the quality is usually crappy. Kate: And if you go to some boutique shop or something? Not at a market as in your pics? Ola: I might try and find some. Would you like one too? Kate: Not really. And Mum would prefer to be the only one with an authentic Cuban blouse :)) Ola: OK I'll have a look. Greets to everyone at home pls. Kate: Take care!","Ola is in Cuba and is enjoying her trip. She has problems with connectivity there. Momo has recovered from her injury. Ola doesn't like the clothes in Cuba. Ola will try to find a blouse for mum in Cuba, as Kate suggested." 13829332,"Mike: Do u have new John's number? Ann: No, u should ask Mary. Mike: Ok, thank u :*",Mike will ask Mary for John's new number. 13862428,"Joseph: It's fuzzy but I think you can recognize what's that(^_-)-☆ Joseph: Ella: Ooooo Ella: Baby cows??(/◕ヮ◕)/(/◕ヮ◕)/(/◕ヮ◕)/ Joseph: Wujek Janek has tween cows:D Ella: Twins* darling xD Joseph: Oh yeah, sorry Twins* Ella: Good for him!! So cool❤️❤️ Ella: Wanna touch them❤️❤️❤️",Joseph has sent Ella a photo of Wujek Janek's twin baby cows. Ella is delighted. 13716025,"Josh: Stephen, I think you've accidentaly taken my notebook home Stephen: wait lemme check Stephen: nope, I don't see it anywhere Jack: oh shit, I've got it xDDD I don't even know why Josh: xDDD ok, no problem, cool I know where it is Jack: I'll bring it tomorow",Josh thinks Stephen accidentally took his notebook. Jack has it and will bring it tomorrow. 13810245,"Lola: hey girlfriend, what's up? Adele: Oh, hi Lols, not much. Adele: got a new dog. Lola: another one? Adele: Yup. a pup biscuit lab. 4 months. Chewy. Lola: how did the others react? Adele: the cats keep their distance, Poppy and Lulu seem to mother him. Speedy wants to play. Lola: no fighting? that's new. Adele: they say puppies are accepted by other animals more easily than older dogs Lola: especially girl dogs, probably Adele: with the other ones I had to wean them because I took them in as adult dogs. And girls like to fight. like crazy. Lola: doggies, right/. Adele: that too :P Lola: haha. true though. Adele: I know, right. Anyway, called him Bones. He's so plump it kinda fit. Lola: cute. can't wait to see him.","Adele got a new biscuit Labrador Chewy that is 4 months. Her cats keep their distance, and Poppy and Lulu seem to mother Chewy and Speedy wants to play." 13863202,"Kristian: Adidas Or Nike?😃 Tabora: Adidas(^v^) Kristian: Watermelon or orange?😃😃 Tabora: Orange(^v^) Kristian: Superman or batman?😃😃😃 Tabora: Batman(^v^) Tabora: What are we doing now? Kristian: Just playing games😃😃😃😃 Kristian: Wanna keep going?😃 Tabora: Sure! It is kinda fun!(*^0^*) Kristian: Films or books?😃😃😀😀😀😀😀😀 Tabora: Films!(^v^) Tabora: When is my turn?",Kristian and Tabora are playing a game about what they like best. 13829473,"Cathy: Just realized I left my sunglasses at yours Broke: Yes, they are waiting for you to pick them up Cathy: Might come round at 10 tonight if that's alright Broke: Yeah okay, see ya",Cathy will pick up her glasses tonight at 10. 13819035,"Petra: I need to sleep, I can't stand how sleepy I am Andy: I know, and it's so boring today, nobody's working at the office Ezgi: I am working! lazy pigs Petra: I'm sleeping with my eyes open, kill me Andy: ask the fat woman from HR Petra: she would kill me on spot without batting an eye Andy: she always repeats she has a black belt in karate Petra: it's hard to believe she can move, but let her have whatever belt she wants Andy: LOL Petra: sooooo sleepy","Petra is very sleepy at work today, Andy finds the day boring, and Ezgi is working. " 13728057-1,"Nick: You look absolutely gorgeous and have a lovely smile. Nick: Would love to get to know you a bit more. How about we meet up for a drink sometime? Jane: Hmmm... You're shooting a bit above your range aren't you? Nick: Why would you think that hon? Jane: Because I'm not that desperate. Nick: That was a bit below the belt. Nick: You're nice but you're not THAT hot. Jane: Oh is your poor little dick shriveling at the thought? Nick: Actually I'll take it back. Forget about the drink. Nick: Forget I ever wrote to you. Jane: Bye loser! Nick: Fucking bitch! Jane: You're welcome!",Nick finds Jane pretty and invites her for a drink to get to know her better. Jane rejects Nick and is unpleasant to him. Nick suggests Jane to forget about their conversation. 13865165,"Adam: My friend told me he saw Tim with a guy. Nate: And? Adam: Nate: omg Julia: Yeah, what a shocker Adam: ??? You knew?! Julia: I thought everyone knew Nate: I had no idea Nate: Did he tell you anything? Julia: That he’s gay? God no Adam: Why didn’t you tell us? Julia: First: I assumed you knew Julia: Second: Why would I? it’s not my business Nate: I think he should’ve told us ;/ not cool Adam: yeah, I made a completely idiot out of myself defending him Julia: Against whom? I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you Nate: Well, it’s not fair, we’re his friends Julia: And? Does it change anything?","Julia knew Tim was gay, while Adam and Nate didn't. " 13817042,"Lilly: sorry, I'm gonna be late Lilly: don't wait for me and order the food Gabriel: no problem, shall we also order something for you? Gabriel: so that you get it as soon as you get to us? Lilly: good idea! Lilly: pasta with salmon and basil is always very tasty there",Lilly will be late. Gabriel will order pasta with salmon and basil for her. 13730929,"Cara: hey Cara: are you at home Celine: hey Cara Celine: No i'm not Cara: okay then, i just wanted to pass by Celine: im sorry, i can drop by in the evening if you dont mind Cara: its fine, call me then if you decide to come Celine: ok","Celine is not at home, but she will call Cara before visiting her." 13863033,"Craig: Man, u there? Derek: Yeah, tell me Craig: I need help with my computer Derek: What happened? Craig: I don't know exactly but it's not working Derek: Well, ok... give me 20 minutes, got to get to my car Craig: Ok, thanks Derek: No prob",Derek will be at Craig's in 20 minutes to help him with his malfunctioning computer. 13829923,"Emma: Hi neighbour :) Emma: Do you want to take a stroll with the little ones? Abigail: Hey Emma :) I don't think that's a good idea. Abigail: My smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today :O Emma: Oh my, that sounds serious. Emma: I need to install that app.",Abigail is not going to take a stroll with the little ones. Her smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today. 13729905,"Paul: What color flowers should I get Cindy: any just not yellow Paul: ok, pink? Cindy: no maybe red Paul: just tell me what color and what type ok? Cindy: ugh, red roses! ",Paul will buy red roses following Cindy's advice. 13829307,"Mary: Hello, I think you've left your credit card at our shop Jenny: Thank you for getting in touch! Thank you so much! Mary: No worries :) Jenny: When can I pick it up? Mary: Whenever you come, it's safe with one of our cashiers :)",Jenny has left her credit car at the Mary's shop. 13611548,"Gary: Hey, don't forget about Tom's bday party! Lara: I won't! What time should I show up? Gary: Around 5 pm. He's supposed to be back home at 5:30, so we'll have just enough time to prep things up. Lara: You're such a great boyfriend. He will be so happy! Gary: Yep, I am :) Lara: So I'll just pick up the cake and get the balloons... Gary: Thanks, you're so helpful. I've already paid for the cake. Lara: No problem, see you at 5 pm! Gary: See you!",It's Tom's birthday. Lara and Gary will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Gary has already paid for the cake - Lara will pick it up and she will also get the balloons. 13680802,"Laura: Where are you? Paul: Almost there. Laura: Which is? Paul: Close to the Mac. Laura: That's so far away! Paul: 15 mins Laura: I am not waiting any more, see you some other time. Paul: Please, wait! Laura: I've waited 30 minutes, 15 minutes ago you wrote you were almost here. This is too much. Paul: I am so sorry. Laura: I am not. ",Paul is late for a meeting with Laura and she refuses to wait any longer. 13818220,"Salma: Salma: the latest cat meme Hugh: oh sweet, I can never get enough of those lol Hugh: Salma: hahaha same",Salma and Hugh like cat memes. 13819911,"Matt: results should be announced soon Matt: probably today Oliver: they posted it Oliver: Peter: I didn't get into Stanford :( Matt: let me see Matt: yup, I did Oliver: me too Oliver: barely Peter: I'm happy for you guys Matt: chin up! there are many other options Oliver: exactly, don't give up Peter: thanks guys, that means a lot Peter: send your documents asap Peter: otherwise you'll stuck in the queue Matt: thanks for a heads-up Oliver: yea, we owe you one Peter: I have to look for other university Peter: see ya Matt: bye","Todays results show that Matt and Oliver got into Stanford University, Peter did not. " 13864554,"Jake: we don't have english today Nadia: whooooah! Vanessa: cool! you sure though? Jake: Smith called in sick, they couldn't find a replacement, oh yeah",English classes were cancelled because Smith called in sick and replacement could not be found. 13715960,"Brandon: Shit, I've lost my credit card! Brandon: I blocked it in the bank but it will take time before I get a new one Brandon: can you lend me $ 100 guys? Luke: sorry man, Im broke:/ Brandon: I see Ian: what a misfortune, dude Ian: I can lend you $$, no problem Brandon: thanks, dude!","Brandon has lost his credit card and blocked it in the bank. It will take some time before he gets a new one, and he needs money. Luke is broke, but Ian will lend Brandon some money." 13716051,"Inez: My dears, our evening inspired me to create this group conversation to plan further Food Evenings :) Inez: This is my proposal for the next one: Alicja: Wow, I will actually feel happy going to work thanks to this :D Gosia: Happy going to work and even happier leaving it haha Alicja: Just too bad that the time between 9 and 17 will be wasted :P Patrycja: I really liked our evening, even the pizza was delicious :) How did you girls like it? Inez: I loved it, Gosia really chose a great place :) Gosia: I am an expert at eating :D Alicja: Have you been to this restaurant Inez sent? Gosia: No, it is quite new. But I heard good opinions! :D Patrycja: And it fits with our theme of exploring world cuisines :) Alicja: First Italy, now Korea! :D Inez: So when could we do this again? Gosia: I am not sure, but we have to before the holidays! Patrycja: We should have less work in two weeks, we could go again on Wednesday? Alicja: Sounds good to me! Inez: Me too :D",Patrycja and Inez enjoyed the Italian evening. Gosia chose a great place. Alicja hasn't been to the new restaurant. They all want a Korean evening on Wednesday in two weeks time. 13680457,"Ana: You sleeping? Catherine: Not yet. Ana: Wanna go visit grandma tomorrow? I miss her. Catherine: Yeah that would be nice :) I'll call you when I wake up Ana: Oki :) sleep well, good night. Catherine: Good night, u too.",Ana wants to visit grandma tomorrow. Catherine will go with her. She will call Anna when she wakes up. 13821684,"Joyce: Check this out! Joyce: Michael: That's cheap! Edson: No way! I'm booking my ticket now!! ",Edson is booking his ticket now. 13817976,"Jane: google maps says it is at least 3h Steven: I used to make it in 2, trust me :D Jane: but it's almost 300km.. Steven: the road is new , we will make it ^^ Jane: I don't want to stress out , let's meet at 4:30 instead of 5, ok? Steven: ok, if u reaaly want, we can meet at 4:30 Jane: thx! Jane: I will wait at the main entrance or where? Steven: main entrance is good for me;-) Steven: cu",Jane wants to leave at 4.30 instead of 5 because Google Maps suggests the 300 km drive should take them at least 3 hours and she doesn't want to be late. She will wait for Steven at the main entrance. 13612149-1,"Morgan: Hey gorgeous, how’s your day? Suzanne: Nothing special, it’s just one of many boring days at work. But… better now though! Morgan: Are you working at all? 😉 Suzanne: I’m trying 😉 But you aren’t helping me, at all Suzanne: I’m just taking a well-deserved break 😉 Morgan: I miss you Suzie Suzanne: I miss you too Morgan Morgan: Do you feel like going to a concert next week? Maroon 5 is playing at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. Morgan: As it happens, I’ve got two tickets 😉 Morgan: Do you want to go? Suzanne: Really? OMG! That’s wonderful! Suzanne: Thank you sweetheart! Morgan: Oh, nothing. I just want you to be happy 😉",Suzanne is at work and is having a break now. Morgan invites Suzanne to a concert of Maroon 5 which takes place next week at the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden. Suzzanne agrees. 13818620,"Liam: Liam: have you read this one? Julia: wow, I didn't even know that it existed Julia: thanks! The last one I read was Die again Liam: this one is like from 2014? Julia: yep Liam: I've heard that city library is organizing a meeting with Tess Julia: really? That would be really awesome Liam: just check it out on their facebook",The last one Julia read was Die again from 2014. There's going to be a meeting with Tess organized by the city library. 13810034,"Ali: I think I left my wallet at your place yesterday. Could you check? Mohammad: Give me a sec, I'll have a look around my room. Ali: OK. Mohammad: Found it! Ali: Phew, I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't there. Can you bring it to uni tomorrow? Mohammad: Sure thing.",Ali left his wallet at Mohammad's place. Mohammad'll bring it to uni tomorrow. 13680607,"Laura: where will we go tommorow? Linda: maybe this italian restaurant? Laura: hmm ok Linda: i love their pasta Linda: and brownie :) Laura: i thouht you dont eat sweets Linda: this brownie is not so sweet",Linda and Laura are going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow. 13821155,"Natalie: Well well weeeeeell, I see somethings going on here at last Martin: (Y) Adam: any confirmed data? Anna: Hello everyone!!! Id love to invite everybody to my bday. I would be extremaly happy if you could come 6th of November at 1930 Martin: <3 Margot: <3 Mia: (Y)",Anna organises a birthday's party on the 6th of November at 19:30. 13681586,"Mia: babe, do you mind if i go out after work tonight? Elliot: yeah, sure. go for it ;) Mia: thanks, babe. it's gonna be girls night out Elliot: what're u up to? Mia: well, you know we gonna grab some drinks have some nice time outside of work Elliot: don't be too late please and if you need me to pick u up just give me a ring ","Mia is going out after work tonight with her female friends. If she wants, Elliot will come and pick her up." 13681541,"Jayden: But I don't need kids. Kids means over. At least for a woman Brennan: Over what ? Jayden: The end of normal life. Being pregnant, suffering because of this etc Brennan: Hmm so I need to look for another mother to my kids then. Haha Jayden: Being obligated to be with the. 24h. Men have only sex and they wait for kids while women suffer Brennan: I don't agree... Jayden: I wish I could do the same. Then probably i would say the same like u. Brennan: Guys like me would be there through it all to reduce the suffering Jayden: Physical suffering. No one can do anything with this. I wish I could just have sex and wait for a baby while having a normal life. Not getting fat, having the same body, the same breast and not disgusting ... Not feeling sick, not having pain, being able to do every day stuff even like walking... Brennan: It's gonna happen eventually Jayden: I was I'm a store, behind me there was a pregnant woman, she dropped some money and she couldn't even take them from the floor... I had to help her Brennan: That's because she's about to give birth Jayden: I hope that maybe soon they will be possible to have a child without being pregnant. Yes! And she's suffering Brennan: Any I'm sorry for feeding you with my bullshit Jayden: While a man is doing his normal stuff. U mean the conversation? Brennan: I hope you find a guy that can give you the sex you want and not get pregnant Jayden: Would be awesome Brennan: I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night Jayden: I said I don't want to have any children now! Maybe in the future when I have a good job, I'm financially independent. Good night",Jayden explains Brennan why she doesn't want to be pregnant. 13680611,"Steve: BTW, USA won last night! Gulab: I forgot to check! Steve: England playing tomorrow at 2:00! Gulab: That's right, Croatia? Steve: Yep.",USA won last night. England is playing against Croatia tomorrow at 2. 13729722,"John: Ela i am coming in 10 mins please give me my walle outside t i forgot it Ela: yes just saw it when you are here call me John: but your phone is busy thats why i messaged keep it free please i am getting late Ela: oh yes was talking to mom ... its free now John: ok",John forgot his wallet. He wants Ela to give it to him outside in 10 minutes. 13730529,"Mary: Did you tell your sister I am doing online job? Mark: yes ! Mary: why Mark: because she keep saying your good for nothing? Mary: dint I tell you I don’t care? Mark: what happened? Mary: see I don’t want to prove anything to anyone.. Mark: I know… but I was just feeling proud so it was kind of show off… Mary: she is asking everyone… and trying to get to the people I am working for Mark: really!! I am sorry for that… Mary: don’t be! I understand your feelings… but u know how she is… Mark: I know!! :?  Mary: don’t be sad now its ok.. she cant do much about it… chill its ok but just be careful Mark: I will be .. Mary: btw it feels good that she is so jealous :P Mark: lol my aim was to make her feel jealous Mary: but i dont like it that she tries to contact the people i am working for ... what does she want? Mark: may be she wants to confirm if its true... because its not easy to digest that your working from home and earning well!!! Mary: whatever i just hate her Mark: chill now .... :) love you Mary: i am chilled :cool: ... love you too honey",Mark told his sister that Mary is doing an online job. Mark's sister is contacting people to confirm it. Mark thinks she's jealous. Mary hates Mark's sister. 13813575,"Fiona: Are you free? Tina: Yes, what's up? Fiona: I'm trying to prepare a nice dinner for Chris and I thought that maybe I could prepare this tart of yours :) Tina: I'm flattered! Fiona: Well, it IS delicious :) Could help me do it? Tina: Sure! It's not difficult. Do you have anything ready? Fiona: I must admit I bought the crust... Tina: Oh, ok :P Pity, but well, it's too late now. Fiona: I tried making the filling once, but I finished with lemony scrambled eggs... Tina: It happens, don't worry. The thing is that once you start adding eggs you can't stop mixing it, otherwise you'll end up with scrambled eggs.",Fiona wants to prepare dinner for Chris. She is thinking of Tina's tart. She will help her make it. 13865384,"Peadar: So who's coming for a drink later then??! Clare: Oh lols soz I'm not in town Annette: A drink?!!?!! Peadar: A drink!!! Annette: I’m home sick soz huns Annette: Got lung lurgy Oli: Are people at Jesus bar now? James: Heading to Jesus bar now! Come join :) turn left as you come into college Anne: Woops.. . Sorry guys I double booked myself! Helen: Yes! Jesus bar, from around 9.15 ish Peadar: Was that just a question oli😋 or did you mean... I'll join ye😁 Oli: I cycled and ran around the bar, but couldn't find anyone 😢 Clare: You cycled around the bar? Oli: To the bar 😅 Helen: 🙈😍😇",Annette is sick. James is going to the Jesus bar. Oli couldn't find anyone near the bar. 13728017,"Ryan: I have a bad feeling about this Ryan: Sebastian: Ukraine... Sebastian: This russian circus will never end... Ryan: I hope the leaders of of nations will react somehow to this shit. Sebastian: I hope so too :(",Ryan and Sebastian are worried about the political situation in Ukraine. 13729058,"Finn: Hey Zadie: Hi there! What's up? Finn: All fine. You? Zadie: Not bad, thanks Finn: Look, I was thinking of going to this neighborhood called Elephant and Castle tomorrow, it's apparently full of Latin American stuff. Fancy joining? Zadie: Sure! But what's ""stuff""? 😂 Finn: lol So apparently it's a place were random people from ""Latin America"" (meaning fuck knows which countries) started running small businesses and restaurant, and a nice little community was formed Zadie: Oh cool Finn: Then capitalism came and it's all going to be demolished soon, so it's like the last chance to go Zadie: What a shame :( Yeah, I haven't had Latin American 😂 food for ages so I'm totally up for it Finn: Can't wait to taste this cuisine of unspecified Latino origin lol Zadie: 😂😂😂 Finn: But we can specify time and place if and only if you wish Zadie: I might be tempted to lol I'd say early evening, 2-ish? Finn: Yeah, that's fine by me. So most of the places we want to visit are in this Elephant and Castle shopping centre. Shall I see you at the main entrance, wherever that is Zadie: 2 o'clock at unspecified main entrance then? Sounds good to mw Finn: Yer Zadie: Cool, see you there! And thanks so much for remembering about me 💜💜💜 Finn: Thanks for saying yes to such an ill-defined plan lmao Zadie: Ha ha You know I love those Finn: See you tomorrow then Zadie: Yep Call me if you get lost Finn: I will I will 🤙 byeeee Zadie: Toodles",Finn and Zadie are going to Elephant and Castle tomorrow at 2. They will meet at the main entrance. 13611803,"Harry: and? have you listened to it? Jacob: listened to what? Harry: to the song i sent you 3 days ago -.- Jacob: oh shit, i completely forgot... Harry: ofc again Jacob: don't be like this :* i'll do that later tonight Harry: heh, okay Harry: i'm really curious what you'll think about it Jacob: i'll let you know, a bit busy right now, speak to you later! Harry: okay",Jacob hasn't listened to the song Harry sent him 3 days ago. Jacob will do it later tonight and let Harry know what he thinks. 13729817,"Ray: u in ur room? Max: no whats up Ray: someone locked the door from outside -_- Max: wtf xD Ray: yeah dude cmon u gotta let me out Max: but im out Ray: are u kidding me Max: sorry man XD Ray: dude i have to pee Max: HAHAHAHHAHAHA XD Ray: thats not funny >.< Max: it actually is xD Ray: can u ask someone else to do it Max: yea let me see if my roommates there Ray: HURRY Max: hes coming Ray: tell him to HURRYYY Max: hes on his way Ray: he opened it, thanks Max: enjoy XD",Ray is locked in the room from the outside and he has to pee. Max's roommate will come and let him out. 13728051,"Kim: What kind of gift would you like to get? Kim: Mom's asking. Harry: Haha. No need for a gift for me :D Harry: But you can tell your mom I just bought a new sofa and I need pillows. Harry: If she asks for the colour, tell her that grey is the best :D Kim: Sure! Thanks for info :) ","Kim is about to tell mom that Harry bought a new sofa, and he needs grey pillows." 13810694,"Josh: I need to buy an iPad? Josh: do u think apple it's a good choice? Brian: Nope, u gonna pay to have the sign of apple on yr fucking iPad. Josh: so what would u recommend? Brian: u mean brands? Brian: Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony Brian: depends on yr budget.. Josh: let's say 2000.. Brian: what about this ? Brian: or this Brian: actually, if u want samsung I can get it cheaper for u Josh: oh, good Brian: call me after work, ok? Josh: ok","Josh wants to buy a tablet and doesn't know which brand he should choose. According to Brian, other brands are better than Apple and he can get a Samsung tablet cheaper. Josh will call Brian after work to talk about it." 13820547,"Olafur: are we doing anything for New Year's Eve? Nathalie: I was thinking about something classy, like opera or sth like that Zoe: how much does it cost? Olafur: opera is not for me Nathalie: so what do you propose? Nathalie: it's 100$ Olafur: I was thinking about partying somewhere Nathalie: partying sounds fun, as long as it will be classy Zoe: Zoe: Breakfast at Tiffany's party sounds classy Olafur: Olafur: is it classy enough? Nathalie: :O Nathalie: this club is AMAZING Zoe: whoa Nathalie: we'll going to Soho then Olafur: we just need to hurry up and buy some tickets soon Zoe: sure","Nathalie, Olafur and Zoe are planning the New Year's Eve. Nathalie wants something classy. Olafur doesn't like opera. They want to go to the Breakfast at Tiffany's party in Soho." 13731456,"Frank: wat are u doing?? Andy: watching Arrow B) Frank: dont u have a quiz tomorrow :/ Andy: yeah, so? :3 Frank: so go study for it Andy: its a small quiz Frank: so it doesnot matter?? Andy: it does, but .. Frank: but?? Andy: i'll study for it tomorrow Frank: yea like ur gonna wake up on time for that -_- Andy: dude your not my dad Frank: -_-",Frank tries to encourage Andy to learn for the tomorrow's quiz. 13728313,"Kim: Hey, listen, have you got any idea where I can get some fresh ramal fish in Warsaw? Margot: Hi, I don't know about ""fresh"", but you could try the marketplace at Polna street. Margot: Other than that, I haven't got a clue... Kim: Already tried Polna :( Margot: Ah! Margot: Hm... Margot: And did you check Internet for fish market in Warsaw? Kim: Yeah, there's none. Kim: Or I didn't find it. Margot: You could have a look at restaurants' menus. And if you find it there, you could ask about their source. Margot: Although I'm not sure they'd eager to give you such infromation. But you can always try.. Kim: Great idea, I haven't though about this! Thx! Kim: I'll try. After all, I have nothing to loose. Margot: Btw, is there a special occasion you want to cook it for? Kim: Yes! Acctually I'll grill it ;) Kim: And it's a surprise, so I'm not giving away any details! Margot: I'm so curious! Margot: I understant it's sth good, so I'm happy for you girl :) Kim: Indeed, it's good. But you won't get any more infromation from me now. Kim: All in good time :) Margot: Cruel you! Find that fish!!! ;) Kim: :D",Kim needs to get some fresh fish in Warsaw. Kim will ask at restaurants about their source. Kim is planning something special but won't share any details with Margot for now. 13730868,"Tom: Ben. We've decided. 2pm in the Oval Room. Ben: Ok, I'll be there Tom: Take all your papers, it's going to be a fight! And remember: take no prisoners, shoot to kill! Ben: hahaha, we have to win this battle. Tom: We will, the justice is on our side.",Tom will meet Ben in the Oval Room at 2pm and tells him to bring the papers. 13862919,"Ashleigh: Looks like we're going to the cinema!! Ashleigh: Peter: You got the job?? Ashleigh: I got hte job! :D Peter: Ashleigh: ",Ashleigh got the job. 13682034,"Danna: How's your Saturday? Reed: It was alright thanks Danna: Good Reed: Yours ? Danna: Boring Reed: Why? Danna: I'm angry I called maybe 5-8 of my friends and they aren't around or are busy. Reed: Shame Danna: So it's is the next boring weekend for me Reed: That sucks Danna: The only thing I can do is watching TV -.- Reed: Haha lucky you Danna: Yeah haha Reed: I don't have tv, our subscription expired and they never renewed it. They want us to pay for it so fuck it Danna: Yeah. What are you doing? Reed: I'm in bed Danna: Work tomorrow? Reed: No. Off tomorrow Danna: Nice Reed: Indeed",Danna has a boring weekend and is watching TV. Reed is in bed. He has a free day tomorrow. 13814407,"Antonio: Is everything okay? You've been quiet lately Alivia: Oh, hi, yeah, I've just been working on my thesis Alivia: Or rather trying to work, it's not going too well Antonio: Oh :( Problems finding research materials? Alivia: Well Alivia: That isn't really as big a problem, the worst part is actually sitting down and writing Alivia: I find the topic interesting and all, I don't mind reading articles and books Alivia: But when I'm supposed to write, it's like I blank out and can't type a single word w/o thinking I sound stupid... Antonio: I know the feeling... Antonio: You should probably stop thinking about it so seriously, just write and you can edit it later Antonio: Once you get past the initial difficulty, it'll get better, at least that's what it was like for me Alivia: I'd like to think so... Thanks... I'll try. And thanks for your concern <3",Alivia has been taciturn lately. She was trying to write her thesis. She can't focus on writing. She'll try to follow Antonio's advice to start writing without overthinking. 13728444-1,"Maddie: I'm in Asda, do you need anything? John: could do with a white bread and some apples Maddie: ok. Gala? John: yes please ta",Maddie will buy a white bread and apples on John's request. 13829161,"Elliot: i can't talk rn, i'm rly busy Elliot: can i call u back in about 2 hours? Jordan: Not really, I'm going to a funeral. Jordan: I'll call you tonight, ok? Elliot: sure Elliot: whose funeral is it? Jordan: My colleague's, Brad. Jordan: I told you about him, he had a liver cancer. Elliot: i'm so sorry man, i hope u're ok Elliot: i'll call u at 8 pm","Elliot can't talk to Jordan now, he's busy. He'll call him back at 8 pm. Jordan is going to Brad's funeral. He had liver cancer." 13680110,"Flo: OMG, I can't get into the salon until the 6th! Gina: What? Why? Flo: They're just too busy. I'm going to be gray! LOL! Gina: Get you a touch-up kit at Tesco! Flo: Gonna have to!",Flo cannot get an appointment at the salon until the 6th. Flo worries she's going to be gray. Flo will have to get a touch-up kit at Tesco. 13862785,"Rob: hey, pick up your phone :) Ann: can't - meeting :) Rob: sorry... Ann: no problem - super boring one :) Ann: what you need babe? Rob: I'm at the grocery store and was wondering if we need anything Ann: some food :) Rob: yeah, I figured that smartass :) Ann: :* Rob: details? so that you won't moan we don't have anything to eat :) Ann: from what I remember we have everything for supper and lunch tomorrow, maybe some fruit and vegetables? Rob: anything in particular? Ann: cucumber, tomatoes, bananas, apples and whatever you like Rob: ok","Rob is doing shopping at the grocery store. Ann ordered him to buy a cucumber, some tomatoes, bananas and apples." 13681246,"Marvin: When's the last time you got laid ? Melany: I don't even remember.. Marvin: Hmm so there must be lots of cobwebs between your legs now huh hahaha",It's been very long since Melany last had sex. Marvin made an inappropriate joke about it. 13715777,"Eric: , check it out :D Samantha: HAHA, what is our favorite professor? Eric: Talking about this recent scandal on the news :P Noah: ""I am the smartest person alive, I knew this will happen"" :D Samantha: Hahaha, now I don't even need to open the video","Eric, Samantha and Noah's professor is commenting a recent scandal on the news. " 13729335,"Jacky: I think you were right yesterday. David: What about? I'm right about most things :P Jacky: Yeah, whole you ;) Jacky: About taking the blame etc. David: Okey, I remeber. We'll talk later? Jacky: With pleasure. I'll call you when I get home.","According to Jacky, David did the right thing taking the blame. They will talk when Jack comes back home." 13827914,"Chris: Hi there! Where are you? Any chance of skyping? Rick: Hi! Our last two days in Cancun before flying to Havana. Yeah, skyping is an idea. When would it suit you? Rick: We don't have the best of connections in the room but I can get you pretty well in the lobby. Chris: What's the time in your place now? Rick: 6:45 pm Chris: It's a quarter to one in the morning here. Am still in front of the box. Rick: Gracious me! Sorry mate. You needn't have answered. Chris: 8-D Rick: Just tell me when we could skype. Chris: Preferably in the evening. Just a few hours earlier than now. And not tomorrow. Rick: Shute! Only tomorrow makes sense as there's no workable internet in Cuba. Chris: Could you make it like 3 pm your time? Rick: Sure. Chris: Perfect. So talk to you tomorrow. Chris: Give my love to Helen please. Rick: I will. Thx.",Rick and Helen are in Cancun. They're flying to Havana in two days. Chris and Rick will talk on Skype at 3 PM in Mexico. 13864619,"Ying: Ying: my 10 years challenge everyone Helen: wow Norma: :O Zazu: dude... Zazu: I'm impressed","Ying sent a photo of his 10 years challenge to Helen, Norma and Zazu." 13612174,"Daniel: Yo, at what time do you get out of work? Missy: At 6. Daniel: Drinks after dinner? Missy: Totally! Daniel: Cool.",Daniel will see Missy after 6 for drinks. 13682284,"Pete: Did you clean the hamster cage? Adelle: No. Is it my turn? Pete: Yes. After school, no excuses. Adelle: Fine.",Adelle has to clean the hamster cage after school. 13862773,"Randolph: Honey Randolph: Are you still in the pharmacy? Maya: Yes Randolph: Buy me some earplugs please Maya: How many pairs? Randolph: 4 or 5 packs Maya: I'll get you 5 Randolph: Thanks darling",Maya will buy 5 packs of earplugs for Randolph at the pharmacy. 13729857,"Jane: hey david, you're coming home for christmas next week right? David: of course Jane: good Jane: do you know what your dad would like for christmas? Jane: i can't think of anything David: you should get him an ipad David: he can read books, email, watch movies, play games Jane: ok, that sounds good, where can i get one? David: i'll order it online and have it shipped home Jane: thanks for your help Jane: and please let me know when you'll get here once your travel arrangements are set.",David is coming home for Christmas next week. Jane has no idea what to buy their father so David is going to order an ipad online. 13731140-1,"Isabella: Hi Betty! Isabella: It was very nice to listen about your work yesterday. Thank you for sharing that! Isabella: If you wanted to do sth together, let me know. Betty: Thank you! ","Isabella is grateful to Betty for sharing the information about her work yesterday. Isabella offers Betty her company, should Betty want to do something together." 13680398,"Hollie: How are you? Amy: hey Amy: i'll get back to you later, working now Hollie: Ok.","Hollie says hello to Amy, but Amy is busy working and can't chat right now." 13730772,"Huda: going swimming wanna join? Alex: sure.. what time? Huda: in 2 hours Alex: ok i will be there then Huda: see ya",Alex will go swimming toghether with Huda in two hours. 13819021,"Janet: I am ashamed. Who voted for this pussy? It's your fault. Alison: Remember the Wizard of Oz? He might have melted. Nicole: He’s a sissy boy. Cheryl: RAIN omfg thats so shameful and disrespectful 😡 Buff: Pussy in Chief. Linda: Trump is selfish and inconsiderate. Janet: What an embarrassment to our nation and the world!!! Roz: Where is Elsie? I miss you vomit 😊 Cheryl: WTF EVER trumpola didnt want to mess up his pity full comb over..... Janet: Trump = snowflake Linda: Baby. He’s a spoiled brat baby. Nothing about Donald Trump to be proud of or want to defend. Arlene: HIs hair and makeup would have been ruined! Roz: Exactly 😊 Leslie: Which adviser, who he doesn't listen to anyway, thought missing this ceremony was a good idea? Shameful! Eric: What a pussy. We should grab him and kick him to the curb. Sue: All the other leaders managed to make it, so there is no excuse, for me. Roz: It's all about the hair. Sue: afraid the colour of his orange hair would run???? Linda: Never heard of an umbrella :)","Janet, Nicole, Alison, Arlene, Leslie, Ros, Eric and Sue are all complaining about Donald Trump and his absence at the ceremony. " 13611559,"Teacher: Rashi, why are you so low? Rashi: Ma’am I’m a bit confused about my career. Teacher: What is your confusion? Rashi: I was discussing with my friends about the career options. Teacher: Hmm. Rashi: There are too many to choose from. Teacher: Choose a career based on what truly interests you. Rashi: I have many that interests me. How does it determine the career? Teacher: The passion you have for what you do drives you to success. Rashi: But what about earnings? Teacher: Remember at some point of time one should learn to balance between duties and success. Rashi: How do I do that? Teacher: Choose a career which interests you, get experienced and try to progress and widen the scope after a while. Rashi: Hmm, ok. Teacher: Something like earn and learn sort of.. Rashi: You are so right. I will remember this. Teacher: So hope I managed to answer your questions. Rashi: Yes mam! Thank you very much! Teacher : You are most welcome, Rashi.",Rashi is confused by too many career choices. Teacher advises him to choose something he has passion for and what interests him. 13862818,"Corbin: Is this the department in charge of school violence? Dimitri: Yes, it is. Corbin: I want to report school violence in our school. Dimitri: Okay. What school are you in? Corbin: Jungang high school. The student who is victim of the violence is my friend. Corbin: They are not hitting him any more. But you should help my friend. Corbin: If they notice I was the one who reported, they will hit me as well. Dimitri: First, calm down. Give us your phone number. You will be safe. Corbin: 486-984-324 It is. Dimitri: Don’t worry. I will call you now, ok?",Corbin reported to the department in charge of school violence that his friend has been beaten. 13829829,"Marta: Hey hey :) Marta: 😊 Marta: Do you happen to know a good technician, that fixes PC's? 😑 Joel: Hello! No, sorry. I only know of the guys in IT, back at the office. However Pablo, the best one on the team, he is on vacation this week..:/ Joel: Ask Cynthia or Elena, they might know someone. Marta: Ok, thank you! Yes, I will give them a try 🤞","Marta needs help with the PC. On Joel's advice, she will contact Cynthia or Elena as they might know someone. " 13611640,"Ann: What should I prepare 4 my dad's birthday? Fiona: How old is he? Ann: turning 50 Fiona: wow, a round birthay, it must be sth big Ann: I know, but I don't have any idea Fiona: surprise party? Ann: My dad hates dose Fiona: ok, so what does he like? Ann: I don't know, he watch a lot of military movie Fiona: well, a movie ticket is probably not what you thought of Ann: not even close Fiona: Maybe some event. U know like bungee jumping or parachute jump Ann: that would be nice but he's afraid of heights Fiona: damn, maybe sth you can do together Ann: well I was plannig dinner with the whole family, but that's not enough Fiona: yes, there should be sth special also Ann: I know, but I'm out of Fiona: Let me think. Nothing with heights but maybe sth on the ground? Racing? Horse riding? Ann: ok, it's a good direction. Maybe some team play, we could go with the whole family Fiona: u said he likes military... maybe paintball? Ann: I don't know how my mum will react but I like it :D Fiona: I guess she's not into military Ann: not really, no. But it's dad's birthday so she has to accept it. Thx for the help Fiona: no problem",Ann doesn't know what she should give to her dad as a birthday gift. He's turning 50. Fiona tries to help her and suggests a paintball match. 13828103,"Lincoln: Heeyyy ;* whats up Fatima: I talked to Jenson, he’s not too happy ;p Lincoln: the place sucks?? Fatima: No, the place is ok, I think, we can go there, it’s about Alene Lincoln: typical, dont worry about it Fatima: He thinks she may have a depression :[ Lincoln: nothin new, everyone has it, she needs a doctor then Fatima: But she won’t go ;/ Lincoln: so she’s destroying her life fuck it its not your problem Fatima: It is, they’re both my friends! Lincoln: you better think what to do if they break up Fatima: Ehh yes Ill have a problem ;// Lincoln: both blaming each other and talking with you about it, perfect Fatima: Alene is just troubled… She’d been through a lot… Lincoln: everyone has their problems, the question is are ya doin sth about them Fatima: She has problems facing it, don’t be surprised :[ Lincoln: then it is her problem Fatima: You are so cruel at times… o.O Lincoln: maybe, for me its just a common sense Fatima: Why can’t everyone be just happy??? Lincoln: youll not understand, you had good childhood, nice parents, you have no idea Fatima: Probably, true… Well I can be just grateful o.o Lincoln: do that and stop worrying about others, youre way to bautful for that <3 Fatima: :*:*:*",Fatima is worried about Jenson and Alene. Alene has issues. Lincoln doesn't want Fatima to worry about others too much. 13829756,"Lisa: I have to clean the house. Bob: Yes, it's very dirty. Lisa: You can help me. Bob: Why me? Lisa: Because you helped make it dirty. Bob: What do you want me to do? Lisa: I want you to clean the bathroom. Bob: Oh, that's easy. Lisa: Clean the sink, the tub, the counter, and the toilet. Bob: That's a lot of work. Lisa: Tell me when you finish. Bob: I don't think so. You'll just give me more work. ","Bob is going to help Lisa clean the house, he will clean the bathroom. " 13729790,"luke: Hey, was just thinking, we should avail ourselves for team selection tomorrow regardless of our injuries martial: thats what i was thinking also luke: we should let Jose know that tomorrow martial: the first thing in the morning infact luke: the fixtures are really piling up and we need to help the team martial: yeah, thats for sure, we are a family luke: we will the coach know that we are ready to play martial: despite the little pain, me i'm ready luke: me too martial: so we meet up at carrington and go to his office very early luke: yeah, both of us martial: ok, we'll go together luke: cool martial: ok",luke and martial want to help the team and play despite their injuries. They will meet at carrington and go to the coach's office. 13812001,"Julie: Emily: <3 Julie Love, i'm sending tons of kisses :* :* :* 🎄🎄🎄 Julie: Merry Christmas and a lovely mood throughout the whole year, darling Emily: Thank you, for you too <3 Julie: Thanks :* ",Emily and Julie wish Merry Christmas to each other. 13828618,"Frederick: do u like ur new next door neighbors? Frederick: they seemed really cool yesterday when we ran into them Ricky: they're nice people but they're incredibly noise Ricky: they also have parakeet that wouldn't stop squawking all night long hahaha Frederick: sucks to be you",Ricky's new neighbours are nice but loud. They own a parakeet that makes a lot of noise throughout the night. 13729101,"Brenda: Hello, is this Sandra Donovan? Sandra: Yes, well that was my maiden name, it's Sandra Taylor now. Brenda: It's Brenda Riley, we used to work together in the clothes factory! Sandra: Oh my God! Bren! How are you, it must be 25 years! Brenda: I'm fine, I live in Stoke now, moved away from Brum in the late 90s. Sandra: I still live in Kings Norton, same house, same husband! I've got 4 grandchildren now, ages 2, 4, 9 and 15! How about you? Brenda: Unfortunately, my husband Bill died 5 years ago, I have only one grandchild, she's 7, my little angel, she doesn't remember her Gramps. Sandra: So sorry, love, I remember your Bill, he had long black hair and massive sideburns, didn't he? Brenda: Well, yes, about 45 years ago, he was bald when he passed away. He loved to dance, he did Northern Soul, we both did actually. Went up to Wigan on weekends, happy times! Sandra: Oh yes, I remember that craze, bit energetic for me! We liked disco instead! We had some great dinner dances with the factory, do you remember them? Brenda: Yes! Us all dressed up with our long dresses and the men with their frilly evening shirts, lovely memories! Sandra: Do you still see any of the girls from Lister's? Brenda: No, but I heard that Marigold Carter died, very sad. Sandra: Hey Bren, I've had a brainwave! How about we organise a reunion for the Lister's girls, look on social media for them? Brenda: Actually, I was thinking along those lines! Do you fancy meeting up, just you and me? I can come down to Birmingham anytime. Sandra: That would be lovely! Can you manage it next Saturday? We could meet about 11ish and go for lunch and a good old trip down memory lane! Brenda: Oh yes! I'd love that! I'll get back to you about train times soon! Sandra: Ok! Bye love!",Sandra and Brenda used to work together in the clothes factory 25 years ago. Sandra still lives in Kings Norton. Brenda lives in Stoke now. Her husband Bill died 5 years ago. They will meet in Birmingham for a lunch next Saturday about 11. They want to organize a reunion for the Lister's girls. 13731428,"John: wanna go see ""A Star is Born"" on Wed? Joan: sorry can't Joan: super busy Joan: don't have time for anything :( John: that's a shame Joan: I'm free on Thursday John: I could do Thursday Joan: ok! so around 8pm? John: sure sounds great John: I'll see where it's palying and send you the details Joan: ok great!","Joan and John are going to watch ""A Star is Born"" on Thursday around 8 p.m." 13680972,"George: Hi Donna. I've been trying to catch you. Donna: What about? George: A rather delicate matter. Donna: Did you catch AIDS? George: Very funny! Donna: It is, isn't it? George: I don't think so. Donna: Too bad. So what do you want? George: Could we meet and discuss it somewhere? Donna: Like where? George: Like in a coffee shop or somewhere. Donna: You sure a coffee shop is better to discuss delicate matters. George: Come to think of it, you are right. It's not. Donna: See? So what's up? George: Couldn't you come to my place tonight?",Donna will pay George a visit tonight to discuss a personal matter. 13863010,"Louis: Gotta go, my mom's calling me Fabian: Ok, see ya Louis: See ya",Louis finishes the conversation with Fabian because his mother is calling. 13681192,"Crystal: Irene: He's so big! Crystal: Crystal: I know right! Irene: and so cute! Crystal: he got so big he doesn't fit his clothes anymore Irene: time to go shopping with my little boy <3 Crystal: yeah im just gonna go brankrupt Irene: Let me take him, I also promise to buy him something Crystal: you really wanna do that? Irene: why nont? I'm his aunt! Crystal: well yeah it's just such a drag Irene: you were always a bore when shopping :P just let me take the little man Irene: well have fun! Crystal: ok ",Irene will take Crystal's son shopping for clothes. 13864835,"Tony: Amy: Sweet little cat <3 Lucas: Adorable!! ",Tony sent a photo of his cat to Amy and Lucas. 13727809,"Matt: Hey Matt: I got my ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo!!! Matt: So stoked! Thomas: Whooaa that's great!! Matt: I will see you there then! Thomas: Yes for sure Thomas: Remind me before Thomas: Like the day before k? Matt: For sure Matt: Who you're going with Thomas: by myself for now Thomas: I meant until now haha Matt: Right on Matt: I am so stoked tho Thomas: Me too Matt: I might ask a few more people if they're coming ;) Thomas: Maria was interested I think Thomas: But I am not too sure Thomas: i will ask her","Matt got a ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo's concert. Thomas is going, too." 13727769,"Chris: Oh, and we pushed some girls into the pool :) June: That's not nice! Chris: Depends how u look at it ;) June: How come? Chris: Well, we got them to undress, 'cause they were soaking wet :) June: Ur awful!",Some girls had to undress because they had been pushed into the pool. 13865290,"Jeff: Should we go to the village party? Lia: I'm too tired after hiking Mico: I'd like to go, there may be some hot boys! Lia: I doubt Jim: like a real village boy? Jim: who doesn't even speak English? Mico: yes, the dummer, the better Jim: haha, stupid fucks good, they say Mico: I confirm! Lia: not my cup of tea Mico: I'll go there, who wants to join? Jeff: I'll go as well Mico: wanna drive? Jeff: so you could drink? Mico: would be nice, hahah Jeff: not excited, but ok Mico: thanks!",Mico and Jeff will go to the village party. Jeff will drive. 13828832,"Paul: hey Matthew did you find anyone to couch the game Saturday? Matthew: hey Paul, no still looking Paul: my plans changed so I can do it if you need Matthew: ahh yes that be great! thank you Paul: no problem see you Saturday ",Paul can couch the game on Saturday as Matthew hasn't found anyone to do that yet. 13716127,"Luke: my train arrives at 3 pm Luke: anyone can pick me up? Jacob: i am at work till 5 Fred: i can pick you up at 3:15 approximately Fred: is that ok? Luke: yes i will wait! thanks Freddy",Freddy will pick Luke up at about 3:15 pm. 13729042,"Ryan: You're going to the casting? Ryan: So you think you can dance 🤩 Jack: I am! Jack: this time im going Ryan: U should go really Jack: I know, wanna come with me? Ryan: I thought about it! Jack: Nice well! I will meet you there! 😝😝😝",Ryan and Jack are going to the casting for a dance show. 13818511,"Joanne: What are your plans for the holidays? Evelyn: Nothing. I’ll stay at home and rest. Joanne: You must be exhausted after the past few weeks Evelyn: It’s been hectic Joanne: I’m going back home. Evelyn: To France? Joanne: Yes. Not that I want to go… Evelyn: Why? You always liked spending Christmas with your family. Joanne: I did. But my parents separated a few months ago Joanne: It is still pretty tense… Evelyn: I’m sorry to hear that Joanne: My dad left my mum for his secretary Joanne: Such a cliché Joanne: My mum is devastated Joanne: So I’m basically going to cheer her up Joanne: It’s really hard for her now Joanne: For me it’s also not easy Evelyn: I can imagine! Evelyn: If you want to bring your mum over here we could spend Christmas together. Joanne: Thanks, that’s really sweet. But I don’t think she’s in a condition for that. She’s been very depressive lately. ",Joanne is going to go back home to France for the holidays. She's going to cheer her mum up because her parents separated a few months ago. Evelyn offers Joanne to spend Christmas together if she brings her mum over here. 13829996,"Carla: Hey Carla: how are you today? Raul: not too well Carla: what's wrong? did you sleep? Raul: it was a really crappy night Raul: and yesterday evening Raul: and today morning Raul: i started off with a fag Raul: i don't even know what triggered me off Raul: yesterday Jen had to go to a friend Raul: she'd broken up with her bf and Jen went to sit with her Raul: and she stayed for the night Raul: so i thought it's be a good evening just for myself Raul: but i was just so pissed off all the time Raul: and then i had those weird dreams of my uncle Carla: shit ;/ sounds awful Raul: yeah it was :/ Carla: ;*",Raul's had a bad night and day. 13728493,"Angie: Hello. I'd like to make an appointment. Ms. Quinn: Hello. Of course. What's your medical issue? Angie: It's kind of private... Ms. Quinn: I understand. No chats are recorded. And I need to know what you're coming in with to direct you to the correct doctor. Angie: Well, fine. I have severe stomach pain. Ms. Quinn: When did it start? Angie: Like an hour ago. I took some pills but to no avail. Ms. Quinn: I understand. Do you have your doctor? Angie: Yes. Doctor Cartman. Ms. Quinn: He's not in today. Doctor McCormick can see you in an hour. Will that be fine? Angie: Yes, thank you. I'm on my way. Ms. Quinn: I've signed you up and I'll tell the doctor you're coming. ",Angie's having an appointment with Doctor McCormick in an hour. She has strong abdominal pain. 13729529,"Kelvin: Excuse me Miss. When do we sit for our CAT 2? Naheeda: Can we have it during the statistics class? Kelvin: I don't think so because we will be having the statistics CAT. Naheeda: Okay it is up to you guys to choose the time then. Kelvin: Okay. Wait I will talk with the other class members then I'll tell you their decision Naheeda: Okay then don't take too long. Kelvin: Sure",Kelvin and the other class members will discuss the time for their CAT 2 and share their decision with Naheeda soon. 13716897,"Linda: hey have we decided on a lunch place yet? Ronnie: thought we were going for sushi Linda: Karen said she hates raw fish or something Karen: nah I'm ok with sushi, just thought we would go for smth cheaper this time ;p Karen: hard times are a-coming xd Ronnie: been craving sushi all week long :( but i sooo get, K, maybe we should dial it down with the fancy places Linda: hey there is this pasta joint right next to our apartement Linda: you get it in like takeout boxes. we could take these out to the park Ronnie: so down with that! Karen: same here! let's wait for Amanda tho Linda: @Amanda are you ok with pasta for lunch? Ronnie: let's hope she checks her fb this time haha Amanda: hey guys, yes! whatever works for me :)","Karen wants something cheaper than sushi for lunch. Linda, Ronnie and Karen will get takeout pasta boxes to the park." 13730939,"Marty: Hiya, I have a favour to ask... can you pick up Marcel from school? Christine: Sure, you ok? Marty: Not really, I think I have sprained my ankle... Christine: Oh no, have you seen see a doctor? Marty: I was gonna see how it went today and might go tomorrow... Christine: Are you sure? I'm happy to take you now if you want? Marty: Nah, it can wait, that'll leave us in trouble with the kids... Christine: OK, I'll pick up Marcel then. Christine: Do you need anything from the shops or something? Marty: No we are good thanks. we'll have pizza night, Marcel can sort us out... Christine: I'm on a late shift tomorrow, shall I take Marcel in tomorrow morning? I'll take you to the doctor afterwards if you want? Marty: That would be awesome, thank you for your help... Christine: No problem, you'll have to call the school though. Marty: Good one, will do that now... Christine: See you around 4. Marty: Thank you so much!",Marty thinks she has sprained her ankle. Marty wants to go to the doctor tomorrow. Christine will pick up Marcel from school today. Tomorrow Christine will take Marcel to school and Marty to the doctor. Marty will call the school. Christine and Marty will meet around 4. 13813429,"Peyton: I have been asking you to bring that video game for me Cameron: Honey, I am not having enough time to come home Peyton: When would you come home? Cameron: I will have to stay out of town for another week i guess Peyton: Cant you just deliver that game through the courier? :P Cameron: Dont be mean :/ Peyton: Get the job done and come to home then. ASAP :P",Peyton is expecting Cameron to bring the video game. Cameron will probably be out for another week. 13828511,"Willyx: how did your job interview go? Alicja: it's tomorrow :D Willyx: sorry Alicja: it's ok :) Willyx: let me know how it went Alicja: sure",Alicja's job interview is tomorrow. She will inform Willyx how it goes. 13729320-1,"Paul: I just came back home Paul: What a busy day Paul: I forgot about my physiotherapy Emma: Oh no Paul: It's ok, I'll schedule a new appointment Emma: I'll be home after midnight Paul: Do you want me to prepare some food for you? Emma: That would be lovely","Paul forgot about his physiotherapy and he will schedule a new appointment. Emma will be home after midnight, so Paul will prepare some food for her." 13729210,"Sean: I overslept :/ Sam: Again?? Sean: I know.",Sean overslept again. 13680312,"Chris: Chris: Maybe not he best photo XD Chris: and im the middle one here Chris: and you can bring swimming trunks as well because there's opportunity to go to jacuzzi in our garden :)) Tom: a jacuzzzzzi???? Chris: oohhhh yeeaahh Tom: O my godddd. Tom: Is it big enough for a few people? I feel I woul feel wierd out there on my own :) Chris: Yeee, for 5-6 people no problem. Tom: So you and your brother will join me? :D Chris: Yes hahaha meybe we can invite someone else or only our little group. Chris: An maybe watch sth on TV or just make a conversation hhahaha Tom: Wait you've got a tv outside???? Chris: well we can bring it there :P Chris: From our living room Tom: Do you have WiFi? Chris: Yes Tom: Nice, I only get 6GB on my phone when I get outside Ireland Chris: Yeah, kind a low amount Tom: Can't wait! Chris: Me too! :)",Chris and Tom are planning a meeting at Chris' place. Chris has a Jacuzzi in his garden. Chris has WiFi and can bring his TV outside. Tom has a low internet limit whenever he's outside of Ireland. 13730736,"Harry: heyyyy are you there?? Cindy: Yes dear what is it? Harry: Can you call Ela and tell her i need to talk urgent please pick my call. Cindy: what happened now? an other fight :O Harry: please tell her Cindy: MAN! you guys... am i some kind of a messenger service here? Harry: PLEASEEEEEEEEE ? Cindy: ok doing.... but thats the last time. Harry: Yes like always:P Cindy: Hate you seriously man. Harry: Thank you Cindy: Done you can call her now.",Ela is not taking Harry's phone calls. Cindy calls Ela at Harry's request. 13829218,"Adam: Did you take the dog for a walk? Mike: No, I did not have time, Adam: Ok, I'll take him with me.","Mike didn't have time to take the dog for a walk, so Adam will take it with him." 13729697,"Sophie: When r u going to Poanań? Murphy: On Tuesday. Sophie: And you're coming back the same day? Murphy: Yes, in the afternoon, but I don't know the exact hour. ",Murphy is going to Poanań on Tuesday and coming back on the same day in the afternoon. 13729407,"Monica: How are you doing? Gaia: I'm fine, mum. Monica: All good at the university? Gaia: A lot of work, but all good. Monica: I guess you'll have a lot of exams this term Gaia: 6 Gaia: But only one is really hard ",Gaia has 6 exams this semestre. One is very difficult. 13680992,"Mr. Williams: Ms. Blair, would you like to go for a coffee? Ms. Blair: I thought you'd never ask. Mr. Williams: That's outstanding. Do you have a favourite coffee place? Ms. Blair: I actually do. It's near the square in a side alley. Mr. Williams: I think I know which one. Let's say 2 p.m.? Ms. Blair: Sounds great. See you there :)",Mr. Williams invites Ms. Blair for a coffee. They will go to her favourite coffee place near the square in a side alley at 2 p.m. 13810012,"Serena: Have you been to the doctor lately? Jeff: No, why? Serena: Just wondering what he says about your skin condition? Jeff: It's fine right now. Serena: That's good! Jeff: The cold weather sets it off and if I eat too much of the wrong foods, but otherwise fine. Serena: So you don't have to be on meds? Jeff: Not all the time. Why? Serena: Tina has the same thing and takes meds on the daily. Jeff: She must have a different kind than me or a worse kind. Serena: I guess so. Jeff: It sucks, but it doesn't have to be every day. Serena: That's good. I'll tell her. That will cheer her up! Jeff: Good! Tell her to hang in there. She can call me if she has any questions. Serena: Thanks!",Serena's skin condition is fine now and she doesn't have to take medication. Tina has a similar condition but takes medication on a daily basis. Tina can call Serena if she has questions. 13821805,"Kristina: Girls! Kristina: America's top model Kristina: on tv Kristina: Watching? Jannette: omg Jannette: Im not home yet Kristina: New season ye!! Estefania: Hmm Estefania: yeah Im watching this rn Kristina: Tyra Banks Kristina: She never gets old Estefania: I wanna look like her haha Jannette: K I just got home Jannette: Had to run Jannette: Estefania: Hahaha","Kristina, Estefania and Jannette are watching America's Top Model." 13819314,"Marco: Are you coming to Bologna this fall? Daniel: accidentally, I am flying today thought Bologna but only became I have to change there Marco: wow! how long will you stay at the airport? Daniel: 2 hours only Marco: ok, that may be too short for me to see you Simone: I may come in December for a weekend, if you want to host Marco: with pleasure! and always, as I always tell you :) Simone: great, I'll let you know",Daniel is going to Bologna today. He has to transfer there for a further flight. He will stay at the airport for two hours. Simone will visit Marco in December. 13829353,"Mike: will call u back in 2 hrs, ok? Mike: can't talk right now, sry Mike: *sorry Dale: cool, no problem Dale: until then",Mike will call Dale back in 2 hours. 13729285,"Gemma: How's it going? Timmy: A bit down 2day. Gemma: Y? Timmy: Oh, bad day at work. Can u imagine? Boss snapped at me! Gemma: That bitch! What did u do? Timmy: Nothing. Minding my own business, doing work stuff and suddenly starts shouting and screaming. Doesn't matter. How about u? Gemma: Well, I think this might cheer u up a bit :) Timmy: What is it? Gemma: I'm organising a bbq at the weekend :) wanna come? Timmy: Love to! What do I bring? Gemma: Some wine will be fine. Timmy: What about food? Gemma: Others and I will cover it. Timmy: Others? I thought it was a date :P Gemma: U remember I have a bf, right? Timmy: Yeah. Just messing around ;) how many ppl? Gemma: Don't know yet. ",Timmy had a bad day at work. Timmy will bring some wine to Gemma's bbq at the weekend. 13812250,"Pat: Hi, it's Pat here. I have a slight delay, a couple of hours, so I will come in the evening, around 9pm. I hope it is not a problem... Bart: Hi, no, not at all :) you didn't catch the train? Pat: hehe, no. I thought today i was free from work, but i got another project to finish. So i will be tomorrow morning. Im sorry for those changes, i myself am surprise. Bart: hahaha a tiny regret. Will you manage to get here on your own? Pat: yeah, its ok. what would you suggest? if you could come and unlock the door, it would be great, but i can walk around the city as well. Bart: of course I will open it for you. I can work in the morning from home. No problem. So we see each other tomorrow? Pat: Thank you so much! haha Bart: Are you a painter? Pat: I hope I will eventually get in that train. Nope. Bart: I thought you were. Pat: this project is a stage project :) Bart: Ah alright, youll tell all about it tomorrow :)) Pat: OK,, later",Pat will arrive at around 9 pm. Bart will open the door and work in the morning from home. 13730167,"Erin: hey what's up. what you're doing today? Would you find some time to do the interview? :) Ashley: Hi! I’m free whenever Erin: Great, are you at the camp? Ashley: Yep, I’m here now. Erin: Ok I can come over there Ashley: Sounds good. Just shoot me a message and we can meet at the pool or restaurant Erin: Alright! Erin: Is the wifi good today? Ashley: Yeah pretty decent, but usually it's less spotty in the restaurant area Erin: Ok I see, so the restaurant it is Ashley: Alright Erin: I'm on my way! Ashley: I'm sitting in the back",Erin will meet Ashley in the restaurant for the interview. 13865416,"Maria: hey guys! Maria: everything ready for the conference? Kate: yes, almost Tommy: I think we will have a good panel Sam: I really hope there will be some people Tommy: we should have good audience Maria: Are you preparing a power point? Tommy: I'll have a prezi Maria: you're paying for it? Tommy: it's good, worth the money Maria: how much is it? Tommy: I believe $10 a month for academics Maria: not that bad","Maria, Kate, Tommy and Sam are going to a conference. Tommy will use Prezi instead of Power Point. He has a Prezi subscription for $10 a month." 13828681,"Maxwell: Thank you for tonight, payment as usual? Jeanice: Yes, 8 hours Maxwell: What would I do without you… Jeanice: That’s my job :D Maxwell: But you can do your job good or bad… I’m grateful I found you Jeanice: Me too, our cooperation is very good ^^ Maxwell: And the kids… They really like you Jeanice: I know, they’re cute Maxwell: Wait, I heard there was some problem with Marcus at school… Jeanice: Nothing very serious, he argued with a friend but they didn’t fight Maxwell: Oh, ok, the teacher sounded like it was something terrible Jeanice: In a way it was, he didn’t want to stop when a teacher reacted and he was pretty aggressive Maxwell: That’s worse… Have you noticed him behaving in a strange way recently? Jeanice: Not at all, cute as usual. But… he gets very angry for stupid reasons Maxwell: For example? Jeanice: You know, his sister taking sth from him… He’s not aggressive but more… loud than usual, if you know what I mean Maxwell: Yes, I understand, I need to do something about it. Anyway, thank you for informing me. Jeanice: No problem Mr. Hall, I’m always here to help ;) Maxwell: We could grab a coffee some time and talk through all the issues. Jeanice: Yea, maybe, I have to go, I'll let you know Maxwell: OK, thanks, you're the best :)","Maxwell pays Jeanice for 8 hours of babysitting and is grateful he found her. His son argued with a friend at school, and got agressive when the teacher reacted. Jeanice hasn't noticed if he has acted strangely recently. Maxwell and Jeanice can grab a coffe some time to discuss all the issues. " 13864454,"Mike: Let's go for a beer Tom: Now? Mike: Yes Ben: Ok","Mike, Tom and Ben will go for a beer." 13828973,"Leah: i've just met the creepiest guy on the earth :| Samantha: :o i'm all ears Leah: last night i went to the poetry reading Leah: this guy approached me, introduced himself and we started talking Leah: he was rly boring, but, you know, i didn't want to be rude, he didn't seem to be a psycho, so i kept talkig to him Leah: at one point he mentioned that ""we have something in common"", because we both speak german Samantha: charming :D Leah: i was like: ""erm, ok, how do you know about this, i don't know you, i didn't tell you about this"" Leah: he just brushed it off and kept talking Leah: at one point he asked me about an event i had attended and he NAMED ALL OF MY FRIENDS THAT HAD COME WITH ME Leah: of course i didn't tell him about it Samantha: wow, that's creepy as hell Samantha: what did you do? Leah: i asked him once again how did he know about all this stuff and he said that he googled me out Samantha: WHAAAAT? Samantha: i googled people out before, but i’m not that stupid (and creepy) to tell them about it :o Leah: right?! Leah: and now the best part Leah: he googled me out, because he thought that i had a crush on him, because 2 weeks earlier I LIKED A POST ON FB announcing that he was going to accompany poets on the guitar during the poetry reading Leah: can you believe this?! Samantha: LOOOOOOL Samantha: men are fckin weird Leah: AND he tried to walk me home, even though i told him straightforward that he was a creep Samantha: girl, you're lucky that he didn’t kill you, what a psycho Samantha: i would totally freak out",Leah met a creepy guy last night at a poetry reading. He knew she speaks German and named all the friends who went to a past event with her. She didn't tell him any of this. He googled her before. Leah had liked a post mentioning him 2 weeks earlier. 13728295,"Dave: Hey, is Nicky still at your place? Her phone is off Sam: She just left Dave: Thanks!",Nicky has just left Sam's place. Her phone is off. 13863025,"Ken: Fuck you, you pimp Greg: What? Ken: Fuck you man, I want my money back Greg: Was your account hacked by some prankster? Ken: No, I'm the prankster, just having a laugh at your expense Greg: Well, fuck you too then XD",Ken is trying to play a prank on Greg. 13728896,"Alexander: Personal request to send me message when you will be in taxi Alexander: If any problem, call me Tom: ;) Tom: Thank You, I appreciate it Alexander: Taxi confirmation below Alexander: Tom: Thank you for the transport, we arrived safely, although without luggages :/ Alexander: Good but bad Tom: Yeeees","Tom arrived safely, but without his luggage." 13830023,"Asher: Have you seen there're 5 (!) bouncy castles in the hall? Asher: And a HUGE bouncy dragon!! :o Asher: Shane: wow! :D it looks fantastic :o Asher: What’s the occasion? Shane: the university organised a carnival party for children :) Shane: or at least this is what i heard in the dean's office Asher: That's so cool! :>",The university is throwing a carnival party for kids. 13830056,"Ian: Honey, do not you know where my green folder is? Sophie: Green? Sophie: I have no idea. Ian: I was sure I left it on the dining room table. Sophie: Maybe Alex put it somewhere. Sophie: Ask her. Ian: ok, thx :*",Ian is looking for his green folder. Sophie hasn't seen it but maybe Alex will know. 13809969,"Adrian: Can you talk? Simon: Not really, anything important? Adrian: Not that much. Simon: I'll be free at 5 Adrian: i'll you then",Simon will talk to Adrian in 5 minutes. 13727853,"Jen: I think I'm through with the dickhead. He's being a pain again. I'm going to tell him to move out. Jane: Did he at least give you back the money he owes you? Jen: No. He's freeloading and said he has no intention of giving back my money because I don't deserve it with the way I act. Jane: He has a nerve doesn't he? How dare he?!!! Jen: I've learnt to hate him with a passion. He's like vermin that you can't cull. Jen: Abusive, nasty, annoying, irresponsible. He disgusts me. Jane: Get rid of him! I told you right from the beginning that he's no good. Jen: Yeah you were absolutely right.. as always. Jane: I hate to say it but I can smell a fucktard a mile away. Jen: I seem to pick them, don't I? Jen: Sometimes I think it is my fault. If only I could be a better person, if only, if only.... Jane: You know that way of thinking will get you nowhere fast. It's self defeating. That's what the abusers want you think that you're bad and you deserve every bit of abuse that they dish out. Jen: What if he doesn't leave? I'm afraid of asking him to leave 'cause it will only cause another fight. Jane: You can't spend your whole life walking on eggshells. Jen: Yeah, you're right... but how do I get out of this mess? Jane: I think you've got to cut your losses and just move on. Jen: Easier said than done. Jane: I know. You've gotta do it Hon. If you don't things will only get worse. Think of how much worse they've already got since you met him. Jen: Yeah you're right. Sometimes I just don't have the strength. Jane: I believe in you. Please do it! Remember I'm always there for you.",Jen is about to break up with her boyfriend. Jane knew from the beginning that they were not a good match. Jane is going to support Jen. 13828797,"Dean: Hey sweetheart Dean: What's for dinner tonight :D Poppy: Hey Poppy: Dunno? Dean: What do you mean you dunno :D Poppy: Well, I'm not preparing anything tonight Poppy: So I dunno Dean: Nooo whyy I'm starving Poppy: Grab something on the way back home Dean: I guess I will! Dean: What would you like me to get for you? :* Poppy: Nothing I won't be home tonight Dean: ??? Dean: You won't? Poppy: Yeah I won't Dean: What's up? Poppy: Nothing Poppy: I'll see you tomorrow Dean: Where are you going to be tonight then? Poppy: Not telling Dean: :O Dean: Why Poppy: Because it's a secret Poppy: :O Dean: :O Poppy: :O",Poppy is not going to be home tonight but she won't reveal the reason to Dean. She won't be making dinner so Dean has to get something on his way home. 13729708,"Gab: Ah that's better. Now we can message all we like. Kat: :-) Gab: So when can we meet up for a drink? Kat: Fairly busy at the moment so I'm not sure when. Gab: I'd love to meet you in real life. Kat: I don't meet strange men from the internet. Gab: Why not? Kat: Not that sort of gal. Gab: But you're talking to me, aren't you? Kat: Yes, but that's different. Gab: How so? Kat: Just is. Gab: But it would be so much nicer to do this cuddled up right next to you... Kat: I think this was a mistake. Gab: Are you there? Gab: Where did you go? Gab: Kat?",Gab wants to meet Kat in real life. Kat doesn't like Gab's insisting so she won't to talk to him at all. 13681082,"Agatha: My presentation is ready as we speak :) Adam: oh cool, what course? Agatha: Economics. Adam: Is it interesting? I mean... your presentation. Agatha: Definitely, I used recent research. Adam: Sounds like you know what you're doing :P Agatha: I'm just really into economics :) Adam: no doubt about that",Agatha is proud of herself because she has finished her presentation in Economics. She is very interested in Economics. 13810132,"Sally: Hey! Imagine Dragons are coming to us! Tim: So I've heard. Sally: And you didn't tell me?! Tim: Come on. It's just a band... Sally: It's not JUST a band, you jerk! Sally: Sally: I've already checked the ticket availability. There are still some tickets for the standing area at our ABC Theatre. Shall we go together? Tim: How much are they? Sally: 70 Tim: When is the gig? Sally: 12 July Tim: Well, I may go. Sally: Your enthusiasm is infectious, really... Try inviting me for some sports events and you'll see how happy I'll be. Tim: Ok! Let's go! It'll be an unforgettable evening! Sally: Jerk! I've aready bought the tickets, so put it in your diary Tim: Done. ","Imagine Dragons have a concert at ABC Theatre on 12 July. Sally wants to go with Tim. She bought tickets, they cost 70." 13829686,"Andrew: Hello Bez, this morning I wanted to take your car and go to Krizingen but it showed ""low brake fluid level"". So I went only to the garage next to Willig and they said it's ok, probably a display error. Do you want me to have the car checked properly? Have you got a contract with some garage in particular? Andrew: Kate took your car today, just to check, and everything was fine. It must have been in fact display error. Andrew: Hi Bez, when are you back? What date? Bez: Hello Andy and Kate! Sorry for not replying immediately. We have here no wifi internet connection. I'm in a hotel lobby now and use a ""phone credit"". Bez: The car should be ok as it passed general inspection only in June. I usually go to a garage in Crinch. But don't bother as long it shows no more alarms. Bez: Apart from that is everything alright? Automatic lights going on and off? One downstairs, one upstairs. Bez: Please don't forget to give the plants in the basement an occasional drink! Thank you. Bez: I'm home on the 21st in the evening. Could you please switch the heating on a bit on that day? Andrew: Hello Bez, just as we thought. No internet. Everything is fine here, also the car. The plants in the basement are watered once a week but not too much. Andrew: Your natal lily has just started to flower. Andrew: and look at this: Andrew: Andrew: Greetings from your frost-bound garden! Bez: Thank you Andy!",Andrew has discovered an issue with Bez's car in her absence but it seems to be ok. He will also take care of her plants until she is back on the 21st. 13612210,"Keith: Hi there kiddo, when are you planning to visit you old parents? :) Laura: Hey Dad, I'm not sure yet. I've been pretty busy recenlty.There is this big project coming… Keith: Oh, I understand, all work and no play…XD Laura: Daad! Don't be mean! You know I treat studying seriously! Keith: I know, you take after your mum :) By the way I think she bought some b-day gift for you… Laura: Next Saturday it is then :D Keith: I'll tell mum, she'll be really happy:) Laura: And please cook your lasagne! I miss it so badly … Keith: I'll se what I can do Pumpkin, le'ts stay in touch :)",Laura is going to visit her parents next Saturday. Keith might make a lasagne for her. Laura's mom has a birthday gift for her. 13812772,"Miriam: heyo Miriam: when do you get back? Pegah: hey hey Pegah: I'm in class till 15:00 and then I work from 17:00 till about 21:30 Pegah: so I'll be back at 22:00 D: Miriam: oh damn Miriam: that's late! Pegah: I know :( but I need as many shifts as possible Pegah: I'm gonna be a zombie all week :( Miriam: ok, well I asked coz I invited a few people over Miriam: and was hoping you would be there too Pegah: awwww Pegah: well I can have a cup of tea with you when i get back lol Miriam: I'll save you some wine as well :) ",Pegah is in class till 15:00. She will work from 17:00 till around 21:30. She will be back at 22:00. Miriam invited people over and wants Pegah to come. Pegah will have a cup of tea with her when she gets back. Miriam will save Pegah some wine. 13681309,"Pam: Hey Robert, you said you cold help with Tom's birthday? Robert: Sure, what do you need? Pam: I have to go shopping, cook and clean and I figured out I don't have time to pick up the balloons Robert: from where? Pam: there this store in the city centre that sells these awesome floating balloons Robert: No problem just text me the address Pam: bless you! Robert: ;)",Robert will pick up floating balloons for Tom's birthday. 13716296,"Shelly: This year I'm volunteering at the food shelter! Tracy: Good 4 u! Jody: Gr8! Shelly: How about u? Any volunteer work? Tracy: Nah. Not into that. Jody: Sure! Every year I do some charity 4 Xmas :)","Shelly is voluntering at a food shelter and asks if others do some volunteer work. Tracy is not into that, but Jody always does some charity for Christmas." 13729524,"Max: I know I will never be famous music producer Max: But check this out Max: My latest project Max: Jim: I'll listen to it when I get home. Jim: Knowing you I'm sure it's good. Max: Thanks Max: Let me know what you think later Jim: I will",Jim will check out Max's latest music project when he gets home. 13828739,"Kane: have you heard the new 30 seconds to mars album? Shannon: no, is it good? Kane: you should so check it out Shannon: ok thanks for the recommendation Kane: no prob",Kane recommends the new 30 Seconds to Mars album to Shannon. 13727631,"Andy: Hi nephew! Paul: Hi uncle! Andy: Are you home? I'm nearby and thought I would drink coffee with you :) Paul: Yup. I'm home. Feel free to come! Andy: If that is ok I will visit you in about 1 hour. Paul: Sure. A lot of political cases for us to talk about :D Andy: Haha. No. Andy: Too much politics with Hannah's father. Andy: I have enough arguments over politics forever. Paul: Hahah. Ok. Waiting for you then. Andy: See you.",Andy is going to visit Paul in about 1 hour. 13680506,"Caroline: ""I am this close to tugging on my testicles again"" Megan: Friends, right? Caroline: Bravo! Who said it? Megan: Ross or Chandler... Ross! Caroline: ",Caroline and Megan play a guessing game - they need to guess which film a quote comes from. 13810947,"Ron: check your email :P Josh: what did u send me? Ron: sth you want to have. Ron: Check :D :D",Josh should check the email from Ron. 13681439,"Phil: can you go out today? Phoebe: no Phoebe: my mum is still angry Phil: why? Phoebe: i used her perfume Phil: so what? Phoebe: i used it and broke it Phil: really? Phil: xd lol Phoebe: not funny Phoebe: it was very expensive Phoebe: besides, our whole house stinks Phil: so it was not so beautiful perfume? Phoebe: it was, but not 100 ml for 80 square meters",Phoebe cannot go out today because she broke a bottle of her mother's expensive perfume. Phoebe's mother is angry. The smell of the perfume in the apartment is too intense now. 13728634,"Rob: Are we meeting up 2morrow? Eve: How about Sunday Eve: stores are open so we can go then Rob: Ok I just don't know what time they close Eve: we have ot go in the moring Eve: I have some stuff to do around 3 Rob: ok",Rob and Eve will meet on Sunday morning to go to the shops. Eve has something to do at about 3. 13728288,"Betty: Sandra: Hahaha! Betty: This guy has totally nailed it! Sandra: I have a special place in my heart for men that take care of animals. Betty: I know! He and his cat look so cute! Sandra: Haha! I'm sure he could've taken good care of us too! Betty: :) :) :) Betty: Sandra you naughty girl! Sandra: Oh stop it. We both know that you think that too. Betty: Maybe a little. Sandra: Btw, my ex just messeged me. He said he had been thinking about our split-up recently and he stated that it had been a mistake. Betty: Seriously?! After 3 months? Sandra: Yeah. The worst thing is that I think that too :( Betty: You are not thinking of getting back to him are you? Sandra: ... Betty: Come on! He was such a jerk back then! Don't you remember how sick you felt when he left you? Sandra: I know but Betty: No buts! I'll be at your place at 6. I'll bring the wine!",Betty shares a photo of a man with a cat with Sandra. Sandra's ex wants to get back. She misses him. Betty comes over with wine at 6. 13730105,"Anna: Still, great app! And it's for men too! U choose ur sex and then add photos of clothes :) Peter: Is there a minimum number of clothes I should add? Anna: No! And there is no maximum! You can add as many as u want! Peter: So if I only add 3 items, I will always get the same results? Anna: Ur still making fun of me! Peter: I just don't get it. Every morning I approach my wardrobe, open it, choose the clothes I want to wear or prepare them the previous day and that's it. I don't need an app to tell me what to wear with what. Anna: Okay... Let's play a game. Peter: You're not going to make me cut my fingers off? Anna: No ;) how many pairs of trousers do u have? Peter: 5 or 6. Anna: How many shirts do you have? Peter: T-shirts or regular shirts? Anna: Shirts. Let's focus on ur work look. Peter: 3 or 4. Anna: What about jackets? Peter: 2. Anna: Great! Now imagine I have 12 shirts, 10 pairs of trousers, and 6 jackets. And I have to decide what to wear in a split second. Peter: All right. It's slowly dawning on me. ",Anna likes a new app in which you can virtually try on clothes. Peter is not quite convinced it is necessary. 13717162,"Dan: Hulk: omg! Did it hurt? Dan: no. I got an injection with anaesthesis. But its not working any more and it hurts:( Pete: you're quite swollen Dan: Its nothing compared to yesterday! Hulk: you're kidding Hulk: were you even more swollen than this? Dan: Yes Pete: Jesus",Dan's had an injection with anaesthesis because he got swollen. He feels it's not working though and it still hurts him. 13727567,"Judah: Hello Archie: Hey Judah: So what time are you arriving from Southampton? Archie: Around midnight; I'll be travelling to yours by bus, so it might take an hour or so Judah: No worries. Call me on the phone if I happen to be dead by the time you get here Archie: Lol Will do!",Archie is arriving from Southampton around midnight. He will travel by bus. He will call Judah. 13729057,"Biwott: Did you watch the series I told you Chloe: No not yet. Chloe: I have been busy this week but I will watch it during the weekend Biwott: 👍",Chloe will watch the serious recommended by Biwott at the weekend. 13716791,"Lauren: ladies, i'm thinking of getting a tattoo Nelly: oh cool i'd love to get one too Tessie: ru thinking of sth specific? Nelly: neh, probably i won't get one ever. i'm afraid of pain Lauren: i'd like to get sth small on my leg. Tessie: where exactly? Lauren: above the ankle. sth small. a bird? Tessie: i know a couple of guys who do it. let me know Lauren: gr8. i'm like 87% sure yet",Lauren want's to have a small tattoo above her ankle. 13729824,"Wendy: I think the upstairs toilet might be blocked. David: Oh NO! NOT AGAIN! Wendy: I'm not sure if it is but it is not draining very well. David: Then it probably is blocked. David: You haven't like flushed any tampons or pads down there? Wendy: Of course not! Wendy: I know not to do that. Wendy: Do you think I'm that stupid? David: Didn't say that. I was just checking. David: That toilet is a major issue ever since we got the house. Wendy: Yeah, where are the good old days of renting where you ring the landlord and it is his problem! :-P David: Hahaha! True! David: Did you call the plumber already? Wendy: No. I don't think we can afford to pay the plumber this month. David: Fuck! Don't you have anything left in the kitty? Wendy: Well I did but then it was my sisters birthday and I had to get a present... David: So, what are we supposed to do now then?! Wendy: Wait until next paycheck? Fix it ourselves? David: Great :-/ just fucking great. grrr!",The toilet upstairs is blocked again. Wendy and David can't afford the plumber as Wendy spent the money on her sister's birthday present. 13681892,"Kaylen: In ur country there is left-hand traffic? Rowen: Yes we drive on the left Kaylen: Hehe ok Kaylen: Rowen: You look gorgeous! Kaylen: Thank you. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to drive there then Rowen: Haha. You're welcome Kaylen: Or I would have to close my eyes while driving hahhaha Rowen: Hahaha",Kaylen wants to know if there is left-hand traffic in Rowen's country. He confirms there is. She thinks she wouldn't be able to drive there. 13864540,"Tom: I have to go there: Tom: Jonathan: this is insane, you know it, right? Tom: I know, I love insane things Oscar: are you kidding? Tom: not at all Oscar: I'm not spending a fortune to get to a piece of land in the middle of nowhere Kit: But the idea is amazing Kit: is it the real Robinson Crusoe's island?? Tom: it seems it is!",Tom wants to go to Robinson Crusoe's island. 13680525,"Emely: Hey. Could u help me with one task? I have to fill in the gaps and I find it a little bit strange task Titus: How is that strange ? Emely: I have problems to so it haha. Can I send a photo of this task and then I will wrote u my answers? There are 10 sentences Titus: Ok I'm doing something now but I can look at it quickly if it won't take up a lot of my time Emely: Ok Emely: Titus: Can't really see that Emely: A) a cash cow b) hoes down the drain c) nepotism d) a golden opportunity e) a sweetheart deal f) win-win g) grease sb's palm h) a license to print money i) in full swing j) implementation Titus: But I cannot read it Emely: Really? I can see it very well on my phone Titus: That sounds about right Emely: So u can see it? Titus: Barely Emely: Oh ok","Titus agrees to help Emely with a language exercise. Emely sends Titus a photo of the filled out exercise, but he has trouble reading it." 13863152,"Aldo: Hi, did you get my email? Marco: Yes I did, thank you Aldo: I hope you like my article Aldo: It took me weeks to finish it Marco: Ok, I'll print it and read it right now Aldo: Thanks Marco: How many pages is it? Marco: Ok, got it, it's 12 Aldo: Yep, 12 Marco: Ok",Marco will read Aldo's 12 page article that he spent 2 weeks writing. 13729679,"Harris: How are U? Lena: Fine, U? Harris: Been better. Lena: ? Harris: My friend Aoki died yesterday. Lena: O No! Harris: Yeah. Lena: What happened? Harris: Not sure yet. Thinking the worst... Lena: O how awful! Harris: Yes. Lena: You just never know. Harris: True. Lena: Had you seen her lately? Harris: Not for a few months. She lives in Michigan. Lena: Oh, that's far. Harris: Not too far but far enough. Lena: Right. Harris: Got to go, mom's calling. Lena: K bi. Feel better! Harris: K will do","Harris' friend, Aoki, who lives in Michigan, died yesterday. Harris hasn't seen her for a few months." 13813794,"Hannah: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :))) Brooklyn: Same to you! Have you made any New Year's resolutions? ;> Hannah: A whole list ^^ Hannah: New year, new me :D Brooklyn: Really? :D So how you're going to change your life this year? Hannah: First, I'm gonna lose weight and exercise everyday (or at least 3 times a week). Hannah: Second, I want to learn how to cook and start meal prepping Hannah: Finally, I'm gonna find my future husband (or at least start using dating apps):D Hannah: And you? Have you set any goals for 2019? Brooklyn: Hmm, interesting :D especially the last point ^^ Brooklyn: Yeah, just one - not to make any resolutions. Hannah: Whyyyy?? Brooklyn: I just don't believe that a new year means a fresh start. Brooklyn: Every past year I told myself I would lose weight, quit smoking, start going to the gym etc. And I'm still a fatty, who smokes like a chimney and rarely leaves their couch. Hannah: You're a little ray of sunshine, aren't you? ;) Brooklyn: :p And you're an undaunted optimist. What makes you believe that everything is going to change for the better? Hannah: I don't know, I just like to think that we get numerous second chances to change our lives, to make right what's wrong. Hannah: That's it, I don't have any better explanation. Brooklyn: Well, you haven't convinced me. :) Nevertheless good luck with all your resolutions. ;) Hannah: Thanks! :*","Hannah's New Year's resolutions are: work out, cook for herself, start dating. Brooklyn didn't make any. In the past she had, but she never fulfilled them. " 13682006,"Trevor: I've got a bit of a problem, Uncle Richard: Have you, Trevor? Trevor: Yes, Uncle I need to get you advice on how to break this to Dad Richard: You haven't gone and got that Abigail up the duff have you? Trevor: That's the long and short of it, Uncle. Richard: Shit. How did that happen? Trevor: Well, it's her father's fault, Uncle. Richard: Her father's fault? And him a church pastor? Trevor: Yes, Uncle. She has sneaked me into the house really quietly and we are in her bedroom doing it. Richard: Fucking hell. Do go on. Trevor: And we haven't got any condoms so I am planning to pull out at the last moment Richard: Unbelieveable: Bloody idiot. What then? Trevor: So I am just pulling out and all of a sudden in bursts her father and delivers me such a kick up the arse that I am back in there coming. Richard: So you say it is all his fault, then? Incredible. Trevor: Yes. Richard: So maybe we can get him to pay the child support instead of you then, eh?","Trevor got Abigail pregnant. When they were having sex without protection her father, a church pastor, kicked Trevor in the butt and Trevor came inside Abigail. " 13728809,"Julia: I mean I like my Instagram. And my Snapchat. Oh and Twitter. And sometimes Facebook. Gail: So do I. But this doesn't mean I'm addicted. Julia: Neither am I. I like looking at photos of my friends and sharing stuff with them. And I think they like it when I post stuff. Gail: I certainly do. And I like to spy on ppl :) Julia: Rly? Gail: Yeah! It's a lot of fun! Like I was spying on Em and turns out she's into some guy from work ;) Julia: Rly? Intriguing. Gail: I know! :) and Jessica is thinking about going on diet. Julia: Wasn't she on one already? Gail: Nah. Whenever she posts a lot of fitness-related stuff, she's just thinking about, but doing nothing rly. Julia: I always thought she was training day and night! Gail: Nah. That's just how she is. The more she posts, the less she does. Like she had a phase for animal shelters. Remember? Julia: Yeah. She just wouldn't shut up about it. She posted every single thing she could find on the subject! Gail: Right. And turned out that was everything she did. Never visited one. Never donated a dime. Never did anything. Julia: And all the time I thought she was so active and pro-active and charitable. She had me fooled ;) Gail: U see? Spying on ppl is fun :) Julia: Speaking of which, did u spy on me? Gail: No, y would I? Julia: It's fun? Gail: Oh no! Don't get me wrong! We talk all the time, so no need to spy on u ;) Julia: Gr8. Gail: Besides ur pretty straightforward. Julia: What do u mean? Gail: When ur eating, u post food. When ur training, u post fitness materials or photos. When ur relaxing, u post a bunch of stuff. Julia: I know :) that's y ppl like what I do, 'caus I genuine :) Gail: Yeah... Julia: What's that supposed to mean? Gail: Hillary thinks u overdo it and have no life in real life. Julia: That bitch! Gail: I know!",Jessica posts a lot regarding subjects she does nothing about in reality. Julia posts in a more genuine way. But Hillary thinks she does it to death and lacks real life. 13716618,"Anne: I hate that bitch! Catherine: What did she do again??? Nora: Who's the bitch? Nora: Sorry I missed something Catherine: Miranda!!! Catherine: We all hate her Anne: Yesterday she called Tom, was all sweet with him you know how she can be.... Catherine: No way she did it!! How dare she!! She knows you guys are dating. Anne: I think that's why she did it. She wants to take Tom away from me. Nora: Oh, come on! She's not his type! ",Miranda called Tom yesterday and spoke to him in a sweet way. Anne is angry with her because Anne is dating Tom. 13821297,"Ella: Hey my dear family, could i ask you to confrim that youre coming and if you have any dietary requirements through this link. I need this information for the catering company. HUgs Barbara: Done!!! Eva: <3 Barbara: I flled out for mom too Ella: I saw that Barbara: (Y)",Barbara and Eva described their dietary requirements in the website given by Ella. 13727877,"Joshua: Hi sister, when will you be arriving Sarah: i will reach New York this coming Thursday. Joshua: That's great. See you then.. I will be waiting for my gift Sarah: yeah sure.. hahaha",Sarah will arrive to New York on Thursday. Joshua expects to get a gift. 13821268,"Allison: Hey girls! Maya: hey! Sarah: hey, why you so cheerful? Allison: Guess what! Allison: I've got a scholarship! Maya: no way! you have made it! Sarah: shut up! Allison: yeee, and it is the highest posible rank i could get Maya: we so proud, when do we celebrate!? Sarah: Allison: Whenever you want! thank you <3",Allison has got a scholarship. 13611693,"Abdellilah: Where are you? Sam: work Abdellilah: What time you finish? Sam: Not til 5 Abdellilah: Are your bringing him over tonight: Sam: No in the morning: Abdellilah: ok, what time? Sam: About 9. Is that ok? Abdellilah: ok - see you then",Sam won't finish work till 5. Sam is bringing him over about 9 am. Sam will see Abdellilah in the morning. 13680969,"Betty: What's on at the cinema tonight? Phil: I don't know. I haven't checked it either. Betty: I'm looking at the website. There are two comedies and one thriller which seem interesting. Phil: Choose. I'm fine with whatever. Betty: What if you get bored? Phil: I won't. Don't worry. Just choose. Betty: Ok. So the thriller. We watch lots of comedies at home. Phil: Fine :-) Could you book the tickets if you're already on the site? Betty: Sure. Betty: Done :-) Phil: When and where would you like to meet? Betty: How about 6pm near the theatre? Phil: It may be a little difficult for me. 6.30? Betty: Ok. I was thinking about a short walk before the movie but we can have a stroll afterwards as well :-) Phil: Thanks :-) Betty: Shall I prepare dinner or do you fancy eating out tonight? Phil: Dinner with you at home. Betty: Ok. I have a few ideas for our menu :-) Phil: Won't it be a big problem for you? Betty: Not at all. Pleasure. Phil: :-D Thanks and see you :-) Betty: :-*",Betty and Phil are meeting at 6.30 to watch a thriller at the movies. They will have dinner at Phil's afterwards. 13730168,"Robert: Happy Christmas! Wishing you and Elena all the best for the Christmas season and a Happy New Year! Serge: Thanks, you too, Robert. Robert: By the way - please cancel the phone number for me that starts with 713. The one beginning with 304 is the only number for me now. Serge: OK, Robert. Is all OK? Robert: Well, I will tell you more in a few weeks, but in short from today I am looking for a new job. Serge: What? They sacked you? After your huge success in the Ukraine? Robert: That's life. Serge: Those fucking bastards. Robert: Well, I could see it coming, ever since the merger. The Swedes didn't even bother to find out what people did before they started laying them off. Serge: Send me your CV, I know one Belgian guy who is thinking of opening a new factory here. Can't promise anything, but at least I can try. Robert: Serge, I really appreciate that.",Robert has a new phone number starting with 304. Robert has lost his job and is looking for a new one. Serge offers to pass on Roberts CV to a contact. 13681928,"Lily: I spent an amazing night with this guy Kate: What's his name? Lily: Thomas Kate: Is he English? Lily: He is Romanian, but from an extremely rich family, it seems Kate: What does he do in London? Lily: LSE Kate: of course, so predictable Lily: Hahah, but I expected him to be more banal and boring Kate: but? Lily: to be more mediocre... Kate: in size, in passion or in wallet? Lily: In everything. I've had so much pleasure that I have a headache Kate: I'm glad to read that. You deserved some fun after the last weeks. Lily: haha, I agree!",Lily spent an amazing night with Thomas. Thomas is Romanian and comes from a very rich family. 13730545,"Sam: hi, i need a help Sarah fashion: hello how can i help? Sam: Actually i was looking for a nice black dress for my wife, i mean i dont want the in-store product.. Sarah fashion: Yes sir, we make dresses on order as per customer requirements. Sam: yeah i saw that option on the web page, actually its a surprise gift for her, but i have no idea what should be the requirements of the dress. Sarah fashion: oh in that case why dont you choose something ready made sir Sam: Actually i want something different for her something she has not seen before Sarah fashion: that nice, do you have any sketch in your mind it would be easier to help Sam: yes that it should be a dress, black in color decent and elegant, and.... thats it :( Sarah fashion: :) dont worry Sir we will try to help you as much as we can but you have to choose between the choices we give you Sam: Sure. Sarah fashion: Would you mind coming to the store? or you want to place order here only? Sam: i was wondering if i could get help and decide i would place order right here... Sarah fashion: Sure sir i am sending you few pictures you can mix and match the designs and that way we would be able to create a new design? Sam: that sounds like a good idea.. Sarah fashion: Sam: wow! they are all so good but they are available for every one right? Sarah fashion: yes sir! Sam: ok so i want the cut that is in sleeves like this length and buttons Sarah fashion: Nice choice sir, your product number is 898998 now you can order on the website with this product number and the same procedure would be applied to your order. Sam: Thank you so much, i didnt know it was so easy. Sarah fashion: Your welcome sir, We are glad your liked the service and we hope you like the dress too. Sam: :)",Sam wants to buy a custom dress as a surprise for his wife. It should be black and elegant. The store employee sent him some pictures for reference. Sam decided on the features he likes. His product number is 898998 and he will place the order on the company's website. 13681194,"Kamden: Hey! Mckinley: Hi! Kamden: I haven't seen you in a while - i've mostly been off social media. Maybe you'll let me have a little peek? Mckinley: You aren't on fb anymore? Kamden: I use chat on fb. I'm not big on social media use Mckinley: Hmm... Kamden: It helps me keep up with good friends Mckinley: But you always can open it and check my photos lol Mckinley: Yeah I use fb mostly to keep contact with people Kamden: It's true. But I guess it would be more enticing to get it from you. 😏 Yeah it's my main reason. But I spend zero time therecc Mckinley: Lol I'm not a phone selfie person Kamden: Thats a shame. Lol Mckinley: Lol",Kamden hasn't used social media recently. He uses messenger only and wants to get Mckinley's photographs. 13612013,"Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work? Mike: Going to the gym and then home boy. Jason: You eating at home? Mike: Yep, bring your food and come over. Jason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4? Mike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive! Jason: Ok cya later then!´ Mike: Oh yeah👌","After work, Mike is going to go to the gym and then home. He invites Jason to bring some food and come over. They can play 2 on ps4." 13731393,"Daisy: hey whats up Linda: Not much Linda: Im just packing Daisy: off on a vacation Linda: didn't I tell ya? Linda: I'm moving Daisy: really? Daisy: what happened? Daisy: you had a great place! Linda: got a new job Linda: I'm moving to Ohio Daisy: OHIO! Daisy: that so far away :( Linda: yeah well Linda: It's just for 6 months Daisy: and your apartment? Linda: my brother is going to live there Daisy: can we meet up? Daisy: before you go? Linda: ehh I have like no time for anything Linda: maybe you can come by Daisy: Sure! Daisy: I'll help you pack :D Linda: that would be great! ",Linda got a new job and is moving to Ohio for 6 months. Her brother will stay at her current apartment. Daisy will come by Linda's place to meet her and help her pack as she is too busy to go out. 13681560,"Hayden: Anyway I have 1 month to write my thesis. And then I need to decide what studies I should choose and I have a problem because I don't know what I can do in the future to make good money Margaret: You'll find something Hayden: And the only studies I'm interested in are African studies but I'm not sure I can make big money later on haha except for working in the embassy or something like that. I was thinking about working as a flight attendant. It would be easy for me to get that job since I can swim (and here it's obligatory) I'm even a water rescuer. I know English italian and polish and a bit of german. Margaret: So go ahead for it Hayden: But to be honest , I don't think so that job is so great. I can't work there forever and I'm not that sure I wanna risk every time hahah since flight accidents happen Margaret: Hahahaha you shouldn't think about that Hayden: But I don't wanna die hhahahahah Margaret: It would be good you would get to travel a lot",Hayden must write her thesis in 1 month. She wonders what degree course would be the most beneficial for her. She's interested in African studies. Hayden claims she could be a flight attendant as she can swim and knows foreign languages. 13828403,"Alan: Alan: look what I just found :) Robert: dude, that's just nasty and you know it :) Robert: it has no sugar, no taste, and additional cinnamon flavoring Alan: yeah, I know - that's awesome :) Robert: you sir have a very strange tastes :P Alan: well, and I found a perfect company for it Robert: oh, that's more like it! Robert: but does the whiskey go well with the cinnamon? flavored whiskey is the worst... Alan: Actually it does taste surprisingly well. The cinnamon is not overpowering. If you put enough whiskey that is :) Rob: Lol, thought so :) Rob: I just wish the brought the old cherry flavor back... Rob: not the useless no-sugar stuff Alan: Ah, that is true :)",Alan has found some cinnamon whiskey and sends Robert photos of it. 13680216,"Yaz: Going to slimming club tonight? Mary: Well, I don't want to, but I really should. I've been so bad, though! Yaz: Me too, choccies, wine, cake, you name it! Mary: Well, we should bite the bullet. She'll tell us off, I expect. Feels like being back at school! Yaz: Well, she IS our old cookery teacher! See you at 6ish, pick you up!? Mary: Yep! See you then!",Yaz and Mary are meeting tonight around 6 and going for the slimming club together. They expect to be scolded for eating too much. 13716003,"Ellie: hey, are you at the university? Aaliyah: yep Camille: I'm sick :/ Ellie: shiet....that's bad Ellie: Aali, where are we having our classes now? Aaliyah: 342 on the second floor",Ellie's class is in 342 on the second floor. 13829937,"Nathan: Aaron: OMG!!! Aaron: 😂😂😂😂 Aaron: looool Aaron: do you know her mate? 🤣🤣 Aaron: my cat's face looks like that when he's taking a dump..🤣🤣🤣 Aaron: Aaron: the angels must be weeping 🤭🤭🤭 Aaron: Aaron: Nathan: Hahahaha Nathan: She's having a spiritual moment 😉 Nathan: No clue mate, Dan sent it over Nathan: A tragedy to say the least 😂😂 Aaron: Aaron: looking for Jesus Nathan: 😂😂😂 Aaron: hilarious..hahahaha",Nathan and Aaron are discussing a video which Nathan sent. 13812140,"Emma: You havent been back yet? and where's shake William: I have been in que for past 20 minutes. Too much rush here Emma: Ok Hurry up. We cant wait anymore :( William: Dont worry. Its my turn up next Emma: :D William: Coming back in 5 Emma: Ok waiting",William is coming back in 5 minutes as he had to queue for 20 minutes. 13818707,"Bob: did you reserve the tickets for tomorrow? Melanie: Jake promised me he will do that Melanie: he has some workplace discount on them Bob: Jake are you here?? Did you reserve the tickets? Jake: yes I did, 3 tickets for tomorrow, 7 pm Jake: and we got a 30% discount on them too :)",Jake reserved 3 tickets for tomorrow 7 pm. He got 30% discount. 13716495,"Freddie: What are you watching on Netflix? I've just finished Mad Men. Kelly: I've just finished The Crown. Freddie: There should be new episodes coming soon. Kelly: OMG! i can't wait! :) Freddie: Try Outlander or The Tudors in the meantime. Jim: i'm watching I, Zombie. Bob: try Grimm or Sabrina. They're both great! Kelly: they are all horrible and disgusting! Bob: i think they are funny. They're just TV shows don't take them too seriously. x Greg: I'm watching House of Cards though must admit the new series is boring. Mike: i agree. not the same without Kevin Spacey! You should try The West Wing if you enjoy political dramas. Greg: Netflix original Bodyguard is supposed to be good from what I've heard. Mary: I'm a bit ashamed to confess i enjoy stuff like Pretty Little Liars or Gossip Girl ;) Nancy: don't be ashamed i enjoy them too! and my favourite one is Desperate Housewives!!! Mary: I know! I watched it twice! Alan: I'm catching up with Friends. Nancy: OMG! i used to love Friends!","Freddie, Kelly, Jim, Greg, Bob, Mike, Mary, Alan and Nancy are watching different shows on Netflix." 13729128,"Sonia: hey remember last year when you guys went to San Sebastian Toni: yup Toni: hi Sonia: how was that airbnb place you stayed in Toni: it wasnt bad Toni: maybe a bit small for the three of us Toni: but it was next to the Playa de la Concha Toni: and anyway we just used it to sleep Toni: u guys going? Sonia: yeah in a month or so Sonia: we r still planning Sonia: we checked some hostels and so but they r pretty expensive Sonia: plus we rather have more privacy Toni: well i can definitely reccomend the airbnb place Toni: i can get you in contact with the landlady too if u want Sonia: that would be sweet Toni: its this old basque lady, widow, pretty lonely but nice Toni: she even made a tortilla for us Sonia: so shes in the appartment too? Toni: yes she rents a room in the appartment Sonia: oh Sonia: hm I dont know Toni: well think about it and let me know",Sonia is going to San Sebastian in a month. Toni enjoyed her the airbnb place there. Sonia isn't convinced about it and will let Toni know. 13729680,"Malik: have you heard of that paleo diet? Malik: i need to lose some weight and i really want to try it Samantha: i've heard of it but i've also heard about the keto diet Samantha: AAAAANNNDDDD... i also need to lose weight lol Malik: what are you talking about?!? lol Malik: you're so skinny Samantha: whatever :-) Malik: should we try one of those together? Malik: it's always easier when someone's doing it with you Samantha: YES!!!! Malik: we can also go for runs together like we used to :-D Samantha: let's do it!! i'm so pumped! Malik: so paleo or keto? Samantha: what's the difference? Malik: i think they're practically the same, but you can't have dairy on paleo Samantha: can you have dairy on keto? Malik: i think you can, i'm no sure though Samantha: ok let me go online and read more about this Samantha: and i'll text you back later with more info Malik: ok Malik: are you excited?? Samantha: i really am!!!!!!!!! :-D","Malik and Samanta want to lose weight. They will try to keep a diet, keto or paleo, and go for runs together." 13865119,"Derek: It's been a long day Phil: Same here Cynthia: good or bad? Derek: Very busy Derek: I closed some deals but I had a lot of stress also Phil: Lucky you Phil: I couldn't close any deal Phil: It annoys me Phil: Some customers are negotiating for days, weeks Phil: And then they pull out Cynthia: Maybe they're just fishing Cynthia: Want to compare offers Phil: That's what they do ",Derek closed some deals today. Phil didn't manage to do it. 13813011,"Nova: Do know that people are photoshoping Timothée Chalamet into artworks? :D Nova: It's hilarious, check it out: Dominic: lol XD Dominic: it kinda looks good Nova: Right? :D Dominic: he looks like a typical young man from a 19th-century portrait Nova: omg you're so right! :D he looks as if he read Rimbaud's poems and drank absinthe on a daily basis Dominic: hahaha XD it's so accurate",People are photoshopping Timothée Chalamet into artworks. Dominic and Nova agree that he looks like a 19th century man. 13611436,"Lisa: Hello Peter. What have you been doing off late? Peter: Bit busy with work. Lisa: Too much of work, huh? Peter: Not really, I’ve been working out Lisa: Ohh, trying to get in shape? Peter: Nah, I don’t have much of weight to lose, just want to improve my health. Lisa: That’s a good thought. I was also thinking of working out a bit. What do you do? Do you go to a Gym? Peter: Yes, I hold a membership with the one near our office. Lisa: Which exercises do you do regularly? Peter: I do weights and run on the treadmill. Lisa: Besides exercises, I think I need to eat better to help me keep in shape. Peter: Another major requirement for good health is sleep. On an average one requires at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Lisa: There are a lot of things we can do to stay healthy. Peter: Yes. One needs to maintain a regime to stay healthy for a long term.",Peter has been working out at the gym near their office lately to improve his health. Lisa is considering working out and eating better to be healthier. 13680625,"Tom: Where is my cup?! Julia: I broke it, I think, sorry Tom: You think? Were you drugged up? Julia: I'll buy you a new one, don't make a drama Tom: :(","Julia broke Tom's cup, which made him sad. She will buy him a new one." 13682111,"Don: The CSS tests are today. Hank: I know! Have you registered in their system? Don: No, not yet. Hank: I'm not sure if I have to fill out all the fields. Most of them don't even apply to Rodney. It's strange that they're incorporating such professional tests for little leaguers. Don: Hmm... I don't know. I'll check it later tonight when I get home. Apparently it's supposed to be a database of all the young up-and-coming hockey stars. Scouts use that information for future contracts, etc. Hank: OK, but our kids are 10 years old! They're not signing any contracts for now :) Don: Well, obviously not, but it's kind of cool that they'll be in a world database of peewee hockey players. Hank: Yeah, I guess. So apparently the tests are supposed to last 5-8 pm. 3 hours! I'll probably wait and work on the computer. Don: Bring a blanket :) It can get mighty cold sitting in a rink for 3 hours. Hank: No shit :) Are you coming. Don: Well, since you're going anyway, maybe you can take my kid :) Hank: Hey, that's not fair! Don: I'll take the kids next time, I promise! Hank: Yeah, yeah, we'll see. I'll tell you about the tests when I bring Oscar and Roger back. Don: Ok, thanks again, I owe you.","The CSS tests for the hockey players are today and will last 3 hours, starting 5pm. Hank will bring his son and Don's son as well. Don is glad." 13864408,"Jessica: I went to the second hand shop downtown Frank: Cool Raphael: What did you get? Jessica: Lots of stuff Jessica: A table, six chairs, a vase, a pile of clothes Frank: That's really a lot of stuff :-) Raphael: send us pictures Jessica: Jessica: Raphael: Beautiful table Raphael: Is it wood? Jessica: yes, oak Raphael: Awesome Jessica: Frank: These are the clothes? Frank: I love the black dress Jessica: It's absolutely beautiful Jessica: As soon as I saw it I knew it would be mine Jessica: I'm so happy with what I bought Jessica: And the best is I paid only 70 euros for all of that!! ","Jessica bought a table, six chairs, a vase and a pile of clothes and the second hand shop downtown. She paid 70 euros for everything. " 13681509,"Abigail: It's Sundaay. Damien: So?.. Abigail: You know what that means. Damien: Hmm no I don't x) Abigail: Sunday means we go to church~. Damien: Oh, yeah.. Abigail: Don't forget to put on a coat and tie. Damien: A coat and tie?.. Why? Abigail: To show respect to God and others. Damien: Omg..I'm glad Sunday is only once a week. Abigail: I hope God didn't hear that. Damien: He'll forgive me 😇 Abigail: Just be ready on time please.",Abigail and Damien are going to church on Sunday. Damien has to put on a coat and tie. 13682223,"Desiree: U both at home? Lucian: No. I've just got ur msg. Why did u ask about it? Desiree: No reason. Keep my pasta in the microwave Lucian: I haven't cooked anything",Lucian is not at home. Desiree wants Lucian to keep her pasta in the microwave. 13729602,"Doug: These shoes are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeni: Jealous! Doug: You should be! I be fly!",Doug has a cool pair of shoes. 13818361,"Tessa: Stop texting my boyfriend ;/ Chloe: Uhm, excuse me? Chloe: Who's your boyfriend? Tessa: Jim Andrews. Chloe: Oh, ok! He's a friend from work. Tessa: yeah, but stop texting him. I saw the messages you sent him. Chloe: Which ones in particular? Tessa: You don't text your co-worker like that Chloe: Like what? Tessa: I can see you're being all smiley and touchy-feely with him. Tessa: He's taken Chloe: I'm his friend, I get he's taken, but we work together. Tessa: I see what you're up to, so stop texting him ;/ Chloe: Jesus girl, aren't you a bit paranoid? Chloe: We WORK together. How am I supposed to stop texting him? We have to communicate. Tessa: I don't care. I don't want you texting my boyfriend :/ bye","Tessa doesn't like Chloe texting her boyfriend, Jim Andrews. Jim is Chloe's co-worker so Chloe needs to communicate with him." 13821778,"Emily: fancy a drink after work today? Kate: sure! Marta: Good idea! Marta: Where? When? Emily: Maybe in the Pub X at the central station at 5.30? Kate: I may be closer to 6, traffic on my way Marta: Fine for me. Marta: See you then, Ladies! Emily: Bye! see ya :* Kate: :*","Emily, Kate and Marta are going to the Pub X at the central station today for a drink." 13865298,"Jane: Don't ever go to La Perle :< Eddie: Why? You love this place Jane: Used to love this place, not any more Anne: We've just been there with Jane and Ella Anne: Now we're getting out ER Eddie: Dear god what happened?! Are you all right? Jane: Now I'm good, but they almost killed me Jane: You know I'm allergic to peanuts Eddie: Oh no they didn't... Anne: we ordered some cake, Jane asked for a cheesecake just to be sure Jane: I told them I'm allergic and they ensured me there's not even a trace of peanuts Jane: I started swelling after the first bite - apparently there were crushed nuts in the crust Eddie: I think you should sue them. They really could have killed you Anne: I told her the same thing, who knows how many people they killed? Jane: I just don't get how ignorant you have to be to do something like this","Jane, Anne and Ella have been to La Perle. Jane ate cheesecake and got an allergic reaction. They are getting out of ER. " 13680874,"Tiffany: buy me a burger on your way home Railey: ok Tiffany: thx, sis :)",Railey will buy Tiffany a burger. 13727702,"Ariana: I think I am going shopping Aviana: Where? Aviana: Midtown? Ariana: Yeah Ariana: I wanna buy some stuff Aviana: I wish I could go with you Ariana: Thats ok 🙂",Ariana will do shopping in Midtown. Aviana can't join her. 13819698,"Jane: Hey Martin: Whats up Maria: Hey Jane: Anyone going to Value Village? Jane: I am getting halloween costumes with my sister Jane: If anyone wants to join Connor: I got mine today so thanks Connor: At Value Village Jane: I am going with u ok? priv msg Jane: ok ok",Connor bought his halloween costumes at Value Village where Jane plans to get her and her sister's costume. 13828146,"Mary: Hi my friend :* Alice: U re not at school? Mary: No i stayed at home today. Alice: Lucky u!","Today Mary didn't go to school, she stayed at home." 13819724,"Tom: we're few meters from you, can't you see us? Jeffrey: lol, nope Elena: c'mon, the red jacket!",Elena is wearing the red jacket and Jeffrey can't see her nor Tom. 13681924,"Sophia: I'm sorry Mason: It's fine Sophia: Ok...If u was there, I would give you a hot kiss for apologize Mason: Hahaha. You still send me a photo one Sophia: What photo? Mason: Kiss photo. Haha Sophia: Hehe I sent u already such a photo Mason: Another one wouldn't hurt Sophia: Maybe later :) When I take a shower and look good Mason: And who says you don't look good now ? Sophia: Me Mason: Let me be the judge of that Sophia: No Mason: I'll still love you the same. Whether you have make up or not Sophia: Hehe but I don't want u to see me when I do not look good Mason: You must Sophia: I must what? Mason: Send me the kiss now Sophia: Haha Mason: Doesn't matter how you look, you'll still look good to me Sophia: Hahah Sophia: ",Sophia apologizes to Mason. She sends him a kiss photo on his request. 13821035,"Steffen: Any room in any of the cars going to the infinity pool? Im more handicapped than usual since I twisted my ancle yesterday :( Irene: we can give you a lift. Don’t think the car can make it all the way up, so will park at the bottom and hike up Steffen: Then I think I have to skip - cant really walk on my leg atm :confused: But thanks anyway Irene: :( Dan: I’m pretty sure Mr.Budd could make it, it’s 4wheel drive, if mr.budd is going, although I haven’t seen the hill Luke: have you been up there? how bad is the road actually? Luke: lol, that explains it Luke: Sandy, is it vistas de olas? Ben: Yes! Vistas de olas","Steffen twisted his ankle yesterday and needs a lift to the infinity pool. Irene's car probably won't make it up the hill, so they'd have to park at the bottom and hike up. Mr.Budd should make it up the hill since it's a 4-wheel drive." 13864917,"Mike: who is going for the research trip? Jake: Me, Florence, Margot and others Jake: but that's not important Florence: hahah Margot: true, we have our nice bunch of people Mike: so maybe I'll apply too Jake: but remember it can be harsh in Swazi now Mike: gosh, Jake, have you realised at least that it's not even Swazi anymore? Florence: hahaha, quite hilarious Jake: ? Margot: they changed the name of the country last year Jake: what? so what's the name now? Margot: Eswatini Jake: are you kidding me? Margot: Jake, it's basic knowledge before the trip LOL","Jake, Florence, Margot and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini." 13730730,"Annie: Are you going to be at school? Christine: Not tomorrow. I am not well. Annie: Oh noes! What happened? Christine: Got the flu, I think. Annie: what's your temperature? Christine: Not high, I'm not running a fever or anything Annie: Are you eating ok? Christine: Yeah. Just blocked nose, sore throat. Tired. Annie: Sounds like you've got a cold. You need anything? Christine: I could do with some Theraflu. Annie: OK, I think we've still got some sachets, should be in date. I'll drop them through your letterbox later on. Christine: Yeah. Don't call in because I'll feel bad if you catch this cold off me. Annie: I think I probably had it already, but you might be sleeping. Christine: If the light in my room is on, call if you want.",Christine is sick and won't come to school tomorrow. Annie will leave Theraflu sachets in a mailbox. Christine doesn't want to get her sick. 13730522,"Bob: you bitch... why you called Sarah? Jill: because i want to.. who are you question me? Bob: try whatever you can bitch you cant get me back Jill: huh? excuse me i dont want you back so just fuck off Bob: really then why your calling my girlfriend and sending her our pictures.. Jill: its just that i hate you and i dont want you to be happy :haha: Bob: really bitch ? but u told her she cannot snatch me from you? Jill: yesss! its fun to hurt her Bob: i cant believe i was living with a bitch like you Jill: oh yes and you would have lived if i wouldnt have kicked you out Bob: What? huh! i left you.. dont remember you were begging me to love you not to leave you? Jill: whatever.. i am glad i could make you angry and hurt you Bob: ok thank you dear :) Jill: thank you? Bob: yes for saying all this, this is Sarah and all is good now... better luck next time? Jill: get lost,",Jill called Sarah. She also sent her some old pictures. 13730778,"Aggie: When do you start work? Peter: at 8 Peter: why? Aggie: no when do you start the new job? Peter: oh on the 6th Aggie: Ok I'll get a babysitter then Peter: lol wanted a free babysitter Aggie: yeah sorry :P",Peter starts his new job on the 6th. Peter wanted a free babysitter. Aggie will arrange for a babysitter. 13815679,"Aimee: Do you know where Maryam is? Soren: Nope Soren: You tried his number? Aimee: Yes Aimee: I even went to her home Soren: She might have gone somewhere with his father Aimee: Maybe",Aimee is looking for Maryam. 13716512,"George: Yo! Who wants to go play basketball on Friday, 7 p.m.? Robert: Count me in! Yousuf: Can I come half an hour later? I need to help my sister with her car. George: No prob. Paul, u coming? Paul: Hell yeah! I'll bring some beers too! Robert: Sounds like a plan!","George, Robert and Paul are going to play basketball on Friday at 7. Yousuf will be late." 13612049,"Rory: Hey Mitch, how are you? I hope you're doing ok. We are thinking of signing up Bill for that International camp. Sammy will be going too. Do you think it would be possible for you to take Bill and Sammy if you go down? Mitch: I'm doing well - pretty tired. Yes, I do think that's possible :) Rory: Great, that would mean a lot to us. Thanks a lot. Mitch: That'd be wonderful! July, I'll be at a few camps ;) Rory: Of course, we'll chip in for gas. Ok, no problem :) Mitch: Thx, no worries. I hope you're all doing well. Time is flying by ;) Rory: Ok, great. I know, it's crazy. Rory: Do you know exactly which date you'll be leaving? Mitch: Sunday, the 29th Rory: Ok, cool. It's such a long drive. Mitch: Yeah, around 1000 km, but I'll try to get there early Mon morning. Rory: That's a pretty ambitious undertaking :) Mitch: I have to, camp starts Mon 9. Rory: Just be careful, and take lots of breaks, don't fall asleep at the wheel, etc. Mitch: I'll have the boys to keep me awake, and lots of snacks :) Rory: Ok. We will probably put Bill on a Flixbus, so he'll arrive around 10 am Sun Mitch: Cool, just make sure he has his phone on him. Rory: Ok, no problem. We'll give him your number, but most likely Joanna will be picking him up. Mitch: Oh, ok. That makes things easier. I'll meet him after. Rory: Great, thanks a lot for doing this, I don't know how else we would get him down to Croatia. Mitch: No problem. Talk to you later. Rory: Ok, bye.","Rory wants Mitch to take Bill and Sammy and they'll chip in for gas. Mitch will be leaving Sunday, the 29th to get there by 9 am on Monday. Bill will arrive around 10 am Sunday and Joanna will be picking him. Mitch will meet Bill after." 13730333,"Jones: Hey. Angelina: Hey. Angelina: Long time. How are you doing? Jones: I'm fine Jones: You? Angelina: I'm cool too. Jones: You think we can meet today later in the afternoon in town? Angelina: Definitely. Jones: Okay. I will call you to confirm where we will meet. Angelina: Cool",Jones and Angelina will meet in town in the afternoon. 13681165-1,"Alyssa: Have you seen Fergie’s national anthem? Illuminati does a great job. Derek: This is not normal. I saw it last week… Alyssa: What do you think about it? Derek: I can fart bright stripes and bright stars better then she sings. Alyssa: The best part is that she acts like she nailed it. But at least it's funny in a good way. Derek: It is 😂",Derek and Alyssa make fun of Fergie's performance of the national anthem. 13611834,"Lauren: Hi do you still need me for tomorrow Pam: Yes please!! Lauren: Do you have any more rota? Pam: No, but the Manager's back tomorrow so she may do some more then. I'll ring in the morning and let you know. Lauren: ok that's great Pam: Did you have a good holiday? Lauren: Yes, will tell you all about it tomorrow Pam: Look forward to it!","Pam doesn't have rota for Lauren, but Manager may give Lauren more tomorrow. Pam and Lauren will meet tomorrow and discuss Lauren's holiday. " 13816051,"Harriette: Have you ever gone ghost hunting? ;o Jamie: Ghost hunting? Nah, not really... Have you? Harriette: Yeah, once when I was in high school! There was a run-down building in the neighbourhood and we went to investigate it with my friends Jamie: How was it? Did you find something? Harriette: We didn't see any ghosts, haha Harriette: But let me tell you that I never thought I'd freak out this much at hearing a cat meow Harriette: There's just something about the atmosphere... that makes you overreact and find normal but unexpected things really creepy Jamie: I guess that's part of the experience? :p Harriette: Yeah, if I could choose again, I'd probably still decide to go - I don't regret it! But I definitely wouldn't try something like that alone ^^;",Jamie has never gone ghost hunting but Harriette did with her friends once in high school. They did not see any ghosts and she only got frightened by a cat's miaowing. 13810093,"Jack: Kev, I need your help? Kev: What's up, mate? Jack: I can't get the application running. Kev: Have you switched the computer on? Jack: Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kev: OK. Sorry. I can see it's serious. Jack: Yeah, man. It is f**cking serious. Kev: I'll be with you right now. Jack: Thanks.",Jack needs Kev's help as he cannot get the application running. 13727962,"Dan: look, i'm sorry Dan: please text back Dan: I'll explain everything if you agree to meet up Angela: there's nothing to explain Dan: please Angela, hear me out first Angela: should i trust you Dan: let me show you why you should. Angela: Okay, meet me at school later Dan: Okay",Dan wants to apologize to Angela. They will meet at school later. 13862566,"Shaldona: WE ARE GONNA GET MARRIED ❤️❤️ Shaldona: Shaldona: This is our mobile inviation for our wedding. Shaldona: Invitation* Piper: Hey. You haven’t sent me any messages for a few years. Piper: And now you are sending me your wedding invitation Piper: THROUGH MESSENGER? Shaldona: ..... Shaldona: Well.. Shaldona: I had no enough time to meet everybody and give this in person. Shaldona: Hope you understand. Piper: If you don't have time to give the invitation card in person but expect people go to your wedding Piper: Shaldona, if so, you are too greedy.","Shaldona sends mobile invitations to her wedding, as she has no time to give them in person." 13730927,"Paula: Can we meet with the new person soon? Ralph: Sure. In an hour okay? Paula: Perfect.",Paula and Ralph will meet the new person in an hour. 13819626,"Ania: Let's go together to the church tomorrow Kasia: what a wonderful idea! to praise Mary the Queen of Poland together! So beautiful Jan: Yes, let's do it! Zuzia: I don't think a boy should go with us, find yourself other friends, some boys Ania: I agree, it's inappropriate ","Ania, Kasia, Zuzia and Jan want to go to the church tomorrow. Ania and Zuzia do not find it appropriate to go to the church with a boy." 13729256,"Harry: Where are you? i am outside Ema: coming just 2 mins... Harry: You told me you were ready.. you know movie has already started Ema: i am sorry give me 5 minss Harry: Damn! take foreverrr","Harry waits outside. The movie has already started but Ema needs another 5 minutes, which made Harry angry." 13864921,"Jeff: Do you know guys anything about the agreement? Vladimir: the most important is that they decided it's neither a sea nor a lake Vladimir: so it will have a special legal status Tanya: and they will completely divide the seabed up Jeff: sure, it's rich in resources Donald: yeah, mostly gas and oil Vladimir: and ""between 80-90% of the world's caviar is sourced from the Caspian""!!! Jeff: hahaha, right!","In the agreement it was decided that it's neither a sea nor a lake and it will have a special legal status. They will also completely divide the seabed up. It's rich in resources, mostly gas and oil." 13717284,"Joe: This job is wearing me up Tim: Oh no! I thought you love it Joe: I do, but because of it they give me more work Sam: Shit, this sucks man, don't let it burn you out Tim: Exactly, like my friend Terry Joe: What did he do? Tim: Quit eventually, but he had trouble sleeping, constantly tired, and turned out to have an ulcer Joe: Fuck! I gotta slow down",Joe's job is wearing him up. Tim's friend Terry quit his job because he was burned out. 13820710,"Natalie: Have you been to this new club at Regents Street? Judy: I'm going there this weekend! Judy: I heard it's nice Denise: Yes! It's cool Denise: I was there a few times already Denise: I think it might be my new favourite club in town Denise: The DJ is awesome Judy: My friends were also praising the music Natalie: That sounds great. Natalie: I want to go. Natalie: Can I go with you Judy? Natalie: Are you going on Friday? Judy: Sure. Judy: I'm going on Saturday Judy: With Miranda and Helen. Natalie: Cool","Natalie is checking if it's worth going to the new club at Regents Street. Denise thinks the club is great. Judy's friends also recommend the place, so Judy is going there this weekend. Natalie will go to the club with Judy, Miranda and Helen on Saturday." 13715786,"Jamie: What do you think about doing those presentations in groups? Marlo: I’m so down man, I don’t wanna do it alone, it’s a lot of work Jamie: I know, interviews, then transcriptions, then compiling material, then writing Jimmy: Geeeeez, you guys are so right Jamie: I think we should talk to him to make like 3 presentations, so that gives us 3-4 people per team Alex: You guys are so not up to date:D Jamie: What you talking about? Alex: It’s already done, we have 2 groups, he send us subjects in email Jamie: LOL I was so convinced we gotta think of everything ourselves Alex: hahah nah Jimmy: Did he divide us too? Alex: No we gotta do it ourselves Jimmy: Girls v Guys? Jamie: hahahaha that’s gonna be fun, we kinda have parity right? Alex: Yeah I think so, I’m ok with that Marlo: But dudes, girls are so much better in this subject Alex: Thanks:D but I think you’ll manage Jamie: Ladies first, I give you right to choose first Alex: You give me rights:D that’s freakin new! THANK YOU Jamie: Just tryin to be a gentleman;) Jimmy: Yeah, you wish, you sexist pig:d Jamie: Hey, hey no name calling here! Ladies read it Jimmy: Oh you just diggin your own grave:D lol","Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex's teacher requires their class to divide into 2 groups, each making a presentation. The teacher sent them the presentation subjects via e-mail. Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex consider dividing the class into groups by gender. " 13864952,"Nora: John, are you at school? John: yes, maths now Nora: I've just talked on the phone to your math teacher John: oh Theresa: yes, where are you? John: in the park Theresa: Wait there, we have to talk John: no, I'm leaving Theresa: wait for me! Theresa: We're your mothers!",John is in the park. He is leaving now. 13730578,"Louis: did you see all the people outside the book shop today? Louis: it was insane!!! Sara: YES!!! Sara: i saw a hugeeeeeeee crowd Sara: do you know what was going on? Louis: my friend told me this writer, this new writer... Louis: i can't remember his name... Louis: the one that writes about vampires Sara: dante kyle? Louis: no, the other one Sara: cole grant? Louis: YES!! my friends told me he was there signing copies of his books Sara: no big loss then Sara: i'm not a fan of his","There was a crowd outside the bookshop today. Cole Grant, who writes about vampires, was allegedly in the bookshop signing his books." 13716485,"Debbie: Help, I don't know which dress to buy! or ? Kelly: The red one! It's beautiful. Denise: It is, but the green one will suit you better. Kelly: Why? Debbie looks good in red. Denise: She does, but in my opinion that dress would look better on someone taller. Deb needs a shorter one. Kelly: Right, I haven't thought about it. Debbie: So the green one? Denise: Definitely! Kelly: Yeah. But can you send me the link to the store? I'm considering buying the red one for myself :D Debbie: LOL, okay. Here's the link: ",Debbie can't decide between buying a red dress and a green one. On Kelly and Denise's advice she will buy the green one. Kelly is considering buying the red one for herself. 13680358,"William: are you still angry? Emilia: YES William: :(",Emilia is still angry. 13819017,"Mia: Could anybody help me to buy a flight ticket? Rebecca: Sure, but what's the problem? Mia: I don't have a credit card at the moment Mia: I've always used Peter's card, but now you know... I'd prefer not to Tom: you can use mine! Mia: Should I send you the link? Tom: Just send me the flight, company and your personal data that I may need Mia: great, so nice of you, thanks!","Tom will help Mia buy a flight ticket as she doesn't have a credit card and doesn’t want to use Peter's now. Tom needs the flight, company and your personal data." 13819627,"Hugh: can you recommend a good dentist? Hugh: I have a toothache and need a dentist urgently Andy: Im sorry mate Andy: try ProDent in the centre Andy: Dr Smith, Ive been a few times Hugh: thanks, mate! Wade: Ive heard all dentist in that clinic are good Wade: I need to go for a checkup too, havent been to a dentist for ages Hugh: You'd better go soon! Hugh: I also havent been for ages and now it hurts horribly Andy: You should go today Hugh: Im working late today Hugh: I'll call them straight away and arrange sth for tomorrow maybe Andy: good luck! Take care! Hugh: thanks, man",Hugh has a toothache and needs to go to the dentist. Andy and Wade recommend him dentists at ProDent. Hugh will call ProDent today. 13731107,"Ella: OMG! Noah: ??? Ella: Just got a text from my mom! Noah: ??? Ella: She won a hundred thou in the lottery! Noah: Get. Out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ella: Yes!!! Christmas is gonna be good! LOL! Noah: Don't forget the little people! Ella: LOL!","Before Christmas, Ella's mom won a hundred thousand in a lottery. Both Ella and Noah are excited." 13819533,"Oli: Theres a car accident Katie: Where? Oli: On circle drive Oli: I tried to get to the Circle Mall Katie: Oh no Pavel: Its on the news now Pavel: Theres no deaths Katie: Thank god 👼 ","There has been an accident on Circle Drive, neat Circle Mall. There are no fatalities." 13829543,"Rob: Hey there, what's up? Bob: Not much, watching the game. You? Rob: Same. Having a few people over. Rob: But the game is boring as fuck lol. That's why I'm writing Bob: Yeah, true that Rob: Any plans for the weekend? Bob: Most likely the usual - run some errands, cook some food, go out for a few beers. Nothing super interesting have appeared yet :) Rob: I've heard that Jim is planning to celebrate his birthday Bob: Oh right, his birthday is like next Wednesday? Rob: Yeah, normally that would make the next weekend a good time but he is going for a skiing trip with his family Rob: So he said that he might organize something this weekend Rob: Nothing super fancy - most likely a meetup with a few friends at some bar Rob: Would you like to come? Bob: Sure, that would be nice Bob: But he has not invited me, so I don't want to be rude Rob: Most likely because it is not a real party. When I see him I'll let him know :) Bob: That would be cool - I actually haven't seen him in person for a while now :) Rob: Yeah, facebook does that to people :) Bob: ok, take care and see you on weekend! Rob: yeah, see you then!",Rob and Bob are watching the game. Bob will run some errands on the weekend. Jim's birthday is next Wednesday. He might organize a meetup this weekend. Bob will see Rob on the weekend. 13830143,"Julie: Most of the people will be girls from the village 40+ Debra: i dont care, village girls are super cool Julie: it will be awesome to meet up again Debra: it is over the weekend and looking into my calendar it seems im available Julie: awesome! so youre on the list <3 Debra: <3 Julie: yeah, we'e gonna drink a little vodka :P Debra: :D Julie: go on debbie and share the event on your wall, we need some recognition haha Debra: brace yourself Jules :D how many people are coming? Julie: its 20","Julie and Debra are discussing the event, there will be about 20 people, mostly girls from the village 40+." 13812901,"Ian: Did you hear? Kate: What happened? Ian: Mike had an accident on his motorcycle. Ian: He broke his leg",Mike's had an accident on his motorcycle and he's broken his leg. 13815477,"Avery: You went to Ethan's house? David: yeah I had to babysit Avery: Aww, how do you babysit, just curious David: I had to go through a lot :/ Avery: Was his sister naughty David: Tooo much Avery: Lol David: I will just refuse net time :/ Avery: As you wish David: :/ Avery: I just got his text David: What is he saying Avery: He is asking me to say thanks to you David: yeah whatever<3 Avery: He was saying that your phone was switched off David: Yeah i have just turned it on Avery: I have told him about that David: k Avery: Gotta go now",David was looking after Ethan's sister. Ethan is grateful. David won't do it again. 13864977,"Conrad: I'm outside the house Conrad: I forgot my keys... Rebecca: 💩 Tiffany: I'll be home at 10-11 Rebecca: I'm coming back even later Conrad: Oh no... Conrad: I'll wait in the coffee shop","Conrad can't enter the house because he forgot his keys. Since Rebecca and Tiffany are coming back late, he'll wait in the coffee shop. " 13728129,"Clara: Did you notice that weird smell at Kasia's place last night? Ron: YES!!!!!! I didn't want to say anything about it, though. I didn't want to be rude. Clara: I think it was her 21 cats roaming around lol Ron: lol don't say that, those cats were cute. Clara: so what? they can still smell Ron: i think it was her sleazy boyfriend Clara: lol you're bad Ron: jk Clara: in all honesty I don't know what it was. Ron: i guess we'll never know",Clara and Ron are wondering what that weird smell at Kasia's place last night was. 13811007,"Jake: Holly ru coming tonight? Holly: tbh I don't feel well Holly: I think I caught flu Jake: oh no, I was so excited that everyone would be here Holly: I know, sorry Holly: but I srsly feel shitty..","Holly is not feeling very well, so she's not coming to Jake's tonight. " 13682536,"Jacopo: hey, did you have a favorite dinosaur growing up? Ludmila: yes, triceratops. why? Jacopo: i'll tell you why later.",Ludmila's favourite dinosaur when she was little was the Triceratops. 13820543,"Josh: Going to the pub tonight? Sean: sure, pick up some chicks! Logan: Please, behave Sean, I actually would like to meet some girls Sean: ?? Logan: don't bullshit around with you sexist comments, it's counterproductive ","Josh, Sean and Logan are going to the pub tonight to pick up some girls. Logan doesn't want Sean to scare the girls away with his inappropriate comments." 13818311,"Liam: Dude you left your phone at my place? Indiana: what? I didn't -- using it right now Liam: shit whose is it then? :D Indiana: dunno","Someone left a phone at Liam's place, but it wasn't Indiana." 13819098,"Claire: Check this out :))) Claire: Maria: !! Nicole: Absolutely perfect for you!! Claire: I guess so Claire: But it could be a bit darker, cause this color is not very vivid Nicole: Noooooo, I think this color is perfectly good for the bride Maria: And it's no that expensive :))) Claire: Yes, the price appeals to me xD Nicole: You should order that dress Nicole: I think you won't regret Maria: Don't hesitate, it's incredibly beauty!! Claire: Ok, if you say so :))","Claire is ordering her wedding dress, adviced by Maria and Nicole." 13728763,"David: Hi victor how are you? Victor: i am fine thanks, what about you? David: very well thanks, i heard you have taken over Chris's company? is that true? Victor: Yes he was under huge debt, but he is still working as Director David: That is good, your running company at its old premises? Victor: No i sold off the office and accommodated them in my office, you know there is a lot of free space. David: yes i know. thats good to hear i was worried about Chris but really appreciate what you are doing. Victor: he was not willing to get help so i thought to do it this way.. and he can own it back anytime he wants David: God bless you Victor: Thanks, hows your business? David: its good but not too much work these days.. Victor: yes market is very slow.. David: yes expecting it to get better by the end of the year. Victor: really? we can hope for the best David: yes.","Victor took over Chris's company, which was under a huge debt. He sold the office and did some changes but Chris still works there as Director. David's business goes very slow but he expects it to get better by the end of the year." 13715895,"Patricia: Hello, here's the fair-trade brand I've been talking about Elle: Oh, thanks! Florence: Looks great! Patricia: I'm glad, I hope you enjoy it. The quality's really great and knowing where it came from makes it easier to spend the extra dollar ;) Elle: I'll look into it :) Florence: Thx",Patricia is recommending a fair-trade brand to Elle and Florence. 13813827,"Abigail: Why didn't you attend the part last night? :/ Ethan: I am currently in Los Angeles dat's why it was impossible for me Abigail: When did you leave for LA? :o You didnt even tell me Ethan: Why did you wanted know about it ? Abigail: Well! you are my friend and I dont even know that you are outta town. Dont seems good Ethan: Don't worry. I would be back after 3 or 2 days Abigail: Let me know when you reach back Ethan: Sure. Will meet soon","Ethan didn't come to the party last night because he is in Los Angeles. Abigail didn't know about it. Ethan will be back in a couple of days, the he will reach out to Abigail." 13681721,"Stan: She replied :-) Dave: She did? Stan: Dave: Lucky you! Stan: I can't believe it! She's my dream come true! Dave: Good luck today! Where are you going to take her? Stan: Pat&Gill's Dave: Good choice. Let me know how it was :-) Stan: I will. Dave: In minute detail :-) Stan: Forget it!",Stan is meeting the girl of his dreams today in Pat&Gill's. Later he's going to tell Dave how his date went. 13821284,"Abby: Have you talked to Miro? Dylan: No, not really, I've never had an opportunity Brandon: me neither, but he seems a nice guy Brenda: you met him yesterday at the party? Abby: yes, he's so interesting Abby: told me the story of his father coming from Albania to the US in the early 1990s Dylan: really, I had no idea he is Albanian Abby: he is, he speaks only Albanian with his parents Dylan: fascinating, where does he come from in Albania? Abby: from the seacoast Abby: Duress I believe, he told me they are not from Tirana Dylan: what else did he tell you? Abby: That they left kind of illegally Abby: it was a big mess and extreme poverty everywhere Abby: then suddenly the border was open and they just left Abby: people were boarding available ships, whatever, just to get out of there Abby: he showed me some pictures, like Dylan: insane Abby: yes, and his father was among the people Dylan: scary but interesting Abby: very!",Miro speaks Albanian with his parents. His family left Albania illegally in 1990s. 13821073,"Julie: hey guys... could you just talk to me for a bit? I just watched this Japanese horror movie and I'm home alone and a little uneasy (aka scared shitless) Rose: Jesus, why on earth would you watch a Japanese horror, home alone at this hour? Julie: Cause I'm a fucking moron? Rose: Cause you're a fuckin moron. Paula: 5 point for Gryffindor, my friend. But in your defense, I always thought you were quite unaffected by horror movies. Julie: That's what I thought too! Paula: So what kinda movie was it? Julie: Rose: seems pretty generic Julie: It's scarier than it looks. Rose: you know that japanese horror are the worst ones, right? Julie: I know that now. Paula: If... you want me to come over I can. Julie: omg really? <3 Paula: Yeah, sure, it's like 20 minutes by bike to your house, we can drink cocoa and watch ""when harry met Sally"" until we fall asleep ;) Julie: Omg Thank you so much, I love you! Rose: I wish I lived in your neighborhood :( Paula: We can chip in for an Uber for you :D Julie: Let's have a spontaneous sleepover :D Rose: Oh, man it's late, but why the hell not. Rose: I'll bring cookies for the cocoa :D Julie: yay :D","Julie has just watched a Japanese horror. She's alone at home and really scared. Paula and Rose are going to come to her place for a spontaneous sleepover. They'll drink cocoa and watch ""When Harry met Sally."" Rose will bring cookies." 13863055,"Lucy: 15. My little girl is 15. What should I do now? Where is the rule book? Patricia: Why? It's like yesterday she was 5 years old... Patricia: You know, you have like 15 years of preparation and it shouldn't come as a surprise :) Lucy: Pat, as a mother I'm not as good as I always wanted to be... Patricia: Don't exaggerate... Lucy: Are you numb to all emotions? How did you feel when Patrick turned 15? Patricia: I just don't see things as you do :) Lucy: :)",Lucy is panicking because her daughter is 15 now and she is not sure she is prepared as a mother. 13716119,"Dan: Guys, so are we going out on Sat? Tim: I'm ready when you are Chris: I'm OK too, in the centre right? Tom: I'm out guys sorry. Dan: come on Tom, what's wring this time Tom: told ya before. party at in-laws Chris: always the same story right Martin: right guys, so what time? Tim: start @8? finish. 8 if we're lucky Dan: yeah, i need to be home at 2 and ready to drive on Sunday noon Chris: so you takin it easy this time Martin: i guess i'd have to as well Tim: guys you sound like 60 yos Chris: Tim, are the last two standing or what? Tim: i gather Dan: you two will also grow up one day. ","Dan,Tim, Chris and Martin will meet at 8. Dan and Martin will take it easy this time. Tom can't make it as he has a party at in-laws." 13716169,"Casey: Amelia: these are so nice!!! did you do them yourself? Kristen: wooow amazing Amelia: i want my nails done like that too! Casey: yeah i did it myself :D got a new nail polish but damn it took me nearly 4 hours lol Amelia: can you do it for us too? Kristen: pretty please! Casey: sorry you guys... it was a nightmare :( seriously 4 hours for nails is too much","Casey got a new nail polish and did her nails herself. It took her nearly 4 hours, so she won't do her friends' nails, as it takes too long." 13612245,"Kate: hey whats up Sharol: hii nothing much man.. so bored Kate: done with the assignment? Sharol: which assignment? Kate: that sociology one? Sharol: which ? what? i am lost Kate: omg dont tell me you forgot? Sharol: seriously i dont know what your talking about? Kate: haha! no wonder your bored girl Sharol: now would you please tell me which assignment? Kate: yes ! we had to find answers of the questions about feminist act.? remember Sharol: ohhh goodnesssss!!! i dont know how i forgot....................................... Kate: now dont waste time and do it Sharol: ya man. when is it due? Kate: Tomorrow.. Sharol: What! Kate: yes now stop all those what and why and get to work.... Sharol: yes i am... are you done? Kate: yes.... phewwwww Sharol: :( talk to you later babes Kate: haha.. i know i shouldnt be laughing but this is so funny... Sharol: i hate you! Kate: excuse me? i reminded you about assignment... Sharol: oh yesssss... i love you now let me work. bye Kate: lol ok byeee","Sharol forgot about her sociology assignment. She needs to research feminist act, and it's due tomorrow. Kate has already finished it, and she rushes Sharol." 13828780,"Linda: Hi Helen, was Jamie at school today? Helen: Yes, he was, but I've heard that Jack is sick again? Poor baby. Linda: I'm afraid so :( High fever and a terible cough Helen: Jamie had it all the time last year Linda: how did you get rid of it? Helen: I have this wonderful perdiatrician, doctor Tornez, he is great with kids and treats every case individually Linda: that's rare in these days - sometimes I think all doctors do is prescribe antibiotics :/ Helen: I know! But doctor Torez i quite different. You can find him at the City Medical Centre Linda: The one next to the mall? Helen: exactly Linda: Thanks! anyway, I just wanted to ask if there was any importans news concerning the school trip Helen: You haven't heard? It's off! Linda: What, why? Helen: Half of the class is sick... Linda: Oh no :/","Jack had to miss school because he is sick. Jamie was sick a lot last year but he got better thanks to doctor Tornez at City Medical Centre, next to the mall. Linda learns the school trip has been cancelled as many students are sick." 13682307,"Tim: Seen mum 2day? Louise: Nope. she's with autn Grace Tim: oh yeah i forgot Louise: why u need her Tim: nothing important. ok for now Louise: ciao",Tim does not need mum for anything important at the moment. 13815437,"Caroline: I think his mother doesn't like me...;-( :-( Kate: how come?? Caroline: I just see it in her eyes... Kate: any example? Caroline: I just feel it... Caroline: hard to give any example. Caroline: I'm his first gf and she's jelous... Kate: what??? u r his first gf?? Kate: how old is he??? o_O ??? Caroline: 26 but he's a nerd. Caroline: he used to spend all the time at home.. Kate: so he lives at home with mummy?? LOL Caroline: yeah.. mummy and gramma Kate: fuck, really?? Kate: and u think he's normal? Caroline: he's an introvert... Caroline: it's a big house.. Kate: but has he ever lived somewhere else? Kate: u know shared flat, erasmus? Caroline: nope... Kate: he's really weird.. Caroline: he's just a nerd, but v.intelligent! Caroline: w8 , he's writing sth, will text u l8er. Kate: ok",Kate believes her boyfriend's mother dislikes her. He is a nerd who lives and has always lived with his mother and grandmother. 13730881,"Vincent: Damian: What happened to your lamp? Vincent: I broke it xD Vincent: With my bare hand Damian: You didn't do this just to show off did you? Vincent: Hahaha. xD No. Vincent: I was playing with my cat with a ribbon Vincent: And while raising my hand I just hit the lamp and the glass cover broke Damian: Shit happens. You ordered new one yet? Vincent: Yeah. Should be ready to pick up on Tuesday xD",Vincent's new lamp should be ready to be picked up on Tuesday. 13728369-1,"Nestor: I'm thinking of buying a new laptop Nestor: And it seems that now is a perfect time for it as Black Friday is coming Olaf: Hahaha Nestor: I haven't said anything funny, what's wrong with you Olaf: Everything's fine with me, you're just being silly Nestor: Why, cuz I want to save some money buying what I need when it's cheaper? Nestor: Do you actually know what Blak Friday is about? Olaf: Of course I know Olaf: It's a cunningly contrived sales pitch Olaf: Prices are thought to be reduced but in fact they're the same or even higher... Nestor: You're just repeating a stupid theory some people made up and try to convince others that it's based on facts Olaf: You're really naive... Olaf: Olaf: Click on this link and see for yourself Olaf: This is one of the sites where people upload photos of the same product and its price 2 weeks before Black Friday and during the promotion Nestor: And how do I know whether it's a reliable source or not? Olaf: Carry out your own investigation Olaf: Go and check prices of the chosen products when the promotion is still on and check them again when the promotion is over Olaf: Simple Nestor: What if the laptop I want has been really cheaper and I'll miss a perfect deal? Olaf: Then I'll help you Olaf: I know a dude who sells almost new computers at very reasonable prices Nestor: So ask him to send the offer of what he has in stock to me first Nestor: If he can offer me a good deal, I'm going to the mall and starting investigation tomorrow Nestor: Deal? Olaf: Deal! Olaf: I'll call or text him and ask to contact you. Olaf: I'm sure he'll help you and you'll appreciate my advice :-) Nestor: We'll see about that","Nestor wanted to buy a laptop on Black Friday sales, but Olaf advise against it, as the prices in reality are not reduced. Nestor will check it if Olaf helps him to get a good deal from a guy he knows." 13715824,"Nancy: Yeah, but u can also read the news online ;) Phil: I know, but imagine - ur keen on technology and u get all the news in one place. Then u can choose what to read and what not. Nancy: Sounds sensible. Does it have something 4 fashion? Phil: Probably so. Not sure, though. Nancy: How about u, Vic? Vic: I still prefer Facebook. Had Twitter once, but the interaction with others is nothing compared with Facebook. Phil: Well, it's intended in a completely different way. Vic: What do u mean? Phil: IMO, Twitter is not for interacting like on Facebook, but for getting news fast and from reliable, more or less, sources. U can follow anyone and anyone can follow u. Vic: Still, on Facebook I can share stuff with my friends, join groups and talk about things that interest me. And I don't have to limit myself to 140 characters. Phil: 280. Still, a downside. OTOH, if ppl were able to write as much as they wanted, Twitted would get as cluttered as Facebook. Nancy: So no one uses 4 example Instagram? Vic: I do. Phil: Not 4 me. I don't post that many pictures online. Nancy: But u can follow ppl and see what they're doing or offering. There are also companies on Instagram. Phil: I know, but I'm more interested in news and gossip than seeing someone post a picture of their breakfast. Vic: That's not all ppl post on Instagram! Phil: So, what else? Vic: Depends on ur interest. I, for one, like to observe all the fitness accounts :) Phil: And does this motivate u to train? Vic: No, but it gives me hints what to do and what not. Nancy: What do u think about Tumblr? Phil: What? Vic: Heard about it, but never had an account. Nancy: It's a microblogging website. U can post blog entries, pictures and basically everything u want there. And ppl can observe u! Phil: Don't have that much time to write a blog. Vic: Me neither. Phil: Nancy, y do u ask these questions? ;) Nancy: I have my reasons ;)","Nancy asks Vic and Phil about various social media, which prompts them to discuss and compare the different platforms. Phil is not into Instagram but likes Twitter. Vic prefers Facebook over Twitter and likes Instagram. Phil and Vic both don't use Tumblr. " 13865176,"Amanda: have you seen the guy with dreads? Peter: yes, so awkward! Dan: hahaha, very, but cool! Amanda: I'm not convinced","Amanda and Peter don't like what the man in dreads looks like, but Dan does." 13682269,"Sue: can you pick the car up after work tomorrow please James: yes and pay? Sue: yes I will transfer the money in James: ok x",James will pick up the car after his work tomorrow. Sue already have sent him money. 13728099,"Alice: Are you on the way Jess: I'm in a traffic jam Alice: oh, no, where? Jess: West Bronx Alice: :/",Jess is in a traffic jam in West Bronx. 13862329,"Dima: hello! Nada: hey girl, what's up? Dima: I'm in a huge trouble, my laptop is broken and I have to deliver a translation tomorrow @9 😱😱 Nada: fuck what happened?? Dima: the stupid cat spilled coffee on it 😣😣 I'm freaking out! Dima: you still have your old laptop? is it possible to lend it to me please? Nada: no sorry, I've given it to my brother - but you're lucky! I've taken these two days off so you can take mine Dima: ooh man! thank you sooo much!!! if it weren't for Trados, I wouldn't be panicking :( Nada: no worries, it happened... but I always think about this... like man, we need some back up laptops! Dima: I know! but I always change my mind and spend the money elsewhere lol Nada: yeah, but it's like our only tool! so we need to invest in it Dima: yup, true ! Dima: can I come in an hour to pick it up? Nada: yes :) ttyl!","Dima's laptop is broken, as her cat spilled coffee on the laptop. Dima is worried, because she has to deliver a translation for Trados tomorrow. Dima will come to Nada in an hour to borrow Nada's laptop. " 13829943,"Betty: so where did you go after? Kelly: we wander around and met more people from school Betty: anyone i know Kelly: well, yeah Betty: tell me!!!!! Kelly: guess... Betty: oh c'mon!! Kelly: guess who could pass THE pub at 2 am...? Betty: oh no!!! Kelly: oh yes!!! Betty: damned bastard Kelly: haha but we didnt talk almost, just hi-hi hows it goin Betty: tell me everything Kelly: he looked nice, standard Betty: was he with someone?.. Kelly: yes.... Betty: :/ Kelly: I'm sorry sweetie, i told him a few words, he heard from me a bit. Bastard Betty: thanks, babes, youre the best, youre my bestie Kelly: not at all love, he is such an ass!","Afterwards, Kelly wandered around and met some people from school. She also met him. They almost didn't talk and he was with someone. " 13862409,"Anne: Hi darling, do you went to come for Easter? Adele: love to, i'm off on friday Anne: it's could be nice, i'll invite Louise too Adele: great, i'll bring you eggs, chocolat ones of course! Anne: thanks darling.",Anne is inviting Adele for Easter. Adele will bring some chocolate eggs. 13681010,"Melody: did you get your computer fixed yet? Peggy: no, im spending a lot of time using the library computers. Melody: do they know whats wrong with it? Peggy: might be something with the circuit board. they hope to have an answer tomorrow Melody: thats pretty serious. might be cheaper just to buy a new one Peggy: thats true. well see. Melody: if you need to get a new one, i highly recommend the mac model that i have Peggy: ok, good to know. i'll write if i have any questions Melody: youre probably due for a new one anyway, no? Peggy: you're right. 5 years is a long time to own one. Melody: yes, thats ancient by laptop standards Peggy: ok. i might just not bother getting it repaired after all. Melody: sounds like a good idea","Melody's 5-year-old laptop is broken. Tomorrow she'll know what's wrong. She won't be repairing it, because her laptop is too old. Instead, she'll buy a new one." 13828943,"Jerry: Hi sweetie :) Janet: Hi sugar ;) Jerry: I'm coming home Janet: Can't wait ;) Jerry: I should be there in 40 minutes Janet: Ok, I'm waiting for you :) Jerry: How was your day? Janet: Oh, it was ok but my boss is a pain in the ass sometimes Jerry: I know, she can be a bitch :P Janet: Yes she can! ;) Jerry: See you later darling Janet: <3",Jerry will be home in 40 minutes. 13717052,"Mark: So, we've got our where and when. Package tour or self-organised? Anna: Package. More convenient. George: Self-organised. Cheaper. Julia: Do we need a 5* hotel? MAybe let's choose one of the cheaper options from a tour operator? Mark: Actually, not a bad idea. That'll be both cheap and convenient. Anna: I'm in! George: So, let's start digging and we'll talk about it l8r? Mark: SLAP Julia: Ok. But maybe let's divide ourselves so that we don't check the same websites? George: Ur right! Anna: Sure. XOXOXOX Mark: Let's do this asap!",They are going to do some research on holiday options and discuss them later. They will most likely choose a cheap offer from a tour operator. 13829210,"Stanley: I can’t believe in her… Bill: What is it? And who? Stanley: Del, she’s behaving kind of… stupid Bill: Meaning? Stanley: I told her I can’t go for this weekend with her because of work Bill: And? How did she react? Stanley: She was angry and wouldn’t listen to me. She accused me of having an affair o.O Bill: You’ve been together for like 4 moths and she’s already doing sth like that??? Stanley: I know, it’s crazy. I starting to give up. Bill: So what, that’s it? Stanley: No, I’ll talk to her when she’s back, I’ll tell her it can’t be like this, see what will she say Bill: Sorry to say that, I don’t think you’ll bring any good news xD Stanley: Actually, me too. But at least I’ll try Bill: Well, I’m sorry. We need to take care of the Lidem project right now. Stanley: Yes I’m finishing the analysis for the pervious one, but it should be done tonight, so I can start working on it today Bill: The problem is I don’t what you should do ;p Stanley: whaaat Bill: The analysis of tasks is not done yet, Alison disappeared from all the media and won’t answer her phone Stanley: Great. So division of the tasks is on me? Bill: Yes because I’m already researching when it comes to the funding. Stanley: We’ll do, it’ll be ready tomorrow, not sure what time. Bill: OK, keep me posted. Stanley: Btw, it’s weird that Alison is out of touch Bill: No at all, it’s not the first time Stanley: Women…","Del accused Stanley of having an affair, because he couldn't go with her this weekend due to his work. They've only been together for 4 months, so it's not a good sign. Now Bill and Stanley need to take care of the Lidem project. Division of tasks is on Stanley, because Alison is unreachable." 13828473,"Kimberly: Hi Laura :) Laura: Hey Kim :) Kimberly: Do u remember if I left the cafe yesterday with my umbrella? Laura: I'm not sure... Laura: I remember you arriving with it. It was a pinkish-blue one, right? Kimberly: Yes, with a flower motive. Kimberly: I got it as a present from my Mom a few years back. Kimberly: It's not worth anything, but it's about the sentimental value. Laura: I understand, maybe try calling the cafe? Laura: Maybe a customer found it or a waiter? Laura: Here's the number: 613-785-4329. Kimberly: Thanks! It's worth a try :) ",Kimberly might have left her umbrella she got from her mother at the cafe yesterday. Laura gives her the cafe's phone number to check with the staff. 13828949,"Catherine: Hi Jake, last week I applied for an accounting position @ Pandora. Jake: Hey Cathy! Really? That's great! Catherine: R u still working there? Jake: I sure am. It's already been 5 yrs. Catherine: Time flies. So I take it ur satisfied? Jake: I am, I rarely think about changing companies. Catherine: Does the company offer possibilities of personal development & promotion? Catherine: I mean is there a clear career path? Jake: Yup, that's the main pro of this place & the benefits. Jake: I was promoted twice during these 5 yrs & the salary increase with each promotion is quite significant. Catherine: That's good to hear. Most companies 2day are implementing cost saving policies & the employees are the ones who suffer. Catherine: I mean at my current workplace u can only count on inflation salary increases. So u barely see the difference on ur paycheck. Jake: That's what I hear from most of my friends. It's a tough time 4 employees on the market nowadays. Jake: 4 now our company is still dynamically expanding. Catherine: And how about the benefits u mentioned? Jake: The company partially finances language & accounting courses. Jake: There's also a yearly bonus that depends on your achievements and private healthcare. Catherine: That sounds like a dream :D Your HR dept. gave me a call yesterday and invited me to an interview on Monday. Jake: That's great! I'll keep my fingers crossed :) Catherine: Thanks Jake :) Is there anything I should prepare/review before the interview? Jake: Well I think it would be beneficial to know some facts about the company. Jake: You can find them on the official website, in the ""about us"" section: Catherine: OK, I'll definitely take a look. Jake: And they may ask u some Qs about accounting principles, the basics. But I mean that won't be a problem 4 u. Jake: I remember u graduated with honours from uni. Catherine: That's true. :) I'm a bit nervous though. Jake: There's no need to be. Give me a call after the interview. Good luck! Catherine: Thanks. TTYS!",Catherine applied for an accounting position at Pandora. Jake has been working there for 5 years. This job offers a clear career path and benefits. Jake got promoted twice with salary increase. Catherine will have an interview on Monday. 13681987,"Fiona: hey Anna: hello Fiona: can you go with me to a doc? Fiona: I need support Anna: yeah sure Fiona: thank you so much Fiona: it's tomorrow at 8 a.m.",Anna will go with Fiona to a doctor tomorrow at 8 a.m. 13716619,"Dan: Fuck me guys, I wanted to wash my hands and the pipe under the wash basin literally exploded! 😱/😂 Steve: lol sounds like fun. What shall we do? Andrea: That's so ridiculous. I'll write to the owner now Dan: Thanks Andrea. Or you can give me her address and I'll do it myself Andrea: No, no worries, it's no big deal Dan: Thanks! 💓",Pipe under the wash basin exploded when Dan wanted to wash his hands. Andrea is going to write to the owner about it. 13716075,"Claire: Kim: Looks delicious... Linda: No way... Look what I'm cooking right now: Linda: Claire: hahahaha Kim: Curry dream team Claire: Enjoy your dinner :*",Both Claire and Linda are making curry for dinner. 13731085,"Matt: I feel like my homestay parents don't treat me that well Jorge: Why u think so? Matt: They take Carlos for subway Matt: And I feel like they prefer talking to Carlos Jorge: Do they feed you well tho Matt: Yea I guess Jorge: Maybe you're just overthinking Matt: I don't know Matt: It feels like a negative vibe Matt: is it because I stay at home too much Matt: And so They have to pay more for electricity Jorge: I doubt it but hmm Jorge: I would give a fuck Jorge: You're there one more month and go Matt: True",Matt will be staying with homestay parents for one more month. They seem to talk more to Carlos. They have higher electricity bills because Matt spends a lot of time at home. 13680843,"Ann: hello Katie, thank you so much for hosting Tim monday evening and for dropping him at the railway station next morning. Here is mobile number... .I 'll confirm you , but again and in advance: thanks a lot Katie: Hello Ann, i didn't realise but we spend a week end together 20 years ago in Saint Fargeau!!! Ann: it goes back so long... but it's possible Ann: It's true that i know Ben since school. Katie: as far as i'm concern i remember very well this week end as i had a very good friends call Ann Cairns ( like you)😜, Erik's wife Ann: Erik's wife? of course he's my cousin, and Ann his wife is the cousin of one of my best friend... Small word Katie: indeed Ann: Hi Katie, is it still ok for hosting my son tomorrow? You may send him a text to tell him where you want to pick him up. Thanks so much Katie: Yes Ann, i'll send a text to your son for tomorrow. Ann: Thanks. Funny you also know Stef and Leo, friends of us in Berlin. But it's true they lived in Reims before Katie: your son is really nice. don't hesitate to contact me again if needed.","Ann thanks Katie for hosting her son Tim on Monday evening and driving him to the railway station next morning. Kate will send a message to Tim tomorrow, to ask about the place where she should be waiting for him." 13729583,"Sharon: My mum knows Ahmed: Aaaand? Sharon: She’s angry, I’m grounded Ahmed: For fuck’s sake you’re 19 Sharon: But I still live with my parents, let me remind you -_- Ahmed: So move out Sharon: It’s not that easy, hello Ahmed: Move in with me, we would be together all the time :* Sharon: I’d have to go to work, I’m still a student Ahmed: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you Sharon: My parents will stop talking to me at all Ahmed: So what Sharon: I care about my parents, cmon! Ahmed: But they’re stupid Sharon: Don’t talk about them like that!! They’re just… old and manipulated Ahmed: How can you manipulated into being an asshole -_- Sharon: Ok, I know you fell hurt by their behavior but stop it Ahmed: You don’t care about me Sharon: I do! But my family is important to me, you should understand that Ahmed: OK, whatever",Ahmed wants Sharon to move in with him but she's afraid of her parents' reaction. Ahmed is angry. 13731321,"Rob: Rob: Not sure if I'm getting dumber, or this is how it feels like to get older Tom: What? Rob: I'm looking at today's memes and they mostly refer to things that are either completely stupid, or have no humour value. Tom: Rob, get yourself a girlfriend please. You're talking bullshit :D Rob: Ehh. Fuck you.",Rob is disappointed with memes he watches. Tom suggests he should get a girlfriend instead of complaining about the memes. 13728067,"Grace: The hand sanitizer by the restrooms is empty. Do we have a refill/ Mike: Yes, no problem. I'll get to it right away. Grace: Thx.",Mike will refill the hand sanitizer on Grace's request. 13611929,"Louis: Hey, hows your day? :D Cheryl: Okaaay… I guess Louis: Aha, someone’s feeling a bit down, am I right? Cheryl: yea, sort of… Louis: Go on, tell me what happened Cheryl: I…just had an argument with my mom Louis: Jesus what again Cheryl: I forgot to close the window when I was leaving home! Louis: And that’s it? Cheryl: No, not only… Ya know, wouldn’t be that bad, but I got angry, started screaming and everything ;/ Louis: not a good idea, babe Cheryl: I knoooow  Louis: Was it really bad? Cheryl: I suppose yea, she kicked me out xd Louis: WHAT Cheryl: I mean I don’t have to move right now, but she gave me time till the end of the year Louis: I’m sorry… Cheryl: Naah, don’t be, I believe it’s for good. I couldn’t stand her anyway xD","Cheryl had an argument with her mom. She forgot to close the window, got angry and started a fight. Her mom gave her time till the end of the year to move out." 13731391,"Victor: do you need me to pick you up from the airport David: that would be neat Victor: what time are you landing David: 17:30 at Sevilla Victor: SEVILLA??? David: yeah sorry David: Jerez was too expensive David: you don't have to pick me up if you can't Victor: no its ok",David lands at 17:30 at Sevilla airport and Victor will pick him up. 13612194,"Ann: Hi, is the laptop still available? Josh: Yes it is Ann: I can pay 200 dollars Josh: The price is 250 and it's non-negotiable Ann: Do you have a bag for it? Some other accessories? Josh: I have a bag and a small usb mouse Ann: Sounds good, I'll take it, where can I pick it up?",Ann wants to buy Josh's laptop for $200. Josh doesn't want to negotiate the price. Ann will take it for $250 with accessories. 13716087,"Mike: Can anybody do the washing up? Mike: I did it last time Mike: So now its your turn Sara: I'll do it Mike: Ok Sara: But when I get back Sara: From the cinema Sam: You're going to the cinema?? With whom?? Sara: With Jack Sam: Ahhhh Sam: I thought that maybe I'll join you Sara: Not this time ;-))) Sam: Sara: xDD","Mike wants someone else to do the washing up this time. Sara agrees, but when she returns from the cinema she is at with Jack." 13828227,"Gary: remember i told you i wanted to drive for uber? Ellie: yes.... :-D Gary: and how you told me it was a terrible idea Ellie: yes, I do remember lol Gary: well, i'm driving for uber :-D Ellie: really??? hahahha i'm sure i was right Ellie: i'm sure you hate it Gary: no! i love it <3 Gary: i'm actually parked waiting for a ping for my next ride Gary: it's so much fun!!! Gary: i've met loads of cool people! :-D Ellie: really? Ellie: i would have NEVER expected YOU would enjoy it Gary: why is that? Ellie: you're... ""peculiar"" when you meet new people, lol Gary: what do you mean??? Ellie: don't take this the wrong way... Ellie: but you're not good at being around new people lol Ellie: you're always awkward and uncomfortable :-/ Gary: lol i didn't know i was perceived that way Ellie: yeah, so when i hear you're having fun meeting all thiese strangers i'm really surprised lol Ellie: maybe your social skills are improving!! hahaha Gary: whatever, I'm having so much fun Ellie: i'm glad you are!! :-)",Gary is a driver for Uber and he really enjoys it. 13863223,"Leah: Kristi: What is this?(?_?) Leah: If you go to this link, you can get 20% discount coupon <3<3<3 Kristi: What coupon is this? (@_@;) Leah: All the items on this online shop. Leah: Havent you talked to me that you needed new trainers? Kristi: You remembered! Yes I did! (*^0^*) Leah: I have a favor as well_(._.)_ Leah: Put my ID onto the reference code. “Direndia45”∩(·ω·)∩ Kristi: What can you get if I do that? Leah: I will get some accumulated money for the shopping next time.(*_*)(*_*)(*_*) Kristi: Alright. (^.^) Kristi: You smart consumer! (^_-)-☆(^_-)-☆",Kristi needs new trainers. Leah has a link for a discount coupon at an online store. 13829640,"Sue: Call me when you get this. Sue: it's important Steve: OK, I'm calling",Steve is calling Sue at her request. 13828336,"Andre: i just read the news about the bear attack on the zoo :-( Andre: yikes - i would've never had imagine something like that could happen Megan: that's why I always say you can't keep animals y cages!!! Megan: it's cruel and it's wrong!!! Megan: i'm not surprised the bear reacted that way",Andre is shocked after reading the news about a bear attack at the zoo. Megan is not surprised that an animal kept in a cage reacted that way. 13862341,"Mick: I didn't get the confirmation emai from AES yet Barbara: I did Mick: You did? Mick: I gotta call them Barbara: Yes",Barbara got the confirmation email from AES. Mick did not get the email and will call them. 13612024,"Alan: Can you send me the file with budget estimation Allison: Done Alan: Sorry, not this one, estimation for current year, not for next year Allison: Sorry for the mistake, sent it to you Alan: Thanks. Tell me, do you know, why we doubled the costs in the line ""other expenses"" compared to last year Allison: It was when our boss had to come back from Japan for the convention Alan: I see, I see...","Allison send Alan budget estimation for this year. Extra other expenses are boss's trip to Japan, for a convention." 13731505,"Liam: Yo. You free now? Nate: Yup. What's up. Liam: I feel like a stroll around. You comin? Nate: Sure. I'll be ready in 10. Liam: Be there in 15 :D Nate: See ya.",Liam and Nate will meet spontaneously in 15 minutes. 13727992-1,"Duncan: btw bro, all the best in this year's championship Carl: thanks bro, hope my evo 10 wont let me down this year. Duncan: relax, last year you were just unfortunate with the gearbox. Carl: yeah, but this year im using a 6 speed hydrolic shift gearbox Duncan: that will really service you, i know that Carl: will you guys attend? Duncan: we cant miss watching our youngest cousin sweep away the title Carl: haha, stop exaggerating Duncan: haha, i mean it, we cant miss it for the world! Carl: thanks, ill have you reserved in the VIp Duncan: cool Carl: thanks Duncan: go get them! Carl: i will",Carl will compete in championship this year. Duncan can't miss this event. Carl will register his family members as VIP. 13681079,"Dinny: can you take your dog away before i come? Terry: are you afraid? Dinny: a little Terry: ok than",Dinny's afraid of Terry's dog so he should keep it away. 13814769,"Anastasia: Our new school photos Anastasia: Anastasia: Look how happy I am Darrell: You don't look unhappy to me but it's like you're, uh Darrell: What was the word Darrell: Sceptical of something Darrell: ""what am I doing here"" Anastasia: Ahahaha Anastasia: That's my mood everywhere I step in Darrell: Hahaha Anastasia: Well Anastasia: They took the photo in less than a minute actually Darrell: Oh wow... well, I guess there were a lot of people? Anastasia: Yeah Anastasia: School photos always suck Anastasia: They take them so fast and carelessly Darrell: They would only really take group photos of us in middle and high school Darrell: If someone wanted a portrait photo, I guess it was possible Darrell: But not obligatory Anastasia: Well, I needed a new one for my school ID Anastasia: So I had no choice here Darrell: Luckily no one really has to look at your school ID most of the time, haha Darrell: Don't worry about it Anastasia: Ah no, I'm not worried, I actually find it kind of funny, it's fine",Anastasia sent her new school photos to Darrell. 13864517,"Kim: I'm going to Seoul! Agatha: wow finally! Mark: When? Bring us some kimchi! Kim: People on a plane will kill me if I do :D Kim: I'm going in April <3 Agatha: Are you going with Jane? Kim: yes, of course - she'll be our tour guide Mark: so jealous... I'd love to come as well Kim: Really? I asked you like a hundred times",Kim is going with Jane to Seoul in April. Jane will be their tour guide. 13809884,"Aubrianna: My friend's dad died because of malaria in kongo Darien: It's dangerous for all people not just whites Aubrianna: So read about this",Dad of Aubrianna's friend died of malaria in Kongo. 13680352,"Josh: Man, I’m really pissed off. Mark: What’s up, bro? Josh: I lost my brand new sneakers somewhere. Mark: Oh, man, that sucks, when? Josh: I don’t know exactly, last Tuesday I think. Mark: Where’ve you been to? Josh: Many places, swimming pool and fitness, but I thought I left them in the gym. Mark: You should call them or go there. Josh: Yeah, I did call them, but they said nothing was found when they’re closing. Mark: So what are the options now? Josh: Dunno, will try to check the swimming pool. Mark: Ok, good luck. Gimme a call. Josh: I will. Take care, bro. Mark: You too, man. ","Josh is upset, because he lost his new sneakers on Tuesday. Josh has already called the gym, but they didn't find anything. Josh will check the swimming pool and give Mark a call." 13830106,"Bella: It's valentine's day!😁😁😁 Aria: For somebody without bf today is kinda miserable day.....😢😢 Bella: There are a lot of vendors selling roses on the street here. Bella: Aria: Bella: hahahahahahaha!! That looks SO SAD! :'‑(:'‑(:'‑( Aria: I feel like the weather is colder than it really is. How's the weather there? Bella: Here? it's 3 degree today. Wow! Even coffee shops are all decorated with all the heart-shaped balloons. Bella: Aria: Here everywhere just chocolate. :‑/ :‑/Of course it isn't related to me at all. :‑/:‑/ Bella: Only shops seems to get money. Aria: What's your plan? Bella: Maybe I will order some pizza home. (Sounds not that fun. right?) When will you come to Warsaw? Aria: As soon as I quit, I will fly to you.😑😑 For now what I only hope is to leave work at 6. :‑|:‑|:‑|:‑| Bella: This year I will probably go to Korea to get regular checkup. Aria: Good. Take care there. Bella: Make bf asap and visit us together.😝😝😝 You too! Aria: I gotta go. Ttyl",It's Valentine's day. Bella plans to order some pizza home. Aria will come to Warsaw as soon as she quits. This year Bella will probably go to Korea to get regular checkup. 13716129,"Sawyer: ball game 2nite? Sutter: injured Wheeler: what time? Sawyer: 5.30? 6? Wheeler: anytime l8r? Sawyer: pitch booked at 8 so we need to start earlier Wheeler: so im out sry Yardley: i guess next time be better",No one wants to play ball with Sawyer tonight. 13681757,"Sarah: how much longer? Daina: I need to put my make up Sarah: OMG Sarah: casual or party type? Daina: casual Sarah: so it's about an hour? Daina: u know me, sorry :)",Daina needs about an hour more to get ready. 13820984,"Carmen: how are you feeling, Viola? it is so so close... Alfred: My dearest Viola <3 Viola: I think as one's feeling before the wedding - a little bit light in the stomach! ive got some things to organize still! Carmen: i will be on friday night, i could give you a helping hand :)) Viola: Thanks darling, i will let you know x Carmen: (Y) my number just in case +00123456789 Viola: (Y) <3",Viola is having her wedding soon and still has some things to organize. Carmen comes on Friday and is willing to help Viola. 13681755,"Madeline: I'm really not happy with Martin’s requests, and Jada's way of dealing with his problems. But it's her responsibility. I probably shouldn't care, should I? Alex: What happened? Madeline: We had a little argument today, didn't you hear? Alex: No, I think I was away or oblivious. Madeline: Oh, ok. That's probably better 😂 Alex: Tomorrow u need to tell me what happened lol Madeline: Are we going for a beer after? Alex: Sure! Madeline: Good, have a good night. See you tomorrow. More than 8 hours. Excited? Alex: I can’t contain myself…",Madeline is in conflict with Martin and Jada. Alex and Madeline will go for a beer tomorrow. Madeline will explain her issues with Martin and Jada to Alex. 13829396,"Mom: Hi, Betty, how are you? Betty: Hi, everything's fine and you? Mom: me too Mom: You could call Grandpa from time to time, you know Mom: He's always asking about you. Betty: I know, Mom, it's just I've been so busy. Mom: we're all busy. You don't have to talk long, just check in. Betty: OK, I will. Betty: ;*",Mom wants Betty to call the grandfather from time to time. 13681405,"Whitney: What will be for dinner? William: Spaghetti alla vongole Whitney: What's this vongole? Never seen this word William: It's in Italian Whitney: What does it mean? William: Clams, it's a kind of seashells, seafood Whitney: Oho, ambitious, how are you going to do that? William: First I will cook pasta Whitney: quite obvious, this is spagghetti alla vontale William: Alla vongole. Afterwards I make garlic golden, add wine and then clams Whitney: Gonna get drunk :)) William: Very funny. I wait as clams open, and I'll add pasta Whitney: Sounds delicious, I am mouth watering!","William is making spaghetti alla vongole for dinner. It's an Italian dish and it involves pasta, garlic, wine and clams." 13820950,"Maria: Who's gonna be at IMF lecture tomorrow? We can discuss all remaining questions after and do the calculations? Alexander: I don't attend that class, but it is fine by me to meet Sarah: I will not be there, sorry. I am working Martha: So when? We are due on Monday Martha: That doesn't leave many options Alexander: On Saturday I already have to meet for another presentation, so my option is Friday afternoon or tomorrow Sarah: Tomorrow and on Friday I am available from 5pm, during the weekend for the whole day Lawrence: I am meet after class anytime or make time over the weekend if needed Sarah: So can we meet tomorrow evening? 17:15? Alexander: It is fine by me Lawrence: I will be late, but you can start without me","Maria suggests to meet after the IMF lecture to discuss the presentation which is due on Monday. Maria, Alexander, Martha and Sarah will meet tomorrow at 17:15. Lawrence will be late." 13864654,"Molly: listen I've got a free ticket to the Muse concert in Cracow, want to come with me? Hannah: nah, I don't like them Molly: what about you Anna Anna: yassss please Anna: let's go! <3",Molly and Anna will go to the Muse concert in Cracow. 13828411,"Laura: Hi Tabs, how are you doing? Tabby: I'm ok, the only problem is I have 2 exams next week. What about you? Laura: Oh, I'm ok, passed all exams but one. But that one was not so important. Tabby: Ok. Laura: Are you coming to Daisy's party on Saturday? Tabby: I must see how much progress I make with studying over the next couple of days. :( Laura: Ok... I understand that. :) Tabby: Yeah! But I'm optimistic. Laura: Good! That's my girl!","Tabby has 2 exams next week. Laura passed all her exams but one. Tabby may come to Daisy's party on Saturday, depending on her studying progress. " 13716504,"Joel: Hey, how are you guys doing? How's Coco? Becky: She's actually sitting on my lap purring right now. Trent: confirmed Joel: no way :D pics or didn't happen! Becky: Joel: haha! It took you guys 2 days to win her over. She's usually not that easy. Trent: maybe she remembers us visiting you? Joel: Maybe... oh, man, I'm jealous ;) Is she behaving ok? Becky: She's a total gem. Absolutely adorable. Trent: tbh she does try to scratch the couch from time to time Joel: you can just hiss at her or clap and she should stop Trent: yeah, we do that like you said and it works Joel: and if she wakes you in the morning you can just lock her out of the room until feeding time Becky: she hasn't done that yet actually Joel: I'm pretty sure it's coming :P Trent: so far she's been really sweet Joel: I'm glad. Just let me know if you need anything ok? Becky: ok sure",Becky and Trent are taking care of Joel's cat Coco. Coco likes them both and is behaving rather well so far. 13821656,"Sosie: What's your flat apartment number again? Kyra: 187 Sosie: thanks! Will be there in 5 mins Kevin: Hurry up! Kevin: We're all waiting :P",Sosie will be at Kyra's flat in 5 minutes. The flat number is 187. 13730814,"Clint: I'm curious. How's the waste management working out over there? Ronnie: It actually works very well. We use three different bins: compost, recycle and trash. Compost anything organic from yard waste to food scraps. Recycle for paper, bottles, cardboard, plastic, metals. And trash everything else. Why do you ask? Clint: Sheer curiosity. What about general awareness? Plastic bags, etc.? Ronnie: Very high. No more single use plastic bags in grocery stores. No more straws in restaurants. Clint: Yeah, I read yours was one of the cities that banned them. I wonder when that will get here. Ronnie: Never... Clint:: What do you mean? Ronnie: I highly doubt that type of environmental awareness will happen there. People there live in a different world when it comes to that. Clint: People don't have to have any awareness, tbh. It's above them. If there were such decisions made they would follow Ronnie: That is true. But at the state government level I don't think there is that awareness either. But hopefully I am proven wrong! Clint: Really bizarre. I noticed it's struggling here. On the other hand, it's money. Ronnie: Money in the sense of? Clint: Reducing waste=lower utilization costs. Do they sort through everything further down? Ronnie: Yes here they do. Clint: It seems to be the same way here. Dry recyclables, food and general, compost ","Ronnie uses three different bins for waste. He doesn't use straws, neither plastic bags. Clint and Ronnie agree that environment protection depends on the government. " 13814888,"Adam: it was me who called u Adam: call me back or text me when u can;-) Tina: sorry, I'm still at work.. Tina: so many pple today:/ :/ Tina: dunno what time I can leave and actually my phone is dying... Adam: I see, u can call me once you're back home, I won't be sleeping until late Tina: ok, and if it's really late then I'll call u 2morrow Adam: but don't do it before 9!;-) Tina: sure thing;-)",Adam called Tina. She is at work. Her cell's battery's low. She will cal Adam later in the evening or tomorrow after 9 am. 13821251,"Sally: Hi guys have you heard about Natalie? Tom: No. What about her? Jane: You're such a gossip girl, Sally! Sally: Come on! I'm sure you're all curious. Tom: I am. Sally: Relax Jane, what's your problem?! Jane: She told us in confidence, I don't think we should share it with others. Greg: Now I'm also curious Henriette: Tell us! Henriette: Is she pregnant? Sally: 💣💣💣 Sally: Guess who's the father!!! Henriette: I knew it! Henriette: Is it Mike? Sally: Dave!!! Henriette: WHAT???? Greg: That's insane! ",Natalie is pregnant with Dave. Jane didn't think Sally should share it with others as Natalie told them that in confidence. Henriette and Greg are surprised that the father is Dave not Mike. 13830077,"Steve: can you byt me some lunch? Nick: sure, what do you want? Steve: Anything but chicken. Nick: gotcha",Nick will got some lunch for Steve - it can be anything but chicken. 13727832,"Timmy: Who do u wanna invite? Gemma: Well, there's u and ur date :) Timmy: Not sure about the date, but I'll be there :) who else? Gemma: I was thinking about Lona and Michelle. Timmy: Still thinking ur getting invites to their weddings? Gemma: It's not like that. Timmy: Sure it is ;) just don't wanna admit it ;) Gemma: Fine! I want to come to their wedding receptions! Timmy: There we go :) was it so hard? Gemma: Yes. Timmy: And u think u can change their minds? Gemma: Dunno.","Gemma will invite Timmy and his Date, as well as Lona and Michelle to her wedding." 13730976,"Millie: Heeey I’m sick I won’t come today Sal: I’m sorry! Get better soon :* Millie: <3","Millie is sick, so she won't come today." 13611757,"Daisy: going home? Lisa: not yet Daisy: please be back before 11 pm Lisa: ok",Lisa isn't going home yet. Daisy wants her to be back before 11 p.m. 13681621,"Sophie: the bus is leaving in 3 minutes, are you coming??? Tina: almost there, i am already dressed Sophie: FASTER! Tina: chill, I will make it",Tina will make it for the bus that is leaving in 3 minutes. 13680702,"Noah: Hi there! The quince we talked about the other day... Are you still interested? Sophie: Hello Noah, but of course I am.Thank you. Noah: Actually William went to collect the rest of them for you immediately. They're in a basket on our terrace, so you call collect them any time. Sophie: That's very very kind of him! He's really a darling. Sophie: We won't be going your direction any time soon I'm afraid. How long will they keep? Is it windfall? Noah: Both really but they all look very healthy. No bruises afa one can see. Or only odd small ones. They' be alright for a couple of days I guess. The weather's cool. Sophie: It would be a shame if they rotted. I'll talk to Frank and maybe to the twins too and go back to you asap. Noah: OK. Sophie: Hey Noah, the twins will be on their way from Notts tomorrow afternoon and passing Windfield. Is it alright if they pop in and collect the quince? Noah: Absolutely! In fact anyone can come any time and just take them from our terrace. Of course it would be great to see your twins again. Haven't seen them for ages! Sophie: Well we don't see that much of them either :( They'll be coming home this weekend only because of Alexa's ceremony. Noah: Notts is 3 hours' drive away so small wonder they don't fancy it so much. Sophie: I don't blame them! We're both happy they've been doing fine at college. Everything's absolutely fine. You don't have William at home all that often either, do you? Noah: He gets 5 days at Xmas by way of ""family care"" and 2 weeks off spread over the whole year but never longer that 5 days. They have a strict regime at the academy. But after all these years we've learned to cope with it. What worries me is that he seems to have no time to even think about getting married and start a family of his own. Sophie: The fate of most military I guess. Hugely unfair I'd say. Like being married to your regiment! Noah: That's what it sounds like when he talks about himself! I never hear a girl's name! And when I ask, he gets brusque. Sophie: Oh dear! What could it mean? Noah: No, not what you think! We know from Capt. Broomsberg about their common escapades. Plenty of women but only that sort of women. No strings. Sophie: I never even imagined he might be gay! Surely not. But there must be sth else. Noah: We think he's just so obsessively career-minded. Nothing else counts for him. Sophie: He's always been very strong-willed. And he knows what he wants. Well if I were you I wouldn't worry at all. Noah: You're probably right. But you know I'd love it so much to have plenty of grandchildren around me. Sophie: They'll come, don't you worry! Look the twins will contact you about the quince. Alright? Noah: Sure. Thank you Sophie for a nice chat! Sophie: Thank you for the quince!",Sophie accepts some quince from Noah. Noah has left the quince in a basket on his terrace and the twins can pick it up any time. The twins are in college. Noah's son is in the military. He is still single but reportedly not gay. 13811296,"Harry: Going to Ikea, need anything? Sarah: Oh yes! :D Harry: perfect XD Sarah: So could you please buy for me: white table cloth 120 cm x 140 cm, as simple as it gets, two medium size wardrobe organisers (the ones with grey flowers), one wooden spatula and three bottle cleaners. Sarah: If you happen to go the food section, I wouldn't mind a Daim's frozen cake and a bag of meatballs ;) Harry: Ok, got it. Will do my best. Sarah: You can use my Ikea Family card, just give them the number and my last name and tell them you forgot to bring it ;) 17927192. Harry: Thanks! Stay online, I may need your help. Harry: Harry: Is this table cloth ok? Or that one? Harry: Sarah: First one's perfect ;)","Harry goes to Ikea. He will buy some furniture, frozen cake and a bag of meatballs for Sarah. Harry will use Sarah’s Ikea Family card." 13810083,"Cindy: Ellie: Why are you so sad? Something’s happened? Cindy: I don’t want to talk about it… Ellie: Cheer up! Tomorrow’s another day 😊 Cindy: Cindy: Have you seen it? It’s viral on the internet Ellie: Nope, but it’s very funny 😊 Ellie: ","Cindy is sad, but doesn't want to talk about the reason. Ellie hasn't seen the funny video that went viral. " 13611740,"Nadia: heeeeey how are you? Jannet: hey, I'm cool, we just got up and now we're doing some breakfast :D how are you guys? Nadia: cool, we just woke up like 20min ago and will eat something too Jannet: nice :D thank you guys for coming yesterday, it was really nice to have you here, I hope you had fun Nadia: of course we had, I hope we will repeat it soon :) Jannet: sure, we just have to wait for the neighbours to forget about us, cause it was fuckin loud yesterday xD Nadia: hahahah yeah it was Nadia: but it was really cool, I'm still in a very dancing mood Jannet: perfect, the next time we're going to the disco then :D Nadia: sounds cool ;)",Jannet thanks Nadia for coming to her place yesterday. Nadia enjoyed the party and is still in a dancing mood. They are going to the disco next time. 13611714,"Mark: Have you seen his new car?!! Jeff: Dude, wtf, it's like insane. How the hell did he afford it??? Mark: No fucking clue, but the ride is legit Jeff: Hell yeah, I'd drive this baby Mark: Over my dead body:D I gotta be first one to try it out Jeff: Yeah, you wish:D Mark: wanna bet he'll let me first:D? Jeff: 100 bucks dude, I'll bet your ass:D Mark: hahaha deal!",Jeff and Mark are amazed by his car. They bet 100 dollars who gets to drive it first. 13716588,"Ann: Congratulations!! Ann: You did great, both of you! Sue: Thanks, Ann Julie: I'm glad it's over! Julie: That's co cute of you, girl! Ann: Let's have a little celebration tonight! Sue: I'm in Julie: me too!!! aww","Ann, Sue and Julie did a great job and they will have a little celebration tonight." 13728148,"Kathy: Kathy: Aunt on the chair getting her haircut today :) Kathy: I think I'm also going to get something done today Kathy: Maybe get it cut a bit shorter Olivia: ooo how fun! I am just chillin today Olivia: Kathy: Kathy: : Kathy: The end results :) Olivia: Very cute! Olivia: Olivia: Although not a big difference with Aunt's hair. But yours looks really nice! Kathy: Thanks!",Kathy had her hair cut. 13716254,"Mr. Benson: Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for staying after hours. As you know, I'm currently in Peru discussing a contract with a new client. Mr. Benson: We need to discuss a couple of matters: your work while I'm gone and things I need from you asap. Claudia: Hello, Mr. Benson. Of course. What do you require from us? Andy: Hello, Mr. Benson. I'm here. Mark: Hello, so am I. Sorry for being a little late. Had a call with a client. Did I miss anything? Mr. Benson: No, Mark, we're just starting.","Claudia, Andy and Mark stayed after hours at Mr. Benson's request. Mr. Benson is currently discussing a contract with a new client in Per and he wants to organize their work remotely." 13810149,"Jane: your mums losing it Den: why you say that? Jane: she just text me about crying over this morning? Den: what did she do this morning? Jane: no the telly program with phil and holly Den: oh right y? Jane: some baby reveal😂 Den: I'm confused Jane: I think she needs to get out of the house more: Den: invite her for tea on Friday I'll bring fish and chips home after work Jane: thats a good idea x","Jane thinks Den's mum needs to get out more, so Den suggests to invite her for tea, fish and chips on Friday after work." 13728835,"Ludo: hi mum, did you arrive at school? Mum: yes , i'm in front of the door: you 're room 112 with Hugo and Charles. Ludo: and do you know my class number? Mum: yes class 3, as Hugo and Charles Ludo: good, so cool Mum: I'll show you the picture of the listing, but i couldn't manage to see the room. Ludo: Ok no problem Mum: the building is quite big and there is also a huge garden, you'll have room enough Ludo: Yes i saw Mum: i have to go, meeting is starting Ludo: ok thanks Mum: don't wait for me",Mum is at school in front of the door. Ludo's rooms is 112 and his class is class 3. The same goes for Hugo and Charles. The building is big and has a big garden. The meeting is about to start. 13731212,"Chandler: Phoebe!! Do you have money?? Phoebe: Yes I have .. But why do you need it.. Chandler: Open your door.. And pay the delivery guy standing outside my door.. Phoebe: Oh chandler !! you idiot... On my way..",Chandler asks Phoebe to open the door and pay the delivery guy standing outside his door. 13865040,"Rory: Max, is your sister studying in China? Max: She is Rory: How does she like it? Max: it's not amazing, but she believes it's a good investment Rory: does she speak Chinese? Max: I think she does already Joseph: Hard to control I imagine Max: hahaha Eliza: I think this is the best investment imaginable Max: really? Eliza: sure, the every 5th earthling is Chinese Eliza: or so Rory: true, I don't think you could stay unemployed speaking Chinese Max: but there are Chinese everywhere and they speak foreign languages Rory: true Rory: anyway, where is is? Beijing? Max: Nope. Shanghai Rory: I've just checked, it has 25 million inhabitants! Max: yes, she said it's actually bigger than the capital Rory: Insane, it's the population of the whole Australia",Max's sister is studying in Shanghai and she already speaks Chinese. She doesn't find the whole experience amazing but she believes it's a good investment. 13682204,"David: Morning Russ. Have you seen the report I emailed yesterday? Russ: Hi David. Well received thank you. But I haven't read it yet. David: Is there anything you'd like me to do right now? Russ: I'll take a look at the report in a moment and will send you remarks if I have any. David: Sounds good. I guess I'll just answer some emails. Russ: Please do. I should be done by midday with the report.",Russ received David's report but hasn't read it yet. 13829899,"Catherine: We're going to visit uncle Steve, want to come with us? Ben: why would I? Catherine: He's family and we haven't seen him in a long time. Ben: you know very well that I'm not fond of such visits Ben: they stress me out Catherine: Come on, even you can do it from time to time. Ben: maybe I can but I don't want to Ben: it will end the same way as usual Ben: with me being pissed at everyone Catherine: The boys want to see you Ben: I can visit you and play with them some other day Ben: I don't have to drive to another city to do it Catherine: You know that he'll be disappointed? Ben: uncle Steve? Catherine: Yes. Ben: I don't think so, we don't have anything in common Ben: all he ever does is bothering me with stupid questions about my private life Catherine: Maybe that's his way of showing that he cares about you Ben: yes... sure... sometimes I wonder if you're thinking about what you type :P Catherine: Depends on the day Catherine: Today I'm tired so I can't guarantee it Ben: you should rest then Ben: instead of asking me to do stuff I don't like Catherine: Alright, don't worry, I'll stop Catherine: But still the part about the boys missing you was true Catherine: So come and visit them when you'll have the chance Ben: I will",Ben won't go with Catherine to visit uncle Steve. He will visit her and the boys. 13816899,"Kaya: We have been looking for you in Library Clay: I am the class room Kaya: Be right there","Kaya is looking for Clay, who is in the classroom." 13813888,"Sean: Hey, I won't be able to take the car to the carwash Sean: They want me to finish report first :( Alice: shoot, but it's crazily dirty Alice: Will we have tomorrow? Sean: Sean: We can leave a bit earlier or get it washed somewhere on the road Alice: it might be good idea, let's do it tomorrow then Sean: great!",Alice and Sean will wash the car on their way tomorrow. 13731225,"Julia: Hey, what time are you getting home? Bert: 8-ish. Why? Julia: I was wondering if we should wait for you with the dinner? Bert: Yeah, that would be nice of you. I'll try to get there on time Julia: Ok. Call me if you're running late Bert: I will. xx",Julia will be waiting for Bert with the dinner. Bert is coming home around 8. 13682248,"Steve: hiya the dishwasher has turned up Mum: good did they install it for you Steve: yes they did a good job Steve: Mum: looks really nice Steve: yes it does its nice and quiet Mum: is it a 12 place setting one? Steve: I think so, not that I ever have 12 for dinner lol Mum: not but you dont have to put it on every day Steve: no every other Mum: yes I'm glad you are pleased with it xx Steve: I am thanks mum xxx",Steve is happy that he got a new dishwasher installed. 13810207,"Harvey: Update? Michelle: Too soon, still researching. Harvey: That is an update, Michelle. Michelle: Fine. Harvey: I can't wait all day. Michelle: If you stop texting me, I could get on with it! Harvey: Fair point. Michelle: Besides, half of this stuff is black hat. I can't see most of it. Harvey: Why not? Michelle: It installs bugs on my computer. Harvey: Oh, right. Michelle: It's fine. I'm back on it. Harvey: Thanks.",Michelle is still researching and Harvey cannot wait all day for the update. Michelle can't see most of the things as it's black hat and it installs bugs on her computer. 13729149,"Bill: lovely pie Joy: hey lover boy Bill: i really miss you Joy: i miss you too😘 Bill: when are you coming back Joy: on thursday Bill: cant wait to see you Joy: me too",Joy is coming back on Thursday. 13828432,"Henry: Do you know what happened to cafe Kohaku? Julia: The one near Covent Garden? Henry: Yeah. I wanted to reserve a table, but I can't find them anywhere. Their Facebook page disappeared. Julia: I'm afraid they're closed :( Henry: For good?! Julia: Afraid so. I've been there last week and wanted to take my cousin there, but the place's empty Julia: Probably the rent was too high. Henry: Oh no, I loved that place Julia: Me too. I checked online for the owners and contacted them, but they haven't replied yet. I hope they will reopen somewhere else Henry: Unless they do it far away, the location was perfect. It was a real gem in this touristy district Julia: I know, I know... We went the Lilly's in the end, my cousin and I, but it's not the same Henry: Eh, that's a pity then, I was so looking forward to their brownie Henry: How was the Lilly's? Julia: It's all right, it's a different vibe though. I think you should go to the Japan Centre for the same Henry: Uhm, don't think so. It's always awfully crowded and there are more tourists than normal people like us","Julia was at cafe Kohaku near Covent Garden last week, but it's closed down now to her and Henry's surprise. She contacted the owners, but they haven't replied yet. Henry and his cousin went to the Lily's in the end, but it had a different vibe." 13728300,"Jake: What are your plans for the day? Olivia: I haven't really got anything planned. There are some things I should do which I haven't looked at for a while Jake: Like what? Olivia: I ought to do my accounts. At least get all the incoming and outgoing invoices sorted by months. Jake: Tax filing is a long way off. Olivia: I know, but doing it all at the last minute is a dreadful headache. Jake: Anything else? Olivia: I also have a few videos I need to upload to YouTube. Jake: Already ready or you still need to do post-production? Olivia: I don't really do much by way of post-production. I'm not exactly Steven Spielberg. Jake: I do, but I dont always have time to do much. Olivia: If I put in any music I always get a copyright strike and someone else is taking the ad revenue Jake: Yeah. And some of those claims are purely speculative. One time I put on one of my own pieces and it was challenged by Sony Music Olivia: No way! Jake: It's true. On the form you fill in to counter the claim I said if Sony want to make me one of their signed artists, that's fine. Otherwise to get they paws off of my music.",Olivia has to sort out her accounts and upload a few videos on YouTube. Jake is complaining that Sony Music tried to appropriate his own music. 13810177,"Emily: Oh Linda...Something horrible has happened. I'm so sorry. I have broken one of your green tea cups. Just looked away and brushed it off the table with my skirt. SORRY! Linda: No worries babe! It's nothing. Really. Emily: I'm feeling so bad about it. So clumsy of me. Linda: Look. I never really liked the set, so one cup makes no difference. I hardly use it anyway. How come it was on the table BTW? Emily: I was cleaning the cupboards in the dining room. Linda: You did what? Whatever for? The crockery there is more for decoration. Emily: Exactly. I thought they're so pretty, especially the green ones, and then noticed how dusty they are. So I thought I'd be a helpful guest and wash them. I did. And then I made myself a cuppa in the green one. And it happened. Linda: Ya golden! Really! Look, calm down. You are a fantastic guest. Emily: Ya. Smashing. As we say in GB. Linda: You know what? Take out the whole green set. If you like it so much - it is yours. Emily: But Linda! I'm speechless. Linda: Precious! See you in the evening! Emily: CU Emily: And THANK YOU",Emily's a guest at Linda's house. She broke one of Linda's green tea cups when she was cleaning the cupboards. Linda doesn't like them and she offers Emily the whole set. 13730403,"Tom: Have you ever been to Dublin? Camilla: Never in Ireland! Tom: So let's go there this weekend! Camilla: for 2 days? Tom: Yes, the weather forecast is great! Camilla: I love your crazy ideas! Tom: ok, so I'm buying the tickets Camilla: <3",Camilla and Tom will go to Dublin this weekend. 13681886,"Stella: Hi Sandra Stella: Did you recover finally? Stella: I wanted to come and visit you but I didn't want to get infected by the disease that you've been carrying Stella: You know... I'm a teacher, I could spread the disease Sandra: Hello my dear Sandra: I'm getting better every day but there's still something left Sandra: I have some effective medicines now Sandra: All the drugs that doctors have been prescribing to me so far were useless Sandra: Now the difference in my well-being is surprisingly considerable Stella: It's very nice to here that, I'm so happy for you! Stella: Hope you'll be in a perfect health soon Stella: I want to take you to the cinema Stella: They have a brilliant repertoire now Sandra: Oh, I dream of getting out of the house! Sandra: I used to love laying in the bed for hours, but now I hate it Stella: I understand Stella: Just tell me, what kind of movie would you like to watch? Stella: A romantic comedy, horror, fantasy or something else? Stella: I'll do some research in my friends' midst and try to choose the best option :) Sandra: I'm dreaming of watching some action movie Sandra: With all the special effects and dynamic action Sandra: Something that would be the opposite of my current situation :) Stella: You got it! :) Stella: I'll find something special for you Stella: So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your quick recovery Stella: Talk to you soon! :) Sandra: Thanks, Stella, my darling. You made my day :) Sandra: Bye bye","Stella doesn't want to visit Sandra because she doesn't want to get infected by Sandra's disease. Sandra's doctor prescribed her effective medicines, so she will be fine soon. Stella wants to take Sandra to the cinema for some action movie when she recovers." 13728819,"Harley: You should see this divorce filing. OMG... Ruby: Bad? Harley: The guy was a serial cheater! Ruby: OMG! Harley: She's taking him to the cleaners. Monthly settlement, half his pension, you name it. Ruby: He deserves it! Harley: There are always two sides... Ruby: Maybe she was a piss poor wife? Harley: Never cooked. Never cleaned. He paid for everything yet still managed to buy her mom a house and take extravagant vacays. Ruby: Geez, down boy! Harley: Voice of experience, sorry! Ruby: Well, people do crazy things. Harley: Yes, and some times theres karma, but... Ruby: You're right, two sides.",Harley and Ruby are discussing the divorce filing. Harley and Ruby agree there are always two sides. 13611458-1,"Ken: Hi, how are you? Ang: Just peachy! You? Ken: I'm okay... Ang: Just okay? What's wrong? Ken: Just stressed; work stuff, fighting with Brad, too much going on at mom's. Ang: Hang in there, it will get better! Ken: I know, but it's a lot. Ang: Can I do anything to help? Ken: You are! Listening to me vent! LOL! Ang: Are you at least doing anything fun this weekend? Ken: Show Saturday night, then seeing the grandkids on Sunday at the zoo. Ang: Sounds great! That will cheer you up! Ken: Gotta run, work calls. Love you! Ang: Love you too! Have a fantastic day! Ken: You too!",Ken feels stressed because of work and fighting with Brad. There is also too much going on at mom's. Ken is going to a show on Saturday night. On Sunday Ken is seeing the grandkids at the zoo. 13730606,"Julius: Yoh, today its derby day⚽ Titus:⚽⚽ yeah, finally man Julius: which team are you supporting today Titus: Manchester united anytime, any day Julius: city will win Titus: haha, united will win Julius: lets see then Titus: cool",It's derby day today. Titus supports Manchester United. Julius supports City. 13682266,"Dexter: Hello ;) Addisyn: :) Dexter: I miss you Addisyn: Long time we haven't talked. But maybe thanks to this u miss me.. :) Dexter: Yea you don't love me anymore Addisyn: Why should I have stopped loving you? Xd Dexter: Like you didn't miss me too. Because you've been quiet that's why",Addisyn hasn't talked to Dexter for a long time and he thinks she doesn't love him anymore. 13821126,"Megan: Any word from Jason? Nathan: Why do you ask? Megan: He was absent today :c Susy: He had a dental appointment. Megan: Thanks for the info :)",Jason had a dental appointment today and that's why he was absent. 13829710,"Don: Hi Cindy. Have you made all arrangements? Cindy: It's about today's meeting or your trip next week? Don: Both, I suppose:) Cindy: You have meeting with management board today at 2 pm. Don: Where did you set it up? Cindy: In our conference room. Cindy: Catering will bring some tea, coffee and snacks. Don: That's good. Don: Did everybody got the agenda? Cindy: Yep. Don: How did Andy react when he saw it? Cindy: Can't say, really. Not sure if he even read it. Don: That's Andy all right. Don: And how about the trip. Cindy: I've got your plane tickets and booked the hotel. Don: Which one? Cindy: Hilton, as usual. Don: Perfect:=) Cindy: But nobody is gonna pick you up at the airport. You'll have to get a cab. Don: I think, I can manage that;=) Don: Good job, Cindy. No idea, where I'd be without you.",Cindy has made arrangements for today's meeting at 2 pm in the conference room. She also organised flights and hotel for next week's trip. Don is appreciative. 13821325,"Samuel: Virginia: hahaha Jack: Hilarious Virginia: Where are you? Samuel: Jack: I love the ""happy menu"" Virginia: What did you order? Samuel: Just a joint for now Samuel: But mushroom pizza also looks tempting Virginia: Is it legal in Laos? Samuel: I guess the owner bribed the police Jack: Man, it's heaven Jack: I need to go there :P ",Samuel ordered a smoke. 13612147,"Celia: Where do you want to go for Holiday ? Mike: I was thinking about Egypt Celia: Too hot. What about Croatia ? Mike: Good idea, I've never been there","Mike considers going to Egypt for holiday. It's too hot for Celia, she suggests Croatia instead. Mark likes the idea, he's never been there. " 13680480,"Jasmine: Have you heard this song? Jasmine: